Cagayan Valley

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Cagayan Valley  Lambak ng Cagayan in Filipino  Tana' nak Cagayan in the Ibanag Language  Tanap ti Cagayan in the Ilocano

Language -is a region of the Philippines , also designated as Region II.

Cagayan Valley
Most of the region lies in a large valley in northeastern Luzon, between the Cordilleras and the Sierra Madre mountain ranges. The Cagayan River, the country's longest river runs through its center and flows out to Luzon Strait in the north, in the town of Aparri, Cagayan. The Babuyan and Batanes island groups that lie in the Luzon Strait also belong to the region.

The region is composed of five (5) provinces namely: Batanes Cagayan Isabela Nueva Vizcaya Quirino. Their regional center is Tuguegarao City

People, Culture and the Arts

y majority of the people of Cagayan speak Iloko

Ethnic groups that live in the province 1. The Ibanags are the dominant ethnic group in the vicinity of the provincial capital of Cagayan- Tuguegarao, now a city. The Ibanags are reputed to be the tallest of all the ethno-linguistic groups in the Philippines. They conducted trade with neighboring areas using distinctive seacrafts, and their commercial interests made their language the medium of commerce throughout the region before the influx of Ilokano migrants. They are also excellent blacksmiths and continue to make good bolos

2. The Itawits inhabit the Pinacanauan River valley as well as areas of Amulung and Tuao. The Itawits are almost indistinguishable from the Ibanags. They build their houses with separate kitchens, connected by a narrow walkway that is used as washing area for hands and feet. They are noted for their pottery and basketweaving traditions. 3. The Malawegs are found mainly in the municipality of Rizal. In the foothills and the mountains of the Sierra Madre Range, several Negrito groups called the Agtas forage and hunt for food

Ibanag Folk Literature

y Ibanag folk literature, like any other literature, is the

expression of Cagayano's joys and sorrows, hopes and fears, love and hatred. its naked conflicts: man versus man; man versus environment or society; man versus himself; man versus his conscience, nay, man versus his God.

y The Ibanags, like any other groups of people, meet life in all

y All these conflicts, since the glorious days of Ibanag legendary

heroes, Biuag and Malana, and since the heroic times of Magalad and Dayag, have brought enmity, disunity, divisiveness, lust for wealth and self, and to use the words of a sociologist, ethnic violence and suicide.

Ibanag Folk Poetry

y Ibanag folk poetry is purely sung, which explains

how it was handed down to the present: by way of oral transmission. y Ibanag songs are for ceremonial and recreational purposes and they are narrative, speculative, romantic, ridiculing or titillating.

y Pagayaya Festival - No specific date.

y y y y y y

Gathering and offered everyone to taste different delicacies, native cuisine and product from the region. 5th National Caving Congress - April 13-17, San Miguel Baggao, Cagayan Aggaw Nak Cagayan (Cagayan Founding Anniversary) = June 23-29 Iguig Calvary Hills - No specific date, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. Fluvial Parade - May 10 Parabur Festival & Buguey Patronal Fiesta - July 22-26 Sinabalu Festival - April 25-26

People behind of Region II:

y Juan de Salcedo Spanish explorer who explored

Cagayan Valley and formed one political unit in Cordillera and north of Caraballo Mountain. y Captain Juan Pablo Careon Came to Cagayan with one hundred fully-equipped soldiers. y Gonzalo Ronquillo de Peeloza - fourth Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines

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