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CMA: Casey. OP: An inmate from the Orange County Corrections Center. For a rate quote press seven. To accept this free call press zero. To obtain customer s. (Sound of telephone buttons being depressed.) OP: This call is subject to monitoring and recording. Thank you for using Global Tel Link. CA: Casey? CMA: Mom? CA: Hey sweetie. Are you

CMA: Well I just saw your nice little cameo on TV. CA: Which one?

CMA: What do you mean which one?

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Which one? I did four different ones and I dont know, I havent seen them all. Ive only seen one or two so far.

CMA: You dont know what my involvement is in stuff? CA: Casey. CMA: Mom! CA: What? CA: No! CA: I dont know what your involvement is sweetheart. You keep, youre not telling me where shes at. CMA: Because I dont CA: know where shes at. Are you kidding me?

Casey, dont waste your call to.

CMA: No. CA: scream and holler at me.

CMA: Waste my call sitting in oh, the, the jail in CA: Whose fault is.

CMA: where funks are? CA: Well whose fault is your sitting in the jail? Are you blaming me that youre sitting in the jail? CMA: Not my fault. CA: Blame yourself for telling lies. What you mean its not your fault? What do you mean its not your fault sweetheart? If youd have told them the truth and not lied about everything they wouldnt. CMA: Do me a favor, just tell me what Tonys number is. I dont want to talk to you right now. Forget it. CA: I dont have his number.

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CMA: Uhm, well get it from Lee because I know Lees at the house. I saw Mallorys car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house. CA: I know they were.

CMA: Well. CA: Well? CMA: Can you get Tonys number for me so I can call him? CA: (Talking to unknown person in background.) Im not talking to her. (Inaudible).

LA: Hey? CMA: Hey, can you give me Tonys number. LA: I, huh, I can do that. I dont know what real good its going to do you at this point.

CMA: Well Id like to talk to him anyway. LA: Okay. CMA: Because I called to talk to my mother and its, its a waste. Oh, by the

way I dont want any of you coming up here when I have my, my first hearing for bond and everything else. Like dont even here. LA: You know youre having a real tough, youre making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even assist you with giving you somebodys phone number. CMA: See, thats just it. Every single thing. LA: Youre not even letting me finish. Like. waste your times coming up

CMA: Well, well thats because LA: I really.

CMA: Just go ahead. LA: Youre asking me, first youre asking me for Tonys phone number so you can call him and then you immediately want to start cussing towards me and saying

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dont even worry about coming up here for all this stuff and trying to cut us out. What. CMA: Im not trying to cut anybody out. LA: Im not going around and around with you. You know, that, thats pretty pointless. Uh, Im not going to go through, youre not going to put everybody else through the same stuff that youve been putting the police and everybody else through the last twenty-four hours, and the stuff youve been putting Mom through for the last four or five weeks. Im done with that. So, you can tell me whats going on. Christina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you will tell her whats going on. Frankly, were going to find out something, whatevers going on, its going to be found out. So why not do it now and save yourself. CMA: Theres nothing. LA: some issues.

CMA: to find out. Theres absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives. LA: Well, you know, everything that youre telling them is a lie.

CMA: I have no clue where Caylee is. If I knew where Caylee was do you think any of this would be happening? No. LA: Anyway, you only got a couple minutes of this so Im not going to let you clearly waste it. Heres Christina. She thinks she can get through to you. CMA: No! No! I want Tonys number. Im not talking to anybody else. KC: Hello?

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CMA: Hi. Im glad everybodys at my house. Ill have to call you later or Ill have to call somebody to get your number. Do me a favor, get my brother back because I need Tonys number. KC: Okay. Uhm, is there anything I can do for you?

CMA: Im sitting in jail. Theres nothing anybody can do right now. KC: Well I mean Im just trying to be a.

CMA: Oh, I know you are honey. I, I absolutely know that you are and I appreciate everything that youre trying to do, but Im, Id like to call Tony. Hes not at my house, is he? KC: No. CMA: Okay. KC: No, its just me and your parents and Lee.

CMA: Okay. Well can you do me a favor and get my brother back or get the number from him please? KC: Uhm, uh, do, does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?

CMA: No. Nothing. KC: Okay, so why do you want to talk to Tony? But you

CMA: I. KC: you dont want, you probably dont want to tell me, do you?

CMA: Huh? KC: You probably dont want to tell me do you?

CMA: What are you, well I didnt hear what you said. KC: I said does Tony have anything to do with Caylee.

CMA: No, Tony had nothing to do with Caylee. KC: Oh, so why, why you want to talk to him?

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CMA: Because KC: You probably dont want to tell me.

CMA: hes my boyfriend and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didnt get a chance to talk to him earlier because I got arrested on a whim

today. Because theyre blaming me for stuff that I never would do. That I didnt do. KC: Okay. Well Im on nobodys, Im on your side. You know that, right?

CMA: Oh, uh, sweetie I know that. I just want to talk to Tony and get a little bit of KC: But CMA: of, of. KC: Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee.

CMA: Sweetheart, if I. KC: If anything happens to Caylee Casey Ill die (crying). You understand Ill die if anything happens to. CMA: Oh, well. KC: that baby (continuing to cry).

CMA: Oh, my God. Calling you guys, a waste. A huge waste. Honey, I love you. You know I would not let anything happen to my daughter. If I knew where she was this wouldnt be going on. KC: Well how come everybodys saying youre lying?

CMA: Because nobodys fucking listening to anything that Im saying. The media completely misconstrued everything that I said. The detectives told them

bullshit. They got all of their information from me. Yet at the same time theyre twisting stuff. Theyre, theyve already said theyre going to pin this on me if they dont find Caylee. Theyve already said that.

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Well uh, do you.

CMA: They arrested me because they said that KC: Yeah (affirmative), because they said that the person that you dropped Caylee with doesnt even exist. CMA: Because oh, look, they cant find her in the Florida database. Shes not just from Florida. If they would actually listen to anything that I would have said to them they would have had their leads. They maybe could have tracked her down. They havent listened to a KC: thing that I have said.

And do you know that, that whoever has Caylee nobodys going to get away with it. Nobody.

CMA: I know nobodys going to get away with it. But at the same time the only way theyre going to find Caylee is if they actually listen to what Im saying and Im trying to help them and theyre not letting me help them. KC: So how can I help them find her? The best thing you can do baby is listen to me.

CMA: They need to look up her information in a New York database, in a North Carolina database. Other places that shes lived outside of Florida. Thats what I told them even again today. I told them that four times today. I sat up at the police station, up at the County police station for four (inaudible). KC: But she is the one who has Caylee or shes transferred Caylee to somebody else? Because... CMA: Honey, I havent KC: her, no one has been.

CMA: talked to her. I dont know. I havent talked to her. KC: How come everybodys saying that youre not upset? That youre not crying? That you show no caring of where Caylee is at all?

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CMA: Because Im not sitting here

crying every two seconds because I have to

stay composed to talk to detectives, to make other phone calls, to do other things. I cant sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I cant. KC: Okay, Casey dont yell at me. Im on.

CMA: Im (inaudible). KC: your side. Im on your, Casey.

CMA: I know youre not. KC: Trust me.

CMA: I know youre on my side. Im not trying to yell at you. KC: Nobody is saying anything bad about you. Your family is with you one hundred percent. CMA: No, theyre not. KC: Yes. CMA: Thats bullshit because I just watched the news and heard everything that

my Mom said. Nobody in my own family is on my side. KC: Yes, they are. Nobody has said.

CMA: They just want Caylee back. Thats all theyre worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? Thats all I care about right now. KC: Casey, your daughter.

CMA: But at the same time I need their help. KC: your, your flesh and blood, your baby girl.

CMA: Christina, please, put my brother back on the phone. I dont want to get into this with you right now. I love you honey and Im glad that youre there. Thank you for your help. I will let you know if there is anything that you can do. KC: You cant tell me anybody that can find Caylee? Nobody?

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CMA: No. Because every number that Ive tried, every number that Ive called is disconnected. Nothing. I cant get a hold of anybody. KC: But that, that girl was the last person to have her?

CMA: She was the last person to have her. That was the last time I saw Caylee. KC: Okay. Uhm, he doesnt, Lee says he doesnt have Tonys phone number.

CMA: Yes he does. He has Tonys phone number in his phone. He needs to stop fucking lying. He just told me a second ago that hed give me the number. KC: So if I go and I get you Tonys number are you going to finish talking to me?

CMA: I, (sighs), I will call you tomorrow. I want to talk to him really quick now. And I want to actually try to close my eyes. I havent slept in four days. I have not slept in four days. KC: Listen, if youre going to talk to anybody you can talk to me and you know that.

CMA: I know I can talk to you. But at the same time, I know I can talk to Tony and thats who I want to talk to right now. I havent gotten a chance to talk to him since this morning. Since all this stuff happened with trying to set up the My Space. I made the My Space and the Face Book. KC: Do you know the password to that My Space?

CMA: I made all of it. KC: Whats the password to that My Space so we can see if anybody has wrote in any leads of where Caylee might be. CMA: You can go on-line and see it. As far as the messages, I dont know if anybodys going to be messaging stuff. The passwords KC: CMA: KC: What is it?

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CMA: KC: CMA: And its KC: . at

CMA: Uh-hum (affirmative). KC: At ?

CMA: Yeah (affirmative). KC: CMA: KC: CMA: KC: And then thats the, thats the code or whatever? The And its ? Whats before is the password. How do you spell ?

CMA: Thats the password to get in. The login is password is KC: CMA: C. KC: LA: KC: Okay. Uhm, hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Okay, uhm, hold on one second for me. (Inaudible.) Okay, uhm, Tonys number? Is it or ?

CMA: Yeah (affirmative). KC: You ready?

CMA: Uh-hum (affirmative). KC: .

CMA: I know that, yes. KC:

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CMA: KC: CMA: KC: CMA: KC: Can Tony tell me anything?

CMA: Baby, Tony doesnt know anything. And I havent even talked to him since this morning. KC: Has Tony seen Caylee?

CMA: Tony hasnt seen Caylee since the beginning of June. What was the number again? KC: CMA: Oh, KC: CMA: Okay, thank you. I will find a way to call you back later. Leave your number at my house with my Mom so I can get it and I can either call you later tonight. KC: How can I get a hold of you?

CMA: Uhm, Im at the jail. You cant. KC: Okay. Can you (inaudible) do you have a way to write my phone number down?

CMA: No. I have no way of writing it down. I have to remember Tonys number, I have to try to memorize his number right now. KC: Okay, uhm

CMA: So, no. I will, just leave your number with my Mom and I will try to call you in the morning if I dont get a chance to call you tonight.

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So how can I find out the information about that girl?

CMA: Have them KC: You said Florida or.

CMA: Have them look up a New York license for Zenaida Fernandez, hyphen, Gonzalez. Theyve just been looking on the last name Gonzalez, or the last name Fernandez. If theyd looked up her entire name they might actually find her. They havent done that. That havent listened to anything that Ive said. KC: How do you spell Zenaida?

CMA: Z-E-N KC: Uh-hum CMA: A-I. KC: A-I. CMA: D-A. KC: Z-E-N-A-I-D-A. Fernandez? (affirmative).

CMA: Hyphen Gonzalez. KC: How do you spell GonGonzalez? Where does she live because they went and looked at her place or. CMA: Christina, baby, youre not telling me anything that I dont already know. Again, Ive only been in jail since oh, about 8:30 tonight. I was with them all day today. I know that. I was with officers pretty much since nine oclock last night up until today, like up until this evening when I came up here. KC: But youre telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Because theyll find. CMA: Thats it. I have no clue where my daughter is? Yeah (affirmative), that is the truth. That is the absolute truth.

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Theyll find out. And who ever has.

CMA: Okay, Christina, Im hanging up. I need to make this other call before I forget the number. So I will call you later. KC: Okay. CMA: Bye. OP: Thank. Call disconnects. End of recorded statement. This transcript has been reviewed for accuracy.

___________________________________________________ CORPORAL YURI MELICH, OCSO DEPUTY SHERIFF

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