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A Thesis by: NIO ARCHIE S. LABORDO February 2010

Introduction: Background and Rationale

1. The Increasing Shortage and Turnover of Competent Nurses a. Martinez et al. 1998
b. Zurn et al. 2004 c. Pascal et al, 2005 d. Awases et al. 2003 e. Aiken et al. 2001 f. Mutizwa-Mangiza 1998

Introduction: Background and Rationale

2. Migration of Nurses in the Philippines a. Ronquillo et al, 2005 3. The Increasing Low Level of Satisfaction among Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals a. Castle, 2001
b. Mrayyan, 2005 c. Kavanaugh, Duffy, and Lilly, 2006

Introduction: Background and Rationale

4. The Need to Operationalize the Theories of Job Satisfaction in the Local Context 5. The Need to Contribute to Better Retention of Competent Nurses in the Local Setting

Statement of the Problem

The study was conducted to determine the level of job satisfaction of rural nurses in different district hospitals in the province of Leyte. Specifically, it also sought to answer the following research questions:

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of nurses employed in different district hospitals in the following categories? 1.1. Demographic Factors 1.1.1 Age 1.1.2. Sex 1.1.3. Educational Attainment 1.1.4. Civil Status 1.1.5. Position/Designation 1.1.6. Memberships in Organizations 1.1.7. Trainings/Seminars Attended 1.1.8. Area of Current Practice 1.1.9. Length of Service 1.2. Attitude towards Nursing

province of Leyte in terms of the

Statement of the Problem


What is the level of job satisfaction of nurses in various hospitals in the province of Leyte: 2.1. Autonomy 2.2. Salary 2.3. Organizational Policy 2.4. Professional Status 2.5. Work Relationships 2.6. Work Environment 2.7. Home Community

Statement of the Problem


What is the level of job satisfaction of nurses in various hospitals in the province of Leyte: 2.1. Autonomy 2.2. Salary 2.3. Organizational Policy 2.4. Professional Status 2.5. Work Relationships 2.6. Work Environment 2.7. Home Community

Statement of the Problem

3. Is there a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and the
demographic profile of the respondents? 4. Is there a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and the attitude towards nursing of the respondents? 5. What intervention scheme can be proposed in order to improve the level of job satisfaction of the nurses employed in district hospitals in the province of Leyte?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant correlation between the level of job satisfaction and demographic profile of the respondent. There is no significant correlation between the level of job satisfaction and the respondents attitude towards nursing.


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Fung-Kam (2001) highlights the idea that there are person characteristics that suit working environments better than others and working environment characteristics that suit certain individuals better. It can be implied from this theory of job satisfaction that ones environmental setting such as work environment and conditions can have great influence on ones perception towards work or even job satisfaction.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Moreover, two other theories that have been important in the development of an understanding of job satisfaction in nursing are Maslow's human needs theory and Herzberg and Mausner's motivation-hygiene theory (2002). Basic to the Maslowes theory of the hierarchy of needs is the assumption that ones motivation, which is extended to ones satisfaction, maybe greatly influenced by a persons current actualization or realization of his/her basic needs. In other words, a person can only be motivated to continue what he/she is doing if all the basic needs are first actualized.

Demographic Factors Age Sex Educational Attainment Civil Status Position/Designation Memberships in Organizations Trainings/ Seminars Attended Area of Current Practice Length of Service Attitude towards Nursing

Job Satisfaction
Intervention Scheme to improve the level of Job Satisfaction of Nurses in District Hospitals in Leyte

Autonomy Salary Organizational Policy Work Relationships Work Environment Home Community

Figure I: Schematic Diagram Showing the Conceptual Flow of the Study

Significance of the Study

1. District Hospitals 2. Local Community and Local Government 3. Nurses 4.Patients 5. Future Researchers

Scope and Delimitation

The study was conducted in selected municipalities of the Province of Leyte during the first quarter of 2010. It determined the level of job satisfaction among rural nurses employed in various district hospitals of Leyte. On a more specific note, the sociodemographic factors involve the age, sex, educational attainment, membership in organizations, current position or designation, and other demographic-related categories. Attitude towards nursing as an independent variable was described and investigated in this research. Analysis of the respondents level of job satisfaction was part of the description process since this is considered the independent variable.

Review of Related Literature

A. Related Literature 1. Pearson, 1991 2. Smith et al, 1974 3. Stamps et al, 1986 4. Chou, 2002 5. Gillies, Foreman, and Pettengill, 1996 6. Coward et al, 1995

Review of Related Literature

A. Related Literature 7. Castle, 2006 8. Beecroft et al, 2007 9. Hinshaw and Atwood, 1983 10. Wormsbecker, 2008 11. Mueller and McCloskey, 1990

Review of Related Literature

A. Related Studies 1. Hinshaw and Atwood, 1984
2. Irvine and Evans,1995 3. Dizon et al, 2009 4. Molinari and Monserud, 2008 5. Davidson et al, 1997 6. Kangas et al., 1999 7. Barribal, 2005

Review of Related Literature

A. Related Studies 8. AL-Hussami, 2008
9. Bartram et al, 2004 10. Murrels et al, 2008 11. Finn, 2001 12. Ying, 2008 13. Tourangeau and Cranley, 2006 14. McNeese-Smith, 1999

Review of Related Literature

A. Related Studies 15. Kettle, 2008
16. Elloy, 2005 17. Lee, 2005 18. Loke, 2001 19. Meyer and Herscovitch, 2001 20. Wagner and Huber, 2003 21. Cuaton, 2003

Research Design

This research used the descriptive-correlational design. It is considered an appropriate design since the study aims to describe the level of job satisfaction among nurses in the different district hospitals in the province of Leyte. Apparently, a descriptive design was incorporated because one of the objectives of the research is to describe the profile of nurses employed in various district hospitals of Leyte. Description of demographic factors involved the description of age, sex, educational attainment, membership in organizations, current position or designation, and other demographic-related categories.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the nurses who are currently employed in various district hospitals in the Province of Leyte. Based on the record, there are 13 nurses in Burauen District Hospital, 8 nurses in Carigara District Hospital, 14 nurses in Abuyog District Hospital, 20 nurses in Baybay Western Leyte District Hospital, and 8 nurses in Hilongos District Hospital. In total, there are 63 rural nurses who were involved as respondents in this research.

Research Locale
The study was conducted in 5 municipalities with district hospitals in the Province of Leyte. The selection of these municipalities is inevitable since these are the only municipalities that have district hospitals. This includes the municipalities of Burauen, Carigara, Abuyog, Baybay, and Hilongos. All district hospitals in this research have a bed capacity of 25-75 in primary care reserved to the community. These hospitals are considered as secondary hospitals and has a Level II PhilHealth accreditation.


Figure II. Map of the Province of Leyte Showing the Local of the Study

Research Instruments
A questionnaire was used in order to measure the variables of this study. Thus questionnaire has two major parts. Part I measures and determines the respondents attitude towards nursing and their demographic profile such as their age, sex, educational attainment, membership in organizations, current position or designation, and seminars/trainings attended. A checklist tool was used in this part of the research instruments since the data expected from these variables are nominal or categorical data. However, a 5-point rating scale was used to measure the respondents attitude towards nursing.

Research Instruments
Part II measures the respondents level of job satisfaction. Instruments from previous studies were modified and tailored to make them relevant to the local nursing contexts. This Job Satisfaction Rating Scale (Specter, 1994; Wormsbecker, 2008) was based on the previously conducted research related to the present research. The said rating scale covers areas of job satisfaction of the local nursing context such as the nurserespondents autonomy, salary, organizational policy of work, professional status, work relationship, work environment, and home community. A 1-5 Likert Scale was adapted in the construction and development of the said job satisfaction rating scale.

Method of Scoring

Method of Scoring


Method of Scoring

Method of Scoring

Method of Scoring

Method of Scoring

Validation of Instruments In order to establish face validity and content validity of the research instruments, pilot testing was conducted. The said pilot testing of the researcherconstructed questionnaires was administered to selected nurses of Basey District Hospital. Results of the pilot testing were used as the basis for item revision and retention.

Data-Gathering Procedures The initial phase of the data gathering procedures shall commence once the approval from the different district hospitals of Leyte has been obtained. This was facilitated through the recommendations of the research adviser of the researcher.

Data-Gathering Procedures
Official data gathering process involved the administration of the research instruments to the respondents of the study, who are the nurses employed in different district hospitals in the Province of Leyte. Elucidation of the salient points of the questionnaires were made by the researcher in order to obtain valid and reliable results from the target respondents of the study. Moreover, the researcher assured the respondents that all the data that were obtained from their responses in the questionnaire was treated confidential.

Statistical Treatment
In order to process the data that were obtained from the data-gathering procedures, the use of both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Descriptive statistics such as the mean, percentage, and frequency counts were applied in order to analyze and summarize the demographic profile, attitude towards nursing, and the level of job satisfaction of the respondents.






TABLE I-F Profile of Organizational Membership


Philippine Nurses Association Operating Room Nurses of the Philippines Maternal and Child Nurses Association of the Philippines

66.6% 1.58% 4.76%

National League of Government Nurses Association of Nurse Supervisors and Administrators of the Philippines Provincial Association of Government Employee Leyte Integrated Health Association No membership Total

3 3

4.76% 4.76%

1 2 8 63

1.58% 3.17% 12.69% 100%

















Salary a. Additional Benefits

Initiate collaborative activities in Orie generating resources and income Establishment of multi-purpose cooperative for nurses

Livelihood Projects Functional Cooperative

Orientation of staff on the vision, mission, philosophy, objectives, policies, and standards of the hospital Regular meeting per month and creation of unit staff organization Regular Training and Conference of Nurses

Competent Nurse


Policy on triaging the patient Isolation of infectious patients and cohorting the same patient in a room. Providing floor plans with fire exit Providing fire safety equipment Proper triaging Functional Isolation Rooms Good Floor Plans
Complete Fire Safety Equipment Located in Strategic Positions of the Hospital

Local scholarship Program Participation in Conventions, Seminars, and Trainings.

Medical-Dental Mission in far-flung areas. Awareness Drive on Various Diseases

Graduate in M.A.N.
Attended Seminars & Trainings for Professional Growth

Medical-Dental Mission Coordinated Awareness Drive Conducted

In terms of the demographic profile, the most of the rural nurses employed in different district hospitals in the province of Leyte, are female, above middle age, married, staff nurse, have baccalaureate degree in nursing; are affiliated with the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA); have national level of organizational memberships; are employed in the general nursing practice category, and have a favorable attitude towards nursing.

The respondent-nurses are satisfied in terms of autonomy in their practice, professional status as a nurse, and their work relationships; and has an overall moderately satisfaction level towards their job. Only the respondents attitude towards nursing, their local health-related trainings and job position are seen to be correlated with their level of job satisfaction.

In order to improve the job satisfaction of the nurses in the district hospitals of Leyte, hospital administration and the local government should follow the intervention scheme focused on the poor areas of satisfaction among the said nurses such as their salary, organizational policy, work environment, home community, and professional status.

The intervention scheme proposed in the previous chapter should be tried and evaluated in order to improve the level of job satisfaction among rural nurses that might lead to their retention in their current area of practice. Other factors should be investigated in order to validate the other correlates of job satisfaction.

NINO ARCHIE S. LABORDO, RN, MRDA NINO ARCHIE S. LABORDO, RN, MRDA of Nursing Amethyst Class 2004, belongs to the top 10 of the graduating class and received of Nursing Amethyst Class 2004, belongs to the top 10 of the graduating class and received the Best in Clinical Performance Award and The Exceptional Leadership Award. He worked at the Best in Clinical Performance Award and The Exceptional Leadership Award. He worked at St. Lukes Medical Center as a staff nurse at the Digestive and Liver Unit and at the St. Lukes Medical Center as a staff nurse at the Digestive and Liver Unit and at the NeuroCritical Care Unit and holds the position as the Unit Clinical Educator (UCE) NeuroCritical Care Unit and holds the position as the Unit Clinical Educator (UCE) In year 2007 he became one of the faculty of RTRMF and pursue his passion to community. In year 2007 he became one of the faculty of RTRMF and pursue his passion to community. Studied his masters in Rural Development Administration at the Eastern Visayas State Studied his masters in Rural Development Administration at the Eastern Visayas State University year 2010. He works as a coordinator, an organization adviser and community University year 2010. He works as a coordinator, an organization adviser and community developer in Region VIII. developer in Region VIII.
-A graduate of BS Nursing of the Dona Remedios T. Romualdez Medical Foundation-College -A graduate of BS Nursing of the Dona Remedios T. Romualdez Medical Foundation-College

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