Panasonic SA AK15

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< {for Deck circult, Mechanism (Deck 1) circuit and Mechanism (Deck 2) circuit > (Page 37) +3951 + Deck # Mode detect switch +3952 Deck 1 Tape detect swatch +3953 Deck 1 CrO, detect switch +071 2 Deck 2 Mode detect switch 8972 + Deck 2 Tage detect switch, +8973 Deck 2 CrO, detect switch +3974 Deck 2 Recdrd detect switch +975 Deck 2 Record detect switch < for Loading Motor circuit, Detecting Switch (1) Circuit and Detecting Switch (2) Circuit > (Page 33) +81, 84 Let switch 1182,83,85 Mecha swieh Signal ine —— = line iri + Payback signa ine HE | AN signa ine —-— . Biine win}> + Record signal ine I> = AM OSC sional ine ems» FHA signal ine SES} + €D signa ine tim = FMOSC signa iow pee: ‘Main signal line “SS : FM signal line cL i ‘AUX signal line «The voltage value and wavelorms are the reterence vollage ol this unit measured by DC electronic voimeter (high impedance) and osciloscope on the ‘bass of chassis, ‘Accordingly, there may atiso some erro in voltage values and waveforms depending upon the internal impedance ofthe tester or the measuring unit No mark: Playback << >> .uRec [|] AUX (Yond > co FM. CAM simportance safety notice: ‘Components identi by /\ markhave special characterstics important for safely. Furthermore, special pats which have purposes of fie-etardant (cesistors) high-quality sound (capacitors), low-noise (resistors), etc. are used, When replacing any of components, be sure to use only manufacturers spocitied parts shown in the pats lit Caution er sae east ose berectine berecrine Secondary trouble can be provented by taking care during epak. SWITCH (1) CIRCUIT SWITCH (2) CIRCUIT ‘Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with aluminium fo. Put a conducive maton the work table. Ground the soldering iron wit oer *De not touch the pins of IC, LSI or VLSI with fingers siecty. a BE encun < (pace ta ES LoapiNG motor ciRCUIT Eco servo circuit AOPTICAL PICKUP CIRCUIT acu (ence so

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