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Parada Murcchana & Rasa kalpas- Kharliya & Parpati


y Murcchana is the important process of mercury

through which
 its toxic effects are minimised  its rsayana & therapeutic effects are raised to

the great extent.


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y Murcchana is the process in which mercurial compounds

develop definite vyadhighatakatva property or potency

y In this mercury with or without sulphur converts in such

a suitable compound, from which it could be used internally in body for curing diseases even without being reduced /converted to ashes.
y Through this process mercury & mercurial compounds

should develop definite disease curing capacity & after murcchana mercury may not return to its original form.

Types of murcchana

. . / Murcchana



Sagandha Murcchana
y Murchhana done by adding Gandhaka in different


y More common & popular. y Easy to Prepare y When used internally it does not produce any toxic


y eg,. Kajjali, Parpati, Rasa sindoora, Makaradhwaja


Nirgandha Murcchana
y In this type no sulphur is used with mercury. y Hg made murchhit with Tuttha,Kasisa, Sphatika

,Lavana etc.

y Not common & toxic if used for long time. y Hence should be used with care. y eg. Rasa Pushpa, Rasa Karpoor, Mughdharasa

Types of sagandha murcchana


Sagandha Murcchana

on basis of presence/ absence of fumes during preparation Nirdhum ii. Antardhum iii. Bahirdhum

on basis of form i. ii. iii. iv. v. Gandhapisti Gandhabaddha Gandhajirna Gandhakajjali Dhatupisti

1. AntardhoomGlass bottle placed in valuka Yantra & corked before giving agni. 2.BahirdhoomCorked when all vapours of gandhaka comes out it is common in use. eg.Makardhwaja,rasasindoora 3.NirdhoomHeat is not given. Eg.Kajjali

1 .Gandhapisti - kajjali 2.Gandhabaddha - rasaparpati 3.Gandhajirna - rasasindoora 4.Rasagandhakajjali 5.Dhatupishti 1.Swarnapisti 2.Rajatpisti 3.Tamrapisti 4.Abhraksatwapisti 5.Kantalohapisti

Difference between Murchhana & Murchhan

Produces disease curing property in mercury. It makes Hg safe to ingest. Different types nirgandha, sagandha, agni, angni

It is 3rd samskara of

mercury amongst ashtadasha samskaras. Hg become Nasta pista with various medicine. Naga & Vanga dosas are removed with this procedure

y Mercury is never used individually for internal

administration, because it is in a liquid form & in such state its not absorbed well.

y To bring about therapeutic qualities, it is used after

processing alongwith other drugs like sulphur often & those other than sulphur in rare cases when form of mercury changes.

y Basing on the process adopted in preparation &

sometimes shape or form of end-product, nomenclature is fixed to mercurial medicines.


Kharaliya rasayana



Kupipakva rasayana

Kharaliya Rasayana
 Mercury ground alongwith other drugs in a khalva yantra

hence the name kharaliya rasayana.

 Most widely and frequently used in therapeutics  Can be Sagandha or Nirgandha  Apparatus needed Khalvayantra  Kajjali, Mugdharasa, Vasanthakusumakararasa,

Mritunjayarasa, Arogyavardhinirasa etc.

Method of preparation
Purification of mercury & sulphur Preparation of kajjali Making powder of herbal drugs Mixing both kajjali & herbal powder Tituration with herbal juices Transformation into dosage form

( can be transformed into the form of pills, tablets, capsules etc.)

Significance of kharaliya rasayana

 It prolong shelf life of herbal formulations  Enhance therapeutic efficacy  Decrease the dosage  Decrease the duration of treatment

y Parpati means flakes y The name is derived from the method by which flakes

of compound obtained. y Sanskrita : Parpata Telgu : Appadam Malayalam, Tamil , Kannada : Appalam y As per size the terms used are Big size : Parpata Medium : Parpati Small : Parpatika

Method of preparation

y Nagarjuna in 8th century ,mentioned for the first

time , preparation of parpati in his Rasendramangala.

y During 11th century, the preparation of parpati

was recorded by cakrapani in cakradutta :

Melt kajjali in a Ghee smeared iron darvi Prepare a platform with cow dung Put Kadali patra smeared with ghee over it Pour the melted Kajjali over it Cover it with another kadali pathra Apply pressure with cow dung pottali

Kadalee patra :

It is big, thin & it does not tear when ghrita is applied

to it Medium to absorb gopitta within the cow dung Prevents direct contact of parpati with cow dung  Cow dung :
It forms the platform Gopitta present in cow-dung is absorbed into parpati

Action of parpati
y Parpati preaparation possess the hot potency & thus

stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

y Because of these properties it stokes the agni and

mitigates ama, the toxic metabolites in GIT (mahasrotasa)

y Parpati preparations are commonly used in diseases

caused by ama in gut like anorexia, colitis, gout, piles, diarrhoea, dysentry, bronchial asthama etc.

Pakas of parpati
: : :
. .6/139

Mrudu paka Madhyam paka

Therapeutic use

Khara paka
Poison , Discarded

Pakas of parpati
: :

MRUDU Madhym

Flakes are soft .6/139 Bent easily Brittle on breaking Lusture of peacocks neck in broken place Powder Slightly red in colour



INGREDIENTS Hingulotha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka

y DOSE :

AMOUNT 1 Part 1 Part

1 Ratti(125 mg) once daily 1 Ratti 10 Ratti (continue

y Vardhamana Prayoga

till the disease subsides)

1 Ratti

y Indications :


Jirna jwara Grahani Atisara Pandu roga Anorexia Yakrutodara, plihodara, jalodara

Ref. : B.R.-sangrahani
INGREDIENTS Hingulotha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka Kantalauha bhasma AMOUNT 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part

y DOSE : y 1 to 2 ratti y Vardhamana kalpa :

1 ratti inc. 1 ratti daily for 7 to 14 days 1 ratti

y Indications :

 Sutika jwara  Grahani  Pandu roga  Pliha roga , yakrita vruddhi  Amlapitta

Ref. : Y.R. -Kasa
INGREDIENTS Tamra bhasma Hingulotha parada Shuddha gandhaka Shuddha vatsanabha AMOUNT 3 Parts 3 Parts 3 Parts 1 Part

y DOSE :

1 to 2 ratti , thrice a day

y Indications :  Kasa , swasa  Jwar  Pandu  Krimi  Kushtha  Atisara  Grahani

y Anupana : yogaratnakara
DISEASE Sannipata jwara Pandu Shoola Vata -pitta Dadru Prameha Kushtha ANUPANA Ardraka swarasa Triphala kwatha Eranda taila Kumari swarasa Bakuchi choorna Triphala choorna +honey Khadira kwatha

Ref. : B.R. - Grahani
INGREDIENTS Hingulotha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka Svrana bhasma AMOUNT 4 Parts 4 Parts 1 Part

DOSE : 1 ratti Vardhamana kalpa : ratti till 7 days ratti

y Indications :

 Grahani  Yakshma  8 types of shoola  Vrushya


Ref. : R.S.S.- Grahani
INGREDIENTS Shuddha Gandhaka Hingulotha Parada Kantalauha bhasma Vajrabhraka bhasma Tamra bhasma AMOUNT 8 Parts 4 Parts 2 Parts 1 Part Part

y DOSE :

2 ratti kalpa matra : each day inc. 2 ratti upto 8 ratti for 3 weeks

y Indications :  Grahani  Vomiting  Arsha  Atisara  Jwara  Raktapitta

INGREDIENTS Shuddha Gandhaka Hingulotha Parada Rajata bhasma Svrana bhasma Vaikrant bhasma Mukta pishti/bhasma AMOUNT 4 Parts 2 Parts 1 Part Part Part Part

y DOSE : 2 ratti y

kalpa matra :

1 Ratti 10 Ratti 1 Ratti

y Indications :  Sangrahani roga  Atisara  Arsha  Kushtha  Pandu  Kamala , amlapitta  Prameha

Ref. : S.Y.S.-grahani
INGREDIENTS Hingulotha Parada Krishnavajrabhraka bhasma Shuddha Gandhaka AMOUNT 1 Part 1 Part 2 Parts

y DOSE :

1 to 3 ratti

y Indications :

 Pandu  Kshaya  Kasa  Swasa  Grahani

Ref. : Y.R.-Raktapitta

INGREDIENTS Hingulotha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka Bola choorna

AMOUNT 1 Part 1 Part 2Parts

y DOSE :

3 to 6 ratti

y Indications : y

. . Raktatisara  Raktapitta  Raktarsha  Raktapradara

Bola parpati constricts the blood vessels & stop bleeding

Ref. : S.Y.S.-Mutrakriccha
INGREDIENTS Kalmisora (suryakshara) Sphatika (alum) Navasadara AMOUNT 40 parts 5 parts 2 parts

y DOSE :

5 to 10 ratti

y Indications :  Mrutrakriccha  Ashmari  Mutraghata  Adhmana

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