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Subject Seminar

Periodic Development of Rasashastra


Dr. Ajay Chavan

Objective Introduction Brief Review Vedic Kala Samhita Kala Sangraha Kala Adhunika Kala Conclusion
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Description of periodic development of Rasashastra acc. Kala in brief.


Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra

About 3000 yrs ago Indian Alchemy Rasa vijnanam was so advance as they succeed in Lohavada Historic evidence of metallic art fact from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Similarly find evidence of use of metals, minerals etc. as medicine in Ayurvedic Smahitas
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Brief Review
Development of Rasashastra as independent branch started since 8th century A.D. Golden period was between 4th century B.C. to 14th century A.D. In this period it was blended with main stream medicine due to decline of surgical practice.
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To understand history of development it divided acc. Kala uSM Ms xWi Ms xaW Ms AklM Ms


Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra

Vedic Kala
Vedic sahitya especially Aju uS gives many references regarding Uxzxr Sur like Swrana, Rajata, Tamra, Naaga, Vanga, Shilajatu etc. Aju uS gives diffrant names of Anjan and its uses Swarana Prasahan for sadyojata as balavardhaka and prevent the occurrence of diseases in growing period

of child.

Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra

In reuS description of swaranadi dhatu is given. In GauS there is kqml uk dy this vidhi they got metals In Agnipurana explanation of mineral, metals Bhasma In Garuda Purana mentioned about the utpatti of


Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra

Samhita Kala
In this kala knowledge about lohasidhi was developed In charaka use of Loha, Tamra, Gandhaka, Hartala, Mandur description found. Vrudha Vagbhatta, Chakradatta also advocated use of dhatu Thus it become clear that until 8th -9th century Rasaushadhi were used in different forms.
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Charaka Samhita
Classified object into three viz. animal products, Herbal product and Product pertaining to earth Several minerals like Manshila, Hartal, Tutha etc. prescribed for twacha vikaras In Cha.Chi. 16/17 he told in Navayas churana, Rajasa word is used for Churna or Bhasma
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For Punsavana Sanskar, red hot purushkruti prepared by Swarana/Rajat, dipped in godugdha Hemachurna prayoga for vishanashartha Explanation of Shilajatu and its type is given Knowledge regarding toxicity of metals.


Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra


Sushruta Samhita
Preparation and use of Alkali for clean the surgical instruments Different metals like Swarana, Loha, Pittal, Rajat, Tamra etc. are enumerated in this Samhita. Conversion of metals in there Chlorides and Oxides for preparation of metallic salt is explained
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Anjana for Netra vikaras, Raktasthmbaka Mahavajraka tail (Su.Chi.9/6), Gandhak is used as Vranachikista. Out of 37 ganas, two gana are Khanija Dravya Trapwadi Gana: Trapu, Sisa, Tamra, Rajat, Swarana Krushna Loha, Saindhav, Shilajatu, Kasisa, Tutha
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Astang Sangraha
Vagbhata has Classified Loha in two types Krishna & Tiksnha Also mentioned gunadhrama of Padmaraga, Mahanila, Pusparaga, Mukta, Vidruma In Astang Hrudaya use of varti in netra roga prepared by shankha, mukta etc. Explanation of musha for prepartion of Bhasma/Churna
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Sangraha Kala
In Chakradatta there is Sodhana of Swarnadi Dhatu, & preparation of their sukshma churna by

Nirvapa in kanji or Gomutra But there is not description of Parada At the time of Rasarnav by Madhva and Rasaratna Samucchaya by Vagbhata aim of Rasashastra not only the Dhatu Vada but also for Dehavada
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At that time we are getting Vargikarana of Rasa, Uparasa, Maharasa, Sadharan Rasa Over all at time of Sangraha kala development of Rasachikista for Dehavada Sidha Nityanatha composed his work called

Rasaratnakar which deals with both Lohasidhi & Dehasidhi

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In 13th century Rasaprakash sudhakar by Yshodhar & Rasasara by Govindacharya both of them deals with Dehavada & Lohavada Rasendra Sara Sangraha has mentioned the pryojana of rasachikista Asmq EmraiuSMjmxai | mqUar


AwkprkM Ux||

Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra

In Sarvadarshana Sangrha by madavacharya he expalined Philosopical background of Jivanmukti, a separate section of this work called Raseshwar Darshan deals with this topic Gupta Peroid : in this kala 24 ft long Iron pillar of Kutub Minar; specific type of Iron is made use of here. It is said to be have a composition of 99.20% Fe, 0.80% carbon, 0.46% Silicon, 0.06% Gandhaka
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Koutilya- Arthashastra : Ore from which Swarna, Rajata were extracted are named. Separation method of Mishra Dhatu told. Utpatti of Swarana is told as Jatarupa,Rasabhidha, Akarogna Five types of varna of swarana were mentioned Types of Loha and sites from were Parada and Hingula are obtained were told
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Under name of Ngarjuna; Sidhanagarjuna was among the 84 sidhas Rasa Hruday Tantra work of him in which he mentioned Parada Sanskar, Sevan Vidhi & Bhasma Nirmana Vidhi There are many people under name of Nagarjuna who contributed by various texts like Rasapadhati,

Yogaratnakar, Rasakamdhenu etc.

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Adhunika Kala
During this period several text viz. Rasakaumudi, Rasakamdhenu, Rasendrakalpa etc deals with Parada and Metals for both Loha vada And Deha vada In 16th century Bhavapraksha, 17thc. Aurveda prakasha, 19thc. Sidha Baishjyamanimala, 20thc. Rasatarngini, provide description of use of mineral & metallic preparation in treatment of disease.
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Other works like Rasayansara, Paradavidnyaniya, Rasayogsager, Rasatantrasara, Rasamruta their Acharya were made efforts to revive Rasashastra. Several other works were composed on

Rasashastra in the past but most of them are lost which deals with Loha vada and Dehavada


Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra


Golden period of Rasashastra as ascertained by historians is between 4th century B.C. till 14th century A.D. It deals with both Dhatuvada as well as Dhehavada Today there are also recent techniques offer a better quality measurements


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Peridoc Devlopment of Rasashatra


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