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By: Chayasi Sunthonphiphit Translated by: James N.

Mosel and Burton Raffel

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Till Hearts End


What comes into your mind when you see these illustrations?



What are the different meanings of Light and Darkness?

DIRECTIONS: Cr ck t s: Us t l tt rs i t c b rs b l b x, t l tt r, t i r s r i t isti is t i r s. P t t l tt rs i t bl it t b rs b l t t i r s.

yThough the sky splits and

_ __ __ _ _ _
3 .18.8 . 3. 0 . 2 . 4 .13

yThough a rooster s hurried

_ _ __ _ _ _
3 .8 . 3. 0 . 2 . 4 .13

yThough a rooster s hurried cackle

_ _ _ _
9 . 8 . 18. 13

yAnd a frightened dog goes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17 . 6 . 1 . 12 . 16 .4 . 18 . 1 . 15 .5

yIt will never

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 0 . 4 . 18

Till earts nd
By: Chayasi Sunthonphiphit Translated by: James N. Mosel and Burton Raffel

My mind glows, Knows no fear of the darkness and its tight web Though the stars blur, and the moon s dim rays Are sucked into nothingness, And the oneness of man still cannot be found;

Though the sky slits and crackles, Drops no gentle music, Though a rooster s hurried cackle jars my ears, And a frightened dog goes whimpering up and down.

This clear light inside me Pushes the wild, heavy night back: It will never flicker, it can never change, Neither pain nor sorrow can reach it.

The earth swings in circles: Soon, light must break through, dawn Hanging golden and clear over all the world, men Living like men.

In the lonely night I lie listening to my own heart, The darkness so thick I could lose my way Except for the faint, echoing chant Of the most precious words ever written

Words like drops from heaven Falling like wisdom, strength, peace, beauty, into My waiting heart, These two small hands will move as this mind leads Them, Will carry Buddha s divine law Here to this earth, until this heart no longer beats.

Engagement Activity
The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will be given a task related to the poem.

Create a group essay about faith. Choose a representative to read it in front.

Draw an illustration that gives the difference of night and day & Light and Darkness, be able to explain it in front.

Act or role play an experience that can portray your faith.

Evaluate the performance of the three groups.

yDraw an illustration that can relate

to light and darkness. Create a short essay about it. Put it in a short bond paper. Some will be called next meeting to post and read their work.

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