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Finishing Circuit

Drill Objective(s) 1. Coach a team on finishing technique. 2. Coach a team in how to cross the ball effectively. 3. Coach runs and the movement of players when attacking crosses.
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Drill No: Age: No Players: Difficulty: Area/Time:

FIN13 13-Adult 10 (+2GK) Minimum Medium/Hard 2/3 Field (25mins)

Diagram 1

ORGANISATION: Mark out 1/2 of a full size pitch with full size goals. Coach can adjust field size depending on age group. Circuit works best with a full team. If you have less than 10 players eliminate line 5 and have just one runner into the box (line 4). Stations 1 and 2 need a good supply of balls.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The first player from Station 1 dribbles toward the coach and cuts the ball at an angle to move past him (could ask the player to carry out a particular move). 2. This player now takes shot from distance. Once this shot has been taken the first player from Station 2 passes the ball into the area for the Station 1 player to finish 1st time. 3. The first player at Station 2 lays a pass off. 4. Station 1 player to finish 1st time. 5. The Station 2 player then drives (dribbles) with the ball down field. 6. 1-2 is played with the first player at Station 3. 7. Cross is delivered (type of cross/delivery is directed by the coach). 8. Players at Stations 4 & 5 make attacking runs to finish the cross. Rotations: Players move up a Station after each activity (i.e. shot/pass/cross) (Station 1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc.). Station 5 moves to Station 1. The second player at Station 1 should start his dribble after the player at Station 3 crosses the ball. SCORING: Ask players to count the number of goals they score, assists they make in a set period of time (5 Mins).

KEY COACHING POINTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discuss finishing technique with the laces and driven shots. Discuss one time finishing technique, instep, placement finishing, etc. Discuss the 2nd 6yrd area where crosses should be delivered. Quality of the ball in. With pace, bending into forwards, height of cross. A Cross is a Pass!! Dont just hit in there randomly. Pick out a target. Discuss the movement of the supporting player to provide an opportunity for a 12. 7. Delay and stagger runs into box for the cross. 8. Discuss crosses to the Near, Central and Far post areas. 9. Discuss driven crosses vs. hanging crosses (i.e. to the back post)

PROGRESSIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Perform on both side of the field (switch sides). The pass in from Station 2 can be a bouncing ball for a volley half volley. Introduce a passive defender/coach at Station 1 to beat before shooting. Introduce a defender on the final cross.


1. Add a set of cones to dribble around prior to the first shot at Station 1. 2. Coach can ask for specific type of cross for the final finish (i.e. early, far post, near post, cut backs, etc). NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS: This session is nice following technical crossing drills and finishing exercises and putting it all together. Attack the ball on crosses!! Once the timing of this drill gets going all players are involved. You may need to employ additional players to hep collect balls that are mishit.

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