TSO ISPF Handout v1.0

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Handout: TSO/ISPF

Version: TSO-ISPF/Handout/0208/1.0 Date: 25-02-08

Cognizant 500 Glen Pointe Center West Teaneck, NJ 07666 Ph: 201-801-0233


Handout - TSO/ISPF

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................5 About this Module .........................................................................................................................5 Target Audience ...........................................................................................................................5 Module Objectives ........................................................................................................................5 Pre-requisite .................................................................................................................................5 Session 01: TSO/ISPF Introduction ..............................................................................................6 Learning Objectives ......................................................................................................................6 Basic need of TSO/ISPF ..............................................................................................................6 TSO role as subsystem ................................................................................................................7 TSO Functions ..............................................................................................................................7 Line Mode TSO Logon Screen .....................................................................................................8 ISPF - Introduction ......................................................................................................................10 PDF - Introduction.......................................................................................................................11 ISPF Primary Option Menu......................................................................................................11 ISPF Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................12 Summary ....................................................................................................................................16 Test Your Understanding............................................................................................................16 Exercises ....................................................................................................................................16 Session 02: ISPF UTILITIES.........................................................................................................17 Learning Objectives ....................................................................................................................17 ISPF Utility Selection Panel Overview ........................................................................................17 Library Utility ...............................................................................................................................18 Data Set Utility ............................................................................................................................19 Move/Copy Utility ........................................................................................................................21 Dataset List Utility .......................................................................................................................24 View/Edit options ........................................................................................................................26 Member List Statistics .............................................................................................................33 Command Line Field on Member List ........................................................................................35 Line Commands..........................................................................................................................37 Primary Commands in EDIT or Browse or View mode ..............................................................40 Dataset Manipulation Commands ..............................................................................................42 Using Labels in View/Edit ...........................................................................................................49
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Handout - TSO/ISPF
Scrolling ......................................................................................................................................50 Edit Profile ..................................................................................................................................51 Summary ....................................................................................................................................53 Test your Understanding ............................................................................................................53 Exercises ....................................................................................................................................53 Session 05: Other Utilities ...........................................................................................................54 Learning Objectives ....................................................................................................................54 FIND Command ..........................................................................................................................54 SuperCE Compare .....................................................................................................................61 Specify Datasets for Compare....................................................................................................62 Interpreting SuperCE output .......................................................................................................64 Search-For Utility ........................................................................................................................65 Extended Search ........................................................................................................................66 Summary ....................................................................................................................................71 Test your Understanding ............................................................................................................71 Exercises ....................................................................................................................................71 Session 07: SDSF and ISPF Settings .........................................................................................72 Learning Objectives ....................................................................................................................72 Job in Mainframe ........................................................................................................................72 SDSF (System Display Search facility) ......................................................................................72 Input Queue ................................................................................................................................73 Status Queue ..............................................................................................................................74 SDSF - Primary Commands .......................................................................................................75 ISPF Setting - Introduction .........................................................................................................76 ISPF Setting Panel .....................................................................................................................78 ISPF Setting Options ..................................................................................................................78 Summary ....................................................................................................................................79 Test your Understanding ............................................................................................................79 Exercises ....................................................................................................................................80 Session 08: ISPF Tips ..................................................................................................................81 Learning Objectives ....................................................................................................................81 Tips .............................................................................................................................................81 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................87 References ....................................................................................................................................88
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Handout - TSO/ISPF
Websites .....................................................................................................................................88 Books ..........................................................................................................................................88 STUDENT NOTES: ........................................................................................................................89

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

About this Module
This module deals with basic usage of TSO/ISPF facilities available.

Target Audience
This module is specifically aimed at entry level trainees and who are having their first experience in Mainframe.

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to: Explain TSO/ISPF concept and functionalities Describe ISPF screen and all its utilities

Basic understanding of ESA Mainframe modules

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

Session 01: TSO/ISPF Introduction

Learning Objectives
After completing the session, you will be able to: Identify basic TSO/ISPF need Explain TSO Functionalities Define basic interfaces of ISPF

Basic need of TSO/ISPF


Operation Command


Command = > <enter>

Result to TSO Emulator

Time Sharing Option, generally known as TSO, was first released in 1969. TSO is a subsystem that runs on the MVS operating system on a Z/OS machine. This subsystem allows users to work interactively. For Mainframe to perform some operation you need to instruct or inform mainframe through terminal device. For example: In Windows, if you need to shutdown, instruction is given to operating system through interface provided (through Start Menu shutdown button). Each operation to be performed by Operating system will have its own interface menu. Similarly, to interact with Mainframe Operating System (MVS), interface provided is TSO (Time Sharing Option). The following table describes the comparison against Personal computer: SYSTEM Operating System Data Personal Computer Windows, XP File Folder Interface (Command Line) DOS Mainframe MVS,Z/OS Dataset PDS TSO

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

TSO role as subsystem

As stated, TSO is needed to invoke MVS (operating System) facilities interactively.

TSO Functions
TSO Functions are broadly categorized into four types. The utilities which are explained in following sessions will be used for performing these functions: Data set Management Functions: o Dynamically allocate data sets o List, Print, Copy Delete, Rename data sets o List catalog entries Program Development Functions: o Create and edit program source libraries o Compile a source program o Link-Edit a compiled program o Test a linkedited program o View Compiler and linkage editor output o Route output to a printer Batch Job Functions: o Submit a job for background processing o Monitor the progress of a background job o View output from a background job o Route output to a local or remote site o Cancel submitted jobs Other TSO Functions: o REXX, CLIST, Message broadcast and Help facility

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

Line Mode TSO Logon Screen







SSSSSS\ \\\\\\\

IBM z/800



Note: In rest of the document assume <USERID> as mainframe userid.

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

Logon Screen
------------------------------- TSO/E LOGON -----------------------------------

Enter LOGON parameters below:

RACF LOGON parameters:


===> <User Id>



New Password ===>

Procedure ===> IKJUSER

Group Ident


Acct Nmbr ===>







Enter an 'S' before each option desired below: -Nomail -Nonotice -Reconnect -OIDcard

PF1/PF13 ==> Help

PF3/PF15 ==> Logoff

PA1 ==> Attention

PA2 ==> Reshow

You may request specific help information by entering a '?' in any entry field

Give a brief look into the fields in the preceding panel. Optional parameters are mentioned as (O): UserID: The UserID should be specified here. The system fills this field with the information that is specified in the logon screen. Password: The user password has to be specified here. If you try to logon more than two times by giving an incorrect password, then the system will revoke your USERID.

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

New Password (O): The TSO password has to be changed periodically, depending on the duration set for that. When your password expires, the system will prompt you to enter your new password here. However, the system will not ask you to confirm or verify your new password. A few days before it is due to expire; the system will alert you to the fact that your password will expire. Procedure: The name of the procedure that will be executed to invoke TSO. IKJEFT01 is the name of the program that is executed to create a TSO environment. Usually IKJPROC or IKJTSO is the name of the procedure that is run to invoke TSO. However, this may vary with installations. Group-ID (O): Indicates the RACF Group ID Account: The users account should be entered here Size (O): This specifies the upper limit on the size of the region. If a value is not specified in this field, then the value as specified during installation is used. Perform (O): A number from 1 to 999, indicating the performance group for that session. Command (O): The command that is given here will be executed immediately after you logon to the system. It is used to perform some initialization procedures and to concatenate some data sets to be used by the session. Nomail (O): Messages queued on the Broadcast data set for that user is not to be transmitted to the terminal during logon processing. Nonotice (O): Messages queued on the Broadcast data set for all users are not to be transmitted to the terminal during logon processing. Reconnect (O): Specifies that a disconnected TSO session is to be reconnected Oidcard (O): Valid only for RACF defined users. Specifying this option during Logon will cause the user to be prompted for an Operator Identification Card, even if the OIDCard is not required. Valid information in the preceding fields takes you to the ISPF/PDF facility, which is the maximum used facility for application development and other dataset utilities on the MVS operating system.

ISPF - Introduction
Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) is a menu-driven interface to most of TSO functions. Using ISPF, TSO functions can be invoked using menu options and answering system prompt. For example: TSO is similar to DOS approach, ISPF similar to windows menu approach. All the ISPF operations are converted into TSO commands and sent to TSO subsystem, which in turn communicates with MVS Operating System:

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

Some of the features of ISPF are as follows: 1. Provides an On-line environment to interact with MVS 2. Provides Menu driven interface operation, where at the same time as TSO provides line mode only. 3. Provides facilities for editing and browsing data sets 4. Provides uses panel to display and receive information, and allows customization of your ISPF environment 5. Provides Program Function Keys to avoid manual typing of commands 6. Provides for easy management of datasets through the dataset menu 7. Provides extensive facilities for comparing datasets and searching for data and searching for data. 8. Provides facilities for executing programs in batch or foreground 9. Provides for debugging of advanced user written ISPF application 10. Provides advanced facilities to Create, Delete and Display VSAM datasets

PDF - Introduction
Program Development Facility (PDF) is a part of ISPF providing variety of facilities that are useful for program development work a powerful text editor, a set of utilities to create and manage datasets and libraries, and the ability to invoke language translators to compile and link-edit application programs. Program Development tasks will be much easier using ISPF/PDF feature

ISPF Primary Option Menu

As stated, ISPF is menu driven; all the functionalities are categorized into several Options. Once Logged in using TSO Session, ISPF will be invoked. Initial screen (Shown in FIG) of ISPF shows list of Option provided:
----------------------OPTION ===> ISPF/PDF PRIMARY OPTION MENU ----------------

USERID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ISPF PARMS BROWSE EDIT UTILITIES FOREGROUND BATCH COMMAND - Specify terminal and user parameters - Display source data or output listings - Create or change source data - Perform utility functions - Invoke language processors in foreground - Submit job for language processing - Enter TSO command or CLIST DATE TIME

- <UserId> - 07/12/21 - 10:59

DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing DB2 MQSeries - Perform DATABASE 2 Interactive Functions - Websphere MQ Interactive Functions

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Handout - TSO/ISPF


- Tools - SDSF Panel - Display information about ISPF/PDF - Debug Tool Utility Functions - COBAL CICS Conversion Aid - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults


Enter END command to terminate ISPF.

ISPF Interfaces
Action Bars and Pull-Down Menus: One of the major features in ISPF 5.8 is the use of Action Bar pull-downs. The action bar is the area at the top of an ISPF panel that provides access to actions available on that panel. With the default settings, the Home key is used to position the cursor on the first action bar and the tab key is used to move on to the next action choice. Using the Action Bar pull-downs also lets you to perform another function without having to end the present activity. For example, if you are editing a data set and want to allocate another data set from your edit session, select the Utilities option on the Edit panel action bar (as shown earlier), and then select option 2 (Data Set). Do this by placing the cursor in front of (or on) the menu item or typing a '2' where the cursor is placed at the top of the pull-down list. ISPF will then suspend your edit session and will display the Data Set Utility panel. After the allocation is complete, ISPF takes you directly back to your edit session. The Utilities pull down eliminates the need to define a command in the command table to nest ISPF functions. Many shops have such a command, and its no longer needed. When exiting a pull-down action without selecting anything (using the escape key), your cursor is placed on the first action bar item.
Menu | RefList RefMode Utilities Workstation Help -----Action Bar

________________________ | | |


| _2 1. Settings | | | | | | | | | 2. View 3. Edit 4. ISPF Command Shell 5. Dialog Test...


Pull Down

6. Other IBM Products... | 7. SCLM 8. ISPF Workplace 9. Status Area... 10. Exit | | | |


Action Bar and Pull Down Menu

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Point and Shoot Fields: Placing the cursor on a point and shoot field, and pressing the ENTER key performs the action specified by the field. If you have also placed a command in the command line that command will be performed before the point and shoot field action. You will find Point and shoot fields in the following: Action Bar choices Actions on pull down menus. Place the cursor anywhere on the line of your selection and press ENTER. This will perform the action. Selection titles on menu panels. Menu panels that have action bars are set up with title fields that are point and shoot fields. For example, placing the cursor on the word 'Edit' on the Primary Option menu and pressing Enter takes you into Option 2, Edit. Headings on member list panels. Pointing to a heading title of a member list title and pressing ENTER will cause the list to sort in order by the field pointed to. For example, sorting the member list of a PDS data set by change date in descending order can be accomplished by moving the cursor to that heading and pressing ENTER. Member list items. Place the cursor in the area in front of a member list item and press ENTER to select the item. For example, if you are in edit and have a member list displayed, you can tab to the desired member and press Enter to select it without having to type an 'S' first. Selection Fields: A single period (.): Member lists that use a single period in the selection field recognize a single selection among the members. For example, within the Copy function on this screen, you can select one or more members to Copy by specifying S command. Figure shows an example of this kind of panel.
Menu Functions Utilities Help ______________________________________________________________________________ COPY ELT.ISPF.ISPPROF TO ELT.PERSONAL.DATAS Row 00001 of 00007

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE Name s ISFPROF . ISPEDIT . ISPEDRT s ISPPROF . ISPSPROF . ISRLLIST . ISRPLIST **End** Prompt Size Created Changed ID

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

A single underscore (_): Selection fields marked by a single underscore prompt you to use a slash (/) to select the Choice. You may use any non-blank character. For example, the Panel display CUA mode field on the ISPF Settings panel has a single underscore for the selection field as shown in figure:
Data Set Utility

Option ===> A Allocate new data set R Rename entire data set D Delete entire data set information blank Data set information ISPF Library:
Project Group . . . . . Enter "/" to select option / Confirm Data Set Delete

C Catalog data set U Uncatalog data set S Short data set V VSAM Utilities

Type . . . . An underscored field (____): Member lists or text fields that use underscores in the selection field recognize multiple selections. For example, from the Display Data Set List Option panel, you may select multiple members for print, rename, delete, edit, browse, or view processing. Find an example for this kind of panel in figure: Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______ VIEW ELT.ISPF.ISPPROF Row 00001 of 00007 Command ===> _________________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
___B_____ ISFPROF

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________


_________ ISRPLIST

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

Function Keys: The following function keys help you navigate in ISPF: F1 Help: Displays Help information. If you press F1 (and it is set to Help) after ISPF displays a short message, a long message displays in a pop-up window. F2 Split: Divides the screen into two logical screens separated by a horizontal line or changes the location of the horizontal line. Note: If you are running in GUI mode, then each logical screen displays in a separate window. F3 Exit (from a pull-down): Exits the panel underneath a pull-down. F3 End: Ends the current function. F7 Backward: Moves the screen up the scroll amount. F8 Forward: Moves the screen down the scroll amount. F9 Swap: Moves the cursor to where it was previously positioned on the other logical screen of a split-screen pair. F10 Actions: Moves the cursor to the action bar. If you press F10 a second time, then the cursor moves to the command line. F12 Cancel: Issues the Cancel command. Use this command to remove a pull-down menu if you do not want to make a selection. F12 also moves the cursor from the action bar to the Option ==> field on the ISPF Primary Option Menu. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference for cursor-positioning rules. F16 Return: Returns you to the ISPF Primary Option Menu or to the display from which you entered a nested dialog. RETURN is an ISPF system command. You can also set the Keys by using Command KEYS in the command line. The following screen shows the KEY-Settings:
PF Key Definitions and Labels Command ===> KEYS

Number of PF Keys . . . 12 3278 PF1 . PF2 . PF3 . PF4 . PF5 . PF6 . PF7 . PF8 . PF9 . PF10 PF11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELP SPLIT END RETURN RFIND RCHANGE UP DOWN SWAP LEFT

Terminal type

. :

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Handout - TSO/ISPF

PF12 PF1 PF4 PF7 PF10

. . RETRIEVE label label label label . . . . . . . . PF2 PF5 PF8 PF11 label label label label . . . . . . . . PF3 PF6 PF9 PF12 label label label label . . . . . . . .

Press ENTER key to save changes. Enter END command to save changes and exit. In bottom of the each screen you can find the Key details.
F1=Help F10=Actions F2=Split F12=Cancel F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

1. Time Sharing Option, generally known as TSO. TSO is a subsystem that runs on the MVS operating system on a Z/OS machine. This subsystem allows users to work interactively. 2. TSO Functions: Data set Management Functions, Program Development Functions, Batch Job Functions, and Other TSO Functions. 3. Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) is a menu-driven interface to most of TSO functions. Using ISPF, TSO functions can be invoked using menu options and answering system prompt. 4. Program Development Facility (PDF) is a part of ISPF providing variety of facilities that are useful for program development work. 5. All the functionalities are categorized into several Options, and these options are invoked through ISPF primary option menu. 6. One of the major features in ISPF 5.8 is the use of Action Bar pull-downs. The action bar is the area at the top of an ISPF panel that provides access to actions available on that panel.

Test Your Understanding

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you call File in Mainframe? What are the functionalities of TSO? What is the initial command for LOGIN? What are the functionalities of PDF (Program Development Facility)? List out various interfaces available in ISPF.

1. Login to Mainframe using your mainframe ID and access Action Bar, Pull Down Menu, Point and Shoot fields.

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Handout - TSO/ISPF


Learning Objectives
After completing the session, you will be able to: Explain utilities available in ISPF Define the methods of using the utilities

ISPF Utility Selection Panel Overview

Option 3 on the ISPF Main Menu provides wide range of functions for library, dataset, and catalog. Following is the screen shot of utility selection panel:
Menu Help _____________________________________________________________________________ Utility Selection Panel Option ===> _________________________________________________________________


Compress or print data set.

Print index listing.


rename, delete, browse, edit or view members 2 Data Set Allocate, rename, delete, catalog, uncatalog, or display information of an entire data set 3 4 Move/Copy Dslist Move, or copy members or data sets Print or display (to process) list of data set names. Print or display VTOC information 5 6 7 8 9 Reset Hardcopy Transfer Outlist Commands Reset statistics for members of ISPF library Initiate hardcopy output Download ISPF Client/Server or Transfer data set Display, delete, or print held job output Create/change an application command table Format definition for formatted data Edit/Browse Compare data sets Compare data sets Extended Search data sets for strings of data (Standard Dialog) (Extended Dialog) (Standard Dialog)

11 Format 12 SuperC 13 SuperCE 14 Search-For

15 Search-ForE Search data sets for strings of data Extended (Extended Dialog)

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Library Utility
Library Utility can be selected from Option 1 on the Utility Selection Panel. It provides set of functions that act upon a specific data set. Following options can be used on both PDS (Partitioned Dataset) and PS (Sequential Dataset).
Menu RefList Utilities Help _______________________________________________________________________________ Library Utility Option ===> ________________________________________________________________

blank Display member list C Compress data set X Print index listing L Print entire data set

I Data set information S Short data set information E Edit member V View member

B Browse member D Delete member R Rename member P Print member

Enter "/" to select option ISPF Library: Project . . . Group . . . . Type Member New name . . . . _________ . . . . . (If B, D, E, P, R, V, or blank selected) (If R selected) . . . / _ Confirm Member Delete Enhanced Member List . . . . . ._________

Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set: Data Set Name . . . Volume Serial . . . __________________________________________________ ______ (If not cataloged)

Data Set Password

. .

(If password protected)

C: Compress data set X: Print an index list that shows general data set information and member names for a PDS I: Display information about the dataset S: Display less information for a PDS, Some of the option to use on a dataset member: E: Edit the Member V: View the Member B: Browse the Member D: Delete the Member R : Rename the Member P: Print the Member

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Data Set Utility

Option 2 on the Utility selection panel is used to create delete and rename datasets, both PDS and PS. Following screen shot show the Dataset Utility Panel:
Menu RefList Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________________ Data Set Utility Option ===> ______A______________________________________________________________

A Allocate new data set R Rename entire data set D Delete entire data set blank Data set information

C Catalog data set U Uncatalog data set S Short data set information V VSAM Utilities

ISPF Library: Project Group . . . . . Enter "/" to select option / Confirm Data Set Delete

Type . . . . _________

Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set: Data Set Name . . . TEST.DATASET.ELT_______________________________________ Volume Serial . . . (If not cataloged, required for option "C")

Data Set Password

. .

(If password protected)

Example shows command A entered for allocating dataset TEST.DATASET.ELT As shown, list of facilities available are Allocate, Delete, Rename, Catalog, Uncatalog datasets and VSAM utilities. These options will be selected by entering the First or Highlighted letter as option. Dataset Parameters Before going into allocation of dataset, you will look into some of basic terms related to Dataset. Management Class: Management class denotes a collection of management attributes, defined by the storage administrator. These attributes are used to control the retention and migration of datasets. Migration: To save space in DASD (Direct access storage device), datasets not referred for a certain period will be moved to TAPE. Thus when needed this can be moved back to DASD. Here management class decides the number of days to wait for migration. Retention: To save space in TAPE, retention attribute specify no of days a dataset can be left in migrated stage (In Tape). Once no of days expired, dataset will be deleted.
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Thus management class play important role in setting these two fields: Primary and Secondary Quantity: The value specified in this field determines the amount of space that will be allocated for a dataset. Primary quantity specifies the initial amount of space to be set for a dataset. Secondary Quantity specifies the additional quantity to be allocated to the dataset when space allocated in the primary allocation is insufficient.





_______________________________________________________________________________ Allocate New Data Set Command ===> _________________________________________________________________ More: Data Set Name . . . : TEST.DATASET.ELT +

Management class . . . ________ Storage class . . . . METSC

(Blank for default management class) (Blank for default storage class) (Blank for system default volume) ** (Generic unit or device address) ** (Blank for default data class) (BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, MB, BYTES or RECORDS)

Volume serial . . . . LPRJ03 Device type . . . . . ________ Data class . . . . . . ________ Space units . . . . . BLOCK

Average record unit Primary quantity Secondary quantity Directory blocks

(M, K, or U) (In above units) (In above units) (Zero for sequential data set) *

. . 648 582 . . 0

Record format . . . . FB Record length . . . . 80 Block size . . . . . 800 : ________ (LIBRARY, HFS, PDS, or blank) (YY/MM/DD, YYYY/MM/DD Expiration date . . . __________ Enter "/" to select option _ Allocate Multiple Volumes YY.DDD, YYYY.DDD in Julian form DDDD for retention period in days or blank) *

Data set name type

( * Specifying LIBRARY may override zero directory block) ( ** Only one of these fields may be specified)

Allocation with sample values

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Space Allocation for Datasets: A total of 16 extents are available per dataset. The initial space allocated is the quantity in the Primary Quantity. When the primary is exhausted secondary space is obtained. Primary and secondary extents are allocated using seeks and 5 seeks are allowed for one primary or secondary attempt For example, if 20 tracks of space are required, and this is available as 5 chunks of 4 tracks each, the attempt is successful. On the other hand, if these 20 tracks are available as 10 chunks of 2 tracks, this allocation attempt is not successful. A dataset is full when all 16 extents are taken No space for extent on the volume. Directory blocks: The value in this field determines the number of members in a PDS. A positive value in this field denotes that the dataset is a PDS and a 0 denotes that the dataset is a PS. Each 256-byte block accommodates the following number of directory entries: Data sets with ISPF statistics - 6 Data sets without ISPF statistics - 21 Load module data sets - 4-7, depending on attributes Record Format: The value in this field determines the format of the PDS or PS being allocated. Record Length: The value of the length of the records stored in the dataset. This is read in conjunction with the Record Format. Block Size: The block size, also called physical record length, of the blocks to be stored in the data set. Use this field to specify how many bytes of data to put into each block, based on the record length. For example, if the record length is 80 and the block size is 3120, 39 records can be placed in each block. Please refer to the Dataset Organization chapter of the ESA courseware for more details on RECFM, LRECL and Block Size. Please refer to the IBM manual on ISPF for details on other fields on this panel. We are not discussing them here, as we will not be using them on daily basis. Note: A data set that is allocated on a volume that is managed by the Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) is called a managed data set. A data set that is allocated on a volume that is not managed by the SMS is called a non-managed dataset. Now that you know how to allocate a dataset, you will look into other option available on the Dataset Utility Panel in following table.

Move/Copy Utility
Option 3 from the utilities menu or option 3.3 from the main menu takes us to the Move/Copy utility, the panel for which is shown in Figure below. The commands that can be executed from this panel are clearly available as a list and we will discuss Copy and Move commands here. Copy Enter the details of the library/dataset that you want to copy (source data) in this panel. Type a C on the command line and press enter. This will take you to the panel in figure. Enter the Library/Dataset name in this panel to copy the contents of the dataset to the target dataset. If the target dataset is a PS, the dataset should be allocated before an attempt to copy is made.

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Menu RefList Utilities Help __________________________________________________________________________________ Move/Copy Utility Option ===> _C____________________________________________________________________


Copy data set or member(s) Move data set or member(s)

CP Copy and print MP Move and print

Specify "From" Data Set below, then press Enter key

From ISPF Library: Project . . . Group . . . . Type Member . . . . ________ . . . (Blank or pattern for member list, "*" for all members) . . . (--- Options C and CP only . . . ---)

. . .________

From Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set: Data Set Name . . . Volume Serial . . . TEST.DATASET.ELT.SOURCE_________________________________________ (If not cataloged)

Data Set Password

. .

( If password protected)

Menu RefList Utilities Help

________________________________________________________________________________ _ COPY From TEST.DATASET.ELT.SOURCE

Command ===>

Specify "To" Data Set Below

To ISPF Library: Project Group . .

Options: Enter "/" to select option _ / ________ Replace like-named members Process member aliases

. . .

Type . . . . Member . . .

To Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set: Data Set Name . TEST.DATASET.ELT.TARGET____________________________________ Volume Serial . . . (If not cataloged)
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Data Set Password

. .

(If password protected)

To Data Set Options: Sequential Disposition 1 1. Mod 2. Old Pack Option 3 1. Yes 2. No 3. Default SCLM Setting 3 1. SCLM 2. Non-SCLM 3. As is

Final Step
Allocate Target Data Set Command ===> ______________________________________________________ More: Specified data set TEST.DATASET.ELT.TARGET does not exist. If you wish to allocate this data set, select one of the options below. +

Allocation Options: 1 1. Allocate using the attributes of: U139974.SPFLOG1.LIST 2. Specify allocation attributes

Use existing SMS attributes for option 1

PDS Considerations: You can copy all the members of a PDS to a target PDS if the target PDS is already allocated. The target PDS should be of the same RECFM and LRECL for a successful copy. Use the syntax ELT.TEST.PDS (*) to take all the members to the target PDS. If you omit the (*) takes you to a panel with the list of members in the source PDS and you can select the members that need to be copied onto the target PDS. Move: Similar to Copy C, entering the primary command M in the command prompt moves a dataset to the target dataset and deletes the source dataset after the command is executed, where as copy retains it.

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Dataset List Utility

Dataset List Utility can be selected by entering four on the utility panel or 3.4 from the Main Menu. This is the maximum used panel in the ISPF because of the following salient features available on this panel. Search on dataset names Personalized settings Multiple operations on the datasets Dynamic List of datasets Step 1: Dataset List:
Menu RefList RefMode Utilities Help _________________________________________________________________________________ Data Set List Utility Option ===> _____________________________________________________________________

blank Display data set list V Display VTOC information

P Print data set list PV Print VTOC information

Enter one or both of the parameters below: Dsname Level . . . ELT.*_________________________________________________ Volume serial . . ________

Data set list options Initial View . . . 1 1. Volume 2. Space 3. Attrib 4. Total Enter "/" to select option / / / / Confirm Data Set Delete Confirm Member Delete Include Additional Qualifiers Display Catalog Name

When the data set list is displayed, enter either: "/" on the data set list command field for the command prompt pop-up, an ISPF line command, the name of a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX exec, or "=" to execute the previous command.

Lists all dataset starting with your USERID A dataset list can be displayed by entering a dataset name level in the Dsname level field and leaving the command prompt blank. By default, the catalog is searched for matching pattern for the Dsname level and all the dataset that match the pattern are shown as a list. The panel shown in preceding figure above is an example of the VOLUME list with a Dsname level search of ELT.* The Volume information shows the volume name on which the dataset resides A + besides the volume specifies that the dataset spans multiple volumes. Other views include information on tracks allocated to the dataset; space used up by the dataset, used up extents, Device type,

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Dataset organization, RECFM, LRECL and Block size. This information can be looked up with a RIGHT or LEFT command. Use the View option on the tool bar for other choices. Result: Dataset List Menu Options View Utilities Compilers Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______
DSLIST - Data Sets Matching ELT.* Row 1 of 12

Command ===> ===> PAGE


Command - Enter "/" to select action Message Volume -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELT.COMPDB2.TEXT LPRJ03 ELT.COMPILE.TEXT LPRJ02 ELT.ELT.MEMBERS LPRJ03 ELT.ISPF.ISPPROF LPRJ04 ELT.PERSONAL.DATASET LPRJ21 ELT.RESULT.COMPARE LPRJ02 ELT.SEARCH.RESULT LPRJ04 ELT.SPFLOG1.LIST LPRJ02 ELT.SPFTEMP1.CNTL LPRJ03 ELT.SUPERC.LIST LPRJ03 ELT.TEST.PDS LPRJ02 ELT. ELT.TEST.SOURCE LPRJ02 ***************************** End of Data Set list ****************************

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View/Edit options
Datasets can be displayed or modified in two ways: Through ISPF Primary Option Menu Panel, 1 for View and 2 for Edit Through Dataset List Utility - 3.4 (Option 4 under Utility Selection Panel) as mentioned in previous section. By entering b or v or e to the left side of Dataset or Member name, Browse, View, Edit Options can be invoked respectively. ISPF allows TSO users to access datasets in three distinct modes under 3.4 Option: Browse Mode is read only mode that allows the users to go through the contents of the dataset but does not allow the user to make any changes (Option b). Edit mode allows the user to modify the dataset and save the changes. Various features that can be used while editing a dataset are discussed further in this material (Option e) View mode allows the contents to be modified on a temporary basis, but restricts the changes from being saved. This feature is highly effective when the user wants to have a feel of changing the contents but is not interested in changing the contents. This is also helpful when a user wants to selectively view the contents of the dataset with advanced ISPF features like EXCLUDE but does not want to hold an exclusive lock on the dataset. The important consideration here is that View has a feature of saving data after changes but this feature need to be used very judiciously as data integrity is at stake. You need at least Read Access to use the view option (Option v) List of members in a PDS can be viewed / edited by using V or B or E before the dataset name. Step 1: View PDS Menu Options View Utilities Compilers Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______
DSLIST - Data Sets Matching ELT.* Row 1 of 12

Command ===> ===> PAGE


Command - Enter "/" to select action Message Volume -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELT.COMPDB2.TEXT LPRJ03 ELT.COMPILE.TEXT LPRJ02 ELT.ELT.MEMBERS LPRJ03 ELT.ISPF.ISPPROF LPRJ04
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ELT. LPRJ02 ***************************** **************************** Result: View PDS End of Data


Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______

VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00014

Command ===> ===> PAGE Name ID _________ COMPILE <USERID> _________ ELTSAMPL <USERID> _________ IDCAMKSD <USERID> _________ IDCAMS1 <USERID> _________ KSDS <USERID> _________ KSDSAIX <USERID> _________ RENAME1 <USERID> _________ RUNDB2 <USERID> _________ RUN1 <USERID> _________ RUN2 <USERID>

Scroll Prompt Size 35 13 35 17 19 26 60 14 7 7 Created 2007/12/21 2008/01/02 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 Changed 2008/01/03 17:38:02 2008/01/03 11:13:41 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2008/01/02 19:25:50 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41

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_________ <USERID> _________ <USERID> _________ <USERID> _________ <USERID>

RUN3 RUN4 RUN5 SAMP1 **End**

7 7 9 9

2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

Member Handling: To allocate a new member or edit the member in a PDS, option E can be used before the PDS name and Member name should be enclosed in bracket at the end. Step 1: Allocate a new Member in PDS
Menu Options View Utilities Compilers Help

______________________________________________________________________________ DSLIST - Data Sets Matching U139974.* Command ===> Row 1 of 12 Scroll ===> PAGE

Command - Enter "/" to select action




***************************** End of Data Set list ****************************

Step 2: Allocate a new Member in PDS

Menu Options View Utilities Compilers Help ____________ _ ______________________________________________________________

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D |



Row 1 of 12

C | __________________________________________________________ | C | - | Object Name: | 'ELT.TEST.PDS(SAMPLE)' | * No workstation connection | | | | | | | | | | * | | | / Options / Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace EDIT Mixed Mode EDIT host file on Workstation Preserve VB record length Warn on First Data Change F2=Split F9=Swap F3=Exit F12=Cancel F7=Backward Initial Macro . . (Blank defaults to Type) EDIT Entry Panel More: +

| ll ===> PAGE | | Volume

| ------------| | | | | (Leave blank for default) | | | | | | | LPRJ03 LPRJ02 LPRJ03 LPRJ04 LPRJ21 LPRJ02 LPRJ04 LPRJ02 LPRJ03 LPRJ03 LPRJ02 LPRJ02

Profile Name . . . Format Name . . .

Panel Name . . . .

| ************* | |

F1=Help F8=Forward


Final Step: Allocate a new Member in PDS

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(SAMPLE) - 01.00 save Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> CSR

Command ===>

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change ==MSG> '''''' '''''' Welcome to Cognizant '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' Page 29 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.

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Browse the member: Step 1: Browse Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______
VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00015

Command ===> ===> PAGE Name ID _________ COMPILE U139974 _________ ELTSAMPL U139974 _________ IDCAMKSD U124334 _________ IDCAMS1 U124334 _________ KSDS U124334 _________ KSDSAIX U124334 _________ RENAME1 U139974 _________ RUNDB2 U124334 _________ RUN1 U124334 _________ RUN2 U124334 _________ RUN3 U124334 _________ RUN4 U124334 _________ RUN5 U124334
___B_____ SAMPLE

Scroll Prompt Size 35 13 35 17 19 26 60 14 7 7 7 7 9

1 2008/01/04

Created 2007/12/21 2008/01/02 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31

Changed 2008/01/03 17:38:02 2008/01/03 11:13:41 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2008/01/02 19:25:50 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11

2008/01/04 11:05:23

_________ SAMP1 U124334 **End** Result: Browse Menu Utilities Compilers Help


2007/12/24 13:31:50

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________________________________________________________________________ ______
BROWSE ELT.TEST.PDS(SAMPLE) - 01.00 Line 00000000 Col 001 080

Command ===> ===> PAGE ********************************* ********************************** Welcome to 00010000 ******************************** ******************************** Edit the member: Step 1: Edit Member

Scroll Top of Data Cognizant Bottom of Data

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______

VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00006 of 00013

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
E________ RENAME1 80 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 16:09:51 U124334

_________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334


14 7 7 7 7 9 9

2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

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Step 2: Edit Member File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

________________________________________________________________________ ____
EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(RENAME1) - 01.01 Columns 00001 00072 Command ===> SAVE____________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change ==MSG> your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON. 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' Step 3: Edit Member Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
_________ RENAME1 *Edited 60 2007/12/21 2008/01/02 19:25:50 U139974

_________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334


14 7 7 7 7 9 9

2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

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Member List Statistics

Specifying a valid dataset name in 3.4 options, displays the dataset for viewing if it is a sequential dataset. If the dataset is partitioned, then you get a list of members available in the PDS and the following fields are available in the displayed member list: Command Line: As you are already aware, this is the field that is used to enter any action commands. Valid commands for these panels are discussed separately. Scroll: Value in this field determines the pattern and lines being scrolled in a member list or EDIT/VIEW session. Valid values and their properties are discussed separately. Name: Name of the member(s) Prompt: The Prompt field serves a variety of purposes. You can rename a member by typing the new name to the right of the member name. You can type a slash character (/) in the first position of the Prompt field so you can define additional behaviors for a given action. Also, the Prompt field acts as a status field, showing information about the last action taken for a member. If you run an edit macro or TSO command against a member, then the 7 - character informational status that is returned in the dialog variable ZPROMPT at the completion of the service is shown in this field. VV.MM: Version number and modification level. The version number is set to 1 and the modification level is set to 0 when the member is created. The modification level is the number of times this version has been modified. For example, 02.15 means version 2, modification 15. If a member name is just an alternate name for another member, then ALIAS appears in this field. Created: The Date this version was created. The format used depends on your national format. For example, 90/06/27 means June 27, 1990 to some, but so does 06/27/90 and 27/06/90 mean it for others. Changed: Date and time this version was last modified; date is shown in the national format (For Format see Created Command). Time is shown using a 24-hour format. For example, 17:20 means 5:20 p.m. Size: Current number of lines. The largest number this field can display is 65,535 Init: Number of lines when the member was first saved. The largest number this field can display is 65,535. Mod: Number of lines in the current member that have been added or changed. If the data is unnumbered, this number is zero. The largest number this field can display is 65,535. ID: The user ID of the person who created or last updated this version.






________________________________________________________________________ ______
VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013

Command ===> ===> PAGE

Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID


_________ COMPDB2 <UserID>



2007/12/21 16:09:51

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_________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID> _________ <UserID>


35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7

2007/12/21 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21

2007/12/31 15:14:39 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41







________________________________________________________________________ ______ VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Name Prompt Size Init Mod VV MM ID _________ COMPDB2 *Viewed 80 80 0 01.00 U124334 _________ COMPILE 35 35 4 01.18 U124334 _________ IDCAMKSD 35 17 28 01.17 U124334 _________ IDCAMS1 17 17 2 01.16 U124334 _________ KSDS 19 33 1 01.24 U124334 _________ KSDSAIX 26 42 8 01.22 U124334 _________ RUNDB2 14 14 0 01.00 U124334 _________ RUN1 7 5 5 01.15 U124334 _________ RUN2 7 5 5 01.07 U124334 _________ RUN3 7 5 5 01.05 U124334
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_________ RUN4 7 U124334 _________ RUN5 9 U124334 _________ SAMP1 9 U124334 **End** Pressing F10 or F11 will get the details from of the screen as above.

7 7 9

0 5 3

01.16 01.17 01.07

the Left or Right side

Command Line Field on Member List

Any of the following commands can be executed on the command line once the member list is displayed. These are the commands that can be executed from the command line and can operate on any or all of the members in the library displayed. SELECT: This command is used to select a member by name. A member can also be selected by typing -s beside the member. In browse, only one member can be selected for Browse. If you type -s for more than one member, only the first one will be selected SORT: When the member list is displayed, the list is sorted on the member name by default. The SORT command is used to change the order of sorting. The list may be sorted on any field on the list. VV and MM are counted as two separate fields. The list is sorted as follows for each field Member Name Ascending Order (Default) VV: Ascending Order MM: Ascending Order CREATED: Descending (Starting from latest) CHANGED: Descending (starting from latest) SIZE: Descending Order INIT: Descending Order MOD: Descending Order ID: Ascending Order MLC: This command allows you to change one or more of the member list field attributes and view the change immediately. Clearing the field restores defaults. Use the "Defaults" point-and-shoot to restore all fields attributes to ISPF defaults REFRESH: This command refreshes the member list adding new members, adding renamed members under their new names, and deleting members that have been removed from the list. It also resets the line command field and Prompt field on the member list. Unprocessed line commands and input or messages in the Prompt fields are erased

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RESET: This command resets the line command field and Prompt field on the member list. Unprocessed line commands and input or messages in the member Prompt fields are erased. For those members lists that do not allow input in the Prompt field, RESET does not erase the informational message '*DELETED'. LOCATE: This command is used to display that part of the list that contains the given string. The function is performed on the field on which the list has been sorted. For example, if we issue SORT SIZE and then issue LOCATE 3000; the list will get positioned at the point where the size is closest to 3000 lines. For alphanumeric sort fields (Name and ID) it is sufficient to give part of the string (For example, LOCATE P will position the list to the first member starting with P) SAVE: This command is used to save the member list in a data set for future reference. The command SAVE xx will save the entire member list with the statistics in a sequential data set whose name will be <userid>.xx.MEMBERS. Specifying just SAVE will write the member list to the List data set.
Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

______________________________________________________________________________ VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013 Scroll ===> PAGE Size 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 Created 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24 Changed 2007/12/21 16:09:51 2007/12/31 15:14:39 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50 ID U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334

Command ===> SAVE ELT Name _________ COMPDB2 _________ COMPILE _________ IDCAMKSD _________ IDCAMS1 _________ KSDS _________ KSDSAIX _________ RUNDB2 _________ RUN1 _________ RUN2 _________ RUN3 _________ RUN4 _________ RUN5 _________ SAMP1 **End** Prompt

Member list will be saved in <userid>.ELT.member

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Line Commands
Following Command can be performed on the Datasets listed from 3.4, also upon Members listed in a PDS. This Line Command will be entered to the left of the Dataset name or Member name. Command Function for PDS or PS: E: Edit Data Set V: View Data Set B: Browse Data Set M: Display Member List D: Delete Data Set R: Rename Data Set I: Data Set Information S: Information (Short) P: Print Data Set C: Catalog Data Set U: Uncatalog Data Set Z: Compress Data Set F: Free Unused Space PX: Print Index Listing RS: Reset MO: Move CO : Copy RA: RefAdd X: Exclude Data Set NX: Unexclude Data Set NXF: Unexclude First Data Set NXL: Unexclude Last Data Set

= : Repeat Last Command

Rename member Step 1: Rename Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ _____
VIEW Command ===> ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013 Scroll ===> PAGE

Name ID
____R____ COMPDB2



2007/12/21 16:09:51


_________ COMPILE U124334



2007/12/31 15:14:39

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_________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334


35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9

2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

Step 2: Rename Menu

| | | Enter a new member name: | _ | Old Name _ | _ | New Name _ | _ | _ | Press ENTER to rename member. _ | Press CANCEL to cancel rename. _ | _ | _ | F1=Help F3=Exit F2=Split F7=Backward . . . RENAME1 . . : COMPDB2



| |

Row 00001 of 00013 Scroll ===> PAGE Changed 2007/12/21 16:09:51 2007/12/31 15:14:39 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 ID U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334

____________________________________ Member Rename


| eated | 7/12/21 | 7/12/21 | 7/12/24 | 7/12/24 | 7/12/28 | 7/12/28 | 7/12/21 | 7/12/21 | 7/12/21 | 7/12/21 | 7/12/27

_ |____________________________________ | 7/12/31

_________ SAMP1 U124334


2007/12/24 13:31:50

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Step 3: Rename Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______

VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013 Scroll ===> PAGE Command ===> REFRESH

Name ID
_________ COMPDB2





_________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334


35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9

2007/12/21 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/31 15:14:39 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

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Result: Rename Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______

VIEW ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00013

Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID _________ COMPILE 35 2007/12/21 2007/12/31 15:14:39 U124334 _________ IDCAMKSD 35 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 13:21:13 U124334 _________ IDCAMS1 17 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 16:52:15 U124334 _________ KSDS 19 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 16:51:07 U124334 _________ KSDSAIX 26 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 16:13:35 U124334
_________ RENAME1 80 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 16:09:51 U124334

_________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334 _________ U124334


14 7 7 7 7 9 9

2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

Primary Commands in EDIT or Browse or View mode

Primary commands are those that can be executed from the command line and are valid on any or all the lines of the dataset. General rules for entering primary commands are: Either a blank or a comma can be used a separator between command operands. The command input field contains trailing nulls. This means: You can use the insert mode to insert or expand operands. You cannot use the cursor keys to space between operands of a command. If an error is detected in processing the command, then a message is displayed and the command is left in the command field.
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If an ampersand (&) immediately precedes the command name, then the command is left in the command field after execution. Following are the list of commands that can be performed on a Dataset or Member of a PDS: BOUNDS: To set the left and right bounds. CANCEL: To cancel edit without saving the data. CAPS: To set CAPS mode off or on. CAPS ON: saves all the data in the dataset in Capitals. CAPS OFF: leaves the data as typed. CHANGE: To find and then change a specified character string. COPY: To copy data from another member or sequential data set. CREATE: To create a new member of a partitioned data set. CUT: To copy or move data to a clipboard. DISPLAY: This command is available only in Browse mode operations. The DISPLAY command is used to specify the character to be displayed to represent invalid (nondisplayable) characters, and to specify whether or not carriage control characters are to be displayed. DELETE: To delete excluded or no excluded lines from data being edited. EDIT: To cause a recursive entry into edits. Edit <Member Name> brings the member for editing while retaining the original member. You can go back to the original member with an END or CANCEL command. END: To end the current Edit Session. Whether the data is saved or not depends on the profile setting 'AutoSave', which is discussed later. EXCLUDE: To exclude lines those contain a specified character string. FIND: To find a specified character string. Features are described in detail later in this chapter. HEX: To set HEX mode off or on and to specify the hex display format. HILITE: To set the enhanced and language sensitive colour settings. MODEL: To copy a predefined model. A MODEL is a group of source statements and optional notes that provide sample data for creating and editing dialogs. The models contain prototype lines indicating the form of the requested dialog element, parts of which you may overtype with application-specific data. MOVE: To move (copy and delete) a member or sequential data set. NULLS: To set NULLS mode off or on and to specify the type of nulls. NUMBER: To set NUMBER mode on or off. PASTE: To copy or move data from a clipboard. RENUM: To set NUMBER mode on and renumber the data. REPLACE: To replace a member or an entire sequential data set. SAVE: To save the data without ending the edit session. SORT: To perform sorting functions on the data being edited. Sorting can be done on columns, in ascending or descending sequence. TABS: To set TABS mode off or on and to specify the logical tabs char. UNDO: To "undo" (reverse) the last command you entered. UNNUM: To set NUMBER mode off and blank out sequence numbers.
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The standard scrolling commands that are valid on the EDIT Entry panel are valid in the Edit screen also.

Dataset Manipulation Commands

Editing and manipulating Commands can be executed by placing the required command between column 1 and Column 6, then pressing ENTER. Basic Commands: INSERT: A Single blank line can be inserted with an I between any of column 1 to 6. Multiple blank lines can be inserted by specifying number of lines after I. (For example: To insert 11 Lines, I11) Step 1: Insert File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______
EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 MEMBER1 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 80 80 0 000200 MEMBER2 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 35 35 4
000i11 MEMBER3 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 35 17 28

000400 17 2 000500 33 1 000600 42 8 000700 14 0 000800 5 5 000900 5 5 001000 5 5 001100 7 0 001200 7 5


01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20

17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9

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001300 9 3 Result: Insert


01.07 07/12/24 13:31

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ________________________________________________________________________ ______
EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> _________________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 MEMBER1 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 80 80 0 000200 MEMBER2 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 35 35 4 000300 MEMBER3 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 35 17 28 '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''''''
'''''' '''''' ''''''

000400 17 2 000500 33 1 000600 42 8 REPEAT:


01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13

17 19 26

A Single line can be duplicated once with an R between any of Column 1 to 6. A single line can be duplicated multiple times by specifying number of times to duplicate after R. (EG: To duplicate 6 times, R6) Multiple Lines can be duplicated once by specify RR in the Column 1 to 6 of First line and another RR in Last line. Step 1: Repeat
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

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______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 000200 000300 000RR0 000500 000RR0 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001200 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Result: Repeat
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000610 000620 000630 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001200 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 35 35 17 19 26 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 35 17 17 33 42 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 4 28 2 1 8 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

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A Single line can be deleted with a D between any of column 1 to 6. Multiple lines can be deleted by specifying number of lines after D. (EG: To Delete 6 Consecutive Lines, D6). Also Multiple Lines can be deleted by specifying DD in the Column 1 to 6 of First line and another DD in Last line of deletion. This is similar to previous example as given in the above screen shots. COPY/MOVE Commands: The COPY and MOVE Commands are similar in execution, but COPY command retains the original content and MOVE remove the original content. COPY: A single line can be copied with a C between any of column 1 to 6. Multiple lines can be copied by specifying CC in the Column 1 to 6 of First line and another CC in last line to be copied. Similarly, MOVE can be done with M or MM, only difference being original content will be removed PASTE: Once copy or move is performed, those lines marked by C or M can be pasted or inserted inbetween by using A or B in Column 1 to 6. A places the line after the current line A is specified. B places the line before the current line B is specified.

Step 1: Copy
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 00010a 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000700 000800 000900 0010cc 001100 001200 0013cc MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

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Result: Copy
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 000110 000120 000130 000140 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001200 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 7 7 9 9 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 5 7 7 9 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 5 0 5 3 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Step 1: Move
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 00010b 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 00120m 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

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****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Result: Move
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000010 000100 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001300 MEMBER12 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER13 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 9 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 7 80 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 9 5 0 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

OVERLAY: If O (Single Line) or OO (Multiple Line) is used instead of A or B, then the data marked by C or M will overlay on the lines marked by O or OO. All blanks on the line marked by O will be overwritten by the corresponding data on the line marked by C or M. If the entire data on the C or M line was written, then the Overlay is successful. If you move a line to overlay another line and complete Overlay was not possible, then the system will not move the line. It will copy the line and display error message. Exclude/Show commands: Use X or XX to exclude one or more lines of data from being displayed on the screen temporarily, where as delete remove the data permanently from the file. X: Identifies a line to be excluded X5: Identifies the first of 5 (or any number of) lines to be excluded XX: Identifies the first and last lines of a block of lines to be excluded. (Usage is like Block copying)

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Step 1: Exclude
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

________________________________________________________________________ ______
EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE Command ===> X MEMBER5

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 000200 000300 000400 000500 000600 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001200 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 MEMBER5 MEMBER6 MEMBER7 MEMBER8 MEMBER9 MEMBER10 MEMBER11 MEMBER12 MEMBER13 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 01.24 07/12/28 16:51 01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31 80 35 35 17 19 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 80 35 17 17 33 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 0 4 28 2 1 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Result: Exclude
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

________________________________________________________________________ ______
EDIT ELT.TEST.PDS(ELTSAMPL) - 01.00 CHARS 'MEMBER5' excluded Scroll ===> PAGE Command ===>

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 000200 000300 000400 - - 000600 000700 000800 000900 001000 001100 001200 001300 MEMBER1 MEMBER2 MEMBER3 MEMBER4 01.00 07/12/21 16:09 01.18 07/12/31 15:14 01.17 07/12/28 13:21 01.16 07/12/28 16:52 80 35 35 17 80 35 17 17 0 4 28 2

1 Line(s) not Displayed 26 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 42 14 5 5 5 7 7 9 8 0 5 5 5 0 5 3


01.22 07/12/28 16:13 01.00 07/12/21 16:10 01.15 07/12/27 09:59 01.07 07/12/27 10:32 01.05 07/12/21 17:45 01.16 07/12/27 17:21 01.17 07/12/31 15:20 01.07 07/12/24 13:31

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

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Use the F line command to display the first lines of a block of excluded lines and the L Line Command to show the last line(s) of an excluded block. F: Indicates that the first line of the block is to be displayed. L3: Indicates that the last 3 (or any number of) lines are to be displayed. Text handling commands: TS text split, to split a text line at the cursor to allow insertion TF text flow, to flow text to the end of a paragraph TE text enter, to format the screen for power typing one or more text paragraphs LC lowercase, to change text from uppercase to lowercase UC uppercase, to change text from lowercase to uppercase Miscellaneous commands: BNDS to display and allow changes to the current bounds. COLS to display a formatted line for identifying display columns. This is a primary command for Browse Mode. MASK to display and allow changes to the current mask. TABS to display and allow changes to the current tabs line. Data commands: The MD (Make Dateline) command converts temporary lines to data lines. Normally, the NOTE lines (that come with models), MASK, BOUNDS etc. are not part of the data. The MD command converts these lines to data and stores them as part of the data set. Note: You can assign line commands to PF keys by prefixing the command with a colon. For example, to assign the line command I5 to the key PF7 key, type KEYS on the command line to get the current key list, assign: I5 to PF7 and save the key list.

Using Labels in View/Edit

Labels are bookmarks that can be used to locate a particular line in the dataset that is currently in use. These are used to repeatedly verify information against another in a different place in the dataset. The usage is as given as follows: View/Edit Go to the line where you want to set the label Type .A, .B etc, in columns 1 to 6. Pressing ENTER now sets the label. Use LOCATE command to locate the labels later. Browse Mode Position the line that you want to set the label on top of the page. On the command line, type .A or .B as desired. Pressing ENTER now sets the label. Use LOCATE command to locate the labels later.

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Valid values on the scroll field and their properties are described as follow:
Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help ______________________________________________________________________________ VIEW Command ===> Name _________ ELTSAMPL _________ IDCAMKSD _________ IDCAMS1 _________ KSDS _________ KSDSAIX _________ RENAME1 _________ RUNDB2 _________ RUN1 _________ RUN2 _________ RUN3 _________ RUN4 _________ RUN5 _________ SAMP1 **End** Prompt Size 13 35 17 19 26 60 14 7 7 7 7 9 9 Created 2008/01/02 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24 ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00002 of 00014 Scroll ===> PAGE Changed 2008/01/03 11:13:41 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2008/01/02 19:25:50 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50 ID U139974 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U139974 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334

PAGE: Specifies that the screen will always scroll page by page CSR: Specifies that the screen will scroll depending on the cursor position. If the cursor is placed on line 17 and DOWN command is issued, then the line 17 will come to the top of the screen. If UP command is issued, the 17th line will go to the bottom of the screen DATA: Similar to PAGE, but will scroll by one line less, i.e., if lines 21 to 40 are now visible, and you give a DOWN command, the line 40 will come to the top of the screen, and the lines 40 to 59 will be displayed, whereas if the SCROLL value was PAGE, it will display lines 41 to 60. nnn (A number): Specifies that the cursor will always scroll by the specified number of lines, irrespective of the cursor position. HALF: Specifies that the screen will always scroll by half a page Note 1: When you specify a scrolling command, you can also specify the number of lines by which you want the screen to scroll. If you specify DOWN 30, the screen will scroll down by 30 lines irrespective of the SCROLL field value. If you specify DOWN M or UP M, the screen will scroll to the bottom or top of the list. You can also type a number (or the letter m) and then press the PF keys for UP or DOWN.

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Note 2: A SCROLL value of CSR is preferred because it gives greater control over the data. These values are also valid on any SCROLL field anywhere in ISPF. All the above information is useful to get into a member or a sequential dataset for VIEW or EDIT. We shall continue our discussion on the features available to us once we start our VIEW/EDIT session.

Edit Profile
Edit profiles are used to retain information that controls your edit session for a dataset, including: The current setting of edit modes (NUMBER, CAPS, NULLS, and so on.) The current contents of the MASK, TABS, and BOUNDS definition lines. Edit profiles are created and maintained automatically for you, but you may create and use additional profiles for increased flexibility. It is saved across ISPF sessions and loaded whenever the dataset is edited. The edit profile usually defaults to the last qualifier of the dataset and is stored in the users ISPF profile dataset. Each edit profile has a name. The name must be one to eight alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. The Edit profile may be seen by the PROF primary command. If you type PROF 8, all 8 lines of the profile are displayed. PROF 3 displays the first 3 lines etc. Data type pertains to the format of the data set you are editing. This is usually taken from the data set information. It contains the profile type, the record format and the record length. The profile type is the last qualifier of the data set name, if the qualifier is predefined to ISPF. Some last qualifiers that are known to ISPF are COBOL, PLI, EXEC, CLIST, JCL etc. A few of the Edit profile values and their properties are described as follows. RECOVERY ON or RECOVERY OFF specifies whether data will be recovered if the edit session ends abnormally. NUMBERS: This field can have one of four different values: NUM OFF specifies no sequence numbers are to be present, and the numbers in columns 1 to 6 contain only the relative line numbers from the top of the data set. NUM ON STD specifies that sequence numbers are to be present in columns 73 to 80. NUM ON COB specifies that sequence numbers are to be present in columns 1 to 6. NUM ON STD COB specifies that sequence numbers are to be present in columns 1 to 6 and columns 73 to 80. CAPS ON or OFF: Specifies whether data should be converted to uppercase before saving or not. HEX ON: Specifies that data is to be displayed in hexadecimal format. NULLS: This field is used so that we can insert characters in a line using the Insert key on the keyboard. Setting this field to NULLS ALL or NULLS ON STD, NULL characters are introduced in the trailing blank area of a line. Then, by pressing the Insert key, you can insert data in a line. TABS: This field is used to enable the hardware and logical tabs. This field should be set to TABS ON ALL or TABS ON STD for tabbing to be enabled. SETUNDO: This field is used to specify how changes you make during your edit session are to be recorded to be used by the UNDO command. Changes can be recorded in storage, in the recovery file, or both. Saving the changes in storage only is the fastest method.
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AUTOSAVE: This profile value is used to specify the action to be taken when you enter an END command without saving a dataset. AUTOSAVE ON will save the data set automatically if you END without saving. AUTOSAVE OFF PROMPT will ask the user whether to save the data set or not when you exit. AUTOSAVE OFF NOPROMPT will quit without saving and without informing the user about it. AUTONUM ON will automatically renumber the data when you insert lines and save them. AUTONUM OFF will not renumber the lines on saving. If AUTOLIST ON is present, the data set is automatically written into the List data set when it is saved. STATS: This value indicates whether ISPF statistics will be saved for this member when it is saved. STATS ON will save the stats, while STATS OFF will not save it. PROFILE LOCK: This value for a PDS ensures that all members that are edited will always have the same profile. This is to ensure that the profile is not changed every time according to the data in the member. IMACRO: This value for a PDS specifies the macro that will be run on every newly created member. PACK ON/OFF: this value indicates whether data is to be stored in packed form or not. NOTE ON/OFF: This is used only when you use models to insert data into a data set. When NOTE ON is used, some self-explanatory notes are inserted along with the model code. When NOTE OFF is used, the notes are left out when the model is inserted. TABS: This line shows the locations of the tab characters. If tabs are not being used, this line will be left blank. To reset the tabs, use the TABS OFF primary command. MASK: This line contains a few characters that will be inserted on every newly inserted line. The mask may be viewed at any time by using the MASK line command. To reset the mask, simply overtype on it when it is being displayed. BNDS: This line indicates the current value of the Bounds. To reset the bounds to the default value, use the BOUNDS primary command. COLS: This line contains a line containing column numbers.

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1. ISPF Main Menu provides wide range of functions for library, dataset, and catalog. 2. Dataset Utility Option 2 is used to create delete and rename datasets, both PDS and PS. 3. Move/Copy Utility Option 3 from the utilities menu or option 3.3 from the main menu takes us to the Move/Copy utility. This utility is useful for copying or moving both dataset and PDS along with its member 4. Dataset List Utility can be selected by entering 4 on the utility panel or 3.4 from the Main Menu. This utility provide, Search on dataset names, Personalized settings, Multiple operations on the datasets, Dynamic List of datasets 5. Specifying a valid dataset name in 3.4 options, displays the dataset for viewing if it is a sequential dataset. If the dataset is partitioned, we get a list of members available in the PDS 6. Editing and manipulating Commands, Insert, repeat, delete, overlay, copy, paste, exclude can be executed by placing the required command between column 1 and Column 6. 7. To bookmark a particular line and return back when needed, Labels can be used. 8. Edit profiles are created and maintained automatically for you, but you may create and use additional profiles for increased flexibility. Edit profiles are used to retain information that controls your edit session for a dataset.

Test your Understanding

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter the option number for Utility Menu Mention the compulsory parameters for allocating a dataset What is the difference between Move and Copy? What is the use of MOD parameter under Member list fields? What are the File Manipulation Commands? Mention the significance of using Labels while editing or browsing. List out the SCROLL options available

1. Allocate a dataset, which will have exactly 1000 Records with 80 bytes length each. 2. Need to modify the field of the dataset which has only read access. How to proceed, Mention the screenshot of the Step Followed. 3. Need to identify the PDS, where the given member is present. Give the screen shot of the command followed 4. Bank A needs to create a File X every month using a transaction File Y received from Bank B. Every month only first 100 lines of File Y belong to Bank A. Out of those 100 lines, line 10 to 25 should overlap line 50 to 65, line 1 should move after line 100 and lines 91, 92 should also be first two lines of File X.

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Session 05: Other Utilities

Learning Objectives
After completing the session, you will be able to: Define Find and change options available Access Compare and search utilities

FIND Command
FIND is most frequently used command in View, Edit, Browse. The FIND command has a lot of options, which are categorized as follows:

The various categories may be used independent of each other. These options are to be given apart from the string to be searched. The search can be limited to a range of columns specified by the column numbers. For example, FIND XYZ 23 45 finds the next occurrence of the string XYZ in the column range 23 to 45. If you specify only one column number (and not a range) then search will be for the string starting at the specified column. The labels that you set can be used to delimit the search range row-wise. If you give two labels, then the search is done in that range only. You cannot give a single label. ISPF assigns a set of predefined labels for some lines. These are as follows: .ZF: (.ZFIRST) for the first line of the data set. .ZL: (.ZLAST) for the last line of the member. ZCSR: (.ZCURSOR) for the current cursor position. WORD: Indicates that the string to be searched for is delimited by spaces or nonalphanumeric characters. CHAR: Indicates that the string need not be words.

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PREFIX: Indicates that the string is followed by some other characters without intervening spaces. (that is, the string is a prefix). SUFFIX: Indicates that the string is preceded by some other characters. HEX: If the string is enclosed in single quotes and preceded by x, then it implies that the string is specified in Hex characters. The string should have only valid Hex characters and should have an even number of characters. TEXT: Indicates that the string is to be searched for without matching the case, that is, the search is not case sensitive. Since this is the default, it is not used. The string is enclosed in quotes and preceded by t. CASE: If the string is enclosed in quotes and preceded by c, the search will be case-sensitive. For example, FIND CISPF runs on TSO. FIRST: Search for the first occurrence of the string. LAST: Search for the last occurrence of the string. ALL: Position the cursor at the first occurrence and display the number of occurrences at the top right corner. PREV: Find the previous occurrence from the current cursor position. NEXT: Find the next occurrence starting from the current cursor position. The string that was used for the previous FIND: Command can be used again by just specifying *. If you issue FIND *, the system will find the next occurrence of the previous FIND string. The direction of the search will be the same as the direction of the previous FIND command. The defaults for the FIND are NEXT, .ZCSR .ZL, TEXT, CHAR. A few examples of valid FIND command are: STEP 1: Find between column
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ____________________________________________________________________________ VIEW ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.02 Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE

Command ===> F member 1 10

=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U139974C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE(&MEMNAME)

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN DD DD DD

002800 //********************************************************************** 002900 //* BIND THIS PROGRAM MEMBER *

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD Page 55 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected

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003500 //STEPLIB 003600 //DBRMLIB



003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 DSN S(DSN1)


Find String Member between column 1 to column 10 Result: Find between column
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ____________________________________________________________________________ VIEW Command ===> ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.02 CHARS 'MEMBER' found Scroll ===> PAGE

=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U139974C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE(&MEMNAME)

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN DD DD DD

002800 //********************************************************************** 002900 //* BIND THIS PROGRAM MEMBER this string will not be found

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB 003600 //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 DSN S(DSN1)


Found String Member is Highlighted

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Step 1: Find between labels/Lines

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ____________________________________________________________________________ VIEW Command ===> ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.01 Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE(&MEMNAME)

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN DD DD DD

0028.A //********************************************************************** 002900 //* BIND THIS PROGRAM *

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB 0036.B //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 004500 /* DSN S(DSN1)


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Placing Label A and B in line 2800 and 3600 Step 2: Find between labels
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ____________________________________________________________________________ VIEW ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.01 Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE

Command ===> F SYSOUT .A .B

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE(&MEMNAME)

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN .A DD DD DD

//********************************************************************** BIND THIS PROGRAM *

002900 //*

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB .B //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 004500 /* DSN S(DSN1)


Finding String Sysout between Lines of Label A and B Result: Find between labels
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ____________________________________________________________________________ VIEW Command ===> ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.01 No CHARS 'SYSOUT' found Scroll ===> PAGE

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID Page 58 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected

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002300 //SYSTERM



002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN .A DD DD DD

//********************************************************************** BIND THIS PROGRAM *

002900 //*

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB .B //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 004500 /* DSN S(DSN1)


Show result as No CHARS 'SYSOUT' found Also, F string .a .b 30 45 command will places the cursor at the first occurrence of the word string between the labels .a and .b, between the columns 30 and 45. FIND - Picture Clause Picture clause searches are used to find occurrences of strings that have some common characteristics or that match some pattern. The strings are enclosed in single quotes and preceded by p. All characters that do not stand for a picture can be used as they are. For example, FIND PVERSION# ALL will find all occurrences of all the strings VERSION0, VERSION1, VERSION2...VERSION9. Each picture character stands for one character only. A list of valid Picture characters is given as follows: @ Alphabetic # Numeric < Lowercase > Uppercase $ Special Characters . Non-displayable = Any character including blanks - Non-numeric
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~ Non-blank CHANGE - Picture Clause This is similar to find, except the identified character will be changed to destination. For example: c p'.' x'00': Change all invalids to hex x'00' c p'###' 100: Change next 3 digit number to 100 c all 73 80 p'=' " ": Blank out everything in cols 73-80 c all p'-' 1 10 "0": Change all non-numeric chars to '0' in cols 1-10 STEP 1: Change
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT ELT.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.01 Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE

Command ===> c all p'#' " " 20 25

=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA SPACE=(800,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE(&MEMNAME)

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD 002500 //SYSUT1 002600 //SYSUT2 002700 //SYSIN DD DD DD

002800 //********************************************************************** 002900 //* BIND THIS PROGRAM *

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB 003600 //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100 004200 004300 004400 DSN S(DSN1)


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Changes all numeric character between column 20 to 25 Result: Change

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________
VIEW U139974.TEST.JCL(RENAME1) - 01.02 CHARS '#' changed

Command ===>

Scroll ===> PAGE

=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000100 //U129249C JOB MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,PRTY=15, 000200 // 002300 //SYSTERM REGION=5M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID DD SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*
,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA ,(500,500),,,ROUND),UNIT=SYSDA

002400 //SYSUDUMP DD


002700 //SYSIN



002800 //********************************************************************** 002900 //* BIND THIS PROGRAM *

003000 //********************************************************************** 003100 //BIND 003200 //SYSLIB 003300 // 003400 // 003500 //STEPLIB 003600 //DBRMLIB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=U129249.DB2.ELT.LOAD DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN810.SDSNLOAD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DBRMLIB SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=* SYSOUT=*

003700 //SYSPRINT DD 003800 //SYSTSPRT DD 003900 //SYSUDUMP DD 004000 //SYSTSIN DD * 004100



004300 004400


SuperCE Compare
Super Compare Extended abbreviated to SuperCE is a versatile tool that helps us to compare PS datasets, complete PDS, members of PDS or concatenated datasets. The output listings can also be of varied requirements like Delta listings, Long listings and others as per the requirements. Option 12 in the Utilities Menu is a simple compare utility and option 13 from the Utilities Menu is the extended compare utility. You will discuss the options and features of the extended compare, which will cover the features of the base compare

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Specify Datasets for Compare

Use the fields New DS Name and Old DS Name in the space provided. Suppose you have modified the member report from a production dataset to change a few fields that are listed. Now, you have to compare the changed program with the program in production. To do this, specify the fully qualified PDS member with the changed member in the New DS Name and the fully qualified production dataset with the member name in the Old DS Name field as shown below. If the above fields are left blank, a concatenation panel is shown where you can specify a list of datasets to be compared. Please note that in case of concatenations of sequential datasets, the block size of the concatenated datasets must be the same and in case of PDS concatenation, the RECFM for all the datasets should be the same. Compare Types Datasets can be compared in the following four ways: File Comparison: Checks source datasets and lists the difference. Simplest and fastest method. Line Comparison: Checks the differences at the line level. The output list contains reformatted lines and changed lines. Most frequently used comparison type and typically used for the source change compares. Word Comparison: Checks the differences at the word level. A word is a string separated by one or more blanks or a line separator. Byte Comparison: Byte level comparison with the output in HEX (Like a dump). The Compare output can be listed in the following five ways OVSUM Lists the Overall Summary of the changes. In case of PDS comparison the list contains a summary for each member compared. Delta frequently used Listing type. Lists the differences and the summary of each dataset compared. Differences are flagged at the left of each line of output. CHNG lists the differences with a specified number of lines before and after the changes. Makes the user comfortable in reading the output in case of a PDS comparison involving source changes. Long Lists the complete new data set with the old data set deleted data Interspersed in the output listing. Both inserted and deleted output data is flagged. The format is the same as the DELTA with all matching data shown. Nolist generates no listing output. Used to quickly find if any data is changed between two datasets. o Listing dataset name: SuperCE places the result of the comparison in the dataset specified in this field. The listing dataset is created if it already does not exist. If the output is a PDS member, the PDS must exist. o Process Options: You can specify keywords to customize the SuperCE compare on datasets. They can be specified by choosing options from the pull down menu or they can be directly entered in the process options field. Some examples of available process options are: Option name Function: SEQ Ignore FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns NOSEQ Process FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns as data. DPPLCMT: Do not process /* ... */ comments and blank compare lines.

DPPSCMT: Do not process (* ... *) comments and blank compare lines. Statements Dsn: This dataset contains the optional process statements for the SuperCE utility. When you select the Edit Statements option from the SuperCE Utility pull-down menu, the SuperCE utility displays the statements data set you specified in the Statements Dsn field. This data set is always displayed in Edit mode, allowing you to add, change, or delete SuperCE process statements as
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needed. Only one process statement can appear on each line of the statements data set. Execution Mode: The option selected determines if the comparison is done in the foreground or batch mode. If foreground is selected, the keyboard will be locked until the comparison is done and the compare output (SUPERC.LIST, by default) will be shown on the screen. If batch option is chosen, the batch job(JCL) will be submitted to compare datasets. We can also able to edit the JCL before the execution. Output Mode: If the foreground option is chosen in the execution mode, option chosen here determines the mode of display for the compare output. As discussed before, use browse if the output is to be viewed by multi-users.

Step 1: Compare
Menu Utilities Options Help _____________________________________________________________________________ SuperCE Utility Command ===>

New DS Name Old DS Name

. . . 'ELT.MEMBER1.TEXT' . . . 'ELT.MEMBER2.TEXT' (blank/pattern - member list, * - compare all)

PDS Member List

(Leave New/Old DSN "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel) Compare Type 2 1. File 2. Line 3. Word 4. Byte Listing Type 2 1. OVSUM 2. Delta 3. CHNG 4. Long 5. Nolist Listing DSN . . . . 'ELT.RESULT.COMPARE' . . Result will be stored in this dataset Display Output 1 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cond 4. UPD

Process Options

Statements Dsn . . . Update DSN . . . . .

Enter "/" to select option Bypass selection list

Execution Mode 1 1. Foreground 2. Batch

Output Mode 1 1. View 2. Browse

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Result: Compare
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ VIEW Command ===> 000130 000131 000132 000133 000134 000135 000136 000137 1 000138 000139 000140 000141 000142 000143 000144 000145 000146 000147 000148 000149 000150 000151 000152 000153 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data **************************** ISRS004I LISTING LINES MAY BE TRUNCATED DUE TO LIMITING OUTPUT LINE WID LISTING-TYPE = DELTA PROCESS OPTIONS USED: NONE COMPARE-COLUMNS = 1:230 LONGEST-LINE 0 NUMBER OF LINE MATCHES 0 REFORMATTED LINES 80 NEW FILE LINE INSERTIONS 35 OLD FILE LINE DELETIONS 80 NEW FILE LINES PROCESSED 35 OLD FILE LINES PROCESSED 80 35 45 0 TOTAL CHANGES (PAIRED+ PAIRED CHANGES (REFM+P NON-PAIRED INSERTS NON-PAIRED DELETES LINE COMPARE SUMMARY AND STATISTICS D - // D - // D - //SYSUT1 D - //SYSUT2 D - //SYSUT7 D - //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOADLIB DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(200,200)) DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(200,200)) DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(2048,(400,400)) DD DUMMY ELT.RESULT.COMPARE Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE



Interpreting SuperCE output

SuperCE output lines are classified with flagging character(s) that appear under the column labeled ID. "blank": Matched. These lines are matching lines/data between both data sets. The new data set line is listed without flagging. I : Insert. Added to the new data set, therefore it does not appear in old data set. D: Delete. Appears in the old data set but is absent (deleted) from the new data set. DR: Delete, Replace. A composed line of bytes denoting the byte(s) that were replaced by byte(s) listed directly above in the preceding insert (I) line. Byte compares listings only.

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RN: Reformat New. A reformatted line appears in the new data set. This line contains the same information as the old data set line with different spacing between the words. Line compares listings only. RO: Reformat Old. Flags the same line in the old data set that was reformatted in the new data set. This line can be eliminated from the output listing by specifying the DLREFM Process Option. MC: Match Compose. A WORD compare line composed of matching words. Spaces may be left between the words to display the matched words relative to any inserted and/or deleted words. IC: Insert Compose. A WORD compare line composed of words from the new data set that are not in the old data set. This line normally follows a Match Compose line. DC: Delete Compose. A WORD compare line composed of words from the old data set that are not in the new data set. This line normally follows a Match Compose or Insert Compose line. IM: Insert Matching. Only flagged if FMVLNS is specified as a process option. Flags the occurrence of a line in the new data set which also appears in the old data set, but has been "moved." The line may or may not have been reformatted. Reformatted moved lines are indicated by a flag at the right of the listing. DM: Delete Matching. Same as IM except flags old data set lines. Change-bar indicates that a line has been changed by the insertion or deletion of words. Change Bars only appear in LINE and WORD compare listings that are generated with the GWCBL Process Option.

Search-For Utility
This option is used to search for a particular string in a dataset or members of a PDS. For example, if you want to know the list of programs that call a particular sub-program, say a currency conversion routine, you can use this utility to search for the sub-program name in the library where all the main programs are stored. Give a look into the fields on this panel. Search String Enter the string that you want to search in this field. If you want to search for more than one string in the same dataset, check the Specify additional search strings with a slash (/). This will take you to another panel where you can specify additional strings. Enclose the string in single quotes if the string has embedded spaces. The Search utility is case-Insensitive The search string can optionally be followed by one of the following keywords: WORD: Lists full word occurrences of the string PREFIX: Lists only if the string is a prefix to a word. SUFFIX: Lists only if the string is a suffix to a word.

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Some valid examples for the search strings are given as follows: find me: Lists all occurrences of the string find me. mis prefix: Lists all words with the prefix mis in the dataset. X7b00: Lists the occurrences of the hex value 7b00. Change the profile to HEX ON for the listing dataset to make any sense.

Extended Search
Similar to Compare and Extended Compare, we can specify process options and process DSNs for frequently used search options. COMMAND This option (Option 6 from ISPF Main Menu) is similar to the Shell in UNIX or the MS-DOS prompts in the MS-Windows environment. You can enter a TSO command or execute a REXX routine without exiting ISPF. Note 1: As discussed in earlier sessions, File transfer from the MF to a PC or Vice-versa is done with a TSO command. To transfer files while in ISPF, you must be at the command prompt. Note 2: Other way to execute a TSO command from ISPF is to prefix a TSO with the command at any of the primary command field. Example 1: To search a small case string in all the members of a PDS STEP 1: Search small letter string with Search all option (*)
Menu Utilities Options Help ______________________________________________________________________________ Extended Search-For Utility Command ===>

Search DS Name

. . 'ELT.TEST.PDS' * (blank/pattern - member list, * - search all)

PDS Member List . .

(Leave Search DSN "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel)

Enter Search Strings and Optional operands (WORD/PREFIX/SUFFIX,C) Caps . . Caps . . Caps . . Asis . . sysout Asis . .

Listing DSN . . . . 'ELT.SEARCH.RESULT' Process Options . . Statements Dsn . . Page 66 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected

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Enter "/" to select option Bypass selection list

Execution Mode 1 1. Foreground 2. Batch

Output Mode 1 1. View 2. Browse

Result: Search small letter string with Search all option (*)
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ______________________________________________________________________________ VIEW ELT.SEARCH.RESULT Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> PAGE

Command ===>

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000001 1 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 000007 000008 000009 1 000010 000011 000012 000013 000014 000015 000016 000017 000018 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data **************************** THE FOLLOWING PROCESS STATEMENTS (USING COLUMNS 1:72) WERE PROCESSED: SRCHFOR 'sysout' LINES-FOUND 1 LINES-PROC 265 MEMBERS-W/LNS 1 MEMBERS-WO/LNS 13 COMPARE-COLS 1:80 L ISRSUPC MVS/PDF FILE/LINE/WORD/BYTE/SFOR COMPARE UTILITY- ISPF SRCH DSN: U139974.TEST.JCL 35 //SYSPRINT DD sysout=* COMPILE --------- STRING(S) FOUND ---------------ISRSUPC LINE-# MVS/PDF FILE/LINE/WORD/BYTE/SFOR COMPARE UTILITY- ISPF SRCH DSN: U139974.TEST.JCL



Example 2: To search a small case string in selected members of a PDS STEP 1: Search small letter string with blank option
Menu Utilities Options Help ______________________________________________________________________________ Extended Search-For Utility Command ===>

Search DS Name

. . 'ELT.TEST.PDS' (blank/pattern - member list, * - search all)

PDS Member List . .

(Leave Search DSN "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel)

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Enter Search Strings and Optional operands (WORD/PREFIX/SUFFIX,C) Caps . . Caps . . Caps . . Asis . . sysout Asis . .

Listing DSN . . . . 'ELT.SEARCH.RESULT' Process Options . . Statements Dsn . .

Enter "/" to select option Bypass selection list

Execution Mode 1 1. Foreground 2. Batch

Output Mode 1 1. View 2. Browse

STEP 2: Search small letter string with blank option (*)

Menu Functions Utilities Help ____________END_______________________________________________________________ SEARCH Command ===> ELT.TEST.PDS Row 00001 of 00014 Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter END command to process selections or CANCEL to leave the member list.



Size 35 13 35 17 19 26 60 14 7 7 7 7 9 9

Created 2007/12/21 2008/01/02 2007/12/24 2007/12/24 2007/12/28 2007/12/28 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/21 2007/12/27 2007/12/31 2007/12/24

Changed 2008/01/03 17:38:02 2008/01/03 11:13:41 2007/12/28 13:21:13 2007/12/28 16:52:15 2007/12/28 16:51:07 2007/12/28 16:13:35 2008/01/02 19:25:50 2007/12/21 16:10:53 2007/12/27 09:59:57 2007/12/27 10:32:41 2007/12/21 17:45:21 2007/12/27 17:21:13 2007/12/31 15:20:11 2007/12/24 13:31:50

ID U139974 U139974 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U139974 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334 U124334

Result: Search small letter string with blank option (*)

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______________________________________________________________________________ Extended Search-For Utility Command ===> No strings found

Search DS Name

. . 'ELT.TEST.PDS' (blank/pattern - member list, * - search all)

PDS Member List . .

(Leave Search DSN "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel)

Enter Search Strings and Optional operands (WORD/PREFIX/SUFFIX,C) Caps . . Caps . . Caps . . Asis . . sysout Asis . .

Listing DSN . . . . 'ELT.SEARCH.RESULT' Process Options . . Statements Dsn . .

Enter "/" to select option Bypass selection list

Execution Mode 1 1. Foreground 2. Batch

Output Mode 1 1. View 2. Browse

Example 3: To search a capital string in all the members of a PDS Step 1: Search capital string with Search all option (*)
Menu Utilities Options Help ______________________________________________________________________________ Extended Search-For Utility Command ===>

Search DS Name

. . 'ELT.TEST.PDS' * (blank/pattern - member list, * - search all)

PDS Member List . .

(Leave Search DSN "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel)

Enter Search Strings and Optional operands (WORD/PREFIX/SUFFIX,C) Caps . . Caps . . Caps . . Asis . . Asis . . Page 69 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected sysout

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Listing DSN . . . . 'ELT.SEARCH.RESULT' Process Options . . Statements Dsn . .

Enter "/" to select option Bypass selection list

Execution Mode 1 1. Foreground 2. Batch

Output Mode 1 1. View 2. Browse

Result: Search capital string with Search all option (* )

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help

______________________________________________________________________________ VIEW ELT.SEARCH.RESULT Columns 00001 00072 Scroll ===> CSR

Command ===>

****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000001 1 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 000007 000008 000009 000010 000011 000012 000013 000014 000015 000016 000017 000018 000019 000020 000021 000022 4 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* Page 70 Copyright 2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions, All Rights Reserved C3: Protected KSDS --------- STRING(S) FOUND ---------------4 5 6 //SYSUDUMP //SYSPRINT //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* DD SYSOUT=* DD SYSOUT=* IDCAMS1 --------- STRING(S) FOUND ---------------4 5 //SYSPRINT //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* DD SYSOUT=* IDCAMKSD --------- STRING(S) FOUND ---------------11 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* COMPILE --------- STRING(S) FOUND ---------------ISRSUPC LINE-# MVS/PDF FILE/LINE/WORD/BYTE/SFOR COMPARE UTILITY- ISPF SRCH DSN: ELT.TEST.PDS


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1. The FIND command has a lot of options, which are categorized.. The search can be limited to a range of columns specified by the column numbers and lines specified by labels 2. FIND Picture clause searches are used to find occurrences of strings that have some common characteristics or that match some pattern. The strings are enclosed in single quotes and preceded by p. 3. Super Compare Extended abbreviated to SuperCE is a versatile tool that helps us to compare PS datasets, complete PDS, members of PDS or concatenated datasets. The output listings can also be of varied requirements like Delta listings, Long listings and others as per the requirements. 4. Compare Types Datasets can be compared in the following four ways:File Comparison, Line Comparison, Word Comparison, Byte Comparison 5. Search-for utility is used to search for a particular string in a dataset or members of a PDS.Similar to Compare and Extended Compare, we can specify process options and process DSNs for frequently used search options.

Test your Understanding

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What does ZCSR stands for? Mention the valid Picture character used of finding Special characters. Where does '#' picture character perform Find or Change operation? What is difference between Batch and Foreground mode? List out various type of comparison available? What are the additional functions available under extended search?

Identify process done on File A for a particular field (Salary): 1. From the list of members in a PDS, identify the member name where File A is used. 2. In the member found, identify the FILE A inside the member, this will have its corresponding program member used. 3. In the Program member, search for the word salary.

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Session 07: SDSF and ISPF Settings

Learning Objectives
After completing the session, you will be able to: Explain SDSF(System Display Search Facility) Identify the options available under ISPF Settings

Job in Mainframe
MVS processes the set of tasks to be accomplished together as a job. A job is a series of JCL statements (we will look about JCLs in future sessions). Each Job is identified by a Job name. Each task in a job is performed in a Job or JCL step by using programs and other information like dataset, devices or other system resources the job needs. These JCL steps are executed in sequence. For example, consider a job to print a file based on Employee ID order, this job will be performed in two steps as follows: Step 1: Sort the File based on Employee Id Step 2: Print the File This job will have two steps JCL with a program accompanying each step. When you submit a job to MVS system for processing, the job is treated as whole. The job begins with the execution of the first program and continues until the last program has finished, or until an error condition occurs. We call job ending with an error condition as Abend. All these JOB execution processes are managed by JES subsystem of MVS.

SDSF (System Display Search facility)

This is a product from IBM to monitor, manage, and control your MVS/JES2 system. The following actions can be performed with the SDSF utility. Control job processing (hold, release, cancel, and purge jobs) Monitor jobs while they are running Browse jobs without printing Control job classes Control printers, punches, readers and initiators Control network lines and nodes Control spool offload devices Display and control WLM scheduling environments and resources Issue JES2 and MVS commands that affect jobs SDSF gives immediate, up-to-date, sysplex-wide information about jobs waiting to be processed or in execution, such as: o o o The status, class, priority, date and time of a specific job All jobs on a specific queue, such as the input or held output queue Detail for a job no matter where it is in the sysplex
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o o

Reasons a job might be delayed Output from a job as it is created

Note: Execution of any command will show the output for the authorization level that you have on the output queue as defined in the RACF.
Display Filter View Print Options Help

------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQX7708 ----------------COMMAND INPUT ===> DA I O H ST SE END Active users Input queue Output queue Held output queue Status of jobs Scheduling environments Exit SDSF SDSF PRIMARY OPTION MENU -------------------------SCROLL ===> PAGE

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5694-A01 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 2003. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Input Queue
Use the primary command to view the Input Queue., with no parameters, display input jobs in all the classes. Some valid syntax for the command is given as follows: IAC H Displays jobs in classes A and C that are held. IA NH Displays jobs in class A that are not held. I$ Displays the input queue for all TSO users.

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Status Queue
Lets now discuss how to look into the job output and interpret the spool information. Type ST in the SDSF panel to view the status of jobs, started tasks and logged on users on the JES2 queues. Any job that is not purged can be viewed here and active jobs are highlighted.
Display Filter View Print Options Help

------------------------------------------------------------------------------SDSF STATUS DISPLAY ALL CLASSES COMMAND INPUT ===> NP JOBNAME JobID Owner Prty Queue 15 EXECUTION 9 EXECUTION 9 EXECUTION 9 EXECUTION 15 EXECUTION C A A A A CTS2 Pos SAff LINE 1-25 (2509) SCROLL ===> PAGE ASys Status CTS2 CTS2 CTS2 CTS2 CTS2

U125046$ JOB09460 U125046 IMS81M41 JOB08501 IBMUSER IMS81F41 JOB08502 IBMUSER U1250461 JOB09446 U125046 A118723 TSU08372 A118723

Give a look into the fields on this panel: JOBNAME: JES2 Job name. This is defined in the job card of the execution JCL. TYPE: Type of address space: job, started task, or TSO user JNUM: JES2 Job number JOBID:JES2 Job ID, or work ID OWNER: User ID of job creator PRTY: JES2 Job queue priority QUEUE: JES2 Queue name for the job C JES2: Input class POS: Position in the JES2 queue SAFF: System affinity from JES2 (if any) ASYS: JES2 Active system ID (if the job is active) STATUS: One or more of the following: DUP: (temporary hold because the job name duplicates a job already in the System) HOLD: (held) PROT:(protected) ARMELEM: (job is defined to ARM), or ARMREST (job is awaiting ARM restart).

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SDSF - Primary Commands

The following are the most widely used commands on the Status panel: FIND: Job name search for a job name. SELECT: Job name and jobid temporarily limit jobs by job name and jobid. SET DISPLAY: Show settings for PREFIX, DEST, SORT, and so on. SORT: Column A Sort based on a column, in ascending order. OWNER: Limit jobs displayed by owning user ID. You must be authorized to usethis command. Useful when you want to display only your job outputs. PREFIX: Limit jobs displayed by job name or netmail ID. Example: o PREFIX IEB: Displays only jobs with the name IEB o PREFIX IEB*: Displays all jobs that begin with IEB

Line Commands: The following are the most widely used line commands on the Status panel: H: Hold a running Job A: Release a Job on Hold C: Cancel a Job P: Cancel a job and purge the output ?: Display the output of a job dataset-wise. S: Display the entire job output O: Move the job to the Output Queue Step 1: Filer by Owner
Display Filter View Print Options Help


IMS81M41 JOB08501 IBMUSER IMS81F41 JOB08502 IBMUSER A109861 A139309 U167269 U167586 U131184 A114353 U167483 U151840 U167434 U152034 TSU09969 A109861 TSU00025 A139309 TSU00141 U167269 TSU00143 U167586 TSU00151 U131184 TSU00156 A114353 TSU00159 U167483 TSU00168 U151840 TSU00192 U167434 TSU00193 U152034

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U167334 U138316 U139974 U151111 U162936 U167316 U115949 A133389 U152157

TSU00198 U167334 TSU00247 U138316 TSU00269 U139974 TSU00303 U151111 TSU00310 U162936 TSU00315 U167316 TSU00319 U115949 TSU00320 A133389 TSU00321 U152157




Result: Filer by Owner Display Filter View Print Options Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SDSF STATUS DISPLAY ALL CLASSES LINE 1-5 (5) COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE
NP JOBNAME JobID Owner Prty Queue C Pos SAff ASys Status

U139974 U139974 U139974 U139974 U139974

TSU00269 TSU04139 TSU07956 TSU09025

U139974 U139974 U139974 U139974

15 1 1 1


CTS2 298 1472 1943 2096


TSU09434 U139974


ISPF Setting - Introduction

By selecting option 0 from the Primary Options menu (or by specifying SETTINGS on any command line), the panel shown in following figure will be displayed. This panel is used to customize the ISPF environment as per the requirement of the individual user (a '/' preceding an item indicates that the function is active or turned on). Log/List Function keys Colors Environ Workstation Identifier Help ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________
ISPF Settings Top of data

Command ===> ________________________________________________________________________ ______ More: +

Options Print Graphics

Enter "/" to select option Command line at bottom / Panel display CUA mode / Long message in pop-up / Tab to action bar choices

Family printer type 2 Device name . . . . Aspect ratio . . . 0

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Tab to point-and-shoot fields


/ / /

Restore TEST/TRACE options Session Manager mode Jump from leader dots Edit PRINTDS Command Always show split line Enable EURO sign

Input field pad . . B Command delimiter . ;

Member list options

Enter "/" to select option /




Allow empty member list Allow empty member list (nomatch) Empty member list for edit only 2 3 1. Data 1. 3277 5. 3290A 2. Std 3. Max 2. 3277A 6. 3278T 10. 3278AR 14. 3278IS 18. 3278TH 22. DEU78T 26. SW500 4. Part 3. 3278 7. 3278CF 11. 3278CY 15. 3278L2 19. 3278CU 23. DEU90A 27. 3278GR 4. 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28.

Terminal Characteristics

Screen format Terminal Type 3278A 3277KN

9. 3278KN 3278HN 13. 3278HO BE163 17. BE190 DEU78 21. DEU78A SW116 25. SW131 3278L1

F1=Help F9=Swap F10=Actions

F2=Split F12=Cancel




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ISPF Setting Panel

From this panel you can select a pull-down choice from the Action bar that appears at the top of the ISPF Settings panel. The action bar choices are: Log/List: Define the ISPF Log and List data set defaults and characteristics. This also provides the JCL to print the data in the List data set. The LOG data set contains a Log of all commands that were issued during an ISPF session. The data set is created when ISPF is invoked At the end of the ISPF Session, the following choices are available : o Print the data set and then delete it. o Delete the Log data set without printing it and allocate a new one for the next session o Preserve the Log Data set and for the next session, append information to it o Preserve the Log Data set and for the next session, allocate a new Log data set, The List data se t contains the output of all the PRINTs issued during the ISPF session. At the end of the session, the printing is done. The same Process Options hold true for this data set as for the Log data set. Function Keys: Define the PF key settings. Colors: Change the default colors, define the CUA attributes, and define point-andshoot Characteristics. Environ: Settings used to debug an ISPF abend. GUI: Graphical User Interface settings. Workstation: This pull down offers GUI facility with ISPF 4.1 onwards. Refer ISPF Users Guide in IBM Manuals for more information Identifier: This pulls down offers three panels in turn, which is used to set Message identifier, Panel Identifier and Screen Name settings. Help: Help is available for all the above options and the options on the Settings panel.

ISPF Setting Options

The following settings are on the first ISPF Settings panel, where you should probably start when you first logon to ISPF (Select option 0 from the Primary Option menu): Command line at bottom: In ISPF 4, the default is to place the command at the bottom of the panel (to conform to CUA standards). If your current application profile table specifies ASIS, the ISPF 4 default will not override your profile and the command line will remain at the top of the panel. To change the location of the command line, enter (or remove) a '/' from the 'Command line at the bottom' line in the Settings panel. Panel display CUA mode - If active, messages are displayed in a different sequence when the command line is at the bottom. If this option is selected, the long message line is followed by the command line which is followed by the PF keys. When not selected, the lines are in reverse sequence.

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Long message in pop-up: If active, this option allows ISPF long messages to appear in a popup window instead of the long message line described in the previous item. Tab to action bar choices - This Settings option indicates where the cursor is first placed in a panel. If this option is activated, the HOME key places the cursor under the first action bar choice and you can use the TAB keys to move between the action bar items and other input fields on the panel. To move to the command line, you'll need to use a new command, CRETRIEV, or the tab to new line key. If you have a PF key set up for RETRIEVE already, simply change it to CRETRIEV. See section # 16 below. You can also set up a PF key for the command called ACTION. ACTION toggles the cursor back and forth between the action bar and the command line. If you don't activate this option, you can only move between the action bar choices using the arrow keys and you must use the ACTION command (or a PF key set to ACTION) to move to the action bar. Tab to point-and-shoot fields: When selected, this allows the Tab key to move to the point and shoot fields (described in the next section, #5). Restore TEST/TRACE options - When active, the TEST or TRACE values are restored to the ISPF call values when you exit dialog test. Session Manager Mode - When selected, this option tells ISPF whether to use the TSO Session Manager when in Option 6. Using Session Manager Mode allows a user to scroll up and down lists (e.g., output from long commands). In order to use Session Manager in Option 6, the TSO session must be established using Session Manager. Specifying Session Manager to ISPF for a non-SM TSO session does nothing. Note: Some installations have two procs, one to invoke Session Manager and one, which does not. If you do this, include the logon proc names in sec 7 earlier. Jump from leader dots: You're probably familiar with the ability to enter '=x' from the Primary Options Menu or from command lines that have '===>'. This 'Jump from leader dots' is an option that allows you to enter '=x' from any field prompt that has leader dots '. . . . '. Most people will want to leave this option selected. Edit PRINTDS command - If this is selected with a '/', you will intercept any local print request where you have the option to modify the statements before the command is processed. This isn't necessary for most users.

1. SDSF is a product from IBM to monitor, manage, and control your MVS/JES2 system. 2. Primary command is used to view the Input Queue. I, with no parameters, display input jobs in all the classes 3. Type ST in the SDSF panel to view the status of jobs, started tasks and logged on users on the JES2 queues. Any job that is not purged can be viewed here and active jobs are highlighted. 4. ISPF settings panel is used to customize the ISPF environment as per the requirement of the individual user (a '/' preceding an item indicates that the function is active or turned on).

Test your Understanding

1. 2. 3. 4. What is the Control job processing, that can be performed on a job? Mention the command that displays only Class A jobs in input queue? What does Owner and status field in the status queue panel display? Mention the option for selecting ISPF settings panel
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1. Identify List of job executing under your <USERID> 2. Identify the settings to enable pointer to move under point and Shoot Field on TAB

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Session 08: ISPF Tips

Learning Objectives
After completing the session, you will be able to: Identify additional options or commands available, to perform the task easily

TIPS: 1 Consider that you are editing a file/program and you want to know the changes you have done since the last SAVE command. How to find that? Answer: Give COMPARE SESSION on the command line Further use of COMPARE commands. Can be used like 3.13 option TIPS: 2 Usually the PDS or PS bears the ID of the creator or the ID of the person who modified it recently. But it is possible to change these ID values without leaving trace of ones own ID? Answer: Yes, it is possible. In the command line area against the member name or PS name, giving G will pop up dialog box allowing you to change the ID values.\ TIPS: 3 Suppose you are in a ISPF Screen and want to know in which TSO Region (Development, Production, or other TSO regions) you are now. Answer: Issue on the command line: SAREA. ISPF STATISTICS Pop-up window will show you the region ( and other info too) TIPS: 4 Any command entered in the COMMAND LINE disappears after the successful execution of its intended function. If you want to repeat the same command, you got to re-type it or use some PF key to retrieve the last command entered. Any other easy method?. Answer: Here is a cool method the make the command entered not to disappear and stay on the screen. Precede commands with '&'

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Example: COMMAND ===> &C '110-PARA' '220-PARA' SCROLL ===> CSR ****** ************************ TOP OF DATA ************** 000001 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 000002 PROGRAM-ID. COBOLSAMY. 000003 DATE-WRITTEN. APRIL 2004. After the execution of the command, the following command stays on the screen. This way you can enter the same command or modifying the command a little and using it multiple times. TIPS: 5 While trying to open any member in a PDS, we sometimes come across "member in use" message. In that situation, if you want to know who is using the member currently, Answer: Press F1 twice.

TIPS: 6 You usual search for members in a PDS by the first string of the members. Consider this situation: You have a PDS and you want to search it for member only by middle string of the members. For example: There are some members like BESTJCL1, RESTJCL2, PESTCBL1, BESTCBL2, WESTCBL3, TESTASM1, BESTASM2 and so on. You want to find members which have CBL in them. How can you search and find these members? Answer: Use ISPF 4.12 option. Specify the dataset to be searched and the pattern of the string. Specify the LANG type as COB and select the browse option.

TIPS: 7 How can you find the last 10 datasets that you have accessed? Answer: 1. GO TO ISPF 3.4 option. 2. On the top, there is a MENUBAR. Select REFLIST 3. Select Option 1 in it. Using this option you can find out the last 30 datasets that you have accessed....

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TIPS: 8 Alternate to SuperCE Option (3.13) is to use the macro COMPARE. Use this when you there is less difference between the two files. 1. Open a DSN in EDIT or VIEW Mode 2. On the Command line , issue COMP 'YOUR.SECOND.COMPARISON.DSN' 3. If you want only the changes to be listed, issue COMP 'YOUR.SECOND.COMPARISON.DSN' EXC TIPS: 9 While Browsing Internet, you have some cool option called address autocompleteyou enter some letters in the address bar and the browser auto completes it with the closest guess. Does MAINFRAME have the same feature?? Answer: Yes! It has Autocomplete feature!!! How to use it? 1. Go to ISPF 3.4 , 2. Enter KEYS in the command line, KEYS window will popup 3. Set any key to AUTOTYPE, save and exit 4. Now type any Dataset partially and press the assigned PFkey!! Note: It will not retrieve GDGs and VSAM files.

TIPS: 10 You want to find a member but you dont know the PDS to which it belongs. You only know the high level qualifier of the PDS. Answer: For example, lets consider high level Qualifier as MYID.MYAPPLN.* and member as MYMEM 1. Go to 3.4 and list all PDS with MYID.MYAPPLN.* 2. Now issue, MEMBER MYMEM on the command line

TIPS: 11 You want to know the last 25 COMMAND LINE commands that you have issued from ISPF panel. Answer: To get that, I have to issue, RETP on the Command line.

TIPS: 12 You want to edit a member, which has CBL as middle string in the PDS MY.PDS.MEMBERS. One shortcut way is to in the ISPF 3.4 listing of the PDS, issue S *CBL* E in the command line. If you do not use E at the end, it will open in browse mode.

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TIPS: 13 Here is another tip on ISPF 3.4 Option Usually to find the last edited member, we issue SORT CHA or SORT CHANGED on the command line. One can save few keystrokes by placing the cursor on any of the column header in the ISPF 3.4, and press ENTER. In our case, if we place the cursor on the CHANGED header, we will get the members sorted on that column. TIPS: 14 Here is a tip by which you can avoid ISPF 3.4 Option! To Open a PS or PDS member, we usually use ISPF 3.4 to open in EDIT or BROWSE MODE. Here is one way where one can open PS or PDS member in EDIT/VIEW/BROWSE mode from any command line. Thus, we can avoid using 3.4 option. Issue: EPDF MYID.MYPS. The Dataset will be opened in EDIT MODE If you want to open in VIEW mode: Issue: EPDF MYID.MYPS VIEW Similarly, for opening in BROWSE mode, type BROWSE at the end.

TIPS: 15 Here is a situation. You have received a maintenance change request on one of the program. While you are making changes to the program, one of your friend pops in and you leave with him for a cup of coffee without SAVING the changes you made. After few minutes, when you are back, you are not sure what changes you made previously on the program? How can you find the changes you have made (without getting out of this screen)? Answer: Well, here is one simple command line command to achieve this. Issue: COMP * X

TIPS: 16 When you issue CUT, you know that the CUT contents are placed in a clipboard. And when you issue PASTE, the clipboard content is pasted. But is it possible for you to view/edit the clipboard? Answer: One can view the clipboard after any valid CUT command was issued. To view the clipboard, Issue: CUT DISPLAY. Clipboard manager will pop up and gives us options to edit or browse the content.

TIPS: 17 Here is another tip on ISPF CUT. You have a dataset with 10,000 lines. You want to cut the first 10 lines and last 10 lines and paste into another dataset. When you cut the first 10 lines and then again the last 10 lines, only the last 10 lines are pasted into the new dataset. Is there any way out (other than doing a 2 cut and paste)? Answer: The answer for the preceding question is to: 1. First cut 10 lines, then issue CUT APPEND 2. Then cut last 10 lines, then issue CUT APPEND 3. When you PASTE it, you got both.

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TIPS: 18 You want to search a string like 'abc' (including quote). In your program there may be more abc strings. But you do not want to retrieve all of them. You need the abc enclosed with quotes. How to search is in 3.14 option? Answer: In the ISPF 3.14, search with abc string.(i.e. with 3 quotes at both sides of the string) TIPS: 19 You have to compare one input file field with one output file field. The input file field in is column 1 to 10 and the output file field is in column 40 to 50. How to do it? 1. Use the standard 3.13 ISPF option. In the same screen itself, in the command line issue, E 2. Then type, CMPCOLN 40:50, CMPCOLO 1:10 3. Press PF3 and exit 4. In the New dataset, type in the output dataset 5. In the Old dataset, type in the input dataset TIPS: 20 Is an easy way to search member in Multiple PDS? Go to 3.4 (where all the datasets will be displayed). In the Command line gives Command line==>M memname. This command will not work for the migrated PDS. So ensure all the PDS are in Disk. Now the message "MEMBER(S): memname found" will apppear in the right side of the panel. TIPS: 21 You have data which is of length 160. For some reasons, you want to wrap the data in each record to 80 characters and have the next 80 characters in the next line. So basically what you are looking for is Is there command similar to Wordwrap (as in Notepad or MS WORD) in mainframe? Answer: Yes, with ISPF, one can wrap the data as required. To do that, 1. Open the dataset in ISPF EDIT mode. 2. In the first line, issue the line command: TF80 (as in this case I want to wrap to 80 chars per line) 3. All the subsequent lines will wrap to 80 chars per line.

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TIPS: 22 From the ISPF 3.4 option listing, you can directly Edit/Browse/view the member without listing all the members and then select the particular member. Answer: In the Line command issue, E / (member) use for Browse (B) and view (V) Command - Enter "/" to select action Message Volume ------------------------------------------------------------------------------E /(MEMBER1)MYID.WORK.SRC NV1E56

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TSO: Time Sharing Option ISPF: Interactive System Productivity Facility PDF: Program Development Facility PDS: Partitioned Dataset PS: Physical Sequential Dataset SDSF: System Display Search Facility

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Tutorials and Manuals: o http://www.ou.edu/class/mis3013/tsoframe.htm o http://www.theamericanprogrammer.com/programming/manuals.tso.shtml TSO/ISPF Forum : o http://ibmmainframes.com/forum-11.html

Alexis leon, "IBM Mainframe Handbook". Leon Vikas publisher

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