Intrapersonal Conflict

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Intrapersonal Conflict

Presented by
Prof. Md. Abdul Hannan MIA

Oct 14, 2008 1

Intrapersonal Conflict

Intrapersonal Conflict occurs

when there is incompatibility
or inconsistency among an
individual’s cognitive elements.
It implies that a new cognitive
element is at variance with a
prior explanation or
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 2
University of Dhaka
Intrapersonal Conflict

•If Both alternatives are


Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 3
University of Dhaka
Causes of Intrapersonal Conflict
• Difficulty in making a decision because
of uncertainty
• Individuals are pushed or pulled in
opposite direction i. e. attractive or
unattractive alternative
• Simultaneous forces of about equal
• A person is motivated to engage in two
or more mutually exclusive situation.
• When a person is required to perform a
task that does not match her / his
expertise, interests goals and values.

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 4
University of Dhaka
Types of Intrapersonal Conflict

• Approach-Approach Conflict
• Approach-Avoidance Conflict
• Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 5
University of Dhaka
Approach-Approach Conflict

When a person has to

choose between two
attractive alternative. Boss
has to recommend X’s and
Y’s name for promotion who
are equally competent for a

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 6
University of Dhaka
Approach-Avoidance Conflict
When a person has to deal with
a situation that possesses both
positive as well as negative
• Similar degree of feelings of
both attraction and repulsion
towards a goal.
• X wants to join a multinational
where the prospect of his
tenure is uncertain.
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 7
University of Dhaka
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

When each of the

competing alternatives
possesses a negative
consequences i.e., they
are equally repulsive
• Significant mismatch
between demand &
Oct 14, 2008
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Professor, Dept. of MIS
University of Dhaka
When Avoidance-Avoidance
Conflict Occurs
• Significant mismatch between
demand & expectation
• Perceived incompatibilities or
incongruencies when one need
to perform something that does
not match with his/ her
expertise, goal, interest or

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 9
University of Dhaka
A set of expected
behavior patterns
attributed to someone
occupying a given
position in a social
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 10
University of Dhaka
• A normative status that includes
the behavior, attitude, and values
attributed by society to a person
occupying a position
• Individuals’ conceptualization of
his or her situation with reference
to his or her and others’ position
in the society
• Behavior of a person occupying a
social position.
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 11
University of Dhaka
Role Conflict

A Situation in which an
individual is confronted
by divergent role

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 12
University of Dhaka
When Role Conflict Occurs

• An individual is
required to perform two
or more incompatible

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 13
University of Dhaka
Types of Role Conflict
• Intrasender conflict
• Intersender Conflict
• Interrole Conflict
• Intarole (Person-Role) Conflict
• Role overload and underload

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 14
University of Dhaka
Intrasender conflict
Intrasender conflict occurs
when a role sender
requires a role receiver to
perform contradictory or
inconsistent role.

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 15
University of Dhaka
Intersender conflict
Intersender conflict is
experienced by a role
receiver if the role behavior
demanded by one role
sender is incongruent with
the role behavior
demanded by another role
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 16
University of Dhaka
Interrole conflict
Interrole conflict
occurs when an
individual occupies
two or more roles
whose expectations
are inconsistent.
Position as chairman
& as a father.
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 17
University of Dhaka
Intrarole (Person-Role) Conflict

Intarole (Person-Role)
Conflict occurs when the role
requirements are incongruent
with the focal persons’
attitude, values, behavior and
professional behavior.

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 18
University of Dhaka
Role overload and underload
Role overload involves a kind
of Intarole (Person-Role)
Conflict and is perhaps best
regarded as a complex,
emergent type combining
aspects of intersender and
person-role conflict.

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 19
University of Dhaka
Role overload and underload
• Quantitative overload
• Qualitative overload

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 20
University of Dhaka
Role overload and underload

• Role Underload occurs

when the person has no
or less role to deliver
than that what he/she is
expected to perform
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 21
University of Dhaka
Role Ambiguity

Lack of clarity in
understanding what
expectation and or
prescriptions exists for
a given role
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 22
University of Dhaka
Role Ambiguity
• Information does not exists
• Lack proper communication of
• National culture

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 23
University of Dhaka
Model for Role conflict & Ambiguity

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 24
University of Dhaka
Consequences of Role conflict

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 25
University of Dhaka
Consequences of Role conflict

• Personal outcome
• Organizational outcome

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 26
University of Dhaka
Personal outcome
• Low Job Satisfaction
• High degree of Job related
• Low confidence in
• Withdrawal
• Avoidance
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 27
University of Dhaka
Organizational outcome
• Low Job Satisfaction
• High degree of Job related
• Low confidence in
• Withdrawal
• Avoidance
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 28
University of Dhaka
Managing Intrapersonal Conflict

• Diagnosis
• Intervention

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 29
University of Dhaka
• Self report
• Observation
• Interviews

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 30
University of Dhaka
A comprehensive
diagnosis involves
• Measurement
• Analysis
• Norms
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 31
University of Dhaka
• Amount of interpersonal conflict
• Source of such conflict
• Learning and effectiveness of
individual employees

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 32
University of Dhaka
• The Amount and its level
• Relationship between
intrapersonal conflict and its
• Relationship of intra personal
conflict to learning
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia
Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 33
University of Dhaka
Sources of Intrapersonal
• Misassignment and goal
• Inappropriate demand
• Organizational structure
• Supervisory role position and

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 34
University of Dhaka
• Role Analysis (Process)
• Job design (Structural)

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 35
University of Dhaka
Role Analysis
This intervening method
includes intervening at
individual, group and
intergroup levels.

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 36
University of Dhaka
Steps in Role Analysis
• Purpose of Role
• Role perception
• Expectations of role occupant
• Expectations from role occupant
• Role profile (writing down the points of
discussions)-Prescribed roles,
obligations and expectations

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

Oct 14, 2008 Professor, Dept. of MIS 37
University of Dhaka

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