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Filamer Christian College

College of Nursing
Roxas City


Name of Patient: L. M. Age/Sex: 78 years old , male Attending Physician: Dr. B______________
Area/Bed No.: _____________________________ Impression: _______________ Date: April 22, 2008_______________

Name of Drug Method of Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Special Nursing Rationale

Administtration Action Consideration Responsibilities
Generic Name: Route: -Inhibits cell-wall -Pseudomembranous -Modify dosage in -Assess for previous -There’s possibility
synthesis, promoting colitis, hypersensi- patients with history of reactions of cross-sensitivity
Cefuroxime IV osmotic instability; tivity, reactions, serum severe renal to other with other beta-
usually bactericidal. sickness, anaphylaxis. impairment. cephalosporin or lactam antibiotics.
Prolonged use penicillin.
Brand Name: Timing: may result in
super infection. A
Zinacef low incidence of
Side Effects: hypersensitivity to
Classification: Dosage: Indications: -Diarrhea, mausea, penicillin’s exist.
-Injectable form is vomiting, rash, pain,
Second Generation used for treatment of temperature elevation, Contraindications:
Cephalosporin serious infections of tissue sloughing at IM -Hypersensitivity
the lower respiratory injection site. to cefuroxime,
Availability: Frequency: tracts. any component.
Or other
Injection cephalosporin.
Filamer Christian College
College of Nursing
Roxas City


Name of Patient: L. M. Age/Sex: 78 years old , male Attending Physician: Dr. B______________
Area/Bed No.: _____________________________ Impression: _______________ Date: April 22, 2008_______________

Name of Drug Method of Mechanism of Action Adverse Reaction Special Nursing Rationale
Administtratio Consideration Responsibilities
Generic Name: Route: -A macrolide anti-biotic that -anaphylaxis, -Moderate-to-severe -Monitor patient for -Drug may cause
is a derivative of nephritis pneumonia in super infection. overgrowth of none
Azithromycin PO erythromycin. Binds to the patients for whom susceptible bacteria
50s subunit of bacterial outpatient oral or fungi.
ribosomes blocking protein therapy is
Brand Name: Timing: synthesis. inappropriate. -Instruct patient to -To avoid reaction of
take medication as the drug and to
Zithromax 12 Indications: Side Effects: Contraindications: prescribed even if he ensure its effectivity.
-Acute bacterial exacerbation -nausea and -Contraindicated in feels better.
of COPD caused by vomiting, patients
Classification: Dosage: Haemophilus influenzae, headache, hypersensitive to -Instruct patient that -To avoid further
Moroxella catarrhalis, or dizziness, fatigue, erythromycin or if hypersensitivity complication
Anti-infective 500mg Streptococcus pneumoniae; diarrhea, other macrolides. occurs during the
uncomplicated skin and skin- dyspepsia, medication
Availability: Frequency: structure infection caused by abdominal pain, immediately notify
Staphylococcus aureus, anorexia the physician.
Capsule OD Streptococcus pyogenes, or
S. agalactiae; second line
therapy of pharyngitis or
tonsillitis caused by S.
Filamer Christian College
College of Nursing
Roxas City


Name of Patient: L. M. Age/Sex: 78 years old , male Attending Physician: Dr. B______________
Area/Bed No.: _____________________________ Impression: _______________ Date: April 22, 2008_______________

Name of Drug Method of Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Special Nursing Rationale

Administtration Action Consideration Responsibilities
Generic Name: Route: -Inhibits bacterial -Leukopenia, serum -Use with caution in -Instruct patient to -To avoid averse
cell wall synthesis, sickness, patients with history take medication as reaction of the drug
Ceftriaxone IV rendering cell wall anaphylaxis. of gastrointestinal prescribed for the and to ensure its
osmotically unstable, disease. length of time effectivity.
Brand Name: Timing: leading to cell death Nephrotoxicity has ordered even if he
been reported feels better.
Rocephin 8-6 Indications: Side Effects: following
-Treatment of LRIT -Phlebitis, rash, concomitant -Teach patient to -To indicate blood
(e.g. bronchitis, diarrhea, vomiting. administration with report sore throat, dyscrasia.
Classification: Dosage: pneumonia, aminoglycosides. bruising, bleeding
bronchopneumonia, and joint pain.
Antimicrobial and 1gram emphysema, lung Contraindications:
Antiparasitic abscess), skin and -Hypersensitivity to -Advise patient to -This may indicate
soft tissue infections. cephalosporins and watch out for super infection.
Availability: Frequency: Pre-operative penicillins, lidocaine perineal itching,
prophylaxis to or any other local fever, malaise,
Injection and BID reduce chance of anaesthetic product redness, pain,
Infusion post-operative of the amide type. swelling, rash
surgical infections. diarrhea.
Filamer Christian College
College of Nursing
Roxas City


Name of Patient: L. M. Age/Sex: 78 years old , male Attending Physician: Dr. B______________
Area/Bed No.: _____________________________ Impression: _______________ Date: April 22, 2008_______________

Name of Drug Method of Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Special Nursing Rationale

Administtration Action Consideration Responsibilities
Generic Name: Route: -Decrease inflammation -Tachycardia, tremor, -Use cautiously on -Give IM injection -To prevent muscle
mainly by stabilizing petechiae patient with deep into gluteal atrophy.
leukocyte lysosomal
Hydrocortisone IV membranes. Also
tuberculosis. muscle rotate
suppresses the immune -For better results injection site.
response, stimulates bone and less toxicity, give
Brand Name: Timing: marrow, and influences Side Effects: a once daily dose in -Warn patient of -It is a common side
protein fat and -Headache, the morning. drowsiness. effect of at start of
carbohydrate metabolism
Cortizan 12-6-12-6 weakness, nausea, -Always adjust to therapy.
Indications: drowsiness. lowest effective
-treatment of primary or dose, as ordered.
Classification: Dosage: secondary adrenal cortex -Elderly patient may
in sufficiency, rheumatic be more susceptible
disorders, collagen
Glucocorticoid 100mg diseases, dermatologic
to osteoporosis with
disease, allergic states, prolonged use.
Availability: Frequency: allergic and inflammatory
ophthalmic processes Contraindications:
Tablet Q6H respiratory disease, -Contraindicated in
hematologic disorders,
Injection patient with
neoplastic disease,
Enema edematous states, hypersensitivity to
multiple sclerosis, drug or its
tuberculous meningitis, ingredients.
myocardial involvement.

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