God's Hand Upon Naga

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Gods Hand upon Nagas and Nagaland

Rainbow appeared on Naga Independence Day, 14th August 1998.

By : Thomas W. Shapwon

Gods Hand upon Nagas and Nagaland

By : Thomas W. Shapwon

Copyright c by Thomas W.Shapwon


All rights reserved.

For a man there is no greater discovery than the discovery of God's love for him. Thus for the Nagas there will be no greater discovery than the discovery that God has chosen the Naga people by Himself for His glory. My intention to publish this book is to let our people discover that God has chosen the Naga nation for His glory, and He is leading and protecting our nation from the beginning to this day. And some important events of how God is leading our nation and fulfilling His prophetic words are written so that our people may easily understand and believe that God is truly leading our nation. This book is mostly compiling of God's revelations through various people from Nagaland and outside world as well. This book was firstly published in March 2000 and in this second edition, more revelations of God and the first part Are the Nagas Israel? are added.

First Published in March 2000, 2000 Copies Second Edition May 2007, 3000 Copies

Added Indo-Naga Cease-Fire Monolith and Reprinted in February 2009, 1000 Copies.

Rs. : 100/-

Thomas W. Shapwon

C O N T E N T S.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Are the Nagas Israel? 1 The living God separated and protected the Nagas. 12 God gave wisdom to the Nagas. 14 The Preamble of Nagaland. 21 The Naga National Flag. 22 The Naga National Anthem. 31 God is protecting the NNC/FGN. 32 The word of God for the Federal authorities (1) 49 The word of God for the Federal authorities (2) 54 A guide and protector of the Naga Army. 56 Misfortune of the Indian leaders. 61 Peter Johnsons's letter to the President of India. 64 The word of God for the Indian leaders (1) 75 The word of God for the Indian leaders (2) 79 The word of God for the Indian leaders (3). 83 A message to India. 85 The word of God for the puppet Nagaland state Government. 98 U.N. Seti. 100 Restoration of peace in Nagaland is the will of God. 103 A chosen woman leader 107 God called the Nagas for reconciliation. 110 Covenant between God and the Nagas. 111 The word of God for the Naga people (1) 112 The word of God for the Naga people (2) 115 The word of God for the Naga people (3) 118 The Naga script. 120

27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Nagaland for Christ God's gift. The word of God through Sister Gwen Shaw (American) The word of God through Sister Susan (American) God's revelation to all the Nagas and the world over. God's revelation through Brenda Kelly. God's revelation to the Nagas through sister Serene Tan The word of God for the Nagas through Bro Alfred From Kanataka. God's revelations through Mrs. Vevosol Thlo God's revelation through Eno Zekho H. Vakha Message of Holy Spirit concerning India. God's revelation for Naga Christians through Lasaukath God's warning to Tangkhuls Prophetic message through Sumi Peace Prayer group God's revelation for the Naga national workers. The response of prayer God's revelation through I.Imsu Jamir Photo of Jesus of Monolith

125 128 129 130 132 133 135 136 144 145 146 149 151 153 154 157 159


The migration of Nagas from where is not exactly known by anyone of the Naga communities and therefore told the story differently from one another. For instance, the Angami, Chakhesang, Sema, Rengma, Lotha, Shepoumaramth said they have dispersed from their original home Mekhrora (Makhel), which is in Shapoumaramth Region. Khiamniungan people said they came out from the water source and therefore, they themselves called as Khiamniungan (meaning; Khiamniu-big river, Ngansource of water). Also Ao people said to have crawled out from a hole of rock etc. Such different myths and legends are written here so that researchers and mythologists may trace out the route of Nagas migration. The Zeliangrong people said they have migrated from Sinluang (Sinlung) China. During 246-210 B.C. the Chinese King Shih Hwang-ti of Chin dynasty enslaved many people to build the Great Wall. To escape from the slave of Tyranny King they secretly dug tunnels and escaped. Men were come out of the stone cave door (in Zeliangrong: Mahou-taobei) as if they were coming out from a hole of rock and cave. (Which might become a legend and tradition of Aos and other Nagas said they came out from a hole of earth or rock). The Hmar also said to have migrated from Sinlung. According to Zeliangrong tradition the people who escaped from the slavery of King Shih Hwang-ti dispersed to various countries such as Japan, Korea, Philippines, Borneo, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Tibet etc. The Zeliangrong ancient myth told that they took along time to Makhel. They came across hostile peoples and crossed

many rivers and mountains. Then they arrived at a place some where near a sea in the east. And then they turned Northward along the route of Irrawaddy river and Chindwin river and finally reached Makhel. Thus the Makhel became the original home of Nagas (Angami, Chakhesang, Sema, Rengma, Lotha, Zelianrong, Shepomaramth, Tangkhul etc.). From there the Nagas dispersed to various Naga hills. (Ref : To The Trail from Makuilongdi and Genesis of Zeliangrong). Also, the Zeliangrong oral tradition said, at Makhel their ancestral father was Rabuang who has four sons (1) Rousing (2) Memou (3) Alapha and (4) Chatong. Memou became ancestral father of Mou, Alapha became ancestral father of Kachari, Chatong (in short Atom) became ancestral father of Meitei and Rousing became ancestral father of Zeliangrong, who blessed with three sons (1) Kading, (2) Namgang and (3) Rembangpou. The three sons became ancestral fathers of Liangmai, Zeme and Rongmeis. Kading-Liangmai's ancestoral father, NamgangZeme's ancestral father, Rembangpou-Rongmei's ancestral father.(Zeliangrong is the combined name of Zeme, Liangmai, Rongmei and Puimai). From Makhel the ancestral fathers of Zeliangrong moved to Makuilongdi and lived there for many years. It is said the number of houses reached 7777. From this their original home Liangmai, Zeme, Rongmei dispersed to many villages. Their ancestor father Rousing was the founder of Makuilongdi, they said. However, some Tangkhul said they came from Samsok or Taungthut. And another story wrote by Mr. R.B. Thohe Pou, Ph.D. Research Scholar that the Nagas

migrated from Mainland China. From China they followed southwards along the route of Salween River and eventually reached the Southern sea in Moulmein (Myanmar). The Nagas lived near the seacoast for generations and then they left some of their clans in Moulmein and retreated northwest from Moulmein along the Irrawddy River to the confluence of Chindwin River near Monywa (Myanmar). They moved along the Chindwin river and finally reached Taungthut (Northwest of Myanmar). Thence the Nagas took the route to Manipur along Imphal River, which links to Irrawaddy River. From Imphal river the Nagas further moved to North of Kangpokpi and Karong. From Karong they took to Barak River and eventually settled at Makhel. From there the Nagas dispersed to other Naga hills he said. But in the migration history of Karen, we have no clue to trace the Nagas come from Moulmein to present land. Yet it might be possible from Prome, which was seacoast before 1000 A.D. According to a historian Micheal Lonsdale: the migration of Karens from Mongolia to China was during 2617 B.C. passed through Turkistan, Tibet and gradually reached China in 1385 B.C. They probably lived in Simkiang region in the West China. From this Region Yangtse river takes its source. Therefore, Chinese and Shan stated the River Yantse came from the country of the Yang(Yang or Karen). From Yunan China, the first group of Karen migrated to the South East Asia in 1125 B.C. through Mekong valley

route. They established their city at Chiang Mai. But Thai overthrew them, and Karen moved into mountains, to Mae Sariang and across the other side of Salween (Thanlween) River. The second group migrated in 739 B.C. followed the route Shwe-li and Irrawaddy valley. They are now called Pwo Karen. They were the first migratory group to arrive in the region now called Burma. The third group entered what is now called Shan state in 731 B.C. and moved down to South Shan State. They are now called Pa-o Karen. After more than 200 years the Mon and the Burman came over from India. They were mixed marriage of the Indians and mixed race of Indo-Aryan. The original name of Burman was Brahman, later Brama, finally Burma. The Burmese said they are Turki race and claimed that Burma asa Tagaung ka, which means; the origin of Burma is Taguang or Tsitagaung (Chittagong which is now in Bangla Desh). The Karens who migrated in 739 B.C. Built Prome town (Pwo-wai, meaning-Pwo Town). In those days according to Karen and Burma traditions seashore was at Prome, (present Rangoon and Moulmein were under sea.) From there some went down to Irrawaddy delta. (Ref. To the book Long live Kawthoolie). Therefore, the Nagas might neither migrated from China to South East Asia through the route of Salween valley nor from Moulmein to the present habitat. Truly the Nagas are also believed that they had migrated from Mongolia. And from there to China and came through Myanmar to present occupied lands, Nagaland.

However, the Kukis and Mizo claimed that they are Israel and descendents of Manasseh (the tenth tribe of Israel). During 722-721 B.C. the ten tribe Manasseh of Israel who comprised of Western Kingdom were captured and taken to Assyria when Assyrian King Shalmaneser V captured Israel. From there Manasseh tribe were exiled to upper Mesopotamia and Medo-persia (now Syria and Iraq). From there they moved to present Afghanistan and lived there a number of years. From there they proceeded to Hindukush and came over to Tibet and thereafter to Kaifeng, the erstwhile Chinese Capital. During they were in Kaifeng, a Chinese King Shih Hwang-ti of Chin dynasty captured them and enslaved to build the Great Wall. (According to world record it was built in 381221 B.C.). After this they left Kaifeng and settled on the Banks of River Yang-tse-kiang. Their village was Sinlung. From Sinlung they entered Arunachal and from there to Kabaw valley of Burma. Around 530 A.D. they dispersed from Kabaw valley in various directions and entered Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam and Mizoram. The Chin, Kuki, Mizos and Zeliangrong of the Naga community are descendents of Manasseh and hailed from Sinlung. (Ref. to Mizo, Kuki tradition). Also in the Kachin Labao (history/myth) it is mentioned that Kachins migrated from Medo-persia. They proceeded to Afghanistan, from there to Pakistan, Kashmir, Tibet and then after they reached to China. They lived in the Valley of Yangtse River and Yunan area, and then came to present Kachinland. Many Kachins are still living in Yunan, China.

The Heimi Nagas ancient myth also said the Nagas migrated from China. It is said that at the same time many people were dispersed in various directions to South East Asia. The ancestral fathers of the Kachins and Nagas were brothers of the same parents. The elderly brother was the ancestor of Nagas and the younger one was the ancestral father of the Kachins. On the dispersion day the younger one took the trouble to distribute clothes to all departing peoples. The elder brother told him to keep their share at first. But the younger one said, it is unwise to take our share first. So he distributed the clothes to others, but at the end no clothe was remained for them. His elder brother therefore deeply disappointed on him. As he felt bad, he left his younger brother on the other side of the river when they crossed Khreng Kha (may be salween river) and went away on his own way with his family members. Later his younger brother tried to follow him but found only foot prints. Therefore, he called them 'Khang'. (Meaning; foot print). So Kachin called the Nagas as Khang till today. Kachin settled in the valley of Malikha (kha or river). In down side Burmese called it as Ayeyawaddy (Irrawaddy). The Nagas (Khang) crossed Melikha and moved up to Sumpra Bum (Bum or hill) and crossed Khamong Bum, Chambu Bum and then eventually reached to the Hawkong valley. They lived many years in Hawkong valley. Their village was Minkhom (which is still in Hawkong valley).

Many years after they left Hawkong valley and moved Southwards. They crossed Wantuk Bum and reached to the Valley of Uru River. They lived in and around present Phakan area, and then went down Southwards along the route of Uru River and reached to the Chindwin River. They followed down along the Chindwin River and reached to the middle area of Burma called Alung. (It is not known whether they reach to the seashore at Prome). The weather was too warm and did not acclimatize for permanent settlement. Also they have no peaceful coexistence with the aboriginal settlers. Therefore, they left the Irrawaddy valley and turned up along the Chindwin River again. When they reach present Molike and Kalewa, some of them crossed Chindwin River. They are now called Chin, Kuki and Mozos. Kachin called them as lawu Khang (meaning lower Nagas). The oral tradition said when they were in the middle area of Burma one of their brothers went down Southward. The larger group followed up Chindwin River and lived in and around present Homalin and Taungthut area for some years. From there they might have gone in three directions viz. some crossed the river Chindwin, some of them followed up Chindwin river and remained group went up to the Taungthut hill, Kathan hill, Yuma Bum (Yuma; means-nostalgia). When they saw Irrawaddy valley from the top of the mountain they felt twinge of nostalgia for the older days of they were in Irrawaddy valley. So they called the mountain as Yuma Bum. And then they crossed Taru Bum (Taru; means-mole rat). There were plenty of mole rat in that mountain, thus they called the mountain as Taru Bum. Thence they finally reached to their former village Minkhom again.

They however found that their old village Minkhom was already occupied by the Shans. Therefore, they fought them out and lived there for some period of years. It is inscribed in Heimi folk song as, Shamwa mosham khitwin kiwa, wak khu khaw tang witwin kiwa. Meaning; we fought the Shans out and hewed manger for pig. Again from the Hawkong valley some moved to the Northwards followed along the route Tawang and Tarung Rivers. They are now in Arunachal in Tirap and Changlang areas. And the remained group followed down South wards along the valley of Tanai River. (Which is also called as Chindwin river from down side) and reached to the confluence of Tanai and Taka rivers. Which is also known as Tilu area. (Tilu-bath). From Tilu area they crossed the river Tanai and lived some years at the foothill, and went up to the hills. They are now living in Heimi Region. The original names of rivers are Tine, Tiwang, and Tirung. (Meaning; Ti-grandfather, ne-tired). Grandfather got tired when they followed down the river. Thus they called the river as 'Tine'. Wang-went or followed up. Rung-meet together again. Their grandfathers went in two different directions but eventually met together again at a river, so they called the said river as Tirung. The first group who crossed the Chindwin River followed up Myither River. They might be who reached to the Makhel, the original home of Nagas. Prof. Gangmumei writes that; according to the traditions of Angami. Chakhesang, Sema, Rengma, Lotha, Zeliangrong, Shepoumaramth and Tangkhuls they have originated from Makhel and Khezhakenoma. But the

Chin, Kuki, Mizo did not have the tradition of Makhel being as their homeland. And the Nagas who had originated from Makhel and the Marings, Anals, Mayon, Monshang, Lamkang had same traditions to have crawled out from the cave or a hole of earth. The second group who moved up along the Chindwin river, when they reached the confluence of Tizu and Chindwin rivers (present Thamanti) some of them followed up Tizu river (Khiamniungan called Langniu). They may be Khiamniungan, Chang, Sangtam, Yi m c h u n g e r, A o , P h o m , L a i n o n g a n d Khiamniuyungmang Kongyak. Aos;- means, who went to the other side of the river and they called the people who were left behind as merer. Their oral tradition also said they came out from a hole of earth but they did not have the tradition of Makhel as their homeland. The remained group followed up along the Chindwin River again and reached to the present Khamti. The original name th was Sangkaling (name of plant). But in the 18 century A.D. the Khamti Shans occupied Sangkaling and called Sangkaling Khamti. After 1970 the original name Sangkaling was dilated by the Burmese Government and now called Khamti only. After some years of living in Sangkaling, they moved up along the Chindwin River and from the confluence of Hangnu and Chindwin rivers (it may be 20 miles from Sangkaling) they followed up along the Hangnu river (in Myanmar political map it calls Nampuk river, called by Shans). They are now living in Heimi and Kongyak Regions. According to Kongyak tradition, their ancestral father was Longdoung who blessed with three sons

(1) Teinok (2)Naoman (3) Tainao. Teinok became Ahng of Shangnyu village and ancestor of Kongyaks. Naoman settled at Sibsagar and became Ahng of Sibsagar. His descendents are living in present Assam. Tainao moved Eastwards and occupied a vast land, they said. This Heimi oral tradition and legend is related by elderly men and also sang in folksongs by Shamma (Shaman) especially in Wihu Kuh (Wihu festival), which falls in December. Shammas are selected by divine spirit and songs were taught in their dreams, unless ordinary person cannot become Shamma or Shiwa. (Shamma-female Shaman, Shiwa-male Shaman). According to the aforementioned traditions of Nagas, many of Naga communities have same myth and legends that their origin is from China or come out from a hole of earth/tunnel (which was secretly dug to escape from the suppression of the tyranny King Shih Hwang-ti between 381 and 200 B.C.). Also Zeliangrong, Hmar, Chin, Kuki and Mizos folklore speak same original home of Sinlung. Prof. Gangmumai (a historian) also described the traditions of the Kuki, Chin, Mizos that they tracked into Burma from their homeland China in different batches and groups through Hawkong valley, Chindwin basin and reached to Kabaw valley. (Which is same tradition with the Heimi Nagas). It is written in his (Gangmumais) book that According to the earliest Burmese inscriptions, the Burmans were in upper Burma in the 9th century A.D. Before them, the Mon and Pyus established kingdom but did not rule in Kabaw valley, occupied by the Chin or related people.

Therefore, Prof. G.H. Luce of Rangoon University put the entry of the Kuki-Chin people between 4th to the 8th century A.D. (Quote; Genesis of the Nagas and KukiChin p. 29). The period of 4 century A.D. is more acceptable as Kuki-Chin entry into Kabaw valley because their ancient myth said around 530 A.D. they dispersed from Kabaw valley in various directions. All these similar traditions and legends of the Heimi, Kachin, Kuki, Chin, Mizos clearly illustrated that they were of the same community in the ancient time and dispersed from Sinlung. Again, the Kuki, Chin, Mizo and Kachins speak the same tradition of migration from Medo-persia during 700 B.C. And the Kuki, Mizos claimed they are Israel and descendents of Manasseh (the tenth tribe of Israel). It is therefore, considerable and questionable that 'are the Nagas Israel'? For the answer of this question the words of God our Lord is quoted, The Nagas are Israel. Israel means the child of the most height God. The Nagas are part of Spiritual Israel. They partake of the promise, which God gave to Abraham, in you, all nations will be blessed. Nagaland is a nation under God. The God of Abraham and Moses. Said the Lord through Dessan Tagore (an Indian) in December 1982 at Los Angeles. (Quote; Israel in India. P.3)



The Nagas have no written history or law, but they have unwritten law, which is fit and suit with the ten commandment of the living God. They did not mention the name of their God as Jehovah or other gods as Rama Khrishna or Buddha. But they believed that there is a heavenly God who blesses good people and punishes wicked. In the festival they worship this God and pray to him for the well being of the whole family members, villagers and to bless for abundant crops and domestic animals. The Nagas did not worship Satan, but believed that Satan makes/causes the people to sick/ill. Because Satan want an offering from man. Therefore, when anyone fell sick, hen, pig, dog, goat or cow is killed according to revelation of omen. By such offering they plea Satan to go far away without giving any harm or trouble to them. Also the Nagas do not worship idols or other gods like Rama Krishna or Gautama Buddha. These two gods were born in Ayodhya in India and Lumbimi in Nepal during B.C. 600 and 500. And these religions Hinduism and Buddhism had well founded in India and Burma. Since these two religions had well founded in neighboring countries, these religions can easily be engulfed and influenced over the Naga people during the last 2000 years. However, astonishingly the Nagas were freed from such influence of mammonism. It might be as the Nagas have unseen protection and kept separate from the domination of Hinduism, Buddhism or Islamism.

The word of God says, What my spirit has done is He has visited the people in Nagaland. And they Shall not be idolatrous people that shall fall down before idols like the people of India. For I have separated Nagaland unto myself. And I have with my finger drawn a line around Nagaland, said the Lord Almighty God through Sister Gwen Shaw (American) in Jerusalem on th 11 October, 1982. It was only in 1872, the Good News of the living God was brought to Nagaland by the American Baptist Missionary Union (ABMU) through Rev. Dr. Clark. The word of God says, I had set my foot on Naga soil in 1817. (It meant from Assam American Missionaries visited some Konyak villages in 1817). I have chosen this nation for my own glory, and I have anointed this land in 1872. (It meant American Missionary W. Clark entered into Ao village called Molungkimung in 1872). By my Spirit, I even declared 'Nagaland for Christ'. I will make a new Nagaland and in that I will be the Head in everything. The new Nagaland will be like Israel. And Dimapur will be the Mission Central of the world. said the Lord through Rev. P. Donal Bal Lama, (an Indian) from Siliguri, West Bangal, in the last week of June, 2003, at Dimapur. Rev. Lama was sent by God to pray for the Nagas by fasting seven days. Since the Good News of God was brought to Nagaland the Nagas accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and within more than a hundred years 95% of Nagas became Christians. And they proclaimed their land as Nagaland for Christ and promised to send 10000 (ten thousand) missionaries to the outside world.


Prior to the advent of the British the Nagas have neither King nor governing body to rule over them, yet all the villages have their own sovereign republic that no superior village or superior community rules over the smaller village and smaller community. The Naga nation although small and the people were illiterate, it might have being protected by God and thus no nation conquered nor ruled over the Nagas in the human history. Also, as the Nagas moved into the changing world the living God might have given the wisdom to the Nagas to determine for their own future. So the Nagas have committed for themselves in the historic events as follows: 1. When the Ahom King came to Assam from Myanmar (Burma) in the 13th Century A.D. through Naga country the Nagas fought against Ahom King and defended their territory. The Nagas relentlessly fought intermittent warfare against the British from 1832 to 1879 and peace was concluded with them in March 1880, but the Nagas refused to enter into any written agreement or treaty, which might tantamount to surrender their sovereignty. In 1918 the Naga Club was formed and through which a memorandum was submitted to the British Statutory Simon Commission on 10th January, 1929 stating to leave the Naga alone to determine for themselves as in ancient times.


In 1946, when the imminent withdrawal of the British Government from her South East Asia Colonial countries, the Naga National Council (NNC) was formed on 2nd February, 1946 to voice for the future of Naga people. Soon as its formation, the NNC submitted a memorandum to the British Cabinet Commission (Camp New th Delhi) on 9 April 1946 stated that, The future of the Nagas would not be bound by any arbitrary decision of the British Government and no recommendation would be accepted without consultation. Again on 29th March, 1947 the NNC submitted another memorandum to the Prime Minister of Britain Mr. Clement Atlee (who was a member of the Simon Commission of 1929) stating The Nagas could not be thrown into the sea of Indian politics. A copy of the 1929 memorandum was also enclosed with



In May 1947, the Indian National Congress (INC) delegation came to Kohima and offered an autonomous state to the Nagas and asked to join the Indian Union. The Nagas rejected the offer saying the Nagas were sovereign independent before India became independent. To make the Indian leaders understand on the Naga national stand, the NNC sent its delegation to New Delhi. The delegation met the Indian national leader th Mahatma Gandhi on 19 July, 1947 and told him the Nagas are not Indians and the Naga territory does not



belong to India. And as a main point the delegation told him that the Nagas will declare Nagaland's th independence on 14 August, 1947. To which Mahatma Gandhi said, the Nagas have every right to become independent outside India. We do not want the British and they are going, if you said, you are not Indians and your country does not belong to India, then the matter ends there. Nobody will force you to join the Indian Union. You can even declare your independence today. 7. As the NNC leaders planned and chose the right time, the Naga National Council declared the ageth old Naga independence to the outside world on 14 August, 1947. Which was done to safeguard the sovereign existence of Nagaland in those days of changing world. Also on 24 January, 1950, the NNC declared the Nagas did not accept the Indian Constitution. The th Indian Constitution became law only on 26 January, 1950. Moreover, the NNC conducted the Naga national voluntary Plebiscite on May 16, 1951, so that no nation can challenge Nagaland at any stage. In which 99.9% of Naga people voted to remain independent as in ancient times. This was a solemn pledge and final verdict of the Naga people for the future of Nagaland.

the Nagas did not participate in the Indian election, because the Nagas were sovereign independent nation outside India. 11. The Naga delegation led by Naga leader A.Z. Phizo met the Prime Minister of India Shri Jawharlal Nehru at New Delhi on March 11, 1952. Nehru banged his fist on the table and screamed; whether heaven falls or India goes to pieces and blood runs red in the country, I don't care. Naga will never be allowed to become independent. But the Naga leaders did not frighten to his intimidation, instead nonchalantly reminded the Prime Minister of India that the Nagas were not demanding independence from India, and India has nothing to give away to the Nagas. 12. The policy of the NNC was non-violent. But the Indian Prime Minister Nehru sent the Armed Forces of India to Nagaland in 1954 and started war against the Nagas thinking he could force the Nagas to join the Indian Union at gun point. Again the Nagas firmly decided not to surrender their sovereignty at any cost and took counter violent for self-defence measure. When the violent war between the two nations (Nagaland and India) was dragged for years, the Indian leaders fallaciously projected the IndoNaga conflict as a cessation issue. Our leaders therefore said, the question of divorce cannot arise when the question of marriage does not exist in the first place.



10. When the first general election of India was attempted to conduct in Nagaland in January 1952,

The word of Almighty God says, The Nagas didn't ask for independence, they declared that they are independent a day before India became independent, on August 14, 1947. Because they did not want to be a part of India when it became independent. The Nagas are Christians and they wouldn't like to be ruled by the Hindu rulers of India. It is because they are the children of the true and living God, the creator of the Universe. They are Israel. Said the Lord through Dessan Tagore (quote; Israel in India p. 2 & 3). The Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) was nd formed on 22 March, 1956 at Parashen Oking, (between Sendenyu and Phenseyu village in Rengma Region) hoisting the Naga national Flag emblazoned with Rainbow and a six corners star. On that day the Naga national leader said Our nation was never conquered by any nation nor subjected to other nation, and we have no king to rule over us since our ancestors. But now Christ is our King and our land is for Christ. Therefore, when the Naga national flag was hoisted by General Thungti Chang, Chief of the Naga Home Guard, he said Nagaland for Christ. Hence, it becomes a theme of Naga nation. On this foundation day of the Federal Government of Nagaland, the verses of Bible were read out as follows: (1). Eno Khriesaneisa, Kedahge (President) of the FGN read out Rom. 10:18 and I Peter 2:9-10. But I say, have not heard? Yes indeed: Their sound has gone out to the all earth, and their voice to the end of the world. (Rom. 10:18)

But you are a chosen race, the royal priesthood, a Holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10). As he read out these, The Kedahge expressed that, the Naga national rights will be known by the nations of the world, and India will never defeat the Nagas. Because the Jehovah will defend the Naga Nation as He defended the Israelites, and He will defeat India. (2). The Ato Kilonser (Prime Minister) of the FGN Eno Wheha read out Matt. 6:33. But strive first for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. (Matt. 6:33). Also Ato Kilonser expressed that, the kingdom of Nagas is sacred, therefore the leaders of Naga nation must be truthful and fear God. The Jehovah had always defended Israelites whenever they obey God and fear the Lord their God. The leaders of Naga nation must learn from it. In the name of our Lord all nations of the world will support the Naga nation. Jehovah will give Phizo long live. (3). Eno Kruzhalie, Ahng (Governor) of Angami Region also read out Rom. 6:33. Who bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.

And he said, Eno Phizo was elected by God to lead the Naga nation. Our people will follow the law of God and obey Him. The Nagas will achieve their goal through the help of God Almighty alone. 4. Eno A.Z. Phizo, President of the NNC read out Zechariah 4:6; The Angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the Lord : you will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit.






The Naga Nation has its own national flag emblazoned with the Rainbow and a six points star. The inscription of a rainbow in the flag was not a mere idea from the imagination of the Naga National leaders, but it was the will of God and that He gave us the rainbow to be inscribed on our national flag. God gave us many signs to show that this was from Him. Out of which some important events and signs are noted as follow. In May 1946, God showed sign to have welcomed our great leader A.Z.Phizo with the rainbow when he returned back from Rangoon, Burma with a strong determination to work for the future of Nagaland. It happened when he was about to enter Kohima town, a bright and beautiful rainbow stretched over Kohima town as if it was welcoming him. At that time, Mr. Phizo kept in his mind that this rainbow should be inscribed in the Naga National flag, as a sign that Nagas are children of God. As related by Rengma elderly leaders, it happened again in 1955 when the Naga national leaders were sitting together at their Oking (headquarter) Parashen near Sendenyu village, Rengma region, for discussion on the design and inscription of the rainbow on the Naga national flag, the rainbow eventually appeared by their side. Seeing the rainbow, all the leaders present in the meeting rejoiced and said : It is a sign that God is giving us this rainbow to inscribe on our national flag. It was not the first time but on many occasions of meeting the rainbow appeared and thus they unanimously approved the inscription of the

rainbow in the Naga national flag. The first rainbow flag was woven by two Rengma women, Mrs. Lothong and Mrs. Keshenle. This flag was hoisted for the first time in Nagaland when the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) was formed on 22nd march, 1956 at Oking Parashen near Sendenyu village, Rengma region. After this, the Lord our God showed more signs and even told the Nagas through His servants that He had given the rainbow as the emblem for the Naga national flag. In 1972, an amazing thing occurred: A young 12-year-old Konyak girl, Yahoi, dumb from birth, went to the jungle with two other girls of her age. A rainbow suddenly appeared around Yahoi and she saw three men in white clothes came to stand near her. This unexpected appearance made Yahoi scared and frightened. She therefore shouted for the first time calling the two other girls: Pull me out! three men are coming. But the two girls who were with her ran away instead of pulling Yahoi out. They were frightened at the sudden way a dumb girl began to speak, at the sighting of the rainbow and at the appearance of the three men. In that moment the three men spoke to Yahoi saying; This rainbow is the Naga national flag which I have given for the Nagas. Tomorrow a chicken of yours will crow three times. (At that time I had no knowledge about the Naga nation and neither did I know anything about the Naga national flag, said; Yahoi). In the meantime, her parents came to her as the two girls had informed them about the strange happenings. They had tears in their eyes and they were full of fear thinking that their child might have been

possessed by Satan. However, when they found their child speaking, they were overwhelmed with joy and asked her, Will you speak always as today? She replied : Yes I will and narrated to her parents what the three men told her. But her father could not believe that their chicken would crow and said to her child, How can it be, our chickens are too young, they are not even a week old. Surprisingly, the next morning, one of the chickens crowed three times as the three men said they would when they were being fed by Yahoi. It crowed and fell down as it was too young and it rose again and crowed up to three times. (This story was narrated by Yahoi on 3rd December 2000, who had since Post graduated in Theology and is serving her Konyak people as a servant of God.) Again, in 1990, God showed sign to have welcomed our leader A.Z.Phizo with a rainbow. The President of the Naga National Council (NNC), A.Z. Phizo passed away on April 30, 1990 in London who was staying there 30 years working for the Naga nation. It so happened on May 10, 1990 the day Phizo's body was to arrive at Dimapur Airport, the sky was clean and serene. However, just before the plane arrived, the sky suddenly turned dark with clouds and even some rain falling amidst howling winds. Then suddenly the clouds cleared again and a beautiful rainbow stretched across the Airport. We took this as a sign that the rainbow was welcoming our leader for the last time. While we looked on and some were photographing the rainbow, soon after that; the plane carrying the body of Phizo landed on the soil of Nagaland which he so dearly love. (see photo-1)

Surprisingly the rainbow appeared for not less than ten times when the funerals of our important national leaders were being conducted as well as on the occasion of Naga national days. (see photo-2 & 3) Photo-2. A rainbow appeared while conducting the funeral service of Neipielie Chucha, Tatar (Member of Parliament), FGN on 2nd February, 1992, who was shot dead by Indian Army on 30th January, 1992 at Meluri while he was proceeding to Eastern Sector of Nagaland along with Mr. David P. Ward and Steve Hillman, Naga Vigil group from UK.


Likewise; the rainbow also appeared while the funeral services of the following important national leaders were being conducted. (i) At the funeral service of Kuhovi Zhimomi, Rali Wali Kilonser (Publicity & Information Minister), FGN on 1st December, 1973. He was killed by the Indian Police.

(ii) At the funeral service of P. Joseph, Speaker, Tatar Hoho (Parliament), FGN and eleven others of his companions (including one woman) who were brutally massacred by Isak-Muivah group on 12th August 1992 at Chalkot while they were proceeding to celebrate Nagaland's Independence Day on 14th August 1992. (iii) At the funeral service of Zhavio Mejura, Deputy Chaplee K i l o n s e r ( D y. F i n a n c e Minister), FGN which took place on 8th January, 1993. (iv) When the dead body of Lt. Gen. Pukrove, Naga Army was brought to Pftsero Town on 7th November, 1994.

Photo-3. The rainbow appeared on 51st Anniversary of Nagaland's Independence Day on 14th August 1998. It stretched over the Transit Peace Camp at Photo-3. Kohima village where Independence Day was being celebrated. The eucalyptus tree in the photo is from the Centre of the Transit Peace Camp. Likewise; the rainbow eventually appeared while celebrating the 44th anniversary of Nagaland's Republic Day on 22nd March 2000 at Nokhu village, Khiamniungan Region. Moreover, another miracle which occurred in 1995 given by God is this: Mr. Sandet, Pastor of Chanlam Baptist Church was taking photographs of a Cross on a sunny day at around 1:00 p.m. He took a photograph of the Cross with boys and girls at the Cross and also without. When it was developed and printed in Dimapur, a rainbow miraculously appeared in the photo of the Cross (without youths) and yet there was no such sign in the photo of the Cross with youths which were photographed within a minute with no sign of rainbow in the sky. (see photo-4) Mr. Sandet was greatly amazed seeing


(v) At the funeral service of Lt. Gen. Povezo, Deputy Chief of the Naga Army, FGN who was assassinated by Isak-Muivah group on 20th June, 1995. (vi) At the funeral service of Vikesel, Central Committee Member of the NNC on 11th January, 1996. (vii) At the funeral service of Zveh Midan Peyu (Chief Commissioner) of Chakhesang Region, FGN, who was brutally killed by Isak-Muivah group on 30th March, 1996. (viii) When the dead body of Zashei Huire, Kedahge (President), FGN was brought to his residence from the Hospital at Phek Town on May 11, 1996.


the photo of the Cross with the rainbow. When he reached his village, Chanlam, he prayed to God with other villagers, there God spoke to them through Mr. Kumo who was prophesying from his childhood in this way: I have given the rainbow flag to the Nagas. I am leading them and protecting them. But Nagas do not obey Me and trust in Me. Instead, they are depending only on arms to achieve their national goal. Therefore, they are facing trouble. (This story was related by Mr. Sandet in June, 2000). The aforesaid wooden Cross had been erected by the Naga national workers in 1984 at their headquarter, Chanlam village, Heimi region Eastern sector of Nagaland, as God directed them to erect it and He told them to give the name as Iphai Mission Centre. On December 25, 1986, when the same headquarter fell into the hands of the Burmese army, the Burmese soldiers tried to burn the wooden Cross with a big heap of wood and bamboos from the demolished houses of the camp, but the Cross did not burn. The Burmese Amy were amazed of it and went away. Not only did God make known to the Naga people that He had given them a rainbow flag for the Naga nation, but He also made it known to the world in 1999. In that year, it happened that, as some Naga Reverends were usually participating in the yearly FEAST OF TABERNACLES prayer meeting in Jerusalem, Rev. Vevozo Chakhesang went to Jerusalem to participate in the said feast of prayer meeting with the Naga

national flag in the last week of September, 1999. In the meeting, the Reverend narrated a brief history of Nagaland as a sovereign independent nation and showed the Naga national flag, which was brought for the first time to this prayer meeting by the Nagas. Some members present in the meeting asked, How is it the Nagas have a rainbow flag with a six-point star, while the other nations have only five-point stars on their flags? Rev. Vevozo simply said, It is given by the Lord our God to the Nagas. At that moment the conductor of the prayer meeting announced to the house to pray for the Naga nation. While they were praying, God spoke to them through an American woman saying: I have given the rainbow flag to the Nagas. It is not inscribed by the Nagas of their own accord. I have given two flags to mankind: one to the Israelites and another one to the Nagas. (The story was related by Rev. Vevozo on Sunday, November 26, 2000, he said; members from more than 200 Nations attended the prayer meeting.) Thus the rainbow flag of the Naga nation is unique and significant in that, God had chosen Naga people by Himself. He had given sovereignty to the Naga people and He is leading and protecting Nagaland. On August 15, 1974, God spoke through the Naga Army Chaplain Lt. Kipfelhou that: I have chosen the Naga people by Myself. I have given them their kingdom. I will never deceive you nor forsake you. If you obey Me, My words will be fulfilled. I will truly take you to your land.

The Significance of the Naga National Flag. Description 1. Background 2. Rainbow a) Colour bow b) Colour bow c) Colour bow Colour Sky Blue Red Yellow Green Manifestation Everlasting Power Harmony Prosperity a) Guidance b) Peace and Tranquility


Red/Yellow/Green Goodwill

Before the Naga National Anthem was composed the Naga National workers were singing a song GOD BLESS MY NAGALAND in great rejoice on the solemn occasion of Naga National Days. Which was as follow:God bless my Nagaland, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, through the valleys, To the meadows where I roam. God bless my Nagaland, my Home sweet Home. Now the Nagas have our own National Anthem composed by Eno R.Kevichusa in the last part of 2005 th th and approved it by the 56 Tatar Hoho Session on 26 January 2006 at Oking, Kohima. This was extracted from the Bible Deuteronomy 11:11-12. Which is as follow:God bless Nagaland, land that I love. A land of hills and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. God will take care of you, until the end. His eyes will always be on you, my fair Nagaland.

3. The Star (six points) White




The Nagaland is not a part of India and India has no right to claim Nagaland as a part of India by conquest nor consent. In fact this two nations know nothing about each other in ancient time. It was for the first time the Nagas made political contact with India when the Naga National Council sent its delegation to New Delhi in July 1947. This political mission had full responsible to let India understand the position of Nagaland before India become independent so as to avert war with India. Because the Nagas have been threatened that India will use force if the Nagas refuse to join the Indian Union. The national father of India Mahatma Gandhi assuredly said to the delegations on July 19, 1947 that India has no right to use force to compel the Nagas to join the Indian Union. And even he promised to sacrifice his life for the Nagas if force were to be used by India. On November 8, 1949, the Governor General of India Mr. Rajagopalachari also said to the Naga delegation that the Nagas have every right to be independent outside Indian Union. And it is nothing more precise than the testimony of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru on the status of Nagaland on August 19, 1946 in connection with the proposed British Crown colony of Couplan plan that, The Tribal areas of those long Frontiers of India are neither part of India, nor Burma, nor of India states nor of any foreign power. However, the Indian leaders did not keep their own words and sent their Armed Forces to Nagaland with a view to force the Nagas to join the Indian Union. B.N. Mulik wrote

in his book my years with Nehru was Troops moved into Tuensang by October 1955, and the war with Nagas started from then (Quote: P. 308) The Indian leaders boasted saying to finish the Nagas is a matter of a day' But they could not enslave the Nagas in the last more than half a century despite they used their Armed might, political power (divide and rule policy) and money power to fight against the Nagas. The words of God, India can never defeat the Nagas, because their power come from the Lord, who is opposed to the Hindu rulers, who derive their power from this pantheon are thus in conflict with the Supreme Lord by persecuting His Children, the Nagas, the Israel in India. (Quote; Israel in India p. 7). The Government of India adopted divide and rule policy of their master the British to enslave and defeat the Nagas. And thus they instigated some educated Nagas to form the socalled Naga People Convention (NPC) in 1957. Later the Indian Leaders offered an autonomous state to the NPC with a draft of 16 points, and signed the 16-point agreement on th 26 June, 1960 between the NPC and Indian Government. But the NNC and FGN rejected the agreement and continued to fight against the aggressor India. Following the agreement the Indian puppet Nagaland State was set up in December 1963, and then they try to suppress the NNC/FGN with the help of Indian Army. Yet they cannot defeat the NNC and FGN. Instead some of the NPC leaders who strongly went on against the NNC/FGN had faced misfortune.

The NNC President, Dr. A.Z. Phizo said, No people or nation anywhere throughout the world so foolishly fought against their own countrymen like some of the NPC leaders do. (Quote; from a letter to S.C. Jamir dated October 31, 1963) God spoke to the so-called state politicians of Nagaland th through Naga army Chaplain Kipfelhou on 13 August, 1974 at U.N. Seti that You (Nagas) are children of Abraham. Even if you (state politicians) exterminate the present Naga national workers, even from the stones the children of Abraham will be raised and fight against you. Ten years after violent war broke out between the two nations (India and Nagaland) the international Ceasefire agreement was signed between the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) and the Government of India (GoI) on May 24, 1964 at Sakraba village in Chakhesang Region, Which came into effect from 6th September 1964. Because the Indian Government attempted to use the word Naga Rebel in the agreement, but the Nagas rejected it and maintained to use the Federal Government of Nagaland. Therefore, the discussion on appropriate words to be used in the agreement took three months and finally the Indian leaders agreed to use the Federal Government of Nagaland. Thus Nagaland Peace Mission members finally declared that the Peace Talk would be held between the Government of India and the Federal Government of Nagaland. This international ceasefire could be signed between the two nations through tireless efforts of the NBCC leaders Nagaland Peace Mission Members like Rev. Michael

Scott (a Britisher). Jayaprakas Narayan (a Savodaya leader from India) and Mr. Bimala Prasad Chaliha (the then Chief Minister of Assam). The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) leaders Rev. Longri Ao, Eno Keneth Kerhou etc. were also involved in tireless effort to bring peace in Nagaland along with Nagaland Peace Mission Members. Following ceasefire, peace talks were held in various levels between the Federal Government of Nagaland and the Government of India from 1964 to 1967. Finally the talks were held at the Priministerial level of the two nations. However, the Indian leaders did not have sincerity to solve the Indo-Naga conflict through peaceful means, but rather played to split the NNC and FGN. As a result Mr. Scato Swu the then Kedahge of the FGN and Mr. Kughato Sukhai, Ato Kilonser of FGN formed the so-called Revolutionary Government on 2nd November 1968. The Revolutionary Government captured almost all arms and ammunitions of the FGN and also captured Eno G. Mhiesiu, Kedahge of the FGN (who was elected in place of Scato Swu) and Eno Z. Ramyo, Kilonser (Minister) of the FGN. And then declared no more NNC and FGN are existed. They also captured Alee (foreign) Mission group who returned from China in 1968 under the Command of Gen. Mowu Gwizantsu numbering more than 200 (two hundred) Naga Army with sophisticate equipments and shattered the hope of the FGN. Yet the Almighty God did not fail to defend and protect the NNC and FGN and He keeps them alive.

After four years of its life the Revolutionary Government surrendered to the Government of India on th 16 August 1973 and they all became the Indian Armed Forces known as BSF (Border Security Force). This surrender group took part in operation against the NNC/FGN with the Indian Army. The Government of India unilaterally abrogated the ceasefire agreement with the FGN on August 31, 1972 and declared Nagaland as disturbed area. Moreover, imposed Unlawful Activities (prevention) Act and Special Military Power Act on Nagaland on September 1, 1972. Which provided wide ranging power to her Armed Forces to shoot the Nagas even on suspicion. The Government of India deployed her army troops and Battalions of Assam Rifles to Nagaland. A secret joint directive was issued to the civil, Police, Border Security Force, Army and other intelligence units to wage war against the Naga National Workers on both psychological and military to smash the NNC and FGN once and for all. To strengthen sweeping power of Army the Government of India imposed President Rule on nd Nagaland on March 22 1975 (which was on Naga Republic Day). On the same day evening God Almighty sent His message to the Naga National Workers through Naga Army Chaplain Yiethih that, I'll bring Peace to Nagaland. However, on the other hand the entire divisions of Indian Army moved into the jungles with temporary Camps established in the Jhum fields and forest and combine

operations were escalated in the entire Nagaland against the Naga National Workers (NNC/FGN). The villages were kept under curfew for indefinite period and no one was allowed to go to its own field. This was done with a view to prevent ration supply by the villagers to the Naga national workers and to pressurize the Nagas into complete surrender or to compel to accept the Indian Constitution. The Naga national workers who were in the hideout therefore had to go without ration for weeks to months, and so many national workers compelled to surrender in order to save their lives, because they cannot withstand the repressive measure of the enemy. Yet God repeatedly told the national workers who remained intact that Peace is coming soon for the Nagas and so they would celebrate the Christmas of 1975 peacefully with their family members or parents. During this military operation the life of Naga people became unbearable and miserable. The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) leaders therefore once again started to work for restoration of peace in Nagaland through its entity Nagaland Peace Council (NPC). The NPC leaders could afford to meet Indian leaders and NNC/FGN leaders, and thus they could arrange resumption of peace talk at Shillong in November 1975 between the Government of India and Federal Government of Nagaland. Accordingly late Zashei Huire, Kedahge (President) of the Federal Government of Nagaland sent a delegation as Representatives of the Federal Government of Nagaland and Naga National Council. But the Government of India refused to talk to the

delegation in their own capacity as Representatives of the NNC and FGN. From then on unofficial arrangement was worked out between L.P. Singh, Governor and the Nagaland Peace Council, and therefore the Naga leaders were made to sign on the ready made document on 11th November 1975 on their own individual capacity as Representatives of the underground organizations, without even mentioning Naga and Nagaland. Later the document was known as Shillong Accord. In those days, the intension of the Naga national leaders was to save the resistance against the aggressor India and to restore peace in Nagaland without political commitment to surrender or to accept the Indian Constitution, so that the Nagas may have another chance to fight against aggressor through peaceful means. As God foretold, peace was brought to Nagaland once again by signing of the Shillong Accord. Indeed this was the fulfillment of God's prophetic word and through which the Nagas have perceived that the Almighty God stretched out His mighty hands to save the Nagas from the heavy hands of Indian Army. Had not God saved, the NNC/FGN might have been finished or completely surrendered to the enemy in 1975. It is a question for the Nagas that, if the NNC/FGN had completely surrendered or finished what would be left for the Nagas? Our nation was saved not because of Th. Muivah and Isak Swu condemned the Shillong Accord, but God our Lord made it as an invalid document and saved our nation. But Muivah and Isak wrongly projected that the Shillong Accord as a capitulation accord and branded the

NNC/FGN leaders as traitors. They also proudly said we have condemned the Shillong Accord in time and saved the Naga Nation, instead of giving thanks to God for saving Nagaland by His mighty power. Moreover they said, the salvation of Nagaland lie in socialism, and thus they had gone astray from the path God is leading Naga people. And they led the Naga people in the blood path, sawed the seeds of hatred and enmity in the hearts of young people. That is, they have committed terrible mistake in the running history. Their mistake caused the dead of many Nagas and made the Naga people to face untold sufferings in the hands of our own men since 1980. But contrary to Muivah and Isak, India Army 8th Mountain Division GOC Maj. Gen. Dutt truly expressed what the accord was, when he quarreled with Governor L.P. Singh a signatory of the Accord that, The Nagas were about to finish in our Army hands, but you signed the Shillong Accord with the Nagas and you made the Nagas escaped from complete surrender. You could do nothing with the Accord, you made the Nagas free. The Nagaland is sovereign independent nation from time immemorial, it had never become a Colonial subject of India or any other nation. Therefore, India has no right to impose any law or act against the Nagas. If imposed any act against on Nagaland it will be unlawful in itself, because if China or U.S.A. impose such Unlawful Activities (prevention) Act or Special Military Power Acts on India, it can never be lawful for India. And beastly acts of Indian Army can never be lawful in the Face of God and in the eyes of the world, such as indiscriminately killings, raping women, burning human a live, brutally and mercilessly torturing, burning down houses and granaries, destroying all properties etc.

How can God of Nagas, Jehovah be happy with India who imposed unlawful Activities (prevention) Act on His children Nagas and trying to deprive their right to remain as an independent nation. The word of God says, India is the old Egypt in every sense. Its rulers are like the Pharaoh of Egypt, driven by same spirit to enslave God's people. The Egyptian civilians perished because of what Pharaoh did it to Israel. India will also perish if it does not let the Nagas, Israel free. (Quote; Israel in India page 3). After signing of the Accord the Naga National Assembly th nd was held from 29 Nov. to 2 Dec. 1975 at Dihoma Oking, there God spoke to late Zashei Huire, Kedahge of nd FGN on 2 Dec. 1975 at 5:00 a.m. at Dihoma Oking through Chaplain Vephi Dozo as follows:I don't want bloodshed between Indians and Nagas, so I brought peace to Nagaland in order to solve the Indo-Naga conflict through peaceful means. The Government of India will apply her cunning policies against the Nagas so as to make you Nagas to commit mistake on your own accord in your national affairs. You should have peace with India, but do not accept the constitution of India, because if you once accept it you will be bound by the law of India. The ShillongAccord was not the outcome of human wisdom, but I (almighty) had done it before it was signed. And God further said, See your Yehzabo Article 139 and 140 and issue a statement. Following God's revelation and guidance the Kedahge of the Federal Government of Nagaland issued a statement mentioning the Articles of Nagaland Yehzabo

(Constitution) 139 and 140 (now revised versions 143,144) that According to the Nagaland Yehzabo, the NNC is the only competent body to guide and control the political policy and decision of the nation. In the political field the FGN is morally and legally not competent to talk with the Government of India for the final solution. The FGN is only competent to work for restoration of peace and we decided to maintain peace in Nagaland. For the interest of peace the FGN will deposit the arms of Naga Army in the custody of Nagaland Peace Council. And in return the Government of India was asked to withdraw all the Indian Military operations from Nagaland. Through this statement the Federal Government of Nagaland tactfully rejected the Shillong Accord. The statement was submitted to the Governor L.P. Singh on rd January 3 , 1976. The Governor felt angry and annoyed, yet he accepted the statement saying, I was hopeful that the Indo-Naga problem could be solved on the basis of the Accord, but today you have bursted a hand-grenade on my table. If you don't want to solve the problem on the basis of the Accord, then let us maintain peace, but peace and politics should be delinked. Thus peace was restored once again in Nagaland. Since the Governor accepted the statement and agreed to maintain peace in Nagaland the Federal Government of Nagaland diverted the Indo-Naga conflict from the battlefields to the political warfare without committing any political commitment to accept the Indian Constitution. As a result the Nagas now have the opportunity to confront the aggressor India with the power of truth and historical facts.

However, Eno Thuingaleng Muivah and Isak Chishi Swu, the then NNC General Secretary and Chaplee Kilonser (finance Minister) of the FGN falsely projected and declared that the NNC has failed. They also rejected non-violence policy of the NNC and laid down violent policy of their own saying We rule out the illusion of saving Nagaland through peaceful means. It is arms and arms again that will save our nation and ensure freedom tot the people.(Quote; Manifesto page 54) In pursuance of their policy (violent) Muivah and Isak defected from the NNC/FGN on their own accord and formed the so-called National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) on January 31, 1980.This was done in the jungle of Heimi Region in Eastern part of Nagaland without the knowledge of Naga people. They said Without this salvation in socialism, we promise no future to the people. Therefore, any force opposing it (socialism) would obviously amount to being anti-national and anti-people. (Quote; Manifesto page 50 & 51). Hence they systematically killed the Nagas who opposed socialism or supporters of NNC/FGN, branded them as traitors. Almost all arms and ammunitions were taken away by them. Thence they started to fight against their own Naga brothers, instead of Indian Army. Again at this national tragedy God had chosen more than sixty Khiamniungan Naga Army under the command of Lt. Col. S. Singnya and the leadership of Eno P. Pashen, Midan Peyu, Khiamniungan Region to defend the NNC and FGN. As the Khiamniungan people steadfastly and firmly stood on the foundation of the NNC, Th. Muivah

and Isak sent their three hundred soldiers to Khiamniungan Region (Easter part of Nagaland) in March 1980 and thus the NSCN men carried out ruthless operation against Khiamniungan people. They burned down houses, churches and granaries. Also destroyed properties of villagers, even utensils, dao and spears were not spared. And they consumed all domestic livestock completely. The villagers were brutally beaten and hacked to dead. Many were died of starvation as their granaries were burned down. The FGN Army were retreated to Western side of Khiamniungan Region. Where the Khiamniungan people had no alternative but cried out to God for His mercy to save them from the unwanted tragedy. The Almighty God heard the cry of Khiamniungan people and gave the power to the Federal Naga Army, and thereby they could easily capture the strong hold of th NSCN Army Headquarter at Langnukniu village on 27 September 1980. Since then the NSCN men could not reoccupy Khiamniungan Region again. In August I983, God sent His message to the NNC/FGN leaders that the NSCN leaders already sent their soldiers to launch an operation against the NNC and FGN in Khiamniungan Region again, yet I will defeat them. The authorities of the NNC/FGN must fast and pray, Said the Lord. Obeying the word of God the NNC/FGN leaders were fasting and praying to God for three days. As God foretold the NSCN leaders sent their soldiers numbering a hundred under the Command of Col.Ashiho Paomai to Khiamniungan Region. It was reported and

narrated by one of NSCN men that while they were proceeding to Khiamniungan Region, all soldiers fell sick at Tsiu (Solo) village. So they retreated to their Headquarter Chanlam, Heimi Region. They however thought that because of their food they all got sick. Again the NSCN leaders assigned Col. Thanmi Tangkhul as the operation Commander in Khiamniungan Region, th but he also was killed by Burmese Army on 25 December, 1986 when NSCN Headquarter at Chanlam was attacked and captured by the Burmese Army. It was reported that in 1985 the NSCN leaders sent their Armed men to attack Kohima Transit Peace Camp, but their Commander was arrested by the enemy. Again they sent another group to attack Transit Peace Camp but they were afflicted with dysentery. And third time also failed to attack it, because of heavy rainfall. Realizing from these events Sgt. Nakhu from the NSCN Camp rejoined the NNC/FGN. In 1984, God spoke to Th.Muivah and Isak through an NSCN woman and a Heimi boy Kumo to stop killing innocent people and rejoin the NNC. If you do not obey me I will work against you and many people will be killed again among your selves. But Muivah said, it was not the word of God and warned them not to speak such thing again. In the same year God directed the Kedahge of FGN through Evangelist Athiu Zeliangrong to write three consecutive letters to Muivah and Isak indicating them to stop killing and rejoin the NNC/FGN. And God further warned that, if they do not obey me I will work against them and many of them will be killed.

Accordingly the Kedahge of FGN Eno Zashei Huire sent three consecutive letters to Muivah and Isak on 26th th August, 5 October and 1st November 1984. But no response so far from them. Instead they continued with their own programmes of killings. And the consequence thereof was the NSCN split into two factions in April 1988 known as Khaplang faction and Isak-Muivah(I-M) faction. From then killings among themselves started. Brig.Ashiho Paomai was killed when Khaplang group attacked Muivah and Isak camp at Hangsen village in Heimi Region on April 30,1988. It was reported, in this split more than eighty NSCN men mostly Thangkhuls were killed in Heimi Region alone. Since then several hundreds of people were killed and killing themselves is continued till date 2009. But the leaders of NSCN did not realize that divine punishment fell upon them, because they did not obey God and neither stop killing and rejoin the NNC. In 1994 after Christmas, the NSCN men repeatedly informed to attack the Transit Peace Camp, Kohima, and ordered the people who are living around the Peace Camp to move out immediately from their residences. Accordingly some people moved out from their residences. The plan to attack peace Camp was an open secret. At the same time the Indian Army took their position at the Census office compound, Tinpati, below Peace Camp. On 5th January 1995, at around 5:00 P.M. the NSCN men blink fired near by the Indian Army who were in the compound of Census office. There the Indian Army fired their light machine guns and shelled mortars toward

Transit Peace Camp. Which lasted for nearly two hours. But not a single bullet or mortar shell fell on the compound of Peace Camp or hit the residences of Peace Camp by bullet because God protected it. It was reported by the peace Camp guards that the flying of bullets were visible because firing took place after already dark. Even if bullets were about to hit the residence of Peace Camp, but wonderfully at the edge of roof the bullets flied up over the residence and not a single bullet hit the residences. Two bombs were exploded upper side of the Peace Camp (outside Camp). In 1996 too the NSCN (I-M) leaders sent their Armed men numbering around two hundred to Khiamniungan Region with an order to wipe out the NNC/FGN. They arrogantly challenged the FGN Army to come forward and face them. They said it is the last movement that we are taking to wipe out the NNC/FGN. So, if we defeat you, you (NNC/FGN) should surrender to us, and if you defeat us, we (NSCN-IM) will surrender to you. As they challenged, the Federal Naga Army G.O.C. of the Eastern Command, Maj. Gen. N.K. Lemchiu sent eighty of his Army men and attacked the NSCN at th Thunokniu village on 19 July 1996. The NSCN men faced heavy casualties and retreated from Thunokniu area. It was however learnt again that the NSCN Army were preparing for war from Kiusam Town (Tikhir area) joining hands with the Tikhir Armed Village Guards (V.G) to fight against the Federal Army. Therefore, the G.O.C. E/C of the Federal Naga Army was compelled to send his eighty armed men to attack the NSCN men at Kiusam Town. When the Federal Naga

Army attacked NSCN men on 30 November, 1996 at around 4:00 a.m. and captured the position of NSCN men, the Tikhir VGs from surrounding Kiusam Town namely Longzenger, Sangkamti, Mutonger and Chekiuponger villages (all these villages are one hour or half hour journey from Kiusam Town) came up to fight against the Federal Naga Army from the East, South and West directions. The VGs from Bokphor village (North side of the Town) laid down ambush on the way, which the Federal Naga Army would retreat back. Thus fierce fighting among the Naga brothers took place till noon. However, in this fight also God showed His love for the Federal Army by covering the position of Federal Army with cloud so that their movement could not be seen by their rival group. Therefore, the Federal Army could manage to withdraw without heavy casualty. But the NSCN men once again faced with heavy casualties from the hands of Federal Army as well as from the hands of VGs. Because while fighting, the VGs could not differentiate who are NSCN men or the Federal Army. Thus the VGs killed many NSCN men. Also in March 2000 the NSCN (I-M) men planned to attack and capture Kohima Transit Peace Camp. Thirty of IM armed men were encamped in Kohima village, P.Khel (Transit Peace Camp situated at L.Khel Kohima village). But two of them (without knowing by their comrades) defected to NSCN-K group who were staying in and around Kohima Town. The remained IM men thought that they might be roaming in Kohima Town. However, in


the evening the two men came along with NSCN-K men and unexpectedly captured all of them without firing a single bullet. Two Tangkhuls were among them, one was killed but other one managed to escape. The NSCN-K group also attacked and captured I-M Camp at Jotsoma village (near Kohima Town) from there, the I-M men were planning to attack Peace Camp. After their camp fell into their rival group, I-M men tried to recapture the Camp and thus the whole day th fighting took place among the NSCN groups on 20 March, 2000 started at around 9:00 a.m. and gun fires were heard till around 4:00 p.m. The jungle was burnt by explosion of bombs. On the next day the Naga NGO leaders and some Church leaders visited the fighting place, where they found a charred dead body of IM armed Commander Tangkhul, who was inflicted bullet injuries and burned by jungle fire. The aforementioned events and stories showed that God is protecting and leading the NNC and FGN.


The word of God emanated on August 15, 1974 at U.N.Seti.

Federal authorities, I will neither deceive you nor betray you, if you obey me, my words will be fulfilled. I will truly take you to your land. You must try to control all mischievous people on the day I shall bring you to your land. I am repeatedly telling you. Do not sell your women. You must avoid all those evil activities. When there is no purity in the relationship between men and women dreadful diseases will come up to the people. If there is much prostitution, physically invalid people like, lame, deaf and blind persons will increase in your land. There who carry these disease, their newborn children will be unhealthy. When the invalid will become many, more beggars will be there. And when the beggars are many, Government will become poor. Government must therefore find out ways and means for deaf, blind and lame to earn their living. They can also earn their living if they are taught properly. They shall not become beggars. Behold, my children whom I have called to understand these words. Those who will not do the will of God, Government is there to teach them on my behalf. Government's soldiers can be done the revenge of God. Is it not written in Roman Chapter 13 that the Government soldiers are to take revenge upon those who do not do the will of God? Behold people whom I have called, today you are not Naga soldiers but my soldiers. Those who are authority in civil departments are also doing my words.



If there is anything that goes against the will of God clear them up. There are varieties of denominations in your land. Do not criticize against each other. Criticizing each other, will disturb each other's mind. Do not say that your denomination is good or bad among yourselves. But if there is any religion/denomination which spoil Christianity, Government can stop them. As Paul said you should not criticize each other for eating meat. There may be different religions but the salvation is the only one. Whether he/she be Christian or non-Christian those who are not saved will be in Hell. Even if there is difference on religion those who are saved will be in heaven. Because God has arranged future places for saved one to take rest and for disobedient people to get tormented. There is also a place for the best that would live unto the time of the return of Jesus Christ. Three places are arranged for different people. The Federal Government of Nagaland had framed the Yehzabo (Constitution) with the words of God. Obey me Naga nation. If you obey me I shall give you a good time. After the good time returns I shall work with you. If you do not forsake me I shall not leave you. I want to give you a good time, in order to give rest since you have suffered in the hands of enemy. But other nations are longing for Naga Nation. I perceive it. Other nations are praying in this way, We want to let those people who prophesy in Nagaland to come to our land. We wish them to come to our land and preach. Therefore I feel pity on them. I am going to set the Nagas free and to send Spiritual seeds to these lands. If you take my name I shall work with you. Then from Nagaland the seeds of Spirit will be taken to other lands.

I do not want the Nagaland to be a dirty kingdom. I want Nagaland to be a Spiritual land. A Spiritual place and a Spiritual village. And I want to let other nations beg things from you. As they wish the Naga Nation to come to their land to teach and spread Spiritual seeds to different places. I want the Nagas to tell the coming of Jesus and teach the people to work of Spirit. I am repeatedly telling you, your land will be a Holy land. So take My name and obey Me and do these things. On the day of your victory, when you start proper Government and full power will be in your hands, you must work in this wise. Let not thieves disturb Nagaland. In order not to pollute the Naga nation any more. Search a big place for jail and build houses and fence it. It must be a big place. Fence it properly so that thieves and murderers cannot escape and send guards to guard them. They shall not be allowed to go before completing seven years. After completion of seven years they shall go back to cultivate their lands in the villages. In case they commit theft again, they shall be imprisoned again for another seven years. They should not be allowed to take rest. Let the lazy people work hard. When they learn hard work inside the jail they will be able to earn their living after release, otherwise they will continue to steal. For murderers; question them, if they had any reason for committing the murder. Ask the witness also and if facts could be established on some of his rights, he shall be

imprisoned for seven years. But if the murder is committed without reason, he shall be imprisoned for seven years. Put him first into a cell for seven days. During his stay in cell only one puwa of water will be given him daily, but no other food shall be given him. Even if he dies, it will be because of his own sins. Government had no fault In case the murderer is killed by the family members of the decease in revenge of him, he shall be imprisoned for seven years. First he shall be put into cell for seven days without food except one puwa of water in a day. People of below twelve years of age will not be imprisoned. But their parents will teach them. But people above twelve years of age will be imprisoned Political prisoners. Political prisoners who come into your hands should not be killed. They shall not be kept without food. Their clothes also be properly given. Government must take care of them. If you let suffer your enemy to feel hungry, my love will not be upon you. Your people are facing untold sufferings in the jail of your enemy. But let no man suffer under you. Decide the days, months and years of imprisonment by the Government. Build a big house and let them feel happy. If the place is small and they suffer, they will feel angry and will go against you afterwards. They will not be allowed to smoke or take wine. You shall not mix up the thieves and murderers with the political prisoners.

The political prisoners can do the manual works but did not make them work hard to worry them. Supply the Bible to everyone who can read the Bible in his own language. To both jails, send the preachers on every Sunday, and preach the Gospel to them always. Love your enemy; love them sincerely. You must love your enemy who are in your hands. I am teaching you with these words. So My children obey My words and do these, then I shall never leave you.



Is Sabbath for men or men for Sabbath? Is Sabbath greater than Christ? Does the Federal Government derive from Nagaland for Christ or Nagaland for Christ derived from Federal Government? I am repeatedly telling you, your nation will be quite different from other nations. It will not be like other nations. From Nagaland for Christ the Federal Government of Nagaland and Naga National Council derived. Therefore, there will not be taboo for Federal Government and Naga National Council to touch religion affairs. When you become free, will the Missionaries be maintained by you or will Missionaries maintain you? As both Naga National Council and the Federal Government derived from Nagaland for Christ, both must follow Christian religion. When both the Federal Government and Naga National Council become free, will they not touch religious part and leave them separately? I am repeatedly telling you, you should not leave the religions line separately. If few of you cannot unite do you think many can unite? If you obey me without having doubt and work, you will be happy. I have told you the other day not to criticize any religion. But the Federal Government must stop the religion which will not be good for the Federal Government of Nagaland. Government servants are God's soldiers. If it is decided by the Government, what will God do? If you close/stop the bad religion, will God open it? If it is done in the name of Son, it is done in the name of Father. If you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father also. My children be it known unto you.

It was not the will of God to set you free, otherwise you should have been free the other day. The Nagas will be free in the name of Jesus, so that talk to Him very often to let Him give your freedom soon. You do not take thought seriously. I used to tell you before. Do you close your ears and listen to Me? Can any other nation be free after the Nagas are free? This will be the last nation to be free in the name of Christ. What was the Covenant between Noah and God? From henceforth no people will be destroyed by water. What sign was given for the Covenant? The sign is on the throne of the Nagas. The King of Naga uses it. One day you will hoist this Flag in the United Nations Headquarter at New York. Dated U.N. Seti The 16th Augt. 1974



The God Almighty is a guide and protector of the Naga Army while they were on their way to friendly countries like East Pakistan and China. The guidance and protection by God were well experienced by all Naga Army who took part in Alee (foreign) Missions. Through the Chaplain God always spoke to them, giving direction of the route to be taken, where they would find rations, where and when they would intercept by the enemy and what should they do. Out of many such miraculous events few are noted here in order to remind the Naga National workers and Naga people. In 1966 the Federal Government of Nagaland sent one hundred fifty Naga Army to friendly country China under the Command of Brig. Thinoselie Keyho for the first time. Eno Th. Muivah, the then General Secretary of the NNC was leader of Alee Mission. This group when reached Heimi Region, Eastern part of Nagaland did never ask the villagers where is the way to go, but decided their way to go according to map and compass. No matter how high the mountain or thick the forest may be, they crossed them through the jungle without asking the footpath. At Dunghi village, they decided to cross a high mountain (Lakhu ku) which stand east of the village. Because they thought following the foot path would be dangerous for them, as they could not get the detail about the situation of the area since they had found no one who could speak Hindi, Assamese or English among the villagers. After crossing the mountain they appeared at Shanchin village, where they met Zangyung

Heimi, who speaks Hindi and from there he led them to Tawa (Shingbwi Yang) village where a Company of Burmese Army was posted. When they reached Shingbwi Yang village, they directly entered into Burmese Army Camp. On that time only 15 out of 60 Burmese Army personnel were remained at the Camp. Because the others left the Camp for an operation against the Kachin Independent Army (K.I.A) on that day morning led by Company Commander. Therefore, the Burmese Army could do nothing against the Naga Army. Thus they called back their men and also gave wireless message to their Battalion Headquarter, at Tanai Town. The Company Commander was furious, because his men who remained at the Camp did not fire on the Phizo Naga (the Burmese Army usually call Naga Army as Phizo Naga). He came back with the decision to fight out the enemy from the village. But when he reached the village and saw the Naga Army overwhelmed his Camp and the whole village. He too could do nothing against them, instead he gave them (Naga Army) three bags of rice and let the villagers gave one buffalo. The next day the Naga Army left the village and followed Lido road (which was constructed during the world war II upto Unan Province, China). They however after going five miles on the vehicle road slipped into the jungle by following up the river Tisit so as to camouflage their foot prints. Soon after the Burmese Army reached the river, but they don't know where about the Naga Army and speeded up toward Shingbwi Yang. Truly God loves Naga people and led the Naga Army safely.

After slipped out to the jungle, the Naga Army were wandering in the Hawkong valley, there God told them that I am sending a guide for you. As God foretold they found a mahout with an elephant, and the mahout led them to the K.I.A's Camp. From there the K.I.A. led them up to China border. In 1968, when Gen. Mowu and his Alee Mission group were returning from China, a Brigade of the Burmese Army pursued after them and many times fighting took place in Kachinland. In Hawkong valley, after Gen. Mowu and his group crossed the river Tarung, a big snake blocked the river and many Burmese Soldiers who were pursuing after them saw the snake were fell sick and died. Then after the Burmese Army abandoned to pursue the Naga Army in Kachinland. In 1971, the Naga Army Alee Command under the Command of the then Col. Vedai safely slipped into Eastern Nagaland. And after they crossed the Chindwin River they were wandering in the Chindwin valley for more than twenty days. Their rations were completely exhausted. There God told them I am sending a guide for you. In the next day they found a wild elephant and they attempted to kill it for their food, because they were wandering without food for some days. But God prevented them and said, it is your guide, follow after it, then you will find a foot path. As they obeyed the word of God and followed after elephant, and as God foretold they found a jungle footpath and the footpath led them to reach Tangkhrau Kachin village after wandering more than twenty days in the Chindwin valley.

In November 1974, the authorities of FGN sent again Naga Army Alee mission to China under the Command of Col.Vedai, numbering a hundred and fifty Army personnel. Soon after they started from Chakhesang Region, their movement was known by the Indian Army and started chasing after them. The Alee Mission group reached the river Doyang. It was heavy rainfall during those days and the river was big with strong current. Therefore, to cross the river was dangerous for the Alee Command group. However, God told them to cross the river immediately without fear, through Miss Vechisal But the whole Army personnel could not believe and fear that they would be all drowned in the river if they cross. Yet, God repeatedly told them to cross the river quickly because their enemy were chasing after them. They obeyed the word of God and crossed the river only waist deep, as God made it shallow. Soon after they crossed the river the Indian Army reached the river and were amazed at how the Naga Army crossed the river. The Indian Army turned back from there, because they could not cross the river. In 1978, all together three batches of Naga Army numbering five hundred who took part in Alee mission to China in 1977 were returning back to Homeland. th When they reached Chindwin River on 24 January 1978, they faced with a problem of finding sufficient materials to make bamboo raft to cross the River. There was no village near by. The village can be found after three days journey toward down side or upside the river. The Alee Command group therefore prayed to God for His help and direction. As they were praying, God directed them to go upward the River, so that they would find a small boat beneath a small bush. When they obeyed the word of God and went up the River they

found a boat exactly from beneath of a small bush. With that they crossed the River Chindwin. However, it is a very much unfortunate for all of us by now that many of our youth who called themselves as Naga Army had forgotten God's love for them and involving in all kinds of evil and emotional activities. Also they believed that only arms that can save their lives and the nation. Thus God's wrath fell upon them and made them to use their arms to fight against each other, and there many lives are losing in vain.


Nagaland and India are, historically, racially, politically, culturally and geographically two different nations. Before the advent of the British, Nagas and Indians did not know each other. In 1929, when the British attempted to include Nagaland into reform scheme of the British India, the Nagas rejected it. As a result the British treated Naga areas as excluded areas from the colony of the British India. But the Government of India claimed that when she obtained independent from the British their master nation, Nagaland would automatically become a part of independent India. How can they claim it? Even the Pakistan and the Bangladesh (previous East Pakistan) or Burma, which were parts of British India, did not automatically become part of independent India. Because of these false claims over Nagaland by India, war between the two nations (India and Nagaland) started in 1955. Since then the rulers of India are persecuting, oppressing and killing innocent Nagas. For this injustice, the divine judgment fell upon the leaders of India, because they did not let the Nagas go free. To remind the people some past events are noted here;
1. On 11th March, 1952 when a Naga delegation led by A.Z. Phizo met Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of India in New Delhi, Nehru said; whether heaven falls or India goes to pieces or blood runs red all over the country, I don't care. I shall not set the Nagas free and I will not meet the Naga leaders for that matter According to his words Nehru did not meet th again the Naga leaders, because he died on 27 May 1964 after he received a message from a member of Nagaland -61-


Peace Mission Shri B.P. Chaliha on 26 May, 1964 that the cease-fire between Nagaland and India was signed on 24th May, 1964 and peace talk is going to be held between the nations. 2. Shri Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India said on June 14, 1977 when he had an official meeting with Dr. A.Z. Phizo, President of NNC at Indian High Commissioner office in London, U.K. that I will exterminate the Naga rebels. There will be no mercy. I will show absolutely no leniency to rebels. I will certainly exterminate the rebel Nagas. I have no compunction about that. Soon after the meeting, he met air crash and also fell down from his Prime Ministership. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India was repeatedly warned by God Almighty through Dessan Tagore and also through Lt. Kipfelhou, Naga Army Chaplain that the judgement of Lord God is at hand, especially on her, if she would not stop blood-shedding of innocent Naga people and would not set the Nagas free, the divine judgement would fall on her and she would die. None of the idols in whom she has put so much faith can never save her As she did not obey the word of God she was killed by her own body guard on 30th October, 1984. Again God warned the Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi that divine judgement will fall on him too, as it did on his mother Indira Gandhi, if he would not set the Nagas free. As it was warned he was killed by bomb blast in May 1991 in worst gruesome manner in the world history. Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao, Prime Minister of India wowed th on the 17 November 1994 that he would put an end to the insurgency movement in Kashmir and the Northeast, but his Indian Chief of Army Gen. B.C. Joshi died of heart attack in the next morning November 18, 1994. -62-


God also warned the leaders of India that, India will also crumble into pieces very soon, for its oppression of the poor and the minority. Especially of the Nagas, because they are part of Israel said the Lord through Dessan Tagore (Indian) in 1982. Now the leaders of India (Aryans) are doing to the Nagas as what they did it to Dravidians, such as to make them minority in their own land, treating them like beast so as to lord over the Nagas and make them outcast. The Adi Dravida or Dravidians were native people who owned and occupied the land of India. th But when Arayans came to India during 6 century B.C. and settled in the Indu areas, they used cast system to exploit the native people of India. They took the land of Dravidians, robbed their properties, made them not only landless but also stripped them of their human dignity and made them outcast, parayas, which means untouchable. Therefore God said, The conflict between the Nagas and the Indian rulers is a Spiritual Conflict said through Dessan Tagore The above mentioned the words of God and divine judgement upon the Indian leaders had shown the Government of India should understand and realize that it is the will of God not to oppress the Nagas but to let them go free, as they are not Indians.






Regarding misfortune of the Indian leaders Mr. Peter Johnson, Revelators Universal wrote a letter to the President of India on May 30, 1991 as follow:-

world history. While the healing of the nation of India by these outrageous violence may take some time to heal, it is pertinent to postulate who carried out the most recent assassination and also reflect on the philosophical or spiritual aspect as to why such assassination have taken place in the Gandhi family; one after another. By this we would attempt to identify the deeper motives and specific causes of these assassinations. Are these assassinations man made or are they God sent? We may think that Rajiv Gandhi would have saved his life, if he had not ventured into Ceylon with the Indian Army, to help put down the Tamil separatist movement, spearheaded by the TAMIL TIGERS. But what Rajiv Gandhi did was almost sub-conscious, because he was afraid of separation of various States in India because of similar movements going back to the Naga National Movement which started even before India became independent and even now the spiritual block in the progress of India, followed by older separatist movement of DK and DMK, and more recently, the Sikh freedom movement. We will soon establish that the Naga movement is the most powerful deterrent to India's ill founded SOVEREIGNTY over the Nagas and the immutable cause of the two Gandhi assassinations. But before that, let us turn to the terrorists who have trained the Tamil Tigers, who were also responsible for similar suicide assassinations in Sri Lanka. ABC News in the US had a news program, not long ago, that it is the Israeli CIA which have been training Tamil Tigers according to an Israeli agent who defected from the Israeli CIA. If so, whether the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was carried out by the Israeli under cover agents


May 30, 1991 Hon R. Venkataraman President of India Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi, India Ref: Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and India's future: Dear Mr. President, It is with profound regret that we write this letter; and we want to convey to you, and through you to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the Government of India and the many thousands of mourning Indian public, our sincere condolences on the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in succession of assassination of his mother Indira Gandhi about seven years ago. These tragedies of India are unique and there are very few parallels to them in the

using the Tamil Tigers as a front? According to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE newspaper, the suicide bomb that killed Rajiv Gandhi was designed and manufactured in the US. Such a sophisticated and accurately timed bomb which triggered on as the woman knelt down before Rajiv could not have been made in the US without the connivance of professionals in intelligence? Was Rajiv killed by a connivance of Israeli-US intelligence agents because Rajiv was against the Allie planes refueling in India during the recent war between the US and IRAQ, in which Israel was a silent but a substantial partner? Was the silent but powerful enmity between Israel and India exploded finally through the bomb that finished Rajiv Gandhi because India was the friend of the Arab Nations and therefore unfriendly to Israel. The same was the case with Sri Lanka as it also would not recognize Israel nor give any diplomatic status to that nation. Although Tamil Tigers may be the front runners for killing Rajiv Gandhi, it is clear that their managers ought to be sophisticated and none else could qualify for this mastermind but a foreign intelligence a foreign power who were dead set against India's policy towards the Arabs vis a vis the Israelis. Real causes for Rajiv's assassination is obscured by the timing of the event, to the real culprits who have taken cover under the Tamil Tigers, as they provided the best motive for revenge. Quite apart from what is explicit and implicit in the two Gandhi assassinations, is there a supernatural reason what such terrible end fell upon the Gandhis and surrounding mundane circumstances was just the events that led to the finale in either case? There seem to be sufficient justification for a supernatural judgement that

fell on the Gandhis, looking at certain evidence certain letters that went to Mrs. Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, from one of your countrymen by name Tagore Dessan, who was interested in the Gandhis as well as on the others who would not agree with them. Tagore was a friend of India, the friend of the Gandhis and the friend of the NAGA PEOPLE. He was a spiritual revelator and believed that India had a rich spiritual heritage going back to the times of JESUS CHRIST, 2000 year ago, when the religion of India was in a relatively in pure form as compared to its present adulterated state of idolatry. We will come this spiritual conflict that stands in the real progress of India in a while. Tagore wrote to Mrs. INDIRA GANDHI, several letters stemming from the atrocities of the Indian Army on the NAGA PEOPLE ever since INDIA became Independent, and the Nagas sought their own country's right from then on. Tagore pleaded with Mrs.Gandi first, but then warned her that if she would not let the Naga people go free and stop the massacre of the Nagas, divine judgement will fall on her and she will be removed from power. It was not only Tagore, but also a Christian woman from Nagaland who visited with her in New Delhi, foretold that she will be killed in a ghastly manner, if she would not let her people go. These prophesies were also made by others in Nagaland. They were written down and sent to her and she knew her end was nearing, but she did not act to set the Nagas free. And finally, her end came in late 1984 as was told by Tagore and others. Tagore is an Indian, but he is not from Nagaland. He was purely guided by the vision that God gave him. Mrs. Indira Gandhi won't relent on idols worship either, and she went after her favourite idols

from the North to the South to save herself! Tagore warned her that none of those idols were real gods and none of them had the power to save her life. But yet, she went headlong and the terrible end came. A prophecy, a vision came true. Probably, the Sikh problem may not have risen, if Mrs. Gandhi had listen to Tagore earlier and let the NAGAS go free. India had another major problem to deal with, and that was the freedom of the Sikhs, which was ignited by Mrs. Gandhi's attack on the golden shrine of the Sikhs. It is interesting from the spiritual point of view to see that the Sikhs like the Nagas, are not idol worshippers and are resisting the idolaters. When the Rajiv Gandhi took over the reins of government, Tagore again wrote to him explaining his vision that he must obey the divine mandate and set the NAGAS free and stop the persecution of the Naga people by the Indian Army. Instead of heeding this friendly voice, Rajiv pursued his political ambitions to make India a multi-religious and multi-cultural, and even an international state. And Tagore warned him that the Nagas were not Indians to begin with. Neither do they look like Indians, nor they speak any of the Indian languages nor were they idol worshippers like the majority of Indians. Majority of the Nagas almost 90 per cent of them were Christians. Majority of the people hated the Indians, because of military occupation of Nagaland from India's independence in 1947. Even the young the Nagas were opposed to Indian Rule, because they see the atrocities of the Indian Army raping the Naga women, killing the innocent people, a gruesome tale of violation of human rights, hidden from world

view. The young Nags also see the hand of God in protecting the Naga forces who cannot be vanquished inspite of the superior Indian military Army. But all these reasons seemed to fall on the deaf ears of Rajiv. So Tagore finally wrote to him that his end would also come and would be as tragic as his mother's, that he too would be killed in a gruesome manner. Although the vision is now more than five years old, Tagore is not surprised that it has finally taken effect. And he feels sorry that such a terrible end should be fall on Rajiv, but he says Rajiv knew the price he had to pay for terrorizing Nagaland. The Gandhis could have avoided the tragedies that they brought upon themselves by taking the warnings which were in reality, the warnings of God. In fact, Tagore feels even Nehru's death after the Chinese invasion of its frontiers war was also providential, because he did not fulfill Gndhi's wish to let the Nagas go free if the Nagas did not want to be a part of India. Since the terrible dead of Rajiv Gandhi we have had discussions with Tagore and he has these important things to say to you, Mr. President, the future rulers of India and the Indian people. We summarize them here for the benefit of India and the Indian people. (a) The future rulers of Government of India must be warned that by continuing to keep Nagaland under Army rule, the rulers of India are defying the divine mandate to let the Naga people be on their own, if they do not want to be under India. It was Mahatma Gandhi's promise to the Nagas at the time of India's independence to let the Naga people decide their future; if they do not want to be a part of the Indian Union. Tagore suggests that the Indian Government

should invite Phizo, who is in exile in England, to return to India to negotiate a peace treaty with India and finalize a political settlement, policy to be given final shape in six months time. India should let the Nagas free to choose the form of government they desire. With a generous attitude, and an environment of free will for the Nags to choose, it may be possible to work out a full political autonomy for Nagaland with India agreeing to retain defence and foreign affairs on a request by the Naga people, on condition that India would withdraw all its Armed Forces and permanent cease fire will be established in Nagaland. (b) The Government of India is exhorted to work out a peace treaty with Sikhs, who are seeking autonomy, and India should work towards a harmonious settlement. This would be for the benefit of both India and the Sikhs. India had to lose much more in the future, if it tries to rule the Sikhs with military power. It is best to decide the Sikhs freedom issue through a Plebiscite and if the Sikhs vote for a free Sikhs State, even a portion of Punjab into two religions will be a viable political solution in the interest of peace and internal stability and security of India. Allowing the divisive forces to thrive and attempts to keep them under military power will only cost more in the end. India will do well to follow the golden policy of Non Violence of Gandhiji in the management of internal political problems. Otherwise, India will be split into several pieces as it was before the British came to India. Besides, there will be Civil wars. (c) Sooner or later, Tamil Nadu will also press for its independence and so too, the other Southern State, which is not a new concept and has its roots to pre-70-

independence days under the dravida Kazhagam. It would be better for India to work out an autonomy plan for the Southern States with India retaining defence, foreign affairs and central Communications. India can foretell any deeper separatist policy in the Southern States, by taking initiative in this regard. In fact, such a limited federation approach to certain States that went to exert their national spirit would further peace and solidarity of India and prevent its (India) disintegration Let not anyone forget, Tagore says; that India is not one Nation, it is composed of several Nations like Europe, with distinct languages and cultures. As each region gets developed, its desire to become independent is a natural political evolution and a flexible Indian Constitution that would permit such political autonomies would be in the interest of India a solid, secure strong India an ideal federation. Such a Constitution can avoid political turmoil and violence, and great social and political costs in the long run, including most importantly, intervention by foreign powers.
Freedom from Spiritual Delusion : A Crusade for Truth.

Finally, it is the Spiritual Delusion of India that needs to be corrected for its own cultural progress, political and social development. Tagore pleaded with the late Mrs. Gandhi to stay away from the idols because they presented Demonic Powers, and as he told her, they did not have any power to save her life. And they did not, in spite of her ardent worship of the idols. The same thing happened to Rajiv. But India was not a demon and idols worshipping country before the Dark Ages. India had a rich spiritual culture at the time of JESUS CHRIST. This

is evident from a historical record (Urantia Book, published by the Urantia Foundation, Chicago) of the kind of religion that existed in INDIA 2000 years ago. The Urantia Book gives an account of the travels of two Indian merchants father and son GONOD and GANID, who traveled with JESUS in Rome and other West European and Middle Eastern countries over a year. These travels reveal a wealth of information about the Roman world 2000 years ago and more especially, about the high Spiritual Civilization of INDIA at that time Ganid, the young Indian merchant who had become a pupil of Jesus Christ during these travels, records about two predominant religions of India, namely HIDUISM and JAINISM. Both were monotheistic religions with belief in One Supreme Universal God. Extracts of these extraordinary faiths from Urantia Book, which is so different from what HINDUISM stands today is appended to this letter. A comparison of this older Indian religion and that of present Indian idolatry is like Light and Darkness. What surrounds India today is a shade of spiritual hypocrisy, which has been the cause of its misfortunes; its bondage to superstition, Caste System and poverty. These are Fruits of Spiritual Slavery, promoted by religious Charlatans who have led INDIA to the Worship of False Deities. They have corrupted the high spiritual concept of India, of Faith in one Supreme Deity, to a crude concept of Worship of fallen Angels Demons who are opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven. If India must eradicate its poverty, racial (Caste) prejudice and ignorance, it should banish the IDOLS from its thought and culture and return to the Time

of GANID and GONOD to the Worship of the FATHER IN HEAVEN, the SUPREME ruler of the Universe of Universes. India's rich culture has its roots in that high Spiritual Civilization that existed BEFORE the Dark Ages. India must release itself from this Dark Age, which still persists and claim freedom in the spirit in the recognition and worship of the true and living God. In closing let us capture here, the brilliant thought of GANID, the young Indian merchant, who put his FAITH in a nutshell in the enlightening company of JESUS: I will no longer be satisfied to believe that GOD is the Father of all people. I will henceforth believe that He is also my Father. Always, I will try to worship GOD with the help of the Spirit of Truth; which is my helper; when I have become really God knowing. But, first of all, I am going to practice worshipping GOD by learning How to DO the will GOD on EARTH; that is, I am going to DO my best to treat each of my fellow mortals just as I think GOD would like him treated. If Ganid, the wise Indian philosopher, had been the Prime Minister of India today, he would not rule the Nagas with his Army against their will, because that will not be the will of God. So we see the direct spiritual cause in the death of two Prime Ministers, the two Gandhis, by turning against the will of God or the spiritual principle not to kill or molest the Nagas. We hope India would learn a lesson from the high tradition of GANID a spiritual tradition which India had, which it can recapture by just turning to the true and living God by turning away from the idols. It is idolatry that has cause

India to oppress the Nagas who are not idol worshippers. If India gave up its idolatry, its false gods and turned to the living God then it would not oppress the Nagas. It will settle all its differences with them in a friendly manner. Peace and prosperity would naturally return to the sub-Continent (of India). Gandhi began a crusade through ahimsa, but he was cut short by religious fanatics. But now there is a great opportunity to follow the spirit of Gandhi and find peace, which he wanted for India. The alternative is anarchy, which is already on the march; a rise in religious madness, which will only end self destruction of India. Tagore would like to return one day to India to work for the revival of Ganid's faith in one Supreme God which can set India truly free and make it a spiritual leader in the world. India has the potential to become a great nation because it had among its people spiritual elites like Ganid and there are many more today who can walk out of darkness, only if they can know Ganid's faith. May God lead India to true freedom in the spirit to true brotherhood by love to everlasting peace. May God bless you, Mr. President. Sincerely, Sd/ (PETER JOHNSON)


Through Naga Army Chaplain Kipfelhou, Dated U.N. Seti, 13th August, 1974 Prime Minister of India, Will you persecute my children? Do not persecute my children any more. Those who are imprisoned in your jail, they are my children. Release them soon. If you do not obey me and do not release my children from your jails, you will face my anger, I, Jehovah am calling you. I am Jehovah and no one can be in my place. If you do not hear my voice, you will suffer and I will let your people also suffer. As King Pharaoh did not allow Israelites to go and received sufferings, so will it be to you. How much the people of Egypt suffered for not allowing the Israel people to go. If you do not release my children from your jails you shall suffer even more than the Egyptians. If my people the Nagas who were imprisoned are not released and set the Naga people free, it will be like Samson letting the foxes into the standing grain as well as olive orchards, so shall I destroy the fields of Indians. If you not obey me I shall send ants to your land. The ants will eat up your throne and gather the remnants and carry them away. Indira Gandhi, who are my children? Those who are purged from their sins are my children. I never fail to avenge for the righteous people. The Nagas are my children, so shall I take revenge for them.



And so in this case I tell you, do not take any action against these men. Leave them alone! If what they have planned and done is of human origin, it will disappear, but if it is comes from God, you cannot possibly defeat them. You could find yourselves fighting against God! (Acts 5:38-39). He answered, I tell you, if these were silent the very stones would cry out.(Luke 19:40) This Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. So you see that it is men of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God will justify the Gentles by faith, preached the Gospel beforehand to Abraham saying, In you, shall all the nations be blessed. So then, those who are men of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith. Even now the axe is laid to the root of trees, every tree therefore that does not bears good fruit is cut down and thrown into fire. Behold the Lord will bring a great plague on your people, your children, your possessions. Indira Gandhi, hear this and be sad and worry. You will be imprisoned as you have been in the hands of British before. You will become slave of other nation. It was warned to the people of Israel to be careful and their wealth will be carried away to the Babylon. Prime Minister of India, Cabinet Ministers and the President, even now the axe is laid to your throne. If you do not hear my voice I can cut you Indira Gandhi, do you suppose that your kingdom cannot be broken? Be careful in your time. When you came to Nagaland with your father was not your cup broken?

So, be careful, during your Premiership India can be broken or even afterward. To strengthen your kingdom is to set others free as you cannot be slave of others. If the Nagas are free do you think India will be broken? It will not be so. But due to your intransigence your kingdom will be broken. As you do not want to be slave of other, so others do not want to be your slave. I know the reason why you are not releasing the Naga prisoners. It is not because of the fault of the Nagas, but it is callous rapacity. I have deposited some thing in Nagaland. But I have given your portion. And you should not covet their portion. Not to speak of coveting it but be careful, like a venomous serpent it may bite you. You should not covet it, I will never give it to you. I have chosen Naga people by self. Before the return of the Jesus, it is my will that the Nags are to be free, for I have given them their kingdom. If you do not obey me and leave them free it shall be cursed on you. Indira Gandhi, understand my words carefully, Nagas are not persisting to be free by themselves, but they are my children and they are listening to my words, work accordingly. I told the Nagas fear not, little flock it is your father's pleasure to give you the kingdom. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, God's own people, that you must declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (I Pet. 2:9)

Prime Minister of India and Cabinet Ministers, if you do not obey my words and release my people from your jails, you will suffer more and more shortage of food, clothing etc. If you do not obey me the number of refuges and beggars will increase to double. Because of your poverty your kingdom is going to be broken. This is my last word to you that even now the axe is laid to your throne. I tell it to you not because I love the Nagas more and not because that I do not love India, all of you alike, if your people obey me. I say this because there are sufferings in your land and there are sufferings in Nagaland because of you. Therefore, I sent my Angel and my soldier Gabriel to Kipfelhou, who had been chosen as he had dedicated to be one of the sons of Abraham. He obeys me and wrote. Do not think it be his own words. And the Scripture verses are not of his own, no one could prophesy by himself, more over, wise, wealthy and strong a person may be he cannot prophesy nor can he talk to God of his own accord. If both (Indians and Nagas) you obey me both will not suffer. Whoever does not obey me shall suffer more and more. But whoever obeys me shall be more and more victorious. He who does not obey me shall not receive good reward. The man who had written this cannot see me if he does it of his own accord. And curse shall be upon that man. These are my words. If you do not obey my words you cannot see me, but curse be upon you. Let Jesus Christ be victorious. Amen.

14. THE WORD OF GOD FOR THE INDIAN LEADERS (2) Dated U.N.Seti September 4th 1974.
Prime Minister of India, Have you not received the earlier message I sent to you? It is not a subject that you conceal it without under going a reading. It is not only for a perusal. The deep meaning herein written shall be completed. I am not addressing you alone. The Cabinet Ministers and the Indian national leaders are included in the dealing out by this message. As you take note of messages, the other Indian leaders are also to undergo a careful study of this given message. These messages shall not confine within your closed interest. It shall go to the President and Ambassadors of the other nations who are in your country. These communications are my words and you shall not cancel it. The worldly affairs can encounter delay, but the message that emanated from the Supreme Power and the subject that the Supreme Power is taking concern, shall not encounter delay. Let my words do not linger a moment in your pocket, neither make it attached to your paper files. I am in the open, and my words ought to be in the open. Where you to hide my communications? I shall have to



hide the national Forces of India from my sight. As you have hidden my words in your almirah, so also I will commit India in hidings When you have read the written message with the faculty of your sight, how is it that you have hardened so long your heart, the longer the Naga Kingship is hindered, the suffering condition of India will be escalated. Prime Minister of India, your incumbent Cabinet Ministry will not get relief until the Nagas attains full Kingship and unhampered sovereignty. Disease carrier germs will increase in your country and poverty will prevail more and more in your country. I have appointed long ago that you free yourself from the Naga Kingship. What I have ordained, where are you making obstructions. Is the eternal holds power or the temporal holds power? You are transient subject, I am the ancient. You are causing afflictions and severe strains on the Naga people. You have no means to wage war against the power, which you do not see. As you have been oppressing the Naga people, so also, to you I will give you the same measure of oppressing. The Naga people are among My true children. I will indeed vindicate the lost of My children. I cannot silent and allow you to carry on.

Your people (Indians) are kicking the Nagas, beating the Nagas resorted to torment the Nagas: and committing moral offences against Naga daughters. The Naga people are My people and My children. When you kill one Naga, I will kill ten of your people in your country. This is in vindication to the killings of My Naga people by you. Members of the Lok Sabha, Government of India in Delhi, take note of this message. Have you extend the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of 1967 for another two years? A change of hearts should take place when the words of God are made known. Instead you are repulsive towards the word of God. The Government of Indian In Delhi and the Lok Sabha, just as you have imposed the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act on Nagaland for another period of two years over and above the existing afflictions against the Naga people, I will imposed double weight in your country. The Government of India in Delhi is deploying troops in the Naga territory and conducting murders and killings. Alas; I am sending an unseen messenger to your land of India, instead of deploying an invading Army against you. The people of India will resort to violence and killing due to shortage of foodstuffs. I am sending this communication along with the previous message, neither you nor your people should conceal the message.

This nation, My children the Nagas, shall live with full authority in a sovereign independent state before Me and before you. When that is not the running course, your attitude and deeds are one of harshness. So, I will pursue harshness toward you. These messages are not written in a composition by flesh and blood. I have chosen a person and called him when he calls and praising the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This person, my servant Kipfelhou, to whom I have dictated the message. He has set my words into writing. The message is for you. A person can acquire much knowledge, or a person can accumulate much wealth, those talents are different from the gift of Spirit. To know what the days are in store, so speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance, are gift of the Spirit. Call the members of the Lok Sabha immediately when you receive this letter. If you fail to tell my word to the members of the Lok Sabha, your kingship (the tenure of your office) will not stay in front of me.

15. THE WORD OF GOD FOR THE INDIAN LEADERS (3) Through Maj. Vephi Dozo, Head Chaplain, Naga Army. On August 16, 1996.

I am the Almighty God Jehovah; it is Spirit. And it is the Spirit saying to the President, the Prime Minister, Home Minister, the Cabinet Ministers of the Government of India: 1. To everything there is a season; a time of war and a time of peace. The Nagas are not going to resume armed warfare against you. But it is not yet concluded. If you fail on your part to separate the Nagas, it is imminent that other nations are to rise against you on my behalf. If not, it shall emerge from your own nation. 2. The prevailing peace between you and the Nagas is, in fact, not a genuine peace for both sides. And there are two issues remained to produce mutual understanding; that between you and the Naga National Council, and the other issue is that the Nagas are not Indians, it is to uphold the Naga Nationhood. And you are to withdraw your Armed Forces from Nagaland. Jehovah is I am. I have fixed the boundaries of your lands. And separately marked the boundary of the Nagas. (Reference Acts 17: 26). 3. When the Indian leaders believe in me, or when India as a nation believe in Almighty God, the Nagas would not have to suffer so long under your shadow, and yet you (India) are similar to ancient Egypt of Pharaoh's days and thus distress persisted on the Nagas and even on the Indian people. And that you have brought misfortune to the Naga people, and mortally and



spiritually you have damaged the human values of the Nagas. And for all these numbers of guilt, the fury of retribution is about to direct upon the leaders and the nation of India. 4. It was on August 13, 1974 that I sent a message to the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi through my messenger Chaplain Kipfelhou. And now I have repeated the same message through my messenger Chaplain Vephi Dozo. Let the incumbent President, the Prime Minister, the Home minister and the Cabinet Ministers of India hear the message. The imminent measure of tragedy depends upon how soon the grips of India on the Nagas relax and release. In course of time what is to happen on you (India) shall come to pass on the surface. 5. What is being said and to be accomplished are (1) Call the workers in the Ministry of God (the reverends, teachers) in India and let them interpret (reveal) this written message to you. This is because the non-believers (in God) cannot and will not believe or understand this message. Make it known and understand the given message for your guidance, so that the result is also to protect and preserve the Indian nation. It is not I have no love toward you, but it is your own arrogance and action that is itself producing the negative side of fury toward India. These messages of the coming events are not from human thoughts. As for the messengers (the two Chaplains), they are simple persons. But it is the Holy Spirit. Bless are those whoJohn 20:29.


The above mentioned God's message to the Indian Prime

Minister was diligently illustrated again by the former NNC President, Dr.A.Z.Phizo in his communication to Shri Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India started on 6th September 1988. The communication was a lengthy (34 pages) letter ever written to the Prime Minister of India in the running history. The letters were written in serial numbers and out of serial numbers 157, from 1 to 21 and from 108 to 120 are quoted for the interest of Naga people as well as the Indian people as follow :. 1. In 1974 a message was sent to India. It was handed over to Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India. The message consist of two communications which were directly addressed to her, and through her to the people of India. It was the greatest message that was ever addressed to a human being in a very personal way. 2. THE MESSAGE REVEALED TO INDIA EVERYTHING THAT WAS TO COME. Thus, the window of the future was opened to Human view. 3. THE MESSAGE IS FOR INDIA. And the people were told what lay ahead of them and what they must do. In the communication the Future was revealed to India in the clearest language possible which cannot be misinterpreted. It is not enigmatic, the pronouncement is so straightforward that even a child can understand what it says.

4. THE MESSAGE CAME FROM GOD. God in His mercy spoke directly to India through the Prime Minister of India, calling her Indira Gandhi. 5. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was very fortunate as she was then at the height of her power by 1974. And no human being, as the leader of a nation, was so honoured from above in the past 1000 years in like manner. Wonderfully the message was directly addressed to her to tell the people in India. 6. And not only Mrs. Indira Gandhi but India too, they ought to have humbled themselves and feel grateful that God spoke to them and that He has shown them a way out to free themselves from their predicament from which there is no easy solution for India to escape from the stigma of aggression. GOD'S WARNING

Indira Gandhi: Hear this and be sad and worry! You will be imprisoned like those who are in your jails. You will be imprisoned as you had been in the hands of the British before. And the warning was fulfilled in three years. 1966 Mrs. Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India. In 1974, she was warned that she will suffer imprisonment. In 1975, she declared Emergency and imprisoned Mr.Desai and others. In 1977, she was defeated in election and she suffered imprisonment. In 1980, she was re-elected and her experience should have chastened her. Mrs. Indira Gandhi severely warned

7. GOD WARNED INDIA. The message sent to India is for the good of India. It gave an opportunity to India to set herself free. In the message it was stressed more than once that, if WARNING is not heeded to then India can be broken. The WARNING was given in 1974. And India is now in (1988) on the brink of breaking up; who can deny it! And India will break up to fulfill God's Warning. And this is the price India has to pay for the horrible Crimes she had committed in Nagaland. 8. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was also told in the same message, at the time she was at the zenith of her power; saying;

9. In the communication that came from God Mrs. Gandhi was severely warned many times for her dereliction as she failed to tell the message to her Cabinet and the Lok SABHA. And she was given the last warning, saying; If you fail to tell my words to the members of the Lok SABHA, your kingship (the tenure of your office) will not stay in front of me; THIS IS MY FINAL WARNING. And, what happened thereafter became history. The final warning was given. As such, the death of the Prime

Minister of India Mrs.Indira Gandhi should have shocked India to the realization that something is terribly wrong somewhere. But India was not awake and failed to see that the kingship or the tenure of the office was terminated as ORDAINED. Surely nothing more serious then this can happen to a person, but if one refuse to obey, the word that come from God shall have to prevail. March 30, 1953. 10. In 1953, Mrs. Indira Gandhi came to Nagaland with her father Mr.Nehru. The Hon. U Nu, the Prime Minister of Burma accompanied them. It was not an invitation but they came on their own initiative. In a public reception meeting Mrs. Indira Gandhi was to speak. And she was on the platform facing the public in Kohima Town hall. She asked for a glass of water and it was given to her and she took it. And when she raised the glass to drink the cup slipped from her hand and it broke on the floor loudly: an experience which she could never forget, that was on March 30, 1953. After 20 years the incident became a turning point as a reminder of what could happen to her if she failed in her responsibility; not only to her own person but to India itself which was in her charge as the Prime Minister of the country. This incident was mentioned in the Message. 11. THE MESSAGE TO INDIA is a wonderful document. A document like this one exists no where in the world. God revealed Himself to India and to the Nagas declaring Himself who He is and what He is in relation to God and Man; thus giving us the insight to

know Him better like never before, and that He loves all of us alike if we obey Him. What more do we need to know! Nothing can be better than this. He spoke to us like a father to his children. And, THE FUTURE (that which is to come) IS MADE VISIBLE TO US. In a direct talk, like person to person, the WARNINGS are given in clear language. And it is already in operation which we can see it and which the whole world can witness. Nothing like this occurred in the past 2000 years as we can witness it so soon after warning was given. And much more are yet to come and all these are embodied in the Message. And India is very fortunate that she is told what she must do. The danger of becoming a cursed nation. 12. Whereas, if India continues to defy God's Warnings India could become a cursed nation, and all these are clearly stated in the message. And why should not India free herself before she came into grief. NO NEED TO BE IN DOUBT 13. It is no longer a speculation as to how the WARNING embodied in the Message will be fulfilled. What is happening to India since 1974 is a clear revelation that the Message is at work. India was Warned, saying; As you have hidden my words so also I will commit India in hidings

Taking this one as an example; India is the second biggest nation on earth and she could sway the world. She once played the leading rule in world affairs and the U.N. records or your press reports will confirm to this. But now India is in hidings; she became the least regarded Country. India can talk loud and clear but it no longer carries weight befitting a nation of 800 million people. She is lost because she is defying God. The name of God is never to be used in vain but we are now talking about the Message sent by God which India kept it in hiding. If it were not for what God has revealed to her India would not have known the causes and the reason why India is in a dilemma. Instead of becoming a leading nation on earth, which she could, India became the poorest nation among the advanced Countries. India is the only Country among the big nations which is going down, instead of going up as already pointed out. And it is ordained that India will suffer more and more. 14. INDIA IS TOLD PRECISELY that the longer she continues to defy God's WARNING like now; a) she will not get relief from her troubles, b) but the suffering condition of India will escalate, And this is exactly what is happening to India. And it will continue till India free herself, which is the key issue. What is happening today in India and what are yet to come, all these are in the Message made known to India NOW 14 YEARS ALREADY which India is keeping it in secret. But the MESSAGE is a living document and it cannot die. It

is a continuing situation till the problem is over. And what makes India reluctant to save herself from destined ruin.

15. The Prime Minister of India was given the mandate to tell the Message to the Cabinet and the Lok Sabha, which came from God. And Mrs. Indira Gandhi failed to do so. And the tenure of her office was terminated as warned. The Message was addressed not to the Prime Minister of India alone but also to the Cabinet Ministers and the PRESIDENT, and the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA in Delhi, MEMBERS OF LOK SABHA, and the INDIAN NATIONAL LEADERS, all are included to deal with the Message, but the Message is being kept hidden and India is on the verge of breaking up as warned. India is the second biggest nation on earth. And there have never been a more serious mandate given to some one else than the one entrusted to the Prime Minister of India to tell the Mission of the Message that came from God for India to save herself. First, India is not just a country. Secondly, India is a democratic country. And they are 800 million people in India. And, are not they human being? The people have every right to know what is happening to them. DEMOCRACY demands openness for the people to know the facts. And the entire responsibility to tell the nation rest with the Prime Minister of India as the mandate is in his hand.

INDIANS KILLINGS THE INDIANS. 16. The Indians are now killing the Indians. And this is something impossible that came about. The feeling of the Indianness, though not racial, was so intense in the minds of Indian people, that in 1960s or even as late as 1970 it would be an insult if someone were to suggest that a day would come when the Indians will start killing the Indians. Such a suggestion would be scoffed at with anger but today it became a fact of life. Why? In 1974 the Message sent to India specifically stated that killing will occur in your sovereign territory; killings will be increase day by day. And it was made clear WHY these things should come about. The trouble with man is that unless he is made to feel an aversion to evil act he cannot understand how other people feel what you do to them. The Indians killing their own countrymen is TO AWAKE THE INDIAN PEOPLE and make them feel human anguish and sorrow and to make them realize how one feels when other people kill like you are killing the Nagas in Nagaland trying to exterminate them and take the position of the country. 17. The Indians have killed the Naga civilians like animals because the Nagas are Christians. They cannot do that to the Muslims nor to the Buddhists. And it was not just killings but the Indians were out to humiliate our nation as we strongly defended our country and refused to be cowed down. We suffered for

years, and at last, wonderfully, GOD HAS INTERVENEND IN THE MATTER and God directly spoke to India through the Prime Minister of India, the President and the Government of India In Delhi. And the Message was to leave the Nagas alone. And If India will not do that, then more than once India was WARNED THAT India can be broken and it will be so for the whole world to witness forever to come that man cannot defy God. 18. And, before India breaks up, India will go through much sufferings, and even the fields will be destroyed, You will have a severe sickness with a disease of your bowels, until your bowel come out because of the disease, day by day, and there are many other forms of afflictions that you will suffer all of which are plainly told in the Message and some of which are already in operation and all these came about because you are defying God who is the Creator of the whole Universe. 19. WARNING is useless if it is not carried out. And even if it is fulfilled it could fail to serve its purpose as human mind easily forgets what happens. Hence, no doubt, the WARNINGS that killings will increase day by day make it doubly sure that it will continue till the purpose is understood. And nothing can be more fairer than this to make India understand.

20. And who else can add another word! We can only point it out what is happening to you.

21. Because India ignored the Message sent to her, what had to come it came the way the WARNING was given as the Warnings shall have to be fulfilled to make man realize his responsibility. Therefore, what is happening to India is the visible remonstration to India as you continue to defy the one who sent you the Message exhorting you to free yourselves or it could become even a curse to you. So, what are you waiting for? The President also mentioned why India had fell down from the leading role in the world affairs as follow: 108. When India became independent in 1947, within less than ten years INDIA became the most influential Country in the world politics as she advocated non-violence which lasted thirty years in her struggle for independence and India became a very well known Country. And by the year 1955 India was sitting on the top of the world. Her voice was then the voice of the consensus of mankind and no other Country ever enjoyed such universal respect and even in the United Nations the British and the American delegates were nonplused as more and more Countries sought the support of India in the UN meetings. 109. BUT WHERE IS INDIA TODAY: INDIA was not ruined by war like other major Nations whether in Europe or in Asia; hence India had a head start to reach her goal, and indeed she became the Moral leader of Mankind. But where is India today ! SHOULD NOT SHE BE PLAYING A LEADING

ROLE IN WORLD AFFAIRS to serve Mankind or be one of the first among the leading Nations ! After all, India is the second biggest Nation on earth and no other Country is half near her in man power. 110. The Indians must know that INDIA has a population of more than the population of America, Russia and Great Britain combined together. And that is something to tickle the pride of India as a Nation; and for the people, it is something to think over whether it is worth trying to conquer a small country like Nagaland. Nagaland is the smallest republic in Asia. 111. India's problem is self-created. After Bandung Conference, instead of setting a noble example to live with one's neighbour in Peaceful Co-existence as formulated in the Bandung Conference, within six months INDIA INVADED NAGALAND hoping that her action could be concealed before any other country came to know about it as Nagaland is a very small country and land-locked at that time. 112. But Nagaland is not ordinary Country. It exists the way it is as it has always been because it is a republic from time immemorial. And we never hesitated to defend our Country. So, when India invaded we fought back which is not a new experience for the Nagas. And as I have stated earlier (in No. 95) the Indians and Nagas already th fought many battles even in the 19 Century, which continued for 48 years; and for us, the present war is only a continuation of Colonial aggression, this time by free India against Nagaland.

INDIA IN WORLD POLITICS 113. In Asia, INDIA is the only Country, which has refused to take up Arms and defend even her honour. And after she became independent; WHY INDIA HAS CHOSEN TO BECOME A VERY CRUEL NATION ! 114. Among the world biggest Nations INDIA is the one Country; and India alone, which has NO HISTORY OF HER OWN as she could not defend herself and ward off the foreign invaders who came one after another. 115. At last, the Britain made India her Empire and ruled the Country for almost 200 years. And in 1947 she granted independent to India. At that time India was the biggest Subject Nation the world has seen which had a population of nearly 400,000,000 (four hundred million) people and every decent Human beings sympathized the Indians as they were scattered as coolies all over the world to serve their Master race. 116. However, paradoxically, India's stature of helplessness became her greatest asset in world politics, and she assumed the Moral Leadership of Mankind almost immediately after she became free, and that was soon after the Second World War since no belligerent Nations could challenge her status as a Moral Leader. 117. India was in a unique position; she could talk like nobody else can and she soon become a Mediating Force in World affairs outside and inside the World body of the United Nations.

118. Thus, India was already on the threshold of world leadership of a new type being a Pacific Country, and she could easily become the one Country that the World most needed; and that is, to advocate for the Right of Man and for world harmony if she could but see the way ahead of her which was wide open. 119. But the strange thing is that INDIA wanted to conquer Nagaland, and now pouring her anger on the Nagas who are not Indian's enemy. If India could do it she would have exterminated the Nagas long ago as early as 1960 or 1961, or any year thereafter before God directly intervened and Warned India to leave the Nagas alone or face the consequences which we now witness her downfall. The way the Indians humiliate the Nagas, one cannot imagine that there are such a people on this earth. They are not human beings. 120. At the time India invaded Nagaland she was at the peak of her popularity as a world figure. Being a Moral Leader she was highly respected in 1950s. IT WAS TRULY A MIRACLE that the world biggest Subject nation could so soon become World leader on the strength of morality but Human being is a Moral creature. Yet HER INFLUENCE DRAMATICALLY DROPPED; and like a huge tree falling down to the ground it sank from which she has not recovered. And this came about when the act of her invasion of Nagaland became known.



Through Naga Army Chaplain Lt. Kipfelhou. Dated U.N. Seti, August 13, 1974. Chief Minister, Vizol, I am calling you hear my voice. Turn your ear toward me and look unto me. Examine it carefully with undivided attention. I am that I am. If you do not hear me you will suffer. Vizol, Why you do not fulfill what you have spoken to public. You have become Chief Minister, but in heaven you have no share. Because you eat and drink that flesh and blood of the Nagas. Your name is removed from heaven. When other people will be in heaven you will go to the place of suffering. The public made you leader to do the work which Shilu and Hokishe could not do. So if you fail to do, you will all fall together into the grave of Imkongliba. But if you could accomplish the task, which they failed to accomplish, you will receive honour before men. And also be respected by men. If you really love your nation do your work, take care of the public and look into their trouble. As public made you leader you must also look after them. If you really love your people you must go even to jail for your people. And if you feel you cannot suffer in your enemy's jail go and join the National workers. Not only yourself but even other your Cabinet members must face imprisonment. If all of you do not want to go to the jail, all of you must go to work for the nation. Why you do not like Naga independent? Naga independent has not come to your vision. The money of Indian Government is before you, therefore, the

state Government is going to purchase Nagaland with money. But land of the Nagas cannot be purchased with money. Nagaland will not be given into the hand of India. Therefore, God will imprison you one day for money. Do not think to exterminate the national workers those who are fighting against aggressor India. National workers are weeping today. They do not know me before, but now they are confessing their sins and weeping. Therefore, I have heard of them. Chief Minister, understand my words, you (Nagas) are the children of Abraham. Those who are purged from their sins are the children of Abraham. Do you not know that even the stones can be turned into the children of Abraham. Hence, even if you exterminate the present Naga national workers, even from the stones the children of Abraham will be raised and fight against you. These are all my words, so think it deeply. If you despite that words, you will be punished. But if you read and follow it you can also be the son of Abraham. As God love your nation, I sent my Messenger Kipfelhou and let him write these things. If he writes according to his own will, he will be accursed. But as he obey and wrote these things, hence if you disobey these, you will be accursed.


18. U. N. SETI
When the Naga national leaders and workers were observing 18th Nagaland's Republic Day on 22nd March 1974, God says that Nagas are Israel through his servant Kipfelhou, Naga Army Chaplain. In the same year the Indian Army carried out heavy operation against the Nagas in the entire Nagaland to eliminate the NNC /FGN national workers. During such terribly tense situation the NNC/FGN have even faced a problem to find out a safe place for celebration of 27th th Nagaland's independence Day on 14 August1974. Thus the Naga national leaders prayed to God for His direction and mercy on them. When they were praying God spoke to them through Lt. Kipfelhou, Chaplain that, I have given a safe place for you in Ighanumi village, where you will observe Nagaland's Independence Day. The leaders believed the word of God and sent their men to see the place in Ighanumi village area, Sumi Region. As God foretold, the Naga Army found a nice place to set up their Camp there in Ighanumi village area. While constructing their camp late Zashei Huire, Kedahge of the FGN and other leaders were fasting and praying and asked God, what will be the name of this new camp. God told them to be given the name of their camp as U.N.Seti through Vephi Dozo, Chaplain. And again they asked the meaning of the U.N.Seti, God gave them the meaning as under;

U = Unity or undivided (Kezepoukech) N = Naga Se = National workers (Seyieliethomia). Ti = Last camp or last gathering place (Thech thela-u) Full interpretation of U.N.Seti is; last Oking (Headquarters) of undivided Naga national workers. In September 1974, God spoke to the NNC/FGN leaders that, You should go to China, but this time will be the last Alee Mission for you, and after this you will have no more chance to go to China. And God further spoke to them that, the following leaders should be sent out a broad:1. Eno Th. Muivah, General Secretary of the NNC. 2. Eno Isak Chishi Swu, Chaplee Kilonser (Finance Minister) of FGN. 3. Eno Merhupfu Kent, Kedallo (Vice President) of FGN. 4. Eno T. Venuh, Representative to Kachinland. The Federal authorities obeyed God and sent goodwill mission to China. The first batch Alee Mission led by Th. Muivah, General Secretary of the NNC and the Naga Army under the Command of Lt. Col. Pamrei started from U.N. Seti in September 1974. And the second batch led by Col. Vedai Moire started in November 1974 from U.N. Seti Oking, and on that day they halt at Chiesezou Camp. Where God spoke to Col. Vedai through Vephi Dozo, Chaplain that, You are the Commander of Army wing in this Alee Mission and going along with Th. Muivah and Isak Swu. All of you should obey me and keep my words, and strictly follow as I Command you.

On the way you will face many trouble and difficulties. Those who do not obey me will be lost their lives on the way or after returned home from abroad. And even misunderstanding will be happened among the national workers and will quarrel against each other. And there many lives will loss as much more than you have lost in the hands of your enemy. Be careful, said the Lord. As God foretold it was happened in the running Naga national history that, in 1980 Isak and Th. Muivah defected from the NNC/FGN and formed a parallel organization. And again in 1988 the same parallel organization split into two factions and killing each other is going on till date and many lives are losing in vain. And truly the Nagas have no more chance to go to China from then on. Which are fulfillments of God's words


The Kohima Transit Peace Camp located in the heart of Kohima Town stands as a sign of Nagas love for peace and a sign of NNC stands for non-violence. Whereas, before signing of the Shillong Accord in 1975, no Naga or NNC/FGN leaders did imagine the Mission Compound in the heart of Kohima Town would become as Peace Camp. But God had chosen it for a Peace Camp before the Shillong Accord was signed. It was the fact that the Indian Government drove out all foreign Missionaries (American Missionaries) from Nagaland on false allegation against them as they were instigating the Nagas to fight against India in defence of sovereignty of Nagaland. Hence the Indian Army occupied the Mission Compound from 1956 and it became Indian Army Assam Rifle Camp. Therefore, God spoke through His servant that This Mission Compound should not be occupied by the idol worshippers. Because from this place My servants American Missionaries inspired Naga people with the Gospel of God. Henceforth I will drive out the Indian Army from the Mission Compound and I will let the Naga national workers come to stay in the Mission Compound said the Lord through Mrs.Thenunei-u in October 1972 while a prayer group held a routine prayer at the residence of Eno Duo-o. Also the Holy Spirit directed them to pray for five days entering in the Mission Compound (Tanquist Compound) for the purpose. Accordingly the prayer group went to Mission



Compound (which is called Kij Meya Kha) with a white flag and prayed for the Mission Compound near by the gate of Assam Rifle Camp for five days. The members of prayer group were, Eno Neiselie, L. Khel, Eno Duo-o, T. Khel, Enoli Nupuvi w/o Neiselie, Enoli Dziesesie w/o Duo-o, Enoli Pelhoulie w/o Eno Chambemo, T. Khel, Enoli Neingu-, P. Khel, Enoli Neibounou, D. Khel all of them from Kohima village and Enoli Thenunei from Nerhema village. According to the word of God it had happened that, after signing of the Shillong Accord the Nagaland Peace Council (NPC) has arranged this Mission Compound to be Transit Peace Camp and thus the Indian Army vacated it in February 1976. Since then the Transit Peace Camp was established for the convenience of communication. Henceforth, the Naga National Workers are staying in Transit Peace Camp and working for the Naga nation through peaceful means. On September 18, 1977 while national leaders and some villagers were fasting and praying God for the Naga nation at Kohima Transit Peace Camp, God spoke to them through Mrs. Rhpilie saying Many people will tell you to vacate this Mission Compound or dismantle peace Camp, but you should not move out from this place. A time will come for you to move out from this place. You must fast and pray twice in a month on the 1st day of the month and the last week of the month on Saturday and Sunday. Encourage yourselves with the power of prayer and faith. But if anyone who strives to achieve the Naga national goal by human wisdom, he will only spoil the nation.

Again in 1988, God revealed to an old woman Enoli Zeno Shya that there was a gourd bush at the Mission Compound (Transit Peace Camp), yet some people came and tried to uproot it for many time, and at last many people came and tried to root out it again, but they cannot. Then the gourd bush grew well and covered all areas of Nagaland. God said, This is a sign that from this Mission Compound (Peace Camp) the blessing of God will reach to all areas of Nagaland. Moreover God revealed another vision to Enoli Zeno Shya in the same year (1988) that a great precious thing, which was like a ball thrown down from heaven to the Mission Compound, Kohima. Immediately a Naga picked it up gladly. But an Indian came and attempted to snatch away it from the hands of Naga. But the Naga tightly held it and therefore the Indian could not do so easily. And that the two of them were wrestling for along time in tussling the precious thing one from the other. At time it seems Indian defeating the Naga. But at last the Naga defeated the Indian and went on joyfully singing Jisu koliete, Jisu koliete, Jisu koliete Satan mho (Jesus defeated Satan), with firmly holding the precious thing in his bosom. As we have experienced during the last 27 years, it has been happening according to the word of God. The renegade leaders, NGO leaders and many people raised up against Transit Peace Camp and tried to destroy it. Many people shouted to vacate or dismantle Peace Camp. Even some Church leaders including some of Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) leaders openly spoke against the Transit Peace Camp and urged time and again to dismantle it. On March 1, 2005, Rev. Khrotso Mero stated that

those still staying in Transit Peace Camp should vacate forthwith as such actions will facilitate reconciliation which is the need of the hour. It was the fact that the NBCC leaders tirelessly worked out to restore peace in Nagaland and established Kohima Transit Peace Camp by themselves, but later some of them went on against the peace Camp. Once a Reverend, former President of the NPC said when I talk about for the maintaining of Peace Camp, many Reverends and Missionaries laugh at me, especially who support the NSCN. However, God has been protecting Peace Camp and therefore the Kohima Transit Peace Camp remains up to this day for the manifestation God our Lord is leading our nation. And to maintain peace in Nagaland is God's will. He said I brought peace to Nagaland in order to solve the Indo-Naga conflict through peaceful means (on 2nd Dec. 1975). The Nagas are not going to resume armed warfare against India, though it is not yet concluded (on 16th August, 1996) through Vephi Dozo, Naga Army Chaplain In the past 27 years Isak and Th. Muivah strived to achieve the Naga national goal by the human power and wisdom, but they spoiled the nation. Whish is a fulfilment of Gods prophetic word.


The Almighty God had chosen leaders among the Nagas to lead His people Naga, like Late Pelhou Angami, Khonoma village, who led to fight against the British invaders from 1832 to 1879; Late Rhichalie Angami, Kohima village, who was the President of Naga Club which was formed in 1918, and through the Naga Club, Naga leaders submitted a memorandum to the British Statutory Commission on January 10, 1929, which became the first written document in the Naga national history. And Late Angami Zapu Phizo, Khonoma village, who took active role in forming the Naga National Council in 1946 and made great achievements in the running history of Naga nation by declaring the age-old Naga Independence on August 14, 1947 and conducting Plebiscite on May 16, 1951, through which the Naga people made their solemn pledge to remain independent as in ancient time. He also mobilized Naga Case at the international level. Truly God gave them wisdom to speak and stand for our future. Only because of their farsightedness and political vision the Nagas could have pronounced for their future in the right times so that we can be now proud of as a nation and a people. Now the Nagas have a woman leader. For that matter, God says I have chosen a woman to lead the Naga Nation through Enoli Guangsuangrei Phaomai Zeliangrong, while the Zeliangrong Regional officials were fasting and praying God for the Naga nation at Longrang village on 19th November 1989. At the same time at another village, Ekeshingram, God spoke


through a woman, wife of Eno Namyu, Leacy Hoho Speaker of Zeliangrong Region that A.Z. Phizo, President of the NNC is coming home but without life In 1990 it was exactly happened as God foretold to the Nagas that on April 30, 1990 Dr.A.Z.Phizo, President of the NNC passed away after a brief illness at his residence, London U.K. And therefore senior Executive leaders of the NNC who were sent by the Nagas along with Phizo and were staying in London, Eno Yongkong Ngangshi Ao and Eno Khodao Yanthan Lotha, immediately entrusted Ms. Adinno Phizo to be Acting President of the NNC within three hours, after President A.Z.Phizo left for his eternal abode in heaven. What the NNC senior Executive leaders had done in London was not known by the Naga national leaders who were at home, yet they also simultaneously entrusted Ms. Adinno Phizo to be Acting President of the NNC in an emergency meeting of the NNC Central Executive Committee (CEC) held at Naga Club building, Kohima on May 1, 1990. Eno Zashei Huire, Kedahge (President) of the Federal Government of Nagaland empowered Eno Khodao Yanthan, a senior member of the CEC, NNC to administer oath of office to Acting President of the Naga National Council. Accordingly, Eno Khodao Yanthan administered oath of office to Ms. Adinno Phizo, Acting President of the Naga National Council on 7th May 1990, and Rev. Dr.V.K.Nuh said a prayer to God for His guidance and blessing to Acting President of the NNC.

The mortal remain of the departed leader was brought home on May 10, 1990 and tens of thousands of Naga people paid last homage to their departed leader and made him rest at his graveyard in Kohima on May 11, 1990. On 12th May 1990 an emergency General meeting of the Naga national Council was held at Kohima village to elect a new President of the NNC. The meeting was well attended by the Representatives and members from 15 (fifteen) Regions of Nagaland, and the members present in the meeting unanimously elected Ms. Adinno Phizo to be full-fledged President of the Naga National Council. And thus she became the first woman leader to lead the Naga nation in the running history of Nagaland.



The God our Lord directed the Naga National leaders to hold a prayer meeting for national repentance and reconciliation, and forgive the offences committed against one another and then reunite the Nagas. Obeying the word of God, a prayer meeting was held from16 to 18th November 1990 at Chedema Peace Camp conducted by Rev. Vitokho Sema. The prayer meeting was well attended by the NNC/FGN leaders and national workers. However, leaders and workers from Khaplang group and IsakMuivah group failed to attend the meeting. Even if the Nagas from the other factions failed to attend the said prayer meeting Late Zashei Huire, the then President of the Federal Government of NagalanddeclaredforgivenasGoddirectedin1987asfollow: We hereby forgive the offences of each other in the manner you have forgiven us Again in 1993, according to God's direction a reconciliation prayer meeting was held at Ketsapo village, Chakhesang Region on 24-26th November. In this prayer meeting the national workers from the NNC/FGN and from other factions attended and declared forgiven the offences of each other. But the NSCN members thought that God is in their favour and continued with their programme of killings and other evil activities. In 1994, such reconciliation prayer meeting was held for the third time at Przie, Kohima. There again the national workers from the NNC/FGN and from the two NSCN factions attended the meeting. But those who had stained their hands with blood did not realize and repent of their sins. Even they (I-M group) thwarted peace move made by the Church leaders and public leaders and

continued killing Nagas and practiced all kinds of evil activities in the name of Nagaland for Christ. God said, You should not use Nagaland for Christ in vain. You should ask His forgiveness for taking His name in vain, lest His curse will be upon you forever, said the Lord through His servant Imsu Jamir.
22. COVENANT BETWEEN GOD AND THE NAGAS. A message emanated from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ th during the devotional hours on Sunday, the 27 September 1987, at the Chapel of Kohima Transit Peace Camp, saying ; Listen, the sovereign power of the Naga nation is very near. And the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Therefore, you will have to Constitute a Covenant this time and it will be in this order; That, whosoever committed the offence of Antinationalism and committed the sin grieving the Holy Spirit may be forgiven through this Covenant. To enter into this Covenant, a Day of fasting and prayer shall be observed and the deed of the Covenant shall be preserved in the Prayer Hall. The condition of declaring forgiveness shall be as under :We hereby forgive the offences of each other in the manner you have forgiven us. Therefore, in obedience to the emanated message of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we do hereby pronounce on this day, Saturday, the Tenth October 1987; to forgive each other for the offence of Antinationalism and grieving the works of the Holy Spirit, that; We hereby forgive the offences of each other in the manner you have forgiven us. Amen Dated Urra; October 10, 1987. Sd/(ZASHEI HUIRE) President, Federal Government of Nagaland. -111-


Dated Phek the 12 July 1989 May 1/'89 On the first May while praying for Nagaland, saying; Nagaland shall be made to be New Jerusalem. June 25/'89; on 25 June again the word of God came saying; Nagaland is selected by God Himself as the second Israel. Therefore, the people of Nagaland will only worship God and beside Him there shall be no any other god or any image before God the Almighty. Consecutively on 7 July at eleven noon the same message repeated by revealing a Glorious and beautiful city called as Future Nagaland which symbolized the New Jerusalem. In order to fulfill the purpose of God to make this New Nation and New Jerusalem, the children of Nagas will follow the guidance given as under: 1. All Naga children must work with their own hands. They will not have any servant or slave of other nation or race. They will not make use of idol worshippers even for manual labours. Every Naga must have his own working tools such as, Dao, Spade, Broom, Basket and so on as to help himself. He will not depend on others for survival. 2. Every Hill and Valley even crooked foothills will not be left unused. They are made for the purpose of God. To the extend of tiny pebbles will be valuable for developmental purposes and use as decorative materials.
-112th th th

3. Do not think to develop Nagaland only after getting the desired Independence, but start right now, lest it be too late. 4. All the National Workers who are fighting for the right cause of Naga nation should not be timid by now. They must come out and shout, and stand firmly as God will fight for them. If anyone plans to suppress them, let it be brought to me in prayer, then I will act against such on behalf of the righteous. 5. I, Jehovah am searching the heart of every great and small including Naga national leaders and I have come to know their thoughts and plans. (Heb. 4:12). Many of the Naga National leaders who worked so hard, some time back and getting rest for a while have been acting evil against God. Because they made their stomach as their god. They are entangled with prostitutes. They do not keep the Lord's day Holy. They make use of their subordinates as their slaves to fulfill their personal ends, which the Lord hates (Phil. 3:1, 19). 6. Idol worship must be swept away from all the homes of Nagas. Neither will they install any shrine for idol nor bad pictures and posters, which will divert their clean hearts to imagine evil things. 7. You quarrel and fight and beat up your servants even on the day which you fast and pray which the Lord does not like (Is. 58: 3-8). 8. The pattern of Nehemiah's building the city wall of Jerusalem will be an example for the Nagas to build their nation. They will have to be on preparedness at all time (Neh. 4: 16-18). The wall of Nagas are falling away and which is not material wall but the wall of youth falling away from the

required morality. Thus the leaders, preachers and teachers are to delegate youth to keep busy and do not waste any time. 9. Many women of Nagas who trade together with Indians, holding the same basket on the other sides are selling the land and right of Nagas in portions. Therefore, such is abominable to God. 10. Some of the top officials of Nagaland are acting as representatives of Sambalat and Tobiah. So they will laugh and snare at you, yet God will give the victory to those humble and real Nagas. 11. The independence of Nagas will depend on God alone, and the word of God which is scripture will be their final authority. Therefore, do not rely on any political party that is prevailing but trust in God alone 12. People who rank in high authority think that they will rule the nation and oppressed the weak and poor, yet God will make the meek inherit the earth. (Ps. 37: 8-15) 13. There will be no rain in the place where people do evil against Me. Though their fields are ripped and they fix a day to harvest. I will send destroyer and hail stones to destroy it just before the harvest. But the believers will see rich fruits in their fields and enjoy the richness.


1. Let the Nagas turn from their wicked ways and confess one's sins. Let the Nagas shun violence and cease blood shedding and stop fratricides, causes to cease hatred and divisions amongst the Nagas. I Cor. .6:7-8. 2. Nagas love their own tribe only but hate their brother tribe. Let Nagas stop from partiality. 3. Forgive Nagas of their sins of head hunting, murders and crimes committed out of land disputes and boundary dispute, and let there be peace along the boundary areas spontaneously. 4. Let the Nagas stop selling wine (liquor) and desist from drunken-ness in Nagaland. Ephe. 5:18. 5. Nagaland is filled with greed, corruption, cheating and fornications. Let the Naga desist from all these evils. 6. Let the Naga women desist from abortions and let not the doctors operate abortions on them. 7. Cause the Nagas to desist from drugs trafficking and abuses. Drug abuses defile Nagaland and kill Naga youths. 8. Educated and intellectual who could do good for the people of Nagaland have forsaken God, so that they do not turn to the words of God and work for the glory of the Lord. 9. Blessed be to the poor, the suppressed, the afflicted and the orphans. Lift and love them in their spiritual and physical well-being.



10. Pray for leaders of various denominations, Missionaries, Reverends, Pastors, youth leaders and women leaders of all Churches, so that they will be the good-shepherd through the power of the Holy Spirit. 11. Let the patriots who are fighting against aggressor India be humble before the command of the Lord God to get protection from the enemy. 12. Send the righteous rulers to Nagaland, and liberate the Nagas. Prolong the life of God's elect who is destined to reign the new Nagaland and anchor him from the face of enemy. 13. Speak to the countries who support the cause of the Naga nation so that they stand behind the Naga nation very soon. 14. Cause the Indians to be merciful towards the Nagas and let them plan to release the Nagas soon. 15. Let the Nagas love one another before attaining new Nagaland and some faithful Nagas have been praying and shedding tears for the Naga cause, since for the last forty years. 16. Let the Nagas reconcile and stand solidly behind, NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, and to send 10,000 Missionaries to preach the world the Gospel of Christ 17. Sanctify to the youth to be commissioned among the 10,000 Missionaries and shelter the word of God.

18. To be member in the 10,000 Missionaries some are yet to be conceived, some are conceived and in the mother womb and some are sucking ; pray to nurture them. 19. There are certain serving Missionaries to go along with the 10,000 Missionaries. Prolong their lives enabling them to go with youths. Lord, forgive the sins of Nagas and take mankind as your own and allow the Nagas to start working according to your will. Dated th The 4 August 1996 Convenor, Nagaland prayer House, Nagaland peace prayer Centre, Ghathashi





God's revelation during joint fasting and Prayer of Shisha Hoho and Sumi Prayer Hoho at Mount Olive College Building. Theme :- Matthew 5: 9 Bless are the peace maker for they shall be called the children of God. Deut. 12: 32 Whatsoever thing I command you observe to it, thou shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. THE WORD OF GOD SAYS. 1. Nagas are under going trials and tribulation due to their sins. Naga proclaimed Nagaland for Christ but their actions are quite contradictory. Nagas have made a covenant with me to send 10,000 Missionaries to preach My Gospel through out the world. There have been killing and hatred amongst Naga tribal, border dispute have led them to bloodsheds and killing each other. It is under the banner of Nagaland for Christ Nagas breed drunken-ness, adultery, cheating and fill with drug addicts and other social evils, smoking, chewing betel-nut and other adulterated food betray the Nagas. Naga women undergo abortions, Doctors perform abortions thereby murder off-springs.

Extortion, greed and money maniac defiles the Nagas. The pride of Naga is far exceeding. Relying on wealth and worldly wisdom is beyond description. Hypocrisy and abominable acts are overwhelmingly great. Oppressing and insult of the poor, the deprived and down-trodden run high. Taking undue pride without considering the beautiful blessing I bestow upon the Nagas. Lurking after another women spoiling countless homes is too common.

7. 8. 9.

10. All Nagas have sinned. 11. To repent, I pour My words to them are also denied and refused. Trial and tribulation will continue till My voice is hearkened unto disobedience who will bring great bloodshed causing many Nagas to perish. 12. Hence, gather your house holds, realize your mistaken and return to Me and save your house holds. 13. The filth of Naga youth defiles Nagaland for Christ. Pray for repentance to fulfill sending 10,000 Missionaries to preach the Gospel nd throughout the world. (2 Cor. 6: 14-18). Dated 23/4/1996. N. Jakhalu, Convenor, Sumi Peace Prayer Hoho, Camp, Kohima.





In 1958, while the Indian Army were fighting against the Naga Army in full scale war in the entire Nagaland, and they were killing and arresting the Nagas on even for suspicion as Naga Army, Eno Laokainang Phaomei of Longrang village from zeliangrong was also one of the th victims who was picked up by the Indian Army on 13 January 1958 and imprisoned him in the Indian Jail at Imphal. While he was in the Jail God spoke to him that Nagaland is a sovereign and Independent country and the Nagas should have their own script Thus God had given Laokainang the Naga script. He saw the Script in his vision and learnt them properly. Eno Laokainang was born in 1912 and he read up to class four from Tamenglong Upper Primary School, and then he served as a teacher. He converted into Christian in 1933 and baptized. After 1950 he became as an Evangelist and preached the Gospel in his area. Regarding God given Naga Script, it was written in the biography of Eno Laokainang as follow : The Naga national movement had been spread like a wildfire even to the Zeliangrong country in 1957. Mr. Late Laokainang was made interpreter when the Naga leaders came. Meanwhile, he was alleged as informer (CID). On such false report leveled against him, the Indian Army arrested Mr. Laokainang, tortured and imprisoned him in the Imphal Jail. While he was in the dark room of Imphal Jail he was thinking that if the Nagas is a nation, it is a must to have Naga Script. While he was continuing in his though for the Naga Script, God revealed a vision to him

with a wonderful script of the Nagas. The vision sealed in his heart as he has an ideal for the Naga Script. The Script came out from like an egg one by one with the sound AWAH. In the same way all scripts came out. One night in the jail, in his vision, he saw Naga Script written on the wall of Jail with a clear picture. From then on Mr. Laokainang started to write the Script of the Nagas. Again, one night in the Jail, God revealed another vision to him that a tree was grown up from his (Laokainangs) belly and bears huge fruits and many people were gathering and eating the fruits. He was consoled and encouraged with the sequence events of Gods revelation and thence he got self-confidence that one day the people of Naga nation will make use of the Naga Script which given to him by God in the Jail. (Quoted from the biography of Laokainang) After he was released from the Indian Jail, Eno Laokainang told the Missionaries and Reverends about the Naga script given by God, and sought the approval, but no one take a thought for the said Naga script. So the Naga script remained unknown by the Nagas, except the family members of Eno Laokainang and some of his villagers as he taught them without any cost. However, in 1988 God spoke to Eli (Miss) Yahoi Konyak(who was a dumb girl from birth till 12 years of age, see page 23) that I have given a separate script to the Nagas written on leather long ago, but the Nagas had eaten it. Yet, now I have given the same script to Eno Laokainang Phaomei, Evangelist and he is learned man of Naga script. And the Almighty God

directed EliYahoi (who had graduated M.TH and prayerfully serving her people as a servant of God) to go to Tamenglong and learn the script from him. But, Yahoi said, Oh; Lord, how can I go to Tamenglong to where I have never been. So God told her, go to Kohima from there a woman will lead you to Tamenglong. Obeying God, Yahoi came to Kohima. She met a Rongmei woman Enoli (Mrs.)Guithiuliu Kamai in Kohima as God foretold her. Enoli Guithiulu led EliYahoi from Kohima to Tamenglong. Yahoi took two weeks to learn Naga script from Khiaklung Phaomei, son of Laokainang Phaomei (who died in 1984 at the age of 76). While EliYahoi was studying the Naga script, the elderly men and women from N-riangluang (Tamenglong) came to Yahoi and told her, here in our area a strange thing had happened that, a tree which was fell down seven years back, and we have cut off its branches for firewood. But now it has risen to its position again with a loud voice. We have heard the voice and the same event was informed us by a woman who claims herself from Luangdipa village. After informing this news the woman went away. And we inquired who she was, but we find none that of a woman from Lungdipa village or from our surrounding villages 'Dailuang or Chiulon'. Then we realized that she was not a human origin. Saying the events the elderly leaders requested Yahoi to go along with them to pray at the risen tree. Accordingly, EliYahoi went along with them. And while they were praying at the risen tree, Yahoi saw a rainbow appeared on the said tree and also God spoke to her saying, the Nagas will rise up again like this tree and they will do great things in this world. And God

showed her 17,000 (seventeen thousand) branches of the risen tree. (The story related by Yahoi on 3rd Dec. 2000). As Eli Yahoi properly learned the Naga script, she started to teach Naga script to her students in Konyak Region. After fifty years, it was written by N. B. Pamei, Chairman of the development Committee of the Naga Script as follow : God chooses individuals according to His will to carry out any assignment for the benefit of His people and for the glory of His name. It is not capability, wisdom, intellect but the sweet will of God the Omniscience. God chose Mr. Laokainang son of Late Kaluatbung of Luangrang (Nungang) village and revealed the scripts for the Nagas to him in vision about fifty years ago in the Indian Jail of Imphal, Manipur. The will and the wishes of God to choose late Laokainang was to make the script of the Naga nation for reading, writing, correspondence and communication within and without. As the information was brought to the notice of the Ziliangrong Union meeting to discuss on the matter and thus a decision was taken vide Resolution No. 7, dated 25th October 1978. The Script is therefore joint property and assets of the Zeliangrong people and the children of late Laokainang as they belong to Zeliangrong Community. They will have a say in any eventuality of the Scripts as it was orginially given to their father by God. Miss Yahoi d/o Nyemlao, Evangelist, Free Preacher Missionary, Konyak, Nagaland requested for the script and as desired by Mr. Ph. Khiaklung s/o late Laokainang,

the script was given to her for her practice - as decided by the Committee. May the Almighty God use this scripts for the unity of the Naga Communities as a nation and develop His Kingedom in this part of the world.
Compiled by Eno Khiaklung s/o Laokainang is mentioned as follow :


The Spirit of Jesus Christ's revelation to the people of Nagaland.

The Kingdom of Nagaland is very precious. Whosoever commit themselves not wholeheartedly to me will perish and they will not see the Kingdom of Nagaland. God is the truth. Jesus says, those who have faith in Me have faith in the Father. The Naga nation is no longer, the smallest, it is now the largest. You will not do anything in flesh and blood, not even a point (.). My son Yethih (Naga Army), I am God the Father. I am He whom you have been praying in the name of Jesus Christ and what your people have been praying and what your people have been longing for is at hand. Behold My soldiers, I am not unwilling to give what you ask, only let the people humble themselves. Many people still do not know how to humble themselves nor do they know Me. There are some in sheep's clothing in your midst, but the sun is shining upon your people. Time will change, meaning, your wish is being fulfilled. Your Kingdom is not yours alone but is mine also. I am going to prepare a place for Myself here. You are a small nation, your population is small and you have no arms but if you keep your faith in Me, I will not say there are only a few of you. Arms will not be used. I will put to use your faith in this work. Think of young David as an example. Faith will rule over the earth. The wise, the rich fill this world but My calling is not to them. I call the poor, the ignorant to glorify and magnify My name. I created a big world and it has been divided into



numerous parts. Lo, a small nation in the East will emerge full of glory above all nations. Through this nation, all those who had failed to know Me will come to know Me. Big nations will wonder and ponder much about this nation. Those who oppose this nation oppose themselves because in this nation is my place and my name. I will therefore, take revenge. Many of you fail to take this seriously but when you carefully watch where you stand, you will realize your mistake. Many learned men now laugh at others not realizing that they laugh at themselves. Behold, I sent my Messengers, listen to them. Now you may think these Messages are of no value but when destruction and suffering come you will understand. I sent My Messengers to prick open the ears of my people and to tear at their hearts. I have allowed you to suffer for many years so that through your sufferings you may learn of Me, but you have been going against yourselves. The time is here I call you now. Turn to me when I call you. The children of this nation can never be divided. I love the children of this nation. You angered me when you did wrong but you have turned to me again in humility so I will never leave you. I will make you my own true children. Therefore, let your hearts be united. Many nations will want to know about you and will envy you. Without suffering, men's ears cannot be opened nor men's heart be torn apart. The time is near. Remain united like a bundle of sticks. Keep on praising my name. Boast not yourself of tomorrow, for tomorrow bring its own work. Proclaim my words to all my children. This is my word. If you do as I say, you will never know any suffering and you will not perish. You are now

suffering but I have prepared and kept waiting for you a resting place. Those who are resting now will be made to suffer for a time because they read my words and sell them. When you have read my words and selling them are not selling my people? Aren't your ashamed? Is there an agreement to divide the Nagas into two? Which is the vine? You are the branches. Are you not growing forth from the vine? Those who forget their work will not get any power from me. These words are of great value. I sent these messages because I love you. Listen to my messengers. In everything faith will stand fast. If you don't listen to my messengers at the right time and I go far away from you, from where will you gain strength? Where is your source of happiness? Think it over carefully. I speak harshly to you. What do you say, you, village dwellers? Why do you withhold my prophesies? You do wrong. What are you afraid of? Do my words content anything frightening? I don't utter words that frighten, but I speak the truth and my believers need never be afraid. Think of my triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Which are your people? Know your men. If you fail in that, your village will suffer. Understand this clearly- I sent my message to you. Be in one accord, then your prayer will be granted to you. Don't misunderstand this. It is my will to grant you, your wish, so I sent my messengers to you. Be cautious and be patient. My blessing to you. Dated Ura. September 20, 1974.


IN JERUSLEM on October 11, 1982. And the Lord would say, I have begun to blow by the Spirit, yea, even ten years ago I began to blow by the Spirit over Nagaland. And I have done things that have caused the ears of the authorities in New Delhi, even in place like Calcutta, to tingle. What my Spirit has done is He has visited the people in the Nagaland. And they shall not be an idolatrous people that shall fall down before idols like the people of India. For I have separated Nagaland unto myself, said the Lord. And I have with my finger drawn a line around Nagaland, said the Lord. And I will bring them from Burma. I will bring them in from Lisu tribes of Western China. I will bring them in from the border line of Tibet. I will bring them in even from the eastern shores of India, said the Lord. And there I will pour out my Spirit on the Nagaland. And I will do signs and wonders and miracles of healing that they shall know that the Lord God has indeed poured out His Spirit. For the Angel of the Lord walked with the glorious people of the Lord in the Nagaland. And they shall bring their sick and infirm from the mountains. They shall carry them in litters. They shall carry on their backs. And I shall heal. There shall be miracles. There shall be crowds as have never been seen in the North land of India, as have never been seen in the nation. And there shall be no border guard able to hold what the Holy Ghost shall do in Nagaland. For the people shall hear and the sound shall go out and I will be GLORIFIED amongst my people of your tribe.

INJERUSLEM ON OCTOBER 17,1982 The Lord had set thee in a corner of the world but that which He is doing not in a corner. The Lord had set thee in a small place but that which He is doing comes not from a small place but from a very large place. For all heaven shall be poured in that small place and make it large by virtue of the fact that He will enlarge the border of it, and enlarge the border of their vision and faith; for those who are minister there, shall say, I must minister in other places. And so it shall be with thee, saith the Lord. The desire shall be within thee, and the desire to move out from the small place to the world, shall be there, and I will tell the how and the when, saith the Lord, for I give it unto thee, not because thou art from this place, but it is because thou art from My place Heaven. For thou art from Naga, but thou art Mine, saith the Lord, and because thou art Mine, I will work in thee and thro thee and use thee, saith the Lord.


Acting upon the command of God inspired by the Holy Spirit, 7 (seven) persons got together to mediate fast and th prayer for seven days and seven nights from 24 June to 1st July 2003, for the people of Naga nation. Following are the divine revelations received through Rev.Lama at Dimapur Nagaland. As he was directed by the Holy Spirit to come to Nagaland and pray for the Naga people. 1. God said, I have set my foot on Naga soil in 1817. (It meant from Assam American Missionaries visited Some Konyak villages in 1817). I have chosen this nation for my own glory, and I have anointed this land in 1872. (It meant American Missionary W. Clark entered into Ao Village called Molungkimung in 1872). By my Spirit, I even have declared Nagaland for Christ. 2. All Nagas must repent and be humbled before me. They must immediately stop all bloodshed and every act of violence should be done away with. They must repent for all wrong doings and be reconciled without any delay once and for all. 3. God said, I am sovereign and Almighty God, there is none above Me. So your sovereignty is in My hand which I will give it to you for my own glory, but not by men's power and this will happen only through prayers and My words. 4. And I will give you My sovereignty, which you will have your own currency and National flag.

5. I will make a new Nagaland and in that I will be the head in everything. 6. The new Nagaland will be like Israel. 7. And Dimapur will be the Mission Centre of the world. 8. I will remove all the filthy, ungodly people, corrupted, temples and mosques from this land. 9. All the Naga leaders must submit themselves to My sovereign authority for they will not stand by their own authority and power. And therefore, whosoever leader loves this nation with all sincerity and justice from his heart, he will be preserved, blessed, strengthened and honoured' because I have chosen this land for My own glory. Do not fear man, but fear Me alone. 10. And all wealthy people must submit their properties to God their supreme authority; otherwise the wrath of God will be upon them and soon they will be vanished, where nothing will remain. Your money can be gone in a flash, as if it had grown wings and flown away like an eagle. Proverb 23:5. 11. With no partiality I will judge everyman, not of their outward appearance but of their inner hearts. Rev. P. Donal Bal Lama, Siliguri, W. Bengal.



CAMP: NAKURU, NAIROBI: KENYA. Nagaland, Nagaland my nation of Covenant promise from my Altar in Israel, to my Altar in Nakura Kenya I have opened and revealed my plans and purposes for you my chosen people. You have done well in my sight and have followed in my direction, you have been hearing my voice and following my ways. But this is one thing that I have against you; you have not obeyed all my commands for you must love your neighbor as yourself (Lev. 19: 18). You do not have my love for the Nation of India. Tell my people Nagaland my chosen people and asking them to weep and wail to cry out to me for their neighbors India and I will fill them with my Agape Love for their brothers and sisters in this land and for those dying without knowing me. Take your eyes off the separation the borders of your land for in due season my plans and purpose will be revealed. I have shown you my river of blood, cleaning blood between you both and the white Vail of purity, I am going to bring out of you, my chosen land, it's a bridge of Holiness. Continue in my ways of righteousness and listen clearly to my voice and direction for indeed I will direct your path, for I want your desires to be my desires. So we can walk together into the Nations. Given by Brenda Kelly. U.K. Prophetess to the Nations, th December 8 2005.


In the month of July 2004, God spoke to Sister Serene

Tan of Singapore. God commanded go and fast for seven days for the Nagas. Nd I will go before you and prepare place for you. You will pray and fast for seven days and no preaching. On July 26, 2004, St. John Full Gospel Church received an email from New Zealand to receive and give a place to Sister Serene Tan and group to pray and fast for seven days for the Nagas. On July 31, 2004 four of them led by Sister Serene Tan were received by Mr. Toshi Imchen, Pastor of St. John Full Gospel Church and on August 1, they began their prayer and fasting for seven days. On August 2 , God's revelation came to Sister Serene Tan saying that as written in the book of Ezekiel 37: 3-5, 8, 10. And He said unto me. Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, Lord God, thou knowest. Again He said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them. O; ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; behold I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them. So I prophesied as He commanded me, and then breath came into them, and they lived, and they stood up upon their feet

1. That the Nagas have turned away from me, and so they are like the dry bones. The Nagas have forgotten me but I have not forgotten them and I the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still love the Nagas. 2. The Nagas have failed to fulfill their vow, which they have vowed to me to send 10,000 Missionaries. I am coming to ask this vow to the Nagas, but this time I will help them fulfill their vow to send 10,000 Missionaries. I will pour out my Spirit and there will be great revival throughout Nagaland and I will send these missionaries to two biggest nations, i.e. India and China. 3. I Corinthians1: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. I the Lord God says to the Nagas, you are under suppression because you have turned away from me. Like the Israelites when they have turned away from me, I have raised the Babylonians to suppress them, same as to the Nagas I have raised your enemy to suppress you. 4. Command to all the Naga communities to repent and ask forgiveness and turn to me with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. I the Lord God will bless them and give them freedom and will lift them up and the whole world will know the Nagas and its nation Amen.


The word of God came through Bro Alfred concerning Nagas. Lord God revealed that the sword of God will be against Nagas, the Lord will punish Nagas. Terrible days are coming to the Nagas, but nothing will harm to those who are living in righteousness. The sinners will be destroyed. Lord said, I love Nagas with an everlasting love. But they are disobedient people. How long will the people quench My Spirit. The leaders of Churches are not listening the voice of God. My hand will protect the believers but will be against the non-believers. Considered Nagaland as Christian state but worst than unbelievers. You go to the church saying that you are believers but when you returned from the church you all evils and your secret is known by me. Don't be ashamed of all these because it is true. Bloodshed will be increased more and more. Be careful. The Lord will protect the believers. The unbelievers will all be bowl of blood. Those who have ear let them hear. The people have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear. They refused to listen my voice any more. If they cannot listen, My hand is going to come against you. Ezekiel 31, Titus 2 & 3. 1. The people who are sealed by My Spirit shall be protected. 2. Still I love Nagas with unfailing love even though they have done shameful things against me. 3. Be obedient so that you will be successful in everything you do. 4. Disobedient shall be resulted failure and reproach. Amos 3:1-3, 7-9; 1 Peter 2:1-9; Deu. 26; 1 Chro 21 full 1 Cor. 10:1-4; 1 Tim. 4:8.



Flee from the wrath to come- Matt. 3:7; Jer. 4:6. Keep mind the followings: 1 Thess. 5:20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt. Matt. 7:6; Lest you behave as pigs. 1 Thess. 5:21, Test everything. Hold on the good. Matt. 12:31, But the blasphemy against Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Remember, the best prophetic voice is the word of God (the Bible) which is infallible, but prophecy apart from the Bible is fallible. The Spirit of the Lord says the followings: 1. Matt. 6:33 Nagas failed to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, rather seeking first Money, Power, Leadership and worldly affairs to gratify the flesh desires. 2. Matt. 22:37 says that we should love Him with our whole being rather than anything else, because He is our Creator and our Redeemer. So He demands our first and best love but we have turned this love to ourselves (to man) and to worldly affairs. We have lived in contrary to these two fundamental Bible Verses, which we should put in our first priority. 1 Cr. 3:16-17 says, Whoever ruins the Temple of God (our lives) God will destroy him. We Naga Christians have ruined our lives with various sins. For all these reasons we provoked God to anger and so He is going to pour out His wrath and that will sift away the disobedience and wicked persons Eph. 5:6;

Col. 3:6 and only few will be left. And thus says the Lord, Naga sovereignty is for: those who are obeying the following:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Matt. 6:33; Matt. 23:37; Rom 8:9; John 3:3 Those who are obeying God, Those who live Christ centered life. Failing in which there is no place in heaven for them as well as in Naga sovereignty.

Matt. 10:28. The Spirit says, spiritual suicide is so common among Naga Christians. Naga Christians are much aware and abhor more physical death, but overlook spiritual death. The Spirit says, this physical life is mortal, so it is duplicate; but our spiritual life is immortal. So it is original life, but Naga Christians concern much and so ambitious for the duplicate life; give enough rest, nourishes well, beautifies well, concern much on the health of mortal life. But keep our spiritual life restless, naked, hunger and dying. The Spirit of the Lord says, with this duplicate life the Nagas oppress and torturing much on their original life; but the time is first approaching to drive away (duplicate) or (slave) as Gal. 4:30; 1 Cor. 15:50 says. We Naga Christians spent much time to talk men, but no time to talk to God (in prayer); devote much time reading other books, papers, magazines, much time in watching T.V, earning daily bread; but no time to read or meditate/listen the word of God, no time to go to church, ignored it; neglect much in worshipping God. Thus says the

Lord, because of all these reasons Naga Christians are living under the defeated life of Satan and going on backsliding. 1 Pet. 5:8 :- Satan prowls around roaring like a lion for some one he may devour. The revelation is going on that this Satan some time turned into a form of Tiger, Lion, some time personified into a man and capturing, kidnapping Naga Christians who failed to resist this Satan with Christians' Amour of Eph. 6:10-11. James 4:4:- Naga Christians have friendship with the world instead of friendship with the Lord; so thus says the Lord, Naga Christians made themselves enemies to God. James 5:5:- Since we live on earth luxuriously with selfindulgence so He says, the Nagas have fattened themselves for the slaughter day of death unless they repent. Rom. 8:13:- Naga Christians are living according to flesh desires, not spiritual lifes desire. So we are sure to die if we fail to repent. Jer. 15:6:- As He told to the people of Israelites, I am weary of relenting. He is telling the same thing to the Naga people. So the lamentation of the Prophet Jeremiah is going to be the lamentation of Naga people. Since the time is coming that both physical life and spiritual life is going to be perished. II Chr. 7:14:- He also says whoever humbles himself and come to Me, I will forgive and I will hear them. Heb. 10:38:- When He pours out His wrath on wicked

and counterfeit faith carnal Christians, He said, His righteous one shall live by faith. Jer.4 to 5:1:- The Spirit of the Lord says, this wrath of God is at an imminent. Zech. 4:6. Thus says the Lord, to bring this bright and Great Day (Naga Sovereignty) is not in the hands of man nor in the hands of any faction/group, but it is the in the hands of God, because He will be Lord over this Naga sovereignty. The Lord also says that the Naga national workers should seek first the Kingdom of God, rather Nagas' sovereignty or independent. And Jesus Christ should be in the center of their hearts so that all these things shall be added unto them. Thus the Lord says to the Naga people: 1. Choose life or death right now. 2. Prepare to meet thy God Amos 4:12. 3. If you really want to live, seek the Lord and live- Amos 5:4-6. The Spirit of the Lord says, A Bright and a Great Day is coming, renew your mind. Whoever failed to renew their minds they will not reach in the Bright and Great Day (Naga sovereignty).The Spirit of the Lord has given these prayer subject to the Naga people to pray in this way. 1. May the Bright and the Great Day be given to us now. 2. May our journey (to Naga sovereignty) be not extended anymore. Thus says the Lord Nagas journey (to Naga sovereignty) has come to the end and the time has come for harvesting.

3. Help us to prepare our spiritual life to reach and live in that Bright and Great Day. 4. Put the Cross of Christ before me, but the world behind me. The Spirit of the Lord said, since the Naga Christians put Jesus Christ's Cross behind them and the world before them, He is giving punishment to individual, families and as a whole Naga people. But He said, the Nagas don't feel a shame at all; they do not feel pain at all; they turned their back to Him. So, when His terrible wrath/disaster overtake them, He said, He will turn His back to the Nagas. Though they make known their supplication to Him, He will not answer their prayer anymore. Rather He said, He will laugh at them, because they ignored His advice, they don't accept His discipline and they failed to choose the fear of the Lord. So He is telling them not to put the Cross of Jesus behind them anymore, but the world behind them. Matt. 16: 26; Jame 4:4. Naga Christians are compelling to pray based on this Bible verse Rom. 9: 29, because they conformed much to the pattern of this world, Rom. 12:2. It was revealed from time to time that many church leaders, Theologians and Theological students are about to sift away because they bear no real burden to rescue the lost/perishing soul, but crazy after worldly pleasure, pursuing much after worldly affairs, pursuing after leadership, power, to please man rather than God. Gal. 1:10. Above all these the Spirit of the Lord is telling to the Naga people continuously: 1. To accept Jesus Christ as personal saviour.

2. Seal with Christ Spirit Rom. 8:9 3. Read the word of God/ meditate the word of God daily; 4. Pray to God fervently without ceasing; 5. Go to church regularly, devote your time to worship God. Those who follow these daily will never live under the defeated life of Satan as Psalm No.1: says, If so you'll keep your spiritual life healthy, says the Spirit of the Lord. Jer.17:9-10; Keep your lives pure and holy by checking or examine always your heart: imaginations, plans, whether holy and acceptable before God, in order to retain yourselves from committing sins and keep your lives holy before God always. And the Spirit of the Lord said, instead of judging your enemies judge yourselves first; am I holy before God? am I living a life pleasing to Him? and pray for your enemies with the right motives with love, then I will answer your prayer (your need) in time. Rom. 14:4. Let not Satan's work be defeated you anymore, says the Lord. Satan is taking advantage to the fragility of Naga Christians' faith and overcoming you now and then, as life submissiveness to God is insincere. The Spirit of the Lord has given these prayer subject to the Naga people to pray in this way: A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian 1. As the day is holy, let me not profane the day by sinning against you. 2. Lead me direct my path how to plan, imagine, think, to talk, to behave, work out, how to act, to deal with,


how to communicate, to love family, neighbours, friends and all. Let me not spend the day/hours in vain or in unnecessary way, let me not spend the day in a sinful way or which does not please you, but let me spend the day in a meaningful, fruitful and in a profitable way. Help me to live, which is pleasing to you throughout my day, let me be a channel of blessing to others always and brighten the corner wherever I am. May who plan evil be powerless, strength less, become dull, coward, inactive, discouraged, disappointed. Let their materials (armors/artillery, poisons, drugs, intoxicate, etc) be useless, ineffective. May the wicked, sinners' evil eyes, ears, mind be opened and see Jesus, He who loves them. May Naga people, Christians be very clever, brilliant, sensitive, active and skillful to do good. May Holy Spirit cleanse/purge all immoralities and injustice of Nagas. May Holy Spirit revive all dying spirits.

Himself chose the Nagas to be His witness and glorify His name only 14. May those who do evil, plan evil, cause sins, corruption became discourage, disappoint and come to Christ Jesus. 15. May kidnappers, Killers, murderers of souls be changed their minds and work to rescue the perishing souls 16. May, to obey you be my most delighted, most important, greatest and highest to please you all the time. Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me all the time. 18. May the fear of the Lord be ruled in the heats of Naga people. 19. May justice and honesty be ruled over the lives of Naga people. 20. Let me resist against spiritual enemies rather than physical enemies. 21. May your Spirit influence/convince rich men, youths, educated men to go for Missionary.



6. 7. 8. 9.

10. May Holy Spirit awake all sleeping souls. 11. May Holy Spirit work effectively everywhere, where Naga people are. 12. May each and every Naga knows, understands and realize that God's special care and His loves for Nagas to be a nation among many nations. 13. Let each and every Naga understands that God

35. GOD'S REVELATION THROUGH Eno Zekho H.Vakha. Jehovah : Mighty Father reveals His words to all Nagas, To all national workers, all factions, all state bureaucrats.

according to what he deeds deserve.(Jer.17:9-10). ii) The end is now upon you and I will unless My anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices. (Ezek. 7:9). Repent, Pray and be baptized in Holy Spirit.

1. National Workers: The Naga sovereignty, in the beginning it was not a demand from human power and not by the will of flesh and blood but it is a Spiritual Gift from God. Therefore the prayer of believers in good faith shall be positively responded. As the Naga sovereignty is in the power of God, it is not for any weapon powers. Those disobedient and denied the principle while there is time but refused the way shall end with destructions says Jehovah. Therefore, stop all bloodshed & killings among your own nation. Follow oneness principle as in the beginning and I Jehovah shall restore peace for all Nagas 2. Bureaucrats: Whether retired or those who are in the services, all have enjoyed life day to day. All source of incomes are not earned by them but it is the fruits of hard earned through various troubles under risk of life beyond measures faced and sacrificed by the Patriots of Naga Nation. Many high living persons forget and `neglected their duties or help the poor and needy persons and deserving National workers.` Therefore, confess for the wrongs and do good, or else, destruction and calamity is coming upon those disobedient! Repent today says Jehovah. 3. Message for the general Naga people: i) The heart of deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward according to his conducts,


I, Jehovah Almighty God had spoken and commanded to write this message. Announce it, to the Prime Minister of India, all Cabinet Ministers says God Jehovah. Behold in the beginning I had created Heaven and Earth, and things exist therein. I made nations and given them names of every nation to live on earth and I had pre-appointed the time and boundaries of their habitation. Whether India or Nagaland I have created. I, Jehovah had spoken, if India shall continue to allow her Armed Forces to kill Nagas and oppress their right of divine sovereignty and try to hinder the sovereignty of Nagaland, I Jehovah will bring forth a foreign nation against India and India will face as much greater destruction than the damages and destructions she had done to the Naga nation. Dated th 30 March 2005 ZEKHO H.VAKHA Pastor Prayer Centre H.Q. Seitheke Basa Dimapur.


The Bible says; surely God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants prophets. Amos 3:7. As the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ gave me forty days fasting & prayer programme for Nagaland, so while in st process of prayer at the end on 21 October 1994 night at 11:00 p.m. He showed me three pictures and explained to me regarding of the three. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me that, if the Naga parents do not control their youths, you will see by your own eyes that 80% of the Naga youths will be bearing the picture of Dragon by 1996. And they will sing beautiful songs and preach the Gospel, but only in mouth. But inward parts they will work out to lose the believers strength and make them fall of their spirit. Some of these people are s h e p h e r d a n d theologians. They will

work in the flesh and not in the power of the Holy Ghost. They will seek about facilities and money. Their headquarter will be at Dimapur. And they will split up the churches. These people may repent thousand times but God is not pleased; said the Spirit of the Jesus Christ. 10% will abide in neutral. Only 10% will commit to the Lord Jesus Christ and will fill with the Holy Ghost and they will enter into the Kingdom of heaven. About the second picture; Again the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me that this picture is their symbol. And 666 will cover the whole world. About the 3 picture; Again the Spirit of Jesus Christ told me that later on this currency would be used in the whole world. And without this currency no one will be allowed to buy or sell anything. But when this currency will be used in the whole world, then the Saints will be with the Lord Jesus Christ. Dear believers, we are going to see the Satanic works and experience his activities. But our flesh and might will

not be able to overcome the evil situations. So let us fast and pray and work with the gift of the Holy Spirit and prepare by doing His will. Bible : Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matt.7:21. So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Cor. 1:7. LASAU KATH Kandinu healing Centre. st 1 Oct. 1999


While fasting and praying in the Tangkhul Baptist Church, Kohima on 24th February 1996 the word of God revealed through His servants to Tangkhuls. Time 8:00 a.m. Matthew 5:9- Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. Deut. 12:32- What thing soever I command you, observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. 1. I, the Lord God, have already recorded the pride of Tangkhuls relying on the worldly wisdom. 2. Unless you relent from your present worldliness, I will throw down this tribe in like manner I have thrown Babylon. 3. It will be a bliss to the Tangkhuls provided they accept today's PEACE MISSION (SUMI PRAYER GROUP) otherwise no further peace programme will be extended to them. 4. The theme of Peace Mission to the Tangkhuls this time is given according to Genesis Chapter 4. 5. Your hands are being stained with blood, the time is coming when no wise or intellectuals will be able to say anything. 6. I will take back wisdom because of your disobedience. In as much as of the fresh bloodshed running in the veins of this tribe.



7. Hence, shun violence and stop bloodshed, failing which I shall make you the lowest Tribe of the Nation. 8. Unless you stop blood shedding, you will lose important leaders in your Tribe. 9. Your Tribesmen will be destroyed in equal proportion to the number destroyed by you. 10. If you hearken unto my voice and obey my commandments by ceasing bloodshed, one day these Peace efforts shall be clearly manifested amongst mankind. (N. JAKHALU) Convenor, Sumi Alakishi Kighimini, Camp Kohima.


As directed by the word of God, while members of Sumi prayer cell and people of Zunheboto were fasting and praying the following prophetic message have been revealed through His servant. The prophetess for foreign missionaries visiting Nagaland during the month of June 1997 in connection with Nagaland for Christ. Amos 3:7; Habakkuk 2:2-3; Matthew 5:9; Deuteronomy 12:32.. Prophetic message: Nagaland for Christ those foreign missionaries who have been directed to go to Nagaland are, but I the Lord told them to go to Nagaland. I have forewarned the Nagas to be my witness to proclaim NAGALAND FOR CHRIST', earlier. This proclamation is not from man's wisdom but I have already pronounced it. I am the Lord who brought Israel to Canaan. I have proclaimed, NAGALAND FOR CHRIST to let Nagas and the Nagaland missionaries to preach my Gospel to all the world. With their lips do they honour Me, but work they do not do accordingly. Hence. Misfortune, destructions and afflictions are inflicting upon them. That is why they do not do and behave as My chosen people. But I will not let my chosen people remain in that tribulations. Therefore, i am weighing Nagas in the weight scale. I will filter out those who obey me, and sanctify them to stand for Nagaland for Christ.



I have chosen the countries Great Britain, United States of America, Philippines, Australia and Israel to work with the Nagas to stand for NAGALAND FOR CHRIST. Announce to all Churches in your country to observe fast and pray for NAGALAND FOR CHRIST for three days. During these fasting days will I reveal to you what things so ever you should do for NAGALAND FOR CHRIST and to proclaim to believers of Jesus Christ in all the world to pray for NAGALAND FOR CHRIST. I have chosen your country to finance 10,000 Nagaland for Christ missionaries to preach my Gospel to the end of the world. I have assigned your country to support Nagaland for Christ through fasting and praying shedding tears. It is not through worldly wisdom and knowledge but by sincerely following the direction of the Holy Spirit shall you attain success. Through the power of the Holy Spirit will I choose, those missionaries from your country, who shall work for Nagaland for Christ. Since you are my creation, if you obey and participate in my calling pronto, I will bless you and your country. I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and the living God, speaking to you Amen. VIHITO, Secretary, Peace Prayer Cell, Zunheboto Base.


While fasting and praying at Nagaland peace prayer house Ghathashi, on 15th September 1998 prophetic message revealed from God for the Naga National Workers run as follow:Naga National Workers; I, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the God of universe am speaking to you, pay heed to it. Your long drawn struggle, suffering in the name of motherland, has gone waste, bearing no result or fruit as many of you are now after worldly wealth and pleasure. In my eyes many of you are liars and thieves. Cease killing, bloodshed, hatred, tribal enmity, fratricide and patricide. You have killed many innocent people and many of my chosen persons whom I chose from their mother wombs for the purpose of my service. Your deeds are contrary to my commandments; you violated, defiled and have profaned my commandments. I need Nagas and their land to make it the world's peace center and to send 10,000 missionaries to the world to preach my Gospel and Nagaland for Christ. Thus, I am standing for emancipation for Nagas from the hands of idolatry, but your disunity, is an obstruction to my stand for your liberation and an opportunity to your enemy opposing to release you. Foreign countries, who are praying for your liberation are praying for your unity and understanding among yourselves.

I, the God of universe am speaking to you, not man. Reconcile and unite among yourselves. Give up weapons and pray to me with shedding of tears and repent for your sins. Then I will liberate the Nagas soon and reward you for your long drawn sufferings for Nagaland for Christ NIHEKHU SUMI Midland, Kohima, Peace prayer member Sumi Alakishi Kighinimi, Ghathashi.

and sisters, marriage with the idol worshippers and committing adultery with those pagans are so abomination to God. Hence, God is saying to the Naga people to confess those sins before God and warned the Nagas to stop killing among the brothers. If the Naga people will not obey the word of the Lord, God's Spirit says that, He will punish the Naga people as He even punish the Israelites in the past. 3. We have claimed that Nagas as a holy nation (NAGALAND FOR CHRIST). However, the evil practice of extortion and robbing others' belongings are extremely worse than the sins of Achan. Dear Nagas in Christ, let us take our time to reason together once again, when devout believers are praying and confessing the sinful activities of the Naga people. Yet God is saying to every Naga especially to those who are committing such wicked sins to come to him with one accord or He would delay helping the Naga people in delivering from the wicked hands. Let every Naga spend time in reasoning the stand of your life and of your doings. If you are hindering the liberation of the Nagas, the wrath of God will be kindled against you and against the nation for your sins. The Bible says, Know for all these God will bring You into the judgement. Eccl. 11:9. But if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal the land. 2 Chron. 7:14.



We have heard prophetic messages in different ways and occasions, which God's Spirit had been revealed to the Naga people to seek the mercy of God with confession of our sins. So that our people will be liberated from long drawn struggle. In view of the fact, we the Sumi Baptist Church, Dimapur prayer warriors spent times in prayer asking the gracious Lord to reveal the sins which are hindering the Nagas from liberation. In response to our prayer, the following revelations from the Lord were given to the Naga people. 1. The Nags are like a family in the eyes of God, therefore God is not pleased, when the Nagas killing one another. As Cain killed his own brother Abel, so also the Nagas are killing their own brothers. 2. NAGALAND FOR CHRIST is a Holy family. We have promised to keep our family dedicated and Holy for Christ. But the practices of adultery between brothers

Dear Naga brothers and sisters, let us once again put our effort to obey the Lord. So that the dedicated believers who have been interceding and confessing the wicked sins of our people will not be discouraged. Let everyone take heed to the word of God our Lord before it is too late. If you don't want to help in delivering yourself from the evil bondage, then whom should you expect to help you? Therefore, stop sinning so that your life will be saved and our people will be set free. Praise the Lord Dated 14th October 1998. Rev. NIHOZU SWU, Associate Pastor, Sumi Baptist, Dimapur, Nagaland.


In my prayer God showed to me many signs and wonder that, I was trembling and terribly afraid. Then I heard a small voice telling me that there will be dreadful diseases in the world which Medical science and Doctors cannot heal, but who put his trust in the Lord will be saved, says the Holy Spirit. On 22 November 1998 Sunday morning during my prayer the Spirit of the Lord has revealed to me for the Naga national workers that:You shall not take the name of your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. Exodus 20:7. You shall not use 'NAGALAND FOR CHRIST' in vain. You should ask His forgiveness for taking His name in vain, lest His curse will be upon you forever says the Lord's Holy Spirit. Amen. Nagas have committed many sins consciously as follow:1). 2). 3). 4). Nagas turned away from God. Nagas have mocked God's grace. Naga have killed many people. Nagas have committed extortions, robberies and stealing. 5). Nagas have committed great crimes against each other. The Lord God therefore, says that the punishment for the



Nagas will now be increased two-fold for the iniquities they have committed knowingly. God also revealed in October 2006 through I. Imsu Jamir as follow:Here is a revelation from the Lord addressed to all the Nagas that, a dark burning smoke fire is appearing from four corners. This is a warning to the Naga National workers who are the evil designers, enemies of the Holy Spirit, deceivers, liars, and murderers. I will not leave those blood thirsty people fighting each other in the name of National Workers unpunished who are committing sins against the Almighty God thus said the Lord. You have committed sins against God and the servants of the Lord. I will not give freedom to those who have committed unpardonable sins against God; rather the wrath of God has mounted upon their heads, thus said the Lord. Therefore, one day of fasting prayer is called upon and that should be led by NBCC throughout Nagaland in every Church. Yet, some of the evil doers shall not be spared because of their deeds against . God. Amen. I. IMSU JAMIR, Healing prayer Center, Sungkumen, Mokokchung.
Indo-Naga Cease-Fire Monolith Photo of Jesus on Monolith.

In commemoration and witness of the Indo-Naga Ceasefire of 1964, also in gratitude to the Peace Mission Members and land donors, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) erected the Indo-Naga Cease-Fire Monolith (a natural stone) at Chedema Peace Camp and dedicated by Rev. Yanky Patton th (former Chaplain of the FGN) on 6 September 2008. Following the decision of the Council of Kilonsers, FGN in its sitting on November 3, 2008, the said monolith was snapped in November on a sunny day morning for a photo to inscribe in the Calendar of 2009. The sunshine and shadow of the tree fell on the monolith while snapping. It was yet a miracle that the photo of monolith stone turned into a seated photo of Jesus Christ as the photo displayed hereon. The appearance of Jesus face on monolith tells us once again that God does not abandon the Nagas and He is leading the Naga Nation.



The word inscribed on the Monolith reads :

As History Continues To Witness The Cease-fire of 1964 And The Talk Between The Government of India And The Federal Government of Nagaland, This Monolith Stands In Gratitude To Acknowledge The Nagaland Peace Mission Members, The Land Donors For The Chedema Peace Camp And The People of Chedema.
Peace Mission Members Rev. Michael Scott, Jayaprakash Narayan And Bimala Prasad Chaliha. Land Donors Shrholhoulie Sokhrie, Neithsulie Tsira, Malo-o Thevo, Do-o Chakrno, Goselie Kiwe, Vilako Sokhrie, Neikahie Keyho, Lhoucha Thevo, Wheo Keyho, Rtszh Tsira, Welie Tseikhano, Sachalie Tsira And Dovilie Chakrno & Zelolie Sokhrie. May God Bless Them And Their Posterity Erected by Nagaland Baptist Church Council and dedicated on September 6, 2008. -160-

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