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Guest registration procedures

1. Receive the guest with a smile, a wish according to the time.

2. Check if he/she is holding reservation
3. If there is a reservation, then no problem, otherwise check for
availability of rooms
4. Get he guest registration card and fill it up
5. Fill up the key and the welcome card
6. If the guest is a foreigner, get the C form and fill it up.
7. Allot the accommodation
8. Fill the arrival register
9. Make information slips and send them to telephones, room service
and housekeeping (if the hotel has PMS then do not required
10. Open guest folio
11. Incase of VIP, CIP etc inform all the departments
12. Lastly inform the bellboys to carry the luggage and escort the
guest to the room and wish a comfortable stay in the hotel.

Registration begins when the front desk agent extends a sincere

welcome to the guests. Warm greeting sets the tone for everything
that follows. The front desk agent moves to the registration process
after determining the guest’s reservation status. To a great degree
registration relies on the information contained in a reservation record.
Front office personnel will find registration simpler and smoother when
accurate and complete information has been captures during the
reservation process.

The registration process can be divided into six steps

• Pre registration activity

• Creating the registration record
• Assigning the room and the rate
• Establishing method of payment
• Issuing the room key
• Fulfilling the special requests

Pre registration activity

Through the reservation process, a guest provides nearly all the

information needed to complete registration. In other words, guests
who make reservations will likely experience a more rapid check in.

Pre registrations activities (registration activities that occur before the
guest arrives at the property) help accelerate the registration process.
Typically pre registered guests’ only need to verify information
collected by reservations agents during the reservations process.
Typically pre registered guests’ only need to verify information already
entered onto a registration cared and provide a valid signature in the
appropriate place on the registration card.
Pre registration involves room and rate assignment and creation of
guest folio apart from producing registration card. However in some
properties they are reluctant to do room assignment as if there are
some last minute cancellations then may create an imbalance in the
status of vacant rooms.
Pre registration tasks are done in non-automated and semi automated
front office systems also. But in many of such properties the pre
registration services may be limited to specially designated, VIPs or

Pre registration helps plan for special requirements of guests as well as

of the hotel. For example, frequent guests may have special
requirements of guests as well as of the hotel. And guests with
disabilities may need rooms outfitted to their special needs. By pre
registering these guests, the front desk agent can be sure to satisfy
them. In addition pre registration help as managers when they know
that the hotel will be in full occupancy in next several days.

The registration record

After a guest arrives at the hotel, the front desk agent creates a
registration record, a collection of important guest information.

Registration cards facilitate the registration process and require guests

to provide his/her name, address, telephone number, company
affiliation and other personal data. The registration card usually
contains a space for guest’s signature. Generally this is a legal
prerequisite to establishing guest’s relationship with the hotel. In
automated properties the registration card can be preprinted wherein
the guests can verify and then sign. At the time of check in. the front
desk agents needs to reconfirm the pre assigned rate and the planned
departure date. The registration card is either filed in the room rack or
attached with the guest folio.

In an automated system the details will automatically get
communicate to the required departments where in otherwise it needs
to be passed on so that the guest is able o do credit purchases against
the room account.

At check out, the information captures on guest registration card may

be used as the primary source for creating a guest history record. This
record may then become part of the data base to be used in the future
by the hotel’s sales and marketing efforts. The information contained
in a guest history database can be analyzed to assist management in
developing marketing strategies, marketing lists and detailed reports.

Guest registration card

As the name suggests the registration is done in the card form.

Normally three copies are made with carbon papers. The original copy
along with C-form is send to the police, second copy is for hotels
records and the third one is kept along with the guest folio.’
But many times C-form is a separate document.


Under the rules C-form has to be filled up for all foreign residents of
the hotel. The purpose of C-form is to furnish certain information to
the police to check on the movements of foreign nationals visiting the

The C-form has to be filled in duplicate for all individuals including

husband, wife and all the children. Nationality, passport numbers, date
and place of issue, purpose of visit, address, duration of say are all
main details found in C-form.
When a group is staying only one C-form is made for the whole group.
The groups rooming list, which consists of all group member’s name
along with their nationality, passport number, date and place of issue
are printed. The group rooming list along with the C-form prepared for
the group is sent to the police.

c-forms have to be sent to the police within 24 hours of arrival of the


Guest Registration Card

Name Of The Guest___________________________________________


Telephone No________________________________
Arrived Form___________________ Proceeding To______________
Date Of Birth_____________________________________________

For Foreigners Only For Office Use

Passport No_________________ Date And Time Of Arrival______________

Date Of Issue____________________ Expected Date Of Departure___________
Place Of Issue____________________ Time of Departure __________________
Valid Up To_______________________ Type of Accommodation_____________
Type Of Visa____________________ No of Pax________________________
Date Of Issue____________________ Room No________________Rate______
Proposed Duration
of Stay In India____________________ Plan__________Booked By___________
Registration No If Any_______________ Billing Instructions_________________
Date Of Registration_________________
Place Of Registration_________________ Special Remarks____________________
Valid Up to_________________________ Advance if any_____________________
Whether Employed In India___________ Date Of Advance___________________
Address In India____________________ Recipt No__________Bill No__________
The Management Does Not Take Responsibility for Loss Of Guest Valuables, Lockers
Are Available

I have gone through the terms and conditions of my stay in the hotel and i agree to abide
the same.

Receptionist ‘S Signature Guest’s Signature

1. Name Of The Hotel________________________________________________

2. Name Of The Guest_______________________________________________

3. Nationality_____________________________________________________

Arrived From_____________________________Proceeding to___________

4. Passport No____________________________________________________

5. Date of Issue___________________________________________________

6. Place of Issue__________________________________________________

7. Valid Up to_____________________________________________________

8. Date And Time Of Arrival In Hotel___________________________________

9. Date And Time Of Arrival In India____________________________________

10. Type Of Visa___________________________________________________

11. Visa No________________________________________________________

12. Date Of Issue____________________________________________________

13 Place Of Issue__________________________________________________

14. Valid Up to_____________________________________________________

15. Whether Employed In India_______________________________________

16. If Yes Address in India__________________________________________

17. Proposed Duration of Stay in India_________________________________

18. Proposed Duration of Stay in Hotel_________________________________

19. Registration No if Any_____________________________________________

20. Date Of Issue____________________________________________________

21 Place Of Issue____________________________________________________

22. Valid Up to______________________________________________________

Room and rate assignment

Room assignment is an important pat of the registration process.

Room assignment involves identifying and allocating an available room
in a specific category to the guest. When the guest request is
ambiguous, or when a room is unavailable to the guest’s preferred
category, a front desk agent may conduct a survey of all room
categories to identify an acceptable available room.
On the basis of reservation information, specific rooms and rates may
be pre assigned before the guest’s arrival. Pre assigning a specific
room depends on the room’s forecasted availability status and how
appropriately the room meets the guest’s needs. Room assignments
are finalized during the registration process.
Determine the guest’s needs by room type are often insufficient.
Hotels typically offer a variety of room rates for similar types of rooms.
Room rates or rooms with identical room configuration may vary based
on room size, quality of room furnishings, location, amenities and
other factors. Front desk agents must be aware of each rooms rate
category, current occupancy status, furnishings, location and
amenities, in order to best satisfy guest requests.
The front desk agent’s ability to determine room status and an
appropriate room rate is critical to an effective registration process.

Room status

Effective room and rate assignment depends on accurate and timely

room status information. Changes in room’s housekeeping status
should be communicated promptly to the front desk in order to
maximize room sales. Maintaining timely housekeeping status
information requires close coordination with housekeeping department.
A room status discrepancy occurs when the housekeeping status
information differs form that of front office. Room status discrepancies
can seriously affect a property’s ability to satisfy guest needs and
maximize room revenue. Room status discrepancies should be
identified and resolved as quickly as possible.
A tremendous aid to the registration of early arriving guests is the
prompt relay of housekeeping information to the front desk. This is
especially true during high occupancy.

Room rack

In non-automated and semi-automated systems, the front desk may

use a room rack to track the current housekeeping room status. Room
rack slip containing the guest name, departure date, room rate and

other information normally completed during the registration process
and placed in the room rack slot corresponding to the room number
assigned to the guest. The presence of room rack slip indicates that
the room is occupied. When the guest checks out, a departure card is
kept and once the room is ready for sale card is again changed.

For computer-based systems the interface between the two

departments can be taken care by property management systems or
In many properties front desk agent is responsible for producing a
daily front office report called the occupancy report. it simply mention
the status of all rooms of the hotel. The housekeeping department
prepares a housekeeping status report based on a physical check of all
guest rooms. It should be compared with the front office report, and
any room status discrepancies should be brought to the attention of
the front office manager for further action.
In a computerized system, the status of the rooms can be
automatically updated at every check out and once it is cleaned and
ready for sale, the housekeeping can change it in the system.

Room rates
A room rate is the price a hotel charges for overnight
accommodations. Room rates are often confirmed as the part of the
reservation process. Assigning rate for the walk in guest is left to the
front desk agent according to the hotel’s policy.

Room locations

When assigning guest rooms, a front desk agent must be aware of the
characteristics of each room type. Differences between the guest
rooms lie in their furnishings, amenities and location. Front desk
agents should be familiar with the guestroom configurations as well as
hotel’s floor plan.
Individual guest or groups may specify certain room locations in hotel
as part of their reservation requests.

Method of payment

Regardless of whether the guest intends to pay by cash, cheque or

credit card or other acceptable method, the hotel should take
precautionary measures to ensure payment. Effective account
settlement depends on the steps taken during registration to
determine the guests’ method of payment. The establishment of
proper settlement or credit authorization at the time of registration will

greatly reduce the potential for unauthorized settlement and
subsequent collection problems. The registration process plays an
important role in front office guest accounting since front desk agents
are responsible for gathering information at check in on the intended
method of payment.

Issuing the room key

By issuing the room key the front desk agent completes the
registration process. For security of both the guest and the property,
room keys must be very carefully controlled. For security reasons front
desk agents should never announce the room number while handing
over the keys. Front desk agent should introduce the guest to the
bellboy, hand him the guest room keys, and ask him to show the room
to the guest. On the way to the room he should explain various
features of the hotel to the guest. . Once inside the guest room he
should explain the various facilities.

Fulfilling the special requests

Part of registration is that any special requests made by guests are

acknowledged and acted on. They may be:

• Location
• View
• Bed type
• Amenities
• Special furnishings for disabled
• Extra bed

Selling the guest room

Front desk agents will not have the chance to use efficient or
innovative registration techniques if the guest is not convinced of the
value of renting a hotel room. Part of the front desk agent’s job is to
create consumer acceptance of the hotel’s products: guestrooms,
facilities and services.

Front desk agents should practice sales techniques specific to their

work. The registration process, for example must move through
certain stages to ensure quick and careful registration. But within
these stages front office staff frequently has the opportunity to make

individual sales presentations. Up selling to all guests including walk in
s often holds the best opportunity to create more revenue for the

Special programs and groups

During registration, guests may present vouchers, coupons, or special

incentive awards from businesses, airlines, or other authorized
agencies. Front desk agents must be aware of hotel agreements to
honor such vouchers and know how to properly credit the bearer. Front
desk agents too must use care while handling special programs
vouchers because they may differ in value, conditions or terms.

Front desk agents must be careful when registering group guests to be

sure that their special needs are handled. Registering guests
associated with a group is different from registering individual guests.
Guests arriving at the hotel to attend corporate meeting often have
their billing arrangements pre-established. In some cases the guest
room and the fax charges are direct billed to the master account.
Other charges such as telephone, food and beverage, laundry, are the
responsibility of the individual guests. In this case credit must be
established for each member of the group. However when the group
agrees to pay for all the charges made by its guests, it is important
that the guest not to be asked to establish credit. For example, VIPs or
invited speakers for a group’s meeting should sign their registration
cards, verify their departure dates, and be issued their room keys. And
also in these cases it may not be appropriate to print the room rats on
registration cards.

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