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PROVINCES: Bohol Cebu Negros oriental Siquijor

CAPITAL: Tagbilaran city Cebu city Dumaguete Siquijor

MYTH--a myth is defined as a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form.

Sicalac and Sicavay

(A Visayan Creation Myth) Once there were two gods, Captan and Maguayan.One day, Captan planted a bamboo in a garden. It grew and split into two sections, and stepped out a man who was named Sicalac and woman named Sicavay. Sicalac asked Sicavay's hand for marriage because there were no other people on earth. She refused because they were brother and sister, having been conceived out of the same reed. Sicalac persistently pleaded with her and finally they decided to consult the tunas of the sea, the doves of the air and the earthquake, who agreed that they should marry so that the world will be populated. Finally, they decided to go ahead and got married and had a son named Sibo. Then they had a daughter named Samar. Sibo and Samar had a daughter named Luplupan who grew up and married Pandaguan, who was also a son of Sicalac and Sicavay. Lupluban and Pandaguan had a son named Anoranor. Pandaguan invented the fishing net and he caught a shark when he used it but the shark did not survive for long out of the water. He cried loudly to the Gods. The god Captan, sent the flies to find out why Pandaguan was making such a loud lamentation but the flies refused to obey so they were condemned to scavenge among filthy and rotten things from then on. Then, the god sent the weevils and he discovered about Pandaguans grief and he

struck him dead by a thunderbolt. Pandaguan stayed in the infernal regions but the gods took pity on him and brought him back to the world. Pandaguan discovered that his wife Luplupan became the concubine of Maracoyrun. Pandaguan got angry and went back to infernal regions, vowing never to return to the world. Theme: *The story is about how the first people appeared on earth *It telss a story of equal birthing of man and woman throughout the archipelago that assert a womans equal position with a man within the tribal systems. Moral Lesson: *We should only do things or decisions as long as it is necessary and acceptable. *We should always accept that things happen for a reason and that all things on Earth come to an end *We should obey the authority for us to be safe but, we should also remember to obey only those that obey the moral policies or rules. *We should be careful not to love or marry somebody else other than the one we married and we have promised to love forever because it is one of Gods will.

LEGEND--is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history.

The Legend of Dumaguete

Moral Lesson: Nothing bad will ever happen to us if we just strongly believe and have faith that we will be protected.

Theme: It is a story of the faith and hope of the people of Dumaguete during the times of their lands trouble.

Folk Songs Usahay

Moral Lesson: We should always remember that the one we love may not be always be the one for us. Theme: Usahays theme of unrequited love is value-loaded for its therapeutic quality. The theme of pain and suffering is a universal feeling too strong to bear. But because these are surmountable odds, joy and happiness and triumph are inevitable and couldnt be far behind.

Matud Nila
Theme: Its lyrics depict a romantic love, usually portraying the hopeless pleadings of a lover willing to sacrifice everything on behalf of his beloved.It is a mournful wail of the rejected lover or the broken-hearted. It is a story of unrequited love. Moral Lesson: Love is not all about money. It is sometimes the acceptance and faith.

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