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Mistaken Identity

NPC Conversions by Patrick Fngerlings

1. Coach & Horses Inn Gustav Fondelburger, Innkeeper

WS 28 A 1 BS 42 W 12 S 38 SB 3 T 43 TB 4 Ag 31 M 4 Int 34 Mag 0 WP 29 IP 0 Fel 52 FP 0

Talents: Gunnar (Marksman, Sixth Sense), Heinz (Hardy, Savvy), Seasoned Traveller, Special Weapon Group - Gunpowder Lady Isolde von Strudeldorf, Young Noble
WS 36 A 1 BS 32 W 11 S 34 SB 3 T 32 TB 3 Ag 39 M 4 Int 30 Mag 0 WP 30 IP 0 Fel 33 FP 0

Age: 56 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip +10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel +10%, Breton), Consume Alcohol +10%, Drive, Evaluate +10%, Read/Write, Haggle, Perception, Search, Trade (Cook) Talents: Suave, Dealmaker, Etiquette, Special Weapon Group Gunpowder (because of his Blunderbuss) Blackie, Gustavs pet crow
WS 20 A 1 BS 0 W 4 S 05 SB 0 T 10 TB 1 Ag 25 M 2(7) Int 12 Mag 0 WP 24 IP 0 Fel 0 FP 0

Age: 21 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel +10%), Performer (Musician), Charm, Read/ Write, Ride Talents: Luck, Suave, Etiquette, Schemer, Acute Hearing, Resistance to disease Marie, Bodyguard
WS 55 A 2 BS 32 W 13 S 50 SB 5 T 48 TB 4 Ag 44 M 4 Int 30 Mag 0 WP 31 IP 0 Fel 28 FP 0

Skills: Perception +10% Talents: Flyer, Keen Senses, Excellent Vision Herpin Stiggerwurt, Barman
WS 35 A 1 BS 32 W 11 S 33 SB 3 T 38 TB 3 Ag 36 M 3 Int 20 Mag 0 WP 21 IP 0 Fel 25 FP 0

Age: 33 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Dodge Blow, Heal, Intimidate, Perception Talents: Very Strong, Warrior Born, Disarm, Strike to Stun, Street Fighting, Very Resilient, Special Weapon Group (Parrying, Throwing) Ernst Heidlemann Physicians Student (Wizards Apprentice)
WS 30 A 1 BS 32 W 12 S 33 SB 3 T 28 TB 2 Ag 37 M 4 Int 43 Mag 1 WP 34 IP 0 Fel 34 FP 0

Age: 28 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Trade (Brewer), Drive, Gossip, Evaluate, Perception, Sleight of hand Talents: Very resilient, Etiquette, Acute Hearing Gunnar and Holtz, Coachmen
WS 42 A 1 BS 42 (47) W 11 (12) S 34 SB 3 T 33 TB 3 Ag 37 M 4 Int 29 (34) Mag 0 WP 35 IP 0 Fel 30 FP 0

Age: 27 and 32 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip +10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel, Breton), Animal Care, Drive, Ride, Navigation, Perception, Secret Signs (Ranger)

Age: 22 Skills: Common Knowledge, Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%, Classical), Academic Knowledge (Magic, History, Science), Consume Alcohol, Heal, Perception+10%, Read/Write +10%, Arcane Language (Magick) Talents: Luck, Night Vision, Linguistics, Savvy, Seasoned Traveler, Petty Magic (Arcane)

Philippe Descartes, Rogue (ex Sergeant, ex Mercenary)

WS 48 A 2 BS 45 W 13 S 47 SB 4 T 36 TB 3 Ag 45 M 4 Int 34 Mag 0 WP 32 IP 0 Fel 36 FP 1

3. Arrival in Altdorf Joseph Quartjin, Boatman

WS 48 A 1 BS 38 W 12 S 42 SB 4 T 43 TB 4 Ag 38 M 4 Int 30 Mag 0 WP 33 IP 0 Fel 35 FP 0

Age: 43 Skills: Common Knowledge (Bretonnia+10%, Imperium), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Breton, Reikspiel, Tilean), Dodge Blow+10%, Ride+10%, Perception+10%, Secret Language (Battle), Academic Knowledge (Strategy/ Tactics), Command, Gamble+10%, Haggle Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Marksman, Disarm, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, Seasoned Traveller, Street Fighting, Sharpshooter, Special Weapon Group Gunpowder 2. The Journey Rolf Hurtsis, Mutant
WS 32 A 1 BS 25 W 7 S 25 SB 2 T 28 TB 2 Ag 39 M 4 Int 29 Mag 0 WP 27 IP 0 Fel 10 FP 0

Age: 40 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Consume Alcohol, Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Row, Sail, Secret Language (Ranger), Swim Talents: Orientation, Seasoned Traveller, Very strong, Very resilient Max Ernst, Protagonist
WS 42 A 2 BS 23 W 12 S 46 SB 4 T 34 TB 3 Ag 35 M 4 Int 34 Mag 0 WP 43 IP 0 Fel 25 FP 0

Skills: Concealment, Silent Move, Outdoor Survival, Speak Language (Reikspiel) Talents: Flee!, Frightening Mutation: Rotten Flesh (gains Frightening Talent) Mutants
WS 31 A 1 BS 31 W * S 31 SB 3 T 31 TB 3 Ag 31 M 4 Int 31 Mag 0 WP 31 IP 0 Fel 31 FP 0

Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip +10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Ride Talents: Disarm, Menacing, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Ambidextrous, Warrior Born 4. Journey to Weissbruck Adolphus Kuftsos, Bounty Hunter
WS 38 A 1 BS 53 W 12 S 43 SB 4 T 33 TB 3 Ag 40 M 4 Int 35 Mag 0 WP 41 IP 0 Fel 28 FP 0

Smallhead: Axe, 6 W Animalistic legs: Spear, 4 W Pinhead: Schwert, 8 W Doghead: critically hit, each round 20% Chance to die Knud, Mutant Leader
WS 36 A 1 BS 38 W 11 S 35 SB 3 T 35 TB 3 Ag 33 M 4 Int 33 Mag 0 WP 35 IP 0 Fel 35 FP 0

Age: 36 Skills: Common Knowledge (Imperium), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Follow Trail, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Shadowing, Silent Move Talents: Marksman, Rover, Special Weapon Group (Entangling), Savvy, Strike Mighty Blow, Acute Hearing The Three Thugs Gurt, Bengt, Willie
WS 28 A 1 BS 13 W 11 S 32 SB 3 T 35/41 TB 3/4 Ag 32 M 4 Int 23 Mag 0 WP 30 IP 0 Fel 26 FP 0

Mutation: Scales (1 AP Head, Body and Arms)

Skills & Talents: 2 of the thugs are Very Resilient, Scale Sheer Surface, Consume Alcohol

Shadows over Bgenhafen

NPC Conversions by Patrick Fngerlings

1. Schaffenfest Klaus Schattiger, Entrepeneur

WS 36 A 1 BS 40 W 12 S 37 SB 3 T 33 TB 3 Ag 44 M 4 Int 41 Mag 0 WP 35 IP 0 Fel 42 FP 0

(Miner), Animal Care, Gossip, Drive, Animal Training Talents: Dwarfcraft, Grudge born Fury, Night Vision, Resistance to Magic, Stouthearted, Sturdy, Special Weapon Group(Throwing), Sharpshooter Gottri Gurnisson, Drunken Dwarf
WS 43 A 1 BS 39 W 12 S 33 SB 3 T 38 TB 3 Ag 21 M 3 Int 35 Mag 0 WP 35 IP 0 Fel 19 FP 0

Rogue, Age 35 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip +10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%), Blather, Charm, Evaluate, Gamble, Perception, Performer (Story Teller), Search Talents: Street Wise, Luck, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Mimic Crusher Braugen, Wrestling Champion
WS 48 A 1 BS 28 W 13 S 48 SB 4 T 42 TB 4 Ag 33 M 4 Int 31 Mag 0 WP 25 IP 0 Fel 30 FP 0

Entertainer (ex Thug), Age 38 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Charm Talents: Very strong, Wrestling, Street Fighting, Strike to stun, Strike Mighty Blow, Very resilient Doctor Malthusius, Showman
WS 43 A 1 BS 37 W 11 S 32 SB 3 T 35 TB 3 Ag 30 M 4 Int 44 Mag 0 WP 36 IP 0 Fel 51 FP 0

Thief, Age 83 Skills: Common Knowledge (Dwarves), Speak Language (Khazalid, Reikspiel), Trade (Miner, Smith), Concealment, Evaluate, Secret Language (Thieves), Secret Signs (Thieves), Silent Move Talents: Dwarfcraft, Grudge born Fury, Nightvision, Resistance to Magic, stout-hearted, Sturdy Councillor Heinz Richter, Magistrate
WS 23 A 1 BS 25 W 10 S 35 SB 3 T 28 TB 2 Ag 27 M 4 Int 55 Mag 0 WP 34 IP 0 Fel 45 FP 0

Entertainer, Age 37 Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%), Perception, Performer (Actor, Storyteller), Read/Write, Animal Training, Blather Talents: Public Speaking, Special Weapon Group (Entangling) Grunni, Dwarven Freakshow Assistant
WS 47 A 1 BS 38 W 13 S 41 SB 4 T 38 TB 3 Ag 26 M 3 Int 23 Mag 0 WP 42 IP 0 Fel 24 FP 0

Politician (ex Agitator, ex Student), Age 53 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%, Classical), Academic Knowledge (Law+10%, Genealogy/Heraldry), Charm+10%, Search, Perception+10%, Read/Write +10%, Evaluate Talents: Suave, Coolheaded, Etiquette, Savvy, Super Numerate, Public Speaking 2. Beneath the Town Guardian Daemon
WS 50 A 2 BS 20 W 15 S 45 SB 4 T 45 TB 4 (6) Ag 50 M 4(6) Int 35 Mag 0 WP 50 IP 0 Fel 05 FP 0

Entertainer, Age 65 Skills: Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, Empire), Speak Language (Khazalid, Reikspiel), Trade

Lesser Daemon Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Arcane Language (Daemonic), Speak Language (Dark Tongue, Reikspiel)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Fearless, Flyer, Frightening, Natural Weapons, Night Vision, Daemonic Aura, Strike Mighty Blow Mutations: Thick Fur (RP 1), Foul Stench (-5 KG /2 m), Cyclops 3. Investigations Franz Baumann, Landlord and Thieves Guildsman
WS 34 A 1 BS 28 W 12 S 35 SB 3 T 37 TB 3 Ag 43 M 4 Int 41 Mag 0 WP 34 IP 0 Fel 39 FP 0

Reiner Goertrin, Watch Captain

WS 60 A 2 BS 39 W 16 S 42 SB 4 T 53 TB 5 Ag 50 M 4 Int 46 Mag 0 WP 41 IP 0 Fel 52 FP 0

Burgher (ex Thief), Age 34 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Gossip+10%, Charm, Concealment, Evaluate, Perception, Sleight of hand, Secret Language (Thieves), Secret Signs (Thieves), Silent Move Talents: Excellent Vision, Lightning Reflexes, Streetwise, Super Numerate, Savvy Gerhard Schutz, Doorkeeper
WS 43 A 1 BS 25 W 9 S 28 SB 2 T 33 TB 3 Ag 30 M 4 Int 38 Mag 0 WP 28 IP 0 Fel 28 FP 0

Captain (ex Sergeant, ex Watchman), Age 42 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%, Dwarves), Gossip+20%, Speak Language (Reikspiel, Breton), Academic Knowledge (Law, Strategy/Tactics+10%), Dodge Blow+20%, Follow Trail, Intimidate+10%, Perception +10%, Search, Command+10%, Ride, Secret Language (Battle+10%), Read/Write Talents: Hardy, Acute Hearing, Menacing, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to stun, Coolheaded, Disarm, Quick Draw Friedrich Magirius, Merchant
WS 33 A 1 BS 27 W 12 S 38 SB 3 T 41 TB 4 Ag 46 M 4 Int 47 Mag 0 WP 49 IP 0 Fel 63 FP 0

Watchman, Age 63 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip +10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Perception, Search Talents: Savvy, Disarm, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun Fang, Watchdog
WS 41 A 1 BS 0 W 8 S 28 SB 2 T 33 TB 3 Ag 30 M 6 Int 15 Mag 0 WP 43 IP 0 Fel 0 FP 0

Merchant (ex Burgher), Age 53 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%), Gossip+10%, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%, Breton), Drive, Evaluate+10%, Read/Write, Haggle+10%, Perception, Search, Charm, Secret Language (Guild), Trade (Merchant) Talents: Ambidextrous, Super Numerate, Dealmaker, Suave 4. Day of the Ceremony Johann Schlussman, Nightwatchman
WS 33 A 1 BS 25 W 11 S 28 SB 2 T 35 TB 3 Ag 30 M 4 Int 26 Mag 0 WP 31 IP 0 Fel 32 FP 0

War Dog Teugens Dogs

WS 41 A 1 BS 0 W 10 S 32 SB 3 T 38 TB 3 Ag 30 M 6 Int 15 Mag 0 WP 43 IP 0 Fel 0 FP 0

Watchman, Age 47 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Dodge Blow Talents: Strongminded, Resistance to Poison Horrors of Tzeentch
WS 42 A 1 BS 0 W 12 S 33 SB 3 T 35 TB 3(5) Ag 36 M 4 Int 45 Mag 1-3 WP 60 IP 0 Fel 15 FP 0

War Dogs Skills: Follow Trail, Perception+20%, Swim Talents: Keen Senses, Natural Weapons, Strike Mighty Blow

Lesser Daemons Skills: Channelling+20%, Dodge Blow, Perception, Arcane Language (Daemonic), Speak Language (Dark)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Daemonic Aura, Frightening, Natural Weapons, Night Vision, Will of Iron Johannes Teugen, Merchant/ Daemonologist
WS 35 A 1 BS 37 W 14 S 42 SB 3 T 40 TB 4 Ag 49 M 4 Int 59 Mag 2 WP 60 IP 3 Fel 51 FP 0

Franz Steinhger, Merchant/Wizards Apprentice

WS 45 A 1 BS 25 W 13 S 42 SB 4 T 38 TB 3 Ag 47 M 4 Int 61 Mag 1 WP 50 IP 0 Fel 51 FP 0

Guild Master (ex Merchant, ex Journeyman Wizard, ex Apprentice Wizard, ex Student), Age 50 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+20%, Bretonia, Wasteland), Gossip+20%, Speak Language (Reikspiel+20%, Classical+10%, Breton+10%), Academic Knowledge (History, Daemonology, Magic+10%, Astronomy, Science), Charm+10%, Search+10%, Perception+20%, Drive, Read/Write +20%, Channelling+10%, Magical Sense+10%, Arcane Language (Magick+10%, Daemonic), Intimidate, Evaluate+10%, Haggle+10%, Ride, Secret Language (Guild+10%), Trade (Merchant +10%, Cartographer), Command Talents: Acute Hearing, Savvy, Etiquette, Super Numerate, Suave, Aethyric Attunement, Petty Magic (Arcane), Very Resilient, Dark Lore (Chaos), Dark Magic, Fast Hands, Mighty Missile, Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour, Magic Lock), Dealmaker, Linguistics Side Effects: Allergy to garlic (-20%), Aversion to Daylight, Disfigurement (Vampiric teeth) Gideon, Lesser Daemon of Tzeentch
WS 55 A 2 BS 45 W 20 S 50 SB 5 T 45 TB 4 Ag 70 M 4(6) Int 45 Mag 2 WP 60 IP 0 Fel 15(50) FP 0

Wizards Apprentice (ex Merchant, ex Burgher) Age 44 Skills: Common Knowledge (Empire+10%,), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel+10%, Breton, Classical), Drive, Evaluate+10%, Read/ Write, Haggle+10%, Perception, Search, Charm, Secret Language (Guild), Trade (Merchant), Channelling, Magical Sense, Arcane Language (Magick) Talents: Super Numerate, Luck, Dealmaker, Savvy, Petty Magic (Arcane) ----------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, WFRP, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol device, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, artefacts, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Lesser Daemon Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Arcane Language (Daemonic, Magick), Speak Language (Dark, Reikspiel), Channelling+10%, Magical Sense Talents: Ambidextrous, Fearless, Flyer, Frightening, Natural Weapons, Night Vision, Fast Hands, Petty Magic (Arcane), Dark Lore (Chaos), Tzeentchs Fire (cf. Bestiary: Horrors of Tzeentch), Lesser Magic (Dispel, Aethyric Armour, Move, Magic Lock)

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