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Space Hulk: Stage-by-Stage Painting Guide | Games Workshop

Space Hulk: Stage-by-Stage Painting Guide Article byJim Sowter Introduction

One thing most players of Space Hulk will want to do at some point is paint the exquisitely detailed Citadel Miniatures contained within the box. With that in mind, the 'Eavy Metal team have prepared two clear examples of how to paint the miniatures contained within the box. The first of the miniatures is Brother Omnio. Painted by Neil Green, this clear stageby-stage example contains all the colours and techniques you will need to paint your Blood Angels Terminators to a high standard. The second miniature is one of the Genestealers found within the box. Since all of the Genestealers are painted using the same techniques, you can use the techniques and colours listed here to guide you through painting all 22 Genestealers, as well as the Broodlord.

Terminator Stage-by-Stage Painting Genestealer Stage-by-Stage Painting

Stage 1: Red - Basecoat of Blood Red then washed with Baal Red. Gold - Shining Gold with watered-down Scorched Brown washed into the recesses. Silver - Boltgun Metal Parchment- Khemri Brown Crux - Codex Grey and Scorched Brown mix (2:1) Green Lenses - Knarloc Green Blue Lenses - Ultramarines Blue Purity seal - Liche Purple Gems - Chaos BlackaChaos VBlack

Stage 2: Red - Wash Dark Flesh and Chaos Black mix (2:1) into the recesses Gold - Shining Gold Silver - Badab Black wash Parchment - Devlan Mud wash into the recesses Crux - Scorched Brown and Chaos Black mix (2:1) wash Green Lenses - Wash of Thraka Green Blue Lenses - Wash of Asurmen Blue Purity seal - Wash of Asurmen Blue Gems - Warlock Purple and Chaos Black mix (3:1)

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9/20/2009 7:37 PM

Space Hulk: Stage-by-Stage Painting Guide | Games Workshop

Stage 3: Red - Blazing Orange line highlight Gold - Burnished Gold Silver - Chainmail Parchment - Bleached Bone Crux - Layer of Codex Grey then Fortress Grey line highlight Green Lenses - Knarloc Green and Bleached Bone mix (1:2) Blue Lenses - Layer of Ultramarine Blue and Ice Blue mix (1:1) then an Ice Blue highlight Purity seal - Liche Purple and Fortress Grey mix (1:1) Gems - Warlock Purple

Stage 4: Red - Vomit Brown line highlight Gold - Mithril Silver Silver - Mithril Silver Parchment - Skull White then add text in Scorched Brown Crux - Line highlight of Dheneb Stone Green Lenses - Bleached Bone Blue Lenses - Skull White Purity seal - Fortress Grey Gems - Warlock Purple and Skull White mix (1:1) then a dot of Skull White

Stage 1: Carapace - Regal Blue Flesh - Warlock Purple/Hormagaunt Purple mix (1:1) Claws - Chaos Black Metal - Boltgun Metal

Stage 2: Carapace - Badab Black wash Flesh - Leviathan Purple and Chaos Black wash Claws - Chaos Black/Space Wolves Grey mix (2:1) Metal - Chaos Black/Badab Black wash mix (1:1)

Stage 3: Carapace - Regal Blue/Ice Blue mix (1:1) Flesh - Hormagaunt Purple/Space Wolves Grey mix (1:1) Claws - Chaos Black/Space Wolves Grey mix (1:2) Metal - Boltgun Metal highlight

Stage 4: Carapace - Highlight adding Space Wolves grey to previous mix Flesh - Hormagaunt Purple/Space Wolves Grey mix (1:2) Claws - Highlight adding Skull White to previous mix Metal - Highlight with Mithril Silver

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