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Volume 18

Vision Statement: Leading women October, 2011 educators impacting education worldwide Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide Issue 4

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha State, Texas Area XIV Midland, Texas #158

zetZeta Xi News

President, Lois Templeton Editor, Patti Groce [email protected]

Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

Whats New at Family Promise-November Meeting

Date: Monday, November 7, 2011 Program: Tom Miller from Family Promise of Midland will be informing us about the the organization that helps homeless families in Midland. World Fellowship Auction is also this month. Dont forget to bring those new and lightly used items. Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: The Meadow Park Club House 4800 Spring Meadow Lane Directions: The Meadow Park Addition is off A Street past Loop 250. Access by driving under Loop 250 at A Street Underpass. Drive north on A Street. Make a right on to Meadowpark Drive. Then make a right on Spring Meadow Lane to find the Club House. Hostesses: Eloui Moseley, Susan Harmon, Virginia Conner, Sandy Hammontree, and Celia Munoz. .

The Little Birdie Says, Remember the World Fellowship Auction

Its time for the annual Zeta Xis World Fellowship Auction. Kathy Landrum is organizing another wonderful auction with proceeds going to the Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowship Fund. Each member brings items to put in the auction. If you have Christmas, gift, or special items you would like to donate to the auction, please bring these items to the November meeting. Also bring cash or check to purchase these always wonderful and unique items. The monies collected are given to the World Fellowship Program. The World Fellowship Program began in 1946 as a project to aid women in war-torn countries. Through the years the program grew and to date more than 555 women from over 100 countries have received fellowships to enable them to pursue advanced study in the United States and in Canada.

More Reminders
Remember to bring your items for the auction. Win a chance for a door prize if you wear your Delta Kappa Gamma pin.

Please bring your magazines for Casa de Amigos and toiletries for Safe Place. Also bring Kleenex for the Family Promise Program. There is still time to make your donation to Storybook Christmas if you havent yet. Bring pennies if it is your birthday or if you missed putting your birthday pennies in the kitty.

Zeta Xi Member News

Have you heard?
Nancy Doss is planning to attend the Rod Stewart Concert at the new Wagner Nol Performing Arts Center. Brune Torres is a volunteer tutor for Midland Need to Read. Brune loves her adult learner. Both are having so much fun tutoring and learning. Elloui Moseley spent time this summer in Florida in the company of the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers and their wives. Pat Adams was seen volunteering at the Scarborough Lineberry House and her picture was in the paper, too. (Thats how she was seen.) Dorothy Blair and her husband celebrated their 50th anniversary in August. Linda Brown has returned from her recent trip to Oregon. Virginia Conners newest endeavor is serving as the Interim Director of Jubilee House. Lois Hagins took a recent trip to Charleston, North Carolina and Savannah, Georgia with her daughter. (Lois seems to have picked up a more pronounced southern accent.) Billie Merriman and her husband traveled to a military reunion. Anita Patton and husband took a well planned trip to Italy. Susan Harmon had hip replacement surgery this summer, but is up on her feet. Joyce Hobbs and her husband have had numerous health problems this summer and continue to need our prayers. If you know of news of members accomplishments, travels, needs, and family please contact Patti Groce at 687-0732 or e-mail [email protected] with this information. We really want to know whats happening with all of our members, please let us know.

Zeta Xi Celebrates 50th Birthday

Instead of a standard October program meeting, Zeta Xi celebrated a special 50th birthday on Saturday, October 1, 2011. The birthday committee composed of Nancy Doss, Lois Templeton Anita Patton and Natalie Eustace planned a wonderful birthday celebration at Greentree Country Club. The tables were beautifully decorated with colors of gold and red. Most everyone present was wearing red which made for some great pictures. Lois Templeton was our wonderful mistress of ceremonies. Joy Cunningham gave an informative history of Zeta Xi since the beginnings in 1961. Sandy Whitney, past state president of Alpha State from El Paso, gave a presentation about the courageousness of the founders of Delta Kappa Gamma and how this Texas organization has grown to be an international society that promotes leadership and scholarship for women in education. Thank you to everyone who made this celebration such a success.

Happy Birthday to Members

Speaking of birthdays. Happy Birthday to these ladies on another anniversary of their birth. Remember you dont have to count your birthdays, but you do need to celebrate and bring your birthday pennies to the November meeting.

October Birthdays
3- Pat Southerland 6- Nancy McNerney 12- Ruth Owens 24- Susan Harmon

November Birthdays
1-Anita Patton 8- Tonda Gaines 13- Elloui Moseley 17- Charlotte Sweatt

Please mark your calendars for these great 2012 opportunities brought to you by Delta Kappa Gamma.

Letter from Lois

Dear Zeta Xi members, Wasn't that exciting to see the great coverage of our 50th Birthday Celebration received in the Midland Reporter-Telegram last Monday? I'll bring copies to our next meeting for you to see in case you missed it. Three pictures were printed to go along with the story. Thanks to Patti Groce for helping me get the story and pictures in to the paper while I was out of town. Our next meeting will be hosted by Elloui Moseley on Monday, November 7th, at the Meadow Park Club House at 4800 Spring Meadow. Those who signed up to be a hostess along with Elloui are Susan Harmon, Virginia Conner, Sandy Hammontree and Celia Munoz. Start looking around your homes for items to bring for the World Fellowship Auction which we will be having that same evening. The auction has been very successful these past few years, especially since some of the items have been holiday related. Also, we will be having a wonderful meeting presented by Tom Miller about Family Promise of Midland and its work that helps homeless families in our town. This would be a great meeting to invite prospective members. To keep our chapter vital and of service to the community we need to expand our membership and let others be part of all the exciting things we do. Please let me know of guests you plan to invite so that the hostesses can prepare plenty of refreshments. Thanks for all you do to help our chapter to continue to shine in Area 14!! I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Lois T.

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