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Biletul 1: 1. Answer the following questions: Do you like watching sport on tv? Why? Why not? 2. Describe your ideal teacher. 3. Argue for or against the following statement: Mobile phones should not be allowed in schools. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Biletul 2: 1. In what different situations do you like listening to music? Why? 2. Describe your best friend. 3. Too much emphasis is placed on educational qualifications. Biletul 3: 1. Why do you learn English? 2. Describe your town/ village. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ok cycling as a form of transport. Biletul 4: 1. Where would you most like to go in the world? Why? 2. Describe your room. 3. There is no place for sports and PE in the school curriculum. Biletul 6: 1. What is your favourite instrument to listen to? Why? 2. Describe your ideal seaside resort. 3. People should give up meat and become vegetarians. Biletul 7:

1. Do you enjoy taking photographs? Why? Why not? 2. Describe your ideal place for a holiday. 3. Violent sports should be banned. Biletul 8: 1. What do you like doing in your spare time? 2. Describe a building in your town. 3. Fast food is a good alternative to cooking for yourself. Biletul 9: 1. What kind of job do you hope to have in ten years time? 2. Describe an event you have recently attended. 3. Taking part in sports is more important than victory itself. Biletul 11: 1. What dreams do you have for the future? 2. Describe your most treasured object. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. Biletul 12: 1. Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not? 2. Describe someone famous that you admire. 3. Discuss the advanteges and disadvantages of living in a foreign country. Biletul 13: 1. Would you like to go on a working holiday? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a family member, a friend or a neighbor that you admire. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss. Biletul 14: 1. Hwo do you think life will be different for you in ten years time? 2. Describe yout favourite mountain resort. 3. Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths. Biletul 15:

1. Which of these things is the most important to you: tv, radio, the internet? Why? 2. Describe an ideal day in your life. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owning a pet. Biletul 16: 1. If you were a journalist, what kind of things would you write about? Why? 2. Speak about the importance of music in peoples lives. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Biletul 18: 1. Would you like to be famous? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the qualities that would make a good mayor. 3. Cars are the greatest danger to human life today. Biletul 19: 1. Are you competitive? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the qualities that would make a good doctor. 3. People spend too much time and money on fashion. Biletul 20: 1. How often do you surf the internet? Why? 2. Speak about your hobby. If you havent got one yet, which one would you like to take up? 3. It is much better to watch films at the cinema than at home on video. Biletul 21: 1. Are you aware of the latest fashions? Do you try to keep up with them? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the way teachers influenced your career choice. 3. Teenagers have an important contribution to make to society. Biletul 22: 1. Do you bave healty eating habits? Why? Why not?

2. Speak about a special event in your life. 3. Is is everyoanes responsibility to protect the environment. Biletul 23: 1. What do you do to cheer yourself up? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 2. Speak about the importance of role models for young people. 3. It is our responsibility to protect the elderly. Biletul 24: 1. How do you think you will use your English in the future? 2. Speak about your favourtie ways to relax. 3. Is rather be a happy dustman than an unhappy millionaire. Biletul 25: 1. Which of these things is the most important to you: money, an important job or free time? Why? 2. Imagine you are a famous person. Describe a typical day in your life. 3. People today take material comfort for granted. Biletul 26: 1. Do you want to be self-employed or work as an employee? Why? 2. Describe a typical exam day at your school. 3. English is the only foreign language worth learning. Biletul 27: 1. Where do you prefer spending your holidays: in your country or abroad? Why? 2. Speak about the way in which modern technology has improved our lifestyle. 3. Education is a matter between the person and the world of knowledge; school has little to do with it. Biletul 28: 1. Would you like to study in a foreign country? Why? Why not? 2. Describe your ideal home. 3. If you are not in fashion, youre nobody.

Biletul 29: 1. Do you like history? Why? Why not? 2. Describe tour neighbourhood. 3. Its better to travel independently than to go on a package holiday where everything is arranged for you. Biletul 30: 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? why not? 2. Describe what your dream island would look like. 3. As technology advances, humans are becoming redundant. Biletul 31: 1. Do you enjoy listening to the radio? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the importance of computer skills in todays world. 3. Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Biletul 32: 1. Which day of the week do you enjoy most? Why? 2. Speak about the impact of technology on the world today. 3. The generation gap is one which cannot be bridged. Biletul 33: 1. What is your favourite sport? Why? 2. Speak about the biggest environmental problem in your area. 3. One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations. Biletul 34: 1. Do you enjoy travelling? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the importance of media in people lives. 3. Too much money is spent on sport when it could be used to help the poor. Biletul 35: 1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Why? 2. Speak about smoking as a threat to your life.

3. Celebrities should be allowed to keep their lives private, without the invasion of media. Biletul 36: 1. Do you spend much time watching tv? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a market place. 3. Money is not the most important thing in life. Biletul 38: 1. Which form of transport do you prefer? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the benefits of learning one or more foreign languages. 3. The quality of life was better fifty years ago than it is today. Biletul 39: 1. Would life be easier or more difficult for you without gadgets? Why? 2. Speak about what people should do in order to protect the environment. 3. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of shopping on the internet. Biletul 40: 1. Would you like to try an extreme sport? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about what people should do in order to live a healty life. 3. Sport and entertainment have become a matter of business rather than pleasure. Biletul 41: 1. Are you a superstitious person? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the importance of turning 18. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city. Biletul 42: 1. Do you like keeping yourself informed? why? Why not? 2. Speak about your favourite actor/ actress. 3. The voting age should be raised to twenty. Biletul 44:

1. Which country would like to visit the most? 2. Speak about what plans someone should make before going in holiday. 3. Children shouldnt be allowed to use computers. Biletul 45: 1. Where do you usually go on holiday in your country? Why? 2. Speak about the responsibility of having a pet. 3. Young people today do not use their free time wisely. Biletul 46: 1. Is your appearance important? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the way money influences peoples lives. 3. Tourism can create various problems. Biletul 47: 1. Which would you rather listen to: live music, or recorded music? Why? 2. Speak about the importance of friendship in peoples lives. 3. Todays young people do not show enough respect towards older people. Biletul 48: 1. Do you support a particular sports team? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about your eating habits. 3. Violence in films and on tv increases violence in our everyday lives. Biletul 49: 1. Who has the greatest influence on you: friends or family? Why? 2. Speak about the benefits of doing sports. 3. It is harmful for students to have part-time jobs. Biletul 50: 1. Do you live in a large family or a small family? Do you like that? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about your favourite holiday and the traditions related to it. 3. Everyone can help to make our roads safer.

Biletul 51: 1. Do you like art? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about one family tradition that you enjoy most. 3. Everybody can do something to help reduce crime in their neighbourhood. Biletul 52: 1. Would you like to run your own business? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the gap between generations. 3. Only people who know how to make music can really enjoy listening to it. Biletul 53: 1. Did you enjoy studying science at school? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the book which has impressed you the most. 3. The young people of today are likely to live longer and be healthier. Biletul 54: 1. Do you enjoy going to the theatre? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about your favourite character (in a book, play or film). 3. A lot of what is taught in school nowadays is not worth learning. Biletul 55: 1. What kind of clothes do you like wearing? Why? 2. Speak about the effect that body language has on communication. 3. Museums are a waste of money. Biletul 56: 1. What is your favourite food? Why? 2. Speak about the qualities that would make a good president. 3. Grades encourage students to learn. Biletul 58: 1. Do you often play computer games? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about your least favourite advertisement. Why do you dislike it? 3. Television influence our lives in a negative way.

Biletul 59: 1. How much time do you usually spend studying? Why? 2. Speak about the last time you went to a birthday party. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane. Biletul 60: 1. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about the most beautiful present you have ever received. 3. Cars should be banned from the city centre. Biletul 61: 1. Do you like reading about celebrities? Why? Why not? 2. Speak about your free time activity. 3. Art does not reproduce what is visible; it makes things visible. Biletul 62: 1. Do you prefer to play team sports or individual sports? Why? 2. Speak about the happiest day in your life. 3. Good manners seem to be out of fashion nowadays. Biletul 63: 1. When do you plan to leave home and live by yourself? Why? 2. Describe a person whom you associate with a particular place and explain why you make this connection. 3. School uniforms should be compulsory. Biletul 64: 1. What kind of holiday do you enjoy most? 2. Describe a famous person from history whom you admire. 3. Technological progress is always good. Biletul 65: 1. What are your favourite possessions? Why?

2. Describe a person you know well and say how she/ he has changed since you first met her/him. 3. Living in the city offers more advantages than living in the country. Biletul 66: 1. Do you enjoy keeping feet?why? why not? 2. Describe someone you knew in the past and say in what ways you were influenced by her/him. 3. Personal experience is more important than education in schools. Biletul 67: 1. What type of film do you like best? Why? 2. Describe a person you dislike and say why you feel this way about her/him. 3. A city should replace its old buildings with modern ones. Biletul 68: 1. Do you think you will read books in thirty years time? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a person from the past you would like to see again and explain why. 3. Our modern society does not encourage people to be creative anymore. Biletul 69: 1. Would you like to be famous? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a large, busy city. 3. Students need to be motivated in order to study. Biletul 70: 1. What would you miss most if there was no electricity? Why? 2. Describe a museum you visited. 3. Governments should be responsible for preserving the natural environment. Biletul 71: 1. Do you enjoy listening to gossip? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a place in the countryside and explain why it is worth visiting. 3. Where there is love there is happiness.

Biletul 72: 1. Have you ever considered working abroad? Why? Why not? 2. Describe the city you admire the most? 3. It doesnt matter what job you do, its how you do. Biletul 73: 1. Have you ever done something you regretted or regretted not doing something ? what was it? 2. Describe your school. 3. There are more advantages of owning a home rather than renting one. Biletul 74: 1. Who do you rely on more: friends or family? 2. Describe a restaurant which you would highly recommend. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going camping? Biletul 75: 1. Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? Why? Why not? 2. Describe a popular park in your area. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ok keeping fit.

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