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William Henry Davies

s slideshow is developed for the purpose of Literature Component Training course for the PPD Hulu Sela ated by: Mohd Faisal Farish bin Ishak [email protected] (Best performance with Microsoft Powerpoint 7)

William Henry Davis

William Henry Davies is also known as W.H. Davies. He was born on 3rd July 1871 in Newport, Wales. His father who was an iron-moulder died when Davies was barely two years old. The his mother remarried. She puts Davies together with his two other siblings under the care of his paternal grandparents.

Davies left the United Kingdom during his teenage life and moved to the United States. This marked the beginning of his tramp adventure. He also went Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure) to Canada where his right foot was crushed as he tried to jump off a

William Henry Davis

Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)

Subsequently, he composed and wrote poems. He borrowed money to get them printed and sold them door-to-door. However, the enterprise halted. His self-published anthology of poems , The Soul Destroyer in 1905 finally gained recognition by Arthur Adcock who was a journalist with the Daily Mail. Later, the literacy critic, Edward Thomas adopted the role of guardian for Davies. George Bernard Shaw also wrote a preface for his manuscript, The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp.

William Henry Davis

He then moved to London and his poems attracted fellow poets who include W.B. Yeats and Ezra Pound. His work revolve greatly around nature, hardship, his tramping experiences and the characters he met. Davies was a famous poet and writer during his time. He is best known for the opening two lines of the poem, Leisure He wasis thishonoured with the;degree of no time What also life if, full of care We have Doctor Litteris, honoris causa from the University of to stand and stare Wales. He died on 26th September 1940.

Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)


The poem is about a man not having time or not making time to enjoy nature and the simple pleasures of life. The persona questions what life is if we lead hurried lives all the time and have no time to look at nature or enjoy the beauty around us. Leisure is having free time to relax. However, we have too much work and make no time to enjoy the little things around us. Thus, quality of life is poor.

Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)


The persona believes that we should spend our free time enjoying and appreciating the beauty of nature. We should have the time to stand under trees and look at the things happening around us. When we passed the woods, we should observe the activities of little animals like squirrels. We should also take time to look at streams that shimmer in daylight due to reflections of light. Nature is portrayed as a beautiful dancing lady with smiling eyes who Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure) then breaks into a smile. If we have no time to


The persona uses nature such as the woods, streams, sky, farm animals and squirrels to portray the joys of simple living which busy people neglect. The rural setting used as the background enables his readers to savour a new world of experience and delight.
(Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)

Tone and mood

The persona is contemplative and reflective about how we often ignore the beauty of nature and lifes simple pleasures. He seems frustrated and sad that man is so engrossed with routine that there is no time to enjoy a leisurely observation of life around us.
(Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)


Think of possible themes. Explain.

(Source: BPK.MOE. [module] Form 3 Poem, Leisure)

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