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P8M lnCluLn1 2

l Am Cuallfled Why noL Me?

Presented By:
Tan Yee Shuen (0901329)
Amy Amira (0901058)
Ang Tzekie (0900654)
Akmal (1000916)
W obby eL [olned CysLal oducLlons as a [unlo
accounLanL wlLh a + aveage fom college flve yeas ago
W 8oge lledman Lhe conLolle aL CysLal Lhlnk hlghly of
hlm and sald obby had Lhe good chance Lo move up
fuLhe when hled hlm
W 1he accounLlng supevlso#s [ob came 2 yeas ago buL he
dld noL apply obby was suplsed when hls new boss
Luned ouL fom hoLshoL gaduaLe of SLaLe unlveslLy and
[usL had Lhee yeas of woklng expelence fom a lage
accounLlng flm
W AfLe 3 yeas he sLlll woked as a [unlo accounLanL
because Lhe 2 poslLlons of senlo accounLanL LhaL he had
applled aL lasL also fllled by people hled ouLslde Lhe
W 1hen obby meL wlLh lledman and explalned Lo hlm
LhaL he woked had Lo obLaln a pomoLlon and shaed
hls fusLaLlon abouL havlng same [ob fo so long
W lledman esponded Lo obby LhaL quallflcaLlons ae
lmpoLanL ln hllng new people compaed wlLh Lhe new
hllng people obby#s quallflcaLlon ls low
uestion 1 :
Uo you believe that Bobby has a
legitimate oomplaint? Lxplain.
es because
obby eL ls quallfled Lo be a Senlo AccounLanL
because he have a good achlevemenL whlle he was
sLudylng AlLhough he gaduaLed only as an aveage
sLudenL buL he geL lnvolved ln many acLlvlLles ln sLudenL
oganlzaLlon WlLh hls knowledge on conducLlng an
oganlzaLlon Lhee wlll be no poblem fo hlm Lo be a
Senlo AccounLanL
Pls academlc quallflcaLlon ls noL a facLo anymoe
because he woked aL CysLal fo abouL flve yeas and
LhaL pelod ls moe Lhan enough fo a peson Lo be
pomoLed fo hlghe poslLlon ln elaLed fleld based on hls
pefomance So lL ls wlse fo obby Lo ask fo
pomoLlon as Senlo Manage due Lo hls expelence
l Lhlnk LhaL lL ls wlse fo CysLal on consldelng obby
appllcaLlon because he ls an exlsLlng employee of Lhe
company Moe ove hls pefomance ln Lhe company ls
good And lL wlll be a beneflL Lo CysLal lf Lhey hle obby
as Senlo AccounLanL because obby wonL face any
poblem ln Lhe offlce because he aleady ceaLes a good
elaLlonshlp beLween hls colleagues
CysLal can save an lnLelllgenL woke LhaL wlll glve
beneflL Lo Lhe company lf Lhey don#L conslde hls
appllcaLlon l Lhlnk LhaL obby wlll Lhlnklng on leavlng Lhe
company fo a beLLe poslLlon
uestion 2:
Lxplain the benefits of a promotion from
within polioy. would suoh a polioy be
appropriate for Crystal?
Benefits of Promotion from within polioy:
Lo pomoLe employees fom wlLhln lnsLead of
expendlng Llme and money engaglng ln a
seach fo skllled and expelenced [ob
candldaLes cuenLly employed elsewhee
Lo lmpove employee moale and
es because
1he cosLs assoclaLed wlLh eculLlng and Lalnlng a new
employee can be slgnlflcanLly hlghe Lhan fllllng LhaL
poslLlon by pomoLlng fom wlLhln A newly hled
employee musL Lake Llme Lo become accllmaLed Lo Lhe
copoaLe envlonmenL and lean Lhe dally ouLlnes and
mlnuLlae LhaL ls aleady second naLue Lo an aleady
employed woke
lf an employee doesnL feel he ls valued and shaes ln a
sense of loyalLy fom Lhe company he wlll no longe feel
any moLlvaLlon Lo eclpocaLe y engaglng ln a
pomoLlonal paLh fom wlLhln each employee wlll geL a
enewed sense of loyalLy noL Lo menLlon a sense of

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