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. GR 129546, 13 December 2005, Second Division (Chico-Nazario, J.)

Water is life, and must be saved at all costs. The protection of watersheds ensures an adequate supply of water for future generations and the control of flashfloods that not only damage property but also cause loss of lives.

This case sprouted from the Memorandum of Agreement signed by Secretaries of DPWH and DENR together with the Metropolitan Manila Commission (MMC) Governor. The same provides that DENR is allowing the utilization of its land in Pintong, Bocaue, Rizal as a sanitary landfill by MMC. It turned out, however, that the Sangguniang Bayan of San Mateo already wrote to Gov. Cruz of MMC, the DPWH, the Executive Secretary, and the DENR, informing them of the SB resolution banning creation of dumpsites for Metro Manila within its jurisdiction. The letter also asked that addressee's side be heard, and that the addressees suspend and temporarily hold in abeyance all and any part of your operations with respect to the San Mateo Landfill Dumpsite. No action was taken on these letters. It was also found out that the land subject of the MOA was part of the Marikina Watershed Reservation Area. Thus, the report submitted by the forest officers of the Forest Engineering and Infrastructure Unit of the Community Environment and Natural Resource Office (CENRO), DENR-IV, Rizal Province, revealed that there was no permit issued to MMC to utilize these portions of land for dumping purposes. It further states that the use of the areas as dumping site greatly affects the ecological balance and environmental factors in that community. 1

In February 1990, DENR granted the Metropolitan Manila Authority (formerly MMC) an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the operation of the garbage dumpsite. On July 31 1990, less than six months after the issuance of the ECC, DENR suspended the ECC in a letter addressed to the respondent Secretary of DPWH, stating that it was ascertained that ground slumping and erosion have resulted from improper development of the site. On November 1993, the DENR Secretary sent a letter to MMA recommending that the all facilities and infrastructure in the garbage dumpsite in Pintong Bocaue be dismantled. Despite the various objections and recommendations raised by the government agencies, the Office of the President, through Executive Secretary Ruben Torres, signed and issued Proclamation No. 635,Excluding from the Marikina Watershed Reservation Certain Parcels of Land Embraced Therein for Use as Sanitary Landfill Sites and Similar Waste Disposal Under the Administration of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.

On 22 July 1996, the petitioners filed before the Court of Appeals a civil action for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus with application for a temporary restraining order/writ of preliminary injunction. CA denied the petition for lack of cause of action. On 05 January 1998, while the appeal was pending, the petitioners filed a Motion for Temporary Restraining Order, pointing out that the effects of the El Nio phenomenon would be aggravated by the relentless destruction of the Marikina Watershed Reservation. On 28 January 1999, the petitioners filed a

Motion for Early Resolution, calling attention to the continued expansion of the dumpsite. As a result, MMDA officials agreed to abandon the dumpsite after six months. On 19 July 1999, then President Joseph E. Estrada issued a Memorandum ordering the closure of the dumpsite on 31 December 2000. On 11 January 2001, President Estrada directed DILG Secretary Alfredo Lim and MMDA Chairman Binay to reopen the San Mateo dumpsite in view of the emergency situation of uncollected garbage in Metro Manila, resulting in a critical and imminent health and sanitation epidemic. Claiming the above events constituted a clear and present danger of violence erupting in the affected areas, the petitioners filed an Urgent Petition for Restraining Order on 19 January 2001. On 24 January 2001, SC issued the Temporary Restraining Order prayed for, effective immediately and until further orders. Meanwhile, on 26 January 2001, Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, was signed into law by President Estrada.

Issues: 1. Whether or not respondent MMDA agreed to the permanent closure of the San Mateo Landfill as of December 2000; and 2. Whether or not the permanent closure of the San Mateo landfill is mandated by Rep. Act No. 9003.


San Mateo Landfill will remain permanently closed. Proclamation No. 635 is illegal. 3

A mere MOA does not guarantee the dumpsites permanent closure. The court also held that the records of this case indicate two self-evident facts. The San Mateo site has adversely affected its environs, and sources of water should always be protected. Adverse effects of the site were reported as early as of June 1989. MMA was also informed that the heavy pollution and risk of disease generated by dumpsites rendered the location of a dumpsite within the Marikina Watershed Reservation incompatible with Laguna Lake Development Authoritys (LLDA) program of upgrading the water quality of the Laguna Lake. Investigation Reports regarding the respiratory illnesses among pupils of a primary school located approximately 100 meters from the site, as well as the constant presence of large flies and windblown debris all over the schools playground were also submitted. Leachate treatment plant eroded twice already, contaminating the nearby creeks that were sources of potable water for the residents. The contaminated water was also found to flow to the Wawa Dam and Boso-boso River, which in turn empties into Laguna de Bay. Protection of watersheds is an intergenerational responsibility that needs to be answered now. Three short months before Proclamation No. 635 was passed to avert the garbage crisis, Congress had enacted the National Water Crisis Act to adopt urgent and effective measures to address the nationwide water crisis which adversely affects the health and well-being of the population, food production, and industrialization process. One of the issues the law sought to address was the protection and conservation of watersheds. Respondents actions in

the face of such grave environmental consequences defy all logic. The petitioners rightly noted that instead of providing solutions, they have, with unmitigated callousness, worsened the problem. The Reorganization Act of the DENR defines and limits its powers over the countrys natural resources. The Administrative Code of 1987 and Executive Order No. 192 entrust the DENR with the guardianship and safekeeping of the Marikina Watershed Reservation and our other natural treasures. Although the DENR owns the Marikina Reserve, it is but is defined by the declared policies of the state, and is subject to the law and higher authority. Section 2, Title XIV, Book IV of the Administrative Code of 1987, while specifically referring to the mandate of the DENR, makes particular reference to the agencys being subject to law and higher authority. With great power comes great responsibility. It is the height of irony that the public respondents have vigorously arrogated to themselves the power to control the San Mateo site, but have deftly ignored their corresponding responsibility as guardians and protectors of this tormented piece of land.

The Local Government Code gives to LGUs all the necessary powers to promote the general welfare of their inhabitants. The circumstances under which Proclamation No. 635 was passed also violates R.A. No 7160, or the Local Government Code. Proclamation No. 635, which was passed on 28 August 1995, is subject to the provisions of the Local Government Code, which was approved four years earlier, on 10 October 1991. Section 2(c) of the said law 5

declares that it is the policy of the state to require all national agencies and offices to conduct periodic consultations with appropriate local government units, non-governmental and people's organizations, and other concerned sectors of the community before any project or program is implemented in their respective jurisdictions. Likewise, Section 27 requires prior consultations before a program shall be implemented by government authorities and the prior approval of the sanggunian is obtained.

Under the Local Government Code, therefore, two requisites must be met before a national project that affects the environmental and ecological balance of local communities can be implemented: prior consultation with the affected local communities, and prior approval of the project by the appropriate sanggunian. Absent either of these mandatory requirements, the projects implementation is illegal. Approved on 26 January 2001, The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was enacted pursuant to the declared policy of the state to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management system which shall ensure the protection of public health and environment, and utilize environmentally sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery. It requires the adherence to a Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan with regard to the collection and transfer, processing, source reduction, recycling, composting and final disposal of solid

wastes, the handling and disposal of special wastes, education and public information, and the funding of solid waste management projects.

The said law mandates the formulation of a National Solid Waste Management Framework, which should include, among other things, the method and procedure for the phaseout and the eventual closure within eighteen months from effectivity of the Act in case of existing open dumps and/or sanitary landfills located within an aquifer, groundwater reservoir or watershed area. Any landfills subsequently developed must comply with the minimum requirements laid down in Section 40, specifically that the site selected must be consistent with the overall land use plan of the local government unit, and that the site must be located in an area where the landfills operation will not detrimentally affect environmentally sensitive resources such as aquifers, groundwater reservoirs or watershed areas.

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