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Diversity in the Classroom Diversity has the ability to create opportunities otherwise not available to students and has

the potential to create positive outcomes. It is not exclusive to race or ethnicity, diversity can be identified by demographic and personal characteristics, as well as skills and abilities. In the classroom it is important that teachers diversify their lesson plans, for not every student learns in the same way and not every student is going to respond to the same interventions. The student population is going to weigh heavily on the specific intervention techniques used. What works will with special education learners will not necessarily work with ELL students (English language learners). In order to reach all students it is necessary that teachers apply various learning tools to assist students in reaching their full learning potential. These tools include but at not limited to visuals, vocabulary worksheets, power teaching, question differentiation, and TPR (total physical response). For ELL students it might be beneficial to spend more time working on vocabulary by creating a vocabulary list or a word wall. These students might also benefit through the use of visuals, such as a word map, and question differentiation on worksheets and exams. When working with students with disabilities or behavioral issues a teacher should model what is needed from the student, it might also be helpful to use power teaching or TPR. This would allow students to model what the teacher and other students are doing to better understand what is expected. Gifted and talented students should not be disregarded in the classroom and as much effort should be put forth in accommodating these students as other students. To oblige these students teachers should differentiate questioning offering more analytical, evaluative questions. Teachers should also provide these students with a long-term project that focuses on the extension of a topic discussed in class. Being an educator means that you make accommodations for all students in order to promote learning. These accommodations should be specific to the student and should encourage varying aspect of thought, creativity, and reasoning. Diversity in the classroom should not be feared but celebrated and supported. It provides an opportunity for all students to learn and grow intellectually.

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