Midnight's Children Reading Journal: Name - Date

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Midnight's Children Reading Journal

Pages: _____-______

1. Vocabulary (6 points)
Identify 2 words in the readings that you did not know or that you think are difficult.
Write the sentence in which the word was contained in the text. (1 point) Next, write the
dictionary definition of the word. (1 point) Finally, use the word in an original sentence
that demonstrates its meaning. (1 point) When you are finished, upload one of your words
to the course website under the Student Dictionary Section.



2. Thematic Focus (10 points)
Select a quote from the text that you found to be particularly meaningful and/or important
to either a theme, character, setting, or important event that we have discussed in class. (2
points) Explicate the quote by providing information about where it falls in the text and
summarizing the context surrounding it. (3 points) Then, write 1-2 brief paragraphs in
which you relate the quote to the theme and explain how its inclusion enhances or improves
your understanding of Rushdie's text. (5 points)






3. Historical Context (7 points)
Using your Historical Context Note Packet, find one event of historical significance to India
that is featured in the text and summarize it: both in terms of what happened historically
and how Rushdie describes it in the novel. (3 points) Next, discuss how Rushdie's treatment
of this historical event changes or deepens your understanding of it. Why do you think
Rushdie chose to represent the even the way he did? What are the implications of this in
terms of how we, the readers, understand the history of India through Rushdie's lens?(4







4. History and You (4 points)

Summarize an important historical event that has occurred within your lifetime and
explain the effect that it has had on the world around you as well as on you as person. Be
sure to include important information about dates, people, and places involved, and include
some details about how old you were and what you were doing at the time that these events
were occurring. Remember, this section will be used to help you to with your final project,
so be as thorough as you can and consult outside sources when necessary.







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