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Training and Development

This course will focus on theory and applications of employee training and development. How rapid changes in technology, market conditions, and business practices make training an increasingly important management function. Topics include determining training needs, selecting methods, planning programs and evaluating training effectiveness. 1: OVERVIEW OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Concept of the training and Development 1.2 Training and Development 1.3 Need Assessment for training 1.4 Organizational responsibility for training 1.5 The training principles SELECTION OF TRAINEES 2.1 Selection procedure 2.2 Selection Process 2.3 Selection Techniques 2.4 Evaluation of Selection TRAINING PLANS, PROGRAMS AND METHODS 3.1 What is training? 3.2 Getting organized 3.3 Developing a training plan 3.4 Establishing objectives 3.5 Choosing, learning materials, Choosing training suppliers, Designing a training program 3.6 Conducting a training session, Evaluating training Recruitment Methods DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW 4.1 Concept of Development 4.2 Development Challenges 4.2.1 Employee obsolescence 4.2.2. Work force diversity 4.2.3. Technical Changes 4.2.4. Affirmative action 4.2.5 Employee turnover 4.3 Development objectives 4.4 Development Approaches 4.4.1 Cost effectiveness 4.4.2 Desired Program content 4.4.3 Learning principles 4.4.4 Appropriateness of the facilities 4.4.5 Trainee preferences and capabilities MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Trends towards isolation from management 5.2 Conditions for Development 5.3 Managements role for development





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