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Reasons for Growth of Delegated Legislation

The traditional theory of laissez-faire has been given up by every state and the old police state has now become a Welfare sate. Because of the radical change in the philosophy as to the role of the state, its functions have increased. Consequently, delegated legislation has become essential. The factors responsible for the growth of delegated legislation are:a. Pressure Upon Parliamentary Time As a result of the expanding horizons of state activity the bulk of legislation is so great that it is not possible for the legislature to devote sufficient time to discuss all the matters in detail. Legislature, therefore, formulates the general policy and empowers the executive to fill in the detail by issuing necessary rules, regulations, by-laws, etc. b. Technicality The subject-matter of modern legislation is very often of a technical nature. Legislature being him self a common man cannot be expected to discuss and legislate on the same. That resulted in the conferring of powers to the experts to deal with the technical problems. Example gas, atomic energy, drugs, electricity. c. Flexibility Legislative process is slow and technical. At the time of passing any legislative enactment, it is impossible to foresee all the contingencies which may arise in future. A legislative amendment is slow and cumbersome process, but by the device of delegated legislation, the executive can meet the situation expeditiously, eg. Bank-rate, police regulations, export and import, Foreign exchange etc. d. Experiment The method of delegated legislation permits the rapid utilisation of experience and implementation of necessary changes in application of the provisions in the light of such experience. In road traffic matters, an experiment may be conducted and in the light of its application necessary change can be made. e. Emergency In times of emergency, quick action is required to be taken. The legislative process is not equipped to provide for urgent solution to meet the emergency situation. Delegated legislation is the only convenient remedy.

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