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Dr.P.Sasikala, Assistant professor of Anatomy


Diamond shaped depression

Situated behind the knee joint, lower part of femur and upper part of tibia


Superolaterally: Biceps femoris Superomedially: semitendinosus and the semimembranosus, supplemented by gracilis, sartorius and adductor magnus

Inferomedially: Medial head of gastrocnemius

Inferolaterally: Lateral head of gastrocnemius and plantaris

Roof Deep or popliteal fascia Superficial fascia contains 1. Short saphenous vein 2. Three cutaneous nerves: Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh Peroneal or sural communicating nerve


Popliteal surface of femur Capsule of the knee joint Oblique popliteal ligament Strong popliteal fascia covering the popliteus muscle

Popliteal Fossa

Fat. Several popliteal lymph nodes. Popliteal bursa. Superficial to deep:
Tibial nerve. Popliteal vein. Popliteal artery.

Common peroneal (fibular) nerve. Small saphenous vein.

Popliteal Fossa

Popliteal artery:
Continuation of femoral artery. Begins at adductor hiatus. Ends at lower border of popliteus muscle. Divides into anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

Popliteal Fossa

Genicular anastomosis: Descending genicular:

from femoral.

Descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex. Genicular branches of popliteal artery:

Medial superior/inferior genicular. Lateral superior/inferior genicular. Middle genicular.

The Genicular Anastomosis

Descending br. Lat. Descending Genicular br. Femoral A.

Circumflex Fem. A.
Lat. Sup. Genic. A.

Medial Sup. Genic. A.

Lat. Inf. Genic. A.

Anterior Tibial Recurrent A.

Medial Inf. Genic.A.

Anterior Tibial A.

Popliteal A. and its anastomosing branches

Popliteal Fossa

Popliteal vein:
Formed from venae comitantes of anterior and posterior tibial arteries. Receives lesser saphenous vein. Becomes femoral vein at adductor hiatus.

Popliteal Fossa

Tibial nerve:
Part of sciatic nerve. Supplies posterior thigh and leg.

Common peroneal nerve:

Part of sciatic nerve. Branches into superficial and deep peroneal (fibular) nerves: Supplies lateral and anterior leg.

Popliteal Fossa

Sural nerve:
Arises via:
Communicating branch from tibial nerve. Communicating branch from common peroneal (fibular) nerve.

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