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Apple 7S Model

Apple - 7-s Model Super ordinate goals(soft) "To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind." Strategy (hard) Apples fundamental business model has not changed since it first began business in the late 1980s. The main focus of the Apple strategy is in constant innovation. Apple is engaged in horizontal integration, vertical integration, strategies outsourcing and diversification. Structure(hard) The company's management employs a functional structure as the company is organised along functional lines. This structure groups people on the basis of their common expertise-experience and resources. This structure gives managers greater control of organisational activities and enables the company to avoid becoming too tall by creating several different hierarchies. By decentralising authority and responsibility as well as through a relatively flat hierarchical structure, Apple encourages its lower-level managers and employees to take the initiative and foster the company's strengths such as Apple's innovation, engineering excellence and marketing skills. Systems(hard) In order to avoid coordination problems between people, functions and divisions Apple has to use integration mechanisms and control systems. Actually, integration mechanisms aim at increasing intra-functional coordination and communication. As Apple's culture can be described as relatively open and casual, direct contact constitutes and appropriate integration mechanisms. In fact, direct contact among Apple's managers enables them to work closely in terms of problem-solving and other strategic issues. Through combination of online and retail channels Apple has the opportunity to reach both first time buyers and Power users, who are looking for sophisticated and customized products. Style(soft) The company's management implied decentralised approach as it enhances the company's planning, decision making and control processes due to better information availability. Staff(soft)

Apple always attempted to be exemplars of best practise in the area of Human Resource Management and especially in the area of training and development. Apple realises that their staff require skills and knowledge beyond those needed to do their job in order to function effectively. The training is divided across the organisational structure into four brad categories: offer or efficiency programme, business driven needs training, personal development category, general awareness education. Staff appraisals are implied and their objective is to provide feedback to both appraiser and appraised and to serve as formal opportunity for personal counselling and motivation. Skills(soft) Experienced Board of Directors bring to the company effective decision-making , appropriate monitoring of both compliance and performance as well as apply all their knowledge, international experience, contacts to the company.

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