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This months masterclass focuses on the menacing Daemon Prince of Chaos designed by Juan Diaz.

This article explains how our Eavy Metal team painted one for the Studio Black Legion Chaos army and also takes us step by step through an Iron Warrior Daemon Prince conversion.

Daemon Prince. As such, his armour was painted in the colours of the Black Legion, black with gold trim on the shoulder guards and greaves. All of the raised areas of the black armour were highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Chaos Black and Codex Grey, then Codex Grey was used on its own, before a final highlight of Fortress Grey was applied over the very top ridges of the contours in the Daemons armour. Once these highlights had been applied, thinned-down Black Ink was washed over the armour to tone down the brightness of the highlights, blend them with the armours main colour and merge the joins between all the different colours. The metallic trims around the Daemons shoulder guards and greaves were painted with Tin Bitz and then highlighted by using a 50/50 mix of Tin Bitz and Shining Gold. A thinneddown coat of Chestnut Ink was washed over this to blend the highlights together. Once this had dried, a little Shining Gold was used to highlight the metal before a 50/50 mix of Shining Gold and Mithril Silver was applied to the very edges of the trims. As a final touch, a tiny amount of Mithril Silver was painted onto the furthest edges of the detailing where the light would catch it.


The Daemon Prince was once a mighty Chaos Space Marine Champion, and his flesh and armour have melded together. This meant that the skin tones chosen for the model would need to blend back into the colour of his armour. Starting with the Daemons neck, an 80/20 mix of Chaos Black and Red Gore was painted where the armour and flesh join, to create the effect that they had merged. This was applied down either side of the spine and across the shoulders towards the elbows where it fades to black again.

Painted by Kirsten Mickelburgh

Before painting any multi-part model its a good idea to check that all of the parts will be accessible to paint once its assembled. In the case of the Daemon Prince, the shoulder guards and hands were left off so that the hard to reach parts could be painted before they were glued to the rest of the model. Once the rest of the Daemon Prince had been assembled, an undercoat was applied using Chaos Black spray. When spraying the model, you need to make sure that you cover the model thoroughly, but be careful not to obscure the details by overloading the model with paint.

This effect was achieved by painting away from the armour and adding more Red Gore to the mix as the brush strokes moved further from the armour until the ratio was 20/80 Chaos Black/Red Gore on the tops of the muscles and cheeks of the model. Once the basic blended colours had been applied, the raised ridges of flesh were highlighted with Red Gore, then Blood Red before a final fine line of Blazing Orange was added.

The model was painted to represent an Exalted Champion of the Black Legion who has been elevated by the powers of Chaos to become a fearsome

To bring the brightness of the orange highlights down and smooth the blending lines, a watered-down glaze of Red Ink was used. Starting from a point halfway between where the red and black merge, the ink was painted towards, and over, the red areas of the model. It was important not to go onto the black as the blended effect would be lost.



The Daemon Princes horns merged with the red flesh of his head and were blended from red to black at the base of the horns using the same method as was used to blend the join of flesh and armour. Using a combination of gradually brighter colours created the effect of the horn lightening from its thickest part to the tip. Firstly a 50/50 mix of Scorched Brown and Chaos Black was painted in lines from the black part of the horn to its tip. The paint on the horns was applied in lines down the length of the horn, as this is how real horns colour as they grow from an animals head (for reference material, we sourced pictures of Highland Cattle). Next, Scorched Brown on its own was painted to the horns tip, though the lines were started further away from the base of the horn, so that some of the first coat was still visible there. The process was repeated using a 50/50 mix of Scorched Brown and Bestial Brown, starting the lines even further from the base so that the previous coat of paint was still visible. Bestial Brown was used next, followed by Snakebite Leather then Bubonic Brown, each time starting closer to the horns tip. Following this, a coat of Bleached Bone, followed by Skull White was applied to the very end of the horn.

and arms and the eye on his shoulder guard and breastplate. These areas were painted with a 50/50 mix of Dark Angels Green and Chaos Black. This was first highlighted with Dark Angels Green, then a mix of Goblin Green and some Dark Angels Green, and lastly a final highlight of Goblin Green on its own. The Space Marine helmet was given an extra highlight of Goblin Green equally mixed with Bleached Bone. All these areas were then given a thinned-down glaze of Green Ink to blend all the highlights together. The bony ridges along the top edge of the Daemons backpack vanes and left forearm were painted with a 50/50 mix of Scorched Brown and Bestial Brown. These were then highlighted with Bestial Brown followed by Snakebite Leather then Bubonic Brown. Finally, some Bleached Bone was applied followed by Skull White. The skulls decorating the Daemon Princes armour were painted with a 50/50 mix of Codex Grey and Fortress Grey then highlighted with Fortress Grey. Final highlights were added by painting Skull White along the raised edges of the skulls.

the blades length and, once this had dried, Yellow Ink was used to give the runes the appearance of glowing heat. Orange Ink was then dabbed in the corners to give the impression that the centre of the blade was the hottest (as metal glows brighter the hotter it is) and finally, a tiny dot of Blood Red was painted into the very edge of each rune. Once the runes were painted, any areas where the colours had spilled over onto the blade were tidied up with Chaos Black. The sword blade itself was painted by blending the Chaos Black outwards with Hawk Turquoise towards the weapons edges. The edges of the sword were then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Skull White was added and Hawk Turquoise before a final highlight of Skull White along the very tip and barbs of the blade.

Watered-down PVA glue was spread evenly over the models base before being sprinkled with sand. Some stone chips were also glued to the base. This was drybrushed with Codex Grey then Bleached Bone, though some of the larger stones had Skull White brushed over them. Some small areas of Static Grass were glued to the base with PVA glue, clustered at the base of the rocks, since this is where mosses and lichens generally prefer to grow.


The metallic pipes on the Daemon Princes belly were painted with Tin Bitz then given a wash of equally mixed Black and Brown Ink. Chainmail was lightly drybrushed across the pipes, just enough to highlight them yet still give the impression of corrupted, rusty metal. There were a few areas on the model that used the same green: the captured Space Marine helmet, the piping on the Daemon Princes head

The Daemon Princes weapon glows with inner fires, and this effect was achieved relatively simply. A watereddown layer of Skull White was brushed into the depressions of the runes along



Last, but not least, the plastic dragon wings were glued into place on the models back, with Green Stuff covering the joins. These wings fit very well into the recesses left when the backpack isnt attached and gives the model a very imposing look!

Painted and converted by Tammy Haye

As with the previous Daemon Prince, this model was first given an undercoat of Chaos Black spray. Once the undercoat had dried, the armour was drybrushed with Tin Bitz then Boltgun Metal. Next, the armour was given a glaze of watered-down 50/50 mix of Brown and Black Inks. This was then highlighted with Boltgun Metal, blended up from the darkness of the recesses of the armour around the edge trims. Final highlights of Mithril Silver were applied on the highest areas of the armour, making sure that, over the some of the more organic areas of the metal, the brushstrokes were painted along the line of the grain. This technique was used on all the silver metal areas, such as the axe blade, visor, Necron head and Iron Warriors icon. The edge trims of the armour were left at this point until after the Daemon Princes flesh had been totally painted.


The Iron Warriors Daemon Prince was assembled as normal, but it was converted to make him stand out from the Black Legion Daemon Prince. The gun barrel on the left arm was extended using Green Stuff to make it more prominent and emphasise the mechanised nature of the Iron Warriors. Then the sword blade and hilt were clipped from the top and bottom of the Daemon Princes hand and a hole drilled through to allow the insertion of an aluminium rod to serve as the haft of an axe. A blade from the Bloodthirsters axe was clipped off and the detailing on both sides of the blades filed flat. This was glued to the aluminium rod and the spear point from the skeleton warriors plastic regiment was glued to the top. The back blade was also from the Bloodthirsters axe, clipped and filed to fit on the back of the haft. Since this Daemon Prince was going to have wings instead of the jump pack vanes, the skull on the end of one of these vanes was

sawn in half and removed. These were then glued to the flat of each side of the axe blade and Green Stuff sculpted around them to give the impression that the axe was raw, bloody and alive itself. To finish off the axe, the base of the haft was given a Green Stuff end piece. The left shoulder guard had the skulls and spikes clipped off, leaving only the edge trims. The centre of the shoulder guard was filed flat and an Iron Warriors symbol was sculpted on using Green Stuff. To really emphasise that this Daemon Prince was once an Iron Warrior, it was given a visor sculpted from Green Stuff. Once this had dried, it was filed into its final, angular shape and holes were drilled through in one side with a pin vice to mirror the helmets of the Iron Warriors themselves.

The techniques used on the fleshy areas of the Daemon Prince were applied to all the areas of the model where its flesh had morphed with its armour and burst through, such as the wing muscles, axeflesh, hands, head, knee guard and arms.


Firstly, a basecoat of Dark Flesh was used as an undertone for the flesh colours. This was then blended to the areas where it morphs back into the armour by applying the paint then using a clean, damp brush to render the paint at the edges semi-transparent so that it will appear to blend with all the colours underneath. The first highlight was applied using Dwarf Flesh, then a glaze of Red Ink and Flesh Wash mixed with a little water was washed over all the fleshy parts of the Daemon Prince. This was also applied over some of the metallic parts of the model, to emphasise the raw, impending changes warping through the Daemon Prince and to suggest that more flesh could burst through his armour at any time. The flesh was now re-highlighted with Dwarf Flesh followed by another highlight of Dwarf Flesh mixed equally with Bleached Bone. A final highlight was applied over the highest portions of the flesh with Bleached Bone.


One of the most obvious means of identifying a model as belonging to the Iron Warriors is the painting of yellow and black chevrons on its armour or weapons. In this case, the cables running over the Daemon Princes head and from his left arm were picked out in these colours. They were painted Vomit Brown first, and then highlighted with Bleached Bone before being given a wash of Yellow Ink. The black stripes were then painted over the yellow pipes.

The skulls mounted on the models armour were painted Snakebite Leather then highlighted with Bubonic Brown. This was then given a further highlight of Bleached Bone, before a final highlight of Skull White was applied. The same method used to paint the yellow of the cables was applied to the Space Marine helmet, with an extra highlight of Bleached Bone to give the edges of the helmet more definition. The eyes of the Daemon Prince as well as those on his armour were picked out in Snot Green then highlighted with Bilious Green followed by a final highlight of 50/50 Bilious Green and Bleached Bone. The green eyes on the models armour were also given thin lines of Chaos Black for the slit pupils. The gun barrel, chains and spine of the model were painted Dwarf Bronze then highlighted with Shining Gold. Chestnut Ink was washed over this and a final highlight of Mithril Silver was painted on the highest areas.

themselves were cleaned up with Chaos Black. The scaled parts along the wing muscles were repainted black where the painting of the flesh here had gone over them. To highlight the wings, a fine line of Codex Grey and Chaos Black was painted along the back edge of the grooves in the wing membranes, as this is where they would catch the light. To make this highlight subtler, a fine line of Codex Grey was applied in the very centre of this line before an extremely watered-down Black Ink was glazed all over the wings membranes. To make the horns at the ends of the wings and the scales stand out, they were given a coat of Gloss Varnish.

Where the Daemon Princes horns met its head, Bleached Bone mixed with a 50/50 mix of Red Ink and Flesh Wash was applied. Then, moving further along the horn, Bleached Bone was painted and blended back towards the Daemon Princes head. This was done again, even further along the length of the horn, using Bleached Bone mixed with a dot of Chaos Black. This process was repeated, each time moving further down the horn and adding more Chaos Black to the mix until the tip was completely black. To finish off the horns, some Gloss Varnish was applied to the very tips.

The Iron Warriors Daemon Prince was based in the same way as the Black Legion one, using watered-down PVA glue spread evenly over the models base, which was then sprinkled with sand. This was drybrushed with Codex Grey then Bleached Bone. Some small areas of static grass were also glued to the base with PVA glue to break up the uniform colour of the base and make it suitable for use on both green and urban battlefields.

The interiors of the shoulder guards were left black and the metallic trims around the Daemons shoulder guards and greaves were painted with Dwarf Bronze. These were then highlighted with Shining Gold before applying a glaze of Flesh Wash to blend the highlights together. Once this had dried, a highlight of equally mixed Shining Gold and Mithril Silver was painted on the very edges of the trims.

Areas where the fleshy colours from the Daemon Princes wing muscles had spilled onto the wing membranes

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