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I. SYMBIOSIS (Sym = Together; Bio = Living Living Together) -an association between two different species of organisms -primary aim: to obtain food and seek shelter and protection from the bigger organism -commonly known as Living Together -there are three types of Symbiotic Relationships: Commensalism + Mutualism + Parasitism ORGANISM Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism Favorable Favorable Very Favorable Not Affected Favorable Not Favorable HOST

II. PARASITOLOGY -the study of the parasites -the science that deals with a specialized group of animals which are physiologically dependent on other organisms for their survival -Neva&Brown: science that deals with organisms that take up their abodes, temporarily or permanently, on or within other living organisms for food, with the relationship of these organisms to their host **IMPORTANT NOTE: o The key in studying Parasitology is in the Life Cycle o If we know the life cycle and its important components, we would understand why it is the key III. DEFINITION OF TERMS A. Parasites -organisms ranging from microscopic to macroscopic which are known to inflict disease in man -exhibit great diversity in morphology and physiology -animals depending on bigger organisms for food and shelter -has intimate almost always obligatory relationship with the host (ALWAYS harms the host) **Ascaris lumbricoides -compete for available nutrients (sugars, proteins, fats) in the food we had already eaten -tangled worms may obstruct the gut -may damage vital organs during erratic migration **Description: Harms its Host Associated closely with host and derive nutrition from host May kill the host B. Hosts -the bigger organisms in which the parasite lives -provides the nourishment and protection needed by the parasites **Description:

Does not harm the parasites Provides shelter to its parasite (parasites need the host)

-Parasites: organism or animal that depends upon another bigger organism for food -parasites can be classified according to location in their hosts, degree of association, and taxonomic groups A. According to Location 1. Ectoparasites -found outside or on the surface of the body of the host -may cause INFESTATION -ex) Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei human itch mite) 2. Endoparasites -found living within the host in any internal organs (GIT, Respiratory Tract, RBCs) -may cause INFECTION -examples of Endoparasites : Ascaris (GIT Lumen) Plasmodium (RBC) Malarial Parasite Schistosoma (Mesenteric Veins) B. According to Degree of Association 1. Obligate Parasite -those who cannot survive or reproduce outside the host -always parasitic (must always be in contact with a susceptible organism) -ex) Trichomonas vaginalis 2. Facultative Parasite -those that may exist in a free living state or as a commensal -if opportunity presents itself, they may become Parasitic -they can both live as free living or parasitic parasites -ex) Strongyloides stercoralis 3. Permanent Parasite -if the live continuously in the host, and remain in the body of the host from the early stage until maturity -requires continuous contact with the host -ex) Pediculus, Trichomonas vaginalis 4. Intermittent (Temporary) Parasites -contact with the host is only temporarily closely associated with its host temporarily to feed -ex) Anopheles mosquitoes (they only bite when they want your blood) 5. Accidental Parasites -enters the host that is not normally its host -does not develop to full maturity since the host is not physiologically compatible -association lasts only for a short time -ex) Echinococcus, Gnathostoma, Toxocara 6. Aberrant Parasite -moves out of the normal location within its host -its Migration to ectopic sites may lead to complications -also known as erratic

-ex) Ascaris lumbricoides (intestines, then they migrate to bile duct, liver, or appendix) 7. Spurious Parasite -organisms taken in by accident and then passed out without causing any harm to unsuitable host -example of Commnesalism (ex- Fruit Fly larvae or Plant Nematode)

II. TYPES OF HOST -Host: organism in which a parasites live -classified according to the following: A. Definitive Host -harbors the sexual or the mature stage of the parasite (site where sexual reproduction occurs, if present) -ex) Man, Pig, Dog, Mosquitoes Mosquitoes: definitive host in Malaria Ascaris: man is the definitive host B. Intermediate Host -host that harbors the asexual or the immature / larval forms of the parasites -site where the asexual reproduction occurs -Paratenic Host: host in which the parasite does not undergo any development C. Reservoir Host -these are the animals that harbor the parasite that are also parasitic to man -site where the asexual reproduction occurs -ex) Dog may carry hookworm eggs from one place to another, but eggs do not hatch or pass through any development in these animals D. Accidental (Incidental) Host -these are the hosts that accidentally ingested the Parasites (that usually affect the animal kingdom) -infection occurs in a host other than the normal host species -Zoonosis: condition wherein animal parasites accidentally infect man -ex) Hyatid Tapeworms are usually found in dogs and sheep Zoonosis E. Vector -an invertebrate animal that transmits a parasitic organism from one host to another -has two types: Mechanical Vector + Biological Host 1. Mechanical Vector -an invertebrate animal which merely transfer parasitic organisms from one host to another (by carrying feces on their feet) -ex) Flies, Cockroaches -there is a development of the parasite inside the host -harbor the parasite internally in which it may undergo further development, multiplication, or both -ex) Mosquitoes in Malaria

2. Biological Vector

III. TAXONOMIC GROUPINGS OF PARASITES A. Protozoans (Unicellular Eukaryotic Parasites) o Phylum Sarcomastigophora o Phylum Apicomplexa o Phylum Microspora o Phylum Ciliophora PHYLUM REPRODUCTION Sarcomastigophora: Asexual Sarcodina Sarcomastigophora: Asexual Mastigophora

LOCOMOTION Pseudopodia Flagella

SPECIES Entamoeba histolytica Giardia lamblia Dientamoeba fragilis Trypnasoma spp Loishmania spp Plasmodium spp Toxoplasma Sarcocystis Balantidium coli


Asexual & Sexual




1. Phylum Sarcomastigophora -has Subphylum: Sarcodina and Mastigophora -both reproduce Asexually a. Subphylum Sarcodina -move by Pseudopodia (can only move in one direction) -Pseudopodia: cytoplasmic protrusions -ex) Amoeba, Entamoeba (pathogen) -move by flagella (Flagellates) -Flagellum: long threadlike extension of cytoplasm -ex) Giardia, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Trichomonas

b. Subphylum Mastigophora

2. Phylum Apicomplexa -no locomatory organ -have a complex life cycle with alternating sexual and asexual generations -Blood Parasites that cause Malaria: Isospora, Cyclospora, Cryptosporidium, Sarcocystis -Other Parasites: Taxoplasma, Sarcocystis 3. Phylum Ciliophora -move by beating of many Cilia -mostly free living and symbiotic species -ex) Balantidium coli (the only pathogenic ciliate) 4. Phylum Microspora

-no locomatory organ -intracellular parasite of many kinds of vertebrates and invertebrates -rarely cause disease in immunocompetent persons

B. Helminths (Metazoa; Wormlike Invertebrates) PHYLUM ASCHELMINTHES CLASS NEMATODA AKA Round worms Shape Elongated, Cylindrical Segmentation Unegmented Sexes Separate 1. Phylum Aschelminthes a. Class Nematoda

PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES CLASS CESTODA CLASS TREMATODA Flatworms Flukes Elongated, Ribbon Like Leaf-shaped, Elongated Segmented Unsegmented Hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite

-Nematodes or Roundworms -elongated, cylindrical worms attenuated at both ends -unsegmented worms; sexes are separate -reproduction by: Oviparous (ex. Ascaris, Enterobius) Viviparous (ex. Trichinella, Filarial Worms) **Infection by: Ingestion of Eggs (ex. Ascaris, Trichuris) Skin penetration by Larvae Vector Borne Ingestion of Encysted Larvae

2. Phylum Platyhelminthes -also called Flatworms multicellular animals characterized by flat, bilaterally symmetric body -most Flatworms are Hermaphroditic, having both male and female reproductive systems a. Class Trematoda -majority are transmitted by ingestion (except Schistosoma) -unsegmented -Hermaphroditic -flattened, leaf-shaped or cylindrical -Order Digenea: contains all species that are parasitic to humans -Infection by: Metacercariae ORSkin penetration by Cercariae -segmented -Hermaphroditic, ribbon like -reproduction by: Oviparous (Ex. Taenia); multiplication of larval forms -Infection by: Ingestion of Encysted Larvae

b. Class Cestoda

C. Arthropods 1. Phylum Arthropoda -have segmented body parts: Head Thorax and Abdomen -have three to four pairs of jointed appendages and covered by hard chitinuous skeleton -bilaterally symmetrical body **Classes in Phylum Arthropoda

CLASS Crustacea Chilopoda Arachnida Insecta

DESCRIPTION Some serve as intermediate hosts spiderlike Includes most important of arthropods

EXAMPLE Crabs, shrimps, copepods Centipedes Scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites

**Class Insecta Order Anoplura Order Hemiptera Order Coleoptera Order Hymenoptera Order Siphonaptera Order Diptera

I. TWO TYPES OF LIFE CYCLES: -Parasites undergo a Life Cycle during its existence -it involves survival and development in the external environment and in one or more hosts -life cycle consists of the various morphologic forms and developmental stages -life cycle summarizes development of the parasite from the time it leaves the host to start a new infection in a new susceptible host -knowledge of life cycles = preventive measures A. Direct Life Cycle -there is no intermediate host required to transmit the parasite from one host to another -parasites are transmitted from an infected individual to a susceptible host without requiring an intermediate host **Ex1) Trichomonas vaginalis -direct cycle where the parasite is immediately infective when it leaves the host -Man Man **Ex2) Ascaris lumbricoides -direct life cycle where the parasite develops into the Infective Stage in the external environment -Man Development in External Environment Vectors (optional) Man

B. Indirect Life Cycle -at least one intermediate host / vector is required for the parasite to complete its transmission from the originally infected host to the susceptible potential new host -the infective stage of the parasite develops in the Intermediate Host and the Susceptible Host acquires the infection through contact or exposure to the infected intermediate host **Ex) Schistosoma japonicum, Capillaria phiippinensis -Man Intermediate Host Contact / Ingestion of Raw Intermediate Host Man

II. COMPONENTS OF THE LIFE CYCLE Infective Stage Portal of Entry Mode of Transmission Path or Route of Migration Developmental Stages Habitat Portal of Exit Diagnostic Stage A. Infective Stage -stage of development of the parasite which when ingested to the definitive host will result to infection -in the direct life cycle: Infective Stage comes from original infected host -in the indirect life cycle: it originates from the Intermediate Host or Vector -ex) Ascaris Infected Stage is the Embryonated Egg B. Portal of Entry -refers to site of opening in the susceptible host through which the infective stage enters -most common portal of entry: Mouth, Skin, Nose -ex) Ascaris Portal of Entry: Mouth C. Mode of Transmission -refers to the process on how a new host acquires the infective stage of the parasite -man could acquire it by: Ingestion, Inhalation, Infected Intermediate Host, Skin penetration, Inoculation -ex) in Ascaris Ingestion of Embryonated Egg; Hookworm by Skin penetration of Larva D. Path or Route of Migration -when the infective stage of parasite enters the new host, it usually undergoes without maturation stages -different developmental stages of parasites may occur in different parts or organs E. Developmental Stages -the parasite undergoes different developmental stages as it moves from the original infected hosts to the environment, inside the intermediate hosts & even w/in the new susceptible host before settling down -ex) For Helminths, developmental stage is Egg, Larva, Immature Adult and Adult

F. Habitat -refers to the specific organ or site in the definitive hosts body where the sexually mature parasite resides -ex) Habitat of Ascaris is in the Lumen of Small Intestines G. Portal of Exit -opening or site in body wherein parasites leave the infected hosts to find a new susceptible host -ex) Eggs of Ascaris leave the host through the Anus H. Diagnostic Stage -stage passed out by the host or taken up by the vector or intermediate host -serves as a basis for establishing presence of the parasite in host or diagnosis of infection


I. SLIDES TO VIEW: Paragonimus westermani o Adult o Egg II. PARAGONIMUS WESTERMANI Paragonimus westermani = Affects the Human Lungs (Lung Fluke) Transmission = Ingestion of Insufficiently cooked Crabs or Cray Fish infected with Metacercariae Infective Stage = Metacercaria Diagnosis = Finding Medium Sized Operculated Ova in the Sputum Pathology = Acute, Subacute Inflammations of Lung Tissue; it may also wander erratically to Brain and Skin **IMPORTANT Note: o Clinically, it is usually Mistaken with Tuberculosis Symptoms due to Hemoptysis o TO Differentiate, we find Operculated Ova in the Sputum, instead of Acid Fast Bacilli III. LIFE CYCLE OF P. WESTERMANI Type = Indirect Life Cycle (One or Two Intermediate Hosts and One Definitive Host) Immature Larvae develops inside the Intermediate Host and Matures into Adult Stage inside Man Mode of Transmission = Ingestion of Raw Infected Crabs / Crayfish Diagnostic Stage = Eggs in Sputum / Stool Infective Stage = Metacercariae from Crabs Definitive Host = Man 1st Intermediate Host = Snails 2nd Intermediate Host = Crabs / Crayfish

DEFINITIVE HOST = MAN Ingestion of Raw Infected Crabs / Crayfish Immature Worm Migrate into Peritoneal Cavity, Diaphragm and Lungs Adult Worm Encysted in Lung Tissue (Lungs have Cavitary Lung Lesions, Cough, Pleuritic Pain, Hemoptysis) Eggs in Sputum or Stool

SNAILS Miracidium Hatches & Penetrates Snail Sporocyst Radiae Cercariae

CRABS / CRAYFISH Cercariae Enter the Crabs Encysts to form Metacercaria

Metacercariae (Infective Stage)

Cercariae is released in the Water

III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SLIDES: A. Paragonimus westermani Adult -Plump, Ovoid -Reddish-Brown Fluke (8-20mm in length; 5-9mm in breadth) **Diagnostic Features of this Fluke Scale-Like Integumental Spines Two Equal-Sized Ventral & Oral Suckers located in the Anterior Half **Other Structures: Two Lobate Testes situated Side-by-Side Centrally Located Lobate Ovary Anterior to the Testes Laterally, the entire body is occupied by the Highly Branched Vitellaria Excretory Bladder Coiled Uterus B. Paragonimus westermani Egg -Medium Sized, Oval Shaped Egg (85 x 55u) -Operculated: has a characteristic Broader Operculated Anterior End and a Thicker Posterior End -expectorated in Sputum or when swallowed, it can be detected in Feces in Unembryonated Stage

IV. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS y Discuss the Specimens of Choice in confirming the Diagnosis of Paragonmiasis o Stool


y Give the Characteristic Morphological Feature of Paragonimus westermani Ova o Broader Operculated Anterior End o Thickened Posterior End



Sporozoans = Group of Unicellular Parasites with a characteristic Apical Complex Has NO Locomotory Organelles (except for Flagellated Microgametes in some groups) Plasmodium = Commonly seen in Man which can cause Malaria Classification of Sporozoans (Based on Affected Organ) o Blood Sporozoans o Tissue Sporozoans

I. SLIDES TO VIEW: P. falciparum = Trophozoites, Schizonts, Gametocytes P. vivax = Trophozoites, Schizonts, Gametocytes P. malariae = Trophozoites, Schizonts, Gametocytes P. ovale = Trophozoites, Schizonts, Gametocytes

II. PROCEDURE Stained Blood Smears are shown Pay attention to the Size of the Normal and Parasitized RBC, number of Chromatin Dots, Amount of Hemozoin Pigments, Appearance of the Cytoplasm, and presence / absence of Stippling on the Infected RBCs Cytoplasm



Cytoplasm Chromatin Vacuole

IV. LIFE CYCLE OF MALARIA PARASITES Type of Life Cycle = Indirect Cycle Infective Stage = Sporozoites Diagnostic Stage = Gametocytes Biologic Vector = Female Anopheles Mosquito Definitive Host = Female Anopheles Mosquito Intermediate Host = Human Two Phases = Human Phase + Mosquito Phase V. OTHER IMPORTANT SPOROZOANS: Cryptosporidium Isospora Blastocystis Pneumocystis carinii Toxoplasma gondii V. STAGES OF THE PARASITE Asexual Stages = Trophozoites + Schizonts Immature Sexual Stages = Gametocyte NOTE: Man is just an Intermediate Host in Malarial Infections because they harbor only the Immature Forms of the Parasite (the Mature forms are found in the Mosquito) A. Trophozoites (Ring Form) -it is the earliest stage -they develop from Sporozoites in the Pre-Erythrocytic (Hepatic Schizogony) Cycle; in the Blood Cycle, it develops from Merozoites therefore, we see Throphozoites in BOTH Cycles of Human Phases -with ONE or TWO Chromatin Dots -ring-like structures with Few Malarial Pigment **Chromatin Dots: Usually only ONE! P.falciparum (exception) = More than One in Trophozoite Stage (thin ring like cytoplasm) **Cytoplasms: Compact Cytoplasm = P.ovale and P.malariae


Thin Delicate Cytoplasm = P. falciparum Amoeboid Cytoplasm = P.vivax Band form Cytoplasm = P.malariae

B. Schizonts -once the Chromatin Dot divides by Binary Fission, Parasite is now a Schizont -with Two or More chromatin Dots (Chromatin Dots now develop to form Merozoites) -with plenty or increasing amount of Malarial Pigment (Hemozoin Pigment) in Cytoplasm -can be divided into Growing / Immature and Mature (Cryptozoites) in the Pre-Erythrocytic Cycle **Merozoites P.falciparum = 12-32 P.vivax = 12-24 P.malariae = 6-12 P.ovale = 4-12 **Tissue Schizonts: Primary Tissue Schizonts Secondary Tissue Schizonts C. Gametocytes -it is only an Immature form of the Sexual Forms of the Parasite -Banana Shaped in P.falciparum or special with definite Chromatin material -develops from Merozoites


I. MORPHOLOGY (From Lab Manual)
Trophozoite P. falciparum Size: Small-Medium Number: Numerous Shape: Ring&Comma Form Chromatin: Two Dots Cytoplasm: Regular Mature Forms: Compact Pigment: Coarse Grains Associate w/ Ring Forms Size: Small, Compact Number: Few
Mature Form:12-13 Merozoites

P. vivax Size: Small-Large Number: Few-Moderate Shape: Broken Ring Chromatin: Single Cytoplasm: Irregular Mature Forms: Compact Pigment: Fine Scattered Size: Large Number: Few-Moderate
Mature Form:12-24 Merozoite

P. malariae Size: Small Number: Few Shape: Ring to Round Chromatin: Single Cytoplasm: Regular Pigment: Scattered

P. ovale Size: Smaller than vivax Number: Few Shape: Ring to Round Chromatin: Single Cytoplasm: Regular Pigment: Course, Scatter


Size: Small, Compact Number: Few

Mature Form:6-12 Merozoite

Size: like malariae Number: Few

Mature: 4-12 Merozoite

Pigment: Loose Mass

Pigment: Single Dark Mass

Pigment: Concentrated Daisy Flower Like

Pigment: Concentrated



Mature: Banana Shaped Chromatin: Single Pigment: Scattered

Mature: Round Pigment: Scattered

Mature: Round Chromatin: Single Pigment: Scattered Peripherally

Mature: Round Chromatin: Single Pigment: Scattered


FORM Infected RBC Size Shape Stipplings Trophozoites P. falciparum Not Enlarged
Round but may be Crenated

P. vivax Enlarged Round Shuffners Dots Small & Large Rings Amoeboid Irregular Contours 12-24

P. malariae Not Enlarged Round Ziemans or James Dots Small Compact Rings Band Forms Compact; Round 6-12 Forms Regular RosetteLike Clusters Round, Compact

P. ovale Enlarged Oval; Fimbriated Shuffners Dots Small; Compact Rings

Maurers Dots Small Rings Multiple w/ Acole Forms Rare (Seen in Severe Cases) 12-32

Schizont # of Merozoites

Compact 4-12 Forms Irregular RosetteLike Clusters Round, Small


Banana / Sausage Shape


y Plasmodium falciparum Schizont VS Plasmodium vivax Schizont FEATURES P. falciparum Size Small & Compact Number Few, Uncommon Mature Forms 12-32 Merozoites Cluster Compact Clusters Pigment Single Dark Mass P. vivax Large Few to Moderate 12-24 or More Merozoites Irregular Clusters Loose Mass


Trypanosoma and Leishmania Flagellates belong to Order Kinetoplastida of Superclass Mastigophora They Multiply in the Blood (Hemoflagellates) or Tissue of Humans All Species require an Arthropod Intermediate Host

I. SLIDES TO VIEW Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Trypomastigote) Leishmania tropica (in Culture) Leishmania tropica (Hamster) II. MORPHOLOGIC DIFFERENCES


AKA Morphology Flagellum Course of Flagellum Found in Stage

Leishmania Ovoidal / Spherical Intracellular Axoneme Intracellular (Not Free) Macrophages Reticuloendothelials
Leishmania Diagnostic Stage

Leptomonas Spindle Shaped Free Flagellum Arise from Kinetoplast in the Anterior End Vector
Leishmania Infective Stage

Crithidia Spindle Shaped Free Flagellum Ends in Kinetoplast Anterior to Nucleus

Trypanosoma Spindle Shaped Free Flagellum Ends in Kinetoplast Posterior to the Nucleus


Trypanosoma Infective Stage

Leishmania = Amastigote + Promastigote Trypanosoma = Trypomastigote + Epimastigote

III. TRYPANOSOMA SPECIES A. Comparison of Diseases and Vectors SPECIES DISEASE T. brucei gambiense West African Sleeping Sickness T. brucei rhodesiense East Sleeping Sickness T. cruzi Chagas Disease, Megacolon

VECTOR Riverine Tsetse Fly Woodland Tsetse Fly Reduviid Bug (Triatoma)

B. Life Cycles: 1. T. brucei gambiense Infective Stage = Metacyclic Trypopmastigote Diagnostic Stage = Trypomastigote Stage that develops in the Salivary Glands of the Vector (Tsetse Fly) = Epimastigote Mammalian Hosts = Humans, Pigs, Wild Animals Vector = Riverine Tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis) = Day time biters NOTE: Epimastigotes are NOT found in the Humans Blood (it develops in the Tsetse Fly) 2. T. brucei rhodesiense Infective Stage = Metacyclic Trypopmastigote Diagnostic Stage = Trypomastigote Stage that develops in the Salivary Glands of the Vector (Tsetse Fly) = Epimastigote NOTE: Epimastigotes are NOT found in the Humans Blood (it develops in the Tsetse Fly) 3. T. cruzi Infective Stage = Metacyclic Trypomastigote Epimastigote Develops inside the Reduviid Bug (Vector) Diagnostic Phases: Blood = Trypomastigote Heart Tissues = Amastigote IV. LEISHMANIA SPECIES A. Comparison of the Diseases Caused:
LEISHMANIA Leishmania tropica DESCRIPTION Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis DISEASES Dry, Chronic, Urban Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Oriental Sore Aleppo or Baghad Boil Recividans or Chronic Relapsing Cutaneous L. Wet or Acute Rural Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Leishmania major

Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis


Leishmania aethiopica Leishmania mexicana

Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis New World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis Visceral Leishmaniasis

Diffuse / Disseminated Cutaneous Leishmanisis Diffuse / Disseminated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Chiclero Ulcers Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis Espundia (disfigures face) Visceral Leishmaniasis Kala-Azar or Black Disease (Zoonotic)

Leishmania braziliensis

Leishmania donovani

B. Life Cycle o Infective Stage = Metacyclic Promastigote o Diagnostic Stage = Amastigote (inside Macrophages) o Vector = Sandflies (Phlebotomus or Lutzomyia) o Reservoir Hosts = Humans, Dogs, Wild Animals o Habitat = Reticular Endothelial System



Filarial Worms = Slender Tissue dwelling Nematodes with Reduced Lips and Buccal Capsules All Species employ Arthropods as Intermediate Host Transmission = through Arthropod Vector Bite


Infective Stage = Third Stage Larva (L3)

I. SLIDES TO VIEW (Blood Smears with): Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi II. PROCEDURE Blood Smears with Microfilariae Take note of Morphological Differences between the Two Species and Tabulate based on the following: Shape & Size of the Larvae relative to the Host Cells, presence / absence of a Membrane Sheath and Number of Nuclei at the Posterior or Tail End III. FILARIAL WORMS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE FILARIASIS VECTOR Wuchureria bancrofti Lymphatic Mosquitoes Brugia malayi Lymphatic Mosquitoes Brugia timori Lymphatic Mosquitoes Onchoceria volvulus Subcutaneous Fly Loa loa Subcutaneous Fly Manzonella perstan Animal Midget Manzonella ozzardi Animal Midget IV. LIFE CYCLE Infective Stage = L3 (Third Stage Larvae) Diagnostic Stage = Microfilariae Definitive Host = Man, Chimpanzee, Gorilla Mosquito Borne L3 (Infective Stage) Migrates to Lymph Gland L1 L2 L3

DEFINITIVE HOST Man Man Man Man Man Animal Animal

DISTRIBUTION Philippines Philippines Indonesia

Human Phase





A. Adult Stage -found in Lymph Glands (they can create Obstruction, leading to Edema) -long slender, creamy white roundworm, smooth cuticle 1. Viviparous Female -Vulva opens to the Surface of the Worm near the middle of the Pharynx -gives birth to a Prelarval Form (Microfilariae) -6-10cm in length; 0.3cm wide 2. Males -possess Caudal Alae with two Spicules -40-50mm in length, 0.3wide B. Microfilariae -also known as the Pre-Larval Form (L1) -it is NOT an Infective Stage it is a Diagnostic Stage -given birth by a Viviparous Female Worm (there is NO egg stage) -Body Nuclei = represents are Rudiments of Internal Organs **Morphology: Morphology varies with Species May contain sheath with or without striations Body Nuclei represent Rudiment of Internal Organs Stained with Giemsa **Comparison of Microfilariae between the Two Species: W. bancrofti Cuticular Sheath Present Cephalic Space Short Length = Width Body Curves Regular, Large Body Nuclei Round Medium-Size Well Separated Tail No Terminal Nuclei Pointed End *NOTE: Microfilariae are found in the Blood only at Night Time II. COMPARISON OF LYMPHATIC AND SUBCUTANEOUS WORMS (BASED ON MICROFILARIAE) W. bancrofti B malayi Onchocerca volvulus Loa loa Sheath Present Present Absent Absent Cephalic Space Short Long Short Short Body Curves Regular Irregular Rigid Irregular Body Nuclei Separated Overlapping Separated Overlapping Tail No Nuclei With Terminal Nucleus No Nucleus With Terminal Nuclei III. ENDEMIC PLACES OF FILARIASIS IN THE PHILIPPINES Luzon Leyte Marinduque Mindoro Palawan Samar

B. malayi Present Long Length > Width Irregular, Kinky, Small Small, Angular Overlapping (not separated) With Two Terminal Nuclei Blunt Tip




Schistosoma = Comprises the Blood Flukes or the Blood Trematodes They only require ONE Intermediate Host have NO Metacercarial Stage Adults have Separate Sexes

I. SLIDES TO VIEW: Schistosoma japonicum = Egg, Cercaria, Adult Schistosoma mansoni = Egg, Adult Schistosoma mekongi = Egg, Adult

II. THREE MAJOR SPECIES SNAIL MAJOR INTERMEDIATE HOST SPECIES Schistosoma Oncomelania Hupensisjaponicum Quadrasi Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma haematobium Biomphalaria spp (Biomphalaria glabrata) Bulinus spp (Bulinus 18truncates)

HABITAT Veins of the Small Intestines Veins of the Large Intestines Veins of Genitourinary Tract

DISEASE Oriental Schistosomiasis Katayama Disease Schistosomiasis japonica Intestinal Bilharziasis Schistosomiasis mansoni Schistosomal Hematuria Vesical Schistosomiasis Urinary Bilharziasis

DISTRIBUTION Philippines (Misamis Oriental) China, Sulawesi in Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan Africa, South America, West Indies, Puerto Rico Middle East, Africa, Southern Tip of Europe

**NOTE: Schistosoma japonicum: produces the Most Number of the Eggs

III. LIFE CYCLE Infective Stage = Cercaria Diagnostic Stage = Eggs in Feces Form which Enter the Snails = Miracidia Intermediate Host = Snails (different species for specific species of parasites see table) Mode of Transmission = Skin Penetration



I. PROCEDURE: Note Morphologic Features of the Parasites and the Striking Differences between them II. MORPHOLOGY A. Adult Worms -0.6-2.5cm in length with Oral and Ventral Suckers -Narrow Elongated Shape; has separate Sexes; Integument is Smooth or Tuberculated depending upon species -number of Testes in Males and the length of the Uterus & Number of Eggs are Distinctive to the species -Excretory System = Flame Cells, Collecting Tubules leading into a Small Bladder with Terminal Excretory Pore MALE ADULT WORM Shorter by more Sturdy; Grayish Has a Cylindrical Anterior End Body Folded to form a Gynecophoral Canal FEMALE ADULT WORM Longer More Slender Darker

**Gynecophoral Canal = Found in Males in which the Female is embraced during copulation B. Ova / Egg -with Spine or Knob-Like Projections -depending on the Stage of Development at the time they are passed out with the Feces, one may find them from Multicellular Stage to full Embryonation with a developed Miracidium within the Shell S. japonicum Egg S. mansoni Egg S. haematobium Egg *Developed Miracidium *Developed Miracidium *Developed Miracidium *Lateral Knob *Large Lateral Spine *Large Terminal Spine *Small Lateral Spine C. Miracidium -ciliated, pyriform in shape with a Primitive Gut D. Cercariae -forked-tailed when Discharged from the Snail -fork situated at the Posterior-Third of the Tail -Oral and Ventral Suckers are developed

III. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS y Differentiate the Appearance of the Ova of the Different Species of Schistosoma S. japonicum S. mansoni S. haematobium Oval Light Yellow=Brown Terminal Spine With minute Spine or Elongate Knob Lateral Spine Acid Fast

S. mekongi Oval Lateral Spine or Knob

y What Specimen are you going to collect to demonstrate the Ova of Schistotoma japonicum?


o o

Feces are Collected When eggs cannot be found in Feces, a Rectal Biopsy may be done



Protozoans in the Intestines obtain nutrients from the Parasitized Host or Predigested Food in the GIT Trophozoite = Active or Feeding Stage Cysts = form when the Environment is Unfavorable for Survival (Not Active, Non-Feeding)

I. SLIDES TO VIEW: Entamoeba histolytica = Cyst, Trophozoite Entamoeba coli = Cyst, Trophozoite Entamoeba nana = Cyst, Trophozoite II. ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA The ONLY Pathogen (others are Commensals) It has the Potential to Invade the Intestinal Wall & other Organs Entamoeba dispar = another Intestinal Commensal which is morphologically similar w/ E. histolytica They could be differentiated using Specific Tests (Isoenzyme Analysis, Immunoassays, PCR) **NOTE: LIFE CYCLE Discussed Below


I. TROPHOZOITES AND CYSTS: TROPHOZOITES *Karyosome = Center *Nucleus = Eccentric w/ Fine Chromatin Granules *Directional Movements (Active Progressive) *Defined Ectoplasm *Blade-Like Hyaline Pseudopodia *Indistinct Nucleus *Ingested RBC CYSTS *1-4 Nuclei (Mature Cyst) *Diffuse Glycogen Mass *Cigar-Shaped Chromatoidal Bars

Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba coli

*Karyosome = Eccentric Karyosome in Nucleus *Nucleus = w/ Course Chromatin Granules *More Sluggish Non-Directional Movements *More Granular Cytoplasm *Contain Ingested Bacteria *Narrower; Less Differentiated Ectoplasm *Blunter and Broader Pseudopodia *Heavier *Irregular Peripheral Chromatin *NO RBC inside

*As many as 8-Nuclei (Mature Cyst) *Larger; Slender *More Granular Cytoplasm *Splinter-Like Chromatoidal Bodies


Endolimax nana

*Karyosome = Eccentric, Large Irregular *No Peripheral Chromatin Granules

*Has 4-Nuclei

II. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS y What is the Morphologic Feature of Entamoeba histolytica that signifies Pathogenicity? o Trophozoite of E. histolytica is Active, Motile Feeding Stage that causes Pathology in the Colon o It is Anaerobic with no mitochondria o Erythrophagocytosis


I. SLIDES TO VIEW: Giardia lamblia Dientamoeba fragilis Chilomastix mesnili Balantidium coli II. FLAGELLATES VS CILIATES A. Flagellates o Possesses one or more Flagella Long Thread-Like Extrusions of the Cytoplasm o The Pathogenic Intestinal Flagellate of Man is Giardia lamblia o Classified into Two Groups (According to Habitat): Intestinal, Oral, and Genital Flagellates Blood and Tissue Flagellates **NOTE: ALL have Trophozoite and Cystic Stage (EXCEPT Trichomonas) Dientamoeba fragilis was originally grouped under Amoebas (now it is a Flagellate) Now, it is in the Order Trichomonadida Dientamoeba fragilis has Two Nuclei and NO Cystic Stage B. Ciliates o Move by means of Cilia Threads of Cytoplasm (shorter and more numerous than Flagella) o The only Pathogenic Ciliate of Man is Balantidium coli


Disease Entamoeba histolytica Amoebiasis Amoebic Dysentery Amoebic Hepatitis Mature Cyst Large Intestine (Cecum) Parasite in Feces Flask Shaped Ulcer Ingestion Metronidazole Giardia lamblia Giardiasis Lambiasis Travellers Diarrhea Mature Cyst Small Intestines Cyst & Trophozoites Malabsorption Syndrome Steatorrheac Stool Ingestion Metronidazole Dientamoeba fragilis Balantidium coli Balantidiasis Balantidosis Balantidial Dysentery Mature Cyst Large Intestines Cysts & Trophozoites

Infective Stage Habitat Diagnosis Pathology Transmission Drugs of Choice

Trophozoite Large Intestines (Cecum) Binucleate Trophozoites

Uncertain Iodoquinol

Ingestion Tetracycline


Trophozoite Nucleus Karyosome Movement Others

Single & Eccentric Center Unidirectional Easily Destroyed

Two Nuclei (Binucleate) Center 4-Flagella Twisting Movements Sucking Disk Ventrally Pear Shaped (Old Man) 2-Parabasal Bodies 2-Axonemes Ellipsoidal 2-4 Nuclei

Two Nuclei (Binucleate) Pseudopods Non-Directional No Flagella

Macro / Micro

Surrounded by Cili Cytosome & Cytopyge

Cyst Description

Cigar-Chromatoid Bodies 1-4 Nuclei


Thick Cyst Wall Round or Oval


Giardia lamblia TROPHOZOITE *Sucking Disk on Ventral Surface *Pear Shaped *Old Mans Face *Two Nuclei with Large Central Karyosomes *Two Axonemes *Two Blepharoplasts *Two Deeply Staining Bars (Parabasal Bodies) *4-Pairs of Flagella *Sluggish Non-Directional Motility *Two Nuclei *NO Flagella!!! *May Ingest RBC CYST *2-4 Nuclei *Surrounded by a Cyst Wall *Ellipsoidal (9-12um)

Dientamoeba fragilis


Chilomastix mesnili

*One Nucleus *Four Anterior Flagella *Cytosomal Groove *Curved Posteriorly *Surrounded by Cili *Has Vacuoles and Inclusions in the Cytoplasm *Some unique structures: Cytostome = Primitive Mouth Cytopyge = Excretory Pore Macronucleus = Bean / Kidney Shaped Micronucleus = within the Macronucleus

*One Nucleus *Lemon-Pear-Shaped *Clear Knob *Cytosome *Almost similar: Round or Oval *Thick Cyst Wall

Balantidium coli



y Give the Characteristic Morphologic Features FLAGELLATE / CILIATE LOCOMOTORY ORGANELLE Giardia lamblia 1-4 Flagella

DISTINCT FEATURES Two-Nuclei Large Central Karyosome Two-Nuclei (Binucleate) No Cysts! Trophozoite = Tear Drop Shape Evident Nucleus Has a Cystosome (Cell Mouth) Cysts = Lemon Shaped Trophozoites: Large & Oval

Dientamoeba fragilis


Chilomastix mesnii


Balantidium coli



I. SLIDES TO VIEW A. Adult Forms: o Ascaris lumbricoides o Trichuris trichiura o Enterobius vermicularis o Hookworms (Necator americanus, Ancylostoma ceylanicum, Ancylostoma caninum) o Capillaria philippinensis o Trichinella spiralis B. Larva o Strongyloides stercoralis o Hookworms (Necator americanus, Ancylostoma ceylanicum) o Trichinella spiralis C. Ova o o o o o

Ascaris lumbricoides (Fertilized, Unfertilized, and Decorticated Ova) Trichuris trichiura Hookworms (Necator americanus, Ancylostoma ceylanicum) Capillaria philippinensis Enterobius vermicularis

II. NEMATODES Nematodes / Roundworms = comprise a Large Group of Helminths of simple structure Elongated, Unsegmented, Bilaterally Symmetrical Separate Sexes Males < Females Males have one or two Copulatory Spicules



Ascaris Trichuris lumbricoi trichiur des a General Characteristics Common Giant Round Whipworm Name Worm Diseases Ascariasis Trichuriasis Ascaris Infection Trichocephaliasis Enterobius vermic ularis Pinworm / Seatworm Enterobiasis Oxyuriasis Hookworms Strongyloides stercoralis Capillaria philippinensis

Hookworms Ancylostomiasis Uncinariasis Necatoriasis Small Intestines Heart-Lung Route Filariform Larva Eggs in Feces Skin Penetration Man NONE Creeping Eruptions MH-Anemia Pneumonia-Like Mebendazole Pyrantel Pamoate Albendazole

Threadworm Strongyloides Strongyloidosis Cochin-China Small Intestines Heart-Lung Route Filariform Larva Rhabditiform Larva Skin Penetration Man NONE Larva Curens Capillariasis Pudocs Disease

Habitat Infective Stage Diagnosis Transmission Definitive Host Intermediate Host Pathology

Small Intestines Heart-Lung Route Embryonated Egg Eggs in Stool Ingestion Man NONE Loefflers Syndrome

Large Intestines Embryonated Egg Eggs in Stool Ingestion Man (Monkeys) NONE Rectal Prolapse

Large Intestines Embryonated Egg Eggs in Perianal Region Ingested Man ONLY NONE Pruritus Ani

Small Intestines Third Stage Larva Eggs in Feces Ingestion Man Freshwater Fish Borborygmi Gurgling Stomach


Mebendazole Pyrantel Pamoate Albendazole

Mebendazole Albendazole

Mebendazole Pyrantel Pamoate Albendazole

Albendazole Thiabendazole

Mebendazole Albendazol Thiabendazole

Morphology Female Adult

Pointed Ends

Blunt Posterior

Sharp Pointed End Curved Posterior Bursa to hold

Parasitic Free-Living No Parasitic Male

Male Adult

Curved Poserior

Curved Posterior

Atypical = 2-3 Rows Typical = 1-Row Long Spicular



Single Spicule Retractile Sheet Lemon /Barrel Shaped Bipolar Mucus Plug --Anterior Whip like Posterior Round

Single Spicule





Rhabditiform Larva Filariform Larva Distinct Features

Fertilized = Embryo Unfertilized = Granules --3-Buccal Lips

D-Shaped With Embryo

2-8 Cell Stage

Peanut Shaped

--Cephalic Alae

Long Buccal Capsule Pointed Tail Rounded Ends

Short Buccal Capsule Forked Tail


HOOKWORMS Rhabditiform Larva Buccal Cavity Genital Primordium Filariform Larva Tail Esophagus STRONGYLOIDES

Long Buccal Cavity Small Genital Primordium

Short Buccal Cavity Large Genital Primodrium

Pointed Tail Notched / Forked Tail Shorter Esophagus Longer Esophagus EXPERIMENT 39: DIRECT FECAL SMEAR

I. PRINCIPLES Direct Fecal Smear (DFS) = Simplest and most Rapid of all Fecal Examination Techniques Recommended for Identification of Protozoan Trophozoites and Detection of Helminthic Infection One Direct Fecal Smear Preparation contains approximately 2mg of Feces Saline and / or Lugols Iodine Solution can be used to Emulsify the Fecal Material A. Unstained Film -useful for the Study of Living Parasite Objects -ex) Motile Protozoan Trophozoites, Helminth Eggs, and Nematode Larva B. Iodine Film -employed to study the Diagnostic Features of Protozoan Cysts

II. PROCEDURE Place 1-2 Drops Saline at the Center of a Glass Slide With an Applicator Stick, poke at various portions of the Specimen (it with blood streaks, make sure you touch your applicator at this portion) Make a smooth uniform emulsion in the drop of saline by Rotatory Motion starting from the Center Place the edge of Cover Slip in the slide so that it touches the edge of the water Slowly lower the coverslip to prevent Air Bubbles Examine slide (first with LPO, then with High Power)


y Give the Advantage of using Logols Iodine over Saline Solution in Direct Fecal Smear o Lugols Iodine or DAntonis Iodine helps visualize internal structures of Trophozoites and Cysts o Because Stains will kill Motile Trophozoites, it is recommended that a Saline Smear and an Iodine Smear be prepared Separately y Briefly Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Direct Fecal Smear o Advantages Allows the viewer to Detect Motile Protozoa Can view Helminth Eggs / Larvae, Protozoan Cysts, WBCs, Some Yeast o Disadvantages Should NOT be performed on Preserved Specimens Should be used for Fresh Stool Specimens that are very Soft or Liquid Cannot be examined using Oil Immersion


I. PRINCIPLES Pinworm Infection (Enterobius vermicularis) is suspected in children with Perianal Itching, Insomnia, and Restlessness Evidence depends on recovery of Adult Worms, Eggs, or Both They are RARELY Found in Stool Examination Pinworm Infection can be best diagnosed by Swabbing Perianal Area using Grahams Cellophane (Cellulose) Tape Method II. GRAHAMS CELLOPHANE TAPE METHOD Highest Sensitivity and Specificity Results Best to Collect Specimens in the Morning before the Patient bathes or defecates

III. PROCEDURE Place a Strip of Cellulose Tape, Sticky Side Down, on a slide and on one end a Small Strip of Paper Hold a Slide Against a Tongue Depressor one inch from the end and lift the tape away from the Slide Loop the Tape over the end of the Tongue Depressor to expose the Gummed Surface (Hold the Tape by the Paper


Tab attached to its End Portion Hold the Tape and Slide against the Tongue Depressor Press the gummed surface of the tape against several areas of the Perianal Area Replace the tape on the slide and examine directly under the microscope for Pinworm Eggs or Taenia Eggs

y Why is Early Morning the BEST Time to collect Specimens? o The highest Positive Results and Greatest Number of Eggs can be detected in the morning o Specimens are best obtained a few hours after the Person has retired (10-11pm) or the first thing in the morning before bowel movement or bath



I. PRINCIPLES Kato Thick Smear = Qualitative Method to detect Helminthic Infections (better than Direct Fecal Smear) Requires 50-60mg Fresh Fecal Material so that even Light Infection can be detected Cellophane Strips used is Soaked in Glycerine-Malachite Green Solution for 24 hours before use This method is very useful in Mass Examination of Common Soil-Transmitted Helminthic Infecitons **Glycerine-Malachite Green Solution o Glycerine = clears the Fecal Film to visualize the Helminth Eggs o Malachite Green = Dye used to protect the eyes from Intense Light Needed in examining Thick Smear o Preparation: 500ml Distilled Water + 500ml Glycerine + 5ml 3% Malachite Green Solution in H2O **NOTE: This Method is NOT Suitable for Diarrheic Stool and CANT Detect Protozoan Cysts and Trophozoites


II. PROCEDURE Place 50-60mg of Stool at the Center of a Glass Slide and Cover with a Square Piece of Pre-Treated Cellophane Using a Rubber Stopper, press the Cellophane gently to spread the Stool Specimen evenly, approximating the Circumference of the Rubber Stopper Leave the prepared slide at room temperature for 10-20minutes during this time, the Microscopic Field becomes clear due to the action of Glycerine on the Stool Constituents Examine the Slide (The slide should be examined after 10-20 minutes or within 1 hour after preparation Allowing the slide to stand for Long Periods of time will cause Drying and Shells of Hookworm Ova will become transparent and difficult to see III. ADVANTAGES VS DISADVANTAGES: A. Advantage o Time Saving, Simple, Economical o Useful in Mass Examination of Common Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections B. Disadvantages: o Not Suitable for Diarrheic Stool o Cannot be used to detect Protozoan Cysts & Trophozoites


I. PRINCIPLES Kato-Katz Thick Smear is a Modification of Kato-Thick Smear Method It is a Quantitative Method for counting Helminthic Eggs The Number of Eggs per gram (NPEG) of Feces can be computed by Multiplying the Number of Eggs Observed per Thick Smear by 24 II. PROCEDURE Place about Half a Gram of Fecal Sample on Filter Paper Place the wire net or screen on top of the fecal sample Using a Flat-Sided Applicator Stick, scrape across the upper surface of the screen to sieve the Fecal Material Place a Template on a Clean Microscope Slide


Transfer a small amount of Sieved Fecal Material into the hole of the Template and carefully fill the hole Remove the Template carefully so that all the Fecal Material is left on the slide Cover the Fecal Sample on the slide with a Glycerine-Malachite Soaked Cellophane Strip Invert the Slide and Press the Fecal Sample against the Cellophane gently on a Smooth Surface to spread evenly Let stand for about 20 minutes and examine Count all eggs seen in the whole preparation Multiply the Total Eggs counted by Factor 24 to express the Count as Eggs per Gram Feces (EPG) **IMPORTANT Notes: o The Wire-Mesh Net is used to Separate Fecal Material from the Large Debris which may affect the Approximate Fecal Weight and Clearing of Fecal Film by Glycerol

y Discuss the Advantages of Thick Smear over the Direct Fecal Smear o Thick Smear can be used to Obtain an Accurate measure of the Number of Eggs in a given amount of Sample so that the Worm Burden can be inferred o However, Adult Schistosomes take weeks to months to pass eggs into the Feces y Give the Rationale of using Glycerine-Malachite Green Solution in these two procedures o It is a dye used to Dye the Smear and Protect the Eyes from the Intense Light that is required for the Microscopic Examination of the Specimen


Cestoda (Tapeworms) & Trematoda (Flukes) of Phylum Platyhelminthes (or Flatworms) are Exclusively Parasitic I. SLIDES TO VIEW A. Trematodes 1. Adult, Egg Fasciolopsis buski


Echinostoma ilocanum Clonorchis sinensis Opisthorchis sp Fasciola hepatica / gigantica

2. Adult Fasciola hepatica Metagonimus yokogaeai Haplorchis taichui 3. Metacercaria B. Cestodes 1. Adult Taenia solium Taenia saginata 2. Egg, Scolex, Mature / Gravid Proglottid of: Taenia solium Taenia saginata Diphyllobothrium latum Hymenolepis nana Hymenolepis diminuta Dipylidium caninum 3. Cysticercus cellulosae II. TREMATODES (Flukes) Have Conspicuous Suckers Leaf-Shaped, Unsegmented, and Dorsoventrally Flattened External Cuticle which most species may be covered with Scales, Spines, Tubercles, Ridges They have Complex Life Cycles, involving one or more Intermediate Hosts Transmission (Majority) = Eating Inadequately Cooked Second Intermediate Host containing the Infective Metacercariae

III. CESTODES (Tapeworms) Endoparasitic Worms with Elongated, Segmented, and Flat Body devoid of a Body Cavity Adult Tapeworm = Scolex (Head) + Neck + Proglottids that comprise the Strobila or Body of the Tapeworm Each proglottid contains one or two sets of Male and Female Reproductive Organs



A. Intestinal Flukes (Trematodes)

Disease Common Name Life Cycle Definitive Host 1st Intermediate 2nd Intermediate Habitat Infective Stage Diagnostic Stage Morphology Testes Suckers Egg Fasciolopsis buski Fasciolopsiasis Giant Intestinal Fluke Indirect Humans, Hogs, Dogs Planorbid Snails Water Plants Small Intestines Metacercaria Eggs in Feces Echinostoma ilocanum Echinostomiasis Garrisons Fluke Indirect Humans, Mammals, Birds Planorbid Snails Snails (Pila luzonica) Small Intestines Metacercaria Eggs in Feces Heterophyes heterophyes Heterophyiasis None Indirect Humans, Fish-Eating Mammals Brakish-Water Snails Freshwater Fish Small Intestines Metacercaria Eggs in Feces Metagonimus yokogawai Mentagonimiasis None Indirect Humans, Fish-Eating Mammals Snails Freshwater Fish Small Intestines Metacercaria Eggs in Feces

Dendritic Tandem Oral + Ventral Unembryonated Operculated Vitellaria Lateral to the Ceca

Lobed Tandem Oral + Ventral Unembryonated Operculated Surrounded by Crown of Spines

Lobate Side by Side (Opposite) Oral + Ventral + Genital Embryonated Operculated

Oval Obliquely Side by Side Oral + Ventral + Genital Embryonated Operculated Fan-Shaped Vitellaria

Unique Char.

B. Liver Flukes (Trematodes)

Fasciola spp General Characteristics Disease Fascioliasis Liver Rot Pharyngeal Fascioliasis Halzoun Common Name Sheep Liver Fluke (F. hepatica) Liver Fluke (F. gigantica) Indirect Metacercariae Man, Sheep, Cow, Deer, etc Ova in Feces Lymneid Snail Water Plants Bile Ducts & Biliary Passages Clonorchis sinensis Opisthorchis spp



Chinese / Oriental Liver Fluke

Cat Liver Fluke

Life Cycle Infective Stage Definitive Host Diagnostic Stage 1st Intermediate 2nd Intermediate Reservoir Host Habitat Morphology Shape Suckers Testes Ovary Egg Intestinal Ceca Vitellaria Unique Feature

Indirect Metaceracariae Man and Dog Ova in Feces Planorbid (Operculate) Snails Freshwater Fish (Cyprinoid) None Bile Ducts & Biliary Passages

Indirect Metaceracariae Man and Dog Ova in Feces Planorbid Snails Freshwater Fish (Cyprinoid) None Bile Ducts & Biliary Passages

Leaf Shape Oral < Ventral Dendritic; Tandem Fan-Shaped Unembryonated Branched Branched Cephalic Cone / Shoulder

Oblong, Lanceolate Shaped Oral > Ventral Branched; Tandem Oval Embryonated Simple Diffuse, Irregularly Distributed Eggs smaller than C. sinensis

Oblong, Lanceolate Shaped Oral = Ventral Lobate; Oblique Oval Embryonated Simple Cluster / Compressed Follicles



Taenia solium

Taenia saginata

Diphyllobothrium latum

Hymenolepis nana

Hymenolepis diminu ta

Dipylidium caninum

General Characteristics AKA Pork Tapeworm Disease Taeniasis (Adult)

Cysticercosis (Larva)

Beef Tapeworm Taeniasis

Diphyllobothriasis (Adult)

Dwarf Tapeworm Hymenolepiasis

Rat Tapeworm Hymenoleipasis

Dog Tapeworm Dipylidiasis

Sparganosis (Larva) Small Intestines Cysticercus bovis Cysticercus

Gravid Proglottids Embryonated Egg

Habitat Larval Form Infective Stage Diagnostic Stage Definitive Host Intermediate Host Transmission Morphology Scolex

Small Intestines Cysticercus cellulosae Cysticercus Egg

Gravid Proglottids Embryonated Egg

Small Intestines Plerocercoid Larva Plerocercoid Larva Procercoid Larva Unembryonated Egg Man, Dog, Cat, etc First: Copepod Second: Fish Ingestion

Small Intestines Cysticercoid Embryonated Egg Embryonated Egg Man, Mice, Rats NONE Required (Rat Fleas) Ingestion

Small Intestines Cysticercoid Cysticercoid Embryonated Egg Rat, Mouse, Man Fleas, Beetle Ingestion

Small Intestines Cysticercoid Cysticercoid Embryonated (Packets) Dogs, Cats, Man Fleas, Louse Ingestion

Man Only Pig Ingestion

Man Only Cattle Ingestion

Globular Armed Rostellum Four Suckers Trilobed Ovary

Pyriform No Rostellum Four Suckers Bilobed Ovary More Testes

Spatulate / Almond Bothria (Grooves) Grooves Bilobed Ovary Broader > Long Rosette Like Uterus

Mature Segment

Globular Retractile.Rostellu m Four Suckers Bilobed Ovary 3-Testes

Club-Shaped Unarmed / Rudiment Rostellum Bilobed Ovary 3-Testes

Rows of Spine Four Suckers

Gravid Segment Egg Distinct Feature

<13 Branches Embryonated

>13 Branches Embryonated Unembryonated Longest Tapeworm Embryonated

Saccular Uterus Egg Masses Embryonated Egg Bigger than H.nana

Pumpkin-Seed Like 2-Sets of Repro. Organ Membranous Capsules Embryonated (Packets) Rice Grain Appearance


I. CLASSIFICATION OF FLUKES A. Classification of Flukes According to Size (Those in Bold Letters are the Intestinal Flukes) 1. Large Flukes (2-8cm) Fasciolopsis buski (largest) Fasciola spp
2. Medium Fluke (1-2cm) Echinostoma ilocanum Clonorchis sinensis Opisthorchis spp Paragonimus westermanii 3. Small Flukes (<1cm) Heterophyes heterophyes Metagonimus yokogawai Phanerophsolus bonnie Haplorchis spp

B. Classification of Flukes According to Second Intermediate Host 1. Water Plant-Borne Fasciolopsis buski Fasciola spp.
2. Snail-Borne Echinostoma ilocanum 3. Fish-Borne Heterophyes heterophyes Metagonimus yokogawai Clonorchis sinensis Opisthorchis spp

C. Classification of Trematode Eggs 1. Large Unembryonated Eggs (100-160u) Fasciolopsis buski Echinostoma ilocanum Fasciola spp
2. Medium Unembryonated Eggs (70-90u) Paragonimus westermanii 3. Small Embryonated Eggs (23-32u) Heterophyes heterophyes Metagonimus yokogawai Clonorchis spp Opisthorchis spp


II. SCOLICES OF THE DIFFERENT SPECIES: CESTODE TYPE OF SCOLEX Taenia solium Globular Taenia saginata Diphyllobothrium latum Pyriform Elongated / Spatulate

SCOLEX Sucking Disks (4) Rostellum with Chitinous Hooks Sucking Disks (4) 2-Elongated Suctorial Grooves = Bothria






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