PE Reaction Paper

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Painting the Stress Away

Recreation benefits us in a way that all our anxiety and constant worrying can be minimized, if not eliminated. There are many things in life that put pressure on us and it s very essential to have an activity or two that will serve as our conduit towards a tranquil lifestyle. Last November 28, 2011, we went to Let s Paint located at SM for our figurine painting as a requisite for the course. Personally, at first I was diffident because it was my first time engaging in a painting activity, and a figurine painting for that matter. I was not sure if I could already call it leisure, knowing that I am a still a novice with little or no knowledge about the activity. I even had a hard time in choosing a figurine to paint. But then, as I started the activity, I concentrated on making my work as clean and accurate as possible, watching out for even the most minuscule mistake in my brush strokes. I focused on crafting a presentable output that I can be happy of. As I guided my brush on every nook and cranny of the statuette, I began to lose grip of what I was very conscious of at first time. I didn t care how long I will take me painting. I want to finish it not for the sake of finishing it but for the joy and accomplishment of it. It was then when I realized that I actually enjoyed the painting activity. I put my very best in painting, but at the same time, I took the pleasure of having fun from it. We [with a classmate] were laughing and talking and painting. Even though we had upcoming major exams the next day, I was not that bothered anymore. I think the recreational activity really did alleviate and lessen my stress. I feel like I had breather from the ever-taxing life of a BS Accountancy student like me. I think it even helped me to simmer down and better organize the stuff in my head. With just nearly two hours of recreation, my stress level lowered down significantly. I can t exactly gauge the decrease, though. I believe that the activity was a success; I learned to appreciate the importance of leisure during the short breaks in our life. I also discovered that if I just put my mind and heart into it, I can paint. I suppose the activity showed us the worth of recreation. Given the time and money, I would definitely go back there and spend the whole afternoon channelling my inner stress into something more productive. Before the painting activity, I was burdened with the tempest in my school life; during the activity, I was at ease and almost detached from my present concerns; after the activity I feel satisfied and pleased with what I accomplished. Even if mine is not a masterpiece, I am still proud for I have made something out of my stress and anxiety. I painted away my stress and now, I am more dynamic than I was before the activity. I would suggest another similar activity, but an outdoor activity would also be great considering the level of excitement and benefit we could get from an extreme recreation.

Recreation, Restoration, Refreshment

During the activity two weeks ago, I learned better the crucial role that recreation plays in our lives. It serves as our spring; every time we are dealt with problems or every time we are overwhelmed with happiness, we have recreation to help us adjust ourselves with the erratic periods in our lives. If not, we would either be too depressed or be too ecstatic. A recreational activity such as the figurine painting helped us release the stress that is accumulating within ourselves. Also, it allowed us to develop the talent we have in painting, or better yet, sparked off the discovery of our latent ability of painting. I learned that is not only through rigid studying that we can ace our exams. A healthy and balanced lifestyle can too. A sound lifestyle, seasoned with both work and play, can lead to success. Being too uptight can hurt our school life; whilst being too carefree can lead to an empty life. The fact that I feel even more prepared for the exam [we had an upcoming exam the next day] than I was before the painting activity could be a proof. During and after the activity, I believe these benefits of recreation became evident: stress management, positive lifestyle development, and personal satisfaction. I can attest to the stress management part. I went home happy and I felt like I was ready for any school-related requirement like tests. It s not that I am very well-prepared academically, but it s as if my self-esteem boosted. But I don t know if the feeling will stay long or run short. Going to SM and painting with family or friends is a sure-fire way to develop a positive lifestyle. Bonding is present, so is intimacy and, good old friendship. We can develop our unique strengths together but also deepening our connections with each other. After the figurine painting, we felt proud of our output. After hours of effort and concentration, we managed to produce a passable statuette. Personal satisfaction is a given for any recreation that we do, including painting. Even though the recreational painting was required and in a sense a forced one, it still is recreation nonetheless and we still experienced first-hand the benefits of it.

At first, I thought of drawing a realistic object as an expression of myself, but I figured it was a lot harder than that. Given the time constraint, I chose to draw this abstract picture. It is composed of layers, as u can see, because I have already many experiences, both happy and sad, that made to who and what I am now. That s why there are different colors. These black lines would represent those memories that are most significant in my life, those that deeply changed me. If you wonder why the inner part of this picture has a different design, it s because it s the core of my being; God and my family and friends. They are my drivers. Just like a tree, no matter what happens on the outer surface, as long as my inner being is unscathed, then it s fine. The work is dirty, but it may as well represent the turbulences that left a scar in me. The rough edges would mean that I am a good person at times and a bad one at times. Or it may mean my strengths and weaknesses that are important factor in my personality and lifestyle development.

A reaction paper, also called a response paper, is designed to allow the student to share his feelings on a topic. The student answers several different questions in a reaction paper, including how she feels about the topic, if she agrees with it, if she identifies with it and her evaluation of the topic. After a brief description of the topic, a reaction paper contains the student's personal reaction to the topic or idea. It focuses primarily on how the student feels about the topic and whether the student agrees with the idea. A reflection paper is similar; however, the student focuses on what he has learned rather than his feelings on the topic---although personal feelings are still a major component of a reflection paper. A reflection paper focuses on statements and feelings, answering questions including what the student

thinks, sees and feels. It also explains the student's opinion and the main points of the topic. A reflection paper is a way for the student to reflect on the topic of the paper, sharing the ideas the student learned from the topic and his thoughts on the subject.

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