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A Genealogy Report For


Created on 9 January 2012 "The Complete Genealogy Reporter" 2006-2011 Nigel Bufton Software under license to Family Tree Builder


1. PATERNAL ANCESTRY W E James 43 John Franklin James 29 L Ann James [Myers] 44 Jessie Tillman James 19 James Richard Randolph 142 ...(1) John Abraham Randolph 101 Margaret Randolph [Smalley] 143 John D Randolph 67 John Dill 144 ...(2) Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102 Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 James J Randolph 45 Thomas Brown 103 Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 Mary Brown 104 Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 Simon Poe 146 ...(3) 105 James Poe Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 James Poe 69 Benjamin Watts 148 ...(4) Mary Poe [Watts] 106 Frances Benjamin Watts 149 Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 Amon McMillan 150 ...(5) James McMillan 107 Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151 Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 Edward Tilmon James 11 James William Woods 31 Mary Ada James [Woods] 20 Jacob Neff 152 ...(6) John David Neff 71 Samuel Kauffman 154 ...(8) Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 ...(9) Samuel Henry Neff 47 Jacob Pennywitt 156 ...(10) John Pennywitt 111 Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157 ...(11) Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 John Will 158 ...(12) Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112 Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 ...(13) Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 George Will 73 Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 Elizabeth Bowman 113 Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 A H Humphrey 21 Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 Dazie Humphrey [Hunt] 22 Neff 109 Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153 ...(7)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Paternal Ancestry

Richard Randolph 445 ...(14) William Randolph 340 Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 ...(15) Col Richard Randolph 263 Henry Isham 447 ...(16) Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 ...(17) John Randolph 192 Robert Bolling 449 ...(18) John Bolling 342 Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 ...(19) Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 Richard Kennon 451 ...(20) Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343 Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 ...(21) (1)...James Richard Randolph 142 Theodorick Bland 453 ...(22) Richard Bland 344 Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 ...(23) Theodorick Bland 265 William Randolph 455 ...(24) Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345 Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 ...(25) Frances Randolph [Bland] 193 Robert Bolling 457 ...(26) Drury Bolling 346 Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 ...(27) Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 Francis Meriwether 459 ...(28) Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 Mary Bathurst 460 ...(29)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Paternal Ancestry

John Dill 461 John Dill 348 Catherine Sheridan 462 John Dill 267 William Dill 194 Henry Linscott 765 John Linscott 593 Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766 Henry Linscott 463 Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594 John Linscott 349 Robert Lauers 595 Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464 Katherine Lauers 596 Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268 Mr. Kingsbury 465 Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350 (2)...John Dill 144 Mary Dill 195

Leonard Poe 269 Samuel Poe 196 Mary Leonard Poe 270 (3)...Simon Poe 146 Mary Poe [Hook] 197

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Robert Harrison Watts 597 ...(30) Cornelius Watts 466 Edward Watts 351 Ann Watts [Esserman] 467 271 Edward Watts Edward Martin 598 ...(31) John Martin 468 Judith Martin [Upham] 599 ...(32) 352 Anne Watts [Martin] Joanna Martin 469 Thomas Watts 198 John Martin 353 Anne Watts [Martin] 272 Joanna Martin 354 (4)...Benjamin Watts 148 John Wheaton Stone 600 ...(33) John Herbert Stone 470 Anna A Stone [Fox] 601 Richard Stone 355 Jane Bannister 471 273 John Stone Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356 Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199 Thomas Wilkins 602 472 Bray Wilkins Hannah Wilkins [Nichols] 603 John Wilkins 357 Henry Way 604 ...(34) Hannah Wilkins [Way] 473 Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605 ...(35) Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274 Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358

Paternal Ancestry

Duncan McMillan 275 Alexander McMillan 200 Katherine McMillan [Campbell] 276 (5)...Amon McMillan 150 Phoebe McMillan 201

John Henry Neff 202 (6)...Jacob Neff 152 Anna Neff [Steckley] 203

Ulrich Graybill 204 (7)...Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Paternal Ancestry

Michael Kauffman 205 (8)...Samuel Kauffman 154 Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206

John Reist 207 (9)...Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208

John Pennywitt 209 (10)...Jacob Pennywitt 156 Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210

Philip Harpine 211 (11)...Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157 Catherine Harpine 212

Michael Will 277 Tony Rexing 474 Mary Jane Rexing 359 Michael Will 213 M Will [Miller] 278 (12)...John Will 158 Johann Meixell 475 Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 Andreas Meixel 279 Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361 Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214 Sebastian Herzog 362 Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280 Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606 Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] 607 Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 Conrad Haagen 608 Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477 Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Conradt Schermann 281 Conrad Sherman 215 (13)...Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 Christoph Slagle 610 Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478 Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] 611 364 Christoph Friedrich Slagle Christian Friedrich Hertel 612 Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479 Dorothea Hertel [Thiele] 613 Jacob Slagle 282 Christian Eyster 614 Elias Anna Maria Slagle Eyster 480 Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] 615 [Aister] 365 Christian Lau 616 Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481 Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617 Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216 Hans Adam Klee 618 Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 Anna Klee [Margaretha] 619 366 Nicholaus Klee Hans Adam Braun 620 Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621 283 Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein] Catherine Klee [C] 367

Paternal Ancestry

Robert Randolph 709 William Randolph 561 Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 445 (14)...Richard Randolph Richard Lane 711 Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562 Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712

John Ryland 713 Richard Ryland 563 Maria Ryland [Canning] 714 (15)...Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 Elizabeth Harward 564

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Euseby Isham 715 William Isham 565 Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 447 (16)...Henry Isham William Brett 717 Mary Isham [Brett] 566 Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718

Paternal Ancestry

Christopher Banks 719 Christopher Banks 567 Alice Banks [Foxe] 720 448 (17)...Katherine Isham [Banks] John Royall 721 568 Mary Royall Susannah Royall [Bates] 722

Tristram Bolling 954 Edward Bolling 853 Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 723 Robert Bolling Gabriel Greene 956 Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 Marg Greene [Lister] 957 John Bolling 569 John Clarke 958 Thomas Clarke 855 Katherine Clarke [Cooke] 959 724 Anne Bolling [Clarke] William Kerrich 960 Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856 Margery Kerrich 961 (18)...Robert Bolling 449 Richard Cary 962 William Thomas Cary 725 Mr. Goodale 964 Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858 Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965 Mary Bolling [Carie] 570 Joan Cary [Milner] 726 Cary 857 Christian Cary [Dennis] 963

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Eustace Rolfe 966 John Rolfe 859 William Gayner 1202 John Jenner 1085 Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 Agnes Russell Jenner 1086 John Rolfe 727 William Mason 968 Dorothea Mason 860 Agnes Mason [Brown] 969 Thomas Rolfe 571 Algonkian Chief 970 Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861 Murmuring Ripple 1203 Dashing Stream 1087 First Ripple [American] 1204 971 Scent Chief [Flower] Dashing Stream 1088 Murmuring Ripple 1205 Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 Poechancanough Unknown 972 Nonoma Winanuske 862 (19)...Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 Joshua Poythress 863 Francis Poythress 729 Peachy Poythress 864 Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 John Sloman 865 Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 John Epes 973 Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974

Paternal Ancestry

Richard Kennen 731 John Kennon 573 Jonet Kennen [Boyse] 732 (20)...Richard Kennon 451 Elizabeth Bolling 574 Anne Bolling [Stith] 733

George Worsham 734 William Worsham 575 Susan Taylor 735 (21)...Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 Robert Littlebury 736 Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 Jane Marye Littlebury [Of Boughton] 737 577 John Bland

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] (22)...Theodorick Bland 453 Mr. Deblere 738 Susan Bland [Deblere] 578 Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739

Paternal Ancestry

Thomas Bennett 740 Richard Bennett 579 William Pierce 975 William Pierce 975 William Pierce 867 Marguerite Coney 976 Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 William Phippen 977 868 Jane Phippen Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 (23)...Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 John Utie 742 Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 Anne Utie 743

William Randolph 744 Richard Randolph 581 Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 745 455 (24)...William Randolph Richard Ryland 746 Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 Elizabeth Harward 747

William Isham 748 Henry Isham 583 Mary Isham [Brett] 749 456 (25)...Mary Randolph [Isham] Christopher Banks 750 Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 Mary Royall 751

Robert Bolling 752 John (26)...Robert Bolling 457 Thomas Cary 754 Mary Bolling [Carie] 586 Joan Cary [Milner] 755 Bolling 585 Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Robert Stith 756 John Stith 587 Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 (27)...Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 Hannah Unknown 758

Paternal Ancestry

Francis Meriwether 759 Nicholas Meriwether 589 Alice Crafford 760 459 (28)...Francis Meriwether Henry Woodhouse 761 Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762

Robert Bathurst 1089 ...(36) John Bathurst 979 Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090 ...(37) 869 Robert Bathurst Edward Dodge 1091 Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 Ms. Unknown 1092 763 Edward Bathurst Robert Waller 1093 Ralph Waller 981 Elizabeth Duncombe 1094 ...(38) 870 Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] Ambrose Saunders 1095 ...(39) Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 Mary Saunders [Goodwin] 1096 591 Lancelot Bathurst Richard Rich 1097 ...(40) Robert Rich 983 Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 ...(41) 871 Thomas Rich George Baldry 1099 ...(42) Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984 Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 Anthony Bourchier 1100 ...(43) Thomas Bourchier 985 Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 ...(44) Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 John Le Scrope 1102 ...(45) Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 ...(46) (29)...Mary Bathurst 460 Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Watts 767 (30)...Robert Harrison Watts 597 Johan Watts [Knott] 768

Paternal Ancestry

William Martin 769 (31)...Edward Martin 598

Richard Upham 770 (32)...Judith Martin [Upham] 599 Maria Upham 771

John Wheaton Stone 772 (33)...John Wheaton Stone 600 Martha E Stone [Wheaton] 773

Henry Way 774 (34)...Henry Way 604 Edith Way [Denslow] 775

Stephen Bachiler 776 (35)...Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605 Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777

Richard De Bodehurst 2015 Richard Bathurst 1914 Lawrence Bathurst 1652 Lawrence Bathurst 1457 Lawrence Bathurst 1340 Agnes Lnu 1458 Thomas Bathurst 1206 Robert Chapman 1459 Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 (36)...Robert Bathurst 1089

William Saunders 1208 (37)...Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Duncombe 1461 Thomas Duncombe 1342 William Duncombe 1209 Joane Duncombe 1343 1094 (38)...Elizabeth Duncombe Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1210

Paternal Ancestry

Thomas Saunders 1211 (39)...Ambrose Saunders 1095 Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212

Richard Rich 1213 (40)...Richard Rich 1097 Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214

William Jenkes 1215 (41)...Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 Elizabeth Jenkes [Adams] 1216

Thomas Baldry 1217 (42)...George Baldry 1099

Maurice Bourchier 1218 (43)...Anthony Bourchier 1100 Joan Bourchier 1219

Thomas Mildmay 1220 (44)...Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221

Henry Le Scrope 1222 (45)...John Le Scrope 1102 Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Paternal Ancestry

Henry Clifford 1224 (46)...Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225

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2. MATERNAL ANCESTRY Thomas Smith 75 ...(1) Bradford W Smithey 49 Sally Smith [Turner] 76 Alpheus Smithey 33 Isaac Kelly Norman 77 ...(2) Frances Smithey [Norman] 50 Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78 ...(3) Samuel Austin Smithey 23 Isaac Damewood 79 ...(4) William Howard Damewood 51 Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80 ...(5) Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 14 Tillman Alpheus Smithey William W Wilson 81 Albert James Wilson 53 Mary Wilson 82 35 William Albert Wilson William B Miller 83 Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 Martha Miller 84 24 Charleton Smithey [Wilson] William G Speed 85 James Monroe Speed 55 Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 36 Ida May Wilson [Speed] Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] 56 Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 Joseph Ross Gray 87 ...(6) Joseph Allison Gray 57 Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 ...(7) Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 Elijah Cook 89 Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 ...(8) Raymond Allen Gray 25 John S. Mitchell 91 Gideon P Mitchell 59 Alila Mitchell 92 Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 15 Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] James A Wilson 93 ...(9) James Harvey Wilson 61 Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94 ...(10) 39 William Polk Wilson Elisha Hughes 95 ...(11) Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 ...(12) 26 Carolie Gray [Wilson] Richard Boswell 97 james martin Boswell 63 Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 ...(13) 40 Jodie Wilson [Boswell] Tolliver D Lynch 99 Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 ...(14)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Joshua Smith 160

Maternal Ancestry

Ralph Holme 622 Robert Holmes 484 Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 368 Joshua Holmes William Bolton 778 ...(15) William Bolton 624 Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485 Stephen Burton 780 Mary Bolton [Burton] 625 Ms. Unknown 781 284 Joshua Holmes Arthur Ingraham 782 ...(16) Arthur Ingraham 626 Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 ...(17) 486 Richard Ingraham John Mallory 784 ...(18) Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 Ann Mallory [Eure] 785 ...(19) 369 Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] Alexander Wignall 628 Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 Alexander Wignall 629 217 Temperance Holmes Edward Sturgis 786 ...(20) John Sturgis 630 Edward Sturgis 787 488 Edward Sturgis Anthony Awstin 788 Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 Elizabeth Kenworthy 789 370 Edward Sturgis Robert Hinckley 790 ...(21) Thomas Hinckley 632 Elizabeth Hinckley 791 Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489 Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285 James Gorham 792 ...(22) Ralph Gorham 634 Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 ...(23) John Gorham 490 Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371 Henry Howland 794 ...(24) John Howland 636 Alice Howland [Aires] 795 ...(25) Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 John Tilley 796 ...(26) Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637 Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 ...(27) Joshua Smith 114 (1)...Thomas Smith 75 Leannah Smith [C] 115

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

George Norman 492 Anne Tolson 373 Joseph Norman 372 Johanna Norman [Newman] 493 286 Isaac Norman Anne Tolson 373 Joseph Norman 218 James Courtney 494 James Courtney 374 Ms. Dyne 495 Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 Nicholas Jenkins 496 Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375 Ann Jenkins 497 Isaac Norman 161 John Read 498 376 John Read MrsJohn Read 499 Joseph Read 288 James Peabody 638 ...(28) John Peabody 500 Sarah Pearl 639 Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 Thomas Tully 640 ...(29) Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 Rebecca Tully 641 Mary Norman [Read] 219 William Deane 642 ...(30) Walter Deane 502 Mrs William Deane 643 Joseph Deane 378 John Strong 644 ...(31) Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 ...(32) Sarah Read [Deane] 289 Mr. Tipping 504 Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 116 Isaac John Norman Nicholas Gage 380 David Gage 290 Mary Gage 381 220 David Gage Edward Burleson 505 John Aaron Burleson 382 Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506 291 Abigail Gage [Burleson] Sarah Camp 383 Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 Esther Gage [Shipman] 221 77 (2)...Isaac Kelly Norman Mary Norman [A] 117

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Daniel Leonard 118 (3)...Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78

Jacob Demut 384 Heinrich Demut 292 Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] 385 Hans Heinrich Demuth 222 Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin] 293 Malachi Damewood 163 Anna Demuth [Giessler] 223 Henry L Damewood 119 Hannah Damewood [E] 164 (4)...Isaac Damewood 79 Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120

Thomas Seymour 294 Thomas Seymour 224 Ms. Seymour [Ann] 295 George Seymour 165 Sarah Seymour 225 Larkin Seymour 121 Mary Seymour [Good] 166 (5)...Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80 John Bruce 167 Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

John Gray 123 (6)...Joseph Ross Gray 87 David Ross 507 ...(33) George George William Ross 226 Humphrey Spinning 509 ...(35) Humphrey Spinning 388 Elizabeth Long 510 ...(36) 297 Hannah Ross [Spinning] George Hubbard 511 ...(37) Abigail Hubbard 389 Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 ...(38) John Ross 168 James Whiteside 513 Lawrence Whiteside 390 James Whiteside 514 298 Edward Whiteside Lawrence Whiteside 391 Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 Lawrence Tavernor 392 Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299 Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 John Johnston 228 Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169 Deborah Johnston [Hood] 229 Ross 296 Constance Ross [Little] 387 Ross 386 Ms. Ross [Mary] 508 ...(34)

John Heath 125 (7)...Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 Robert Adams 393 John Samuel D Robert Margaret Heath Adams 170 Catherine Adams [Hardwick] 231 [Adams] 126 John Chambers 232 Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171 Adams 300 Elizabeth Adams 394 Adams 230 Elizabeth Adams 301

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 ...(39) Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 ...(40) 172 Turner Hamner Leonard Henley 304 ...(41) Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305 ...(42) 127 John Harvey Hamner John Moore 236 Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 Richard Bullock 306 ...(43) Mary Moore [Bullock] 237 Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 ...(44) 90 (8)...Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] John Moore 308 ...(45) 238 John Moore Susannah Moore [Price] 309 ...(46) 174 John Moore Matthew Jouett 310 ...(47) Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 ...(48) 128 Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] John Harvie 312 ...(49) 240 John Harvie Margaret Kay 313 175 Martha Moore [Harvie] Bernard Gaines 314 ...(50) Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241 Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 ...(51)

John Wilson 176 John Wilson 129 John Pettigrew 242 Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 Samuel Matthews 316 Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 Ms. Anne 317 (9)...James A Wilson 93 Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Elisha Whitten 244 Elijah Whitten 178 Joel Whitten 131 (10)...Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94 Thomas Odell 245 John Odell 179 Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132 Henry Hendricks 247 Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 Jane Hendricks [Linville] 248

Thomas Hughes 318 Thomas Hughes 249 Catherine Hughes [Griffin] 319 Richard Hughes 181 Nickolas Mynne 320 Frances Hughes [Mynne] 250 Andrew Hughes 133 Ms. Mary 182 (11)...Elisha Hughes 95 Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Mr. Willson 418 Robert Wilson 321 Robert Wilson 323 Col. John Wilson 251 Thomas Lee 419 Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 Anne Lee [Davis] 420 183 John Wilson Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252 Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 James Pettigrew 421 James Pettigrew 676 Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 533 James Pettigrew Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677 421 James Pettigrew Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff] 534 324 James Pettigrew Gilchrist Mohr 850 Sir Reginal Mohr 678 Isobel Mohr [Cumyn] 851 535 John Mohr John Dalkeith 852 Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 Lady Margaret Mohr [Stewart] 536 253 John Pettigrew Robert Cochran 537 George Cochran 423 Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424 184 Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] Samuel Matthews 326 Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 Ms. Anne 327 96 (12)...Margaret Hughes [Wilson] Martha Wilson [McMurry] 136

Charles Martin 137 (13)...Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 Lucy Martin [Harper] 138

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas Edwards 328 ...(52) Thomas Edwards 255 Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 ...(53) Andrew Edwards 185 Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 Thomas Edwards 139 Jonas Meador 330 ...(54) Jonas Meador 257 Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 ...(55) Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 John Holloway 332 ...(56) Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 ...(57) (14)...Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 James Brittain 334 ...(58) Joseph Brittain 259 Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 ...(59) James Brittain 187 Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260 Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 Richard Stringfield 336 ...(60) James Stringfield 261 Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 ...(61) Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 John Ray 338 ...(62) Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262 Mary Ray [Wilson] 339

Robert Bolton 987 Peter Bolton 873 Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988 (15)...William Bolton 778 Ms. Bolton [Mary] 874

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Hugh Ingram 989 Arthur Ingram 875 Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990 (16)...Arthur Ingraham 782 Richard Gawthrop 1226 John Gawthrop 1104 Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227 Richard Goldthorpe 991 Thomas Archer 1228 Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105 Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229 Anne Goldthorpe 876 John Fryeth 1230 1106 John Norman Joanne Fryeth 1231 Jane Goldthorpe [Norman] 992 Agnes Norman 1107

Maternal Ancestry

Francis Slingsby 993 Henry Slingsby 877 Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 (17)...Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 William Vavasour 1232 Henry Vavasour 1108 Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233 995 William Vavasour William Gascoigne 1234 Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 878 Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] William Calverly 1236 Walter Calverley 1110 Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237 Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 John Drax Drakes 1238 Isabel Calverley [Drakes] 1111 Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239

William Mallory 997 William Mallory 879 Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 (18)...John Mallory 784 George Gale 999 Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 Mary Gale [Lord] 1000

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ralph Eure 1001 William Eure 881 Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002 (19)...Ann Mallory [Eure] 785 Edward Dymoke 1003 Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004

Maternal Ancestry

Peter Sturges 883 (20)...Edward Sturgis 786

John Henkle 1005 John Hynckleye 884 John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006 790 (21)...Robert Hinckley Johane Hynckleye [Bills] 885

John Gorham 1007 John Gorham 886 Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008 792 (22)...James Gorham Eliza Gorham 887

M Bernington 888 (23)...Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 Ms. Bernington 889

John Howland 1009 John Howland 890 Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 794 (24)...Henry Howland Nicholas Revell 1011 Emma Howland [Revell] 891 Nicholas Revell 1012

Mr. Aires 892 (25)...Alice Howland [Aires] 795 Ms. Unknown 893

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

William Tilley 1013 Robert (26)...John Tilley 796 William Tilley 1013 Elizabeth Tilley 895 Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014 Tilley 894 Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014

Henry Hurst 1015 William Hurst 896 Agnes Hurst 1016 (27)...Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 Mister Fisher 1017 Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 Agnes Fisher 1018

William Paybodie 898 Thomas Peabody 798 (28)...James Peabody 638 Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799

Mr. Tully 800 (29)...Thomas Tully 640

Michael Denne 1019 John Walter Deane 801 Robert Selwoode 1021 Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 Robert Selwoode 1022 (30)...William Deane 642 Joan Deane [Walsele] 802 Deane 899 Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Forefather Strong 1112 Robert Strong 1023 John Strong 901 Ms. Strong 1024 George Strong 803 Thomas Weightman 1113 ...(63) Henry Whitman 1025 Henry Weightman 1114 Agnes Strong [Whitman] 902 Thomas Axtell 1115 ...(64) Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026 Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 ...(65) (31)...John Strong 644 William Bond 1117 ...(66) William Bond 1027 Mrs William Bond 1118 George Bond 903 John Bourman 1119 ...(67) Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 ...(68) Ann Strong [Bond] 804 Roger Leigh 1121 ...(69) Thomas Leigh 1029 Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122 Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 John Barker 1123 ...(70) Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 ...(71)

Michael Denne 1031 John Walter Deane 805 Robert Selwoode 1033 Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 Robert Selwoode 1034 (32)...Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 Deane 905 Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Hugh Ross 1917 William Ross 1656 Jean Ross [Munro] 1918 ...(72) 1487 Walter Ross Paul Macintyre 1919 Catherine Ross [Macintyre] 1657 1363 Hugh Ross John Ross 1258 Ms. Ross [Sutherland] 1364 Henry St Clair 1920 ...(73) Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 ...(74) Helen Sinclair 1488 1125 Alexander Ross Ms. Ross [MacLeod] 1259 1035 David Ross Alexander Sutherland 1260 Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126 907 Walter Ross Keith Unknown 1127 Ms. Helena 1036 Alexander Ross 807 John Sinclair 1038 Marian Ross [Grant] 908 Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1039 646 George Ross William Sinclair 1128 William Sinclair 1040 Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129 909 John Sinclair Gilbert Keith 1130 Margaret Sinclair [Keith] 1041 Daughter Keith [Ogston] 1131 808 Janet Ross [Sinclair] Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 507 (33)...David Ross John Campbell 809 Marian Ross [Campbell] 647

Alexander, Earl of Sutherland Unknown 649 (34)...Ms. Ross [Mary] 508

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Adolf Seving 810 Silvester Vitt Seving 650 Josef Vitt 911 Verena Seving [Vitt] 811 Josef Herz 1042 Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912 Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132 Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] 1043 Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] 1133 (35)...Humphrey Spinning 509

Gyles Longe 913 John Long 812 Gyles Longe 914 Robert Long 651 Marie Long 813 (36)...Elizabeth Long 510 John Taylor 915 John Taylor 814 John Taylor 916 Sarah Long [Taylor] 652 Michael Willmote 917 Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815 Agnes Willmote 918

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas Hobart 1134 James Miles Hobart 919 Peter Naunton 1136 Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 Thomas Hobart 816 Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 John Blennerhassett 1046 Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138 Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 Thomas Tyndall 1139 Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047 Amphillis Coningsby 1140 Edmund Hobart 653 Arthur Harris 1141 William Harris 1048 Johanna Harris [Percy] 1142 William Hare 921 William Wayte 1143 Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049 Margaret Wayte 1144 Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817 Mr. Rugge 1050 Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 (37)...George Hubbard 511 Dewey Dewe 923 Robert Margaret Hobart Dewe 818 Ms. Dyes 924 [Dewey] 654 William Stasye 1051 John Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819 Alice Stasye [Convers] 926 Stasye 925 Hobart 1044 Eleanor Atchurch 1135

John Bishop 655 (38)...Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 William Steevens 820 Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 William Steevens 821

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Jenkin Hanmer 927 ...(75) William Hanmer 822 Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928 ...(76) 657 William Hanmer Thomas Hanmer 929 ...(77) Eleanor Hanmer 823 Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930 ...(78) 515 William Hanmer Gruffudd Kynaston 931 ...(79) Roger Kynaston 824 Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 ...(80) Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658 Henry Grey 933 ...(81) Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934 ...(82) 395 Humphrey Hanmer Thomas Dymock 935 ...(83) Randle Dymock 826 Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 ...(84) 659 Edward Dymock Griffith Hanmer 937 ...(85) Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938 ...(86) 516 Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] Roger Puleston 939 ...(87) Roger Puleston 828 Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940 ...(88) Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston] 660 302 (39)...Nicholas Sr. Hanmer

Maternal Ancestry

Mr. Turner 396 (40)...Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303

Hezekiah Henley 661 Thomas Henley 517 Reynold Henley 397 Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 Ms. Eliza 662 304 (41)...Leonard Henley Cornelius Turner 519 Susan Henley [Turner] 398

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Charles Richardson 520 Robert Richardson 399 Mary Richardson 521 (42)...Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305 Edward Green 522 Jane Richardson [Green] 400 Ms. Green [Jane] 523

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas Bullock 1190 ...(89) Robert Bullock 1077 Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 ...(90) 941 Gilbert Bullock Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078 829 Thomas Bullock William Norreys 1192 ...(91) William Norris 1079 Alice Merbrooke 1193 ...(92) 942 Margaret Norris John De Vere 1194 ...(93) Joane Norris [Vere] 1080 Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 ...(94) 663 William Bullock Richard Kingsmill 1196 ...(95) Richard Kingsmill 1081 Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197 943 John Kingsmill Alice Kingsmill 1082 Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 William Gifford 1198 ...(96) 1083 John Giffard Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 ...(97) Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944 Henry Brydges 1200 ...(98) Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201 524 Hugh Bullock Ralph Bellett 831 Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 Mr. Moreton 945 Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 401 Richard Bullock Mr. Nashe 665 Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 306 (43)...Richard Bullock Mr. Hawkins 526 Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Richard Shockey 403 (44)...Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 Alice Shockey 404 Thomas Moore 833 Edward Moore 666 John Moore 527 John More 946 Thomas More 834 Ann More [Cresacre] 947 667 Mary Moore [More] John Scrope 948 Mary More [Scrope] 835 Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] 949 Augustine Moore 405 Richard Merrett 668 Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528 John Pendarvers 950 David Pendarvis 836 John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951 Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 Thomas Sparnon 952 Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953

(45)...John Moore 308 Anne Moore 406

(46)...Susannah Moore [Price] 309 Mary Ann Matthews 407

Pierre Jouett 408 Marie Coursier 409 310 (47)...Matthew Jouett Marie Coursier 409

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edward Moore 838 John Moore 670 Mary Moore [More] 839 Augustine Moore 529 Richard Merrett 840 Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671 Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841 John Moore 410 Anne Moore 530 311 (48)...Susannah Jouett [Moore] Richard Price 842 Richard Price 672 Elizabeth Blayney 843 John Price 531 David Middleton 844 Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 David Middleton [Middletown] 845 Susannah Moore [Price] 411 Tobias Mathews 846 Samuel Mathews 674 Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847 Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 Edward Greville 848 Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 Jane Greville [Grey] 849

Maternal Ancestry

Adam Harvie 412 (49)...John Harvie 312 Agnes Harvie [Armstrong] 413

Daniel Gaines 414 (50)...Bernard Gaines 314 Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415

George Taylor 416 (51)...Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417

Robert Edwards 425 (52)...Thomas Edwards 328 Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Emanuel Downing 680 George Downing 538 Lucy Downing [Winthrop] 681 427 George Downing William Howard 682 Frances Downing [Howard] 539 Mary Howard [Eure] 683 329 (53)...Isabella Edwards [Downing] Charles Cecil 684 James Cecil 540 Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685 428 Catherine Downing [Cecil] John Manners 686 Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541 Frances Manners [Montagu] 687

Thomas Meador 688 Thomas Meador 542 Sarah Meador 689 John Meador 429 William Hoskins 690 Sarah Hoskins 543 Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691 (54)...Jonas Meador 330 William Awbrey 692 Henry Awbrey 544 Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693 Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430 Mary Awbrey 545

William John Houchins 431 (55)...Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 Frances Houchins [Gwinn] 432

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

George Holloway 694 James Holloway 546 Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Mathews] 695 433 David Holloway Ann Holloway 547 332 (56)...John Holloway Samuel Mathews Esquire 696 John Matthews 548 S Hinton 697 Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434 Michael Tavenor 698 Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 Michael Tavenor 699

John Spiers 550 John Spiers 435 Hannah Spiers 551 (57)...Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 Robert Mills 700 John Mills 552 Mary Mills 701 Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 Mary Mills 553 437 Asa Brittain

(58)...James Brittain 334 Achsa Brittain 438

Mr. Whitty 439 (59)...Mary Brittain [Witty] 335

Albert Stringfield 702 John Stringfield 554 Charles Stringfield 440 Elizabeth Stringfield [Hill] 555 336 (60)...Richard Stringfield

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

William Pettus 703 Thomas Pettus 556 Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704 Thomas Petty 441 George Morris 705 Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 Eleanor Morris 706 (61)...Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442

Alexander Ray 707 William Ray 558 Joane Ray 708 William Ray 443 Anne Ray 559 (62)...John Ray 338 Zebulon Pritchett 560 Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444

Thomas Weightman 1344 Richard Weightman 1462 Thomas Weightman 1344 Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463 Richard Weightman 1240 (63)...Thomas Weightman 1113 Thomas Woodan 1345 Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 Thomas Woodan 1346

Henrye Axtell 1242 (64)...Thomas Axtell 1115 Cecily Axtell 1243

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas Gould 1244 (65)...Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 Alice Gould 1245 Richard Bond 2016 Mr. Bond 1915 Richard Bond 1653 Robert Bond 1464 Richard Bond De Earth 1347 Henry De Earth 1916 Geoffrey De Earth 1654 Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 Ms. Unknown 1655 Thomas Bond 1246 Richard Maynard 1466 Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1348 Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1467

(66)...William Bond 1117 Richard Kendall 1349 Elizabeth Bond [Kendall] 1247

Nicholas Bourman 1248 (67)...John Bourman 1119 Nicholas Bourman 1249

Henry Russell 1468 John James Russell 1250 Russell 1350 Elizabeth Russell [Herring] 1469 John Wyse 1470 Ann Russell [Wise] 1351 Thomasine Wyse [Fulford] 1471 1120 (68)...Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] Ms. Unknown 1251

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Robert Leigh 1472 Ralph Richard Leigh 1252 James Ridley 1474 Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353 (69)...Roger Leigh 1121 Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476 Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253 John Wynnesbury 1477 Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478 Leigh 1352 Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473

Maternal Ancestry

John Barker 1479 Humphrey Barker 1356 Margaret Barker [Coleclough] 1480 1254 William Barker Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1357 (70)...John Barker 1123 John Goulston 1358 Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255

Humphrey Hill 1359 Thomas Hill 1256 John Bird 1481 Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 Alice Bird [Malpas] 1482 (71)...Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 Thomas Wilbraham 1361 Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 1257 Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] Thomas Swetenham 1485 Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486

Robert Munro 2017 (72)...Jean Ross [Munro] 1918

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Henry St Clair 2196 William St Clair 2082 Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197 William St Clair 2018 Mr. Richard 2198 Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083 (73)...Henry St Clair 1920 Earl Strathearn Malise 2199 Malise Of Strathern 2084 Joan Menteith 2200 Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019 Hugh Ross 2201 Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202

Adam Haliburton 2203 John Haliburton 2086 Isabel Haliburton 2204 John Halyburton 2020 William Vaux 2205 Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 William Vaux 2206 (74)...Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 John De Cameron 2207 John Cameron 2088 John De Cameron 2208 Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 2089

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

John De Hanmer 1659 ...(99) Philip De Hanmer 1489 Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 ...(100) David Hanmer 1365 Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 ...(101) Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490 Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1662 Jenkin Hanmer 1261 Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 ...(102) Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 ...(103) Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1366 Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 ...(104) Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 ...(105) Edward Hanmer 1145 Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1262 Griffith Hanmer 1052 Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd 1493 Hywel Llwyd Bala 1367 Gruffydd Ap Rhys Ap Dafydd 1667 Lowri Verch Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan] 1494 Margaret Ap Dafydd [Vaughan] 1668 Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 Hywel Fychen Ap Gruffudd 1495 Mallt Ferch Bala [Ap Hywel] 1368 John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669 Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John] 1496 Gwenhwyfer Verch Ap Ieuan 1670 Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146 Catrin Ferch Llwyd [Ap Gethin] 1264 (75)...Jenkin Hanmer 927 Meridith Esq Lloyd 1147 Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 1053

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672 David Dymock 1369 Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498 1265 Ieuan Dymock David Voel 1499 Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 Mrs David Voel 1500 1148 Thomas Dymoke Richard Ap Madoc 1371 Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 Mrs Richard Ap Madoc 1372 1054 Thomas Dymock Morgan Goch 1373 Griffith Goch 1267 Mrs Morgan Goch 1374 1149 Margaret Dymoke [Goch] Mrs Griffith Goch 1268 (76)...Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928 William Brereton 1673 William Brereton 1501 Roesia De Vernon 1674 William Brereton 1375 Richard De Bosley 1675 Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502 N De Bosley [N] 1676 Randle Brereton 1269 Richard Donne 1677 1503 Henry Done Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1678 Margaret Done 1376 William De Clotton 1679 Margery De Clotton 1504 Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1680 Randle Brereton 1150 John De Ipstones 1681 John De Ipstones 1505 Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke] 1682 William De Ipstones 1377 Thomas Corbet 1683 Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506 Amice Corbet [De Shropshire] 1684 Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 Thomas Swynnerton 1685 Robert De Swynnerton 1507 Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 1055 Margaret Dymock [Brereton] Mrs Randal Brereton 1151

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

John De Hanmer 1509 ...(106) Philip De Hanmer 1379 Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 ...(107) David Hanmer 1271 Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 ...(108) Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380 Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1512 Griffith Hanmer 1152 Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513 ...(109) Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 ...(110) Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272 Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 ...(111) Leucu Verch Ednyfed Llwyd 1382 Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516 Richard Hanmer 1056 Thomas Dutton 1517 ...(112) 1383 Edmund Dutton Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 ...(113) Piers Dutton 1273 Henry Minshull 1519 ...(114) Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 ...(115) Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153 William Le Boteler 1521 ...(116) 1385 John Boteler Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 ...(117) Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274 William De Plumpton 1523 ...(118) Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 ...(119) (77)...Thomas Hanmer 929 Madoc Kynaston 1525 John Kynaston 1387 Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526 Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 Roger Kynaston 1154 Roger Hoord 1527 John Hoord 1388 Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1528 Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057 Thomas Grey 1529 John Grey 1389 Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530 1277 Henry Grey Edward Cherleton 1531 Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532 1155 Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] Henry Plantagenet 1533 Humphrey Plantagenet 1391 Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1534 Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278 Reginald Cobham 1535 Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Randle Brereton 1156 Randall Brereton 1058

Maternal Ancestry

William Carrington 1537 ...(120) George Carrington 1393 Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 ...(121) 1279 John Carrington Laurence Warren 1539 ...(122) Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1394 Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 ...(123) 1157 Emma Brereton [Carrington] Thomas Beeston 1541 ...(124) John Beeston 1395 Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 ...(125) 1280 Elizabeth Beeston Henry De Bold 1543 ...(126) Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 Gracia De Bold 1544 ...(127) (78)...Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930 Hugh Dutton 1545 ...(128) John Dutton 1397 Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 ...(129) Peter Dutton 1281 William Atherton 1547 ...(130) Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 ...(131) Peter Piers Dutton 1158 Thomas Grosvenor 1549 ...(132) Robert Grosvenor 1399 Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 ...(133) 1282 Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 Jeoffry De Chedell 1552 Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 ...(134) Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554 ...(135) 1283 Robert Fouleshurst Randle Mainwaring 1555 ...(136) Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 ...(137) 1159 Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] Richard Vernon 1557 ...(138) Richard Vernon 1403 Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 ...(139) 1284 Joan Vernon Hugh Hulse 1559 ...(140) Eleanor Hulse 1404 Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 ...(141)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Griffith Kynaston 1757 Philip Kynaston 1561 Jane Vr Kynaston [Iowerth] 1758 Madoc Kynaston 1405 Gwerfyl Verch Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1562 1285 Jenkin Kynaston Jenkin Lord 1563 Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin] 1406 John Touchet 1759 Jane Lord [Tuchet] 1564 Maud Touchet [Mortimer] 1760 Madoc Kynaston 1160 Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565 Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762 Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 Rhirid Flaidd 1763 Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1566 Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1764 Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1286 Llewelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1408 1060 John Kynaston Henry De Percy 1765 Henry De Percy 1567 Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 1409 Henry De Percy Robert De Clifford 1767 Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768 1287 Henry De Percy Edmund Crouchback 1769 Henry Plantagenet 1569 Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770 Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 Patrick De Chaworth 1771 Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1772 1161 Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] Robert De Neville 1773 Randolph De Neville 1571 Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774 1411 Ralph Neville Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 1288 Margaret De Percy [Neville] James De Audley 1777 Hugh Audley 1573 Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778 Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412 Edmund De Mortimer 1779 Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780 931 (79)...Gruffudd Kynaston

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Roger Hoord 1162 John Hoord 1061 Madog Ap Gruffudd 1289 Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163 Iorwerth Ap Awr 1575 Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1290 Llewellyn Ap Ithel Ap Einudd 1781 Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 Sibyl Verch Ap Einudd [Hart] 1782 Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1414 Agharad Verch Ap Heilyn [Daffyd] 1577 (80)...Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932

Thomas Grey 1415 ...(142) Thomas Grey 1291 Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 Thomas Grey 1164 William De Pressene 1417 ...(143) Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 William De Pressene 1418 John Grey 1062 John De Mowbray 1419 ...(144) John De Mowbray 1293 Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 ...(145) Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 John De Segrave 1421 ...(146) Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294 Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 ...(147) (81)...Henry Grey 933 Edward Cherleton 1166 Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 Thomas De Holand 1423 ...(148) Thomas De Holand 1295 Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424 ...(149) Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167 Richard Fitzalan 1425 ...(150) Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296 Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426 ...(151)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 ...(152) John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428 ...(153) Henry Plantagenet 1168 Henry Plantagenet 1429 ...(154) Blanche Plantagenet 1298 Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 ...(155) Humphrey Plantagenet 1064 William De Bohun 1431 ...(156) Humphrey Bohun 1299 Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432 Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169 Richard Fitzalan 1433 ...(157) Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300 Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434 ...(158) (82)...Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934 Reynold De Cobham 1435 ...(159) Reynold De Cobham 1301 Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 ...(160) Reginald Cobham 1170 John Maltravers 1437 ...(161) Eleanor Maltravers 1302 Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 ...(162) Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 John Colepeper 1439 ...(163) Thomas Colepeper 1303 Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 ...(164) Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 Nicholas De Greene 1441 ...(165) Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 Joan Bruce 1442 ...(166)

Maternal Ancestry

Ieuan Dymock 1172 Thomas Dymoke 1066 Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173 (83)...Thomas Dymock 935 Griffith Goch 1174 Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 Mrs Griffith Goch 1175

Randle Brereton 1176 Randle Brereton 1068 Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177 (84)...Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 Mrs Randal Brereton 1069

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Jenkin Hanmer 1178 Edward Hanmer 1070 Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1179 937 (85)...Griffith Hanmer Maurice Gethin 1180 Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1071 Margaret Verch Gethin [Ap William] 1181

Maternal Ancestry

Meridith Esq Lloyd 1072 (86)...Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938

Roger Puleston 1305 Roger Puleston 1182 Jonet Puleston [Bulkeley] 1306 1073 Edward Puleston William Hanmer 1307 Jane Puleston [Hanmer] 1183 939 (87)...Roger Puleston Griffith Hanmer 1308 Richard Hanmer 1184 Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1309 1074 Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] Roger Kynaston 1310 Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185 Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311

Robert Grosveneur 1312 Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 1075 Richard Grosvenor William Norris 1314 Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 Joane Norris [Vere] 1315 940 (88)...Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] John Cotton 1316 Richard Cotton 1188 Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 William Brereton 1318 Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Richard Bullock 1945 Gilbert Bullock 1871 Richard Bullock 1946 Robert Bullock 1626 Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872 Gilbert Bullock 1443 Mrs Robert Bullock 1627 Robert Bullock 1320 Robert De Neville 1947 Randolph De Neville 1873 Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948 Thomas De Neville 1628 Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 Ms Anne Neville 1629 (89)...Thomas Bullock 1190 Ms Robt Bullock 1321

William Yeading 1322 (90)...Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 Ms William Yeading [Yealding] 1323

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] John Norreys 1875 ...(167) Henry John Norreys 1445 Roger De Ernys 1877 ...(169) Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631 Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878 ...(170) Roger Norreys 1324 Harry Ravenscroft 1879 Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 ...(171) Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446 John De Stanley 1881 ...(172) Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 ...(173) (91)...William Norreys 1192 Richard Ernois 1883 Robert Ernois 1634 Richard Ernois 1884 Roger De Ernys 1447 William De Molyneux 1636 ...(174) Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1635 Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 ...(175) Alice De Ernys 1325 Richard De Molyneux 1885 ...(176) William De Molyneux 1636 Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 ...(177) Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448 Unknown Scarisbrick Scarisbrick 1887 ...(178) Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 Norreys 1630 Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 ...(168)

Maternal Ancestry

Richard Merbrooke 1326 (92)...Alice Merbrooke 1193 John De Montfort 1970 John De Montfort 1888 Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 Baldwin De Montfort 1638 John De Clinton 1972 Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 William Montford 1449 John De Clinton 1972 John De Clinton 1890 Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1639 William Corbet 1974 Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 Mrs William Corbet 1975 Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Richard De Vere 1328 (93)...John De Vere 1194

Maternal Ancestry

Richard Sergeaux 1892 ...(179) Richard Sergeaux 1640 Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893 ...(180) 1451 Richard Sergeaux John Seneschal 1894 ...(181) Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895 ...(182) 1329 Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] Richard Fitzalan 1896 ...(183) Edmund Fitzalan 1642 Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 ...(184) 1452 Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] William De Montagu 1898 ...(185) Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643 Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 ...(186)

John Howard 1900 ...(187) Robert Howard 1644 Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 ...(188) John Howard 1453 Robert De Scales 1902 ...(189) Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645 Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 ...(190) John Howard 1330 William Tendring 1904 ...(191) William Tendring 1646 Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 ...(192) 1454 Alice Howard [Tendring] William Mylde 1906 Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 William Mylde 1907 1195 (94)...Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] Thomas De Wauton 1908 ...(193) John De Walton 1648 Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 ...(194) 1455 John Walton Walter Walton 1649 Joan Howard [Walton] 1331 William Le Boteler 1910 ...(195) 1650 John Boteler Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 ...(196) Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 William De Plumpton 1912 ...(197) Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 ...(198)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Kingsmill 1332 (95)...Richard Kingsmill 1196 Richard Kingsmill 1333

Maternal Ancestry

John Giffard 1334 (96)...William Gifford 1198 John Giffard [Gifford] 1335

John Paulet 1336 (97)...Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 Alice Paulet 1337

Thomas Brugge 1338 (98)...Henry Brydges 1200 Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339

Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 Roger Macclesfield 2090 Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 2022 Thomas Macclesfield Isabel Macclesfield 2091 1922 Thomas De Macclesfield (99)...John De Hanmer 1659

Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212 2023 Gwilym Ap Gruffydd John Le Strange 2213 Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 1923 Einion Ap Gwilym Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 2024 (100)...Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 Ms. Unknown 1924

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Llywarch Ap Lluddica 2215 Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 Lleicu Verch Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan] 2216 2025 Rhys Sais Gan Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217 Janet Verch Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] 2095 1925 Rired Ap Rhys Says Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 2026 Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys] (101)...Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1926

Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220 Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 Eva Verch Ap Bleddyn [Madog] 2221 Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd] 2098 Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223 Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 ...(199) Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225 ...(200) Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028 Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 ...(201) Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 ...(202) (102)...Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229 Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231 Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232 Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103 Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2233 Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Moreiddig Ap Rhys 2234 Colyn Gwergynan 2104 Ms. Unknown 2235 Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 Gwrgenau Ap Ednowen Lord 2236 Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 2105 Gwledyr Ferch Lord [Seisyll] 2237 Rhirid Flaidd 1929 Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 2106 Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 2032 Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238 Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin] 2107 (103)...Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240 Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1930 Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112 Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246 Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 Henry De Aldithley 2247 Emma De Audley 2113 Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931 Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250 Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 2036 Fulk Fitz Warine 2251 Janet Fitz Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 2115 Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252 (104)...Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254 Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037 William De Braose 2255 Maud De Braose 2117 Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256 Sionet Ferch Rhys 1932 Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257 Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2258 Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038 Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260

Page 54

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ieuaf Ap Nynnio Ap Cynwrig 2261 Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 Einion Ap Hwyel 2262 Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121 Einion Ap Hywel 2263 Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 Meurig Ap Caradog 2265 Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123 1666 (105)...Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267 2041 Rhys Ap Rhys Reginald De Braose 2268 Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269 1934 Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270 Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2271 Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 (106)...John De Hanmer 1509 Thomas De Macclesfield 1688

Einion Ap Gwilym 1689 (107)...Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 Ms. Unknown 1690

Rired Ap Rhys Says 1691 (108)...Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1692

Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 (109)...Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513 Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694

Page 55

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Rhirid Flaidd 1695 (110)...Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1696

Maternal Ancestry

Iowerth Ap Einion 1697 (111)...Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 Angharad Verch Ap Gruffydd 1698

Hugh De Dutton 1699 (112)...Thomas Dutton 1517 Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700

Peter Thornton 1701 (113)...Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702

Richard Minshull 1703 (114)...Henry Minshull 1519 Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1704

Robert De Pulford 1705 (115)...Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706

William Le Boteler 1707 (116)...William Le Boteler 1521 Sybil Le Boteler 1708

Nicholas De Havering 1709 (117)...Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 Joan Bryan 1710

Robert Plumpton 1711 (118)...William De Plumpton 1523 Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] John Mowbray 1713 (119)...Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 Alice De Braose 1714

Maternal Ancestry

John Carrington 1715 (120)...William Carrington 1537 Cicely Carrington [Hyde] 1716

John De Arderne 1717 (121)...Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718

Nicholas Warren 1719 (122)...Laurence Warren 1539 Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720

Richard Bulkeley 1721 (123)...Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 Margery Venables 1722

William Beeston 1723 (124)...Thomas Beeston 1541 Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724

Thomas Hanford 1725 (125)...Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726

Richard Bold 1727 (126)...Henry De Bold 1543 Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728

John Savage 1729 (127)...Gracia De Bold 1544 Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 Edmund Dutton 1731

Page 57

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] (128)...Hugh Dutton 1545 Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732

Maternal Ancestry

Ralph De Vernon 1733 (129)...Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford] 1734

William Atherton 1735 (130)...William Atherton 1547 Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736

John Pilkington 1737 (131)...Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738

Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 (132)...Thomas Grosvenor 1549 Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740

Richard Venables 1741 (133)...Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742

Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 (134)...Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744

Hugh De Venables 1745 (135)...Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554 Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746

William Mainwaring 1747 (136)...Randle Mainwaring 1555 Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Hugh De Venables 1745 (137)...Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746

Maternal Ancestry

William De Vernon 1749 (138)...Richard Vernon 1557 Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750

Robert De Pembrugge 1751 (139)...Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752

Hugh De Hulse 1753 (140)...Hugh Hulse 1559 Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754

John Domville 1755 (141)...Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756

John Grey 1783 Thomas De Grey 1578 Mrs John Grey 1784 1415 (142)...Thomas Grey Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579

Henry De Percy 1785 Henry De Percy 1580 Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786 1417 (143)...William De Pressene John Fitzalan 1787 Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788

Page 59

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Roger De Mowbray 1789 John De Mowbray 1582 Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790 1419 (144)...John De Mowbray William De Braos 1791 Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792

Maternal Ancestry

Edmund Crouchback 1793 Henry Plantagenet 1584 Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794 (145)...Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 Patrick De Chaworth 1795 Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1796

John De Segrave 1797 Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 1421 (146)...John De Segrave Richard Fitzalan 1799 Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800

Edward I Plantagenet 1801 Thomas Plantagenet 1588 Margaret Capet 1802 (147)...Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 Roger Halys 1803 Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 Margaret Halys [De Berkeley] 1804

Robert De Holand 1805 Robert De Holand 1590 Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 1423 (148)...Thomas De Holand Alan La Zouche 1807 Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Edward I Plantagenet 1809 Edmund Plantagenet 1592 Margaret Plantagenet [Capet] 1810 (149)...Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424 John Wake 1811 Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593 Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812

Richard Fitzalan 1813 Edmund Fitzalan 1594 Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814 (150)...Richard Fitzalan 1425 William De Warenne 1815 Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816

Edmund Crouchback 1817 Henry Plantagenet 1596 Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818 (151)...Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426 Patrick De Chaworth 1819 Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1820

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

John Lackland Plantagenet 2043 ...(203) Henry Plantagenet 1935 Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044 ...(204) Edward I Plantagenet 1821 Raymond Berenger 2045 ...(205) Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936 Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 ...(206) King Edward 1598 Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 ...(207) Ferdinand Castile 1937 Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 ...(208) Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 Simon De Dammartin 2049 ...(209) Joan De Dammartin 1938 Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 ...(210) (152)...Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 Louis Capet 2051 ...(211) Philip The Bold 1939 Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052 ...(212) Philip IV The Fair 1823 Jaime I Mallorc 2053 ...(213) Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940 Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054 ...(214) Isabella Edward [De France] 1599 Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Jean De Avesnes 1825 Willem De Avesnes 1600 Henry Duke Limburg 2322 Henri Limburg 2152 Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 2323 Waleram Duke Montj 2055 Simon I Saarbrucken 2324 Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 2325 Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 Godfrey De Namur 2326 Henri De Namur 2154 Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 2327 Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 Henri I De Gueldres 2328 Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155 Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329 Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 Renaud De Bar 2330 Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331 Henry De Bar 2057 Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332 Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333 Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942 Robert I De Dreux 2334 Robert De Dreux 2158 Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335 Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 Raoul I De Coucy 2336 Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 (153)...Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428 Charles De Valois 1827 Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601 Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828

Page 63

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edmund Plantagenet 1829 Henry Plantagenet 1602

Maternal Ancestry

Louis Capet 2338 Philippe Auguste 2160 Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339 2059 Louis Viii The Lion Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161 Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341 1943 Robert I Count Of Artois Sancho Alfonsez 2342 Alfonso Sanchez 2162 Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2343 2060 Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] Henry Plantagenet 2344 Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163 Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345 1830 Blanche D Artois Mahaut Artois [De Brabant] 1944 (154)...Henry Plantagenet 1429 Patrick De Chaworth 1831 Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1832

Louis De Brienne 1833 Henry Beaumont 1604 Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834 (155)...Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 Alexander Comyn 1835 Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605 Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836

Humphrey De Bohun 1837 Humphrey De Bohun 1606 Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838 1431 (156)...William De Bohun

Richard Fitzalan 1839 Edmund Fitzalan 1607 Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840 1433 (157)...Richard Fitzalan William De Warenne 1841 Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842

Page 64

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edmund Crouchback 1843 Henry Plantagenet 1609 Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844 (158)...Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434 Patrick De Chaworth 1845 Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1846 John De Cobham 1847 Reginald De Cobham 1611 Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1848

Maternal Ancestry

(159)...Reynold De Cobham 1435 William De Ferrers 1849 Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 William De Ferrers [D Evere] 1850

Maurice De Berkeley 1851 Thomas De Berkeley 1613 Eve La Zouche 1852 (160)...Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 Roger Mortimer 1853 Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614 Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] 1854

John Mautravers 1855 John Maltravers 1615 Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 1437 (161)...John Maltravers Maurice De Berkeley 1857 Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616

Mr. Unknown 1617 (162)...Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438

Thomas Colepeper 1858 Thomas Colepeper 1618 Thomas Colepeper 1859 1439 (163)...John Colepeper John Bayhalle 1860 Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 Joanna Bayhalle 1861

Page 65

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Hardreshull 1862 John Hardreshull 1620 Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863 (164)...Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 James Stafford 1864 Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621 Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1865

Maternal Ancestry

Thomas De Greene 1866 Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 1622 Thomas De Greene Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 1441 (165)...Nicholas De Greene Eudo La Zouche 1868 Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623

Bernard Bruce 1869 John (166)...Joan Bruce 1442 John Hardreshull 1620 Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1625 Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621 Bruce 1624 Agnes Bruce 1870

Henry Norreys 1951 (167)...John Norreys 1875 Agnes Norreys [De Ireland] 1952

William De Balderston 1953 (168)...Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 William De Balderston 1954

Robert Ernois 1955 (169)...Roger De Ernys 1877 William De Molyneux 1957 Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1956 Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958

Page 66

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William De Molyneux 1957 (170)...Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878 Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958

Maternal Ancestry

Ralph Holland 1959 (171)...Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960

William Stanley 1961 (172)...John De Stanley 1881 Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962

Thomas De Latham 1963 (173)...Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964

William De Molyneux 1965 Richard De Molyneux 1885 Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 (174)...William De Molyneux 1636 Richard Donne 1967 Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 Ms. Donne 1968

Mr. Scarisbrick 1969 Unknown Scarisbrick Scarisbrick 1887 (175)...Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637

William De Molyneux 1965 (176)...Richard De Molyneux 1885 Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966

Richard Donne 1967 (177)...Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 Ms. Donne 1968

Page 67

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Mr. Scarisbrick 1969 (178)...Unknown Scarisbrick Scarisbrick 1887

Maternal Ancestry

Richard Cerizeaux 2061 Richard Cerizeaux 2061 Reinfred De Arundel 2164 Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 John Cerizeaux 1976 Reinfred De Arundel 2164 Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 (179)...Richard Sergeaux 1892 Joan Cerizeaux 1977

John Seneschal 2063 John Seneschal 1978 John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064 (180)...Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893 Oger Keningk 2065 Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 Alan De Bloisois 2166 Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167

John Seneschal 1980 (181)...John Seneschal 1894

Oger Keningk 1981 (182)...Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895 Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982

Edmund Fitzalan 1983 (183)...Richard Fitzalan 1896 Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984

Hugh Le Despenser 1985 (184)...Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

William De Montagu 1987 (185)...William De Montagu 1898 Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988

William De Grandison 1989 (186)...Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

John Howard 1991 (187)...John Howard 1900 Fulk V De Anjou 2604 ...(215) Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 ...(216) 2423 Henry II Of England Henry I Beauclerc 2606 ...(217) Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549 Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 ...(218) 2346 John Lackland Plantagenet William X Toulousan 2550 Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424 Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 2168 Earl Richard Guillaume Taillefer 2552 Aymer De Taillefer 2425 Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347 Pierre Prince Of France 2554 Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 2067 Richard De John Cornwall Ralph De Valletort 2556 Roger De Valletort 2427 Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy] 2557 Reginald De Valletort 2348 Alesia De Valletort 2428 2169 Joan De Valletort Ralph Basset 2608 ...(219) Thomas De Basset 2558 Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 ...(220) 2429 Thomas Bassett Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 ...(221) Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 ...(222) 2349 Joan De Valletort [Basset] William Malbank 2612 ...(223) William Malbank 2560 Petronilla Scudamore 2613 ...(224) Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 Payne De Beauchamp 2614 ...(225) Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 Rohese De Vere 2615 ...(226) 1992 Joan Howard [De Cornwall]

Page 70

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ernald Boys 2431 Ernald Boys 2350 Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 John De Boys 2170 Amicia Boys [Of England] 2351 2068 Robert De Boys Amica Hastings 2171 Robert De Bosco 1993 William Le Latimer 2433 William Le Latimer 2352 William I Le Latimer 2434 William Le Latimer 2172 Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435 Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2436 Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 Henry De Braybrook 2437 Walter De Ledet 2354 Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 Robert Lisle 2439 Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2355 Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 (188)...Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 William Le Latimer 2441 William Le Latimer 2356 William I Le Latimer 2442 William Le Latimer 2174 Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443 Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2444 William Latimer 2070 Henry De Braybrook 2445 Walter De Ledet 2358 Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 Robert Lisle 2447 Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2359 Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 Robert De Thweng 2449 Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 Robert De Thweng 2176 Peter De Brus 2451 Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071 Richard Hansard 2453 Robert Hansard 2362 Richard Hansard 2454 Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363

Maternal Ancestry

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

William Scales 2455 Richard Scales 2364 Robert Scales 2178 Alice Scales [Roucester] 2365 Robert Scales 2072 Ms. Scales [Clemence] 2179 Robert De Scales 1995 Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 (189)...Robert De Scales 1902 Renaud De Courtenay 2456 Robert De Courtenay 2366 Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457 John De Courtenay 2180 William De Reviers 2458 Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 Hugh De Courtenay 2074 Robert De Vere 2460 Hugh De Vere 2368 Isabel De Vere [Bolebec] 2461 Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 Saher De Quincy 2462 Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369 Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 2463 Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996 Thomas Despencer 2464 Hugh Le Despencer 2370 Rohese De Foix 2465 Hugh Le Despencer 2182 Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371 Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 Alan Bassett 2466 Philip Basset 2372 Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 Aline Bassett 2183 Matthew De Lovaine 2468 Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 Muriel De Lovaine 2469

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Nigel De Peyton 2470 John De Peyton 2374 Ms. Unknown 2471 2184 Robert D Ufford Agnes Unknown 2375 Robert D Ufford 2076 Geoffrey De Saye 2472 William De Say 2376 Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 2473 Mary De Saye 2185 John Marshall 2474 Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 Robert De Ufford 1997 John De Valoines 2476 Robert De Valoines 2378 Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 2477 Robert De Valoines 2186 William Le Blount 2478 Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379 Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479 Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 William De Criketot 2480 William Criketot 2380 William Le Blount 2478 Agnes Le Blount 2481 Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479 2187 Eve De Valoines [Criketot] Agnes Blunde 2381 Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482 (190)...Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998

Thomas Tendering 1999 (191)...William Tendring 1904 Agnes Tendering [Holbroke] 2000

Page 73

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Roger De Kerdeston 2382 William De Kerdeston 2188 Roger De Kerdeston 2078 Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 2001 William Kerdeston John Patenham 2483 John Patenham 2383 Winifred Patenham 2484 2190 William Patenham Margaret Patenham [Clements] 2384 Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 John De Euxton 2385 Margaret De Euxton 2191 John De Euxton 2386 1905 (192)...Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] Reginald Bacon 2485 Richard Bacon 2387 Lady Bacon [Meschines] 2486 2192 Robert Bacon Conan Mynston 2487 Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 Ms. Unknown 2488 2080 Adam Bacon Robert Bingham 2489 Robert De Hingham 2389 Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 2193 Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 2390 2002 Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] Pagan De Felton 2491 William De Felton 2391 2194 Simon Felton William De Felton 2392 2081 Margery Bacon [Felton] John Le Strange 2492 John Le Strange 2393 Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 2195 Hawise Strange Roger De Somery 2494 Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan] 2495

Maternal Ancestry

John De Wauton 2003 (193)...Thomas De Wauton 1908 John De Wauton 2004

Page 74

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] John Aspall 2005 (194)...Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 2006

Maternal Ancestry

William Le Boteler 2007 (195)...William Le Boteler 1910 Sybil Le Boteler 2008

Nicholas De Havering 2009 (196)...Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 Joan Bryan 2010

Robert Plumpton 2011 (197)...William De Plumpton 1912 Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012

John Mowbray 2013 (198)...Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 Alice De Braose 2014

Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 2224 (199)...Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499

Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 (200)...Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225 Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 Annest Verch Gwynedd [Rhys] 2505 2226 (201)...Caradog Ap Thomas Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507

Maternal Ancestry

Gruffydd Ap Beli 2508 Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 Gruffydd Ap Beli 2509 (202)...Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2402

Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 ...(227) Fulk V De Anjou 2403 Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 ...(228) 2274 Geoffrey V Plantagenet Elias Helie 2512 ...(229) Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 2128 Henry II Of England William I Conqueror 2514 ...(230) Henry I Beauclerc 2405 Matilda Flanders 2515 ...(231) Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275 Malcolm Canmore 2516 Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406 Margaret Atheling 2517 ...(232) 2043 (203)...John Lackland Plantagenet William Aquitaine 2518 ...(233) Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 ...(234) 2276 William X Toulousan Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 ...(235) Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 ...(236) 2129 Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 ...(237) Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 ...(238) Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 ...(239) Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 ...(240)

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Guillaume Taillefer 2278 Aymer De Taillefer 2130 Archambaud De Comborn 2667 Bernard I De Comborn 2590 Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 2668 Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 Hugues Garcin De Courson 2669 Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591 Aline De Courson [De Barmont] 2670 2411 Ademar De Limoges Ademar De Limoges 2592 Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527 Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 2593 Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 Foulques Taillefer 2594 Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 Guillaume Taillefer 2528 Qunormau Vagena 2673 Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 Qunormau Vagena 2674 Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675 Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676 Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 Mrs Amanieu De Benauges De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 2597 (204)...Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044 Pierre Prince Of France 2280 Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 Athon De Courtenay 2677 Josceline De Courtenay 2598 Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 2530 Milo De Courtenay Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680 2413 Reginald De Courtenay William I De Nevers 2681 Renaud De Nevers 2600 Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 Artaud De Forez 2683 Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 2281 Isabelle France [De Courtenay] Mr. Du Donjon Corbeil 2685 Everard De Donjon 2602 Frederic De Donjon 2532 Everard De Donjon 2603 Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533

Maternal Ancestry

Page 77

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Alphonso The Chaste 2282 Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2283 (205)...Raymond Berenger 2045 Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285

Maternal Ancestry

Humbert Savoy 2286 Thomas I Savoy 2134 Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 (206)...Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289

Alfonso Raimundez 2290 King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291 2047 (207)...Alfonso The Slobberer Affonso I Henriquez 2292 Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137 Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 2293

Alfonso Raimundez 2290 Sancho Alfonsez 2294 Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291 2138 Alfonso Sanchez Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2295 (208)...Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 Henry II Of England 2296 Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2139 Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297

Alberic I De Mello 2298 Aubrey Dammartin 2140 Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 2049 (209)...Simon De Dammartin Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301

Page 78

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Jean I De Ponthieu 2302 William Ponthieu 2142 Beatrice De Saint Pol 2303 (210)...Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 Louis Capet 2304 Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305 Louis Capet 2415 Philip Augustus Capet 2306 Theobald De Blois 2534 Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416 Mathilde Princess Carinthia 2535 2144 Louis Capet Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307 Dietrich D Alsace 2538 Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539

Maternal Ancestry

(211)...Louis Capet 2051 Alfonso Raimundez 2540 Sancho Alfonsez 2419 Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2541 2308 Alfonso Sanchez Garcias V Ramirez 2542 Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420 Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 2543 2145 Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544 Henry Plantagenet 2421 Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2545 Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309 William X Toulousan 2546 Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422 Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547

Alphonso The Chaste 2314 Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315 Raymond Berenger 2146 Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 (212)...Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052 Thomas I Savoy 2312 Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313

Page 79

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Alphonso The Chaste 2314 Pedro King Aragon 2148 Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315 2053 (213)...Jaime I Mallorc Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149 Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317

Maternal Ancestry

Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 (214)...Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054 Pierre De Courtenay 2320 Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 2321

Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 2686 Fulk "rechin" D'anjou Foulques Le Anjou 2763 Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764 2604 (215)...Fulk V De Anjou Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 Simon De Montfort 2716 Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 Richard D Evreux 2767 Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768

Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 Jean De La Fleche 2718 Herbert I Du Maine 2771 Paule Du Maine 2770 Elias Helie 2688 Herbert I Du Maine 2771 Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 Bertha De Chartres 2772 2605 (216)...Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689

Page 80

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774 William I Conqueror 2690 Fulbert De Falaise 2775 Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 Doda De Falaise 2776 (217)...Henry I Beauclerc 2606 Baudouin Flanders 2777 Baudouin V Flanders 2722 Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778 Matilda Flanders 2691 Robert Capet 2779 Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780

Malcolm Canmore 2692 (218)...Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 Edmund Ironside 2781 Edward Atheling 2724 Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 Margaret Atheling 2693 Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783 Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2784

Page 81

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Dead End Basset 2918 Bathel Basset 2884 Norman De Basset 2841 Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885 Osmond De Centville 2785 Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842 Fouque De Aulney 2726 Osmond De Centville 2786 Thurston Basset 2694 Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727 (219)...Ralph Basset 2608 Isembert De Broyes 2787 Theobald I De Blois 2886 ...(241) Odo I De Blois 2843 Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 ...(242) 2788 Heloise De Blois Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 ...(243) Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 ...(244) 2728 Hugh Bardoul Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 ...(245) Theobald I De Blois 2886 Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 ...(246) 2843 Odo I De Blois Herbert De Vermandois 2921 ...(247) Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 ...(248) 2788 Heloise De Blois Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 ...(249) Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 ...(250) Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 Louis France 2925 ...(251) Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 ...(252) 2695 Isabel De Broyes Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours] 2729

Page 82

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 Robert De Brusse 2730 Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790 Robert De Bruce 2696 Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 (220)...Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609

Maternal Ancestry

William I Longsword 2927 ...(253) Richard I Normandy 2890 Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 ...(254) Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 Herbastus De Crepon 2929 ...(255) Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 ...(256) Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 Juhel Berenger 2931 ...(257) Conan I Bretagne 2892 Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 ...(258) Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933 ...(259) Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893 Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 ...(260) Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 Fouques I D Anjou 2935 ...(261) Foulques Le Anjou 2894 Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 ...(262) Albert De Corbeil 2847 Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 ...(263) Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 Rotbold Arles 2938 Germaine De Corbeil 2794 Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848 2697 Agnes De Saint Clare Richard I Normandy 2896 Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 Herbastus De Crepon 2939 ...(264) Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 ...(265) Richard Iii De Normandie 2795 Juhel Berenger 2941 ...(266) Conan I Bretagne 2898 Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 ...(267) Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943 ...(268) Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899 Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 ...(269) Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 Mrs Richard Iii Concubine 2796

Page 83

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901 William I Conqueror 2797 Fulbert De Falaise 2902 Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 Doda De Falaise 2903 Henry I Beauclerc 2734 Baudouin Flanders 2904 Baudouin V Flanders 2853 Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905 Matilda Flanders 2798 Robert Capet 2906 Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907 Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 Roger FitzCorbet 2908 Hugh Le Corbet 2855 Giovanni Carnaghi 2909 Robert Corbet 2799 Ms. Normandy 2856 2735 Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] Henri I France 2910 Hugues De France 2857 Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911 2800 Isabel De Vermandois Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre] 2913 2610 (221)...Alan Reginald Dedunstanville Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737

Ralph De Langetot 2801 Ralph De Langetot 2738 Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802 2700 Ralph De Langetot Milo Crispin 2803 Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 2739 Matilda Crispin [De Noyers] 2804 2611 (222)...Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] Emma De Langetot 2701

William Malbank 2740 William Malbank 2702 (223)...William Malbank 2612 Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2703

Page 84

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Titus De Scudamore 2805 Walter De Scudamore 2741 Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806 2704 Godfrey De Scudamore Walter De Scudamore 2742 2613 (224)...Petronilla Scudamore Elias Helias Gifford 2807 2743 Elias Giffard Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808 Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810

Maternal Ancestry

Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 Walter De Beauchamp 2745 Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 2706 Hugh De Beauchamp Urso Abbott 2813 Emiline Abbott 2746 2614 (225)...Payne De Beauchamp Richard FitzGerold 2814 Ives Taillebois 2747 Ermengard D Anjou 2815 2707 Matilda Taillebois Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817

Alphonso Ghesnes 2818 Alberic De Vere 2749 Katherine De Flanders 2819 2708 Aubrey De Vere Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 2615 (226)...Rohese De Vere Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825

Page 85

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 (227)...Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 Foulques Le Anjou 2618 Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619

Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 Simon De Montfort 2564 Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 (228)...Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 Richard D Evreux 2622 Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623

Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 Jean De La Fleche 2566 Herbert I Du Maine 2626 Paule Du Maine 2625 (229)...Elias Helie 2512 Herbert I Du Maine 2626 Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 Bertha De Chartres 2627

Page 86

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 ...(270) William I Longsword 2753 Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 ...(271) 2710 Richard I Normandy Hubert Senlis 2828 ...(272) Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 Herfast De Crepon 2830 Herbastus De Crepon 2755 Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 ...(273) Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 Mr. Stop 2832 Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 2568 Duke Of Normandy Robert I Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 ...(274) Juhel Berenger 2757 Ms. De Rennes 2834 ...(275) 2712 Conan I Bretagne Heinrich I Germans 2835 ...(276) Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 ...(277) 2629 Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] Foulques Le Anjou 2837 ...(278) Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2759 Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 ...(279) Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713 Robert De Vermandois 2839 ...(280) Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840 ...(281) 2514 (230)...William I Conqueror Fulbert De Falaise 2630 Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 Doda De Falaise 2631

Baudouin Flanders 2632 Baudouin V Flanders 2570 Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633 2515 (231)...Matilda Flanders Robert Capet 2634 Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635

Page 87

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edmund Ironside 2636 Edward Atheling 2572 Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 2517 (232)...Margaret Atheling Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638 Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2639 William Ironarm 2640 William Aquitaine 2574 Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641

Maternal Ancestry

(233)...William Aquitaine 2518 Otto Guillaume 2642 Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643

Robert Capet 2644 Robert I Capet 2576 Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645 (234)...Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 I Dalmace* 2646 Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577 Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647

William Taillefer 2648 Pons Count Albi 2578 Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649 (235)...Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 Bernard I De La Marche 2650 Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651

Harlevin De Conteville 2652 Robert De Mortaigne 2580 Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 (236)...Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 Roger De Montgomery 2654 Maude De Montgomery 2581 Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655

Page 88

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657 (237)...Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657

Maternal Ancestry

Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 Aimery De Thouars 2584 Aenor De Thouars 2659 (238)...Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 Waleran De Meulan 2660 Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661

Renaud Borel Capet 2662 Archimbaud Borel 2586 Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663 (239)...Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664 Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 Aldearde Thours 2665

Hughes De Bouchard 2666 Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588 (240)...Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664 Agnes De L Isle Bouchard 2589

Eudes De Chartres 2951 Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 Ms. De Chartres 2952 2886 (241)...Theobald I De Blois Hugh De Bourges 2953 Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954

Page 89

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 Herbert De Vermandois 2921 Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956 (242)...Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 Robert I France 2957 Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958

Maternal Ancestry

Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960 (243)...Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 Richard I Von Swabia 2961 Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962

Charles The Simple 2963 Louis France 2925 Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964 (244)...Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 Heinrich I Germans 2965 Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966

Eudes De Chartres 2951 (245)...Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 Ms. De Chartres 2952

Hugh De Bourges 2953 (246)...Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954

Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 (247)...Herbert De Vermandois 2921 Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956

Robert I France 2957 (248)...Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958

Page 90

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 (249)...Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960

Maternal Ancestry

Richard I Von Swabia 2961 (250)...Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962

Charles The Simple 2963 (251)...Louis France 2925 Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964

Heinrich I Germans 2965 (252)...Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966

Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 (253)...William I Longsword 2927 Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968

Hubert Senlis 2969 (254)...Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970

Herfast De Crepon 2971 (255)...Herbastus De Crepon 2929 Thyri Klacksdottir 2972

Mr. Stop 2973 (256)...Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930

Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 (257)...Juhel Berenger 2931 Ms. De Rennes 2975

Page 91

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Heinrich I Germans 2976 (258)...Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977

Maternal Ancestry

Foulques Le Anjou 2978 (259)...Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933 Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979

Robert De Vermandois 2980 (260)...Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 Adelais Countess Vermandois 2981

Ingelger I Orlean 2982 (261)...Fouques I D Anjou 2935 Aelinde De Amboise 2983

Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 (262)...Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 Thistburge De Arles 2985

Berillo I De Vienne 2986 (263)...Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 2987

Herfast De Crepon 2988 (264)...Herbastus De Crepon 2939 Thyri Klacksdottir 2989

Mr. Stop 2990 (265)...Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940

Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 (266)...Juhel Berenger 2941 Ms. De Rennes 2992

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Maternal Ancestry

Heinrich I Germans 2993 (267)...Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994

Foulques Le Anjou 2995 (268)...Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943 Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996

Robert De Vermandois 2997 (269)...Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 Adelais Countess Vermandois 2998

Page 93

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] The Viking Sveide 3023 ...(282) Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 ...(283) Ivar Jarl 2999

Maternal Ancestry

Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 ...(284) Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 ...(285) Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 Eystein Glumra 3010 Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000 Rognvald Olafsson 3001 Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 Rognvald Olafsson 3001 Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 2946 Aseda Rognvaldsson Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 Rognvald Olafsson 3003 Hrolf Nefja 2947 Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 Olafsson Unknown 3004 Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 Nn Nefja [Of Norway] 2948 (270)...Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 Asa Haraldsdottir 3018 2949 Rognvald Olafsson Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020 Hrolf Nefja 2916 Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 2950 Olafsson Unknown Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917

Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 (271)...Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 2863

Page 94

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Pepin I De Vermandois 2864 (272)...Hubert Senlis 2828 Bertha De Morvois 2865

Maternal Ancestry

Earl Klaak Harald 2866 (273)...Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 Ms. Queen Aaflaeda 2867

Alain I De Bretagne 2868 (274)...Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869

Mr. Berenger 2870 (275)...Ms. De Rennes 2834 Ms. Brittany 2871

Otto The Illustrious 2872 (276)...Heinrich I Germans 2835 Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873

Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 (277)...Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875

Fouques I D Anjou 2876 (278)...Foulques Le Anjou 2837 Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877

Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 (279)...Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 Rotbold Arles 2879

Herbert De Vermandois 2880 (280)...Robert De Vermandois 2839 Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881

Page 95

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Gilbert Gislebert 2882 (281)...Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840 Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883

Maternal Ancestry

Snaer Jokulsson 3040 Mr. Mr. Gorr 3027 (282)...The Viking Sveide 3023 Fhorri 3034 Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland] 3041

Eirik Agnarsson 3028 (283)...Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 Halfdan Haroldsson 3056 Ivar Vidfadma 3053 Sigris Frodasson 3057 Roric Slingeband 3051 Halfdan Frodasson 3068 ...(286) Olof Halfdansson 3062 Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter] 3069 3058 Alf Olafsson Helgi Halfdansson 3063 Sigris Frodasson 3070 ...(287) 3054 Gauthild Alfsdatter Alf Olafsson 3059 Harald Hildetand 3050 Valdar Hroarsson 3071 ...(288) Harald Valdarsson 3064 Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 ...(289) Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074 ...(290) Ivar Halfdansson 3055 Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 ...(291) King Cynric 3066 Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 Valdar Hroarsson 3077 ...(292) Hildis Af Vandals 3067 Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 ...(293) Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 Thrond Throndsson 3042 Eystein Throndsson 3035 Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 Halfdan Solfasson 3044 Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3045

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Thrond Throndsson 3046 Eystein Throndsson 3038 Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 3031 Hogne Eysteinsson Halfdan Solfasson 3048 Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3049 3025 (284)...Eystein Glumra Hognasson Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032

(285)...Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 Hognl Eysteinsson 3033

Fridleif Frodasson 3093 Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094 3068 (286)...Halfdan Frodasson Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080

Alrek Agnasson 3128 Yngvi Alreksson 3117 Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 3095 Jorund Yngvasson Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 3081 Aun Jorundsson Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 3070 (287)...Sigris Frodasson

Halfdan Frodasson 3097 Hroar Halfdansson 3082 Sigris Frodasson 3098 3071 (288)...Valdar Hroarsson Norbrii Northumberland 3099 Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3100

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Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 Grim Hergrimsson 3141 Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 Stark Aludregn 3152 Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 Mr. Svaflam 3143 Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 Bjatmar Unknown 3144 Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 Harald Unknown 3121 Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 (289)...Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Miecislaus I Heruli 3154 Radagaisus Vandals 3145 Ms. Unknown 3155 3134 Gondeguslus Of Vandals Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 3122 King Gonderic Flora Of Vandals 3135 Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 3085 King Tharsamund Ms. Goths [Eurica] 3104 (290)...Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074 Prince Walaravens 3156 Winithar Ostragoths 3147 Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 Vandalar Av Ostrogoths 3137 Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 Mr. Adulphus 3138 Erelicia Ostrogoths 3125 Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 Hutterus Heruli 3157 Hutterus Vislaus 3148 Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158 3139 Vitilaus King Heruli Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149 3126 Adulphus Goths Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140 3106 Theodora Goths Ms. Unknown 3127

Maternal Ancestry

Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 Cerdic Wessex 3087 Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108 3075 (291)...Prince Of Wessex Crioda Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088

Halfdan Frodasson 3109 Hroar Halfdansson 3089 Sigris Frodasson 3110 3077 (292)...Valdar Hroarsson Norbrii Northumberland 3111 Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3112

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Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 Hilderic Vandals 3091 Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114 (293)...Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 King Thrasamund 3115 Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092 Amfleda Des Ostrogoths 3116

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3. DIRECT RELATIONS Generation of Grandchildren 1. ROBERT PAUL MITCHELL (Caroline's fifth cousin, twice removed) was born on 26 September 1973, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA, to Samuel Paul Mitchell 2 and Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley] 3. Citations: Source 19. Note 1 applies. Note 2 applies. Name: Robert Paul Mitchell Birth Date: 26 Sep 1973 Birth Place: Dallas, Texas (Name). Source 16. Note 3 applies. Note 4 applies. Name: Robert Paul Mitchell (Name). Source 19. Note 5 applies. Note 6 applies. Name: Robert Paul Mitchell Birth Date: 26 Sep 1973 Birth Place: Dallas, Texas (Birth). Generation of Children 2. SAMUEL PAUL MITCHELL (Caroline's fifth cousin, once removed) was born on 25 November 1932, in Chillocothe, MO, to holly William Mitchell 5 and Eileen Josephine Mitchell [Phillips] 6. 3. JOY ELAINE MITCHELL [FARLEY] (Caroline's fifth cousin's wife, once removed) was born on 20 December 1932 to Albert Wesley Farley 3159 and Goldie Fern Farley [Earles] 3160. [See also: Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]] Samuel Paul Mitchell 2 married Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]. They had one son: Robert Paul Mitchell 1 in 1973 Generation of Peers 4. CAROLINE LORRAINE MITCHELL [JAMES] (The subject of this report) was born on 15 October 1975, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA, to Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 and Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8, as shown in family tree 1. Citation: Source 16. Note 7 applies. Note 8 applies. Name: Caroline Lorraine James (Name). Caroline married her fifth cousin, twice removed, Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Robert Paul Mitchell 1, aged 28, married Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James], aged 26, on 6 September 2002 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 5. HOLLY WILLIAM MITCHELL (Caroline's fifth cousin) was born on 26 July 1896, in West Virginia, to George W Mitchell 10 and Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. In 1910, aged about 13, he resided at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 9 applies. Note 10 applies. Name: Holly Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1897 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 11 applies. Note 12 applies. Name: Holly Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1897 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Birth). Page 101

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Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 13 applies. Note 14 applies. Name: Holly Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1897 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Residence in 1910). 6. EILEEN JOSEPHINE MITCHELL [PHILLIPS] (Caroline's fifth cousin's wife) was born in 1908. holly William Mitchell 5 married Eileen Josephine Mitchell [Phillips]. They had one son: Samuel Paul Mitchell 2 in 1932 Generation of Parents 7. EDWARD TILMON JR. JAMES (Caroline's father) was born on 29 February 1952, in El Paso, Texas, to Edward Tilmon James 11 and Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12, as shown in family tree 2. Citations: Source 24. Note 15 applies. Note 16 applies. Name: Eliza A Smithey Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Name). Source 19. Note 17 applies. Note 18 applies. Name: Edward Tilmon JR. James Birth Date: 29 Feb 1952 Birth Place: El Paso, Texas (Name). Source 24. Note 19 applies. Note 20 applies. Name: Edward T Jr James Birth Date: 1952 Birth Place: (Name). Source 22. Note 21 applies. Note 22 applies. Name: Edward T jr James Birth Date: 1952 Birth Place: (Name). Source 24. Note 23 applies. Note 24 applies. Name: Eliza A Smithey Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 19. Note 25 applies. Note 26 applies. Name: Edward Tilmon JR. James Birth Date: 29 Feb 1952 Birth Place: El Paso, Texas (Birth). Source 24. Note 27 applies. Note 28 applies. Name: Edward T Jr James Birth Date: 1952 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 22. Note 29 applies. Note 30 applies. Name: Edward T jr James Birth Date: 1952 Birth Place: (Birth). 8. ELIZA ANN JAMES [SMITHEY] (Caroline's mother) was born on 28 October 1953, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA, to Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 and Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15, as shown in family tree 3.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Citations: Source 19. Note 31 applies. Note 32 applies. Name: Eliza Ann Smithey Birth Date: 28 Oct 1953 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 24. Note 33 applies. Note 34 applies. Name: Eliza A Smithey Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Name). Source 22. Note 35 applies. Note 36 applies. Name: Eliza A [James] Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Name). Source 19. Note 37 applies. Note 38 applies. Name: Eliza Ann Smithey Birth Date: 28 Oct 1953 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 24. Note 39 applies. Note 40 applies. Name: Eliza A Smithey Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 22. Note 41 applies. Note 42 applies. Name: Eliza A [James] Birth Date: 1954 Birth Place: (Birth). Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 married Eliza Ann James [Smithey]. They had one daughter: Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4 in 1975 This family is shown as family tree 1.

Direct Relations

9. SUSAN MITCHELL [STUTLER] (Caroline's fourth cousin, once removed) was born on 9 March 1862, in Roane, Virginia, USA, to Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 and Rebecca Goff 16. In 1910, aged about 48, she resided at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. In 1920, aged about 58, she resided at Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 43 applies. Note 44 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1862 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T625_933; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 89; Image: 1085. Note 45 applies. Note 46 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 47 applies. Note 48 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell

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Birth Date: abt 1862 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T625_933; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 89; Image: 1085. Note 49 applies. Note 50 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 51 applies. Note 52 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1862 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T625_933; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 89; Image: 1085. Note 53 applies. Note 54 applies. Name: Susan Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri (Residence in 1920). 10. GEORGE W MITCHELL (Caroline's fourth cousin's husband, once removed) was born about 1857, in West Virginia. In 1870, aged about 13, he resided at Curtis, Roane, West Virginia. In 1910, aged about 53, he resided at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 55 applies. Note 56 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 57 applies. Note 58 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Curtis, Roane, West Virginia (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 59 applies. Note 60 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 61 applies. Note 62 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Curtis, Roane, West Virginia Page 104

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(Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 63 applies. Note 64 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Curtis, Roane, West Virginia (Residence in 1870). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri; Roll: T624_795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 81; Image: 920. Note 65 applies. Note 66 applies. Name: George W Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri (Residence in 1910). George W Mitchell married Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. They had one son: holly William Mitchell 5 in 1896 Generation of Grandparents 11. EDWARD TILMON JAMES (Caroline's grandfather) was born on 2 February 1929, in Weona, Poinsett, Arkansas, USA, to Jessie Tillman James 19 and Mary Ada James [Woods] 20, as shown in family tree 4. Edward died on 8 April 1995, aged 66, in Garland, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Source 18, page Number: 432-48-0385; Issue State: Arkansas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 67 applies. Note 68 applies. Name: Edward T. James Birth Date: 2 Feb 1930 Birth Place: Death Date: 8 Apr 1995 Death Place: Garland, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Name). Source 21. Note 69 applies. Note 70 applies. Name: Edward James Death Date: 8 Apr 1995 Death Place: Dallas, Texas (Name). Source 22. Note 71 applies. Note 72 applies. Name: Edward T James Birth Date: 1930 Birth Place: (Name). Source 18, page Number: 432-48-0385; Issue State: Arkansas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 73 applies. Note 74 applies. Name: Edward T. James Birth Date: 2 Feb 1930 Birth Place: Death Date: 8 Apr 1995 Death Place: Garland, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Birth). Source 22. Note 75 applies. Note 76 applies. Name: Edward T James Birth Date: 1930 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 18, page Number: 432-48-0385; Issue State: Arkansas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 77 applies. Note 78 applies. Name: Edward T. James Birth Date: 2 Feb 1930

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Birth Place: Death Date: 8 Apr 1995 Death Place: Garland, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Death). Source 21. Note 79 applies. Note 80 applies. Name: Edward James Death Date: 8 Apr 1995 Death Place: Dallas, Texas (Death). 12. DAISY RUTH HUMPHREY (Caroline's grandmother), also recorded as Ruth and Dazie Ruth, was born on 3 August 1932 to A H Humphrey 21 and Dazie Humphrey [Hunt] 22, as shown within family tree 1. Daisy died on 23 December 2002, aged 70, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. Daisy married twice. She was married to Edward Tilmon James 11 and Jacob Hellbach 13. Citations: Source 18, page Number: 409-48-8959; Issue State: Tennessee; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 81 applies. Note 82 applies. Name: Ruth H. Helbach Birth Date: 3 Aug 1932 Birth Place: Death Date: 23 Dec 2002 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Name). Source 22. Note 83 applies. Note 84 applies. Name: Edward T James Birth Date: 1930 Birth Place: (Name). Source 18, page Number: 409-48-8959; Issue State: Tennessee; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 85 applies. Note 86 applies. Name: Ruth H. Helbach Birth Date: 3 Aug 1932 Birth Place: Death Date: 23 Dec 2002 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Birth). Source 22. Note 87 applies. Note 88 applies. Name: Edward T James Birth Date: 1930 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 18, page Number: 409-48-8959; Issue State: Tennessee; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 89 applies. Note 90 applies. Name: Ruth H. Helbach Birth Date: 3 Aug 1932 Birth Place: Death Date: 23 Dec 2002 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Death). Edward Tilmon James 11 married Daisy Ruth Humphrey. They had one son: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 in 1952 This family is shown as family tree 2. 13. JACOB HELLBACH (Caroline's grandmother's husband). Jacob Hellbach married Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12, aged about 36, about 1969. 14. TILLMAN ALPHEUS SMITHEY (Caroline's grandfather) was born on 4 April 1926, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA, to Samuel Austin Smithey 23 and Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24, as shown in family tree 5. In 1930, aged about 4, he resided at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. In 1930, aged about 4, he resided at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Citations: Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 91 applies. Note 92 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1926 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Page 106

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Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 19. Note 93 applies. Note 94 applies. Name: Tillman Alpheus Smithey Birth Date: 4 Apr 1926 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 22. Note 95 applies. Note 96 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: 1926 Birth Place: (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 97 applies. Note 98 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1926 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 19. Note 99 applies. Note 100 applies. Name: Tillman Alpheus Smithey Birth Date: 4 Apr 1926 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 22. Note 101 applies. Note 102 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: 1926 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 103 applies. Note 104 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1926 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1930). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 105 applies. Note 106 applies. Name: Tillman A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1926 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1930). 15. DOROTHY JEANNE SMITHEY [GRAY] (Caroline's grandmother) was born on 20 October 1926, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA, to Raymond Allen Gray 25 and Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26, as shown in family tree 6. Dorothy died on 17 July 2005, aged 78, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 18, page Number: 458-48-3626; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 107 applies. Note 108 applies. Name: Jeanne G. Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1926 Birth Place: Death Date: 17 Jul 2005 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas (Name). Source 19. Note 109 applies. Note 110 applies. Name: Dorothy Jeanne Gray Birth Date: 20 Oct 1926 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Page 107

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Source 22. Note 111 applies. Note 112 applies. Name: Jeanne [Smithey] Birth Date: 1926 Birth Place: (Name). Source 18, page Number: 458-48-3626; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 113 applies. Note 114 applies. Name: Jeanne G. Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1926 Birth Place: Death Date: 17 Jul 2005 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas (Birth). Source 19. Note 115 applies. Note 116 applies. Name: Dorothy Jeanne Gray Birth Date: 20 Oct 1926 Birth Place: Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 22. Note 117 applies. Note 118 applies. Name: Jeanne [Smithey] Birth Date: 1926 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 18, page Number: 458-48-3626; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 119 applies. Note 120 applies. Name: Jeanne G. Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1926 Birth Place: Death Date: 17 Jul 2005 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas (Death). Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 married Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray]. They had one daughter: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 in 1953 This family is shown as family tree 3. 16. REBECCA GOFF (Caroline's third cousin, twice removed) was born in Glenville, Lewis, Virginia, USA to Salathiel Goff 28 and Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Rebecca died in Roane, West Virginia, USA. Rebecca married twice. She was married to Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 and John Adam Stutler 18. 17. JOSIAH NELSON STUTLER (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed) was born in Harrison, Virginia, USA to John Adam Stutler 18 and Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423. In 1900 he resided at Reedy, Roane, West Virginia. Josiah died in Reedy, Roane, West Virginia, USA. [See also: Indirectly Related via Josiah Nelson Stutler] Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia; Roll: T623 1772; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 100. Note 121 applies. Note 122 applies. Name: Josiah Stutler Birth Date: abt 1824 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Jackson, Ohio; Roll: M653_992; Page: 83; Image: 166. Note 123 applies. Note 124 applies. Name: John Stutler Birth Date: abt 1824 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Jackson, Ohio (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia; Roll: T623 1772; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 100. Note 125 applies. Note 126 applies. Name: Josiah Stutler

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Birth Date: abt 1824 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Jackson, Ohio; Roll: M653_992; Page: 83; Image: 166. Note 127 applies. Note 128 applies. Name: John Stutler Birth Date: abt 1824 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Jackson, Ohio (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia; Roll: T623 1772; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 100. Note 129 applies. Note 130 applies. Name: Josiah Stutler Birth Date: abt 1824 Birth Place: West Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Reedy, Roane, West Virginia (Residence in 1900). Josiah Nelson Stutler married Rebecca Goff 16 in Wirt, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 in 1862 18. JOHN ADAM STUTLER (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed) was born in Kincheloe, Harrison, Virginia, USA to John Adam Stutler 3424 and Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425. John died in 1873 in Roane, West Virginia, USA. John married twice. He was married to Rebecca Goff 16 and Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423 (his indirect relation). [See also: Indirectly Related via John Adam Stutler] John Adam Stutler married Rebecca Goff 16. Generation of Great-Grandparents 19. JESSIE TILLMAN JAMES (Caroline's great-grandfather) was born in Jasper, Walker, Alabama, USA to John Franklin James 29 and Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30, as shown in family tree 7. In 1900 he resided at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. In 1910 he resided at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. In 1930 he resided at Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas. Jessie died in Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 131 applies. Note 132 applies. Name: Jesse T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 133 applies. Note 134 applies. Name: Jessie Tillman James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas; Roll: 88; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 854.0. Note 135 applies. Note 136 applies. Name: Jessie T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Page 109

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Note 137 applies. Note 138 applies. Name: Jesse T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 139 applies. Note 140 applies. Name: Jessie Tillman James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas; Roll: 88; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 854.0. Note 141 applies. Note 142 applies. Name: Jessie T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 143 applies. Note 144 applies. Name: Jesse T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 145 applies. Note 146 applies. Name: Jessie Tillman James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Residence in 1910). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas; Roll: 88; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 854.0. Note 147 applies. Note 148 applies. Name: Jessie T James Birth Date: abt 1900 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas (Residence in 1930). 20. MARY ADA JAMES [WOODS] (Caroline's great-grandmother) was born in 1903 to James William Woods 31 and Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32, as shown in family tree 8. Jessie Tillman James 19 married Mary Ada James [Woods] in Blytheville, Arkansas, USA. They had one son: Edward Tilmon James 11 in 1929 This family is shown as family tree 4. 21. A H HUMPHREY (Caroline's great-grandfather) was born in 1907. See family tree 1. A died in 1965, aged about 58. 22. DAZIE HUMPHREY [HUNT] (Caroline's great-grandmother) was born in 1906. See family tree 1. Dazie died in 1993, aged about 87. A H Humphrey 21 married Dazie Humphrey [Hunt]. They had one daughter: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 in 1932 This family is shown within family tree 1.

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23. SAMUEL AUSTIN SMITHEY (Caroline's great-grandfather) was born on 7 October 1906, in Texas, to Alpheus Smithey 33 and Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34, as shown in family tree 9. In 1910, aged about 3, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1920, aged about 13, he resided at Cash, Hunt, Texas. In 1930, aged about 23, he resided at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Samuel died in January 1991, aged 84. Citations: Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 149 applies. Note 150 applies. Name: Sam A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 151 applies. Note 152 applies. Name: Samuel Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 634. Note 153 applies. Note 154 applies. Name: Sam Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 155 applies. Note 156 applies. Name: Sam A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 157 applies. Note 158 applies. Name: Samuel Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 634. Note 159 applies. Note 160 applies. Name: Sam Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 161 applies. Note 162 applies. Name: Samuel Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Page 111

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Image: 634. Note 163 applies. Note 164 applies. Name: Sam Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 165 applies. Note 166 applies. Name: Sam A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1906 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1930). 24. CHARLETON SMITHEY [WILSON] (Caroline's great-grandmother) was born on 24 September 1903, in Suphur Springs, Hopkins, Texas, USA, to William Albert Wilson 35 and Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36, as shown in family tree 10. In 1910, aged about 6, she resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1920, aged about 16, she resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1930, aged about 26, she resided at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Charleton died in June 2001, aged 97, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 167 applies. Note 168 applies. Name: Charlton T Smithey Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 169 applies. Note 170 applies. Name: Charleton Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 68; Image: 474. Note 171 applies. Note 172 applies. Name: Chatton t Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 173 applies. Note 174 applies. Name: Charlton T Smithey Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 175 applies. Note 176 applies. Name: Charleton Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration Page 112

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District: 68; Image: 474. Note 177 applies. Note 178 applies. Name: Chatton t Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 68; Image: 474. Note 179 applies. Note 180 applies. Name: Chatton t Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 181 applies. Note 182 applies. Name: Charleton Wilson Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: 2359; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 874.0. Note 183 applies. Note 184 applies. Name: Charlton T Smithey Birth Date: abt 1904 Birth Place: Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1930). Samuel Austin Smithey 23 married Charleton Smithey [Wilson]. They had one son: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 in 1926 This family is shown as family tree 5. 25. RAYMOND ALLEN GRAY (Caroline's great-grandfather) was born on 7 May 1898, in Texas, to Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 and Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38, as shown in family tree 11. In 1900, aged about 2, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. He resided at Not Stated, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 12, he resided at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 12, Raymond resided at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. Raymond died on 19 May 1984, aged 86, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, United States of America. Citations: Source 18, page Number: 464-05-0277; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 185 applies. Note 186 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Death Date: May 1984 Death Place: Greenville, Hunt, Texas, United States of America (Name). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953768; Draft Board: 1. Note 187 applies. Note 188 applies. Name: Raymond Allen Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 21. Note 189 applies. Note 190 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Death Date: 19 May 1984 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration Page 113

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District: 127. Note 191 applies. Note 192 applies. Name: Romond Gray Birth Date: abt 1898 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 193 applies. Note 194 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 195 applies. Note 196 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 18, page Number: 464-05-0277; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 197 applies. Note 198 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Death Date: May 1984 Death Place: Greenville, Hunt, Texas, United States of America (Birth). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953768; Draft Board: 1. Note 199 applies. Note 200 applies. Name: Raymond Allen Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 201 applies. Note 202 applies. Name: Romond Gray Birth Date: abt 1898 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 203 applies. Note 204 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 205 applies. Note 206 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Page 114

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Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 207 applies. Note 208 applies. Name: Romond Gray Birth Date: abt 1898 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953768; Draft Board: 1. Note 209 applies. Note 210 applies. Name: Raymond Allen Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Residence). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 211 applies. Note 212 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 213 applies. Note 214 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: abt 1899 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 18, page Number: 464-05-0277; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 215 applies. Note 216 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Birth Date: 7 May 1898 Birth Place: Death Date: May 1984 Death Place: Greenville, Hunt, Texas, United States of America (Death). Source 21. Note 217 applies. Note 218 applies. Name: Raymond Gray Death Date: 19 May 1984 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Death). 26. CAROLIE GRAY [WILSON] (Caroline's great-grandmother) was born on 17 November 1900, in Cumby, Tx, to William Polk Wilson 39 and Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40, as shown in family tree 12. In 1910, aged about 9, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1910, aged about 9, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1920, aged about 19, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Carolie died on 14 December 1992, aged 92, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. Citations: Source 18, page Number: 459-28-5106; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 219 applies. Note 220 applies. Name: Carolie W. Gray Birth Date: 17 Nov 1900 Birth Place: Death Date: 10 Dec 1992 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 221 applies. Note 222 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson

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Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 223 applies. Note 224 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 225 applies. Note 226 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 21. Note 227 applies. Note 228 applies. Name: Carolie Gray Death Date: 14 Dec 1992 Death Place: Dallas, Texas (Name). Source 18, page Number: 459-28-5106; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 229 applies. Note 230 applies. Name: Carolie W. Gray Birth Date: 17 Nov 1900 Birth Place: Death Date: 10 Dec 1992 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 231 applies. Note 232 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 233 applies. Note 234 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 235 applies. Note 236 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 237 applies. Note 238 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson

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Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 239 applies. Note 240 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 241 applies. Note 242 applies. Name: Carolie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1901 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 18, page Number: 459-28-5106; Issue State: Texas; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 243 applies. Note 244 applies. Name: Carolie W. Gray Birth Date: 17 Nov 1900 Birth Place: Death Date: 10 Dec 1992 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America (Death). Source 21. Note 245 applies. Note 246 applies. Name: Carolie Gray Death Date: 14 Dec 1992 Death Place: Dallas, Texas (Death). Raymond Allen Gray 25 married Carolie Gray [Wilson]. They had one daughter: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 in 1926 This family is shown as family tree 6.

27. MARGARET GOFF [FLESHER] (Caroline's second cousin, three times removed) was born in 1805, in Randolph, Virginia, USA, to John Flesher 42 and Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41. In 1850, aged about 45, she resided at District 70, Wirt, Virginia. Margaret died in 1881/1, aged about 76, in Goliad, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia; Roll: M432_981; Page: 65; Image: 130. Note 247 applies. Note 248 applies. Name: Margaret Goff Birth Date: abt 1805 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia; Roll: M432_981; Page: 65; Image: 130. Note 249 applies. Note 250 applies. Name: Margaret Goff Birth Date: abt 1805 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia; Roll: M432_981; Page: 65; Image: 130. Note 251 applies. Note 252 applies. Name: Margaret Goff

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Birth Date: abt 1805 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 70, Wirt, Virginia (Residence in 1850). 28. SALATHIEL GOFF (Caroline's second cousin's husband, three times removed) was born in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA to John Goff 3589 and Christina Goff [Parsons] 3590. In 1850 he resided at District 63, Taylor, Virginia. Salathiel died in Fannin, Goliad, Texas, USA. [See also: Indirectly Related via Salathiel Goff] Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia; Roll: M432_978; Page: 190; Image: 370. Note 253 applies. Note 254 applies. Name: Salathiel G Goff Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia; Roll: M432_978; Page: 190; Image: 370. Note 255 applies. Note 256 applies. Name: Salathiel G Goff Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia; Roll: M432_978; Page: 190; Image: 370. Note 257 applies. Note 258 applies. Name: Salathiel G Goff Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 63, Taylor, Virginia (Residence in 1850). Salathiel Goff married Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. They had one daughter: Rebecca Goff 16 in Generation of Great-Great-Grandparents 29. JOHN FRANKLIN JAMES (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1864/3, in Mississippi, to W E James 43 and L Ann James [Myers] 44, as shown within family tree 4. In 1900, aged about 36, he resided at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. In 1910, aged about 46, he resided at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. John died in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 259 applies. Note 260 applies. Name: John F James Birth Date: abt 1864 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 261 applies. Note 262 applies. Name: John Franklin James Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134.

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Note 263 applies. Note 264 applies. Name: John F James Birth Date: abt 1864 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 265 applies. Note 266 applies. Name: John Franklin James Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 267 applies. Note 268 applies. Name: John F James Birth Date: abt 1864 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 269 applies. Note 270 applies. Name: John Franklin James Birth Date: abt 1863 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Residence in 1910). 30. NANCY DORENDA JAMES [RANDOLPH] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born in Jasper, Walker, Alabama, USA to James J Randolph 45 and Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46, as shown in family tree 13. In 1880 she resided at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. In 1900 she resided at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. In 1910 she resided at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. Nancy died in Pemiscott, Cancer Liver, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 271 applies. Note 272 applies. Name: Nancy James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 273 applies. Note 274 applies. Name: Nancy D James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 275 applies. Note 276 applies. Name: Nancy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration

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District: 35; Image: 561. Note 277 applies. Note 278 applies. Name: Nancy James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 279 applies. Note 280 applies. Name: Nancy D James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 281 applies. Note 282 applies. Name: Nancy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 283 applies. Note 284 applies. Name: Nancy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T623 43; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 134. Note 285 applies. Note 286 applies. Name: Nancy D James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Jasper, Walker, Alabama (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1499; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 561. Note 287 applies. Note 288 applies. Name: Nancy James Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee (Residence in 1910). John Franklin James 29 married Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] in Jasper, Walker, Alabama, USA. They had one son: Jessie Tillman James 19 in This family is shown as family tree 7.

31. JAMES WILLIAM WOODS (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born about 1871, in Arkansas. See family tree 8. In 1900, aged about 29, he resided at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. In 1920, aged about 49, he resided at Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas. Citations: Source 17 (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 289 applies. Note 290 applies. Name: James M Woods Birth Date: abt 1871

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Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas; Roll: T625_72; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 150; Image: 1021. Note 291 applies. Note 292 applies. Name: James W Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 293 applies. Note 294 applies. Name: James M Woods Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas; Roll: T625_72; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 150; Image: 1021. Note 295 applies. Note 296 applies. Name: James W Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 297 applies. Note 298 applies. Name: James M Woods Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Residence in 1900). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas; Roll: T625_72; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 150; Image: 1021. Note 299 applies. Note 300 applies. Name: James W Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Arkansas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas (Residence in 1920). 32. ALBERTA VIRGINIA WOODS [NEFF] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born on 22 April 1872, in Tennessee, to Samuel Henry Neff 47 and Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48, as shown in family tree 14. In 1880, aged about 8, she resided at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. In 1880, aged about 8, she resided at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. In 1900, aged about 28, she resided at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. In 1900, aged about 28, Alberta resided at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. Alberta died on 28 April 1963, aged 91, in West Memphis, Crittendon County, Arkansas. Citations: Source 17 (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 301 applies. Note 302 applies. Name: Alberta Neff Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Name). Page 121

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Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 303 applies. Note 304 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 305 applies. Note 306 applies. Name: Alberta Neff Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 307 applies. Note 308 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 309 applies. Note 310 applies. Name: Alberta Neff Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 311 applies. Note 312 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 313 applies. Note 314 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 315 applies. Note 316 applies. Name: Alberta Neff Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 317 applies. Note 318 applies. Name: Alberta Neff Birth Date: abt 1872

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Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 319 applies. Note 320 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Residence in 1900). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky; Roll: T623 540; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64. Note 321 applies. Note 322 applies. Name: Bertie V Woods Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky (Residence in 1900). James William Woods 31 married Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff]. They had one daughter: Mary Ada James [Woods] 20 in 1903 This family is shown as family tree 8. 33. ALPHEUS SMITHEY (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born on 20 October 1872, in Alabama, to Bradford W Smithey 49 and Frances Smithey [Norman] 50, as shown in family tree 15. In 1910, aged about 37, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 37, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1920, aged about 47, he resided at Cash, Hunt, Texas. Alpheus resided at Not Stated, Hunt, Texas. Alpheus died on 2 December 1943, aged 71, in Hunt, Texas. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 323 applies. Note 324 applies. Name: Alphus Smithey Birth Date: abt 1885 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953769; Draft Board: 1. Note 325 applies. Note 326 applies. Name: Alpheus Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1872 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 634. Note 327 applies. Note 328 applies. Name: A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1873 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 21. Note 329 applies. Note 330 applies. Name: Alpheus Smithey Death Date: 2 Dec 1943 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration

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District: 124; Image: 714. Note 331 applies. Note 332 applies. Name: Alphus Smithey Birth Date: abt 1885 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953769; Draft Board: 1. Note 333 applies. Note 334 applies. Name: Alpheus Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1872 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 634. Note 335 applies. Note 336 applies. Name: A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1873 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 337 applies. Note 338 applies. Name: Alphus Smithey Birth Date: abt 1885 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 339 applies. Note 340 applies. Name: Alphus Smithey Birth Date: abt 1885 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T625_1820; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 634. Note 341 applies. Note 342 applies. Name: A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1873 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Cash, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 27, page Registration Location: Hunt County, Texas; Roll: 1953769; Draft Board: 1. Note 343 applies. Note 344 applies. Name: Alpheus Smithey Birth Date: 20 Oct 1872 Birth Place: Residence Date: Residence Place: Not Stated, Hunt, Texas (Residence). Source 21. Note 345 applies. Note 346 applies. Name: Alpheus Smithey Death Date: 2 Dec 1943 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Death).

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34. ELIZA A SMITHEY [DAMEWOOD] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born on 10 October 1880, in Scott, Virginia, USA, to William Howard Damewood 51 and Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52, as shown in family tree 16. In 1900, aged about 19, she resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 29, she resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Eliza died on 15 September 1973, aged 92. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 347 applies. Note 348 applies. Name: Liza A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1884 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 349 applies. Note 350 applies. Name: Eliza H Smithey Birth Date: abt 1881 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 351 applies. Note 352 applies. Name: Liza A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1884 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 353 applies. Note 354 applies. Name: Eliza H Smithey Birth Date: abt 1881 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 355 applies. Note 356 applies. Name: Eliza H Smithey Birth Date: abt 1881 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 714. Note 357 applies. Note 358 applies. Name: Liza A Smithey Birth Date: abt 1884 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Alpheus Smithey 33 married Eliza A Smithey [Damewood]. They had one son: Samuel Austin Smithey 23 in 1906 This family is shown as family tree 9. 35. WILLIAM ALBERT WILSON (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born on 11 March 1866, in Cumby, Texas, USA, to

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Albert James Wilson 53 and Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54, as shown within family tree 10. William resided at Montague County, TX. William died on 8 May 1946, aged 80, in Bonanza, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name). Source 20. Note 359 applies. Note 360 applies. Name: William A. Wilson Residence Date: Residence Place: Montague County, TX (Name). Source 17 (Birth; Death). Source 20. Note 361 applies. Note 362 applies. Name: William A. Wilson Residence Date: Residence Place: Montague County, TX (Residence). 36. IDA MAY WILSON [SPEED] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born on 1 September 1870, in Mineola, Texas, USA, to James Monroe Speed 55 and Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] 56, as shown within family tree 10. In 1880, aged about 9, she resided at Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas, United States. In 1910, aged about 39, she resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1920, aged about 49, she resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Ida died on 8 July 1950, aged 79, in Greenville, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 363 applies. Note 364 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 68; Image: 474. Note 365 applies. Note 366 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 21. Note 367 applies. Note 368 applies. Name: Ida Mae Wilson Death Date: 8 Jul 1950 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 230.4000; Enumeration District: 62; Image: . Note 369 applies. Note 370 applies. Name: Ida M. Speed Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas, United States (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 371 applies. Note 372 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration

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District: 68; Image: 474. Note 373 applies. Note 374 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 230.4000; Enumeration District: 62; Image: . Note 375 applies. Note 376 applies. Name: Ida M. Speed Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 230.4000; Enumeration District: 62; Image: . Note 377 applies. Note 378 applies. Name: Ida M. Speed Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 68; Image: 474. Note 379 applies. Note 380 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1816; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 80; Image: 1143. Note 381 applies. Note 382 applies. Name: Ida M Wilson Birth Date: abt 1872 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 17 (Death). Source 21. Note 383 applies. Note 384 applies. Name: Ida Mae Wilson Death Date: 8 Jul 1950 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Death). William Albert Wilson 35 married Ida May Wilson [Speed]. They had one daughter: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 in 1903 This family is shown as family tree 10.

37. ALLEN NEATHERLY MD GRAY (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born on 26 August 1870, in Texas, to Joseph Allison Gray 57 and Mary A Gray [Cook] 58, as shown in family tree 17. In 1880, aged about 9, he resided at Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 29, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 39, he resided at Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas. Allen died on 15 June 1922, aged 51, in Kaufman, Texas. Citations: Source 24. Note 385 applies. Note 386 applies. Name: A. N. Gray (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 387 applies. Note 388 applies. Name: Ah N D Gray

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Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 389 applies. Note 390 applies. Name: Allen Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas; Roll: T624_1570; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 31; Image: 303. Note 391 applies. Note 392 applies. Name: A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas (Name). Source 21. Note 393 applies. Note 394 applies. Name: A. N. Gray Death Date: 15 Jun 1922 Death Place: Kaufman, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 395 applies. Note 396 applies. Name: Ah N D Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 397 applies. Note 398 applies. Name: Allen Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas; Roll: T624_1570; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 31; Image: 303. Note 399 applies. Note 400 applies. Name: A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 401 applies. Note 402 applies. Name: Allen Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration

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District: 127. Note 403 applies. Note 404 applies. Name: Ah N D Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas; Roll: T624_1570; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 31; Image: 303. Note 405 applies. Note 406 applies. Name: A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 21. Note 407 applies. Note 408 applies. Name: A. N. Gray Death Date: 15 Jun 1922 Death Place: Kaufman, Texas (Death). Source 11, page Dr. Allen Neatherly Gray. Note 409 applies. Dr Allen Neatherly Gray Birth: Aug. 26, 1870 Floyd Hunt County Texas, USA Death: Jun. 15, 1922 Terrell Kaufman County Texas, USA Hunt County, Texas, Marriages 1846-1911, page 175: groom: Gray, A.N. bride: Mitchell, Effie married: 13 Dec 1896 recorded: marriage volume I page 301 and 302 (twice) [Source: Coker-Mathews Funeral Home Records, Greenville, Texas, by Hunt County Genealogical Society, Volume 2, page 45: Dr. A.N. Gray; race: white; born TX; doctor; Methodist; resided Terrell, TX; married; died 15 Jun 1922 Terrell; cause: pellagra; aged 51 years] Greenville Morning Herald, Fri, 16 Jun 1922, : 6 Dr. A.N. Gray Died At Floyd (26 Aug 1870 -15 Jun 1922) __Birdsong, Will, Pallbearer __Briscoe, I.W., Pallbearer __Camp, W.R.J., Pallbearer __Doctors __East Mount Cemetery (City) (Ca 1853) __Egger, E.L., Rev., Officiant __Gray, A.N., Dr. __Gray, Marion, Father Of __Gray, Raymond A., Father Of __Gray, Will, Brother Of __Mathews, H.M., Pallbearer __Mcadams, Lee, Pallbearer __Mcwhiter, Bettie, Mrs., Brother Of __Methodist __Mitchell, Effie, Husband Of(Dec1896) __Pennington, L.C., Pallbearer __Ralph, Mattie, Mrs., Brother Of Burial: Page 129

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East Mount Cemetery Greenville Hunt County Texas, USA (Death). 38. EFFIE GRAY [MITCHELL] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born on 1 December 1878, in Cass County, Texas, to Gideon P Mitchell 59 and Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60, as shown within family tree 11. In 1880, aged about 1, she resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. In 1880, aged about 1, she resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 21, she resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. In 1910, aged about 31, Effie resided at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. In 1930, aged about 51, she resided at Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas. Effie died on 16 April 1941, aged 62, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Note: Effie Mitchell Gray Birth: Dec. 1, 1878 Cass County Texas, USA Death: Apr. 16, 1941 Greenville Hunt County Texas, USA Hunt County, Texas, Marriages 1846-1911, page 175: groom: Gray, A.N. bride: Mitchell, Effie married: 13 Dec 1896 recorded: marriage volume I page 301 and 302 (twice) Texas death index on microfilm: Gray, Effie M., Apr 16, 1941, Hunt County, file 18630 Greenville Morning Herald, Thu, 17 Apr 1941, : 1 Mrs. Effie Gray Passes Away (62-Yo,1 Dec 1878-16 Apr,Photo) __Barlow, E.D., Pallbearer __Blount, Billie, Pallbearer __Briscoe, I.W., Pallbearer __Coburn, Arthur, Pallbearer __Davis, Ralph, Pallbearer __East Mount Cemetery (City) (Ca 1853) __Goodman, R.A.B., Pallbearer __Gray, Allen N., Dr., Wife Of(13dec1896) __Gray, Effie (Mitchell), Mrs. __Gray, Jeanne, Grandmother Of __Gray, Jimmy, Grandmother Of __Gray, Marion, Mrs., Mother Of __Gray, Raymond, Mother Of __Gray, Stanley, Grandmother Of __Hedrick, Molly, Daughter Of __Henderson, Elmer H., Rev., Officiant __Hite, Wesley V., Rev., Officiant __Lee, R.R., Pallbearer __Love, Marvin F., Mrs., Sister Of __Methodist __Mitchell, Effie __Mitchell, G.F., Daughter Of __Mitchell, G.P., Mrs., Daughter Of __Mitchell, J.Dixon, Sister Of __National Temperance Life Insurance,Empl. __Neer & Lybrand Funeral Home/Chapel __Rowland, O.G., Pallbearer __Southwestern Life Insurance, Employee __Stephenson, Paul, Rev., Officiant __Wesley Methodist Church (22feb1850).

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Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 410 applies. Note 411 applies. Name: Effie C Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 412 applies. Note 413 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 414 applies. Note 415 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 416 applies. Note 417 applies. Name: Mrs. A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas; Roll: 2386; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 139.0. Note 418 applies. Note 419 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 420 applies. Note 421 applies. Name: Effie C Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 422 applies. Note 423 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 424 applies. Note 425 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell

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Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 426 applies. Note 427 applies. Name: Mrs. A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas; Roll: 2386; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 139.0. Note 428 applies. Note 429 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 430 applies. Note 431 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 432 applies. Note 433 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 127. Note 434 applies. Note 435 applies. Name: Effie C Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 629. Note 436 applies. Note 437 applies. Name: Mrs. A N Gray Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Floyd, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas; Roll: 2386; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 139.0. Note 438 applies. Note 439 applies. Name: Effie Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas (Residence in 1930).

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Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37, aged 26, married Effie Gray [Mitchell], aged 18, on 13 December 1896 in hunt county, TX. They had one son: Raymond Allen Gray 25 in 1898 This family is shown as family tree 11. 39. WILLIAM POLK WILSON (Caroline's great-great-grandfather) was born on 20 March 1879, in Ft Payne, Dekalb, AL, USA, to James Harvey Wilson 61 and Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62, as shown in family tree 18. In 1900, aged about 21, he resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1910, aged about 31, he resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1920, aged about 41, he resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Citations: Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 440 applies. Note 441 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 442 applies. Note 443 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 444 applies. Note 445 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 12. Note 446 applies. Note 447 applies. Name: William Wilson Birth Date: 20 March 1879 Birth Place: Ft Payne, Dekalb, AL, USA (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 448 applies. Note 449 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 450 applies. Note 451 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 452 applies. Note 453 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas Page 133

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(Birth). Source 12. Note 454 applies. Note 455 applies. Name: William Wilson Birth Date: 20 March 1879 Birth Place: Ft Payne, Dekalb, AL, USA (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 456 applies. Note 457 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 458 applies. Note 459 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 460 applies. Note 461 applies. Name: Polk Wilson Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1920). 40. JODIE WILSON [BOSWELL] (Caroline's great-great-grandmother) was born about 1878, in Texas, to james martin Boswell 63 and Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64, as shown in family tree 19. In 1880, aged about 2, she resided at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 22, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1910, aged about 32, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1920, aged about 42, Jodie resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Jodie died on 27 May 1964, aged about 85, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 462 applies. Note 463 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 464 applies. Note 465 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 21. Note 466 applies. Note 467 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Death Date: 27 May 1964 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 468 applies. Note 469 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson

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Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: McKinney, Collin, Texas; Roll: T9_1296; Family History Film: 1255296; Page: 42.1000; Enumeration District: 18; Image: . Note 470 applies. Note 471 applies. Name: Jodie B. Wilson Birth Date: abt 1876 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: McKinney, Collin, Texas, United States (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 539.1000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 472 applies. Note 473 applies. Name: Jocie Boswell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 474 applies. Note 475 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 476 applies. Note 477 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 478 applies. Note 479 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: McKinney, Collin, Texas; Roll: T9_1296; Family History Film: 1255296; Page: 42.1000; Enumeration District: 18; Image: . Note 480 applies. Note 481 applies. Name: Jodie B. Wilson Birth Date: abt 1876 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: McKinney, Collin, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 539.1000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 482 applies. Note 483 applies. Name: Jocie Boswell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: Page 135

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539.1000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 484 applies. Note 485 applies. Name: Jocie Boswell Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 53. Note 486 applies. Note 487 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T624_1565; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 242. Note 488 applies. Note 489 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T625_1817; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 271. Note 490 applies. Note 491 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Birth Date: abt 1878 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1920). Source 21. Note 492 applies. Note 493 applies. Name: Jodie Wilson Death Date: 27 May 1964 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Death). William Polk Wilson 39 married Jodie Wilson [Boswell]. They had one daughter: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 in 1900 This family is shown as family tree 12.

41. SARAH ABIGAIL FLESHER [JACKSON] (Caroline's cousin, four times removed) was born in 1765, in Dover, Morris, New Jersey, USA, to Edward William Jackson 66 and Martha Jackson [Miller] 65. Sarah died in Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA. 42. JOHN FLESHER (Caroline's cousin's husband, four times removed) was born in Harrison Lewis, West Virginia, USA to Henry Flesher 3625 and Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626. John died in Spring Creek, Iroquois, Illinois, USA. [See also: Indirectly Related via John Flesher] John Flesher married Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41 in Harrison, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 in 1805 Generation of Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 43. W E JAMES (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1835, in Tennessee, USA. See family tree 4. In 1870, aged about 35, he resided at Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi. W died in 1877, aged about 42, in Alcorn, Mississippi, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 494 applies. Note 495 applies. Name: W E James Birth Date: abt 1835 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Name). Page 136

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Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 496 applies. Note 497 applies. Name: W E James Birth Date: abt 1835 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 498 applies. Note 499 applies. Name: W E James Birth Date: abt 1835 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Residence in 1870). Source 17 (Death). 44. L ANN JAMES [MYERS] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1842, in Old Tishimingo, Mississippi, USA. See family tree 4. In 1870, aged about 28, she resided at Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi. L died in 1885, aged about 43, in Alcorn, Mississippi, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 500 applies. Note 501 applies. Name: Ann James Birth Date: abt 1844 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 502 applies. Note 503 applies. Name: Ann James Birth Date: abt 1844 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 504 applies. Note 505 applies. Name: Ann James Birth Date: abt 1844 Birth Place: Mississippi Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi (Residence in 1870). Source 17 (Death). W E James 43 married L Ann James [Myers] in Alcorn, Mississippi, USA. They had one son: John Franklin James 29 in 1864 This family is shown within family tree 4. 45. JAMES J RANDOLPH (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Cane Creek, Walker, Alabama, USA to John D Randolph 67 and Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68, as shown in family tree 20. In 1860 he resided at Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama. In 1880 he resided at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. James died in Walker, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 506 applies. Note 507 applies. Name: James J. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134.

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Note 508 applies. Note 509 applies. Name: James J Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 510 applies. Note 511 applies. Name: James J. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134. Note 512 applies. Note 513 applies. Name: James J Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134. Note 514 applies. Note 515 applies. Name: James J Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 516 applies. Note 517 applies. Name: James J. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Residence in 1880). 46. ALCY DRUCILLA RANDOLPH [POE] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in Bolay Springs, Fayette, Alabama, USA to James Poe 69 and Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70, as shown in family tree 21. In 1850 she resided at Division 15, Fayette, Alabama. In 1860 she resided at Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama. In 1880 she resided at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. Alcy died in Walker, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 518 applies. Note 519 applies. Name: Alcy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 520 applies. Note 521 applies. Name: Alcy Poe Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134.

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Note 522 applies. Note 523 applies. Name: Alecy d Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 524 applies. Note 525 applies. Name: Alcy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 526 applies. Note 527 applies. Name: Alcy Poe Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134. Note 528 applies. Note 529 applies. Name: Alecy d Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 530 applies. Note 531 applies. Name: Alcy Poe Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 134. Note 532 applies. Note 533 applies. Name: Alecy d Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama; Roll: T9_34; Family History Film: 1254034; Page: 46.1000; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Note 534 applies. Note 535 applies. Name: Alcy D. Randolph Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States (Residence in 1880). James J Randolph 45 married Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] in 1853 in Alabama, USA. They had one daughter: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 in This family is shown as family tree 13.

47. SAMUEL HENRY NEFF (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born on 10 December 1839, in jefferson county, Tennessee, to David Neff 71 and Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72, as shown in family tree 22. In 1860, aged about 20, he resided at

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Jefferson, Tennessee. In 1880, aged about 40, he resided at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. Samuel died on 25 November 1887, aged 47, in Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 536 applies. Note 537 applies. Name: Samuel Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 538 applies. Note 539 applies. Name: Samuel H Neff Birth Date: abt 1839 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 540 applies. Note 541 applies. Name: Samuel Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 542 applies. Note 543 applies. Name: Samuel H Neff Birth Date: abt 1839 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 544 applies. Note 545 applies. Name: Samuel H Neff Birth Date: abt 1839 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 546 applies. Note 547 applies. Name: Samuel Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 17 (Death). 48. SARAH CATHARINE NEFF [WILL] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born on 22 November 1840, in Shenandoah County, Virginia, to George Will 73 and Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74, as shown within family tree 14. In 1870, aged about 29, she resided at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia. In 1880, aged about 39, she resided at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. In 1880, aged about 39, she resided at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. In 1900, aged about 59, Sarah resided at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia. In 1900, aged about 59, she resided at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia. Sarah died on 3 March 1936, aged 95, in Jackson, Madison County, Virginia.

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Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 518.1000; Enumeration District: 88; Image: . Note 548 applies. Note 549 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 550 applies. Note 551 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 552 applies. Note 553 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 554 applies. Note 555 applies. Name: Sarah C Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 556 applies. Note 557 applies. Name: Sarah Neff Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 518.1000; Enumeration District: 88; Image: . Note 558 applies. Note 559 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 560 applies. Note 561 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 562 applies. Note 563 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Page 141

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Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 564 applies. Note 565 applies. Name: Sarah C Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 566 applies. Note 567 applies. Name: Sarah Neff Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 568 applies. Note 569 applies. Name: Sarah C Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1870). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: T9_1270; Family History Film: 1255270; Page: 263.4000; Enumeration District: 95; Image: . Note 570 applies. Note 571 applies. Name: Sarah Neff Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 518.1000; Enumeration District: 88; Image: . Note 572 applies. Note 573 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 574 applies. Note 575 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1900). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T623 1728; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 77. Note 576 applies. Note 577 applies. Name: Catharine Neff Birth Date: abt 1840 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1900). Samuel Henry Neff 47 married Sarah Catharine Neff [Will]. They had one daughter: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 in 1872 This family is shown as family tree 14.

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49. BRADFORD W SMITHEY (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Madison, Alabama, USA to Thomas Smith 75 and Sally Smith [Turner] 76, as shown in family tree 23. In 1850 he resided at District 34, Madison, Alabama. In 1900 he resided at Deposit, Madison, Alabama. In 1910 he resided at Deposit, Madison, Alabama. Bradford died in Madison, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T623 29; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 118. Note 578 applies. Note 579 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T624_24; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 139; Image: 317. Note 580 applies. Note 581 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama; Roll: M432_9; Page: 359; Image: 337. Note 582 applies. Note 583 applies. Name: Bradford Smithey Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T623 29; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 118. Note 584 applies. Note 585 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T624_24; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 139; Image: 317. Note 586 applies. Note 587 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama; Roll: M432_9; Page: 359; Image: 337. Note 588 applies. Note 589 applies. Name: Bradford Smithey Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama; Roll: M432_9; Page: 359; Image: 337. Note 590 applies. Note 591 applies. Name: Bradford Smithey Birth Date: abt 1841 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 34, Madison, Alabama (Residence in 1850). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T623 29; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: Page 143

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118. Note 592 applies. Note 593 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Residence in 1900). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama; Roll: T624_24; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 139; Image: 317. Note 594 applies. Note 595 applies. Name: Bradford W Smithey Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Deposit, Madison, Alabama (Residence in 1910). 50. FRANCES SMITHEY [NORMAN] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA to Isaac Kelly Norman 77 and Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78, as shown in family tree 24. Frances died in Madison, Alabama, USA. Bradford W Smithey 49 married Frances Smithey [Norman] in Madison, Alabama, USA. They had one son: Alpheus Smithey 33 in 1872 This family is shown as family tree 15. 51. WILLIAM HOWARD DAMEWOOD (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Tennessee, USA to Isaac Damewood 79 and Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80, as shown in family tree 25. In 1870 he resided at Powel, Scott, Virginia. William died. Note: William Howard Damewood 75. Citations: Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 596 applies. Note 597 applies. Name: Howard Damewood Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 598 applies. Note 599 applies. Name: Howard Damewood Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 600 applies. Note 601 applies. Name: Howard Damewood Birth Date: abt 1845 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Residence in 1870). 52. LETITIA DAMEWOOD [MCKINNEY] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1846/11, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 16. In 1870, aged about 24, she resided at Powel, Scott, Virginia. In 1900, aged about 54, she resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 602 applies. Note 603 applies. Name: Latita Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Page 144

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Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 604 applies. Note 605 applies. Name: Luticia Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 606 applies. Note 607 applies. Name: Latita Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 608 applies. Note 609 applies. Name: Luticia Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 610 applies. Note 611 applies. Name: Luticia Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Powel, Scott, Virginia (Residence in 1870). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1648; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 129. Note 612 applies. Note 613 applies. Name: Latita Damewood Birth Date: abt 1847 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). William Howard Damewood 51 married Letitia Damewood [McKinney]. They had one daughter: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 in 1880 This family is shown as family tree 16. 53. ALBERT JAMES WILSON (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1837, in Alabama, USA, to William W Wilson 81 and Mary Wilson 82, as shown within family tree 10. In 1850, aged about 13, he resided at District 24, De Kalb, Alabama. In 1870, aged about 33, he resided at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 614 applies. Note 615 applies. Name: Albert J Wilson Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 616 applies. Note 617 applies. Name: Albert Wilson Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas Page 145

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(Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 618 applies. Note 619 applies. Name: Albert J Wilson Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 620 applies. Note 621 applies. Name: Albert Wilson Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 622 applies. Note 623 applies. Name: Albert J Wilson Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Residence in 1850). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 624 applies. Note 625 applies. Name: Albert Wilson Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1870). 54. SARA JANE WILSON [MILLER] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1843, in Alabama, USA, to William B Miller 83. In 1860, aged about 17, she resided at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 626 applies. Note 627 applies. Name: Sarah J Miller Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 628 applies. Note 629 applies. Name: Sarah J Miller Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 630 applies. Note 631 applies. Name: Sarah J Miller Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1860).

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55. JAMES MONROE SPEED (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in South Carolina, USA to William G Speed 85 and Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86, as shown within family tree 10. In 1850 he resided at Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina. In 1860 he resided at Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama. In 1870 he resided at Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas. In 1900 James resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. James died in Hopkins, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 632 applies. Note 633 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 2; Image: 3. Note 634 applies. Note 635 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 636 applies. Note 637 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 638 applies. Note 639 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 640 applies. Note 641 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 2; Image: 3. Note 642 applies. Note 643 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 644 applies. Note 645 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1838

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Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 646 applies. Note 647 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 648 applies. Note 649 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 2; Image: 3. Note 650 applies. Note 651 applies. Name: James M Speed Birth Date: abt 1837 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 652 applies. Note 653 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Residence in 1870). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 654 applies. Note 655 applies. Name: James Speed Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). 56. VIRGINIA SARAH SPEED [NORWOOD] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). See family tree 10. Virginia died in Hopkins, Texas, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). James Monroe Speed 55 married Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. They had one daughter: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 in 1870 This family is shown within family tree 10. 57. JOSEPH ALLISON GRAY (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born on 9 January 1828, in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA, to Joseph Ross Gray 87 and Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88, as shown in family tree 27. In 1880, aged about 52, he resided at Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 72, he resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Joseph died on 13 February 1894, aged 66, in Floyd, Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 656 applies. Note 657 applies. Name: Joseph Gray Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States Page 148

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(Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 658 applies. Note 659 applies. Name: Joseph A Gray Birth Date: abt 1828 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 17 (Name). Source 24. Note 660 applies. Note 661 applies. Name: Joseph A. Gray (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 662 applies. Note 663 applies. Name: Joseph Gray Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 664 applies. Note 665 applies. Name: Joseph A Gray Birth Date: abt 1828 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 17 (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T9_1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 444.4000; Enumeration District: 65; Image: . Note 666 applies. Note 667 applies. Name: Joseph Gray Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 668 applies. Note 669 applies. Name: Joseph A Gray Birth Date: abt 1828 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 17 (Death). 58. MARY A GRAY [COOK] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born on 28 February 1833, in Alabama, to Elijah Cook 89 and Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90, as shown in family tree 28. In 1900, aged about 67, she resided at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Mary died on 17 September 1926, aged 93, in Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 670 applies. Note 671 applies. Name: Mary A Gray Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 17 Page 149

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(Name; Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 672 applies. Note 673 applies. Name: Mary A Gray Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T623 1647; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 127. Note 674 applies. Note 675 applies. Name: Mary A Gray Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Alabama Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 17 (Death). Joseph Allison Gray 57, aged 30, married Mary A Gray [Cook], aged 24, on 16 February 1858 in Lamar, TX. They had one son: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 in 1870 This family is shown as family tree 17. 59. GIDEON P MITCHELL (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born on 17 August 1851, in Texas, to John S. Mitchell 91 and Alila Mitchell 92, as shown within family tree 11. In 1860, aged about 8, he resided at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. In 1880, aged about 28, he resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. In 1910, aged about 58, he resided at Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Gideon died on 4 October 1923, aged 72, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 676 applies. Note 677 applies. Name: Gideon P. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 678 applies. Note 679 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 680 applies. Note 681 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1851 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Name). Source 24. Note 682 applies. Note 683 applies. Name: G. P. Mitchell (Name). Source 21. Note 684 applies. Note 685 applies. Name: Gidoon P. Mitchell Death Date: 4 Oct 1923 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page:

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243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 686 applies. Note 687 applies. Name: Gideon P. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 688 applies. Note 689 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 690 applies. Note 691 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1851 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 692 applies. Note 693 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1851 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 694 applies. Note 695 applies. Name: Gideon P. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 696 applies. Note 697 applies. Name: G P Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1852 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Source 21. Note 698 applies. Note 699 applies. Name: Gidoon P. Mitchell Death Date: 4 Oct 1923 Death Place: Hunt, Texas (Death). 60. MOLLIE M. MITCHELL [HENDRICK] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born about 1860, in Texas. See family tree 11. In 1880, aged about 20, she resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. In 1910, aged about 50, she resided at Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 700 applies. Note 701 applies. Name: Mollie A. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Page 151

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Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 24. Note 702 applies. Note 703 applies. Name: Mollie M. Hendrick (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 704 applies. Note 705 applies. Name: Mollie M Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 706 applies. Note 707 applies. Name: Mollie A. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 708 applies. Note 709 applies. Name: Mollie M Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.2000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 710 applies. Note 711 applies. Name: Mollie A. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas; Roll: T624_1566; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 105. Note 712 applies. Note 713 applies. Name: Mollie M Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1860 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas (Residence in 1910). Gideon P Mitchell 59 married Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick]. They had one daughter: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 in 1878 This family is shown within family tree 11.

61. JAMES HARVEY WILSON (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born on 29 April 1837, in Fayette, Alabama, USA, to James A Wilson 93 and Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94, as shown in family tree 29. James died on 8 July 1900, aged 63, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 62. LOUISA ADELINE WILSON [HUGHES] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born on 15 June 1836, in georgia, to Elisha Hughes 95 and Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96, as shown in family tree 30. In 1880, aged about 44, she resided at Lee, Fayette, Alabama, United States. Louisa died on 11 November 1925, aged 89, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: T9_13; Family History Film: 1254013; Page: 528.1000; Enumeration District: 85; Image: 0564. Note 714 applies. Note 715 applies. Name: Louisa A. Wilson

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Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama, United States (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: T9_13; Family History Film: 1254013; Page: 528.1000; Enumeration District: 85; Image: 0564. Note 716 applies. Note 717 applies. Name: Louisa A. Wilson Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: T9_13; Family History Film: 1254013; Page: 528.1000; Enumeration District: 85; Image: 0564. Note 718 applies. Note 719 applies. Name: Louisa A. Wilson Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Lee, Fayette, Alabama, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 17 (Death). James Harvey Wilson 61 married Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes]. They had one son: William Polk Wilson 39 in 1879 This family is shown as family tree 18.

63. JAMES MARTIN BOSWELL (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather) was born on 28 January 1829, in Dekalb, Georgia, USA, to Richard Boswell 97 and Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98, as shown within family tree 19. In 1860, aged about 31, he resided at Spring, Gordon, Georgia. In 1880, aged about 51, he resided at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 71, he resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. james died on 15 August 1905, aged 76, in Texas, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 720 applies. Note 721 applies. Name: James Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 722 applies. Note 723 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1829 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 724 applies. Note 725 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page:

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538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 726 applies. Note 727 applies. Name: James Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 728 applies. Note 729 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1829 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 730 applies. Note 731 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 732 applies. Note 733 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 734 applies. Note 735 applies. Name: James Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 736 applies. Note 737 applies. Name: James M Boswell Birth Date: abt 1829 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 17 (Death). 64. JANE ELIZABETH BOSWELL [LYNCH] (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother) was born on 23 February 1832, in North Carolina, to Tolliver D Lynch 99 and Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100, as shown in family tree 31. In 1850, aged about 18, she resided at District 50, Lee, Georgia. In 1860, aged about 28, she resided at Spring, Gordon, Georgia. In 1870, aged about 38, she resided at Beat 4, Lamar, Texas. In 1880, aged about 48, Jane resided at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. In 1900, aged about 68, she resided at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Jane died on 3 October 1912, aged 80, in Texas, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 738 applies. Note 739 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States Page 154

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(Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 740 applies. Note 741 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia; Roll: M432_75; Page: 272; Image: 277. Note 742 applies. Note 743 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 744 applies. Note 745 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1831 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Beat 4, Lamar, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 746 applies. Note 747 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1833 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 748 applies. Note 749 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 750 applies. Note 751 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia; Roll: M432_75; Page: 272; Image: 277. Note 752 applies. Note 753 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 754 applies. Note 755 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1831 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Beat 4, Lamar, Texas Page 155

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(Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 756 applies. Note 757 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1833 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia; Roll: M432_75; Page: 272; Image: 277. Note 758 applies. Note 759 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 50, Lee, Georgia (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M653_124; Page: 338; Image: 339. Note 760 applies. Note 761 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1833 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Spring, Gordon, Georgia (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 762 applies. Note 763 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1831 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Beat 4, Lamar, Texas (Residence in 1870). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas; Roll: T9_1303; Family History Film: 1255303; Page: 538.4000; Enumeration District: 31; Image: . Note 764 applies. Note 765 applies. Name: Jane Boswell Birth Date: abt 1830 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 53. Note 766 applies. Note 767 applies. Name: Jane E Boswell Birth Date: abt 1832 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). Source 17 (Death). james martin Boswell 63 married Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch]. They had one daughter: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 about 1878 This family is shown as family tree 19. 65. MARTHA JACKSON [MILLER] (Caroline's great-great-great-great-aunt) was born in 1741, in Staunton, Augusta, Virginia, USA, to Martha Miller 84. In 1860, aged about 119, she resided at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Martha died in Staunton, Augusta, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 66. EDWARD WILLIAM JACKSON (Caroline's great-great-great-great-uncle by marriage) was born in 1741, in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA, to Joseph Jackson 3652 and Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653. Edward died in Freemans Creek, Harrison, West Virginia, USA. [See also: Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson]

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward William Jackson, aged about 21, married Martha Jackson [Miller] 65, aged about 21, in 1762 in Morris, Rockaway, New Jersey, USA. They had one daughter: Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41 in 1765 Generation of Four-Times-Great-Grandparents 67. JOHN D RANDOLPH (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1798, in Greenville, South Carolina, USA, to John Abraham Randolph 101 and Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102, as shown in family tree 32. John died in Walker, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 68. FRANCES P RANDOLPH [BROWN] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1796, in Cane Creek, Walker, Alabama, USA, to Thomas Brown 103. Frances died in 1848, aged about 52, in Walker, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Source 26. Note 768 applies. Note 769 applies. Name: Frances Brown Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: AL Death Date: Jun 1850 Death Place: Montgomery Co., AL (Name). Source 26. Note 770 applies. Note 771 applies. Name: Frances Brown Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: AL Death Date: Jun 1850 Death Place: Montgomery Co., AL (Birth). Source 26. Note 772 applies. Note 773 applies. Name: Frances Brown Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: AL Death Date: Jun 1850 Death Place: Montgomery Co., AL (Death). John D Randolph 67 married Frances P Randolph [Brown] in Lawrence, Alabama, USA. They had one son: James J Randolph 45 in This family is shown as family tree 20. 69. JAMES POE (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in North Carolina, USA to James Poe 105 and Mary Poe [Watts] 106, as shown in family tree 34. In 1850 he resided at Montgomery, North Carolina. In 1860 he resided at Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina. In 1870 he resided at Round Prairie, Benton, Arkansas. James died in 1880 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M653_905; Page: 465; Image: 342. Note 774 applies. Note 775 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: , Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M432_637; Page: 130; Image: 267. Note 776 applies. Note 777 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Montgomery, North Carolina (Name). Page 157

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Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 778 applies. Note 779 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Round Prairie, Benton, Arkansas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M653_905; Page: 465; Image: 342. Note 780 applies. Note 781 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: , Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M432_637; Page: 130; Image: 267. Note 782 applies. Note 783 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Montgomery, North Carolina (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 784 applies. Note 785 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Round Prairie, Benton, Arkansas (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: , Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M432_637; Page: 130; Image: 267. Note 786 applies. Note 787 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Montgomery, North Carolina (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina; Roll: M653_905; Page: 465; Image: 342. Note 788 applies. Note 789 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 790 applies. Note 791 applies. Name: James Poe Birth Date: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Round Prairie, Benton, Arkansas (Residence in 1870). Source 17 (Death). 70. MARY E POE [MCMILLION] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Chatham, North Carolina, USA to James McMillan 107 and Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108, as shown in family tree 35. In 1850 she resided at Division 15, Fayette, Alabama. Mary died in 1886 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 792

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applies. Note 793 applies. Name: Mary Poe Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 794 applies. Note 795 applies. Name: Mary Poe Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 77; Image: 346. Note 796 applies. Note 797 applies. Name: Mary Poe Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 15, Fayette, Alabama (Residence in 1850). Source 17 (Death). James Poe 69 married Mary E Poe [McMillion] in North Carolina, USA. They had one daughter: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 in This family is shown as family tree 21. 71. DAVID NEFF (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in New Market, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA to John Neff 109 and Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110, as shown in family tree 36. In 1850 he resided at District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee. In 1860 he resided at Jefferson, Tennessee. In 1870 he resided at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia. In 1880 David resided at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. David died in Mt Jackson, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 798 applies. Note 799 applies. Name: David F. Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 800 applies. Note 801 applies. Name: David T Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 802 applies. Note 803 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M432_885; Page: 356; Image: 394. Note 804 applies. Note 805 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Page 159

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Residence Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 806 applies. Note 807 applies. Name: David F. Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 808 applies. Note 809 applies. Name: David T Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 810 applies. Note 811 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M432_885; Page: 356; Image: 394. Note 812 applies. Note 813 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M432_885; Page: 356; Image: 394. Note 814 applies. Note 815 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 816 applies. Note 817 applies. Name: David Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 818 applies. Note 819 applies. Name: David T Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1870). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 820 applies. Note 821 applies. Name: David F. Neff Birth Date: abt 1809

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Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Residence in 1880). 72. LYDIA NEFF [PENNYWITT] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA to John Pennywitt 111 and Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112, as shown in family tree 37. In 1850 she resided at Perry, Montgomery, Ohio. In 1860 she resided at Jefferson, Tennessee. In 1870 she resided at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia. In 1880 Lydia resided at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. Lydia died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 822 applies. Note 823 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 824 applies. Note 825 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M432_714; Page: 461; Image: 377. Note 826 applies. Note 827 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 828 applies. Note 829 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 830 applies. Note 831 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 832 applies. Note 833 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M432_714; Page: 461; Image: 377. Note 834 applies. Note 835 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Page 161

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Residence Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 836 applies. Note 837 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M432_714; Page: 461; Image: 377. Note 838 applies. Note 839 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 337; Image: 292. Note 840 applies. Note 841 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1808 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Jefferson, Tennessee (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 842 applies. Note 843 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1870). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: T9_1390; Family History Film: 1255390; Page: 472.4000; Enumeration District: 87; Image: . Note 844 applies. Note 845 applies. Name: Lydia Neff Birth Date: abt 1809 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States (Residence in 1880). David Neff 71 married Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Samuel Henry Neff 47 in 1839 This family is shown as family tree 22.

73. GEORGE WILL (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1788. See family tree 14. George died between 1860 and 1870, aged about 77, in Shenandoah County, Virginia. 74. SARAH RUDDLE)] WILL [RIDDLE (RUDDEL (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1798, in Virginia, to Elizabeth Bowman 113. Sarah died between 1860 and 1870, aged about 67, in Shenandoah County, Virginia. George Will 73 married Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel. They had one daughter: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 in 1840 This family is shown within family tree 14. 75. THOMAS SMITH (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1788, in Amelia, Virginia, USA, to Joshua Smith 114 and Leannah Smith [C] 115, as shown in family tree 38. Thomas died in Madison, Alabama, USA. 76. SALLY SMITH [TURNER] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1805, in Amelia, Virginia, USA. See family tree 23. Sally died in 1893, aged about 88, in Madison, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Smith 75 married Sally Smith [Turner] in Madison, Alabama, USA. They had one son: Bradford W Smithey 49 in This family is shown as family tree 23.

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77. ISAAC KELLY NORMAN (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in South Carolina, USA to Isaac John Norman 116 and Mary Norman [A] 117, as shown in family tree 39. Isaac died in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA. 78. JULIA FRANCES NORMAN [LEONARD] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Madison, Alabama, USA to Daniel Leonard 118, as shown within family tree 15. Julia died in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA. Isaac Kelly Norman 77 married Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] in Madison, Alabama, USA. They had one daughter: Frances Smithey [Norman] 50 in This family is shown as family tree 24. 79. ISAAC DAMEWOOD (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Botetourt, Virginia, USA to Henry L Damewood 119 and Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120, as shown in family tree 40. In 1850 he resided at District 14, Grainger, Tennessee. Isaac died in 1875. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 244. Note 846 applies. Note 847 applies. Name: Isaac Damewood Birth Date: abt 1803 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 244. Note 848 applies. Note 849 applies. Name: Isaac Damewood Birth Date: abt 1803 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 244. Note 850 applies. Note 851 applies. Name: Isaac Damewood Birth Date: abt 1803 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Residence in 1850). 80. MILDRED DAMEWOOD [SEYMOUR] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1803, in Halifax, Virginia, USA, to Larkin Seymour 121 and Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122, as shown in family tree 41. Mildred died in 1868/10, aged about 65. Isaac Damewood 79 married Mildred Damewood [Seymour] in Grainger, Tennessee, USA. They had one son: William Howard Damewood 51 in This family is shown as family tree 25. 81. WILLIAM W WILSON (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born about 1785, in CT. See family tree 10. In 1850, aged about 65, he resided at District 24, De Kalb, Alabama. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 852 applies. Note 853 applies. Name: William W Wilson Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Cornwall Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 854 applies. Note 855 applies. Name: William W Wilson Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Cornwall Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M432_5; Page: 402; Image: 157. Note 856 Page 163

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] applies. Note 857 applies. Name: William W Wilson Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Cornwall Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 24, De Kalb, Alabama (Residence in 1850). 82. MARY WILSON (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1802. See family tree 10. William W Wilson 81 married Mary Wilson. They had one son: Albert James Wilson 53 in 1837 This family is shown within family tree 10.

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83. WILLIAM B MILLER (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1811, in Kentucky. See family tree 10. In 1860, aged about 49, he resided at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1870, aged about 59, he resided at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Citations: Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 858 applies. Note 859 applies. Name: William B Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 860 applies. Note 861 applies. Name: William Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 862 applies. Note 863 applies. Name: William B Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 864 applies. Note 865 applies. Name: William Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 866 applies. Note 867 applies. Name: William B Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 868 applies. Note 869 applies. Name: William Miller Birth Date: abt 1811 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1870).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William fathered one daughter: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 in 1843 This family is shown within family tree 10.

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84. MARTHA MILLER (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1815, in Tennessee. See family tree 26. In 1860, aged about 45, he resided at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1860, aged about 45, he resided at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. In 1870, aged about 55, he resided at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. In 1870, aged about 55, Martha resided at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Martha married twice, including . Citations: Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 870 applies. Note 871 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 872 applies. Note 873 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 874 applies. Note 875 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 876 applies. Note 877 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: M653_1297; Page: 188; Image: 385. Note 878 applies. Note 879 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 880 applies. Note 881 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1870). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 882 applies. Note 883 applies. Name: Martha Miller Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1870). Page 165

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Martha fathered one daughter: Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 in 1741 This family is shown as family tree 26. Martha fathered one daughter: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 in 1843 This family is shown as family tree 26.

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85. WILLIAM G SPEED (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 10. William died in 1877/12. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 86. MARIAH A SPEED [DURHAM] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1815, in South Carolina. See family tree 10. In 1850, aged about 35, she resided at Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina. In 1860, aged about 45, she resided at Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama. In 1870, aged about 55, she resided at Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas. In 1900, aged about 85, Mariah resided at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 884 applies. Note 885 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Name). Source 17 (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 66; Image: 67. Note 886 applies. Note 887 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 888 applies. Note 889 applies. Name: Mariah Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 890 applies. Note 891 applies. Name: Maria A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 892 applies. Note 893 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 66; Image: 67. Note 894 applies. Note 895 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama Page 166

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(Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 896 applies. Note 897 applies. Name: Mariah Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 898 applies. Note 899 applies. Name: Maria A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M432_848; Page: 224; Image: 450. Note 900 applies. Note 901 applies. Name: Maria A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 66; Image: 67. Note 902 applies. Note 903 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 904 applies. Note 905 applies. Name: Mariah Speed Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas (Residence in 1870). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas; Roll: T623 1646; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 58. Note 906 applies. Note 907 applies. Name: Mariah A Speed Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: South Carolina Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas (Residence in 1900). William G Speed 85 married Mariah A Speed [Durham] . They had one son: James Monroe Speed 55 in This family is shown within family tree 10. 87. JOSEPH ROSS GRAY (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1802, in Mason, Kentucky, USA, to John Gray 123 and Rachel Gray [Ross] 124, as shown in family tree 42. In 1850, aged about 48, he resided at District 90, Saline, Missouri. Joseph died in 1866, aged about 64, in Denton, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 908 applies. Note 909 applies. Name: Joseph R Gray Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri Page 167

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(Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 910 applies. Note 911 applies. Name: Joseph R Gray Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 912 applies. Note 913 applies. Name: Joseph R Gray Birth Date: abt 1801 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri (Residence in 1850). 88. OLIVIA W GRAY [HEATH] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1799, in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA, to John Heath 125 and Margaret Heath [Adams] 126, as shown in family tree 43. In 1850, aged about 51, she resided at District 90, Saline, Missouri. Olivia died in 1866, aged about 67, in Denton, Texas, USA. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 914 applies. Note 915 applies. Name: Olivia W Gray Birth Date: abt 1798 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 916 applies. Note 917 applies. Name: Olivia W Gray Birth Date: abt 1798 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri; Roll: M432_419; Page: 61; Image: 121. Note 918 applies. Note 919 applies. Name: Olivia W Gray Birth Date: abt 1798 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 90, Saline, Missouri (Residence in 1850). Joseph Ross Gray 87, aged about 18, married Olivia W Gray [Heath], aged about 21, in 1820 in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. They had one son: Joseph Allison Gray 57 in 1828 This family is shown as family tree 27. 89. ELIJAH COOK (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 28. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 90. ELIZABETH HENLEY COOK [HAMNER] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born on 30 March 1814, in Oglethorpe CO, GA, to John Harvey Hamner 127 and Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128, as shown in family tree 44. In 1850, aged about 36, she resided at Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia. In 1870, aged about 56, she resided at Subdivision 71, Jackson, Georgia. Elizabeth died on 15 August 1878, aged 64, in hunt county, TX. Citations: Source 17 (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1814; Birth city: Oglethorpe CO; Birth state: GA. Note 920 applies. Note 921 applies. Name: Elizabeth Henley Hamner Birth Date: 30 March 1814 Page 168

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Birth Place: Oglethorpe CO, GA (Name). Source 12. Note 922 applies. Note 923 applies. Name: Elizabeth Henley Hamner Birth Date: 30 March 1814 Birth Place: Oglethorpe, GA, USA (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M432_74; Page: 25; Image: 285. Note 924 applies. Note 925 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1814 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 926 applies. Note 927 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Subdivision 71, Jackson, Georgia (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1814; Birth city: Oglethorpe CO; Birth state: GA. Note 928 applies. Note 929 applies. Name: Elizabeth Henley Hamner Birth Date: 30 March 1814 Birth Place: Oglethorpe CO, GA (Birth). Source 12. Note 930 applies. Note 931 applies. Name: Elizabeth Henley Hamner Birth Date: 30 March 1814 Birth Place: Oglethorpe, GA, USA (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M432_74; Page: 25; Image: 285. Note 932 applies. Note 933 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1814 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 934 applies. Note 935 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Subdivision 71, Jackson, Georgia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M432_74; Page: 25; Image: 285. Note 936 applies. Note 937 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1814 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia (Residence in 1850). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 938 applies. Note 939 applies. Name: Elizabeth Cook Birth Date: abt 1816 Birth Place: Georgia Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: Subdivision 71, Jackson, Georgia (Residence in 1870). Page 169

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Elijah Cook 89 married Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner]. They had one daughter: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 in 1833 This family is shown as family tree 28.

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91. JOHN S. MITCHELL (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born about 1812, in Tennessee. See family tree 11. In 1860, aged about 48, he resided at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. In 1880, aged about 68, he resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Citations: Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 940 applies. Note 941 applies. Name: J S Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 942 applies. Note 943 applies. Name: John S. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1812 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 23. Note 944 applies. Note 945 applies. Name: John S. Mitchell (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 946 applies. Note 947 applies. Name: J S Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 948 applies. Note 949 applies. Name: John S. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1812 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 950 applies. Note 951 applies. Name: J S Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 952 applies. Note 953 applies. Name: John S. Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1812 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880).

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92. ALILA MITCHELL (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1815, in Tennessee. See family tree 11. In 1860, aged about 45, she resided at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. In 1880, aged about 65, she resided at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Citations: Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 954 applies. Note 955 applies. Name: A Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 956 applies. Note 957 applies. Name: Alila Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 958 applies. Note 959 applies. Name: A Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 960 applies. Note 961 applies. Name: Alila Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 367; Image: 45. Note 962 applies. Note 963 applies. Name: A Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Texas Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Beat 2, Cass, Texas (Residence in 1860). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 243.1000; Enumeration District: 17; Image: . Note 964 applies. Note 965 applies. Name: Alila Mitchell Birth Date: abt 1815 Birth Place: Tennessee Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States (Residence in 1880). John S. Mitchell 91 married Alila Mitchell. They had one son: Gideon P Mitchell 59 in 1851 This family is shown within family tree 11. 93. JAMES A WILSON (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anderson, South Carolina, USA to John Wilson 129 and Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130, as shown in family tree 45. James died in Fayette, Alabama, USA. 94. ELIZABETH WILSON [WHITTEN] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Union, South Carolina, USA to Joel Whitten 131 and Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132, as shown in family tree 46. Elizabeth died in Fayette, Alabama, USA.

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James A Wilson 93 married Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. They had one son: James Harvey Wilson 61 in 1837 This family is shown as family tree 29. 95. ELISHA HUGHES (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1800, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA, to Andrew Hughes 133 and Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134, as shown in family tree 47. Elisha died in 1839, aged about 39. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 96. MARGARET HUGHES [WILSON] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1800, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA, to Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 and Martha Wilson [McMurry] 136, as shown in family tree 48. Margaret died in 1848, aged about 48, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Elisha Hughes 95 married Margaret Hughes [Wilson]. They had one daughter: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 in 1836 This family is shown as family tree 30. 97. RICHARD BOSWELL (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1792, in Granville, North Carolina, USA. See family tree 19. In 1830, aged about 38, he resided at Dekalb, Georgia. Richard died in 1850, aged about 58, in Floyd, Georgia, USA. Citations: Source 1, page Year: 1830; Census Place: , Dekalb, Georgia; Roll: 17; Page: 28. Note 966 applies. Note 967 applies. Name: Richard Boswell Residence Date: 1830 Residence Place: Dekalb, Georgia (Name). Source 17 (Name). Source 17 (Birth; Death). Source 1, page Year: 1830; Census Place: , Dekalb, Georgia; Roll: 17; Page: 28. Note 968 applies. Note 969 applies. Name: Richard Boswell Residence Date: 1830 Residence Place: Dekalb, Georgia (Residence in 1830). 98. RHODA ZEIGLER BOSWELL [MARTIN] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1800, in North Carolina, USA, to Charles Martin 137 and Lucy Martin [Harper] 138, as shown within family tree 19. Rhoda died in 1850, aged about 50, in Georgia, USA. Richard Boswell 97, aged about 27, married Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin], aged about 19, in 1819 in Georgia, USA. They had one son: james martin Boswell 63 in 1829 This family is shown within family tree 19. 99. TOLLIVER D LYNCH (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1810, in North Carolina, USA. See family tree 31. In 1850, aged about 40, he resided at Division 12, Gordon, Georgia. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M432_71; Page: 18; Image: 37. Note 970 applies. Note 971 applies. Name: Soliver d Lynch Birth Date: abt 1810 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M432_71; Page: 18; Image: 37. Note 972 applies. Note 973 applies. Name: Soliver d Lynch Birth Date: abt 1810 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia; Roll: M432_71; Page: 18; Image: 37. Note 974

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applies. Note 975 applies. Name: Soliver d Lynch Birth Date: abt 1810 Birth Place: North Carolina Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Division 12, Gordon, Georgia (Residence in 1850). 100. NARCISSUS LYNCH [EDWARDS] (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Haywood, North Carolina, USA to Thomas Edwards 139 and Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140, as shown in family tree 49. Narcissus died in 1888/5 in Reeseville, Etowah, Alabama, USA. Tolliver D Lynch 99, aged about 21, married Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] in 1831 in North Carolina, USA. They had one daughter: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 in 1832 This family is shown as family tree 31. Generation of Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 101. JOHN ABRAHAM RANDOLPH (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA to James Richard Randolph 142 and Margaret Randolph [Smalley] 143, as shown in family tree 50. John died in Walker, Lawrence, Alabama, USA. 102. LYDIA RANDOLPH [DILL] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1767, in Kent, Delaware, USA, to John Dill 144 and Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145, as shown in family tree 51. Lydia died in Walker, Alabama, USA. John Abraham Randolph 101 married Lydia Randolph [Dill] in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. They had one son: John D Randolph 67 in 1798 This family is shown as family tree 32. 103. THOMAS BROWN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1770, in Tennessee, USA. See family tree 13. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Thomas fathered one daughter: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in 1796 This family is shown within family tree 20. 104. MARY BROWN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 33. Mary gave birth to one daughter: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in 1796 This family is shown as family tree 33. 105. JAMES POE (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1751, in Caroline, Virginia, USA, to Simon Poe 146 and Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147, as shown in family tree 52. James died in 1827, aged about 76, in Newtonville, Fayette, Alabama, USA. 106. MARY POE [WATTS] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1743, in Randolph, North Carolina, USA, to Benjamin Watts 148 and Frances Benjamin Watts 149, as shown in family tree 53. Mary died in 1805, aged about 62, in Anson, North Carolina, USA. James Poe 105, aged about 26, married Mary Poe [Watts], aged about 34, in 1777 in Randolph, North Carolina, USA. They had one son: James Poe 69 in This family is shown as family tree 34. 107. JAMES MCMILLAN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1778, in North Carolina, USA, to Amon McMillan 150 and Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151, as shown in family tree 54. James died in 1860, aged about 82, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 8931.938; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 976 applies. Note 977 applies. Name: James McMillan Birth Date: 1778 Birth Place: NC (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 8931.938; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1;

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Submitter Code: . Note 978 applies. Note 979 applies. Name: James McMillan Birth Date: 1778 Birth Place: NC (Birth). 108. NANCY MCMILLAN [TAYLOR] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1777, in North Carolina, USA. See family tree 35. Nancy died in 1860, aged about 83, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). James McMillan 107 married Nancy McMillan [Taylor]. They had one daughter: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 in This family is shown as family tree 35. 109. JOHN NEFF (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Woodstock, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA to Jacob Neff 152 and Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153, as shown within family tree 36. John died in New Market, Virginia, USA. 110. BARBARA NEFF [KAUFFMAN] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Samuel Kauffman 154 and Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155, as shown within family tree 36. In 1850 she resided at Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania. In 1850 she resided at Bethel, Clark, Ohio. In 1860 she resided at Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Barbara died in New Market, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio; Roll: M432_666; Page: 90; Image: 182. Note 980 applies. Note 981 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1774 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_840; Page: 204; Image: 185. Note 982 applies. Note 983 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1773 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1120; Page: 397; Image: 399. Note 984 applies. Note 985 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1777 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio; Roll: M432_666; Page: 90; Image: 182. Note 986 applies. Note 987 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1774 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_840; Page: 204; Image: 185. Note 988 applies. Note 989 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1773 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1120; Page: 397; Image:

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399. Note 990 applies. Note 991 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1777 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_840; Page: 204; Image: 185. Note 992 applies. Note 993 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1773 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania (Residence in 1850). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio; Roll: M432_666; Page: 90; Image: 182. Note 994 applies. Note 995 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1774 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Bethel, Clark, Ohio (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1120; Page: 397; Image: 399. Note 996 applies. Note 997 applies. Name: Barbara Kauffman Birth Date: abt 1777 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Residence in 1860). John Neff 109 married Barbara Neff [Kauffman] in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. They had one son: David Neff 71 in This family is shown as family tree 36. 111. JOHN PENNYWITT (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born to Jacob Pennywitt 156 and Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157, as shown within family tree 37. John died. 112. SUSANNA PENNYWITT [WILL] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in York, Pennsylvania, USA to John Will 158 and Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159, as shown in family tree 55. In 1850 she resided at District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia. Susanna died. Citations: Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: M432_976; Page: 74; Image: 150. Note 998 applies. Note 999 applies. Name: Susanna Pennywit Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: M432_976; Page: 74; Image: 150. Note 1000 applies. Note 1001 applies. Name: Susanna Pennywit Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia; Roll: M432_976; Page: 74; Image: 150. Note 1002 applies. Note 1003 applies. Name: Susanna Pennywit

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Birth Date: abt 1785 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia (Residence in 1850). John Pennywitt 111 married Susanna Pennywitt [Will] . They had one daughter: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 in This family is shown as family tree 37.

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113. ELIZABETH BOWMAN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born between 1770 and 1780, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 14. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 in 1798 This family is shown within family tree 14. 114. JOSHUA SMITH (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Thornbury, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA to Joshua Smith 160, as shown in family tree 56. Joshua died in Amelia, Virginia, USA. 115. LEANNAH SMITH [C] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in Virginia, USA. See family tree 38. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Joshua Smith 114 married Leannah Smith [C]. They had one son: Thomas Smith 75 in 1788 This family is shown as family tree 38. 116. ISAAC JOHN NORMAN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1780, in Bedford, Tennessee, USA, to Isaac Norman 161 and Hannah Norman [Gage] 162, as shown in family tree 57. Isaac died in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA. 117. MARY NORMAN [A] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1776, in North Carolina, USA. See family tree 39. Mary died in 1858, aged about 82, in Bedford, Tennessee, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Isaac John Norman 116 married Mary Norman [A]. They had one son: Isaac Kelly Norman 77 in This family is shown as family tree 39. 118. DANIEL LEONARD (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1780, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 15. In 1850, aged about 70, he resided at Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee. Daniel died in 1850/11, aged about 70, in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee; Roll: M432_887; Page: 77; Image: 244. Note 1004 applies. Note 1005 applies. Name: Daniel Leonard Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee; Roll: M432_887; Page: 77; Image: 244. Note 1006 applies. Note 1007 applies. Name: Daniel Leonard Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee; Roll: M432_887; Page: 77; Image: 244. Note 1008 applies. Note 1009 applies. Name: Daniel Leonard Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee (Residence in 1850). Source 17 (Death). Page 176

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Daniel fathered one daughter: Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78 in This family is shown within family tree 15.

Direct Relations

119. HENRY L DAMEWOOD (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1775, in Botetourt, Virginia, USA, to Malachi Damewood 163 and Hannah Damewood [E] 164, as shown in family tree 58. Henry died in 1859, aged about 84, in Corryton, Knox, Tennessee, USA. 120. LEANNA DAMEWOOD [SMYTH] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1775, in Botetourt, Virginia, USA. See family tree 40. In 1850, aged about 75, she resided at District 14, Grainger, Tennessee. Leanna died in 1805, aged about 30, in Knox, Tennessee, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 245. Note 1010 applies. Note 1011 applies. Name: Leanna Damewood Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 245. Note 1012 applies. Note 1013 applies. Name: Leanna Damewood Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M432_880; Page: 120; Image: 245. Note 1014 applies. Note 1015 applies. Name: Leanna Damewood Birth Date: abt 1780 Birth Place: Virginia Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: District 14, Grainger, Tennessee (Residence in 1850). Source 17 (Death). Henry L Damewood 119 married Leanna Damewood [Smyth] in Botetourt, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Isaac Damewood 79 in This family is shown as family tree 40. 121. LARKIN SEYMOUR (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1758, in Halifax, Virginia, USA, to George Seymour 165 and Mary Seymour [Good] 166, as shown in family tree 59. Larkin died in 1850, aged about 92, in Grainger, Tennessee, USA. 122. SALLY SEYMOUR [BRUCE] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1762, in Halifax, Virginia, USA, to John Bruce 167, as shown within family tree 25. Sally died in Grainger, Tennessee, USA. Larkin Seymour 121, aged about 27, married Sally Seymour [Bruce], aged about 23, in 1785 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80 in 1803 This family is shown as family tree 41. 123. JOHN GRAY (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1764. See family tree 42. John died in 1812, aged about 48, in Mason, Kentucky, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 124. RACHEL GRAY [ROSS] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1762, in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA, to John Ross 168 and Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169, as shown in family tree 60. Rachel died in 1825, aged about 63, in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. Citations: Source 14, page Birth year: 1762; Birth city: Westmoreland CO; Birth state: PA. Note 1016 applies. Note 1017 applies.

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Name: Rachel Ross Birth Date: 1762 Birth Place: Westmoreland CO, PA Death Date: 1825 Death Place: Nicholas CO, KY (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1762; Birth city: Westmoreland CO; Birth state: PA. Note 1018 applies. Note 1019 applies. Name: Rachel Ross Birth Date: 1762 Birth Place: Westmoreland CO, PA Death Date: 1825 Death Place: Nicholas CO, KY (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1762; Birth city: Westmoreland CO; Birth state: PA. Note 1020 applies. Note 1021 applies. Name: Rachel Ross Birth Date: 1762 Birth Place: Westmoreland CO, PA Death Date: 1825 Death Place: Nicholas CO, KY (Death). John Gray 123 married Rachel Gray [Ross]. They had one son: Joseph Ross Gray 87 in 1802 This family is shown as family tree 42. 125. JOHN HEATH (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 43. John died in 1813 in Lewis, Kentucky, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Death). 126. MARGARET HEATH [ADAMS] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1772, in Redstone Township, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA, to Robert Adams 170 and Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171, as shown in family tree 61. Margaret died in 1875, aged about 103, in Mason, Kentucky, USA. John Heath 125 married Margaret Heath [Adams], aged about 18, in 1790 in Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in 1799 This family is shown as family tree 43. 127. JOHN HARVEY HAMNER (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born on 30 April 1777, in Albemarle Co., Va, to Turner Hamner 172 and Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173, as shown in family tree 62. John died in 1865, aged about 88, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 128. MARY BULLOCK HAMNER [MOORE] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born on 30 October 1779, in Albermarle, Virginia, USA, to John Moore 174 and Martha Moore [Harvie] 175, as shown in family tree 63. Mary died in 1860, aged about 80, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Harvey Hamner 127 married Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 in 1814 This family is shown as family tree 44. 129. JOHN WILSON (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1770, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA, to John Wilson 176 and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177, as shown in family tree 64. John died in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. 130. ISABELLA WILSON [MERRITT] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1772, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. See family tree 45. Isabella died in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Wilson 129, aged about 33, married Isabella Wilson [Merritt], aged about 31, in 1803 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. They had one son: James A Wilson 93 in This family is shown as family tree 45. 131. JOEL WHITTEN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Berkeley, South Carolina, USA to Elijah Whitten 178, as shown within family tree 46. Joel died in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.

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132. SARAH WHITTEN [ODELL] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in Laurens, South Carolina, USA to John Odell 179 and Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180, as shown within family tree 46. Sarah died in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Joel Whitten 131 married Sarah Whitten [Odell] in Laurens, South Carolina, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94 in This family is shown as family tree 46. 133. ANDREW HUGHES (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Richard Hughes 181. Andrew died in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. 134. OBEDIENCE HUGHES [SUMNER] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1765. See family tree 47. Obedience died in 1829, aged about 64, in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Andrew Hughes 133 married Obedience Hughes [Sumner]. They had one son: Elisha Hughes 95 in 1800 This family is shown as family tree 47. 135. CHARLES PETTIGREW WILSON (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1772, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA, to John Wilson 183 and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184, as shown in family tree 67. Charles died in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. 136. MARTHA WILSON [MCMURRY] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. See family tree 48. Martha died in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 married Martha Wilson [McMurry]. They had one daughter: Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 in 1800 This family is shown as family tree 48. 137. CHARLES MARTIN (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 19. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 138. LUCY MARTIN [HARPER] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 19. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Charles Martin 137 married Lucy Martin [Harper]. They had one daughter: Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in 1800 This family is shown within family tree 19. 139. THOMAS EDWARDS (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1780, in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA, to Andrew Edwards 185 and Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186, as shown in family tree 68. Thomas died in 1876, aged about 96. 140. MARY EDWARDS [BRITTAIN] (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1782, in Burke, Buncombe, North Carolina, USA, to James Brittain 187 and Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188, as shown in family tree 69. Mary died in 1840, aged about 58, in Cherokee, Alabama, USA. Thomas Edwards 139 married Mary Edwards [Brittain]. They had one daughter: Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 in This family is shown as family tree 49. 141. ELIZABETH MOORE [HAMNER] (Caroline's cousin, seven times removed) was born in 1768 to Jeremiah Hamner 189 and Rebecca Hamner [Harper] 190. Elizabeth married her indirect relation, James Moore 191. Generation of Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 142. JAMES RICHARD RANDOLPH (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Caswell, North Carolina, USA to John Randolph 192 and Frances Randolph [Bland] 193, as shown in family tree 70. James died in Milton, Caswell, North Carolina, USA. 143. MARGARET RANDOLPH [SMALLEY] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1725. See family tree 50. Margaret died in Caswell, North Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). James Richard Randolph 142 married Margaret Randolph [Smalley]. They had one son: John Abraham Randolph 101 in This family is shown as family tree 50. 144. JOHN DILL (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1726/1, in Kent, Delaware, USA, to William Dill 194 and Mary Dill 195, as shown in family tree 71. John died in 1809/8, aged about 83, in Greenville, South Carolina, USA.

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145. MARY ANN DILL [BARRETT] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1728, in Kent, Delaware, USA. See family tree 51. Mary died in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Dill 144, aged about 21, married Mary Ann Dill [Barrett], aged about 19, in 1747 in Kent, Delaware, USA. They had one daughter: Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102 in 1767 This family is shown as family tree 51. 146. SIMON POE (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1708, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to Samuel Poe 196 and Mary Poe [Hook] 197, as shown within family tree 52. Simon died in 1793, aged about 85, in Chatham, North Carolina, USA. 147. SARAH POE [BRADFORD] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1707, in Essex, Virginia, USA. See family tree 52. Sarah died in 1780, aged about 73, in Chatham, North Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Simon Poe 146 married Sarah Poe [Bradford]. They had one son: James Poe 105 in 1751 This family is shown as family tree 52. 148. BENJAMIN WATTS (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1720, in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Watts 198 and Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199, as shown in family tree 72. Benjamin died in 1790, aged about 70, in Frederick, Virginia, USA. 149. FRANCES BENJAMIN WATTS (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1724. See family tree 53. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Benjamin Watts 148 married Frances Benjamin Watts. They had one daughter: Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in 1743 This family is shown as family tree 53. 150. AMON MCMILLAN (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1745, in Granville, North Carolina, USA, to Alexander McMillan 200 and Phoebe McMillan 201, as shown within family tree 54. Amon died in 1825, aged about 80, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. 151. MS. MCMILLAN [MARTHA] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1748, in Alabama, USA. See family tree 54. Ms. McMillan [Martha] died in 1835, aged about 87. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Amon McMillan 150 married Ms. McMillan [Martha]. They had one son: James McMillan 107 in 1778 This family is shown as family tree 54. 152. JACOB NEFF (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1742, in Monacocy, Frederick, Maryland, USA, to John Henry Neff 202 and Anna Neff [Steckley] 203, as shown within family tree 36. Jacob died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 153. BARBARA NEFF [GRAYBILL] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1747, in New Market, Virginia, USA, to Ulrich Graybill 204, as shown within family tree 36. Barbara died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Jacob Neff 152 married Barbara Neff [Graybill] in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Neff 109 in This family is shown within family tree 36. 154. SAMUEL KAUFFMAN (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Linville Creek, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Michael Kauffman 205 and Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206, as shown within family tree 36. Samuel died in 1828/8 in Pleasant Valley, Rockingham, Virginia, USA. 155. ELIZABETH KAUFFMAN [REIST] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to John Reist 207 and Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208, as shown within family tree 36. Elizabeth died in 1865 in City, USA. Samuel Kauffman 154 married Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] in 1774 in City, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 in This family is shown within family tree 36. 156. JACOB PENNYWITT (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Mt Jackson, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA to John Pennywitt 209 and Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210, as shown within family tree 37. Jacob died in Mount Jackson, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 157. MARGARET PENNYWITT [HARPINE] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in Mount Jackson, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA to Philip Harpine 211 and Catherine Harpine 212, as shown within family tree 37. Margaret died in Mount Jackson, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Jacob Pennywitt 156 married Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] . They had one son: John Pennywitt 111 in This family is shown within family tree 37.

Direct Relations

158. JOHN WILL (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1740, in York, Pennsylvania, USA, to Michael Will 213 and Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214, as shown in family tree 73. John died in 1815, aged about 75, in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 159. MARIA SUSANNA WILL [SHERMAN] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1754 to Conrad Sherman 215 and Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216, as shown in family tree 74. Maria died in 1815, aged about 61, in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. John Will 158, aged about 34, married Maria Susanna Will [Sherman], aged about 20, in 1774 in York, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112 in This family is shown as family tree 55. 160. JOSHUA SMITH (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Groton, Connecticut, USA to Temperance Holmes 217, as shown in family tree 75. Joshua died in 1798 in Franklin, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Joshua fathered one son: Joshua Smith 114 in This family is shown as family tree 56. 161. ISAAC NORMAN (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born on 25 August 1765, in Culpeper, Culpeper CO, VA, to Joseph Norman 218 and Mary Norman [Read] 219, as shown in family tree 76. Isaac died on 11 July 1828, aged 62, in Elk Creek, Spencer CO, KY. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Source 14, page Birth year: 1765; Birth city: Culpeper; Birth state: VA. Note 1022 applies. Note 1023 applies. Name: Isaac Norman Birth Date: 25 August 1765 Birth Place: Culpeper, Culpeper CO, VA Death Date: 11 July 1828 Death Place: Elk Creek, Spencer CO, KY (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1765; Birth city: Culpeper; Birth state: VA. Note 1024 applies. Note 1025 applies. Name: Isaac Norman Birth Date: 25 August 1765 Birth Place: Culpeper, Culpeper CO, VA Death Date: 11 July 1828 Death Place: Elk Creek, Spencer CO, KY (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1765; Birth city: Culpeper; Birth state: VA. Note 1026 applies. Note 1027 applies. Name: Isaac Norman Birth Date: 25 August 1765 Birth Place: Culpeper, Culpeper CO, VA Death Date: 11 July 1828 Death Place: Elk Creek, Spencer CO, KY (Death). 162. HANNAH NORMAN [GAGE] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born on 20 April 1762, in Culpeper, Virginia, USA, to David Gage 220 and Esther Gage [Shipman] 221, as shown in family tree 77. Hannah died on 28 February 1845, aged 82, in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Death). Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Isaac Norman 161 married Hannah Norman [Gage]. They had one son: Isaac John Norman 116 in 1780 This family is shown as family tree 57. 163. MALACHI DAMEWOOD (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lampeter, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Hans Heinrich Demuth 222 and Anna Demuth [Giessler] 223, as shown in family tree 78. Malachi died in Flat Creek, Knox, Tennessee, USA.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 164. HANNAH DAMEWOOD [E] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1750, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 58. Hannah died in Corryton, Tennessee, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Malachi Damewood 163 married Hannah Damewood [E], aged about 16, in 1766. They had one son: Henry L Damewood 119 in 1775 This family is shown as family tree 58. 165. GEORGE SEYMOUR (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1735, in Lunenburgh, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Seymour 224 and Sarah Seymour 225, as shown within family tree 59. George died in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 166. MARY SEYMOUR [GOOD] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1735, in Lunenburgh. See family tree 59. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). George Seymour 165, aged about 22, married Mary Seymour [Good], aged about 22, in 1757 in Lunenburg, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Larkin Seymour 121 in 1758 This family is shown as family tree 59. 167. JOHN BRUCE (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1745. See family tree 25. John died in 1816, aged about 71, in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John fathered one daughter: Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122 in 1762 This family is shown within family tree 25. 168. JOHN ROSS (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1732, in Hollywood, Atrim, Northern Ireland, to William Ross 226 and Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227, as shown in family tree 79. John died in 1812, aged about 80, in Fleming, Kentucky, USA. 169. DEBORAH JANE ROSS [JOHNSTON] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1730, in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, to John Johnston 228 and Deborah Johnston [Hood] 229, as shown within family tree 42. Deborah died in 1804, aged about 74, in Fleming, Letcher, Kentucky, USA. John Ross 168 married Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston]. They had one daughter: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 in 1762 This family is shown as family tree 60. 170. ROBERT ADAMS (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1742, in Somerset, New Jersey, USA, to Samuel D Adams 230 and Catherine Adams [Hardwick] 231, as shown in family tree 80. Robert died in Redstone, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. 171. ELIZABETH ADAMS [CHAMBERS] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in Redstone, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA to John Chambers 232, as shown within family tree 43. Elizabeth died in Redstone, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Adams 170, aged about 21, married Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] in 1763 in Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in 1772 This family is shown as family tree 61. 172. TURNER HAMNER (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA to Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 and Mary Elizabeth Henley 234, as shown in family tree 81. Turner died in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 14, page Birth year: 1752; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1028 applies. Note 1029 applies. Name: Turner Hamner Birth Date: 27 December 1752 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1845 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1752; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1030 applies. Note 1031 applies. Name: Turner Hamner Birth Date: 27 December 1752 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1845 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Birth). Page 182

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Source 14, page Birth year: 1752; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1032 applies. Note 1033 applies. Name: Turner Hamner Birth Date: 27 December 1752 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1845 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Death). 173. NANCY ANN HAMNER [MOORE] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born on 7 May 1755, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to John Moore 236 and Mary Moore [Bullock] 237, as shown in family tree 82. Nancy died on 4 November 1833, aged 78, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Citations: Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1034 applies. Note 1035 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 7 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 4 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1036 applies. Note 1037 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 17 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Name). Source 13. Note 1038 applies. Note 1039 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Death Date: 2 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa, AL, USA (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1040 applies. Note 1041 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 7 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 4 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1042 applies. Note 1043 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 17 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1044 applies. Note 1045 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 7 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 4 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Death). Source 14, page Birth year: 1755; Birth city: Albemarle CO; Birth state: VA. Note 1046 applies. Note 1047 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Birth Date: 17 May 1755 Birth Place: Albemarle CO, VA Death Date: 2 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa CO, AL (Death). Source 13. Note 1048 applies. Note 1049 applies. Name: Nancy Ann Moore Death Date: 2 November 1833 Death Place: Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Page 183

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(Death). Turner Hamner 172 married Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Harvey Hamner 127 in 1777 This family is shown as family tree 62. 174. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA to John Moore 238 and Mary Moore [Jouett] 239, as shown in family tree 83. John died in Ryland, Madison, Alabama, USA. 175. MARTHA MOORE [HARVIE] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA to John Harvie 240 and Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241, as shown in family tree 84. Martha died in Ryland, Madison, Alabama, USA. John Moore 174 married Martha Moore [Harvie] in Ryland, Madison, Alabama, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 in 1779 This family is shown as family tree 63. 176. JOHN WILSON (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1745, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 64. John died in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 177. POLLY WILSON [PETTIGREW] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1742, in Anson, North Carolina, USA, to John Pettigrew 242 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243, as shown within family tree 64. Polly died in 1823, aged about 81, in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. John Wilson 176 married Polly Wilson [Pettigrew]. They had one son: John Wilson 129 in 1770 This family is shown as family tree 64. 178. ELIJAH WHITTEN (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1734 to Elisha Whitten 244, as shown within family tree 46. Elijah fathered one son: Joel Whitten 131 in This family is shown within family tree 46. 179. JOHN ODELL (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1728, in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA, to Thomas Odell 245 and Margaret Odell [Beall] 246, as shown within family tree 46. John died in Enoree River, Laurens, South Carolina, USA. 180. ELEANOR NELLIE ODELL [HENDRIX] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1744, in Middle Fork Gunpowder, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, to Henry Hendricks 247 and Jane Hendricks [Linville] 248, as shown within family tree 46. Eleanor died in 1809/3, aged about 65, in Laurens, South Carolina, USA. John Odell 179 married Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix]. They had one daughter: Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132 in This family is shown within family tree 46. 181. RICHARD HUGHES (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born to Thomas Hughes 249 and Frances Hughes [Mynne] 250, as shown within family tree 65. Richard fathered one son: Andrew Hughes 133 in This family is shown as family tree 65. 182. MS. MARY (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 66. Ms. Mary gave birth to one son: Andrew Hughes 133 in This family is shown as family tree 66. 183. JOHN WILSON (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1745, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, to Col. John Wilson 251 and Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252, as shown in family tree 85. John died in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. 184. POLLY WILSON [PETTIGREW] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1742, in Anson, North Carolina, USA, to John Pettigrew 253 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254, as shown in family tree 86. Polly died in 1823, aged about 81, in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. John Wilson 183, aged about 25, married Polly Wilson [Pettigrew], aged about 28, in 1770 in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. They had one son: Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 in 1772 This family is shown as family tree 67.

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185. ANDREW EDWARDS (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1752, in Hampshire, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Edwards 255 and Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256, as shown in family tree 87. Andrew died in 1819, aged about 67, in Laures, North Carolina, USA. 186. PHOEBE EDWARDS [MEADOWS] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1754, in Cumberland, Virginia, USA, to Jonas Meador 257 and Mary Meador [Holloway] 258, as shown in family tree 88. Phoebe died in Laurens, South Carolina, USA. Andrew Edwards 185, aged about 22, married Phoebe Edwards [Meadows], aged about 20, in 1774 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Thomas Edwards 139 in 1780 This family is shown as family tree 68. 187. JAMES BRITTAIN (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1755, in Frederick, Virginia, USA, to Joseph Brittain 259 and Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260, as shown in family tree 89. James died in 1831, aged about 76, in Mills River, Henderson, North Carolina, USA. 188. DELILAH BRITTAIN [STRINGFIELD] (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1750, in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA, to James Stringfield 261 and Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262, as shown in family tree 90. Delilah died in 1820, aged about 70, in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. James Brittain 187 married Delilah Brittain [Stringfield]. They had one daughter: Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 in 1782 This family is shown as family tree 69. 189. JEREMIAH HAMNER (Caroline's six-times-great-great-uncle) was born in 1749, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to William Hamner 235 and Mary Elizabeth Henley 234. Jeremiah died in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. 190. REBECCA HAMNER [HARPER] (Caroline's six-times-great-great-aunt by marriage) was born in 1746, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to Castleton Harper 3796. [See also: Indirectly Related via Rebecca Hamner [Harper]] Citation: Source 17 (Name). Jeremiah Hamner 189 married Rebecca Hamner [Harper]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Moore [Hamner] 141 in 1768 191. JAMES MOORE (Caroline's six-times-great-great-uncle) was born to John Moore 236 and Mary Moore [Bullock] 237, as shown in family tree 82. James married his indirect relation, Elizabeth Moore [Hamner] 141. James Moore married Elizabeth Moore [Hamner] 141. Generation of Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 192. JOHN RANDOLPH (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Curles, Henrico, Virginia, USA to Col Richard Randolph 263 and Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264, as shown in family tree 91. John died in Roanoke, Bedford, Virginia, USA. 193. FRANCES RANDOLPH [BLAND] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Mattox, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA to Theodorick Bland 265 and Frances Bland [Bolling] 266, as shown in family tree 92. Frances died in 1788 in Mattox, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA. John Randolph 192 married Frances Randolph [Bland] in Roanoke, Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one son: James Richard Randolph 142 in This family is shown as family tree 70. 194. WILLIAM DILL (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1690, in Fannetin, Donegal, Ireland, to John Dill 267 and Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268, as shown in family tree 93. William died in Kent, Delaware, USA. 195. MARY DILL (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1705, in Whiteslyberg, Kent, Delaware, USA. See family tree 71. Mary died in 1782/11, aged about 77, in Murderkill, Kent, Delaware, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Dill 194, aged about 35, married Mary Dill, aged about 20, in 1725 in Kent, Delaware, USA. They had one son: John Dill 144 in 1726 This family is shown as family tree 71. 196. SAMUEL POE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1675, in Nottingham, Derbyshire, England, to Leonard Poe 269 and Mary Leonard Poe 270, as shown within family tree 52. Samuel died in Tappahannock, Essex, Virginia, USA. 197. MARY POE [HOOK] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. See family tree 52. Mary died in Essex, Virginia, USA.

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198. THOMAS WATTS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1690, in Thomas, Culpepper, Virginia, USA, to Edward Watts 271 and Anne Watts [Martin] 272, as shown in family tree 94. Thomas died in 1749/3, aged about 59, in Culpeper, Virginia, USA. 199. ESTHER WATTS [WILKINS] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1690, in Jamestown, Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to John Stone 273 and Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274, as shown in family tree 95. Esther died in Orange, Virginia, USA. Thomas Watts 198 married Esther Watts [Wilkins] in Culpeper, Stafford, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Benjamin Watts 148 in 1720 This family is shown as family tree 72. 200. ALEXANDER MCMILLAN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1706, in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, to Duncan McMillan 275 and Katherine McMillan [Campbell] 276, as shown within family tree 54. Alexander died in 1761, aged about 55, in Granville, North Carolina, USA. 201. PHOEBE MCMILLAN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. See family tree 54. Phoebe died in 1761. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Alexander McMillan 200 married Phoebe McMillan. They had one son: Amon McMillan 150 in 1745 This family is shown within family tree 54. 202. JOHN HENRY NEFF (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1705, in Bonfeld, Germany. See family tree 36. John died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 203. ANNA NEFF [STECKLEY] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1714. See family tree 36. Anna died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. John Henry Neff 202 married Anna Neff [Steckley] in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: Jacob Neff 152 in 1742 This family is shown within family tree 36. 204. ULRICH GRAYBILL (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Taufer, Bern, Switzerland. See family tree 36. Ulrich died in 1768 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Ulrich fathered one daughter: Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153 in 1747 This family is shown within family tree 36. 205. MICHAEL KAUFFMAN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Landisville, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 36. Michael died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 206. BARBARA KAUFFMAN [HALDIMAN] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1718, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. See family tree 36. Barbara died in City, Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Michael Kauffman 205 married Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman], aged about 26, between 1741 and 1748 in City, Augusta, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Samuel Kauffman 154 in This family is shown within family tree 36. 207. JOHN REIST (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Warwick, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 36. John died in Warwick, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. 208. ELIZABETH REIST [LONGENECKER] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Warwick, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 36. Elizabeth died in Warwick, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. John Reist 207 married Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] in 1754 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 in This family is shown within family tree 36. 209. JOHN PENNYWITT (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1720, in Lorraine, Alsace, France. See family tree 37. 210. ROSINA PENNYWITT [YEISER] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1725. See family tree 37. Rosina died in 1775, aged about 50, in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA.

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John Pennywitt 209 married Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: Jacob Pennywitt 156 in This family is shown within family tree 37. 211. PHILIP HARPINE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1730, in Oley, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 37. Philip died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 212. CATHERINE HARPINE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Shenandoan, Virginia, USA. See family tree 37. Catherine died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Philip Harpine 211 married Catherine Harpine in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157 in This family is shown within family tree 37. 213. MICHAEL WILL (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1719, in Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA, to Michael Will 277 and M Will [Miller] 278, as shown in family tree 96. Michael died in 1773, aged about 54, in Heidelberg, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 214. ANNA CHRISTIANA WILL [MEIXEL] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Leiman, Baden, Germany to Andreas Meixel 279 and Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280, as shown in family tree 97. Anna died between 1804 and 1808 in Franklin, Southampton, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Michael Will 213 married Anna Christiana Will [Meixel]. They had one son: John Will 158 in 1740 This family is shown as family tree 73. 215. CONRAD SHERMAN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in York, Pennsylvania, USA to Conradt Schermann 281, as shown within family tree 55. Conrad died in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 216. HELENE SHERMAN [SLAGLE] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Berwick Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA to Jacob Slagle 282 and Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein] 283, as shown in family tree 98. Helene died in West Manheim Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Conrad Sherman 215 married Helene Sherman [Slagle]. They had one daughter: Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 in 1754 This family is shown as family tree 74. 217. TEMPERANCE HOLMES (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA to Joshua Holmes 284 and Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285, as shown in family tree 99. Temperance died in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1917.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1050 applies. Note 1051 applies. Name: Temperance Holmes Birth Date: 1706 Birth Place: CT (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1917.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1052 applies. Note 1053 applies. Name: Temperance Holmes Birth Date: 1706 Birth Place: CT (Birth). Temperance gave birth to one son: Joshua Smith 160 in This family is shown as family tree 75. 218. JOSEPH NORMAN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1723, in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA, to Isaac Norman 286 and Frances Norman [Courtney] 287, as shown in family tree 100. Joseph died in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. 219. MARY NORMAN [READ] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1723, in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts,

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USA, to Joseph Read 288 and Sarah Read [Deane] 289, as shown in family tree 101. Mary died in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Joseph Norman 218, aged about 7, married Mary Norman [Read], aged about 7, in 1730 in Culpepper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Isaac Norman 161 in 1765 This family is shown as family tree 76. 220. DAVID GAGE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1734, in Orange, New York, USA, to David Gage 290 and Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291, as shown in family tree 102. David died in 1805, aged about 71, in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. 221. ESTHER GAGE [SHIPMAN] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Woodbury, Orange, New York, USA. See family tree 77. Esther died in 1800 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). David Gage 220 married Esther Gage [Shipman]. They had one daughter: Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 in 1762 This family is shown as family tree 77. 222. HANS HEINRICH DEMUTH (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lohn, Beuttenhardt, Schauffhausen, Switzerland to Heinrich Demut 292 and Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin] 293, as shown within family tree 78. Hans died in 1778. 223. ANNA DEMUTH [GIESSLER] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1716. See family tree 78. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Hans Heinrich Demuth 222 married Anna Demuth [Giessler]. They had one son: Malachi Damewood 163 in This family is shown as family tree 78. 224. THOMAS SEYMOUR (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1690, in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Seymour 294 and Ms. Seymour [Ann] 295, as shown within family tree 59. Thomas died in Lunenburgh, Virginia, USA. 225. SARAH SEYMOUR (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1690, in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. See family tree 59. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Thomas Seymour 224 married Sarah Seymour. They had one son: George Seymour 165 in 1735 This family is shown within family tree 59. 226. WILLIAM ROSS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1702, in Frederick, Virginia, USA, to George Ross 296 and Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297, as shown in family tree 103. William died in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 227. ARMINELLA ROSS [WHITESIDE] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1698, in Malone, Antrim, Ireland, to Edward Whiteside 298 and Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299, as shown in family tree 104. Arminella died in 1782, aged about 84, in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 370.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JST. Note 1054 applies. Note 1055 applies. Name: Arminella Whiteside Birth Date: 1698 Birth Place: (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 370.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JST. Note 1056 applies. Note 1057 applies. Name: Arminella Whiteside Birth Date: 1698 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 17 (Death). William Ross 226 married Arminella Ross [Whiteside]. They had one son: John Ross 168 in 1732 This family is shown as family tree 79. 228. JOHN JOHNSTON (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 42.

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230. SAMUEL D ADAMS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1716, in Bedminster, Somerset, New Jersey, USA, to John Adams 300 and Elizabeth Adams 301, as shown within family tree 80. Samuel died in 1741, aged about 25, in Westmoreland, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 231. CATHERINE ADAMS [HARDWICK] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1720. See family tree 80. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Samuel D Adams 230 married Catherine Adams [Hardwick]. They had one son: Robert Adams 170 in 1742 This family is shown as family tree 80. 232. JOHN CHAMBERS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 43. John fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171 in This family is shown within family tree 43. 233. NICHOLAS JR HAMNER (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in New Poquosan, York, Virginia, USA, to Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 and Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303, as shown in family tree 105. Nicholas died in 1740, aged about 70, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Note: Nicholas Hamner 1670-1740 041. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 234. MARY ELIZABETH HENLEY (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1733, in New Kent, Virginia, USA, to Leonard Henley 304 and Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305, as shown in family tree 106. Mary died in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Mary married twice. She was married to William Hamner 235 and Nicholas Jr Hamner 233. Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 married Mary Elizabeth Henley. They had one son: Turner Hamner 172 in This family is shown as family tree 81. 235. WILLIAM HAMNER (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother's husband) was born in 1710, in James City, New Kent CO, VA. William died on 15 December 1787, aged about 77, in Albemarle CO, VA. Note: William Hamner b 1710 0056. Citations: Source 14, page Birth year: 1710; Birth city: James City; Birth state: VA. Note 1058 applies. Note 1059 applies. Name: William Hamner Birth Date: 1710 Birth Place: James City, New Kent CO, VA Death Date: 15 December 1787 Death Place: Albemarle CO, VA (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1710; Birth city: James City; Birth state: VA. Note 1060 applies. Note 1061 applies. Name: William Hamner Birth Date: 1710 Birth Place: James City, New Kent CO, VA Death Date: 15 December 1787 Death Place: Albemarle CO, VA (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1710; Birth city: James City; Birth state: VA. Note 1062 applies. Note 1063 applies. Name: William Hamner

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Birth Date: 1710 Birth Place: James City, New Kent CO, VA Death Date: 15 December 1787 Death Place: Albemarle CO, VA (Death). William Hamner, aged about 39, married Mary Elizabeth Henley 234, aged about 16, in 1749 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: Jeremiah Hamner 189 in 1749 236. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. See family tree 82. John died in 1785 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 237. MARY MOORE [BULLOCK] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1735, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to Richard Bullock 306 and Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307, as shown in family tree 107. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John Moore 236 married Mary Moore [Bullock]. They had two children: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 in 1755 James Moore 191 This family is shown as family tree 82. 238. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA to John Moore 308 and Susannah Moore [Price] 309, as shown in family tree 108. John died in 1785 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. 239. MARY MOORE [JOUETT] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1708, in Albermarle, Albermarle, Virginia, USA, to Matthew Jouett 310 and Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311, as shown in family tree 109. Mary died in Mercer, Kentucky, USA. John Moore 238 married Mary Moore [Jouett], aged about 29, in 1737 in Albermarle, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Moore 174 in This family is shown as family tree 83. 240. JOHN HARVIE (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Gargunnock, Stirlingshire, Scotland to John Harvie 312. John died in Belmont, Albemarle, Virginia, USA. 241. MARTHA HARVIE [GAINES] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Albemarle, Virginia, USA to Bernard Gaines 314 and Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315, as shown within family tree 84. Martha died in Oglethorpe, Georgia, USA. John Harvie 240 married Martha Harvie [Gaines] in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Martha Moore [Harvie] 175 in This family is shown as family tree 84. 242. JOHN PETTIGREW (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1736, in Crilly House, Tyrone, Ireland. See family tree 64. John died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 243. SARAH PETTIGREW [MATTHEWS] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1738, in Pennsylvania, USA, to Samuel Matthews 316. Sarah died in 1806, aged about 68, in Abbeville Dist, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Pettigrew 242, aged about 24, married Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews], aged about 22, in 1760 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 in 1742 This family is shown within family tree 64. 244. ELISHA WHITTEN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1714. See family tree 46. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Elisha fathered one son: Elijah Whitten 178 in 1734 This family is shown within family tree 46. 245. THOMAS ODELL (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. See family tree 46. Thomas died in 1763 in Berkeley, South Carolina, USA. 246. MARGARET ODELL [BEALL] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1694, in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. See family tree 46. Margaret died in 1755, aged about 61, in Berkeley, South Carolina, USA. Thomas Odell 245 married Margaret Odell [Beall], aged about 18, in 1712 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. They had one son: John Odell 179 in 1728 This family is shown within family tree 46. Page 190

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247. HENRY HENDRICKS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1712, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 46. Henry died in 1770, aged about 58, in Indian Creek, Dorchester, South Carolina, USA. 248. JANE HENDRICKS [LINVILLE] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 46. Henry Hendricks 247, aged about 22, married Jane Hendricks [Linville] in 1734 in West Bank Susquehanna River, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 in 1744 This family is shown within family tree 46. 249. THOMAS HUGHES (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wells to Thomas Hughes 318 and Catherine Hughes [Griffin] 319, as shown within family tree 65. 250. FRANCES HUGHES [MYNNE] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born to Nickolas Mynne 320, as shown within family tree 65. Thomas Hughes 249 married Frances Hughes [Mynne]. They had one son: Richard Hughes 181 This family is shown within family tree 65. 251. COL. JOHN WILSON (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1701, in Scotland, to Robert Wilson 321 and Jane Wilson [Lee] 322. Col. died in 1773, aged about 72, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Source 14, page Birth year: 1730; Birth city: Doe Hill; Birth state: VA. Note 1064 applies. Note 1065 applies. Name: Samuel Wilson Birth Date: 1730 Birth Place: Doe Hill, Highland, VA Death Date: 10 October 1774 Death Place: Point Pleasant, Mason, VA (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1730; Birth city: Doe Hill; Birth state: VA. Note 1066 applies. Note 1067 applies. Name: Samuel Wilson Birth Date: 1730 Birth Place: Doe Hill, Highland, VA Death Date: 10 October 1774 Death Place: Point Pleasant, Mason, VA (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1730; Birth city: Doe Hill; Birth state: VA. Note 1068 applies. Note 1069 applies. Name: Samuel Wilson Birth Date: 1730 Birth Place: Doe Hill, Highland, VA Death Date: 10 October 1774 Death Place: Point Pleasant, Mason, VA (Death). 252. MS. WILSON [MARTHA] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1695, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. See family tree 85. Ms. Wilson [Martha] died in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Col. John Wilson 251 married Ms. Wilson [Martha]. They had one son: John Wilson 183 in 1745 This family is shown as family tree 85. 253. JOHN PETTIGREW (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1736, in Crilly House, Tyrone, Ireland, to James Pettigrew 324 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325, as shown in family tree 113. John died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. 254. SARAH PETTIGREW [MATTHEWS] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1738, in Pennsylvania, USA, to Samuel Matthews 326. Sarah died in 1806, aged about 68, in Abbeville Dist, South Carolina, USA. John Pettigrew 253, aged about 24, married Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews], aged about 22, in 1760 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in 1742 This family is shown as family tree 86. 255. THOMAS EDWARDS (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Culpepper, Virginia, USA to Thomas Edwards 328 and Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329, as shown in family tree 115. Thomas died in Hampshire, Virginia, USA.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 256. ELIZABETH EDWARDS [NICHOLS] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1723, in Glen Morganshire, Wales. See family tree 87. Elizabeth died in Camden, Georgia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Edwards 255 married Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols], aged about 20, in 1743 in N, Glamorgan, Wales. They had one son: Andrew Edwards 185 in 1752 This family is shown as family tree 87. 257. JONAS MEADOR (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1728, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to Jonas Meador 330 and Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331, as shown in family tree 116. Jonas died in 1773/10, aged about 45, in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 258. MARY MEADOR [HOLLOWAY] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1731, in Virginia, USA, to John Holloway 332 and Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333, as shown in family tree 117. Mary died in 1767, aged about 36, in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Jonas Meador 257, aged about 22, married Mary Meador [Holloway], aged about 19, in 1750 in Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 in 1754 This family is shown as family tree 88. 259. JOSEPH BRITTAIN (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1723, in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts, New England, to James Brittain 334 and Mary Brittain [Witty] 335, as shown within family tree 89. Joseph died in 1774, aged about 51, in Rowan, North Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 260. MS. BRITTAIN [JEMIMA] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1727, in Rowan, North Carolina, USA. See family tree 89. Ms. Brittain [Jemima] died in 1788, aged about 61. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Joseph Brittain 259 married Ms. Brittain [Jemima]. They had one son: James Brittain 187 in 1755 This family is shown as family tree 89. 261. JAMES STRINGFIELD (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Surry, Virginia, USA to Richard Stringfield 336 and Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337, as shown in family tree 118. James died in 1810 in Warren, Kentucky, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 262. MARY ANN STRINGFIELD [RAY] (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Queen Annes, Maryland, USA to John Ray 338 and Mary Ray [Wilson] 339, as shown in family tree 119. Mary died in Warren, Kentucky, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). James Stringfield 261 married Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] in 1770 in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. They had one daughter: Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 in 1750 This family is shown as family tree 90. Generation of Eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 263. COL RICHARD RANDOLPH (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born on 2 May 1686, in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to William Randolph 340 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 341, as shown in family tree 120. Col died on 17 December 1748, aged 62, in Curls Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 790.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HJM. Note 1070 applies. Note 1071 applies. Name: Richard Randolph Birth Date: 1686 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 790.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HJM. Note 1072 applies. Note 1073 applies. Name: Richard Randolph Birth Date: 1686 Page 192

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Birth Place: VA (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 264. JANE RANDOLPH [BOLLING] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1703, in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to John Bolling 342 and Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343, as shown in family tree 121. Jane died in Curles, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Col Richard Randolph 263, aged about 28, married Jane Randolph [Bolling], aged about 11, in 1714 in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Randolph 192 in This family is shown as family tree 91. 265. THEODORICK BLAND (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Clawson, Prince George, Virginia, USA to Richard Bland 344 and Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345, as shown in family tree 122. Theodorick died in 1784 in Amelia, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 3510.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1074 applies. Note 1075 applies. Name: Theodorick Bland Birth Date: 1718 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3510.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1076 applies. Note 1077 applies. Name: Theodorick Bland Birth Date: 1718 Birth Place: VA (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 266. FRANCES BLAND [BOLLING] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1724, in Prince George, Virginia, USA, to Drury Bolling 346 and Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347, as shown in family tree 123. Frances died in 1774, aged about 50, in Amelia, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Theodorick Bland 265 married Frances Bland [Bolling], aged about 15, in 1739 in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Frances Randolph [Bland] 193 in This family is shown as family tree 92. 267. JOHN DILL (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1680, in Corry Ballynastocker, Fannetin, Donegal, Ireland, to John Dill 348, as shown within family tree 93. John died in 1751, aged about 71, in Kent, Delaware, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 268. SARAH DILL [LINSCOTT] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in York, Maine, USA, to John Linscott 349 and Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350, as shown in family tree 124. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John Dill 267 married Sarah Dill [Linscott]. They had one son: William Dill 194 in 1690 This family is shown as family tree 93. 269. LEONARD POE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Nottingham, Derbyshire, England. See family tree 52. Leonard died in 1700, aged about 60, in England. 270. MARY LEONARD POE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1645, in England. See family tree 52. Mary died in 1710, aged about 65. Leonard Poe 269, aged about 34, married Mary Leonard Poe, aged about 29, in 1674. They had one son: Samuel Poe 196 in 1675 This family is shown within family tree 52. 271. EDWARD WATTS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1689, in Stafford, Virginia, USA, to Edward Watts 351 and Anne Watts [Martin] 352, as shown in family tree 125. Edward died in 1728, aged about 39, in Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 272. ANNE WATTS [MARTIN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660 to John Martin 353 and Joanna Martin 354, as shown within family tree 72. Anne died in 1741, aged about 81, in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward Watts 271 married Anne Watts [Martin]. They had one son: Thomas Watts 198 in 1690 This family is shown as family tree 94. 273. JOHN STONE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1646, in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England, to Richard Stone 355 and Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356, as shown in family tree 126. John died in 1737/1, aged about 91, in Caroline, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 274. MARY STONE [WILKINS] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, to John Wilkins 357 and Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358, as shown in family tree 127. Mary died in 1765, aged about 95. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Stone 273 married Mary Stone [Wilkins]. They had one daughter: Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199 in 1690 This family is shown as family tree 95. 275. DUNCAN MCMILLAN (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 54. Duncan died in 1743 in Drowned. 276. KATHERINE MCMILLAN [CAMPBELL] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 54. Duncan McMillan 275 married Katherine McMillan [Campbell]. They had one son: Alexander McMillan 200 in 1706 This family is shown within family tree 54. 277. MICHAEL WILL (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1793, in Pennsylvania, USA, to Mary Jane Rexing 359, as shown within family tree 96. In 1850, aged about 57, he resided at Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania. In 1850, aged about 57, he resided at Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania. In 1860, aged about 67, he resided at Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania. Michael died in 1860, aged about 67. Citations: Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1088; Page: 34; Image: 35. Note 1078 applies. Note 1079 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_761; Page: 43; Image: 88. Note 1080 applies. Note 1081 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Name). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_754; Page: 219; Image: 83. Note 1082 applies. Note 1083 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1088; Page: 34; Image: 35. Note 1084 applies. Note 1085 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Birth). Page 194

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Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_761; Page: 43; Image: 88. Note 1086 applies. Note 1087 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_754; Page: 219; Image: 83. Note 1088 applies. Note 1089 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania (Birth). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_754; Page: 219; Image: 83. Note 1090 applies. Note 1091 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1800 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania (Residence in 1850). Source 2, page Year: 1850; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_761; Page: 43; Image: 88. Note 1092 applies. Note 1093 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1850 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Residence in 1850). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1088; Page: 34; Image: 35. Note 1094 applies. Note 1095 applies. Name: Michael Will Birth Date: abt 1796 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania (Residence in 1860). 278. M WILL [MILLER] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 96. Michael Will 277 married M Will [Miller]. They had one son: Michael Will 213 in 1719 This family is shown as family tree 96. 279. ANDREAS MEIXEL (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in Leimen, Baden, Germany, to Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 and Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361, as shown within family tree 97. Andreas died in Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. 280. ANNA EVA MEIXEL [HERTZOGIN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1674, in Eppingen, Kreis Sinsheim, Germany, to Sebastian Herzog 362 and Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363, as shown in family tree 128. Anna died in Leimen, Baden, Germany. Andreas Meixel 279 married Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin]. They had one daughter: Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214 in This family is shown as family tree 97. 281. CONRADT SCHERMANN (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1719, in Germany. See family tree 55. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Conradt fathered one son: Conrad Sherman 215 in This family is shown within family tree 55.

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282. JACOB SLAGLE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hanover, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364 and Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] 365, as shown in family tree 129. Jacob died in Berwick, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 8921.111; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1096 applies. Note 1097 applies. Name: Jacob Slagle Birth Date: 1723 Birth Place: PA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 8921.111; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1098 applies. Note 1099 applies. Name: Jacob Slagle Birth Date: 1723 Birth Place: PA (Birth). 283. MARY CATHERINE SLAGLE [KLEIN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in Lititz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Nicholaus Klee 366 and Catherine Klee [C] 367, as shown in family tree 130. Mary died in Berwick Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Jacob Slagle 282 married Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein]. They had one daughter: Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216 in This family is shown as family tree 98. 284. JOSHUA HOLMES (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA to Joshua Holmes 368 and Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369, as shown in family tree 131. Joshua died in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1100 applies. Note 1101 applies. Name: Joshua Holmes Birth Date: 1678 Birth Place: RI (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1102 applies. Note 1103 applies. Name: Joshua Holmes Birth Date: 1678 Birth Place: RI (Birth). 285. FEAR HOLMES [STURGIS] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1678, in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA, to Edward Sturgis 370 and Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371, as shown in family tree 132. Fear died in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1104 applies. Note 1105 applies. Name: Fear Sturgis Birth Date: 1678 Birth Place: MA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1106 applies. Note 1107 applies. Name: Fear Sturgis Birth Date: 1678 Birth Place: MA (Birth). Joshua Holmes 284 married Fear Holmes [Sturgis] in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Temperance Holmes 217 in This family is shown as family tree 99. 286. ISAAC NORMAN (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA to Joseph Norman 372. Isaac died in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA.

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287. FRANCES NORMAN [COURTNEY] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA to James Courtney 374 and Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375, as shown within family tree 100. Frances died in 1752 in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. Isaac Norman 286 married Frances Norman [Courtney] in 1716 in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Joseph Norman 218 in 1723 This family is shown as family tree 100. 288. JOSEPH READ (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1687, in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to John Read 376 and Hannah Read [Peabody] 377, as shown in family tree 136. Joseph died in Assonet, Massachusetts, USA. 289. SARAH READ [DEANE] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1691, in Taunton, to Joseph Deane 378 and Mary Deane [Tipping] 379, as shown in family tree 137. Sarah died. Joseph Read 288, aged about 21, married Sarah Read [Deane], aged about 17, in 1708. They had one daughter: Mary Norman [Read] 219 in 1723 This family is shown as family tree 101. 290. DAVID GAGE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Stepney, Saint Dunstan, London, England to Nicholas Gage 380 and Mary Gage 381, as shown within family tree 77. David died in 1801 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. 291. ABIGAIL GAGE [BURLESON] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA to John Aaron Burleson 382. Abigail died in 1775 in Lunenburg, Virginia, USA. David Gage 290 married Abigail Gage [Burleson] in 1734 in Woodbury, Orange, New York, USA. They had one son: David Gage 220 in 1734 This family is shown as family tree 102. 292. HEINRICH DEMUT (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born to Jacob Demut 384 and Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] 385, as shown within family tree 78. 293. MARGARETHA DEMUT [BRUELMENIN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 78. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Heinrich Demut 292 married Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin] in Lohn, Beuttenhardt, Schauffhausen, Switzerland. They had one son: Hans Heinrich Demuth 222 in This family is shown within family tree 78. 294. THOMAS SEYMOUR (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1664, in Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA. See family tree 59. Thomas died in Lunenburgh, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 295. MS. SEYMOUR [ANN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1668. See family tree 59. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Thomas Seymour 294 married Ms. Seymour [Ann]. They had one son: Thomas Seymour 224 in 1690 This family is shown within family tree 59. 296. GEORGE ROSS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA to George Ross 386 and Constance Ross [Little] 387, as shown in family tree 139. George died in Elizabethtown, Union, New Jersey, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 3328.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RBM. Note 1108 applies. Note 1109 applies. Name: George Ross Birth Date: 1662 Birth Place: CT (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3328.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RBM. Note 1110 applies. Note 1111 applies. Name: George Ross Birth Date: 1662 Birth Place: CT (Birth). 297. HANNAH ROSS [SPINNING] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1672, in Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA, to Humphrey Spinning 388 and Abigail Hubbard 389, as shown in family tree 140. Hannah died in 1750, aged about 78, in Elizabeth Town, Essex, New Jersey, USA.

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George Ross 296 married Hannah Ross [Spinning], aged about 18, in 1690 in Elizabethtown, Morris, New Jersey, USA. They had one son: William Ross 226 in 1702 This family is shown as family tree 103. 298. EDWARD WHITESIDE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1665, in England, to Lawrence Whiteside 390 and Lawrence Whiteside 391, as shown within family tree 104. Edward died in 1723, aged about 58, in Malone, Antrin, Ireland. 299. ELINOR WHITESIDE [TAVERNER] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1665, in Ireland, to Lawrence Tavernor 392, as shown within family tree 79. Edward Whiteside 298 married Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] in Lisburn, Ireland. They had one daughter: Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 in 1698 This family is shown as family tree 104. 300. JOHN ADAMS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1672, in Antrim, Ulster, Ireland, to Robert Adams 393 and Elizabeth Adams 394, as shown within family tree 80. John died in Bedminster, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. 301. ELIZABETH ADAMS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1677, in Antrim, Ireland. See family tree 80. Elizabeth died in Lamington, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Adams 300 married Elizabeth Adams. They had one son: Samuel D Adams 230 in 1716 This family is shown within family tree 80. 302. NICHOLAS SR. HANMER (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in New Poqueson, York, Virginia, USA, to Humphrey Hanmer 395, as shown in family tree 142. Nicholas died between 1703 and 1712, aged about 68, in Williamsburg, York, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 23956.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 3; Submitter Code: . Note 1112 applies. Note 1113 applies. Name: Nicholas Hamner Birth Date: 1630 Birth Place: Wl (Birth). Source 13. Note 1114 applies. Note 1115 applies. Name: Nicholas Hamner Death Date: 1703 Death Place: York, VA, USA (Death). 303. JOAN HANMER [TURNER] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1614, in England, to Mr. Turner 396, as shown within family tree 81. Joan died about 1692, aged about 78, in York, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 married Joan Hanmer [Turner]. They had one son: Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 in 1670 This family is shown as family tree 105. 304. LEONARD HENLEY (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1702, in James City, Virginia, USA, to Reynold Henley 397 and Susan Henley [Turner] 398, as shown in family tree 143. Leonard died in 1759, aged about 57, in James City, New Kent, Virginia, USA. 305. ELIZABETH HENLEY [RICHARDSON] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in St Peters Par, New Kent, Virginia, USA to Robert Richardson 399 and Jane Richardson [Green] 400, as shown within family tree 106. Leonard Henley 304, aged about 21, married Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] in 1723 in James City, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 in 1733 This family is shown as family tree 106. 306. RICHARD BULLOCK (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1696, in Albermarle Parrish, Surrey, Virginia, USA, to Richard Bullock 401 and Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402, as shown in family tree 144. Richard died in 1738, aged about 42, in Albermarle Parrish, Surrey, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 307. ELIZABETH BULLOCK [SHOCKEY] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1702, in Surrey, Virginia, USA,

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to Richard Shockey 403 and Alice Shockey 404, as shown within family tree 82. Elizabeth died in 1735, aged about 33, in Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard Bullock 306 married Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey]. They had one daughter: Mary Moore [Bullock] 237 in 1735 This family is shown as family tree 107. 308. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1645, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to Augustine Moore 405 and Anne Moore 406, as shown in family tree 145. John died in 1700, aged about 55, in York, Virginia, USA. 309. SUSANNAH MOORE [PRICE] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Henrico, Virginia, USA, to Mary Ann Matthews 407, as shown within family tree 83. John Moore 308, aged about 55, married Susannah Moore [Price], aged about 30, in 1700 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Moore 238 in This family is shown as family tree 108. 310. MATTHEW JOUETT (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1681, in Lisle De Re, France, to Pierre Jouett 408. Matthew died in 1745, aged about 64, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 2416.001; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1116 applies. Note 1117 applies. Name: Matthew Jouett Birth Date: 1681 Birth Place: (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 23908.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 2; Submitter Code: . Note 1118 applies. Note 1119 applies. Name: Matthew Jouett Birth Date: 1685 Birth Place: (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 2416.001; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1120 applies. Note 1121 applies. Name: Matthew Jouett Birth Date: 1681 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 23908.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 2; Submitter Code: . Note 1122 applies. Note 1123 applies. Name: Matthew Jouett Birth Date: 1685 Birth Place: (Birth). 311. SUSANNAH JOUETT [MOORE] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born on 20 April 1707, in Elizabeth City, Gloucester, Virginia, USA, to John Moore 410 and Susannah Moore [Price] 411, as shown in family tree 147. Susannah died about 1772, aged about 65, in Louisa, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Matthew Jouett 310 married Susannah Jouett [Moore]. They had one daughter: Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 in 1708 This family is shown as family tree 109. 312. JOHN HARVIE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1700, in Bowden, Roxburghshire, Scotland, to Adam Harvie 412 and Agnes Harvie [Armstrong] 413, as shown within family tree 84. John died in 1721, aged about 21. John fathered one son: John Harvie 240 in This family is shown within family tree 84. 313. MARGARET KAY (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1684, in Gargannock, Stirlingshire, Scotland. See family tree 110.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Margaret gave birth to one son: John Harvie 240 in This family is shown as family tree 110.

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314. BERNARD GAINES (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in Rappahannock, Caroline, Virginia, USA, to Daniel Gaines 414 and Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415, as shown within family tree 84. Bernard died in Ind City, Richmond, Virginia, USA. 315. MARTHA GAINES [TAYLOR] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Rapphanock, Caroline, Virginia, USA, to George Taylor 416 and Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417, as shown within family tree 84. Martha died in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Bernard Gaines 314, aged about 50, married Martha Gaines [Taylor], aged about 50, in 1720 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241 in This family is shown within family tree 84. 316. SAMUEL MATTHEWS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 64. Samuel died in 1769 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Death). Samuel fathered one daughter: Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in 1738 This family is shown within family tree 64. 317. MS. ANNE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 111. Ms. Anne gave birth to one daughter: Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in 1738 This family is shown as family tree 111. 318. THOMAS HUGHES (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1810, in Down, Ulster, Ireland. See family tree 65. Thomas died in Rome, Lenawee, Michigan, USA. 319. CATHERINE HUGHES [GRIFFIN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 65. Thomas Hughes 318 married Catherine Hughes [Griffin]. They had one son: Thomas Hughes 249 This family is shown within family tree 65. 320. NICKOLAS MYNNE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Norfolk, England. See family tree 65. Nickolas fathered one daughter: Frances Hughes [Mynne] 250 This family is shown within family tree 65. 321. ROBERT WILSON (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1669, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to Mr. Willson 418, as shown within family tree 85. Robert died on 3 November 1745, aged about 76, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 322. JANE WILSON [LEE] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1672, in Londonderry, Ireland, to Thomas Lee 419 and Anne Lee [Davis] 420, as shown within family tree 85. Jane died in 1746, aged about 74, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Wilson 321 married Jane Wilson [Lee]. They had one son: Col. John Wilson 251 in 1701 This family is shown within family tree 85. 323. ROBERT WILSON (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1669, in Edinburgh, Scotland. See family tree 112. Robert died on 3 November 1745, aged about 76, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Robert fathered one son: Col. John Wilson 251 in 1701 This family is shown as family tree 112. 324. JAMES PETTIGREW (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1713 and 1714, in Tyrone, Ireland, to James Pettigrew 421 and Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422, as shown in family tree 148. James died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death).

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325. MARY PETTIGREW [COCHRAN] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1713/10, in Tyrone, Ireland, to George Cochran 423 and Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424, as shown within family tree 113. Mary died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). James Pettigrew 324, aged about 16, married Mary Pettigrew [Cochran], aged about 18, in 1731 in Aughnacloy, Tyrone, Ireland. They had one son: John Pettigrew 253 in 1736 This family is shown as family tree 113. 326. SAMUEL MATTHEWS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 67. Samuel died in 1769 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Death). Samuel fathered one daughter: Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in 1738 This family is shown within family tree 86. 327. MS. ANNE (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 114. Ms. Anne gave birth to one daughter: Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in 1738 This family is shown as family tree 114. 328. THOMAS EDWARDS (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Wales to Robert Edwards 425 and Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426, as shown within family tree 87. Thomas died in Swansea, Wales, England. 329. ISABELLA EDWARDS [DOWNING] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1692, in Edwards Hall, Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales, to George Downing 427 and Catherine Downing [Cecil] 428, as shown in family tree 149. Isabella died in 1783, aged about 91, in Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Giamorganshire, Wales. Thomas Edwards 328 married Isabella Edwards [Downing] in Llandaff, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales. They had one son: Thomas Edwards 255 in This family is shown as family tree 115. 330. JONAS MEADOR (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1698, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to John Meador 429 and Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430, as shown in family tree 150. Jonas died in 1768, aged about 70, in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. 331. FRANCES MEADOR [HUDGENS] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1702, in Franklin, Virginia, USA, to William John Houchins 431 and Frances Houchins [Gwinn] 432, as shown within family tree 88. Frances died in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Jonas Meador 330, aged about 23, married Frances Meador [Hudgens], aged about 19, in 1721 in Essex, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Jonas Meador 257 in 1728 This family is shown as family tree 116. 332. JOHN HOLLOWAY (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Essex, Virginia, USA to David Holloway 433 and Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434, as shown in family tree 151. John died in 1757 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. 333. HANNAH HOLLOWAY [SPIERS] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1700, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to John Spiers 435 and Martha Spiers [Mills] 436, as shown in family tree 152. Hannah died in 1780, aged about 80, in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. John Holloway 332 married Hannah Holloway [Spiers], aged about 16, in 1716 in Essex, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in 1731 This family is shown as family tree 117. 334. JAMES BRITTAIN (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1709, in Wales, Isle, England, to Asa Brittain 437 and Achsa Brittain 438, as shown within family tree 89. James died in 1776, aged about 67, in Guilford, North Carolina, USA. 335. MARY BRITTAIN [WITTY] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1705, in Wales, Virginia, USA, to Mr. Whitty 439, as shown within family tree 89. Mary died in 1779, aged about 74, in Moores Creek, Virginia, USA. James Brittain 334, aged about 17, married Mary Brittain [Witty], aged about 21, in 1726 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: Joseph Brittain 259 in 1723 This family is shown within family tree 89. 336. RICHARD STRINGFIELD (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1705, in Jamestown, Virginia, USA, to

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Charles Stringfield 440, as shown in family tree 153. Richard died in 1747, aged about 42, in Old English Settlement Jamestown, Virginia, USA. 337. MARY STRINGFIELD [PETTUS] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1715, in Virginia, USA, to Thomas Petty 441 and Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442, as shown in family tree 154. Mary died in Surry, Virginia, USA. Richard Stringfield 336, aged about 29, married Mary Stringfield [Pettus], aged about 19, in 1734 in Surry, Virginia, USA. They had one son: James Stringfield 261 in This family is shown as family tree 118. 338. JOHN RAY (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA to William Ray 443 and Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444, as shown in family tree 155. John died in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. 339. MARY RAY [WILSON] (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1712. See family tree 119. John Ray 338 married Mary Ray [Wilson]. They had one daughter: Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262 in This family is shown as family tree 119. Generation of Nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 340. WILLIAM RANDOLPH (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA to Richard Randolph 445 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446, as shown in family tree 156. William died in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 341. MARY RANDOLPH [ISHAM] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to Henry Isham 447 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 448, as shown in family tree 157. Mary died in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 2738.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1124 applies. Note 1125 applies. Name: Mary Isham Birth Date: 1660 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 2738.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1126 applies. Note 1127 applies. Name: Mary Isham Birth Date: 1660 Birth Place: VA (Birth). William Randolph 340 married Mary Randolph [Isham], aged about 18, in 1678 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Col Richard Randolph 263 in 1686 This family is shown as family tree 120. 342. JOHN BOLLING (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA to Robert Bolling 449 and Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450, as shown in family tree 158. John died in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 3431.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1128 applies. Note 1129 applies. Name: John Bolling Birth Date: 1676 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3431.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1130 applies. Note 1131 applies. Name: John Bolling Birth Date: 1676 Birth Place: VA (Birth). 343. MARY BOLLING [KENNON] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA

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to Richard Kennon 451 and Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452, as shown in family tree 160. Mary died in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 761.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JWV. Note 1132 applies. Note 1133 applies. Name: Mary Kennon Birth Date: 1679 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 761.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JWV. Note 1134 applies. Note 1135 applies. Name: Mary Kennon Birth Date: 1679 Birth Place: VA (Birth). John Bolling 342 married Mary Bolling [Kennon] in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 in 1703 This family is shown as family tree 121. 344. RICHARD BLAND (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westover, Charles City, Virginia, USA to Theodorick Bland 453 and Anne Bland [Bennett] 454, as shown in family tree 161. Richard died in Williamsburg, James City, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 3512.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1136 applies. Note 1137 applies. Name: Richard Bland Birth Date: 1665 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3512.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1138 applies. Note 1139 applies. Name: Richard Bland Birth Date: 1665 Birth Place: VA (Birth). 345. ELIZABETH BLAND [RANDOLPH] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1680, in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to William Randolph 455 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 456, as shown in family tree 162. Elizabeth died in Jordans Point, Marion, West Virginia, USA. Richard Bland 344 married Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] in Accomac, Accomack, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Theodorick Bland 265 in This family is shown as family tree 122. 346. DRURY BOLLING (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA to Robert Bolling 457 and Anne Bolling [Stith] 458, as shown in family tree 163. Drury died in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. 347. ELIZABETH BOLLING [MERIWETHER] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1699, in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA, to Francis Meriwether 459 and Mary Bathurst 460, as shown in family tree 164. Elizabeth died in 1726, aged about 27, in Virginia, USA. Drury Bolling 346 married Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether], aged about 24, in 1723 in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in 1724 This family is shown as family tree 123. 348. JOHN DILL (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1647, in Corry, Ballynastocker, Fannett, Ireland, to John Dill 461. John died in 1730, aged about 83, in Fanad, Donegal, Ireland. John fathered one son: John Dill 267 in 1680 This family is shown within family tree 93. 349. JOHN LINSCOTT (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Exeter, Devon, England to Henry Linscott 463 and Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464, as shown in family tree 167. John died in York, York, Maine, USA.

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350. SARAH LINSCOTT [KINGSBURY] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1665, in York, Maine, USA, to Mr. Kingsbury 465, as shown within family tree 93. Sarah died in York, Maine, USA. John Linscott 349 married Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury]. They had one daughter: Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268 in 1685 This family is shown as family tree 124. 351. EDWARD WATTS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wells, Somerset, England to Cornelius Watts 466 and Ann Watts [Esserman] 467, as shown in family tree 168. Edward died in 1690 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. 352. ANNE WATTS [MARTIN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1668, in Somerset, England, to John Martin 468 and Joanna Martin 469, as shown in family tree 169. Anne died in 1742, aged about 74, in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Edward Watts 351 married Anne Watts [Martin], aged about 20, in 1688 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Edward Watts 271 in 1689 This family is shown as family tree 125. 353. JOHN MARTIN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 72. 354. JOANNA MARTIN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 72. John Martin 353 married Joanna Martin. They had one daughter: Anne Watts [Martin] 272 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 72. 355. RICHARD STONE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England, to John Herbert Stone 470. Richard died in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. 356. DOROTHY STONE [BELCHER] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1635, in England. See family tree 126. Richard Stone 355, aged about 21, married Dorothy Stone [Belcher], aged about 6, in 1641 in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: John Stone 273 in 1646 This family is shown as family tree 126. 357. JOHN WILKINS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA to Bray Wilkins 472 and Hannah Wilkins [Way] 473, as shown in family tree 172. John died in 1723 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. 358. MARY WILKINS [GENGILL] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1646, in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. See family tree 127. Mary died in 1741, aged about 95. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Wilkins 357 married Mary Wilkins [Gengill] in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274 in 1670 This family is shown as family tree 127. 359. MARY JANE REXING (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born to Tony Rexing 474, as shown within family tree 96. Mary gave birth to one son: Michael Will 277 in 1793 This family is shown within family tree 96. 360. JOHANN WOLFGANG MEIYSSEL (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Gries Kirchen, Ob Der Enns, Wels Dist, Austria, to Johann Meixell 475, as shown within family tree 97. Johann died in 1698, aged about 58, in Leiman, Baden, Germany. 361. MARGARETHA MEIYSSEL [MEYSSEL] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1640, in Grieskirchen, Ob Der Enns, Wels District, Austria. See family tree 97. Margaretha died in Leimen Baden, Germany. Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360, aged about 37, married Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel], aged about 37, in 1677 in Leihman, Baden, Germany. They had one son: Andreas Meixel 279 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 97. 362. SEBASTIAN HERZOG (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1644, in Eppingen, Baden, Germany. See family tree 128. Sebastian died in 1705, aged about 61. 363. ANNA KATHARINA HERZOG [WOLFHARDT] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Duehren, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany to Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 and Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477, as shown within family tree 128. Anna died in 1720 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.

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Sebastian Herzog 362, aged about 35, married Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] in 1679 in Leiman, Baden, Germany. They had one daughter: Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280 in 1674 This family is shown as family tree 128. 364. CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH SLAGLE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Grimma, Germandy, Saxony to Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478 and Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479, as shown within family tree 129. Christoph died in York, Pennsylvania, USA. 365. ANNA MARIA SLAGLE [AISTER] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Stuttgart, Neckar, Wrttemberg, Germany to Elias Eyster 480 and Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481, as shown within family tree 129. Anna died in Berwick, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364 married Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] in Wilmington, Mewcastle, Delaware, USA. They had one son: Jacob Slagle 282 in This family is shown as family tree 129. 366. NICHOLAUS KLEE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lititz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA to Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 and Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483, as shown within family tree 130. Nicholaus died in Conewago, York, Pennsylvania, USA. 367. CATHERINE KLEE [C] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1710, in Lititz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. See family tree 130. Nicholaus Klee 366 married Catherine Klee [C]. They had one daughter: Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein] 283 in This family is shown as family tree 130. 368. JOSHUA HOLMES (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1650, in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA, to Robert Holmes 484 and Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485, as shown in family tree 173. Joshua died in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. 369. ABIGAIL HOLMES [INGRAHAM] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1636, in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to Richard Ingraham 486 and Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487, as shown in family tree 174. Abigail died in Groton, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 3007.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GHS. Note 1140 applies. Note 1141 applies. Name: Abigail Ingraham Birth Date: 1636 Birth Place: MA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3007.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GHS. Note 1142 applies. Note 1143 applies. Name: Abigail Ingraham Birth Date: 1636 Birth Place: MA (Birth). Joshua Holmes 368 married Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. They had one son: Joshua Holmes 284 in This family is shown as family tree 131. 370. EDWARD STURGIS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA to Edward Sturgis 488 and Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489, as shown in family tree 175. Edward died in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 24028.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 2; Submitter Code: . Note 1144 applies. Note 1145 applies. Name: Edward Sturgis Birth Date: 1642 Birth Place: MA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 24028.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 2; Submitter Code: . Note 1146 applies. Note 1147 applies. Name: Edward Sturgis Page 205

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Birth Date: 1642 Birth Place: MA (Birth). 371. TEMPERANCE STURGIS [GORHAM] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA to John Gorham 490 and Desire Gorham [Howland] 491, as shown in family tree 176. Temperance died in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1915.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1148 applies. Note 1149 applies. Name: Temperance Gorham Birth Date: 1646 Birth Place: MA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1915.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: TDM. Note 1150 applies. Note 1151 applies. Name: Temperance Gorham Birth Date: 1646 Birth Place: MA (Birth). Edward Sturgis 370 married Temperance Sturgis [Gorham]. They had one daughter: Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285 in 1678 This family is shown as family tree 132. 372. JOSEPH NORMAN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1657, in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, USA, to George Norman 492 and Johanna Norman [Newman] 493, as shown within family tree 100. Joseph died in Gloucester, Virginia, USA. Joseph fathered one son: Isaac Norman 286 in This family is shown as family tree 133. 373. ANNE TOLSON (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1607, in Cecil, Maryland, USA. See family tree 134. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Anne gave birth to two sons: Isaac Norman 286 in George Norman 492 in This family is shown as family tree 134. 374. JAMES COURTNEY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Prob, Virginia, USA, to James Courtney 494 and Ms. Dyne 495, as shown within family tree 135. James died in 1698, aged about 58, in Cople Parish, Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. James married twice. He was married to Ms. Dyne 495 (his mother) and Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375. 375. MARY COURTNEY [JENKINS] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Northumberland Va, to Nicholas Jenkins 496 and Ann Jenkins 497, as shown within family tree 100. Mary died in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. James Courtney 374 married Mary Courtney [Jenkins]. They had one daughter: Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 in This family is shown within family tree 100. 376. JOHN READ (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA to John Read 498 and MrsJohn Read 499, as shown within family tree 101. John died in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. 377. HANNAH READ [PEABODY] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1633, in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA, to John Peabody 500 and Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501, as shown in family tree 177. Hannah died in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. John Read 376 married Hannah Read [Peabody], aged about 44, in 1677 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. They had one son: Joseph Read 288 in 1687 This family is shown as family tree 136. 378. JOSEPH DEANE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1654, in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to Walter Deane 502 and Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503, as shown in family tree 178. Joseph died in Dighton, Massachusetts, USA.

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379. MARY DEANE [TIPPING] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1654, in Bristol, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to Mr. Tipping 504, as shown within family tree 101. Mary died. Joseph Deane 378, aged about 4, married Mary Deane [Tipping], aged about 4, in 1658 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Sarah Read [Deane] 289 in 1691 This family is shown as family tree 137. 380. NICHOLAS GAGE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1685, in Wales, England. See family tree 77. Nicholas died in 1788, aged about 103, in Wales, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 381. MARY GAGE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in Wales, England. See family tree 77. Nicholas Gage 380, aged about 16, married Mary Gage, aged about 16, in 1701 in Wales, England. They had one son: David Gage 290 in This family is shown within family tree 77. 382. JOHN AARON BURLESON (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA to Edward Burleson 505 and Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506, as shown within family tree 102. John died in 1763 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 8830.137; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1152 applies. Note 1153 applies. Name: John Burleson Birth Date: 1677 Birth Place: CT (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 8830.137; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1154 applies. Note 1155 applies. Name: John Burleson Birth Date: 1677 Birth Place: CT (Birth). John fathered one daughter: Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in This family is shown within family tree 102. 383. SARAH CAMP (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1700, in Pos, Durham, England. See family tree 138. Sarah died in 1756, aged about 56, in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Sarah gave birth to one daughter: Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in This family is shown as family tree 138. 384. JACOB DEMUT (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 78. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 385. LUCIA DEMUT [BUSSENHARTHIN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Huentwangen, Zurich, Switzerland. See family tree 78. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Jacob Demut 384 married Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] in Beuttenhardt, Schauffhausen, Switzerland. They had one son: Heinrich Demut 292 This family is shown within family tree 78. 386. GEORGE ROSS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1630, in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, to David Ross 507 and Ms. Ross [Mary] 508, as shown in family tree 179. George died in 1705/1, aged about 75, in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Note: as per vcamp1001 02. Citations: Source 10. Note 1156 applies. Note 1157 applies. Name: George Ross Birth Date: 1630 Page 207

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Birth Place: Connecticut (Name). Source 10. Note 1158 applies. Note 1159 applies. Name: George Ross Birth Date: 1630 Birth Place: Connecticut (Birth). 387. CONSTANCE ROSS [LITTLE] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1638, in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. See family tree 139. Constance died in 1715, aged about 77, in Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Citations: Source 14, page Birth year: 1638; Birth city: Elizabethtown; Birth state: NJ. Note 1160 applies. Note 1161 applies. Name: Constance Little Birth Date: 1638 Birth Place: Elizabethtown, NJ Death Date: Death Place: Elizabeth, Essex, NJ (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 599.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RBM. Note 1162 applies. Note 1163 applies. Name: Constance Little Birth Date: 1636 Birth Place: (Name). Source 15. Note 1164 applies. Note 1165 applies. Name: Constance Little (Name). Source 14, page Birth year: 1638; Birth city: Elizabethtown; Birth state: NJ. Note 1166 applies. Note 1167 applies. Name: Constance Little Birth Date: 1638 Birth Place: Elizabethtown, NJ Death Date: Death Place: Elizabeth, Essex, NJ (Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 599.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RBM. Note 1168 applies. Note 1169 applies. Name: Constance Little Birth Date: 1636 Birth Place: (Birth). Source 14, page Birth year: 1638; Birth city: Elizabethtown; Birth state: NJ. Note 1170 applies. Note 1171 applies. Name: Constance Little Birth Date: 1638 Birth Place: Elizabethtown, NJ Death Date: Death Place: Elizabeth, Essex, NJ (Death). George Ross 386 married Constance Ross [Little] in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had one son: George Ross 296 in This family is shown as family tree 139. 388. HUMPHREY SPINNING (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1630, in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA, to Humphrey Spinning 509 and Elizabeth Long 510, as shown in family tree 180. Humphrey died in Elizabethtown, Morris, New Jersey, USA. 389. ABIGAIL HUBBARD (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1640, in Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, to George Hubbard 511 and Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512, as shown in family tree 182. Abigail died in 1689/11, aged about 49, in Elizabethtown, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Abigail married twice. She was married to Humphrey Spinning 388 and Humphrey Spinning 509 (her indirect relation). Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 574.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JKH. Note 1172 applies. Note 1173 applies. Name: Abigail Hubbard Birth Date: 1640 Page 208

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Birth Place: CT (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 574.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JKH. Note 1174 applies. Note 1175 applies. Name: Abigail Hubbard Birth Date: 1640 Birth Place: CT (Birth). Humphrey Spinning 388 married Abigail Hubbard in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had one daughter: Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in 1672 This family is shown as family tree 140. 390. LAWRENCE WHITESIDE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1634 and 1638, in Poulton Le Fylde, Lancashire, England, to James Whiteside 513. Lawrence died in 1699, aged about 62, in Malone, Antrim, Ireland. 391. LAWRENCE WHITESIDE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1636, in England. See family tree 104. Lawrence Whiteside 390, aged about 27, married Lawrence Whiteside, aged about 28, in 1664. They had one son: Edward Whiteside 298 in 1665 This family is shown within family tree 104. 392. LAWRENCE TAVERNOR (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 79. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Lawrence fathered one daughter: Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299 in 1665 This family is shown within family tree 79. 393. ROBERT ADAMS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 80. 394. ELIZABETH ADAMS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 80. Robert Adams 393 married Elizabeth Adams. They had one son: John Adams 300 in 1672 This family is shown within family tree 80. 395. HUMPHREY HANMER (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Fenns Hall, Clwyd, Wales to William Hanmer 515 and Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516, as shown in family tree 184. Humphrey died in 1645/1 in New Poquoson Parish, York, Virginia, USA. Note: Source: "A Brief History of the Hanmer/Hamner Family in Wales & Colonial Virginia" by James Edward Hamner, III and Catherine Anne Clark Hamner.p. 51 "Our original emigrant ancestor, Humphrey Hanmer, settled in Yourk County, Virginia, approximately in 1638, since 8 April 1638 is the first date that his name is mentioned in the York County Records [VA Mag. of History and Biog., vol 5,l p.362]. Most likely, he arrived in Virginia earlier than 1638, but this one is the initial reference that names him in a legal action. He was a communicant of the New Poquoson Parish Church, since legal notes dated 2 February 1646, referring to his last willl, mention a bequest of a Holy Communion silver service to this parish church. Humphrey fathered one son: Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 in 1640 This family is shown as family tree 142. 396. MR. TURNER (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 81. Mr. Turner fathered one daughter: Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 about 1614 This family is shown within family tree 81. 397. REYNOLD HENLEY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1641, in USA, Lower Norford, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Henley 517 and Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518, as shown within family tree 143. Reynold died in 1694, aged about 53, in Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 398. SUSAN HENLEY [TURNER] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1635, in USA, Virginia, USA, to Cornelius Turner 519, as shown within family tree 106. Susan died in James City, Virginia, USA.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Reynold Henley 397, aged about 19, married Susan Henley [Turner], aged about 25, in 1660 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: Leonard Henley 304 in 1702 This family is shown as family tree 143. 399. ROBERT RICHARDSON (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1686, in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, USA, to Charles Richardson 520 and Mary Richardson 521, as shown within family tree 106. Robert died in Goochland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 400. JANE RICHARDSON [GREEN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1690, in Virginia, USA, to Edward Green 522 and Ms. Green [Jane] 523, as shown within family tree 106. Jane died in Goochland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Richardson 399 married Jane Richardson [Green] in St Peters Parrish, New Kent, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305 in This family is shown within family tree 106. 401. RICHARD BULLOCK (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1611, in York, Virginia, USA, to Hugh Bullock 524 and Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525, as shown in family tree 185. Richard died in 1703, aged about 92, in Surry, Virginia, USA. 402. MARY BULLOCK [HAWKINS] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1643, in England, to Mr. Hawkins 526, as shown within family tree 107. Mary died in 1703, aged about 60, in Surry, Virginia, USA. Richard Bullock 401 married Mary Bullock [Hawkins]. They had one son: Richard Bullock 306 in 1696 This family is shown as family tree 144. 403. RICHARD SHOCKEY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1680. See family tree 82. Richard died in 1731, aged about 51, in Surry, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 404. ALICE SHOCKEY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1686. See family tree 82. Alice died in 1738, aged about 52, in Surry, Virginia, USA. Richard Shockey 403, aged about 22, married Alice Shockey, aged about 16, in 1702 in Surry, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 in 1702 This family is shown within family tree 82. 405. AUGUSTINE MOORE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1624, in Elizabeth City, Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA, to John Moore 527 and Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528, as shown in family tree 186. Augustine died in 1652, aged about 28, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 406. ANNE MOORE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 145. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Augustine Moore 405 married Anne Moore. They had one son: John Moore 308 in 1645 This family is shown as family tree 145. 407. MARY ANN MATTHEWS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, England. See family tree 83. Mary died in Neck Land, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Mary gave birth to one daughter: Susannah Moore [Price] 309 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 83. 408. PIERRE JOUETT (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1683, in Lisle De Re, France, to Marie Coursier 409, as shown in family tree 146. Pierre died in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Pierre fathered one son: Matthew Jouett 310 in 1681 This family is shown within family tree 109.

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409. MARIE COURSIER (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Lisle De Re, France. See family tree 146. Marie died in 1732, aged about 72, in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Marie gave birth to two sons: Matthew Jouett 310 in 1681 Pierre Jouett 408 in 1683 This family is shown as family tree 146. 410. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1645, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA, to Augustine Moore 529 and Anne Moore 530, as shown in family tree 187. John died in 1700, aged about 55, in York, Virginia, USA. 411. SUSANNAH MOORE [PRICE] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Henrico, Virginia, USA, to John Price 531 and Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532, as shown in family tree 188. John Moore 410, aged about 55, married Susannah Moore [Price], aged about 30, in 1700 in Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 in 1707 This family is shown as family tree 147. 412. ADAM HARVIE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1663, in Bowden, Scotland. See family tree 84. 413. AGNES HARVIE [ARMSTRONG] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1668, in Bowden Stow, Scotland. See family tree 84. Adam Harvie 412 married Agnes Harvie [Armstrong]. They had one son: John Harvie 312 in 1700 This family is shown within family tree 84. 414. DANIEL GAINES (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1614, in Aberdeen, Breconshire, Wales. See family tree 84. Daniel died in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 415. MARGARET GAINES [BERNARD] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1636, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 84. Margaret died in 1690, aged about 54, in Essex, Virginia, USA. Daniel Gaines 414 married Margaret Gaines [Bernard]. They had one son: Bernard Gaines 314 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 84. 416. GEORGE TAYLOR (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Old Rappenhannock, Virginia, USA. See family tree 84. George died in Richmond, Virginia, USA. 417. MARTHA TAYLOR [TOMLIN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1648, in Sittingbourne, Northumberland, Virginia, USA. See family tree 84. Martha died in 1683, aged about 35, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. George Taylor 416 married Martha Taylor [Tomlin]. They had one daughter: Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 84. 418. MR. WILLSON (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 85. Mr. Willson fathered one son: Robert Wilson 321 in 1669 This family is shown within family tree 85. 419. THOMAS LEE (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 85. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 420. ANNE LEE [DAVIS] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 85. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Thomas Lee 419 married Anne Lee [Davis]. They had one daughter: Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 in 1672 This family is shown within family tree 85. 421. JAMES PETTIGREW (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1659, in Ireland, to James Pettigrew 533 and Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff] 534, as shown in family tree 189. James died in 1753, aged about 94, in Blackwater, Tyrone, Ireland. 422. MARTHA PETTIGREW [MOORE] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1690, in Drummond, Tyrone, Ireland, to John Mohr 535 and Lady Margaret Mohr [Stewart] 536, as shown in family tree 190. Martha died in Drummond, Tyrone, Ireland. James Pettigrew 421, aged about 46, married Martha Pettigrew [Moore], aged about 15, in 1705 in Tyrone, Ireland. They had two sons: James Pettigrew 324 about 1714 James Pettigrew 676 about 1714 This family is shown as family tree 148. Page 211

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423. GEORGE COCHRAN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1690, in Ireland, to Robert Cochran 537, as shown within family tree 113. George died in 1775, aged about 85. 424. RACHEL COCHRAN [HIGGINBOTHAM] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in Grange, Ireland. See family tree 113. George Cochran 423, aged about 18, married Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham], aged about 23, in 1708 in Tyrone, Ireland. They had one daughter: Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 in 1713 This family is shown within family tree 113. 425. ROBERT EDWARDS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1662, in Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 87. Robert died in 1738, aged about 76, in New York, New York, USA. 426. MARGARET EDWARDS [CUELIN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1666, in Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 87. Margaret died in 1738, aged about 72, in Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales. Robert Edwards 425 married Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] in New Amsterdam, New York, USA. They had one son: Thomas Edwards 328 in This family is shown within family tree 87. 427. GEORGE DOWNING (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1656, in Westminster, London, England, to George Downing 538 and Frances Downing [Howard] 539, as shown within family tree 149. George died in 1711, aged about 55. 428. CATHERINE DOWNING [CECIL] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1663, in England, to James Cecil 540 and Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541, as shown within family tree 149. Catherine died. George Downing 427 married Catherine Downing [Cecil] in Glamorganshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 in 1692 This family is shown as family tree 149. 429. JOHN MEADOR (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1658, in Charles Parish, York, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Meador 542 and Sarah Hoskins 543, as shown within family tree 150. John died in Essex, Virginia, USA. 430. MARY MEADOR [AWBREY] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1678, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA, to Henry Awbrey 544 and Mary Awbrey 545, as shown within family tree 116. Mary died in Essex, Virginia, USA. John Meador 429 married Mary Meador [Awbrey]. They had one son: Jonas Meador 330 in 1698 This family is shown as family tree 150. 431. WILLIAM JOHN HOUCHINS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1679. See family tree 88. 432. FRANCES HOUCHINS [GWINN] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1679. See family tree 88. William John Houchins 431, aged about 21, married Frances Houchins [Gwinn], aged about 21, in 1700. They had one daughter: Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 in 1702 This family is shown within family tree 88. 433. DAVID HOLLOWAY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in York, Virginia, USA to James Holloway 546 and Ann Holloway 547, as shown within family tree 151. David died in York, Virginia, USA. 434. ELIZABETH FRANCES HOLLOWAY [MATTHEWS] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in Charles River, Virginia, USA to John Matthews 548 and Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549, as shown within family tree 151. Elizabeth died in York, Virginia, USA. David Holloway 433 married Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] in 1695 in York, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Holloway 332 in This family is shown as family tree 151. 435. JOHN SPIERS (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1682, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to John Spiers 550 and Hannah Spiers 551, as shown within family tree 117. John died in Essex, Virginia, USA. 436. MARTHA SPIERS [MILLS] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to John Mills 552 and Mary Mills 553, as shown within family tree 152. John Spiers 435, aged about 18, married Martha Spiers [Mills], aged about 15, in 1700 in Essex, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in 1700 This family is shown as family tree 152. 437. ASA BRITTAIN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1688, in Wales. See family tree 89. Asa died in 1705, aged about 17, in USA.

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438. ACHSA BRITTAIN (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1688, in Wales. See family tree 89. Achsa died in 1705, aged about 17. Asa Brittain 437 married Achsa Brittain. They had one son: James Brittain 334 in 1709 This family is shown within family tree 89. 439. MR. WHITTY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 89. Mr. Whitty fathered one daughter: Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in 1705 This family is shown within family tree 89. 440. CHARLES STRINGFIELD (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1698, in Bradfield, Yorkshire, England, to John Stringfield 554 and Elizabeth Stringfield [Hill] 555, as shown within family tree 153. Charles fathered one son: Richard Stringfield 336 in 1705 This family is shown as family tree 153. 441. THOMAS PETTY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1664 and 1665, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Pettus 556 and Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557, as shown within family tree 154. Thomas died in Southfarhern, Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 442. RACHEL PETTY [WILSON] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1656, in King Queen, Virginia, USA. See family tree 154. Rachel died in 1720, aged about 64, in Essex, Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Thomas Petty 441 married Rachel Petty [Wilson]. They had one daughter: Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 in 1715 This family is shown as family tree 154. 443. WILLIAM RAY (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1685, in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA, to William Ray 558 and Anne Ray 559, as shown within family tree 155. William died in 1760, aged about 75, in Frederick, Maryland, USA. 444. ELIZABETH RAY [PRITCHETT] (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1686, in Prince Georgesco, Maryland, USA, to Zebulon Pritchett 560, as shown within family tree 119. Elizabeth died in 1722, aged about 36, in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. William Ray 443, aged about 18, married Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett], aged about 17, in 1703 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. They had one son: John Ray 338 in This family is shown as family tree 155. Generation of Ten-Times-Great-Grandparents 445. RICHARD RANDOLPH (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Little Houghton, Northamptonshire, England to William Randolph 561 and Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562, as shown within family tree 156. Richard died in Dublin, Ireland. 446. ELIZABETH RANDOLPH [RYLAND] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625, in Morton, Morrell, Warwickshire, England, to Richard Ryland 563. Elizabeth died in 1669, aged about 44, in Dublin, Ireland. Richard Randolph 445 married Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland], aged about 25, in 1650 in Morton Hall, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: William Randolph 340 in This family is shown as family tree 156. 447. HENRY ISHAM (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1626, in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England, to William Isham 565 and Mary Isham [Brett] 566, as shown within family tree 157. Henry died in 1675, aged about 49, in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 448. KATHERINE ISHAM [BANKS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1627, in Canterbury, Kent, England, to Christopher Banks 567. Katherine died in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Henry Isham 447, aged about 30, married Katherine Isham [Banks], aged about 29, in 1656 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 in 1660 This family is shown as family tree 157. 449. ROBERT BOLLING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in All Hollows, Barking, London, England to John

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Bolling 569 and Mary Bolling [Carie] 570, as shown in family tree 194. Robert died in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Robert married twice. He was married to Anne Bolling [Stith] 733 (his indirect relation) and Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 450. JANE BOLLING [ROLFE] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Varina, Henrico, Virginia, USA to Thomas Rolfe 571 and Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572, as shown in family tree 195. Jane died in 1676 in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 2626.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JCF. Note 1176 applies. Note 1177 applies. Name: Jane Rolfe Birth Date: 1650 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 2626.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JCF. Note 1178 applies. Note 1179 applies. Name: Jane Rolfe Birth Date: 1650 Birth Place: VA (Birth). Source 17 (Death). Robert Bolling 449 married Jane Bolling [Rolfe] in 1675 in Petersburg, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Bolling 342 in This family is shown as family tree 158. 451. RICHARD KENNON (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1650, in Conjurors Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to John Kennon 573. Richard died in Henrico, Virginia, USA. 452. ELIZABETH KENNON [WORSHAM] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1656, in Chesterfield, Virginia, USA, to William Worsham 575 and Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576, as shown within family tree 160. Elizabeth died in 1705, aged about 49, in Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Richard Kennon 451, aged about 26, married Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham], aged about 20, in 1676 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343 in This family is shown as family tree 160. 453. THEODORICK BLAND (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in St Antholins, London, Middlesex, England to John Bland 577 and Susan Bland [Deblere] 578, as shown within family tree 161. Theodorick died in Westover, Charles City, Virginia, USA. 454. ANNE BLAND [BENNETT] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1641, in Westover, Charles City, Virginia, USA, to Richard Bennett 579 and Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580, as shown in family tree 197. Anne died in 1687/11, aged about 46, in Wharton Creek, Kent, Maryland, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Theodorick Bland 453 married Anne Bland [Bennett], aged about 19, in 1660 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Richard Bland 344 in This family is shown as family tree 161. 455. WILLIAM RANDOLPH (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA to Richard Randolph 581 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582, as shown within family tree 162. William died in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 456. MARY RANDOLPH [ISHAM] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to Henry Isham 583 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 584, as shown within family tree 162. Mary died in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. William Randolph 455 married Mary Randolph [Isham], aged about 18, in 1678 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345 in 1680 This family is shown as family tree 162. 457. ROBERT BOLLING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in All Hollows, Barking, London, England to John Bolling 585 and Mary Bolling [Carie] 586, as shown within family tree 163. Robert died in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA.

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458. ANNE BOLLING [STITH] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1665, in Charles City, Virginia, USA, to John Stith 587 and Jane Stith [Mosby] 588, as shown within family tree 163. Anne died in 1709, aged about 44, in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Robert Bolling 457 married Anne Bolling [Stith]. They had one son: Drury Bolling 346 in This family is shown as family tree 163. 459. FRANCIS MERIWETHER (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in James City, Virginia, USA, to Nicholas Meriwether 589 and Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590, as shown within family tree 164. Francis died in 1713, aged about 43, in Essex, Virginia, USA. 460. MARY BATHURST (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1675, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to Lancelot Bathurst 591 and Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592, as shown in family tree 198. Mary died in 1740, aged about 65, in Bathurst, Essex, Virginia, USA. Mary married twice. She was married to Francis Meriwether 459 and Francis Meriwether 759 (her indirect relation). Francis Meriwether 459 married Mary Bathurst in James City, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in 1699 This family is shown as family tree 164. 461. JOHN DILL (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Tullindale, Fanad, Donegal, Ireland. See family tree 93. John died in 1670, aged about 50, in Tullynadall, Donegal, Ireland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John fathered one son: John Dill 348 in 1647 This family is shown within family tree 93. 462. CATHERINE SHERIDAN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625, in Drogheda, Ireland. See family tree 166. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Catherine gave birth to one son: John Dill 348 in 1647 This family is shown as family tree 166. 463. HENRY LINSCOTT (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1624, in Exeter, Devon, England, to John Linscott 593 and Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594, as shown within family tree 167. Henry died in 1667, aged about 43. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 175.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Note 1180 applies. Note 1181 applies. Name: Henry Linscott Birth Date: 1624 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 175.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Note 1182 applies. Note 1183 applies. Name: Henry Linscott Birth Date: 1624 Birth Place: En (Birth). 464. ELIZABETH LINSCOTT [LAUERS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1636, in Exeter, Devon, England, to Robert Lauers 595 and Katherine Lauers 596, as shown within family tree 124. Elizabeth died in 1667, aged about 31. Henry Linscott 463 married Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] in Exeter, Devon, England. They had one son: John Linscott 349 in This family is shown as family tree 167. 465. MR. KINGSBURY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 93. Mr. Kingsbury fathered one daughter: Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350 in 1665 This family is shown within family tree 93. 466. CORNELIUS WATTS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in St Cuthberts Parish, Wells, Somerset,

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England, to Robert Harrison Watts 597, as shown within family tree 168. Cornelius died in 1640, aged about 50, in St Cuthbertes, Wells, Somerset, England. 467. ANN WATTS [ESSERMAN] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Essex, England. See family tree 168. Ann died in Wells, Somerset, England. Cornelius Watts 466 married Ann Watts [Esserman] in St Cuthbertes, Wells, Somerset, England. They had one son: Edward Watts 351 in This family is shown as family tree 168. 468. JOHN MARTIN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to Edward Martin 598 and Judith Martin [Upham] 599, as shown within family tree 169. John died in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. 469. JOANNA MARTIN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 169. John Martin 468 married Joanna Martin. They had one daughter: Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in 1668 This family is shown as family tree 169. 470. JOHN HERBERT STONE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in New Haven, Connecticut, USA to John Wheaton Stone 600 and Anna A Stone [Fox] 601, as shown within family tree 170. John died in Portland, Oregon, USA. John fathered one son: Richard Stone 355 in 1620 This family is shown as family tree 170. 471. JANE BANNISTER (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1598, in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 171. Jane died in 1637, aged about 39, in England. Jane gave birth to one son: Richard Stone 355 in 1620 This family is shown as family tree 171. 472. BRAY WILKINS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1610, in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, to Thomas Wilkins 602 and Hannah Wilkins [Nichols] 603, as shown within family tree 127. Bray died in Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. 473. HANNAH WILKINS [WAY] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Bridport, Dorset, England to Henry Way 604 and Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605, as shown within family tree 172. Hannah died in Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Bray Wilkins 472 married Hannah Wilkins [Way]. They had one son: John Wilkins 357 in This family is shown as family tree 172. 474. TONY REXING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 96. Tony fathered one daughter: Mary Jane Rexing 359 This family is shown within family tree 96. 475. JOHANN MEIXELL (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Austria. See family tree 97. Johann fathered one son: Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 in 1640 This family is shown within family tree 97. 476. JOHANN GEORG WOLFHARDT (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Steinsberg Castle, Neckar, Baden, Germany to Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606 and Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] 607, as shown within family tree 128. Johann died in Duhren, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany. 477. ANNA WOLFHARDT [HAAGEN] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Ertzlingen, Zurich, Switzerland to Conrad Haagen 608 and Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609, as shown within family tree 128. Anna died in Duehren, Baden, Germany. Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 married Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] in 1657 in Duehren, Baden, Germany. They had one daughter: Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 in This family is shown within family tree 128. 478. CHRISTOPH GOTTLIEB VON SCHLEGEL (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Breslau, Schlesien, Germany

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to Christoph Slagle 610 and Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] 611, as shown within family tree 129. Christoph died in Grimma, Germany. 479. DOROTHEA CHRISTINA VON SCHLEGEL [HERTEL] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Grimma, Germany to Christian Friedrich Hertel 612 and Dorothea Hertel [Thiele] 613, as shown within family tree 129. Dorothea died in Seeking Info. Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478 married Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] in Grimma, Saxony. They had one son: Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 480. ELIAS EYSTER (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Manchester Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA to Christian Eyster 614 and Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] 615, as shown within family tree 129. Elias died in Hunterstown, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA. 481. ANNA MARIA EYSTER [LAU] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Manchester Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA to Christian Lau 616 and Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617, as shown within family tree 129. Anna died in York Christ, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Elias Eyster 480 married Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] in York, York, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] 365 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 482. JOH NICOLAUS KLEE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1663, in Konken, Pfalz, Germany, to Hans Adam Klee 618 and Anna Klee [Margaretha] 619, as shown within family tree 130. 483. ANNA ELISABETHA KLEE [BRAUN] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Cusell, Pfalz, Germany, to Hans Adam Braun 620 and Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621, as shown within family tree 130. Anna died in 1721, aged about 51, in Konken, Pfalz, Germany. Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 married Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] . They had one son: Nicholaus Klee 366 in This family is shown within family tree 130. 484. ROBERT HOLMES (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA to Ralph Holme 622 and Jenet Holme [Walker] 623, as shown within family tree 131. Robert died in 1676 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 485. ELLIN HOLMES [BOLTON] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in St Michael Cornhill, Middlesex, England to William Bolton 624 and Mary Bolton [Burton] 625, as shown in family tree 199. Ellin died in Connecticut, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Robert Holmes 484 married Ellin Holmes [Bolton]. They had one son: Joshua Holmes 368 in 1650 This family is shown as family tree 173. 486. RICHARD INGRAHAM (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, to Arthur Ingraham 626 and Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627, as shown in family tree 200. Richard died between 1683 and 1688, aged about 86, in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 487. ELIZABETH INGRAHAM [WIGNALL] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1604, in Frating, Essex, England, to Alexander Wignall 628 and Alexander Wignall 629, as shown within family tree 131. Elizabeth died in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 24063.005; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 6; Submitter Code: . Note 1184 applies. Note 1185 applies. Name: Elizabeth Wignall Birth Date: 1604 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 24063.005; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 6; Submitter Code: . Note 1186 applies. Note 1187 applies. Name: Elizabeth Wignall Birth Date: 1604 Birth Place: En (Birth). Page 217

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Source 17 (Death). Richard Ingraham 486 married Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369 in 1636 This family is shown as family tree 174. 488. EDWARD STURGIS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1613, in Hannington, Northamptonshire, England, to John Sturgis 630 and Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631, as shown in family tree 201. Edward died in 1695/10, aged about 82, in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 489. ELIZABETH STURGIS [HINCKLEY] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Harrietsham, Kent, England to Thomas Hinckley 632 and Ann Katherine Hinckley 633, as shown in family tree 202. Elizabeth died in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward Sturgis 488, aged about 24, married Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] in 1637 in Faxton, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Edward Sturgis 370 in This family is shown as family tree 175. 490. JOHN GORHAM (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England to Ralph Gorham 634 and Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635, as shown in family tree 203. John died in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 491. DESIRE GORHAM [HOWLAND] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born on 13 October 1623, in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, to John Howland 636 and Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637, as shown in family tree 204. Desire died on 13 October 1683, aged 60, in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 7196.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1188 applies. Note 1189 applies. Name: Desire Howland Birth Date: 1623 Birth Place: MA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 7196.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1190 applies. Note 1191 applies. Name: Desire Howland Birth Date: 1623 Birth Place: MA (Birth). Source 17 (Death). John Gorham 490 married Desire Gorham [Howland], aged about 19, in 1643 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371 in This family is shown as family tree 176. 492. GEORGE NORMAN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Orchard, Somerset, England to Anne Tolson 373, as shown in family tree 134. George died in Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. 493. JOHANNA NORMAN [NEWMAN] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1644, in Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. See family tree 100. Johanna died in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. George Norman 492 married Johanna Norman [Newman], aged about 20, in 1664 in Cecil, Maryland, USA. They had one son: Joseph Norman 372 in 1657 This family is shown within family tree 100. 494. JAMES COURTNEY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1610, in England. See family tree 135. James died in 1698, aged about 88, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 495. MS. DYNE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1650, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 135. Ms. Dyne died in 1680, aged about 30, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Ms. Dyne married twice. She was married to James Courtney 374 (her son) and James Courtney 494.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] James Courtney 374 married Ms. Dyne. See family tree 135. James Courtney 494 married Ms. Dyne. They had one son: James Courtney 374 in 1640 This family is shown within family tree 135.

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496. NICHOLAS JENKINS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1623, in Purleigh, Essex, England. See family tree 100. Nicholas died in 1673, aged about 50, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 497. ANN JENKINS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1628, in England. See family tree 100. Nicholas Jenkins 496 married Ann Jenkins. They had one daughter: Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 100. 498. JOHN READ (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Plymouth, England. See family tree 101. John died in 1702, aged about 82. 499. MRSJOHN READ (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1623, in England. See family tree 101. MrsJohn died in 1700, aged about 77. John Read 498 married MrsJohn Read. They had one son: John Read 376 in This family is shown within family tree 101. 500. JOHN PEABODY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1612, in New Port, Wash, Rhode Island, USA, to James Peabody 638. John died in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 501. DOROTHY PEABODY [TOOLEY] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1616, in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA, to Thomas Tully 640 and Rebecca Tully 641, as shown within family tree 177. Dorothy died in 1678, aged about 62, in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Peabody 500 married Dorothy Peabody [Tooley]. They had one daughter: Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 in 1633 This family is shown as family tree 177. 502. WALTER DEANE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Chard, Somerset, England to William Deane 642 and Mrs William Deane 643, as shown in family tree 207. Walter died between 1693 and 1694 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1638.030; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1192 applies. Note 1193 applies. Name: Walter Deane Birth Date: 1612 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 1638.030; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1194 applies. Note 1195 applies. Name: Walter Deane Birth Date: 1612 Birth Place: En (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 503. ELEANOR DEANE [STRONG] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1613, in Chard, Somerset, England, to John Strong 644 and Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645, as shown in family tree 208. Eleanor died in 1693, aged about 80, in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Walter Deane 502 married Eleanor Deane [Strong], aged about 23, in 1636 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. They had one son: Joseph Deane 378 in 1654 This family is shown as family tree 178. 504. MR. TIPPING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 101.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Mr. Tipping fathered one daughter: Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 in 1654 This family is shown within family tree 101.

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505. EDWARD BURLESON (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. See family tree 102. Edward died in 1698/6 in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 506. SARAH BURLESON [OWEN] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1656, in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. See family tree 102. Sarah died in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Edward Burleson 505 married Sarah Burleson [Owen], aged about 21, in 1677 in Suffield, Connecticut, USA. They had one son: John Aaron Burleson 382 in This family is shown within family tree 102. 507. DAVID ROSS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1582, in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to George Ross 646 and Marian Ross [Campbell] 647, as shown in family tree 209. David died in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. 508. MS. ROSS [MARY] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born to Alexander, Earl of Sutherland Unknown 649, as shown within family tree 139. David Ross 507 married Ms. Ross [Mary]. They had one son: George Ross 386 in 1630 This family is shown as family tree 179. 509. HUMPHREY SPINNING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, to Silvester Vitt Seving 650, as shown in family tree 210. Humphrey died in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Humphrey married twice. He was married to Abigail Hubbard 389 (his indirect relation) and Elizabeth Long 510. Humphrey Spinning married Abigail Hubbard 389 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. See family tree 141. 510. ELIZABETH LONG (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1602, in Lindsey, Suffolk, England, to Robert Long 651 and Sarah Long [Taylor] 652, as shown in family tree 211. Elizabeth died in 1658, aged about 56. Elizabeth married twice, including Humphrey Spinning 509. Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Humphrey Spinning 509 in 1600 This family is shown as family tree 181. Humphrey Spinning 509 married Elizabeth Long. They had one son: Humphrey Spinning 388 in 1630 This family is shown as family tree 180. 511. GEORGE HUBBARD (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1601, in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, to Edmund Hobart 653 and Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654, as shown in family tree 212. George died in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 512. MARY HUBBARD [BISHOP] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1610, in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, to John Bishop 655 and Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656, as shown within family tree 182. Mary died in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. George Hubbard 511, aged about 26, married Mary Hubbard [Bishop], aged about 17, in 1627 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Abigail Hubbard 389 in 1640 This family is shown as family tree 182. 513. JAMES WHITESIDE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 104. James fathered one son: Lawrence Whiteside 390 about 1636 This family is shown within family tree 104. 514. JAMES WHITESIDE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 183. James gave birth to one son: Lawrence Whiteside 390 about 1636 This family is shown as family tree 183. 515. WILLIAM HANMER (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1541, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to William Hanmer 657 and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658, as shown in family tree 213. William died in 1621, aged about 80, in Wales.

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516. ELEANOR HANMER [DYMOCK] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1570, in Willington, Durham, England, to Edward Dymock 659 and Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston] 660, as shown in family tree 214. Eleanor died in 1594, aged about 24, in Fenns, Hall, Flintshire, Wales. William Hanmer 515 married Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock]. They had one son: Humphrey Hanmer 395 in This family is shown as family tree 184. 517. THOMAS HENLEY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Virginia, USA, to Hezekiah Henley 661, as shown within family tree 143. Thomas died in 1658, aged about 58, in USA, Virginia, USA. 518. ELIZABETH HENLEY [REYNOLDS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1617, in England, to Ms. Eliza 662, as shown within family tree 143. Elizabeth died in 1660, aged about 43, in Virginia, USA. Thomas Henley 517, aged about 30, married Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds], aged about 13, in 1630 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: Reynold Henley 397 in 1641 This family is shown within family tree 143. 519. CORNELIUS TURNER (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1615, in England. See family tree 106. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Cornelius fathered one daughter: Susan Henley [Turner] 398 in 1635 This family is shown within family tree 106. 520. CHARLES RICHARDSON (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1660, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 106. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 521. MARY RICHARDSON (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1664, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 106. Charles Richardson 520 married Mary Richardson. They had one son: Robert Richardson 399 in 1686 This family is shown within family tree 106. 522. EDWARD GREEN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1663, in New Kent, Virginia, USA. See family tree 106. Edward died in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 523. MS. GREEN [JANE] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 106. Edward Green 522 married Ms. Green [Jane]. They had one daughter: Jane Richardson [Green] 400 in 1690 This family is shown within family tree 106. 524. HUGH BULLOCK (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1578, in Essex, England, to William Bullock 663 and Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664, as shown in family tree 215. Hugh died in USA, York, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 27.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RB2. Note 1196 applies. Note 1197 applies. Name: Hugh Bullock Birth Date: 1578 Birth Place: Lo (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 27.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RB2. Note 1198 applies. Note 1199 applies. Name: Hugh Bullock Birth Date: 1578 Birth Place: Lo (Birth). 525. MARY ALICE BULLOCK [NASHE] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1579, in Devon, England, to Mr. Nashe 665, as shown within family tree 144. Mary died in 1659, aged about 80, in Virginia, USA. Hugh Bullock 524 married Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe]. They had one son: Richard Bullock 401 in 1611 This family is shown as family tree 185. 526. MR. HAWKINS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 107.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Mr. Hawkins fathered one daughter: Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402 in 1643 This family is shown within family tree 107.

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527. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1584, in Reading, Berkshire, England, to Edward Moore 666 and Mary Moore [More] 667, as shown in family tree 216. John died in 1676, aged about 92, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. 528. ELIZABETH MOORE [MERRITT] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in London, Middlesex, England, to Richard Merrett 668 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669, as shown in family tree 217. Elizabeth died in Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA. John Moore 527 married Elizabeth Moore [Merritt]. They had one son: Augustine Moore 405 in 1624 This family is shown as family tree 186. 529. AUGUSTINE MOORE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1624, in Elizabeth City, Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA, to John Moore 670 and Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671, as shown within family tree 187. Augustine died in 1652, aged about 28, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. 530. ANNE MOORE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 187. Augustine Moore 529 married Anne Moore. They had one son: John Moore 410 in 1645 This family is shown as family tree 187. 531. JOHN PRICE (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1584, in Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Richard Price 672 and Ursula Price [Middleton] 673, as shown within family tree 188. John died between 1628 and 1629, aged about 44, in Henrico, Virginia, USA. 532. MARY ANN PRICE [MATTHEWS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, England, to Samuel Mathews 674 and Frances Mathews [Greville] 675, as shown within family tree 188. Mary died in Neck Land, Henrico, Virginia, USA. John Price 531, as an infant, married Mary Ann Price [Matthews], aged about -16, in 1584 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Susannah Moore [Price] 411 in 1670 This family is shown as family tree 188. 533. JAMES PETTIGREW (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1613, in Orange, North Carolina, USA, to James Pettigrew 676 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677, as shown in family tree 218. James died in 1658, aged about 45, in Edinburgh, Scotland. 534. GEILES PETTIGREW [MONCRIEFF] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 189. James Pettigrew 533, aged about 45, married Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff] in 1658/1 in Endingurgh, Scotland. They had one son: James Pettigrew 421 in 1659 This family is shown as family tree 189. 535. JOHN MOHR (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in Cadwell to Sir Reginal Mohr 678 and Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679, as shown within family tree 190. 536. LADY MARGARET MOHR [STEWART] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Scotland. See family tree 190. John Mohr 535 married Lady Margaret Mohr [Stewart]. They had one daughter: Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 in 1690 This family is shown as family tree 190. 537. ROBERT COCHRAN (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1665. See family tree 113. Robert died in 1759, aged about 94. Robert fathered one son: George Cochran 423 in 1690 This family is shown within family tree 113. 538. GEORGE DOWNING (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1623, in St Michael, Cornhill, London, England, to Emanuel Downing 680 and Lucy Downing [Winthrop] 681, as shown within family tree 149. George died in Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, England.

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539. FRANCES DOWNING [HOWARD] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1633, in Naworth, Brampton, Cumberland, England, to William Howard 682 and Mary Howard [Eure] 683, as shown within family tree 149. Frances died in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. George Downing 538, aged about 31, married Frances Downing [Howard], aged about 21, in 1654 in Groton, Suffolk, England. They had one son: George Downing 427 in 1656 This family is shown within family tree 149. 540. JAMES CECIL (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1646, in Westminster, Middlesex, England, to Charles Cecil 684 and Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685, as shown within family tree 149. James died between 1683 and 1686, aged about 38, in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England. 541. MARGARET CECIL [MANNERS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1648, in London, Middlesex, England, to John Manners 686 and Frances Manners [Montagu] 687, as shown within family tree 149. Margaret died in Paris, Seine, France. James Cecil 540 married Margaret Cecil [Manners] in England. They had one daughter: Catherine Downing [Cecil] 428 in 1663 This family is shown within family tree 149. 542. THOMAS MEADOR (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1638, in Virginia, USA, to Thomas Meador 688 and Sarah Meador 689, as shown within family tree 150. Thomas died between 1662 and 1664, aged about 25, in Essex, Virginia, USA. 543. SARAH HOSKINS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA to William Hoskins 690 and Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691, as shown within family tree 191. Sarah died in 1672 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Sarah married twice. She was married to Henry Awbrey 544 and Thomas Meador 542. Thomas Meador 542 married Sarah Hoskins. They had one son: John Meador 429 in 1658 This family is shown within family tree 150. 544. HENRY AWBREY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1635, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to William Awbrey 692 and Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693, as shown within family tree 191. Henry died between 1694 and 1699, aged about 61, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Henry married twice. He was married to Sarah Hoskins 543 and Mary Awbrey 545. Henry Awbrey, aged about 28, married Sarah Hoskins 543 between 1662 and 1664 in Virginia, USA. See family tree 116. 545. MARY AWBREY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660. See family tree 116. Henry Awbrey 544 married Mary Awbrey. They had one daughter: Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430 in 1678 This family is shown within family tree 116. 546. JAMES HOLLOWAY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1635, in Charles River Parish, York, Virginia, USA, to George Holloway 694 and Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Mathews] 695, as shown within family tree 151. James died in York, Virginia, USA. 547. ANN HOLLOWAY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625. See family tree 151. Ann died in 1664, aged about 39. James Holloway 546 married Ann Holloway. They had one son: David Holloway 433 in This family is shown within family tree 151. 548. JOHN MATTHEWS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1650, in Denbeigh, Warwick, Virginia, USA, to Samuel Mathews Esquire 696. John died in 1702, aged about 52, in York, Virginia, USA. 549. ELIZABETH MATTHEWS [TAVENOR] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1650, in Virginia, USA, to Michael Tavenor 698 and Michael Tavenor 699, as shown within family tree 151. Elizabeth died in 1710, aged about 60, in Virginia, USA. John Matthews 548, aged about 33, married Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor], aged about 33, in 1683 in Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434 in This family is shown within family tree 151. 550. JOHN SPIERS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1660, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 117. John died in 1703, aged about 43, in Essex, Virginia, USA.

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551. HANNAH SPIERS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Virginia, USA. See family tree 117. Hannah died in 1721, aged about 61, in Essex, Virginia, USA. John Spiers 550, aged about 20, married Hannah Spiers, aged about 20, in 1680 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Spiers 435 in 1682 This family is shown within family tree 117. 552. JOHN MILLS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1660, in Essex, Virginia, USA, to Robert Mills 700 and Mary Mills 701, as shown within family tree 152. John died in 1685, aged about 25, in St Ann, Essex, Virginia, USA. 553. MARY MILLS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1660, in Essex, Virginia, USA. See family tree 152. Mary died in Pleasant Valley, South Carolina, USA. John Mills 552, aged about 25, married Mary Mills, aged about 25, in 1685 in Essex, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 in 1685 This family is shown within family tree 152. 554. JOHN STRINGFIELD (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1660, in Bolsterstone, Yorkshire, England, to Albert Stringfield 702, as shown within family tree 153. John died in 1737, aged about 77, in England. 555. ELIZABETH STRINGFIELD [HILL] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 153. John Stringfield 554 married Elizabeth Stringfield [Hill] in Bradfield, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Charles Stringfield 440 in 1698 This family is shown within family tree 153. 556. THOMAS PETTUS (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1608, in Norwich, England, to William Pettus 703 and Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704, as shown within family tree 154. Thomas died in Farnham Parish, Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 557. KATHERINE PETTUS [MORRIS] (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1638, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA, to George Morris 705 and Eleanor Morris 706, as shown within family tree 154. Katherine died in 1720, aged about 82, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Thomas Pettus 556 married Katherine Pettus [Morris]. They had one son: Thomas Petty 441 about 1664 This family is shown within family tree 154. 558. WILLIAM RAY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1660, in Manchester, Cheshire, England, to Alexander Ray 707 and Joane Ray 708, as shown within family tree 155. William died in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. 559. ANNE RAY (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1683, in England. See family tree 155. Anne died in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. William Ray 558 married Anne Ray. They had one son: William Ray 443 in 1685 This family is shown within family tree 155. 560. ZEBULON PRITCHETT (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 119. Zebulon died. Zebulon fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in 1686 This family is shown within family tree 119. Generation of Eleven-Times-Great-Grandparents 561. WILLIAM RANDOLPH (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1572, in Biddenden, Kent, England, to Robert Randolph 709 and Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710, as shown within family tree 156. William died in 1660, aged about 88, in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. 562. DOROTHY RANDOLPH [LANE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Courtney, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England to Richard Lane 711 and Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712, as shown within family tree 156. Dorothy died in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. William Randolph 561 married Dorothy Randolph [Lane] in Little Houghton, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Richard Randolph 445 in This family is shown within family tree 156. 563. RICHARD RYLAND (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1599, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England,

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to John Ryland 713 and Maria Ryland [Canning] 714, as shown within family tree 156. Richard died in 1650, aged about 51, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Richard fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in 1625 This family is shown within family tree 156. 564. ELIZABETH HARWARD (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1603, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 192. Elizabeth died in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in 1625 This family is shown as family tree 192. 565. WILLIAM ISHAM (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Pitchley, Northamptonshire, England to Euseby Isham 715 and Anne Isham [Borlase] 716, as shown within family tree 157. William died in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 566. MARY ISHAM [BRETT] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1603, in Hearne, Toddinton, Bedfordshire, England, to William Brett 717 and Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718, as shown within family tree 157. Mary died in Henrico, Virginia, USA. William Isham 565 married Mary Isham [Brett] in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Henry Isham 447 in 1626 This family is shown within family tree 157. 567. CHRISTOPHER BANKS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1603, in Canterbury, Kent, England, to Christopher Banks 719 and Alice Banks [Foxe] 720, as shown within family tree 157. Christopher died in 1650, aged about 47, in Canterbury, Kent, England. Christopher fathered one daughter: Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in 1627 This family is shown within family tree 157. 568. MARY ROYALL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1758, in Halifax, Virginia, USA, to John Royall 721 and Susannah Royall [Bates] 722, as shown within family tree 193. Mary died in 1830, aged about 72, in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. Mary gave birth to one daughter: Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in 1627 This family is shown as family tree 193. 569. JOHN BOLLING (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1615, in Bolling Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, to Robert Bolling 723 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724, as shown in family tree 220. John died in 1684, aged about 69, in London, England. 570. MARY BOLLING [CARIE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1620, in London, England, to Thomas Cary 725 and Joan Cary [Milner] 726, as shown in family tree 221. Mary died in London, England. John Bolling 569 married Mary Bolling [Carie] in London, England. They had one son: Robert Bolling 449 in This family is shown as family tree 194. 571. THOMAS ROLFE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Richmond, Virginia, USA to John Rolfe 727 and Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728, as shown in family tree 222. Thomas died in 1675 in Virginia, USA. 572. JANE ROLFE [POYTHRESS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1630, in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA, to Francis Poythress 729 and Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730, as shown in family tree 223. Jane died between 1680 and 1681, aged about 50, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 767.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JWV. Note 1200 applies. Note 1201 applies. Name: Jane Poythress Birth Date: 1634 Birth Place: VA (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 767.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JWV. Note 1202 applies. Note 1203 applies. Name: Jane Poythress Birth Date: 1634 Birth Place: VA Page 225

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(Birth). Thomas Rolfe 571 married Jane Rolfe [Poythress], aged about 10, in 1640 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 in This family is shown as family tree 195. 573. JOHN KENNON (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1625, in Conjurers Nk, Henrico, Virginia, USA, to Richard Kennen 731 and Jonet Kennen [Boyse] 732, as shown within family tree 160. John died in 1654, aged about 29, in Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. John fathered one son: Richard Kennon 451 in 1650 This family is shown within family tree 160. 574. ELIZABETH BOLLING (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1656, in Henrico, Virginia, USA, to Robert Bolling 449 and Anne Bolling [Stith] 733, as shown in family tree 159. Elizabeth died in 1705, aged about 49, in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Richard Kennon 451 in 1650 This family is shown as family tree 196. 575. WILLIAM WORSHAM (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1625, in Jordans Parish, Charles City, Virginia, USA, to George Worsham 734. William died in 1660, aged about 35, in Henrico, Virginia, USA. 576. ELIZABETH WORSHAM [LITTLEBERRY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1623, in England, to Robert Littlebury 736 and Jane Marye Littlebury [Of Boughton] 737, as shown within family tree 160. Elizabeth died in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. William Worsham 575, aged about 18, married Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry], aged about 20, in 1643 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in 1656 This family is shown within family tree 160. 577. JOHN BLAND (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1572, in Syths Lane, London, England. See family tree 161. John died in 1632, aged about 60, in London, England. 578. SUSAN BLAND [DEBLERE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, to Mr. Deblere 738 and Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739, as shown within family tree 161. Susan died in London, England. John Bland 577 married Susan Bland [Deblere] in Wisbeach, Isle Ely, England. They had one son: Theodorick Bland 453 in This family is shown within family tree 161. 579. RICHARD BENNETT (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA to Thomas Bennett 740 and Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741, as shown in family tree 225. Richard died in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. 580. MARY ANN BENNETT [UTIE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1619, in Lower, Norfolk, England, to John Utie 742 and Anne Utie 743, as shown within family tree 161. Mary died in 1687, aged about 68, in Kent, Maryland, USA. Richard Bennett 579 married Mary Ann Bennett [Utie], aged about 22, in 1641 in Williamsburg, Area, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in 1641 This family is shown as family tree 197. 581. RICHARD RANDOLPH (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Little Houghton, Northamptonshire, England to William Randolph 744 and Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 745, as shown within family tree 162. Richard died in Dublin, Ireland. 582. ELIZABETH RANDOLPH [RYLAND] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1625, in Morton, Morrell, Warwickshire, England, to Richard Ryland 746. Elizabeth died in 1669, aged about 44, in Dublin, Ireland. Richard Randolph 581 married Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland], aged about 25, in 1650 in Morton Hall, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: William Randolph 455 in This family is shown within family tree 162. 583. HENRY ISHAM (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1626, in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England, to William Isham 748 and Mary Isham [Brett] 749, as shown within family tree 162. Henry died in 1675, aged about 49, in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA.

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584. KATHERINE ISHAM [BANKS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1627, in Canterbury, Kent, England, to Christopher Banks 750. Katherine died in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Henry Isham 583, aged about 30, married Katherine Isham [Banks], aged about 29, in 1656 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 162. 585. JOHN BOLLING (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1615, in All Hallows, Barking Parish, London, England, to Robert Bolling 752 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753, as shown within family tree 163. John died in London, England. 586. MARY BOLLING [CARIE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1620, in London, England, to Thomas Cary 754 and Joan Cary [Milner] 755, as shown within family tree 163. Mary died in London, England. John Bolling 585 married Mary Bolling [Carie] in London, England. They had one son: Robert Bolling 457 in This family is shown within family tree 163. 587. JOHN STITH (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1625, in Kirkham, Lancashire, England, to Robert Stith 756 and Mary Stith [Townsend] 757, as shown within family tree 163. John died in Westover Parish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. 588. JANE STITH [MOSBY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1624, in Prince William, Virginia, USA, to Hannah Unknown 758, as shown within family tree 163. Jane died in 1686, aged about 62, in Westover Parish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. John Stith 587, aged about 31, married Jane Stith [Mosby], aged about 32, in 1656/12 in Charles City, Henrico, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 in 1665 This family is shown within family tree 163. 589. NICHOLAS MERIWETHER (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1631, in Bramber, Sussex, England, to Francis Meriwether 759. Nicholas died in Lynnhaven Parish, Prince William, Virginia, USA. 590. ELIZABETH MERIWETHER [WOODHOUSE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1633, in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk, Virginia, USA, to Henry Woodhouse 761 and Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762, as shown within family tree 164. Elizabeth died between 1680 and 1681, aged about 47, in Virginia, USA. Nicholas Meriwether 589, aged about 24, married Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse], aged about 22, in 1655 in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Francis Meriwether 459 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 164. 591. LANCELOT BATHURST (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1646, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England, to Edward Bathurst 763 and Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764, as shown in family tree 229. Lancelot died in 1702, aged about 56, in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1625.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1204 applies. Note 1205 applies. Name: Lancelot Bathurst Birth Date: 1646 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1625.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1206 applies. Note 1207 applies. Name: Lancelot Bathurst Birth Date: 1646 Birth Place: En (Birth). 592. SUSANNA BATHURST [LANE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1646, in England. See family tree 198. Susanna died in Y. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Lancelot Bathurst 591 married Susanna Bathurst [Lane]. They had one daughter: Mary Bathurst 460 in 1675 This family is shown as family tree 198. 593. JOHN LINSCOTT (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in South Taunton, Devon, England to Henry Linscott 765 and Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766, as shown within family tree 167.

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594. AGNES LINSCOTT [DODD] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1595, in England. See family tree 167. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John Linscott 593 married Agnes Linscott [Dodd] in Taunton Chagford, Devon, England. They had one son: Henry Linscott 463 in 1624 This family is shown within family tree 167. 595. ROBERT LAUERS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in England. See family tree 124. Robert died in 1630 in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 596. KATHERINE LAUERS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in England. See family tree 124. Katherine died in 1630 in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Lauers 595 married Katherine Lauers. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464 in 1636 This family is shown within family tree 124. 597. ROBERT HARRISON WATTS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Benenden, Kent, England, to William Watts 767 and Johan Watts [Knott] 768, as shown within family tree 168. Robert died in England. Robert fathered one son: Cornelius Watts 466 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 168. 598. EDWARD MARTIN (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1605 and 1608, in Oher, St Mary, Devon, England, to William Martin 769, as shown within family tree 169. 599. JUDITH MARTIN [UPHAM] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1621, in Bicton, Devon, England, to Richard Upham 770 and Maria Upham 771, as shown within family tree 169. Judith died in 1663, aged about 42, in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Edward Martin 598 married Judith Martin [Upham] in Ottary, Devon, England. They had one son: John Martin 468 in 1640 This family is shown within family tree 169. 600. JOHN WHEATON STONE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Middlebury, Connecticut, USA to John Wheaton Stone 772 and Martha E Stone [Wheaton] 773, as shown within family tree 170. John died. 601. ANNA A STONE [FOX] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 170. John Wheaton Stone 600 married Anna A Stone [Fox]. They had one son: John Herbert Stone 470 in This family is shown within family tree 170. 602. THOMAS WILKINS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in Wales, England. See family tree 127. Thomas died in 1590, as an infant, in Wales, England. 603. HANNAH WILKINS [NICHOLS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in Wales. See family tree 127. Thomas Wilkins 602 married Hannah Wilkins [Nichols]. They had one son: Bray Wilkins 472 in 1610 This family is shown within family tree 127. 604. HENRY WAY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1583, in Allington, Bridport, Dorset, England, to Henry Way 774 and Edith Way [Denslow] 775, as shown within family tree 172. Henry died in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. 605. ELIZABETH WAY [BATCHELAR] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1581, in Devon, Dorset, England, to Stephen Bachiler 776 and Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777, as shown within family tree 172. Elizabeth died in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Henry Way 604 married Elizabeth Way [Batchelar]. They had one daughter: Hannah Wilkins [Way] 473 in This family is shown within family tree 172. 606. GEORG JOHANN WOLFHARDT (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Nurtingen, Neckar, Wrttemberg, Germany. See family tree 128. Georg died in Duhren, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany. 607. ANNA WOLFHARDT [BURCKHARDT] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Kochendorf, Neckar, Wrttemberg, Germany. See family tree 128. Anna died in Duhren, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany.

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Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606 married Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] in Kochendorf, Neckar, Wrttemberg, Germany. They had one son: Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 in This family is shown within family tree 128. 608. CONRAD HAAGEN (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1617, in Citizen, Ertzlingen, Bei Zurich, Switzerland. See family tree 128. Conrad died in Zurich, Switzerland. 609. VERONICA HAAGEN [STROLER] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1621, in Ertzlingen, Zurich, Switzerland. See family tree 128. Veronica died in Zurich, Switzerland. Conrad Haagen 608, aged about 25, married Veronica Haagen [Stroler], aged about 21, in 1642 in Ertzlingen, Zurich, Switzerland. They had one daughter: Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477 in This family is shown within family tree 128. 610. CHRISTOPH SLAGLE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Kmehlen, Dresden, Germany. See family tree 129. Christoph died in Grimma, Germany, Hungary. 611. MAGDALENA SLAGLE [TILISCH] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Germany. See family tree 129. Magdalena died in Breslau, Schlesien, Germany. Christoph Slagle 610 married Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] in Breslau, Schlesien, Germany. They had one son: Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 612. CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HERTEL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 129. Christian died in 1681 in Grimma. 613. DOROTHEA HERTEL [THIELE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 129. Dorothea died in 1679 in Grimma, Germany. Christian Friedrich Hertel 612 married Dorothea Hertel [Thiele]. They had one daughter: Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 614. CHRISTIAN EYSTER (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Stuttgart Neckar, Wrttemberg, Germany. See family tree 129. Christian died in Manchester, York, Pennsylvania, USA. 615. ANNA MARGARETHA EYSTER [SCHMEISSER] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Jagstkreis, Riegelbach, Wrttemberg, Germany. See family tree 129. Anna died in York, Pennsylvania, USA. Christian Eyster 614 married Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: Elias Eyster 480 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 616. CHRISTIAN LAU (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Sulzthal, Northern, Alsace, France. See family tree 129. Christian died in Manchester, York, Pennsylvania, USA. 617. ANNA CLEOPHE LAU [FREY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Wingen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France. See family tree 129. Anna died in 1773 in West Manchester, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Christian Lau 616 married Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] in 1722 in Wingen, Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Germany. They had one daughter: Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481 in This family is shown within family tree 129. 618. HANS ADAM KLEE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Heimbach, Pfalz, Germany. See family tree 130. Hans died in 1725, aged about 105, in Heimbach, Germany. 619. ANNA KLEE [MARGARETHA] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1620, in Heimbach, Pfalz, Germany. See family tree 130. Anna died in Nr Quimbach, Germany. Hans Adam Klee 618 married Anna Klee [Margaretha]. They had one son: Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 in 1663 This family is shown within family tree 130. 620. HANS ADAM BRAUN (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Schellweiler, Pfalz, Germany. See family tree 130. Hans died in 1699. 621. MARGARETHA SALOME BRAUN [HEYL] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1652, in Reichardsweiler, Pfalz, Germany. See family tree 130. Margaretha died in Quimbach, Pfalz, Germany.

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Hans Adam Braun 620 married Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] in Kusel, Pfalz, Bayern, Germany. They had one daughter: Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 in 1670 This family is shown within family tree 130. 622. RALPH HOLME (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in Harwood, Bolton, Lancashire, England. See family tree 131. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 623. JENET HOLME [WALKER] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1584, in Tonngue, Lancashire, England. See family tree 131. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Ralph Holme 622, aged about 30, married Jenet Holme [Walker], aged about 21, in 1605 in Bolton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Robert Holmes 484 in This family is shown within family tree 131. 624. WILLIAM BOLTON (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1585, in Ullenhall, Warwickshire, England, to William Bolton 778 and Alice Bolton [Massam] 779, as shown in family tree 230. William died in 1657, aged about 72. 625. MARY BOLTON [BURTON] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1587, in St Michael Cornhill, Middlesex, England, to Stephen Burton 780 and Ms. Unknown 781, as shown within family tree 173. William Bolton 624 married Mary Bolton [Burton]. They had one daughter: Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485 in This family is shown as family tree 199. 626. ARTHUR INGRAHAM (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1576, in Barrowby Hall, Barrowby, Lincolnshire, England, to Arthur Ingraham 782 and Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783, as shown in family tree 231. Arthur died in 1655, aged about 79, in Whitkirk, W Riding, Yorkshire, England. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 13674.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1208 applies. Note 1209 applies. Name: Arthur Ingraham Birth Date: 1576 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 13674.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1210 applies. Note 1211 applies. Name: Arthur Ingraham Birth Date: 1576 Birth Place: En (Birth). 627. JANE INGRAHAM [MALLORY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1574, in Barrowby, Lincolnshire, England, to John Mallory 784 and Ann Mallory [Eure] 785, as shown in family tree 232. Jane died in 1629, aged about 55, in Whitkirk, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Arthur Ingraham 626, aged about 20, married Jane Ingraham [Mallory], aged about 22, in 1596 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. They had one son: Richard Ingraham 486 in 1600 This family is shown as family tree 200. 628. ALEXANDER WIGNALL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1578, in Watertown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. See family tree 131. Alexander died in 1631, aged about 53, in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 3002.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GHS. Note 1212 applies. Note 1213 applies. Name: Alexander Wignall Birth Date: 1578 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 3002.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GHS. Note 1214 applies. Note 1215 applies. Name: Alexander Wignall Birth Date: 1578 Page 230

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Birth Place: En (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 629. ALEXANDER WIGNALL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1586, in Frating, Essex, England. See family tree 131. Alexander died in 1600, aged about 14. Alexander Wignall 628, aged about 25, married Alexander Wignall, aged about 17, in 1603 in Frating, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 in 1604 This family is shown within family tree 131. 630. JOHN STURGIS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Worth, Kent, England to Edward Sturgis 786 and Edward Sturgis 787, as shown within family tree 201. John died in 1625/1 in Sturry, Kent, England. 631. MARGARET STURGIS [AUSTIN] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1576, in Woodnesborough, Kent, England, to Anthony Awstin 788. Margaret died in 1622, aged about 46, in Eastry, Kent, England. John Sturgis 630 married Margaret Sturgis [Austin] in Tilmanstone, Kent, England. They had one son: Edward Sturgis 488 in 1613 This family is shown as family tree 201. 632. THOMAS HINCKLEY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Harrietsham, Kent, England to Robert Hinckley 790 and Elizabeth Hinckley 791, as shown in family tree 234. Thomas died in 1635 in Ulcombe, Kent, England. 633. ANN KATHERINE HINCKLEY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1584, in Harrietsham, Kent, England. See family tree 202. Ann died in 1635, aged about 51, in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Hinckley 632 married Ann Katherine Hinckley, aged about 24, in 1608 in Harrietsham, Hawkhurst, Kent, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489 in This family is shown as family tree 202. 634. RALPH GORHAM (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England, to James Gorham 792 and Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793, as shown in family tree 235. Ralph died in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 705.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: SAB. Note 1216 applies. Note 1217 applies. Name: Ralph Gorham Birth Date: 1575 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 705.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: SAB. Note 1218 applies. Note 1219 applies. Name: Ralph Gorham Birth Date: 1575 Birth Place: En (Birth). 635. MARGARET GORHAM [STEPHENSON] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1579, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 203. Margaret died in 1637, aged about 58, in Northamptonshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Ralph Gorham 634 married Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: John Gorham 490 in This family is shown as family tree 203. 636. JOHN HOWLAND (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1592, in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England, to Henry Howland 794 and Alice Howland [Aires] 795, as shown in family tree 236. John died in Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. 637. ELIZABETH HOWLAND [TILLEY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England to John Tilley 796 and Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797, as shown in family tree 237. Elizabeth died in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. John Howland 636 married Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] in Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. They had one daughter: Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 in 1623 This family is shown as family tree 204.

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638. JAMES PEABODY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1582, in Washington, Rhode Island, USA, to Thomas Peabody 798 and Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799, as shown within family tree 205. James died in 1661, aged about 79. James fathered one son: John Peabody 500 in 1612 This family is shown as family tree 205. 639. SARAH PEARL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1585, in England. See family tree 206. Sarah died in 1660, aged about 75. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Sarah gave birth to one son: John Peabody 500 in 1612 This family is shown as family tree 206. 640. THOMAS TULLY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1585, in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA, to Mr. Tully 800, as shown within family tree 177. Thomas died in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. 641. REBECCA TULLY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. See family tree 177. Thomas Tully 640, aged about 30, married Rebecca Tully, aged about 23, in 1615 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. They had one daughter: Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 in 1616 This family is shown within family tree 177. 642. WILLIAM DEANE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1568, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Walter Deane 801 and Joan Deane [Walsele] 802, as shown in family tree 238. William died in Chard, Somerset, England. 643. MRS WILLIAM DEANE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1578, in Chard, Somerset, England. See family tree 207. Mrs died in 1669, aged about 91, in Massachusetts, USA. William Deane 642, aged about 19, married Mrs William Deane, aged about 9, in 1587 in Chard, Somerset, England. They had one son: Walter Deane 502 in This family is shown as family tree 207. 644. JOHN STRONG (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1585, in Chard, Somerset, England, to George Strong 803 and Ann Strong [Bond] 804, as shown in family tree 239. John died in Chard, Somerset, England. 645. ELEANOR STRONG [DEANE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1586, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Walter Deane 805 and Joan Deane [Walsele] 806, as shown in family tree 240. Eleanor died in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 168.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DBM. Note 1220 applies. Note 1221 applies. Name: Eleanor Deane Birth Date: 1586 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 168.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DBM. Note 1222 applies. Note 1223 applies. Name: Eleanor Deane Birth Date: 1586 Birth Place: En (Birth). John Strong 644, aged about 24, married Eleanor Strong [Deane], aged about 23, in 1609 in Taunton, Chard, Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in 1613 This family is shown as family tree 208. 646. GEORGE ROSS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1557, in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to Alexander Ross 807 and Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808, as shown in family tree 241. George died in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. George married twice. He was married to Isobel Ross [MacKintosh] 648 and Marian Ross [Campbell] 647.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 647. MARIAN ROSS [CAMPBELL] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1561, in Calder, Nairn, Scotland, to John Campbell 809, as shown within family tree 179. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). George Ross 646 married Marian Ross [Campbell]. They had one son: David Ross 507 in 1582 This family is shown as family tree 209. 648. ISOBEL ROSS [MACKINTOSH] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather's wife) was born in Torcastle to Angus MacKintosh 3797. [See also: Indirectly Related via Isobel Ross [MacKintosh]] George Ross 646 married Isobel Ross [MacKintosh]. 649. ALEXANDER, EARL OF SUTHERLAND UNKNOWN (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 139. Alexander, fathered one daughter: Ms. Ross [Mary] 508 This family is shown within family tree 139. 650. SILVESTER VITT SEVING (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1606, in Wyhl, Baden, Germany, to Adolf Seving 810 and Verena Seving [Vitt] 811, as shown in family tree 242. Silvester died in 1656, aged about 50, in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Silvester fathered one son: Humphrey Spinning 509 in 1600 This family is shown as family tree 210. 651. ROBERT LONG (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England, to John Long 812 and Marie Long 813, as shown within family tree 211. Robert died on 9 January 1664, aged about 73, in Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 652. SARAH LONG [TAYLOR] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England to John Taylor 814 and Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815, as shown within family tree 211. Sarah died on 12 December 1631 in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Long 651 married Sarah Long [Taylor] in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Long 510 in 1602 This family is shown as family tree 211. 653. EDMUND HOBART (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born on 1 January 1573, in Hingham, Norwich, Norfolk, England, to Thomas Hobart 816 and Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817, as shown in family tree 243. Edmund died on 8 March 1646, aged 73, in Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 18916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1224 applies. Note 1225 applies. Name: Edmund Hobart Birth Date: 1573 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 18916.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BFO. Note 1226 applies. Note 1227 applies. Name: Edmund Hobart Birth Date: 1573 Birth Place: En (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 654. MARGARET HOBART [DEWEY] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1574, in Wymondham, Norfolk, England, to Robert Dewe 818 and Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819, as shown in family tree 244. Margaret died on 23 June 1649, aged about 74, in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edmund Hobart 653 married Margaret Hobart [Dewey] in Hingham, Norfolk, England. They had one son: George Hubbard 511 in 1601 This family is shown as family tree 212.

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655. JOHN BISHOP (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. See family tree 182. John died in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 656. ANN BISHOP [STEVENS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in Suffolk, England, to William Steevens 820 and William Steevens 821, as shown within family tree 182. Ann died in April 1676, aged about 83, in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Bishop 655, aged about 20, married Ann Bishop [Stevens], aged about 18, in 1610 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 in 1610 This family is shown within family tree 182. 657. WILLIAM HANMER (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1501, in Wales, to William Hanmer 822 and Eleanor Hanmer 823, as shown in family tree 245. William died in 1589, aged about 88. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 658. MARGARET HANMER [KYNASTON] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455, in Crickett, Shropshire, England, to Roger Kynaston 824 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825, as shown in family tree 246. Margaret died in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Hanmer 657, aged about 62, married Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston], aged about 108, in 1563. They had one son: William Hanmer 515 in 1541 This family is shown as family tree 213. 659. EDWARD DYMOCK (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Penley Willington, Flintshire, Wales, to Randle Dymock 826 and Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827, as shown in family tree 247. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 660. MAWDLIN DYMOCK [PULESTON] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born to Roger Puleston 828, as shown in family tree 248. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Edward Dymock 659 married Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston]. They had one daughter: Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516 in 1570 This family is shown as family tree 214. 661. HEZEKIAH HENLEY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1585, in England. See family tree 143. Hezekiah fathered one son: Thomas Henley 517 in 1600 This family is shown within family tree 143. 662. MS. ELIZA (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 143. Ms. Eliza gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in 1617 This family is shown within family tree 143. 663. WILLIAM BULLOCK (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Thomas Bullock 829 and Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830, as shown in family tree 249. William died in Moraton, Staffordshire, England. 664. ELIZABETH BULLOCK [BALLETT] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1552, in Moraton, Cheshire, England, to Ralph Bellett 831 and Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832, as shown within family tree 215. Elizabeth died in 1584, aged about 32, in Moraton, Cheshire, England. William Bullock 663, aged about 11, married Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett], aged about 9, in 1561 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Hugh Bullock 524 in 1578 This family is shown as family tree 215. 665. MR. NASHE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 144. Mr. Nashe fathered one daughter: Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 in 1579 This family is shown within family tree 144.

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666. EDWARD MOORE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England, to Thomas Moore 833, as shown within family tree 186. Edward died in 1606, aged about 46. 667. MARY MOORE [MORE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Barnbrough, West Riding, Yorkshire, England to Thomas More 834 and Mary More [Scrope] 835, as shown within family tree 216. Mary died in 1605. Edward Moore 666 married Mary Moore [More]. They had one son: John Moore 527 in 1584 This family is shown as family tree 216. 668. RICHARD MERRETT (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1556, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 217. 669. BLANCHE MERRETT [PENDARVEIS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in Constantine, Cornwall, England, to David Pendarvis 836 and Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837, as shown within family tree 217. Richard Merrett 668, aged about 22, married Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis], aged about 20, in 1578 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528 in 1590 This family is shown as family tree 217. 670. JOHN MOORE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1584, in Reading, Berkshire, England, to Edward Moore 838 and Mary Moore [More] 839, as shown within family tree 187. John died in 1676, aged about 92, in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. 671. ELIZABETH MOORE [MERRITT] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in London, Middlesex, England, to Richard Merrett 840 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841, as shown within family tree 187. Elizabeth died in Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA. John Moore 670 married Elizabeth Moore [Merritt]. They had one son: Augustine Moore 529 in 1624 This family is shown within family tree 187. 672. RICHARD PRICE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1555, in Manavon, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Richard Price 842. Richard died in 1638/4, aged about 83, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. 673. URSULA PRICE [MIDDLETON] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1560, in Montgomery, Wales, to David Middleton 844 and David Middleton [Middletown] 845, as shown within family tree 188. Ursula died in 1637/4, aged about 77, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Richard Price 672, aged about 27, married Ursula Price [Middleton], aged about 22, in 1582 in Wales, England. They had one son: John Price 531 in 1584 This family is shown within family tree 188. 674. SAMUEL MATHEWS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bristol, England to Tobias Mathews 846 and Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847, as shown within family tree 188. Samuel died between 1660 and 1661 in Denbeigh, Warwick, Virginia, USA. 675. FRANCES MATHEWS [GREVILLE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in England, to Edward Greville 848 and Jane Greville [Grey] 849, as shown within family tree 188. Frances died in 1635, aged about 45, in Matthews Manor, York, Virginia, USA. Samuel Mathews 674 married Frances Mathews [Greville]. They had one daughter: Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 in 1600 This family is shown within family tree 188. 676. JAMES PETTIGREW (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1713 and 1714, in Tyrone, Ireland, to James Pettigrew 421 and Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422, as shown in family tree 148. James died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. 677. MARY PETTIGREW [COCHRAN] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1713/10, in Tyrone, Ireland. See family tree 218. Mary died in Abbeville, South Carolina, USA. James Pettigrew 676, aged about 16, married Mary Pettigrew [Cochran], aged about 18, in 1731 in Aughnacloy, Tyrone, Ireland. They had one son: James Pettigrew 533 in 1613 This family is shown as family tree 218. 678. SIR REGINAL MOHR (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Scotland to Gilchrist Mohr 850 and Isobel Mohr [Cumyn] 851, as shown within family tree 190. Sir died in 1531 in Scotland.

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679. SYBILLA MOHR [DALKEITH] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1531, in Scotland, Abercorn, to John Dalkeith 852, as shown within family tree 190. Sybilla died in 1531, as an infant, in Scotland. Sir Reginal Mohr 678 married Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith]. They had one son: John Mohr 535 This family is shown within family tree 190. 680. EMANUEL DOWNING (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in St Lawrence, Ipswich, Suff, England. See family tree 149. Emanuel died in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. 681. LUCY DOWNING [WINTHROP] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Groton, Suffolk, England. See family tree 149. Lucy died in London, England. Emanuel Downing 680 married Lucy Downing [Winthrop] in Groton, Suffolk, England. They had one son: George Downing 538 in 1623 This family is shown within family tree 149. 682. WILLIAM HOWARD (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1603, in Naworth, Cumberland, England. See family tree 149. William died in Ingleby, Greenbow, Yorkshire, England. 683. MARY HOWARD [EURE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1602, in Wilton, Durham, England. See family tree 149. Mary died in England. William Howard 682, aged about 22, married Mary Howard [Eure], aged about 23, in 1625 in Ingleby, Greenhow, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Frances Downing [Howard] 539 in 1633 This family is shown within family tree 149. 684. CHARLES CECIL (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1619/7, in Westminster, London, Greater London, England. See family tree 149. Charles died in 1660/12, aged about 41, in Salisbury, England. 685. DIANA CECIL [MAXWELL] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1619, in Salisbury, England. See family tree 149. Diana died in Salisbury, England. Charles Cecil 684 married Diana Cecil [Maxwell] in Fields, London, England. They had one son: James Cecil 540 in 1646 This family is shown within family tree 149. 686. JOHN MANNERS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, England. See family tree 149. John died in Nether Haddon, Derbyshire, England. 687. FRANCES MANNERS [MONTAGU] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1614, in Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 149. Frances died in Bottesford, Wiltshire, England. John Manners 686 married Frances Manners [Montagu], aged about 14, in 1628 in Barnwell Castle, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541 in 1648 This family is shown within family tree 149. 688. THOMAS MEADOR (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1612, in Bristol, Suffolk, England. See family tree 150. Thomas died in Lancaster, Virginia, USA. 689. SARAH MEADOR (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in England. See family tree 150. Sarah died in 1670, aged about 70, in Virginia, USA. Thomas Meador 688 married Sarah Meador. They had one son: Thomas Meador 542 in 1638 This family is shown within family tree 150. 690. WILLIAM HOSKINS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1616, in Cork, Ireland. See family tree 191. William died in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. 691. SARAH HOSKINS [CUSHMAN] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1615, in Leyden, South Holland, Netherlands. See family tree 191. Sarah died in 1638, aged about 23, in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. William Hoskins 690 married Sarah Hoskins [Cushman]. They had one daughter: Sarah Hoskins 543 in This family is shown within family tree 191. 692. WILLIAM AWBREY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1583, in Abercynfrig, Brecknockshire, South Wales, England. See family tree 191. William died in 1631, aged about 48, in Tredomen, Brecknockshire, South Wales, England.

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693. ELIZABETH AWBREY [JOHNS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in Llandilo Fawr, Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 191. Elizabeth died in 1650 in Wales. William Awbrey 692, aged about 20, married Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] in 1603 in South, Wales. They had one son: Henry Awbrey 544 in 1635 This family is shown within family tree 191. 694. GEORGE HOLLOWAY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in Charles River Parish, York, Virginia, USA. See family tree 151. George died in 1641, aged about 51, in York, Virginia, USA. 695. ELIZABETH FRANCES HOLLOWAY [MATHEWS] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 151. George Holloway 694 married Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Mathews]. They had one son: James Holloway 546 in 1635 This family is shown within family tree 151. 696. SAMUEL MATHEWS ESQUIRE (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Denbeigh, Warwick, Virginia, USA. See family tree 151. Samuel died between 1660 and 1661 in Dembeogj, Warwick, Virginia, USA. Samuel fathered one son: John Matthews 548 in 1650 This family is shown within family tree 151. 697. S HINTON (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 219. S gave birth to one son: John Matthews 548 in 1650 This family is shown as family tree 219. 698. MICHAEL TAVENOR (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1635, in York, Virginia, USA. See family tree 151. Michael died in Est. 699. MICHAEL TAVENOR (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 151. Michael Tavenor 698 married Michael Tavenor. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in 1650 This family is shown within family tree 151. 700. ROBERT MILLS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Essex, Virginia, USA. See family tree 152. Robert died in Essex, Virginia, USA. 701. MARY MILLS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1644, in Essex, Virginia, USA. See family tree 152. Mary died between 1702 and 1712, aged about 63, in Essex, Virginia, USA. Robert Mills 700, aged about 20, married Mary Mills, aged about 16, in 1660 in Essex, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Mills 552 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 152. 702. ALBERT STRINGFIELD (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1630, in England. See family tree 153. Albert fathered one son: John Stringfield 554 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 153. 703. WILLIAM PETTUS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Norwich, Norfolk, England. See family tree 154. William died in Norwich, Norfolk, England. 704. MARY PETTUS [GLEANE] (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1585, in Norwich, Norfolk, England. See family tree 154. Mary died in Norwich, Norfolk, England. William Pettus 703 married Mary Pettus [Gleane] in St Peter, Mancroft, Norfolk, England. They had one son: Thomas Pettus 556 in 1608 This family is shown within family tree 154. 705. GEORGE MORRIS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in New Kent, Virginia, USA. See family tree 154. George died in 1685, aged about 65, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 706. ELEANOR MORRIS (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1615, in England. See family tree 154. Eleanor died in New Kent, Virginia, USA. George Morris 705, aged about 37, married Eleanor Morris, aged about 42, in 1657 in Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 in 1638 This family is shown within family tree 154.

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707. ALEXANDER RAY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1630, in Stradishall, Suffolk, England. See family tree 155. Alexander died in Broad Creek, Talbot, Maryland, USA. 708. JOANE RAY (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1676, in England. See family tree 155. Joane died in 1676, as an infant, in Broad Creek, Talbot, Maryland, USA. Alexander Ray 707, aged about 23, married Joane Ray, aged about -23, in 1653 in England. They had one son: William Ray 558 in 1660 This family is shown within family tree 155. Generation of Twelve-Times-Great-Grandparents 709. ROBERT RANDOLPH (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Hamsey, Lewes, Sussex, England. See family tree 156. Robert died in Hamsey, Lewes, Sussex, England. 710. ROSA RANDOLPH [ROBERTS] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1554, in Biddenden, Kent, England. See family tree 156. Rosa died in 1620, aged about 66, in Sussex, England. Robert Randolph 709, aged about 22, married Rosa Randolph [Roberts], aged about 18, in 1572 in Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: William Randolph 561 in 1572 This family is shown within family tree 156. 711. RICHARD LANE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1544, in Courtenhall, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 156. Richard died in 1610, aged about 66, in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. 712. ELIZABETH LANE [VINCENT] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1547, in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 156. Elizabeth died in 1589, aged about 42, in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Richard Lane 711, aged about 26, married Elizabeth Lane [Vincent], aged about 23, in 1570 in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562 in This family is shown within family tree 156. 713. JOHN RYLAND (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1555, in Foxcote, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 156. John died in England. 714. MARIA RYLAND [CANNING] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1555, in Foxcote, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 156. Maria died in England. John Ryland 713 married Maria Ryland [Canning] in England. They had one son: Richard Ryland 563 in 1599 This family is shown within family tree 156. 715. EUSEBY ISHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 157. Euseby died in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. 716. ANNE ISHAM [BORLASE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1556, in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 157. Anne died in 1627, aged about 71, in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. Euseby Isham 715 married Anne Isham [Borlase], aged about 23, in 1579 in Pitchley, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: William Isham 565 in This family is shown within family tree 157. 717. WILLIAM BRETT (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1577, in Hearne, Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 157. William died in 1624, aged about 47, in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. 718. MARY BRETT [OF BEDFORDSHIRE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1570, in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 157. Mary died in 1624, aged about 54, in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. William Brett 717, aged about 26, married Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire], aged about 33, in 1603 in England. They had one daughter: Mary Isham [Brett] 566 in 1603 This family is shown within family tree 157. 719. CHRISTOPHER BANKS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 157. Christopher died in Aylesbury, England. 720. ALICE BANKS [FOXE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1575, in England. See family tree 157. Alice died in England.

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Christopher Banks 719 married Alice Banks [Foxe] in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. They had one son: Christopher Banks 567 in 1603 This family is shown within family tree 157. 721. JOHN ROYALL (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1720, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 193. John died in Halifax, Virginia, USA. 722. SUSANNAH ROYALL [BATES] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1758, in Halifax, Virginia, USA. See family tree 193. Susannah died in Charlotte, Virginia, USA. John Royall 721, aged about 28, married Susannah Royall [Bates], aged about -10, in 1748 in Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Mary Royall 568 in 1758 This family is shown within family tree 193. 723. ROBERT BOLLING (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, to Edward Bolling 853 and Jane Bolling [Greene] 854, as shown within family tree 220. Robert died in London, England. 724. ANNE BOLLING [CLARKE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in London, England, to Thomas Clarke 855 and Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856, as shown within family tree 220. Anne died in 1639, aged about 49, in All Hallows, Barking Parish, Tower, London-England. Robert Bolling 723, aged about 24, married Anne Bolling [Clarke], aged about 24, in 1614 in London, England. They had one son: John Bolling 569 in 1615 This family is shown as family tree 220. 725. THOMAS CARY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in St Nicholas Par, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England to William Cary 857 and Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858, as shown within family tree 221. Thomas died in Bristol, Avon, England. 726. JOAN CARY [MILNER] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1622, in St Nicholas, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 221. Joan died in 1660, aged about 38. Thomas Cary 725 married Joan Cary [Milner], aged about 24, in 1646 in Bristol, Avon, England. They had one daughter: Mary Bolling [Carie] 570 in 1620 This family is shown as family tree 221. 727. JOHN ROLFE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Heacham, Norfolk, England to John Rolfe 859 and Dorothea Mason 860, as shown in family tree 251. John died in 1622 in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA. 728. MATOAKA POCAHONTAS ROLFE [POWHATAN] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1595, in Tidewater, James City, Virginia, USA, to Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861. Matoaka died in Gravesend, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Rolfe 727 married Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Thomas Rolfe 571 in This family is shown as family tree 222. 729. FRANCIS POYTHRESS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1614, in London, Middlesex, England, to Joshua Poythress 863 and Peachy Poythress 864, as shown within family tree 195. Francis died in 1661, aged about 47, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. 730. MARY POYTHRESS [SLOMAN] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1624, in London, Middlesex, England, to John Sloman 865 and Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866, as shown within family tree 223. Mary died in 1675, aged about 51, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Francis Poythress 729 married Mary Poythress [Sloman]. They had one daughter: Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 in 1630 This family is shown as family tree 223. 731. RICHARD KENNEN (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Scotland. See family tree 160. 732. JONET KENNEN [BOYSE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in Scotland. See family tree 160. Richard Kennen 731 married Jonet Kennen [Boyse]. They had one son: John Kennon 573 in 1625 This family is shown within family tree 160. 733. ANNE BOLLING [STITH] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1665, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 159. Anne died in 1709, aged about 44, in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Anne married her indirect relation, Robert Bolling 449.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Robert Bolling 449 married Anne Bolling [Stith]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bolling 574 in 1656 This family is shown as family tree 159.

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734. GEORGE WORSHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1596, in Jordans Par, Charles City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 160. George died in 1660, aged about 64, in Jordans Parrish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. George fathered one son: William Worsham 575 in 1625 This family is shown within family tree 160. 735. SUSAN TAYLOR (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1580. See family tree 224. Susan gave birth to one son: William Worsham 575 in 1625 This family is shown as family tree 224. 736. ROBERT LITTLEBURY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Copford, Essex, England. See family tree 160. Robert died in England. 737. JANE MARYE LITTLEBURY [OF BOUGHTON] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in St Botolph Colchester, Essex, England. See family tree 160. Robert Littlebury 736 married Jane Marye Littlebury [Of Boughton]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 in 1623 This family is shown within family tree 160. 738. MR. DEBLERE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1557, in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. See family tree 161. Mr. Deblere died in 1669, aged about 112. 739. MARIE DEBLERE [DE DUBLEER] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1568, in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. See family tree 161. Mr. Deblere 738, aged about 23, married Marie Deblere [De Dubleer], aged about 12, in 1580 in London, London, England. They had one daughter: Susan Bland [Deblere] 578 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 161. 740. THOMAS BENNETT (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1580, in Wilvescomb, Somerset, England. See family tree 225. Thomas died in 1642, aged about 62, in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. 741. ALICE BENNETT [PIERCE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to William Pierce 867. Alice died in 1647, aged about 47, in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Thomas Bennett 740, aged about 44, married Alice Bennett [Pierce], aged about 24, in 1624 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Richard Bennett 579 in This family is shown as family tree 225. 742. JOHN UTIE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1593, in Ultima, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 161. John died in 1624, aged about 31, in Hog Island, Virginia, USA. 743. ANNE UTIE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 161. John Utie 742 married Anne Utie. They had one daughter: Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in 1619 This family is shown within family tree 161. 744. WILLIAM RANDOLPH (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1572, in Biddenden, Kent, England. See family tree 162. William died in 1660, aged about 88, in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. 745. DOROTHY RANDOLPH [LANE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Courtney, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 162. Dorothy died in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. William Randolph 744 married Dorothy Randolph [Lane] in Little Houghton, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Richard Randolph 581 in This family is shown within family tree 162. 746. RICHARD RYLAND (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1599, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 162. Richard died in 1650, aged about 51, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Richard fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in 1625 This family is shown within family tree 162.

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747. ELIZABETH HARWARD (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1603, in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 226. Elizabeth died in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in 1625 This family is shown as family tree 226. 748. WILLIAM ISHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Pitchley, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 162. William died in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 749. MARY ISHAM [BRETT] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1603, in Hearne, Toddinton, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 162. Mary died in Henrico, Virginia, USA. William Isham 748 married Mary Isham [Brett] in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Henry Isham 583 in 1626 This family is shown within family tree 162. 750. CHRISTOPHER BANKS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1603, in Canterbury, Kent, England. See family tree 162. Christopher died in 1650, aged about 47, in Canterbury, Kent, England. Christopher fathered one daughter: Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in 1627 This family is shown within family tree 162. 751. MARY ROYALL (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1758, in Halifax, Virginia, USA. See family tree 227. Mary died in 1830, aged about 72, in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. Mary gave birth to one daughter: Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in 1627 This family is shown as family tree 227. 752. ROBERT BOLLING (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1590, in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 163. Robert died in London, England. 753. ANNE BOLLING [CLARKE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1590, in London, England. See family tree 163. Anne died in 1639, aged about 49, in All Hallows, Barking Parish, Tower, London-England. Robert Bolling 752, aged about 24, married Anne Bolling [Clarke], aged about 24, in 1614 in London, England. They had one son: John Bolling 585 in 1615 This family is shown within family tree 163. 754. THOMAS CARY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in St Nicholas Par, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 163. Thomas died in Bristol, Avon, England. 755. JOAN CARY [MILNER] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1622, in St Nicholas, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 163. Joan died in 1660, aged about 38. Thomas Cary 754 married Joan Cary [Milner], aged about 24, in 1646 in Bristol, Avon, England. They had one daughter: Mary Bolling [Carie] 586 in 1620 This family is shown within family tree 163. 756. ROBERT STITH (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1606, in Kirkham, Lancashire, England. See family tree 163. Robert died in 1654, aged about 48, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. 757. MARY STITH [TOWNSEND] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1610, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. See family tree 163. Mary died in 1668, aged about 58, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Robert Stith 756, as an infant, married Mary Stith [Townsend], aged about -4, in 1606 in Charles City, Prince George, Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Stith 587 in 1625 This family is shown within family tree 163. 758. HANNAH UNKNOWN (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1604, in England. See family tree 163. Hannah died in 1663, aged about 59, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Hannah gave birth to one daughter: Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in 1624 This family is shown within family tree 163.

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759. FRANCIS MERIWETHER (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1604, in Great, England. See family tree 164. Francis died in Wales. Francis married twice, including Mary Bathurst 460 (his indirect relation). Francis fathered one son: Nicholas Meriwether 589 in 1631 This family is shown within family tree 164. Francis Meriwether married Mary Bathurst 460. See family tree 164. 760. ALICE CRAFFORD (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Great Mongeham, Kent, England. See family tree 228. Alice died in Kent, England. Alice gave birth to one son: Nicholas Meriwether 589 in 1631 This family is shown as family tree 228. 761. HENRY WOODHOUSE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1608, in Winterton, Norfolk, England. See family tree 164. Henry died in Lynnhaven Par, Lower Norfolk, Virginia, USA. 762. MARY WOODHOUSE [CARTER] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1611, in Towiso, Virginia, USA. See family tree 164. Mary died in 1666, aged about 55, in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Henry Woodhouse 761 married Mary Woodhouse [Carter] in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 in 1633 This family is shown within family tree 164. 763. EDWARD BATHURST (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1615, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England, to Robert Bathurst 869 and Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870, as shown in family tree 256. Edward died on 6 August 1674, aged about 59, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1565.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1228 applies. Note 1229 applies. Name: Edward Bathurst Birth Date: 1615 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 1565.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1230 applies. Note 1231 applies. Name: Edward Bathurst Birth Date: 1615 Birth Place: En (Birth). Source 17 (Death). 764. SUSAN BATHURST [RICH] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1615, in Gloucestershire, England, to Thomas Rich 871 and Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872, as shown in family tree 257. Susan died in 1669, aged about 54, in Cranbrook, Kent, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward Bathurst 763, aged about 29, married Susan Bathurst [Rich], aged about 29, in 1644 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Lancelot Bathurst 591 in 1646 This family is shown as family tree 229. 765. HENRY LINSCOTT (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1558, in Taunton, Devon, England. See family tree 167. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 177.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Note 1232 applies. Note 1233 applies. Name: Henry Linscott Birth Date: 1558 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 177.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Page 242

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Note 1234 applies. Note 1235 applies. Name: Henry Linscott Birth Date: 1558 Birth Place: En (Birth). 766. JOHANNA LINSCOTT [WARE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in England. See family tree 167. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 25, page Source number: 177.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Note 1236 applies. Note 1237 applies. Name: Johanna Ware Birth Date: 1558 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 177.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: HES. Note 1238 applies. Note 1239 applies. Name: Johanna Ware Birth Date: 1558 Birth Place: En (Birth). Henry Linscott 765 married Johanna Linscott [Ware] in South Taunton, Devon, England. They had one son: John Linscott 593 in This family is shown within family tree 167. 767. WILLIAM WATTS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Benenden, Kent, England. See family tree 168. William died in 1563, aged about 43, in Sandhurst, Kent, England. 768. JOHAN WATTS [KNOTT] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530, in Benenden, Kent, England. See family tree 168. Johan died in 1560, aged about 30, in England. William Watts 767, aged about 25, married Johan Watts [Knott], aged about 15, in 1545. They had one son: Robert Harrison Watts 597 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 168. 769. WILLIAM MARTIN (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1580, in England. See family tree 169. William fathered one son: Edward Martin 598 about 1606 This family is shown within family tree 169. 770. RICHARD UPHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1556, in Bicton, Devon, England. See family tree 169. Richard died in Bicton, Devon, England. 771. MARIA UPHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1572, in Bicton, Devon, England. See family tree 169. Maria died in Bicton, Devon, England. Richard Upham 770, aged about 39, married Maria Upham, aged about 23, in 1595 in Bicton, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Judith Martin [Upham] 599 in 1621 This family is shown within family tree 169. 772. JOHN WHEATON STONE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 170. 773. MARTHA E STONE [WHEATON] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 170. Martha died. John Wheaton Stone 772 married Martha E Stone [Wheaton] . They had one son: John Wheaton Stone 600 in This family is shown within family tree 170. 774. HENRY WAY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Allington, Dorset, England. See family tree 172. Henry died in 1590, aged about 40, in Bridport, Allington, Dorset, England. 775. EDITH WAY [DENSLOW] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1556, in Netherbury, Dorset, England. See family tree 172. Henry Way 774 married Edith Way [Denslow] in Allington, Dorset, England. They had one son: Henry Way 604 in 1583 This family is shown within family tree 172.

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776. STEPHEN BACHILER (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wherwell, Hampshire, England. See family tree 172. Stephen died in 1660 in Hackney, London, Middlesex, England. 777. ANN BACHILER [BATE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1561, in Wherwell, Hampshire, England. See family tree 172. Ann died in 1621, aged about 60, in Wherwell, Hampshire, England. Stephen Bachiler 776 married Ann Bachiler [Bate]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605 in 1581 This family is shown within family tree 172. 778. WILLIAM BOLTON (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1573, in Little Bolton, St Mary Warwick, Warwickshire, England, to Peter Bolton 873 and Ms. Bolton [Mary] 874, as shown within family tree 230. William died in Ullenhall, Warwickshire, England. 779. ALICE BOLTON [MASSAM] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1550, in Coventry, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 230. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). William Bolton 778, aged about -3, married Alice Bolton [Massam], aged about 20, in 1570 in Ullenhall, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: William Bolton 624 in 1585 This family is shown as family tree 230. 780. STEPHEN BURTON (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1565, in England. See family tree 173. 781. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1565. See family tree 173. Stephen Burton 780 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Mary Bolton [Burton] 625 in 1587 This family is shown within family tree 173. 782. ARTHUR INGRAHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Nottinghamshire, England, to Arthur Ingram 875. Arthur died in 1655, aged about 105, in Nottinghamshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 783. ELEANOR INGRAHAM [SLINGSBY] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1551, in Nottinghamshire, England, to Henry Slingsby 877 and Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878, as shown in family tree 261. Eleanor died on 25 May 1657, aged about 105, in Yorkshire Burried St Giles-In-The-Fields, Middlesex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Arthur Ingraham 782, aged about 44, married Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby], aged about 43, in 1594 in Moor Monkton, East Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Arthur Ingraham 626 in 1576 This family is shown as family tree 231. 784. JOHN MALLORY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1554, in Studley, Yorkshire, England, to William Mallory 879 and Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880, as shown within family tree 232. John died in 1580, aged about 26, in Studley, Yorkshire, England. 785. ANN MALLORY [EURE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England, to William Eure 881 and Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882, as shown within family tree 232. Ann died in 1627, aged about 69. John Mallory 784 married Ann Mallory [Eure]. They had one daughter: Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in 1574 This family is shown as family tree 232. 786. EDWARD STURGIS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1552, in Kent, England, to Peter Sturges 883, as shown within family tree 201. Edward died in Sturry, Kent, England. 787. EDWARD STURGIS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1556, in Kent, England. See family tree 201. Edward Sturgis 786, aged about 24, married Edward Sturgis, aged about 20, in 1576 in Kent, England. They had one son: John Sturgis 630 in This family is shown within family tree 201. 788. ANTHONY AWSTIN (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Kent, England. See family tree 175. Anthony fathered one daughter: Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in 1576 This family is shown within family tree 201. 789. ELIZABETH KENWORTHY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Goudhurst, Kent, England. See family tree 233. Elizabeth died in Goudhurst, Kent, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in 1576 This family is shown as family tree 233.

Direct Relations

790. ROBERT HINCKLEY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in Harrietsham, Kent, England, to John Hynckleye 884 and Johane Hynckleye [Bills] 885, as shown within family tree 234. Robert died in Harrietsham, Kent, England. 791. ELIZABETH HINCKLEY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1541, in Harrietsham, Kent, England. See family tree 234. Elizabeth died in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Robert Hinckley 790 married Elizabeth Hinckley. They had one son: Thomas Hinckley 632 in This family is shown as family tree 234. 792. JAMES GORHAM (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England, to John Gorham 886 and Eliza Gorham 887, as shown within family tree 235. James died in 1576, aged about 26, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 793. AGNES GORHAM [BERNINGTON] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1553, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England, to M Bernington 888 and Ms. Bernington 889, as shown within family tree 203. Agnes died in 1603, aged about 50, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. James Gorham 792, aged about 22, married Agnes Gorham [Bernington], aged about 19, in 1572 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Ralph Gorham 634 in 1575 This family is shown as family tree 235. 794. HENRY HOWLAND (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1564, in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England, to John Howland 890 and Emma Howland [Revell] 891, as shown within family tree 236. Henry died in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. 795. ALICE HOWLAND [AIRES] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1567, in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England, to Mr. Aires 892 and Ms. Unknown 893, as shown within family tree 204. Alice died in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. Henry Howland 794 married Alice Howland [Aires] in Ely, Cambridge, England. They had one son: John Howland 636 in 1592 This family is shown as family tree 236. 796. JOHN TILLEY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England to Robert Tilley 894 and Elizabeth Tilley 895, as shown within family tree 204. John died in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. 797. JOAN TILLEY [HURST] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1567, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, to William Hurst 896 and Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897, as shown within family tree 237. Joan died in 1621, aged about 54, in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. John Tilley 796 married Joan Tilley [Hurst] in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637 in This family is shown as family tree 237. 798. THOMAS PEABODY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in England, to William Paybodie 898, as shown within family tree 205. Thomas died in 1610, aged about 50. 799. HANNAH PEABODY [PEABODYWIFE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1562, in England. See family tree 205. Hannah died in 1607, aged about 45. Thomas Peabody 798, aged about 20, married Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife], aged about 18, in 1580 in England. They had one son: James Peabody 638 in 1582 This family is shown within family tree 205. 800. MR. TULLY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 177. Mr. Tully fathered one son: Thomas Tully 640 in 1585 This family is shown within family tree 177. 801. WALTER DEANE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1545, in South Chard, Somerset, England, to John Deane 899 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900, as shown within family tree 238. Walter died between 1585 and 1587, aged about 41, in Chard, Somerset, England.

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802. JOAN DEANE [WALSELE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1547, in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. See family tree 238. Joan died in Chard, Somerset, England. Walter Deane 801 married Joan Deane [Walsele] in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. They had one son: William Deane 642 in 1568 This family is shown as family tree 238. 803. GEORGE STRONG (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1556, in Chard, Somerset, England, to John Strong 901 and Agnes Strong [Whitman] 902, as shown in family tree 262. George died on 16 February 1636, aged about 79, in Chard, Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 804. ANN STRONG [BOND] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1560, in Buckland, Somerset, England, to George Bond 903 and Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904, as shown in family tree 263. Ann died in 1628, aged about 68. George Strong 803 married Ann Strong [Bond]. They had one son: John Strong 644 in 1585 This family is shown as family tree 239. 805. WALTER DEANE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1545, in South Chard, Somerset, England, to John Deane 905 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906, as shown within family tree 240. Walter died between 1585 and 1587, aged about 41, in Chard, Somerset, England. 806. JOAN DEANE [WALSELE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1547, in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. See family tree 240. Joan died on 10 May 1597, aged about 49, in Chard, Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Walter Deane 805 married Joan Deane [Walsele] in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 in 1586 This family is shown as family tree 240. 807. ALEXANDER ROSS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1516, in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to Walter Ross 907 and Marian Ross [Grant] 908, as shown in family tree 264. Alexander died in Ardmore, Argyle, Scotland. 808. JANET ROSS [SINCLAIR] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1519, in Caithness, Stirlingshire, Scotland, to John Sinclair 909 and Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910, as shown in family tree 265. Alexander Ross 807, aged about 17, married Janet Ross [Sinclair], aged about 14, in 1533 in Ferne, Fife, Scotland. They had one son: George Ross 646 in 1557 This family is shown as family tree 241. 809. JOHN CAMPBELL (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Calder, Scotland. See family tree 179. John fathered one daughter: Marian Ross [Campbell] 647 in 1561 This family is shown within family tree 179. 810. ADOLF SEVING (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 242. 811. VERENA SEVING [VITT] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany to Josef Vitt 911 and Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912, as shown in family tree 266. Adolf Seving 810 married Verena Seving [Vitt] between 1873 and 1879 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA. They had one son: Silvester Vitt Seving 650 in 1606 This family is shown as family tree 242. 812. JOHN LONG (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England to Gyles Longe 913 and Gyles Longe 914, as shown within family tree 211. John died in 1596 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. 813. MARIE LONG (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1569, in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 211. Marie died in 1659, aged about 90. John Long 812 married Marie Long, aged about 20, in 1589 in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Robert Long 651 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 211. 814. JOHN TAYLOR (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Haverhill, Suffolk, England to John Taylor 915 and John Taylor 916, as shown within family tree 211. John died in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England.

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815. MARGARET TAYLOR [WELLMOTE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Kenshall, Hereford, England to Michael Willmote 917 and Agnes Willmote 918, as shown within family tree 211. Margaret died in 1630 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. John Taylor 814 married Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] in Abbey, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Sarah Long [Taylor] 652 in This family is shown within family tree 211. 816. THOMAS HOBART (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in Plumstead, Norfolk, England, to Miles Hobart 919 and Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920, as shown in family tree 267. Thomas died in Hingham, Norfolk, England. 817. AUDREY HOBART [HARE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1541, in Norfolk, Norfolk, England, to William Hare 921 and Alice Hare [Rugge] 922, as shown in family tree 268. Audrey died in Covent Garden, London, London, England. Thomas Hobart 816 married Audrey Hobart [Hare]. They had one son: Edmund Hobart 653 in 1573 This family is shown as family tree 243. 818. ROBERT DEWE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Hingham, Norfolk, England, to Dewey Dewe 923. Robert died in 1601, aged about 61, in Hingham, Norfolk, England. 819. MARGARET DEWE [STASYE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1553, in Wymondham, Norfolk, England, to John Stasye 925 and Alice Stasye [Convers] 926, as shown within family tree 244. Margaret died in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Robert Dewe 818 married Margaret Dewe [Stasye] in Hingham, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 in 1574 This family is shown as family tree 244. 820. WILLIAM STEEVENS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1559, in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 182. 821. WILLIAM STEEVENS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1559, in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 182. William Steevens 820, aged about 19, married William Steevens, aged about 19, in 1578 in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in 1592 This family is shown within family tree 182. 822. WILLIAM HANMER (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1499, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Jenkin Hanmer 927 and Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928, as shown in family tree 270. William died in Flintshire, Wales. 823. ELEANOR HANMER (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1469, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Thomas Hanmer 929 and Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930, as shown in family tree 271. Eleanor died in 1501, aged about 32. William Hanmer 822 married Eleanor Hanmer. They had one son: William Hanmer 657 in 1501 This family is shown as family tree 245. 824. ROGER KYNASTON (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Gruffudd Kynaston 931 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932, as shown in family tree 272. Roger died in 1496, aged about 66, in Middle, Shropshire, England. 825. ELIZABETH KYNASTON [GREY] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England, to Henry Grey 933 and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934, as shown in family tree 273. Elizabeth died in 1501, aged about 61, in Shropshire, England. Roger Kynaston 824, aged about 35, married Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey], aged about 25, in 1465 in England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658 in 1455 This family is shown as family tree 246. 826. RANDLE DYMOCK (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1462, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales, to Thomas Dymock 935 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936, as shown in family tree 274. 827. ELIZABETH DYMOCK [HANMER] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1466, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales, to Griffith Hanmer 937 and Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938, as shown in family tree 275. Randle Dymock 826, aged about 25, married Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer], aged about 21, in 1487 in Fens, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Edward Dymock 659 in 1490 This family is shown as family tree 247. Page 247

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828. ROGER PULESTON (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born about 1560, in Emral, Flint, Wales, to Roger Puleston 939 and Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940, as shown in family tree 276. Roger died on 28 April 1586, aged about 25. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Roger fathered one daughter: Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston] 660 This family is shown as family tree 248. 829. THOMAS BULLOCK (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1482, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Gilbert Bullock 941. Thomas died in 1558, aged about 76, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 830. ALICE BULLOCK [KINGSMILL] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1500, in Basingstoke, Hants, England, to John Kingsmill 943 and Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944, as shown in family tree 279. Alice died in 1526, aged about 26, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Bullock 829, aged about 15, married Alice Bullock [Kingsmill], aged about -3, in 1497 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. They had one son: William Bullock 663 in 1550 This family is shown as family tree 249. 831. RALPH BELLETT (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Moreton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 215. Ralph died in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 832. ELIZABETH BELLETT [MORATON] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530, in Moraton, Cheshire, England, to Mr. Moreton 945, as shown within family tree 215. Elizabeth died in 1556, aged about 26, in Moraton, Cheshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Ralph Bellett 831 married Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in 1552 This family is shown within family tree 215. 833. THOMAS MOORE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1532, in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 186. Thomas fathered one son: Edward Moore 666 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 186. 834. THOMAS MORE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1538, in Chelsea, Middlesex, England, to John More 946 and Ann More [Cresacre] 947, as shown within family tree 216. Thomas died in 1606, aged about 68. 835. MARY MORE [SCROPE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1528, in Hambleton, Buckinghamshire, England, to John Scrope 948 and Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] 949, as shown within family tree 216. Mary died. Thomas More 834, as an infant, married Mary More [Scrope], aged about 10, in 1538 in Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England. They had one daughter: Mary Moore [More] 667 in This family is shown within family tree 216. 836. DAVID PENDARVIS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Crowanm, Cornwall, England, to John Pendarvers 950 and John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951, as shown within family tree 217. David died in England. 837. MARY PENDARVIS [SPARNON] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1521, in Crowan, Cornwall, England, to Thomas Sparnon 952 and Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953, as shown within family tree 217. David Pendarvis 836, aged about 1, married Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon], aged about 20, in 1541 in Constantine, Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 in 1558 This family is shown within family tree 217. 838. EDWARD MOORE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 187. Edward died in 1606, aged about 46. 839. MARY MOORE [MORE] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Barnbrough, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 187. Mary died in 1605. Edward Moore 838 married Mary Moore [More]. They had one son: John Moore 670 in 1584 This family is shown within family tree 187.

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840. RICHARD MERRETT (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1556, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 187. 841. BLANCHE MERRETT [PENDARVEIS] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in Constantine, Cornwall, England. See family tree 187. Richard Merrett 840, aged about 22, married Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis], aged about 20, in 1578 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 187. 842. RICHARD PRICE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Newton, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 188. Richard died in Manavon, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Richard fathered one son: Richard Price 672 in 1555 This family is shown within family tree 188. 843. ELIZABETH BLAYNEY (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1546, in Montgomery, Wales. See family tree 250. Elizabeth died in Wales, England. Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Richard Price 672 in 1555 This family is shown as family tree 250. 844. DAVID MIDDLETON (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1535, in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. See family tree 188. 845. DAVID MIDDLETON [MIDDLETOWN] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1539, in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. See family tree 188. David Middleton 844, aged about 24, married David Middleton [Middletown], aged about 20, in 1559 in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. They had one daughter: Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 188. 846. TOBIAS MATHEWS (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1546, in Bristol, England. See family tree 188. Tobias died in Yorkshire, England. 847. FRANCES MATHEWS [BARLOW] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1550, in St David, Pembrokeshire, Wales. See family tree 188. Frances died in Briston, Gloucestershire, England. Tobias Mathews 846, aged about 30, married Frances Mathews [Barlow], aged about 26, in 1576 in Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Samuel Mathews 674 in This family is shown within family tree 188. 848. EDWARD GREVILLE (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1542, in Harold Park, Essex, England. See family tree 188. Edward died in Harold Park, Essex, England. 849. JANE GREVILLE [GREY] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1552, in Harolds Park, Nazing, Essex, England. See family tree 188. Jane died in 1619, aged about 67. Edward Greville 848 married Jane Greville [Grey]. They had one daughter: Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 188. 850. GILCHRIST MOHR (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Linlithgow, Scotland. See family tree 190. 851. ISOBEL MOHR [CUMYN] (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in Polkelly Castle. See family tree 190. Gilchrist Mohr 850 married Isobel Mohr [Cumyn]. They had one son: Sir Reginal Mohr 678 This family is shown within family tree 190. 852. JOHN DALKEITH (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Ireland. See family tree 190. John fathered one daughter: Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 in 1531 This family is shown within family tree 190.

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853. EDWARD BOLLING (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, to Tristram Bolling 954 and Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955, as shown within family tree 220. Edward died in 1592, aged about 32, in Chellow, England. 854. JANE BOLLING [GREENE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1564, in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, to Gabriel Greene 956 and Marg Greene [Lister] 957, as shown within family tree 220. Jane died in 1588, aged about 24, in England. Edward Bolling 853, aged about 10, married Jane Bolling [Greene], aged about 6, in 1570 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Robert Bolling 723 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 220. 855. THOMAS CLARKE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England to John Clarke 958 and Katherine Clarke [Cooke] 959, as shown within family tree 220. Thomas died in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. 856. ROSE CLARKE [KERRICH] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Saxted, Suffolk, England to William Kerrich 960 and Margery Kerrich 961, as shown within family tree 220. Rose died in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. Thomas Clarke 855 married Rose Clarke [Kerrich] in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in 1590 This family is shown within family tree 220. 857. WILLIAM CARY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England to Richard Cary 962 and Christian Cary [Dennis] 963, as shown within family tree 221. William died in Bristol, Somerset, England. 858. ELIZABETH CARY [GOODALL] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1556, in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, to Mr. Goodale 964 and Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965, as shown within family tree 221. Elizabeth died in Bristol, Avon, England. William Cary 857 married Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] in St Nichols Par, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Thomas Cary 725 in This family is shown within family tree 221. 859. JOHN ROLFE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Heacham, Norfolk, England to Eustace Rolfe 966 and Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967, as shown in family tree 280. John died in Heacham, Norfolk, England. 860. DOROTHEA MASON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1559, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to William Mason 968 and Agnes Mason [Brown] 969, as shown within family tree 280. Dorothea died in 1645, aged about 86, in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Dorothea married twice, including John Rolfe 859. Dorothea gave birth to one son: Eustace Rolfe 966 in 1536 This family is shown within family tree 280. John Rolfe 859 married Dorothea Mason in Heacham, Norfolk, England. They had one son: John Rolfe 727 in This family is shown as family tree 251. 861. WAHONSONACOCK POWHATAN (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Algonquin Empire, Virginia, USA to Algonkian Chief 970 and Scent Chief [Flower] 971, as shown in family tree 281. Wahonsonacock died in 1618/4 in Orapax Village, New Kent, Virginia, USA. Wahonsonacock fathered one daughter: Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 in 1595 This family is shown as family tree 252. 862. NONOMA WINANUSKE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1571, in Werowocomoco, Orapax, Virginia, USA, to Poechancanough Unknown 972, as shown within family tree 253. Nonoma died in 1612, aged about 41, in Virginia, USA. Nonoma gave birth to one daughter: Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 in 1595 This family is shown as family tree 253. 863. JOSHUA POYTHRESS (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1588, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 195. Joshua died in 1613, aged about 25, in Charles City, Virginia, USA.

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864. PEACHY POYTHRESS (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 195. Peachy died in 1618, aged about 26, in London, England. Joshua Poythress 863, aged about 25, married Peachy Poythress, aged about 21, in 1613 in London, London, England. They had one son: Francis Poythress 729 in 1614 This family is shown within family tree 195. 865. JOHN SLOMAN (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Kent, England. See family tree 223. John died in 1658, aged about 58, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. 866. KATHERINE SLOMAN [EPES] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1588, in Ashford, Kent, England, to John Epes 973 and Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974, as shown within family tree 223. Katherine died in 1660, aged about 72, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. John Sloman 865 married Katherine Sloman [Epes] in Ashford, Kent, England. They had one daughter: Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 in 1624 This family is shown within family tree 223. 867. WILLIAM PIERCE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to William Pierce 975. William died in Martins Hundred, Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA. William fathered one daughter: Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in 1600 This family is shown as family tree 254. 868. JANE PHIPPEN (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1580, in Weymouth, Dorset, England, to William Phippen 977 and Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978, as shown within family tree 255. Jane died in 1650, aged about 70, in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Jane gave birth to one daughter: Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in 1600 This family is shown as family tree 255. 869. ROBERT BATHURST (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1563, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England, to John Bathurst 979 and Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980, as shown in family tree 284. Robert died in 1623, aged about 60, in Lechlade Manor, Lechlade, England. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 871.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1240 applies. Note 1241 applies. Name: Robert Bathurst Birth Date: 1563 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 871.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PKS. Note 1242 applies. Note 1243 applies. Name: Robert Bathurst Birth Date: 1563 Birth Place: En (Birth). 870. ELIZABETH BATHURST [WALLER] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1569, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, to Ralph Waller 981 and Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982, as shown in family tree 285. Elizabeth died in 1656, aged about 87, in England. Robert Bathurst 869 married Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller]. They had one son: Edward Bathurst 763 in 1615 This family is shown as family tree 256. 871. THOMAS RICH (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1568, in Compton, Gloucestershire, England, to Robert Rich 983 and Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984, as shown in family tree 286. Thomas died in Compton, Gloucestershire, England. 872. ANNE RICH [BOURCHIER] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1572, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England, to Thomas Bourchier 985 and Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986, as shown in family tree 287. Anne died in Barnesley, England. Thomas Rich 871, aged about 23, married Anne Rich [Bourchier], aged about 19, in 1591 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. They had one daughter: Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in 1615 This family is shown as family tree 257. Page 251

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873. PETER BOLTON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Blackburn, Lancashire, England, to Robert Bolton 987 and Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988, as shown within family tree 230. Peter died in 1612, aged about 87. 874. MS. BOLTON [MARY] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530. See family tree 230. Peter Bolton 873, aged about 25, married Ms. Bolton [Mary], aged about 20, in 1550 in England. They had one son: William Bolton 778 in 1573 This family is shown within family tree 230. 875. ARTHUR INGRAM (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1580, in Now, Middlesex, England, to Hugh Ingram 989 and Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990, as shown in family tree 288. Arthur died in 1642/12, aged about 62, in Temple Newsam, Leeds, West, England. Arthur fathered one son: Arthur Ingraham 782 in 1550 This family is shown as family tree 258. 876. ANNE GOLDTHORPE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1536 to Richard Goldthorpe 991 and Jane Goldthorpe [Norman] 992, as shown in family tree 289. Anne died in 1616, aged about 80. Anne married twice, including Hugh Ingram 989 (her indirect relation). Anne gave birth to one son: Arthur Ingraham 782 in 1550 This family is shown as family tree 260. 877. HENRY SLINGSBY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England, to Francis Slingsby 993 and Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994, as shown within family tree 231. Henry died in Scriven, Knaresborough, West, England. 878. FRANCES SLINGSBY [VAVASOUR] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1562, in Weston, Yorkshire, England, to William Vavasour 995 and Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996, as shown in family tree 291. Frances died in 1611, aged about 49, in Scriven, Knaresborough, West, England. Henry Slingsby 877 married Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 in 1551 This family is shown as family tree 261. 879. WILLIAM MALLORY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Studely, Yorkshire, England, to William Mallory 997 and Jane Mallory [Norton] 998, as shown within family tree 232. William died in 1603, aged about 78, in Ripon, Yorkshire, England. 880. URSULA MALLORY [GALE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1529, in York, Yorkshire, England, to George Gale 999 and Mary Gale [Lord] 1000, as shown within family tree 232. Ursula died in 1603, aged about 74, in Yorkshire, England. William Mallory 879, aged about 24, married Ursula Mallory [Gale], aged about 20, in 1549 in Yorkshire, England. They had one son: John Mallory 784 in 1554 This family is shown within family tree 232. 881. WILLIAM EURE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Mitton, Yorkshire, England to Ralph Eure 1001 and Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002, as shown within family tree 232. William died in Ingleby, Yorkshire, England. 882. MARGARET EURE [DYMOKE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1529, in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England, to Edward Dymoke 1003 and Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004, as shown within family tree 232. Margaret died in Ingleby Greenhow, Yorkshire, England. William Eure 881 married Margaret Eure [Dymoke], aged about 28, in 1557 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. They had one daughter: Ann Mallory [Eure] 785 in 1558 This family is shown within family tree 232. 883. PETER STURGES (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 201. Peter fathered one son: Edward Sturgis 786 in 1552 This family is shown within family tree 201. 884. JOHN HYNCKLEYE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1512, in Harrietsham, Kent, England, to John Henkle 1005 and John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006, as shown within family tree 234. John died in Harrietsham, Kent, England.

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885. JOHANE HYNCKLEYE [BILLS] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Harrietsham, Kent, England. See family tree 234. Johane died in Harrietsham, Kent, England. John Hynckleye 884 married Johane Hynckleye [Bills]. They had one son: Robert Hinckley 790 in 1537 This family is shown within family tree 234. 886. JOHN GORHAM (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1518, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England, to John Gorham 1007 and Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008, as shown within family tree 235. John died in 1588, aged about 70, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 887. ELIZA GORHAM (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1522, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 235. Eliza died in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. John Gorham 886, aged about 32, married Eliza Gorham, aged about 28, in 1550 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: James Gorham 792 in 1550 This family is shown within family tree 235. 888. M BERNINGTON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1527, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 203. 889. MS. BERNINGTON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1531, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 203. M Bernington 888, aged about 25, married Ms. Bernington, aged about 21, in 1552 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in 1553 This family is shown within family tree 203. 890. JOHN HOWLAND (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1541, in Essex, England, to John Howland 1009 and Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010, as shown within family tree 236. John died in White Chapel, Middlesex, England. 891. EMMA HOWLAND [REVELL] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1542, in Essex, England, to Nicholas Revell 1011 and Nicholas Revell 1012, as shown within family tree 236. Emma died in 1614, aged about 72, in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. John Howland 890, aged about 19, married Emma Howland [Revell], aged about 18, in 1560 in Essex, England. They had one son: Henry Howland 794 in 1564 This family is shown within family tree 236. 892. MR. AIRES (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in England. See family tree 204. 893. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1544, in England. See family tree 204. Mr. Aires 892 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Alice Howland [Aires] 795 in 1567 This family is shown within family tree 204. 894. ROBERT TILLEY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, to William Tilley 1013 and Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014, as shown in family tree 292. Robert died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. 895. ELIZABETH TILLEY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1544, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, to William Tilley 1013 and Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014, as shown in family tree 292. Elizabeth died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Robert Tilley 894, aged about 30, married Elizabeth Tilley, aged about 26, in 1570 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: John Tilley 796 in This family is shown within family tree 204. 896. WILLIAM HURST (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, to Henry Hurst 1015 and Agnes Hurst 1016, as shown within family tree 237. William died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. 897. ROSE HURST [MARSHE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1534, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, to Mister Fisher 1017 and Agnes Fisher 1018, as shown within family tree 237. Rose died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. William Hurst 896, aged about 28, married Rose Hurst [Marshe], aged about 24, in 1558 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 in 1567 This family is shown within family tree 237. 898. WILLIAM PAYBODIE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in England. See family tree 205.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William fathered one son: Thomas Peabody 798 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 205.

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899. JOHN DEANE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Michael Denne 1019 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020, as shown within family tree 238. John died in 1540, aged about 40, in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. 900. JOAN DEANE [SELWOODE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1522, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Robert Selwoode 1021 and Robert Selwoode 1022, as shown within family tree 238. Joan died in St Marys, Buckland, Somerset, England. John Deane 899, aged about 40, married Joan Deane [Selwoode], aged about 18, in 1540 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. They had one son: Walter Deane 801 in 1545 This family is shown within family tree 238. 901. JOHN STRONG (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Taunton, Somerset, England, to Robert Strong 1023 and Ms. Strong 1024, as shown within family tree 262. John died in 1534, aged about 19, in Sommersetshire, England. 902. AGNES STRONG [WHITMAN] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1519, in England, to Henry Whitman 1025 and Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026, as shown in family tree 293. John Strong 901 married Agnes Strong [Whitman]. They had one son: George Strong 803 in 1556 This family is shown as family tree 262. 903. GEORGE BOND (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1534, in Buckland, Somerset, England, to William Bond 1027 and Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028, as shown in family tree 294. George died in 1592, aged about 58, in Mercer Chapel, Middlesex, England. 904. WINIFRED BOND [LEIGH] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1538, in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, to Thomas Leigh 1029 and Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030, as shown in family tree 295. Winifred died in 1592, aged about 54, in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. George Bond 903 married Winifred Bond [Leigh] in Walton, Stone, Hertfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Ann Strong [Bond] 804 in 1560 This family is shown as family tree 263. 905. JOHN DEANE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Michael Denne 1031 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032, as shown within family tree 240. John died in 1540, aged about 40, in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. 906. JOAN DEANE [SELWOODE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1522, in Chard, Somerset, England, to Robert Selwoode 1033 and Robert Selwoode 1034, as shown within family tree 240. Joan died in St Marys, Buckland, Somerset, England. John Deane 905, aged about 40, married Joan Deane [Selwoode], aged about 18, in 1540 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. They had one son: Walter Deane 805 in 1545 This family is shown within family tree 240. 907. WALTER ROSS (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to David Ross 1035 and Ms. Helena 1036, as shown in family tree 296. Walter died in 1528, aged about 38, in Scotland. 908. MARIAN ROSS [GRANT] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1493, in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to John Sinclair 1038 and Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1039, as shown within family tree 241. Walter Ross 907 married Marian Ross [Grant]. They had one son: Alexander Ross 807 in 1516 This family is shown as family tree 264. 909. JOHN SINCLAIR (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1495, in Offlodden, Branxton, Northumberland, England, to William Sinclair 1040 and Margaret Sinclair [Keith] 1041, as shown within family tree 265. John died in Somersdale, Stenness, Orkney Islands, Scotland. 910. ELIZABETH SINCLAIR [SUTHERLAND] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1488, in Duffus, Morayshire, Scotland. See family tree 265. Elizabeth died between 1535 and 1539, aged about 49, in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. John Sinclair 909, aged about 32, married Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland], aged about 39, in 1527 in Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Midlothian, Scotland. They had one daughter: Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808 in 1519 This family is shown as family tree 265. Page 254

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911. JOSEF VITT (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. See family tree 266. Josef died in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. 912. MARIA ANN VITT [HERZ] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany to Josef Herz 1042 and Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] 1043, as shown within family tree 266. Maria died in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. Josef Vitt 911 married Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. They had one daughter: Verena Seving [Vitt] 811 in This family is shown as family tree 266. 913. GYLES LONGE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1549, in London, Holborn, St Sepulchres, England. See family tree 211. Gyles died in 1607, aged about 58, in London, London, England. 914. GYLES LONGE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1539, in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 211. Gyles Longe 913 married Gyles Longe. They had one son: John Long 812 in This family is shown within family tree 211. 915. JOHN TAYLOR (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1522, in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 211. 916. JOHN TAYLOR (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1527, in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 211. John Taylor 915, aged about 25, married John Taylor, aged about 20, in 1547 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: John Taylor 814 in This family is shown within family tree 211. 917. MICHAEL WILLMOTE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1514, in Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 211. Michael died in 1567, aged about 53, in Kelshall, Hrt, England. 918. AGNES WILLMOTE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1518, in Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 211. Agnes died in 1552, aged about 34, in England. Michael Willmote 917, aged about 29, married Agnes Willmote, aged about 25, in 1543 in Stalbans, Hertfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815 in This family is shown within family tree 211. 919. MILES HOBART (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1479, in Norwich, Norfolk, England, to James Hobart 1044 and Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045, as shown within family tree 267. Miles died in 1557, aged about 78, in Norwich, Norfolk, England. 920. ELLEN HOBART [BLAVERHASSET] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1507, in Norfolk, England, to John Blennerhassett 1046 and Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047, as shown within family tree 267. Ellen died in 1557, aged about 50, in Norfolk, England. Miles Hobart 919, aged about 48, married Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset], aged about 20, in 1527 in Frenze, Norfolk, England. They had one son: Thomas Hobart 816 in 1537 This family is shown as family tree 267. 921. WILLIAM HARE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1511, in Beeston, Norfolk, England, to William Harris 1048 and Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049, as shown within family tree 268. William died in Beeston, Norfolk, England. 922. ALICE HARE [RUGGE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1511, in Beeston, Norfolk, England, to Mr. Rugge 1050, as shown within family tree 243. Alice died in 1611, aged about 100. William Hare 921, aged about 30, married Alice Hare [Rugge], aged about 30, in 1541 in Norflok, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817 in 1541 This family is shown as family tree 268. 923. DEWEY DEWE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Hingham, Norfolk, England. See family tree 212. Dewey died in 1540, aged about 20, in England. Dewey fathered one son: Robert Dewe 818 in 1540 This family is shown within family tree 244.

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924. MS. DYES (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1521, in Huntingdonshr, England. See family tree 269. Ms. Dyes died in 1548, aged about 27, in England. Ms. Dyes gave birth to one son: Robert Dewe 818 in 1540 This family is shown as family tree 269. 925. JOHN STASYE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1516, in South Weald, Essex, England, to William Stasye 1051, as shown within family tree 244. 926. ALICE STASYE [CONVERS] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1520, in South Weald, Essex, England. See family tree 244. John Stasye 925 married Alice Stasye [Convers]. They had one daughter: Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819 in 1553 This family is shown within family tree 244. 927. JENKIN HANMER (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1464, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Griffith Hanmer 1052 and Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 1053, as shown in family tree 297. Jenkin died in 1568, aged about 104, in Wales. 928. MARGARET HANMER [DYMOCK] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1472, in Wellington, Shropshire, England, to Thomas Dymock 1054 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055, as shown in family tree 298. Margaret died in Wales. Jenkin Hanmer 927 married Margaret Hanmer [Dymock]. They had one son: William Hanmer 822 in 1499 This family is shown as family tree 270. 929. THOMAS HANMER (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Richard Hanmer 1056 and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057, as shown in family tree 299. 930. JANE HANMER [BRERETON] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1492, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randall Brereton 1058 and Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059, as shown in family tree 300. Jane died in England. Thomas Hanmer 929 married Jane Hanmer [Brereton]. They had one daughter: Eleanor Hanmer 823 in 1469 This family is shown as family tree 271. 931. GRUFFUDD KYNASTON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1404, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to John Kynaston 1060, as shown in family tree 301. Gruffudd died in 1443, aged about 39, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. 932. MARGARET KYNASTON [HOORD] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1406, in Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England, to John Hoord 1061, as shown in family tree 302. Gruffudd Kynaston 931, aged about 15, married Margaret Kynaston [Hoord], aged about 13, in 1419 in Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Roger Kynaston 824 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 272. 933. HENRY GREY (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1419, in Heaton Castle, Wark On Tweed, Northumberland, England, to John Grey 1062 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063, as shown in family tree 303. Henry died in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales. 934. ANTIGONE GREY [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1428, in Westminster, Middlesex, England, to Humphrey Plantagenet 1064 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065, as shown in family tree 304. Antigone died in Glouchester, England. Henry Grey 933 married Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] in Pontesbury, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in 1440 This family is shown as family tree 273. 935. THOMAS DYMOCK (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1431, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales, to Thomas Dymoke 1066 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067, as shown within family tree 274. Thomas died. 936. MARGARET DYMOCK [BRERETON] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1068 and Mrs Randal Brereton 1069, as shown within family tree 274. Thomas Dymock 935, aged about 30, married Margaret Dymock [Brereton], aged about 21, in 1461 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Randle Dymock 826 in 1462 This family is shown as family tree 274.

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937. GRIFFITH HANMER (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1436, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales, to Edward Hanmer 1070 and Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1071, as shown within family tree 275. Griffith died in 1501, aged about 65, in Hanmer, Clywd, Flintshire, Wales. 938. MARGARET HANMER [LLOYD] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1433, in Wales, to Meridith Esq Lloyd 1072, as shown within family tree 247. Griffith Hanmer 937 married Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 in 1466 This family is shown as family tree 275. 939. ROGER PULESTON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1524, in Emral, Flint, Wales, to Edward Puleston 1073 and Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] 1074, as shown in family tree 305. Roger died in Emral, England. 940. ANNE PULESTON [GROSVENOR] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1526, in Eaton, Cheshire, England, to Richard Grosvenor 1075 and Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076, as shown in family tree 306. Anne died in Eaton, Cheshire, England. Roger Puleston 939 married Anne Puleston [Grosvenor]. They had one son: Roger Puleston 828 about 1560 This family is shown as family tree 276. 941. GILBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1434, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Robert Bullock 1077 and Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078, as shown in family tree 307. Gilbert died in 1500, aged about 66, in England, Arborfield, England. Gilbert fathered one son: Thomas Bullock 829 in 1482 This family is shown as family tree 277. 942. MARGARET NORRIS (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1458, in Bray, Berkshire, England, to William Norris 1079 and Joane Norris [Vere] 1080, as shown in family tree 308. Margaret died in 1512, aged about 54, in England, Arborfield, England. Margaret gave birth to one son: Thomas Bullock 829 in 1482 This family is shown as family tree 278. 943. JOHN KINGSMILL (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Basingstoke, Berkshire, England, to Richard Kingsmill 1081 and Alice Kingsmill 1082, as shown in family tree 309. John died in 1509, aged about 49, in Basingstoke, Hants, England. 944. JANE KINGSMILL [GIFFORD] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1524, in Itchell, Hampshire, England, to John Giffard 1083 and Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084, as shown in family tree 310. Jane died in Itchell, Hampshire, England. John Kingsmill 943 married Jane Kingsmill [Gifford]. They had one daughter: Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in 1500 This family is shown as family tree 279. 945. MR. MORETON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Moreton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 215. Mr. Moreton fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 in 1530 This family is shown within family tree 215. 946. JOHN MORE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in England, United Kingdom. See family tree 216. John died in 1547, aged about 37, in England. 947. ANN MORE [CRESACRE] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Barnborough, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 216. Ann died in 1577 in Barnborough, Yorkshire, England. John More 946, aged about 19, married Ann More [Cresacre] in 1529. They had one son: Thomas More 834 in 1538 This family is shown within family tree 216. 948. JOHN SCROPE (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1496, in Spennithorne, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 216. John died in Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England. 949. PHILLIS SCROPE [ROKESBY] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1489, in Wormsley, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 216. Phillis died in Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] John Scrope 948 married Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] . They had one daughter: Mary More [Scrope] 835 in 1528 This family is shown within family tree 216.

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950. JOHN PENDARVERS (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1494, in Camborne, Cornwall, England. See family tree 217. 951. JOHN PENDARVERS [PENDARVES] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1498, in Crowan, Cornwall, England. See family tree 217. John Pendarvers 950, aged about 22, married John Pendarvers [Pendarves], aged about 18, in 1516 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. They had one son: David Pendarvis 836 in 1540 This family is shown within family tree 217. 952. THOMAS SPARNON (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1484, in Crowan, Cornwall, England. See family tree 217. 953. ELIZABETH SPARNON [GWENNOW] (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1488, in Crowan, Cornwall, England. See family tree 217. Thomas Sparnon 952, aged about 31, married Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow], aged about 27, in 1515 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 in 1521 This family is shown within family tree 217. Generation of Fourteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 954. TRISTRAM BOLLING (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 220. Tristram died in 1561, aged about 31, in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. 955. ANN BOLLING [ROOKES] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1524, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 220. Ann died in 1560, aged about 36, in England. Tristram Bolling 954, aged about 25, married Ann Bolling [Rookes], aged about 31, in 1555 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Edward Bolling 853 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 220. 956. GABRIEL GREENE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1536, in Horsforth, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 220. Gabriel died in Yorkshire, England. 957. MARG GREENE [LISTER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1540, in Gesburn Westly, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 220. Marg died in 1540, as an infant, in Gisburn, Yorkshire, England. Gabriel Greene 956 married Marg Greene [Lister] in Horsforth, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in 1564 This family is shown within family tree 220. 958. JOHN CLARKE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. See family tree 220. John died in Finningham, Suffolk, England. 959. KATHERINE CLARKE [COOKE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. See family tree 220. Katherine died in Finningham, Suffolk, England. John Clarke 958 married Katherine Clarke [Cooke] in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England. They had one son: Thomas Clarke 855 in This family is shown within family tree 220. 960. WILLIAM KERRICH (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Saxted, Suffolk, England. See family tree 220. William died in Saxsted, Suffolk, England. 961. MARGERY KERRICH (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1542, in Saxted, Suffolk, England. See family tree 220. Margery died in Saxtead, Suffolk, England. William Kerrich 960, aged about 25, married Margery Kerrich, aged about 23, in 1565 in Saxted, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856 in This family is shown within family tree 220. 962. RICHARD CARY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Bristol, St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 221. Richard died in Bristol, St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England.

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963. CHRISTIAN CARY [DENNIS] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Bristol, Somerset, England. See family tree 221. Christian died in 1560, aged about 45, in England. Richard Cary 962, aged about 44, married Christian Cary [Dennis], aged about 44, in 1559 in Bristol, Somerset, England. They had one son: William Cary 857 in This family is shown within family tree 221. 964. MR. GOODALE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 221. Mr. Goodale died in 1575, aged about 50. 965. ELIZABETH GOODALE [GOODALL] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530, in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 221. Elizabeth died in 1580, aged about 50. Mr. Goodale 964, aged about 25, married Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall], aged about 20, in 1550 in England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858 in 1556 This family is shown within family tree 221. 966. EUSTACE ROLFE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1536, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to Dorothea Mason 860, as shown within family tree 280. Eustace died between 1593 and 1596, aged about 58, in Heacham, Norfolk, England. 967. JOANNA ROLFE [JENNER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1539, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to John Jenner 1085 and Agnes Russell Jenner 1086, as shown within family tree 280. Joanna died between 1593 and 1596, aged about 55, in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Eustace Rolfe 966 married Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] in Heacham, Norfolk, England. They had one son: John Rolfe 859 in This family is shown as family tree 280. 968. WILLIAM MASON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Staffordshire, England. See family tree 280. William died in 1554, aged about 24, in Mucklestone, Staffordshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 969. AGNES MASON [BROWN] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1540. See family tree 280. Agnes died in 1562, aged about 22. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Mason 968 married Agnes Mason [Brown]. They had one daughter: Dorothea Mason 860 in 1559 This family is shown within family tree 280. 970. ALGONKIAN CHIEF (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Kiskiack, Virginia, USA. See family tree 281. Algonkian died in 1600, aged about 80, in Virginia, USA. 971. SCENT CHIEF [FLOWER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Confluence Dam Staunton Rivers, Virginia, USA to Dashing Stream 1087. Scent died in 1555 in Virginia, USA. Algonkian Chief 970 married Scent Chief [Flower]. They had one son: Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861 in This family is shown as family tree 281. 972. POECHANCANOUGH UNKNOWN (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 253. Poechancanough fathered one daughter: Nonoma Winanuske 862 in 1571 This family is shown within family tree 253. 973. JOHN EPES (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Ashford, Kent, England. See family tree 223. John died in Ashford, Kent, England. 974. THOMASINA EPES [FISHER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1559, in Ashford, Kent, England. See family tree 223. Thomasina died in 1625, aged about 66, in Ashford, Kent, England. John Epes 973 married Thomasina Epes [Fisher] in Detling, Kent, England. They had one daughter: Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 in 1588 This family is shown within family tree 223. 975. WILLIAM PIERCE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Dorset, England, to William Pierce 975, as shown in family tree 282.

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976. MARGUERITE CONEY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1550, in Panington, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 283. Marguerite died in 1572, aged about 22, in Panington, Gloucestershire, England. Marguerite gave birth to one son: William Pierce 867 in 1560 This family is shown as family tree 283. 977. WILLIAM PHIPPEN (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1551, in Weymouth, Dorset, England. See family tree 255. William died in Kent, Dorset, England. 978. JANE PHIPPEN [JORDAINE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1551, in Kent, Dorset, England. See family tree 255. Jane died in 1612, aged about 61, in Kent, Dorset, England. William Phippen 977, aged about 19, married Jane Phippen [Jordaine], aged about 19, in 1570 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. They had one daughter: Jane Phippen 868 in 1580 This family is shown within family tree 255. 979. JOHN BATHURST (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1533, in Lochlade, Glouchestershire, England, to Robert Bathurst 1089 and Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090, as shown in family tree 312. John died in 1623/10, aged about 90, in England. 980. MARY BATHURST [DODGE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1563, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England, to Edward Dodge 1091 and Ms. Unknown 1092, as shown within family tree 256. Mary died in 1628, aged about 65, in England. John Bathurst 979 married Mary Bathurst [Dodge] in England. They had one son: Robert Bathurst 869 in 1563 This family is shown as family tree 284. 981. RALPH WALLER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1544, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, to Robert Waller 1093. Ralph died in 1598, aged about 54, in England. 982. SARAH WALLER [SAUNDERS] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1546, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, to Ambrose Saunders 1095 and Mary Saunders [Goodwin] 1096, as shown within family tree 285. Ralph Waller 981, aged about 34, married Sarah Waller [Saunders], aged about 32, in 1578 in England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870 in 1569 This family is shown as family tree 285. 983. ROBERT RICH (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England, to Richard Rich 1097 and Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098, as shown within family tree 286. Robert died in Felsted, Essex, England. 984. ELIZABETH RICH [BALDRY] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1537, in London, England, to George Baldry 1099, as shown within family tree 286. Elizabeth died in 1591, aged about 54. Robert Rich 983 married Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] in Felsted, Essex, England. They had one son: Thomas Rich 871 in 1568 This family is shown as family tree 286. 985. THOMAS BOURCHIER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1542, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England, to Anthony Bourchier 1100 and Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101, as shown within family tree 287. Thomas died. 986. BRIDGET BOURCHIER [SCROPE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1546, in Bolton, West Riding, Yorkshire, England, to John Le Scrope 1102 and Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103, as shown within family tree 287. Thomas Bourchier 985, aged about 28, married Bridget Bourchier [Scrope], aged about 24, in 1570 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. They had one daughter: Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 in 1572 This family is shown as family tree 287. 987. ROBERT BOLTON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1482, in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. See family tree 230. Robert died in 1560, aged about 78.

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988. AGNES BOLTON [RISHTON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1498, in Rishton, Lancashire, England. See family tree 230. Robert Bolton 987, aged about 38, married Agnes Bolton [Rishton], aged about 22, in 1520 in Rishton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Peter Bolton 873 in 1525 This family is shown within family tree 230. 989. HUGH INGRAM (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Thorp On Hill, Rothwell, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 259. Hugh died in St Michael, Wood, London, England. Hugh married twice. He was married to Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990 and Anne Goldthorpe 876 (his indirect relation). Hugh Ingram married Anne Goldthorpe 876. See family tree 259. 990. ANNE INGRAM [GOLDTHORPE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1525, in York, Yorkshire, England, to Richard Goldthorpe 991, as shown in family tree 290. Anne died in 1600, aged about 75. Hugh Ingram 989 married Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] in Saint Mary Woolnoth, London, London, England. They had one son: Arthur Ingram 875 in 1580 This family is shown as family tree 288. 991. RICHARD GOLDTHORPE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1514, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England, to John Gawthrop 1104 and Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105, as shown within family tree 289. Richard died in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Richard married twice, including Jane Goldthorpe [Norman] 992. Richard fathered one daughter: Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990 in 1525 This family is shown as family tree 290. 992. JANE GOLDTHORPE [NORMAN] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born to John Norman 1106 and Agnes Norman 1107, as shown within family tree 289. Richard Goldthorpe 991 married Jane Goldthorpe [Norman]. They had one daughter: Anne Goldthorpe 876 in 1536 This family is shown as family tree 289. 993. FRANCIS SLINGSBY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1522, in Petworth, Sussex, England. See family tree 231. Francis died in 1600, aged about 78, in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England. 994. MARY SLINGSBY [PERCY] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1532, in Alnwick, England Alnwick, Northumberland, England. See family tree 231. Mary died in 1598, aged about 66, in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England. Francis Slingsby 993, aged about 31, married Mary Slingsby [Percy], aged about 21, in 1553 in Petworth, Sussex, England. They had one son: Henry Slingsby 877 in 1560 This family is shown within family tree 231. 995. WILLIAM VAVASOUR (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hazelwood, Yorkshire, England to Henry Vavasour 1108 and Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109, as shown within family tree 291. William died in England, England. 996. ELIZABETH VAVASOUR [CALVERLEY] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1518, in Hazelwood, Yorkshire, England, to Walter Calverley 1110 and Isabel Calverley [Drakes] 1111, as shown within family tree 291. Elizabeth died in England. William Vavasour 995 married Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley], aged about 25, in 1543 in Hazlewood, Skipton West Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878 in 1562 This family is shown as family tree 291. 997. WILLIAM MALLORY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Studely, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 232. William died in Studley, Conyers, Yorkshire, England. 998. JANE MALLORY [NORTON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1500, in Norton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 232. Jane died in 1588, aged about 88, in Studley, Conyers, Yorkshire, England. William Mallory 997, aged about 24, married Jane Mallory [Norton], aged about 24, in 1524 in Studely Roger, Ripon West Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William Mallory 879 in 1525 This family is shown within family tree 232.

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999. GEORGE GALE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1497, in Askam Grange, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 232. George died in York, Yorkshire, England. 1000. MARY GALE [LORD] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1499, in Kendall, England. See family tree 232. Mary died in York, Yorkshire, England. George Gale 999, aged about 31, married Mary Gale [Lord], aged about 29, in 1528 in Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in 1529 This family is shown within family tree 232. 1001. RALPH EURE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Mitton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 232. Ralph died in Ancrym, Moor, England. 1002. MARGERY EURE [BOWES] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1506, in Streatlam, Durham, England. See family tree 232. Margery died in Durham, England. Ralph Eure 1001 married Margery Eure [Bowes], aged about 18, in 1524 in Durham, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William Eure 881 in This family is shown within family tree 232. 1003. EDWARD DYMOKE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1508, in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 232. Edward died in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. 1004. ANNE DYMOKE [TAILBOYS] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1516, in Kyme, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 232. Anne died in 1566, aged about 50, in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Edward Dymoke 1003, aged about 39, married Anne Dymoke [Tailboys], aged about 31, in 1547 in Kyme, Lincolnshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 in 1529 This family is shown within family tree 232. 1005. JOHN HENKLE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1483, in Lenham, Kent, England. See family tree 234. John died in 1522, aged about 39, in Harrietsham, Hawkhurst, Kent, England. 1006. JOHN HENKLE [HINCKLEY] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1483, in Lenham, Kent, England. See family tree 234. John died in Y. John Henkle 1005, aged about 28, married John Henkle [Hinckley], aged about 28, in 1511 in Lenham, Kent, England. They had one son: John Hynckleye 884 in 1512 This family is shown within family tree 234. 1007. JOHN GORHAM (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1492, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 235. John died in 1588, aged about 96, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 1008. ELENA GORHAM [GORMAN] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1496, in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 235. Elena died in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. John Gorham 1007, aged about 26, married Elena Gorham [Gorman], aged about 22, in 1518 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: John Gorham 886 in 1518 This family is shown within family tree 235. 1009. JOHN HOWLAND (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1511, in Newport Pond, London, England. See family tree 236. John died in 1568, aged about 57, in Essex, England. 1010. AGNES HOWLAND [GREENWAY] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Clay, Norfolk, England. See family tree 236. Agnes died in 1586, aged about 71, in St Peter, England. John Howland 1009, aged about 28, married Agnes Howland [Greenway], aged about 24, in 1539 in Newport, Essex, England. They had one son: John Howland 890 in 1541 This family is shown within family tree 236. 1011. NICHOLAS REVELL (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1511, in Middlesex, England. See family tree 236. Nicholas died in 1538, aged about 27, in London, England. 1012. NICHOLAS REVELL (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1513, in Middlesex, England. See family tree 236. Nicholas died in 1560, aged about 47, in Fen Stanton, Huntingdon, Eangland. Nicholas Revell 1011, aged about 27, married Nicholas Revell, aged about 25, in 1538 in London, England. They had one daughter: Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in 1542 This family is shown within family tree 236. Page 262

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1013. WILLIAM TILLEY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 292. William died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. 1014. AGNES TILLEY [TYLLE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1519, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 292. Agnes died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. William Tilley 1013, aged about 19, married Agnes Tilley [Tylle], aged about 15, in 1534 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. They had two children: Robert Tilley 894 in 1540 Elizabeth Tilley 895 in 1544 This family is shown as family tree 292. 1015. HENRY HURST (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 237. Henry died in 1528, aged about 24, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. 1016. AGNES HURST (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1506, in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. See family tree 237. Agnes died in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Henry Hurst 1015, aged about 24, married Agnes Hurst, aged about 22, in 1528 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: William Hurst 896 in 1530 This family is shown within family tree 237. 1017. MISTER FISHER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504. See family tree 237. 1018. AGNES FISHER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1506. See family tree 237. Mister Fisher 1017 married Agnes Fisher. They had one daughter: Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 in 1534 This family is shown within family tree 237. 1019. MICHAEL DENNE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1440, in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. See family tree 238. Michael died in 1493, aged about 53, in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. 1020. CHRISTIANA DENNE [FORT] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Lympne, Kent, England. See family tree 238. Christiana died in 1536, aged about 96, in Denne Hill, Kingstone, Kent, England. Michael Denne 1019, aged about 27, married Christiana Denne [Fort], aged about 27, in 1467 in Lympne, Kent, England. They had one son: John Deane 899 in 1500 This family is shown within family tree 238. 1021. ROBERT SELWOODE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1496, in Chard, Somerset, England. See family tree 238. 1022. ROBERT SELWOODE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1497, in Chard, Somerset, England. See family tree 238. Robert Selwoode 1021, aged about 22, married Robert Selwoode, aged about 21, in 1518 in Chard, Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 in 1522 This family is shown within family tree 238. 1023. ROBERT STRONG (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Berminister, Dorset, England, to Forefather Strong 1112, as shown within family tree 262. Robert died in 1519, aged about 29, in Somerset, England. 1024. MS. STRONG (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1495. See family tree 262. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Robert Strong 1023 married Ms. Strong. They had one son: John Strong 901 in 1515 This family is shown within family tree 262. 1025. HENRY WHITMAN (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1463, in Burbage, Leicestershire, England, to Thomas Weightman 1113. Henry died in 1549, aged about 86, in Holt, Norfolk, England. 1026. ALICE WHITMAN [AXTELL] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1467, in England, to Thomas Axtell 1115 and Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116, as shown in family tree 316. Alice died in 1522, aged about 55. Henry Whitman 1025, aged about 48, married Alice Whitman [Axtell], aged about 44, in 1511. They had one daughter: Agnes Strong [Whitman] 902 in 1519 This family is shown as family tree 293. 1027. WILLIAM BOND (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1493, in Buckland, Somerset, England, to William Bond 1117 and Mrs William Bond 1118, as shown in family tree 317. William died in 1549, aged about 56, in England.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1028. DIONISE BOND [BOURMAN] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1497, in Hemyoke, Devon, England, to John Bourman 1119 and Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120, as shown in family tree 318. Dionise died in 1523, aged about 26, in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Bond 1027, aged about 30, married Dionise Bond [Bourman], aged about 26, in 1523 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. They had one son: George Bond 903 in 1534 This family is shown as family tree 294. 1029. THOMAS LEIGH (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, to Roger Leigh 1121 and Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122, as shown in family tree 319. Thomas died in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1030. ALICE LEIGH [BARKER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1525, in Wolverton, Shropshire, England, to John Barker 1123 and Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124, as shown in family tree 320. Alice died in 1600, aged about 75, in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Leigh 1029, aged about 27, married Alice Leigh [Barker], aged about 22, in 1547 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. They had one daughter: Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 in 1538 This family is shown as family tree 295. 1031. MICHAEL DENNE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1440, in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. See family tree 240. Michael died in 1493, aged about 53, in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. 1032. CHRISTIANA DENNE [FORT] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Lympne, Kent, England. See family tree 240. Christiana died in 1536, aged about 96, in Denne Hill, Kingstone, Kent, England. Michael Denne 1031, aged about 27, married Christiana Denne [Fort], aged about 27, in 1467 in Lympne, Kent, England. They had one son: John Deane 905 in 1500 This family is shown within family tree 240. 1033. ROBERT SELWOODE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1496, in Chard, Somerset, England. See family tree 240. 1034. ROBERT SELWOODE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1497, in Chard, Somerset, England. See family tree 240. Robert Selwoode 1033, aged about 22, married Robert Selwoode, aged about 21, in 1518 in Chard, Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 in 1522 This family is shown within family tree 240. 1035. DAVID ROSS (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1485, in Balnagown, Scotland, to Alexander Ross 1125 and Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126, as shown in family tree 321. David died on 20 May 1527, aged about 41. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1036. MS. HELENA (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1460, in Scotland, to Keith Unknown 1127, as shown within family tree 264. Ms. Helena married twice. She was married to Andrew Ross 1037 and David Ross 1035. David Ross 1035 married Ms. Helena. They had one son: Walter Ross 907 in 1490 This family is shown as family tree 296. 1037. ANDREW ROSS (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother's husband) was born in 1450, in Scotland. Andrew Ross married Ms. Helena 1036. 1038. JOHN SINCLAIR (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 241. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 1039. ELIZABETH SINCLAIR [SUTHERLAND] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 241. Citation: Source 17 (Name). John Sinclair 1038 married Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland]. They had one daughter: Marian Ross [Grant] 908 in 1493 This family is shown within family tree 241.

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1040. WILLIAM SINCLAIR (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1459, in Ravenscraig, Fifeshire, Scotland, to William Sinclair 1128 and Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129, as shown within family tree 265. William died in Offlodden, Branxton, Northumberland, England. 1041. MARGARET SINCLAIR [KEITH] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1477, in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to Gilbert Keith 1130 and Daughter Keith [Ogston] 1131, as shown within family tree 265. William Sinclair 1040 married Margaret Sinclair [Keith]. They had one son: John Sinclair 909 in 1495 This family is shown within family tree 265. 1042. JOSEF HERZ (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. See family tree 266. Josef died in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. 1043. MARIA EVA HERZ [KERZENMACHER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany to Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132 and Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] 1133, as shown within family tree 266. Josef Herz 1042 married Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. They had one daughter: Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912 in This family is shown within family tree 266. 1044. JAMES HOBART (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1436, in Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England, to Thomas Hobart 1134. James died in Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. 1045. MARGERY HOBART [LYHART] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk, England, to Peter Naunton 1136, as shown within family tree 267. Margery died in 1494, aged about 54, in Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk, England. James Hobart 1044 married Margery Hobart [Lyhart]. They had one son: Miles Hobart 919 in 1479 This family is shown within family tree 267. 1046. JOHN BLENNERHASSETT (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1424, in Frense, Norfolk, England, to Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 and Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138, as shown within family tree 267. John died in Suffolk, England. 1047. JANE BLENNERHASSETT [TINDALL] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1446, in Hockwold, Norfolk, England, to Thomas Tyndall 1139. Jane died in Norfolk, England. John Blennerhassett 1046 married Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] in Hockwold, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in 1507 This family is shown within family tree 267. 1048. WILLIAM HARRIS (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1505, in Southminster, England, to Arthur Harris 1141 and Johanna Harris [Percy] 1142, as shown within family tree 268. William died in 1556, aged about 51, in Southminster, England. 1049. ALICE HARRIS [WAYTE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1494, in Titleshall, Norfolk, England, to William Wayte 1143 and Margaret Wayte 1144, as shown within family tree 268. Alice died in Norfolk, England. William Harris 1048 married Alice Harris [Wayte]. They had one son: William Hare 921 in 1511 This family is shown within family tree 268. 1050. MR. RUGGE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490. See family tree 243. Mr. Rugge fathered one daughter: Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 in 1511 This family is shown within family tree 243. 1051. WILLIAM STASYE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 244. William fathered one son: John Stasye 925 in 1516 This family is shown within family tree 244. 1052. GRIFFITH HANMER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1436, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales, to Edward Hanmer 1145 and Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146, as shown in family tree 324. Griffith died in 1501, aged about 65, in Hanmer, Clywd, Flintshire, Wales. 1053. MARGARET HANMER [LLOYD] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1433, in Wales, to Meridith Esq Lloyd 1147, as shown within family tree 270.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Griffith Hanmer 1052 married Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd]. They had one son: Jenkin Hanmer 927 in 1464 This family is shown as family tree 297.

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1054. THOMAS DYMOCK (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1431, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales, to Thomas Dymoke 1148 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149, as shown in family tree 325. Thomas died. 1055. MARGARET DYMOCK [BRERETON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1150 and Mrs Randal Brereton 1151, as shown in family tree 326. Thomas Dymock 1054, aged about 30, married Margaret Dymock [Brereton], aged about 21, in 1461 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928 in 1472 This family is shown as family tree 298. 1056. RICHARD HANMER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Griffith Hanmer 1152 and Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153, as shown in family tree 328. Richard died in England. 1057. MARGARET HANMER [KYNASTON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455, in Crickett, Shropshire, England, to Roger Kynaston 1154 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155, as shown in family tree 329. Margaret died in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard Hanmer 1056 married Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston]. They had one son: Thomas Hanmer 929 in 1480 This family is shown as family tree 299. 1058. RANDALL BRERETON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1485, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1156 and Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157, as shown in family tree 330. Randall died in 1530, aged about 45, in Shocklack, Cheshire, England. 1059. ELEANOR BRERETON [DUTTON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1484, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Peter Piers Dutton 1158 and Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159, as shown in family tree 331. Eleanor died in 1522, aged about 38, in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Randall Brereton 1058, aged about 17, married Eleanor Brereton [Dutton], aged about 18, in 1502 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930 in 1492 This family is shown as family tree 300. 1060. JOHN KYNASTON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1382, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Madoc Kynaston 1160 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161, as shown in family tree 332. John fathered one son: Gruffudd Kynaston 931 in 1404 This family is shown as family tree 301. 1061. JOHN HOORD (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1378, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Roger Hoord 1162 and Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163, as shown in family tree 333. John died in Ireland. John fathered one daughter: Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 in 1406 This family is shown as family tree 302. 1062. JOHN GREY (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1386, in Wark Upon Tweed, Northumberland, England, to Thomas Grey 1164 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165, as shown in family tree 334. John died in Bauge, Anjou, France. 1063. JOAN GREY [CHERLETON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1399, in Mongomeryshire, Powys, Wales, to Edward Cherleton 1166 and Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167, as shown in family tree 335. Joan died in England. John Grey 1062, aged about 32, married Joan Grey [Cherleton], aged about 19, in 1418 in Up Holland, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Henry Grey 933 in 1419 This family is shown as family tree 303. 1064. HUMPHREY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lancaster, Lancshire, England to Henry Plantagenet 1168 and Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169, as shown in family tree 336. Humphrey died in Abbey, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England. 1065. ELEANOR PLANTAGENET [COBHAM] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Sterborough

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Castle, Kent, England, to Reginald Cobham 1170 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171, as shown in family tree 337. Eleanor died in 1454, aged about 44, in Peel Castle, Isle Of Man. Humphrey Plantagenet 1064 married Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham]. They had one daughter: Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934 in 1428 This family is shown as family tree 304. 1066. THOMAS DYMOKE (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Penley, Willington, England, to Ieuan Dymock 1172 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173, as shown within family tree 274. Thomas died. 1067. MARGARET DYMOKE [GOCH] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1402, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales, to Griffith Goch 1174 and Mrs Griffith Goch 1175, as shown within family tree 274. Thomas Dymoke 1066, aged about 30, married Margaret Dymoke [Goch], aged about 28, in 1430 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Thomas Dymock 935 in 1431 This family is shown within family tree 274. 1068. RANDLE BRERETON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1426, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1176 and Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177, as shown within family tree 274. Randle died in 1460, aged about 34, in Burgundy, France. 1069. MRS RANDAL BRERETON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1414, in Malpas, Cheshire, England. See family tree 274. Randle Brereton 1068 married Mrs Randal Brereton. They had one daughter: Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 in 1440 This family is shown within family tree 274. 1070. EDWARD HANMER (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1395, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales, to Jenkin Hanmer 1178 and Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1179, as shown within family tree 275. Edward died in Fenns Hall, Clwyd, Wales. 1071. MARGARET HANMER [GETHIN] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Moel Iwrch Lloran Ucha to Maurice Gethin 1180 and Margaret Verch Gethin [Ap William] 1181, as shown within family tree 275. Edward Hanmer 1070 married Margaret Hanmer [Gethin]. They had one son: Griffith Hanmer 937 in 1436 This family is shown within family tree 275. 1072. MERIDITH ESQ LLOYD (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Maen. See family tree 247. Meridith fathered one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938 in 1433 This family is shown within family tree 247. 1073. EDWARD PULESTON (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Emrald, Flint, England, to Roger Puleston 1182 and Jane Puleston [Hanmer] 1183, as shown within family tree 305. Edward died in 1567, aged about 67, in Emral, England. 1074. ERMINE PULESTON [HANMER] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1506, in Cardicott, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Richard Hanmer 1184 and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185, as shown within family tree 305. Ermine died in England. Edward Puleston 1073 married Ermine Puleston [Hanmer]. They had one son: Roger Puleston 939 in 1524 This family is shown as family tree 305. 1075. RICHARD GROSVENOR (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1477, in Eaton, Cheshire, England, to Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 and Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187, as shown within family tree 306. Richard died in Eaton, Cheshire, England. 1076. CATHERINE GROSVENOR [COTTON] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Ridward, Hampstall, Staffordshire, England, to Richard Cotton 1188 and Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189, as shown within family tree 306. Catherine died in 1580, aged about 90, in England. Richard Grosvenor 1075, aged about 33, married Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton], aged about 20, in 1510 in England. They had one daughter: Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940 in 1526 This family is shown as family tree 306. 1077. ROBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to

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Thomas Bullock 1190 and Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191, as shown in family tree 338. Robert died in 1480, aged about 80. 1078. MS ELEANORE BULLOCK (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1409, in Arborfield, Bray, Berkshire, England. See family tree 307. Robert Bullock 1077, aged about 33, married Ms Eleanore Bullock, aged about 24, in 1433 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Gilbert Bullock 941 in 1434 This family is shown as family tree 307. 1079. WILLIAM NORRIS (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1428, in Speake, Lancashire, England, to William Norreys 1192. William died in England. 1080. JOANE NORRIS [VERE] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1433, in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, to John De Vere 1194 and Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195, as shown in family tree 341. Joane died in England. William Norris 1079, aged about 48, married Joane Norris [Vere], aged about 43, in 1476. They had one daughter: Margaret Norris 942 in 1458 This family is shown as family tree 308. 1081. RICHARD KINGSMILL (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1440, in Barkham, Berkshire, England, to Richard Kingsmill 1196 and Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197, as shown within family tree 309. Richard died between 1511 and 1515, aged about 73, in Basingstoke, Hants, England. 1082. ALICE KINGSMILL (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 309. Alice died in 1501, aged about 61, in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. Richard Kingsmill 1081, aged about 19, married Alice Kingsmill, aged about 19, in 1459 in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. They had one son: John Kingsmill 943 in 1460 This family is shown as family tree 309. 1083. JOHN GIFFARD (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1502, in Itchell, Hampshire, England, to William Gifford 1198 and Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199, as shown within family tree 310. John died in 1550, aged about 48, in Newbury, Berkshire, England. 1084. JOAN GIFFARD [BRYDGES] (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1503, in Newbury, Berkshire, England, to Henry Brydges 1200 and Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201, as shown within family tree 310. Joan died in Itchell, Hampshire, England. John Giffard 1083, aged about 18, married Joan Giffard [Brydges], aged about 17, in 1520 in Newbury, Berkshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944 in 1524 This family is shown as family tree 310. Generation of Fifteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 1085. JOHN JENNER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1516, in Heacham, Norfolk, England, to William Gayner 1202, as shown within family tree 280. John died in England. 1086. AGNES RUSSELL JENNER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 280. John Jenner 1085 married Agnes Russell Jenner. They had one daughter: Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 in 1539 This family is shown within family tree 280. 1087. DASHING STREAM (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Banks Tributary Lancer River, Blue Mountains, Virginia, USA to Murmuring Ripple 1203 and First Ripple [American] 1204, as shown within family tree 281. Dashing died in 1526 in Virginia, USA. Dashing fathered one daughter: Scent Chief [Flower] 971 in This family is shown within family tree 281. 1088. DASHING STREAM (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born to Murmuring Ripple 1205. Dashing died in 1525. Dashing gave birth to one daughter: Scent Chief [Flower] 971 in This family is shown as family tree 311. 1089. ROBERT BATHURST (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Spivers Manor, Horsmondon, Kent, England, to Thomas Bathurst 1206, as shown in family tree 342. Robert died in Horsmonden, Kent, England.

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1090. MS. BATHURST [SAUNDERS] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1518 to William Saunders 1208, as shown within family tree 284. Robert Bathurst 1089, aged about 25, married Ms. Bathurst [Saunders], aged about 22, in 1540. They had one son: John Bathurst 979 in 1533 This family is shown as family tree 312. 1091. EDWARD DODGE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1548, in Wortham, Kent, England. See family tree 256. Edward died on 26 December 1597, aged about 49, in Wortham, Kent, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1092. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 256. Ms. Unknown died in Wrotham, Kent, England. Edward Dodge 1091 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 in 1563 This family is shown within family tree 256. 1093. ROBERT WALLER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1502, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 256. Robert died in 1545, aged about 43, in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England. Robert fathered one son: Ralph Waller 981 in 1544 This family is shown within family tree 285. 1094. ELIZABETH DUNCOMBE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1520, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, to William Duncombe 1209 and Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1210, as shown in family tree 343. Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Ralph Waller 981 in 1544 This family is shown as family tree 313. 1095. AMBROSE SAUNDERS (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1526, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, to Thomas Saunders 1211 and Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212, as shown within family tree 285. Ambrose died in 1586, aged about 60. 1096. MARY SAUNDERS [GOODWIN] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 285. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Ambrose Saunders 1095 married Mary Saunders [Goodwin]. They had one daughter: Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 in 1546 This family is shown within family tree 285. 1097. RICHARD RICH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1496, in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England, to Richard Rich 1213 and Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214, as shown within family tree 286. Richard died in Rochford, Essex, England. 1098. ELIZABETH RICH [JENKES] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in London, Middlesex, England, to William Jenkes 1215 and Elizabeth Jenkes [Adams] 1216, as shown within family tree 286. Elizabeth died in Saintbartholomew, London, Middlesex, England. Richard Rich 1097, aged about 40, married Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes], aged about 26, in 1536/5 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one son: Robert Rich 983 in 1537 This family is shown within family tree 286. 1099. GEORGE BALDRY (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Hadley, Suffolk, England, to Thomas Baldry 1217, as shown within family tree 286. George died in England. George fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984 in 1537 This family is shown within family tree 286. 1100. ANTHONY BOURCHIER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1508, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England, to Maurice Bourchier 1218 and Joan Bourchier 1219, as shown within family tree 287. Anthony died in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. 1101. THOMAZINE BOURCHIER [MILDMAY] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1512, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England, to Thomas Mildmay 1220 and Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221, as shown within family tree 287. Thomazine died in England.

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Anthony Bourchier 1100, aged about 31, married Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay], aged about 27, in 1539 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Thomas Bourchier 985 in 1542 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1102. JOHN LE SCROPE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Bolton, Lancashire, England, to Henry Le Scrope 1222 and Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223, as shown within family tree 287. John died in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. 1103. CATHERINE LE SCROPE [CLIFFORD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1513, in Skipton, Yorkshire, England, to Henry Clifford 1224 and Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225, as shown within family tree 287. Catherine died in 1598, aged about 85, in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. John Le Scrope 1102, aged about 20, married Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford], aged about 17, in 1530 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 in 1546 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1104. JOHN GAWTHROP (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England to Richard Gawthrop 1226 and Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227, as shown within family tree 289. 1105. SARAH GAWTHROP [ARCHER] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1729, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England, to Thomas Archer 1228 and Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229, as shown within family tree 289. John Gawthrop 1104 married Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. They had one son: Richard Goldthorpe 991 in 1514 This family is shown within family tree 289. 1106. JOHN NORMAN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Bishopworth, Somerset, England, to John Fryeth 1230 and Joanne Fryeth 1231, as shown within family tree 289. John died in Bishopworth, Bedminster Parish, Somerset, England. 1107. AGNES NORMAN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 289. John Norman 1106, aged about 30, married Agnes Norman in 1555 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Jane Goldthorpe [Norman] 992 This family is shown within family tree 289. 1108. HENRY VAVASOUR (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1421, in Church, Haselwood, YS, England, to William Vavasour 1232 and Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233, as shown within family tree 291. Henry died in 1500, aged about 79, in Church, Haselwood, YS, England. 1109. JANE VAVASOUR [GASCON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1428, in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England, to William Gascoigne 1234 and Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235, as shown within family tree 291. Jane died in Chapel, Haselwood, Yorkshire, England. Henry Vavasour 1108, aged about 29, married Jane Vavasour [Gascon], aged about 22, in 1450 in Wakefield, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William Vavasour 995 in This family is shown within family tree 291. 1110. WALTER CALVERLEY (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1483, in Calverley, Yorkshire, England, to William Calverly 1236 and Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237, as shown within family tree 291. Walter died. 1111. ISABEL CALVERLEY [DRAKES] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1475, in Yorkshire, England, to John Drax Drakes 1238 and Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239, as shown within family tree 291. Walter Calverley 1110 married Isabel Calverley [Drakes] . They had one daughter: Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 in 1518 This family is shown within family tree 291. 1112. FOREFATHER STRONG (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460. See family tree 262. Forefather fathered one son: Robert Strong 1023 in 1490 This family is shown within family tree 262. 1113. THOMAS WEIGHTMAN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1425, in Burbage, Leicestershire, England, to Richard Weightman 1240 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241, as shown in family tree 344. Thomas died in 1516, aged about 91, in England. Thomas fathered one son: Henry Whitman 1025 in 1463 This family is shown as family tree 314.

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1114. HENRY WEIGHTMAN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1443, in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 315. Henry gave birth to one son: Henry Whitman 1025 in 1463 This family is shown as family tree 315. 1115. THOMAS AXTELL (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Bovington, Hertfordshire, England, to Henrye Axtell 1242 and Cecily Axtell 1243, as shown within family tree 345. Thomas married twice, including Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116. Thomas fathered one daughter: Alice Gould 1245 in 1499 This family is shown within family tree 345. 1116. JOAN AXTELL [GOULD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1531, in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England, to Thomas Gould 1244 and Alice Gould 1245, as shown in family tree 345. Joan died in 1546/6, aged about 15, in See Note Page. Thomas Axtell 1115 married Joan Axtell [Gould]. They had one daughter: Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026 in 1467 This family is shown as family tree 316. 1117. WILLIAM BOND (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1467, in Buckland, Somerset, England, to Thomas Bond 1246 and Elizabeth Bond [Kendall] 1247, as shown in family tree 346. William died in 1528, aged about 61. 1118. MRS WILLIAM BOND (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1471, in Buckland, Somerset, England. See family tree 317. William Bond 1117 married Mrs William Bond. They had one son: William Bond 1027 in 1493 This family is shown as family tree 317. 1119. JOHN BOURMAN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1471, in Hemyoke, Devon, England, to Nicholas Bourman 1248 and Nicholas Bourman 1249, as shown within family tree 294. 1120. ELIZABETH BOURMAN [RUSSELL] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1475, in Hemyoke, Devon, England, to James Russell 1250 and Ms. Unknown 1251, as shown in family tree 347. John Bourman 1119, aged about 25, married Elizabeth Bourman [Russell], aged about 21, in 1496 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in 1497 This family is shown as family tree 318. 1121. ROGER LEIGH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1483, in Willington, Durham, England, to Richard Leigh 1252 and Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253, as shown in family tree 348. 1122. ALICE LEIGH [TRAFFORD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1487, in Leigh, Lancashire, England. See family tree 319. Alice died in 1551, aged about 64. Roger Leigh 1121, aged about 25, married Alice Leigh [Trafford], aged about 21, in 1508 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Leigh 1029 in 1520 This family is shown as family tree 319. 1123. JOHN BARKER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Colehurst, Market Drayton, Shropshire, England, to William Barker 1254 and Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255, as shown in family tree 349. John died in England. 1124. ELIZABETH BARKER [HILL] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1500, in Hodnot, Shropshire, England, to Thomas Hill 1256 and Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257, as shown in family tree 350. Elizabeth died in 1539, aged about 39, in England. John Barker 1123, aged about 24, married Elizabeth Barker [Hill], aged about 24, in 1524 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in 1525 This family is shown as family tree 320. 1125. ALEXANDER ROSS (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1440, in Balnagoun, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to John Ross 1258 and Ms. Ross [MacLeod] 1259, as shown in family tree 351. Alexander died on 11 June 1486, aged about 45, in Alt Acharrais. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death).

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1126. DOROTHEA ROSS [SUTHERLAND] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1440, in Duffus, Morayshire, Scotland, to Alexander Sutherland 1260, as shown within family tree 296. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Alexander Ross 1125 married Dorothea Ross [Sutherland]. They had one son: David Ross 1035 in 1485 This family is shown as family tree 321. 1127. KEITH UNKNOWN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Inverugie, Scotland. See family tree 264. Keith fathered one daughter: Ms. Helena 1036 in 1460 This family is shown within family tree 264. 1128. WILLIAM SINCLAIR (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1408, in Caithness, Scotland. See family tree 265. William died in 1480, aged about 72, in Ravenscraig Castle, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, Scotland. 1129. MARJORY SINCLAIR [SUTHERLAND] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1436, in Dunbeath, Caithness, Scotland. See family tree 265. Marjory died in 1480, aged about 44, in Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, Scotland. William Sinclair 1128 married Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] in Ravenscraig, Fife, Scotland. They had one son: William Sinclair 1040 in 1459 This family is shown within family tree 265. 1130. GILBERT KEITH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1456, in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. See family tree 265. Gilbert died in 1490, aged about 34, in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1131. DAUGHTER KEITH [OGSTON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1459, in Ludquhairn, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. See family tree 265. Gilbert Keith 1130 married Daughter Keith [Ogston]. They had one daughter: Margaret Sinclair [Keith] 1041 in 1477 This family is shown within family tree 265. 1132. MATHIAS KERZENMACHER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. See family tree 266. Mathias died in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. 1133. ANNA MARIA KERZENMACHER [DIRR] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. See family tree 266. Anna died in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132 married Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. They had one daughter: Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] 1043 in This family is shown within family tree 266. 1134. THOMAS HOBART (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1415, in Leyham, Suffolk, England. See family tree 267. Thomas died in 1488, aged about 73, in Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. Thomas fathered one son: James Hobart 1044 in 1436 This family is shown within family tree 267. 1135. ELEANOR ATCHURCH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370, in Monks, Eleigh, Suffolk, England. See family tree 322. Eleanor died in 1466, aged about 96, in De La Tye, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. Eleanor gave birth to one son: James Hobart 1044 in 1436 This family is shown as family tree 322. 1136. PETER NAUNTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 267. Peter fathered one daughter: Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 in 1440 This family is shown within family tree 267. 1137. RALPH BLENNERHASSETT (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Frense, Norfolk, England. See family tree 267. Ralph died in Frense, Norfolk, England. 1138. JANE BLENNERHASSETT [LOWDERHAM] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1409, in Great Brasted, Essex, England. See family tree 267. Jane died in Frense, Norfolk, England. Ralph Blennerhassett 1137, aged about 8, married Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham], aged about -1, in 1408 in Lowdham Frenze, Suffolk, England. They had one son: John Blennerhassett 1046 in 1424 This family is shown within family tree 267.

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1139. THOMAS TYNDALL (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Norfolk, England. See family tree 267. Thomas died in 1520, aged about 90, in England. Thomas fathered one daughter: Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047 in 1446 This family is shown within family tree 267. 1140. AMPHILLIS CONINGSBY (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1456, in Nene Solers, Shropshire, England. See family tree 323. Amphillis gave birth to one daughter: Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047 in 1446 This family is shown as family tree 323. 1141. ARTHUR HARRIS (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Prittlewell, Rochford, Essex, England. See family tree 268. Arthur died in 1537, aged about 62, in Woodham, Mortimer, Essex, England. 1142. JOHANNA HARRIS [PERCY] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1475, in Northumberland, England. See family tree 268. Johanna died in Southminster, Essex, England. Arthur Harris 1141 married Johanna Harris [Percy]. They had one son: William Harris 1048 in 1505 This family is shown within family tree 268. 1143. WILLIAM WAYTE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1454, in Titleshall, Norfolk, England. See family tree 268. William died in England. 1144. MARGARET WAYTE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1494, in England. See family tree 268. William Wayte 1143, aged about 112, married Margaret Wayte, aged about 72, in 1566. They had one daughter: Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049 in 1494 This family is shown within family tree 268. 1145. EDWARD HANMER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1395, in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales, to Jenkin Hanmer 1261 and Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1262, as shown in family tree 352. Edward died in Fenns Hall, Clwyd, Wales. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1146. MARGARET HANMER [GETHIN] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1545, in Moel Iwrch Lloran Ucha, to Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 and Catrin Ferch Llwyd [Ap Gethin] 1264, as shown in family tree 353. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Edward Hanmer 1145 married Margaret Hanmer [Gethin]. They had one son: Griffith Hanmer 1052 in 1436 This family is shown as family tree 324. 1147. MERIDITH ESQ LLOYD (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Maen. See family tree 270. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Meridith fathered one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 1053 in 1433 This family is shown within family tree 270. 1148. THOMAS DYMOKE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Penley, Willington, England, to Ieuan Dymock 1265 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266, as shown in family tree 354. Thomas died. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1149. MARGARET DYMOKE [GOCH] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1402, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales, to Griffith Goch 1267 and Mrs Griffith Goch 1268, as shown within family tree 325. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Thomas Dymoke 1148, aged about 30, married Margaret Dymoke [Goch], aged about 28, in 1430 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Thomas Dymock 1054 in 1431 This family is shown as family tree 325. 1150. RANDLE BRERETON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1426, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1269 and Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270, as shown in family tree 355. Randle died in 1460, aged about 34, in Burgundy, France. Randle married twice, including Mrs Randal Brereton 1151.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Randle fathered one son: Randle Brereton 1156 in 1452 This family is shown as family tree 327. 1151. MRS RANDAL BRERETON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1414, in Malpas, Cheshire, England. See family tree 326. Randle Brereton 1150 married Mrs Randal Brereton. They had one daughter: Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055 in 1440 This family is shown as family tree 326. 1152. GRIFFITH HANMER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales, to David Hanmer 1271 and Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272, as shown in family tree 356. Griffith died in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1153. ELLEN HANMER [DUTTON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1407, in Dutton, Cheshire, England, to Piers Dutton 1273 and Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274, as shown in family tree 357. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Griffith Hanmer 1152 married Ellen Hanmer [Dutton]. They had one son: Richard Hanmer 1056 in 1470 This family is shown as family tree 328. 1154. ROGER KYNASTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276, as shown in family tree 358. Roger died in 1496, aged about 66, in Middle, Shropshire, England. 1155. ELIZABETH KYNASTON [GREY] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England, to Henry Grey 1277 and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278, as shown in family tree 359. Elizabeth died in 1501, aged about 61, in Shropshire, England. Roger Kynaston 1154, aged about 35, married Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey], aged about 25, in 1465 in England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057 in 1455 This family is shown as family tree 329. 1156. RANDLE BRERETON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1452, in Malpas, Cheshire, England, to Randle Brereton 1150, as shown in family tree 327. Randle died in 1500, aged about 48, in Bourgogne, Marne, France. 1157. EMMA BRERETON [CARRINGTON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1457, in Carrington, Cheshire, England, to John Carrington 1279. Emma died in 1520, aged about 63, in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Randle Brereton 1156, aged about 37, married Emma Brereton [Carrington], aged about 32, in 1489 in Carrington, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Randall Brereton 1058 in 1485 This family is shown as family tree 330. 1158. PETER PIERS DUTTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1465, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Peter Dutton 1281 and Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282, as shown in family tree 362. Peter died in 1502, aged about 37, in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1159. ELIZABETH DUTTON [FOULESHURST] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1454, in Crewe, Cheshire, England, to Robert Fouleshurst 1283. Elizabeth died in 1520, aged about 66, in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Peter Piers Dutton 1158, aged about 14, married Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst], aged about 25, in 1479 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in 1484 This family is shown as family tree 331. 1160. MADOC KYNASTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1360, in Stocks, Ellsmere, Cheshire, England, to Jenkin Kynaston 1285 and Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1286, as shown in family tree 365. Madoc died in Shrews, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1161. ISOLDA KYNASTON [DE PERCY] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1362, in Warkworth Castle,

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Alnwick, Northumberland, England, to Henry De Percy 1287 and Margaret De Percy [Neville] 1288, as shown in family tree 366. Isolda died in 1435, aged about 73. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Madoc Kynaston 1160, aged about 18, married Isolda Kynaston [De Percy], aged about 16, in 1378 in Ludlow, Shropshire, England. They had one son: John Kynaston 1060 in 1382 This family is shown as family tree 332. 1162. ROGER HOORD (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1345, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. See family tree 333. Roger died in 1381, aged about 36. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1163. CARI VERCH HOORD [MADOG] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales, to Madog Ap Gruffudd 1289 and Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1290, as shown in family tree 367. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Roger Hoord 1162 married Cari Verch Hoord [Madog]. They had one son: John Hoord 1061 in 1378 This family is shown as family tree 333. 1164. THOMAS GREY (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1359, in Heton, Northumberland, England, to Thomas Grey 1291 and Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292, as shown in family tree 368. Thomas died in Wark, Bellingham, Northumberland, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1165. JOAN GREY [DE MOWBRAY] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1363, in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England, to John De Mowbray 1293 and Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294, as shown in family tree 369. Joan died in Heton, Northumberland, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Grey 1164, aged about 22, married Joan Grey [De Mowbray], aged about 18, in 1381 in Heton, Northumberland, England. They had one son: John Grey 1062 in 1386 This family is shown as family tree 334. 1166. EDWARD CHERLETON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1371, in Powis, Montgomershire, Wales. See family tree 335. Edward died in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1167. ELEANOR CHERLETON [DE HOLAND] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1392, in Upholland, Lancashire, England, to Thomas De Holand 1295 and Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296, as shown in family tree 370. Eleanor died in Bisham, Berkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward Cherleton 1166 married Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] in Upholland, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 in 1399 This family is shown as family tree 335. 1168. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England to John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 and Blanche Plantagenet 1298, as shown in family tree 371. Henry died in Westminster, Middlesex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1169. MARY PLANTAGENET [DE BOHUN] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370, in Hereford, Herefordshire, England, to Humphrey Bohun 1299 and Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300, as shown in family tree 372. Mary died in Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Henry Plantagenet 1168 married Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun]. They had one son: Humphrey Plantagenet 1064 in This family is shown as family tree 336. 1170. REGINALD COBHAM (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1381, in Sterborough, Surrey, England, to Reynold De Cobham 1301. Reginald died in 1446, aged about 65, in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1171. ELEANOR COBHAM [COLEPEPER] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1385, in Bay Hall, Pembury,

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Kent, England, to Thomas Colepeper 1303 and Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304, as shown in family tree 375. Eleanor died in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Reginald Cobham 1170, aged about 28, married Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper], aged about 24, in 1409 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 in 1410 This family is shown as family tree 337. 1172. IEUAN DYMOCK (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1369, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 274. 1173. LUCY DYMOCK [AP RICHARD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1373, in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 274. Ieuan Dymock 1172, aged about 30, married Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard], aged about 26, in 1399 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Thomas Dymoke 1066 in 1400 This family is shown within family tree 274. 1174. GRIFFITH GOCH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1372, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 274. 1175. MRS GRIFFITH GOCH (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1376, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 274. Griffith Goch 1174 married Mrs Griffith Goch. They had one daughter: Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 in 1402 This family is shown within family tree 274. 1176. RANDLE BRERETON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1394, in Brereton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 274. Randle died in 1420, aged about 26, in Harfleur, France. 1177. ALICE BRERETON [IPSTONES] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1396, in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 274. Alice died in 1440, aged about 44, in England. Randle Brereton 1176, aged about 15, married Alice Brereton [Ipstones], aged about 13, in 1409. They had one son: Randle Brereton 1068 in 1426 This family is shown within family tree 274. 1178. JENKIN HANMER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1340, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. See family tree 275. Jenkin died in Shrews, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. 1179. EFA HANMER [IORWERTH] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Llai. See family tree 275. Jenkin Hanmer 1178 married Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth]. They had one son: Edward Hanmer 1070 in 1395 This family is shown within family tree 275. 1180. MAURICE GETHIN (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1390, in Moel Iwrch Lloran Ucha, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 275. Maurice died in Had Gartheyr, Wales. 1181. MARGARET VERCH GETHIN [AP WILLIAM] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Hendwr, Edernion. See family tree 275. Maurice Gethin 1180 married Margaret Verch Gethin [Ap William]. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1071 This family is shown within family tree 275. 1182. ROGER PULESTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Emral, Flint, Wales, to Roger Puleston 1305 and Jonet Puleston [Bulkeley] 1306, as shown within family tree 305. Roger died. 1183. JANE PULESTON [HANMER] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1470 to William Hanmer 1307, as shown within family tree 305. Roger Puleston 1182 married Jane Puleston [Hanmer]. They had one son: Edward Puleston 1073 in 1500 This family is shown within family tree 305. 1184. RICHARD HANMER (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to Griffith Hanmer 1308 and Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1309, as shown within family tree 305. Richard died in England. 1185. MARGARET HANMER [KYNASTON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455, in Crickett, Shropshire,

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England, to Roger Kynaston 1310 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311, as shown within family tree 305. Margaret died in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Richard Hanmer 1184 married Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston]. They had one daughter: Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] 1074 in 1506 This family is shown within family tree 305. 1186. ROBERT LE GROSVENOR (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1454, in Eaton, Cheshire, England, to Robert Grosveneur 1312 and Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313, as shown within family tree 306. Robert died in 1497, aged about 43, in Etton, Cheshire, England. 1187. CATHERINE LE GROSVENOR [NORRIS] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455, in Speake, Lancashire, England, to William Norris 1314 and Joane Norris [Vere] 1315, as shown within family tree 306. Catherine died in 1477, aged about 22, in England. Robert Le Grosvenor 1186, aged about 20, married Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris], aged about 19, in 1474 in Speake, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Richard Grosvenor 1075 in 1477 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1188. RICHARD COTTON (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1461, in Hamstall Ridware, Staffordshire, England, to John Cotton 1316 and Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317, as shown within family tree 306. Richard died in 1497, aged about 36, in England. 1189. JOAN COTTON [BRERETON] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1454, in Brereton, Staffordshire, England, to William Brereton 1318 and Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319, as shown within family tree 306. Joan died in Chester, Cheshire, England. Richard Cotton 1188, aged about 20, married Joan Cotton [Brereton], aged about 27, in 1481 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in 1490 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1190. THOMAS BULLOCK (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1374, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Robert Bullock 1320 and Ms Robt Bullock 1321, as shown in family tree 376. Thomas died in 1460, aged about 86, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. 1191. ALICE BULLOCK [YEADING] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1378, in Yeading, Middlesex, England, to William Yeading 1322 and Ms William Yeading [Yealding] 1323, as shown within family tree 307. Alice died in 1460, aged about 82, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Thomas Bullock 1190, aged about 30, married Alice Bullock [Yeading], aged about 26, in 1404 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Robert Bullock 1077 in 1400 This family is shown as family tree 338. 1192. WILLIAM NORREYS (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1390, in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England, to Roger Norreys 1324. William died in Bray, Berkshire, England. William fathered one son: William Norris 1079 in 1428 This family is shown as family tree 339. 1193. ALICE MERBROOKE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1427, in Yattenden, Berkshire, England, to Richard Merbrooke 1326 and Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327, as shown in family tree 379. Alice died in England. Alice gave birth to one son: William Norris 1079 in 1428 This family is shown as family tree 340. 1194. JOHN DE VERE (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hedingham Castle, Essex, England to Richard De Vere 1328 and Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329, as shown in family tree 380. John died in Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, England. 1195. ELIZABETH DE VERE [HOWARD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Wiggonholt, Sussex, England, to John Howard 1330 and Joan Howard [Walton] 1331, as shown in family tree 381. Elizabeth died in Stratford Nunnery, Stratford, Suffolk, England. John De Vere 1194 married Elizabeth De Vere [Howard], aged about 15, in 1425 in Earls, Colone, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Joane Norris [Vere] 1080 in 1433 This family is shown as family tree 341.

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1196. RICHARD KINGSMILL (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1415, in Barkham, Berkshire, England, to William Kingsmill 1332. Richard died in 1479, aged about 64, in Y. 1197. MS RICHARD KINGSMILL (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1418, in Barkham, Berkshire, England. See family tree 309. Richard Kingsmill 1196, aged about 20, married Ms Richard Kingsmill, aged about 17, in 1435 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Richard Kingsmill 1081 in 1440 This family is shown within family tree 309. 1198. WILLIAM GIFFORD (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1482, in Itchell, Hampshire, England, to John Giffard 1334 and John Giffard [Gifford] 1335, as shown within family tree 310. William died in Itchell, Hampshire, England. 1199. ELEANOR GIFFORD [PAULET] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1479, in Itchell, Hampshire, England, to John Paulet 1336 and Alice Paulet 1337, as shown within family tree 310. Eleanor died in 1508, aged about 29, in Itchell, Hampshire, England. William Gifford 1198, aged about 18, married Eleanor Gifford [Paulet], aged about 21, in 1500 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. They had one son: John Giffard 1083 in 1502 This family is shown within family tree 310. 1200. HENRY BRYDGES (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1464, in Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England, to Thomas Brugge 1338 and Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339, as shown within family tree 310. Henry died in Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England. 1201. ANNE BRYDGES [HUNGERFORD] (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1468, in Newbury, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 310. Anne died in Y. Henry Brydges 1200, aged about 34, married Anne Brydges [Hungerford], aged about 30, in 1498 in Newbury, Gloucestershire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 in 1503 This family is shown within family tree 310. Generation of Sixteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 1202. WILLIAM GAYNER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 280. William died. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Death). William fathered one son: John Jenner 1085 in 1516 This family is shown within family tree 280. 1203. MURMURING RIPPLE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1415, in Area Where Nc, TN, VA, Ky Meet. See family tree 281. Murmuring died in 1495, aged about 80, in Virginia, USA. 1204. FIRST RIPPLE [AMERICAN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Virginia, USA. See family tree 281. First died in Virginia, USA. Murmuring Ripple 1203 married First Ripple [American] in Virginia, USA. They had one son: Dashing Stream 1087 in This family is shown within family tree 281. 1205. MURMURING RIPPLE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1415. See family tree 311. Murmuring died in 1495, aged about 80. Murmuring gave birth to one daughter: Dashing Stream 1088 in This family is shown within family tree 311. 1206. THOMAS BATHURST (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Cranbrook Canterbury, Kent, England, to Lawrence Bathurst 1340 and Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341, as shown in family tree 383. Thomas died in 1542, aged about 62. Thomas married twice, including Thomas Bathurst 1207. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas fathered one son: Robert Bathurst 1089 in 1515 This family is shown as family tree 342.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1207. THOMAS BATHURST (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather's wife) was born in 1480. Thomas Bathurst 1206 married Thomas Bathurst.

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1208. WILLIAM SAUNDERS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Horsmanden, Kent, England. See family tree 284. William fathered one daughter: Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090 in 1518 This family is shown within family tree 284. 1209. WILLIAM DUNCOMBE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England, to Thomas Duncombe 1342 and Joane Duncombe 1343, as shown within family tree 343. William died on 26 October 1576, aged about 96, in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1210. ALICE DUNCOMBE [WHITTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1484, in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 343. William Duncombe 1209 married Alice Duncombe [Whitton]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Duncombe 1094 in 1520 This family is shown as family tree 343. 1211. THOMAS SAUNDERS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1489, in Silbertoff, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 285. Thomas died in Silbertoff, Northamptonshire, England. 1212. MARGARET SAUNDERS [CAVE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1491, in Sinecross, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 285. Margaret died in Stanford, Northamptonshire, England. Thomas Saunders 1211, aged about 21, married Margaret Saunders [Cave], aged about 19, in 1510 in Silbertoft, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Ambrose Saunders 1095 in 1526 This family is shown within family tree 285. 1213. RICHARD RICH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 286. Richard died in England. 1214. JOAN RICH [DINGLEY] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1472, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 286. Joan died in Rochford, England. Richard Rich 1213, aged about 26, married Joan Rich [Dingley], aged about 24, in 1496 in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England. They had one son: Richard Rich 1097 in 1496 This family is shown within family tree 286. 1215. WILLIAM JENKES (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 286. William died in 1571, aged about 91, in London, England. 1216. ELIZABETH JENKES [ADAMS] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 286. William Jenkes 1215 married Elizabeth Jenkes [Adams]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 in 1510 This family is shown within family tree 286. 1217. THOMAS BALDRY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 286. Thomas died in 34 A.D. Thomas fathered one son: George Baldry 1099 in 1510 This family is shown within family tree 286. 1218. MAURICE BOURCHIER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1482, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 287. Maurice died in England. 1219. JOAN BOURCHIER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1486, in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 287. Joan died in Barnesley, England. Maurice Bourchier 1218 married Joan Bourchier. They had one son: Anthony Bourchier 1100 in 1508 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1220. THOMAS MILDMAY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1465, in Chelmsford, Essex, England. See family tree 287. Thomas died in 1566, aged about 101, in Chelmsford, Essex, England.

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1221. AGNES MILDMAY [READE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Essex, England. See family tree 287. Agnes died in 1552, aged about 37, in Writtle, Essex, England. Thomas Mildmay 1220, aged about 24, married Agnes Mildmay [Reade], aged about -26, in 1489 in Essex, England. They had one daughter: Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 in 1512 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1222. HENRY LE SCROPE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Bolton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 287. Henry died in 1533/12, aged about 53, in Wensley, Yorkshire, England. 1223. MABEL LE SCROPE [DACRE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1476, in Gilsland, Cumberland, England. See family tree 287. Mabel died in 1533/12, aged about 57, in Wensley, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Henry Le Scrope 1222 married Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre]. They had one son: John Le Scrope 1102 in 1510 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1224. HENRY CLIFFORD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1493, in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 287. Henry died in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. 1225. MARGARET CLIFFORD [PERCY] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1508, in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. See family tree 287. Margaret died in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Henry Clifford 1224, aged about 43, married Margaret Clifford [Percy], aged about 28, in 1536 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in 1513 This family is shown within family tree 287. 1226. RICHARD GAWTHROP (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1703, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. See family tree 289. Richard died in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. 1227. MARY GAWTHROP [GIGNER] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1710, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. See family tree 289. Mary died in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Richard Gawthrop 1226 married Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. They had one son: John Gawthrop 1104 This family is shown within family tree 289. 1228. THOMAS ARCHER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1696, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. See family tree 289. 1229. MARTHA ARCHER [BOWMAN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1700, in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. See family tree 289. Martha died in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Thomas Archer 1228 married Martha Archer [Bowman] in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. They had one daughter: Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105 in 1729 This family is shown within family tree 289. 1230. JOHN FRYETH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Bishopworth, Bedminster, Somerset, England. See family tree 289. John died in 1578, aged about 78, in Winsford, England. 1231. JOANNE FRYETH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1500, in Somerset, England. See family tree 289. Joanne died in 1578, aged about 78, in Winsford, England. John Fryeth 1230, aged about 20, married Joanne Fryeth, aged about 20, in 1520. They had one son: John Norman 1106 in 1525 This family is shown within family tree 289. 1232. WILLIAM VAVASOUR (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Cockerington, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 291. William died in Chapel Haselwood, YS, England. 1233. ELIZABETH VAVASOUR [LANGTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1420, in Hudleston, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. Elizabeth died in 1496, aged about 76, in Chapel, Haselwood, Yorkshire, England. William Vavasour 1232 married Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton]. They had one son: Henry Vavasour 1108 in 1421 This family is shown within family tree 291. 1234. WILLIAM GASCOIGNE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1398, in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. William died in 1466, aged about 68, in Gawthorpe Hall, Harewood, Yorkshire, England. 1235. MARGARET GASCOIGNE [CLARELL] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1397, in Aldwark,

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Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. Margaret died in 1441, aged about 44, in Gawthorpe Hall, Harewood, Yorkshire, England. William Gascoigne 1234, aged about 58, married Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell], aged about 59, in 1456 in Aldwark, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 in 1428 This family is shown within family tree 291. 1236. WILLIAM CALVERLY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1483, in Calverley, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. William died in 1529, aged about 46, in Calverhall, England. 1237. ALICE CALVERLY [SAVILE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1445, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. Alice died in 1529, aged about 84. William Calverly 1236, aged about 16, married Alice Calverly [Savile], aged about 54, in 1499. They had one son: Walter Calverley 1110 in 1483 This family is shown within family tree 291. 1238. JOHN DRAX DRAKES (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1455, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. 1239. MARGARET DRAKES [AMYAS] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1460, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 291. John Drax Drakes 1238, aged about 31, married Margaret Drakes [Amyas], aged about 26, in 1486 in Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Isabel Calverley [Drakes] 1111 in 1475 This family is shown within family tree 291. 1240. RICHARD WEIGHTMAN (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Burbage, Leicestershire, England, to Thomas Weightman 1344, as shown in family tree 384. Richard died in 1491, aged about 91, in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1241. SCIANELEY WEIGHTMAN [WOODAN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1413, in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England, to Thomas Woodan 1345 and Thomas Woodan 1346, as shown within family tree 344. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Richard Weightman 1240, aged about 20, married Scianeley Weightman [Woodan], aged about 7, in 1420 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. They had one son: Thomas Weightman 1113 in 1425 This family is shown as family tree 344. 1242. HENRYE AXTELL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1435, in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 345. Henrye died in 1500, aged about 65. 1243. CECILY AXTELL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1435, in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 345. Henrye Axtell 1242, aged about 25, married Cecily Axtell, aged about 25, in 1460 in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Axtell 1115 in 1460 This family is shown within family tree 345. 1244. THOMAS GOULD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 345. Thomas died in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. 1245. ALICE GOULD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1499, in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England, to Thomas Axtell 1115, as shown within family tree 345. Alice died in 1538, aged about 39, in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. Thomas Gould 1244, aged about 20, married Alice Gould, aged about 21, in 1520 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 in 1531 This family is shown as family tree 345. 1246. THOMAS BOND (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430 to Richard Bond De Earth 1347 and Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1348, as shown in family tree 385. 1247. ELIZABETH BOND [KENDALL] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1434 to Richard Kendall 1349, as shown within family tree 317. Thomas Bond 1246, aged about 42, married Elizabeth Bond [Kendall], aged about 38, in 1472. They had one son: William Bond 1117 in 1467 This family is shown as family tree 346.

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1248. NICHOLAS BOURMAN (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1445, in Hemyoke, Devon, England. See family tree 294. 1249. NICHOLAS BOURMAN (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1448, in Hemyoke, Devon, England. See family tree 294. Nicholas Bourman 1248 married Nicholas Bourman. They had one son: John Bourman 1119 in 1471 This family is shown within family tree 294. 1250. JAMES RUSSELL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1450, in Awyre, Dorsset, England, to John Russell 1350 and Ann Russell [Wise] 1351, as shown within family tree 347. James died in Swyre, Dorset, England. 1251. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1454. See family tree 347. James Russell 1250, aged about 24, married Ms. Unknown, aged about 20, in 1474. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 in 1475 This family is shown as family tree 347. 1252. RICHARD LEIGH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1446, in Langley, Shropshire, England, to Ralph Leigh 1352 and Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353, as shown within family tree 348. Richard died in 1508, aged about 62, in England. 1253. MARGERY LEIGH [SPRENCHEAUX] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1450, in Donnington, Shropshire, England, to Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 and Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355, as shown within family tree 348. Margery died in 1512, aged about 62. Richard Leigh 1252 married Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux]. They had one son: Roger Leigh 1121 in 1483 This family is shown as family tree 348. 1254. WILLIAM BARKER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1508, in Claverly, England, to Humphrey Barker 1356 and Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1357, as shown within family tree 349. William died in Claverly, Shropshire, England. 1255. MARGARET BARKER [GOULSTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1512, in Goulston, Cheswardine, England, to John Goulston 1358, as shown within family tree 320. Margaret died in Claverley, Shropshire, England. William Barker 1254 married Margaret Barker [Goulston]. They had one son: John Barker 1123 in 1500 This family is shown as family tree 349. 1256. THOMAS HILL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Hodnot, Shropshire, England, to Humphrey Hill 1359 and Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360, as shown within family tree 350. Thomas died in 1506, aged about 46, in England. 1257. MARGARET HILL [WILBRAHAM] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1456, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Wilbraham 1361 and Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362, as shown within family tree 350. Margaret died in 1506, aged about 50, in England. Thomas Hill 1256, aged about 28, married Margaret Hill [Wilbraham], aged about 32, in 1488 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in 1500 This family is shown as family tree 350. 1258. JOHN ROSS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1419 to Hugh Ross 1363 and Ms. Ross [Sutherland] 1364, as shown in family tree 386. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 1259. MS. ROSS [MACLEOD] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Torquil. See family tree 351. John Ross 1258 married Ms. Ross [MacLeod]. They had one son: Alexander Ross 1125 in 1440 This family is shown as family tree 351. 1260. ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 296. Alexander fathered one daughter: Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126 about 1440 This family is shown within family tree 296. 1261. JENKIN HANMER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1340, in Hanmer, Flint, Wales, to David Hanmer 1365 and Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1366, as shown in family tree 387. Jenkin died in Shrews, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England.

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1262. EFA HANMER [IORWERTH] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Llai. See family tree 352. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Jenkin Hanmer 1261 married Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth]. They had one son: Edward Hanmer 1145 in 1395 This family is shown as family tree 352. 1263. THOMAS GETHIN LLWYD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Y Ddwyfaen, Dinmael, Wales, to Hywel Llwyd Bala 1367 and Mallt Ferch Bala [Ap Hywel] 1368, as shown in family tree 388. 1264. CATRIN FERCH LLWYD [AP GETHIN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 353. Citation: Source 17 (Name). Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 married Catrin Ferch Llwyd [Ap Gethin]. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146 about 1545 This family is shown as family tree 353. 1265. IEUAN DYMOCK (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1369, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales, to David Dymock 1369 and Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370, as shown in family tree 389. 1266. LUCY DYMOCK [AP RICHARD] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1373, in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales, to Richard Ap Madoc 1371 and Mrs Richard Ap Madoc 1372, as shown within family tree 325. Ieuan Dymock 1265, aged about 30, married Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard], aged about 26, in 1399 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Thomas Dymoke 1148 in 1400 This family is shown as family tree 354. 1267. GRIFFITH GOCH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1372, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales, to Morgan Goch 1373 and Mrs Morgan Goch 1374, as shown within family tree 325. 1268. MRS GRIFFITH GOCH (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1376, in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 325. Griffith Goch 1267 married Mrs Griffith Goch. They had one daughter: Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 in 1402 This family is shown within family tree 325. 1269. RANDLE BRERETON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1394, in Brereton, Cheshire, England, to William Brereton 1375. Randle died in 1420, aged about 26, in Harfleur, France. 1270. ALICE BRERETON [IPSTONES] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1396, in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England, to William De Ipstones 1377 and Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378, as shown in family tree 392. Alice died in 1440, aged about 44, in England. Randle Brereton 1269, aged about 15, married Alice Brereton [Ipstones], aged about 13, in 1409. They had one son: Randle Brereton 1150 in 1426 This family is shown as family tree 355. 1271. DAVID HANMER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales, to Philip De Hanmer 1379 and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380, as shown in family tree 393. David died in 1383, aged about 55, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. 1272. ANGHARAD VERCH HANMER [LLEWELYN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332, in Meisayn, Penyc, Glamorganshire, Wales, to Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381. Angharad died in Wales. David Hanmer 1271 married Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn]. They had one son: Griffith Hanmer 1152 in 1350 This family is shown as family tree 356. 1273. PIERS DUTTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1367, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Edmund Dutton 1383 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384, as shown in family tree 396. Piers died in 1433, aged about 66, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1274. ELIZABETH DUTTON [BUTLER] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1377, in Bewsey, Lancashire, England, to John Boteler 1385 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386, as shown in family tree 397. Elizabeth died in England. Piers Dutton 1273 married Elizabeth Dutton [Butler]. They had one daughter: Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153 in 1407 This family is shown as family tree 357. 1275. GRUFFUDD KYNASTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1404, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire,

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England, to John Kynaston 1387, as shown within family tree 358. Gruffudd died in 1443, aged about 39, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. 1276. MARGARET KYNASTON [HOORD] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1406, in Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England, to John Hoord 1388, as shown within family tree 358. Gruffudd Kynaston 1275, aged about 15, married Margaret Kynaston [Hoord], aged about 13, in 1419 in Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Roger Kynaston 1154 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 358. 1277. HENRY GREY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1419, in Heaton Castle, Wark On Tweed, Northumberland, England, to John Grey 1389 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390, as shown within family tree 359. Henry died in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales. 1278. ANTIGONE GREY [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1428, in Westminster, Middlesex, England, to Humphrey Plantagenet 1391 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392, as shown within family tree 359. Antigone died in Glouchester, England. Henry Grey 1277 married Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] in Pontesbury, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in 1440 This family is shown as family tree 359. 1279. JOHN CARRINGTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England, to George Carrington 1393 and Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1394, as shown in family tree 398. John died in 1453, aged about 23, in England. John fathered one daughter: Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in 1457 This family is shown as family tree 360. 1280. ELIZABETH BEESTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1460, in Carrington, Cheshire, England, to John Beeston 1395 and Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396, as shown in family tree 399. Elizabeth died in England. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in 1457 This family is shown as family tree 361. 1281. PETER DUTTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1428, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to John Dutton 1397 and Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398, as shown in family tree 400. Peter died in Choir, Waverton, Cheshire, England. 1282. ELIZABETH DUTTON [GROSVENOR] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1430, in Hulme, Cheshire, England, to Robert Grosvenor 1399 and Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400, as shown in family tree 401. Elizabeth died in 1469, aged about 39, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Peter Dutton 1281, aged about 36, married Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor], aged about 34, in 1464 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. They had one son: Peter Piers Dutton 1158 in 1465 This family is shown as family tree 362. 1283. ROBERT FOULESHURST (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1432, in Crewe, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 and Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402, as shown in family tree 402. Robert died in 1523, aged about 91, in Thurstanston, Cheshire, England. Robert fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in 1454 This family is shown as family tree 363. 1284. JOAN VERNON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1423, in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England, to Richard Vernon 1403. Joan died. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in 1454 This family is shown as family tree 364. 1285. JENKIN KYNASTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Madoc Kynaston 1405 and Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin] 1406, as shown in family tree 405. Jenkin died in 1389, aged about 59. 1286. ANNES VERCH KYNASTON [LLEWELYN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1334, in Abertanat,

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Llanyblodwel, Shropshire, England, to Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 and Llewelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1408, as shown in family tree 406. Jenkin Kynaston 1285 married Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn]. They had one son: Madoc Kynaston 1160 in 1360 This family is shown as family tree 365. 1287. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Alnwick Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England to Henry De Percy 1409 and Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410, as shown in family tree 407. Henry died in Bramham Moor, Bramham, Yorkshire, England. 1288. MARGARET DE PERCY [NEVILLE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Raby, Durham, England to Ralph Neville 1411 and Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412, as shown in family tree 408. Margaret died in Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Henry De Percy 1287 married Margaret De Percy [Neville] in Brancepeth, Durham, England. They had one daughter: Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 in 1362 This family is shown as family tree 366. 1289. MADOG AP GRUFFUDD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1320, in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 367. 1290. LLEUCU VERCH AP GRUFFUDD [IORWERTH] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1325, in Rhiwabon, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 and Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1414, as shown in family tree 409. Madog Ap Gruffudd 1289 married Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth]. They had one daughter: Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163 in 1350 This family is shown as family tree 367. 1291. THOMAS GREY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Heton, Northumberland, England, to Thomas Grey 1415 and Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416, as shown in family tree 410. Thomas died in Chillingham, Glendale, Northumberland, England. 1292. MARGARET GREY [DE PRESSENE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332, in Preston, Northumberland, England, to William De Pressene 1417 and William De Pressene 1418, as shown in family tree 411. Margaret died in 1383, aged about 51, in Heaton, Northumberland, England. Thomas Grey 1291, aged about 25, married Margaret Grey [De Pressene], aged about 21, in 1353 in Heton, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Thomas Grey 1164 in 1359 This family is shown as family tree 368. 1293. JOHN DE MOWBRAY (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Epworth, Isle Axholme, Lincolnshire, England to John De Mowbray 1419 and Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420, as shown in family tree 412. John died in 1368 in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. 1294. ELIZABETH DE MOWBRAY [DE SEGRAVE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Abbey, Croxton, Leicestershire, England to John De Segrave 1421 and Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422, as shown in family tree 413. Elizabeth died in 1368 in Abbey, Croxton, Leicestershire, England. John De Mowbray 1293 married Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave]. They had one daughter: Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 in 1363 This family is shown as family tree 369. 1295. THOMAS DE HOLAND (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1354, in Upholand, Lancashire, England, to Thomas De Holand 1423 and Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424, as shown in family tree 414. Thomas died in Woodstock, Kent, England. 1296. ALICE DE HOLAND [FITZALAN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Richard Fitzalan 1425 and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426, as shown in family tree 415. Alice died in Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England. Thomas De Holand 1295 married Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167 in 1392 This family is shown as family tree 370. 1297. JOHN OF GAUNT PLANTAGENET (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1340 and 1343, in Abbaye De St Bavon, Ghent, Flandre-Orientale, Belgium, to Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 and Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428, as shown in family tree 416. John died in Leicester Castle, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.

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1298. BLANCHE PLANTAGENET (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Lancaster, Lancashire, England to Henry Plantagenet 1429 and Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430, as shown in family tree 417. Blanche died in London, Middlesex, England. John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 married Blanche Plantagenet in Queens Chapel, Reading, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1168 in This family is shown as family tree 371. 1299. HUMPHREY BOHUN (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hereford, Herefordshire, England to William De Bohun 1431 and Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432, as shown in family tree 418. Humphrey died in Walden Abbey, Essex, England. 1300. JOAN BOHUN [FITZALAN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1347, in Arundel, Essex, England, to Richard Fitzalan 1433 and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434, as shown in family tree 419. Joan died in Saffran Walden, Essex, England. Humphrey Bohun 1299 married Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] in Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169 in 1370 This family is shown as family tree 372. 1301. REYNOLD DE COBHAM (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1348, in Sterborough, Surrey, England, to Reynold De Cobham 1435 and Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436, as shown in family tree 420. Reynold died in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Reynold fathered one son: Reginald Cobham 1170 in 1381 This family is shown as family tree 373. 1302. ELEANOR MALTRAVERS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1346, in Echingham, Sussex, England, to John Maltravers 1437 and Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438, as shown in family tree 421. Eleanor died in Priory, Lewes, Sussex, England. Eleanor gave birth to one son: Reginald Cobham 1170 in 1381 This family is shown as family tree 374. 1303. THOMAS COLEPEPER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1345, in Hardreshull, Warwickshire, England, to John Colepeper 1439 and Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440, as shown in family tree 422. Thomas died in 1429, aged about 84, in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. 1304. ALIANORA COLEPEPER [GREEN] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1340, in Exton, Rutland, England, to Nicholas De Greene 1441. Alianora died in 1395, aged about 55, in Kent, England. Thomas Colepeper 1303 married Alianora Colepeper [Green]. They had one daughter: Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 in 1385 This family is shown as family tree 375. 1305. ROGER PULESTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1426, in Emral, Flint, Wales. See family tree 305. Roger died. 1306. JONET PULESTON [BULKELEY] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Eaton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 305. Roger Puleston 1305, aged about 42, married Jonet Puleston [Bulkeley] in 1468. They had one son: Roger Puleston 1182 in 1470 This family is shown within family tree 305. 1307. WILLIAM HANMER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430. See family tree 305. William died. William fathered one daughter: Jane Puleston [Hanmer] 1183 in 1470 This family is shown within family tree 305. 1308. GRIFFITH HANMER (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 305. Griffith died in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. 1309. ELLEN HANMER [DUTTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1407, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 305. Griffith Hanmer 1308 married Ellen Hanmer [Dutton]. They had one son: Richard Hanmer 1184 in 1470 This family is shown within family tree 305.

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1310. ROGER KYNASTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. See family tree 305. Roger died in 1496, aged about 66, in Middle, Shropshire, England. 1311. ELIZABETH KYNASTON [GREY] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1440, in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England. See family tree 305. Elizabeth died in 1501, aged about 61, in Shropshire, England. Roger Kynaston 1310, aged about 35, married Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey], aged about 25, in 1465 in England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185 in 1455 This family is shown within family tree 305. 1312. ROBERT GROSVENEUR (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1433, in Eton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 306. Robert died in 1502, aged about 69, in Etton, Cheshire, England. 1313. JOHANNA GROSVENEUR [FITTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1447, in Gosworth, Cheshire, England. See family tree 306. Johanna died in 1480, aged about 33, in England. Robert Grosveneur 1312, aged about 20, married Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton], aged about 6, in 1453 in Eton, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 in 1454 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1314. WILLIAM NORRIS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1428, in Speake, Lancashire, England. See family tree 306. William died in England. 1315. JOANE NORRIS [VERE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1433, in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 306. Joane died in England. William Norris 1314, aged about 48, married Joane Norris [Vere], aged about 43, in 1476. They had one daughter: Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in 1455 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1316. JOHN COTTON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1436, in Ridware Hemst, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 306. John died in 1456, aged about 20. 1317. MARY COTTON [POOLE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1438, in Radborne, Derbyshire, England. See family tree 306. Mary died in 1469, aged about 31, in Radborne, Derbyshire, England. John Cotton 1316, aged about 21, married Mary Cotton [Poole], aged about 19, in 1457 in Hemstall, Ridware, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: Richard Cotton 1188 in 1461 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1318. WILLIAM BRERETON (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1414, in Brereton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 306. William died in 1456, aged about 42, in Chester, Cheshire, England. 1319. PHILIPPA BRERETON [HULSE] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1416, in Brereton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 306. Philippa died in Chester, Cheshire, England. William Brereton 1318, aged about 22, married Philippa Brereton [Hulse], aged about 20, in 1436 in Chester, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 in 1454 This family is shown within family tree 306. 1320. ROBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1343, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Gilbert Bullock 1443 and Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444, as shown in family tree 425. Robert died in 1405, aged about 62, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1321. MS ROBT BULLOCK (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1347, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. See family tree 376. Robert Bullock 1320, aged about 30, married Ms Robt Bullock, aged about 26, in 1373 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Bullock 1190 in 1374 This family is shown as family tree 376. 1322. WILLIAM YEADING (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1352, in Yeading, Middlesex, England. See family tree 307. 1323. MS WILLIAM YEADING [YEALDING] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1354, in Yealding, Middlesex, England. See family tree 307.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Yeading 1322 married Ms William Yeading [Yealding]. They had one daughter: Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in 1378 This family is shown within family tree 307.

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1324. ROGER NORREYS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1389, in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England, to John Norreys 1445 and Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446, as shown in family tree 426. Roger died in 1422, aged about 33, in Bray, Berkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Roger fathered one son: William Norreys 1192 in 1390 This family is shown as family tree 377. 1325. ALICE DE ERNYS (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1353, in Chester, Cheshire, England, to Roger De Ernys 1447 and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448, as shown in family tree 427. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Alice gave birth to one son: William Norreys 1192 in 1390 This family is shown as family tree 378. 1326. RICHARD MERBROOKE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Yattenden, Berkshire, England. See family tree 379. Richard died in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1327. HELENA MERBROOKE [MOUNTFORD] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1372, in Bescite, Staffordshire, England, to William Montford 1449 and Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450, as shown in family tree 428. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Richard Merbrooke 1326, aged about -9, married Helena Merbrooke [Mountford], aged about 19, in 1391 in Yattendan, Berkshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice Merbrooke 1193 in 1427 This family is shown as family tree 379. 1328. RICHARD DE VERE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1385, in Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 380. Richard died in Earls Colne, Essex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1329. ALICE DE VERE [SERGEAUX] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1381, in Killigarth Colquite, Cornwall, England, to Richard Sergeaux 1451 and Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452, as shown in family tree 429. Alice died in Earls Colne, Essex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard De Vere 1328, aged about 21, married Alice De Vere [Sergeaux], aged about 25, in 1406 in Hedingham Castle, Essex, England. They had one son: John De Vere 1194 in This family is shown as family tree 380. 1330. JOHN HOWARD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1380, in Wiggenhall, Wigenhall, Norfolk, England, to John Howard 1453 and Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454, as shown in family tree 430. John died in Weeting, Yorkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1331. JOAN HOWARD [WALTON] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1393, in Wyenhoe, Essex, England, to John Walton 1455 and Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456, as shown in family tree 431. Joan died in Wyenhoe, Essex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Howard 1330 married Joan Howard [Walton]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 in 1410 This family is shown as family tree 381. 1332. WILLIAM KINGSMILL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1390, in Barkham, Berkshire, England. See family tree 309. William died in 1476, aged about 86. William fathered one son: Richard Kingsmill 1196 in 1415 This family is shown within family tree 309. 1333. RICHARD KINGSMILL (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1394, in Barkham, Berkshire, England. See family tree 382.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Richard gave birth to one son: Richard Kingsmill 1196 in 1415 This family is shown as family tree 382.

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1334. JOHN GIFFARD (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1456, in Itchell, Hampshire, England. See family tree 310. John died in 1486, aged about 30, in Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, England. 1335. JOHN GIFFARD [GIFFORD] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1460, in Itchell, Southhampton, Hampshire, England. See family tree 310. John died in England. John Giffard 1334 married John Giffard [Gifford]. They had one son: William Gifford 1198 in 1482 This family is shown within family tree 310. 1336. JOHN PAULET (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1452, in Basing, Hampshire, England. See family tree 310. John died in Basing, Hampshire, England. 1337. ALICE PAULET (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1456, in Hinton St George, Somerset, England. See family tree 310. Alice died in Basing, Hampshire, England. John Paulet 1336, aged about 22, married Alice Paulet, aged about 18, in 1474 in Basing, Hampshire, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in 1479 This family is shown within family tree 310. 1338. THOMAS BRUGGE (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1427, in Coberley, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 310. Thomas died in Wiltshire, England. 1339. FLORENCE BRUGGE [DARELL] (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1425, in Littlecote, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 310. Florence died in 1506, aged about 81, in Coberley, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Thomas Brugge 1338, aged about 31, married Florence Brugge [Darell], aged about 33, in 1458 in Littlecote, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Henry Brydges 1200 in 1464 This family is shown within family tree 310. Generation of Seventeen-Times-Great-Grandparents 1340. LAWRENCE BATHURST (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1457, in Cranbrook, Kent, England, to Lawrence Bathurst 1457. Lawrence died in 1549, aged about 92, in Staplehurst, Kent, England. 1341. GODLEVE BATHURST [CHAPMAN] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1462, in Canterbury, Kent, England, to Robert Chapman 1459, as shown within family tree 383. Godleve died in 1547, aged about 85, in Staplehurst, Kent, England. Lawrence Bathurst 1340, aged about 22, married Godleve Bathurst [Chapman], aged about 17, in 1479 in Canterbury, Kent, England. They had one son: Thomas Bathurst 1206 in 1480 This family is shown as family tree 383. 1342. THOMAS DUNCOMBE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England, to William Duncombe 1461, as shown within family tree 343. Thomas died in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. 1343. JOANE DUNCOMBE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 343. Joane died in 1533 in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Thomas Duncombe 1342 married Joane Duncombe. They had one son: William Duncombe 1209 in 1480 This family is shown within family tree 343. 1344. THOMAS WEIGHTMAN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1380, in Burbage, Leicestershire, England, to Richard Weightman 1462 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463, as shown in family tree 434. Thomas died in 1471, aged about 91. Thomas fathered two sons: Richard Weightman 1462 in 1400 Richard Weightman 1240 in 1400 This family is shown as family tree 384. 1345. THOMAS WOODAN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1380, in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 344.

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1346. THOMAS WOODAN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1384, in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 344. Thomas Woodan 1345, aged about 24, married Thomas Woodan, aged about 20, in 1404 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. They had one daughter: Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 in 1413 This family is shown within family tree 344. 1347. RICHARD BOND DE EARTH (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1412, in England, to Robert Bond 1464 and Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465, as shown in family tree 435. Richard died in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1348. AGENTA DE EARTH [MAYNARD] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1414 to Richard Maynard 1466 and Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1467, as shown within family tree 346. Richard Bond De Earth 1347 married Agenta De Earth [Maynard]. They had one son: Thomas Bond 1246 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 385. 1349. RICHARD KENDALL (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 317. Richard fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Bond [Kendall] 1247 in 1434 This family is shown within family tree 317. 1350. JOHN RUSSELL (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1432, in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England, to Henry Russell 1468 and Elizabeth Russell [Herring] 1469, as shown within family tree 347. John died in 1505, aged about 73, in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Dorset, England. 1351. ANN RUSSELL [WISE] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1433, in Sydenham, Devon, England, to John Wyse 1470 and Thomasine Wyse [Fulford] 1471, as shown within family tree 347. John Russell 1350 married Ann Russell [Wise]. They had one son: James Russell 1250 in 1450 This family is shown within family tree 347. 1352. RALPH LEIGH (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1418, in Langley, Shropshire, England, to Robert Leigh 1472 and Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473, as shown within family tree 348. Ralph died in 1471, aged about 53. 1353. ISABELLA LEIGH [RIDLEY] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1425, in Alkington, Shropshire, England, to James Ridley 1474, as shown within family tree 348. Isabella died in England. Ralph Leigh 1352 married Isabella Leigh [Ridley]. They had one son: Richard Leigh 1252 in 1446 This family is shown within family tree 348. 1354. FULKE SPRENCHEAUX (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1418, in Donington, Shropshire, England, to Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 and Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476, as shown within family tree 348. 1355. MARGERY SPRENCHEAUX [WYNNESBURY] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1426, in Donington, Shropshire, England, to John Wynnesbury 1477 and Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478, as shown within family tree 348. Fulke Sprencheaux 1354, aged about 22, married Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury], aged about 14, in 1440 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253 in 1450 This family is shown within family tree 348. 1356. HUMPHREY BARKER (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Aston, Warwickshire, England, to John Barker 1479 and Margaret Barker [Coleclough] 1480, as shown within family tree 349. Humphrey died in 1538, aged about 48, in Aston, Warwickshire, England. 1357. MARGARET BARKER [GOULSTON] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 349. Humphrey Barker 1356 married Margaret Barker [Goulston]. They had one son: William Barker 1254 in 1508 This family is shown within family tree 349. 1358. JOHN GOULSTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1450, in Goulston, Cheswardine, England. See family tree 320. John died in Goulston, Parish Sheswardi, England. John fathered one daughter: Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255 in 1512 This family is shown within family tree 320.

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1359. HUMPHREY HILL (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1404, in Hodnet, Shropshire, England. See family tree 350. Humphrey died in 1484, aged about 80, in Buntingdale, Shropshire, England. 1360. AGNES HILL [BIRD] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Chorlton, Malpas, Cheshire, England, to John Bird 1481 and Alice Bird [Malpas] 1482, as shown within family tree 350. Agnes died in Buntingdale, Shropshire, England. Humphrey Hill 1359, aged about 25, married Agnes Hill [Bird], aged about 19, in 1429 in Buntingdale, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Hill 1256 in 1460 This family is shown within family tree 350. 1361. THOMAS WILBRAHAM (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1409, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England, to Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 and Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484, as shown within family tree 350. Thomas died in 1492, aged about 83, in Woodhey, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. 1362. MARGARET WILBRAHAM [SWETENHAM] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1413, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Swetenham 1485 and Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486, as shown within family tree 350. Margaret died in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Thomas Wilbraham 1361, aged about 25, married Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham], aged about 21, in 1434 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in 1456 This family is shown within family tree 350. 1363. HUGH ROSS (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born to Walter Ross 1487, as shown in family tree 436. 1364. MS. ROSS [SUTHERLAND] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Sutherlands, Scotland to Helen Sinclair 1488, as shown in family tree 437. Hugh Ross 1363 married Ms. Ross [Sutherland]. They had one son: John Ross 1258 in 1419 This family is shown as family tree 386. 1365. DAVID HANMER (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales, to Philip De Hanmer 1489 and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490, as shown in family tree 438. David died in 1383, aged about 55, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. 1366. ANGHARAD V HANMER [LLYWELYN DDU] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1314, in Maelor, Wales, to Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 and Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492, as shown in family tree 439. David Hanmer 1365 married Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu]. They had one son: Jenkin Hanmer 1261 in 1340 This family is shown as family tree 387. 1367. HYWEL LLWYD BALA (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born to Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd 1493 and Lowri Verch Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan] 1494, as shown within family tree 388. 1368. MALLT FERCH BALA [AP HYWEL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born to Hywel Fychen Ap Gruffudd 1495 and Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John] 1496, as shown within family tree 388. Hywel Llwyd Bala 1367 married Mallt Ferch Bala [Ap Hywel]. They had one son: Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 in 1520 This family is shown as family tree 388. 1369. DAVID DYMOCK (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1338, in Willington, Flintshire, Wales, to David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 and Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498, as shown within family tree 389. 1370. MARGARET DYMOCK [VOEL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1342, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales, to David Voel 1499 and Mrs David Voel 1500, as shown within family tree 354. David Dymock 1369, aged about 30, married Margaret Dymock [Voel], aged about 26, in 1368 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: Ieuan Dymock 1265 in 1369 This family is shown as family tree 389. 1371. RICHARD AP MADOC (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1343, in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 325. 1372. MRS RICHARD AP MADOC (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1347, in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 325. Richard Ap Madoc 1371 married Mrs Richard Ap Madoc. They had one daughter: Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 in 1373 This family is shown within family tree 325.

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1373. MORGAN GOCH (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1342, in Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 325. 1374. MRS MORGAN GOCH (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1346, in Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 325. Morgan Goch 1373 married Mrs Morgan Goch. They had one son: Griffith Goch 1267 in 1372 This family is shown within family tree 325. 1375. WILLIAM BRERETON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1320, in Brereton, Cheshire, England, to William Brereton 1501 and Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502, as shown within family tree 390. William died in 1385, aged about 65, in Hartfleur, France. William fathered one son: Randle Brereton 1269 in 1394 This family is shown as family tree 390. 1376. MARGARET DONE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1351, in Utkinton, Cheshire, England, to Henry Done 1503. Margaret died in 1408, aged about 57. Margaret gave birth to one son: Randle Brereton 1269 in 1394 This family is shown as family tree 391. 1377. WILLIAM DE IPSTONES (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1390, in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England, to John De Ipstones 1505 and Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506, as shown within family tree 392. William died in 1399, aged about 9, in Ipstones, Staffords, England. 1378. MAUD DE IPSTONES [DE SWYNNERTON] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1365, in Barrow, Cheshire, England, to Robert De Swynnerton 1507 and Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508, as shown within family tree 392. Maud died in 1415, aged about 50, in Clifton, Cheshire, England. William De Ipstones 1377, aged about 8, married Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton], aged about 33, in 1398 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 in 1396 This family is shown as family tree 392. 1379. PHILIP DE HANMER (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales, to John De Hanmer 1509 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510, as shown within family tree 393. 1380. AGNES VERCH DE HANMER [DAFYDD] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Wales, to Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 and Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1512, as shown within family tree 393. Philip De Hanmer 1379, aged about 28, married Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd], aged about 23, in 1328. They had one son: David Hanmer 1271 in 1328 This family is shown as family tree 393. 1381. LLYWELYN DDU AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513. Llywelyn died in 1305, aged about 5, in Bryncunallt, Wales. Llywelyn fathered one daughter: Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272 in 1332 This family is shown as family tree 394. 1382. LEUCU VERCH EDNYFED LLWYD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales, to Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 and Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516, as shown within family tree 395. Leucu gave birth to one daughter: Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272 in 1332 This family is shown as family tree 395. 1383. EDMUND DUTTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1342, in Dutton, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Dutton 1517 and Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518, as shown within family tree 396. Edmund died in 1366, aged about 24, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1384. JOAN DUTTON [MINSHULL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1340, in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England, to Henry Minshull 1519 and Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520, as shown in family tree 442. Joan died in 1387, aged about 47, in Minshull, Cheshire, England.

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Edmund Dutton 1383, aged about 24, married Joan Dutton [Minshull], aged about 26, in 1366 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Piers Dutton 1273 in 1367 This family is shown as family tree 396. 1385. JOHN BOTELER (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1335, in Bewsey, Lancashire, England, to William Le Boteler 1521 and Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522, as shown within family tree 397. John died in 1400, aged about 65, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lanc, England. 1386. ALICIA BOTELER [PLUMPTON] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to William De Plumpton 1523 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524, as shown within family tree 397. Alicia died in 1374, aged about 42, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancastershire, England. John Boteler 1385, aged about 39, married Alicia Boteler [Plumpton], aged about 42, in 1374 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274 in 1377 This family is shown as family tree 397. 1387. JOHN KYNASTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1382, in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Madoc Kynaston 1525 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526, as shown within family tree 358. John fathered one son: Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 in 1404 This family is shown within family tree 358. 1388. JOHN HOORD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1378, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Roger Hoord 1527 and Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1528, as shown within family tree 358. John died in Ireland. John fathered one daughter: Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 in 1406 This family is shown within family tree 358. 1389. JOHN GREY (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1386, in Wark Upon Tweed, Northumberland, England, to Thomas Grey 1529 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530, as shown within family tree 359. John died in Bauge, Anjou, France. 1390. JOAN GREY [CHERLETON] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1399, in Mongomeryshire, Powys, Wales, to Edward Cherleton 1531 and Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532, as shown within family tree 359. Joan died in England. John Grey 1389, aged about 32, married Joan Grey [Cherleton], aged about 19, in 1418 in Up Holland, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Henry Grey 1277 in 1419 This family is shown within family tree 359. 1391. HUMPHREY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lancaster, Lancshire, England to Henry Plantagenet 1533 and Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1534, as shown within family tree 359. Humphrey died in Abbey, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England. 1392. ELEANOR PLANTAGENET [COBHAM] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Sterborough Castle, Kent, England, to Reginald Cobham 1535 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536, as shown within family tree 359. Eleanor died in 1454, aged about 44, in Peel Castle, Isle Of Man. Humphrey Plantagenet 1391 married Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham]. They had one daughter: Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278 in 1428 This family is shown within family tree 359. 1393. GEORGE CARRINGTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1375, in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England, to William Carrington 1537 and Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538, as shown within family tree 398. George died in 1426, aged about 51. 1394. ELIZABETH CARRINGTON [DE WARREN] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1420 to Laurence Warren 1539 and Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540, as shown within family tree 398. George Carrington 1393 married Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren]. They had one son: John Carrington 1279 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 398. 1395. JOHN BEESTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Beeston, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Beeston 1541 and Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542, as shown in family tree 443. John died in 1498, aged about 68, in Beeston Castle, Cheshire, England.

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1396. ELIZABETH BEESTON [BOLD] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1441, in Lancashire, England, to Henry De Bold 1543 and Gracia De Bold 1544, as shown within family tree 399. Elizabeth died in 1505, aged about 64, in Beeston, Cheshire, England. John Beeston 1395, aged about 27, married Elizabeth Beeston [Bold], aged about 16, in 1457 in Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Beeston 1280 in 1460 This family is shown as family tree 399. 1397. JOHN DUTTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1399, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Hugh Dutton 1545 and Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546, as shown within family tree 400. John died in 1461, aged about 62, in Pulpit, Waverton Church, Cheshire, England. 1398. MARGARET DUTTON [ATHERTON] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Atherton, Lancashire, England, to William Atherton 1547 and Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548, as shown within family tree 400. Margaret died in 1454, aged about 44, in Waverton Church, Cheshire, England. John Dutton 1397, aged about 28, married Margaret Dutton [Atherton], aged about 17, in 1427 in Atherton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Peter Dutton 1281 in 1428 This family is shown as family tree 400. 1399. ROBERT GROSVENOR (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1405, in Hulme, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Grosvenor 1549 and Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550, as shown within family tree 401. Robert died in 1464/1, aged about 59, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. 1400. JANET GROSVENOR [DE CHEDELL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1409, in Cheshire, England, to Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 and Jeoffry De Chedell 1552, as shown within family tree 362. Janet died in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Robert Grosvenor 1399, aged about 24, married Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell], aged about 20, in 1429 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 401. 1401. THOMAS FULLESHURST (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1397, in Crewe, Cheshire, England, to Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 and Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554, as shown within family tree 402. Thomas died. 1402. CECILY FULLESHURST [MAINWARING] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1401, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England, to Randle Mainwaring 1555 and Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556, as shown within family tree 402. Cecily died in 1402, aged about 1, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Thomas Fulleshurst 1401, aged about 22, married Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring], aged about 18, in 1419 in Crewe, Farndon, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Robert Fouleshurst 1283 in 1432 This family is shown as family tree 402. 1403. RICHARD VERNON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Haddon, Derbyshire, England, to Richard Vernon 1557 and Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558, as shown within family tree 403. Richard died in 1400, aged about 30, in Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England. Richard fathered one daughter: Joan Vernon 1284 in 1423 This family is shown as family tree 403. 1404. ELEANOR HULSE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1387, in Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, England, to Hugh Hulse 1559 and Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560, as shown within family tree 404. Eleanor gave birth to one daughter: Joan Vernon 1284 in 1423 This family is shown as family tree 404. 1405. MADOC KYNASTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1340, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Cheshire, England, to Philip Kynaston 1561 and Gwerfyl Verch Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1562, as shown within family tree 405. Madoc died in 1403, aged about 63, in Shrewsbury, England. 1406. SYLVIA VERCH KYNASTON [JENKIN] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, England, to Jenkin Lord 1563 and Jane Lord [Tuchet] 1564, as shown within family tree 405. Madoc Kynaston 1405 married Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin]. They had one son: Jenkin Kynaston 1285 in 1330 This family is shown as family tree 405.

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1407. LLYWELYN DDU AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565. Llywelyn died in 1305, aged about 5, in Bryncunallt, Wales. 1408. LLEWELYN DDU AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1315. See family tree 406. Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 married Llewelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd]. They had one daughter: Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1286 in 1334 This family is shown as family tree 406. 1409. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1320, in Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, to Henry De Percy 1567 and Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568, as shown within family tree 407. Henry died in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. 1410. MARY DE PERCY [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1320, in Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England, to Henry Plantagenet 1569 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570, as shown within family tree 407. Mary died in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Henry De Percy 1409, aged about 16, married Mary De Percy [Plantagenet], aged about 16, between 1334 and 1339 in Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: Henry De Percy 1287 in This family is shown as family tree 407. 1411. RALPH NEVILLE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1291, in Raby, Durham, England, to Randolph De Neville 1571 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572, as shown within family tree 408. Ralph died in Durham, England. 1412. ALICE NEVILLE [DE AUDLEY] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1300, in Hadley, Staffordshire, England, to Hugh Audley 1573 and Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574, as shown within family tree 408. Alice died in Greystoke, Northumberland, England. Ralph Neville 1411 married Alice Neville [De Audley]. They had one daughter: Margaret De Percy [Neville] 1288 in This family is shown as family tree 408. 1413. IORWERTH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1295, in Rhiwabon, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Awr 1575, as shown within family tree 367. Iorwerth died in 1332, aged about 37. 1414. MARGRED VERCH AP IORWERTH [MADOG] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1300, in Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales, to Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 and Agharad Verch Ap Heilyn [Daffyd] 1577, as shown within family tree 409. Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 married Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog]. They had one daughter: Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1290 in 1325 This family is shown as family tree 409. 1415. THOMAS GREY (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1297, in Heton, Islandshire, Northumberland, England, to Thomas De Grey 1578 and Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579, as shown within family tree 410. Thomas died in 1344, aged about 47, in Chillingham, Glendale, Northumberland, England. 1416. AGNES GREY [DE BEYLE] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1301, in Heton, Northumberland, England. See family tree 410. Agnes died in 1322, aged about 21, in Heton, Northumberland, England. Thomas Grey 1415, aged about 30, married Agnes Grey [De Beyle], aged about 26, in 1327 in Heton, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Thomas Grey 1291 in 1328 This family is shown as family tree 410. 1417. WILLIAM DE PRESSENE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1303, in Preston, Northumberland, England, to Henry De Percy 1580 and Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581, as shown within family tree 411. William died in 1350, aged about 47, in Preston, Northumberland, England. 1418. WILLIAM DE PRESSENE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Preston, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. See family tree 411. William De Pressene 1417, aged about 24, married William De Pressene, aged about 17, in 1327 in Preston, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in 1332 This family is shown as family tree 411. 1419. JOHN DE MOWBRAY (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hovingham, Yorkshire, England to John De

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Mowbray 1582 and Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583, as shown within family tree 412. John died in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. 1420. JOAN DE MOWBRAY [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Norfolk, England, to Henry Plantagenet 1584 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585, as shown within family tree 412. Joan died in High Alter, Byland. John De Mowbray 1419 married Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet], aged about 29, in 1339 in Epworth, Isle Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. They had one son: John De Mowbray 1293 in This family is shown as family tree 412. 1421. JOHN DE SEGRAVE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1315, in Norfolk, England, to Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 and Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587, as shown within family tree 413. John died in Spms, Leicester, Leicestershire, England. 1422. MARGARET DE SEGRAVE [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1322, in Norfolk, England, to Thomas Plantagenet 1588 and Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589, as shown in family tree 445. Margaret died in Carthusian Church, Grey Friars, London, England. John De Segrave 1421, aged about 23, married Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet], aged about 16, in 1338 in Brotherton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294 in This family is shown as family tree 413. 1423. THOMAS DE HOLAND (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1314, in Upholland, Lancashire, England, to Robert De Holand 1590 and Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591, as shown within family tree 414. Thomas died in Normandy, France. 1424. JOAN DE HOLAND [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Woodstock, Kent, England to Edmund Plantagenet 1592 and Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593, as shown within family tree 414. Joan died in Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England. Thomas De Holand 1423 married Joan De Holand [Plantagenet]. They had one son: Thomas De Holand 1295 in 1354 This family is shown as family tree 414. 1425. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Edmund Fitzalan 1594 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595, as shown within family tree 415. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1426. ELEANOR FITZALAN [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1311, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Henry Plantagenet 1596 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597, as shown within family tree 415. Eleanor died in Arundel, Sussex, England. Richard Fitzalan 1425 married Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] in Ditton Church, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296 in 1350 This family is shown as family tree 415. 1427. EDWARD III PLANTAGENET (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England to King Edward 1598 and Isabella Edward [De France] 1599, as shown in family tree 446. Edward died in Shene Palace, Surrey, England. 1428. PHILIPPA PLANTAGENET [D AVESNES] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1314, in Le Quesnoy, Nord, France, to Willem De Avesnes 1600 and Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601, as shown in family tree 447. Philippa died in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England. Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 married Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] in York Minster, York, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 about 1342 This family is shown as family tree 416. 1429. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Grosmont Castle, Grosmont, Monmouthshire, England, to Henry Plantagenet 1602 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603, as shown in family tree 448. Henry died in Spms, Leicester, Leicestershire, England. 1430. ISABEL PLANTAGENET [DE BEAUMONT] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1315, in Loughborough Castle, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, to Henry Beaumont 1604 and Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605, as shown within family tree 417. Isabel died in 1361, aged about 46, in Leicestershire, England.

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Henry Plantagenet 1429, aged about 35, married Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont], aged about 20, in 1335 in Queens Chapel, Reading, Berkshire, England. They had one daughter: Blanche Plantagenet 1298 in This family is shown as family tree 417. 1431. WILLIAM DE BOHUN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1312, in Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England, to Humphrey De Bohun 1606, as shown within family tree 418. William died in Walden Abbey, Essex, England. 1432. ELIZABETH DE BOHUN [DE BADLESMERE] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1313, in Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England. See family tree 418. Elizabeth died in Black Friars, England. William De Bohun 1431, aged about 23, married Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere], aged about 22, in 1335 in Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England. They had one son: Humphrey Bohun 1299 in This family is shown as family tree 418. 1433. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Edmund Fitzalan 1607 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608, as shown within family tree 419. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1434. ELEANOR FITZALAN [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1311, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Henry Plantagenet 1609 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610, as shown within family tree 419. Eleanor died in Arundel, Sussex, England. Richard Fitzalan 1433 married Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] in Ditton Church, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300 in 1347 This family is shown as family tree 419. 1435. REYNOLD DE COBHAM (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1295, in Orkesden, Eynesford, Kent, England, to Reginald De Cobham 1611 and Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612, as shown within family tree 420. Reynold died in Church, Lingfield, England. 1436. JOANE DE COBHAM [DE BERKELEY] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1329, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, to Thomas De Berkeley 1613 and Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614, as shown within family tree 420. Joane died in Southwark, London, Middlesex, England. Reynold De Cobham 1435, aged about 45, married Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley], aged about 11, in 1340 in Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Reynold De Cobham 1301 in 1348 This family is shown as family tree 420. 1437. JOHN MALTRAVERS (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1314, in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, to John Maltravers 1615 and Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616, as shown within family tree 421. John died in Maltravers, Dorset, England. 1438. GWENTHLIAN MALTRAVERS [WENTHLIAN] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1324, in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, to Mr. Unknown 1617, as shown within family tree 421. Gwenthlian died in 1375, aged about 51, in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. John Maltravers 1437, aged about 26, married Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian], aged about 16, in 1340 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Maltravers 1302 in 1346 This family is shown as family tree 421. 1439. JOHN COLEPEPER (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1308, in Brenchley, Kent, England, to Thomas Colepeper 1618 and Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619, as shown within family tree 422. John died in 1376, aged about 68, in Bayhall Manor, Pembury, Kent, England. 1440. ELIZABETH COLEPEPER [HARDRESHULL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1312, in Hardreshull, Warwickshire, England, to John Hardreshull 1620 and Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621, as shown in family tree 449. Elizabeth died in 1386, aged about 74, in Bayhall, England. John Colepeper 1439, aged about 26, married Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull], aged about 22, in 1334 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. They had one son: Thomas Colepeper 1303 in 1345 This family is shown as family tree 422. 1441. NICHOLAS DE GREENE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1312, in Sir, Exton, Rutland, England, to

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Thomas De Greene 1622 and Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623, as shown in family tree 450. Nicholas died in Baker Vol. Nicholas fathered one daughter: Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in 1340 This family is shown as family tree 423. 1442. JOAN BRUCE (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1347, in Exton, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England, to John Bruce 1624 and Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1625, as shown in family tree 451. Joan died. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in 1340 This family is shown as family tree 424. 1443. GILBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1312, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Robert Bullock 1626 and Mrs Robert Bullock 1627, as shown in family tree 452. 1444. ANNE BULLOCK [NEVILL] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1316, in Barkham, Berkshire, England, to Thomas De Neville 1628. Gilbert Bullock 1443, aged about 30, married Anne Bullock [Nevill], aged about 26, in 1342 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Robert Bullock 1320 in 1343 This family is shown as family tree 425. 1445. JOHN NORREYS (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1372, in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England, to Henry Norreys 1630 and Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631, as shown in family tree 455. John died in 1456, aged about 84, in Bray, Berkshire, England. 1446. MILLICENT NORREYS [RAVENSCROFT] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1438, in Northamptonshire, England, to Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 and Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633, as shown in family tree 456. Millicent died in 1525, aged about 87. John Norreys 1445 married Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft]. They had one son: Roger Norreys 1324 in 1389 This family is shown as family tree 426. 1447. ROGER DE ERNYS (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1310, in Chester, Cheshire, England, to Robert Ernois 1634 and Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1635, as shown in family tree 457. 1448. JOAN DE ERNYS [DE MOLYNEUX] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Little Crosby, Sefton, Lancashire, England, to William De Molyneux 1636 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637, as shown in family tree 458. Roger De Ernys 1447, aged about 30, married Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux], aged about 30, in 1340. They had one daughter: Alice De Ernys 1325 in 1353 This family is shown as family tree 427. 1449. WILLIAM MONTFORD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1356, in Whiston, Northamptonshire, England, to Baldwin De Montfort 1638 and Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1639, as shown in family tree 459. William died in 1450, aged about 94. 1450. ROSE MONTFORD [BRADSTONE] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1360, in Whiston, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 428. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). William Montford 1449, aged about 16, married Rose Montford [Bradstone], aged about 12, in 1372 in Bescote, Staffordshire, England. They had one daughter: Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 in 1372 This family is shown as family tree 428. 1451. RICHARD SERGEAUX (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1346, in Colquite, Cornwall, England, to Richard Sergeaux 1640 and Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641, as shown in family tree 460. Richard died in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. 1452. PHILLIPPA SERGEAUX [FITZALAN] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1351, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Edmund Fitzalan 1642 and Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643, as shown in family tree 461. Phillippa died in 1399, aged about 48, in Sussex, England. Richard Sergeaux 1451, aged about 27, married Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan], aged about 22, in 1373 in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one daughter: Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 in 1381 This family is shown as family tree 429.

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1453. JOHN HOWARD (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1365, in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England, to Robert Howard 1644 and Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645, as shown in family tree 462. John died in Jerusalem, Lincolnshire, England. 1454. ALICE HOWARD [TENDRING] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1365, in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England, to William Tendring 1646 and Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647, as shown in family tree 463. Alice died in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England. John Howard 1453, aged about 20, married Alice Howard [Tendring], aged about 20, in 1385 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. They had one son: John Howard 1330 in 1380 This family is shown as family tree 430. 1455. JOHN WALTON (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1372, in St Peter, Hunts, England, to John De Walton 1648. John died in 1391, aged about 19. 1456. ELIZABETH WALTON [BUTLER] (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1379, in Bewsey, Lancashire, England, to John Boteler 1650 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651, as shown in family tree 466. Elizabeth died in 1425, aged about 46. John Walton 1455, aged about 17, married Elizabeth Walton [Butler], aged about 10, in 1389 in Plympton, St Mary, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Joan Howard [Walton] 1331 in 1393 This family is shown as family tree 431. Generation of Eighteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 1457. LAWRENCE BATHURST (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1435, in Canterbury, Cranebrook, Kent, England, to Lawrence Bathurst 1652, as shown in family tree 467. Lawrence died in 1461, aged about 26, in Sussex, England. Lawrence fathered one son: Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in 1457 This family is shown as family tree 432. 1458. AGNES LNU (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1400. See family tree 433. Agnes died in 1483, aged about 83, in England. Agnes gave birth to one son: Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in 1457 This family is shown as family tree 433. 1459. ROBERT CHAPMAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1440, in Canterbury, Kent, England. See family tree 383. Robert died in England. Robert married twice, including Robert Chapman 1460. Robert fathered one daughter: Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in 1462 This family is shown within family tree 383. 1460. ROBERT CHAPMAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather's wife) was born in 1444, in Canterbury, Kent, England. Robert Chapman 1459, aged about 21, married Robert Chapman, aged about 17, in 1461 in Canterbury, Kent, England. 1461. WILLIAM DUNCOMBE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 343. William fathered one son: Thomas Duncombe 1342 in 1460 This family is shown within family tree 343. 1462. RICHARD WEIGHTMAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Burbage, Leicestershire, England, to Thomas Weightman 1344, as shown in family tree 384. Richard died in 1491, aged about 91, in England. 1463. SCIANELEY WEIGHTMAN [WOODAN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1413, in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 434. Richard Weightman 1462, aged about 20, married Scianeley Weightman [Woodan], aged about 7, in 1420 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. They had one son: Thomas Weightman 1344 in 1380 This family is shown as family tree 434. 1464. ROBERT BOND (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1378, in Penryn, Cornwall, England, to Richard Bond 1653, as shown in family tree 468. Robert died in England.

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1465. ELIZABETH BOND [DE EARTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1375, in Earth, By Saltash, Corn, England, to Geoffrey De Earth 1654 and Ms. Unknown 1655, as shown within family tree 435. Elizabeth died in England. Robert Bond 1464, aged about 30, married Elizabeth Bond [De Earth], aged about 33, in 1408 in Tiverton, Castel, Cornwall, England. They had one son: Richard Bond De Earth 1347 in 1412 This family is shown as family tree 435. 1466. RICHARD MAYNARD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1393, in England. See family tree 346. Richard died in England. 1467. ISABEL MAYNARD [COTGREAVE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1393, in England. See family tree 346. Isabel died in 1455, aged about 62. Richard Maynard 1466 married Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave]. They had one daughter: Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1348 in 1414 This family is shown within family tree 346. 1468. HENRY RUSSELL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1405, in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England. See family tree 347. Henry died in 1463, aged about 58, in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England. 1469. ELIZABETH RUSSELL [HERRING] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Winterborn Clenston, Dorset, England. See family tree 347. Elizabeth died in 1449, aged about 39. Henry Russell 1468 married Elizabeth Russell [Herring]. They had one son: John Russell 1350 in 1432 This family is shown within family tree 347. 1470. JOHN WYSE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1415, in Sydenham, Devon, England. See family tree 347. 1471. THOMASINE WYSE [FULFORD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1412, in Great Fulford, Devon, England. See family tree 347. John Wyse 1470 married Thomasine Wyse [Fulford]. They had one daughter: Ann Russell [Wise] 1351 in 1433 This family is shown within family tree 347. 1472. ROBERT LEIGH (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1392, in Langley, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. Robert died in 1450, aged about 58, in Langley, Shropshire, England. 1473. PETRONILLA LEIGH [LEE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1398, in Pevenhull, Pimhill, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. Petronilla died in 1461, aged about 63, in England. Robert Leigh 1472 married Petronilla Leigh [Lee]. They had one son: Ralph Leigh 1352 in 1418 This family is shown within family tree 348. 1474. JAMES RIDLEY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1402, in Alkington, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. James fathered one daughter: Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353 in 1425 This family is shown within family tree 348. 1475. NICHOLAS SPRENCHEAUX (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1392, in Donington, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. 1476. NICHOLAS SPRENCHEAUX (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1398, in Donnington, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475, aged about 25, married Nicholas Sprencheaux, aged about 19, in 1417 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 in 1418 This family is shown within family tree 348. 1477. JOHN WYNNESBURY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1397, in Donington, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. 1478. MARGARET WYNNESBURY [HUMPHRESTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1405, in Humphreston Manor, Shropshire, England. See family tree 348. John Wynnesbury 1477, aged about 29, married Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston], aged about 21, in 1426 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 in 1426 This family is shown within family tree 348. Page 300

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1479. JOHN BARKER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1462, in Claverley, Shropshire, England. See family tree 349. John died in 1531, aged about 69, in Colehurst, Nr Market Drayton, Shropshire, England. 1480. MARGARET BARKER [COLECLOUGH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 349. Margaret died in 1538 in England. John Barker 1479 married Margaret Barker [Coleclough]. They had one son: Humphrey Barker 1356 in 1490 This family is shown within family tree 349. 1481. JOHN BIRD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1382, in Hampton Bickerton, Enland, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. 1482. ALICE BIRD [MALPAS] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1388, in Hampton Bickerton, Enland, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. John Bird 1481 married Alice Bird [Malpas]. They had one daughter: Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 in 1410 This family is shown within family tree 350. 1483. THOMAS DE WILBURGHAM (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1389, in Radnor, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. Thomas died in 1470, aged about 81, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. 1484. MARGARET DE WILBURGHAM [GOLBORNE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1389, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. Margaret died in 1450, aged about 61, in England. Thomas De Wilburgham 1483, aged about 13, married Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne], aged about 13, in 1402 in Woodhay, Hampshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Wilbraham 1361 in 1409 This family is shown within family tree 350. 1485. THOMAS SWETENHAM (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1387, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. Thomas died in England. 1486. ALICE SWETENHAM [DE OVERTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1389, in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. See family tree 350. Thomas Swetenham 1485, aged about 25, married Alice Swetenham [De Overton], aged about 23, in 1412 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 in 1413 This family is shown within family tree 350. 1487. WALTER ROSS (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born to William Ross 1656 and Catherine Ross [Macintyre] 1657, as shown in family tree 469. Walter fathered one son: Hugh Ross 1363 This family is shown as family tree 436. 1488. HELEN SINCLAIR (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born to Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658, as shown in family tree 470. Helen gave birth to one daughter: Ms. Ross [Sutherland] 1364 This family is shown as family tree 437. 1489. PHILIP DE HANMER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales, to John De Hanmer 1659 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660, as shown in family tree 471. 1490. AGNES VERCH DE HANMER [DAFYDD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Wales, to Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 and Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1662, as shown in family tree 472. Philip De Hanmer 1489, aged about 28, married Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd], aged about 23, in 1328. They had one son: David Hanmer 1365 in 1328 This family is shown as family tree 438. 1491. LLYWELYN DDU AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663. Llywelyn died in 1305, aged about 5, in Bryncunallt, Wales. 1492. MARGRED VERCH AP GRUFFYDD [MADOG FYCHAN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1294, in Bryncunillt, Wales, to Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 and Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666, as shown in family tree 475.

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Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491, aged about 13, married Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan], aged about 19, in 1313 in Montgomery, Wales. They had one daughter: Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1366 in 1314 This family is shown as family tree 439. 1493. DAFYDD O R AP MAREDUDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 388. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 1494. LOWRI VERCH AP MAREDUDD [AP IEUAN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Rhiwgoch, Trawsfynydd, Wales to Gruffydd Ap Rhys Ap Dafydd 1667 and Margaret Ap Dafydd [Vaughan] 1668, as shown within family tree 388. Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd 1493 married Lowri Verch Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan]. They had one son: Hywel Llwyd Bala 1367 This family is shown within family tree 388. 1495. HYWEL FYCHEN AP GRUFFUDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 388. Citation: Source 17 (Name). 1496. ELEN FERCH AP GRUFFUDD [JOHN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332 to John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669. Hywel Fychen Ap Gruffudd 1495 married Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John]. They had one daughter: Mallt Ferch Bala [Ap Hywel] 1368 This family is shown within family tree 388. 1497. DAVID AP DAI MADOC (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1307, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales, to Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 and Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672, as shown within family tree 389. 1498. MARGARET VERCH MADOC [TUDUR] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1311, in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 389. David Ap Dai Madoc 1497, aged about 30, married Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur], aged about 26, in 1337 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: David Dymock 1369 in 1338 This family is shown within family tree 389. 1499. DAVID VOEL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1312, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 354. 1500. MRS DAVID VOEL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1316, in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 354. David Voel 1499 married Mrs David Voel. They had one daughter: Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 in 1342 This family is shown within family tree 354. 1501. WILLIAM BRERETON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Brereton, Cheshire, England, to William Brereton 1673. William died in 1342, aged about 42, in London, Middlesex, England. 1502. MARGERY BRERETON [DE BOSLEY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Bosley, Cheshire, England, to Richard De Bosley 1675 and N De Bosley [N] 1676, as shown within family tree 390. Margery died in Bostock, Cheshire, England. William Brereton 1501 married Margery Brereton [De Bosley]. They had one son: William Brereton 1375 in 1320 This family is shown within family tree 390. 1503. HENRY DONE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1310, in Utkinton, Cheshire, England, to Richard Donne 1677 and Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1678, as shown within family tree 391. Henry died in 1372, aged about 62, in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. Henry fathered one daughter: Margaret Done 1376 in 1351 This family is shown within family tree 391. 1504. MARGERY DE CLOTTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1315, in Clotton, England, to William De Clotton 1679 and Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1680, as shown within family tree 440. Margery died in 1370, aged about 55. Margery gave birth to one daughter: Margaret Done 1376 in 1351 This family is shown as family tree 440.

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1505. JOHN DE IPSTONES (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England, to John De Ipstones 1681 and Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke] 1682, as shown within family tree 392. John died in 1394, aged about 64, in London, England. 1506. ELIZABETH DE IPSTONES [CORBET] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1379, in Moreton Corbet Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England, to Thomas Corbet 1683 and Amice Corbet [De Shropshire] 1684, as shown within family tree 392. Elizabeth died in 1423, aged about 44. John De Ipstones 1505, aged about 44, married Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet], aged about -5, in 1374/4. They had one son: William De Ipstones 1377 in 1390 This family is shown within family tree 392. 1507. ROBERT DE SWYNNERTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1355, in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England, to Thomas Swynnerton 1685 and Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686, as shown within family tree 392. Robert died in 1395, aged about 40, in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. 1508. ELIZABETH DE SWYNNERTON [BEKE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1355, in Eresby, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 392. Elizabeth died in 1373, aged about 18, in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. Robert De Swynnerton 1507, aged about 1, married Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke], aged about 1, in 1356 in Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England. They had one daughter: Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in 1365 This family is shown within family tree 392. 1509. JOHN DE HANMER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1277, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales, to Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 and Thomas De Macclesfield 1688, as shown within family tree 393. John died in 1308, aged about 31, in Carnarvon Castle. 1510. HAWISE VERCH DE HANMER [EINION] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1280, in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Einion Ap Gwilym 1689 and Ms. Unknown 1690, as shown within family tree 393. John De Hanmer 1509, aged about 23, married Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion], aged about 20, in 1300 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. They had one son: Philip De Hanmer 1379 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 393. 1511. DAFYDD AP RIRED (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Wales, to Rired Ap Rhys Says 1691 and Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1692, as shown within family tree 393. 1512. DAVYDD AP RIRED [AP ROIRED] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285. See family tree 393. Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 married Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired]. They had one daughter: Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 393. 1513. GRUFFYDD AP IORWERTH VOEL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694, as shown within family tree 394. Gruffydd died in 1313, aged about 38. Gruffydd fathered one son: Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 394. 1514. GWENLLIAN VERCH FLAIDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1261, in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales, to Rhirid Flaidd 1695. Gwenllian gave birth to one son: Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 441. 1515. EDNYFED AP IORWERTH AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Ynysmaengwyn, Towyn, Merionethshire, Wales, to Iowerth Ap Einion 1697. 1516. EDNYFED AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1289, in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 395. Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515, aged about 24, married Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd], aged about 20, in 1309 in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Leucu Verch Ednyfed Llwyd 1382 in 1310 This family is shown within family tree 395. 1517. THOMAS DUTTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1314, in Dutton, Cheshire, England, to Hugh De

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Dutton 1699 and Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700, as shown within family tree 396. Thomas died in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1518. ELLEN DUTTON [THORNTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1316, in Thornton, Cheshire, England, to Peter Thornton 1701 and Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702, as shown within family tree 396. Ellen died in 1389, aged about 73, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Thomas Dutton 1517, aged about 20, married Ellen Dutton [Thornton], aged about 18, in 1334 in Cheshire, England. They had one son: Edmund Dutton 1383 in 1342 This family is shown within family tree 396. 1519. HENRY MINSHULL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1314, in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England, to Richard Minshull 1703 and Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1704, as shown within family tree 396. Henry died in 1370, aged about 56, in Cheshire, England. 1520. TIBOTA MINSHULL [DE PULFORD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1318, in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England, to Robert De Pulford 1705 and Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706, as shown within family tree 442. Tibota died in 1380, aged about 62, in Cheshire, England. Henry Minshull 1519, aged about 26, married Tibota Minshull [De Pulford], aged about 22, in 1340 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in 1340 This family is shown as family tree 442. 1521. WILLIAM LE BOTELER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1309, in Warrington, Lancashire, England, to William Le Boteler 1707 and Sybil Le Boteler 1708, as shown within family tree 397. William died in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. 1522. ELIZABETH LE BOTELER [DE HAVERING] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1314, in Havering, London, Middlesex, England, to Nicholas De Havering 1709. Elizabeth died in 1400, aged about 86. William Le Boteler 1521 married Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering]. They had one son: John Boteler 1385 in 1335 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1523. WILLIAM DE PLUMPTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1294, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to Robert Plumpton 1711 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712, as shown within family tree 397. William died in 1362, aged about 68, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1524. CHRISTIANA DE PLUMPTON [MOWBRAY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to John Mowbray 1713. Christiana died in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. William De Plumpton 1523, aged about 28, married Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray], aged about 17, in 1322 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in 1332 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1525. MADOC KYNASTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1360, in Stocks, Ellsmere, Cheshire, England. See family tree 358. Madoc died in Shrews, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. 1526. ISOLDA KYNASTON [DE PERCY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1362, in Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. See family tree 358. Isolda died in 1435, aged about 73. Madoc Kynaston 1525, aged about 18, married Isolda Kynaston [De Percy], aged about 16, in 1378 in Ludlow, Shropshire, England. They had one son: John Kynaston 1387 in 1382 This family is shown within family tree 358. 1527. ROGER HOORD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1345, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. See family tree 358. Roger died in 1381, aged about 36. 1528. CARI VERCH HOORD [MADOG] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 358. Roger Hoord 1527 married Cari Verch Hoord [Madog]. They had one son: John Hoord 1388 in 1378 This family is shown within family tree 358. 1529. THOMAS GREY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1359, in Heton, Northumberland, England. See family tree 359. Thomas died in Wark, Bellingham, Northumberland, England. 1530. JOAN GREY [DE MOWBRAY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1363, in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 359. Joan died in Heton, Northumberland, England.

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Thomas Grey 1529, aged about 22, married Joan Grey [De Mowbray], aged about 18, in 1381 in Heton, Northumberland, England. They had one son: John Grey 1389 in 1386 This family is shown within family tree 359. 1531. EDWARD CHERLETON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1371, in Powis, Montgomershire, Wales. See family tree 359. Edward died in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. 1532. ELEANOR CHERLETON [DE HOLAND] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1392, in Upholland, Lancashire, England. See family tree 359. Eleanor died in Bisham, Berkshire, England. Edward Cherleton 1531 married Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] in Upholland, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 in 1399 This family is shown within family tree 359. 1533. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 359. Henry died in Westminster, Middlesex, England. 1534. MARY PLANTAGENET [DE BOHUN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370, in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 359. Mary died in Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1533 married Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun]. They had one son: Humphrey Plantagenet 1391 in This family is shown within family tree 359. 1535. REGINALD COBHAM (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1381, in Sterborough, Surrey, England. See family tree 359. Reginald died in 1446, aged about 65, in Lingfield, Surrey, England. 1536. ELEANOR COBHAM [COLEPEPER] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1385, in Bay Hall, Pembury, Kent, England. See family tree 359. Eleanor died in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Reginald Cobham 1535, aged about 28, married Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper], aged about 24, in 1409 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 in 1410 This family is shown within family tree 359. 1537. WILLIAM CARRINGTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1342, in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England, to John Carrington 1715 and Cicely Carrington [Hyde] 1716, as shown within family tree 398. William died in 1381, aged about 39. 1538. MATILDA CARRINGTON [ARDERNE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1345, in Alvanley, Cheshire, England, to John De Arderne 1717 and Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718, as shown within family tree 398. Matilda died in 1392, aged about 47, in England. William Carrington 1537, aged about 33, married Matilda Carrington [Arderne], aged about 30, in 1375 in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England. They had one son: George Carrington 1393 in 1375 This family is shown within family tree 398. 1539. LAURENCE WARREN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1394, in Ponyton, Prestbury, Cheshire, England, to Nicholas Warren 1719 and Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720, as shown within family tree 398. Laurence died in 1444, aged about 50, in Poynton, Cheshire, England. 1540. MARGERY WARREN [BULKELEY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1384, in Cheshire, England, to Richard Bulkeley 1721 and Margery Venables 1722, as shown within family tree 398. Margery died in 1440, aged about 56, in Poynton, Cheshire, England. Laurence Warren 1539, aged about 18, married Margery Warren [Bulkeley], aged about 28, in 1412 in Poynton, Prestbury, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1394 in 1420 This family is shown within family tree 398. 1541. THOMAS BEESTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1414, in Beeston, Cheshire, England, to William Beeston 1723 and Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724, as shown within family tree 443. Thomas died in 1477, aged about 63, in Beeston, England Beeston, Cheshire, England. 1542. ELIZABETH BEESTON [HANDFORD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1418, in Beeston, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Hanford 1725 and Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726, as shown within family tree 399. Elizabeth died in 1446, aged about 28, in Beeston, Cheshire, England.

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Thomas Beeston 1541, aged about 26, married Elizabeth Beeston [Handford], aged about 22, in 1440 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. They had one son: John Beeston 1395 in 1430 This family is shown as family tree 443. 1543. HENRY DE BOLD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1401, in Bold, Lancashire, England, to Richard Bold 1727 and Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728, as shown within family tree 399. Henry died in 1479, aged about 78, in Bold, Lancshire, England. 1544. GRACIA DE BOLD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1405, in Lancashire, England, to John Savage 1729 and Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730, as shown within family tree 399. Gracia died in 1480, aged about 75, in Bold, Lancashire, England. Henry De Bold 1543, aged about 21, married Gracia De Bold, aged about 17, in 1422 in Bold, Lancshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in 1441 This family is shown within family tree 399. 1545. HUGH DUTTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1369, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Edmund Dutton 1731 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732, as shown within family tree 400. Hugh died in 1440, aged about 71, in Waverton, Cheshire, England. 1546. PETRONELL DUTTON [DE VERNON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1383, in Hatton, Cheshire, England, to Ralph De Vernon 1733 and Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford] 1734, as shown within family tree 400. Petronell died in 1431, aged about 48, in Waverton, Cheshire, England. Hugh Dutton 1545 married Petronell Dutton [De Vernon]. They had one son: John Dutton 1397 in 1399 This family is shown within family tree 400. 1547. WILLIAM ATHERTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1384, in Atherton, Lancashire, England, to William Atherton 1735 and Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736, as shown within family tree 400. William died in 1435, aged about 51. 1548. ELIZABETH ATHERTON [PILKINGTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1388, in Atherton, Lancashire, England, to John Pilkington 1737 and Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738, as shown within family tree 400. Elizabeth died in 1440, aged about 52. William Atherton 1547, aged about 16, married Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington], aged about 12, in 1400 in Atherton, Leigh, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in 1410 This family is shown within family tree 400. 1549. THOMAS GROSVENOR (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1377, in Hulme, Cheshire, England, to Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 and Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740, as shown within family tree 401. Thomas died in 1429, aged about 52, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. 1550. JOAN GROSVENOR [VENABLES] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1384, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England, to Richard Venables 1741 and Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742, as shown within family tree 401. Joan died in 1420, aged about 36, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Thomas Grosvenor 1549, aged about 27, married Joan Grosvenor [Venables], aged about 20, in 1404 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Robert Grosvenor 1399 in 1405 This family is shown within family tree 401. 1551. JEOFFRY DE CHEDELL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1383, in Cheshire, England. See family tree 362. Jeoffry died in Chedell, Cheshire, England. 1552. JEOFFRY DE CHEDELL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1387, in Cheshire, England. See family tree 362. Jeoffry De Chedell 1551, aged about 24, married Jeoffry De Chedell, aged about 20, in 1407 in Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 in 1409 This family is shown within family tree 362. 1553. THOMAS DE FOULESHURST (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1366, in Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England, to Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 and Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744, as shown within family tree 402. Thomas died in 1420, aged about 54.

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1554. EVA DE FOULESHURST [DE VENABLES] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1367, in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England, to Hugh De Venables 1745 and Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746, as shown in family tree 482. Eva died in 1416, aged about 49. Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 married Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables]. They had one son: Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 in 1397 This family is shown within family tree 402. 1555. RANDLE MAINWARING (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1367, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England, to William Mainwaring 1747 and Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748, as shown within family tree 402. Randle died in 1456, aged about 89, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. 1556. MARGERY MAINWARING [VENABLES] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1369, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England, to Hugh De Venables 1745 and Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746, as shown in family tree 482. Margery died in 1459, aged about 90, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Randle Mainwaring 1555, aged about 24, married Margery Mainwaring [Venables], aged about 22, in 1391 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in 1401 This family is shown within family tree 402. 1557. RICHARD VERNON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1346, in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England, to William De Vernon 1749 and Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750, as shown within family tree 403. Richard died in 1376, aged about 30, in Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England. 1558. JULIANA VERNON [PEMBRUGGE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1349, in Haddon, Derbyshire, England, to Robert De Pembrugge 1751 and Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752, as shown within family tree 403. Juliana died in 1409, aged about 60, in England. Richard Vernon 1557, aged about 20, married Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge], aged about 17, in 1366 in Over Haddon, Bakewell, Derby, England. They had one son: Richard Vernon 1403 in 1370 This family is shown within family tree 403. 1559. HUGH HULSE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1364, in Raby Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England, to Hugh De Hulse 1753 and Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754, as shown within family tree 404. Hugh died in 1405, aged about 41, in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England. 1560. MARGERY HULSE [DE DOMVILLE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1366, in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England, to John Domville 1755 and Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756, as shown within family tree 404. Margery died in 1443, aged about 77, in Raby, Cheshire, England. Hugh Hulse 1559, aged about 22, married Margery Hulse [De Domville], aged about 20, in 1386 in Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Hulse 1404 in 1387 This family is shown within family tree 404. 1561. PHILIP KYNASTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Griffith Kynaston 1757 and Jane Vr Kynaston [Iowerth] 1758, as shown within family tree 405. Philip died in 1327, aged about 47. 1562. GWERFYL VERCH KYNASTON [TUDUR VYCHAN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Pla Penmynydd, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 405. Philip Kynaston 1561 married Gwerfyl Verch Kynaston [Tudur Vychan]. They had one son: Madoc Kynaston 1405 in 1340 This family is shown within family tree 405. 1563. JENKIN LORD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 405. 1564. JANE LORD [TUCHET] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born to John Touchet 1759 and Maud Touchet [Mortimer] 1760, as shown within family tree 405. Jenkin Lord 1563 married Jane Lord [Tuchet]. They had one daughter: Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin] 1406 in 1310 This family is shown within family tree 405. 1565. GRUFFYDD AP IORWERTH VOEL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762, as shown within family tree 406. Gruffydd died in 1313, aged about 38.

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1566. GWENLLIAN VERCH FLAIDD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1261, in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales, to Rhirid Flaidd 1763. Gwenllian gave birth to one son: Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 444. 1567. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Leconfield, Yorkshire, England to Henry De Percy 1765 and Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766, as shown within family tree 407. Henry died in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. 1568. IDONEA DE PERCY [DE CLIFFORD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1300, in Appleby, Westmoreland, England, to Robert De Clifford 1767 and Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768, as shown within family tree 407. Idonea died in Beverley Minster, Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Henry De Percy 1567 married Idonea De Percy [De Clifford], aged about 14, in 1314 in Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Henry De Percy 1409 in 1320 This family is shown within family tree 407. 1569. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Edmund Crouchback 1769 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770, as shown within family tree 407. Henry died in Monastry Cannons, England. 1570. MAUD PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Patrick De Chaworth 1771 and Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1772, as shown within family tree 407. Maud died in 1317, aged about 35, in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1569 married Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 in 1320 This family is shown within family tree 407. 1571. RANDOLPH DE NEVILLE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Raby, Durham, England to Robert De Neville 1773 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774, as shown within family tree 408. Randolph died in Neville, Raby, Durham, England. 1572. EUPHEME FITZROGER DE NEVILLE [CLAVERING] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1267, in Warkworth, Northumberland, England, to Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776, as shown within family tree 408. Eupheme died in 1329, aged about 62, in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Randolph De Neville 1571 married Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering], aged about 15, in 1282 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Ralph Neville 1411 in 1291 This family is shown within family tree 408. 1573. HUGH AUDLEY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Audley, Staffordshire, England, to James De Audley 1777 and Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778, as shown within family tree 408. Hugh died in 1325, aged about 75, in Wallingford, Berkshire, England. 1574. ISOLDE AUDLEY [DE MORTIMER] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England, to Edmund De Mortimer 1779 and Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780, as shown within family tree 408. Isolde died in 1328, aged about 58, in Upper Arley, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England. Hugh Audley 1573, aged about 38, married Isolde Audley [De Mortimer], aged about 18, in 1288 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 408. 1575. IORWERTH AP AWR (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Wales. See family tree 367. Iorwerth fathered one son: Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 in 1295 This family is shown within family tree 367. 1576. MADOG AP LLEWELLYN AP HEILYN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Bodegri, Wales, to

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Llewellyn Ap Ithel Ap Einudd 1781 and Sibyl Verch Ap Einudd [Hart] 1782, as shown within family tree 409. Madog died in 1331, aged about 61. 1577. AGHARAD VERCH AP HEILYN [DAFFYD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1275, in Wales. See family tree 409. Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 married Agharad Verch Ap Heilyn [Daffyd]. They had one daughter: Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1414 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 409. 1578. THOMAS DE GREY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1266, in Heton, Northumberland, England, to John Grey 1783 and Mrs John Grey 1784, as shown within family tree 410. Thomas died in 1310, aged about 44, in Forfarshire, Scotland. 1579. MRS THOMAS DE GREY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Heton, Northumberland, England. See family tree 410. Thomas De Grey 1578, aged about 28, married Mrs Thomas De Grey, aged about 24, in 1294 in Heddon On Wall, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Thomas Grey 1415 in 1297 This family is shown within family tree 410. 1580. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Petworth, Sussex, England to Henry De Percy 1785 and Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786, as shown within family tree 411. Henry died in 1314/10 in Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England. 1581. ELEANOR FITZALAN DE PERCY [ARUNDE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to John Fitzalan 1787 and Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788, as shown within family tree 411. Eleanor died in 1328/7, aged about 51, in Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Henry De Percy 1580 married Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde]. They had one son: William De Pressene 1417 in 1303 This family is shown within family tree 411. 1582. JOHN DE MOWBRAY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Chamb, Norfolk, England to Roger De Mowbray 1789 and Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790, as shown within family tree 412. John died in Yorkshire, England. 1583. ALIVIA DE MOWBRAY [BRAOSE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales, to William De Braos 1791 and Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792, as shown within family tree 412. Alivia died in 1331, aged about 26, in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. John De Mowbray 1582 married Alivia De Mowbray [Braose], aged about -7, in 1298 in Gower, Glamorganshire, England. They had one son: John De Mowbray 1419 in This family is shown within family tree 412. 1584. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Edmund Crouchback 1793 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794, as shown within family tree 412. Henry died in Monastry Cannons, England. 1585. MAUD PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Patrick De Chaworth 1795 and Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1796, as shown within family tree 412. Maud died in 1317, aged about 35, in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1584 married Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 in 1310 This family is shown within family tree 412. 1586. STEPHEN JOHN DE SEAGRAVE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1320, in Segrave, Leicestershire, England, to John De Segrave 1797 and Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798, as shown within family tree 413. Stephen died in 1325, aged about 5, in Chacomb Priory, Northamptonshire, England. 1587. ALICE DE SEAGRAVE [ARUNDELL] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1289, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Richard Fitzalan 1799 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800, as shown within family tree 413. Alice died in 1325, aged about 36, in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 married Alice De Seagrave [Arundell]. They had one son: John De Segrave 1421 in 1315 This family is shown within family tree 413. 1588. THOMAS PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Brotherton, Yorkshire, England to

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Edward I Plantagenet 1801 and Margaret Capet 1802, as shown within family tree 413. Thomas died in 1338/8 in England, Earl, Norfolk, England. 1589. ALICE PLANTAGENET [DE HALES] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1302, in Harwich, Essex, England, to Roger Halys 1803 and Margaret Halys [De Berkeley] 1804, as shown within family tree 445. Alice died in 1327, aged about 25, in Brotherton, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Thomas Plantagenet 1588 married Alice Plantagenet [De Hales], aged about 16, in 1318 in Harwich, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 in 1322 This family is shown as family tree 445. 1590. ROBERT DE HOLAND (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Upholland, Lancashire, England, to Robert De Holand 1805 and Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806, as shown within family tree 414. Robert died in Beheaded, Boreham Wood, Essex, England. 1591. MAUD DE HOLAND [LA ZOUCHE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Ashby Magna, Leicestershire, England, to Alan La Zouche 1807 and Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808, as shown within family tree 414. Maud died in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England. Robert De Holand 1590, aged about 27, married Maud De Holand [La Zouche], aged about 22, in 1312 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. They had one son: Thomas De Holand 1423 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 414. 1592. EDMUND PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England to Edward I Plantagenet 1809 and Margaret Plantagenet [Capet] 1810, as shown within family tree 414. Edmund died in Executed, Winchester, Hampshire, England. 1593. MARGARET PLANTAGENET [WAKE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1295, in Liddel, Cumberland, England, to John Wake 1811 and Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812, as shown within family tree 414. Margaret died in Liddel, Cumberland, England. Edmund Plantagenet 1592 married Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424 in This family is shown within family tree 414. 1594. EDMUND FITZALAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castle, Marlborough, Sussex, England to Richard Fitzalan 1813 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814, as shown within family tree 415. Edmund died in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. 1595. ALICE FITZALAN [DE WARREN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Warren, Sussex, England, to William De Warenne 1815 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816, as shown within family tree 415. Alice died in 1338, aged about 61, in Arundel, Sussex, England. Edmund Fitzalan 1594 married Alice Fitzalan [De Warren], aged about 28, in 1305 in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one son: Richard Fitzalan 1425 in 1313 This family is shown within family tree 415. 1596. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Edmund Crouchback 1817 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818, as shown within family tree 415. Henry died in Monastry Cannons, England. 1597. MAUD PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Patrick De Chaworth 1819 and Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1820, as shown within family tree 415. Maud died in 1317, aged about 35, in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1596 married Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426 in 1311 This family is shown within family tree 415. 1598. KING EDWARD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Caernarvon Castle, Caernarvon, Caernarvonshire, Wales to Edward I Plantagenet 1821 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822, as shown in family tree 484. King died in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. 1599. ISABELLA EDWARD [DE FRANCE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1292, in Paris, France, to Philip IV The Fair 1823 and Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824, as shown in family tree 485. Isabella died in Hertford Castle, Hertfordshire, England.

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King Edward 1598 married Isabella Edward [De France] in Boulogne, Pas-De-Calais, France. They had one son: Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 in This family is shown as family tree 446. 1600. WILLEM DE AVESNES (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1286, in Avesnes, Pas De Calais, France, to Jean De Avesnes 1825 and Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826, as shown in family tree 486. Willem died in Valenciennes, Nord, France. 1601. JEANNE DE AVESNES [DE VALOIS] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1294, in Longpont, Aisne, France, to Charles De Valois 1827 and Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828, as shown within family tree 416. Jeanne died in Fontenelle, Yonne, France. Willem De Avesnes 1600 married Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] in Longpont, Aisen, France. They had one daughter: Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428 in 1314 This family is shown as family tree 447. 1602. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Edmund Plantagenet 1829 and Blanche D Artois 1830, as shown in family tree 487. Henry died in Leicestershire, England. 1603. MAUD PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Patrick De Chaworth 1831 and Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1832, as shown within family tree 417. Maud died in 1317, aged about 35, in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1602 married Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1429 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 448. 1604. HENRY BEAUMONT (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to Louis De Brienne 1833 and Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834, as shown within family tree 417. Henry died in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1605. ALICE BEAUMONT [COMYN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1291, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to Alexander Comyn 1835 and Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836, as shown within family tree 417. Alice died in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Henry Beaumont 1604 married Alice Beaumont [Comyn] in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in 1315 This family is shown within family tree 417. 1606. HUMPHREY DE BOHUN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1276, in Pleshy Castle, Essex, England, to Humphrey De Bohun 1837 and Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838, as shown within family tree 418. Humphrey died in Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, England. Humphrey fathered one son: William De Bohun 1431 in 1312 This family is shown within family tree 418. 1607. EDMUND FITZALAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castle, Marlborough, Sussex, England to Richard Fitzalan 1839 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840, as shown within family tree 419. Edmund died in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. 1608. ALICE FITZALAN [DE WARREN] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Warren, Sussex, England, to William De Warenne 1841 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842, as shown within family tree 419. Alice died in 1338, aged about 61, in Arundel, Sussex, England. Edmund Fitzalan 1607 married Alice Fitzalan [De Warren], aged about 28, in 1305 in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one son: Richard Fitzalan 1433 in 1313 This family is shown within family tree 419. 1609. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England, to Edmund Crouchback 1843 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844, as shown within family tree 419. Henry died in Monastry Cannons, England. 1610. MAUD PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Patrick De Chaworth 1845 and Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1846, as shown within family tree 419. Maud died in 1317, aged about 35, in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England.

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Henry Plantagenet 1609 married Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434 in 1311 This family is shown within family tree 419. 1611. REGINALD DE COBHAM (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1265, in Eynesford, Kent, England, to John De Cobham 1847 and Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1848, as shown within family tree 420. Reginald died in 1295, aged about 30, in Church, Lingfield, England. 1612. JOAN DE COBHAM [D EVERE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1269, in Eynesford, Kent, England, to William De Ferrers 1849 and William De Ferrers [D Evere] 1850, as shown within family tree 420. Joan died in 1295, aged about 26. Reginald De Cobham 1611, aged about 20, married Joan De Cobham [D Evere], aged about 16, in 1285 in Eynesford, Kent, England. They had one son: Reynold De Cobham 1435 in 1295 This family is shown within family tree 420. 1613. THOMAS DE BERKELEY (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1293, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, to Maurice De Berkeley 1851 and Eve La Zouche 1852, as shown within family tree 420. Thomas died in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. 1614. MARGARET DE BERKELEY [DE MORTIMER] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1308, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, to Roger Mortimer 1853 and Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] 1854, as shown within family tree 420. Margaret died in Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England. Thomas De Berkeley 1613 married Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] in Netherwood, Thornbury, Herefordshire, England. They had one daughter: Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 in 1329 This family is shown within family tree 420. 1615. JOHN MALTRAVERS (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1290, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England, to John Mautravers 1855 and Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856, as shown within family tree 421. John died in Lytchett Mautrav, Dorset, England. 1616. ELA MALTRAVERS [DE BERKELEY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1294, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England, to Maurice De Berkeley 1857. Ela died in 1322, aged about 28, in England. John Maltravers 1615, aged about 23, married Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley], aged about 19, in 1313 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. They had one son: John Maltravers 1437 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 421. 1617. MR. UNKNOWN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300. See family tree 421. Mr. Unknown fathered one daughter: Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in 1324 This family is shown within family tree 421. 1618. THOMAS COLEPEPER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1278, in Brenchley, Kent, England, to Thomas Colepeper 1858 and Thomas Colepeper 1859, as shown within family tree 422. Thomas died in 1321, aged about 43, in Winchelsea, Sussex, England. 1619. MARGERY COLEPEPER [BAYHALL] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1280, in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England, to John Bayhalle 1860 and Joanna Bayhalle 1861, as shown within family tree 422. Margery died in 1305, aged about 25, in Kent, England. Thomas Colepeper 1618, aged about 26, married Margery Colepeper [Bayhall], aged about 24, in 1304 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. They had one son: John Colepeper 1439 in 1308 This family is shown within family tree 422. 1620. JOHN HARDRESHULL (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Pachesham, Surrey, England to William Hardreshull 1862 and Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863, as shown within family tree 422. John died in 1368/5 in Ashton, Northamptonshire, England. 1621. MARGARET HARDRESHULL [STAFFORD] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1294, in Sandon, Staffordshire, England, to James Stafford 1864 and Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1865, as shown within family tree 422. Margaret died in 1365, aged about 71.

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1622. THOMAS DE GREENE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England, to Thomas De Greene 1866. Thomas died in 1352, aged about 77, in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England. 1623. LUCY DE GREENE [LA ZOUCHE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1279, in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England, to Eudo La Zouche 1868 and Millicent De Cantilupe 1867, as shown within family tree 450. Lucy died in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Thomas De Greene 1622 married Lucy De Greene [La Zouche]. They had one son: Nicholas De Greene 1441 in 1312 This family is shown as family tree 450. 1624. JOHN BRUCE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Exton, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England to Bernard Bruce 1869 and Agnes Bruce 1870, as shown within family tree 451. John died. 1625. MARGARET BRUCE [HARDRESHULL] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1320, in Hartshill, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England, to John Hardreshull 1620 and Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621, as shown in family tree 449. John Bruce 1624 married Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull]. They had one daughter: Joan Bruce 1442 in 1347 This family is shown as family tree 451. 1626. ROBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1281, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England, to Gilbert Bullock 1871 and Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872, as shown within family tree 452. 1627. MRS ROBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Loftes, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 452. Robert Bullock 1626, aged about 30, married Mrs Robert Bullock, aged about 26, in 1311 in Loftes, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Gilbert Bullock 1443 in 1312 This family is shown as family tree 452. 1628. THOMAS DE NEVILLE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1306, in Raby, Durham, England, to Randolph De Neville 1873 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874, as shown within family tree 453. Thomas died in 1349, aged about 43, in England. Thomas fathered one daughter: Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in 1316 This family is shown as family tree 453. 1629. MS ANNE NEVILLE (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1293, in Barkham, Berkshire, England. See family tree 454. Ms gave birth to one daughter: Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in 1316 This family is shown as family tree 454. 1630. HENRY NORREYS (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1351, in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England, to John Norreys 1875 and Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876, as shown within family tree 455. Henry died in 1429, aged about 78, in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1631. ALICE NORREYS [DE ERNYS] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1353, in Chester, Cheshire, England, to Roger De Ernys 1877 and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878, as shown in family tree 491. Henry Norreys 1630, aged about 19, married Alice Norreys [De Ernys], aged about 17, in 1370. They had one son: John Norreys 1445 in 1372 This family is shown as family tree 455. 1632. RALPH RAVENSCROFT (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1395, in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England, to Harry Ravenscroft 1879 and Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880, as shown within family tree 456. 1633. MARGARET RAVENSCROFT [STANLEY] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1394, in Stourton, Cheshire, England, to John De Stanley 1881 and Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882, as shown within family tree 456. Ralph Ravenscroft 1632, aged about 42, married Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley], aged about 43, in 1437 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446 in 1438 This family is shown as family tree 456. Page 313

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1634. ROBERT ERNOIS (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Chester, Cheshire, England, to Richard Ernois 1883 and Richard Ernois 1884, as shown within family tree 427. 1635. JANE ERNOIS [MOLYNEUX] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Lancashire, England, to William De Molyneux 1636 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637, as shown in family tree 458. Robert Ernois 1634 married Jane Ernois [Molyneux]. They had one son: Roger De Ernys 1447 in 1310 This family is shown as family tree 457. 1636. WILLIAM DE MOLYNEUX (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263, in Lancashire, England, to Richard De Molyneux 1885 and Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886, as shown within family tree 458. William died in 1335, aged about 72, in Sefton, West Derby, Lancashire, England. 1637. ISABELL DE MOLYNEUX [SCARESBRICK] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1267, in Lancashire, England, to Unknown Scarisbrick Scarisbrick 1887, as shown within family tree 458. Isabell died in 1298, aged about 31, in Sefton, Lancashire, England. William De Molyneux 1636, aged about 37, married Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick], aged about 33, in 1300 in Lancashire, England. They had two daughters: Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1635 in 1277 Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448 in 1310 This family is shown as family tree 458. 1638. BALDWIN DE MONTFORT (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Coleshill Manor, Warwickshire, England, to John De Montfort 1888 and Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889, as shown within family tree 459. Baldwin died in 1386, aged about 58, in Coleshill, Warwickshire, England. 1639. MARY DE MONTFORT [CLINTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1331, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England, to John De Clinton 1890 and Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891, as shown within family tree 459. Baldwin De Montfort 1638 married Mary De Montfort [Clinton]. They had one son: William Montford 1449 in 1356 This family is shown as family tree 459. 1640. RICHARD SERGEAUX (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England, to Richard Sergeaux 1892 and Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893, as shown in family tree 492. Richard died in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1641. MARGARET SERGEAUX [SENESCHAL] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1326, in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England, to John Seneschal 1894 and Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895, as shown within family tree 460. Margaret died in 1355, aged about 29, in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Richard Sergeaux 1640 married Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal]. They had one son: Richard Sergeaux 1451 in 1346 This family is shown as family tree 460. 1642. EDMUND FITZALAN (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1327, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Richard Fitzalan 1896 and Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897, as shown within family tree 461. Edmund died in 1377, aged about 50, in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1643. SIBYL FITZALAN [DE MONTAGU] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1330, in Donyatt, Somerset, England, to William De Montagu 1898 and Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899, as shown within family tree 461. Sibyl died in Donyatt, Somerset, England. Edmund Fitzalan 1642 married Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu]. They had one daughter: Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in 1351 This family is shown as family tree 461. 1644. ROBERT HOWARD (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1336, in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England, to John Howard 1900 and Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901, as shown in family tree 493. Robert died in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. 1645. MARGARET HOWARD [DE SCALES] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1339, in Newselles, Hertfordshire, England, to Robert De Scales 1902 and Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903, as shown in family tree 494. Margaret died in East Winch, Norfolk, England. Robert Howard 1644 married Margaret Howard [De Scales]. They had one son: John Howard 1453 in 1365 This family is shown as family tree 462. 1646. WILLIAM TENDRING (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1339, in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England, to

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William Tendring 1904 and Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905, as shown in family tree 495. William died in 1421, aged about 82, in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. 1647. KATHERINE TENDRING [MILDE] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1343, in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England, to William Mylde 1906 and William Mylde 1907, as shown within family tree 430. Katherine died in 1403, aged about 60, in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. William Tendring 1646, aged about 26, married Katherine Tendring [Milde], aged about 22, in 1365 in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454 in 1365 This family is shown as family tree 463. 1648. JOHN DE WALTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1354, in Great Staughton, Huntingshire, England, to Thomas De Wauton 1908 and Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909, as shown within family tree 464. John died in 1394, aged about 40, in Great Stougton, Huntingdonshire, England. John fathered one son: John Walton 1455 in 1372 This family is shown as family tree 464. 1649. WALTER WALTON (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1356, in Great Staughton, Huntingdon, England. See family tree 465. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Walter gave birth to one son: John Walton 1455 in 1372 This family is shown as family tree 465. 1650. JOHN BOTELER (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1335, in Bewsey, Lancashire, England, to William Le Boteler 1910 and Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911, as shown within family tree 466. John died in 1400, aged about 65, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lanc, England. 1651. ALICIA BOTELER [PLUMPTON] (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to William De Plumpton 1912 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913, as shown within family tree 466. Alicia died in 1374, aged about 42, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancastershire, England. John Boteler 1650, aged about 39, married Alicia Boteler [Plumpton], aged about 42, in 1374 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 in 1379 This family is shown as family tree 466. Generation of Nineteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 1652. LAWRENCE BATHURST (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1407, in Cranebrook, Staplehurst, Kent, England, to Richard Bathurst 1914, as shown within family tree 467. Lawrence fathered one son: Lawrence Bathurst 1457 in 1435 This family is shown as family tree 467. 1653. RICHARD BOND (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1355, in England, to Mr. Bond 1915, as shown within family tree 468. Richard died in England. Richard fathered one son: Robert Bond 1464 in 1378 This family is shown as family tree 468. 1654. GEOFFREY DE EARTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1345, in Newbury, Berk, England, to Henry De Earth 1916, as shown within family tree 435. Geoffrey died in 1405, aged about 60, in England. 1655. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1345. See family tree 435. Geoffrey De Earth 1654 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 in 1375 This family is shown within family tree 435. 1656. WILLIAM ROSS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Scotland to Hugh Ross 1917 and Jean Ross [Munro] 1918, as shown within family tree 469.

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1657. CATHERINE ROSS [MACINTYRE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Scotland to Paul Macintyre 1919, as shown within family tree 469. William Ross 1656 married Catherine Ross [Macintyre]. They had one son: Walter Ross 1487 This family is shown as family tree 469. 1658. EARL OF ORKNEY SINCLAIR (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born about 1375, in Rosslyn Castle, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland, to Henry St Clair 1920 and Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921, as shown in family tree 496. Earl died on 1 February 1421, aged about 45, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Earl fathered one daughter: Helen Sinclair 1488 This family is shown as family tree 470. 1659. JOHN DE HANMER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1277, in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales, to Thomas De Macclesfield 1922, as shown in family tree 497. John died in 1308, aged about 31, in Carnarvon Castle. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1660. HAWISE VERCH DE HANMER [EINION] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1280, in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Einion Ap Gwilym 1923 and Ms. Unknown 1924, as shown in family tree 498. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John De Hanmer 1659, aged about 23, married Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion], aged about 20, in 1300 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. They had one son: Philip De Hanmer 1489 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 471. 1661. DAFYDD AP RIRED (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Wales, to Rired Ap Rhys Says 1925 and Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1926, as shown in family tree 499. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 1662. DAVYDD AP RIRED [AP ROIRED] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285. See family tree 472. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 married Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired]. They had one daughter: Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490 in 1305 This family is shown as family tree 472. 1663. GRUFFYDD AP IORWERTH VOEL (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928, as shown in family tree 500. Gruffydd died in 1313, aged about 38. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Gruffydd fathered one son: Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 473. 1664. GWENLLIAN VERCH FLAIDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1261, in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales, to Rhirid Flaidd 1929. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Gwenllian gave birth to one son: Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 474. 1665. MADOG FYCHAN AP MADOG (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Gloddaeth, Creuddyn, Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931. Madog died. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1666. GWLADUS VERCH AP MADOG [GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1245, in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 and Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934, as shown in family tree 505. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665, aged about 13, married Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd], aged about 48, in 1293 in Flint, Wales. They had one daughter: Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 in 1294 This family is shown as family tree 475.

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1667. GRUFFYDD AP RHYS AP DAFYDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1434, in Plas Einion, Llanfair Dyffryn, Clwyd, Wales. See family tree 388. 1668. MARGARET AP DAFYDD [VAUGHAN] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Nyffryn Llandudwen Lleyn, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 388. Gruffydd Ap Rhys Ap Dafydd 1667 married Margaret Ap Dafydd [Vaughan]. They had one daughter: Lowri Verch Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan] 1494 This family is shown within family tree 388. 1669. JOHN AP MEREDYDD AP MEREDYDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1420, in Clenenney, Penmorfa, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 388. John died in 1463, aged about 43, in Lvg Richard Ii. John fathered one daughter: Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John] 1496 in 1332 This family is shown within family tree 388. 1670. GWENHWYFER VERCH AP IEUAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Bron Y Foel, Ynyscynhaiarn. See family tree 476. Gwenhwyfer gave birth to one daughter: Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John] 1496 in 1332 This family is shown as family tree 476. 1671. MADOC AP RIRID (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1276, in Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 389. 1672. MARGARET AP RIRID [ANWYL] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1280, in Tegengl, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 389. Madoc Ap Ririd 1671, aged about 30, married Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl], aged about 26, in 1306 in Tegengl, Flintshire, Wales. They had one son: David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 in 1307 This family is shown within family tree 389. 1673. WILLIAM BRERETON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263, in Brereton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 390. William died in 1342, aged about 79, in England. William fathered one son: William Brereton 1501 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 390. 1674. ROESIA DE VERNON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1289, in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 477. Roesia died in 1322, aged about 33, in Bostock, Cheshire, England. Roesia gave birth to one son: William Brereton 1501 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 477. 1675. RICHARD DE BOSLEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bostock, Cheshire, England. See family tree 390. Richard died in Bostock, Cheshire, England. 1676. N DE BOSLEY [N] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 390. Richard De Bosley 1675 married N De Bosley [N]. They had one daughter: Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502 in 1290 This family is shown within family tree 390. 1677. RICHARD DONNE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1297, in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 391. Richard died in 1313, aged about 16, in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. 1678. ELLEN DONNE [SWYNNERTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 391. Ellen died in 1340, aged about 50. Richard Donne 1677 married Ellen Donne [Swynnerton]. They had one son: Henry Done 1503 in 1310 This family is shown within family tree 391. 1679. WILLIAM DE CLOTTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Clotton, England. See family tree 440. William died in 1340, aged about 55. 1680. KATHERINE DE CLOTTON [DE ALPRAM] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1311. See family tree 440. Katherine died in 1360, aged about 49.

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William De Clotton 1679, aged about 29, married Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram], aged about 3, in 1314. They had one daughter: Margery De Clotton 1504 in 1315 This family is shown within family tree 440. 1681. JOHN DE IPSTONES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1325, in Blymhill, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 392. John died in 1364, aged about 39. 1682. ELIZABETH DE IPSTONES [DE BEKE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1331, in Eresby, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 392. John De Ipstones 1681 married Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke]. They had one son: John De Ipstones 1505 in 1330 This family is shown within family tree 392. 1683. THOMAS CORBET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1334, in Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England. See family tree 392. Thomas died in 1359, aged about 25, in Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England. 1684. AMICE CORBET [DE SHROPSHIRE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332. See family tree 392. Thomas Corbet 1683 married Amice Corbet [De Shropshire]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506 in 1379 This family is shown within family tree 392. 1685. THOMAS SWYNNERTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1335, in Swynerton, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 392. Thomas died in 1381, aged about 46, in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. 1686. MAUD SWYNNERTON [DE HOLAND] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1319, in Foxhall, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 392. Maud died in 1361, aged about 42, in Swynnerton, Staf, England. Thomas Swynnerton 1685, aged about -16, married Maud Swynnerton [De Holand], as an infant, in 1319 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: Robert De Swynnerton 1507 in 1355 This family is shown within family tree 392. 1687. THOMAS DE MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. See family tree 393. Thomas died in 1300, aged about 50, in Maelor Saesneg, Flintshire, Wales. 1688. THOMAS DE MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1250. See family tree 393. Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 married Thomas De Macclesfield. They had one son: John De Hanmer 1509 in 1277 This family is shown within family tree 393. 1689. EINION AP GWILYM (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263, in Hirfryn, Cantref Bychan, Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 393. 1690. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1263, in Montgoms, Wales. See family tree 393. Einion Ap Gwilym 1689 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 in 1280 This family is shown within family tree 393. 1691. RIRED AP RHYS SAYS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Wales. See family tree 393. 1692. RIRED SAYS SAYS [AP RHYS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1255. See family tree 393. Rired Ap Rhys Says 1691 married Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys]. They had one son: Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 in 1280 This family is shown within family tree 393. 1693. IORWERTH FOEL AP IORWERTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 394. Iorwerth died in 1313, aged about 63, in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. 1694. GWLADYS VERCH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1255, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. See family tree 394. Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693, aged about 15, married Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth, aged about 10, in 1265 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513 in 1275 This family is shown within family tree 394. 1695. RHIRID FLAIDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales. See family tree 441. Rhirid died in 1207, aged about 47.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Rhirid fathered one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 in 1261 This family is shown within family tree 441.

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1696. GWENLLIAN VERCH EDNYFED (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1192, in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 478. Gwenllian gave birth to one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 in 1261 This family is shown as family tree 478. 1697. IOWERTH AP EINION (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1397, in Gelli Iorwerth, Trawsfynydd, Merionethshire, Wales. See family tree 395. Iowerth died in 1425, aged about 28. Iowerth fathered one son: Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 in 1285 This family is shown within family tree 395. 1698. ANGHARAD VERCH AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1442, in Llwdiarth, Wales. See family tree 479. Angharad gave birth to one son: Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 in 1285 This family is shown as family tree 479. 1699. HUGH DE DUTTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Dutton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 396. Hugh died in 1326 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Hugh married twice, including Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700. Hugh fathered one daughter: Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 442. 1700. JOAN DE DUTTON [DE HOLAND] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Upholand, Lancashire, England. See family tree 396. Joan died in 1347, aged about 57, in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Hugh De Dutton 1699 married Joan De Dutton [De Holand]. They had one son: Thomas Dutton 1517 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 396. 1701. PETER THORNTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1290, in Thornton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 396. Peter died in 1358, aged about 68, in Thornton, Cheshire, England. 1702. LUCIA THORNTON [HELLESBY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1294, in Thornton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 396. Lucia died in 1335, aged about 41, in Y. Peter Thornton 1701, aged about 14, married Lucia Thornton [Hellesby], aged about 10, in 1304 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in 1316 This family is shown within family tree 396. 1703. RICHARD MINSHULL (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1290, in Minshull Vernon, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 396. Richard died in 1348, aged about 58, in Y. 1704. ALICE MINSHULL [DE PRAERS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1295, in Barthomley, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 396. Alice died in Y. Richard Minshull 1703 married Alice Minshull [De Praers]. They had one son: Henry Minshull 1519 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 396. 1705. ROBERT DE PULFORD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Pulford, Chester, Cheshire, England. See family tree 442. Robert died in 1349, aged about 49, in Cheadle, Cheshire, England. 1706. KATHERINE DE PULFORD [DUTTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1300, in Dutton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England, to Hugh De Dutton 1699, as shown within family tree 442. Katherine died in 1321, aged about 21, in Y. Robert De Pulford 1705 married Katherine De Pulford [Dutton]. They had one daughter: Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in 1318 This family is shown within family tree 442. 1707. WILLIAM LE BOTELER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. See family tree 397. William died in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England.

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1708. SYBIL LE BOTELER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 397. Sybil died in 1330, aged about 45, in England. William Le Boteler 1707 married Sybil Le Boteler. They had one son: William Le Boteler 1521 in 1309 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1709. NICHOLAS DE HAVERING (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1282, in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 397. Nicholas fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1710. JOAN BRYAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1283, in Throcking, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 480. Joan died in 1317, aged about 34, in Y. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 in 1314 This family is shown as family tree 480. 1711. ROBERT PLUMPTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 397. Robert died in 1325, aged about 57, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1712. LUCY PLUMPTON [ROOS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 397. Lucy died in 1332, aged about 62, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Robert Plumpton 1711, aged about 27, married Lucy Plumpton [Roos], aged about 25, in 1295 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William De Plumpton 1523 in 1294 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1713. JOHN MOWBRAY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1279, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 397. John died in Hanged, Yorkshire, England. John fathered one daughter: Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 397. 1714. ALICE DE BRAOSE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1286, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 481. Alice died in 1331, aged about 45, in Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales. Alice gave birth to one daughter: Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in 1305 This family is shown as family tree 481. 1715. JOHN CARRINGTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1347. See family tree 398. 1716. CICELY CARRINGTON [HYDE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 398. John Carrington 1715 married Cicely Carrington [Hyde]. They had one son: William Carrington 1537 in 1342 This family is shown within family tree 398. 1717. JOHN DE ARDERNE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1327, in Aldford Alvanley, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. John died in 1379, aged about 52, in Alvanley, Runcorn, Cheshire, England. 1718. CECILY DE ARDERNE [BREDBURY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1327, in Harden, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. Cecily died in 1387, aged about 60, in Cheshire, England. John De Arderne 1717 married Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury]. They had one daughter: Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in 1345 This family is shown within family tree 398. 1719. NICHOLAS WARREN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1378, in Poynton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. Nicholas died in 1413, aged about 35, in England, Stockport, Cheshire, England. 1720. AGNES WARREN [DE WYNNINGTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1375, in Wynnington, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. Agnes died in 1417, aged about 42, in England. Nicholas Warren 1719, aged about -3, married Agnes Warren [De Wynnington], as an infant, in 1375 in Poynton, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Laurence Warren 1539 in 1394 This family is shown within family tree 398.

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1721. RICHARD BULKELEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Cheadle, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. Richard died in England. 1722. MARGERY VENABLES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1369, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 398. Margery died in 1459, aged about 90, in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Margery married twice, including Richard Bulkeley 1721. Margery gave birth to one daughter: Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in 1390 Richard Bulkeley 1721 married Margery Venables in Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in 1384 This family is shown within family tree 398. 1723. WILLIAM BEESTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1388, in Beeston, Cheshire, England. See family tree 443. William died in 1416, aged about 28, in Peoover, Cheshire, England. 1724. CLEMENCE BEESTON [MAYNWARYNGE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1390, in Peover, Cheshire, England, to Margery Venables 1722. Clemence died in 1414, aged about 24, in Y. William Beeston 1723, aged about 25, married Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge], aged about 23, in 1413 in Peover, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Beeston 1541 in 1414 This family is shown within family tree 443. 1725. THOMAS HANFORD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Tawstock, Devon, England. See family tree 399. Thomas died. 1726. ELIZABETH HANFORD [FITZWARREN] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1392, in Bampton, Devon, England. See family tree 399. Thomas Hanford 1725, aged about 45, married Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren], aged about 23, in 1415 in Halstead, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in 1418 This family is shown within family tree 399. 1727. RICHARD BOLD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1380, in Bold, Lancashire, England. See family tree 399. Richard died in 1438, aged about 58, in Bold, Lancashire, England. 1728. ELENA BOLD [HALSALL] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1384, in Bold, Lancashire, England. See family tree 399. Elena died in 1469, aged about 85, in Bold, Lancashire, England. Richard Bold 1727, aged about 20, married Elena Bold [Halsall], aged about 16, in 1400 in Hutton, Warton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Henry De Bold 1543 in 1401 This family is shown within family tree 399. 1729. JOHN SAVAGE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1403, in Clifton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 399. John died in Clifton, Cheshire, England. 1730. ELIZABETH SAVAGE [BRERETON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1406, in Brereton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 399. Elizabeth died in 1422, aged about 16, in Clifton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England. John Savage 1729, aged about 19, married Elizabeth Savage [Brereton], aged about 16, in 1422 in Clifton, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Gracia De Bold 1544 in 1405 This family is shown within family tree 399. 1731. EDMUND DUTTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1342, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 400. Edmund died in 1366, aged about 24, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1732. JOAN DUTTON [MINSHULL] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1340, in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. See family tree 400. Joan died in 1387, aged about 47, in Minshull, Cheshire, England. Edmund Dutton 1731, aged about 24, married Joan Dutton [Minshull], aged about 26, in 1366 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Hugh Dutton 1545 in 1369 This family is shown within family tree 400. 1733. RALPH DE VERNON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1357, in Hatton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 400. Ralph died. 1734. MARGARET DE VERNON [BRAILSFORD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1361, in Halton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 400.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ralph De Vernon 1733 married Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford]. They had one daughter: Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 in 1383 This family is shown within family tree 400.

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1735. WILLIAM ATHERTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire, England. See family tree 400. William died. 1736. AGNES ATHERTON [VERNON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370, in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 400. Agnes died. William Atherton 1735, aged about 17, married Agnes Atherton [Vernon], aged about -3, in 1367 in Atherton, Leigh, Lancashire, England. They had one son: William Atherton 1547 in 1384 This family is shown within family tree 400. 1737. JOHN PILKINGTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1364, in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 400. John died in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. 1738. MARGARET PILKINGTON [DE VERDON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1351, in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 400. Margaret died in Pilkington, Lancashire, England. John Pilkington 1737, aged about 19, married Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon], aged about 32, in 1383 in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 in 1388 This family is shown within family tree 400. 1739. ROBERT LE GROSVENOR (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1347, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. See family tree 401. Robert died in Hulme, Cheshire, England. 1740. JOAN LE GROSVENOR [DE PULFORD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1348, in Pulford, Cheshire, England. See family tree 401. Joan died in 1348, as an infant, in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Robert Le Grosvenor 1739, aged about 29, married Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford], aged about 28, in 1376 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Grosvenor 1549 in 1377 This family is shown within family tree 401. 1741. RICHARD VENABLES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 401. Richard died in 1403, aged about 73, in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. 1742. ISABEL VENABLES [DE LANGTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1342, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 401. Isabel died in 1450, aged about 108, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Richard Venables 1741, aged about 54, married Isabel Venables [De Langton], aged about 42, in 1384 in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in 1384 This family is shown within family tree 401. 1743. ROBERT DE FULLESHURST (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1338, in Edleston, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 402. Robert died in Tomb Barthomley Church, Cheshire, England. 1744. ELIZABETH DE FULLESHURST [DE PRAERS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1338, in Barthomley, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 402. Elizabeth died in 1388, aged about 50. Robert De Fulleshurst 1743, aged about 16, married Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers], aged about 16, in 1354 in Over Peover, Great Budworth, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 in 1366 This family is shown within family tree 402. 1745. HUGH DE VENABLES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 482. Hugh died in 1383, aged about 53, in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. 1746. MARGERY DE VENABLES [COTTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1335, in Rudheath, Cheshire, England. See family tree 482. Margery died in 1398, aged about 63, in Wilbraham, Cheshire, England. Hugh De Venables 1745, aged about 34, married Margery De Venables [Cotton], aged about 29, in 1364 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. They had two daughters: Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554 in 1367 Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in 1369 This family is shown as family tree 482. 1747. WILLIAM MAINWARING (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1316, in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. See family tree 402. William died in 1364, aged about 48, in Overby, Middlewich, Cheshire, England.

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1748. ELIZABETH MAINWARING [LEYCESTER] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1318, in Nether Tabley, England. See family tree 402. Elizabeth died in 1406, aged about 88, in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. William Mainwaring 1747, aged about 34, married Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester], aged about 32, in 1350 in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Randle Mainwaring 1555 in 1367 This family is shown within family tree 402. 1749. WILLIAM DE VERNON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England. See family tree 403. William died in 1346, aged about 33, in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England. 1750. MARGARET DE VERNON [DE STOCKPORT] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1315, in Stockport, Cheshire, England. See family tree 403. Margaret died in 1346, aged about 31. William De Vernon 1749, aged about 32, married Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport], aged about 30, in 1345 in Harlaston, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: Richard Vernon 1557 in 1346 This family is shown within family tree 403. 1751. ROBERT DE PEMBRUGGE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1314, in Tong, Shifnal, Shropshire, England. See family tree 403. Robert died in Holland, Lancastershire, England. 1752. JULIANA DE PEMBRUGGE [LA ZOUCHE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1325, in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 403. Juliana died in 1345, aged about 20, in England. Robert De Pembrugge 1751 married Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche]. They had one daughter: Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in 1349 This family is shown within family tree 403. 1753. HUGH DE HULSE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1342, in Cheshire, England. See family tree 404. Hugh died in 1407, aged about 65, in Cheshire, England. 1754. ELLEN DE HULSE [BRUEN] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1345, in Stapleford, Cheshire, England. See family tree 404. Ellen died in 1390, aged about 45, in Cheshire, England. Hugh De Hulse 1753, aged about 27, married Ellen De Hulse [Bruen], aged about 24, in 1369 in Pickmere, Great Budworth, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Hugh Hulse 1559 in 1364 This family is shown within family tree 404. 1755. JOHN DOMVILLE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1322, in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England. See family tree 404. John died in 1395, aged about 73, in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England. 1756. CECILY DOMVILLE [MOBBERLEY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1323, in Mobberly, Cheshire, England. See family tree 404. Cecily died in 1400, aged about 77, in Cheshire, England. John Domville 1755, aged about 44, married Cecily Domville [Mobberley], aged about 43, in 1366 in Oxton, Woodchurch, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in 1366 This family is shown within family tree 404. 1757. GRIFFITH KYNASTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1255, in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. See family tree 405. 1758. JANE VR KYNASTON [IOWERTH] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1260, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. See family tree 405. Griffith Kynaston 1757 married Jane Vr Kynaston [Iowerth]. They had one son: Philip Kynaston 1561 in 1280 This family is shown within family tree 405. 1759. JOHN TOUCHET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 405. John died in La Rochelle, England. 1760. MAUD TOUCHET [MORTIMER] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1352, in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 405. Maud died. John Touchet 1759 married Maud Touchet [Mortimer]. They had one daughter: Jane Lord [Tuchet] 1564 This family is shown within family tree 405. 1761. IORWERTH FOEL AP IORWERTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 406. Iorwerth died in 1313, aged about 63, in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales.

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1762. GWLADYS VERCH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1255, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. See family tree 406. Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761, aged about 15, married Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth, aged about 10, in 1265 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565 in 1275 This family is shown within family tree 406. 1763. RHIRID FLAIDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales. See family tree 444. Rhirid died in 1207, aged about 47. Rhirid fathered one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1566 in 1261 This family is shown within family tree 444. 1764. GWENLLIAN VERCH EDNYFED (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1192, in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 483. Gwenllian gave birth to one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1566 in 1261 This family is shown as family tree 483. 1765. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Petworth, Sussex, England. See family tree 407. Henry died in 1314/10 in Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England. 1766. ELEANOR DE PERCY [FITZALAN] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Arundel, Sussex, England. See family tree 407. Eleanor died in 1328, aged about 51, in Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Henry De Percy 1765 married Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan], aged about 22, in 1299 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Henry De Percy 1567 in This family is shown within family tree 407. 1767. ROBERT DE CLIFFORD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 407. Robert died in Bannockburn, Stirling, Central, Scotland. 1768. MAUD DE CLIFFORD [DE CLARE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1276, in Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 407. Maud died in Castle Clifford, Hay, Hertfordshire, England. Robert De Clifford 1767 married Maud De Clifford [De Clare] in Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England. They had one daughter: Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 407. 1769. EDMUND CROUCHBACK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 407. Edmund died in Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France. 1770. BLANCHE D CROUCHBACK [ARTOIS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Arras, France. See family tree 407. Blanche died in Paris, Seine, France. Edmund Crouchback 1769 married Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] in Paris, Seine, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1569 in 1281 This family is shown within family tree 407. 1771. PATRICK DE CHAWORTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 407. Patrick died in 1283, aged about 33, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1772. ISABEL DE CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1236, in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 407. Isabel died in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Patrick De Chaworth 1771 married Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp]. They had one daughter: Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 in 1282 This family is shown within family tree 407. 1773. ROBERT DE NEVILLE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Raby, Durham, England. See family tree 408. Robert died in 1271, aged about 31, in Coverham Abbey, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1774. MARY DE NEVILLE [FITZRANDOLPH] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Midleham, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 408. Mary died in Coverham, Yorkshire, England. Robert De Neville 1773, aged about 20, married Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph], aged about 16, in 1260 in Middleham, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Randolph De Neville 1571 in This family is shown within family tree 408.

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1775. ROBERT FITZROGER CLAVERING (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1247, in Clavering, Essex, England. See family tree 408. Robert died in Clavering, Saffron Walden, Essex, England. 1776. MARGERY CLAVERING [LA ZOUCHE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1251, in Clavering, Essex, England. See family tree 408. Margery died in 1329, aged about 78, in Clavering, Essex, England. Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775, aged about 18, married Margery Clavering [La Zouche], aged about 14, in 1265 in Clavering, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in 1267 This family is shown within family tree 408. 1777. JAMES DE AUDLEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 408. James died in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. 1778. ELA DE AUDLEY [LONGSPEE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1226, in Straton, Audley, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 408. Ela died in Heleigh Castle, Staffordshire, England. James De Audley 1777, aged about 19, married Ela De Audley [Longspee], aged about 18, in 1244 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Hugh Audley 1573 in 1250 This family is shown within family tree 408. 1779. EDMUND DE MORTIMER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1252, in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 408. Edmund died in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. 1780. MARGARET DE MORTIMER [DE FIENNES] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1262, in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 408. Margaret died in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Edmund De Mortimer 1779, aged about 33, married Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes], aged about 23, in 1285 in Fiennes, Bolonois, France. They had one daughter: Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in 1270 This family is shown within family tree 408. 1781. LLEWELLYN AP ITHEL AP EINUDD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Aelhaiarn Derwen Anial, Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 409. 1782. SIBYL VERCH AP EINUDD [HART] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 409. Llewellyn Ap Ithel Ap Einudd 1781 married Sibyl Verch Ap Einudd [Hart]. They had one son: Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 in 1270 This family is shown within family tree 409. 1783. JOHN GREY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Chillingham, Glendale, Northumberland, England. See family tree 410. John died in 1267, aged about 42, in Broxmouth, Roxburghshire, Scotland. 1784. MRS JOHN GREY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1229, in Scotland. See family tree 410. Mrs died in Broxmouth, Roxburghshire, Scotland. John Grey 1783, aged about 23, married Mrs John Grey, aged about 19, in 1248 in Berwick Hill, Ponteland, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Thomas De Grey 1578 in 1266 This family is shown within family tree 410. 1785. HENRY DE PERCY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1235, in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 411. Henry died in Sallay, Craven, Yorkshire, England. 1786. ELEANOR DE PERCY [DE WARENNE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1251, in Warren, Sussex, England. See family tree 411. Eleanor died in 1282, aged about 31, in Sallay Abbey, Craven, Yorkshire, England. Henry De Percy 1785 married Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] in Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Henry De Percy 1580 in This family is shown within family tree 411. 1787. JOHN FITZALAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Arundel, Sussex, England. See family tree 411. John died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1788. ISABELLA FITZALAN [DE MORTIMER] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 411. Isabella died in 1274, aged about 26, in Arundel, Sussex, England. John Fitzalan 1787 married Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer], aged about 12, in 1260 in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one daughter: Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 in 1277 This family is shown within family tree 411.

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1789. ROGER DE MOWBRAY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1254, in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 412. Roger died in 1297, aged about 43, in Ghent, Holland. 1790. ROESE DE MOWBRAY [DE CLARE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Tonbridge, Kent, England. See family tree 412. Roese died in 1316 in Thirsk, Hovingham, Yorkshire, England. Roger De Mowbray 1789, aged about 16, married Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] in 1270 in Ashenfield Manor, Waltham, Kent, England. They had one son: John De Mowbray 1582 in This family is shown within family tree 412. 1791. WILLIAM DE BRAOS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Bramber, Sussex, England. See family tree 412. William died in 1326, aged about 46, in May. 1792. ELIZABETH DE BRAOS [SULLY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1297, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 412. Elizabeth died in 1328, aged about 31, in Bramber, Gower, Wales. William De Braos 1791, aged about -10, married Elizabeth De Braos [Sully], aged about -27, in 1270 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 412. 1793. EDMUND CROUCHBACK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 412. Edmund died in Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France. 1794. BLANCHE D CROUCHBACK [ARTOIS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Arras, France. See family tree 412. Blanche died in Paris, Seine, France. Edmund Crouchback 1793 married Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] in Paris, Seine, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1584 in 1281 This family is shown within family tree 412. 1795. PATRICK DE CHAWORTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 412. Patrick died in 1283, aged about 33, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1796. ISABEL DE CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1236, in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 412. Isabel died in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Patrick De Chaworth 1795 married Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp]. They had one daughter: Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 in 1282 This family is shown within family tree 412. 1797. JOHN DE SEGRAVE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1256, in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 413. John died in 1325, aged about 69, in Chacombe Priory, Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England. 1798. CHRISTIANE DE SEGRAVE [DU PLESSIS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1263, in Stottesdon, Shropshire, England. See family tree 413. Christiane died in 1331, aged about 68, in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. John De Segrave 1797, aged about 27, married Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis], aged about 20, in 1283 in Shropshire, England. They had one son: Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 in 1320 This family is shown within family tree 413. 1799. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Arundel, Sussex, England. See family tree 413. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1800. ALISONA FITZALAN [DE SALUZZA] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1271, in Saluzza, Italy. See family tree 413. Alisona died in Todingham, Priory. Richard Fitzalan 1799 married Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza], aged about 13, in 1284 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. They had one daughter: Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 in 1289 This family is shown within family tree 413. 1801. EDWARD I PLANTAGENET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westminster, Middlesex, England. See family tree 413. Edward died in Burgh On Sands, Cumberland, England. 1802. MARGARET CAPET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1279, in Paris, Seine, France. See family tree 413. Margaret died in Marlborough Castle, Wiltshire, England. Margaret married twice, including Edward I Plantagenet 1801. Margaret gave birth to one son: Roger Halys 1803 in 1275

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Edward I Plantagenet 1801 married Margaret Capet. They had one son: Thomas Plantagenet 1588 in This family is shown within family tree 413.

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1803. ROGER HALYS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Norfolk, England, to Margaret Capet 1802. Roger died in 1313, aged about 38, in Harwich, Essex, England. 1804. MARGARET HALYS [DE BERKELEY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1274, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 445. Margaret died in Kingsgrove, Gloucestershire, England. Roger Halys 1803 married Margaret Halys [De Berkeley]. They had one daughter: Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in 1302 This family is shown within family tree 445. 1805. ROBERT DE HOLAND (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1253, in Upholland, Lancashire, England. See family tree 414. Robert died in 1304, aged about 51, in Upholland, Lancashire, England. 1806. ELIZABETH DE HOLAND [DE SALMESBURY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1256, in Salmesbury, Lancashire, England. See family tree 414. Elizabeth died in 1311, aged about 55, in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Robert De Holand 1805, aged about 22, married Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury], aged about 19, in 1275 in Salmesbury, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Robert De Holand 1590 in 1285 This family is shown within family tree 414. 1807. ALAN LA ZOUCHE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Ashby, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 414. Alan died in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England. 1808. ELEANOR LA ZOUCHE [DE SEGRAVE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 414. Eleanor died in 1314, aged about 44, in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England. Alan La Zouche 1807 married Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave], aged about 17, in 1287 in Ashby, Leicestershire, England. They had one daughter: Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 in 1290 This family is shown within family tree 414. 1809. EDWARD I PLANTAGENET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westminster, Middlesex, England. See family tree 414. Edward died in Burgh On Sands, Cumberland, England. 1810. MARGARET PLANTAGENET [CAPET] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1279, in Paris, Seine, France. See family tree 414. Margaret died in Marlborough Castle, Wiltshire, England. Edward I Plantagenet 1809 married Margaret Plantagenet [Capet]. They had one son: Edmund Plantagenet 1592 in This family is shown within family tree 414. 1811. JOHN WAKE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 414. John died in Liddel, Cumberland, England. 1812. JOAN WAKE [FITZBERNARD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1273, in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 414. Joan died in 1309, aged about 36, in Blisworth, Towcester, Northamptonshire, England. John Wake 1811 married Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] in Kingsdown, Kent, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593 in 1295 This family is shown within family tree 414. 1813. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Arundel, Sussex, England. See family tree 415. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1814. ALISONA FITZALAN [DE SALUZZA] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1271, in Saluzza, Italy. See family tree 415. Alisona died in Todingham, Priory. Richard Fitzalan 1813 married Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza], aged about 13, in 1284 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. They had one son: Edmund Fitzalan 1594 in This family is shown within family tree 415. 1815. WILLIAM DE WARENNE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Warren, Sussex, England. See family tree 415. William died in Croydon, Surrey, England.

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1816. JOAN DE WARENNE [DE VERE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1264, in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 415. Joan died in High Altar, Lewes, Sussex, England. William De Warenne 1815, aged about 26, married Joan De Warenne [De Vere], aged about 22, between 1285 and 1286 in Surrey, England. They had one daughter: Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in 1277 This family is shown within family tree 415. 1817. EDMUND CROUCHBACK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 415. Edmund died in Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France. 1818. BLANCHE D CROUCHBACK [ARTOIS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Arras, France. See family tree 415. Blanche died in Paris, Seine, France. Edmund Crouchback 1817 married Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] in Paris, Seine, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1596 in 1281 This family is shown within family tree 415. 1819. PATRICK DE CHAWORTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 415. Patrick died in 1283, aged about 33, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1820. ISABEL DE CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1236, in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 415. Isabel died in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Patrick De Chaworth 1819 married Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp]. They had one daughter: Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 in 1282 This family is shown within family tree 415. 1821. EDWARD I PLANTAGENET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westminster, Middlesex, England to Henry Plantagenet 1935 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936, as shown in family tree 506. Edward died in Burgh On Sands, Cumberland, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1822. ELEANOR PLANTAGENET [OF CASTILE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Burgos, Burgos, Spain, to Ferdinand Castile 1937. Eleanor died in Herdeby, Lincolnshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward I Plantagenet 1821 married Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] in Burgos, Burgos, Spain. They had one son: King Edward 1598 in This family is shown as family tree 484. 1823. PHILIP IV THE FAIR (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Fontainebleau, Isle De, France, to Philip The Bold 1939 and Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940, as shown in family tree 509. Philip died in Fontainebleau, Isle De, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1824. JUANA PRINCESS FAIR [NAVARRE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1272/1, in Bar-Sur-Seine, Aube, France, to Blanche D Artois 1830, as shown in family tree 488. Juana died in Chateau De Vince, Val-De-Marne, France. Philip IV The Fair 1823 married Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] in Notre Dame De Paris, Paris, Seine, France. They had one daughter: Isabella Edward [De France] 1599 in 1292 This family is shown as family tree 485. 1825. JEAN DE AVESNES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1247, in Brabant, Brabant, Belgium. See family tree 486. Jean died in Valenciennes, Nord, France. 1826. PHILIPPINA COUNTESS DE AVESNES [LUXEMBOURG MAAS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1252, in Luxemburg, Maas, Belgium, to Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 and Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942, as shown in family tree 510. Philippina died in Valenciennes, Nord, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Jean De Avesnes 1825, aged about 23, married Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas], aged about 18, in 1270 in CT, Delaware, USA. They had one son: Willem De Avesnes 1600 in 1286 This family is shown as family tree 486. 1827. CHARLES DE VALOIS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Vincennes, Isle De France, France. See family tree 416. Charles died in Nogent-Le-Roi, France. 1828. MARGUERITE PRINCESS OF DE VALOIS [SICILY & NAPLES] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1273, in Napoli, Napoli, Italy. See family tree 416. Marguerite died in St Jacques, Paris, Seine, France.

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Charles De Valois 1827 married Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] in Corbeil, Marne, France. They had one daughter: Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601 in 1294 This family is shown within family tree 416. 1829. EDMUND PLANTAGENET (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 487. Edmund died in Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France. 1830. BLANCHE D ARTOIS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Arras, France, to Robert I Count Of Artois 1943 and Mahaut Artois [De Brabant] 1944, as shown in family tree 511. Blanche died in Paris, Seine, France. Blanche married twice, including Edmund Plantagenet 1829. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Blanche gave birth to one daughter: Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824 in 1272 This family is shown as family tree 488. Edmund Plantagenet 1829 married Blanche D Artois in Paris, Seine, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1602 in 1281 This family is shown as family tree 487. 1831. PATRICK DE CHAWORTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 417. Patrick died in 1283, aged about 33, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1832. ISABEL DE CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1236, in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 417. Isabel died in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Patrick De Chaworth 1831 married Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp]. They had one daughter: Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 in 1282 This family is shown within family tree 417. 1833. LOUIS DE BRIENNE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1265, in Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine. See family tree 417. Louis died in 1297, aged about 32, in Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine. 1834. AGNES DE BRIENNE [DE BEAUMONT] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Beaumont, Maine, USA. See family tree 417. Agnes died in 1270, as an infant. Louis De Brienne 1833, aged about 23, married Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont], aged about 18, in 1288 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. They had one son: Henry Beaumont 1604 in 1285 This family is shown within family tree 417. 1835. ALEXANDER COMYN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. See family tree 417. Alexander died in 1305, aged about 35, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1836. JOAN COMYN [LE LATIMER] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1256, in Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland. See family tree 417. Joan died in 1320, aged about 64, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Alexander Comyn 1835, aged about 6, married Joan Comyn [Le Latimer], aged about 20, in 1276 in Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605 in 1291 This family is shown within family tree 417. 1837. HUMPHREY DE BOHUN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1249, in Hereford, Essex, England. See family tree 418. Humphrey died in Pleshey, Essex, England. 1838. MAUD DE BOHUN [DE FIENNES] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1231, in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 418. Maud died in Walden, Essex, England. Humphrey De Bohun 1837, aged about 26, married Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes], aged about 44, in 1275 in Pleshey Castle, Essex, England. They had one son: Humphrey De Bohun 1606 in 1276 This family is shown within family tree 418. 1839. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Arundel, Sussex, England. See family tree 419. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1840. ALISONA FITZALAN [DE SALUZZA] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1271, in Saluzza, Italy. See family tree 419. Alisona died in Todingham, Priory. Richard Fitzalan 1839 married Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza], aged about 13, in 1284 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. They had one son: Edmund Fitzalan 1607 in This family is shown within family tree 419.

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1841. WILLIAM DE WARENNE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Warren, Sussex, England. See family tree 419. William died in Croydon, Surrey, England. 1842. JOAN DE WARENNE [DE VERE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1264, in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 419. Joan died in High Altar, Lewes, Sussex, England. William De Warenne 1841, aged about 26, married Joan De Warenne [De Vere], aged about 22, between 1285 and 1286 in Surrey, England. They had one daughter: Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in 1277 This family is shown within family tree 419. 1843. EDMUND CROUCHBACK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 419. Edmund died in Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France. 1844. BLANCHE D CROUCHBACK [ARTOIS] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1248, in Arras, France. See family tree 419. Blanche died in Paris, Seine, France. Edmund Crouchback 1843 married Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] in Paris, Seine, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1609 in 1281 This family is shown within family tree 419. 1845. PATRICK DE CHAWORTH (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 419. Patrick died in 1283, aged about 33, in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1846. ISABEL DE CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1236, in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 419. Isabel died in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Patrick De Chaworth 1845 married Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp]. They had one daughter: Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 in 1282 This family is shown within family tree 419. 1847. JOHN DE COBHAM (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1220, in Cobham, Kent, England. See family tree 420. John died in 1252, aged about 32, in Cowling Castle, Kent, England. 1848. JOAN DE COBHAM [DE NEVILLE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1234, in Laceby, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 420. Joan died in 1275, aged about 41. John De Cobham 1847 married Joan De Cobham [De Neville]. They had one son: Reginald De Cobham 1611 in 1265 This family is shown within family tree 420. 1849. WILLIAM DE FERRERS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Groby, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 420. William died in Groby, Leicestershire, England. 1850. WILLIAM DE FERRERS [D EVERE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1238, in Surrey, England. See family tree 420. William De Ferrers 1849 married William De Ferrers [D Evere]. They had one daughter: Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 in 1269 This family is shown within family tree 420. 1851. MAURICE DE BERKELEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1281 and 1284, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 420. Maurice died in Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England. 1852. EVE LA ZOUCHE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 420. Eve died in Church, Portbury, Somerset, England. Eve married twice, including Maurice De Berkeley 1851. Eve gave birth to one daughter: Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in 1294 This family is shown as family tree 489. Maurice De Berkeley 1851, aged about 6, married Eve La Zouche in 1289 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Thomas De Berkeley 1613 in 1293 This family is shown within family tree 420. 1853. ROGER MORTIMER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Netherwood, Thornbury, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 420. Roger died in Elms, Tyburn, Warwickshire, England. 1854. JOAN MORTIMER [DE GENEVILLE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Ludlow, Shropshire, England. See family tree 420. Joan died in Kings Stanley, Lasboro, Gloucestershire, England. Roger Mortimer 1853 married Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] in Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614 in 1308 This family is shown within family tree 420.

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1855. JOHN MAUTRAVERS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1266, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. See family tree 421. John died in 1341, aged about 75, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. 1856. ELEANOR MAUTRAVERS [DE GORGES] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1268, in Dorset, England. See family tree 421. Eleanor died in 1314, aged about 46, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. John Mautravers 1855, aged about 23, married Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges], aged about 21, in 1289 in Dorset, England. They had one son: John Maltravers 1615 in 1290 This family is shown within family tree 421. 1857. MAURICE DE BERKELEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. See family tree 421. Maurice died in 1326, aged about 58, in Wallingford Castle, England. Maurice fathered one daughter: Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in 1294 This family is shown within family tree 421. 1858. THOMAS COLEPEPER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1244, in Brenchley, Kent, England. See family tree 422. Thomas died in 1310, aged about 66, in Lvg. 1859. THOMAS COLEPEPER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1241, in Kent, England. See family tree 422. Thomas died in Kent, England. Thomas Colepeper 1858, aged about 29, married Thomas Colepeper, aged about 32, in 1273 in Brenchley, Kent, England. They had one son: Thomas Colepeper 1618 in 1278 This family is shown within family tree 422. 1860. JOHN BAYHALLE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Bayhall Manor, Pembury, Kent, England. See family tree 422. 1861. JOANNA BAYHALLE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1266. See family tree 422. John Bayhalle 1860 married Joanna Bayhalle. They had one daughter: Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in 1280 This family is shown within family tree 422. 1862. WILLIAM HARDRESHULL (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Scotton, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 422. William died in Saleby, Louth, Lincolnshire, England. 1863. JULIANA HARDRESHULL [DE HACHE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1272, in West Hatch, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 422. William Hardreshull 1862, aged about 20, married Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache], aged about 18, in 1290 in Pachesham, Surrey, England. They had one son: John Hardreshull 1620 in This family is shown within family tree 422. 1864. JAMES STAFFORD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1264, in Sandon, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 422. 1865. MARGARET STAFFORD [DE STAFFORD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1306, in Drayton, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 422. James Stafford 1864 married Margaret Stafford [De Stafford]. They had one daughter: Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621 in 1294 This family is shown within family tree 422. 1866. THOMAS DE GREENE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England, to Millicent De Cantilupe 1867, as shown in family tree 490. Thomas died in 1319, aged about 59, in Broughton, Dorset, England. Thomas fathered one son: Thomas De Greene 1622 in 1275 This family is shown within family tree 450. 1867. MILLICENT DE CANTILUPE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1250, in Calne, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 450. Millicent died in 1299, aged about 49, in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Millicent married twice, including Eudo La Zouche 1868. Millicent gave birth to two sons: Thomas De Greene 1866 in 1260 Thomas De Greene 1622 in 1275 This family is shown as family tree 490. Page 331

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1868. EUDO LA ZOUCHE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1244, in Ashby, Leicestershire, England. See family tree 450. Eudo died in 1279, aged about 35, in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Eudo La Zouche, aged about 29, married Millicent De Cantilupe 1867, aged about 23, in 1273 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England. They had one daughter: Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623 in 1279 This family is shown within family tree 450. 1869. BERNARD BRUCE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1264, in Exton, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England. See family tree 451. Bernard died. 1870. AGNES BRUCE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in England. See family tree 451. Agnes died. Bernard Bruce 1869 married Agnes Bruce. They had one son: John Bruce 1624 in This family is shown within family tree 451. 1871. GILBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Faulkbourne, Essex, England, to Richard Bullock 1945 and Richard Bullock 1946, as shown within family tree 452. 1872. MRS GILBERT BULLOCK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1254, in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. See family tree 452. Gilbert Bullock 1871, aged about 30, married Mrs Gilbert Bullock, aged about 26, in 1280 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Robert Bullock 1626 in 1281 This family is shown within family tree 452. 1873. RANDOLPH DE NEVILLE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Raby, Durham, England to Robert De Neville 1947 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948, as shown within family tree 453. Randolph died in Neville, Raby, Durham, England. 1874. EUPHEME FITZROGER DE NEVILLE [CLAVERING] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1267, in Warkworth, Northumberland, England, to Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950, as shown within family tree 453. Eupheme died in 1329, aged about 62, in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Randolph De Neville 1873 married Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering], aged about 15, in 1282 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. They had one son: Thomas De Neville 1628 in 1306 This family is shown within family tree 453. 1875. JOHN NORREYS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England, to Henry Norreys 1951 and Agnes Norreys [De Ireland] 1952, as shown within family tree 455. John died in 1372, aged about 42, in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1876. KATHERINE NORREYS [BALDERSTONE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1332, in Balderstone, Lancashire, England, to William De Balderston 1953 and William De Balderston 1954, as shown within family tree 455. John Norreys 1875, aged about 39, married Katherine Norreys [Balderstone], aged about 37, in 1369 in Stapleford Bruen, Tarvin, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Henry Norreys 1630 in 1351 This family is shown within family tree 455. 1877. ROGER DE ERNYS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1310, in Chester, Cheshire, England, to Robert Ernois 1955 and Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1956, as shown within family tree 455. 1878. JOAN DE ERNYS [DE MOLYNEUX] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310, in Little Crosby, Sefton, Lancashire, England, to William De Molyneux 1957 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958, as shown in family tree 512. Roger De Ernys 1877, aged about 30, married Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux], aged about 30, in 1340. They had one daughter: Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631 in 1353 This family is shown as family tree 491. 1879. HARRY RAVENSCROFT (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 456. 1880. CATHERINE RAVENSCROFT [HOLLAND] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1372, in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England, to Ralph Holland 1959 and Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960, as shown within family tree 456.

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Harry Ravenscroft 1879, aged about 24, married Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland], aged about 22, in 1394 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 in 1395 This family is shown within family tree 456. 1881. JOHN DE STANLEY (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1362, in Newton, Cheshire, England, to William Stanley 1961 and Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962, as shown within family tree 456. John died in Ardee, Dublin, Ireland. 1882. ISABEL DE STANLEY [LATHOM] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1364, in Lathom Knowsley, Lancashire, England, to Thomas De Latham 1963 and Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964, as shown within family tree 456. Isabel died in Lathom, Lancashire, England. John De Stanley 1881, aged about 23, married Isabel De Stanley [Lathom], aged about 21, in 1385 in Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 in 1394 This family is shown within family tree 456. 1883. RICHARD ERNOIS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Chester, Cheshire, England. See family tree 427. 1884. RICHARD ERNOIS (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1245. See family tree 427. Richard Ernois 1883 married Richard Ernois. They had one son: Robert Ernois 1634 in 1270 This family is shown within family tree 427. 1885. RICHARD DE MOLYNEUX (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1232, in Lancashire, England, to William De Molyneux 1965 and Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966, as shown within family tree 458. Richard died in 1320, aged about 88, in Sefton, Lancashire, England. 1886. EMMA DE MOLYNEUX [DONNE] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1232, in Gascony, Lancashire, England, to Richard Donne 1967 and Ms. Donne 1968, as shown within family tree 458. Emma died in 1336, aged about 104, in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Richard De Molyneux 1885, aged about 22, married Emma De Molyneux [Donne], aged about 22, in 1254 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: William De Molyneux 1636 in 1263 This family is shown within family tree 458. 1887. UNKNOWN SCARISBRICK SCARISBRICK (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born to Mr. Scarisbrick 1969, as shown within family tree 458. Unknown fathered one daughter: Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in 1267 This family is shown within family tree 458. 1888. JOHN DE MONTFORT (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1297, in Coughton, Angleterre, Warwickshire, England, to John De Montfort 1970 and Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971, as shown within family tree 459. John died in 1365, aged about 68, in Coleshill Manor, Warwickshire, England. 1889. JOAN JANE DE MONTFORT [DE CLINTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1300, in Coleshill, Warwickshire, England, to John De Clinton 1972 and Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973, as shown in family tree 513. Joan died in 1371, aged about 71, in Staffordshire, England. John De Montfort 1888, aged about 27, married Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton], aged about 24, in 1324 in Coughton, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: Baldwin De Montfort 1638 in 1328 This family is shown within family tree 459. 1890. JOHN DE CLINTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England, to John De Clinton 1972 and Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973, as shown in family tree 513. John died in 1335, aged about 35, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. 1891. MARGERY DE CLINTON [CORBET] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1304, in Chaddesley, Corbet, Worcestershire, England, to William Corbet 1974 and Mrs William Corbet 1975, as shown within family tree 459. Margery died in 1343, aged about 39, in Amington, Warw, England. John De Clinton 1890 married Margery De Clinton [Corbet] in Chaddesly Corbet, Worcestershire, England. They had one daughter: Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1639 in 1331 This family is shown within family tree 459.

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1892. RICHARD SERGEAUX (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England, to John Cerizeaux 1976 and Joan Cerizeaux 1977, as shown in family tree 514. Richard died in 1362, aged about 62, in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. 1893. MARGARET BADDLESMERE SERGEAUX [DE SENESCHAL] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England, to John Seneschal 1978 and Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979, as shown in family tree 515. Margaret died in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Richard Sergeaux 1892 married Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal]. They had one son: Richard Sergeaux 1640 in 1328 This family is shown as family tree 492. 1894. JOHN SENESCHAL (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300, in Predatwolais, Cornwall, England, to John Seneschal 1980, as shown within family tree 460. 1895. JOANE SENESCHAL [KENINGK] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England, to Oger Keningk 1981 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982, as shown within family tree 460. Joane died in Grey Friars, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. John Seneschal 1894 married Joane Seneschal [Keningk]. They had one daughter: Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 in 1326 This family is shown within family tree 460. 1896. RICHARD FITZALAN (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Arundel, Sussex, England, to Edmund Fitzalan 1983 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984, as shown within family tree 461. Richard died in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1897. ISABEL FITZALAN [LE DESPENCER] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1312, in Gloucestershire, England, to Hugh Le Despenser 1985 and Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986, as shown within family tree 461. Isabel died in 1376, aged about 64, in Arundel, Sussex, England. Richard Fitzalan 1896 married Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer]. They had one son: Edmund Fitzalan 1642 in 1327 This family is shown within family tree 461. 1898. WILLIAM DE MONTAGU (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1303, in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England, to William De Montagu 1987 and Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988, as shown within family tree 461. William died in Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England. 1899. KATHERINE DE MONTAGU [DE GRANDISON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1304, in Ashford, Hertfordshire, England, to William De Grandison 1989 and Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990, as shown within family tree 461. Katherine died in Bisham, Berkshire, England. William De Montagu 1898, aged about 24, married Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison], aged about 23, in 1327 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643 in 1330 This family is shown within family tree 461. 1900. JOHN HOWARD (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1310, in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England, to John Howard 1991 and Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992, as shown in family tree 516. John died in 1388, aged about 78, in Bath, East Winch, Norfolk, England. 1901. ALICE HOWARD [DE BOSCO] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1314, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England, to Robert De Bosco 1993 and Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994, as shown in family tree 517. Alice died in 1375, aged about 61, in Bath, East Winch, Norfolk, England. John Howard 1900, aged about 24, married Alice Howard [De Bosco], aged about 20, in 1334 in Wallingford Castle, Wallingford, Berkshire, England. They had one son: Robert Howard 1644 in 1336 This family is shown as family tree 493. 1902. ROBERT DE SCALES (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1311, in Middleton, Norfolk, England, to Robert De Scales 1995 and Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996, as shown in family tree 518. Robert died in Middleton, Norfolk, England. 1903. CATHARINE DE SCALES [DE UFFORD] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1317, in Suffolk, England, to Robert De Ufford 1997 and Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998, as shown in family tree 519. Catharine died in 1339, aged about 22, in Newselles, East Winch, England. Robert De Scales 1902 married Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] in Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645 in 1339 This family is shown as family tree 494.

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1904. WILLIAM TENDRING (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1319, in Tendring Hall, Stoke By Nayland, Suffolk, England, to Thomas Tendering 1999 and Agnes Tendering [Holbroke] 2000, as shown within family tree 463. William died in 1375, aged about 56. 1905. MARGARET TENDRING [KERDESTON] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1322, in Stoke, Nayland, Suffolk, England, to William Kerdeston 2001 and Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002, as shown in family tree 520. William Tendring 1904, aged about 28, married Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston], aged about 25, in 1347/12 in Stoke, Nayland, Suffolk, England. They had one son: William Tendring 1646 in 1339 This family is shown as family tree 495. 1906. WILLIAM MYLDE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1322, in Clare, Suffolk, England. See family tree 430. William died in 1343, aged about 21, in Claire, Suffolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1907. WILLIAM MYLDE (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1322, in Clare, Suffolk, England. See family tree 430. William Mylde 1906, aged about 18, married William Mylde, aged about 18, in 1340 in Clare, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in 1343 This family is shown within family tree 430. 1908. THOMAS DE WAUTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Essex, England, to John De Wauton 2003. Thomas died in 1385, aged about 57, in England. 1909. ELIZABETH DE WAUTON [ASPALL] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1330, in Aspall, Suffolk, England, to John Aspall 2005 and Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 2006, as shown within family tree 464. Elizabeth died in England. Thomas De Wauton 1908, aged about 23, married Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall], aged about 21, in 1351 in Great Staughton, Huntingdon, England. They had one son: John De Walton 1648 in 1354 This family is shown within family tree 464. 1910. WILLIAM LE BOTELER (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1309, in Warrington, Lancashire, England, to William Le Boteler 2007 and Sybil Le Boteler 2008, as shown within family tree 466. William died in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. 1911. ELIZABETH LE BOTELER [DE HAVERING] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1314, in Havering, London, Middlesex, England, to Nicholas De Havering 2009. Elizabeth died in 1400, aged about 86. William Le Boteler 1910 married Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering]. They had one son: John Boteler 1650 in 1335 This family is shown within family tree 466. 1912. WILLIAM DE PLUMPTON (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1294, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to Robert Plumpton 2011 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012, as shown within family tree 466. William died in 1362, aged about 68, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1913. CHRISTIANA DE PLUMPTON [MOWBRAY] (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, to John Mowbray 2013. Christiana died in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. William De Plumpton 1912, aged about 28, married Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray], aged about 17, in 1322 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in 1332 This family is shown within family tree 466. Generation of Twenty-Times-Great-Grandparents 1914. RICHARD BATHURST (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1381, in Cranebrook, Staplehurst, Kent, England, to Richard De Bodehurst 2015, as shown within family tree 467. Richard died in 1433, aged about 52. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard fathered one son: Lawrence Bathurst 1652 in 1407 This family is shown within family tree 467. 1915. MR. BOND (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330 to Richard Bond 2016, as shown within family tree 468.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Mr. Bond fathered one son: Richard Bond 1653 in 1355 This family is shown within family tree 468.

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1916. HENRY DE EARTH (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1299, in Earth, St Stephen Pr, Cornwall, England. See family tree 435. Henry died in 1353, aged about 54, in Cornwall, England. Henry fathered one son: Geoffrey De Earth 1654 in 1345 This family is shown within family tree 435. 1917. HUGH ROSS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Scotland. See family tree 469. 1918. JEAN ROSS [MUNRO] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in Foulis, Perth, Scotland to Robert Munro 2017, as shown within family tree 469. Hugh Ross 1917 married Jean Ross [Munro]. They had one son: William Ross 1656 This family is shown within family tree 469. 1919. PAUL MACINTYRE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Scotland. See family tree 469. Paul fathered one daughter: Catherine Ross [Macintyre] 1657 This family is shown within family tree 469. 1920. HENRY ST CLAIR (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1345, in Castle Rosslyn, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland, to William St Clair 2018 and Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019, as shown in family tree 524. Henry died in 1404, aged about 59, in Orkney, Scotland. 1921. JEAN ST CLAIR [HALIBURTON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1355, in Dirleton, Eastlothian, Scotland, to John Halyburton 2020 and Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021, as shown in family tree 525. Jean died in 1400, aged about 45, in Roslynn, Midlothian, Scotland. Henry St Clair 1920, aged about 26, married Jean St Clair [Haliburton], aged about 16, in 1371 in Dirleton, East Lothian, Scotland. They had one son: Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 about 1375 This family is shown as family tree 496. 1922. THOMAS DE MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, to Thomas Macclesfield 2022, as shown in family tree 526. Thomas died in 1300, aged about 50, in Maelor Saesneg, Flintshire, Wales. Thomas fathered one son: John De Hanmer 1659 in 1277 This family is shown as family tree 497. 1923. EINION AP GWILYM (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263, in Hirfryn, Cantref Bychan, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023 and Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 2024, as shown in family tree 527. 1924. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1263, in Montgoms, Wales. See family tree 498. Einion Ap Gwilym 1923 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 498. 1925. RIRED AP RHYS SAYS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Wales, to Rhys Sais Gan 2025 and Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys] 2026, as shown in family tree 528. 1926. RIRED SAYS SAYS [AP RHYS] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1255. See family tree 499. Rired Ap Rhys Says 1925 married Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys]. They had one son: Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 499. 1927. IORWERTH FOEL AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 and Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028, as shown in family tree 529. Iorwerth died in 1313, aged about 63, in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. 1928. GWLADYS VERCH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1255, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England, to Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 and Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030, as shown in family tree 530.

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Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927, aged about 15, married Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth, aged about 10, in 1265 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 in 1275 This family is shown as family tree 500. 1929. RHIRID FLAIDD (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales, to Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 and Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 2032, as shown in family tree 531. Rhirid died in 1207, aged about 47. Rhirid fathered one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 in 1261 This family is shown as family tree 501. 1930. GWENLLIAN VERCH EDNYFED (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1192, in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales, to Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033. Gwenllian gave birth to one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 in 1261 This family is shown as family tree 502. 1931. MADOC CRYPL AP GRUFFYDD VYCHAN (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Glyndfrdwy, Fadog, Powys, Wales, to Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 and Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 2036, as shown in family tree 534. Madoc died in 1324, aged about 74. Madoc fathered one son: Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 503. 1932. SIONET FERCH RHYS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1260 to Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037 and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038, as shown in family tree 535. Sionet gave birth to one son: Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 504. 1933. GRUFFUDD AB IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1218, in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 and Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040, as shown in family tree 536. 1934. MARGRED VERCH IORWERTH [RHYS] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1223, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042, as shown in family tree 537. Margred died in 1278, aged about 55. Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933, aged about 41, married Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys], aged about 36, in 1259 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 in 1245 This family is shown as family tree 505. 1935. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Winchester, Hampshire, England to John Lackland Plantagenet 2043 and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044, as shown in family tree 538. Henry died in Westminster, Middlesex, England. 1936. ELEANOR PLANTAGENET [BERENGER] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1217, in Aix-En-Provence, France, to Raymond Berenger 2045 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046, as shown in family tree 539. Eleanor died in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England. Henry Plantagenet 1935 married Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] in Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England. They had one son: Edward I Plantagenet 1821 in This family is shown as family tree 506. 1937. FERDINAND CASTILE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Castile, Acceded, Spain, to Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 and Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048, as shown in family tree 540. Ferdinand died in Seville, Sevilla, Spain. Ferdinand fathered one daughter: Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 in 1244 This family is shown as family tree 507.

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1938. JOAN DE DAMMARTIN (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1208, in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France, to Simon De Dammartin 2049 and Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050, as shown in family tree 541. Joan died in Abbeville, France. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 in 1244 This family is shown as family tree 508. 1939. PHILIP THE BOLD (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Poissy, Isle De France, France to Louis Capet 2051 and Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052, as shown in family tree 542. Philip died in Perpignan, Toulouse, France. 1940. ISABELLA BOLD [DE ARAGON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1247, in Montpellier, Herault, France, to Jaime I Mallorc 2053 and Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054, as shown in family tree 543. Isabella died in Cosenza, Calabria, Italy. Philip The Bold 1939 married Isabella Bold [De Aragon] in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-De-Dome, France. They had one son: Philip IV The Fair 1823 in 1268 This family is shown as family tree 509. 1941. HENRI COUNT LUXEMBOURG MAAS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1220, in Limburg, Limburg, Belgium, to Waleram Duke Montj 2055 and Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056, as shown in family tree 544. Henri died in Luxembourg. 1942. MARGUERITE LUXEMBOURG MAAS [DE BAR] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1220, in Le Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France, to Henry De Bar 2057 and Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058, as shown in family tree 545. Marguerite died in Palestine, Holy Land. Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 married Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. They had one daughter: Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 in 1252 This family is shown as family tree 510. 1943. ROBERT I COUNT OF ARTOIS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1216 and 1219, in Paris, Isle De, France, to Louis Viii The Lion 2059 and Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] 2060, as shown in family tree 546. Robert died in Mansoure, Of St Louis, Egypt. 1944. MAHAUT ARTOIS [DE BRABANT] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1224, in Brabant, France. See family tree 511. Mahaut died in Cercamp Abbey, Artois, France. Robert I Count Of Artois 1943 married Mahaut Artois [De Brabant]. They had one daughter: Blanche D Artois 1830 in 1248 This family is shown as family tree 511. 1945. RICHARD BULLOCK (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1219, in Loftes, Great Totham, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 452. Richard died in 1272, aged about 53, in Loftes, Essex, England. 1946. RICHARD BULLOCK (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1213, in Aberfield, Berkshire, England. See family tree 452. Richard Bullock 1945 married Richard Bullock. They had one son: Gilbert Bullock 1871 in 1250 This family is shown within family tree 452. 1947. ROBERT DE NEVILLE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Raby, Durham, England. See family tree 453. Robert died in 1271, aged about 31, in Coverham Abbey, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1948. MARY DE NEVILLE [FITZRANDOLPH] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Midleham, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 453. Mary died in Coverham, Yorkshire, England. Robert De Neville 1947, aged about 20, married Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph], aged about 16, in 1260 in Middleham, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Randolph De Neville 1873 in This family is shown within family tree 453. 1949. ROBERT FITZROGER CLAVERING (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1247, in Clavering, Essex, England. See family tree 453. Robert died in Clavering, Saffron Walden, Essex, England. 1950. MARGERY CLAVERING [LA ZOUCHE] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1251, in Clavering, Essex, England. See family tree 453. Margery died in 1329, aged about 78, in Clavering, Essex, England. Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949, aged about 18, married Margery Clavering [La Zouche], aged about 14, in 1265 in Clavering, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in 1267 This family is shown within family tree 453.

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1951. HENRY NORREYS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1310, in Sutton, Lancashire, England. See family tree 455. Henry died in 1367, aged about 57, in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1952. AGNES NORREYS [DE IRELAND] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1312, in Hutt, Lancashire, England. See family tree 455. Henry Norreys 1951 married Agnes Norreys [De Ireland]. They had one son: John Norreys 1875 in 1330 This family is shown within family tree 455. 1953. WILLIAM DE BALDERSTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1239, in Balderstone, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. See family tree 455. William died in 1292, aged about 53. 1954. WILLIAM DE BALDERSTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1243, in Osbaldeston, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. See family tree 455. William De Balderston 1953 married William De Balderston. They had one daughter: Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 in 1332 This family is shown within family tree 455. 1955. ROBERT ERNOIS (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Chester, Cheshire, England. See family tree 455. 1956. JANE ERNOIS [MOLYNEUX] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Lancashire, England, to William De Molyneux 1957 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958, as shown in family tree 512. Robert Ernois 1955 married Jane Ernois [Molyneux]. They had one son: Roger De Ernys 1877 in 1310 This family is shown within family tree 455. 1957. WILLIAM DE MOLYNEUX (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 512. William died in 1335, aged about 72, in Sefton, West Derby, Lancashire, England. 1958. ISABELL DE MOLYNEUX [SCARESBRICK] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1267, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 512. Isabell died in 1298, aged about 31, in Sefton, Lancashire, England. William De Molyneux 1957, aged about 37, married Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick], aged about 33, in 1300 in Lancashire, England. They had two daughters: Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1956 in 1277 Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878 in 1310 This family is shown as family tree 512. 1959. RALPH HOLLAND (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. See family tree 456. 1960. ROSE HOLLAND [SKEVINGTON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1353, in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. See family tree 456. Ralph Holland 1959, aged about 21, married Rose Holland [Skevington], aged about 18, in 1371 in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. They had one daughter: Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 in 1372 This family is shown within family tree 456. 1961. WILLIAM STANLEY (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Storeton, Cheshire, England. See family tree 456. William died in 1398, aged about 68, in Storeton, Cheshire, England. 1962. ALICE STANLEY [MASSEY] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1339, in Timperley, Cheshire, England. See family tree 456. Alice died in 1380, aged about 41, in Storeton, Cheshire, England. William Stanley 1961, aged about 27, married Alice Stanley [Massey], aged about 18, in 1357 in Timperley, Cheshire, England. They had one son: John De Stanley 1881 in 1362 This family is shown within family tree 456. 1963. THOMAS DE LATHAM (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1330, in Lathom, Lancashire, England. See family tree 456. Thomas died in 1382, aged about 52, in Lathom, Lancashire, England. 1964. ISABELLA DE LATHAM [PILKINGTON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1366, in Knowsley, Lancashire, England. See family tree 456. Isabella died in England. Thomas De Latham 1963, aged about 33, married Isabella De Latham [Pilkington], aged about -3, in 1363 in Knowsley, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 in 1364 This family is shown within family tree 456.

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1965. WILLIAM DE MOLYNEUX (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1210, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 458. William died in 1289, aged about 79, in Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England. 1966. MARGARET DE MOLYNEUX [DE THORNTON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1212, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 458. Margaret died in 1250, aged about 38, in Sefton, Lancashire, England. William De Molyneux 1965, aged about 20, married Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton], aged about 18, in 1230 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Richard De Molyneux 1885 in 1232 This family is shown within family tree 458. 1967. RICHARD DONNE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1210, in Utkinton, Chester, Cheshire, England. See family tree 458. 1968. MS. DONNE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 458. Richard Donne 1967 married Ms. Donne. They had one daughter: Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in 1232 This family is shown within family tree 458. 1969. MR. SCARISBRICK (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 458. Mr. Scarisbrick fathered one son: Unknown Scarisbrick Scarisbrick 1887 This family is shown within family tree 458. 1970. JOHN DE MONTFORT (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1264, in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 459. John died in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. 1971. ALICE DE MONTFORT [DE LA PLAUNCHE] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1267, in Cheriton, Hampshire, England. See family tree 459. Alice died in 1303, aged about 36, in Staffordshire, England. John De Montfort 1970, aged about 23, married Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche], aged about 20, in 1287/3 in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. They had one son: John De Montfort 1888 in 1297 This family is shown within family tree 459. 1972. JOHN DE CLINTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1258, in Amington, Mastoke, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 513. John died in 1313, aged about 55, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. 1973. IDA DE CLINTON [ODINGSELLS] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 513. Ida died in 1321, aged about 51, in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. John De Clinton 1972, aged about 32, married Ida De Clinton [Odingsells], aged about 20, in 1290 in Pirton, Hertfordshire, England. They had two children: John De Clinton 1890 in 1300 Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 513. 1974. WILLIAM CORBET (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Chaddesley, Corbet, Worcestershire, England. See family tree 459. William died in 1351 in Chaddesley Corbett, Worcester, England. 1975. MRS WILLIAM CORBET (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1286, in Chaddesly Corbet, Worcestershire, England. See family tree 459. Mrs died in 1375, aged about 89, in England. William Corbet 1974 married Mrs William Corbet, aged about 17, in 1303 in Chaddesly Corbet, Worcestershire, England. They had one daughter: Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 in 1304 This family is shown within family tree 459. 1976. JOHN CERIZEAUX (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1280, in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England, to Richard Cerizeaux 2061 and Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062, as shown in family tree 547. John died in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn Parish, Cornwall, England. 1977. JOAN CERIZEAUX (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1279, in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. See family tree 514. John Cerizeaux 1976, aged about 19, married Joan Cerizeaux, aged about 20, in 1299 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. They had one son: Richard Sergeaux 1892 in 1300 This family is shown as family tree 514. 1978. JOHN SENESCHAL (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England, to John

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Seneschal 2063 and John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064, as shown within family tree 492. John died in 1318, aged about 43, in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England. 1979. JOANE SENESCHAL [KENINGK] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England, to Oger Keningk 2065 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066, as shown within family tree 515. Joane died in Grey Friars, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. John Seneschal 1978, aged about 23, married Joane Seneschal [Keningk], aged about -7, in 1298 in Trigg Minor, Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893 in 1305 This family is shown as family tree 515. 1980. JOHN SENESCHAL (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Predannack Wollas, Mullion, Cornwall, England. See family tree 460. John died in 1308, aged about 58. John fathered one son: John Seneschal 1894 in 1300 This family is shown within family tree 460. 1981. OGER KENINGK (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1248, in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. See family tree 460. Oger died in 1292, aged about 44, in Trenage, Braunel, Cornwall, England. 1982. CONSTANCE KENINGK [BLOIGHO] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1250, in Cornwall, England. See family tree 460. Oger Keningk 1981, aged about 31, married Constance Keningk [Bloigho], aged about 29, in 1279 in Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 460. 1983. EDMUND FITZALAN (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castle, Marlborough, Sussex, England. See family tree 461. Edmund died in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. 1984. ALICE FITZALAN [DE WARREN] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Warren, Sussex, England. See family tree 461. Alice died in 1338, aged about 61, in Arundel, Sussex, England. Edmund Fitzalan 1983 married Alice Fitzalan [De Warren], aged about 28, in 1305 in Arundel, Sussex, England. They had one son: Richard Fitzalan 1896 in 1313 This family is shown within family tree 461. 1985. HUGH LE DESPENSER (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1290, in Barton, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 461. Hugh died in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. 1986. ELEANOR LE DESPENSER [DE CLARE] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1292/10, in Caerphilly Castle, Caerphilly, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 461. Eleanor died in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England. Hugh Le Despenser 1985 married Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] in Westminster, London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 in 1312 This family is shown within family tree 461. 1987. WILLIAM DE MONTAGU (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 461. William died in Gascony, France. 1988. ELIZABETH DE MONTAGU [DE MONTFORT] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1275, in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. See family tree 461. Elizabeth died in 1345, aged about 70, in Christ Church, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. William De Montagu 1987, aged about 17, married Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort], aged about 17, in 1292 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. They had one son: William De Montagu 1898 in 1303 This family is shown within family tree 461. 1989. WILLIAM DE GRANDISON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1256, in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 461. William died in Lambourn, Hungerford, Berkshire, England. 1990. SYBIL DE GRANDISON [TREGOZ] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1271, in Ewyas, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 461. Sybil died in Dore Abbey, Sussex, England. William De Grandison 1989, aged about 30, married Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz], aged about 15, in 1286 in Donyatt, Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 in 1304 This family is shown within family tree 461.

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1991. JOHN HOWARD (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1276, in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. See family tree 516. John died in 1331, aged about 55, in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1992. JOAN HOWARD [DE CORNWALL] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Thunnock, Lancashire, England, to Richard De John Cornwall 2067, as shown in family tree 548. Joan died in 1341, aged about 56, in Howard Chapel, East Winch, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Howard 1991, aged about 33, married Joan Howard [De Cornwall], aged about 24, in 1309 in Burford, Shropshire, England. They had one son: John Howard 1900 in 1310 This family is shown as family tree 516. 1993. ROBERT DE BOSCO (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1288, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England, to Robert De Boys 2068 and Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069, as shown in family tree 549. Robert died in 1334, aged about 46, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1994. JOANE DE BOSCO [WICHINGHAM] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England, to William Latimer 2070 and Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071, as shown in family tree 550. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Robert De Bosco 1993, aged about 21, married Joane De Bosco [Wichingham], aged about 19, in 1309 in Fersfield, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in 1314 This family is shown as family tree 517. 1995. ROBERT DE SCALES (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1279, in Middleton, Norfolk, England, to Robert Scales 2072 and Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073, as shown in family tree 551. Robert died in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1996. EGELINE DE SCALES [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1287, in Okehampton, Devon, England, to Hugh De Courtenay 2074 and Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075, as shown in family tree 552. Egeline died in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert De Scales 1995 married Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay]. They had one son: Robert De Scales 1902 in 1311 This family is shown as family tree 518. 1997. ROBERT DE UFFORD (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in Thurston, Suffolk, England to Robert D Ufford 2076 and Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077, as shown in family tree 553. Robert died in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 1998. MARGARET DE UFFORD [DE NORWICH] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1286, in Mettingham, Suffolk, England. See family tree 519. Margaret died in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Robert De Ufford 1997 married Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] in Thurston, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 in 1317 This family is shown as family tree 519. 1999. THOMAS TENDERING (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1432. See family tree 463. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 2000. AGNES TENDERING [HOLBROKE] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1432. See family tree 463. Thomas Tendering 1999 married Agnes Tendering [Holbroke]. They had one son: William Tendring 1904 in 1319 This family is shown within family tree 463. 2001. WILLIAM KERDESTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1307, in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England, to Roger De Kerdeston 2078 and Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079, as shown in family tree 554. William died in Claxton, Loddon, Norfolk, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2002. MARGARET KERDESTON [BACON] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1305, in Baconsthorpe, Erpingham, Norfolk, England, to Adam Bacon 2080 and Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081, as shown in family tree 555. Margaret died in 1329, aged about 24. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] William Kerdeston 2001 married Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon]. They had one daughter: Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 in 1322 This family is shown as family tree 520.

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2003. JOHN DE WAUTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1331, in Essex, England. See family tree 464. John fathered one son: Thomas De Wauton 1908 in 1328 This family is shown within family tree 464. 2004. JOHN DE WAUTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1311, in Essex, England. See family tree 521. John gave birth to one son: Thomas De Wauton 1908 in 1328 This family is shown as family tree 521. 2005. JOHN ASPALL (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1304, in Aspall, Hartismere, Suffolk, England. See family tree 464. John died in England. 2006. ALICE ASPALL [DE CRESSINGHAM] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Gressingham, Lancaster, Lancashire, England. See family tree 464. Alice died in 1338, aged about 53. John Aspall 2005 married Alice Aspall [De Cressingham]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 in 1330 This family is shown within family tree 464. 2007. WILLIAM LE BOTELER (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1270, in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. See family tree 466. William died in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. 2008. SYBIL LE BOTELER (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Lancashire, England. See family tree 466. Sybil died in 1330, aged about 45, in England. William Le Boteler 2007 married Sybil Le Boteler. They had one son: William Le Boteler 1910 in 1309 This family is shown within family tree 466. 2009. NICHOLAS DE HAVERING (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1282, in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 466. Nicholas fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 in 1314 This family is shown within family tree 466. 2010. JOAN BRYAN (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1283, in Throcking, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 522. Joan died in 1317, aged about 34, in Y. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 in 1314 This family is shown as family tree 522. 2011. ROBERT PLUMPTON (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 466. Robert died in 1325, aged about 57, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 2012. LUCY PLUMPTON [ROOS] (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1270, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 466. Lucy died in 1332, aged about 62, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Robert Plumpton 2011, aged about 27, married Lucy Plumpton [Roos], aged about 25, in 1295 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William De Plumpton 1912 in 1294 This family is shown within family tree 466. 2013. JOHN MOWBRAY (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1279, in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 466. John died in Hanged, Yorkshire, England. John fathered one daughter: Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 466. 2014. ALICE DE BRAOSE (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1286, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 523. Alice died in 1331, aged about 45, in Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Alice gave birth to one daughter: Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in 1305 This family is shown as family tree 523. Generation of Twenty-one-Times-Great-Grandparents

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2015. RICHARD DE BODEHURST (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1360, in Bodehurst, Sussex, England. See family tree 467. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Richard fathered one son: Richard Bathurst 1914 in 1381 This family is shown within family tree 467. 2016. RICHARD BOND (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1300. See family tree 468. Richard fathered one son: Mr. Bond 1915 in 1330 This family is shown within family tree 468. 2017. ROBERT MUNRO (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 469. Robert fathered one daughter: Jean Ross [Munro] 1918 This family is shown within family tree 469. 2018. WILLIAM ST CLAIR (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1328, in Rosslyn Castle, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, to William St Clair 2082 and Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083, as shown within family tree 524. William died in 1358, aged about 30, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 2019. ISABELLA ST CLAIR [STRATHERN] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1338, in Strathearn, Perth, Scotland, to Malise Of Strathern 2084 and Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085, as shown within family tree 524. Isabella died in Roslin. William St Clair 2018 married Isabella St Clair [Strathern] in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. They had one son: Henry St Clair 1920 in 1345 This family is shown as family tree 524. 2020. JOHN HALYBURTON (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1335, in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland, to John Haliburton 2086 and Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087, as shown within family tree 525. John died in 1402, aged about 67, in Scotland. 2021. MARGARET HALYBURTON [CAMERON] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1338, in Balleyarno, Perth, Scotland, to John Cameron 2088 and Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 2089, as shown within family tree 525. John Halyburton 2020, aged about 19, married Margaret Halyburton [Cameron], aged about 16, in 1354 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. They had one daughter: Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in 1355 This family is shown as family tree 525. 2022. THOMAS MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, to Roger Macclesfield 2090 and Isabel Macclesfield 2091, as shown within family tree 526. Thomas died in 1310, aged about 85, in Y. Thomas fathered one son: Thomas De Macclesfield 1922 in 1250 This family is shown as family tree 526. 2023. GWILYM AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1245, in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 and Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093, as shown within family tree 527. Gwilym died in 1293, aged about 48. 2024. GWILYM AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1245, in Montgoms, Wales. See family tree 527. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023 married Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd]. They had one son: Einion Ap Gwilym 1923 in 1263 This family is shown as family tree 527.

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2025. RHYS SAIS GAN (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Pengern, Flintshire, Wales to Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 and Janet Verch Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] 2095, as shown within family tree 528. Rhys died in 1078. 2026. EVA VERCH GAN [AP RHYS] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born to Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096, as shown within family tree 528. Rhys Sais Gan 2025 married Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys] in 1037. They had one son: Rired Ap Rhys Says 1925 in 1250 This family is shown as family tree 528. 2027. IORWERTH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1233, in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 and Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd] 2098, as shown within family tree 529. Iorwerth died in 1270, aged about 37, in Pengwern, Denbighshire, Wales. 2028. CATHERINE VERCH AP IORWERTH [GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1233, in Gwynedd, Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100, as shown in family tree 556. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 married Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd]. They had one son: Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 in 1250 This family is shown as family tree 529. 2029. IORWERTH AP GRIFFIN (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1206, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England, to Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 and Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102, as shown within family tree 530. Iorwerth died in 1276, aged about 70. 2030. TANGWYSTL FERCH AP GRIFFIN [GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1224, in Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103, as shown within family tree 530. Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029, aged about 38, married Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd], aged about 20, in 1244 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 in 1255 This family is shown as family tree 530. 2031. GWRRENEU FLAIDD AP COLLWYN (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Gwynedd, Wales, to Colyn Gwergynan 2104 and Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 2105, as shown within family tree 531. 2032. GENRIS VERCH AP COLLWYN [HIRDREF] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1125 to Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 2106 and Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin] 2107, as shown within family tree 531. Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 married Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref]. They had one son: Rhirid Flaidd 1929 in 1160 This family is shown as family tree 531. 2033. EDNYFED AP CYNWRIG (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1139, in Tregarnedd, Llangivini, Anglesey, Wales, to Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 and Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109, as shown within family tree 532. Ednyfed died in 1246, aged about 107, in Oregon, USA. Ednyfed fathered one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1930 in 1192 This family is shown as family tree 532. 2034. GWENLLIAN VERCH RHYS (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1158, in Powys, Wales, to Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111, as shown within family tree 533. Gwenllian died in 1236, aged about 78, in Burton, Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales. Citation: Source 25, page Source number: 872.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: LSS. Note 1244 applies. Note 1245 applies. Name: Gwenllian Verch Rhys (Name). Gwenllian gave birth to one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1930 in 1192 This family is shown as family tree 533. 2035. GRUFFYDD FYCHAN AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Straffordshire, England, to Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112. Gruffydd died in 1289, aged about 49. 2036. MARGRED FERCH AP GRUFFYDD [GRIFFIN] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1242, in Montgomery, Wales, to Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 and Janet Fitz Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 2115, as shown within family tree 534.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 married Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin]. They had one son: Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931 in 1250 This family is shown as family tree 534.

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2037. RHYS VYCHAN AP RHYS MECHELL (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240 to Rhys Ap Rhys 2116. Rhys died in 1271, aged about 31. 2038. GWLADUS VERCH AP RHYS MECHELL [GRUFFYDD] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1221, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119, as shown within family tree 535. Gwladus died in 1261, aged about 40. Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037 married Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd]. They had one daughter: Sionet Ferch Rhys 1932 in 1260 This family is shown as family tree 535. 2039. IORWERTH AP GRIFFRI AP IEUAF (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Denbighshire, Wales, to Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 and Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121, as shown within family tree 536. 2040. ANGHARAD VERCH AP IEUAF [LLEWELLYN] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1170, in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales, to Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 and Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123, as shown within family tree 536. Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039, aged about 57, married Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn], aged about 47, in 1217 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 in 1218 This family is shown as family tree 536. 2041. RHYS AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1195, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 and Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125, as shown within family tree 537. Rhys died in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 2042. GWLADUS VERCH AP RHYS [GRUFFYDD] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1221, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127, as shown within family tree 537. Gwladus died in 1261, aged about 40. Rhys Ap Rhys 2041, aged about 19, married Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd], aged about -7, in 1214 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934 in 1223 This family is shown as family tree 537. 2043. JOHN LACKLAND PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Beaumont Palace, Oxfordshire, England to Henry II Of England 2128 and Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2129, as shown in family tree 559. John died in Newark, Nottinghamshire, England. 2044. ISABELLA PLANTAGENET [DE TAILLEFER] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1188, in Angouleme, Charente, France, to Aymer De Taillefer 2130 and Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131, as shown in family tree 560. Isabella died in Fontevrault Abbey, Fontevrault, Maine Et Loire, France. John Lackland Plantagenet 2043 married Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 1935 in This family is shown as family tree 538. 2045. RAYMOND BERENGER (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1198, in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France, to Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133, as shown within family tree 539. Raymond died in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, Provence, France. 2046. BEATRICE BERENGER [DE SAVOIE] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1201, in Chambery, Savoie, France, to Thomas I Savoy 2134 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135, as shown within family tree 539. Beatrice died in 1266/12, aged about 65, in Chambery, Savoy, France. Raymond Berenger 2045, aged about 22, married Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie], aged about 19, in 1220/12 in Chambery, Savoie, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936 in 1217 This family is shown as family tree 539. 2047. ALFONSO THE SLOBBERER (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Zamora, Leon, Spain to King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 and Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137, as shown within family tree 540. Alfonso died in Villaneuva De Sarria, Lugo, Spain.

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2048. BERENGARIA SLOBBERER [ALFONSEZ] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1181, in Castile, Spain, to Alfonso Sanchez 2138 and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2139, as shown in family tree 561. Berengaria died in Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 married Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez], aged about 16, in 1197 in Valladolid, Valladolid, Castile-Leon, Spain. They had one son: Ferdinand Castile 1937 in 1200 This family is shown as family tree 540. 2049. SIMON DE DAMMARTIN (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Dammartin, Seine Et Marne, France, to Aubrey Dammartin 2140 and Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141, as shown within family tree 541. Simon died in Abbeville, Somme, France. 2050. MARIE DE DAMMARTIN [DE PONTHIEU] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1186, in Aumale, Seine Maritime, France, to William Ponthieu 2142 and Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143, as shown within family tree 541. Marie died in 1251, aged about 65, in Abbeville, Somme, Picardie, France. Simon De Dammartin 2049 married Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu]. They had one daughter: Joan De Dammartin 1938 in 1208 This family is shown as family tree 541. 2051. LOUIS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Poissy, France to Louis Capet 2144 and Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] 2145, as shown in family tree 562. Louis died in Tunis, Tunisia. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2052. MARGUERITE CAPET [DE PROVENCE] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1221, in St Maime, Forcalquier, Bourgogne, to Raymond Berenger 2146 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147, as shown in family tree 563. Marguerite died in Paris, Isle De France, France. Louis Capet 2051 married Marguerite Capet [De Provence] in Sens, Yonne, France. They had one son: Philip The Bold 1939 in This family is shown as family tree 542. 2053. JAIME I MALLORC (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Montpellier, Herault, France to Pedro King Aragon 2148 and Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149, as shown within family tree 543. Jaime died in Valencia, Valencia, Spain. 2054. YOLANDE MALLORC [OF HUNGARY] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1213, in Esztergom, Hungary, to Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 and Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151, as shown within family tree 543. Yolande died in Huesca, Spain. Jaime I Mallorc 2053 married Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] in Barcelona, Spain. They had one daughter: Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940 in 1247 This family is shown as family tree 543. 2055. WALERAM DUKE MONTJ (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Limburg Lahn, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia, to Henri Limburg 2152 and Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153, as shown within family tree 544. Waleram died between 1226 and 1227, aged about 46, in Rolduc. 2056. ERMENSINDE MONTJ [DE NAMUR] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born between 1186 and 1187, in Namur, Belgium, to Henri De Namur 2154 and Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155, as shown within family tree 544. Ermensinde died in Limbourg, Germany. Waleram Duke Montj 2055, aged about 34, married Ermensinde Montj [De Namur], aged about 28, between 1214 and 1215 in Luxembourg, Netherlands. They had one son: Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 in 1220 This family is shown as family tree 544. 2057. HENRY DE BAR (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1190, in Le Duc, Meuse, France, to Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 and Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157, as shown within family tree 545. Henry died in Gaza, Palestine. 2058. PHILIPPA DE BAR [DE DREUX] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1192, in Druex, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France, to Robert De Dreux 2158 and Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159, as shown within family tree 545. Philippa died in Le Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France. Henry De Bar 2057, aged about 29, married Philippa De Bar [De Dreux], aged about 27, in 1219 in Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France. They had one daughter: Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942 in 1220 This family is shown as family tree 545. 2059. LOUIS VIII THE LION (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Paris, Isle De France, France to Philippe

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Auguste 2160 and Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161, as shown within family tree 546. Louis died in Montpensier, Auvergne, France. 2060. BLANCA LION [ALPHONSA] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in Chcateau De Palencia, Valencia, Valencia, Almohadi to Alfonso Sanchez 2162 and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163, as shown within family tree 546. Blanca died in Palais Du Louvre, Paris, Seine, France. Louis Viii The Lion 2059 married Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] in Pont Audemer, Eure, France. They had one son: Robert I Count Of Artois 1943 about 1218 This family is shown as family tree 546. 2061. RICHARD CERIZEAUX (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn Parish, Cornwall, England, to Richard Cerizeaux 2061 and Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062, as shown in family tree 547. Richard died in 1307, aged about 57, in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. 2062. ELLEN CERIZEAUX [ARUNDELL] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1274, in Treloy, Cornwall, England, to Reinfred De Arundel 2164 and Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165, as shown within family tree 514. Ellen died in 1374, aged about 100, in England. Richard Cerizeaux 2061, aged about 30, married Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell], aged about 6, in 1280. They had two sons: Richard Cerizeaux 2061 in 1250 John Cerizeaux 1976 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 547. 2063. JOHN SENESCHAL (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1250, in Predannack Wollas, Mullion, Cornwall, England. See family tree 492. John died in 1308, aged about 58. 2064. JOHN DE HELLAND SENESCHAL [LE SENESCHAL] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1254, in Helland, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. See family tree 492. John Seneschal 2063, aged about 24, married John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal], aged about 20, in 1274 in Helland, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. They had one son: John Seneschal 1978 in 1275 This family is shown within family tree 492. 2065. OGER KENINGK (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1248, in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. See family tree 515. Oger died in 1292, aged about 44, in Trenage, Braunel, Cornwall, England. 2066. CONSTANCE KENINGK [BLOIGHO] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1250, in Cornwall, England, to Alan De Bloisois 2166 and Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167, as shown within family tree 515. Oger Keningk 2065, aged about 31, married Constance Keningk [Bloigho], aged about 29, in 1279 in Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 in 1305 This family is shown within family tree 515. 2067. RICHARD DE JOHN CORNWALL (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1265, in Thunnock, Lancashire, England, to Earl Richard 2168. Richard died in 1280, aged about 15. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard fathered one daughter: Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in 1285 This family is shown as family tree 548. 2068. ROBERT DE BOYS (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1268, in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England, to John De Boys 2170. Robert died in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. 2069. CHRISTIAN DE BOYS [LE LATIMER] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1280, in Corby, Northamptonshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2172 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173, as shown in family tree 568. Christian died in 1317, aged about 37, in England. Robert De Boys 2068, aged about 19, married Christian De Boys [Le Latimer], aged about 7, in 1287 in England. They had one son: Robert De Bosco 1993 in 1288 This family is shown as family tree 549. 2070. WILLIAM LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1276, in Danby, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2174 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175, as shown in family tree 569. William died in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. 2071. LUCY LATIMER [DE THWENG] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in Kilton Castle, Brotton,

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Yorkshire, England to Robert De Thweng 2176 and Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177, as shown in family tree 570. Lucy died in Guisborough Priory, North Ride, Yorkshire, England. William Latimer 2070 married Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] in Kilton Castle, Brotton, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 in 1290 This family is shown as family tree 550. 2072. ROBERT SCALES (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1249, in Middleton, Norfolk, England, to Robert Scales 2178 and Ms. Scales [Clemence] 2179, as shown in family tree 571. Robert died in England. 2073. ISABEL SCALES [BURNELL] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1249, in Middleton, Norfolkshire, England. See family tree 551. Isabel died in 1333, aged about 84, in Pre. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Scales 2072 married Isabel Scales [Burnell]. They had one son: Robert De Scales 1995 in 1279 This family is shown as family tree 551. 2074. HUGH DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Okehampton, Devon, England to John De Courtenay 2180 and Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181, as shown in family tree 572. Hugh died in Cullicomb, Devon, England. 2075. ELEANOR DE COURTENAY [LE DESPENCER] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1252, in Ryhall, Rutland, England, to Hugh Le Despencer 2182. Eleanor died in London, Middlesex, England. Hugh De Courtenay 2074 married Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer], aged about 22, in 1274 in Devon, England. They had one daughter: Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996 in 1287 This family is shown as family tree 552. 2076. ROBERT D UFFORD (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1279, in Thurston, Suffolk, England, to Robert D Ufford 2184. Robert died in 1316, aged about 37, in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. 2077. CECILY UFFORD [DEVALOINES] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1279, in Thurston, Suffolk, England, to Robert De Valoines 2186 and Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187, as shown in family tree 577. Cecily died in Thurston, Stow, Suffolk, England. Robert D Ufford 2076, aged about 19, married Cecily Ufford [Devaloines], aged about 19, in 1298/1 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. They had one son: Robert De Ufford 1997 in This family is shown as family tree 553. 2078. ROGER DE KERDESTON (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1264, in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England, to William De Kerdeston 2188 and Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189, as shown within family tree 554. Roger died in Bulcamp, Halesworth, Suffolk, England. 2079. MAUD DE KERDESTON [BATEMAN] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1277, in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England, to William Patenham 2190. Maud died in 1347/12, aged about 70. Roger De Kerdeston 2078, aged about 43, married Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman], aged about 30, in 1307 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. They had one son: William Kerdeston 2001 in 1307 This family is shown as family tree 554. 2080. ADAM BACON (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1286, in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England, to Robert Bacon 2192 and Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193, as shown in family tree 580. Adam died in 1357, aged about 71, in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. 2081. MARGERY BACON [FELTON] (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1290, in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England, to Simon Felton 2194. Margery died in 1354, aged about 64, in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Adam Bacon 2080, aged about 26, married Margery Bacon [Felton], aged about 22, in 1312 in Baconthorpe, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002 in 1305 This family is shown as family tree 555.

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2082. WILLIAM ST CLAIR (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Rosslyn Castle, Mid, Lothian, Scotland, to Henry St Clair 2196 and Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197, as shown within family tree 524. William died in Teba, Malaga, Andaluc, Spain. 2083. ROSABELL ST CLAIR [ROSABELLE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland, to Mr. Richard 2198, as shown within family tree 524. Rosabell died in Roslin. William St Clair 2082 married Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle]. They had one son: William St Clair 2018 in 1328 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2084. MALISE OF STRATHERN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1299, in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to Earl Strathearn Malise 2199. Malise died in 1357, aged about 58, in Florida, USA. 2085. MARJORY OF STRATHERN [ROSS] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1302, in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland, to Hugh Ross 2201 and Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202, as shown within family tree 524. Marjory died in 1350, aged about 48, in Strathearn, Perth, Scotland. Malise Of Strathern 2084 married Marjory Of Strathern [Ross]. They had one daughter: Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019 in 1338 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2086. JOHN HALIBURTON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1313, in Haliburton, Berwick, Scotland, to Adam Haliburton 2203 and Isabel Haliburton 2204, as shown within family tree 525. John died between 1355 and 1358, aged about 43, in Nisbet, Berwickshire, Scotland. 2087. MS. HALIBURTON [VAUX] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1312, in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland, to William Vaux 2205 and William Vaux 2206, as shown within family tree 525. John Haliburton 2086, aged about 19, married Ms. Haliburton [Vaux], aged about 20, in 1332 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. They had one son: John Halyburton 2020 in 1335 This family is shown within family tree 525. 2088. JOHN CAMERON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Ballegarno Castle, Perth, Scotland to John De Cameron 2207 and John De Cameron 2208, as shown within family tree 525. John died in Ballegarno, Perth, Scotland. 2089. ELLEN CAMERON [DE MONTEALTO] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1292, in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. See family tree 525. John Cameron 2088 married Ellen Cameron [De Montealto]. They had one daughter: Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 in 1338 This family is shown within family tree 525. 2090. ROGER MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1215, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, to Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 and Gilbert Macclesfield 2210, as shown within family tree 526. 2091. ISABEL MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1216, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. See family tree 526. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Roger Macclesfield 2090, aged about 19, married Isabel Macclesfield, aged about 18, in 1234 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Macclesfield 2022 in 1225 This family is shown within family tree 526. 2092. GRUFFUDD AP GWENWYNWYN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 and Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212, as shown within family tree 527. Gruffudd died in 1286, aged about 86, in Wenwynwyn, Powys, Wales. 2093. HAWISE AP GWENWYNWYN [LE STRANGE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1234, in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England, to John Le Strange 2213 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214, as shown within family tree 527. Hawise died in 1310, aged about 76, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092, aged about 41, married Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange], aged about 7, in 1241 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023 in 1245 This family is shown within family tree 527. 2094. EDNYFED AP LLYWARCH (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Powys, Wales, to Llywarch

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Ap Lluddica 2215 and Lleicu Verch Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan] 2216, as shown within family tree 528. Ednyfed died in 1076, aged about 46, in Wales. 2095. JANET VERCH AP LLYWARCH [AP CYNFYN] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born to Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217, as shown within family tree 528. Janet died in 1068. Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 married Janet Verch Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn]. They had one son: Rhys Sais Gan 2025 This family is shown within family tree 528. 2096. RHYS AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1129, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219, as shown within family tree 528. Rhys died in 1197, aged about 68, in St Davids, Pebidiog, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Rhys fathered one daughter: Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys] 2026 This family is shown within family tree 528. 2097. IORWERTH GAM AP OWAIN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1215, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Powys, Wales, to Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220 and Eva Verch Ap Bleddyn [Madog] 2221, as shown within family tree 529. Iorwerth died in 1236, aged about 21. 2098. ANGHARAD VERCH AP OWAIN [GRUFFUDD] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1360, in Penrhyn, Llandygai, Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 and Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223, as shown within family tree 529. Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 married Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd]. They had one son: Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 in 1233 This family is shown within family tree 529. 2099. GRUFFUDD AP LLYWELYN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1207, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225, as shown in family tree 584. Gruffudd died in Tower London, London, England. 2100. SENENA VERCH AP LLYWELYN [CARADOG] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227, as shown in family tree 585. Senena died in 1262/12, aged about 52, in Gwynedd, Wales. Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099, aged about 11, married Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog], aged about 8, in 1218 in Gwynedd, Wales. They had one daughter: Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028 in 1233 This family is shown as family tree 556. 2101. GRIFFRI AP HEILIN GOCH (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England, to Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 and Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229, as shown within family tree 530. 2102. MALLT II VERCH GOCH [EINUDD] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1181, in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales, to Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 and Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231, as shown within family tree 530. Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101, aged about 25, married Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd], aged about 24, in 1205 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 in 1206 This family is shown within family tree 530. 2103. GRUFFUDD AP EDNYFED (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1186, in Henglawdd, Cilcen, Denbighshire, Wales, to Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232. Gruffudd died in 1277/7, aged about 91. Gruffudd fathered one daughter: Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030 in 1224 This family is shown within family tree 530. 2104. COLYN GWERGYNAN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in England, to Moreiddig Ap Rhys 2234 and Ms. Unknown 2235, as shown within family tree 531. Colyn died in England. 2105. ANEIWRODD FERCH GWERGYNAN [GWRGENEU] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1095, in Bryn, Powys, Wales, to Gwrgenau Ap Ednowen Lord 2236 and Gwledyr Ferch Lord [Seisyll] 2237, as shown within family tree 531. Colyn Gwergynan 2104 married Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu]. They had one son: Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 in 1120 This family is shown within family tree 531.

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2106. CYNFYN AP HIRDREF (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1093, in Wales. See family tree 531. 2107. HAER VERCH AP HIRDREF [CILLIN] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1025, in Gest, Dolbenmaen Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, to Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238, as shown within family tree 531. Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 2106 married Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin]. They had one daughter: Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 2032 in 1125 This family is shown within family tree 531. 2108. CYNWRIG AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1122, in Betws Yn Rhos, Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240, as shown within family tree 532. 2109. ANGHARAD VERCH AP IORWERTH [HWFA] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1134, in Denbighshire, Wales, to Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242, as shown within family tree 532. Angharad died in 1173, aged about 39. Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108, aged about 39, married Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa], aged about 27, in 1161 in Clwyd, Wales. They had one son: Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 in 1139 This family is shown within family tree 532. 2110. RHYS AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1129, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 533. Rhys died in 1197, aged about 68, in St Davids, Pebidiog, Pembrokeshire, Wales. 2111. GWENLLIAN VERCH AP GRUFFYDD [MADOG] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1131, in Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244, as shown within family tree 533. Gwenllian died in 1148, aged about 17, in Y. Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110, aged about 21, married Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog], aged about 19, in 1150 in Dynevor Castle, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 in 1158 This family is shown within family tree 533. 2112. GRUFFUDD AP MADOG (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1218, in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 and Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246, as shown within family tree 534. Gruffudd died in Bromfield, Ludlow, Shropshire, England. Gruffudd fathered one son: Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 534. 2113. EMMA DE AUDLEY (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1218, in Heleigh Castl, Audley, Staffordshire, England, to Henry De Aldithley 2247 and Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248, as shown within family tree 557. Emma died in 1265, aged about 47, in England. Emma gave birth to one son: Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 in 1240 This family is shown as family tree 557. 2114. GRIFFRI AP CADWGON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Denbighshire, Wales, to Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 and Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250, as shown within family tree 534. 2115. JANET FITZ AP CADWGON [WARIN] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180 to Fulk Fitz Warine 2251 and Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252, as shown within family tree 534. Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 married Janet Fitz Ap Cadwgon [Warin]. They had one daughter: Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 2036 in 1242 This family is shown within family tree 534. 2116. RHYS AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1170, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 and Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254, as shown within family tree 535. Rhys died in 1244, aged about 74, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Rhys fathered one son: Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 535. 2117. MAUD DE BRAOSE (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1226, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales, to William De Braose 2255 and Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256, as shown within family tree 558. Maud died in 1301, aged about 75, in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Maud gave birth to one son: Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037 in 1240 This family is shown as family tree 558.

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2118. GRUFFUDD AP LLYWELYN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1207, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2258, as shown within family tree 535. Gruffudd died in Tower London, London, England. 2119. SENENA VERCH AP LLYWELYN [CARADOG] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260, as shown within family tree 535. Senena died in 1262/12, aged about 52, in Gwynedd, Wales. Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118, aged about 11, married Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog], aged about 8, in 1218 in Gwynedd, Wales. They had one daughter: Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038 in 1221 This family is shown within family tree 535. 2120. LEUAF AP NYNNIO (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Denbighshire, Wales, to Ieuaf Ap Nynnio Ap Cynwrig 2261, as shown within family tree 536. 2121. EFA VERCH AP NYNNIO [EINION] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1120, in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomery, Wales, to Einion Ap Hwyel 2262. Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 married Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion]. They had one son: Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 in 1160 This family is shown within family tree 536. 2122. LLYWELYN AP MEURIG CARADOG (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales, to Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 and Meurig Ap Caradog 2265, as shown within family tree 536. 2123. LLYWELYN CARADOG [AP MEURIG] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1164, in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. See family tree 536. Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122, aged about 29, married Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig], aged about 15, in 1179 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. They had one daughter: Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 in 1170 This family is shown within family tree 536. 2124. RHYS AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1170, in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 and Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267, as shown within family tree 537. Rhys died in 1244, aged about 74, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 2125. MATILDA AP RHYS [DE BRAOSE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1174, in Carmarthenshire, Wales, to Reginald De Braose 2268 and Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269, as shown within family tree 537. Matilda died in 1249, aged about 75, in Wales. Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 married Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose]. They had one son: Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 in 1195 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2126. GRUFFUDD AP LLYWELYN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1207, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2271, as shown within family tree 537. Gruffudd died in Tower London, London, England. 2127. SENENA VERCH AP LLYWELYN [CARADOG] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273, as shown within family tree 537. Senena died in 1262/12, aged about 52, in Gwynedd, Wales. Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126, aged about 11, married Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog], aged about 8, in 1218 in Gwynedd, Wales. They had one daughter: Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 in 1221 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2128. HENRY II OF ENGLAND (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Le Mans, Sarthe, France to Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274 and Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275, as shown in family tree 588. Henry died in Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France. 2129. ELEANOR ENGLAND [OF AQUITAINE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1122, in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France, to William X Toulousan 2276 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277, as shown in family tree 589. Eleanor died in Mirabell Castle, Tarn-Et-Garonne, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Henry II Of England 2128 married Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine]. They had one son: John Lackland Plantagenet 2043 in This family is shown as family tree 559.

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2130. AYMER DE TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Angouleme, Charente Maritime, France, to Guillaume Taillefer 2278 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279, as shown in family tree 590. Aymer died in 1218, aged about 58, in Labbey La Couroun, France. Citation: Source 25, page Source number: 3295.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1246 applies. Note 1247 applies. Name: Aymer De Taillefer (Name). 2131. ALICE TAILLEFER [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1160, in Courtenay, Galinois, France, to Pierre Prince Of France 2280 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281, as shown in family tree 591. Alice died in 1218, aged about 58, in Angouleme, Aquitaine, Charente, France. Aymer De Taillefer 2130, aged about 20, married Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay], aged about 20, in 1180 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044 in 1188 This family is shown as family tree 560. 2132. ALFONSO ALFONSEZ PROVENCE (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, to Alphonso The Chaste 2282 and Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2283, as shown within family tree 539. Alfonso died in 1209/2, aged about 29, in Palermo, Sicily. 2133. GERSINDE PROVENCE [DE SABRAN] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1181, in Forcalquiers, Basses Alpes, France, to Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 and Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285, as shown within family tree 539. Gersinde died in 1209, aged about 28, in Sabran, Gard, France. Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132, aged about 15, married Gersinde Provence [De Sabran], aged about 14, between 1193 and 1197 in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. They had one son: Raymond Berenger 2045 in 1198 This family is shown within family tree 539. 2134. THOMAS I SAVOY (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Carbonierres, Savoy, France to Humbert Savoy 2286 and Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287, as shown within family tree 539. Thomas died in Aoste, Isere, France. 2135. BEATRIX DE GENEVA SAVOY [FAUCIGNY] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, to Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 and Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289, as shown within family tree 539. Beatrix died in Pierre Chatel, Isere, France. Thomas I Savoy 2134 married Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny], aged about 15, in 1195/5 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. They had one daughter: Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in 1201 This family is shown within family tree 539. 2136. KING OF LEON FERNANDO II (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1137, in Leon, Spain, to Alfonso Raimundez 2290 and Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291, as shown in family tree 592. King died in Benavente, Italy. 2137. URRACA ALFONSEZ FERNANDO II [DE PORTUGAL] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1151, in Coimbra, Portugal, to Affonso I Henriquez 2292 and Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 2293, as shown within family tree 540. Urraca died in Leon, Spain. King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 married Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal]. They had one son: Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 in This family is shown within family tree 540. 2138. ALFONSO SANCHEZ (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castile, Spain to Sancho Alfonsez 2294 and Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2295, as shown within family tree 540. Alfonso died in Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. 2139. ELEANOR SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in Falaise, Calvados, France to Henry II Of England 2296 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297, as shown within family tree 540. Eleanor died in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Alfonso Sanchez 2138 married Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]. They had one daughter: Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 in 1181 This family is shown as family tree 561. 2140. AUBREY DAMMARTIN (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1135, in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne,

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France, to Alberic I De Mello 2298 and Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299, as shown within family tree 541. Aubrey died in London, Middlesex, England. 2141. MATHILDA DAMMARTIN [DE PONTHIEU] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Ponthieu, Ain, France, to Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 and Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301, as shown within family tree 541. Mathilda died in 1210, aged about 72, in Ponthieu, Ain, France. Aubrey Dammartin 2140, aged about 45, married Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu], aged about 42, in 1180 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. They had one son: Simon De Dammartin 2049 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 541. 2142. WILLIAM PONTHIEU (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1179, in Ponthieu, France, to Jean I De Ponthieu 2302. William died in 1221, aged about 42, in Ponthieu, Picardie, France. 2143. ALIX PONTHIEU [FRANCE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1170, in Paris, Seine, Ile-De-France, France, to Louis Capet 2304 and Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305, as shown within family tree 541. Alix died in 1221, aged about 51, in Castile, Spain. William Ponthieu 2142 married Alix Ponthieu [France] in Castile, Spain. They had one daughter: Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 in 1186 This family is shown within family tree 541. 2144. LOUIS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Paris, Seine, France to Philip Augustus Capet 2306 and Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307, as shown in family tree 595. Louis died in Montpensier, Auvergne, France. 2145. BLANCA CAPET [ALPHONSA] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in Chcateau De Palencia, Valencia, Valencia, Almohadi to Alfonso Sanchez 2308 and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309, as shown in family tree 596. Blanca died in Palais Du Louvre, Paris, Seine, France. Louis Capet 2144 married Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] in Pont Audemer, Eure, France. They had one son: Louis Capet 2051 in This family is shown as family tree 562. 2146. RAYMOND BERENGER (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1198, in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France, to Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311, as shown within family tree 542. Raymond died in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, Provence, France. 2147. BEATRICE BERENGER [DE SAVOIE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1201, in Chambery, Savoie, France, to Thomas I Savoy 2312 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313, as shown within family tree 542. Beatrice died in 1266/12, aged about 65, in Chambery, Savoy, France. Raymond Berenger 2146, aged about 22, married Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie], aged about 19, in 1220/12 in Chambery, Savoie, France. They had one daughter: Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052 in 1221 This family is shown as family tree 563. 2148. PEDRO KING ARAGON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1185, in Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, to Alphonso The Chaste 2314 and Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315, as shown in family tree 597. Pedro died in Muret, Haute Garonne, France. 2149. MARIE ARAGON [DE MONTPELLIER] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1182, in Montpellier, Herault, France, to Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 and Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317, as shown within family tree 543. Marie died in Rome, Italy. Pedro King Aragon 2148 married Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] in Montpellier, Hberault, France. They had one son: Jaime I Mallorc 2053 in This family is shown within family tree 543. 2150. ANDREW II OF HUNGARY (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1176, in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary, to Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 and Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319, as shown within family tree 543. Andrew died in Eger, Heves, Hungary. 2151. YOLANDE HUNGARY [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1198, in Courtenay, Loiret, France, to Pierre De Courtenay 2320 and Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 2321, as shown within family tree 543. Yolande died in 1233, aged about 35, in Esztergom, Komarom Esztergom, Hungary. Andrew II Of Hungary 2150, aged about 39, married Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay], aged about 17, in 1215 in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. They had one daughter: Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054 in 1213 This family is shown within family tree 543.

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2152. HENRI LIMBURG (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1140, in Limburg, Belgium, to Henry Duke Limburg 2322 and Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 2323, as shown within family tree 544. Henri died in Rolduc, Limburg, Netherlands. 2153. SOPHIA LIMBURG [VON SAARBRUCKEN] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1150, in Saarbrucken, Rheinland, Germany, to Simon I Saarbrucken 2324 and Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 2325, as shown within family tree 544. Sophia died in 1215, aged about 65, in Austria-Hungary. Henri Limburg 2152, aged about 30, married Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken], aged about 20, in 1170 in Lorraine, France. They had one son: Waleram Duke Montj 2055 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2154. HENRI DE NAMUR (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1113, in Luxembourg, Belgium, to Godfrey De Namur 2326 and Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 2327, as shown within family tree 544. Henri died in 1196, aged about 83. 2155. AGNES DE NAMUR [DE GUELDRES] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1155, in Guelders, Rheinland, Germany, to Henri I De Gueldres 2328 and Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329, as shown within family tree 544. Agnes died in 1196, aged about 41. Henri De Namur 2154 married Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres]. They had one daughter: Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 about 1186 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2156. THIBAUT DE BAR LE DUC (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1158, in Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France, to Renaud De Bar 2330 and Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331, as shown within family tree 545. Thibaut died in St Michael. 2157. ERMESINDE DE BAR LE DUC [DE BAR SUR SEINE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1145, in Sur Seine, Aube, Champagne, France, to Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332 and Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333, as shown within family tree 545. Ermesinde died in 1211, aged about 66. Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156, aged about 31, married Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine], aged about 44, in 1189 in Brie, Meurthe-Et-Moselle, France. They had one son: Henry De Bar 2057 in 1190 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2158. ROBERT DE DREUX (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1154, in Braine, Aisne, Picardy, France, to Robert I De Dreux 2334 and Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335, as shown within family tree 545. Robert died in Abbaye De Braine, France. 2159. YOLANDE DE DREUX [DE COUCY] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1164, in Boves, Somme, France, to Raoul I De Coucy 2336 and Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337, as shown within family tree 545. Yolande died in Abbaye De Braine, Aisne, France. Robert De Dreux 2158, aged about 30, married Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy], aged about 20, in 1184 in Dreux, Eure-Et-Loire, France. They had one daughter: Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 in 1192 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2160. PHILIPPE AUGUSTE (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Paris, Isle De, France to Louis Capet 2338 and Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339, as shown within family tree 546. Philippe died in Mantes, Isle De, France. 2161. ISABELLE AUGUSTE [DE HAINAULT] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in Valenciennes, Nord, France to Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341, as shown within family tree 546. Isabelle died in Paris, Seine, France. Philippe Auguste 2160 married Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] in Bapaume, Pas-De-Calais, France. They had one son: Louis Viii The Lion 2059 in This family is shown within family tree 546. 2162. ALFONSO SANCHEZ (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castile, Spain to Sancho Alfonsez 2342 and Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2343, as shown within family tree 546. Alfonso died in Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. 2163. ELEANOR SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in Falaise, Calvados, France to Henry Plantagenet 2344 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345, as shown within family tree 546. Eleanor died in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Alfonso Sanchez 2162 married Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] in Burgos, Spain. They had one daughter: Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] 2060 in This family is shown within family tree 546.

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2164. REINFRED DE ARUNDEL (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. See family tree 514. Reinfred died in 1280, aged about 40, in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. 2165. ALICE DE ARUNDEL [DE UMFREVILLE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1251, in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. See family tree 514. Alice died in 1290, aged about 39, in England. Reinfred De Arundel 2164 married Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville]. They had one daughter: Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 in 1274 This family is shown within family tree 514. 2166. ALAN DE BLOISOIS (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Cornwall, England. See family tree 515. 2167. MATILDA DE BLOISOIS [HEWIS] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1225, in Cornwall, England. See family tree 515. Alan De Bloisois 2166, aged about 19, married Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis], aged about 19, in 1244 in Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 in 1250 This family is shown within family tree 515. 2168. EARL RICHARD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Winchester, Hampshire, England to John Lackland Plantagenet 2346 and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347, as shown in family tree 599. Earl died in Newark Castle, Newark, Nottinghamshire, England. Earl fathered one son: Richard De John Cornwall 2067 in 1265 This family is shown as family tree 564. 2169. JOAN DE VALLETORT (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1211, in Winchester, Hampshire, England, to Reginald De Valletort 2348 and Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349, as shown in family tree 600. Joan died in 1299, aged about 88, in Modbury, Kingsbridge, Devon, England. Joan gave birth to one son: Richard De John Cornwall 2067 in 1265 This family is shown as family tree 565. 2170. JOHN DE BOYS (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1245, in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England, to Ernald Boys 2350 and Amicia Boys [Of England] 2351, as shown within family tree 566. John died in 1295, aged about 50, in Arden, Warwickshire, England. John fathered one son: Robert De Boys 2068 in 1268 This family is shown as family tree 566. 2171. AMICA HASTINGS (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1245, in Fersfield, Norfolk, England. See family tree 567. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Amica gave birth to one son: Robert De Boys 2068 in 1268 This family is shown as family tree 567. 2172. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in East Riding, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2352 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353, as shown within family tree 568. William died in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. 2173. ALICE LE LATIMER [LEDET] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1232, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England, to Walter De Ledet 2354 and Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2355, as shown within family tree 568. Alice died in 1316, aged about 84, in Sutton, Bedfordshire, England. William Le Latimer 2172, aged about 28, married Alice Le Latimer [Ledet], aged about 36, in 1268 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in 1280 This family is shown as family tree 568. 2174. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in East Riding, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2356 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357, as shown within family tree 569. William died in Corby, Northamptonshire, England.

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2175. ALICE LE LATIMER [LEDET] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1232, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England, to Walter De Ledet 2358 and Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2359, as shown within family tree 569. Alice died in 1316, aged about 84, in Sutton, Bedfordshire, England. William Le Latimer 2174, aged about 28, married Alice Le Latimer [Ledet], aged about 36, in 1268 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. They had one son: William Latimer 2070 in 1276 This family is shown as family tree 569. 2176. ROBERT DE THWENG (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1252, in Kilton Castle, Brotton, Yorkshire, England, to Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 and Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361, as shown within family tree 570. Robert died in 1284, aged about 32, in Kilton Castle, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. 2177. MATILDA DE THWENG [HAUNSARD] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1254, in Kilton Castle, Brotton, Yorkshire, England, to Robert Hansard 2362 and Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363, as shown within family tree 570. Matilda died in 1284, aged about 30. Robert De Thweng 2176, aged about 23, married Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard], aged about 21, in 1275 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071 in This family is shown as family tree 570. 2178. ROBERT SCALES (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1219, in England, to Richard Scales 2364 and Alice Scales [Roucester] 2365, as shown within family tree 571. Robert died in 1267, aged about 48, in England. 2179. MS. SCALES [CLEMENCE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1222, in Middleton, Norfolk, England. See family tree 571. Ms. Scales [Clemence] died in England. Robert Scales 2178 married Ms. Scales [Clemence]. They had one son: Robert Scales 2072 in 1249 This family is shown as family tree 571. 2180. JOHN DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1218, in Okehampton, Devon, England, to Robert De Courtenay 2366 and Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367, as shown within family tree 572. John died in Ford Abbey, Devon, England. 2181. ISABEL DE COURTENAY [DE VERE] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1228, in Totnes, Devon, England, to Hugh De Vere 2368 and Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369, as shown within family tree 572. Isabel died in Okehampton, Devon, England. John De Courtenay 2180, aged about 31, married Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere], aged about 21, in 1249 in Okehampton, Devon, England. They had one son: Hugh De Courtenay 2074 in This family is shown as family tree 572. 2182. HUGH LE DESPENCER (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1223, in Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, to Hugh Le Despencer 2370 and Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371, as shown within family tree 573. Hugh died in Evesham, Worcestershire, England. Hugh fathered one daughter: Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in 1252 This family is shown as family tree 573. 2183. ALINE BASSETT (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1241, in Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, England, to Philip Basset 2372 and Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373, as shown within family tree 574. Aline died in England. Aline gave birth to one daughter: Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in 1252 This family is shown as family tree 574. 2184. ROBERT D UFFORD (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1249, in Thurston, Suffolk, England, to John De Peyton 2374. Robert died in Ufford, Suffolk, England. Robert fathered one son: Robert D Ufford 2076 in 1279 This family is shown as family tree 575. 2185. MARY DE SAYE (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Sawbridgeworth, Hartsford, England, to William De Say 2376 and Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377, as shown within family tree 576. Mary died.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Mary gave birth to one son: Robert D Ufford 2076 in 1279 This family is shown as family tree 576.

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2186. ROBERT DE VALOINES (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1254, in Thurston, Suffolk, England, to Robert De Valoines 2378 and Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379, as shown within family tree 577. Robert died in 1282, aged about 28, in England. 2187. EVE DE VALOINES [CRIKETOT] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1259, in Thurston, Suffolk, England, to William Criketot 2380. Eve died in 1316, aged about 57, in England. Robert De Valoines 2186, aged about 26, married Eve De Valoines [Criketot], aged about 21, in 1280 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 in 1279 This family is shown as family tree 577. 2188. WILLIAM DE KERDESTON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1240, in Kerdeston, Norfolk, England, to Roger De Kerdeston 2382, as shown within family tree 554. William died in Kersiton, Norfolkshire, England. 2189. MARGARET DE KERDESTON [DE GAUNT] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Folkingham, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 554. Margaret died in 1284, aged about 40, in Kerdiston, Norfolkshire, England. William De Kerdeston 2188, aged about 32, married Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt], aged about 28, in 1272 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. They had one son: Roger De Kerdeston 2078 in 1264 This family is shown within family tree 554. 2190. WILLIAM PATENHAM (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1263 to John Patenham 2383 and Margaret Patenham [Clements] 2384, as shown within family tree 578. William fathered one daughter: Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in 1277 This family is shown as family tree 578. 2191. MARGARET DE EUXTON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1264, in Euxton, Lancashire, England, to John De Euxton 2385 and John De Euxton 2386, as shown within family tree 579. Margaret died in 1332, aged about 68, in England. Margaret gave birth to one daughter: Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in 1277 This family is shown as family tree 579. 2192. ROBERT BACON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1258, in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England, to Richard Bacon 2387 and Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388, as shown within family tree 580. Robert died in 1321, aged about 63, in Norfolk, England. 2193. MS. BACON [DE HINGHAM] (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1262, in Thorpe Cooke, Norfolk, England, to Robert De Hingham 2389 and Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 2390, as shown within family tree 580. Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] died in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Robert Bacon 2192, aged about 25, married Ms. Bacon [De Hingham], aged about 21, in 1283 in Thorpe, Norfolk, England. They had one son: Adam Bacon 2080 in 1286 This family is shown as family tree 580. 2194. SIMON FELTON (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1265, in West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England, to William De Felton 2391 and William De Felton 2392, as shown within family tree 581. Simon fathered one daughter: Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in 1290 This family is shown as family tree 581. 2195. HAWISE STRANGE (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285, in Spencercombe, Devon, England, to John Le Strange 2393 and Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394, as shown within family tree 582. Hawise died in 1316, aged about 31. Hawise gave birth to one daughter: Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in 1290 This family is shown as family tree 582.

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2196. HENRY ST CLAIR (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1283, in Scotland. See family tree 524. Henry died in 1323, aged about 40, in Rosslyn Castle, Scotland. 2197. ALICE ST CLAIR [DE FENTON] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1260, in Clan Fenton, East Lothian, Scotland. See family tree 524. Alice died in 1336, aged about 76, in Roslin. Henry St Clair 2196, aged about 24, married Alice St Clair [De Fenton], aged about 47, in 1307. They had one son: William St Clair 2082 in 1313 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2198. MR. RICHARD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 524. Mr. Richard fathered one daughter: Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083 in 1285 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2199. EARL STRATHEARN MALISE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1258, in Islands, Orkney, Scotland. See family tree 524. Earl died in 1333, aged about 75. Earl fathered one son: Malise Of Strathern 2084 in 1299 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2200. JOAN MENTEITH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1320, in Rusky, Perth, Scotland. See family tree 583. Joan died. Joan gave birth to one son: Malise Of Strathern 2084 in 1299 This family is shown as family tree 583. 2201. HUGH ROSS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1275, in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. See family tree 524. Hugh died in Halidon Hill, Berwick On Tweed, Northumberland, England. 2202. MAUD ROSS [BRUCE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1282, in Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland. See family tree 524. Maud died in 1323, aged about 41, in Abbey, Fearn, Ross Cromarty, Scotland. Hugh Ross 2201, aged about 33, married Maud Ross [Bruce], aged about 26, in 1308 in Islands, Orkney, Scotland. They had one daughter: Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 in 1302 This family is shown within family tree 524. 2203. ADAM HALIBURTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Haliburton, Berwickshire, Scotland. See family tree 525. Adam died in Haliburton, Berwickshire, Scotland. 2204. ISABEL HALIBURTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1285/4, in Isleworth, Middlesex, England. See family tree 525. Isabel died. Adam Haliburton 2203 married Isabel Haliburton. They had one son: John Haliburton 2086 in 1313 This family is shown within family tree 525. 2205. WILLIAM VAUX (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1285, in Bottisham, Cambridge, England. See family tree 525. William died in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. 2206. WILLIAM VAUX (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1289, in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. See family tree 525. William Vaux 2205, aged about 24, married William Vaux, aged about 20, in 1309 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. They had one daughter: Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 in 1312 This family is shown within family tree 525. 2207. JOHN DE CAMERON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1260, in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. See family tree 525. John died in 1320, aged about 60. 2208. JOHN DE CAMERON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1269, in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. See family tree 525. John De Cameron 2207, aged about 29, married John De Cameron, aged about 20, in 1289 in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. They had one son: John Cameron 2088 in This family is shown within family tree 525.

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2209. GILBERT MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1190, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. See family tree 526. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 2210. GILBERT MACCLESFIELD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1194, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. See family tree 526. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Gilbert Macclesfield 2209, aged about 24, married Gilbert Macclesfield, aged about 20, in 1214 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Roger Macclesfield 2090 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 526. 2211. GWENWYNWYN AP OWAIN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1151, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 527. Gwenwynwyn died in 1216, aged about 65, in Painscastle, Powys, Wales. 2212. MARGRED AP OWAIN [CORBET] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1170, in Cause, Shropshire, England. See family tree 527. Margred died in Wales. Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211, aged about 57, married Margred Ap Owain [Corbet], aged about 38, between 1206 and 1209 in Powys, Wales. They had one son: Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 in 1200 This family is shown within family tree 527. 2213. JOHN LE STRANGE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1194, in Ness Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. See family tree 527. John died in 1269, aged about 75, in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. 2214. LUCY LE STRANGE [DE TREGOZ] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Ewyas Harold, Hereford, England. See family tree 527. Lucy died in 1294, aged about 84, in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. John Le Strange 2213, aged about 31, married Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz], aged about 15, in 1225 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. They had one daughter: Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in 1234 This family is shown within family tree 527. 2215. LLYWARCH AP LLUDDICA (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 970, in Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 528. Llywarch died in Y. 2216. LLEICU VERCH AP LLUDDICA [GWERYSTAN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Powysland, Wales. See family tree 528. Llywarch Ap Lluddica 2215 married Lleicu Verch Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan]. They had one son: Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 in 1030 This family is shown within family tree 528. 2217. RHIWALLON AP CYNFYN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1025, in Powys, Wales. See family tree 528. Rhiwallon died in 1070, aged about 45, in Mechain, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Rhiwallon fathered one daughter: Janet Verch Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] 2095 This family is shown within family tree 528. 2218. GRUFFYDD AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1081, in Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 528. Gruffydd died in 1136, aged about 55, in Dynevor, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 2219. GWENLLIAN VERCH AP RHYS [GRUFFYDD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1090, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 528. Gwenllian died in 1136, aged about 46, in Maes Gwenllian, Outside Walls Kidwelly, Wales. Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218, aged about 35, married Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd], aged about 26, in 1116 in Caerlleon, Monmouth, Mid Glamorgan, Wales. They had one son: Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 in 1129 This family is shown within family tree 528. 2220. OWAIN AP BLEDDYN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Pengwern, Llangollen, Powys, Wales. See family tree 529. Owain died in 1200, aged about 20. 2221. EVA VERCH AP BLEDDYN [MADOG] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1198, in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 529. Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220 married Eva Verch Ap Bleddyn [Madog]. They had one son: Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 529.

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2222. GRUFFYDD AP GWILYM (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1322, in Penrhyn, Llandygai, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 529. Gruffydd died in 1405, aged about 83, in Penrhyn, Llandygia, Caernarvanshire, Wales. 2223. GENERYS VERCH AP GWILYM [MADOG] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1326, in Pennryrzad, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 529. Generys died in Wales. Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222, aged about 33, married Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog], aged about 29, in 1355 in Cochwillan, Llanllechid, Caernarvonshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd] 2098 in 1360 This family is shown within family tree 529. 2224. LLEWELYN AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1173, in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 and Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396, as shown within family tree 584. Llewelyn died in Aberconwy, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. 2225. TANGWYSTL VERCH AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1168, in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales, to Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398, as shown within family tree 584. Tangwystl died in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 married Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch]. They had one son: Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 in 1207 This family is shown as family tree 584. 2226. CARADOG AP THOMAS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales, to Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 and Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400, as shown in family tree 604. 2227. EVA VERCH AP THOMAS [GWYN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales, to Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 and Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2402, as shown within family tree 585. Caradog Ap Thomas 2226, aged about 12, married Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn], aged about 32, in 1212 in Powys, Wales. They had one daughter: Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in 1210 This family is shown as family tree 585. 2228. HEILIN O R AP CYFNERTH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. See family tree 530. Heilin died in Llwyntidman, Powys, Wales. 2229. HEILIN AP CYFNERTH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1159, in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. See family tree 530. Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228, aged about 24, married Heilin Ap Cyfnerth, aged about 20, in 1179 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 530. 2230. EINUDD AP LLYWARCH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1145, in Menai, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 530. 2231. EINUDD AP LLYWARCH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1159, in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 530. Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230, aged about 34, married Einudd Ap Llywarch, aged about 20, in 1179 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. They had one daughter: Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 in 1181 This family is shown within family tree 530. 2232. EDNYFED AP CYNWRIG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1139, in Tregarnedd, Llangivini, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 530. Ednyfed died in 1246, aged about 107, in Oregon, USA. Ednyfed fathered one son: Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103 in 1186 This family is shown within family tree 530. 2233. GWENLLIAN VERCH RHYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1158, in Powys, Wales. See family tree 586. Gwenllian died in 1236, aged about 78, in Burton, Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales. Gwenllian gave birth to one son: Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103 in 1186 This family is shown as family tree 586. 2234. MOREIDDIG AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1050, in Mochnant, Clwyd, Wales. See family tree 531.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 2235. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1125. See family tree 531. Moreiddig Ap Rhys 2234 married Ms. Unknown. They had one son: Colyn Gwergynan 2104 in 1150 This family is shown within family tree 531.

Direct Relations

2236. GWRGENAU AP EDNOWEN LORD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1075. See family tree 531. 2237. GWLEDYR FERCH LORD [SEISYLL] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 531. Gwrgenau Ap Ednowen Lord 2236 married Gwledyr Ferch Lord [Seisyll]. They had one daughter: Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 2105 in 1095 This family is shown within family tree 531. 2238. CILLIN AP BLAIDD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 993, in Gest, Dolbenmaen, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 531. Cillin died in 1024, aged about 31, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Cillin fathered one daughter: Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin] 2107 in 1025 This family is shown within family tree 531. 2239. IORWERTH AP GWGON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1100, in Betws Yn Rhos, Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 532. Iorwerth died in 1137, aged about 37. 2240. GWENLLIAN VERCH AP GWGON [RHIRID] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1102, in Tref Rhirid, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 532. Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239, aged about -7, married Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid], aged about -9, in 1093 in Bettws Y Rhos, Dulas Island, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 in 1122 This family is shown within family tree 532. 2241. HWFA AP CYNWRIG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1130, in Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 532. 2242. GWENLLIAN VERCH AP CYNWRIG [OWAIN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1130, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 532. Gwenllian died in 1197, aged about 67, in Wales. Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241, aged about 34, married Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain], aged about 34, in 1164 in Caernarvon, Gwynedd, Wales. They had one daughter: Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 in 1134 This family is shown within family tree 532. 2243. MADOG AP MAREDYDD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1091, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 533. Madog died in 1160, aged about 69, in Winchester, Hampshire, England. 2244. SUSANNA VERCH AP MAREDYDD [GRUFFYDD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1095, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 533. Susanna died in 1165, aged about 70, in Burke. Madog Ap Maredydd 2243, aged about 29, married Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd], aged about 25, in 1120 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. They had one daughter: Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in 1131 This family is shown within family tree 533. 2245. MADOG AP GRUFFUDD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1185, in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 534. Madog died in 1236, aged about 51, in Bromfield, Ludlow, Shropshire, England. 2246. GWYLADYS VERCH AP GRUFFUDD [ITHEL] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1185, in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 534. Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245, aged about 30, married Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel], aged about 30, in 1215 in Powys, Wales. They had one son: Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112 in 1218 This family is shown within family tree 534. 2247. HENRY DE ALDITHLEY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1175, in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 557. Henry died in 1246, aged about 71, in Mainwaring, Bersted, Sussex, England. 2248. BERTRED DE ALDITHLEY [MAINWARING] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1196, in Mainwaring, Bersted, Sussex, England. See family tree 557. Bertred died in 1249, aged about 53, in Hulton Abbey, Staffordshire, England. Henry De Aldithley 2247, aged about 42, married Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring], aged about 21, in 1217 in Edgmond, Cheshire, England. They had one daughter: Emma De Audley 2113 in 1218 This family is shown within family tree 557. Page 363

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2249. CADWGON AP MEILIR EUTUN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1170, in Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 534. 2250. MYFANWY FERCH EUTUN [EINUDD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1187, in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 534. Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249, aged about 37, married Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd], aged about 20, in 1207 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. They had one son: Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 in 1200 This family is shown within family tree 534. 2251. FULK FITZ WARINE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in Whittington, Salopshire, England. See family tree 534. Fulk died in 1219, aged about 64. 2252. HAWISE WARINE [DE DINAN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1146, in Dinan, Ille Et Vilaine, Bretagne, France. See family tree 534. Hawise died in 1226, aged about 80, in Whittington, Shropshire, England. Fulk Fitz Warine 2251 married Hawise Warine [De Dinan]. They had one daughter: Janet Fitz Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 2115 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 534. 2253. RHYS AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 535. Rhys died in 1233, aged about 83, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 2254. ELLYW VERCH AP RHYS [THOMAS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1154, in Llan Gors, Talgarth, Breconshire, Wales. See family tree 535. Ellyw died in 1254, aged about 100, in Wales. Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 married Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas]. They had one son: Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 in 1170 This family is shown within family tree 535. 2255. WILLIAM DE BRAOSE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1204, in Brecknock, Surrey, England. See family tree 558. William died in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, Wales. 2256. EVE DE BRAOSE [MARSHALL] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1194, in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales. See family tree 558. Eve died in 1246, aged about 52, in Wickham, Skeith, Suffolk, England. William De Braose 2255 married Eve De Braose [Marshall] in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Maud De Braose 2117 in 1226 This family is shown within family tree 558. 2257. LLEWELYN AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1173, in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 535. Llewelyn died in Aberconwy, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. 2258. TANGWYSTL VERCH AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1168, in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 535. Tangwystl died in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257 married Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch]. They had one son: Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 in 1207 This family is shown within family tree 535. 2259. CARADOG AP THOMAS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales. See family tree 535. 2260. EVA VERCH AP THOMAS [GWYN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. See family tree 535. Caradog Ap Thomas 2259, aged about 12, married Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn], aged about 32, in 1212 in Powys, Wales. They had one daughter: Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in 1210 This family is shown within family tree 535. 2261. IEUAF AP NYNNIO AP CYNWRIG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1108, in Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 536. Ieuaf fathered one son: Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 in 1120 This family is shown within family tree 536. 2262. EINION AP HWYEL (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1090, in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 536. Einion fathered one daughter: Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121 in 1120 This family is shown within family tree 536.

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2263. EINION AP HYWEL (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1140, in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomery, Wales. See family tree 587. Einion gave birth to one daughter: Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121 in 1120 This family is shown as family tree 587. 2264. MEURIG AP CARADOG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1129, in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales. See family tree 536. 2265. MEURIG AP CARADOG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1141, in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. See family tree 536. Meurig Ap Caradog 2264, aged about 30, married Meurig Ap Caradog, aged about 18, in 1159 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. They had one son: Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 in 1150 This family is shown within family tree 536. 2266. RHYS AP RHYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 537. Rhys died in 1233, aged about 83, in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 2267. ELLYW VERCH AP RHYS [THOMAS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1154, in Llan Gors, Talgarth, Breconshire, Wales. See family tree 537. Ellyw died in 1254, aged about 100, in Wales. Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 married Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas]. They had one son: Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 in 1170 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2268. REGINALD DE BRAOSE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1179, in Bramber, Sussex, England. See family tree 537. Reginald died in Brecon, Breconshire, Wales. 2269. GRECIA DE BRAOSE [BRIWERE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1176, in Stoke, Devon, England. See family tree 537. Grecia died in 1223, aged about 47, in Bramber, Sussex, England. Reginald De Braose 2268 married Grecia De Braose [Briwere]. They had one daughter: Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 in 1174 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2270. LLEWELYN AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1173, in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 537. Llewelyn died in Aberconwy, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. 2271. TANGWYSTL VERCH AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1168, in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 537. Tangwystl died in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270 married Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch]. They had one son: Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 in 1207 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2272. CARADOG AP THOMAS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales. See family tree 537. 2273. EVA VERCH AP THOMAS [GWYN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. See family tree 537. Caradog Ap Thomas 2272, aged about 12, married Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn], aged about 32, in 1212 in Powys, Wales. They had one daughter: Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in 1210 This family is shown within family tree 537. 2274. GEOFFREY V PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France to Fulk V De Anjou 2403 and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404, as shown in family tree 605. Geoffrey died in Chateau, Eure-Et-Loire, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2275. MATILDA PRINCESS PLANTAGENET [ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in London, Middlesex, England to Henry I Beauclerc 2405 and Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406, as shown in family tree 606. Matilda died on 10 September 1167 in Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274 married Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Henry II Of England 2128 in This family is shown as family tree 588.

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2276. WILLIAM X TOULOUSAN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Toulouse, France, to Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 and Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408, as shown in family tree 607. William died in Saint Jacques-De-Compostelle, Spain. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2277. ELEANOR TOULOUSAN [DE CHATELLERAULT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1103, in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine, to Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 and Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410, as shown in family tree 608. Eleanor died in 1130, aged about 27, in Talmont, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William X Toulousan 2276, aged about 22, married Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault], aged about 18, in 1121 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2129 in 1122 This family is shown as family tree 589. 2278. GUILLAUME TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1134, in Angouleme, Charente, France. See family tree 590. Guillaume died in Messina, Sicily. 2279. EMMA TAILLEFER [DE LIMOGES] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France, to Ademar De Limoges 2411 and Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412, as shown in family tree 609. Emma died in 1162, aged about 24, in Angouleme, Charente, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Guillaume Taillefer 2278, aged about 26, married Emma Taillefer [De Limoges], aged about 22, in 1160 in Angouleme, Charente, France. They had one son: Aymer De Taillefer 2130 in 1160 This family is shown as family tree 590. 2280. PIERRE PRINCE OF FRANCE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1127, in Reims, Champagne, France. See family tree 591. Pierre died in 1183, aged about 56, in Palestine, Israel. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2281. ISABELLE FRANCE [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1148, in Courtenay, Galinois, France, to Reginald De Courtenay 2413 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414, as shown in family tree 610. Isabelle died in 1205, aged about 57, in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Pierre Prince Of France 2280, aged about 41, married Isabelle France [De Courtenay], aged about 20, in 1168 in France. They had one daughter: Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in 1160 This family is shown as family tree 591. 2282. ALPHONSO THE CHASTE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Huesca, Huesca, Spain. See family tree 539. Alphonso died in Perpignan, Pyrbenbees-Orientales, France. 2283. SANCHIA CHASTE [CASTILE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in Castile, Spain. See family tree 539. Sanchia died in Monasterio De Jaen, Jaen, Jaen, Spain. Alphonso The Chaste 2282 married Sanchia Chaste [Castile] in Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. They had one son: Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 539. 2284. RAIMOND DE SABRAN DU CAILAR (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1154, in Sabran, Gard, France. See family tree 539. Raimond died in 1224, aged about 70, in Sabran, Gard, Languedoc, France. 2285. GARSINDE DU CAILAR [FORCALQUIER] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1156, in Forcalquier, Alpes De Haute Provence, France. See family tree 539. Garsinde died in 1193, aged about 37, in Labbaye De La Celle, France. Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284, aged about 24, married Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier], aged about 22, in 1178 in Sabran, Gard, Languedoc, France. They had one daughter: Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 in 1181 This family is shown within family tree 539. 2286. HUMBERT SAVOY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Savoie, France. See family tree 539. Humbert died in Chambery, Savoy, France. 2287. BEATRIX SAVOY [DE VIENNE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Vienne, Isere, France. See family tree 539. Beatrix died in 1184, aged about 46, in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. Humbert Savoy 2286 married Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne], aged about 37, in 1175 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. They had one son: Thomas I Savoy 2134 in This family is shown within family tree 539. Page 366

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2288. GUILLIAUME I COUNT OF GENEVA (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1130, in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. See family tree 539. Guilliaume died in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. 2289. BEATRIX GENEVA [DE FAUCIGNY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Faucigny, Haute-Savoie, France. See family tree 539. Beatrix died in 1180, aged about 42, in Genve, Genve Canton, Switzerland. Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288, aged about 47, married Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny], aged about 39, in 1177 in France. They had one daughter: Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 539. 2290. ALFONSO RAIMUNDEZ (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castile, Spain. See family tree 592. Alfonso died in La Fresneda, Teruel, Aragon. 2291. BERENGUELA RAIMUNDO RAIMUNDEZ [DE BARCELONA] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1116, in Barcelona, Spain. See family tree 592. Berenguela died in Palencia, Leon, Spain. Alfonso Raimundez 2290 married Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona]. They had two sons: Sancho Alfonsez 2294 in 1135 King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 in 1137 This family is shown as family tree 592. 2292. AFFONSO I HENRIQUEZ (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Villa De Guimardaes, Braga, Portugal. See family tree 540. Affonso died in Mosteiro Decelas, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. 2293. MATILDA HENRIQUEZ [DE MAURIENNE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1125, in Chambery, Savoie, France. See family tree 540. Matilda died in Coimbra, Portugal. Affonso I Henriquez 2292 married Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne]. They had one daughter: Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137 in 1151 This family is shown within family tree 540. 2294. SANCHO ALFONSEZ (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1135, in Castile, Spain, to Alfonso Raimundez 2290 and Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291, as shown in family tree 592. Sancho died in Castile, Spain. 2295. BLANCHE ALFONSEZ [DE NAVARRE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1133, in Navarre, Spain. See family tree 540. Blanche died in Castile, Spain. Sancho Alfonsez 2294 married Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre]. They had one son: Alfonso Sanchez 2138 in This family is shown within family tree 540. 2296. HENRY II OF ENGLAND (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. See family tree 540. Henry died in Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France. 2297. ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1122, in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. See family tree 540. Eleanor died in Mirabell Castle, Tarn-Et-Garonne, France. Eleanor married twice. She was married to Louis Capet 2304 and Henry II Of England 2296. Henry II Of England 2296 married Eleanor Of Aquitaine. They had one daughter: Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2139 in This family is shown within family tree 540. 2298. ALBERIC I DE MELLO (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1110, in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France. See family tree 541. Alberic died in 1183, aged about 73, in Norton, Stow, Suffolk, England. 2299. JOAN DE MELLO [BASSET] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1114, in Wellingford, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 541. Joan died in 1135, aged about 21, in Clemence, Barcelona. Alberic I De Mello 2298, aged about 40, married Joan De Mello [Basset], aged about 36, in 1150 in Dammartin, Seine Et Marne, France. They had one son: Aubrey Dammartin 2140 in 1135 This family is shown within family tree 541. 2300. RENAUD II OF CLAREMONT (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1108, in Clermont, Oise, France. See family tree 541. Renaud died in 1162, aged about 54, in Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France. 2301. CLEMENCE CLAREMONT [DE BAR LE DUC] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1110, in Dampmartin, Ile De France, France. See family tree 541. Clemence died in Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France. Renaud II Of Claremont 2300, aged about 32, married Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc], aged about 30, in 1140 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. They had one daughter: Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in 1138 This family is shown within family tree 541.

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2302. JEAN I DE PONTHIEU (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1140, in Normandy, France. See family tree 541. Jean died in 1191, aged about 51, in Acre, Palestine. Jean fathered one son: William Ponthieu 2142 in 1179 This family is shown within family tree 541. 2303. BEATRICE DE SAINT POL (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1135, in Saint Pol, France. See family tree 594. Beatrice died in 1204, aged about 69. Beatrice gave birth to one son: William Ponthieu 2142 in 1179 This family is shown as family tree 594. 2304. LOUIS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Reims, Champagne, France. See family tree 541. Louis died in Paris, Seine, France. Louis married twice. He was married to Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297 and Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305. Louis Capet married Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297 in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. See family tree 541. 2305. ADELAIDE CAPET [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1140, in Blois, France. See family tree 541. Adelaide died in Paris, Isle De, France. Louis Capet 2304 married Adelaide Capet [De Blois]. They had one daughter: Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 in 1170 This family is shown within family tree 541. 2306. PHILIP AUGUSTUS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Gonesse, France to Louis Capet 2415 and Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416, as shown within family tree 595. Philip died in Mantes, France. 2307. ISABELLE CAPET [DE HAINAULT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in Valenciennes, Nord, France to Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418, as shown within family tree 595. Isabelle died in Paris, Seine, France. Philip Augustus Capet 2306 married Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] in Bapaume, Pas-De-Calais, France. They had one son: Louis Capet 2144 in This family is shown as family tree 595. 2308. ALFONSO SANCHEZ (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castile, Spain to Sancho Alfonsez 2419 and Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420, as shown within family tree 596. Alfonso died in Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. 2309. ELEANOR SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in Falaise, Calvados, France to Henry Plantagenet 2421 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422, as shown within family tree 596. Eleanor died in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Alfonso Sanchez 2308 married Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] in Burgos, Spain. They had one daughter: Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] 2145 in This family is shown as family tree 596. 2310. ALFONSO ALFONSEZ PROVENCE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, to Alphonso The Chaste 2314 and Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315, as shown in family tree 597. Alfonso died in 1209/2, aged about 29, in Palermo, Sicily. 2311. GERSINDE PROVENCE [DE SABRAN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1181, in Forcalquiers, Basses Alpes, France. See family tree 542. Gersinde died in 1209, aged about 28, in Sabran, Gard, France. Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310, aged about 15, married Gersinde Provence [De Sabran], aged about 14, between 1193 and 1197 in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. They had one son: Raymond Berenger 2146 in 1198 This family is shown within family tree 542. 2312. THOMAS I SAVOY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. See family tree 542. Thomas died in Aoste, Isere, France. 2313. BEATRIX DE GENEVA SAVOY [FAUCIGNY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. See family tree 542. Beatrix died in Pierre Chatel, Isere, France. Thomas I Savoy 2312 married Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny], aged about 15, in 1195/5 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. They had one daughter: Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in 1201 This family is shown within family tree 542. 2314. ALPHONSO THE CHASTE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Huesca, Huesca, Spain. See family tree 597. Alphonso died in Perpignan, Pyrbenbees-Orientales, France.

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2315. SANCHIA CHASTE [CASTILE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in Castile, Spain. See family tree 597. Sanchia died in Monasterio De Jaen, Jaen, Jaen, Spain. Alphonso The Chaste 2314 married Sanchia Chaste [Castile] in Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. They had two sons: Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 in 1180 Pedro King Aragon 2148 in 1185 This family is shown as family tree 597. 2316. GUILLAUME DE MONTPELLIER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1158, in Montpellier, Herault, France. See family tree 543. Guillaume died in Rome, Italy. 2317. EUDOXIA PRINCESS DE MONTPELLIER [BYZANTINE EMPIRE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1162, in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. See family tree 543. Eudoxia died in Raska, Raska, Srbija, Yugoslavia. Guillaume De Montpellier 2316, aged about 29, married Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire], aged about 25, in 1187 in France. They had one daughter: Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149 in 1182 This family is shown within family tree 543. 2318. BELA HARMADIK HUNGARY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1148, in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. See family tree 543. Bela died in Szekesfehervar, Fejer, Hungary. 2319. AGNES HUNGARY [DE CHATILLON] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1154, in Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France. See family tree 543. Agnes died in 1184, aged about 30, in Szekesfehervar, Fejer, Hungary. Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318, aged about 20, married Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon], aged about 14, in 1168 in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. They had one son: Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 in 1176 This family is shown within family tree 543. 2320. PIERRE DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in Courtenay, Galinois, France. See family tree 543. Pierre died in 1219/6, aged about 64, in Epirus, Turkey. 2321. YOLANDE DE COURTENAY [HAINAULT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1175, in Flanders, Belgium. See family tree 543. Yolande died in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. Pierre De Courtenay 2320 married Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault]. They had one daughter: Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in 1198 This family is shown within family tree 543. 2322. HENRY DUKE LIMBURG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1111, in Lorraine, France. See family tree 544. Henry died between 1167 and 1168, aged about 57, in Rome, Italy. 2323. MATHILDA LIMBURG [VON SAFFENBURG] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1110, in La Roche, En Aredene, Luxembourg. See family tree 544. Mathilda died in Limbourg, Belgium. Henry Duke Limburg 2322 married Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg]. They had one son: Henri Limburg 2152 in 1140 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2324. SIMON I SAARBRUCKEN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Saarbrucken, Rheinland, Preuen. See family tree 544. Simon died in Saarbrucken, Rheinland, Preuen. 2325. MATHILDA SAARBRUCKEN [VON SPONHEIM] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1127, in Spondheim, Rheinland, Germany. See family tree 544. Mathilda died in Fontevrault, Maine-Et-Loire, France. Simon I Saarbrucken 2324 married Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim]. They had one daughter: Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in 1150 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2326. GODFREY DE NAMUR (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1073, in Namur, France. See family tree 544. Godfrey died in Florette, Normandy, France. 2327. ERMISENDE DE NAMUR [DE LUXEMBOURG] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1084, in Trier, Rheinland, Germany. See family tree 544. Ermisende died in Mons, Hainault, Belgium. Godfrey De Namur 2326 married Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg]. They had one son: Henri De Namur 2154 in 1113 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2328. HENRI I DE GUELDRES (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1117, in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands. See family tree 544. Henri died in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands.

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2329. AGNES DE GUELDRES [VON ARNSTEIN] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1128, in Arnstein, Unterfranken, Bayern, Germany. See family tree 544. Agnes died in 1179, aged about 51, in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands. Henri I De Gueldres 2328 married Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein]. They had one daughter: Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155 in 1155 This family is shown within family tree 544. 2330. RENAUD DE BAR (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1115, in Le Duc, Meuse, France. See family tree 545. Renaud died in Mousson, Meurthe Et Moselle, Lorraine, France. 2331. AGNES DE BAR [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. See family tree 545. Agnes died in Aug. Renaud De Bar 2330, aged about 40, married Agnes De Bar [De Blois], aged about 17, in 1155 in Briey, Meurthe-Et-Moselle, Austrasia. They had one son: Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 in 1158 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2332. GUI DE BAR SUR SEINE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1110, in Sur Seine, Aube, Champagne, France. See family tree 545. Gui died in 1145, aged about 35. 2333. PETRONILLE DE BAR SUR SEINE [DE CHACENAY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1112, in Chacenay, Aube, Champagne, France. See family tree 545. Petronille died in 1161, aged about 49. Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332, aged about 41, married Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay], aged about 39, in 1151. They had one daughter: Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 in 1145 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2334. ROBERT I DE DREUX (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1123, in Reims, Marne, France. See family tree 545. Robert died in Braine, Champagne, France. 2335. AGNAES DE DREUX [DE BAUDEMENT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1130, in Braine, Aisne, Picardy, France. See family tree 545. Agnaes died in Braine, Aisne, Picardie, France. Robert I De Dreux 2334, aged about 29, married Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement], aged about 22, in 1152 in Ende, Westfalen, Prussia. They had one son: Robert De Dreux 2158 in 1154 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2336. RAOUL I DE COUCY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1139, in Boves, Somme, France. See family tree 545. Raoul died in Siege Acre, Palestine. 2337. AGNES DE COUCY [DE HAINAULT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1141, in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. See family tree 545. Agnes died in 1169, aged about 28, in Picardy, France. Raoul I De Coucy 2336, aged about 24, married Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault], aged about 22, in 1163 in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. They had one daughter: Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 in 1164 This family is shown within family tree 545. 2338. LOUIS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Reims, Champagne, France. See family tree 546. Louis died in Paris, Seine, France. Louis married twice. He was married to Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345 and Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339. 2339. ADELAIDE CAPET [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1140, in Blois, France. See family tree 546. Adelaide died in Paris, Isle De, France. Louis Capet 2338 married Adelaide Capet [De Blois]. They had one son: Philippe Auguste 2160 in This family is shown within family tree 546. 2340. BAUDOUIN FLANDERS HAINA (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Hainault, France. See family tree 546. Baudouin died in Mons, Hainault, Belgium. 2341. MARGUERITE HAINA [DE LORRAINE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1135, in Alsace, France. See family tree 546. Marguerite died in Brugge, Flandre, Belgium. Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340, aged about 19, married Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine], aged about 34, in 1169/4 in Valenciennes, Hainaut, Belgium. They had one daughter: Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161 in This family is shown within family tree 546.

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2342. SANCHO ALFONSEZ (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1135, in Castile, Spain. See family tree 546. Sancho died in Castile, Spain. 2343. BLANCHE ALFONSEZ [DE NAVARRE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1133, in Navarre, Spain. See family tree 546. Blanche died in Castile, Spain. Sancho Alfonsez 2342 married Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre]. They had one son: Alfonso Sanchez 2162 in This family is shown within family tree 546. 2344. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. See family tree 546. Henry died in Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France. 2345. ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1122, in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. See family tree 546. Eleanor died in Mirabell Castle, Tarn-Et-Garonne, France. Eleanor married twice. She was married to Henry Plantagenet 2344 and Louis Capet 2338. Henry Plantagenet 2344 married Eleanor Of Aquitaine in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163 in This family is shown within family tree 546. Louis Capet 2338 married Eleanor Of Aquitaine in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. See family tree 546. 2346. JOHN LACKLAND PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Beaumont Palace, Oxfordshire, England to Henry II Of England 2423 and Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424, as shown in family tree 612. John died in Newark, Nottinghamshire, England. 2347. ISABELLA PLANTAGENET [DE TAILLEFER] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1188, in Angouleme, Charente, France, to Aymer De Taillefer 2425 and Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426, as shown within family tree 599. Isabella died in Fontevrault Abbey, Fontevrault, Maine Et Loire, France. John Lackland Plantagenet 2346 married Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. They had one son: Earl Richard 2168 in This family is shown as family tree 599. 2348. REGINALD DE VALLETORT (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1187, in Winchester, Hampshire, England, to Roger De Valletort 2427 and Alesia De Valletort 2428, as shown within family tree 600. Reginald died in 1246, aged about 59, in Winchester, Hampshire, England. 2349. JOAN DE VALLETORT [BASSET] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1204, in Headington, Oxfordshire, England, to Thomas Bassett 2429 and Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430, as shown in family tree 613. Joan died in 1213, aged about 9, in Berkhamstead Castle, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. Reginald De Valletort 2348 married Joan De Valletort [Basset]. They had one daughter: Joan De Valletort 2169 in 1211 This family is shown as family tree 600. 2350. ERNALD BOYS (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1221, in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England, to Ernald Boys 2431 and Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432, as shown within family tree 566. Ernald died in Weston-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England. 2351. AMICIA BOYS [OF ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1226. See family tree 566. Ernald Boys 2350 married Amicia Boys [Of England]. They had one son: John De Boys 2170 in 1245 This family is shown within family tree 566. 2352. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1220, in East Riding, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2433 and William I Le Latimer 2434, as shown within family tree 568. William died in 1268, aged about 48, in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. 2353. ALICE LE LATIMER [HANSARD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1215, in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England, to Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435 and Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2436, as shown within family tree 568. Alice died in 1302, aged about 87, in Bedale, Yorkshire, England. William Le Latimer 2352, aged about 22, married Alice Le Latimer [Hansard], aged about 27, in 1242 in Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: William Le Latimer 2172 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2354. WALTER DE LEDET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1210, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire,

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England, to Henry De Braybrook 2437 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438, as shown within family tree 568. Walter died in 1257, aged about 47, in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. 2355. ERMENTRUDE DE LEDET [DE LISLE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1198, in Braybrooke, Northamptonshire, England, to Robert Lisle 2439 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440, as shown within family tree 568. Ermentrude died. Walter De Ledet 2354 married Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle]. They had one daughter: Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in 1232 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2356. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1220, in East Riding, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Latimer 2441 and William I Le Latimer 2442, as shown within family tree 569. William died in 1268, aged about 48, in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. 2357. ALICE LE LATIMER [HANSARD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1215, in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England, to Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443 and Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2444, as shown within family tree 569. Alice died in 1302, aged about 87, in Bedale, Yorkshire, England. William Le Latimer 2356, aged about 22, married Alice Le Latimer [Hansard], aged about 27, in 1242 in Northamptonshire, England. They had one son: William Le Latimer 2174 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2358. WALTER DE LEDET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1210, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England, to Henry De Braybrook 2445 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446, as shown within family tree 569. Walter died in 1257, aged about 47, in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. 2359. ERMENTRUDE DE LEDET [DE LISLE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1198, in Braybrooke, Northamptonshire, England, to Robert Lisle 2447 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448, as shown within family tree 569. Ermentrude died. Walter De Ledet 2358 married Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle]. They had one daughter: Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in 1232 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2360. MARMADUKE DE THWENG (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Kilton, North Riding, Yorkshire, England, to Robert De Thweng 2449 and Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450, as shown within family tree 570. Marmaduke died in 1279/12, aged about 54, in Castle Kilton, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. 2361. LUCY DE THWENG [DE BRUS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1240, in Skelton, Yorkshire, England, to Peter De Brus 2451 and Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452, as shown within family tree 570. Lucy died in 1282, aged about 42, in Gainsborough, England. Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 married Lucy De Thweng [De Brus]. They had one son: Robert De Thweng 2176 in 1252 This family is shown within family tree 570. 2362. ROBERT HANSARD (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1228, in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England, to Richard Hansard 2453 and Richard Hansard 2454, as shown within family tree 570. 2363. ROBERT HANSARD [HAUNSARD] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1238, in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 570. Robert Hansard 2362, aged about 30, married Robert Hansard [Haunsard], aged about 20, in 1258 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 in 1254 This family is shown within family tree 570. 2364. RICHARD SCALES (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1189, in England, to William Scales 2455, as shown within family tree 571. Richard died in England. 2365. ALICE SCALES [ROUCESTER] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1189, in England. See family tree 571. Alice died in England. Richard Scales 2364 married Alice Scales [Roucester]. They had one son: Robert Scales 2178 in 1219 This family is shown within family tree 571. 2366. ROBERT DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1170, in Okehampton, Devon, England, to Renaud De Courtenay 2456 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457, as shown within family tree 572. Robert died in Iwerne, Dorset, England.

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2367. MARY DE COURTENAY [DE REVIERS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1196, in Okehampton, Devon, England, to William De Reviers 2458 and Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459, as shown within family tree 572. Mary died in 1242, aged about 46, in Okehampton, Devon, England. Robert De Courtenay 2366, aged about 43, married Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers], aged about 17, in 1213 in Okehampton, Devon, England. They had one son: John De Courtenay 2180 in 1218 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2368. HUGH DE VERE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1184, in Hatfield, Essex, England, to Robert De Vere 2460 and Isabel De Vere [Bolebec] 2461, as shown within family tree 572. Hugh died in Colne, Engaine, Essex, England. 2369. HAWISE DE VERE [DE QUINCY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1178, in Winchester, Hampshire, England, to Saher De Quincy 2462 and Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 2463, as shown within family tree 572. Hawise died in Sussex Square, London, Middlesex, England. Hugh De Vere 2368 married Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] in Totnes, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 in 1228 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2370. HUGH LE DESPENCER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1197, in Ryhall, Rutlandshire, England, to Thomas Despencer 2464. Hugh died in Ryhall, Stamford, Rutlandshire, England. 2371. MRS HUGH LE DESPENCER (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1202, in Ryhall, Rutlandshire, England. See family tree 573. Hugh Le Despencer 2370, aged about 22, married Mrs Hugh Le Despencer, aged about 17, in 1219 in Defford, St Andrew Pershore Worcester, England. They had one son: Hugh Le Despencer 2182 in 1223 This family is shown within family tree 573. 2372. PHILIP BASSET (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1184, in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England, to Alan Bassett 2466 and Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467, as shown within family tree 574. Philip died in Stanley, Wiltshire, England. 2373. HAWISE BASSET [DE LOVAINE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1215, in Little Easton, Essex, England, to Matthew De Lovaine 2468 and Muriel De Lovaine 2469, as shown within family tree 574. Hawise died in Little, Easton, Essex, England. Philip Basset 2372, aged about 52, married Hawise Basset [De Lovaine], aged about 21, in 1236 in Essex, England. They had one daughter: Aline Bassett 2183 in 1241 This family is shown within family tree 574. 2374. JOHN DE PEYTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1203, in Peyton Hall, Ramshold, Suffolk, England, to Nigel De Peyton 2470. John died in 1235, aged about 32. John fathered one son: Robert D Ufford 2184 in 1249 This family is shown within family tree 575. 2375. AGNES UNKNOWN (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 601. Agnes gave birth to one son: Robert D Ufford 2184 in 1249 This family is shown as family tree 601. 2376. WILLIAM DE SAY (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1209, in West Greenwich, Kent, England, to Geoffrey De Saye 2472 and Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 2473, as shown within family tree 576. William died in Rochester Castle, Kent, England. 2377. SIBYL DE SAY [MARSHALL] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1215, in Lenton, Lincolnshire, England, to John Marshall 2474 and Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475, as shown within family tree 576. Sibyl died in 1250, aged about 35, in Austria, Hungary. William De Say 2376 married Sibyl De Say [Marshall]. They had one daughter: Mary De Saye 2185 in 1244 This family is shown within family tree 576. 2378. ROBERT DE VALOINES (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1221, in Orford, Suffolk, England, to John De Valoines 2476 and Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 2477, as shown within family tree 577. Robert died in 1264, aged about 43, in Magna Fakenham, Thetford, Suffolk, England.

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2379. ROESIA DE VALOINES [LE BLOUNT] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1194, in Ixworth, Suffolk, England, to William Le Blount 2478 and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479, as shown in family tree 616. Roesia died in 1217, aged about 23. Robert De Valoines 2378 married Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount]. They had one son: Robert De Valoines 2186 in 1254 This family is shown within family tree 577. 2380. WILLIAM CRIKETOT (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1239 to William De Criketot 2480. William died in 1269, aged about 30. William fathered one daughter: Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in 1259 This family is shown within family tree 577. 2381. AGNES BLUNDE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1214, in Allerton, Yorkshire, England, to William Le Blount 2478 and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482, as shown within family tree 602. Agnes died in Baildon, West Yorkshire, England. Agnes married twice, including William De Criketot 2480 (her indirect relation). Agnes gave birth to one daughter: Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in 1259 This family is shown as family tree 603. 2382. ROGER DE KERDESTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1215, in Kerdiston, Norfolkshire, England. See family tree 554. Roger fathered one son: William De Kerdeston 2188 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 554. 2383. JOHN PATENHAM (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1565 to John Patenham 2483 and Winifred Patenham 2484, as shown within family tree 578. John died in Bedford St Pauls. 2384. MARGARET PATENHAM [CLEMENTS] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 578. John Patenham 2383 married Margaret Patenham [Clements] in Bedford St Pauls. They had one son: William Patenham 2190 in 1263 This family is shown within family tree 578. 2385. JOHN DE EUXTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1238, in Euxton, Lancashire, England. See family tree 579. 2386. JOHN DE EUXTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1243, in Standish, Lancashire, England. See family tree 579. John De Euxton 2385, aged about 25, married John De Euxton, aged about 20, in 1263 in Standish, Lancashire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret De Euxton 2191 in 1264 This family is shown within family tree 579. 2387. RICHARD BACON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1234, in Lodie, Norfolk, England, to Reginald Bacon 2485 and Lady Bacon [Meschines] 2486, as shown within family tree 580. Richard died in Norfolk, England. 2388. ALICE BACON [MYNSTON] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1269, in Lodie, Norfolk, England, to Conan Mynston 2487 and Ms. Unknown 2488, as shown within family tree 580. Richard Bacon 2387, aged about 56, married Alice Bacon [Mynston], aged about 21, in 1290 in Lodie, Norfolk, England. They had one son: Robert Bacon 2192 in 1258 This family is shown within family tree 580. 2389. ROBERT DE HINGHAM (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1236, in Thorpe, Norfolk, England, to Robert Bingham 2489 and Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490, as shown within family tree 580. Robert died in 1304, aged about 68, in Binghams Melcombe, Dorset, England. 2390. ELEANOR DE HINGHAM [WAKE] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1244, in Binghams Melcombe, Dorset, England. See family tree 580. Robert De Hingham 2389 married Eleanor De Hingham [Wake]. They had one daughter: Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193 in 1262 This family is shown within family tree 580.

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2391. WILLIAM DE FELTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1234, in West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England, to Pagan De Felton 2491, as shown within family tree 581. William died in 1315, aged about 81. 2392. WILLIAM DE FELTON (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1235. See family tree 581. William De Felton 2391 married William De Felton. They had one son: Simon Felton 2194 in 1265 This family is shown within family tree 581. 2393. JOHN LE STRANGE (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1226, in Chesawardine, Shropshire, England, to John Le Strange 2492 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493, as shown within family tree 582. John died in 1276, aged about 50, in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. 2394. JOAN LE STRANGE [DE SOMERY] (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1230, in Ellesmere, Shropshire, England, to Roger De Somery 2494 and Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan] 2495, as shown within family tree 582. Joan died in 1282, aged about 52, in Knockin, Shropshire, England. John Le Strange 2393 married Joan Le Strange [De Somery]. They had one daughter: Hawise Strange 2195 in 1285 This family is shown within family tree 582. Generation of Twenty-four-Times-Great-Grandparents 2395. IORWERTH AP OWAIN (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1145, in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglsy, Wales, to Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 and Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497, as shown in family tree 618. Iorwerth died in 1184, aged about 39, in Aberffraw Castle, Anglesey, Wales. 2396. MARGRED VERCH AP OWAIN [MADOG] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1129, in Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499, as shown within family tree 584. Margred died in 1198, aged about 69, in Y. Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395, aged about 18, married Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog], aged about 34, in 1163 in Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. They had one son: Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 in 1173 This family is shown within family tree 584. 2397. LLYWARCH AP IORWERTH (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1139, in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales, to Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 and Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501, as shown within family tree 584. Llywarch died in 1230, aged about 91, in Wales. 2398. TANGWYSTL VERCH AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1141, in Menai, Anglesey, Wales, to Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 and Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503, as shown within family tree 584. Tangwystl died in Wales. Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397, aged about 29, married Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch], aged about 27, in 1168 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225 in 1168 This family is shown within family tree 584. 2399. THOMAS AP RHODRI (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1178, in Anglesey, Wales, to Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 and Annest Verch Gwynedd [Rhys] 2505, as shown within family tree 585. 2400. MARGRED FERCH AP RHODRI [EINION] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales, to Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 and Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507, as shown within family tree 585. Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399, aged about 31, married Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion], aged about 29, in 1209 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. They had one son: Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 in 1200 This family is shown as family tree 604. 2401. GWYN AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Cegidfa, Ystradmarchell, Montgomeryshire, Wales, to Gruffydd Ap Beli 2508. 2402. GWYN AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 585. Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401, aged about 25, married Gwyn Ap Gruffydd in 1175 in Powys, Wales. They had one daughter: Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 585. 2403. FULK V DE ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1092, in Anjou, France, to Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511, as shown in family tree 620. Fulk died in Jerusalem, Israel.

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2404. ERMENGARDE DE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1096, in Maine, USA, to Elias Helie 2512 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513, as shown in family tree 621. Ermengarde died in 1126, aged about 30, in Maine, USA. Fulk V De Anjou 2403 married Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Normandy, France. They had one son: Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274 in This family is shown as family tree 605. 2405. HENRY I BEAUCLERC (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1068, in Selby, Yorkshire, England, to William I Conqueror 2514. Henry died in St Denis, Seine-St Denis, France. 2406. MATILDA ATHELING BEAUCLERC [SCOTLAND] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born between 1080 and 1084, in Dunfermline, Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, to Malcolm Canmore 2516. Matilda died in Westminster, London, Middlesex, England. Henry I Beauclerc 2405 married Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland]. They had one daughter: Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275 in This family is shown as family tree 606. 2407. GUILLAUME IX DE TROUBADOR DE AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Aquitaine, France to William Aquitaine 2518. Guillaume died in Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France. 2408. PHILIPPA DE AQUITAINE [MATHILDE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1073, in Toulouse, France, to Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 and Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521, as shown in family tree 627. Philippa died in Fontevrault Abbey, Anjou, France. Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 married Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde], aged about 21, in 1094 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrnes, France. They had one son: William X Toulousan 2276 in 1099 This family is shown as family tree 607. 2409. AIMERI I CHATELLERAULT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1075, in Chatellerault, Vienne, France, to Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 and Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523, as shown in family tree 628. Aimeri died in Notre Dame, Delaware, USA. 2410. DANGEREUSE MAUBERGEONNE CHATELLERAULT [ISLE BOUCHARD] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1079, in Isle Bouchard, France, to Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 and Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525, as shown in family tree 629. Dangereuse died in 1119, aged about 40, in Liile-Bouchard, Indre-Et-Loire, Centre, France. Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409, aged about 34, married Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard], aged about 30, in 1109 in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in 1103 This family is shown as family tree 608. 2411. ADEMAR DE LIMOGES (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1100, in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France, to Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 and Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527, as shown in family tree 630. Ademar died in 1148, aged about 48, in Limoges, Hatue Vienne, France. 2412. GRAULE DE LIMOGES [TAILLEFER] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1118, in Angouleme, Charente, France, to Guillaume Taillefer 2528 and Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529, as shown in family tree 631. Graule died in 1138, aged about 20, in Limoges, Hatue Vienne, France. Ademar De Limoges 2411, aged about 38, married Graule De Limoges [Taillefer], aged about 20, in 1138 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France. They had one daughter: Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in 1138 This family is shown as family tree 609. 2413. REGINALD DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1100, in Courtenay, Loiret, France, to Milo De Courtenay 2530 and Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531, as shown in family tree 632. Reginald died in 1161, aged about 61, in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. 2414. HAWISE DE COURTENAY [DE DONJON] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1113, in Donjon, Allier, France, to Frederic De Donjon 2532 and Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533, as shown in family tree 633. Hawise died in 1158, aged about 45, in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Reginald De Courtenay 2413, aged about 27, married Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon], aged about 14, in 1127 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. They had one daughter: Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in 1148 This family is shown as family tree 610.

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2415. LOUIS CAPET (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1120, in Reims, Champagne, France. See family tree 595. Louis died in Paris, Seine, France. Louis married twice. He was married to Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422 and Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416. 2416. ADELE CAPET [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1140, in Blois, France, to Theobald De Blois 2534. Adele died in Paris, Isle De, France. Louis Capet 2415 married Adele Capet [De Blois]. They had one son: Philip Augustus Capet 2306 in This family is shown within family tree 595. 2417. BAUDOUIN FLANDERS HAINA (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Hainault, France, to Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 and Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537, as shown within family tree 595. Baudouin died in Mons, Hainault, Belgium. 2418. MARGUERITE HAINA [DE LORRAINE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1135, in Alsace, France, to Dietrich D Alsace 2538 and Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539, as shown within family tree 595. Marguerite died in Brugge, Flandre, Belgium. Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417, aged about 19, married Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine], aged about 34, in 1169/4 in Valenciennes, Hainaut, Belgium. They had one daughter: Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307 in This family is shown within family tree 595. 2419. SANCHO ALFONSEZ (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1135, in Castile, Spain, to Alfonso Raimundez 2540 and Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2541, as shown within family tree 596. Sancho died in Castile, Spain. 2420. BLANCHE ALFONSEZ [DE NAVARRE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1133, in Navarre, Spain, to Garcias V Ramirez 2542 and Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 2543, as shown within family tree 596. Blanche died in Castile, Spain. Sancho Alfonsez 2419 married Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre]. They had one son: Alfonso Sanchez 2308 in This family is shown within family tree 596. 2421. HENRY PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Le Mans, Sarthe, France to Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544 and Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2545, as shown within family tree 596. Henry died in Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France. 2422. ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1122, in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France, to William X Toulousan 2546 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547, as shown within family tree 596. Eleanor died in Mirabell Castle, Tarn-Et-Garonne, France. Eleanor married twice. She was married to Henry Plantagenet 2421 and Louis Capet 2415. Henry Plantagenet 2421 married Eleanor Of Aquitaine in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309 in This family is shown within family tree 596. Louis Capet 2415 married Eleanor Of Aquitaine in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. See family tree 596. 2423. HENRY II OF ENGLAND (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Le Mans, Sarthe, France to Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 and Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549, as shown in family tree 635. Henry died in Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France. 2424. ELEANOR ENGLAND [OF AQUITAINE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1122, in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France, to William X Toulousan 2550 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551, as shown within family tree 599. Eleanor died in Mirabell Castle, Tarn-Et-Garonne, France. Henry II Of England 2423 married Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine]. They had one son: John Lackland Plantagenet 2346 in This family is shown as family tree 612. 2425. AYMER DE TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1160, in Angouleme, Charente Maritime, France, to Guillaume Taillefer 2552 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553, as shown within family tree 599. Aymer died in 1218, aged about 58, in Labbey La Couroun, France. Citation: Source 25, page Source number: 3295.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DP1. Note 1248 applies. Note 1249 applies. Name: Aymer De Taillefer (Name).

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2426. ALICE DE TAILLEFER [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1160, in Courtenay, Galinois, France, to Pierre Prince Of France 2554 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555, as shown within family tree 599. Alice died in 1218, aged about 58, in Angouleme, Aquitaine, Charente, France. Aymer De Taillefer 2425, aged about 20, married Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay], aged about 20, in 1180 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347 in 1188 This family is shown within family tree 599. 2427. ROGER DE VALLETORT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1165, in Caus, Shropshire, England, to Ralph De Valletort 2556 and Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy] 2557, as shown within family tree 600. Roger died in 1207, aged about 42, in Harberton, Devon, England. 2428. ALESIA DE VALLETORT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1169, in Caus, Shropshire, England. See family tree 600. Alesia died in 1191, aged about 22, in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Roger De Valletort 2427, aged about 26, married Alesia De Valletort, aged about 22, in 1191 in Caus, Shropshire, England. They had one son: Reginald De Valletort 2348 in 1187 This family is shown within family tree 600. 2429. THOMAS BASSETT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1156, in Hedington, Oxfordshire, England, to Thomas De Basset 2558 and Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559, as shown in family tree 636. Thomas died in 1220, aged about 64, in Whitford, Devon, England. 2430. PHILLIPI BASSETT [MELBANK] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1158, in Heddingdon, Oxfordshire, England, to William Malbank 2560 and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561, as shown in family tree 637. Phillipi died in 1225, aged about 67, in Heddington, Oxfordshire, England. Thomas Bassett 2429, aged about 21, married Phillipi Bassett [Melbank], aged about 19, in 1177 in Heddingdon, Oxfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349 in 1204 This family is shown as family tree 613. 2431. ERNALD BOYS (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1190, in Assington, Suffolk, England. See family tree 566. Ernald died in 1255, aged about 65, in Assington, Sudbury, Suffolk, England. 2432. JOAN BOYS [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1192, in Standlake, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 566. Joan died in 1246, aged about 54, in Assington, Suffolk, England. Ernald Boys 2431, aged about 30, married Joan Boys [De Beauchamp], aged about 28, in 1220 in Standlake, Oxfordshire, England. They had one son: Ernald Boys 2350 in 1221 This family is shown within family tree 566. 2433. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 568. William died in 1270, aged about 70, in Northumberland, England. 2434. WILLIAM I LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1200, in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 568. William Le Latimer 2433, aged about 20, married William I Le Latimer, aged about 20, in 1220 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William Le Latimer 2352 in 1220 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2435. GILBERT FITZMALDRED HANSARD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. See family tree 568. Gilbert died in 1185, aged about 5. 2436. MS. HANSARD [DE RABY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1177. See family tree 568. Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435 married Ms. Hansard [De Raby]. They had one daughter: Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2437. HENRY DE BRAYBROOK (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1188, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 568. Henry died in 1234, aged about 46, in England. 2438. CHRISTIANA DE BRAYBROOK [LEDET] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1190, in Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 568. Christiana died in 1271, aged about 81, in Austria, Hungary.

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Henry De Braybrook 2437, aged about 29, married Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet], aged about 27, in 1217 in Wardon, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Walter De Ledet 2354 in 1210 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2439. ROBERT LISLE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Mundford, Norfolk, England. See family tree 568. Robert died in 1262, aged about 37, in Nedging, Suffolk, England. 2440. ALICE LISLE [FITZ GERALD] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1224, in Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, England. See family tree 568. Alice died in 1284, aged about 60, in Kingston Lisle, Sparsholt, Berkshire, England. Robert Lisle 2439, aged about 37, married Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald], aged about 38, in 1262 in Harewood, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2355 in 1198 This family is shown within family tree 568. 2441. WILLIAM LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 569. William died in 1270, aged about 70, in Northumberland, England. 2442. WILLIAM I LE LATIMER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1200, in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 569. William Le Latimer 2441, aged about 20, married William I Le Latimer, aged about 20, in 1220 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: William Le Latimer 2356 in 1220 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2443. GILBERT FITZMALDRED HANSARD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1180, in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. See family tree 569. Gilbert died in 1185, aged about 5. 2444. MS. HANSARD [DE RABY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1177. See family tree 569. Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443 married Ms. Hansard [De Raby]. They had one daughter: Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2445. HENRY DE BRAYBROOK (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1188, in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 569. Henry died in 1234, aged about 46, in England. 2446. CHRISTIANA DE BRAYBROOK [LEDET] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1190, in Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 569. Christiana died in 1271, aged about 81, in Austria, Hungary. Henry De Braybrook 2445, aged about 29, married Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet], aged about 27, in 1217 in Wardon, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Walter De Ledet 2358 in 1210 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2447. ROBERT LISLE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1225, in Mundford, Norfolk, England. See family tree 569. Robert died in 1262, aged about 37, in Nedging, Suffolk, England. 2448. ALICE LISLE [FITZ GERALD] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1224, in Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, England. See family tree 569. Alice died in 1284, aged about 60, in Kingston Lisle, Sparsholt, Berkshire, England. Robert Lisle 2447, aged about 37, married Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald], aged about 38, in 1262 in Harewood, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2359 in 1198 This family is shown within family tree 569. 2449. ROBERT DE THWENG (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1202, in Kilton Castle, Kilton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 570. Robert died in 1247, aged about 45, in Kilton Castle, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. 2450. MATILDA DE THWENG [DE KILTON] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1205, in Thweng, Durham, England. See family tree 570. Matilda died in 1279/6, aged about 74, in Thweng, Durham, England. Robert De Thweng 2449, aged about 22, married Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton], aged about 19, in 1224 in Kilton, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 in 1225 This family is shown within family tree 570. 2451. PETER DE BRUS (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1181, in Skelton, Yorkshire, England. See family tree 570. Peter died in Marseilles, Bouches Du Rhone, France.

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2452. HAWISE DE BRUS [DE LANCASTER] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1200, in Kendal, Westmorland, England. See family tree 570. Hawise died in 1226, aged about 26, in Barony Kendal, Westmorlandshire, England. Peter De Brus 2451, aged about 32, married Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster], aged about 13, in 1213 in Skelton, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 in 1240 This family is shown within family tree 570. 2453. RICHARD HANSARD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1200, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 570. 2454. RICHARD HANSARD (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210. See family tree 570. Richard Hansard 2453 married Richard Hansard. They had one son: Robert Hansard 2362 in 1228 This family is shown within family tree 570. 2455. WILLIAM SCALES (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in England. See family tree 571. William died in England. William fathered one son: Richard Scales 2364 in 1189 This family is shown within family tree 571. 2456. RENAUD DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1125, in Courtenay, Loiret, France. See family tree 572. Renaud died in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. 2457. HAWISE DE COURTENAY [DE CURCY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1135, in Okehampton, Devon, England. See family tree 572. Hawise died in Ford Abbey, Devon, England. Renaud De Courtenay 2456, aged about 53, married Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy], aged about 43, in 1178 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. They had one son: Robert De Courtenay 2366 in 1170 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2458. WILLIAM DE REVIERS (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1128, in Devon, England. See family tree 572. William died in Christ Church, Twynham. 2459. MABEL DE REVIERS [DE BEAUMONT] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1168, in Meulan, Normandy, France. See family tree 572. Mabel died in 1204, aged about 36, in Twineham, Sussex, England. William De Reviers 2458, aged about 61, married Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont], aged about 21, in 1189 in Okehampton, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in 1196 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2460. ROBERT DE VERE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1164, in Hatfield, Essex, England. See family tree 572. Robert died in Colne, Essex, England. 2461. ISABEL DE VERE [BOLEBEC] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1164, in Hatfield, Essex, England. See family tree 572. Isabel died in Sussex Square, London, Middlesex, England. Robert De Vere 2460 married Isabel De Vere [Bolebec]. They had one son: Hugh De Vere 2368 in 1184 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2462. SAHER DE QUINCY (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in Winchester, Hampshire, England. See family tree 572. Saher died in Damietta, On Way Holy Land, Palestine. 2463. MARGARET DE QUINCY [DE HARCOURT] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1156, in Hampshire, England. See family tree 572. Margaret died in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England. Saher De Quincy 2462 married Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt]. They had one daughter: Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369 in 1178 This family is shown within family tree 572. 2464. THOMAS DESPENCER (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1169, in Elington, Lincolnshire, England. See family tree 573. Thomas died in 1218, aged about 49, in Arnesby, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, England. Thomas fathered one son: Hugh Le Despencer 2370 in 1197 This family is shown within family tree 573.

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2465. ROHESE DE FOIX (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1165, in Foix, Ariege, Midi Pyreneees, France. See family tree 614. Rohese died in 1200, aged about 35, in England. Rohese gave birth to one son: Hugh Le Despencer 2370 in 1197 This family is shown as family tree 614. 2466. ALAN BASSETT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in Headington, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 574. Alan died in 1233, aged about 78, in Headington, Oxfordshire, England. 2467. ALINE BASSETT [DE GAY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1159, in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. See family tree 574. Aline died in 1233, aged about 74, in Holland, Lancastershire, England. Alan Bassett 2466, aged about 25, married Aline Bassett [De Gay], aged about 21, in 1180 in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. They had one son: Philip Basset 2372 in 1184 This family is shown within family tree 574. 2468. MATTHEW DE LOVAINE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1185, in Essex, England. See family tree 574. Matthew died in 1258, aged about 73, in Little Easton, Essex, England. 2469. MURIEL DE LOVAINE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1166, in Essex, England. See family tree 574. Muriel died in 1275, aged about 109, in England. Matthew De Lovaine 2468 married Muriel De Lovaine. They had one daughter: Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 574. 2470. NIGEL DE PEYTON (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1173, in Peyton Hall, Ramshold, Suffolk, England. See family tree 575. Nigel died in Boxford Stoke Neyland, England. Nigel fathered one son: John De Peyton 2374 in 1203 This family is shown within family tree 575. 2471. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1179, in Boxford, Suffolk, England. See family tree 615. Ms. Unknown gave birth to one son: John De Peyton 2374 in 1203 This family is shown as family tree 615. 2472. GEOFFREY DE SAYE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1155, in West Greenwich, Kent, England. See family tree 576. Geoffrey died in Poitou, France. 2473. ALICE DE SAYE [DE CHENEY] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1165, in Newtimber, Sussex, England. See family tree 576. Alice died in 1225, aged about 60. Geoffrey De Saye 2472 married Alice De Saye [De Cheney]. They had one son: William De Say 2376 in 1209 This family is shown within family tree 576. 2474. JOHN MARSHALL (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1185, in Hingham, Norfolk, England. See family tree 576. John died in Hockering, Mitford, Norfolk, England. 2475. ALINE MARSHALL [DE RYE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1185, in Hingham, Forehoe, Norfolk, England. See family tree 576. Aline died in 1267, aged about 82, in Hockering, Mitford, Norfolk, England. John Marshall 2474, aged about 15, married Aline Marshall [De Rye], aged about 15, in 1200 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. They had one daughter: Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 in 1215 This family is shown within family tree 576. 2476. JOHN DE VALOINES (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1194, in Hickley, Suffolk, England. See family tree 577. 2477. ISABEL DE VALOINES [DE CREKE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1202, in North Creke, Norfolk, England. See family tree 577. John De Valoines 2476, aged about 26, married Isabel De Valoines [De Creke], aged about 18, in 1220. They had one son: Robert De Valoines 2378 in 1221 This family is shown within family tree 577.

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2478. WILLIAM LE BLOUNT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1153, in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. See family tree 602. William died in 1228, aged about 75, in Lewes, Suffolk, England. William married twice. He was married to Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479 and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482. 2479. CECILIA LE BLOUNT [DE VERE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1163, in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. See family tree 616. Cecilia died in 1234, aged about 71. William Le Blount 2478 married Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere]. They had two daughters: Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379 in 1194 Agnes Le Blount 2481 in 1204 This family is shown as family tree 616. 2480. WILLIAM DE CRIKETOT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1219. See family tree 577. William married twice, including Agnes Blunde 2381 (his indirect relation). William fathered one son: William Criketot 2380 in 1239 This family is shown within family tree 577. William De Criketot married Agnes Blunde 2381. See family tree 577. 2481. AGNES LE BLOUNT (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1204, in Ixworth, Suffolk, England, to William Le Blount 2478 and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479, as shown in family tree 616. Agnes gave birth to one son: William Criketot 2380 in 1239 This family is shown as family tree 617. 2482. CECILIA LE BLOUNT [DE VERE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1175, in Twywell, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, England. See family tree 602. Cecilia died in 1234, aged about 59. William Le Blount 2478, aged about 49, married Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere], aged about 27, in 1202. They had one daughter: Agnes Blunde 2381 in 1214 This family is shown within family tree 602. 2483. JOHN PATENHAM (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1535, in Bedford St Pauls. See family tree 578. John died in 1587, aged about 52, in Bedford St Pauls. 2484. WINIFRED PATENHAM (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 578. John Patenham 2483 married Winifred Patenham. They had one son: John Patenham 2383 in 1565 This family is shown within family tree 578. 2485. REGINALD BACON (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1203, in Letheringsett, Norfolk, England. See family tree 580. Reginald died in 1261, aged about 58, in Lodie, Norolks, England. 2486. LADY BACON [MESCHINES] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1180, in Chester, Cheshire, England. See family tree 580. Lady died in 1243, aged about 63. Reginald Bacon 2485 married Lady Bacon [Meschines]. They had one son: Richard Bacon 2387 in 1234 This family is shown within family tree 580. 2487. CONAN MYNSTON (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1210, in Letheringsett, Norfolk, England. See family tree 580. Conan died in Norfolk, England. 2488. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Norfolk, England. See family tree 580. Conan Mynston 2487 married Ms. Unknown. They had one daughter: Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 in 1269 This family is shown within family tree 580. 2489. ROBERT BINGHAM (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1197, in Sutton Bingham, Yeovil, Somerset, England. See family tree 580. Robert died in 1246, aged about 49, in Manor West Stafford, Dorchester, Dorset, England. 2490. LUCY BINGHAM [TURBERVILLE] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1195, in Bingham, Melcombe, Dorset, England. See family tree 580. Lucy died in 1246, aged about 51, in England. Robert Bingham 2489, aged about 25, married Lucy Bingham [Turberville], aged about 27, in 1222 in Binghams, Melcombe, Dorset, England. They had one son: Robert De Hingham 2389 in 1236 This family is shown within family tree 580.

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2491. PAGAN DE FELTON (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1205, in Felton, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. See family tree 581. Pagan fathered one son: William De Felton 2391 in 1234 This family is shown within family tree 581. 2492. JOHN LE STRANGE (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1194, in Ness Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. See family tree 582. John died in 1269, aged about 75, in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. 2493. LUCY LE STRANGE [DE TREGOZ] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1210, in Ewyas Harold, Hereford, England. See family tree 582. Lucy died in 1294, aged about 84, in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. John Le Strange 2492, aged about 31, married Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz], aged about 15, in 1225 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. They had one son: John Le Strange 2393 in 1226 This family is shown within family tree 582. 2494. ROGER DE SOMERY (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1208, in Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England. See family tree 582. Roger died in Dudley, Worcestershire, England. 2495. NICHOLE DE SOMERY [FITZALAN] (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Spencercombe, Devon, England. See family tree 582. Nichole died in 1254. Roger De Somery 2494 married Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan]. They had one daughter: Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 in 1230 This family is shown within family tree 582. Generation of Twenty-five-Times-Great-Grandparents 2496. OWAIN AP GRUFFYDD (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1087, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 618. Owain died in 1169/12, aged about 82, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. 2497. GWLADUS VERCH AP GRUFFYDD [LLYWARCH] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1098, in Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 618. Gwladus died in 1155, aged about 57, in Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496, aged about 39, married Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch], aged about 28, in 1126 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. They had two sons: Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 in 1136 Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 in 1145 This family is shown as family tree 618. 2498. MADOG AP MAREDYDD (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1091, in Montgomeryshire, Wales. See family tree 584. Madog died in 1160, aged about 69, in Winchester, Hampshire, England. 2499. SUSANNA VERCH AP MAREDYDD [GRUFFYDD] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1095, in Caernarvonshire, Wales. See family tree 584. Susanna died in 1165, aged about 70, in Burke. Madog Ap Maredydd 2498, aged about 29, married Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd], aged about 25, in 1120 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. They had one daughter: Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in 1129 This family is shown within family tree 584. 2500. IORWERTH AP CYNON (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1114, in Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 584. Iorwerth died in 1174, aged about 60, in Y. 2501. VERCH AP CYNON [ITHEL] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1118, in Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales. See family tree 584. Verch died in 1139, aged about 21, in Wales. Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500, aged about 24, married Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel], aged about 20, in 1138 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. They had one son: Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 in 1139 This family is shown within family tree 584. 2502. LLYWARCH AP BRAN (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1107, in Menai, Anglesey, Wales. See family tree 584. Llywarch died in 1150, aged about 43, in Wales. 2503. RHAEL VERCH AP BRAN [GRONWY] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1111, in Tegeingl, Flintshire, Wales. See family tree 584. Rhael died in 1143, aged about 32, in Wales. Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 married Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy]. They had one daughter: Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 in 1141 This family is shown within family tree 584.

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2504. RHODRI AP OWAIN GWYNEDD (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1136, in Caernarvonshire, Wales, to Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 and Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497, as shown in family tree 618. Rhodri died in 1195, aged about 59, in Holyhead, Talybolion, Anglesey, Wales. 2505. ANNEST VERCH GWYNEDD [RHYS] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1156, in Dynevor Castl, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. See family tree 585. Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 married Annest Verch Gwynedd [Rhys]. They had one son: Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 in 1178 This family is shown within family tree 585. 2506. EINION AP SEISYLLT (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1168, in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales. See family tree 585. 2507. NEST VERCH AP SEISYLLT [MADOG] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1200, in Nannau, Llanfachreth, Merionethshire, Wales. See family tree 585. Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506, aged about 11, married Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog], aged about -21, in 1179 in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales. They had one daughter: Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 in 1180 This family is shown within family tree 585. 2508. GRUFFYDD AP BELI (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1109, in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. See family tree 585. Gruffydd fathered one son: Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 in 1150 This family is shown within family tree 585. 2509. GRUFFYDD AP BELI (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1366, in Pen Pont, Llansbyddyd, Breconshire, Wales. See family tree 619. Gruffydd gave birth to one son: Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 in 1150 This family is shown as family tree 619. 2510. FULK "RECHIN" D'ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1043, in Anjou, France, to Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563, as shown within family tree 620. Fulk became known as rechin . rechin died in Anjou, France. 2511. BERTRADE D'ANJOU [DE MONTFORT] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1059, in Montfort Amaury, Ile De France, France, to Simon De Montfort 2564 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565, as shown within family tree 620. Bertrade died in Fontevrault, France. Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510, aged about 46, married Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort], aged about 30, in 1089 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Fulk V De Anjou 2403 in 1092 This family is shown as family tree 620. 2512. ELIAS HELIE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1060, in Maine, USA, to Jean De La Fleche 2566 and Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567, as shown in family tree 638. Elias died in 1110, aged about 50, in Angers, Maine Et Loire, Anjou, France. 2513. MATILDE DE CHATEAU HELIE [DU LOIRE] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1055, in Chateau Du Loire, France. See family tree 621. Matilde died in 1099, aged about 44, in France, Maine, USA. Elias Helie 2512, aged about 32, married Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire], aged about 37, in 1092 in Maine, Charente, France. They had one daughter: Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 in 1096 This family is shown as family tree 621. 2514. WILLIAM I CONQUEROR (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Falaise, Normandy, France to Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569, as shown in family tree 639. William died in Hermentruvilleby, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. William fathered one son: Henry I Beauclerc 2405 in 1068 This family is shown as family tree 622. 2515. MATILDA FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1031, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin V Flanders 2570 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571, as shown within family tree 623. Matilda died in Caen, Normandy.

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2516. MALCOLM CANMORE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1033, in Atholl, Perth, Scotland. See family tree 588. Malcolm died in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Malcolm fathered one daughter: Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406 about 1082 This family is shown within family tree 606. 2517. MARGARET ATHELING (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1045, in Wessex, England, to Edward Atheling 2572 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573, as shown within family tree 624. Margaret died in Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian, Scotland. Margaret gave birth to one daughter: Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406 about 1082 This family is shown as family tree 624. 2518. WILLIAM AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1026, in Aquitaine, France, to William Aquitaine 2574 and Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575, as shown within family tree 625. William died in Chateau De Chize, France. William fathered one son: Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 in This family is shown as family tree 625. 2519. HILDEGARDE CAPET DE BOURGOGNE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030, in Burgundy, France, to Robert I Capet 2576 and Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577, as shown in family tree 640. Hildegarde died in 1104, aged about 74, in France. Hildegarde gave birth to one son: Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 in This family is shown as family tree 626. 2520. GUILLAUME COUNT TOULOUSE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1040, in Toulouse, France, to Pons Count Albi 2578 and Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579, as shown within family tree 627. Guillaume died in 1093, aged about 53, in Holy Land, Palestine. 2521. EMMA TOULOUSE [DE MORTAIGNE] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1058, in Mortaigne, S Mnch, France, to Robert De Mortaigne 2580. Emma died in 1080, aged about 22, in Huesca, Spain. Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520, aged about 40, married Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne], aged about 22, in 1080 in Mortaigne, S-Mnch, France. They had one daughter: Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 in 1073 This family is shown as family tree 627. 2522. BOSON VISCOUNT CHATELLERAULT (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1050, in Chatellerault, Vienne, France, to Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 and Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583, as shown within family tree 608. Boson died in 1092, aged about 42, in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. 2523. ELEANOR CHATELLERAULT [DE THOUARS] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1054, in Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France, to Aimery De Thouars 2584 and Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585, as shown within family tree 628. Eleanor died in 1093, aged about 39, in Chtellerault, Vienne, France. Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522, aged about 25, married Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars], aged about 21, in 1075 in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. They had one son: Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 in 1075 This family is shown as family tree 628. 2524. BARTHELEMY DE L ISLE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1049, in Isle Bouchard, France, to Archimbaud Borel 2586 and Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587, as shown within family tree 629. Barthelemy died in 1097, aged about 48, in Lisle Bouchard, France. 2525. GERBERGE DE L ISLE ISLE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1053, in Isle Bouchard, France, to Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588. Gerberge died in 1082, aged about 29, in Lisle Bouchard, France. Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524, aged about 29, married Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard, aged about 25, in 1078 in Isle Bouchard, France. They had one daughter: Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in 1079 This family is shown as family tree 629.

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2526. ARCHAMBAUD LE BARBU DE COMBORN (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1075, in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France, to Bernard I De Comborn 2590 and Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591, as shown within family tree 630. Archambaud died in 1137, aged about 62. 2527. HUMBERGE DE COMBORN [DE LIMOGES] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1090, in Limoges, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France, to Ademar De Limoges 2592 and Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 2593, as shown within family tree 609. Humberge died in 1153, aged about 63. Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526, aged about 50, married Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges], aged about 35, in 1125. They had one son: Ademar De Limoges 2411 in 1100 This family is shown as family tree 630. 2528. GUILLAUME TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1084, in Angouleme, Charente, France, to Foulques Taillefer 2594 and Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595, as shown within family tree 631. Guillaume died in Angouleme, Charente, Poitou Charentes, France. 2529. VITAPOY TAILLEFER [DE BENAUGES] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1086, in Benauges, Gironde, France, to Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 and Mrs Amanieu De Benauges De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 2597, as shown within family tree 631. Vitapoy died in 1121, aged about 35, in Angouleme, Aquitane, France. Guillaume Taillefer 2528, aged about 24, married Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges], aged about 22, in 1108 in Angouleme, Charente, France. They had one daughter: Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in 1118 This family is shown as family tree 631. 2530. MILO DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1069, in Courtenay, Loriet, France, to Josceline De Courtenay 2598 and Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599, as shown within family tree 632. Milo died in 1127, aged about 58, in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. 2531. ERMENGARDE DE COURTENAY [DE NEVERS] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1073, in Nevers, Nievre, France, to Renaud De Nevers 2600 and Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601, as shown within family tree 632. Ermengarde died in 1095, aged about 22, in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Milo De Courtenay 2530, aged about 26, married Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers], aged about 22, in 1095 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. They had one son: Reginald De Courtenay 2413 in 1100 This family is shown as family tree 632. 2532. FREDERIC DE DONJON (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1085, in Yerre, France, to Everard De Donjon 2602 and Everard De Donjon 2603, as shown within family tree 633. Frederic died in 1138, aged about 53, in Corbeil, France. 2533. MRS FREDERIC DE DONJON (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1080, in Corbeil, France. See family tree 633. Mrs died in 1113, aged about 33, in Y. Frederic De Donjon 2532, aged about 25, married Mrs Frederic De Donjon, aged about 30, in 1110 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. They had one daughter: Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in 1113 This family is shown as family tree 633. 2534. THEOBALD DE BLOIS (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1088, in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France. See family tree 595. Theobald died in Lagny Sur Marne, Seine Et Marne, Ile De France, France. Theobald fathered one daughter: Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416 in 1140 This family is shown within family tree 595. 2535. MATHILDE PRINCESS CARINTHIA (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1097, in Karnten, Austria. See family tree 634. Mathilde died in Fontrevault Abbey, Fontrevault, Maine Et Loire, France. Mathilde gave birth to one daughter: Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416 in 1140 This family is shown as family tree 634. 2536. BAUDOUIN DE MONS DE FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1108, in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. See family tree 595. Baudouin died in Valenciennes, Hainault, France. 2537. ALIX COMTESSE DE FLANDERS [DE NAMUR] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1124, in Namur, Namur, Belgium. See family tree 595. Alix died in 1168/11, aged about 44, in Mons, Hainault, Belgium.

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Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536, aged about 41, married Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur], aged about 25, in 1149 in Namur, Namur, Belgium. They had one son: Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 in 1150 This family is shown within family tree 595. 2538. DIETRICH D ALSACE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Alsace, France. See family tree 595. Dietrich died in Grevelingen, Flanders. 2539. SIBILLA D D ALSACE [ANJOU] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1105, in Anjou, France. See family tree 595. Sibilla died in 1166, aged about 61, in Bethlehem, Judea, Canaan, Palestine. Dietrich D Alsace 2538, aged about 35, married Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou], aged about 29, in 1134 in Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France. They had one daughter: Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 in 1135 This family is shown within family tree 595. 2540. ALFONSO RAIMUNDEZ (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Castile, Spain. See family tree 596. Alfonso died in La Fresneda, Teruel, Aragon. 2541. BERENGUELA RAIMUNDO RAIMUNDEZ [DE BARCELONA] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1116, in Barcelona, Spain. See family tree 596. Berenguela died in Palencia, Leon, Spain. Alfonso Raimundez 2540 married Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona]. They had one son: Sancho Alfonsez 2419 in 1135 This family is shown within family tree 596. 2542. GARCIAS V RAMIREZ (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Navarre, Spain. See family tree 596. Garcias died in Lorca De Navarra, Seville, Toledo, Spain. 2543. MARGUERITE RAMIREZ [DE LA AIGLE ROTROU] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1100, in Aigle, Orne, France. See family tree 596. Marguerite died in Pamplona, Navarre, Spain. Garcias V Ramirez 2542 married Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou]. They had one daughter: Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420 in 1133 This family is shown within family tree 596. 2544. GEOFFREY V PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France. See family tree 596. Geoffrey died in Chateau, Eure-Et-Loire, France. 2545. MATILDA PRINCESS PLANTAGENET [ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in London, Middlesex, England. See family tree 596. Matilda died in Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544 married Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Henry Plantagenet 2421 in This family is shown within family tree 596. 2546. WILLIAM X TOULOUSAN (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 596. William died in Saint Jacques-De-Compostelle, Spain. 2547. ELEANOR TOULOUSAN [DE CHATELLERAULT] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1103, in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine. See family tree 596. Eleanor died in 1130, aged about 27, in Talmont, France. William X Toulousan 2546, aged about 22, married Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault], aged about 18, in 1121 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422 in 1122 This family is shown within family tree 596. 2548. GEOFFREY V PLANTAGENET (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France to Fulk V De Anjou 2604 and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605, as shown in family tree 646. Geoffrey died in Chateau, Eure-Et-Loire, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2549. MAUD MATILDA PLANTAGENET [OF ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in London, Middlesex, England to Henry I Beauclerc 2606 and Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607, as shown in family tree 647. Maud died on 10 September 1167 in Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 married Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Henry II Of England 2423 in This family is shown as family tree 635.

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2550. WILLIAM X TOULOUSAN (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 599. William died in Saint Jacques-De-Compostelle, Spain. 2551. ELEANOR TOULOUSAN [DE CHATELLERAULT] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1103, in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine. See family tree 599. Eleanor died in 1130, aged about 27, in Talmont, France. William X Toulousan 2550, aged about 22, married Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault], aged about 18, in 1121 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424 in 1122 This family is shown within family tree 599. 2552. GUILLAUME TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1134, in Angouleme, Charente, France. See family tree 599. Guillaume died in Messina, Sicily. 2553. EMMA TAILLEFER [DE LIMOGES] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France. See family tree 599. Emma died in 1162, aged about 24, in Angouleme, Charente, France. Guillaume Taillefer 2552, aged about 26, married Emma Taillefer [De Limoges], aged about 22, in 1160 in Angouleme, Charente, France. They had one son: Aymer De Taillefer 2425 in 1160 This family is shown within family tree 599. 2554. PIERRE PRINCE OF FRANCE (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1127, in Reims, Champagne, France. See family tree 599. Pierre died in 1183, aged about 56, in Palestine, Israel. 2555. ISABELLE FRANCE [DE COURTENAY] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1148, in Courtenay, Galinois, France. See family tree 599. Isabelle died in 1205, aged about 57, in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. Pierre Prince Of France 2554, aged about 41, married Isabelle France [De Courtenay], aged about 20, in 1168 in France. They had one daughter: Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in 1160 This family is shown within family tree 599. 2556. RALPH DE VALLETORT (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1140, in Bere Ferrers, Tavistock, Devon, England. See family tree 600. Ralph died in 1187, aged about 47, in Trematon Castle, Saltash, Cornwall, England. 2557. JOAN DE VALLETORT [FITZROY] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1142, in Launceston, Cornwall, England. See family tree 600. Ralph De Valletort 2556 married Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy]. They had one son: Roger De Valletort 2427 in 1165 This family is shown within family tree 600. 2558. THOMAS DE BASSET (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England, to Ralph Basset 2608 and Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609, as shown in family tree 648. Thomas died in 1182, aged about 83, in Hedington, Oxfordshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2559. ALICE DE BASSET [DE DUNSTANVILLE] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1118, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England, to Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 and Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611, as shown in family tree 649. Alice died in 1186, aged about 68, in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas De Basset 2558, aged about 40, married Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville], aged about 21, in 1139 in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Bassett 2429 in 1156 This family is shown as family tree 636. 2560. WILLIAM MALBANK (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1135, in Oxfordshire, England, to William Malbank 2612 and Petronilla Scudamore 2613, as shown in family tree 650. William died in 1189, aged about 54. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2561. ANDELINE MALBANK [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Hereford, Hertfordshire, England, to Payne De Beauchamp 2614. Andeline died in 1161, aged about 23. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Malbank 2560, aged about 42, married Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp], aged about 39, in 1177 in Rolington, Oxfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in 1158 This family is shown as family tree 637.

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2562. GEOFFREY II COUNT DE GASTINOIS (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Chateau Landon, Seine Et Marne, France, to Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617, as shown within family tree 620. Geoffrey died in Anjou, France. 2563. ERMENGARD DE GASTINOIS [D ANJOU] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1018, in Anjou, France, to Foulques Le Anjou 2618 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619, as shown within family tree 620. Ermengard died in Anjou, France. Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562, aged about 35, married Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou], aged about 17, in 1035 in Nevers, Nierre, France. They had one son: Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 in 1043 This family is shown within family tree 620. 2564. SIMON DE MONTFORT (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1025, in Montfort, Eure, France, to Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621, as shown within family tree 620. Simon died in 1087, aged about 62, in Epernon, Normandy, France. 2565. AGNES DE MONTFORT [D EVREUX] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030, in Evreux, Normandy, France, to Richard D Evreux 2622 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623, as shown within family tree 620. Agnes died in 1087, aged about 57, in Montfort Lamauri, Ile De France, France. Simon De Montfort 2564, aged about 33, married Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux], aged about 28, in 1058 in Normandy, France. They had one daughter: Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 in 1059 This family is shown within family tree 620. 2566. JEAN DE LA FLECHE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 and Paule Du Maine 2625, as shown in family tree 654. Jean died in 1097, aged about 67, in Fleche, Sarthe, France. 2567. PAULA DE LA FLECHE [DU MAINE] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1044, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Herbert I Du Maine 2626. Paula died in 1062, aged about 18, in France. Jean De La Fleche 2566 married Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine]. They had one son: Elias Helie 2512 in 1060 This family is shown as family tree 638. 2568. DUKE OF NORMANDY ROBERT I (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 999, in Normandy, France, to Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629, as shown in family tree 657. Duke died in Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey. 2569. HARLETTE ROBERT I [DE FALAISE] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Falaise, Clavados, France, to Fulbert De Falaise 2630 and Doda De Falaise 2631, as shown within family tree 639. Harlette died in 1050, aged about 47, in Mortain, Normandy, France. Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568, aged about 24, married Harlette Robert I [De Falaise], aged about 20, in 1023 in Normandy, France. They had one son: William I Conqueror 2514 in This family is shown as family tree 639. 2570. BAUDOUIN V FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1012, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin Flanders 2632 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633, as shown within family tree 623. Baudouin died in Lille, Nord, France. 2571. ADELA FLANDERS [CAPET] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France, to Robert Capet 2634 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635, as shown within family tree 623. Adela died in Monastaere De Lordre De St Benoist, Messines, France. Baudouin V Flanders 2570, aged about 16, married Adela Flanders [Capet], aged about 25, in 1028 in Paris, Seine, France. They had one daughter: Matilda Flanders 2515 in 1031 This family is shown within family tree 623. 2572. EDWARD ATHELING (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1016, in Wessex, England, to Edmund Ironside 2636 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637, as shown within family tree 624. Edward died in 1057, aged about 41, in London, Middlesex, England. 2573. AGATHA ATHELING [VON BRUNSWICK] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1018, in Braunschweig, Prussia, to Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638 and Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2639, as shown within family tree 624. Agatha died in London, Middlesex, England.

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Edward Atheling 2572, aged about 19, married Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick], aged about 17, in 1035 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Atheling 2517 in 1045 This family is shown within family tree 624. 2574. WILLIAM AQUITAINE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 969, in Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France, to William Ironarm 2640 and Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641, as shown within family tree 625. William died in Abbey St Cyprian, France. 2575. AGNES AQUITAINE [DE MACON] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 987, in Bourgogne, France, to Otto Guillaume 2642 and Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643, as shown within family tree 625. Agnes died in Poitiers, Vienne, France. William Aquitaine 2574, aged about 49, married Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon], aged about 31, in 1018 in Poitiers, Vienne. They had one son: William Aquitaine 2518 in 1026 This family is shown within family tree 625. 2576. ROBERT I CAPET (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1011, in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile De France, France, to Robert Capet 2644 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645, as shown within family tree 640. Robert died in Fleury Sur Ouche, France. 2577. HELIE ERMENGARDE CAPET [DE SEMUR] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1016, in Semur, Cote-Dor, France, to I Dalmace* 2646 and Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647, as shown within family tree 640. Helie died in Dijon, Cote-Dor, Bourgogne, France. Robert I Capet 2576 married Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur]. They had one daughter: Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 640. 2578. PONS COUNT ALBI (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Toulouse, France, to William Taillefer 2648 and Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649, as shown within family tree 627. Pons died in 1060, aged about 70, in St Sernin, Toulouse, Toulouse, France. 2579. ALMODIS ALBI [DE LA HAUTE MARCHE] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Toulouse, France, to Bernard I De La Marche 2650 and Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651, as shown within family tree 627. Almodis died in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Pons Count Albi 2578, aged about 63, married Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche], aged about 53, in 1053 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. They had one son: Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 in 1040 This family is shown within family tree 627. 2580. ROBERT DE MORTAIGNE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1037, in Mortaigne, Normandy, France, to Harlevin De Conteville 2652 and Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653, as shown within family tree 627. Robert died in Abbey, Grestain, Neustria. Robert fathered one daughter: Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in 1058 This family is shown within family tree 627. 2581. MAUDE DE MONTGOMERY (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1041, in Mortaigne, S Mnch, France, to Roger De Montgomery 2654 and Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655, as shown within family tree 641. Maude died in 1107, aged about 66, in Abbaye, Delaware, USA. Maude gave birth to one daughter: Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in 1058 This family is shown as family tree 641. 2582. HUGUES I DE LA ROCHE FOUCAULD (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1020, in Chatellerault, Vienne, France, to Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 and Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657, as shown in family tree 658. Hugues died in 1092, aged about 72, in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. 2583. GERBERGE DE LA ROCHE FOUCAULD [DE CHATELLERAULT] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1034, in Chatellerault, Vienne, France, to Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 and Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657, as shown in family tree 658. Gerberge died in 1058, aged about 24, in Chtellerault, Vienne, France. Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582, aged about 29, married Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault], aged about 15, in 1049 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. They had one son: Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 in 1050 This family is shown within family tree 608.

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2584. AIMERY DE THOUARS (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1015, in Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France, to Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 and Aenor De Thouars 2659, as shown within family tree 628. Aimery died in 1093, aged about 78, in La Cheze, Borugogne, France. 2585. AURENGARDE DE THOUARS [DE MAULEON] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030, in Mauleon, Deux Sevres, Poitou Charentes, France, to Waleran De Meulan 2660 and Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661, as shown within family tree 628. Aurengarde died in 1069, aged about 39, in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. Aimery De Thouars 2584 married Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon]. They had one daughter: Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in 1054 This family is shown within family tree 628. 2586. ARCHIMBAUD BOREL (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1019, in Isle Bouchard, France, to Renaud Borel Capet 2662 and Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663, as shown within family tree 629. Archimbaud died in 1083, aged about 64, in Abef. Archimbaud married twice. He was married to Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 and Agnes De L Isle Bouchard 2589. 2587. AGNES DAME ISLE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1023, in Isle Bouchard, France, to Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664. Agnes died in 1140, aged about 117, in France. Agnes married twice. She was married to Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588 and Archimbaud Borel 2586. Archimbaud Borel 2586, aged about 29, married Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard, aged about 25, in 1048 in Isle Bouchard, France. They had one son: Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 in 1049 This family is shown within family tree 629. 2588. ARCHIMBAUD DE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1019, in Lille Bouchard, Indre Et Loire, Centre, France, to Hughes De Bouchard 2666, as shown within family tree 643. Archimbaud died in 1068, aged about 49. Archimbaud married twice, including Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587. Archimbaud fathered one daughter: Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in 1053 This family is shown within family tree 629. Archimbaud De Bouchard married Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587. See family tree 608. 2589. AGNES DE L ISLE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1023, in Lille Bouchard, Indre Et Loire, Centre, France, to Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664, as shown in family tree 659. Agnes married twice, including Archimbaud Borel 2586. Agnes gave birth to one daughter: Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in 1053 This family is shown as family tree 644. Archimbaud Borel 2586 married Agnes De L Isle Bouchard. See family tree 642. 2590. BERNARD I DE COMBORN (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1045, in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France, to Archambaud De Comborn 2667 and Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 2668, as shown within family tree 630. Bernard died in 1123, aged about 78, in Cluny, Saone Et Loire, Bourgogne, France. 2591. GARCILLE DE COMBORN [DE COURSON] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1050, in Courson, Calvados, Normandy, France, to Hugues Garcin De Courson 2669 and Aline De Courson [De Barmont] 2670, as shown within family tree 630. Garcille died in 1112, aged about 62. Bernard I De Comborn 2590 married Garcille De Comborn [De Courson]. They had one son: Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 in 1075 This family is shown within family tree 630. 2592. ADEMAR DE LIMOGES (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1091, in Limoges, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France. See family tree 609. Ademar died in 1148, aged about 57, in France. 2593. MARIE DE LIMOGES [DE CARS] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1060, in Angouleme, Charente, Poitou Charentes, France. See family tree 609. Marie died in 1124, aged about 64. Ademar De Limoges 2592 married Marie De Limoges [De Cars]. They had one daughter: Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527 in 1090 This family is shown within family tree 609. 2594. FOULQUES TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1015, in Angouleme, Charente, France, to Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 and Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672, as shown within family tree 631. Foulques died in 1087, aged about 72, in Angouleme, Charente, France.

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2595. CUNDO TAILLEFER [VAGENA] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1062, in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France, to Qunormau Vagena 2673 and Qunormau Vagena 2674, as shown within family tree 631. Cundo died in 1087, aged about 25, in Angouleme, Aquitane, France. Foulques Taillefer 2594, aged about 69, married Cundo Taillefer [Vagena], aged about 22, in 1084 in Angoulesme, Charente, France. They had one son: Guillaume Taillefer 2528 in 1084 This family is shown within family tree 631. 2596. AMANJEU DE BENAUGES (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1060, in Benauges, Gironde, France, to Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675 and Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676, as shown within family tree 631. Amanjeu died in 1103, aged about 43, in Benauges, Gironde, France. 2597. MRS AMANIEU DE BENAUGES DE BENAUGES [SAINT MACAIRE] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1064, in Benauges, Gironde, France. See family tree 631. Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 married Mrs Amanieu De Benauges De Benauges [Saint Macaire]. They had one daughter: Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in 1086 This family is shown within family tree 631. 2598. JOSCELINE DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1034, in Courtenay, Loiret, France, to Athon De Courtenay 2677. Josceline died in 1075, aged about 41, in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Josceline married twice. He was married to Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 (his mother) and Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599. 2599. ISABEL DE COURTENAY [DE MONTLHERY] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1040, in Montlhery, S Oise, France, to Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 and Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680, as shown within family tree 632. Isabel died in 1113, aged about 73, in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Josceline De Courtenay 2598 married Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery]. They had one son: Milo De Courtenay 2530 in 1069 This family is shown within family tree 632. 2600. RENAUD DE NEVERS (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1047, in Nevers, Nievre, France, to William I De Nevers 2681 and Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682, as shown within family tree 632. Renaud died in Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France. 2601. IDA DE NEVERS [DE FOREZ] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1055, in Le Forez, Prvnc, France, to Artaud De Forez 2683 and Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684, as shown within family tree 632. Ida died in 1085, aged about 30, in Nevers, Nievre, Bourgogne, France. Renaud De Nevers 2600, aged about 28, married Ida De Nevers [De Forez], aged about 20, in 1075 in Nevers, Nievre, Burgundy, France. They had one daughter: Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in 1073 This family is shown within family tree 632. 2602. EVERARD DE DONJON (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1050, in Donjon Castle, Corbeil, Yerre-Sur-Oise, France, to Mr. Du Donjon Corbeil 2685, as shown within family tree 633. Everard died in 1083, aged about 33, in Corbeil, France. 2603. EVERARD DE DONJON (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1052, in Yerre, Pyrenees Orientales, France. See family tree 633. Everard De Donjon 2602, aged about 34, married Everard De Donjon, aged about 32, in 1084 in Yerre, Pyrenees Orientales, France. They had one son: Frederic De Donjon 2532 in 1085 This family is shown within family tree 633. 2604. FULK V DE ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1092, in Anjou, France, to Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687, as shown in family tree 662. Fulk died in Jerusalem, Israel. 2605. ERMENGARDE DE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1096, in Maine, USA, to Elias Helie 2688 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689, as shown in family tree 663. Ermengarde died in 1126, aged about 30, in Maine, USA. Fulk V De Anjou 2604 married Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Normandy, France. They had one son: Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 in This family is shown as family tree 646. 2606. HENRY I BEAUCLERC (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1068, in Selby, Yorkshire, England, to William I Conqueror 2690. Henry died in St Denis, Seine-St Denis, France.

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2607. MATILDA ATHELING BEAUCLERC [SCOTLAND] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born between 1080 and 1084, in Dunfermline, Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, to Malcolm Canmore 2692. Matilda died in Westminster, London, Middlesex, England. Henry I Beauclerc 2606 married Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland]. They had one daughter: Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549 in This family is shown as family tree 647. 2608. RALPH BASSET (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1050, in Montreil-Au, Houlme, Normandy, France, to Thurston Basset 2694. Ralph died in 1120, aged about 70, in Abbey, Adingdon, Berkshire, England. 2609. ALICE BASSET [DE BUCI] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1080, in Weldon, Northamptonshire, England, to Robert De Bruce 2696. Alice died in 1107, aged about 27, in Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England. Ralph Basset 2608, aged about 37, married Alice Basset [De Buci], aged about 7, in 1087 in Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England. They had one son: Thomas De Basset 2558 in 1099 This family is shown as family tree 648. 2610. ALAN REGINALD DEDUNSTANVILLE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1080, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England, to Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 and Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699, as shown in family tree 671. Alan died in Tewkesbury, Wiltshire, England. 2611. EMMA DEDUNSTANVILLE [DE LANGETOT] (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1116, in Wiltshire, England, to Ralph De Langetot 2700 and Emma De Langetot 2701, as shown in family tree 672. Emma died in 1157, aged about 41, in Combe Castle, Wiltshire, England. Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 married Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot]. They had one daughter: Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in 1118 This family is shown as family tree 649. 2612. WILLIAM MALBANK (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1150, in Nantwich, Cheshire, England, to William Malbank 2702 and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2703, as shown in family tree 674. William died in 1135, aged about -15. 2613. PETRONILLA SCUDAMORE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1135, in Kentchurch, Hereford, Herefordshire, England, to Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 and Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705, as shown in family tree 675. Petronilla died in 1204, aged about 69, in Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, England. Petronilla married twice. She was married to William Malbank 2612 and William Malbank 2740 (her indirect relation). William Malbank 2612 married Petronilla Scudamore. They had one son: William Malbank 2560 in 1135 This family is shown as family tree 650. 2614. PAYNE DE BEAUCHAMP (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1085, in Essex, Bedfordshire, England, to Hugh De Beauchamp 2706. Payne died in 1157, aged about 72, in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. Payne fathered one daughter: Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in 1138 This family is shown as family tree 652. 2615. ROHESE DE VERE (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1103, in Hedingham, Essex, England, to Aubrey De Vere 2708 and Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709, as shown in family tree 679. Rohese died in 1166, aged about 63, in Priory, Chicksands Prior, Bedfordshire, England. Rohese gave birth to one daughter: Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in 1138 This family is shown as family tree 653. Generation of Twenty-seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 2616. GEOFFROY I GASTINOIS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 970, in Gastinois, France. See family tree 620. Geoffroy died in 1000, aged about 30, in Landon, Sein Et Marne, France. 2617. BEATRICE GASTINOIS [DE MACON] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Macon, Seine Et Loire, France. See family tree 620. Beatrice died in 1005, aged about 31, in Metz, Middle Lorraine, France. Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616, aged about 29, married Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon], aged about 25, in 999 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 in 1000 This family is shown within family tree 620.

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2618. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France. See family tree 620. Foulques died in Anjou, France. 2619. HILDEGARDE LE ANJOU [DE LORRAINE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 964, in Anjou, France. See family tree 620. Hildegarde died in Jerusalem, Palastein. Foulques Le Anjou 2618 married Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine], aged about 36, in 1000 in Anjou, France. They had one daughter: Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 in 1018 This family is shown within family tree 620. 2620. AMAURI SEIGNEUR DE MONTFORT (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Evreux, Normandy, France. See family tree 620. Amauri died in 1031, aged about 31, in Montfort Lamaury Castle, Ile De France, France. 2621. BERTRADE DE MONTFORT [DE GOMETZ] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1001, in Ile De France, France. See family tree 620. Bertrade died in 1051, aged about 50, in Epernon, Normandy, France. Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620, aged about 22, married Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz], aged about 21, in 1022 in Ile De France, France. They had one son: Simon De Montfort 2564 in 1025 This family is shown within family tree 620. 2622. RICHARD D EVREUX (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 986, in Rouen, Normandy, France. See family tree 620. Richard died in 1067, aged about 81, in Normandy, France. 2623. ADAELE D EVREUX [DE TONI] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1004, in Normandy, France. See family tree 620. Adaele died in 1034, aged about 30, in Normandy, France. Richard D Evreux 2622, aged about 44, married Adaele D Evreux [De Toni], aged about 26, in 1030 in S-Infr, France. They had one daughter: Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in 1030 This family is shown within family tree 620. 2624. LANCELIN DE BEAUGENCY (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Paule Du Maine 2625, as shown within family tree 638. Lancelin died in 1060, aged about 60, in Fleche, Sarthe, France. 2625. PAULE DU MAINE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Herbert I Du Maine 2626, as shown in family tree 655. Paule died in 1100, aged about 100, in Y. Paule married twice, including Lancelin De Beaugency 2624. Paule gave birth to one son: Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 in 1000 This family is shown within family tree 638. Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 married Paule Du Maine. They had one son: Jean De La Fleche 2566 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 654. 2626. HERBERT I DU MAINE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine Pays De La Loire, France. See family tree 655. Herbert died in France. Herbert fathered two daughters: Paule Du Maine 2625 in 1000 Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in 1044 This family is shown as family tree 655. 2627. BERTHA DE CHARTRES (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Brittany, France. See family tree 656. Bertha died. Bertha gave birth to one daughter: Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in 1044 This family is shown as family tree 656. 2628. RICHARD II "LE BON" DUKE OF NORMANDY (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 963, in Normandy, France, to Richard I Normandy 2710 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711, as shown in family tree 680. Richard became known as le Bon . le Bon died on 28 August 1026, aged about 63, in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2629. JUDITH DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Bretagne, France, to Conan I Bretagne 2712 and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713, as shown in family tree 681. Judith died in Normandy, France.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628, aged about 37, married Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne], aged about 18, in 1000 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 in 999 This family is shown as family tree 657. 2630. FULBERT DE FALAISE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 978, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 639. Fulbert died in 1017, aged about 39, in Normandy, France. 2631. DODA DE FALAISE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 980, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 639. Doda died in 1003, aged about 23, in Falaise, Calvados, France. Fulbert De Falaise 2630, aged about 22, married Doda De Falaise, aged about 20, in 1000 in Falaise, Calvados, France. They had one daughter: Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 639. 2632. BAUDOUIN FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 968, in Flanders, France. See family tree 623. Baudouin died in Flanders, France. 2633. OTGIVE FLANDERS [DE LUXEMBOURG] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 986, in Flanders, France. See family tree 623. Otgive died in Flanders, France. Baudouin Flanders 2632, aged about 36, married Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg], aged about 18, in 1004 in Flanders, France. They had one son: Baudouin V Flanders 2570 in 1012 This family is shown within family tree 623. 2634. ROBERT CAPET (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Orleans, France. See family tree 623. Robert died in Melun, France. 2635. CONSTANCE CAPET [DE TOULOUSE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 623. Constance died in Melun, France. Robert Capet 2634 married Constance Capet [De Toulouse], aged about 26, in 1000. They had one daughter: Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 623. 2636. EDMUND IRONSIDE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 989, in Wessex, England. See family tree 624. Edmund died in London, Middlesex, England. 2637. EALDGYTH IRONSIDE [MORCARSON] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 986, in Wessex, England. See family tree 624. Ealdgyth died in 1016, aged about 30, in London, Middlesex, England. Edmund Ironside 2636, aged about 26, married Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson], aged about 29, in 1015 in Malmsbury, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Edward Atheling 2572 in 1016 This family is shown within family tree 624. 2638. LIUDOLF VON BRUNSWICK (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1016, in Brunswick, Germany. See family tree 624. Liudolf died in Brunswick, Germany. 2639. GERTRUD COUNTESS VON BRUNSWICK [NORDGAU] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1006, in Nordgau Region, Medieval States. See family tree 624. Gertrud died in Nordgau, Thuringia, Thringen, Germany. Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638 married Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau]. They had one daughter: Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 in 1018 This family is shown within family tree 624. 2640. WILLIAM IRONARM (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 937, in Aquitaine, France. See family tree 625. William died in Saint Maixent Lecole, Deux Sevres, Poitou Charentes, France. 2641. EMMA IRONARM [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 950, in Blois, France. See family tree 625. Emma died in 1003, aged about 53, in Aquitaine, France. William Ironarm 2640 married Emma Ironarm [De Blois]. They had one son: William Aquitaine 2574 in 969 This family is shown within family tree 625. 2642. OTTO GUILLAUME (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 958, in Lombardy, Italy. See family tree 625. Otto died in Dijon, Cote Dor, Bourgogne, France.

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2643. ERMENTRUDE GUILLAUME [DE ROUCY] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 963, in Rheim, Marne, France. See family tree 625. Ermentrude died in Macon, Seine-Et-Loire, France. Otto Guillaume 2642, aged about 25, married Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy], aged about 20, in 983 in Lombardy, Lombardy, Italy. They had one daughter: Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 in 987 This family is shown within family tree 625. 2644. ROBERT CAPET (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Orleans, France. See family tree 640. Robert died in Melun, France. 2645. CONSTANCE CAPET [DE TOULOUSE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Toulouse, France, to William Taillefer 2648, as shown within family tree 640. Constance died in Melun, France. Robert Capet 2644 married Constance Capet [De Toulouse], aged about 26, in 1000. They had one son: Robert I Capet 2576 in 1011 This family is shown within family tree 640. 2646. I DALMACE* (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 970, in Semur, Cote Dor, France. See family tree 640. I died in 1032, aged about 62, in Murdered. 2647. AREMBURGE DALMACE* [DE VERGY] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 980, in Vergy, France. See family tree 640. Aremburge died in France. I Dalmace* 2646, aged about 45, married Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy], aged about 35, in 1015 in Semur En Auxois, Cote Dor, France. They had one daughter: Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577 in 1016 This family is shown within family tree 640. 2648. WILLIAM TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 947, in Toulouse, Haute Garonne, France. See family tree 627. William died between 1037 and 1039, aged about 91, in Avignon, France. William married twice, including Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649. William fathered one daughter: Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645 in 974 This family is shown within family tree 640. 2649. EMMA TAILLEFER [VENAISSIN] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 949, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 627. Emma died in 1024, aged about 75, in Toulouse, France. William Taillefer 2648 married Emma Taillefer [Venaissin]. They had one son: Pons Count Albi 2578 in 990 This family is shown within family tree 627. 2650. BERNARD I DE LA MARCHE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 970, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 627. Bernard died in 1047, aged about 77, in Manche, France. 2651. AMELIE COUNTESS OF DE LA MARCHE [AUBNAY] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 627. Amelie died in 1053, aged about 79, in Y. Bernard I De La Marche 2650 married Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay]. They had one daughter: Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 in 1000 This family is shown within family tree 627. 2652. HARLEVIN DE CONTEVILLE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1001, in Conteville, France. See family tree 627. Harlevin died in 1066, aged about 65, in Grestain Abbey, Mortain, Manche, France. 2653. HARLETTE DE CONTEVILLE [DE FALAISE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Falaise, Clavados, France. See family tree 627. Harlette died in 1050, aged about 47, in Mortain, Normandy, France. Harlevin De Conteville 2652, aged about 34, married Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise], aged about 32, in 1035 in Normandy, Normandy, France. They had one son: Robert De Mortaigne 2580 in 1037 This family is shown within family tree 627. 2654. ROGER DE MONTGOMERY (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1022, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. See family tree 641. Roger died in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. 2655. MABEL DE MONTGOMERY [TALVAS] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1026, in Alencon, Eure, France. See family tree 641. Mabel died in Bures Castle, Eure, Normandy, France. Roger De Montgomery 2654, aged about 26, married Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas], aged about 22, in 1048 in Perche, France. They had one daughter: Maude De Montgomery 2581 in 1041 This family is shown within family tree 641.

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2656. FOUCAULD I DE LA ROCHE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Roche, Vienne, France. See family tree 658. Foucauld died in 1037, aged about 47, in France. 2657. GERSENDE DE LA ROCHE [DE CHATELLERAULT] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 994, in Roche, Vienne, France. See family tree 658. Gersende died in 1026, aged about 32, in France. Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 married Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault]. They had two children: Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 in 1020 Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in 1034 This family is shown as family tree 658. 2658. GEOFFROI DE THOUARS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 985, in Thouars, Vienne, France. See family tree 628. Geoffroi died between 1043 and 1044, aged about 59, in St Michael En Lherm, Leon, Spain. 2659. AENOR DE THOUARS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 989, in Thouars, Vienne, France. See family tree 628. Aenor died in 1060, aged about 71. Geoffroi De Thouars 2658, aged about 29, married Aenor De Thouars, aged about 25, in 1014 in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. They had one son: Aimery De Thouars 2584 in 1015 This family is shown within family tree 628. 2660. WALERAN DE MEULAN (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Mellent, Normandy, France. See family tree 628. Waleran died in Meulan, Ile De France, France. 2661. ODA DE MEULAN [DE CONTEVILLE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 994, in Mellent, Normandy, France. See family tree 628. Oda died in 1088, aged about 94, in Pontoise, France. Waleran De Meulan 2660, aged about 27, married Oda De Meulan [De Conteville], aged about 23, in 1017 in Ponteaudemer, Eure, Normandy, France. They had one daughter: Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 in 1030 This family is shown within family tree 628. 2662. RENAUD BOREL CAPET (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 986, in Burgundy, France. See family tree 629. 2663. ADELAIS CAPET [JUDITH] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Normandy, France. See family tree 629. Adelais died in France. Renaud Borel Capet 2662, aged about 32, married Adelais Capet [Judith], aged about 28, in 1018 in France. They had one son: Archimbaud Borel 2586 in 1019 This family is shown within family tree 629. 2664. HUGUES SN BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. See family tree 659. Hugues died in 1030, aged about 30. Hugues fathered two daughters: Agnes De L Isle Bouchard 2589 in 1023 Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in 1023 This family is shown as family tree 659. 2665. ALDEARDE THOURS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 989, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 660. Aldearde died in 1072, aged about 83, in France. Aldearde gave birth to one daughter: Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in 1023 This family is shown as family tree 660. 2666. HUGHES DE BOUCHARD (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 993. See family tree 643. Hughes died in 1030, aged about 37. Hughes fathered one son: Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588 in 1019 This family is shown within family tree 643. 2667. ARCHAMBAUD DE COMBORN (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1010, in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France. See family tree 630. Archambaud died in 1053, aged about 43. 2668. ROTHBERGE DE COMBORN [DE ROCHECHOUART] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1020, in Rochechouart, Poitou, France. See family tree 630. Rothberge died in 1099, aged about 79.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Archambaud De Comborn 2667 married Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart]. They had one son: Bernard I De Comborn 2590 in 1045 This family is shown within family tree 630.

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2669. HUGUES GARCIN DE COURSON (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1025, in Courson, Calvados, Normandy, France. See family tree 630. 2670. ALINE DE COURSON [DE BARMONT] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1025, in Barmont, Mehun Sur Yevre, Berry, France. See family tree 630. Hugues Garcin De Courson 2669 married Aline De Courson [De Barmont]. They had one daughter: Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591 in 1050 This family is shown within family tree 630. 2671. GEOFFREY TAILLEFER (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 988, in Angouleme, Charente, France. See family tree 631. Geoffrey died in 1048, aged about 60, in Angouleme, Charente, France. 2672. PETRONILLE TAILLEFER [DE ARCHAIC] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 994, in Bonteville, France. See family tree 631. Petronille died in 1048, aged about 54, in Angouleme, France. Geoffrey Taillefer 2671, aged about 26, married Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic], aged about 20, in 1014 in Angoulesme, Charente, France. They had one son: Foulques Taillefer 2594 in 1015 This family is shown within family tree 631. 2673. QUNORMAU VAGENA (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1038, in Angouleme, Charente, France. See family tree 631. Qunormau died in 1089, aged about 51, in France. 2674. QUNORMAU VAGENA (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1043, in France. See family tree 631. Qunormau Vagena 2673, aged about 23, married Qunormau Vagena, aged about 18, in 1061 in Angouleme, Charente, France. They had one daughter: Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in 1062 This family is shown within family tree 631. 2675. GUILLEN AMANIEU DE BENAUGES (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1020, in Gironde, Gascogne, France. See family tree 631. Guillen died in 1097, aged about 77. 2676. AMALVINA VSS DE BENAUGES [DE BEZAUNE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1025, in La Reole, Bezaume, Gascogne, France. See family tree 631. Amalvina died in 1097, aged about 72. Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675, aged about 35, married Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune], aged about 30, in 1055. They had one son: Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 in 1060 This family is shown within family tree 631. 2677. ATHON DE COURTENAY (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 985, in Courtenay, Loiret, France. See family tree 645. Athon died in 1000, aged about 15, in Courtenay, Gatinais, Isle De France, France. Athon fathered one son: Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in 1034 This family is shown within family tree 645. 2678. HILDEGARDE DE GASTINOIS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1041, in Courtenay, Loiret, France. See family tree 645. Hildegarde died in 1060, aged about 19, in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Hildegarde married twice, including Josceline De Courtenay 2598 (her son). Hildegarde gave birth to one son: Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in 1034 This family is shown as family tree 661. Josceline De Courtenay 2598 married Hildegarde De Gastinois. See family tree 645. 2679. GUY SEIGNEUR DE MONTLHERY (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1009, in Montlhery, France. See family tree 632. Guy died in 1095, aged about 86, in Longpont, France. 2680. HODIERNE DE MONTLHERY [DE GOMETZ] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1014, in Montlhery, France. See family tree 632. Hodierne died in La Ferte-Alais, Essonne, Ile-De-France, France. Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679, aged about 27, married Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz], aged about 22, in 1036 in Montlhery, Eure Et Loir, France. They had one daughter: Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 in 1040 This family is shown within family tree 632.

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2681. WILLIAM I DE NEVERS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Nevers, Nievre, Bourgogne, France. See family tree 632. William died in Nevers, Nievre, France. 2682. ERMENGARDE DE NEVERS [DE TONNERRE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1026, in Nevers, Nievre, France. See family tree 632. Ermengarde died in 1085, aged about 59, in Nevers, Nivere, France. William I De Nevers 2681, aged about 15, married Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre], aged about 19, in 1045 in Nevers, Nievre, Burgundy, France. They had one son: Renaud De Nevers 2600 in 1047 This family is shown within family tree 632. 2683. ARTAUD DE FOREZ (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1029, in Le Forez, Provence, France. See family tree 632. Artaud died in 1085, aged about 56, in Le Forez, Loire, Lyonnais Rhone Alpes, France. 2684. IDA DE FOREZ [DE LA FOREZ] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1033, in Le Forez, Provence, France. See family tree 632. Ida died in 1055, aged about 22, in Forez, Provence, France. Artaud De Forez 2683, aged about 25, married Ida De Forez [De La Forez], aged about 21, in 1054 in Le Forez, Provence, France. They had one daughter: Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in 1055 This family is shown within family tree 632. 2685. MR. DU DONJON CORBEIL (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 633. Mr. Du Donjon Corbeil fathered one son: Everard De Donjon 2602 in 1050 This family is shown within family tree 633. 2686. FULK "RECHIN" D'ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1043, in Anjou, France, to Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715, as shown within family tree 662. Fulk became known as rechin . rechin died in Anjou, France. 2687. BERTRADE D'ANJOU [DE MONTFORT] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1059, in Montfort Amaury, Ile De France, France, to Simon De Montfort 2716 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717, as shown within family tree 662. Bertrade died in Fontevrault, France. Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686, aged about 46, married Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort], aged about 30, in 1089 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Fulk V De Anjou 2604 in 1092 This family is shown as family tree 662. 2688. ELIAS HELIE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1060, in Maine, USA, to Jean De La Fleche 2718 and Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719, as shown in family tree 682. Elias died in 1110, aged about 50, in Angers, Maine Et Loire, Anjou, France. 2689. MATILDE DE CHATEAU HELIE [DU LOIRE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1055, in Chateau Du Loire, France. See family tree 663. Matilde died in 1099, aged about 44, in France, Maine, USA. Elias Helie 2688, aged about 32, married Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire], aged about 37, in 1092 in Maine, Charente, France. They had one daughter: Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 in 1096 This family is shown as family tree 663. 2690. WILLIAM I CONQUEROR (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Falaise, Normandy, France to Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721, as shown within family tree 664. William died in Hermentruvilleby, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. William fathered one son: Henry I Beauclerc 2606 in 1068 This family is shown as family tree 664. 2691. MATILDA FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1031, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin V Flanders 2722 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723, as shown within family tree 665. Matilda died in Caen, Normandy. Matilda gave birth to one son: Henry I Beauclerc 2606 in 1068 This family is shown as family tree 665. 2692. MALCOLM CANMORE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1033, in Atholl, Perth, Scotland. See family tree 635. Malcolm died in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Malcolm fathered one daughter: Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 about 1082 This family is shown within family tree 647.

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2693. MARGARET ATHELING (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1045, in Wessex, England, to Edward Atheling 2724 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725, as shown within family tree 666. Margaret died in Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian, Scotland. Margaret gave birth to one daughter: Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 about 1082 This family is shown as family tree 666. 2694. THURSTON BASSET (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, France, to Fouque De Aulney 2726 and Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727, as shown in family tree 683. Thurston died in 1086, aged about 56, in Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire, England. Thurston fathered one son: Ralph Basset 2608 in 1050 This family is shown as family tree 667. 2695. ISABEL DE BROYES (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1034, in Broyes, Marne, France, to Hugh Bardoul 2728 and Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours] 2729, as shown in family tree 684. Isabel died in 1058, aged about 24, in Nogent Le Roi, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France. Isabel gave birth to one son: Ralph Basset 2608 in 1050 This family is shown as family tree 668. 2696. ROBERT DE BRUCE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1066, in Normandy, France, to Robert De Brusse 2730 and Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731, as shown within family tree 669. Robert died in 1094, aged about 28, in Gisburn, Lancashire, England. Robert fathered one daughter: Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in 1080 This family is shown as family tree 669. 2697. AGNES DE SAINT CLARE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1054, in Barnstaple, Devon, England, to Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 and Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733, as shown in family tree 685. Agnes died in 1080, aged about 26, in Bramber, Sussexshire, Sussex, England. Agnes gave birth to one daughter: Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in 1080 This family is shown as family tree 670. 2698. REGINALD ROBERT DEDUNSTANVILLE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1054, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England, to Henry I Beauclerc 2734 and Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735, as shown in family tree 686. Reginald died in 1125, aged about 71, in Tewkesbury, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2699. ADELIZA ALICIA DEDUNSTANVILLE [DELISLE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1058, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England, to Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 and Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737, as shown within family tree 649. Adeliza died in 1130, aged about 72, in Combe Castle, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698, aged about 25, married Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle], aged about 21, in 1079 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 in 1080 This family is shown as family tree 671. 2700. RALPH DE LANGETOT (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1099, in Pentney, Norfolk, England, to Ralph De Langetot 2738 and Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 2739, as shown in family tree 687. Ralph married twice, including Emma De Langetot 2701. Ralph fathered one son: Ralph De Langetot 2801 in 1066 This family is shown as family tree 673. 2701. EMMA DE LANGETOT (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1125, in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 672.

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Ralph De Langetot 2700, aged about -9, married Emma De Langetot, aged about -35, in 1090 in Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 in 1116 This family is shown as family tree 672. 2702. WILLIAM MALBANK (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1109, in Oxfordshire, England, to William Malbank 2740 and Petronilla Scudamore 2613, as shown in family tree 651. William died in 1177, aged about 68. 2703. ANDELINE MALBANK [DE BEAUCHAMP] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1138, in Hereford, Hertfordshire, England. See family tree 674. Andeline died in 1161, aged about 23. William Malbank 2702 married Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp]. They had one son: William Malbank 2612 in 1150 This family is shown as family tree 674. 2704. GODFREY DE SCUDAMORE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1116, in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England, to Walter De Scudamore 2741 and Walter De Scudamore 2742, as shown within family tree 675. Godfrey died in 1164, aged about 48, in England. 2705. MATILDA DE SCUDAMORE [GIFFARD] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1127, in Brimpsfield, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, to Elias Giffard 2743 and Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744, as shown within family tree 675. Matilda died in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Godfrey De Scudamore 2704, aged about 19, married Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard], aged about 8, in 1135 in Herefordshire, England. They had one daughter: Petronilla Scudamore 2613 in 1135 This family is shown as family tree 675. 2706. HUGH DE BEAUCHAMP (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1040, in Normandy, France, to Walter De Beauchamp 2745. Hugh died in 1114, aged about 74, in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. Hugh fathered one son: Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in 1085 This family is shown as family tree 676. 2707. MATILDA TAILLEBOIS (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1070, in Normandy, France, to Ives Taillebois 2747 and Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748, as shown within family tree 677. Matilda died in 1124, aged about 54, in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Matilda married twice, including Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 (her indirect relation). Matilda gave birth to one son: Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in 1085 This family is shown as family tree 678. 2708. AUBREY DE VERE (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1082, in Hedingham, Essex, England, to Alberic De Vere 2749 and Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750, as shown within family tree 679. Aubrey died in London, Middlesex, England. 2709. ADELIZA DE VERE [DE CLARE] (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1077, in Essex, England, to Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 and Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752, as shown within family tree 679. Adeliza died in 1163, aged about 86, in St Osyths Priory, Essex, England. Aubrey De Vere 2708, aged about 20, married Adeliza De Vere [De Clare], aged about 25, in 1102 in Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Rohese De Vere 2615 in 1103 This family is shown as family tree 679. Generation of Twenty-eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 2710. RICHARD I NORMANDY (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in Fecamp, Normandy, France to William I Longsword 2753 and Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754, as shown in family tree 689. Richard died in Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France. 2711. GONNOR NORMANDY [DE CREPON] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 936, in Normandy, France, to Herbastus De Crepon 2755 and Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756, as shown within family tree 680. Gonnor died in 1031, aged about 95, in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Richard I Normandy 2710 married Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon], aged about 26, in 962. They had one son: Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 in 963 This family is shown as family tree 680.

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2712. CONAN I BRETAGNE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 927, in Bretagne, France, to Juhel Berenger 2757 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758, as shown in family tree 690. Conan died in Conquereuil, Loire-Inferieure, Bretagne, France. 2713. ERMENGARDE BRETAGNE [D ANJOU] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 952, in Anjou, France, to Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2759. Ermengarde died in Anjou, Normandy, France. Conan I Bretagne 2712 married Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]. They had one daughter: Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 in 982 This family is shown as family tree 681. 2714. GEOFFREY II COUNT DE GASTINOIS (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Chateau Landon, Seine Et Marne, France, to Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762, as shown within family tree 662. Geoffrey died in Anjou, France. 2715. ERMENGARD DE GASTINOIS [D ANJOU] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1018, in Anjou, France, to Foulques Le Anjou 2763 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764, as shown within family tree 662. Ermengard died in Anjou, France. Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714, aged about 35, married Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou], aged about 17, in 1035 in Nevers, Nierre, France. They had one son: Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 in 1043 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2716. SIMON DE MONTFORT (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1025, in Montfort, Eure, France, to Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766, as shown within family tree 662. Simon died in 1087, aged about 62, in Epernon, Normandy, France. 2717. AGNES DE MONTFORT [D EVREUX] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030, in Evreux, Normandy, France, to Richard D Evreux 2767 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768, as shown within family tree 662. Agnes died in 1087, aged about 57, in Montfort Lamauri, Ile De France, France. Simon De Montfort 2716, aged about 33, married Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux], aged about 28, in 1058 in Normandy, France. They had one daughter: Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 in 1059 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2718. JEAN DE LA FLECHE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 and Paule Du Maine 2770, as shown in family tree 693. Jean died in 1097, aged about 67, in Fleche, Sarthe, France. 2719. PAULA DE LA FLECHE [DU MAINE] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1044, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Herbert I Du Maine 2771. Paula died in 1062, aged about 18, in France. Jean De La Fleche 2718 married Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine]. They had one son: Elias Helie 2688 in 1060 This family is shown as family tree 682. 2720. DUKE OF NORMANDY ROBERT I (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 999, in Normandy, France, to Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774, as shown within family tree 664. Duke died in Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey. 2721. HARLETTE ROBERT I [DE FALAISE] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Falaise, Clavados, France, to Fulbert De Falaise 2775 and Doda De Falaise 2776, as shown within family tree 664. Harlette died in 1050, aged about 47, in Mortain, Normandy, France. Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720, aged about 24, married Harlette Robert I [De Falaise], aged about 20, in 1023 in Normandy, France. They had one son: William I Conqueror 2690 in This family is shown within family tree 664. 2722. BAUDOUIN V FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1012, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin Flanders 2777 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778, as shown within family tree 665. Baudouin died in Lille, Nord, France. 2723. ADELA FLANDERS [CAPET] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France, to Robert Capet 2779 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780, as shown within family tree 665. Adela died in Monastaere De Lordre De St Benoist, Messines, France. Baudouin V Flanders 2722, aged about 16, married Adela Flanders [Capet], aged about 25, in 1028 in Paris, Seine, France. They had one daughter: Matilda Flanders 2691 in 1031 This family is shown within family tree 665.

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2724. EDWARD ATHELING (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1016, in Wessex, England, to Edmund Ironside 2781 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782, as shown within family tree 666. Edward died in 1057, aged about 41, in London, Middlesex, England. 2725. AGATHA ATHELING [VON BRUNSWICK] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1018, in Braunschweig, Prussia, to Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783 and Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2784, as shown within family tree 666. Agatha died in London, Middlesex, England. Edward Atheling 2724, aged about 19, married Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick], aged about 17, in 1035 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Atheling 2693 in 1045 This family is shown within family tree 666. 2726. FOUQUE DE AULNEY (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1005, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, to Osmond De Centville 2785 and Osmond De Centville 2786, as shown in family tree 696. Fouque died in 1050, aged about 45, in Abbey, Adington, Bershire, England. 2727. MRS FOUQUE DE AULNEY (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1010, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. See family tree 683. Fouque De Aulney 2726, aged about 37, married Mrs Fouque De Aulney, aged about 32, in 1042 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. They had one son: Thurston Basset 2694 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 683. 2728. HUGH BARDOUL (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1004, in Brozes, France, to Isembert De Broyes 2787. Hugh died in 1058, aged about 54, in France. 2729. ELIZABETH BARDOUL [DE SOURS] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Brozes, Eure, France. See family tree 684. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Hugh Bardoul 2728 married Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours]. They had one daughter: Isabel De Broyes 2695 in 1034 This family is shown as family tree 684. 2730. ROBERT DE BRUSSE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1036, in Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 and Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790, as shown within family tree 669. Robert died in 1081, aged about 45, in Annan, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 2731. EMMA DE BRUSSE [DE BRITTANY] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1034, in Brittany, France, to Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 and Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792, as shown within family tree 669. Emma died in 1094, aged about 60, in Brittany, France. Robert De Brusse 2730, aged about 12, married Emma De Brusse [De Brittany], aged about 14, in 1048 in Brienze, Normandy, France. They had one son: Robert De Bruce 2696 in 1066 This family is shown within family tree 669. 2732. WALDRON DE SAINT CLARE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1015, in Normandy, France, to Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793. Waldron died in 1047, aged about 32, in Barnstable, Devon, England. 2733. HELENA DE SAINT CLARE [LE BON] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030, in Normandy, France, to Richard Iii De Normandie 2795. Helena died in 1130, aged about 100, in Devon, England. Waldron De Saint Clare 2732, aged about 38, married Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon], aged about 23, in 1053 in Barnstaple, Devon, England. They had one daughter: Agnes De Saint Clare 2697 in 1054 This family is shown as family tree 685. 2734. HENRY I BEAUCLERC (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1068, in Selby, Yorkshire, England, to William I Conqueror 2797. Henry died in St Denis, Seine-St Denis, France. 2735. SIBYL BEAUCLERC [CORBET] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1075, in Alcester, Warwickshire, England, to Robert Corbet 2799. Sibyl died in 1157, aged about 82, in Blaen, Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales. Henry I Beauclerc 2734 married Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet]. They had one son: Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 in 1054 This family is shown as family tree 686. 2736. HUMPHREY DEINSULA DELISLE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1032, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 649. Humphrey died in 1086, aged about 54, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2737. HUMPREY DEINSULA DEINSULA DELISLE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1034, in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 649. Humprey died in England. Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736, aged about 22, married Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle, aged about 20, in 1054 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in 1058 This family is shown within family tree 649. 2738. RALPH DE LANGETOT (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1080, in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England, to Ralph De Langetot 2801 and Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802, as shown in family tree 707. 2739. CECILIA DE LANGETOT [DE BAR SUR SEINE] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1099, in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England, to Milo Crispin 2803 and Matilda Crispin [De Noyers] 2804, as shown within family tree 672. Ralph De Langetot 2738 married Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine]. They had one son: Ralph De Langetot 2700 in 1099 This family is shown as family tree 687. 2740. WILLIAM MALBANK (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1080, in Oxfordshire, England. See family tree 651. William died in 1109, aged about 29, in Nantwich, Cheshire, England. William married his indirect relation, Petronilla Scudamore 2613. William Malbank, aged about 28, married Petronilla Scudamore 2613, aged about -27, in 1108. They had one son: William Malbank 2702 in 1109 This family is shown as family tree 651. 2741. WALTER DE SCUDAMORE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1080, in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England, to Titus De Scudamore 2805 and Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806, as shown within family tree 675. 2742. WALTER DE SCUDAMORE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1090, in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. See family tree 675. Walter De Scudamore 2741, aged about 24, married Walter De Scudamore, aged about 14, in 1104 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 in 1116 This family is shown within family tree 675. 2743. ELIAS GIFFARD (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1095, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England, to Elias Helias Gifford 2807 and Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808, as shown within family tree 675. Elias died in 1166, aged about 71, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. 2744. BERTA GIFFARD [CLIFFORD] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1107, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England, to Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 and Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810, as shown within family tree 675. Berta died in 1167, aged about 60, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Elias Giffard 2743, aged about 32, married Berta Giffard [Clifford], aged about 20, in 1127 in Boyton, Brimfield, Gloucestershire, England. They had one daughter: Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 in 1127 This family is shown within family tree 675. 2745. WALTER DE BEAUCHAMP (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Normandie, France, to Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 and Hugh De Beauchamp 2812, as shown within family tree 676. Walter fathered one son: Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in 1040 This family is shown within family tree 676. 2746. EMILINE ABBOTT (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1025, in Worcestershire, England, to Urso Abbott 2813, as shown within family tree 688. Emiline gave birth to one son: Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in 1040 This family is shown as family tree 688. 2747. IVES TAILLEBOIS (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1036, in Yorkshire, England, to Richard FitzGerold 2814. Ives died in 1094, aged about 58, in Kendal, Cambria, England. 2748. LUCIA TAILLEBOIS [DE MERCIA] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1040, in Mercia, England, to Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 and Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817, as shown within family tree 677. Lucia died in 1070, aged about 30, in Spalding, Lincolnshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ives Taillebois 2747 married Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia]. They had one daughter: Matilda Taillebois 2707 in 1070 This family is shown within family tree 677.

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2749. ALBERIC DE VERE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Hedingham, Essex, England, to Alphonso Ghesnes 2818. Alberic died in 1088, aged about 58, in Colne Priory, Essex, England. 2750. BEATRICE DE VERE [GAND] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1040, in Bourboucy, France, to Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 and Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821, as shown within family tree 679. Beatrice died in 1100, aged about 60, in Colne, England Colne, Essex, England. Alberic De Vere 2749, aged about 31, married Beatrice De Vere [Gand], aged about 21, in 1061 in Hedingham, Essex, England. They had one son: Aubrey De Vere 2708 in 1082 This family is shown within family tree 679. 2751. GILBERT FITZRICHARD DE CLARE (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1065, in Clare, Suffolk, England, to Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 and Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823, as shown within family tree 679. Gilbert died in 1114, aged about 49, in Tonbridge, Kent, England Cardigan, Wales. 2752. ADELIZA DE CLARE [DE CLERMONT] (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1058, in Northamptonshire, England, to Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 and Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825, as shown within family tree 679. Adeliza died in 1117, aged about 59, in Sussex Square, London, Middlesex, England. Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751, aged about 11, married Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont], aged about 18, in 1076 in England. They had one daughter: Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in 1077 This family is shown within family tree 679. Generation of Twenty-nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 2753. WILLIAM I LONGSWORD (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 893, in Normandy, France, to Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827, as shown in family tree 710. William died in Island Picquigny, Somme River, Normandy, France. 2754. SPORTE LONGSWORD [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 911, in Bretagne, France, to Hubert Senlis 2828 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829, as shown within family tree 689. Sporte died in 945, aged about 34, in Normandy, France. William I Longsword 2753 married Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne]. They had one son: Richard I Normandy 2710 in This family is shown as family tree 689. 2755. HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 911, in Normandy, France, to Herfast De Crepon 2830. Herbastus died in 984, aged about 73, in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. 2756. MRS HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 916, in Normandy, France, to Mr. Stop 2832, as shown within family tree 680. Mrs died in 974, aged about 58, in Crepon, Normandy, France. Herbastus De Crepon 2755 married Mrs Herbastus De Crepon. They had one daughter: Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 in 936 This family is shown within family tree 680. 2757. JUHEL BERENGER (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 931, in Rennes, Bretagne, France, to Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 and Ms. De Rennes 2834, as shown within family tree 690. Juhel died in 970, aged about 39, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. 2758. GERBERGE QUEEN OF BERENGER [FRANCE] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Nordhausen, Saxony, to Heinrich I Germans 2835 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836, as shown within family tree 690. Gerberge died in Reims, Marne, France. Juhel Berenger 2757, aged about -4, married Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France], aged about 13, in 927 in Bretagne, France. They had one son: Conan I Bretagne 2712 in 927 This family is shown as family tree 690. 2759. GEOFFREY I GRISGONELLE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France to Foulques Le Anjou 2837 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838, as shown within family tree 691. Geoffrey died in Anjou, Normandy, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Geoffrey fathered one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713 in 952 This family is shown as family tree 691.

Direct Relations

2760. ADELAIDE DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 950, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Robert De Vermandois 2839. Adelaide died in 982, aged about 32, in Anjou, Normandy, France. Adelaide gave birth to one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713 in 952 This family is shown as family tree 692. 2761. GEOFFROY I GASTINOIS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 970, in Gastinois, France. See family tree 662. Geoffroy died in 1000, aged about 30, in Landon, Sein Et Marne, France. 2762. BEATRICE GASTINOIS [DE MACON] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Macon, Seine Et Loire, France. See family tree 662. Beatrice died in 1005, aged about 31, in Metz, Middle Lorraine, France. Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761, aged about 29, married Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon], aged about 25, in 999 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. They had one son: Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 in 1000 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2763. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France. See family tree 662. Foulques died in Anjou, France. 2764. HILDEGARDE LE ANJOU [DE LORRAINE] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 964, in Anjou, France. See family tree 662. Hildegarde died in Jerusalem, Palastein. Foulques Le Anjou 2763 married Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine], aged about 36, in 1000 in Anjou, France. They had one daughter: Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 in 1018 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2765. AMAURI SEIGNEUR DE MONTFORT (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Evreux, Normandy, France. See family tree 662. Amauri died in 1031, aged about 31, in Montfort Lamaury Castle, Ile De France, France. 2766. BERTRADE DE MONTFORT [DE GOMETZ] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1001, in Ile De France, France. See family tree 662. Bertrade died in 1051, aged about 50, in Epernon, Normandy, France. Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765, aged about 22, married Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz], aged about 21, in 1022 in Ile De France, France. They had one son: Simon De Montfort 2716 in 1025 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2767. RICHARD D EVREUX (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 986, in Rouen, Normandy, France. See family tree 662. Richard died in 1067, aged about 81, in Normandy, France. 2768. ADAELE D EVREUX [DE TONI] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1004, in Normandy, France. See family tree 662. Adaele died in 1034, aged about 30, in Normandy, France. Richard D Evreux 2767, aged about 44, married Adaele D Evreux [De Toni], aged about 26, in 1030 in S-Infr, France. They had one daughter: Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in 1030 This family is shown within family tree 662. 2769. LANCELIN DE BEAUGENCY (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Paule Du Maine 2770, as shown within family tree 682. Lancelin died in 1060, aged about 60, in Fleche, Sarthe, France. 2770. PAULE DU MAINE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Fleche, Sarthe, France, to Herbert I Du Maine 2771, as shown in family tree 694. Paule died in 1100, aged about 100, in Y. Paule married twice, including Lancelin De Beaugency 2769. Paule gave birth to one son: Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 in 1000 This family is shown within family tree 682. Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 married Paule Du Maine. They had one son: Jean De La Fleche 2718 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 693. 2771. HERBERT I DU MAINE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 990, in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine Pays De La Loire, France. See family tree 694. Herbert died in France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Herbert fathered two daughters: Paule Du Maine 2770 in 1000 Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in 1044 This family is shown as family tree 694.

Direct Relations

2772. BERTHA DE CHARTRES (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Brittany, France. See family tree 695. Bertha died. Bertha gave birth to one daughter: Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in 1044 This family is shown as family tree 695. 2773. RICHARD II "LE BON" DUKE OF NORMANDY (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 963, in Normandy, France. See family tree 664. Richard became known as le Bon . le Bon died in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. 2774. JUDITH DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Bretagne, France. See family tree 664. Judith died in Normandy, France. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773, aged about 37, married Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne], aged about 18, in 1000 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 in 999 This family is shown within family tree 664. 2775. FULBERT DE FALAISE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 978, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 664. Fulbert died in 1017, aged about 39, in Normandy, France. 2776. DODA DE FALAISE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 980, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 664. Doda died in 1003, aged about 23, in Falaise, Calvados, France. Fulbert De Falaise 2775, aged about 22, married Doda De Falaise, aged about 20, in 1000 in Falaise, Calvados, France. They had one daughter: Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 664. 2777. BAUDOUIN FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 968, in Flanders, France. See family tree 665. Baudouin died in Flanders, France. 2778. OTGIVE FLANDERS [DE LUXEMBOURG] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 986, in Flanders, France. See family tree 665. Otgive died in Flanders, France. Baudouin Flanders 2777, aged about 36, married Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg], aged about 18, in 1004 in Flanders, France. They had one son: Baudouin V Flanders 2722 in 1012 This family is shown within family tree 665. 2779. ROBERT CAPET (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Orleans, France. See family tree 665. Robert died in Melun, France. 2780. CONSTANCE CAPET [DE TOULOUSE] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 665. Constance died in Melun, France. Robert Capet 2779 married Constance Capet [De Toulouse], aged about 26, in 1000. They had one daughter: Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 665. 2781. EDMUND IRONSIDE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 989, in Wessex, England. See family tree 666. Edmund died in London, Middlesex, England. 2782. EALDGYTH IRONSIDE [MORCARSON] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 986, in Wessex, England. See family tree 666. Ealdgyth died in 1016, aged about 30, in London, Middlesex, England. Edmund Ironside 2781, aged about 26, married Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson], aged about 29, in 1015 in Malmsbury, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Edward Atheling 2724 in 1016 This family is shown within family tree 666. 2783. LIUDOLF VON BRUNSWICK (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1016, in Brunswick, Germany. See family tree 666. Liudolf died in Brunswick, Germany. 2784. GERTRUD COUNTESS VON BRUNSWICK [NORDGAU] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1006, in Nordgau Region, Medieval States. See family tree 666. Gertrud died in Nordgau, Thuringia, Thringen, Germany.

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Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783 married Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau]. They had one daughter: Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 in 1018 This family is shown within family tree 666. 2785. OSMOND DE CENTVILLE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 960, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, to Norman De Basset 2841 and Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842, as shown in family tree 713. Osmond died in 990, aged about 30, in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 2786. OSMOND DE CENTVILLE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 970, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. See family tree 696. Osmond died in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Osmond De Centville 2785, aged about 30, married Osmond De Centville, aged about 20, in 990 in Ouily Basset, Normandy. They had one son: Fouque De Aulney 2726 in 1005 This family is shown as family tree 696. 2787. ISEMBERT DE BROYES (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 997, in Broyes, Marne, Champagne, France, to Heloise De Blois 2788, as shown in family tree 698. Isembert died in 1028, aged about 31. Isembert fathered one son: Hugh Bardoul 2728 in 1004 This family is shown as family tree 697. 2788. HELOISE DE BLOIS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 980, in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France, to Odo I De Blois 2843 and Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844, as shown in family tree 714. Heloise died in Y. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Heloise gave birth to two sons: Isembert De Broyes 2787 in 997 Hugh Bardoul 2728 in 1004 This family is shown as family tree 698. 2789. RAGNVALD BRUSESSON (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1011, in Orkney, Scotland. See family tree 669. Ragnvald died in 1046/12, aged about 35, in Papa Stronsay, Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 2790. ARLOGIA BRUSESSON [ORKNEY] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1015, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. See family tree 669. Arlogia died in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Ragnvald Brusesson 2789, aged about 23, married Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney], aged about 19, in 1034 in Carrick, Galloway, Scotland. They had one son: Robert De Brusse 2730 in 1036 This family is shown within family tree 669. 2791. ALAN COUNT OF BRITTANY (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Brittany, France. See family tree 669. Alan died in Bretagne, France. 2792. BERTHA BRITTANY [DE BLOIS] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. See family tree 669. Bertha died in 1085, aged about 95, in Chartres, France. Alan Count Of Brittany 2791, aged about 27, married Bertha Brittany [De Blois], aged about 37, in 1027 in Brittany, France. They had one daughter: Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in 1034 This family is shown within family tree 669. 2793. MAUGER SEIGNEUR DE ST CLAIR (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1004, in St Clair-Sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France, to Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846, as shown in family tree 715. Mauger died in 1047, aged about 43, in St Clair-Sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Mauger fathered one son: Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in 1015 This family is shown as family tree 699. 2794. GERMAINE DE CORBEIL (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Corbeil, S Et, France, to Albert De Corbeil 2847 and Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848, as shown in family tree 716. Germaine died in 1012, aged about 22, in Corbeil, Marne, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Germaine gave birth to one son: Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in 1015 This family is shown as family tree 700.

Direct Relations

2795. RICHARD III DE NORMANDIE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 997, in Normandy, France, to Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850, as shown in family tree 717. Richard died in Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Richard fathered one daughter: Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 701. 2796. MRS RICHARD III CONCUBINE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Normandy, France. See family tree 702. Mrs died in 1100, aged about 100. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Mrs gave birth to one daughter: Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 702. 2797. WILLIAM I CONQUEROR (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Falaise, Normandy, France to Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852, as shown within family tree 703. William died in Hermentruvilleby, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. William fathered one son: Henry I Beauclerc 2734 in 1068 This family is shown as family tree 703. 2798. MATILDA FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1031, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin V Flanders 2853 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854, as shown within family tree 704. Matilda died in Caen, Normandy. Matilda gave birth to one son: Henry I Beauclerc 2734 in 1068 This family is shown as family tree 704. 2799. ROBERT CORBET (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1042, in Alcester, Warwickshire, England, to Hugh Le Corbet 2855. Robert died in 1121, aged about 79, in Alcester, Warwickshire, England. Robert fathered one daughter: Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in 1075 This family is shown as family tree 705. 2800. ISABEL DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1085, in Valois, Bretagne, France, to Hugues De France 2857 and Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858, as shown in family tree 719. Isabel died in St Nicaise, Meulan, D-Sens, France. Isabel gave birth to one daughter: Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in 1075 This family is shown as family tree 706. 2801. RALPH DE LANGETOT (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1066, in Lanquetot, Le Havre, Normandy, France, to Ralph De Langetot 2700, as shown in family tree 673. Ralph died in 1099, aged about 33, in Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France. 2802. CECILIA PRINCESS OF DE LANGETOT [ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1055, in Normandy, France. See family tree 707. Cecilia died in Caen, Calvados, France. Ralph De Langetot 2801, aged about 8, married Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England], aged about 19, in 1074 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Ralph De Langetot 2738 in 1080 This family is shown as family tree 707. 2803. MILO CRISPIN (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1046, in Tillieres, Eure, France. See family tree 672. Milo died in 1085, aged about 39. 2804. MATILDA CRISPIN [DE NOYERS] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1062, in Noyers, Yonne, Bourgogne, France. See family tree 672.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Milo Crispin 2803 married Matilda Crispin [De Noyers]. They had one daughter: Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 2739 in 1099 This family is shown within family tree 672.

Direct Relations

2805. TITUS DE SCUDAMORE (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1052, in Kentchurch, Hereford, Herefordshire, England. See family tree 675. Titus died in 1095, aged about 43, in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. 2806. JOYCE DE SCUDAMORE [DE CLIFFORD] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1062, in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 675. Joyce died in 1095, aged about 33. Titus De Scudamore 2805, aged about 28, married Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford], aged about 18, in 1080 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Walter De Scudamore 2741 in 1080 This family is shown within family tree 675. 2807. ELIAS HELIAS GIFFORD (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1022, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 675. Elias died in 1130, aged about 108, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. 2808. ALA GIFFORD [GIFFARD] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1066, in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 675. Ala died in 1121, aged about 55, in Brimsfield, England. Elias Helias Gifford 2807 married Ala Gifford [Giffard]. They had one son: Elias Giffard 2743 in 1095 This family is shown within family tree 675. 2809. RICHARD FITZ CLIFFORD (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1081, in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 675. Richard died in 1127, aged about 46, in Frampton, Sapperton, Gloucestershire, England. 2810. MAUDE FITZ CLIFFORD [WALTER] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1085, in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. See family tree 675. Maude died in 1129, aged about 44, in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. Richard Fitz Clifford 2809, aged about 24, married Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter], aged about 20, in 1105 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England. They had one daughter: Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in 1107 This family is shown within family tree 675. 2811. HUGH DE BEAUCHAMP (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 950, in Normandie, France. See family tree 676. Hugh died in 1008, aged about 58. 2812. HUGH DE BEAUCHAMP (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1062, in Normandy, France. See family tree 676. Hugh died in 1141, aged about 79, in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Hugh married twice. He was married to Matilda Taillebois 2707 (his indirect relation) and Hugh De Beauchamp 2811. Hugh De Beauchamp married Matilda Taillebois 2707. See family tree 676. Hugh De Beauchamp 2811, aged about 25, married Hugh De Beauchamp, aged about -87, in 975 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Walter De Beauchamp 2745 in 990 This family is shown within family tree 676. 2813. URSO ABBOTT (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Lillebonne, Seine, France. See family tree 688. Urso fathered one daughter: Emiline Abbott 2746 in 1025 This family is shown within family tree 688. 2814. RICHARD FITZGEROLD (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1010, in Yorkshire, England. See family tree 677. Richard died in 1044, aged about 34. Richard fathered one son: Ives Taillebois 2747 in 1036 This family is shown within family tree 677. 2815. ERMENGARD D ANJOU (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1018, in Anjou, France. See family tree 708. Ermengard died in Anjou, France. Ermengard gave birth to one son: Ives Taillebois 2747 in 1036 This family is shown as family tree 708. 2816. ALFGAR EARL MERCIA (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1002, in Mercia, England. See family tree 677. Alfgar died in 1059, aged about 57, in Mercia, England.

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2817. ELFGIFU MERCIA [DE ENGLAND] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 997, in Wessex, England. See family tree 677. Elfgifu died in 1098, aged about 101, in Mercia, England. Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 married Elfgifu Mercia [De England]. They had one daughter: Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 in 1040 This family is shown within family tree 677. 2818. ALPHONSO GHESNES (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1000, in Hedingham, Essex, England. See family tree 679. Alphonso died in 1032, aged about 32, in Ver, Cotentin, Normandy, France. Alphonso fathered one son: Alberic De Vere 2749 in 1030 This family is shown within family tree 679. 2819. KATHERINE DE FLANDERS (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1000, in Hedingham, Essex, England. See family tree 709. Katherine died in 1030, aged about 30, in Chart. Katherine gave birth to one son: Alberic De Vere 2749 in 1030 This family is shown as family tree 709. 2820. HENRY CASTELLAN DE GAND (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1005, in Bourboucy, France. See family tree 679. Henry died in 1040, aged about 35, in Bourbonnais, Aquitaine, France. 2821. SIBILLA DE GAND [MANASSES] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1005, in Bourboucy, France. See family tree 679. Sibilla died in 1120, aged about 115, in France. Henry Castellan De Gand 2820, aged about 34, married Sibilla De Gand [Manasses], aged about 34, in 1039 in Bourbonnais, Aquitaine, France. They had one daughter: Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in 1040 This family is shown within family tree 679. 2822. RICHARD FITZGILBERT (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1024, in Bienfaite, Normandy, France. See family tree 679. Richard died in 1090, aged about 66, in St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England. 2823. ROHESE FITZGILBERT [GIFFARD] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1034, in Longueville, Normandy, France. See family tree 679. Rohese died in 1133, aged about 99, in Clare, Angleterre, Suffolk, England. Richard Fitzgilbert 2822, aged about 30, married Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard], aged about 20, in 1054 in Prior, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England. They had one son: Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 in 1065 This family is shown within family tree 679. 2824. HUGH COUNT OF CLERMONT (CREIL (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1030, in Clermont, Oise, France. See family tree 679. Hugh died in 1101, aged about 71. 2825. MARGARET CLERMONT (CREIL [DE MONTDIDIER] (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1045, in Montdidier, Somme, France. See family tree 679. Margaret died in 1110, aged about 65, in Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France. Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824, aged about 35, married Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier], aged about 20, in 1065 in Picardy, France. They had one daughter: Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in 1058 This family is shown within family tree 679. Generation of Thirty-Times-Great-Grandparents 2826. ROBERT RAGNVALDSSON (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 870, in Maer, Nord, Trondleg, Norway, to Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860. Robert died in 932, aged about 62, in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. 2827. POPPA RAGNVALDSSON [DE VALOIS] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 872, in Evreux, Normandy, France, to Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 and Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 2863, as shown within family tree 689. Poppa died in 930, aged about 58, in Neustria, Normandy, France. Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826, aged about 16, married Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois], aged about 14, in 886 in Normandie, France. They had one son: William I Longsword 2753 in 893 This family is shown as family tree 710. 2828. HUBERT SENLIS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 880, in Bretagne, France, to Pepin I De Vermandois 2864. Hubert died in 912, aged about 32, in Vermandois, Normandy, France.

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2829. MS. SENLIS [MRS HUBERT] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 890, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. See family tree 689. Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] died in 911, aged about 21, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Hubert Senlis 2828, aged about -7, married Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert], aged about -17, in 873 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. They had one daughter: Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 in 911 This family is shown within family tree 689. 2830. HERFAST DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 890, in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France. See family tree 680. Herfast died in 981, aged about 91, in Y. Herfast fathered one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in 911 This family is shown within family tree 680. 2831. THYRI KLACKSDOTTIR (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 900, in Jutland, Denmark, to Earl Klaak Harald 2866. Thyri died in 935, aged about 35, in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Thyri gave birth to one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in 911 This family is shown as family tree 711. 2832. MR. STOP (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 680. Mr. Stop fathered one daughter: Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 in 916 This family is shown within family tree 680. 2833. PASKWITAN DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 884, in Rennes, Bretagne, France, to Alain I De Bretagne 2868 and Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869, as shown within family tree 690. Paskwitan died in 936, aged about 52, in Rennes, France. 2834. MS. DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 882, in Rennes, Bretagne, France, to Mr. Berenger 2870. Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 married Ms. De Rennes. They had one son: Juhel Berenger 2757 in 931 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2835. HEINRICH I GERMANS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 876, in Sachsen, Germany, to Otto The Illustrious 2872 and Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873, as shown within family tree 690. Heinrich died in Membleben, Saxony. 2836. MATILDA COUNTESS OF GERMANS [RINGELHEIM] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 878, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany, to Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 and Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875, as shown within family tree 690. Matilda died in Memleben, Saxony. Heinrich I Germans 2835, aged about 33, married Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim], aged about 31, in 909 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. They had one daughter: Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 in 914 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2837. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 909, in Anjou, France, to Fouques I D Anjou 2876 and Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877, as shown within family tree 691. Foulques died in Tours, France. 2838. GERBERGE LE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 913, in Maine, USA, to Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 and Rotbold Arles 2879, as shown within family tree 691. Gerberge died in 952, aged about 39, in Tours, France. Foulques Le Anjou 2837 married Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. They had one son: Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2759 in This family is shown within family tree 691. 2839. ROBERT DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 920, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Herbert De Vermandois 2880 and Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881, as shown within family tree 692. Robert died in Troyes, Aube, Champagne-Ardennes, France. Robert fathered one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in 950 This family is shown within family tree 692.

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2840. ADELAIS COUNTESS VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France, to Gilbert Gislebert 2882 and Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883, as shown within family tree 712. Adelais died in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Adelais gave birth to one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in 950 This family is shown as family tree 712. 2841. NORMAN DE BASSET (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 915, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, to Bathel Basset 2884 and Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885, as shown within family tree 713. Norman died in 965, aged about 50, in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. 2842. MS DE BASSET [NORMAN] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 925, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. See family tree 713. Ms died in France. Norman De Basset 2841, aged about 30, married Ms De Basset [Norman], aged about 20, in 945 in Ouilyy Basset, Normandy. They had one son: Osmond De Centville 2785 in 960 This family is shown as family tree 713. 2843. ODO I DE BLOIS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 950, in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France, to Theobald I De Blois 2886 and Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887, as shown in family tree 726. Odo died in Marmontier, Indre Et Loire, Touraine, France. 2844. BERTHA DE BLOIS [DE BURGUNDY] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 967, in Burgundy, France, to Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 and Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889, as shown in family tree 727. Bertha died in 1016, aged about 49, in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Odo I De Blois 2843, aged about 38, married Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy], aged about 21, in 988/4 in Burgundy, Marneogne, France. They had one daughter: Heloise De Blois 2788 in 980 This family is shown as family tree 714. 2845. RICHARD II "LE BON" DUKE OF NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 963, in Normandy, France, to Richard I Normandy 2890 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891, as shown in family tree 728. Richard became known as le Bon . le Bon died in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. 2846. JUDITH DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Bretagne, France, to Conan I Bretagne 2892 and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893, as shown in family tree 729. Judith died in Normandy, France. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845, aged about 37, married Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne], aged about 18, in 1000 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 in 1004 This family is shown as family tree 715. 2847. ALBERT DE CORBEIL (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 955, in Corbeil, Marne, Champagne, France, to Foulques Le Anjou 2894 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895, as shown in family tree 730. Albert died in 1012, aged about 57. 2848. ELIZABETH DE CORBEIL (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born about 943, in Corbiel, Seine Et, France. See family tree 716. Elizabeth died in 1012, aged about 69. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Albert De Corbeil 2847 married Elizabeth De Corbeil. They had one daughter: Germaine De Corbeil 2794 in 990 This family is shown as family tree 716. 2849. RICHARD II "LE BON" DUKE OF NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 963, in Normandy, France, to Richard I Normandy 2896 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897, as shown in family tree 731. Richard became known as le Bon . le Bon died in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. 2850. JUDITH DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Bretagne, France, to Conan I Bretagne 2898 and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899, as shown in family tree 732. Judith died in Normandy, France. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849, aged about 37, married Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne], aged about 18, in 1000 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Richard Iii De Normandie 2795 in 997 This family is shown as family tree 717.

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2851. DUKE OF NORMANDY ROBERT I (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 999, in Normandy, France, to Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901, as shown within family tree 703. Duke died in Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey. 2852. HARLETTE ROBERT I [DE FALAISE] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Falaise, Clavados, France, to Fulbert De Falaise 2902 and Doda De Falaise 2903, as shown within family tree 703. Harlette died in 1050, aged about 47, in Mortain, Normandy, France. Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851, aged about 24, married Harlette Robert I [De Falaise], aged about 20, in 1023 in Normandy, France. They had one son: William I Conqueror 2797 in This family is shown within family tree 703. 2853. BAUDOUIN V FLANDERS (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1012, in Flanders, France, to Baudouin Flanders 2904 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905, as shown within family tree 704. Baudouin died in Lille, Nord, France. 2854. ADELA FLANDERS [CAPET] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1003, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France, to Robert Capet 2906 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907, as shown within family tree 704. Adela died in Monastaere De Lordre De St Benoist, Messines, France. Baudouin V Flanders 2853, aged about 16, married Adela Flanders [Capet], aged about 25, in 1028 in Paris, Seine, France. They had one daughter: Matilda Flanders 2798 in 1031 This family is shown within family tree 704. 2855. HUGH LE CORBET (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1020, in Pays De Caux, Normandy, France, to Roger FitzCorbet 2908. Hugh died in 1081, aged about 61, in Pays Dauge, Calvados, Normandy, France. Hugh fathered one son: Robert Corbet 2799 in 1042 This family is shown within family tree 705. 2856. MS. NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1030. See family tree 718. Ms. Normandy gave birth to one son: Robert Corbet 2799 in 1042 This family is shown as family tree 718. 2857. HUGUES DE FRANCE (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1053, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Henri I France 2910 and Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911, as shown within family tree 719. Hugues died in Tarsus, Cilicie. 2858. ADELLE DE FRANCE [VERMANDOIS] (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1065, in Valois, Isle De France, France, to Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 and Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre] 2913, as shown within family tree 719. Adelle died in Vermandois, France. Hugues De France 2857, aged about 11, married Adelle De France [Vermandois], aged about -1, in 1064 in France. They had one daughter: Isabel De Vermandois 2800 in 1085 This family is shown as family tree 719. 2859. THYRE DANEBOD (Caroline's thirty-times-great-great-aunt) was born in 844, in Denmark, to Earl Klaak Harald 2866, as shown in family tree 723. Thyre died in 935, aged about 91, in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Generation of Thirty-one-Times-Great-Grandparents 2860. ROLF RAGNVALDSSON (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 846, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway, to I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 and Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915, as shown in family tree 734. Rolf died in 932, aged about 86, in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Rolf fathered one son: Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 in 870 This family is shown as family tree 720. 2861. RAGNHILD HROLFSSON (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 848, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland, to Hrolf Nefja 2916 and Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917, as shown in family tree 735. Ragnhild died in 892, aged about 44, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway.

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2862. BERENGER DE BAYEAUX (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 847, in Bayeaux, France. See family tree 689. Berenger died in 890, aged about 43, in Viking Bayeaux, Normandy, France. 2863. MRS BBERENGER DE BAYEAUX [DE BAYEUX] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 852, in Bayeux, Neustria. See family tree 689. Mrs died in Bayeaux, France. Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 married Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux]. They had one daughter: Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in 872 This family is shown within family tree 689. 2864. PEPIN I DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 839, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 689. Pepin died in 893, aged about 54, in Senlis, Oise, Picardy, France. Pepin fathered one son: Hubert Senlis 2828 in 880 This family is shown within family tree 689. 2865. BERTHA DE MORVOIS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 850, in Bohain-En-Vermandois, Aisne, Picardie, France. See family tree 722. Bertha died in 908, aged about 58. Bertha gave birth to one son: Hubert Senlis 2828 in 880 This family is shown as family tree 722. 2866. EARL KLAAK HARALD (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 800, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 723. Earl died in 844, aged about 44, in Walcheran, Zeeland, Netherlands. Earl fathered two daughters: Thyre Danebod 2859 in 844 Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in 900 This family is shown as family tree 723. 2867. MS. QUEEN AAFLAEDA (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 878, in Wessex, England. See family tree 724. Ms. Queen Aaflaeda died. Ms. Queen Aaflaeda gave birth to one daughter: Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in 900 This family is shown as family tree 724. 2868. ALAIN I DE BRETAGNE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 860, in Bretagne, France. See family tree 690. Alain died in 907, aged about 47, in France. 2869. OREQUEN DE BRETAGNE [DE RENNES] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 854, in Bretagne, France. See family tree 690. Orequen died in 907, aged about 53, in Y. Alain I De Bretagne 2868 married Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes]. They had one son: Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 in 884 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2870. MR. BERENGER (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 860, in Rennes, Bretagne, France. See family tree 690. Mr. Berenger died in 890, aged about 30. Mr. Berenger fathered one daughter: Ms. De Rennes 2834 in 882 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2871. MS. BRITTANY (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 855, in Brittany, France. See family tree 725. Ms. Brittany gave birth to one daughter: Ms. De Rennes 2834 in 882 This family is shown as family tree 725. 2872. OTTO THE ILLUSTRIOUS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 851, in Sachsen, Germany. See family tree 690. Otto died in Eastern, Saxony.

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2873. HATHUI DUCHESS OF ILLUSTRIOUS [SAXONY] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 855, in Sachsen, Germany. See family tree 690. Hathui died in 906, aged about 51, in Gandersheim, Saxony. Otto The Illustrious 2872, aged about 18, married Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony], aged about 14, in 869. They had one son: Heinrich I Germans 2835 in 876 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2874. THEODORIC COUNT OF RINGELHEIM (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 853, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia. See family tree 690. Theodoric died in 920, aged about 67, in Germany, Hannover, Goslar, Ringelheim. 2875. LUDMILLA RINGELHEIM [RAGNHILDIS] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 858, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. See family tree 690. Ludmilla died in 917, aged about 59, in Germany. Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 married Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis]. They had one daughter: Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 in 878 This family is shown within family tree 690. 2876. FOUQUES I D ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 870, in Anjou, France. See family tree 691. Fouques died in 938, aged about 68, in Anjou, Anjou, France. 2877. ROSCILLE D ANJOU [DE LOCHES] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 874, in Lodhes, Indre-Et-Lr, Touraine, France. See family tree 691. Roscille died in 920, aged about 46, in Lieu, Angers, France. Fouques I D Anjou 2876 married Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] in Anjou, France. They had one son: Foulques Le Anjou 2837 in 909 This family is shown within family tree 691. 2878. ROTBOLD II OF ARLES (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 878, in Arles, France. See family tree 691. Rotbold died in 978, aged about 100. 2879. ROTBOLD ARLES (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 873, in France. See family tree 691. Rotbold II Of Arles 2878, aged about 34, married Rotbold Arles, aged about 39, in 912 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. They had one daughter: Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 in 913 This family is shown within family tree 691. 2880. HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 884, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 692. Herbert died in St Quentin, Aisne, France. 2881. ADELA DE VERMANDOIS [DE FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 897, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 692. Adela died in 931, aged about 34, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Herbert De Vermandois 2880 married Adela De Vermandois [De France]. They had one son: Robert De Vermandois 2839 in 920 This family is shown within family tree 692. 2882. GILBERT GISLEBERT (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 890, in Chalons-Sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France. See family tree 712. Gilbert died in Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France. 2883. ERMENGARDE GISLEBERT [DE BURGUNDY] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 893, in Dijon, Cote Dor, Bourgogne, France. See family tree 712. Ermengarde died in 952, aged about 59, in Y. Gilbert Gislebert 2882, aged about 66, married Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy], aged about 63, in 956 in France. They had one daughter: Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840 in 914 This family is shown within family tree 712. 2884. BATHEL BASSET (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 870, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, to Dead End Basset 2918, as shown within family tree 713. Bathel died in 900, aged about 30, in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. 2885. MRS BATHEL BASSET [DSS] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 875, in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. See family tree 713. Mrs died in Normandy. Bathel Basset 2884, aged about 30, married Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss], aged about 25, in 900 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. They had one son: Norman De Basset 2841 in 915 This family is shown within family tree 713. 2886. THEOBALD I DE BLOIS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 913, in Blois, France, to Theobald Vct De

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Troyes 2919 and Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920, as shown within family tree 726. Theobald died in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. 2887. LUITGARDE DE BLOIS [DE VERMANDOIS] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 920, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Herbert De Vermandois 2921. Luitgarde died in Matemoutier Abbey, Vermandois, Normandie, France. Theobald I De Blois 2886, aged about 30, married Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois], aged about 23, in 943 in Normandy, France. They had one son: Odo I De Blois 2843 in 950 This family is shown as family tree 726. 2888. CONRAD I DE BOURGOGNE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 925, in Arles, Toulouse, to Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 and Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924, as shown within family tree 727. Conrad died in Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Germany. 2889. MATILDA DE BOURGOGNE [DE FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 943, in Laon, Aisne, France, to Louis France 2925 and Gerberge Queen Of France 2926, as shown within family tree 727. Matilda died in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888, aged about 39, married Matilda De Bourgogne [De France], aged about 21, in 964 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. They had one daughter: Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in 967 This family is shown as family tree 727. 2890. RICHARD I NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Fecamp, Normandy, France to William I Longsword 2927 and Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928, as shown within family tree 728. Richard died in Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France. 2891. GONNOR NORMANDY [DE CREPON] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 936, in Normandy, France, to Herbastus De Crepon 2929 and Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930, as shown within family tree 728. Gonnor died in 1031, aged about 95, in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Richard I Normandy 2890 married Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon], aged about 26, in 962. They had one son: Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 in 963 This family is shown as family tree 728. 2892. CONAN I BRETAGNE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 927, in Bretagne, France, to Juhel Berenger 2931 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932, as shown within family tree 729. Conan died in Conquereuil, Loire-Inferieure, Bretagne, France. 2893. ERMENGARDE BRETAGNE [D ANJOU] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 952, in Anjou, France, to Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933. Ermengarde died in Anjou, Normandy, France. Conan I Bretagne 2892 married Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]. They had one daughter: Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 in 982 This family is shown as family tree 729. 2894. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 909, in Anjou, France, to Fouques I D Anjou 2935 and Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936, as shown in family tree 738. Foulques died in Tours, France. 2895. GERBERGE LE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 913, in Maine, USA, to Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 and Rotbold Arles 2938, as shown within family tree 730. Gerberge died in 952, aged about 39, in Tours, France. Foulques Le Anjou 2894 married Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. They had one son: Albert De Corbeil 2847 in 955 This family is shown as family tree 730. 2896. RICHARD I NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Fecamp, Normandy, France. See family tree 731. Richard died in Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France. 2897. GONNOR NORMANDY [DE CREPON] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 936, in Normandy, France, to Herbastus De Crepon 2939 and Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940, as shown within family tree 731. Gonnor died in 1031, aged about 95, in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Richard I Normandy 2896 married Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon], aged about 26, in 962. They had one son: Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 in 963 This family is shown as family tree 731. 2898. CONAN I BRETAGNE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 927, in Bretagne, France, to Juhel

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Berenger 2941 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942, as shown within family tree 732. Conan died in Conquereuil, Loire-Inferieure, Bretagne, France. 2899. ERMENGARDE BRETAGNE [D ANJOU] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 952, in Anjou, France, to Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943. Ermengarde died in Anjou, Normandy, France. Conan I Bretagne 2898 married Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]. They had one daughter: Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 in 982 This family is shown as family tree 732. 2900. RICHARD II "LE BON" DUKE OF NORMANDY (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 963, in Normandy, France. See family tree 703. Richard became known as le Bon . le Bon died in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. 2901. JUDITH DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 982, in Bretagne, France. See family tree 703. Judith died in Normandy, France. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900, aged about 37, married Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne], aged about 18, in 1000 in Normandie, France. They had one son: Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 in 999 This family is shown within family tree 703. 2902. FULBERT DE FALAISE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 978, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 703. Fulbert died in 1017, aged about 39, in Normandy, France. 2903. DODA DE FALAISE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 980, in Falaise, Calvados, France. See family tree 703. Doda died in 1003, aged about 23, in Falaise, Calvados, France. Fulbert De Falaise 2902, aged about 22, married Doda De Falaise, aged about 20, in 1000 in Falaise, Calvados, France. They had one daughter: Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 703. 2904. BAUDOUIN FLANDERS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 968, in Flanders, France. See family tree 704. Baudouin died in Flanders, France. 2905. OTGIVE FLANDERS [DE LUXEMBOURG] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 986, in Flanders, France. See family tree 704. Otgive died in Flanders, France. Baudouin Flanders 2904, aged about 36, married Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg], aged about 18, in 1004 in Flanders, France. They had one son: Baudouin V Flanders 2853 in 1012 This family is shown within family tree 704. 2906. ROBERT CAPET (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in Orleans, France. See family tree 704. Robert died in Melun, France. Robert married twice, including Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907. Robert fathered one son: Henri I France 2910 in 1008 This family is shown within family tree 719. 2907. CONSTANCE CAPET [DE TOULOUSE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 974, in Toulouse, France. See family tree 704. Constance died in Melun, France. Robert Capet 2906 married Constance Capet [De Toulouse], aged about 26, in 1000. They had one daughter: Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 in 1003 This family is shown within family tree 704. 2908. ROGER FITZCORBET (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 988, in Pays De Caux, Normandy, France. See family tree 705. Roger died in Y. Roger fathered one son: Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in 1020 This family is shown within family tree 705. 2909. GIOVANNI CARNAGHI (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 999, in Pays De Caux, Normandie, France. See family tree 733. Giovanni gave birth to one son: Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in 1020 This family is shown as family tree 733. 2910. HENRI I FRANCE (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1008, in Reims, Champagne, to Robert Capet 2906, as shown within family tree 719. Henri died in Vitry, Brie, France.

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2911. ANNA AGNESA FRANCE [YAROSLAVNA] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1036, in Kiev, Ukraine. See family tree 719. Anna died in 1077, aged about 41, in Villiers Abbey, Le Ferte Alais, Essonne, France. Henri I France 2910 married Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] in Meulan, Ile-De-France, France. They had one son: Hugues De France 2857 in 1053 This family is shown within family tree 719. 2912. HERBERT V COUNT OF VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1028, in Vermandois, France. See family tree 719. Herbert died in 1080, aged about 52, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. 2913. ADELAIDE CAPET, COUNTESS D' VERMANDOIS [AUXERRE] (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 990, in Nevers, Bourgogne, France. See family tree 719. Adelaide died in Nevers, Bourgogne, France. Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 married Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre]. They had one daughter: Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 in 1065 This family is shown within family tree 719. Generation of Thirty-two-Times-Great-Grandparents 2914. I EYSTEINSSON JARL (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 837, in Upland, Denmak, to Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945. I died in 894, aged about 57, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 2915. RAGNHILD JARL [HROLFSDOTTIR] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 837, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland, to Hrolf Nefja 2947 and Nn Nefja [Of Norway] 2948, as shown in family tree 742. Ragnhild died in 892, aged about 55, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 married Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]. They had one son: Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 in 846 This family is shown as family tree 734. 2916. HROLF NEFJA (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 826, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway, to Rognvald Olafsson 2949. Hrolf died in 847, aged about 21, in Norway. 2917. MRS HROLF NEFJA (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 828, in Norway. See family tree 735. Mrs died in 847, aged about 19, in Norway. Hrolf Nefja 2916, aged about 21, married Mrs Hrolf Nefja, aged about 19, in 847 in Norway. They had one daughter: Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 in 848 This family is shown as family tree 735. 2918. DEAD END BASSET (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 713. Dead fathered one son: Bathel Basset 2884 in 870 This family is shown within family tree 713. 2919. THEOBALD VCT DE TROYES (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 880 to Eudes De Chartres 2951 and Ms. De Chartres 2952, as shown within family tree 726. Theobald died in 904, aged about 24, in Troyes, Aube, Champagne, France. 2920. RICHILDE DE TROYES [DE BOURGES] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 892, in Bourges, Alsace, France, to Hugh De Bourges 2953 and Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954, as shown within family tree 726. Richilde died in 910, aged about 18, in France. Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919, aged about 30, married Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges], aged about 18, in 910 in France. They had one son: Theobald I De Blois 2886 in 913 This family is shown within family tree 726. 2921. HERBERT DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 884, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 and Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956, as shown within family tree 726. Herbert died in St Quentin, Aisne, France. Herbert fathered one daughter: Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in 920 This family is shown within family tree 726. 2922. HILDEBRANTE LIEGARDE (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 890, in Vermandois, Normandy,

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France, to Robert I France 2957 and Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958, as shown within family tree 736. Hildebrante died in 931, aged about 41, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Hildebrante gave birth to one daughter: Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in 920 This family is shown as family tree 736. 2923. RUDOLPH DE BURGUNDY (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 902, in Burgundy, France, to Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 and Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960, as shown within family tree 727. Rudolph died in Burgundy, France. 2924. BERTHA DE BURGUNDY [VON SWABIA] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 907, in Burgundy, France, to Richard I Von Swabia 2961 and Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962, as shown within family tree 727. Bertha died in Bourgogne, France. Rudolph De Burgundy 2923, aged about 22, married Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia], aged about 17, in 924 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. They had one son: Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 in 925 This family is shown within family tree 727. 2925. LOUIS FRANCE (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Laon, Aisne, France to Charles The Simple 2963 and Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964, as shown within family tree 727. Louis died in St Remy Abbey, Reims, Marne, France. 2926. GERBERGE QUEEN OF FRANCE (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Nordhausen, Saxony, to Heinrich I Germans 2965 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966, as shown within family tree 727. Gerberge died in Reims, Marne, France. Louis France 2925 married Gerberge Queen Of France in Laon, Aisne, France. They had one daughter: Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 in 943 This family is shown within family tree 727. 2927. WILLIAM I LONGSWORD (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 893, in Normandy, France, to Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968, as shown within family tree 728. William died in Island Picquigny, Somme River, Normandy, France. 2928. SPORTE LONGSWORD [DE BRETAGNE] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 911, in Bretagne, France, to Hubert Senlis 2969 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970, as shown within family tree 728. Sporte died in 945, aged about 34, in Normandy, France. William I Longsword 2927 married Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne]. They had one son: Richard I Normandy 2890 in This family is shown within family tree 728. 2929. HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 911, in Normandy, France, to Herfast De Crepon 2971. Herbastus died in 984, aged about 73, in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. 2930. MRS HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 916, in Normandy, France, to Mr. Stop 2973, as shown within family tree 728. Mrs died in 974, aged about 58, in Crepon, Normandy, France. Herbastus De Crepon 2929 married Mrs Herbastus De Crepon. They had one daughter: Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 in 936 This family is shown within family tree 728. 2931. JUHEL BERENGER (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 931, in Rennes, Bretagne, France, to Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 and Ms. De Rennes 2975, as shown within family tree 729. Juhel died in 970, aged about 39, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. 2932. GERBERGE QUEEN OF BERENGER [FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Nordhausen, Saxony, to Heinrich I Germans 2976 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977, as shown within family tree 729. Gerberge died in Reims, Marne, France. Juhel Berenger 2931, aged about -4, married Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France], aged about 13, in 927 in Bretagne, France. They had one son: Conan I Bretagne 2892 in 927 This family is shown within family tree 729. 2933. GEOFFREY I GRISGONELLE (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France to Foulques Le Anjou 2978 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979, as shown within family tree 729. Geoffrey died in Anjou, Normandy, France. Geoffrey fathered one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893 in 952 This family is shown within family tree 729.

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2934. ADELAIDE DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 950, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Robert De Vermandois 2980. Adelaide died in 982, aged about 32, in Anjou, Normandy, France. Adelaide gave birth to one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893 in 952 This family is shown as family tree 737. 2935. FOUQUES I D ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 870, in Anjou, France, to Ingelger I Orlean 2982 and Aelinde De Amboise 2983, as shown within family tree 730. Fouques died in 938, aged about 68, in Anjou, Anjou, France. 2936. ROSCILLE D ANJOU [DE LOCHES] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 874, in Lodhes, Indre-Et-Lr, Touraine, France, to Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984. Roscille died in 920, aged about 46, in Lieu, Angers, France. Fouques I D Anjou 2935 married Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] in Anjou, France. They had one son: Foulques Le Anjou 2894 in 909 This family is shown as family tree 738. 2937. ROTBOLD II OF ARLES (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 878, in Arles, France, to Berillo I De Vienne 2986 and Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 2987, as shown within family tree 730. Rotbold died in 978, aged about 100. 2938. ROTBOLD ARLES (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 873, in France. See family tree 730. Rotbold II Of Arles 2937, aged about 34, married Rotbold Arles, aged about 39, in 912 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. They had one daughter: Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 in 913 This family is shown within family tree 730. 2939. HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 911, in Normandy, France, to Herfast De Crepon 2988. Herbastus died in 984, aged about 73, in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. 2940. MRS HERBASTUS DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 916, in Normandy, France, to Mr. Stop 2990, as shown within family tree 731. Mrs died in 974, aged about 58, in Crepon, Normandy, France. Herbastus De Crepon 2939 married Mrs Herbastus De Crepon. They had one daughter: Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 in 936 This family is shown within family tree 731. 2941. JUHEL BERENGER (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 931, in Rennes, Bretagne, France, to Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 and Ms. De Rennes 2992, as shown within family tree 732. Juhel died in 970, aged about 39, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. 2942. GERBERGE QUEEN OF BERENGER [FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Nordhausen, Saxony, to Heinrich I Germans 2993 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994, as shown within family tree 732. Gerberge died in Reims, Marne, France. Juhel Berenger 2941, aged about -4, married Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France], aged about 13, in 927 in Bretagne, France. They had one son: Conan I Bretagne 2898 in 927 This family is shown within family tree 732. 2943. GEOFFREY I GRISGONELLE (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in Anjou, France to Foulques Le Anjou 2995 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996, as shown within family tree 732. Geoffrey died in Anjou, Normandy, France. Geoffrey fathered one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899 in 952 This family is shown within family tree 732. 2944. ADELAIDE DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 950, in Vermandois, Normandy, France, to Robert De Vermandois 2997. Adelaide died in 982, aged about 32, in Anjou, Normandy, France. Adelaide gave birth to one daughter: Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899 in 952 This family is shown as family tree 739.

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2945. GLUMRA EYSTEIN JARL (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 810, in Maer, Norway, to Ivar Jarl 2999 and Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000, as shown in family tree 750. Glumra died in 870, aged about 60, in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. Glumra fathered one son: I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in 837 This family is shown as family tree 740. 2946. ASEDA ROGNVALDSSON (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 812, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway, to Rognvald Olafsson 3001. Aseda gave birth to one son: I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in 837 This family is shown as family tree 741. 2947. HROLF NEFJA (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 826, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway, to Rognvald Olafsson 3003. Hrolf died in 847, aged about 21, in Norway. 2948. NN NEFJA [OF NORWAY] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 828, in Norway. See family tree 742. Hrolf Nefja 2947 married Nn Nefja [Of Norway]. They had one daughter: Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 in 837 This family is shown as family tree 742. 2949. ROGNVALD OLAFSSON (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 790, in Jutland, Norway, to Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006, as shown within family tree 743. Rognvald died in 850, aged about 60, in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Rognvald fathered one son: Hrolf Nefja 2916 in 826 This family is shown as family tree 743. 2950. OLAFSSON UNKNOWN (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 814, in Jutland, Denmark, to Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006, as shown within family tree 744. Olafsson gave birth to one son: Hrolf Nefja 2916 in 826 This family is shown as family tree 744. 2951. EUDES DE CHARTRES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 850, in Tours, Indre Et Loire, Touraine Centre, France. See family tree 726. Eudes died in 886, aged about 36, in Chartres, Eure Et Loir, Beauce Centre, France. 2952. MS. DE CHARTRES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 875, in Chartres, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France. See family tree 726. Ms. De Chartres died in 908, aged about 33. Eudes De Chartres 2951 married Ms. De Chartres. They had one son: Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 in 880 This family is shown within family tree 726. 2953. HUGH DE BOURGES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 862, in Bourges, Cher, Berry Centre, France. See family tree 726. Hugh died in 892, aged about 30, in Bourges, Alsace, France. 2954. ROTHAUT DE BOURGES [DE FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 870, in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France. See family tree 726. Rothaut died in 928, aged about 58, in France. Hugh De Bourges 2953 married Rothaut De Bourges [De France]. They had one daughter: Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in 892 This family is shown within family tree 726. 2955. HERBERT I DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 840, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 726. Herbert died in 902, aged about 62, in Vermandois, Aisne, Picardy, France. 2956. BERTHA DE VERMANDOIS [DE MORVOIS] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 845, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 726. Bertha died in Beatrice, Delaware, USA. Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 married Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois]. They had one son: Herbert De Vermandois 2921 in 884 This family is shown within family tree 726.

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2957. ROBERT I FRANCE (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 866, in Bourgogne, France. See family tree 736. Robert died in Soissons, France. 2958. ADELE ADELAIDE FRANCE [DE FRANCE] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 860, in Alsace, France. See family tree 736. Adele died in 890, aged about 30, in Paris, France. Robert I France 2957 married Adele Adelaide France [De France]. They had one daughter: Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 in 890 This family is shown within family tree 736. 2959. RUDOLPH I DE BURGUNDY (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 847, in Burgundy, France. See family tree 727. Rudolph died in Juran, Burgundy Rudolf. 2960. WILLA DE BURGUNDY [VON SWABIA] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 852, in Burgundy, France. See family tree 727. Willa died in Burgundy, France. Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959, aged about 41, married Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia], aged about 36, in 888 in Burgundy, France. They had one son: Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 in 902 This family is shown within family tree 727. 2961. RICHARD I VON SWABIA (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 882, in Burgundy, France. See family tree 727. Richard died in Burgundy, France. 2962. REGINLINDE VON SWABIA [DE NULLENBURG] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 887, in Z Rich, Z Rich Canton, Switzerland. See family tree 727. Reginlinde died in Ufenau Island, Zurich, Switzerland. Richard I Von Swabia 2961 married Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg]. They had one daughter: Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 in 907 This family is shown within family tree 727. 2963. CHARLES THE SIMPLE (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in Peronne, Somme, Picardie, France. See family tree 727. Charles died in Peronne, Somme, France. 2964. EDGIVA SIMPLE [EADGIFU] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 902, in Wessex, England. See family tree 727. Edgiva died in 951, aged about 49, in Indiana, USA. Charles The Simple 2963 married Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu]. They had one son: Louis France 2925 in This family is shown within family tree 727. 2965. HEINRICH I GERMANS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 876, in Sachsen, Germany. See family tree 727. Heinrich died in Membleben, Saxony. 2966. MATILDA COUNTESS OF GERMANS [RINGELHEIM] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 878, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. See family tree 727. Matilda died in Memleben, Saxony. Heinrich I Germans 2965, aged about 33, married Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim], aged about 31, in 909 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. They had one daughter: Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 in 914 This family is shown within family tree 727. 2967. ROBERT RAGNVALDSSON (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 870, in Maer, Nord, Trondleg, Norway. See family tree 728. Robert died in 932, aged about 62, in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. 2968. POPPA RAGNVALDSSON [DE VALOIS] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 872, in Evreux, Normandy, France. See family tree 728. Poppa died in 930, aged about 58, in Neustria, Normandy, France. Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967, aged about 16, married Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois], aged about 14, in 886 in Normandie, France. They had one son: William I Longsword 2927 in 893 This family is shown within family tree 728. 2969. HUBERT SENLIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 880, in Bretagne, France. See family tree 728. Hubert died in 912, aged about 32, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. 2970. MS. SENLIS [MRS HUBERT] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 890, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. See family tree 728. Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] died in 911, aged about 21, in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Hubert Senlis 2969, aged about -7, married Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert], aged about -17, in 873 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. They had one daughter: Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 in 911 This family is shown within family tree 728.

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2971. HERFAST DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 890, in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France. See family tree 728. Herfast died in 981, aged about 91, in Y. Herfast fathered one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in 911 This family is shown within family tree 728. 2972. THYRI KLACKSDOTTIR (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 900, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 745. Thyri died in 935, aged about 35, in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Thyri gave birth to one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in 911 This family is shown as family tree 745. 2973. MR. STOP (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 728. Mr. Stop fathered one daughter: Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 in 916 This family is shown within family tree 728. 2974. PASKWITAN DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 884, in Rennes, Bretagne, France. See family tree 729. Paskwitan died in 936, aged about 52, in Rennes, France. 2975. MS. DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 882, in Rennes, Bretagne, France. See family tree 729. Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 married Ms. De Rennes. They had one son: Juhel Berenger 2931 in 931 This family is shown within family tree 729. 2976. HEINRICH I GERMANS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 876, in Sachsen, Germany. See family tree 729. Heinrich died in Membleben, Saxony. 2977. MATILDA COUNTESS OF GERMANS [RINGELHEIM] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 878, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. See family tree 729. Matilda died in Memleben, Saxony. Heinrich I Germans 2976, aged about 33, married Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim], aged about 31, in 909 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. They had one daughter: Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 in 914 This family is shown within family tree 729. 2978. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 909, in Anjou, France. See family tree 729. Foulques died in Tours, France. 2979. GERBERGE LE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 913, in Maine, USA. See family tree 729. Gerberge died in 952, aged about 39, in Tours, France. Foulques Le Anjou 2978 married Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. They had one son: Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933 in This family is shown within family tree 729. 2980. ROBERT DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 920, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 737. Robert died in Troyes, Aube, Champagne-Ardennes, France. Robert fathered one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in 950 This family is shown within family tree 737. 2981. ADELAIS COUNTESS VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. See family tree 746. Adelais died in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Adelais gave birth to one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in 950 This family is shown as family tree 746. 2982. INGELGER I ORLEAN (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 845, in Anjou, France. See family tree 730. Ingelger died in 893, aged about 48, in St Martin, Tours, Indre Et Loire, France. 2983. AELINDE DE AMBOISE (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 844, in Tours, France. See family tree 730. Aelinde died in 890, aged about 46, in Anjou, Isere, Rhone Alpes, France. Aelinde married twice, including Ingelger I Orlean 2982.

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Aelinde gave birth to one son: Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 in 844 Ingelger I Orlean 2982, aged about 24, married Aelinde De Amboise, aged about 25, in 869 in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. They had one son: Fouques I D Anjou 2935 in 870 This family is shown within family tree 730. 2984. GARNIER SEIGNEUR DE LOCHES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 844, in Loches, France, to Aelinde De Amboise 2983. Garnier died in 929, aged about 85, in Verberie Sur Oise, France. Garnier fathered one daughter: Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in 874 This family is shown within family tree 738. 2985. THISTBURGE DE ARLES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 880. See family tree 747. Thistburge died in 948, aged about 68. Thistburge gave birth to one daughter: Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in 874 This family is shown as family tree 747. 2986. BERILLO I DE VIENNE (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 840. See family tree 730. 2987. ERMENGARDE DE VIENNE [DE BURGUNDY] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 876, in Lorraine, Alsace, France. See family tree 730. Ermengarde died in Reulle Vergy, Cote Dor, Bourgogne, France. Berillo I De Vienne 2986 married Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy]. They had one son: Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 in 878 This family is shown within family tree 730. 2988. HERFAST DE CREPON (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 890, in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France. See family tree 731. Herfast died in 981, aged about 91, in Y. Herfast fathered one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in 911 This family is shown within family tree 731. 2989. THYRI KLACKSDOTTIR (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 900, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 748. Thyri died in 935, aged about 35, in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Thyri gave birth to one son: Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in 911 This family is shown as family tree 748. 2990. MR. STOP (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). See family tree 731. Mr. Stop fathered one daughter: Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 in 916 This family is shown within family tree 731. 2991. PASKWITAN DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 884, in Rennes, Bretagne, France. See family tree 732. Paskwitan died in 936, aged about 52, in Rennes, France. 2992. MS. DE RENNES (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 882, in Rennes, Bretagne, France. See family tree 732. Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 married Ms. De Rennes. They had one son: Juhel Berenger 2941 in 931 This family is shown within family tree 732. 2993. HEINRICH I GERMANS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 876, in Sachsen, Germany. See family tree 732. Heinrich died in Membleben, Saxony. 2994. MATILDA COUNTESS OF GERMANS [RINGELHEIM] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 878, in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. See family tree 732. Matilda died in Memleben, Saxony. Heinrich I Germans 2993, aged about 33, married Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim], aged about 31, in 909 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. They had one daughter: Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 in 914 This family is shown within family tree 732.

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2995. FOULQUES LE ANJOU (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 909, in Anjou, France. See family tree 732. Foulques died in Tours, France. 2996. GERBERGE LE ANJOU [DU MAINE] (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 913, in Maine, USA. See family tree 732. Gerberge died in 952, aged about 39, in Tours, France. Foulques Le Anjou 2995 married Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. They had one son: Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943 in This family is shown within family tree 732. 2997. ROBERT DE VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 920, in Vermandois, Normandy, France. See family tree 739. Robert died in Troyes, Aube, Champagne-Ardennes, France. Robert fathered one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in 950 This family is shown within family tree 739. 2998. ADELAIS COUNTESS VERMANDOIS (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 914, in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. See family tree 749. Adelais died in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Adelais gave birth to one daughter: Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in 950 This family is shown as family tree 749. Generation of Thirty-four-Times-Great-Grandparents 2999. IVAR JARL (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 788, in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway, to Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 and Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009, as shown in family tree 756. Ivar died in 846, aged about 58, in Maer, Norway. 3000. DAUGHTER JARL [OF TRONDHEIM] (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 785, in Throndheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Eystein Glumra 3010. Daughter died in 850, aged about 65. Ivar Jarl 2999 married Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim]. They had one son: Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 in 810 This family is shown as family tree 750. 3001. ROGNVALD OLAFSSON (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 816, in Vestfold, Norway, to Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013, as shown in family tree 758. Rognvald died in 850, aged about 34, in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Rognvald married twice, including Olafsson Unknown 3004. Rognvald fathered two daughters: Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 in 804 Aseda Rognvaldsson 2946 in 812 This family is shown as family tree 752. 3002. THORA SIGURDSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 806, in Jutland, Denmark, to Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 and Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015, as shown within family tree 753. Thora died in 812, aged about 6, in Maer, Norway. Thora married twice, including Rognvald Olafsson 3003. Thora gave birth to one daughter: Aseda Rognvaldsson 2946 in 812 This family is shown as family tree 754. 3003. ROGNVALD OLAFSSON (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 790, in Jutland, Norway, to Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013, as shown within family tree 753. Rognvald died in 850, aged about 60, in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Rognvald married twice, including Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002. Rognvald fathered one son: Hrolf Nefja 2947 in 826 This family is shown within family tree 742. Rognvald Olafsson, aged about 43, married Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002, aged about 27, in 833 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 734. 3004. OLAFSSON UNKNOWN (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 814, in Jutland, Denmark, to Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013, as shown in family tree 758. Olafsson married twice, including Rognvald Olafsson 3001.

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3005. OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 770, in Norway, Vestfold, Norway, to Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 and Asa Haraldsdottir 3018, as shown within family tree 743. Olaf died in 840, aged about 70, in Vestfold, Norway. 3006. MRS OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 774, in Norway, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019. Mrs died in 840, aged about 66, in Y. Mrs married twice. She was married to Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 and Olaf Gudrodsson 3005. Olaf Gudrodsson 3005, aged about 45, married Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson, aged about 41, in 815 in Vestfold, Norway. They had one son: Rognvald Olafsson 2949 in 790 This family is shown within family tree 743. 3007. OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 800, in Vestfold, Norway, to Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 and Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022, as shown within family tree 744. Olaf died in 840, aged about 40, in Vestfold, Norway. Olaf Gudrodsson, aged about 15, married Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006, aged about 41, in 815 in Vestfold, Norway. They had one daughter: Olafsson Unknown 2950 in 814 This family is shown within family tree 744. Generation of Thirty-five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3008. HALFDAN EYSTEINSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 762, in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway, to The Viking Sveide 3023. Halfdan died in 800, aged about 38, in Borre, Vestfold, Norway. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3009. HILF EYSTEINSSON [DAYSDOTTIR] (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 767, in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway, to Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 and Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026, as shown in family tree 764. Hilf died in 800, aged about 33, in Borre, Vestfold, Norway. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 married Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir]. They had one son: Ivar Jarl 2999 in 788 This family is shown as family tree 756. 3010. EYSTEIN GLUMRA (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 790, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 750. Eystein died in 830, aged about 40, in Y. Eystein fathered one daughter: Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000 in 785 This family is shown within family tree 750. 3011. ASCRIDA ROGNVALDSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 804, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway, to Rognvald Olafsson 3001, as shown in family tree 752. Ascrida died in 890, aged about 86, in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Ascrida gave birth to one daughter: Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000 in 785 This family is shown as family tree 757. 3012. OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 800, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 758. Olaf died in 840, aged about 40, in Vestfold, Norway. 3013. MRS OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 774, in Norway, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 753. Mrs died in 840, aged about 66, in Y. Mrs married twice. She was married to Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 and Olaf Gudrodsson 3016. Olaf Gudrodsson 3012, aged about 15, married Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson, aged about 41, in 815 in Vestfold, Norway. They had two children: Olafsson Unknown 3004 in 814 Rognvald Olafsson 3001 in 816 This family is shown as family tree 758.

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3014. SIGURD RAGNARSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 786, in Line, Kings Danes, Odin, Denmark. See family tree 753. Sigurd died in 873, aged about 87, in Jutland, Denmark. 3015. HELUNA RAGNARSSON [PRINCESS] (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 784, in Weobley Castle, Worcester, England. See family tree 753. Heluna died in 799, aged about 15, in Jutland, Denmark. Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014, aged about 13, married Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess], aged about 15, in 799 in Jutland, Denmark. They had one daughter: Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in 806 This family is shown within family tree 753. 3016. OLAF GUDRODSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 770, in Norway, Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 753. Olaf died in 840, aged about 70, in Vestfold, Norway. Olaf Gudrodsson, aged about 45, married Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013, aged about 41, in 815 in Vestfold, Norway. They had one son: Rognvald Olafsson 3003 in 790 This family is shown within family tree 753. 3017. GUDROD HALFDANSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 738, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 743. Gudrod died in 810, aged about 72, in On Behalf, Vestfold, Norway. 3018. ASA HARALDSDOTTIR (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 743, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 743. Asa died in 834, aged about 91, in Oseberg. Asa married twice. She was married to Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 and Gudrod Halfdansson 3017. Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 married Asa Haraldsdottir. They had one son: Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 in 770 This family is shown within family tree 743. 3019. GUDROD HUNTERKING HALFDANSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 738, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 744. Gudrod died in 810, aged about 72, in Norway. Gudrod married twice, including Asa Haraldsdottir 3018. Gudrod fathered one daughter: Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 774 This family is shown within family tree 743. Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson, aged about 32, married Asa Haraldsdottir 3018, aged about 27, in 770. See family tree 744. 3020. QUEEN ASA HARALDSDTR (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 755, in Storrada, Norway. See family tree 760. Queen died in 850, aged about 95. Queen married twice, including Gudrod Halfdansson 3021. Queen gave birth to one daughter: Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 774 This family is shown as family tree 761. 3021. GUDROD HALFDANSSON (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 790, in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 744. Gudrod died in 821, aged about 31, in Vestfold, Norway. Gudrod married twice. He was married to Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 and Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020. Gudrod Halfdansson married Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020. See family tree 744. 3022. ALFHILD HALFDANSSON [ALFARINSDATTER] (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 794, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 744. Alfhild died in 815, aged about 21, in Vestfold, Norwy. Gudrod Halfdansson 3021, aged about 25, married Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter], aged about 21, in 815 in Vestfold, Norway. They had one son: Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 in 800 This family is shown within family tree 744.

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3023. THE VIKING SVEIDE (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 694 to Mr. Gorr 3027, as shown in family tree 765. The died in 760, aged about 66. The fathered one son: Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in 762 This family is shown as family tree 762. 3024. HILDI EIRIKSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 740, in Vestfold, Norway, to Eirik Agnarsson 3028. Hildi died in 760, aged about 20, in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway. Hildi gave birth to one son: Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in 762 This family is shown as family tree 763. 3025. EYSTEIN GLUMRA HOGNASSON (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 738, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 and Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032, as shown in family tree 767. Eystein died in 759, aged about 21, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 3026. MRS EYSTEIN HOGNASSON (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 740, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Hognl Eysteinsson 3033. Mrs died in 785, aged about 45, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelaag. Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025, aged about 21, married Mrs Eystein Hognasson, aged about 19, in 759 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. They had one daughter: Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 in 767 This family is shown as family tree 764. Generation of Thirty-seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3027. MR. GORR (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 669, in Lofoten Islands, to Mr. Fhorri 3034, as shown within family tree 765. Mr. Gorr fathered one son: The Viking Sveide 3023 in 694 This family is shown as family tree 765. 3028. EIRIK AGNARSSON (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 715, in Vestfold, Norway. See family tree 763. Eirik died in 740, aged about 25, in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway. Eirik married twice, including Agnar Agnarsson [Sigtrygsson] 3029. Eirik fathered one daughter: Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in 740 This family is shown within family tree 763. 3029. AGNAR AGNARSSON [SIGTRYGSSON] (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather's wife) was born in 693, in Vestfold, Norway, to Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798. Eirik Agnarsson 3028 married Agnar Agnarsson [Sigtrygsson]. 3030. ASA EYSTEINSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 708, in Uppland, Norway, to Eystein Throndsson 3035 and Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036, as shown in family tree 768. Asa died in 739, aged about 31, in Throndheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Asa gave birth to one daughter: Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in 740 This family is shown as family tree 766. 3031. HOGNE EYSTEINSSON (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 700, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Eystein Throndsson 3038 and Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039, as shown within family tree 767. Hogne died in 737, aged about 37, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 3032. HOGNE EYSTEINSSON EYSTEINSSON [NORWAY] (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 700, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 767. Hogne died in 738, aged about 38, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 married Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway]. They had one son: Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 in 738 This family is shown as family tree 767.

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3033. HOGNL EYSTEINSSON (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 700, in Trodheim Sor Trandelag, Norway. See family tree 756. Hognl gave birth to one daughter: Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in 740 This family is shown within family tree 756. Generation of Thirty-eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 3034. MR. FHORRI (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 645, in Finland, to Snaer Jokulsson 3040 and Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland] 3041, as shown within family tree 765. Mr. Fhorri died in Lofoten Islands. Mr. Fhorri fathered one son: Mr. Gorr 3027 in 669 This family is shown within family tree 765. 3035. EYSTEIN THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 668, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Thrond Throndsson 3042 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043, as shown in family tree 769. Eystein died in 710, aged about 42, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 3036. SOLVEIG HALFDANSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 670, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Halfdan Solfasson 3044. Solveig died in 770, aged about 100, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Solveig married twice. She was married to Eystein Throndsson 3035 and Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037. Eystein Throndsson 3035, aged about 31, married Solveig Halfdansdatter, aged about 29, in 699 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. They had one daughter: Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 in 708 This family is shown as family tree 768. 3037. AGNAR SIGTRYGSSON (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother's husband) was born in 693, in Vestfold, Norway, to Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798 and Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799. Agnar died in 720, aged about 27, in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway. [See also: Indirectly Related via Agnar Sigtrygsson] Agnar Sigtrygsson married Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036. 3038. EYSTEIN THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 668, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Thrond Throndsson 3046 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047, as shown within family tree 767. Eystein died in 710, aged about 42, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 3039. SOLVEIG THRONDSSON [HALFDANSDATTER] (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 670, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Halfdan Solfasson 3048. Solveig died in 770, aged about 100, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Eystein Throndsson 3038, aged about 31, married Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter], aged about 29, in 699 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. They had one son: Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 in 700 This family is shown within family tree 767. Generation of Thirty-nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 3040. SNAER JOKULSSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 550, in Finland. See family tree 765. 3041. MS. JOKULSSON [KVENLAND] (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 555. See family tree 765. Snaer Jokulsson 3040, aged about 25, married Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland], aged about 20, in 575. They had one son: Mr. Fhorri 3034 in 645 This family is shown within family tree 765. 3042. THROND THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 625, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway, to Harald Hildetand 3050, as shown in family tree 772. Thrond died in 667, aged about 42, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3043. MRS THROND THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 630, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 769. Mrs died in 667, aged about 37, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Thrond Throndsson 3042, aged about 42, married Mrs Thrond Throndsson, aged about 37, in 667 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. They had one son: Eystein Throndsson 3035 in 668 This family is shown as family tree 769.

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3044. HALFDAN SOLFASSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 660, in Soleyum, Solisles, Sweden. See family tree 768. Halfdan died in 750, aged about 90, in Sweden. Halfdan fathered one daughter: Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in 670 This family is shown within family tree 768. 3045. MOALDA DIGRI KINRIKSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 594, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 770. Moalda died in 603, aged about 9, in Jutland, Denmark. Moalda gave birth to one daughter: Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in 670 This family is shown as family tree 770. 3046. THROND THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 625, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 767. Thrond died in 667, aged about 42, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 3047. MRS THROND THRONDSSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 630, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. See family tree 767. Mrs died in 667, aged about 37, in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Thrond Throndsson 3046, aged about 42, married Mrs Thrond Throndsson, aged about 37, in 667 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. They had one son: Eystein Throndsson 3038 in 668 This family is shown within family tree 767. 3048. HALFDAN SOLFASSON (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 660, in Soleyum, Solisles, Sweden. See family tree 767. Halfdan died in 750, aged about 90, in Sweden. Halfdan fathered one daughter: Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in 670 This family is shown within family tree 767. 3049. MOALDA DIGRI KINRIKSDATTER (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 594, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 771. Moalda died in 603, aged about 9, in Jutland, Denmark. Moalda gave birth to one daughter: Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in 670 This family is shown as family tree 771. Generation of Forty-Times-Great-Grandparents 3050. HARALD HILDETAND (Caroline's forty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 680, in King, Indiana, USA, to Roric Slingeband 3051. Harald died in 770, aged about 90, in Irish. Harald fathered one son: Thrond Throndsson 3042 in 625 This family is shown as family tree 772. Generation of Forty-one-Times-Great-Grandparents 3051. RORIC SLINGEBAND (Caroline's forty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 663, in King, Indiana, USA, to Ivar Vidfadma 3053 and Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054, as shown in family tree 775. Roric died in 700, aged about 37, in Denmark. Roric fathered one son: Harald Hildetand 3050 in 680 This family is shown as family tree 773. 3052. AUD IVARSDATTER (Caroline's forty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 633, in AM, Denmark, to Ivar Halfdansson 3055 and Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054, as shown in family tree 776. Aud died in 670, aged about 37, in Jelinge, Denmark. Aud gave birth to one son: Harald Hildetand 3050 in 680 This family is shown as family tree 774.

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3053. IVAR VIDFADMA (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 590, in Lethra, Stealland, Denmark-Prob, to Halfdan Haroldsson 3056. Ivar died in 660, aged about 70, in King Denmark, Sweden. 3054. GAUTHILD ALFSDATTER (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandmother) was born in 614, in AM, Uppsala, Sweden, to Alf Olafsson 3058 and Alf Olafsson 3059, as shown in family tree 778. Gauthild died in 632, aged about 18, in Jelinge, Denmark. Gauthild married twice. She was married to Ivar Halfdansson 3055 and Ivar Vidfadma 3053. Ivar Vidfadma 3053 married Gauthild Alfsdatter. They had one son: Roric Slingeband 3051 in 663 This family is shown as family tree 775. 3055. IVAR HALFDANSSON (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandfather) was born in 612, in Roeskilde, Lethra, Denmark, to Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 and Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061, as shown in family tree 779. Ivar died in 647, aged about 35, in Gulf, Finland. Ivar Halfdansson, aged about 20, married Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054, aged about 18, in 632 in Denmark. They had one daughter: Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 in 633 This family is shown as family tree 776. Generation of Forty-three-Times-Great-Grandparents 3056. HALFDAN HAROLDSSON (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 603, in Jutland, Denmark. See family tree 775. Halfdan died in 650, aged about 47. Halfdan fathered one son: Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in 590 This family is shown within family tree 775. 3057. SIGRIS FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 507, in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. See family tree 777. Sigris died in 528, aged about 21, in Jelinge, Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Sigris gave birth to one son: Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in 590 This family is shown as family tree 777. 3058. ALF OLAFSSON (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 580, in AM, Uppsala, Sweden, to Olof Halfdansson 3062 and Helgi Halfdansson 3063, as shown in family tree 780. Alf died in 680, aged about 100, in Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3059. ALF OLAFSSON (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 585, in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. See family tree 778. Alf Olafsson 3058, aged about 33, married Alf Olafsson, aged about 28, in 613 in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. They had one daughter: Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in 614 This family is shown as family tree 778. 3060. HALFDAN HARALDSSON (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather) was born in 590, in Jutland, Denmark, to Harald Valdarsson 3064 and Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065, as shown in family tree 781. Halfdan died in 650, aged about 60, in Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3061. MOALDA DIGRI HARALDSSON [KINRIKSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother) was born in 594, in Jutland, Denmark, to King Cynric 3066. Moalda died in 603, aged about 9, in Jutland, Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Halfdan Haraldsson 3060, aged about 21, married Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter], aged about 17, in 611 in Denmark. They had one son: Ivar Halfdansson 3055 in 612 This family is shown as family tree 779.

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3062. OLOF HALFDANSSON (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 540, in Denmark, to Halfdan Frodasson 3068 and Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter] 3069, as shown in family tree 784. Olof died in 546, aged about 6, in Roskilde, Denmark. 3063. HELGI HALFDANSSON (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 528, in Roskilde, Denmark, to Halfdan Frodasson 3068 and Sigris Frodasson 3070, as shown in family tree 785. Helgi died in 564, aged about 36, in Denmark. Olof Halfdansson 3062, aged about 6, married Helgi Halfdansson, aged about 18, in 546 in Roskilde, Denmark. They had one son: Alf Olafsson 3058 in 580 This family is shown as family tree 780. 3064. HARALD VALDARSSON (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 568, in Jutland, Denmark, to Valdar Hroarsson 3071 and Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072, as shown in family tree 786. Harald died in 612, aged about 44, in Denmark. 3065. HILDUR VALDARSSON [HEIDREKSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 572, in Jutland, Denmark, to Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 and Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074, as shown in family tree 787. Hildur died in 672, aged about 100, in Denmark. Harald Valdarsson 3064, aged about 21, married Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter], aged about 17, in 589 in Jutland, Denmark. They had one son: Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 in 590 This family is shown as family tree 781. 3066. KING CYNRIC (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 525, in Wessex, England, to Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 and Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076, as shown in family tree 788. King died in 560, aged about 35, in Wessex, England. King fathered one daughter: Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in 594 This family is shown as family tree 782. 3067. HILDIS AF VANDALS (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 530, in Jutland, Denmark, to Valdar Hroarsson 3077 and Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078, as shown in family tree 789. Hildis gave birth to one daughter: Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in 594 This family is shown as family tree 783. Generation of Forty-five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3068. HALFDAN FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 503, in Denmark, Arkansas, USA, to Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 and Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080, as shown within family tree 784. Halfdan died in 580, aged about 77, in Denmark. Halfdan married twice. He was married to Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter] 3069 and Sigris Frodasson 3070. 3069. SIGRIS FRODASSON [HALFDANSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). See family tree 784. Halfdan Frodasson 3068 married Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter]. They had one son: Olof Halfdansson 3062 in 540 This family is shown as family tree 784. 3070. SIGRIS FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 507, in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe, to Aun Jorundsson 3081, as shown in family tree 790. Sigris died in 528, aged about 21, in Jelinge, Denmark. Halfdan Frodasson 3068, aged about 20, married Sigris Frodasson, aged about 16, in 523 in Denmark. They had one daughter: Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in 528 This family is shown as family tree 785. 3071. VALDAR HROARSSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 547, in Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark, to Hroar Halfdansson 3082 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083, as shown within family tree 786. Valdar died in 567, aged about 20, in Jutland, Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3072. MRS VALDAR HROARSSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 549, in Denmark. See family tree 786. Mrs died in 572, aged about 23, in Jutland, Denmark. Valdar Hroarsson 3071, aged about 20, married Mrs Valdar Hroarsson, aged about 18, in 567 in Jutland, Denmark. They had one son: Harald Valdarsson 3064 in 568 This family is shown as family tree 786. Page 433

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3073. HEIDREK ULFHAMR ANGANTYRSSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 552, in Reidgotalandi, Norway, to Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084, as shown in family tree 791. Heidrek died in 602, aged about 50, in Hedemark, Norway. 3074. AMFLEDA "THE ANGANTYRSSON [YOUNGER"] (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 556, in Norway, to King Tharsamund 3085 and Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086, as shown in family tree 792. Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 married Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"]. They had one daughter: Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in 572 This family is shown as family tree 787. 3075. PRINCE OF WESSEX CRIODA (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 493, in Wessex, England, to Cerdic Wessex 3087 and Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088, as shown within family tree 788. Prince died in 534, aged about 41, in Wessex, England. 3076. MS. CRIODA [MRS CRIODA] (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 497, in Wessex, England, to Cerdic Wessex 3087. Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] died in 525, aged about 28, in Wessex, England. Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 married Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda]. They had one son: King Cynric 3066 in 525 This family is shown as family tree 788. 3077. VALDAR HROARSSON (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 547, in Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark, to Hroar Halfdansson 3089 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090, as shown within family tree 789. Valdar died in 567, aged about 20, in Jutland, Denmark. 3078. HILDIS HROARSSON [VANDALS] (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 549, in Jutland, Denmark, to Hilderic Vandals 3091 and Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092, as shown within family tree 789. Hildis died in 572, aged about 23, in Denmark. Valdar Hroarsson 3077 married Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals]. They had one daughter: Hildis Af Vandals 3067 in 530 This family is shown as family tree 789. Generation of Forty-six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3079. FRODI FRIDLEIFSSON (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 479, in Denmark, Arkansas, USA, to Fridleif Frodasson 3093 and Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094, as shown within family tree 784. Frodi died in 548, aged about 69, in Denmark. 3080. MRS FRODI FRIDLEIFSSON (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 483, in Denmark. See family tree 784. Frodi Fridleifsson 3079, aged about 21, married Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson, aged about 17, in 500 in Denmark. They had one son: Halfdan Frodasson 3068 in 503 This family is shown within family tree 784. 3081. AUN JORUNDSSON (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 509, in Sweden, to Jorund Yngvasson 3095 and Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096, as shown in family tree 793. Aun died in 544, aged about 35, in Uppsula, Uppsula, Sweden. Aun fathered one daughter: Sigris Frodasson 3070 in 507 This family is shown as family tree 790. 3082. HROAR HALFDANSSON (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 526, in Roskilde, Denmark, to Halfdan Frodasson 3097 and Sigris Frodasson 3098, as shown within family tree 786. Hroar died in 620, aged about 94, in Northumberland, England. 3083. OGNE HALFDANSSON [OF NORTHUMBRIA] (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 530, in Northumberland, England, to Norbrii Northumberland 3099 and Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3100, as shown within family tree 786. Ogne died in 630, aged about 100, in Denmark. Hroar Halfdansson 3082, aged about 20, married Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria], aged about 16, in 546 in Denmark. They had one son: Valdar Hroarsson 3071 in 547 This family is shown within family tree 786. 3084. ANGANTYR HEIDREKSSON REIDGOTALANDI (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 532, in

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Reidgotalandi, Norway, to Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 and Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102, as shown in family tree 794. Angantyr died in 552, aged about 20, in Reidgotalandi, Norway. Angantyr fathered one son: Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 in 552 This family is shown as family tree 791. 3085. KING THARSAMUND (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 496, in Denmark, to Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 and Ms. Goths [Eurica] 3104, as shown in family tree 795. King died in 523, aged about 27, in Denmark. 3086. AMFLEDA THARSAMUND [MAJOR] (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 522, in Ravenna, Italy, to Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105. Amfleda died in 540, aged about 18, in Denmark. King Tharsamund 3085, aged about 46, married Amfleda Tharsamund [Major], aged about 20, in 542 in Denmark. They had one daughter: Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074 in 556 This family is shown as family tree 792. 3087. CERDIC WESSEX (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 467, in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany, to Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 and Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108, as shown within family tree 788. Cerdic died in 534, aged about 67, in Wessex, England. Cerdic married twice, including Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088. Cerdic fathered one daughter: Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 in 497 This family is shown within family tree 788. 3088. MS. WESSEX [MRS CERDIC] (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 471, in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. See family tree 788. Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] died in 534, aged about 63, in Wessex, England. Cerdic Wessex 3087, aged about 25, married Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic], aged about 21, in 492 in Wessex, Germany. They had one son: Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 in 493 This family is shown within family tree 788. 3089. HROAR HALFDANSSON (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 526, in Roskilde, Denmark, to Halfdan Frodasson 3109 and Sigris Frodasson 3110, as shown within family tree 789. Hroar died in 620, aged about 94, in Northumberland, England. 3090. OGNE HALFDANSSON [OF NORTHUMBRIA] (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 530, in Northumberland, England, to Norbrii Northumberland 3111 and Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3112, as shown within family tree 789. Ogne died in 630, aged about 100, in Denmark. Hroar Halfdansson 3089, aged about 20, married Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria], aged about 16, in 546 in Denmark. They had one son: Valdar Hroarsson 3077 in 547 This family is shown within family tree 789. 3091. HILDERIC VANDALS (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 480, in Carthage, Africa, to Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 and Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114, as shown within family tree 789. Hilderic died in 530, aged about 50, in North, Africa. 3092. AMFLEDA THE VANDALS [YOUNGER] (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 500, in North, Africa, to King Thrasamund 3115. Amfleda died in 556, aged about 56. Hilderic Vandals 3091 married Amfleda The Vandals [Younger]. They had one daughter: Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 in 549 This family is shown within family tree 789. Generation of Forty-seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3093. FRIDLEIF FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 456, in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. See family tree 784. Fridleif died in 476, aged about 20, in Denmark. 3094. MRS FRIDLEIF FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 460, in Denmark. See family tree 784. Mrs died in Y. Fridleif Frodasson 3093, aged about 20, married Mrs Fridleif Frodasson, aged about 16, in 476 in Denmark. They had one son: Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 in 479 This family is shown within family tree 784.

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3095. JORUND YNGVASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 487, in Sweden, to Yngvi Alreksson 3117 and Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118, as shown within family tree 793. Jorund died in 509, aged about 22, in Limfjord, Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3096. MRS JORUND YNGVASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 491, in Sweden. See family tree 793. Mrs died in 514, aged about 23, in Y. Jorund Yngvasson 3095, aged about 21, married Mrs Jorund Yngvasson, aged about 17, in 508 in Sweden. They had one son: Aun Jorundsson 3081 in 509 This family is shown as family tree 793. 3097. HALFDAN FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 503, in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. See family tree 786. Halfdan died in 580, aged about 77, in Denmark. 3098. SIGRIS FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 507, in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. See family tree 786. Sigris died in 528, aged about 21, in Jelinge, Denmark. Halfdan Frodasson 3097, aged about 20, married Sigris Frodasson, aged about 16, in 523 in Denmark. They had one son: Hroar Halfdansson 3082 in 526 This family is shown within family tree 786. 3099. NORBRII NORTHUMBERLAND (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 504, in Northumberland, England. See family tree 786. Norbrii died in 595, aged about 91, in Y. 3100. HROAR NORTHUMBERLAND [HALFDANSSON] (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 526, in Roskilde, Denmark. See family tree 786. Norbrii Northumberland 3099 married Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson]. They had one daughter: Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in 530 This family is shown within family tree 786. 3101. HEIDREK HOFUNDSSON REIDGOTALANDI (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 512, in Reidgotalandi, Norway, to Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 and Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120, as shown in family tree 799. Heidrek died in 612, aged about 100, in Y. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3102. HELGA REIDGOTALANDI [HARALDSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 512, in Norway, Maer, Norway, to Harald Unknown 3121, as shown within family tree 794. Helga died in 532, aged about 20, in Y. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101, aged about 19, married Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter], aged about 19, in 531 in Norway. They had one son: Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 in 532 This family is shown as family tree 794. 3103. GELIMER OF THE SPANISH GOTHS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 425, in Black Area, Europe, to King Gonderic 3122 and Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123, as shown in family tree 800. Gelimer died in 496, aged about 71, in Denmark. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3104. MS. GOTHS [EURICA] (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 465, in Spain. See family tree 795. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 married Ms. Goths [Eurica]. They had one son: King Tharsamund 3085 in 496 This family is shown as family tree 795. 3105. THEODORIC THE GREAT OF ITALY (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 455, in Pannonia, Ukraine, Belarus, to Theodemir Cheiftan 3124. Theodoric died in Ravenna, Italy. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Theodoric fathered one daughter: Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in 522 This family is shown as family tree 796. 3106. THEODORA GOTHS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 455, in Italy, to Adulphus Goths 3126. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Theodora gave birth to one daughter: Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in 522 This family is shown as family tree 797.

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3107. AELLE (ELLA) OF ELISENS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 439, in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. See family tree 788. Aelle died in 514, aged about 75, in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. 3108. MRS ELESA ELISENS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 443, in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. See family tree 788. Mrs died in 540, aged about 97, in Y. Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 married Mrs Elesa Elisens. They had one son: Cerdic Wessex 3087 in 467 This family is shown within family tree 788. 3109. HALFDAN FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 503, in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. See family tree 789. Halfdan died in 580, aged about 77, in Denmark. 3110. SIGRIS FRODASSON (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 507, in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. See family tree 789. Sigris died in 528, aged about 21, in Jelinge, Denmark. Halfdan Frodasson 3109, aged about 20, married Sigris Frodasson, aged about 16, in 523 in Denmark. They had one son: Hroar Halfdansson 3089 in 526 This family is shown within family tree 789. 3111. NORBRII NORTHUMBERLAND (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 504, in Northumberland, England. See family tree 789. Norbrii died in 595, aged about 91, in Y. 3112. HROAR NORTHUMBERLAND [HALFDANSSON] (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 526, in Roskilde, Denmark. See family tree 789. Norbrii Northumberland 3111 married Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson]. They had one daughter: Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in 530 This family is shown within family tree 789. 3113. HUNNERIC KING OF THE VANDALS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 434, in Carthage, Africa. See family tree 789. Hunneric died in 480, aged about 46, in Africa. 3114. EUDOXIA VANDALS [ROME] (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 438, in Carthage, Africa. See family tree 789. Eudoxia died in 530, aged about 92, in North, Africa. Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 married Eudoxia Vandals [Rome]. They had one son: Hilderic Vandals 3091 in 480 This family is shown within family tree 789. 3115. KING THRASAMUND (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 470, in North, Africa. See family tree 789. King died in 496, aged about 26, in Africa. King fathered one daughter: Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092 in 500 This family is shown within family tree 789. 3116. AMFLEDA DES OSTROGOTHS (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 468, in Ravenna, Italy. See family tree 798. Amfleda died in 525, aged about 57. Amfleda gave birth to one daughter: Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092 in 500 This family is shown as family tree 798. Generation of Forty-eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 3117. YNGVI ALREKSSON (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 466, in Sweden, to Alrek Agnasson 3128 and Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129, as shown within family tree 793. Yngvi died in 499, aged about 33, in Fyrisvold, King Alf. 3118. MRS YNGVI ALREKSSON (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 470, in Sweden. See family tree 793. Mrs died in 492, aged about 22, in Y. Yngvi Alreksson 3117, aged about 20, married Mrs Yngvi Alreksson, aged about 16, in 486 in Sweden. They had one son: Jorund Yngvasson 3095 in 487 This family is shown within family tree 793. 3119. HOFUND GUDMUNDSSON GLAESIVOLLUM (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 488, in Glaesivollum, Norway, to Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 and Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131, as shown in family tree 805. Hofund died in 538, aged about 50, in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 3120. HERVOR GLAESIVOLLUM [ANGANTYRSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 492, in

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Norway, Maer, Norway, to Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 and Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133, as shown in family tree 806. Hervor died in 547, aged about 55, in Reidgotalandi, Norway. Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119, aged about 24, married Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter], aged about 20, in 512 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. They had one son: Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 in 512 This family is shown as family tree 799. 3121. HARALD UNKNOWN (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 490, in Norway. See family tree 794. Harald fathered one daughter: Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in 512 This family is shown within family tree 794. 3122. KING GONDERIC (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 368, in Eastern, Hungary, to Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134 and Flora Of Vandals 3135, as shown in family tree 807. King died in 426, aged about 58, in Spain. 3123. ELISA GONDERIC [GRANADA] (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 400, in Eastern, Hungary. See family tree 800. Elisa died in 487, aged about 87, in Germany. King Gonderic 3122, aged about 32, married Elisa Gonderic [Granada], as an infant, in 400 in Germany. They had one son: Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 in 425 This family is shown as family tree 800. 3124. THEODEMIR CHEIFTAN (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 425, in Hun Empire, Ukraine, to Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136. Theodemir died in 471, aged about 46, in Pannonia, Hun Empire. Theodemir fathered one son: Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 in 455 This family is shown as family tree 801. 3125. ERELICIA OSTROGOTHS (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 430, in Verona, Italy, to Mr. Adulphus 3138, as shown within family tree 802. Erelicia gave birth to one son: Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 in 455 This family is shown as family tree 802. 3126. ADULPHUS GOTHS (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 365/4, in Black Sear Area, Europe, to Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 and Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140, as shown in family tree 810. Adulphus died in 411, aged about 46. Adulphus fathered one daughter: Theodora Goths 3106 in 455 This family is shown as family tree 803. 3127. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 400. See family tree 804. Ms. Unknown gave birth to one daughter: Theodora Goths 3106 in 455 This family is shown as family tree 804. Generation of Forty-nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 3128. ALREK AGNASSON (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 445, in Uppsula, Uppsula, Sweden. See family tree 793. Alrek died in 536, aged about 91, in Svitjod, Sweden. 3129. DAGREID AGNASSON [DAGSDOTTER] (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 449, in Sweden. See family tree 793. Dagreid died in 481, aged about 32, in Svitjod, Sweden. Alrek Agnasson 3128, aged about 20, married Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter], aged about 16, in 465 in Sweden. They had one son: Yngvi Alreksson 3117 in 466 This family is shown within family tree 793. 3130. ARNGRIM BERSERKUR GRIMSSON (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 452, in Bolmey, Norway, to Grim Hergrimsson 3141 and Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142, as shown in family tree 811. Arngrim died in 472, aged about 20, in Hedemark, Norway. 3131. EYFURU GRIMSSON [SVAFLAMASDATTER] (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 454, in Gordum, Norway, to Mr. Svaflam 3143, as shown within family tree 799. Eyfuru died in 472, aged about 18, in Y.

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Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130, aged about 19, married Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter], aged about 17, in 471 in Norway. They had two sons: Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 in 472 Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 in 488 This family is shown as family tree 805. 3132. ANGANTYR ARNGRIMSSON (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 472, in Norway, to Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 and Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131, as shown in family tree 805. Angantyr died in 522, aged about 50, in Hedemark, Norway. 3133. SVOFU ARNGRIMSSON [BJARTMARSDATTER] (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 474, in Norway, to Bjatmar Unknown 3144, as shown within family tree 799. Svofu died in 492, aged about 18, in Y. Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132, aged about 19, married Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter], aged about 17, in 491 in Norway. They had one daughter: Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in 492 This family is shown as family tree 806. 3134. GONDEGUSLUS OF VANDALS (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 360, in Hungary, to Radagaisus Vandals 3145 and Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146, as shown within family tree 807. Gondeguslus died in 406, aged about 46. 3135. FLORA OF VANDALS (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 365, in Eastern, Hungary. See family tree 807. Flora died in 450, aged about 85, in Germany. Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134 married Flora Of Vandals. They had one son: King Gonderic 3122 in 368 This family is shown as family tree 807. 3136. WANDALAR OSTROGOTHS (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 375, in Hun Empire, Ukraine, to Winithar Ostragoths 3147, as shown within family tree 808. Wandalar died in 459, aged about 84, in Reino Ostrogodo, England. Wandalar fathered one son: Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in 425 This family is shown as family tree 808. 3137. VANDALAR AV OSTROGOTHS (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 389, in Verona, Verona, Italy. See family tree 809. Vandalar gave birth to one son: Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in 425 This family is shown as family tree 809. 3138. MR. ADULPHUS (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 425. See family tree 802. Mr. Adulphus fathered one daughter: Erelicia Ostrogoths 3125 in 430 This family is shown within family tree 802. 3139. VITILAUS KING HERULI (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 86 A.D., in AD, Heruli, to Hutterus Vislaus 3148 and Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149, as shown within family tree 810. Vitilaus died in 127, aged about 41, in Heruli. 3140. ANARNIA HERULI [GOTHLAND] (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 110, in Black Area, Europe. See family tree 810. Anarnia died in 200, aged about 90, in Heruli. Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 married Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] in Heruli. They had one son: Adulphus Goths 3126 in 365 This family is shown as family tree 810. Generation of Fifty-Times-Great-Grandparents 3141. GRIM HERGRIMSSON (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 428, in Norway, to Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 and Ogn Arngrimsson 3151, as shown within family tree 805. Grim died in 452, aged about 24, in Hedemark, Norway. 3142. BAUGGERD HERGRIMSSON [STARKSDATTER] (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 432, in Norway, to Stark Aludregn 3152 and Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153, as shown within family tree 811. Bauggerd died in 487, aged about 55, in Hedemark, Norway. Grim Hergrimsson 3141, aged about 23, married Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter], aged about 19, in 451 in Hedemark, Norway. They had one son: Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 in 452 This family is shown as family tree 811. Page 439

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3143. MR. SVAFLAM (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 400, in Gordum, Norway. See family tree 799. Mr. Svaflam died in 454, aged about 54. Mr. Svaflam fathered one daughter: Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in 454 This family is shown within family tree 799. 3144. BJATMAR UNKNOWN (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 434, in Norway. See family tree 799. Bjatmar died in 474, aged about 40. Bjatmar fathered one daughter: Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in 474 This family is shown within family tree 799. 3145. RADAGAISUS VANDALS (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 350, in Eastern, Hungary, to Miecislaus I Heruli 3154. Radagaisus died in 405, aged about 55, in Rome, Italy. 3146. CELLA V VANDALS [DE VANDALS] (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 338, in Heruli, Italy. See family tree 807. Cella died in 420, aged about 82, in Germany. Radagaisus Vandals 3145, as an infant, married Cella V Vandals [De Vandals], aged about 12, in 350 in Italy. They had one son: Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134 in 360 This family is shown within family tree 807. 3147. WINITHAR OSTRAGOTHS (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 345, in Spain, to Prince Walaravens 3156, as shown within family tree 808. Winithar died in 420, aged about 75, in Ukraine, Belarus. Winithar fathered one son: Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 in 375 This family is shown within family tree 808. 3148. HUTTERUS VISLAUS (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather) was born in 58 A.D., in AD, Heruli, to Hutterus Heruli 3157 and Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158, as shown within family tree 810. Hutterus died in 91 A.D., aged about 33, in AD, Heruli. 3149. TIBERNIA VISLAUS [DE NORWAY] (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother) was born in 115, in AD, Norway. See family tree 810. Tibernia died in Heruli. Hutterus Vislaus 3148 married Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] in AD, Heruli. They had one son: Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 in 86 A.D. This family is shown within family tree 810. Generation of Fifty-one-Times-Great-Grandparents 3150. HERGRIM ARNGRIMSSON (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 410, in Norway. See family tree 805. Hergrim died in 460, aged about 50, in Hedemark, Norway. Hergrim married twice, including Ogn Arngrimsson 3151. Hergrim fathered one son: Stark Aludregn 3152 in 408 This family is shown within family tree 811. 3151. OGN ARNGRIMSSON (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 414, in Norway. See family tree 805. Ogn died in 426, aged about 12, in Y. Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150, aged about 17, married Ogn Arngrimsson, aged about 13, in 427 in Norway. They had one son: Grim Hergrimsson 3141 in 428 This family is shown within family tree 805. 3152. STARK ALUDREGN (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 408, in Norway, to Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150, as shown within family tree 811. Stark died in 432, aged about 24, in Hedemark, Norway. 3153. ALFHILD ALUDREGN [FINNALFSDATTER] (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 412, in Ringerike, Bursker, Norway. See family tree 811. Alfhild died in 432, aged about 20, in Hedemark, Norway. Stark Aludregn 3152, aged about 23, married Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter], aged about 19, in 431 in Hedemark, Norway. They had one daughter: Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in 432 This family is shown within family tree 811.

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3154. MIECISLAUS I HERULI (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 320, in Germany. See family tree 807. Miecislaus died in 388, aged about 68, in Germany. Miecislaus fathered one son: Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in 350 This family is shown within family tree 807. 3155. MS. UNKNOWN (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 295. See family tree 812. Ms. Unknown gave birth to one son: Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in 350 This family is shown as family tree 812. 3156. PRINCE WALARAVENS (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 316, in Ostrogoths, Pannonia, Italy. See family tree 808. Prince fathered one son: Winithar Ostragoths 3147 in 345 This family is shown within family tree 808. 3157. HUTTERUS HERULI (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather) was born in 15 A.D., in British Columbia, Canada. See family tree 810. Hutterus died in 35 A.D., aged about 20, in AD. 3158. JUDITH HERULI [DE JUTLAND] (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother) was born in 20 A.D., in Germany. See family tree 810. Judith died in 100, aged about 80, in Jutland, Denmark. Hutterus Heruli 3157 married Judith Heruli [De Jutland]. They had one son: Hutterus Vislaus 3148 in 58 A.D. This family is shown within family tree 810.

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4. INDIRECTLY RELATED via JOY ELAINE MITCHELL [FARLEY] 3 (Caroline's fifth cousin's wife, once removed) Generation of Caroline's Peers 3159. ALBERT WESLEY FARLEY (Joy's father). Citation: Source 17 (Name). 3160. GOLDIE FERN FARLEY [EARLES] (Joy's mother) was born on 20 April 1905 to John Franklin Earles 3161 and Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Albert Wesley Farley 3159 married Goldie Fern Farley [Earles]. They had one daughter: Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley] 3 in 1932 Generation of Caroline's Parents 3161. JOHN FRANKLIN EARLES (Joy's grandfather) was born on 4 December 1878, in Blackbird, Missouri, USA, to James Harrison Earles 3163 and Sarah Levina Earles [Viles] 3164. In 1910, aged about 31, he resided at Clay, Sullivan, Missouri. In 1930, aged about 51, he resided at Harris, Sullivan, Missouri. John died on 15 September 1967, aged 88, in Franklin, Howard, Missouri, United States of America. Citations: Source 18, page Number: 499-16-5552; Issue State: Missouri; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 1250 applies. Note 1251 applies. Name: John F. Earles Birth Date: 4 Dec 1878 Birth Place: Death Date: 15 Sep 1967 Death Place: Franklin, Howard, Missouri, United States of America (Name). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T624_826; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 175; Image: 103. Note 1252 applies. Note 1253 applies. Name: John F Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri (Name). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: 1249; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 55.0. Note 1254 applies. Note 1255 applies. Name: John Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri (Name). Source 18, page Number: 499-16-5552; Issue State: Missouri; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 1256 applies. Note 1257 applies. Name: John F. Earles Birth Date: 4 Dec 1878 Birth Place: Death Date: 15 Sep 1967 Death Place: Franklin, Howard, Missouri, United States of America (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T624_826; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 175; Image: 103. Note 1258 applies. Note 1259 applies. Name: John F Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri (Birth). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: 1249; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 5;

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Image: 55.0. Note 1260 applies. Note 1261 applies. Name: John Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri (Birth). Source 7, page Year: 1910; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T624_826; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 175; Image: 103. Note 1262 applies. Note 1263 applies. Name: John F Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1910 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri (Residence in 1910). Source 9, page Year: 1930; Census Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: 1249; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 55.0. Note 1264 applies. Note 1265 applies. Name: John Earles Birth Date: abt 1879 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1930 Residence Place: Harris, Sullivan, Missouri (Residence in 1930). Source 18, page Number: 499-16-5552; Issue State: Missouri; Issue Date: Before 1951. Note 1266 applies. Note 1267 applies. Name: John F. Earles Birth Date: 4 Dec 1878 Birth Place: Death Date: 15 Sep 1967 Death Place: Franklin, Howard, Missouri, United States of America (Death). 3162. AMANDA SOPHRONIA EARLES [COLLINS] (Joy's grandmother) was born in Half Rock, Mercer, Missouri, USA to James Franklin Collins 3165 and Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Amanda died in Harris, Mercer, Missouri, USA. John Franklin Earles 3161, aged about 20, married Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] in 1899 in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. They had one daughter: Goldie Fern Farley [Earles] 3160 in 1905 Generation of Caroline's Grandparents 3163. JAMES HARRISON EARLES (Joy's great-grandfather) was born in Sullivan, Missouri, USA to Joel Earles 3167 and Lydia Earles [Provolt] 3168. In 1860 he resided at Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas. In 1920 he resided at Union, Putnam, Missouri. James died in Unionville, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: T625_943; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 226. Note 1268 applies. Note 1269 applies. Name: James H Earles Birth Date: abt 1858 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas; Roll: M653_46; Page: 637; Image: 111. Note 1270 applies. Note 1271 applies. Name: James Earles Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas (Name). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: T625_943; Page: 12B; Enumeration District:

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135; Image: 226. Note 1272 applies. Note 1273 applies. Name: James H Earles Birth Date: abt 1858 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas; Roll: M653_46; Page: 637; Image: 111. Note 1274 applies. Note 1275 applies. Name: James Earles Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas; Roll: M653_46; Page: 637; Image: 111. Note 1276 applies. Note 1277 applies. Name: James Earles Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas (Residence in 1860). Source 8, page Year: 1920; Census Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: T625_943; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 226. Note 1278 applies. Note 1279 applies. Name: James H Earles Birth Date: abt 1858 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1920 Residence Place: Union, Putnam, Missouri (Residence in 1920). 3164. SARAH LEVINA EARLES [VILES] (Joy's great-grandmother) was born to William Viles 3169 and Susan Viles [Carder] 3170. James Harrison Earles 3163 married Sarah Levina Earles [Viles] in Putnam, Missouri, USA. They had one son: John Franklin Earles 3161 in 1878 3165. JAMES FRANKLIN COLLINS (Joy's great-grandfather) was born in Harris, Sullivan, Missouri, USA to William Thomas Collins 3171 and Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. In 1900 he resided at Clay, Sullivan, Missouri. James died in 1923 in Harris, Sullivan, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T623 905; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 150. Note 1280 applies. Note 1281 applies. Name: James F Collins Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri (Name). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T623 905; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 150. Note 1282 applies. Note 1283 applies. Name: James F Collins Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri (Birth). Source 6, page Year: 1900; Census Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: T623 905; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 150. Note 1284 applies. Note 1285 applies. Name: James F Collins Birth Date: abt 1857 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1900 Residence Place: Clay, Sullivan, Missouri Page 444

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(Residence in 1900). 3166. LYDIA LOUISA COLLINS [BARNES] (Joy's great-grandmother) was born between 1856 and 1859, in Missouri, USA, to William Barnes 3173 and Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams] 3174. In 1860, aged about 3, she resided at St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri. In 1870, aged about 13, she resided at St Louis Ward 9, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri. Lydia died in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1286 applies. Note 1287 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 9, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Name). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_652; Page: 0; Image: 283. Note 1288 applies. Note 1289 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1290 applies. Note 1291 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 9, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_652; Page: 0; Image: 283. Note 1292 applies. Note 1293 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Birth). Source 3, page Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_652; Page: 0; Image: 283. Note 1294 applies. Note 1295 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1860 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Residence in 1860). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1296 applies. Note 1297 applies. Name: Louisa Collins Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Missouri Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: St Louis Ward 9, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri (Residence in 1870). James Franklin Collins 3165 married Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes], aged about 21, in 1880 in Missouri, USA. They had one daughter: Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162 in

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Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley] Generation of Caroline's Great-Grandparents

3167. JOEL EARLES (Joy's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1830, in Clark, Illinois, USA, to Peyton Earles 3175 and Sarah Ann Earles 3176. Joel died in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. 3168. LYDIA EARLES [PROVOLT] (Joy's great-great-grandmother) was born to Jeremiah Provolt 3177 and Lydia Provolt [Willborn] 3178. Joel Earles 3167 married Lydia Earles [Provolt] in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. They had one son: James Harrison Earles 3163 in 3169. WILLIAM VILES (Joy's great-great-grandfather). Citation: Source 17 (Name). 3170. SUSAN VILES [CARDER] (Joy's great-great-grandmother) was born in Hampshire, West Virginia, USA. Susan died in Unionville, Missouri, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Viles 3169 married Susan Viles [Carder]. They had one daughter: Sarah Levina Earles [Viles] 3164 3171. WILLIAM THOMAS COLLINS (Joy's great-great-grandfather) was born in Grant, Kentucky, USA to James Collins 3179 and Angaline Collins [Smith] 3180. In 1880 he resided at Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States. William died in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1298 applies. Note 1299 applies. Name: William T. Collins Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1300 applies. Note 1301 applies. Name: William T. Collins Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1302 applies. Note 1303 applies. Name: William T. Collins Birth Date: abt 1838 Birth Place: Kentucky Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Residence in 1880). 3172. RACHEL COLLINS [KNOX] (Joy's great-great-grandmother) was born in Burea, Illinois, USA to John Matthews Knox 3181 and Isabell Knox [Bay] 3182. In 1870 she resided at York, Putnam, Missouri. In 1880 she resided at Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States. Rachel died in Harris, Sullivan, Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1304 applies. Note 1305 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Name). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1306 applies. Note 1307 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1870 Page 446

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Residence Place: York, Putnam, Missouri (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1308 applies. Note 1309 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1310 applies. Note 1311 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: York, Putnam, Missouri (Birth). Source 4, page Year: 1870; Census Place: , , ; Roll: M593. Note 1312 applies. Note 1313 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1870 Residence Place: York, Putnam, Missouri (Residence in 1870). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 113.4000; Enumeration District: 229; Image: 0229. Note 1314 applies. Note 1315 applies. Name: Rachel Collins Birth Date: abt 1836 Birth Place: Illinois Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Residence in 1880). William Thomas Collins 3171 married Rachel Collins [Knox] in Harris, Sullivan, Missouri, USA. They had one son: James Franklin Collins 3165 in

3173. WILLIAM BARNES (Joy's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1834, in Pennsylvania, USA, to Samuel Barnes 3183 and Sarah Jane Barnes [Coulter] 3184. In 1880, aged about 46, he resided at Washington, Mercer, Missouri, United States. William died in 1934, aged about 100, in Missouri, USA. Citations: Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 158.2000; Enumeration District: 232; Image: 0319. Note 1316 applies. Note 1317 applies. Name: William Barnes Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Name). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 158.2000; Enumeration District: 232; Image: 0319. Note 1318 applies. Note 1319 applies. Name: William Barnes Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Birth). Source 5, page Year: 1880; Census Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri; Roll: T9_703; Family History Film: 1254703; Page: 158.2000; Enumeration District: 232; Image: 0319. Note 1320 applies. Note 1321 applies. Name: William Barnes Birth Date: abt 1834 Birth Place: Pennsylvania

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Residence Date: 1880 Residence Place: Washington, Mercer, Missouri, United States (Residence in 1880). 3174. MARY ELIZABETH BARNES [WILLIAMS] (Joy's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1835, in Missouri, USA. Mary died in 1935, aged about 100. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Barnes 3173 married Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams]. They had one daughter: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 about 1858 Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Grandparents 3175. PEYTON EARLES (Joy's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1793, in Virginia, USA, to Rodham Earles 3185 and Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186. Peyton died in 1857, aged about 64. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3176. SARAH ANN EARLES (Joy's great-great-great-grandmother). Citation: Source 17 (Name). Peyton Earles 3175 married Sarah Ann Earles. They had one son: Joel Earles 3167 in 1830 3177. JEREMIAH PROVOLT (Joy's great-great-great-grandfather). Citation: Source 17 (Name). 3178. LYDIA PROVOLT [WILLBORN] (Joy's great-great-great-grandmother). Citation: Source 17 (Name). Jeremiah Provolt 3177 married Lydia Provolt [Willborn]. They had one daughter: Lydia Earles [Provolt] 3168 3179. JAMES COLLINS (Joy's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1815, in Virginia, USA. 3180. ANGALINE COLLINS [SMITH] (Joy's great-great-great-grandmother). James Collins 3179 married Angaline Collins [Smith]. They had one son: William Thomas Collins 3171 in 3181. JOHN MATTHEWS KNOX (Joy's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Ohio, USA. John died in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 3182. ISABELL KNOX [BAY] (Joy's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1808, in Ohio, USA. John Matthews Knox 3181 married Isabell Knox [Bay] in Allen, Indiana, USA. They had one daughter: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172 in 3183. SAMUEL BARNES (Joy's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1798, in Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA. Samuel died in 1870, aged about 72. 3184. SARAH JANE BARNES [COULTER] (Joy's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1805, in Pennsylvania, USA. Samuel Barnes 3183, aged about 31, married Sarah Jane Barnes [Coulter], aged about 24, in 1829. They had one son: William Barnes 3173 in 1834 Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 3185. RODHAM EARLES (Joy's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1765, in Fauquier, Virginia, USA, to Samuel IV Earle 3187 and Ms. Earle [Perkins] 3188. Rodham died in 1820, aged about 55, in Kentucky, USA. 3186. SUSANNAH EARLES [BAYLESS] (Joy's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1770, in Virginia, USA, to William Bayles 3189. Susannah died in 1802, aged about 32, in Fauquier, Virginia, USA. Rodham Earles 3185 married Susannah Earles [Bayless] in Fauquier, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Peyton Earles 3175 in 1793

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Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley] Generation of Caroline's Four-Times-Great-Grandparents

3187. SAMUEL IV EARLE (Joy's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1727, in Westmoreland, Fauquier, Virginia, USA, to Samuel III Earle 3190 and Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191. Samuel died in 1752, aged about 25, in Alabama, USA. 3188. MS. EARLE [PERKINS] (Joy's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1727. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Samuel IV Earle 3187 married Ms. Earle [Perkins]. They had one son: Rodham Earles 3185 in 1765 3189. WILLIAM BAYLES (Joy's five-times-great-grandfather). William fathered one daughter: Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186 in 1770 Generation of Caroline's Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3190. SAMUEL III EARLE (Joy's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1692, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA, to Samuel II Earle 3192 and Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193. Samuel died in 1771, aged about 79, in Frederick, Virginia, USA. 3191. ANNA EARLE [SORRELL] (Joy's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1707, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Sorrell 3194 and Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195. Anna died in Warren, Virginia, USA. Samuel III Earle 3190, aged about 34, married Anna Earle [Sorrell], aged about 19, in 1726/5 in Richmond, Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Samuel IV Earle 3187 in 1727 Generation of Caroline's Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3192. SAMUEL II EARLE (Joy's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA, to Samuel I Earle 3196 and Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197. Samuel died in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3193. PHYLLIS EARLE [BENNETT] (Joy's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1670, in Westmoreland, Fauquier, Virginia, USA, to John Bennett 3198. Phyllis died in 1726, aged about 56, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Samuel II Earle 3192, aged about 21, married Phyllis Earle [Bennett], aged about 21, in 1691 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Samuel III Earle 3190 in 1692 3194. THOMAS SORRELL (Joy's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1680, in James City, Virginia, USA, to John Sorrell 3200 and Ann Sorrell [Brechin] 3201. Thomas died in 1726, aged about 46, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3195. ELIZABETH SORRELL [O CANNY] (Joy's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1681, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Elizabeth died in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Thomas Sorrell 3194, aged about 36, married Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny], aged about 35, in 1716 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191 in 1707 Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3196. SAMUEL I EARLE (Joy's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1638, in Somerset, England, to John Earle 3202 and Mary Earle [Symons] 3203. Samuel died in 1697, aged about 59, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 3197. BRIDGET EARLE [HALE] (Joy's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1645, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA, to Thomas Hayles 3204. Bridget died in 1659, aged about 14, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Samuel I Earle 3196 married Bridget Earle [Hale]. They had one son: Samuel II Earle 3192 in 1670 3198. JOHN BENNETT (Joy's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1685. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John fathered one daughter: Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in 1670

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 3199. PERSON UNKNOWN (Joy's eight-times-great-grandmother). Person gave birth to one daughter: Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in 1670

Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]

3200. JOHN SORRELL (Joy's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1646, in Waltham, Essex, England, to Robert Sorrell 3205 and Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206. John died in 1702, aged about 56, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 3201. ANN SORRELL [BRECHIN] (Joy's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1646 to James Brechin 3207 and Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208. Ann died in 1725, aged about 79, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. John Sorrell 3200 married Ann Sorrell [Brechin]. They had one son: Thomas Sorrell 3194 in 1680 Generation of Caroline's Eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 3202. JOHN EARLE (Joy's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1614, in Nye, Winscombe, Somerset, England, to Richard Earle 3209. John died in 1660, aged about 46, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 3203. MARY EARLE [SYMONS] (Joy's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1619, in Gloucestershire, England, to Ms. Anne 3211. Mary died in 1659, aged about 40, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. John Earle 3202, aged about 23, married Mary Earle [Symons], aged about 18, in 1637 in Somerset, England. They had one son: Samuel I Earle 3196 in 1638 3204. THOMAS HAYLES (Joy's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Thomas fathered one daughter: Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197 in 1645 3205. ROBERT SORRELL (Joy's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in Writtle, Essex, England to Mary Everard 3212. Robert died in 1676 in Jamestown, Virginia, USA. 3206. REBECCA SORRELL [WOODWARD] (Joy's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1623, in Great Dunmon, Essex, England, to John Woodward 3213 and Alice Woodward [Garrold] 3214. Rebecca died in 1676, aged about 53, in Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Sorrell 3205 married Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] in Great Dunmon, Essex, England. They had one son: John Sorrell 3200 in 1646 3207. JAMES BRECHIN (Joy's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1665, in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. James died in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 17 (Name). Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3208. SARAH BRECHIN [CRAWFORD] (Joy's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1666, in New Kent, Virginia, USA, to David Crawford 3215 and Jane Crawford 3216. Sarah died in 1752, aged about 86, in Louisa, Virginia, USA. James Brechin 3207, aged about 46, married Sarah Brechin [Crawford], aged about 45, in 1711 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Ann Sorrell [Brechin] 3201 in 1646 Generation of Caroline's Nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 3209. RICHARD EARLE (Joy's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1597, in Nye, Somerset, England, to Richard Earle 3217. Richard died in 1648, aged about 51, in Nye, Somerset, England. Richard fathered one son: John Earle 3202 in 1614 3210. MS. UNKNOWN (Joy's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1596. Ms. Unknown gave birth to one son: John Earle 3202 in 1614 3211. MS. ANNE (Joy's ten-times-great-grandmother).

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Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]

3212. MARY EVERARD (Joy's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in Waltham Magna, Essex, England to Thomas Everard 3219 and Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220. Mary died in 1655 in Essex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Mary gave birth to one son: Robert Sorrell 3205 in 3213. JOHN WOODWARD (Joy's ten-times-great-grandfather). 3214. ALICE WOODWARD [GARROLD] (Joy's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1594/4, in Little Yeldham, Essex, England, to Peter Garrold 3221 and Ms. Garrold [Agnes] 3222. John Woodward 3213 married Alice Woodward [Garrold] . They had one daughter: Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 in 1623 3215. DAVID CRAWFORD (Joy's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1625, in Kilbernie, Aryshire, Scotland, to John Crawford 3223. David died in 1710, aged about 85, in New Kent, Virginia, USA. 3216. JANE CRAWFORD (Joy's ten-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1633, in Virginia, USA, to Patrick Crawford 3225 and Jane Crawford 3226. Jane died in 1710, aged about 77, in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, USA. David Crawford 3215, aged about 29, married Jane Crawford, aged about 21, in 1654 in James City, Virginia, USA. They had one daughter: Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in 1666 Generation of Caroline's Ten-Times-Great-Grandparents 3217. RICHARD EARLE (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Wiltshire, England. Richard died in 1643. Richard fathered one son: Richard Earle 3209 in 1597 3218. AGNES LOCKSMITH (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510. Agnes died in 1570/10, aged about 60, in Salle, Norfolk, England. Agnes gave birth to one son: Richard Earle 3209 in 1597 3219. THOMAS EVERARD (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Mashbury, Essex, England, to John Everard 3227. Thomas died in 1529, aged about 69, in Langleys Manor, Great Waltham, Essex, England. 3220. JOAN EVERARD [CORNISH] (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1462, in Mashbury, Essex, England, to John Cornish 3229 and Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230. Joan died in Marshborough, Kent, England. Thomas Everard 3219, aged about 24, married Joan Everard [Cornish], aged about 22, in 1484 in Mashbury, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Mary Everard 3212 in 3221. PETER GARROLD (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1557, in Ovington, Essex, England, to John Garrold 3231 and Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232. Peter died in Y. 3222. MS. GARROLD [AGNES] (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandmother). Peter Garrold 3221 married Ms. Garrold [Agnes]. They had one daughter: Alice Woodward [Garrold] 3214 in 1594 3223. JOHN CRAWFORD (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1600, in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA, to Malcolm Crawford 3233 and Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234. John died in Jamestown, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John fathered one son: David Crawford 3215 in 1625 3224. MARGARET CUNNINGHAM (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1597, in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland, to James The Cunningham 3235. Margaret died in 1631, aged about 34, in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Margaret gave birth to one son: David Crawford 3215 in 1625

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3225. PATRICK CRAWFORD (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1580, in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland, to William Crauford 3236 and Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237. Patrick died in 1649/1, aged about 69, in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3226. JANE CRAWFORD (Joy's eleven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1585, in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England, to James Crawford 3238 and Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239. Jane died in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Patrick Crawford 3225, aged about 26, married Jane Crawford, aged about 21, in 1606 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one daughter: Jane Crawford 3216 in 1633 Generation of Caroline's Eleven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3227. JOHN EVERARD (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1432, in Mashbury, Essex, England, to William Everard 3240 and Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241. John died in 1456, aged about 24, in Marshborough, Kent, England. John fathered one son: Thomas Everard 3219 in 1460 3228. JOAN CORNISH (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born to John Cornish 3242. Joan gave birth to one son: Thomas Everard 3219 in 1460 3229. JOHN CORNISH (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1467, in Great Waltham, Essex, England, to Thomas Cornish 3243 and Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244. John died in 1515, aged about 48, in Much Waltham, England. 3230. AGNES CORNISH [WALTHAM] (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1471, in Great Waltham, Essex, England, to Humfrey Waltham 3245 and Ms. Waltham [Unkown] 3246. Agnes died in 1492, aged about 21, in Great Waltham, Essex, England. John Cornish 3229, aged about 25, married Agnes Cornish [Waltham], aged about 21, in 1492 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220 in 1462 3231. JOHN GARROLD (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1519, in Ovington, Essex, England. John died in Ovington, Essex, England. 3232. AGNES GARROLD GARROLD [BUTCHER] (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1523, in Ovington, Essex, England. Agnes died in 1549, aged about 26, in Y. John Garrold 3231, aged about 20, married Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher], aged about 16, in 1539. They had one son: Peter Garrold 3221 in 1557 3233. MALCOLM CRAWFORD (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1574, in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Hugh Crawford 3247 and Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun] 3248. Malcolm died in 1659, aged about 85, in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. 3234. MARGARET CRAWFORD [CUNNINGHAM] (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1580, in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland, to James Cunningham 3249 and Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250. Margaret died in 1604, aged about 24, in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Malcolm Crawford 3233, aged about 16, married Margaret Crawford [Cunningham], aged about 10, in 1590 in Ayrshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Crawford 3223 in 1600 3235. JAMES THE CUNNINGHAM (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in Glencairn. James fathered one daughter: Margaret Cunningham 3224 in 1597 3236. WILLIAM CRAUFORD (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Patrick Crauford 3251 and Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252. William died in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. 3237. MARGARET CRAUFORD [HOUSTON] (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1565, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Patrick Houston 3253 and Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254. Margaret died in 1642, aged about 77, in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. William Crauford 3236, aged about 27, married Margaret Crauford [Houston], aged about 22, in 1587 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one son: Patrick Crawford 3225 in 1580

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3238. JAMES CRAWFORD (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1555, in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England, to William Crawford 3255 and Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256. James died in Crosby, Ayr, Scotland. 3239. ELIZABETH CRAWFORD [CUNNINGHAM] (Joy's twelve-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1557, in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland, to William Cunningham 3257 and Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258. Elizabeth died in Crosby, Ayr, Scotland. James Crawford 3238, aged about 22, married Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham], aged about 20, in 1577 in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Crawford 3226 in 1585 Generation of Caroline's Twelve-Times-Great-Grandparents 3240. WILLIAM EVERARD (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in Mashbury, Essex, England, to William Everard 3259 and Mrs William Everard 3260. William died in 1431, aged about 31, in Marshborough, Kent, England. 3241. ISABELLE EVERARD [BEDELLE] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Mashbury, Essex, England. Isabelle died in Marshborough, Kent, England. William Everard 3240, aged about 31, married Isabelle Everard [Bedelle], aged about 21, in 1431 in Mashbury, Essex, England. They had one son: John Everard 3227 in 1432 3242. JOHN CORNISH (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1445, in Great Waltham, Essex, England, to Thomas Cornish 3243 and Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244. John died. John fathered one daughter: Joan Cornish 3228 3243. THOMAS CORNISH (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1443, in Great Waltham, Essex, England, to John Hunt 3261 and Margaret De Pechey 3262. Thomas died in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 3244. IODENA CORNISH [HUNT] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1447, in Great Waltham, Essex, England, to John Hunt 3263. Iodena died in Essex, England. Thomas Cornish 3243, aged about 21, married Iodena Cornish [Hunt], aged about 17, in 1464 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. They had two sons: John Cornish 3242 in 1445 John Cornish 3229 in 1467 3245. HUMFREY WALTHAM (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1437, in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 3246. MS. WALTHAM [UNKOWN] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). Humfrey Waltham 3245 married Ms. Waltham [Unkown] in Great Waltham, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in 1471 3247. HUGH CRAWFORD (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Kilbernie, Ayreshire, Scotland, to Lawrence Crawford 3265 and Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266. Hugh died in 1602, aged about 62. 3248. MARGARET CRAWFORD [COLQUHOUN] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1574, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, to John Colquhoun 3267 and Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268. Margaret died in Duntreath, Scotland. Hugh Crawford 3247 married Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun]. They had one son: Malcolm Crawford 3233 in 1574 3249. JAMES CUNNINGHAM (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland, to William Cunningham 3269 and Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270. James died between 1630 and 1633, aged about 82. 3250. MARGARET CUNNINGHAM [CAMPBELL] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1552, in Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Colin Campbell 3271 and Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272. Margaret died between 1610 and 1616, aged about 61, in Scotland. James Cunningham 3249 married Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] in Perth, Perth, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in 1580 3251. PATRICK CRAUFORD (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Thomas Crawford 3273 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274. Patrick died in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. 3252. MARGARET CRAUFORD [FRASER] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1535, in Knole, Ayr, Scotland, to Thomas Fraser 3275 and Margaret Fraser [Stuart] 3276. Margaret died in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Patrick Crauford 3251, aged about 57, married Margaret Crauford [Fraser], aged about 52, in 1587. They had one son: William Crauford 3236 in 1560

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Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]

3253. PATRICK HOUSTON (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1529, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Houstoun 3277 and Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278. Patrick died in 1600, aged about 71, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3254. JANET HOUSTON [CUNNINGHAM] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1529, in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 and Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280. Janet died in 1607, aged about 78, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Patrick Houston 3253 married Janet Houston [Cunningham] in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in 1565 3255. WILLIAM CRAWFORD (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Thomas Crawford 3281 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282. William died in 1582, aged about 52, in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. 3256. ANNABEL CRAWFORD [CHALMERS] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1535, in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland, to James Chalmers 3283 and Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284. Annabel died in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. William Crawford 3255, aged about 24, married Annabel Crawford [Chalmers], aged about 19, in 1554 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: James Crawford 3238 in 1555 3257. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1532, in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland, to Alexander Cunningham 3285 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286. William died in 1580, aged about 48, in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. 3258. JANET CUNNINGHAM [GORDON] (Joy's thirteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1528, in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland, to James Gordon 3287 and Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288. Janet died in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. William Cunningham 3257 married Janet Cunningham [Gordon] in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239 in 1557 Generation of Caroline's Thirteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3259. WILLIAM EVERARD (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1375, in Mashbury, Essex, England. William died in 1399, aged about 24, in Mashbury, Essex, England. 3260. MRS WILLIAM EVERARD (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1379, in Mashbury, Essex, England. William Everard 3259, aged about 24, married Mrs William Everard, aged about 20, in 1399 in Mashbury, Essex, England. They had one son: William Everard 3240 in 1400 3261. JOHN HUNT (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 3262. MARGARET DE PECHEY (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1424, in Suffolk, England. Margaret died in England. Margaret married twice. She was married to John Hunt 3263 and John Hunt 3261. John Hunt 3261 married Margaret De Pechey. They had one son: Thomas Cornish 3243 in 1443 3263. JOHN HUNT (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1420, in Suffolk, England. John died in 1450, aged about 30, in Essex, England. John married twice, including Margaret De Pechey 3262. John fathered one daughter: Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in 1447 John Hunt, aged about 21, married Margaret De Pechey 3262, aged about 17, in 1441 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 3264. MARGARET PECHE (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1340, in Great Thrulow, Suffolk, England. Margaret died in 1370, aged about 30, in England. Margaret gave birth to one daughter: Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in 1447 3265. LAWRENCE CRAWFORD (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Robert Crawford 3289 and Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290. Lawrence died in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. 3266. HELEN CRAWFORD [CAMPBELL] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Kilbernie, Ayreshire, Scotland, to Hugh Campbell 3291 and Mary Miller Campbell [Mclaren] 3292. Helen died in 1566, aged about 51, in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland.

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Lawrence Crawford 3265 married Helen Crawford [Campbell]. They had one son: Hugh Crawford 3247 in 1540 3267. JOHN COLQUHOUN (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1523, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, to Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 and Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294. John died in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. 3268. AGNES COLQUHOUN [BOYD] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1543, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, to Robert Boyd 3295 and Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296. Agnes died in Edinburgh, Scotland. John Colquhoun 3267 married Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun] 3248 in 1574 3269. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1532, in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland, to Alexander Cunningham 3297 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298. William died in 1580, aged about 48, in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. 3270. JANET CUNNINGHAM [GORDON] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1528, in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland, to James Gordon 3299 and Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3300. Janet died in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. William Cunningham 3269 married Janet Cunningham [Gordon] in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. They had one son: James Cunningham 3249 in 1550 3271. COLIN CAMPBELL (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Colin Campbell 3301 and Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302. Colin died in Balloch, Scotland. 3272. KATHERINE CAMPBELL [RUTHVEN] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1525, in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland, to William Ruthven 3303 and Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304. Katherine died between 1580 and 1589, aged about 59, in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. Colin Campbell 3271 married Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] in Contr, Foulis, Ross Cromarty, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250 in 1552 3273. THOMAS CRAWFORD (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1505, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to James Crawford 3305. Thomas died in 1535, aged about 30, in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. 3274. MARION CRAWFORD [MONTGOMERIE] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Hugh Montgomerie 3307 and Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3308. Marion died in 1580, aged about 90, in Auchinames Refrew, Scotland. Thomas Crawford 3273, aged about 19, married Marion Crawford [Montgomerie], aged about 34, in 1524 in Hazlehead, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: Patrick Crauford 3251 in 1530 3275. THOMAS FRASER (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1489, in Beauly, Inverness-Shire, Scotland, to Thomas Fraser 3309 and Janet Fraser [Gray] 3310. Thomas died in 1500, aged about 11, in Knockie, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. 3276. MARGARET FRASER [STUART] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1502 to John Stewart 3311 and Marion Stewart [Semple] 3312. Margaret died in Knockie, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Thomas Fraser 3275, aged about 21, married Margaret Fraser [Stuart], aged about 8, in 1510. They had one daughter: Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252 in 1535 3277. JOHN HOUSTOUN (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1503, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Patrick Houston 3313 and Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3314. John died in 1542, aged about 39, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3278. AGNES HOUSTOUN [HOPRINGLE] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1507, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to James Hopringle 3315 and Margaret Hopringle [Ker] 3316. Agnes died in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John Houstoun 3277, aged about 24, married Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle], aged about 20, in 1527 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one son: Patrick Houston 3253 in 1529 3279. GABRIEL CUNINGHAME (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Craigend, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to William Cuninghame 3317 and Giles Cuninghame [Campbell] 3318. Gabriel died in Pinkie, Lothian, Scotland. 3280. ELIZABETH CUNINGHAME [LIVINGSTONE] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland, to William Livingston 3319 and Janet Livingston [Bruce] 3320. Gabriel Cuninghame 3279, aged about 25, married Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone], aged about 19, in 1529 in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254 in 1529

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3281. THOMAS CRAWFORD (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1505, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to James Crawford 3321. Thomas died in 1535, aged about 30, in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. 3282. MARION CRAWFORD [MONTGOMERIE] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Hugh Montgomerie 3323 and Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3324. Marion died in 1580, aged about 90, in Auchinames Refrew, Scotland. Thomas Crawford 3281, aged about 19, married Marion Crawford [Montgomerie], aged about 34, in 1524 in Hazlehead, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: William Crawford 3255 in 1530 3283. JAMES CHALMERS (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1511, in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland, to James Chalmers 3325 and Ms. Chalmers [Boyd] 3326. 3284. ANNABELLA CHALMERS [CUNNINGHAM] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1520, in Caprington, Ayr, Scotland, to John Cunningham 3327 and Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328. James Chalmers 3283, aged about 23, married Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham], aged about 14, in 1534 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. They had one daughter: Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256 in 1535 3285. ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland, to William Cunningham 3329 and Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3330. Alexander died in Glencairn, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. 3286. JEAN CUNNINGHAM [HAMILTON] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1517, in Holmstone, Ayr, Scotland, to James Hamilton 3331 and Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332. Jean died in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Alexander Cunningham 3285, aged about 16, married Jean Cunningham [Hamilton], aged about 9, in 1526 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. They had one son: William Cunningham 3257 in 1532 3287. JAMES GORDON (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Lochinvar, Dalry, Kirkcudbrightshr, Scotland, to Robert Gordon 3333 and Marion Gordon [Accarson] 3334. James died in Pinkie, Edinburgh, Scotland. 3288. MARGARET GORDON [CRICHTON] (Joy's fourteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1502, in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland, to Robert Crichton 3335 and Marion Crichton [Maxwell] 3336. Margaret died in 1535, aged about 33, in Barony Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. James Gordon 3287 married Margaret Gordon [Crichton]. They had one daughter: Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258 in 1528 Generation of Caroline's Fourteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3289. ROBERT CRAWFORD (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. Robert died in 1513, aged about 33, in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. 3290. MARGARET CRAWFORD [SEMPLE] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1485, in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. Margaret died in 1509, aged about 24, in Crawford John, Scotland. Robert Crawford 3289 married Margaret Crawford [Semple] in Kilbirnie, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. They had one son: Lawrence Crawford 3265 in 1504 3291. HUGH CAMPBELL (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1840, in Balfron, Scotland. Hugh died in Smith, Govan, Scotland. 3292. MARY MILLER CAMPBELL [MCLAREN] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1849, in Aberfoyle. Mary died in 1881, aged about 32. Hugh Campbell 3291 married Mary Miller Campbell [Mclaren]. They had one daughter: Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266 in 1515 3293. HUMPHREY COLQUHOUN (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1495, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Humphrey died in 1537/1, aged about 42, in Dumbarton, Scotland. 3294. HELEN COLQUHOUN [GRAHAM] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in Colquhoun, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Helen died in Scotland. Humphrey Colquhoun 3293, aged about 20, married Helen Colquhoun [Graham], aged about 5, in 1515 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Colquhoun 3267 in 1523 3295. ROBERT BOYD (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1517, in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Robert died in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.

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3296. MARGARET BOYD [COLQUHOUN] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1525, in Glens, Scotland. Margaret died between 1601 and 1608, aged about 79, in Metropolitan Church, Glasgow, Scotland. Robert Boyd 3295, aged about 18, married Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun], aged about 10, in 1535 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268 in 1543 3297. ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Alexander died in Glencairn, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. 3298. JEAN CUNNINGHAM [HAMILTON] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1517, in Holmstone, Ayr, Scotland. Jean died in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Alexander Cunningham 3297, aged about 16, married Jean Cunningham [Hamilton], aged about 9, in 1526 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. They had one son: William Cunningham 3269 in 1532 3299. JAMES GORDON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Lochinvar, Dalry, Kirkcudbrightshr, Scotland. James died in Pinkie, Edinburgh, Scotland. 3300. MARGARET GORDON [CRICHTON] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1502, in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Margaret died in 1535, aged about 33, in Barony Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. James Gordon 3299 married Margaret Gordon [Crichton]. They had one daughter: Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270 in 1528 3301. COLIN CAMPBELL (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. Colin died in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. 3302. MARJORY CAMPBELL [STEWART] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Balveny, Fifeshire, Scotland. Marjory died in Island Lochtay, Perth, Scotland. Colin Campbell 3301, aged about 28, married Marjory Campbell [Stewart], aged about 18, in 1508 in Balveny, Fife, Scotland. They had one son: Colin Campbell 3271 in 1515 3303. WILLIAM RUTHVEN (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. William died in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. 3304. JANET RUTHVEN [HALYBURTON] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. Janet died in 1560, aged about 50, in Kynard, Perth, Scotland. William Ruthven 3303, aged about 19, married Janet Ruthven [Halyburton], aged about 9, in 1519 in Gowrie, Perth, Scotland. They had one daughter: Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272 in 1525 3305. JAMES CRAWFORD (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Robert Crawford 3337 and Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). James fathered one son: Thomas Crawford 3273 in 1505 3306. ELIZABETH MURE (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1508, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Mure 3339 and Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340. Elizabeth died in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Thomas Crawford 3273 in 1505 3307. HUGH MONTGOMERIE (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1453, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Alexander Montgomerie 3341 and Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342. Hugh died in 1490, aged about 37, in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3308. JANET MONTGOMERIE [MAXWELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455 to Mr. Maxwell 3343. Janet died in Hessilhead, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Hugh Montgomerie 3307 married Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell]. They had one daughter: Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in 1490 3309. THOMAS FRASER (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Lovat, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Thomas died in Priory, Beauly, Inverness-Shire, Scotland.

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3310. JANET FRASER [GRAY] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1470, in Foulis, Perth, Scotland. Janet died in Lovat, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Thomas Fraser 3309 married Janet Fraser [Gray]. They had one son: Thomas Fraser 3275 in 1489 3311. JOHN STEWART (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Darnley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John died in Henriestoun, Scotland. 3312. MARION STEWART [SEMPLE] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1460, in Eliotstown, Linlithgow, Scotland. John Stewart 3311 married Marion Stewart [Semple]. They had one daughter: Margaret Fraser [Stuart] 3276 in 1502 3313. PATRICK HOUSTON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Wightown, Galloway, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Patrick died in 1526, aged about 26, in Avening, Gloucestershire, England. 3314. JANET HOUSTON [CUNNINGHAM] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1488, in Glencairn, Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Patrick Houston 3313, aged about 1, married Janet Houston [Cunningham], aged about 13, in 1501 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Houstoun 3277 in 1503 3315. JAMES HOPRINGLE (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1445, in Smailholm, Selkirkshire, Scotland. James died in 1563/11, aged about 118, in Whytbank, Midlothian, Scotland. 3316. MARGARET HOPRINGLE [KER] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1567, in Linton, Cessford, Roxburghe, Scotland. Margaret died in 1589, aged about 22, in Whytbank, Midlothian, Scotland. James Hopringle 3315 married Margaret Hopringle [Ker]. They had one daughter: Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278 in 1507 3317. WILLIAM CUNINGHAME (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1495, in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland. William died in Dvp. 3318. GILES CUNINGHAME [CAMPBELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1482, in Loudoun, Ayr, Scotland. Giles died in 1552, aged about 70. William Cuninghame 3317 married Giles Cuninghame [Campbell]. They had one son: Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 in 1504 3319. WILLIAM LIVINGSTON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. William died. 3320. JANET LIVINGSTON [BRUCE] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1484, in Airth, Lanarkshire, Scotland. William Livingston 3319 married Janet Livingston [Bruce] in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280 in 1510 3321. JAMES CRAWFORD (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. James fathered one son: Thomas Crawford 3281 in 1505 3322. ELIZABETH MURE (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1508, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Elizabeth died in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Thomas Crawford 3281 in 1505 3323. HUGH MONTGOMERIE (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1453, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Hugh died in 1490, aged about 37, in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3324. JANET MONTGOMERIE [MAXWELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1455. Janet died in Hessilhead, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland. Hugh Montgomerie 3323 married Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell]. They had one daughter: Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in 1490 3325. JAMES CHALMERS (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1486, in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. 3326. MS. CHALMERS [BOYD] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. James Chalmers 3325, aged about 24, married Ms. Chalmers [Boyd], aged about 20, in 1510 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: James Chalmers 3283 in 1511

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3327. JOHN CUNNINGHAM (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Caprington, Ayrshire, Scotland. John died. 3328. ANNABELLA CUNNINGHAM [CAMPBELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1501, in Loudoun, Ayrshire, Scotland. Annabella died in 1575, aged about 74. John Cunningham 3327, aged about 24, married Annabella Cunningham [Campbell], aged about 13, between 1513 and 1515 in Caprington, Ayr, Scotland. They had one daughter: Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284 in 1520 3329. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1493, in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. William died in 1548/3, aged about 55, in Glencairn, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. 3330. MARGARET CUNNINGHAM [CAMPBELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia, USA. Margaret died in Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia, USA. William Cunningham 3329 married Margaret Cunningham [Campbell]. They had one son: Alexander Cunningham 3285 in 1510 3331. JAMES HAMILTON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. James died in 1529, aged about 54, in Kinneil House, Boness, West Lothian, Scotland. 3332. JANET HAMILTON [BEATON] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1486, in Creich, Fifeshire, Scotland. Janet died in 1522, aged about 36, in Kinneil House, Boness, West Lothian, Scotland. James Hamilton 3331 married Janet Hamilton [Beaton] in Isle Arran, Buteshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286 in 1517 3333. ROBERT GORDON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Robert died between 1525 and 1526, aged about 51, in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. 3334. MARION GORDON [ACCARSON] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1478, in Glen, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Marion died in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Robert Gordon 3333 married Marion Gordon [Accarson] in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. They had one son: James Gordon 3287 in 1500 3335. ROBERT CRICHTON (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1472, in Sanquhar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Robert died in 1513, aged about 41, in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 3336. MARION CRICHTON [MAXWELL] (Joy's fifteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1485/4, in Sanquar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Marion died. Robert Crichton 3335, aged about 19, married Marion Crichton [Maxwell], aged about 6, in 1491 in Sanquhar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288 in 1502 Generation of Caroline's Fifteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3337. ROBERT CRAWFORD (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1435, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Archibald Crawford 3344 and Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345. 3338. MARION CRAWFORD [HOUSTON] (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1436, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Houston 3346 and Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347. Robert Crawford 3337, aged about 34, married Marion Crawford [Houston], aged about 33, in 1469 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: James Crawford 3305 in 1470 3339. JOHN MURE (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1478, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Adam Mure 3348 and Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349. John died in 1538, aged about 60, in Caldwell, Argyllshire, Scotland. 3340. JANET MURE [STEWART] (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1482, in Lennox, Stirlingshire, Scotland, to John Stewart 3350 and Elizabeth Stewart [Graham] 3351. Janet died in Caldwell, Argyllshire, Scotland. John Mure 3339, aged about 25, married Janet Mure [Stewart], aged about 21, in 1503 in Lennox, Stirlingshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Mure 3306 in 1508 3341. ALEXANDER MONTGOMERIE (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1425, in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Alexander Montgomery 3352 and Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353. Alexander died in 1452, aged about 27, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3342. ELIZABETH MONTGOMERIE [HEPBURN] (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1430, in Hailes Castle,

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Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland, to Adam Hepburn 3354 and Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355. Elizabeth died in 1448, aged about 18, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Alexander Montgomerie 3341 married Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn]. They had one son: Hugh Montgomerie 3307 in 1453 3343. MR. MAXWELL (Joy's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). Mr. Maxwell fathered one daughter: Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3308 in 1455 Generation of Caroline's Sixteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3344. ARCHIBALD CRAWFORD (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1389, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Thomas Crawford 3356 and Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357. 3345. MARGARET CRAWFORD [DOUGLAS] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1394, in Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland, to Archibald Douglas 3358 and Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359. Margaret died in 1425, aged about 31. Archibald Crawford 3344, aged about 36, married Margaret Crawford [Douglas], aged about 31, in 1425 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: Robert Crawford 3337 in 1435 3346. JOHN HOUSTON (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1430, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Patrick Houston 3360 and Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361. John died in 1456, aged about 26, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3347. ANNES HOUSTON [CAMPBELL] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1421, in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Duncan Campbell 3362. Annes died in 1456, aged about 35, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John Houston 3346, aged about 4, married Annes Houston [Campbell], aged about 13, in 1434 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338 in 1436 3348. ADAM MURE (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1454, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Mure 3364 and Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365. Adam died in 1513, aged about 59, in Flodden, Scotland. 3349. ELIZABETH MURE [SEMPILL] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1456, in Eliston, Linlithgow, Scotland, to Thomas Semphill 3366. Adam Mure 3348, aged about 11, married Elizabeth Mure [Sempill], aged about 9, in 1465 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Mure 3339 in 1478 3350. JOHN STEWART (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1368, in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Robert Stewart 3368 and Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369. John died in 1412, aged about 44, in Drumglass, Angusshire, Scotland. 3351. ELIZABETH STEWART [GRAHAM] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1347, in Ardgowan, Scotland, to John Graham 3370. John Stewart 3350 married Elizabeth Stewart [Graham]. They had one daughter: Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340 in 1482 3352. ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1403, in Ardrossan, Ayrshire, Scotland, to John Montgomery 3371 and Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372. Alexander died in 1470, aged about 67, in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3353. MARGARET MONTGOMERY [BOYD] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1413, in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Thomas Boyd 3373 and Isabell Boyd 3374. Margaret died in 1453, aged about 40, in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Alexander Montgomery 3352 married Margaret Montgomery [Boyd]. They had one son: Alexander Montgomerie 3341 in 1425 3354. ADAM HEPBURN (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1382, in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland, to Patrick Hepburn 3375 and Beatrice Hepburn [De Vaux] 3376. Adam died in 1446, aged about 64, in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. 3355. JANET HEPBURN [DE BORTHWICK] (Joy's seventeen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1388, in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland, to William Borthwick 3377 and Ms. Borthwick [De Hay] 3378. Janet died in Scotland. Adam Hepburn 3354 married Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] in Papal Dispensation. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342 in 1430

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Generation of Caroline's Seventeen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3356. THOMAS CRAWFORD (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1350, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Reginald Crawford 3379 and Reginald Crawford 3380. 3357. MS. CRAWFORD [GALBRAITH] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1365, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland, to Malcolm Galbraith 3381. Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] died in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. Thomas Crawford 3356, aged about 35, married Ms. Crawford [Galbraith], aged about 20, in 1385 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: Archibald Crawford 3344 in 1389 3358. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Douglas Castle, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland, to Archibald Douglas 3382 and Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383. Archibald died in Verneuil, France. 3359. MARGARET DOUGLAS [STEWART] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370, in Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, to Robert Stewart 3384 and Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385. Margaret died in 1456, aged about 86, in Thrieve Castle, Galloway, Galloway, Scotland. Archibald Douglas 3358, aged about 20, married Margaret Douglas [Stewart], aged about 20, in 1390 in Argyll, Clan, Fife, Scotland. They had one daughter: Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345 in 1394 3360. PATRICK HOUSTON (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1400, in That Ilk, Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John De Houston 3386 and Ms. De Houston [Livingston] 3387. Patrick died in 1450, aged about 50, in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3361. MARIA HOUSTON [COLQUHOUN] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1402, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, to John Colquhoun 3388 and Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389. Maria died in 1456, aged about 54, in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Patrick Houston 3360, aged about 19, married Maria Houston [Colquhoun], aged about 17, in 1419 in Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Houston 3346 in 1430 3362. DUNCAN CAMPBELL (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Lochowe, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Colin Campbell 3390 and Mariota Campbell 3391. Duncan died in 1453, aged about 83, in Kilmun, Cowal, Argyllshire, Scotland. Duncan fathered one daughter: Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in 1421 3363. MARGARET STEWART (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland to John Stewart 3392. Margaret died in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Margaret gave birth to one daughter: Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in 1421 3364. JOHN MURE (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1423, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Mure 3394 and Mrs John Mure 3395. John died in 1492, aged about 69, in Caldwell, Ayr, Stotland. 3365. ELIZABETH MURE [LINDSAY] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1424, in Dunrod, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, to John Lindsay 3396. John Mure 3364, aged about 22, married Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay], aged about 21, in 1445 in Dunrod, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. They had one son: Adam Mure 3348 in 1454 3366. THOMAS SEMPHILL (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1420, in Eliotstoun, Linlithgow, Scotland, to William Sempill 3397 and Margaret Sempill [Cathcart] 3398. Thomas died in Saucheiburn, Scotland. Thomas fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in 1456 3367. ELIZABETH ROSS (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1447, in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Ross 3399 and Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400. Elizabeth died in Eliotstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in 1456 3368. ROBERT STEWART (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1337, in Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Robert Stewart 3401 and Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402. Robert died in Rothsay Castle, Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland.

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Indirectly Related via Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]

3369. ANNABELLA STEWART [DRUMMOND] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland, to John Drummond 3403. Annabella died in 1401, aged about 51, in Scone, Perth, Scotland. Robert Stewart 3368 married Annabella Stewart [Drummond] in Dispensation, Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland. They had one son: John Stewart 3350 in 1368 3370. JOHN GRAHAM (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born to William Graham 3405 and Mariota Graham [Oliphant] 3406. John fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Stewart [Graham] 3351 in 1347 3371. JOHN MONTGOMERY (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1362, in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland, to John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 and Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton] 3408. John died in 1429, aged about 67, in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3372. MARGARET MONTGOMERY [MAXWELL] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1368, in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland, to Herbert Maxwell 3409 and Katherine Maxwell [Stewart] 3410. Margaret died in 1443, aged about 75, in Eglington, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. John Montgomery 3371 married Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. They had two children: Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in 1390 Alexander Montgomery 3352 in 1403 3373. THOMAS BOYD (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1405, in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Thomas Boyd 3411 and Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412. Thomas died in Craignaught Hill, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3374. ISABELL BOYD (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1395, in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Andrew Lyle 3413 and Catherine Lyle 3414. Isabell died in 1439, aged about 44. Thomas Boyd 3373 married Isabell Boyd. They had one daughter: Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353 in 1413 3375. PATRICK HEPBURN (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1338, in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland, to Patrick Hepburn 3415. Patrick died in Nisbet Moor, Wooler, Northumberland, England. 3376. BEATRICE HEPBURN [DE VAUX] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1345, in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland, to William De Vaux 3417 and Ms. De Vaux [William] 3418. Patrick Hepburn 3375 married Beatrice Hepburn [De Vaux]. They had one son: Adam Hepburn 3354 in 1382 3377. WILLIAM BORTHWICK (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1355, in Borthwick Castle, Midlothian, Scotland, to William De Borthwick 3419 and Willliam De Borthwick 3420. William died in 1450, aged about 95, in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. 3378. MS. BORTHWICK [DE HAY] (Joy's eighteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1372, in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland, to Thomas Haya 3421 and Janet Jean Haya [Gifford] 3422. William Borthwick 3377 married Ms. Borthwick [De Hay]. They had one daughter: Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355 in 1388 Generation of Caroline's Eighteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3379. REGINALD CRAWFORD (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1317, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. 3380. REGINALD CRAWFORD (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1329, in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Reginald Crawford 3379, aged about 32, married Reginald Crawford, aged about 20, in 1349 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: Thomas Crawford 3356 in 1350 3381. MALCOLM GALBRAITH (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1315, in Eastern Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Malcolm died in 1388, aged about 73, in Greenock Easter, Glasgow, Scotland. Malcolm fathered one daughter: Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357 in 1365 3382. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1325, in Hermiston, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Archibald died in Douglas Castle, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

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3383. JOHANA DOUGLAS [MORAY] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Bothwell, Scotland. Johana died in 1409, aged about 59, in Hermiston, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Archibald Douglas 3382 married Johana Douglas [Moray] in Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland. They had one son: Archibald Douglas 3358 in 1370 3384. ROBERT STEWART (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1337, in Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland. Robert died in Rothsay Castle, Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3385. ANNABELLA STEWART [DRUMMOND] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland. Annabella died in 1401, aged about 51, in Scone, Perth, Scotland. Robert Stewart 3384 married Annabella Stewart [Drummond] in Dispensation, Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland. They had two children: John Stewart 3392 in 1362 Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in 1370 3386. JOHN DE HOUSTON (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1355, in Rumanoch, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John died in 1425, aged about 70. 3387. MS. DE HOUSTON [LIVINGSTON] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). John De Houston 3386 married Ms. De Houston [Livingston]. They had one son: Patrick Houston 3360 in 1400 3388. JOHN COLQUHOUN (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1370, in Dumbarton, Scotland. John died in Dumbarton, Scotland. 3389. JEAN COLQUHOUN [ERSKINE] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1350, in Erskine, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Jean died in 1411, aged about 61, in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. John Colquhoun 3388, aged about 41, married Jean Colquhoun [Erskine], aged about 61, in 1411 in Inchmurrin, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in 1402 3390. COLIN CAMPBELL (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1344, in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Colin died in 1413, aged about 69, in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. 3391. MARIOTA CAMPBELL (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1348, in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Mariota died in 1420, aged about 72, in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Colin Campbell 3390 married Mariota Campbell. They had one son: Duncan Campbell 3362 in 1370 3392. JOHN STEWART (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1362, in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Robert Stewart 3384 and Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385. John died in Drumglass, Angusshire, Scotland. John fathered one daughter: Margaret Stewart 3363 in 3393. ELIZABETH GRAHAM (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1370. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Margaret Stewart 3363 in 3394. JOHN MURE (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1390, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John died in 1430, aged about 40, in Caldwell, Argyllshire, Scotland. John married twice, including Mrs John Mure 3395. John fathered one daughter: Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400 in 1428 3395. MRS JOHN MURE (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born about 1400, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Citations: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Source 17 (Name; Birth). John Mure 3394 married Mrs John Mure. They had one son: John Mure 3364 in 1423 3396. JOHN LINDSAY (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1384. John fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365 in 1424

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3397. WILLIAM SEMPILL (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1420, in Eliotstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. William died between 1480 and 1487, aged about 64, in Scotland. 3398. MARGARET SEMPILL [CATHCART] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1422, in Cathcart, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Margaret died in 1445, aged about 23, in Eliotstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. William Sempill 3397 married Margaret Sempill [Cathcart]. They had one son: Thomas Semphill 3366 in 1420 3399. JOHN ROSS (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1425, in Tulloch Castle, Dingwall, Ross-Shire, Scotland. John died in 1501, aged about 76, in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3400. MARJORY ROSS [MURE] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1428, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to John Mure 3394. Marjory died in 1491, aged about 63, in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John Ross 3399 married Marjory Ross [Mure]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Ross 3367 in 1447 3401. ROBERT STEWART (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in Dundonald, Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland. Robert died in Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3402. ELIZABETH STEWART [MURE] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1320, in Rowallan, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Elizabeth died in 1355, aged about 35, in Paisley Chaple, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Robert Stewart 3401 married Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] in Dispensation, Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland. They had one son: Robert Stewart 3368 in 1337 3403. JOHN DRUMMOND (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1326, in Inchmohomo, Scotland. John died in 1373, aged about 47, in Concraig, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. John fathered one daughter: Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in 1350 3404. MARY MONTIFEX (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1330, in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland. Mary died in 1424, aged about 94, in Scotland. Mary gave birth to one daughter: Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in 1350 3405. WILLIAM GRAHAM (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1395, in Ayrshire, Scotland. William died. 3406. MARIOTA GRAHAM [OLIPHANT] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1397, in Aberdalgy, Perth, Scotland. Mariota died in 1412, aged about 15, in Kincadine, Fife, Scotland. William Graham 3405 married Mariota Graham [Oliphant]. They had one son: John Graham 3370 in 3407. JOHN ALEXANDER DE MONTGOMERY (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1338, in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland. John died in 1401, aged about 63, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3408. ELIZABETH DE MONTGOMERY [EGLINTON] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1340, in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Elizabeth died in 1398, aged about 58, in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayr, Scotland. John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 married Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton]. They had one son: John Montgomery 3371 in 1362 3409. HERBERT MAXWELL (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1366, in Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Herbert died in Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 3410. KATHERINE MAXWELL [STEWART] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1366, in Dalswinton, Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Herbert Maxwell 3409 married Katherine Maxwell [Stewart] . They had one daughter: Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372 in 1368 3411. THOMAS BOYD (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1385, in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Thomas died in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 3412. JOANNA BOYD [MONTGOMERY] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1390, in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland, to John Montgomery 3371 and Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372. Joanna died in 1469, aged about 79, in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Thomas Boyd 3411, aged about 19, married Joanna Boyd [Montgomery], aged about 14, in 1404 in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. They had one son: Thomas Boyd 3373 in 1405

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3413. ANDREW LYLE (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1387, in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. 3414. CATHERINE LYLE (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1387, in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Andrew Lyle 3413, aged about 16, married Catherine Lyle, aged about 16, in 1403 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. They had one daughter: Isabell Boyd 3374 in 1395 3415. PATRICK HEPBURN (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1322, in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Patrick died in 1402, aged about 80, in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Patrick fathered one son: Patrick Hepburn 3375 in 1338 3416. AGNES DUNBAR (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1324, in Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. Agnes died in 1378/10, aged about 54, in Dalkeith, Fife, Scotland. Agnes gave birth to one son: Patrick Hepburn 3375 in 1338 3417. WILLIAM DE VAUX (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1298, in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. William died in 1364, aged about 66, in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. 3418. MS. DE VAUX [WILLIAM] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1310. William De Vaux 3417 married Ms. De Vaux [William]. They had one daughter: Beatrice Hepburn [De Vaux] 3376 in 1345 3419. WILLIAM DE BORTHWICK (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1329, in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. William died in 1414, aged about 85, in Catcume, Scotland. 3420. WILLLIAM DE BORTHWICK (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1331, in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. William De Borthwick 3419, aged about 21, married Willliam De Borthwick, aged about 19, in 1350 in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. They had one son: William Borthwick 3377 in 1355 3421. THOMAS HAYA (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1354, in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. Thomas died in 1397, aged about 43, in Yester Castle, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. 3422. JANET JEAN HAYA [GIFFORD] (Joy's nineteen-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1344, in Yester Castle, Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland. Thomas Haya 3421 married Janet Jean Haya [Gifford]. They had one daughter: Ms. Borthwick [De Hay] 3378 in 1372

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5. INDIRECTLY RELATED via JOSIAH NELSON STUTLER 17 (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed) Generation of Caroline's Great-Grandparents 3423. NANCY STUTLER [CARDER] (Josiah's mother) was born in 1797, in Harrison, West Virginia, USA. Nancy died in 1832, aged about 35, in Jane Lew, Lewis, Virginia, USA. Nancy married her indirect relation, John Adam Stutler 18. John Adam Stutler 18 married Nancy Stutler [Carder] in Harrison, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 in

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6. INDIRECTLY RELATED via JOHN ADAM STUTLER 18 (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed) Generation of Caroline's Great-Grandparents 3424. JOHN ADAM STUTLER (John's father) was born in 1757, in West Milford, Harrison, Virginia, USA, to John Adam Stutler 3426 and Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427. John died in 1827, aged about 70, in Harrison, Virginia, USA. 3425. SARAH ABIGAIL STUTLER [HUGHES] (John's mother) was born in 1760, in West Milford Fort, Harrison, West Virginia, USA, to Ellis Hughes 3428 and Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429. Sarah died in 1850, aged about 90, in Harrison, Virginia, USA. John Adam Stutler 3424 married Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes]. They had one son: John Adam Stutler 18 in Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Grandparents 3426. JOHN ADAM STUTLER (John's grandfather) was born in 1712, in Germany, to Jacob Von Staadltler 3430 and Mary Von Staadltler [Sites] 3431. John died in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3427. MARY STUTLER [NEWBERGER] (John's grandmother) was born in 1730, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Mary died in Shenandoah Valley, Wetzel, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Adam Stutler 3426, aged about 38, married Mary Stutler [Newberger], aged about 20, in 1750 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: John Adam Stutler 3424 in 1757 3428. ELLIS HUGHES (John's grandfather) was born in 1729, in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA, to William Hughes 3432 and Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 3429. SUSSANAH HUGHES [ANDERSON] (John's grandmother) was born in 1760, in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA, to James Anderson 3434 and Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435. Sussanah died in Harrison, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Ellis Hughes 3428, aged about 21, married Sussanah Hughes [Anderson], aged about -10, in 1750 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one daughter: Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425 in 1760 Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 3430. JACOB VON STAADLTLER (John's great-grandfather) was born in 1690, in Germany. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 3431. MARY VON STAADLTLER [SITES] (John's great-grandmother) was born in 1700, in Germany. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Jacob Von Staadltler 3430 married Mary Von Staadltler [Sites]. They had one son: John Adam Stutler 3426 in 1712 3432. WILLIAM HUGHES (John's great-grandfather) was born in 1691, in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA, to William Hewes 3436 and Sarah Hewes [Bezer] 3437. William died in 1767, aged about 76, in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. 3433. MARY SIDNEY HUGHES [WITHERS] (John's great-grandmother) was born in 1691, in Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, to Thomas Withers 3438 and Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439. Mary died in 1750, aged about 59, in Hampshire, VA, West Virginia, USA. William Hughes 3432 married Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] in Chichester Mm, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: Ellis Hughes 3428 in 1729 3434. JAMES ANDERSON (John's great-grandfather) was born in Isle Skye, Scotland to Mr. Anderson 3440. James died in 1741 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. 3435. ELIZABETH ANDERSON [JERMAN] (John's great-grandmother) was born in 1696, in Schuylkill, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA, to Thomas Jerman 3441 and Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] 3442. Elizabeth died in 1741, aged about 45, in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. James Anderson 3434 married Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman]. They had one daughter: Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 in 1760

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Indirectly Related via John Adam Stutler Generation of Caroline's Four-Times-Great-Grandparents

3436. WILLIAM HEWES (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1661, in Lod-Hywise, Donyford, Somerset, England, to William Hughes 3443 and Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444. William died in 1733, aged about 72, in Ouldmans Creek, Salem, New Jersey, England. 3437. SARAH HEWES [BEZER] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in Bishops Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England to Edward Bezer 3445 and Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446. Sarah died in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. William Hewes 3436 married Sarah Hewes [Bezer] in Marcus, Hook, Pennsylvania, USA. They had one son: William Hughes 3432 in 1691 3438. THOMAS WITHERS (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England to William Withers 3447. Thomas died in 1720 in Chichestesr, Chestesr, Pennsylvania, USA. 3439. ELIZABETH WITHERS [COLLETT] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1682, in Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, to Jeremiah Collett 3449 and Joan Collett [May] 3450. Elizabeth died in 1705, aged about 23, in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Thomas Withers 3438 married Elizabeth Withers [Collett]. They had one daughter: Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433 in 1691 3440. MR. ANDERSON (John's great-great-grandfather). Mr. Anderson fathered one son: James Anderson 3434 in 3441. THOMAS JERMAN (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1670, in Wales, to Mr. Jarman 3451. Thomas died in 1740, aged about 70, in Tredyffrin, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. 3442. MS. JERMAN [ELIZABETH] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1670. Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] died in Tredyffrin, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Jerman 3441, aged about 20, married Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth], aged about 20, in 1690. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435 in 1696 Generation of Caroline's Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3443. WILLIAM HUGHES (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1635, in St Pauls Parish Shadwell London, Middlesex, England, to John Hewish 3452 and Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453. William died in Chichester, Pennsylvania, Cheshire, England. 3444. DEBORAH HUGHES [PEDRICK] (John's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1640, in North Petherton Hundred, Somerset, England, to Roger Pedrick 3454 and Ms. Unknown 3455. Deborah died in Chichester, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. William Hughes 3443 married Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] in St Dunstans Church, Stepney St, London, England. They had one son: William Hewes 3436 in 1661 3445. EDWARD BEZER (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Rowde, Wiltshire, England to Edward Bezer 3456 and Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457. Edward died in 1688 in Chichester, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. 3446. ANN BEZER [FRY] (John's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1642, in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England, to John Fry 3458 and Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459. Ann died in 1688, aged about 46, in Chichester, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA. Edward Bezer 3445 married Ann Bezer [Fry] in Bishops Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Sarah Hewes [Bezer] 3437 in 3447. WILLIAM WITHERS (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1637, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Thomas Withers 3460 and Mary Withers [Sloper] 3461. William died in Marlborough, England. William fathered one son: Thomas Withers 3438 in 3448. JANE TARRANT (John's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England to Robert Tarrant 3462 and Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463. Jane died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Jane gave birth to one son: Thomas Withers 3438 in 3449. JEREMIAH COLLETT (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1659, in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Jeremiah died in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.

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Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3450. JOAN COLLETT [MAY] (John's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1652, in Ft Smith, Sebastian, Arkansas, USA, to Joan Unknown 3464. Joan died in 1686, aged about 34, in Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA. Jeremiah Collett 3449, aged about -7, married Joan Collett [May], as an infant, in 1652 in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439 in 1682 3451. MR. JARMAN (John's great-great-great-grandfather). Mr. Jarman fathered one son: Thomas Jerman 3441 in 1670 Generation of Caroline's Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3452. JOHN HEWISH (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1594, in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England, to William Hewes 3465 and Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466. John died in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3453. JOANNA HEWISH [MAUNINGE] (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1600, in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England, to John Mauninge 3467 and Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468. Joanna died in Donyford, St Decumans, Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Hewish 3452, aged about 26, married Joanna Hewish [Mauninge], aged about 20, in 1620 in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. They had one son: William Hughes 3443 in 1635 3454. ROGER PEDRICK (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1615, in North Petherton Hundred, Somerset, England. Roger died in North Petherton Hundred, Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3455. MS. UNKNOWN (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1615, in Somerset, England. Ms. Unknown died in Somerset, England. Citation: Source 17 (Birth; Death). Roger Pedrick 3454, aged about 23, married Ms. Unknown, aged about 23, in 1638 in Somerset, England. They had one daughter: Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444 in 1640 3456. EDWARD BEZER (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1611, in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England, to Edward Burcher 3469 and Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470. Edward died in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3457. JEAN BEZER [LAWRENCE] (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1611, in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England, to Oliver St John 3471 and Dorothy St John [Read] 3472. Jean died in 1684, aged about 73, in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Edward Bezer 3456 married Jean Bezer [Lawrence] in Alderton, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Edward Bezer 3445 in 3458. JOHN FRY (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1609, in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England, to William Fry 3473 and Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474. John died in 1657, aged about 48, in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3459. ANNA FRY [LINDSAY] (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1613, in Weymouth Poole, Dorset, England, to Edward Lindsay 3475 and Mrs Edward Lindsay 3476. Anna died in 1666, aged about 53, in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Fry 3458, aged about 22, married Anna Fry [Lindsay], aged about 18, in 1631 in Weymouth Poole, Dorset, England. They had one daughter: Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446 in 1642 3460. THOMAS WITHERS (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1591, in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England, to Thomas Withers 3477 and Joan Withers [Nash] 3478. Thomas died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3461. MARY WITHERS [SLOPER] (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England to Thomas Sloper 3479 and Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3480. Mary died in 1716.

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3462. ROBERT TARRANT (John's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1604, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Robert died in Bromham, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3463. JONE TARRANT [SLOPER] (John's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1607, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Thomas Sloper 3481 and Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482. Jone died in Bromham, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Tarrant 3462 married Jone Tarrant [Sloper] in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane Tarrant 3448 in 3464. JOAN UNKNOWN (John's four-times-great-grandmother). Joan gave birth to one daughter: Joan Collett [May] 3450 in 1652 Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3465. WILLIAM HEWES (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England to Silvester Huysh 3483 and Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484. William died in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. 3466. ELIZABETH HEWES [MORGAN] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1579, in St Georges, Somerset, England. Elizabeth died in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. William Hewes 3465 married Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan], aged about 13, in 1592 in St Georges, Somerset, England. They had one son: John Hewish 3452 in 1594 3467. JOHN MAUNINGE (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. John died in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. 3468. DOROTHY MAUNINGE [STRANGEWAYS] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1575, in Melbury, Dorset, England, to John Strangeways 3485 and Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486. Dorothy died in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. John Mauninge 3467, aged about 23, married Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways], aged about 23, in 1598 in Melbury, Dorset, England. They had one daughter: Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 in 1600 3469. EDWARD BURCHER (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in Bath, Somerset, England, to William Bourchier 3487 and Elizabeth Bourchier [Russell] 3488. Edward died in Tawstock, Devon, England. 3470. DOROTHY BURCHER [ST JOHN] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1602, in London, London, England, to Oliver St John 3489 and Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490. Dorothy died in Halstead, Essex, England. Edward Burcher 3469 married Dorothy Burcher [St John] in Halstead, Essex, England. They had one son: Edward Bezer 3456 in 1611 3471. OLIVER ST JOHN (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, to Oliver St John 3491 and Agnes St John [Fisher] 3492. Oliver died in England. 3472. DOROTHY ST JOHN [READ] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1550, in Bodington, Gloucestershire, England, to John Read 3493 and Margaret Read [Pauncefoot] 3494. Dorothy died in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. Oliver St John 3471 married Dorothy St John [Read]. They had one daughter: Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 in 1611 3473. WILLIAM FRY (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1583, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England, to William Brewer 3495 and William Brewer [Fry] 3496. William died in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. 3474. MILLICENT FRY [SWAYNE] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1588, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England, to Robert Swayne 3497. Millicent died in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. William Fry 3473 married Millicent Fry [Swayne] in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. They had one son: John Fry 3458 in 1609 3475. EDWARD LINDSAY (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1587, in Weymouth, Dorset, England, to Thomas Lindsay 3498. Edward died in Lost.

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3476. MRS EDWARD LINDSAY (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1591, in Weymouth, Dorset, England. Edward Lindsay 3475 married Mrs Edward Lindsay. They had one daughter: Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in 1613 3477. THOMAS WITHERS (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1545, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to William Withers 3500. Thomas died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. 3478. JOAN WITHERS [NASH] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1545, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to William Nash 3501 and Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502. Joan died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Thomas Withers 3477, aged about 70, married Joan Withers [Nash], aged about 70, in 1615/11 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. They had one son: Thomas Withers 3460 in 1591 3479. THOMAS SLOPER (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1569, in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England, to John Sloper 3503 and Emma Sloper 3504. Thomas died in Bourtons Crosse, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England. 3480. MARY SLOPER [BAILLY] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1573, in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. Mary died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Thomas Sloper 3479 married Mary Sloper [Bailly] in Wallope, Hampton, England. They had one daughter: Mary Withers [Sloper] 3461 in 3481. THOMAS SLOPER (John's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1569, in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England, to John Sloper 3505 and Emma Sloper 3506. Thomas died in Bourtons Crosse, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England. 3482. MARY SLOPER [BAILLY] (John's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1573, in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. Mary died in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Thomas Sloper 3481 married Mary Sloper [Bailly] in Wallope, Hampton, England. They had one daughter: Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463 in 1607 Generation of Caroline's Eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 3483. SILVESTER HUYSH (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England, to William Huyshe 3507 and Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508. Silvester died in 1590, aged about 50, in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. 3484. AUSTINE ALICE HUYSH [NORRIS] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1552, in Milverton, Hundred, Somerset, England, to William Norris 3509. Austine died in 1572, aged about 20, in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. Silvester Huysh 3483 married Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. They had one son: William Hewes 3465 in 3485. JOHN STRANGEWAYS (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1548, in Melbury, Dorset, England, to Giles Strangeways 3510 and Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511. John died in 1593, aged about 45, in Melbury, Dorset, England. 3486. DOROTHY STRANGEWAYS [THYNNE] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1551, in Longleat, Wiltshire, England, to John Thynne 3512 and Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513. Dorothy died in Melbury, Dorset, England. John Strangeways 3485, aged about 23, married Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne], aged about 20, in 1571 in Longleat, Wiltshire, England. They had one daughter: Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468 in 1575 3487. WILLIAM BOURCHIER (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1555, in Halstead, Essex, England. William died in Troyes, Aube, France. 3488. ELIZABETH BOURCHIER [RUSSELL] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in Westminster, London, Middlesex, England. Elizabeth died in Westminster, London, England. William Bourchier 3487 married Elizabeth Bourchier [Russell] in Westminster, Middlesex, England. They had one son: Edward Burcher 3469 in 1575 3489. OLIVER ST JOHN (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in London, London, England, to Henry St John 3514 and Jane St John [Neale] 3515. Oliver died in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. 3490. SARAH ST JOHN [BULKELEY] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1580, in Odell, Bedfordshire, England, to Edward Bulkeley 3516 and Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517. Sarah died in 1611, aged about 31, in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Oliver St John 3489, aged about 22, married Sarah St John [Bulkeley], aged about 17, in 1597 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470 in 1602

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3491. OLIVER ST JOHN (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1516, in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, to John Saint John 3518 and Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave] 3519. Oliver died in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. 3492. AGNES ST JOHN [FISHER] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1522, in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, to John Fisher 3520 and Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521. Agnes died in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. Oliver St John 3491 married Agnes St John [Fisher]. They had one son: Oliver St John 3471 in 1550 3493. JOHN READ (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1526, in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England, to Richard Reade 3522 and Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523. John died in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. 3494. MARGARET READ [PAUNCEFOOT] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born to Richard Pauncefote 3524 and Dorothy Pauncefote [Ashfield] 3525. John Read 3493 married Margaret Read [Pauncefoot]. They had one daughter: Dorothy St John [Read] 3472 in 1550 3495. WILLIAM BREWER (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England to John Brewer 3526. William died in 1605 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. 3496. WILLIAM BREWER [FRY] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1555, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. William Brewer 3495 married William Brewer [Fry]. They had one son: William Fry 3473 in 1583 3497. ROBERT SWAYNE (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1556, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England, to John Swaine 3527 and Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528. Robert died in 1591, aged about 35, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Robert fathered one daughter: Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474 in 1588 3498. THOMAS LINDSAY (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1557, in Scotland. Thomas died in 1608, aged about 51, in Fenstanton, Huntingdon, England. Thomas fathered one son: Edward Lindsay 3475 in 1587 3499. MS. LINDSEY (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1577, in Huntington, Fenstanton, Maryland, USA. Ms. Lindsey gave birth to one son: Edward Lindsay 3475 in 1587 3500. WILLIAM WITHERS (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. William fathered one son: Thomas Withers 3477 in 1545 3501. WILLIAM NASH (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1545, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to John Nash 3529. 3502. MARGERY NASH [SLOPER] (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1579, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Ralph Sloper 3530. Margery died in 1579, as an infant, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. William Nash 3501 married Margery Nash [Sloper]. They had one daughter: Joan Withers [Nash] 3478 in 1545 3503. JOHN SLOPER (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1547, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Ralph Sloper 3531 and Emma One Sloper 3532. John died. 3504. EMMA SLOPER (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1554, in Burton, Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Emma died in Bishop Cannings Wiltshire, United Kingdom. John Sloper 3503 married Emma Sloper. They had one son: Thomas Sloper 3479 in 1569 3505. JOHN SLOPER (John's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1547, in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Ralph Sloper 3533 and Emma One Sloper 3534. John died. 3506. EMMA SLOPER (John's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1554, in Burton, Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Emma died in Bishop Cannings Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Sloper 3505 married Emma Sloper. They had one son: Thomas Sloper 3481 in 1569

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3507. WILLIAM HUYSHE (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1518, in Northcombe, Somerset, England, to John Hewyshe 3536 and Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537. William died in 1540, aged about 22, in Dunster, Somerset, England. 3508. ELLEN HUYSHE [GAUNTE] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1520, in Graunt, Dorset, England. Ellen died in 1545, aged about 25, in Donyford, St Decumans, Somerset, England. William Huyshe 3507, aged about 19, married Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte], aged about 17, in 1537 in Begarn-Hywus, Nettlecombe, Somerset, England. They had one son: Silvester Huysh 3483 in 1540 3509. WILLIAM NORRIS (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in England. William died in England. William fathered one daughter: Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484 in 1552 3510. GILES STRANGEWAYS (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1518, in Melbury, Dorset, England, to Henry Strangwayes 3538 and Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539. Giles died in 1562, aged about 44. 3511. JOHANNA STRANGEWAYS [WADHAM] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1533, in Merefield, Sussex, England, to John Wadham 3540 and Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541. Johanna died in Bristol. Giles Strangeways 3510, aged about 29, married Johanna Strangeways [Wadham], aged about 14, in 1547. They had one son: John Strangeways 3485 in 1548 3512. JOHN THYNNE (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Longleat, Whitshire, England, to Thomas Thynne 3542 and Margaret Thynne [Heynes] 3543. John died in Longleaf, Wiltshire, England. 3513. CHRISTIAN THYNNE [GRESHAM] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1521, in London, Middlesex, England, to Richard Gresham 3544 and Audrey Gresham [Lynn] 3545. Christian died in 1565, aged about 44, in Longleat, Wiltshire, England. John Thynne 3512 married Christian Thynne [Gresham] in London, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486 in 1551 3514. HENRY ST JOHN (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1545, in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England, to Alexander St John 3546 and Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547. Henry died in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. 3515. JANE ST JOHN [NEALE] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1549, in London, Middlesex, England, to Thomas Neale 3548 and Goditha Neale [Throckmorton] 3549. Jane died in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Henry St John 3514, aged about 20, married Jane St John [Neale], aged about 16, in 1565 in London, Middlesex, England. They had one son: Oliver St John 3489 in 1575 3516. EDWARD BULKELEY (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Woore, Shropshire, England, to Thomas Bulkeley 3550 and Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor] 3551. Edward died in Odell, Bedfordshire, England. 3517. OLIVE BULKELEY [IRBY] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1547, in Odell, Bedfordshire, England, to John Irby 3552 and Rose Irby [Overton] 3553. Olive died in Odell, Bedfordshire, England. Edward Bulkeley 3516, aged about 26, married Olive Bulkeley [Irby], aged about 19, in 1566 in Goldington, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in 1580 3518. JOHN SAINT JOHN (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1498, in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, to John Saint John 3554 and Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555. John died in Blettsowe, Bedfordshire, England. 3519. MARGARET SAINT JOHN [WALDEGRAVE] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1485, in Smallbridge, Suffolk, England, to William Waldegrave 3556 and Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557. Margaret died in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. John Saint John 3518 married Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave]. They had one son: Oliver St John 3491 in 1516 3520. JOHN FISHER (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1831, in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, to Michael Fisher 3558 and Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559. 3521. ANNE FISHER [MORDAUNT] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1506, in Turvey, Bedfordshire, England, to John Mordaunt 3560 and Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561. John Fisher 3520, aged about -310, married Anne Fisher [Mordaunt], aged about 15, in 1521 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Agnes St John [Fisher] 3492 in 1522

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3522. RICHARD READE (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England, to John Reade 3562 and Margaret Reade [Beauchamp] 3563. Richard died. 3523. JANE READE [RUDHALL] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1494, in Rudhall, Hereford, England, to William Rudhall 3564 and Ann Rudhall [Milbourne] 3565. Richard Reade 3522, aged about 35, married Jane Reade [Rudhall], aged about 31, in 1525 in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: John Read 3493 in 1526 3524. RICHARD PAUNCEFOTE (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in Hasfield, Gloucestershire, England to John Pauncefote 3566 and Bridget Pauncefote [Tate] 3567. Richard died in 1218 in Hasefield. 3525. DOROTHY PAUNCEFOTE [ASHFIELD] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born to John Ashfield 3568 and Eleanor Ashfield [Seymour] 3569. Dorothy died. Richard Pauncefote 3524 married Dorothy Pauncefote [Ashfield]. They had one daughter: Margaret Read [Pauncefoot] 3494 3526. JOHN BREWER (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1505, in Stinton, England, to John Brewer 3570 and Ms. Brewer [Mary] 3571. John died in 1558, aged about 53. John fathered one son: William Brewer 3495 in 3527. JOHN SWAINE (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1509, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England, to Thomas Swaine 3572 and Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573. John died in Blandford, Dorset, England. 3528. AGNES SWAINE [REVES] (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1501, in Gunville, Dorset, England, to Robert Reeves 3574. Agnes died in 1591, aged about 90, in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. John Swaine 3527 married Agnes Swaine [Reves]. They had one son: Robert Swayne 3497 in 1556 3529. JOHN NASH (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1502. John fathered one son: William Nash 3501 in 1545 3530. RALPH SLOPER (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1569, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom, to Ralph Sloper 3576 and Emma One Sloper 3577. Ralph fathered one daughter: Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502 in 1579 3531. RALPH SLOPER (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom, to Thomas Sloper 3578 and Joan Sloper Sloper 3579. Ralph died in 1587, aged about 50. 3532. EMMA ONE SLOPER (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1537. Emma died in 1568, aged about 31. Ralph Sloper 3531 married Emma One Sloper. They had one son: John Sloper 3503 in 1547 3533. RALPH SLOPER (John's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom, to Thomas Sloper 3580 and Joan Sloper Sloper 3581. Ralph died in 1587, aged about 50. 3534. EMMA ONE SLOPER (John's seven-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1537. Emma died in 1568, aged about 31. Ralph Sloper 3533 married Emma One Sloper. They had one son: John Sloper 3505 in 1547 3535. RALPH SLOPER (John's cousin, nine times removed) was born in 1537, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom, to Thomas Sloper 3582 and Joan Sloper Sloper 3583. Ralph died in 1587, aged about 50. Generation of Caroline's Ten-Times-Great-Grandparents 3536. JOHN HEWYSHE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1488, in Donyvorde, Somerset, England. John died in Donyford, St Decumans, Somerset, England. 3537. GRACE HEWYSHE [WALDON] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1494, in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Grace died in 1518, aged about 24, in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. John Hewyshe 3536, aged about 23, married Grace Hewyshe [Waldon], aged about 17, in 1511 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. They had one son: William Huyshe 3507 in 1518

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3538. HENRY STRANGWAYES (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1506, in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. Henry died in 1544, aged about 38, in Siege Boulogne, France. 3539. MARGARET STRANGWAYES [MANNERS] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1505, in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. Margaret died in 1559, aged about 54, in Ethale, Northunberland, England. Henry Strangwayes 3538, aged about 20, married Margaret Strangwayes [Manners], aged about 21, in 1526 in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Giles Strangeways 3510 in 1518 3540. JOHN WADHAM (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Merrifield, Somerset, England. John died in Edge, Branscombe, Devon, England. 3541. JOAN WADHAM [TREGARTHIN] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1495, in Collumpton, Devon, England. Joan died between 1581 and 1589, aged about 90, in Edge, Branscombe, Devon, England. John Wadham 3540, aged about 41, married Joan Wadham [Tregarthin], aged about 26, in 1521 in England. They had one daughter: Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511 in 1533 3542. THOMAS THYNNE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1502, in Stretton, Shropshire, England. Thomas died in 1546, aged about 44, in Longleat, Whitshire, England. 3543. MARGARET THYNNE [HEYNES] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1504, in Stretton, Shropshire, England. Thomas Thynne 3542 married Margaret Thynne [Heynes]. They had one son: John Thynne 3512 in 1515 3544. RICHARD GRESHAM (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1485, in Holt, Norfolk, England. Richard died in Bethnal Green, London, Middlesex, England. 3545. AUDREY GRESHAM [LYNN] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Southwick, Northamptonshire, England. Audrey died in Southwick, Northamptonshire, England. Richard Gresham 3544 married Audrey Gresham [Lynn]. They had one daughter: Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513 in 1521 3546. ALEXANDER ST JOHN (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1519, in Thurley, Bedfordshire, England. Alexander died in 1551, aged about 32, in Thersley, Bedfordshire, England. 3547. JANE ST JOHN [DALYSON] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1523, in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Jane died in 1551, aged about 28, in England. Alexander St John 3546, aged about 21, married Jane St John [Dalyson], aged about 17, in 1540 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: Henry St John 3514 in 1545 3548. THOMAS NEALE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Ellesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. Thomas died in 1551, aged about 36, in Yeleden, Wollaston, Bedfordshire, England. 3549. GODITHA NEALE [THROCKMORTON] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1539, in Warwickshire, England. Thomas Neale 3548, aged about 33, married Goditha Neale [Throckmorton], aged about 9, in 1548 in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, England. They had one daughter: Jane St John [Neale] 3515 in 1549 3550. THOMAS BULKELEY (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1515, in Woore, Mucclestone, Shropshire, England. Thomas died in 1591, aged about 76, in Woore, Mucclestone, Shropshire, England. 3551. ELIZABETH BULKELEY [GROSVENOR] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1515, in Bellaport, Shropshire, England. Elizabeth died in 1591, aged about 76, in Woore, Shropshire, England. Thomas Bulkeley 3550 married Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor]. They had one son: Edward Bulkeley 3516 in 1540 3552. JOHN IRBY (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England. John died in Berkampsted, Suffolk, England. 3553. ROSE IRBY [OVERTON] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1526, in Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. Rose died in 1579, aged about 53, in London, England. John Irby 3552, aged about 19, married Rose Irby [Overton], aged about 13, in 1539 in Kirnton, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517 in 1547

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3554. JOHN SAINT JOHN (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1450, in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. John died in 1525, aged about 75, in Langstone, Glamorgan, Wales. 3555. SYBIL VERCH SAINT JOHN [MORGAN] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1462, in Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales. Sybil died in 1472, aged about 10, in Coity, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, Wales. John Saint John 3554, aged about 33, married Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan], aged about 21, in 1483 in Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales. They had one son: John Saint John 3518 in 1498 3556. WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1457, in Berley, Essex, England. William died in Smallbridge, Suffolk, England. 3557. MARGERY WALDEGRAVE [WENTWORTH] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1453, in Codham, Yorkshire, England. Margery died in Bures, Suffolk, England. William Waldegrave 3556, aged about 26, married Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth], aged about 30, in 1483 in Codham, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave] 3519 in 1485 3558. MICHAEL FISHER (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Clifton, Enngland, Bedfordshire, England. Michael died in All Saints, Clifton, Bedfordshire, England. 3559. MARGARET FISHER [FROWICK] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1482, in Ipswell, Oxfordshire, England. Margaret died in 1562, aged about 80. Michael Fisher 3558, aged about 24, married Margaret Fisher [Frowick], aged about 17, in 1499 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. They had one son: John Fisher 3520 in 1831 3560. JOHN MORDAUNT (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1480, in Cople, Bedfordshire, England. John died in Turvey, Bedfordshire, England. 3561. ELIZABETH MORDAUNT [VERE] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1483, in Addington Magna, Northamptonshire, England. Elizabeth died in 1562, aged about 79, in Chancel, Turvey, Bedfordshire, England. John Mordaunt 3560 married Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] in Turvey, Bedfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521 in 1506 3562. JOHN READE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1460, in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. John died in Wrangle, Lincolnshire, England. 3563. MARGARET READE [BEAUCHAMP] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1472, in Beauchamp, Worcestershire, England. John Reade 3562, aged about 28, married Margaret Reade [Beauchamp], aged about 16, in 1488 in Bodington, London, Gloucestershire, England. They had one son: Richard Reade 3522 in 1490 3564. WILLIAM RUDHALL (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in Rudhall, Hereford, England. 3565. ANN RUDHALL [MILBOURNE] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1465, in Burghill, Herefordshire, England. William Rudhall 3564 married Ann Rudhall [Milbourne]. They had one daughter: Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523 in 1494 3566. JOHN PAUNCEFOTE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather). John died in 1517. 3567. BRIDGET PAUNCEFOTE [TATE] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother). John Pauncefote 3566 married Bridget Pauncefote [Tate]. They had one son: Richard Pauncefote 3524 3568. JOHN ASHFIELD (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1481. John died. 3569. ELEANOR ASHFIELD [SEYMOUR] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1481, in Burton, Oxfordshire, England. Eleanor died. John Ashfield 3568, aged about 20, married Eleanor Ashfield [Seymour], aged about 20, in 1501. They had one daughter: Dorothy Pauncefote [Ashfield] 3525 3570. JOHN BREWER (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470, in England. John died in 1509, aged about 39. 3571. MS. BREWER [MARY] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother). John Brewer 3570 married Ms. Brewer [Mary]. They had one son: John Brewer 3526 in 1505

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3572. THOMAS SWAINE (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1478, in Uplyme, Dorset, England. Thomas died in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. 3573. MS. SWAINE [PARIS] (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1482, in Nash, Dorset, England. Ms. Swaine [Paris] died in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Thomas Swaine 3572, aged about 29, married Ms. Swaine [Paris], aged about 25, in 1507 in Nash, Dorset, England. They had one son: John Swaine 3527 in 1509 3574. ROBERT REEVES (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Nash, Dorset, England. Robert died in 1551, aged about 76. Robert fathered one daughter: Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in 1501 3575. JOAN RYVES (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1488, in Dorset, England. Joan died. Joan gave birth to one daughter: Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in 1501 3576. RALPH SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1537, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Ralph died in 1587, aged about 50. 3577. EMMA ONE SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1537. Emma died in 1568, aged about 31. Ralph Sloper 3576 married Emma One Sloper. They had one son: Ralph Sloper 3530 in 1569 3578. THOMAS SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Thomas died in 1541, aged about 16, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. 3579. JOAN SLOPER SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandmother). Thomas Sloper 3578 married Joan Sloper Sloper. They had one son: Ralph Sloper 3531 in 1537 3580. THOMAS SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1525, in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Nicholas Sloper 3584 and Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585. Thomas died in 1541, aged about 16, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3581. JOAN SLOPER SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-grandmother). Thomas Sloper 3580 married Joan Sloper Sloper. They had one son: Ralph Sloper 3533 in 1537 3582. THOMAS SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-great-uncle) was born in 1525, in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to Nicholas Sloper 3584 and Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585. Thomas died in 1541, aged about 16, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. 3583. JOAN SLOPER SLOPER (John's eight-times-great-great-aunt by marriage). Thomas Sloper 3582 married Joan Sloper Sloper. They had one son: Ralph Sloper 3535 in 1537 Generation of Caroline's Eleven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3584. NICHOLAS SLOPER (John's nine-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1509, in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England, to John I Sloper 3586. Nicholas died in 1589, aged about 80, in Wiltshire, England. 3585. AGNES SLOPER [DISNER] (John's nine-times-great-grandmother) was born to John Dysner 3587. Agnes died in 1545 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Nicholas Sloper 3584, aged about 15, married Agnes Sloper [Disner] in 1524 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. They had two sons: Thomas Sloper 3580 in 1525 Thomas Sloper 3582 in 1525

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Generation of Caroline's Twelve-Times-Great-Grandparents 3586. JOHN I SLOPER (John's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born to Ralph Sloper 3588. John died in 1507. John fathered one son: Nicholas Sloper 3584 in 1509 3587. JOHN DYSNER (John's ten-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1470. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). John fathered one daughter: Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585 Generation of Caroline's Thirteen-Times-Great-Grandparents 3588. RALPH SLOPER (John's eleven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1415, in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Ralph fathered one son: John I Sloper 3586

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7. INDIRECTLY RELATED via SALATHIEL GOFF 28 (Caroline's second cousin's husband, three times removed) Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Grandparents 3589. JOHN GOFF (Salathiel's father) was born in 1780, in Randolph, Virginia, USA, to Salathiel Goff 3591 and Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592. John died in 1875, aged about 95, in Kanawha, West Virginia, USA. 3590. CHRISTINA GOFF [PARSONS] (Salathiel's mother) was born in 1795. Christina died in 1848/8, aged about 53. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Goff 3589 married Christina Goff [Parsons] in Monongalia, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Salathiel Goff 28 in Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 3591. SALATHIEL GOFF (Salathiel's grandfather) was born in 1748, in Randolph, Virginia, USA, to Thiel Goff 3593 and Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594. Salathiel died in St George, Randolph, Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3592. ELIZABETH SHEREDINE GOFF [GRAY] (Salathiel's grandmother) was born in 1753, in Christ Par, Calvert, Maryland, USA, to John Gray 3595 and Ann Gray [Brome] 3596. Elizabeth died in Meigs, Ohio, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Salathiel Goff 3591 married Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] in Christ Par, Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one son: John Goff 3589 in 1780 Generation of Caroline's Four-Times-Great-Grandparents 3593. THIEL GOFF (Salathiel's great-grandfather) was born in 1710, in Old Field, Virginia, USA, to William Goffe 3597 and Ms. Unknown 3598. Thiel died in 1774, aged about 64, in Virginia, USA. 3594. HANNAH GOFF [TURTON] (Salathiel's great-grandmother) was born in Almondbury, Yorkshire, England to William Turton 3599. Hannah died in 1744 in Virginia, USA. Thiel Goff 3593, aged about 25, married Hannah Goff [Turton] in 1735 in Sussex, England. They had one son: Salathiel Goff 3591 in 1748 3595. JOHN GRAY (Salathiel's great-grandfather) was born in 1730, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to John Gray 3600 and Margaret Gray 3601. John died in 1764, aged about 34, in Christ Par, Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3596. ANN GRAY [BROME] (Salathiel's great-grandmother) was born in 1735, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to Henry Broome Brome 3602 and Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603. Ann died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. John Gray 3595, aged about 23, married Ann Gray [Brome], aged about 18, in 1753 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592 in 1753 Generation of Caroline's Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3597. WILLIAM GOFFE (Salathiel's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1688, in Horetown, Englandn, Wexford, Ireland, to Richard Goffe 3604 and Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605. William died in Little Horetown, Wexford, England. 3598. MS. UNKNOWN (Salathiel's great-great-grandmother) was born in Place Unknown. Ms. Unknown died in Place Unknown. William Goffe 3597, aged about 20, married Ms. Unknown in 1708 in Place. They had one son: Thiel Goff 3593 in 1710 3599. WILLIAM TURTON (Salathiel's great-great-grandfather) was born in St Paul Convent Garden, Westminster, London, England to William Turton 3606 and Ms. Turton [Ann] 3607. William fathered one daughter: Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594 in 3600. JOHN GRAY (Salathiel's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1710, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to George Gray 3608 and Ms. Gray [Margaret] 3609. John died in 1739, aged about 29, in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3601. MARGARET GRAY (Salathiel's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1710. Margaret died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Gray 3600 married Margaret Gray in Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one son: John Gray 3595 in 1730

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3602. HENRY BROOME BROME (Salathiel's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1856, in Four Mile, Barnwell, South Carolina, USA, to John Calvert Broome 3610 and Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611. Henry died in Four Mile, Barnwell, South Carolina, USA. 3603. ELIZABETH BROME [SHEREDINE] (Salathiel's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1710, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 and Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613. Elizabeth died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Henry Broome Brome 3602 married Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] in Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one daughter: Ann Gray [Brome] 3596 in 1735 Generation of Caroline's Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3604. RICHARD GOFFE (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1645, in Waterford, Ireland, to William Goffe 3614 and Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615. Richard died in Place. 3605. HANNAH GOFFE [CHAMBERLAIN] (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1645, in Poulmarle, Wexford, England, to Jonas Chamberlain 3616. Hannah died in England. Richard Goffe 3604, aged about 43, married Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain], aged about 43, in 1688 in England. They had one son: William Goffe 3597 in 1688 3606. WILLIAM TURTON (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 3607. MS. TURTON [ANN] (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandmother). William Turton 3606 married Ms. Turton [Ann]. They had one son: William Turton 3599 in 3608. GEORGE GRAY (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1760, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to John Gray 3617. George died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. George married twice, including Ms. Gray [Margaret] 3609. George fathered one son: John Gray 3617 3609. MS. GRAY [MARGARET] (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in Place Unknown. Ms. Gray [Margaret] died in Place Unknown. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). George Gray 3608 married Ms. Gray [Margaret]. They had one son: John Gray 3600 in 1710 3610. JOHN CALVERT BROOME (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Calvert, Maryland, USA to John Broome 3619 and Winifred Margaret Broome [Jones] 3620. John died in 1738 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3611. ANN BROOME [HOOPER] (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in Phil, Pennsylvania, USA, to Henry Hooper 3621. Ann died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. John Calvert Broome 3610 married Ann Broome [Hooper], aged about 17, in 1702 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one son: Henry Broome Brome 3602 in 1856 3612. JEREMIAH SHEREDINE (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1680, in Place, to Thomas Sheredine 3623 and Elizabeth Sheredine 3624. Jeremiah died in 1726, aged about 46, in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3613. MARTHA SHEREDINE [BROME] (Salathiel's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1685, in Calvert, Maryland, USA, to John Broome 3619 and Winifred Margaret Broome [Jones] 3620. Martha died in 1728, aged about 43, in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 married Martha Sheredine [Brome] in Calvert, Maryland, USA. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603 in 1710 Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3614. WILLIAM GOFFE (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1605, in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. William died in 1679, aged about 74, in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 3615. FRANCES GOFFE [WHALLEY] (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1610, in England. Frances died in Place. William Goffe 3614, aged about 17, married Frances Goffe [Whalley], aged about 12, in 1622 in England. They had one son: Richard Goffe 3604 in 1645

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3617. JOHN GRAY (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Calvert, Maryland, USA to George Gray 3608. John died in 1739 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. John fathered one son: George Gray 3608 in 1760 3618. ALICE SHARP (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandmother). Alice died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Alice gave birth to one son: George Gray 3608 in 1760 3619. JOHN BROOME (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Christ Church Parish, Maryland, USA. John died in 1730 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3620. WINIFRED MARGARET BROOME [JONES] (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Winifred died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. John Broome 3619 married Winifred Margaret Broome [Jones]. They had two children: John Calvert Broome 3610 in Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613 in 1685 3621. HENRY HOOPER (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1643, in Dorcester, Maryland, USA. Henry died in 1720, aged about 77, in Dorchester, Maryland, USA. Henry fathered one daughter: Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in 1685 3622. ELIZABETH DENWOOD (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in Monie, Somerset, Maryland, USA. Elizabeth died in 1736 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in 1685 3623. THOMAS SHEREDINE (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandfather). Thomas died in 1677 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 3624. ELIZABETH SHEREDINE (Salathiel's four-times-great-grandmother). Elizabeth died in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Thomas Sheredine 3623 married Elizabeth Sheredine. They had one son: Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 in 1680

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8. INDIRECTLY RELATED via JOHN FLESHER 42 (Caroline's cousin's husband, four times removed) Generation of Caroline's Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 3625. HENRY FLESHER (John's father) was born in Ober-Seemen, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany to Balthasar Fleischer 3627 and Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628. Henry died in Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3626. ELIZABETH SUSANNA FLESHER [BUSH] (John's mother) was born in Hampshire, Virginia, USA to George Adam Bush 3629 and Ms. Bush [Elizabeth] 3630. Elizabeth died in 1807 in Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Henry Flesher 3625 married Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] in 1759 in Virginia, USA. They had one son: John Flesher 42 in Generation of Caroline's Four-Times-Great-Grandparents 3627. BALTHASAR FLEISCHER (John's grandfather) was born in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany to Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 and Julianna Fleischer [Appel] 3632. Balthasar died in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany. 3628. ANN MARIA FLEISCHER [SCHMIDT] (John's grandmother) was born in 1692/12, in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany, to Johan Johannes Schmidt 3633. Ann died in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany. Balthasar Fleischer 3627 married Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] in Oberseemen, Oberhessen, Hessen, Germany. They had one son: Henry Flesher 3625 in 3629. GEORGE ADAM BUSH (John's grandfather) was born in Zuzenhausen, Daisbach, Germany to Johans Michael Bush 3635 and Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636. George died in 1820 in Freeman Creek, Harrison, Virginia, USA. 3630. MS. BUSH [ELIZABETH] (John's grandmother). George Adam Bush 3629 married Ms. Bush [Elizabeth]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 in Generation of Caroline's Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3631. JOHANNES HEINRICH FLEISCHER (John's great-grandfather) was born in 1664, in Herbstein, Germany, to Johannes Fleischer 3637 and Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] 3638. Johannes died in Ober Seemen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. 3632. JULIANNA FLEISCHER [APPEL] (John's great-grandmother) was born in Oberseemen, Hessen, Germany to Balthes Baltzer Appel 3639 and Maria Appel 3640. Julianna died in Oberseemen, Hessen, Germany. Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 married Julianna Fleischer [Appel] in Oberseemen, Hessen, Germany. They had one son: Balthasar Fleischer 3627 in 3633. JOHAN JOHANNES SCHMIDT (John's great-grandfather) was born in Oberseeman, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany to Balthasar Schmidt 3641 and Christina Schmidt [Niess] 3642. Johan fathered one daughter: Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628 in 1692 3634. ANNA THEIL (John's great-grandmother) was born in Germany to Henrich Theil 3643 and Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644. Anna gave birth to one daughter: Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628 in 1692 3635. JOHANS MICHAEL BUSH (John's great-grandfather) was born in 1697, in Krefeld, Daisbach, Germany. Johans died in Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3636. EVA BUSH [PLATTNER] (John's great-grandmother) was born in 1697, in Germany, to Michael Plattner 3645 and Maria Catherina Plattner [Reinhard] 3646. Eva died in 1770, aged about 73, in South Branch, Virginia, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 87.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DKB. Note 1322 applies. Note 1323 applies. Name: Eva Plattner Birth Date: 1697 Birth Place: (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 87.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DKB. Page 482

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Note 1324 applies. Note 1325 applies. Name: Eva Plattner Birth Date: 1697 Birth Place: (Birth). Johans Michael Bush 3635, aged about 23, married Eva Bush [Plattner], aged about 23, in 1720 in Daisbach, Germany. They had one son: George Adam Bush 3629 in Generation of Caroline's Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3637. JOHANNES FLEISCHER (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1635, in Herbstein, Germany, to Mr. Fleischer 3647. Johannes died in Ober Seemen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. 3638. ANNA KUNIGUNDA FLEISCHER [WAGNER] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1640, in Germany. Anna died in Ober Seemen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Johannes Fleischer 3637 married Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] in Oberseemen, Hessen, Germany. They had one son: Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 in 1664 3639. BALTHES BALTZER APPEL (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1610, in Germany. Balthes died in Oberseemen, Hessen, Germany. 3640. MARIA APPEL (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1612, in Germany. Maria died in Ober Seemen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Balthes Baltzer Appel 3639 married Maria Appel. They had one daughter: Julianna Fleischer [Appel] 3632 in 3641. BALTHASAR SCHMIDT (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1640, in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Balthasar died in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. 3642. CHRISTINA SCHMIDT [NIESS] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1647, in Germany, to Casper Niess 3648. Balthasar Schmidt 3641 married Christina Schmidt [Niess] in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany. They had one son: Johan Johannes Schmidt 3633 in 3643. HENRICH THEIL (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1622, in Germany. Henrich died in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. 3644. CATARINA THEIL [STREIT] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1622, in Germany, to Niclas Streit 3649. Catarina died in Oberseeman, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany. Henrich Theil 3643 married Catarina Theil [Streit] in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany. They had one daughter: Anna Theil 3634 in 3645. MICHAEL PLATTNER (John's great-great-grandfather) was born in Waldangelloch, Heidelberg, Baden to Hans Jerg Plattner 3650 and Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651. 3646. MARIA CATHERINA PLATTNER [REINHARD] (John's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1701, in Germany. Michael Plattner 3645 married Maria Catherina Plattner [Reinhard] in Germany. They had one daughter: Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in 1697 Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3647. MR. FLEISCHER (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1605, in Germany. Mr. Fleischer died in 1681, aged about 76, in Germany. Mr. Fleischer fathered one son: Johannes Fleischer 3637 in 1635 3648. CASPER NIESS (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1617, in Germany. Casper died in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Casper fathered one daughter: Christina Schmidt [Niess] 3642 in 1647 3649. NICLAS STREIT (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1599, in Germany. Niclas died in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Niclas fathered one daughter: Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644 in 1622

Indirectly Related via John Flesher

3650. HANS JERG PLATTNER (John's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1680, in Germany. 3651. APPOLONIA PLATTNER [BLATNER] (John's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1690, in Germany. Appolonia died in Germany. Hans Jerg Plattner 3650, aged about 31, married Appolonia Plattner [Blatner], aged about 21, in 1711 in Germany. They had one son: Michael Plattner 3645 in

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9. INDIRECTLY RELATED via EDWARD WILLIAM JACKSON 66 (Caroline's great-great-great-great-uncle by marriage) Generation of Caroline's Four-Times-Great-Grandparents 3652. JOSEPH JACKSON (Edward's father) was born in Jerusalem, Long Island, New York, USA to James Jackson 3654 and Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655. Joseph died in 1769 in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. 3653. MARY ANN JACKSON [ROBINSON] (Edward's mother) was born in 1712, in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Mary died in 1794, aged about 82, in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Joseph Jackson 3652 married Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. They had one son: Edward William Jackson 66 in 1741 Generation of Caroline's Five-Times-Great-Grandparents 3654. JAMES JACKSON (Edward's grandfather) was born in Hempstead, Long Island, New York, USA to John Jackson 3656 and Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman] 3657. James died in 1735/10 in Long Island, New York, USA. 3655. REBECCA JACKSON [HALLETT] (Edward's grandmother) was born in Astoria, Long Island, New York, USA to William Hallett 3658 and Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. Rebecca died in Flushing, Long Island, New York, USA. James Jackson 3654 married Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] in 1694 in Long Island, New York, USA. They had one son: Joseph Jackson 3652 in Generation of Caroline's Six-Times-Great-Grandparents 3656. JOHN JACKSON (Edward's great-grandfather) was born in 1645, in Hempstead, Queens Now Nassau, New York, USA, to Robert Jackson 3660 and Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661. John died in Hempstead, Long Island, New York, USA. 3657. ELIZABETH JACKSON [SEAMAN] (Edward's great-grandmother) was born in 1653, in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA, to John Seaman 3662 and Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663. Elizabeth died in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. John Jackson 3656 married Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman]. They had one son: James Jackson 3654 in 3658. WILLIAM HALLETT (Edward's great-grandfather) was born in 1648/10, in New Town, Long Island, New York, USA, to William Hallett 3664 and Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665. William died in New Town, Long Island, New York, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 6873.002; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1326 applies. Note 1327 applies. Name: William Hallett Birth Date: 1648 Birth Place: NY (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 6873.002; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: . Note 1328 applies. Note 1329 applies. Name: William Hallett Birth Date: 1648 Birth Place: NY (Birth). 3659. SARAH HALLETT [WOOLSEY] (Edward's great-grandmother) was born in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA to George Woolsey 3666 and Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667. Sarah died in Newton, Long Island, New York, USA. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 1614.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: CLT. Note 1330 applies. Note 1331 applies. Name: Sarah Woolsey Birth Date: 1650 Birth Place: NY (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 1614.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: CLT. Note 1332 applies. Note 1333 applies. Name: Sarah Woolsey Birth Date: 1650 Birth Place: NY (Birth).

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William Hallett 3658, aged about 21, married Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] in 1669/12 in Queens, New York, USA. They had one daughter: Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655 in Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3660. ROBERT JACKSON (Edward's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1620, in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England, to Richard Jackson 3668 and Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669. Robert died in 1684, aged about 64, in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3661. AGNES JACKSON [WASHBURN] (Edward's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1624, in Hempstead, Queens, New York, USA, to William Washburn 3670 and Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671. Agnes died in 1680, aged about 56, in Hempstead, Queens, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Robert Jackson 3660, aged about 24, married Agnes Jackson [Washburn], aged about 20, in 1644 in Long Island, New York, USA. They had one son: John Jackson 3656 in 1645 3662. JOHN SEAMAN (Edward's great-great-grandfather) was born in Essex, England to John Seaman 3672 and Anne Seaman [Hicks] 3673. John died in Hempstead, Long Island, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3663. ELIZABETH SEAMAN [STRICKLAND] (Edward's great-great-grandmother) was born in 1631, in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA, to John William Strickland 3674 and Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675. Elizabeth died in 1665, aged about 34, in Long Island, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). John Seaman 3662 married Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman] 3657 in 1653 3664. WILLIAM HALLETT (Edward's great-great-grandfather) was born in 1616, in Bridgeport, Dorset, England, to Richard Hallett 3676 and Richard Hallett 3677. William died in 1706, aged about 90, in Newton, Queens, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3665. ELIZABETH HALLETT [FONES] (Edward's great-great-grandmother) was born in Groton, Suffolk, England to Thomas Fones 3678 and Anne Fones [Winthrop] 3679. Elizabeth died in 1673 in Newtown, Queens, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Hallett 3664, aged about 31, married Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] in 1647/5 in New Amsterdam, New York, USA. They had one son: William Hallett 3658 in 1648 3666. GEORGE WOOLSEY (Edward's great-great-grandfather) was born in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England to Benjamin Woolsey 3680 and Frances Woolsey [Hook] 3681. George died in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3667. REBECCA WOOLSEY [CORNELL] (Edward's great-great-grandmother) was born in Saffron Walden, Essex, England to Thomas Cornell 3682 and Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683. Rebecca died in Jamaica, Queens, New York, USA. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). George Woolsey 3666 married Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA. They had one daughter: Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659 in Generation of Caroline's Eight-Times-Great-Grandparents 3668. RICHARD JACKSON (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1582, in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England, to George Jackson 3684 and Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685. Richard died in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. 3669. ISABELLA JACKSON [MALTBY] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1586, in Cambridge, Cambridge, England, to John Maltby 3686 and Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687. Isabella died in Southold, Massachusetts, USA. Richard Jackson 3668, aged about 37, married Isabella Jackson [Maltby], aged about 33, in 1619 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England. They had one son: Robert Jackson 3660 in 1620 3670. WILLIAM WASHBURN (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England to John Washburn 3688 and Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689. William died in Hempstead, Queens, New York, USA.

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3671. JANE WASHBURN [WHITEHEAD] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1603, in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England, to Jonathan Whitehead 3690. Jane died in 1713, aged about 110, in New York, USA. William Washburn 3670 married Jane Washburn [Whitehead], aged about 18, in 1621 in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. They had one daughter: Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in 1624 3672. JOHN SEAMAN (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Bulmer, Essex, England to Ralph Seamon 3692 and Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693. John died in Leicestershire, England. 3673. ANNE SEAMAN [HICKS] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in Essex, England, to William Hicks 3694 and Anne Hicks [Smith] 3695. John Seaman 3672 married Anne Seaman [Hicks]. They had one son: John Seaman 3662 in 3674. JOHN WILLIAM STRICKLAND (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Glastonbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA to Thomas Strickland 3696. John died in 1672 in Jamaica, Long Island, New York, USA. 3675. JANE STRICKLAND [FENWICK] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1604, in Glastonbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, to George Fenwick 3697. Citations: Source 25, page Source number: 4036.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DNS. Note 1334 applies. Note 1335 applies. Name: Jane Fenwick Birth Date: 1604 Birth Place: En (Name). Source 25, page Source number: 4036.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DNS. Note 1336 applies. Note 1337 applies. Name: Jane Fenwick Birth Date: 1604 Birth Place: En (Birth). John William Strickland 3674 married Jane Strickland [Fenwick]. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 in 1631 3676. RICHARD HALLETT (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Bridgeport, Dorset, England to William Hallett 3698 and Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699. Richard died in 1628 in Sheborn, Dorset, England. 3677. RICHARD HALLETT (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1592, in Bridport, Dorset, England. Richard Hallett 3676 married Richard Hallett. They had one son: William Hallett 3664 in 1616 3678. THOMAS FONES (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in London, London, England to John Fones 3700 and John Fones 3701. Thomas died in Groton, Suffolk, England. 3679. ANNE FONES [WINTHROP] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in St Peters, London, England to Adam Winthrop 3702 and Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703. Anne died in Groton, Suffolk, England. Thomas Fones 3678 married Anne Fones [Winthrop] in St Peters, London, London, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 in 3680. BENJAMIN WOOLSEY (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1584, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, to Thomas Woolsey 3704. Benjamin died in 1623, aged about 39, in New York, New York, USA. 3681. FRANCES WOOLSEY [HOOK] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1586, in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, to John Hook 3706. Frances died. Benjamin Woolsey 3680 married Frances Woolsey [Hook]. They had one son: George Woolsey 3666 in 3682. THOMAS CORNELL (Edward's great-great-great-grandfather) was born in Fairstead, Manor, Essex, England to Richard Cornell 3707. Thomas died in 1655 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. 3683. REBECCA CORNELL [BRIGGS] (Edward's great-great-great-grandmother) was born in London, Middlesex, England to Henrie Briggs 3709 and Mary Briggs [Hinckes] 3710. Rebecca died in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Thomas Cornell 3682 married Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] in 1620 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. They had one daughter: Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667 in

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3684. GEORGE JACKSON (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Bedale, Yorkshire, England, to Michael Jackson 3711 and Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712. George died in 1579, aged about 39, in London, Middlesex, England. 3685. ELIZABETH JACKSON [WYTHAM] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1544, in West Bretton, Yorkshire, England, to Mathew Wytham 3713 and Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714. Elizabeth died in 1575, aged about 31, in London, Middlesex, England. George Jackson 3684, aged about 39, married Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham], aged about 35, in 1579 in St Dunstan, London, London, England. They had one son: Richard Jackson 3668 in 1582 3686. JOHN MALTBY (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1580, in Est Springthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, to Richard Maultbye 3715 and Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716. John died in 1610, aged about 30, in Springthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. 3687. MARGARET MALTBY [BISHOP] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1565, in East Retford, Nottinghamshire, England, to Richard Bishop 3717. Margaret died in Y. John Maltby 3686, aged about 10, married Margaret Maltby [Bishop], aged about 25, in 1590 in Springthrope, Lincolnshire, England. They had one daughter: Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669 in 1586 3688. JOHN WASHBURN (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bengeworth, Worcester, England to John Washburn 3719 and Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720. John died in Bengeworth, Evesham, Worchester, England. 3689. MARTHA WASHBURN [TIMBRELL] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in Bengeworth, Worcester, England, to John Stevens 3721 and John Stevens 3722. Martha died in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. John Washburn 3688 married Martha Washburn [Timbrell] in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. They had one son: William Washburn 3670 in 3690. JONATHAN WHITEHEAD (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1575, in Bengeworth, Worchester, England. Jonathan died in 1608, aged about 33, in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). Jonathan fathered one daughter: Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in 1603 3691. ELIZABETH ALCOCKE (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1579, in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England, to John Alcocke 3723 and Jane Alcocke 3724. Elizabeth died in England. Elizabeth gave birth to one daughter: Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in 1603 3692. RALPH SEAMON (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bulmer, Essex, England to Nicholas Seamon 3725. Ralph died in Essex, England. 3693. ELIZABETH SEAMON [PETTY] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1569, in Bulmer, Essex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). Ralph Seamon 3692 married Elizabeth Seamon [Petty], aged about 19, in 1588/1 in Bulmer, Essex, England. They had one son: John Seaman 3672 in 3694. WILLIAM HICKS (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1568, in London, Middlesex, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth). 3695. ANNE HICKS [SMITH] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1570, in Stratfordonavon, Warwickshire, England, to Henry Smith 3727 and Anne Smith [Skipwith] 3728. William Hicks 3694, aged about 26, married Anne Hicks [Smith], aged about 24, in 1594. They had one daughter: Anne Seaman [Hicks] 3673 in 1592 3696. THOMAS STRICKLAND (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1554, in Kendal, Westmorland, England, to Walter Strickland 3729 and Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730. Thomas fathered one son: John William Strickland 3674 in 3697. GEORGE FENWICK (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] George fathered one daughter: Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675 in 1604

Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3698. WILLIAM HALLETT (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1553, in Whitchurch, Cononicorum, Dorset, England, to Mr. Hallett 3731. William died in Marshwood, Dorset, England. 3699. ELIZABETH HALLETT [PHIPPEN] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1557, in Whitchurch, Cononicorum, Dorset, England, to Joseph Phippen 3732 and Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733. Elizabeth died in 1588, aged about 31, in Marshwood, Dorset, England. William Hallett 3698 married Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] in Whitchurch, Cononicorum, Dorset, England. They had one son: Richard Hallett 3676 in 3700. JOHN FONES (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1554, in Dedford, Worcestershire, England, to John Fones 3734 and Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735. John died in 1572, aged about 18, in Suffolk, England. 3701. JOHN FONES (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1556, in London, London, England. John died in England. John Fones 3700, aged about 18, married John Fones, aged about 16, in 1572 in London, England. They had one son: Thomas Fones 3678 in 3702. ADAM WINTHROP (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in Groton Manor, Suffolk, England to Adam Winthrop 3736 and Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] 3737. Adam died in Groton Manor, Suffolk, England. 3703. ANNE WINTHROP [BROWNE] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1558, in Edwardston, London, England, to Henry Browne 3738 and Agnes Browne 3739. Anne died in Groton, Suffolk, England. Adam Winthrop 3702 married Anne Winthrop [Browne] in Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Anne Fones [Winthrop] 3679 in 3704. THOMAS WOOLSEY (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1558, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, to Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 and Thomas Woolsey 3741. Thomas fathered one son: Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in 1584 3705. FRANCIS ROBERTS (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1585, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Francis died in Rotterdam, Holland. Francis gave birth to one son: Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in 1584 3706. JOHN HOOK (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1560. John fathered one daughter: Frances Woolsey [Hook] 3681 in 1586 3707. RICHARD CORNELL (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1565, in Bumstead Tower, Essex, England, to George Cornell 3742 and Susan Casse 3708. Richard died in Bumstead Tower, Essex, England. Richard fathered one son: Thomas Cornell 3682 in 3708. SUSAN CASSE (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1543, in Stanton, Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England, to Thomas Casse 3743. Susan died in Stanton, Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England. Susan married twice, including George Cornell 3742 (her indirect relation). Susan gave birth to one son: Thomas Cornell 3682 in 3709. HENRIE BRIGGS (Edward's four-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1574, in St James, Clerkenwell, Essex, England, to Thomas Briggs 3745. Henrie died in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England. 3710. MARY BRIGGS [HINCKES] (Edward's four-times-great-grandmother) was born in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England to John Hinckes 3747 and Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748. Mary died in London, Middlesex, England. Henrie Briggs 3709 married Mary Briggs [Hinckes] in St James, Clerkenwell, Essex, England. They had one daughter: Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683 in

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Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson Generation of Caroline's Ten-Times-Great-Grandparents

3711. MICHAEL JACKSON (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1514, in Bedell, Yorkshire, England, to William Jackson 3749 and Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750. Michael died in Bedell, Yorkshire, England. 3712. FRANCES JACKSON [POOLE] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1518, in Syerston, Nottinghamshire, England, to Robert Poole 3751 and Bennet Poole [Bois] 3752. Frances died in England. Michael Jackson 3711 married Frances Jackson [Poole] in Bedell, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: George Jackson 3684 in 1540 3713. MATHEW WYTHAM (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1512, in Yorkshire, England, to Thomas Wytham 3753 and Janetta Wytham [Wawton] 3754. Mathew died in Brentynby, Yorkshire, England. 3714. ALICIA WYTHAM [HUNTER] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1516, in Yorkshire, England, to Robert Hunter 3755. Alicia died in 1544, aged about 28, in England. Mathew Wytham 3713, aged about 31, married Alicia Wytham [Hunter], aged about 27, in 1543 in Bretonby, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in 1544 3715. RICHARD MAULTBYE (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Kexbie, Lincolnshire, England, to John Maltby 3756 and Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757. Richard died in 1602, aged about 62, in Kexbie, Lincolnshire, England. 3716. ALICE MAULTBYE [SMITH] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1540, in Est, England. Alice died in 1563, aged about 23, in Y. Richard Maultbye 3715, aged about 20, married Alice Maultbye [Smith], aged about 20, in 1560 in Kivlington, Nottinghamshire, England. They had one son: John Maltby 3686 in 1580 3717. RICHARD BISHOP (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1565, in Edburton, Sussex, England. Richard died in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Richard fathered one daughter: Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in 1565 3718. ALICE CLARK (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1567, in England. Alice died in England. Alice gave birth to one daughter: Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in 1565 3719. JOHN WASHBURN (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Bengeworth, Evesham, Worcestershire, England to John Washbourne 3758 and Emme Washbourne 3759. John died in 1593 in Bengeworth, Evesham, Worcestershire, England. 3720. JONE WASHBURN [WHITEHEAD] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1540, in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England, to Daniel Whitehead 3760. Jone died in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. John Washburn 3719 married Jone Washburn [Whitehead] in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. They had one son: John Washburn 3688 in 3721. JOHN STEVENS (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1549, in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England, to Mr. Stevens 3761 and Ms. Unknown 3762. John died in 1617/1, aged about 68, in Oxfordshire, England. 3722. JOHN STEVENS (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1553, in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England. John Stevens 3721, aged about 25, married John Stevens, aged about 21, in 1574 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England. They had one daughter: Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689 in 1558 3723. JOHN ALCOCKE (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1552. 3724. JANE ALCOCKE (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1555. John Alcocke 3723, aged about 27, married Jane Alcocke, aged about 24, in 1579. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Alcocke 3691 in 1579 3725. NICHOLAS SEAMON (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1518, in Essex, England, to John Symonds 3763 and Anne Symonds [Benbow] 3764. Nicholas fathered one son: Ralph Seamon 3692 in 3726. CLEMENT SEAMON (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1540, in Essex, England. Clement died in England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Clement gave birth to one son: Ralph Seamon 3692 in

Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3727. HENRY SMITH (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1550, in Stratfordonavon, Warwickshire, England, to Claudea A Smith 3765 and Ms. Smith 3766. Henry died in 1650, aged about 100. 3728. ANNE SMITH [SKIPWITH] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1509, in So Ormesby, Lincolnshire, England, to William Skipwith 3767 and Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768. Henry Smith 3727, aged about -11, married Anne Smith [Skipwith], aged about 30, in 1539. They had one daughter: Anne Hicks [Smith] 3695 in 1570 3729. WALTER STRICKLAND (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Sizergh, Westmoreland, England to Walter Strickland 3769 and Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770. Walter died in Sizergh, Westmoreland, England. 3730. ALICE STRICKLAND [TEMPEST] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1520, in Westmore, Westmoreland, England, to Nicholas Tempest 3771 and Isabel Tempest [Nowell] 3772. Alice died in 1595, aged about 75, in Westmoreland, Lancashire, England. Walter Strickland 3729 married Alice Strickland [Tempest] in Westmoreland, Lancashire, England. They had one son: Thomas Strickland 3696 in 1554 3731. MR. HALLETT (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather). Mr. Hallett fathered one son: William Hallett 3698 in 1553 3732. JOSEPH PHIPPEN (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1432, in Cornwall, England, to Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 and Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774. Joseph died in 1502, aged about 70, in Cornwall, England. 3733. ALICE PHIPPEN [BELASYSE] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1436, in Fauconberg, Yarm, Yorkshire, England, to John Belasyse 3775 and Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776. Alice died in 1489, aged about 53, in Cornwall, England. Joseph Phippen 3732, aged about 23, married Alice Phippen [Belasyse], aged about 19, in 1455 in England. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699 in 1557 3734. JOHN FONES (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1526, in Dedford, Worcestershire, England, to John Fones 3777 and Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778. John died in 1542, aged about 16, in Worcestershire, England. 3735. ANNE FONES [LEWELL] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530, in Dedford, Worcestershire, England, to Mr. Lewell 3779 and Ms. Lewell 3780. Anne died in England. John Fones 3734, aged about 25, married Anne Fones [Lewell], aged about 21, in 1551 in Dedford, Worchester, England. They had one son: John Fones 3700 in 1554 3736. ADAM WINTHROP (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in Lavenham, Suffolk, England to Adam Winthrop 3781 and Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782. Adam died in Groton, Suffolk, England. 3737. AGNES WINTHROP [SHARPE] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in Islington, Middlesex, England to Robert Sharpe 3783 and Elizabeth Sharpe 3784. Agnes died in Springfield, Essex, England. Adam Winthrop 3736 married Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] in Lavenham, Suffolk, England. They had one son: Adam Winthrop 3702 in 3738. HENRY BROWNE (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England, to John Browne 3785 and Elizabeth Browne 3786. Henry died in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England. 3739. AGNES BROWNE (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1530, in Holton, Suffolk, England. Agnes died in Prittlewell, Essex, England. Henry Browne 3738, aged about 33, married Agnes Browne, aged about 23, in 1553 in Suffolk, England. They had one daughter: Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703 in 1558 3740. THOMAS WYNTER WOOLSEY (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1528, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, to Thomas Wolsey 3787 and Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788. Thomas died in 1534, aged about 6, in England. 3741. THOMAS WOOLSEY (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1532, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Thomas died in England. Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740, aged about 54, married Thomas Woolsey, aged about 50, in 1582 in England. They had one son: Thomas Woolsey 3704 in 1558

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Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3742. GEORGE CORNELL (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1539, in Saffron, Walden, Essex, England, to Richard Cornewall 3789. George died in 1616, aged about 77, in Stanton, Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England. George married twice. He was married to Margaret Dagnet 3790 (his mother) and Susan Casse 3708 (his indirect relation). George Cornell, aged about 22, married Susan Casse 3708, aged about 18, in 1561 in Terling, Essex, England. They had one son: Richard Cornell 3707 in 1565 3743. THOMAS CASSE (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in Terling, Essex, England. Thomas fathered one daughter: Susan Casse 3708 in 1543 3744. THOMAS CASSE (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1524, in Boreham, Essex, England. Thomas gave birth to one daughter: Susan Casse 3708 in 1543 3745. THOMAS BRIGGS (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1554, in St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England, to Thomas Brygge 3791 and Elizabeth Mounteyn 3746. Thomas died. Thomas fathered one son: Henrie Briggs 3709 in 1574 3746. ELIZABETH MOUNTEYN (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother). Elizabeth married twice, including Thomas Brygge 3791 (her indirect relation). Elizabeth gave birth to one son: Henrie Briggs 3709 in 1574 3747. JOHN HINCKES (Edward's five-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1540, in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England, to William Hinckes 3792 and Anne Hinckes [Vaughan] 3793. John died in 1581, aged about 41, in England. 3748. ELIZABETH HINCKES [MYTAR] (Edward's five-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1560, in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England, to Mr. Mytar 3794. Elizabeth died in 1581, aged about 21, in England. John Hinckes 3747 married Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] in St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Mary Briggs [Hinckes] 3710 in Generation of Caroline's Eleven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3749. WILLIAM JACKSON (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1475, in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. William died in 1505, aged about 30, in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). 3750. ISABEL JACKSON [BARNBY] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1480, in Yorkshire, England, to Ralph Barnby 3795. Isabel died in 1505, aged about 25, in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. Citation: Source 17 (Name; Birth; Death). William Jackson 3749, aged about 25, married Isabel Jackson [Barnby], aged about 20, in 1500 in Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Michael Jackson 3711 in 1514 3751. ROBERT POOLE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490, in Poole, Werrall, Cheshire, England. 3752. BENNET POOLE [BOIS] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1495, in Nonington, Kent, England. Robert Poole 3751, aged about 25, married Bennet Poole [Bois], aged about 20, in 1515 in Nonington, Kent, England. They had one daughter: Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712 in 1518 3753. THOMAS WYTHAM (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1495, in Bretonby, Yorkshire, England. Thomas died in 1512, aged about 17, in Brentynby, Englasnd, Yorkshire, England. 3754. JANETTA WYTHAM [WAWTON] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1495, in Cliffe, Yorkshire, England. Janetta died in 1512, aged about 17, in Yorkshire, England. Thomas Wytham 3753 married Janetta Wytham [Wawton]. They had one son: Mathew Wytham 3713 in 1512 3755. ROBERT HUNTER (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1490.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Robert fathered one daughter: Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in 1516

Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3756. JOHN MALTBY (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Estkexbie Hall, Kexbie, England. John died in Upton, England. 3757. MARGARET MALTBY [BURR] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in Kexbie, Kexbie Hall, England. Margaret died in 1557, aged about 47, in Upton, England. John Maltby 3756, aged about 25, married Margaret Maltby [Burr], aged about 25, in 1535 in England. They had one son: Richard Maultbye 3715 in 1540 3758. JOHN WASHBOURNE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1479, in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. John died in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. 3759. EMME WASHBOURNE (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1479, in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Emme died in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. John Washbourne 3758 married Emme Washbourne in Bengeworth, Worcst, England. They had one son: John Washburn 3719 in 3760. DANIEL WHITEHEAD (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1520, in England. Daniel fathered one daughter: Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720 in 1540 3761. MR. STEVENS (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1549. 3762. MS. UNKNOWN (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1553. Mr. Stevens 3761 married Ms. Unknown. They had one son: John Stevens 3721 in 1549 3763. JOHN SYMONDS (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1510, in Newport, Essex, Shropshire, England. John died in Pantfield, Essex, England. 3764. ANNE SYMONDS [BENBOW] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1510, in Yeldham, Essex, England. John Symonds 3763, aged about 5, married Anne Symonds [Benbow], aged about 5, in 1515. They had one son: Nicholas Seamon 3725 in 1518 3765. CLAUDEA A SMITH (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in Owensville, Gibson, Indiana, USA. Claudea died in 1958. 3766. MS. SMITH (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother). Claudea A Smith 3765 married Ms. Smith. They had one son: Henry Smith 3727 in 1550 3767. WILLIAM SKIPWITH (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1488, in South Ormsby, Lincolnshire, England. William died in South Ormsby, Lincolnshire, England. 3768. ALICE SKIPWITH [DYMOKE] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1492, in Mareham, Lincolnshire, England. Alice died in South Ormsby, Lincolnshire, England. William Skipwith 3767, aged about 24, married Alice Skipwith [Dymoke], aged about 20, in 1512 in Mareham, Lincolnshire, England. They had one daughter: Anne Smith [Skipwith] 3728 in 1509 3769. WALTER STRICKLAND (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1497, in Sizergh, Westmoreland, England. Walter died in Westmoreland, Lancashire, England. 3770. KATHERINE STRICKLAND [NEVILLE] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1500, in Thornton Bridge, Yorkshire, England. Katherine died in 1536, aged about 36, in England. Walter Strickland 3769, aged about 18, married Katherine Strickland [Neville], aged about 15, in 1515 in Thornton Bridge, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Walter Strickland 3729 in 3771. NICHOLAS TEMPEST (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1478, in Bracewell, Wensley, Yorkshire, England. Nicholas died. 3772. ISABEL TEMPEST [NOWELL] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1478, in Yorkshire, England. Nicholas Tempest 3771, aged about 30, married Isabel Tempest [Nowell], aged about 30, in 1508 in Bracewell, Yorkshire, England. They had one daughter: Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730 in 1520

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Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3773. THOMAS FITZPENNE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1405, in Cornwall, England. Thomas died in 1459, aged about 54, in Cornwall, England. 3774. ELIZABETH FITZPENNE [ST ALBIN] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1410, in Cornwall, England. Elizabeth died in 1456, aged about 46, in Cornwall, England. Thomas Fitzpenne 3773, aged about 20, married Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin], aged about 15, in 1425 in England. They had one son: Joseph Phippen 3732 in 1432 3775. JOHN BELASYSE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1410, in Fauconberg, Yarmouth, Yorkshire, England. John died in 1440, aged about 30, in England. 3776. JONETTA BELASYSE [TIPPING] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1382, in Preston, Ermington, Devon, England. Jonetta died in 1430, aged about 48, in England. John Belasyse 3775, aged about 23, married Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping], aged about 51, in 1433 in Cornwall, England. They had one daughter: Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in 1436 3777. JOHN FONES (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1500, in Saxony, Devon, England. John died in Worcestershire, England. 3778. MS. FONES [BRADLEY] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1504, in Bedham, England. Ms. Fones [Bradley] died in Bedham, Sussex, England. John Fones 3777, aged about 25, married Ms. Fones [Bradley], aged about 21, in 1525 in Defford, St Andrew Pershore Worcester, England. They had one son: John Fones 3734 in 1526 3779. MR. LEWELL (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Lewell, England. 3780. MS. LEWELL (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1508, in Lewell, England. Mr. Lewell 3779 married Ms. Lewell. They had one daughter: Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735 in 1530 3781. ADAM WINTHROP (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1466, in Lavenham, Suffolk, England. Adam died in 1498, aged about 32, in Groton, Suffolk, England. 3782. JOAN WINTHROP [BURTON] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1470, in Lavenham, Suffolk, England. Joan died in 1520, aged about 50, in Suffolk, England. Adam Winthrop 3781, aged about 32, married Joan Winthrop [Burton], aged about 28, in 1498 in Groton, Suffolk, England. They had one son: Adam Winthrop 3736 in 3783. ROBERT SHARPE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1484, in Islington, Middlesex, England. Robert died in 1526, aged about 42, in Islangton, Middx, England. 3784. ELIZABETH SHARPE (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1489, in Islington, Middlesex, England. Elizabeth died in 1530, aged about 41. Robert Sharpe 3783, aged about 16, married Elizabeth Sharpe, aged about 11, in 1500 in Islington, Middlesex, England. They had one daughter: Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] 3737 in 3785. JOHN BROWNE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1504, in Witham, Essex, England. John died in 1563, aged about 59, in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England. 3786. ELIZABETH BROWNE (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1508, in Witham, Essex, England. Elizabeth died in Witham, Essex, England. John Browne 3785 married Elizabeth Browne. They had one son: Henry Browne 3738 in 1520 3787. THOMAS WOLSEY (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born between 1471 and 1473, in St Nicholas, Ipswich, Suffolk, England. Thomas died in Abbey Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England. 3788. JOAN WOLSEY [LARKE] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1490, in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Joan died in 1550, aged about 60, in St Peters, Woolbrough, England. Thomas Wolsey 3787 married Joan Wolsey [Larke] in Wiccocomico, Northumberland, Virginia, USA. They had one son: Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 in 1528 3789. RICHARD CORNEWALL (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1530, in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England. Richard died in 1585, aged about 55, in London, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Richard fathered one son: George Cornell 3742 in 1539

Indirectly Related via Edward William Jackson

3790. MARGARET DAGNET (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1522, in Terling, Essex, England. Margaret died in Terling, Essex, England. Margaret married twice, including George Cornell 3742 (her son). Margaret gave birth to one son: George Cornell 3742 in 1539 George Cornell 3742 married Margaret Dagnet. 3791. THOMAS BRYGGE (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1546, in North Watten, England. Thomas married his indirect relation, Elizabeth Mounteyn 3746. Thomas Brygge married Elizabeth Mounteyn 3746. They had one son: Thomas Briggs 3745 in 1554 3792. WILLIAM HINCKES (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1534, in St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. 3793. ANNE HINCKES [VAUGHAN] (Edward's six-times-great-grandmother) was born in 1538, in Loppington, Shropshire, England. William Hinckes 3792 married Anne Hinckes [Vaughan] in Loppington, Shropshire, England. They had one son: John Hinckes 3747 in 1540 3794. MR. MYTAR (Edward's six-times-great-grandfather). Mr. Mytar fathered one daughter: Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748 in 1560 Generation of Caroline's Twelve-Times-Great-Grandparents 3795. RALPH BARNBY (Edward's seven-times-great-grandfather) was born in 1450, in Yorkshire, England. Ralph fathered one daughter: Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in 1480

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10. INDIRECTLY RELATED via REBECCA HAMNER [HARPER] 190 (Caroline's six-times-great-great-aunt by marriage) Generation of Caroline's Seven-Times-Great-Grandparents 3796. CASTLETON HARPER (Rebecca's father) was born in 1715, in Ireland. Castleton died in 1799, aged about 84, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Castleton fathered one daughter: Rebecca Hamner [Harper] 190 in 1746

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11. INDIRECTLY RELATED via ISOBEL ROSS [MACKINTOSH] 648 (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather's wife) Generation of Caroline's Twelve-Times-Great-Grandparents 3797. ANGUS MACKINTOSH (Isobel's father). Angus fathered one daughter: Isobel Ross [MacKintosh] 648

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12. INDIRECTLY RELATED via AGNAR SIGTRYGSSON 3037 (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother's husband) Generation of Caroline's Thirty-nine-Times-Great-Grandparents 3798. SIGTRYG OF VENDIL (Agnar's father) was born in 671, in Vendil, Denmark. Sigtryg died in 693, aged about 22. Sigtryg married twice, including Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799. Sigtryg fathered one daughter: Agnar Agnarsson [Sigtrygsson] 3029 in 693 3799. SIGTRYG VENDIL [DE VENDIL] (Agnar's mother) was born in 671, in Vendil, Arhus, Denmark. Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798, aged about 19, married Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil], aged about 19, in 690 in Vestfold, Norway. They had one son: Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037 in 693

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13. FAMILY TREES Each family tree shows the reported children, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of a family group. In order to reduce redundancy, any family group which is wholly included within another family tree may not be reported separately. Above each of the great-grandparent boxes (top row), a continuation family tree reference number is shown if the great-grandparent is recorded as a child in the continuation tree. A continuation reference number is also shown to the left of a grandparent or parent box if that individual has siblings reported in the continuation tree; and beneath a child box (bottom row) if that individual has children reported in the continuation tree. In cases of multiple marriages, a continuation reference number preceded by "=" is shown to the right of a parent box. This number references the previous and/or next tree in which that individual is shown with another partner. In cases of adopted (or fostered) children, the parental connection is shown with a dashed line and a continuation reference number preceded by "=" is shown within the individual's box. This number references the tree in which that individual is shown with his or her natural parents. 1. JAMES, Edward Tilmon JR. and JAMES [SMITHEY], Eliza Ann 2. JAMES, Edward Tilmon and HUMPHREY, Daisy Ruth 3. SMITHEY, Tillman Alpheus and SMITHEY [GRAY], Dorothy Jeanne 4. JAMES, Jessie Tillman and JAMES [WOODS], Mary Ada 5. SMITHEY, Samuel Austin and SMITHEY [WILSON], Charleton 6. GRAY, Raymond Allen and GRAY [WILSON], Carolie 7. JAMES, John Franklin and JAMES [RANDOLPH], Nancy Dorenda 8. WOODS, James William and WOODS [NEFF], Alberta Virginia 9. SMITHEY, Alpheus and SMITHEY [DAMEWOOD], Eliza A 10. WILSON, William Albert and WILSON [SPEED], Ida May 11. GRAY, Allen Neatherly MD and GRAY [MITCHELL], Effie 12. WILSON, William Polk and WILSON [BOSWELL], Jodie 13. RANDOLPH, James J and RANDOLPH [POE], Alcy Drucilla 14. NEFF, Samuel Henry and NEFF [WILL], Sarah Catharine 15. SMITHEY, Bradford W and SMITHEY [NORMAN], Frances 16. DAMEWOOD, William Howard and DAMEWOOD [MCKINNEY], Letitia 17. GRAY, Joseph Allison and GRAY [COOK], Mary A 18. WILSON, James Harvey and WILSON [HUGHES], Louisa Adeline 19. BOSWELL, james martin and BOSWELL [LYNCH], Jane Elizabeth 20. RANDOLPH, John D and RANDOLPH [BROWN], Frances P 21. POE, James and POE [MCMILLION], Mary E 22. NEFF, David and NEFF [PENNYWITT], Lydia 23. SMITH, Thomas and SMITH [TURNER], Sally 24. NORMAN, Isaac Kelly and NORMAN [LEONARD], Julia Frances 25. DAMEWOOD, Isaac and DAMEWOOD [SEYMOUR], Mildred 26. MILLER, Martha 27. GRAY, Joseph Ross and GRAY [HEATH], Olivia W 28. COOK, Elijah and COOK [HAMNER], Elizabeth Henley 29. WILSON, James A and WILSON [WHITTEN], Elizabeth 30. HUGHES, Elisha and HUGHES [WILSON], Margaret 31. LYNCH, Tolliver D and LYNCH [EDWARDS], Narcissus 32. RANDOLPH, John Abraham and RANDOLPH [DILL], Lydia 33. BROWN, Mary 34. POE, James and POE [WATTS], Mary 35. MCMILLAN, James and MCMILLAN [TAYLOR], Nancy 36. NEFF, John and NEFF [KAUFFMAN], Barbara 37. PENNYWITT, John and PENNYWITT [WILL], Susanna 38. SMITH, Joshua and SMITH [C], Leannah 39. NORMAN, Isaac John and NORMAN [A], Mary 40. DAMEWOOD, Henry L and DAMEWOOD [SMYTH], Leanna 41. SEYMOUR, Larkin and SEYMOUR [BRUCE], Sally 42. GRAY, John and GRAY [ROSS], Rachel 43. HEATH, John and HEATH [ADAMS], Margaret 44. HAMNER, John Harvey and HAMNER [MOORE], Mary Bullock 45. WILSON, John and WILSON [MERRITT], Isabella 46. WHITTEN, Joel and WHITTEN [ODELL], Sarah

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 47. HUGHES, Andrew and HUGHES [SUMNER], Obedience 48. WILSON, Charles Pettigrew and WILSON [MCMURRY], Martha 49. EDWARDS, Thomas and EDWARDS [BRITTAIN], Mary 50. RANDOLPH, James Richard and RANDOLPH [SMALLEY], Margaret 51. DILL, John and DILL [BARRETT], Mary Ann 52. POE, Simon and POE [BRADFORD], Sarah 53. WATTS, Benjamin and WATTS, Frances Benjamin 54. MCMILLAN, Amon and MCMILLAN [MARTHA], Ms. 55. WILL, John and WILL [SHERMAN], Maria Susanna 56. SMITH, Joshua 57. NORMAN, Isaac and NORMAN [GAGE], Hannah 58. DAMEWOOD, Malachi and DAMEWOOD [E], Hannah 59. SEYMOUR, George and SEYMOUR [GOOD], Mary 60. ROSS, John and ROSS [JOHNSTON], Deborah Jane 61. ADAMS, Robert and ADAMS [CHAMBERS], Elizabeth 62. HAMNER, Turner and HAMNER [MOORE], Nancy Ann 63. MOORE, John and MOORE [HARVIE], Martha 64. WILSON, John and WILSON [PETTIGREW], Polly 65. HUGHES, Richard 66. MARY, Ms. 67. WILSON, John and WILSON [PETTIGREW], Polly 68. EDWARDS, Andrew and EDWARDS [MEADOWS], Phoebe 69. BRITTAIN, James and BRITTAIN [STRINGFIELD], Delilah 70. RANDOLPH, John and RANDOLPH [BLAND], Frances 71. DILL, William and DILL, Mary 72. WATTS, Thomas and WATTS [WILKINS], Esther 73. WILL, Michael and WILL [MEIXEL], Anna Christiana 74. SHERMAN, Conrad and SHERMAN [SLAGLE], Helene 75. HOLMES, Temperance 76. NORMAN, Joseph and NORMAN [READ], Mary 77. GAGE, David and GAGE [SHIPMAN], Esther 78. DEMUTH, Hans Heinrich and DEMUTH [GIESSLER], Anna 79. ROSS, William and ROSS [WHITESIDE], Arminella 80. ADAMS, Samuel D and ADAMS [HARDWICK], Catherine 81. HAMNER, Nicholas Jr and HENLEY, Mary Elizabeth 82. MOORE, John and MOORE [BULLOCK], Mary 83. MOORE, John and MOORE [JOUETT], Mary 84. HARVIE, John and HARVIE [GAINES], Martha 85. WILSON, Col. John and WILSON [MARTHA], Ms. 86. PETTIGREW, John and PETTIGREW [MATTHEWS], Sarah 87. EDWARDS, Thomas and EDWARDS [NICHOLS], Elizabeth 88. MEADOR, Jonas and MEADOR [HOLLOWAY], Mary 89. BRITTAIN, Joseph and BRITTAIN [JEMIMA], Ms. 90. STRINGFIELD, James and STRINGFIELD [RAY], Mary Ann 91. RANDOLPH, Col Richard and RANDOLPH [BOLLING], Jane 92. BLAND, Theodorick and BLAND [BOLLING], Frances 93. DILL, John and DILL [LINSCOTT], Sarah 94. WATTS, Edward and WATTS [MARTIN], Anne 95. STONE, John and STONE [WILKINS], Mary 96. WILL, Michael and WILL [MILLER], M 97. MEIXEL, Andreas and MEIXEL [HERTZOGIN], Anna Eva 98. SLAGLE, Jacob and SLAGLE [KLEIN], Mary Catherine 99. HOLMES, Joshua and HOLMES [STURGIS], Fear 100. NORMAN, Isaac and NORMAN [COURTNEY], Frances 101. READ, Joseph and READ [DEANE], Sarah 102. GAGE, David and GAGE [BURLESON], Abigail 103. ROSS, George and ROSS [SPINNING], Hannah 104. WHITESIDE, Edward and WHITESIDE [TAVERNER], Elinor 105. HANMER, Nicholas Sr. and HANMER [TURNER], Joan 106. HENLEY, Leonard and HENLEY [RICHARDSON], Elizabeth 107. BULLOCK, Richard and BULLOCK [SHOCKEY], Elizabeth

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 108. MOORE, John and MOORE [PRICE], Susannah 109. JOUETT, Matthew and JOUETT [MOORE], Susannah 110. KAY, Margaret 111. ANNE, Ms. 112. WILSON, Robert 113. PETTIGREW, James and PETTIGREW [COCHRAN], Mary 114. ANNE, Ms. 115. EDWARDS, Thomas and EDWARDS [DOWNING], Isabella 116. MEADOR, Jonas and MEADOR [HUDGENS], Frances 117. HOLLOWAY, John and HOLLOWAY [SPIERS], Hannah 118. STRINGFIELD, Richard and STRINGFIELD [PETTUS], Mary 119. RAY, John and RAY [WILSON], Mary 120. RANDOLPH, William and RANDOLPH [ISHAM], Mary 121. BOLLING, John and BOLLING [KENNON], Mary 122. BLAND, Richard and BLAND [RANDOLPH], Elizabeth 123. BOLLING, Drury and BOLLING [MERIWETHER], Elizabeth 124. LINSCOTT, John and LINSCOTT [KINGSBURY], Sarah 125. WATTS, Edward and WATTS [MARTIN], Anne 126. STONE, Richard and STONE [BELCHER], Dorothy 127. WILKINS, John and WILKINS [GENGILL], Mary 128. HERZOG, Sebastian and HERZOG [WOLFHARDT], Anna Katharina 129. SLAGLE, Christoph Friedrich and SLAGLE [AISTER], Anna Maria 130. KLEE, Nicholaus and KLEE [C], Catherine 131. HOLMES, Joshua and HOLMES [INGRAHAM], Abigail 132. STURGIS, Edward and STURGIS [GORHAM], Temperance 133. NORMAN, Joseph 134. TOLSON, Anne 135. COURTNEY, James and DYNE, Ms. 136. READ, John and READ [PEABODY], Hannah 137. DEANE, Joseph and DEANE [TIPPING], Mary 138. CAMP, Sarah 139. ROSS, George and ROSS [LITTLE], Constance 140. SPINNING, Humphrey and HUBBARD, Abigail 141. SPINNING, Humphrey and HUBBARD, Abigail 142. HANMER, Humphrey 143. HENLEY, Reynold and HENLEY [TURNER], Susan 144. BULLOCK, Richard and BULLOCK [HAWKINS], Mary 145. MOORE, Augustine and MOORE, Anne 146. COURSIER, Marie 147. MOORE, John and MOORE [PRICE], Susannah 148. PETTIGREW, James and PETTIGREW [MOORE], Martha 149. DOWNING, George and DOWNING [CECIL], Catherine 150. MEADOR, John and MEADOR [AWBREY], Mary 151. HOLLOWAY, David and HOLLOWAY [MATTHEWS], Elizabeth Frances 152. SPIERS, John and SPIERS [MILLS], Martha 153. STRINGFIELD, Charles 154. PETTY, Thomas and PETTY [WILSON], Rachel 155. RAY, William and RAY [PRITCHETT], Elizabeth 156. RANDOLPH, Richard and RANDOLPH [RYLAND], Elizabeth 157. ISHAM, Henry and ISHAM [BANKS], Katherine 158. BOLLING, Robert and BOLLING [ROLFE], Jane 159. BOLLING, Robert and BOLLING [STITH], Anne 160. KENNON, Richard and KENNON [WORSHAM], Elizabeth 161. BLAND, Theodorick and BLAND [BENNETT], Anne 162. RANDOLPH, William and RANDOLPH [ISHAM], Mary 163. BOLLING, Robert and BOLLING [STITH], Anne 164. MERIWETHER, Francis and BATHURST, Mary 165. MERIWETHER, Francis and BATHURST, Mary 166. SHERIDAN, Catherine 167. LINSCOTT, Henry and LINSCOTT [LAUERS], Elizabeth 168. WATTS, Cornelius and WATTS [ESSERMAN], Ann

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 169. MARTIN, John and MARTIN, Joanna 170. STONE, John Herbert 171. BANNISTER, Jane 172. WILKINS, Bray and WILKINS [WAY], Hannah 173. HOLMES, Robert and HOLMES [BOLTON], Ellin 174. INGRAHAM, Richard and INGRAHAM [WIGNALL], Elizabeth 175. STURGIS, Edward and STURGIS [HINCKLEY], Elizabeth 176. GORHAM, John and GORHAM [HOWLAND], Desire 177. PEABODY, John and PEABODY [TOOLEY], Dorothy 178. DEANE, Walter and DEANE [STRONG], Eleanor 179. ROSS, David and ROSS [MARY], Ms. 180. SPINNING, Humphrey and LONG, Elizabeth 181. LONG, Elizabeth 182. HUBBARD, George and HUBBARD [BISHOP], Mary 183. WHITESIDE, James 184. HANMER, William and HANMER [DYMOCK], Eleanor 185. BULLOCK, Hugh and BULLOCK [NASHE], Mary Alice 186. MOORE, John and MOORE [MERRITT], Elizabeth 187. MOORE, Augustine and MOORE, Anne 188. PRICE, John and PRICE [MATTHEWS], Mary Ann 189. PETTIGREW, James and PETTIGREW [MONCRIEFF], Geiles 190. MOHR, John and MOHR [STEWART], Lady Margaret 191. AWBREY, Henry and HOSKINS, Sarah 192. HARWARD, Elizabeth 193. ROYALL, Mary 194. BOLLING, John and BOLLING [CARIE], Mary 195. ROLFE, Thomas and ROLFE [POYTHRESS], Jane 196. BOLLING, Elizabeth 197. BENNETT, Richard and BENNETT [UTIE], Mary Ann 198. BATHURST, Lancelot and BATHURST [LANE], Susanna 199. BOLTON, William and BOLTON [BURTON], Mary 200. INGRAHAM, Arthur and INGRAHAM [MALLORY], Jane 201. STURGIS, John and STURGIS [AUSTIN], Margaret 202. HINCKLEY, Thomas and HINCKLEY, Ann Katherine 203. GORHAM, Ralph and GORHAM [STEPHENSON], Margaret 204. HOWLAND, John and HOWLAND [TILLEY], Elizabeth 205. PEABODY, James 206. PEARL, Sarah 207. DEANE, William and DEANE, Mrs William 208. STRONG, John and STRONG [DEANE], Eleanor 209. ROSS, George and ROSS [CAMPBELL], Marian 210. SEVING, Silvester Vitt 211. LONG, Robert and LONG [TAYLOR], Sarah 212. HOBART, Edmund and HOBART [DEWEY], Margaret 213. HANMER, William and HANMER [KYNASTON], Margaret 214. DYMOCK, Edward and DYMOCK [PULESTON], Mawdlin 215. BULLOCK, William and BULLOCK [BALLETT], Elizabeth 216. MOORE, Edward and MOORE [MORE], Mary 217. MERRETT, Richard and MERRETT [PENDARVEIS], Blanche 218. PETTIGREW, James and PETTIGREW [COCHRAN], Mary 219. HINTON, S 220. BOLLING, Robert and BOLLING [CLARKE], Anne 221. CARY, Thomas and CARY [MILNER], Joan 222. ROLFE, John and ROLFE [POWHATAN], Matoaka Pocahontas 223. POYTHRESS, Francis and POYTHRESS [SLOMAN], Mary 224. TAYLOR, Susan 225. BENNETT, Thomas and BENNETT [PIERCE], Alice 226. HARWARD, Elizabeth 227. ROYALL, Mary 228. CRAFFORD, Alice 229. BATHURST, Edward and BATHURST [RICH], Susan

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 230. BOLTON, William and BOLTON [MASSAM], Alice 231. INGRAHAM, Arthur and INGRAHAM [SLINGSBY], Eleanor 232. MALLORY, John and MALLORY [EURE], Ann 233. KENWORTHY, Elizabeth 234. HINCKLEY, Robert and HINCKLEY, Elizabeth 235. GORHAM, James and GORHAM [BERNINGTON], Agnes 236. HOWLAND, Henry and HOWLAND [AIRES], Alice 237. TILLEY, John and TILLEY [HURST], Joan 238. DEANE, Walter and DEANE [WALSELE], Joan 239. STRONG, George and STRONG [BOND], Ann 240. DEANE, Walter and DEANE [WALSELE], Joan 241. ROSS, Alexander and ROSS [SINCLAIR], Janet 242. SEVING, Adolf and SEVING [VITT], Verena 243. HOBART, Thomas and HOBART [HARE], Audrey 244. DEWE, Robert and DEWE [STASYE], Margaret 245. HANMER, William and HANMER, Eleanor 246. KYNASTON, Roger and KYNASTON [GREY], Elizabeth 247. DYMOCK, Randle and DYMOCK [HANMER], Elizabeth 248. PULESTON, Roger 249. BULLOCK, Thomas and BULLOCK [KINGSMILL], Alice 250. BLAYNEY, Elizabeth 251. ROLFE, John and MASON, Dorothea 252. POWHATAN, Wahonsonacock 253. WINANUSKE, Nonoma 254. PIERCE, William 255. PHIPPEN, Jane 256. BATHURST, Robert and BATHURST [WALLER], Elizabeth 257. RICH, Thomas and RICH [BOURCHIER], Anne 258. INGRAM, Arthur 259. INGRAM, Hugh and GOLDTHORPE, Anne 260. GOLDTHORPE, Anne 261. SLINGSBY, Henry and SLINGSBY [VAVASOUR], Frances 262. STRONG, John and STRONG [WHITMAN], Agnes 263. BOND, George and BOND [LEIGH], Winifred 264. ROSS, Walter and ROSS [GRANT], Marian 265. SINCLAIR, John and SINCLAIR [SUTHERLAND], Elizabeth 266. VITT, Josef and VITT [HERZ], Maria Ann 267. HOBART, Miles and HOBART [BLAVERHASSET], Ellen 268. HARE, William and HARE [RUGGE], Alice 269. DYES, Ms. 270. HANMER, Jenkin and HANMER [DYMOCK], Margaret 271. HANMER, Thomas and HANMER [BRERETON], Jane 272. KYNASTON, Gruffudd and KYNASTON [HOORD], Margaret 273. GREY, Henry and GREY [PLANTAGENET], Antigone 274. DYMOCK, Thomas and DYMOCK [BRERETON], Margaret 275. HANMER, Griffith and HANMER [LLOYD], Margaret 276. PULESTON, Roger and PULESTON [GROSVENOR], Anne 277. BULLOCK, Gilbert 278. NORRIS, Margaret 279. KINGSMILL, John and KINGSMILL [GIFFORD], Jane 280. ROLFE, Eustace and ROLFE [JENNER], Joanna 281. CHIEF, Algonkian and CHIEF [FLOWER], Scent 282. PIERCE, William 283. CONEY, Marguerite 284. BATHURST, John and BATHURST [DODGE], Mary 285. WALLER, Ralph and WALLER [SAUNDERS], Sarah 286. RICH, Robert and RICH [BALDRY], Elizabeth 287. BOURCHIER, Thomas and BOURCHIER [SCROPE], Bridget 288. INGRAM, Hugh and INGRAM [GOLDTHORPE], Anne 289. GOLDTHORPE, Richard and GOLDTHORPE [NORMAN], Jane 290. GOLDTHORPE, Richard

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 291. VAVASOUR, William and VAVASOUR [CALVERLEY], Elizabeth 292. TILLEY, William and TILLEY [TYLLE], Agnes 293. WHITMAN, Henry and WHITMAN [AXTELL], Alice 294. BOND, William and BOND [BOURMAN], Dionise 295. LEIGH, Thomas and LEIGH [BARKER], Alice 296. ROSS, David and HELENA, Ms. 297. HANMER, Griffith and HANMER [LLOYD], Margaret 298. DYMOCK, Thomas and DYMOCK [BRERETON], Margaret 299. HANMER, Richard and HANMER [KYNASTON], Margaret 300. BRERETON, Randall and BRERETON [DUTTON], Eleanor 301. KYNASTON, John 302. HOORD, John 303. GREY, John and GREY [CHERLETON], Joan 304. PLANTAGENET, Humphrey and PLANTAGENET [COBHAM], Eleanor 305. PULESTON, Edward and PULESTON [HANMER], Ermine 306. GROSVENOR, Richard and GROSVENOR [COTTON], Catherine 307. BULLOCK, Robert and BULLOCK, Ms Eleanore 308. NORRIS, William and NORRIS [VERE], Joane 309. KINGSMILL, Richard and KINGSMILL, Alice 310. GIFFARD, John and GIFFARD [BRYDGES], Joan 311. STREAM, Dashing 312. BATHURST, Robert and BATHURST [SAUNDERS], Ms. 313. DUNCOMBE, Elizabeth 314. WEIGHTMAN, Thomas 315. WEIGHTMAN, Henry 316. AXTELL, Thomas and AXTELL [GOULD], Joan 317. BOND, William and BOND, Mrs William 318. BOURMAN, John and BOURMAN [RUSSELL], Elizabeth 319. LEIGH, Roger and LEIGH [TRAFFORD], Alice 320. BARKER, John and BARKER [HILL], Elizabeth 321. ROSS, Alexander and ROSS [SUTHERLAND], Dorothea 322. ATCHURCH, Eleanor 323. CONINGSBY, Amphillis 324. HANMER, Edward and HANMER [GETHIN], Margaret 325. DYMOKE, Thomas and DYMOKE [GOCH], Margaret 326. BRERETON, Randle and BRERETON, Mrs Randal 327. BRERETON, Randle 328. HANMER, Griffith and HANMER [DUTTON], Ellen 329. KYNASTON, Roger and KYNASTON [GREY], Elizabeth 330. BRERETON, Randle and BRERETON [CARRINGTON], Emma 331. DUTTON, Peter Piers and DUTTON [FOULESHURST], Elizabeth 332. KYNASTON, Madoc and KYNASTON [DE PERCY], Isolda 333. HOORD, Roger and HOORD [MADOG], Cari Verch 334. GREY, Thomas and GREY [DE MOWBRAY], Joan 335. CHERLETON, Edward and CHERLETON [DE HOLAND], Eleanor 336. PLANTAGENET, Henry and PLANTAGENET [DE BOHUN], Mary 337. COBHAM, Reginald and COBHAM [COLEPEPER], Eleanor 338. BULLOCK, Thomas and BULLOCK [YEADING], Alice 339. NORREYS, William 340. MERBROOKE, Alice 341. DE VERE, John and DE VERE [HOWARD], Elizabeth 342. BATHURST, Thomas 343. DUNCOMBE, William and DUNCOMBE [WHITTON], Alice 344. WEIGHTMAN, Richard and WEIGHTMAN [WOODAN], Scianeley 345. GOULD, Thomas and GOULD, Alice 346. BOND, Thomas and BOND [KENDALL], Elizabeth 347. RUSSELL, James and UNKNOWN, Ms. 348. LEIGH, Richard and LEIGH [SPRENCHEAUX], Margery 349. BARKER, William and BARKER [GOULSTON], Margaret 350. HILL, Thomas and HILL [WILBRAHAM], Margaret 351. ROSS, John and ROSS [MACLEOD], Ms.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 352. HANMER, Jenkin and HANMER [IORWERTH], Efa 353. LLWYD, Thomas Gethin and LLWYD [AP GETHIN], Catrin Ferch 354. DYMOCK, Ieuan and DYMOCK [AP RICHARD], Lucy 355. BRERETON, Randle and BRERETON [IPSTONES], Alice 356. HANMER, David and HANMER [LLEWELYN], Angharad Verch 357. DUTTON, Piers and DUTTON [BUTLER], Elizabeth 358. KYNASTON, Gruffudd and KYNASTON [HOORD], Margaret 359. GREY, Henry and GREY [PLANTAGENET], Antigone 360. CARRINGTON, John 361. BEESTON, Elizabeth 362. DUTTON, Peter and DUTTON [GROSVENOR], Elizabeth 363. FOULESHURST, Robert 364. VERNON, Joan 365. KYNASTON, Jenkin and KYNASTON [LLEWELYN], Annes Verch 366. DE PERCY, Henry and DE PERCY [NEVILLE], Margaret 367. AP GRUFFUDD, Madog and AP GRUFFUDD [IORWERTH], Lleucu Verch 368. GREY, Thomas and GREY [DE PRESSENE], Margaret 369. DE MOWBRAY, John and DE MOWBRAY [DE SEGRAVE], Elizabeth 370. DE HOLAND, Thomas and DE HOLAND [FITZALAN], Alice 371. PLANTAGENET, John Of Gaunt and PLANTAGENET, Blanche 372. BOHUN, Humphrey and BOHUN [FITZALAN], Joan 373. DE COBHAM, Reynold 374. MALTRAVERS, Eleanor 375. COLEPEPER, Thomas and COLEPEPER [GREEN], Alianora 376. BULLOCK, Robert and BULLOCK, Ms Robt 377. NORREYS, Roger 378. DE ERNYS, Alice 379. MERBROOKE, Richard and MERBROOKE [MOUNTFORD], Helena 380. DE VERE, Richard and DE VERE [SERGEAUX], Alice 381. HOWARD, John and HOWARD [WALTON], Joan 382. KINGSMILL, Richard 383. BATHURST, Lawrence and BATHURST [CHAPMAN], Godleve 384. WEIGHTMAN, Thomas 385. DE EARTH, Richard Bond and DE EARTH [MAYNARD], Agenta 386. ROSS, Hugh and ROSS [SUTHERLAND], Ms. 387. HANMER, David and HANMER [LLYWELYN DDU], Angharad V 388. BALA, Hywel Llwyd and BALA [AP HYWEL], Mallt Ferch 389. DYMOCK, David and DYMOCK [VOEL], Margaret 390. BRERETON, William 391. DONE, Margaret 392. DE IPSTONES, William and DE IPSTONES [DE SWYNNERTON], Maud 393. DE HANMER, Philip and DE HANMER [DAFYDD], Agnes Verch 394. AP GRUFFYDD, Llywelyn Ddu 395. EDNYFED LLWYD, Leucu Verch 396. DUTTON, Edmund and DUTTON [MINSHULL], Joan 397. BOTELER, John and BOTELER [PLUMPTON], Alicia 398. CARRINGTON, George and CARRINGTON [DE WARREN], Elizabeth 399. BEESTON, John and BEESTON [BOLD], Elizabeth 400. DUTTON, John and DUTTON [ATHERTON], Margaret 401. GROSVENOR, Robert and GROSVENOR [DE CHEDELL], Janet 402. FULLESHURST, Thomas and FULLESHURST [MAINWARING], Cecily 403. VERNON, Richard 404. HULSE, Eleanor 405. KYNASTON, Madoc and KYNASTON [JENKIN], Sylvia Verch 406. AP GRUFFYDD, Llywelyn Ddu and AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD], Llewelyn Ddu 407. DE PERCY, Henry and DE PERCY [PLANTAGENET], Mary 408. NEVILLE, Ralph and NEVILLE [DE AUDLEY], Alice 409. AP IORWERTH, Iorwerth and AP IORWERTH [MADOG], Margred Verch 410. GREY, Thomas and GREY [DE BEYLE], Agnes 411. DE PRESSENE, William and DE PRESSENE, William 412. DE MOWBRAY, John and DE MOWBRAY [PLANTAGENET], Joan

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 413. DE SEGRAVE, John and DE SEGRAVE [PLANTAGENET], Margaret 414. DE HOLAND, Thomas and DE HOLAND [PLANTAGENET], Joan 415. FITZALAN, Richard and FITZALAN [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor 416. PLANTAGENET, Edward Iii and PLANTAGENET [D AVESNES], Philippa 417. PLANTAGENET, Henry and PLANTAGENET [DE BEAUMONT], Isabel 418. DE BOHUN, William and DE BOHUN [DE BADLESMERE], Elizabeth 419. FITZALAN, Richard and FITZALAN [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor 420. DE COBHAM, Reynold and DE COBHAM [DE BERKELEY], Joane 421. MALTRAVERS, John and MALTRAVERS [WENTHLIAN], Gwenthlian 422. COLEPEPER, John and COLEPEPER [HARDRESHULL], Elizabeth 423. DE GREENE, Nicholas 424. BRUCE, Joan 425. BULLOCK, Gilbert and BULLOCK [NEVILL], Anne 426. NORREYS, John and NORREYS [RAVENSCROFT], Millicent 427. DE ERNYS, Roger and DE ERNYS [DE MOLYNEUX], Joan 428. MONTFORD, William and MONTFORD [BRADSTONE], Rose 429. SERGEAUX, Richard and SERGEAUX [FITZALAN], Phillippa 430. HOWARD, John and HOWARD [TENDRING], Alice 431. WALTON, John and WALTON [BUTLER], Elizabeth 432. BATHURST, Lawrence 433. LNU, Agnes 434. WEIGHTMAN, Richard and WEIGHTMAN [WOODAN], Scianeley 435. BOND, Robert and BOND [DE EARTH], Elizabeth 436. ROSS, Walter 437. SINCLAIR, Helen 438. DE HANMER, Philip and DE HANMER [DAFYDD], Agnes Verch 439. AP GRUFFYDD, Llywelyn Ddu and AP GRUFFYDD [MADOG FYCHAN], Margred Verch 440. DE CLOTTON, Margery 441. FLAIDD, Gwenllian Verch 442. MINSHULL, Henry and MINSHULL [DE PULFORD], Tibota 443. BEESTON, Thomas and BEESTON [HANDFORD], Elizabeth 444. FLAIDD, Gwenllian Verch 445. PLANTAGENET, Thomas and PLANTAGENET [DE HALES], Alice 446. EDWARD, King and EDWARD [DE FRANCE], Isabella 447. DE AVESNES, Willem and DE AVESNES [DE VALOIS], Jeanne 448. PLANTAGENET, Henry and PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH], Maud 449. HARDRESHULL, John and HARDRESHULL [STAFFORD], Margaret 450. DE GREENE, Thomas and DE GREENE [LA ZOUCHE], Lucy 451. BRUCE, John and BRUCE [HARDRESHULL], Margaret 452. BULLOCK, Robert and BULLOCK, Mrs Robert 453. DE NEVILLE, Thomas 454. NEVILLE, Ms Anne 455. NORREYS, Henry and NORREYS [DE ERNYS], Alice 456. RAVENSCROFT, Ralph and RAVENSCROFT [STANLEY], Margaret 457. ERNOIS, Robert and ERNOIS [MOLYNEUX], Jane 458. DE MOLYNEUX, William and DE MOLYNEUX [SCARESBRICK], Isabell 459. DE MONTFORT, Baldwin and DE MONTFORT [CLINTON], Mary 460. SERGEAUX, Richard and SERGEAUX [SENESCHAL], Margaret 461. FITZALAN, Edmund and FITZALAN [DE MONTAGU], Sibyl 462. HOWARD, Robert and HOWARD [DE SCALES], Margaret 463. TENDRING, William and TENDRING [MILDE], Katherine 464. DE WALTON, John 465. WALTON, Walter 466. BOTELER, John and BOTELER [PLUMPTON], Alicia 467. BATHURST, Lawrence 468. BOND, Richard 469. ROSS, William and ROSS [MACINTYRE], Catherine 470. SINCLAIR, Earl of Orkney 471. DE HANMER, John and DE HANMER [EINION], Hawise Verch 472. AP RIRED, Dafydd and AP RIRED [AP ROIRED], Davydd 473. VOEL, Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 474. FLAIDD, Gwenllian Verch 475. AP MADOG, Madog Fychan and AP MADOG [GRUFFUDD], Gwladus Verch 476. AP IEUAN, Gwenhwyfer Verch 477. DE VERNON, Roesia 478. EDNYFED, Gwenllian Verch 479. AP GRUFFYDD, Angharad Verch 480. BRYAN, Joan 481. DE BRAOSE, Alice 482. DE VENABLES, Hugh and DE VENABLES [COTTON], Margery 483. EDNYFED, Gwenllian Verch 484. PLANTAGENET, Edward I and PLANTAGENET [OF CASTILE], Eleanor 485. FAIR, Philip IV The and FAIR [NAVARRE], Juana Princess 486. DE AVESNES, Jean and DE AVESNES [LUXEMBOURG MAAS], Philippina Countess 487. PLANTAGENET, Edmund and ARTOIS, Blanche D 488. ARTOIS, Blanche D 489. LA ZOUCHE, Eve 490. DE CANTILUPE, Millicent 491. DE ERNYS, Roger and DE ERNYS [DE MOLYNEUX], Joan 492. SERGEAUX, Richard and SERGEAUX [DE SENESCHAL], Margaret Baddlesmere 493. HOWARD, John and HOWARD [DE BOSCO], Alice 494. DE SCALES, Robert and DE SCALES [DE UFFORD], Catharine 495. TENDRING, William and TENDRING [KERDESTON], Margaret 496. ST CLAIR, Henry and ST CLAIR [HALIBURTON], Jean 497. DE MACCLESFIELD, Thomas 498. AP GWILYM, Einion and UNKNOWN, Ms. 499. SAYS, Rired Ap Rhys and SAYS [AP RHYS], Rired Says 500. AP IORWERTH, Iorwerth Foel and AP IORWERTH, Gwladys Verch 501. FLAIDD, Rhirid 502. EDNYFED, Gwenllian Verch 503. AP GRUFFYDD VYCHAN, Madoc Crypl 504. RHYS, Sionet Ferch 505. IORWERTH, Gruffudd Ab and IORWERTH [RHYS], Margred Verch 506. PLANTAGENET, Henry and PLANTAGENET [BERENGER], Eleanor 507. CASTILE, Ferdinand 508. DE DAMMARTIN, Joan 509. BOLD, Philip The and BOLD [DE ARAGON], Isabella 510. LUXEMBOURG MAAS, Henri Count and LUXEMBOURG MAAS [DE BAR], Marguerite 511. ARTOIS, Robert I Count Of and ARTOIS [DE BRABANT], Mahaut 512. DE MOLYNEUX, William and DE MOLYNEUX [SCARESBRICK], Isabell 513. DE CLINTON, John and DE CLINTON [ODINGSELLS], Ida 514. CERIZEAUX, John and CERIZEAUX, Joan 515. SENESCHAL, John and SENESCHAL [KENINGK], Joane 516. HOWARD, John and HOWARD [DE CORNWALL], Joan 517. DE BOSCO, Robert and DE BOSCO [WICHINGHAM], Joane 518. DE SCALES, Robert and DE SCALES [DE COURTENAY], Egeline 519. DE UFFORD, Robert and DE UFFORD [DE NORWICH], Margaret 520. KERDESTON, William and KERDESTON [BACON], Margaret 521. DE WAUTON, John 522. BRYAN, Joan 523. DE BRAOSE, Alice 524. ST CLAIR, William and ST CLAIR [STRATHERN], Isabella 525. HALYBURTON, John and HALYBURTON [CAMERON], Margaret 526. MACCLESFIELD, Thomas 527. AP GRUFFYDD, Gwilym and AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD], Gwilym 528. GAN, Rhys Sais and GAN [AP RHYS], Eva Verch 529. AP IORWERTH, Iorwerth and AP IORWERTH [GRUFFUDD], Catherine Verch 530. AP GRIFFIN, Iorwerth and AP GRIFFIN [GRUFFUDD], Tangwystl Ferch 531. AP COLLWYN, Gwrreneu Flaidd and AP COLLWYN [HIRDREF], Genris Verch 532. AP CYNWRIG, Ednyfed 533. RHYS, Gwenllian Verch 534. AP GRUFFYDD, Gruffydd Fychan and AP GRUFFYDD [GRIFFIN], Margred Ferch

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 535. AP RHYS MECHELL, Rhys Vychan and AP RHYS MECHELL [GRUFFYDD], Gwladus Verch 536. AP IEUAF, Iorwerth Ap Griffri and AP IEUAF [LLEWELLYN], Angharad Verch 537. AP RHYS, Rhys and AP RHYS [GRUFFYDD], Gwladus Verch 538. PLANTAGENET, John Lackland and PLANTAGENET [DE TAILLEFER], Isabella 539. BERENGER, Raymond and BERENGER [DE SAVOIE], Beatrice 540. SLOBBERER, Alfonso The and SLOBBERER [ALFONSEZ], Berengaria 541. DE DAMMARTIN, Simon and DE DAMMARTIN [DE PONTHIEU], Marie 542. CAPET, Louis and CAPET [DE PROVENCE], Marguerite 543. MALLORC, Jaime I and MALLORC [OF HUNGARY], Yolande 544. MONTJ, Waleram Duke and MONTJ [DE NAMUR], Ermensinde 545. DE BAR, Henry and DE BAR [DE DREUX], Philippa 546. LION, Louis Viii The and LION [ALPHONSA], Blanca 547. CERIZEAUX, Richard and CERIZEAUX [ARUNDELL], Ellen 548. CORNWALL, Richard De John 549. DE BOYS, Robert and DE BOYS [LE LATIMER], Christian 550. LATIMER, William and LATIMER [DE THWENG], Lucy 551. SCALES, Robert and SCALES [BURNELL], Isabel 552. DE COURTENAY, Hugh and DE COURTENAY [LE DESPENCER], Eleanor 553. UFFORD, Robert D and UFFORD [DEVALOINES], Cecily 554. DE KERDESTON, Roger and DE KERDESTON [BATEMAN], Maud 555. BACON, Adam and BACON [FELTON], Margery 556. AP LLYWELYN, Gruffudd and AP LLYWELYN [CARADOG], Senena Verch 557. DE AUDLEY, Emma 558. DE BRAOSE, Maud 559. ENGLAND, Henry II Of and ENGLAND [OF AQUITAINE], Eleanor 560. TAILLEFER, Aymer De and TAILLEFER [DE COURTENAY], Alice 561. SANCHEZ, Alfonso and SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor 562. CAPET, Louis and CAPET [ALPHONSA], Blanca 563. BERENGER, Raymond and BERENGER [DE SAVOIE], Beatrice 564. RICHARD, Earl 565. DE VALLETORT, Joan 566. DE BOYS, John 567. HASTINGS, Amica 568. LE LATIMER, William and LE LATIMER [LEDET], Alice 569. LE LATIMER, William and LE LATIMER [LEDET], Alice 570. DE THWENG, Robert and DE THWENG [HAUNSARD], Matilda 571. SCALES, Robert and SCALES [CLEMENCE], Ms. 572. DE COURTENAY, John and DE COURTENAY [DE VERE], Isabel 573. LE DESPENCER, Hugh 574. BASSETT, Aline 575. UFFORD, Robert D 576. DE SAYE, Mary 577. DE VALOINES, Robert and DE VALOINES [CRIKETOT], Eve 578. PATENHAM, William 579. DE EUXTON, Margaret 580. BACON, Robert and BACON [DE HINGHAM], Ms. 581. FELTON, Simon 582. STRANGE, Hawise 583. MENTEITH, Joan 584. AP IORWERTH, Llewelyn and AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH], Tangwystl Verch 585. AP THOMAS, Caradog and AP THOMAS [GWYN], Eva Verch 586. RHYS, Gwenllian Verch 587. AP HYWEL, Einion 588. PLANTAGENET, Geoffrey V and PLANTAGENET [ENGLAND], Matilda Princess 589. TOULOUSAN, William X and TOULOUSAN [DE CHATELLERAULT], Eleanor 590. TAILLEFER, Guillaume and TAILLEFER [DE LIMOGES], Emma 591. FRANCE, Pierre Prince Of and FRANCE [DE COURTENAY], Isabelle 592. RAIMUNDEZ, Alfonso and RAIMUNDEZ [DE BARCELONA], Berenguela Raimundo 593. CAPET, Louis and OF AQUITAINE, Eleanor 594. DE SAINT POL, Beatrice 595. CAPET, Philip Augustus and CAPET [DE HAINAULT], Isabelle

Family Trees

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Family Trees

596. SANCHEZ, Alfonso and SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor 597. CHASTE, Alphonso The and CHASTE [CASTILE], Sanchia 598. CAPET, Louis and OF AQUITAINE, Eleanor 599. PLANTAGENET, John Lackland and PLANTAGENET [DE TAILLEFER], Isabella 600. DE VALLETORT, Reginald and DE VALLETORT [BASSET], Joan 601. UNKNOWN, Agnes 602. DE CRIKETOT, William and BLUNDE, Agnes 603. BLUNDE, Agnes 604. AP RHODRI, Thomas and AP RHODRI [EINION], Margred Ferch 605. DE ANJOU, Fulk V and DE ANJOU [DU MAINE], Ermengarde 606. BEAUCLERC, Henry I and BEAUCLERC [SCOTLAND], Matilda Atheling 607. DE AQUITAINE, Guillaume IX De Troubador and DE AQUITAINE [MATHILDE], Philippa 608. CHATELLERAULT, Aimeri I and CHATELLERAULT [ISLE BOUCHARD], Dangereuse Maubergeonne 609. DE LIMOGES, Ademar and DE LIMOGES [TAILLEFER], Graule 610. DE COURTENAY, Reginald and DE COURTENAY [DE DONJON], Hawise 611. CAPET, Louis and OF AQUITAINE, Eleanor 612. ENGLAND, Henry II Of and ENGLAND [OF AQUITAINE], Eleanor 613. BASSETT, Thomas and BASSETT [MELBANK], Phillipi 614. DE FOIX, Rohese 615. UNKNOWN, Ms. 616. LE BLOUNT, William and LE BLOUNT [DE VERE], Cecilia 617. LE BLOUNT, Agnes 618. AP GRUFFYDD, Owain and AP GRUFFYDD [LLYWARCH], Gwladus Verch 619. AP BELI, Gruffydd 620. D'ANJOU, Fulk "rechin" and D'ANJOU [DE MONTFORT], Bertrade 621. HELIE, Elias and HELIE [DU LOIRE], Matilde De Chateau 622. CONQUEROR, William I 623. FLANDERS, Matilda 624. ATHELING, Margaret 625. AQUITAINE, William 626. DE BOURGOGNE, Hildegarde Capet 627. TOULOUSE, Guillaume Count and TOULOUSE [DE MORTAIGNE], Emma 628. CHATELLERAULT, Boson Viscount and CHATELLERAULT [DE THOUARS], Eleanor 629. ISLE BOUCHARD, Barthelemy De L and ISLE BOUCHARD, Gerberge De L Isle 630. DE COMBORN, Archambaud Le Barbu and DE COMBORN [DE LIMOGES], Humberge 631. TAILLEFER, Guillaume and TAILLEFER [DE BENAUGES], Vitapoy 632. DE COURTENAY, Milo and DE COURTENAY [DE NEVERS], Ermengarde 633. DE DONJON, Frederic and DE DONJON, Mrs Frederic 634. CARINTHIA, Mathilde Princess 635. PLANTAGENET, Geoffrey V and PLANTAGENET [OF ENGLAND], Maud Matilda 636. DE BASSET, Thomas and DE BASSET [DE DUNSTANVILLE], Alice 637. MALBANK, William and MALBANK [DE BEAUCHAMP], Andeline 638. DE LA FLECHE, Jean and DE LA FLECHE [DU MAINE], Paula 639. ROBERT I, Duke Of Normandy and ROBERT I [DE FALAISE], Harlette 640. CAPET, Robert I and CAPET [DE SEMUR], Helie Ermengarde 641. DE MONTGOMERY, Maude 642. BOREL, Archimbaud and BOUCHARD, Agnes De L Isle 643. DE BOUCHARD, Archimbaud and ISLE BOUCHARD, Agnes Dame 644. BOUCHARD, Agnes De L Isle 645. DE COURTENAY, Josceline and DE GASTINOIS, Hildegarde 646. DE ANJOU, Fulk V and DE ANJOU [DU MAINE], Ermengarde 647. BEAUCLERC, Henry I and BEAUCLERC [SCOTLAND], Matilda Atheling 648. BASSET, Ralph and BASSET [DE BUCI], Alice 649. DEDUNSTANVILLE, Alan Reginald and DEDUNSTANVILLE [DE LANGETOT], Emma 650. MALBANK, William and SCUDAMORE, Petronilla 651. MALBANK, William and SCUDAMORE, Petronilla 652. DE BEAUCHAMP, Payne 653. DE VERE, Rohese 654. DE BEAUGENCY, Lancelin and DU MAINE, Paule 655. DU MAINE, Herbert I 656. DE CHARTRES, Bertha

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Family Trees

657. DUKE OF NORMANDY, Richard II "le Bon" and DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE], Judith 658. DE LA ROCHE, Foucauld I and DE LA ROCHE [DE CHATELLERAULT], Gersende 659. BOUCHARD, Hugues Sn 660. THOURS, Aldearde 661. DE GASTINOIS, Hildegarde 662. D'ANJOU, Fulk "rechin" and D'ANJOU [DE MONTFORT], Bertrade 663. HELIE, Elias and HELIE [DU LOIRE], Matilde De Chateau 664. CONQUEROR, William I 665. FLANDERS, Matilda 666. ATHELING, Margaret 667. BASSET, Thurston 668. DE BROYES, Isabel 669. DE BRUCE, Robert 670. DE SAINT CLARE, Agnes 671. DEDUNSTANVILLE, Reginald Robert and DEDUNSTANVILLE [DELISLE], Adeliza Alicia 672. DE LANGETOT, Ralph and DE LANGETOT, Emma 673. DE LANGETOT, Ralph 674. MALBANK, William and MALBANK [DE BEAUCHAMP], Andeline 675. DE SCUDAMORE, Godfrey and DE SCUDAMORE [GIFFARD], Matilda 676. DE BEAUCHAMP, Hugh 677. DE BEAUCHAMP, Hugh and TAILLEBOIS, Matilda 678. TAILLEBOIS, Matilda 679. DE VERE, Aubrey and DE VERE [DE CLARE], Adeliza 680. NORMANDY, Richard I and NORMANDY [DE CREPON], Gonnor 681. BRETAGNE, Conan I and BRETAGNE [D ANJOU], Ermengarde 682. DE LA FLECHE, Jean and DE LA FLECHE [DU MAINE], Paula 683. DE AULNEY, Fouque and DE AULNEY, Mrs Fouque 684. BARDOUL, Hugh and BARDOUL [DE SOURS], Elizabeth 685. DE SAINT CLARE, Waldron and DE SAINT CLARE [LE BON], Helena 686. BEAUCLERC, Henry I and BEAUCLERC [CORBET], Sibyl 687. DE LANGETOT, Ralph and DE LANGETOT [DE BAR SUR SEINE], Cecilia 688. ABBOTT, Emiline 689. LONGSWORD, William I and LONGSWORD [DE BRETAGNE], Sporte 690. BERENGER, Juhel and BERENGER [FRANCE], Gerberge Queen Of 691. GRISGONELLE, Geoffrey I 692. DE VERMANDOIS, Adelaide 693. DE BEAUGENCY, Lancelin and DU MAINE, Paule 694. DU MAINE, Herbert I 695. DE CHARTRES, Bertha 696. DE CENTVILLE, Osmond and DE CENTVILLE, Osmond 697. DE BROYES, Isembert 698. DE BLOIS, Heloise 699. DE ST CLAIR, Mauger Seigneur 700. DE CORBEIL, Germaine 701. NORMANDIE, Richard Iii De 702. CONCUBINE, Mrs Richard Iii 703. CONQUEROR, William I 704. FLANDERS, Matilda 705. CORBET, Robert 706. DE VERMANDOIS, Isabel 707. DE LANGETOT, Ralph and DE LANGETOT [ENGLAND], Cecilia Princess Of 708. D ANJOU, Ermengard 709. DE FLANDERS, Katherine 710. RAGNVALDSSON, Robert and RAGNVALDSSON [DE VALOIS], Poppa 711. KLACKSDOTTIR, Thyri 712. VERMANDOIS, Adelais Countess 713. DE BASSET, Norman and DE BASSET [NORMAN], Ms 714. DE BLOIS, Odo I and DE BLOIS [DE BURGUNDY], Bertha 715. DUKE OF NORMANDY, Richard II "le Bon" and DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE], Judith 716. DE CORBEIL, Albert and DE CORBEIL, Elizabeth 717. DUKE OF NORMANDY, Richard II "le Bon" and DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE], Judith

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 718. NORMANDY, Ms. 719. DE FRANCE, Hugues and DE FRANCE [VERMANDOIS], Adelle 720. RAGNVALDSSON, Rolf 721. HROLFSSON, Ragnhild 722. DE MORVOIS, Bertha 723. KLAAK HARALD, Earl 724. QUEEN AAFLAEDA, Ms. 725. BRITTANY, Ms. 726. DE BLOIS, Theobald I and DE BLOIS [DE VERMANDOIS], Luitgarde 727. DE BOURGOGNE, Conrad I and DE BOURGOGNE [DE FRANCE], Matilda 728. NORMANDY, Richard I and NORMANDY [DE CREPON], Gonnor 729. BRETAGNE, Conan I and BRETAGNE [D ANJOU], Ermengarde 730. LE ANJOU, Foulques and LE ANJOU [DU MAINE], Gerberge 731. NORMANDY, Richard I and NORMANDY [DE CREPON], Gonnor 732. BRETAGNE, Conan I and BRETAGNE [D ANJOU], Ermengarde 733. CARNAGHI, Giovanni 734. JARL, I Eysteinsson and JARL [HROLFSDOTTIR], Ragnhild 735. NEFJA, Hrolf and NEFJA, Mrs Hrolf 736. LIEGARDE, Hildebrante 737. DE VERMANDOIS, Adelaide 738. D ANJOU, Fouques I and D ANJOU [DE LOCHES], Roscille 739. DE VERMANDOIS, Adelaide 740. JARL, Glumra Eystein 741. ROGNVALDSSON, Aseda 742. NEFJA, Hrolf and NEFJA [OF NORWAY], Nn 743. OLAFSSON, Rognvald 744. UNKNOWN, Olafsson 745. KLACKSDOTTIR, Thyri 746. VERMANDOIS, Adelais Countess 747. DE ARLES, Thistburge 748. KLACKSDOTTIR, Thyri 749. VERMANDOIS, Adelais Countess 750. JARL, Ivar and JARL [OF TRONDHEIM], Daughter 751. OLAFSSON, Rognvald and UNKNOWN, Olafsson 752. OLAFSSON, Rognvald 753. OLAFSSON, Rognvald and SIGURDSDATTER, Thora 754. SIGURDSDATTER, Thora 755. UNKNOWN, Olafsson 756. EYSTEINSSON, Halfdan and EYSTEINSSON [DAYSDOTTIR], Hilf 757. ROGNVALDSDATTER, Ascrida 758. GUDRODSSON, Olaf and GUDRODSSON, Mrs Olaf 759. HALFDANSSON, Gudrod Hunterking and HARALDSDOTTIR, Asa 760. HALFDANSSON, Gudrod and HARALDSDTR, Queen Asa 761. HARALDSDTR, Queen Asa 762. SVEIDE, The Viking 763. EIRIKSDATTER, Hildi 764. HOGNASSON, Eystein Glumra and HOGNASSON, Mrs Eystein 765. GORR, Mr. 766. EYSTEINSDATTER, Asa 767. EYSTEINSSON, Hogne and EYSTEINSSON [NORWAY], Hogne Eysteinsson 768. THRONDSSON, Eystein and HALFDANSDATTER, Solveig 769. THRONDSSON, Thrond and THRONDSSON, Mrs Thrond 770. KINRIKSDATTER, Moalda Digri 771. KINRIKSDATTER, Moalda Digri 772. HILDETAND, Harald 773. SLINGEBAND, Roric 774. IVARSDATTER, Aud 775. VIDFADMA, Ivar and ALFSDATTER, Gauthild 776. HALFDANSSON, Ivar and ALFSDATTER, Gauthild 777. FRODASSON, Sigris 778. OLAFSSON, Alf and OLAFSSON, Alf

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Family Trees

779. HARALDSSON, Halfdan and HARALDSSON [KINRIKSDATTER], Moalda Digri 780. HALFDANSSON, Olof and HALFDANSSON, Helgi 781. VALDARSSON, Harald and VALDARSSON [HEIDREKSDATTER], Hildur 782. CYNRIC, King 783. VANDALS, Hildis Af 784. FRODASSON, Halfdan and FRODASSON [HALFDANSDATTER], Sigris 785. FRODASSON, Halfdan and FRODASSON, Sigris 786. HROARSSON, Valdar and HROARSSON, Mrs Valdar 787. ANGANTYRSSON, Heidrek Ulfhamr and ANGANTYRSSON [YOUNGER"], Amfleda "the 788. CRIODA, Prince Of Wessex and CRIODA [MRS CRIODA], Ms. 789. HROARSSON, Valdar and HROARSSON [VANDALS], Hildis 790. JORUNDSSON, Aun 791. REIDGOTALANDI, Angantyr Heidreksson 792. THARSAMUND, King and THARSAMUND [MAJOR], Amfleda 793. YNGVASSON, Jorund and YNGVASSON, Mrs Jorund 794. REIDGOTALANDI, Heidrek Hofundsson and REIDGOTALANDI [HARALDSDATTER], Helga 795. GOTHS, Gelimer Of The Spanish and GOTHS [EURICA], Ms. 796. ITALY, Theodoric The Great Of 797. GOTHS, Theodora 798. OSTROGOTHS, Amfleda Des 799. GLAESIVOLLUM, Hofund Gudmundsson and GLAESIVOLLUM [ANGANTYRSDATTER], Hervor 800. GONDERIC, King and GONDERIC [GRANADA], Elisa 801. CHEIFTAN, Theodemir 802. OSTROGOTHS, Erelicia 803. GOTHS, Adulphus 804. UNKNOWN, Ms. 805. GRIMSSON, Arngrim Berserkur and GRIMSSON [SVAFLAMASDATTER], Eyfuru 806. ARNGRIMSSON, Angantyr and ARNGRIMSSON [BJARTMARSDATTER], Svofu 807. OF VANDALS, Gondeguslus and OF VANDALS, Flora 808. OSTROGOTHS, Wandalar 809. OSTROGOTHS, Vandalar Av 810. HERULI, Vitilaus King and HERULI [GOTHLAND], Anarnia 811. HERGRIMSSON, Grim and HERGRIMSSON [STARKSDATTER], Bauggerd 812. UNKNOWN, Ms.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1. Edward Tilmon JR. James and Eliza Ann James [Smithey]
7... Jessie T James

Family Trees

8... Mary A
James [Woods]


AH Humphrey 1907-1965

Humphrey [Hunt]


9... Samuel A Smithey 1906-1991


10... Charleton
Smithey [Wilson]


11... Raymond A Gray 1898-1984


12... Carolie Gray [Wilson] 1900-1992


Edward T James 1929-1995


Daisy R Humphrey 1932-2002


Tillman A Smithey 192614

Dorothy J
Smithey [Gray]



Edward T J James 19527

Eliza A 3...
James [Smithey]


Caroline L
Mitchell [James]


2. Edward Tilmon James and Daisy Ruth Humphrey

7... John F James 186429

13... Nancy D
James [Randolph]

James W Woods c187131

14... Alberta V Woods [Neff] 1872-1963



Jessie T James

Mary A
James [Woods]


AH Humphrey 1907-1965

Humphrey [Hunt]



Edward T James 1929-1995


Daisy R Humphrey 1932-2002


Edward T J James 19527


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 3. Tillman Alpheus Smithey and Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray]
15... Alpheus Smithey 1872-1943

Family Trees

Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 1880-1973

10... William A Wilson 1866-1946


10... Ida M
Wilson [Speed]


17... Allen N M Gray 1870-1922


11... Effie
Gray [Mitchell]


18... William P Wilson 187939

19... Jodie
Wilson [Boswell]



Samuel A Smithey 1906-1991


Smithey [Wilson]


Raymond A Gray 1898-1984


Carolie Gray [Wilson] 1900-1992



Tillman A Smithey 192614

Dorothy J 6...
Smithey [Gray]


Eliza A
James [Smithey]



4. Jessie Tillman James and Mary Ada James [Woods]

WE James 1835-1877

LA James [Myers] 1842-1885


20... James J Randolph


21... Alcy D
Randolph [Poe]

22... Samuel H Neff 1839-1887


14... Sarah C Neff [Will] 1840-1936



John F James 186429

Nancy D
James [Randolph]

James W Woods c187131

Alberta V Woods [Neff] 1872-1963




Jessie T James

Mary A 8...
James [Woods]


Edward T James 1929-1995



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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 5. Samuel Austin Smithey and Charleton Smithey [Wilson]
23... Bradford W Smithey

Family Trees

24... Frances
Smithey [Norman]

25... William H Damewood


Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 1846-

10... Albert J Wilson 183753

10... Sara J
Wilson [Miller]

10... James M Speed


Virginia S
Speed [Norwood]

184354 56


Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 1880-1973

Alpheus Smithey 1872-1943


William A Wilson 1866-1946


Ida M
Wilson [Speed]




Samuel A Smithey 1906-1991


Charleton 10...
Smithey [Wilson]


Tillman A Smithey 192614


6. Raymond Allen Gray and Carolie Gray [Wilson]

27... Joseph A Gray 1828-1894

28... Mary A Gray [Cook] 1833-1926


11... Gideon P Mitchell 1851-1923


Mollie M
Mitchell [Hendrick]


29... James H Wilson 1837-1900


30... Louisa A
Wilson [Hughes]


19... james M Boswell 1829-1905


31... Jane E
Boswell [Lynch]


Allen N M Gray 1870-1922


Gray [Mitchell]


William P Wilson 187939

Wilson [Boswell]



Raymond A Gray 1898-1984


Carolie Gray [Wilson] 12... 1900-1992


Dorothy J
Smithey [Gray]



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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 7. John Franklin James and Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph]
32... John D Randolph 179867

Family Trees

20... Frances P
Randolph [Brown]


34... James Poe -1880


35... Mary E
Poe [McMillion]


WE James 1835-1877

LA James [Myers] 1842-1885


James J Randolph

Alcy D
Randolph [Poe]


John F James 186429

Nancy D 13...
James [Randolph]


Jessie T James


8. James William Woods and Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff]

36... David Neff

37... Lydia
Neff [Pennywitt]

14... George Will 1788-c1865

Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 1798-c1865



Samuel H Neff 1839-1887


Sarah C Neff [Will] 1840-1936


James W Woods c187131

Alberta V Woods [Neff] 14... 1872-1963


Mary A
James [Woods]



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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 9. Alpheus Smithey and Eliza A Smithey [Damewood]
38... Thomas Smith 178875

Family Trees

Smith [Turner]

39... Isaac K Norman


24... Julia F
Norman [Leonard]

76 78

40... Isaac Damewood -1875


Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 1803-1868


Bradford W Smithey

Smithey [Norman]

William H Damewood
Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 1880-1973

Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 1846-




Alpheus Smithey 1872-1943




Samuel A Smithey 1906-1991



10. William Albert Wilson and Ida May Wilson [Speed]

William W Wilson c178581

Mary Wilson 180282

William B Miller 181183

William G Speed -1877


Mariah A
Speed [Durham]


Albert J Wilson 183753

Sara J
Wilson [Miller]

James M Speed

Virginia S
Speed [Norwood]

184354 56

William A Wilson 1866-1946


Ida M
Wilson [Speed]


Smithey [Wilson]



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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 11. Allen Neatherly MD Gray and Effie Gray [Mitchell]
42... Joseph R Gray 1802-1866

Family Trees

43... Olivia W Gray [Heath] 1799-1866


Elijah Cook

44... Elizabeth H
Cook [Hamner]


John S Mitchell c181291

Alila Mitchell c181592

Joseph A Gray 1828-1894


Mary A Gray [Cook] 1833-1926


Gideon P Mitchell 1851-1923


Mollie M
Mitchell [Hendrick]



Allen N M Gray 1870-1922


Gray [Mitchell]


Raymond A Gray 1898-1984



12. William Polk Wilson and Jodie Wilson [Boswell]

45... James A Wilson

46... Elizabeth
Wilson [Whitten]

47... Elisha Hughes 1800-1839


48... Margaret
Hughes [Wilson]


Richard Boswell 1792-1850


19... Rhoda Z
Boswell [Martin]


Tolliver D Lynch 181099

49... Narcissus
Lynch [Edwards]



James H Wilson 1837-1900


Louisa A
Wilson [Hughes]


james M Boswell 1829-1905


Jane E
Boswell [Lynch]



William P Wilson 187939

Jodie 19...
Wilson [Boswell]


Carolie Gray [Wilson] 1900-1992



Page 518

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 13. James J Randolph and Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe]
50... John A Randolph

Family Trees

51... Lydia
Randolph [Dill]


Thomas Brown 1770103

52... James Poe 1751-1827


53... Mary Poe [Watts] 1743-1805


54... James McMillan 1778-1860


McMillan [Taylor]


John D Randolph 179867

Frances P
Randolph [Brown]


James Poe -1880


Mary E
Poe [McMillion]



James J Randolph

Alcy D 21...
Randolph [Poe]


Nancy D
James [Randolph]



14. Samuel Henry Neff and Sarah Catharine Neff [Will]

36... John Neff

36... Barbara
Neff [Kauffman]

37... John Pennywitt


55... Susanna
Pennywitt [Will]

Elizabeth Bowman c1775113



David Neff

Neff [Pennywitt]

George Will 1788-c1865


Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 1798-c1865




Samuel H Neff 1839-1887


Sarah C Neff [Will] 1840-1936


Alberta V Woods [Neff] 1872-1963



Page 519

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 15. Bradford W Smithey and Frances Smithey [Norman]
56... Joshua Smith

Family Trees

Leannah Smith [C]


57... Isaac J Norman 1780116

Mary Norman [A] 1776-1858


Daniel Leonard 1780-1850


Thomas Smith 178875

Smith [Turner]

Isaac K Norman

Julia F
Norman [Leonard]

76 78


Bradford W Smithey

Frances 24...
Smithey [Norman]


Alpheus Smithey 1872-1943



16. William Howard Damewood and Letitia Damewood [McKinney]

58... Henry L Damewood 1775-1859

Damewood [Smyth]


59... Larkin Seymour 1758-1850


41... Sally
Seymour [Bruce]


Isaac Damewood -1875


Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 1803-1868



William H Damewood

Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 1846-


Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 1880-1973



Page 520

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 17. Joseph Allison Gray and Mary A Gray [Cook]
John Gray 1764-1812

Family Trees

60... Rachel Gray [Ross] 1762-1825


John Heath -1813


61... Margaret
Heath [Adams]


62... John H Hamner 1777-1865


63... Mary B
Hamner [Moore]


Joseph R Gray 1802-1866


Olivia W Gray [Heath] 1799-1866


Elijah Cook

Elizabeth H
Cook [Hamner]



Joseph A Gray 1828-1894


Mary A Gray [Cook] 28... 1833-1926


Allen N M Gray 1870-1922



18. James Harvey Wilson and Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes]

64... John Wilson 1770129

Wilson [Merritt]

46... Joel Whitten


46... Sarah
Whitten [Odell]

65... Andrew Hughes


Hughes [Sumner]

1772130 132


67... Charles P Wilson 1772135

Wilson [McMurry]


James A Wilson

Wilson [Whitten]

Elisha Hughes 1800-1839


Hughes [Wilson]




James H Wilson 1837-1900


Louisa A 30...
Wilson [Hughes]


William P Wilson 187939


Page 521

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 19. james martin Boswell and Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch]
Charles Martin

Family Trees

Martin [Harper]

68... Thomas Edwards 1780-1876


69... Mary
Edwards [Brittain]



Richard Boswell 1792-1850


Rhoda Z
Boswell [Martin]


Tolliver D Lynch 181099

Lynch [Edwards]


james M Boswell 1829-1905


Jane E 31...
Boswell [Lynch]


Wilson [Boswell]



20. John D Randolph and Frances P Randolph [Brown]

70... James R Randolph

Randolph [Smalley]


71... John Dill 1726-1809


Mary A Dill [Barrett] 1728145

John A Randolph

Randolph [Dill]


Thomas Brown 1770103


John D Randolph 179867

Frances P
Randolph [Brown]


James J Randolph


Page 522

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 21. James Poe and Mary E Poe [McMillion]
52... Simon Poe 1708-1793

Family Trees

Poe [Bradford]


72... Benjamin Watts 1720-1790


Frances B Watts 1724149

54... Amon McMillan 1745-1825


McMillan [Martha]


James Poe 1751-1827


Mary Poe [Watts] 1743-1805


James McMillan 1778-1860


McMillan [Taylor]



James Poe -1880


Mary E 35...
Poe [McMillion]


Alcy D
Randolph [Poe]



22. David Neff and Lydia Neff [Pennywitt]

36... Jacob Neff 1742152

36... Barbara Neff [Graybill] 1747153

36... Samuel Kauffman -1828


36... Elizabeth
Kauffman [Reist]

37... Jacob Pennywitt


Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine]


73... John Will 1740-1815


74... Maria S
Will [Sherman]



John Neff

Neff [Kauffman]

John Pennywitt

Pennywitt [Will]




David Neff

Lydia 37...
Neff [Pennywitt]


Samuel H Neff 1839-1887



Page 523

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 23. Thomas Smith and Sally Smith [Turner]
75... Joshua Smith -1798

Family Trees

Joshua Smith

Leannah Smith [C]



Thomas Smith 178875

Smith [Turner]


Bradford W Smithey


24. Isaac Kelly Norman and Julia Frances Norman [Leonard]

76... Isaac Norman 1765-1828

77... Hannah
Norman [Gage]


Isaac J Norman 1780116

Mary Norman [A] 1776-1858


Daniel Leonard 1780-1850



Isaac K Norman

Julia F
Norman [Leonard]


Smithey [Norman]



Page 524

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 25. Isaac Damewood and Mildred Damewood [Seymour]
78... Malachi Damewood

Family Trees

Hannah Damewood [E] 1750164

59... George Seymour 1735165

Seymour [Good]


John Bruce 1745-1816


Henry L Damewood 1775-1859


Damewood [Smyth]


Larkin Seymour 1758-1850

Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 1803-1868

Seymour [Bruce]



Isaac Damewood -1875




William H Damewood


26. Martha Miller

Martha Miller c181584

Sara J
Wilson [Miller]



Page 525

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 27. Joseph Ross Gray and Olivia W Gray [Heath]
79... John Ross 1732-1812

Family Trees

60... Deborah J
Ross [Johnston]


80... Robert Adams 1742170

61... Elizabeth
Adams [Chambers]


John Gray 1764-1812


Rachel Gray [Ross] 1762-1825


John Heath -1813


Heath [Adams]



Joseph R Gray 1802-1866


Olivia W Gray [Heath] 43... 1799-1866


Joseph A Gray 1828-1894



28. Elijah Cook and Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner]

81... Turner Hamner

82... Nancy A
Hamner [Moore]

83... John Moore


84... Martha
Moore [Harvie]

173 175

John H Hamner 1777-1865


Mary B
Hamner [Moore]


Elijah Cook

Elizabeth H 44...
Cook [Hamner]


Mary A Gray [Cook] 1833-1926



Page 526

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 29. James A Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten]
John Wilson 1745176

Family Trees

64... Polly
Wilson [Pettigrew]


46... Elijah Whitten 1734178

46... John Odell 1728179

46... Eleanor N
Odell [Hendrix]


John Wilson 1770129

Wilson [Merritt]

Joel Whitten

Whitten [Odell]

1772130 132


James A Wilson

Elizabeth 46...
Wilson [Whitten]


James H Wilson 1837-1900



30. Elisha Hughes and Margaret Hughes [Wilson]

65... Richard Hughes

85... John Wilson 1745183

86... Polly
Wilson [Pettigrew]


Andrew Hughes

Hughes [Sumner]


Charles P Wilson 1772135

Wilson [McMurry]



Elisha Hughes 1800-1839


Margaret 48...
Hughes [Wilson]


Louisa A
Wilson [Hughes]



Page 527

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 31. Tolliver D Lynch and Narcissus Lynch [Edwards]
87... Andrew Edwards 1752-1819

Family Trees

Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 1754-

89... James Brittain 1755-1831


Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 1750-1820



Thomas Edwards 1780-1876


Edwards [Brittain]


Tolliver D Lynch 181099

Narcissus 49...
Lynch [Edwards]


Jane E
Boswell [Lynch]



32. John Abraham Randolph and Lydia Randolph [Dill]

91... John Randolph

92... Frances
Randolph [Bland]


93... William Dill 1690194

Mary Dill 1705-1782


James R Randolph

Randolph [Smalley]


John Dill 1726-1809


Mary A Dill [Barrett] 1728145


John A Randolph

Lydia 51...
Randolph [Dill]


John D Randolph 179867


Page 528

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 33. Mary Brown

Mary Brown

Family Trees

Frances P
Randolph [Brown]



34. James Poe and Mary Poe [Watts]

52... Samuel Poe 1675196

Mary Poe [Hook] 1670197

94... Thomas Watts 1690-1749


95... Esther
Watts [Wilkins]


Simon Poe 1708-1793


Poe [Bradford]


Benjamin Watts 1720-1790


Frances B Watts 1724149


James Poe 1751-1827



Mary Poe [Watts] 1743-1805


James Poe -1880



Page 529

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 35. James McMillan and Nancy McMillan [Taylor]
54... Alexander McMillan 1706-1761

Family Trees

Phoebe McMillan -1761


Amon McMillan 1745-1825


McMillan [Martha]



James McMillan 1778-1860


McMillan [Taylor]


Mary E
Poe [McMillion]



36. John Neff and Barbara Neff [Kauffman]

John H Neff 1705202

Anna Neff [Steckley] 1714203

Ulrich Graybill -1768


Michael Kauffman

Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 1718-

John Reist

Reist [Longenecker]



Jacob Neff 1742152

Barbara Neff [Graybill] 1747153

Samuel Kauffman -1828


Kauffman [Reist]


John Neff

Neff [Kauffman]


David Neff


Page 530

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 37. John Pennywitt and Susanna Pennywitt [Will]
John Pennywitt 1720209

Family Trees

Pennywitt [Yeiser]


Philip Harpine 1730211

Catherine Harpine
Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine]

96... Michael Will 1719-1773


97... Anna C Will [Meixel] -c1806


74... Conrad Sherman


98... Helene
Sherman [Slagle]


Jacob Pennywitt

John Will 1740-1815


Maria S
Will [Sherman]



John Pennywitt

Susanna 55...
Pennywitt [Will]


Neff [Pennywitt]



38. Joshua Smith and Leannah Smith [C]

99... Temperance Holmes

Joshua Smith -1798



Joshua Smith

Leannah Smith [C]


Thomas Smith 178875


Page 531

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 39. Isaac John Norman and Mary Norman [A]
100... Joseph Norman 1723218

Family Trees

101... Mary
Norman [Read]


102... David Gage 1734-1805


Gage [Shipman]


Isaac Norman 1765-1828


Norman [Gage]



Isaac J Norman 1780116

Mary Norman [A] 1776-1858


Isaac K Norman


40. Henry L Damewood and Leanna Damewood [Smyth]

78... Hans H Demuth -1778

Demuth [Giessler]


Malachi Damewood

Hannah Damewood [E] 1750164


Henry L Damewood 1775-1859


Damewood [Smyth]


Isaac Damewood -1875



Page 532

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 41. Larkin Seymour and Sally Seymour [Bruce]
59... Thomas Seymour 1690224

Family Trees

Sarah Seymour 1690225

George Seymour 1735165

Seymour [Good]


John Bruce 1745-1816



Larkin Seymour 1758-1850


Seymour [Bruce]


Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 1803-1868



42. John Gray and Rachel Gray [Ross]

103... William Ross 1702226

104... Arminella
Ross [Whiteside]

John Johnston

Johnston [Hood]

227 229

John Ross 1732-1812


Deborah J
Ross [Johnston]


John Gray 1764-1812



Rachel Gray [Ross] 1762-1825


Joseph R Gray 1802-1866



Page 533

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 43. John Heath and Margaret Heath [Adams]
80... Samuel D Adams 1716-1741

Family Trees

Adams [Hardwick]

John Chambers


Robert Adams 1742170

Adams [Chambers]


John Heath -1813


Margaret 61...
Heath [Adams]


Olivia W Gray [Heath] 1799-1866



44. John Harvey Hamner and Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore]

105... Nicholas J Hamner 1670-1740

106... Mary E Henley 1733234

John Moore -1785


107... Mary
Moore [Bullock]


108... John Moore -1785


109... Mary
Moore [Jouett]

84... John Harvie


84... Martha
Harvie [Gaines]

1708239 241

Turner Hamner

Nancy A 82...
Hamner [Moore]

John Moore

Moore [Harvie]

173 175


John H Hamner 1777-1865


Mary B 63...
Hamner [Moore]


Elizabeth H
Cook [Hamner]



Page 534

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 45. John Wilson and Isabella Wilson [Merritt]
64... John Pettigrew 1736242
Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806

Family Trees


John Wilson 1745176

Wilson [Pettigrew]



John Wilson 1770129

Wilson [Merritt]


James A Wilson


46. Joel Whitten and Sarah Whitten [Odell]

Elisha Whitten 1714244

Thomas Odell -1763


Margaret Odell [Beall] 1694-1755


Henry Hendricks 1712-1770


Hendricks [Linville]


Elijah Whitten 1734178

John Odell 1728179

Eleanor N
Odell [Hendrix]


Joel Whitten

Whitten [Odell]


Wilson [Whitten]



Page 535

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 47. Andrew Hughes and Obedience Hughes [Sumner]
65... Thomas Hughes

Family Trees

65... Frances
Hughes [Mynne]


Richard Hughes


Andrew Hughes

Hughes [Sumner]


Elisha Hughes 1800-1839



48. Charles Pettigrew Wilson and Martha Wilson [McMurry]

85... Col. J Wilson 1701-1773

Wilson [Martha]


113... John Pettigrew 1736253

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806


John Wilson 1745183

Wilson [Pettigrew]



Charles P Wilson 1772135

Wilson [McMurry]


Hughes [Wilson]



Page 536

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 49. Thomas Edwards and Mary Edwards [Brittain]
115... Thomas Edwards

Family Trees

Edwards [Nichols]


116... Jonas Meador 1728-1773


117... Mary
Meador [Holloway]


89... Joseph Brittain 1723-1774


Brittain [Jemima]


118... James Stringfield -1810


119... Mary A
Stringfield [Ray]

Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 1750-1820

Andrew Edwards 1752-1819


Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 1754-

James Brittain 1755-1831





Thomas Edwards 1780-1876


Mary 69...
Edwards [Brittain]


Lynch [Edwards]



50. James Richard Randolph and Margaret Randolph [Smalley]

120... Col R Randolph 1686-1748

121... Jane
Randolph [Bolling]


122... Theodorick Bland -1784


123... Frances
Bland [Bolling]


John Randolph

Randolph [Bland]



James R Randolph

Randolph [Smalley]


John A Randolph


Page 537

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 51. John Dill and Mary Ann Dill [Barrett]
93... John Dill 1680-1751

Family Trees

124... Sarah Dill [Linscott] 1685268

William Dill 1690194

Mary Dill 1705-1782



John Dill 1726-1809


Mary A Dill [Barrett] 1728145

Randolph [Dill]



52. Simon Poe and Sarah Poe [Bradford]

Leonard Poe 1640-1700

Mary L Poe 1645-1710


Samuel Poe 1675196

Mary Poe [Hook] 1670197

Simon Poe 1708-1793


Poe [Bradford]


James Poe 1751-1827



Page 538

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 53. Benjamin Watts and Frances Benjamin Watts
125... Edward Watts 1689-1728

Family Trees

94... Anne
Watts [Martin]


126... John Stone 1646-1737


127... Mary
Stone [Wilkins]


Thomas Watts 1690-1749


Watts [Wilkins]



Benjamin Watts 1720-1790


Frances B Watts 1724149

Mary Poe [Watts] 1743-1805



54. Amon McMillan and Ms. McMillan [Martha]

Duncan McMillan -1743
Katherine McMillan [Campbell]


Alexander McMillan 1706-1761


Phoebe McMillan -1761


Amon McMillan 1745-1825


McMillan [Martha]


James McMillan 1778-1860



Page 539

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 55. John Will and Maria Susanna Will [Sherman]
96... Michael Will 1793-1860

Family Trees

M Will [Miller]

97... Andreas Meixel 1670279

128... Anna E
Meixel [Hertzogin]


Conradt Schermann 1719281

129... Jacob Slagle


130... Mary C Slagle [Klein]


Michael Will 1719-1773


Anna C Will [Meixel] -c1806


Conrad Sherman

Sherman [Slagle]



John Will 1740-1815


Maria S 74...
Will [Sherman]


Pennywitt [Will]



56. Joshua Smith

131... Joshua Holmes

132... Fear
Holmes [Sturgis]


Temperance Holmes


Joshua Smith -1798


Joshua Smith


Page 540

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 57. Isaac Norman and Hannah Norman [Gage]
133... Isaac Norman

Family Trees

100... Frances
Norman [Courtney]


136... Joseph Read 1687288

137... Sarah Read [Deane] 1691289

102... David Gage -1801


102... Abigail
Gage [Burleson]


Joseph Norman 1723218

Norman [Read]


David Gage 1734-1805


Gage [Shipman]



Isaac Norman 1765-1828


Hannah 77...
Norman [Gage]


Isaac J Norman 1780116


58. Malachi Damewood and Hannah Damewood [E]

78... Heinrich Demut
Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin]


Hans H Demuth -1778


Demuth [Giessler]



Malachi Damewood

Hannah Damewood [E] 1750164

Henry L Damewood 1775-1859



Page 541

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 59. George Seymour and Mary Seymour [Good]
Thomas Seymour 1664294

Family Trees

Seymour [Ann]


Thomas Seymour 1690224

Sarah Seymour 1690225

George Seymour 1735165

Seymour [Good]


Larkin Seymour 1758-1850



60. John Ross and Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston]

139... George Ross

140... Hannah
Ross [Spinning]


104... Edward Whiteside 1665-1723


Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 1665-


William Ross 1702226

Ross [Whiteside]

John Johnston

Johnston [Hood]

227 229


John Ross 1732-1812


Deborah J
Ross [Johnston]


Rachel Gray [Ross] 1762-1825



Page 542

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 61. Robert Adams and Elizabeth Adams [Chambers]
80... John Adams 1672300

Family Trees

Elizabeth Adams 1677301

Samuel D Adams 1716-1741


Adams [Hardwick]

John Chambers



Robert Adams 1742170

Adams [Chambers]


Heath [Adams]



62. Turner Hamner and Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore]

142... Nicholas S Hanmer 1640-c1708

105... Joan
Hanmer [Turner]


143... Leonard Henley 1702-1759


Elizabeth Henley [Richardson]

144... Richard Bullock 1696-1738


107... Elizabeth
Bullock [Shockey]



Nicholas J Hamner 1670-1740


Mary E Henley 1733234

John Moore -1785


Moore [Bullock]



Turner Hamner

Nancy A 82...
Hamner [Moore]


John H Hamner 1777-1865



Page 543

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 63. John Moore and Martha Moore [Harvie]
145... John Moore 1645-1700

Family Trees

108... Susannah Moore [Price] 1670309

109... Matthew Jouett 1681-1745


147... Susannah
Jouett [Moore]


84... John Harvie 1700-1721


84... Bernard Gaines 1670314

84... Martha
Gaines [Taylor]


John Moore -1785


Moore [Jouett]

John Harvie

Harvie [Gaines]

1708239 241


John Moore

Martha 84...
Moore [Harvie]


Mary B
Hamner [Moore]



64. John Wilson and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew]

Samuel Matthews -1769

John Pettigrew 1736242

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806


John Wilson 1745176

Wilson [Pettigrew]


John Wilson 1770129


Page 544

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 65. Richard Hughes

Thomas Hughes 1810318

Family Trees

Hughes [Griffin]

Nickolas Mynne


Thomas Hughes

Hughes [Mynne]


Richard Hughes

Andrew Hughes


66. Ms. Mary

Ms. Mary

Andrew Hughes


Page 545

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 67. John Wilson and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew]
85... Robert Wilson 1669-1745

Family Trees

85... Jane Wilson [Lee] 1672-1746


148... James Pettigrew c1714324

Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-

Samuel Matthews -1769

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806


Col. J Wilson 1701-1773


Wilson [Martha]


John Pettigrew 1736253



John Wilson 1745183

Polly 86...
Wilson [Pettigrew]


Charles P Wilson 1772135


68. Andrew Edwards and Phoebe Edwards [Meadows]

115... Thomas Edwards

149... Isabella
Edwards [Downing]


150... Jonas Meador 1698-1768


116... Frances
Meador [Hudgens]


151... John Holloway -1757


152... Hannah
Holloway [Spiers]


Thomas Edwards

Edwards [Nichols]


Jonas Meador 1728-1773

Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 1754-

Meador [Holloway]



Andrew Edwards 1752-1819




Thomas Edwards 1780-1876



Page 546

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 69. James Brittain and Delilah Brittain [Stringfield]
89... James Brittain 1709-1776

Family Trees

89... Mary
Brittain [Witty]


153... Richard Stringfield 1705-1747


154... Mary
Stringfield [Pettus]

155... John Ray



Mary Ray [Wilson] 1712339

Joseph Brittain 1723-1774


Brittain [Jemima]


James Stringfield -1810

Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 1750-1820

Mary A
Stringfield [Ray]



James Brittain 1755-1831




Edwards [Brittain]



70. John Randolph and Frances Randolph [Bland]

156... William Randolph

157... Mary
Randolph [Isham]

158... John Bolling


160... Mary
Bolling [Kennon]

161... Richard Bland


162... Elizabeth
Bland [Randolph]

163... Drury Bolling


Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 1699-1726

1660341 343



Col R Randolph 1686-1748


Randolph [Bolling]


Theodorick Bland -1784


Bland [Bolling]



John Randolph

Frances 92...
Randolph [Bland]


James R Randolph


Page 547

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 71. William Dill and Mary Dill
93... John Dill 1647-1730

Family Trees

167... John Linscott


Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 1665-


John Dill 1680-1751


Sarah Dill [Linscott] 1685268


William Dill 1690194

Mary Dill 1705-1782


John Dill 1726-1809



72. Thomas Watts and Esther Watts [Wilkins]

168... Edward Watts -1690

169... Anne
Watts [Martin]

John Martin

Joanna Martin


170... Richard Stone 1620355

Stone [Belcher]


172... John Wilkins -1723


Wilkins [Gengill]


Edward Watts 1689-1728


Watts [Martin]


John Stone 1646-1737


Stone [Wilkins]



Thomas Watts 1690-1749


Esther 95...
Watts [Wilkins]


Benjamin Watts 1720-1790



Page 548

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 73. Michael Will and Anna Christiana Will [Meixel]
96... Mary J Rexing

Family Trees

97... Johann W Meiyssel 1640-1698


Meiyssel [Meyssel]


Sebastian Herzog 1644-1705


128... Anna K
Herzog [Wolfhardt]


Michael Will 1793-1860


M Will [Miller]

Andreas Meixel 1670279

Anna E
Meixel [Hertzogin]



Michael Will 1719-1773


Anna C Will [Meixel] 97... -c1806


John Will 1740-1815



74. Conrad Sherman and Helene Sherman [Slagle]

129... Christoph F Slagle

129... Anna M Slagle [Aister]


130... Nicholaus Klee


Catherine Klee [C] 1710367

Conradt Schermann 1719281

Jacob Slagle

Mary C Slagle [Klein]


Conrad Sherman

Helene 98...
Sherman [Slagle]


Maria S
Will [Sherman]



Page 549

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 75. Temperance Holmes

173... Joshua Holmes 1650368

Family Trees

174... Abigail
Holmes [Ingraham]

175... Edward Sturgis


176... Temperance
Sturgis [Gorham]

1636369 371

Joshua Holmes

Holmes [Sturgis]



Temperance Holmes

Joshua Smith -1798



76. Joseph Norman and Mary Norman [Read]

133... Joseph Norman 1657372

135... James Courtney 1640-1698


100... Mary
Courtney [Jenkins]

136... John Read


177... Hannah
Read [Peabody]



178... Joseph Deane 1654378

137... Mary
Deane [Tipping]


Isaac Norman

Norman [Courtney]


Joseph Read 1687288

Sarah Read [Deane] 1691289


Joseph Norman 1723218

Mary 101...
Norman [Read]


Isaac Norman 1765-1828



Page 550

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 77. David Gage and Esther Gage [Shipman]
Nicholas Gage 1685-1788

Family Trees

Mary Gage 1685381

102... John A Burleson -1763


David Gage -1801


Gage [Burleson]



David Gage 1734-1805


Gage [Shipman]


Norman [Gage]



78. Hans Heinrich Demuth and Anna Demuth [Giessler]

Jacob Demut
Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin]


Heinrich Demut

Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin]


Hans H Demuth -1778


Demuth [Giessler]


Malachi Damewood


Page 551

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 79. William Ross and Arminella Ross [Whiteside]
179... George Ross 1630-1705

Family Trees

Constance Ross [Little] 1638-1715


180... Humphrey Spinning 1630388

182... Abigail Hubbard 1640-1689


104... Lawrence Whiteside c1636-1699


Lawrence Whiteside 1636391

Lawrence Tavernor
Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 1665-

George Ross

Ross [Spinning]


Edward Whiteside 1665-1723




William Ross 1702226

Arminella 104...
Ross [Whiteside]


John Ross 1732-1812



80. Samuel D Adams and Catherine Adams [Hardwick]

Robert Adams

Elizabeth Adams

John Adams 1672300

Elizabeth Adams 1677301

Samuel D Adams 1716-1741


Adams [Hardwick]


Robert Adams 1742170


Page 552

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 81. Nicholas Jr Hamner and Mary Elizabeth Henley
184... Humphrey Hanmer -1645

Family Trees

Mr. Turner

143... Reynold Henley 1641-1694


143... Susan
Henley [Turner]


106... Robert Richardson 1686399

106... Jane
Richardson [Green]


Nicholas S Hanmer 1640-c1708


Hanmer [Turner]


Leonard Henley 1702-1759


Elizabeth Henley [Richardson]



Nicholas J Hamner 1670-1740



Mary E Henley 1733234

Turner Hamner


82. John Moore and Mary Moore [Bullock]

185... Richard Bullock 1611-1703

144... Mary
Bullock [Hawkins]


Richard Shockey 1680-1731


Alice Shockey 1686-1738


Richard Bullock 1696-1738


Bullock [Shockey]


John Moore -1785


Mary 107...
Moore [Bullock]


Nancy A
Hamner [Moore]

James Moore



Page 553

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 83. John Moore and Mary Moore [Jouett]
186... Augustine Moore 1624-1652

Family Trees

Anne Moore 1625406

Mary A Matthews 1600407

146... Pierre Jouett 1683408

187... John Moore 1645-1700


188... Susannah Moore [Price] 1670411

John Moore 1645-1700


Susannah Moore [Price] 1670309

Matthew Jouett 1681-1745


Jouett [Moore]



John Moore -1785


Mary 109...
Moore [Jouett]


John Moore


84. John Harvie and Martha Harvie [Gaines]

Adam Harvie 1663412

Harvie [Armstrong]


Daniel Gaines 1614414

Gaines [Bernard]


George Taylor 1640416

Taylor [Tomlin]


John Harvie 1700-1721


Bernard Gaines 1670314

Gaines [Taylor]


John Harvie

Harvie [Gaines]


Moore [Harvie]



Page 554

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 85. Col. John Wilson and Ms. Wilson [Martha]
Mr. Willson

Family Trees

Thomas Lee

Anne Lee [Davis]


Robert Wilson 1669-1745


Jane Wilson [Lee] 1672-1746


Col. J Wilson 1701-1773


Wilson [Martha]


John Wilson 1745183


86. John Pettigrew and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews]

189... James Pettigrew 1659-1753

190... Martha
Pettigrew [Moore]


113... George Cochran 1690-1775


Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 1685-

Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-


James Pettigrew c1714324

Samuel Matthews -1769

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806



John Pettigrew 1736253


Wilson [Pettigrew]



Page 555

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 87. Thomas Edwards and Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols]
Robert Edwards 1662-1738

Family Trees

Edwards [Cuelin]


149... George Downing 1656-1711


149... Catherine
Downing [Cecil]


Thomas Edwards

Edwards [Downing]



Thomas Edwards

Edwards [Nichols]


Andrew Edwards 1752-1819



88. Jonas Meador and Mary Meador [Holloway]

150... John Meador 1658429

150... Mary
Meador [Awbrey]


William J Houchins 1679431

Houchins [Gwinn]

151... David Holloway


Elizabeth F Holloway [Matthews]


152... John Spiers 1682435

152... Martha Spiers [Mills] 1685436


Jonas Meador 1698-1768


Meador [Hudgens]


John Holloway -1757


Holloway [Spiers]



Jonas Meador 1728-1773


Mary 117...
Meador [Holloway]


Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 1754-



Page 556

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 89. Joseph Brittain and Ms. Brittain [Jemima]
Asa Brittain 1688-1705

Family Trees

Achsa Brittain 1688-1705


Mr. Whitty

James Brittain 1709-1776


Brittain [Witty]


Joseph Brittain 1723-1774


Brittain [Jemima]


James Brittain 1755-1831



90. James Stringfield and Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray]

153... Charles Stringfield 1698440

154... Thomas Petty c1664441

Rachel Petty [Wilson] 1656-1720


155... William Ray 1685-1760


155... Elizabeth
Ray [Pritchett]


Richard Stringfield 1705-1747


Stringfield [Pettus]

John Ray


Mary Ray [Wilson] 1712339


James Stringfield -1810


Mary A 119...
Stringfield [Ray]


Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 1750-1820



Page 557

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 91. Col Richard Randolph and Jane Randolph [Bolling]
156... Richard Randolph

Family Trees

156... Elizabeth
Randolph [Ryland]


157... Henry Isham 1626-1675


157... Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627448

194... Robert Bolling


195... Jane Bolling [Rolfe] -1676


160... Richard Kennon 1650451

160... Elizabeth
Kennon [Worsham]


William Randolph

Randolph [Isham]

John Bolling

Bolling [Kennon]

1660341 343


Col R Randolph 1686-1748


Jane 121...
Randolph [Bolling]


John Randolph


92. Theodorick Bland and Frances Bland [Bolling]

161... Theodorick Bland

197... Anne
Bland [Bennett]

162... William Randolph


162... Mary
Randolph [Isham]

163... Robert Bolling




163... Anne Bolling [Stith] 1665-1709


164... Francis Meriwether 1670-1713


198... Mary Bathurst 1675-1740


Richard Bland

Bland [Randolph]

Drury Bolling


Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 1699-1726



Theodorick Bland -1784


Frances 123...
Bland [Bolling]


Randolph [Bland]



Page 558

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 93. John Dill and Sarah Dill [Linscott]
John Dill 1620-1670

Family Trees

167... Henry Linscott 1624-1667


167... Elizabeth
Linscott [Lauers]

Mr. Kingsbury
Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 1665-


John Dill 1647-1730


John Linscott


John Dill 1680-1751


Sarah Dill [Linscott] 124... 1685268

William Dill 1690194


94. Edward Watts and Anne Watts [Martin]

168... Cornelius Watts 1590-1640

Watts [Esserman]

169... John Martin 1640468

Joanna Martin


Edward Watts -1690


Watts [Martin]

John Martin

Joanna Martin



Edward Watts 1689-1728


Watts [Martin]


Thomas Watts 1690-1749



Page 559

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 95. John Stone and Mary Stone [Wilkins]
170... John H Stone

Family Trees

172... Bray Wilkins 1610472

172... Hannah Wilkins [Way]


Richard Stone 1620355

Stone [Belcher]


John Wilkins -1723


Wilkins [Gengill]



John Stone 1646-1737


Mary 127...
Stone [Wilkins]


Watts [Wilkins]



96. Michael Will and M Will [Miller]

Tony Rexing

Mary J Rexing

Michael Will 1793-1860


M Will [Miller]

Michael Will 1719-1773



Page 560

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 97. Andreas Meixel and Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin]
Johann Meixell 1620475

Family Trees

128... Johann G Wolfhardt


Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen]


Johann W Meiyssel 1640-1698


Meiyssel [Meyssel]


Sebastian Herzog 1644-1705


Anna K
Herzog [Wolfhardt]


Andreas Meixel 1670279

Anna E 128...
Meixel [Hertzogin]


Anna C Will [Meixel] -c1806



98. Jacob Slagle and Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein]

129... Christoph G Von Schlegel

Dorothea C Von Schlegel [Hertel]

129... Elias Eyster


129... Anna M Eyster [Lau]


130... Joh N Klee 1663482

130... Anna E Klee [Braun] 1670-1721



Christoph F Slagle

Anna M Slagle [Aister]


Nicholaus Klee

Catherine Klee [C] 1710367


Jacob Slagle


Mary C Slagle [Klein]


Sherman [Slagle]



Page 561

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 99. Joshua Holmes and Fear Holmes [Sturgis]
173... Robert Holmes -1676

Family Trees

199... Ellin
Holmes [Bolton]

200... Richard Ingraham 1600-c1686


174... Elizabeth
Ingraham [Wignall]


201... Edward Sturgis 1613-1695


202... Elizabeth
Sturgis [Hinckley]

203... John Gorham


204... Desire
Gorham [Howland]

489 491


Joshua Holmes 1650368

Holmes [Ingraham]

Edward Sturgis

Sturgis [Gorham]

1636369 371


Joshua Holmes

Fear 132...
Holmes [Sturgis]


Temperance Holmes


100. Isaac Norman and Frances Norman [Courtney]

134... George Norman

Norman [Newman]


James Courtney 1610-1698


Ms. Dyne 1650-1680


Nicholas Jenkins 1623-1673


Ann Jenkins 1628497

Joseph Norman 1657372

James Courtney 1640-1698


Courtney [Jenkins]




Isaac Norman

Norman [Courtney]


Joseph Norman 1723218


Page 562

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 101. Joseph Read and Sarah Read [Deane]
John Read 1620-1702

Family Trees

MrsJohn Read 1623-1700


205... John Peabody 1612500

177... Dorothy
Peabody [Tooley]


207... Walter Deane -c1694


208... Eleanor
Deane [Strong]

Mr. Tipping


John Read

Read [Peabody]


Joseph Deane 1654378

Deane [Tipping]



Joseph Read 1687288

Sarah Read [Deane] 137... 1691289

Norman [Read]



102. David Gage and Abigail Gage [Burleson]

Edward Burleson -1698

Burleson [Owen]


Nicholas Gage 1685-1788


Mary Gage 1685381

John A Burleson -1763


David Gage -1801


Gage [Burleson]


David Gage 1734-1805



Page 563

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 103. George Ross and Hannah Ross [Spinning]
209... David Ross 1582507

Family Trees

179... Ms. Ross [Mary]


210... Humphrey Spinning 1600509

211... Elizabeth Long 1602-1658


212... George Hubbard 1601511

182... Mary
Hubbard [Bishop]


George Ross 1630-1705


Constance Ross [Little] 1638-1715


Humphrey Spinning 1630388

Abigail Hubbard 1640-1689



George Ross

Hannah 140...
Ross [Spinning]


William Ross 1702226


104. Edward Whiteside and Elinor Whiteside [Taverner]

James Whiteside 1600513

Lawrence Whiteside c1636-1699


Lawrence Whiteside 1636391

Lawrence Tavernor
Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 1665-

Edward Whiteside 1665-1723



Ross [Whiteside]



Page 564

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 105. Nicholas Sr. Hanmer and Joan Hanmer [Turner]
213... William Hanmer 1541-1621

Family Trees

214... Eleanor
Hanmer [Dymock]


Humphrey Hanmer -1645


Mr. Turner


Nicholas S Hanmer 1640-c1708


Hanmer [Turner]


Nicholas J Hamner 1670-1740



106. Leonard Henley and Elizabeth Henley [Richardson]

143... Thomas Henley 1600-1658

143... Elizabeth
Henley [Reynolds]


Cornelius Turner 1615519

Charles Richardson 1660520

Mary Richardson 1664521

Edward Green 1663522

Ms. Green [Jane]


Reynold Henley 1641-1694


Henley [Turner]


Robert Richardson 1686399

Elizabeth Henley [Richardson]

Richardson [Green]



Leonard Henley 1702-1759



Mary E Henley 1733234


Page 565

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 107. Richard Bullock and Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey]
215... Hugh Bullock 1578524

Family Trees

185... Mary A
Bullock [Nashe]

Mr. Hawkins


Richard Bullock 1611-1703


Bullock [Hawkins]


Richard Shockey 1680-1731


Alice Shockey 1686-1738



Richard Bullock 1696-1738


Bullock [Shockey]


Moore [Bullock]



108. John Moore and Susannah Moore [Price]

216... John Moore 1584-1676

217... Elizabeth
Moore [Merritt]


Augustine Moore 1624-1652


Anne Moore 1625406

Mary A Matthews 1600407


John Moore 1645-1700


Susannah Moore [Price] 1670309

John Moore -1785



Page 566

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 109. Matthew Jouett and Susannah Jouett [Moore]
Marie Coursier 1660-1732

Family Trees

187... Augustine Moore 1624-1652


Anne Moore 1625530

188... John Price 1584-c1628


188... Mary A
Price [Matthews]



Pierre Jouett 1683408

John Moore 1645-1700


Susannah Moore [Price] 1670411

Matthew Jouett 1681-1745


Susannah 147...
Jouett [Moore]


Moore [Jouett]



110. Margaret Kay

Margaret Kay 1684313

John Harvie


111. Ms. Anne

Ms. Anne

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806



Page 567

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 112. Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson 1669-1745

Family Trees

Col. J Wilson 1701-1773



113. James Pettigrew and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran]

218... James Pettigrew 1613-1658
Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff]

190... John Mohr


Lady M
Mohr [Stewart]

Robert Cochran 1665-1759




James Pettigrew 1659-1753


Pettigrew [Moore]


George Cochran 1690-1775

Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-

Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 1685-



James Pettigrew c1714324


John Pettigrew 1736253


114. Ms. Anne

Ms. Anne

Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 1738-1806



Page 568

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 115. Thomas Edwards and Isabella Edwards [Downing]
149... George Downing 1623538

Family Trees

149... Frances
Downing [Howard]


149... James Cecil 1646-c1684


149... Margaret
Cecil [Manners]


Robert Edwards 1662-1738


Edwards [Cuelin]


George Downing 1656-1711


Downing [Cecil]


Thomas Edwards

Isabella 149...
Edwards [Downing]


Thomas Edwards


116. Jonas Meador and Frances Meador [Hudgens]

150... Thomas Meador 1638-c1663

191... Sarah Hoskins -1672


191... Henry Awbrey 1635-c1696


Mary Awbrey 1660545

John Meador 1658429

Meador [Awbrey]


William J Houchins 1679431

Houchins [Gwinn]



Jonas Meador 1698-1768


Meador [Hudgens]


Jonas Meador 1728-1773



Page 569

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 117. John Holloway and Hannah Holloway [Spiers]
151... James Holloway 1635546

Family Trees

Ann Holloway 1625-1664


151... John Matthews 1650-1702


Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 1650-1710

John Spiers 1660-1703


Hannah Spiers 1660-1721


152... John Mills 1660-1685


Mary Mills 1660553

Elizabeth F Holloway [Matthews]

David Holloway

John Spiers 1682435

Martha Spiers [Mills] 1685436



John Holloway -1757


Hannah 152...
Holloway [Spiers]


Meador [Holloway]



118. Richard Stringfield and Mary Stringfield [Pettus]

153... John Stringfield 1660-1737

Stringfield [Hill]

154... Thomas Pettus 1608556

154... Katherine
Pettus [Morris]



Charles Stringfield 1698440

Thomas Petty c1664441

Rachel Petty [Wilson] 1656-1720



Richard Stringfield 1705-1747


Mary 154...
Stringfield [Pettus]


James Stringfield -1810



Page 570

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 119. John Ray and Mary Ray [Wilson]
155... William Ray 1660558

Family Trees

Anne Ray 1683559

Zebulon Pritchett

William Ray 1685-1760


Ray [Pritchett]



John Ray

Mary Ray [Wilson] 1712339

Mary A
Stringfield [Ray]



120. William Randolph and Mary Randolph [Isham]

156... William Randolph 1572-1660

156... Dorothy
Randolph [Lane]

156... Richard Ryland 1599-1650


157... William Isham


157... Mary Isham [Brett] 1603566

157... Christopher Banks 1603-1650



Richard Randolph

Randolph [Ryland]


Henry Isham 1626-1675


Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627448


William Randolph

Mary 157...
Randolph [Isham]


Col R Randolph 1686-1748



Page 571

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 121. John Bolling and Mary Bolling [Kennon]
220... John Bolling 1615-1684

Family Trees

221... Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620570

222... Thomas Rolfe -1675


223... Jane
Rolfe [Poythress]


160... John Kennon 1625-1654


160... William Worsham 1625-1660


Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 1623-


Robert Bolling

Jane Bolling [Rolfe] -1676


Richard Kennon 1650451

Kennon [Worsham]



John Bolling

Mary 160...
Bolling [Kennon]


Randolph [Bolling]



122. Richard Bland and Elizabeth Bland [Randolph]

John Bland 1572-1632

161... Susan
Bland [Deblere]

225... Richard Bennett



197... Mary A Bennett [Utie] 1619-1687


162... Richard Randolph


162... Elizabeth
Randolph [Ryland]


162... Henry Isham 1626-1675


162... Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627584

Theodorick Bland

Bland [Bennett]

William Randolph

Randolph [Isham]




Richard Bland

Elizabeth 162...
Bland [Randolph]


Theodorick Bland -1784



Page 572

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 123. Drury Bolling and Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether]
163... John Bolling 1615585

Family Trees

163... Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620586

163... John Stith 1625587

163... Jane Stith [Mosby] 1624-1686


164... Nicholas Meriwether 1631589

Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 1633-c1680

229... Lancelot Bathurst 1646-1702


Bathurst [Lane]



Robert Bolling

Anne Bolling [Stith] 1665-1709


Francis Meriwether 1670-1713

Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 1699-1726

Mary Bathurst 1675-1740



Drury Bolling



Bland [Bolling]



124. John Linscott and Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury]

167... John Linscott

Linscott [Dodd]


Robert Lauers -1630


Katherine Lauers -1630


Henry Linscott 1624-1667


Linscott [Lauers]

Mr. Kingsbury
Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 1665-



John Linscott


Sarah Dill [Linscott] 1685268


Page 573

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 125. Edward Watts and Anne Watts [Martin]
168... Robert H Watts 1560597

Family Trees

169... Edward Martin c1606598

169... Judith
Martin [Upham]


Cornelius Watts 1590-1640


Watts [Esserman]

John Martin 1640468

Joanna Martin



Edward Watts -1690


Anne 169...
Watts [Martin]


Edward Watts 1689-1728



126. Richard Stone and Dorothy Stone [Belcher]

170... John W Stone

Anna A Stone [Fox]


John H Stone


Richard Stone 1620355

Stone [Belcher]


John Stone 1646-1737



Page 574

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 127. John Wilkins and Mary Wilkins [Gengill]
Thomas Wilkins 1590-1590

Family Trees

Wilkins [Nichols]


172... Henry Way 1583604

172... Elizabeth
Way [Batchelar]


Bray Wilkins 1610472

Hannah Wilkins [Way]



John Wilkins -1723


Wilkins [Gengill]


Stone [Wilkins]



128. Sebastian Herzog and Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt]

Georg J Wolfhardt
Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt]

Conrad Haagen 1617608

Haagen [Stroler]

Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen]


Johann G Wolfhardt


Sebastian Herzog 1644-1705


Anna K
Herzog [Wolfhardt]


Anna E
Meixel [Hertzogin]



Page 575

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 129. Christoph Friedrich Slagle and Anna Maria Slagle [Aister]
Christoph Slagle

Family Trees

Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch]


Christian F Hertel -1681


Dorothea Hertel [Thiele] -1679


Christian Eyster

Anna M
Eyster [Schmeisser]

Christian Lau

Anna C Lau [Frey] -1773



Christoph G Von Schlegel


Dorothea C Von Schlegel [Hertel]

Elias Eyster

Anna M Eyster [Lau]



Christoph F Slagle

Anna M Slagle [Aister]


Jacob Slagle


130. Nicholaus Klee and Catherine Klee [C]

Hans A Klee 1620-1725

Klee [Margaretha]


Hans A Braun -1699


Margaretha S Braun [Heyl] 1652621

Joh N Klee 1663482

Anna E Klee [Braun] 1670-1721


Nicholaus Klee

Catherine Klee [C] 1710367

Mary C Slagle [Klein]



Page 576

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 131. Joshua Holmes and Abigail Holmes [Ingraham]
Ralph Holme 1575622

Family Trees

Holme [Walker]


230... William Bolton 1585-1657


199... Mary
Bolton [Burton]


231... Arthur Ingraham 1576-1655


232... Jane
Ingraham [Mallory]


Alexander Wignall 1578-1631


Alexander Wignall 1586-1600


Robert Holmes -1676


Holmes [Bolton]

Richard Ingraham 1600-c1686


Ingraham [Wignall]




Joshua Holmes 1650368

Abigail 174...
Holmes [Ingraham]


Joshua Holmes


132. Edward Sturgis and Temperance Sturgis [Gorham]

201... John Sturgis -1625

201... Margaret
Sturgis [Austin]


234... Thomas Hinckley -1635


Ann K Hinckley 1584-1635


235... Ralph Gorham 1575634

Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 1579-1637

236... John Howland 1592636

237... Elizabeth
Howland [Tilley]



Edward Sturgis 1613-1695


Sturgis [Hinckley]

John Gorham

Gorham [Howland]

489 491


Edward Sturgis

Temperance 176...
Sturgis [Gorham]


Holmes [Sturgis]



Page 577

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 133. Joseph Norman

Anne Tolson 1607373

Family Trees


George Norman

Norman [Newman]


Joseph Norman 1657372

Isaac Norman


134. Anne Tolson

Anne Tolson 1607373

Isaac Norman

George Norman



135. James Courtney and Ms. Dyne

James Courtney 1610-1698

Ms. Dyne 1650-1680


James Courtney 1640-1698


Ms. Dyne 1650-1680


Page 578

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 136. John Read and Hannah Read [Peabody]
205... James Peabody 1582-1661

Family Trees

177... Thomas Tully 1585640

Rebecca Tully 1592641

John Read 1620-1702


MrsJohn Read 1623-1700


John Peabody 1612500

Peabody [Tooley]


John Read

Hannah 177...
Read [Peabody]


Joseph Read 1687288


137. Joseph Deane and Mary Deane [Tipping]

238... William Deane 1568642

Mrs W Deane 1578-1669


239... John Strong 1585644

240... Eleanor
Strong [Deane]


Walter Deane -c1694


Deane [Strong]

Mr. Tipping



Joseph Deane 1654378

Deane [Tipping]


Sarah Read [Deane] 1691289


Page 579

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 138. Sarah Camp

Sarah Camp 1700-1756

Family Trees

Gage [Burleson]



139. George Ross and Constance Ross [Little]

241... George Ross 1557646

209... Marian
Ross [Campbell]

Alexander, E O S



David Ross 1582507

Ms. Ross [Mary]



George Ross 1630-1705


Constance Ross [Little] 1638-1715


George Ross


Page 580

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 140. Humphrey Spinning and Abigail Hubbard
242... Silvester V Seving 1606-1656

Family Trees

211... Robert Long 1590-1664


211... Sarah Long [Taylor] -1631


243... Edmund Hobart 1573-1646


244... Margaret
Hobart [Dewey]


John Bishop 1590655

182... Ann
Bishop [Stevens]


Humphrey Spinning 1600509

Elizabeth Long 1602-1658


George Hubbard 1601511

Hubbard [Bishop]



Humphrey Spinning 1630388


Abigail Hubbard 1640-1689



Ross [Spinning]



141. Humphrey Spinning and Abigail Hubbard

Adolf Seving

266... Verena Seving [Vitt]


243... Edmund Hobart 1573-1646


244... Margaret
Hobart [Dewey]


John Bishop 1590655

182... Ann
Bishop [Stevens]


Silvester V Seving 1606-1656


George Hubbard 1601511

Hubbard [Bishop]



Humphrey Spinning 1600509



Abigail Hubbard 1640-1689



Page 581

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 142. Humphrey Hanmer

245... William Hanmer 1501-1589

Family Trees

246... Margaret
Hanmer [Kynaston]


247... Edward Dymock 1490659

248... Mawdlin
Dymock [Puleston]


William Hanmer 1541-1621


Hanmer [Dymock]



Humphrey Hanmer -1645


Nicholas S Hanmer 1640-c1708



143. Reynold Henley and Susan Henley [Turner]

Hezekiah Henley 1585661

Ms. Eliza

Thomas Henley 1600-1658


Henley [Reynolds]


Cornelius Turner 1615519

Reynold Henley 1641-1694


Henley [Turner]


Leonard Henley 1702-1759



Page 582

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 144. Richard Bullock and Mary Bullock [Hawkins]
249... William Bullock 1550663

Family Trees

215... Elizabeth
Bullock [Ballett]

Mr. Nashe


Hugh Bullock 1578524

Mary A
Bullock [Nashe]

Mr. Hawkins



Richard Bullock 1611-1703


Bullock [Hawkins]


Richard Bullock 1696-1738



145. Augustine Moore and Anne Moore

216... Edward Moore 1560-1606

216... Mary Moore [More] -1605


217... Richard Merrett 1556668

Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 1558-


John Moore 1584-1676


Moore [Merritt]



Augustine Moore 1624-1652


Anne Moore 1625406

John Moore 1645-1700



Page 583

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 146. Marie Coursier

Marie Coursier 1660-1732

Family Trees

Matthew Jouett 1681-1745


Pierre Jouett 1683408



147. John Moore and Susannah Moore [Price]

187... John Moore 1584-1676

187... Elizabeth
Moore [Merritt]


188... Richard Price 1555-1638


188... Ursula
Price [Middleton]


188... Samuel Mathews -c1660


188... Frances
Mathews [Greville]


Augustine Moore 1624-1652


Anne Moore 1625530

John Price 1584-c1628


Mary A
Price [Matthews]



John Moore 1645-1700


Susannah Moore [Price] 188... 1670411

Jouett [Moore]



Page 584

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 148. James Pettigrew and Martha Pettigrew [Moore]
148... James Pettigrew c1714676
Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-

Family Trees

190... Sir R Mohr -1531

Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff]

190... Sybilla
Mohr [Dalkeith]



James Pettigrew 1613-1658


John Mohr

Lady M
Mohr [Stewart]




James Pettigrew 1659-1753


Martha 190...
Pettigrew [Moore]


James Pettigrew c1714324

James Pettigrew c1714676



149. George Downing and Catherine Downing [Cecil]

Emanuel Downing
Lucy Downing [Winthrop]

William Howard 1603682

Howard [Eure]


Charles Cecil 1619-1660


Cecil [Maxwell]

John Manners

Manners [Montagu]




George Downing 1623538

Downing [Howard]


James Cecil 1646-c1684


Cecil [Manners]


George Downing 1656-1711


Downing [Cecil]


Edwards [Downing]



Page 585

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 150. John Meador and Mary Meador [Awbrey]
Thomas Meador 1612688

Family Trees

Sarah Meador 1600-1670


William Hoskins 1616690

Hoskins [Cushman]


William Awbrey 1583-1631


Awbrey [Johns]


Thomas Meador 1638-c1663


Sarah Hoskins -1672



Henry Awbrey 1635-c1696



Mary Awbrey 1660545

John Meador 1658429

Meador [Awbrey]


Jonas Meador 1698-1768



151. David Holloway and Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews]

George Holloway 1590-1641
Elizabeth F Holloway [Mathews]

Samuel M Esquire -c1660


Michael Tavenor 1635698

Michael Tavenor
Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 1650-1710


James Holloway 1635546

Ann Holloway 1625-1664


John Matthews 1650-1702

Elizabeth F Holloway [Matthews]


David Holloway


John Holloway -1757



Page 586

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 152. John Spiers and Martha Spiers [Mills]
Robert Mills 1640700

Family Trees

Mary Mills 1644-c1707


John Spiers 1660-1703


Hannah Spiers 1660-1721


John Mills 1660-1685


Mary Mills 1660553

John Spiers 1682435

Martha Spiers [Mills] 1685436

Holloway [Spiers]



153. Charles Stringfield

Albert Stringfield 1630702

John Stringfield 1660-1737


Stringfield [Hill]


Charles Stringfield 1698440

Richard Stringfield 1705-1747



Page 587

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 154. Thomas Petty and Rachel Petty [Wilson]
William Pettus

Family Trees

Pettus [Gleane]


George Morris 1620-1685


Eleanor Morris 1615706

Thomas Pettus 1608556

Pettus [Morris]


Thomas Petty c1664441

Rachel Petty [Wilson] 1656-1720


Stringfield [Pettus]



155. William Ray and Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett]

Alexander Ray 1630707

Joane Ray 1676-1676


William Ray 1660558

Anne Ray 1683559

Zebulon Pritchett

William Ray 1685-1760


Ray [Pritchett]


John Ray


Page 588

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 156. Richard Randolph and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland]
Robert Randolph 1550709

Family Trees

Randolph [Roberts]


Richard Lane 1544-1610


Lane [Vincent]


John Ryland 1555713

Ryland [Canning]


William Randolph 1572-1660


Randolph [Lane]

Richard Ryland 1599-1650



Richard Randolph

Randolph [Ryland]


William Randolph


157. Henry Isham and Katherine Isham [Banks]

Euseby Isham

Isham [Borlase]


William Brett 1577-1624


Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 1570-1624

Christopher Banks

Alice Banks [Foxe] 1575720


William Isham

Mary Isham [Brett] 1603566

Christopher Banks 1603-1650


Henry Isham 1626-1675


Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627448

Randolph [Isham]



Page 589

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 158. Robert Bolling and Jane Bolling [Rolfe]
220... Robert Bolling 1590723

Family Trees

220... Anne
Bolling [Clarke]

221... Thomas Cary



Joan Cary [Milner] 1622-1660


251... John Rolfe -1622


252... Matoaka P
Rolfe [Powhatan]


223... Francis Poythress 1614-1661


223... Mary
Poythress [Sloman]


John Bolling 1615-1684


Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620570

Thomas Rolfe -1675


Rolfe [Poythress]



Robert Bolling =159


Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 195... -1676


John Bolling


159. Robert Bolling and Anne Bolling [Stith]

220... Robert Bolling 1590723

220... Anne
Bolling [Clarke]

221... Thomas Cary



Joan Cary [Milner] 1622-1660


John Bolling 1615-1684


Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620570


Robert Bolling


Anne Bolling [Stith] 1665-1709


Elizabeth Bolling 1656-1705



Page 590

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 160. Richard Kennon and Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham]
Richard Kennen 1600731

Family Trees

Kennen [Boyse]


George Worsham 1596-1660


Robert Littlebury

Jane M Littlebury [Of Boughton] 1592-

Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 1623-

John Kennon 1625-1654


William Worsham 1625-1660



Richard Kennon 1650451

Kennon [Worsham]


Bolling [Kennon]



161. Theodorick Bland and Anne Bland [Bennett]

Mr. Deblere 1557-1669
Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 1568-

Thomas Bennett 1580-1642


254... Alice
Bennett [Pierce]


John Utie 1593-1624


Anne Utie


John Bland 1572-1632


Bland [Deblere]

Richard Bennett


Mary A Bennett [Utie] 1619-1687


Theodorick Bland

Anne 197...
Bland [Bennett]


Richard Bland


Page 591

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 162. William Randolph and Mary Randolph [Isham]
William Randolph 1572-1660

Family Trees

Randolph [Lane]

Richard Ryland 1599-1650


William Isham

Mary Isham [Brett] 1603749

Christopher Banks 1603-1650



Richard Randolph

Randolph [Ryland]


Henry Isham 1626-1675


Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627584

William Randolph

Randolph [Isham]


Bland [Randolph]



163. Robert Bolling and Anne Bolling [Stith]

Robert Bolling 1590752

Bolling [Clarke]

Thomas Cary


Joan Cary [Milner] 1622-1660


Robert Stith 1606-1654


Stith [Townsend]


Hannah Unknown 1604-1663


John Bolling 1615585

Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620586

John Stith 1625587

Jane Stith [Mosby] 1624-1686


Robert Bolling

Anne Bolling [Stith] 1665-1709


Drury Bolling


Page 592

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 164. Francis Meriwether and Mary Bathurst
Francis Meriwether 1604759

Family Trees

Henry Woodhouse 1608761

Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 1611-1666

256... Edward Bathurst 1615-1674


257... Susan
Bathurst [Rich]


Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 1633-c1680

Nicholas Meriwether 1631589

Lancelot Bathurst 1646-1702


Bathurst [Lane]



Francis Meriwether 1670-1713



Mary Bathurst 1675-1740



Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 1699-1726



165. Francis Meriwether and Mary Bathurst

256... Edward Bathurst 1615-1674

257... Susan
Bathurst [Rich]


Lancelot Bathurst 1646-1702


Bathurst [Lane]


Francis Meriwether 1604759


Mary Bathurst 1675-1740



166. Catherine Sheridan

Catherine Sheridan 1625462

John Dill 1647-1730



Page 593

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 167. Henry Linscott and Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers]
Henry Linscott 1558765

Family Trees

Linscott [Ware]


John Linscott

Linscott [Dodd]


Robert Lauers -1630


Katherine Lauers -1630


Henry Linscott 1624-1667


Linscott [Lauers]


John Linscott


168. Cornelius Watts and Ann Watts [Esserman]

William Watts 1520-1563

Johan Watts [Knott] 1530-1560


Robert H Watts 1560597

Cornelius Watts 1590-1640


Watts [Esserman]


Edward Watts -1690



Page 594

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 169. John Martin and Joanna Martin
William Martin 1580769

Family Trees

Richard Upham 1556770

Maria Upham 1572771

Edward Martin c1606598

Martin [Upham]


John Martin 1640468

Joanna Martin

Watts [Martin]



170. John Herbert Stone

John W Stone

Martha E
Stone [Wheaton]


John W Stone

Anna A Stone [Fox]


John H Stone

Richard Stone 1620355


Page 595

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 171. Jane Bannister

Jane Bannister 1598-1637

Family Trees

Richard Stone 1620355


172. Bray Wilkins and Hannah Wilkins [Way]

Henry Way 1550-1590

Way [Denslow]


Stephen Bachiler -1660


Bachiler [Bate]


Thomas Wilkins 1590-1590


Wilkins [Nichols]


Henry Way 1583604

Way [Batchelar]


Bray Wilkins 1610472

Hannah Wilkins [Way]


John Wilkins -1723



Page 596

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 173. Robert Holmes and Ellin Holmes [Bolton]
230... William Bolton 1573778

Family Trees

Bolton [Massam]


Stephen Burton 1565780

Ms. Unknown 1565781

Ralph Holme 1575622

Holme [Walker]


William Bolton 1585-1657


Bolton [Burton]


Robert Holmes -1676


Ellin 199...
Holmes [Bolton]


Joshua Holmes 1650368


174. Richard Ingraham and Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall]

258... Arthur Ingraham 1550-1655

Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 1551-1657

232... John Mallory 1554-1580


232... Ann
Mallory [Eure]



Arthur Ingraham 1576-1655


Ingraham [Mallory]


Alexander Wignall 1578-1631


Alexander Wignall 1586-1600



Richard Ingraham 1600-c1686


Ingraham [Wignall]


Holmes [Ingraham]



Page 597

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 175. Edward Sturgis and Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley]
201... Edward Sturgis 1552786

Family Trees

Edward Sturgis 1556787

Anthony Awstin 1550788

234... Robert Hinckley 1537790

Elizabeth Hinckley 1541791

John Sturgis -1625


Sturgis [Austin]


Thomas Hinckley -1635


Ann K Hinckley 1584-1635



Edward Sturgis 1613-1695


Elizabeth 202...
Sturgis [Hinckley]


Edward Sturgis


176. John Gorham and Desire Gorham [Howland]

235... James Gorham 1550-1576

Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 1553-1603

236... Henry Howland 1564794

Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 1579-1637

236... Alice
Howland [Aires]

237... John Tilley



237... Joan Tilley [Hurst] 1567-1621



Ralph Gorham 1575634

John Howland 1592636

Howland [Tilley]




John Gorham

Desire 204...
Gorham [Howland]


Sturgis [Gorham]



Page 598

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 177. John Peabody and Dorothy Peabody [Tooley]
205... Thomas Peabody 1560-1610
Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 1562-1607

Family Trees

Mr. Tully


James Peabody 1582-1661


Thomas Tully 1585640

Rebecca Tully 1592641


John Peabody 1612500

Peabody [Tooley]


Read [Peabody]



178. Walter Deane and Eleanor Deane [Strong]

238... Walter Deane 1545-c1586

Deane [Walsele]


262... George Strong 1556-1636


263... Ann Strong [Bond] 1560-1628


240... Walter Deane 1545-c1586


Deane [Walsele]


William Deane 1568642

Mrs W Deane 1578-1669


John Strong 1585644

Strong [Deane]



Walter Deane -c1694


Eleanor 208...
Deane [Strong]


Joseph Deane 1654378


Page 599

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 179. David Ross and Ms. Ross [Mary]
264... Alexander Ross 1516807

Family Trees

265... Janet Ross [Sinclair] 1519808

John Campbell

George Ross 1557646

Ross [Campbell]

Alexander, E O S




David Ross 1582507

Ms. Ross [Mary]


George Ross 1630-1705



180. Humphrey Spinning and Elizabeth Long

Adolf Seving

266... Verena Seving [Vitt]


211... John Long -1596


Marie Long 1569-1659


211... John Taylor


211... Margaret
Taylor [Wellmote]


Silvester V Seving 1606-1656


Robert Long 1590-1664


Sarah Long [Taylor] -1631



Humphrey Spinning 1600509



Elizabeth Long 1602-1658



Humphrey Spinning 1630388


Page 600

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 181. Elizabeth Long

211... John Long -1596

Family Trees

Marie Long 1569-1659


211... John Taylor


211... Margaret
Taylor [Wellmote]


Robert Long 1590-1664


Sarah Long [Taylor] -1631



Elizabeth Long 1602-1658



Humphrey Spinning 1600509


182. George Hubbard and Mary Hubbard [Bishop]

267... Thomas Hobart 1537816

268... Audrey Hobart [Hare] 1541817

244... Robert Dewe 1540-1601


244... Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 1553819

William Steevens 1559820

William Steevens 1559821

Edmund Hobart 1573-1646


Hobart [Dewey]


John Bishop 1590655

Bishop [Stevens]



George Hubbard 1601511

Hubbard [Bishop]


Abigail Hubbard 1640-1689



Page 601

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 183. James Whiteside

James Whiteside

Family Trees

Lawrence Whiteside c1636-1699



184. William Hanmer and Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock]

270... William Hanmer 1499822

271... Eleanor Hanmer 1469-1501


272... Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


273... Elizabeth
Kynaston [Grey]


274... Randle Dymock 1462826

275... Elizabeth
Dymock [Hanmer]


276... Roger Puleston c1560-1586


William Hanmer 1501-1589


Hanmer [Kynaston]


Edward Dymock 1490659

Dymock [Puleston]



William Hanmer 1541-1621


Eleanor 214...
Hanmer [Dymock]


Humphrey Hanmer -1645



Page 602

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 185. Hugh Bullock and Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe]
277... Thomas Bullock 1482-1558

Family Trees

279... Alice
Bullock [Kingsmill]


Ralph Bellett 1525831

215... Elizabeth
Bellett [Moraton]


William Bullock 1550663

Bullock [Ballett]

Mr. Nashe



Hugh Bullock 1578524

Mary A
Bullock [Nashe]


Richard Bullock 1611-1703



186. John Moore and Elizabeth Moore [Merritt]

Thomas Moore 1532833

216... Thomas More 1538-1606


216... Mary More [Scrope] 1528835

217... David Pendarvis 1540836

Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 1521-

Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 1558-

Edward Moore 1560-1606


Mary Moore [More] -1605


Richard Merrett 1556668



John Moore 1584-1676


Elizabeth 217...
Moore [Merritt]


Augustine Moore 1624-1652



Page 603

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 187. Augustine Moore and Anne Moore
Edward Moore 1560-1606

Family Trees

Mary Moore [More] -1605


Richard Merrett 1556840

Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 1558-


John Moore 1584-1676


Moore [Merritt]


Augustine Moore 1624-1652


Anne Moore 1625530

John Moore 1645-1700



188. John Price and Mary Ann Price [Matthews]

Richard Price 1530842

David Middleton 1535844

David Middleton [Middletown] 1539-

Tobias Mathews 1546846

Mathews [Barlow]


Edward Greville 1542848

Greville [Grey]



Richard Price 1555-1638


Price [Middleton]


Samuel Mathews -c1660


Mathews [Greville]


John Price 1584-c1628


Mary A
Price [Matthews]


Susannah Moore [Price] 1670411


Page 604

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 189. James Pettigrew and Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff]
189... James Pettigrew 1659-1753

Family Trees

190... Martha
Pettigrew [Moore]



James Pettigrew c1714676

Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-



James Pettigrew 1613-1658


Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff]


James Pettigrew 1659-1753



190. John Mohr and Lady Margaret Mohr [Stewart]

Gilchrist Mohr

Mohr [Cumyn]

John Dalkeith


Sir R Mohr -1531


Mohr [Dalkeith]


John Mohr

Lady M
Mohr [Stewart]


Pettigrew [Moore]



Page 605

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 191. Henry Awbrey and Sarah Hoskins
William Awbrey 1583-1631

Family Trees

Awbrey [Johns]


William Hoskins 1616690

Hoskins [Cushman]


Henry Awbrey 1635-c1696


Sarah Hoskins -1672


192. Elizabeth Harward

Elizabeth Harward 1603564

Randolph [Ryland]



193. Mary Royall

John Royall 1720721

Susannah Royall [Bates] 1758722

Mary Royall 1758-1830


Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627448


Page 606

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 194. John Bolling and Mary Bolling [Carie]
220... Edward Bolling 1560-1592

Family Trees

220... Jane
Bolling [Greene]

220... Thomas Clarke


220... Rose
Clarke [Kerrich]

221... William Cary


221... Elizabeth
Cary [Goodall]

854 856


Robert Bolling 1590723

Bolling [Clarke]

Thomas Cary


Joan Cary [Milner] 1622-1660



John Bolling 1615-1684


Mary Bolling [Carie] 221... 1620570

Robert Bolling


195. Thomas Rolfe and Jane Rolfe [Poythress]

280... John Rolfe

251... Dorothea Mason 1559-1645



Powhatan -1618

Joshua Poythress 1588-1613


Peachy Poythress 1592-1618


John Sloman 1600-1658


223... Katherine Sloman [Epes] 1588-1660


John Rolfe -1622


Matoaka P
Rolfe [Powhatan]


Francis Poythress 1614-1661


Poythress [Sloman]



Thomas Rolfe -1675


Jane 223...
Rolfe [Poythress]


Jane Bolling [Rolfe] -1676



Page 607

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 196. Elizabeth Bolling

220... John Bolling 1615-1684

Family Trees

221... Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620570

Robert Bolling

Anne Bolling [Stith] 1665-1709



Elizabeth Bolling 1656-1705


Richard Kennon 1650451


197. Richard Bennett and Mary Ann Bennett [Utie]

282... William Pierce 1560867

Thomas Bennett 1580-1642


Bennett [Pierce]


John Utie 1593-1624


Anne Utie


Richard Bennett

Mary A Bennett [Utie] 1619-1687


Bland [Bennett]



Page 608

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 198. Lancelot Bathurst and Susanna Bathurst [Lane]
284... Robert Bathurst 1563-1623

Family Trees

285... Elizabeth
Bathurst [Waller]


286... Thomas Rich 1568871

287... Anne
Rich [Bourchier]


Edward Bathurst 1615-1674


Bathurst [Rich]



Lancelot Bathurst 1646-1702


Bathurst [Lane]


Mary Bathurst 1675-1740



199. William Bolton and Mary Bolton [Burton]

230... Peter Bolton 1525-1612

Ms. Bolton [Mary] 1530874

William Bolton 1573778

Bolton [Massam]


Stephen Burton 1565780

Ms. Unknown 1565781


William Bolton 1585-1657


Bolton [Burton]


Holmes [Bolton]



Page 609

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 200. Arthur Ingraham and Jane Ingraham [Mallory]
288... Arthur Ingram 1580-1642

Family Trees

261... Henry Slingsby 1560877

291... Frances
Slingsby [Vavasour]

Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 1551-1657

232... William Mallory 1525-1603


232... Ursula Mallory [Gale] 1529-1603


232... William Eure


232... Margaret
Eure [Dymoke]


Arthur Ingraham 1550-1655


John Mallory 1554-1580


Mallory [Eure]




Arthur Ingraham 1576-1655


Jane 232...
Ingraham [Mallory]


Richard Ingraham 1600-c1686



201. John Sturgis and Margaret Sturgis [Austin]

Peter Sturges

Edward Sturgis 1552786

Edward Sturgis 1556787

Anthony Awstin 1550788

John Sturgis -1625


Sturgis [Austin]


Edward Sturgis 1613-1695



Page 610

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 202. Thomas Hinckley and Ann Katherine Hinckley
234... John Hynckleye 1512884

Family Trees

Hynckleye [Bills]


Robert Hinckley 1537790

Elizabeth Hinckley 1541791


Thomas Hinckley -1635


Ann K Hinckley 1584-1635


Sturgis [Hinckley]



203. Ralph Gorham and Margaret Gorham [Stephenson]

235... John Gorham 1518-1588

Eliza Gorham 1522887

M Bernington 1527888

Ms. Bernington 1531889

James Gorham 1550-1576


Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 1553-1603



Ralph Gorham 1575634

Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 1579-1637


John Gorham


Page 611

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 204. John Howland and Elizabeth Howland [Tilley]
236... John Howland 1541890

Family Trees

236... Emma
Howland [Revell]


Mr. Aires 1540892

Ms. Unknown 1544893

292... Robert Tilley 1540894

292... Elizabeth Tilley 1544895

237... William Hurst 1530896

237... Rose
Hurst [Marshe]


Henry Howland 1564794

Howland [Aires]

John Tilley


Joan Tilley [Hurst] 1567-1621



John Howland 1592636

Elizabeth 237...
Howland [Tilley]


Gorham [Howland]



205. James Peabody

William Paybodie 1540898

Thomas Peabody 1560-1610


Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 1562-1607


James Peabody 1582-1661


John Peabody 1612500


Page 612

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 206. Sarah Pearl

Sarah Pearl 1585-1660

Family Trees

John Peabody 1612500


207. William Deane and Mrs William Deane

238... John Deane 1500-1540

238... Joan
Deane [Selwoode]


Walter Deane 1545-c1586


Deane [Walsele]



William Deane 1568642

Mrs W Deane 1578-1669


Walter Deane -c1694



Page 613

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 208. John Strong and Eleanor Strong [Deane]
262... John Strong 1515-1534

Family Trees

293... Agnes
Strong [Whitman]


294... George Bond 1534-1592


295... Winifred Bond [Leigh] 1538-1592


240... John Deane 1500-1540


240... Joan
Deane [Selwoode]


George Strong 1556-1636


Ann Strong [Bond] 1560-1628


Walter Deane 1545-c1586


Deane [Walsele]



John Strong 1585644

Eleanor 240...
Strong [Deane]


Deane [Strong]



209. George Ross and Marian Ross [Campbell]

296... Walter Ross 1490-1528

264... Marian Ross [Grant] 1493908

265... John Sinclair 1495909

Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1488-c1537


Alexander Ross 1516807

Janet Ross [Sinclair] 1519808

John Campbell


George Ross 1557646

Ross [Campbell]


David Ross 1582507


Page 614

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 210. Silvester Vitt Seving

Josef Vitt

Family Trees

266... Maria A Vitt [Herz]


Adolf Seving

Verena Seving [Vitt]



Silvester V Seving 1606-1656


Humphrey Spinning 1600509


211. Robert Long and Sarah Long [Taylor]

Gyles Longe 1549-1607

Gyles Longe 1539914

John Taylor 1522915

John Taylor 1527916

Michael Willmote 1514-1567


Agnes Willmote 1518-1552


John Long -1596


Marie Long 1569-1659


John Taylor

Taylor [Wellmote]


Robert Long 1590-1664


Sarah Long [Taylor] -1631


Elizabeth Long 1602-1658



Page 615

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 212. Edmund Hobart and Margaret Hobart [Dewey]
267... Miles Hobart 1479-1557

Family Trees

Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 1507-1557

268... William Hare 1511921

268... Alice Hare [Rugge] 1511-1611


Dewey Dewe 1520-1540


244... John Stasye 1516925

Stasye [Convers]



Thomas Hobart 1537816

Audrey Hobart [Hare] 1541817

Robert Dewe 1540-1601


Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 1553819


Edmund Hobart 1573-1646


Margaret 244...
Hobart [Dewey]


George Hubbard 1601511


213. William Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston]

297... Jenkin Hanmer 1464-1568

298... Margaret
Hanmer [Dymock]


299... Thomas Hanmer 1480929

300... Jane
Hanmer [Brereton]


301... Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


302... Margaret
Kynaston [Hoord]


303... Henry Grey 1419933

304... Antigone
Grey [Plantagenet]


William Hanmer 1499822

Eleanor Hanmer 1469-1501


Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


Kynaston [Grey]



William Hanmer 1501-1589


Margaret 246...
Hanmer [Kynaston]


William Hanmer 1541-1621



Page 616

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 214. Edward Dymock and Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston]
274... Thomas Dymock 1431935

Family Trees

274... Margaret
Dymock [Brereton]


275... Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501


275... Margaret
Hanmer [Lloyd]


305... Roger Puleston 1524939

Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 1526-


Randle Dymock 1462826

Dymock [Hanmer]


Roger Puleston c1560-1586



Edward Dymock 1490659

Mawdlin 248...
Dymock [Puleston]


Hanmer [Dymock]



215. William Bullock and Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett]

307... Gilbert Bullock 1434-1500

309... John Kingsmill 1460-1509


310... Jane
Kingsmill [Gifford]


Mr. Moreton 1504945

Thomas Bullock 1482-1558


Bullock [Kingsmill]


Ralph Bellett 1525831

Bellett [Moraton]



William Bullock 1550663

Bullock [Ballett]


Hugh Bullock 1578524


Page 617

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 216. Edward Moore and Mary Moore [More]
John More 1510-1547

Family Trees

More [Cresacre]


John Scrope 1496948

Scrope [Rokesby]


Thomas Moore 1532833

Thomas More 1538-1606


Mary More [Scrope] 1528835

Edward Moore 1560-1606


Mary Moore [More] -1605


John Moore 1584-1676



217. Richard Merrett and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis]

John Pendarvers 1494950
John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 1498-

Thomas Sparnon 1484952

Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 1488-


Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 1521-

David Pendarvis 1540836

Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 1558-

Richard Merrett 1556668


Moore [Merritt]



Page 618

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 218. James Pettigrew and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran]
218... James Pettigrew 1613-1658
Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff]

Family Trees

190... John Mohr


Lady M
Mohr [Stewart]



James Pettigrew 1659-1753


Pettigrew [Moore]



James Pettigrew c1714676

Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 1713-


James Pettigrew 1613-1658



219. S Hinton
S Hinton

John Matthews 1650-1702



Page 619

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 220. Robert Bolling and Anne Bolling [Clarke]
Tristram Bolling 1530-1561

Family Trees

Bolling [Rookes]


Gabriel Greene 1536956

Greene [Lister]

John Clarke

Clarke [Cooke]

957 959

William Kerrich 1540960

Margery Kerrich 1542961

Edward Bolling 1560-1592


Bolling [Greene]

Thomas Clarke

Clarke [Kerrich]

854 856

Robert Bolling 1590723

Bolling [Clarke]


John Bolling 1615-1684



221. Thomas Cary and Joan Cary [Milner]

Richard Cary 1515962

Christian Cary [Dennis] 1515-1560


Mr. Goodale 1525-1575


Goodale [Goodall]


William Cary

Cary [Goodall]


Thomas Cary

Joan Cary [Milner] 1622-1660


Mary Bolling [Carie] 1620570


Page 620

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 222. John Rolfe and Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan]
280... Eustace Rolfe 1536-c1594

Family Trees

280... Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 1539-c1594


William Mason 1530-1554


Mason [Brown]


Algonkian Chief 1520-1600


281... Scent Chief [Flower] -1555


John Rolfe

Dorothea Mason 1559-1645



Powhatan -1618


John Rolfe -1622


Matoaka P 252...
Rolfe [Powhatan]


Thomas Rolfe -1675



223. Francis Poythress and Mary Poythress [Sloman]

John Epes 1550973

Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 1559-1625


Joshua Poythress 1588-1613


Peachy Poythress 1592-1618


John Sloman 1600-1658


Katherine Sloman [Epes] 1588-1660


Francis Poythress 1614-1661


Poythress [Sloman]


Rolfe [Poythress]



Page 621

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 224. Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor 1580735

Family Trees

William Worsham 1625-1660



225. Thomas Bennett and Alice Bennett [Pierce]

282... William Pierce 1550975


William Pierce 1560867

Thomas Bennett 1580-1642


Alice 254...
Bennett [Pierce]


Richard Bennett


226. Elizabeth Harward

Elizabeth Harward 1603747

Randolph [Ryland]



Page 622

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 227. Mary Royall

Mary Royall 1758-1830

Family Trees

Katherine Isham [Banks] 1627584


228. Alice Crafford

Alice Crafford

Nicholas Meriwether 1631589


229. Edward Bathurst and Susan Bathurst [Rich]

312... John Bathurst 1533-1623

284... Mary
Bathurst [Dodge]


285... Ralph Waller 1544-1598


285... Sarah
Waller [Saunders]


286... Robert Rich 1537983

286... Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 1537-1591


287... Thomas Bourchier 1542985

287... Bridget
Bourchier [Scrope]


Robert Bathurst 1563-1623


Bathurst [Waller]


Thomas Rich 1568871

Rich [Bourchier]



Edward Bathurst 1615-1674


Susan 257...
Bathurst [Rich]


Lancelot Bathurst 1646-1702



Page 623

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 230. William Bolton and Alice Bolton [Massam]
Robert Bolton 1482-1560

Family Trees

Bolton [Rishton]


Peter Bolton 1525-1612


Ms. Bolton [Mary] 1530874

William Bolton 1573778

Bolton [Massam]


William Bolton 1585-1657



231. Arthur Ingraham and Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby]

290... Hugh Ingram 1530989
Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 1525-1600

Francis Slingsby 1522-1600


Slingsby [Percy]

291... William Vavasour


Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 1518-




Arthur Ingram 1580-1642


Henry Slingsby 1560877

Slingsby [Vavasour]

Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 1551-1657


Arthur Ingraham 1550-1655




Arthur Ingraham 1576-1655



Page 624

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 232. John Mallory and Ann Mallory [Eure]
William Mallory 1500997

Family Trees

Mallory [Norton]


George Gale 1497999

Mary Gale [Lord] 14991000

Ralph Eure

Margery Eure [Bowes] 15061002

Edward Dymoke 15081003

Dymoke [Tailboys]


William Mallory 1525-1603


Ursula Mallory [Gale] 1529-1603


William Eure

Eure [Dymoke]


John Mallory 1554-1580


Mallory [Eure]


Ingraham [Mallory]



233. Elizabeth Kenworthy

Elizabeth Kenworthy

Sturgis [Austin]



Page 625

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 234. Robert Hinckley and Elizabeth Hinckley
John Henkle 1483-1522

Family Trees

Henkle [Hinckley]


John Hynckleye 1512884

Hynckleye [Bills]


Robert Hinckley 1537790

Elizabeth Hinckley 1541791

Thomas Hinckley -1635



235. James Gorham and Agnes Gorham [Bernington]

John Gorham 1492-1588

Gorham [Gorman]


John Gorham 1518-1588


Eliza Gorham 1522887

M Bernington 1527888
Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 1553-1603

Ms. Bernington 1531889

James Gorham 1550-1576



Ralph Gorham 1575634


Page 626

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 236. Henry Howland and Alice Howland [Aires]
John Howland 1511-1568
Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1515-1586

Family Trees

Nicholas Revell 1511-1538


Nicholas Revell 1513-1560



John Howland 1541890

Howland [Revell]


Mr. Aires 1540892

Ms. Unknown 1544893

Henry Howland 1564794

Howland [Aires]


John Howland 1592636


237. John Tilley and Joan Tilley [Hurst]

William Tilley 15151013

Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 15191014

William Tilley 15151013

Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 15191014

Henry Hurst 1504-1528


Agnes Hurst 15061016

Mister Fisher 15041017

Agnes Fisher 15061018


Robert Tilley 1540894


Elizabeth Tilley 1544895

William Hurst 1530896

Hurst [Marshe]


John Tilley

Joan Tilley [Hurst] 1567-1621


Howland [Tilley]



Page 627

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 238. Walter Deane and Joan Deane [Walsele]
Michael Denne 1440-1493

Family Trees

Christiana Denne [Fort] 1440-1536


Robert Selwoode 14961021

Robert Selwoode 14971022

John Deane 1500-1540


Deane [Selwoode]


Walter Deane 1545-c1586


Deane [Walsele]


William Deane 1568642


239. George Strong and Ann Strong [Bond]

262... Robert Strong 1490-1519

Ms. Strong 14951024

314... Henry Whitman 1463-1549


316... Alice
Whitman [Axtell]


317... William Bond 1493-1549


318... Dionise
Bond [Bourman]


319... Thomas Leigh 15201029

320... Alice
Leigh [Barker]


John Strong 1515-1534


Strong [Whitman]


George Bond 1534-1592


Winifred Bond [Leigh] 1538-1592



George Strong 1556-1636


Ann Strong [Bond] 263... 1560-1628


John Strong 1585644


Page 628

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 240. Walter Deane and Joan Deane [Walsele]
Michael Denne 1440-1493

Family Trees

Christiana Denne [Fort] 1440-1536


Robert Selwoode 14961033

Robert Selwoode 14971034

John Deane 1500-1540


Deane [Selwoode]


Walter Deane 1545-c1586


Deane [Walsele]


Strong [Deane]



241. Alexander Ross and Janet Ross [Sinclair]

321... David Ross 1485-1527

296... Ms. Helena 14601036

John Sinclair

Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland]

265... William Sinclair 14591040

265... Margaret
Sinclair [Keith]



Walter Ross 1490-1528


Marian Ross [Grant] 1493908

John Sinclair 1495909

Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1488-c1537



Alexander Ross 1516807

Janet Ross [Sinclair] 265... 1519808

George Ross 1557646


Page 629

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 242. Adolf Seving and Verena Seving [Vitt]

Family Trees

266... Josef Herz

Maria E Herz [Kerzenmacher]


Josef Vitt

Maria A Vitt [Herz]


Adolf Seving


Verena Seving [Vitt]


Silvester V Seving 1606-1656



243. Thomas Hobart and Audrey Hobart [Hare]

267... James Hobart 14361044

267... Margery
Hobart [Lyhart]


267... John Blennerhassett 14241046

Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1446-

268... William Harris 1505-1556


268... Alice
Harris [Wayte]


Mr. Rugge 14901050

Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 1507-1557

Miles Hobart 1479-1557


William Hare 1511921

Alice Hare [Rugge] 1511-1611




Thomas Hobart 1537816

Audrey Hobart [Hare] 268... 1541817

Edmund Hobart 1573-1646



Page 630

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 244. Robert Dewe and Margaret Dewe [Stasye]
William Stasye

Family Trees

Dewey Dewe 1520-1540


John Stasye 1516925

Stasye [Convers]


Robert Dewe 1540-1601


Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 1553819

Hobart [Dewey]



245. William Hanmer and Eleanor Hanmer

324... Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501

297... Margaret
Hanmer [Lloyd]


325... Thomas Dymock 14311054

326... Margaret
Dymock [Brereton]


328... Richard Hanmer 14701056

329... Margaret
Hanmer [Kynaston]


330... Randall Brereton 1485-1530


331... Eleanor
Brereton [Dutton]


Jenkin Hanmer 1464-1568


Hanmer [Dymock]


Thomas Hanmer 1480929

Hanmer [Brereton]



William Hanmer 1499822


Eleanor Hanmer 1469-1501


William Hanmer 1501-1589



Page 631

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 246. Roger Kynaston and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey]
332... John Kynaston 13821060

Family Trees

333... John Hoord 13781061

334... John Grey 13861062

335... Joan
Grey [Cherleton]

336... Humphrey Plantagenet


Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454



Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


Kynaston [Hoord]


Henry Grey 1419933

Grey [Plantagenet]



Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


Elizabeth 273...
Kynaston [Grey]


Hanmer [Kynaston]



247. Randle Dymock and Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer]

274... Thomas Dymoke 14001066

274... Margaret
Dymoke [Goch]


274... Randle Brereton 1426-1460


Mrs R Brereton 14141069

275... Edward Hanmer 13951070

275... Margaret
Hanmer [Gethin]

Meridith E Lloyd


Thomas Dymock 1431935

Dymock [Brereton]


Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501


Hanmer [Lloyd]



Randle Dymock 1462826

Elizabeth 275...
Dymock [Hanmer]


Edward Dymock 1490659


Page 632

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 248. Roger Puleston

305... Edward Puleston 1500-1567

Family Trees

305... Ermine
Puleston [Hanmer]


306... Richard Grosvenor 14771075

306... Catherine
Grosvenor [Cotton]


Roger Puleston 1524939

Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 1526-



Roger Puleston c1560-1586


Dymock [Puleston]



249. Thomas Bullock and Alice Bullock [Kingsmill]

338... Robert Bullock 1400-1480

Ms E Bullock 14091078

309... Richard Kingsmill 1440-c1513


Alice Kingsmill 1440-1501


310... John Giffard 1502-1550


310... Joan
Giffard [Brydges]


Gilbert Bullock 1434-1500


John Kingsmill 1460-1509


Kingsmill [Gifford]



Thomas Bullock 1482-1558


Alice 279...
Bullock [Kingsmill]


William Bullock 1550663


Page 633

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 250. Elizabeth Blayney

Elizabeth Blayney 1546843

Family Trees

Richard Price 1555-1638



251. John Rolfe and Dorothea Mason

251... Dorothea Mason 1559-1645

280... John Jenner 15161085

Agnes R Jenner

Eustace Rolfe 1536-c1594


Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 1539-c1594


William Mason 1530-1554


Mason [Brown]



John Rolfe

Dorothea Mason 1559-1645


John Rolfe -1622



Page 634

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 252. Wahonsonacock Powhatan

281... Dashing Stream -1526

Family Trees

Algonkian Chief 1520-1600


Scent Chief [Flower] -1555



Powhatan -1618

Matoaka P
Rolfe [Powhatan]



253. Nonoma Winanuske



Nonoma Winanuske 1571-1612


Matoaka P
Rolfe [Powhatan]



Page 635

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 254. William Pierce

282... William Pierce 1550975

Family Trees


William Pierce 1550975


William Pierce 1560867

Bennett [Pierce]



255. Jane Phippen

William Phippen 1551977

Phippen [Jordaine]


Jane Phippen 1580-1650


Bennett [Pierce]



Page 636

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 256. Robert Bathurst and Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller]
342... Robert Bathurst 15151089

Family Trees

Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1518-

Edward Dodge 1548-1597


Ms. Unknown

Robert Waller 1502-1545


285... Ambrose Saunders 1526-1586


Mary Saunders [Goodwin]



John Bathurst 1533-1623


Bathurst [Dodge]


Ralph Waller 1544-1598


Waller [Saunders]



Robert Bathurst 1563-1623


Elizabeth 285...
Bathurst [Waller]


Edward Bathurst 1615-1674



257. Thomas Rich and Anne Rich [Bourchier]

286... Richard Rich 14961097

286... Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 15101098

286... George Baldry 15101099

287... Anthony Bourchier 15081100

Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1512-

287... John Le Scrope 15101102

287... Catherine
Le Scrope [Clifford]



Robert Rich 1537983

Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 1537-1591


Thomas Bourchier 1542985

Bourchier [Scrope]



Thomas Rich 1568871

Anne 287...
Rich [Bourchier]


Bathurst [Rich]



Page 637

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 258. Arthur Ingram

289... Richard Goldthorpe 1514991

Family Trees

Hugh Ingram 1530989

Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 1525-1600



Arthur Ingram 1580-1642


Arthur Ingraham 1550-1655



259. Hugh Ingram and Anne Goldthorpe

289... John Gawthrop

289... Sarah
Gawthrop [Archer]


289... John Norman 15251106

Agnes Norman

Richard Goldthorpe 1514991

Jane Goldthorpe [Norman]


Hugh Ingram 1530989



Anne Goldthorpe 1536-1616



Page 638

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 260. Anne Goldthorpe

289... John Gawthrop

Family Trees

289... Sarah
Gawthrop [Archer]


289... John Norman 15251106

Agnes Norman

Richard Goldthorpe 1514991

Jane Goldthorpe [Norman]



Anne Goldthorpe 1536-1616



Arthur Ingraham 1550-1655



261. Henry Slingsby and Frances Slingsby [Vavasour]

291... Henry Vavasour 1421-1500

291... Jane
Vavasour [Gascon]


291... Walter Calverley 14831110

291... Isabel
Calverley [Drakes]


Francis Slingsby 1522-1600


Slingsby [Percy]

William Vavasour


Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 1518-


Henry Slingsby 1560877

Frances 291...
Slingsby [Vavasour]


Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 1551-1657



Page 639

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 262. John Strong and Agnes Strong [Whitman]
Forefather Strong 14601112

Family Trees

344... Thomas Weightman 1425-1516


316... Thomas Axtell 14601115

345... Joan Axtell [Gould] 1531-1546


Robert Strong 1490-1519


Ms. Strong 14951024

Henry Whitman 1463-1549


Whitman [Axtell]


John Strong 1515-1534


Agnes 293...
Strong [Whitman]


George Strong 1556-1636



263. George Bond and Winifred Bond [Leigh]

346... William Bond 1467-1528

Mrs W Bond 14711118

318... John Bourman 14711119

347... Elizabeth
Bourman [Russell]


348... Roger Leigh 14831121

Leigh [Trafford]


349... John Barker 15001123

350... Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1500-1539


William Bond 1493-1549


Bond [Bourman]


Thomas Leigh 15201029

Leigh [Barker]



George Bond 1534-1592


Winifred Bond [Leigh] 295... 1538-1592


Ann Strong [Bond] 1560-1628



Page 640

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 264. Walter Ross and Marian Ross [Grant]
351... Alexander Ross 1440-1486

Family Trees

321... Dorothea
Ross [Sutherland]

Keith Unknown


David Ross 1485-1527


Ms. Helena 14601036

John Sinclair

Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland]



Walter Ross 1490-1528


Marian Ross [Grant] 1493908

Alexander Ross 1516807


265. John Sinclair and Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland]

William Sinclair 1408-1480
Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1436-1480

Gilbert Keith 1456-1490


Daughter Keith [Ogston] 14591131


William Sinclair 14591040

Sinclair [Keith]


John Sinclair 1495909

Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1488-c1537


Janet Ross [Sinclair] 1519808


Page 641

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 266. Josef Vitt and Maria Ann Vitt [Herz]
Mathias Kerzenmacher

Family Trees

Anna M Kerzenmacher [Dirr]

Maria E Herz [Kerzenmacher]

Josef Herz


Josef Vitt

Maria A Vitt [Herz]


Verena Seving [Vitt]



267. Miles Hobart and Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset]

Thomas Hobart 1415-1488

Peter Naunton

Ralph Blennerhassett 14001137

Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1409-

Thomas Tyndall 1430-1520

Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1446-


James Hobart 14361044

Hobart [Lyhart]


John Blennerhassett 14241046

Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 1507-1557


Miles Hobart 1479-1557



Thomas Hobart 1537816


Page 642

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 268. William Hare and Alice Hare [Rugge]
Arthur Harris 1475-1537

Family Trees

Johanna Harris [Percy] 14751142

William Wayte 14541143

Margaret Wayte 14941144

William Harris 1505-1556


Harris [Wayte]


Mr. Rugge 14901050

William Hare 1511921

Alice Hare [Rugge] 1511-1611


Audrey Hobart [Hare] 1541817


269. Ms. Dyes

Ms. Dyes 1521-1548

Robert Dewe 1540-1601



Page 643

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 270. Jenkin Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Dymock]
352... Edward Hanmer 13951145

Family Trees

353... Margaret
Hanmer [Gethin]

Meridith E Lloyd


354... Thomas Dymoke 14001148

325... Margaret
Dymoke [Goch]


355... Randle Brereton 1426-1460


Mrs R Brereton 14141151

Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501


Hanmer [Lloyd]


Thomas Dymock 14311054

Dymock [Brereton]



Jenkin Hanmer 1464-1568


Margaret 298...
Hanmer [Dymock]


William Hanmer 1499822


271. Thomas Hanmer and Jane Hanmer [Brereton]

356... Griffith Hanmer 13501152

357... Ellen
Hanmer [Dutton]


358... Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


359... Elizabeth
Kynaston [Grey]


327... Randle Brereton 1452-1500


Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1457-1520

362... Peter P Dutton 1465-1502


Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1454-1520



Richard Hanmer 14701056

Hanmer [Kynaston]


Randall Brereton 1485-1530


Brereton [Dutton]



Thomas Hanmer 1480929

Jane 300...
Hanmer [Brereton]


Eleanor Hanmer 1469-1501



Page 644

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 272. Gruffudd Kynaston and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord]
365... Madoc Kynaston 13601160

Family Trees

Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1362-1435

Roger Hoord 1345-1381


367... Cari V
Hoord [Madog]



John Kynaston 13821060

John Hoord 13781061


Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


Margaret 302...
Kynaston [Hoord]


Roger Kynaston 1430-1496



273. Henry Grey and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet]

368... Thomas Grey 13591164

369... Joan
Grey [De Mowbray]

370... Edward Cherleton 13711166

Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1392-

371... Henry Plantagenet


Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1370-


373... Reginald Cobham 1381-1446


Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1385-



Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454

John Grey 13861062

Grey [Cherleton]

Humphrey Plantagenet




Henry Grey 1419933

Antigone 304...
Grey [Plantagenet]


Kynaston [Grey]



Page 645

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 274. Thomas Dymock and Margaret Dymock [Brereton]
Ieuan Dymock 13691172
Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1373-

Family Trees

Griffith Goch 13721174

Mrs G Goch 13761175

Randle Brereton 1394-1420


Brereton [Ipstones]



Thomas Dymoke 14001066

Dymoke [Goch]


Randle Brereton 1426-1460


Mrs R Brereton 14141069

Thomas Dymock 1431935

Dymock [Brereton]


Randle Dymock 1462826


275. Griffith Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd]

Jenkin Hanmer 13401178

Hanmer [Iorwerth]

Maurice Gethin 13901180

Margaret V Gethin [Ap William]



Edward Hanmer 13951070

Hanmer [Gethin]

Meridith E Lloyd


Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501


Hanmer [Lloyd]


Dymock [Hanmer]



Page 646

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 276. Roger Puleston and Anne Puleston [Grosvenor]
305... Roger Puleston 14701182

Family Trees

305... Jane
Puleston [Hanmer]


305... Richard Hanmer 14701184

305... Margaret
Hanmer [Kynaston]


306... Robert Le Grosvenor 1454-1497


Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1455-1477

306... Richard Cotton 1461-1497


306... Joan
Cotton [Brereton]



Edward Puleston 1500-1567


Puleston [Hanmer]


Richard Grosvenor 14771075

Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 1526-

Grosvenor [Cotton]



Roger Puleston 1524939



Roger Puleston c1560-1586



277. Gilbert Bullock

376... Thomas Bullock 1374-1460

338... Alice
Bullock [Yeading]


Robert Bullock 1400-1480


Ms E Bullock 14091078


Gilbert Bullock 1434-1500


Thomas Bullock 1482-1558



Page 647

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 278. Margaret Norris

377... William Norreys 13901192

Family Trees

380... John De Vere


381... Elizabeth
De Vere [Howard]


William Norris 14281079

Joane Norris [Vere] 14331080


Margaret Norris 1458-1512


Thomas Bullock 1482-1558



279. John Kingsmill and Jane Kingsmill [Gifford]

309... Richard Kingsmill 1415-1479

Ms R Kingsmill 14181197

310... William Gifford 14821198

310... Eleanor
Gifford [Paulet]


310... Henry Brydges 14641200

Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1468-


Richard Kingsmill 1440-c1513


Alice Kingsmill 1440-1501


John Giffard 1502-1550


Giffard [Brydges]



John Kingsmill 1460-1509


Jane 310...
Kingsmill [Gifford]


Bullock [Kingsmill]



Page 648

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 280. Eustace Rolfe and Joanna Rolfe [Jenner]
William Mason 1530-1554

Family Trees

Mason [Brown]

William Gayner


Dorothea Mason 1559-1645



John Jenner 15161085

Agnes R Jenner

Eustace Rolfe 1536-c1594


Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 1539-c1594


John Rolfe


281. Algonkian Chief and Scent Chief [Flower]

Murmuring Ripple 1415-1495

Ripple [American]


Dashing Stream -1526


Algonkian Chief 1520-1600


Scent Chief [Flower] -1555



Powhatan -1618


Page 649

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 282. William Pierce

282... William Pierce 1550975

Family Trees

William Pierce 1550975

William Pierce 1550975

William Pierce 1550975

William Pierce 1560867



283. Marguerite Coney

Marguerite Coney 1550-1572

William Pierce 1560867


Page 650

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 284. John Bathurst and Mary Bathurst [Dodge]
383... Thomas Bathurst 1480-1542

Family Trees

William Saunders

Robert Bathurst 15151089

Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1518-

Edward Dodge 1548-1597


Ms. Unknown



John Bathurst 1533-1623


Bathurst [Dodge]


Robert Bathurst 1563-1623



285. Ralph Waller and Sarah Waller [Saunders]

Thomas Saunders 14891211

Saunders [Cave]


Robert Waller 1502-1545


Ambrose Saunders 1526-1586


Mary Saunders [Goodwin]


Ralph Waller 1544-1598


Waller [Saunders]


Bathurst [Waller]



Page 651

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 286. Robert Rich and Elizabeth Rich [Baldry]
Richard Rich 14701213

Family Trees

Joan Rich [Dingley] 14721214

William Jenkes 1480-1571


Jenkes [Adams]

Thomas Baldry -34AD



Richard Rich 14961097

Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 15101098

George Baldry 15101099

Robert Rich 1537983

Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 1537-1591


Thomas Rich 1568871


287. Thomas Bourchier and Bridget Bourchier [Scrope]

Maurice Bourchier 14821218

Joan Bourchier 14861219

Thomas Mildmay 1465-1566


Mildmay [Reade]


Henry Le Scrope 1480-1533


Le Scrope [Dacre]


Henry Clifford 14931224

Clifford [Percy]


Anthony Bourchier 15081100

Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1512-

John Le Scrope 15101102

Le Scrope [Clifford]



Thomas Bourchier 1542985

Bourchier [Scrope]


Rich [Bourchier]



Page 652

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 288. Hugh Ingram and Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe]
289... John Gawthrop

Family Trees

289... Sarah
Gawthrop [Archer]


Richard Goldthorpe 1514991

Hugh Ingram 1530989



Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 1525-1600


Arthur Ingram 1580-1642



289. Richard Goldthorpe and Jane Goldthorpe [Norman]

Richard Gawthrop 17031226

Gawthrop [Gigner]


Thomas Archer 16961228

Archer [Bowman]


John Fryeth 1500-1578


Joanne Fryeth 1500-1578


John Gawthrop

Gawthrop [Archer]


John Norman 15251106

Jane Goldthorpe [Norman]

Agnes Norman

Richard Goldthorpe 1514991



Anne Goldthorpe 1536-1616



Page 653

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 290. Richard Goldthorpe

Richard Gawthrop 17031226

Family Trees

Gawthrop [Gigner]


Thomas Archer 16961228

Archer [Bowman]


John Gawthrop

Gawthrop [Archer]



Richard Goldthorpe 1514991


Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 1525-1600



291. William Vavasour and Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley]

William Vavasour 14001232

Vavasour [Langton]


William Gascoigne 1398-1466


Gascoigne [Clarell]


William Calverly 1483-1529


Calverly [Savile]


John D Drakes 14551238

Drakes [Amyas]


Henry Vavasour 1421-1500


Vavasour [Gascon]


Walter Calverley 14831110

Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 1518-

Calverley [Drakes]


William Vavasour


Slingsby [Vavasour]



Page 654

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 292. William Tilley and Agnes Tilley [Tylle]
William Tilley 15151013

Family Trees

Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 15191014

Robert Tilley 1540894

Elizabeth Tilley 1544895



293. Henry Whitman and Alice Whitman [Axtell]

384... Richard Weightman 1400-1491

Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-

Henrye Axtell 1435-1500


Cecily Axtell 14351243

Thomas Gould 15001244

345... Alice Gould 1499-1538



Thomas Weightman 1425-1516


Thomas Axtell 14601115

Joan Axtell [Gould] 1531-1546



Henry Whitman 1463-1549


Alice 316...
Whitman [Axtell]


Strong [Whitman]



Page 655

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 294. William Bond and Dionise Bond [Bourman]
385... Thomas Bond 14301246

Family Trees

346... Elizabeth
Bond [Kendall]


Nicholas Bourman 14451248

Nicholas Bourman 14481249

347... James Russell 14501250

Ms. Unknown 14541251

William Bond 1467-1528


Mrs W Bond 14711118

John Bourman 14711119

Bourman [Russell]



William Bond 1493-1549


Dionise 318...
Bond [Bourman]


George Bond 1534-1592



295. Thomas Leigh and Alice Leigh [Barker]

348... Richard Leigh 1446-1508

Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1450-1512

349... William Barker 15081254

349... Margaret
Barker [Goulston]


350... Thomas Hill 1460-1506


350... Margaret
Hill [Wilbraham]



Roger Leigh 14831121

Leigh [Trafford]


John Barker 15001123

Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1500-1539



Thomas Leigh 15201029

Alice 320...
Leigh [Barker]


Winifred Bond [Leigh] 1538-1592



Page 656

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 296. David Ross and Ms. Helena
386... John Ross 14191258

Family Trees

Ross [MacLeod]

Alexander Sutherland


Alexander Ross 1440-1486


Ross [Sutherland]

Keith Unknown



David Ross 1485-1527


Ms. Helena 14601036

Walter Ross 1490-1528



297. Griffith Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd]

387... Jenkin Hanmer 13401261

Hanmer [Iorwerth]

388... Thomas G Llwyd 15201263

Catrin F
Llwyd [Ap Gethin]



Edward Hanmer 13951145

Hanmer [Gethin]

Meridith E Lloyd



Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501


Hanmer [Lloyd]


Jenkin Hanmer 1464-1568



Page 657

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 298. Thomas Dymock and Margaret Dymock [Brereton]
389... Ieuan Dymock 13691265

Family Trees

Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1373-

325... Griffith Goch 13721267

Mrs G Goch 13761268

390... Randle Brereton 1394-1420


392... Alice
Brereton [Ipstones]



Thomas Dymoke 14001148

Dymoke [Goch]


Randle Brereton 1426-1460


Mrs R Brereton 14141151


Thomas Dymock 14311054

Margaret 326...
Dymock [Brereton]


Hanmer [Dymock]



299. Richard Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston]

393... David Hanmer 1328-1383

394... Angharad V
Hanmer [Llewelyn]


396... Piers Dutton 1367-1433


397... Elizabeth
Dutton [Butler]


358... Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


358... Margaret
Kynaston [Hoord]


359... Henry Grey 14191277

359... Antigone
Grey [Plantagenet]


Griffith Hanmer 13501152

Hanmer [Dutton]


Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


Kynaston [Grey]



Richard Hanmer 14701056

Margaret 329...
Hanmer [Kynaston]


Thomas Hanmer 1480929


Page 658

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 300. Randall Brereton and Eleanor Brereton [Dutton]
355... Randle Brereton 1426-1460

Family Trees

398... John Carrington 1430-1453


400... Peter Dutton 14281281

401... Elizabeth
Dutton [Grosvenor]


402... Robert Fouleshurst 1432-1523

Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1454-1520

Randle Brereton 1452-1500


Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1457-1520

Peter P Dutton 1465-1502





Randall Brereton 1485-1530


Eleanor 331...
Brereton [Dutton]


Hanmer [Brereton]



301. John Kynaston

405... Jenkin Kynaston 1330-1389

Annes V Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1334-

407... Henry De Percy


408... Margaret
De Percy [Neville]


Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1362-1435

Madoc Kynaston 13601160



John Kynaston 13821060

Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443



Page 659

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 302. John Hoord

409... Madog Ap Gruffudd 13201289
Lleucu V Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1325-

Family Trees


Roger Hoord 1345-1381


Cari V
Hoord [Madog]



John Hoord 13781061

Kynaston [Hoord]



303. John Grey and Joan Grey [Cherleton]

410... Thomas Grey 13281291

411... Margaret
Grey [De Pressene]


412... John De Mowbray -1368


Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] -1368

414... Thomas De Holand 13541295

Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1350-


Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1392-

Thomas Grey 13591164

Grey [De Mowbray]


Edward Cherleton 13711166



John Grey 13861062

Joan 335...
Grey [Cherleton]


Henry Grey 1419933


Page 660

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 304. Humphrey Plantagenet and Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham]
416... John O G Plantagenet c13421297

Family Trees

417... Blanche Plantagenet


418... Humphrey Bohun


419... Joan
Bohun [Fitzalan]

Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1370-

420... Reynold De Cobham 13481301

422... Thomas Colepeper 1345-1429


423... Alianora
Colepeper [Green]


Henry Plantagenet

Reginald Cobham 1381-1446

Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454

Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1385-




Humphrey Plantagenet



Grey [Plantagenet]



305. Edward Puleston and Ermine Puleston [Hanmer]

Roger Puleston 14261305

Puleston [Bulkeley]

William Hanmer 14301307

Griffith Hanmer 13501308

Hanmer [Dutton]


Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


Kynaston [Grey]



Roger Puleston 14701182

Puleston [Hanmer]


Richard Hanmer 14701184

Hanmer [Kynaston]


Edward Puleston 1500-1567


Puleston [Hanmer]


Roger Puleston 1524939


Page 661

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 306. Richard Grosvenor and Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton]
Robert Grosveneur 1433-1502

Family Trees

Grosveneur [Fitton]


William Norris 14281314

Joane Norris [Vere] 14331315

John Cotton 1436-1456


Mary Cotton [Poole] 1438-1469


William Brereton 1414-1456


Brereton [Hulse]


Robert Le Grosvenor 1454-1497


Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1455-1477

Richard Cotton 1461-1497


Cotton [Brereton]



Richard Grosvenor 14771075

Grosvenor [Cotton]


Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 1526-



307. Robert Bullock and Ms Eleanore Bullock

425... Robert Bullock 1343-1405

Ms R Bullock 13471321

William Yeading 13521322

Ms W
Yeading [Yealding]


Thomas Bullock 1374-1460


Bullock [Yeading]



Robert Bullock 1400-1480


Ms E Bullock 14091078

Gilbert Bullock 1434-1500



Page 662

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 308. William Norris and Joane Norris [Vere]
426... Roger Norreys 1389-1422

Family Trees

Richard De Vere 13851328

429... Alice
De Vere [Sergeaux]


430... John Howard 13801330

431... Joan
Howard [Walton]


William Norreys 13901192

John De Vere

De Vere [Howard]



William Norris 14281079

Joane Norris [Vere] 341... 14331080

Margaret Norris 1458-1512



309. Richard Kingsmill and Alice Kingsmill

William Kingsmill 1390-1476

Richard Kingsmill 1415-1479


Ms R Kingsmill 14181197

Richard Kingsmill 1440-c1513


Alice Kingsmill 1440-1501


John Kingsmill 1460-1509



Page 663

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 310. John Giffard and Joan Giffard [Brydges]
John Giffard 1456-1486

Family Trees

Giffard [Gifford]


John Paulet 14521336

Alice Paulet 14561337

Thomas Brugge 14271338

Brugge [Darell]


William Gifford 14821198

Gifford [Paulet]


Henry Brydges 14641200

Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1468-


John Giffard 1502-1550


Giffard [Brydges]


Kingsmill [Gifford]



311. Dashing Stream

Murmuring Ripple 1415-1495

Dashing Stream -1525


Scent Chief [Flower] -1555



Page 664

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 312. Robert Bathurst and Ms. Bathurst [Saunders]
432... Lawrence Bathurst 1457-1549

Family Trees

Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1462-1547


Thomas Bathurst 1480-1542


William Saunders


Robert Bathurst 15151089

Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1518-


John Bathurst 1533-1623



313. Elizabeth Duncombe

343... Thomas Duncombe 14601342

Joane Duncombe -1533


William Duncombe 1480-1576


Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1484-



Elizabeth Duncombe 15201094

Ralph Waller 1544-1598



Page 665

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 314. Thomas Weightman

434... Thomas Weightman 1380-1471

Family Trees

Thomas Woodan 13801345

Thomas Woodan 13841346


Richard Weightman 1400-1491


Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-



Thomas Weightman 1425-1516


Henry Whitman 1463-1549



315. Henry Weightman

Henry Weightman 14431114

Henry Whitman 1463-1549



Page 666

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 316. Thomas Axtell and Joan Axtell [Gould]
316... Thomas Axtell 14601115

Family Trees

Henrye Axtell 1435-1500


Cecily Axtell 14351243

Thomas Gould 15001244

Alice Gould 1499-1538


Thomas Axtell 14601115

Joan Axtell [Gould] 345... 1531-1546


Whitman [Axtell]



317. William Bond and Mrs William Bond

435... Richard B De Earth 14121347

Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1414-

Richard Kendall


Thomas Bond 14301246

Bond [Kendall]



William Bond 1467-1528


Mrs W Bond 14711118

William Bond 1493-1549



Page 667

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 318. John Bourman and Elizabeth Bourman [Russell]
347... John Russell 1432-1505

Family Trees

347... Ann Russell [Wise] 14331351

Nicholas Bourman 14451248

Nicholas Bourman 14481249

James Russell 14501250

Ms. Unknown 14541251

John Bourman 14711119

Elizabeth 347...
Bourman [Russell]


Bond [Bourman]



319. Roger Leigh and Alice Leigh [Trafford]

348... Ralph Leigh 1418-1471

348... Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 14251353

348... Fulke Sprencheaux 14181354

Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1426-

Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1450-1512

Richard Leigh 1446-1508




Roger Leigh 14831121

Leigh [Trafford]


Thomas Leigh 15201029


Page 668

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 320. John Barker and Elizabeth Barker [Hill]
349... Humphrey Barker 1490-1538

Family Trees

Barker [Goulston]

John Goulston 14501358

Humphrey Hill 1404-1484


350... Agnes Hill [Bird] 14101360

350... Thomas Wilbraham 1409-1492


Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1413-



William Barker 15081254

Barker [Goulston]


Thomas Hill 1460-1506


Hill [Wilbraham]



John Barker 15001123

Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 350... 1500-1539


Leigh [Barker]



321. Alexander Ross and Dorothea Ross [Sutherland]

436... Hugh Ross

437... Ms.
Ross [Sutherland]


John Ross 14191258

Ross [MacLeod]

Alexander Sutherland



Alexander Ross 1440-1486


Ross [Sutherland]


David Ross 1485-1527



Page 669

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 322. Eleanor Atchurch

Eleanor Atchurch 1370-1466

Family Trees

James Hobart 14361044


323. Amphillis Coningsby

Amphillis Coningsby 14561140

Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1446-



324. Edward Hanmer and Margaret Hanmer [Gethin]

438... David Hanmer 1328-1383

Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1314-

388... Hywel L Bala


388... Mallt F
Bala [Ap Hywel]



Jenkin Hanmer 13401261

Hanmer [Iorwerth]

Thomas G Llwyd 15201263

Catrin F
Llwyd [Ap Gethin]




Edward Hanmer 13951145

Margaret 353...
Hanmer [Gethin]


Griffith Hanmer 1436-1501



Page 670

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 325. Thomas Dymoke and Margaret Dymoke [Goch]
389... David Dymock 13381369

Family Trees

389... Margaret
Dymock [Voel]


Richard Ap Madoc 13431371

Mrs R Ap Madoc 13471372

Morgan Goch 13421373

Mrs M Goch 13461374

Ieuan Dymock 13691265

Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1373-

Griffith Goch 13721267

Mrs G Goch 13761268



Thomas Dymoke 14001148

Dymoke [Goch]


Thomas Dymock 14311054


326. Randle Brereton and Mrs Randal Brereton

390... William Brereton 1320-1385

392... William De Ipstones 1390-1399


Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1365-1415


Randle Brereton 1394-1420


Brereton [Ipstones]



Randle Brereton 1426-1460



Mrs R Brereton 14141151

Dymock [Brereton]



Page 671

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 327. Randle Brereton

390... William Brereton 1320-1385

Family Trees

392... William De Ipstones 1390-1399


Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1365-1415


Randle Brereton 1394-1420


Brereton [Ipstones]



Randle Brereton 1426-1460



Randle Brereton 1452-1500



328. Griffith Hanmer and Ellen Hanmer [Dutton]

393... Philip De Hanmer 13001379

Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

394... Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305


396... Edmund Dutton 1342-1366


442... Joan
Dutton [Minshull]


397... John Boteler 1335-1400


397... Alicia
Boteler [Plumpton]



David Hanmer 1328-1383


Angharad V
Hanmer [Llewelyn]


Piers Dutton 1367-1433


Dutton [Butler]



Griffith Hanmer 13501152

Ellen 357...
Hanmer [Dutton]


Richard Hanmer 14701056


Page 672

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 329. Roger Kynaston and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey]
358... John Kynaston 13821387

Family Trees

358... John Hoord 13781388

359... John Grey 13861389

359... Joan
Grey [Cherleton]

359... Humphrey Plantagenet


Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454



Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


Kynaston [Hoord]


Henry Grey 14191277

Grey [Plantagenet]



Roger Kynaston 1430-1496


Elizabeth 359...
Kynaston [Grey]


Hanmer [Kynaston]



330. Randle Brereton and Emma Brereton [Carrington]

390... Randle Brereton 1394-1420

392... Alice
Brereton [Ipstones]


398... George Carrington 1375-1426


Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1420-


Randle Brereton 1426-1460


John Carrington 1430-1453



Randle Brereton 1452-1500



Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1457-1520


Randall Brereton 1485-1530



Page 673

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 331. Peter Piers Dutton and Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst]
400... John Dutton 1399-1461

Family Trees

400... Margaret
Dutton [Atherton]


401... Robert Grosvenor 1405-1464


Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1409-

402... Thomas Fulleshurst 13971401

Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1401-1402



Peter Dutton 14281281

Dutton [Grosvenor]


Robert Fouleshurst 1432-1523

Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1454-1520


Peter P Dutton 1465-1502




Brereton [Dutton]



332. Madoc Kynaston and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy]

405... Madoc Kynaston 1340-1403

405... Sylvia V
Kynaston [Jenkin]


406... Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305


Llewelyn D Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1315-

407... Henry De Percy 13201409

Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1320-

408... Ralph Neville 12911411

408... Alice
Neville [De Audley]


Annes V Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1334-


Jenkin Kynaston 1330-1389


Henry De Percy
Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1362-1435

De Percy [Neville]




Madoc Kynaston 13601160



John Kynaston 13821060


Page 674

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 333. Roger Hoord and Cari Verch Hoord [Madog]
409... Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1295-1332

Family Trees

Margred V Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1300-

Lleucu V Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1325-

Madog Ap Gruffudd 13201289


Roger Hoord 1345-1381


Cari V 367...
Hoord [Madog]


John Hoord 13781061


334. Thomas Grey and Joan Grey [De Mowbray]

410... Thomas Grey 1297-1344

Grey [De Beyle]


411... William De Pressene 1303-1350


William De Pressene 13101418

412... John De Mowbray


Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1310-

413... John De Segrave 13151421

Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1322-


Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] -1368

Thomas Grey 13281291

Grey [De Pressene]


John De Mowbray -1368




Thomas Grey 13591164

Joan 369...
Grey [De Mowbray]


John Grey 13861062


Page 675

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 335. Edward Cherleton and Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand]
414... Thomas De Holand 13141423

Family Trees

Joan De Holand [Plantagenet]

415... Richard Fitzalan 13131425

Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-


Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1350-

Thomas De Holand 13541295

Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1392-

Edward Cherleton 13711166



Grey [Cherleton]



336. Henry Plantagenet and Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun]

446... Edward I Plantagenet

Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1314-

448... Henry Plantagenet 13001429

Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1315-1361

418... William De Bohun 13121431

Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1313-

419... Richard Fitzalan 13131433

Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-





John O G Plantagenet c13421297

Blanche Plantagenet

Humphrey Bohun
Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1370-

Bohun [Fitzalan]



Henry Plantagenet



Humphrey Plantagenet


Page 676

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 337. Reginald Cobham and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper]
420... Reynold De Cobham 12951435

Family Trees

Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1329-

422... John Colepeper 1308-1376


Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1312-1386

450... Nicholas De Greene 13121441



Reynold De Cobham 13481301

Thomas Colepeper 1345-1429


Colepeper [Green]

Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1385-


Reginald Cobham 1381-1446




Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454



338. Thomas Bullock and Alice Bullock [Yeading]

452... Gilbert Bullock 13121443

453... Anne
Bullock [Nevill]


Robert Bullock 1343-1405


Ms R Bullock 13471321

William Yeading 13521322

Ms W
Yeading [Yealding]



Thomas Bullock 1374-1460


Bullock [Yeading]


Robert Bullock 1400-1480



Page 677

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 339. William Norreys

455... John Norreys 1372-1456

Family Trees

Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1438-1525


Roger Norreys 1389-1422



William Norreys 13901192

William Norris 14281079


340. Alice Merbrooke

459... William Montford 1356-1450
Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1360-

Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1372-

Richard Merbrooke 14001326



Alice Merbrooke 14271193

William Norris 14281079


Page 678

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 341. John De Vere and Elizabeth De Vere [Howard]
460... Richard Sergeaux 13461451

Family Trees

461... Phillippa
Sergeaux [Fitzalan]


462... John Howard 13651453

463... Alice
Howard [Tendring]


464... John Walton 1372-1391


466... Elizabeth
Walton [Butler]


Richard De Vere 13851328

De Vere [Sergeaux]


John Howard 13801330

Howard [Walton]



John De Vere

Elizabeth 381...
De Vere [Howard]


Joane Norris [Vere] 14331080


342. Thomas Bathurst

467... Lawrence Bathurst 1435-1461

Robert Chapman 14401459

Lawrence Bathurst 1457-1549


Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1462-1547



Thomas Bathurst 1480-1542


Robert Bathurst 15151089


Page 679

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 343. William Duncombe and Alice Duncombe [Whitton]
William Duncombe

Family Trees

Thomas Duncombe 14601342

Joane Duncombe -1533


William Duncombe 1480-1576


Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1484-


Elizabeth Duncombe 15201094


344. Richard Weightman and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan]

384... Richard Weightman 1400-1491
Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-


Thomas Weightman 1380-1471


Thomas Woodan 13801345

Thomas Woodan 13841346

Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-


Richard Weightman 1400-1491



Thomas Weightman 1425-1516



Page 680

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 345. Thomas Gould and Alice Gould
Henrye Axtell 1435-1500

Family Trees

Cecily Axtell 14351243

Thomas Axtell 14601115


Thomas Gould 15001244

Alice Gould 1499-1538


Joan Axtell [Gould] 1531-1546



346. Thomas Bond and Elizabeth Bond [Kendall]

468... Robert Bond 13781464

435... Elizabeth
Bond [De Earth]


Richard Maynard 13931466

Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1393-1455

Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1414-

Richard B De Earth 14121347

Richard Kendall



Thomas Bond 14301246

Bond [Kendall]


William Bond 1467-1528



Page 681

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 347. James Russell and Ms. Unknown
Henry Russell 1405-1463

Family Trees

Russell [Herring]


John Wyse 14151470

Wyse [Fulford]


John Russell 1432-1505


Ann Russell [Wise] 14331351

James Russell 14501250

Ms. Unknown 14541251

Bourman [Russell]



348. Richard Leigh and Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux]

Robert Leigh 1392-1450

Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1398-1461


James Ridley 14021474

Nicholas Sprencheaux 13921475

Nicholas Sprencheaux 13981476

John Wynnesbury 13971477

Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1405-

Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1426-

Ralph Leigh 1418-1471


Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 14251353

Fulke Sprencheaux 14181354

Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1450-1512


Richard Leigh 1446-1508



Roger Leigh 14831121


Page 682

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 349. William Barker and Margaret Barker [Goulston]
John Barker 1462-1531
Margaret Barker [Coleclough] -1538

Family Trees


Humphrey Barker 1490-1538


Barker [Goulston]

John Goulston 14501358


William Barker 15081254

Barker [Goulston]


John Barker 15001123


350. Thomas Hill and Margaret Hill [Wilbraham]

John Bird 13821481

Alice Bird [Malpas] 13881482

De Wilburgham


Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1389-1450

Thomas Swetenham 13871485

Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1389-


Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1413-

Humphrey Hill 1404-1484


Agnes Hill [Bird] 14101360

Thomas Wilbraham 1409-1492



Thomas Hill 1460-1506


Hill [Wilbraham]


Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1500-1539



Page 683

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 351. John Ross and Ms. Ross [MacLeod]
469... Walter Ross

Family Trees

470... Helen Sinclair


Hugh Ross

Ross [Sutherland]



John Ross 14191258

Ross [MacLeod]


Alexander Ross 1440-1486



352. Jenkin Hanmer and Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth]

471... Philip De Hanmer 13001489

Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

473... Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305


Margred V Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1294-


Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1314-

David Hanmer 1328-1383




Jenkin Hanmer 13401261

Hanmer [Iorwerth]


Edward Hanmer 13951145


Page 684

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 353. Thomas Gethin Llwyd and Catrin Ferch Llwyd [Ap Gethin]
388... Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd
Lowri V Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan]

Family Trees

Hywel F Ap Gruffudd

388... Elen F
Ap Gruffudd [John]



Hywel L Bala

Mallt F
Bala [Ap Hywel]



Thomas G Llwyd 15201263

Catrin F
Llwyd [Ap Gethin]


Hanmer [Gethin]



354. Ieuan Dymock and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard]

389... David A D Madoc 13071497

Margaret V
Madoc [Tudur]


David Voel 13121499

Mrs D Voel 13161500

David Dymock 13381369

Dymock [Voel]


Richard Ap Madoc 13431371

Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1373-

Mrs R Ap Madoc 13471372


Ieuan Dymock 13691265


Thomas Dymoke 14001148


Page 685

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 355. Randle Brereton and Alice Brereton [Ipstones]
390... William Brereton 1300-1342

Family Trees

Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1290-

392... John De Ipstones 1330-1394


Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1379-1423

392... Robert
De Swynnerton


Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1355-1373



Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1365-1415

William Brereton 1320-1385


William De Ipstones 1390-1399




Randle Brereton 1394-1420


Alice 392...
Brereton [Ipstones]


Randle Brereton 1426-1460



356. David Hanmer and Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn]

393... John De Hanmer 1277-1308

Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-

393... Dafydd Ap Rired 12801511

Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1285-

394... Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313



Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

Philip De Hanmer 13001379

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305




David Hanmer 1328-1383


Angharad V 394...
Hanmer [Llewelyn]


Griffith Hanmer 13501152


Page 686

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 357. Piers Dutton and Elizabeth Dutton [Butler]
396... Thomas Dutton 13141517

Family Trees

396... Ellen
Dutton [Thornton]


442... Henry Minshull 1314-1370


Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1318-1380

397... William Le Boteler 13091521

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400

397... William De Plumpton 1294-1362


Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-




Edmund Dutton 1342-1366


Dutton [Minshull]


John Boteler 1335-1400


Boteler [Plumpton]



Piers Dutton 1367-1433


Elizabeth 397...
Dutton [Butler]


Hanmer [Dutton]



358. Gruffudd Kynaston and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord]

Madoc Kynaston 13601525
Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1362-1435

Roger Hoord 1345-1381


Cari V
Hoord [Madog]



John Kynaston 13821387

John Hoord 13781388

Gruffudd Kynaston 1404-1443


Kynaston [Hoord]


Roger Kynaston 1430-1496



Page 687

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 359. Henry Grey and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet]
Thomas Grey 13591529

Family Trees

Grey [De Mowbray]


Edward Cherleton 13711531

Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1392-

Henry Plantagenet

Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1370-

Reginald Cobham 1381-1446


Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1385-



Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1410-1454

John Grey 13861389

Grey [Cherleton]

Humphrey Plantagenet



Henry Grey 14191277

Grey [Plantagenet]


Kynaston [Grey]



360. John Carrington

398... William Carrington 1342-1381

Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1345-1392

398... Laurence Warren 1394-1444


398... Margery
Warren [Bulkeley]



George Carrington 1375-1426


Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1420-



John Carrington 1430-1453


Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1457-1520



Page 688

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 361. Elizabeth Beeston

443... Thomas Beeston 1414-1477

Family Trees

443... Elizabeth
Beeston [Handford]


399... Henry De Bold 1401-1479


399... Gracia De Bold 1405-1480


John Beeston 1430-1498


Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1441-1505



Elizabeth Beeston 14601280

Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1457-1520



362. Peter Dutton and Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor]

400... Hugh Dutton 1369-1440

400... Petronell
Dutton [De Vernon]


400... William Atherton 1384-1435


Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1388-1440

401... Thomas Grosvenor 1377-1429


Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1384-1420

Jeoffry De Chedell 13831551

Jeoffry De Chedell 13871552



John Dutton 1399-1461


Dutton [Atherton]


Robert Grosvenor 1405-1464


Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1409-



Peter Dutton 14281281

Elizabeth 401...
Dutton [Grosvenor]


Peter P Dutton 1465-1502



Page 689

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 363. Robert Fouleshurst

402... Thomas
De Fouleshurst

Family Trees

Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1367-1416


402... Randle Mainwaring 1367-1456


Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1369-1459


Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1401-1402

Thomas Fulleshurst 13971401



Robert Fouleshurst 1432-1523


Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1454-1520



364. Joan Vernon

403... Richard Vernon 1346-1376

Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1349-1409


Richard Vernon 1370-1400



Joan Vernon 14231284

Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1454-1520



Page 690

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 365. Jenkin Kynaston and Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn]
405... Philip Kynaston 1280-1327
Gwerfyl V Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1350-

Family Trees

Jenkin Lord 12851563

405... Jane Lord [Tuchet]


406... Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313



Madoc Kynaston 1340-1403


Sylvia V
Kynaston [Jenkin]


Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305

Annes V Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1334-

Llewelyn D Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1315-



Jenkin Kynaston 1330-1389




Madoc Kynaston 13601160


366. Henry De Percy and Margaret De Percy [Neville]

407... Henry De Percy

Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1300-

407... Henry Plantagenet 12811569

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

408... Randolph De Neville


Eupheme F De Neville [Clavering] 1267-1329

408... Hugh Audley 1250-1325


Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1270-1328


Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1320-



Henry De Percy 13201409

Ralph Neville 12911411

Neville [De Audley]




Henry De Percy

Margaret 408...
De Percy [Neville]


Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1362-1435



Page 691

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 367. Madog Ap Gruffudd and Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth]
Iorwerth Ap Awr 12701575

Family Trees

409... Madog A L Ap Heilyn 1270-1331


Agharad V
Ap Heilyn [Daffyd]


Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1295-1332


Margred V Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1300-

Lleucu V Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1325-

Madog Ap Gruffudd 13201289



Cari V
Hoord [Madog]



368. Thomas Grey and Margaret Grey [De Pressene]

410... Thomas De Grey 1266-1310

Mrs T De Grey 12701579

411... Henry De Percy -1314


411... Eleanor F
De Percy [Arunde]


Thomas Grey 1297-1344


Grey [De Beyle]


William De Pressene 1303-1350


William De Pressene 13101418


Thomas Grey 13281291

Margaret 411...
Grey [De Pressene]


Thomas Grey 13591164


Page 692

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 369. John De Mowbray and Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave]
412... John De Mowbray

Family Trees

Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1305-1331

412... Henry Plantagenet 12811584

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

413... Stephen J De Seagrave 1320-1325


Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1289-1325

445... Thomas Plantagenet -1338


Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1302-1327


Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1310-


Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1322-

John De Mowbray

John De Segrave 13151421

Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] -1368



John De Mowbray 412... -1368




Grey [De Mowbray]



370. Thomas De Holand and Alice De Holand [Fitzalan]

414... Robert De Holand 12851590

Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1290-

414... Edmund Plantagenet


414... Margaret
Plantagenet [Wake]

415... Edmund Fitzalan


Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1277-1338

Joan De Holand [Plantagenet]

415... Henry Plantagenet 12811596

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317



Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-

Thomas De Holand 13141423

Richard Fitzalan 13131425

Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1350-




Thomas De Holand 13541295



Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1392-



Page 693

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 371. John Of Gaunt Plantagenet and Blanche Plantagenet
484... King Edward

Family Trees

Isabella Edward [De France] 1292-

486... Willem De Avesnes 12861600

Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1294-

487... Henry Plantagenet 12811602

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

417... Henry Beaumont 12851604

417... Alice
Beaumont [Comyn]



Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1314-


Edward I Plantagenet

Henry Plantagenet 13001429

Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1315-1361




John O G Plantagenet c13421297


Blanche Plantagenet

Henry Plantagenet


372. Humphrey Bohun and Joan Bohun [Fitzalan]

418... Humphrey De Bohun 12761606

419... Edmund Fitzalan


Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1277-1338

419... Henry Plantagenet 12811609

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317


Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-

William De Bohun 13121431

Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1313-

Richard Fitzalan 13131433




Humphrey Bohun

Joan 419...
Bohun [Fitzalan]


Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1370-



Page 694

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 373. Reynold De Cobham

420... Reginald De Cobham 1265-1295

Family Trees

Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1269-1295

420... Thomas De Berkeley 12931613

Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1308-


Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1329-

Reynold De Cobham 12951435



Reynold De Cobham 13481301

Reginald Cobham 1381-1446



374. Eleanor Maltravers

421... John Maltravers 12901615

Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1294-1322

Mr. Unknown 13001617

Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1324-1375


John Maltravers 13141437



Eleanor Maltravers 13461302

Reginald Cobham 1381-1446



Page 695

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 375. Thomas Colepeper and Alianora Colepeper [Green]
422... Thomas Colepeper 1278-1321

Family Trees

422... Margery
Colepeper [Bayhall]


449... John Hardreshull -1368


Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1294-1365

450... Thomas De Greene 1275-1352


Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1279-

Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1312-1386


John Colepeper 1308-1376



Nicholas De Greene 13121441



Thomas Colepeper 1345-1429


Alianora 423...
Colepeper [Green]


Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1385-



376. Robert Bullock and Ms Robt Bullock

452... Robert Bullock 12811626

Mrs R Bullock 12851627

453... Thomas De Neville 1306-1349


Gilbert Bullock 13121443

Bullock [Nevill]



Robert Bullock 1343-1405


Ms R Bullock 13471321

Thomas Bullock 1374-1460



Page 696

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 377. Roger Norreys

455... Henry Norreys 1351-1429

Family Trees

491... Alice
Norreys [De Ernys]


456... Ralph Ravenscroft 13951632

Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1394-

Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1438-1525

John Norreys 1372-1456




Roger Norreys 1389-1422


William Norreys 13901192


378. Alice De Ernys

457... Robert Ernois 12701634

458... Jane
Ernois [Molyneux]


458... William De Molyneux 1263-1335


Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298

Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-

Roger De Ernys 13101447




Alice De Ernys 13531325

William Norreys 13901192


Page 697

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 379. Richard Merbrooke and Helena Merbrooke [Mountford]
459... Baldwin De Montfort 1328-1386

Family Trees

Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1331-


William Montford 1356-1450


Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1360-

Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1372-

Richard Merbrooke 14001326



Alice Merbrooke 14271193


380. Richard De Vere and Alice De Vere [Sergeaux]

492... Richard Sergeaux 13281640

Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1326-1355

461... Edmund Fitzalan 1327-1377


Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1330-



Richard Sergeaux 13461451

Sergeaux [Fitzalan]


Richard De Vere 13851328

Alice 429...
De Vere [Sergeaux]


John De Vere


Page 698

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 381. John Howard and Joan Howard [Walton]
493... Robert Howard 13361644

Family Trees

494... Margaret
Howard [De Scales]


495... William Tendring 1339-1421


463... Katherine
Tendring [Milde]


464... John De Walton 1354-1394


466... John Boteler 1335-1400


466... Alicia
Boteler [Plumpton]


John Howard 13651453

Howard [Tendring]


John Walton 1372-1391


Walton [Butler]



John Howard 13801330

Joan 431...
Howard [Walton]


De Vere [Howard]



382. Richard Kingsmill

Richard Kingsmill 13941333

Richard Kingsmill 1415-1479



Page 699

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 383. Lawrence Bathurst and Godleve Bathurst [Chapman]
467... Lawrence Bathurst 14071652

Family Trees

Lawrence Bathurst 1435-1461


Robert Chapman 14401459


Lawrence Bathurst 1457-1549


Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1462-1547


Thomas Bathurst 1480-1542



384. Thomas Weightman

434... Thomas Weightman 1380-1471

Richard Weightman 1400-1491


Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-



Thomas Weightman 1380-1471


Richard Weightman 1400-1491


Richard Weightman 1400-1491




Page 700

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 385. Richard Bond De Earth and Agenta De Earth [Maynard]
468... Richard Bond 13551653

Family Trees

435... Geoffrey De Earth 1345-1405


Ms. Unknown 13451655

Robert Bond 13781464

Bond [De Earth]


Richard Maynard 13931466

Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1414-

Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1393-1455



Richard B De Earth 14121347


Thomas Bond 14301246


386. Hugh Ross and Ms. Ross [Sutherland]

469... William Ross

469... Catherine
Ross [Macintyre]

496... Earl O O Sinclair c1375-1421



Walter Ross

Helen Sinclair


Hugh Ross

Ms. 437...
Ross [Sutherland]


John Ross 14191258


Page 701

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 387. David Hanmer and Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu]
497... John De Hanmer 1277-1308

Family Trees

Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-

499... Dafydd Ap Rired 12801661

Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1285-

500... Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313


503... Madog F Ap Madog 12801665

Gwladus V Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1245-


Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

Margred V Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1294-

Philip De Hanmer 13001489

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305

Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1314-




David Hanmer 1328-1383




Jenkin Hanmer 13401261


388. Hywel Llwyd Bala and Mallt Ferch Bala [Ap Hywel]
Gruffydd A R Ap Dafydd 14341667
Margaret Ap Dafydd [Vaughan]

John A M Ap Meredydd 1420-1463


Lowri V Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan]

Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd

Hywel F Ap Gruffudd

Elen F
Ap Gruffudd [John]



Hywel L Bala

Mallt F
Bala [Ap Hywel]


Thomas G Llwyd 15201263


Page 702

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 389. David Dymock and Margaret Dymock [Voel]
Madoc Ap Ririd 12761671

Family Trees

Ap Ririd [Anwyl]


David A D Madoc 13071497

Margaret V
Madoc [Tudur]


David Voel 13121499

Mrs D Voel 13161500

David Dymock 13381369

Dymock [Voel]


Ieuan Dymock 13691265


390. William Brereton

William Brereton 1263-1342

Richard De Bosley

N De Bosley [N]

William Brereton 1300-1342


Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1290-


William Brereton 1320-1385


Randle Brereton 1394-1420



Page 703

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 391. Margaret Done

Richard Donne 1297-1313
Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1290-1340

Family Trees


Henry Done 1310-1372


Margaret Done 1351-1408


Randle Brereton 1394-1420



392. William De Ipstones and Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton]

John De Ipstones 1325-1364
Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke] 1331-

Thomas Corbet 1334-1359


Amice Corbet [De Shropshire] 1332-

Thomas Swynnerton 1335-1381


Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1319-1361


Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1379-1423


John De Ipstones 1330-1394


De Swynnerton

Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1365-1415

Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1355-1373



William De Ipstones 1390-1399



Brereton [Ipstones]



Page 704

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 393. Philip De Hanmer and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd]
De Macclesfield

Family Trees

De Macclesfield



Einion Ap Gwilym 12631689

Ms. Unknown 12631690

Rired A R Says 12501691

Rired S
Says [Ap Rhys]


John De Hanmer 1277-1308


Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-

Dafydd Ap Rired 12801511

Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1285-



Philip De Hanmer 13001379


David Hanmer 1328-1383



394. Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd

Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 1250-1313

Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 12551694

Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313


Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305


Angharad V
Hanmer [Llewelyn]



Page 705

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 395. Leucu Verch Ednyfed Llwyd

Iowerth Ap Einion 1397-1425

Family Trees

Ednyfed A I Ap Gruffydd 12851515

Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1289-


Leucu V
Ednyfed Llwyd


Angharad V
Hanmer [Llewelyn]



396. Edmund Dutton and Joan Dutton [Minshull]

Hugh De Dutton -1326
Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1290-1347

Peter Thornton 1290-1358


Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1294-1335

Richard Minshull 1290-1348


Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1295-

Robert De Pulford 1300-1349


442... Katherine
De Pulford [Dutton]





Thomas Dutton 13141517

Dutton [Thornton]


Henry Minshull 1314-1370


Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1318-1380


Edmund Dutton 1342-1366


Joan 442...
Dutton [Minshull]


Piers Dutton 1367-1433



Page 706

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 397. John Boteler and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton]
William Le Boteler 12701707

Family Trees

Sybil Le Boteler 1285-1330


Nicholas De Havering 12821709

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400

Robert Plumpton 1268-1325


Plumpton [Roos]


John Mowbray 12791713

Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-

William Le Boteler 13091521

William De Plumpton 1294-1362




John Boteler 1335-1400


Boteler [Plumpton]


Dutton [Butler]



398. George Carrington and Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren]

John Carrington 13471715

Carrington [Hyde]

John De Arderne 1327-1379


Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1327-1387

Nicholas Warren 1378-1413


Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1375-1417

Richard Bulkeley

Margery Venables 1369-1459



Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1345-1392


William Carrington 1342-1381


Laurence Warren 1394-1444

Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1420-

Warren [Bulkeley]



George Carrington 1375-1426



John Carrington 1430-1453



Page 707

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 399. John Beeston and Elizabeth Beeston [Bold]
443... William Beeston 1388-1416
Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1390-1414

Family Trees

Thomas Hanford 13701725

Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1392-

Richard Bold 1380-1438


Elena Bold [Halsall] 1384-1469


John Savage 14031729

Savage [Brereton]




Thomas Beeston 1414-1477


Beeston [Handford]


Henry De Bold 1401-1479


Gracia De Bold 1405-1480



John Beeston 1430-1498


Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1441-1505


Elizabeth Beeston 14601280


400. John Dutton and Margaret Dutton [Atherton]

Edmund Dutton 1342-1366

Dutton [Minshull]


Ralph De Vernon 13571733

Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford] 1361-

William Atherton 13501735

Atherton [Vernon]


John Pilkington 13641737

Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1351-


Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1388-1440

Hugh Dutton 1369-1440


Dutton [De Vernon]


William Atherton 1384-1435



John Dutton 1399-1461


Dutton [Atherton]


Peter Dutton 14281281


Page 708

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 401. Robert Grosvenor and Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell]
Robert Le Grosvenor 13471739
Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1348-1348

Family Trees

Richard Venables 1330-1403


Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1342-1450


Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1384-1420

Thomas Grosvenor 1377-1429


Jeoffry De Chedell 13831551

Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1409-

Jeoffry De Chedell 13871552


Robert Grosvenor 1405-1464



Dutton [Grosvenor]



402. Thomas Fulleshurst and Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring]

Robert De Fulleshurst 13381743
Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1338-1388

Hugh De Venables 1330-1383


Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1335-1398

William Mainwaring 1316-1364


Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1318-1406

Hugh De Venables 1330-1383


Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1335-1398


Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1367-1416


Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1369-1459

De Fouleshurst



Randle Mainwaring 1367-1456




Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1401-1402

Thomas Fulleshurst 13971401


Robert Fouleshurst 1432-1523



Page 709

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 403. Richard Vernon

William De Vernon 1313-1346
Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1315-1346

Family Trees

Robert De Pembrugge 13141751

Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1325-1345


Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1349-1409

Richard Vernon 1346-1376



Richard Vernon 1370-1400


Joan Vernon 14231284


404. Eleanor Hulse

Hugh De Hulse 1342-1407

De Hulse [Bruen]


John Domville 1322-1395


Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1323-1400


Hugh Hulse 1364-1405


Hulse [De Domville]


Eleanor Hulse 13871404

Joan Vernon 14231284


Page 710

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 405. Madoc Kynaston and Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin]
Griffith Kynaston 12551757

Family Trees

Jane V
Kynaston [Iowerth]


John Touchet 13501759

Gwerfyl V Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1350-

Touchet [Mortimer]


Philip Kynaston 1280-1327


Jenkin Lord 12851563

Jane Lord [Tuchet]



Madoc Kynaston 1340-1403


Sylvia V
Kynaston [Jenkin]


Jenkin Kynaston 1330-1389



406. Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd and Llewelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd]
Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 1250-1313

Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 12551762

Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313


Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305


Llewelyn D Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1315-


Annes V Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1334-



Page 711

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 407. Henry De Percy and Mary De Percy [Plantagenet]
Henry De Percy -1314

Family Trees

De Percy [Fitzalan]

Robert De Clifford


Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1276-

Edmund Crouchback

Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1248-

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283


Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-

Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1300-


Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

Henry De Percy

Henry Plantagenet 12811569

Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1320-



Henry De Percy 13201409


Henry De Percy


408. Ralph Neville and Alice Neville [De Audley]

Robert De Neville 1240-1271
Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1244-

Robert F Clavering 12471775

Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1251-1329

James De Audley 12251777

Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1226-

Edmund De Mortimer 12521779

Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1262-


Eupheme F De Neville [Clavering] 1267-1329


Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1270-1328

Randolph De Neville

Hugh Audley 1250-1325




Ralph Neville 12911411

Neville [De Audley]


De Percy [Neville]



Page 712

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 409. Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth and Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog]
Llewellyn A I Ap Einudd

Family Trees

Sibyl V
Ap Einudd [Hart]


Iorwerth Ap Awr 12701575

Madog A L Ap Heilyn 1270-1331


Agharad V
Ap Heilyn [Daffyd]

Margred V Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1300-

Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1295-1332



Lleucu V Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1325-



410. Thomas Grey and Agnes Grey [De Beyle]

John Grey 1225-1267

Mrs J Grey 12291784

Thomas De Grey 1266-1310


Mrs T De Grey 12701579

Thomas Grey 1297-1344


Grey [De Beyle]


Thomas Grey 13281291


Page 713

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 411. William De Pressene and William De Pressene
Henry De Percy 12351785
Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1251-1282

Family Trees

John Fitzalan

Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1248-1274



Henry De Percy -1314


Eleanor F
De Percy [Arunde]


William De Pressene 1303-1350


William De Pressene 13101418

Grey [De Pressene]



412. John De Mowbray and Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet]

Roger De Mowbray 1254-1297
Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] -1316

William De Braos 1280-1326


De Braos [Sully]

Edmund Crouchback


Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1248-

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283


Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-



Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

John De Mowbray

Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1305-1331

Henry Plantagenet 12811584

Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1310-



John De Mowbray


John De Mowbray -1368



Page 714

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 413. John De Segrave and Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet]
John De Segrave 1256-1325
Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1263-1331

Family Trees

Richard Fitzalan

Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1271-

Edward I Plantagenet

Margaret Capet 12791802

445... Roger Halys 1275-1313


Halys [De Berkeley]



Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1289-1325

Stephen J De Seagrave 1320-1325


Thomas Plantagenet -1338

Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1322-

Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1302-1327



John De Segrave 13151421



Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] -1368



414. Thomas De Holand and Joan De Holand [Plantagenet]

Robert De Holand 1253-1304
Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1256-1311

Alan La Zouche

Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1270-1314

Edward I Plantagenet

Plantagenet [Capet]


John Wake 12681811

Wake [Fitzbernard]



Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1290-

Robert De Holand 12851590

Edmund Plantagenet
Joan De Holand [Plantagenet]

Plantagenet [Wake]



Thomas De Holand 13141423


Thomas De Holand 13541295


Page 715

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 415. Richard Fitzalan and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet]
Richard Fitzalan
Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1271-

Family Trees

William De Warenne 12601815

Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1264-

Edmund Crouchback

Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1248-

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283


Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-


Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1277-1338


Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

Edmund Fitzalan

Henry Plantagenet 12811596

Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-



Richard Fitzalan 13131425


Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1350-



416. Edward Iii Plantagenet and Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes]

506... Edward I Plantagenet

Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1244-

509... Philip I T Fair 12681823

488... Juana P Fair [Navarre] 12721824

510... Jean De Avesnes 12471825

Philippina C De Avesnes
[Luxembourg Maas]

Charles De Valois


Marguerite P O De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1273-



Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1294-

King Edward

Isabella Edward [De France] 1292-

Willem De Avesnes 12861600

Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1314-




Edward I Plantagenet



John O G Plantagenet c13421297


Page 716

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 417. Henry Plantagenet and Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont]
Edmund Plantagenet

Family Trees

511... Blanche D Artois 12481830

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283


Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-

Louis De Brienne 1265-1297


Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1270-1270

Alexander Comyn 1270-1305


Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1256-1320

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317



Henry Plantagenet 12811602

Henry Beaumont 12851604

Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1315-1361

Beaumont [Comyn]




Henry Plantagenet 13001429


Blanche Plantagenet


418. William De Bohun and Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere]

Humphrey De Bohun 12491837
Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1231-


Humphrey De Bohun 12761606

William De Bohun 13121431

Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1313-


Humphrey Bohun


Page 717

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 419. Richard Fitzalan and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet]
Richard Fitzalan
Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1271-

Family Trees

William De Warenne 12601841

Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1264-

Edmund Crouchback

Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1248-

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283


Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-


Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1277-1338


Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

Edmund Fitzalan

Henry Plantagenet 12811609

Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1311-



Richard Fitzalan 13131433


Bohun [Fitzalan]



420. Reynold De Cobham and Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley]

John De Cobham 1220-1252
Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1234-1275

William De Ferrers 12401849

William De Ferrers [D Evere] 1238-

Maurice De Berkeley c12821851

Eve La Zouche

Roger Mortimer

Joan Mortimer [De Geneville]


Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1269-1295

Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1308-

Reginald De Cobham 1265-1295


Thomas De Berkeley 12931613

Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1329-



Reynold De Cobham 12951435


Reynold De Cobham 13481301


Page 718

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 421. John Maltravers and Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian]
John Mautravers 1266-1341
Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1268-1314

Family Trees

Maurice De Berkeley 1268-1326

Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1294-1322


John Maltravers 12901615

Mr. Unknown 13001617

Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1324-1375


John Maltravers 13141437


Eleanor Maltravers 13461302


422. John Colepeper and Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull]

Thomas Colepeper 1244-1310

Thomas Colepeper 12411859

John Bayhalle 12601860

Joanna Bayhalle 12661861

William Hardreshull 12701862

Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1272-

James Stafford 12641864

Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1306-


Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1294-1365

Thomas Colepeper 1278-1321


Colepeper [Bayhall]


John Hardreshull -1368

Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1312-1386


John Colepeper 1308-1376




Thomas Colepeper 1345-1429



Page 719

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 423. Nicholas De Greene

490... Thomas De Greene 1260-1319

Family Trees

Eudo La Zouche 1244-1279


Millicent De Cantilupe 1250-1299


Thomas De Greene 1275-1352


Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1279-



Nicholas De Greene 13121441

Colepeper [Green]



424. Joan Bruce

Bernard Bruce 12641869

Agnes Bruce 12701870

449... John Hardreshull -1368


Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1294-1365

Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1320-

John Bruce




Joan Bruce 13471442

Colepeper [Green]



Page 720

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 425. Gilbert Bullock and Anne Bullock [Nevill]
452... Gilbert Bullock 12501871

Family Trees

Mrs G Bullock 12541872

453... Randolph De Neville


Eupheme F De Neville [Clavering] 1267-1329


Robert Bullock 12811626

Mrs R Bullock 12851627

Thomas De Neville 1306-1349



Gilbert Bullock 13121443

Anne 453...
Bullock [Nevill]


Robert Bullock 1343-1405



426. John Norreys and Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft]

455... John Norreys 1330-1372

Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1332-

491... Roger De Ernys 13101877

Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-

456... Harry Ravenscroft 13701879

Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1372-

456... John De Stanley 13621881

Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1364-




Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1394-

Henry Norreys 1351-1429


Norreys [De Ernys]


Ralph Ravenscroft 13951632

Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1438-1525



John Norreys 1372-1456




Roger Norreys 1389-1422



Page 721

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 427. Roger De Ernys and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux]
Richard Ernois 12401883

Family Trees

Richard Ernois 12451884

458... William De Molyneux 1263-1335


Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298

458... Richard De Molyneux 1232-1320


Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1232-1336

458... Unknown S Scarisbrick

Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298



Robert Ernois 12701634

Jane 458...
Ernois [Molyneux]


William De Molyneux 1263-1335

Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-



Roger De Ernys 13101447



Alice De Ernys 13531325


428. William Montford and Rose Montford [Bradstone]

459... John De Montfort 1297-1365

Joan J De Montfort [De Clinton] 1300-1371

513... John De Clinton 1300-1335


459... Margery
De Clinton [Corbet]



Baldwin De Montfort 1328-1386


Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1331-



William Montford 1356-1450


Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1360-


Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1372-



Page 722

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 429. Richard Sergeaux and Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan]
514... Richard Sergeaux 1300-1362

Family Trees

Margaret B Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1305-

460... John Seneschal 13001894

Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1305-

461... Richard Fitzalan 13131896

Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1312-1376

461... William De Montagu 13031898

Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1304-


Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1326-1355


Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1330-

Richard Sergeaux 13281640

Edmund Fitzalan 1327-1377





Richard Sergeaux 13461451

Phillippa 461...
Sergeaux [Fitzalan]


De Vere [Sergeaux]



430. John Howard and Alice Howard [Tendring]

516... John Howard 1310-1388

517... Alice
Howard [De Bosco]


518... Robert De Scales 13111902

Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1317-1339

495... William Tendring 1319-1375


Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1322-

William Mylde 1322-1343


William Mylde 13221907



Robert Howard 13361644

Howard [De Scales]


William Tendring 1339-1421


Tendring [Milde]



John Howard 13651453

Alice 463...
Howard [Tendring]


John Howard 13801330


Page 723

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 431. John Walton and Elizabeth Walton [Butler]
464... Thomas De Wauton 1328-1385

Family Trees

464... Elizabeth
De Wauton [Aspall]


466... William Le Boteler 13091910

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400

466... William De Plumpton 1294-1362


Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-



John De Walton 1354-1394


John Boteler 1335-1400


Boteler [Plumpton]



John Walton 1372-1391


Elizabeth 466...
Walton [Butler]


Howard [Walton]



432. Lawrence Bathurst

467... Richard Bathurst 1381-1433

Lawrence Bathurst 14071652


Lawrence Bathurst 1435-1461


Lawrence Bathurst 1457-1549



Page 724

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 433. Agnes Lnu

Agnes Lnu 1400-1483

Family Trees

Lawrence Bathurst 1457-1549



434. Richard Weightman and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan]

384... Richard Weightman 1400-1491
Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-


Thomas Weightman 1380-1471



Richard Weightman 1400-1491


Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1413-


Thomas Weightman 1380-1471



Page 725

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 435. Robert Bond and Elizabeth Bond [De Earth]
468... Mr. Bond 13301915

Family Trees

Henry De Earth 1299-1353


Richard Bond 13551653

Geoffrey De Earth 1345-1405


Ms. Unknown 13451655


Robert Bond 13781464

Bond [De Earth]


Richard B De Earth 14121347


436. Walter Ross

Hugh Ross

469... Jean Ross [Munro]


Paul Macintyre

William Ross

Ross [Macintyre]



Walter Ross

Hugh Ross


Page 726

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 437. Helen Sinclair

524... Henry St Clair 1345-1404

Family Trees

Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1355-1400


Earl O O Sinclair c1375-1421



Helen Sinclair

Ross [Sutherland]



438. Philip De Hanmer and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd]

526... Thomas
De Macclesfield


527... Einion Ap Gwilym 12631923

Ms. Unknown 12631924

528... Rired A R Says 12501925

Rired S
Says [Ap Rhys]


John De Hanmer 1277-1308


Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-

Dafydd Ap Rired 12801661

Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-

Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1285-




Philip De Hanmer 13001489



David Hanmer 1328-1383



Page 727

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 439. Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd and Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan]
529... Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 1250-1313

Family Trees

530... Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 12551928

Madoc C Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1250-1324

536... Gruffudd A Iorwerth 12181933

537... Margred V
Iorwerth [Rhys]



Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313


Madog F Ap Madog 12801665

Gwladus V Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1245-

Margred V Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1294-

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 473... 1300-1305




Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1314-



440. Margery De Clotton

William De Clotton 1285-1340
Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1311-1360


Margery De Clotton 1315-1370


Margaret Done 1351-1408



Page 728

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 441. Gwenllian Verch Flaidd

Rhirid Flaidd 1160-1207

Family Trees

Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611514

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305



442. Henry Minshull and Tibota Minshull [De Pulford]

Hugh De Dutton -1326

Richard Minshull 1290-1348


Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1295-

Robert De Pulford 1300-1349

Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1318-1380

De Pulford [Dutton]



Henry Minshull 1314-1370



Dutton [Minshull]



Page 729

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 443. Thomas Beeston and Elizabeth Beeston [Handford]
Margery Venables 1369-1459

Family Trees

William Beeston 1388-1416


Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1390-1414

Thomas Hanford 13701725

Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1392-



Thomas Beeston 1414-1477


Beeston [Handford]


John Beeston 1430-1498



444. Gwenllian Verch Flaidd

Rhirid Flaidd 1160-1207

Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611566

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305



Page 730

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 445. Thomas Plantagenet and Alice Plantagenet [De Hales]
Margaret Capet 12791802

Family Trees

Edward I Plantagenet

Margaret Capet 12791802

Roger Halys 1275-1313

Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1302-1327

Halys [De Berkeley]


Thomas Plantagenet -1338



Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1322-



446. King Edward and Isabella Edward [De France]

538... Henry Plantagenet

Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1217-

540... Ferdinand Castile 12001937

Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1244-

542... Philip T Bold


543... Isabella
Bold [De Aragon]


511... Blanche D Artois 12481830


Edward I Plantagenet

Philip I T Fair 12681823

Isabella Edward [De France] 1292-

Juana P Fair [Navarre] 12721824



King Edward



Edward I Plantagenet


Page 731

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 447. Willem De Avesnes and Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois]
544... Henri C
Luxembourg Maas

Family Trees

Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1220-


Philippina C De Avesnes

Jean De Avesnes 12471825

[Luxembourg Maas]

Charles De Valois
Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1294-


Marguerite P O De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1273-




Willem De Avesnes 12861600


Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1314-



448. Henry Plantagenet and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth]

546... Robert I C O Artois c12181943

Artois [De Brabant]


Edmund Plantagenet

Blanche D Artois 12481830

Patrick De Chaworth 1250-1283

Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1282-1317

Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1236-



Henry Plantagenet 12811602


Henry Plantagenet 13001429


Page 732

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 449. John Hardreshull and Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford]
William Hardreshull 12701862
Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1272-

Family Trees

James Stafford 12641864

Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1294-1365

Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1306-



John Hardreshull -1368



Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1312-1386

Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1320-





450. Thomas De Greene and Lucy De Greene [La Zouche]

Millicent De Cantilupe 1250-1299


Thomas De Greene 1260-1319


Eudo La Zouche 1244-1279


Millicent De Cantilupe 1250-1299 =490

Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1279-

Thomas De Greene 1275-1352



Nicholas De Greene 13121441


Page 733

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 451. John Bruce and Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull]
William Hardreshull 12701862
Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1272-

Family Trees

James Stafford 12641864

Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1306-


Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1294-1365

Bernard Bruce 12641869

Agnes Bruce 12701870

John Hardreshull -1368

Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1320-


John Bruce



Joan Bruce 13471442


452. Robert Bullock and Mrs Robert Bullock

Richard Bullock 1219-1272

Richard Bullock 12131946

Gilbert Bullock 12501871

Mrs G Bullock 12541872

Robert Bullock 12811626

Mrs R Bullock 12851627

Gilbert Bullock 13121443


Page 734

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 453. Thomas De Neville

Robert De Neville 1240-1271
Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1244-

Family Trees

Robert F Clavering 12471949

Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1251-1329


Eupheme F De Neville [Clavering] 1267-1329

Randolph De Neville


Thomas De Neville 1306-1349


Bullock [Nevill]



454. Ms Anne Neville

Ms A Neville 12931629

Bullock [Nevill]



Page 735

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 455. Henry Norreys and Alice Norreys [De Ernys]
Henry Norreys 1310-1367
Agnes Norreys [De Ireland] 1312-

Family Trees

William De Balderston 1239-1292


William De Balderston 12431954

Robert Ernois 12701955

512... Jane
Ernois [Molyneux]


William De Molyneux 1263-1335


Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298


Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-

John Norreys 1330-1372


Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1332-

Roger De Ernys 13101877




Henry Norreys 1351-1429


Alice 491...
Norreys [De Ernys]


John Norreys 1372-1456



456. Ralph Ravenscroft and Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley]

Ralph Holland 13501959
Rose Holland [Skevington] 1353-

William Stanley 1330-1398


Stanley [Massey]


Thomas De Latham 1330-1382


Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1366-

Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1372-

Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1364-

Harry Ravenscroft 13701879

John De Stanley 13621881

Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1394-



Ralph Ravenscroft 13951632


Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1438-1525



Page 736

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 457. Robert Ernois and Jane Ernois [Molyneux]
458... Richard De Molyneux 1232-1320

Family Trees

Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1232-1336

458... Unknown S Scarisbrick

Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298


Richard Ernois 12401883

Richard Ernois 12451884

William De Molyneux 1263-1335



Robert Ernois 12701634

Jane 458...
Ernois [Molyneux]


Roger De Ernys 13101447


458. William De Molyneux and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick]

William De Molyneux 1210-1289
Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1212-1250

Richard Donne 12101967

Ms. Donne

Mr. Scarisbrick


Richard De Molyneux 1232-1320


Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1232-1336

Unknown S Scarisbrick
Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298


William De Molyneux 1263-1335



Ernois [Molyneux]


Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-




Page 737

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 459. Baldwin De Montfort and Mary De Montfort [Clinton]
John De Montfort 12641970
Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1267-1303

Family Trees

John De Clinton 1258-1313


Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1270-1321

John De Clinton 1258-1313


Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1270-1321

William Corbet -1351


Mrs W Corbet 1286-1375



Joan J De Montfort [De Clinton] 1300-1371


John De Montfort 1297-1365




John De Clinton 1300-1335

Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1331-

De Clinton [Corbet]



Baldwin De Montfort 1328-1386



William Montford 1356-1450



460. Richard Sergeaux and Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal]

547... John Cerizeaux 12801976

Joan Cerizeaux 12791977

515... John Seneschal 1275-1318


Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1305-

John Seneschal 1250-1308


Oger Keningk 1248-1292


Keningk [Bloigho]


Margaret B Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1305-

Richard Sergeaux 1300-1362


John Seneschal 13001894

Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1326-1355

Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1305-




Richard Sergeaux 13281640


Richard Sergeaux 13461451


Page 738

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 461. Edmund Fitzalan and Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu]
Edmund Fitzalan
Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1277-1338

Family Trees

Hugh Le Despenser 12901985

Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1292-

William De Montagu 12751987

Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1275-1345

William De Grandison 12561989

Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1271-


Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1312-1376


Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1304-

Richard Fitzalan 13131896

William De Montagu 13031898

Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1330-



Edmund Fitzalan 1327-1377



Sergeaux [Fitzalan]



462. Robert Howard and Margaret Howard [De Scales]

548... John Howard 1276-1331
Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1285-1341

549... Robert De Bosco 1288-1334


Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1290-

551... Robert De Scales 12791995

Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1287-

553... Robert De Ufford


Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1286-




Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1317-1339

John Howard 1310-1388


Howard [De Bosco]


Robert De Scales 13111902



Robert Howard 13361644

Margaret 494...
Howard [De Scales]


John Howard 13651453


Page 739

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 463. William Tendring and Katherine Tendring [Milde]
Thomas Tendering 14321999
Agnes Tendering [Holbroke] 1432-

Family Trees

554... William Kerdeston 13072001

555... Margaret
Kerdeston [Bacon]



William Tendring 1319-1375


Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1322-

William Mylde 1322-1343


William Mylde 13221907



William Tendring 1339-1421


Tendring [Milde]


Howard [Tendring]



464. John De Walton

John De Wauton 13312003

John Aspall 13042005

Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 1285-1338


Thomas De Wauton 1328-1385


De Wauton [Aspall]


John De Walton 1354-1394


John Walton 1372-1391



Page 740

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 465. Walter Walton

Walter Walton 13561649

Family Trees

John Walton 1372-1391



466. John Boteler and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton]

William Le Boteler 12702007

Sybil Le Boteler 1285-1330


Nicholas De Havering 12822009

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400

Robert Plumpton 1268-1325


Plumpton [Roos]


John Mowbray 12792013

Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-

William Le Boteler 13091910

William De Plumpton 1294-1362




John Boteler 1335-1400


Boteler [Plumpton]


Walton [Butler]



Page 741

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 467. Lawrence Bathurst

Richard De Bodehurst 13602015

Family Trees

Richard Bathurst 1381-1433


Lawrence Bathurst 14071652

Lawrence Bathurst 1435-1461



468. Richard Bond

Richard Bond 13002016

Mr. Bond 13301915

Richard Bond 13551653

Robert Bond 13781464


Page 742

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 469. William Ross and Catherine Ross [Macintyre]
Robert Munro

Family Trees

Hugh Ross

Jean Ross [Munro]


Paul Macintyre

William Ross

Ross [Macintyre]


Walter Ross


470. Earl of Orkney Sinclair

524... William St Clair 1328-1358

524... Isabella
St Clair [Strathern]


525... John Halyburton 1335-1402


Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 1338-

Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1355-1400

Henry St Clair 1345-1404




Earl O O Sinclair c1375-1421


Helen Sinclair


Page 743

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 471. John De Hanmer and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion]
526... Thomas Macclesfield 1225-1310

Family Trees

527... Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 1245-1293


Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1245-


De Macclesfield


Einion Ap Gwilym 12631923

Ms. Unknown 12631924

Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-


John De Hanmer 1277-1308




Philip De Hanmer 13001489


472. Dafydd Ap Rired and Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired]

528... Rhys S Gan -1078

528... Eva V
Gan [Ap Rhys]


Rired A R Says 12501925

Rired S
Says [Ap Rhys]



Dafydd Ap Rired 12801661

Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1285-


Agnes V De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1305-



Page 744

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 473. Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel

529... Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1233-1270

Family Trees

Catherine V Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 1233-

530... Iorwerth Ap Griffin 1206-1276


Tangwystl F Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 1224-



Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 1250-1313


Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 12551928

Gruffydd A I Voel 500... 1275-1313


Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305



474. Gwenllian Verch Flaidd

531... Gwrreneu F Ap Collwyn 11202031

Genris V Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 1125-


Rhirid Flaidd 1160-1207


Gwenllian V Flaidd 501... 12611664

Llywelyn D Ap Gruffydd 1300-1305



Page 745

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 475. Madog Fychan Ap Madog and Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd]
534... Gruffydd F Ap Gruffydd 1240-1289
Madoc C Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1250-1324

Family Trees

Margred F Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 1242-

536... Iorwerth A G Ap Ieuaf 11602039

Angharad V Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 1170-

537... Rhys Ap Rhys 11952041

537... Gwladus V
Ap Rhys [Gruffydd]




Gruffudd A Iorwerth 12181933

Margred V
Iorwerth [Rhys]

Gwladus V Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1245-



Madog F Ap Madog 12801665



Margred V Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1294-



476. Gwenhwyfer Verch Ap Ieuan

Gwenhwyfer V

Ap Ieuan

Elen F
Ap Gruffudd [John]



477. Roesia De Vernon

Roesia De Vernon 1289-1322

William Brereton 1300-1342



Page 746

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 478. Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed

Gwenllian V Ednyfed 11921696

Family Trees

Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611514


479. Angharad Verch Ap Gruffydd

Angharad V Ap Gruffydd 14421698

Ednyfed A I Ap Gruffydd 12851515


480. Joan Bryan

Joan Bryan 1283-1317

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400



Page 747

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 481. Alice De Braose

Alice De Braose 1286-1331

Family Trees

Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-



482. Hugh De Venables and Margery De Venables [Cotton]

Hugh De Venables 1330-1383
Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1335-1398


Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1367-1416

Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1369-1459





483. Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed

Gwenllian V Ednyfed 11921764

Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611566


Page 748

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 484. Edward I Plantagenet and Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile]
559... John L Plantagenet

Family Trees

Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-

539... Raymond Berenger 11982045

Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266

540... Alfonso T Slobberer


Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 1181-


Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1217-


Henry Plantagenet

Ferdinand Castile 12001937

Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1244-



Edward I Plantagenet



King Edward


485. Philip IV The Fair and Juana Princess Fair [Navarre]

562... Louis Capet

Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 1221-

543... Jaime I Mallorc


Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 1213-

546... Robert I C O Artois c12181943

Artois [De Brabant]




Philip T Bold

Bold [De Aragon]


Blanche D Artois 12481830


Philip I T Fair 12681823

Juana P Fair [Navarre] 488... 12721824

Isabella Edward [De France] 1292-



Page 749

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 486. Jean De Avesnes and Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas]
544... Waleram D Montj 1180-c1226

Family Trees

544... Ermensinde
Montj [De Namur]


545... Henry De Bar 11902057

545... Philippa
De Bar [De Dreux]


Henri C
Luxembourg Maas


Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1220-

Philippina C De Avesnes

Jean De Avesnes 12471825


[Luxembourg Maas]



Willem De Avesnes 12861600


487. Edmund Plantagenet and Blanche D Artois

546... Louis V T Lion

546... Blanca
Lion [Alphonsa]


Robert I C O Artois c12181943

Artois [De Brabant]


Edmund Plantagenet


Blanche D Artois 12481830


Henry Plantagenet 12811602


Page 750

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 488. Blanche D Artois

546... Louis V T Lion

Family Trees

546... Blanca
Lion [Alphonsa]


Robert I C O Artois c12181943

Artois [De Brabant]



Blanche D Artois 12481830


Juana P Fair [Navarre] 12721824


489. Eve La Zouche

Eve La Zouche

Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1294-1322



490. Millicent De Cantilupe

Millicent De Cantilupe 1250-1299

Thomas De Greene 1260-1319


Thomas De Greene 1275-1352




Page 751

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 491. Roger De Ernys and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux]
William De Molyneux 1263-1335
Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298

Family Trees


Robert Ernois 12701955

Jane 512...
Ernois [Molyneux]


William De Molyneux 1263-1335

Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-

Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298


Roger De Ernys 13101877



Norreys [De Ernys]



492. Richard Sergeaux and Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal]

547... Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307

Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374

John Seneschal 1250-1308


John D H Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 1254-

Oger Keningk 1248-1292


515... Constance
Keningk [Bloigho]





John Cerizeaux 12801976

Joan Cerizeaux 12791977

John Seneschal 1275-1318

Margaret B Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1305-

Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1305-



Richard Sergeaux 1300-1362




Richard Sergeaux 13281640


Page 752

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 493. John Howard and Alice Howard [De Bosco]
564... Richard D J Cornwall 1265-1280

Family Trees

566... Robert De Boys 12682068

Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 1280-1317

569... William Latimer 12762070

Lucy Latimer [De Thweng]


Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1290-

John Howard 1276-1331


Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1285-1341

Robert De Bosco 1288-1334





John Howard 1310-1388


Alice 517...
Howard [De Bosco]


Robert Howard 13361644


494. Robert De Scales and Catharine De Scales [De Ufford]

571... Robert Scales 12492072

Scales [Burnell]

572... Hugh De Courtenay


Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 1252-


575... Robert D Ufford 1279-1316


577... Cecily
Ufford [Devaloines]


Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1287-

Robert De Scales 12791995

Robert De Ufford
Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1317-1339

Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1286-




Robert De Scales 13111902



Howard [De Scales]



Page 753

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 495. William Tendring and Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston]
554... Roger De Kerdeston 12642078

Family Trees

Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 1277-1347

580... Adam Bacon 1286-1357


581... Margery Bacon [Felton] 1290-1354



Thomas Tendering 14321999

Agnes Tendering [Holbroke] 1432-

William Kerdeston 13072001

Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1322-

Kerdeston [Bacon]



William Tendring 1319-1375




William Tendring 1339-1421



496. Henry St Clair and Jean St Clair [Haliburton]

524... William St Clair 13132082

524... Rosabell
St Clair [Rosabelle]


524... Malise Of Strathern 1299-1357


524... Marjory
Of Strathern [Ross]


525... John Haliburton 1313-c1356


525... Ms.
Haliburton [Vaux]

525... John Cameron



Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 1292-

Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 1338-

William St Clair 1328-1358


St Clair [Strathern]


John Halyburton 1335-1402

Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1355-1400



Henry St Clair 1345-1404




Earl O O Sinclair c1375-1421



Page 754

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 497. Thomas De Macclesfield

526... Roger Macclesfield 12152090

Family Trees

Isabel Macclesfield 12162091

Thomas Macclesfield 1225-1310


Thomas 526...
De Macclesfield


John De Hanmer 1277-1308



498. Einion Ap Gwilym and Ms. Unknown

527... Gruffudd
Ap Gwenwynwyn

Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 1234-1310



Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 1245-1293


Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1245-



Einion Ap Gwilym 12631923

Ms. Unknown 12631924

Hawise V De Hanmer [Einion] 1280-



Page 755

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 499. Rired Ap Rhys Says and Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys]
528... Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 1030-1076

Family Trees

Janet V Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] -1068

528... Rhys Ap Gruffydd 1129-1197



Rhys S Gan -1078


Eva V
Gan [Ap Rhys]



Rired A R Says 12501925

Rired S
Says [Ap Rhys]


Dafydd Ap Rired 12801661


500. Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth

529... Iorwerth G AP Owain 1215-1236

Angharad V AP Owain [Gruffudd] 1360-

584... Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072099

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262

530... Griffri A H Goch 11802101

530... Mallt I V Goch [Einudd] 11812102

530... Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 1186-1277

Tangwystl F Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 1224-


Catherine V Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 1233-

Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1233-1270


Iorwerth Ap Griffin 1206-1276




Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 529... 1250-1313


Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 530... 12551928

Gruffydd A I Voel 1275-1313



Page 756

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 501. Rhirid Flaidd

531... Colyn Gwergynan 11502104

Family Trees

Aneiwrodd F Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 1095-

Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 10932106

531... Haer V
Ap Hirdref [Cillin]



Gwrreneu F Ap Collwyn 11202031

Genris V Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 1125-



Rhirid Flaidd 1160-1207


Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611664


502. Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed

532... Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 11222108

532... Angharad V
Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa]


Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 1139-1246


Gwenllian V Ednyfed 532... 11921930

Gwenllian V Flaidd 12611664


Page 757

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 503. Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan

534... Gruffudd Ap Madog 12182112

Family Trees

534... Griffri Ap Cadwgon 12002114

Janet F Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 1180-

Margred F Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 1242-

Gruffydd F Ap Gruffydd 1240-1289

Madoc C Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1250-1324




Madog F Ap Madog 12801665


504. Sionet Ferch Rhys

535... Rhys Ap Rhys 1170-1244

535... Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072118

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262

Gwladus V Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 1221-1261

Rhys V
Ap Rhys Mechell




Sionet F Rhys 12601932

Madog F Ap Madog 12801665


Page 758

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 505. Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth and Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys]
536... Leuaf Ap Nynnio 11202120

Family Trees

536... Efa V
Ap Nynnio [Einion]


536... Llywelyn A M Caradog 11502122

Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 1164-

537... Rhys Ap Rhys 1170-1244


Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 1174-1249

537... Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072126

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262

Angharad V Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 1170-



Iorwerth A G Ap Ieuaf 11602039

Rhys Ap Rhys 11952041

Gwladus V
Ap Rhys [Gruffydd]




Gruffudd A Iorwerth 12181933

Margred V 537...
Iorwerth [Rhys]


Gwladus V Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1245-



506. Henry Plantagenet and Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger]

588... Henry I O England

Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-

590... Aymer D Taillefer 1160-1218


Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218

539... Alfonso A Provence 1180-1209


Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 1181-1209

539... Thomas I Savoy


539... Beatrix D G
Savoy [Faucigny]

Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266


Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-


John L Plantagenet

Raymond Berenger 11982045

Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1217-




Henry Plantagenet



Edward I Plantagenet


Page 759

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 507. Ferdinand Castile

592... King O L Fernando Ii 11372136

Family Trees

Urraca A Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 1151-

561... Alfonso Sanchez


Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]


Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 1181-

Alfonso T Slobberer



Ferdinand Castile 12001937

Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1244-



508. Joan De Dammartin

541... Aubrey Dammartin 11352140

Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 1138-1210

541... William Ponthieu 1179-1221


541... Alix
Ponthieu [France]



De Dammartin


Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 1186-1251


Joan 541...
De Dammartin


Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1244-



Page 760

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 509. Philip The Bold and Isabella Bold [De Aragon]
595... Louis Capet

Family Trees

596... Blanca
Capet [Alphonsa]

563... Raymond Berenger 11982146

Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266

597... Pedro K Aragon 11852148

Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 1182-

543... Andrew I O Hungary 11762150

Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 1198-1233


Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 1221-


Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 1213-

Louis Capet

Jaime I Mallorc




Philip T Bold

Isabella 543...
Bold [De Aragon]


Philip I T Fair 12681823


510. Henri Count Luxembourg Maas and Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar]
544... Henri Limburg 11402152

Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 1150-1215

544... Henri De Namur 1113-1196


Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 1155-1196

545... Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 11582156

De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine]


545... Robert De Dreux 11542158

Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 1164-





Waleram D Montj 1180-c1226


Montj [De Namur]


Henry De Bar 11902057

Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1220-

De Bar [De Dreux]


Henri C 544...
Luxembourg Maas




Philippina C De Avesnes
[Luxembourg Maas]




Page 761

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 511. Robert I Count Of Artois and Mahaut Artois [De Brabant]
546... Philippe Auguste

Family Trees

Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault]

546... Alfonso Sanchez


Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]



Louis V T Lion

Lion [Alphonsa]


Robert I C O Artois 546... c12181943

Artois [De Brabant]


Blanche D Artois 12481830


512. William De Molyneux and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick]

William De Molyneux 1263-1335
Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1267-1298


Ernois [Molyneux]


Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1310-




513. John De Clinton and Ida De Clinton [Odingsells]

John De Clinton 1258-1313
Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1270-1321


John De Clinton 1300-1335


Joan J De Montfort [De Clinton] 1300-1371




Page 762

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 514. John Cerizeaux and Joan Cerizeaux
547... Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307

Family Trees

Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374

Reinfred De Arundel 1240-1280


Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 1251-1290


Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374


Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307




John Cerizeaux 12801976

Joan Cerizeaux 12791977

Richard Sergeaux 1300-1362



515. John Seneschal and Joane Seneschal [Keningk]

Alan De Bloisois 12252166

De Bloisois [Hewis]


John Seneschal 1250-1308


John D H Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 1254-

Oger Keningk 1248-1292

Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1305-

Keningk [Bloigho]



John Seneschal 1275-1318



Margaret B Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1305-



Page 763

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 516. John Howard and Joan Howard [De Cornwall]
599... Earl Richard

Family Trees

Richard D J Cornwall 1265-1280


John Howard 1276-1331



Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1285-1341


John Howard 1310-1388



517. Robert De Bosco and Joane De Bosco [Wichingham]

566... John De Boys 1245-1295

568... William Le Latimer 12402172

568... Alice
Le Latimer [Ledet]


569... William Le Latimer 12402174

569... Alice
Le Latimer [Ledet]


570... Robert De Thweng 1252-1284


Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 1254-1284

Lucy Latimer [De Thweng]

Robert De Boys 12682068

Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 1280-1317

William Latimer 12762070

Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1290-




Robert De Bosco 1288-1334




Howard [De Bosco]



Page 764

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 518. Robert De Scales and Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay]
571... Robert Scales 1219-1267

Family Trees

Scales [Clemence]


572... John De Courtenay 12182180

Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 1228-

573... Hugh Le Despencer 12232182

Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 1252-


Robert Scales 12492072

Scales [Burnell]

Hugh De Courtenay
Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1287-




Robert De Scales 12791995



Robert De Scales 13111902


519. Robert De Ufford and Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich]

575... Robert D Ufford 12492184

577... Robert De Valoines 1254-1282


Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 1259-1316


Robert D Ufford 1279-1316


Ufford [Devaloines]



Robert De Ufford

Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1286-


Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1317-1339



Page 765

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 520. William Kerdeston and Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon]
554... William De Kerdeston 12402188
Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 1244-1284

Family Trees

578... William Patenham 12632190

Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 1277-1347

580... Robert Bacon 1258-1321


Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 1262-

581... Simon Felton 12652194



Roger De Kerdeston 12642078

Adam Bacon 1286-1357


Margery Bacon [Felton] 1290-1354




William Kerdeston 13072001

Margaret 555...
Kerdeston [Bacon]


Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1322-



521. John De Wauton

John De Wauton 13112004

Thomas De Wauton 1328-1385



522. Joan Bryan

Joan Bryan 1283-1317

Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1314-1400



Page 766

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 523. Alice De Braose

Alice De Braose 1286-1331

Family Trees

Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1305-



524. William St Clair and Isabella St Clair [Strathern]

Henry St Clair 1283-1323
Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 1260-1336

Mr. Richard

Earl S Malise 1258-1333


Hugh Ross 12752201

Maud Ross [Bruce] 1282-1323



William St Clair 13132082

St Clair [Rosabelle]


Malise Of Strathern 1299-1357


Of Strathern [Ross]


William St Clair 1328-1358


St Clair [Strathern]


Henry St Clair 1345-1404



Page 767

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 525. John Halyburton and Margaret Halyburton [Cameron]
Adam Haliburton 12602203

Family Trees

Isabel Haliburton 12852204

William Vaux 12852205

William Vaux 12892206

John De Cameron 1260-1320


John De Cameron 12692208

John Haliburton 1313-c1356


Haliburton [Vaux]

John Cameron
Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 1338-


Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 1292-


John Halyburton 1335-1402



Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1355-1400



526. Thomas Macclesfield

Gilbert Macclesfield 11902209

Gilbert Macclesfield 11942210

Roger Macclesfield 12152090

Isabel Macclesfield 12162091

Thomas Macclesfield 1225-1310


De Macclesfield



Page 768

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 527. Gwilym Ap Gruffydd and Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd]
Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 1151-1216

Family Trees

Ap Owain [Corbet]


John Le Strange 1194-1269


Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 1210-1294


Ap Gwenwynwyn


Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 1234-1310


Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 1245-1293


Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1245-


Einion Ap Gwilym 12631923


528. Rhys Sais Gan and Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys]
Llywarch Ap Lluddica 9702215
Lleicu V Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan] 982-

Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 1025-1070

Janet V Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] -1068

Gruffydd Ap Rhys 1081-1136


Gwenllian V
Ap Rhys [Gruffydd]



Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 1030-1076


Rhys Ap Gruffydd 1129-1197



Rhys S Gan -1078


Eva V
Gan [Ap Rhys]


Rired A R Says 12501925


Page 769

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 529. Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth and Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd]
Owain Ap Bleddyn 1180-1200
Eva V Ap Bleddyn [Madog] 1198-

Family Trees

Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 1322-1405


Generys V Ap Gwilym [Madog] 1326-

584... Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 11732224

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1168-

604... Caradog Ap Thomas 12002226

585... Eva V
Ap Thomas [Gwyn]



Angharad V AP Owain [Gruffudd] 1360-


Iorwerth G AP Owain 1215-1236


Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072099

Catherine V Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 1233-

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262



Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1233-1270




Iorwerth F Ap Iorwerth 1250-1313



530. Iorwerth Ap Griffin and Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd]

Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 11552228

Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 11592229

Einudd Ap Llywarch 11452230

Einudd Ap Llywarch 11592231

Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 1139-1246


Griffri A H Goch 11802101

Mallt I V Goch [Einudd] 11812102

Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 1186-1277

Tangwystl F Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 1224-

Iorwerth Ap Griffin 1206-1276



Gwladys V Ap Iorwerth 12551928


Page 770

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 531. Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn and Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref]
Moreiddig Ap Rhys 10502234

Family Trees

Ms. Unknown 11252235

Gwrgenau A E Lord 10752236

Gwledyr F Lord [Seisyll]


Cillin Ap Blaidd 993-1024


Colyn Gwergynan 11502104

Aneiwrodd F Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 1095-

Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 10932106

Genris V Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 1125-

Haer V
Ap Hirdref [Cillin]



Gwrreneu F Ap Collwyn 11202031


Rhirid Flaidd 1160-1207



532. Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig

Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 1100-1137

Gwenllian V
Ap Gwgon [Rhirid]


Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 11302241

Gwenllian V Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 1130-1197


Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 11222108

Angharad V
Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa]


Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 1139-1246


Gwenllian V Ednyfed 11921930


Page 771

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 533. Gwenllian Verch Rhys

Madog Ap Maredydd 1091-1160

Family Trees

Susanna V Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 1095-1165

Gwenllian V Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 1131-1148

Rhys Ap Gruffydd 1129-1197



Gwenllian V Rhys 1158-1236


Gwenllian V Ednyfed 11921930


534. Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd and Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin]

Madog Ap Gruffudd 1185-1236

Gwyladys V
Ap Gruffudd [Ithel]


Cadwgon A M Eutun 11702249

Myfanwy F
Eutun [Einudd]


Fulk F Warine 1155-1219


Warine [De Dinan]


Gruffudd Ap Madog 12182112

Griffri Ap Cadwgon 12002114

Janet F Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 1180-

Margred F Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 1242-

Gruffydd F Ap Gruffydd 1240-1289



Madoc C Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1250-1324



Page 772

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 535. Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd]
Rhys Ap Rhys 1150-1233

Family Trees

Ellyw V
Ap Rhys [Thomas]


Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 11732257

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1168-

Caradog Ap Thomas 12002259

Eva V
Ap Thomas [Gwyn]



Rhys Ap Rhys 1170-1244


Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072118

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262

Gwladus V Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 1221-1261

Rhys V
Ap Rhys Mechell



Sionet F Rhys 12601932


536. Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf and Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn]

Ieuaf A N Ap Cynwrig 11082261

Einion Ap Hwyel 10902262

Meurig Ap Caradog 11292264

Meurig Ap Caradog 11412265

Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 1164-

Leuaf Ap Nynnio 11202120

Efa V
Ap Nynnio [Einion]


Llywelyn A M Caradog 11502122

Angharad V Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 1170-


Iorwerth A G Ap Ieuaf 11602039


Gruffudd A Iorwerth 12181933


Page 773

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 537. Rhys Ap Rhys and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd]
Rhys Ap Rhys 1150-1233

Family Trees

Ellyw V
Ap Rhys [Thomas]


Reginald De Braose 11792268

Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 1176-1223

Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 11732270

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1168-

Caradog Ap Thomas 12002272

Eva V
Ap Thomas [Gwyn]


Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 1174-1249


Rhys Ap Rhys 1170-1244


Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072126

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262



Rhys Ap Rhys 11952041

Gwladus V
Ap Rhys [Gruffydd]


Margred V
Iorwerth [Rhys]



538. John Lackland Plantagenet and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer]

605... Geoffrey V Plantagenet

Matilda P Plantagenet [England] -1167

607... William X Toulousan 10992276

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130

609... Guillaume Taillefer 11342278

Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 1138-1162

610... Pierre P O France 1127-1183

Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218 Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 1148-1205


Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-



Henry I O England

Aymer D Taillefer 1160-1218

Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-




John L Plantagenet



Henry Plantagenet


Page 774

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 539. Raymond Berenger and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie]
Alphonso T Chaste

Family Trees

Chaste [Castile]

Raimond D S Du Cailar 1154-1224


Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 1156-1193

Humbert Savoy

Savoy [De Vienne]

Guilliaume I C O


Geneva 11302288

Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 1138-1180


Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 1181-1209


Alfonso A Provence 1180-1209


Thomas I Savoy
Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266

Beatrix D G
Savoy [Faucigny]



Raymond Berenger 11982045


Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1217-



540. Alfonso The Slobberer and Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez]

Alfonso Raimundez
Berenguela R Raimundez [De Barcelona] 1116-

Affonso I Henriquez

Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 1125-

592... Sancho Alfonsez 11352294

Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 1133-

Henry I O England

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222297


Urraca A Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 1151-



King O L Fernando Ii 11372136

Alfonso Sanchez
Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 1181-

Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]



Alfonso T Slobberer



Ferdinand Castile 12001937


Page 775

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 541. Simon De Dammartin and Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu]
Alberic I De Mello 1110-1183

Family Trees

De Mello [Basset]


Renaud I O Claremont 1108-1162


Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 1110-

Jean I De Ponthieu 1140-1191


Louis Capet 11202304

Capet [De Blois]


Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 1138-1210

Aubrey Dammartin 11352140

William Ponthieu 1179-1221

Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 1186-1251

Ponthieu [France]



De Dammartin



De Dammartin



542. Louis Capet and Marguerite Capet [De Provence]

595... Philip A Capet

595... Isabelle
Capet [De Hainault]

596... Alfonso Sanchez


Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]

597... Alfonso A Provence 1180-1209


Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 1181-1209

Thomas I Savoy

Beatrix D G
Savoy [Faucigny]

Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266




Louis Capet

Capet [Alphonsa]

Raymond Berenger 11982146

Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 1221-




Louis Capet



Philip T Bold


Page 776

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 543. Jaime I Mallorc and Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary]
Alphonso T Chaste

Family Trees

Chaste [Castile]

De Montpellier

11582315 2316

Eudoxia P De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 1162-

Bela H Hungary 11482318

Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 1154-1184

Pierre De Courtenay 1155-1219


Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 1175-

Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 1182-


Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 1198-1233


Pedro K Aragon 11852148

Andrew I O Hungary 11762150

Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 1213-



Jaime I Mallorc


Bold [De Aragon]



544. Waleram Duke Montj and Ermensinde Montj [De Namur]

Henry D Limburg 1111-c1168
Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 1110-

Simon I Saarbrucken 11202324

Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 1127-

Godfrey De Namur 10732326

Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 1084-

Henri I De Gueldres 11172328

Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 1128-1179


Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 1150-1215


Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 1155-1196

Henri Limburg 11402152

Henri De Namur 1113-1196




Waleram D Montj 1180-c1226


Montj [De Namur]


Henri C
Luxembourg Maas



Page 777

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 545. Henry De Bar and Philippa De Bar [De Dreux]
Renaud De Bar 11152330

Family Trees

De Bar [De Blois]

De Bar Sur Seine



Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 1112-1161

Robert I De Dreux 11232334

Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 1130-

Raoul I De Coucy 11392336

Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 1141-1169

De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine]


Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 1164-

Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 11582156


Robert De Dreux 11542158



Henry De Bar 11902057

De Bar [De Dreux]


Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1220-



546. Louis Viii The Lion and Blanca Lion [Alphonsa]

Louis Capet 11202338

Capet [De Blois]


Baudouin F Haina 11502340

Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 1135-

Sancho Alfonsez 11352342

Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 1133-

Henry Plantagenet

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222345

Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault]


Philippe Auguste

Alfonso Sanchez

Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]



Louis V T Lion

Lion [Alphonsa]


Robert I C O Artois c12181943


Page 778

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 547. Richard Cerizeaux and Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell]
547... Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307

Family Trees

Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374

Reinfred De Arundel 1240-1280


Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 1251-1290


Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374

Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307


Reinfred De Arundel 1240-1280

Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 1274-1374

Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 1251-1290



Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307



Richard Cerizeaux 1250-1307


John Cerizeaux 12801976



548. Richard De John Cornwall

612... John L Plantagenet

Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-


Earl Richard


Richard D J Cornwall 1265-1280


Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1285-1341



Page 779

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 549. Robert De Boys and Christian De Boys [Le Latimer]
566... Ernald Boys 12212350

Family Trees

Boys [Of England]


568... William Le Latimer 1220-1268


Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 1215-1302

568... Walter De Ledet 1210-1257


568... Ermentrude
De Ledet [De Lisle]



John De Boys 1245-1295


William Le Latimer 12402172

Le Latimer [Ledet]

Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 1280-1317


Robert De Boys 12682068



Robert De Bosco 1288-1334



550. William Latimer and Lucy Latimer [De Thweng]

569... William Le Latimer 1220-1268

Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 1215-1302

569... Walter De Ledet 1210-1257


569... Ermentrude
De Ledet [De Lisle]


570... Marmaduke De Thweng 1225-1279


Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 1240-1282

570... Robert Hansard 12282362

Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 1238-



Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 1254-1284

William Le Latimer 12402174

Le Latimer [Ledet]


Robert De Thweng 1252-1284

Lucy Latimer [De Thweng]



William Latimer 12762070



Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1290-



Page 780

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 551. Robert Scales and Isabel Scales [Burnell]
571... Richard Scales 11892364

Family Trees

Scales [Roucester]


Robert Scales 1219-1267


Scales [Clemence]



Robert Scales 12492072

Scales [Burnell]


Robert De Scales 12791995


552. Hugh De Courtenay and Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer]

572... Robert De Courtenay 11702366

Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 1196-1242

572... Hugh De Vere 11842368

Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 1178-

573... Hugh Le Despencer 11972370

Mrs H Le Despencer 12022371


Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 1228-

John De Courtenay 12182180

Hugh Le Despencer 12232182

Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 1252-



Hugh De Courtenay



Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1287-



Page 781

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 553. Robert D Ufford and Cecily Ufford [Devaloines]
575... John De Peyton 1203-1235

Family Trees

577... Robert De Valoines 1221-1264


Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 1194-1217

577... William Criketot 1239-1269

Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 1259-1316


Robert D Ufford 12492184

Robert De Valoines 1254-1282




Robert D Ufford 1279-1316


Cecily 577...
Ufford [Devaloines]


Robert De Ufford


554. Roger De Kerdeston and Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman]

Roger De Kerdeston 12152382

578... John Patenham 15652383

Margaret Patenham [Clements]


William De Kerdeston 12402188

Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 1244-1284

William Patenham 12632190

Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 1277-1347


Roger De Kerdeston 12642078



William Kerdeston 13072001


Page 782

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 555. Adam Bacon and Margery Bacon [Felton]
580... Richard Bacon 12342387

Family Trees

580... Alice
Bacon [Mynston]


580... Robert De Hingham 1236-1304


Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 1244-

581... William De Felton 1234-1315


William De Felton 12352392

Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 1262-

Robert Bacon 1258-1321


Simon Felton 12652194



Adam Bacon 1286-1357


Margery Bacon [Felton] 581... 1290-1354


Kerdeston [Bacon]



556. Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog]

618... Iorwerth Ap Owain 1145-1184

584... Margred V
Ap Owain [Madog]


584... Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 1139-1230


Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1141-

604... Thomas Ap Rhodri 11782399

604... Margred F
Ap Rhodri [Einion]


585... Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 11502401

Gwyn Ap Gruffydd

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1168-

Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 11732224

Caradog Ap Thomas 12002226

Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262

Eva V
Ap Thomas [Gwyn]



Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 584... 12072099



Catherine V Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 1233-



Page 783

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 557. Emma De Audley

Henry De Aldithley 1175-1246
Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 1196-1249

Family Trees


Emma De Audley 1218-1265


Gruffydd F Ap Gruffydd 1240-1289



558. Maud De Braose

William De Braose 12042255
Eve De Braose [Marshall] 1194-1246


Maud De Braose 1226-1301


Rhys V
Ap Rhys Mechell



Page 784

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 559. Henry II Of England and Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine]
620... Fulk V De Anjou 10922403

Family Trees

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

622... Henry I Beauclerc 10682405

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-

Guillaume I D T

Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 1073-

De Aquitaine

628... Aimeri I Chatellerault 10752409

Dangereuse M Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 1079-1119


Matilda P Plantagenet [England] -1167


Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130

Geoffrey V Plantagenet

William X Toulousan 10992276

Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-




Henry I O England



John L Plantagenet


560. Aymer De Taillefer and Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay]

630... Ademar De Limoges 1100-1148

Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 1118-1138

632... Reginald De Courtenay 1100-1161


Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 1113-1158

Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 1138-1162

Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 1148-1205

Guillaume Taillefer 11342278

Pierre P O France 1127-1183

Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218




Aymer D Taillefer 1160-1218




Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-



Page 785

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 561. Alfonso Sanchez and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]
Alfonso Raimundez
Berenguela R Raimundez [De Barcelona] 1116-

Family Trees



Sancho Alfonsez 11352294

Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 1133-

Henry I O England
Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 1122=593



Alfonso Sanchez


Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 1181-



562. Louis Capet and Blanca Capet [Alphonsa]

Louis Capet 11202415

595... Adele
Capet [De Blois]


595... Baudouin F Haina 11502417

Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 1135-

596... Sancho Alfonsez 11352419

Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 1133-

596... Henry Plantagenet


611... Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222422



Philip A Capet

Capet [De Hainault]

Alfonso Sanchez

Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]




Louis Capet

Blanca 596...
Capet [Alphonsa]


Louis Capet


Page 786

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 563. Raymond Berenger and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie]
Alphonso T Chaste

Family Trees

Chaste [Castile]



Alfonso A Provence 1180-1209


Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 1181-1209

Thomas I Savoy
Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 1201-1266

Beatrix D G
Savoy [Faucigny]



Raymond Berenger 11982146


Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 1221-



564. Earl Richard

635... Henry I O England

Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-

599... Aymer De Taillefer 1160-1218


Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218


Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-

John L Plantagenet



Earl Richard

Richard D J Cornwall 1265-1280



Page 787

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 565. Joan De Valletort

600... Roger De Valletort 1165-1207

Family Trees

Alesia De Valletort 1169-1191


636... Thomas Bassett 1156-1220


637... Phillipi
Bassett [Melbank]


Reginald De Valletort 1187-1246


Joan De Valletort [Basset] 1204-1213



Joan De Valletort 1211-1299


Richard D J Cornwall 1265-1280



566. John De Boys

Ernald Boys 1190-1255
Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 1192-1246


Ernald Boys 12212350

Boys [Of England]


John De Boys 1245-1295


Robert De Boys 12682068


Page 788

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 567. Amica Hastings

Amica Hastings 12452171

Family Trees

Robert De Boys 12682068


568. William Le Latimer and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet]

William Le Latimer 1200-1270

William I Le Latimer 12002434

Gilbert F Hansard 1180-1185


Hansard [De Raby]


Henry De Braybrook 1188-1234


Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 1190-1271

Robert Lisle 1225-1262


Lisle [Fitz Gerald]



William Le Latimer 1220-1268


Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 1215-1302

Walter De Ledet 1210-1257


De Ledet [De Lisle]



William Le Latimer 12402172

Le Latimer [Ledet]


Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 1280-1317



Page 789

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 569. William Le Latimer and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet]
William Le Latimer 1200-1270

Family Trees

William I Le Latimer 12002442

Gilbert F Hansard 1180-1185


Hansard [De Raby]


Henry De Braybrook 1188-1234


Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 1190-1271

Robert Lisle 1225-1262


Lisle [Fitz Gerald]



William Le Latimer 1220-1268


Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 1215-1302

Walter De Ledet 1210-1257


De Ledet [De Lisle]



William Le Latimer 12402174

Le Latimer [Ledet]


William Latimer 12762070


570. Robert De Thweng and Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard]

Robert De Thweng 1202-1247
Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 1205-1279

Peter De Brus 11812451

Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 1200-1226

Richard Hansard 12002453

Richard Hansard 12102454


Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 1240-1282

Marmaduke De Thweng 1225-1279


Robert Hansard 12282362

Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 1254-1284

Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 1238-



Robert De Thweng 1252-1284



Lucy Latimer [De Thweng]



Page 790

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 571. Robert Scales and Ms. Scales [Clemence]
William Scales

Family Trees

Richard Scales 11892364

Scales [Roucester]


Robert Scales 1219-1267


Scales [Clemence]


Robert Scales 12492072


572. John De Courtenay and Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere]

Renaud De Courtenay 11252456
Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 1135-

William De Reviers 11282458

Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 1168-1204

Robert De Vere 11642460

De Vere [Bolebec]


Saher De Quincy 11552462

Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 1156-


Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 1196-1242

Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 1178-

Robert De Courtenay 11702366

Hugh De Vere 11842368

Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 1228-



John De Courtenay 12182180


Hugh De Courtenay


Page 791

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 573. Hugh Le Despencer

Thomas Despencer 1169-1218

Family Trees

Hugh Le Despencer 11972370

Mrs H Le Despencer 12022371

Hugh Le Despencer 12232182

Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 1252-



574. Aline Bassett

Alan Bassett 1155-1233

Bassett [De Gay]


Matthew De Lovaine 1185-1258


Muriel De Lovaine 1166-1275


Philip Basset 11842372

Basset [De Lovaine]


Aline Bassett 12412183

Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 1252-



Page 792

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 575. Robert D Ufford

Nigel De Peyton 11732470

Family Trees

John De Peyton 1203-1235


Robert D Ufford 12492184

Robert D Ufford 1279-1316



576. Mary De Saye

Geoffrey De Saye 11552472
Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 1165-1225

John Marshall 11852474

Marshall [De Rye]



William De Say 12092376

De Say [Marshall]


Mary De Saye 12442185

Robert D Ufford 1279-1316



Page 793

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 577. Robert De Valoines and Eve De Valoines [Criketot]
John De Valoines 11942476
Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 1202-

Family Trees

William Le Blount 1153-1228


Le Blount [De Vere]


William De Criketot 12192480


Robert De Valoines 1221-1264



Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 1194-1217

William Criketot 1239-1269

Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 1259-1316


Robert De Valoines 1254-1282



Ufford [Devaloines]



578. William Patenham

John Patenham 1535-1587

Winifred Patenham

John Patenham 15652383

Margaret Patenham [Clements]


William Patenham 12632190

Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 1277-1347



Page 794

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 579. Margaret De Euxton

John De Euxton 12382385

Family Trees

John De Euxton 12432386

Margaret De Euxton 1264-1332


Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 1277-1347



580. Robert Bacon and Ms. Bacon [De Hingham]

Reginald Bacon 1203-1261

Bacon [Meschines]


Conan Mynston 12102487

Ms. Unknown 12102488

Robert Bingham 1197-1246


Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 1195-1246


Richard Bacon 12342387

Bacon [Mynston]


Robert De Hingham 1236-1304

Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 1262-

Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 1244-


Robert Bacon 1258-1321



Adam Bacon 1286-1357



Page 795

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 581. Simon Felton

Pagan De Felton 12052491

Family Trees

William De Felton 1234-1315


William De Felton 12352392

Simon Felton 12652194

Margery Bacon [Felton] 1290-1354



582. Hawise Strange

John Le Strange 1194-1269
Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 1210-1294

Roger De Somery 12082494

Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan] -1254


Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 1230-1282

John Le Strange 1226-1276



Hawise Strange 1285-1316


Margery Bacon [Felton] 1290-1354



Page 796

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 583. Joan Menteith

Joan Menteith 13202200

Family Trees

Malise Of Strathern 1299-1357



584. Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch]

Owain Ap Gruffydd 1087-1169
Gwladus V Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 1098-1155

Madog Ap Maredydd 1091-1160


Susanna V Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 1095-1165

Iorwerth Ap Cynon 1114-1174


Ap Cynon [Ithel]


Llywarch Ap Bran 1107-1150


Rhael V
Ap Bran [Gronwy]





Iorwerth Ap Owain 1145-1184


Margred V
Ap Owain [Madog]


Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 1139-1230

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1168-

Tangwystl V Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 1141-


Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 11732224


Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 12072099


Page 797

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 585. Caradog Ap Thomas and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn]
618... Rhodri A O Gwynedd 1136-1195

Family Trees

Annest V
Gwynedd [Rhys]


Einion Ap Seisyllt 11682506

Nest V
Ap Seisyllt [Madog]


Gruffydd Ap Beli 11092508

Thomas Ap Rhodri 11782399

Margred F
Ap Rhodri [Einion]


Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 11502401

Gwyn Ap Gruffydd


Caradog Ap Thomas 12002226

Eva V
Ap Thomas [Gwyn]


Senena V Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 1210-1262



586. Gwenllian Verch Rhys

Gwenllian V Rhys 1158-1236

Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 1186-1277



587. Einion Ap Hywel

Einion Ap Hywel 11402263

Efa V
Ap Nynnio [Einion]



Page 798

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 588. Geoffrey V Plantagenet and Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England]
620... Fulk D'anjou 10432510

Family Trees

Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-

638... Elias Helie 1060-1110


Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]

639... William I Conqueror



Malcolm Canmore 10332516


Fulk V De Anjou 10922403

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

Henry I Beauclerc 10682405

Matilda P Plantagenet [England] -1167

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-




Geoffrey V Plantagenet



Henry I O England


589. William X Toulousan and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault]

625... William Aquitaine 10262518
Guillaume I D T

627... Guillaume C Toulouse 1040-1093


Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 1058-1080

628... Boson V Chatellerault 1050-1092


Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 1054-1093

Barthelemy D L

Gerberge D L I

Isle Bouchard 1049-1097


Isle Bouchard 1053-1082


Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 1073-


De Aquitaine

Aimeri I Chatellerault 10752409

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130

Dangereuse M Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 1079-1119




William X Toulousan 10992276



Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-



Page 799

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 590. Guillaume Taillefer and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges]
Archambaud L B

Family Trees

Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 1090-1153

De Comborn 1075-1137

631... Guillaume Taillefer 10842528

Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 1086-1121


Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 1118-1138

Ademar De Limoges 1100-1148


Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 1138-1162

Guillaume Taillefer 11342278



Aymer D Taillefer 1160-1218



591. Pierre Prince Of France and Isabelle France [De Courtenay]

632... Milo De Courtenay 1069-1127

Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 1073-1095

633... Frederic De Donjon 1085-1138


Mrs F De Donjon 1080-1113



Reginald De Courtenay 1100-1161


Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 1113-1158

Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 1148-1205

Pierre P O France 1127-1183




Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218



Page 800

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 592. Alfonso Raimundez and Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona]
Alfonso Raimundez
Berenguela R Raimundez [De Barcelona] 1116-

Family Trees


Sancho Alfonsez 11352294

King O L Fernando Ii 11372136



593. Louis Capet and Eleanor Of Aquitaine

Louis Capet 11202304

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222297

594. Beatrice De Saint Pol

Beatrice De Saint Pol 1135-1204

William Ponthieu 1179-1221



Page 801

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 595. Philip Augustus Capet and Isabelle Capet [De Hainault]
Theobald De Blois 10882534

Family Trees

Baudouin D M De Flanders 11082536

Alix C De Flanders [De Namur] 1124-1168

Dietrich D Alsace 10992538

Sibilla D
D Alsace [Anjou]



Louis Capet 11202415

Capet [De Blois]



Baudouin F Haina 11502417

Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 1135-


Philip A Capet

Capet [De Hainault]


Louis Capet


596. Alfonso Sanchez and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]

Alfonso Raimundez
Berenguela R Raimundez [De Barcelona] 1116-

Garcias V Ramirez 10992542

Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 1100-

Geoffrey V Plantagenet

Matilda P Plantagenet [England]

William X Toulousan 10992546

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130


Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 1133-



Sancho Alfonsez 11352419

Henry Plantagenet
Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet]

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 1122=611



Alfonso Sanchez


Capet [Alphonsa]



Page 802

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 597. Alphonso The Chaste and Sanchia Chaste [Castile]
Alphonso T Chaste

Family Trees

Chaste [Castile]


Alfonso A Provence 1180-1209


Pedro K Aragon 11852148



598. Louis Capet and Eleanor Of Aquitaine

Louis Capet 11202338

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222345

599. John Lackland Plantagenet and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer]

646... Geoffrey V Plantagenet

Maud M Plantagenet [Of England] -1167

William X Toulousan 10992550

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130

Guillaume Taillefer 11342552

Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 1138-1162

Pierre P O France 1127-1183


Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 1148-1205


Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-


Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 1160-1218

Henry I O England

Aymer De Taillefer 1160-1218

Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 1188-




John L Plantagenet


Earl Richard


Page 803

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 600. Reginald De Valletort and Joan De Valletort [Basset]
Ralph De Valletort 1140-1187
Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy] 1142-

Family Trees

648... Thomas De Basset 1099-1182


Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 1118-1186

650... William Malbank 1135-1189


Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161




Roger De Valletort 1165-1207


Alesia De Valletort 1169-1191


Thomas Bassett 1156-1220

Joan De Valletort [Basset] 1204-1213

Bassett [Melbank]


Reginald De Valletort 1187-1246




Joan De Valletort 1211-1299



601. Agnes Unknown

Agnes Unknown

Robert D Ufford 12492184


602. William De Criketot and Agnes Blunde

William Le Blount 1153-1228

Le Blount [De Vere]



William De Criketot 12192480

Agnes Blunde 12142381


Page 804

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 603. Agnes Blunde

William Le Blount 1153-1228

Family Trees

Le Blount [De Vere]




Agnes Blunde 12142381


Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 1259-1316



604. Thomas Ap Rhodri and Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion]

Owain Ap Gruffydd 1087-1169
Gwladus V Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 1098-1155



Rhodri A O Gwynedd 1136-1195


Annest V
Gwynedd [Rhys]


Einion Ap Seisyllt 11682506

Nest V
Ap Seisyllt [Madog]


Thomas Ap Rhodri 11782399

Margred F
Ap Rhodri [Einion]


Caradog Ap Thomas 12002226


Page 805

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 605. Fulk V De Anjou and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine]
620... Geoffrey I C De Gastinois 10002562

Family Trees

Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 1018-

620... Simon De Montfort 1025-1087


Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 1030-1087

654... Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097


Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062


Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-


Fulk D'anjou 10432510

Elias Helie 1060-1110

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]




Fulk V De Anjou 10922403



Geoffrey V Plantagenet


606. Henry I Beauclerc and Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland]

657... Duke O N Robert I 9992568

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050


William I Conqueror

Malcolm Canmore 10332516


Henry I Beauclerc 10682405

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-


Matilda P Plantagenet [England] -1167



Page 806

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 607. Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine and Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde]
625... William Aquitaine 9692574

Family Trees

Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 987-

627... Pons C Albi 990-1060


Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 1000-

627... Robert De Mortaigne 10372580

Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 1058-1080



William Aquitaine 10262518

Guillaume I D T

Guillaume C Toulouse 1040-1093

Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 1073-



De Aquitaine



William X Toulousan 10992276


608. Aimeri I Chatellerault and Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard]

Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 1020-1092

De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault]


628... Aimery De Thouars 1015-1093


Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 1030-1069

642... Archimbaud Borel 1019-1083


659... Agnes D Isle Bouchard 1023-1140


643... Archimbaud De Bouchard 1019-1068

Gerberge D L I



Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 1054-1093

Boson V Chatellerault 1050-1092


Barthelemy D L

Isle Bouchard 1049-1097

Dangereuse M Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 1079-1119

Isle Bouchard 1053-1082



Aimeri I Chatellerault 628... 10752409



Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130



Page 807

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 609. Ademar De Limoges and Graule De Limoges [Taillefer]
630... Bernard I De Comborn 1045-1123

Family Trees

Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 1050-1112

Ademar De Limoges 1091-1148


Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 1060-1124

631... Foulques Taillefer 1015-1087


631... Cundo
Taillefer [Vagena]


631... Amanjeu De Benauges 1060-1103


Mrs A D B De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 1064-


Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 1090-1153

Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 1086-1121

Archambaud L B

De Comborn 1075-1137

Guillaume Taillefer 10842528

Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 1118-1138




Ademar De Limoges 1100-1148




Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 1138-1162



610. Reginald De Courtenay and Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon]

645... Josceline De Courtenay 1034-1075

Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 1040-1113

632... Renaud De Nevers 10472600

Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 1055-1085

633... Everard De Donjon 1050-1083


Everard De Donjon 10522603


Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 1073-1095

Milo De Courtenay 1069-1127


Frederic De Donjon 1085-1138

Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 1113-1158

Mrs F De Donjon 1080-1113



Reginald De Courtenay 632... 1100-1161




Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 1148-1205



Page 808

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 611. Louis Capet and Eleanor Of Aquitaine
William X Toulousan 10992546

Family Trees

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130


Louis Capet 11202415

Eleanor Of Aquitaine 11222422

612. Henry II Of England and Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine]

662... Fulk V De Anjou 10922604

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

664... Henry I Beauclerc 10682606

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-


Maud M Plantagenet [Of England] -1167

Geoffrey V Plantagenet

William X Toulousan 10992550

Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 1122-

Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 1103-1130




Henry I O England


John L Plantagenet


Page 809

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 613. Thomas Bassett and Phillipi Bassett [Melbank]
667... Ralph Basset 1050-1120

Family Trees

669... Alice
Basset [De Buci]


671... Alan R Dedunstanville 10802610

Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 1116-1157

674... William Malbank 1150-1135


675... Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204


676... Payne
De Beauchamp

Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161

Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 1118-1186

Thomas De Basset 1099-1182


William Malbank 1135-1189





Thomas Bassett 1156-1220


Phillipi 637...
Bassett [Melbank]


Joan De Valletort [Basset] 1204-1213



614. Rohese De Foix

Rohese De Foix 1165-1200

Hugh Le Despencer 11972370


615. Ms. Unknown

Ms. Unknown 11792471

John De Peyton 1203-1235



Page 810

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 616. William Le Blount and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere]
William Le Blount 1153-1228

Family Trees

Le Blount [De Vere]


Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 1194-1217

Agnes Le Blount 12042481




617. Agnes Le Blount

William Le Blount 1153-1228

Le Blount [De Vere]



Agnes Le Blount 12042481

William Criketot 1239-1269



618. Owain Ap Gruffydd and Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch]

Owain Ap Gruffydd 1087-1169
Gwladus V Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 1098-1155


Rhodri A O Gwynedd 1136-1195


Iorwerth Ap Owain 1145-1184




Page 811

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 619. Gruffydd Ap Beli

Gruffydd Ap Beli 13662509

Family Trees

Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 11502401


620. Fulk "rechin" D'anjou and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort]

Geoffroy I Gastinois 970-1000
Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 974-1005

Foulques Le Anjou

Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 964-

Amauri S De Montfort 1000-1031


Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 1001-1051

Richard D Evreux 986-1067


D Evreux [De Toni]



Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 1018-


Geoffrey I C De Gastinois 10002562

Simon De Montfort 1025-1087

Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-

Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 1030-1087



Fulk D'anjou 10432510


Fulk V De Anjou 10922403


Page 812

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 621. Elias Helie and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire]
654... Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060

Family Trees

655... Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902626

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062

Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097





Elias Helie 1060-1110


Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]


Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126



622. William I Conqueror

680... Richard I
Duke Of Normandy

Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Fulbert De Falaise 978-1017


Doda De Falaise 980-1003



Duke O N Robert I 9992568

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050



William I Conqueror

Henry I Beauclerc 10682405


Page 813

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 623. Matilda Flanders

Baudouin Flanders 9682632
Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 986-

Family Trees

Robert Capet

Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 974-



Baudouin V Flanders 10122570

Flanders [Capet]


Matilda Flanders 10312515

Henry I Beauclerc 10682405


624. Margaret Atheling

Edmund Ironside 9892636
Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 986-1016

Von Brunswick


Gertrud C Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 1006-


Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 1018-

Edward Atheling 1016-1057



Margaret Atheling 10452517

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-



Page 814

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 625. William Aquitaine

William Ironarm 9372640

Family Trees

Ironarm [De Blois]


Otto Guillaume 9582642

Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 963-

Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 987-

William Aquitaine 9692574


William Aquitaine 10262518

Guillaume I D T

De Aquitaine


626. Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne

640... Robert Capet
Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 974-

I Dalmace* 970-1032

Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 980-



Robert I Capet 10112576

Helie E
Capet [De Semur]


Hildegarde C De Bourgogne 640... 1030-1104


Guillaume I D T

De Aquitaine


Page 815

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 627. Guillaume Count Toulouse and Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne]
William Taillefer 947-c1038
Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 949-1024

Family Trees

Bernard I De La Marche 970-1047


Amelie C O De La Marche [Aubnay] 974-1053

Harlevin De Conteville 1001-1066


Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 1003-1050


Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 1000-


Pons C Albi 990-1060


Robert De Mortaigne 10372580

Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 1058-1080


Guillaume C Toulouse 1040-1093



Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 1073-



628. Boson Viscount Chatellerault and Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars]

Foucauld I De La Roche 990-1037
Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 1020-1092 Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 994-1026

Foucauld I De La Roche 990-1037


Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 994-1026

Geoffroi De Thouars 985-c1044


Aenor De Thouars 989-1060


Waleran De Meulan 9902660

Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 994-1088



Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 1030-1069



De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault]


Aimery De Thouars 1015-1093

Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 1054-1093




Boson V Chatellerault 1050-1092



Aimeri I Chatellerault 10752409


Page 816

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 629. Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard and Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard
Renaud B Capet 9862662

Family Trees

Adelais Capet [Judith] 9902663

Hugues S Bouchard 1000-1030


Hughes De Bouchard 993-1030


Archimbaud Borel 1019-1083 =642



Agnes D Isle Bouchard 1023-1140 =643


Archimbaud De Bouchard 1019-1068

Gerberge D L I

Barthelemy D L

Isle Bouchard 1049-1097


Isle Bouchard 1053-1082


Dangereuse M Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 1079-1119



630. Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn and Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges]

Archambaud De Comborn 1010-1053
Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 1020-1099

Hugues G De Courson 10252669

Aline De Courson [De Barmont] 1025-


Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 1050-1112

Bernard I De Comborn 1045-1123

Archambaud L B

Ademar De Limoges 1091-1148

Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 1090-1153

Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 1060-1124



De Comborn 1075-1137


Ademar De Limoges 1100-1148



Page 817

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 631. Guillaume Taillefer and Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges]
Geoffrey Taillefer 988-1048
Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 994-1048

Family Trees

Qunormau Vagena 1038-1089


Qunormau Vagena 10432674

Guillen A De Benauges 1020-1097


Amalvina V De Benauges [De Bezaune] 1025-1097



Foulques Taillefer 1015-1087


Taillefer [Vagena]


Amanjeu De Benauges 1060-1103

Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 1086-1121

Mrs A D B De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 1064-


Guillaume Taillefer 10842528


Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 1118-1138



632. Milo De Courtenay and Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers]

Athon De Courtenay 985-1000

Guy S De Montlhery 1009-1095


Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 1014-

William I De Nevers 10302681

Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 1026-1085

Artaud De Forez 1029-1085


Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 1033-1055

Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 1040-1113


Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 1055-1085

Josceline De Courtenay 1034-1075 =645


Renaud De Nevers 10472600

Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 1073-1095



Milo De Courtenay 1069-1127



Reginald De Courtenay 1100-1161



Page 818

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 633. Frederic De Donjon and Mrs Frederic De Donjon
Du Donjon Corbeil

Family Trees


Everard De Donjon 1050-1083


Everard De Donjon 10522603

Frederic De Donjon 1085-1138


Mrs F De Donjon 1080-1113


Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 1113-1158



634. Mathilde Princess Carinthia

Mathilde P Carinthia 10972535

Capet [De Blois]



Page 819

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 635. Geoffrey V Plantagenet and Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England]
662... Fulk D'anjou 10432686

Family Trees

Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-

682... Elias Helie 1060-1110


Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]

664... William I Conqueror



Malcolm Canmore 10332692


Fulk V De Anjou 10922604

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

Henry I Beauclerc 10682606

Maud M Plantagenet [Of England] -1167

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-




Geoffrey V Plantagenet



Henry I O England


636. Thomas De Basset and Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville]

683... Thurston Basset 1030-1086

669... Robert De Bruce 1066-1094


686... Reginald R Dedunstanville 1054-1125


Adeliza A Dedunstanville [Delisle] 1058-1130

687... Ralph De Langetot 10992700

Emma De Langetot 11252701


Ralph Basset 1050-1120


Basset [De Buci]


Alan R Dedunstanville 10802610

Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 1118-1186

Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 1116-1157



Thomas De Basset 1099-1182




Thomas Bassett 1156-1220



Page 820

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 637. William Malbank and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp]
651... William Malbank 1109-1177
Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161

Family Trees

675... Godfrey De Scudamore 1116-1164


Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 1127-

676... Hugh
De Beauchamp




William Malbank 1150-1135


Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204


De Beauchamp

Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161


William Malbank 1135-1189




Bassett [Melbank]



638. Jean De La Fleche and Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine]

655... Paule Du Maine 1000-1100

Herbert I Du Maine 9902626

Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060



Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902626

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062

Jean De La Fleche 654... 1030-1097




Elias Helie 1060-1110



Page 821

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 639. Duke Of Normandy Robert I and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise]
689... Richard I Normandy

Family Trees

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

690... Conan I Bretagne 9272712

691... Ermengarde
Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I
Duke Of Normandy


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]


Fulbert De Falaise 978-1017

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050

Doda De Falaise 980-1003




Duke O N Robert I 9992568


William I Conqueror


640. Robert I Capet and Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur]

William Taillefer 947-c1038

Robert Capet

Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 974-

I Dalmace* 970-1032

Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 980-



Robert I Capet 10112576

Helie E
Capet [De Semur]


Hildegarde C De Bourgogne 1030-1104



Page 822

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 641. Maude De Montgomery

De Montgomery

Family Trees


Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 1026-


De Montgomery


Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 1058-1080



642. Archimbaud Borel and Agnes De L Isle Bouchard

Renaud B Capet 9862662

Adelais Capet [Judith] 9902663

Hugues S Bouchard 1000-1030


Archimbaud Borel 1019-1083



Agnes D L I Bouchard 10232589


643. Archimbaud De Bouchard and Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard

Hughes De Bouchard 993-1030

Hugues S Bouchard 1000-1030


Archimbaud De Bouchard 1019-1068


Agnes D Isle Bouchard 659... 1023-1140


Page 823

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 644. Agnes De L Isle Bouchard

Hugues S Bouchard 1000-1030

Family Trees


Agnes D L I Bouchard 10232589


Gerberge D L I

Isle Bouchard 1053-1082



645. Josceline De Courtenay and Hildegarde De Gastinois

Athon De Courtenay 985-1000

Josceline De Courtenay 1034-1075


Hildegarde De Gastinois 1041-1060 =661


646. Fulk V De Anjou and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine]

662... Geoffrey I C De Gastinois 10002714

Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 1018-

662... Simon De Montfort 1025-1087


Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 1030-1087

693... Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097


Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062


Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-


Fulk D'anjou 10432686

Elias Helie 1060-1110

Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126

Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]




Fulk V De Anjou 10922604



Geoffrey V Plantagenet


Page 824

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 647. Henry I Beauclerc and Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland]
664... Duke O N Robert I 9992720

Family Trees

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050


William I Conqueror

Malcolm Canmore 10332692


Henry I Beauclerc 10682606

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-


Maud M Plantagenet [Of England] -1167



648. Ralph Basset and Alice Basset [De Buci]

696... Fouque De Aulney 1005-1050

Mrs F De Aulney 10102727

669... Robert De Brusse 1036-1081


Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 1034-1094


Thurston Basset 1030-1086


Robert De Bruce 1066-1094



Ralph Basset 1050-1120


Alice 669...
Basset [De Buci]


Thomas De Basset 1099-1182



Page 825

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 649. Alan Reginald Dedunstanville and Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot]
703... Henry I Beauclerc 10682734

Family Trees

705... Sibyl
Beauclerc [Corbet]

Deinsula Delisle

Humprey D
Deinsula Delisle




707... Ralph De Langetot 10802738

Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 1099-


Reginald R Dedunstanville 1054-1125


Adeliza A Dedunstanville [Delisle] 1058-1130

Ralph De Langetot 10992700

Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 1116-1157

Emma De Langetot 11252701


Alan R Dedunstanville 671... 10802610



Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 1118-1186



650. William Malbank and Petronilla Scudamore

William Malbank 1080-1109

675... Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204


675... Walter De Scudamore 10802741

Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161

Walter De Scudamore 10902742

675... Elias Giffard 1095-1166


675... Berta
Giffard [Clifford]


William Malbank 1109-1177


Godfrey De Scudamore 1116-1164


Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 1127-




William Malbank 1150-1135



Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204



William Malbank 1135-1189



Page 826

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 651. William Malbank and Petronilla Scudamore
675... Walter De Scudamore 10802741

Family Trees

Walter De Scudamore 10902742

675... Elias Giffard 1095-1166


675... Berta
Giffard [Clifford]


Godfrey De Scudamore 1116-1164


Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 1127-


William Malbank 1080-1109



Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204



William Malbank 1109-1177



652. Payne De Beauchamp

676... Walter
De Beauchamp


De Beauchamp


Payne 676...
De Beauchamp


Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161



Page 827

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 653. Rohese De Vere

679... Alberic De Vere 1030-1088

Family Trees

679... Beatrice
De Vere [Gand]


679... Gilbert F De Clare 1065-1114


Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 1058-1117


Aubrey De Vere 10822708

De Vere [De Clare]



Rohese De Vere 1103-1166


Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161



654. Lancelin De Beaugency and Paule Du Maine

Herbert I Du Maine 9902626


Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902626

Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060



Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097



Page 828

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 655. Herbert I Du Maine

Herbert I Du Maine 9902626

Family Trees

Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062




656. Bertha De Chartres

Bertha De Chartres 9902627

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062



657. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]
710... William I Longsword 8932753

Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 911-945

680... Herbastus De Crepon 911-984


680... Mrs H De Crepon 916-974


690... Juhel Berenger 931-970


690... Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

691... Geoffrey I Grisgonelle




Richard I Normandy

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Conan I Bretagne 9272712


Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I 680...
Duke Of Normandy



Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Duke O N Robert I 9992568


Page 829

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 658. Foucauld I De La Roche and Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault]
Foucauld I De La Roche 990-1037
Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 994-1026

Family Trees


Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 1020-1092

De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault]






659. Hugues Sn Bouchard

Hugues S Bouchard 1000-1030

Agnes D L I Bouchard 10232589

Agnes D Isle Bouchard 1023-1140




660. Aldearde Thours

Aldearde Thours 989-1072

Agnes D Isle Bouchard 1023-1140



Page 830

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 661. Hildegarde De Gastinois

Hildegarde De Gastinois =645 1041-1060

Family Trees

Josceline De Courtenay 1034-1075



662. Fulk "rechin" D'anjou and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort]

Geoffroy I Gastinois 970-1000
Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 974-1005

Foulques Le Anjou

Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 964-

Amauri S De Montfort 1000-1031


Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 1001-1051

Richard D Evreux 986-1067


D Evreux [De Toni]



Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 1018-


Geoffrey I C De Gastinois 10002714

Simon De Montfort 1025-1087

Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 1059-

Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 1030-1087



Fulk D'anjou 10432686


Fulk V De Anjou 10922604


Page 831

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 663. Elias Helie and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire]
693... Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060

Family Trees

694... Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062

Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097





Elias Helie 1060-1110


Matilde D C
Helie [Du Loire]


Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 1096-1126



664. William I Conqueror

Richard I
Duke Of Normandy

Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Fulbert De Falaise 978-1017


Doda De Falaise 980-1003



Duke O N Robert I 9992720

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050


William I Conqueror

Henry I Beauclerc 10682606


Page 832

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 665. Matilda Flanders

Baudouin Flanders 9682777
Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 986-

Family Trees

Robert Capet

Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 974-



Baudouin V Flanders 10122722

Flanders [Capet]


Matilda Flanders 10312691

Henry I Beauclerc 10682606


666. Margaret Atheling

Edmund Ironside 9892781
Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 986-1016

Von Brunswick


Gertrud C Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 1006-


Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 1018-

Edward Atheling 1016-1057



Margaret Atheling 10452693

Matilda A Beauclerc [Scotland] c1082-



Page 833

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 667. Thurston Basset

713... Osmond De Centville 960-990

Family Trees

Osmond De Centville 9702786

Fouque De Aulney 1005-1050


Mrs F De Aulney 10102727


Thurston Basset 1030-1086


Ralph Basset 1050-1120



668. Isabel De Broyes

698... Isembert De Broyes 997-1028

Hugh Bardoul 1004-1058


Bardoul [De Sours]



Isabel De Broyes 1034-1058


Ralph Basset 1050-1120



Page 834

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 669. Robert De Bruce

Ragnvald Brusesson 1011-1046

Family Trees

Brusesson [Orkney]


Alan C O Brittany 10002791

Brittany [De Blois]


Robert De Brusse 1036-1081


Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 1034-1094


Robert De Bruce 1066-1094


Basset [De Buci]



670. Agnes De Saint Clare

715... Mauger S De St Clair 1004-1047

717... Richard I D Normandie 9972795

Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 1030-1130

Waldron De Saint Clare 1015-1047



Agnes De Saint Clare 685... 1054-1080


Basset [De Buci]



Page 835

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 671. Reginald Robert Dedunstanville and Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle]
703... William I Conqueror

Family Trees

705... Robert Corbet 1042-1121


Henry I Beauclerc 10682734

Beauclerc [Corbet]

Deinsula Delisle

Humprey D
Deinsula Delisle


Adeliza A Dedunstanville [Delisle] 1058-1130


Reginald R Dedunstanville 686... 1054-1125



Alan R Dedunstanville 10802610


672. Ralph De Langetot and Emma De Langetot

673... Ralph De Langetot 1066-1099
Cecilia P O De Langetot [England] 1055-

Milo Crispin 1046-1085


Crispin [De Noyers]



Ralph De Langetot 10802738

Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 1099-



Ralph De Langetot 10992700


Emma De Langetot 11252701

Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 1116-1157



Page 836

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 673. Ralph De Langetot

673... Ralph De Langetot 1066-1099
Cecilia P O De Langetot [England] 1055-

Family Trees

Milo Crispin 1046-1085


Crispin [De Noyers]



Ralph De Langetot 10802738

Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 1099-



Ralph De Langetot 10992700


Ralph De Langetot 1066-1099



674. William Malbank and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp]

675... Godfrey De Scudamore 1116-1164

Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 1127-


William Malbank 1080-1109


Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204



William Malbank 1109-1177


Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 1138-1161


William Malbank 1150-1135



Page 837

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 675. Godfrey De Scudamore and Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard]
Titus De Scudamore 1052-1095
Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 1062-1095

Family Trees

Elias H Gifford 1022-1130


Gifford [Giffard]


Richard F Clifford 1081-1127


Maude F
Clifford [Walter]



Walter De Scudamore 10802741

Walter De Scudamore 10902742

Elias Giffard 1095-1166

Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 1127-

Giffard [Clifford]


Godfrey De Scudamore 1116-1164



Petronilla Scudamore 1135-1204



676. Hugh De Beauchamp

De Beauchamp

De Beauchamp



De Beauchamp


De Beauchamp


De Beauchamp



Page 838

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 677. Hugh De Beauchamp and Matilda Taillebois
Richard FitzGerold 1010-1044

Family Trees

Alfgar E Mercia 1002-1059


Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 997-1098

Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 1040-1070

Ives Taillebois 1036-1094



De Beauchamp


Matilda Taillebois 1070-1124



678. Matilda Taillebois

Richard FitzGerold 1010-1044

Alfgar E Mercia 1002-1059


Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 997-1098

Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 1040-1070

Ives Taillebois 1036-1094




Matilda Taillebois 1070-1124



De Beauchamp



Page 839

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 679. Aubrey De Vere and Adeliza De Vere [De Clare]
Alphonso Ghesnes 1000-1032

Family Trees

Henry C De Gand 1005-1040


Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 1005-1120

Richard Fitzgilbert 1024-1090


Fitzgilbert [Giffard]

Hugh C O
Clermont (creil



Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 1045-1110


Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 1058-1117

Alberic De Vere 1030-1088


De Vere [Gand]


Gilbert F De Clare 1065-1114



Aubrey De Vere 10822708

De Vere [De Clare]


Rohese De Vere 1103-1166



680. Richard I Normandy and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon]

720... Robert Ragnvaldsson 870-932

Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 872-930

689... Hubert Senlis 880-912


Senlis [Mrs Hubert]


Herfast De Crepon 890-981


Mr. Stop


William I Longsword 8932753

Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 911-945

Herbastus De Crepon 911-984

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Mrs H De Crepon 916-974




Richard I Normandy


Richard I
Duke Of Normandy



Page 840

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 681. Conan I Bretagne and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]
690... Paskwitan De Rennes 884-936

Family Trees

690... Ms. De Rennes 8822834

690... Heinrich I Germans 8762835

Matilda C O Germans [Ringelheim] 878-

691... Foulques Le Anjou 9092837

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952



Juhel Berenger 931-970


Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

Geoffrey I Grisgonelle



Conan I Bretagne 9272712

Ermengarde 691...
Bretagne [D Anjou]


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]




682. Jean De La Fleche and Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine]

694... Paule Du Maine 1000-1100

Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060



Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062

Jean De La Fleche 693... 1030-1097




Elias Helie 1060-1110



Page 841

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 683. Fouque De Aulney and Mrs Fouque De Aulney
713... Norman De Basset 915-965

Family Trees

De Basset [Norman]


Osmond De Centville 960-990


Osmond De Centville 9702786


Fouque De Aulney 1005-1050


Mrs F De Aulney 10102727

Thurston Basset 1030-1086



684. Hugh Bardoul and Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours]

714... Heloise De Blois 9802788


Isembert De Broyes 997-1028



Hugh Bardoul 1004-1058


Bardoul [De Sours]


Isabel De Broyes 1034-1058



Page 842

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 685. Waldron De Saint Clare and Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon]
728... Richard I
Duke Of Normandy

Family Trees

Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]

731... Richard I
Duke Of Normandy

Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]







Mauger S De St Clair 1004-1047


Richard I D Normandie 9972795

Waldron De Saint Clare 699... 1015-1047



Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 1030-1130


Agnes De Saint Clare 1054-1080



686. Henry I Beauclerc and Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet]

703... Duke O N Robert I 9992851

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050

705... Hugh Le Corbet 1020-1081



William I Conqueror

Robert Corbet 1042-1121



Henry I Beauclerc 10682734

Sibyl 705...
Beauclerc [Corbet]


Reginald R Dedunstanville 1054-1125



Page 843

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 687. Ralph De Langetot and Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine]
687... Ralph De Langetot 10992700

Family Trees

Ralph De Langetot 1066-1099


Cecilia P O De Langetot [England] 1055-

Milo Crispin 1046-1085

Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 1099-

Crispin [De Noyers]




Ralph De Langetot 10802738


Ralph De Langetot 10992700


688. Emiline Abbott

Urso Abbott 10002813

Emiline Abbott 10252746

De Beauchamp



Page 844

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 689. William I Longsword and Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne]
734... Rolf Ragnvaldsson 846-932

Family Trees

Berenger De Bayeaux 847-890


Mrs B De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 852-

Pepin I
De Vermandois


Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 872-930

Robert Ragnvaldsson 870-932


Hubert Senlis 880-912

Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 911-945

Senlis [Mrs Hubert]




William I Longsword 8932753


Richard I Normandy


690. Juhel Berenger and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France]

Alain I De Bretagne 860-907
Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 854-907

Mr. Berenger 860-890


Otto T Illustrious 8512872

Hathui D O
Illustrious [Saxony]


Theodoric C O Ringelheim 853-920


Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 858-917


Matilda C O Germans [Ringelheim] 878-

Paskwitan De Rennes 884-936


Ms. De Rennes 8822834

Heinrich I Germans 8762835


Juhel Berenger 931-970


Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]


Conan I Bretagne 9272712


Page 845

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 691. Geoffrey I Grisgonelle

Fouques I D Anjou 870-938
Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 874-920

Family Trees

Rotbold I O Arles 878-978


Rotbold Arles 8732879


Foulques Le Anjou 9092837

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952


Geoffrey I Grisgonelle

Bretagne [D Anjou]



692. Adelaide De Vermandois

De Vermandois Adela De Vermandois [De France] 897-931



De Vermandois


De Vermandois


Bretagne [D Anjou]



Page 846

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 693. Lancelin De Beaugency and Paule Du Maine
Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Family Trees


Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Lancelin De Beaugency 1000-1060



Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Jean De La Fleche 1030-1097



694. Herbert I Du Maine

Herbert I Du Maine 9902771

Paule Du Maine 1000-1100


Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062




695. Bertha De Chartres

Bertha De Chartres 9902772

Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 1044-1062



Page 847

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 696. Osmond De Centville and Osmond De Centville
713... Bathel Basset 870-900

Family Trees

Mrs B Basset [Dss] 8752885

Norman De Basset 915-965


De Basset [Norman]



Osmond De Centville 960-990


Osmond De Centville 9702786

Fouque De Aulney 1005-1050



697. Isembert De Broyes

726... Odo I De Blois 9502843

Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 967-1016


Heloise De Blois 9802788


Isembert De Broyes 997-1028


Hugh Bardoul 1004-1058



Page 848

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 698. Heloise De Blois

726... Theobald I De Blois 9132886

Family Trees

Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 920-

727... Conrad I De Bourgogne 9252888

Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 943-


Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 967-1016

Odo I De Blois 9502843



Heloise De Blois 9802788

Isembert De Broyes 997-1028


Hugh Bardoul 1004-1058




699. Mauger Seigneur De St Clair

728... Richard I Normandy

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

729... Conan I Bretagne 9272892

729... Ermengarde
Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I
Duke Of Normandy


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]




Mauger S De St Clair 1004-1047


Waldron De Saint Clare 1015-1047



Page 849

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 700. Germaine De Corbeil

738... Foulques Le Anjou 9092894

Family Trees

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952


Albert De Corbeil 955-1012


Elizabeth De Corbeil c943-1012



Germaine De Corbeil 990-1012


Waldron De Saint Clare 1015-1047



701. Richard Iii De Normandie

731... Richard I Normandy
Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

732... Conan I Bretagne 9272898

732... Ermengarde
Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I
Duke Of Normandy


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]




Richard I D Normandie 9972795

Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 1030-1130



Page 850

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 702. Mrs Richard Iii Concubine

Mrs R I Concubine 1000-1100

Family Trees

Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 1030-1130



703. William I Conqueror

Richard I
Duke Of Normandy

Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Fulbert De Falaise 978-1017


Doda De Falaise 980-1003



Duke O N Robert I 9992851

Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 1003-1050


William I Conqueror

Henry I Beauclerc 10682734


Page 851

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 704. Matilda Flanders

Baudouin Flanders 9682904
Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 986-

Family Trees

Robert Capet

Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 974-



Baudouin V Flanders 10122853

Flanders [Capet]


Matilda Flanders 10312798

Henry I Beauclerc 10682734


705. Robert Corbet

Roger FitzCorbet 9882908

Hugh Le Corbet 1020-1081


Robert Corbet 1042-1121


Beauclerc [Corbet]



Page 852

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 706. Isabel De Vermandois

719... Henri I France 10082910
Anna A France [Yaroslavna] 1036-1077 Herbert V C O

Family Trees

Vermandois 1028-1080

Adelaide C C D Vermandois [Auxerre] 990-


Adelle De France [Vermandois] 1065-

Hugues De France 10532857


Isabel 719...
De Vermandois


Beauclerc [Corbet]



707. Ralph De Langetot and Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England]

707... Ralph De Langetot 10802738

Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 1099-


Ralph De Langetot 10992700


Ralph De Langetot 1066-1099


Cecilia P O De Langetot [England] 1055-


Ralph De Langetot 10802738


Page 853

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 708. Ermengard D Anjou

Ermengard D Anjou 10182815

Family Trees

Ives Taillebois 1036-1094



709. Katherine De Flanders

Katherine De Flanders 1000-1030

Alberic De Vere 1030-1088



710. Robert Ragnvaldsson and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois]

740... IE Jarl 837-894

742... Ragnhild
Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]


Rolf Ragnvaldsson 846-932


Berenger De Bayeaux 847-890


Mrs B De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 852-

Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 872-930

Robert Ragnvaldsson 720... 870-932



William I Longsword 8932753


Page 854

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 711. Thyri Klacksdottir

Earl Klaak Harald 800-844

Family Trees


Thyri Klacksdottir 900-935


Herbastus De Crepon 911-984



712. Adelais Countess Vermandois

Gilbert Gislebert 8902882
Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 893-952


Adelais C Vermandois 9142840

De Vermandois



Page 855

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 713. Norman De Basset and Ms De Basset [Norman]
Dead E Basset

Family Trees

Bathel Basset 870-900


Mrs B Basset [Dss] 8752885

Norman De Basset 915-965


De Basset [Norman]


Osmond De Centville 960-990



714. Odo I De Blois and Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy]

726... Theobald V De Troyes 880-904

Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 892-910

726... Herbert
De Vermandois

Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 920-

727... Rudolph De Burgundy 9022923

Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 907-

727... Louis France


727... Gerberge Q O France 9142926



Theobald I De Blois 9132886

Conrad I De Bourgogne 9252888

Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 967-1016

Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 943-




Odo I De Blois 9502843



Heloise De Blois 9802788


Page 856

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 715. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]
728... William I Longsword 8932927

Family Trees

Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 911-945

728... Herbastus De Crepon 911-984


728... Mrs H De Crepon 916-974


729... Juhel Berenger 931-970


729... Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

729... Geoffrey I Grisgonelle




Richard I Normandy

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Conan I Bretagne 9272892


Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I 728...
Duke Of Normandy



Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Mauger S De St Clair 1004-1047



716. Albert De Corbeil and Elizabeth De Corbeil

738... Fouques I D Anjou 870-938

Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 874-920

730... Rotbold I O Arles 878-978


Rotbold Arles 8732938


Foulques Le Anjou 9092894

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952



Albert De Corbeil 955-1012


Elizabeth De Corbeil c943-1012


Germaine De Corbeil 990-1012



Page 857

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 717. Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]
731... Herbastus De Crepon 911-984

Family Trees

731... Mrs H De Crepon 916-974


732... Juhel Berenger 931-970


732... Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

732... Geoffrey I Grisgonelle



Richard I Normandy

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Conan I Bretagne 9272898


Bretagne [D Anjou]



Richard I 731...
Duke Of Normandy



Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]



Richard I D Normandie 9972795


718. Ms. Normandy

Ms. Normandy 10302856

Robert Corbet 1042-1121



Page 858

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 719. Hugues De France and Adelle De France [Vermandois]
Robert Capet

Family Trees

Henri I France 10082910

Anna A France [Yaroslavna] 1036-1077

Herbert V C O

Vermandois 1028-1080
Adelle De France [Vermandois] 1065-

Adelaide C C D Vermandois [Auxerre] 990-



Hugues De France 10532857


De Vermandois



720. Rolf Ragnvaldsson

750... Glumra E Jarl 810-870

742... Hrolf Nefja 826-847


Nefja [Of Norway]


IE Jarl 837-894

Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]


Rolf Ragnvaldsson 734... 846-932


Robert Ragnvaldsson 870-932



Page 859

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 721. Ragnhild Hrolfsson

743... Rognvald Olafsson 790-850

Family Trees

Hrolf Nefja 826-847


Mrs H Nefja 828-847



Ragnhild Hrolfsson 848-892


Robert Ragnvaldsson 870-932



722. Bertha De Morvois

Bertha De Morvois 850-908

Hubert Senlis 880-912



723. Earl Klaak Harald

Earl Klaak Harald 800-844

Thyre Danebod 844-935


Thyri Klacksdottir 900-935



Page 860

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 724. Ms. Queen Aaflaeda

Queen Aaflaeda

Family Trees


Thyri Klacksdottir 900-935



725. Ms. Brittany

Ms. Brittany 8552871

Ms. De Rennes 8822834


726. Theobald I De Blois and Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois]

Eudes De Chartres 850-886

Ms. De Chartres 875-908


Hugh De Bourges 862-892


Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 870-928

Herbert I
De Vermandois


Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 845-

Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 892-910


Theobald V De Troyes 880-904


De Vermandois

Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 920-


Theobald I De Blois 9132886


Odo I De Blois 9502843


Page 861

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 727. Conrad I De Bourgogne and Matilda De Bourgogne [De France]
Rudolph I De Burgundy 8472959
Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 852-

Family Trees

Richard I Von Swabia 8822961

Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 887-

Charles T Simple

Simple [Eadgifu]


Heinrich I Germans 8762965

Matilda C O Germans [Ringelheim] 878-


Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 907-


Rudolph De Burgundy 9022923

Louis France
Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 943-

Gerberge Q O France 9142926


Conrad I De Bourgogne 9252888


Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 967-1016



728. Richard I Normandy and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon]

Robert Ragnvaldsson 870-932
Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 872-930

Hubert Senlis 880-912


Senlis [Mrs Hubert]


Herfast De Crepon 890-981


Mr. Stop


William I Longsword 8932927

Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 911-945

Herbastus De Crepon 911-984

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Mrs H De Crepon 916-974



Richard I Normandy


Richard I
Duke Of Normandy



Page 862

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 729. Conan I Bretagne and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]
Paskwitan De Rennes 884-936

Family Trees

Ms. De Rennes 8822975

Heinrich I Germans 8762976

Matilda C O Germans [Ringelheim] 878-

Foulques Le Anjou 9092978

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952



Juhel Berenger 931-970


Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

Geoffrey I Grisgonelle


Conan I Bretagne 9272892

Bretagne [D Anjou]


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]




730. Foulques Le Anjou and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine]

Ingelger I Orlean 845-893

Aelinde De Amboise 844-890


738... Garnier S De Loches 844-929

Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 874-920

Berillo I De Vienne 8402986

Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 876-


Fouques I D Anjou 870-938


Rotbold I O Arles 878-978

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952

Rotbold Arles 8732938



Foulques Le Anjou 9092894


Albert De Corbeil 955-1012



Page 863

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 731. Richard I Normandy and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon]
Herfast De Crepon 890-981

Family Trees

Mr. Stop

Herbastus De Crepon 911-984


Mrs H De Crepon 916-974

Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 936-1031

Richard I Normandy


Richard I
Duke Of Normandy



732. Conan I Bretagne and Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou]

Paskwitan De Rennes 884-936

Ms. De Rennes 8822992

Heinrich I Germans 8762993

Matilda C O Germans [Ringelheim] 878-

Foulques Le Anjou 9092995

Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 913-952



Juhel Berenger 931-970


Gerberge Q O
Berenger [France]

Geoffrey I Grisgonelle


Conan I Bretagne 9272898

Bretagne [D Anjou]


Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne]




Page 864

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 733. Giovanni Carnaghi

Giovanni Carnaghi 9992909

Family Trees

Hugh Le Corbet 1020-1081



734. I Eysteinsson Jarl and Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]

756... Ivar Jarl 788-846

Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 785-850

753... Rognvald Olafsson 790-850



Glumra E Jarl 810-870


Hrolf Nefja 826-847


Nefja [Of Norway]



IE Jarl 837-894

Ragnhild 742...
Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]


Rolf Ragnvaldsson 846-932



Page 865

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 735. Hrolf Nefja and Mrs Hrolf Nefja
743... Olaf Gudrodsson 770-840

Family Trees

743... Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Rognvald Olafsson 790-850



Hrolf Nefja 826-847


Mrs H Nefja 828-847


Ragnhild Hrolfsson 848-892



736. Hildebrante Liegarde

Robert I France 8662957

Adele A
France [De France]


Hildebrante Liegarde 890-931


Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 920-



Page 866

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 737. Adelaide De Vermandois

De Vermandois

Family Trees


De Vermandois


Bretagne [D Anjou]



738. Fouques I D Anjou and Roscille D Anjou [De Loches]

Aelinde De Amboise 844-890

Ingelger I Orlean 845-893


Aelinde De Amboise 844-890


Garnier S De Loches 844-929

Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 874-920

Fouques I D Anjou 870-938



Foulques Le Anjou 9092894


Page 867

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 739. Adelaide De Vermandois

De Vermandois

Family Trees


De Vermandois


Bretagne [D Anjou]



740. Glumra Eystein Jarl

762... Halfdan Eysteinsson 762-800

Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 767-800

Eystein Glumra 790-830

Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 785-850


Ivar Jarl 788-846




Glumra E Jarl 810-870


IE Jarl 837-894


Page 868

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 741. Aseda Rognvaldsson

Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Family Trees

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Rognvald Olafsson 816-850


Aseda Rognvaldsson 752... 8122946

IE Jarl 837-894


742. Hrolf Nefja and Nn Nefja [Of Norway]

Olaf Gudrodsson 770-840

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Rognvald Olafsson 790-850


Hrolf Nefja 826-847


Nefja [Of Norway]


Jarl [Hrolfsdottir]



Page 869

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 743. Rognvald Olafsson

Gudrod Halfdansson 738-810

Family Trees

Asa Haraldsdottir 743-834


Gudrod H Halfdansson 738-810


Olaf Gudrodsson 770-840


Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Rognvald Olafsson 790-850


Hrolf Nefja 826-847



744. Olafsson Unknown

Gudrod Halfdansson 790-821
Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 794-815

Gudrod H Halfdansson 738-810



Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840


Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Olafsson Unknown 8142950

Hrolf Nefja 826-847



Page 870

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 745. Thyri Klacksdottir

Thyri Klacksdottir 900-935

Family Trees

Herbastus De Crepon 911-984



746. Adelais Countess Vermandois

Adelais C Vermandois 9142981

De Vermandois



747. Thistburge De Arles

Thistburge De Arles 880-948

Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 874-920



Page 871

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 748. Thyri Klacksdottir

Thyri Klacksdottir 900-935

Family Trees

Herbastus De Crepon 911-984



749. Adelais Countess Vermandois

Adelais C Vermandois 9142998

De Vermandois



750. Ivar Jarl and Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim]

765... The V Sveide 694-760

767... Eystein G Hognasson 738-759


764... Mrs E Hognasson 740-785


Halfdan Eysteinsson 762-800


Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 767-800

Eystein Glumra 790-830

Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 785-850



Ivar Jarl 788-846



Glumra E Jarl 810-870



Page 872

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 751. Rognvald Olafsson and Olafsson Unknown
Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Family Trees

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840


Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Rognvald Olafsson 816-850




Olafsson Unknown 8143004


752. Rognvald Olafsson

Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Rognvald Olafsson 816-850





Aseda Rognvaldsson 8122946



753. Rognvald Olafsson and Thora Sigurdsdatter

Olaf Gudrodsson 770-840

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Sigurd Ragnarsson 786-873


Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 784-799


Rognvald Olafsson 790-850


Thora Sigurdsdatter 806-812 =754


Page 873

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 754. Thora Sigurdsdatter

Sigurd Ragnarsson 786-873
Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 784-799

Family Trees



Thora Sigurdsdatter =753 806-812


Aseda Rognvaldsson 8122946


755. Olafsson Unknown

Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Olafsson Unknown 8143004


Hrolf Nefja 826-847



Page 874

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 756. Halfdan Eysteinsson and Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir]
765... Mr. Gorr 6693027

Family Trees

767... Hogne Eysteinsson 700-737


Hogne E Eysteinsson [Norway] 700-738

Hognl Eysteinsson 7003033


The V Sveide 694-760


Eystein G Hognasson 738-759


Mrs E Hognasson 740-785

Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 767-800


Halfdan Eysteinsson 762-800




Ivar Jarl 788-846



757. Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter

Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Rognvald Olafsson 816-850


Ascrida 752...


Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 785-850



Page 875

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 758. Olaf Gudrodsson and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson
Olaf Gudrodsson 800-840

Family Trees

Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840


Olafsson Unknown 8143004

Rognvald Olafsson 816-850




759. Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson and Asa Haraldsdottir

Gudrod H Halfdansson 738-810

Asa Haraldsdottir 743-834


760. Gudrod Halfdansson and Queen Asa Haraldsdtr

Gudrod Halfdansson 790-821

Queen A Haraldsdtr 755-850



761. Queen Asa Haraldsdtr

Queen A Haraldsdtr 755-850


Mrs O Gudrodsson 774-840



Page 876

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 762. The Viking Sveide

765... Mr. Fhorri 6453034

Family Trees

Mr. Gorr 6693027


The V Sveide 694-760


Halfdan Eysteinsson 762-800



763. Hildi Eiriksdatter

Eirik Agnarsson 715-740

Hildi Eiriksdatter 740-760


Halfdan Eysteinsson 762-800



Page 877

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 764. Eystein Glumra Hognasson and Mrs Eystein Hognasson
767... Eystein Throndsson 668-710

Family Trees

Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 670-770


Hogne Eysteinsson 700-737


Hogne E Eysteinsson [Norway] 700-738

Hognl Eysteinsson 7003033



Eystein G Hognasson 738-759


Mrs E Hognasson 740-785


Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 767-800



765. Mr. Gorr

Snaer Jokulsson 5503040
Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland] 555-


Mr. Fhorri 6453034

Mr. Gorr 6693027

The V Sveide 694-760



Page 878

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 766. Asa Eysteinsdatter

772... Thrond Throndsson 625-667

Family Trees

Mrs T Throndsson 630-667


Halfdan Solfasson 660-750


Eystein Throndsson 668-710




Asa Eysteinsdatter 768... 708-739


Hildi Eiriksdatter 740-760



767. Hogne Eysteinsson and Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway]

Thrond Throndsson 625-667

Mrs T Throndsson 630-667


Halfdan Solfasson 660-750

Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 670-770

Eystein Throndsson 668-710



Hogne Eysteinsson 700-737


Hogne E Eysteinsson [Norway] 700-738


Eystein G Hognasson 738-759



Page 879

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 768. Eystein Throndsson and Solveig Halfdansdatter
773... Harald Hildetand 680-770

Family Trees

Thrond Throndsson 625-667


Mrs T Throndsson 630-667


Halfdan Solfasson 660-750



Eystein Throndsson 668-710




Asa Eysteinsdatter 708-739



769. Thrond Throndsson and Mrs Thrond Throndsson

775... Roric Slingeband 663-700

Harald Hildetand 680-770



Thrond Throndsson 625-667


Mrs T Throndsson 630-667


Eystein Throndsson 668-710



Page 880

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 770. Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter

Moalda D Kinriksdatter 594-603

Family Trees




771. Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter

Moalda D Kinriksdatter 594-603

Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 670-770



772. Harald Hildetand

775... Ivar Vidfadma 590-660

778... Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632


Roric Slingeband 663-700



Harald Hildetand 680-770


Thrond Throndsson 625-667



Page 881

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 773. Roric Slingeband

Halfdan Haroldsson 603-650

Family Trees

780... Alf Olafsson 580-680


Alf Olafsson 5853059

Ivar Vidfadma 590-660


Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632



Roric Slingeband 663-700


Harald Hildetand 680-770



774. Aud Ivarsdatter

781... Halfdan Haraldsson 590-650

Moalda D Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 594-603

780... Alf Olafsson 580-680


Alf Olafsson 5853059


Ivar Halfdansson 612-647


Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632



Aud Ivarsdatter 633-670


Harald Hildetand 680-770



Page 882

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 775. Ivar Vidfadma and Gauthild Alfsdatter
784... Olof Halfdansson 540-546

Family Trees

785... Helgi Halfdansson 528-564


Halfdan Haroldsson 603-650


Alf Olafsson 580-680


Alf Olafsson 5853059

Ivar Vidfadma 590-660



Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632



Roric Slingeband 663-700



776. Ivar Halfdansson and Gauthild Alfsdatter

786... Harald Valdarsson 568-612

Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 572-672

788... King Cynric 525-560

Moalda D Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 594-603

784... Olof Halfdansson 540-546


785... Helgi Halfdansson 528-564



Halfdan Haraldsson 590-650


Alf Olafsson 580-680


Alf Olafsson 5853059


Ivar Halfdansson 779... 612-647



Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632



Aud Ivarsdatter 633-670



Page 883

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 777. Sigris Frodasson

Sigris Frodasson 507-528

Family Trees

Ivar Vidfadma 590-660



778. Alf Olafsson and Alf Olafsson

784... Halfdan Frodasson 503-580
Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter]

784... Halfdan Frodasson 503-580


790... Sigris Frodasson 507-528



Olof Halfdansson 540-546


Helgi Halfdansson 528-564



Alf Olafsson 580-680


Alf Olafsson 5853059

Gauthild Alfsdatter 614-632



Page 884

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 779. Halfdan Haraldsson and Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter]
786... Valdar Hroarsson 547-567

Family Trees

Mrs V Hroarsson 549-572


791... Heidrek U Angantyrsson 552-602


Amfleda Angantyrsson [Younger"] 556-

788... Prince O W Crioda 493-534


Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 497-525

Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 572-672


Harald Valdarsson 568-612


King Cynric 525-560

Moalda D Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 594-603



Halfdan Haraldsson 590-650




Ivar Halfdansson 612-647



780. Olof Halfdansson and Helgi Halfdansson

784... Frodi Fridleifsson 479-548

Mrs F Fridleifsson 4833080

784... Frodi Fridleifsson 479-548

Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter]

Mrs F Fridleifsson 4833080

793... Aun Jorundsson 509-544


Halfdan Frodasson 503-580


Halfdan Frodasson 503-580


Sigris Frodasson 507-528



Olof Halfdansson 784... 540-546


Helgi Halfdansson 785... 528-564


Alf Olafsson 580-680



Page 885

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 781. Harald Valdarsson and Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter]
786... Hroar Halfdansson 526-620

Family Trees

Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 530-630

794... Angantyr H Reidgotalandi 532-552


795... King Tharsamund 496-523


Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 522-540


Amfleda Angantyrsson [Younger"] 556-

Valdar Hroarsson 547-567


Mrs V Hroarsson 549-572


Heidrek U Angantyrsson 552-602

Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 572-672



Harald Valdarsson 568-612




Halfdan Haraldsson 590-650



782. King Cynric

788... Cerdic Wessex 467-534
Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 471-534

788... Cerdic Wessex 467-534

Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 497-525


Prince O W Crioda 493-534




King Cynric 525-560


Moalda D Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 594-603



Page 886

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 783. Hildis Af Vandals

789... Hroar Halfdansson 526-620

Family Trees

Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 530-630

789... Hilderic Vandals 480-530


789... Amfleda T
Vandals [Younger]

Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 549-572


Valdar Hroarsson 547-567




Hildis A Vandals 5303067

Moalda D Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 594-603



784. Halfdan Frodasson and Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter]

Fridleif Frodasson 456-476

Mrs F Frodasson 4603094

Frodi Fridleifsson 479-548


Mrs F Fridleifsson 4833080

Halfdan Frodasson 503-580



Sigris Frodasson [Halfdansdatter]


Olof Halfdansson 540-546



Page 887

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 785. Halfdan Frodasson and Sigris Frodasson
Fridleif Frodasson 456-476

Family Trees

Mrs F Frodasson 4603094

793... Jorund Yngvasson 487-509


Mrs J Yngvasson 491-514


Frodi Fridleifsson 479-548


Mrs F Fridleifsson 4833080

Aun Jorundsson 509-544



Halfdan Frodasson 503-580




Sigris Frodasson 507-528


Helgi Halfdansson 528-564



786. Valdar Hroarsson and Mrs Valdar Hroarsson

Halfdan Frodasson 503-580

Sigris Frodasson 507-528




Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 526-

Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 530-630

Hroar Halfdansson 526-620



Valdar Hroarsson 547-567


Mrs V Hroarsson 549-572


Harald Valdarsson 568-612



Page 888

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 787. Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson and Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"]
799... Heidrek H Reidgotalandi 512-612

Family Trees

Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 512-532

800... Gelimer O T S Ms. Goths Goths [Eurica] 425-496 4653103 3104

Theodoric T G O

Italy 4553105
Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 522-540


Angantyr H Reidgotalandi 532-552


King Tharsamund 496-523


Amfleda Angantyrsson [Younger"] 556-

Heidrek U Angantyrsson 791... 552-602




Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 572-672



788. Prince Of Wessex Crioda and Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda]

Aelle Elisens 439-514

Mrs E Elisens 443-540


Aelle Elisens 439-514

Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 471-534

Mrs E Elisens 443-540


Cerdic Wessex 467-534


Cerdic Wessex 467-534

Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 497-525


Prince O W Crioda 493-534



King Cynric 525-560



Page 889

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 789. Valdar Hroarsson and Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals]
Halfdan Frodasson 503-580

Family Trees

Sigris Frodasson 507-528




Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 526-

Hunneric K O T

Vandals [Rome]

Vandals 434-480


King Thrasamund 470-496


Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 530-630

Hroar Halfdansson 526-620


Hilderic Vandals 480-530

Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 549-572

Amfleda T
Vandals [Younger]



Valdar Hroarsson 547-567



Hildis A Vandals 5303067


790. Aun Jorundsson

793... Yngvi Alreksson 466-499

Mrs Y Alreksson 470-492


Jorund Yngvasson 487-509


Mrs J Yngvasson 491-514



Aun Jorundsson 509-544


Sigris Frodasson 507-528



Page 890

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 791. Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi

805... Hofund G Glaesivollum 488-538

Family Trees

Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 492-547

Harald Unknown 4903121

Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 512-532


Heidrek H Reidgotalandi 512-612



Angantyr H Reidgotalandi 794... 532-552


Heidrek U Angantyrsson 552-602



792. King Tharsamund and Amfleda Tharsamund [Major]

807... King Gonderic 368-426
Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 400-487

808... Theodemir Cheiftan 425-471



Gelimer O T S Goths 425-496


Ms. Goths [Eurica] 4653104

Theodoric T G O

Italy 4553105
Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 522-540

King Tharsamund 795... 496-523




Amfleda Angantyrsson [Younger"] 556-



Page 891

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 793. Jorund Yngvasson and Mrs Jorund Yngvasson
Alrek Agnasson 445-536
Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 449-481

Family Trees


Yngvi Alreksson 466-499


Mrs Y Alreksson 470-492


Jorund Yngvasson 487-509


Mrs J Yngvasson 491-514


Aun Jorundsson 509-544



794. Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi and Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter]

811... Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472

Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 454-472

805... Angantyr Arngrimsson 472-522


Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 474-492



Hofund G Glaesivollum 805... 488-538


Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 492-547

Harald Unknown 4903121

Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 512-532


Heidrek H Reidgotalandi 799... 512-612



Angantyr H Reidgotalandi 532-552



Page 892

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 795. Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths and Ms. Goths [Eurica]
807... Gondeguslus Of Vandals 360-406

Family Trees

Flora Of Vandals 365-450


King Gonderic 368-426


Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 400-487


Gelimer O T S Goths 800... 425-496


Ms. Goths [Eurica] 4653104

King Tharsamund 496-523



796. Theodoric The Great Of Italy

808... Wandalar Ostrogoths 375-459

Theodemir Cheiftan 425-471

Theodoric T G O


Italy 4553105

Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 522-540



Page 893

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 797. Theodora Goths

810... Vitilaus K Heruli 86AD-127

Family Trees

Heruli [Gothland]


Adulphus Goths 365-411



Theodora Goths 4553106

Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 522-540



798. Amfleda Des Ostrogoths

Amfleda D Ostrogoths 468-525

Amfleda T
Vandals [Younger]



Page 894

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 799. Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum and Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter]
811... Grim Hergrimsson 428-452

Family Trees

Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 432-487

Mr. Svaflam 400-454

Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 454-472

811... Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472


Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 454-472

Bjatmar Unknown 434-474

Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 474-492



Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472


Angantyr Arngrimsson 805... 472-522

Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 492-547



Hofund G Glaesivollum 805... 488-538




Heidrek H Reidgotalandi 512-612



800. King Gonderic and Elisa Gonderic [Granada]

807... Radagaisus Vandals 350-405
Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 338-420


Gondeguslus Of Vandals 360-406


Flora Of Vandals 365-450



King Gonderic 368-426


Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 400-487


Gelimer O T S Goths 425-496



Page 895

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 801. Theodemir Cheiftan

808... Winithar Ostragoths 345-420

Family Trees

Wandalar Ostrogoths 375-459



Theodemir Cheiftan 425-471


Theodoric T G O

Italy 4553105


802. Erelicia Ostrogoths

Mr. Adulphus 4253138

Erelicia Ostrogoths 4303125

Theodoric T G O

Italy 4553105


Page 896

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 803. Adulphus Goths

810... Hutterus Vislaus 58AD-91AD
Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 115-

Family Trees


Vitilaus K Heruli 86AD-127


Heruli [Gothland]



Adulphus Goths 365-411


Theodora Goths 4553106


804. Ms. Unknown

Ms. Unknown 4003127

Theodora Goths 4553106


Page 897

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 805. Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson and Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter]
Hergrim Arngrimsson 410-460

Family Trees

Ogn Arngrimsson 414-426


811... Stark Aludregn 408-432


Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 412-432

Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 432-487

Grim Hergrimsson 428-452


Mr. Svaflam 400-454

Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 454-472



Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472



Angantyr Arngrimsson 472-522


Hofund G Glaesivollum 488-538




806. Angantyr Arngrimsson and Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter]

811... Grim Hergrimsson 428-452

Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 432-487

Mr. Svaflam 400-454

Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 454-472


Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472


Bjatmar Unknown 434-474

Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 474-492


Angantyr Arngrimsson 805... 472-522



Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 492-547



Page 898

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 807. Gondeguslus Of Vandals and Flora Of Vandals
Miecislaus I Heruli 320-388

Family Trees

Radagaisus Vandals 350-405


Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 338-420


Gondeguslus Of Vandals 360-406


Flora Of Vandals 365-450


King Gonderic 368-426



808. Wandalar Ostrogoths

Prince Walaravens 3163156

Winithar Ostragoths 345-420


Wandalar Ostrogoths 375-459


Theodemir Cheiftan 425-471



Page 899

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 809. Vandalar Av Ostrogoths

Vandalar A Ostrogoths 3893137

Family Trees

Theodemir Cheiftan 425-471



810. Vitilaus King Heruli and Anarnia Heruli [Gothland]

Hutterus Heruli 15AD-35AD

Heruli [De Jutland]


Hutterus Vislaus 58AD-91AD


Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 115-


Vitilaus K Heruli 86AD-127


Heruli [Gothland]


Adulphus Goths 365-411



Page 900

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 811. Grim Hergrimsson and Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter]
Hergrim Arngrimsson 410-460

Family Trees

Hergrim Arngrimsson 410-460


Ogn Arngrimsson 414-426


Stark Aludregn 408-432

Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 432-487

Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 412-432


Grim Hergrimsson 428-452



Arngrim B Grimsson 452-472



812. Ms. Unknown

Ms. Unknown 2953155

Radagaisus Vandals 350-405



Page 901

14. NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Robert Paul Mitchell 1. Applies to: Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4. Applies to: Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: holly William Mitchell 5. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7.

Page 902

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8.


Page 903

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10.


Page 904

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: George W Mitchell 10. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11.


Page 905

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Applies to: Edward Tilmon James 11. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14.


Page 906

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15.


Page 907

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. Applies to: Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19.


Page 908

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Jessie Tillman James 19. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23.


Page 909

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Samuel Austin Smithey 23. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24.


Page 910

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25.


Page 911

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Raymond Allen Gray 25. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26.


Page 912

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26.


Page 913

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: Salathiel Goff 28. Applies to: John Franklin James 29.


Page 914

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: John Franklin James 29. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: James William Woods 31.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. Applies to: James William Woods 31. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32.


Page 917

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33.


Page 918

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Alpheus Smithey 33. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34. Applies to: William Albert Wilson 35.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. Applies to: William Albert Wilson 35. Applies to: William Albert Wilson 35. Applies to: William Albert Wilson 35. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38. Applies to: Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: William Polk Wilson 39. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40. Applies to: W E James 43. Applies to: W E James 43. Applies to: W E James 43. Applies to: W E James 43. Applies to: W E James 43. Applies to: W E James 43.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: L Ann James [Myers] 44. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: James J Randolph 45. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Samuel Henry Neff 47. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: Bradford W Smithey 49. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51.


Page 931

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51. Applies to: William Howard Damewood 51. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Albert James Wilson 53. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: James Monroe Speed 55. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Joseph Allison Gray 57. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Mary A Gray [Cook] 58. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59. Applies to: Gideon P Mitchell 59.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62. Applies to: Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: james martin Boswell 63. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64.


Page 938

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64.


Page 939

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69.


Page 940

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: James Poe 69. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71.


Page 941

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71.


Page 942

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: David Neff 71. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72.


Page 943

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: Isaac Damewood 79. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William W Wilson 81. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83.


Page 944

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: William B Miller 83. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84.


Page 945

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Martha Miller 84. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86.


Page 946

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 900. 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Joseph Ross Gray 87. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88. Applies to: Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88.


Page 947

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90. Applies to: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90.


Page 948

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 958. 959. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: John S. Mitchell 91. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92.


Page 949

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. 979. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Alila Mitchell 92. Applies to: Richard Boswell 97. Applies to: Richard Boswell 97. Applies to: Richard Boswell 97. Applies to: Richard Boswell 97. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: Tolliver D Lynch 99. Applies to: James McMillan 107. Applies to: James McMillan 107. Applies to: James McMillan 107. Applies to: James McMillan 107.


Page 950

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 980. 981. 982. 983. 984. 985. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112.


Page 951

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1000. 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Applies to: Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Daniel Leonard 118. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124.


Page 952

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124. Applies to: Rachel Gray [Ross] 124. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Isaac Norman 161. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Turner Hamner 172. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173.


Page 953

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. 1045. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1058. 1059. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Applies to: Temperance Holmes 217. Applies to: Temperance Holmes 217. Applies to: Temperance Holmes 217. Applies to: Temperance Holmes 217. Applies to: Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227. Applies to: Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227. Applies to: Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227. Applies to: Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227. Applies to: William Hamner 235. Applies to: William Hamner 235.


Page 954

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1073. 1074. 1075. 1076. 1077. 1078. 1079. Applies to: William Hamner 235. Applies to: William Hamner 235. Applies to: William Hamner 235. Applies to: William Hamner 235. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col. John Wilson 251. Applies to: Col Richard Randolph 263. Applies to: Col Richard Randolph 263. Applies to: Col Richard Randolph 263. Applies to: Col Richard Randolph 263. Applies to: Theodorick Bland 265. Applies to: Theodorick Bland 265. Applies to: Theodorick Bland 265. Applies to: Theodorick Bland 265. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277.


Page 955

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Michael Will 277. Applies to: Jacob Slagle 282. Applies to: Jacob Slagle 282. Applies to: Jacob Slagle 282. Applies to: Jacob Slagle 282.


Page 956

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1100. 1101. 1102. 1103. 1104. 1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. 1112. 1113. 1114. 1115. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1119. Applies to: Joshua Holmes 284. Applies to: Joshua Holmes 284. Applies to: Joshua Holmes 284. Applies to: Joshua Holmes 284. Applies to: Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Applies to: Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Applies to: Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Applies to: Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Applies to: George Ross 296. Applies to: George Ross 296. Applies to: George Ross 296. Applies to: George Ross 296. Applies to: Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302. Applies to: Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302. Applies to: Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302. Applies to: Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310.


Page 957

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 1124. 1125. 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Matthew Jouett 310. Applies to: Mary Randolph [Isham] 341. Applies to: Mary Randolph [Isham] 341. Applies to: Mary Randolph [Isham] 341. Applies to: Mary Randolph [Isham] 341. Applies to: John Bolling 342. Applies to: John Bolling 342. Applies to: John Bolling 342. Applies to: John Bolling 342. Applies to: Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Applies to: Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Applies to: Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Applies to: Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Applies to: Richard Bland 344. Applies to: Richard Bland 344. Applies to: Richard Bland 344. Applies to: Richard Bland 344.


Page 958

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143. 1144. 1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1159. Applies to: Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. Applies to: Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. Applies to: Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. Applies to: Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. Applies to: Edward Sturgis 370. Applies to: Edward Sturgis 370. Applies to: Edward Sturgis 370. Applies to: Edward Sturgis 370. Applies to: Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. Applies to: Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. Applies to: Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. Applies to: Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. Applies to: John Aaron Burleson 382. Applies to: John Aaron Burleson 382. Applies to: John Aaron Burleson 382. Applies to: John Aaron Burleson 382. Applies to: George Ross 386. Applies to: George Ross 386. Applies to: George Ross 386. Applies to: George Ross 386.


Page 959

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1160. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1169. 1170. 1171. 1172. 1173. 1174. 1175. 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Constance Ross [Little] 387. Applies to: Abigail Hubbard 389. Applies to: Abigail Hubbard 389. Applies to: Abigail Hubbard 389. Applies to: Abigail Hubbard 389. Applies to: Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450. Applies to: Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450. Applies to: Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450. Applies to: Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450.


Page 960

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1180. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. 1196. 1197. 1198. 1199. Applies to: Henry Linscott 463. Applies to: Henry Linscott 463. Applies to: Henry Linscott 463. Applies to: Henry Linscott 463. Applies to: Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Applies to: Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Applies to: Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Applies to: Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Applies to: Desire Gorham [Howland] 491. Applies to: Desire Gorham [Howland] 491. Applies to: Desire Gorham [Howland] 491. Applies to: Desire Gorham [Howland] 491. Applies to: Walter Deane 502. Applies to: Walter Deane 502. Applies to: Walter Deane 502. Applies to: Walter Deane 502. Applies to: Hugh Bullock 524. Applies to: Hugh Bullock 524. Applies to: Hugh Bullock 524. Applies to: Hugh Bullock 524.


Page 961

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1200. 1201. 1202. 1203. 1204. 1205. 1206. 1207. 1208. 1209. 1210. 1211. 1212. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1216. 1217. 1218. 1219. Applies to: Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572. Applies to: Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572. Applies to: Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572. Applies to: Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572. Applies to: Lancelot Bathurst 591. Applies to: Lancelot Bathurst 591. Applies to: Lancelot Bathurst 591. Applies to: Lancelot Bathurst 591. Applies to: Arthur Ingraham 626. Applies to: Arthur Ingraham 626. Applies to: Arthur Ingraham 626. Applies to: Arthur Ingraham 626. Applies to: Alexander Wignall 628. Applies to: Alexander Wignall 628. Applies to: Alexander Wignall 628. Applies to: Alexander Wignall 628. Applies to: Ralph Gorham 634. Applies to: Ralph Gorham 634. Applies to: Ralph Gorham 634. Applies to: Ralph Gorham 634.


Page 962

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1220. 1221. 1222. 1223. 1224. 1225. 1226. 1227. 1228. 1229. 1230. 1231. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1236. 1237. 1238. 1239. Applies to: Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645. Applies to: Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645. Applies to: Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645. Applies to: Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645. Applies to: Edmund Hobart 653. Applies to: Edmund Hobart 653. Applies to: Edmund Hobart 653. Applies to: Edmund Hobart 653. Applies to: Edward Bathurst 763. Applies to: Edward Bathurst 763. Applies to: Edward Bathurst 763. Applies to: Edward Bathurst 763. Applies to: Henry Linscott 765. Applies to: Henry Linscott 765. Applies to: Henry Linscott 765. Applies to: Henry Linscott 765. Applies to: Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766. Applies to: Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766. Applies to: Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766. Applies to: Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1240. 1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1246. 1247. 1248. 1249. 1250. 1251. 1252. 1253. 1254. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. Applies to: Robert Bathurst 869. Applies to: Robert Bathurst 869. Applies to: Robert Bathurst 869. Applies to: Robert Bathurst 869. Applies to: Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034. Applies to: Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034. Applies to: Aymer De Taillefer 2130. Applies to: Aymer De Taillefer 2130. Applies to: Aymer De Taillefer 2425. Applies to: Aymer De Taillefer 2425. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1260. 1261. 1262. 1263. 1264. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1275. 1276. 1277. 1278. 1279. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: John Franklin Earles 3161. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163. Applies to: James Harrison Earles 3163.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1280. 1281. 1282. 1283. 1284. 1285. 1286. 1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. 1298. 1299. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: James Franklin Collins 3165. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1305. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318. 1319. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171. Applies to: William Thomas Collins 3171. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Applies to: William Barnes 3173. Applies to: William Barnes 3173. Applies to: William Barnes 3173. Applies to: William Barnes 3173.


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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324. 1325. 1326. 1327. 1328. 1329. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1335. 1336. 1337. Applies to: William Barnes 3173. Applies to: William Barnes 3173. Applies to: Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636. Applies to: Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636. Applies to: Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636. Applies to: Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636. Applies to: William Hallett 3658. Applies to: William Hallett 3658. Applies to: William Hallett 3658. Applies to: William Hallett 3658. Applies to: Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. Applies to: Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. Applies to: Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. Applies to: Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. Applies to: Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675. Applies to: Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675. Applies to: Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675. Applies to: Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675.


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15. SOURCES 1. "1830 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifth Census of the United States, 1830. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1830. M19, 201". Citations: Richard Boswell 97 (twice). "1850 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850. M432, ". Citations: Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 (3 times); Salathiel Goff 28 (3 times); Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 (3 times); Bradford W Smithey 49 (3 times); Albert James Wilson 53 (3 times); James Monroe Speed 55 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); James Poe 69 (3 times); Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 (3 times); David Neff 71 (3 times); Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 (3 times); Isaac Damewood 79 (3 times); William W Wilson 81 (3 times); Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 (3 times); Joseph Ross Gray 87 (3 times); Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 (3 times); Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 (3 times); Tolliver D Lynch 99 (3 times); Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 (6 times); Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112 (3 times); Daniel Leonard 118 (3 times); Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 (3 times); Michael Will 277 (6 times). "1860 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1". Citations: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 (twice); James J Randolph 45 (3 times); Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 (3 times); Samuel Henry Neff 47 (3 times); Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 (3 times); James Monroe Speed 55 (3 times); Gideon P Mitchell 59 (3 times); james martin Boswell 63 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); James Poe 69 (3 times); David Neff 71 (3 times); Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 (3 times); William B Miller 83 (3 times); Martha Miller 84 (3 times); Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 (3 times); John S. Mitchell 91 (3 times); Alila Mitchell 92 (3 times); Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 (3 times); Michael Will 277 (3 times); James Harrison Earles 3163 (3 times); Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 (3 times). "1870 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003.Original data - 1870. United States. Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Washington, D.C. National Archives and Records Administration. M593, RG29, 1,761 rolls. Minnesota. Minnes". Citations: George W Mitchell 10 (3 times); W E James 43 (3 times); L Ann James [Myers] 44 (3 times); Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 (3 times); William Howard Damewood 51 (3 times); Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 (3 times); Albert James Wilson 53 (3 times); James Monroe Speed 55 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); James Poe 69 (3 times); David Neff 71 (3 times); Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 (3 times); William B Miller 83 (3 times); Martha Miller 84 (4 times); Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 (3 times); Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 (3 times); Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 (3 times); Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172 (3 times). "1880 United States Federal Census" by and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limite". Citations: Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 (3 times); Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 (5 times); Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 (3 times); Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 (3 times); Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 (6 times); Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 (5 times); James J Randolph 45 (3 times); Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 (3 times); Samuel Henry Neff 47 (3 times); Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 (6 times); Joseph Allison Gray 57 (3 times); Gideon P Mitchell 59 (3 times); Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 (3 times); Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 (3 times); james martin Boswell 63 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); David Neff 71 (3 times); Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 (3 times); John S. Mitchell 91 (3 times); Alila Mitchell 92 (3 times); William Thomas Collins 3171 (3 times); Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172 (3 times); William Barnes 3173 (3 times). "1900 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, ". Citations: Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 (3 times); Jessie Tillman James 19 (3 times); Raymond Allen Gray 25 (3 times); John Franklin James 29 (3 times); Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 (3 times); James William Woods 31 (3 times); Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 (6 times); Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 (3 times); Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 (3 times); Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 (3 times); William Polk Wilson 39 (3 times); Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 (3 times); Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 (6 times); Bradford W Smithey 49 (3 times); Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 (3 times); James Monroe Speed 55 (3 times); Joseph Allison Gray 57 (3 times); Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 (3 times); james martin Boswell 63 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 (3 times); James Franklin Collins 3165 (3 times).






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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 7.


"1910 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Thirteenth Census of the Unit". Citations: holly William Mitchell 5 (3 times); Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 (3 times); George W Mitchell 10 (3 times); Jessie Tillman James 19 (3 times); Samuel Austin Smithey 23 (3 times); Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 (3 times); Raymond Allen Gray 25 (6 times); Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 (6 times); John Franklin James 29 (3 times); Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 (3 times); Alpheus Smithey 33 (4 times); Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 (3 times); Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 (3 times); Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 (3 times); Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 (3 times); William Polk Wilson 39 (3 times); Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 (3 times); Bradford W Smithey 49 (3 times); Gideon P Mitchell 59 (3 times); Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 (3 times); John Franklin Earles 3161 (3 times). "1920 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 on roll 323 (Chicago City.Original data - United States". Citations: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 (3 times); Samuel Austin Smithey 23 (3 times); Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 (3 times); Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 (3 times); James William Woods 31 (3 times); Alpheus Smithey 33 (3 times); Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 (3 times); William Polk Wilson 39 (3 times); Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 (3 times); James Harrison Earles 3163 (3 times). "1930 United States Federal Census" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2002.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626". Citations: Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 (4 times); Jessie Tillman James 19 (3 times); Samuel Austin Smithey 23 (3 times); Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 (3 times); Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 (3 times); John Franklin Earles 3161 (3 times). "American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)" by Godfrey Memorial Library, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Gen". Citations: George Ross 386 (twice). "Coker-Matthews Funeral Home Records" by Hunt County Genealogical Society in "Hunt County Genealogical Society". Citations: Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37. "Family Data Collection - Births" by Edmund West, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001". Citations: William Polk Wilson 39 (twice); Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 (twice). "Family Data Collection - Deaths" by Edmund West, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001". Citations: Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 (twice); Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302. "Family Data Collection - Individual Records" by Edmund West, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000". Citations: Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 (twice); Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 (3 times); Isaac Norman 161 (3 times); Turner Hamner 172 (3 times); Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 (6 times); William Hamner 235 (3 times); Col. John Wilson 251 (3 times); Constance Ross [Little] 387 (3 times). "Family Data Collection - Marriages" by Edmund West, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001". Citations: Constance Ross [Little] 387. "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.Original data - Nevada State Health Division, Office of Vital Records. Nevada Marriage Index, 1966-2005. Carson City, Nevada: Nevada State Health Division, Office of Vital Records.Cla". Citations: Robert Paul Mitchell 1; Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4. "OneWorldTree" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc". Citations: Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 (twice); Edward Tilmon James 11 (3 times); James William Woods 31 (3 times); Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32; Alpheus Smithey 33 (twice); Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 (twice); William Albert Wilson 35 (3 times); Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 (3 times); W E James 43 (3 times); L Ann James [Myers] 44 (3 times); Samuel Henry Neff 47 (3 times); Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 (twice); Albert James Wilson 53 (twice); Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 (twice); Page 970




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Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] 56 (3 times); Joseph Allison Gray 57 (3 times); Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 (3 times); James Harvey Wilson 61 (3 times); Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 (3 times); james martin Boswell 63 (3 times); Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 (3 times); Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 (3 times); Edward William Jackson 66 (3 times); John D Randolph 67 (3 times); Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 (3 times); James Poe 69 (3 times); Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 (3 times); Sally Smith [Turner] 76 (3 times); William G Speed 85 (3 times); Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86; Elijah Cook 89; Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90; Elisha Hughes 95 (3 times); Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 (3 times); Richard Boswell 97 (3 times); Tolliver D Lynch 99 (twice); Thomas Brown 103 (twice); Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 (3 times); Leannah Smith [C] 115 (twice); Mary Norman [A] 117 (3 times); Daniel Leonard 118 (3 times); Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 (3 times); John Gray 123 (3 times); John Heath 125 (twice); John Harvey Hamner 127 (3 times); Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 (3 times); Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130 (6 times); Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134 (3 times); Martha Wilson [McMurry] 136 (3 times); Charles Martin 137; Lucy Martin [Harper] 138; Margaret Randolph [Smalley] 143 (3 times); Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 (3 times); Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 (3 times); Frances Benjamin Watts 149 (twice); Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151 (3 times); Joshua Smith 160 (3 times); Isaac Norman 161 (3 times); Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 (5 times); Malachi Damewood 163 (3 times); Hannah Damewood [E] 164 (3 times); George Seymour 165 (3 times); Mary Seymour [Good] 166 (twice); John Bruce 167 (3 times); John Wilson 176 (3 times); Rebecca Hamner [Harper] 190; Mary Dill 195 (3 times); Mary Poe [Hook] 197 (3 times); Phoebe McMillan 201 (3 times); Michael Will 213 (3 times); Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214 (3 times); Conrad Sherman 215 (3 times); Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216 (3 times); Esther Gage [Shipman] 221 (3 times); Anna Demuth [Giessler] 223 (twice); Sarah Seymour 225 (twice); William Ross 226 (3 times); Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 (3 times); John Johnston 228; Deborah Johnston [Hood] 229; Samuel D Adams 230 (3 times); Catherine Adams [Hardwick] 231 (twice); Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 (3 times); John Moore 236 (3 times); Mary Moore [Bullock] 237 (twice); John Pettigrew 242 (3 times); Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 (3 times); Elisha Whitten 244 (twice); Col. John Wilson 251 (3 times); Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252 (3 times); Thomas Edwards 255 (3 times); Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 (3 times); Jonas Meador 257 (3 times); Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 (3 times); Joseph Brittain 259 (3 times); Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260 (3 times); James Stringfield 261 (3 times); Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262 (3 times); Col Richard Randolph 263 (3 times); Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 (3 times); Theodorick Bland 265 (3 times); Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 (3 times); John Dill 267 (3 times); Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268 (twice); Edward Watts 271 (3 times); Anne Watts [Martin] 272 (3 times); John Stone 273 (3 times); Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274 (3 times); Conradt Schermann 281 (twice); Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin] 293; Thomas Seymour 294 (3 times); Ms. Seymour [Ann] 295 (twice); Elizabeth Adams 301 (3 times); Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 (3 times); Richard Bullock 306 (3 times); Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 (3 times); Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 (3 times); Margaret Kay 313 (twice); Samuel Matthews 316 (twice); Robert Wilson 321 (3 times); Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 (3 times); James Pettigrew 324 (3 times); Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 (3 times); Samuel Matthews 326 (twice); Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358 (3 times); Anne Tolson 373 (twice); Nicholas Gage 380 (3 times); Sarah Camp 383 (3 times); Jacob Demut 384; Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] 385 (twice); Lawrence Tavernor 392; Reynold Henley 397 (3 times); Susan Henley [Turner] 398 (3 times); Robert Richardson 399 (3 times); Jane Richardson [Green] 400 (3 times); Richard Shockey 403 (3 times); Augustine Moore 405 (3 times); Anne Moore 406 (twice); Thomas Lee 419; Anne Lee [Davis] 420; Robert Bolling 449 (3 times); Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 (3 times); Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 (3 times); John Dill 461 (3 times); Catherine Sheridan 462 (twice); Robert Holmes 484 (3 times); Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485 (twice); Richard Ingraham 486 (3 times); Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 (3 times); Edward Sturgis 488 (3 times); Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489 (3 times); John Gorham 490 (3 times); Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 (3 times); John Peabody 500 (3 times); Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 (3 times); Walter Deane 502 (3 times); Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 (3 times); Cornelius Turner 519 (twice); Charles Richardson 520 (twice); Edward Green 522 (3 times); Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592 (3 times); Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594 (twice); Robert Lauers 595 (3 times); Katherine Lauers 596 (3 times); Ralph Holme 622 (twice); Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 (twice); Alexander Wignall 628 (3 times); Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 (3 times); Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 (3 times); Sarah Pearl 639 (3 times); George Ross 646 (3 times); Marian Ross [Campbell] 647 (twice); Silvester Vitt Seving 650 (3 times); Robert Long 651 (3 times); Sarah Long [Taylor] 652 (3 times); Edmund Hobart 653 (3 times); Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 (3 times); Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 (3 times); William Hanmer 657 (3 times); Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658 (3 times); Edward Dymock 659 (twice); Mawdlin Dymock [Puleston] 660; Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 (3 times); Edward Bathurst 763 (3 times); Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 (3 times); Henry Linscott 765 (twice); Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766 (twice); Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 (twice); Arthur Ingraham 782 (3 times); Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 (3 times); George Strong 803 (3 times); Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 (3 times); Roger Puleston 828 (3 times); Thomas Bullock 829 (3 times); Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 (3 times); Ralph Bellett 831 (3 times); Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 (3 times); Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 (3 times); William Mason 968 (3 times); Agnes Mason [Brown] 969 (3 times); Ms. Strong 1024 (twice); William Bond 1027 (3 times); Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 (3 times); Thomas Leigh 1029 (3 times); Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 (3 times); David Ross 1035 (3 times); John Sinclair 1038; Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 1039; Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057 (3 times); Edward Dodge 1091 (3 times); Mary Saunders [Goodwin] 1096; Alexander Ross 1125 (3 times); Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126 (twice); Edward Hanmer 1145 (3 times); Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146 (twice); Meridith Esq Lloyd 1147 (twice); Thomas Dymoke 1148 (3 times); Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 (twice); Randle Brereton 1150 (3 times); Griffith Hanmer 1152 (3 times); Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153 (twice); Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 (3 times); Peter Piers Dutton 1158 (3 times); Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 (3 times); Madoc Kynaston 1160 (3 times); Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 (3 times); Roger Hoord 1162 (3 times); Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163 (twice); Thomas Grey 1164 (3 times); Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 (3 times); Edward Cherleton 1166 (3 times); Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167 (3 times); Henry Plantagenet 1168 (3 times); Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169 (3 times); Reginald Cobham 1170 (3 times); Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 (3 times); William Gayner 1202 (twice); Thomas

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Bathurst 1206 (3 times); William Duncombe 1209 (3 times); Richard Weightman 1240 (3 times); Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 (twice); John Ross 1258 (twice); Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1262 (twice); Catrin Ferch Llwyd [Ap Gethin] 1264; Robert Bullock 1320 (3 times); Roger Norreys 1324 (3 times); Alice De Ernys 1325 (twice); Richard Merbrooke 1326 (3 times); Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 (twice); Richard De Vere 1328 (3 times); Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 (3 times); John Howard 1330 (3 times); Joan Howard [Walton] 1331 (3 times); Richard Bond De Earth 1347 (3 times); Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450 (twice); Dafydd O R Ap Maredudd 1493; Hywel Fychen Ap Gruffudd 1495; Richard Sergeaux 1640 (3 times); Walter Walton 1649 (twice); Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 (3 times); John De Hanmer 1659 (3 times); Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 (twice); Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 (twice); Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1662 (twice); Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 (3 times); Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 (twice); Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 (3 times); Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 (twice); Edward I Plantagenet 1821 (3 times); Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 (3 times); Philip IV The Fair 1823 (3 times); Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 (3 times); Blanche D Artois 1830 (3 times); William Mylde 1906 (3 times); Richard Bathurst 1914 (3 times); John Howard 1991 (3 times); Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 (3 times); Robert De Bosco 1993 (3 times); Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 (twice); Robert De Scales 1995 (3 times); Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996 (3 times); Robert De Ufford 1997 (3 times); Thomas Tendering 1999 (twice); William Kerdeston 2001 (3 times); Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002 (3 times); Richard De Bodehurst 2015 (twice); Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 2024 (twice); Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028 (twice); Louis Capet 2051 (3 times); Richard De John Cornwall 2067 (3 times); Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 (3 times); Isabel Macclesfield 2091 (twice); Amica Hastings 2171 (twice); Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 (twice); Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 (twice); Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274 (3 times); Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275 (3 times); William X Toulousan 2276 (3 times); Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 (3 times); Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 (3 times); Pierre Prince Of France 2280 (3 times); Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 (3 times); Alesia De Valletort 2428 (3 times); Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 (3 times); Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549 (3 times); Thomas De Basset 2558 (3 times); Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 (3 times); William Malbank 2560 (3 times); Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 (3 times); Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 (3 times); Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 (3 times); Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 (3 times); Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 (3 times); Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours] 2729 (twice); Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 (3 times); Osmond De Centville 2785 (3 times); Heloise De Blois 2788 (3 times); Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 (3 times); Germaine De Corbeil 2794 (3 times); Richard Iii De Normandie 2795 (3 times); Mrs Richard Iii Concubine 2796 (3 times); Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848 (3 times); Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 (3 times); Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 (3 times); Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 (3 times); Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 (3 times); Thrond Throndsson 3042 (3 times); Sigris Frodasson 3057 (twice); Alf Olafsson 3058 (3 times); Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 (3 times); Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 (3 times); Valdar Hroarsson 3071 (3 times); Jorund Yngvasson 3095 (3 times); Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 (3 times); Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 (3 times); Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 (3 times); Ms. Goths [Eurica] 3104 (twice); Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 (3 times); Theodora Goths 3106 (twice); Albert Wesley Farley 3159; Goldie Fern Farley [Earles] 3160 (twice); William Viles 3169; Susan Viles [Carder] 3170 (3 times); Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams] 3174 (3 times); Peyton Earles 3175 (3 times); Sarah Ann Earles 3176; Jeremiah Provolt 3177; Lydia Provolt [Willborn] 3178; Ms. Earle [Perkins] 3188 (twice); Samuel II Earle 3192 (3 times); Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 (3 times); Thomas Sorrell 3194 (3 times); John Bennett 3198 (twice); Thomas Hayles 3204 (twice); Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 (3 times); James Brechin 3207 (4 times); Mary Everard 3212 (3 times); John Crawford 3223 (3 times); Margaret Cunningham 3224 (3 times); Patrick Crawford 3225 (3 times); Jane Crawford 3226 (3 times); James Crawford 3305 (twice); Elizabeth Mure 3306 (3 times); Hugh Montgomerie 3307 (3 times); Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3308 (3 times); Mrs John Mure 3395 (4 times); John Adam Stutler 3426 (3 times); Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427 (3 times); Ellis Hughes 3428 (twice); Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 (3 times); Jacob Von Staadltler 3430 (twice); Mary Von Staadltler [Sites] 3431 (twice); Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] 3442 (3 times); Jeremiah Collett 3449 (3 times); John Hewish 3452 (3 times); Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 (3 times); Roger Pedrick 3454 (3 times); Ms. Unknown 3455 (twice); Edward Bezer 3456 (3 times); Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 (3 times); John Fry 3458 (3 times); Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 (3 times); Thomas Withers 3460 (3 times); Mary Withers [Sloper] 3461 (3 times); Robert Tarrant 3462 (3 times); Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463 (3 times); Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482 (3 times); Emma Sloper 3506 (3 times); Thomas Sloper 3580 (3 times); John Dysner 3587 (twice); Christina Goff [Parsons] 3590 (3 times); Salathiel Goff 3591 (3 times); Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592 (3 times); Margaret Gray 3601 (3 times); William Turton 3606 (twice); Ms. Gray [Margaret] 3609 (3 times); Henry Flesher 3625 (3 times); Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 (3 times); Johans Michael Bush 3635 (3 times); Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653 (3 times); Robert Jackson 3660 (3 times); Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 (3 times); John Seaman 3662 (3 times); Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 (3 times); William Hallett 3664 (3 times); Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 (3 times); George Woolsey 3666 (3 times); Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667 (3 times); Jonathan Whitehead 3690 (3 times); Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693 (twice); William Hicks 3694 (twice); William Jackson 3749 (3 times); Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 (3 times). 18. "Social Security Death Index" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.Original data - Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security". Citations: Edward Tilmon James 11 (3 times); Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 (3 times); Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 (3 times); Raymond Allen Gray 25 (3 times); Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 (3 times); John Franklin Earles 3161 (3 times).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 19.


"Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Texas. Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Department of State Health Services. Microfiche.Original data: Texas. Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Depa". Citations: Robert Paul Mitchell 1 (twice); Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 (twice); Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 (twice); Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 (twice); Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 (twice). "Texas Census, 1820-90" by Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.Or". Citations: William Albert Wilson 35 (twice). "Texas Death Index, 1903-2000" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX, USA: Texas Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit.Original data: Texas Department of". Citations: Edward Tilmon James 11 (twice); Raymond Allen Gray 25 (twice); Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 (twice); Alpheus Smithey 33 (twice); Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 (twice); Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 (twice); Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 (twice); Gideon P Mitchell 59 (twice). "Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2002" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2002. Texas, USA: Texas Department of State Health Services.Original data: Texas Department of Sta". Citations: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 (twice); Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 (twice); Edward Tilmon James 11 (twice); Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 (twice); Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 (twice); Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 (twice). "Texas Land Title Abstracts" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000.Original data - Texas General Land Office. Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and Locations. Austin, TX, USA.Original data: Texas General Land Office. Abs". Citations: John S. Mitchell 91. "Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Texas to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.Hunting For Bears, comp. Texas marriage information". Citations: Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 (4 times); Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 (twice); Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37; Joseph Allison Gray 57; Gideon P Mitchell 59; Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60. "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900" by Yates Publishing in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv". Citations: James McMillan 107 (twice); Temperance Holmes 217 (twice); Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 (twice); Col Richard Randolph 263 (twice); Theodorick Bland 265 (twice); Jacob Slagle 282 (twice); Joshua Holmes 284 (twice); Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285 (twice); George Ross 296 (twice); Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302; Matthew Jouett 310 (4 times); Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 (twice); John Bolling 342 (twice); Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343 (twice); Richard Bland 344 (twice); Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369 (twice); Edward Sturgis 370 (twice); Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371 (twice); John Aaron Burleson 382 (twice); Constance Ross [Little] 387 (twice); Abigail Hubbard 389 (twice); Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 (twice); Henry Linscott 463 (twice); Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 (twice); Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 (twice); Walter Deane 502 (twice); Hugh Bullock 524 (twice); Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 (twice); Lancelot Bathurst 591 (twice); Arthur Ingraham 626 (twice); Alexander Wignall 628 (twice); Ralph Gorham 634 (twice); Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 (twice); Edmund Hobart 653 (twice); Edward Bathurst 763 (twice); Henry Linscott 765 (twice); Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766 (twice); Robert Bathurst 869 (twice); Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034; Aymer De Taillefer 2130; Aymer De Taillefer 2425; Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 (twice); William Hallett 3658 (twice); Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659 (twice); Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675 (twice). "U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index" by Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.Or". Citations: Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 (3 times). "World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918" by in "Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Admi".









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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Citations: Raymond Allen Gray 25 (3 times); Alpheus Smithey 33 (3 times).


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16. INDEX OF PLACES ABEF Death of Archimbaud Borel 2586 in 1083. ABERCORN, SCOTLAND Birth of Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 in 1531. ABERFOYLE Birth of Mary Miller Campbell [Mclaren] 3292 in 1849. AD Death of Hutterus Heruli 3157 in 35 A.D.. AFRICA, CARTHAGE Birth of Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 in 434. Birth of Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114 in 438. Birth of Hilderic Vandals 3091 in 480. AFRICA, NORTH Birth of King Thrasamund 3115 in 470. Birth of Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092 in 500. Death of Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114 in 530. Death of Hilderic Vandals 3091 in 530. AFRICA Death of Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 in 480. Death of King Thrasamund 3115 in 496. ALABAMA Birth of Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 28 February 1833. Birth of Alpheus Smithey 33 on 20 October 1872. ALMOHADI, VALENCIA, VALENCIA, CHCATEAU DE PALENCIA Birth of Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] 2145. Birth of Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] 2060. ALT ACHARRAIS Death of Alexander Ross 1125 on 11 June 1486. AQUITAINE, POITOU, CHATELLERAULT Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in 1103. Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in 1103. Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in 1103. ARAGON, TERUEL, LA FRESNEDA Death of Alfonso Raimundez 2540. Death of Alfonso Raimundez 2290. ARKANSAS, CRITTENDON COUNTY, WEST MEMPHIS Death of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 on 28 April 1963. ARKANSAS Birth of James William Woods 31 about 1871. AUG Death of Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331. AUSTRASIA, MEURTHE-ET-MOSELLE, BRIEY Marriage of Renaud De Bar 2330 and Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331 in 1155.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Death of Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in 1215. AUSTRIA, KARNTEN Birth of Mathilde Princess Carinthia 2535 in 1097. AUSTRIA, WELS DIST, OB DER ENNS, GRIES KIRCHEN Birth of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 in 1640. AUSTRIA, WELS DISTRICT, OB DER ENNS, GRIESKIRCHEN Birth of Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361 in 1640. AUSTRIA Birth of Johann Meixell 475 in 1620. BADEN, HEIDELBERG, WALDANGELLOCH Birth of Michael Plattner 3645. BAKER VOL Death of Nicholas De Greene 1441. BARCELONA, CLEMENCE Death of Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in 1135. BEDFORD ST PAULS Death of John Patenham 2383. Marriage of John Patenham 2383 and Margaret Patenham [Clements] 2384. Birth of John Patenham 2483 in 1535. Death of John Patenham 2483 in 1587. BELARUS, UKRAINE, PANNONIA Birth of Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 in 455. BELARUS, UKRAINE Death of Winithar Ostragoths 3147 in 420. BELGIUM, BRABANT, BRABANT Birth of Jean De Avesnes 1825 in 1247. BELGIUM, FLANDERS Birth of Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 2321 in 1175. BELGIUM, FLANDRE-ORIENTALE, GHENT, ABBAYE DE ST BAVON Birth of John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 between 1340 and 1343. BELGIUM, FLANDRE, BRUGGE Death of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418. Death of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341. BELGIUM, HAINAULT, MONS Death of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340. Death of Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 2327. Death of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417. Death of Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in 1168/11. BELGIUM, HAINAUT, MONS Birth of Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 in 1108. Birth of Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in 1141. Marriage of Raoul I De Coucy 2336 and Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in 1163.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] BELGIUM, HAINAUT, VALENCIENNES Marriage of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341 in 1169/4. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 in 1169/4. BELGIUM, LIMBOURG Death of Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 2323. BELGIUM, LIMBURG, LIMBURG Birth of Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 in 1220. BELGIUM, LIMBURG Birth of Henri Limburg 2152 in 1140. BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG Birth of Henri De Namur 2154 in 1113. BELGIUM, MAAS, LUXEMBURG Birth of Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 in 1252. BELGIUM, NAMUR, NAMUR Birth of Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in 1124. Marriage of Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 and Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in 1149. BELGIUM, NAMUR Birth of Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 between 1186 and 1187. BOURGOGNE, FORCALQUIER, ST MAIME Birth of Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052 in 1221. BRISTOL Death of Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511. BURGUNDY RUDOLF, JURAN Death of Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959. BURKE Death of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in 1165. Death of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in 1165. BYLAND, HIGH ALTER Death of Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420. CADWELL Birth of John Mohr 535. CANADA, BRITISH COLUMBIA Birth of Hutterus Heruli 3157 in 15 A.D.. CARNARVON CASTLE Death of John De Hanmer 1509 in 1308. Death of John De Hanmer 1659 in 1308. CHAMPAGNE, REIMS Birth of Henri I France 2910 in 1008. CHART Death of Katherine De Flanders 2819 in 1030. CILICIE, TARSUS Death of Hugues De France 2857.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] CT Birth of William W Wilson 81 about 1785. DENMAK, UPLAND Birth of I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in 837. DENMARK-PROB, STEALLAND, LETHRA Birth of Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in 590. DENMARK, AM Birth of Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 in 633. DENMARK, ARHUS, VENDIL Birth of Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799 in 671. DENMARK, JELINGE Death of Sigris Frodasson 3110 in 528. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3057 in 528. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3098 in 528. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3070 in 528. Death of Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in 632. Death of Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 in 670. DENMARK, JUTLAND, ROSKILDE Birth of Valdar Hroarsson 3077 in 547. Birth of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 in 547. DENMARK, JUTLAND Death of Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158 in 100. Birth of Hildis Af Vandals 3067 in 530. Birth of Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 in 549. Marriage of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 and Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in 567. Death of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 in 567. Death of Valdar Hroarsson 3077 in 567. Birth of Harald Valdarsson 3064 in 568. Birth of Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in 572. Death of Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in 572. Marriage of Harald Valdarsson 3064 and Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in 589. Birth of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 in 590. Birth of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3049 in 594. Birth of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3045 in 594. Birth of Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in 594. Death of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3045 in 603. Birth of Halfdan Haroldsson 3056 in 603. Death of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3049 in 603. Death of Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in 603. Death of Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in 799. Marriage of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 and Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in 799. Birth of Earl Klaak Harald 2866 in 800. Birth of Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in 806. Birth of Olafsson Unknown 3004 in 814. Birth of Olafsson Unknown 2950 in 814. Death of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 in 873. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2989 in 900. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in 900. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2972 in 900. DENMARK, LETHRA, ROESKILDE Birth of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 in 612.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] DENMARK, LIMFJORD Death of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 in 509. DENMARK, ODIN, KINGS DANES, LINE Birth of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 in 786. DENMARK, ROSKILDE Birth of Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3100 in 526. Birth of Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3112 in 526. Birth of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 in 526. Birth of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 in 526. Birth of Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in 528. Marriage of Olof Halfdansson 3062 and Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in 546. Death of Olof Halfdansson 3062 in 546. DENMARK, VEJLE, JELLINGE Death of Thyre Danebod 2859 in 935. Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in 935. Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2972 in 935. Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2989 in 935. DENMARK, VENDIL Birth of Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798 in 671. DENMARK Birth of Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094 in 460. Death of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 in 476. Marriage of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 and Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094 in 476. Birth of Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080 in 483. Birth of King Tharsamund 3085 in 496. Death of Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 in 496. Marriage of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 and Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080 in 500. Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 and Sigris Frodasson 3098 in 523. Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 and Sigris Frodasson 3070 in 523. Death of King Tharsamund 3085 in 523. Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 and Sigris Frodasson 3110 in 523. Death of Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in 540. Birth of Olof Halfdansson 3062 in 540. Marriage of King Tharsamund 3085 and Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in 542. Marriage of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in 546. Marriage of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in 546. Death of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 in 548. Birth of Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in 549. Death of Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in 564. Death of Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 in 572. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 in 580. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 in 580. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 in 580. Marriage of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 and Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in 611. Death of Harald Valdarsson 3064 in 612. Death of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in 630. Death of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in 630. Marriage of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 and Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in 632. Death of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 in 650. Death of Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in 672. Death of Alf Olafsson 3058 in 680. Death of Roric Slingeband 3051 in 700. Birth of Thyre Danebod 2859 in 844. DROWNED Death of Duncan McMillan 275 in 1743.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] DVP Death of William Cuninghame 3317. EANGLAND, HUNTINGDON, FEN STANTON Death of Nicholas Revell 1012 in 1560. EDERNION, HENDWR Birth of Margaret Verch Gethin [Ap William] 1181. EGYPT, OF ST LOUIS, MANSOURE Death of Robert I Count Of Artois 1943. ENGLAND, ARBORFIELD, ENGLAND Death of Gilbert Bullock 941 in 1500. Death of Margaret Norris 942 in 1512. ENGLAND, AVON, BRISTOL Death of Thomas Cary 725. Death of Thomas Cary 754. Death of Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858. Marriage of Thomas Cary 725 and Joan Cary [Milner] 726 in 1646. Marriage of Thomas Cary 754 and Joan Cary [Milner] 755 in 1646. ENGLAND, AYLESBURY Death of Christopher Banks 719. ENGLAND, BARNESLEY Death of Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872. Death of Joan Bourchier 1219. ENGLAND, BAYHALL Death of Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in 1386. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, BEDFORD Death of John De Mowbray 1419. Death of Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in 1114. Death of Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in 1157. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, BLETSOE Death of Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave] 3519. Death of Dorothy St John [Read] 3472. Death of Oliver St John 3491. Birth of John Saint John 3554 in 1450. Birth of John Saint John 3518 in 1498. Birth of Oliver St John 3491 in 1516. Marriage of Alexander St John 3546 and Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in 1540. Birth of Oliver St John 3471 in 1550. Marriage of Oliver St John 3489 and Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in 1597. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, BLETTSOWE Death of John Saint John 3518. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, CHICKSANDS PRIOR, PRIORY Death of Rohese De Vere 2615 in 1166. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, CLIFTON, ALL SAINTS Death of Michael Fisher 3558. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, COPLE Birth of John Mordaunt 3560 in 1480.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, DUNSTABLE Birth of John Long 812. Birth of Gyles Longe 914 in 1539. Marriage of John Long 812 and Marie Long 813 in 1589. Death of Sarah Long [Taylor] 652 on 12 December 1631. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, ELSTOW Death of Agnes St John [Fisher] 3492. Marriage of Michael Fisher 3558 and Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559 in 1499. Marriage of John Fisher 3520 and Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521 in 1521. Birth of Agnes St John [Fisher] 3492 in 1522. Birth of John Fisher 3520 in 1831. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, ENNGLAND, CLIFTON Birth of Michael Fisher 3558 in 1475. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, ESSEX Birth of Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in 1085. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, GOLDINGTON Marriage of Edward Bulkeley 3516 and Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517 in 1566. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, HENLOW Death of Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014. Death of Robert Tilley 894. Death of Agnes Hurst 1016. Death of Elizabeth Tilley 895. Marriage of John Tilley 796 and Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797. Death of William Tilley 1013. Death of Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897. Birth of Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637. Death of William Hurst 896. Birth of John Tilley 796. Birth of Henry Hurst 1015 in 1504. Birth of Agnes Hurst 1016 in 1506. Birth of William Tilley 1013 in 1515. Birth of Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014 in 1519. Marriage of Henry Hurst 1015 and Agnes Hurst 1016 in 1528. Death of Henry Hurst 1015 in 1528. Birth of William Hurst 896 in 1530. Birth of Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 in 1534. Marriage of William Tilley 1013 and Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014 in 1534. Birth of Robert Tilley 894 in 1540. Birth of Elizabeth Tilley 895 in 1544. Marriage of William Hurst 896 and Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 in 1558. Birth of Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 in 1567. Marriage of Robert Tilley 894 and Elizabeth Tilley 895 in 1570. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, KEYSOE Death of Henry St John 3514. Death of Oliver St John 3489. Death of Jane St John [Neale] 3515. Birth of Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in 1523. Birth of Henry St John 3514 in 1545. Death of Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in 1611. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, KIRNTON Marriage of John Irby 3552 and Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in 1539. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, ODELL Death of Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, ODELL (Continued) Death of Edward Bulkeley 3516. Birth of Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517 in 1547. Birth of Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in 1580. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, SUTTON Death of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in 1316. Death of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in 1316. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, THERSLEY Death of Alexander St John 3546 in 1551. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, THURLEY Birth of Alexander St John 3546 in 1519. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, TODDINGTON, HEARNE Birth of William Brett 717 in 1577. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, TODDINGTON Marriage of William Isham 748 and Mary Isham [Brett] 749. Marriage of William Isham 565 and Mary Isham [Brett] 566. Birth of John Taylor 915 in 1522. Birth of John Taylor 916 in 1527. Marriage of John Taylor 915 and John Taylor 916 in 1547. Birth of Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in 1570. Death of William Brett 717 in 1624. Death of Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in 1624. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, TODDINTON, HEARNE Birth of Mary Isham [Brett] 749 in 1603. Birth of Mary Isham [Brett] 566 in 1603. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, TURVEY, CHANCEL Death of Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561 in 1562. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, TURVEY Death of John Mordaunt 3560. Marriage of John Mordaunt 3560 and Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561. Birth of Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521 in 1506. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, WARDON Marriage of Henry De Braybrook 2437 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in 1217. Marriage of Henry De Braybrook 2445 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in 1217. ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE, WOLLASTON, YELEDEN Death of Thomas Neale 3548 in 1551. ENGLAND, BEDHAM Birth of Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778 in 1504. ENGLAND, BERK, NEWBURY Birth of Geoffrey De Earth 1654 in 1345. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, ABERFIELD Birth of Richard Bullock 1946 in 1213. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, ADINGDON, ABBEY Death of Ralph Basset 2608 in 1120. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, ARBORFIELD Birth of Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872 in 1254.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, ARBORFIELD (Continued) Marriage of Gilbert Bullock 1871 and Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872 in 1280. Birth of Robert Bullock 1626 in 1281. Birth of Gilbert Bullock 1443 in 1312. Birth of Robert Bullock 1320 in 1343. Birth of Ms Robt Bullock 1321 in 1347. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1320 and Ms Robt Bullock 1321 in 1373. Birth of Thomas Bullock 1190 in 1374. Birth of Robert Bullock 1077 in 1400. Marriage of Thomas Bullock 1190 and Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in 1404. Death of Robert Bullock 1320 in 1405. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1077 and Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078 in 1433. Birth of Gilbert Bullock 941 in 1434. Death of Thomas Bullock 1190 in 1460. Death of Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in 1460. Birth of Thomas Bullock 829 in 1482. Marriage of Thomas Bullock 829 and Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in 1497. Death of Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in 1526. Birth of William Bullock 663 in 1550. Death of Thomas Bullock 829 in 1558. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BARKHAM Birth of Ms Anne Neville 1629 in 1293. Birth of Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in 1316. Marriage of Gilbert Bullock 1443 and Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in 1342. Birth of William Kingsmill 1332 in 1390. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1333 in 1394. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1196 in 1415. Birth of Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197 in 1418. Marriage of Richard Kingsmill 1196 and Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197 in 1435. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1081 in 1440. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BASINGSTOKE Birth of John Kingsmill 943 in 1460. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BISHAM Death of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532. Death of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167. Death of Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BRAY, ARBORFIELD Birth of Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078 in 1409. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BRAY, OCKHOLT MANOR Birth of John Norreys 1445 in 1372. Birth of Roger Norreys 1324 in 1389. Birth of William Norreys 1192 in 1390. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, BRAY Death of William Norreys 1192. Death of Roger Norreys 1324 in 1422. Death of John Norreys 1445 in 1456. Birth of Margaret Norris 942 in 1458. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, HUNGERFORD, LAMBOURN Death of William De Grandison 1989. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, KINGSTON LISLE Birth of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in 1224. Birth of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in 1224.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, NEWBURY Birth of Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 in 1503. Marriage of John Giffard 1083 and Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 in 1520. Death of John Giffard 1083 in 1550. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, READING, QUEENS CHAPEL Marriage of John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 and Blanche Plantagenet 1298. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1429 and Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in 1335. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, READING Birth of John Moore 670 in 1584. Birth of John Moore 527 in 1584. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, SPARSHOLT, KINGSTON LISLE Death of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in 1284. Death of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in 1284. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, WALLINGFORD CASTLE Death of Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424. Death of Maurice De Berkeley 1851. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, WALLINGFORD, WALLINGFORD CASTLE Marriage of John Howard 1900 and Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in 1334. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, WALLINGFORD Death of Hugh Audley 1573 in 1325. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, WINDSOR CASTLE Death of William De Montagu 1898. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, WINDSOR, WINDSOR CASTLE Death of Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428. Birth of Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, YATTENDAN Marriage of Richard Merbrooke 1326 and Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 in 1391. ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE, YATTENDEN Birth of Richard Merbrooke 1326 in 1400. Birth of Alice Merbrooke 1193 in 1427. ENGLAND, BERSHIRE, ADINGTON, ABBEY Death of Fouque De Aulney 2726 in 1050. ENGLAND, BLACK FRIARS Death of Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432. ENGLAND, BOXFORD STOKE NEYLAND Death of Nigel De Peyton 2470. ENGLAND, BRIMSFIELD Death of Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808 in 1121. ENGLAND, BRISTOL Birth of Samuel Mathews 674. Birth of Tobias Mathews 846 in 1546. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, AMERSHAM Death of Robert Waller 1093 in 1545.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, AYLESBURY Birth of Christopher Banks 719. Marriage of Christopher Banks 719 and Alice Banks [Foxe] 720. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, BARLEYEND Death of Thomas Duncombe 1342. Birth of Joane Duncombe 1343. Birth of Thomas Duncombe 1342 in 1460. Birth of William Duncombe 1209 in 1480. Birth of Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1210 in 1484. Death of Joane Duncombe 1343 in 1533. Death of William Duncombe 1209 on 26 October 1576. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, BEACONSFIELD Birth of Robert Waller 1093 in 1502. Birth of Elizabeth Duncombe 1094 in 1520. Birth of Ambrose Saunders 1095 in 1526. Birth of Ralph Waller 981 in 1544. Birth of Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 in 1546. Birth of Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870 in 1569. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, CHESHAM Death of Hugh Hulse 1559 in 1405. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ELLESBOROUGH Birth of Thomas Neale 3548 in 1515. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HAMBLEDEN Death of John Scrope 948. Death of Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] 949. Marriage of Thomas More 834 and Mary More [Scrope] 835 in 1538. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HAMBLETON Birth of Mary More [Scrope] 835 in 1528. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, MARLOW Birth of Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in 1556. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, STOKE POGES, DITTON CHURCH Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1433 and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1425 and Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, WENDOVER Birth of Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838 in 1231. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, WHADDON Death of John Giffard 1334 in 1486. ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, WYCOMBE Birth of Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in 1159. Marriage of Alan Bassett 2466 and Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in 1180. Birth of Philip Basset 2372 in 1184. ENGLAND, CALVERHALL Death of William Calverly 1236 in 1529. ENGLAND, CAMBRIA, KENDAL Death of Ives Taillebois 2747 in 1094. ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGE, BOTTISHAM Birth of William Vaux 2205 in 1285.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE Birth of Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669 in 1586. ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGE, ELY Marriage of Henry Howland 794 and Alice Howland [Aires] 795. ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CAMBRIDGE Birth of William Goffe 3614 in 1605. ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, GAMLINGAY Death of George Downing 538. ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, HISTON Death of Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229. Death of Richard Gawthrop 1226. Marriage of Thomas Archer 1228 and Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229. Death of Richard Goldthorpe 991. Marriage of Richard Gawthrop 1226 and Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227. Birth of John Gawthrop 1104. Death of Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227. Marriage of John Gawthrop 1104 and Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105. Birth of Richard Goldthorpe 991 in 1514. Birth of Thomas Archer 1228 in 1696. Birth of Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229 in 1700. Birth of Richard Gawthrop 1226 in 1703. Birth of Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227 in 1710. Birth of Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105 in 1729. ENGLAND, CHELLOW Death of Edward Bolling 853 in 1592. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ALDFORD ALVANLEY Birth of John De Arderne 1717 in 1327. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ALVANLEY Birth of Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in 1345. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BARROW Birth of Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in 1365. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BEESTON CASTLE Death of John Beeston 1395 in 1498. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BEESTON Birth of William Beeston 1723 in 1388. Birth of Thomas Beeston 1541 in 1414. Birth of Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in 1418. Birth of John Beeston 1395 in 1430. Marriage of Thomas Beeston 1541 and Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in 1440. Death of Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in 1446. Death of Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in 1505. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BIRKENHEAD, WOODHEY Death of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 in 1492. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BOSLEY Birth of Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502 in 1290. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BOSTOCK Death of Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BOSTOCK (Continued) Birth of Richard De Bosley 1675. Death of Richard De Bosley 1675. Death of Roesia De Vernon 1674 in 1322. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BOWDON, CARRINGTON Birth of William Carrington 1537 in 1342. Birth of George Carrington 1393 in 1375. Marriage of William Carrington 1537 and Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in 1375. Birth of John Carrington 1279 in 1430. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, BRERETON Birth of William Brereton 1673 in 1263. Birth of William Brereton 1501 in 1300. Birth of William Brereton 1375 in 1320. Birth of Randle Brereton 1269 in 1394. Birth of Randle Brereton 1176 in 1394. Birth of Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in 1406. Birth of William Brereton 1318 in 1414. Birth of Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319 in 1416. Marriage of Richard Cotton 1188 and Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 in 1481. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CARRINGTON Birth of Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in 1457. Birth of Elizabeth Beeston 1280 in 1460. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CHEADLE Birth of Richard Bulkeley 1721. Death of Robert De Pulford 1705 in 1349. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CHEDELL Death of Jeoffry De Chedell 1551. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CHESTER, PULFORD Birth of Robert De Pulford 1705 in 1300. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CHESTER, UTKINTON Birth of Richard Donne 1967 in 1210. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CHESTER Death of Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189. Death of Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319. Birth of Lady Bacon [Meschines] 2486 in 1180. Birth of Richard Ernois 1883 in 1240. Birth of Robert Ernois 1955 in 1270. Birth of Robert Ernois 1634 in 1270. Birth of Roger De Ernys 1447 in 1310. Birth of Roger De Ernys 1877 in 1310. Birth of Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631 in 1353. Birth of Alice De Ernys 1325 in 1353. Marriage of William Brereton 1318 and Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319 in 1436. Death of William Brereton 1318 in 1456. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CLIFTON Death of John Savage 1729. Birth of John Savage 1729 in 1403. Death of Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in 1415. Marriage of John Savage 1729 and Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in 1422. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CREWE Birth of Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 in 1397.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, CREWE (Continued) Birth of Robert Fouleshurst 1283 in 1432. Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in 1454. Marriage of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 and Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in 1479. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, DAVENHAM, SHIPBROOK Birth of Eleanor Hulse 1404 in 1387. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, DUTTON Birth of Hugh De Dutton 1699. Death of Thomas Dutton 1517. Birth of Thomas Dutton 1517 in 1314. Death of Hugh De Dutton 1699 in 1326. Birth of Edmund Dutton 1731 in 1342. Birth of Edmund Dutton 1383 in 1342. Death of Edmund Dutton 1731 in 1366. Death of Edmund Dutton 1383 in 1366. Death of Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in 1389. Birth of Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1309 in 1407. Birth of Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153 in 1407. Death of Piers Dutton 1273 in 1433. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, EATON Death of Richard Grosvenor 1075. Birth of Jonet Puleston [Bulkeley] 1306. Death of Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940. Birth of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 in 1454. Birth of Richard Grosvenor 1075 in 1477. Birth of Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940 in 1526. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, EDGMOND Marriage of Henry De Aldithley 2247 and Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in 1217. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ELLESMERE, STOCKS Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1405 in 1340. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ELLSMERE, STOCKS Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1525 in 1360. Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1160 in 1360. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ENGLAND BEESTON, BEESTON Death of Thomas Beeston 1541 in 1477. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ENLAND, HAMPTON BICKERTON Birth of John Bird 1481 in 1382. Birth of Alice Bird [Malpas] 1482 in 1388. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ETON Birth of Robert Grosveneur 1312 in 1433. Marriage of Robert Grosveneur 1312 and Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in 1453. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, ETTON Death of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 in 1497. Death of Robert Grosveneur 1312 in 1502. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, FARNDON, CREWE Marriage of Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 and Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in 1419. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, GOSWORTH Birth of Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in 1447.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, GREAT BUDWORTH, OVER PEOVER Marriage of Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 and Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744 in 1354. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, GREAT BUDWORTH, PICKMERE Marriage of Hugh De Hulse 1753 and Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in 1369. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, HALTON Birth of Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford] 1734 in 1361. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, HARDEN Birth of Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718 in 1327. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, HATTON Birth of Ralph De Vernon 1733 in 1357. Birth of Piers Dutton 1273 in 1367. Birth of Hugh Dutton 1545 in 1369. Birth of Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 in 1383. Birth of John Dutton 1397 in 1399. Birth of Peter Dutton 1281 in 1428. Birth of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 in 1465. Birth of Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in 1484. Marriage of Randall Brereton 1058 and Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in 1502. Death of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 in 1502. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, HULME Death of Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400. Death of Robert Le Grosvenor 1739. Birth of Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 in 1347. Death of Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in 1348. Marriage of Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 and Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in 1376. Birth of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 in 1377. Marriage of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 and Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in 1404. Birth of Robert Grosvenor 1399 in 1405. Death of Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in 1420. Death of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 in 1429. Marriage of Robert Grosvenor 1399 and Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 in 1429. Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in 1430. Death of Robert Grosvenor 1399 in 1464/1. Death of Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in 1469. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, KINDERTON Birth of Richard Venables 1741 in 1330. Birth of Hugh De Venables 1745 in 1330. Birth of Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in 1342. Marriage of Hugh De Venables 1745 and Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in 1364. Birth of Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in 1369. Birth of Margery Venables 1722 in 1369. Birth of Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in 1384. Marriage of Randle Mainwaring 1555 and Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in 1391. Death of Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in 1450. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MACCLESFIELD Birth of Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 in 1190. Birth of Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 in 1194. Marriage of Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 and Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 in 1214. Birth of Roger Macclesfield 2090 in 1215. Birth of Isabel Macclesfield 2091 in 1216. Birth of Thomas Macclesfield 2022 in 1225. Marriage of Roger Macclesfield 2090 and Isabel Macclesfield 2091 in 1234. Birth of Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 in 1250. Birth of Thomas De Macclesfield 1922 in 1250.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MALPAS, CHORLTON Birth of Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 in 1410. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MALPAS Birth of Mrs Randal Brereton 1069 in 1414. Birth of Mrs Randal Brereton 1151 in 1414. Birth of Randle Brereton 1068 in 1426. Birth of Randle Brereton 1150 in 1426. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 in 1440. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055 in 1440. Birth of Randle Brereton 1156 in 1452. Marriage of Thomas Dymock 935 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 in 1461. Marriage of Thomas Dymock 1054 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055 in 1461. Birth of Randall Brereton 1058 in 1485. Birth of Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930 in 1492. Death of Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in 1522. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MANCHESTER Birth of William Ray 558 in 1660. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MIDDLEWICH, OVER BY Birth of William Mainwaring 1747 in 1316. Marriage of William Mainwaring 1747 and Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in 1350. Death of Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in 1406. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MIDDLEWICH, OVERBY Death of William Mainwaring 1747 in 1364. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MINSHULL, LORD CHURCH Birth of Henry Minshull 1519 in 1314. Birth of Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in 1318. Marriage of Henry Minshull 1519 and Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in 1340. Birth of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in 1340. Birth of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in 1340. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MINSHULL Marriage of Edmund Dutton 1731 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in 1366. Marriage of Edmund Dutton 1383 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in 1366. Death of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in 1387. Death of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in 1387. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MOBBERLY Birth of Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in 1323. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MORATON Birth of Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 in 1530. Birth of Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in 1552. Death of Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 in 1556. Marriage of William Bullock 663 and Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in 1561. Death of Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in 1584. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, MORETON Birth of Mr. Moreton 945 in 1504. Birth of Ralph Bellett 831 in 1525. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NANTWICH, BARTHOMLEY Birth of Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1704 in 1295. Birth of Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744 in 1338. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NANTWICH, CREWE Birth of Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 in 1366.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NANTWICH, EDLESTON Birth of Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 in 1338. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NANTWICH, MINSHULL VERNON Birth of Richard Minshull 1703 in 1290. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NANTWICH Death of William Malbank 2740 in 1109. Birth of William Malbank 2612 in 1150. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NEWTON Birth of John De Stanley 1881 in 1362. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NORTHWICH, KINDERTON CUM HULME Birth of Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554 in 1367. Death of Hugh De Venables 1745 in 1383. Marriage of Richard Venables 1741 and Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in 1384. Death of Richard Venables 1741 in 1403. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, NORTHWICH, SHIPBROOK Birth of Roesia De Vernon 1674 in 1289. Birth of Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736 in 1370. Birth of Joan Vernon 1284 in 1423. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, OVER PEOVER Birth of Randle Mainwaring 1555 in 1367. Birth of Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in 1401. Death of Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in 1402. Death of Randle Mainwaring 1555 in 1456. Death of Margery Venables 1722 in 1459. Death of Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in 1459. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, OXTON BRUNSTATH Birth of John Domville 1755 in 1322. Birth of Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in 1366. Death of John Domville 1755 in 1395. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PENNSYLVANIA, CHICHESTER Death of William Hughes 3443. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PEOOVER Death of William Beeston 1723 in 1416. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PEOVER Birth of Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in 1390. Marriage of William Beeston 1723 and Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in 1413. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, POYNTON Marriage of Nicholas Warren 1719 and Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in 1375. Birth of Nicholas Warren 1719 in 1378. Death of Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in 1440. Death of Laurence Warren 1539 in 1444. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PRESTBURY, PONYTON Birth of Laurence Warren 1539 in 1394. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PRESTBURY, POYNTON Marriage of Laurence Warren 1539 and Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in 1412. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, PULFORD Birth of Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in 1348.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RABY Death of Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in 1443. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RADNOR Birth of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 in 1389. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RUDHEATH Birth of Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in 1335. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RUNCORN, ALVANLEY Death of John De Arderne 1717 in 1379. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RUNCORN, CLIFTON Death of Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in 1422. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, RUNCORN, DUTTON Birth of Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706 in 1300. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, SHOCKLACK Death of Randall Brereton 1058 in 1530. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, STAPLEFORD Birth of Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in 1345. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, STOCKPORT, ENGLAND Death of Nicholas Warren 1719 in 1413. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, STOCKPORT Birth of Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750 in 1315. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, STORETON Birth of William Stanley 1961 in 1330. Death of Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in 1380. Death of William Stanley 1961 in 1398. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, STOURTON Birth of Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 in 1394. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, TARVIN, STAPLEFORD BRUEN Marriage of John Norreys 1875 and Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 in 1369. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, THORNTON Birth of Peter Thornton 1701 in 1290. Birth of Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in 1294. Marriage of Peter Thornton 1701 and Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in 1304. Birth of Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in 1316. Death of Peter Thornton 1701 in 1358. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, THURSTANSTON Death of Robert Fouleshurst 1283 in 1523. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, TIMPERLEY Birth of Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in 1339. Marriage of William Stanley 1961 and Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in 1357. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, TOMB BARTHOMLEY CHURCH Death of Robert De Fulleshurst 1743. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, UTKINTON Birth of Richard Donne 1677 in 1297. Birth of Henry Done 1503 in 1310.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, UTKINTON (Continued) Death of Richard Donne 1677 in 1313. Birth of Margaret Done 1376 in 1351. Death of Henry Done 1503 in 1372. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WAVERTON CHURCH, PULPIT Death of John Dutton 1397 in 1461. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WAVERTON CHURCH Death of Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in 1454. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WAVERTON, CHOIR Death of Peter Dutton 1281. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WAVERTON Death of Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 in 1431. Death of Hugh Dutton 1545 in 1440. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WERRALL, POOLE Birth of Robert Poole 3751 in 1490. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WILBRAHAM Death of Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in 1398. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WOODCHURCH, OXTON Marriage of John Domville 1755 and Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in 1366. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WOODHEY Death of Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362. Birth of Thomas Swetenham 1485 in 1387. Birth of Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486 in 1389. Birth of Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in 1389. Birth of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 in 1409. Marriage of Thomas Swetenham 1485 and Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486 in 1412. Birth of Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 in 1413. Marriage of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 and Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 in 1434. Birth of Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in 1456. Death of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 in 1470. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE, WYNNINGTON Birth of Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in 1375. ENGLAND, CHESHIRE Marriage of Richard Bulkeley 1721 and Margery Venables 1722. Marriage of Thomas Dutton 1517 and Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in 1334. Birth of Hugh De Hulse 1753 in 1342. Death of Henry Minshull 1519 in 1370. Death of Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in 1380. Birth of Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 in 1383. Birth of Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in 1384. Marriage of Hugh Hulse 1559 and Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in 1386. Birth of Jeoffry De Chedell 1552 in 1387. Death of Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718 in 1387. Death of Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in 1390. Death of Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in 1400. Marriage of Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 and Jeoffry De Chedell 1552 in 1407. Death of Hugh De Hulse 1753 in 1407. Birth of Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 in 1409. ENGLAND, CHESWARDINE, GOULSTON Birth of John Goulston 1358 in 1450.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CHESWARDINE, GOULSTON (Continued) Birth of Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255 in 1512. ENGLAND, CLAVERLY Birth of William Barker 1254 in 1508. ENGLAND, CLOTTON Birth of William De Clotton 1679 in 1285. Birth of Margery De Clotton 1504 in 1315. ENGLAND, CORN, BY SALTASH, EARTH Birth of Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 in 1375. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, BODMIN, GREY FRIARS Death of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895. Death of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, BODMIN, HELLAND Birth of John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064 in 1254. Marriage of John Seneschal 2063 and John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064 in 1274. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, BODWIN, COLQUITE MANOR Death of Richard Sergeaux 1451. Death of Richard Sergeaux 1640. Death of Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893. Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1892 in 1300. Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1640 in 1328. Death of Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 in 1355. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, BRAUNEL, TRENAGE Death of Oger Keningk 1981 in 1292. Death of Oger Keningk 2065 in 1292. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, CAMBORNE Birth of John Pendarvers 950 in 1494. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, CASTEL, TIVERTON Marriage of Robert Bond 1464 and Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 in 1408. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, COLQUITE Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1451 in 1346. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, CONSTANTINE Marriage of David Pendarvis 836 and Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 in 1541. Birth of Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841 in 1558. Birth of Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 in 1558. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, CROWAN Birth of Thomas Sparnon 952 in 1484. Birth of Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953 in 1488. Birth of John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951 in 1498. Marriage of Thomas Sparnon 952 and Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953 in 1515. Marriage of John Pendarvers 950 and John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951 in 1516. Birth of Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 in 1521. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, CROWANM Birth of David Pendarvis 836 in 1540. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, KILLIGARTH COLQUITE Birth of Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 in 1381.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CORNWALL, LANHERNE Birth of Reinfred De Arundel 2164 in 1240. Birth of Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 in 1251. Death of Reinfred De Arundel 2164 in 1280. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, LAUNCESTON Birth of Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy] 2557 in 1142. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, MULLION, PREDANNACK WOLLAS Birth of John Seneschal 2063 in 1250. Birth of John Seneschal 1980 in 1250. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, PENRYN Birth of Robert Bond 1464 in 1378. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, PREDARWOLAS Birth of John Seneschal 1978 in 1275. Birth of Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893 in 1305. Death of John Seneschal 1978 in 1318. Birth of Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 in 1326. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, PREDATWOLAIS Birth of John Seneschal 1894 in 1300. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, SALTASH, TREMATON CASTLE Death of Ralph De Valletort 2556 in 1187. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, ST MABYN PARISH, COLQUITE MANOR Death of John Cerizeaux 1976. Birth of Richard Cerizeaux 2061 in 1250. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, ST MABYN, COLQUITE MANOR Birth of Joan Cerizeaux 1977 in 1279. Birth of John Cerizeaux 1976 in 1280. Marriage of John Cerizeaux 1976 and Joan Cerizeaux 1977 in 1299. Death of Richard Cerizeaux 2061 in 1307. Death of Richard Sergeaux 1892 in 1362. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, ST STEPHEN PR, EARTH Birth of Henry De Earth 1916 in 1299. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, TRELOY Birth of Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 in 1274. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, TRIGG MANOR Birth of Oger Keningk 1981 in 1248. Birth of Oger Keningk 2065 in 1248. Birth of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895 in 1305. Birth of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 in 1305. ENGLAND, CORNWALL, TRIGG MINOR Marriage of John Seneschal 1978 and Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 in 1298. ENGLAND, CORNWALL Birth of Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167 in 1225. Birth of Alan De Bloisois 2166 in 1225. Marriage of Alan De Bloisois 2166 and Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167 in 1244. Birth of Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 in 1250. Birth of Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982 in 1250. Marriage of Oger Keningk 1981 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982 in 1279. Marriage of Oger Keningk 2065 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 in 1279.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, CORNWALL (Continued) Death of Henry De Earth 1916 in 1353. Birth of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 in 1405. Birth of Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in 1410. Birth of Joseph Phippen 3732 in 1432. Marriage of John Belasyse 3775 and Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in 1433. Death of Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in 1456. Death of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 in 1459. Death of Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in 1489. Death of Joseph Phippen 3732 in 1502. ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND, BRAMPTON, NAWORTH Birth of Frances Downing [Howard] 539 in 1633. ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND, BURGH ON SANDS Death of Edward I Plantagenet 1821. Death of Edward I Plantagenet 1809. Death of Edward I Plantagenet 1801. ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND, GILSLAND Birth of Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223 in 1476. ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND, LIDDEL Death of Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593. Death of John Wake 1811. Birth of Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593 in 1295. ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND, NAWORTH Birth of William Howard 682 in 1603. ENGLAND, DERBY, BAKEWELL, OVER HADDON Marriage of Richard Vernon 1557 and Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in 1366. ENGLAND, DERBYSHIRE, HADDON HALL Birth of John Manners 686. ENGLAND, DERBYSHIRE, HADDON Birth of Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in 1349. Birth of Richard Vernon 1403 in 1370. ENGLAND, DERBYSHIRE, NETHER HADDON Death of John Manners 686. ENGLAND, DERBYSHIRE, NOTTINGHAM Birth of Leonard Poe 269 in 1640. Birth of Samuel Poe 196 in 1675. ENGLAND, DERBYSHIRE, RADBORNE Birth of Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in 1438. Death of Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in 1469. ENGLAND, DEVON, BAMPTON Birth of Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726 in 1392. ENGLAND, DEVON, BARNSTABLE Death of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in 1047. ENGLAND, DEVON, BARNSTAPLE Marriage of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 and Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in 1053. Birth of Agnes De Saint Clare 2697 in 1054.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DEVON, BICTON Death of Richard Upham 770. Death of Maria Upham 771. Birth of Richard Upham 770 in 1556. Birth of Maria Upham 771 in 1572. Marriage of Richard Upham 770 and Maria Upham 771 in 1595. Birth of Judith Martin [Upham] 599 in 1621. ENGLAND, DEVON, BRANSCOMBE, EDGE Death of John Wadham 3540. Death of Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 between 1581 and 1589. ENGLAND, DEVON, COLLUMPTON Birth of Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 in 1495. ENGLAND, DEVON, CULCUMPTON, HACKLAND Death of John Mauninge 3467. Death of Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468. Birth of John Mauninge 3467 in 1575. Birth of Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 in 1600. Marriage of John Hewish 3452 and Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 in 1620. ENGLAND, DEVON, CULLICOMB Death of Hugh De Courtenay 2074. ENGLAND, DEVON, ERMINGTON, PRESTON Birth of Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in 1382. ENGLAND, DEVON, EXETER Marriage of Henry Linscott 463 and Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464. Birth of John Linscott 349. Birth of Henry Linscott 463 in 1624. Birth of Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464 in 1636. ENGLAND, DEVON, FORD ABBEY Death of John De Courtenay 2180. Death of Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457. ENGLAND, DEVON, FORD, ABBEY Death of Renaud De Courtenay 2456. Death of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 in 1161. Death of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in 1205. Death of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in 1205. ENGLAND, DEVON, GREAT FULFORD Birth of Thomasine Wyse [Fulford] 1471 in 1412. ENGLAND, DEVON, HARBERTON Death of Roger De Valletort 2427 in 1207. ENGLAND, DEVON, HEMYOKE Birth of Nicholas Bourman 1248 in 1445. Birth of Nicholas Bourman 1249 in 1448. Birth of John Bourman 1119 in 1471. Birth of Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 in 1475. Marriage of John Bourman 1119 and Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 in 1496. Birth of Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in 1497. Death of Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in 1523. Marriage of William Bond 1027 and Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in 1523.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DEVON, KINGSBRIDGE, MODBURY Death of Joan De Valletort 2169 in 1299. ENGLAND, DEVON, OKEHAMPTON Death of Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181. Birth of Hugh De Courtenay 2074. Birth of Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457 in 1135. Birth of Robert De Courtenay 2366 in 1170. Marriage of William De Reviers 2458 and Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in 1189. Birth of Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in 1196. Marriage of Robert De Courtenay 2366 and Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in 1213. Birth of John De Courtenay 2180 in 1218. Death of Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in 1242. Marriage of John De Courtenay 2180 and Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 in 1249. Birth of Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996 in 1287. ENGLAND, DEVON, OTTARY Marriage of Edward Martin 598 and Judith Martin [Upham] 599. ENGLAND, DEVON, SAXONY Birth of John Fones 3777 in 1500. ENGLAND, DEVON, SOUTH TAUNTON Marriage of Henry Linscott 765 and Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766. Birth of John Linscott 593. ENGLAND, DEVON, SPENCERCOMBE Birth of Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan] 2495. Birth of Hawise Strange 2195 in 1285. ENGLAND, DEVON, ST MARY, OHER Birth of Edward Martin 598 between 1605 and 1608. ENGLAND, DEVON, ST MARY, PLYMPTON Marriage of John Walton 1455 and Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 in 1389. ENGLAND, DEVON, STOKE Birth of Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269 in 1176. ENGLAND, DEVON, SYDENHAM Birth of John Wyse 1470 in 1415. Birth of Ann Russell [Wise] 1351 in 1433. ENGLAND, DEVON, TAUNTON CHAGFORD Marriage of John Linscott 593 and Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594. ENGLAND, DEVON, TAUNTON Birth of Henry Linscott 765 in 1558. ENGLAND, DEVON, TAVISTOCK, BERE FERRERS Birth of Ralph De Valletort 2556 in 1140. ENGLAND, DEVON, TAWSTOCK Death of Edward Burcher 3469. Birth of Thomas Hanford 1725 in 1370. ENGLAND, DEVON, TOTNES Marriage of Hugh De Vere 2368 and Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369. Birth of Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 in 1228.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DEVON, WHITFORD Death of Thomas Bassett 2429 in 1220. ENGLAND, DEVON Birth of William De Reviers 2458 in 1128. Death of Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in 1130. Marriage of Hugh De Courtenay 2074 and Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in 1274. Birth of Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 in 1579. ENGLAND, DIRBYSHIRE, BAKEWELL Birth of William De Vernon 1749 in 1313. Death of William De Vernon 1749 in 1346. Birth of Richard Vernon 1557 in 1346. ENGLAND, DORSET, ALLINGTON, BRIDPORT Death of Henry Way 774 in 1590. ENGLAND, DORSET, ALLINGTON Marriage of Henry Way 774 and Edith Way [Denslow] 775. Birth of Henry Way 774 in 1550. ENGLAND, DORSET, BERMINISTER Birth of Robert Strong 1023 in 1490. ENGLAND, DORSET, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Death of John Russell 1350 in 1505. ENGLAND, DORSET, BINGHAMS MELCOMBE Birth of Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 2390 in 1244. Death of Robert De Hingham 2389 in 1304. ENGLAND, DORSET, BLANDFORD Death of John Swaine 3527. ENGLAND, DORSET, BRIDGEPORT Birth of Richard Hallett 3676. Birth of William Hallett 3664 in 1616. ENGLAND, DORSET, BRIDPORT, ALLINGTON Birth of Henry Way 604 in 1583. ENGLAND, DORSET, BRIDPORT Birth of Hannah Wilkins [Way] 473. Birth of Richard Hallett 3677 in 1592. ENGLAND, DORSET, BROUGHTON Death of Thomas De Greene 1866 in 1319. ENGLAND, DORSET, CONONICORUM, WHITCHURCH Marriage of William Hallett 3698 and Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699. Birth of William Hallett 3698 in 1553. Birth of Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699 in 1557. ENGLAND, DORSET, DEVON Birth of Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605 in 1581. ENGLAND, DORSET, DORCHESTER, MANOR WEST STAFFORD Death of Robert Bingham 2489 in 1246. ENGLAND, DORSET, GRAUNT Birth of Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in 1520.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DORSET, GUNVILLE Birth of Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in 1501. ENGLAND, DORSET, IWERNE Death of Robert De Courtenay 2366. ENGLAND, DORSET, KENT Death of William Phippen 977. Birth of Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in 1551. Death of Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in 1612. ENGLAND, DORSET, LYTCHETT MAUTRAV Death of John Maltravers 1615. ENGLAND, DORSET, MALTRAVERS Death of John Maltravers 1437. ENGLAND, DORSET, MARSHWOOD Death of William Hallett 3698. Death of Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699 in 1588. ENGLAND, DORSET, MELBURY Death of Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486. Birth of Giles Strangeways 3510 in 1518. Birth of John Strangeways 3485 in 1548. Birth of Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468 in 1575. Death of John Strangeways 3485 in 1593. Marriage of John Mauninge 3467 and Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468 in 1598. ENGLAND, DORSET, MELCOMBE, BINGHAM Birth of Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in 1195. ENGLAND, DORSET, MELCOMBE, BINGHAMS Marriage of Robert Bingham 2489 and Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in 1222. ENGLAND, DORSET, NASH Birth of Robert Reeves 3574 in 1475. Birth of Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573 in 1482. Marriage of Thomas Swaine 3572 and Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573 in 1507. ENGLAND, DORSET, NETHERBURY Birth of Edith Way [Denslow] 775 in 1556. ENGLAND, DORSET, RUSSELL, KINGSTON Birth of Henry Russell 1468 in 1405. Birth of John Russell 1350 in 1432. Death of Henry Russell 1468 in 1463. ENGLAND, DORSET, SHEBORN Death of Richard Hallett 3676 in 1628. ENGLAND, DORSET, SWYRE Death of James Russell 1250. ENGLAND, DORSET, TARRANT GUNVILLE Death of Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474. Death of Thomas Swaine 3572. Death of Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573. Birth of William Brewer 3495. Marriage of William Fry 3473 and Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474. Death of William Fry 3473.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DORSET, TARRANT GUNVILLE (Continued) Birth of John Swaine 3527 in 1509. Birth of William Brewer [Fry] 3496 in 1555. Birth of Robert Swayne 3497 in 1556. Birth of William Fry 3473 in 1583. Birth of Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474 in 1588. Death of Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in 1591. Death of Robert Swayne 3497 in 1591. Death of William Brewer 3495 in 1605. ENGLAND, DORSET, UPLYME Birth of Thomas Swaine 3572 in 1478. ENGLAND, DORSET, WEYMOUTH POOLE Birth of Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in 1613. Marriage of John Fry 3458 and Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in 1631. ENGLAND, DORSET, WEYMOUTH Birth of William Phippen 977 in 1551. Marriage of William Phippen 977 and Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in 1570. Birth of Jane Phippen 868 in 1580. Birth of Edward Lindsay 3475 in 1587. Birth of Mrs Edward Lindsay 3476 in 1591. ENGLAND, DORSET, WINTERBORN CLENSTON Birth of Elizabeth Russell [Herring] 1469 in 1410. ENGLAND, DORSET, WOOLCOMBE Birth of John Mautravers 1855 in 1266. Birth of Maurice De Berkeley 1857 in 1268. Birth of John Maltravers 1615 in 1290. Birth of Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in 1294. Marriage of John Maltravers 1615 and Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in 1313. Death of Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in 1314. Death of John Mautravers 1855 in 1341. ENGLAND, DORSET Birth of Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in 1268. Marriage of John Mautravers 1855 and Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in 1289. Birth of Joan Ryves 3575 in 1488. Birth of William Pierce 975 in 1550. ENGLAND, DORSSET, AWYRE Birth of James Russell 1250 in 1450. ENGLAND, DURHAM, BRANCEPETH Marriage of Henry De Percy 1287 and Margaret De Percy [Neville] 1288. ENGLAND, DURHAM, HURWORTH ON TEES EVENWOOD Birth of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435 in 1180. Birth of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443 in 1180. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in 1215. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in 1215. ENGLAND, DURHAM, POS Birth of Sarah Camp 383 in 1700. ENGLAND, DURHAM, RABY, NEVILLE Death of Randolph De Neville 1571. Death of Randolph De Neville 1873.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, DURHAM, RABY Birth of Margaret De Percy [Neville] 1288. Birth of Randolph De Neville 1873. Birth of Randolph De Neville 1571. Birth of Robert De Neville 1773 in 1240. Birth of Robert De Neville 1947 in 1240. Birth of Ralph Neville 1411 in 1291. Birth of Thomas De Neville 1628 in 1306. ENGLAND, DURHAM, STAINDROP, RABY KEVERSTONE Birth of Hugh Hulse 1559 in 1364. ENGLAND, DURHAM, STREATLAM Birth of Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002 in 1506. ENGLAND, DURHAM, THWENG Birth of Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in 1205. Death of Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in 1279/6. ENGLAND, DURHAM, WILLINGTON Birth of Roger Leigh 1121 in 1483. Birth of Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516 in 1570. ENGLAND, DURHAM, WILTON Birth of Mary Howard [Eure] 683 in 1602. ENGLAND, DURHAM Death of Ralph Neville 1411. Death of Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002. ENGLAND, EAST WINCH, NEWSELLES Death of Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 in 1339. ENGLAND, EMRAL Death of Roger Puleston 939. Death of Edward Puleston 1073 in 1567. ENGLAND, ENGLAND Death of William Vavasour 995. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ARUNDEL Birth of Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300 in 1347. ENGLAND, ESSEX, BERLEY Birth of William Waldegrave 3556 in 1457. ENGLAND, ESSEX, BOREHAM WOOD, BEHEADED Death of Robert De Holand 1590. ENGLAND, ESSEX, BOREHAM Birth of Thomas Casse 3744 in 1524. ENGLAND, ESSEX, BULMER Birth of John Seaman 3672. Birth of Ralph Seamon 3692. Birth of Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693 in 1569. Marriage of Ralph Seamon 3692 and Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693 in 1588/1. ENGLAND, ESSEX, BUMSTEAD TOWER Death of Richard Cornell 3707. Birth of Richard Cornell 3707 in 1565.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, ESSEX, CHELMSFORD Birth of Thomas Mildmay 1220 in 1465. Death of Thomas Mildmay 1220 in 1566. ENGLAND, ESSEX, CLAVERING Birth of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 in 1247. Birth of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 in 1247. Birth of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in 1251. Birth of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in 1251. Marriage of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in 1265. Marriage of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in 1265. Death of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in 1329. Death of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in 1329. ENGLAND, ESSEX, CLERKENWELL, ST JAMES Marriage of Henrie Briggs 3709 and Mary Briggs [Hinckes] 3710. Birth of Henrie Briggs 3709 in 1574. ENGLAND, ESSEX, COLNE PRIORY Death of Alberic De Vere 2749 in 1088. ENGLAND, ESSEX, COLNE Death of Robert De Vere 2460. ENGLAND, ESSEX, COLONE, EARLS Marriage of John De Vere 1194 and Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 in 1425. ENGLAND, ESSEX, COPFORD Birth of Robert Littlebury 736. ENGLAND, ESSEX, EARLS COLNE Death of Richard De Vere 1328. Death of Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329. ENGLAND, ESSEX, EASTON, LITTLE Death of Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ENGAINE, COLNE Death of Hugh De Vere 2368. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ENGLAND COLNE, COLNE Death of Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in 1100. ENGLAND, ESSEX, FAULKBOURNE Birth of Gilbert Bullock 1871 in 1250. ENGLAND, ESSEX, FELSTED Marriage of Robert Rich 983 and Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984. Death of Robert Rich 983. ENGLAND, ESSEX, FRATING Birth of Alexander Wignall 629 in 1586. Marriage of Alexander Wignall 628 and Alexander Wignall 629 in 1603. Birth of Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 in 1604. ENGLAND, ESSEX, GREAT BRASTED Birth of Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138 in 1409. ENGLAND, ESSEX, GREAT DUNMON Marriage of Robert Sorrell 3205 and Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206. Birth of Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 in 1623.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, ESSEX, GREAT WALTHAM, LANGLEYS MANOR Death of Thomas Everard 3219 in 1529. ENGLAND, ESSEX, GREAT WALTHAM Death of Thomas Cornish 3243. Marriage of Humfrey Waltham 3245 and Ms. Waltham [Unkown] 3246. Birth of Humfrey Waltham 3245 in 1437. Marriage of John Hunt 3263 and Margaret De Pechey 3262 in 1441. Birth of Thomas Cornish 3243 in 1443. Birth of John Cornish 3242 in 1445. Birth of Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in 1447. Marriage of Thomas Cornish 3243 and Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in 1464. Birth of John Cornish 3229 in 1467. Birth of Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in 1471. Marriage of John Cornish 3229 and Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in 1492. Death of Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in 1492. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HALSTEAD Marriage of Edward Burcher 3469 and Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470. Death of Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470. Marriage of Thomas Hanford 1725 and Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726 in 1415. Birth of William Bourchier 3487 in 1555. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HAROLD PARK Death of Edward Greville 848. Birth of Edward Greville 848 in 1542. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HARWICH Birth of Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in 1302. Death of Roger Halys 1803 in 1313. Marriage of Thomas Plantagenet 1588 and Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in 1318. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HATFIELD Birth of Robert De Vere 2460 in 1164. Birth of Isabel De Vere [Bolebec] 2461 in 1164. Birth of Hugh De Vere 2368 in 1184. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HEDINGHAM CASTLE Birth of John De Vere 1194. Marriage of Richard De Vere 1328 and Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 in 1406. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HEDINGHAM Birth of Katherine De Flanders 2819 in 1000. Birth of Alphonso Ghesnes 2818 in 1000. Birth of Alberic De Vere 2749 in 1030. Marriage of Alberic De Vere 2749 and Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in 1061. Birth of Aubrey De Vere 2708 in 1082. Birth of Rohese De Vere 2615 in 1103. ENGLAND, ESSEX, HEREFORD Birth of Humphrey De Bohun 1837 in 1249. ENGLAND, ESSEX, LITTLE EASTON Birth of Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 in 1215. Death of Matthew De Lovaine 2468 in 1258. ENGLAND, ESSEX, LITTLE YELDHAM Birth of Alice Woodward [Garrold] 3214 in 1594/4. ENGLAND, ESSEX, LOFTES Death of Richard Bullock 1945 in 1272.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, ESSEX, MANOR, FAIRSTEAD Birth of Thomas Cornell 3682. ENGLAND, ESSEX, MASHBURY Birth of William Everard 3259 in 1375. Birth of Mrs William Everard 3260 in 1379. Death of William Everard 3259 in 1399. Marriage of William Everard 3259 and Mrs William Everard 3260 in 1399. Birth of William Everard 3240 in 1400. Birth of Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241 in 1410. Marriage of William Everard 3240 and Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241 in 1431. Birth of John Everard 3227 in 1432. Birth of Thomas Everard 3219 in 1460. Birth of Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220 in 1462. Marriage of Thomas Everard 3219 and Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220 in 1484. ENGLAND, ESSEX, MORTIMER, WOODHAM Death of Arthur Harris 1141 in 1537. ENGLAND, ESSEX, NAZING, HAROLDS PARK Birth of Jane Greville [Grey] 849 in 1552. ENGLAND, ESSEX, NEWPORT Marriage of John Howland 1009 and Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in 1539. ENGLAND, ESSEX, OVINGTON Death of John Garrold 3231. Birth of John Garrold 3231 in 1519. Birth of Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232 in 1523. Birth of Peter Garrold 3221 in 1557. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PANTFIELD Death of John Symonds 3763. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PLESHEY CASTLE Marriage of Humphrey De Bohun 1837 and Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838 in 1275. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PLESHEY Death of Humphrey De Bohun 1837. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PLESHY CASTLE Birth of Humphrey De Bohun 1606 in 1276. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PRITTLEWELL Death of Agnes Browne 3739. ENGLAND, ESSEX, PURLEIGH Birth of Nicholas Jenkins 496 in 1623. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ROCHFORD, PRITTLEWELL Birth of Arthur Harris 1141 in 1475. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ROCHFORD Death of Richard Rich 1097. ENGLAND, ESSEX, SAFFRAN WALDEN Death of Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300. ENGLAND, ESSEX, SAFFRON WALDEN, CLAVERING Death of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949. Death of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, ESSEX, SAFFRON WALDEN Birth of Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667. ENGLAND, ESSEX, SOUTH WEALD Birth of John Stasye 925 in 1516. Birth of Alice Stasye [Convers] 926 in 1520. ENGLAND, ESSEX, SOUTHMINSTER Death of Johanna Harris [Percy] 1142. ENGLAND, ESSEX, SPRINGFIELD Death of Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] 3737. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ST BOTOLPH COLCHESTER Birth of Jane Marye Littlebury [Of Boughton] 737 in 1592. ENGLAND, ESSEX, ST OSYTHS PRIORY Death of Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in 1163. ENGLAND, ESSEX, TERLING Death of Margaret Dagnet 3790. Birth of Margaret Dagnet 3790 in 1522. Birth of Thomas Casse 3743 in 1540. Marriage of George Cornell 3742 and Susan Casse 3708 in 1561. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WALDEN ABBEY Death of William De Bohun 1431. Death of Humphrey Bohun 1299. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WALDEN, SAFFRON Birth of George Cornell 3742 in 1539. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WALDEN Death of Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WALTHAM MAGNA Birth of Mary Everard 3212. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WALTHAM Birth of John Sorrell 3200 in 1646. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WITHAM Death of Elizabeth Browne 3786. Birth of John Browne 3785 in 1504. Birth of Elizabeth Browne 3786 in 1508. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WRITTLE Birth of Robert Sorrell 3205. Death of Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in 1552. ENGLAND, ESSEX, WYENHOE Death of Joan Howard [Walton] 1331. Birth of Joan Howard [Walton] 1331 in 1393. ENGLAND, ESSEX, YELDHAM Birth of Anne Symonds [Benbow] 3764 in 1510. ENGLAND, ESSEX Birth of Ann Watts [Esserman] 467. Death of Ralph Seamon 3692. Death of Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, ESSEX (Continued) Birth of John Seaman 3662. Birth of Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in 1077. Birth of Muriel De Lovaine 2469 in 1166. Birth of Matthew De Lovaine 2468 in 1185. Marriage of Philip Basset 2372 and Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 in 1236. Birth of John De Wauton 2004 in 1311. Birth of Thomas De Wauton 1908 in 1328. Birth of John De Wauton 2003 in 1331. Death of John Hunt 3263 in 1450. Marriage of Thomas Mildmay 1220 and Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in 1489. Birth of Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in 1515. Birth of Nicholas Seamon 3725 in 1518. Birth of Clement Seamon 3726 in 1540. Birth of John Howland 890 in 1541. Birth of Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in 1542. Marriage of John Howland 890 and Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in 1560. Death of John Howland 1009 in 1568. Birth of Hugh Bullock 524 in 1578. Birth of Anne Seaman [Hicks] 3673 in 1592. Death of Mary Everard 3212 in 1655. ENGLAND, EST Birth of Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in 1540. ENGLAND, FLINT, EMRALD Birth of Edward Puleston 1073 in 1500. ENGLAND, GAINSBOROUGH Death of Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 in 1282. ENGLAND, GLAMORGANSHIRE, GOWER Marriage of John De Mowbray 1582 and Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in 1298. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, AVENING Death of Patrick Houston 3313 in 1526. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BARNESLEY Death of Anthony Bourchier 1100. Birth of Maurice Bourchier 1218 in 1482. Birth of Joan Bourchier 1219 in 1486. Birth of Anthony Bourchier 1100 in 1508. Birth of Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 in 1512. Marriage of Anthony Bourchier 1100 and Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 in 1539. Birth of Thomas Bourchier 985 in 1542. Marriage of Thomas Bourchier 985 and Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 in 1570. Birth of Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 in 1572. Marriage of Thomas Rich 871 and Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 in 1591. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BARTON Birth of Hugh Le Despenser 1985 in 1290. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BERKELEY CASTLE Marriage of Maurice De Berkeley 1851 and Eve La Zouche 1852 in 1289. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BERKELEY, BERKELEY CASTLE Death of King Edward 1598. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BERKELEY Death of Thomas De Berkeley 1613. Birth of Margaret Halys [De Berkeley] 1804 in 1274.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BERKELEY (Continued) Birth of Maurice De Berkeley 1851 between 1281 and 1284. Birth of Thomas De Berkeley 1613 in 1293. Birth of Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614 in 1308. Birth of Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 in 1329. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BODDINGTON Death of John Read 3493. Birth of John Reade 3562 in 1460. Birth of Richard Reade 3522 in 1490. Marriage of Richard Reade 3522 and Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523 in 1525. Birth of John Read 3493 in 1526. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BODINGTON Birth of Dorothy St John [Read] 3472 in 1550. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRIMFIELD, BOYTON Marriage of Elias Giffard 2743 and Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in 1127. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRIMSFIELD Death of Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705. Birth of Elias Helias Gifford 2807 in 1022. Birth of Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808 in 1066. Birth of Elias Giffard 2743 in 1095. Birth of Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in 1107. Death of Elias Helias Gifford 2807 in 1130. Death of Elias Giffard 2743 in 1166. Death of Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in 1167. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRISTOL, ST NICHOLAS PAR Birth of Thomas Cary 725. Birth of Thomas Cary 754. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRISTOL, ST NICHOLAS Birth of Joan Cary [Milner] 755 in 1622. Birth of Joan Cary [Milner] 726 in 1622. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRISTOL Birth of William Cary 857. Birth of Mr. Goodale 964 in 1525. Birth of Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965 in 1530. Birth of Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858 in 1556. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRISTON Death of Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, CHELTENHAM, COBERLEY Death of Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in 1506. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, CIRENCESTER, BRIMPSFIELD Birth of Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 in 1127. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, COBERLEY Birth of Thomas Brugge 1338 in 1427. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, COMPTON Death of Thomas Rich 871. Birth of Thomas Rich 871 in 1568. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, CUBBERLEY Death of Henry Brydges 1200.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, CUBBERLEY (Continued) Birth of Henry Brydges 1200 in 1464. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, FRAMPTON Birth of Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806 in 1062. Birth of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 in 1081. Birth of Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in 1085. Death of Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in 1129. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, GLOUCESTER Marriage of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 and Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in 1105. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, HASFIELD Birth of Richard Pauncefote 3524. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, KEMPSFORD Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1795 in 1250. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1831 in 1250. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1819 in 1250. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1845 in 1250. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1771 in 1250. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, KINGSGROVE Death of Margaret Halys [De Berkeley] 1804. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, LASBORO, KINGS STANLEY Death of Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] 1854. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, LECHLADE Birth of Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 in 1563. Birth of Robert Bathurst 869 in 1563. Birth of Edward Bathurst 763 in 1615. Marriage of Edward Bathurst 763 and Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in 1644. Birth of Lancelot Bathurst 591 in 1646. Death of Edward Bathurst 763 on 6 August 1674. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, LONDON, BODINGTON Marriage of John Reade 3562 and Margaret Reade [Beauchamp] 3563 in 1488. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, NEWBURY Birth of Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201 in 1468. Marriage of Henry Brydges 1200 and Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201 in 1498. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, PANINGTON Birth of Marguerite Coney 976 in 1550. Death of Marguerite Coney 976 in 1572. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, SAPPERTON, FRAMPTON Death of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 in 1127. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, ST NICHOLAS, BRISTOL Death of Richard Cary 962. Birth of Richard Cary 962 in 1515. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, ST NICHOLS PAR Marriage of William Cary 857 and Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, TEWKESBURY Death of Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, THORNBURY, BERKELEY CASTLE Death of Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614. ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE Birth of Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768 in 1276. Birth of Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 in 1312. Marriage of Reynold De Cobham 1435 and Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 in 1340. Birth of Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in 1615. Birth of Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in 1619. ENGLAND, GLOUCHESTER Death of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934. Death of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278. ENGLAND, GLOUCHESTERSHIRE, LOCHLADE Birth of John Bathurst 979 in 1533. ENGLAND, GRAVESEND Death of Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728. ENGLAND, GREAT SANDALL WEST RIDING, WEST BRETTON Birth of Ralph Holland 1959 in 1350. Birth of Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960 in 1353. Marriage of Ralph Holland 1959 and Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960 in 1371. Birth of Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 in 1372. ENGLAND, GREAT Birth of Francis Meriwether 759 in 1604. ENGLAND, GREATER LONDON, LONDON, WESTMINSTER Birth of Charles Cecil 684 in 1619/7. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, BASING Death of Alice Paulet 1337. Death of John Paulet 1336. Birth of John Paulet 1336 in 1452. Marriage of John Paulet 1336 and Alice Paulet 1337 in 1474. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, BASINGSTOKE Marriage of Richard Kingsmill 1081 and Alice Kingsmill 1082 in 1459. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, BROCKENHURST Death of Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, CHERITON Birth of Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in 1267. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, ITCHELL Death of William Gifford 1198. Death of Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084. Death of Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944. Birth of John Giffard 1334 in 1456. Birth of Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in 1479. Birth of William Gifford 1198 in 1482. Marriage of William Gifford 1198 and Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in 1500. Birth of John Giffard 1083 in 1502. Death of Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in 1508. Birth of Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944 in 1524. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, MOTTISFONT, PRIORY Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 in 1317.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, MOTTISFONT, PRIORY (Continued) Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 in 1317. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 in 1317. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 in 1317. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 in 1317. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, SOUTHHAMPTON, ITCHELL Birth of John Giffard [Gifford] 1335 in 1460. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, WHERWELL Birth of Stephen Bachiler 776. Birth of Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777 in 1561. Death of Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777 in 1621. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, WINCHESTER, EXECUTED Death of Edmund Plantagenet 1592. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, WINCHESTER Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1935. Birth of Earl Richard 2168. Birth of Saher De Quincy 2462 in 1155. Death of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 in 1160. Death of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 in 1160. Birth of Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369 in 1178. Birth of Reginald De Valletort 2348 in 1187. Birth of Joan De Valletort 2169 in 1211. Death of Reginald De Valletort 2348 in 1246. Marriage of Robert De Holand 1590 and Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 in 1312. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE, WOODHAY Marriage of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 and Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in 1402. ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE Birth of Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 2463 in 1156. ENGLAND, HAMPTON, WALLOPE Marriage of Thomas Sloper 3481 and Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482. Marriage of Thomas Sloper 3479 and Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3480. ENGLAND, HANTS, BASINGSTOKE Birth of Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in 1500. Death of John Kingsmill 943 in 1509. Death of Richard Kingsmill 1081 between 1511 and 1515. ENGLAND, HARTSFORD, SAWBRIDGEWORTH Birth of Mary De Saye 2185 in 1244. ENGLAND, HEREFORD, EWYAS HAROLD Birth of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in 1210. Birth of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in 1210. ENGLAND, HEREFORD, KENSHALL Birth of Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815. ENGLAND, HEREFORD, RUDHALL Birth of William Rudhall 3564 in 1470. Birth of Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523 in 1494. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, BURGHILL Birth of Ann Rudhall [Milbourne] 3565 in 1465.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, CLIFFORD CASTLE Birth of Robert De Clifford 1767. Marriage of Robert De Clifford 1767 and Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, EWYAS HAROLD Death of Petronilla Scudamore 2613 in 1204. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, EWYAS Birth of Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990 in 1271. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, HEREFORD, KENTCHURCH Birth of Titus De Scudamore 2805 in 1052. Birth of Petronilla Scudamore 2613 in 1135. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, HEREFORD Death of Edmund Fitzalan 1607. Death of Hugh Le Despenser 1985. Birth of Humphrey Bohun 1299. Death of Edmund Fitzalan 1983. Death of Edmund Fitzalan 1594. Birth of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1534 in 1370. Birth of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169 in 1370. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, THORNBURY, NETHERWOOD Birth of Roger Mortimer 1853. Marriage of Thomas De Berkeley 1613 and Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE, WIGMORE Death of Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780. Death of Edmund De Mortimer 1779. Birth of Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in 1248. Birth of Edmund De Mortimer 1779 in 1252. Birth of Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780 in 1262. Birth of Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in 1270. Marriage of Hugh Audley 1573 and Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in 1288. Birth of Maud Touchet [Mortimer] 1760 in 1352. ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE Marriage of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 and Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 in 1135. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, ASHFORD Birth of Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 in 1304. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, BERKHAMPSTEAD SAINT MARY Birth of Henrye Axtell 1242 in 1435. Birth of Cecily Axtell 1243 in 1435. Marriage of Henrye Axtell 1242 and Cecily Axtell 1243 in 1460. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, BERKHAMSTEAD, BERKHAMSTEAD CASTLE Death of Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349 in 1213. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, BOVINGDON Death of Thomas Gould 1244. Birth of Alice Gould 1245 in 1499. Birth of Thomas Gould 1244 in 1500. Marriage of Thomas Gould 1244 and Alice Gould 1245 in 1520. Birth of Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 in 1531. Death of Alice Gould 1245 in 1538. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, BOVINGTON Birth of Thomas Axtell 1115 in 1460.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, HATFIELD Death of James Cecil 540 between 1683 and 1686. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, HAY, CASTLE CLIFFORD Death of Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, HEREFORD Birth of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2703 in 1138. Birth of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in 1138. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, HERTFORD CASTLE Death of Isabella Edward [De France] 1599. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, KELSHALL Birth of Michael Willmote 917 in 1514. Birth of Agnes Willmote 918 in 1518. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, KINGS WALDEN Birth of Alice Kingsmill 1082 in 1440. Death of Alice Kingsmill 1082 in 1501. Death of Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 in 1592. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, NEWSELLES Birth of Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645 in 1339. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, PIRTON Marriage of John De Clinton 1972 and Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in 1290. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, ST ALBANS, ABBEY Marriage of John Taylor 814 and Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, ST ALBANS Marriage of Robert Long 651 and Sarah Long [Taylor] 652. Death of John Taylor 814. Birth of Sarah Long [Taylor] 652. Birth of Marie Long 813 in 1569. Birth of Robert Long 651 in 1590. Death of John Long 812 in 1596. Death of Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815 in 1630. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, STALBANS Marriage of Michael Willmote 917 and Agnes Willmote 918 in 1543. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, STONE, WALTON Marriage of George Bond 903 and Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904. ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE, THROCKING Birth of Joan Bryan 2010 in 1283. Birth of Joan Bryan 1710 in 1283. ENGLAND, HRT, KELSHALL Death of Michael Willmote 917 in 1567. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDON, FENSTANTON Death of Thomas Lindsay 3498 in 1608. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDON, GREAT STAUGHTON Marriage of Thomas De Wauton 1908 and Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 in 1351. Birth of Walter Walton 1649 in 1356.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, FEN STANTON Death of Henry Howland 794. Death of Alice Howland [Aires] 795. Birth of Henry Howland 794 in 1564. Birth of Alice Howland [Aires] 795 in 1567. Birth of John Howland 636 in 1592. Death of Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in 1614. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, GREAT STOUGTON Death of John De Walton 1648 in 1394. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, ST NEOTS, PRIOR Marriage of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 and Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in 1054. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, ST NEOTS Death of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 in 1090. ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHR Birth of Ms. Dyes 924 in 1521. ENGLAND, HUNTINGSHIRE, GREAT STAUGHTON Birth of John De Walton 1648 in 1354. ENGLAND, HUNTS, ST PETER Birth of John Walton 1455 in 1372. ENGLAND, ISLE ELY, WISBEACH Marriage of John Bland 577 and Susan Bland [Deblere] 578. ENGLAND, ISLE OF WIGHT, COWES Birth of Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 in 1600. Birth of Mary Ann Matthews 407 in 1600. ENGLAND, ISLE, WALES Birth of James Brittain 334 in 1709. ENGLAND, KENDALL Birth of Mary Gale [Lord] 1000 in 1499. ENGLAND, KENT, ASHFORD Marriage of John Sloman 865 and Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866. Death of John Epes 973. Birth of John Epes 973 in 1550. Birth of Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974 in 1559. Birth of Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 in 1588. Death of Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974 in 1625. ENGLAND, KENT, BADLESMERE, CASTLE Birth of Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432 in 1313. Marriage of William De Bohun 1431 and Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432 in 1335. ENGLAND, KENT, BENENDEN Birth of William Watts 767 in 1520. Birth of Johan Watts [Knott] 768 in 1530. Birth of Robert Harrison Watts 597 in 1560. ENGLAND, KENT, BIDDENDEN Birth of Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in 1554. Birth of William Randolph 561 in 1572. Birth of William Randolph 744 in 1572.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, KENT, BRENCHLEY Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1858 in 1244. Marriage of Thomas Colepeper 1858 and Thomas Colepeper 1859 in 1273. Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1618 in 1278. Birth of John Colepeper 1439 in 1308. ENGLAND, KENT, CANTERBURY, CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1935 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936. ENGLAND, KENT, CANTERBURY, CATHEDRAL Death of William De Molyneux 1965 in 1289. ENGLAND, KENT, CANTERBURY Birth of Robert Chapman 1459 in 1440. Birth of Robert Chapman 1460 in 1444. Marriage of Robert Chapman 1459 and Robert Chapman 1460 in 1461. Birth of Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in 1462. Marriage of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 and Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in 1479. Birth of Christopher Banks 750 in 1603. Birth of Christopher Banks 567 in 1603. Birth of Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in 1627. Birth of Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in 1627. Death of Christopher Banks 750 in 1650. Death of Christopher Banks 567 in 1650. ENGLAND, KENT, COBHAM Birth of John De Cobham 1847 in 1220. ENGLAND, KENT, COWLING CASTLE Death of John De Cobham 1847 in 1252. ENGLAND, KENT, CRANBROOK CANTERBURY Birth of Thomas Bathurst 1206 in 1480. ENGLAND, KENT, CRANBROOK Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in 1457. Death of Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in 1669. ENGLAND, KENT, CRANEBROOK, CANTERBURY Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1457 in 1435. ENGLAND, KENT, DETLING Marriage of John Epes 973 and Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974. ENGLAND, KENT, EASTRY Death of Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in 1622. ENGLAND, KENT, EYNESFORD, ORKESDEN Birth of Reynold De Cobham 1435 in 1295. ENGLAND, KENT, EYNESFORD Birth of Reginald De Cobham 1611 in 1265. Birth of Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 in 1269. Marriage of Reginald De Cobham 1611 and Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 in 1285. ENGLAND, KENT, GOUDHURST Birth of Elizabeth Kenworthy 789. Death of Elizabeth Kenworthy 789. ENGLAND, KENT, GREAT MONGEHAM Birth of Alice Crafford 760.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, KENT, HARRIETSHAM Death of Elizabeth Hinckley 791. Death of John Hynckleye 884. Death of Robert Hinckley 790. Death of Johane Hynckleye [Bills] 885. Birth of Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489. Birth of Thomas Hinckley 632. Birth of John Hynckleye 884 in 1512. Birth of Johane Hynckleye [Bills] 885 in 1515. Birth of Robert Hinckley 790 in 1537. Birth of Elizabeth Hinckley 791 in 1541. Birth of Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in 1584. Death of Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in 1635. ENGLAND, KENT, HAWKHURST, HARRIETSHAM Death of John Henkle 1005 in 1522. Marriage of Thomas Hinckley 632 and Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in 1608. ENGLAND, KENT, HORSMANDEN Birth of William Saunders 1208. ENGLAND, KENT, HORSMONDEN Death of Robert Bathurst 1089. ENGLAND, KENT, HORSMONDON, SPIVERS MANOR Birth of Robert Bathurst 1089 in 1515. ENGLAND, KENT, KINGSDOWN Marriage of John Wake 1811 and Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812. ENGLAND, KENT, KINGSTONE, DENNE HILL Death of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in 1536. Death of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in 1536. ENGLAND, KENT, KINGSTONE, DENNE Birth of Michael Denne 1031 in 1440. Birth of Michael Denne 1019 in 1440. Death of Michael Denne 1019 in 1493. Death of Michael Denne 1031 in 1493. ENGLAND, KENT, LENHAM Birth of John Henkle 1005 in 1483. Birth of John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006 in 1483. Marriage of John Henkle 1005 and John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006 in 1511. ENGLAND, KENT, LYMPNE Birth of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in 1440. Birth of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in 1440. Marriage of Michael Denne 1019 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in 1467. Marriage of Michael Denne 1031 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in 1467. ENGLAND, KENT, MARSHBOROUGH Death of Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241. Death of Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220. Death of William Everard 3240 in 1431. Death of John Everard 3227 in 1456. ENGLAND, KENT, NONINGTON Birth of Bennet Poole [Bois] 3752 in 1495. Marriage of Robert Poole 3751 and Bennet Poole [Bois] 3752 in 1515.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, KENT, PEMBURY, BAY HALL Birth of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 in 1385. Birth of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536 in 1385. ENGLAND, KENT, PEMBURY, BAYHALL MANOR Birth of John Bayhalle 1860 in 1260. Death of John Colepeper 1439 in 1376. ENGLAND, KENT, PEMBURY, BAYHALL Birth of Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in 1280. Marriage of Thomas Colepeper 1618 and Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in 1304. Marriage of John Colepeper 1439 and Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in 1334. Death of Thomas Colepeper 1303 in 1429. ENGLAND, KENT, ROCHESTER CASTLE Death of William De Say 2376. ENGLAND, KENT, SANDHURST Death of William Watts 767 in 1563. ENGLAND, KENT, STAPLEHURST, CRANEBROOK Birth of Richard Bathurst 1914 in 1381. Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1652 in 1407. ENGLAND, KENT, STAPLEHURST Death of Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in 1547. Death of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in 1549. ENGLAND, KENT, STERBOROUGH CASTLE Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 in 1410. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 in 1410. ENGLAND, KENT, STURRY Death of Edward Sturgis 786. Death of John Sturgis 630 in 1625/1. ENGLAND, KENT, TILMANSTONE Marriage of John Sturgis 630 and Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631. ENGLAND, KENT, TONBRIDGE Birth of Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790. ENGLAND, KENT, ULCOMBE Death of Thomas Hinckley 632 in 1635. ENGLAND, KENT, WALTHAM, ASHENFIELD MANOR Marriage of Roger De Mowbray 1789 and Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790 in 1270. ENGLAND, KENT, WEST GREENWICH Birth of Geoffrey De Saye 2472 in 1155. Birth of William De Say 2376 in 1209. ENGLAND, KENT, WOODNESBOROUGH Birth of Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in 1576. ENGLAND, KENT, WOODSTOCK Birth of Joan De Holand [Plantagenet] 1424. Death of Thomas De Holand 1295. ENGLAND, KENT, WORTH Birth of John Sturgis 630.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, KENT, WORTHAM Birth of Edward Dodge 1091 in 1548. Death of Edward Dodge 1091 on 26 December 1597. ENGLAND, KENT, WROTHAM Death of Ms. Unknown 1092. ENGLAND, KENT Death of Thomas Colepeper 1859. Death of Alice Crafford 760. Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1859 in 1241. Death of Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in 1305. Death of Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in 1395. Birth of Anthony Awstin 788 in 1550. Birth of Edward Sturgis 786 in 1552. Birth of Edward Sturgis 787 in 1556. Marriage of Edward Sturgis 786 and Edward Sturgis 787 in 1576. Birth of John Sloman 865 in 1600. ENGLAND, KEXBIE HALL, KEXBIE Birth of Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in 1510. ENGLAND, KEXBIE, ESTKEXBIE HALL Birth of John Maltby 3756 in 1510. ENGLAND, KNARESBOROUGH WEST RIDING, SCRIVEN Birth of Henry Slingsby 877 in 1560. Death of Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in 1598. Death of Francis Slingsby 993 in 1600. ENGLAND, LA ROCHELLE Death of John Touchet 1759. ENGLAND, LANC, WARRINGTON, BEWSEY Death of John Boteler 1650 in 1400. Death of John Boteler 1385 in 1400. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, ATHERTON Birth of William Atherton 1547 in 1384. Birth of Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 in 1388. Birth of Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in 1410. Marriage of John Dutton 1397 and Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in 1427. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BALDERSTONE Birth of Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 in 1332. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BEWSEY Birth of John Boteler 1650 in 1335. Birth of John Boteler 1385 in 1335. Marriage of John Boteler 1650 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in 1374. Marriage of John Boteler 1385 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in 1374. Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274 in 1377. Birth of Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 in 1379. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BLACKBURN, BALDERSTONE Birth of William De Balderston 1953 in 1239. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BLACKBURN, OSBALDESTON Birth of William De Balderston 1954 in 1243.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BLACKBURN Birth of Robert Bolton 987 in 1482. Birth of Peter Bolton 873 in 1525. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BOLD Birth of Richard Bold 1727 in 1380. Birth of Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in 1384. Birth of Henry De Bold 1543 in 1401. Death of Richard Bold 1727 in 1438. Death of Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in 1469. Death of Gracia De Bold 1544 in 1480. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BOLTON, HARWOOD Birth of Ralph Holme 622 in 1575. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, BOLTON Birth of John Le Scrope 1102 in 1510. Marriage of Ralph Holme 622 and Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 in 1605. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, CARRINGTON Marriage of Randle Brereton 1156 and Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in 1489. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, EUXTON Birth of John De Euxton 2385 in 1238. Birth of Margaret De Euxton 2191 in 1264. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, GASCONY Birth of Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in 1232. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, GISBURN Death of Robert De Bruce 2696 in 1094. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, HUTT Birth of Agnes Norreys [De Ireland] 1952 in 1312. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, KIRKHAM Birth of Robert Stith 756 in 1606. Birth of John Stith 587 in 1625. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, KNOWSLEY Marriage of Thomas De Latham 1963 and Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964 in 1363. Birth of Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964 in 1366. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LANCASTER, GRESSINGHAM Birth of Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 2006 in 1285. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LANCASTER Birth of Blanche Plantagenet 1298. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LATHOM KNOWSLEY Birth of Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 in 1364. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LATHOM Death of Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882. Birth of Thomas De Latham 1963 in 1330. Death of Thomas De Latham 1963 in 1382. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LEIGH, ATHERTON Marriage of William Atherton 1735 and Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736 in 1367. Marriage of William Atherton 1547 and Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 in 1400.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, LEIGH Birth of Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122 in 1487. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, PILKINGTON Death of Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, POULTON LE FYLDE Birth of Lawrence Whiteside 390 between 1634 and 1638. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, PRESCOT, SPEKE Birth of John Norreys 1875 in 1330. Birth of Henry Norreys 1630 in 1351. Death of Henry Norreys 1951 in 1367. Death of John Norreys 1875 in 1372. Death of Henry Norreys 1630 in 1429. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, RISHTON Birth of Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988 in 1498. Marriage of Robert Bolton 987 and Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988 in 1520. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, SALMESBURY Birth of Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in 1256. Marriage of Robert De Holand 1805 and Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in 1275. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, SEFTON, LITTLE CROSBY Birth of Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448 in 1310. Birth of Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878 in 1310. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, SEFTON Marriage of William De Molyneux 1965 and Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in 1230. Death of Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in 1250. Marriage of Richard De Molyneux 1885 and Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in 1254. Death of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in 1298. Death of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in 1298. Death of Richard De Molyneux 1885 in 1320. Death of Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in 1336. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, SPEAKE Birth of William Norris 1079 in 1428. Birth of William Norris 1314 in 1428. Birth of Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in 1455. Marriage of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 and Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in 1474. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, STANDISH Birth of John De Euxton 2386 in 1243. Marriage of John De Euxton 2385 and John De Euxton 2386 in 1263. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, SUTTON Birth of Henry Norreys 1951 in 1310. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, THUNNOCK Birth of Richard De John Cornwall 2067 in 1265. Birth of Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in 1285. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, TONNGUE Birth of Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 in 1584. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, UP HOLLAND Marriage of John Grey 1062 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 in 1418. Marriage of John Grey 1389 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 in 1418.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, UPHOLAND Birth of Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700 in 1290. Birth of Thomas De Holand 1295 in 1354. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, UPHOLLAND Marriage of Edward Cherleton 1531 and Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532. Marriage of Edward Cherleton 1166 and Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167. Birth of Robert De Holand 1805 in 1253. Birth of Robert De Holand 1590 in 1285. Death of Robert De Holand 1805 in 1304. Death of Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in 1311. Birth of Thomas De Holand 1423 in 1314. Death of Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700 in 1347. Birth of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167 in 1392. Birth of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532 in 1392. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WARRINGTON, BEWSEY Death of William Le Boteler 1910. Death of William Le Boteler 1521. Death of William Le Boteler 1707. Death of William Le Boteler 2007. Birth of William Le Boteler 1707 in 1270. Birth of William Le Boteler 2007 in 1270. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WARRINGTON Birth of William Le Boteler 1521 in 1309. Birth of William Le Boteler 1910 in 1309. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WARTON, HUTTON Marriage of Richard Bold 1727 and Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in 1400. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WEST DERBY, SEFTON Death of William De Molyneux 1957 in 1335. Death of William De Molyneux 1636 in 1335. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WESTMORELAND Death of Walter Strickland 3769. Marriage of Walter Strickland 3729 and Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730. Death of Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730 in 1595. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE, WIGAN, HINDLEY Birth of William Atherton 1735 in 1350. ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE Birth of William De Molyneux 1965 in 1210. Birth of Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in 1212. Birth of Richard De Molyneux 1885 in 1232. Birth of William De Molyneux 1957 in 1263. Birth of William De Molyneux 1636 in 1263. Birth of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in 1267. Birth of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in 1267. Birth of Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1635 in 1277. Birth of Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1956 in 1277. Birth of Sybil Le Boteler 2008 in 1285. Birth of Sybil Le Boteler 1708 in 1285. Marriage of William De Molyneux 1957 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in 1300. Marriage of William De Molyneux 1636 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in 1300. Marriage of John De Stanley 1881 and Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 in 1385. Birth of Gracia De Bold 1544 in 1405. Birth of Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in 1441. Marriage of John Beeston 1395 and Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in 1457.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE (Continued) Birth of James Whiteside 513 in 1600. ENGLAND, LANCASTERSHIRE, HOLLAND Death of Robert De Pembrugge 1751. Death of Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in 1233. ENGLAND, LANCASTERSHIRE, WARRINGTON, BEWSEY Death of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in 1374. Death of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in 1374. ENGLAND, LANCSHIRE, BOLD Marriage of Henry De Bold 1543 and Gracia De Bold 1544 in 1422. Death of Henry De Bold 1543 in 1479. ENGLAND, LANCSHIRE, LANCASTER Birth of Humphrey Plantagenet 1064. Birth of Humphrey Plantagenet 1391. ENGLAND, LECHLADE, LECHLADE MANOR Death of Robert Bathurst 869 in 1623. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, ASHBY MAGNA Birth of Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 in 1290. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, ASHBY Birth of Alan La Zouche 1807. Birth of Eudo La Zouche 1868 in 1244. Marriage of Alan La Zouche 1807 and Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in 1287. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, ASTON FLAMVILLE, BURBAGE Birth of Thomas Woodan 1345 in 1380. Birth of Thomas Woodan 1346 in 1384. Marriage of Thomas Woodan 1345 and Thomas Woodan 1346 in 1404. Birth of Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463 in 1413. Birth of Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 in 1413. Marriage of Richard Weightman 1462 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463 in 1420. Marriage of Richard Weightman 1240 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 in 1420. Birth of Henry Weightman 1114 in 1443. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, BURBAGE Birth of Thomas Weightman 1344 in 1380. Birth of Richard Weightman 1462 in 1400. Birth of Richard Weightman 1240 in 1400. Birth of Thomas Weightman 1113 in 1425. Birth of Henry Whitman 1025 in 1463. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, CROXTON, ABBEY Birth of Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294. Death of Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294 in 1368. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, GROBY Death of William De Ferrers 1849. Birth of William De Ferrers 1849 in 1240. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LEICESTER, ABBEY CHURCH Death of Thomas Wolsey 3787. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LEICESTER, LEICESTER CASTLE Death of John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LEICESTER, SPMS Death of John De Segrave 1421. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1429. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LEICESTER Marriage of Peter Dutton 1281 and Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in 1464. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LOUGHBOROUGH, LOUGHBOROUGH CASTLE Birth of Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in 1315. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LOUGHBOROUGH Birth of Hugh Le Despencer 2182 in 1223. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, LUTTERWORTH, ARNESBY Death of Thomas Despencer 2464 in 1218. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, SEGRAVE Birth of John De Segrave 1797 in 1256. Birth of Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in 1270. Birth of Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 in 1320. Death of Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 in 1325. Death of Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in 1331. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE, THORPE ARNOLD Birth of Ernald Boys 2350 in 1221. Birth of John De Boys 2170 in 1245. Birth of Robert De Boys 2068 in 1268. ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE Death of Henry Plantagenet 1602. Death of John Seaman 3672. Death of Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in 1361. ENGLAND, LEWELL Birth of Mr. Lewell 3779 in 1504. Birth of Ms. Lewell 3780 in 1508. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, AXHOLME Birth of Roger De Mowbray 1789 in 1254. Birth of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 in 1363. Birth of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530 in 1363. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, BARROWBY, BARROWBY HALL Birth of Arthur Ingraham 626 in 1576. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, BARROWBY Birth of Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in 1574. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, BOLINGBROKE CASTLE Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1168. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1533. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, BOURNE, FOLKINGHAM Birth of Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in 1244. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, COCKERINGTON Birth of William Vavasour 1232 in 1400. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, CONINGSBY Death of Robert De Boys 2068. Birth of Robert De Bosco 1993 in 1288.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, CONINGSBY (Continued) Birth of Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 in 1290. Birth of Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in 1314. Death of Robert De Bosco 1993 in 1334. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, ELINGTON Birth of Thomas Despencer 2464 in 1169. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, ERESBY Birth of Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke] 1682 in 1331. Birth of Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in 1355. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, EST SPRINGTHORPE Birth of John Maltby 3686 in 1580. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, GRIMSBY, LACEBY Birth of Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1848 in 1234. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, HERDEBY Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, ISLE AXHOLME, EPWORTH Birth of John De Mowbray 1293. Marriage of John De Mowbray 1419 and Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 in 1339. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, JERUSALEM Death of John Howard 1453. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, KEXBIE Birth of Richard Maultbye 3715 in 1540. Death of Richard Maultbye 3715 in 1602. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, KYME Birth of Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in 1516. Marriage of Edward Dymoke 1003 and Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in 1547. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, LENTON Birth of Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 in 1215. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, LOUTH, SALEBY Death of William Hardreshull 1862. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, MAREHAM Birth of Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768 in 1492. Marriage of William Skipwith 3767 and Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768 in 1512. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SCOTTON Birth of William Hardreshull 1862 in 1270. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SCRIVELSBY Death of Edward Dymoke 1003. Birth of Edward Dymoke 1003 in 1508. Birth of Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 in 1529. Marriage of William Eure 881 and Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 in 1557. Birth of Ann Mallory [Eure] 785 in 1558. Death of Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in 1566. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SO ORMESBY Birth of Anne Smith [Skipwith] 3728 in 1509.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SOUTH ORMSBY Death of William Skipwith 3767. Death of Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768. Birth of William Skipwith 3767 in 1488. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SPALDING Death of Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 in 1070. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SPRINGTHORPE Death of John Maltby 3686 in 1610. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, SPRINGTHROPE Marriage of John Maltby 3686 and Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in 1590. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, WHAPLODE Birth of John Irby 3552 in 1520. ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE, WRANGLE Death of John Reade 3562. ENGLAND, LINGFIELD, CHURCH Death of Reynold De Cobham 1435. Death of Reginald De Cobham 1611 in 1295. ENGLAND, LONDON, BARKING PARISH, ALL HALLOWS Birth of John Bolling 585 in 1615. ENGLAND, LONDON, BARKING, ALL HOLLOWS Birth of Robert Bolling 457. Birth of Robert Bolling 449. ENGLAND, LONDON, CLERKENWELL, ST JAMES Birth of Mary Briggs [Hinckes] 3710. Death of Henrie Briggs 3709. Birth of John Hinckes 3747 in 1540. Birth of Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748 in 1560. ENGLAND, LONDON, CORNHILL, ST MICHAEL Birth of George Downing 538 in 1623. ENGLAND, LONDON, EDWARDSTON Birth of Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703 in 1558. ENGLAND, LONDON, FIELDS Marriage of Charles Cecil 684 and Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685. ENGLAND, LONDON, GREY FRIARS, CARTHUSIAN CHURCH Death of Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422. ENGLAND, LONDON, LONDON, COVENT GARDEN Death of Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817. ENGLAND, LONDON, LONDON, SAINT MARY WOOLNOTH Marriage of Hugh Ingram 989 and Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990. ENGLAND, LONDON, LONDON, ST DUNSTAN Marriage of George Jackson 3684 and Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in 1579. ENGLAND, LONDON, LONDON, ST PETERS Marriage of Thomas Fones 3678 and Anne Fones [Winthrop] 3679.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LONDON, LONDON Birth of Thomas Fones 3678. Birth of John Fones 3701 in 1556. Birth of Oliver St John 3489 in 1575. Marriage of Mr. Deblere 738 and Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739 in 1580. Birth of Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470 in 1602. Death of Gyles Longe 913 in 1607. Marriage of Joshua Poythress 863 and Peachy Poythress 864 in 1613. ENGLAND, LONDON, NEWPORT POND Birth of John Howland 1009 in 1511. ENGLAND, LONDON, SAINT DUNSTAN, STEPNEY Birth of David Gage 290. ENGLAND, LONDON, ST PETERS Birth of Anne Fones [Winthrop] 3679. ENGLAND, LONDON, STEPNEY ST, ST DUNSTANS CHURCH Marriage of William Hughes 3443 and Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444. ENGLAND, LONDON, SYTHS LANE Birth of John Bland 577 in 1572. ENGLAND, LONDON, TOWER LONDON Death of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118. Death of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099. Death of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126. ENGLAND, LONDON, WESTMINSTER, ST PAUL CONVENT GARDEN Birth of William Turton 3599. ENGLAND, LONDON, WESTMINSTER Death of Elizabeth Bourchier [Russell] 3488. Birth of George Downing 427 in 1656. ENGLAND, LONDON, WOOD, ST MICHAEL Death of Hugh Ingram 989. ENGLAND, LONDON Marriage of John Bolling 585 and Mary Bolling [Carie] 586. Marriage of John Bolling 569 and Mary Bolling [Carie] 570. Death of Robert Bolling 752. Death of John Bolling 585. Death of Robert Bolling 723. Death of Mary Bolling [Carie] 586. Death of Lucy Downing [Winthrop] 681. Death of Mary Bolling [Carie] 570. Death of Susan Bland [Deblere] 578. Death of John De Ipstones 1505 in 1394. Birth of Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984 in 1537. Marriage of Nicholas Revell 1011 and Nicholas Revell 1012 in 1538. Death of Nicholas Revell 1011 in 1538. Death of William Jenkes 1215 in 1571. Marriage of John Fones 3700 and John Fones 3701 in 1572. Death of Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in 1579. Death of Richard Cornewall 3789 in 1585. Birth of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in 1590. Birth of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in 1590. Marriage of Robert Bolling 752 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in 1614. Marriage of Robert Bolling 723 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in 1614.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, LONDON (Continued) Death of Peachy Poythress 864 in 1618. Birth of Mary Bolling [Carie] 570 in 1620. Birth of Mary Bolling [Carie] 586 in 1620. Death of John Bland 577 in 1632. Death of John Bolling 569 in 1684. ENGLAND, MARLBOROUGH Death of William Withers 3447. ENGLAND, MERCIA Birth of Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 in 1002. Birth of Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 in 1040. Death of Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 in 1059. Death of Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817 in 1098. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, CHELSEA Birth of Thomas More 834 in 1538. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, CLERKENWELL, ST JAMES Marriage of John Hinckes 3747 and Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748. Birth of William Hinckes 3792 in 1534. Birth of Thomas Briggs 3745 in 1554. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, CLERKENWELL Birth of Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in 1526. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, ISLEWORTH Birth of Isabel Haliburton 2204 in 1285/4. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, ISLINGTON Birth of Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] 3737. Birth of Robert Sharpe 3783 in 1484. Birth of Elizabeth Sharpe 3784 in 1489. Marriage of Robert Sharpe 3783 and Elizabeth Sharpe 3784 in 1500. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, BETHNAL GREEN Death of Richard Gresham 3544. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, HACKNEY Death of Stephen Bachiler 776 in 1660. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, HAVERING Birth of Nicholas De Havering 2009 in 1282. Birth of Nicholas De Havering 1709 in 1282. Birth of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 in 1314. Birth of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 in 1314. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, SAINTBARTHOLOMEW Death of Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, SOUTHWARK Death of Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, ST ANTHOLINS Birth of Theodorick Bland 453. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, ST LAWRENCE JEWRY Birth of Richard Rich 1097 in 1496. Marriage of Richard Rich 1213 and Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214 in 1496. Birth of Robert Rich 983 in 1537.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, SUSSEX SQUARE Death of Isabel De Vere [Bolebec] 2461. Death of Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369. Death of Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in 1117. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, TOWER HILL Death of John De Vere 1194. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON, WESTMINSTER Death of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406. Birth of Elizabeth Bourchier [Russell] 3488. Marriage of Hugh Le Despenser 1985 and Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986. Death of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON Death of Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075. Birth of Edmund Crouchback 1769. Birth of Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275. Death of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573. Birth of Edmund Crouchback 1843. Death of Mary Briggs [Hinckes] 3710. Birth of Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2545. Death of Blanche Plantagenet 1298. Death of Edmund Ironside 2636. Death of Edmund Ironside 2781. Death of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725. Death of Aubrey Dammartin 2140. Birth of Edmund Crouchback 1817. Death of Aubrey De Vere 2708. Birth of Edmund Crouchback 1793. Birth of Edmund Plantagenet 1829. Birth of Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683. Marriage of John Thynne 3512 and Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513. Marriage of Henry Woodhouse 761 and Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762. Birth of Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549. Death of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in 1016. Death of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in 1016. Marriage of Edward Atheling 2572 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 in 1035. Marriage of Edward Atheling 2724 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 in 1035. Death of Edward Atheling 2572 in 1057. Death of Edward Atheling 2724 in 1057. Death of William Brereton 1501 in 1342. Birth of Richard Rich 1213 in 1470. Birth of Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214 in 1472. Birth of William Jenkes 1215 in 1480. Birth of Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 in 1510. Birth of Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513 in 1521. Marriage of Richard Rich 1097 and Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 in 1536/5. Birth of Jane St John [Neale] 3515 in 1549. Birth of Richard Merrett 668 in 1556. Birth of Richard Merrett 840 in 1556. Marriage of Henry St John 3514 and Jane St John [Neale] 3515 in 1565. Birth of William Hicks 3694 in 1568. Death of Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in 1575. Marriage of Richard Merrett 668 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 in 1578. Marriage of Richard Merrett 840 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841 in 1578. Death of George Jackson 3684 in 1579. Birth of Joshua Poythress 863 in 1588. Birth of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671 in 1590. Birth of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528 in 1590.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, LONDON (Continued) Birth of Peachy Poythress 864 in 1592. Birth of Francis Poythress 729 in 1614. Birth of Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 in 1624. Birth of Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541 in 1648. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, MERCER CHAPEL Death of George Bond 903 in 1592. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, NOW Birth of Arthur Ingram 875 in 1580. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, ST MICHAEL CORNHILL Birth of Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485. Birth of Mary Bolton [Burton] 625 in 1587. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, ST PAULS PARISH SHADWELL LONDON Birth of William Hughes 3443 in 1635. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, WESTMINSTER Death of Henry Plantagenet 1168. Birth of Edward I Plantagenet 1809. Birth of Edward I Plantagenet 1801. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1533. Marriage of William Bourchier 3487 and Elizabeth Bourchier [Russell] 3488. Birth of Edward I Plantagenet 1821. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1935. Birth of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278 in 1428. Birth of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934 in 1428. Birth of James Cecil 540 in 1646. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, WHITE CHAPEL Death of John Howland 890. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, YEADING Birth of William Yeading 1322 in 1352. Birth of Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in 1378. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, YEALDING Birth of Ms William Yeading [Yealding] 1323 in 1354. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX, YORKSHIRE BURRIED ST GILES-IN-THE-FIELDS Death of Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 on 25 May 1657. ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX Birth of Nicholas Revell 1011 in 1511. Birth of Nicholas Revell 1012 in 1513. ENGLAND, MIDDX, ISLANGTON Death of Robert Sharpe 3783 in 1526. ENGLAND, MONASTRY CANNONS Death of Henry Plantagenet 1596. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1584. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1569. Death of Henry Plantagenet 1609. ENGLAND, MONMOUTHSHIRE, ABERGAVENNY Marriage of Eudo La Zouche 1868 and Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in 1273.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, MONMOUTHSHIRE, GRISMOND CASTLE Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1596 in 1281. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1602 in 1281. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1569 in 1281. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1609 in 1281. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1584 in 1281. Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434 in 1311. Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426 in 1311. ENGLAND, MONMOUTHSHIRE, GROSMONT, GROSMONT CASTLE Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1429 in 1300. ENGLAND, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, PONTESBURY Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in 1440. Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in 1440. Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in 1440. ENGLAND, MOOR, ANCRYM Death of Ralph Eure 1001. ENGLAND, MUCH WALTHAM Death of John Cornish 3229 in 1515. ENGLAND, NETHER TABLEY Birth of Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in 1318. ENGLAND, NEW JERSEY, SALEM, OULDMANS CREEK Death of William Hewes 3436 in 1733. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, BACONSTHORPE Death of Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193. Birth of Robert Bacon 2192 in 1258. Birth of Adam Bacon 2080 in 1286. Birth of Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in 1290. Death of Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in 1354. Death of Adam Bacon 2080 in 1357. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, BACONTHORPE Marriage of Adam Bacon 2080 and Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in 1312. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, BEESTON Death of William Hare 921. Birth of William Hare 921 in 1511. Birth of Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 in 1511. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, CHAMB Birth of John De Mowbray 1582. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, CLAY Birth of Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in 1515. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, EARL, ENGLAND Death of Thomas Plantagenet 1588 in 1338/8. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, EAST WINCH, BATH Death of Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in 1375. Death of John Howard 1900 in 1388. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, EAST WINCH, HOWARD CHAPEL Death of Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in 1341.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORFOLK, EAST WINCH Death of Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, ERPINGHAM, BACONSTHORPE Birth of Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002 in 1305. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, FERSFIELD Birth of Amica Hastings 2171 in 1245. Marriage of Robert De Bosco 1993 and Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 in 1309. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, FOREHOE, HINGHAM Birth of Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in 1185. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, FRENSE Death of Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138. Death of Ralph Blennerhassett 1137. Birth of Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 in 1400. Birth of John Blennerhassett 1046 in 1424. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, FRENZE Marriage of Miles Hobart 919 and Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in 1527. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, GREAT YARMOUTH Birth of Frances Woolsey [Hook] 3681 in 1586. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, HEACHAM Birth of John Rolfe 859. Death of John Rolfe 859. Marriage of John Rolfe 859 and Dorothea Mason 860. Birth of John Rolfe 727. Marriage of Eustace Rolfe 966 and Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967. Birth of John Jenner 1085 in 1516. Birth of Eustace Rolfe 966 in 1536. Birth of Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 in 1539. Birth of Dorothea Mason 860 in 1559. Birth of William Pierce 867 in 1560. Death of Eustace Rolfe 966 between 1593 and 1596. Death of Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 between 1593 and 1596. Birth of Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in 1600. Death of Dorothea Mason 860 in 1645. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, HINGHAM Death of Thomas Hobart 816. Marriage of Robert Dewe 818 and Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819. Marriage of Edmund Hobart 653 and Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654. Death of Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819. Birth of John Marshall 2474 in 1185. Marriage of John Marshall 2474 and Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in 1200. Birth of Dewey Dewe 923 in 1520. Birth of Robert Dewe 818 in 1540. Death of Robert Dewe 818 in 1601. Marriage of George Hubbard 511 and Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 in 1627. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, HOCKWOLD Marriage of John Blennerhassett 1046 and Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047. Birth of Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047 in 1446. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, HOLT Birth of Richard Gresham 3544 in 1485. Death of Henry Whitman 1025 in 1549.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORFOLK, KERDESTON Birth of William De Kerdeston 2188 in 1240. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, LETHERINGSETT Birth of Reginald Bacon 2485 in 1203. Birth of Conan Mynston 2487 in 1210. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, LODDON, CLAXTON Death of William Kerdeston 2001. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, LODIE Birth of Richard Bacon 2387 in 1234. Birth of Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 in 1269. Marriage of Richard Bacon 2387 and Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 in 1290. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, LOWER Birth of Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in 1619. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, MANCROFT, ST PETER Marriage of William Pettus 703 and Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, MIDDLETON Death of Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996. Death of Robert De Scales 1902. Death of Robert De Scales 1995. Birth of Ms. Scales [Clemence] 2179 in 1222. Birth of Robert Scales 2072 in 1249. Birth of Robert De Scales 1995 in 1279. Birth of Robert De Scales 1902 in 1311. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, MITFORD, HOCKERING Death of John Marshall 2474. Death of Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in 1267. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, MUNDFORD Birth of Robert Lisle 2447 in 1225. Birth of Robert Lisle 2439 in 1225. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORFLOK Marriage of William Hare 921 and Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 in 1541. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORFOLK Birth of Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817 in 1541. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORTH CREKE Birth of Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 2477 in 1202. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORWICH, HINGHAM Birth of Edmund Hobart 653 on 1 January 1573. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORWICH, LODDON Birth of Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 in 1440. Death of Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 in 1494. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, NORWICH Birth of William Pettus 703. Death of William Pettus 703. Death of Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704. Birth of Miles Hobart 919 in 1479. Death of Miles Hobart 919 in 1557. Birth of Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704 in 1585.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORFOLK, PENTNEY Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2700 in 1099. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, PLUMSTEAD Birth of Thomas Hobart 816 in 1537. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, SALLE Death of Agnes Locksmith 3218 in 1570/10. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, THORPE COOKE Birth of Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193 in 1262. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, THORPE Birth of Robert De Hingham 2389 in 1236. Marriage of Robert Bacon 2192 and Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193 in 1283. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, TITLESHALL Birth of William Wayte 1143 in 1454. Birth of Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049 in 1494. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, WIGENHALL, WIGGENHALL Birth of John Howard 1330 in 1380. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, WIGGENHALL Death of Robert Howard 1644. Birth of John Howard 1991 in 1276. Birth of John Howard 1900 in 1310. Death of John Howard 1991 in 1331. Birth of Robert Howard 1644 in 1336. Birth of John Howard 1453 in 1365. Marriage of John Howard 1453 and Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454 in 1385. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, WINTERTON Birth of Henry Woodhouse 761 in 1608. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, WYMONDHAM Birth of Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819 in 1553. Birth of Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 in 1574. ENGLAND, NORFOLK, YARMOUTH Birth of George Woolsey 3666. Birth of Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788 in 1490. Birth of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 in 1528. Birth of Thomas Woolsey 3741 in 1532. Birth of Thomas Woolsey 3704 in 1558. Birth of Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in 1584. Birth of Francis Roberts 3705 in 1585. ENGLAND, NORFOLK Birth of Nickolas Mynne 320. Death of Richard Bacon 2387. Death of Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049. Marriage of Humphrey Bohun 1299 and Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300. Death of Conan Mynston 2487. Death of Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047. Birth of Ms. Unknown 2488 in 1210. Birth of Roger Halys 1803 in 1275. Birth of Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 in 1310. Birth of John De Segrave 1421 in 1315. Death of Robert Bacon 2192 in 1321. Birth of Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 in 1322.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORFOLK (Continued) Birth of Thomas Tyndall 1139 in 1430. Birth of Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in 1507. Death of Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in 1557. ENGLAND, NORFOLKSHIRE, KERDISTON Birth of Roger De Kerdeston 2382 in 1215. Death of Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in 1284. ENGLAND, NORFOLKSHIRE, KERSITON Death of William De Kerdeston 2188. ENGLAND, NORFOLKSHIRE, MIDDLETON Birth of Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 in 1249. ENGLAND, NOROLKS, LODIE Death of Reginald Bacon 2485 in 1261. ENGLAND, NORTH WATTEN Birth of Thomas Brygge 3791 in 1546. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, ADDINGTON MAGNA Birth of Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561 in 1483. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, ASHTON Death of John Hardreshull 1620 in 1368/5. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BARNWELL CASTLE Marriage of John Manners 686 and Frances Manners [Montagu] 687 in 1628. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BENEFIELD Death of Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008. Death of Eliza Gorham 887. Birth of John Gorham 490. Death of Ralph Gorham 634. Marriage of Ralph Gorham 634 and Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635. Birth of John Gorham 1007 in 1492. Birth of Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008 in 1496. Marriage of John Gorham 1007 and Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008 in 1518. Birth of John Gorham 886 in 1518. Birth of Eliza Gorham 887 in 1522. Birth of M Bernington 888 in 1527. Birth of Ms. Bernington 889 in 1531. Marriage of John Gorham 886 and Eliza Gorham 887 in 1550. Birth of James Gorham 792 in 1550. Marriage of M Bernington 888 and Ms. Bernington 889 in 1552. Birth of Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in 1553. Marriage of James Gorham 792 and Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in 1572. Birth of Ralph Gorham 634 in 1575. Death of James Gorham 792 in 1576. Birth of Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 in 1579. Death of John Gorham 1007 in 1588. Death of John Gorham 886 in 1588. Death of Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in 1603. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BLISWORTH Marriage of Edmund Plantagenet 1592 and Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593. Birth of John Wake 1811 in 1268. Birth of Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812 in 1273.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BOUGHTON Birth of Thomas De Greene 1866 in 1260. Birth of Thomas De Greene 1622 in 1275. Death of Thomas De Greene 1622 in 1352. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BRACKLEY Death of Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 2463. Death of Alan La Zouche 1807. Death of Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591. Death of Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in 1314. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BRAYBROOK Birth of Henry De Braybrook 2445 in 1188. Birth of Henry De Braybrook 2437 in 1188. Birth of Walter De Ledet 2358 in 1210. Birth of Walter De Ledet 2354 in 1210. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in 1232. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in 1232. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BRAYBROOKE Birth of Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2359 in 1198. Birth of Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2355 in 1198. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BRIXWORTH Death of John Pilkington 1737. Birth of Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738 in 1351. Birth of John Pilkington 1737 in 1364. Marriage of John Pilkington 1737 and Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738 in 1383. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, CALDECOT Birth of William De Bohun 1431 in 1312. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, CHACOMB PRIORY Death of Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 in 1325. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, CHACOMBE, CHACOMBE PRIORY Death of John De Segrave 1797 in 1325. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, CHIPPING WARDEN Birth of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in 1190. Birth of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in 1190. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, CORBY Death of William Le Latimer 2174. Death of William Le Latimer 2172. Death of William Latimer 2070. Death of Walter De Ledet 2358 in 1257. Death of Walter De Ledet 2354 in 1257. Birth of Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in 1280. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, COURTENHALL Birth of Richard Lane 711 in 1544. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, FAXTON Marriage of Edward Sturgis 488 and Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489 in 1637. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HANNINGTON Birth of Edward Sturgis 488 in 1613. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HARDINGSTONE, COTTON END Birth of Harry Ravenscroft 1879 in 1370.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HARDINGSTONE, COTTON END (Continued) Marriage of Harry Ravenscroft 1879 and Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 in 1394. Birth of Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 in 1395. Marriage of Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 and Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 in 1437. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HARPOLE Birth of Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in 1547. Marriage of Richard Lane 711 and Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in 1570. Death of Richard Lane 711 in 1610. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HARRINGWORTH Death of Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623. Birth of Eve La Zouche 1852. Birth of Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623 in 1279. Death of Eudo La Zouche 1868 in 1279. Death of Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in 1299. Birth of Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752 in 1325. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, HIGHAM FERRERS Marriage of Thomas Neale 3548 and Goditha Neale [Throckmorton] 3549 in 1548. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, LITTLE HOUGHTON Marriage of William Randolph 744 and Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 745. Birth of Richard Randolph 581. Marriage of William Randolph 561 and Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562. Birth of Richard Randolph 445. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, PETERBOROUGH, PETERBOROUGH CASTLE Death of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169. Death of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1534. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, PITCHLEY Birth of William Isham 565. Birth of William Isham 748. Marriage of Euseby Isham 715 and Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in 1579. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, PYTCHLEY Death of Euseby Isham 715. Birth of Euseby Isham 715. Birth of Henry Isham 583 in 1626. Birth of Henry Isham 447 in 1626. Death of Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in 1627. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, SILBERTOFF Death of Thomas Saunders 1211. Birth of Thomas Saunders 1211 in 1489. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, SILBERTOFT Marriage of Thomas Saunders 1211 and Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212 in 1510. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, SOUTHWICK Death of Audrey Gresham [Lynn] 3545. Birth of Audrey Gresham [Lynn] 3545 in 1490. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, STANFORD Death of Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, THRAPSTON, TWYWELL Birth of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482 in 1175.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, TOWCESTER, BLISWORTH Death of Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812 in 1309. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, WELDON Birth of Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in 1080. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, WHISTON Birth of William Montford 1449 in 1356. Birth of Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450 in 1360. ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Birth of Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in 1058. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2356 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in 1242. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2352 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in 1242. Birth of Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446 in 1438. Marriage of Robert Randolph 709 and Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in 1572. Birth of Frances Manners [Montagu] 687 in 1614. Death of Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 in 1637. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ALNWICK, ALNWICK CASTLE Birth of Henry De Percy 1287. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ALNWICK, CASTLE Birth of Henry De Percy 1409 in 1320. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ALNWICK, FELTON Birth of Pagan De Felton 2491 in 1205. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ALNWICK, WARKWORTH CASTLE Death of Margaret De Percy [Neville] 1288. Birth of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526 in 1362. Birth of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 in 1362. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ALNWICK Death of Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410. Death of Robert Boyd 3295. Death of Malcolm Canmore 2692. Death of Henry De Percy 1409. Death of Malcolm Canmore 2516. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1765 and Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in 1299. Birth of Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225 in 1508. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, BELLINGHAM, WARK Death of Thomas Grey 1529. Death of Thomas Grey 1164. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, BERWICK ON TWEED, HALIDON HILL Death of Hugh Ross 2201. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, BRANXTON, OFFLODDEN Death of William Sinclair 1040. Birth of John Sinclair 909 in 1495. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ENGLAND ALNWICK, ALNWICK Birth of Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in 1532. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, GLENDALE, CHILLINGHAM Death of Thomas Grey 1291. Birth of John Grey 1783 in 1225. Death of Thomas Grey 1415 in 1344.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, GREYSTOKE Death of Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, HEATON Death of Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in 1383. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, HEDDON ON WALL Marriage of Thomas De Grey 1578 and Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579 in 1294. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, HETON Death of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165. Death of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530. Birth of Thomas De Grey 1578 in 1266. Birth of Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579 in 1270. Birth of Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in 1301. Death of Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in 1322. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1415 and Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in 1327. Birth of Thomas Grey 1291 in 1328. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1291 and Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in 1353. Birth of Thomas Grey 1529 in 1359. Birth of Thomas Grey 1164 in 1359. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1529 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530 in 1381. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1164 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 in 1381. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, ISLANDSHIRE, HETON Birth of Thomas Grey 1415 in 1297. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, PONTELAND, BERWICK HILL Marriage of John Grey 1783 and Mrs John Grey 1784 in 1248. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, PRESTON Birth of William De Pressene 1417 in 1303. Birth of Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in 1332. Death of William De Pressene 1417 in 1350. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, TYNEMOUTH, PRESTON Birth of William De Pressene 1418 in 1310. Marriage of William De Pressene 1417 and William De Pressene 1418 in 1327. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, WARK ON TWEED, HEATON CASTLE Birth of Henry Grey 1277 in 1419. Birth of Henry Grey 933 in 1419. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, WARK UPON TWEED Birth of John Grey 1389 in 1386. Birth of John Grey 1062 in 1386. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, WARKWORTH Death of Henry De Percy 1567. Birth of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in 1267. Birth of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in 1267. Marriage of Randolph De Neville 1571 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in 1282. Marriage of Randolph De Neville 1873 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in 1282. Death of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in 1329. Death of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in 1329. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND, WOOLER, NISBET MOOR Death of Patrick Hepburn 3375. ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND Birth of Norbrii Northumberland 3111 in 504.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND (Continued) Birth of Norbrii Northumberland 3099 in 504. Birth of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in 530. Birth of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in 530. Death of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 in 620. Death of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 in 620. Death of William Le Latimer 2433 in 1270. Death of William Le Latimer 2441 in 1270. Birth of Johanna Harris [Percy] 1142 in 1475. ENGLAND, NORTHUNBERLAND, ETHALE Death of Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in 1559. ENGLAND, NORWICH Birth of Thomas Pettus 556 in 1608. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, COLSTON BASSETT Death of Thurston Basset 2694 in 1086. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, COLSTON Birth of Thomas De Basset 2558 in 1099. Marriage of Thomas De Basset 2558 and Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in 1139. Death of Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in 1186. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, EAST RETFORD Birth of Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in 1565. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, KIVLINGTON Marriage of Richard Maultbye 3715 and Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in 1560. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, NEWARK, NEWARK CASTLE Death of Earl Richard 2168. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, NEWARK Death of John Lackland Plantagenet 2043. Death of John Lackland Plantagenet 2346. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, SCROOBY Birth of Richard Jackson 3668 in 1582. Marriage of Richard Jackson 3668 and Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669 in 1619. Birth of Robert Jackson 3660 in 1620. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, SHERWOOD FOREST Birth of Mary Poe [Hook] 197 in 1670. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, SYERSTON Birth of Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712 in 1518. ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Birth of Arthur Ingraham 782 in 1550. Birth of Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 in 1551. Death of Arthur Ingraham 782 in 1655. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, AUDLEY, STRATON Birth of Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778 in 1226. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, BAMPTON Birth of Thomas Moore 833 in 1532. Birth of Edward Moore 838 in 1560. Birth of Edward Moore 666 in 1560.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, BEAUMONT PALACE Birth of John Lackland Plantagenet 2346. Birth of John Lackland Plantagenet 2043. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, BICESTER, COURTNEY Birth of Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 745. Birth of Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, BURTON Birth of Eleanor Ashfield [Seymour] 3569 in 1481. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, CASSINGTON Birth of William De Grandison 1989 in 1256. Birth of William De Montagu 1987 in 1275. Marriage of William De Montagu 1987 and Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in 1292. Birth of William De Montagu 1898 in 1303. Marriage of William De Montagu 1898 and Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 in 1327. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, CAVERSHAM Birth of John Stevens 3721 in 1549. Birth of John Stevens 3722 in 1553. Marriage of John Stevens 3721 and John Stevens 3722 in 1574. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, EWELME, KERDESTON Birth of Roger De Kerdeston 2078 in 1264. Marriage of William De Kerdeston 2188 and Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in 1272. Birth of Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in 1277. Birth of William Kerdeston 2001 in 1307. Marriage of Roger De Kerdeston 2078 and Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in 1307. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, GATEHAMPTON Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2738 in 1080. Birth of Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 2739 in 1099. Birth of Emma De Langetot 2701 in 1125. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, HARCOURT, STANTON Death of Susan Casse 3708. Birth of Susan Casse 3708 in 1543. Death of George Cornell 3742 in 1616. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, HEADINGTON Birth of Alan Bassett 2466 in 1155. Birth of Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349 in 1204. Death of Alan Bassett 2466 in 1233. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, HEDDINGDON Birth of Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in 1158. Marriage of Thomas Bassett 2429 and Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in 1177. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, HEDDINGTON Death of Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in 1225. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, HEDINGTON Birth of Thomas Bassett 2429 in 1156. Death of Thomas De Basset 2558 in 1182. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, IPSWELL Birth of Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559 in 1482. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, OXFORD, CHRIST CHURCH Death of Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in 1345.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, OXFORD Birth of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816 in 1264. Birth of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842 in 1264. Birth of Joane Norris [Vere] 1315 in 1433. Birth of Joane Norris [Vere] 1080 in 1433. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, ROLINGTON Marriage of William Malbank 2560 and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in 1177. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, STANDLAKE Birth of Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in 1192. Marriage of Ernald Boys 2431 and Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in 1220. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, WELLINGFORD Birth of Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in 1114. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, WOODSTOCK Birth of Edmund Plantagenet 1592. Birth of Richard Cornewall 3789 in 1530. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE, WORMSLEY Birth of Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] 949 in 1489. ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE Birth of William Malbank 2740 in 1080. Birth of William Malbank 2702 in 1109. Birth of William Malbank 2560 in 1135. Birth of Richard De Vere 1328 in 1385. Death of John Stevens 3721 in 1617/1. ENGLAND, PARISH SHESWARDI, GOULSTON Death of John Goulston 1358. ENGLAND, PLYMOUTH Birth of John Read 498 in 1620. ENGLAND, REINO OSTROGODO Death of Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 in 459. ENGLAND, ROCHFORD Death of Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214. ENGLAND, RUTLAND, EXTON, SIR Birth of Nicholas De Greene 1441 in 1312. ENGLAND, RUTLAND, EXTON Birth of Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in 1340. ENGLAND, RUTLAND, RYHALL Birth of Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in 1252. ENGLAND, RUTLANDSHIRE, OAKHAM, EXTON Birth of John Bruce 1624. Birth of Bernard Bruce 1869 in 1264. Birth of Joan Bruce 1442 in 1347. ENGLAND, RUTLANDSHIRE, RYHALL Birth of Hugh Le Despencer 2370 in 1197. Birth of Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371 in 1202.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, RUTLANDSHIRE, STAMFORD, RYHALL Death of Hugh Le Despencer 2370. ENGLAND, SALISBURY Death of Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685. Birth of Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685 in 1619. Death of Charles Cecil 684 in 1660/12. ENGLAND, SALOPSHIRE, WHITTINGTON Birth of Fulk Fitz Warine 2251 in 1155. ENGLAND, SHREWSBURY Death of Madoc Kynaston 1405 in 1403. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ALKINGTON Birth of James Ridley 1474 in 1402. Birth of Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353 in 1425. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, BASCHURCH, STANWARDINE Birth of Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 in 1406. Birth of Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 in 1406. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, BASCHURCH, WALFORD Marriage of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 in 1419. Marriage of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 in 1419. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, BELLAPORT Birth of Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor] 3551 in 1515. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, BUNTINGDALE Death of Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360. Marriage of Humphrey Hill 1359 and Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 in 1429. Death of Humphrey Hill 1359 in 1484. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, BURFORD Marriage of John Howard 1991 and Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in 1309. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CAUS Birth of Roger De Valletort 2427 in 1165. Birth of Alesia De Valletort 2428 in 1169. Marriage of Roger De Valletort 2427 and Alesia De Valletort 2428 in 1191. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CAUSE Birth of Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212 in 1170. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CHESAWARDINE Birth of John Le Strange 2393 in 1226. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CHESWARDINE Marriage of John Le Strange 2492 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in 1225. Marriage of John Le Strange 2213 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in 1225. Birth of Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in 1234. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 and Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in 1241. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CLAVERLEY Death of Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255. Birth of John Barker 1479 in 1462. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CLAVERLY Death of William Barker 1254.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, CRICKETT Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057 in 1455. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185 in 1455. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658 in 1455. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, DONINGTON Birth of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 in 1392. Birth of John Wynnesbury 1477 in 1397. Birth of Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 in 1418. Birth of Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 in 1426. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, DONNINGTON Birth of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476 in 1398. Marriage of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 and Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476 in 1417. Marriage of John Wynnesbury 1477 and Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478 in 1426. Marriage of Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 and Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 in 1440. Birth of Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253 in 1450. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ELLESMERE, CARDICOTT Birth of Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] 1074 in 1506. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ELLESMERE, HORDLEY Birth of John Kynaston 1060 in 1382. Birth of John Kynaston 1387 in 1382. Birth of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 in 1404. Birth of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 in 1404. Birth of Roger Kynaston 824 in 1430. Birth of Roger Kynaston 1154 in 1430. Birth of Roger Kynaston 1310 in 1430. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ELLESMERE, STOCKS Birth of Griffith Kynaston 1757 in 1255. Birth of Philip Kynaston 1561 in 1280. Birth of Jenkin Kynaston 1285 in 1330. Birth of Roger Hoord 1162 in 1345. Birth of Roger Hoord 1527 in 1345. Birth of John Hoord 1388 in 1378. Birth of John Hoord 1061 in 1378. Death of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 in 1443. Death of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 in 1443. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ELLESMERE Birth of Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 in 1230. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, ESSEX, NEWPORT Birth of John Symonds 3763 in 1510. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, HODNET Birth of Humphrey Hill 1359 in 1404. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, HODNOT Birth of Thomas Hill 1256 in 1460. Birth of Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in 1500. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, HUMPHRESTON MANOR Birth of Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478 in 1405. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, KNOCKIN Death of Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 in 1282.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LANGLEY Birth of Robert Leigh 1472 in 1392. Birth of Ralph Leigh 1352 in 1418. Birth of Richard Leigh 1252 in 1446. Death of Robert Leigh 1472 in 1450. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LLANYBLODWEL, ABERTANAT Birth of Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1286 in 1334. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LLANYMYNECH, FRON GOCH Birth of Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 in 1155. Birth of Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229 in 1159. Marriage of Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 and Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229 in 1179. Birth of Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 in 1180. Marriage of Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 and Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 in 1205. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 in 1206. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 and Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030 in 1244. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694 in 1255. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 in 1255. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762 in 1255. Birth of Jane Vr Kynaston [Iowerth] 1758 in 1260. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LOPPINGTON Marriage of William Hinckes 3792 and Anne Hinckes [Vaughan] 3793. Birth of Anne Hinckes [Vaughan] 3793 in 1538. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LUDLOW, BROMFIELD Death of Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112. Death of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 in 1236. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, LUDLOW Birth of Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] 1854. Marriage of Madoc Kynaston 1525 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526 in 1378. Marriage of Madoc Kynaston 1160 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 in 1378. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, MARKET DRAYTON, COLEHURST Birth of John Barker 1123 in 1500. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, MIDDLE Death of Roger Kynaston 1310 in 1496. Death of Roger Kynaston 1154 in 1496. Death of Roger Kynaston 824 in 1496. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, MORETON CORBET WATTLESBOROUGH Birth of Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506 in 1379. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, MORETON CORBET Birth of Thomas Corbet 1683 in 1334. Death of Thomas Corbet 1683 in 1359. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, MUCCLESTONE, WOORE Birth of Thomas Bulkeley 3550 in 1515. Death of Thomas Bulkeley 3550 in 1591. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, NENE SOLERS Birth of Amphillis Coningsby 1140 in 1456. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, NESS CHESWARDINE Birth of John Le Strange 2213 in 1194. Birth of John Le Strange 2492 in 1194.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, NR MARKET DRAYTON, COLEHURST Death of John Barker 1479 in 1531. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, OSWESTRY, WEST FELTON Birth of William De Felton 2391 in 1234. Birth of Simon Felton 2194 in 1265. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, PIMHILL, PEVENHULL Birth of Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473 in 1398. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, PONTESBURY Marriage of Henry Grey 933 and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934. Marriage of Henry Grey 1277 and Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, SHIFNAL, TONG Birth of Robert De Pembrugge 1751 in 1314. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, SHREWSBURY, SHREWS Death of Madoc Kynaston 1525. Death of Jenkin Hanmer 1178. Death of Madoc Kynaston 1160. Death of Jenkin Hanmer 1261. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, SHREWSBURY Death of Roger De Montgomery 2654. Birth of Roger De Montgomery 2654 in 1022. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, STOTTESDON Birth of Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in 1263. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, STRETTON Birth of Thomas Thynne 3542 in 1502. Birth of Margaret Thynne [Heynes] 3543 in 1504. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, WELLINGTON Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928 in 1472. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, WHITTINGTON Death of Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252 in 1226. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, WOLVERTON Marriage of Thomas Hill 1256 and Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in 1488. Marriage of John Barker 1123 and Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in 1524. Birth of Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in 1525. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE, WOORE Birth of Edward Bulkeley 3516 in 1540. Death of Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor] 3551 in 1591. ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE Marriage of Roger Mortimer 1853 and Joan Mortimer [De Geneville] 1854. Marriage of John De Segrave 1797 and Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in 1283. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in 1501. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in 1501. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in 1501. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BATH Birth of Edward Burcher 3469 in 1575. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BEDMINSTER PARISH, BISHOPWORTH Death of John Norman 1106.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BEDMINSTER, BISHOPWORTH Birth of John Fryeth 1230 in 1500. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BISHOPWORTH Birth of John Norman 1106 in 1525. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BRISTOL Death of William Cary 857. Birth of Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in 1515. Marriage of Richard Cary 962 and Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in 1559. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BUCKLAND SAINT MARY Marriage of Walter Deane 801 and Joan Deane [Walsele] 802. Marriage of Walter Deane 805 and Joan Deane [Walsele] 806. Birth of Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 in 1547. Birth of Joan Deane [Walsele] 802 in 1547. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BUCKLAND, ST MARY Marriage of John Deane 905 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 in 1540. Death of John Deane 899 in 1540. Marriage of John Deane 899 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 in 1540. Death of John Deane 905 in 1540. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BUCKLAND, ST MARYS Death of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900. Death of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, BUCKLAND Birth of William Bond 1117 in 1467. Birth of Mrs William Bond 1118 in 1471. Birth of William Bond 1027 in 1493. Birth of George Bond 903 in 1534. Birth of Ann Strong [Bond] 804 in 1560. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, CHARD, TAUNTON Marriage of John Strong 644 and Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 in 1609. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, CHARD Death of Joan Deane [Walsele] 802. Death of John Strong 644. Death of William Deane 642. Birth of Walter Deane 502. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1021 in 1496. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1033 in 1496. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1034 in 1497. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1022 in 1497. Birth of John Deane 899 in 1500. Birth of John Deane 905 in 1500. Marriage of Robert Selwoode 1021 and Robert Selwoode 1022 in 1518. Marriage of Robert Selwoode 1033 and Robert Selwoode 1034 in 1518. Birth of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 in 1522. Birth of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 in 1522. Birth of George Strong 803 in 1556. Birth of William Deane 642 in 1568. Birth of Mrs William Deane 643 in 1578. Birth of John Strong 644 in 1585. Death of Walter Deane 805 between 1585 and 1587. Death of Walter Deane 801 between 1585 and 1587. Birth of Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 in 1586. Marriage of William Deane 642 and Mrs William Deane 643 in 1587. Death of Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 on 10 May 1597.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SOMERSET, CHARD (Continued) Birth of Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in 1613. Death of George Strong 803 on 16 February 1636. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, DONYATT Death of Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643. Marriage of William De Grandison 1989 and Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990 in 1286. Birth of Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643 in 1330. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, DONYFORD, LOD-HYWISE Birth of William Hewes 3436 in 1661. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, DONYVORDE Birth of John Hewyshe 3536 in 1488. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, DUNSTER Death of William Huyshe 3507 in 1540. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, GLASTONBURY Birth of George Hubbard 511 in 1601. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, HINTON ST GEORGE Birth of Alice Paulet 1337 in 1456. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, HUNDRED, MILVERTON Birth of Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484 in 1552. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, MERRIFIELD Birth of John Wadham 3540 in 1480. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, MILVERTON HUNDRED Death of Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466. Birth of William Hewes 3465. Marriage of Silvester Huysh 3483 and Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484. Death of Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484 in 1572. Death of Silvester Huysh 3483 in 1590. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, NETTLECOMBE, BEGARN-HYWUS Marriage of William Huyshe 3507 and Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in 1537. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, NORTH PETHERTON HUNDRED Death of Roger Pedrick 3454. Birth of Roger Pedrick 3454 in 1615. Birth of Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444 in 1640. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, NORTHCOMBE Birth of William Huyshe 3507 in 1518. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, NYE Birth of Richard Earle 3209 in 1597. Death of Richard Earle 3209 in 1648. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, ORCHARD Birth of George Norman 492. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, PORTBURY, CHURCH Death of Eve La Zouche 1852. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, SOUTH CHARD Birth of Walter Deane 801 in 1545. Birth of Walter Deane 805 in 1545.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SOMERSET, ST DECUMANS PARISH, DONYFORD Death of John Hewish 3452. Death of William Hewes 3465. Birth of Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in 1494. Marriage of John Hewyshe 3536 and Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in 1511. Death of Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in 1518. Birth of Silvester Huysh 3483 in 1540. Birth of John Hewish 3452 in 1594. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, ST DECUMANS, DONYFORD Death of John Hewyshe 3536. Death of Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453. Death of Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in 1545. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, ST GEORGES Birth of Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466 in 1579. Marriage of William Hewes 3465 and Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466 in 1592. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, TAUNTON Birth of John Strong 901 in 1515. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, WELLS, ST CUTHBERTES Marriage of Cornelius Watts 466 and Ann Watts [Esserman] 467. Death of Cornelius Watts 466 in 1640. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, WELLS, ST CUTHBERTS PARISH Birth of Cornelius Watts 466 in 1590. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, WELLS Birth of Edward Watts 351. Death of Ann Watts [Esserman] 467. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, WILVESCOMB Birth of Thomas Bennett 740 in 1580. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, WINSCOMBE, NYE Birth of John Earle 3202 in 1614. ENGLAND, SOMERSET, YEOVIL, SUTTON BINGHAM Birth of Robert Bingham 2489 in 1197. ENGLAND, SOMERSET Death of Ms. Unknown 3455. Birth of Joanne Fryeth 1231 in 1500. Death of Robert Strong 1023 in 1519. Birth of Ms. Unknown 3455 in 1615. Marriage of John Earle 3202 and Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in 1637. Birth of Samuel I Earle 3196 in 1638. Marriage of Roger Pedrick 3454 and Ms. Unknown 3455 in 1638. Birth of Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in 1668. ENGLAND, SOMMERSETSHIRE Death of John Strong 901 in 1534. ENGLAND, SOUTH WALES, BRECKNOCKSHIRE, ABERCYNFRIG Birth of William Awbrey 692 in 1583. ENGLAND, SOUTH WALES, BRECKNOCKSHIRE, TREDOMEN Death of William Awbrey 692 in 1631.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SOUTHMINSTER Birth of William Harris 1048 in 1505. Death of William Harris 1048 in 1556. ENGLAND, ST ANDREW PERSHORE WORCESTER, DEFFORD Marriage of Hugh Le Despencer 2370 and Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371 in 1219. Marriage of John Fones 3777 and Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778 in 1525. ENGLAND, ST PETER Death of Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in 1586. ENGLAND, ST SEPULCHRES, HOLBORN, LONDON Birth of Gyles Longe 913 in 1549. ENGLAND, STAF, SWYNNERTON Death of Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in 1361. ENGLAND, STAFFORDS, IPSTONES Death of William De Ipstones 1377 in 1399. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, AUDLEY, HELEIGH CASTL Birth of Emma De Audley 2113 in 1218. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, AUDLEY Birth of Hugh Audley 1573 in 1250. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, BESCITE Birth of Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 in 1372. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, BESCOTE Marriage of William Montford 1449 and Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450 in 1372. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, BLYMHILL Birth of John De Ipstones 1681 in 1325. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, BRERETON Birth of Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 in 1454. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, DRAYTON BASSET Marriage of Ralph Basset 2608 and Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in 1087. Death of Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in 1107. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, DRAYTON Birth of Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1865 in 1306. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, DUDLEY CASTLE Birth of Roger De Somery 2494 in 1208. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, FOXHALL Birth of Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in 1319. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HADLEY Birth of Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412 in 1300. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HAMPSTALL, RIDWARD Birth of Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in 1490. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HAMSTALL RIDWARE Birth of Richard Cotton 1188 in 1461.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HARLASTON Marriage of William De Vernon 1749 and Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750 in 1345. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HELEIGH CASTLE Death of Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HELEIGH Death of James De Audley 1777. Birth of Henry De Aldithley 2247 in 1175. Birth of James De Audley 1777 in 1225. Birth of John Touchet 1759 in 1350. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, HULTON ABBEY Death of Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in 1249. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, IPSTONES Birth of John De Ipstones 1505 in 1330. Birth of William De Ipstones 1377 in 1390. Birth of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177 in 1396. Birth of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 in 1396. Marriage of William De Ipstones 1377 and Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in 1398. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, MORATON Death of William Bullock 663. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, MUCKLESTONE Death of William Mason 968 in 1554. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, RIDWARE HEMST Birth of John Cotton 1316 in 1436. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, RIDWARE, HEMSTALL Marriage of John Cotton 1316 and Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in 1457. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, RUGELEY Death of Richard Stone 355. Birth of Jane Bannister 471 in 1598. Birth of Richard Stone 355 in 1620. Marriage of Richard Stone 355 and Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356 in 1641. Birth of John Stone 273 in 1646. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, SANDON Birth of James Stafford 1864 in 1264. Birth of Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621 in 1294. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, STONE, SWYNNERTON Birth of Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1678 in 1290. Marriage of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 and Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in 1356. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, SWYNERTON Birth of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 in 1335. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, SWYNNERTON Marriage of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 and Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in 1319. Birth of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 in 1355. Death of Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in 1373. Death of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 in 1381. Death of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 in 1395. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, TAMWORTH, HARLASTON Death of Richard Vernon 1557 in 1376.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, TAMWORTH, HARLASTON (Continued) Death of Richard Vernon 1403 in 1400. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE, TUTBURY, TUTBURY CASTLE Birth of Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 in 1320. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1409 and Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 between 1334 and 1339. ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE Death of Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in 1303. Death of Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in 1371. Birth of William Mason 968 in 1530. ENGLAND, STINTON Birth of John Brewer 3526 in 1505. ENGLAND, STRAFFORDSHIRE Birth of Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 in 1240. ENGLAND, SUFF, IPSWICH, ST LAWRENCE Birth of Emanuel Downing 680. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, ANGLETERRE, CLARE Death of Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in 1133. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, ASPALL Birth of Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 in 1330. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, ASSINGTON Birth of Ernald Boys 2431 in 1190. Death of Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in 1246. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, BERKAMPSTED Death of John Irby 3552. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, BOXFORD Birth of Ms. Unknown 2471 in 1179. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, BRISTOL Birth of Thomas Meador 688 in 1612. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, BURES Death of Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, BURY ST EDMUNDS, ABBEY Death of Humphrey Plantagenet 1064. Death of Humphrey Plantagenet 1391. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, CLAIRE Death of William Mylde 1906 in 1343. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, CLARE Birth of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 in 1065. Birth of William Mylde 1907 in 1322. Birth of William Mylde 1906 in 1322. Marriage of William Mylde 1906 and William Mylde 1907 in 1340. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, EDWARDSTONE Death of Henry Browne 3738. Birth of Henry Browne 3738 in 1520. Death of John Browne 3785 in 1563.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, ELEIGH, MONKS Birth of Eleanor Atchurch 1135 in 1370. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, FINNINGHAM Death of John Clarke 958. Death of Katherine Clarke [Cooke] 959. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, GREAT THRULOW Birth of Margaret Peche 3264 in 1340. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, GROTON MANOR Birth of Adam Winthrop 3702. Death of Adam Winthrop 3702. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, GROTON Birth of Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665. Marriage of Emanuel Downing 680 and Lucy Downing [Winthrop] 681. Death of Adam Winthrop 3736. Death of Thomas Fones 3678. Death of Anne Fones [Winthrop] 3679. Death of Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703. Birth of Lucy Downing [Winthrop] 681. Death of Adam Winthrop 3781 in 1498. Marriage of Adam Winthrop 3781 and Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in 1498. Marriage of George Downing 538 and Frances Downing [Howard] 539 in 1654. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HADLEY Birth of George Baldry 1099 in 1510. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HALESWORTH, BULCAMP Death of Roger De Kerdeston 2078. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HARTISMERE, ASPALL Birth of John Aspall 2005 in 1304. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HAVERHILL Birth of John Taylor 814. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HICKLEY Birth of John De Valoines 2476 in 1194. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, HOLTON Birth of Agnes Browne 3739 in 1530. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, IPSWICH, ST NICHOLAS Birth of Thomas Wolsey 3787 between 1471 and 1473. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, IPSWICH Marriage of John Norman 1106 and Agnes Norman 1107 in 1555. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, IXWORTH Birth of William Le Blount 2478 in 1153. Birth of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479 in 1163. Birth of Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379 in 1194. Birth of Agnes Le Blount 2481 in 1204. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, LAVENHAM Marriage of Adam Winthrop 3736 and Agnes Winthrop [Sharpe] 3737. Birth of Adam Winthrop 3736. Birth of Adam Winthrop 3781 in 1466. Birth of Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in 1470.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, LEWES Death of William Le Blount 2478 in 1228. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, LEYHAM Birth of Thomas Hobart 1134 in 1415. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, LINDSEY Birth of Elizabeth Long 510 in 1602. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, LOWDHAM FRENZE Marriage of Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 and Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138 in 1408. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, METTINGHAM Birth of Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998 in 1286. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, MONKS ELEIGH, DE LA TYE Death of Eleanor Atchurch 1135 in 1466. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, MONKS ELEIGH Death of James Hobart 1044. Birth of James Hobart 1044 in 1436. Death of Thomas Hobart 1134 in 1488. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, NAYLAND, STOKE Birth of Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 in 1322. Marriage of William Tendring 1904 and Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 in 1347/12. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, NEDGING Death of Robert Lisle 2447 in 1262. Death of Robert Lisle 2439 in 1262. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, ORFORD Birth of Robert De Valoines 2378 in 1221. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, RAMSHOLD, PEYTON HALL Birth of Nigel De Peyton 2470 in 1173. Birth of John De Peyton 2374 in 1203. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SAXSTED Death of William Kerrich 960. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SAXTEAD Death of Margery Kerrich 961. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SAXTED Birth of Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856. Birth of William Kerrich 960 in 1540. Birth of Margery Kerrich 961 in 1542. Marriage of William Kerrich 960 and Margery Kerrich 961 in 1565. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SKEITH, WICKHAM Death of Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256 in 1246. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SMALLBRIDGE Death of William Waldegrave 3556. Birth of Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave] 3519 in 1485. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STOKE BY NAYLAND, TENDRING HALL Birth of William Tendring 1904 in 1319.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STOKE NEYLAND Death of Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454. Birth of William Tendring 1646 in 1339. Birth of Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in 1343. Birth of Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454 in 1365. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STOKES-BY-NAYLAND, TENDRING HALL Marriage of William Tendring 1646 and Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in 1365. Death of Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in 1403. Death of William Tendring 1646 in 1421. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STOW, NORTON Death of Alberic I De Mello 2298 in 1183. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STOW, THURSTON Death of Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STRADISHALL Birth of Alexander Ray 707 in 1630. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, STRATFORD, STRATFORD NUNNERY Death of Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, SUDBURY, ASSINGTON Death of Ernald Boys 2431 in 1255. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, THETFORD, MAGNA FAKENHAM Death of Robert De Valoines 2378 in 1264. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, THURSTON Marriage of Robert De Ufford 1997 and Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998. Birth of Robert De Ufford 1997. Death of Robert De Ufford 1997. Death of Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998. Birth of Robert D Ufford 2184 in 1249. Birth of Robert De Valoines 2186 in 1254. Birth of Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in 1259. Birth of Robert D Ufford 2076 in 1279. Birth of Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 in 1279. Marriage of Robert De Valoines 2186 and Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in 1280. Marriage of Robert D Ufford 2076 and Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 in 1298/1. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, UFFORD Death of Robert D Ufford 2184. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, WESTHORPE Birth of John Clarke 958. Death of Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856. Marriage of Thomas Clarke 855 and Rose Clarke [Kerrich] 856. Marriage of John Clarke 958 and Katherine Clarke [Cooke] 959. Birth of Thomas Clarke 855. Birth of Katherine Clarke [Cooke] 959. Death of Thomas Clarke 855. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK, WOODBRIDGE Death of Robert D Ufford 2076 in 1316. ENGLAND, SUFFOLK Marriage of Adam Winthrop 3702 and Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703. Marriage of Robert De Scales 1902 and Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903. Death of John Blennerhassett 1046.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUFFOLK (Continued) Marriage of Aubrey De Vere 2708 and Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in 1102. Birth of Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 in 1317. Birth of John Hunt 3263 in 1420. Birth of Margaret De Pechey 3262 in 1424. Death of Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in 1520. Marriage of Henry Browne 3738 and Agnes Browne 3739 in 1553. Death of John Fones 3700 in 1572. Birth of Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in 1592. ENGLAND, SURREY, BRECKNOCK Birth of William De Braose 2255 in 1204. ENGLAND, SURREY, CROYDON Death of William De Warenne 1815. Death of William De Warenne 1841. ENGLAND, SURREY, LINGFIELD Death of Reynold De Cobham 1301. Death of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536. Death of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171. Marriage of Reginald Cobham 1170 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 in 1409. Marriage of Reginald Cobham 1535 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536 in 1409. Death of Reginald Cobham 1170 in 1446. Death of Reginald Cobham 1535 in 1446. ENGLAND, SURREY, PACHESHAM Birth of John Hardreshull 1620. Marriage of William Hardreshull 1862 and Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863 in 1290. ENGLAND, SURREY, SHENE PALACE Death of Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427. ENGLAND, SURREY, STERBOROUGH Birth of Reynold De Cobham 1301 in 1348. Birth of Reginald Cobham 1170 in 1381. Birth of Reginald Cobham 1535 in 1381. ENGLAND, SURREY Birth of William De Ferrers [D Evere] 1850 in 1238. Marriage of William De Warenne 1841 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842 between 1285 and 1286. Marriage of William De Warenne 1815 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816 between 1285 and 1286. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, ARUNDEL Death of Richard Fitzalan 1813. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1813. Death of Richard Fitzalan 1425. Death of Richard Fitzalan 1896. Death of Richard Fitzalan 1839. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1839. Birth of John Fitzalan 1787. Death of John Fitzalan 1787. Death of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434. Marriage of Thomas De Holand 1295 and Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296. Death of Richard Fitzalan 1433. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1799. Death of Richard Fitzalan 1799. Death of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426. Marriage of John Fitzalan 1787 and Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in 1260. Death of Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in 1274. Birth of Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in 1277.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUSSEX, ARUNDEL (Continued) Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 in 1277. Birth of Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 in 1289. Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1983 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in 1305. Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1594 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in 1305. Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1607 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in 1305. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1425 in 1313. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1433 in 1313. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1896 in 1313. Birth of Edmund Fitzalan 1642 in 1327. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in 1338. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in 1338. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in 1338. Birth of Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296 in 1350. Birth of Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in 1351. Marriage of Richard Sergeaux 1451 and Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in 1373. Death of Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 in 1376. Death of Edmund Fitzalan 1642 in 1377. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, BEDHAM Death of Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, BERSTED, MAINWARING Birth of Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in 1196. Death of Henry De Aldithley 2247 in 1246. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, BODEHURST Birth of Richard De Bodehurst 2015 in 1360. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, BRAMBER Birth of Reginald De Braose 2268 in 1179. Death of Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269 in 1223. Birth of William De Braos 1791 in 1280. Birth of Nicholas Meriwether 589 in 1631. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, DORE ABBEY Death of Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, ECHINGHAM Birth of Eleanor Maltravers 1302 in 1346. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, EDBURTON Birth of Richard Bishop 3717 in 1565. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, LEWES, HAMSEY Death of Robert Randolph 709. Birth of Robert Randolph 709 in 1550. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, LEWES, HIGH ALTAR Death of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816. Death of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, LEWES, PRIORY Death of Eleanor Maltravers 1302. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, MARLBOROUGH, CASTLE Birth of Edmund Fitzalan 1607. Birth of Edmund Fitzalan 1594. Birth of Edmund Fitzalan 1983.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, SUSSEX, MARLBOROUGH Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1839 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840 in 1284. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1813 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814 in 1284. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1799 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800 in 1284. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, MEREFIELD Birth of Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511 in 1533. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, NEWTIMBER Birth of Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 2473 in 1165. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, PETWORTH Birth of Henry De Percy 1580. Birth of Henry De Percy 1765. Birth of Francis Slingsby 993 in 1522. Marriage of Francis Slingsby 993 and Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in 1553. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, SUSSEXSHIRE, BRAMBER Death of Agnes De Saint Clare 2697 in 1080. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, TWINEHAM Death of Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in 1204. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, WARREN Birth of Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786 in 1251. Birth of William De Warenne 1815 in 1260. Birth of William De Warenne 1841 in 1260. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in 1277. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in 1277. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in 1277. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, WIGGONHOLT Birth of Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 in 1410. ENGLAND, SUSSEX, WINCHELSEA Death of Thomas Colepeper 1618 in 1321. ENGLAND, SUSSEX Death of Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in 1399. Death of Lawrence Bathurst 1457 in 1461. Death of Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in 1620. Marriage of Thiel Goff 3593 and Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594 in 1735. ENGLAND, UPTON Death of John Maltby 3756. Death of Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in 1557. ENGLAND, WALES, SWANSEA Death of Thomas Edwards 328. ENGLAND, WALES Death of Elizabeth Blayney 843. Marriage of Richard Price 672 and Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in 1582. Birth of Thomas Wilkins 602 in 1590. Death of Thomas Wilkins 602 in 1590. Birth of Mary Gage 381 in 1685. Birth of Nicholas Gage 380 in 1685. Marriage of Nicholas Gage 380 and Mary Gage 381 in 1701. Death of Nicholas Gage 380 in 1788.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WALLINGFORD CASTLE Death of Maurice De Berkeley 1857 in 1326. ENGLAND, WARW, AMINGTON Death of Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 in 1343. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ALCESTER Birth of Robert Corbet 2799 in 1042. Birth of Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in 1075. Death of Robert Corbet 2799 in 1121. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ANGLETERRE, COUGHTON Birth of John De Montfort 1888 in 1297. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ARDEN Death of John De Boys 2170 in 1295. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ASTON Birth of Humphrey Barker 1356 in 1490. Death of Humphrey Barker 1356 in 1538. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ATHERSTONE, HARTSHILL Birth of Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1625 in 1320. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, BEAUDESERT Death of John De Montfort 1970. Birth of John De Montfort 1970 in 1264. Birth of Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in 1275. Marriage of John De Montfort 1970 and Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in 1287/3. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, COLESHILL MANOR Birth of Baldwin De Montfort 1638 in 1328. Death of John De Montfort 1888 in 1365. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, COLESHILL Birth of Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in 1300. Death of Baldwin De Montfort 1638 in 1386. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, COUGHTON Marriage of John De Montfort 1888 and Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in 1324. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, COVENTRY Birth of Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 in 1550. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, FOXCOTE Birth of Maria Ryland [Canning] 714 in 1555. Birth of John Ryland 713 in 1555. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, HARDRESHULL Birth of Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in 1312. Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1303 in 1345. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, KNOCKIN Death of John Le Strange 2492 in 1269. Death of John Le Strange 2213 in 1269. Death of John Le Strange 2393 in 1276. Death of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in 1294. Death of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in 1294. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MASTOKE, AMINGTON Birth of John De Clinton 1972 in 1258.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MAXSTOKE Birth of Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in 1270. Birth of John De Clinton 1890 in 1300. Death of John De Clinton 1972 in 1313. Death of Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in 1321. Birth of Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1639 in 1331. Death of John De Clinton 1890 in 1335. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MORETON MORRELL Death of Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 745. Death of Dorothy Randolph [Lane] 562. Death of William Randolph 744 in 1660. Death of William Randolph 561 in 1660. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MORRELL, MORTON HALL Marriage of Richard Randolph 581 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in 1650. Marriage of Richard Randolph 445 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in 1650. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MORRELL, MORTON Birth of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in 1625. Birth of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in 1625. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, MORTON MORELL Death of Elizabeth Harward 564. Death of Elizabeth Harward 747. Birth of Richard Ryland 746 in 1599. Birth of Richard Ryland 563 in 1599. Birth of Elizabeth Harward 564 in 1603. Birth of Elizabeth Harward 747 in 1603. Death of Richard Ryland 563 in 1650. Death of Richard Ryland 746 in 1650. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, RUGBY, FRANKTON Birth of Jenkin Lord 1563 in 1285. Birth of Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin] 1406 in 1310. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ST MARY WARWICK, LITTLE BOLTON Birth of William Bolton 778 in 1573. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, STONELEIGH Death of Thomas Leigh 1029. Marriage of Roger Leigh 1121 and Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122 in 1508. Birth of Thomas Leigh 1029 in 1520. Birth of Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 in 1538. Marriage of Thomas Leigh 1029 and Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in 1547. Death of Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in 1600. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, STRATFORDONAVON Birth of Henry Smith 3727 in 1550. Birth of Anne Hicks [Smith] 3695 in 1570. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, TYBURN, ELMS Death of Roger Mortimer 1853. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, ULLENHALL Death of William Bolton 778. Marriage of William Bolton 778 and Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 in 1570. Birth of William Bolton 624 in 1585. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, WARWICK Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1820 in 1236.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, WARWICK (Continued) Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1846 in 1236. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1796 in 1236. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1772 in 1236. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1832 in 1236. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE, WESTON-IN-ARDEN Death of Ernald Boys 2350. ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE Birth of Goditha Neale [Throckmorton] 3549 in 1539. ENGLAND, WESSEX Birth of Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 in 493. Birth of Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 in 497. Death of Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 in 525. Birth of King Cynric 3066 in 525. Death of Cerdic Wessex 3087 in 534. Death of Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 in 534. Death of Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in 534. Death of King Cynric 3066 in 560. Birth of Ms. Queen Aaflaeda 2867 in 878. Birth of Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964 in 902. Birth of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in 986. Birth of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in 986. Birth of Edmund Ironside 2636 in 989. Birth of Edmund Ironside 2781 in 989. Birth of Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817 in 997. Birth of Edward Atheling 2724 in 1016. Birth of Edward Atheling 2572 in 1016. Birth of Margaret Atheling 2517 in 1045. Birth of Margaret Atheling 2693 in 1045. ENGLAND, WEST YORKSHIRE, BAILDON Death of Agnes Blunde 2381. ENGLAND, WEST, KNARESBOROUGH, SCRIVEN Death of Henry Slingsby 877. Death of Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878 in 1611. ENGLAND, WEST, LEEDS, TEMPLE NEWSAM Death of Arthur Ingram 875 in 1642/12. ENGLAND, WESTMORELAND, APPLEBY Birth of Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 in 1300. ENGLAND, WESTMORELAND, SIZERGH Death of Walter Strickland 3729. Birth of Walter Strickland 3729. Birth of Walter Strickland 3769 in 1497. ENGLAND, WESTMORELAND, WESTMORE Birth of Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730 in 1520. ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND, KENDAL Birth of Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in 1200. Birth of Thomas Strickland 3696 in 1554. ENGLAND, WESTMORLANDSHIRE, BARONY KENDAL Death of Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in 1226.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WEXFORD, LITTLE HORETOWN Death of William Goffe 3597. ENGLAND, WEXFORD, POULMARLE Birth of Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605 in 1645. ENGLAND, WHITSHIRE, LONGLEAT Birth of John Thynne 3512 in 1515. Death of Thomas Thynne 3542 in 1546. ENGLAND, WILLINGTON, PENLEY Birth of Thomas Dymoke 1148 in 1400. Birth of Thomas Dymoke 1066 in 1400. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, ALDERTON Marriage of Edward Bezer 3456 and Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, AMESBURY Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BISHOPS CANNING, HORTON Birth of Nicholas Sloper 3584 in 1509. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3580 in 1525. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3578 in 1525. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3582 in 1525. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BISHOPS CANNING Death of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3480. Death of Thomas Withers 3460. Death of Jane Tarrant 3448. Birth of Jane Tarrant 3448. Death of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482. Death of Joan Withers [Nash] 3478. Death of Thomas Withers 3477. Birth of William Withers 3500 in 1520. Marriage of Nicholas Sloper 3584 and Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585 in 1524. Death of Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585 in 1545. Birth of William Nash 3501 in 1545. Birth of Joan Withers [Nash] 3478 in 1545. Birth of Thomas Withers 3477 in 1545. Birth of John Sloper 3503 in 1547. Birth of John Sloper 3505 in 1547. Death of Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502 in 1579. Birth of Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502 in 1579. Birth of Robert Tarrant 3462 in 1604. Birth of Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463 in 1607. Marriage of Thomas Withers 3477 and Joan Withers [Nash] 3478 in 1615/11. Birth of William Withers 3447 in 1637. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BISHOPS CANNINGS, BOURTONS CROSSE Death of Thomas Sloper 3479. Death of Thomas Sloper 3481. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BISHOPS CANNINGS Marriage of Robert Tarrant 3462 and Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BLACKLANDS Birth of John Fry 3458 in 1609. Birth of Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446 in 1642. Death of John Fry 3458 in 1657. Death of Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in 1666.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BOTTESFORD Death of Frances Manners [Montagu] 687. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, BROMHAM Death of Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463. Death of Robert Tarrant 3462. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, CALNE Birth of Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in 1250. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, CANNINGS, BISHOPS Birth of Mary Withers [Sloper] 3461. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3479 in 1569. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3481 in 1569. Birth of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482 in 1573. Birth of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3480 in 1573. Birth of Thomas Withers 3460 in 1591. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, CASTLE COMBE Birth of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 in 1032. Birth of Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737 in 1034. Birth of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 in 1054. Marriage of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 and Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737 in 1054. Birth of Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in 1058. Marriage of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 and Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in 1079. Birth of Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 in 1080. Death of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 in 1086. Birth of Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in 1118. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, COMBE CASTLE Death of Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in 1130. Death of Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 in 1157. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, DEVIZES Marriage of Jeremiah Collett 3449 and Joan Collett [May] 3450 in 1652. Birth of Jeremiah Collett 3449 in 1659. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, LITTLECOTE Birth of Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in 1425. Marriage of Thomas Brugge 1338 and Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in 1458. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, LONGLEAF Death of John Thynne 3512. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, LONGLEAT Birth of Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486 in 1551. Death of Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513 in 1565. Marriage of John Strangeways 3485 and Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486 in 1571. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, MALMSBURY Marriage of Edmund Ironside 2781 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in 1015. Marriage of Edmund Ironside 2636 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in 1015. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, MARLBOROUGH CASTLE Death of Margaret Plantagenet [Capet] 1810. Death of Margaret Capet 1802. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, MARLBOROUGH Death of Edward Bezer 3456.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, ROWDE, BISHOP CANNING Birth of Thomas Withers 3438. Birth of Edward Bezer 3456 in 1611. Birth of Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 in 1611. Death of Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 in 1684. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, ROWDE, BISHOPS CANNING Marriage of Edward Bezer 3445 and Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446. Birth of Sarah Hewes [Bezer] 3437. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, ROWDE Birth of Edward Bezer 3445. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, SALISBURY Marriage of James De Audley 1777 and Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778 in 1244. Birth of John Maltravers 1437 in 1314. Birth of Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in 1324. Marriage of John Maltravers 1437 and Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in 1340. Death of Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in 1375. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, STANLEY Death of Philip Basset 2372. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, TEWKESBURY Death of Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610. Death of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 in 1125. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, UPTON SCUDAMORE Marriage of Titus De Scudamore 2805 and Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806 in 1080. Birth of Walter De Scudamore 2741 in 1080. Birth of Walter De Scudamore 2742 in 1090. Death of Titus De Scudamore 2805 in 1095. Marriage of Walter De Scudamore 2741 and Walter De Scudamore 2742 in 1104. Birth of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 in 1116. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, WEST HATCH Birth of Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863 in 1272. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, WOODFORD Birth of William Steevens 820 in 1559. Birth of William Steevens 821 in 1559. Marriage of William Steevens 820 and William Steevens 821 in 1578. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE, WOOTEN BASSET Birth of Aline Bassett 2183 in 1241. ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE Birth of Richard Earle 3217. Death of Thomas Brugge 1338. Marriage of Ralph De Langetot 2700 and Emma De Langetot 2701 in 1090. Birth of Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 in 1116. Death of Nicholas Sloper 3584 in 1589. ENGLAND, WINSFORD Death of John Fryeth 1230 in 1578. Death of Joanne Fryeth 1231 in 1578. ENGLAND, WOOLBROUGH, ST PETERS Death of Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788 in 1550.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WORCESTER, BENGEWORTH Marriage of John Washburn 3688 and Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689. Death of John Washbourne 3758. Birth of John Washburn 3688. Death of Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689. Birth of John Washbourne 3758 in 1479. Birth of Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689 in 1558. Marriage of William Washburn 3670 and Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in 1621. ENGLAND, WORCESTER, CHADDESLEY CORBETT Death of William Corbet 1974 in 1351. ENGLAND, WORCESTER, WEOBLEY CASTLE Birth of Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in 784. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, BEAUCHAMP Birth of Margaret Reade [Beauchamp] 3563 in 1472. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, BENGEWORTH Death of Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720. Birth of William Washburn 3670. Marriage of John Washburn 3719 and Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720. Death of Emme Washbourne 3759. Birth of Emme Washbourne 3759 in 1479. Birth of Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720 in 1540. Birth of Elizabeth Alcocke 3691 in 1579. Birth of Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in 1603. Death of Jonathan Whitehead 3690 in 1608. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, CHADDESLY CORBET Marriage of John De Clinton 1890 and Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891. Birth of Mrs William Corbet 1975 in 1286. Marriage of William Corbet 1974 and Mrs William Corbet 1975 in 1303. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, CORBET, CHADDESLEY Birth of William Corbet 1974. Birth of Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 in 1304. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, DEDFORD Birth of John Fones 3734 in 1526. Birth of Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735 in 1530. Birth of John Fones 3700 in 1554. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, DUDLEY Death of Roger De Somery 2494. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, ELMLEY CASTLE Death of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1796. Death of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1846. Death of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1820. Death of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1832. Death of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1772. Death of Matilda Taillebois 2707 in 1124. Death of Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in 1141. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, EVESHAM, BENGEWORTH Birth of John Washburn 3719. Death of John Washburn 3719 in 1593. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, EVESHAM Death of Hugh Le Despencer 2182.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE, KIDDERMINSTER, UPPER ARLEY Death of Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in 1328. ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE Death of John Fones 3777. Birth of Emiline Abbott 2746 in 1025. Death of John Fones 3734 in 1542. ENGLAND, WORCHESTER, BENGEWORTH Birth of Jonathan Whitehead 3690 in 1575. ENGLAND, WORCHESTER, DEDFORD Marriage of John Fones 3734 and Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735 in 1551. ENGLAND, WORCHESTER, EVESHAM, BENGEWORTH Death of John Washburn 3688. ENGLAND, WORCST, BENGEWORTH Marriage of John Washbourne 3758 and Emme Washbourne 3759. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ALDWARK Birth of Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in 1397. Marriage of William Gascoigne 1234 and Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in 1456. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ALLERTON Birth of Agnes Blunde 2381 in 1214. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ALMONDBURY Birth of Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ASKAM GRANGE Birth of George Gale 999 in 1497. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BARNBOROUGH Birth of Ann More [Cresacre] 947. Death of Ann More [Cresacre] 947 in 1577. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BEDALE Death of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in 1302. Death of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in 1302. Birth of George Jackson 3684 in 1540. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BEDELL Marriage of Michael Jackson 3711 and Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712. Death of Michael Jackson 3711. Birth of Michael Jackson 3711 in 1514. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BEVERLEY, BEVERLEY MINSTER Death of Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BEVERLEY Death of Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in 1328. Death of Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 in 1328/7. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BOLSTERSTONE Birth of John Stringfield 554 in 1660. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BOLTON Birth of Henry Le Scrope 1222 in 1480.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BOROUGHBRIDGE Death of Humphrey De Bohun 1606. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRACEWELL Marriage of Nicholas Tempest 3771 and Isabel Tempest [Nowell] 3772 in 1508. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRADFIELD Marriage of John Stringfield 554 and Elizabeth Stringfield [Hill] 555. Birth of Charles Stringfield 440 in 1698. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRADFORD, BOLLING HALL Birth of John Bolling 569 in 1615. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRADFORD Birth of Edward Bolling 853 in 1560. Birth of Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in 1564. Birth of Robert Bolling 723 in 1590. Birth of Robert Bolling 752 in 1590. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRAMHAM, BRAMHAM MOOR Death of Henry De Percy 1287. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRENTYNBY Death of Mathew Wytham 3713. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BRETONBY Birth of Thomas Wytham 3753 in 1495. Marriage of Mathew Wytham 3713 and Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in 1543. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BROTHERTON Birth of Thomas Plantagenet 1588. Marriage of John De Segrave 1421 and Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 in 1338. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BROTTON NORTH RIDING, KILTON CASTLE Birth of Robert Hansard 2362 in 1228. Birth of Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363 in 1238. Marriage of Robert Hansard 2362 and Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363 in 1258. Marriage of Robert De Thweng 2176 and Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 in 1275. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, BROTTON, KILTON CASTLE Marriage of William Latimer 2070 and Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071. Birth of Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071. Birth of Robert De Thweng 2176 in 1252. Birth of Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 in 1254. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CALVERLEY Birth of Walter Calverley 1110 in 1483. Birth of William Calverly 1236 in 1483. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CHELLOW Birth of Tristram Bolling 954 in 1530. Marriage of Tristram Bolling 954 and Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in 1555. Death of Tristram Bolling 954 in 1561. Marriage of Edward Bolling 853 and Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in 1570. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CLEVELAND, CASTLE KILTON Death of Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 in 1279/12. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CLEVELAND, KILTON CASTLE Death of Robert De Thweng 2449 in 1247. Death of Robert De Thweng 2176 in 1284.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CLIFFE Birth of Janetta Wytham [Wawton] 3754 in 1495. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CODHAM Birth of Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557 in 1453. Marriage of William Waldegrave 3556 and Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557 in 1483. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CONYERS, STUDLEY Death of William Mallory 997. Death of Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in 1588. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, COVERHAM Death of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774. Death of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CRAVEN, SALLAY ABBEY Death of Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786 in 1282. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, CRAVEN, SALLAY Death of Henry De Percy 1785. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, DANBY Birth of William Latimer 2070 in 1276. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, DURHAM Marriage of Ralph Eure 1001 and Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002 in 1524. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING, MOOR MONKTON Marriage of Arthur Ingraham 782 and Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 in 1594. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING Birth of William Le Latimer 2356 in 1220. Birth of William Le Latimer 2352 in 1220. Birth of William Le Latimer 2174 in 1240. Birth of William Le Latimer 2172 in 1240. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ENGLASND, BRENTYNBY Death of Thomas Wytham 3753 in 1512. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, FOUNTAINS ABBEY Death of Henry De Percy 1765 in 1314/10. Death of Henry De Percy 1580 in 1314/10. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GAWTHORPE Birth of William Gascoigne 1234 in 1398. Birth of Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 in 1428. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GESBURN WESTLY Birth of Marg Greene [Lister] 957 in 1540. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GISBURN Death of Marg Greene [Lister] 957 in 1540. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GREAT TOTHAM, LOFTES Birth of Richard Bullock 1945 in 1219. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GREENBOW, INGLEBY Death of William Howard 682. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, GREENHOW, INGLEBY Marriage of William Howard 682 and Mary Howard [Eure] 683 in 1625.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HANGED Death of John Mowbray 1713. Death of John Mowbray 2013. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HAREWOOD, GAWTHORPE HALL Death of Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in 1441. Death of William Gascoigne 1234 in 1466. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HAREWOOD Marriage of Robert Lisle 2447 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in 1262. Marriage of Robert Lisle 2439 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in 1262. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HASELWOOD, CHAPEL Death of Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109. Death of Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233 in 1496. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HAZELWOOD Birth of William Vavasour 995. Birth of Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 in 1518. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HELMSLEY, HAMLAKE Birth of Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in 1505. Birth of Henry Strangwayes 3538 in 1506. Marriage of Henry Strangwayes 3538 and Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in 1526. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HORSFORTH Marriage of Gabriel Greene 956 and Marg Greene [Lister] 957. Birth of Gabriel Greene 956 in 1536. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HOVINGHAM, THIRSK Death of Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790 in 1316. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HOVINGHAM Birth of John De Mowbray 1419. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, HUDLESTON Birth of Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233 in 1420. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, INGLEBY GREENHOW Death of Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, INGLEBY Death of William Eure 881. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, KILTON NORTH RIDING, KILTON CASTLE Birth of Robert De Thweng 2449 in 1202. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, KILTON Marriage of Robert De Thweng 2449 and Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in 1224. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, KNARESBOROUGH Marriage of Henry Slingsby 877 and Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, LEAK NORTH RIDING, CROSBY Birth of James Crawford 3238 in 1555. Marriage of James Crawford 3238 and Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239 in 1577. Birth of Jane Crawford 3226 in 1585. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, LECONFIELD Birth of Henry De Percy 1567.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, LOFTES Birth of Mrs Robert Bullock 1627 in 1285. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1626 and Mrs Robert Bullock 1627 in 1311. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, MIDDLEHAM Marriage of Robert De Neville 1773 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774 in 1260. Marriage of Robert De Neville 1947 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948 in 1260. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, MIDLEHAM Birth of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774 in 1244. Birth of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948 in 1244. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, MITTON Birth of William Eure 881. Birth of Ralph Eure 1001. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDE, GUISBOROUGH PRIORY Death of Lucy Latimer [De Thweng] 2071. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING, COVERHAM ABBEY Death of Robert De Neville 1947 in 1271. Death of Robert De Neville 1773 in 1271. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING, KILTON Birth of Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 in 1225. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING, SKELTON Marriage of Peter De Brus 2451 and Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in 1213. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING, TRENT RIVER Birth of William I Le Latimer 2434 in 1200. Birth of William I Le Latimer 2442 in 1200. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2441 and William I Le Latimer 2442 in 1220. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2433 and William I Le Latimer 2434 in 1220. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING, WENSLEY Death of Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223 in 1533/12. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTON Birth of Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in 1500. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, PLUMPTON Death of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524. Death of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913. Birth of Robert Plumpton 2011 in 1268. Birth of Robert Plumpton 1711 in 1268. Birth of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in 1270. Birth of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in 1270. Birth of John Mowbray 2013 in 1279. Birth of John Mowbray 1713 in 1279. Birth of William De Plumpton 1523 in 1294. Birth of William De Plumpton 1912 in 1294. Marriage of Robert Plumpton 1711 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in 1295. Marriage of Robert Plumpton 2011 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in 1295. Birth of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in 1305. Birth of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in 1305. Marriage of William De Plumpton 1912 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in 1322. Marriage of William De Plumpton 1523 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in 1322. Death of Robert Plumpton 2011 in 1325. Death of Robert Plumpton 1711 in 1325. Death of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in 1332.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, PLUMPTON (Continued) Birth of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in 1332. Birth of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in 1332. Death of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in 1332. Death of William De Plumpton 1523 in 1362. Death of William De Plumpton 1912 in 1362. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, RIPON WEST RIDING, STUDELY ROGER Marriage of William Mallory 997 and Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in 1524. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, RIPON Death of William Mallory 879 in 1603. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ROTHWELL, THORP ON HILL Birth of Hugh Ingram 989 in 1530. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SELBY Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2405 in 1068. Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2606 in 1068. Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2734 in 1068. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SINECROSS Birth of Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212 in 1491. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SKELTON Birth of Peter De Brus 2451 in 1181. Birth of Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 in 1240. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SKIPTON WEST RIDING, HAZLEWOOD Marriage of William Vavasour 995 and Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 in 1543. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SKIPTON Death of Henry Clifford 1224. Death of Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225. Death of John Le Scrope 1102. Birth of Henry Clifford 1224 in 1493. Birth of Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in 1513. Marriage of John Le Scrope 1102 and Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in 1530. Marriage of Henry Clifford 1224 and Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225 in 1536. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SNAYDALL Birth of William Jackson 3749 in 1475. Death of William Jackson 3749 in 1505. Death of Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in 1505. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, SPENNITHORNE Birth of John Scrope 948 in 1496. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, STUDELY Birth of William Mallory 997 in 1500. Birth of William Mallory 879 in 1525. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, STUDLEY Birth of John Mallory 784 in 1554. Death of John Mallory 784 in 1580. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, THORNTON BRIDGE Birth of Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in 1500. Marriage of Walter Strickland 3769 and Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in 1515.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, TRENT RIVER Birth of William Le Latimer 2433 in 1200. Birth of William Le Latimer 2441 in 1200. Death of William Le Latimer 2352 in 1268. Death of William Le Latimer 2356 in 1268. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, ULTIMA Birth of John Utie 742 in 1593. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, W RIDING, WHITKIRK Death of Arthur Ingraham 626 in 1655. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEETING Death of John Howard 1330. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WENSLEY, BRACEWELL Birth of Nicholas Tempest 3771 in 1478. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WENSLEY Death of Henry Le Scrope 1222 in 1533/12. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST BRETTON Birth of Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in 1544. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING, BARNBROUGH Birth of Mary Moore [More] 839. Birth of Mary Moore [More] 667. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING, BOLTON Birth of Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 in 1546. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING, BROTHERTON Death of Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in 1327. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING, WAKEFIELD Marriage of Henry Vavasour 1108 and Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 in 1450. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING, WHITKIRK Death of Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in 1629. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WESTON Birth of Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878 in 1562. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WHITBY Birth of Henry De Percy 1785 in 1235. Death of Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in 1598. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, YARM, FAUCONBERG Birth of Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in 1436. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, YARMOUTH, FAUCONBERG Birth of John Belasyse 3775 in 1410. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, YORK, YORK MINSTER Marriage of Edward Iii Plantagenet 1427 and Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428. ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, YORK Death of Mary Gale [Lord] 1000. Death of George Gale 999. Birth of Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990 in 1525. Birth of Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in 1529.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE Marriage of Henry De Percy 1785 and Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786. Death of John De Mowbray 1582. Death of Tobias Mathews 846. Death of Gabriel Greene 956. Birth of Richard FitzGerold 2814 in 1010. Birth of Ives Taillebois 2747 in 1036. Birth of Richard Hansard 2453 in 1200. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1567 and Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 in 1314. Birth of Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237 in 1445. Birth of Ralph Barnby 3795 in 1450. Birth of John Drax Drakes 1238 in 1455. Birth of Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239 in 1460. Birth of Isabel Calverley [Drakes] 1111 in 1475. Birth of Isabel Tempest [Nowell] 3772 in 1478. Birth of Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in 1480. Marriage of John Drax Drakes 1238 and Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239 in 1486. Marriage of William Jackson 3749 and Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in 1500. Birth of Mathew Wytham 3713 in 1512. Death of Janetta Wytham [Wawton] 3754 in 1512. Birth of Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in 1516. Birth of Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in 1524. Marriage of George Gale 999 and Mary Gale [Lord] 1000 in 1528. Marriage of William Mallory 879 and Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in 1549. Marriage of Tobias Mathews 846 and Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847 in 1576. Death of Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in 1603. ENGLAND, YS, CHAPEL HASELWOOD Death of William Vavasour 1232. ENGLAND, YS, HASELWOOD, CHURCH Birth of Henry Vavasour 1108 in 1421. Death of Henry Vavasour 1108 in 1500. ENGLAND Death of Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605. Marriage of James Cecil 540 and Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541. Death of John Fones 3701. Death of Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964. Death of Alice Scales [Roucester] 2365. Death of Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] 1074. Death of John Jenner 1085. Death of John Giffard [Gifford] 1335. Death of Ralph Bellett 831. Death of John Aspall 2005. Death of Richard Hanmer 1056. Death of Joane Norris [Vere] 1315. Death of William Norris 1079. Birth of Robert Lauers 595. Death of Alice Clark 3718. Death of Thomas Swetenham 1485. Death of William Norris 1314. Death of Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737. Death of Elizabeth Beeston 1280. Death of Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712. Death of Joane Norris [Vere] 1080. Marriage of John Bathurst 979 and Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980. Marriage of John Ryland 713 and Maria Ryland [Canning] 714. Death of Richard Bond De Earth 1347. Death of Robert Bond 1464. Death of Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND (Continued) Death of Richard Maynard 1466. Death of Maurice Bourchier 1218. Death of Richard Bond 1653. Death of John Barker 1123. Death of William Norris 3509. Birth of William Norris 3509. Death of Robert Scales 2072. Death of Richard Hanmer 1184. Death of Aline Bassett 2183. Death of George Baldry 1099. Death of Clement Seamon 3726. Death of Elizabeth Alcocke 3691. Death of Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101. Death of David Pendarvis 836. Death of Robert Littlebury 736. Death of Margaret De Pechey 3262. Death of Richard Rich 1213. Death of Oliver St John 3471. Death of Robert Chapman 1459. Birth of Katherine Lauers 596. Death of Alice Banks [Foxe] 720. Death of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063. Death of Maria Ryland [Canning] 714. Death of Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996. Birth of William Scales 2455. Death of Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909. Death of Mary Howard [Eure] 683. Death of Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353. Death of Thomas Woolsey 3741. Death of William Wayte 1143. Death of Alice Merbrooke 1193. Death of Robert Harrison Watts 597. Death of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390. Death of William Scales 2455. Death of Colyn Gwergynan 2104. Death of Ms. Scales [Clemence] 2179. Death of Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274. Death of Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930. Death of Richard Scales 2364. Death of Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465. Death of Richard Merbrooke 1326. Death of John Ryland 713. Death of Richard Bulkeley 1721. Marriage of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 and Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in 1076. Birth of Colyn Gwergynan 2104 in 1150. Death of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 in 1164. Birth of Alice Scales [Roucester] 2365 in 1189. Birth of Richard Scales 2364 in 1189. Death of Alesia De Valletort 2428 in 1191. Death of Rohese De Foix 2465 in 1200. Birth of Robert Scales 2178 in 1219. Death of Henry De Braybrook 2445 in 1234. Death of Henry De Braybrook 2437 in 1234. Death of Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in 1246. Death of Emma De Audley 2113 in 1265. Death of Robert Scales 2178 in 1267. Birth of Agnes Bruce 1870 in 1270. Death of Muriel De Lovaine 2469 in 1275. Death of Robert De Valoines 2186 in 1282. Marriage of Robert De Boys 2068 and Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in 1287.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND (Continued) Death of Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 in 1290. Death of Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in 1316. Death of Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in 1317. Death of Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in 1322. Death of Sybil Le Boteler 1708 in 1330. Death of Sybil Le Boteler 2008 in 1330. Death of Margaret De Euxton 2191 in 1332. Death of William Brereton 1673 in 1342. Death of Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752 in 1345. Death of Thomas De Neville 1628 in 1349. Birth of Richard Bond 1653 in 1355. Death of Margaret Peche 3264 in 1370. Death of Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 in 1374. Death of Mrs William Corbet 1975 in 1375. Death of Thomas De Wauton 1908 in 1385. Death of Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in 1392. Birth of Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1467 in 1393. Birth of Richard Maynard 1466 in 1393. Death of Geoffrey De Earth 1654 in 1405. Death of Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in 1409. Birth of Richard Bond De Earth 1347 in 1412. Death of Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in 1417. Marriage of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 and Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in 1425. Death of Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in 1430. Death of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 in 1440. Death of John Belasyse 3775 in 1440. Death of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177 in 1440. Death of Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in 1450. Death of John Carrington 1279 in 1453. Marriage of Joseph Phippen 3732 and Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in 1455. Death of Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473 in 1461. Marriage of Roger Kynaston 824 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in 1465. Marriage of Roger Kynaston 1154 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in 1465. Marriage of Roger Kynaston 1310 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in 1465. Birth of Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026 in 1467. Birth of John Brewer 3570 in 1470. Death of Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in 1477. Death of Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in 1480. Death of Agnes Lnu 1458 in 1483. Death of Richard Weightman 1240 in 1491. Death of Richard Weightman 1462 in 1491. Birth of Margaret Wayte 1144 in 1494. Death of Richard Cotton 1188 in 1497. Death of Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in 1506. Death of Thomas Hill 1256 in 1506. Death of Richard Leigh 1252 in 1508. Marriage of Richard Grosvenor 1075 and Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in 1510. Death of Thomas Weightman 1113 in 1516. Birth of Agnes Strong [Whitman] 902 in 1519. Death of Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in 1520. Birth of Daniel Whitehead 3760 in 1520. Death of Thomas Tyndall 1139 in 1520. Death of Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in 1520. Marriage of John Wadham 3540 and Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 in 1521. Death of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 in 1534. Marriage of John Maltby 3756 and Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in 1535. Death of Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in 1536. Death of Margaret Barker [Coleclough] 1480 in 1538. Death of Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in 1539. Birth of Mr. Aires 892 in 1540.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND (Continued) Death of Dewey Dewe 923 in 1540. Birth of William Paybodie 898 in 1540. Death of Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in 1544. Birth of Ms. Unknown 893 in 1544. Death of John More 946 in 1547. Death of Ms. Dyes 924 in 1548. Death of William Bond 1027 in 1549. Marriage of Peter Bolton 873 and Ms. Bolton [Mary] 874 in 1550. Marriage of Mr. Goodale 964 and Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965 in 1550. Death of Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in 1551. Death of Agnes Willmote 918 in 1552. Birth of Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766 in 1558. Death of Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in 1560. Death of Johan Watts [Knott] 768 in 1560. Birth of Thomas Peabody 798 in 1560. Death of Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in 1560. Birth of Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799 in 1562. Birth of Stephen Burton 780 in 1565. Birth of Alice Clark 3718 in 1567. Birth of Alice Banks [Foxe] 720 in 1575. Marriage of Ralph Waller 981 and Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 in 1578. Marriage of Thomas Peabody 798 and Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799 in 1580. Birth of William Martin 769 in 1580. Death of Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in 1580. Death of Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748 in 1581. Death of John Hinckes 3747 in 1581. Marriage of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 and Thomas Woolsey 3741 in 1582. Birth of Sarah Pearl 639 in 1585. Birth of Hezekiah Henley 661 in 1585. Death of Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in 1588. Birth of Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 in 1590. Birth of Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594 in 1595. Death of Ralph Waller 981 in 1598. Birth of Sarah Meador 689 in 1600. Marriage of William Brett 717 and Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in 1603. Birth of Hannah Unknown 758 in 1604. Birth of James Courtney 494 in 1610. Birth of Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615 in 1610. Birth of Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 about 1614. Birth of Cornelius Turner 519 in 1615. Birth of Eleanor Morris 706 in 1615. Birth of Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in 1617. Birth of William Turton 3606 in 1620. Marriage of William Goffe 3614 and Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615 in 1622. Birth of Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 in 1623. Birth of MrsJohn Read 499 in 1623. Death of John Bathurst 979 in 1623/10. Death of Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 in 1628. Birth of Ann Jenkins 497 in 1628. Birth of Albert Stringfield 702 in 1630. Death of Robert Lauers 595 in 1630. Death of Katherine Lauers 596 in 1630. Birth of Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356 in 1635. Birth of Lawrence Whiteside 391 in 1636. Death of Jane Bannister 471 in 1637. Birth of Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402 in 1643. Birth of Mary Leonard Poe 270 in 1645. Birth of Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592 in 1646. Marriage of Alexander Ray 707 and Joane Ray 708 in 1653. Death of Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870 in 1656.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ENGLAND (Continued) Birth of Catherine Downing [Cecil] 428 in 1663. Birth of Edward Whiteside 298 in 1665. Birth of Joane Ray 708 in 1676. Birth of Anne Ray 559 in 1683. Marriage of Richard Goffe 3604 and Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605 in 1688. Death of Leonard Poe 269 in 1700. Death of John Stringfield 554 in 1737. EST Death of Michael Tavenor 698. EUROPE, BLACK AREA Birth of Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140 in 110. Birth of Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 in 425. EUROPE, BLACK SEAR AREA Birth of Adulphus Goths 3126 in 365/4. EUROPE, SCANDAVIA, DENMARK Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3070 in 507. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3098 in 507. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3110 in 507. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3057 in 507. FINLAND, GULF Death of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 in 647. FINLAND Birth of Snaer Jokulsson 3040 in 550. Birth of Mr. Fhorri 3034 in 645. FLANDERS, GREVELINGEN Death of Dietrich D Alsace 2538. FRANCE, ABBAYE DE BRAINE Death of Robert De Dreux 2158. FRANCE, ABBEVILLE Death of Joan De Dammartin 1938. FRANCE, ABBEY ST CYPRIAN Death of William Aquitaine 2574. FRANCE, AIN, PONTHIEU Birth of Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in 1138. Marriage of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 and Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301 in 1140. Marriage of Aubrey Dammartin 2140 and Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in 1180. Death of Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in 1210. FRANCE, AISEN, LONGPONT Marriage of Willem De Avesnes 1600 and Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601. FRANCE, AISNE, ABBAYE DE BRAINE Death of Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159. FRANCE, AISNE, LAON Birth of Louis France 2925. Marriage of Louis France 2925 and Gerberge Queen Of France 2926. Birth of Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 in 943.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, AISNE, LONGPONT Birth of Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601 in 1294. FRANCE, AISNE, ST QUENTIN Death of Herbert De Vermandois 2880. Death of Herbert De Vermandois 2921. FRANCE, AIX-EN-PROVENCE Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936 in 1217. FRANCE, ALLIER, DONJON Birth of Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in 1113. FRANCE, ALPES DE HAUTE PROVENCE, FORCALQUIER Birth of Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in 1156. FRANCE, ALSACE, BAS-RHIN, WINGEN Birth of Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617. FRANCE, ALSACE, BAS-RHIN Marriage of Dietrich D Alsace 2538 and Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in 1134. FRANCE, ALSACE, BOURGES Birth of Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in 892. Death of Hugh De Bourges 2953 in 892. FRANCE, ALSACE, LORRAINE Birth of Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 2987 in 876. Birth of John Pennywitt 209 in 1720. FRANCE, ALSACE, NORTHERN, SULZTHAL Birth of Christian Lau 616. FRANCE, ALSACE Birth of Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958 in 860. Birth of Dietrich D Alsace 2538 in 1099. Birth of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 in 1135. Birth of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341 in 1135. FRANCE, ANGERS, LIEU Death of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in 920. Death of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877 in 920. FRANCE, ANGOULEME Death of Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in 1048. FRANCE, ANJOU, ANJOU Death of Fouques I D Anjou 2935 in 938. Death of Fouques I D Anjou 2876 in 938. FRANCE, ANJOU, BAUGE Death of John Grey 1389. Death of John Grey 1062. FRANCE, ANJOU, FONTEVRAULT ABBEY Death of Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408. FRANCE, ANJOU, MAINE ET LOIRE, ANGERS Death of Elias Helie 2688 in 1110. Death of Elias Helie 2512 in 1110.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, ANJOU Birth of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274. Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2763. Death of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562. Death of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2763. Marriage of Fouques I D Anjou 2876 and Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877. Death of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714. Birth of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933. Death of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2618. Death of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563. Birth of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544. Marriage of Fouques I D Anjou 2935 and Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936. Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2618. Birth of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2759. Birth of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943. Death of Ermengard D Anjou 2815. Birth of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548. Death of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715. Birth of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 in 845. Birth of Fouques I D Anjou 2935 in 870. Birth of Fouques I D Anjou 2876 in 870. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2978 in 909. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2837 in 909. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2894 in 909. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2995 in 909. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893 in 952. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899 in 952. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713 in 952. Birth of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764 in 964. Birth of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619 in 964. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2763 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764 in 1000. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2618 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619 in 1000. Birth of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 in 1018. Birth of Ermengard D Anjou 2815 in 1018. Birth of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 in 1018. Birth of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 in 1043. Birth of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 in 1043. Birth of Fulk V De Anjou 2403 in 1092. Birth of Fulk V De Anjou 2604 in 1092. Birth of Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in 1105. FRANCE, AQUITAINE, ANGOULEME Birth of Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in 1062. Marriage of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 and Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in 1180. Marriage of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 and Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in 1180. FRANCE, AQUITAINE, BOURBONNAIS Marriage of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 and Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in 1039. Death of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 in 1040. FRANCE, AQUITAINE, POITOU Marriage of William X Toulousan 2550 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in 1121. Marriage of William X Toulousan 2276 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in 1121. Marriage of William X Toulousan 2546 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in 1121. FRANCE, AQUITAINE Birth of Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407. Birth of William Ironarm 2640 in 937. Death of Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641 in 1003.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, AQUITAINE (Continued) Birth of William Aquitaine 2518 in 1026. FRANCE, AQUITANE, ANGOULEME Death of Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in 1087. Death of Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in 1121. FRANCE, ARGONNE LORRAINE, MEUSE, BAR-LE-DUC Birth of Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 in 1158. FRANCE, ARGONNE LORRAINE, MEUSE, LE DUC Death of Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058. Birth of Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942 in 1220. FRANCE, ARLES Birth of Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 in 878. Birth of Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 in 878. FRANCE, ARRAS Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818 in 1248. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794 in 1248. Birth of Blanche D Artois 1830 in 1248. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770 in 1248. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844 in 1248. FRANCE, ARTOIS, CERCAMP ABBEY Death of Mahaut Artois [De Brabant] 1944. FRANCE, AUBE, BAR-SUR-SEINE Birth of Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824 in 1272/1. FRANCE, AUBE, TROYES Death of William Bourchier 3487. FRANCE, AUVERGNE, MONTPENSIER Death of Louis Viii The Lion 2059. Death of Louis Capet 2144. FRANCE, AVIGNON Death of William Taillefer 2648 between 1037 and 1039. FRANCE, BASSES ALPES, FORCALQUIERS Birth of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 in 1181. Birth of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 in 1181. FRANCE, BAYEAUX Death of Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 2863. Birth of Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 in 847. FRANCE, BEAUCE CENTRE, EURE ET LOIR, CHARTRES Death of Eudes De Chartres 2951 in 886. FRANCE, BEAUCE CENTRE, EURE ET LOIRE, CHARTRES Birth of Ms. De Chartres 2952 in 875. FRANCE, BEAUCE CENTRE, EURE ET LOIRE, DRUEX Birth of Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 in 1192. FRANCE, BEAUCE CENTRE, EURE ET LOIRE, NOGENT LE ROI Death of Isabel De Broyes 2695 in 1058.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, BERRY CENTRE, CHER, BOURGES Birth of Hugh De Bourges 2953 in 862. FRANCE, BERRY, MEHUN SUR YEVRE, BARMONT Birth of Aline De Courson [De Barmont] 2670 in 1025. FRANCE, BLOIS Birth of Theobald I De Blois 2886 in 913. Birth of Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641 in 950. Birth of Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416 in 1140. Birth of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305 in 1140. Birth of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339 in 1140. FRANCE, BOLONOIS, FIENNES Marriage of Edmund De Mortimer 1779 and Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780 in 1285. FRANCE, BONTEVILLE Birth of Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in 994. FRANCE, BORUGOGNE, LA CHEZE Death of Aimery De Thouars 2584 in 1093. FRANCE, BOUCHES-DU-RHONE, AIX-EN-PROVENCE Marriage of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 between 1193 and 1197. Marriage of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 between 1193 and 1197. Birth of Raymond Berenger 2146 in 1198. Birth of Raymond Berenger 2045 in 1198. FRANCE, BOUCHES DU RHONE, ARLES Death of Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889. Marriage of Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 and Rotbold Arles 2879 in 912. Marriage of Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 and Rotbold Arles 2938 in 912. Marriage of Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 and Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 in 924. Marriage of Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 and Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 in 964. FRANCE, BOUCHES DU RHONE, MARSEILLES Death of Peter De Brus 2451. FRANCE, BOURBOUCY Birth of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 in 1005. Birth of Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in 1005. Birth of Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in 1040. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, COTE-DOR, DIJON Death of Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, COTE DOR, DIJON Death of Otto Guillaume 2642. Birth of Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in 893. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, COTE DOR, REULLE VERGY Death of Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 2987. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, NEVERS Death of Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre] 2913. Birth of Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre] 2913 in 990. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, NIEVRE, NEVERS Birth of William I De Nevers 2681 in 1030. Death of Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in 1085.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, SAONE ET LOIRE, CLUNY Death of Bernard I De Comborn 2590 in 1123. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, YONNE, AUXERRE Death of Gilbert Gislebert 2882. Death of Renaud De Nevers 2600. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE, YONNE, NOYERS Birth of Matilda Crispin [De Noyers] 2804 in 1062. FRANCE, BOURGOGNE Death of Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924. Birth of Robert I France 2957 in 866. Birth of Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 in 987. FRANCE, BRABANT Birth of Mahaut Artois [De Brabant] 1944 in 1224. FRANCE, BRETAGNE, ILLE ET VILAINE, DINAN Birth of Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252 in 1146. FRANCE, BRETAGNE, LOIRE-INFERIEURE, CONQUEREUIL Death of Conan I Bretagne 2712. Death of Conan I Bretagne 2898. Death of Conan I Bretagne 2892. FRANCE, BRETAGNE, RENNES Birth of Mr. Berenger 2870 in 860. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2834 in 882. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2975 in 882. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2992 in 882. Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 in 884. Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 in 884. Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 in 884. Birth of Juhel Berenger 2941 in 931. Birth of Juhel Berenger 2931 in 931. Birth of Juhel Berenger 2757 in 931. FRANCE, BRETAGNE, VALOIS Birth of Isabel De Vermandois 2800 in 1085. FRANCE, BRETAGNE Death of Alan Count Of Brittany 2791. Birth of Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869 in 854. Birth of Alain I De Bretagne 2868 in 860. Birth of Hubert Senlis 2828 in 880. Birth of Hubert Senlis 2969 in 880. Birth of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 in 911. Birth of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 in 911. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2941 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 in 927. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2757 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 in 927. Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2898 in 927. Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2712 in 927. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2931 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 in 927. Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2892 in 927. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 in 982. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 in 982. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 in 982. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774 in 982. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901 in 982.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, BRIE, VITRY Death of Henri I France 2910. FRANCE, BRITTANY, BRETAGNE Marriage of Hubert Senlis 2969 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in 873. Marriage of Hubert Senlis 2828 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in 873. Birth of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in 890. Birth of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in 890. Death of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in 911. Death of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in 911. Death of Juhel Berenger 2941 in 970. Death of Juhel Berenger 2931 in 970. Death of Juhel Berenger 2757 in 970. FRANCE, BRITTANY Birth of Ms. Brittany 2871 in 855. Birth of Bertha De Chartres 2772 in 990. Birth of Bertha De Chartres 2627 in 990. Birth of Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 in 1000. Marriage of Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 and Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in 1027. Birth of Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in 1034. Death of Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in 1094. FRANCE, BROZES Birth of Hugh Bardoul 2728 in 1004. FRANCE, BURGUNDY, NIEVRE, NEVERS Marriage of William I De Nevers 2681 and Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in 1045. Marriage of Renaud De Nevers 2600 and Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in 1075. FRANCE, BURGUNDY Death of Rudolph De Burgundy 2923. Death of Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960. Death of Richard I Von Swabia 2961. Birth of Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 in 847. Birth of Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960 in 852. Birth of Richard I Von Swabia 2961 in 882. Marriage of Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 and Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960 in 888. Birth of Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 in 902. Birth of Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 in 907. Birth of Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in 967. Birth of Renaud Borel Capet 2662 in 986. Birth of Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 in 1030. Death of Randle Brereton 1150 in 1460. Death of Randle Brereton 1068 in 1460. FRANCE, CALVADOS, CAEN Death of Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802. FRANCE, CALVADOS, FALAISE Birth of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309. Birth of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163. Birth of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2139. Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 in 978. Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 in 978. Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 in 978. Birth of Doda De Falaise 2776 in 980. Birth of Doda De Falaise 2631 in 980. Birth of Doda De Falaise 2903 in 980. Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 and Doda De Falaise 2631 in 1000. Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 and Doda De Falaise 2903 in 1000.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, CALVADOS, FALAISE (Continued) Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 and Doda De Falaise 2776 in 1000. Death of Doda De Falaise 2631 in 1003. Death of Doda De Falaise 2903 in 1003. Death of Doda De Falaise 2776 in 1003. FRANCE, CENTRE, INDRE-ET-LOIRE, LIILE-BOUCHARD Death of Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in 1119. FRANCE, CENTRE, INDRE ET LOIRE, LILLE BOUCHARD Birth of Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588 in 1019. Birth of Agnes De L Isle Bouchard 2589 in 1023. FRANCE, CENTRE, LOIRET, COURTENAY Death of Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in 1075. Death of Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in 1095. Marriage of Milo De Courtenay 2530 and Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in 1095. Death of Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 in 1113. Death of Milo De Courtenay 2530 in 1127. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNES, AUBE, TROYES Death of Robert De Vermandois 2980. Death of Robert De Vermandois 2997. Death of Robert De Vermandois 2839. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, AUBE, CHACENAY Birth of Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333 in 1112. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, AUBE, SUR SEINE Birth of Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332 in 1110. Birth of Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 in 1145. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, AUBE, TROYES Death of Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 in 904. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, BRAINE Death of Robert I De Dreux 2334. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, MARNE, BROYES Birth of Isembert De Broyes 2787 in 997. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, MARNE, CHALONS-SUR-MARNE Birth of Gilbert Gislebert 2882 in 890. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, MARNE, CORBEIL Birth of Albert De Corbeil 2847 in 955. FRANCE, CHAMPAGNE, REIMS Birth of Louis Capet 2415 in 1120. Birth of Louis Capet 2304 in 1120. Birth of Louis Capet 2338 in 1120. Birth of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 in 1127. Birth of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 in 1127. FRANCE, CHARENTE MARITIME, ANGOULEME Birth of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 in 1160. Birth of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 in 1160. FRANCE, CHARENTE, ANGOULEME Birth of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 in 988.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, CHARENTE, ANGOULEME (Continued) Birth of Foulques Taillefer 2594 in 1015. Birth of Qunormau Vagena 2673 in 1038. Death of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 in 1048. Marriage of Qunormau Vagena 2673 and Qunormau Vagena 2674 in 1061. Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2528 in 1084. Death of Foulques Taillefer 2594 in 1087. Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2528 and Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in 1108. Birth of Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in 1118. Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2278 in 1134. Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2552 in 1134. Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2278 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in 1160. Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2552 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in 1160. Death of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in 1162. Death of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in 1162. Birth of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044 in 1188. Birth of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347 in 1188. FRANCE, CHARENTE, ANGOULESME Marriage of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 and Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in 1014. Marriage of Foulques Taillefer 2594 and Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in 1084. FRANCE, CHARENTE, AQUITAINE, ANGOULEME Death of Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in 1218. Death of Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in 1218. FRANCE, CHARENTE, MAINE Marriage of Elias Helie 2512 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in 1092. Marriage of Elias Helie 2688 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in 1092. FRANCE, CHARTRES Death of Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in 1085. FRANCE, CHATEAU DE CHIZE Death of William Aquitaine 2518. FRANCE, CHATEAU DU LOIRE Birth of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in 1055. Birth of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in 1055. FRANCE, CLAVADOS, FALAISE Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in 1003. Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in 1003. Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in 1003. Birth of Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in 1003. FRANCE, CONTEVILLE Birth of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 in 1001. FRANCE, CORBEIL Birth of Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in 1080. Death of Everard De Donjon 2602 in 1083. Death of Frederic De Donjon 2532 in 1138. FRANCE, COTE-DOR, SEMUR Birth of Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577 in 1016. FRANCE, COTE DOR, SEMUR EN AUXOIS Marriage of I Dalmace* 2646 and Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647 in 1015.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, COTE DOR, SEMUR Birth of I Dalmace* 2646 in 970. FRANCE, D-SENS, MEULAN, ST NICAISE Death of Isabel De Vermandois 2800. FRANCE, DEUX-SEVRES, THOUARS Birth of Aimery De Thouars 2584 in 1015. Birth of Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in 1054. FRANCE, DEUX SEVRES, THOUARS Birth of Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664 in 1000. Marriage of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 and Aenor De Thouars 2659 in 1014. Death of Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 in 1069. FRANCE, ESSONNE, LE FERTE ALAIS, VILLIERS ABBEY Death of Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911 in 1077. FRANCE, EURE-ET-LOIRE, CHATEAU Death of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274. Death of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548. Death of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544. FRANCE, EURE-ET-LOIRE, DREUX Marriage of Robert De Dreux 2158 and Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 in 1184. FRANCE, EURE ET LOIR, MONTLHERY Marriage of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 and Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680 in 1036. FRANCE, EURE, ALENCON Birth of Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655 in 1026. FRANCE, EURE, BROZES Birth of Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours] 2729 in 1000. FRANCE, EURE, MONTFORT Birth of Simon De Montfort 2564 in 1025. Birth of Simon De Montfort 2716 in 1025. FRANCE, EURE, PONT AUDEMER Marriage of Louis Viii The Lion 2059 and Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] 2060. Marriage of Louis Capet 2144 and Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] 2145. FRANCE, EURE, TILLIERES Birth of Milo Crispin 2803 in 1046. FRANCE, FLANDERS Death of Baudouin Flanders 2777. Death of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905. Death of Baudouin Flanders 2904. Death of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633. Death of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778. Death of Baudouin Flanders 2632. Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2632 in 968. Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2777 in 968. Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2904 in 968. Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778 in 986. Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633 in 986. Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905 in 986. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2904 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905 in 1004. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2632 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633 in 1004.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, FLANDERS (Continued) Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2777 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778 in 1004. Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2853 in 1012. Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2722 in 1012. Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2570 in 1012. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2691 in 1031. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2515 in 1031. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2798 in 1031. FRANCE, FLEURY SUR OUCHE Death of Robert I Capet 2576. FRANCE, FONTEVRAULT Death of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511. Death of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687. FRANCE, GALINOIS, COURTENAY Birth of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in 1148. Birth of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in 1148. Birth of Pierre De Courtenay 2320 in 1155. Birth of Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in 1160. Birth of Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in 1160. FRANCE, GARD, SABRAN Birth of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 in 1154. Death of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 in 1209. Death of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 in 1209. FRANCE, GASCOGNE, BEZAUME, LA REOLE Birth of Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676 in 1025. FRANCE, GASCOGNE, GIRONDE Birth of Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675 in 1020. FRANCE, GASCONY Death of William De Montagu 1987. FRANCE, GASTINOIS Birth of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 in 970. Birth of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 in 970. FRANCE, GIRONDE, BENAUGES Birth of Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 in 1060. Birth of Mrs Amanieu De Benauges De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 2597 in 1064. Birth of Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in 1086. Death of Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 in 1103. FRANCE, GIRONDE, BORDEAUX Marriage of Louis Capet 2338 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 2344 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345. Marriage of Louis Capet 2304 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 2421 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422. Marriage of John Lackland Plantagenet 2043 and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044. Marriage of Louis Capet 2415 and Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422. Marriage of John Lackland Plantagenet 2346 and Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347. FRANCE, GIRONDE, CHATEAU DE BELIN Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422 in 1122. Birth of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2129 in 1122. Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297 in 1122.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, GIRONDE, CHATEAU DE BELIN (Continued) Birth of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424 in 1122. Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345 in 1122. FRANCE, GONESSE Birth of Philip Augustus Capet 2306. FRANCE, HAINAULT, VALENCIENNES Death of Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536. FRANCE, HAINAULT Birth of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 in 1150. Birth of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 in 1150. FRANCE, HARFLEUR Death of Randle Brereton 1176 in 1420. Death of Randle Brereton 1269 in 1420. FRANCE, HARTFLEUR Death of William Brereton 1375 in 1385. FRANCE, HATUE VIENNE, LIMOGES Death of Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in 1138. Death of Ademar De Limoges 2411 in 1148. FRANCE, HAUTE-GARONNE, TOULOUSE Marriage of Pons Count Albi 2578 and Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 in 1053. FRANCE, HAUTE-SAVOIE, FAUCIGNY Birth of Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in 1138. FRANCE, HAUTE-VIENNE, LIMOGES Marriage of Ademar De Limoges 2411 and Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in 1138. FRANCE, HAUTE GARONNE, MURET Death of Pedro King Aragon 2148. FRANCE, HAUTE GARONNE, TOULOUSE Birth of William Taillefer 2648 in 947. FRANCE, HAUTE VIENNE, LIMOGES Birth of Ademar De Limoges 2411 in 1100. Birth of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in 1138. Birth of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in 1138. FRANCE, HBERAULT, MONTPELLIER Marriage of Pedro King Aragon 2148 and Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149. FRANCE, HERAULT, MONTPELLIER Birth of Jaime I Mallorc 2053. Birth of Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 in 1158. Birth of Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149 in 1182. Birth of Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940 in 1247. FRANCE, ILE-DE-FRANCE, ESSONNE, LA FERTE-ALAIS Death of Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680. FRANCE, ILE-DE-FRANCE, MEULAN Marriage of Henri I France 2910 and Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, ILE-DE-FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS Birth of Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 in 1170. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, DAMPMARTIN Birth of Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301 in 1110. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, MEULAN Death of Waleran De Meulan 2660. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, MONTFORT AMAURY Birth of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 in 1059. Birth of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 in 1059. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, MONTFORT LAMAURI Death of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in 1087. Death of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in 1087. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, MONTFORT LAMAURY CASTLE Death of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 in 1031. Death of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 in 1031. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, SEINE ET MARNE, LAGNY SUR MARNE Death of Theobald De Blois 2534. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE, YVELINES, MEULAN Birth of Robert I Capet 2576 in 1011. FRANCE, ILE DE FRANCE Birth of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in 1001. Birth of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in 1001. Marriage of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in 1022. Marriage of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in 1022. FRANCE, INDRE-ET-LOIRE, CHINON Death of Henry Plantagenet 2344. Death of Henry II Of England 2128. Death of Henry Plantagenet 2421. Death of Henry II Of England 2423. Death of Henry II Of England 2296. FRANCE, INDRE ET LOIRE, TOURS, ST MARTIN Death of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 in 893. FRANCE, ISERE, AOSTE Death of Thomas I Savoy 2312. Death of Thomas I Savoy 2134. FRANCE, ISERE, PIERRE CHATEL Death of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135. Death of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313. FRANCE, ISERE, VIENNE Birth of Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in 1138. FRANCE, ISLE BOUCHARD Birth of Archimbaud Borel 2586 in 1019. Birth of Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in 1023. Marriage of Archimbaud Borel 2586 and Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in 1048. Birth of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 in 1049. Birth of Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in 1053. Marriage of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 and Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in 1078.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, ISLE BOUCHARD (Continued) Birth of Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in 1079. FRANCE, ISLE DE FRANCE, GATINAIS, COURTENAY Death of Athon De Courtenay 2677 in 1000. FRANCE, ISLE DE FRANCE, PARIS Birth of Louis Viii The Lion 2059. Death of Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052. FRANCE, ISLE DE FRANCE, POISSY Birth of Philip The Bold 1939. FRANCE, ISLE DE FRANCE, VALOIS Birth of Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 in 1065. FRANCE, ISLE DE FRANCE, VINCENNES Birth of Charles De Valois 1827. FRANCE, ISLE DE, FONTAINEBLEAU Death of Philip IV The Fair 1823. Birth of Philip IV The Fair 1823 in 1268. FRANCE, ISLE DE, MANTES Death of Philippe Auguste 2160. FRANCE, ISLE DE, PARIS Birth of Philippe Auguste 2160. Death of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339. Death of Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416. Death of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305. Birth of Robert I Count Of Artois 1943 between 1216 and 1219. FRANCE, LABBAYE DE LA CELLE Death of Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in 1193. FRANCE, LABBEY LA COUROUN Death of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 in 1218. Death of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 in 1218. FRANCE, LANGUEDOC, GARD, SABRAN Marriage of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 and Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in 1178. Death of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 in 1224. FRANCE, LIMOUSIN, CORREZE, COMBORN Birth of Archambaud De Comborn 2667 in 1010. Birth of Bernard I De Comborn 2590 in 1045. Birth of Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 in 1075. FRANCE, LIMOUSIN, HAUTE VIENNE, LIMOGES Birth of Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527 in 1090. Birth of Ademar De Limoges 2592 in 1091. FRANCE, LISLE BOUCHARD Death of Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in 1082. Death of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 in 1097. FRANCE, LISLE DE RE Birth of Marie Coursier 409 in 1660. Birth of Matthew Jouett 310 in 1681. Birth of Pierre Jouett 408 in 1683.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, LOCHES Birth of Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 in 844. FRANCE, LOIR-ET-CHER, BLOIS Birth of Theobald De Blois 2534 in 1088. FRANCE, LOIRET, COURTENAY Birth of Athon De Courtenay 2677 in 985. Birth of Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in 1034. Birth of Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 in 1041. Death of Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 in 1060. Birth of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 in 1100. Marriage of Frederic De Donjon 2532 and Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in 1110. Birth of Renaud De Courtenay 2456 in 1125. Marriage of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in 1127. Death of Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in 1158. Marriage of Renaud De Courtenay 2456 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457 in 1178. Birth of Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in 1198. FRANCE, LONGPONT Death of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 in 1095. FRANCE, LORIET, COURTENAY Birth of Milo De Courtenay 2530 in 1069. FRANCE, LORRAINE, MEURTHE ET MOSELLE, MOUSSON Death of Renaud De Bar 2330. FRANCE, LORRAINE, MEUSE, BAR-LE-DUC Marriage of Henry De Bar 2057 and Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 in 1219. FRANCE, LORRAINE, MOSELLE, METZ Birth of Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954 in 870. FRANCE, LORRAINE Birth of Henry Duke Limburg 2322 in 1111. Marriage of Henri Limburg 2152 and Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in 1170. FRANCE, LYONNAIS RHONE ALPES, LOIRE, LE FOREZ Death of Artaud De Forez 2683 in 1085. FRANCE, MAINE-ET-LOIRE, FONTEVRAULT Death of Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 2325. FRANCE, MAINE ET LOIRE, FONTEVRAULT, FONTEVRAULT ABBEY Death of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347. Death of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044. FRANCE, MAINE ET LOIRE, FONTREVAULT, FONTREVAULT ABBEY Death of Mathilde Princess Carinthia 2535. FRANCE, MAINE PAYS DE LA LOIRE, SARTHE, LE MANS Birth of Herbert I Du Maine 2626 in 990. Birth of Herbert I Du Maine 2771 in 990. FRANCE, MANCHE, MORTAIN, GRESTAIN ABBEY Death of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 in 1066. FRANCE, MANCHE Death of Bernard I De La Marche 2650 in 1047.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, MANTES Death of Philip Augustus Capet 2306. FRANCE, MARNE, BOURGOGNE Death of Randle Brereton 1156 in 1500. FRANCE, MARNE, BROYES Birth of Isabel De Broyes 2695 in 1034. FRANCE, MARNE, CORBEIL Marriage of Charles De Valois 1827 and Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828. Death of Germaine De Corbeil 2794 in 1012. FRANCE, MARNE, REIMS, ST REMY ABBEY Death of Louis France 2925. FRANCE, MARNE, REIMS Death of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758. Death of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942. Death of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932. Death of Gerberge Queen Of France 2926. Birth of Robert I De Dreux 2334 in 1123. FRANCE, MARNE, RHEIM Birth of Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643 in 963. FRANCE, MARNEOGNE, BOURGOGNE Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840 in 914. Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2981 in 914. Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2998 in 914. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 in 1003. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 in 1003. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 in 1003. FRANCE, MARNEOGNE, BURGUNDY Marriage of Odo I De Blois 2843 and Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in 988/4. FRANCE, MELUN Death of Robert Capet 2644. Death of Robert Capet 2906. Death of Robert Capet 2634. Death of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780. Death of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635. Death of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645. Death of Robert Capet 2779. Death of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907. FRANCE, MESSINES, MONASTAERE DE LORDRE DE ST BENOIST Death of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723. Death of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571. Death of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854. FRANCE, MEURTHE-ET-MOSELLE, BRIE Marriage of Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 and Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 in 1189. FRANCE, MEUSE, LE DUC Birth of Renaud De Bar 2330 in 1115. Birth of Henry De Bar 2057 in 1190. FRANCE, MIDDLE LORRAINE, METZ Death of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in 1005.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, MIDDLE LORRAINE, METZ (Continued) Death of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in 1005. FRANCE, MIDI-PYRNES, HAUTE-GARONNE, TOULOUSE Marriage of Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 and Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 in 1094. FRANCE, MIDI PYRENEEES, ARIEGE, FOIX Birth of Rohese De Foix 2465 in 1165. FRANCE, MONTLHERY Birth of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 in 1009. Birth of Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680 in 1014. FRANCE, NAMUR Birth of Godfrey De Namur 2326 in 1073. FRANCE, NIERRE, NEVERS Marriage of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 in 1035. Marriage of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 in 1035. FRANCE, NIEVRE, NEVERS Death of William I De Nevers 2681. Birth of Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in 1026. Birth of Renaud De Nevers 2600 in 1047. Birth of Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in 1073. FRANCE, NIVERE, NEVERS Death of Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in 1085. FRANCE, NOGENT-LE-ROI Death of Charles De Valois 1827. FRANCE, NORD, LE QUESNOY Birth of Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428 in 1314. FRANCE, NORD, LILLE Death of Baudouin V Flanders 2853. Death of Baudouin V Flanders 2570. Death of Baudouin V Flanders 2722. FRANCE, NORD, VALENCIENNES Death of Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826. Birth of Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307. Birth of Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161. Death of Jean De Avesnes 1825. Death of Willem De Avesnes 1600. FRANCE, NORMANDIE, PAYS DE CAUX Birth of Giovanni Carnaghi 2909 in 999. FRANCE, NORMANDIE, VERMANDOIS, MATEMOUTIER ABBEY Death of Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887.

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FRANCE, NORMANDIE Marriage of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in 886. Marriage of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in 886. Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 in 950. Marriage of Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 and Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in 975. Birth of Walter De Beauchamp 2745 in 990. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 in 1000. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 in 1000.

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FRANCE, NORMANDIE (Continued) Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774 in 1000. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901 in 1000. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 in 1000. Marriage of Ralph De Langetot 2801 and Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802 in 1074. FRANCE, NORMANDY, ANJOU Death of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893. Death of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2933. Death of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899. Death of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713. Marriage of Fulk V De Anjou 2604 and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605. Marriage of Fulk V De Anjou 2403 and Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404. Death of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2759. Death of Geoffrey I Grisgonelle 2943. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in 982. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in 982. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in 982. FRANCE, NORMANDY, BIENFAITE Birth of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 in 1024. FRANCE, NORMANDY, BRIENZE Marriage of Robert De Brusse 2730 and Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in 1048. FRANCE, NORMANDY, CALVADOS, CAEN Death of Ralph De Langetot 2801 in 1099. FRANCE, NORMANDY, CALVADOS, COURSON Birth of Hugues Garcin De Courson 2669 in 1025. Birth of Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591 in 1050. FRANCE, NORMANDY, CALVADOS, CREPON Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2988 in 890. Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2971 in 890. Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2830 in 890. FRANCE, NORMANDY, CALVADOS, PAYS DAUGE Death of Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in 1081. FRANCE, NORMANDY, COTENTIN, VER Death of Alphonso Ghesnes 2818 in 1032. FRANCE, NORMANDY, CREPON Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 in 974. Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 in 974. Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 in 974. FRANCE, NORMANDY, EPERNON Death of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in 1051. Death of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in 1051. Death of Simon De Montfort 2716 in 1087. Death of Simon De Montfort 2564 in 1087. FRANCE, NORMANDY, EURE, BURES CASTLE Death of Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655. FRANCE, NORMANDY, EURE, PONTEAUDEMER Marriage of Waleran De Meulan 2660 and Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in 1017.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, NORMANDY, EVREUX Birth of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in 872. Birth of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in 872. Birth of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 in 1000. Birth of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 in 1000. Birth of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in 1030. Birth of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in 1030. FRANCE, NORMANDY, FALAISE Birth of William I Conqueror 2690. Birth of William I Conqueror 2514. Birth of William I Conqueror 2797. FRANCE, NORMANDY, FECAMP Birth of Richard I Normandy 2896. Birth of Richard I Normandy 2710. Birth of Richard I Normandy 2890. FRANCE, NORMANDY, FLORETTE Death of Godfrey De Namur 2326. FRANCE, NORMANDY, HOULME, MONTREIL-AU Birth of Ralph Basset 2608 in 1050. FRANCE, NORMANDY, LE HAVRE, LANQUETOT Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2801 in 1066. FRANCE, NORMANDY, LONGUEVILLE Birth of Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in 1034. FRANCE, NORMANDY, MANCHE, ST CLAIR-SUR-ELLE Birth of Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 in 1004. Death of Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 in 1047. FRANCE, NORMANDY, MELLENT Birth of Waleran De Meulan 2660 in 990. Birth of Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in 994. FRANCE, NORMANDY, MEULAN Birth of Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in 1168. FRANCE, NORMANDY, MORTAIGNE Birth of Robert De Mortaigne 2580 in 1037. FRANCE, NORMANDY, MORTAIN Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in 1050. Death of Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in 1050. Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in 1050. Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in 1050. FRANCE, NORMANDY, NEUSTRIA Death of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in 930. Death of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in 930. FRANCE, NORMANDY, NEUSTRIE Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 in 1031. Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 in 1031. Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 in 1031. FRANCE, NORMANDY, NORMANDY Marriage of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 and Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in 1035.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, NORMANDY, OUILLY BASSET Birth of Thurston Basset 2694 in 1030. FRANCE, NORMANDY, PAYS DE CAUX Birth of Roger FitzCorbet 2908 in 988. Birth of Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in 1020. FRANCE, NORMANDY, ROUEN Birth of Richard D Evreux 2767 in 986. Birth of Richard D Evreux 2622 in 986. FRANCE, NORMANDY, SEINE INFERIEURE, ARQUES Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in 984. Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in 984. Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in 984. FRANCE, NORMANDY, SOMME RIVER, ISLAND PICQUIGNY Death of William I Longsword 2927. Death of William I Longsword 2753. FRANCE, NORMANDY, VERMANDOIS Death of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2981. Death of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2998. Death of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840. Birth of Pepin I De Vermandois 2864 in 839. Birth of Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 in 840. Birth of Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956 in 845. Birth of Herbert De Vermandois 2880 in 884. Birth of Herbert De Vermandois 2921 in 884. Birth of Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 in 890. Birth of Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881 in 897. Death of Hubert Senlis 2828 in 912. Death of Hubert Senlis 2969 in 912. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2997 in 920. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2839 in 920. Birth of Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in 920. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2980 in 920. Death of Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881 in 931. Death of Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 in 931. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in 950. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in 950. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in 950. Birth of Hugues De France 2857 in 1053. Death of Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 in 1080. FRANCE, NORMANDY, VIKING BAYEAUX Death of Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 in 890. FRANCE, NORMANDY Death of Thomas De Holand 1423. Death of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629. Death of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901. Death of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850. Death of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774. Death of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846. Birth of William I Longsword 2753 in 893. Birth of William I Longsword 2927 in 893. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in 911. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in 911. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in 911. Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 in 916.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, NORMANDY (Continued) Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 in 916. Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 in 916. Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 in 936. Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 in 936. Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 in 936. Marriage of Theobald I De Blois 2886 and Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in 943. Death of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 in 945. Death of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 in 945. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 in 963. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 in 963. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 in 963. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 in 963. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 in 963. Birth of Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663 in 990. Birth of Richard Iii De Normandie 2795 in 997. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 in 999. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 in 999. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 in 999. Birth of Mrs Richard Iii Concubine 2796 in 1000. Birth of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in 1004. Birth of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in 1004. Birth of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in 1015. Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 in 1017. Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 in 1017. Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 in 1017. Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in 1023. Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in 1023. Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in 1023. Birth of Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in 1030. Death of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in 1034. Death of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in 1034. Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in 1040. Birth of Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802 in 1055. Marriage of Simon De Montfort 2564 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in 1058. Marriage of Simon De Montfort 2716 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in 1058. Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in 1062. Birth of Robert De Bruce 2696 in 1066. Death of Richard D Evreux 2622 in 1067. Death of Richard D Evreux 2767 in 1067. Birth of Matilda Taillebois 2707 in 1070. Birth of Jean I De Ponthieu 2302 in 1140. FRANCE, OISE, BEAUVAIS, CLERMONT Death of Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301. Death of Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in 1110. Death of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 in 1162. FRANCE, OISE, CLERMONT Birth of Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 in 1030. Birth of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 in 1108. FRANCE, ORLEANAIS CENTRE, LOIR-ET-CHER, BLOIS Death of Theobald I De Blois 2886. Death of Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in 1016. Birth of Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331 in 1138. FRANCE, ORLEANAIS CENTRE, LOIR ET CHER, BLOIS Birth of Odo I De Blois 2843 in 950. Birth of Heloise De Blois 2788 in 980. Birth of Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in 990.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, ORLEANS Birth of Robert Capet 2779. Birth of Robert Capet 2634. Birth of Robert Capet 2644. Birth of Robert Capet 2906. FRANCE, ORNE, AIGLE Birth of Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 2543 in 1100. FRANCE, PARIS Death of Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958 in 890. Birth of Isabella Edward [De France] 1599 in 1292. FRANCE, PAS-DE-CALAIS, BAPAUME Marriage of Philip Augustus Capet 2306 and Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307. Marriage of Philippe Auguste 2160 and Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161. FRANCE, PAS-DE-CALAIS, BOULOGNE Marriage of King Edward 1598 and Isabella Edward [De France] 1599. FRANCE, PAS DE CALAIS, AVESNES Birth of Willem De Avesnes 1600 in 1286. FRANCE, PERCHE Marriage of Roger De Montgomery 2654 and Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655 in 1048. FRANCE, PICARDIE, AISNE, BOHAIN-EN-VERMANDOIS Birth of Bertha De Morvois 2865 in 850. FRANCE, PICARDIE, AISNE, BRAINE Death of Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335. FRANCE, PICARDIE, PONTHIEU Death of William Ponthieu 2142 in 1221. FRANCE, PICARDIE, SOMME, ABBEVILLE Death of Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 in 1251. FRANCE, PICARDIE, SOMME, PERONNE Birth of Charles The Simple 2963. FRANCE, PICARDY, AISNE, BRAINE Birth of Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335 in 1130. Birth of Robert De Dreux 2158 in 1154. FRANCE, PICARDY, AISNE, VERMANDOIS Death of Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 in 902. FRANCE, PICARDY, OISE, SENLIS Death of Pepin I De Vermandois 2864 in 893. FRANCE, PICARDY Marriage of Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 and Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in 1065. Death of Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in 1169. FRANCE, POISSY Birth of Louis Capet 2051. FRANCE, POITOU CHARENTES, CHARENTE, ANGOULEME Death of Guillaume Taillefer 2528.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, POITOU CHARENTES, CHARENTE, ANGOULEME (Continued) Birth of Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 2593 in 1060. FRANCE, POITOU CHARENTES, DEUX SEVRES, MAULEON Birth of Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 in 1030. FRANCE, POITOU CHARENTES, DEUX SEVRES, SAINT MAIXENT LECOLE Death of William Ironarm 2640. FRANCE, POITOU, ROCHECHOUART Birth of Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 2668 in 1020. FRANCE, POITOU, VIENNE, CHATELLERAULT Marriage of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 and Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in 1075. Death of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 in 1092. Marriage of Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 and Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in 1109. FRANCE, POITOU, VIENNE, POITIERS Death of Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407. Birth of William Aquitaine 2574 in 969. FRANCE, POITOU Death of Geoffrey De Saye 2472. FRANCE, PONTHIEU Birth of William Ponthieu 2142 in 1179. FRANCE, PONTOISE Death of Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in 1088. FRANCE, PROVENCE, BOUCHES-DU-RHONE, AIX-EN-PROVENCE Death of Raymond Berenger 2045. Death of Raymond Berenger 2146. FRANCE, PROVENCE, FOREZ Death of Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in 1055. FRANCE, PROVENCE, LE FOREZ Birth of Artaud De Forez 2683 in 1029. Birth of Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in 1033. Marriage of Artaud De Forez 2683 and Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in 1054. FRANCE, PRVNC, LE FOREZ Birth of Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in 1055. FRANCE, PUY-DE-DOME, CLERMONT-FERRAND Marriage of Philip The Bold 1939 and Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940. FRANCE, PYRBENBEES-ORIENTALES, PERPIGNAN Death of Alphonso The Chaste 2282. Death of Alphonso The Chaste 2314. FRANCE, PYRENEES ORIENTALES, YERRE Birth of Everard De Donjon 2603 in 1052. Marriage of Everard De Donjon 2602 and Everard De Donjon 2603 in 1084. FRANCE, PYRENNES-ATLANTIQUES, BAYONNE Death of Edmund Crouchback 1769. Death of Edmund Plantagenet 1829. Death of Edmund Crouchback 1817. Death of Edmund Crouchback 1843.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, PYRENNES-ATLANTIQUES, BAYONNE (Continued) Death of Edmund Crouchback 1793. FRANCE, RENNES Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 in 936. Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 in 936. Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 in 936. FRANCE, RHNE-ALPES, ISRE, ANJOU Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2978 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2837 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2995 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2894 and Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895. Marriage of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 and Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in 869. FRANCE, RHONE ALPES, ISERE, ANJOU Death of Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in 890. FRANCE, ROUEN, NOTRE DAME Death of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 in 932. Death of Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 in 932. Death of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 in 932. FRANCE, S-INFR Marriage of Richard D Evreux 2622 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in 1030. Marriage of Richard D Evreux 2767 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in 1030. FRANCE, S-MNCH, MORTAIGNE Marriage of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 and Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in 1080. FRANCE, S ET, CORBEIL Birth of Germaine De Corbeil 2794 in 990. FRANCE, S MNCH, MORTAIGNE Birth of Maude De Montgomery 2581 in 1041. Birth of Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in 1058. FRANCE, S OISE, MONTLHERY Birth of Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 in 1040. FRANCE, SAINT POL Birth of Beatrice De Saint Pol 2303 in 1135. FRANCE, SARTHE, FLECHE Birth of Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 in 1000. Birth of Paule Du Maine 2625 in 1000. Birth of Paule Du Maine 2770 in 1000. Birth of Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 in 1000. Birth of Jean De La Fleche 2718 in 1030. Birth of Jean De La Fleche 2566 in 1030. Birth of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in 1044. Birth of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in 1044. Death of Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 in 1060. Death of Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 in 1060. Death of Jean De La Fleche 2718 in 1097. Death of Jean De La Fleche 2566 in 1097. FRANCE, SARTHE, LE MANS Marriage of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2544 and Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2545. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 2344. Marriage of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2274 and Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, SARTHE, LE MANS (Continued) Birth of Henry Plantagenet 2421. Birth of Henry II Of England 2128. Birth of Henry II Of England 2296. Birth of Henry II Of England 2423. Marriage of Geoffrey V Plantagenet 2548 and Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549. Marriage of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in 999. Marriage of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in 999. Marriage of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 in 1089. Marriage of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 in 1089. FRANCE, SAVOIE, CHAMBERY Birth of Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 2293 in 1125. Birth of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in 1201. Birth of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in 1201. Marriage of Raymond Berenger 2146 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in 1220/12. Marriage of Raymond Berenger 2045 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in 1220/12. FRANCE, SAVOIE Birth of Humbert Savoy 2286. FRANCE, SAVOY, CARBONIERRES Birth of Thomas I Savoy 2134. Birth of Thomas I Savoy 2312. Marriage of Humbert Savoy 2286 and Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in 1175. Death of Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in 1184. Marriage of Thomas I Savoy 2312 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313 in 1195/5. Marriage of Thomas I Savoy 2134 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 in 1195/5. FRANCE, SAVOY, CHAMBERY Death of Humbert Savoy 2286. Death of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in 1266/12. Death of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in 1266/12. FRANCE, SEIN ET MARNE, LANDON Death of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 in 1000. Death of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 in 1000. FRANCE, SEINE-ET-LOIRE, MACON Death of Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643. FRANCE, SEINE-ET-MARNE, DAMMARTIN Birth of Alberic I De Mello 2298 in 1110. Birth of Aubrey Dammartin 2140 in 1135. Birth of Joan De Dammartin 1938 in 1208. FRANCE, SEINE-ET-OISE, VERSAILLES Birth of Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in 1154. FRANCE, SEINE-INFERIEURE, FECAMP Death of Richard I Normandy 2896. Death of Richard I Normandy 2890. Death of Richard I Normandy 2710. FRANCE, SEINE-MARITIME, ROUEN, HERMENTRUVILLEBY Death of William I Conqueror 2514. Death of William I Conqueror 2797. Death of William I Conqueror 2690. FRANCE, SEINE-MARITIME, ROUEN, NOTRE DAME Death of Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2545.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, SEINE-MARITIME, ROUEN, NOTRE DAME (Continued) Death of Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549 on 10 September 1167. Death of Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275 on 10 September 1167. FRANCE, SEINE-ST DENIS, ST DENIS Death of Henry I Beauclerc 2606. Death of Henry I Beauclerc 2734. Death of Henry I Beauclerc 2405. FRANCE, SEINE ET LOIRE, MACON Birth of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in 974. Birth of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in 974. FRANCE, SEINE ET MARNE, CHATEAU LANDON Birth of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 in 1000. Birth of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 in 1000. FRANCE, SEINE ET MARNE, DAMMARTIN Marriage of Alberic I De Mello 2298 and Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in 1150. Birth of Simon De Dammartin 2049 in 1180. FRANCE, SEINE ET, CORBIEL Birth of Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848 about 943. FRANCE, SEINE INFERIEURE, FECAMP Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773. Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849. Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900. Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845. Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 on 28 August 1026. FRANCE, SEINE MARITIME, AUMALE Birth of Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 in 1186. FRANCE, SEINE, LILLEBONNE Birth of Urso Abbott 2813 in 1000. FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS, NOTRE DAME DE PARIS Marriage of Philip IV The Fair 1823 and Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824. FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS, PALAIS DU LOUVRE Death of Blanca Lion [Alphonsa] 2060. Death of Blanca Capet [Alphonsa] 2145. FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS, ST JACQUES Death of Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828. FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS Birth of Louis Capet 2144. Death of Louis Capet 2304. Marriage of Edmund Crouchback 1769 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770. Death of Louis Capet 2338. Death of Blanche D Artois 1830. Death of Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541. Marriage of Edmund Crouchback 1793 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794. Marriage of Edmund Plantagenet 1829 and Blanche D Artois 1830. Death of Isabelle Capet [De Hainault] 2307. Death of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818. Marriage of Edmund Crouchback 1817 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818. Death of Isabelle Auguste [De Hainault] 2161. Marriage of Edmund Crouchback 1843 and Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, SEINE, PARIS (Continued) Death of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770. Death of Louis Capet 2415. Death of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794. Death of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844. Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2570 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 in 1028. Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2722 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 in 1028. Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2853 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 in 1028. Birth of Margaret Plantagenet [Capet] 1810 in 1279. Birth of Margaret Capet 1802 in 1279. FRANCE, SIEGE BOULOGNE Death of Henry Strangwayes 3538 in 1544. FRANCE, SOISSONS Death of Robert I France 2957. FRANCE, SOMME, ABBEVILLE Death of Simon De Dammartin 2049. FRANCE, SOMME, BOVES Birth of Raoul I De Coucy 2336 in 1139. Birth of Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 in 1164. FRANCE, SOMME, MONTDIDIER Birth of Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in 1045. FRANCE, SOMME, PERONNE Death of Charles The Simple 2963. FRANCE, TALMONT Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in 1130. Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in 1130. Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in 1130. FRANCE, TARN-ET-GARONNE, MIRABELL CASTLE Death of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424. Death of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345. Death of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297. Death of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2129. Death of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422. FRANCE, TOULOUSE, PERPIGNAN Death of Philip The Bold 1939. FRANCE, TOULOUSE, TOULOUSE, ST SERNIN Death of Pons Count Albi 2578 in 1060. FRANCE, TOULOUSE Birth of Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649 in 949. Birth of Bernard I De La Marche 2650 in 970. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907 in 974. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780 in 974. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635 in 974. Birth of Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651 in 974. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645 in 974. Birth of Aldearde Thours 2665 in 989. Birth of Pons Count Albi 2578 in 990. Birth of Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 in 1000. Death of Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649 in 1024. Birth of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 in 1040.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, TOULOUSE (Continued) Birth of Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 in 1073. Birth of William X Toulousan 2546 in 1099. Birth of William X Toulousan 2550 in 1099. Birth of William X Toulousan 2276 in 1099. FRANCE, TOURAINE CENTRE, INDRE ET LOIRE, TOURS Birth of Eudes De Chartres 2951 in 850. FRANCE, TOURAINE, INDRE-ET-LR, LODHES Birth of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in 874. Birth of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877 in 874. FRANCE, TOURAINE, INDRE ET LOIRE, MARMONTIER Death of Odo I De Blois 2843. FRANCE, TOURS Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2837. Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2995. Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2978. Death of Foulques Le Anjou 2894. Birth of Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in 844. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 in 952. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996 in 952. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979 in 952. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 in 952. FRANCE, VAL-DE-MARNE, CHATEAU DE VINCE Death of Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824. FRANCE, VERBERIE SUR OISE Death of Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 in 929. FRANCE, VERGY Birth of Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647 in 980. FRANCE, VERMANDOIS Death of Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858. Birth of Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 in 1028. FRANCE, VERNEUIL Death of Archibald Douglas 3358.

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FRANCE, VIENNE, CHATELLERAULT Birth of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 in 1020. Birth of Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in 1034. Marriage of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 and Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in 1049. Birth of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 in 1050. FRANCE, VIENNE, CHTELLERAULT Death of Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in 1058. FRANCE, VIENNE, CHATELLERAULT Birth of Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 in 1075. Death of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 in 1092. FRANCE, VIENNE, CHTELLERAULT Death of Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in 1093. FRANCE, VIENNE, POITIERS Death of Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] FRANCE, VIENNE, ROCHE Birth of Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 in 990. Birth of Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657 in 994. FRANCE, VIENNE, THOUARS Birth of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 in 985. Birth of Aenor De Thouars 2659 in 989. FRANCE, YERRE-SUR-OISE, CORBEIL, DONJON CASTLE Birth of Everard De Donjon 2602 in 1050. FRANCE, YERRE Birth of Frederic De Donjon 2532 in 1085. FRANCE, YONNE, FONTENELLE Death of Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601. FRANCE, YONNE, SENS Marriage of Louis Capet 2051 and Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052. FRANCE Death of Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663. Death of Herbert I Du Maine 2626. Death of Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647. Death of Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842. Death of Herbert I Du Maine 2771. Birth of Rotbold Arles 2938 in 873. Birth of Rotbold Arles 2879 in 873. Death of Alain I De Bretagne 2868 in 907. Death of Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in 910. Marriage of Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 and Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in 910. Death of Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954 in 928. Marriage of Gilbert Gislebert 2882 and Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in 956. Marriage of Renaud Borel Capet 2662 and Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663 in 1018. Death of Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657 in 1026. Death of Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 in 1037. Birth of Qunormau Vagena 2674 in 1043. Death of Hugh Bardoul 2728 in 1058. Death of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in 1062. Death of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in 1062. Marriage of Hugues De France 2857 and Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 in 1064. Death of Aldearde Thours 2665 in 1072. Death of Qunormau Vagena 2673 in 1089. Death of Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 in 1104. Death of Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in 1120. Death of Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in 1140. Death of Ademar De Limoges 2592 in 1148. Marriage of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in 1168. Marriage of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in 1168. Marriage of Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 and Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in 1177. Marriage of Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 and Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317 in 1187. GA, OGLETHORPE CO Birth of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 on 30 March 1814. GEORGIA Birth of Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 on 15 June 1836. GERMANY, BADEN, DUEHREN Death of Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] GERMANY, BADEN, DUEHREN (Continued) Marriage of Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 and Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477 in 1657. GERMANY, BADEN, EPPINGEN Birth of Sebastian Herzog 362 in 1644. GERMANY, BADEN, HEIDELBERG, DUEHREN Birth of Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363. GERMANY, BADEN, HEIDELBERG, DUHREN Death of Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476. Death of Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606. Death of Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] 607. GERMANY, BADEN, LEIHMAN Marriage of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 and Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361 in 1677. GERMANY, BADEN, LEIMAN Birth of Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214. Marriage of Sebastian Herzog 362 and Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 in 1679. Death of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 in 1698. GERMANY, BADEN, LEIMEN Death of Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280. Birth of Andreas Meixel 279 in 1670. GERMANY, BADEN, NECKAR, STEINSBERG CASTLE Birth of Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476. GERMANY, BADEN, WYHL Birth of Josef Vitt 911. Marriage of Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132 and Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] 1133. Birth of Josef Herz 1042. Birth of Verena Seving [Vitt] 811. Death of Josef Vitt 911. Birth of Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132. Death of Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912. Death of Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] 1133. Death of Josef Herz 1042. Marriage of Josef Vitt 911 and Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912. Marriage of Josef Herz 1042 and Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] 1043. Birth of Maria Ann Vitt [Herz] 912. Birth of Maria Eva Herz [Kerzenmacher] 1043. Birth of Anna Maria Kerzenmacher [Dirr] 1133. Death of Mathias Kerzenmacher 1132. Birth of Silvester Vitt Seving 650 in 1606. GERMANY, BAS-RHIN, ALSACE, WINGEN Marriage of Christian Lau 616 and Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617 in 1722. GERMANY, BAYERN, OBERPFALZ, REGENSBURG Death of Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888. GERMANY, BAYERN, PFALZ, KUSEL Marriage of Hans Adam Braun 620 and Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621. GERMANY, BAYERN, UNTERFRANKEN, ARNSTEIN Birth of Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329 in 1128. GERMANY, BONFELD Birth of John Henry Neff 202 in 1705.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] GERMANY, BRUNSWICK Death of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638. Death of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783. Birth of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783 in 1016. Birth of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638 in 1016. GERMANY, DAISBACH, KREFELD Birth of Johans Michael Bush 3635 in 1697. GERMANY, DAISBACH, ZUZENHAUSEN Birth of George Adam Bush 3629. GERMANY, DAISBACH Marriage of Johans Michael Bush 3635 and Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in 1720. GERMANY, DRESDEN, KMEHLEN Birth of Christoph Slagle 610. GERMANY, GRIMMA Birth of Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479. Death of Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478. Death of Dorothea Hertel [Thiele] 613 in 1679. GERMANY, HAMBURG, HAMBURG Birth of Mr. Deblere 738 in 1557. Birth of Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739 in 1568. Birth of Susan Bland [Deblere] 578 in 1590. GERMANY, HANNOVER, GOSLAR, RINGELHEIM Birth of Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875 in 858. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 in 878. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977 in 878. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994 in 878. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966 in 878. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2835 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 in 909. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2976 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977 in 909. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2965 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966 in 909. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2993 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994 in 909. GERMANY, HEIMBACH Death of Hans Adam Klee 618 in 1725. GERMANY, HERBSTEIN Birth of Johannes Fleischer 3637 in 1635. Birth of Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 in 1664. GERMANY, HESSEN-DARMSTADT, OBER-SEEMEN Birth of Henry Flesher 3625. GERMANY, HESSEN-DARMSTADT, OBERSEEMAN Birth of Johan Johannes Schmidt 3633. Death of Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644. GERMANY, HESSEN, DARMSTADT, OBER SEEMEN Death of Johannes Fleischer 3637. Death of Maria Appel 3640. Death of Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] 3638. Death of Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] GERMANY, HESSEN, DARMSTADT, OBERSEEMAN Death of Henrich Theil 3643. Death of Balthasar Schmidt 3641. Death of Niclas Streit 3649. Death of Casper Niess 3648. Birth of Balthasar Schmidt 3641 in 1640. GERMANY, HESSEN, OBER-SEEMEN Death of Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628. Birth of Balthasar Fleischer 3627. Death of Balthasar Fleischer 3627. Marriage of Henrich Theil 3643 and Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644. Marriage of Balthasar Schmidt 3641 and Christina Schmidt [Niess] 3642. Birth of Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628 in 1692/12. GERMANY, HESSEN, OBERHESSEN, OBERSEEMEN Marriage of Balthasar Fleischer 3627 and Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628. GERMANY, HESSEN, OBERSEEMEN Death of Julianna Fleischer [Appel] 3632. Death of Balthes Baltzer Appel 3639. Birth of Julianna Fleischer [Appel] 3632. Marriage of Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 and Julianna Fleischer [Appel] 3632. Marriage of Johannes Fleischer 3637 and Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] 3638. GERMANY, KREIS SINSHEIM, EPPINGEN Birth of Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280 in 1674. GERMANY, LEIMEN BADEN Death of Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361. GERMANY, LIMBOURG Death of Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056. GERMANY, NORTHERN, ANCIENT SAXONY Birth of Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 in 439. Birth of Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108 in 443. Birth of Cerdic Wessex 3087 in 467. Birth of Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in 471. Death of Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 in 514. GERMANY, NR QUIMBACH Death of Anna Klee [Margaretha] 619. GERMANY, PFALZ, CUSELL Birth of Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 in 1670. GERMANY, PFALZ, HEIMBACH Birth of Anna Klee [Margaretha] 619 in 1620. Birth of Hans Adam Klee 618 in 1620. GERMANY, PFALZ, KONKEN Birth of Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 in 1663. Death of Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 in 1721. GERMANY, PFALZ, QUIMBACH Death of Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621. GERMANY, PFALZ, REICHARDSWEILER Birth of Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621 in 1652.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] GERMANY, PFALZ, SCHELLWEILER Birth of Hans Adam Braun 620. GERMANY, RHEINLAND, GUELDERS Birth of Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155 in 1155. GERMANY, RHEINLAND, SAARBRUCKEN Birth of Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in 1150. GERMANY, RHEINLAND, SPONDHEIM Birth of Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 2325 in 1127. GERMANY, RHEINLAND, TRIER Birth of Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 2327 in 1084. GERMANY, SACHSEN Birth of Otto The Illustrious 2872 in 851. Birth of Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873 in 855. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2835 in 876. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2965 in 876. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2976 in 876. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2993 in 876. GERMANY, SCHLESIEN, BRESLAU Death of Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] 611. Marriage of Christoph Slagle 610 and Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] 611. Birth of Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478. GERMANY, THRINGEN, THURINGIA, NORDGAU Death of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2784. Death of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2639. GERMANY, WESSEX Marriage of Cerdic Wessex 3087 and Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in 492. GERMANY, WRTTEMBERG, NECKAR, KOCHENDORF Marriage of Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606 and Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] 607. Birth of Anna Wolfhardt [Burckhardt] 607. GERMANY, WRTTEMBERG, NECKAR, NURTINGEN Birth of Georg Johann Wolfhardt 606. GERMANY, WRTTEMBERG, NECKAR, STUTTGART Birth of Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] 365. GERMANY, WRTTEMBERG, RIEGELBACH, JAGSTKREIS Birth of Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] 615. GERMANY, WRTTEMBERG, STUTTGART NECKAR Birth of Christian Eyster 614. GERMANY Birth of Anna Theil 3634. Death of Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651. Marriage of Michael Plattner 3645 and Maria Catherina Plattner [Reinhard] 3646. Birth of Magdalena Slagle [Tilisch] 611. Birth of Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158 in 20 A.D.. Birth of Miecislaus I Heruli 3154 in 320. Death of Miecislaus I Heruli 3154 in 388. Marriage of King Gonderic 3122 and Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in 400. Death of Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in 420.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] GERMANY (Continued) Death of Flora Of Vandals 3135 in 450. Death of Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in 487. Death of Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875 in 917. Birth of Niclas Streit 3649 in 1599. Birth of Mr. Fleischer 3647 in 1605. Birth of Balthes Baltzer Appel 3639 in 1610. Birth of Maria Appel 3640 in 1612. Birth of Casper Niess 3648 in 1617. Birth of Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644 in 1622. Birth of Henrich Theil 3643 in 1622. Birth of Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] 3638 in 1640. Birth of Christina Schmidt [Niess] 3642 in 1647. Birth of Hans Jerg Plattner 3650 in 1680. Death of Mr. Fleischer 3647 in 1681. Birth of Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651 in 1690. Birth of Jacob Von Staadltler 3430 in 1690. Birth of Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in 1697. Birth of Mary Von Staadltler [Sites] 3431 in 1700. Birth of Maria Catherina Plattner [Reinhard] 3646 in 1701. Marriage of Hans Jerg Plattner 3650 and Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651 in 1711. Birth of John Adam Stutler 3426 in 1712. Birth of Conradt Schermann 281 in 1719. GLENCAIRN Birth of James The Cunningham 3235. GRIMMA Death of Christian Friedrich Hertel 612 in 1681. HASEFIELD Death of Richard Pauncefote 3524 in 1218. HERULI, AD Marriage of Hutterus Vislaus 3148 and Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149. Birth of Hutterus Vislaus 3148 in 58 A.D.. Birth of Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 in 86 A.D.. Death of Hutterus Vislaus 3148 in 91 A.D.. HERULI Death of Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149. Marriage of Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 and Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140. Death of Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 in 127. Death of Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140 in 200. HOLLAND, GHENT Death of Roger De Mowbray 1789 in 1297. HOLLAND, ROTTERDAM Death of Francis Roberts 3705. HOLY LAND, PALESTINE Death of Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942. HUN EMPIRE, PANNONIA Death of Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in 471. HUNGARY, AUSTRIA Death of Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 in 1250. Death of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in 1271.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] HUNGARY, AUSTRIA (Continued) Death of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in 1271. HUNGARY, EASTERN Birth of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in 350. Birth of Flora Of Vandals 3135 in 365. Birth of King Gonderic 3122 in 368. Birth of Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in 400. HUNGARY, ESZTERGOM Birth of Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054 in 1213. HUNGARY, FEJER, SZEKESFEHERVAR Death of Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318. Death of Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in 1184. HUNGARY, GERMANY, GRIMMA Death of Christoph Slagle 610. HUNGARY, HEVES, EGER Death of Andrew II Of Hungary 2150. HUNGARY, KOMAROM-ESZTERGOM, ESZTERGOM Birth of Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 in 1148. Birth of Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 in 1176. Marriage of Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 and Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in 1215. HUNGARY, KOMAROM ESZTERGOM, ESZTERGOM Death of Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in 1233. HUNGARY Birth of Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134 in 360. IRELAND, ANTRIM, MALONE Birth of Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 in 1698. Death of Lawrence Whiteside 390 in 1699. IRELAND, ANTRIM Birth of Elizabeth Adams 301 in 1677. IRELAND, ANTRIN, MALONE Death of Edward Whiteside 298 in 1723. IRELAND, CORK Birth of William Hoskins 690 in 1616. IRELAND, DONEGAL, FANAD, TULLINDALE Birth of John Dill 461 in 1620. IRELAND, DONEGAL, FANAD Death of John Dill 348 in 1730. IRELAND, DONEGAL, FANNETIN, CORRY BALLYNASTOCKER Birth of John Dill 267 in 1680. IRELAND, DONEGAL, FANNETIN Birth of William Dill 194 in 1690. IRELAND, DONEGAL, TULLYNADALL Death of John Dill 461 in 1670.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] IRELAND, DROGHEDA Birth of Catherine Sheridan 462 in 1625. IRELAND, DUBLIN, ARDEE Death of John De Stanley 1881. IRELAND, DUBLIN Death of Richard Randolph 581. Death of Richard Randolph 445. Death of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in 1669. Death of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in 1669. IRELAND, FANNETT, BALLYNASTOCKER, CORRY Birth of John Dill 348 in 1647. IRELAND, GRANGE Birth of Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424 in 1685. IRELAND, LISBURN Marriage of Edward Whiteside 298 and Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299. IRELAND, LONDONDERRY Birth of Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 in 1672. IRELAND, TYRONE, AUGHNACLOY Marriage of James Pettigrew 324 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 in 1731. Marriage of James Pettigrew 676 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677 in 1731. IRELAND, TYRONE, BLACKWATER Death of James Pettigrew 421 in 1753. IRELAND, TYRONE, CRILLY HOUSE Birth of John Pettigrew 253 in 1736. Birth of John Pettigrew 242 in 1736. IRELAND, TYRONE, DRUMMOND Death of Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422. Birth of Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 in 1690. IRELAND, TYRONE Marriage of James Pettigrew 421 and Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 in 1705. Marriage of George Cochran 423 and Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424 in 1708. Birth of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677 in 1713/10. Birth of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 in 1713/10. Birth of James Pettigrew 324 between 1713 and 1714. Birth of James Pettigrew 676 between 1713 and 1714. IRELAND, ULSTER, ANTRIM Birth of John Adams 300 in 1672. IRELAND, ULSTER, DOWN Birth of Thomas Hughes 318 in 1810. IRELAND, WATERFORD Birth of Richard Goffe 3604 in 1645. IRELAND, WEXFORD, ENGLANDN, HORETOWN Birth of William Goffe 3597 in 1688. IRELAND Death of John Hoord 1388.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] IRELAND (Continued) Death of John Hoord 1061. Birth of John Dalkeith 852. Birth of James Pettigrew 421 in 1659. Birth of Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299 in 1665. Birth of George Cochran 423 in 1690. Birth of Castleton Harper 3796 in 1715. IRISH Death of Harald Hildetand 3050 in 770. ISLE OF MAN, PEEL CASTLE Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 in 1454. Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 in 1454. ISRAEL, JERUSALEM Death of Fulk V De Anjou 2403. Death of Fulk V De Anjou 2604. ISRAEL, PALESTINE Death of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 in 1183. Death of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 in 1183. ITALY, BENAVENTE Death of King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136. ITALY, CALABRIA, COSENZA Death of Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940. ITALY, HERULI Birth of Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in 338. ITALY, LOMBARDY, LOMBARDY Marriage of Otto Guillaume 2642 and Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643 in 983. ITALY, LOMBARDY Birth of Otto Guillaume 2642 in 958. ITALY, NAPOLI, NAPOLI Birth of Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828 in 1273. ITALY, PANNONIA, OSTROGOTHS Birth of Prince Walaravens 3156 in 316. ITALY, RAVENNA Death of Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105. Birth of Amfleda Des Ostrogoths 3116 in 468. Birth of Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in 522. ITALY, ROME Death of Guillaume De Montpellier 2316. Death of Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149. Death of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in 405. Death of Henry Duke Limburg 2322 between 1167 and 1168. ITALY, SALUZZA Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814 in 1271. Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840 in 1271. Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800 in 1271.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ITALY, VERONA, VERONA Birth of Vandalar Av Ostrogoths 3137 in 389. ITALY, VERONA Birth of Erelicia Ostrogoths 3125 in 430. ITALY Marriage of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 and Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in 350. Birth of Theodora Goths 3106 in 455. KENTUCKY Birth of William B Miller 83 in 1811. KING ALF, FYRISVOLD Death of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 in 499. KY MEET, VA, TN, AREA WHERE NC Birth of Murmuring Ripple 1203 in 1415. KY, SPENCER CO, ELK CREEK Death of Isaac Norman 161 on 11 July 1828. LLAI Birth of Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1262. Birth of Efa Hanmer [Iorwerth] 1179. LOFOTEN ISLANDS Death of Mr. Fhorri 3034. Birth of Mr. Gorr 3027 in 669. LONDON-ENGLAND, TOWER, BARKING PARISH, ALL HALLOWS Death of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in 1639. Death of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in 1639. LOST Death of Edward Lindsay 3475. LUNENBURGH Birth of Mary Seymour [Good] 166 in 1735. LUXEMBOURG, EN AREDENE, LA ROCHE Birth of Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 2323 in 1110. LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG Marriage of Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 and Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942. LUXEMBOURG Death of Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941. LVG RICHARD II Death of John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669 in 1463. LVG Death of Thomas Colepeper 1858 in 1310. MAEN Birth of Meridith Esq Lloyd 1147. Birth of Meridith Esq Lloyd 1072. MAY Death of William De Braos 1791 in 1326.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] MEDIEVAL STATES, NORDGAU REGION Birth of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2639 in 1006. Birth of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2784 in 1006. MISSISSIPPI Birth of John Franklin James 29 in 1864/3. MO, CHILLOCOTHE Birth of Samuel Paul Mitchell 2 on 25 November 1932. MOEL IWRCH LLORAN UCHA Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1071. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146 about 1545. MURDERED Death of I Dalmace* 2646 in 1032. NETHERLANDS, GELDERLAND, ZUTPHEN Death of Henri I De Gueldres 2328. Birth of Henri I De Gueldres 2328 in 1117. Death of Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329 in 1179. NETHERLANDS, LIMBURG, ROLDUC Death of Henri Limburg 2152. NETHERLANDS, LUXEMBOURG Marriage of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 and Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 between 1214 and 1215. NETHERLANDS, SOUTH HOLLAND, LEYDEN Birth of Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691 in 1615. NETHERLANDS, ZEELAND, WALCHERAN Death of Earl Klaak Harald 2866 in 844. NEUSTRIA, BAYEUX Birth of Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 2863 in 852. NEUSTRIA, GRESTAIN, ABBEY Death of Robert De Mortaigne 2580. NEW ENGLAND, MASSACHUSETTS, PLYMOUTH, MIDDLEBOROUGH Birth of Joseph Brittain 259 in 1723. NORMANDY, BASSET, QUILLY Death of Bathel Basset 2884 in 900. Death of Norman De Basset 2841 in 965. Death of Osmond De Centville 2785 in 990. NORMANDY, CAEN Death of Matilda Flanders 2515. Death of Matilda Flanders 2798. Death of Matilda Flanders 2691. NORMANDY, OUILLY BASSET Death of Osmond De Centville 2786. Birth of Bathel Basset 2884 in 870. Birth of Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885 in 875. Marriage of Bathel Basset 2884 and Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885 in 900. Birth of Norman De Basset 2841 in 915. Birth of Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842 in 925.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] NORMANDY, OUILLY BASSET (Continued) Birth of Osmond De Centville 2785 in 960. Birth of Osmond De Centville 2786 in 970. Birth of Fouque De Aulney 2726 in 1005. Birth of Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727 in 1010. Marriage of Fouque De Aulney 2726 and Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727 in 1042. NORMANDY, OUILY BASSET Marriage of Osmond De Centville 2785 and Osmond De Centville 2786 in 990. NORMANDY, OUILYY BASSET Marriage of Norman De Basset 2841 and Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842 in 945. NORMANDY Death of Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885. NORTH CAROLINA Birth of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 on 23 February 1832. NORTHERN IRELAND, ATRIM, HOLLYWOOD Birth of John Ross 168 in 1732. NORTHUMBERLAND VA Birth of Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375 in 1660. NORWAY, AD Birth of Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149 in 115. NORWAY, BOLMEY Birth of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 in 452. NORWAY, BURSKER, RINGERIKE Birth of Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in 412. NORWAY, GLAESIVOLLUM Birth of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 in 488. NORWAY, GORDUM Birth of Mr. Svaflam 3143 in 400. Birth of Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in 454. NORWAY, HEDEMARK Marriage of Stark Aludregn 3152 and Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in 431. Death of Stark Aludregn 3152 in 432. Death of Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in 432. Marriage of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 and Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in 451. Death of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 in 452. Death of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 in 460. Death of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 in 472. Death of Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in 487. Death of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 in 522. Death of Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 in 602. NORWAY, JUTLAND Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 in 790. Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 2949 in 790. NORWAY, MAER, NORWAY Birth of Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in 492. Birth of Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in 512.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] NORWAY, MAER Birth of Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 in 810. Death of Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in 812. Death of Ivar Jarl 2999 in 846. NORWAY, NORD-TRONDELAG, MAER Birth of Ivar Jarl 2999 in 788. Death of Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 in 870. NORWAY, NORD TRONDELAG, MAER Birth of Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 in 804. Birth of Aseda Rognvaldsson 2946 in 812. Birth of Hrolf Nefja 2947 in 826. Birth of Hrolf Nefja 2916 in 826. Marriage of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 and Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in 833. Birth of Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 in 846. Death of Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 in 890. Death of Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 in 892. NORWAY, REIDGOTALANDI Birth of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 in 512. Marriage of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 and Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in 512. Birth of Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 in 532. Death of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 in 538. Death of Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in 547. Death of Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 in 552. Birth of Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 in 552. NORWAY, SOR TRONDELAG, NORWAY Birth of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 774. Birth of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in 774. NORWAY, SOR TRONDELAG, THRONDHEIM Death of Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 in 739. Birth of Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000 in 785. NORWAY, SOR TRONDELAG, TRONDHEIM Birth of Thrond Throndsson 3046 in 625. Birth of Thrond Throndsson 3042 in 625. Birth of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in 630. Birth of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in 630. Death of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in 667. Death of Thrond Throndsson 3042 in 667. Death of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in 667. Death of Thrond Throndsson 3046 in 667. Marriage of Thrond Throndsson 3046 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in 667. Marriage of Thrond Throndsson 3042 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in 667. Birth of Eystein Throndsson 3038 in 668. Birth of Eystein Throndsson 3035 in 668. Birth of Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in 670. Birth of Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in 670. Marriage of Eystein Throndsson 3035 and Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in 699. Marriage of Eystein Throndsson 3038 and Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in 699. Birth of Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032 in 700. Birth of Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 in 700. Death of Eystein Throndsson 3038 in 710. Death of Eystein Throndsson 3035 in 710. Death of Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 in 737. Death of Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032 in 738. Birth of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 in 738. Birth of Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in 740.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] NORWAY, SOR TRONDELAG, TRONDHEIM (Continued) Marriage of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 and Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in 759. Death of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 in 759. Death of Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in 770. Death of Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in 770. Birth of Eystein Glumra 3010 in 790. NORWAY, STORRADA Birth of Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020 in 755. NORWAY, TELEMARK, VESTFOLD Death of Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037 in 720. Death of Eirik Agnarsson 3028 in 740. Death of Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in 760. NORWAY, TRODHEIM SOR TRANDELAG Birth of Hognl Eysteinsson 3033 in 700. NORWAY, TRONDELAG, NORD, MAER Death of Rognvald Olafsson 2949 in 850. Death of Rognvald Olafsson 3001 in 850. Death of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 in 850. NORWAY, TRONDLEG, NORD, MAER Birth of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 in 870. Birth of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 in 870. NORWAY, UPPLAND Birth of Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 in 708. NORWAY, VESTFOLD, BORRE Death of Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 in 800. Death of Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in 800. NORWAY, VESTFOLD, HOLTUM Birth of Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in 762. Birth of Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 in 767. Birth of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 in 790. NORWAY, VESTFOLD, NORWAY Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 in 770. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 in 770. NORWAY, VESTFOLD, ON BEHALF Death of Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 in 810. NORWAY, VESTFOLD Marriage of Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798 and Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799 in 690. Birth of Agnar Agnarsson [Sigtrygsson] 3029 in 693. Birth of Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037 in 693. Birth of Eirik Agnarsson 3028 in 715. Birth of Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 in 738. Birth of Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 in 738. Birth of Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in 740. Birth of Asa Haraldsdottir 3018 in 743. Birth of Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in 794. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 in 800. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 in 800. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 815. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in 815.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] NORWAY, VESTFOLD (Continued) Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 815. Marriage of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 and Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in 815. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in 815. Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 3001 in 816. Death of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 in 821. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 in 840. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 in 840. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 in 840. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 in 840. NORWAY Birth of Stark Aludregn 3152 in 408. Birth of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 in 410. Birth of Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in 414. Marriage of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 and Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in 427. Birth of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 in 428. Birth of Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in 432. Birth of Bjatmar Unknown 3144 in 434. Marriage of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 and Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in 471. Birth of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 in 472. Birth of Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in 474. Birth of Harald Unknown 3121 in 490. Marriage of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 and Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in 491. Marriage of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 and Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in 531. Birth of Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074 in 556. Death of Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 in 810. Birth of Nn Nefja [Of Norway] 2948 in 828. Birth of Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in 828. Marriage of Hrolf Nefja 2916 and Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in 847. Death of Hrolf Nefja 2916 in 847. Death of Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in 847. Death of Hrolf Nefja 2947 in 847. NORWY, VESTFOLD Death of Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in 815. OSEBERG Death of Asa Haraldsdottir 3018 in 834. PALASTEIN, JERUSALEM Death of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619. Death of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764. PALESTINE, ACRE Death of Jean I De Ponthieu 2302 in 1191. PALESTINE, CANAAN, JUDEA, BETHLEHEM Death of Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in 1166. PALESTINE, GAZA Death of Henry De Bar 2057. PALESTINE, HOLY LAND Death of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 in 1093. PALESTINE, JERUSALEM, ACRE Birth of Louis De Brienne 1833 in 1265. Death of Louis De Brienne 1833 in 1297.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] PALESTINE, ON WAY HOLY LAND, DAMIETTA Death of Saher De Quincy 2462. PALESTINE, SIEGE ACRE Death of Raoul I De Coucy 2336. PAPAL DISPENSATION Marriage of Adam Hepburn 3354 and Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355. PLACE UNKNOWN Birth of Ms. Unknown 3598. Death of Ms. Unknown 3598. Death of Ms. Gray [Margaret] 3609. Birth of Ms. Gray [Margaret] 3609. PLACE Death of Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615. Death of Richard Goffe 3604. Birth of Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 in 1680. Marriage of William Goffe 3597 and Ms. Unknown 3598 in 1708. POLKELLY CASTLE Birth of Isobel Mohr [Cumyn] 851. PORTUGAL, BRAGA, VILLA DE GUIMARDAES Birth of Affonso I Henriquez 2292. PORTUGAL, COIMBRA, COIMBRA, MOSTEIRO DECELAS Death of Affonso I Henriquez 2292. PORTUGAL, COIMBRA Death of Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 2293. Birth of Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137 in 1151. PRE Death of Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 in 1333. PREUEN, RHEINLAND, SAARBRUCKEN Death of Simon I Saarbrucken 2324. Birth of Simon I Saarbrucken 2324 in 1120. PRIORY, TODINGHAM Death of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814. Death of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800. Death of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840. PRUSSIA, BRAUNSCHWEIG Birth of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 in 1018. Birth of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 in 1018. PRUSSIA, HANNOVER, GOSLAR, RINGELHEIM Birth of Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 in 853. PRUSSIA, HESSEN-NASSAU, LIMBURG LAHN Birth of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 in 1180. PRUSSIA, WESTFALEN, ENDE Marriage of Robert I De Dreux 2334 and Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335 in 1152. RINGELHEIM, GOSLAR, HANNOVER, GERMANY Death of Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 in 920.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ROLDUC Death of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 between 1226 and 1227. ROSLIN Death of Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083. Death of Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019. Death of Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197 in 1336. SAXONY, EASTERN Death of Otto The Illustrious 2872. SAXONY, GANDERSHEIM Death of Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873 in 906. SAXONY, GERMANDY, GRIMMA Birth of Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364. SAXONY, GRIMMA Marriage of Christoph Gottlieb Von Schlegel 478 and Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479. SAXONY, MEMBLEBEN Death of Heinrich I Germans 2976. Death of Heinrich I Germans 2965. Death of Heinrich I Germans 2835. Death of Heinrich I Germans 2993. SAXONY, MEMLEBEN Death of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977. Death of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836. Death of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966. Death of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994. SAXONY, NORDHAUSEN Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 in 914. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 in 914. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 in 914. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 in 914. SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, ABOYNE Death of Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 between 1535 and 1539. SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, BUCHAN Death of Henry Beaumont 1604. Death of Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605. Marriage of Henry Beaumont 1604 and Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2174 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in 1268. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2172 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in 1268. Birth of Alexander Comyn 1835 in 1270. Birth of Henry Beaumont 1604 in 1285. Marriage of Louis De Brienne 1833 and Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834 in 1288. Birth of Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605 in 1291. Death of Alexander Comyn 1835 in 1305. Death of Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in 1320. SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, CONCRAIG Death of John Drummond 3403 in 1373. SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, INVERUGIE Birth of Gilbert Keith 1130 in 1456. Birth of Margaret Sinclair [Keith] 1041 in 1477.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, INVERUGIE (Continued) Death of Gilbert Keith 1130 in 1490. SCOTLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, LUDQUHAIRN Birth of Daughter Keith [Ogston] 1131 in 1459. SCOTLAND, ANGUSSHIRE, DRUMGLASS Death of John Stewart 3392. Death of John Stewart 3350 in 1412. SCOTLAND, ARDGOWAN Birth of Elizabeth Stewart [Graham] 3351 in 1347. SCOTLAND, ARGYLE, ARDMORE Death of Alexander Ross 807. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, CALDWELL Death of Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340. Death of John Mure 3394 in 1430. Death of John Mure 3339 in 1538. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, CARRICK Birth of Robert De Brusse 2730 in 1036. Birth of Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in 1282. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, COWAL, KILMUN Death of Duncan Campbell 3362 in 1453. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, GLENORCHY Birth of James Cunningham 3249 in 1550. Birth of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250 in 1552. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, GLENURCHY Death of Colin Campbell 3301. Birth of Colin Campbell 3301 in 1480. Birth of Colin Campbell 3271 in 1515. Death of Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272 between 1580 and 1589. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, LOCHOW Birth of Colin Campbell 3390 in 1344. Birth of Mariota Campbell 3391 in 1348. Death of Colin Campbell 3390 in 1413. Death of Mariota Campbell 3391 in 1420. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, LOCHOWE Birth of Duncan Campbell 3362 in 1370. SCOTLAND, ARGYLLSHIRE, LORN, GLENORCHY Birth of Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in 1421. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in 1580. SCOTLAND, ARYSHIRE, KILBERNIE Birth of David Crawford 3215 in 1625. SCOTLAND, AUCHINAMES REFREW Death of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in 1580. Death of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in 1580. SCOTLAND, AYERSHIRE, KILBIRNIE Death of Lawrence Crawford 3265. Death of Robert Crawford 3289 in 1513.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, AYERSHIRE, KILBIRNIE (Continued) Birth of Margaret Cunningham 3224 in 1597. Death of Margaret Cunningham 3224 in 1631. Death of Malcolm Crawford 3233 in 1659. SCOTLAND, AYR, ARDROSSAN Marriage of John Montgomery 3371 and Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372. Birth of John Montgomery 3371 in 1362. Birth of Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372 in 1368. Birth of Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in 1390. Marriage of Thomas Boyd 3411 and Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in 1404. SCOTLAND, AYR, AUCHENAMES Birth of Reginald Crawford 3379 in 1317. Birth of Reginald Crawford 3380 in 1329. Marriage of Reginald Crawford 3379 and Reginald Crawford 3380 in 1349. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3356 in 1350. Birth of Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357 in 1365. Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3356 and Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357 in 1385. Birth of Archibald Crawford 3344 in 1389. Marriage of Archibald Crawford 3344 and Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345 in 1425. Birth of Robert Crawford 3337 in 1435. Marriage of Robert Crawford 3337 and Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338 in 1469. Birth of James Crawford 3305 in 1470. Birth of James Crawford 3321 in 1470. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3281 in 1505. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3273 in 1505. Birth of William Crawford 3255 in 1530. Birth of Patrick Crauford 3251 in 1530. Marriage of William Crawford 3255 and Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256 in 1554. Birth of William Crauford 3236 in 1560. Marriage of Patrick Crawford 3225 and Jane Crawford 3226 in 1606. SCOTLAND, AYR, AUCHINAMES Death of Jane Crawford 3226. Death of Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252. Death of William Crauford 3236. Death of Patrick Crauford 3251. Death of Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256. Birth of Patrick Crawford 3225 in 1580. Death of William Crawford 3255 in 1582. Death of Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in 1642. Death of Patrick Crawford 3225 in 1649/1. SCOTLAND, AYR, CAPRINGTON Marriage of John Cunningham 3327 and Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328 between 1513 and 1515. Birth of Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284 in 1520. SCOTLAND, AYR, CROSBY Death of Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239. Death of James Crawford 3238. SCOTLAND, AYR, GADGIRTH Birth of James Chalmers 3325 in 1486. Birth of Ms. Chalmers [Boyd] 3326 in 1490. Marriage of James Chalmers 3325 and Ms. Chalmers [Boyd] 3326 in 1510. Birth of James Chalmers 3283 in 1511. Marriage of James Chalmers 3283 and Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284 in 1534. Birth of Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256 in 1535.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, AYR, HAZLEHEAD Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3273 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in 1524. Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3281 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in 1524. SCOTLAND, AYR, HOLMSTONE Birth of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286 in 1517. Birth of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298 in 1517. SCOTLAND, AYR, KILWINNING, EGLINTON Death of Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton] 3408 in 1398. SCOTLAND, AYR, KNOLE Birth of Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252 in 1535. SCOTLAND, AYR, LOUDOUN Birth of Giles Cuninghame [Campbell] 3318 in 1482. SCOTLAND, AYRESHIRE, KILBERNIE Birth of Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266 in 1515. Birth of Hugh Crawford 3247 in 1540. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, ARDROSSAN Birth of Alexander Montgomery 3352 in 1403. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, BEITH, HESSILHEAD Death of Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3324. Death of Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3308. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, CAPRINGTON Birth of John Cunningham 3327 in 1490. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, DUNDONALD, DUNDONALD CASTLE Death of Robert Stewart 3401. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, DUNDONALD, ROTHSAY CASTLE Death of Robert Stewart 3384. Death of Robert Stewart 3368. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, DUNDONALD Birth of Robert Stewart 3368 in 1337. Birth of Robert Stewart 3384 in 1337. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, HAZLEHEAD Birth of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in 1490. Death of Hugh Montgomerie 3323 in 1490. Death of Hugh Montgomerie 3307 in 1490. Birth of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in 1490. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILBIRNIE, KILBIRNIE Marriage of Robert Crawford 3289 and Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILBIRNIE Birth of Robert Crawford 3289 in 1480. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290 in 1485. Birth of Lawrence Crawford 3265 in 1504. Birth of Malcolm Crawford 3233 in 1574. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILMARNOCK, ROWALLAN Birth of Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402 in 1320.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILMARNOCK Birth of Catherine Lyle 3414 in 1387. Birth of Andrew Lyle 3413 in 1387. Birth of Isabell Boyd 3374 in 1395. Marriage of Andrew Lyle 3413 and Catherine Lyle 3414 in 1403. Birth of Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353 in 1413. Birth of Robert Boyd 3295 in 1517. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILWINNING, EGLINGTON Death of Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372 in 1443. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILWINNING, EGLINTON CASTLE Birth of Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton] 3408 in 1340. Birth of Alexander Montgomerie 3341 in 1425. Death of John Montgomery 3371 in 1429. Death of Alexander Montgomery 3352 in 1470. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KILWINNING, EGLINTON Death of John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 in 1401. Death of Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342 in 1448. Death of Alexander Montgomerie 3341 in 1452. Birth of Hugh Montgomerie 3307 in 1453. Birth of Hugh Montgomerie 3323 in 1453. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KYLE, DISPENSATION Marriage of Robert Stewart 3368 and Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369. Marriage of Robert Stewart 3384 and Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385. Marriage of Robert Stewart 3401 and Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, KYLE, DUNDONALD Birth of Robert Stewart 3401. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE, LOUDOUN Birth of Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328 in 1501. SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE Birth of William Graham 3405 in 1395. Marriage of Malcolm Crawford 3233 and Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in 1590. SCOTLAND, BALFRON Birth of Hugh Campbell 3291 in 1840. SCOTLAND, BALLOCH Death of Colin Campbell 3271. SCOTLAND, BALNAGOWN Birth of David Ross 1035 in 1485. SCOTLAND, BERWICK, HALIBURTON Birth of John Haliburton 2086 in 1313. SCOTLAND, BERWICKSHIRE, HALIBURTON Death of Adam Haliburton 2203. Birth of Adam Haliburton 2203 in 1260. SCOTLAND, BERWICKSHIRE, NISBET Death of John Haliburton 2086 between 1355 and 1358. SCOTLAND, BOTHWELL Birth of Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383 in 1350.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, BOWDEN STOW Birth of Agnes Harvie [Armstrong] 413 in 1668. SCOTLAND, BOWDEN Birth of Adam Harvie 412 in 1663. SCOTLAND, BUTESHIRE, ISLE ARRAN Marriage of James Hamilton 3331 and Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332. SCOTLAND, CAITHNESS, DUNBEATH CASTLE Death of Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129 in 1480. SCOTLAND, CAITHNESS, DUNBEATH Birth of Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129 in 1436. SCOTLAND, CAITHNESS Birth of William Sinclair 1128 in 1408. SCOTLAND, CALDER Birth of John Campbell 809. SCOTLAND, CATCUME Death of William De Borthwick 3419 in 1414. SCOTLAND, CENTRAL, STIRLING, BANNOCKBURN Death of Robert De Clifford 1767. SCOTLAND, CRAWFORD JOHN Death of Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290 in 1509. SCOTLAND, DUMBARTON Death of John Colquhoun 3388. Birth of John Colquhoun 3388 in 1370. Death of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 in 1537/1. SCOTLAND, DUMBARTONSHIRE, INCHMURRIN Marriage of John Colquhoun 3388 and Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in 1411. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, ANNAN Death of Robert De Brusse 2730 in 1081. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, CAERLAVEROCK CASTLE Death of Herbert Maxwell 3409. Birth of Herbert Maxwell 3409 in 1366. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, GALLOWAY, WIGHTOWN Birth of Patrick Houston 3313 in 1500. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, GLENCAIRN Death of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298. Death of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270. Death of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286. Death of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258. Birth of William Cunningham 3329 in 1493. Birth of Alexander Cunningham 3297 in 1510. Birth of Alexander Cunningham 3285 in 1510. Marriage of Alexander Cunningham 3285 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286 in 1526. Marriage of Alexander Cunningham 3297 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298 in 1526. Birth of William Cunningham 3269 in 1532. Birth of William Cunningham 3257 in 1532.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, KIRKPATRICK Birth of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3300 in 1502. Birth of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288 in 1502. Death of Robert Crichton 3335 in 1513. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, NITHSDALE, DALSWINTON Birth of Katherine Maxwell [Stewart] 3410 in 1366. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, NITHSDALE, GLENCAIRN Birth of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3314 in 1488. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, SANQUAR Birth of Marion Crichton [Maxwell] 3336 in 1485/4. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, SANQUHAR Birth of Robert Crichton 3335 in 1472. Marriage of Robert Crichton 3335 and Marion Crichton [Maxwell] 3336 in 1491. SCOTLAND, DUMFRIESHIRE, GLENCAIRN Death of Alexander Cunningham 3285. Death of Alexander Cunningham 3297. Death of William Cunningham 3329 in 1548/3. SCOTLAND, DUNBARTONSHIRE, COLQUHOUN Birth of Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294 in 1510. SCOTLAND, DUNBARTONSHIRE, LUSS Marriage of John Colquhoun 3267 and Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268. Death of John Colquhoun 3267. Birth of Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in 1402. Death of Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in 1411. Birth of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 in 1495. Marriage of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 and Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294 in 1515. Birth of John Colquhoun 3267 in 1523. Marriage of Robert Boyd 3295 and Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 in 1535. Birth of Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268 in 1543. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun] 3248 in 1574. SCOTLAND, DUNTREATH Death of Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun] 3248. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, CLAN FENTON Birth of Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197 in 1260. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, DIRLETON CASTLE Birth of William De Vaux 3417 in 1298. Birth of Beatrice Hepburn [De Vaux] 3376 in 1345. Death of William De Vaux 3417 in 1364. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, DIRLETON Marriage of Henry St Clair 1920 and Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in 1371. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, DUNBAR CASTLE Birth of Agnes Dunbar 3416 in 1324. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, GIFFORD, YESTER CASTLE Birth of Janet Jean Haya [Gifford] 3422 in 1344. SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, PRESTONKIRK, HAILES CASTLE Birth of Patrick Hepburn 3415 in 1322. Birth of Patrick Hepburn 3375 in 1338.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, PRESTONKIRK, HAILES CASTLE (Continued) Birth of Adam Hepburn 3354 in 1382. Death of Patrick Hepburn 3415 in 1402. Birth of Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342 in 1430. Death of Adam Hepburn 3354 in 1446. SCOTLAND, EASTLOTHIAN, DIRLETON Birth of Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in 1355. SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH, PINKIE Death of James Gordon 3287. Death of James Gordon 3299. SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH Death of Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268. Death of James Pettigrew 533 in 1658. Birth of Robert Wilson 323 in 1669. Birth of Robert Wilson 321 in 1669. SCOTLAND, ENDINGURGH Marriage of James Pettigrew 533 and Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff] 534 in 1658/1. SCOTLAND, FIFE, BALVENY Marriage of Colin Campbell 3301 and Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302 in 1508. SCOTLAND, FIFE, CLAN, ARGYLL Marriage of Archibald Douglas 3358 and Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in 1390. SCOTLAND, FIFE, DALKEITH Death of Agnes Dunbar 3416 in 1378/10. SCOTLAND, FIFE, FERNE Marriage of Alexander Ross 807 and Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808 in 1533. SCOTLAND, FIFE, KINCADINE Death of Mariota Graham [Oliphant] 3406 in 1412. SCOTLAND, FIFE, KIRKCALDY Death of Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266 in 1566. Death of Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in 1604. SCOTLAND, FIFE, RAVENSCRAIG Marriage of William Sinclair 1128 and Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129. SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, BALVENY Birth of Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302 in 1490. SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, CREICH Birth of Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332 in 1486. SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, DUNFERMLINE, DUNFERMLINE Birth of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406 between 1080 and 1084. Birth of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 between 1080 and 1084. SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, DUNFERMLINE Birth of Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in 1370. SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, KIRKCALDY, RAVENSCRAIG CASTLE Death of William Sinclair 1128 in 1480.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, FIFESHIRE, RAVENSCRAIG Birth of William Sinclair 1040 in 1459. SCOTLAND, FLODDEN Death of Adam Mure 3348 in 1513. SCOTLAND, FORFARSHIRE Death of Thomas De Grey 1578 in 1310. SCOTLAND, GALLOWAY, CARRICK Marriage of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 and Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790 in 1034. SCOTLAND, GALLOWAY, GALLOWAY, THRIEVE CASTLE Death of Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in 1456. SCOTLAND, GLASGOW, GREENOCK EASTER Death of Malcolm Galbraith 3381 in 1388. SCOTLAND, GLASGOW, METROPOLITAN CHURCH Death of Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 between 1601 and 1608. SCOTLAND, GLENS Birth of Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 in 1525. SCOTLAND, GOVAN, SMITH Death of Hugh Campbell 3291. SCOTLAND, HADDINGTONSHIRE, YESTER CASTLE Death of Thomas Haya 3421 in 1397. SCOTLAND, HENRIESTOUN Death of John Stewart 3311. SCOTLAND, INCHMOHOMO Birth of John Drummond 3403 in 1326. SCOTLAND, INVERNESS-SHIRE, BEAULY, PRIORY Death of Thomas Fraser 3309. SCOTLAND, INVERNESS-SHIRE, BEAULY Birth of Thomas Fraser 3275 in 1489. SCOTLAND, INVERNESS-SHIRE, KNOCKIE Death of Margaret Fraser [Stuart] 3276. Death of Thomas Fraser 3275 in 1500. SCOTLAND, INVERNESS-SHIRE, LOCHIEL Birth of John De Cameron 2207 in 1260. Birth of John De Cameron 2208 in 1269. Marriage of John De Cameron 2207 and John De Cameron 2208 in 1289. Birth of Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 2089 in 1292. SCOTLAND, INVERNESS-SHIRE, LOVAT Death of Janet Fraser [Gray] 3310. Birth of Thomas Fraser 3309 in 1460. SCOTLAND, INVERUGIE Birth of Keith Unknown 1127. SCOTLAND, ISLE SKYE Birth of James Anderson 3434.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, DUNROD Birth of Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365 in 1424. Marriage of John Mure 3364 and Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365 in 1445. SCOTLAND, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, GALLOWAY, BARONY LOCHINVAR Death of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3300 in 1535. Death of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288 in 1535. SCOTLAND, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, GALLOWAY, LOCHINVAR Marriage of William Cunningham 3269 and Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270. Death of Marion Gordon [Accarson] 3334. Marriage of William Cunningham 3257 and Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258. Birth of Robert Gordon 3333 in 1475. Death of Robert Gordon 3333 between 1525 and 1526. SCOTLAND, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, GLEN Birth of Marion Gordon [Accarson] 3334 in 1478. SCOTLAND, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHR, DALRY, LOCHINVAR Birth of James Gordon 3299 in 1500. Birth of James Gordon 3287 in 1500. SCOTLAND, LANARKSHIRE, AIRTH Birth of Janet Livingston [Bruce] 3320 in 1484. SCOTLAND, LANARKSHIRE, BOTHWELL Marriage of Archibald Douglas 3382 and Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383. SCOTLAND, LANARKSHIRE, DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS CASTLE Death of Archibald Douglas 3382. Birth of Archibald Douglas 3358 in 1370. SCOTLAND, LANARKSHIRE, DOUGLAS Birth of Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345 in 1394. SCOTLAND, LANARKSHIRE, HAMILTON Birth of James Hamilton 3331 in 1475. SCOTLAND, LINLITHGOW, ELIOTSTOUN Birth of Thomas Semphill 3366 in 1420. SCOTLAND, LINLITHGOW, ELIOTSTOWN Birth of Marion Stewart [Semple] 3312 in 1460. SCOTLAND, LINLITHGOW, ELISTON Birth of Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in 1456. SCOTLAND, LINLITHGOW Birth of Gilchrist Mohr 850. SCOTLAND, LOTHIAN, MID, ROSSLYN CASTLE Birth of William St Clair 2082 in 1313. SCOTLAND, LOTHIAN, PINKIE Death of Gabriel Cuninghame 3279. SCOTLAND, MID-LOTHIAN, EDINBURGH, EDINBURGH CASTLE Death of Margaret Atheling 2517. Death of Margaret Atheling 2693.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, BORTHWICK CASTLE Birth of William Borthwick 3377 in 1355. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, BORTHWICK Birth of William De Borthwick 3419 in 1329. Birth of Willliam De Borthwick 3420 in 1331. Marriage of William De Borthwick 3419 and Willliam De Borthwick 3420 in 1350. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, DIRLETON Death of William Vaux 2205. Birth of William Vaux 2206 in 1289. Marriage of William Vaux 2205 and William Vaux 2206 in 1309. Birth of Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 in 1312. Marriage of John Haliburton 2086 and Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 in 1332. Birth of John Halyburton 2020 in 1335. Marriage of John Halyburton 2020 and Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 in 1354. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, EDINBURGH, ROSSLYN CASTLE Birth of William St Clair 2018 in 1328. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, EDINBURGHSHIRE, EDINBURGH Marriage of John Sinclair 909 and Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 in 1527. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, GOREBRIDGE, LOCHORWART CASTLE Birth of Thomas Haya 3421 in 1354. Birth of Ms. Borthwick [De Hay] 3378 in 1372. Birth of Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355 in 1388. Death of William Borthwick 3377 in 1450. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, ROSLIN, CASTLE ROSSLYN Birth of Henry St Clair 1920 in 1345. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, ROSLIN, ROSSLYN CASTLE Birth of Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 about 1375. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, ROSLIN Birth of Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083 in 1285. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, ROSLYNN Death of Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in 1400. SCOTLAND, MIDLOTHIAN, WHYTBANK Death of James Hopringle 3315 in 1563/11. Death of Margaret Hopringle [Ker] 3316 in 1589. SCOTLAND, MORAYSHIRE, ALTYRE Birth of Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in 1256. Marriage of Alexander Comyn 1835 and Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in 1276. SCOTLAND, MORAYSHIRE, DUFFUS Birth of Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126 about 1440. Birth of Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 in 1488. SCOTLAND, NAIRN, CALDER Birth of Marian Ross [Campbell] 647 in 1561. SCOTLAND, ORKNEY ISLANDS, STENNESS, SOMERSDALE Death of John Sinclair 909. SCOTLAND, ORKNEY, ISLANDS, PAPA STRONSAY Death of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 in 1046/12.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, ORKNEY, ISLANDS Birth of Earl Strathearn Malise 2199 in 1258. Marriage of Hugh Ross 2201 and Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in 1308. SCOTLAND, ORKNEY, ORKNEY ISLANDS Marriage of William St Clair 2018 and Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019. Death of Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790. Birth of Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 in 837. Birth of Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 in 848. Death of Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 in 892. Death of I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in 894. Birth of Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790 in 1015. Death of William St Clair 2018 in 1358. Death of Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 on 1 February 1421. SCOTLAND, ORKNEY Birth of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 in 1011. Death of Henry St Clair 1920 in 1404. SCOTLAND, PERTH, ABERDALGY Birth of Mariota Graham [Oliphant] 3406 in 1397. SCOTLAND, PERTH, ATHOLL Birth of Malcolm Canmore 2516 in 1033. Birth of Malcolm Canmore 2692 in 1033. SCOTLAND, PERTH, BALLEGARNO CASTLE Birth of John Cameron 2088. SCOTLAND, PERTH, BALLEGARNO Death of John Cameron 2088. SCOTLAND, PERTH, BALLEYARNO Birth of Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 in 1338. SCOTLAND, PERTH, CARGILL, STOBHALL Birth of Mary Montifex 3404 in 1330. Birth of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385 in 1350. Birth of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in 1350. SCOTLAND, PERTH, FOULIS Birth of Jean Ross [Munro] 1918. Birth of Janet Fraser [Gray] 3310 in 1470. SCOTLAND, PERTH, GOWRIE Marriage of William Ruthven 3303 and Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in 1519. SCOTLAND, PERTH, ISLAND LOCHTAY Death of Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302. SCOTLAND, PERTH, KYNARD Death of Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in 1560. SCOTLAND, PERTH, KYNNARD Death of William Ruthven 3303. Birth of William Ruthven 3303 in 1500. Birth of Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in 1510. Birth of Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272 in 1525.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, PERTH, PERTH Marriage of James Cunningham 3249 and Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250. SCOTLAND, PERTH, RUSKY Birth of Joan Menteith 2200 in 1320. SCOTLAND, PERTH, SCONE Death of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in 1401. Death of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385 in 1401. SCOTLAND, PERTH, STRATHEARN Birth of Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019 in 1338. Death of Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 in 1350. SCOTLAND, REFREW, AUCHINAMES Death of Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357. Death of Elizabeth Mure 3306. Death of Elizabeth Mure 3322. Death of Thomas Crawford 3273 in 1535. Death of Thomas Crawford 3281 in 1535. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, AYR, CALDWELL Birth of John Mure 3394 in 1390. Birth of Mrs John Mure 3395 about 1400. Birth of John Mure 3364 in 1423. Birth of Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400 in 1428. Birth of Adam Mure 3348 in 1454. Marriage of Adam Mure 3348 and Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in 1465. Birth of John Mure 3339 in 1478. Birth of Elizabeth Mure 3306 in 1508. Birth of Elizabeth Mure 3322 in 1508. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, CATHCART Birth of Margaret Sempill [Cathcart] 3398 in 1422. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, CRAIGEND Birth of Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 in 1504. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, CRAIGENDS Birth of William Cuninghame 3317 in 1495. Marriage of Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 and Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280 in 1529. Birth of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254 in 1529. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, CRAIGNAUGHT HILL Death of Thomas Boyd 3373. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, DARNLEY Birth of John Stewart 3311 in 1460. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, EAGLESHAM Birth of John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 in 1338. Death of Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353 in 1453. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, EASTERN GREENOCK Birth of Malcolm Galbraith 3381 in 1315. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, ELIOTSTOUN Death of Elizabeth Ross 3367. Birth of William Sempill 3397 in 1420. Death of Margaret Sempill [Cathcart] 3398 in 1445.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, ERSKINE Birth of Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in 1350. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, HAWKHEAD Birth of Elizabeth Ross 3367 in 1447. Death of Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400 in 1491. Death of John Ross 3399 in 1501. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, HOUSTON, THAT ILK Birth of Patrick Houston 3360 in 1400. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, HOUSTON Marriage of Patrick Houston 3253 and Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254. Birth of John Houston 3346 in 1430. Marriage of John Houston 3346 and Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in 1434. Birth of Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338 in 1436. Death of Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in 1456. Death of Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in 1456. Marriage of Patrick Houston 3313 and Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3314 in 1501. Birth of Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278 in 1507. Marriage of John Houstoun 3277 and Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278 in 1527. Birth of Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in 1565. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, HOUSTOUN Death of Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278. Death of Patrick Houston 3360 in 1450. Death of John Houston 3346 in 1456. Birth of John Houstoun 3277 in 1503. Birth of Patrick Houston 3253 in 1529. Death of John Houstoun 3277 in 1542. Marriage of William Crauford 3236 and Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in 1587. Death of Patrick Houston 3253 in 1600. Death of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254 in 1607. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, INVERKIP, ARDGOWAN Death of Margaret Stewart 3363. Birth of Margaret Stewart 3363. Birth of John Stewart 3392 in 1362. Birth of John Stewart 3350 in 1368. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, KILMARNOCK Death of Thomas Boyd 3411. Birth of Thomas Boyd 3411 in 1385. Birth of Thomas Boyd 3373 in 1405. Death of Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in 1469. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, PAISLEY, PAISLEY CHAPLE Death of Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402 in 1355. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE, PAISLEY, RUMANOCH Birth of John De Houston 3386 in 1355. SCOTLAND, RENFREWSHIRE Marriage of Patrick Houston 3360 and Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in 1419. SCOTLAND, ROSS-SHIRE, DINGWALL, TULLOCH CASTLE Birth of John Ross 3399 in 1425. SCOTLAND, ROSS AND CROMARTY, BALNAGOUN Death of David Ross 507. Death of George Ross 646.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, ROSS AND CROMARTY, BALNAGOUN (Continued) Birth of Walter Ross 907 in 1490. Birth of Marian Ross [Grant] 908 in 1493. Birth of Alexander Ross 807 in 1516. Birth of George Ross 646 in 1557. Birth of David Ross 507 in 1582. SCOTLAND, ROSS AND CROMARTY, ROSS, BALNAGOUN Birth of Alexander Ross 1125 in 1440. SCOTLAND, ROSS AND CROMARTY, ROSS, FEARN Birth of Hugh Ross 2201 in 1275. Birth of Malise Of Strathern 2084 in 1299. Birth of Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 in 1302. SCOTLAND, ROSS CROMARTY, FEARN, ABBEY Death of Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in 1323. SCOTLAND, ROSS CROMARTY, FOULIS, CONTR Marriage of Colin Campbell 3271 and Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272. SCOTLAND, ROSSLYN CASTLE Death of Henry St Clair 2196 in 1323. SCOTLAND, ROXBURGHE, CESSFORD, LINTON Birth of Margaret Hopringle [Ker] 3316 in 1567. SCOTLAND, ROXBURGHSHIRE, BOWDEN Birth of John Harvie 312 in 1700. SCOTLAND, ROXBURGHSHIRE, BROXMOUTH Death of Mrs John Grey 1784. Death of John Grey 1783 in 1267. SCOTLAND, ROXBURGHSHIRE, HERMISTON Birth of Archibald Douglas 3382 in 1325. Death of Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383 in 1409. SCOTLAND, SAUCHEIBURN Death of Thomas Semphill 3366. SCOTLAND, SELKIRKSHIRE, SMAILHOLM Birth of James Hopringle 3315 in 1445. SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE, CAITHNESS Birth of Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808 in 1519. SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE, GARGANNOCK Birth of Margaret Kay 313 in 1684. SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE, GARGUNNOCK Birth of John Harvie 240. SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE, KILSYTH Marriage of William Livingston 3319 and Janet Livingston [Bruce] 3320. Birth of William Livingston 3319 in 1480. Birth of Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280 in 1510. SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE, LENNOX Birth of Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340 in 1482. Marriage of John Mure 3339 and Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340 in 1503.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SCOTLAND, SUTHERLAND, LOCHINVER Marriage of Robert Gordon 3333 and Marion Gordon [Accarson] 3334. Birth of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270 in 1528. Birth of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258 in 1528. Birth of Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239 in 1557. Death of William Cunningham 3257 in 1580. Death of William Cunningham 3269 in 1580. SCOTLAND, SUTHERLANDS Birth of Ms. Ross [Sutherland] 1364. SCOTLAND, WEST LOTHIAN, BONESS, KINNEIL HOUSE Death of Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332 in 1522. Death of James Hamilton 3331 in 1529. SCOTLAND Birth of Lady Margaret Mohr [Stewart] 536. Death of Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294. Birth of Sir Reginal Mohr 678. Birth of Hugh Ross 1917. Birth of Paul Macintyre 1919. Birth of William Ross 1656. Death of Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355. Birth of Catherine Ross [Macintyre] 1657. Birth of Mrs John Grey 1784 in 1229. Birth of Henry St Clair 2196 in 1283. Death of John Halyburton 2020 in 1402. Death of Mary Montifex 3404 in 1424. Birth of Andrew Ross 1037 in 1450. Birth of Ms. Helena 1036 in 1460. Death of William Sempill 3397 between 1480 and 1487. Death of Walter Ross 907 in 1528. Death of Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 in 1531. Death of Sir Reginal Mohr 678 in 1531. Birth of Thomas Lindsay 3498 in 1557. Birth of Richard Kennen 731 in 1600. Birth of Jonet Kennen [Boyse] 732 in 1600. Death of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250 between 1610 and 1616. Birth of Col. John Wilson 251 in 1701. SEE NOTE PAGE Death of Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 in 1546/6. SEEKING INFO Death of Dorothea Christina Von Schlegel [Hertel] 479. SICILY, MESSINA Death of Guillaume Taillefer 2552. Death of Guillaume Taillefer 2278. SICILY, PALERMO Death of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 in 1209/2. Death of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 in 1209/2. SOR TRONDELAAG, TRONDHEIM Death of Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in 785. SOUTH CAROLINA Birth of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 about 1815.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SPAIN, ACCEDED, CASTILE Birth of Ferdinand Castile 1937 in 1200. SPAIN, ANDALUC, MALAGA, TEBA Death of William St Clair 2082. SPAIN, BARCELONA, BARCELONA Death of Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579. Birth of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 in 1180. Birth of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 in 1180. SPAIN, BARCELONA Marriage of Jaime I Mallorc 2053 and Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054. Birth of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2541 in 1116. Birth of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291 in 1116. SPAIN, BURGOS, BURGOS, LAS HUELGAS Death of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309. Death of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163. Death of Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2139. SPAIN, BURGOS, BURGOS Death of Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048. Marriage of Edward I Plantagenet 1821 and Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 in 1244. SPAIN, BURGOS, HUELGAS Death of Alfonso Sanchez 2308. Death of Alfonso Sanchez 2138. Death of Alfonso Sanchez 2162. SPAIN, BURGOS Marriage of Alfonso Sanchez 2162 and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2163. Marriage of Alfonso Sanchez 2308 and Eleanor Sanchez [Plantagenet] 2309. SPAIN, CASTILE-LEON, VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID Marriage of Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 and Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 in 1197. SPAIN, CASTILE Birth of Alfonso Sanchez 2138. Birth of Alfonso Raimundez 2290. Death of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2343. Marriage of William Ponthieu 2142 and Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143. Birth of Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315. Death of Sancho Alfonsez 2342. Birth of Alfonso Sanchez 2162. Death of Sancho Alfonsez 2294. Death of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2295. Death of Sancho Alfonsez 2419. Birth of Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2283. Death of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420. Birth of Alfonso Raimundez 2540. Birth of Alfonso Sanchez 2308. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2294 in 1135. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2419 in 1135. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2342 in 1135. Birth of Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 in 1181. Death of Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 in 1221. SPAIN, HUESCA, HUESCA Birth of Alphonso The Chaste 2282.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SPAIN, HUESCA, HUESCA (Continued) Birth of Alphonso The Chaste 2314. SPAIN, HUESCA Death of Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054. Death of Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in 1080. SPAIN, JAEN, JAEN, MONASTERIO DE JAEN Death of Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2283. Death of Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315. SPAIN, LEON, PALENCIA Death of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2541. Death of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291. SPAIN, LEON, ST MICHAEL EN LHERM Death of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 between 1043 and 1044. SPAIN, LEON, ZAMORA Birth of Alfonso The Slobberer 2047. SPAIN, LEON Death of Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137. Birth of King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 in 1137. SPAIN, LUGO, VILLANEUVA DE SARRIA Death of Alfonso The Slobberer 2047. SPAIN, NAVARRE, PAMPLONA Death of Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 2543. SPAIN, NAVARRE Birth of Garcias V Ramirez 2542 in 1099. Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2295 in 1133. Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420 in 1133. Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2343 in 1133. SPAIN, SAINT JACQUES-DE-COMPOSTELLE Death of William X Toulousan 2550. Death of William X Toulousan 2276. Death of William X Toulousan 2546. SPAIN, SEVILLA, SEVILLE Death of Ferdinand Castile 1937. SPAIN, TOLEDO, SEVILLE, LORCA DE NAVARRA Death of Garcias V Ramirez 2542. SPAIN, VALENCIA, VALENCIA Death of Jaime I Mallorc 2053. SPAIN, ZARAGOZA, ZARAGOZA Marriage of Alphonso The Chaste 2282 and Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2283. Marriage of Alphonso The Chaste 2314 and Sanchia Chaste [Castile] 2315. Birth of Pedro King Aragon 2148 in 1185. SPAIN Birth of Winithar Ostragoths 3147 in 345. Death of King Gonderic 3122 in 426. Birth of Ms. Goths [Eurica] 3104 in 465.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] ST MICHAEL Death of Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156. STOTLAND, AYR, CALDWELL Death of John Mure 3364 in 1492. SWEDEN, KING DENMARK Death of Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in 660. SWEDEN, SOLISLES, SOLEYUM Birth of Halfdan Solfasson 3044 in 660. Birth of Halfdan Solfasson 3048 in 660. SWEDEN, SVITJOD Death of Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in 481. Death of Alrek Agnasson 3128 in 536. SWEDEN, UPPSALA, AM Birth of Alf Olafsson 3058 in 580. Birth of Alf Olafsson 3059 in 585. Marriage of Alf Olafsson 3058 and Alf Olafsson 3059 in 613. Birth of Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in 614. SWEDEN, UPPSULA, UPPSULA Birth of Alrek Agnasson 3128 in 445. Death of Aun Jorundsson 3081 in 544. SWEDEN Birth of Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in 449. Marriage of Alrek Agnasson 3128 and Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in 465. Birth of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 in 466. Birth of Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in 470. Marriage of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 and Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in 486. Birth of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 in 487. Birth of Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in 491. Marriage of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 and Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in 508. Birth of Aun Jorundsson 3081 in 509. Death of Halfdan Solfasson 3044 in 750. Death of Halfdan Solfasson 3048 in 750. SWITZERLAND, BEI ZURICH, ERTZLINGEN, CITIZEN Birth of Conrad Haagen 608 in 1617. SWITZERLAND, BERN, TAUFER Birth of Ulrich Graybill 204. SWITZERLAND, GENEVA, GENEVA Death of Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288. Birth of Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 in 1130. Birth of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 in 1180. Birth of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313 in 1180. SWITZERLAND, GENVE CANTON, GENVE Death of Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in 1180. SWITZERLAND, SCHAUFFHAUSEN, BEUTTENHARDT, LOHN Marriage of Heinrich Demut 292 and Margaretha Demut [Bruelmenin] 293. Birth of Hans Heinrich Demuth 222. SWITZERLAND, SCHAUFFHAUSEN, BEUTTENHARDT Marriage of Jacob Demut 384 and Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] 385.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] SWITZERLAND, Z RICH CANTON, Z RICH Birth of Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962 in 887. SWITZERLAND, ZURICH, ERTZLINGEN Birth of Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477. Birth of Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609 in 1621. Marriage of Conrad Haagen 608 and Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609 in 1642. SWITZERLAND, ZURICH, HUENTWANGEN Birth of Lucia Demut [Bussenharthin] 385. SWITZERLAND, ZURICH, UFENAU ISLAND Death of Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962. SWITZERLAND, ZURICH Death of Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609. Death of Conrad Haagen 608. TAUNTON Birth of Sarah Read [Deane] 289 in 1691. TENNESSEE, JEFFERSON COUNTY Birth of Samuel Henry Neff 47 on 10 December 1839. TENNESSEE, MADISON COUNTY, JACKSON Death of Samuel Henry Neff 47 on 25 November 1887. TENNESSEE Birth of John S. Mitchell 91 about 1812. Birth of Alila Mitchell 92 about 1815. Birth of Martha Miller 84 about 1815. Birth of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 on 22 April 1872. TEXAS, CASS COUNTY Birth of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 1 December 1878. TEXAS, EL PASO Birth of Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 on 29 February 1952. TEXAS, HUNT Death of Alpheus Smithey 33 on 2 December 1943. TEXAS, KAUFMAN Death of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 on 15 June 1922. TEXAS Birth of Gideon P Mitchell 59 on 17 August 1851. Birth of Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 about 1860. Birth of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 on 26 August 1870. Birth of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 about 1878. Birth of Raymond Allen Gray 25 on 7 May 1898. Birth of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 on 7 October 1906. TORCASTLE Birth of Isobel Ross [MacKintosh] 648. TORQUIL Birth of Ms. Ross [MacLeod] 1259.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] TOULOUSE, ARLES Birth of Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 in 925. TUNISIA, TUNIS Death of Louis Capet 2051. TURKEY, BITHYNIA, NICEA Death of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851. Death of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720. Death of Richard Iii De Normandie 2795. Death of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568. TURKEY, CONSTANTINOPLE, CONSTANTINOPLE Death of Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 2321. Birth of Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317 in 1162. Marriage of Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 and Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in 1168. Death of John De Mowbray 1293 in 1368. TURKEY, EPIRUS Death of Pierre De Courtenay 2320 in 1219/6. TWYNHAM, CHRIST CHURCH Death of William De Reviers 2458. TX, CUMBY Birth of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 on 17 November 1900. TX, HUNT COUNTY Death of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 on 15 August 1878. Marriage of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 and Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 13 December 1896. TX, LAMAR Marriage of Joseph Allison Gray 57 and Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 16 February 1858. UKRAINE, HUN EMPIRE Birth of Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 in 375. Birth of Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in 425. UKRAINE, KIEV Birth of Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911 in 1036. UNITED KINGDOM, BISHOP CANNINGS WILTSHIRE Death of Emma Sloper 3504. Death of Emma Sloper 3506. UNITED KINGDOM, BISHOPS CANNINGS WILTSHIRE ENGLAND, BURTON Birth of Emma Sloper 3504 in 1554. Birth of Emma Sloper 3506 in 1554. UNITED KINGDOM, BISHOPS CANNINGS WILTSHIRE ENGLAND Birth of Ralph Sloper 3588 in 1415. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3533 in 1537. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3531 in 1537. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3535 in 1537. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3576 in 1537. Death of Thomas Sloper 3578 in 1541. Death of Thomas Sloper 3582 in 1541. Death of Thomas Sloper 3580 in 1541. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3530 in 1569.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] UNITED KINGDOM, ENGLAND Birth of John More 946 in 1510. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MISSOURI, HOWARD, FRANKLIN Death of John Franklin Earles 3161 on 15 September 1967. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TEXAS, DALLAS, DALLAS Death of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 on 14 December 1992. Death of Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 on 23 December 2002. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TEXAS, DALLAS, GARLAND Death of Edward Tilmon James 11 on 8 April 1995. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TEXAS, HUNT, GREENVILLE Death of Raymond Allen Gray 25 on 19 May 1984. USA, AL, DEKALB, FT PAYNE Birth of William Polk Wilson 39 on 20 March 1879. USA, ALABAMA, CHEROKEE Death of Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 in 1840. USA, ALABAMA, ETOWAH, REESEVILLE Death of Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 in 1888/5. USA, ALABAMA, FAYETTE, BOLAY SPRINGS Birth of Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. USA, ALABAMA, FAYETTE, NEWTONVILLE Death of James Poe 105 in 1827. USA, ALABAMA, FAYETTE Death of Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94. Death of James A Wilson 93. Death of Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132. Birth of James Harvey Wilson 61 on 29 April 1837. Death of James McMillan 107 in 1860. Death of Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 in 1860. Death of James Poe 69 in 1880. Death of Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 in 1886. Death of James Harvey Wilson 61 on 8 July 1900. Death of Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 on 11 November 1925. USA, ALABAMA, LAWRENCE, WALKER Death of John Abraham Randolph 101. USA, ALABAMA, LAWRENCE Marriage of John D Randolph 67 and Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68. USA, ALABAMA, MADISON, RYLAND Marriage of John Moore 174 and Martha Moore [Harvie] 175. Death of John Moore 174. Death of Martha Moore [Harvie] 175. USA, ALABAMA, MADISON Death of Frances Smithey [Norman] 50. Marriage of Isaac Kelly Norman 77 and Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78. Birth of Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78. Death of Bradford W Smithey 49. Marriage of Thomas Smith 75 and Sally Smith [Turner] 76. Birth of Bradford W Smithey 49.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, ALABAMA, MADISON (Continued) Marriage of Bradford W Smithey 49 and Frances Smithey [Norman] 50. Death of Thomas Smith 75. Death of Sally Smith [Turner] 76 in 1893. USA, ALABAMA, TUSCALOOSA Death of Turner Hamner 172. Death of Amon McMillan 150 in 1825. Death of Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 on 4 November 1833. Death of Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 in 1860. Death of John Harvey Hamner 127 in 1865. USA, ALABAMA, WALKER, CANE CREEK Birth of James J Randolph 45. Birth of Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in 1796. USA, ALABAMA, WALKER, JASPER Marriage of John Franklin James 29 and Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Birth of Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. Birth of Jessie Tillman James 19. USA, ALABAMA, WALKER Death of Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46. Death of James J Randolph 45. Death of John D Randolph 67. Death of Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102. Death of Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in 1848. USA, ALABAMA Birth of Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151 in 1748. Death of Samuel IV Earle 3187 in 1752. Birth of Albert James Wilson 53 in 1837. Birth of Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 in 1843. Marriage of James J Randolph 45 and Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 in 1853. USA, ARKANSAS, BLYTHEVILLE Marriage of Jessie Tillman James 19 and Mary Ada James [Woods] 20. USA, ARKANSAS, DENMARK Birth of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 in 456. Birth of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 in 479. Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 in 503. Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 in 503. Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 in 503. USA, ARKANSAS, POINSETT, WEONA Birth of Edward Tilmon James 11 on 2 February 1929. USA, ARKANSAS, SEBASTIAN, FT SMITH Birth of Joan Collett [May] 3450 in 1652. USA, CITY Death of Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 in 1865. USA, CONNECTICUT, FAIRFIELD, STRATFORD Birth of Humphrey Spinning 388 in 1630. USA, CONNECTICUT, GROTON Birth of Joshua Smith 160.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, CONNECTICUT, HARTFORD, GLASTONBURY Birth of John William Strickland 3674. Birth of Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675 in 1604. USA, CONNECTICUT, HARTFORD, SUFFIELD Birth of John Aaron Burleson 382. Death of Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506. Birth of Edward Burleson 505. Birth of Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291. Birth of Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506 in 1656. Death of Edward Burleson 505 in 1698/6. USA, CONNECTICUT, HARTFORD, WETHERSFIELD Birth of Abigail Hubbard 389 in 1640. USA, CONNECTICUT, HARTFORD Death of William Goffe 3614 in 1679. USA, CONNECTICUT, MIDDLEBURY Birth of John Wheaton Stone 600. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW HAVEN, GUILFORD Death of John Bishop 655. Death of George Hubbard 511. Marriage of Humphrey Spinning 388 and Abigail Hubbard 389. Death of Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512. Marriage of Humphrey Spinning 509 and Abigail Hubbard 389. Birth of Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 in 1610. Marriage of John Bishop 655 and Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in 1610. Death of Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in April 1676. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW HAVEN, NEW HAVEN Birth of George Ross 296. Marriage of George Ross 386 and Constance Ross [Little] 387. Death of Humphrey Spinning 509. Birth of Humphrey Spinning 509 in 1600. Birth of George Ross 386 in 1630. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW HAVEN Birth of John Herbert Stone 470. Death of Silvester Vitt Seving 650 in 1656. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW LONDON, FRANKLIN Death of Joshua Smith 160 in 1798. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW LONDON, GROTON Death of Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. USA, CONNECTICUT, NEW LONDON, STONINGTON Death of Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Marriage of Joshua Holmes 368 and Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369. Death of Joshua Holmes 284. Birth of Temperance Holmes 217. Death of Temperance Holmes 217. Birth of Robert Holmes 484. Birth of Joshua Holmes 368 in 1650. Death of Robert Holmes 484 in 1676. USA, CONNECTICUT, SUFFIELD Marriage of Edward Burleson 505 and Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506 in 1677.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, CONNECTICUT Death of Ellin Holmes [Bolton] 485. USA, DELAWARE, ABBAYE Death of Maude De Montgomery 2581 in 1107. USA, DELAWARE, BEATRICE Death of Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956. USA, DELAWARE, CT Marriage of Jean De Avesnes 1825 and Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 in 1270. USA, DELAWARE, KENT, MURDERKILL Death of Mary Dill 195 in 1782/11. USA, DELAWARE, KENT, WHITESLYBERG Birth of Mary Dill 195 in 1705. USA, DELAWARE, KENT Death of William Dill 194. Marriage of William Dill 194 and Mary Dill 195 in 1725. Birth of John Dill 144 in 1726/1. Birth of Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 in 1728. Marriage of John Dill 144 and Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 in 1747. Death of John Dill 267 in 1751. Birth of Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102 in 1767. USA, DELAWARE, MEWCASTLE, WILMINGTON Marriage of Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364 and Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] 365. USA, DELAWARE, NOTRE DAME Death of Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409. USA, FLORIDA Death of Malise Of Strathern 2084 in 1357. USA, GEORGIA, ATLANTA Death of John Matthews Knox 3181. USA, GEORGIA, CAMDEN Death of Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256. USA, GEORGIA, DEKALB Birth of james martin Boswell 63 on 28 January 1829. USA, GEORGIA, FLOYD Death of Richard Boswell 97 in 1850. USA, GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE Death of Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241. USA, GEORGIA Marriage of Richard Boswell 97 and Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in 1819. Death of Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in 1850. USA, ILLINOIS, BUREA Birth of Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. USA, ILLINOIS, CLARK Birth of Joel Earles 3167 in 1830.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, ILLINOIS, IROQUOIS, SPRING CREEK Death of John Flesher 42. USA, INDIANA, ALLEN Marriage of John Matthews Knox 3181 and Isabell Knox [Bay] 3182. USA, INDIANA, GIBSON, OWENSVILLE Birth of Claudea A Smith 3765. USA, INDIANA, KING Birth of Roric Slingeband 3051 in 663. Birth of Harald Hildetand 3050 in 680. USA, INDIANA Death of Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964 in 951. USA, KENTUCKY, FLEMING Death of John Ross 168 in 1812. USA, KENTUCKY, GRANT Birth of William Thomas Collins 3171. USA, KENTUCKY, LETCHER, FLEMING Death of Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169 in 1804. USA, KENTUCKY, LEWIS Death of John Heath 125 in 1813. USA, KENTUCKY, MASON Birth of Joseph Ross Gray 87 in 1802. Death of John Gray 123 in 1812. Death of Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in 1875. USA, KENTUCKY, MERCER Death of Mary Moore [Jouett] 239. USA, KENTUCKY, NICHOLAS Birth of Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in 1799. Marriage of Joseph Ross Gray 87 and Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in 1820. Death of Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 in 1825. Birth of Joseph Allison Gray 57 on 9 January 1828. USA, KENTUCKY, WARREN Death of Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262. Death of James Stringfield 261 in 1810. USA, KENTUCKY Death of Rodham Earles 3185 in 1820. USA, MAINE, BEAUMONT Birth of Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834 in 1270. USA, MAINE, FRANCE Death of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in 1099. Death of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in 1099. USA, MAINE, YORK, YORK Death of John Linscott 349. USA, MAINE, YORK Death of Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, MAINE, YORK (Continued) Birth of Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350 in 1665. Birth of Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268 in 1685. USA, MAINE Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996 in 913. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 in 913. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 in 913. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979 in 913. Birth of Elias Helie 2512 in 1060. Birth of Elias Helie 2688 in 1060. Birth of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 in 1096. Birth of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 in 1096. Death of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 in 1126. Death of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 in 1126. USA, MARYLAND, ANNE ARUNDEL Death of George Norman 492. Birth of Thomas Odell 245. Birth of Johanna Norman [Newman] 493 in 1644. USA, MARYLAND, BALTIMORE, MIDDLE FORK GUNPOWDER Birth of Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 in 1744. USA, MARYLAND, BALTIMORE, ST PAULS PARISH Birth of Phoebe McMillan 201. Birth of Alexander McMillan 200 in 1706. USA, MARYLAND, BALTIMORE Death of Johanna Norman [Newman] 493. USA, MARYLAND, CALVERT, CHRIST PAR Marriage of Salathiel Goff 3591 and Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592. Birth of Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592 in 1753. Death of John Gray 3595 in 1764. USA, MARYLAND, CALVERT Death of Alice Sharp 3618. Death of Ann Gray [Brome] 3596. Death of Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603. Death of Margaret Gray 3601. Death of Winifred Margaret Broome [Jones] 3620. Marriage of Henry Broome Brome 3602 and Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603. Marriage of Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 and Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613. Marriage of John Gray 3600 and Margaret Gray 3601. Death of George Gray 3608. Birth of Winifred Margaret Broome [Jones] 3620. Death of Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611. Birth of John Gray 3617. Death of Elizabeth Sheredine 3624. Birth of John Calvert Broome 3610. Death of Thomas Sheredine 3623 in 1677. Birth of Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613 in 1685. Marriage of John Calvert Broome 3610 and Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in 1702. Birth of John Gray 3600 in 1710. Birth of Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603 in 1710. Death of Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 in 1726. Death of Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613 in 1728. Death of John Broome 3619 in 1730. Birth of John Gray 3595 in 1730. Birth of Ann Gray [Brome] 3596 in 1735.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, MARYLAND, CALVERT (Continued) Death of Elizabeth Denwood 3622 in 1736. Death of John Calvert Broome 3610 in 1738. Death of John Gray 3617 in 1739. Death of John Gray 3600 in 1739. Marriage of John Gray 3595 and Ann Gray [Brome] 3596 in 1753. Birth of George Gray 3608 in 1760. USA, MARYLAND, CECIL Birth of Anne Tolson 373 in 1607. Marriage of George Norman 492 and Johanna Norman [Newman] 493 in 1664. USA, MARYLAND, CHRIST CHURCH PARISH Birth of John Broome 3619. USA, MARYLAND, DORCESTER Birth of Henry Hooper 3621 in 1643. USA, MARYLAND, DORCHESTER Death of Henry Hooper 3621 in 1720. USA, MARYLAND, FENSTANTON, HUNTINGTON Birth of Ms. Lindsey 3499 in 1577. USA, MARYLAND, FREDERICK, MONACOCY Birth of Jacob Neff 152 in 1742. USA, MARYLAND, FREDERICK Death of William Ray 443 in 1760. USA, MARYLAND, KENT, WHARTON CREEK Death of Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in 1687/11. USA, MARYLAND, KENT Death of Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in 1687. USA, MARYLAND, PRINCE GEORGES Death of John Ray 338. Death of Anne Ray 559. Death of William Ray 558. Birth of John Ray 338. Birth of William Ray 443 in 1685. Birth of Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in 1694. Marriage of William Ray 443 and Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in 1703. Marriage of Thomas Odell 245 and Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in 1712. Death of Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in 1722. Birth of John Odell 179 in 1728. USA, MARYLAND, PRINCE GEORGESCO Birth of Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in 1686. USA, MARYLAND, QUEEN ANNES Birth of Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262. USA, MARYLAND, SOMERSET, MONIE Birth of Elizabeth Denwood 3622. USA, MARYLAND, TALBOT, BROAD CREEK Death of Alexander Ray 707. Death of Joane Ray 708 in 1676.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSONET Death of Joseph Read 288. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BARNSTABLE, BARNSTABLE Death of Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 on 13 October 1683. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BARNSTABLE, SANDWICH Death of Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489. Death of Edward Sturgis 488 in 1695/10. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BARNSTABLE, YARMOUTH Birth of Edward Sturgis 370. Marriage of Joshua Holmes 284 and Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285. Death of Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. Death of Edward Sturgis 370. Birth of Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285 in 1678. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BRISTOL, BRISTOL Birth of Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 in 1654. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BRISTOL, FREETOWN Death of John Read 376. Death of Hannah Read [Peabody] 377. Birth of John Read 376. Death of Mary Norman [Read] 219. Birth of Joseph Read 288 in 1687. Birth of Mary Norman [Read] 219 in 1723. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BRISTOL, REHOBOTH Marriage of Richard Ingraham 486 and Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Death of John Martin 468. Marriage of Arthur Ingraham 626 and Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in 1596. Birth of Richard Ingraham 486 in 1600. Birth of Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369 in 1636. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BRISTOL, SWANSEA Death of John Gorham 490. Death of Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637. Death of Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in 1331. Birth of John Martin 468 in 1640. Death of Judith Martin [Upham] 599 in 1663. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, BRISTOL, TAUNTON Death of Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645. Marriage of Walter Deane 502 and Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in 1636. Birth of Joseph Deane 378 in 1654. Marriage of Joseph Deane 378 and Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 in 1658. Death of Sarah Hoskins 543 in 1672. Death of Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in 1693. Death of Walter Deane 502 between 1693 and 1694. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, DIGHTON Death of Joseph Deane 378. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, ESSEX, MIDDLETON Death of Bray Wilkins 472. Death of Hannah Wilkins [Way] 473. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, ESSEX, SALEM Death of Emanuel Downing 680. Death of Richard Bishop 3717.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, MASSACHUSETTS, ESSEX, SALEM (Continued) Death of Frances Downing [Howard] 539. Birth of John Bishop 655 in 1590. Birth of Bray Wilkins 472 in 1610. Birth of Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274 in 1670. Death of John Wilkins 357 in 1723. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, HAMPSHIRE, NORTHAMPTON Death of Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487. Death of Richard Ingraham 486 between 1683 and 1688. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, MIDDLESEX, CHARLESTOWN Death of Robert Long 651 on 9 January 1664. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, MIDDLESEX, WATERTOWN Birth of John Crawford 3223 in 1600. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, PLYMOUTH, MARSHFIELD Birth of Temperance Sturgis [Gorham] 371. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, PLYMOUTH, PLYMOUTH Death of William Hoskins 690. Death of John Tilley 796. Birth of Sarah Hoskins 543. Death of Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 in 1621. Birth of Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 on 13 October 1623. Death of Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691 in 1638. Marriage of John Gorham 490 and Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 in 1643. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, PLYMOUTH Marriage of John Howland 636 and Elizabeth Howland [Tilley] 637. Death of John Howland 636. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, SOUTHOLD Death of Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, SUFFOLK, CHARLESTOWN Death of Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 on 23 June 1649. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, SUFFOLK, DORCHESTER Death of Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605. Death of Henry Way 604. Marriage of John Wilkins 357 and Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358. Birth of John Wilkins 357. Birth of Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358 in 1646. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, SUFFOLK, HINGHAM Death of Edmund Hobart 653 on 8 March 1646. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, SUFFOLK, WATERTOWN Birth of Alexander Wignall 628 in 1578. USA, MASSACHUSETTS, WATERTOWN Death of Alexander Wignall 628 in 1631. USA, MASSACHUSETTS Death of Mrs William Deane 643 in 1669. USA, MICHIGAN, LENAWEE, ROME Death of Thomas Hughes 318.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, MISSISSIPPI, ALCORN Marriage of W E James 43 and L Ann James [Myers] 44. Death of W E James 43 in 1877. Death of L Ann James [Myers] 44 in 1885. USA, MISSISSIPPI, OLD TISHIMINGO Birth of L Ann James [Myers] 44 in 1842. USA, MISSOURI, BLACKBIRD Birth of John Franklin Earles 3161 on 4 December 1878. USA, MISSOURI, CANCER LIVER, PEMISCOTT Death of Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30. USA, MISSOURI, MERCER, HALF ROCK Birth of Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162. USA, MISSOURI, MERCER, HARRIS Death of Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162. USA, MISSOURI, PUTNAM Marriage of James Harrison Earles 3163 and Sarah Levina Earles [Viles] 3164. USA, MISSOURI, SULLIVAN, HARRIS Birth of James Franklin Collins 3165. Death of Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Marriage of William Thomas Collins 3171 and Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172. Death of James Franklin Collins 3165 in 1923. USA, MISSOURI, SULLIVAN Death of Joel Earles 3167. Death of William Thomas Collins 3171. Birth of James Harrison Earles 3163. Death of Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166. Marriage of Joel Earles 3167 and Lydia Earles [Provolt] 3168. Marriage of John Franklin Earles 3161 and Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162 in 1899. USA, MISSOURI, UNIONVILLE Death of Susan Viles [Carder] 3170. Death of James Harrison Earles 3163. USA, MISSOURI Birth of Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams] 3174 in 1835. Birth of Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 between 1856 and 1859. Marriage of James Franklin Collins 3165 and Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 in 1880. Death of William Barnes 3173 in 1934. USA, NEVADA, LAS VEGAS Marriage of Robert Paul Mitchell 1 and Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4 on 6 September 2002. USA, NEW JERSEY, ESSEX, ELIZABETH TOWN Death of Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in 1750. USA, NEW JERSEY, ESSEX, ELIZABETH Death of Constance Ross [Little] 387 in 1715. USA, NEW JERSEY, ESSEX, ELIZABETHTOWN Birth of Constance Ross [Little] 387 in 1638. Death of George Ross 386 in 1705/1. Death of Marie Coursier 409 in 1732.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, NEW JERSEY, MORRIS, DOVER Birth of Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41 in 1765. USA, NEW JERSEY, MORRIS, ELIZABETHTOWN Death of Humphrey Spinning 388. Death of Abigail Hubbard 389 in 1689/11. Marriage of George Ross 296 and Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in 1690. USA, NEW JERSEY, MORRIS, ROCKAWAY Marriage of Joseph Jackson 3652 and Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653. Birth of Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653 in 1712. Birth of Edward William Jackson 66 in 1741. Death of Joseph Jackson 3652 in 1769. Death of Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653 in 1794. USA, NEW JERSEY, ROCKAWAY, MORRIS Marriage of Edward William Jackson 66 and Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 in 1762. USA, NEW JERSEY, SOMERSET, BEDMINSTER Death of John Adams 300. Birth of Samuel D Adams 230 in 1716. USA, NEW JERSEY, SOMERSET, LAMINGTON Death of Elizabeth Adams 301. USA, NEW JERSEY, SOMERSET Birth of Robert Adams 170 in 1742. USA, NEW JERSEY, UNION, ELIZABETH Birth of Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in 1672. USA, NEW JERSEY, UNION, ELIZABETHTOWN Death of George Ross 296. USA, NEW YORK, KINGS, BROOKLYN Marriage of George Woolsey 3666 and Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, ASTORIA Birth of Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, FLUSHING Death of Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, HEMPSTEAD Death of John Seaman 3662. Death of John Jackson 3656. Birth of James Jackson 3654. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, JAMAICA Death of John William Strickland 3674 in 1672. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, JERUSALEM Birth of Joseph Jackson 3652. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, NEW TOWN Death of William Hallett 3658. Birth of William Hallett 3658 in 1648/10. USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND, NEWTON Death of Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, NEW YORK, LONG ISLAND Marriage of Robert Jackson 3660 and Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in 1644. Death of Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 in 1665. Marriage of James Jackson 3654 and Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655 in 1694. Death of James Jackson 3654 in 1735/10. USA, NEW YORK, NASSAU, HEMPSTEAD Death of Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman] 3657. Death of Richard Jackson 3668. Birth of Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 in 1631. Birth of Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman] 3657 in 1653. Death of Robert Jackson 3660 in 1684. USA, NEW YORK, NEW AMSTERDAM Marriage of Robert Edwards 425 and Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426. Marriage of William Hallett 3664 and Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 in 1647/5. USA, NEW YORK, NEW YORK Death of Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in 1623. Death of Robert Edwards 425 in 1738. USA, NEW YORK, ORANGE, WOODBURY Birth of Esther Gage [Shipman] 221. Marriage of David Gage 290 and Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in 1734. USA, NEW YORK, ORANGE Birth of David Gage 220 in 1734. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS NOW NASSAU, HEMPSTEAD Birth of John Jackson 3656 in 1645. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS, FLUSHING Death of George Woolsey 3666. Birth of Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS, HEMPSTEAD Death of William Washburn 3670. Birth of Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in 1624. Death of Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in 1680. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS, JAMAICA Death of Rebecca Woolsey [Cornell] 3667. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS, NEWTON Death of William Hallett 3664 in 1706. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS, NEWTOWN Death of Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 in 1673. USA, NEW YORK, QUEENS Marriage of William Hallett 3658 and Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659 in 1669/12. USA, NEW YORK Death of Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in 1713. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, ANSON Birth of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in 1742. Birth of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 in 1742. Death of Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in 1805.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, NORTH CAROLINA, BUNCOMBE, BURKE Birth of Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 in 1782. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, BUNCOMBE Birth of Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 in 1750. Marriage of James Stringfield 261 and Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262 in 1770. Birth of Thomas Edwards 139 in 1780. Death of Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 in 1820. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, CASWELL, MILTON Death of James Richard Randolph 142. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, CASWELL Death of Margaret Randolph [Smalley] 143. Birth of James Richard Randolph 142. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, CHATHAM Birth of Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Death of Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 in 1780. Death of Simon Poe 146 in 1793. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, EDGECOMBE Birth of John Abraham Randolph 101. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, GRANVILLE Birth of Amon McMillan 150 in 1745. Death of Alexander McMillan 200 in 1761. Birth of Richard Boswell 97 in 1792. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, GUILFORD Death of James Brittain 334 in 1776. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD Birth of Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, HENDERSON, MILLS RIVER Death of James Brittain 187 in 1831. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, LAURES Death of Andrew Edwards 185 in 1819. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, ORANGE Birth of James Pettigrew 533 in 1613. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, RANDOLPH Birth of Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in 1743. Marriage of James Poe 105 and Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in 1777. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN Birth of Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260 in 1727. Death of Joseph Brittain 259 in 1774. USA, NORTH CAROLINA, RUTHERFORD Death of John Aaron Burleson 382 in 1763. Death of Esther Gage [Shipman] 221 in 1800. Death of David Gage 290 in 1801. Death of David Gage 220 in 1805. USA, NORTH CAROLINA Marriage of James Poe 69 and Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70. Birth of James Poe 69.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, NORTH CAROLINA (Continued) Birth of Mary Norman [A] 117 in 1776. Birth of Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 in 1777. Birth of James McMillan 107 in 1778. Birth of Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in 1800. Birth of Tolliver D Lynch 99 in 1810. Marriage of Tolliver D Lynch 99 and Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 in 1831. USA, OHIO, HAMILTON, CINCINNATI Marriage of Adolf Seving 810 and Verena Seving [Vitt] 811 between 1873 and 1879. USA, OHIO, MEIGS Death of Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592. USA, OHIO Birth of John Matthews Knox 3181. Birth of Isabell Knox [Bay] 3182 in 1808. USA, OREGON, PORTLAND Death of John Herbert Stone 470. USA, OREGON Death of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232 in 1246. Death of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 in 1246. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, ADAMS, HUNTERSTOWN Death of Elias Eyster 480. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, BEAVER Birth of Samuel Barnes 3183 in 1798. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, BERKS Death of Johans Michael Bush 3635. Birth of Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433 in 1691. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CAMBRIA Birth of Michael Will 213 in 1719. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER, CHICHESTER MM Marriage of William Hughes 3432 and Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER, CHICHESTER Death of Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444. Death of Edward Bezer 3445 in 1688. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER, SCHUYLKILL Birth of Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435 in 1696. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER, THORNBURY Birth of Joshua Smith 114. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER, TREDYFFRIN Death of Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] 3442. Death of Thomas Jerman 3441 in 1740. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER Death of Jeremiah Collett 3449. Death of Sarah Hewes [Bezer] 3437. Birth of William Hughes 3432 in 1691. Death of Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439 in 1705. Birth of Ellis Hughes 3428 in 1729.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTER (Continued) Death of James Anderson 3434 in 1741. Death of Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435 in 1741. Marriage of Ellis Hughes 3428 and Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 in 1750. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CHESTESR, CHICHESTESR Death of Thomas Withers 3438 in 1720. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, CITY Marriage of Samuel Kauffman 154 and Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 in 1774. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, CHICHESTER Death of Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446 in 1688. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE Death of Joan Collett [May] 3450 in 1686. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, FAYETTE, REDSTONE TOWNSHIP Birth of Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in 1772. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, FAYETTE, REDSTONE Death of Robert Adams 170. Birth of Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171. Death of Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, FAYETTE, WESTMORELAND Death of Samuel D Adams 230 in 1741. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, FAYETTE Marriage of Robert Adams 170 and Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171 in 1763. Marriage of John Heath 125 and Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in 1790. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, HOOK, MARCUS Marriage of William Hewes 3436 and Sarah Hewes [Bezer] 3437. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, DONEGAL Death of Andreas Meixel 279. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, HANOVER Birth of Jacob Slagle 282. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, HEMPFIELD Birth of Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, LAMPETER Birth of Malachi Damewood 163. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, LANDISVILLE Birth of Michael Kauffman 205. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, LINVILLE CREEK Birth of Samuel Kauffman 154. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, LITITZ Birth of Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein] 283. Birth of Nicholaus Klee 366. Birth of Catherine Klee [C] 367 in 1710. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, WARWICK Death of John Reist 207. Death of Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, WARWICK (Continued) Birth of Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208. Birth of John Reist 207. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER, WEST BANK SUSQUEHANNA RIVER Marriage of Henry Hendricks 247 and Jane Hendricks [Linville] 248 in 1734. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, LANCASTER Marriage of John Henry Neff 202 and Anna Neff [Steckley] 203. Marriage of John Pennywitt 209 and Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210. Marriage of Philip Harpine 211 and Catherine Harpine 212. Birth of Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155. Birth of Andrew Hughes 133. Death of Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 in 1720. Birth of John Wilson 183 in 1745. Birth of John Wilson 176 in 1745. Marriage of John Reist 207 and Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208 in 1754. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, PHIL Birth of Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in 1685. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, BYBERRY Birth of Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439 in 1682. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, NORTHERN LIBERTIES Birth of Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169 in 1730. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, OLEY Birth of Philip Harpine 211 in 1730. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA Marriage of Christian Eyster 614 and Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] 615. Birth of Henry Hendricks 247 in 1712. Birth of Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427 in 1730. Marriage of John Adam Stutler 3426 and Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427 in 1750. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, WESTMORELAND Birth of Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 in 1762. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, BERWICK TOWNSHIP Birth of Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216. Death of Mary Catherine Slagle [Klein] 283. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, BERWICK Death of Jacob Slagle 282. Death of Anna Maria Slagle [Aister] 365. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, CONEWAGO Death of Nicholaus Klee 366. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, HEIDELBERG Death of Michael Will 213 in 1773. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP Birth of Elias Eyster 480. Birth of Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, MANCHESTER Death of Christian Eyster 614. Death of Christian Lau 616.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, WEST MANCHESTER Death of Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617 in 1773. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, WEST MANHEIM TOWNSHIP Death of Helene Sherman [Slagle] 216. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, YORK CHRIST Death of Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK, YORK Marriage of Elias Eyster 480 and Anna Maria Eyster [Lau] 481. USA, PENNSYLVANIA, YORK Death of Anna Margaretha Eyster [Schmeisser] 615. Birth of Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112. Death of Christoph Friedrich Slagle 364. Birth of Conrad Sherman 215. Birth of John Will 158 in 1740. Marriage of John Will 158 and Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 in 1774. USA, PENNSYLVANIA Birth of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in 1738. Birth of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in 1738. Birth of Michael Will 277 in 1793. Birth of Sarah Jane Barnes [Coulter] 3184 in 1805. Birth of William Barnes 3173 in 1834. USA, RHODE ISLAND, NEWPORT, NEWPORT Death of John Peabody 500. Death of Thomas Tully 640. Marriage of John Read 376 and Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 in 1677. Death of Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 in 1678. USA, RHODE ISLAND, NEWPORT, PORTSMOUTH Death of Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683. Marriage of Thomas Cornell 3682 and Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683 in 1620. Death of Thomas Cornell 3682 in 1655. USA, RHODE ISLAND, WASH, NEW PORT Birth of John Peabody 500 in 1612. USA, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, NORTH KINGSTON Birth of Thomas Tully 640 in 1585. Birth of Rebecca Tully 641 in 1592. Marriage of Thomas Tully 640 and Rebecca Tully 641 in 1615. Birth of Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 in 1616. Birth of Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 in 1633. USA, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, WESTERLY Birth of Joshua Holmes 284. Death of Joshua Holmes 368. Death of Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in 1589. USA, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON Birth of James Peabody 638 in 1582. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE DIST Death of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in 1806. Death of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in 1806.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE Death of John Pettigrew 242. Death of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677. Death of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325. Marriage of James Monroe Speed 55 and Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] 56. Death of James Pettigrew 324. Death of James Pettigrew 676. Death of John Pettigrew 253. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON Death of Joel Whitten 131. Birth of Martha Wilson [McMurry] 136. Death of Martha Wilson [McMurry] 136. Death of John Wilson 129. Death of Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135. Birth of James A Wilson 93. Marriage of James A Wilson 93 and Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94. Death of Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130. Birth of John Wilson 129 in 1770. Birth of Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130 in 1772. Birth of Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 in 1772. Birth of Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 in 1800. Birth of Elisha Hughes 95 in 1800. Marriage of John Wilson 129 and Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130 in 1803. Death of Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 in 1848. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, BARNWELL, FOUR MILE Death of Henry Broome Brome 3602. Birth of Henry Broome Brome 3602 in 1856. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, BERKELEY Birth of Joel Whitten 131. Death of Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in 1755. Death of Thomas Odell 245 in 1763. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, DORCHESTER, INDIAN CREEK Death of Henry Hendricks 247 in 1770. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE Marriage of John Abraham Randolph 101 and Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102. Death of Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145. Birth of John D Randolph 67 in 1798. Death of John Dill 144 in 1809/8. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, LAURENS, ENOREE RIVER Death of John Odell 179. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, LAURENS Death of Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186. Birth of Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132. Marriage of Joel Whitten 131 and Sarah Whitten [Odell] 132. Death of Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 in 1809/3. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, PENDLETON DIST Death of John Wilson 176. Death of John Wilson 183. Marriage of John Wilson 183 and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in 1770. Death of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in 1823. Death of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 in 1823.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, PICKENS Death of Andrew Hughes 133. Death of Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134 in 1829. Death of Mary Royall 751 in 1830. Death of Mary Royall 568 in 1830. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, PLEASANT VALLEY Death of Mary Mills 553. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA, UNION Birth of Elizabeth Wilson [Whitten] 94. USA, SOUTH CAROLINA Birth of James Monroe Speed 55. Birth of Isaac Kelly Norman 77. USA, TENNESSEE, BEDFORD Birth of Isaac John Norman 116 in 1780. Death of Mary Norman [A] 117 in 1858. USA, TENNESSEE, CORRYTON Death of Hannah Damewood [E] 164. USA, TENNESSEE, DYER Death of John Franklin James 29. USA, TENNESSEE, GRAINGER Marriage of Isaac Damewood 79 and Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80. Death of Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122. Death of Larkin Seymour 121 in 1850. USA, TENNESSEE, KNOX, CORRYTON Death of Henry L Damewood 119 in 1859. USA, TENNESSEE, KNOX, FLAT CREEK Death of Malachi Damewood 163. USA, TENNESSEE, KNOX Death of Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 in 1805. USA, TENNESSEE, LINCOLN Birth of Frances Smithey [Norman] 50. Death of Isaac Kelly Norman 77. Death of Julia Frances Norman [Leonard] 78. Death of Isaac John Norman 116. Death of Daniel Leonard 118 in 1850/11. USA, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD Death of Sarah Camp 383 in 1756. Death of Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 on 28 February 1845. USA, TENNESSEE, SHELBY, MEMPHIS Death of Jessie Tillman James 19. USA, TENNESSEE Birth of William Howard Damewood 51. Birth of Thomas Brown 103 in 1770. Birth of W E James 43 in 1835. USA, TEXAS, BONANZA Death of William Albert Wilson 35 on 8 May 1946.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, TEXAS, CUMBY Birth of William Albert Wilson 35 on 11 March 1866. USA, TEXAS, DALLAS, DALLAS Birth of Robert Paul Mitchell 1 on 26 September 1973. Birth of Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4 on 15 October 1975. USA, TEXAS, DENTON Death of Joseph Ross Gray 87 in 1866. Death of Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in 1866. USA, TEXAS, GOLIAD, FANNIN Death of Salathiel Goff 28. USA, TEXAS, GOLIAD Death of Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 in 1881/1. USA, TEXAS, GREENVILLE Death of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 on 8 July 1950. USA, TEXAS, HOPKINS, SUPHUR SPRINGS Birth of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 on 24 September 1903. USA, TEXAS, HOPKINS Death of Virginia Sarah Speed [Norwood] 56. Death of James Monroe Speed 55. USA, TEXAS, HUNT, FLOYD Death of Joseph Allison Gray 57 on 13 February 1894. USA, TEXAS, HUNT, GREENVILLE Death of Gideon P Mitchell 59 on 4 October 1923. Birth of Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 on 4 April 1926. Birth of Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 on 20 October 1926. Death of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 16 April 1941. Birth of Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 on 28 October 1953. Death of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 on 27 May 1964. Death of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 in June 2001. Death of Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 on 17 July 2005. USA, TEXAS, HUNT Death of Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 17 September 1926. USA, TEXAS, MINEOLA Birth of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 on 1 September 1870. USA, TEXAS Death of james martin Boswell 63 on 15 August 1905. Death of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 on 3 October 1912. USA, VIRGINIA, ACCOMACK, ACCOMAC Marriage of Richard Bland 344 and Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345. USA, VIRGINIA, ALBEMARLE, BELMONT Death of John Harvie 240. USA, VIRGINIA, ALBEMARLE, JAMESTOWN Birth of Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199 in 1690. USA, VIRGINIA, ALBEMARLE Birth of Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, ALBEMARLE (Continued) Death of Mary Elizabeth Henley 234. Death of Jeremiah Hamner 189. Birth of John Moore 238. Birth of Turner Hamner 172. Birth of John Moore 174. Marriage of John Harvie 240 and Martha Harvie [Gaines] 241. Birth of Martha Moore [Harvie] 175. Death of Pierre Jouett 408. Birth of John Moore 236. Marriage of Turner Hamner 172 and Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173. Birth of John Moore 410 in 1645. Birth of John Moore 308 in 1645. Birth of Mary Moore [Bullock] 237 in 1735. Death of Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 in 1740. Death of Matthew Jouett 310 in 1745. Birth of Rebecca Hamner [Harper] 190 in 1746. Birth of Jeremiah Hamner 189 in 1749. Birth of Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 on 7 May 1755. Death of Castleton Harper 3796 in 1799. USA, VIRGINIA, ALBERMARLE, ALBERMARLE Birth of Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 in 1708. USA, VIRGINIA, ALBERMARLE Marriage of John Moore 238 and Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 in 1737. Birth of Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 on 30 October 1779. USA, VIRGINIA, ALGONQUIN EMPIRE Birth of Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861. USA, VIRGINIA, AMELIA Death of Joshua Smith 114. Death of Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in 1774. Death of Theodorick Bland 265 in 1784. Birth of Thomas Smith 75 in 1788. Birth of Sally Smith [Turner] 76 in 1805. USA, VIRGINIA, AREA, WILLIAMSBURG Marriage of Richard Bennett 579 and Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in 1641. USA, VIRGINIA, AUGUSTA, CITY Marriage of Michael Kauffman 205 and Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206 between 1741 and 1748. USA, VIRGINIA, AUGUSTA, STAUNTON Death of Martha Jackson [Miller] 65. Birth of Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 in 1741. USA, VIRGINIA, AUGUSTA Death of Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252. Birth of Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252 in 1695. Birth of Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206 in 1718. Death of Robert Wilson 323 on 3 November 1745. Death of Robert Wilson 321 on 3 November 1745. Death of Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 in 1746. Death of Col. John Wilson 251 in 1773. USA, VIRGINIA, BEDFORD, ROANOKE Death of John Randolph 192.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, BLUE MOUNTAINS, BANKS TRIBUTARY LANCER RIVER Birth of Dashing Stream 1087. USA, VIRGINIA, BOTETOURT Birth of Isaac Damewood 79. Marriage of Henry L Damewood 119 and Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120. Birth of Henry L Damewood 119 in 1775. Birth of Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 in 1775. USA, VIRGINIA, CAROLINE, RAPPAHANNOCK Birth of Bernard Gaines 314 in 1670. USA, VIRGINIA, CAROLINE, RAPPHANOCK Birth of Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 in 1670. USA, VIRGINIA, CAROLINE Death of John Stone 273 in 1737/1. Birth of James Poe 105 in 1751. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, JORDANS PAR Birth of George Worsham 734 in 1596. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, JORDANS PARISH Birth of William Worsham 575 in 1625. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, JORDANS PARRISH Death of George Worsham 734 in 1660. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, KIPPAX Death of Robert Bolling 457. Death of Robert Bolling 449. Birth of John Bolling 342. Birth of Drury Bolling 346. Death of Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 in 1676. Death of Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 in 1709. Death of Anne Bolling [Stith] 733 in 1709. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, WESTOVER PARISH Death of John Stith 587. Death of Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in 1686. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY, WESTOVER Death of Theodorick Bland 453. Birth of Richard Bland 344. Birth of Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in 1641. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES CITY Birth of Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in 1610. Death of Joshua Poythress 863 in 1613. Marriage of William Worsham 575 and Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 in 1643. Death of Robert Stith 756 in 1654. Death of John Sloman 865 in 1658. Death of Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 in 1660. Death of Francis Poythress 729 in 1661. Death of Hannah Unknown 758 in 1663. Birth of Anne Bolling [Stith] 733 in 1665. Birth of Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 in 1665. Death of Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in 1668. Death of Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 in 1675. Death of Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 between 1680 and 1681. Birth of John Royall 721 in 1720.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLES RIVER Birth of Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434. USA, VIRGINIA, CHARLOTTE Death of Susannah Royall [Bates] 722. USA, VIRGINIA, CHESTERFIELD, MATTOX Birth of Frances Randolph [Bland] 193. Death of Frances Randolph [Bland] 193 in 1788. USA, VIRGINIA, CHESTERFIELD Birth of Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in 1656. USA, VIRGINIA, CONFLUENCE DAM STAUNTON RIVERS Birth of Scent Chief [Flower] 971. USA, VIRGINIA, CULPEPER, CULPEPER Death of Joseph Norman 218. Death of Isaac Norman 286. Birth of Joseph Norman 218 in 1723. Death of Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 in 1752. USA, VIRGINIA, CULPEPER, CULPEPPER Marriage of Joseph Norman 218 and Mary Norman [Read] 219 in 1730. USA, VIRGINIA, CULPEPER Death of Thomas Watts 198 in 1749/3. Birth of Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 on 20 April 1762. USA, VIRGINIA, CULPEPPER, THOMAS Birth of Thomas Watts 198 in 1690. USA, VIRGINIA, CULPEPPER Birth of Thomas Edwards 255. USA, VIRGINIA, CUMBERLAND Death of Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331. Death of Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375. Birth of Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 in 1754. Death of John Holloway 332 in 1757. Death of Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in 1767. Death of Jonas Meador 330 in 1768. Death of Jonas Meador 257 in 1773/10. Marriage of Andrew Edwards 185 and Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 in 1774. Death of Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in 1780. USA, VIRGINIA, ELIZABETH CITY, ELIZABETH CITY Birth of Augustine Moore 405 in 1624. Birth of Augustine Moore 529 in 1624. USA, VIRGINIA, ELIZABETH CITY Birth of Anne Moore 406 in 1625. Birth of Anne Moore 530 in 1625. Death of Augustine Moore 405 in 1652. Death of Augustine Moore 529 in 1652. Death of John Moore 670 in 1676. Death of John Moore 527 in 1676. USA, VIRGINIA, ESSEX, BATHURST Death of Mary Bathurst 460 in 1740.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, ESSEX, ST ANN Death of John Mills 552 in 1685. USA, VIRGINIA, ESSEX, TAPPAHANNOCK Death of Samuel Poe 196. USA, VIRGINIA, ESSEX Death of Mary Poe [Hook] 197. Death of John Meador 429. Death of John Spiers 435. Death of Robert Mills 700. Death of Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430. Birth of John Holloway 332. Birth of Henry Awbrey 544 in 1635. Birth of Robert Mills 700 in 1640. Birth of Mary Mills 701 in 1644. Birth of Mary Mills 553 in 1660. Birth of John Mills 552 in 1660. Marriage of Robert Mills 700 and Mary Mills 701 in 1660. Death of Thomas Meador 542 between 1662 and 1664. Birth of Mary Bathurst 460 in 1675. Birth of John Spiers 435 in 1682. Marriage of John Mills 552 and Mary Mills 553 in 1685. Birth of Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 in 1685. Death of Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415 in 1690. Birth of Jonas Meador 330 in 1698. Birth of Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in 1700. Marriage of John Spiers 435 and Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 in 1700. Death of Mary Mills 701 between 1702 and 1712. Death of John Spiers 550 in 1703. Birth of Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 in 1707. Birth of Simon Poe 146 in 1708. Death of Francis Meriwether 459 in 1713. Marriage of John Holloway 332 and Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in 1716. Marriage of Jonas Meador 330 and Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 in 1721. Death of Hannah Spiers 551 in 1721. Birth of Jonas Meador 257 in 1728. USA, VIRGINIA, FAUQUIER, WESTMORELAND Birth of Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in 1670. Birth of Samuel IV Earle 3187 in 1727. USA, VIRGINIA, FAUQUIER Marriage of Rodham Earles 3185 and Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186. Birth of Rodham Earles 3185 in 1765. Death of Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186 in 1802. USA, VIRGINIA, FRANKLIN Birth of Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 in 1702. USA, VIRGINIA, FREDERICK Birth of William Ross 226 in 1702. Birth of James Brittain 187 in 1755. Death of Samuel III Earle 3190 in 1771. Death of Benjamin Watts 148 in 1790. USA, VIRGINIA, GLOUCESTER, ABINGDON PARISH Birth of Joseph Norman 372 in 1657. USA, VIRGINIA, GLOUCESTER, ELIZABETH CITY Birth of Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 on 20 April 1707.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, GLOUCESTER Death of Joseph Norman 372. USA, VIRGINIA, GOOCHLAND Death of Robert Richardson 399. Death of Jane Richardson [Green] 400. USA, VIRGINIA, HALIFAX Death of John Royall 721. Death of George Seymour 165. Birth of Susannah Royall [Bates] 722 in 1758. Birth of Mary Royall 751 in 1758. Birth of Mary Royall 568 in 1758. Birth of Larkin Seymour 121 in 1758. Birth of Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122 in 1762. Marriage of Larkin Seymour 121 and Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122 in 1785. Birth of Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80 in 1803. Death of John Bruce 167 in 1816. USA, VIRGINIA, HAMPSHIRE Death of Thomas Edwards 255. Birth of Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626. Death of William Ross 226. Birth of Andrew Edwards 185 in 1752. Death of William Hughes 3432 in 1767. Death of Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 in 1782. USA, VIRGINIA, HARRISON, FREEMAN CREEK Death of George Adam Bush 3629 in 1820. USA, VIRGINIA, HARRISON, KINCHELOE Birth of John Adam Stutler 18. USA, VIRGINIA, HARRISON, WEST MILFORD Birth of John Adam Stutler 3424 in 1757. USA, VIRGINIA, HARRISON Marriage of John Adam Stutler 18 and Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423. Marriage of John Flesher 42 and Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41. Birth of Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. Death of Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429. Death of John Adam Stutler 3424 in 1827. Death of Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425 in 1850. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, BERMUDA HUNDRED Death of William Isham 565. Death of Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576. Death of William Isham 748. Birth of Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 in 1660. Birth of Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 in 1660. Death of Henry Isham 583 in 1675. Death of Henry Isham 447 in 1675. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CHARLES CITY Marriage of John Stith 587 and Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in 1656/12. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, COBBS Death of John Bolling 342. Death of Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Birth of Col Richard Randolph 263 on 2 May 1686.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, COBBS (Continued) Birth of Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 in 1703. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CONJURERS NECK Birth of Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Death of John Kennon 573 in 1654. Death of Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in 1705. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CONJURERS NK Birth of John Kennon 573 in 1625. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CONJURORS NECK Birth of Richard Kennon 451 in 1650. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CURLES Death of Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264. Birth of John Randolph 192. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, CURLS NECK Death of Col Richard Randolph 263 on 17 December 1748. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, NECK LAND Death of Mary Ann Matthews 407. Death of Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, RICHMOND Marriage of Thomas Rolfe 571 and Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 in 1640. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, ROANOKE Marriage of John Randolph 192 and Frances Randolph [Bland] 193. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, TURKEY ISLAND Death of William Randolph 340. Birth of William Randolph 455. Birth of William Randolph 340. Death of Mary Randolph [Isham] 456. Death of Mary Randolph [Isham] 341. Death of William Randolph 455. Birth of Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345 in 1680. Marriage of Col Richard Randolph 263 and Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 in 1714. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO, VARINA Birth of Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450. USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO Marriage of John Bolling 342 and Mary Bolling [Kennon] 343. Death of Richard Kennon 451. Death of Katherine Isham [Banks] 584. Death of Mary Isham [Brett] 749. Death of Katherine Isham [Banks] 448. Death of Mary Isham [Brett] 566. Death of John Price 531 between 1628 and 1629. Marriage of Henry Isham 447 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in 1656. Birth of Elizabeth Bolling 574 in 1656. Marriage of Henry Isham 583 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in 1656. Marriage of Theodorick Bland 453 and Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in 1660. Death of William Worsham 575 in 1660. Birth of Susannah Moore [Price] 309 in 1670. Birth of Susannah Moore [Price] 411 in 1670. Marriage of Richard Kennon 451 and Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in 1676. Marriage of William Randolph 455 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 in 1678.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, HENRICO (Continued) Marriage of William Randolph 340 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 in 1678. Death of Elizabeth Bolling 574 in 1705. USA, VIRGINIA, HOG ISLAND Death of John Utie 742 in 1624. USA, VIRGINIA, ISLE OF WIGHT, MARTINS HUNDRED Death of William Pierce 867. USA, VIRGINIA, ISLE OF WIGHT Death of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671. Death of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528. Birth of Thomas Seymour 294 in 1664. USA, VIRGINIA, ISLE WIGHT Death of Richard Bennett 579. Birth of Richard Bennett 579. Marriage of Thomas Bennett 740 and Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in 1624. Death of Thomas Bennett 740 in 1642. Death of Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in 1647. Death of Jane Phippen 868 in 1650. Birth of Sarah Seymour 225 in 1690. Birth of Thomas Seymour 224 in 1690. USA, VIRGINIA, JAMES CITY, JAMESTOWN Marriage of John Rolfe 727 and Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728. Death of John Rolfe 727 in 1622. Birth of Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 in 1630. Birth of Benjamin Watts 148 in 1720. USA, VIRGINIA, JAMES CITY, TIDEWATER Birth of Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 in 1595. USA, VIRGINIA, JAMES CITY, WILLIAMSBURG Death of Richard Bland 344. USA, VIRGINIA, JAMES CITY Death of Susan Henley [Turner] 398. Marriage of Francis Meriwether 459 and Mary Bathurst 460. Marriage of David Crawford 3215 and Jane Crawford 3216 in 1654. Birth of Francis Meriwether 459 in 1670. Birth of Thomas Sorrell 3194 in 1680. Birth of Leonard Henley 304 in 1702. Marriage of Leonard Henley 304 and Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305 in 1723. USA, VIRGINIA, JAMESTOWN Death of John Crawford 3223. Death of Robert Sorrell 3205 in 1676. Birth of Richard Stringfield 336 in 1705. USA, VIRGINIA, KING QUEEN Birth of Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442 in 1656. USA, VIRGINIA, KISKIACK Birth of Algonkian Chief 970 in 1520. USA, VIRGINIA, LANCASTER Death of Thomas Meador 688.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, LEWIS, GLENVILLE Birth of Rebecca Goff 16. USA, VIRGINIA, LEWIS, JANE LEW Death of Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423 in 1832. USA, VIRGINIA, LOUISA Marriage of James Brechin 3207 and Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in 1711. Death of Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in 1752. Death of Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 about 1772. Death of John Moore 238 in 1785. Death of John Moore 236 in 1785. USA, VIRGINIA, LOWER NORFOLK, LYNNHAVEN PAR Death of Henry Woodhouse 761. USA, VIRGINIA, LOWER NORFOLK, LYNNHAVEN PARISH Birth of Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 in 1633. Marriage of Nicholas Meriwether 589 and Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 in 1655. USA, VIRGINIA, LOWER NORFORD, USA Birth of Reynold Henley 397 in 1641. USA, VIRGINIA, LUNENBURG Marriage of George Seymour 165 and Mary Seymour [Good] 166 in 1757. Death of Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in 1775. USA, VIRGINIA, LUNENBURGH Death of Thomas Seymour 224. Death of Thomas Seymour 294. Birth of George Seymour 165 in 1735. USA, VIRGINIA, MONONGALIA Marriage of John Goff 3589 and Christina Goff [Parsons] 3590. USA, VIRGINIA, MOORES CREEK Death of Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in 1779. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT, JAMES CITY Death of Leonard Henley 304 in 1759. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT, ORAPAX VILLAGE Death of Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861 in 1618/4. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT, ST PETERS PAR Birth of Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT, ST PETERS PARISH Death of Edward Green 522. Birth of Robert Richardson 399 in 1686. Death of Jane Crawford 3216 in 1710. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT, ST PETERS PARRISH Marriage of Robert Richardson 399 and Jane Richardson [Green] 400. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT Death of Eleanor Morris 706. Birth of George Morris 705 in 1620. Birth of Edward Green 522 in 1663. Birth of Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in 1666. Death of Lancelot Bathurst 591 in 1702.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, NEW KENT (Continued) Death of David Crawford 3215 in 1710. Birth of Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 in 1733. USA, VIRGINIA, NEW MARKET Death of John Neff 109. Birth of Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153 in 1747. USA, VIRGINIA, NORFOLK Death of Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762 in 1666. USA, VIRGINIA, NORTHUMBERLAND, SITTINGBOURNE Birth of Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417 in 1648. USA, VIRGINIA, NORTHUMBERLAND, WICCOCOMICO Marriage of Thomas Wolsey 3787 and Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788. USA, VIRGINIA, OLD ENGLISH SETTLEMENT JAMESTOWN Death of Richard Stringfield 336 in 1747. USA, VIRGINIA, OLD FIELD Birth of Thiel Goff 3593 in 1710. USA, VIRGINIA, OLD RAPPENHANNOCK Birth of George Taylor 416 in 1640. USA, VIRGINIA, ORANGE Death of Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199. USA, VIRGINIA, ORAPAX, WEROWOCOMOCO Birth of Nonoma Winanuske 862 in 1571. USA, VIRGINIA, PETERSBURG Marriage of Robert Bolling 449 and Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 in 1675. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE EDWARD Marriage of John Pettigrew 253 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in 1760. Marriage of John Pettigrew 242 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in 1760. Death of Samuel Matthews 326 in 1769. Death of Samuel Matthews 316 in 1769. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE GEORGE, CHARLES CITY Marriage of Robert Stith 756 and Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in 1606. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE GEORGE, CLAWSON Birth of Theodorick Bland 265. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE GEORGE, KIPPAX Death of Drury Bolling 346. Birth of Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in 1699. Marriage of Drury Bolling 346 and Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in 1723. Marriage of Theodorick Bland 265 and Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in 1739. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE GEORGE Birth of Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in 1724. USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE WILLIAM, LYNNHAVEN PARISH Death of Nicholas Meriwether 589.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, PRINCE WILLIAM Birth of Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in 1624. USA, VIRGINIA, PROB Birth of James Courtney 374 in 1640. USA, VIRGINIA, RANDOLPH, ST GEORGE Death of Salathiel Goff 3591. USA, VIRGINIA, RANDOLPH Birth of Salathiel Goff 3591 in 1748. Birth of John Goff 3589 in 1780. Birth of Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 in 1805. USA, VIRGINIA, RAPPAHANNOCK, ESSEX Death of Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442 in 1720. USA, VIRGINIA, RAPPAHANNOCK, FARNHAM PARISH Death of Thomas Pettus 556. USA, VIRGINIA, RAPPAHANNOCK, SOUTHFARHERN Death of Thomas Petty 441. USA, VIRGINIA, RAPPAHANNOCK Death of Daniel Gaines 414. Birth of Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 in 1638. Birth of Thomas Petty 441 between 1664 and 1665. Birth of Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430 in 1678. Death of Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417 in 1683. Death of George Morris 705 in 1685. Death of Henry Awbrey 544 between 1694 and 1699. Death of Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 in 1720. Marriage of Bernard Gaines 314 and Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 in 1720. USA, VIRGINIA, RICHMOND, IND CITY Death of Bernard Gaines 314. USA, VIRGINIA, RICHMOND Death of Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315. Death of George Taylor 416. Birth of Thomas Rolfe 571. USA, VIRGINIA, ROANE Birth of Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 on 9 March 1862. USA, VIRGINIA, ROCKINGHAM, PLEASANT VALLEY Death of Samuel Kauffman 154 in 1828/8. USA, VIRGINIA, SCOTT Birth of Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 on 10 October 1880. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH VALLEY Death of John Adam Stutler 3426. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH, CITY Death of Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH, MOUNT JACKSON Death of Jacob Pennywitt 156. Birth of Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157. Death of Margaret Pennywitt [Harpine] 157.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH, MT JACKSON Death of David Neff 71. Birth of Jacob Pennywitt 156. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH, NEW MARKET Death of Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Birth of David Neff 71. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH, WOODSTOCK Birth of John Neff 109. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH Marriage of Jacob Neff 152 and Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153. Birth of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Death of Conrad Sherman 215. Death of Michael Kauffman 205. Death of Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153. Death of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Death of Philip Harpine 211. Marriage of David Neff 71 and Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72. Marriage of John Neff 109 and Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110. Death of Anna Neff [Steckley] 203. Death of Jacob Neff 152. Death of John Henry Neff 202. Death of Catherine Harpine 212. Birth of Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 in 1760. Death of Ulrich Graybill 204 in 1768. Death of Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210 in 1775. Death of Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 in 1815. Death of John Will 158 in 1815. USA, VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAN Birth of Catherine Harpine 212. USA, VIRGINIA, SOUTH BRANCH Death of Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in 1770. USA, VIRGINIA, SOUTHAMPTON, FRANKLIN Death of Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214 between 1804 and 1808. USA, VIRGINIA, SPOTSYLVANIA, SPOTSYLVANIA Birth of Frances Norman [Courtney] 287. Birth of Isaac Norman 286. Marriage of Isaac Norman 286 and Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 in 1716. USA, VIRGINIA, SPOTSYLVANIA Death of Edward Watts 271 in 1728. USA, VIRGINIA, STAFFORD, CULPEPER Marriage of Thomas Watts 198 and Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199. USA, VIRGINIA, STAFFORD Marriage of Edward Watts 351 and Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in 1688. Birth of Edward Watts 271 in 1689. Death of Edward Watts 351 in 1690. Death of Anne Watts [Martin] 272 in 1741. Death of Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in 1742. USA, VIRGINIA, SURREY, ALBERMARLE PARRISH Birth of Richard Bullock 306 in 1696. Death of Richard Bullock 306 in 1738.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, SURREY Birth of Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 in 1702. USA, VIRGINIA, SURRY Death of Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337. Birth of James Stringfield 261. Marriage of Richard Shockey 403 and Alice Shockey 404 in 1702. Death of Richard Bullock 401 in 1703. Death of Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402 in 1703. Death of Richard Shockey 403 in 1731. Marriage of Richard Stringfield 336 and Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 in 1734. Death of Alice Shockey 404 in 1738. USA, VIRGINIA, TOWISO Birth of Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762 in 1611. USA, VIRGINIA, USA Birth of Susan Henley [Turner] 398 in 1635. Death of Thomas Henley 517 in 1658. USA, VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA RICHMOND, RICHMOND Death of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3330. Birth of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3330. USA, VIRGINIA, WALES Birth of Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in 1705. USA, VIRGINIA, WARREN Death of Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191. USA, VIRGINIA, WARWICK, DEMBEOGJ Death of Samuel Mathews Esquire 696 between 1660 and 1661. USA, VIRGINIA, WARWICK, DENBEIGH Birth of Samuel Mathews Esquire 696. Birth of John Matthews 548 in 1650. Death of Samuel Mathews 674 between 1660 and 1661. USA, VIRGINIA, WESTMORELAND, COPLE PARISH Death of James Courtney 374 in 1698. USA, VIRGINIA, WESTMORELAND, RICHMOND Marriage of Samuel III Earle 3190 and Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191 in 1726/5. USA, VIRGINIA, WESTMORELAND Death of James Brechin 3207. Death of Samuel II Earle 3192. Death of Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195. Birth of Thomas Hayles 3204. Birth of Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197 in 1645. Death of Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197 in 1659. Death of Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in 1659. Death of John Earle 3202 in 1660. Birth of James Brechin 3207 in 1665. Birth of Samuel II Earle 3192 in 1670. Death of Nicholas Jenkins 496 in 1673. Death of Ms. Dyne 495 in 1680. Birth of Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195 in 1681. Marriage of Samuel II Earle 3192 and Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in 1691. Birth of Samuel III Earle 3190 in 1692. Death of Samuel I Earle 3196 in 1697.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA, WESTMORELAND (Continued) Death of James Courtney 494 in 1698. Death of John Sorrell 3200 in 1702. Birth of Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191 in 1707. Marriage of Thomas Sorrell 3194 and Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195 in 1716. Death of Ann Sorrell [Brechin] 3201 in 1725. Death of Thomas Sorrell 3194 in 1726. Death of Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in 1726. USA, VIRGINIA, WETZEL, SHENANDOAH VALLEY Death of Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427. USA, VIRGINIA, WIRT Marriage of Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 and Rebecca Goff 16. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, CHARLES PARISH Birth of John Meador 429 in 1658. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, CHARLES RIVER PARISH Birth of George Holloway 694 in 1590. Birth of James Holloway 546 in 1635. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, MATTHEWS MANOR Death of Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 in 1635. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, NEW POQUESON Birth of Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 in 1640. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, NEW POQUOSAN Birth of Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 in 1670. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, NEW POQUOSON PARISH Death of Humphrey Hanmer 395 in 1645/1. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, USA Death of Hugh Bullock 524. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK, WILLIAMSBURG Death of Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 between 1703 and 1712. USA, VIRGINIA, YORK Death of David Holloway 433. Death of James Holloway 546. Death of Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434. Birth of David Holloway 433. Birth of Richard Bullock 401 in 1611. Birth of Michael Tavenor 698 in 1635. Death of George Holloway 694 in 1641. Death of Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 about 1692. Marriage of David Holloway 433 and Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434 in 1695. Death of John Moore 308 in 1700. Death of John Moore 410 in 1700. Death of John Matthews 548 in 1702. USA, VIRGINIA Birth of Leannah Smith [C] 115. Death of First Ripple [American] 1204. Marriage of Murmuring Ripple 1203 and First Ripple [American] 1204. Birth of First Ripple [American] 1204. Death of Murmuring Ripple 1203 in 1495. Death of Dashing Stream 1087 in 1526.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, VIRGINIA (Continued) Death of Scent Chief [Flower] 971 in 1555. Birth of Thomas Henley 517 in 1600. Death of Algonkian Chief 970 in 1600. Death of Nonoma Winanuske 862 in 1612. Marriage of Thomas Henley 517 and Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in 1630. Birth of Jane Crawford 3216 in 1633. Birth of Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415 in 1636. Birth of Thomas Meador 542 in 1638. Birth of Ms. Dyne 495 in 1650. Birth of Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in 1650. Marriage of George Morris 705 and Eleanor Morris 706 in 1657. Death of Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 in 1659. Death of Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in 1660. Birth of John Spiers 550 in 1660. Birth of Hannah Spiers 551 in 1660. Birth of Charles Richardson 520 in 1660. Marriage of Reynold Henley 397 and Susan Henley [Turner] 398 in 1660. Marriage of Henry Awbrey 544 and Sarah Hoskins 543 between 1662 and 1664. Birth of Mary Richardson 521 in 1664. Death of Sarah Meador 689 in 1670. Death of Thomas Rolfe 571 in 1675. Death of Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 in 1676. Marriage of John Spiers 550 and Hannah Spiers 551 in 1680. Death of Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 between 1680 and 1681. Marriage of John Matthews 548 and Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in 1683. Birth of Jane Richardson [Green] 400 in 1690. Death of Reynold Henley 397 in 1694. Marriage of John Moore 308 and Susannah Moore [Price] 309 in 1700. Marriage of John Moore 410 and Susannah Moore [Price] 411 in 1700. Death of Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in 1710. Birth of Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 in 1715. Death of Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in 1726. Marriage of James Brittain 334 and Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in 1726. Birth of Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in 1731. Death of Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 in 1735. Death of Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594 in 1744. Marriage of John Royall 721 and Susannah Royall [Bates] 722 in 1748. Marriage of William Hamner 235 and Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 in 1749. Marriage of Jonas Meador 257 and Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in 1750. Birth of Hannah Damewood [E] 164 in 1750. Marriage of Henry Flesher 3625 and Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 in 1759. Birth of Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186 in 1770. Birth of Elizabeth Bowman 113 between 1770 and 1780. Death of Thiel Goff 3593 in 1774. Birth of Daniel Leonard 118 in 1780. Birth of Peyton Earles 3175 in 1793. Birth of James Collins 3179 in 1815. Birth of Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 in 1846/11. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HAMPSHIRE Birth of Susan Viles [Carder] 3170. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HARRISON LEWIS Birth of John Flesher 42. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HARRISON, FREEMANS CREEK Death of Edward William Jackson 66. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HARRISON, SALEM Death of Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HARRISON, WEST MILFORD FORT Birth of Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425 in 1760. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, HARRISON Birth of Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423 in 1797. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, KANAWHA Death of John Goff 3589 in 1875. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, LEWIS, WESTON Death of Henry Flesher 3625. Death of Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 in 1807. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, MARION, JORDANS POINT Death of Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, MONONGALIA Birth of Salathiel Goff 28. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, ROANE, REEDY Death of Josiah Nelson Stutler 17. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, ROANE Death of Rebecca Goff 16. Death of John Adam Stutler 18 in 1873. USA, WEST VIRGINIA, VA, HAMPSHIRE Death of Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433 in 1750. USA Death of Asa Brittain 437 in 1705. VA, ALBEMARLE CO. Birth of John Harvey Hamner 127 on 30 April 1777. VA, ALBEMARLE CO Death of William Hamner 235 on 15 December 1787. VA, CULPEPER CO, CULPEPER Birth of Isaac Norman 161 on 25 August 1765. VA, NEW KENT CO, JAMES CITY Birth of William Hamner 235 in 1710. VIENNE, POITIERS Marriage of William Aquitaine 2574 and Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 in 1018. VIRGINIA, MADISON COUNTY, JACKSON Death of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 on 3 March 1936. VIRGINIA, SHENANDOAH COUNTY Birth of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 on 22 November 1840. Death of Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 between 1860 and 1870. Death of George Will 73 between 1860 and 1870. VIRGINIA Birth of Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 in 1798. WALES, ANGLESEY, ABERFFRAW CASTLE Death of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 in 1184.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, ANGLESEY, ABERFFRAW, ABERFFRAW CASTLE Marriage of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in 1120. Marriage of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in 1120. Marriage of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 and Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in 1126. WALES, ANGLESEY, ABERFFRAW Death of Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in 1155. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 and Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in 1163. WALES, ANGLESEY, ISLAND, MENAI Birth of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231 in 1159. Marriage of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 and Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231 in 1179. Birth of Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 in 1181. Birth of Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250 in 1187. Marriage of Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 and Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250 in 1207. WALES, ANGLESEY, LLANGIVINI, TREGARNEDD Birth of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 in 1139. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232 in 1139. WALES, ANGLESEY, MENAI Birth of Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 in 1107. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 in 1141. Birth of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 in 1145. WALES, ANGLESEY, PENNRYRZAD Birth of Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223 in 1326. WALES, ANGLESEY, PLA PENMYNYDD Birth of Gwerfyl Verch Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1562 in 1350. WALES, ANGLESEY, TALYBOLION, HOLYHEAD Death of Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 in 1195. WALES, ANGLESEY Birth of Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 in 1178. WALES, ANGLSY, ABERFFRAW, ABERFFRAW CASTLE Birth of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 in 1145. WALES, BODEGRI Birth of Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 in 1270. WALES, BRECKNOCKSHIRE, LLYFNI, BLAEN Death of Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in 1157. WALES, BRECONSHIRE, ABERDEEN Birth of Daniel Gaines 414 in 1614. WALES, BRECONSHIRE, BRECON Death of Reginald De Braose 2268. WALES, BRECONSHIRE, LLANSBYDDYD, PEN PONT Birth of Gruffydd Ap Beli 2509 in 1366. WALES, BRECONSHIRE, TALGARTH, LLAN GORS Birth of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254 in 1154. Birth of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267 in 1154. WALES, BRYNCUNALLT Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in 1305.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, BRYNCUNALLT (Continued) Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 in 1305. Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in 1305. WALES, BRYNCUNILLT Birth of Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 in 1294. WALES, CAERNARVANSHIRE, LLANDYGIA, PENRHYN Death of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 in 1405. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, ABERFFRAW CASTLE Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257 in 1173. Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 in 1173. Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270 in 1173. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, ARLLECHWEDD ISAF, ABERCONWY Death of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224. Death of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270. Death of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, ARLLECHWEDD ISAF, TREF RHIRID Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240 in 1102. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, CAERNARVON, CAERNARVON CASTLE Birth of King Edward 1598. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, CREUDDYN, GLODDAETH Birth of Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 in 1280. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, DOLBENMAEN, GEST Birth of Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238 in 993. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, GWYNEDD Birth of Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028 in 1233. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, LLANDYGAI, PENRHYN Birth of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 in 1322. Birth of Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd] 2098 in 1360. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, LLANLLECHID, COCHWILLAN Marriage of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 and Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223 in 1355. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, NYFFRYN LLANDUDWEN LLEYN Birth of Margaret Ap Dafydd [Vaughan] 1668. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE, PENMORFA, CLENENNEY Birth of John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669 in 1420. WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE Death of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2271. Death of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225. Death of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2258. Death of Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238 in 1024. Birth of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 in 1087. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in 1090. Birth of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in 1095. Birth of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in 1095. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in 1130. Birth of Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 in 1136. Death of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 in 1169/12. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 in 1207.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, CAERNARVONSHIRE (Continued) Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 in 1207. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 in 1207. Marriage of Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 and Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 in 1209. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in 1210. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in 1210. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in 1210. Marriage of John De Hanmer 1659 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 in 1300. Marriage of John De Hanmer 1509 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 in 1300. WALES, CARDIFF, EDWARDS HALL Birth of Thomas Edwards 328. WALES, CARDIGANSHIRE, COED, ABERTELT Birth of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 in 1233. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in 1300. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in 1300. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 in 1300. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, CANTREF BYCHAN, HIRFRYN Birth of Einion Ap Gwilym 1689 in 1263. Birth of Einion Ap Gwilym 1923 in 1263. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, DYNEVOR CASTLE Birth of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 in 1081. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, DYNEVOR Death of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 in 1136. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, KIDWELLY Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1609 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1584 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1596 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1602 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1569 and Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 in 1282. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 in 1282. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 in 1282. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 in 1282. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 in 1282. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1819 in 1283. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1831 in 1283. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1795 in 1283. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1771 in 1283. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1845 in 1283. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, LLANDILO FAWR Birth of Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, LLANDILO, DYNEVOR CASTL Birth of Annest Verch Gwynedd [Rhys] 2505 in 1156. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, LLANDILO, DYNEVOR CASTLE Birth of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 in 1129. Birth of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 in 1129. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 in 1170. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 in 1170. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038 in 1221. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 in 1221.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, LLANDYFEISANT, DYNEVOR CASTLE Marriage of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in 1150. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE, LLANDYFEISANT, DYNEVOR Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2041. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 in 1195. Marriage of Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 in 1214. Birth of Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934 in 1223. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 in 1233. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 in 1233. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 in 1244. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 in 1244. WALES, CARMARTHENSHIRE Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 in 1150. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 in 1150. Birth of Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 in 1174. WALES, CLWYD, FENNS HALL Death of Edward Hanmer 1070. Death of Edward Hanmer 1145. Birth of Humphrey Hanmer 395. WALES, CLWYD, LLANFAIR DYFFRYN, PLAS EINION Birth of Gruffydd Ap Rhys Ap Dafydd 1667 in 1434. WALES, CLWYD, MOCHNANT Birth of Moreiddig Ap Rhys 2234 in 1050. WALES, CLWYD Marriage of Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 and Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 in 1161. WALES, COUNTY FLINT, HANMER, FENNS HALL Birth of Edward Hanmer 1070 in 1395. Birth of Edward Hanmer 1145 in 1395. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 937 in 1436. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1052 in 1436. Birth of Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 in 1466. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, CILCEN, HENGLAWDD Birth of Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103 in 1186. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, DENBIGH Birth of Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426 in 1666. Death of Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426 in 1738. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, DULAS ISLAND, BETTWS Y RHOS Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240 in 1093. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, DYFFRYN CLWYD, AELHAIARN DERWEN ANIAL Birth of Llewellyn Ap Ithel Ap Einudd 1781. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, DYFFRYN CLWYD Birth of Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in 1118. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, IS DULAS, BETWS YN RHOS Birth of Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 in 1100. Birth of Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 in 1122. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, IS DULAS Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1930 in 1192.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, IS DULAS (Continued) Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1696 in 1192. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1764 in 1192. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, LLANGOLLEN, PENGWERN Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 in 1250. Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 in 1250. Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 in 1250. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762 in 1265. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694 in 1265. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 in 1265. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513 in 1275. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 in 1275. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565 in 1275. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, LLANGOLLEN Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 in 1313. Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 in 1313. Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 in 1313. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, MAELOR GYMRAEG, BURTON Death of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2233 in 1236. Death of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 in 1236. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, MAELOR GYMRAEG Birth of Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1414 in 1300. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, MOEL IWRCH LLORAN UCHA Birth of Maurice Gethin 1180 in 1390. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, NANHEUDWY Birth of Madog Ap Gruffudd 1289 in 1320. Birth of Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163 in 1350. Birth of Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1528 in 1350. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, PENGWERN Death of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 in 1270. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, RHIWABON Birth of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 in 1295. Birth of Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1290 in 1325. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, RHOS Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 and Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in 1138. Birth of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 in 1139. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2258 in 1168. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225 in 1168. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2271 in 1168. Marriage of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 in 1168. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, TREFOR SONLLI Birth of Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516 in 1289. Marriage of Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 and Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516 in 1309. Birth of Leucu Verch Ednyfed Llwyd 1382 in 1310. WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE, WREXHAM, LLWYN ON Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 and Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 in 1217. Birth of Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 in 1218. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 in 1245. Marriage of Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 and Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934 in 1259.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, DENBIGHSHIRE Birth of Llywarch Ap Lluddica 2215 in 970. Birth of Ieuaf Ap Nynnio Ap Cynwrig 2261 in 1108. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 in 1114. Birth of Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 in 1120. Birth of Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 in 1130. Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 in 1134. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 in 1160. Birth of Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 in 1170. Birth of Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 in 1200. WALES, DINMAEL, Y DDWYFAEN Birth of Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 in 1520. WALES, DYFED, PEMBROKESHIRE, PEMBROKE Death of William De Braose 2255. WALES, ENGLAND CARDIGAN, KENT, TONBRIDGE Death of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 in 1114. WALES, FLINT, EMRAL Birth of Roger Puleston 1305 in 1426. Birth of Roger Puleston 1182 in 1470. Birth of Roger Puleston 939 in 1524. Birth of Roger Puleston 828 about 1560. WALES, FLINT, HANMER, FENNS HALL Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 927 in 1464. Birth of William Hanmer 822 in 1499. WALES, FLINT, HANMER Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 1178 in 1340. Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 1261 in 1340. Birth of Eleanor Hanmer 823 in 1469. Birth of Richard Hanmer 1184 in 1470. Birth of Richard Hanmer 1056 in 1470. Birth of Thomas Hanmer 929 in 1480. Birth of William Hanmer 515 in 1541. WALES, FLINT Marriage of Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 and Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 in 1293. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, CLYWD, HANMER Death of Griffith Hanmer 1052 in 1501. Death of Griffith Hanmer 937 in 1501. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, ELLESMERE, HANMER Birth of John De Hanmer 1659 in 1277. Birth of John De Hanmer 1509 in 1277. Birth of David Hanmer 1365 in 1328. Birth of David Hanmer 1271 in 1328. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1152 in 1350. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1308 in 1350. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, FENS Marriage of Randle Dymock 826 and Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 in 1487. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, HALGHTON Birth of Richard Ap Madoc 1371 in 1343. Birth of Mrs Richard Ap Madoc 1372 in 1347. Birth of Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173 in 1373.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, FLINTSHIRE, HALGHTON (Continued) Birth of Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 in 1373. Marriage of Ieuan Dymock 1172 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173 in 1399. Marriage of Ieuan Dymock 1265 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 in 1399. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, HALL, FENNS Death of Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516 in 1594. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, HANMER Death of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658. Death of Griffith Hanmer 1152. Death of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185. Death of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057. Death of Griffith Hanmer 1308. Birth of Philip De Hanmer 1489 in 1300. Birth of Philip De Hanmer 1379 in 1300. Birth of David Voel 1499 in 1312. Birth of Mrs David Voel 1500 in 1316. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 in 1342. Marriage of David Dymock 1369 and Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 in 1368. Death of David Hanmer 1271 in 1383. Death of David Hanmer 1365 in 1383. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, MAELOR SAESNEG Death of Thomas De Macclesfield 1922 in 1300. Death of Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 in 1300. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, PENGERN Birth of Rhys Sais Gan 2025. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, PENLEY WILLINGTON Birth of Edward Dymock 659 in 1490. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, PENLEY Birth of David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 in 1307. Birth of Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498 in 1311. Marriage of David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 and Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498 in 1337. Birth of Ieuan Dymock 1172 in 1369. Birth of Ieuan Dymock 1265 in 1369. Birth of Thomas Dymock 935 in 1431. Birth of Thomas Dymock 1054 in 1431. Birth of Randle Dymock 826 in 1462. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, TEGEINGL Birth of Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503 in 1111. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, TEGENGL Birth of Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672 in 1280. Marriage of Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 and Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672 in 1306. WALES, FLINTSHIRE, WILLINGTON HALL Birth of Griffith Goch 1174 in 1372. Birth of Griffith Goch 1267 in 1372. Birth of Mrs Griffith Goch 1175 in 1376. Birth of Mrs Griffith Goch 1268 in 1376. Birth of Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 in 1402. Birth of Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 in 1402. Marriage of Thomas Dymoke 1066 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 in 1430. Marriage of Thomas Dymoke 1148 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 in 1430.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, FLINTSHIRE, WILLINGTON Birth of David Dymock 1369 in 1338. WALES, FLINTSHIRE Death of William Hanmer 822. Birth of Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 in 1276. Birth of Morgan Goch 1373 in 1342. Birth of Mrs Morgan Goch 1374 in 1346. WALES, GIAMORGANSHIRE, CARDIFF, EDWARDS HALL Death of Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 in 1783. WALES, GLAMORGAN, AFAN Birth of Meurig Ap Caradog 2265 in 1141. Marriage of Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 and Meurig Ap Caradog 2265 in 1159. Birth of Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123 in 1164. Marriage of Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 and Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123 in 1179. WALES, GLAMORGAN, CARDIFF, LLANDAFF Marriage of Thomas Edwards 328 and Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329. WALES, GLAMORGAN, LANGSTONE Death of John Saint John 3554 in 1525. WALES, GLAMORGAN, LLANDAFF, EDWARDS HALL Birth of Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 in 1692. WALES, GLAMORGAN, N Marriage of Thomas Edwards 255 and Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 in 1743. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, AFAN Birth of Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 in 1129. Birth of Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 in 1150. Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 in 1170. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, BRIDGEND, COITY Death of Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in 1472. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, CAERPHILLY, CAERPHILLY CASTLE Birth of Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986 in 1292/10. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARDIFF, EDWARDS HALL Birth of Robert Edwards 425 in 1662. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, GOWER Birth of Maud De Braose 2117 in 1226. Marriage of William De Braos 1791 and Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in 1270. Birth of Alice De Braose 2014 in 1286. Birth of Alice De Braose 1714 in 1286. Birth of Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in 1297. Death of Maud De Braose 2117 in 1301. Birth of Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in 1305. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, LANGSTONE Birth of Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in 1462. Marriage of John Saint John 3554 and Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in 1483. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, PENYC, MEISAYN Birth of Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272 in 1332.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE, SWANSEA Death of Alice De Braose 2014 in 1331. Death of Alice De Braose 1714 in 1331. WALES, GLAMORGANSHIRE Marriage of George Downing 427 and Catherine Downing [Cecil] 428. WALES, GLEN MORGANSHIRE Birth of Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 in 1723. WALES, GOWER, BRAMBER Death of Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in 1328. WALES, GWYNEDD, CAERNARVON Marriage of Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in 1164. WALES, GWYNEDD, DOLBENMAEN CAERNARFON, GEST Birth of Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin] 2107 in 1025. WALES, GWYNEDD, TWRCELYN Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 in 1200. Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 in 1200. Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 in 1200. WALES, GWYNEDD Birth of Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 in 1120. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in 1218. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in 1218. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in 1218. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in 1262/12. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in 1262/12. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in 1262/12. WALES, HAD GARTHEYR Death of Maurice Gethin 1180. WALES, LLWDIARTH Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Gruffydd 1698 in 1442. WALES, MAELOR Birth of Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1366 in 1314. WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, LLANFACHRETH, NANNAU Birth of Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507 in 1200. WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, MEIRIONYDD Birth of Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 in 1168. Marriage of Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 and Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507 in 1179. Birth of Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 in 1180. WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, PENLLYN Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1929 in 1160. Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1695 in 1160. Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1763 in 1160. WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, PENRHYN Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 in 1261. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1566 in 1261. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 in 1261.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, TOWYN, YNYSMAENGWYN Birth of Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 in 1285. WALES, MERIONETHSHIRE, TRAWSFYNYDD, GELLI IORWERTH Birth of Iowerth Ap Einion 1697 in 1397. WALES, MID GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, CAERLLEON Marriage of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in 1116. WALES, MONTGOMERSHIRE, POWIS Birth of Edward Cherleton 1531 in 1371. Birth of Edward Cherleton 1166 in 1371. WALES, MONTGOMERY, MANAVON Birth of David Middleton 844 in 1535. Birth of David Middleton [Middletown] 845 in 1539. Marriage of David Middleton 844 and David Middleton [Middletown] 845 in 1559. WALES, MONTGOMERY, TREFEGLWYS, TALGARTH Birth of Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121 in 1120. Birth of Einion Ap Hywel 2263 in 1140. WALES, MONTGOMERY Birth of Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 2036 in 1242. Marriage of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 and Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 in 1313. Birth of Elizabeth Blayney 843 in 1546. Birth of Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in 1560. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, ARWYSTLI Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in 1098. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, MANAVON Death of Richard Price 842. Birth of Richard Price 672 in 1555. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, MECHAIN Death of Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217 in 1070. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, NEWTON Birth of Richard Price 842 in 1530. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, POWIS Death of Henry Grey 933. Death of Henry Grey 1277. Birth of Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023 in 1245. Birth of Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 in 1280. Birth of Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 in 1280. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, POWYS Death of Edward Cherleton 1166. Death of Edward Cherleton 1531. Birth of Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246 in 1185. Birth of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 in 1185. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Bleddyn [Madog] 2221 in 1198. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112 in 1218. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, TREFEGLWYS, TALGARTH Birth of Einion Ap Hwyel 2262 in 1090. WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE, YSTRADMARCHELL, CEGIDFA Birth of Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 in 1150.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, MONTGOMERYSHIRE Birth of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 in 1091. Birth of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 in 1091. Birth of Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in 1129. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in 1131. Birth of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 in 1151. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 in 1200. Birth of Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030 in 1224. Death of Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in 1310. Birth of John Price 531 in 1584. Marriage of John Price 531 and Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 in 1584. Death of Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in 1637/4. Death of Richard Price 672 in 1638/4. WALES, MONTGOMS Birth of Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 2024 in 1245. Birth of Ms. Unknown 1924 in 1263. Birth of Ms. Unknown 1690 in 1263. WALES, OUTSIDE WALLS KIDWELLY, MAES GWENLLIAN Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in 1136. WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE, PEBIDIOG, ST DAVIDS Death of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 in 1197. Death of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 in 1197. WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE, PEMBROKE Marriage of William De Braose 2255 and Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256. Birth of Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256 in 1194. WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE, ST DAVID Birth of Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847 in 1550. WALES, POWYS, BRYN Birth of Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 2105 in 1095. WALES, POWYS, CEGIDFA Birth of Gruffydd Ap Beli 2508 in 1109. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273 in 1180. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 in 1180. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260 in 1180. WALES, POWYS, FADOG, GLYNDFRDWY Birth of Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931 in 1250. WALES, POWYS, LLANGOLLEN, PENGWERN Birth of Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220 in 1180. Birth of Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 in 1215. WALES, POWYS, LLWYNTIDMAN Death of Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228. WALES, POWYS, MONGOMERYSHIRE Birth of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 in 1399. Birth of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 in 1399. WALES, POWYS, PAINSCASTLE Death of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 in 1216. WALES, POWYS, WENWYNWYN Death of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 in 1286.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WALES, POWYS Birth of Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217 in 1025. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 in 1030. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2233 in 1158. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 in 1158. Marriage of Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 and Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2402 in 1175. Marriage of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 and Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212 between 1206 and 1209. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260 in 1212. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273 in 1212. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 in 1212. Marriage of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 and Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246 in 1215. WALES, POWYSLAND Birth of Lleicu Verch Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan] 2216 in 982. WALES, SOUTH Marriage of William Awbrey 692 and Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693 in 1603. WALES, TRAWSFYNYDD, RHIWGOCH Birth of Lowri Verch Ap Maredudd [Ap Ieuan] 1494. WALES Death of Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212. Death of Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272. Death of Francis Meriwether 759. Death of Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223. Death of Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928. Death of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398. Death of Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 in 1076. Birth of Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 2106 in 1093. Death of Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in 1139. Death of Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503 in 1143. Death of Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 in 1150. Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in 1197. Death of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 in 1230. Death of Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 in 1249. Birth of Rired Ap Rhys Says 1925 in 1250. Birth of Rired Ap Rhys Says 1691 in 1250. Death of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267 in 1254. Death of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254 in 1254. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Awr 1575 in 1270. Birth of Agharad Verch Ap Heilyn [Daffyd] 1577 in 1275. Birth of Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 in 1280. Birth of Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 in 1280. Birth of Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380 in 1305. Birth of Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490 in 1305. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938 in 1433. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 1053 in 1433. Birth of William Hanmer 657 in 1501. Death of Jenkin Hanmer 927 in 1568. Birth of Hannah Wilkins [Nichols] 603 in 1590. Death of William Hanmer 515 in 1621. Death of Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693 in 1650. Birth of Thomas Jerman 3441 in 1670. Birth of Asa Brittain 437 in 1688. Birth of Achsa Brittain 438 in 1688. WELLS Birth of Thomas Hughes 249.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] WEST VIRGINIA Birth of George W Mitchell 10 about 1857. Birth of holly William Mitchell 5 on 26 July 1896. Y Death of Llywarch Ap Lluddica 2215. Death of John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006. Death of Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687. Death of Roger FitzCorbet 2908. Death of Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1704. Death of Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592. Death of Peter Garrold 3221. Death of Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094. Death of Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201. Death of Heloise De Blois 2788. Death of Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in 426. Death of Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in 472. Death of Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in 492. Death of Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in 492. Death of Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in 514. Death of Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in 532. Death of Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108 in 540. Death of Norbrii Northumberland 3111 in 595. Death of Norbrii Northumberland 3099 in 595. Death of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 in 612. Death of Eystein Glumra 3010 in 830. Death of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in 840. Death of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in 840. Death of Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869 in 907. Death of Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in 952. Death of Herfast De Crepon 2971 in 981. Death of Herfast De Crepon 2988 in 981. Death of Herfast De Crepon 2830 in 981. Death of Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651 in 1053. Death of Paule Du Maine 2770 in 1100. Death of Paule Du Maine 2625 in 1100. Death of Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in 1113. Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in 1148. Death of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 in 1174. Death of Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in 1198. Death of Thomas Macclesfield 2022 in 1310. Death of Joan Bryan 1710 in 1317. Death of Joan Bryan 2010 in 1317. Death of Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706 in 1321. Death of Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in 1335. Death of Richard Minshull 1703 in 1348. Death of Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in 1414. Death of Richard Kingsmill 1196 in 1479. Death of Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232 in 1549. Death of Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in 1563. YNYSCYNHAIARN, BRON Y FOEL Birth of Gwenhwyfer Verch Ap Ieuan 1670. YUGOSLAVIA, SRBIJA, RASKA, RASKA Death of Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317.

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17. INDEX OF DATES 15 A.D. Birth of Hutterus Heruli 3157 in British Columbia, Canada. 20 A.D. Birth of Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158 in Germany. 34 A.D. Death of Thomas Baldry 1217. 35 A.D. Death of Hutterus Heruli 3157 in AD. 58 A.D. Birth of Hutterus Vislaus 3148 in AD, Heruli. 86 A.D. Birth of Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 in AD, Heruli. 91 A.D. Death of Hutterus Vislaus 3148 in AD, Heruli. 100 Death of Judith Heruli [De Jutland] 3158 in Jutland, Denmark. 110 Birth of Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140 in Black Area, Europe. 115 Birth of Tibernia Vislaus [De Norway] 3149 in AD, Norway. 127 Death of Vitilaus King Heruli 3139 in Heruli. 200 Death of Anarnia Heruli [Gothland] 3140 in Heruli. 295 Birth of Ms. Unknown 3155. 316 Birth of Prince Walaravens 3156 in Ostrogoths, Pannonia, Italy. 320 Birth of Miecislaus I Heruli 3154 in Germany. 338 Birth of Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in Heruli, Italy. 345 Birth of Winithar Ostragoths 3147 in Spain. 350 Marriage of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 and Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in Italy. Birth of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in Eastern, Hungary. 360 Birth of Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134 in Hungary. 365 Birth of Adulphus Goths 3126 in Black Sear Area, Europe. Birth of Flora Of Vandals 3135 in Eastern, Hungary. 368 Birth of King Gonderic 3122 in Eastern, Hungary. 375 Birth of Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 in Hun Empire, Ukraine. 388 Death of Miecislaus I Heruli 3154 in Germany. 389 Birth of Vandalar Av Ostrogoths 3137 in Verona, Verona, Italy. 400 Birth of Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in Eastern, Hungary. Birth of Mr. Svaflam 3143 in Gordum, Norway. Marriage of King Gonderic 3122 and Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in Germany. Birth of Ms. Unknown 3127. 405 Death of Radagaisus Vandals 3145 in Rome, Italy. 406 Death of Gondeguslus Of Vandals 3134.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 408 Birth of Stark Aludregn 3152 in Norway. 410 Birth of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 in Norway. 411 Death of Adulphus Goths 3126. 412 Birth of Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in Ringerike, Bursker, Norway. 414 Birth of Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in Norway. 420 Death of Cella V Vandals [De Vandals] 3146 in Germany. Death of Winithar Ostragoths 3147 in Ukraine, Belarus. 425 Birth of Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 in Black Area, Europe. Birth of Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in Hun Empire, Ukraine. Birth of Mr. Adulphus 3138. 426 Death of Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in Y. Death of King Gonderic 3122 in Spain. 427 Marriage of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 and Ogn Arngrimsson 3151 in Norway. 428 Birth of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 in Norway. 430 Birth of Erelicia Ostrogoths 3125 in Verona, Italy. 431 Marriage of Stark Aludregn 3152 and Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in Hedemark, Norway. 432 Death of Stark Aludregn 3152 in Hedemark, Norway. Death of Alfhild Aludregn [Finnalfsdatter] 3153 in Hedemark, Norway. Birth of Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in Norway. 434 Birth of Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 in Carthage, Africa. Birth of Bjatmar Unknown 3144 in Norway. 438 Birth of Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114 in Carthage, Africa. 439 Birth of Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. 443 Birth of Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108 in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. 445 Birth of Alrek Agnasson 3128 in Uppsula, Uppsula, Sweden. 449 Birth of Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in Sweden. 450 Death of Flora Of Vandals 3135 in Germany. 451 Marriage of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 and Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in Hedemark, Norway. 452 Birth of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 in Bolmey, Norway. Death of Grim Hergrimsson 3141 in Hedemark, Norway. 454 Death of Mr. Svaflam 3143. Birth of Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in Gordum, Norway. 455 Birth of Theodoric The Great Of Italy 3105 in Pannonia, Ukraine, Belarus. Birth of Theodora Goths 3106 in Italy. 456 Birth of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 in Denmark, Arkansas, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 459 Death of Wandalar Ostrogoths 3136 in Reino Ostrogodo, England. 460 Birth of Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094 in Denmark. Death of Hergrim Arngrimsson 3150 in Hedemark, Norway. 465 Marriage of Alrek Agnasson 3128 and Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in Sweden. Birth of Ms. Goths [Eurica] 3104 in Spain. 466 Birth of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 in Sweden. 467 Birth of Cerdic Wessex 3087 in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. 468 Birth of Amfleda Des Ostrogoths 3116 in Ravenna, Italy. 470 Birth of King Thrasamund 3115 in North, Africa. Birth of Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in Sweden. 471 Death of Theodemir Cheiftan 3124 in Pannonia, Hun Empire. Marriage of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 and Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in Norway. Birth of Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. 472 Death of Eyfuru Grimsson [Svaflamasdatter] 3131 in Y. Death of Arngrim Berserkur Grimsson 3130 in Hedemark, Norway. Birth of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 in Norway. 474 Birth of Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in Norway. Death of Bjatmar Unknown 3144. 476 Death of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 in Denmark. Marriage of Fridleif Frodasson 3093 and Mrs Fridleif Frodasson 3094 in Denmark. 479 Birth of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. 480 Birth of Hilderic Vandals 3091 in Carthage, Africa. Death of Hunneric King Of The Vandals 3113 in Africa. 481 Death of Dagreid Agnasson [Dagsdotter] 3129 in Svitjod, Sweden. 483 Birth of Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080 in Denmark. 486 Marriage of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 and Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in Sweden. 487 Birth of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 in Sweden. Death of Bauggerd Hergrimsson [Starksdatter] 3142 in Hedemark, Norway. Death of Elisa Gonderic [Granada] 3123 in Germany. 488 Birth of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 in Glaesivollum, Norway. 490 Birth of Harald Unknown 3121 in Norway. 491 Marriage of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 and Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in Norway. Birth of Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in Sweden. 492 Birth of Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in Norway, Maer, Norway. Death of Mrs Yngvi Alreksson 3118 in Y. Death of Svofu Arngrimsson [Bjartmarsdatter] 3133 in Y. Marriage of Cerdic Wessex 3087 and Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in Wessex, Germany. 493 Birth of Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 in Wessex, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 496 Death of Gelimer Of The Spanish Goths 3103 in Denmark. Birth of King Tharsamund 3085 in Denmark. Death of King Thrasamund 3115 in Africa. 497 Birth of Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 in Wessex, England. 499 Death of Yngvi Alreksson 3117 in Fyrisvold, King Alf. 500 Birth of Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092 in North, Africa. Marriage of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 and Mrs Frodi Fridleifsson 3080 in Denmark. 503 Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. Birth of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 in Denmark, Arkansas, USA. 504 Birth of Norbrii Northumberland 3111 in Northumberland, England. Birth of Norbrii Northumberland 3099 in Northumberland, England. 507 Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3110 in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3098 in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3057 in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. Birth of Sigris Frodasson 3070 in Denmark, Scandavia, Europe. 508 Marriage of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 and Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in Sweden. 509 Birth of Aun Jorundsson 3081 in Sweden. Death of Jorund Yngvasson 3095 in Limfjord, Denmark. 512

Index of Dates

Birth of Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in Norway, Maer, Norway. Marriage of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 and Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. Birth of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 514 Death of Aelle (ella) Of Elisens 3107 in Ancient Saxony, Northern, Germany. Death of Mrs Jorund Yngvasson 3096 in Y. 522 Death of Angantyr Arngrimsson 3132 in Hedemark, Norway. Birth of Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in Ravenna, Italy. 523 Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 and Sigris Frodasson 3110 in Denmark. Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 and Sigris Frodasson 3070 in Denmark. Death of King Tharsamund 3085 in Denmark. Marriage of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 and Sigris Frodasson 3098 in Denmark. 525 Birth of King Cynric 3066 in Wessex, England. Death of Amfleda Des Ostrogoths 3116. Death of Ms. Crioda [Mrs Crioda] 3076 in Wessex, England. 526 Birth of Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3112 in Roskilde, Denmark. Birth of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 in Roskilde, Denmark. Birth of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 in Roskilde, Denmark. Birth of Hroar Northumberland [Halfdansson] 3100 in Roskilde, Denmark. 528 Death of Sigris Frodasson 3110 in Jelinge, Denmark. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3057 in Jelinge, Denmark. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3070 in Jelinge, Denmark. Death of Sigris Frodasson 3098 in Jelinge, Denmark. Birth of Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in Roskilde, Denmark. 530 Birth of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in Northumberland, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 530 (Continued) Death of Eudoxia Vandals [Rome] 3114 in North, Africa. Death of Hilderic Vandals 3091 in North, Africa. Birth of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in Northumberland, England. Birth of Hildis Af Vandals 3067 in Jutland, Denmark. 531 Marriage of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 and Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in Norway. 532 Death of Helga Reidgotalandi [Haraldsdatter] 3102 in Y. Birth of Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 534 Death of Cerdic Wessex 3087 in Wessex, England. Death of Prince Of Wessex Crioda 3075 in Wessex, England. Death of Ms. Wessex [Mrs Cerdic] 3088 in Wessex, England. 536 Death of Alrek Agnasson 3128 in Svitjod, Sweden. 538 Death of Hofund Gudmundsson Glaesivollum 3119 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 540 Birth of Olof Halfdansson 3062 in Denmark. Death of Mrs Elesa Elisens 3108 in Y. Death of Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in Denmark. 542 Marriage of King Tharsamund 3085 and Amfleda Tharsamund [Major] 3086 in Denmark. 544 Death of Aun Jorundsson 3081 in Uppsula, Uppsula, Sweden. 546 Marriage of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in Denmark. Marriage of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 and Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in Denmark. Death of Olof Halfdansson 3062 in Roskilde, Denmark. Marriage of Olof Halfdansson 3062 and Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in Roskilde, Denmark. 547 Birth of Valdar Hroarsson 3077 in Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 in Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark. Death of Hervor Glaesivollum [Angantyrsdatter] 3120 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 548 Death of Frodi Fridleifsson 3079 in Denmark. 549 Birth of Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in Denmark. Birth of Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 in Jutland, Denmark. 550 Birth of Snaer Jokulsson 3040 in Finland. 552 Death of Angantyr Heidreksson Reidgotalandi 3084 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. Birth of Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 in Reidgotalandi, Norway. 555 Birth of Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland] 3041. 556 Death of Amfleda The Vandals [Younger] 3092. Birth of Amfleda "the Angantyrsson [Younger"] 3074 in Norway. 560 Death of King Cynric 3066 in Wessex, England. 564 Death of Helgi Halfdansson 3063 in Denmark. 567 Death of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 in Jutland, Denmark. Marriage of Valdar Hroarsson 3071 and Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Valdar Hroarsson 3077 in Jutland, Denmark. 568 Birth of Harald Valdarsson 3064 in Jutland, Denmark.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 572 Death of Mrs Valdar Hroarsson 3072 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Hildis Hroarsson [Vandals] 3078 in Denmark. Birth of Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in Jutland, Denmark. 575 Marriage of Snaer Jokulsson 3040 and Ms. Jokulsson [Kvenland] 3041. 580 Birth of Alf Olafsson 3058 in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3068 in Denmark. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3097 in Denmark. Death of Halfdan Frodasson 3109 in Denmark. 585 Birth of Alf Olafsson 3059 in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. 589 Marriage of Harald Valdarsson 3064 and Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in Jutland, Denmark. 590 Birth of Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in Lethra, Stealland, Denmark-Prob. Birth of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 in Jutland, Denmark. 594 Birth of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3049 in Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3045 in Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in Jutland, Denmark. 595 Death of Norbrii Northumberland 3099 in Y. Death of Norbrii Northumberland 3111 in Y. 602 Death of Heidrek Ulfhamr Angantyrsson 3073 in Hedemark, Norway. 603 Death of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3049 in Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Halfdan Haroldsson 3056 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Moalda Digri Kinriksdatter 3045 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in Jutland, Denmark. 611 Marriage of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 and Moalda Digri Haraldsson [Kinriksdatter] 3061 in Denmark. 612 Death of Heidrek Hofundsson Reidgotalandi 3101 in Y. Death of Harald Valdarsson 3064 in Denmark. Birth of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 in Roeskilde, Lethra, Denmark. 613 Marriage of Alf Olafsson 3058 and Alf Olafsson 3059 in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. 614 Birth of Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in AM, Uppsala, Sweden. 620 Death of Hroar Halfdansson 3089 in Northumberland, England. Death of Hroar Halfdansson 3082 in Northumberland, England. 625 Birth of Thrond Throndsson 3046 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Thrond Throndsson 3042 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 630 Death of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3090 in Denmark. Death of Ogne Halfdansson [Of Northumbria] 3083 in Denmark. Birth of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 632 Marriage of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 and Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in Denmark. Death of Gauthild Alfsdatter 3054 in Jelinge, Denmark. 633 Birth of Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 in AM, Denmark. 645 Birth of Mr. Fhorri 3034 in Finland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 647 Death of Ivar Halfdansson 3055 in Gulf, Finland. 650 Death of Halfdan Haraldsson 3060 in Denmark. Death of Halfdan Haroldsson 3056. 660 Birth of Halfdan Solfasson 3044 in Soleyum, Solisles, Sweden. Birth of Halfdan Solfasson 3048 in Soleyum, Solisles, Sweden. Death of Ivar Vidfadma 3053 in King Denmark, Sweden. 663 Birth of Roric Slingeband 3051 in King, Indiana, USA. 667 Death of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Thrond Throndsson 3046 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Marriage of Thrond Throndsson 3046 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3047 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Thrond Throndsson 3042 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Marriage of Thrond Throndsson 3042 and Mrs Thrond Throndsson 3043 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 668 Birth of Eystein Throndsson 3038 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Eystein Throndsson 3035 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 669 Birth of Mr. Gorr 3027 in Lofoten Islands. 670 Death of Aud Ivarsdatter 3052 in Jelinge, Denmark. Birth of Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 671 Birth of Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799 in Vendil, Arhus, Denmark. Birth of Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798 in Vendil, Denmark. 672 Death of Hildur Valdarsson [Heidreksdatter] 3065 in Denmark. 680 Birth of Harald Hildetand 3050 in King, Indiana, USA. Death of Alf Olafsson 3058 in Denmark. 690 Marriage of Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798 and Sigtryg Vendil [De Vendil] 3799 in Vestfold, Norway. 693 Death of Sigtryg Of Vendil 3798. Birth of Agnar Agnarsson [Sigtrygsson] 3029 in Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037 in Vestfold, Norway. 694 Birth of The Viking Sveide 3023. 699

Index of Dates

Marriage of Eystein Throndsson 3038 and Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Marriage of Eystein Throndsson 3035 and Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 700 Birth of Hognl Eysteinsson 3033 in Trodheim Sor Trandelag, Norway. Birth of Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Roric Slingeband 3051 in Denmark. Birth of Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 708 Birth of Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 in Uppland, Norway. 710 Death of Eystein Throndsson 3038 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Eystein Throndsson 3035 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 715 Birth of Eirik Agnarsson 3028 in Vestfold, Norway. 720 Death of Agnar Sigtrygsson 3037 in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 737 Death of Hogne Eysteinsson 3031 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 738 Birth of Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 in Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Hogne Eysteinsson Eysteinsson [Norway] 3032 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 in Vestfold, Norway. 739 Death of Asa Eysteinsdatter 3030 in Throndheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 740 Birth of Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Death of Eirik Agnarsson 3028 in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway. Birth of Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in Vestfold, Norway. 743 Birth of Asa Haraldsdottir 3018 in Vestfold, Norway. 750 Death of Halfdan Solfasson 3044 in Sweden. Death of Halfdan Solfasson 3048 in Sweden. 755 Birth of Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020 in Storrada, Norway. 759

Index of Dates

Death of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Marriage of Eystein Glumra Hognasson 3025 and Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 760 Death of Hildi Eiriksdatter 3024 in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway. Death of The Viking Sveide 3023. 762 Birth of Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway. 767 Birth of Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway. 770 Death of Harald Hildetand 3050 in Irish. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 in Norway, Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 in Norway, Vestfold, Norway. Death of Solveig Halfdansdatter 3036 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Marriage of Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 and Asa Haraldsdottir 3018. Death of Solveig Throndsson [Halfdansdatter] 3039 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 774 Birth of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in Norway, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in Norway, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 784 Birth of Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in Weobley Castle, Worcester, England. 785 Death of Mrs Eystein Hognasson 3026 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelaag. Birth of Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000 in Throndheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. 786 Birth of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 in Line, Kings Danes, Odin, Denmark. 788 Birth of Ivar Jarl 2999 in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. 790 Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 in Jutland, Norway. Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 2949 in Jutland, Norway. Birth of Eystein Glumra 3010 in Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway. 794 Birth of Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in Vestfold, Norway. 799 Marriage of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 and Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Heluna Ragnarsson [Princess] 3015 in Jutland, Denmark.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 800 Birth of Earl Klaak Harald 2866 in Jutland, Denmark. Death of Hilf Eysteinsson [Daysdottir] 3009 in Borre, Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 in Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 in Vestfold, Norway. Death of Halfdan Eysteinsson 3008 in Borre, Vestfold, Norway. 804 Birth of Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. 806 Birth of Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in Jutland, Denmark. 810 Death of Gudrod Halfdansson 3017 in On Behalf, Vestfold, Norway. Death of Gudrod Hunterking Halfdansson 3019 in Norway. Birth of Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 in Maer, Norway. 812 Birth of Aseda Rognvaldsson 2946 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Death of Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in Maer, Norway. 814 Birth of Olafsson Unknown 3004 in Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Olafsson Unknown 2950 in Jutland, Denmark. 815 Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in Vestfold, Norway. Death of Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in Vestfold, Norwy. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in Vestfold, Norway. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in Vestfold, Norway. Marriage of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 and Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in Vestfold, Norway. Marriage of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 and Alfhild Halfdansson [Alfarinsdatter] 3022 in Vestfold, Norway. 816 Birth of Rognvald Olafsson 3001 in Vestfold, Norway. 821 Death of Gudrod Halfdansson 3021 in Vestfold, Norway. 826 Birth of Hrolf Nefja 2916 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Hrolf Nefja 2947 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. 828 Birth of Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in Norway. Birth of Nn Nefja [Of Norway] 2948 in Norway. 830 Death of Eystein Glumra 3010 in Y. 833 Marriage of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 and Thora Sigurdsdatter 3002 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. 834 Death of Asa Haraldsdottir 3018 in Oseberg. 837 Birth of Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Birth of I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in Upland, Denmak. 839 Birth of Pepin I De Vermandois 2864 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. 840 Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3007 in Vestfold, Norway. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3012 in Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Death of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3006 in Y. Death of Mrs Olaf Gudrodsson 3013 in Y. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3005 in Vestfold, Norway. Birth of Berillo I De Vienne 2986. Death of Olaf Gudrodsson 3016 in Vestfold, Norway. 844 Death of Earl Klaak Harald 2866 in Walcheran, Zeeland, Netherlands.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 844 (Continued) Birth of Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in Tours, France. Birth of Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 in Loches, France. Birth of Thyre Danebod 2859 in Denmark. 845 Birth of Bertha De Vermandois [De Morvois] 2956 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 in Anjou, France. 846 Death of Ivar Jarl 2999 in Maer, Norway. Birth of Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. 847 Death of Hrolf Nefja 2916 in Norway. Birth of Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 in Bayeaux, France. Death of Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in Norway. Birth of Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 in Burgundy, France. Marriage of Hrolf Nefja 2916 and Mrs Hrolf Nefja 2917 in Norway. Death of Hrolf Nefja 2947 in Norway. 848 Birth of Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 850 Death of Rognvald Olafsson 2949 in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Eudes De Chartres 2951 in Tours, Indre Et Loire, Touraine Centre, France. Death of Rognvald Olafsson 3003 in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Death of Rognvald Olafsson 3001 in Maer, Nord, Trondelag, Norway. Death of Queen Asa Haraldsdtr 3020. Birth of Bertha De Morvois 2865 in Bohain-En-Vermandois, Aisne, Picardie, France. Death of Daughter Jarl [Of Trondheim] 3000. 851 Birth of Otto The Illustrious 2872 in Sachsen, Germany. 852 Birth of Mrs Bberenger De Bayeaux [De Bayeux] 2863 in Bayeux, Neustria. Birth of Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960 in Burgundy, France. 853 Birth of Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia. 854 Birth of Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869 in Bretagne, France. 855 Birth of Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873 in Sachsen, Germany. Birth of Ms. Brittany 2871 in Brittany, France. 858 Birth of Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. 860 Birth of Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958 in Alsace, France. Birth of Mr. Berenger 2870 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Alain I De Bretagne 2868 in Bretagne, France. 862 Birth of Hugh De Bourges 2953 in Bourges, Cher, Berry Centre, France. 866 Birth of Robert I France 2957 in Bourgogne, France. 869 Marriage of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 and Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in Anjou, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. Marriage of Otto The Illustrious 2872 and Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873. 870 Birth of Fouques I D Anjou 2935 in Anjou, France. Birth of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 in Maer, Nord, Trondleg, Norway. Death of Glumra Eystein Jarl 2945 in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 in Maer, Nord, Trondleg, Norway. Birth of Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954 in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France. Birth of Fouques I D Anjou 2876 in Anjou, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 870 (Continued) Birth of Bathel Basset 2884 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. 872 Birth of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Birth of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in Evreux, Normandy, France. 873 Birth of Rotbold Arles 2879 in France. Marriage of Hubert Senlis 2828 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Birth of Rotbold Arles 2938 in France. Death of Sigurd Ragnarsson 3014 in Jutland, Denmark. Marriage of Hubert Senlis 2969 and Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. 874 Birth of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877 in Lodhes, Indre-Et-Lr, Touraine, France. Birth of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in Lodhes, Indre-Et-Lr, Touraine, France. 875 Birth of Ms. De Chartres 2952 in Chartres, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France. Birth of Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. 876 Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2835 in Sachsen, Germany. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2976 in Sachsen, Germany. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2993 in Sachsen, Germany. Birth of Heinrich I Germans 2965 in Sachsen, Germany. Birth of Ermengarde De Vienne [De Burgundy] 2987 in Lorraine, Alsace, France. 878 Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Birth of Ms. Queen Aaflaeda 2867 in Wessex, England. Birth of Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 in Arles, France. Birth of Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Birth of Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 in Arles, France. 880 Birth of Thistburge De Arles 2985. Birth of Hubert Senlis 2828 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Hubert Senlis 2969 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919. 882 Birth of Richard I Von Swabia 2961 in Burgundy, France. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2834 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2992 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Ms. De Rennes 2975 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. 884 Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Herbert De Vermandois 2880 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Herbert De Vermandois 2921 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. 886 Marriage of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in Normandie, France. Marriage of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 and Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in Normandie, France. Death of Eudes De Chartres 2951 in Chartres, Eure Et Loir, Beauce Centre, France. 887 Birth of Reginlinde Von Swabia [De Nullenburg] 2962 in Z Rich, Z Rich Canton, Switzerland. 888 Marriage of Rudolph I De Burgundy 2959 and Willa De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2960 in Burgundy, France. 890 Death of Mr. Berenger 2870. Death of Adele Adelaide France [De France] 2958 in Paris, France. Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2971 in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France.

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890 (Continued) Birth of Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Birth of Gilbert Gislebert 2882 in Chalons-Sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France. Death of Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter 3011 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Death of Berenger De Bayeaux 2862 in Viking Bayeaux, Normandy, France. Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2830 in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France. Birth of Herfast De Crepon 2988 in Crepon, Calvados, Normandy, France. Death of Aelinde De Amboise 2983 in Anjou, Isere, Rhone Alpes, France. 892 Death of Ragnhild Hrolfsson 2861 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Birth of Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in Bourges, Alsace, France. Death of Ragnhild Jarl [Hrolfsdottir] 2915 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Death of Hugh De Bourges 2953 in Bourges, Alsace, France. 893 Birth of William I Longsword 2927 in Normandy, France. Death of Ingelger I Orlean 2982 in St Martin, Tours, Indre Et Loire, France. Birth of Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in Dijon, Cote Dor, Bourgogne, France. Death of Pepin I De Vermandois 2864 in Senlis, Oise, Picardy, France. Birth of William I Longsword 2753 in Normandy, France. 894 Death of I Eysteinsson Jarl 2914 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 897 Birth of Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. 900 Death of Bathel Basset 2884 in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2989 in Jutland, Denmark. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in Jutland, Denmark. Marriage of Bathel Basset 2884 and Mrs Bathel Basset [Dss] 2885 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Birth of Thyri Klacksdottir 2972 in Jutland, Denmark. 902 Birth of Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964 in Wessex, England. Death of Herbert I De Vermandois 2955 in Vermandois, Aisne, Picardy, France. Birth of Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 in Burgundy, France. 904 Death of Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 in Troyes, Aube, Champagne, France. 906 Death of Hathui Duchess Of Illustrious [Saxony] 2873 in Gandersheim, Saxony. 907 Death of Orequen De Bretagne [De Rennes] 2869 in Y. Birth of Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 in Burgundy, France. Death of Alain I De Bretagne 2868 in France. 908 Death of Bertha De Morvois 2865. Death of Ms. De Chartres 2952. 909 Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2835 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2836 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2978 in Anjou, France. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2894 in Anjou, France. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2837 in Anjou, France. Birth of Foulques Le Anjou 2995 in Anjou, France. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2976 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2977 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2993 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2994 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany. Marriage of Heinrich I Germans 2965 and Matilda Countess Of Germans [Ringelheim] 2966 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 910 Marriage of Theobald Vct De Troyes 2919 and Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in France. Death of Richilde De Troyes [De Bourges] 2920 in France. 911 Birth of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 in Bretagne, France. Death of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2970 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in Normandy, France. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in Normandy, France. Birth of Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in Normandy, France. Death of Ms. Senlis [Mrs Hubert] 2829 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. 912 Death of Hubert Senlis 2969 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Marriage of Rotbold II Of Arles 2937 and Rotbold Arles 2938 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. Death of Hubert Senlis 2828 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Marriage of Rotbold II Of Arles 2878 and Rotbold Arles 2879 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. 913 Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979 in Maine, USA. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 in Maine, USA. Birth of Theobald I De Blois 2886 in Blois, France. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996 in Maine, USA. Birth of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 in Maine, USA. 914 Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 in Nordhausen, Saxony. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of France 2926 in Nordhausen, Saxony. Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2840 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 in Nordhausen, Saxony. Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2998 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. Birth of Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 in Nordhausen, Saxony. Birth of Adelais Countess Vermandois 2981 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. 915 Birth of Norman De Basset 2841 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. 916 Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 in Normandy, France. Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 in Normandy, France. Birth of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 in Normandy, France. 917 Death of Ludmilla Ringelheim [Ragnhildis] 2875 in Germany. 920 Death of Theodoric Count Of Ringelheim 2874 in Germany, Hannover, Goslar, Ringelheim. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2980 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2997 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Robert De Vermandois 2839 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Death of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2877 in Lieu, Angers, France. Death of Roscille D Anjou [De Loches] 2936 in Lieu, Angers, France. 924

Index of Dates

Marriage of Rudolph De Burgundy 2923 and Bertha De Burgundy [Von Swabia] 2924 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. 925 Birth of Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Birth of Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 in Arles, Toulouse. 927 Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2892 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2712 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Conan I Bretagne 2898 in Bretagne, France. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2931 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2932 in Bretagne, France. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2941 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2942 in Bretagne, France. Marriage of Juhel Berenger 2757 and Gerberge Queen Of Berenger [France] 2758 in Bretagne, France. 928 Death of Rothaut De Bourges [De France] 2954 in France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 929 Death of Garnier Seigneur De Loches 2984 in Verberie Sur Oise, France. 930 Death of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2827 in Neustria, Normandy, France. Death of Poppa Ragnvaldsson [De Valois] 2968 in Neustria, Normandy, France. 931 Birth of Juhel Berenger 2757 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Death of Hildebrante Liegarde 2922 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Death of Adela De Vermandois [De France] 2881 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Juhel Berenger 2941 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. Birth of Juhel Berenger 2931 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. 932 Death of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2826 in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. Death of Robert Ragnvaldsson 2967 in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. Death of Rolf Ragnvaldsson 2860 in Notre Dame, Rouen, France. 935 Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2831 in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2972 in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Death of Thyri Klacksdottir 2989 in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. Death of Thyre Danebod 2859 in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark. 936 Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 in Normandy, France. Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 in Normandy, France. Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2974 in Rennes, France. Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2833 in Rennes, France. Death of Paskwitan De Rennes 2991 in Rennes, France. Birth of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 in Normandy, France. 937 Birth of William Ironarm 2640 in Aquitaine, France. 938 Death of Fouques I D Anjou 2935 in Anjou, Anjou, France. Death of Fouques I D Anjou 2876 in Anjou, Anjou, France. 943 Marriage of Theobald I De Blois 2886 and Luitgarde De Blois [De Vermandois] 2887 in Normandy, France. Birth of Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 in Laon, Aisne, France. Birth of Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848 in about 943, in Corbiel, Seine Et, France. 945 Death of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2928 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Norman De Basset 2841 and Ms De Basset [Norman] 2842 in Ouilyy Basset, Normandy. Death of Sporte Longsword [De Bretagne] 2754 in Normandy, France. 947 Birth of William Taillefer 2648 in Toulouse, Haute Garonne, France. 948 Death of Thistburge De Arles 2985. 949 Birth of Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649 in Toulouse, France. 950 Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 in Normandie, France. Birth of Odo I De Blois 2843 in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641 in Blois, France. 951 Death of Edgiva Simple [Eadgifu] 2964 in Indiana, USA. 952 Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2895 in Tours, France. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2713 in Anjou, France. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2899 in Anjou, France.

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952 (Continued) Death of Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in Y. Birth of Ermengarde Bretagne [D Anjou] 2893 in Anjou, France. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2979 in Tours, France. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2996 in Tours, France. Death of Gerberge Le Anjou [Du Maine] 2838 in Tours, France. 955 Birth of Albert De Corbeil 2847 in Corbeil, Marne, Champagne, France. 956 Marriage of Gilbert Gislebert 2882 and Ermengarde Gislebert [De Burgundy] 2883 in France. 958 Birth of Otto Guillaume 2642 in Lombardy, Italy. 960 Birth of Osmond De Centville 2785 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. 962 Marriage of Richard I Normandy 2896 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897. Marriage of Richard I Normandy 2710 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711. Marriage of Richard I Normandy 2890 and Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891. 963 Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 in Normandy, France. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 in Normandy, France. Birth of Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643 in Rheim, Marne, France. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 in Normandy, France. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 in Normandy, France. Birth of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 in Normandy, France. 964 Birth of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619 in Anjou, France. Birth of Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764 in Anjou, France. Marriage of Conrad I De Bourgogne 2888 and Matilda De Bourgogne [De France] 2889 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, France. 965 Death of Norman De Basset 2841 in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. 967 Birth of Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in Burgundy, France. 968 Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2904 in Flanders, France. Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2632 in Flanders, France. Birth of Baudouin Flanders 2777 in Flanders, France. 969 Birth of William Aquitaine 2574 in Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France. 970 Birth of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 in Gastinois, France. Birth of Llywarch Ap Lluddica 2215 in Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Juhel Berenger 2757 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Death of Juhel Berenger 2941 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Birth of Osmond De Centville 2786 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Birth of Bernard I De La Marche 2650 in Toulouse, France. Death of Juhel Berenger 2931 in Bretagne, Brittany, France. Birth of I Dalmace* 2646 in Semur, Cote Dor, France. Birth of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 in Gastinois, France. 974 Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651 in Toulouse, France. Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2930 in Crepon, Normandy, France. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in Macon, Seine Et Loire, France. Birth of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in Macon, Seine Et Loire, France. Birth of Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645 in Toulouse, France. Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2756 in Crepon, Normandy, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 974 (Continued) Death of Mrs Herbastus De Crepon 2940 in Crepon, Normandy, France. 975 Marriage of Hugh De Beauchamp 2811 and Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in Normandie, France. 978 Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Death of Rotbold II Of Arles 2937. Death of Rotbold II Of Arles 2878. Birth of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 in Falaise, Calvados, France. 980 Birth of Doda De Falaise 2776 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647 in Vergy, France. Birth of Heloise De Blois 2788 in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Birth of Doda De Falaise 2903 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Doda De Falaise 2631 in Falaise, Calvados, France. 981 Death of Herfast De Crepon 2971 in Y. Death of Herfast De Crepon 2988 in Y. Death of Herfast De Crepon 2830 in Y. 982 Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Lleicu Verch Ap Lluddica [Gwerystan] 2216 in Powysland, Wales. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 in Bretagne, France. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2760 in Anjou, Normandy, France. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2944 in Anjou, Normandy, France. Death of Adelaide De Vermandois 2934 in Anjou, Normandy, France. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 in Bretagne, France. Birth of Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 in Bretagne, France. 983 Marriage of Otto Guillaume 2642 and Ermentrude Guillaume [De Roucy] 2643 in Lombardy, Lombardy, Italy. 984 Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2755 in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2929 in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. Death of Herbastus De Crepon 2939 in Arques, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. 985 Birth of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 in Thouars, Vienne, France. Birth of Athon De Courtenay 2677 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. 986 Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778 in Flanders, France. Birth of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in Wessex, England. Birth of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in Wessex, England. Birth of Richard D Evreux 2767 in Rouen, Normandy, France. Birth of Richard D Evreux 2622 in Rouen, Normandy, France. Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633 in Flanders, France. Birth of Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905 in Flanders, France. Birth of Renaud Borel Capet 2662 in Burgundy, France. 987 Birth of Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 in Bourgogne, France. 988 Marriage of Odo I De Blois 2843 and Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in Burgundy, Marneogne, France. Birth of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Roger FitzCorbet 2908 in Pays De Caux, Normandy, France. 989 Birth of Aldearde Thours 2665 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Aenor De Thouars 2659 in Thouars, Vienne, France. Birth of Edmund Ironside 2636 in Wessex, England. Birth of Edmund Ironside 2781 in Wessex, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 990 Birth of Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Birth of Pons Count Albi 2578 in Toulouse, France. Marriage of Osmond De Centville 2785 and Osmond De Centville 2786 in Ouily Basset, Normandy. Birth of Adelaide Capet, Countess D' Vermandois [Auxerre] 2913 in Nevers, Bourgogne, France. Birth of Walter De Beauchamp 2745 in Normandie, France. Birth of Bertha De Chartres 2627 in Brittany, France. Birth of Germaine De Corbeil 2794 in Corbeil, S Et, France. Birth of Herbert I Du Maine 2626 in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine Pays De La Loire, France. Birth of Bertha De Chartres 2772 in Brittany, France. Death of Osmond De Centville 2785 in Quilly, Basset, Normandy. Birth of Herbert I Du Maine 2771 in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine Pays De La Loire, France. Birth of Waleran De Meulan 2660 in Mellent, Normandy, France. Birth of Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 in Roche, Vienne, France. Birth of Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663 in Normandy, France. 993 Birth of Hughes De Bouchard 2666. Birth of Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238 in Gest, Dolbenmaen, Caernarvonshire, Wales. 994 Birth of Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657 in Roche, Vienne, France. Birth of Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in Mellent, Normandy, France. Birth of Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in Bonteville, France. 997 Birth of Isembert De Broyes 2787 in Broyes, Marne, Champagne, France. Birth of Richard Iii De Normandie 2795 in Normandy, France. Birth of Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817 in Wessex, England. 999 Marriage of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 in Normandy, France. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 and Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. Birth of Giovanni Carnaghi 2909 in Pays De Caux, Normandie, France. Birth of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 in Normandy, France. 1000

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Marriage of Robert Capet 2906 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2907. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2845 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2846 in Normandie, France. Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 and Doda De Falaise 2903 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664 in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. Birth of Mrs Richard Iii Concubine 2796 in Normandy, France. Birth of Alphonso Ghesnes 2818 in Hedingham, Essex, England. Birth of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Birth of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Birth of Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 in Brittany, France. Birth of Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Birth of Elizabeth Bardoul [De Sours] 2729 in Brozes, Eure, France. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2900 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2901 in Normandie, France. Birth of Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Marriage of Robert Capet 2634 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2635. Marriage of Robert Capet 2779 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2780. Death of Athon De Courtenay 2677 in Courtenay, Gatinais, Isle De France, France. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2763 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2764 in Anjou, France. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2629 in Normandie, France. Birth of Katherine De Flanders 2819 in Hedingham, Essex, England. Birth of Paule Du Maine 2770 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 and Doda De Falaise 2631 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Marriage of Foulques Le Anjou 2618 and Hildegarde Le Anjou [De Lorraine] 2619 in Anjou, France. Birth of Paule Du Maine 2625 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Marriage of Robert Capet 2644 and Constance Capet [De Toulouse] 2645. Birth of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 in Chateau Landon, Seine Et Marne, France.

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1000 (Continued) Death of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2616 in Landon, Sein Et Marne, France. Birth of Urso Abbott 2813 in Lillebonne, Seine, France. Death of Geoffroy I Gastinois 2761 in Landon, Sein Et Marne, France. Marriage of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 and Doda De Falaise 2776 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2849 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2850 in Normandie, France. Birth of Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 in Chateau Landon, Seine Et Marne, France. Marriage of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2773 and Judith Duke Of Normandy [De Bretagne] 2774 in Normandie, France. 1001 Birth of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in Ile De France, France. Birth of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in Ile De France, France. Birth of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 in Conteville, France. 1002 Birth of Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 in Mercia, England. 1003 Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in Falaise, Clavados, France. Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in Falaise, Clavados, France. Death of Doda De Falaise 2903 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. Death of Doda De Falaise 2631 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. Birth of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in Falaise, Clavados, France. Birth of Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 in Bourgogne, Marneogne, France. Death of Doda De Falaise 2776 in Falaise, Calvados, France. Death of Emma Ironarm [De Blois] 2641 in Aquitaine, France. Birth of Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in Falaise, Clavados, France. 1004 Birth of Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 in St Clair-Sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2777 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2778 in Flanders, France. Birth of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2632 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2633 in Flanders, France. Birth of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in Normandy, France. Birth of Hugh Bardoul 2728 in Brozes, France. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders 2904 and Otgive Flanders [De Luxembourg] 2905 in Flanders, France. 1005 Death of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2617 in Metz, Middle Lorraine, France. Birth of Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in Bourboucy, France. Birth of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 in Bourboucy, France. Death of Beatrice Gastinois [De Macon] 2762 in Metz, Middle Lorraine, France. Birth of Fouque De Aulney 2726 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. 1006 Birth of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2784 in Nordgau Region, Medieval States. Birth of Gertrud Countess Von Brunswick [Nordgau] 2639 in Nordgau Region, Medieval States. 1008 Birth of Henri I France 2910 in Reims, Champagne. Death of Hugh De Beauchamp 2811. 1009 Birth of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 in Montlhery, France. 1010 Birth of Richard FitzGerold 2814 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Birth of Archambaud De Comborn 2667 in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France. 1011 Birth of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 in Orkney, Scotland. Birth of Robert I Capet 2576 in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile De France, France. 1012 Death of Germaine De Corbeil 2794 in Corbeil, Marne, France. Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2722 in Flanders, France.

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1012 (Continued) Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2570 in Flanders, France. Birth of Baudouin V Flanders 2853 in Flanders, France. Death of Elizabeth De Corbeil 2848. Death of Albert De Corbeil 2847. 1014 Marriage of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 and Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in Angoulesme, Charente, France. Marriage of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 and Aenor De Thouars 2659 in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. Birth of Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680 in Montlhery, France. 1015 Birth of Foulques Taillefer 2594 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Marriage of Edmund Ironside 2636 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in Malmsbury, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Edmund Ironside 2781 and Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in Malmsbury, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of I Dalmace* 2646 and Aremburge Dalmace* [De Vergy] 2647 in Semur En Auxois, Cote Dor, France. Birth of Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Birth of Aimery De Thouars 2584 in Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France. Birth of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in Normandy, France. 1016 Death of Bertha De Blois [De Burgundy] 2844 in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Birth of Edward Atheling 2724 in Wessex, England. Birth of Helie Ermengarde Capet [De Semur] 2577 in Semur, Cote-Dor, France. Birth of Edward Atheling 2572 in Wessex, England. Death of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2782 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2638 in Brunswick, Germany. Death of Ealdgyth Ironside [Morcarson] 2637 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Liudolf Von Brunswick 2783 in Brunswick, Germany. 1017 Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2775 in Normandy, France. Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2902 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Waleran De Meulan 2660 and Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in Ponteaudemer, Eure, Normandy, France. Death of Fulbert De Falaise 2630 in Normandy, France. 1018 Birth of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 in Braunschweig, Prussia. Marriage of William Aquitaine 2574 and Agnes Aquitaine [De Macon] 2575 in Poitiers, Vienne. Marriage of Renaud Borel Capet 2662 and Adelais Capet [Judith] 2663 in France. Birth of Ermengard D Anjou 2815 in Anjou, France. Birth of Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 in Braunschweig, Prussia. Birth of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 in Anjou, France. Birth of Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 in Anjou, France. 1019 Birth of Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588 in Lille Bouchard, Indre Et Loire, Centre, France. Birth of Archimbaud Borel 2586 in Isle Bouchard, France. 1020 Birth of Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675 in Gironde, Gascogne, France. Birth of Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 2668 in Rochechouart, Poitou, France. Birth of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. Birth of Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in Pays De Caux, Normandy, France. 1022 Marriage of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in Ile De France, France. Marriage of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 and Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in Ile De France, France. Birth of Elias Helias Gifford 2807 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Roger De Montgomery 2654 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. 1023 Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2568 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2851 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in Normandy, France. Marriage of Duke Of Normandy Robert I 2720 and Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in Normandy, France. Birth of Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in Isle Bouchard, France. Birth of Agnes De L Isle Bouchard 2589 in Lille Bouchard, Indre Et Loire, Centre, France. 1024 Birth of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 in Bienfaite, Normandy, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1024 (Continued) Death of Cillin Ap Blaidd 2238 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Emma Taillefer [Venaissin] 2649 in Toulouse, France. 1025 Birth of Aline De Courson [De Barmont] 2670 in Barmont, Mehun Sur Yevre, Berry, France. Birth of Emiline Abbott 2746 in Worcestershire, England. Birth of Simon De Montfort 2564 in Montfort, Eure, France. Birth of Simon De Montfort 2716 in Montfort, Eure, France. Birth of Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217 in Powys, Wales. Birth of Hugues Garcin De Courson 2669 in Courson, Calvados, Normandy, France. Birth of Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676 in La Reole, Bezaume, Gascogne, France. Birth of Haer Verch Ap Hirdref [Cillin] 2107 in Gest, Dolbenmaen Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales. 1026 Birth of Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655 in Alencon, Eure, France. Birth of William Aquitaine 2518 in Aquitaine, France. Birth of Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in Nevers, Nievre, France. Death of Gersende De La Roche [De Chatellerault] 2657 in France. Death of Richard II "le Bon" Duke Of Normandy 2628 on 28 August, in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France. 1027 Marriage of Alan Count Of Brittany 2791 and Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in Brittany, France. 1028 Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2853 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2854 in Paris, Seine, France. Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2722 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2723 in Paris, Seine, France. Marriage of Baudouin V Flanders 2570 and Adela Flanders [Capet] 2571 in Paris, Seine, France. Death of Isembert De Broyes 2787. Birth of Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 in Vermandois, France. 1029 Birth of Artaud De Forez 2683 in Le Forez, Provence, France. 1030 Birth of Jean De La Fleche 2566 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Birth of William I De Nevers 2681 in Nevers, Nievre, Bourgogne, France. Birth of Jean De La Fleche 2718 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Birth of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Birth of Ms. Normandy 2856. Marriage of Richard D Evreux 2622 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in S-Infr, France. Birth of Alberic De Vere 2749 in Hedingham, Essex, England. Marriage of Richard D Evreux 2767 and Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in S-Infr, France. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 in Powys, Wales. Death of Katherine De Flanders 2819 in Chart. Birth of Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 in Clermont, Oise, France. Birth of Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 in Mauleon, Deux Sevres, Poitou Charentes, France. Birth of Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 in Burgundy, France. Birth of Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in Normandy, France. Birth of Thurston Basset 2694 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy, France. Death of Hughes De Bouchard 2666. Birth of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Death of Hugues Sn Bouchard 2664. 1031 Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2897 in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2711 in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2798 in Flanders, France. Death of Gonnor Normandy [De Crepon] 2891 in Neustrie, Normandy, France. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2515 in Flanders, France. Birth of Matilda Flanders 2691 in Flanders, France. Death of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2620 in Montfort Lamaury Castle, Ile De France, France. Death of Amauri Seigneur De Montfort 2765 in Montfort Lamaury Castle, Ile De France, France. 1032 Death of I Dalmace* 2646 in Murdered. Birth of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England.

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1032 (Continued) Death of Alphonso Ghesnes 2818 in Ver, Cotentin, Normandy, France. 1033 Birth of Malcolm Canmore 2692 in Atholl, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Malcolm Canmore 2516 in Atholl, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in Le Forez, Provence, France. 1034 Birth of Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Marriage of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 and Arlogia Brusesson [Orkney] 2790 in Carrick, Galloway, Scotland. Death of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2768 in Normandy, France. Birth of Isabel De Broyes 2695 in Broyes, Marne, France. Birth of Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in Longueville, Normandy, France. Birth of Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. Birth of Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Death of Adaele D Evreux [De Toni] 2623 in Normandy, France. Birth of Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in Brittany, France. 1035 Marriage of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2714 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2715 in Nevers, Nierre, France. Marriage of Edward Atheling 2572 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2573 in London, Middlesex, England. Marriage of Edward Atheling 2724 and Agatha Atheling [Von Brunswick] 2725 in London, Middlesex, England. Marriage of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 and Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in Normandy, Normandy, France. Marriage of Geoffrey II Count De Gastinois 2562 and Ermengard De Gastinois [D Anjou] 2563 in Nevers, Nierre, France. 1036 Birth of Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911 in Kiev, Ukraine. Marriage of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 and Hodierne De Montlhery [De Gometz] 2680 in Montlhery, Eure Et Loir, France. Birth of Ives Taillebois 2747 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Robert De Brusse 2730 in Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland. 1037 Marriage of Rhys Sais Gan 2025 and Eva Verch Gan [Ap Rhys] 2026. Birth of Robert De Mortaigne 2580 in Mortaigne, Normandy, France. Death of Foucauld I De La Roche 2656 in France. Death of William Taillefer 2648 between 1037 and 1039, in Avignon, France. 1038 Birth of Qunormau Vagena 2673 in Angouleme, Charente, France. 1039 Marriage of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 and Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in Bourbonnais, Aquitaine, France. 1040 Birth of Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 in Mercia, England. Birth of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in Normandy, France. Death of Henry Castellan De Gand 2820 in Bourbonnais, Aquitaine, France. Birth of Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in Bourboucy, France. Birth of Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 in Montlhery, S Oise, France. 1041 Birth of Maude De Montgomery 2581 in Mortaigne, S Mnch, France. Birth of Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. 1042 Marriage of Fouque De Aulney 2726 and Mrs Fouque De Aulney 2727 in Ouilly Basset, Normandy. Birth of Robert Corbet 2799 in Alcester, Warwickshire, England. 1043 Birth of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 in Anjou, France. Birth of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 in Anjou, France. Birth of Qunormau Vagena 2674 in France. Death of Geoffroi De Thouars 2658 between 1043 and 1044, in St Michael En Lherm, Leon, Spain. 1044 Birth of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Birth of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Death of Richard FitzGerold 2814. 1045 Marriage of William I De Nevers 2681 and Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in Nevers, Nievre, Burgundy, France.

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1045 (Continued) Birth of Margaret Atheling 2517 in Wessex, England. Birth of Margaret Atheling 2693 in Wessex, England. Birth of Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in Montdidier, Somme, France. Birth of Bernard I De Comborn 2590 in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France. 1046 Birth of Milo Crispin 2803 in Tillieres, Eure, France. Death of Ragnvald Brusesson 2789 in Papa Stronsay, Islands, Orkney, Scotland. 1047 Death of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 in Barnstable, Devon, England. Death of Bernard I De La Marche 2650 in Manche, France. Death of Mauger Seigneur De St Clair 2793 in St Clair-Sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France. Birth of Renaud De Nevers 2600 in Nevers, Nievre, France. 1048 Marriage of Archimbaud Borel 2586 and Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in Isle Bouchard, France. Marriage of Roger De Montgomery 2654 and Mabel De Montgomery [Talvas] 2655 in Perche, France. Marriage of Robert De Brusse 2730 and Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in Brienze, Normandy, France. Death of Geoffrey Taillefer 2671 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Death of Petronille Taillefer [De Archaic] 2672 in Angouleme, France. 1049 Birth of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 in Isle Bouchard, France. Marriage of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 and Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. 1050 Death of Fouque De Aulney 2726 in Abbey, Adington, Bershire, England. Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2569 in Mortain, Normandy, France. Birth of Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591 in Courson, Calvados, Normandy, France. Birth of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. Birth of Everard De Donjon 2602 in Donjon Castle, Corbeil, Yerre-Sur-Oise, France. Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2721 in Mortain, Normandy, France. Death of Harlette De Conteville [De Falaise] 2653 in Mortain, Normandy, France. Death of Harlette Robert I [De Falaise] 2852 in Mortain, Normandy, France. Birth of Moreiddig Ap Rhys 2234 in Mochnant, Clwyd, Wales. Birth of Ralph Basset 2608 in Montreil-Au, Houlme, Normandy, France. 1051 Death of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2621 in Epernon, Normandy, France. Death of Bertrade De Montfort [De Gometz] 2766 in Epernon, Normandy, France. 1052 Birth of Titus De Scudamore 2805 in Kentchurch, Hereford, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Everard De Donjon 2603 in Yerre, Pyrenees Orientales, France. 1053 Birth of Hugues De France 2857 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Death of Archambaud De Comborn 2667. Birth of Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in Isle Bouchard, France. Death of Amelie Countess Of De La Marche [Aubnay] 2651 in Y. Marriage of Pons Count Albi 2578 and Almodis Albi [De La Haute Marche] 2579 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. Marriage of Waldron De Saint Clare 2732 and Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in Barnstaple, Devon, England. 1054 Birth of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Artaud De Forez 2683 and Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in Le Forez, Provence, France. Marriage of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 and Humprey Deinsula Deinsula Delisle 2737 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France. Birth of Agnes De Saint Clare 2697 in Barnstaple, Devon, England. Marriage of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 and Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in Prior, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England. 1055 Birth of Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802 in Normandy, France. Birth of Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in Le Forez, Prvnc, France. Birth of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in Chateau Du Loire, France. Birth of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in Chateau Du Loire, France.

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1055 (Continued) Death of Ida De Forez [De La Forez] 2684 in Forez, Provence, France. Marriage of Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675 and Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676. 1057 Death of Edward Atheling 2724 in London, Middlesex, England. Death of Edward Atheling 2572 in London, Middlesex, England. 1058 Marriage of Simon De Montfort 2716 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in Normandy, France. Birth of Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Simon De Montfort 2564 and Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in Normandy, France. Death of Isabel De Broyes 2695 in Nogent Le Roi, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France. Death of Gerberge De La Roche Foucauld [De Chatellerault] 2583 in Chtellerault, Vienne, France. Birth of Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in Mortaigne, S Mnch, France. Death of Hugh Bardoul 2728 in France. Birth of Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in Northamptonshire, England. 1059 Birth of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 in Montfort Amaury, Ile De France, France. Death of Alfgar Earl Mercia 2816 in Mercia, England. Birth of Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 in Montfort Amaury, Ile De France, France. 1060 Birth of Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 in Benauges, Gironde, France. Birth of Elias Helie 2688 in Maine, USA. Death of Aenor De Thouars 2659. Birth of Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 2593 in Angouleme, Charente, Poitou Charentes, France. Death of Hildegarde De Gastinois 2678 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Death of Lancelin De Beaugency 2769 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Birth of Elias Helie 2512 in Maine, USA. Death of Pons Count Albi 2578 in St Sernin, Toulouse, Toulouse, France. Death of Lancelin De Beaugency 2624 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. 1061 Marriage of Alberic De Vere 2749 and Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in Hedingham, Essex, England. Marriage of Qunormau Vagena 2673 and Qunormau Vagena 2674 in Angouleme, Charente, France. 1062 Death of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2719 in France. Birth of Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France. Death of Paula De La Fleche [Du Maine] 2567 in France. Birth of Matilda Crispin [De Noyers] 2804 in Noyers, Yonne, Bourgogne, France. Birth of Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in Normandy, France. Birth of Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806 in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. 1064 Marriage of Hugues De France 2857 and Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 in France. Birth of Mrs Amanieu De Benauges De Benauges [Saint Macaire] 2597 in Benauges, Gironde, France. 1065 Birth of Adelle De France [Vermandois] 2858 in Valois, Isle De France, France. Marriage of Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824 and Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in Picardy, France. Birth of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 in Clare, Suffolk, England. 1066 Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2801 in Lanquetot, Le Havre, Normandy, France. Death of Harlevin De Conteville 2652 in Grestain Abbey, Mortain, Manche, France. Birth of Robert De Bruce 2696 in Normandy, France. Birth of Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. 1067 Death of Richard D Evreux 2767 in Normandy, France. Death of Richard D Evreux 2622 in Normandy, France. 1068 Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2405 in Selby, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2734 in Selby, Yorkshire, England. Death of Archimbaud De Bouchard 2588. Death of Janet Verch Ap Llywarch [Ap Cynfyn] 2095.

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1068 (Continued) Birth of Henry I Beauclerc 2606 in Selby, Yorkshire, England. 1069 Birth of Milo De Courtenay 2530 in Courtenay, Loriet, France. Death of Aurengarde De Thouars [De Mauleon] 2585 in Thouars, Deux Sevres, France. 1070 Death of Rhiwallon Ap Cynfyn 2217 in Mechain, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Death of Lucia Taillebois [De Mercia] 2748 in Spalding, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Matilda Taillebois 2707 in Normandy, France. 1072 Death of Aldearde Thours 2665 in France. 1073 Birth of Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Godfrey De Namur 2326 in Namur, France. Birth of Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in Nevers, Nievre, France. 1074 Marriage of Ralph De Langetot 2801 and Cecilia Princess Of De Langetot [England] 2802 in Normandie, France. 1075 Birth of Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in Alcester, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Renaud De Nevers 2600 and Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in Nevers, Nievre, Burgundy, France. Marriage of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 and Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. Birth of Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. Death of Josceline De Courtenay 2598 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Birth of Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 in Comborn, Correze, Limousin, France. Birth of Gwrgenau Ap Ednowen Lord 2236. 1076 Marriage of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 and Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in England. Death of Ednyfed Ap Llywarch 2094 in Wales. 1077 Death of Anna Agnesa France [Yaroslavna] 2911 in Villiers Abbey, Le Ferte Alais, Essonne, France. Birth of Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in Essex, England. 1078 Death of Rhys Sais Gan 2025. Marriage of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 and Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in Isle Bouchard, France. 1079 Birth of Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in Isle Bouchard, France. Marriage of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 and Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. 1080 Birth of Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in Weldon, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2738 in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Herbert V Count Of Vermandois 2912 in Vermandois, Normandy, France. Birth of Walter De Scudamore 2741 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Titus De Scudamore 2805 and Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. Birth of William Malbank 2740 in Oxfordshire, England. Death of Agnes De Saint Clare 2697 in Bramber, Sussexshire, Sussex, England. Birth of Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in Corbeil, France. Death of Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in Huesca, Spain. Marriage of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 and Emma Toulouse [De Mortaigne] 2521 in Mortaigne, S-Mnch, France. Birth of Alan Reginald Dedunstanville 2610 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2607 between 1080 and 1084, in Dunfermline, Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland. Birth of Matilda Atheling Beauclerc [Scotland] 2406 between 1080 and 1084, in Dunfermline, Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland. 1081 Birth of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 in Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Hugh Le Corbet 2855 in Pays Dauge, Calvados, Normandy, France. Death of Robert De Brusse 2730 in Annan, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 1082 Birth of Aubrey De Vere 2708 in Hedingham, Essex, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1082 (Continued) Death of Gerberge De L Isle Isle Bouchard 2525 in Lisle Bouchard, France. 1083 Death of Archimbaud Borel 2586 in Abef. Death of Everard De Donjon 2602 in Corbeil, France. 1084 Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2528 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Ermisende De Namur [De Luxembourg] 2327 in Trier, Rheinland, Germany. Marriage of Foulques Taillefer 2594 and Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in Angoulesme, Charente, France. Marriage of Everard De Donjon 2602 and Everard De Donjon 2603 in Yerre, Pyrenees Orientales, France. 1085 Death of Artaud De Forez 2683 in Le Forez, Loire, Lyonnais Rhone Alpes, France. Death of Bertha Brittany [De Blois] 2792 in Chartres, France. Death of Ida De Nevers [De Forez] 2601 in Nevers, Nievre, Bourgogne, France. Death of Milo Crispin 2803. Death of Ermengarde De Nevers [De Tonnerre] 2682 in Nevers, Nivere, France. Birth of Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in Essex, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Isabel De Vermandois 2800 in Valois, Bretagne, France. Birth of Frederic De Donjon 2532 in Yerre, France. 1086 Death of Thurston Basset 2694 in Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in Benauges, Gironde, France. Death of Humphrey Deinsula Delisle 2736 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. 1087 Marriage of Ralph Basset 2608 and Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England. Death of Simon De Montfort 2716 in Epernon, Normandy, France. Birth of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2717 in Montfort Lamauri, Ile De France, France. Death of Cundo Taillefer [Vagena] 2595 in Angouleme, Aquitane, France. Death of Simon De Montfort 2564 in Epernon, Normandy, France. Death of Agnes De Montfort [D Evreux] 2565 in Montfort Lamauri, Ile De France, France. Death of Foulques Taillefer 2594 in Angouleme, Charente, France. 1088 Birth of Theobald De Blois 2534 in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France. Death of Oda De Meulan [De Conteville] 2661 in Pontoise, France. Death of Alberic De Vere 2749 in Colne Priory, Essex, England. 1089 Death of Qunormau Vagena 2673 in France. Marriage of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2510 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2511 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. Marriage of Fulk "rechin" D'anjou 2686 and Bertrade D'anjou [De Montfort] 2687 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. 1090 Death of Richard Fitzgilbert 2822 in St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England. Birth of Walter De Scudamore 2742 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Einion Ap Hwyel 2262 in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Marriage of Ralph De Langetot 2700 and Emma De Langetot 2701 in Wiltshire, England. Birth of Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527 in Limoges, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France. 1091 Birth of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Ademar De Limoges 2592 in Limoges, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France. 1092 Marriage of Elias Helie 2688 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in Maine, Charente, France. Death of Hugues I De La Roche Foucauld 2582 in Chatellerault, Vienne, France. Marriage of Elias Helie 2512 and Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in Maine, Charente, France. Death of Boson Viscount Chatellerault 2522 in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. Birth of Fulk V De Anjou 2403 in Anjou, France. Birth of Fulk V De Anjou 2604 in Anjou, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1093 Death of Guillaume Count Toulouse 2520 in Holy Land, Palestine. Death of Eleanor Chatellerault [De Thouars] 2523 in Chtellerault, Vienne, France. Death of Aimery De Thouars 2584 in La Cheze, Borugogne, France. Birth of Cynfyn Ap Hirdref 2106 in Wales. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240 in Bettws Y Rhos, Dulas Island, Denbighshire, Wales. 1094 Death of Ives Taillebois 2747 in Kendal, Cambria, England. Death of Emma De Brusse [De Brittany] 2731 in Brittany, France. Marriage of Guillaume IX De Troubador De Aquitaine 2407 and Philippa De Aquitaine [Mathilde] 2408 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrnes, France. Death of Robert De Bruce 2696 in Gisburn, Lancashire, England. 1095

Index of Dates

Death of Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Birth of Elias Giffard 2743 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Guy Seigneur De Montlhery 2679 in Longpont, France. Marriage of Milo De Courtenay 2530 and Ermengarde De Courtenay [De Nevers] 2531 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Birth of Aneiwrodd Ferch Gwergynan [Gwrgeneu] 2105 in Bryn, Powys, Wales. Death of Titus De Scudamore 2805 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. Death of Joyce De Scudamore [De Clifford] 2806. Birth of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. 1096 Birth of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 in Maine, USA. Birth of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 in Maine, USA. 1097 Birth of Mathilde Princess Carinthia 2535 in Karnten, Austria. Death of Jean De La Fleche 2718 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Death of Barthelemy De L Isle Bouchard 2524 in Lisle Bouchard, France. Death of Jean De La Fleche 2566 in Fleche, Sarthe, France. Death of Amalvina Vss De Benauges [De Bezaune] 2676. Death of Guillen Amanieu De Benauges 2675. 1098 Death of Elfgifu Mercia [De England] 2817 in Mercia, England. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales. 1099 Birth of Garcias V Ramirez 2542 in Navarre, Spain. Birth of William X Toulousan 2550 in Toulouse, France. Death of Rothberge De Comborn [De Rochechouart] 2668. Death of Ralph De Langetot 2801 in Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France. Death of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2513 in France, Maine, USA. Birth of Thomas De Basset 2558 in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Dietrich D Alsace 2538 in Alsace, France. Birth of William X Toulousan 2546 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Cecilia De Langetot [De Bar Sur Seine] 2739 in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of William X Toulousan 2276 in Toulouse, France. Birth of Ralph De Langetot 2700 in Pentney, Norfolk, England. Death of Matilde De Chateau Helie [Du Loire] 2689 in France, Maine, USA. 1100 Death of Paule Du Maine 2770 in Y. Birth of Marguerite Ramirez [De La Aigle Rotrou] 2543 in Aigle, Orne, France. Death of Mrs Richard Iii Concubine 2796. Death of Beatrice De Vere [Gand] 2750 in Colne, England Colne, Essex, England. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239 in Betws Yn Rhos, Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Ademar De Limoges 2411 in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France. Birth of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Death of Paule Du Maine 2625 in Y. 1101 Death of Hugh Count Of Clermont (creil 2824.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1102 Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gwgon [Rhirid] 2240 in Tref Rhirid, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Marriage of Aubrey De Vere 2708 and Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in Suffolk, England. 1103 Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine. Death of Amanjeu De Benauges 2596 in Benauges, Gironde, France. Birth of Rohese De Vere 2615 in Hedingham, Essex, England. Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine. Birth of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in Chatellerault, Poitou, Aquitaine. 1104 Marriage of Walter De Scudamore 2741 and Walter De Scudamore 2742 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. Death of Hildegarde Capet De Bourgogne 2519 in France. 1105

Index of Dates

Marriage of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 and Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in Anjou, France. 1107 Birth of Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Alice Basset [De Buci] 2609 in Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 in Menai, Anglesey, Wales. Death of Maude De Montgomery 2581 in Abbaye, Delaware, USA. 1108 Marriage of William Malbank 2740 and Petronilla Scudamore 2613. Birth of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 in Clermont, Oise, France. Birth of Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2528 and Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Ieuaf Ap Nynnio Ap Cynwrig 2261 in Denbighshire, Wales. 1109 Death of William Malbank 2740 in Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Malbank 2702 in Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Aimeri I Chatellerault 2409 and Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in Chatellerault, Vienne, Poitou, France. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Beli 2508 in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. 1110 Birth of Mathilda Limburg [Von Saffenburg] 2323 in La Roche, En Aredene, Luxembourg. Death of Margaret Clermont (creil [De Montdidier] 2825 in Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France. Birth of Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332 in Sur Seine, Aube, Champagne, France. Marriage of Frederic De Donjon 2532 and Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Death of Elias Helie 2688 in Angers, Maine Et Loire, Anjou, France. Birth of Alberic I De Mello 2298 in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France. Death of Elias Helie 2512 in Angers, Maine Et Loire, Anjou, France. Birth of Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301 in Dampmartin, Ile De France, France. 1111 Birth of Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503 in Tegeingl, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Henry Duke Limburg 2322 in Lorraine, France. 1112 Birth of Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333 in Chacenay, Aube, Champagne, France. Death of Garcille De Comborn [De Courson] 2591. 1113 Death of Mrs Frederic De Donjon 2533 in Y. Birth of Henri De Namur 2154 in Luxembourg, Belgium. Death of Isabel De Courtenay [De Montlhery] 2599 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. Birth of Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in Donjon, Allier, France. 1114 Death of Hugh De Beauchamp 2706 in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in Wellingford, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 in Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Gilbert FitzRichard De Clare 2751 in Tonbridge, Kent, England Cardigan, Wales. 1115 Birth of Renaud De Bar 2330 in Le Duc, Meuse, France.

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Birth of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2541 in Barcelona, Spain. Marriage of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in Caerlleon, Monmouth, Mid Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Berenguela Raimundo Raimundez [De Barcelona] 2291 in Barcelona, Spain. Birth of Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 in Wiltshire, England. Birth of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 in Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England. 1117 Birth of Henri I De Gueldres 2328 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands. Death of Adeliza De Clare [De Clermont] 2752 in Sussex Square, London, Middlesex, England. 1118 Birth of Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. 1119 Death of Dangereuse Maubergeonne Chatellerault [Isle Bouchard] 2410 in Liile-Bouchard, Indre-Et-Loire, Centre, France. 1120 Birth of Efa Verch Ap Nynnio [Einion] 2121 in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomery, Wales. Birth of Simon I Saarbrucken 2324 in Saarbrucken, Rheinland, Preuen. Death of Ralph Basset 2608 in Abbey, Adingdon, Berkshire, England. Birth of Louis Capet 2338 in Reims, Champagne, France. Birth of Louis Capet 2304 in Reims, Champagne, France. Death of Sibilla De Gand [Manasses] 2821 in France. Birth of Gwrreneu Flaidd Ap Collwyn 2031 in Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of Leuaf Ap Nynnio 2120 in Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. Marriage of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 and Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Louis Capet 2415 in Reims, Champagne, France. 1121 Marriage of William X Toulousan 2546 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. Marriage of William X Toulousan 2550 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. Death of Ala Gifford [Giffard] 2808 in Brimsfield, England. Death of Vitapoy Taillefer [De Benauges] 2529 in Angouleme, Aquitane, France. Marriage of William X Toulousan 2276 and Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in Poitou, Aquitaine, France. Death of Robert Corbet 2799 in Alcester, Warwickshire, England. 1122 Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2422 in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. Birth of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2129 in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2297 in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. Birth of Eleanor Of Aquitaine 2345 in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. Birth of Eleanor England [Of Aquitaine] 2424 in Chateau De Belin, Gironde, France. Birth of Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 in Betws Yn Rhos, Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. 1123 Death of Bernard I De Comborn 2590 in Cluny, Saone Et Loire, Bourgogne, France. Birth of Robert I De Dreux 2334 in Reims, Marne, France. 1124 Death of Matilda Taillebois 2707 in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in Namur, Namur, Belgium. Death of Marie De Limoges [De Cars] 2593. 1125 Birth of Ms. Unknown 2235. Birth of Genris Verch Ap Collwyn [Hirdref] 2032. Marriage of Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526 and Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527. Death of Reginald Robert Dedunstanville 2698 in Tewkesbury, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Matilda Henriquez [De Maurienne] 2293 in Chambery, Savoie, France. Birth of Emma De Langetot 2701 in Gatehampton, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Renaud De Courtenay 2456 in Courtenay, Loiret, France.

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Death of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2605 in Maine, USA. Death of Ermengarde De Anjou [Du Maine] 2404 in Maine, USA. Marriage of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 and Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. 1127 Death of Richard Fitz Clifford 2809 in Frampton, Sapperton, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 in Reims, Champagne, France. Marriage of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Birth of Mathilda Saarbrucken [Von Sponheim] 2325 in Spondheim, Rheinland, Germany. Birth of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 in Reims, Champagne, France. Marriage of Elias Giffard 2743 and Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in Boyton, Brimfield, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 in Brimpsfield, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Milo De Courtenay 2530 in Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France. 1128 Birth of Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329 in Arnstein, Unterfranken, Bayern, Germany. Birth of William De Reviers 2458 in Devon, England. 1129 Birth of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Death of Maude Fitz Clifford [Walter] 2810 in Frampton, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1130 Death of Adeliza Alicia Dedunstanville [Delisle] 2699 in Combe Castle, Wiltshire, England. Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2551 in Talmont, France. Birth of Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. Death of Helena De Saint Clare [Le Bon] 2733 in Devon, England. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 in Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Elias Helias Gifford 2807 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2547 in Talmont, France. Death of Eleanor Toulousan [De Chatellerault] 2277 in Talmont, France. Birth of Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335 in Braine, Aisne, Picardy, France. 1131 Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. 1133 Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2295 in Navarre, Spain. Death of Rohese Fitzgilbert [Giffard] 2823 in Clare, Angleterre, Suffolk, England. Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2343 in Navarre, Spain. Birth of Blanche Alfonsez [De Navarre] 2420 in Navarre, Spain. 1134 Marriage of Dietrich D Alsace 2538 and Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France. Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 in Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2552 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Guillaume Taillefer 2278 in Angouleme, Charente, France. 1135 Death of William Malbank 2612. Birth of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341 in Alsace, France. Birth of Petronilla Scudamore 2613 in Kentchurch, Hereford, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Birth of Aubrey Dammartin 2140 in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France. Birth of William Malbank 2560 in Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2342 in Castile, Spain. Marriage of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 and Matilda De Scudamore [Giffard] 2705 in Herefordshire, England. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2294 in Castile, Spain. Birth of Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 in Alsace, France. Death of Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in Clemence, Barcelona. Birth of Sancho Alfonsez 2419 in Castile, Spain.

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1135 (Continued) Birth of Beatrice De Saint Pol 2303 in Saint Pol, France. 1136 Birth of Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Gruffydd Ap Rhys 2218 in Dynevor, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2219 in Maes Gwenllian, Outside Walls Kidwelly, Wales. 1137 Birth of King Of Leon Fernando Ii 2136 in Leon, Spain. Death of Archambaud Le Barbu De Comborn 2526. Death of Iorwerth Ap Gwgon 2239. 1138 Birth of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in Hereford, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in Faucigny, Haute-Savoie, France. Birth of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2703 in Hereford, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France. Death of Frederic De Donjon 2532 in Corbeil, France. Marriage of Ademar De Limoges 2411 and Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France. Birth of Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. Death of Graule De Limoges [Taillefer] 2412 in Limoges, Hatue Vienne, France. Birth of Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in Vienne, Isere, France. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 and Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331 in Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais Centre, France. Birth of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France. 1139 Birth of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232 in Tregarnedd, Llangivini, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 in Tregarnedd, Llangivini, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Raoul I De Coucy 2336 in Boves, Somme, France. Marriage of Thomas De Basset 2558 and Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England. Death of Verch Ap Cynon [Ithel] 2501 in Wales. 1140 Birth of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2339 in Blois, France. Birth of Ralph De Valletort 2556 in Bere Ferrers, Tavistock, Devon, England. Birth of Henri Limburg 2152 in Limburg, Belgium. Birth of Adele Capet [De Blois] 2416 in Blois, France. Birth of Jean I De Ponthieu 2302 in Normandy, France. Birth of Einion Ap Hywel 2263 in Talgarth, Trefeglwys, Montgomery, Wales. Marriage of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 and Clemence Claremont [De Bar Le Duc] 2301 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. Death of Agnes Dame Isle Bouchard 2587 in France. Birth of Adelaide Capet [De Blois] 2305 in Blois, France. 1141 Birth of Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. Death of Hugh De Beauchamp 2812 in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Meurig Ap Caradog 2265 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 in Menai, Anglesey, Wales. 1142 Birth of Joan De Valletort [Fitzroy] 2557 in Launceston, Cornwall, England. 1143 Death of Rhael Verch Ap Bran [Gronwy] 2503 in Wales. 1145 Death of Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332. Birth of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 in Menai, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 in Aberffraw Castle, Aberffraw, Anglsy, Wales. Birth of Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 in Sur Seine, Aube, Champagne, France. 1146 Birth of Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252 in Dinan, Ille Et Vilaine, Bretagne, France. 1148 Birth of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in Courtenay, Galinois, France. Death of Ademar De Limoges 2592 in France.

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1148 (Continued) Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in Y. Birth of Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. Death of Ademar De Limoges 2411 in Limoges, Hatue Vienne, France. Birth of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in Courtenay, Galinois, France. 1149 Marriage of Baudouin De Mons De Flanders 2536 and Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in Namur, Namur, Belgium. 1150 Marriage of Alberic I De Mello 2298 and Joan De Mello [Basset] 2299 in Dammartin, Seine Et Marne, France. Birth of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 in Hainault, France. Birth of Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 in Cegidfa, Ystradmarchell, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of William Malbank 2612 in Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in Saarbrucken, Rheinland, Germany. Birth of Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales. Death of Llywarch Ap Bran 2502 in Wales. Marriage of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog] 2111 in Dynevor Castle, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Colyn Gwergynan 2104 in England. Birth of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 in Hainault, France. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 in Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1151 Marriage of Gui De Bar Sur Seine 2332 and Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333. Birth of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Urraca Alfonsez Fernando Ii [De Portugal] 2137 in Coimbra, Portugal. 1152 Marriage of Robert I De Dreux 2334 and Agnaes De Dreux [De Baudement] 2335 in Ende, Westfalen, Prussia. 1153 Birth of William Le Blount 2478 in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. Death of Humberge De Comborn [De Limoges] 2527. 1154 Birth of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267 in Llan Gors, Talgarth, Breconshire, Wales. Birth of Robert De Dreux 2158 in Braine, Aisne, Picardy, France. Birth of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254 in Llan Gors, Talgarth, Breconshire, Wales. Birth of Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France. Birth of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 in Sabran, Gard, France. 1155 Birth of Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Alan Bassett 2466 in Headington, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Saher De Quincy 2462 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Birth of Geoffrey De Saye 2472 in West Greenwich, Kent, England. Birth of Pierre De Courtenay 2320 in Courtenay, Galinois, France. Birth of Fulk Fitz Warine 2251 in Whittington, Salopshire, England. Death of Gwladus Verch Ap Gruffydd [Llywarch] 2497 in Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. Marriage of Renaud De Bar 2330 and Agnes De Bar [De Blois] 2331 in Briey, Meurthe-Et-Moselle, Austrasia. Birth of Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155 in Guelders, Rheinland, Germany. 1156 Birth of Margaret De Quincy [De Harcourt] 2463 in Hampshire, England. Birth of Thomas Bassett 2429 in Hedington, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in Forcalquier, Alpes De Haute Provence, France. Birth of Annest Verch Gwynedd [Rhys] 2505 in Dynevor Castl, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1157 Death of Sibyl Beauclerc [Corbet] 2735 in Blaen, Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales. Death of Payne De Beauchamp 2614 in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Emma Dedunstanville [De Langetot] 2611 in Combe Castle, Wiltshire, England. 1158 Birth of Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 in Montpellier, Herault, France. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2233 in Powys, Wales. Birth of Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in Heddingdon, Oxfordshire, England.

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1158 (Continued) Birth of Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 in Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France. Death of Hawise De Courtenay [De Donjon] 2414 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 in Powys, Wales. 1159 Marriage of Meurig Ap Caradog 2264 and Meurig Ap Caradog 2265 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. 1160 Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2278 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Death of Madog Ap Maredydd 2498 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Marriage of Guillaume Taillefer 2552 and Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 in Angouleme, Charente Maritime, France. Birth of Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in Courtenay, Galinois, France. Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1929 in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1763 in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Death of Madog Ap Maredydd 2243 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 in Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in Courtenay, Galinois, France. Birth of Rhirid Flaidd 1695 in Penllyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 in Angouleme, Charente Maritime, France. 1161 Death of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561. Death of Petronille De Bar Sur Seine [De Chacenay] 2333. Death of Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2703. Marriage of Cynwrig Ap Iorwerth 2108 and Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109 in Clwyd, Wales. Death of Reginald De Courtenay 2413 in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. 1162 Death of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2553 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Death of Renaud II Of Claremont 2300 in Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France. Death of Emma Taillefer [De Limoges] 2279 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317 in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. 1163 Death of Adeliza De Vere [De Clare] 2709 in St Osyths Priory, Essex, England. Marriage of Raoul I De Coucy 2336 and Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium. Birth of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479 in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 and Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales. 1164 Death of Godfrey De Scudamore 2704 in England. Birth of Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 in Boves, Somme, France. Marriage of Hwfa Ap Cynwrig 2241 and Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in Caernarvon, Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of Robert De Vere 2460 in Hatfield, Essex, England. Birth of Isabel De Vere [Bolebec] 2461 in Hatfield, Essex, England. 1165 Death of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2499 in Burke. Death of Susanna Verch Ap Maredydd [Gruffydd] 2244 in Burke. Birth of Rohese De Foix 2465 in Foix, Ariege, Midi Pyreneees, France. Birth of Roger De Valletort 2427 in Caus, Shropshire, England. Birth of Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 2473 in Newtimber, Sussex, England. 1166 Death of Sibilla D D Alsace [Anjou] 2539 in Bethlehem, Judea, Canaan, Palestine. Death of Elias Giffard 2743 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Muriel De Lovaine 2469 in Essex, England. Death of Rohese De Vere 2615 in Priory, Chicksands Prior, Bedfordshire, England. 1167 Death of Berta Giffard [Clifford] 2744 in Brimsfield, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Maud Matilda Plantagenet [Of England] 2549 on 10 September, in Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France.

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1167 (Continued) Death of Matilda Princess Plantagenet [England] 2275 on 10 September, in Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Death of Henry Duke Limburg 2322 between 1167 and 1168, in Rome, Italy. 1168 Birth of Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in Meulan, Normandy, France. Marriage of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 and Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2398 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2258 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of Bela Harmadik Hungary 2318 and Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2225 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Alix Comtesse De Flanders [De Namur] 2537 in Mons, Hainault, Belgium. Marriage of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in France. Marriage of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 and Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in France. Birth of Tangwystl Verch Ap Iorwerth [Llywarch] 2271 in Rhos, Denbighshire, Wales. 1169 Marriage of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2417 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2418 in Valenciennes, Hainaut, Belgium. Death of Owain Ap Gruffydd 2496 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Alesia De Valletort 2428 in Caus, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Baudouin Flanders Haina 2340 and Marguerite Haina [De Lorraine] 2341 in Valenciennes, Hainaut, Belgium. Birth of Thomas Despencer 2464 in Elington, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Agnes De Coucy [De Hainault] 2337 in Picardy, France. 1170 Birth of Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 in Paris, Seine, Ile-De-France, France. Birth of Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 in Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Robert De Courtenay 2366 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212 in Cause, Shropshire, England. Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 in Afan, Glamorganshire, Wales. Marriage of Henri Limburg 2152 and Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in Lorraine, France. 1173 Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2224 in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Angharad Verch Ap Iorwerth [Hwfa] 2109. Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2257 in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Llewelyn Ap Iorwerth 2270 in Aberffraw Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Nigel De Peyton 2470 in Peyton Hall, Ramshold, Suffolk, England. 1174 Birth of Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Iorwerth Ap Cynon 2500 in Y. 1175 Marriage of Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2401 and Gwyn Ap Gruffydd 2402 in Powys, Wales. Birth of Yolande De Courtenay [Hainault] 2321 in Flanders, Belgium. Birth of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482 in Twywell, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of Humbert Savoy 2286 and Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. Birth of Henry De Aldithley 2247 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. 1176 Birth of Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. Birth of Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269 in Stoke, Devon, England. 1177 Death of William Malbank 2702. Marriage of William Malbank 2560 and Andeline Malbank [De Beauchamp] 2561 in Rolington, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Guilliaume I Count Of Geneva 2288 and Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in France. Birth of Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2436. Marriage of Thomas Bassett 2429 and Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in Heddingdon, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Ms. Hansard [De Raby] 2444. 1178 Marriage of Renaud De Courtenay 2456 and Hawise De Courtenay [De Curcy] 2457 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Birth of Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 in Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Hawise De Vere [De Quincy] 2369 in Winchester, Hampshire, England.

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1178 (Continued) Marriage of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 and Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in Sabran, Gard, Languedoc, France. 1179 Marriage of Heilin O R Ap Cyfnerth 2228 and Heilin Ap Cyfnerth 2229 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of William Ponthieu 2142 in Ponthieu, France. Marriage of Einion Ap Seisyllt 2506 and Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507 in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales. Marriage of Llywelyn Ap Meurig Caradog 2122 and Llywelyn Caradog [Ap Meurig] 2123 in Afan, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Ms. Unknown 2471 in Boxford, Suffolk, England. Death of Agnes De Gueldres [Von Arnstein] 2329 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands. Birth of Reginald De Braose 2268 in Bramber, Sussex, England. Marriage of Einudd Ap Llywarch 2230 and Einudd Ap Llywarch 2231 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. 1180 Death of Beatrix Geneva [De Faucigny] 2289 in Genve, Genve Canton, Switzerland. Marriage of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 and Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France. Birth of Janet Fitz Ap Cadwgon [Warin] 2115. Birth of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. Birth of Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. Birth of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443 in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. Birth of Simon De Dammartin 2049 in Dammartin, Seine Et Marne, France. Birth of Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 in Meirionydd, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260 in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273 in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. Birth of Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Powys, Wales. Birth of Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 in Cegidfa, Powys, Wales. Birth of Lady Bacon [Meschines] 2486 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Alan Bassett 2466 and Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Birth of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 in Limburg Lahn, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia. Marriage of Aubrey Dammartin 2140 and Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. Birth of Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435 in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. Marriage of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 and Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, France. 1181 Birth of Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Peter De Brus 2451 in Skelton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 in Forcalquiers, Basses Alpes, France. Birth of Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 in Castile, Spain. Birth of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 in Forcalquiers, Basses Alpes, France. 1182 Birth of Marie Aragon [De Montpellier] 2149 in Montpellier, Herault, France. Death of Thomas De Basset 2558 in Hedington, Oxfordshire, England. 1183 Death of Pierre Prince Of France 2554 in Palestine, Israel. Death of Alberic I De Mello 2298 in Norton, Stow, Suffolk, England. Death of Pierre Prince Of France 2280 in Palestine, Israel. 1184 Death of Agnes Hungary [De Chatillon] 2319 in Szekesfehervar, Fejer, Hungary. Birth of Philip Basset 2372 in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Iorwerth Ap Owain 2395 in Aberffraw Castle, Anglesey, Wales. Death of Beatrix Savoy [De Vienne] 2287 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. Birth of Hugh De Vere 2368 in Hatfield, Essex, England. Marriage of Robert De Dreux 2158 and Yolande De Dreux [De Coucy] 2159 in Dreux, Eure-Et-Loire, France. 1185 Death of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2435. Birth of John Marshall 2474 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246 in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Pedro King Aragon 2148 in Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. Death of Gilbert Fitzmaldred Hansard 2443.

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1185 (Continued) Birth of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in Hingham, Forehoe, Norfolk, England. Birth of Matthew De Lovaine 2468 in Essex, England. 1186 Death of Alice De Basset [De Dunstanville] 2559 in Colston, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 in Aumale, Seine Maritime, France. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103 in Henglawdd, Cilcen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 between 1186 and 1187, in Namur, Belgium. 1187 Death of Ralph De Valletort 2556 in Trematon Castle, Saltash, Cornwall, England. Birth of Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. Marriage of Guillaume De Montpellier 2316 and Eudoxia Princess De Montpellier [Byzantine Empire] 2317 in France. Birth of Reginald De Valletort 2348 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. 1188 Birth of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2044 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Henry De Braybrook 2437 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Isabella Plantagenet [De Taillefer] 2347 in Angouleme, Charente, France. Birth of Henry De Braybrook 2445 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. 1189 Marriage of William De Reviers 2458 and Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Death of William Malbank 2560. Marriage of Thibaut De Bar Le Duc 2156 and Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157 in Brie, Meurthe-Et-Moselle, France. Birth of Richard Scales 2364 in England. Birth of Alice Scales [Roucester] 2365 in England. 1190 Birth of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Henry De Bar 2057 in Le Duc, Meuse, France. Birth of Ernald Boys 2431 in Assington, Suffolk, England. 1191 Death of Jean I De Ponthieu 2302 in Acre, Palestine. Death of Alesia De Valletort 2428 in England. Marriage of Roger De Valletort 2427 and Alesia De Valletort 2428 in Caus, Shropshire, England. 1192 Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1696 in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in Standlake, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1764 in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 in Druex, Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre, France. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Ednyfed 1930 in Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. 1193 Death of Garsinde Du Cailar [Forcalquier] 2285 in Labbaye De La Celle, France. Marriage of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 between 1193 and 1197, in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. Marriage of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 and Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 between 1193 and 1197, in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. 1194 Birth of Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Birth of Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Le Strange 2492 in Ness Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. Birth of John De Valoines 2476 in Hickley, Suffolk, England. Birth of Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379 in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. Birth of John Le Strange 2213 in Ness Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. 1195 Birth of Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Marriage of Thomas I Savoy 2312 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2313 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. Death of Rhodri Ap Owain Gwynedd 2504 in Holyhead, Talybolion, Anglesey, Wales.

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1195 (Continued) Birth of Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in Bingham, Melcombe, Dorset, England. Marriage of Thomas I Savoy 2134 and Beatrix De Geneva Savoy [Faucigny] 2135 in Carbonierres, Savoy, France. 1196 Death of Henri De Namur 2154. Birth of Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Birth of Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in Mainwaring, Bersted, Sussex, England. Death of Agnes De Namur [De Gueldres] 2155. 1197 Death of Gwenllian Verch Ap Cynwrig [Owain] 2242 in Wales. Birth of Hugh Le Despencer 2370 in Ryhall, Rutlandshire, England. Death of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2096 in St Davids, Pebidiog, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Death of Rhys Ap Gruffydd 2110 in St Davids, Pebidiog, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Birth of Robert Bingham 2489 in Sutton Bingham, Yeovil, Somerset, England. Marriage of Alfonso The Slobberer 2047 and Berengaria Slobberer [Alfonsez] 2048 in Valladolid, Valladolid, Castile-Leon, Spain. 1198 Birth of Eva Verch Ap Bleddyn [Madog] 2221 in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in Courtenay, Loiret, France. Birth of Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2359 in Braybrooke, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Raymond Berenger 2146 in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. Death of Margred Verch Ap Owain [Madog] 2396 in Y. Birth of Raymond Berenger 2045 in Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France. Birth of Ermentrude De Ledet [De Lisle] 2355 in Braybrooke, Northamptonshire, England. 1200 Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of William Le Latimer 2433 in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of William I Le Latimer 2442 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 in Twrcelyn, Gwynedd, Wales. Death of Rohese De Foix 2465 in England. Birth of Richard Hansard 2453 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of William I Le Latimer 2434 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Owain Ap Bleddyn 2220. Birth of Ferdinand Castile 1937 in Castile, Acceded, Spain. Birth of Griffri Ap Cadwgon 2114 in Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in Kendal, Westmorland, England. Birth of Nest Verch Ap Seisyllt [Madog] 2507 in Nannau, Llanfachreth, Merionethshire, Wales. Marriage of John Marshall 2474 and Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of William Le Latimer 2441 in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. 1201 Birth of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in Chambery, Savoie, France. Birth of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in Chambery, Savoie, France. 1202 Birth of Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371 in Ryhall, Rutlandshire, England. Marriage of William Le Blount 2478 and Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482. Birth of Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 2477 in North Creke, Norfolk, England. Birth of Robert De Thweng 2449 in Kilton Castle, Kilton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1203 Birth of John De Peyton 2374 in Peyton Hall, Ramshold, Suffolk, England. Birth of Reginald Bacon 2485 in Letheringsett, Norfolk, England. 1204 Death of Mabel De Reviers [De Beaumont] 2459 in Twineham, Sussex, England. Death of Petronilla Scudamore 2613 in Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Agnes Le Blount 2481 in Ixworth, Suffolk, England. Birth of Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349 in Headington, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Beatrice De Saint Pol 2303. Birth of William De Braose 2255 in Brecknock, Surrey, England. 1205 Death of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2555 in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England.

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1205 (Continued) Birth of Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in Thweng, Durham, England. Death of Isabelle France [De Courtenay] 2281 in Abbey, Ford, Devon, England. Marriage of Griffri Ap Heilin Goch 2101 and Mallt II Verch Goch [Einudd] 2102 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Pagan De Felton 2491 in Felton, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. 1206 Birth of Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 and Margred Ap Owain [Corbet] 2212 between 1206 and 1209, in Powys, Wales. 1207 Death of Rhirid Flaidd 1763. Death of Rhirid Flaidd 1695. Marriage of Cadwgon Ap Meilir Eutun 2249 and Myfanwy Ferch Eutun [Einudd] 2250 in Menai, Island, Anglesey, Wales. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Rhirid Flaidd 1929. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Roger De Valletort 2427 in Harberton, Devon, England. 1208 Birth of Roger De Somery 2494 in Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Joan De Dammartin 1938 in Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France. 1209 Marriage of Thomas Ap Rhodri 2399 and Margred Ferch Ap Rhodri [Einion] 2400 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2132 in Palermo, Sicily. Death of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2133 in Sabran, Gard, France. Death of Alfonso Alfonsez Provence 2310 in Palermo, Sicily. Death of Gersinde Provence [De Sabran] 2311 in Sabran, Gard, France. Birth of William De Say 2376 in West Greenwich, Kent, England. 1210 Birth of Ms. Unknown 2488 in Norfolk, England. Birth of Richard Donne 1967 in Utkinton, Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in Ewyas Harold, Hereford, England. Birth of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in Ewyas Harold, Hereford, England. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Conan Mynston 2487 in Letheringsett, Norfolk, England. Birth of Walter De Ledet 2358 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of William De Molyneux 1965 in Lancashire, England. Death of Mathilda Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2141 in Ponthieu, Ain, France. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Richard Hansard 2454. Birth of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Walter De Ledet 2354 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. 1211 Birth of Joan De Valletort 2169 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Death of Ermesinde De Bar Le Duc [De Bar Sur Seine] 2157. 1212 Birth of Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in Lancashire, England. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2272 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2273 in Powys, Wales. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2259 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2260 in Powys, Wales. Marriage of Caradog Ap Thomas 2226 and Eva Verch Ap Thomas [Gwyn] 2227 in Powys, Wales. 1213 Death of Joan De Valletort [Basset] 2349 in Berkhamstead Castle, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. Marriage of Peter De Brus 2451 and Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in Skelton, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Robert De Courtenay 2366 and Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Birth of Richard Bullock 1946 in Aberfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Yolande Mallorc [Of Hungary] 2054 in Esztergom, Hungary. 1214 Marriage of Rhys Ap Rhys 2041 and Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Marriage of Gilbert Macclesfield 2209 and Gilbert Macclesfield 2210 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of Agnes Blunde 2381 in Allerton, Yorkshire, England.

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1214 (Continued) Marriage of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 and Ermensinde Montj [De Namur] 2056 between 1214 and 1215, in Luxembourg, Netherlands. 1215 Death of Sophia Limburg [Von Saarbrucken] 2153 in Austria-Hungary. Birth of Roger De Kerdeston 2382 in Kerdiston, Norfolkshire, England. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. Marriage of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 and Gwyladys Verch Ap Gruffudd [Ithel] 2246 in Powys, Wales. Birth of Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 in Lenton, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Roger Macclesfield 2090 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Andrew II Of Hungary 2150 and Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. Birth of Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 in Little Easton, Essex, England. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in Hurworth On Tees Evenwood, Durham, England. Birth of Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Powys, Wales. 1216 Death of Gwenwynwyn Ap Owain 2211 in Painscastle, Powys, Wales. Birth of Isabel Macclesfield 2091 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of Robert I Count Of Artois 1943 between 1216 and 1219, in Paris, Isle De, France. 1217 Marriage of Henry De Braybrook 2445 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in Wardon, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of Henry De Braybrook 2437 and Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in Wardon, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Roesia De Valoines [Le Blount] 2379. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Berenger] 1936 in Aix-En-Provence, France. Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Griffri Ap Ieuaf 2039 and Angharad Verch Ap Ieuaf [Llewellyn] 2040 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of Henry De Aldithley 2247 and Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in Edgmond, Cheshire, England. 1218 Birth of Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Aymer De Taillefer 2130 in Labbey La Couroun, France. Death of Alice Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2131 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, Charente, France. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2126 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in Gwynedd, Wales. Death of Thomas Despencer 2464 in Arnesby, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, England. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2099 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in Gwynedd, Wales. Death of Aymer De Taillefer 2425 in Labbey La Couroun, France. Death of Alice De Taillefer [De Courtenay] 2426 in Angouleme, Aquitaine, Charente, France. Birth of John De Courtenay 2180 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn 2118 and Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of Gruffudd Ap Madog 2112 in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Emma De Audley 2113 in Heleigh Castl, Audley, Staffordshire, England. Death of Richard Pauncefote 3524 in Hasefield. 1219 Marriage of Hugh Le Despencer 2370 and Mrs Hugh Le Despencer 2371 in Defford, St Andrew Pershore Worcester, England. Birth of Richard Bullock 1945 in Loftes, Great Totham, Yorkshire, England. Death of Fulk Fitz Warine 2251. Birth of William De Criketot 2480. Birth of Robert Scales 2178 in England. Marriage of Henry De Bar 2057 and Philippa De Bar [De Dreux] 2058 in Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France. Death of Pierre De Courtenay 2320 in Epirus, Turkey. 1220 Marriage of Raymond Berenger 2045 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in Chambery, Savoie, France. Birth of William Le Latimer 2352 in East Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Thomas Bassett 2429 in Whitford, Devon, England. Birth of William Le Latimer 2356 in East Riding, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Raymond Berenger 2146 and Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in Chambery, Savoie, France. Birth of Henri Count Luxembourg Maas 1941 in Limburg, Limburg, Belgium. Marriage of John De Valoines 2476 and Isabel De Valoines [De Creke] 2477. Birth of John De Cobham 1847 in Cobham, Kent, England. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2441 and William I Le Latimer 2442 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Marguerite Luxembourg Maas [De Bar] 1942 in Le Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France.

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1220 (Continued) Marriage of William Le Latimer 2433 and William I Le Latimer 2434 in Trent River, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Ernald Boys 2431 and Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in Standlake, Oxfordshire, England. 1221 Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042 in Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Ernald Boys 2350 in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England. Death of Alix Ponthieu [France] 2143 in Castile, Spain. Birth of Marguerite Capet [De Provence] 2052 in St Maime, Forcalquier, Bourgogne. Birth of Robert De Valoines 2378 in Orford, Suffolk, England. Death of William Ponthieu 2142 in Ponthieu, Picardie, France. 1222 Birth of Ms. Scales [Clemence] 2179 in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Marriage of Robert Bingham 2489 and Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in Binghams, Melcombe, Dorset, England. 1223 Birth of Hugh Le Despencer 2182 in Loughborough, Leicestershire, England. Death of Grecia De Braose [Briwere] 2269 in Bramber, Sussex, England. Birth of Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1224 Birth of Mahaut Artois [De Brabant] 1944 in Brabant, France. Birth of Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, England. Birth of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Robert De Thweng 2449 and Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in Kilton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Raimond De Sabran Du Cailar 2284 in Sabran, Gard, Languedoc, France. 1225 Marriage of John Le Strange 2213 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. Birth of James De Audley 1777 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. Marriage of John Le Strange 2492 and Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. Birth of Thomas Macclesfield 2022 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Death of Alice De Saye [De Cheney] 2473. Birth of Robert Lisle 2439 in Mundford, Norfolk, England. Death of Phillipi Bassett [Melbank] 2430 in Heddington, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 in Kilton, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Grey 1783 in Chillingham, Glendale, Northumberland, England. Birth of Robert Lisle 2447 in Mundford, Norfolk, England. Birth of Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Alan De Bloisois 2166 in Cornwall, England. 1226 Death of Hawise De Brus [De Lancaster] 2452 in Barony Kendal, Westmorlandshire, England. Birth of Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778 in Straton, Audley, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Amicia Boys [Of England] 2351. Death of Hawise Warine [De Dinan] 2252 in Whittington, Shropshire, England. Birth of Maud De Braose 2117 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of John Le Strange 2393 in Chesawardine, Shropshire, England. Death of Waleram Duke Montj 2055 between 1226 and 1227, in Rolduc. 1228 Birth of Robert Hansard 2362 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of William Le Blount 2478 in Lewes, Suffolk, England. Birth of Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 in Totnes, Devon, England. 1229 Birth of Mrs John Grey 1784 in Scotland. 1230 Birth of Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 in Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Death of Llywarch Ap Iorwerth 2397 in Wales. Marriage of William De Molyneux 1965 and Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. 1231 Birth of Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838 in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England. 1232 Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England.

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1232 (Continued) Birth of Richard De Molyneux 1885 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in Braybrook, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in Gascony, Lancashire, England. 1233 Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2266 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Yolande Hungary [De Courtenay] 2151 in Esztergom, Komarom Esztergom, Hungary. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2253 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Catherine Verch Ap Iorwerth [Gruffudd] 2028 in Gwynedd, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Death of Alan Bassett 2466 in Headington, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Aline Bassett [De Gay] 2467 in Holland, Lancastershire, England. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales. 1234 Birth of William De Felton 2391 in West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Roger Macclesfield 2090 and Isabel Macclesfield 2091 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Death of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2479. Death of Henry De Braybrook 2445 in England. Birth of Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England. Death of Cecilia Le Blount [De Vere] 2482. Death of Henry De Braybrook 2437 in England. Birth of Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1848 in Laceby, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Richard Bacon 2387 in Lodie, Norfolk, England. 1235 Birth of William De Felton 2392. Death of John De Peyton 2374. Birth of Henry De Percy 1785 in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. 1236 Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1772 in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Philip Basset 2372 and Hawise Basset [De Lovaine] 2373 in Essex, England. Death of Iorwerth Gam AP Owain 2097. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1820 in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1796 in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Death of Madog Ap Gruffudd 2245 in Bromfield, Ludlow, Shropshire, England. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1832 in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Robert De Hingham 2389 in Thorpe, Norfolk, England. Death of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2034 in Burton, Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Isabel De Chaworth [De Beauchamp] 1846 in Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Death of Gwenllian Verch Rhys 2233 in Burton, Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales. 1238 Birth of William De Ferrers [D Evere] 1850 in Surrey, England. Birth of John De Euxton 2385 in Euxton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1239 Birth of William De Balderston 1953 in Balderstone, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Criketot 2380. 1240 Birth of William De Kerdeston 2188 in Kerdeston, Norfolk, England. Birth of Richard Ernois 1883 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Reinfred De Arundel 2164 in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. Birth of Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037. Birth of William Le Latimer 2172 in East Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 in Skelton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Robert De Neville 1947 in Raby, Durham, England. Birth of William De Ferrers 1849 in Groby, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035 in Straffordshire, England. Birth of Robert De Neville 1773 in Raby, Durham, England. Birth of William Le Latimer 2174 in East Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1241 Marriage of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 and Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in Cheswardine, Shropshire, England.

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1241 (Continued) Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1859 in Kent, England. Birth of Aline Bassett 2183 in Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, England. 1242 Death of Mary De Courtenay [De Reviers] 2367 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2356 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2352 and Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Margred Ferch Ap Gruffydd [Griffin] 2036 in Montgomery, Wales. 1243 Death of Lady Bacon [Meschines] 2486. Birth of John De Euxton 2386 in Standish, Lancashire, England. Birth of William De Balderston 1954 in Osbaldeston, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. 1244 Marriage of Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029 and Tangwystl Ferch Ap Griffin [Gruffudd] 2030 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Mary De Saye 2185 in Sawbridgeworth, Hartsford, England. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2124 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Marriage of Alan De Bloisois 2166 and Matilda De Bloisois [Hewis] 2167 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1858 in Brenchley, Kent, England. Marriage of James De Audley 1777 and Ela De Audley [Longspee] 1778 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in Folkingham, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Of Castile] 1822 in Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Birth of Eleanor De Hingham [Wake] 2390 in Binghams Melcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of Eudo La Zouche 1868 in Ashby, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774 in Midleham, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948 in Midleham, Yorkshire, England. Death of Rhys Ap Rhys 2116 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1245 Birth of Gwilym Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 2024 in Montgoms, Wales. Birth of Richard Ernois 1884. Birth of Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023 in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Amica Hastings 2171 in Fersfield, Norfolk, England. Birth of John De Boys 2170 in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England. 1246 Death of Robert Bingham 2489 in Manor West Stafford, Dorchester, Dorset, England. Death of Reginald De Valletort 2348 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Death of Henry De Aldithley 2247 in Mainwaring, Bersted, Sussex, England. Death of Eve De Braose [Marshall] 2256 in Wickham, Skeith, Suffolk, England. Death of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2033 in Oregon, USA. Death of Joan Boys [De Beauchamp] 2432 in Assington, Suffolk, England. Death of Lucy Bingham [Turberville] 2490 in England. Death of Ednyfed Ap Cynwrig 2232 in Oregon, USA. 1247 Birth of Jean De Avesnes 1825 in Brabant, Brabant, Belgium. Birth of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 in Clavering, Essex, England. Birth of Isabella Bold [De Aragon] 1940 in Montpellier, Herault, France. Birth of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 in Clavering, Essex, England. Death of Robert De Thweng 2449 in Kilton Castle, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. 1248 Birth of Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Oger Keningk 2065 in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. Marriage of John Grey 1783 and Mrs John Grey 1784 in Berwick Hill, Ponteland, Northumberland, England. Birth of Oger Keningk 1981 in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. Birth of Blanche D Artois 1830 in Arras, France. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1794 in Arras, France. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1770 in Arras, France. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1818 in Arras, France. Birth of Blanche D Crouchback [Artois] 1844 in Arras, France.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1249 Birth of Robert D Ufford 2184 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Birth of Humphrey De Bohun 1837 in Hereford, Essex, England. Birth of Robert Scales 2072 in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Death of Matilda Ap Rhys [De Braose] 2125 in Wales. Marriage of John De Courtenay 2180 and Isabel De Courtenay [De Vere] 2181 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Death of Bertred De Aldithley [Mainwaring] 2248 in Hulton Abbey, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 in Middleton, Norfolkshire, England. 1250 Birth of Gilbert Bullock 1871 in Faulkbourne, Essex, England. Birth of Thomas De Macclesfield 1688. Birth of Rired Ap Rhys Says 1925 in Wales. Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Hugh Audley 1573 in Audley, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982 in Cornwall, England. Death of Sibyl De Say [Marshall] 2377 in Austria, Hungary. Birth of Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931 in Glyndfrdwy, Fadog, Powys, Wales. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1795 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Margaret De Molyneux [De Thornton] 1966 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in Calne, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Richard Cerizeaux 2061 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn Parish, Cornwall, England. Birth of Thomas De Macclesfield 1922 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Seneschal 2063 in Predannack Wollas, Mullion, Cornwall, England. Birth of Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Birth of Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1845 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of John Seneschal 1980 in Predannack Wollas, Mullion, Cornwall, England. Birth of Rired Ap Rhys Says 1691 in Wales. Birth of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1831 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1819 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Patrick De Chaworth 1771 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England. 1251 Birth of Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. Birth of Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786 in Warren, Sussex, England. Death of Marie De Dammartin [De Ponthieu] 2050 in Abbeville, Somme, Picardie, France. Birth of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in Clavering, Essex, England. Birth of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in Clavering, Essex, England. 1252 Birth of Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in Ryhall, Rutland, England. Birth of Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 in Luxemburg, Maas, Belgium. Birth of Edmund De Mortimer 1779 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Robert De Thweng 2176 in Kilton Castle, Brotton, Yorkshire, England. Death of John De Cobham 1847 in Cowling Castle, Kent, England. 1253 Birth of Robert De Holand 1805 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. 1254 Birth of Roger De Mowbray 1789 in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2267 in Wales. Birth of John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064 in Helland, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. Birth of Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 in Kilton Castle, Brotton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Nichole De Somery [Fitzalan] 2495. Death of Ellyw Verch Ap Rhys [Thomas] 2254 in Wales. Birth of Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Robert De Valoines 2186 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Richard De Molyneux 1885 and Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. 1255 Death of Ernald Boys 2431 in Assington, Sudbury, Suffolk, England.

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1255 (Continued) Birth of Griffith Kynaston 1757 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1926. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Rired Says Says [Ap Rhys] 1692. 1256 Birth of William De Grandison 1989 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in Salmesbury, Lancashire, England. Birth of John De Segrave 1797 in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. 1257 Death of Walter De Ledet 2354 in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Walter De Ledet 2358 in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. 1258 Birth of Robert Bacon 2192 in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Birth of Earl Strathearn Malise 2199 in Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Marriage of Robert Hansard 2362 and Robert Hansard [Haunsard] 2363 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Matthew De Lovaine 2468 in Little Easton, Essex, England. Birth of John De Clinton 1972 in Amington, Mastoke, Warwickshire, England. 1259 Birth of Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Gruffudd Ab Iorwerth 1933 and Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934 in Llwyn On, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales. 1260 Birth of Jane Vr Kynaston [Iowerth] 1758 in Fron Goch, Llanymynech, Shropshire, England. Birth of Thomas De Greene 1866 in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of William De Warenne 1815 in Warren, Sussex, England. Birth of John Bayhalle 1860 in Bayhall Manor, Pembury, Kent, England. Birth of John De Cameron 2207 in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197 in Clan Fenton, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of William De Warenne 1841 in Warren, Sussex, England. Birth of Sionet Ferch Rhys 1932. Marriage of Robert De Neville 1773 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1774 in Middleham, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Robert De Neville 1947 and Mary De Neville [Fitzrandolph] 1948 in Middleham, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of John Fitzalan 1787 and Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Adam Haliburton 2203 in Haliburton, Berwickshire, Scotland. 1261 Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1566 in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1664 in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Death of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys [Gruffydd] 2042. Birth of Gwenllian Verch Flaidd 1514 in Penrhyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Death of Reginald Bacon 2485 in Lodie, Norolks, England. Death of Gwladus Verch Ap Rhys Mechell [Gruffydd] 2038. 1262 Death of Robert Lisle 2447 in Nedging, Suffolk, England. Birth of Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Death of Robert Lisle 2439 in Nedging, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Robert Lisle 2439 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in Harewood, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Robert Lisle 2447 and Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in Harewood, Yorkshire, England. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2100 in Gwynedd, Wales. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2127 in Gwynedd, Wales. Death of Senena Verch Ap Llywelyn [Caradog] 2119 in Gwynedd, Wales. Birth of Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193 in Thorpe Cooke, Norfolk, England. 1263 Birth of Ms. Unknown 1690 in Montgoms, Wales. Marriage of John De Euxton 2385 and John De Euxton 2386 in Standish, Lancashire, England. Birth of Einion Ap Gwilym 1689 in Hirfryn, Cantref Bychan, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of William De Molyneux 1957 in Lancashire, England.

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1263 (Continued) Birth of William Patenham 2190. Birth of Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in Stottesdon, Shropshire, England. Birth of William De Molyneux 1636 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 1924 in Montgoms, Wales. Birth of Einion Ap Gwilym 1923 in Hirfryn, Cantref Bychan, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of William Brereton 1673 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. 1264 Death of Robert De Valoines 2378 in Magna Fakenham, Thetford, Suffolk, England. Birth of Margaret De Euxton 2191 in Euxton, Lancashire, England. Birth of John De Montfort 1970 in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. Birth of James Stafford 1864 in Sandon, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Roger De Kerdeston 2078 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Bernard Bruce 1869 in Exton, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England. 1265 Marriage of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1949 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in Clavering, Essex, England. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1928 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Louis De Brienne 1833 in Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine. Birth of Richard De John Cornwall 2067 in Thunnock, Lancashire, England. Birth of Reginald De Cobham 1611 in Eynesford, Kent, England. Birth of Simon Felton 2194 in West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Robert FitzRoger Clavering 1775 and Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in Clavering, Essex, England. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1762 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 and Gwladys Verch Ap Iorwerth 1694 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Emma De Audley 2113 in England. 1266 Death of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2046 in Chambery, Savoy, France. Death of Beatrice Berenger [De Savoie] 2147 in Chambery, Savoy, France. Birth of John Mautravers 1855 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of Thomas De Grey 1578 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Joanna Bayhalle 1861. 1267 Death of Robert Scales 2178 in England. Death of Aline Marshall [De Rye] 2475 in Hockering, Mitford, Norfolk, England. Birth of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Birth of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in Cheriton, Hampshire, England. Birth of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in Lancashire, England. Death of John Grey 1783 in Broxmouth, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Birth of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. 1268 Birth of John Wake 1811 in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Robert De Boys 2068 in Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Robert Plumpton 1711 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2174 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Philip IV The Fair 1823 in Fontainebleau, Isle De, France. Death of William Le Latimer 2356 in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Maurice De Berkeley 1857 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Death of William Le Latimer 2352 in Trent River, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William Le Latimer 2172 and Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Robert Plumpton 2011 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in Dorset, England. 1269 Death of John Le Strange 2492 in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 in Eynesford, Kent, England. Death of William Criketot 2380. Birth of John De Cameron 2208 in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland.

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1269 (Continued) Death of John Le Strange 2213 in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 in Lodie, Norfolk, England. 1270 Birth of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Jean De Avesnes 1825 and Philippina Countess De Avesnes [Luxembourg Maas] 1826 in CT, Delaware, USA. Marriage of Roger De Mowbray 1789 and Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790 in Ashenfield Manor, Waltham, Kent, England. Birth of Robert Ernois 1955 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Marriage of William De Braos 1791 and Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of William Le Boteler 1707 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. Death of William Le Latimer 2433 in Northumberland, England. Birth of Alexander Comyn 1835 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Death of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 2027 in Pengwern, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576 in Bodegri, Wales. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Awr 1575 in Wales. Birth of William Hardreshull 1862 in Scotton, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834 in Beaumont, Maine, USA. Death of Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834. Birth of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Le Boteler 2007 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancashire, England. Death of William Le Latimer 2441 in Northumberland, England. Birth of Robert Ernois 1634 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Agnes Bruce 1870 in England. 1271 Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800 in Saluzza, Italy. Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840 in Saluzza, Italy. Death of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2446 in Austria, Hungary. Death of Robert De Neville 1947 in Coverham Abbey, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990 in Ewyas, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814 in Saluzza, Italy. Death of Robert De Neville 1773 in Coverham Abbey, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Christiana De Braybrook [Ledet] 2438 in Austria, Hungary. Death of Rhys Vychan Ap Rhys Mechell 2037. 1272 Marriage of William De Kerdeston 2188 and Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Juana Princess Fair [Navarre] 1824 in Bar-Sur-Seine, Aube, France. Birth of Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863 in West Hatch, Wiltshire, England. Death of Richard Bullock 1945 in Loftes, Essex, England. 1273 Birth of Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812 in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Colepeper 1858 and Thomas Colepeper 1859 in Brenchley, Kent, England. Marriage of Eudo La Zouche 1868 and Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Marguerite Princess Of De Valois [Sicily & Naples] 1828 in Napoli, Napoli, Italy. 1274 Birth of Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 in Treloy, Cornwall, England. Birth of Margaret Halys [De Berkeley] 1804 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Isabella Fitzalan [De Mortimer] 1788 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Marriage of Hugh De Courtenay 2074 and Eleanor De Courtenay [Le Despencer] 2075 in Devon, England. Marriage of John Seneschal 2063 and John De Helland Seneschal [Le Seneschal] 2064 in Helland, Bodmin, Cornwall, England. 1275 Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of Robert De Thweng 2176 and Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177 in Kilton Castle, Brotton North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Roger Halys 1803 in Norfolk, England.

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1275 (Continued) Birth of Hugh Ross 2201 in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Marriage of Humphrey De Bohun 1837 and Maud De Bohun [De Fiennes] 1838 in Pleshey Castle, Essex, England. Birth of Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. Death of Joan De Cobham [De Neville] 1848. Death of Muriel De Lovaine 2469 in England. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565 in Pengwern, Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of William De Montagu 1987 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Robert De Holand 1805 and Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in Salmesbury, Lancashire, England. Birth of Agharad Verch Ap Heilyn [Daffyd] 1577 in Wales. Birth of Thomas De Greene 1622 in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Seneschal 1978 in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England. 1276 Marriage of Alexander Comyn 1835 and Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland. Birth of William Latimer 2070 in Danby, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Howard 1991 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. Birth of Humphrey De Bohun 1606 in Pleshy Castle, Essex, England. Birth of Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 in Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Maud De Clifford [De Clare] 1768 in Gloucestershire, England. Death of Iorwerth Ap Griffin 2029. Death of John Le Strange 2393 in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. 1277 Birth of Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in Warren, Sussex, England. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in Warren, Sussex, England. Birth of Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1956 in Lancashire, England. Birth of John De Hanmer 1659 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Jane Ernois [Molyneux] 1635 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Gruffudd Ap Ednyfed 2103. Birth of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in Warren, Sussex, England. Birth of John De Hanmer 1509 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. 1278 Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1618 in Brenchley, Kent, England. Death of Margred Verch Iorwerth [Rhys] 1934. 1279 Birth of Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Birth of Lucy De Greene [La Zouche] 1623 in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Mowbray 1713 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Capet 1802 in Paris, Seine, France. Birth of Robert De Scales 1995 in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Death of Matilda De Thweng [De Kilton] 2450 in Thweng, Durham, England. Death of Eudo La Zouche 1868 in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of Oger Keningk 2065 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 2066 in Cornwall, England. Marriage of Oger Keningk 1981 and Constance Keningk [Bloigho] 1982 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Robert D Ufford 2076 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Birth of Joan Cerizeaux 1977 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. Death of Marmaduke De Thweng 2360 in Castle Kilton, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Mowbray 2013 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Plantagenet [Capet] 1810 in Paris, Seine, France. 1280 Birth of Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in Corby, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Philip Kynaston 1561 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Marriage of Richard Cerizeaux 2061 and Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062. Birth of Dafydd Ap Rired 1661 in Wales. Birth of Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 in Gloddaeth, Creuddyn, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Dafydd Ap Rired 1511 in Wales.

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1280 (Continued) Birth of John Cerizeaux 1976 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. Birth of William De Braos 1791 in Bramber, Sussex, England. Death of Reinfred De Arundel 2164 in Lanherne, Cornwall, England. Death of Richard De John Cornwall 2067. Marriage of Gilbert Bullock 1871 and Mrs Gilbert Bullock 1872 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. Marriage of Robert De Valoines 2186 and Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Birth of Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 in Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672 in Tegengl, Flintshire, Wales. 1281 Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1609 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1602 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1584 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Robert Bullock 1626 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1569 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1596 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Maurice De Berkeley 1851 between 1281 and 1284, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. 1282 Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Marriage of Randolph De Neville 1571 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Birth of Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland. Death of Lucy De Thweng [De Brus] 2361 in Gainsborough, England. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Nicholas De Havering 1709 in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. Death of Robert De Valoines 2186 in England. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Nicholas De Havering 2009 in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. Marriage of Randolph De Neville 1873 and Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Death of Joan Le Strange [De Somery] 2394 in Knockin, Shropshire, England. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Eleanor De Percy [De Warenne] 1786 in Sallay Abbey, Craven, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1283 Birth of Henry St Clair 2196 in Scotland. Marriage of John De Segrave 1797 and Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in Shropshire, England. Birth of Joan Bryan 1710 in Throcking, Hertfordshire, England. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1819 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1795 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1771 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1831 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Marriage of Robert Bacon 2192 and Ms. Bacon [De Hingham] 2193 in Thorpe, Norfolk, England. Death of Patrick De Chaworth 1845 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Bryan 2010 in Throcking, Hertfordshire, England. 1284 Death of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2440 in Kingston Lisle, Sparsholt, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1813 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1814 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. Death of Robert De Thweng 2176 in Kilton Castle, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. Death of Margaret De Kerdeston [De Gaunt] 2189 in Kerdiston, Norfolkshire, England. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1799 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1800 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. Death of Matilda De Thweng [Haunsard] 2177. Death of Alice Lisle [Fitz Gerald] 2448 in Kingston Lisle, Sparsholt, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Richard Fitzalan 1839 and Alisona Fitzalan [De Saluzza] 1840 in Marlborough, Sussex, England. 1285 Birth of Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1662. Birth of Mrs Robert Bullock 1627 in Loftes, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in Thunnock, Lancashire, England.

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1285 (Continued) Birth of Jenkin Lord 1563 in Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Reginald De Cobham 1611 and Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612 in Eynesford, Kent, England. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 in Ynysmaengwyn, Towyn, Merionethshire, Wales. Marriage of Edmund De Mortimer 1779 and Margaret De Mortimer [De Fiennes] 1780 in Fiennes, Bolonois, France. Birth of Sybil Le Boteler 2008 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Rosabell St Clair [Rosabelle] 2083 in Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Sybil Le Boteler 1708 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Robert De Holand 1590 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Vaux 2205 in Bottisham, Cambridge, England. Birth of Hawise Strange 2195 in Spencercombe, Devon, England. Birth of Henry Beaumont 1604 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of William De Clotton 1679 in Clotton, England. Birth of Isabel Haliburton 2204 in Isleworth, Middlesex, England. Birth of Davydd Ap Rired [Ap Roired] 1512. Birth of Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 2006 in Gressingham, Lancaster, Lancashire, England. Marriage of William De Warenne 1815 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1816 between 1285 and 1286, in Surrey, England. Marriage of William De Warenne 1841 and Joan De Warenne [De Vere] 1842 between 1285 and 1286, in Surrey, England. 1286 Death of Gruffudd Ap Gwenwynwyn 2092 in Wenwynwyn, Powys, Wales. Birth of Alice De Braose 2014 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Margaret De Ufford [De Norwich] 1998 in Mettingham, Suffolk, England. Birth of Mrs William Corbet 1975 in Chaddesly Corbet, Worcestershire, England. Marriage of William De Grandison 1989 and Sybil De Grandison [Tregoz] 1990 in Donyatt, Somerset, England. Birth of Adam Bacon 2080 in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Birth of Alice De Braose 1714 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Willem De Avesnes 1600 in Avesnes, Pas De Calais, France. 1287 Marriage of Alan La Zouche 1807 and Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in Ashby, Leicestershire, England. Marriage of Robert De Boys 2068 and Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in England. Birth of Egeline De Scales [De Courtenay] 1996 in Okehampton, Devon, England. Marriage of John De Montfort 1970 and Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. 1288 Marriage of Louis De Brienne 1833 and Agnes De Brienne [De Beaumont] 1834 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Marriage of Hugh Audley 1573 and Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Robert De Bosco 1993 in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. 1289 Death of William De Molyneux 1965 in Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Roesia De Vernon 1674 in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Maurice De Berkeley 1851 and Eve La Zouche 1852 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of John Mautravers 1855 and Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in Dorset, England. Birth of William Vaux 2206 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516 in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales. Marriage of John De Cameron 2207 and John De Cameron 2208 in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Death of Gruffydd Fychan Ap Gruffydd 2035. Birth of Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 in Arundel, Sussex, England. 1290 Marriage of William Hardreshull 1862 and Juliana Hardreshull [De Hache] 1863 in Pachesham, Surrey, England. Birth of Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 in Ashby Magna, Leicestershire, England. Marriage of John De Clinton 1972 and Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in Pirton, Hertfordshire, England. Marriage of Richard Bacon 2387 and Alice Bacon [Mynston] 2388 in Lodie, Norfolk, England. Birth of John Maltravers 1615 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of Richard Minshull 1703 in Minshull Vernon, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Peter Thornton 1701 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700 in Upholand, Lancashire, England. Birth of Hugh Le Despenser 1985 in Barton, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Birth of Margery Brereton [De Bosley] 1502 in Bosley, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1678 in Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England.

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1290 (Continued) Birth of Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Alice De Arundel [De Umfreville] 2165 in England. 1291 Birth of Ralph Neville 1411 in Raby, Durham, England. Birth of Alice Beaumont [Comyn] 1605 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1292 Marriage of William De Montagu 1987 and Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Oger Keningk 2065 in Trenage, Braunel, Cornwall, England. Death of Oger Keningk 1981 in Trenage, Braunel, Cornwall, England. Birth of Ellen Cameron [De Montealto] 2089 in Lochiel, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Isabella Edward [De France] 1599 in Paris, France. Death of William De Balderston 1953. Birth of Eleanor Le Despenser [De Clare] 1986 in Caerphilly Castle, Caerphilly, Glamorganshire, Wales. 1293 Birth of Ms Anne Neville 1629 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Birth of Thomas De Berkeley 1613 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Madog Fychan Ap Madog 1665 and Gwladus Verch Ap Madog [Gruffudd] 1666 in Flint, Wales. Death of Gwilym Ap Gruffydd 2023. 1294 Birth of Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Jeanne De Avesnes [De Valois] 1601 in Longpont, Aisne, France. Birth of Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Death of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2493 in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. Birth of William De Plumpton 1523 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621 in Sandon, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 in Bryncunillt, Wales. Death of Lucy Le Strange [De Tregoz] 2214 in Knockin, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Thomas De Grey 1578 and Mrs Thomas De Grey 1579 in Heddon On Wall, Northumberland, England. Birth of William De Plumpton 1912 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1295 Death of Joan De Cobham [D Evere] 1612. Birth of Margaret Plantagenet [Wake] 1593 in Liddel, Cumberland, England. Marriage of Robert Plumpton 2011 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Alice Minshull [De Praers] 1704 in Barthomley, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413 in Rhiwabon, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of John De Boys 2170 in Arden, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Robert Plumpton 1711 and Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Reginald De Cobham 1611 in Church, Lingfield, England. Birth of Reynold De Cobham 1435 in Orkesden, Eynesford, Kent, England. 1297 Death of Roger De Mowbray 1789 in Ghent, Holland. Birth of John De Montfort 1888 in Coughton, Angleterre, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Thomas Grey 1415 in Heton, Islandshire, Northumberland, England. Death of Louis De Brienne 1833 in Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine. Birth of Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Richard Donne 1677 in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. 1298 Marriage of John De Mowbray 1582 and Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in Gower, Glamorganshire, England. Birth of William De Vaux 3417 in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. Marriage of Robert D Ufford 2076 and Cecily Ufford [Devaloines] 2077 in Thurston, Suffolk, England. Death of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Death of Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Marriage of John Seneschal 1978 and Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 in Trigg Minor, Cornwall, England. 1299 Death of Millicent De Cantilupe 1867 in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Joan De Valletort 2169 in Modbury, Kingsbridge, Devon, England. Marriage of John Cerizeaux 1976 and Joan Cerizeaux 1977 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. Birth of Malise Of Strathern 2084 in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1299 (Continued) Birth of Henry De Earth 1916 in Earth, St Stephen Pr, Cornwall, England. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1765 and Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. 1300 Birth of John Seneschal 1894 in Predatwolais, Cornwall, England. Marriage of William De Molyneux 1957 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1958 in Lancashire, England. Marriage of John De Hanmer 1659 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1660 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in Coleshill, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706 in Dutton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John De Hanmer 1509 and Hawise Verch De Hanmer [Einion] 1510 in Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Margred Verch Ap Iorwerth [Madog] 1414 in Maelor Gymraeg, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Richard Bond 2016. Birth of Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 in Appleby, Westmoreland, England. Marriage of William De Molyneux 1636 and Isabell De Molyneux [Scaresbrick] 1637 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Alice Neville [De Audley] 1412 in Hadley, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales. Birth of Robert De Pulford 1705 in Pulford, Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Philip De Hanmer 1379 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1892 in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Birth of Henry Plantagenet 1429 in Grosmont Castle, Grosmont, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in Abertelt, Coed, Cardiganshire, Wales. Birth of John De Clinton 1890 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Philip De Hanmer 1489 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Thomas De Macclesfield 1922 in Maelor Saesneg, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Thomas De Macclesfield 1687 in Maelor Saesneg, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of William Brereton 1501 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Mr. Unknown 1617. 1301 Birth of Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Death of Maud De Braose 2117 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales. 1302 Death of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2353 in Bedale, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 in Fearn, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Death of Alice Le Latimer [Hansard] 2357 in Bedale, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in Harwich, Essex, England. 1303 Birth of William De Montagu 1898 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of William Corbet 1974 and Mrs William Corbet 1975 in Chaddesly Corbet, Worcestershire, England. Birth of William De Pressene 1417 in Preston, Northumberland, England. Death of Alice De Montfort [De La Plaunche] 1971 in Staffordshire, England. 1304 Marriage of Thomas Colepeper 1618 and Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. Death of Robert De Hingham 2389 in Binghams Melcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of John Aspall 2005 in Aspall, Hartismere, Suffolk, England. Death of Robert De Holand 1805 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Peter Thornton 1701 and Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 in Chaddesley, Corbet, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 in Ashford, Hertfordshire, England. 1305 Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1594 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Margery Colepeper [Bayhall] 1619 in Kent, England. Birth of Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490 in Wales. Birth of Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380 in Wales. Birth of Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002 in Baconsthorpe, Erpingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1979 in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. Death of Alexander Comyn 1835 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales.

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1305 (Continued) Birth of Margaret Baddlesmere Sergeaux [De Seneschal] 1893 in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England. Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1381 in Bryncunallt, Wales. Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1607 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1407 in Bryncunallt, Wales. Marriage of Edmund Fitzalan 1983 and Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Joane Seneschal [Keningk] 1895 in Trigg Manor, Cornwall, England. Death of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 in Bryncunallt, Wales. Birth of Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1306 Marriage of Madoc Ap Ririd 1671 and Margaret Ap Ririd [Anwyl] 1672 in Tegengl, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Thomas De Neville 1628 in Raby, Durham, England. Birth of Margaret Stafford [De Stafford] 1865 in Drayton, Staffordshire, England. 1307 Marriage of Roger De Kerdeston 2078 and Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Henry St Clair 2196 and Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197. Birth of David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Richard Cerizeaux 2061 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. Birth of William Kerdeston 2001 in Kerdeston, Ewelme, Oxfordshire, England. 1308 Death of John De Hanmer 1659 in Carnarvon Castle. Birth of John Colepeper 1439 in Brenchley, Kent, England. Death of John Seneschal 2063. Birth of Margaret De Berkeley [De Mortimer] 1614 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Hugh Ross 2201 and Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Death of John De Hanmer 1509 in Carnarvon Castle. Death of John Seneschal 1980. 1309 Marriage of William Vaux 2205 and William Vaux 2206 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of William Le Boteler 1910 in Warrington, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Le Boteler 1521 in Warrington, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Robert De Bosco 1993 and Joane De Bosco [Wichingham] 1994 in Fersfield, Norfolk, England. Marriage of Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth Ap Gruffydd 1515 and Ednyfed Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1516 in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Joan Wake [Fitzbernard] 1812 in Blisworth, Towcester, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of John Howard 1991 and Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in Burford, Shropshire, England. 1310 Death of Thomas De Grey 1578 in Forfarshire, Scotland. Birth of Leucu Verch Ednyfed Llwyd 1382 in Trefor Sonlli, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Roger De Ernys 1877 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ms. De Vaux [William] 3418. Birth of Roger De Ernys 1447 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448 in Little Crosby, Sefton, Lancashire, England. Birth of John Howard 1900 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. Death of Thomas Colepeper 1858 in Lvg. Birth of Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878 in Little Crosby, Sefton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Henry Norreys 1951 in Sutton, Lancashire, England. Death of Hawise Ap Gwenwynwyn [Le Strange] 2093 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Sylvia Verch Kynaston [Jenkin] 1406 in Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 in Norfolk, England. Birth of Henry Done 1503 in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. Birth of William De Pressene 1418 in Preston, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. Death of Thomas Macclesfield 2022 in Y. 1311 Birth of Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Elizabeth De Holand [De Salmesbury] 1806 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Birth of Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1680. Birth of Robert De Scales 1902 in Middleton, Norfolk, England. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1626 and Mrs Robert Bullock 1627 in Loftes, Yorkshire, England.

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1311 (Continued) Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1426 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Fitzalan [Plantagenet] 1434 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. Birth of John De Wauton 2004 in Essex, England. 1312 Birth of Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Gilbert Bullock 1443 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of William De Bohun 1431 in Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Nicholas De Greene 1441 in Sir, Exton, Rutland, England. Birth of Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in Hardreshull, Warwickshire, England. Birth of David Voel 1499 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 in Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Adam Bacon 2080 and Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in Baconthorpe, Norfolk, England. Birth of Agnes Norreys [De Ireland] 1952 in Hutt, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Robert De Holand 1590 and Maud De Holand [La Zouche] 1591 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. 1313 Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1896 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1565. Birth of John Haliburton 2086 in Haliburton, Berwick, Scotland. Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1693 in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1927 in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1433 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Richard Donne 1677 in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. Birth of William De Vernon 1749 in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England. Death of John De Clinton 1972 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Death of Iorwerth Foel Ap Iorwerth 1761 in Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Roger Halys 1803 in Harwich, Essex, England. Marriage of Llywelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd 1491 and Margred Verch Ap Gruffydd [Madog Fychan] 1492 in Montgomery, Wales. Birth of William St Clair 2082 in Rosslyn Castle, Mid, Lothian, Scotland. Marriage of John Maltravers 1615 and Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432 in Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England. Birth of Richard Fitzalan 1425 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1513. Death of Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth Voel 1663. 1314 Birth of John Maltravers 1437 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Death of Eleanor La Zouche [De Segrave] 1808 in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of William De Clotton 1679 and Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1680. Birth of Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Philippa Plantagenet [D Avesnes] 1428 in Le Quesnoy, Nord, France. Birth of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911 in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Thomas De Holand 1423 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Birth of Angharad V Hanmer [Llywelyn Ddu] 1366 in Maelor, Wales. Birth of Thomas Dutton 1517 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522 in Havering, London, Middlesex, England. Death of Henry De Percy 1765 in Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Robert De Pembrugge 1751 in Tong, Shifnal, Shropshire, England. Death of Eleanor Mautravers [De Gorges] 1856 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Birth of Henry Minshull 1519 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1567 and Idonea De Percy [De Clifford] 1568 in Yorkshire, England. Death of Henry De Percy 1580 in Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England. 1315 Birth of Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750 in Stockport, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margery De Clotton 1504 in Clotton, England. Death of William De Felton 2391. Birth of John De Segrave 1421 in Norfolk, England. Birth of Llewelyn Ddu Ap Gruffydd [Ap Gruffudd] 1408. Birth of Malcolm Galbraith 3381 in Eastern Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in Loughborough Castle, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1316 Birth of Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. Death of Eve De Valoines [Criketot] 2187 in England. Birth of William Mainwaring 1747 in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Death of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2175 in Sutton, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Roese De Mowbray [De Clare] 1790 in Thirsk, Hovingham, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mrs David Voel 1500 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Alice Le Latimer [Ledet] 2173 in Sutton, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Robert D Ufford 2076 in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. Death of Hawise Strange 2195. 1317 Death of Christian De Boys [Le Latimer] 2069 in England. Death of Joan Bryan 1710 in Y. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1610 in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1585 in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1603 in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1597 in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Birth of Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 in Suffolk, England. Birth of Reginald Crawford 3379 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Maud Plantagenet [De Chaworth] 1570 in Priory, Mottisfont, Hampshire, England. Death of Joan Bryan 2010 in Y. 1318 Birth of Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in Nether Tabley, England. Death of John Seneschal 1978 in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England. Marriage of Thomas Plantagenet 1588 and Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in Harwich, Essex, England. 1319

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Death of Thomas De Greene 1866 in Broughton, Dorset, England. Birth of William Tendring 1904 in Tendring Hall, Stoke By Nayland, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 and Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in Foxhall, Staffordshire, England. 1320 Death of Joan Comyn [Le Latimer] 1836 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Death of Richard De Molyneux 1885 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Henry De Percy 1409 in Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Birth of Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. Death of John De Cameron 2207. Birth of Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 in Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England. Birth of William Brereton 1375 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402 in Rowallan, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Joan Menteith 2200 in Rusky, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Bruce [Hardreshull] 1625 in Hartshill, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Madog Ap Gruffudd 1289 in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales. 1321 Death of Thomas Colepeper 1618 in Winchelsea, Sussex, England. Death of Ida De Clinton [Odingsells] 1973 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Death of Robert Bacon 2192 in Norfolk, England. Death of Katherine De Pulford [Dutton] 1706 in Y. 1322 Birth of William Mylde 1906 in Clare, Suffolk, England. Death of Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Birth of William Mylde 1907 in Clare, Suffolk, England. Marriage of William De Plumpton 1912 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1913 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Ela Maltravers [De Berkeley] 1616 in England. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 in Penrhyn, Llandygai, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 in Norfolk, England. Death of Roesia De Vernon 1674 in Bostock, Cheshire, England. Birth of Patrick Hepburn 3415 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland.

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1322 (Continued) Marriage of William De Plumpton 1523 and Christiana De Plumpton [Mowbray] 1524 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Domville 1755 in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 in Stoke, Nayland, Suffolk, England. 1323 Death of Maud Ross [Bruce] 2202 in Abbey, Fearn, Ross Cromarty, Scotland. Death of Henry St Clair 2196 in Rosslyn Castle, Scotland. Birth of Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in Mobberly, Cheshire, England. 1324 Birth of Agnes Dunbar 3416 in Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Death of Madoc Crypl Ap Gruffydd Vychan 1931. Marriage of John De Montfort 1888 and Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in Coughton, Warwickshire, England. 1325 Death of Alice De Seagrave [Arundell] 1587 in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. Death of John De Segrave 1797 in Chacombe Priory, Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Hugh Audley 1573 in Wallingford, Berkshire, England. Birth of Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752 in Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Lleucu Verch Ap Gruffudd [Iorwerth] 1290 in Rhiwabon, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Robert Plumpton 1711 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Archibald Douglas 3382 in Hermiston, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Death of Stephen John De Seagrave 1586 in Chacomb Priory, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John De Ipstones 1681 in Blymhill, Staffordshire, England. Death of Robert Plumpton 2011 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1326 Birth of Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 in Predarwolas, Cornwall, England. Death of Maurice De Berkeley 1857 in Wallingford Castle, England. Death of William De Braos 1791 in May. Death of Hugh De Dutton 1699 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Drummond 3403 in Inchmohomo, Scotland. Birth of Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223 in Pennryrzad, Anglesey, Wales. 1327 Marriage of William De Pressene 1417 and William De Pressene 1418 in Preston, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1415 and Agnes Grey [De Beyle] 1416 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Edmund Fitzalan 1642 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Alice Plantagenet [De Hales] 1589 in Brotherton, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Philip Kynaston 1561. Marriage of William De Montagu 1898 and Katherine De Montagu [De Grandison] 1899 in Cassington, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of John De Arderne 1717 in Aldford Alvanley, Cheshire, England. Birth of Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718 in Harden, Cheshire, England. 1328 Birth of Thomas Grey 1291 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Death of Eleanor De Percy [Fitzalan] 1766 in Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Death of Eleanor Fitzalan De Percy [Arunde] 1581 in Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of David Hanmer 1365 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. Marriage of Philip De Hanmer 1379 and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1380. Birth of Thomas De Wauton 1908 in Essex, England. Marriage of Philip De Hanmer 1489 and Agnes Verch De Hanmer [Dafydd] 1490. Death of Isolde Audley [De Mortimer] 1574 in Upper Arley, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Baldwin De Montfort 1638 in Coleshill Manor, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1640 in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Birth of William St Clair 2018 in Rosslyn Castle, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of David Hanmer 1271 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Elizabeth De Braos [Sully] 1792 in Bramber, Gower, Wales. 1329 Death of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1950 in Clavering, Essex, England. Death of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1874 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Death of Margery Clavering [La Zouche] 1776 in Clavering, Essex, England. Birth of Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.

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1329 (Continued) Death of Eupheme Fitzroger De Neville [Clavering] 1572 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England. Death of Margaret Kerdeston [Bacon] 2002. Birth of Reginald Crawford 3380 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of William De Borthwick 3419 in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. 1330 Birth of Mary Montifex 3404 in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Hugh De Venables 1745 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Stanley 1961 in Storeton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Richard Venables 1741 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Death of Sybil Le Boteler 1708 in England. Birth of Sibyl Fitzalan [De Montagu] 1643 in Donyatt, Somerset, England. Birth of Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 in Aspall, Suffolk, England. Birth of Mr. Bond 1915. Birth of John Norreys 1875 in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. Birth of Thomas De Latham 1963 in Lathom, Lancashire, England. Death of Sybil Le Boteler 2008 in England. Birth of Jenkin Kynaston 1285 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of John De Ipstones 1505 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. 1331 Death of Alice De Braose 2014 in Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Willliam De Borthwick 3420 in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. Death of Alice De Braose 1714 in Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Elizabeth De Ipstones [De Beke] 1682 in Eresby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Alivia De Mowbray [Braose] 1583 in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Christiane De Segrave [Du Plessis] 1798 in Segrave, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Mary De Montfort [Clinton] 1639 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Death of Madog Ap Llewellyn Ap Heilyn 1576. Birth of John De Wauton 2003 in Essex, England. Death of John Howard 1991 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. 1332 Marriage of John Haliburton 2086 and Ms. Haliburton [Vaux] 2087 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Angharad Verch Hanmer [Llewelyn] 1272 in Meisayn, Penyc, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Elen Ferch Ap Gruffudd [John] 1496. Death of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 2012 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Iorwerth Ap Iorwerth 1413. Birth of Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 in Balderstone, Lancashire, England. Death of Margaret De Euxton 2191 in England. Birth of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Lucy Plumpton [Roos] 1712 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in Preston, Northumberland, England. Birth of Amice Corbet [De Shropshire] 1684. 1333 Death of Isabel Scales [Burnell] 2073 in Pre. Death of Earl Strathearn Malise 2199. 1334 Death of Robert De Bosco 1993 in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Dutton 1517 and Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Annes Verch Kynaston [Llewelyn] 1286 in Abertanat, Llanyblodwel, Shropshire, England. Marriage of John Colepeper 1439 and Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. Marriage of John Howard 1900 and Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in Wallingford Castle, Wallingford, Berkshire, England. Birth of Thomas Corbet 1683 in Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Henry De Percy 1409 and Mary De Percy [Plantagenet] 1410 between 1334 and 1339, in Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England. 1335 Birth of John Boteler 1385 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. Death of William De Molyneux 1636 in Sefton, West Derby, Lancashire, England. Birth of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 in Swynerton, Staffordshire, England.

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1335 (Continued) Death of Lucia Thornton [Hellesby] 1702 in Y. Birth of Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in Rudheath, Cheshire, England. Death of John De Clinton 1890 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of William De Bohun 1431 and Elizabeth De Bohun [De Badlesmere] 1432 in Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England. Birth of John Boteler 1650 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. Death of William De Molyneux 1957 in Sefton, West Derby, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Henry Plantagenet 1429 and Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in Queens Chapel, Reading, Berkshire, England. Birth of John Halyburton 2020 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. 1336 Death of Alice St Clair [De Fenton] 2197 in Roslin. Death of Emma De Molyneux [Donne] 1886 in Sefton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Robert Howard 1644 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. 1337 Birth of Robert Stewart 3368 in Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland. Marriage of David Ap Dai Madoc 1497 and Margaret Verch Madoc [Tudur] 1498 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Robert Stewart 3384 in Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1338 Birth of Isabella St Clair [Strathern] 2019 in Strathearn, Perth, Scotland. Birth of David Dymock 1369 in Willington, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1984 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Patrick Hepburn 3375 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 in Balleyarno, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744 in Barthomley, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John De Segrave 1421 and Margaret De Segrave [Plantagenet] 1422 in Brotherton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1595 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 in Edleston, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Alice Fitzalan [De Warren] 1608 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Death of Thomas Plantagenet 1588 in England, Earl, Norfolk, England. Death of Alice Aspall [De Cressingham] 2006. 1339 Birth of William Tendring 1646 in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England. Birth of Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in Timperley, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Howard [De Scales] 1645 in Newselles, Hertfordshire, England. Death of Catharine De Scales [De Ufford] 1903 in Newselles, East Winch, England. Marriage of John De Mowbray 1419 and Joan De Mowbray [Plantagenet] 1420 in Epworth, Isle Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. 1340 Marriage of William Mylde 1906 and William Mylde 1907 in Clare, Suffolk, England. Marriage of John Maltravers 1437 and Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Margaret Peche 3264 in Great Thrulow, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Roger De Ernys 1877 and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1878. Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1405 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Cheshire, England. Birth of Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in Exton, Rutland, England. Birth of Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton] 3408 in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Roger De Ernys 1447 and Joan De Ernys [De Molyneux] 1448. Death of William De Clotton 1679. Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 1261 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Death of Ellen Donne [Swynnerton] 1678. Marriage of Henry Minshull 1519 and Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 1178 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Marriage of Reynold De Cobham 1435 and Joane De Cobham [De Berkeley] 1436 in Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in Lord Church, Minshull, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Of Gaunt Plantagenet 1297 between 1340 and 1343, in Abbaye De St Bavon, Ghent, Flandre-Orientale, Belgium. 1341 Death of John Mautravers 1855 in Woolcombe, Dorset, England. Death of Joan Howard [De Cornwall] 1992 in Howard Chapel, East Winch, Norfolk, England. 1342 Birth of William Carrington 1537 in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England.

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1342 (Continued) Death of William Brereton 1501 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Marriage of Gilbert Bullock 1443 and Anne Bullock [Nevill] 1444 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Birth of Hugh De Hulse 1753 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Edmund Dutton 1383 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Edmund Dutton 1731 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Morgan Goch 1373 in Flintshire, Wales. Death of William Brereton 1673 in England. Birth of Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. 1343 Birth of Richard Ap Madoc 1371 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Death of William Mylde 1906 in Claire, Suffolk, England. Death of Margery De Clinton [Corbet] 1891 in Amington, Warw, England. Birth of Robert Bullock 1320 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England. 1344 Death of Thomas Grey 1415 in Chillingham, Glendale, Northumberland, England. Birth of Colin Campbell 3390 in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Janet Jean Haya [Gifford] 3422 in Yester Castle, Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland. 1345 Birth of Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in Stapleford, Cheshire, England. Death of Elizabeth De Montagu [De Montfort] 1988 in Christ Church, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Roger Hoord 1162 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Henry St Clair 1920 in Castle Rosslyn, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland. Marriage of William De Vernon 1749 and Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750 in Harlaston, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in Alvanley, Cheshire, England. Birth of Beatrice Hepburn [De Vaux] 3376 in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Colepeper 1303 in Hardreshull, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Geoffrey De Earth 1654 in Newbury, Berk, England. Death of Juliana De Pembrugge [La Zouche] 1752 in England. Birth of Roger Hoord 1527 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 1655. 1346 Birth of Eleanor Maltravers 1302 in Echingham, Sussex, England. Death of William De Vernon 1749 in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England. Birth of Richard Vernon 1557 in Bakewell, Dirbyshire, England. Death of Margaret De Vernon [DE Stockport] 1750. Birth of Richard Sergeaux 1451 in Colquite, Cornwall, England. Birth of Mrs Morgan Goch 1374 in Flintshire, Wales. 1347 Death of Joan De Dutton [De Holand] 1700 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Death of Maud De Kerdeston [Bateman] 2079. Birth of Ms Robt Bullock 1321 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of John Carrington 1715. Marriage of William Tendring 1904 and Margaret Tendring [Kerdeston] 1905 in Stoke, Nayland, Suffolk, England. Birth of Mrs Richard Ap Madoc 1372 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Bohun [Fitzalan] 1300 in Arundel, Essex, England. Birth of Joan Bruce 1442 in Exton, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England. Birth of Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Stewart [Graham] 3351 in Ardgowan, Scotland. 1348 Death of Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of Reynold De Cobham 1301 in Sterborough, Surrey, England. Birth of Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in Pulford, Cheshire, England. Birth of Mariota Campbell 3391 in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Death of Richard Minshull 1703 in Y. 1349 Birth of Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in Haddon, Derbyshire, England.

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1349 (Continued) Death of Thomas De Neville 1628 in England. Death of Robert De Pulford 1705 in Cheadle, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Reginald Crawford 3379 and Reginald Crawford 3380 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. 1350 Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1152 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383 in Bothwell, Scotland. Birth of Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in Erskine, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of John Touchet 1759 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1308 in Hanmer, Ellesmere, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1163 in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385 in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Alice De Holand [Fitzalan] 1296 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Gwerfyl Verch Kynaston [Tudur Vychan] 1562 in Pla Penmynydd, Anglesey, Wales. Marriage of William Mainwaring 1747 and Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. Death of William De Pressene 1417 in Preston, Northumberland, England. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3356 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of William De Borthwick 3419 and Willliam De Borthwick 3420 in Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Ralph Holland 1959 in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. Birth of William Atherton 1735 in Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire, England. Birth of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in Stobhall, Cargill, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Cari Verch Hoord [Madog] 1528 in Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Marjory Of Strathern [Ross] 2085 in Strathearn, Perth, Scotland. 1351 Birth of Margaret Done 1376 in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738 in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Henry Norreys 1630 in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. Death of William Corbet 1974 in Chaddesley Corbett, Worcester, England. Birth of Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Marriage of Thomas De Wauton 1908 and Elizabeth De Wauton [Aspall] 1909 in Great Staughton, Huntingdon, England. 1352 Birth of Maud Touchet [Mortimer] 1760 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England. Birth of William Yeading 1322 in Yeading, Middlesex, England. Death of Thomas De Greene 1622 in Boughton, Northamptonshire, England. 1353 Birth of Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960 in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1291 and Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Alice De Ernys 1325 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Death of Henry De Earth 1916 in Cornwall, England. 1354 Birth of Ms William Yeading [Yealding] 1323 in Yealding, Middlesex, England. Birth of Thomas De Holand 1295 in Upholand, Lancashire, England. Death of Margery Bacon [Felton] 2081 in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Birth of John De Walton 1648 in Great Staughton, Huntingshire, England. Birth of Thomas Haya 3421 in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. Marriage of John Halyburton 2020 and Margaret Halyburton [Cameron] 2021 in Dirleton, Midlothian, Scotland. Marriage of Robert De Fulleshurst 1743 and Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744 in Over Peover, Great Budworth, Cheshire, England. 1355 Birth of Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in Eresby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of John De Houston 3386 in Rumanoch, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Margaret Sergeaux [Seneschal] 1641 in Colquite Manor, Bodwin, Cornwall, England. Marriage of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 and Generys Verch Ap Gwilym [Madog] 2223 in Cochwillan, Llanllechid, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in Dirleton, Eastlothian, Scotland. Death of Elizabeth Stewart [Mure] 3402 in Paisley Chaple, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Richard Bond 1653 in England. Birth of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England.

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1355 (Continued) Birth of William Borthwick 3377 in Borthwick Castle, Midlothian, Scotland. Death of John Haliburton 2086 between 1355 and 1358, in Nisbet, Berwickshire, Scotland. 1356 Birth of Walter Walton 1649 in Great Staughton, Huntingdon, England. Birth of William Montford 1449 in Whiston, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 and Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England. 1357 Death of Malise Of Strathern 2084 in Florida, USA. Death of Adam Bacon 2080 in Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England. Marriage of William Stanley 1961 and Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in Timperley, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ralph De Vernon 1733 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. 1358 Death of William St Clair 2018 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Death of Peter Thornton 1701 in Thornton, Cheshire, England. 1359 Birth of Thomas Grey 1529 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Death of Thomas Corbet 1683 in Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England. Birth of Thomas Grey 1164 in Heton, Northumberland, England. 1360 Birth of Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450 in Whiston, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1160 in Stocks, Ellsmere, Cheshire, England. Death of Katherine De Clotton [De Alpram] 1680. Birth of Richard De Bodehurst 2015 in Bodehurst, Sussex, England. Birth of Angharad Verch AP Owain [Gruffudd] 2098 in Penrhyn, Llandygai, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Birth of Madoc Kynaston 1525 in Stocks, Ellsmere, Cheshire, England. 1361 Birth of Margaret De Vernon [Brailsford] 1734 in Halton, Cheshire, England. Death of Isabel Plantagenet [De Beaumont] 1430 in Leicestershire, England. Death of Maud Swynnerton [De Holand] 1686 in Swynnerton, Staf, England. 1362 Death of William De Plumpton 1523 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526 in Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Death of Richard Sergeaux 1892 in Colquite Manor, St Mabyn, Cornwall, England. Birth of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 in Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Birth of John Stewart 3392 in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of John De Stanley 1881 in Newton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Montgomery 3371 in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. Death of William De Plumpton 1912 in Plumpton, Yorkshire, England. 1363 Birth of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530 in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. Marriage of Thomas De Latham 1963 and Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964 in Knowsley, Lancashire, England. Birth of Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 in Axholme, Lincolnshire, England. 1364 Birth of Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 in Lathom Knowsley, Lancashire, England. Death of John De Ipstones 1681. Birth of John Pilkington 1737 in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. Death of William Mainwaring 1747 in Overby, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Hugh Hulse 1559 in Raby Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England. Death of William De Vaux 3417 in Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. Marriage of Hugh De Venables 1745 and Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. 1365 Death of John De Montfort 1888 in Coleshill Manor, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of William Tendring 1646 and Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. Birth of Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454 in Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, England. Death of Margaret Hardreshull [Stafford] 1621. Birth of John Howard 1453 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. Birth of Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in Barrow, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1366 Birth of Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553 in Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John Domville 1755 and Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in Oxton, Woodchurch, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Edmund Dutton 1731 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Edmund Dutton 1383 and Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. Death of Edmund Dutton 1383 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Richard Vernon 1557 and Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in Over Haddon, Bakewell, Derby, England. Birth of Isabella De Latham [Pilkington] 1964 in Knowsley, Lancashire, England. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Beli 2509 in Pen Pont, Llansbyddyd, Breconshire, Wales. Birth of Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England. Death of Edmund Dutton 1731 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Katherine Maxwell [Stewart] 3410 in Dalswinton, Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Herbert Maxwell 3409 in Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 1367 Birth of Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554 in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Marriage of William Atherton 1735 and Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736 in Atherton, Leigh, Lancashire, England. Birth of Randle Mainwaring 1555 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Birth of Piers Dutton 1273 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Death of Henry Norreys 1951 in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1368 Death of Elizabeth De Mowbray [De Segrave] 1294 in Abbey, Croxton, Leicestershire, England. Marriage of David Dymock 1369 and Margaret Dymock [Voel] 1370 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Death of John Hardreshull 1620 in Ashton, Northamptonshire, England. Death of John De Mowbray 1293 in Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. Birth of Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372 in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of John Stewart 3350 in Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1369

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Marriage of John Norreys 1875 and Katherine Norreys [Balderstone] 1876 in Stapleford Bruen, Tarvin, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ieuan Dymock 1172 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Hugh De Hulse 1753 and Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in Pickmere, Great Budworth, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margery Venables 1722 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ieuan Dymock 1265 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Hugh Dutton 1545 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. 1370 Birth of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1534 in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. Birth of John Colquhoun 3388 in Dumbarton, Scotland. Birth of Richard Vernon 1403 in Haddon, Derbyshire, England. Birth of Mary Plantagenet [De Bohun] 1169 in Hereford, Herefordshire, England. Birth of Harry Ravenscroft 1879 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Archibald Douglas 3358 in Douglas Castle, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Death of Henry Minshull 1519 in Cheshire, England. Death of Margaret Peche 3264 in England. Birth of Agnes Atherton [Vernon] 1736 in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Atchurch 1135 in Monks, Eleigh, Suffolk, England. Birth of Duncan Campbell 3362 in Lochowe, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Graham 3393. Marriage of Henry Norreys 1630 and Alice Norreys [De Ernys] 1631. Death of Margery De Clotton 1504. Birth of Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Hanford 1725 in Tawstock, Devon, England. 1371 Birth of Edward Cherleton 1166 in Powis, Montgomershire, Wales. Marriage of Henry St Clair 1920 and Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in Dirleton, East Lothian, Scotland. Death of Joan Jane De Montfort [De Clinton] 1889 in Staffordshire, England. Birth of Edward Cherleton 1531 in Powis, Montgomershire, Wales. Marriage of Ralph Holland 1959 and Rose Holland [Skevington] 1960 in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. 1372 Marriage of William Montford 1449 and Rose Montford [Bradstone] 1450 in Bescote, Staffordshire, England.

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1372 (Continued) Birth of Ms. Borthwick [De Hay] 3378 in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Griffith Goch 1267 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Henry Done 1503 in Utkinton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Norreys 1445 in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England. Birth of Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 in West Bretton, Great Sandall West Riding, England. Birth of Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 in Bescite, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Griffith Goch 1174 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of John Walton 1455 in St Peter, Hunts, England. Death of John Norreys 1875 in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1373 Death of John Drummond 3403 in Concraig, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Marriage of Richard Sergeaux 1451 and Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1320 and Ms Robt Bullock 1321 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Elizabeth De Swynnerton [Beke] 1508 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. 1374 Death of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancastershire, England. Marriage of John Boteler 1650 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. Death of Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1651 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lancastershire, England. Marriage of John Boteler 1385 and Alicia Boteler [Plumpton] 1386 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. Death of Ellen Cerizeaux [Arundell] 2062 in England. Birth of Thomas Bullock 1190 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Marriage of John De Ipstones 1505 and Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506. 1375 Death of Mrs William Corbet 1975 in England. Birth of William Everard 3259 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Marriage of Nicholas Warren 1719 and Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in Poynton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 in Earth, By Saltash, Corn, England. Death of William Tendring 1904. Birth of Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in Wynnington, Cheshire, England. Marriage of William Carrington 1537 and Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England. Birth of George Carrington 1393 in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England. Death of Gwenthlian Maltravers [Wenthlian] 1438 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Death of Alice Howard [De Bosco] 1901 in Bath, East Winch, Norfolk, England. Birth of Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 in about 1375, in Rosslyn Castle, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland. 1376 Death of Richard Vernon 1557 in Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England. Death of John Colepeper 1439 in Bayhall Manor, Pembury, Kent, England. Marriage of Robert Le Grosvenor 1739 and Joan Le Grosvenor [De Pulford] 1740 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of Mrs Griffith Goch 1175 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Isabel Fitzalan [Le Despencer] 1897 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Mrs Griffith Goch 1268 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. 1377 Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Butler] 1274 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England. Death of Edmund Fitzalan 1642 in Arundel, Sussex, England. Birth of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. 1378 Birth of Robert Bond 1464 in Penryn, Cornwall, England. Marriage of Madoc Kynaston 1160 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161 in Ludlow, Shropshire, England. Birth of John Hoord 1061 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Death of Agnes Dunbar 3416 in Dalkeith, Fife, Scotland. Birth of Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in Yeading, Middlesex, England. Birth of Nicholas Warren 1719 in Poynton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Madoc Kynaston 1525 and Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526 in Ludlow, Shropshire, England. Birth of John Hoord 1388 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. 1379 Birth of Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 in Bewsey, Lancashire, England.

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1379 (Continued) Birth of Mrs William Everard 3260 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506 in Moreton Corbet Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England. Death of John De Arderne 1717 in Alvanley, Runcorn, Cheshire, England. 1380 Birth of John Howard 1330 in Wiggenhall, Wigenhall, Norfolk, England. Birth of Thomas Woodan 1345 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Death of Alice Stanley [Massey] 1962 in Storeton, Cheshire, England. Death of Tibota Minshull [De Pulford] 1520 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Richard Bold 1727 in Bold, Lancashire, England. Birth of Thomas Weightman 1344 in Burbage, Leicestershire, England. 1381 Death of Roger Hoord 1162. Death of Thomas Swynnerton 1685 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Richard Bathurst 1914 in Cranebrook, Staplehurst, Kent, England. Birth of Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 in Killigarth Colquite, Cornwall, England. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1529 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1530 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Marriage of Thomas Grey 1164 and Joan Grey [De Mowbray] 1165 in Heton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Reginald Cobham 1535 in Sterborough, Surrey, England. Death of Roger Hoord 1527. Death of William Carrington 1537. Birth of Reginald Cobham 1170 in Sterborough, Surrey, England. 1382 Birth of John Kynaston 1060 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of John Kynaston 1387 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in Preston, Ermington, Devon, England. Death of Thomas De Latham 1963 in Lathom, Lancashire, England. Birth of Adam Hepburn 3354 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of John Bird 1481 in Hampton Bickerton, Enland, Cheshire, England. 1383 Death of David Hanmer 1271 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Hugh De Venables 1745 in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Death of Margaret Grey [De Pressene] 1292 in Heaton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John Pilkington 1737 and Margaret Pilkington [De Verdon] 1738 in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 in Cheshire, England. Death of David Hanmer 1365 in Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales. 1384 Birth of Thomas Woodan 1346 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Lindsay 3396. Marriage of Richard Venables 1741 and Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in Bold, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Atherton 1547 in Atherton, Lancashire, England. 1385 Marriage of John Howard 1453 and Alice Howard [Tendring] 1454 in Wiggenhall, Norfolk, England. Birth of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536 in Bay Hall, Pembury, Kent, England. Death of William Brereton 1375 in Hartfleur, France. Birth of Thomas Boyd 3411 in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 in Bay Hall, Pembury, Kent, England. Death of Thomas De Wauton 1908 in England. Birth of Richard De Vere 1328 in Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3356 and Ms. Crawford [Galbraith] 3357 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of John De Stanley 1881 and Isabel De Stanley [Lathom] 1882 in Lancashire, England. 1386 Death of Elizabeth Colepeper [Hardreshull] 1440 in Bayhall, England. Marriage of Hugh Hulse 1559 and Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in Cheshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1386 (Continued) Birth of John Grey 1389 in Wark Upon Tweed, Northumberland, England. Death of Baldwin De Montfort 1638 in Coleshill, Warwickshire, England. Birth of John Grey 1062 in Wark Upon Tweed, Northumberland, England. 1387 Death of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1732 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. Birth of Jeoffry De Chedell 1552 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Andrew Lyle 3413 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Swetenham 1485 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Hulse 1404 in Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, England. Birth of Catherine Lyle 3414 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Joan Dutton [Minshull] 1384 in Minshull, Cheshire, England. Death of Cecily De Arderne [Bredbury] 1718 in Cheshire, England. 1388 Birth of William Beeston 1723 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Death of Malcolm Galbraith 3381 in Greenock Easter, Glasgow, Scotland. Birth of Janet Hepburn [De Borthwick] 3355 in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 in Atherton, Lancashire, England. Death of Elizabeth De Fulleshurst [De Praers] 1744. Death of John Howard 1900 in Bath, East Winch, Norfolk, England. Birth of Alice Bird [Malpas] 1482 in Hampton Bickerton, Enland, Cheshire, England. 1389 Death of Jenkin Kynaston 1285. Birth of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 in Radnor, Cheshire, England. Birth of Roger Norreys 1324 in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England. Birth of Archibald Crawford 3344 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John Walton 1455 and Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456 in Plympton, St Mary, Devon, England. Birth of Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Death of Ellen Dutton [Thornton] 1518 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1390 Birth of William Norreys 1192 in Ockholt Manor, Bray, Berkshire, England. Birth of William De Ipstones 1377 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of William Kingsmill 1332 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Archibald Douglas 3358 and Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in Argyll, Clan, Fife, Scotland. Birth of Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in Peover, Cheshire, England. Death of Ellen De Hulse [Bruen] 1754 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Maurice Gethin 1180 in Moel Iwrch Lloran Ucha, Denbighshire, Wales. Birth of John Mure 3394 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1391 Death of John Walton 1455. Marriage of Richard Merbrooke 1326 and Helena Merbrooke [Mountford] 1327 in Yattendan, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Randle Mainwaring 1555 and Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. 1392 Birth of Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726 in Bampton, Devon, England. Birth of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1167 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Birth of Robert Leigh 1472 in Langley, Shropshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Cherleton [De Holand] 1532 in Upholland, Lancashire, England. Birth of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 in Donington, Shropshire, England. Death of Matilda Carrington [Arderne] 1538 in England. 1393 Birth of Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1467 in England. Birth of Joan Howard [Walton] 1331 in Wyenhoe, Essex, England. Birth of Richard Maynard 1466 in England. 1394 Birth of Randle Brereton 1269 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Laurence Warren 1539 in Ponyton, Prestbury, Cheshire, England. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1333 in Barkham, Berkshire, England.

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1394 (Continued) Birth of Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 in Stourton, Cheshire, England. Death of John De Walton 1648 in Great Stougton, Huntingdonshire, England. Death of John De Ipstones 1505 in London, England. Marriage of Harry Ravenscroft 1879 and Catherine Ravenscroft [Holland] 1880 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Randle Brereton 1176 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345 in Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 1395 Birth of Isabell Boyd 3374 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Alianora Colepeper [Green] 1304 in Kent, England. Birth of Edward Hanmer 1070 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales. Birth of William Graham 3405 in Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of John Domville 1755 in Oxton Brunstath, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Edward Hanmer 1145 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales. Death of Robert De Swynnerton 1507 in Swynnerton, Staffordshire, England. 1396 Birth of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. 1397 Birth of Mariota Graham [Oliphant] 3406 in Aberdalgy, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in Aldwark, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Iowerth Ap Einion 1697 in Gelli Iorwerth, Trawsfynydd, Merionethshire, Wales. Birth of Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. Death of Thomas Haya 3421 in Yester Castle, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. Birth of John Wynnesbury 1477 in Donington, Shropshire, England. 1398 Death of Margery De Venables [Cotton] 1746 in Wilbraham, Cheshire, England. Birth of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. Death of Elizabeth De Montgomery [Eglinton] 3408 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayr, Scotland. Death of William Stanley 1961 in Storeton, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Gascoigne 1234 in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William De Ipstones 1377 and Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in Ipstones, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473 in Pevenhull, Pimhill, Shropshire, England. 1399 Birth of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 in Mongomeryshire, Powys, Wales. Marriage of Ieuan Dymock 1265 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1266 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Phillippa Sergeaux [Fitzalan] 1452 in Sussex, England. Birth of Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 in Mongomeryshire, Powys, Wales. Death of William De Ipstones 1377 in Ipstones, Staffords, England. Marriage of Ieuan Dymock 1172 and Lucy Dymock [Ap Richard] 1173 in Halghton, Flintshire, Wales. Death of William Everard 3259 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Marriage of William Everard 3259 and Mrs William Everard 3260 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of John Dutton 1397 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. 1400 Death of Jean St Clair [Haliburton] 1921 in Roslynn, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Dymoke 1066 in Penley, Willington, England. Death of John Boteler 1650 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lanc, England. Death of Cecily Domville [Mobberley] 1756 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Agnes Lnu 1458. Birth of Richard Weightman 1240 in Burbage, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Richard Merbrooke 1326 in Yattenden, Berkshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1911. Death of John Boteler 1385 in Bewsey, Warrington, Lanc, England. Birth of Thomas Dymoke 1148 in Penley, Willington, England. Death of Richard Vernon 1403 in Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England. Birth of William Everard 3240 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of William Vavasour 1232 in Cockerington, Lincolnshire, England.

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1400 (Continued) Marriage of William Atherton 1547 and Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548 in Atherton, Leigh, Lancashire, England. Birth of Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 in Frense, Norfolk, England. Birth of Richard Weightman 1462 in Burbage, Leicestershire, England. Death of Elizabeth Le Boteler [De Havering] 1522. Birth of Robert Bullock 1077 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Richard Bold 1727 and Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in Hutton, Warton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Patrick Houston 3360 in That Ilk, Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Mrs John Mure 3395 in about 1400, in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1401 Birth of Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Birth of Henry De Bold 1543 in Bold, Lancashire, England. Death of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3385 in Scone, Perth, Scotland. Death of Annabella Stewart [Drummond] 3369 in Scone, Perth, Scotland. Death of John Alexander De Montgomery 3407 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1402 Birth of Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Marriage of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 and Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in Woodhay, Hampshire, England. Death of John Halyburton 2020 in Scotland. Death of Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Birth of Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Death of Patrick Hepburn 3415 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of James Ridley 1474 in Alkington, Shropshire, England. 1403 Birth of Alexander Montgomery 3352 in Ardrossan, Ayrshire, Scotland. Marriage of Andrew Lyle 3413 and Catherine Lyle 3414 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Richard Venables 1741 in Kinderton Cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Death of Madoc Kynaston 1405 in Shrewsbury, England. Death of Katherine Tendring [Milde] 1647 in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. Birth of John Savage 1729 in Clifton, Cheshire, England. 1404 Marriage of Thomas Woodan 1345 and Thomas Woodan 1346 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Death of Henry St Clair 1920 in Orkney, Scotland. Marriage of Thomas Bullock 1190 and Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 and Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Boyd 3411 and Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Humphrey Hill 1359 in Hodnet, Shropshire, England. 1405 Birth of Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478 in Humphreston Manor, Shropshire, England. Death of Robert Bullock 1320 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Death of Hugh Hulse 1559 in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Robert Grosvenor 1399 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of Henry Russell 1468 in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England. Birth of Thomas Boyd 3373 in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Gruffydd Ap Gwilym 2222 in Penrhyn, Llandygia, Caernarvanshire, Wales. Birth of Gracia De Bold 1544 in Lancashire, England. Death of Geoffrey De Earth 1654 in England. 1406 Birth of Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 in Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Mainwaring [Leycester] 1748 in Over By, Middlewich, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 in Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Richard De Vere 1328 and Alice De Vere [Sergeaux] 1329 in Hedingham Castle, Essex, England. 1407 Marriage of Jeoffry De Chedell 1551 and Jeoffry De Chedell 1552 in Cheshire, England.

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1407 (Continued) Birth of Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1309 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Death of Hugh De Hulse 1753 in Cheshire, England. Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1652 in Cranebrook, Staplehurst, Kent, England. Birth of Ellen Hanmer [Dutton] 1153 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. 1408 Marriage of Ralph Blennerhassett 1137 and Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138 in Lowdham Frenze, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Robert Bond 1464 and Elizabeth Bond [De Earth] 1465 in Tiverton, Castel, Cornwall, England. Death of Margaret Done 1376. Birth of William Sinclair 1128 in Caithness, Scotland. 1409 Marriage of Randle Brereton 1176 and Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177. Birth of Jane Blennerhassett [Lowderham] 1138 in Great Brasted, Essex, England. Marriage of Randle Brereton 1269 and Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270. Birth of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Reginald Cobham 1170 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1171 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Birth of Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 in Cheshire, England. Marriage of Reginald Cobham 1535 and Eleanor Cobham [Colepeper] 1536 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Birth of Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078 in Arborfield, Bray, Berkshire, England. Death of Johana Douglas [Moray] 3383 in Hermiston, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Death of Juliana Vernon [Pembrugge] 1558 in England. 1410 Birth of Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 in Wiggonholt, Sussex, England. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 in Sterborough Castle, Kent, England. Birth of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 in Sterborough Castle, Kent, England. Birth of Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in Atherton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Russell [Herring] 1469 in Winterborn Clenston, Dorset, England. Birth of Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 in Chorlton, Malpas, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Belasyse 3775 in Fauconberg, Yarmouth, Yorkshire, England. 1411 Death of Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Marriage of John Colquhoun 3388 and Jean Colquhoun [Erskine] 3389 in Inchmurrin, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. 1412 Marriage of Laurence Warren 1539 and Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in Poynton, Prestbury, Cheshire, England. Birth of Thomasine Wyse [Fulford] 1471 in Great Fulford, Devon, England. Death of John Stewart 3350 in Drumglass, Angusshire, Scotland. Marriage of Thomas Swetenham 1485 and Alice Swetenham [De Overton] 1486 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Birth of Richard Bond De Earth 1347 in England. Death of Mariota Graham [Oliphant] 3406 in Kincadine, Fife, Scotland. 1413 Death of Colin Campbell 3390 in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Death of Nicholas Warren 1719 in England, Stockport, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Marriage of William Beeston 1723 and Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in Peover, Cheshire, England. 1414 Birth of William Brereton 1318 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Thomas Beeston 1541 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Birth of Agenta De Earth [Maynard] 1348. Death of William De Borthwick 3419 in Catcume, Scotland. Birth of Mrs Randal Brereton 1151 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Birth of Mrs Randal Brereton 1069 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of Clemence Beeston [Maynwarynge] 1724 in Y. 1415 Birth of Murmuring Ripple 1203 in Area Where Nc, TN, VA, Ky Meet.

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1415 (Continued) Birth of Thomas Hobart 1134 in Leyham, Suffolk, England. Birth of Murmuring Ripple 1205. Marriage of Thomas Hanford 1725 and Elizabeth Hanford [Fitzwarren] 1726 in Halstead, Essex, England. Birth of John Wyse 1470 in Sydenham, Devon, England. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1196 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3588 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Death of Maud De Ipstones [De Swynnerton] 1378 in Clifton, Cheshire, England. 1416 Birth of Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Death of William Beeston 1723 in Peoover, Cheshire, England. Death of Eva De Fouleshurst [De Venables] 1554. 1417 Marriage of Nicholas Sprencheaux 1475 and Nicholas Sprencheaux 1476 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. Death of Agnes Warren [De Wynnington] 1720 in England. 1418 Birth of Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ralph Leigh 1352 in Langley, Shropshire, England. Birth of Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Marriage of John Grey 1062 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1063 in Up Holland, Lancashire, England. Marriage of John Grey 1389 and Joan Grey [Cherleton] 1390 in Up Holland, Lancashire, England. Birth of Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 in Donington, Shropshire, England. 1419 Birth of Henry Grey 1277 in Heaton Castle, Wark On Tweed, Northumberland, England. Marriage of Thomas Fulleshurst 1401 and Cecily Fulleshurst [Mainwaring] 1402 in Crewe, Farndon, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 932 in Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Patrick Houston 3360 and Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Henry Grey 933 in Heaton Castle, Wark On Tweed, Northumberland, England. Birth of John Ross 1258. Marriage of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 and Margaret Kynaston [Hoord] 1276 in Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England. 1420 Death of Joan Grosvenor [Venables] 1550 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669 in Clenenney, Penmorfa, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Marriage of Richard Weightman 1240 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1241 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Birth of William Sempill 3397 in Eliotstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Thomas De Fouleshurst 1553. Birth of Elizabeth Carrington [De Warren] 1394. Birth of John Hunt 3263 in Suffolk, England. Death of Mariota Campbell 3391 in Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Semphill 3366 in Eliotstoun, Linlithgow, Scotland. Death of Randle Brereton 1176 in Harfleur, France. Death of Randle Brereton 1269 in Harfleur, France. Marriage of Richard Weightman 1462 and Scianeley Weightman [Woodan] 1463 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233 in Hudleston, Yorkshire, England. 1421 Death of Earl of Orkney Sinclair 1658 on 1 February, in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland. Birth of Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Henry Vavasour 1108 in Church, Haselwood, YS, England. Death of William Tendring 1646 in Tendring Hall, Stokes-By-Nayland, Suffolk, England. 1422 Marriage of Henry De Bold 1543 and Gracia De Bold 1544 in Bold, Lancshire, England. Marriage of John Savage 1729 and Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in Clifton, Cheshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Savage [Brereton] 1730 in Clifton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England. Death of Roger Norreys 1324 in Bray, Berkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Sempill [Cathcart] 3398 in Cathcart, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1423 Birth of Joan Vernon 1284 in Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England.

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1423 (Continued) Birth of John Mure 3364 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Elizabeth De Ipstones [Corbet] 1506. 1424 Birth of Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365 in Dunrod, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Birth of John Blennerhassett 1046 in Frense, Norfolk, England. Birth of Margaret De Pechey 3262 in Suffolk, England. Death of Mary Montifex 3404 in Scotland. 1425 Marriage of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 and Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in England. Death of Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345. Birth of Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in Littlecote, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Isabella Leigh [Ridley] 1353 in Alkington, Shropshire, England. Death of Iowerth Ap Einion 1697. Death of John De Houston 3386. Marriage of John De Vere 1194 and Elizabeth De Vere [Howard] 1195 in Earls, Colone, Essex, England. Birth of John Ross 3399 in Tulloch Castle, Dingwall, Ross-Shire, Scotland. Marriage of Archibald Crawford 3344 and Margaret Crawford [Douglas] 3345 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Alexander Montgomerie 3341 in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Elizabeth Walton [Butler] 1456. Birth of Thomas Weightman 1113 in Burbage, Leicestershire, England. 1426 Birth of Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 in Donington, Shropshire, England. Birth of Roger Puleston 1305 in Emral, Flint, Wales. Birth of Randle Brereton 1068 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Birth of Randle Brereton 1150 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of George Carrington 1393. Marriage of John Wynnesbury 1477 and Margaret Wynnesbury [Humphreston] 1478 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. 1427 Birth of Alice Merbrooke 1193 in Yattenden, Berkshire, England. Marriage of John Dutton 1397 and Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in Atherton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Thomas Brugge 1338 in Coberley, Gloucestershire, England. 1428 Birth of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 934 in Westminster, Middlesex, England. Birth of William Norris 1314 in Speake, Lancashire, England. Birth of Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Peter Dutton 1281 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Norris 1079 in Speake, Lancashire, England. Birth of Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Antigone Grey [Plantagenet] 1278 in Westminster, Middlesex, England. 1429 Marriage of Robert Grosvenor 1399 and Janet Grosvenor [De Chedell] 1400 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Death of Thomas Grosvenor 1549 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Death of John Montgomery 3371 in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Thomas Colepeper 1303 in Bayhall, Pembury, Kent, England. Marriage of Humphrey Hill 1359 and Agnes Hill [Bird] 1360 in Buntingdale, Shropshire, England. Death of Henry Norreys 1630 in Speke, Prescot, Lancashire, England. 1430 Marriage of Thomas Dymoke 1148 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1149 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of William Hanmer 1307. Birth of Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Death of Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in England. Birth of John Beeston 1395 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Birth of Roger Kynaston 1154 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of John Carrington 1279 in Carrington, Bowdon, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Houston 3346 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Roger Kynaston 824 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Birth of Thomas Tyndall 1139 in Norfolk, England.

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1430 (Continued) Birth of Roger Kynaston 1310 in Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Dymoke 1066 and Margaret Dymoke [Goch] 1067 in Willington Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Thomas Bond 1246. Death of John Mure 3394 in Caldwell, Argyllshire, Scotland. 1431 Death of William Everard 3240 in Marshborough, Kent, England. Death of Petronell Dutton [De Vernon] 1546 in Waverton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Thomas Dymock 1054 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Thomas Dymock 935 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Marriage of William Everard 3240 and Isabelle Everard [Bedelle] 3241 in Mashbury, Essex, England. 1432 Birth of Robert Fouleshurst 1283 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. Birth of Thomas Tendering 1999. Birth of John Russell 1350 in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England. Birth of Agnes Tendering [Holbroke] 2000. Birth of John Everard 3227 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of Joseph Phippen 3732 in Cornwall, England. 1433 Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 938 in Wales. Death of Piers Dutton 1273 in Dutton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Lloyd] 1053 in Wales. Marriage of Robert Bullock 1077 and Ms Eleanore Bullock 1078 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Robert Grosveneur 1312 in Eton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ann Russell [Wise] 1351 in Sydenham, Devon, England. Birth of Joane Norris [Vere] 1080 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Joane Norris [Vere] 1315 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Richard Bathurst 1914. Marriage of John Belasyse 3775 and Jonetta Belasyse [Tipping] 3776 in Cornwall, England. 1434 Birth of Elizabeth Bond [Kendall] 1247. Marriage of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 and Margaret Wilbraham [Swetenham] 1362 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Birth of Gilbert Bullock 941 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Marriage of John Houston 3346 and Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Gruffydd Ap Rhys Ap Dafydd 1667 in Plas Einion, Llanfair Dyffryn, Clwyd, Wales. 1435 Birth of Cecily Axtell 1243 in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Henrye Axtell 1242 in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Robert Crawford 3337 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of William Atherton 1547. Death of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1161. Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1457 in Canterbury, Cranebrook, Kent, England. Death of Isolda Kynaston [De Percy] 1526. Marriage of Richard Kingsmill 1196 and Ms Richard Kingsmill 1197 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. 1436 Birth of Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 937 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales. Birth of James Hobart 1044 in Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. Birth of Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129 in Dunbeath, Caithness, Scotland. Birth of John Cotton 1316 in Ridware Hemst, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Griffith Hanmer 1052 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales. Marriage of William Brereton 1318 and Philippa Brereton [Hulse] 1319 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Birth of Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in Fauconberg, Yarm, Yorkshire, England. 1437 Marriage of Ralph Ravenscroft 1632 and Margaret Ravenscroft [Stanley] 1633 in Cotton End, Hardingstone, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Humfrey Waltham 3245 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 1438 Birth of Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446 in Northamptonshire, England.

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1438 (Continued) Birth of Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in Radborne, Derbyshire, England. Death of Richard Bold 1727 in Bold, Lancashire, England. 1439 Death of Isabell Boyd 3374. 1440 Marriage of Fulke Sprencheaux 1354 and Margery Sprencheaux [Wynnesbury] 1355 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. Birth of Michael Denne 1031 in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. Birth of Robert Chapman 1459 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1270 in England. Birth of Michael Denne 1019 in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. Birth of Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Birth of Alexander Ross 1125 in Balnagoun, Ross, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Death of Elizabeth Atherton [Pilkington] 1548. Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England. Birth of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in Lympne, Kent, England. Birth of Richard Kingsmill 1081 in Barkham, Berkshire, England. Birth of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in Lympne, Kent, England. Birth of Alice Kingsmill 1082 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. Death of John Belasyse 3775 in England. Birth of Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 in Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England. Death of Hugh Dutton 1545 in Waverton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Beeston 1541 and Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Death of Margery Warren [Bulkeley] 1540 in Poynton, Cheshire, England. Death of Alice Brereton [Ipstones] 1177 in England. Birth of Dorothea Ross [Sutherland] 1126 in about 1440, in Duffus, Morayshire, Scotland. 1441 Marriage of John Hunt 3263 and Margaret De Pechey 3262 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Death of Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in Gawthorpe Hall, Harewood, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in Lancashire, England. 1442 Birth of Angharad Verch Ap Gruffydd 1698 in Llwdiarth, Wales. 1443 Death of Margaret Montgomery [Maxwell] 3372 in Eglington, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Cornish 3243 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Death of Gruffudd Kynaston 931 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Death of Margery Hulse [De Domville] 1560 in Raby, Cheshire, England. Birth of Henry Weightman 1114 in Burbage, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, England. Death of Gruffudd Kynaston 1275 in Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. 1444 Death of Laurence Warren 1539 in Poynton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Robert Chapman 1460 in Canterbury, Kent, England. 1445 Death of Margaret Sempill [Cathcart] 3398 in Eliotstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of John Cornish 3242 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Birth of James Hopringle 3315 in Smailholm, Selkirkshire, Scotland. Birth of Nicholas Bourman 1248 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Marriage of John Mure 3364 and Elizabeth Mure [Lindsay] 3365 in Dunrod, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Birth of Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237 in Yorkshire, England. 1446 Death of Reginald Cobham 1535 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Death of Reginald Cobham 1170 in Lingfield, Surrey, England. Birth of Richard Leigh 1252 in Langley, Shropshire, England. Birth of Jane Blennerhassett [Tindall] 1047 in Hockwold, Norfolk, England. Death of Elizabeth Beeston [Handford] 1542 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Death of Adam Hepburn 3354 in Hailes Castle, Prestonkirk, East Lothian, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1447 Birth of Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in Gosworth, Cheshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Ross 3367 in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 1448 Birth of Nicholas Bourman 1249 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Death of Elizabeth Montgomerie [Hepburn] 3342 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1449 Death of Elizabeth Russell [Herring] 1469. 1450 Death of William Montford 1449. Birth of James Russell 1250 in Awyre, Dorsset, England. Death of Patrick Houston 3360 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of John Hunt 3263 in Essex, England. Birth of Ralph Barnby 3795 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253 in Donnington, Shropshire, England. Death of Robert Leigh 1472 in Langley, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Henry Vavasour 1108 and Jane Vavasour [Gascon] 1109 in Wakefield, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Margaret De Wilburgham [Golborne] 1484 in England. Birth of John Goulston 1358 in Goulston, Cheswardine, England. Birth of Andrew Ross 1037 in Scotland. Death of Isabel Venables [De Langton] 1742 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England. Death of William Borthwick 3377 in Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland. Birth of John Saint John 3554 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. 1452 Birth of John Paulet 1336 in Basing, Hampshire, England. Birth of Randle Brereton 1156 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of Alexander Montgomerie 3341 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1453 Marriage of Robert Grosveneur 1312 and Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in Eton, Cheshire, England. Death of Duncan Campbell 3362 in Kilmun, Cowal, Argyllshire, Scotland. Death of John Carrington 1279 in England. Birth of Hugh Montgomerie 3307 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Margaret Montgomery [Boyd] 3353 in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557 in Codham, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Hugh Montgomerie 3323 in Eglinton, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1454 Birth of Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. Birth of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 in Eaton, Cheshire, England. Death of Margaret Dutton [Atherton] 1398 in Waverton Church, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Wayte 1143 in Titleshall, Norfolk, England. Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1065 in Peel Castle, Isle Of Man. Death of Eleanor Plantagenet [Cobham] 1392 in Peel Castle, Isle Of Man. Birth of Ms. Unknown 1251. Birth of Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 in Brereton, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Adam Mure 3348 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1455 Death of Isabel Maynard [Cotgreave] 1467. Birth of John Drax Drakes 1238 in Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Joseph Phippen 3732 and Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1185 in Crickett, Shropshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 1057 in Crickett, Shropshire, England. Birth of Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3324. Birth of Janet Montgomerie [Maxwell] 3308. Birth of Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in Speake, Lancashire, England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658 in Crickett, Shropshire, England. 1456 Death of John Houston 3346 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of John Norreys 1445 in Bray, Berkshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1456 (Continued) Birth of Alice Paulet 1337 in Hinton St George, Somerset, England. Birth of Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in Eliston, Linlithgow, Scotland. Death of William Brereton 1318 in Chester, Cheshire, England. Death of John Cotton 1316. Death of John Everard 3227 in Marshborough, Kent, England. Death of Elizabeth Fitzpenne [St Albin] 3774 in Cornwall, England. Death of Margaret Douglas [Stewart] 3359 in Thrieve Castle, Galloway, Galloway, Scotland. Birth of Gilbert Keith 1130 in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Death of Annes Houston [Campbell] 3347 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Randle Mainwaring 1555 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Giffard 1334 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Death of Maria Houston [Colquhoun] 3361 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Birth of Amphillis Coningsby 1140 in Nene Solers, Shropshire, England. Marriage of William Gascoigne 1234 and Margaret Gascoigne [Clarell] 1235 in Aldwark, Yorkshire, England. 1457 Marriage of John Cotton 1316 and Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in Hemstall, Ridware, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in Cranbrook, Kent, England. Marriage of John Beeston 1395 and Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in Lancashire, England. Birth of Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in Carrington, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Waldegrave 3556 in Berley, Essex, England. 1458 Birth of Margaret Norris 942 in Bray, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Brugge 1338 and Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in Littlecote, Wiltshire, England. 1459 Death of Margery Mainwaring [Venables] 1556 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Birth of William Sinclair 1040 in Ravenscraig, Fifeshire, Scotland. Death of Thomas Fitzpenne 3773 in Cornwall, England. Birth of Daughter Keith [Ogston] 1131 in Ludquhairn, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Death of Margery Venables 1722 in Over Peover, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Richard Kingsmill 1081 and Alice Kingsmill 1082 in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. 1460 Birth of Thomas Fraser 3309 in Lovat, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Birth of John Giffard [Gifford] 1335 in Itchell, Southhampton, Hampshire, England. Death of Thomas Bullock 1190 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Death of Randle Brereton 1068 in Burgundy, France. Birth of Marion Stewart [Semple] 3312 in Eliotstown, Linlithgow, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Hill 1256 in Hodnot, Shropshire, England. Birth of John Stewart 3311 in Darnley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of John Reade 3562 in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Beeston 1280 in Carrington, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Kingsmill 943 in Basingstoke, Berkshire, England. Marriage of Henrye Axtell 1242 and Cecily Axtell 1243 in Berkhampstead Saint Mary, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Thomas Axtell 1115 in Bovington, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Thomas Everard 3219 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Death of Randle Brereton 1150 in Burgundy, France. Birth of Ms. Helena 1036 in Scotland. Birth of Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Forefather Strong 1112. Birth of Thomas Duncombe 1342 in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Alice Bullock [Yeading] 1191 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. 1461 Marriage of Robert Chapman 1459 and Robert Chapman 1460 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Death of John Dutton 1397 in Pulpit, Waverton Church, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Dymock 1054 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 1055 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of Lawrence Bathurst 1457 in Sussex, England. Birth of Richard Cotton 1188 in Hamstall Ridware, Staffordshire, England. Death of Petronilla Leigh [Lee] 1473 in England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1461 (Continued) Marriage of Thomas Dymock 935 and Margaret Dymock [Brereton] 936 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. 1462 Birth of Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Randle Dymock 826 in Penley, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of John Barker 1479 in Claverley, Shropshire, England. 1463 Birth of Henry Whitman 1025 in Burbage, Leicestershire, England. Death of Henry Russell 1468 in Kingston, Russell, Dorset, England. Death of John Ap Meredydd Ap Meredydd 1669 in Lvg Richard Ii. 1464 Death of Robert Grosvenor 1399 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Peter Dutton 1281 and Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. Birth of Henry Brydges 1200 in Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Thomas Cornish 3243 and Iodena Cornish [Hunt] 3244 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Birth of Jenkin Hanmer 927 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, Flint, Wales. 1465 Marriage of Roger Kynaston 1154 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in England. Birth of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Adam Mure 3348 and Elizabeth Mure [Sempill] 3349 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Marriage of Roger Kynaston 1310 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in England. Birth of Thomas Mildmay 1220 in Chelmsford, Essex, England. Birth of Ann Rudhall [Milbourne] 3565 in Burghill, Herefordshire, England. Marriage of Roger Kynaston 824 and Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in England. 1466 Death of Eleanor Atchurch 1135 in De La Tye, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. Birth of Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, County Flint, Wales. Death of William Gascoigne 1234 in Gawthorpe Hall, Harewood, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Adam Winthrop 3781 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England. 1467 Birth of John Cornish 3229 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Marriage of Michael Denne 1019 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in Lympne, Kent, England. Birth of Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026 in England. Marriage of Michael Denne 1031 and Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in Lympne, Kent, England. Birth of William Bond 1117 in Buckland, Somerset, England. 1468 Birth of Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201 in Newbury, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Roger Puleston 1305 and Jonet Puleston [Bulkeley] 1306. 1469 Death of Elizabeth Dutton [Grosvenor] 1282 in Hulme, Cheshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Hanmer 823 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Death of Elena Bold [Halsall] 1728 in Bold, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Robert Crawford 3337 and Marion Crawford [Houston] 3338 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Mary Cotton [Poole] 1317 in Radborne, Derbyshire, England. Death of Joanna Boyd [Montgomery] 3412 in Kilmarnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1470 Birth of William Rudhall 3564 in Rudhall, Hereford, England. Birth of Richard Rich 1213 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Roger Puleston 1182 in Emral, Flint, Wales. Birth of James Crawford 3305 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of John Brewer 3570 in England. Birth of Richard Hanmer 1056 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Death of Thomas De Wilburgham 1483 in Woodhey, Cheshire, England. Birth of Jane Puleston [Hanmer] 1183. Birth of Richard Hanmer 1184 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Birth of Janet Fraser [Gray] 3310 in Foulis, Perth, Scotland. Birth of John Dysner 3587.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1470 (Continued) Death of Alexander Montgomery 3352 in Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of James Crawford 3321 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England. 1471 Birth of John Bourman 1119 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Birth of Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Death of Ralph Leigh 1352. Birth of Mrs William Bond 1118 in Buckland, Somerset, England. Death of Thomas Weightman 1344. Birth of Thomas Wolsey 3787 between 1471 and 1473, in St Nicholas, Ipswich, Suffolk, England. 1472 Birth of Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214 in London, Middlesex, England. Marriage of Thomas Bond 1246 and Elizabeth Bond [Kendall] 1247. Birth of Margaret Reade [Beauchamp] 3563 in Beauchamp, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Dymock] 928 in Wellington, Shropshire, England. Birth of Robert Crichton 3335 in Sanquhar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Death of Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in Coity, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, Wales. 1474 Marriage of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 and Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in Speake, Lancashire, England. Marriage of John Paulet 1336 and Alice Paulet 1337 in Basing, Hampshire, England. Marriage of James Russell 1250 and Ms. Unknown 1251. 1475 Birth of James Hamilton 3331 in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Birth of Arthur Harris 1141 in Prittlewell, Rochford, Essex, England. Birth of Isabel Calverley [Drakes] 1111 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Jackson 3749 in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Johanna Harris [Percy] 1142 in Northumberland, England. Birth of Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Birth of Robert Reeves 3574 in Nash, Dorset, England. Birth of Robert Gordon 3333 in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Birth of Michael Fisher 3558 in Clifton, Enngland, Bedfordshire, England. 1476 Marriage of William Norris 1314 and Joane Norris [Vere] 1315. Birth of Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223 in Gilsland, Cumberland, England. Marriage of William Norris 1079 and Joane Norris [Vere] 1080. Death of William Kingsmill 1332. 1477 Death of Thomas Beeston 1541 in Beeston, England Beeston, Cheshire, England. Birth of Margaret Sinclair [Keith] 1041 in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Richard Grosvenor 1075 in Eaton, Cheshire, England. Death of Catherine Le Grosvenor [Norris] 1187 in England. 1478 Birth of Thomas Swaine 3572 in Uplyme, Dorset, England. Birth of Nicholas Tempest 3771 in Bracewell, Wensley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Mure 3339 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Marion Gordon [Accarson] 3334 in Glen, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Birth of Isabel Tempest [Nowell] 3772 in Yorkshire, England. 1479 Marriage of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 and Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of John Washbourne 3758 in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. Death of Henry De Bold 1543 in Bold, Lancshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Birth of Emme Washbourne 3759 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Marriage of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 and Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. Death of Richard Kingsmill 1196 in Y. Birth of Miles Hobart 919 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. 1480 Birth of William Jenkes 1215 in London, Middlesex, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1480 (Continued) Birth of Thomas Bathurst 1206 in Cranbrook Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of William Livingston 3319 in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Birth of Colin Campbell 3301 in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of John Mordaunt 3560 in Cople, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Robert Crawford 3289 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of William Sinclair 1128 in Ravenscraig Castle, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Bathurst 1207. Birth of Thomas Hanmer 929 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Death of Robert Bullock 1077. Birth of John Wadham 3540 in Merrifield, Somerset, England. Death of Marjory Sinclair [Sutherland] 1129 in Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, Scotland. Birth of Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in Yorkshire, England. Death of Johanna Grosveneur [Fitton] 1313 in England. Birth of Henry Le Scrope 1222 in Bolton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Gracia De Bold 1544 in Bold, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Duncombe 1209 in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of William Sempill 3397 between 1480 and 1487, in Scotland. 1481 Birth of Eleanor Ashfield [Seymour] 3569 in Burton, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Richard Cotton 1188 and Joan Cotton [Brereton] 1189 in Brereton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Ashfield 3568. 1482 Birth of Maurice Bourchier 1218 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Giles Cuninghame [Campbell] 3318 in Loudoun, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Bullock 829 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Robert Bolton 987 in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Gifford 1198 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Birth of Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573 in Nash, Dorset, England. Birth of Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559 in Ipswell, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340 in Lennox, Stirlingshire, Scotland. 1483 Birth of Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561 in Addington Magna, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Henkle 1005 in Lenham, Kent, England. Birth of John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006 in Lenham, Kent, England. Birth of Roger Leigh 1121 in Willington, Durham, England. Birth of William Calverly 1236 in Calverley, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William Waldegrave 3556 and Margery Waldegrave [Wentworth] 3557 in Codham, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Walter Calverley 1110 in Calverley, Yorkshire, England. Death of Agnes Lnu 1458 in England. Marriage of John Saint John 3554 and Sybil Verch Saint John [Morgan] 3555 in Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales. 1484 Birth of Thomas Sparnon 952 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. Birth of Janet Livingston [Bruce] 3320 in Airth, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Birth of Alice Duncombe [Whitton] 1210 in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Humphrey Hill 1359 in Buntingdale, Shropshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Everard 3219 and Joan Everard [Cornish] 3220 in Mashbury, Essex, England. Birth of Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Robert Sharpe 3783 in Islington, Middlesex, England. 1485 Birth of David Ross 1035 in Balnagown, Scotland. Birth of Randall Brereton 1058 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Birth of Marion Crichton [Maxwell] 3336 in Sanquar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Saint John [Waldegrave] 3519 in Smallbridge, Suffolk, England. Birth of Richard Gresham 3544 in Holt, Norfolk, England. 1486 Death of Alexander Ross 1125 on 11 June, in Alt Acharrais. Marriage of John Drax Drakes 1238 and Margaret Drakes [Amyas] 1239 in Yorkshire, England.

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1486 (Continued) Birth of Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332 in Creich, Fifeshire, Scotland. Birth of James Chalmers 3325 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Death of John Giffard 1334 in Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Joan Bourchier 1219 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. 1487 Birth of Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122 in Leigh, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Randle Dymock 826 and Elizabeth Dymock [Hanmer] 827 in Fens, Flintshire, Wales. 1488 Birth of Joan Ryves 3575 in Dorset, England. Birth of Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 in Duffus, Morayshire, Scotland. Birth of William Skipwith 3767 in South Ormsby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of John Hewyshe 3536 in Donyvorde, Somerset, England. Marriage of Thomas Hill 1256 and Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. Marriage of John Reade 3562 and Margaret Reade [Beauchamp] 3563 in Bodington, London, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. Birth of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3314 in Glencairn, Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Death of Thomas Hobart 1134 in Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, England. 1489 Death of Alice Phippen [Belasyse] 3733 in Cornwall, England. Marriage of Thomas Mildmay 1220 and Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in Essex, England. Birth of Thomas Saunders 1211 in Silbertoff, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Phillis Scrope [Rokesby] 949 in Wormsley, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Randle Brereton 1156 and Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in Carrington, Lancashire, England. Birth of Thomas Fraser 3275 in Beauly, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Sharpe 3784 in Islington, Middlesex, England. 1490 Birth of Richard Reade 3522 in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Robert Hunter 3755. Birth of Mr. Rugge 1050. Death of Hugh Montgomerie 3323 in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Robert Strong 1023 in Berminister, Dorset, England. Birth of Robert Poole 3751 in Poole, Werrall, Cheshire, England. Birth of Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Ms. Chalmers [Boyd] 3326 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Walter Ross 907 in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Birth of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Hugh Montgomerie 3307 in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in Hazlehead, Ayrshire, Scotland. Death of Gilbert Keith 1130 in Inverugie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Birth of Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302 in Balveny, Fifeshire, Scotland. Birth of Audrey Gresham [Lynn] 3545 in Southwick, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Edward Dymock 659 in Penley Willington, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Humphrey Barker 1356 in Aston, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in Ridward, Hampstall, Staffordshire, England. Birth of John Cunningham 3327 in Caprington, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1491 Death of Richard Weightman 1462 in England. Birth of Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212 in Sinecross, Yorkshire, England. Death of Marjory Ross [Mure] 3400 in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Richard Weightman 1240 in England. Marriage of Robert Crichton 3335 and Marion Crichton [Maxwell] 3336 in Sanquhar, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 1492 Birth of John Gorham 1007 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768 in Mareham, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Jane Hanmer [Brereton] 930 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of John Mure 3364 in Caldwell, Ayr, Stotland. Death of Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. Death of Thomas Wilbraham 1361 in Woodhey, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1492 (Continued) Marriage of John Cornish 3229 and Agnes Cornish [Waltham] 3230 in Great Waltham, Essex, England. 1493 Death of Michael Denne 1031 in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. Death of Michael Denne 1019 in Denne, Kingstone, Kent, England. Birth of Henry Clifford 1224 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Marian Ross [Grant] 908 in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Birth of William Bond 1027 in Buckland, Somerset, England. Birth of William Cunningham 3329 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 1494 Death of Margery Hobart [Lyhart] 1045 in Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Birth of John Pendarvers 950 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Birth of Margaret Wayte 1144 in England. Birth of Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523 in Rudhall, Hereford, England. Birth of Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Birth of Alice Harris [Wayte] 1049 in Titleshall, Norfolk, England. 1495 Birth of William Cuninghame 3317 in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Janetta Wytham [Wawton] 3754 in Cliffe, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Sinclair 909 in Offlodden, Branxton, Northumberland, England. Birth of Thomas Wytham 3753 in Bretonby, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Death of Murmuring Ripple 1205. Birth of Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 in Collumpton, Devon, England. Birth of Ms. Strong 1024. Birth of Bennet Poole [Bois] 3752 in Nonington, Kent, England. Death of Murmuring Ripple 1203 in Virginia, USA. 1496 Birth of Richard Rich 1097 in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1021 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of John Scrope 948 in Spennithorne, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Richard Rich 1213 and Joan Rich [Dingley] 1214 in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England. Death of Roger Kynaston 1310 in Middle, Shropshire, England. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1033 in Chard, Somerset, England. Marriage of John Bourman 1119 and Elizabeth Bourman [Russell] 1120 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Death of Elizabeth Vavasour [Langton] 1233 in Chapel, Haselwood, Yorkshire, England. Death of Roger Kynaston 1154 in Middle, Shropshire, England. Death of Roger Kynaston 824 in Middle, Shropshire, England. 1497 Birth of Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Death of Robert Le Grosvenor 1186 in Etton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Bullock 829 and Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Walter Strickland 3769 in Sizergh, Westmoreland, England. Death of Richard Cotton 1188 in England. Birth of George Gale 999 in Askam Grange, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1034 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Robert Selwoode 1022 in Chard, Somerset, England. 1498 Death of John Beeston 1395 in Beeston Castle, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Saint John 3518 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of Henry Brydges 1200 and Anne Brydges [Hungerford] 1201 in Newbury, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Adam Winthrop 3781 in Groton, Suffolk, England. Marriage of Adam Winthrop 3781 and Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in Groton, Suffolk, England. Birth of Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988 in Rishton, Lancashire, England. Birth of John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. 1499 Marriage of William Calverly 1236 and Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237. Marriage of Michael Fisher 3558 and Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1499 (Continued) Birth of William Hanmer 822 in Fenns Hall, Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Birth of Mary Gale [Lord] 1000 in Kendall, England. Birth of Alice Gould 1245 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. 1500 Birth of John Fryeth 1230 in Bishopworth, Bedminster, Somerset, England. Death of Henry Vavasour 1108 in Church, Haselwood, YS, England. Birth of Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in Hodnot, Shropshire, England. Birth of Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in Thornton Bridge, Yorkshire, England. Death of Gilbert Bullock 941 in England, Arborfield, England. Birth of Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in Norton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Henrye Axtell 1242. Death of Thomas Fraser 3275 in Knockie, Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Birth of Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in Basingstoke, Hants, England. Birth of William Ruthven 3303 in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. Birth of James Gordon 3299 in Lochinvar, Dalry, Kirkcudbrightshr, Scotland. Marriage of Robert Sharpe 3783 and Elizabeth Sharpe 3784 in Islington, Middlesex, England. Birth of John Deane 905 in Chard, Somerset, England. Marriage of William Gifford 1198 and Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Birth of Patrick Houston 3313 in Wightown, Galloway, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of William Mallory 997 in Studely, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Deane 899 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of John Barker 1123 in Colehurst, Market Drayton, Shropshire, England. Birth of Edward Puleston 1073 in Emrald, Flint, England. Death of Randle Brereton 1156 in Bourgogne, Marne, France. Birth of James Gordon 3287 in Lochinvar, Dalry, Kirkcudbrightshr, Scotland. Birth of John Fones 3777 in Saxony, Devon, England. Marriage of William Jackson 3749 and Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Joanne Fryeth 1231 in Somerset, England. Birth of Thomas Gould 1244 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. 1501 Death of Griffith Hanmer 1052 in Hanmer, Clywd, Flintshire, Wales. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 825 in Shropshire, England. Marriage of Patrick Houston 3313 and Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3314 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Alice Kingsmill 1082 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. Death of Eleanor Hanmer 823. Marriage of John Ashfield 3568 and Eleanor Ashfield [Seymour] 3569. Birth of Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328 in Loudoun, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of William Hanmer 657 in Wales. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1155 in Shropshire, England. Birth of Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in Gunville, Dorset, England. Death of Elizabeth Kynaston [Grey] 1311 in Shropshire, England. Death of John Ross 3399 in Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Griffith Hanmer 937 in Hanmer, Clywd, Flintshire, Wales. 1502 Birth of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3300 in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Marriage of Randall Brereton 1058 and Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Thomas Thynne 3542 in Stretton, Shropshire, England. Death of Robert Grosveneur 1312 in Etton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Giffard 1083 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Birth of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288 in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of John Nash 3529. Birth of Robert Waller 1093 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Margaret Fraser [Stuart] 3276. Death of Peter Piers Dutton 1158 in Hatton, Cheshire, England. Death of Joseph Phippen 3732 in Cornwall, England. 1503 Marriage of John Mure 3339 and Janet Mure [Stewart] 3340 in Lennox, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Birth of John Houstoun 3277 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1503 (Continued) Birth of Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 in Newbury, Berkshire, England. 1504 Birth of Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 in Craigend, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Mister Fisher 1017. Birth of Henry Hurst 1015 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Mr. Moreton 945 in Moreton, Cheshire, England. Birth of Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778 in Bedham, England. Birth of John Browne 3785 in Witham, Essex, England. Birth of Mr. Lewell 3779 in Lewell, England. Birth of Margaret Thynne [Heynes] 3543 in Stretton, Shropshire, England. Birth of Lawrence Crawford 3265 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. 1505 Birth of William Harris 1048 in Southminster, England. Death of Elizabeth Beeston [Bold] 1396 in Beeston, Cheshire, England. Death of William Jackson 3749 in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3273 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Isabel Jackson [Barnby] 3750 in Snaydall, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Thomas Crawford 3281 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of John Brewer 3526 in Stinton, England. Death of John Russell 1350 in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Dorset, England. 1506 Death of Thomas Hill 1256 in England. Death of Margaret Hill [Wilbraham] 1257 in England. Birth of Ermine Puleston [Hanmer] 1074 in Cardicott, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. Death of Florence Brugge [Darell] 1339 in Coberley, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521 in Turvey, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002 in Streatlam, Durham, England. Birth of Agnes Fisher 1018. Birth of Henry Strangwayes 3538 in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Agnes Hurst 1016 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. 1507 Marriage of Thomas Swaine 3572 and Ms. Swaine [Paris] 3573 in Nash, Dorset, England. Death of John I Sloper 3586. Birth of Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in Norfolk, England. Birth of Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1508 Birth of Anthony Bourchier 1100 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Nicholas Tempest 3771 and Isabel Tempest [Nowell] 3772 in Bracewell, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Birth of Elizabeth Mure 3322 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Ms. Lewell 3780 in Lewell, England. Death of Richard Leigh 1252 in England. Marriage of Colin Campbell 3301 and Marjory Campbell [Stewart] 3302 in Balveny, Fife, Scotland. Marriage of Roger Leigh 1121 and Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Death of Eleanor Gifford [Paulet] 1199 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Birth of William Barker 1254 in Claverly, England. Birth of Edward Dymoke 1003 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Mure 3306 in Caldwell, Ayr, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Browne 3786 in Witham, Essex, England. 1509 Birth of John Swaine 3527 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Death of John Brewer 3570. Death of Margaret Crawford [Semple] 3290 in Crawford John, Scotland. Birth of Anne Smith [Skipwith] 3728 in So Ormesby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of John Kingsmill 943 in Basingstoke, Hants, England. Birth of Nicholas Sloper 3584 in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. 1510 Marriage of Thomas Saunders 1211 and Margaret Saunders [Cave] 1212 in Silbertoft, Northamptonshire, England.

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1510 (Continued) Birth of John Le Scrope 1102 in Bolton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Alexander Cunningham 3285 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of George Baldry 1099 in Hadley, Suffolk, England. Birth of Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in Kexbie, Kexbie Hall, England. Birth of Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294 in Colquhoun, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Marriage of Richard Grosvenor 1075 and Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in England. Birth of Alexander Cunningham 3297 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Marriage of James Chalmers 3325 and Ms. Chalmers [Boyd] 3326 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Anne Symonds [Benbow] 3764 in Yeldham, Essex, England. Birth of Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280 in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Birth of John More 946 in England, United Kingdom. Birth of Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. Birth of John Maltby 3756 in Estkexbie Hall, Kexbie, England. Marriage of Thomas Fraser 3275 and Margaret Fraser [Stuart] 3276. Birth of John Symonds 3763 in Newport, Essex, Shropshire, England. Birth of Agnes Locksmith 3218. 1511 Birth of Nicholas Revell 1011 in Middlesex, England. Marriage of John Hewyshe 3536 and Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Birth of William Hare 921 in Beeston, Norfolk, England. Birth of James Chalmers 3283 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of John Henkle 1005 and John Henkle [Hinckley] 1006 in Lenham, Kent, England. Marriage of Henry Whitman 1025 and Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026. Birth of John Howland 1009 in Newport Pond, London, England. Birth of Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 in Beeston, Norfolk, England. Death of Richard Kingsmill 1081 between 1511 and 1515, in Basingstoke, Hants, England. 1512 Birth of Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Thomas Wytham 3753 in Brentynby, Englasnd, Yorkshire, England. Death of Margaret Norris 942 in England, Arborfield, England. Birth of Mathew Wytham 3713 in Yorkshire, England. Death of Janetta Wytham [Wawton] 3754 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Margaret Barker [Goulston] 1255 in Goulston, Cheswardine, England. Death of Margery Leigh [Sprencheaux] 1253. Birth of John Hynckleye 884 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Marriage of William Skipwith 3767 and Alice Skipwith [Dymoke] 3768 in Mareham, Lincolnshire, England. 1513 Birth of Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Robert Crichton 3335 in Kirkpatrick, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Death of Robert Crawford 3289 in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. Birth of Nicholas Revell 1012 in Middlesex, England. Death of Adam Mure 3348 in Flodden, Scotland. Marriage of John Cunningham 3327 and Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328 between 1513 and 1515, in Caprington, Ayr, Scotland. 1514 Birth of Richard Goldthorpe 991 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Birth of Michael Willmote 917 in Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Michael Jackson 3711 in Bedell, Yorkshire, England. 1515 Birth of John Strong 901 in Taunton, Somerset, England. Birth of Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in Clay, Norfolk, England. Birth of Richard Cary 962 in Bristol, St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Robert Bathurst 1089 in Spivers Manor, Horsmondon, Kent, England. Birth of Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor] 3551 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England. Birth of Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in Essex, England. Marriage of Robert Poole 3751 and Bennet Poole [Bois] 3752 in Nonington, Kent, England. Birth of Colin Campbell 3271 in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1515 (Continued) Birth of Johane Hynckleye [Bills] 885 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Birth of John Thynne 3512 in Longleat, Whitshire, England. Birth of Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in Bristol, Somerset, England. Birth of William Tilley 1013 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Sparnon 952 and Elizabeth Sparnon [Gwennow] 953 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. Marriage of John Symonds 3763 and Anne Symonds [Benbow] 3764. Birth of Thomas Bulkeley 3550 in Woore, Mucclestone, Shropshire, England. Birth of Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266 in Kilbernie, Ayreshire, Scotland. Death of John Cornish 3229 in Much Waltham, England. Birth of Thomas Neale 3548 in Ellesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. Marriage of Walter Strickland 3769 and Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in Thornton Bridge, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 and Helen Colquhoun [Graham] 3294 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. 1516 Marriage of John Pendarvers 950 and John Pendarvers [Pendarves] 951 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. Birth of Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in Kyme, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of John Jenner 1085 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Birth of Alexander Ross 807 in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Birth of Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Oliver St John 3491 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Thomas Weightman 1113 in England. Birth of John Stasye 925 in South Weald, Essex, England. 1517 Birth of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286 in Holmstone, Ayr, Scotland. Death of John Pauncefote 3566. Birth of Robert Boyd 3295 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298 in Holmstone, Ayr, Scotland. 1518 Birth of Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090. Marriage of Robert Selwoode 1033 and Robert Selwoode 1034 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Giles Strangeways 3510 in Melbury, Dorset, England. Birth of Agnes Willmote 918 in Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England. Marriage of John Gorham 1007 and Elena Gorham [Gorman] 1008 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Nicholas Seamon 3725 in Essex, England. Birth of Frances Jackson [Poole] 3712 in Syerston, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 in Hazelwood, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Gorham 886 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Grace Hewyshe [Waldon] 3537 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Birth of William Huyshe 3507 in Northcombe, Somerset, England. Marriage of Robert Selwoode 1021 and Robert Selwoode 1022 in Chard, Somerset, England. 1519 Birth of Agnes Strong [Whitman] 902 in England. Marriage of William Ruthven 3303 and Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in Gowrie, Perth, Scotland. Death of Robert Strong 1023 in Somerset, England. Birth of Alexander St John 3546 in Thurley, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808 in Caithness, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Birth of Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of John Garrold 3231 in Ovington, Essex, England. 1520 Death of Thomas Tyndall 1139 in England. Birth of Thomas Gethin Llwyd 1263 in Y Ddwyfaen, Dinmael, Wales. Birth of Daniel Whitehead 3760 in England. Birth of Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730 in Westmore, Westmoreland, England. Birth of Thomas Leigh 1029 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Alice Stasye [Convers] 926 in South Weald, Essex, England. Birth of Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in Graunt, Dorset, England. Marriage of John Fryeth 1230 and Joanne Fryeth 1231. Birth of John Irby 3552 in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England. Marriage of Robert Bolton 987 and Agnes Bolton [Rishton] 988 in Rishton, Lancashire, England.

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1520 (Continued) Marriage of Thomas Gould 1244 and Alice Gould 1245 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Duncombe 1094 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Dutton [Fouleshurst] 1159 in England. Birth of Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284 in Caprington, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Joan Winthrop [Burton] 3782 in Suffolk, England. Death of Emma Brereton [Carrington] 1157 in England. Birth of William Withers 3500 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of William Watts 767 in Benenden, Kent, England. Birth of Algonkian Chief 970 in Kiskiack, Virginia, USA. Marriage of John Giffard 1083 and Joan Giffard [Brydges] 1084 in Newbury, Berkshire, England. Birth of Dewey Dewe 923 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of Henry Browne 3738 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England. 1521 Birth of Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 in Crowan, Cornwall, England. Marriage of John Fisher 3520 and Anne Fisher [Mordaunt] 3521 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Ms. Dyes 924 in Huntingdonshr, England. Marriage of John Wadham 3540 and Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 in England. 1522 Death of Janet Hamilton [Beaton] 3332 in Kinneil House, Boness, West Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 in Chard, Somerset, England. Death of Alice Whitman [Axtell] 1026. Birth of Agnes St John [Fisher] 3492 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Eleanor Brereton [Dutton] 1059 in Malpas, Cheshire, England. Death of John Henkle 1005 in Harrietsham, Hawkhurst, Kent, England. Birth of Francis Slingsby 993 in Petworth, Sussex, England. Birth of Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Eliza Gorham 887 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Taylor 915 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Margaret Dagnet 3790 in Terling, Essex, England. 1523 Death of Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. Birth of Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232 in Ovington, Essex, England. Death of Robert Fouleshurst 1283 in Thurstanston, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Colquhoun 3267 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Birth of Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of William Bond 1027 and Dionise Bond [Bourman] 1028 in Hemyoke, Devon, England. 1524 Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3273 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in Hazlehead, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of Thomas Crawford 3281 and Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in Hazlehead, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of Nicholas Sloper 3584 and Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William Mallory 997 and Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in Studely Roger, Ripon West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Thomas Casse 3744 in Boreham, Essex, England. Birth of Jane Kingsmill [Gifford] 944 in Itchell, Hampshire, England. Marriage of Ralph Eure 1001 and Margery Eure [Bowes] 1002 in Durham, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of John Barker 1123 and Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. Birth of Roger Puleston 939 in Emral, Flint, Wales. 1525 Birth of Peter Bolton 873 in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Death of Millicent Norreys [Ravenscroft] 1446. Marriage of Richard Reade 3522 and Jane Reade [Rudhall] 3523 in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of William Mallory 879 in Studely, Yorkshire, England. Death of Dashing Stream 1088. Birth of John Norman 1106 in Bishopworth, Somerset, England. Birth of Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 in Glens, Scotland. Birth of Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990 in York, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Ralph Bellett 831 in Moreton, Cheshire, England.

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1525 (Continued) Birth of Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3582 in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3578 in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of John Fones 3777 and Ms. Fones [Bradley] 3778 in Defford, St Andrew Pershore Worcester, England. Death of John Saint John 3554 in Langstone, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Mr. Goodale 964 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272 in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3580 in Horton, Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of Robert Gordon 3333 between 1525 and 1526, in Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. 1526 Marriage of Alexander Cunningham 3285 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3286 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Marriage of Henry Strangwayes 3538 and Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in Hamlake, Helmsley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Anne Puleston [Grosvenor] 940 in Eaton, Cheshire, England. Death of Alice Bullock [Kingsmill] 830 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of Ambrose Saunders 1095 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of John Read 3493 in Boddington, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Dashing Stream 1087 in Virginia, USA. Death of Patrick Houston 3313 in Avening, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. Birth of John Fones 3734 in Dedford, Worcestershire, England. Marriage of Alexander Cunningham 3297 and Jean Cunningham [Hamilton] 3298 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Death of Robert Sharpe 3783 in Islangton, Middx, England. 1527 Death of David Ross 1035 on 20 May. Birth of M Bernington 888 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of John Houstoun 3277 and Agnes Houstoun [Hopringle] 3278 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of John Taylor 916 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of John Sinclair 909 and Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 in Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Midlothian, Scotland. Marriage of Miles Hobart 919 and Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in Frenze, Norfolk, England. 1528 Birth of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3270 in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. Marriage of George Gale 999 and Mary Gale [Lord] 1000 in Yorkshire, England. Death of William Bond 1117. Death of Henry Hurst 1015 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Janet Cunningham [Gordon] 3258 in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. Birth of Mary More [Scrope] 835 in Hambleton, Buckinghamshire, England. Marriage of Henry Hurst 1015 and Agnes Hurst 1016 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Walter Ross 907 in Scotland. 1529 Death of William Calverly 1236 in Calverhall, England. Birth of Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Alice Calverly [Savile] 1237. Birth of Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in York, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of John More 946 and Ann More [Cresacre] 947. Birth of Patrick Houston 3253 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Marriage of Gabriel Cuninghame 3279 and Elizabeth Cuninghame [Livingstone] 3280 in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of James Hamilton 3331 in Kinneil House, Boness, West Lothian, Scotland. Birth of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254 in Craigends, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Thomas Everard 3219 in Langleys Manor, Great Waltham, Essex, England. 1530 Birth of Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. Marriage of John Le Scrope 1102 and Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Richard Price 842 in Newton, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Death of Randall Brereton 1058 in Shocklack, Cheshire, England. Birth of Patrick Crauford 3251 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735 in Dedford, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Johan Watts [Knott] 768 in Benenden, Kent, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1530 (Continued) Birth of Tristram Bolling 954 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Agnes Browne 3739 in Holton, Suffolk, England. Birth of Hugh Ingram 989 in Thorp On Hill, Rothwell, Yorkshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Sharpe 3784. Birth of Ms. Bolton [Mary] 874. Birth of William Mason 968 in Staffordshire, England. Birth of William Crawford 3255 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of William Hurst 896 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Richard Cornewall 3789 in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. 1531 Birth of Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 in Scotland, Abercorn. Death of John Barker 1479 in Colehurst, Nr Market Drayton, Shropshire, England. Death of Sybilla Mohr [Dalkeith] 679 in Scotland. Death of Sir Reginal Mohr 678 in Scotland. Birth of Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Ms. Bernington 889 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 1532 Birth of Thomas Woolsey 3741 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Thomas Moore 833 in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in Alnwick, England Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Birth of William Cunningham 3257 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. Birth of William Cunningham 3269 in Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland. 1533 Death of Henry Le Scrope 1222 in Wensley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Bathurst 979 in Lochlade, Glouchestershire, England. Marriage of Alexander Ross 807 and Janet Ross [Sinclair] 808 in Ferne, Fife, Scotland. Death of Joane Duncombe 1343 in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Mabel Le Scrope [Dacre] 1223 in Wensley, North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511 in Merefield, Sussex, England. 1534 Marriage of James Chalmers 3283 and Annabella Chalmers [Cunningham] 3284 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Death of John Strong 901 in Sommersetshire, England. Birth of William Hinckes 3792 in St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. Marriage of William Tilley 1013 and Agnes Tilley [Tylle] 1014 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 in England. Birth of George Bond 903 in Buckland, Somerset, England. 1535 Birth of David Middleton 844 in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. Marriage of Robert Boyd 3295 and Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Birth of John Patenham 2483 in Bedford St Pauls. Birth of Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256 in Gadgirth, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of John Maltby 3756 and Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in England. Death of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3300 in Barony Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Death of Margaret Gordon [Crichton] 3288 in Barony Lochinvar, Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Death of Thomas Crawford 3273 in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. Death of Thomas Crawford 3281 in Auchinames, Refrew, Scotland. Birth of Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252 in Knole, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Elizabeth Sinclair [Sutherland] 910 between 1535 and 1539, in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1536 Birth of Anne Goldthorpe 876. Birth of Gabriel Greene 956 in Horsforth, Yorkshire, England. Death of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1020 in Denne Hill, Kingstone, Kent, England. Death of Katherine Strickland [Neville] 3770 in England. Death of Christiana Denne [Fort] 1032 in Denne Hill, Kingstone, Kent, England. Marriage of Henry Clifford 1224 and Margaret Clifford [Percy] 1225 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Eustace Rolfe 966 in Heacham, Norfolk, England.

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1536 (Continued) Marriage of Richard Rich 1097 and Elizabeth Rich [Jenkes] 1098 in London, Middlesex, England. 1537 Birth of Emma One Sloper 3577. Marriage of William Huyshe 3507 and Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in Begarn-Hywus, Nettlecombe, Somerset, England. Death of Arthur Harris 1141 in Woodham, Mortimer, Essex, England. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3576 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Birth of Thomas Hobart 816 in Plumstead, Norfolk, England. Birth of Robert Rich 983 in St Lawrence Jewry, London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Emma One Sloper 3532. Birth of Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984 in London, England. Birth of Emma One Sloper 3534. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3535 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Birth of Robert Hinckley 790 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3531 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3533 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Death of Humphrey Colquhoun 3293 in Dumbarton, Scotland. 1538 Death of John Mure 3339 in Caldwell, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas More 834 in Chelsea, Middlesex, England. Birth of Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Death of Margaret Barker [Coleclough] 1480 in England. Death of Nicholas Revell 1011 in London, England. Marriage of Thomas More 834 and Mary More [Scrope] 835 in Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England. Marriage of Nicholas Revell 1011 and Nicholas Revell 1012 in London, England. Death of Alice Gould 1245 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Anne Hinckes [Vaughan] 3793 in Loppington, Shropshire, England. Death of Humphrey Barker 1356 in Aston, Warwickshire, England. 1539 Death of Elizabeth Barker [Hill] 1124 in England. Birth of David Middleton [Middletown] 845 in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. Marriage of Henry Smith 3727 and Anne Smith [Skipwith] 3728. Marriage of Anthony Bourchier 1100 and Thomazine Bourchier [Mildmay] 1101 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of John Irby 3552 and Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in Kirnton, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Gyles Longe 914 in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of John Garrold 3231 and Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232. Birth of Goditha Neale [Throckmorton] 3549 in Warwickshire, England. Birth of Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Birth of George Cornell 3742 in Saffron, Walden, Essex, England. Marriage of John Howland 1009 and Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in Newport, Essex, England. 1540 Birth of Silvester Huysh 3483 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. Birth of Richard Maultbye 3715 in Kexbie, Lincolnshire, England. Marriage of Alexander St John 3546 and Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. Death of William Huyshe 3507 in Dunster, Somerset, England. Birth of Marg Greene [Lister] 957 in Gesburn Westly, Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Paybodie 898 in England. Birth of David Pendarvis 836 in Crowanm, Cornwall, England. Death of John Deane 899 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. Death of Marg Greene [Lister] 957 in Gisburn, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Agnes Mason [Brown] 969. Death of John Deane 905 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. Marriage of John Deane 905 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 906 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. Birth of Hugh Crawford 3247 in Kilbernie, Ayreshire, Scotland. Birth of Clement Seamon 3726 in Essex, England. Birth of Robert Dewe 818 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of George Jackson 3684 in Bedale, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Robert Bathurst 1089 and Ms. Bathurst [Saunders] 1090. Birth of Robert Tilley 894 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England.

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1540 (Continued) Death of Dewey Dewe 923 in England. Birth of John Hinckes 3747 in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England. Birth of William Kerrich 960 in Saxted, Suffolk, England. Birth of Jone Washburn [Whitehead] 3720 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Birth of Edward Bulkeley 3516 in Woore, Shropshire, England. Marriage of John Deane 899 and Joan Deane [Selwoode] 900 in St Mary, Buckland, Somerset, England. Birth of Mr. Aires 892 in England. Birth of Thomas Casse 3743 in Terling, Essex, England. Birth of Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in Est, England. 1541 Death of Thomas Sloper 3578 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Birth of Audrey Hobart [Hare] 817 in Norfolk, Norfolk, England. Birth of Elizabeth Hinckley 791 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Birth of William Hanmer 515 in Hanmer, Flint, Wales. Death of Thomas Sloper 3580 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Death of Thomas Sloper 3582 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Marriage of David Pendarvis 836 and Mary Pendarvis [Sparnon] 837 in Constantine, Cornwall, England. Birth of John Howland 890 in Essex, England. Marriage of William Hare 921 and Alice Hare [Rugge] 922 in Norflok, Norfolk, England. 1542 Birth of Edward Greville 848 in Harold Park, Essex, England. Death of John Fones 3734 in Worcestershire, England. Birth of Margery Kerrich 961 in Saxted, Suffolk, England. Death of Thomas Bathurst 1206. Birth of Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in Essex, England. Death of John Houstoun 3277 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Thomas Bourchier 985 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. 1543 Marriage of William Vavasour 995 and Elizabeth Vavasour [Calverley] 996 in Hazlewood, Skipton West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Susan Casse 3708 in Stanton, Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England. Marriage of Michael Willmote 917 and Agnes Willmote 918 in Stalbans, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Agnes Colquhoun [Boyd] 3268 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Marriage of Mathew Wytham 3713 and Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in Bretonby, Yorkshire, England. 1544 Birth of Richard Lane 711 in Courtenhall, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Ralph Waller 981 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 893 in England. Death of Henry Strangwayes 3538 in Siege Boulogne, France. Birth of Elizabeth Tilley 895 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in West Bretton, Yorkshire, England. Death of Alicia Wytham [Hunter] 3714 in England. 1545 Marriage of William Watts 767 and Johan Watts [Knott] 768. Birth of Walter Deane 801 in South Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Thomas Withers 3477 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of Ellen Huyshe [Gaunte] 3508 in Donyford, St Decumans, Somerset, England. Death of Agnes Sloper [Disner] 3585 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of William Nash 3501 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Joan Withers [Nash] 3478 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Walter Deane 805 in South Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Henry St John 3514 in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Robert Waller 1093 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hanmer [Gethin] 1146 in about 1545, in Moel Iwrch Lloran Ucha. 1546 Birth of Thomas Brygge 3791 in North Watten, England. Birth of Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 in Bolton, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Tobias Mathews 846 in Bristol, England.

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1546 (Continued) Birth of Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. Death of Thomas Thynne 3542 in Longleat, Whitshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Blayney 843 in Montgomery, Wales. Death of Joan Axtell [Gould] 1116 in See Note Page. 1547 Birth of Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517 in Odell, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of John Sloper 3503 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of John Taylor 915 and John Taylor 916 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of John Sloper 3505 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Leigh 1029 and Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Edward Dymoke 1003 and Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in Kyme, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Joan Deane [Walsele] 802 in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. Death of John More 946 in England. Death of Godleve Bathurst [Chapman] 1341 in Staplehurst, Kent, England. Birth of Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 in Buckland Saint Mary, Somerset, England. Marriage of Giles Strangeways 3510 and Johanna Strangeways [Wadham] 3511. 1548 Marriage of Thomas Neale 3548 and Goditha Neale [Throckmorton] 3549 in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Strangeways 3485 in Melbury, Dorset, England. Birth of Edward Dodge 1091 in Wortham, Kent, England. Death of Ms. Dyes 924 in England. Death of William Cunningham 3329 in Glencairn, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. 1549 Death of Agnes Garrold Garrold [Butcher] 3232 in Y. Death of William Bond 1027 in England. Birth of John Stevens 3721 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Henry Whitman 1025 in Holt, Norfolk, England. Birth of Jane St John [Neale] 3515 in London, Middlesex, England. Death of Lawrence Bathurst 1340 in Staplehurst, Kent, England. Marriage of William Mallory 879 and Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mr. Stevens 3761. Birth of Gyles Longe 913 in London, Holborn, St Sepulchres, England. 1550 Birth of James Cunningham 3249 in Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. Birth of Anthony Awstin 788 in Kent, England. Death of John Giffard 1083 in Newbury, Berkshire, England. Birth of James Gorham 792 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Dorothy St John [Read] 3472 in Bodington, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of Mr. Goodale 964 and Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965 in England. Marriage of John Gorham 886 and Eliza Gorham 887 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Joan Wolsey [Larke] 3788 in St Peters, Woolbrough, England. Birth of Arthur Ingraham 782 in Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Henry Way 774 in Allington, Dorset, England. Marriage of Peter Bolton 873 and Ms. Bolton [Mary] 874 in England. Birth of Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847 in St David, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Birth of Robert Randolph 709 in Hamsey, Lewes, Sussex, England. Birth of William Pierce 975 in Dorset, England. Birth of Henry Smith 3727 in Stratfordonavon, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 in Coventry, Warwickshire, England. Birth of William Bullock 663 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Birth of John Epes 973 in Ashford, Kent, England. Birth of Marguerite Coney 976 in Panington, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Oliver St John 3471 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. 1551 Death of Alice Leigh [Trafford] 1122. Death of Jane St John [Dalyson] 3547 in England. Birth of Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in Kent, Dorset, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1551 (Continued) Birth of Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486 in Longleat, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 in Nottinghamshire, England. Marriage of John Fones 3734 and Anne Fones [Lewell] 3735 in Dedford, Worchester, England. Death of Robert Reeves 3574. Death of Alexander St John 3546 in Thersley, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Thomas Neale 3548 in Yeleden, Wollaston, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of William Phippen 977 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. 1552 Birth of Edward Sturgis 786 in Kent, England. Birth of Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484 in Milverton, Hundred, Somerset, England. Birth of Jane Greville [Grey] 849 in Harolds Park, Nazing, Essex, England. Birth of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250 in Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. Death of Agnes Mildmay [Reade] 1221 in Writtle, Essex, England. Death of Agnes Willmote 918 in England. Marriage of M Bernington 888 and Ms. Bernington 889 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of John Alcocke 3723. Death of Giles Cuninghame [Campbell] 3318. Birth of Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. 1553 Birth of John Stevens 3722 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of Francis Slingsby 993 and Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in Petworth, Sussex, England. Marriage of Henry Browne 3738 and Agnes Browne 3739 in Suffolk, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 3762. Birth of Margaret Dewe [Stasye] 819 in Wymondham, Norfolk, England. Birth of William Hallett 3698 in Whitchurch, Cononicorum, Dorset, England. 1554 Birth of Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in Biddenden, Kent, England. Marriage of William Crawford 3255 and Annabel Crawford [Chalmers] 3256 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Emma Sloper 3504 in Burton, Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. Birth of John Mallory 784 in Studley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Thomas Briggs 3745 in St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. Birth of John Fones 3700 in Dedford, Worcestershire, England. Death of William Mason 968 in Mucklestone, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Thomas Strickland 3696 in Kendal, Westmorland, England. Birth of Emma Sloper 3506 in Burton, Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. 1555 Birth of William Brewer [Fry] 3496 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Birth of Jane Alcocke 3724. Marriage of Tristram Bolling 954 and Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Bourchier 3487 in Halstead, Essex, England. Birth of James Crawford 3238 in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Ryland 713 in Foxcote, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of John Norman 1106 and Agnes Norman 1107 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. Death of Scent Chief [Flower] 971 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Richard Price 672 in Manavon, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Maria Ryland [Canning] 714 in Foxcote, Warwickshire, England. 1556 Birth of Edith Way [Denslow] 775 in Netherbury, Dorset, England. Birth of Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England. Birth of John Fones 3701 in London, London, England. Death of Elizabeth Bellett [Moraton] 832 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. Birth of George Strong 803 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Edward Sturgis 787 in Kent, England. Birth of Richard Merrett 668 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Richard Merrett 840 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Elizabeth Cary [Goodall] 858 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Richard Upham 770 in Bicton, Devon, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1556 (Continued) Death of William Harris 1048 in Southminster, England. Birth of Robert Swayne 3497 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. 1557 Birth of Thomas Lindsay 3498 in Scotland. Death of Ellen Hobart [Blaverhasset] 920 in Norfolk, England. Birth of Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699 in Whitchurch, Cononicorum, Dorset, England. Marriage of William Eure 881 and Margaret Eure [Dymoke] 882 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Miles Hobart 919 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Birth of George Ross 646 in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland. Death of Margaret Maltby [Burr] 3757 in Upton, England. Birth of Peter Garrold 3221 in Ovington, Essex, England. Birth of Mr. Deblere 738 in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Birth of Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239 in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. 1558 Birth of Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 in Constantine, Cornwall, England. Birth of Johanna Linscott [Ware] 766 in England. Marriage of William Hurst 896 and Rose Hurst [Marshe] 897 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841 in Constantine, Cornwall, England. Death of Thomas Bullock 829 in Arborfield, Berkshire, England. Death of John Brewer 3526. Birth of Martha Washburn [Timbrell] 3689 in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. Birth of Anne Winthrop [Browne] 3703 in Edwardston, London, England. Birth of Ann Mallory [Eure] 785 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Thomas Woolsey 3704 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Henry Linscott 765 in Taunton, Devon, England. 1559 Birth of William Steevens 820 in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. Death of Margaret Strangwayes [Manners] 3539 in Ethale, Northunberland, England. Marriage of Richard Cary 962 and Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in Bristol, Somerset, England. Birth of Dorothea Mason 860 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Marriage of David Middleton 844 and David Middleton [Middletown] 845 in Manavon, Montgomery, Wales. Birth of Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974 in Ashford, Kent, England. Birth of William Steevens 821 in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. 1560 Marriage of John Howland 890 and Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in Essex, England. Birth of John Hook 3706. Marriage of Richard Maultbye 3715 and Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in Kivlington, Nottinghamshire, England. Death of Janet Ruthven [Halyburton] 3304 in Kynard, Perth, Scotland. Birth of Henry Slingsby 877 in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England. Birth of William Pierce 867 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Death of Christian Cary [Dennis] 963 in England. Birth of Edward Bolling 853 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Edward Moore 666 in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England. Death of Johan Watts [Knott] 768 in England. Birth of Thomas Peabody 798 in England. Birth of Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748 in St James, Clerkenwell, London, England. Death of Ann Bolling [Rookes] 955 in England. Death of Robert Bolton 987. Birth of Robert Harrison Watts 597 in Benenden, Kent, England. Death of Nicholas Revell 1012 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdon, Eangland. Birth of William Crauford 3236 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Ann Strong [Bond] 804 in Buckland, Somerset, England. Birth of Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in Montgomery, Wales. Birth of Edward Moore 838 in Bampton, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Roger Puleston 828 in about 1560, in Emral, Flint, Wales. 1561 Birth of Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777 in Wherwell, Hampshire, England. Marriage of George Cornell 3742 and Susan Casse 3708 in Terling, Essex, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1561 (Continued) Marriage of William Bullock 663 and Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. Death of Tristram Bolling 954 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Marian Ross [Campbell] 647 in Calder, Nairn, Scotland. 1562 Death of Elizabeth Mordaunt [Vere] 3561 in Chancel, Turvey, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878 in Weston, Yorkshire, England. Death of Agnes Mason [Brown] 969. Death of Giles Strangeways 3510. Birth of Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799 in England. Death of Margaret Fisher [Frowick] 3559. 1563 Marriage of William Hanmer 657 and Margaret Hanmer [Kynaston] 658. Birth of Robert Bathurst 869 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Death of John Browne 3785 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England. Death of Alice Maultbye [Smith] 3716 in Y. Birth of Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Death of James Hopringle 3315 in Whytbank, Midlothian, Scotland. Death of William Watts 767 in Sandhurst, Kent, England. 1564 Birth of Henry Howland 794 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. Birth of Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 1565 Marriage of Henry St John 3514 and Jane St John [Neale] 3515 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Richard Cornell 3707 in Bumstead Tower, Essex, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 781. Birth of Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Stephen Burton 780 in England. Marriage of William Kerrich 960 and Margery Kerrich 961 in Saxted, Suffolk, England. Birth of Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in East Retford, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of John Patenham 2383. Death of Christian Thynne [Gresham] 3513 in Longleat, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Richard Bishop 3717 in Edburton, Sussex, England. 1566 Marriage of William Wayte 1143 and Margaret Wayte 1144. Death of Helen Crawford [Campbell] 3266 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Death of Anne Dymoke [Tailboys] 1004 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England. Marriage of Edward Bulkeley 3516 and Olive Bulkeley [Irby] 3517 in Goldington, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Thomas Mildmay 1220 in Chelmsford, Essex, England. 1567 Birth of Alice Howland [Aires] 795 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. Death of Edward Puleston 1073 in Emral, England. Death of Michael Willmote 917 in Kelshall, Hrt, England. Birth of Alice Clark 3718 in England. Birth of Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hopringle [Ker] 3316 in Linton, Cessford, Roxburghe, Scotland. 1568 Birth of William Hicks 3694 in London, Middlesex, England. Death of John Howland 1009 in Essex, England. Death of Emma One Sloper 3577. Death of Jenkin Hanmer 927 in Wales. Birth of Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739 in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Birth of William Deane 642 in Chard, Somerset, England. Death of Emma One Sloper 3534. Death of Emma One Sloper 3532. Birth of Thomas Rich 871 in Compton, Gloucestershire, England. 1569 Birth of Thomas Sloper 3481 in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1569 (Continued) Birth of Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693 in Bulmer, Essex, England. Birth of Thomas Sloper 3479 in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Marie Long 813 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Ralph Sloper 3530 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire England, United Kingdom. 1570 Marriage of Robert Tilley 894 and Elizabeth Tilley 895 in Henlow, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516 in Willington, Durham, England. Death of Agnes Locksmith 3218 in Salle, Norfolk, England. Marriage of Edward Bolling 853 and Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in Chellow, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of William Bolton 778 and Alice Bolton [Massam] 779 in Ullenhall, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of Richard Lane 711 and Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Anne Hicks [Smith] 3695 in Stratfordonavon, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of William Phippen 977 and Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. Marriage of Thomas Bourchier 985 and Bridget Bourchier [Scrope] 986 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. 1571 Death of William Jenkes 1215 in London, England. Marriage of John Strangeways 3485 and Dorothy Strangeways [Thynne] 3486 in Longleat, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Nonoma Winanuske 862 in Werowocomoco, Orapax, Virginia, USA. 1572 Death of Austine Alice Huysh [Norris] 3484 in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. Birth of Maria Upham 771 in Bicton, Devon, England. Birth of William Randolph 561 in Biddenden, Kent, England. Death of John Fones 3700 in Suffolk, England. Birth of William Randolph 744 in Biddenden, Kent, England. Death of Marguerite Coney 976 in Panington, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of James Gorham 792 and Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of John Bland 577 in Syths Lane, London, England. Marriage of Robert Randolph 709 and Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in Northamptonshire, England. Marriage of John Fones 3700 and John Fones 3701 in London, England. 1573 Birth of Edmund Hobart 653 on 1 January, in Hingham, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Birth of William Bolton 778 in Little Bolton, St Mary Warwick, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3480 in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Mary Sloper [Bailly] 3482 in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. 1574 Birth of Henrie Briggs 3709 in St James, Clerkenwell, Essex, England. Birth of Malcolm Crawford 3233 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in Barrowby, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 in Wymondham, Norfolk, England. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Colquhoun] 3248 in Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Marriage of John Stevens 3721 and John Stevens 3722 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England. 1575 Death of Annabella Cunningham [Campbell] 3328. Birth of Oliver St John 3489 in London, London, England. Birth of Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468 in Melbury, Dorset, England. Death of Mr. Goodale 964. Birth of Jonathan Whitehead 3690 in Bengeworth, Worchester, England. Death of Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Edward Burcher 3469 in Bath, Somerset, England. Birth of Alice Banks [Foxe] 720 in England. Birth of John Mauninge 3467 in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. Birth of Ralph Holme 622 in Harwood, Bolton, Lancashire, England. Birth of Ralph Gorham 634 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 1576 Birth of Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in Woodnesborough, Kent, England. Death of James Gorham 792 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England.

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1576 (Continued) Marriage of Tobias Mathews 846 and Frances Mathews [Barlow] 847 in Yorkshire, England. Marriage of Edward Sturgis 786 and Edward Sturgis 787 in Kent, England. Birth of Arthur Ingraham 626 in Barrowby Hall, Barrowby, Lincolnshire, England. Death of William Duncombe 1209 on 26 October, in Barleyend, Buckinghamshire, England. 1577 Birth of Ms. Lindsey 3499 in Huntington, Fenstanton, Maryland, USA. Birth of William Brett 717 in Hearne, Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Ann More [Cresacre] 947 in Barnborough, Yorkshire, England. Marriage of James Crawford 3238 and Elizabeth Crawford [Cunningham] 3239 in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1578 Marriage of Richard Merrett 840 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 841 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Alexander Wignall 628 in Watertown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of Ralph Waller 981 and Sarah Waller [Saunders] 982 in England. Birth of Hugh Bullock 524 in Essex, England. Death of Joanne Fryeth 1231 in Winsford, England. Marriage of William Steevens 820 and William Steevens 821 in Woodford, Wiltshire, England. Death of John Fryeth 1230 in Winsford, England. Marriage of Richard Merrett 668 and Blanche Merrett [Pendarveis] 669 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Mrs William Deane 643 in Chard, Somerset, England. 1579 Marriage of George Jackson 3684 and Elizabeth Jackson [Wytham] 3685 in St Dunstan, London, London, England. Birth of Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 in Devon, England. Birth of Elizabeth Alcocke 3691 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Marriage of Euseby Isham 715 and Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in Pitchley, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466 in St Georges, Somerset, England. Death of Rose Irby [Overton] 3553 in London, England. Birth of Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of George Jackson 3684 in London, Middlesex, England. Death of Margery Nash [Sloper] 3502 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of John Alcocke 3723 and Jane Alcocke 3724. 1580 Birth of Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in Odell, Bedfordshire, England. Death of John Mallory 784 in Studley, Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Martin 769 in England. Marriage of Mr. Deblere 738 and Marie Deblere [De Dubleer] 739 in London, London, England. Death of William Cunningham 3269 in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. Marriage of Thomas Peabody 798 and Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799 in England. Birth of Patrick Crawford 3225 in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of William Cunningham 3257 in Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. Birth of Jane Phippen 868 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. Birth of Arthur Ingram 875 in Now, Middlesex, England. Birth of Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland. Death of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3282 in Auchinames Refrew, Scotland. Death of Marion Crawford [Montgomerie] 3274 in Auchinames Refrew, Scotland. Birth of John Maltby 3686 in Est Springthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of Thomas Bennett 740 in Wilvescomb, Somerset, England. Death of Elizabeth Goodale [Goodall] 965. Death of Catherine Grosvenor [Cotton] 1076 in England. Birth of Susan Taylor 735. Death of Katherine Campbell [Ruthven] 3272 between 1580 and 1589, in Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland. 1581 Birth of Elizabeth Way [Batchelar] 605 in Devon, Dorset, England. Death of John Hinckes 3747 in England. Death of Elizabeth Hinckes [Mytar] 3748 in England. Death of Joan Wadham [Tregarthin] 3541 between 1581 and 1589, in Edge, Branscombe, Devon, England. 1582 Birth of David Ross 507 in Balnagoun, Ross And Cromarty, Scotland.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1582 (Continued) Birth of Richard Jackson 3668 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England. Death of William Crawford 3255 in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Marriage of Thomas Wynter Woolsey 3740 and Thomas Woolsey 3741 in England. Birth of James Peabody 638 in Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Marriage of Richard Price 672 and Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in Wales, England. 1583 Birth of William Awbrey 692 in Abercynfrig, Brecknockshire, South Wales, England. Birth of William Fry 3473 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Birth of Henry Way 604 in Allington, Bridport, Dorset, England. 1584 Birth of Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Marriage of John Price 531 and Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Death of Elizabeth Bullock [Ballett] 664 in Moraton, Cheshire, England. Birth of John Moore 527 in Reading, Berkshire, England. Birth of John Moore 670 in Reading, Berkshire, England. Birth of Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of John Price 531 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 in Tonngue, Lancashire, England. 1585 Birth of Jane Crawford 3226 in Crosby, Leak North Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of William Bolton 624 in Ullenhall, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Hezekiah Henley 661 in England. Birth of John Strong 644 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Sarah Pearl 639 in England. Death of Richard Cornewall 3789 in London, England. Birth of Thomas Tully 640 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Birth of Francis Roberts 3705 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Mary Pettus [Gleane] 704 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Death of Walter Deane 801 between 1585 and 1587, in Chard, Somerset, England. Death of Walter Deane 805 between 1585 and 1587, in Chard, Somerset, England. 1586 Death of Roger Puleston 828 on 28 April. Death of Ambrose Saunders 1095. Birth of Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 in Chard, Somerset, England. Death of Agnes Howland [Greenway] 1010 in St Peter, England. Birth of Alexander Wignall 629 in Frating, Essex, England. Birth of Frances Woolsey [Hook] 3681 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Birth of Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669 in Cambridge, Cambridge, England. 1587 Death of Ralph Sloper 3535. Death of Ralph Sloper 3576. Marriage of William Crauford 3236 and Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Mary Bolton [Burton] 625 in St Michael Cornhill, Middlesex, England. Death of Ralph Sloper 3531. Marriage of Patrick Crauford 3251 and Margaret Crauford [Fraser] 3252. Death of John Patenham 2483 in Bedford St Pauls. Birth of Edward Lindsay 3475 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. Death of Ralph Sloper 3533. Marriage of William Deane 642 and Mrs William Deane 643 in Chard, Somerset, England. 1588 Birth of Millicent Fry [Swayne] 3474 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Death of Elizabeth Hallett [Phippen] 3699 in Marshwood, Dorset, England. Death of John Gorham 1007 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 in Ashford, Kent, England. Death of Jane Bolling [Greene] 854 in England. Marriage of Ralph Seamon 3692 and Elizabeth Seamon [Petty] 3693 in Bulmer, Essex, England. Birth of Joshua Poythress 863 in London, Middlesex, England. Death of John Gorham 886 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1588 (Continued) Death of Jane Mallory [Norton] 998 in Studley, Conyers, Yorkshire, England. 1589 Death of Margaret Hopringle [Ker] 3316 in Whytbank, Midlothian, Scotland. Death of Nicholas Sloper 3584 in Wiltshire, England. Death of William Hanmer 657. Marriage of John Long 812 and Marie Long 813 in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Lane [Vincent] 712 in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. 1590 Birth of Robert Long 651 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Robert Bolling 723 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Robert Bolling 752 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in London, England. Birth of Hannah Wilkins [Nichols] 603 in Wales. Death of Silvester Huysh 3483 in Milverton Hundred, Somerset, England. Birth of Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 in England. Birth of George Holloway 694 in Charles River Parish, York, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Bishop 655 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of Malcolm Crawford 3233 and Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in Ayrshire, Scotland. Birth of Cornelius Watts 466 in St Cuthberts Parish, Wells, Somerset, England. Birth of Thomas Wilkins 602 in Wales, England. Birth of Susan Bland [Deblere] 578 in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Death of Henry Way 774 in Bridport, Allington, Dorset, England. Birth of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in London, England. Marriage of John Maltby 3686 and Margaret Maltby [Bishop] 3687 in Springthrope, Lincolnshire, England. Death of Thomas Wilkins 602 in Wales, England. Birth of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 671 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Elizabeth Moore [Merritt] 528 in London, Middlesex, England. 1591 Marriage of Thomas Rich 871 and Anne Rich [Bourchier] 872 in Barnesley, Gloucestershire, England. Death of Elizabeth Bulkeley [Grosvenor] 3551 in Woore, Shropshire, England. Death of Thomas Bulkeley 3550 in Woore, Mucclestone, Shropshire, England. Birth of Mrs Edward Lindsay 3476 in Weymouth, Dorset, England. Death of Robert Swayne 3497 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Death of Elizabeth Rich [Baldry] 984. Death of Agnes Swaine [Reves] 3528 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Birth of Thomas Withers 3460 in Bishops, Cannings, Wiltshire, England. 1592 Birth of Peachy Poythress 864 in London, Middlesex, England. Birth of Anne Seaman [Hicks] 3673 in Essex, England. Death of Edward Bolling 853 in Chellow, England. Birth of John Howland 636 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. Birth of Jane Marye Littlebury [Of Boughton] 737 in St Botolph Colchester, Essex, England. Birth of Rebecca Tully 641 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Death of Winifred Bond [Leigh] 904 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in Suffolk, England. Birth of Richard Hallett 3677 in Bridport, Dorset, England. Marriage of William Hewes 3465 and Elizabeth Hewes [Morgan] 3466 in St Georges, Somerset, England. Death of George Bond 903 in Mercer Chapel, Middlesex, England. 1593 Death of John Washburn 3719 in Bengeworth, Evesham, Worcestershire, England. Death of John Strangeways 3485 in Melbury, Dorset, England. Birth of John Utie 742 in Ultima, Yorkshire, England. Death of Eustace Rolfe 966 between 1593 and 1596, in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Death of Joanna Rolfe [Jenner] 967 between 1593 and 1596, in Heacham, Norfolk, England. 1594 Marriage of William Hicks 3694 and Anne Hicks [Smith] 3695. Death of Eleanor Hanmer [Dymock] 516 in Fenns, Hall, Flintshire, Wales. Birth of Alice Woodward [Garrold] 3214 in Little Yeldham, Essex, England.

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1594 (Continued) Marriage of Arthur Ingraham 782 and Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 in Moor Monkton, East Riding, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Hewish 3452 in Donyford, St Decumans Parish, Somerset, England. 1595 Birth of Matoaka Pocahontas Rolfe [Powhatan] 728 in Tidewater, James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Agnes Linscott [Dodd] 594 in England. Death of Alice Strickland [Tempest] 3730 in Westmoreland, Lancashire, England. Marriage of Richard Upham 770 and Maria Upham 771 in Bicton, Devon, England. 1596 Birth of Ms. Unknown 3210. Birth of George Worsham 734 in Jordans Par, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Arthur Ingraham 626 and Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of John Long 812 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. 1597 Death of Joan Deane [Walsele] 806 on 10 May, in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of Margaret Cunningham 3224 in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. Birth of Richard Earle 3209 in Nye, Somerset, England. Marriage of Oliver St John 3489 and Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Edward Dodge 1091 on 26 December, in Wortham, Kent, England. 1598 Birth of Jane Bannister 471 in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. Marriage of John Mauninge 3467 and Dorothy Mauninge [Strangeways] 3468 in Melbury, Dorset, England. Death of Catherine Le Scrope [Clifford] 1103 in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. Death of Ralph Waller 981 in England. Death of Mary Slingsby [Percy] 994 in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England. 1599 Birth of Richard Ryland 746 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Niclas Streit 3649 in Germany. Birth of Richard Ryland 563 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. 1600 Birth of Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. Death of Anne Ingram [Goldthorpe] 990. Birth of Mary Ann Price [Matthews] 532 in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, England. Birth of John Crawford 3223 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Humphrey Spinning 509 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Death of Francis Slingsby 993 in Scriven, Knaresborough West Riding, England. Birth of Jonet Kennen [Boyse] 732 in Scotland. Birth of John Sloman 865 in Kent, England. Death of Alexander Wignall 629. Death of Algonkian Chief 970 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Birth of James Whiteside 513 in Lancashire, England. Death of Patrick Houston 3253 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Birth of Richard Kennen 731 in Scotland. Birth of Mary Ann Matthews 407 in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, England. Death of Alice Leigh [Barker] 1030 in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Thomas Henley 517 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Richard Ingraham 486 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Sarah Meador 689 in England. 1601 Death of Robert Dewe 818 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Birth of George Hubbard 511 in Glastonbury, Somerset, England. Death of Margaret Boyd [Colquhoun] 3296 between 1601 and 1608, in Metropolitan Church, Glasgow, Scotland. 1602 Birth of Elizabeth Long 510 in Lindsey, Suffolk, England. Death of Hugh Crawford 3247. Birth of Dorothy Burcher [St John] 3470 in London, London, England. Birth of Mary Howard [Eure] 683 in Wilton, Durham, England. Death of Richard Maultbye 3715 in Kexbie, Lincolnshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1603 Birth of Christopher Banks 750 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Marriage of Alexander Wignall 628 and Alexander Wignall 629 in Frating, Essex, England. Death of William Mallory 879 in Ripon, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mary Isham [Brett] 749 in Hearne, Toddinton, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Christopher Banks 567 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Elizabeth Harward 564 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of William Brett 717 and Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in England. Birth of Elizabeth Harward 747 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of William Howard 682 in Naworth, Cumberland, England. Birth of Mary Isham [Brett] 566 in Hearne, Toddinton, Bedfordshire, England. Death of Ursula Mallory [Gale] 880 in Yorkshire, England. Birth of Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Marriage of William Awbrey 692 and Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693 in South, Wales. Death of Agnes Gorham [Bernington] 793 in Benefield, Northamptonshire, England. 1604 Birth of Robert Tarrant 3462 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of Margaret Crawford [Cunningham] 3234 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Birth of Francis Meriwether 759 in Great, England. Birth of Elizabeth Ingraham [Wignall] 487 in Frating, Essex, England. Birth of Hannah Unknown 758 in England. Birth of Jane Strickland [Fenwick] 3675 in Glastonbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 1605 Death of Mary Moore [More] 839. Birth of Mr. Fleischer 3647 in Germany. Marriage of Ralph Holme 622 and Jenet Holme [Walker] 623 in Bolton, Lancashire, England. Birth of William Goffe 3614 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Death of William Brewer 3495 in Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, England. Death of Mary Moore [More] 667. Birth of Edward Martin 598 between 1605 and 1608, in Oher, St Mary, Devon, England. 1606 Death of Thomas More 834. Marriage of Robert Stith 756 and Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in Charles City, Prince George, Virginia, USA. Birth of Silvester Vitt Seving 650 in Wyhl, Baden, Germany. Death of Edward Moore 666. Death of Edward Moore 838. Marriage of Patrick Crawford 3225 and Jane Crawford 3226 in Auchenames, Ayr, Scotland. Birth of Robert Stith 756 in Kirkham, Lancashire, England. 1607 Birth of Anne Tolson 373 in Cecil, Maryland, USA. Death of Gyles Longe 913 in London, London, England. Birth of Jone Tarrant [Sloper] 3463 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of Janet Houston [Cunningham] 3254 in Houstoun, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Death of Hannah Peabody [Peabodywife] 799. 1608 Birth of Thomas Pettus 556 in Norwich, England. Birth of Henry Woodhouse 761 in Winterton, Norfolk, England. Marriage of Thomas Hinckley 632 and Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in Harrietsham, Hawkhurst, Kent, England. Death of Jonathan Whitehead 3690 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England. Death of Thomas Lindsay 3498 in Fenstanton, Huntingdon, England. 1609 Birth of John Fry 3458 in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of John Strong 644 and Eleanor Strong [Deane] 645 in Taunton, Chard, Somerset, England. 1610 Birth of Balthes Baltzer Appel 3639 in Germany. Death of John Maltby 3686 in Springthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. Birth of James Courtney 494 in England. Marriage of John Bishop 655 and Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Birth of Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1610 (Continued) Birth of Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615 in England. Birth of Bray Wilkins 472 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Richard Lane 711 in Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Thomas Peabody 798. Birth of Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Margaret Cunningham [Campbell] 3250 between 1610 and 1616, in Scotland. 1611 Death of Frances Slingsby [Vavasour] 878 in Scriven, Knaresborough, West, England. Birth of Edward Bezer 3456 in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England. Death of Alice Hare [Rugge] 922. Birth of Richard Bullock 401 in York, Virginia, USA. Death of Sarah St John [Bulkeley] 3490 in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762 in Towiso, Virginia, USA. 1612 Death of Nonoma Winanuske 862 in Virginia, USA. Death of Peter Bolton 873. Birth of Maria Appel 3640 in Germany. Birth of John Peabody 500 in New Port, Wash, Rhode Island, USA. Death of Jane Phippen [Jordaine] 978 in Kent, Dorset, England. Birth of Thomas Meador 688 in Bristol, Suffolk, England. 1613 Marriage of Joshua Poythress 863 and Peachy Poythress 864 in London, London, England. Death of Joshua Poythress 863 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Edward Sturgis 488 in Hannington, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in Chard, Somerset, England. Birth of James Pettigrew 533 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. Birth of Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in Weymouth Poole, Dorset, England. 1614 Birth of John Earle 3202 in Nye, Winscombe, Somerset, England. Birth of Francis Poythress 729 in London, Middlesex, England. Marriage of Robert Bolling 752 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in London, England. Death of Emma Howland [Revell] 891 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England. Marriage of Robert Bolling 723 and Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in London, England. Birth of Frances Manners [Montagu] 687 in Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Daniel Gaines 414 in Aberdeen, Breconshire, Wales. Birth of Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 in about 1614, in England. 1615 Birth of Eleanor Morris 706 in England. Birth of Cornelius Turner 519 in England. Birth of John Bolling 569 in Bolling Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Ms. Unknown 3455 in Somerset, England. Birth of Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Roger Pedrick 3454 in North Petherton Hundred, Somerset, England. Birth of Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691 in Leyden, South Holland, Netherlands. Marriage of Thomas Withers 3477 and Joan Withers [Nash] 3478 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Tully 640 and Rebecca Tully 641 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Birth of John Bolling 585 in All Hallows, Barking Parish, London, England. Birth of Edward Bathurst 763 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. 1616 Death of George Cornell 3742 in Stanton, Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England. Birth of Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Death of Anne Goldthorpe 876. Birth of William Hoskins 690 in Cork, Ireland. Birth of William Hallett 3664 in Bridgeport, Dorset, England. 1617 Birth of Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in England. Birth of Casper Niess 3648 in Germany.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1617 (Continued) Birth of Conrad Haagen 608 in Citizen, Ertzlingen, Bei Zurich, Switzerland. Death of John Stevens 3721 in Oxfordshire, England. 1618 Death of Peachy Poythress 864 in London, England. Death of Wahonsonacock Powhatan 861 in Orapax Village, New Kent, Virginia, USA. 1619 Birth of Diana Cecil [Maxwell] 685 in Salisbury, England. Death of Jane Greville [Grey] 849. Birth of Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in Lower, Norfolk, England. Birth of Charles Cecil 684 in Westminster, London, Greater London, England. Marriage of Richard Jackson 3668 and Isabella Jackson [Maltby] 3669 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England. Birth of Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in Gloucestershire, England. 1620 Birth of Richard Stone 355 in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Johann Meixell 475 in Austria. Birth of John Read 498 in Plymouth, England. Birth of William Turton 3606 in England. Marriage of John Hewish 3452 and Joanna Hewish [Mauninge] 3453 in Hackland, Culcumpton, Devon, England. Birth of John Dill 461 in Tullindale, Fanad, Donegal, Ireland. Birth of Anna Klee [Margaretha] 619 in Heimbach, Pfalz, Germany. Birth of Mary Bolling [Carie] 570 in London, England. Birth of Robert Jackson 3660 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Cornell 3682 and Rebecca Cornell [Briggs] 3683 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Birth of Mary Bolling [Carie] 586 in London, England. Death of Rosa Randolph [Roberts] 710 in Sussex, England. Birth of George Morris 705 in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Birth of Hans Adam Klee 618 in Heimbach, Pfalz, Germany. 1621 Birth of Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609 in Ertzlingen, Zurich, Switzerland. Death of William Hanmer 515 in Wales. Birth of Judith Martin [Upham] 599 in Bicton, Devon, England. Marriage of William Washburn 3670 and Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in Bengeworth, Worcester, England. Death of Joan Tilley [Hurst] 797 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Ann Bachiler [Bate] 777 in Wherwell, Hampshire, England. 1622 Birth of Joan Cary [Milner] 755 in St Nicholas, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Joan Cary [Milner] 726 in St Nicholas, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Marriage of William Goffe 3614 and Frances Goffe [Whalley] 3615 in England. Death of Margaret Sturgis [Austin] 631 in Eastry, Kent, England. Death of John Rolfe 727 in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Henrich Theil 3643 in Germany. Birth of Catarina Theil [Streit] 3644 in Germany. 1623 Birth of Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 in England. Death of John Bathurst 979 in England. Birth of MrsJohn Read 499 in England. Death of Benjamin Woolsey 3680 in New York, New York, USA. Birth of Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 in Great Dunmon, Essex, England. Death of Robert Bathurst 869 in Lechlade Manor, Lechlade, England. Birth of Nicholas Jenkins 496 in Purleigh, Essex, England. Birth of George Downing 538 in St Michael, Cornhill, London, England. Birth of Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 on 13 October, in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. 1624 Marriage of Thomas Bennett 740 and Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Birth of Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in Prince William, Virginia, USA. Birth of Augustine Moore 529 in Elizabeth City, Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in Hempstead, Queens, New York, USA. Death of William Brett 717 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1624 (Continued) Death of John Utie 742 in Hog Island, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Brett [Of Bedfordshire] 718 in Toddington, Bedfordshire, England. Birth of Henry Linscott 463 in Exeter, Devon, England. Birth of Augustine Moore 405 in Elizabeth City, Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 in London, Middlesex, England. 1625 Birth of Ann Holloway 547. Birth of Anne Moore 406 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Catherine Sheridan 462 in Drogheda, Ireland. Birth of David Crawford 3215 in Kilbernie, Aryshire, Scotland. Birth of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in Morton, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Anne Moore 530 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Kennon 573 in Conjurers Nk, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in Morton, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. Marriage of William Howard 682 and Mary Howard [Eure] 683 in Ingleby, Greenhow, Yorkshire, England. Birth of John Stith 587 in Kirkham, Lancashire, England. Death of Thomasina Epes [Fisher] 974 in Ashford, Kent, England. Birth of William Worsham 575 in Jordans Parish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of John Sturgis 630 in Sturry, Kent, England. 1626 Birth of Henry Isham 583 in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Henry Isham 447 in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. 1627 Death of Ann Mallory [Eure] 785. Marriage of George Hubbard 511 and Mary Hubbard [Bishop] 512 in Hingham, Norfolk, England. Death of Anne Isham [Borlase] 716 in Pytchley, Northamptonshire, England. Birth of Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in Canterbury, Kent, England. 1628 Birth of Ann Jenkins 497 in England. Marriage of John Manners 686 and Frances Manners [Montagu] 687 in Barnwell Castle, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Richard Hallett 3676 in Sheborn, Dorset, England. Death of Mary Bathurst [Dodge] 980 in England. Death of Ann Strong [Bond] 804. Death of John Price 531 between 1628 and 1629, in Henrico, Virginia, USA. 1629 Death of Jane Ingraham [Mallory] 627 in Whitkirk, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. 1630 Marriage of Thomas Henley 517 and Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in Virginia, USA. Death of Margaret Taylor [Wellmote] 815 in St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Birth of Humphrey Spinning 388 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. Birth of George Ross 386 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Death of Katherine Lauers 596 in England. Birth of Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Albert Stringfield 702 in England. Death of Robert Lauers 595 in England. Birth of Alexander Ray 707 in Stradishall, Suffolk, England. Death of James Cunningham 3249 between 1630 and 1633. 1631 Marriage of John Fry 3458 and Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in Weymouth Poole, Dorset, England. Birth of Nicholas Meriwether 589 in Bramber, Sussex, England. Birth of Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. Death of Margaret Cunningham 3224 in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. Death of William Awbrey 692 in Tredomen, Brecknockshire, South Wales, England. Death of Alexander Wignall 628 in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Sarah Long [Taylor] 652 on 12 December, in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. 1632 Death of John Bland 577 in London, England.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1633 Birth of Jane Crawford 3216 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Frances Downing [Howard] 539 in Naworth, Brampton, Cumberland, England. Birth of Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 in North Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk, Virginia, USA. 1634 Birth of Lawrence Whiteside 390 between 1634 and 1638, in Poulton Le Fylde, Lancashire, England. 1635 Birth of William Hughes 3443 in St Pauls Parish Shadwell London, Middlesex, England. Death of Ann Katherine Hinckley 633 in Harrietsham, Kent, England. Death of Thomas Hinckley 632 in Ulcombe, Kent, England. Death of Frances Mathews [Greville] 675 in Matthews Manor, York, Virginia, USA. Birth of Henry Awbrey 544 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Susan Henley [Turner] 398 in USA, Virginia, USA. Birth of Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356 in England. Birth of Johannes Fleischer 3637 in Herbstein, Germany. Birth of Michael Tavenor 698 in York, Virginia, USA. Birth of James Holloway 546 in Charles River Parish, York, Virginia, USA. 1636 Death of George Strong 803 on 16 February, in Chard, Somerset, England. Marriage of Walter Deane 502 and Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Lawrence Whiteside 391 in England. Birth of Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464 in Exeter, Devon, England. Birth of Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Abigail Holmes [Ingraham] 369 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. 1637 Death of Jane Bannister 471 in England. Marriage of John Earle 3202 and Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in Somerset, England. Birth of William Withers 3447 in Bishops Canning, Wiltshire, England. Death of Ursula Price [Middleton] 673 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Marriage of Edward Sturgis 488 and Elizabeth Sturgis [Hinckley] 489 in Faxton, Northamptonshire, England. Death of Margaret Gorham [Stephenson] 635 in Northamptonshire, England. 1638 Birth of Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Birth of Constance Ross [Little] 387 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Death of Richard Price 672 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. Birth of Samuel I Earle 3196 in Somerset, England. Birth of Thomas Meador 542 in Virginia, USA. Marriage of Roger Pedrick 3454 and Ms. Unknown 3455 in Somerset, England. Death of Sarah Hoskins [Cushman] 691 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. 1639 Death of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 724 in All Hallows, Barking Parish, Tower, London-England. Death of Anne Bolling [Clarke] 753 in All Hallows, Barking Parish, Tower, London-England. 1640 Birth of Anna Kunigunda Fleischer [Wagner] 3638 in Germany. Birth of James Courtney 374 in Prob, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Thomas Rolfe 571 and Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of Cornelius Watts 466 in St Cuthbertes, Wells, Somerset, England. Birth of George Taylor 416 in Old Rappenhannock, Virginia, USA. Birth of Balthasar Schmidt 3641 in Oberseeman, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. Birth of Deborah Hughes [Pedrick] 3444 in North Petherton Hundred, Somerset, England. Birth of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 in Gries Kirchen, Ob Der Enns, Wels Dist, Austria. Birth of Abigail Hubbard 389 in Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Birth of John Martin 468 in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361 in Grieskirchen, Ob Der Enns, Wels District, Austria. Birth of Leonard Poe 269 in Nottingham, Derbyshire, England. Birth of Robert Mills 700 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 in New Poqueson, York, Virginia, USA. 1641 Marriage of Richard Bennett 579 and Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in Williamsburg, Area, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1641 (Continued) Marriage of Richard Stone 355 and Dorothy Stone [Belcher] 356 in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. Birth of Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in Westover, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Reynold Henley 397 in USA, Lower Norford, Virginia, USA. Death of George Holloway 694 in York, Virginia, USA. 1642 Marriage of Conrad Haagen 608 and Veronica Haagen [Stroler] 609 in Ertzlingen, Zurich, Switzerland. Death of Margaret Crauford [Houston] 3237 in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. Death of Thomas Bennett 740 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446 in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. Death of Arthur Ingram 875 in Temple Newsam, Leeds, West, England. 1643 Marriage of John Gorham 490 and Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of William Worsham 575 and Elizabeth Worsham [Littleberry] 576 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Richard Earle 3217. Birth of Henry Hooper 3621 in Dorcester, Maryland, USA. Birth of Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402 in England. 1644 Marriage of Robert Jackson 3660 and Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in Long Island, New York, USA. Birth of Mary Mills 701 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Johanna Norman [Newman] 493 in Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. Marriage of Edward Bathurst 763 and Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Sebastian Herzog 362 in Eppingen, Baden, Germany. 1645 Birth of Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605 in Poulmarle, Wexford, England. Birth of Mary Leonard Poe 270 in England. Birth of Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Moore 308 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Death of Humphrey Hanmer 395 in New Poquoson Parish, York, Virginia, USA. Birth of Richard Goffe 3604 in Waterford, Ireland. Birth of John Jackson 3656 in Hempstead, Queens Now Nassau, New York, USA. Death of Dorothea Mason 860 in Heacham, Norfolk, England. Birth of John Moore 410 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. 1646 Death of Edmund Hobart 653 on 8 March, in Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of John Sorrell 3200 in Waltham, Essex, England. Birth of Susanna Bathurst [Lane] 592 in England. Marriage of Thomas Cary 754 and Joan Cary [Milner] 755 in Bristol, Avon, England. Birth of James Cecil 540 in Westminster, Middlesex, England. Birth of Lancelot Bathurst 591 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Birth of Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Ann Sorrell [Brechin] 3201. Birth of John Stone 273 in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. Marriage of Thomas Cary 725 and Joan Cary [Milner] 726 in Bristol, Avon, England. 1647 Birth of John Dill 348 in Corry, Ballynastocker, Fannett, Ireland. Birth of Christina Schmidt [Niess] 3642 in Germany. Death of Alice Bennett [Pierce] 741 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Marriage of William Hallett 3664 and Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 in New Amsterdam, New York, USA. 1648 Death of Richard Earle 3209 in Nye, Somerset, England. Birth of Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417 in Sittingbourne, Northumberland, Virginia, USA. Birth of William Hallett 3658 in New Town, Long Island, New York, USA. Birth of Margaret Cecil [Manners] 541 in London, Middlesex, England. 1649 Death of Margaret Hobart [Dewey] 654 on 23 June, in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Patrick Crawford 3225 in Auchinames, Ayr, Scotland. 1650 Birth of Richard Kennon 451 in Conjurors Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA.

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1650 (Continued) Death of Richard Ryland 563 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Death of Elizabeth Awbrey [Johns] 693 in Wales. Death of Richard Ryland 746 in Morton Morell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Joshua Holmes 368 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Marriage of Richard Randolph 581 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in Morton Hall, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of John Matthews 548 in Denbeigh, Warwick, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ms. Dyne 495 in Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Phippen 868 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Death of Henry Smith 3727. Death of Christopher Banks 750 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Birth of Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in Virginia, USA. Death of Christopher Banks 567 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Marriage of Richard Randolph 445 and Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in Morton Hall, Morrell, Warwickshire, England. 1652 Birth of Joan Collett [May] 3450 in Ft Smith, Sebastian, Arkansas, USA. Death of Augustine Moore 529 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Jeremiah Collett 3449 and Joan Collett [May] 3450 in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Death of Augustine Moore 405 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Margaretha Salome Braun [Heyl] 621 in Reichardsweiler, Pfalz, Germany. 1653 Marriage of Alexander Ray 707 and Joane Ray 708 in England. Birth of Elizabeth Jackson [Seaman] 3657 in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. 1654 Death of Robert Stith 756 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 in Bristol, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of David Crawford 3215 and Jane Crawford 3216 in James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Joseph Deane 378 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of George Downing 538 and Frances Downing [Howard] 539 in Groton, Suffolk, England. Death of John Kennon 573 in Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 1655 Death of Thomas Cornell 3682 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Death of Arthur Ingraham 626 in Whitkirk, W Riding, Yorkshire, England. Death of Arthur Ingraham 782 in Nottinghamshire, England. Marriage of Nicholas Meriwether 589 and Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Everard 3212 in Essex, England. 1656 Birth of Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442 in King Queen, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Henry Isham 447 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 448 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506 in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Bolling 574 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Henry Isham 583 and Katherine Isham [Banks] 584 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in Chesterfield, Virginia, USA. Death of Silvester Vitt Seving 650 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Death of Elizabeth Bathurst [Waller] 870 in England. Marriage of John Stith 587 and Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in Charles City, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of George Downing 427 in Westminster, London, England. 1657 Death of Eleanor Ingraham [Slingsby] 783 on 25 May, in Yorkshire Burried St Giles-In-The-Fields, Middlesex, England. Death of William Bolton 624. Marriage of George Morris 705 and Eleanor Morris 706 in Virginia, USA. Death of John Fry 3458 in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. Birth of Joseph Norman 372 in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Johann Georg Wolfhardt 476 and Anna Wolfhardt [Haagen] 477 in Duehren, Baden, Germany. 1658 Death of James Pettigrew 533 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Birth of John Meador 429 in Charles Parish, York, Virginia, USA. Death of John Sloman 865 in Charles City, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1658 (Continued) Marriage of James Pettigrew 533 and Geiles Pettigrew [Moncrieff] 534 in Endingurgh, Scotland. Death of Thomas Henley 517 in USA, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Joseph Deane 378 and Mary Deane [Tipping] 379 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Elizabeth Long 510. 1659 Death of Mary Earle [Symons] 3203 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of James Pettigrew 421 in Ireland. Death of Bridget Earle [Hale] 3197 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Alice Bullock [Nashe] 525 in Virginia, USA. Death of Marie Long 813. Death of Malcolm Crawford 3233 in Kilbirnie, Ayershire, Scotland. Birth of Jeremiah Collett 3449 in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. 1660 Birth of Mary Awbrey 545. Death of Elizabeth Henley [Reynolds] 518 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Hannah Spiers 551 in Virginia, USA. Death of William Worsham 575 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of John Earle 3202 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of George Worsham 734 in Jordans Parrish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Joan Cary [Milner] 726. Death of Katherine Sloman [Epes] 866 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Reynold Henley 397 and Susan Henley [Turner] 398 in Virginia, USA. Marriage of Robert Mills 700 and Mary Mills 701 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Mills 553 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Charles Cecil 684 in Salisbury, England. Birth of Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of William Randolph 561 in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of William Ray 558 in Manchester, Cheshire, England. Death of Joan Cary [Milner] 755. Birth of Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Mills 552 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Stephen Bachiler 776 in Hackney, London, Middlesex, England. Birth of John Stringfield 554 in Bolsterstone, Yorkshire, England. Birth of Mary Courtney [Jenkins] 375 in Northumberland Va. Death of William Randolph 744 in Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, England. Birth of Marie Coursier 409 in Lisle De Re, France. Birth of John Spiers 550 in Virginia, USA. Marriage of Theodorick Bland 453 and Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Anne Watts [Martin] 272. Birth of Charles Richardson 520 in Virginia, USA. Death of Sarah Pearl 639. Death of Samuel Mathews Esquire 696 between 1660 and 1661, in Dembeogj, Warwick, Virginia, USA. Death of Samuel Mathews 674 between 1660 and 1661, in Denbeigh, Warwick, Virginia, USA. 1661 Birth of William Hewes 3436 in Lod-Hywise, Donyford, Somerset, England. Death of Francis Poythress 729 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of James Peabody 638. 1662 Birth of Robert Edwards 425 in Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales. Death of Thomas Meador 542 between 1662 and 1664, in Essex, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Henry Awbrey 544 and Sarah Hoskins 543 between 1662 and 1664, in Virginia, USA. 1663 Birth of Joh Nicolaus Klee 482 in Konken, Pfalz, Germany. Birth of Catherine Downing [Cecil] 428 in England. Death of Judith Martin [Upham] 599 in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Adam Harvie 412 in Bowden, Scotland. Death of Hannah Unknown 758 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Edward Green 522 in New Kent, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1664 Death of Robert Long 651 on 9 January, in Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. Marriage of Lawrence Whiteside 390 and Lawrence Whiteside 391. Birth of Johannes Heinrich Fleischer 3631 in Herbstein, Germany. Marriage of George Norman 492 and Johanna Norman [Newman] 493 in Cecil, Maryland, USA. Birth of Thomas Seymour 294 in Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA. Death of Ann Holloway 547. Birth of Mary Richardson 521 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Thomas Petty 441 between 1664 and 1665, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 1665 Birth of Robert Cochran 537. Birth of Sarah Linscott [Kingsbury] 350 in York, Maine, USA. Birth of Edward Whiteside 298 in England. Birth of Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of James Brechin 3207 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Anne Bolling [Stith] 733 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Elizabeth Seaman [Strickland] 3663 in Long Island, New York, USA. Birth of Elinor Whiteside [Taverner] 299 in Ireland. 1666 Birth of Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Birth of Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426 in Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of Mary Woodhouse [Carter] 762 in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Death of Anna Fry [Lindsay] 3459 in Blacklands, Wiltshire, England. 1667 Death of Elizabeth Linscott [Lauers] 464. Death of Henry Linscott 463. 1668 Birth of Ms. Seymour [Ann] 295. Birth of Agnes Harvie [Armstrong] 413 in Bowden Stow, Scotland. Birth of Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in Somerset, England. Death of Mary Stith [Townsend] 757 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. 1669 Death of Susan Bathurst [Rich] 764 in Cranbrook, Kent, England. Death of Mrs William Deane 643 in Massachusetts, USA. Death of Mr. Deblere 738. Marriage of William Hallett 3658 and Sarah Hallett [Woolsey] 3659 in Queens, New York, USA. Death of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 446 in Dublin, Ireland. Death of Elizabeth Randolph [Ryland] 582 in Dublin, Ireland. Birth of Robert Wilson 321 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Birth of Robert Wilson 323 in Edinburgh, Scotland. 1670 Birth of Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 in Rapphanock, Caroline, Virginia, USA. Birth of Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 in Cusell, Pfalz, Germany. Birth of Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in Westmoreland, Fauquier, Virginia, USA. Death of Sarah Meador 689 in Virginia, USA. Death of John Dill 461 in Tullynadall, Donegal, Ireland. Birth of Thomas Jerman 3441 in Wales. Birth of Andreas Meixel 279 in Leimen, Baden, Germany. Birth of Susannah Moore [Price] 411 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Susannah Moore [Price] 309 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Bernard Gaines 314 in Rappahannock, Caroline, Virginia, USA. Birth of Francis Meriwether 459 in James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] 3442. Birth of Samuel II Earle 3192 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 in New Poquosan, York, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Poe [Hook] 197 in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. 1672 Birth of Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1672 (Continued) Death of Sarah Hoskins 543 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of John William Strickland 3674 in Jamaica, Long Island, New York, USA. Birth of John Adams 300 in Antrim, Ulster, Ireland. Birth of Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 in Londonderry, Ireland. 1673 Death of Nicholas Jenkins 496 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of Elizabeth Hallett [Fones] 3665 in Newtown, Queens, New York, USA. 1674 Marriage of Leonard Poe 269 and Mary Leonard Poe 270. Birth of Anna Eva Meixel [Hertzogin] 280 in Eppingen, Kreis Sinsheim, Germany. Death of Edward Bathurst 763 on 6 August, in Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. 1675 Birth of Mary Bathurst 460 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Robert Bolling 449 and Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 in Petersburg, Virginia, USA. Death of Thomas Rolfe 571 in Virginia, USA. Death of Henry Isham 447 in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Poythress [Sloman] 730 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Henry Isham 583 in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Samuel Poe 196 in Nottingham, Derbyshire, England. 1676 Death of Ann Bishop [Stevens] 656 in April, in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Death of Rebecca Sorrell [Woodward] 3206 in Virginia, USA. Death of John Moore 670 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Bolling [Rolfe] 450 in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of John Moore 527 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Holmes 484 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA. Death of Joane Ray 708 in Broad Creek, Talbot, Maryland, USA. Birth of Joane Ray 708 in England. Marriage of Richard Kennon 451 and Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Sorrell 3205 in Jamestown, Virginia, USA. 1677 Marriage of John Read 376 and Hannah Read [Peabody] 377 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Marriage of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 and Margaretha Meiyssel [Meyssel] 361 in Leihman, Baden, Germany. Marriage of Edward Burleson 505 and Sarah Burleson [Owen] 506 in Suffield, Connecticut, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Adams 301 in Antrim, Ireland. Death of Thomas Sheredine 3623 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1678 Marriage of William Randolph 455 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 456 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Marriage of William Randolph 340 and Mary Randolph [Isham] 341 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Fear Holmes [Sturgis] 285 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Dorothy Peabody [Tooley] 501 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Birth of Mary Meador [Awbrey] 430 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 1679 Birth of William John Houchins 431. Death of Dorothea Hertel [Thiele] 613 in Grimma, Germany. Death of William Goffe 3614 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Birth of Frances Houchins [Gwinn] 432. Marriage of Sebastian Herzog 362 and Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 in Leiman, Baden, Germany. 1680 Birth of Hans Jerg Plattner 3650 in Germany. Birth of Thomas Sorrell 3194 in James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Bland [Randolph] 345 in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 in Place. Birth of John Dill 267 in Corry Ballynastocker, Fannetin, Donegal, Ireland. Death of Agnes Jackson [Washburn] 3661 in Hempstead, Queens, New York, USA. Death of Ms. Dyne 495 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Richard Shockey 403. Marriage of John Spiers 550 and Hannah Spiers 551 in Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1680 (Continued) Death of Jane Rolfe [Poythress] 572 between 1680 and 1681, in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Elizabeth Meriwether [Woodhouse] 590 between 1680 and 1681, in Virginia, USA. 1681 Birth of Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Matthew Jouett 310 in Lisle De Re, France. Death of Mr. Fleischer 3647 in Germany. Death of Christian Friedrich Hertel 612 in Grimma. 1682 Birth of John Spiers 435 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439 in Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 1683 Birth of Anne Ray 559 in England. Birth of Pierre Jouett 408 in Lisle De Re, France. Marriage of John Matthews 548 and Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in Virginia, USA. Death of Martha Taylor [Tomlin] 417 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Death of Desire Gorham [Howland] 491 on 13 October, in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Richard Ingraham 486 between 1683 and 1688, in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA. Death of James Cecil 540 between 1683 and 1686, in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England. 1684 Birth of Margaret Kay 313 in Gargannock, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Death of Robert Jackson 3660 in Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USA. Death of Jean Bezer [Lawrence] 3457 in Bishop Canning, Rowde, Wiltshire, England. Death of John Bolling 569 in London, England. 1685 Marriage of John Mills 552 and Mary Mills 553 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of John Mills 552 in St Ann, Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of William Ray 443 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. Birth of John Bennett 3198. Birth of Nicholas Gage 380 in Wales, England. Death of George Morris 705 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in Phil, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Birth of Sarah Dill [Linscott] 268 in York, Maine, USA. Birth of Mary Gage 381 in Wales, England. Birth of Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424 in Grange, Ireland. 1686 Birth of Col Richard Randolph 263 on 2 May, in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Stith [Mosby] 588 in Westover Parish, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Joan Collett [May] 3450 in Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Robert Richardson 399 in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in Prince Georgesco, Maryland, USA. Birth of Alice Shockey 404. 1687 Death of Anne Bland [Bennett] 454 in Wharton Creek, Kent, Maryland, USA. Birth of Joseph Read 288 in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Mary Ann Bennett [Utie] 580 in Kent, Maryland, USA. 1688 Birth of William Goffe 3597 in Horetown, Englandn, Wexford, Ireland. Death of Edward Bezer 3445 in Chichester, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Marriage of Edward Watts 351 and Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Birth of Achsa Brittain 438 in Wales. Death of Ann Bezer [Fry] 3446 in Chichester, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Asa Brittain 437 in Wales. Marriage of Richard Goffe 3604 and Hannah Goffe [Chamberlain] 3605 in England. 1689 Birth of Edward Watts 271 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Death of Abigail Hubbard 389 in Elizabethtown, Morris, New Jersey, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1690 Birth of George Cochran 423 in Ireland. Birth of Sarah Seymour 225 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Birth of Jacob Von Staadltler 3430 in Germany. Birth of William Dill 194 in Fannetin, Donegal, Ireland. Marriage of George Ross 296 and Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in Elizabethtown, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Marriage of Thomas Jerman 3441 and Ms. Jerman [Elizabeth] 3442. Birth of Jane Richardson [Green] 400 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Thomas Seymour 224 in Isle Wight, Virginia, USA. Birth of Esther Watts [Wilkins] 199 in Jamestown, Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Birth of Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651 in Germany. Birth of Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 in Drummond, Tyrone, Ireland. Death of Edward Watts 351 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Death of Margaret Gaines [Bernard] 415 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Thomas Watts 198 in Thomas, Culpepper, Virginia, USA. 1691 Birth of Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433 in Berks, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of William Hughes 3432 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Marriage of Samuel II Earle 3192 and Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Read [Deane] 289 in Taunton. 1692 Birth of Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 in Edwards Hall, Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Ann Maria Fleischer [Schmidt] 3628 in Ober-Seemen, Hessen, Germany. Birth of Samuel III Earle 3190 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of Joan Hanmer [Turner] 303 in about 1692, in York, Virginia, USA. 1693 Death of Eleanor Deane [Strong] 503 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of Walter Deane 502 between 1693 and 1694, in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. 1694 Marriage of James Jackson 3654 and Rebecca Jackson [Hallett] 3655 in Long Island, New York, USA. Birth of Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. Death of Reynold Henley 397 in Virginia, USA. Death of Henry Awbrey 544 between 1694 and 1699, in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 1695 Birth of Ms. Wilson [Martha] 252 in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Marriage of David Holloway 433 and Elizabeth Frances Holloway [Matthews] 434 in York, Virginia, USA. Death of Edward Sturgis 488 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. 1696 Birth of Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435 in Schuylkill, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Thomas Archer 1228 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Birth of Richard Bullock 306 in Albermarle Parrish, Surrey, Virginia, USA. 1697 Death of Samuel I Earle 3196 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in Germany. Birth of Johans Michael Bush 3635 in Krefeld, Daisbach, Germany. 1698 Death of Edward Burleson 505 in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Death of Johann Wolfgang Meiyssel 360 in Leiman, Baden, Germany. Birth of Jonas Meador 330 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 in Malone, Antrim, Ireland. Birth of Charles Stringfield 440 in Bradfield, Yorkshire, England. Death of James Courtney 374 in Cople Parish, Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of James Courtney 494 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 1699 Birth of Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. Death of Hans Adam Braun 620. Death of Lawrence Whiteside 390 in Malone, Antrim, Ireland. 1700 Marriage of John Moore 308 and Susannah Moore [Price] 309 in Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1700 (Continued) Birth of Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Camp 383 in Pos, Durham, England. Birth of John Harvie 312 in Bowden, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Death of John Moore 308 in York, Virginia, USA. Marriage of John Moore 410 and Susannah Moore [Price] 411 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Martha Archer [Bowman] 1229 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Birth of Mary Von Staadltler [Sites] 3431 in Germany. Marriage of John Spiers 435 and Martha Spiers [Mills] 436 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of MrsJohn Read 499. Marriage of William John Houchins 431 and Frances Houchins [Gwinn] 432. Death of John Moore 410 in York, Virginia, USA. Death of Leonard Poe 269 in England. 1701 Birth of Maria Catherina Plattner [Reinhard] 3646 in Germany. Birth of Col. John Wilson 251 in Scotland. Marriage of Nicholas Gage 380 and Mary Gage 381 in Wales, England. 1702 Marriage of John Calvert Broome 3610 and Ann Broome [Hooper] 3611 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Death of John Sorrell 3200 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of John Read 498. Birth of William Ross 226 in Frederick, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 in Surrey, Virginia, USA. Death of John Matthews 548 in York, Virginia, USA. Birth of Leonard Henley 304 in James City, Virginia, USA. Death of Lancelot Bathurst 591 in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Richard Shockey 403 and Alice Shockey 404 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Birth of Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 in Franklin, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Mills 701 between 1702 and 1712, in Essex, Virginia, USA. 1703 Birth of Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 in Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Richard Gawthrop 1226 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Death of Richard Bullock 401 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Bullock [Hawkins] 402 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Marriage of William Ray 443 and Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. Death of John Spiers 550 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Nicholas Sr. Hanmer 302 between 1703 and 1712, in Williamsburg, York, Virginia, USA. 1705 Death of Elizabeth Bolling 574 in Henrico, Virginia, USA. Death of Achsa Brittain 438. Death of Asa Brittain 437 in USA. Death of Elizabeth Withers [Collett] 3439 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of John Henry Neff 202 in Bonfeld, Germany. Death of George Ross 386 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Death of Sebastian Herzog 362. Marriage of James Pettigrew 421 and Martha Pettigrew [Moore] 422 in Tyrone, Ireland. Death of Elizabeth Kennon [Worsham] 452 in Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Dill 195 in Whiteslyberg, Kent, Delaware, USA. Birth of Richard Stringfield 336 in Jamestown, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in Wales, Virginia, USA. 1706 Death of William Hallett 3664 in Newton, Queens, New York, USA. Birth of Alexander McMillan 200 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1707 Birth of Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 on 20 April, in Elizabeth City, Gloucester, Virginia, USA. Birth of Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 in Essex, Virginia, USA. 1708 Marriage of Joseph Read 288 and Sarah Read [Deane] 289.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1708 (Continued) Marriage of William Goffe 3597 and Ms. Unknown 3598 in Place. Marriage of George Cochran 423 and Rachel Cochran [Higginbotham] 424 in Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of Simon Poe 146 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 in Albermarle, Albermarle, Virginia, USA. 1709 Death of Anne Bolling [Stith] 733 in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. Birth of James Brittain 334 in Wales, Isle, England. Death of Anne Bolling [Stith] 458 in Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA. 1710 Birth of Thiel Goff 3593 in Old Field, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Leonard Poe 270. Birth of Mary Gawthrop [Gigner] 1227 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Death of David Crawford 3215 in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Birth of Margaret Gray 3601. Birth of Catherine Klee [C] 367 in Lititz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Brome [Sheredine] 3603 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Birth of John Gray 3600 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Birth of William Hamner 235 in James City, New Kent CO, VA. Death of Elizabeth Matthews [Tavenor] 549 in Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Crawford 3216 in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, USA. 1711 Marriage of Hans Jerg Plattner 3650 and Appolonia Plattner [Blatner] 3651 in Germany. Marriage of James Brechin 3207 and Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. Death of George Downing 427. 1712 Birth of John Adam Stutler 3426 in Germany. Marriage of Thomas Odell 245 and Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. Birth of Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653 in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Birth of Mary Ray [Wilson] 339. Birth of Henry Hendricks 247 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 1713 Death of Francis Meriwether 459 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Washburn [Whitehead] 3671 in New York, USA. Birth of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677 in Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 in Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of James Pettigrew 324 between 1713 and 1714, in Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of James Pettigrew 676 between 1713 and 1714, in Tyrone, Ireland. 1714 Birth of Anna Neff [Steckley] 203. Marriage of Col Richard Randolph 263 and Jane Randolph [Bolling] 264 in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA. Birth of Elisha Whitten 244. 1715 Birth of Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 in Virginia, USA. Death of Constance Ross [Little] 387 in Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Birth of Castleton Harper 3796 in Ireland. 1716 Marriage of John Holloway 332 and Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Thomas Sorrell 3194 and Elizabeth Sorrell [O Canny] 3195 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Withers [Sloper] 3461. Marriage of Isaac Norman 286 and Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA. Birth of Anna Demuth [Giessler] 223. Birth of Samuel D Adams 230 in Bedminster, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. 1718 Birth of Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206 in Augusta, Virginia, USA. 1719 Birth of Michael Will 213 in Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Conradt Schermann 281 in Germany. 1720 Death of Thomas Withers 3438 in Chichestesr, Chestesr, Pennsylvania, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1720 (Continued) Death of Henry Hooper 3621 in Dorchester, Maryland, USA. Marriage of Johans Michael Bush 3635 and Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in Daisbach, Germany. Death of Rachel Petty [Wilson] 442 in Essex, Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Royall 721 in Charles City, Virginia, USA. Death of Anna Katharina Herzog [Wolfhardt] 363 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Katherine Pettus [Morris] 557 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. Birth of Catherine Adams [Hardwick] 231. Birth of Benjamin Watts 148 in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Pennywitt 209 in Lorraine, Alsace, France. Marriage of Bernard Gaines 314 and Martha Gaines [Taylor] 315 in Rappahannock, Virginia, USA. 1721 Death of Hannah Spiers 551 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Jonas Meador 330 and Frances Meador [Hudgens] 331 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Anna Elisabetha Klee [Braun] 483 in Konken, Pfalz, Germany. Death of John Harvie 312. 1722 Marriage of Christian Lau 616 and Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617 in Wingen, Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Germany. Death of Elizabeth Ray [Pritchett] 444 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. 1723 Marriage of Drury Bolling 346 and Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Norman [Read] 219 in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Death of John Wilkins 357 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 in Glen Morganshire, Wales. Birth of Joseph Norman 218 in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Leonard Henley 304 and Elizabeth Henley [Richardson] 305 in James City, Virginia, USA. Death of Edward Whiteside 298 in Malone, Antrin, Ireland. Birth of Joseph Brittain 259 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts, New England. 1724 Birth of Frances Benjamin Watts 149. Birth of Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in Prince George, Virginia, USA. 1725 Birth of Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210. Marriage of William Dill 194 and Mary Dill 195 in Kent, Delaware, USA. Death of Ann Sorrell [Brechin] 3201 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of Margaret Randolph [Smalley] 143. Death of Hans Adam Klee 618 in Heimbach, Germany. 1726 Death of Elizabeth Bolling [Meriwether] 347 in Virginia, USA. Marriage of James Brittain 334 and Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in Virginia, USA. Death of Jeremiah Sheredine 3612 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Death of Thomas Sorrell 3194 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Death of Phyllis Earle [Bennett] 3193 in Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Dill 144 in Kent, Delaware, USA. Marriage of Samuel III Earle 3190 and Anna Earle [Sorrell] 3191 in Richmond, Westmoreland, Virginia, USA. 1727 Birth of Samuel IV Earle 3187 in Westmoreland, Fauquier, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ms. Earle [Perkins] 3188. Birth of Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260 in Rowan, North Carolina, USA. 1728 Death of Martha Sheredine [Brome] 3613 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Birth of John Odell 179 in Prince Georges, Maryland, USA. Birth of Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 in Kent, Delaware, USA. Birth of Jonas Meador 257 in Essex, Virginia, USA. Death of Edward Watts 271 in Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA. 1729 Birth of Sarah Gawthrop [Archer] 1105 in Histon, Cambridgeshire, England. Birth of Ellis Hughes 3428 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. 1730 Birth of John Gray 3595 in Calvert, Maryland, USA.

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1730 (Continued) Birth of Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169 in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Marriage of Joseph Norman 218 and Mary Norman [Read] 219 in Culpepper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. Death of John Dill 348 in Fanad, Donegal, Ireland. Birth of Philip Harpine 211 in Oley, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of John Broome 3619 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1731 Birth of Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in Virginia, USA. Death of Richard Shockey 403 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Marriage of James Pettigrew 676 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 677 in Aughnacloy, Tyrone, Ireland. Marriage of James Pettigrew 324 and Mary Pettigrew [Cochran] 325 in Aughnacloy, Tyrone, Ireland. 1732 Death of Marie Coursier 409 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Birth of John Ross 168 in Hollywood, Atrim, Northern Ireland. 1733 Birth of Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 in New Kent, Virginia, USA. Death of William Hewes 3436 in Ouldmans Creek, Salem, New Jersey, England. 1734 Birth of David Gage 220 in Orange, New York, USA. Marriage of Richard Stringfield 336 and Mary Stringfield [Pettus] 337 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Marriage of David Gage 290 and Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in Woodbury, Orange, New York, USA. Birth of Elijah Whitten 178. Marriage of Henry Hendricks 247 and Jane Hendricks [Linville] 248 in West Bank Susquehanna River, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. 1735 Birth of George Seymour 165 in Lunenburgh, Virginia, USA. Death of James Jackson 3654 in Long Island, New York, USA. Marriage of Thiel Goff 3593 and Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594 in Sussex, England. Death of Elizabeth Bullock [Shockey] 307 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Seymour [Good] 166 in Lunenburgh. Birth of Mary Moore [Bullock] 237 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ann Gray [Brome] 3596 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1736 Death of Elizabeth Denwood 3622 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Birth of John Pettigrew 253 in Crilly House, Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of John Pettigrew 242 in Crilly House, Tyrone, Ireland. 1737 Death of John Stone 273 in Caroline, Virginia, USA. Death of John Stringfield 554 in England. Marriage of John Moore 238 and Mary Moore [Jouett] 239 in Albermarle, Virginia, USA. 1738 Birth of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Margaret Edwards [Cuelin] 426 in Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales. Death of John Calvert Broome 3610 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Death of Richard Bullock 306 in Albermarle Parrish, Surrey, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Alice Shockey 404 in Surry, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Edwards 425 in New York, New York, USA. 1739 Death of John Gray 3617 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Marriage of Theodorick Bland 265 and Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in Kippax, Prince George, Virginia, USA. Death of John Gray 3600 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1740 Death of Nicholas Jr Hamner 233 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Will 158 in York, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Thomas Jerman 3441 in Tredyffrin, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Mary Bathurst 460 in Bathurst, Essex, Virginia, USA. 1741 Birth of Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 in Staunton, Augusta, Virginia, USA.

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1741 (Continued) Death of Mary Wilkins [Gengill] 358. Death of Elizabeth Anderson [Jerman] 3435 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Samuel D Adams 230 in Westmoreland, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Anne Watts [Martin] 272 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Death of James Anderson 3434 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Edward William Jackson 66 in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Marriage of Michael Kauffman 205 and Barbara Kauffman [Haldiman] 206 between 1741 and 1748, in City, Augusta, Virginia, USA. 1742 Birth of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 in Anson, North Carolina, USA. Death of Anne Watts [Martin] 352 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. Birth of Jacob Neff 152 in Monacocy, Frederick, Maryland, USA. Birth of Robert Adams 170 in Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Birth of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in Anson, North Carolina, USA. 1743 Death of Duncan McMillan 275 in Drowned. Marriage of Thomas Edwards 255 and Elizabeth Edwards [Nichols] 256 in N, Glamorgan, Wales. Birth of Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in Randolph, North Carolina, USA. 1744 Birth of Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 in Middle Fork Gunpowder, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Death of Hannah Goff [Turton] 3594 in Virginia, USA. 1745 Birth of Amon McMillan 150 in Granville, North Carolina, USA. Birth of John Wilson 183 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of John Bruce 167. Birth of John Wilson 176 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Matthew Jouett 310 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Wilson 321 on 3 November, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Wilson 323 on 3 November, in Augusta, Virginia, USA. 1746 Birth of Rebecca Hamner [Harper] 190 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Death of Jane Wilson [Lee] 322 in Augusta, Virginia, USA. 1747 Marriage of John Dill 144 and Mary Ann Dill [Barrett] 145 in Kent, Delaware, USA. Death of Richard Stringfield 336 in Old English Settlement Jamestown, Virginia, USA. Birth of Barbara Neff [Graybill] 153 in New Market, Virginia, USA. 1748 Marriage of John Royall 721 and Susannah Royall [Bates] 722 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Salathiel Goff 3591 in Randolph, Virginia, USA. Birth of Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151 in Alabama, USA. Death of Col Richard Randolph 263 on 17 December, in Curls Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA. 1749 Marriage of William Hamner 235 and Mary Elizabeth Henley 234 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Jeremiah Hamner 189 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Death of Thomas Watts 198 in Culpeper, Virginia, USA. 1750 Death of Hannah Ross [Spinning] 297 in Elizabeth Town, Essex, New Jersey, USA. Marriage of Jonas Meador 257 and Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. Marriage of John Adam Stutler 3426 and Mary Stutler [Newberger] 3427 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Hannah Damewood [E] 164 in Virginia, USA. Death of Mary Sidney Hughes [Withers] 3433 in Hampshire, VA, West Virginia, USA. Marriage of Ellis Hughes 3428 and Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA. 1751 Birth of James Poe 105 in Caroline, Virginia, USA. Death of John Dill 267 in Kent, Delaware, USA. 1752 Death of Sarah Brechin [Crawford] 3208 in Louisa, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1752 (Continued) Death of Frances Norman [Courtney] 287 in Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia, USA. Death of Samuel IV Earle 3187 in Alabama, USA. Birth of Andrew Edwards 185 in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. 1753 Marriage of John Gray 3595 and Ann Gray [Brome] 3596 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Death of James Pettigrew 421 in Blackwater, Tyrone, Ireland. Birth of Elizabeth Sheredine Goff [Gray] 3592 in Christ Par, Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1754 Birth of Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Marriage of John Reist 207 and Elizabeth Reist [Longenecker] 208 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159. 1755 Birth of Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 on 7 May, in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. Death of Margaret Odell [Beall] 246 in Berkeley, South Carolina, USA. Birth of James Brittain 187 in Frederick, Virginia, USA. 1756 Death of Sarah Camp 383 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. 1757 Death of John Holloway 332 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Marriage of George Seymour 165 and Mary Seymour [Good] 166 in Lunenburg, Virginia, USA. Birth of John Adam Stutler 3424 in West Milford, Harrison, Virginia, USA. 1758 Birth of Mary Royall 568 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Birth of Susannah Royall [Bates] 722 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Birth of Mary Royall 751 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Birth of Larkin Seymour 121 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. 1759 Marriage of Henry Flesher 3625 and Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 in Virginia, USA. Death of Leonard Henley 304 in James City, New Kent, Virginia, USA. Death of Robert Cochran 537. 1760 Birth of Sussanah Hughes [Anderson] 3429 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Birth of Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425 in West Milford Fort, Harrison, West Virginia, USA. Death of William Ray 443 in Frederick, Maryland, USA. Marriage of John Pettigrew 253 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. Birth of George Gray 3608 in Calvert, Maryland, USA. Marriage of John Pettigrew 242 and Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. 1761 Death of Phoebe McMillan 201. Death of Alexander McMillan 200 in Granville, North Carolina, USA. 1762 Birth of Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 on 20 April, in Culpeper, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Edward William Jackson 66 and Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 in Morris, Rockaway, New Jersey, USA. Birth of Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Birth of Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA. 1763 Death of Thomas Odell 245 in Berkeley, South Carolina, USA. Death of John Aaron Burleson 382 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. Marriage of Robert Adams 170 and Elizabeth Adams [Chambers] 171 in Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. 1764 Birth of John Gray 123. Death of John Gray 3595 in Christ Par, Calvert, Maryland, USA. 1765 Birth of Rodham Earles 3185 in Fauquier, Virginia, USA. Birth of Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134. Death of Mary Stone [Wilkins] 274. Birth of Sarah Abigail Flesher [Jackson] 41 in Dover, Morris, New Jersey, USA. Birth of Isaac Norman 161 on 25 August, in Culpeper, Culpeper CO, VA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1766 Marriage of Malachi Damewood 163 and Hannah Damewood [E] 164. 1767 Birth of Lydia Randolph [Dill] 102 in Kent, Delaware, USA. Death of Mary Meador [Holloway] 258 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Death of William Hughes 3432 in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. 1768 Birth of Elizabeth Moore [Hamner] 141. Death of Jonas Meador 330 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Death of Ulrich Graybill 204 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. 1769 Death of Samuel Matthews 316 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. Death of Samuel Matthews 326 in Prince Edward, Virginia, USA. Death of Joseph Jackson 3652 in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. 1770 Death of Eva Bush [Plattner] 3636 in South Branch, Virginia, USA. Marriage of James Stringfield 261 and Mary Ann Stringfield [Ray] 262 in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. Death of Henry Hendricks 247 in Indian Creek, Dorchester, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Thomas Brown 103 in Tennessee, USA. Birth of Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186 in Virginia, USA. Marriage of John Wilson 183 and Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. Birth of John Wilson 129 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Elizabeth Bowman 113 between 1770 and 1780, in Virginia, USA. 1771 Death of Samuel III Earle 3190 in Frederick, Virginia, USA. 1772 Birth of Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in Redstone Township, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Charles Pettigrew Wilson 135 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Death of Susannah Jouett [Moore] 311 in about 1772, in Louisa, Virginia, USA. 1773 Death of Michael Will 213 in Heidelberg, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Jonas Meador 257 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Death of Anna Cleophe Lau [Frey] 617 in West Manchester, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Col. John Wilson 251 in Augusta, Virginia, USA. 1774 Death of Thiel Goff 3593 in Virginia, USA. Death of Joseph Brittain 259 in Rowan, North Carolina, USA. Marriage of Samuel Kauffman 154 and Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 in City, Pennsylvania, USA. Marriage of John Will 158 and Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 in York, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Frances Bland [Bolling] 266 in Amelia, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Andrew Edwards 185 and Phoebe Edwards [Meadows] 186 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. 1775 Death of Rosina Pennywitt [Yeiser] 210 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Birth of Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 in Botetourt, Virginia, USA. Death of Abigail Gage [Burleson] 291 in Lunenburg, Virginia, USA. Birth of Henry L Damewood 119 in Botetourt, Virginia, USA. Death of George Cochran 423. 1776 Birth of Mary Norman [A] 117 in North Carolina, USA. Death of James Brittain 334 in Guilford, North Carolina, USA. 1777 Birth of John Harvey Hamner 127 on 30 April, in Albemarle Co., Va. Birth of Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 in North Carolina, USA. Marriage of James Poe 105 and Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in Randolph, North Carolina, USA. 1778 Birth of James McMillan 107 in North Carolina, USA. Death of Hans Heinrich Demuth 222. 1779 Death of Mary Brittain [Witty] 335 in Moores Creek, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1779 (Continued) Birth of Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 on 30 October, in Albermarle, Virginia, USA. 1780 Birth of Thomas Edwards 139 in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. Birth of Isaac John Norman 116 in Bedford, Tennessee, USA. Birth of John Goff 3589 in Randolph, Virginia, USA. Death of Hannah Holloway [Spiers] 333 in Cumberland, Virginia, USA. Death of Sarah Poe [Bradford] 147 in Chatham, North Carolina, USA. Birth of Daniel Leonard 118 in Virginia, USA. 1782 Birth of Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 in Burke, Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. Death of Mary Dill 195 in Murderkill, Kent, Delaware, USA. Death of Arminella Ross [Whiteside] 227 in Hampshire, Virginia, USA. 1783 Death of Isabella Edwards [Downing] 329 in Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Giamorganshire, Wales. 1784 Death of Theodorick Bland 265 in Amelia, Virginia, USA. 1785 Death of John Moore 238 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. Death of John Moore 236 in Louisa, Virginia, USA. Marriage of Larkin Seymour 121 and Sally Seymour [Bruce] 122 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. Birth of William W Wilson 81 in about 1785, in CT. 1787 Death of William Hamner 235 on 15 December, in Albemarle CO, VA. 1788 Birth of Thomas Smith 75 in Amelia, Virginia, USA. Death of Frances Randolph [Bland] 193 in Mattox, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA. Death of Nicholas Gage 380 in Wales, England. Birth of George Will 73. Death of Ms. Brittain [Jemima] 260. 1790 Death of Benjamin Watts 148 in Frederick, Virginia, USA. Marriage of John Heath 125 and Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. 1792 Birth of Richard Boswell 97 in Granville, North Carolina, USA. 1793 Birth of Michael Will 277 in Pennsylvania, USA. Birth of Peyton Earles 3175 in Virginia, USA. Death of Simon Poe 146 in Chatham, North Carolina, USA. 1794 Death of Mary Ann Jackson [Robinson] 3653 in Rockaway, Morris, New Jersey, USA. 1795 Birth of Christina Goff [Parsons] 3590. 1796 Birth of Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in Cane Creek, Walker, Alabama, USA. 1797 Birth of Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423 in Harrison, West Virginia, USA. 1798 Birth of Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 in Virginia. Birth of John D Randolph 67 in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Samuel Barnes 3183 in Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Joshua Smith 160 in Franklin, New London, Connecticut, USA. 1799 Birth of Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. Death of Castleton Harper 3796 in Albemarle, Virginia, USA. 1800 Birth of Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Elisha Hughes 95 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in North Carolina, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1800 (Continued) Death of Esther Gage [Shipman] 221 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. 1801 Death of David Gage 290 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. 1802 Birth of Mary Wilson 82. Death of Susannah Earles [Bayless] 3186 in Fauquier, Virginia, USA. Birth of Joseph Ross Gray 87 in Mason, Kentucky, USA. 1803 Marriage of John Wilson 129 and Isabella Wilson [Merritt] 130 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. 1804 Death of Deborah Jane Ross [Johnston] 169 in Fleming, Letcher, Kentucky, USA. Death of Anna Christiana Will [Meixel] 214 between 1804 and 1808, in Franklin, Southampton, Virginia, USA. 1805 Birth of Sarah Jane Barnes [Coulter] 3184 in Pennsylvania, USA. Death of Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 in Knox, Tennessee, USA. Death of Mary Poe [Watts] 106 in Anson, North Carolina, USA. Birth of Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 in Randolph, Virginia, USA. Death of David Gage 220 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA. Birth of Sally Smith [Turner] 76 in Amelia, Virginia, USA. 1806 Death of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 243 in Abbeville Dist, South Carolina, USA. Death of Sarah Pettigrew [Matthews] 254 in Abbeville Dist, South Carolina, USA. 1807 Death of Elizabeth Susanna Flesher [Bush] 3626 in Weston, Lewis, West Virginia, USA. 1808 Birth of Isabell Knox [Bay] 3182 in Ohio, USA. 1809 Death of Eleanor Nellie Odell [Hendrix] 180 in Laurens, South Carolina, USA. Death of John Dill 144 in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. 1810 Death of James Stringfield 261 in Warren, Kentucky, USA. Birth of Thomas Hughes 318 in Down, Ulster, Ireland. Birth of Tolliver D Lynch 99 in North Carolina, USA. 1811 Birth of William B Miller 83 in Kentucky. 1812 Death of John Gray 123 in Mason, Kentucky, USA. Death of John Ross 168 in Fleming, Kentucky, USA. Birth of John S. Mitchell 91 in about 1812, in Tennessee. 1813 Death of John Heath 125 in Lewis, Kentucky, USA. 1814 Birth of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 on 30 March, in Oglethorpe CO, GA. 1815 Death of John Will 158 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Death of Maria Susanna Will [Sherman] 159 in Shenandoah, Virginia, USA. Birth of James Collins 3179 in Virginia, USA. Birth of Martha Miller 84 in about 1815, in Tennessee. Birth of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 in about 1815, in South Carolina. Birth of Alila Mitchell 92 in about 1815, in Tennessee. 1816 Death of John Bruce 167 in Halifax, Virginia, USA. 1819 Marriage of Richard Boswell 97 and Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in Georgia, USA. Death of Andrew Edwards 185 in Laures, North Carolina, USA. 1820 Death of George Adam Bush 3629 in Freeman Creek, Harrison, Virginia, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1820 (Continued) Marriage of Joseph Ross Gray 87 and Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. Death of Rodham Earles 3185 in Kentucky, USA. Death of Delilah Brittain [Stringfield] 188 in Buncombe, North Carolina, USA. 1823 Death of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 184 in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. Death of Polly Wilson [Pettigrew] 177 in Pendleton Dist, South Carolina, USA. 1825 Death of Amon McMillan 150 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Death of Rachel Gray [Ross] 124 in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. 1827 Death of James Poe 105 in Newtonville, Fayette, Alabama, USA. Death of John Adam Stutler 3424 in Harrison, Virginia, USA. 1828 Birth of Joseph Allison Gray 57 on 9 January, in Nicholas, Kentucky, USA. Death of Samuel Kauffman 154 in Pleasant Valley, Rockingham, Virginia, USA. Death of Isaac Norman 161 on 11 July, in Elk Creek, Spencer CO, KY. 1829 Birth of james martin Boswell 63 on 28 January, in Dekalb, Georgia, USA. Death of Obedience Hughes [Sumner] 134 in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. Marriage of Samuel Barnes 3183 and Sarah Jane Barnes [Coulter] 3184. 1830 Birth of Joel Earles 3167 in Clark, Illinois, USA. Residence of Richard Boswell 97 at Dekalb, Georgia. Death of Mary Royall 568 in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. Death of Mary Royall 751 in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. 1831 Birth of John Fisher 3520 in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. Marriage of Tolliver D Lynch 99 and Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 in North Carolina, USA. Death of James Brittain 187 in Mills River, Henderson, North Carolina, USA. 1832 Birth of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 on 23 February, in North Carolina. Death of Nancy Stutler [Carder] 3423 in Jane Lew, Lewis, Virginia, USA. 1833 Birth of Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 28 February, in Alabama. Death of Nancy Ann Hamner [Moore] 173 on 4 November, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. 1834 Birth of William Barnes 3173 in Pennsylvania, USA. 1835 Death of Ms. McMillan [Martha] 151. Birth of W E James 43 in Tennessee, USA. Birth of Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams] 3174 in Missouri, USA. 1836 Birth of Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 on 15 June, in georgia. 1837 Birth of James Harvey Wilson 61 on 29 April, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Birth of Albert James Wilson 53 in Alabama, USA. 1839 Death of Elisha Hughes 95. Birth of Samuel Henry Neff 47 on 10 December, in jefferson county, Tennessee. 1840 Birth of Hugh Campbell 3291 in Balfron, Scotland. Death of Mary Edwards [Brittain] 140 in Cherokee, Alabama, USA. Birth of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 on 22 November, in Shenandoah County, Virginia. 1842 Birth of L Ann James [Myers] 44 in Old Tishimingo, Mississippi, USA. 1843 Birth of Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 in Alabama, USA. 1845 Death of Hannah Norman [Gage] 162 on 28 February, in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1846 Birth of Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 in Virginia, USA. 1848 Death of Christina Goff [Parsons] 3590. Death of Margaret Hughes [Wilson] 96 in Anderson, South Carolina, USA. Death of Frances P Randolph [Brown] 68 in Walker, Alabama, USA. 1849 Birth of Mary Miller Campbell [Mclaren] 3292 in Aberfoyle. 1850 Residence of Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 at District 90, Saline, Missouri. Residence of Susanna Pennywitt [Will] 112 at District 58, Shenandoah, Virginia. Death of Sarah Abigail Stutler [Hughes] 3425 in Harrison, Virginia, USA. Residence of James Poe 69 at Montgomery, North Carolina. Residence of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 at District 50, Lee, Georgia. Residence of Tolliver D Lynch 99 at Division 12, Gordon, Georgia. Residence of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 at Perry, Montgomery, Ohio. Residence of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 at Subdivision 45, Jackson, Georgia. Residence of Albert James Wilson 53 at District 24, De Kalb, Alabama. Residence of Leanna Damewood [Smyth] 120 at District 14, Grainger, Tennessee. Residence of Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 at Lower Windsor, York, Pennsylvania. Residence of Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 at Bethel, Clark, Ohio. Residence of David Neff 71 at District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee. Residence of Michael Will 277 at Ruscombmanor, Berks, Pennsylvania. Residence of Michael Will 277 at Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania. Residence of Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 at Division 15, Fayette, Alabama. Residence of William W Wilson 81 at District 24, De Kalb, Alabama. Residence of Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 at Division 15, Fayette, Alabama. Residence of Daniel Leonard 118 at Subdivision 2, Lincoln, Tennessee. Death of Larkin Seymour 121 in Grainger, Tennessee, USA. Residence of Joseph Ross Gray 87 at District 90, Saline, Missouri. Death of Rhoda Zeigler Boswell [Martin] 98 in Georgia, USA. Death of Richard Boswell 97 in Floyd, Georgia, USA. Residence of Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 at District 70, Wirt, Virginia. Residence of James Monroe Speed 55 at Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina. Residence of Salathiel Goff 28 at District 63, Taylor, Virginia. Residence of Isaac Damewood 79 at District 14, Grainger, Tennessee. Death of Daniel Leonard 118 in Lincoln, Tennessee, USA. Residence of Bradford W Smithey 49 at District 34, Madison, Alabama. Residence of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 at Western Division, Anderson, South Carolina. 1851 Birth of Gideon P Mitchell 59 on 17 August, in Texas. 1853 Marriage of James J Randolph 45 and Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 in Alabama, USA. 1856 Birth of Henry Broome Brome 3602 in Four Mile, Barnwell, South Carolina, USA. Birth of Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 between 1856 and 1859, in Missouri, USA. 1857 Death of Peyton Earles 3175. Birth of George W Mitchell 10 in about 1857, in West Virginia. 1858 Marriage of Joseph Allison Gray 57 and Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 16 February, in Lamar, TX. Death of Mary Norman [A] 117 in Bedford, Tennessee, USA. 1859 Death of Henry L Damewood 119 in Corryton, Knox, Tennessee, USA. 1860 Residence of James Poe 69 at Diffies, Montgomery, North Carolina. Residence of James Monroe Speed 55 at Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama. Residence of Martha Miller 84 at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of james martin Boswell 63 at Spring, Gordon, Georgia.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1860 (Continued) Death of James McMillan 107 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Residence of Martha Miller 84 at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of John S. Mitchell 91 at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. Residence of William B Miller 83 at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Samuel Henry Neff 47 at Jefferson, Tennessee. Residence of Sara Jane Wilson [Miller] 54 at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Martha Jackson [Miller] 65 at Beat 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Michael Will 277 at Allegheny, Cambria, Pennsylvania. Residence of Alila Mitchell 92 at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. Residence of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 at Jefferson, Tennessee. Residence of David Neff 71 at Jefferson, Tennessee. Residence of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 at Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama. Residence of Barbara Neff [Kauffman] 110 at Elizabethtown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Residence of Gideon P Mitchell 59 at Beat 2, Cass, Texas. Death of Michael Will 277. Residence of Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 at St Louis Ward 8, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri. Residence of James J Randolph 45 at Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama. Death of Mary Bullock Hamner [Moore] 128 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Death of Nancy McMillan [Taylor] 108 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Residence of James Harrison Earles 3163 at Buffalo Fork, Marion, Arkansas. Residence of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 at Spring, Gordon, Georgia. Residence of Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 at Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama. Birth of Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 in about 1860, in Texas. Death of George Will 73 between 1860 and 1870, in Shenandoah County, Virginia. Death of Sarah Ruddle)] Will [Riddle (Ruddel 74 between 1860 and 1870, in Shenandoah County, Virginia. 1862 Birth of Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 on 9 March, in Roane, Virginia, USA. 1864 Birth of John Franklin James 29 in Mississippi. 1865 Death of John Harvey Hamner 127 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. Death of Elizabeth Kauffman [Reist] 155 in City, USA. 1866 Birth of William Albert Wilson 35 on 11 March, in Cumby, Texas, USA. Death of Olivia W Gray [Heath] 88 in Denton, Texas, USA. Death of Joseph Ross Gray 87 in Denton, Texas, USA. 1868 Death of Mildred Damewood [Seymour] 80. 1870 Residence of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 at Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas. Residence of James Monroe Speed 55 at Precinct 1, Rusk, Texas. Residence of David Neff 71 at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia. Residence of L Ann James [Myers] 44 at Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi. Residence of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 at Beat 4, Lamar, Texas. Residence of Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172 at York, Putnam, Missouri. Residence of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 at Subdivision 71, Jackson, Georgia. Residence of Martha Miller 84 at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Martha Miller 84 at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of W E James 43 at Township 2 Range 7, Alcorn, Mississippi. Residence of Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 at Powel, Scott, Virginia. Residence of James Poe 69 at Round Prairie, Benton, Arkansas. Residence of William Howard Damewood 51 at Powel, Scott, Virginia. Residence of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia. Residence of George W Mitchell 10 at Curtis, Roane, West Virginia. Residence of William B Miller 83 at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Albert James Wilson 53 at Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 at St Louis Ward 9, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri. Residence of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia.

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1870 (Continued) Death of Samuel Barnes 3183. Birth of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 on 26 August, in Texas. Birth of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 on 1 September, in Mineola, Texas, USA. 1871 Birth of James William Woods 31 in about 1871, in Arkansas. 1872 Birth of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 on 22 April, in Tennessee. Birth of Alpheus Smithey 33 on 20 October, in Alabama. 1873 Death of John Adam Stutler 18 in Roane, West Virginia, USA. Marriage of Adolf Seving 810 and Verena Seving [Vitt] 811 between 1873 and 1879, in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA. 1875 Death of Margaret Heath [Adams] 126 in Mason, Kentucky, USA. Death of John Goff 3589 in Kanawha, West Virginia, USA. Death of Isaac Damewood 79. 1876 Death of Thomas Edwards 139. 1877 Death of William G Speed 85. Death of W E James 43 in Alcorn, Mississippi, USA. 1878 Death of Elizabeth Henley Cook [Hamner] 90 on 15 August, in hunt county, TX. Birth of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 1 December, in Cass County, Texas. Birth of John Franklin Earles 3161 on 4 December, in Blackbird, Missouri, USA. Birth of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 in about 1878, in Texas. 1879 Birth of William Polk Wilson 39 on 20 March, in Ft Payne, Dekalb, AL, USA. 1880 Residence of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. Residence of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. Residence of William Barnes 3173 at Washington, Mercer, Missouri, United States. Residence of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. Residence of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. Residence of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Residence of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Residence of Joseph Allison Gray 57 at Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States. Residence of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. Residence of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 at Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas, United States. Residence of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. Residence of James J Randolph 45 at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. Residence of David Neff 71 at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. Residence of Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 at Lee, Fayette, Alabama, United States. Residence of Rachel Collins [Knox] 3172 at Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States. Residence of William Thomas Collins 3171 at Medicine, Mercer, Missouri, United States. Residence of John S. Mitchell 91 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Residence of james martin Boswell 63 at Precinct 8, Fannin, Texas, United States. Residence of Alcy Drucilla Randolph [Poe] 46 at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. Residence of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 at Precinct 2, Hunt, Texas, United States. Residence of Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 at Beat 1 and 6, Walker, Alabama, United States. Residence of Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Residence of Gideon P Mitchell 59 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Death of James Poe 69 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Residence of Alila Mitchell 92 at Precinct 8, Cass, Texas, United States. Residence of Samuel Henry Neff 47 at District 10, Madison, Tennessee, United States. Residence of Lydia Neff [Pennywitt] 72 at Ashby, Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. Marriage of James Franklin Collins 3165 and Lydia Louisa Collins [Barnes] 3166 in Missouri, USA. Birth of Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 on 10 October, in Scott, Virginia, USA. 1881 Death of Margaret Goff [Flesher] 27 in Goliad, Texas, USA.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1881 (Continued) Death of Mary Miller Campbell [Mclaren] 3292. 1885 Death of L Ann James [Myers] 44 in Alcorn, Mississippi, USA. 1886 Death of Mary E Poe [McMillion] 70 in Fayette, Alabama, USA. 1887 Death of Samuel Henry Neff 47 on 25 November, in Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee. 1888 Death of Narcissus Lynch [Edwards] 100 in Reeseville, Etowah, Alabama, USA. 1893 Death of Sally Smith [Turner] 76 in Madison, Alabama, USA. 1894 Death of Joseph Allison Gray 57 on 13 February, in Floyd, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1896 Birth of holly William Mitchell 5 on 26 July, in West Virginia. Marriage of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 and Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 13 December, in hunt county, TX. 1898 Birth of Raymond Allen Gray 25 on 7 May, in Texas. 1899 Marriage of John Franklin Earles 3161 and Amanda Sophronia Earles [Collins] 3162 in Sullivan, Missouri, USA. 1900 Residence of Raymond Allen Gray 25 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Letitia Damewood [McKinney] 52 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Mariah A Speed [Durham] 86 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of John Franklin James 29 at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. Residence of Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Josiah Nelson Stutler 17 at Reedy, Roane, West Virginia. Residence of Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. Residence of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. Residence of Jessie Tillman James 19 at Jasper, Walker, Alabama. Residence of James William Woods 31 at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. Residence of Joseph Allison Gray 57 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of William Polk Wilson 39 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 at Paducah Ward 1, McCracken, Kentucky. Residence of Bradford W Smithey 49 at Deposit, Madison, Alabama. Residence of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia. Residence of James Monroe Speed 55 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 at Lee, Shenandoah, Virginia. Residence of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of james martin Boswell 63 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of James Franklin Collins 3165 at Clay, Sullivan, Missouri. Death of James Harvey Wilson 61 on 8 July, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. Birth of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 on 17 November, in Cumby, Tx. 1903 Birth of Mary Ada James [Woods] 20. Birth of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 on 24 September, in Suphur Springs, Hopkins, Texas, USA. 1905 Birth of Goldie Fern Farley [Earles] 3160 on 20 April. Death of james martin Boswell 63 on 15 August, in Texas, USA. 1906 Birth of Dazie Humphrey [Hunt] 22. Birth of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 on 7 October, in Texas. 1907 Birth of A H Humphrey 21.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 1908 Birth of Eileen Josephine Mitchell [Phillips] 6. 1910 Residence of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. Residence of William Polk Wilson 39 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Raymond Allen Gray 25 at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. Residence of holly William Mitchell 5 at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. Residence of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Gideon P Mitchell 59 at Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Nancy Dorenda James [Randolph] 30 at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. Residence of George W Mitchell 10 at Laclede East Ward, Linn, Missouri. Residence of Bradford W Smithey 49 at Deposit, Madison, Alabama. Residence of Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of John Franklin Earles 3161 at Clay, Sullivan, Missouri. Residence of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Raymond Allen Gray 25 at Floyd, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 at Terrell Ward 2, Kaufman, Texas. Residence of Alpheus Smithey 33 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of John Franklin James 29 at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. Residence of Mollie M. Mitchell [Hendrick] 60 at Justice Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Alpheus Smithey 33 at Justice Precinct 3, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Jessie Tillman James 19 at Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee. 1912 Death of Jane Elizabeth Boswell [Lynch] 64 on 3 October, in Texas, USA. 1920 Residence of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of James Harrison Earles 3163 at Union, Putnam, Missouri. Residence of Susan Mitchell [Stutler] 9 at Parson Creek, Linn, Missouri. Residence of William Polk Wilson 39 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Alpheus Smithey 33 at Cash, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 at Cash, Hunt, Texas. Residence of James William Woods 31 at Blytheville Ward 3, Mississippi, Arkansas. Residence of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 at Justice Precinct 4, Hopkins, Texas. Residence of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 at Justice Precinct 7, Hopkins, Texas. 1922 Death of Allen Neatherly MD Gray 37 on 15 June, in Kaufman, Texas. 1923 Death of James Franklin Collins 3165 in Harris, Sullivan, Missouri, USA. Death of Gideon P Mitchell 59 on 4 October, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1925 Death of Louisa Adeline Wilson [Hughes] 62 on 11 November, in Fayette, Alabama, USA. 1926 Birth of Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 on 4 April, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. Death of Mary A Gray [Cook] 58 on 17 September, in Hunt, Texas, USA. Birth of Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 on 20 October, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1929 Birth of Edward Tilmon James 11 on 2 February, in Weona, Poinsett, Arkansas, USA. 1930 Residence of John Franklin Earles 3161 at Harris, Sullivan, Missouri. Residence of Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Jessie Tillman James 19 at Lunsford, Poinsett, Arkansas. Residence of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 at Precinct 1, Reeves, Texas.

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James]

Index of Dates

1930 (Continued) Residence of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. Residence of Tillman Alpheus Smithey 14 at Precinct 1, Hunt, Texas. 1932 Birth of Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 on 3 August. Birth of Samuel Paul Mitchell 2 on 25 November, in Chillocothe, MO. Birth of Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley] 3 on 20 December. 1934 Death of William Barnes 3173 in Missouri, USA. 1935 Death of Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Williams] 3174. 1936 Death of Sarah Catharine Neff [Will] 48 on 3 March, in Jackson, Madison County, Virginia. 1941 Death of Effie Gray [Mitchell] 38 on 16 April, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1943 Death of Alpheus Smithey 33 on 2 December, in Hunt, Texas. 1946 Death of William Albert Wilson 35 on 8 May, in Bonanza, Texas, USA. 1950 Death of Ida May Wilson [Speed] 36 on 8 July, in Greenville, Texas, USA. 1952 Birth of Edward Tilmon JR. James 7 on 29 February, in El Paso, Texas. 1953 Birth of Eliza Ann James [Smithey] 8 on 28 October, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1958 Death of Claudea A Smith 3765. 1963 Death of Alberta Virginia Woods [Neff] 32 on 28 April, in West Memphis, Crittendon County, Arkansas. 1964 Death of Jodie Wilson [Boswell] 40 on 27 May, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 1965 Death of A H Humphrey 21. 1967 Death of John Franklin Earles 3161 on 15 September, in Franklin, Howard, Missouri, United States of America. 1969 Marriage of Jacob Hellbach 13 and Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 in about 1969. 1973 Death of Eliza A Smithey [Damewood] 34 on 15 September. Birth of Robert Paul Mitchell 1 on 26 September, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. 1975 Birth of Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4 on 15 October, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. 1984 Death of Raymond Allen Gray 25 on 19 May, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, United States of America. 1991 Death of Samuel Austin Smithey 23 in January. 1992 Death of Carolie Gray [Wilson] 26 on 14 December, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. 1993 Death of Dazie Humphrey [Hunt] 22. 1995 Death of Edward Tilmon James 11 on 8 April, in Garland, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. 2001 Death of Charleton Smithey [Wilson] 24 in June, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA. 2002 Marriage of Robert Paul Mitchell 1 and Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] 4 on 6 September, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Death of Daisy Ruth Humphrey 12 on 23 December, in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. 2005 Death of Dorothy Jeanne Smithey [Gray] 15 on 17 July, in Greenville, Hunt, Texas, USA.

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18. INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS Ref. 3762 2235 1092 781 3598 1924 3455 1251 1690 893 1655 3155 1617 2488 3127 3210 2471 2375 649 3144 758 3121 3464 1127 3004 2950 3199 972 2746 2813 171 231 301 394 300 170 393 230 3138 3029 3028 3129 3128 892 2579 2578 3691 3724 3723 2248 2247 2343 2295 2420 2419 2342 2294 3054 3118 Tree Name (Relationship) UNKNOWN, Ms. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). 531 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 256 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 173 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Ms. (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandmother). 498 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Ms. (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). 347 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 393 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 204 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 435 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 812 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother). 421 ..................... Mr. (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 580 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 804 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandmother). 615 ..................... Ms. (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 601 ..................... Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 139 ..................... Alexander, Earl of Sutherland (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 799 ..................... Bjatmar (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). 163 ..................... Hannah (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 794 ..................... Harald (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Joan (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). 264 ..................... Keith (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 758 ..................... Olafsson (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother). 744 ..................... Olafsson (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Person (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandmother). 253 ..................... Poechancanough (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 688 ABBOTT, Emiline (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). 688 ............... Urso (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 43 ADAMS [CHAMBERS], Elizabeth (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). 80 ADAMS [HARDWICK], Catherine (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). 80 ADAMS, Elizabeth (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). 80 .............. Elizabeth (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). 80 .............. John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). 80 .............. Robert (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). 80 .............. Robert (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). 80 .............. Samuel D (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). 802 ADULPHUS, Mr. (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). AGNARSSON [SIGTRYGSSON], Agnar (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather's wife). 763 AGNARSSON, Eirik (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 793 AGNASSON [DAGSDOTTER], Dagreid (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 793 AGNASSON, Alrek (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 204 AIRES, Mr. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 627 ALBI [DE LA HAUTE MARCHE], Almodis (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). 627 ALBI, Pons Count (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ALCOCKE, Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). .................. Jane (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). .................. John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). 557 ALDITHLEY [MAINWARING], DE, Bertred (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 557 ALDITHLEY, DE, Henry (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 546 ALFONSEZ [DE NAVARRE], Blanche (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 540 ................................................. Blanche (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 596 ................................................. Blanche (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 596 ALFONSEZ, Sancho (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 546 .................... Sancho (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 592 .................... Sancho (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 778 ALFSDATTER, Gauthild (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandmother). 793 ALREKSSON, Mrs Yngvi (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3117 3153 3152 2983 3435 3440 3434 3074 3073 2764 2619 2404 2605 2838 2979 2895 2996 2604 2403 2618 2995 2763 2837 2978 2894 327 3211 317 1575 2508 2509 2238 2221 2220 2503 2502 2115 2114 2265 2264 2032 2031 2229 2228 2217 2501 2500 2242 2033 2232 2241 2261 1668 1667 2103 1697 1782 1781 2030 Tree Name (Relationship) 793 811 811 730

Index of Individuals

792 791 662 620 621 663 691 729 730 732 662 620 620 732 662 691 729 738 114 111 367 585 619 531 529 529 584 584 534 534 536 536 531 531 530 530 528 584 584 532 532 530 532 536 388 388 586 395 409 409 530

ALREKSSON, Yngvi (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ALUDREGN [FINNALFSDATTER], Alfhild (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother). ALUDREGN, Stark (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather). AMBOISE, DE, Aelinde (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ANDERSON [JERMAN], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's great-grandmother). ANDERSON, Mr. (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandfather). ..................... James (John Adam Stutler's great-grandfather). ANGANTYRSSON [YOUNGER"], Amfleda "the (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). ANGANTYRSSON, Heidrek Ulfhamr (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather). ANJOU [DE LORRAINE], LE, Hildegarde (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Hildegarde (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ANJOU [DU MAINE], DE, Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ANJOU [DU MAINE], LE, Gerberge (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Gerberge (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Gerberge (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Gerberge (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ANJOU, DE, Fulk V (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). .................... Fulk V (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ANJOU, LE, Foulques (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ................... Foulques (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Foulques (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ................... Foulques (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ................... Foulques (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Foulques (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ANNE, Ms. (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). ........... Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandmother). ........... Ms. (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). AP AWR, Iorwerth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). AP BELI, Gruffydd (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). .............. Gruffydd (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). AP BLAIDD, Cillin (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP BLEDDYN [MADOG], Eva Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP BLEDDYN, Owain (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP BRAN [GRONWY], Rhael Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). AP BRAN, Llywarch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). AP CADWGON [WARIN], Janet Fitz (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP CADWGON, Griffri (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP CARADOG, Meurig (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ......................... Meurig (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP COLLWYN [HIRDREF], Genris Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP COLLWYN, Gwrreneu Flaidd (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). AP CYFNERTH, Heilin (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Heilin O R (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP CYNFYN, Rhiwallon (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP CYNON [ITHEL], Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). AP CYNON, Iorwerth (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). AP CYNWRIG [OWAIN], Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP CYNWRIG, Ednyfed (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Ednyfed (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Hwfa (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Ieuaf Ap Nynnio (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP DAFYDD [VAUGHAN], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AP DAFYDD, Gruffydd Ap Rhys (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP EDNYFED, Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP EINION, Iowerth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP EINUDD [HART], Sibyl Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AP EINUDD, Llewellyn Ap Ithel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP GRIFFIN [GRUFFUDD], Tangwystl Ferch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2029 1290 2246 1496 1495 2245 1289 1516 2024 1408 2036 2497 1492 2111 1931 1698 1515 2035 2023 2401 2402 1491 1381 1407 2496 2110 2096 2093 2092 2240 2239 2223 1923 1689 2222 1577 1576 2107 2106 2262 2263 2040 2039 1670 2028 2109 2225 2258 2398 2271 1414 2108 1928 1694 1762 2027 1413 1761 1693 Tree Name (Relationship) 530 409 534 476 388 534 367 395 527 406 534 618 475 533 534 479 479 557 527 619 585 474 441 444 618 533 528 527 527 532 532 529 527 393 529 409 409 531 531 536 587 536 536 476 556 532 584 535 584 537 409 532 530 394 406 529 367 406 394

Index of Individuals

AP GRIFFIN, Iorwerth (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). AP GRUFFUDD [IORWERTH], Lleucu Verch (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFUDD [ITHEL], Gwyladys Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFUDD [JOHN], Elen Ferch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFUDD, Hywel Fychen (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Madog (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Madog (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). AP GRUFFYDD [AP GRUFFUDD], Ednyfed (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Gwilym (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Llewelyn Ddu (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFYDD [GRIFFIN], Margred Ferch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFYDD [LLYWARCH], Gwladus Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFYDD [MADOG FYCHAN], Margred Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFYDD [MADOG], Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP GRUFFYDD VYCHAN, Madoc Crypl (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). AP GRUFFYDD, Angharad Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Ednyfed Ap Iorwerth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Gruffydd Fychan (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Gwilym (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Gwyn (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Gwyn (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Llywelyn Ddu (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llywelyn Ddu (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llywelyn Ddu (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Owain (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Rhys (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Rhys (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP GWENWYNWYN [LE STRANGE], Hawise (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP GWENWYNWYN, Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP GWGON [RHIRID], Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP GWGON, Iorwerth (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP GWILYM [MADOG], Generys Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP GWILYM, Einion (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Einion (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Gruffydd (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP HEILYN [DAFFYD], Agharad Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AP HEILYN, Madog Ap Llewellyn (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). AP HIRDREF [CILLIN], Haer Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP HIRDREF, Cynfyn (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP HWYEL, Einion (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP HYWEL, Einion (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP IEUAF [LLEWELLYN], Angharad Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP IEUAF, Iorwerth Ap Griffri (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). AP IEUAN, Gwenhwyfer Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AP IORWERTH [GRUFFUDD], Catherine Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP IORWERTH [HWFA], Angharad Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP IORWERTH [LLYWARCH], Tangwystl Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Tangwystl Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Tangwystl Verch (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Tangwystl Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP IORWERTH [MADOG], Margred Verch (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). AP IORWERTH, Cynwrig (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Gwladys Verch (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Gwladys Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Gwladys Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Iorwerth (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Iorwerth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Iorwerth Foel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Iorwerth Foel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1927 2270 2224 2257 2397 2216 2215 2095 2094 2231 2230 2119 2127 2100 2118 2099 2126 1372 1371 1666 2112 1665 1494 1493 2499 2244 2498 2243 1669 2121 2120 2212 2098 2396 2211 2395 2097 2400 2399 2125 2219 2042 2254 2267 2038 2037 2218 2234 2266 2041 2116 2253 2124 1662 1512 1511 1661 1672 1671 Tree Name (Relationship) 529 537 584 535 584 528 528 528 528 530 530 535 537 585 535 584 537 325 325 505 534 504 388 388 584 533 584 533 388 587 536 527 529 584 527 618 529 585 585 537 528 537 535 537 535 558 528 531 537 537 535 535 537 472 393 393 499 389 389

Index of Individuals

AP IORWERTH, Iorwerth Foel (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llewelyn (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llewelyn (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llewelyn (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Llywarch (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). AP LLUDDICA [GWERYSTAN], Lleicu Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP LLUDDICA, Llywarch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP LLYWARCH [AP CYNFYN], Janet Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP LLYWARCH, Ednyfed (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Einudd (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Einudd (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP LLYWELYN [CARADOG], Senena Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Senena Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Senena Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP LLYWELYN, Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP MADOC, Mrs Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). AP MADOG [GRUFFUDD], Gwladus Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AP MADOG, Gruffudd (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Madog Fychan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP MAREDUDD [AP IEUAN], Lowri Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AP MAREDUDD, Dafydd O R (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). AP MAREDYDD [GRUFFYDD], Susanna Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). ...................................................... Susanna Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP MAREDYDD, Madog (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Madog (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). AP MEREDYDD, John Ap Meredydd (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP NYNNIO [EINION], Efa Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP NYNNIO, Leuaf (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP OWAIN [CORBET], Margred (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP OWAIN [GRUFFUDD], Angharad Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP OWAIN [MADOG], Margred Verch (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). AP OWAIN, Gwenwynwyn (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Iorwerth (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................... Iorwerth Gam (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP RHODRI [EINION], Margred Ferch (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). AP RHODRI, Thomas (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). AP RHYS [DE BRAOSE], Matilda (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). AP RHYS [GRUFFYDD], Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Gwladus Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP RHYS [THOMAS], Ellyw Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Ellyw Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP RHYS MECHELL [GRUFFYDD], Gwladus Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). AP RHYS MECHELL, Rhys Vychan (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). AP RHYS, Gruffydd (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................ Moreiddig (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................ Rhys (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................ Rhys (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ................ Rhys (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ................ Rhys (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................ Rhys (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AP RIRED [AP ROIRED], Davydd (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .......................................... Davydd (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AP RIRED, Dafydd (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Dafydd (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AP RIRID [ANWYL], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AP RIRID, Madoc (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2507 2506 2260 2227 2273 2272 2226 2259 3639 3640 2575 2408 2407 2297 2422 2345 2518 2574 2149 2148 1229 1228 1718 1717 2985 2879 2938 2878 2937 3133 3132 3150 3151 1944 1830 1943 2165 2164 3569 3568 2006 2005 1135 2573 2725 2724 2572 2693 2517 1548 1736 1547 1735 1574 1778 2113 1777 1573 2161 Tree Name (Relationship) 585 585 535 585 537 537 604 535 625 627 626 540 596 546 625 625 543 597 289 289 398 398 747 691 730 691 730 799 805 805 805 511 511 546 514 514 464 464 322 624 666 666 624 666 624 400 400 400 400 408 408 557 408 408 546

Index of Individuals

AP SEISYLLT [MADOG], Nest Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). AP SEISYLLT, Einion (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). AP THOMAS [GWYN], Eva Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ....................................... Eva Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ....................................... Eva Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AP THOMAS, Caradog (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Caradog (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Caradog (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). APPEL, Balthes Baltzer (John Flesher's great-great-grandfather). ............ Maria (John Flesher's great-great-grandmother). AQUITAINE [DE MACON], Agnes (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). AQUITAINE [MATHILDE], DE, Philippa (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). AQUITAINE, DE, Guillaume IX De Troubador (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). AQUITAINE, OF, Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). AQUITAINE, William (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ARAGON [DE MONTPELLIER], Marie (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ARAGON, Pedro King (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ARCHER [BOWMAN], Martha (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ARCHER, Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ARDERNE [BREDBURY], DE, Cecily (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ARDERNE, DE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ARLES, DE, Thistburge (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ARLES, Rotbold (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ............ Rotbold (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). ............ Rotbold II Of (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............ Rotbold II Of (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ARNGRIMSSON [BJARTMARSDATTER], Svofu (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ARNGRIMSSON, Angantyr (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hergrim (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Ogn (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother). ARTOIS [DE BRABANT], Mahaut (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ARTOIS, Blanche D (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. Robert I Count Of (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ARUNDEL [DE UMFREVILLE], DE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ARUNDEL, DE, Reinfred (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ASHFIELD [SEYMOUR], Eleanor (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). ASHFIELD, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ASPALL [DE CRESSINGHAM], Alice (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ASPALL, John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ATCHURCH, Eleanor (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ATHELING [VON BRUNSWICK], Agatha (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ......................................................... Agatha (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ATHELING, Edward (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). .................... Edward (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). .................... Margaret (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). .................... Margaret (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). ATHERTON [PILKINGTON], Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ATHERTON [VERNON], Agnes (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ATHERTON, William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AUDLEY [DE MORTIMER], Isolde (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AUDLEY [LONGSPEE], DE, Ela (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AUDLEY, DE, Emma (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ....................... James (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). AUDLEY, Hugh (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). AUGUSTE [DE HAINAULT], Isabelle (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2160 2726 2727 1601 1826 1825 1600 693 544 545 692 788 1116 1243 1242 1115 777 776 2193 2081 2486 2388 2080 2485 2387 2192 1368 1367 1953 1954 1099 1217 720 750 567 719 471 2331 2058 2157 2156 2333 2332 2057 2330 2729 2728 1480 1255 1357 1124 1356 1479 1123 1254 3795 3184 3174 3183 Tree Name (Relationship) 546 696 683 416 510 486 486 191 191 116 191 175 345 345 345 345 172 172 580 582 580 580 580 580 580 580 388 388 455 455 286 286 157 162 157 157 171 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 684 698 349 320 349 350 349 349 349 349

Index of Individuals

AUGUSTE, Philippe (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). AULNEY, DE, Fouque (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Mrs Fouque (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). AVESNES [DE VALOIS], DE, Jeanne (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). AVESNES [LUXEMBOURG MAAS], DE, Philippina Countess (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). AVESNES, DE, Jean (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Willem (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). AWBREY [JOHNS], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). AWBREY, Henry (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................. Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ................. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). AWSTIN, Anthony (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). AXTELL [GOULD], Joan (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). AXTELL, Cecily (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............... Henrye (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). BACHILER [BATE], Ann (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BACHILER, Stephen (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BACON [DE HINGHAM], Ms. (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). BACON [FELTON], Margery (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). BACON [MESCHINES], Lady (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BACON [MYNSTON], Alice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BACON, Adam (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............. Reginald (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ............. Richard (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............. Robert (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). BALA [AP HYWEL], Mallt Ferch (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). BALA, Hywel Llwyd (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). BALDERSTON, DE, William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ................................. William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). BALDRY, George (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BANKS [FOXE], Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BANKS, Christopher (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............. Christopher (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............. Christopher (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BANNISTER, Jane (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). BAR [DE BLOIS], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BAR [DE DREUX], DE, Philippa (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). BAR LE DUC [DE BAR SUR SEINE], DE, Ermesinde (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). BAR LE DUC, DE, Thibaut (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). BAR SUR SEINE [DE CHACENAY], DE, Petronille (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BAR SUR SEINE, DE, Gui (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). BAR, DE, Henry (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............... Renaud (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). BARDOUL [DE SOURS], Elizabeth (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). BARDOUL, Hugh (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). BARKER [COLECLOUGH], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BARKER [GOULSTON], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). BARKER [HILL], Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BARKER, Humphrey (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BARNBY, Ralph (Edward William Jackson's seven-times-great-grandfather). BARNES [COULTER], Sarah Jane (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandmother). BARNES [WILLIAMS], Mary Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandmother). BARNES, Samuel (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3173 2609 2559 2373 2885 2842 2841 2558 2884 2918 2372 2608 2694 2467 2430 2466 2183 2429 1341 980 592 764 1090 870 763 979 591 1652 1340 1457 460 1914 1089 869 1206 1207 2863 2862 1861 1860 3189 2812 2706 2811 2614 2745 2735 2607 2406 2734 2405 2606 2769 2624 1605 1604 1396 1542 1724 Tree Name (Relationship) 670 649 574 713 713 713 648 713 713 574 668 683 574 637 574 574 636 383 256 198 257 284 285 256 312 229 467 433 467 198 467 342 284 383 689 689 422 422 676 688 676 678 676 706 666 624 704 623 665 682 638 417 417 399 399 443

Index of Individuals

BARNES, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandfather). BASSET [DE BUCI], Alice (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). BASSET [DE DUNSTANVILLE], DE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). BASSET [DE LOVAINE], Hawise (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BASSET [DSS], Mrs Bathel (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BASSET [NORMAN], DE, Ms (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). BASSET, DE, Norman (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). BASSET, Bathel (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). .............. Dead End (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). .............. Philip (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thurston (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BASSETT [DE GAY], Aline (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BASSETT [MELBANK], Phillipi (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BASSETT, Alan (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................. Aline (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................. Thomas (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BATHURST [CHAPMAN], Godleve (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST [DODGE], Mary (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST [LANE], Susanna (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST [RICH], Susan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST [SAUNDERS], Ms. (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST [WALLER], Elizabeth (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). BATHURST, Edward (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Lancelot (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Lawrence (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Lawrence (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Lawrence (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Richard (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Robert (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Robert (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather's wife). BAYEAUX [DE BAYEUX], DE, Mrs Bberenger (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BAYEAUX, DE, Berenger (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). BAYHALLE, Joanna (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BAYLES, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s five-times-great-grandfather). BEAUCHAMP, DE, Hugh (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ................................ Hugh (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Hugh (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Payne (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Walter (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). BEAUCLERC [CORBET], Sibyl (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). BEAUCLERC [SCOTLAND], Matilda Atheling (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ................................................ Matilda Atheling (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BEAUCLERC, Henry I (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Henry I (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Henry I (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). BEAUGENCY, DE, Lancelin (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Lancelin (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BEAUMONT [COMYN], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BEAUMONT, Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BEESTON [BOLD], Elizabeth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). BEESTON [HANDFORD], Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BEESTON [MAYNWARYNGE], Clemence (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1280 1395 1541 1723 3776 3775 832 831 2676 2597 2596 2675 741 580 3198 579 740 2147 2046 2942 2758 2932 2870 2757 2931 2941 2146 2045 1614 1857 1851 1613 889 888 3446 3457 3445 3456 2490 2489 1482 1481 656 655 3717 454 266 578 345 577 344 453 265 843 1138 1047 1046 1137 2844 Tree Name (Relationship) 399 443 443 443 215 215 631 631 631 631 255 161 225 225 542 539 732 690 729 690 690 729 732 542 539 420 421 420 420 203 203

Index of Individuals

580 580 350 350 182 182 197 123 161 162 161 161 161 122 250 267 323 267 267 727

BEESTON, Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ................. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BELASYSE [TIPPING], Jonetta (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). BELASYSE, John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). BELLETT [MORATON], Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BELLETT, Ralph (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BENAUGES [DE BEZAUNE], DE, Amalvina Vss (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). BENAUGES [SAINT MACAIRE], DE, Mrs Amanieu De Benauges (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). BENAUGES, DE, Amanjeu (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Guillen Amanieu (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BENNETT [PIERCE], Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BENNETT [UTIE], Mary Ann (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BENNETT, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandfather). .................. Richard (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .................. Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BERENGER [DE SAVOIE], Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ............................................. Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). BERENGER [FRANCE], Gerberge Queen Of (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Gerberge Queen Of (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Gerberge Queen Of (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). BERENGER, Mr. (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Juhel (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Juhel (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Juhel (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Raymond (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Raymond (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). BERKELEY [DE MORTIMER], DE, Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BERKELEY, DE, Maurice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Maurice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BERNINGTON, Ms. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................... M (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). BEZER [FRY], Ann (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandmother). BEZER [LAWRENCE], Jean (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). BEZER, Edward (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandfather). ............ Edward (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). BINGHAM [TURBERVILLE], Lucy (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BINGHAM, Robert (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BIRD [MALPAS], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BIRD, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BISHOP [STEVENS], Ann (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BISHOP, John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Richard (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). BLAND [BENNETT], Anne (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). BLAND [BOLLING], Frances (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). BLAND [DEBLERE], Susan (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BLAND [RANDOLPH], Elizabeth (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). BLAND, John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............. Richard (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............. Theodorick (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............. Theodorick (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). BLAYNEY, Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BLENNERHASSETT [LOWDERHAM], Jane (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BLENNERHASSETT [TINDALL], Jane (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BLENNERHASSETT, John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................................... Ralph (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). BLOIS [DE BURGUNDY], DE, Bertha (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2887 2788 2843 2534 2886 2167 2166 2482 2479 2481 2478 2381 2015 1432 1838 1300 1606 1837 1431 1299 1940 1728 1544 1543 1939 1727 586 570 753 724 854 343 347 450 955 458 733 346 853 574 585 569 342 752 449 457 723 954 625 874 779 988 873 987 624 778 1028 1465 1247 Tree Name (Relationship) 736 714 726 595 726 515 515 602 616 616 602 602 467 418 418 419 418 418 418 418 543 399 399 399 542 399 163 221 163 220 220 160 164 195 220 163 159 163 220 159 163 220 158 163 194 163 220 220 173 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 318 435 317 BLOIS [DE VERMANDOIS], DE, Luitgarde (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BLOIS, DE, Heloise (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .................. Odo I (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). .................. Theobald (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). .................. Theobald I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). BLOISOIS [HEWIS], DE, Matilda (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). BLOISOIS, DE, Alan (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). BLOUNT [DE VERE], LE, Cecilia (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Cecilia (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BLOUNT, LE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ....................... William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BLUNDE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BODEHURST, DE, Richard (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). BOHUN [DE BADLESMERE], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). BOHUN [DE FIENNES], DE, Maud (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BOHUN [FITZALAN], Joan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). BOHUN, DE, Humphrey (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Humphrey (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). BOHUN, Humphrey (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BOLD [DE ARAGON], Isabella (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). BOLD [HALSALL], Elena (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BOLD, DE, Gracia (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BOLD, Philip The (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .......... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BOLLING [CARIE], Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [CLARKE], Anne (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Anne (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [GREENE], Jane (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [KENNON], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [MERIWETHER], Elizabeth (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [ROLFE], Jane (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [ROOKES], Ann (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING [STITH], Anne (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ................................ Anne (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BOLLING, Drury (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Edward (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................. John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. Tristram (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). BOLTON [BURTON], Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BOLTON [MARY], Ms. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). BOLTON [MASSAM], Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BOLTON [RISHTON], Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BOLTON, Peter (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BOND [BOURMAN], Dionise (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BOND [DE EARTH], Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BOND [KENDALL], Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

Page 1320

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 904 1915 903 1118 2016 1653 1464 1246 1117 1027 2586 3378 3419 3420 3377 1994 1993 1676 1675 64 98 63 97 1522 1911 1386 1651 2008 1708 1521 1707 1910 2007 1650 1385 2588 2666 2589 2664 1101 3488 986 1100 1219 1218 985 3487 2954 2953 2889 2888 2519 1120 1119 1249 1248 113 3296 3412 Tree Name (Relationship) 295 468 294 317 468 468 468 385 346 317 629

Index of Individuals

550 549 390 390 31 19 19 19 480 522 397 466 466 397 397 397 466 466 466 397 643 643 659 659 287 287 287 287 287 287 726 726 727 727 640 347 294 294 294 14

BOND [LEIGH], Winifred (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). BOND, Mr. (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ........... George (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mrs William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... Richard (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ........... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). BOREL, Archimbaud (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). BORTHWICK [DE HAY], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BORTHWICK, DE, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Willliam (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BORTHWICK, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BOSCO [WICHINGHAM], DE, Joane (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). BOSCO, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). BOSLEY [N], DE, N (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BOSLEY, DE, Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BOSWELL [LYNCH], Jane Elizabeth (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). BOSWELL [MARTIN], Rhoda Zeigler (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). BOSWELL, james martin (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). .................. Richard (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). BOTELER [DE HAVERING], LE, Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ....................................................... Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BOTELER [PLUMPTON], Alicia (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Alicia (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BOTELER, LE, Sybil (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ........................ Sybil (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................ William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). BOTELER, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). BOUCHARD, DE, Archimbaud (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hughes (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BOUCHARD, Agnes De L Isle (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Hugues Sn (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BOURCHIER [MILDMAY], Thomazine (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BOURCHIER [RUSSELL], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). BOURCHIER [SCROPE], Bridget (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BOURCHIER, Anthony (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Joan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Maurice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Thomas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... William (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). BOURGES [DE FRANCE], DE, Rothaut (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). BOURGES, DE, Hugh (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). BOURGOGNE [DE FRANCE], DE, Matilda (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BOURGOGNE, DE, Conrad I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Hildegarde Capet (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). BOURMAN [RUSSELL], Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BOURMAN, John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Nicholas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). .................... Nicholas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BOWMAN, Elizabeth (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). BOYD [COLQUHOUN], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BOYD [MONTGOMERY], Joanna (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother).

Page 1321

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3374 3295 3373 3411 2432 2069 2351 2170 2068 2350 2431 1792 1791 2269 2256 1714 2014 2117 2268 2255 621 620 2446 2438 2445 2437 3208 3207 1157 1502 1059 1319 1177 1270 1069 1151 1058 1176 1068 1150 1156 1269 1501 1375 1673 1318 2713 2899 2893 2869 2868 2892 2712 2898 718 717 3496 3571 3570 Tree Name (Relationship) BOYD, Isabell (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BOYS [DE BEAUCHAMP], Joan (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BOYS [LE LATIMER], DE, Christian (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). BOYS [OF ENGLAND], Amicia (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BOYS, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). BOYS, Ernald (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). .......... Ernald (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BRAOS [SULLY], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BRAOS, DE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BRAOSE [BRIWERE], DE, Grecia (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BRAOSE [MARSHALL], DE, Eve (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). BRAOSE, DE, Alice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Alice (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Maud (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Reginald (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ....................... William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). BRAUN [HEYL], Margaretha Salome (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). BRAUN, Hans Adam (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). BRAYBROOK [LEDET], DE, Christiana (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ................................................ Christiana (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BRAYBROOK, DE, Henry (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Henry (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BRECHIN [CRAWFORD], Sarah (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandmother). BRECHIN, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandfather). BRERETON [CARRINGTON], Emma (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BRERETON [DE BOSLEY], Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BRERETON [DUTTON], Eleanor (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). BRERETON [HULSE], Philippa (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). BRERETON [IPSTONES], Alice (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). BRERETON, Mrs Randal (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Mrs Randal (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Randall (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Randle (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Randle (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Randle (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Randle (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Randle (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BRETAGNE [D ANJOU], Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Ermengarde (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Ermengarde (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BRETAGNE [DE RENNES], DE, Orequen (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). BRETAGNE, DE, Alain I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). BRETAGNE, Conan I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Conan I (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Conan I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). BRETT [OF BEDFORDSHIRE], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). BRETT, William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BREWER [FRY], William (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). BREWER [MARY], Ms. (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). BREWER, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

566 568 566 566 567 566 566 412 412 537 558 481 523 558 537 558 130 130 569 568 569 568 361 390 331 306 274 392 274 326 330 274 274 355 327 391 477 390 390 306 692 739 737 690 690 729 690 732 157 157

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3526 3495 1834 1833 3710 3709 3745 260 188 335 438 437 334 187 259 2792 2871 2791 3603 3602 3611 3620 3619 3610 104 103 3739 3786 3738 3785 2695 2787 1625 2696 1870 1869 1442 167 1624 1339 1338 2784 2639 2783 2638 2452 2451 2790 2789 2731 2730 2010 1710 1201 1200 3791 3551 3517 3516 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

417 417

89 90 89 89 89 89 89 89 669 725 669

33 13

684 698 449 669 451 451 451 25 451 310 310 666 624 666 624 570 570 669 669 669 669 522 480 310 310

BREWER, John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). BRIENNE [DE BEAUMONT], DE, Agnes (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BRIENNE, DE, Louis (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). BRIGGS [HINCKES], Mary (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). BRIGGS, Henrie (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thomas (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). BRITTAIN [JEMIMA], Ms. (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). BRITTAIN [STRINGFIELD], Delilah (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). BRITTAIN [WITTY], Mary (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). BRITTAIN, Achsa (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). .................. Asa (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). .................. James (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .................. James (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). .................. Joseph (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). BRITTANY [DE BLOIS], Bertha (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). BRITTANY, Ms. (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). .................... Alan Count Of (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). BROME [SHEREDINE], Elizabeth (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandmother). BROME, Henry Broome (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandfather). BROOME [HOOPER], Ann (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandmother). BROOME [JONES], Winifred Margaret (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandmother). BROOME, John (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). ................. John Calvert (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandfather). BROWN, Mary (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). .............. Thomas (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). BROWNE, Agnes (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). ................. Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). ................. Henry (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). BROYES, DE, Isabel (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Isembert (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). BRUCE [HARDRESHULL], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). BRUCE, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BRUCE, Agnes (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. Bernard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ............. John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ............. John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). BRUGGE [DARELL], Florence (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). BRUGGE, Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). BRUNSWICK [NORDGAU], VON, Gertrud Countess (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Gertrud Countess (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). BRUNSWICK, VON, Liudolf (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). .................................. Liudolf (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). BRUS [DE LANCASTER], DE, Hawise (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). BRUS, DE, Peter (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). BRUSESSON [ORKNEY], Arlogia (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). BRUSESSON, Ragnvald (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). BRUSSE [DE BRITTANY], DE, Emma (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). BRUSSE, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). BRYAN, Joan (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ............. Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). BRYDGES [HUNGERFORD], Anne (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). BRYDGES, Henry (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). BRYGGE, Thomas (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). BULKELEY [GROSVENOR], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). BULKELEY [IRBY], Olive (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). BULKELEY, Edward (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1721 3550 664 402 830 525 1444 307 1191 1443 1871 941 524 1872 1627 1078 1321 1946 1945 401 306 1077 1626 1320 1190 829 663 3470 3469 2924 2960 2923 2959 506 505 382 780 3630 3636 3629 3635 2285 2284 1111 1110 1237 1236 2089 2207 2208 2088 383 3292 3272 3302 3390 3271 3301 3362 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

398 BULKELEY, Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). 215 BULLOCK [BALLETT], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 107 BULLOCK [HAWKINS], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). 279 BULLOCK [KINGSMILL], Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 144 BULLOCK [NASHE], Mary Alice (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 454 BULLOCK [NEVILL], Anne (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 82 BULLOCK [SHOCKEY], Elizabeth (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). 307 BULLOCK [YEADING], Alice (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 452 BULLOCK, Gilbert (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 452 .................. Gilbert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 307 .................. Gilbert (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 215 .................. Hugh (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). 452 .................. Mrs Gilbert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 452 .................. Mrs Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 307 .................. Ms Eleanore (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 376 .................. Ms Robt (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 452 .................. Richard (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). 452 .................. Richard (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 185 .................. Richard (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). 144 .................. Richard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). 338 .................. Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 452 .................. Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 425 .................. Robert (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 376 .................. Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 278 .................. Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 249 .................. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). BURCHER [ST JOHN], Dorothy (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). BURCHER, Edward (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). 727 BURGUNDY [VON SWABIA], DE, Bertha (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). 727 ........................................................... Willa (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). 727 BURGUNDY, DE, Rudolph (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). 727 ............................. Rudolph I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). 102 BURLESON [OWEN], Sarah (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 102 BURLESON, Edward (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). 102 ..................... John Aaron (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). 173 BURTON, Stephen (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). BUSH [ELIZABETH], Ms. (John Flesher's grandmother). BUSH [PLATTNER], Eva (John Flesher's great-grandmother). BUSH, George Adam (John Flesher's grandfather). .......... Johans Michael (John Flesher's great-grandfather). 539 CAILAR [FORCALQUIER], DU, Garsinde (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 539 CAILAR, DU, Raimond De Sabran (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 291 CALVERLEY [DRAKES], Isabel (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 291 CALVERLEY, Walter (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 291 CALVERLY [SAVILE], Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 291 CALVERLY, William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 525 CAMERON [DE MONTEALTO], Ellen (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 525 CAMERON, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 525 ........................... John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 525 CAMERON, John (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 138 CAMP, Sarah (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). CAMPBELL [MCLAREN], Mary Miller (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CAMPBELL [RUTHVEN], Katherine (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CAMPBELL [STEWART], Marjory (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CAMPBELL, Colin (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Colin (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Colin (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Duncan (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3291 809 3391 2516 2692 1867 2145 2305 2339 2416 2307 2052 2577 2780 2907 2645 2635 2663 2051 2338 2144 2415 2304 1802 2306 2662 2644 2634 2779 2906 2576 2123 2122 2535 2909 1538 1394 1716 1393 1715 1279 1537 963 858 726 755 962 754 725 857 3708 3744 3743 1937 541 685 684 540 2786 Tree Name (Relationship) CAMPBELL, Hugh (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 179 ..................... John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Mariota (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 588 CANMORE, Malcolm (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). 635 ................... Malcolm (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 450 CANTILUPE, DE, Millicent (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 596 CAPET [ALPHONSA], Blanca (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 541 CAPET [DE BLOIS], Adelaide (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 546 .................................. Adelaide (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 634 .................................. Adele (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 595 CAPET [DE HAINAULT], Isabelle (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 563 CAPET [DE PROVENCE], Marguerite (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). 640 CAPET [DE SEMUR], Helie Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). 665 CAPET [DE TOULOUSE], Constance (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 704 ........................................... Constance (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). 640 ........................................... Constance (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 623 ........................................... Constance (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 629 CAPET [JUDITH], Adelais (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 562 CAPET, Louis (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 546 ............ Louis (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 595 ............ Louis (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 595 ............ Louis (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 541 ............ Louis (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 413 ............ Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 595 ............ Philip Augustus (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 629 ............ Renaud Borel (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 640 ............ Robert (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 623 ............ Robert (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 665 ............ Robert (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 704 ............ Robert (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). 640 ............ Robert I (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). 536 CARADOG [AP MEURIG], Llywelyn (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 536 CARADOG, Llywelyn Ap Meurig (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 634 CARINTHIA, Mathilde Princess (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). 733 CARNAGHI, Giovanni (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). 398 CARRINGTON [ARDERNE], Matilda (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 398 CARRINGTON [DE WARREN], Elizabeth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 398 CARRINGTON [HYDE], Cicely (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 398 CARRINGTON, George (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 398 .......................... John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 398 .......................... John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 398 .......................... William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 221 CARY [DENNIS], Christian (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 221 CARY [GOODALL], Elizabeth (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 221 CARY [MILNER], Joan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 163 ............................. Joan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 221 CARY, Richard (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 163 ........... Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 221 ........... Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 221 ........... William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). CASSE, Susan (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). ............ Thomas (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). ............ Thomas (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). 540 CASTILE, Ferdinand (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 149 CECIL [MANNERS], Margaret (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 149 CECIL [MAXWELL], Diana (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 149 CECIL, Charles (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 149 ........... James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). 696 CENTVILLE, DE, Osmond (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

Page 1325

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2785 2062 1977 1976 2061 3326 3284 3325 3283 3616 232 1460 1459 2952 2772 2627 2951 2315 2283 2282 2314 2523 2410 2409 2522 1832 1846 1796 1772 1820 1795 1845 1819 1771 1831 1552 1551 3124 1532 1167 1166 1531 971 970 2752 2751 2301 2300 3718 959 856 958 855 1776 1950 1949 1775 2825 Tree Name (Relationship) 713 514 514 547 547

Index of Individuals

43 383 726 695 656 726 597 539 539 597 628 629 628 608 417 419 412 407 415 412 419 415 407 417 362 362 809 359 370 335 359 311 281 679 679 541 541 220 220 220 220 408 453 453 408 679

CENTVILLE, DE, Osmond (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). CERIZEAUX [ARUNDELL], Ellen (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). CERIZEAUX, Joan (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ...................... John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Richard (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). CHALMERS [BOYD], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CHALMERS [CUNNINGHAM], Annabella (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CHALMERS, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). CHAMBERLAIN, Jonas (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). CHAMBERS, John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). CHAPMAN, Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather's wife). ................... Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). CHARTRES, DE, Ms. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Bertha (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Bertha (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Eudes (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). CHASTE [CASTILE], Sanchia (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Sanchia (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). CHASTE, Alphonso The (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............... Alphonso The (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). CHATELLERAULT [DE THOUARS], Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). CHATELLERAULT [ISLE BOUCHARD], Dangereuse Maubergeonne (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). CHATELLERAULT, Aimeri I (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Boson Viscount (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). CHAWORTH [DE BEAUCHAMP], DE, Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................................. Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................................. Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................................. Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................................. Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). CHAWORTH, DE, Patrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Patrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Patrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Patrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Patrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CHEDELL, DE, Jeoffry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................... Jeoffry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). CHEIFTAN, Theodemir (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). CHERLETON [DE HOLAND], Eleanor (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Eleanor (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CHERLETON, Edward (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Edward (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). CHIEF [FLOWER], Scent (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CHIEF, Algonkian (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). CLARE [DE CLERMONT], DE, Adeliza (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). CLARE, DE, Gilbert FitzRichard (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). CLAREMONT [DE BAR LE DUC], Clemence (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). CLAREMONT, Renaud II Of (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). CLARK, Alice (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). CLARKE [COOKE], Katherine (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CLARKE [KERRICH], Rose (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CLARKE, John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). CLAVERING [LA ZOUCHE], Margery (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Margery (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). CLAVERING, Robert FitzRoger (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Robert FitzRoger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CLERMONT (CREIL [DE MONTDIDIER], Margaret (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2824 1768 1225 2810 1767 1224 2809 1891 1973 1972 1890 1680 1504 1679 1536 1171 1612 1436 1848 1847 1611 1301 1435 1535 1170 424 423 537 1619 1304 1440 1439 1858 1859 1303 1618 3450 3449 3166 3172 3180 3179 3165 3171 3268 3389 3294 3293 3267 3388 2591 2527 2668 2667 2526 2590 1836 1835 2796 Tree Name (Relationship) 679 407 287 675 407 287 675 459 513 513 513 440 440 440 359 375 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 359 374 113 113 113 422 424 449 422 422 422 422 422

Index of Individuals

630 609 630 630 630 630 417 417 702

CLERMONT (CREIL, Hugh Count Of (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). CLIFFORD [DE CLARE], DE, Maud (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). CLIFFORD [PERCY], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). CLIFFORD [WALTER], Maude Fitz (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). CLIFFORD, DE, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CLIFFORD, Henry (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard Fitz (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). CLINTON [CORBET], DE, Margery (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). CLINTON [ODINGSELLS], DE, Ida (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). CLINTON, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ........................ John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CLOTTON [DE ALPRAM], DE, Katherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). CLOTTON, DE, Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). COBHAM [COLEPEPER], Eleanor (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Eleanor (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). COBHAM [D EVERE], DE, Joan (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). COBHAM [DE BERKELEY], DE, Joane (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). COBHAM [DE NEVILLE], DE, Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). COBHAM, DE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Reginald (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Reynold (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Reynold (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). COBHAM, Reginald (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Reginald (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). COCHRAN [HIGGINBOTHAM], Rachel (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). COCHRAN, George (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................... Robert (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). COLEPEPER [BAYHALL], Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). COLEPEPER [GREEN], Alianora (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). COLEPEPER [HARDRESHULL], Elizabeth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). COLEPEPER, John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). COLLETT [MAY], Joan (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandmother). COLLETT, Jeremiah (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandfather). COLLINS [BARNES], Lydia Louisa (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-grandmother). COLLINS [KNOX], Rachel (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandmother). COLLINS [SMITH], Angaline (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandmother). COLLINS, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandfather). ................ James Franklin (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-grandfather). ................ William Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandfather). COLQUHOUN [BOYD], Agnes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). COLQUHOUN [ERSKINE], Jean (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). COLQUHOUN [GRAHAM], Helen (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). COLQUHOUN, Humphrey (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). COMBORN [DE COURSON], DE, Garcille (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). COMBORN [DE LIMOGES], DE, Humberge (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). COMBORN [DE ROCHECHOUART], DE, Rothberge (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). COMBORN, DE, Archambaud (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Archambaud Le Barbu (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Bernard I (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). COMYN [LE LATIMER], Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). COMYN, Alexander (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CONCUBINE, Mrs Richard Iii (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 976 1140 2514 2690 2797 2653 2652 90 89 2847 2848 2794 1684 2855 1975 2799 1683 1974 3683 3742 3707 3682 3789 3244 3230 3228 3242 3229 3243 2067 1189 1317 1316 1188 2337 2336 409 2670 2669 2457 2414 2599 2531 2367 2181 2321 2075 2677 2074 2180 2598 2530 2320 2413 2456 2366 375 494 374 Tree Name (Relationship) 283 323 639 664 703 627 627 44 28 730 716 716 392 733 459 718 392 459

Index of Individuals

565 306 306 306 306 545 545 146 630 630 572 633 632 632 572 572 543 574 645 572 572 661 632 543 632 572 572 100 135 135

CONEY, Marguerite (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CONINGSBY, Amphillis (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CONQUEROR, William I (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William I (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). CONTEVILLE [DE FALAISE], DE, Harlette (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). CONTEVILLE, DE, Harlevin (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). COOK [HAMNER], Elizabeth Henley (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). COOK, Elijah (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). CORBEIL, DE, Albert (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Elizabeth (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ........................ Germaine (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). CORBET [DE SHROPSHIRE], Amice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). CORBET, LE, Hugh (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). CORBET, Mrs William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ............... Robert (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). CORNELL [BRIGGS], Rebecca (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). CORNELL, George (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). .................. Richard (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). .................. Thomas (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). CORNEWALL, Richard (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). CORNISH [HUNT], Iodena (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CORNISH [WALTHAM], Agnes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). CORNISH, Joan (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). CORNWALL, Richard De John (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). COTTON [BRERETON], Joan (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). COTTON [POOLE], Mary (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). COTTON, John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). COUCY [DE HAINAULT], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). COUCY, DE, Raoul I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). COURSIER, Marie (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). COURSON [DE BARMONT], DE, Aline (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). COURSON, DE, Hugues Garcin (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). COURTENAY [DE CURCY], DE, Hawise (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [DE DONJON], DE, Hawise (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [DE MONTLHERY], DE, Isabel (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [DE NEVERS], DE, Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [DE REVIERS], DE, Mary (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [DE VERE], DE, Isabel (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [HAINAULT], DE, Yolande (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY [LE DESPENCER], DE, Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). COURTENAY, DE, Athon (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Hugh (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............................... John (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Josceline (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Milo (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Pierre (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Reginald (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Renaud (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Robert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). COURTNEY [JENKINS], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). COURTNEY, James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 760 3252 3237 3251 3236 3266 3256 3248 3239 3234 3345 3357 3338 3274 3282 3290 3344 3215 3247 3305 3321 3238 3216 3226 3223 3265 3233 3225 3380 3379 3337 3289 3356 3273 3281 3255 2939 2755 2929 2971 2830 2988 2940 2756 2930 3336 3335 2480 2380 3076 3075 2804 2803 1844 1818 1794 1770 1817 1843 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

228 CRAFFORD, Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). CRAUFORD [FRASER], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAUFORD [HOUSTON], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). CRAUFORD, Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). CRAWFORD [CAMPBELL], Helen (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [CHALMERS], Annabel (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [COLQUHOUN], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [CUNNINGHAM], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [DOUGLAS], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [GALBRAITH], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [HOUSTON], Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [MONTGOMERIE], Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................................ Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD [SEMPLE], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CRAWFORD, Archibald (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... David (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Hugh (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Jane (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Jane (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandmother). ...................... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Lawrence (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Malcolm (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Reginald (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Reginald (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 748 CREPON, DE, Herbastus (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). 711 ....................... Herbastus (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 745 ....................... Herbastus (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). 728 ....................... Herfast (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). 680 ....................... Herfast (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). 731 ....................... Herfast (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). 731 ....................... Mrs Herbastus (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). 680 ....................... Mrs Herbastus (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 728 ....................... Mrs Herbastus (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). CRICHTON [MAXWELL], Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CRICHTON, Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 577 CRIKETOT, DE, William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 617 CRIKETOT, William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 788 CRIODA [MRS CRIODA], Ms. (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). 788 CRIODA, Prince Of Wessex (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather). 672 CRISPIN [DE NOYERS], Matilda (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 672 CRISPIN, Milo (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 419 CROUCHBACK [ARTOIS], Blanche D (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 415 ............................................. Blanche D (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 412 ............................................. Blanche D (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 407 ............................................. Blanche D (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 415 CROUCHBACK, Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 419 ........................... Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1793 1769 3318 3280 3279 3317 3328 3330 3250 3258 3270 3286 3298 3297 3285 3249 3235 3327 3224 3257 3269 3329 3066 2511 2687 2686 2510 2539 2538 2936 2877 2815 2876 2935 2623 2768 2767 2622 3790 852 2647 2646 164 52 80 120 119 79 163 51 2050 2141 1938 2049 2140 2859 906 900 503 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

412 CROUCHBACK, Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 407 ........................... Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). CUNINGHAME [CAMPBELL], Giles (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CUNINGHAME [LIVINGSTONE], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CUNINGHAME, Gabriel (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). CUNNINGHAM [CAMPBELL], Annabella (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................... Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................... Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). CUNNINGHAM [GORDON], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................ Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). CUNNINGHAM [HAMILTON], Jean (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................... Jean (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). CUNNINGHAM, Alexander (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Alexander (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... James The (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). ........................... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandmother). ........................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 788 CYNRIC, King (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather). 620 D'ANJOU [DE MONTFORT], Bertrade (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). 662 ................................................ Bertrade (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 662 D'ANJOU, Fulk "rechin" (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 620 ................ Fulk "rechin" (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). 595 D ALSACE [ANJOU], Sibilla D (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). 595 D ALSACE, Dietrich (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). 747 D ANJOU [DE LOCHES], Roscille (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). 691 .......................................... Roscille (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). 708 D ANJOU, Ermengard (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 691 ................ Fouques I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). 730 ................ Fouques I (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). 620 D EVREUX [DE TONI], Adaele (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 662 ....................................... Adaele (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 662 D EVREUX, Richard (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 620 ................... Richard (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). DAGNET, Margaret (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). 190 DALKEITH, John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 640 DALMACE* [DE VERGY], Aremburge (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 640 DALMACE*, I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 58 DAMEWOOD [E], Hannah (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). 16 DAMEWOOD [MCKINNEY], Letitia (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). 41 DAMEWOOD [SEYMOUR], Mildred (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). 40 DAMEWOOD [SMYTH], Leanna (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). 58 DAMEWOOD, Henry L (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). 40 ........................ Isaac (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). 78 ........................ Malachi (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). 25 ........................ William Howard (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). 541 DAMMARTIN [DE PONTHIEU], DE, Marie (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). 541 DAMMARTIN [DE PONTHIEU], Mathilda (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 541 DAMMARTIN, DE, Joan (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). 541 ................................ Simon (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 541 DAMMARTIN, Aubrey (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 723 DANEBOD, Thyre (Caroline's thirty-times-great-great-aunt). 240 DEANE [SELWOODE], Joan (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 238 ....................................... Joan (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 208 DEANE [STRONG], Eleanor (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 379 802 806 899 905 378 643 502 805 801 642 739 738 2611 2699 2610 2698 2736 2737 293 385 292 384 223 222 1032 1020 1031 1019 3622 2370 2182 2371 2464 1986 1985 819 923 818 145 268 144 461 267 348 195 194 1091 1756 1755 1503 1376 2685 2602 2603 2532 2533 1678 1968 Tree Name (Relationship) 101 238 240 238 240 178 207 207 240 238 238 161 161 672 649 671 686 649 649 78 78 78 78 78 78 240 238 240 238 614 573 573 573 461 461 244 212 269 51 124 71 93 93 166 71 93 256 404 404 391 440 633 633 633 633 633 391 458

Index of Individuals

DEANE [TIPPING], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). DEANE [WALSELE], Joan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Joan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). DEANE, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. Joseph (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............. Mrs William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ............. Walter (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............. Walter (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............. Walter (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). DEBLERE [DE DUBLEER], Marie (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). DEBLERE, Mr. (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). DEDUNSTANVILLE [DE LANGETOT], Emma (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). DEDUNSTANVILLE [DELISLE], Adeliza Alicia (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). DEDUNSTANVILLE, Alan Reginald (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ................................... Reginald Robert (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). DEINSULA DELISLE, Humphrey (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................................... Humprey Deinsula (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). DEMUT [BRUELMENIN], Margaretha (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). DEMUT [BUSSENHARTHIN], Lucia (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). DEMUT, Heinrich (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. Jacob (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). DEMUTH [GIESSLER], Anna (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). DEMUTH, Hans Heinrich (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). DENNE [FORT], Christiana (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Christiana (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). DENNE, Michael (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. Michael (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). DENWOOD, Elizabeth (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandmother). DESPENCER, LE, Hugh (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hugh (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Mrs Hugh (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). DESPENCER, Thomas (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). DESPENSER [DE CLARE], LE, Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). DESPENSER, LE, Hugh (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). DEWE [STASYE], Margaret (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). DEWE, Dewey (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). DILL [BARRETT], Mary Ann (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). DILL [LINSCOTT], Sarah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). DILL, John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ......... Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ......... William (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). DODGE, Edward (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). DOMVILLE [MOBBERLEY], Cecily (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). DOMVILLE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). DONE, Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). DONJON CORBEIL, DU, Mr. (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). DONJON, DE, Everard (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Everard (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Frederic (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Mrs Frederic (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). DONNE [SWYNNERTON], Ellen (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). DONNE, Ms. (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother).

Page 1331

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1967 1677 3383 3359 3382 3358 428 539 681 680 427 538 1239 1238 2335 2159 2158 2334 3403 2901 2846 2850 2629 2774 2628 2773 2900 2845 2849 3416 1210 1094 1343 1342 1209 1461 1398 1274 1700 1546 1159 1282 1732 1384 1518 1699 1383 1731 1545 1397 1281 1158 1273 1517 924 1173 1266 1055 936 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

458 DONNE, Richard (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 391 ............. Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). DOUGLAS [MORAY], Johana (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). DOUGLAS [STEWART], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). DOUGLAS, Archibald (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Archibald (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 149 DOWNING [CECIL], Catherine (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). 149 DOWNING [HOWARD], Frances (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 149 DOWNING [WINTHROP], Lucy (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 149 DOWNING, Emanuel (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 149 ................... George (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). 149 ................... George (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). 291 DRAKES [AMYAS], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 291 DRAKES, John Drax (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 545 DREUX [DE BAUDEMENT], DE, Agnaes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 545 DREUX [DE COUCY], DE, Yolande (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 545 DREUX, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 545 ..................... Robert I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). DRUMMOND, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 703 DUKE OF NORMANDY [DE BRETAGNE], Judith (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). 729 ......................................................................... Judith (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). 732 ......................................................................... Judith (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). 681 ......................................................................... Judith (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 664 ......................................................................... Judith (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 680 DUKE OF NORMANDY, Richard II "le Bon" (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 664 ......................................... Richard II "le Bon" (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 703 ......................................... Richard II "le Bon" (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). 728 ......................................... Richard II "le Bon" (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). 731 ......................................... Richard II "le Bon" (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). DUNBAR, Agnes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 343 DUNCOMBE [WHITTON], Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 343 DUNCOMBE, Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 343 ...................... Joane (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 343 ...................... Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 343 ...................... William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 343 ...................... William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 400 DUTTON [ATHERTON], Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 397 DUTTON [BUTLER], Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 396 DUTTON [DE HOLAND], DE, Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 400 DUTTON [DE VERNON], Petronell (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 364 DUTTON [FOULESHURST], Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 401 DUTTON [GROSVENOR], Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 400 DUTTON [MINSHULL], Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 442 ........................................ Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 396 DUTTON [THORNTON], Ellen (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 396 DUTTON, DE, Hugh (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 396 DUTTON, Edmund (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 400 ................ Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 400 ................ Hugh (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 400 ................ John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 400 ................ Peter (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 362 ................ Peter Piers (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 396 ................ Piers (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 396 ................ Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 269 DYES, Ms. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 274 DYMOCK [AP RICHARD], Lucy (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 325 ............................................. Lucy (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 326 DYMOCK [BRERETON], Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 274 .......................................... Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother).

Page 1332

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 827 660 1370 1369 659 1265 1172 826 1054 935 1067 1149 1004 1003 1066 1148 495 3587 3193 3197 3188 3191 3203 3202 3217 3209 3196 3192 3190 3187 3186 3162 3168 3164 3163 3167 3161 3175 3185 3176 1348 1654 1916 1347 1382 1764 1696 1930 1599 1598 140 426 329 186 256 185 425 328 139 Tree Name (Relationship) 275 248 354 389 247 389 274 274 325 274 274 325 232 232 274 354 135 DYMOCK [HANMER], Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). DYMOCK [PULESTON], Mawdlin (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). DYMOCK [VOEL], Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). DYMOCK, David (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Edward (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................. Ieuan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Ieuan (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Randle (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). DYMOKE [GOCH], Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................ Margaret (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). DYMOKE [TAILBOYS], Anne (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). DYMOKE, Edward (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). DYNE, Ms. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). DYSNER, John (John Adam Stutler's ten-times-great-grandfather). EARLE [BENNETT], Phyllis (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seven-times-great-grandmother). EARLE [HALE], Bridget (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandmother). EARLE [PERKINS], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s five-times-great-grandmother). EARLE [SORRELL], Anna (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s six-times-great-grandmother). EARLE [SYMONS], Mary (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandmother). EARLE, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandfather). ............ Richard (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............ Richard (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandfather). ............ Samuel I (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandfather). ............ Samuel II (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seven-times-great-grandfather). ............ Samuel III (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s six-times-great-grandfather). ............ Samuel IV (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s five-times-great-grandfather). EARLES [BAYLESS], Susannah (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s four-times-great-grandmother). EARLES [COLLINS], Amanda Sophronia (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s grandmother). EARLES [PROVOLT], Lydia (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandmother). EARLES [VILES], Sarah Levina (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-grandmother). EARLES, James Harrison (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-grandfather). ............... Joel (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandfather). ............... John Franklin (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s grandfather). ............... Peyton (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandfather). ............... Rodham (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s four-times-great-grandfather). ............... Sarah Ann (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandmother). EARTH [MAYNARD], DE, Agenta (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). EARTH, DE, Geoffrey (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .................... Richard Bond (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). EDNYFED LLWYD, Leucu Verch (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). EDNYFED, Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). EDWARD [DE FRANCE], Isabella (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). EDWARD, King (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). EDWARDS [BRITTAIN], Mary (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). EDWARDS [CUELIN], Margaret (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). EDWARDS [DOWNING], Isabella (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). EDWARDS [MEADOWS], Phoebe (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). EDWARDS [NICHOLS], Elizabeth (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). EDWARDS, Andrew (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ................... Robert (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................... Thomas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................... Thomas (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

346 435 435 435 395 483 478 533 485 484 69 87 149 88 87 87 87 87 68

Page 1333

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 255 3024 3107 3108 662 2129 2424 2128 2296 2423 974 973 1956 1635 1883 1884 1634 1955 1448 1878 1325 1877 1447 696 1002 882 1001 881 2250 2249 2385 2386 2191 3241 3220 3227 3212 3260 3219 3240 3259 3030 3009 3032 3008 3031 3033 481 615 614 480 1824 1823 2631 2776 2903 2630 2775 2902 Tree Name (Relationship) 115 766 788 788 143 589 599 588 540 635 223 223 512 458 427 427 427 455 458 512 427 455 457 151 232 232 232 232 534 534 579 579 579

Index of Individuals

768 764 767 763 767 756 129 129 129 129 488 509 639 664 703 639 664 703

EDWARDS, Thomas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). EIRIKSDATTER, Hildi (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandmother). ELISENS, Aelle (ella) Of (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Mrs Elesa (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ELIZA, Ms. (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ENGLAND [OF AQUITAINE], Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ENGLAND, Henry II Of (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ................... Henry II Of (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Henry II Of (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). EPES [FISHER], Thomasina (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). EPES, John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ERNOIS [MOLYNEUX], Jane (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Jane (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ERNOIS, Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ERNYS [DE MOLYNEUX], DE, Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ERNYS, DE, Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). .................... Roger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Roger (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ESQUIRE, Samuel Mathews (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). EURE [BOWES], Margery (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). EURE [DYMOKE], Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). EURE, Ralph (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). EUTUN [EINUDD], Myfanwy Ferch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). EUTUN, Cadwgon Ap Meilir (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). EUXTON, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ....................... John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Margaret (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). EVERARD [BEDELLE], Isabelle (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). EVERARD [CORNISH], Joan (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandmother). EVERARD, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................. Mary (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandmother). .................. Mrs William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandfather). .................. William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). EYSTEINSDATTER, Asa (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother). EYSTEINSSON [DAYSDOTTIR], Hilf (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). EYSTEINSSON [NORWAY], Hogne Eysteinsson (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother). EYSTEINSSON, Halfdan (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Hogne (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Hognl (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandmother). EYSTER [LAU], Anna Maria (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). EYSTER [SCHMEISSER], Anna Margaretha (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). EYSTER, Christian (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Elias (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). FAIR [NAVARRE], Juana Princess (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FAIR, Philip IV The (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). FALAISE, DE, Doda (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Doda (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Doda (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Fulbert (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Fulbert (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Fulbert (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather).

Page 1334

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3160 3159 2491 2392 2391 2194 3697 2137 2136 1850 1849 3034 3559 3521 1018 3520 3558 1017 1643 1788 1814 1800 1840 1595 1608 1984 1897 1426 1434 1983 1642 1607 1594 1787 1425 1839 1799 1433 1813 1896 2908 2814 2823 2822 3774 3773 1566 1514 1664 1695 1763 1929 2854 2723 2571 2778 2633 2905 2537 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

581 581 581 581 540 592 420 420 765 237 237 461 411 415 413 419 415 419 461 461 415 419 461 461 419 415 411 415 419 413 419 415 461 705 677 679 679 483 478 502 441 444 531 704 665 623 665 623 704 595

FARLEY [EARLES], Goldie Fern (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s mother). FARLEY, Albert Wesley (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s father). FELTON, DE, Pagan (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ...................... William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). FELTON, Simon (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). FENWICK, George (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). FERNANDO II [DE PORTUGAL], Urraca Alfonsez (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). FERNANDO II, King Of Leon (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). FERRERS [D EVERE], DE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FERRERS, DE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). FHORRI, Mr. (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather). FISHER [FROWICK], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). FISHER [MORDAUNT], Anne (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). FISHER, Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............. Michael (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............. Mister (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). FITZALAN [DE MONTAGU], Sibyl (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN [DE MORTIMER], Isabella (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN [DE SALUZZA], Alisona (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Alisona (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Alisona (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN [DE WARREN], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .............................................. Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .............................................. Alice (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN [LE DESPENCER], Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Eleanor (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). FITZALAN, Edmund (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ................... Edmund (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Edmund (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Edmund (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). FITZCORBET, Roger (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). FITZGEROLD, Richard (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). FITZGILBERT [GIFFARD], Rohese (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). FITZGILBERT, Richard (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). FITZPENNE [ST ALBIN], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). FITZPENNE, Thomas (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). FLAIDD, Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. Rhirid (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Rhirid (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Rhirid (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). FLANDERS [CAPET], Adela (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Adela (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Adela (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). FLANDERS [DE LUXEMBOURG], Otgive (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Otgive (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Otgive (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). FLANDERS [DE NAMUR], DE, Alix Comtesse (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother).

Page 1335

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2536 2819 2632 2904 2777 2853 2722 2570 2798 2691 2515 2719 2567 2566 2718 3632 3628 3638 3647 3627 3637 3631 3626 41 3625 42 2465 3778 3735 3679 3701 3734 3777 3700 3678 2684 2683 1554 1553 1283 2555 2281 2958 2858 2911 2857 2926 2910 2925 2280 2554 2957 3310 3276 3275 3309 3079 3080 3069 Tree Name (Relationship) 595 709 623 704 665 704 665 623 704 665 623 695 656 654 693

Index of Individuals


632 632 482 402 402 599 610 736 719 719 719 727 719 727 591 599 736

784 784 784

FLANDERS, DE, Baudouin De Mons (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Katherine (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). FLANDERS, Baudouin (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). .................... Baudouin (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). .................... Baudouin (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). .................... Baudouin V (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). .................... Baudouin V (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). .................... Baudouin V (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). .................... Matilda (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .................... Matilda (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). .................... Matilda (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). FLECHE [DU MAINE], DE LA, Paula (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). .................................................... Paula (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). FLECHE, DE LA, Jean (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Jean (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). FLEISCHER [APPEL], Julianna (John Flesher's great-grandmother). FLEISCHER [SCHMIDT], Ann Maria (John Flesher's grandmother). FLEISCHER [WAGNER], Anna Kunigunda (John Flesher's great-great-grandmother). FLEISCHER, Mr. (John Flesher's great-great-great-grandfather). ..................... Balthasar (John Flesher's grandfather). ..................... Johannes (John Flesher's great-great-grandfather). ..................... Johannes Heinrich (John Flesher's great-grandfather). FLESHER [BUSH], Elizabeth Susanna (John Flesher's mother). FLESHER [JACKSON], Sarah Abigail (Caroline's cousin, four times removed). FLESHER, Henry (John Flesher's father). ................. John (Caroline's cousin's husband, four times removed). FOIX, DE, Rohese (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). FONES [BRADLEY], Ms. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). FONES [LEWELL], Anne (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). FONES [WINTHROP], Anne (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). FONES, John (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). ............ John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ............ John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ............ John (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ............ Thomas (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). FOREZ [DE LA FOREZ], DE, Ida (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). FOREZ, DE, Artaud (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). FOULESHURST [DE VENABLES], DE, Eva (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). FOULESHURST, DE, Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). FOULESHURST, Robert (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). FRANCE [DE COURTENAY], Isabelle (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Isabelle (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). FRANCE [DE FRANCE], Adele Adelaide (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). FRANCE [VERMANDOIS], DE, Adelle (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). FRANCE [YAROSLAVNA], Anna Agnesa (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). FRANCE, DE, Hugues (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). FRANCE, Gerberge Queen Of (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). ............... Henri I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............... Louis (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............... Pierre Prince Of (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............... Pierre Prince Of (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............... Robert I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). FRASER [GRAY], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). FRASER [STUART], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). FRASER, Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). FRIDLEIFSSON, Frodi (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Mrs Frodi (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). FRODASSON [HALFDANSDATTER], Sigris (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3093 3109 3097 3068 3094 3057 3070 3098 3110 3459 3474 3458 3473 1231 1230 1744 1402 1743 1401 291 221 290 220 381 380 415 315 314 414 3381 1000 999 2026 2025 2821 2820 3222 3232 3231 3221 1235 1234 2715 2563 2617 2762 2714 2562 2678 2761 2616 1105 1227 1104 1226 1202 2289 2288 2966 Tree Name (Relationship) 784 789 786 784 784 777 790 786 789

Index of Individuals

289 289 402 402 402 402 138 77 77 102 77 77 84 84 84 84 232 232 528 528 679 679

291 291 662 620 620 662 662 620 645 662 620 289 289 289 289 280 539 539 727

FRODASSON, Fridleif (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Halfdan (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Halfdan (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Halfdan (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Mrs Fridleif (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Sigris (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Sigris (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Sigris (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Sigris (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). FRY [LINDSAY], Anna (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). FRY [SWAYNE], Millicent (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). FRY, John (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). ....... William (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). FRYETH, Joanne (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............... John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). FULLESHURST [DE PRAERS], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). FULLESHURST [MAINWARING], Cecily (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). FULLESHURST, DE, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). FULLESHURST, Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). GAGE [BURLESON], Abigail (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). GAGE [SHIPMAN], Esther (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). GAGE, David (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ........... David (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ........... Nicholas (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). GAINES [BERNARD], Margaret (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). GAINES [TAYLOR], Martha (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). GAINES, Bernard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. Daniel (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). GALBRAITH, Malcolm (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). GALE [LORD], Mary (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GALE, George (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). GAN [AP RHYS], Eva Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). GAN, Rhys Sais (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). GAND [MANASSES], DE, Sibilla (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). GAND, DE, Henry Castellan (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). GARROLD [AGNES], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandmother). GARROLD [BUTCHER], Agnes Garrold (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandmother). GARROLD, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................... Peter (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandfather). GASCOIGNE [CLARELL], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GASCOIGNE, William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GASTINOIS [D ANJOU], DE, Ermengard (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Ermengard (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). GASTINOIS [DE MACON], Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ............................................. Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). GASTINOIS, DE, Geoffrey II Count (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Geoffrey II Count (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Hildegarde (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). GASTINOIS, Geoffroy I (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Geoffroy I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). GAWTHROP [ARCHER], Sarah (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GAWTHROP [GIGNER], Mary (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GAWTHROP, John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GAYNER, William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GENEVA [DE FAUCIGNY], Beatrix (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). GENEVA, Guilliaume I Count Of (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). GERMANS [RINGELHEIM], Matilda Countess Of (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2977 2836 2994 2993 2965 2835 2976 1181 1180 2818 1084 2744 1335 2743 1083 1334 2808 1199 2807 1198 2883 2882 3120 3119 3010 2102 1174 1267 2101 1373 1175 1268 1374 27 3592 3590 3594 3589 16 28 3591 3593 3605 3615 3604 3614 3597 992 876 991 3123 3122 965 964 3334 3288 3300 3299 3287 Tree Name (Relationship) 729 690 732 732 727 690 729 275 275 679 310 675 310 675 310 310 675 310 675 310 712 712 806 805 750 530 274 325 530 325 274 325 325

Index of Individuals

289 289 289 800 807 221 221

GERMANS [RINGELHEIM], Matilda Countess Of (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Matilda Countess Of (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Matilda Countess Of (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). GERMANS, Heinrich I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Heinrich I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Heinrich I (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ................... Heinrich I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). GETHIN [AP WILLIAM], Margaret Verch (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GETHIN, Maurice (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). GHESNES, Alphonso (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). GIFFARD [BRYDGES], Joan (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GIFFARD [CLIFFORD], Berta (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). GIFFARD [GIFFORD], John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GIFFARD, Elias (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GIFFORD [GIFFARD], Ala (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). GIFFORD [PAULET], Eleanor (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GIFFORD, Elias Helias (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). GISLEBERT [DE BURGUNDY], Ermengarde (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). GISLEBERT, Gilbert (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). GLAESIVOLLUM [ANGANTYRSDATTER], Hervor (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother). GLAESIVOLLUM, Hofund Gudmundsson (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). GLUMRA, Eystein (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). GOCH [EINUDD], Mallt II Verch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). GOCH, Griffith (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Griffith (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Griffri Ap Heilin (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........... Morgan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mrs Griffith (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... Mrs Griffith (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... Mrs Morgan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). GOFF [FLESHER], Margaret (Caroline's second cousin, three times removed). GOFF [GRAY], Elizabeth Sheredine (Salathiel Goff's grandmother). GOFF [PARSONS], Christina (Salathiel Goff's mother). GOFF [TURTON], Hannah (Salathiel Goff's great-grandmother). GOFF, John (Salathiel Goff's father). .......... Rebecca (Caroline's third cousin, twice removed). .......... Salathiel (Caroline's second cousin's husband, three times removed). .......... Salathiel (Salathiel Goff's grandfather). .......... Thiel (Salathiel Goff's great-grandfather). GOFFE [CHAMBERLAIN], Hannah (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandmother). GOFFE [WHALLEY], Frances (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandmother). GOFFE, Richard (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandfather). ............ William (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). ............ William (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandfather). GOLDTHORPE [NORMAN], Jane (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GOLDTHORPE, Anne (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Richard (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). GONDERIC [GRANADA], Elisa (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother). GONDERIC, King (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). GOODALE [GOODALL], Elizabeth (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GOODALE, Mr. (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). GORDON [ACCARSON], Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GORDON [CRICHTON], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GORDON, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3333 793 1008 491 635 887 792 1007 490 886 634 3027 3104 3126 3103 3106 1245 1244 1358 3406 3393 3370 3405 1990 1989 3596 58 88 3609 38 124 26 37 3608 3595 123 3600 3617 57 87 3601 25 204 523 522 1623 957 1441 1866 1622 956 3545 3544 849 848 1390 1063 1416 1530 Tree Name (Relationship) 203 235 204 203 235 235 235 203 235 235 765 795 810 800 804 345 345 320

Index of Individuals

461 461 28 43 11 60 12 17 42 27 42 11 36 106 106 450 220 450 490 490 220 188 188 359 335 410 359

GORDON, Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). GORHAM [BERNINGTON], Agnes (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). GORHAM [GORMAN], Elena (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GORHAM [HOWLAND], Desire (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). GORHAM [STEPHENSON], Margaret (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). GORHAM, Eliza (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ................. James (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Ralph (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). GORR, Mr. (Caroline's thirty-seven-times-great-grandfather). GOTHS [EURICA], Ms. (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). GOTHS, Adulphus (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ............. Gelimer Of The Spanish (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ............. Theodora (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). GOULD, Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GOULSTON, John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). GRAHAM [OLIPHANT], Mariota (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). GRAHAM, Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). GRANDISON [TREGOZ], DE, Sybil (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). GRANDISON, DE, William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). GRAY [BROME], Ann (Salathiel Goff's great-grandmother). GRAY [COOK], Mary A (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). GRAY [HEATH], Olivia W (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). GRAY [MARGARET], Ms. (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandmother). GRAY [MITCHELL], Effie (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). GRAY [ROSS], Rachel (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). GRAY [WILSON], Carolie (Caroline's great-grandmother). GRAY, Allen Neatherly MD (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). ........... George (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandfather). ........... John (Salathiel Goff's great-grandfather). ........... John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ........... John (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandfather). ........... John (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). ........... Joseph Allison (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ........... Joseph Ross (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ........... Margaret (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandmother). ........... Raymond Allen (Caroline's great-grandfather). GRAYBILL, Ulrich (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). GREEN [JANE], Ms. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). GREEN, Edward (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). GREENE [LA ZOUCHE], DE, Lucy (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). GREENE [LISTER], Marg (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GREENE, DE, Nicholas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). GREENE, Gabriel (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). GRESHAM [LYNN], Audrey (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). GRESHAM, Richard (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). GREVILLE [GREY], Jane (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). GREVILLE, Edward (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). GREY [CHERLETON], Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ...................................... Joan (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GREY [DE BEYLE], Agnes (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). GREY [DE MOWBRAY], Joan (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1165 1292 934 1278 1579 1578 1277 933 1783 1062 1389 1784 1529 1164 1415 1291 3131 3130 2943 2933 2759 1313 1312 1076 1400 1740 1187 1550 1739 1186 1075 1399 1549 3006 3013 3012 3007 3016 3005 2329 2328 2643 2642 2105 2104 2505 2504 609 608 2418 2341 2417 2340 3036 3022 3090 3083 3017 3021 Tree Name (Relationship) 369 411 304 359 410 410 359 303 410 334 359 410 359 368 410 410 799 811 732 729 691 306 306 306 362 401 306 401 401 306 306 401 401 761 753 758 744 753 743 544 544 625 625 531 531 585 618 128 128 595 546 595 546 770 744 789 786 743 744

Index of Individuals

GREY [DE MOWBRAY], Joan (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GREY [DE PRESSENE], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GREY [PLANTAGENET], Antigone (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Antigone (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GREY, DE, Mrs Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). GREY, Henry (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Henry (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Mrs John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .......... Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GRIMSSON [SVAFLAMASDATTER], Eyfuru (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). GRIMSSON, Arngrim Berserkur (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). GRISGONELLE, Geoffrey I (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Geoffrey I (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Geoffrey I (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). GROSVENEUR [FITTON], Johanna (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENEUR, Robert (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). GROSVENOR [COTTON], Catherine (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENOR [DE CHEDELL], Janet (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENOR [DE PULFORD], LE, Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENOR [NORRIS], LE, Catherine (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENOR [VENABLES], Joan (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). GROSVENOR, LE, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Robert (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). GROSVENOR, Richard (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). GUDRODSSON, Mrs Olaf (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Mrs Olaf (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). ........................... Olaf (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Olaf (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Olaf (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Olaf (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather). GUELDRES [VON ARNSTEIN], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). GUELDRES, DE, Henri I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). GUILLAUME [DE ROUCY], Ermentrude (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). GUILLAUME, Otto (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). GWERGYNAN [GWRGENEU], Aneiwrodd Ferch (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). GWERGYNAN, Colyn (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). GWYNEDD [RHYS], Annest Verch (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). GWYNEDD, Rhodri Ap Owain (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). HAAGEN [STROLER], Veronica (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HAAGEN, Conrad (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HAINA [DE LORRAINE], Marguerite (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................................... Marguerite (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). HAINA, Baudouin Flanders (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ............ Baudouin Flanders (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). HALFDANSDATTER, Solveig (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother). HALFDANSSON [ALFARINSDATTER], Alfhild (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). HALFDANSSON [OF NORTHUMBRIA], Ogne (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). .................................................................... Ogne (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). HALFDANSSON, Gudrod (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Gudrod (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather).

Page 1340

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3019 3063 3082 3089 3055 3062 2087 2203 2204 2086 3665 3699 3659 3731 3677 3676 3698 3664 3658 2021 2020 1804 1803 3332 3331 190 128 173 189 127 233 172 235 1726 1725 930 1380 1490 1309 1153 516 928 1510 1660 1071 1146 1179 1262 1185 1057 658 1272 1053 938 1366 303 1659 1509 1489 Tree Name (Relationship) 744 785 786 789 779 784 525 525 525 525 HALFDANSSON, Gudrod Hunterking (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Helgi (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Hroar (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hroar (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Ivar (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Olof (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather). HALIBURTON [VAUX], Ms. (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). HALIBURTON, Adam (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Isabel (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ......................... John (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). HALLETT [FONES], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandmother). HALLETT [PHIPPEN], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). HALLETT [WOOLSEY], Sarah (Edward William Jackson's great-grandmother). HALLETT, Mr. (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. Richard (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). ................. Richard (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). ................. William (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandfather). ................. William (Edward William Jackson's great-grandfather). HALYBURTON [CAMERON], Margaret (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). HALYBURTON, John (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). HALYS [DE BERKELEY], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HALYS, Roger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HAMILTON [BEATON], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HAMILTON, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). HAMNER [HARPER], Rebecca (Caroline's six-times-great-great-aunt by marriage). HAMNER [MOORE], Mary Bullock (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Nancy Ann (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). HAMNER, Jeremiah (Caroline's six-times-great-great-uncle). ................. John Harvey (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. Nicholas Jr (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ................. Turner (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother's husband). HANFORD [FITZWARREN], Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HANFORD, Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HANMER [BRERETON], Jane (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [DAFYDD], DE, Agnes Verch (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................ Agnes Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [DUTTON], Ellen (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Ellen (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [DYMOCK], Eleanor (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ...................................... Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [EINION], DE, Hawise Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Hawise Verch (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [GETHIN], Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Margaret (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [IORWERTH], Efa (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Efa (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [KYNASTON], Margaret (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .......................................... Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). .......................................... Margaret (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [LLEWELYN], Angharad Verch (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [LLOYD], Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................. Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [LLYWELYN DDU], Angharad V (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HANMER [TURNER], Joan (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). HANMER, DE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Philip (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

525 525 445 445

63 82 62 105 81 399 399 300 393 472 305 357 214 298 393 498 275 353 275 352 305 329 246 395 270 247 439 81 497 393 471

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1379 1365 1271 1070 1145 823 1152 1308 1052 937 395 1261 1178 927 302 1184 1056 929 1307 822 657 515 2436 2444 2363 2435 2443 2453 2454 2362 3018 3020 3061 3060 1863 1621 1620 1862 922 921 3056 3796 212 211 1142 1049 1141 1048 413 241 412 240 312 564 747 2171 1709 2009 526 Tree Name (Relationship) 393 438 393 275 352 271 356 305 324 275 184 387 275 297 142 305 328 299 305 270 245 213 568 569 570 568 569 570 570 570 743 760 783 781 422 422 422 422 243 268 775 37 37 268 268 268 268 84 84 84 110 84 192 226 567 397 466 107

Index of Individuals

HANMER, DE, Philip (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). HANMER, David (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................. David (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Edward (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Edward (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Eleanor (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................. Griffith (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Griffith (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Griffith (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Griffith (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Humphrey (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Jenkin (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Jenkin (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Jenkin (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Nicholas Sr. (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Richard (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Richard (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). HANSARD [DE RABY], Ms. (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Ms. (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). HANSARD [HAUNSARD], Robert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). HANSARD, Gilbert Fitzmaldred (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................... Gilbert Fitzmaldred (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................... Richard (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ................... Robert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). HARALDSDOTTIR, Asa (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). HARALDSDTR, Queen Asa (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). HARALDSSON [KINRIKSDATTER], Moalda Digri (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother). HARALDSSON, Halfdan (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather). HARDRESHULL [DE HACHE], Juliana (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HARDRESHULL [STAFFORD], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HARDRESHULL, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HARE [RUGGE], Alice (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HARE, William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). HAROLDSSON, Halfdan (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather). HARPER, Castleton (Rebecca Hamner [Harper]'s father). HARPINE, Catherine (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ................. Philip (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). HARRIS [PERCY], Johanna (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HARRIS [WAYTE], Alice (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HARRIS, Arthur (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). HARVIE [ARMSTRONG], Agnes (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HARVIE [GAINES], Martha (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). HARVIE, Adam (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). HARWARD, Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). .................... Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). HASTINGS, Amica (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). HAVERING, DE, Nicholas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Nicholas (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). HAWKINS, Mr. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3422 3421 3204 126 125 1036 2513 2689 2512 2688 13 248 247 1006 1005 518 305 398 661 304 234 397 517 2293 2292 3355 3376 3354 3415 3375 3142 3141 613 612 3158 3140 3157 3154 3139 1043 1042 363 362 3437 3466 3465 3436 3453 3452 3537 3536 3695 3694 3050 1360 1257 1359 1256 3748 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

61 43 264 621 663 638 682 46 46 234 234 143 106 106 143 143 106 143 143 540 540

811 805 129 129 810 810 810 807 810 266 266 128 128

774 350 350 350 350

HAYA [GIFFORD], Janet Jean (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HAYA, Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HAYLES, Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandfather). HEATH [ADAMS], Margaret (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). HEATH, John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). HELENA, Ms. (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HELIE [DU LOIRE], Matilde De Chateau (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Matilde De Chateau (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). HELIE, Elias (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........... Elias (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). HELLBACH, Jacob (Caroline's grandmother's husband). HENDRICKS [LINVILLE], Jane (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). HENDRICKS, Henry (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). HENKLE [HINCKLEY], John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HENKLE, John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). HENLEY [REYNOLDS], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). HENLEY [RICHARDSON], Elizabeth (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). HENLEY [TURNER], Susan (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HENLEY, Hezekiah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Leonard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............... Mary Elizabeth (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ............... Reynold (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). HENRIQUEZ [DE MAURIENNE], Matilda (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). HENRIQUEZ, Affonso I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). HEPBURN [DE BORTHWICK], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HEPBURN [DE VAUX], Beatrice (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HEPBURN, Adam (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). HERGRIMSSON [STARKSDATTER], Bauggerd (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother). HERGRIMSSON, Grim (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). HERTEL [THIELE], Dorothea (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HERTEL, Christian Friedrich (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HERULI [DE JUTLAND], Judith (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandmother). HERULI [GOTHLAND], Anarnia (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). HERULI, Hutterus (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather). .............. Miecislaus I (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather). .............. Vitilaus King (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). HERZ [KERZENMACHER], Maria Eva (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HERZ, Josef (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). HERZOG [WOLFHARDT], Anna Katharina (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HERZOG, Sebastian (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). HEWES [BEZER], Sarah (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandmother). HEWES [MORGAN], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). HEWES, William (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandfather). HEWISH [MAUNINGE], Joanna (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). HEWISH, John (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). HEWYSHE [WALDON], Grace (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). HEWYSHE, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). HICKS [SMITH], Anne (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). HICKS, William (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). HILDETAND, Harald (Caroline's forty-times-great-grandfather). HILL [BIRD], Agnes (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HILL [WILBRAHAM], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). HILL, Humphrey (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). HINCKES [MYTAR], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3793 3747 3792 633 791 790 632 2390 2389 697 920 654 817 1045 653 1044 919 816 1134 3025 3026 1806 1296 1591 1424 1590 1805 1295 1423 1960 1959 695 434 333 547 433 694 546 332 623 622 485 369 285 368 284 484 217 3706 3621 1528 1163 1061 1388 1527 1162 3316 3315 691 Tree Name (Relationship) HINCKES [VAUGHAN], Anne (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). HINCKES, John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). HINCKLEY, Ann Katherine (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). .................... Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). .................... Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................... Thomas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HINGHAM [WAKE], DE, Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). HINGHAM, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). HINTON, S (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOBART [BLAVERHASSET], Ellen (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HOBART [DEWEY], Margaret (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOBART [HARE], Audrey (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). HOBART [LYHART], Margery (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HOBART, Edmund (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................ James (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Miles (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). HOGNASSON, Eystein Glumra (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Mrs Eystein (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandmother). HOLAND [DE SALMESBURY], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HOLAND [FITZALAN], DE, Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). HOLAND [LA ZOUCHE], DE, Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HOLAND [PLANTAGENET], DE, Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HOLAND, DE, Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). HOLLAND [SKEVINGTON], Rose (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). HOLLAND, Ralph (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). HOLLOWAY [MATHEWS], Elizabeth Frances (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOLLOWAY [MATTHEWS], Elizabeth Frances (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HOLLOWAY [SPIERS], Hannah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). HOLLOWAY, Ann (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ....................... David (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ....................... George (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ....................... John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). HOLME [WALKER], Jenet (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOLME, Ralph (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HOLMES [BOLTON], Ellin (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). HOLMES [INGRAHAM], Abigail (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HOLMES [STURGIS], Fear (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). HOLMES, Joshua (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................ Joshua (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................ Robert (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................ Temperance (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). HOOK, John (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). HOOPER, Henry (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). HOORD [MADOG], Cari Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................ Cari Verch (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HOORD, John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Roger (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. Roger (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). HOPRINGLE [KER], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). HOPRINGLE, James (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). HOSKINS [CUSHMAN], Sarah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

202 234 234 234 580 580 219 267 244 268 267 243 322 267 267 267 767 756 414 415 414 414 414 414 414 414 456 456 151 151 152 151 151 151 151 151 131 131 199 174 132 173 131 131 99 358 367 333 358 358 333 191

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 543 690 432 431 3347 3361 3314 3254 3387 3386 3346 3360 3253 3313 3278 3277 1901 1992 1645 683 1454 1331 1900 1330 1453 1991 1644 682 795 1010 891 637 794 636 1009 890 3078 3072 3077 3071 2861 512 389 511 3429 319 250 3444 134 96 3433 133 95 3428 181 249 318 3432 3443 Tree Name (Relationship) 191 191 88 88

Index of Individuals

517 548 494 149 463 431 516 430 462 516 493 149 204 236 236 237 236 236 236 236 789 786 789 786 735 182 182 212 65 65 47 48 66 47 65 65 65

HOSKINS, Sarah (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ................. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HOUCHINS [GWINN], Frances (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). HOUCHINS, William John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). HOUSTON [CAMPBELL], Annes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HOUSTON [COLQUHOUN], Maria (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HOUSTON [CUNNINGHAM], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HOUSTON [LIVINGSTON], DE, Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HOUSTON, DE, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HOUSTON, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Patrick (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). HOUSTOUN [HOPRINGLE], Agnes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HOUSTOUN, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). HOWARD [DE BOSCO], Alice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD [DE CORNWALL], Joan (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD [DE SCALES], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD [EURE], Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD [TENDRING], Alice (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD [WALTON], Joan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). HOWARD, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). HOWLAND [AIRES], Alice (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). HOWLAND [GREENWAY], Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). HOWLAND [REVELL], Emma (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HOWLAND [TILLEY], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). HOWLAND, Henry (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................... John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .................... John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). HROARSSON [VANDALS], Hildis (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). HROARSSON, Mrs Valdar (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandmother). ........................ Valdar (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Valdar (Caroline's forty-five-times-great-grandfather). HROLFSSON, Ragnhild (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). HUBBARD [BISHOP], Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). HUBBARD, Abigail (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ................... George (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). HUGHES [ANDERSON], Sussanah (John Adam Stutler's grandmother). HUGHES [GRIFFIN], Catherine (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). HUGHES [MYNNE], Frances (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). HUGHES [PEDRICK], Deborah (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandmother). HUGHES [SUMNER], Obedience (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). HUGHES [WILSON], Margaret (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). HUGHES [WITHERS], Mary Sidney (John Adam Stutler's great-grandmother). HUGHES, Andrew (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ................ Elisha (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ................ Ellis (John Adam Stutler's grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (John Adam Stutler's great-grandfather). ................ William (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1754 1560 1753 1404 1559 22 21 12 2319 2151 2150 2318 3261 3263 3755 897 1016 1015 896 3484 3483 3508 3507 885 884 2873 2872 627 783 487 782 626 486 990 875 989 1934 1933 1506 1682 1378 1681 1505 1377 3553 3552 2641 2640 2782 2637 2781 2636 448 584 716 749 566 715 583 Tree Name (Relationship) 404 404 404 404 404 1 1 1 543 543 543 543 HULSE [BRUEN], DE, Ellen (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). HULSE [DE DOMVILLE], Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). HULSE, DE, Hugh (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). HULSE, Eleanor (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ............ Hugh (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). HUMPHREY [HUNT], Dazie (Caroline's great-grandmother). HUMPHREY, A H (Caroline's great-grandfather). ...................... Daisy Ruth (Caroline's grandmother). HUNGARY [DE CHATILLON], Agnes (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). HUNGARY [DE COURTENAY], Yolande (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). HUNGARY, Andrew II Of (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ................... Bela Harmadik (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). HUNT, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandfather). HUNTER, Robert (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). HURST [MARSHE], Rose (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HURST, Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. Henry (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). HUYSH [NORRIS], Austine Alice (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). HUYSH, Silvester (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). HUYSHE [GAUNTE], Ellen (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). HUYSHE, William (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). HYNCKLEYE [BILLS], Johane (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). HYNCKLEYE, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ILLUSTRIOUS [SAXONY], Hathui Duchess Of (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ILLUSTRIOUS, Otto The (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). INGRAHAM [MALLORY], Jane (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). INGRAHAM [SLINGSBY], Eleanor (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). INGRAHAM [WIGNALL], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). INGRAHAM, Arthur (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Arthur (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Richard (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). INGRAM [GOLDTHORPE], Anne (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). INGRAM, Arthur (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Hugh (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). IORWERTH [RHYS], Margred Verch (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). IORWERTH, Gruffudd Ab (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). IPSTONES [CORBET], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). IPSTONES [DE BEKE], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). IPSTONES [DE SWYNNERTON], DE, Maud (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). IPSTONES, DE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). IRBY [OVERTON], Rose (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). IRBY, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). IRONARM [DE BLOIS], Emma (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). IRONARM, William (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). IRONSIDE [MORCARSON], Ealdgyth (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Ealdgyth (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). IRONSIDE, Edmund (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). .................. Edmund (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ISHAM [BANKS], Katherine (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Katherine (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ISHAM [BORLASE], Anne (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ISHAM [BRETT], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ISHAM, Euseby (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............ Henry (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

237 237 237 237

234 234 690 690 232 261 131 260 231 200 290 288 259 537 536 392 392 392 392 392 392 625 625 666 624 666 624 193 227 157 162 157 157 162

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 447 565 748 2587 2524 2525 3105 3052 3750 3655 3669 65 3712 3653 3657 3661 3685 66 3684 3654 3656 3652 3711 3668 3660 3749 44 30 8 20 11 7 19 29 43 2915 3000 2945 2914 2999 3451 1216 1215 497 496 1086 1085 3442 3441 229 228 3041 3040 3081 311 310 408 206 155 Tree Name (Relationship) 157 157 162 660 629 644 802 776 ISHAM, Henry (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............ William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............ William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ISLE BOUCHARD, Agnes Dame (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ............................... Barthelemy De L (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Gerberge De L Isle (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). ITALY, Theodoric The Great Of (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). IVARSDATTER, Aud (Caroline's forty-one-times-great-grandmother). JACKSON [BARNBY], Isabel (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). JACKSON [HALLETT], Rebecca (Edward William Jackson's grandmother). JACKSON [MALTBY], Isabella (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). JACKSON [MILLER], Martha (Caroline's great-great-great-great-aunt). JACKSON [POOLE], Frances (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). JACKSON [ROBINSON], Mary Ann (Edward William Jackson's mother). JACKSON [SEAMAN], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's great-grandmother). JACKSON [WASHBURN], Agnes (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandmother). JACKSON [WYTHAM], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). JACKSON, Edward William (Caroline's great-great-great-great-uncle by marriage). ................. George (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ................. James (Edward William Jackson's grandfather). ................. John (Edward William Jackson's great-grandfather). ................. Joseph (Edward William Jackson's father). ................. Michael (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. Richard (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandfather). ................. William (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). JAMES [MYERS], L Ann (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). JAMES [RANDOLPH], Nancy Dorenda (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). JAMES [SMITHEY], Eliza Ann (Caroline's mother). JAMES [WOODS], Mary Ada (Caroline's great-grandmother). JAMES, Edward Tilmon (Caroline's grandfather). ............ Edward Tilmon JR. (Caroline's father). ............ Jessie Tillman (Caroline's great-grandfather). ............ John Franklin (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). ............ W E (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). JARL [HROLFSDOTTIR], Ragnhild (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). JARL [OF TRONDHEIM], Daughter (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother). JARL, Glumra Eystein (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......... I Eysteinsson (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ......... Ivar (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather). JARMAN, Mr. (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandfather). JENKES [ADAMS], Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). JENKES, William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). JENKINS, Ann (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ................ Nicholas (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). JENNER, Agnes Russell (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). JERMAN [ELIZABETH], Ms. (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandmother). JERMAN, Thomas (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandfather). JOHNSTON [HOOD], Deborah (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). JOHNSTON, John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). JOKULSSON [KVENLAND], Ms. (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother). JOKULSSON, Snaer (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather). JORUNDSSON, Aun (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). JOUETT [MOORE], Susannah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). JOUETT, Matthew (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. Pierre (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). KAUFFMAN [HALDIMAN], Barbara (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). KAUFFMAN [REIST], Elizabeth (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

4 13 3 8 4 2 7 4 4 742 757 750 741 756 286 286 100 100 280 280 42 42 765 765 793 147 146 146 36 36

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 205 154 313 1131 1130 1349 1982 2066 1981 2065 732 731 452 573 451 789 2002 2079 2189 2382 2078 2188 2001 961 960 1133 1132 465 944 1082 943 1197 1333 1081 1196 1332 3049 3045 2866 2831 2989 2972 483 367 619 618 482 366 3182 3181 1161 1526 1155 825 1311 932 1276 1758 1406 Tree Name (Relationship) 36 36 110 265 265 317 460 515 460 515 160 160 160 160 196 233 555 579 554 554 554 554 554 220 220 266 266 93 310 309 309 309 382 309 382 309 771 770 723 724 748 745 130 130 130 130 130 130 366 358 359 273 305 302 358 405 405 KAUFFMAN, Michael (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Samuel (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). KAY, Margaret (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). KEITH [OGSTON], Daughter (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). KEITH, Gilbert (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). KENDALL, Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). KENINGK [BLOIGHO], Constance (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ....................................... Constance (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). KENINGK, Oger (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .................. Oger (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). KENNEN [BOYSE], Jonet (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). KENNEN, Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). KENNON [WORSHAM], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). KENNON, John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). KENWORTHY, Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). KERDESTON [BACON], Margaret (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). KERDESTON [BATEMAN], DE, Maud (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). KERDESTON [DE GAUNT], DE, Margaret (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). KERDESTON, DE, Roger (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................... Roger (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............................... William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). KERDESTON, William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). KERRICH, Margery (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ................. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). KERZENMACHER [DIRR], Anna Maria (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). KERZENMACHER, Mathias (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). KINGSBURY, Mr. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). KINGSMILL [GIFFORD], Jane (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). KINGSMILL, Alice (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Ms Richard (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Richard (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Richard (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). KINRIKSDATTER, Moalda Digri (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ............................... Moalda Digri (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother). KLAAK HARALD, Earl (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). KLACKSDOTTIR, Thyri (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). .............................. Thyri (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). .............................. Thyri (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). KLEE [BRAUN], Anna Elisabetha (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). KLEE [C], Catherine (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). KLEE [MARGARETHA], Anna (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). KLEE, Hans Adam (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .......... Joh Nicolaus (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .......... Nicholaus (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). KNOX [BAY], Isabell (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandmother). KNOX, John Matthews (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandfather). KYNASTON [DE PERCY], Isolda (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................ Isolda (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON [GREY], Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................... Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). .................................... Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON [HOORD], Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ....................................... Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON [IOWERTH], Jane Vr (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON [JENKIN], Sylvia Verch (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1286 1562 1757 1275 931 1285 1387 1060 1405 1160 1525 1561 1310 824 1154 712 711 2739 2802 2701 2801 2700 2738 1964 1963 2071 2357 2353 2173 2175 2441 2174 2356 2172 2352 2433 2434 2442 2070 617 616 596 595 2355 2359 2358 2354 420 419 1030 1473 1353 1253 1122 1352 1252 1472 1121 1029 Tree Name (Relationship) 406 405 405 358 301 405 358 332 405 365 358 405 305 272 358 156 156 672 707 672 673 687 707 456 456 570 569 568 568 569 569 569 569 568 568 568 568 569 569 129 129 124 124 568 569 569 568 85 85 320 348 348 348 319 348 348 348 348 319

Index of Individuals

KYNASTON [LLEWELYN], Annes Verch (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON [TUDUR VYCHAN], Gwerfyl Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). KYNASTON, Griffith (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Gruffudd (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Gruffudd (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Jenkin (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Madoc (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Madoc (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Madoc (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Philip (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Roger (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Roger (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Roger (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). LANE [VINCENT], Elizabeth (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). LANE, Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). LANGETOT [DE BAR SUR SEINE], DE, Cecilia (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). LANGETOT [ENGLAND], DE, Cecilia Princess Of (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). LANGETOT, DE, Emma (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Ralph (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Ralph (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Ralph (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). LATHAM [PILKINGTON], DE, Isabella (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). LATHAM, DE, Thomas (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). LATIMER [DE THWENG], Lucy (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). LATIMER [HANSARD], LE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Alice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). LATIMER [LEDET], LE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Alice (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). LATIMER, LE, William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William I (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ........................ William I (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). LATIMER, William (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). LAU [FREY], Anna Cleophe (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). LAU, Christian (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). LAUERS, Katherine (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ............... Robert (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). LEDET [DE LISLE], DE, Ermentrude (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Ermentrude (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). LEDET, DE, Walter (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................... Walter (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). LEE [DAVIS], Anne (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). LEE, Thomas (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). LEIGH [BARKER], Alice (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). LEIGH [LEE], Petronilla (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). LEIGH [RIDLEY], Isabella (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). LEIGH [SPRENCHEAUX], Margery (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). LEIGH [TRAFFORD], Alice (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). LEIGH, Ralph (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Roger (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Thomas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 118 3779 3780 2922 2153 2323 2152 2322 2593 2412 2592 2411 3475 3396 3476 3498 3499 594 350 464 766 463 765 349 593 2060 2059 2448 2440 2447 2439 737 736 3320 3319 1072 1147 1264 1263 1458 2984 3218 652 510 812 813 651 913 914 2928 2754 2753 2927 2237 1564 2236 1563 2468 2469 Tree Name (Relationship) 15 LEONARD, Daniel (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). LEWELL, Mr. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ............... Ms. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). 736 LIEGARDE, Hildebrante (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). 544 LIMBURG [VON SAARBRUCKEN], Sophia (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 544 LIMBURG [VON SAFFENBURG], Mathilda (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 544 LIMBURG, Henri (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 544 .................. Henry Duke (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 609 LIMOGES [DE CARS], DE, Marie (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). 631 LIMOGES [TAILLEFER], DE, Graule (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 609 LIMOGES, DE, Ademar (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). 630 ......................... Ademar (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). LINDSAY, Edward (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Mrs Edward (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). ................. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). LINDSEY, Ms. (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). 167 LINSCOTT [DODD], Agnes (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 93 LINSCOTT [KINGSBURY], Sarah (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). 124 LINSCOTT [LAUERS], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 167 LINSCOTT [WARE], Johanna (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 167 LINSCOTT, Henry (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). 167 ................... Henry (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 167 ................... John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). 167 ................... John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 546 LION [ALPHONSA], Blanca (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). 546 LION, Louis Viii The (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 569 LISLE [FITZ GERALD], Alice (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 568 ........................................ Alice (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 569 LISLE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 568 .......... Robert (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 160 LITTLEBURY [OF BOUGHTON], Jane Marye (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 160 LITTLEBURY, Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). LIVINGSTON [BRUCE], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). LIVINGSTON, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 247 LLOYD, Meridith Esq (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 270 ............. Meridith Esq (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). 353 LLWYD [AP GETHIN], Catrin Ferch (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 388 LLWYD, Thomas Gethin (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 433 LNU, Agnes (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 738 LOCHES, DE, Garnier Seigneur (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). LOCKSMITH, Agnes (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eleven-times-great-grandmother). 211 LONG [TAYLOR], Sarah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 211 LONG, Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 211 ........... John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 211 ........... Marie (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 211 ........... Robert (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 211 LONGE, Gyles (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 211 ............. Gyles (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 728 LONGSWORD [DE BRETAGNE], Sporte (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). 689 ........................................................ Sporte (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 710 LONGSWORD, William I (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 728 ......................... William I (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). 531 LORD [SEISYLL], Gwledyr Ferch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 405 LORD [TUCHET], Jane (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 531 LORD, Gwrgenau Ap Ednowen (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 405 .......... Jenkin (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 574 LOVAINE, DE, Matthew (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 574 ......................... Muriel (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

Page 1350

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1942 1941 3413 3414 100 99 1688 1687 1922 2210 2209 2091 2090 2022 1919 3797 1498 1497 2626 2771 2770 2625 1748 1556 1555 1747 2561 2703 2740 2560 2702 2612 2199 2054 2053 785 880 998 784 997 879 3687 3757 3686 3756 1616 1438 1302 1437 1615 687 686 2651 2650 2475 2474 138 599 137 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

545 LUXEMBOURG MAAS [DE BAR], Marguerite (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). 544 LUXEMBOURG MAAS, Henri Count (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). LYLE, Andrew (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Catherine (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 49 LYNCH [EDWARDS], Narcissus (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). 31 LYNCH, Tolliver D (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). 393 MACCLESFIELD, DE, Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 393 ..................................... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 526 ..................................... Thomas (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 526 MACCLESFIELD, Gilbert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 526 .............................. Gilbert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 526 .............................. Isabel (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 526 .............................. Roger (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). 526 .............................. Thomas (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 469 MACINTYRE, Paul (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). MACKINTOSH, Angus (Isobel Ross [MacKintosh]'s father). 389 MADOC [TUDUR], Margaret Verch (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 389 MADOC, David Ap Dai (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 655 MAINE, DU, Herbert I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 694 .................... Herbert I (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). 694 .................... Paule (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). 655 .................... Paule (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 402 MAINWARING [LEYCESTER], Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 482 MAINWARING [VENABLES], Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 402 MAINWARING, Randle (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 402 ........................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 653 MALBANK [DE BEAUCHAMP], Andeline (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). 674 ....................................................... Andeline (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 651 MALBANK, William (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). 650 .................... William (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). 651 .................... William (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 674 .................... William (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). 524 MALISE, Earl Strathearn (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 543 MALLORC [OF HUNGARY], Yolande (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). 543 MALLORC, Jaime I (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 232 MALLORY [EURE], Ann (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 232 MALLORY [GALE], Ursula (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 232 MALLORY [NORTON], Jane (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 232 MALLORY, John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 232 ................... William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 232 ................... William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). MALTBY [BISHOP], Margaret (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). MALTBY [BURR], Margaret (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). MALTBY, John (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). 489 MALTRAVERS [DE BERKELEY], Ela (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 421 MALTRAVERS [WENTHLIAN], Gwenthlian (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 421 MALTRAVERS, Eleanor (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 421 ........................... John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 421 ........................... John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 149 MANNERS [MONTAGU], Frances (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 149 MANNERS, John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 627 MARCHE [AUBNAY], DE LA, Amelie Countess Of (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). 627 MARCHE, DE LA, Bernard I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). 576 MARSHALL [DE RYE], Aline (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). 576 MARSHALL, John (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). 19 MARTIN [HARPER], Lucy (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). 169 MARTIN [UPHAM], Judith (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 19 MARTIN, Charles (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 598 354 469 468 353 769 182 969 860 968 847 675 674 846 549 548 407 316 326 3716 3715 3468 3467 1856 1855 3410 3343 3409 1467 1466 276 151 108 200 150 275 107 201 430 258 331 429 330 257 689 688 542 280 279 475 361 360 2299 2298 2200 1327 1193 1326 2817 Tree Name (Relationship) 169 72 169 169 72 169 66 280 280 280 188 188 188 188 151 219 83 64 67

Index of Individuals

421 421

346 346 54 54 35 54 54 54 54 54 116 117 88 150 150 116 150 150 150 128 97 97 97 97 541 541 583 428 379 379 677

MARTIN, Edward (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Joanna (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ............... Joanna (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ............... John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). MARY, Ms. (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). MASON [BROWN], Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). MASON, Dorothea (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). MATHEWS [BARLOW], Frances (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). MATHEWS [GREVILLE], Frances (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). MATHEWS, Samuel (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .................... Tobias (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). MATTHEWS [TAVENOR], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). MATTHEWS, John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Mary Ann (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Samuel (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Samuel (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). MAULTBYE [SMITH], Alice (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). MAULTBYE, Richard (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). MAUNINGE [STRANGEWAYS], Dorothy (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). MAUNINGE, John (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). MAUTRAVERS [DE GORGES], Eleanor (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MAUTRAVERS, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). MAXWELL [STEWART], Katherine (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MAXWELL, Mr. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Herbert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). MAYNARD [COTGREAVE], Isabel (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). MAYNARD, Richard (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). MCMILLAN [CAMPBELL], Katherine (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). MCMILLAN [MARTHA], Ms. (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). MCMILLAN [TAYLOR], Nancy (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). MCMILLAN, Alexander (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Amon (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Duncan (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Phoebe (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). MEADOR [AWBREY], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). MEADOR [HOLLOWAY], Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). MEADOR [HUDGENS], Frances (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). MEADOR, John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Jonas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Jonas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ................. Sarah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................. Thomas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). MEIXEL [HERTZOGIN], Anna Eva (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). MEIXEL, Andreas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). MEIXELL, Johann (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). MEIYSSEL [MEYSSEL], Margaretha (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). MEIYSSEL, Johann Wolfgang (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). MELLO [BASSET], DE, Joan (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). MELLO, DE, Alberic I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). MENTEITH, Joan (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). MERBROOKE [MOUNTFORD], Helena (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). MERBROOKE, Alice (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). MERCIA [DE ENGLAND], Elfgifu (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2816 590 759 459 589 669 841 840 668 2661 2660 845 844 1221 1220 84 83 552 553 701 700 1704 1520 1519 1703 3 60 4 6 9 92 10 59 5 91 1 2 851 679 536 850 535 678 1966 1886 1637 1958 1885 1957 1965 1636 1899 1988 1898 1987 1450 1449 1639 2717 Tree Name (Relationship) 677 164 164 164 228 217 187 187 217 628 628 188 188 287 287 26 10 152 152 152 152 396 442 396 396 11 1 11 11 11 190 190 190 190 190 190 458 458 458 512 458 512 458 458 461 461 461 461 428 459 459 662 MERCIA, Alfgar Earl (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). MERIWETHER [WOODHOUSE], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). MERIWETHER, Francis (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Francis (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Nicholas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). MERRETT [PENDARVEIS], Blanche (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Blanche (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). MERRETT, Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................. Richard (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). MEULAN [DE CONTEVILLE], DE, Oda (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). MEULAN, DE, Waleran (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). MIDDLETON [MIDDLETOWN], David (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). MIDDLETON, David (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). MILDMAY [READE], Agnes (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). MILDMAY, Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). MILLER, Martha (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). .............. William B (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). MILLS, John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ........... Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ........... Robert (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). MINSHULL [DE PRAERS], Alice (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MINSHULL [DE PULFORD], Tibota (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). MINSHULL, Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). MITCHELL [FARLEY], Joy Elaine (Caroline's fifth cousin's wife, once removed). MITCHELL [HENDRICK], Mollie M. (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). MITCHELL [JAMES], Caroline Lorraine (The subject of this report). MITCHELL [PHILLIPS], Eileen Josephine (Caroline's fifth cousin's wife). MITCHELL [STUTLER], Susan (Caroline's fourth cousin, once removed). MITCHELL, Alila (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). .................... George W (Caroline's fourth cousin's husband, once removed). .................... Gideon P (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). .................... holly William (Caroline's fifth cousin). .................... John S. (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). .................... Robert Paul (Caroline's fifth cousin, twice removed). .................... Samuel Paul (Caroline's fifth cousin, once removed). MOHR [CUMYN], Isobel (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). MOHR [DALKEITH], Sybilla (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). MOHR [STEWART], Lady Margaret (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). MOHR, Gilchrist (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ........... John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ........... Sir Reginal (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). MOLYNEUX [DE THORNTON], DE, Margaret (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). MOLYNEUX [DONNE], DE, Emma (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MOLYNEUX [SCARESBRICK], DE, Isabell (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................. Isabell (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). MOLYNEUX, DE, Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .............................. William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .............................. William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .............................. William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). MONTAGU [DE GRANDISON], DE, Katherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTAGU [DE MONTFORT], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). MONTAGU, DE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). MONTFORD [BRADSTONE], Rose (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORD, William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). MONTFORT [CLINTON], DE, Mary (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORT [D EVREUX], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

Page 1353

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2565 1889 2766 2621 1971 2620 2765 1638 1970 1888 2564 2716 3342 3308 3324 3341 3323 3307 3353 3408 3372 2655 3407 2581 2654 3352 3371 3404 2056 2055 2680 2679 2317 2316 237 141 175 239 671 528 839 667 309 411 530 406 405 529 666 838 191 174 308 238 236 670 410 527 Tree Name (Relationship) 620 513 662 620 459 620 662 459 459 459 620 662

Index of Individuals

641 641 641

544 544 632 632 543 543 107 84 109 187 217 187 216 83 188 187 145 186 187 186 187 82 83 145 108 82 187 187 216

MONTFORT [D EVREUX], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORT [DE CLINTON], DE, Joan Jane (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORT [DE GOMETZ], DE, Bertrade (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ....................................................... Bertrade (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORT [DE LA PLAUNCHE], DE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). MONTFORT, DE, Amauri Seigneur (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Amauri Seigneur (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Baldwin (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ............................. John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Simon (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Simon (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). MONTGOMERIE [HEPBURN], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERIE [MAXWELL], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERIE, Alexander (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hugh (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Hugh (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). MONTGOMERY [BOYD], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERY [EGLINTON], DE, Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERY [MAXWELL], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERY [TALVAS], DE, Mabel (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). MONTGOMERY, DE, John Alexander (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................................... Maude (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). .................................... Roger (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). MONTGOMERY, Alexander (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). MONTIFEX, Mary (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). MONTJ [DE NAMUR], Ermensinde (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). MONTJ, Waleram Duke (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). MONTLHERY [DE GOMETZ], DE, Hodierne (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). MONTLHERY, DE, Guy Seigneur (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). MONTPELLIER [BYZANTINE EMPIRE], DE, Eudoxia Princess (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). MONTPELLIER, DE, Guillaume (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). MOORE [BULLOCK], Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). MOORE [HAMNER], Elizabeth (Caroline's cousin, seven times removed). MOORE [HARVIE], Martha (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). MOORE [JOUETT], Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). MOORE [MERRITT], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). MOORE [MORE], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). MOORE [PRICE], Susannah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). ............................. Susannah (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). MOORE, Anne (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). .............. Anne (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). .............. Augustine (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). .............. Augustine (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .............. Edward (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Edward (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .............. James (Caroline's six-times-great-great-uncle). .............. John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather).

Page 1354

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 833 3561 3560 947 835 946 834 945 706 705 2580 1780 1854 1779 1853 2865 3746 1583 1790 1294 1420 1582 1419 1293 1789 1713 2013 2017 3365 3349 3340 3348 3306 3322 3364 3394 3339 3395 1906 1907 320 2487 3794 2155 2327 2326 2154 3502 3529 3501 665 1136 3549 3548 153 110 72 203 48 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

186 MOORE, Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). MORDAUNT [VERE], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). MORDAUNT, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). 216 MORE [CRESACRE], Ann (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 216 MORE [SCROPE], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 216 MORE, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 216 ........... Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 215 MORETON, Mr. (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 154 MORRIS, Eleanor (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). 154 ............... George (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 627 MORTAIGNE, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). 408 MORTIMER [DE FIENNES], DE, Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 420 MORTIMER [DE GENEVILLE], Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 408 MORTIMER, DE, Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 420 MORTIMER, Roger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 722 MORVOIS, DE, Bertha (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). MOUNTEYN, Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). 412 MOWBRAY [BRAOSE], DE, Alivia (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 412 MOWBRAY [DE CLARE], DE, Roese (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 413 MOWBRAY [DE SEGRAVE], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). 412 MOWBRAY [PLANTAGENET], DE, Joan (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 412 MOWBRAY, DE, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 412 ............................ John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 412 ............................ John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). 412 ............................ Roger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 397 MOWBRAY, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 466 ..................... John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 469 MUNRO, Robert (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). MURE [LINDSAY], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). MURE [SEMPILL], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). MURE [STEWART], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandmother). MURE, Adam (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ........... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mrs John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 430 MYLDE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 430 .............. William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 65 MYNNE, Nickolas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). 580 MYNSTON, Conan (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). MYTAR, Mr. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). 544 NAMUR [DE GUELDRES], DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). 544 NAMUR [DE LUXEMBOURG], DE, Ermisende (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). 544 NAMUR, DE, Godfrey (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). 544 ...................... Henri (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). NASH [SLOPER], Margery (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). NASH, John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). .......... William (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). 144 NASHE, Mr. (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 267 NAUNTON, Peter (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). NEALE [THROCKMORTON], Goditha (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). NEALE, Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). 36 NEFF [GRAYBILL], Barbara (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). 36 NEFF [KAUFFMAN], Barbara (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). 37 NEFF [PENNYWITT], Lydia (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). 36 NEFF [STECKLEY], Anna (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). 14 NEFF [WILL], Sarah Catharine (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 71 152 109 202 47 2948 2916 2947 2917 2601 2682 2600 2681 1572 1874 1412 1774 1948 1571 1873 1773 1947 1628 1629 1411 3648 117 287 162 78 493 219 1107 492 286 161 116 77 1106 372 218 2795 2711 2891 2897 2856 2710 2890 2896 1876 1631 1952 1446 1630 1951 1445 1875 1324 1192 Tree Name (Relationship) 36 36 36 36 22 742 744 755 735 632 632 632 632 408 453 408 408 453 408 453 408 453 453 454 408 39 100 77 15 100 101 289 134 134 76 57 39 289 100 100 717 680 728 731 718 689 728 731 455 491 455 456 455 455 455 455 426 378

Index of Individuals

NEFF, David (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ......... Jacob (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ......... John Henry (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ......... Samuel Henry (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). NEFJA [OF NORWAY], Nn (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). NEFJA, Hrolf (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ........... Hrolf (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........... Mrs Hrolf (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). NEVERS [DE FOREZ], DE, Ida (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). NEVERS [DE TONNERRE], DE, Ermengarde (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). NEVERS, DE, Renaud (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). NEVILLE [CLAVERING], DE, Eupheme Fitzroger (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Eupheme Fitzroger (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). NEVILLE [DE AUDLEY], Alice (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). NEVILLE [FITZRANDOLPH], DE, Mary (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................................... Mary (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). NEVILLE, DE, Randolph (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Randolph (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). NEVILLE, Ms Anne (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ................ Ralph (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). NIESS, Casper (John Flesher's great-great-great-grandfather). NORMAN [A], Mary (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN [COURTNEY], Frances (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN [GAGE], Hannah (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN [LEONARD], Julia Frances (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN [NEWMAN], Johanna (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN [READ], Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). NORMAN, Agnes (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ................. George (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................. Isaac (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Isaac (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ................. Isaac John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. Isaac Kelly (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Joseph (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Joseph (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). NORMANDIE, Richard Iii De (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). NORMANDY [DE CREPON], Gonnor (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Gonnor (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Gonnor (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). NORMANDY, Ms. (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ....................... Richard I (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Richard I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Richard I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). NORREYS [BALDERSTONE], Katherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). NORREYS [DE ERNYS], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). NORREYS [DE IRELAND], Agnes (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). NORREYS [RAVENSCROFT], Millicent (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). NORREYS, Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Henry (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .................. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .................. John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Roger (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1315 1080 942 1314 1079 3509 3112 3100 3099 3111 246 180 179 245 3058 3059 3001 3003 2949 2982 3147 3116 3125 3137 3136 2384 2383 2483 2190 2484 1337 1336 3525 3567 3566 3524 898 799 501 638 500 798 639 3264 3262 3454 1752 1751 951 950 837 836 157 112 210 156 209 111 1581 Tree Name (Relationship) 306 341 308 306 340 789 786 786 789 46 46 46 46 780 778 758 753 743 730 808 798 802 809 808 578 578 578 578 578 310 310

Index of Individuals

205 205 177 205 206 205 206

403 403 217 217 217 217 37 55 37 37 37 37 411

NORRIS [VERE], Joane (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Joane (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). NORRIS, Margaret (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .............. William (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). NORTHUMBERLAND [HALFDANSSON], Hroar (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ....................................................................... Hroar (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). NORTHUMBERLAND, Norbrii (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................................... Norbrii (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ODELL [BEALL], Margaret (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ODELL [HENDRIX], Eleanor Nellie (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). ODELL, John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ............. Thomas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). OLAFSSON, Alf (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandfather). .................... Alf (Caroline's forty-three-times-great-grandmother). .................... Rognvald (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather). .................... Rognvald (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandfather). .................... Rognvald (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ORLEAN, Ingelger I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). OSTRAGOTHS, Winithar (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). OSTROGOTHS, Amfleda Des (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Erelicia (Caroline's forty-eight-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Vandalar Av (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Wandalar (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). PATENHAM [CLEMENTS], Margaret (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). PATENHAM, John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ...................... John (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Winifred (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). PAULET, Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............... John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). PAUNCEFOTE [ASHFIELD], Dorothy (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). PAUNCEFOTE [TATE], Bridget (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). PAUNCEFOTE, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Richard (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). PAYBODIE, William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). PEABODY [PEABODYWIFE], Hannah (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). PEABODY [TOOLEY], Dorothy (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). PEABODY, James (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .................. John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .................. Thomas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). PEARL, Sarah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). PECHE, Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). PECHEY, DE, Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fourteen-times-great-grandmother). PEDRICK, Roger (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). PEMBRUGGE [LA ZOUCHE], DE, Juliana (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PEMBRUGGE, DE, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). PENDARVERS [PENDARVES], John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). PENDARVERS, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). PENDARVIS [SPARNON], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). PENDARVIS, David (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). PENNYWITT [HARPINE], Margaret (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). PENNYWITT [WILL], Susanna (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). PENNYWITT [YEISER], Rosina (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). PENNYWITT, Jacob (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ....................... John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ....................... John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). PERCY [ARUNDE], DE, Eleanor Fitzalan (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1568 1786 1766 1288 1410 1785 1580 1409 1765 1287 1567 677 325 243 254 534 422 421 533 676 324 242 253 704 557 556 703 442 441 2374 2470 3733 978 868 3732 977 975 867 1738 1737 1936 1810 1392 1065 1428 1430 1534 1169 1603 1585 1597 1610 1570 1589 2044 2347 2275 2545 1822 Tree Name (Relationship) 407 411 407 408 407 411 411 407 407 407 407 218 113 111 114 189 190 189 218 148 148 64 113 154 154 154 154 154 154 615 575 255 255 255 282 283 400 400 539 414 359 337 447 417 359 372 417 412 415 419 407 445 560 599 606 596 508

Index of Individuals

PERCY [DE CLIFFORD], DE, Idonea (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). PERCY [DE WARENNE], DE, Eleanor (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PERCY [FITZALAN], DE, Eleanor (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PERCY [NEVILLE], DE, Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). PERCY [PLANTAGENET], DE, Mary (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). PERCY, DE, Henry (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). PETTIGREW [COCHRAN], Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ............................................. Mary (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). PETTIGREW [MATTHEWS], Sarah (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ................................................ Sarah (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). PETTIGREW [MONCRIEFF], Geiles (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). PETTIGREW [MOORE], Martha (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). PETTIGREW, James (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ...................... James (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ...................... John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ...................... John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). PETTUS [GLEANE], Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). PETTUS [MORRIS], Katherine (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). PETTUS, Thomas (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .............. William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). PETTY [WILSON], Rachel (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). PETTY, Thomas (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). PEYTON, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Nigel (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). PHIPPEN [BELASYSE], Alice (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). PHIPPEN [JORDAINE], Jane (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). PHIPPEN, Jane (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ................ Joseph (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................ William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). PIERCE, William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). PILKINGTON [DE VERDON], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PILKINGTON, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). PLANTAGENET [BERENGER], Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [CAPET], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [COBHAM], Eleanor (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Eleanor (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [D AVESNES], Philippa (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [DE BEAUMONT], Isabel (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [DE BOHUN], Mary (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Mary (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [DE CHAWORTH], Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................. Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................. Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................. Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................. Maud (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [DE HALES], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [DE TAILLEFER], Isabella (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). ............................................................ Isabella (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [ENGLAND], Matilda Princess (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Matilda Princess (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [OF CASTILE], Eleanor (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother).

Page 1358

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2549 1593 1298 1592 1829 1809 1821 1801 1427 2548 2544 2274 1584 1935 1533 2344 1609 1429 2421 1569 1168 1602 1596 1391 1064 2346 2043 1297 1588 3651 3646 3650 3645 1524 1913 1712 2012 1523 1912 1711 2011 147 197 70 106 69 105 269 270 196 146 2143 2302 2142 3752 3751 861 730 729 Tree Name (Relationship) 647 414 417 414 487 414 506 413 446 646 596 605 412 538 359 546 419 448 596 407 371 487 415 359 336 612 559 416 413

Index of Individuals

481 523 397 466 397 466 397 466 52 52 35 53 34 52 52 52 52 52 541 541 594 281 223 195

PLANTAGENET [OF ENGLAND], Maud Matilda (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET [WAKE], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). PLANTAGENET, Blanche (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................ Edmund (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Edmund (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Edward I (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Edward I (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Edward I (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Edward Iii (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Geoffrey V (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Geoffrey V (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Geoffrey V (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Humphrey (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Humphrey (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ John Lackland (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............................ John Lackland (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ............................ John Of Gaunt (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). PLATTNER [BLATNER], Appolonia (John Flesher's great-great-great-grandmother). PLATTNER [REINHARD], Maria Catherina (John Flesher's great-great-grandmother). PLATTNER, Hans Jerg (John Flesher's great-great-great-grandfather). .................... Michael (John Flesher's great-great-grandfather). PLUMPTON [MOWBRAY], DE, Christiana (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................................................... Christiana (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PLUMPTON [ROOS], Lucy (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Lucy (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). PLUMPTON, DE, William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). PLUMPTON, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). POE [BRADFORD], Sarah (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). POE [HOOK], Mary (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). POE [MCMILLION], Mary E (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). POE [WATTS], Mary (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). POE, James (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ....... James (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ....... Leonard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ....... Mary Leonard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). ....... Samuel (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ....... Simon (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). PONTHIEU [FRANCE], Alix (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). PONTHIEU, DE, Jean I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). PONTHIEU, William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). POOLE [BOIS], Bennet (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). POOLE, Robert (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). POWHATAN, Wahonsonacock (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). POYTHRESS [SLOMAN], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). POYTHRESS, Francis (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 863 864 1418 1417 532 673 531 672 842 560 2311 2133 2310 2132 3178 3177 1306 940 1074 1183 1073 1305 828 939 1182 1706 1705 2867 2463 2462 3015 3014 2827 2968 2967 2826 2860 2291 2541 2290 2540 2543 2542 193 264 68 102 341 456 745 562 46 710 446 582 143 263 45 142 Tree Name (Relationship) 195 195 411 411 188 188 188 250 188 119 542 539 597 539 305 306 305 305 305 305 276 305 305 442 442 724 572 572 753 753 689 728 728 721 734 592 596 592 596 596 596 92 121 33 51 157 162 162 156 21 156 192 226 50 120 20 70

Index of Individuals

POYTHRESS, Joshua (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Peachy (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). PRESSENE, DE, William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). .......................... William (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). PRICE [MATTHEWS], Mary Ann (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). PRICE [MIDDLETON], Ursula (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). PRICE, John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ........... Richard (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ........... Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). PRITCHETT, Zebulon (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). PROVENCE [DE SABRAN], Gersinde (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Gersinde (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). PROVENCE, Alfonso Alfonsez (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Alfonso Alfonsez (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). PROVOLT [WILLBORN], Lydia (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandmother). PROVOLT, Jeremiah (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-great-grandfather). PULESTON [BULKELEY], Jonet (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). PULESTON [GROSVENOR], Anne (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). PULESTON [HANMER], Ermine (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Jane (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). PULESTON, Edward (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Roger (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Roger (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................... Roger (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... Roger (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). PULFORD [DUTTON], DE, Katherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). PULFORD, DE, Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). QUEEN AAFLAEDA, Ms. (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). QUINCY [DE HARCOURT], DE, Margaret (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). QUINCY, DE, Saher (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). RAGNARSSON [PRINCESS], Heluna (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). RAGNARSSON, Sigurd (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandfather). RAGNVALDSSON [DE VALOIS], Poppa (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ......................................................... Poppa (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). RAGNVALDSSON, Robert (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Robert (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Rolf (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). RAIMUNDEZ [DE BARCELONA], Berenguela Raimundo (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). .......................................................... Berenguela Raimundo (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). RAIMUNDEZ, Alfonso (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Alfonso (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). RAMIREZ [DE LA AIGLE ROTROU], Marguerite (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). RAMIREZ, Garcias V (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). RANDOLPH [BLAND], Frances (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [BOLLING], Jane (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [BROWN], Frances P (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [DILL], Lydia (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [ISHAM], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ...................................... Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [LANE], Dorothy (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................................... Dorothy (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [POE], Alcy Drucilla (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [ROBERTS], Rosa (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [RYLAND], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH [SMALLEY], Margaret (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). RANDOLPH, Col Richard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James J (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ..................... James Richard (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 192 101 67 445 581 709 561 340 744 455 1880 1633 1879 1632 444 339 707 559 708 338 443 558 289 3494 377 376 3493 498 288 499 3563 3523 3562 3522 3574 3102 3084 3101 208 207 2975 2992 2834 2974 2991 2833 1012 1011 2459 2458 359 474 2233 2034 1932 984 872 1214 1098 Tree Name (Relationship) 91 50 32 156 162 156 156 156 162 162 456 456 456 456 119 119 155 155 155 155 155 155 137 177 101 101 136 101

Index of Individuals

794 794 799 36 36 729 732 725 729 732 690 236 236 572 572 96 96 586 533 535 286 287 286 286

RANDOLPH, John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John Abraham (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John D (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Richard (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Richard (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). RAVENSCROFT [HOLLAND], Catherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). RAVENSCROFT [STANLEY], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). RAVENSCROFT, Harry (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................ Ralph (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). RAY [PRITCHETT], Elizabeth (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). RAY [WILSON], Mary (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). RAY, Alexander (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ........ Anne (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ........ Joane (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ........ John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ........ William (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ........ William (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). READ [DEANE], Sarah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). READ [PAUNCEFOOT], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). READ [PEABODY], Hannah (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). READ, John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). .......... John (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). .......... John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). .......... Joseph (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). .......... MrsJohn (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). READE [BEAUCHAMP], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). READE [RUDHALL], Jane (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). READE, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............. Richard (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). REEVES, Robert (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). REIDGOTALANDI [HARALDSDATTER], Helga (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). REIDGOTALANDI, Angantyr Heidreksson (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Heidrek Hofundsson (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). REIST [LONGENECKER], Elizabeth (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). REIST, John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). RENNES, DE, Ms. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Ms. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Ms. (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Paskwitan (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Paskwitan (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Paskwitan (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). REVELL, Nicholas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ............... Nicholas (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). REVIERS [DE BEAUMONT], DE, Mabel (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). REVIERS, DE, William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). REXING, Mary Jane (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ............... Tony (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). RHYS, Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). .......... Gwenllian Verch (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). .......... Sionet Ferch (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). RICH [BALDRY], Elizabeth (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). RICH [BOURCHIER], Anne (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). RICH [DINGLEY], Joan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). RICH [JENKES], Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1097 1213 983 871 2198 2168 400 520 521 399 1474 2875 2874 1204 1205 1203 2569 2721 2852 2720 2568 2851 3705 2657 2583 2582 2656 3011 2946 967 728 572 966 859 727 571 2202 647 908 169 387 1657 648 1259 508 1918 3400 808 297 1364 1126 227 1125 807 1037 507 1035 3367 Tree Name (Relationship) 286 286 286 286 524 599 106 106 106 106 348 690 690 281 311 281 639 664 703 664 657 703 658 658 658 658 752 754 280 253 223 280 280 251 222 524 179 241 42 139 469 351 139 469 265 140 437 296 104 351 264 209 321

Index of Individuals

RICH, Richard (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Thomas (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). RICHARD, Mr. (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................. Earl (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). RICHARDSON [GREEN], Jane (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). RICHARDSON, Charles (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Mary (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ......................... Robert (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). RIDLEY, James (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). RINGELHEIM [RAGNHILDIS], Ludmilla (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). RINGELHEIM, Theodoric Count Of (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). RIPPLE [AMERICAN], First (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). RIPPLE, Murmuring (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. Murmuring (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ROBERT I [DE FALAISE], Harlette (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ............................................ Harlette (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). ............................................ Harlette (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). ROBERT I, Duke Of Normandy (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Duke Of Normandy (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ................. Duke Of Normandy (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ROBERTS, Francis (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). ROCHE [DE CHATELLERAULT], DE LA, Gersende (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ROCHE FOUCAULD [DE CHATELLERAULT], DE LA, Gerberge (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). ROCHE FOUCAULD, DE LA, Hugues I (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ROCHE, DE LA, Foucauld I (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ROGNVALDSDATTER, Ascrida (Caroline's thirty-five-times-great-grandmother). ROGNVALDSSON, Aseda (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). ROLFE [JENNER], Joanna (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ROLFE [POWHATAN], Matoaka Pocahontas (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ROLFE [POYTHRESS], Jane (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ROLFE, Eustace (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ............ John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............ John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............ Thomas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ROSS [BRUCE], Maud (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [CAMPBELL], Marian (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [GRANT], Marian (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [JOHNSTON], Deborah Jane (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [LITTLE], Constance (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [MACINTYRE], Catherine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [MACKINTOSH], Isobel (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather's wife). ROSS [MACLEOD], Ms. (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [MARY], Ms. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [MUNRO], Jean (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [MURE], Marjory (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [SINCLAIR], Janet (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [SPINNING], Hannah (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [SUTHERLAND], Ms. (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). ........................................ Dorothea (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ROSS [WHITESIDE], Arminella (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). ROSS, Alexander (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Alexander (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ......... Andrew (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother's husband). ......... David (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ......... David (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 296 386 646 1917 1363 2201 3399 168 1258 1487 907 1656 226 722 721 568 751 3565 3564 1050 1469 1351 1468 1250 1350 3304 3303 714 713 746 563 3575 2325 2324 2733 2697 2732 3555 3519 3554 3518 2303 2139 2309 2163 2162 2308 2138 1212 1096 1095 1211 1208 1730 1729 2287 2135 2313 2286 Tree Name (Relationship) 139 179 241 469 436 524 79 386 469 296 469 103 193 193 193 227 243 347 347 347 347 347 156 156 162 156 544 544 702 685 700

Index of Individuals

594 540 596 546 546 596 540 285 285 285 285 284 399 399 539 539 542 539

ROSS, George (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ......... George (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ......... George (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ......... Hugh (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ......... Hugh (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Hugh (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Walter (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... Walter (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ......... William (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ROYALL [BATES], Susannah (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ROYALL, John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ Mary (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................ Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). RUDHALL [MILBOURNE], Ann (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). RUDHALL, William (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). RUGGE, Mr. (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). RUSSELL [HERRING], Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). RUSSELL [WISE], Ann (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). RUSSELL, Henry (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. James (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). RUTHVEN [HALYBURTON], Janet (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). RUTHVEN, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). RYLAND [CANNING], Maria (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). RYLAND, John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). RYVES, Joan (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). SAARBRUCKEN [VON SPONHEIM], Mathilda (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SAARBRUCKEN, Simon I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). SAINT CLARE [LE BON], DE, Helena (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). SAINT CLARE, DE, Agnes (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Waldron (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). SAINT JOHN [MORGAN], Sybil Verch (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). SAINT JOHN [WALDEGRAVE], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). SAINT JOHN, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ...................... John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). SAINT POL, DE, Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SANCHEZ [PLANTAGENET], Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). .................................................. Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). SANCHEZ, Alfonso (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). .................. Alfonso (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). .................. Alfonso (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). SAUNDERS [CAVE], Margaret (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). SAUNDERS [GOODWIN], Mary (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). SAUNDERS, Ambrose (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Thomas (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). SAVAGE [BRERETON], Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). SAVAGE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SAVOY [DE VIENNE], Beatrix (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SAVOY [FAUCIGNY], Beatrix De Geneva (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ..................................... Beatrix De Geneva (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SAVOY, Humbert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather).

Page 1363

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2312 2134 2377 2376 2473 2472 2185 1692 1926 1925 1691 2073 2179 1996 1903 2365 1995 1902 2364 2072 2178 2455 1969 1887 281 479 478 3642 3641 3633 1103 1223 949 1222 1102 948 2806 2705 2704 2805 2741 2742 2613 1587 1586 3673 3663 3662 3672 3693 3726 3725 3692 1798 1422 1421 1797 1034 1021 Tree Name (Relationship) 542 539 576 576 576 576 576 393 499 528 393 551 571 552 519 571 551 518 571 571 571 571 458 458 55 129 129 SAVOY, Thomas I (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ............. Thomas I (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). SAY [MARSHALL], DE, Sibyl (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SAY, DE, William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). SAYE [DE CHENEY], DE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). SAYE, DE, Geoffrey (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................. Mary (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). SAYS [AP RHYS], Rired Says (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .............................. Rired Says (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). SAYS, Rired Ap Rhys (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .......... Rired Ap Rhys (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SCALES [BURNELL], Isabel (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). SCALES [CLEMENCE], Ms. (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). SCALES [DE COURTENAY], DE, Egeline (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). SCALES [DE UFFORD], DE, Catharine (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). SCALES [ROUCESTER], Alice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). SCALES, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Robert (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SCALES, Richard (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). .............. Robert (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). .............. Robert (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). .............. William (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). SCARISBRICK, Mr. (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Unknown Scarisbrick (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SCHERMANN, Conradt (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). SCHLEGEL [HERTEL], VON, Dorothea Christina (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). SCHLEGEL, VON, Christoph Gottlieb (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). SCHMIDT [NIESS], Christina (John Flesher's great-great-grandmother). SCHMIDT, Balthasar (John Flesher's great-great-grandfather). ................. Johan Johannes (John Flesher's great-grandfather). SCROPE [CLIFFORD], LE, Catherine (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). SCROPE [DACRE], LE, Mabel (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). SCROPE [ROKESBY], Phillis (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). SCROPE, LE, Henry (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ..................... John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). SCROPE, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). SCUDAMORE [DE CLIFFORD], DE, Joyce (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). SCUDAMORE [GIFFARD], DE, Matilda (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). SCUDAMORE, DE, Godfrey (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Titus (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Walter (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ................................ Walter (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). SCUDAMORE, Petronilla (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). SEAGRAVE [ARUNDELL], DE, Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). SEAGRAVE, DE, Stephen John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). SEAMAN [HICKS], Anne (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). SEAMAN [STRICKLAND], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandmother). SEAMAN, John (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandfather). ................ John (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). SEAMON [PETTY], Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). SEAMON, Clement (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). ................ Nicholas (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................ Ralph (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). SEGRAVE [DU PLESSIS], DE, Christiane (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). SEGRAVE [PLANTAGENET], DE, Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). SEGRAVE, DE, John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SELWOODE, Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

287 287 216 287 287 216 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 413 413

413 445 413 413 240 238

Page 1364

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1033 1022 3366 3398 3397 1895 1979 2064 1894 2063 1978 1980 2829 2970 2969 2828 1893 1452 1641 1892 1451 1640 811 810 650 295 122 166 165 121 225 294 224 3618 3784 3783 3613 3624 3612 3623 462 216 215 404 403 3037 3002 2964 2963 1041 1039 910 1129 1658 1488 909 1038 1040 1128 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

240 SELWOODE, Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 238 ..................... Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). SEMPHILL, Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). SEMPILL [CATHCART], Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). SEMPILL, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 460 SENESCHAL [KENINGK], Joane (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 515 ............................................ Joane (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). 492 SENESCHAL [LE SENESCHAL], John De Helland (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). 460 SENESCHAL, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 492 ....................... John (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). 492 ....................... John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 460 ....................... John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). 689 SENLIS [MRS HUBERT], Ms. (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). 728 .......................................... Ms. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). 728 SENLIS, Hubert (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). 722 ............. Hubert (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). 515 SERGEAUX [DE SENESCHAL], Margaret Baddlesmere (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). 461 SERGEAUX [FITZALAN], Phillippa (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). 460 SERGEAUX [SENESCHAL], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 514 SERGEAUX, Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 460 ..................... Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). 492 ..................... Richard (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). 266 SEVING [VITT], Verena (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). 242 SEVING, Adolf (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). 242 .............. Silvester Vitt (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). 59 SEYMOUR [ANN], Ms. (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). 25 SEYMOUR [BRUCE], Sally (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). 59 SEYMOUR [GOOD], Mary (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). 59 SEYMOUR, George (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). 59 ................... Larkin (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). 59 ................... Sarah (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). 59 ................... Thomas (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). 59 ................... Thomas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). SHARP, Alice (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandmother). SHARPE, Elizabeth (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). ............... Robert (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). SHEREDINE [BROME], Martha (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandmother). SHEREDINE, Elizabeth (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandmother). ...................... Jeremiah (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandfather). ...................... Thomas (Salathiel Goff's four-times-great-grandfather). 166 SHERIDAN, Catherine (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). 98 SHERMAN [SLAGLE], Helene (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). 55 SHERMAN, Conrad (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). 82 SHOCKEY, Alice (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). 82 .................. Richard (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). SIGTRYGSSON, Agnar (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother's husband). 753 SIGURDSDATTER, Thora (Caroline's thirty-four-times-great-grandmother). 727 SIMPLE [EADGIFU], Edgiva (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). 727 SIMPLE, Charles The (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). 265 SINCLAIR [KEITH], Margaret (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 241 SINCLAIR [SUTHERLAND], Elizabeth (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). 265 ................................................ Elizabeth (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). 265 ................................................ Marjory (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). 496 SINCLAIR, Earl of Orkney (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). 470 .................. Helen (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). 265 .................. John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). 241 .................. John (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 265 .................. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). 265 .................. William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3768 3767 365 283 611 610 364 282 3051 994 878 993 877 2048 2047 866 865 3480 3482 3585 3506 3504 3532 3577 3534 3583 3579 3581 3503 3505 3586 3584 3531 3535 3533 3588 3530 3576 3578 3479 3582 3481 3580 115 3728 76 3766 3765 3727 160 114 75 34 15 50 24 33 49 23 Tree Name (Relationship) SKIPWITH [DYMOKE], Alice (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). SKIPWITH, William (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). SLAGLE [AISTER], Anna Maria (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). SLAGLE [KLEIN], Mary Catherine (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). SLAGLE [TILISCH], Magdalena (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). SLAGLE, Christoph (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Christoph Friedrich (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... Jacob (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). SLINGEBAND, Roric (Caroline's forty-one-times-great-grandfather). SLINGSBY [PERCY], Mary (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). SLINGSBY [VAVASOUR], Frances (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). SLINGSBY, Francis (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................... Henry (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). SLOBBERER [ALFONSEZ], Berengaria (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). SLOBBERER, Alfonso The (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). SLOMAN [EPES], Katherine (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). SLOMAN, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). SLOPER [BAILLY], Mary (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Mary (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). SLOPER [DISNER], Agnes (John Adam Stutler's nine-times-great-grandmother). SLOPER, Emma (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). .............. Emma (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). .............. Emma One (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). .............. Emma One (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). .............. Emma One (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). .............. Joan Sloper (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-great-aunt by marriage). .............. Joan Sloper (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). .............. Joan Sloper (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). .............. John (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). .............. John (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). .............. John I (John Adam Stutler's ten-times-great-grandfather). .............. Nicholas (John Adam Stutler's nine-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's cousin, nine times removed). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's eleven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............. Ralph (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-great-uncle). .............. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). .............. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). SMITH [C], Leannah (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). SMITH [SKIPWITH], Anne (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). SMITH [TURNER], Sally (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). SMITH, Ms. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). ............ Claudea A (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ............ Henry (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ............ Joshua (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ............ Joshua (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ............ Thomas (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). SMITHEY [DAMEWOOD], Eliza A (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). SMITHEY [GRAY], Dorothy Jeanne (Caroline's grandmother). SMITHEY [NORMAN], Frances (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). SMITHEY [WILSON], Charleton (Caroline's great-grandmother). SMITHEY, Alpheus (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). ................. Bradford W (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ................. Samuel Austin (Caroline's great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

129 130 129 129 129 129 775 231 291 231 231 561 540 223 223

38 23

75 56 38 16 6 24 10 15 23 9

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 14 3048 3044 2495 2494 3201 3195 3206 3200 3205 3194 953 952 86 56 55 85 436 551 550 435 388 509 1355 1354 1475 1476 2197 1921 2083 2019 2793 1920 2196 2018 2082 3490 3547 3492 3515 3472 3546 3514 3491 3489 3471 3431 3430 1865 1864 1882 1962 1881 1961 926 925 1051 821 820 Tree Name (Relationship) 5 767 768 582 582

Index of Individuals

217 217 10 10 10 10 152 117 117 117 180 210 348 348 348 348 524 525 524 524 715 524 524 524 524

422 422 456 456 456 456 244 244 244 182 182

SMITHEY, Tillman Alpheus (Caroline's grandfather). SOLFASSON, Halfdan (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ...................... Halfdan (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather). SOMERY [FITZALAN], DE, Nichole (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). SOMERY, DE, Roger (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). SORRELL [BRECHIN], Ann (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandmother). SORRELL [O CANNY], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seven-times-great-grandmother). SORRELL [WOODWARD], Rebecca (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandmother). SORRELL, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nine-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seven-times-great-grandfather). SPARNON [GWENNOW], Elizabeth (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). SPARNON, Thomas (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). SPEED [DURHAM], Mariah A (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). SPEED [NORWOOD], Virginia Sarah (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). SPEED, James Monroe (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ............ William G (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). SPIERS [MILLS], Martha (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). SPIERS, Hannah (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ............. John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............. John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). SPINNING, Humphrey (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). .................. Humphrey (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). SPRENCHEAUX [WYNNESBURY], Margery (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). SPRENCHEAUX, Fulke (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Nicholas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ............................. Nicholas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). ST CLAIR [DE FENTON], Alice (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ST CLAIR [HALIBURTON], Jean (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ST CLAIR [ROSABELLE], Rosabell (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). ST CLAIR [STRATHERN], Isabella (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). ST CLAIR, DE, Mauger Seigneur (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandfather). ST CLAIR, Henry (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ................. Henry (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). ................. William (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ST JOHN [BULKELEY], Sarah (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). ST JOHN [DALYSON], Jane (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). ST JOHN [FISHER], Agnes (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). ST JOHN [NEALE], Jane (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). ST JOHN [READ], Dorothy (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). ST JOHN, Alexander (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............... Henry (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Oliver (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). ............... Oliver (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). ............... Oliver (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). STAADLTLER [SITES], VON, Mary (John Adam Stutler's great-grandmother). STAADLTLER, VON, Jacob (John Adam Stutler's great-grandfather). STAFFORD [DE STAFFORD], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). STAFFORD, James (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). STANLEY [LATHOM], DE, Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). STANLEY [MASSEY], Alice (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). STANLEY, DE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). STANLEY, William (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). STASYE [CONVERS], Alice (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). STASYE, John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). STEEVENS, William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................... William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather).

Page 1367

Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3761 3721 3722 3385 3369 3351 3402 3312 3311 3350 3392 3363 3401 3368 3384 588 757 587 756 356 601 773 274 273 470 600 772 355 2832 2973 2990 2394 2493 2214 2492 2393 2213 2195 3486 3511 3510 3485 3539 3538 2085 2084 1087 1088 3649 3675 3770 3730 3674 3696 3729 3769 555 337 262 Tree Name (Relationship)

Index of Individuals

163 163 163 163 126 170 170 127 126 170 170 170 171 680 728 731 582 582 527 582 582 527 582

524 583 281 311

153 154 119

STEVENS, Mr. (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). STEWART [DRUMMOND], Annabella (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .............................................. Annabella (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). STEWART [GRAHAM], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandmother). STEWART [MURE], Elizabeth (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). STEWART [SEMPLE], Marion (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandmother). STEWART, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s fifteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .................. John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Margaret (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandmother). .................. Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Robert (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). STITH [MOSBY], Jane (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). STITH [TOWNSEND], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). STITH, John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ........... Robert (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). STONE [BELCHER], Dorothy (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). STONE [FOX], Anna A (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). STONE [WHEATON], Martha E (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). STONE [WILKINS], Mary (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). STONE, John (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............ John Herbert (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............ John Wheaton (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............ John Wheaton (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............ Richard (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). STOP, Mr. (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). ......... Mr. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......... Mr. (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). STRANGE [DE SOMERY], LE, Joan (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). STRANGE [DE TREGOZ], LE, Lucy (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). ................................................... Lucy (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). STRANGE, LE, John (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). STRANGE, Hawise (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). STRANGEWAYS [THYNNE], Dorothy (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandmother). STRANGEWAYS [WADHAM], Johanna (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). STRANGEWAYS, Giles (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). .............................. John (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). STRANGWAYES [MANNERS], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). STRANGWAYES, Henry (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). STRATHERN [ROSS], OF, Marjory (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). STRATHERN, OF, Malise (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). STREAM, Dashing (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Dashing (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). STREIT, Niclas (John Flesher's great-great-great-grandfather). STRICKLAND [FENWICK], Jane (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). STRICKLAND [NEVILLE], Katherine (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). STRICKLAND [TEMPEST], Alice (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). STRICKLAND, John William (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). ......................... Thomas (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Walter (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Walter (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). STRINGFIELD [HILL], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). STRINGFIELD [PETTUS], Mary (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). STRINGFIELD [RAY], Mary Ann (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 702 440 261 554 336 804 645 902 1024 1112 803 644 901 1023 883 631 371 489 786 370 488 787 630 3423 3425 3427 18 3426 3424 17 1260 3143 3023 2962 2961 3573 3528 3527 3572 3497 1486 1485 1508 1686 1507 1685 3764 3763 2748 2747 2707 2672 2529 2426 2131 2553 2279 2595 2649 Tree Name (Relationship) 153 153 118 153 153 263 240 293 262 262 262 239 262 262 201 233 176 202 201 175 201 201 201

Index of Individuals

296 799 765 727 727

350 350 392 392 392 392 677 708 677 631 631 599 591 599 609 631 627

STRINGFIELD, Albert (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Charles (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ......................... James (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ......................... John (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Richard (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). STRONG [BOND], Ann (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). STRONG [DEANE], Eleanor (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). STRONG [WHITMAN], Agnes (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). STRONG, Ms. (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). ............... Forefather (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... George (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............... Robert (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). STURGES, Peter (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). STURGIS [AUSTIN], Margaret (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). STURGIS [GORHAM], Temperance (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). STURGIS [HINCKLEY], Elizabeth (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). STURGIS, Edward (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ Edward (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................ Edward (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................ Edward (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ................ John (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). STUTLER [CARDER], Nancy (Josiah Nelson Stutler's mother). STUTLER [HUGHES], Sarah Abigail (John Adam Stutler's mother). STUTLER [NEWBERGER], Mary (John Adam Stutler's grandmother). STUTLER, John Adam (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed). ................. John Adam (John Adam Stutler's grandfather). ................. John Adam (John Adam Stutler's father). ................. Josiah Nelson (Caroline's third cousin's husband, twice removed). SUTHERLAND, Alexander (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). SVAFLAM, Mr. (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). SVEIDE, The Viking (Caroline's thirty-six-times-great-grandfather). SWABIA [DE NULLENBURG], VON, Reginlinde (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). SWABIA, VON, Richard I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). SWAINE [PARIS], Ms. (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). SWAINE [REVES], Agnes (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). SWAINE, John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............... Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). SWAYNE, Robert (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). SWETENHAM [DE OVERTON], Alice (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). SWETENHAM, Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). SWYNNERTON [BEKE], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). SWYNNERTON [DE HOLAND], Maud (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). SWYNNERTON, DE, Robert (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). SWYNNERTON, Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). SYMONDS [BENBOW], Anne (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). SYMONDS, John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). TAILLEBOIS [DE MERCIA], Lucia (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEBOIS, Ives (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Matilda (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [DE ARCHAIC], Petronille (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [DE BENAUGES], Vitapoy (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [DE COURTENAY], DE, Alice (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [DE COURTENAY], Alice (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [DE LIMOGES], Emma (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). ................................................. Emma (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [VAGENA], Cundo (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). TAILLEFER [VENAISSIN], Emma (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 2425 2130 2594 2671 2278 2528 2552 2648 3463 3448 3462 699 698 392 417 815 416 814 916 915 735 3772 3771 2000 1999 1905 1647 1646 1904 3086 3085 3644 3634 3643 1702 1701 2585 2659 2584 2658 2665 3115 3039 3035 3038 3043 3047 3046 3042 2361 2450 2177 2360 2449 2176 3513 3543 3512 3542 Tree Name (Relationship) 599 590 631 631 590 631 599 627

Index of Individuals

151 151 79 84 211 84 211 211 211 224 463 463 520 430 495 463 797 795

396 396 628 628 628 628 660 789 771 769 767 769 767 767 772 570 570 570 570 570 570

TAILLEFER, DE, Aymer (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). TAILLEFER, Aymer De (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Foulques (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Geoffrey (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Guillaume (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Guillaume (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Guillaume (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... William (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). TARRANT [SLOPER], Jone (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). TARRANT, Jane (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandmother). .................. Robert (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). TAVENOR, Michael (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ................... Michael (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). TAVERNOR, Lawrence (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). TAYLOR [TOMLIN], Martha (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). TAYLOR [WELLMOTE], Margaret (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). TAYLOR, George (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ................ John (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Susan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). TEMPEST [NOWELL], Isabel (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). TEMPEST, Nicholas (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). TENDERING [HOLBROKE], Agnes (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). TENDERING, Thomas (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). TENDRING [KERDESTON], Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). TENDRING [MILDE], Katherine (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). TENDRING, William (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). THARSAMUND [MAJOR], Amfleda (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). THARSAMUND, King (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). THEIL [STREIT], Catarina (John Flesher's great-great-grandmother). THEIL, Anna (John Flesher's great-grandmother). ........... Henrich (John Flesher's great-great-grandfather). THORNTON [HELLESBY], Lucia (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). THORNTON, Peter (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). THOUARS [DE MAULEON], DE, Aurengarde (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). THOUARS, DE, Aenor (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Aimery (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Geoffroi (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). THOURS, Aldearde (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). THRASAMUND, King (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). THRONDSSON [HALFDANSDATTER], Solveig (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandmother). THRONDSSON, Eystein (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Eystein (Caroline's thirty-eight-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Mrs Thrond (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Mrs Thrond (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Thrond (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather). .......................... Thrond (Caroline's thirty-nine-times-great-grandfather). THWENG [DE BRUS], DE, Lucy (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). THWENG [DE KILTON], DE, Matilda (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). THWENG [HAUNSARD], DE, Matilda (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). THWENG, DE, Marmaduke (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Robert (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). THYNNE [GRESHAM], Christian (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandmother). THYNNE [HEYNES], Margaret (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). THYNNE, John (John Adam Stutler's seven-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 797 1014 895 796 894 1013 504 373 1760 1759 2547 2277 2551 2276 2546 2550 2521 2520 2920 2919 800 641 640 396 519 3607 3599 3606 1139 1998 2077 1997 2184 2076 771 770 743 742 2674 2673 3065 3064 2349 2557 2428 2169 2556 2348 2427 2187 2477 2379 2476 2378 2186 1828 1827 3146 3114 Tree Name (Relationship) 237 292 292 204 292 292 101 134 405 405 596 608 599 607 596 599 641 627 726 726 177 177 177 81 106

Index of Individuals

267 519 577 553 601 576 169 169 161 161 631 631 787 786 613 600 600 600 600 600 600 603 577 616 577 577 577 416 416 807 789

TILLEY [HURST], Joan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). TILLEY [TYLLE], Agnes (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). TILLEY, Elizabeth (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ............. John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............. Robert (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). TIPPING, Mr. (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). TOLSON, Anne (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). TOUCHET [MORTIMER], Maud (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). TOUCHET, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). TOULOUSAN [DE CHATELLERAULT], Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). .................................................................... Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). .................................................................... Eleanor (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). TOULOUSAN, William X (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William X (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). ........................ William X (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). TOULOUSE [DE MORTAIGNE], Emma (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). TOULOUSE, Guillaume Count (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). TROYES [DE BOURGES], DE, Richilde (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). TROYES, DE, Theobald Vct (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). TULLY, Mr. (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ............. Rebecca (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). ............. Thomas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). TURNER, Mr. (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............... Cornelius (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). TURTON [ANN], Ms. (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandmother). TURTON, William (Salathiel Goff's great-great-grandfather). ................ William (Salathiel Goff's great-great-great-grandfather). TYNDALL, Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). UFFORD [DE NORWICH], DE, Margaret (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). UFFORD [DEVALOINES], Cecily (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandmother). UFFORD, DE, Robert (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). UFFORD, Robert D (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). ............... Robert D (Caroline's twenty-one-times-great-grandfather). UPHAM, Maria (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). .............. Richard (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). UTIE, Anne (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). ......... John (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). VAGENA, Qunormau (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ................ Qunormau (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). VALDARSSON [HEIDREKSDATTER], Hildur (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother). VALDARSSON, Harald (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandfather). VALLETORT [BASSET], DE, Joan (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). VALLETORT [FITZROY], DE, Joan (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandmother). VALLETORT, DE, Alesia (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). .............................. Joan (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). .............................. Ralph (Caroline's twenty-five-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Reginald (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). .............................. Roger (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). VALOINES [CRIKETOT], DE, Eve (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandmother). VALOINES [DE CREKE], DE, Isabel (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). VALOINES [LE BLOUNT], DE, Roesia (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). VALOINES, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Robert (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ........................... Robert (Caroline's twenty-two-times-great-grandfather). VALOIS [SICILY & NAPLES], DE, Marguerite Princess Of (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VALOIS, DE, Charles (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). VANDALS [DE VANDALS], Cella V (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother). VANDALS [ROME], Eudoxia (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3092 3135 3134 3091 3067 3113 3145 3418 3417 2206 2205 996 1109 1233 1108 1232 995 1746 1742 1745 1722 1741 3799 3798 2461 2709 2369 2750 1195 1329 2749 2708 2368 1194 1328 2460 2615 2913 2881 2956 2760 2944 2934 2921 2880 2955 2800 2864 2980 2997 2839 2981 2840 2998 2912 1734 1750 1558 1733 Tree Name (Relationship) 798 807 807 789 789 789 812 525 525 291 291 291 291 291 291 482 401 482 398 401 572 679 572 679 381 429 709 679 572 380 380 572 679 719 692 726 712 749 746 726 692 726 719 689 737 739 692 746 712 749 719 400 403 403 400

Index of Individuals

VANDALS [YOUNGER], Amfleda The (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). VANDALS, OF, Flora (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Gondeguslus (Caroline's forty-nine-times-great-grandfather). VANDALS, Hilderic (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). ................... Hildis Af (Caroline's forty-four-times-great-grandmother). ................... Hunneric King Of The (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ................... Radagaisus (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). VAUX [WILLIAM], DE, Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VAUX, DE, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s nineteen-times-great-grandfather). VAUX, William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). ........... William (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). VAVASOUR [CALVERLEY], Elizabeth (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). VAVASOUR [GASCON], Jane (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). VAVASOUR [LANGTON], Elizabeth (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). VAVASOUR, Henry (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). VENABLES [COTTON], DE, Margery (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VENABLES [DE LANGTON], Isabel (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VENABLES, DE, Hugh (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). VENABLES, Margery (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). .................... Richard (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). VENDIL [DE VENDIL], Sigtryg (Agnar Sigtrygsson's mother). VENDIL, Sigtryg Of (Agnar Sigtrygsson's father). VERE [BOLEBEC], DE, Isabel (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandmother). VERE [DE CLARE], DE, Adeliza (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandmother). VERE [DE QUINCY], DE, Hawise (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). VERE [GAND], DE, Beatrice (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandmother). VERE [HOWARD], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). VERE [SERGEAUX], DE, Alice (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). VERE, DE, Alberic (Caroline's twenty-eight-times-great-grandfather). ................. Aubrey (Caroline's twenty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ................. Hugh (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................. John (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Robert (Caroline's twenty-four-times-great-grandfather). ................. Rohese (Caroline's twenty-six-times-great-grandmother). VERMANDOIS [AUXERRE], Adelaide Capet, Countess D' (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). VERMANDOIS [DE FRANCE], DE, Adela (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandmother). VERMANDOIS [DE MORVOIS], DE, Bertha (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). VERMANDOIS, DE, Adelaide (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Adelaide (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Adelaide (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Herbert (Caroline's thirty-two-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Herbert (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Herbert I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Isabel (Caroline's twenty-nine-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Pepin I (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Robert (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Robert (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). ................................. Robert (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandfather). VERMANDOIS, Adelais Countess (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Adelais Countess (Caroline's thirty-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Adelais Countess (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). .......................... Herbert V Count Of (Caroline's thirty-one-times-great-grandfather). VERNON [BRAILSFORD], DE, Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VERNON [DE STOCKPORT], DE, Margaret (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). VERNON [PEMBRUGGE], Juliana (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). VERNON, DE, Ralph (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 1674 1749 1284 1557 1403 3053 2987 2986 3170 3169 3149 3148 912 911 1499 1565 1663 1513 1500 3541 3540 1812 1811 3156 3557 3556 982 981 1093 3246 3245 1456 1648 1455 1649 1842 1816 1815 1841 2252 2251 1540 1720 1539 1719 3759 3758 3689 3671 3720 3688 3719 3670 467 768 272 352 199 148 Tree Name (Relationship) 477 403 404 403 403 777 730 730 810 810 266 266 354 406 500 394 354 414 414 808 285 313 256 466 464 465 465 419 415 415 419 534 534 398 398 398 398

Index of Individuals

168 168 72 169 95 72

VERNON, DE, Roesia (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ....................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). VERNON, Joan (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). ................ Richard (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Richard (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). VIDFADMA, Ivar (Caroline's forty-two-times-great-grandfather). VIENNE [DE BURGUNDY], DE, Ermengarde (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandmother). VIENNE, DE, Berillo I (Caroline's thirty-three-times-great-grandfather). VILES [CARDER], Susan (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandmother). VILES, William (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s great-great-grandfather). VISLAUS [DE NORWAY], Tibernia (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandmother). VISLAUS, Hutterus (Caroline's fifty-times-great-grandfather). VITT [HERZ], Maria Ann (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). VITT, Josef (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). VOEL, David (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Gruffydd Ap Iorwerth (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). .......... Mrs David (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WADHAM [TREGARTHIN], Joan (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). WADHAM, John (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). WAKE [FITZBERNARD], Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). WAKE, John (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). WALARAVENS, Prince (Caroline's fifty-one-times-great-grandfather). WALDEGRAVE [WENTWORTH], Margery (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandmother). WALDEGRAVE, William (John Adam Stutler's eight-times-great-grandfather). WALLER [SAUNDERS], Sarah (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). WALLER, Ralph (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). ................ Robert (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). WALTHAM [UNKOWN], Ms. (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandmother). WALTHAM, Humfrey (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s thirteen-times-great-grandfather). WALTON [BUTLER], Elizabeth (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). WALTON, DE, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). WALTON, John (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Walter (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WARENNE [DE VERE], DE, Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ............................................... Joan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). WARENNE, DE, William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ........................... William (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). WARINE [DE DINAN], Hawise (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandmother). WARINE, Fulk Fitz (Caroline's twenty-three-times-great-grandfather). WARREN [BULKELEY], Margery (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WARREN [DE WYNNINGTON], Agnes (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). WARREN, Laurence (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ................. Nicholas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). WASHBOURNE, Emme (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). ............................ John (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). WASHBURN [TIMBRELL], Martha (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). WASHBURN [WHITEHEAD], Jane (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). .................................................. Jone (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). WASHBURN, John (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ...................... John (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ...................... William (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). WATTS [ESSERMAN], Ann (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). WATTS [KNOTT], Johan (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). WATTS [MARTIN], Anne (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). ................................. Anne (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). WATTS [WILKINS], Esther (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). WATTS, Benjamin (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather).

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 466 271 351 149 597 198 767 1909 2004 2003 1908 605 775 774 604 1144 1143 1241 1463 1114 1240 1462 1344 1113 3088 3087 3760 3690 299 298 513 514 390 391 1026 1025 132 178 244 131 439 629 628 1362 1361 1484 1483 358 603 473 472 357 602 214 278 74 159 73 158 Tree Name (Relationship) 168 125 168 53 168 94 168 464 521 464 521 172 172 172 172 268 268 344 434 315 384 384 434 344 788 788 79 104 104 183 183 104 316 315 46 46 46 46 89 131 131 350 350 350 350 127 127 172 127 172 127 97 96 14 74 14 73 WATTS, Cornelius (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ............. Edward (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............. Edward (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ............. Frances Benjamin (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). ............. Robert Harrison (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ............. Thomas (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............. William (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). WAUTON [ASPALL], DE, Elizabeth (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). WAUTON, DE, John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandmother). ......................... John (Caroline's twenty-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Thomas (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). WAY [BATCHELAR], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). WAY [DENSLOW], Edith (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). WAY, Henry (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). ......... Henry (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). WAYTE, Margaret (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). .............. William (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). WEIGHTMAN [WOODAN], Scianeley (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). .............................................. Scianeley (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WEIGHTMAN, Henry (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandmother). ......................... Richard (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Richard (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Thomas (Caroline's fifteen-times-great-grandfather). WESSEX [MRS CERDIC], Ms. (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandmother). WESSEX, Cerdic (Caroline's forty-six-times-great-grandfather). WHITEHEAD, Daniel (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Jonathan (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). WHITESIDE [TAVERNER], Elinor (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). WHITESIDE, Edward (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ..................... James (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Lawrence (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Lawrence (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). WHITMAN [AXTELL], Alice (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandmother). WHITMAN, Henry (Caroline's fourteen-times-great-grandfather). WHITTEN [ODELL], Sarah (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). WHITTEN, Elijah (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). .................. Elisha (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). .................. Joel (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). WHITTY, Mr. (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). WIGNALL, Alexander (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). .................. Alexander (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). WILBRAHAM [SWETENHAM], Margaret (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). WILBRAHAM, Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). WILBURGHAM [GOLBORNE], DE, Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WILBURGHAM, DE, Thomas (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). WILKINS [GENGILL], Mary (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandmother). WILKINS [NICHOLS], Hannah (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). WILKINS [WAY], Hannah (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). WILKINS, Bray (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). ................ John (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). ................ Thomas (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). WILL [MEIXEL], Anna Christiana (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). WILL [MILLER], M (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). WILL [RIDDLE (RUDDEL, RUDDLE)], Sarah (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). WILL [SHERMAN], Maria Susanna (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). WILL, George (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ......... John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 213 277 918 917 418 40 62 322 252 136 130 54 177 184 36 94 53 135 251 93 61 129 183 176 82 321 323 35 39 81 862 3703 3782 3737 3781 3736 3702 3439 3478 3461 3477 3460 3438 3447 3500 607 477 606 476 3788 3787 1345 1346 762 761 32 31 3214 3213 Tree Name (Relationship) 96 96 211 211 85 19 30 85 85 48 45 26 64 86 10 46 10 67 112 45 29 64 85 64 10 85 112 10 18 10 253 WILL, Michael (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ......... Michael (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). WILLMOTE, Agnes (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). ..................... Michael (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandfather). WILLSON, Mr. (Caroline's nine-times-great-grandfather). WILSON [BOSWELL], Jodie (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). WILSON [HUGHES], Louisa Adeline (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). WILSON [LEE], Jane (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandmother). WILSON [MARTHA], Ms. (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandmother). WILSON [MCMURRY], Martha (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). WILSON [MERRITT], Isabella (Caroline's five-times-great-grandmother). WILSON [MILLER], Sara Jane (Caroline's great-great-great-grandmother). WILSON [PETTIGREW], Polly (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). ......................................... Polly (Caroline's six-times-great-grandmother). WILSON [SPEED], Ida May (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). WILSON [WHITTEN], Elizabeth (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). WILSON, Albert James (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ............... Charles Pettigrew (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ............... Col. John (Caroline's seven-times-great-grandfather). ............... James A (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). ............... James Harvey (Caroline's great-great-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's five-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ............... John (Caroline's six-times-great-grandfather). ............... Mary (Caroline's four-times-great-grandmother). ............... Robert (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............... Robert (Caroline's eight-times-great-grandfather). ............... William Albert (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). ............... William Polk (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). ............... William W (Caroline's four-times-great-grandfather). WINANUSKE, Nonoma (Caroline's thirteen-times-great-grandmother). WINTHROP [BROWNE], Anne (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandmother). WINTHROP [BURTON], Joan (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). WINTHROP [SHARPE], Agnes (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). WINTHROP, Adam (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Adam (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). ..................... Adam (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). WITHERS [COLLETT], Elizabeth (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandmother). WITHERS [NASH], Joan (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandmother). WITHERS [SLOPER], Mary (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandmother). WITHERS, Thomas (John Adam Stutler's five-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's four-times-great-grandfather). ................. Thomas (John Adam Stutler's great-great-grandfather). ................. William (John Adam Stutler's great-great-great-grandfather). ................. William (John Adam Stutler's six-times-great-grandfather). WOLFHARDT [BURCKHARDT], Anna (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). WOLFHARDT [HAAGEN], Anna (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandmother). WOLFHARDT, Georg Johann (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). ......................... Johann Georg (Caroline's ten-times-great-grandfather). WOLSEY [LARKE], Joan (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). WOLSEY, Thomas (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). WOODAN, Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandfather). .................. Thomas (Caroline's seventeen-times-great-grandmother). WOODHOUSE [CARTER], Mary (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandmother). WOODHOUSE, Henry (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). WOODS [NEFF], Alberta Virginia (Caroline's great-great-grandmother). WOODS, James William (Caroline's great-great-grandfather). WOODWARD [GARROLD], Alice (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandmother). WOODWARD, John (Joy Elaine Mitchell [Farley]'s ten-times-great-grandfather).

Index of Individuals

128 128 128 128 344 344 164 164 14 8

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Caroline Lorraine Mitchell [James] Ref. 3667 3681 3680 3666 3741 3704 3740 576 734 575 1478 1477 1471 1470 3714 3754 3713 3753 1323 1322 3095 3096 1808 1807 1868 1852 Tree Name (Relationship) WOOLSEY [CORNELL], Rebecca (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandmother). WOOLSEY [HOOK], Frances (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandmother). WOOLSEY, Benjamin (Edward William Jackson's great-great-great-grandfather). ................... George (Edward William Jackson's great-great-grandfather). ................... Thomas (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). ................... Thomas (Edward William Jackson's four-times-great-grandfather). ................... Thomas Wynter (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). WORSHAM [LITTLEBERRY], Elizabeth (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandmother). WORSHAM, George (Caroline's twelve-times-great-grandfather). .................... William (Caroline's eleven-times-great-grandfather). WYNNESBURY [HUMPHRESTON], Margaret (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WYNNESBURY, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). WYSE [FULFORD], Thomasine (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandmother). WYSE, John (Caroline's eighteen-times-great-grandfather). WYTHAM [HUNTER], Alicia (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandmother). WYTHAM [WAWTON], Janetta (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandmother). WYTHAM, Mathew (Edward William Jackson's five-times-great-grandfather). .................. Thomas (Edward William Jackson's six-times-great-grandfather). YEADING [YEALDING], Ms William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandmother). YEADING, William (Caroline's sixteen-times-great-grandfather). YNGVASSON, Jorund (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandfather). ........................ Mrs Jorund (Caroline's forty-seven-times-great-grandmother). ZOUCHE [DE SEGRAVE], LA, Eleanor (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother). ZOUCHE, LA, Alan (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Eudo (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandfather). ....................... Eve (Caroline's nineteen-times-great-grandmother).

Index of Individuals

160 160 224 348 348 347 347

307 307 793 793 414 414 450 420

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