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New Identity

I.D. By Mail
Wanna get an ID? No questions asked? This bestselling directory lists all the ID and document-producing companies, complete with names and addresses, doing business through the mail. ID By Mail offers 64 pages of detailed photographs of their many different products they manufacture on your behalf, including:

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Drivers Licenses, Social Security cards, Birth Certificates, State ID cards, Student ID cards, Employee ID, Badges and Police ID, Blank Degrees

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College Degrees and Diplomas, Military Certificates, Badges and Police ID, Canadian ID cards, Addresses of Diploma Mills, Baptismal Certificates, Ministerial Credentials, And more

This bestselling directory is constantly updated with new, reliable companies offering quality ID and Documents. Sales Rank #1 64 pages. $50.00 Receive Your Ebook TODAY !!! Email: [email protected]

New Identity
The Paper Trip I The Paper Trip I has become a guiding light to the storm-tossed souls of our "floating" population-those who cannot establish themselves becomes of some bad aspect of their past, and whose lives are cursed by these modern ills: y y y y Negative employment references Less-than-honorable discharges Arrest, jail and prison records Bad or unavailable credit

In 14 authoritative chapters you will learn all the professional secrets for creating an entirely new identity. The Paper Trip I contains information found nowhere else. The Paper Trip I will guide you through amazing loopholes. Only the Paper Trip I covers the following topics with its radical perspective: y Cover an undesirable employment record y Change your age, for whatever purpose y Make a new name for yourself, and never be detected y Cover arrest, jail, or prison records, permanently y Disappear for good, for whatever reasons, perfectly y Return from exile without detection y Change citizenship from one country to another y Make the government itself create your new identity y Leave bad credit records behind y Get a new, even better, job y A step-by-step method for assembling a complete package of alternate ID, based on an original birth certificate y All the information you need to obtain your documents directly from the government itself y How to obtain any kind of supportive card you need y Where to obtain commercial ID forms and stock y U.S. passport regulations, Social Security procedures y Techniques for actually becoming another person: handwriting, appearance, speech, and more y Professional methods used before only by top espionage agents-now for you to use y Inside secrets of fingerprinting: faking, altering, removing-yes, it certainly can be done! Too good to be true? Read the Paper Trip I and you'll become a believer! Even if you don't need to change your identity or indulge in the more radical techniques, the information is absolutely priceless. Someday you may be very glad indeed that you took the time for the Paper Trip I.

88 pages. $50.00 Receive Your Ebook TODAY !!! Email: [email protected]

New Identity
The Paper Trip II
The Paper Trip II shows you how to create a totally new identity at least 10 different ways. The Paper Trip II guides you through all the different methods of changing your name and obtaining new identification. The Paper Trip II spells it ALL out for you: y The laws on fake ID y Evading government control of ID y Adopting an alias-and making it stick y Taking over the ID of another person-safely y How changes are made on ID forms y Getting "tools of the trade" for creating your own ID y Latest developments in the "classic" Paper Trip (infinite identity) y How to change your name legally-step-by-step details y The laws on legal name change for all fifty states y Getting new ID in your new name-legally y Use one of our forms for changing your name without going to courtand still get new, legal ID y Best of all, how to disappear by using your legal name change The professional advice and specialized information in the Paper Trip II can make you the master of your own life, and very quickly, too! y How to create an identity out of thin air, and make it work y Where to write for birth and death certificates in every state y Source of government-issued birth certificates y How and where to get "genuine" ID y Useful art for do-it-yourself ID y Where to get hundreds of stamps and seals y Driver's license codes and validations for all states y The SOUNDEX System for driver's license numbers-how it works y Social Security codes by state and by number y Creating a Social Security number to match your "background" y Latest methods for getting passports under other names y How to enter (return) without a passport as often as you like y Details of all the States' ID cards (non-driver identification) y Types and sources of private, non-government ID y Upgrading military "SPN" codes, and how to get them changed or removed Any way you do it, the Paper Trip II tells HOW. Everything you need to know is right here, waiting for you to put it to work-for you! 88 pages. $50.00

Receive Your Ebook TODAY !!! Email: [email protected]

The Master Guide To New Identity

The Paper Trip III The need for new identity has never been greater. Big Brother now works with hundreds of privately - owned databases that track and control millions of names in their files, specifically, YOUR name. Credit bureaus and other reporting services often victimize innocent people as they trade profitably in your "private" information. Identity theft has become an easy game for scammers, thanks to information brokers who gladly sell your records. Big Brother adds to the abuse by demanding Social Security Numbers, now even on drivers licenses. A new federal law is set to require a "unique health identifier" for all health records. If this law is imposed, Americans will be forced to have a first-ever National ID. We oppose this Nazi-minded effort to control records by an "I.D. Number." We don't believe Americans want to be "numbered" by ANY government. And we certainly don't want others, public or private, to "know all about us" with just a few keystrokes. Our solution to these emerging problems is The Paper Trip III. The Paper Trip III is your guide to dealing with Big Brother and living the life you really want. The solution is creating alternate Identity. The Paper Trip III reveals the many secrets of Alternate Identity and how it can help you: y y y y y Eliminate problems from negative records. Avoid complications from others knowing too much about you. Create secure, low profile privacy for yourself and your property. Become "invisible" to investigators who want to sue you. Start life over-safely-with new friends, somewhere else.

The Paper Trip III helps you create exactly the kind of Alternate Identity you need. The Paper Trip III provides methods that are easy to understand, easy to follow, and easy to use. You will be amazed at how many ways Alternate Identity can serve you. Best of all, Alternate Identity will quickly and effectively put you back in control of your own life. The Paper Trip III offers 15 detailed chapters that explore every aspect of Alternate Identity and how it can work for you: y y y y y y y Establish ID on Three Levels for maximum privacy and security. Use the Three Levels of ID to "compartmentalize" your life. Make your records "invisible" and "unknown" to databases. Identity theft is easy to do, hard to stop. Protect yourself. Handling mail and telephone with Three Levels of your ID. How to live in your new ID: Jobs, Banking, Residence, Education, Medical, Auto, Property, Insurance, Travel, Lifestyle, etc. Avoid problems from fingerprints and criminal records.

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How Vital Records offices work. Take advantage of differences. Obtain a new birth certificate from Vital Records with the name and age you want. You will control your new identity. Create new identity using variations among states for issuing drivers licenses and State ID cards. State-by-State comparisons. Social Security Numbers. How to get a new number-legally. Complete analysis of how the SSN is composed (all digits). How to tell valid SSNs; avoid any "dead" SSNs; create alternate SSNs to match your background. When SSA will make your new number "untraceable." Very important information. The U.S. passport is not always such a great deal. Foreign passports offer advantages, too. Discover new ID beyond the border. Do-it-yourself ID. Easy to get. Easy to do. Many options for quick, inexpensive, and convincing "back-up" ID. Many sources. Be aware of trends and developments affecting ID. Learn what Big Brother is "thinking" today-and possibly doing tomorrow.

Our exclusive library of Sources and Resources makes paper tripping possible. Read what we read. Stay informed. The Paper Trip III is truly the Master Guide to New Identity. You will be able to take advantage of hundreds of ways to put your new identity into practice without making mistakes. The unique research in The Paper Trip III shows you what to do, how to do it-and what to avoid. The very latest information is ready for you to use TODAY! Don't wait! Order your copy today! The Paper Trip III will be your own Master Guide to new possibilities and endless benefits. The Paper Trip III will work for YOU! 124 pages. $50.00 Receive Your Ebook TODAY !!! Email: [email protected]

The Master Guides to Complete Identity Change

The "Paper Trip" Combination The most famous books on getting government-issued ID, covering past records, changing fingerprints, and starting life over with a completely new (undetectable) identity. The Paper Trip books do not replace one another, but rather are fitting complements to each other. This combination offer includes the following titles:
y The Paper Trip I y The Paper Trip II y The Paper Trip III: The Master Guide You get the entire Paper Trip Series for only $100.00
$100.00 Receive Your Ebook TODAY !!! Email: [email protected]

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