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1. That I am the President of ____Corporation and in my capacity as such I enter into numerous transactions which sometimes would require background investigation by entities I deal with; 2. That due to the fact that the name PEDRO CRUZ seems to be very common, i was told that there have been several namesakes with criminal or derogatory records found in the NBI records, a copy of which is hereto attached for reference; 3. That I would like to categorically state herein that I have no pending criminal or civil cases filed against me by any person or entity and that cases dug up in NBI records are merely namesakes and none of them are actually mine; 4. That further, I wish to refute herein that I am the person with pending court cases as my middle name is "Arespacochaga" and I am married to "Julia Roberts-Cruz" and have been a resident of the above address for more than 30 years now and have never been a resident of any of the addresses mentioned in the attached NBI records; 5. That I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the veracity of the foregoing circumstances and for the purpose of denying herein that I am the same person referred to in the said list of Pedro Cruzes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___day of September, 2003 at the City of Legazpi, Philippines.

Signature of Affiant JURAT

***This instrument is necessary to deny formally a person's namesake with criminal records in the NBI

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