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Lesson Plan: Kimberly Cochran Grades: 9-12 Subject: Spanish I Lesson Title: Conjugating Regular AR Verbs I.

Initial Planning Classroom Context: This class has 32 students, equally distributed among grades nine through twelve. The racial demographics roughly match those of the school at large: 75% black, 8% white, 8% Asian, 8% Hispanic. Since I am a floater, the classroom is actually a science lab room, with four students sitting at each of eight black tables. I am equipped with materials I brought on my cart, as well as a dry erase board at the head of the room. As this is my first block class, the students are characteristically tired and thus quiet. I have two students with IEPs, and their accommodations include separate room for testing and extended time. Specific Learning Objectives: SWBAT conjugate regular AR verbs (NC-SCOS 1.05, 3.01, 5.02) as determined by correctly completing verb charts of the five verb forms in the following format: X Students Prior Knowledge: Students should know how to: - Identify a verb in English and in Spanish - Know the placement of each subject pronoun on the verb chart Resources Needed: - Class set of individual dry erase boards, dry erase markers, and erasers - Worksheets II. Lesson Introduction Focus/Review: As a 5 minute warm-up, the teacher will put up the following sentences on the board and direct students to circle the verb and underline the subject/subject pronouns. The first three will be in English, and the next three in Spanish. 1. John and I walk in the park. 2. The teachers speak clearly to the students. 3. She is happy. 4. Nosotros tenemos tres perros. 5. Juan y Jos viven en la casa. 6. En la maana, los chicos cantan. The teacher will then review the parts of speech and show their similarities in English and Spanish. 1

Statement of Objective in Student Terms: Now that we know how to identify the subject of a sentence, were going to learn how to conjugate verbs so that we can give some action to these subjects. Conjugation is changing a verb into its various forms based on the tense and the subject, or who, we are talking about. This might sound confusing, so lets think of an example in English. Take the verb to talk. Youll notice that the verb changes a bit when we say I talk versus she talks. Thats an example of us conjugating to talk. By the end of the period, each of you will be able to change regular AR verbs by writing the different forms in our verb chart. III.Lesson Development Content Development: The key points to the lesson are: - The three types of verbs in Spanish are: -AR, -ER, -IR. - Conjugation is changing a verb into its various forms based on the tense and the subject of a sentence. -The first step in conjugating AR verbs is to drop the ar at the end of the word. The next step is to add the following endings to the words: - Yo -o - T -as - l, ella, Ud. -a - Nosotros -amos -Ellos, ellas, Uds. -an Introduction to New Material: Teacher explains the process for AR verb conjugation, while students follow along on guided notes sheet. Teacher says: Can anyone explain what infinitive means? The infinitive is the root form of a verb. Its the form that ends in AR, -ER, or IR. We have often referred to the infinitive form as the mother verb. Were going to use that analogy here. The subject pronouns that we learned yesterday each transform a distinct form of the mother verb. They are like the mothers childreneach one looks a lot like his or her mother, but has a little uniqueness too. Lets start with the verb to talk, hablar. If I want to say I talk, whats the subject pronoun I start with? [Teacher calls on student for response.] Yo is correct. Now we must change to verb by dropping ar and adding o. What do we have? [Teacher calls on student for response.] Good. Hablo is the mothers son, lets say. The h-a-b-and-l look a lot like the mom. That could be the sons eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. But that last part, the o, is totally different. This son has red curly hair, while his momhablarhas straight black hair. Can someone tell me what the yo form of the verb caminar would be? [Teacher calls on student for response.] Does anyone have any questions so far? Continues [using analogy throughout]: Lets move on to the t form. Here we drop ar and add as. Who knows the t form of hablar? Caminar? [Teacher calls on students for responses.] The l, ella, Ud. form drops the ar and adds a. Can anyone tell me the l conjugation of 2

bailar? How about cantar? [Teacher calls on student for response.] Next well change the verb to fit the we form. Whats the pronoun for we that we learned yesterday? [Teacher calls on student for response.] Nosotros is correct. For this form, we drop the ar and add amos. Give me the conjugation for tomar. What about comprar? Finally, lets look at the ellos, ellas, Uds. form. We again drop ar, but this time we add an. This means that montar would become montan. Can someone conjugate hablar in this form? Students will be listening and taking notes on a guided notes handout. Teacher will enforce this by moving around classroom during participatory lecture. After this introduction to new material, the teacher will ask students to try a conjugation of their own on a scrap piece of paper. A student will then volunteer to put the chart on the board. The teacher will ask everyone who got the verb chart correct to raise their hand. Finally, the teacher will ask every student to hold up a number one thru five on their hand to show how well they feel like they understand the concept of conjugating AR verbs. Differentiation: The high-achieving students will be asked to practice several examples of AR verb conjugations on scrap paper, while the teacher re-explains the concept to the low-achieving students in small groups. Since there is no assessment at this point, no testing accommodations need to be made. IV. Lesson Implementation Guided Practice: Teacher passes out dry erase boards. Goes through series of verbs with various subjects and asks students to conjugate verb onto board. After many examples students are split into teams of five for competition. Students pass the board from person to person, each writing one form of the given verb to collectively create a complete chart. First team to hold up board with correct answers gets a point. Teacher keeps score on board. Play several rounds, time permitting. Teacher reveals correct answers with brief explanations after each question. Goes into deeper explanation with questions that illicit an abnormally high number of incorrect responses. Writes on board and explains why conjugation is such. Teacher will tell students that they are only allowed to write Spanish verbs, not draw on boards at their leisure. Students will be engaged because of competitive nature of activity. Independent Practice: Students complete worksheet with AR verb conjugation chart and sentences. Teacher circulates to help students who are having trouble. Teacher directs students to complete worksheet independently and in silence. Students will be engaged because teacher presents worksheet as an exciting and necessary challenge. Closure:

Teacher closes lesson on AR verb conjugation by having the class repeat, in unison, the endings for each subject pronoun. The steps of dropping the ar and adding new endings are reviewed through an example on the board. Teacher asks if there are any questions. Students create verb charts for cantar, descansar, and montar on a half sheet of paper to turn in as an Exit Slip. V. Lesson Evaluation Teacher reviews Exit Slips to determine student mastery of the objective. Eighty percent or higher is considered mastery. Teacher looks for students to drop the ar from every verb form, then add the appropriate endings. VI. Hand-Outs Guided Notes:

Conjugating -AR Verbs

1st Step: Drop ___________ [Ejemplos: bailar, cantar, escuchar, practicar, tomar, dibujar, comprar] 2nd Step: Add new endings Yo + T l, ella, Ud. + + Ellos, ellas, Uds. + Nosotros/as +

Definition To dance

Conjugation bailo bailas baila bailamos X bailan



BAILAR Example Yo bailo todas las noches. Non-example T bailamos cada da. Example

DIBUJAR Non-example

Independent Practice Worksheet:

Conjugating AR Verbs
Nombre _________________________________ Fecha _______________________ ENGLISH SPANISH SPANISH ENGLISH

1. He draws _________________________ 1. Bailo _____________________________ 2. You (inf.) sing _____________________ 2. Navegamos por Internet ______________ 3. Helena walks ______________________ 3. Descansas _________________________ 4. I talk _____________________________ 4. Nada _____________________________ 5. We practice _______________________ 5. Escucho __________________________ 6. You (form.) rest ____________________ 6. Dibujan ___________________________ 7. I skate ____________________________ 7. Trabajas __________________________ 8. You (inf.) study ____________________ 8. Montan en bicicleta _________________ 9. They (girls) swim __________________ 9. Toca el piano ______________________ 10. We work ________________________ 10. Cantamos ________________________ Complete the following verb charts with the correct forms of each verb and definitions. TOCAR: To ____________ ESTUDIAR: To ____________

TRABAJAR: To ____________

MONTAR: To ____________

Exit Slip: Exit Slip- Conjugating AR Verbs Nombre ________________________________ Fecha ________________________

1. Which of the following correctly conjugates necesitar based on the sentence: La chica ________________ ir a la escuela. a. b. c. d. necesitas necesita necesitan necesito

2. What is the t form of the verb bailar? a. b. c. d. bailamos baila bailas bailan

3. Which of the following correctly conjugates escuchar based on the sentence: Mara y yo ________________ a la msica todos los das. a. b. c. d. escucho escuchamos escuchan escucha

4. The conjugation camino is of what subject pronoun form? a. b. c. d. Nosotros l Ustedes Yo

5. Please write the ellos form of the verb practicar: _____________________________ .

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