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PEI/RP100-05 --------------

Recommended Practices
for Installation of
Underground .. Liquid
Storage Systems
~ P E I ~
Other Reference Publications available from PEl
Order online at
Petroleum Equipment LEXICON, Terms Used in Petroleum Marketing Operations
PEIIRP200, Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for
Mo to r-Vehicle Fueling
PEIIRP300, Recommended Practices for Installation and Testing of Vapor-Recovery
Systems at Vehicle-Refueling Sites
PEIIRP400, Recommended Procedure for Testing Electrical Continuity of Fuel-
Dispensing Hanging Hardware
PEIIRP500, Recommended Practices for Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Fuel
Dispensing Equipment
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
These Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems have been prepared
as an industry service by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. This recommended practice is truly an indus-
try document, as PEL members, environmental regulators, oil company engineers, oil marketing trade asso-
ciations, etc., have had an opportunity to review and comment on the previous publication under the same
name. The text represents the consensus views of the PEL Tank Installation Committee, comprised of the fol-
lowing members:
Leland M. Freeman, Chairman
Petroleum Solutions, Inc.
Victoria, Texas
Blake Bammer
Guardian Fueling Technologies
Jacksonville, Florida
Jack Carmitcheal
Double Check Company, Inc.
Kansas City, Missouri
Michael W. Farmer, P.O.E.
Farmer Company
South Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Duane Grippe
O'Day Equipment, Inc.
Duluth, Minnesota
Maurice J. Hubbard
lMP Solutions
Fort Myers, Florida
Doug Mets
Western Pump, Inc.
San Diego, California
Jim O'Day
O'Day Equipment, Inc.
Fargo, North Dakota
Greg Thomas
C. E. Thomas Company
Gardena, California
Bill R White, P.O.E.
White's Pump Service & Supply, Inc.
Lubbock, Texas
Serving as consultant to the committee was Marcel Moreau, P.O.E. , Marcel Moreau Associates,
77 Ocean Ave. , Portland, Maine 04103.
The PEL Tank Installation Committee acknowledges the contributions to past editions of this
document by the following people: O. L. Everett, John P. Hartmann, Frank Johnson, J. H. Prentiss,
Jr., Patrick M. Ryan, Jerry A. Thomas, Howard Upton, and George H. Watkins.
This document supersedes and replaces the previous recommended practice entitled, Recom-
mended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, PEIIRPlOO-2000.
All questions and other communications relating to this document should be sent only to PEL
Headquarters, addressed to the attention of the PEL Tank Installation Committee.
Petroleum Equipment Institute
PO. Box 2380
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-2380
(918) 494-9696
Fax: (918) 491-9895
E-mail: [email protected]
2005 Petroleum Equipment Institute
Every effort has been made by the PEl Tank Installation Committee to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
the information contained in this document. However, the Committee, its consultant, and the Petroleum Equip-
ment Institute make no representation, warranty or guarantee in connection with the publication of these rec-
ommended practices. The Institute hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage
resulting from the use of these recommended practices; for the violation of any federal, state or municipal
regulation with which these practices may be in conflict; or for the infringement of any patent resulting from
their use.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
Foreword .............................................................................................. ....... ........................................ .iii
1. Introduction
1.1 Background .......... ... ............. .... .............................. ...... ... .. ...... ............ .. ......... ...... ............... ... ............... ..... ...... .......... 1
1.2 Purpose ... ................. ......... ...... .. ...... .... ........... ....... .. ...... ..... ........ .. .... ... .. ............................... ........ ........... .................... 1
1.3 Scope .......... .......................... ............................. ............................ .... .................................. ... .. ........... ....... .. ........ ...... 1
1.4 Sources .... ........... .. ............................................ ..................... ................................ ............................. ........................ 1
l.5 Use of Other PEl Recommended Practices ....................................... ... .. ...... .. .............. .. .......... .. ...... .. ....... .. .... .... ...... 1
1.6 Importance of Competent Installers ............. ..... ... ........................... .... ............. .............. .......... .. ....... ...... ................... 1
1.7 Written Plans ..... .... .......... , ... ................................................... ......... ........................... ............................. ................... 2
1.8 Unexpected Conditions ....... ... ..... .. ... ............. ' .... .... ... ....... ... ................... ........ ... .. ...... ........ .. ........ ............ .... ........... .. ... 2
1.9 Regulations ...................... .. ..... ....... ......................................................................................... ........ .... ......... ... .. ...... .... 2
2. Material Handling
2.1 Care in Handling Tanks ................. ...................................... ......... .. ........................... ............... ..... ...... ............ ........... 2
2.2 Unloading, Lifting, and Lowering ... .. ... ....... .. ........................ ....... ... ... .. ................................ ........ .. ........... ....... .. .. ..... 2
2.3 Tank Storage ........... ....... ............................ ............. .... .... .. ........... ............................... ... .... ..................... .. ........... .. ..... 3
2.4 Piping and Equipment Storage ...................... ..................... .... ...................... ..... ..................... ..... .... .... .. ..... .... ..... ....... 3
3. Preinstallation Inspection and Tank Testing
3.1 Preinstallation Inspection ....................... .. ............................................. ...... ........................... ................... .. .. ....... ... ... 3
3.2 Preinstallation Tank Testing' ............ .. ............... ................................... .... ................... ... ............................................. 3
3.3 Preinstallation Testing of Double-Walled Tanks ... ... ................... ......... ... ........ ........ ............... .................................. ..4
3.4 Preinstallation Testing of Compartmented Tanks ................................................. ............... ...................................... 5
3.5 Alternative Interstice Tests ......... ..... ...... ........ ................................ ........ ........................ ...................... ... .................... 6
3.6 Double-Walled Tank with Liquid-Filled Interstice ............................... .. ................................................................... 6
3.7 Double-Walled Tank with Vacuum on Interstice ..................................................................................................... .. 6
4. Excavating
4.1 Excavating .................................. .. ........ ............... ... ......... .. .. ....... .. ....... ... .. .. ..... ................ ..... .................... .. ...... .. .. ... ... 6
4.2 Location of Excavation ................ .......................... ........ .... ......... .... ...... .... .. .. ........ ..... .... ................. ................ .... ....... 7
4.3 Excavation Depth, Bedding, and Backfill ... ..... .......... ...................... ...................... .. ...... ........ .. ........... .... ........ .. .... ..... 7
4.4 Cover in Areas Subject to Traffic .............. .... ........ ...... ............................... ...... ..... ...... .. ...... ........................... .. .......... 7
4.5 Cover in Areas Not Subject to Traffic ........................................................................................................................ 7
4.6 Maximum Burial Depth .. .................................... .................... ...... .... ............................. .. ...... ....... ............... .......... .... 7
4.7 Handling of Excavated Materials ........... .. ............... .... .. .. .................... ................. .. .. ..... .... .... .. .. ... ....... .... ............ ....... 7
4.8 Work Area Safety ......... ....................... ...... .............. .. ...... ... ............. ....... ................ ............................................... .... . 8
4.9 Excavation of Used Tanks .. ................................................... ............ .... ........ ... ... ... .... ... .................. ............ ............... 8
5. Backfilling
5.1 General ......... ....... ..... .. .. ......... .. .. .... .... ......... ........ ........ ............. .................. ......... .... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... .. ....................... 8
5.2 Ballasting .... .................. ........................................................... .............. .................. ........... ........ .. ... ........................... 8
5.3 Water Management ... ... ......................................................................... .. ..... .... .......................................................... 9
5.4 Backfill Material for Steel, Composite (Fiberglass-Clad Steel) and Jacketed Tanks ................................................ 9
5.5 Placement of Steel, Composite and Jacketed Tank Backfill .......................... .... ............ .......... .................................. 9
5.6 Backfill Material for Fiberglass Tanks ....................... ................ .............. ....... ................ ......................... .................. 9
5.7 Placement of Fiberglass Tank Backfill ...................................................... .......... ...... .. ............................................. 10
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
5.8 Compaction ... .... .... ........ .. ....... ..... ... .... ...... .... .. .. ......... ........ .... ............ .......... .. .. ....... .............. ..................... .. ....... .. .. .. 10
5.9 Measuring Tank Deflection .......................... ..... .. .. .... ..... ... ....... .... ...... ... .. .. ........ .. .. ... ....... ........ ......................... ........ 10
5.10 Filter Fabric ........ .. .... .... ...... .. ...... .... .. ....... .. ....... ....... .. ............ ........... ..... ....... .......................... ... ... .... .... ..... ... : ........... 10
5.11 Supporting Equipment During Construction ..................... ...... .... .. .... .......... .. .......... .. .. ... .. .... .............. ........ ...... .. ..... 11
6. Anchoring
6.1 General ... ............. ..... .. ... ............. .. ... ....... .... ... ....... ... ...... ......... ... ....................... ....... .... .... .... .......... .. .. ... ..... ............ ... 11
6.2 Excavating Requirements ............ .... .... ....... .. ........................................................ ..... ............... ........ .... ............. .... ... 12
6.3 Wet-Hole Conditions ........................ ....... .. ......... .... .......... .......... ...... ... ..... .. .. ..... ... .... .... ...... ...... ................. ... ............ 12
6.4 Types of Anchorage ... ... ...... ......... .... ...... ....... .............. ....... .......... .. .... .. .. ................... ... ......... ....... ..... ... ..................... 12
6.5 Straps .. ................ .. ........... ........ .... .. ...... ...... ..... .. ................. .... .... ... ......... .. ...... .. .. ...... .. .. ...... .... ............ .... ..... ... .. ... ...... 13
6.6 Electrical Isolation .............. ................. .... ..... .. .... .. ...... .... .... ..... ...... ....... ....... ............ .. .... .... ...................................... 13
6.7 Methods of Attachment ........................... .... .. .......... .... ... ................... ........ .. ..... .... ....... .... ... .................. .. .. ..... ........... 13
7. Spill Containment and Overfill , Prevention
7.1 Purpose .......................... .... ................................................ ...... .. ... ...... ....... ...... .... .... .. ...... ...... ............. ...... ... ............. 14
7.2 Spill Containment. .. ......... ....... ..... ........... ... .. .. .................. .. ...... .. ..... ................ ..... .. ... ..... ............ ....... .. ... ..... ...... ... ..... 14
7.3 Overfill Prevention ....................... ..... .... ... .. ........ ..... .... ... .. ............ .. ............ ......... ... ...... ... ............. ......... ... ..... ... ........ 14
7.3.1 Alarms ......... ..... ... ........ ..... .... , ......... ........ .. .......... .... ... ... .. ...... ... ... .... ... ..... .... ...................... ... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .. ..... 14
7.3.2 Flow Shut-Off Devices ... ... .......... .. ....... ... .......... ........... ....... .. ................. .... .. ... ... .. ... ................................... 14
7.3.3 Vent-Restriction Devices ...... ..................... .. ... ... ............. .. .. .. .................. .. .... ..... .. .......... ..... ....... .......... ... .. ... 15
7.4 Installation of Overfill Devices ............ .... .... ....... .. .. ....... ... .... ... .... .... ..... .. ... .......... .... ..... .. ... .. .. .. ...... ...... .................... 15
8. Secondary Containment
8.1 Purpose ......... .... ....... .......... .......... ..... ...... ...... ...... .. .. ............. .......... ..... ............... .... .. .. .... ....... .. .... ....... .... ...... .. .... ... .... 15
8.2 Double-Walled Tanks ............. .......... .. .. .... .. ... ..... ............ .. ...... .... ..... ........ ...................... .. .............. .... .... ...... ..... ...... .. 16
8.3 Double-Walled Piping ........... ~ ~ ................ ....... ... .. .. .. ........ .... .... .... ............ ... .... .... ... .. ...... .. ........... ...... .... .... ......... .... .... 16
8.4 Tank-Top Sumps ...... ............ ... . : .................................................. .............................. .... ............ .... .... .... ............ ... ..... 16
8.5 Dispenser Sumps .................................. .... ......... ......................... ... ........ .............. ...... ............. .. ..... ........................... 17
8.6 Sensing Devices ... .... ...... ... ...... .. .... .. ....... .. ...... .......... .... ............... .. ... ........... ........ ... .. ...................... ............... ........... 17
8.7 Other Technologies ...... .. ....... .. .. ........ ..... .. .. .. ................................. .......... ........ ... ...... ..... ............ ........ ......... .............. 17
8.8 Safety Considerations ................ ....... ............. ........................ ............................... .... .. .. .......... .................................. 17
9. Release Detection
9.1 Purpose ................... ...... ..... ....... ... .... .. .... .. ....... .. .. ................ ........... ... ......................................... .... .... ....................... 17
9.2 Leak-Detection Methods for Tanks ....... ......... ..... ...... ..... ... .. ....... ..... .. ....... .. .... ........ ... ..... ...... ......................... .... ..... .. 17
9.2.1 Automatic Tank Gauging ..... .. ................ ...... ......... .. ........ .............. ... ... ..... ... ................. ........ ....... ................ 18
9.2.2 Groundwater Monitoring .............. .. ............. ............ ..... ...... ... ........ .... .... .......... .......... .. .. ... ....... .... ............... 18
9.2.3 Inventory Control Plus Tightness Testing .............. ...................... .... ... .. .. .... ...... ........ .................................. 18
9.2.4 Interstitial Monitoring .... ...... .. ..... .. .. .................... ....... ..... ....... ...... ...... .. .. ..... ..................... ... ... .. .. .. .. ............. 19
9.2.5 Soil-Vapor Monitoring .. .. .......... .. .. .... ............ ........ .... ................................... .... ... .. ..... ... ....... ............. .. .... .... 19
9.3 _Leak-Detection Methods for Piping .............. ......... .... ......................... .......... ... ... ................... ....... .. .......... ............... 19
9.3.1 Automatic Line-Leak Detectors ..... ..... ... ...... ..... ....... ..... ... ........... ..... .... ... ............................ ..... .... .. .......... ... 19
9.3.2 Groun'dwater and Soil-Vapor Monitoring .... ..... .... .... ........ ..... .. .... ................ .... ........................................... 19
9.3.3 Periodic Piping Tightness Testing .... ........... .... ......... ... ..... ... ... ...... ...... ... .......................... ............ ..... ... .... .... 19
9.3.4 Interstitial Monitoring ..... ... ........... ... ........... ...... ................... ..... ..... .............. .. .... ... ... .......... ......... .. ........... ... 19
9.3.5 Containing Releases from Submersible-Pump Heads ...... .... ................ ..... ................................... ......... ..... 20
9.3.6 Containing Releases from Dispensers ...... .... .................... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... .................................. 20
9.3.7 Satellite-Dispenser Piping .............................................. ........... ........ ............................................ ........... ... 20
9.3.8 Under-Pump Check Valve ..................... ..................................... ................... .... ..... .......... .. ......... ... ............. 20
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
10. Piping and Fittings
10.1 General Requirements for Product Piping ........ .................. ..... ....... ... .. ....... .... .... ............ ........... ............... .. ..... .. ..... . 20
10.2 Piping Materials .......... ......... .... ...... ........... .. .. .. ...... ..... ....... ..... ..... ...... ...... ............ ............ .............. .. .... ... ......... ... ...... 20
10.3 Piping Practices .... .. .. ...... ......... .. ....... ................. ....... .... ... ... ........ ..... ...... ... ... ..... ........... ................. .. ...... ....... ........... .. 20
10.4 Piping Layout and Trenches ... .. ......... ...... .... ........................... .. .... ...... .... ..... ... .... ....... ....... .... ... ..... ... ............. ......... ... 21
10.5 Piping Backfill and Compaction ... ..... ..................... ...... ...... .. .... .. .. : ... ............... .. .... ....... ......... .................................. 21
10.6 Flexible Connectors .. .. .. .. ............ .............................................. ... ........... ... ... ..... ...... .. ........ .. .. .......... ............ .. ........... 21
10.7 Threaded Joints ... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... ... .. .. .. .. ............... ..... ... ... ... .... .. .. .. ........................ ........ .... ......... .... .... ... ........ ............. 21
10.8 Metallic Piping ............. .......... .. .... ..... ........ .... ...... .................................... ................ ............ ................ ........ .... .... ... .. 22
10.9 Fiberglass Piping ..... ... ..... : .. ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ........ .... ... ..... .... .... .... ............... ......... .. ...... ..... ...... ................ .... ...... .. ... 22
10.10 Flexible Piping ...... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ....... ... .......... .... .... ... .... ... .... ............... ........ ............ ..... .............. ........ ......... ..... .... 23
10.11 Containment Sumps ........... ....... ............................ ... .. ...... ....... .... .... ... ............. .......................... ......... ... ..... ..... ......... 23
10.12 Vent Piping ....... ..... ........ ........ ........... .... ... .. .... ..... .. .. .... .. ... .. .......... ... .... ..................... ................. ....... ...... ... ............. .. . 23
10.13 Fill Piping ... ....... ..... ............... .... ..... .. ......... .... ...... .. ..... .. ............. ... .. ................................................. ......................... 24
10.14 Submersible Pump ... ..... .. ....... .................... .... ... ...... ........... .. .... ............ ... ........ ....... .......... .. ... ... ....... ... ... .......... ......... 24
10.15 Suction Stub .... ... .. ... ....... : ................. .... .... .. ........................ .... ............. ........................... ..... .. ....... ... .... .. .... .... .... .. ..... 24
10.16 Manifolded Tanks and Siphon Piping ...................... .......... ... ... ............ .... .. ....... ....... ................................................ 24
10.17 Vapor-Recovery Piping ............................................................................................. ...... ......................................... 25
10.18 Water-Gauging Port. ...... ........ ............ .... ......... .... .... .... .... ..... ....... .......... ....... .. .. ... .. ............ ................ .. ..... .... ... .......... 25
11. Testing Piping
11.1 Testing of Product Piping .......... .. .......... ....... ... ................................. ........... .. ... ....... ...... .. .. ......... ...... ............... .. ....... 25
11.1.1 Initial Piping Test for Single-Walled Piping ..... .. ....... .. .. ... .. .. ....... ..... ... ........... .......... ..... .. ........................... 25
11.1.2 Initial Piping Test for Coaxial Piping .......................................................... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. ............ ...... .. .. .. ..... 25
11.1.3 Monitoring During Construction .... ............................. .................. .. ........................... .......... ......... ......... ... . 25
11.1.4 Post-Construction Testing .............. ......... .... .. ................ .... .......... ... .. ........ ....... ............. ..... ..... .... ...... .... ....... 25
11.2 Testing of Secondary Containment Piping ............... .... ..................................................................................... .. .... 25
11.2.1 Initial Test for Piping .... ............ ......... .. .......... ... .. ..... ........................... ............ ..................... ..... 25
11 .2.2 Monitoring During Construction .. .. .. ..... .... ... .... ................. ... ......... ..................... ...... .. .. ......... ..................... 26
11.2.3 Final Integrity Test for Secondary Piping .... ............................................. ..... ...... .. .. ....... .. ............. ..... ........ 26
12. Cathodic-Protection Systems
12.1 General Requirements ....... ........ .... .. ...... .. .. .. .... ...... ...... ..... .. .... ............. .. .. .. .......... ....... ... ........ ..... .... .. .... ..... ... ... ... ...... 26
12.2 Applicability ........... ................................ ........................ ................. ... ..... .......... .. .. ................... ... .. ...................... ... .. 26
12.3 Factory-Installed Systems for Tanks .. .. ...... .... .. .......... .............. ....... ... .................................. .. .. ... .... .... .... ... ..... .. .... ... 26
12.4 Dielectric Coatings ... ..... ..... .... ........ ... .. ..... ....... ...... .. .. ......... ..... ................. ............ .... .... .......... .. ..... .. ....... ..... ....... ...... 26
12.5 Electrical Isolation ................................ .. .. ..... ..... ........... ....... .... ......... ..................................................... ...... .......... . 27
12.6 Galvanic Anodes for Piping .... .. .. ... .. ......... .. ... .. .... ...... .......... ..... ......... .. .... .. ....... .... ... .............. ... .......... ... .. ..... ........... 27
12.7 Impressed-Current Systems ...... ................ ...... ............ ....... ... ............. ....... ...... .... ..... ... ......... .... ......... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ...... 27
12.8 Test Stations ............. ........ .... ......... ..... .... ....... ....... ...... ..................... ..... .......... .. .. ............ ... ...... .... ............. ...... ......... .. 28
12.9 Wiring and Electrical Connections .. .... .... .... ....... ....... ..... ...... .... .... .......... ... ............. ..... .......... ...... ..... ..... ..... ............. 28
12.10 Piping ...... .......... ........ ............ .... .... ... ............ .............. .. ............ .. ... .......... .... ........ ..... .... ... .. ...... .... .. .. .... .... ...... .. ....... .. 28
12.1 i Protecting Piping ....... ...... .......... ................... ............ ..... .. ............ ........ .... ... ... ...... ..... ............... ............ ......... ... ..... .... 29
12.12 Field-Applied Coatings .... ...... ... ..... ............ ........ .. ...... ....... ...... .................. .. ........ ......... ....... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... ......... .... .. 29
12.13 Other Components ............. .. ...... .. .. ..................... ....... ............. ...... ............ .. ............... .. ........ .... ........................ .... .... 29
12.14 Inspection and Testing ......... ... ... ...... ........... ........... .. .... .... ... ..... ................ .. ... ... ..... .... .. ... .... .... ....... .... ................ ..... .. . 29
13. Electrical Installation
13.1 Importance of Electrical Work .. .... .... ...... ....... ..... ... ......... .... ... .. ........ .................. ... .... ...... .. .... ....... ..... ... ..... ..... ... ....... 30
13.2 General Requirements ........... ...... ... ......................... ....... ... .. ......... ... ........ .... ... ......... .... ...... .. ..... .... .... ....... .......... .... ... 30
13.3 Leak-Detection and Cathodic-Protection Systems .......... ... ................................................................. ........ ... ......... 30
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
14. Testing
14.1 System Tests .. ...... .... ...... ... .. .......... .... ...... ... ............. .......... .... ............ ............ ................. ......... .................................. 31
14.2 Cathodic-Protection Systems .................. ..................... ........ ...... ................... .. ............................... .......... ....... ....... .. 32
14.3 Test Results ............... ................. .. .......... ...................................... .... ...................... ... ... .................. ...... .................... 32
14.4 Other Testing ..... ... ............... .. .. ........... .. .. ... ......... .. .. ... .... .... ......... ....... .... ..... ......... .... .. .... .... .... ......... ... .... ...... .. .... ....... 32
15. Documentation and Training
15.1 "As-Built" Drawings .......... ......................... .......... ................ ........................ ....... ...... .... ........ ...... .... ... ..... ................ 32
15.2 Component Documentation ................... ..... .......... ......... ... .... .. ........ ..................... ..... ............. .. ...... ... ... ... .. .... ...... ..... 32
15.3 Installation Checklists ................. ............ .. .. ....................... ... ..... .. ....................... ..... .. .... .... ........... ..... .............. ........ 32
15.4 Scheduled Inspections and Maintenance .............. ....... ..................... .. .. .................. .... .......... .... ....................... ........ 32
15.5 Training ..... .... ...... .................... .. ........... ............. ..... ...... ..... ....... ..... ... .... .... .. .................... .... ......................... ............. 32
Appendix A: Floatout and Anchorage Calculation
A.1 Purpose ................. .. .... ....................... ...... ....................... .................. ............ ..... ... .......... ..... .. ......... ................... ....... 33
A.2 Weight of Materials ......... ..... .... ... ............ .. ...... ...... .. .... ................. ............. .. ....... .. ... ........ .... .......... ... .. .. ................. ... 33
A.3 Reflected-Tank Area .................... ..... ... .............................. ................................. ..... .................. .......... ...... .. .... ......... 33
A.4 Tank Displacement ..... .... ........ ... ... ...... ................... ...... .. ..... .... ......... .. ...... .................... ............ .... .... ........ ..... ............. 33
A.5 Reinforced-Concrete Pad at Finished Grade ... .. ..... .. ....... ...... ..................... .. ...... .... .. ..... .............. .... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... 33
A.6 Depth of Burial to Top of Tank ...... ......... .. ............ .... ......................................... .. .............................. .. ............. .. ..... 33
A.7 Volume and Weight of Overburden .............. ......... ..... .. ..... .. .. .... .... ........ ........ ......... ........... ............ ................. .. ........ 33
A.8 Adequacy of Restraining Forces .... .......... ... ........ ... .. .... .. ....... .............. .. ..... .......... ..... ...... .... ... ........... ...... ................. 34
A.9 Calculation of Safety Factor ..................................... .. .. ..................... ....... .. ...... ......... ..... ....... ...... .. .... .. .................... 35
A.1O Effect of Adding 1 Foot to the Burial Depth ......................... ...... .. ............... .... ..... ..... ........................ .. ................... 35
A.11 Applicability .. .. ... .... .. ..... ....................................... ... ....... .. ..... ......... ..................... .................... .. ........ ..... ....... ........... 35
Appendix B: Background: Cathodic Protection
B.1 Galvanic Corrosion ................... ... ....... ....... .......... .... ................................................ .. .......... ........ ... ....... ......... .. ....... 36
B.2 Stray-Current Corrosion ....... ........ ........ .. ................ ............... ............................. .. ........ ....... .... ........ .... .............. ....... 36
B.3 Rate of Corrosion ............................. ........ ... ..... ................ .......... ........... ...................... .... ......... ..... ...... ..................... 36
B.4 Coatings .......................... ..... ............ ..... ........ ............................. .. .......... .. ........... ...................................................... 36
B.5 Cathodic Protection ................. .. ...... .... .. ... ..... ....... ..... .... .... .................................. ... ..... .. ....... ........... .. .. .. ....... ........ .... 36
B.6 Impressed-Current Systems .................. ....... .. ...... ... ...... ...... ........ ...... .. ...... .. ...... .... .. ... ....... ........ .... .. .... ........ .. ....... .... 36
B.7 Galvanic Anodes ........ ... ... ........................... ..... .... .. ....... ......... ................. .... ... .. ... ... .. ... ........... ..... .... ..... .. ...... ........... . 37
B.8 Anode Backfill Material .... ...... .... ......................... ........ ..... ... ......... .... .. .................... ............ .... ...... ...... ............ ......... 37
B.9 Magnesi um Anode Selection .. .. ..... ...... ....... ... ... .... ............. ....... ........................... .. .... ... ..... ..... .. .. ... ... .... ............... .... 37
B.10 Calculation of Anode Life ... ... ... ..... ......................... ............................... ..... ......... .. ..... ......... ......................... .. .... ..... 37
B.ll Number of Feet of Well-Coated Steel Pipe That Can Be Protected with One Galvanic Anode .. .. ... .. ........ ....... ..... 38
B.12 Adjusting Factors for Anodes Installed in Parallel ............................................ .. ..... : .............................. .... ............ 38
Appendix C: Publication Reference ...................... ..................................................... .................................... ....................... 39
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
:1.1 Background. Studies conducted by a variety of
environmental agencies and trade organizations reveal
that one of the significant causes of leaks in underground
liquid storage systems is improper installation. Installa-
tion of such systems is a specialized craft. Proper instal-
lation requires practical experience, combined with
careful adherence to recognized good practices and pro-
:1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this document is to pro-
vide a concise reference that describes recommended
practices for the installation of underground liquid stor-
age systems.
This document is not intended to serve as a basic instruc-
tion manual. Because installation of underground storage
systems is a specialized craft, it is assumed that persons
using this publication for reference purposes will have a
fundamental comprehension of the basics of essential pro-
cedures for pipefitting, excavating, concrete placement,
electrical installation, and related construction techniques.
1.3 Scope. These recommended practices apply to
underground, atmospheric, shop-fabqcated tanks, associ-
ated piping, and equipment intended to dispense gasoline,
diesel, and related petroleum products into motor vehi-
cles at retail, commercial, and government vehicle-fuel-
ing facilities.
This document does not address practices associated
with the installation of storage systems for liquefied
petroleum gases, liquefied natural gases, or compressed
natural gases.
The practices recommended in this publication are limit-
ed to installation procedures.
This document is not meant to provide interpretation of
regulatory or legislative requirements related to under-
ground storage systems, nor does it endorse or recom-
mend particular materials, equipment, suppliers, or
manufacturers. The inclusion of procedures for the instal-
lation of equipment or devices is not meant to imply that
such equipment or devices should always be used. Noth-
ing in this document is intended to discourage the devel-
opment and implementation of new installation methods
and procedures.
1.4 Sources. The specifications and procedures out-
lined here constitute a synthesis of recommendations pub-
lished by such organizations as the American Petroleum
Institute, Fiberglass Petroleum Tank & Pipe Institute,
International Code Council, National Association of Cor-
ro ion Engineers International, National Fire Protection
Association, Steel Tank Institute, and Western Fire Chiefs
Association. In addition, some of the specifications and .
procedures are derived from instruction manuals issued
by manufacturers of tanks, piping, and related equipment.
In instances where there were differences or omissions in
material available from the above sources, the Under-
ground Tank Installation Committee of the Petroleum
Equipment Institute (PEl) has included its own consensus
recommendations based on the practical experience of
committee members with these systems. In addition, the
committee has had the benefit of reasoned comments gra-
ciously submitted by state environmental officials, oil
company engineers, equipment manufacturers, and
installation contractors.
The intent of the committee i to provide recommenda-
tions that will minimize the possibility of storage-system
failure. At the same time, the committee has endeavored
to avoid recommendations that will needlessly increase
installation costs. Manufacturers' instruction should be
considered as the minimum acceptable standard to pro-
tect product warranties.
1.5 Use of Other PEl Recommended Practices.
Underground storage systems may include vapor-recov-
ery piping and equipment. The user of this document
should refer to PEIIRP300, Recommended Practices for
Installation and Testing of Vapor-Recovery Systems at
Vehicle-Fueling Sites for additional guidance in the
installation of vapor-recovery systems.
The user should also refer to PEI!RP500, Recommended
Practices for Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Fuel
Dispensing Equipment for information concerning the
inspection and maintenance of motor fuel dispensers.
1.6 Importance of Competent Installers. Reliance
on skilled, professional tank-system installers is an
important factor in avoiding storage-system failures. The
high incidence of leaks in piping, for example, is far less
attributable to the failure of pipe and fittings than to poor
installation practices, such as abrasion resulting from
crossed lines, incompatible pipe fittings, the use of
improper pipe dope, inadequate testing, and poor work-
Similarly, premature storage- ystem failures can be
caused by debris and other foreign material that are care-
lessly left in tank and piping excavations. Failure can also
result from improperly connected cathodic-protection
components, inadequately compacted backfill material,
and a variety of other improper installation techniques.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
No amount of written instruction provided by manufac-
turers or regulatory agencies will serve to make an incom-
petent or under-supervised installer a competent
craftsman. Installation of storage systems designed to
contain flammable and combustible liquids is a unique
undertaking. The ability to recognize and react to unex-
pected or abnormal conditions encountered during a tank
installation requires experience, as well as skill.
In addition to proper system design and operation, the use
of tank installers who have the experience and integrity to
insist on doing the job correctly is the greatest protection
against ultimate storage-system failure and liability expo-
sure. Participation in training programs is essential to
improving the skills of installers and.the quality of instal-
A certification process should be developed and estab-
lished for the installers of storage systems, monitoring
devices, cathodic protection, secondary containment, and
related equipment.
1.7 Written Plans. Written plans are required to
obtain permits, solicit bids, and provide precise guidance
for installers. The plans should describe the property,
identify the size and location of the tanks, indicate the liq-
uids to be stored, and provide the location of the dis-
pensers and piping. Plans should ~ \ also specify the
materials of construction, piping dimensions, location of
electrical-service components, and the dimensions and
locations of vents, observation wells, vapor-recovery sys-
tems, and gauges or monitoring systems.
If hold-down pads or other anchoring devices are includ-
ed in the tank-system design, their dimensions and con-
struction details should also be included in the written
If appropriate, the plans should show cathodic-protection-
component locations, tank-hole-lining specifications,
manway positioning, electronic release-monitoring-device
configurati_on, and other components of the system.
Selection of compatible equipment and materials is nec-
essary to help ensure long-term system operation and
integrity. Installation checklists provide a convenient
method of planning and documenting work.
1.8 Unexpected Conditions. Even a well-planned
underground storage system may require revision during
construction. For example, if soil tests are not available,
the installer may encounter an unexpectedly high water
table that will require anchoring of the tanks. Through
consultation with experienced installers, the owner can
anticipate the range of contingencies that might occur.
Again, by way of example, an installation plan may call
for replacement of only one of several tanks at a jobsite.
As the excavation progresses, however, deterioration may
be discovered, making it advisable to replace other tanks
in the same field.
Experienced installation personnel can anticipate, detect,
and adapt to these unexpected conditions.
1.9 Regulations. Storage systems discussed in this
recommended practice are usually regulated by federal,
state, or local agencies. While the general requirements of
the regulations are similar, the specific requirements may
vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. We have not
attempted to describe or interpret specific regulations in
this document.
Ensure that the equipment to be installed meets all applic-
able regulatory requirements before beginning an instal-
lation. Consult the local authority having jurisdiction
before storage-system plans are finalized or construction
is initiated. Approvals may also be required from build-
ing-code officials, environmental agencies, zoning
boards, fire marshals, or similar authorities.
2.1 Care in Handling Tanks. Although steel tanks and
fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks are designed to
withstand normal handling, they can be damaged during
transportation or installation. Tanks must not be dropped,
dragged, or handled with sharp objects and, except for
minimal movement necessary for inspection and testing,
should not be rolled. If the tank is damaged, it must be
repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc-
2.2 Unloading, Lifting, and Lowering. The proper
way to move a tank is by lifting it, using the lifting lugs
installed by the manufacturer. Tanks should be carefully
lifted and lowered using cables or chains of adequate
length. When two lifting lugs are used, the angle between
the lifting cable and vertical should be no more than 30
degrees. (See Figure 2-1.) Use a spreader bar where nec-
essary. Maneuver tanks with guidelines attached to each
end of the tank. If tanks must be relocated on a jobsite
during installation, lift rather than roll them. Before any
attempt is made to move tanks, establish that hoisting
equipment has sufficient capacity and reach to lift and
lower tanks without dragging or dropping.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
FIGURE 2-1. Handling tanks. Cables and chains should
be attached to lifting lugs, and guidelines should be used
to control movement of the tank. Equipment used for han-
dling tanks must have sufficient capacity to lift and lower
the tank without dragging. NEVER PLACE CHAINS OR
FIGURE 2-2. Storage and handling of tanks. Good pro-
ject management includes the assignment of storage areas
to minimize relocation of tanks and equipment as work
progresses. Tanks require protection from rolling, acciden-
tal contact damage, and vandalism.
WARNING: Never place chains or cables
around the shell of the tank.
2.3 Tank Storage. Locate tanks in a secure area
where the chance of accidental damage or vandalism will
be minimized. Free the area from rocks and foreign
objects that might cause damage. Chock tanks until ready
for installation and, if high winds are expected and tanks
could move, tie them down with at least I/2-inch diame-
ter nylon or other suitable rope secured to stakes of a size
and number adequate for restraint.
2.4 Piping and Equipment Storage. Stockpile piping
materials and equipment in a secure area on the jobsite,
away from excavations, work areas, and walkways. Take
care to prevent any damage that could result in leakage or
accelerated corrosion after installation.
3.1 Preinstallation Inspection. Visually inspect
tanks, equipment, and piping materials before installa-
tion. Confirm adherence to specifications, report any
detected damage that could result in leakage or premature
corrosion to the owner, and, if applicable, repair damages
in a manner approved by the manufacturer.
3.2 Preinstallation Tank Testing. Remove, dope, and
reinstall factory-installed steel or cast-iron plugs, taking
care not to cross thread. Replace metal or plastic thread
protectors with liquid-tight steel or cast-iron plugs. Pres-
sure test single-walled tanks with 3 to 5 psig air pressure,
soaping all surfaces, seams, and fittings while inspecting
for bubbles.
WARNING: Air testing with over 5 psig (3 psig
for 12-ft. diameter FRP tanks) is hazardous and
may damage the tank. Do not air test a tank that
has previously contained flammable or com-
bustible liquids. Place warning barricades at the
ends of tanks being tested. Except to apply the
soap solution and inspect for bubbles, avoid the
tank ends, manways, and fittings while the tank is
under pressure. Do not leave tanks that are under
test unattended. Release pressure in the tank
before disconnecting any gauges or test fittings.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
Because manufacturers' field-test requirements
vary, methods employed should comply with a spe-
cific manufacturer's instructions.
Be aware that some tank manufacturers do not
tighten fittings to allow for temperature changes
during shipping and storage.
FIGURE 3-1.. Preinstallation inspectiQ,n. All equipment,
materials, and components must be inspected before
installation. Noncompliance with the specifications or
detected damage should be brought to the attention of the
owner and repaired or replaced, as appropriate.
FIGURE 3-2. Preinstallation pressure test. Pressure test
conventional single-walled tanks at 3 to 5 pounds per
square inch gauge (psig). Soap all surfaces, seams, and
fittings while carefully inspecting for bubbles. NEVER
FIGURE 3-3. Field repairs. Field repairs are permitted by
some manufacturers, provided the person making the
repairs has been trained and qualified and does the work
in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
Air tests are inconclusive without soaping and care-
ful inspection for bubbles. Apply the soap solution
uniformly with a mop or spray.
Care in selecting the proper gauge for air testing is
essential. Gauges must have a scale that will permit
detection of small changes in pressure that might
go undetected on gauges with a broader range.
Since the best accuracy of gauges is at mid-range,
and test pressures must not exceed 5 psig, use a
gauge with a maximum limit of 10 or 15 psig.
Check gauges for operation and accuracy before
use. The accidental use of vacuum gauges on pres-
sure tests has caused serious accidents.
Use two gauges to reduce the chance of over-pres-
surizing the tank due to gauge failure.
Use a pressure-relief device to prevent over-pres-
surization that may result from temperature
changes. The device should have sufficient capaci-
ty to relieve the total output of the air source at a
pressure of not more than 6 psig.
3.3 Preinstallation Testing of Double-Walled Tanks.
To prevent damage from over-pressurization of the inter-
stitial space between the tank walls, use the following
1. Pressurize the inner tank to a maximum of 5 psig.
Seal the inner tank and disconnect the external air
2. Monitor the pressure for a period of one hour.
While air tests are generally inconclusive without
soaping and careful inspection for bubbles, this
step is recommended to detect a very large leak in
the inner tank and to prepare for the next step.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
3. Pressurize the interstice with air from the inner
tank. Use a third gauge for measuring pressure in
the interstice. (See Figure 3-4.)
4. Soap the exterior of the tank and inspect for bub-
bles while continuing to monitor the gauges to
detect any pressure drop.
S. First release pressure in the interstice, then release
pressure in the primary tank.
WARNING: Pressurization of the interstice
directly from an outside air source is dangerous
and is strictly prohibited. Never enter the inner
tank while the interstice is under pressure.
Release pressure in the tank and the interstice
before disconnecting any gauges or test fittings.
The capacity of the interstice is very 'small in rela-
tion to the capacity of the primary tank. Compres-
sors commonly used for testing can over-pressurize
the space in seconds, causing serious damage to the
Quick coi)pler
Air source
6 psig pressure /
rel ief device
A slight decrease in pressure in the inner tank may
occur when the interstice is pressurized. A pressure
drop of 0.3 psig or less is typical.
The space between the inner and outer tank walls is
variously referred to as the "annular space," "annu-
lus," "interstitial space," and "interstice." "Inter-
stice" appears to be the most accurate term, and it
is used throughout this text. The primary contain-
ment vessel is referred to as the "inner tank," and
the exterior of the tank as the "outer tank."
WARNING: Manufacturers' field-test re-
quirements vary. At a minimum, methods
employed should comply with specific manufac-
turer's instructions.
3.4 Preinstallation Testing of Compartmented
Tanks. If a compartmented tank has single-walled bulk-
heads, test the compartments on different sides of the
same bulkhead at different times. If the compartmented
tank has double-walled bulkheads, compartments may be
tested at the same time.
Valve (typical)
o to 15 Ibs.
6 psig pressure
relief device
Primary (inner) tank wall - -...-
Interstice -----..
Secondary (outer) tank wall ---l1-H
FIGURE 3-4. Air testing double-walled tanks. Pressurizing the interstice with air pressure from the inner tank, after
disconnecting the outside air sou.rce, prevents over-pressurization. The manifold illustrated above is a useful method
for accomplishing this.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
3.5 Alternative Interstice Tests. A tank shipped
with a liquid-filled interstice, or with an interstice on
which a vacuum is drawn, need not be subjected to the
preinstallation air/soap test described in Sections 3.2 and
3.3, provided alternative test or inspection methods pre-
scribed by the manufacturer are employed.
Alternative test procedures may not test primary-tank
openings, manways, and risers. These should be tested
at some point during the installation.
3.6 Double-Walled Tank with Liquid-Filled Inter-
stice. Carefully inspect interior and exterior surfaces of
a tank shipped with a liquid-filled interstice for signs of
leakage. Check the level of liquid in the interstice reser-
voir. If the manufacturer's recommended test procedure
for a liquid-filled interstice includes air testing of the
inner tank, monitor the reservoir for the presence of bub-
bles as the air test proceeds.
3.7 Double-Walled Tank with Vacuum on Interstice.
A double-walled tank shipped with a vacuum on the
interstice need not be subjected to an air/soap test, pro-
vided the tank arrives at the installation site with the vac-
uum level within limits designated by the manufacturer,
and the manufacturer's installation instructions specify
that the vacuum reading may be us\d instead of an air
test. If the vacuum level has changed significantly, con-
sult the tank manufacturer.
4.1 Excavating. The excavation should provide ade-
quate space for the tanks, ' piping, and associated equip-
ment, and for the placement and compaction of backfill
materials, particularly under the circumference of the
tank shell and ends. The slope of excavation walls is
determined by soil conditions, depth of the excavation,
shoring requirements, and, if workers are required to
enter the excavation, safety considerations. Prevent sur-
face water from entering the excavation by constructing
an earthen berm or other means.
WARNING: Determine the location of overhead
and underground utilities before excavating.
Consider the following factors in determining the
size, shape, and depth of the excavation:
Slope of excavation
wall determined by
condition of soil ,
depth of excavation,
and safety
See 29 CFR
Part 1926.652.
. . . .. ..
FIGURE 4-1. Excavation. Typical excavation considera-
tions include the stability of the soil, tank bedding and
backfill requirements, space for components, manufac-
turers ' recommendations, and safety. Cave-ins require
more backfill, because fallen materials cannot usually be
reused as backfill.
tank manufacturer's installation instructions
stability of the soil
requirements for compacting bedding and back-
- space for placing associated equipment
depth of cover.
Minimize problems by tightly scheduling critical
phases of the work, including:
- paving removal and excavation
- preparation of the base for the tanks
- setting the tanks and other system components
- backfilling and compaction to the top of the
- piping, electrical, and equipment installation
- completion of backfilling
- paving.
Factors that aggravate excavation problems include
groundwater and surface water, unstable soil, adjacent
backfilled areas, frost, presence of released product, and
vibration. Problems resulting from unstable soil or the
infiltration of water may require the removal of tanks that
are already set in order to clear fallen materials, or to
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
correct tank movement caused by settlement or flotation.
If such an event occurs, consult the tank manufacturer.
An excavation that has caved-in will require additional
backfill because the materials that have fallen into the
excavation typically cannot be used as backfill.
4.2 Location of Excavation. Excavation for under-
ground tanks should be made with due care to avoid
undermining foundations of existing structures. In the
absence of local building codes or regulations, use the
minimum distance to the base of adjacent structures or
property lines depicted in Figure 4-2. Additional dis-
tances may be required to ensure that downward forces
from loads carried by the foundations and supports are
not transmitted to the tanks.
FIGURE 4-2. Clearance from existing structures. Care
must be exercised to avoid undermining nearby struc-
tures during construction or afterwards, permitting trans-
fer offoundation loads onto the tank. The 45factor
illustrated will accomplish this in most cases.
4.3 Excavation Depth, Bedding, and Backfill. The
total depth of the tank excavation is determined by the
tank diameter, bedding thickness, hold-down pad (if
required), depth of cover, and slope and length of piping.
Much of the tank's support is derived from compacted
backfill material, which permits the downward forces
present to be dissipated uniformly over a large area. To
provide a firm foundation, set the tank on a bed of back-
fill material I-foot thick that extends 1 foot beyond the
ends and sides of the tank. At least 2 feet of backfill is
required between adjacent tanks and between tanks and
excavation walls.
Steel tank manufacturers specify that when a bottom
hold-down pad is used under a steel tank, the thickness of
bedding material between the tank and the pad can be
reduced to 6 inches.
WARNING: Placement of a tank directly on a
hold-down pad, on a pad smaller than the total
tank area, or on intermediate supports (saddles)
will cause uneven distribution of loads. This may
contribute to structural failure and is never per-
4.4 Cover in Areas Subject to Traffic. In areas that
are subject to vehicle traffic, cover may consist of at least
30 inches of compacted backfill and 6 inches of asphaltic
concrete, or 18 inches of compacted backfill and 6 to 8
inches of reinforced concrete. Paving over tanks in traffic
areas should extend at least 1 foot beyond the perimeter
of the tank.
At most facilities, fully loaded transports can be expect-
ed to pass over the tank area. While some authorities
require a minimum of 6 inches of reinforced concrete
paving, we recommend at least 8 inches.
4.5 Cover in Areas Not Subject to Traffic. Cover in
non-traffic areas should be at least 2-feet thick and con-
sist of a minimum of 1 foot of backfill covered by filter
fabric to prevent migration and a minimum of 1 foot of
earth. An acceptable alternative is 1 foot of backfill mate-
rial and at least 4 inches of reinforced concrete or 6 inch-
es of asphalt paving.
4.6 Maximum Burial Depth. Maximum burial depths,
measured from the top of the tank, are established by tank
manufacturers and independent testing laboratories.
Seven feet is the standard maximum burial depth for
fiberglass tanks. Consult with the fiberglass tank manu-
facturer if a deeper burial depth is required.
Five feet is the typical burial depth for teel tanks. The
maximum burial depth for each steel tank is marked on
the tank.
The planned burial depth should not exceed the manufac-
turer's recommendation.
4.7 Handling of Excavated Materials. Excavated
material that cannot be immediately removed from the site
should be safely stockpiled at least 2 feet away from the
edge of the tank excavation. Unless approved for use as
backfill, keep excavated materials separate from approved
backfill materials and remove as soon as practical.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
All dimensions in inches.
FIGURE 4-3. Depth of cover in areas subject to traffic.
The majority of tanks are located in areas that are sub-
ject to vehicle traffic. BacJqill helps dissipate traffic loads
and offset buoyancy.
Non-Traffic Area\
All dimensi ons in inches.
FIGURE 4-4. Depth of cover in areas not subject to
traffic. In areas that are not subject to traffic, cover
requirements may be reduced, but this reduced depth of
cover may not prevent flotation if groundwater or sur-
face water enters the excavation.
4.8 Work Area Safety. Keep work areas clear of
stockpiled materials. In areas with unstable soil, if per-
sonnel are required to enter the excavation, slope or shore
excavation walls. Barricade work areas to protect both the
public and installation personnel and to prevent acciden-
tal damage from vehicles and equipment. Members of the
installation crew should wear personal-protective equip-
ment and have fIre extinguishers and fIrst-aid supplies on
Excavation safety requirements are defIned in U.S.
Department of Labor 29 CFR part 1926, subpart P.
4.9 Excavation of Used Tanks. Used underground
tanks should be made safe before removal. Product
retained in the tank and piping as well as released prod-
uct should be recovered, removed, and disposed of in an
approved manner. Monitor tanks frequently during
removal because, even after the tanks have been com-
pletely emptied, liquid can reenter the tank. There is sig-
nifIcant danger of fire or explosion due to the existence of
vapors or the reentry of oxygen or previously released
product into the tank.
These procedures are covered in detail in API's Rec-
ommended Practice 1604, Removal and Disposal of
Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, Third
Edition, March 1996; Reaffirmed November 2001.
5.1 General. Careful placement and compaction of
approved backfill materials is essential to protect under-
ground tanks. Common deficiencies that adversely affect
the structural integrity and coatings of tanks include:
use of incolTect backfill material
inadequate or improper placement or compaction
of backfill materials
rocks or debris left in the excavation
voids under the lower quadrant of the tank
failure to prevent migration of backfill materials.
5.2 Ballasting. After backfill is placed to the level of
the top of the tank, add either the product to be stored or
water as ballast until the piping is in place and backfilling
and paving are complete. If product is used for ballast, do
not fill the tank above 95 percent of tank capacity. If
water is used for ballast, the tank may be filled complete-
ly. When product is used for ballast, safeguard against
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
fire, product spills, leaks, accidents, and theft. Secure all
fill caps and pumps during unattended periods. Monitor
product level frequently.
WARNING: Some regulatory agencies prohibit
ballasting with product. Check local regulations
before ballasting with product.
WARNING: Do not air test tanks that contain
or have contained product.
During construction, provide adequate venting for prima-
ry and interstitial tank spaces. In instances where tanks are
to be ballasted before the backfill ' process is completed,
follow the recommendations of the tank manufacturer.
5.3 Water Management. The presence of water in a
storage tank can promote internal corrosion and degrade
fuel quality, especially if the tank is to contain ethanol-
blended fuel. Install tanks to facilitate water removal.
5.4 Backfill Material for Steel, Composite (Fiber-
glass-Clad Steel), and Jacketed Tanks. Backfill mate-
rial should be a clean, well-granulated, free-flowing,
noncorrosive, inert material (e.g., sand, crushed rock, or
pea gravel) . Refer to the manuf"cturer's installation
instructions for acceptable backfill material specifications
and backfill procedures. Verify that backfill material is
free of debris, rock, ice, snow, or organic material that
could damage the tank or its coating and interfere with
proper compaction of backfill materials.
5.5 Placement of Steel, Composite, and Jacketed
Tank Backfill. Cover the bottom of the excavation with
suitably graded and properly placed backfill material to a
depth of at least 1 foot. If a hold-down pad is required,
backfill material depth may be reduced to 6 inches.
Carefully place backfill materials along the bottom quad-
rant of the tank to ensure that the tank is securely and
evenly snpported. Carefully place backfill around and
over the tank to prevent damage to the tank or coating.
Continue backfilling the excavation using tank backfill
material up to at least the top of the excavation or the site
subgrade. If material other than the tank backfill is used
to reach final subgrade, separate the two backfill materi-
als with filter fabric.
5.6 Backfill Material for Fiberglass Tanks. Backfill
material should be a clean, well-granulated, free-flowing,
noncorrosive, inert material. Standard backfill materials
for fiberglass tanks are pea gravel and crushed rock. With
FIGURE 5-1.. Backfilling. Careful selection, placement,
and compaction of backfill material is essential to prop-
erly support and protect the tank and piping after instal-
- ~ - -
FIGURE 5-2. Approved backfill material. Tank manufac-
turers have approved several types of backfill materials,
including sand, pea graw;l, and crushed rock. The latter
two are relatively self-compacting, reducing the need for
manual or mechanical compaction.
the manufacturer's approval, sand may be used as a back-
fill material provided that the manufacturer's instructions
are followed. Refer to the manufacturer's installation
instructions for backfill material specifications and back-
fill procedures. Verify that backfill material is free of
debris, rock, ice, snow, or organic material that could
damage the tank and interfere with proper compaction of
backfill materials.
PEl Recommended Practices] 00-05
5.7 Placement of Fiberglass Tank Backfill. Cover
the bottom of the excavation or hold-down pad with a
minimum of 1 foot of suitably graded and compacted
backfill material.
To ensure that the bottom quadrant of the tank is fully and
evenly supported, carefully place backfill materials along
bottom, sides, and end caps of the tanks by hand shovel-
ing and tamping. Carefully place backfIll around and over
the tank to protect the tank from damage. Continue back-
filling the excavation using tank backfill material up to at
least the top of the excavation or the site subgrade. If mate-
rial other than the tank backfill is used to reach final sub-
grade, separate the two backfill materials with filter fabric.
5.8 Compaction. Compact bedding and backfill mate-
rials to ensure adequate support of the tank and to prevent
movement or settlement. When sand is used, some man-
ufacturers require a specified minimum-compaction den-
sity. Place sand backfill into the excavation in 12- to
18-inch lifts and compact after each lift. Repeat this
process up to a level that is at least 60 percent of the ver-
tical height of the tank. Some manufacturers require com-
paction to subgrade. If mechanical compaction is
employed, take care to protect the tank from damage.
Pea gravel and crushed rock are relatively self-compact-
ing. However, to prevent voids and achieve the degree of
compaction required, all backfill materials should be
carefully and properly placed under the lower quadrant of
the tank.
5.9 Measuring Tank Deflection. Improper backfill-
ing of an installed underground tank can distort tank
FIGURE 5-3. Mechanical compaction. Take care in using
mechanical compactors to prevent damage to the tank
shell or coat
dimensions. Deflection in the tank's vertical diameter
may be caused by improper bedding, voids in the backfill
under the tank-bottom quadrant, or poor compaction of
the backfill material at the tank sides. Excessive deflec-
tion indicates inadequate support or overtightening of
anchor straps, which can cause structural damage or
result in penetration of the tank bottom by suction stubs
or submersible pumps.
The amount of deflection of an installed tank should be
measured to confirm the quality of backfilling and com-
paction. Individual tank manufacturers establish the max-
imum acceptable deflection. If the measured deflection of
an installed tank exceeds the limits established, consult
the tank manufacturer.
5.10 Filter Fabric. Filter fabrics are geotextiles de-
signed to prevent movement of backfill materials while
permitting water to pass through. They are intended for
direct burial and, if properly selected, resist deterioration
caused by both soil and the products commonly stored in
underground tanks. However, the composition, construc-
tion, and mechanical properties of fabrics vary widely.
Care in the selection of a suitable fabric is essential.
Install filter fabric between the backfill and adjacent
unstable soils, bogs, swampy areas, or landfills to prevent
the backfill from migrating and thus diminishing the sup-
port of the tank or paving. If dissimilar backfill materials,
such as sand and pea gravel, are used in the same excava-
tion, separate them with filter fabric to prevent the finer
sand particles from migrating into voids between the pea
gravel particles.
FIGURE 5-4. Filter fabric. Use filter fabric to separate
baclifill materials from surrounding soil to prevent migra-
tion and loss of support.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
.. .. .. .. ... . ..

FIGURE 5-5. Backfill and compaction. Set tanks on a bed
of backfill material i-foot thick. At least 2 feet of backfill
is required between adjacent tanks and between tanks and
excavation walls. Take special care in placilig and com-
pacting backfill materials under the lower quadrant of the
WARNING: Filter fabrics may mask early signs
of cave-ins during construction.
5.11 Supporting Equipment Construction.
Provide support for manholes, street boxes, piping, and
other components during construction. Do not use the
tank to support cribbing, bracing, or blocking. During
backfilling, remove temporary supporting materials to
prevent subsequent damage to the tank, piping, or equip-
6.1 Gel)eral. Where installations are located in areas
subject to high water tables or flooding, provision should
be made to prevent tanks, either full or empty, from float-
ing during a rise in water level - up to the established
maximum flood stage. During installation, tank vents and
other openings that are not liquid tight should be extend-
ed above the maximum flood-stage water level until pip-
ing is complete.
The primary method of restraining tanks in areas
subject to flooding is to increase the burial depth. In
the absence of any tank-top sumps, normal backfill
and paving on top of the tank provides adequate
restraint if the burial depth is at least 60 percent of
the tank diameter and the tank is 8 feet in diameter
or less. When increasing burial depth, exercise care
not to exceed the maximum allowable burial depth
for the tank. (See Section 4.6.) For purposes of cal-
culating burial depth, each inch of reinforced con-
crete above the tank can be considered equal to 1.5
inches of compacted backfill.
Base the tank buoyancy calculation on worst-case
conditions (i.e. , water level at finished grade and the
tank empty). Refer to Appendix A for an example
The diameter and capacity of the tank are the most
significant factors that determine the buoyancy of a
tank. Manway openings and tank-top containment
sumps can also contribute to tank buoyancy forces.
The weight of backfill material and paving over the
tank is the most significant factor offsetting tank
buoyancy. Other factors offsetting buoyancy include
the weight of the empty tank and attached equip-
ment, anchors, and friction between the tank and
Generally, requirements for anchorage are deter-
mined by the conditions associated with each instal-
Traffic (live) load

_____ _ ___ ____ ...R _ _ __ _____ _ ______ P- ___ ________ _ __ 1>: ___ 4 __ _
;'. -'i --.;:,- .-<3.- e-';' - - -.;; -.;,-. -4- -. :;:<i - - --; -i eO,; -
..... .............. Re:tca.focoe, . . .....
.. . .. . ..... . .. . . ' ..... Dead load ... . .. . . ..
FIGURE 6-1. Buoyant and restraining forces. The weight
of backfill and pavement over the tank is often sufficient
to offset buoyancy and prevent flotation. Additional
anchoring may be required when a high water table is
presentor flooding is anticipated.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
If soil conditions and the depth of the water table are
unknown at the time of installation, consider the
possibility that anchoring may be required and
make contingency plans. Such plans should include
having pumps, hoses, straps, cables, and other
anchoring materials available.
In areas with impervious soil, the infiltration of sur-
face water into the tank excavation can fill the exca-
vation with water, resulting in very strong buoyancy
forces on the tank.
6.2 Excavating Requirements. If a hold-down pad is
used under the tank, the excavation should be deep
enough to maintain the required burial depth for the tank.
If deadmen anchors are used, the tank excavation should
be large enough to permit placemerit of the deadmen out-
side the tank diameter.
6.3 Wet-Hole Conditions. Reduce the water level in
the excavation to the lowest practical level during con-
struction. If water ballast is used to sink a tank in a wet
hole, the level of ballast in the tank should not exceed the
level of water in the hole. While adding ballast, use lift-
ing equipment only to keep the tank in position; the tank
should be free to roll slightly. Carefully tend lifting cables
to minimize the possibility of damage to the tank. Do not
use cradles, beams, or timbers in the excavation.
6.4 Types of Anchorage. All methods of anchoring
tanks use the weight of the backfill and paving on top o"f
the tank to offset buoyancy forces . However, for unstable
soils, bedrock, large-diameter tanks, or extreme high
groundwater conditions, a burial depth sufficient to offset
buoyancy forces may not be feasible. In these instances,
one of the following supplemental methods of restraint
may be used.
1. Slab at grade. Buoyancy can be offset by adding
weight on top of the tank by increasing the thick-
ness and reinforcement of the concrete pad over the
tank. The additional weight is limited to the weight
differential between the submerged weight of con-
crete and gravel.
WARNING: When a grade slab is used for
anchoring tanks, precautions must be taken to
prevent tanks from floating if any part of the
concrete must be removed.
2. Deadmen anchors. Deadmen are beams of rein-
forced concrete, placed alongside tanks in the bot-
tom of the excavation with cables and/or straps
attached. Deadmen anchors are convenient to use
and reduce the amount of work required in the
excavation. To be effective, deadmen anchors must
be placed outside the tank diameter (see Figure 6-
2) and extend the full length of the tank. For long
tanks, two deadmen of equal length may be butted
end-to-end as long as there is a minimum of two
anchor points per deadman section. Refer to the
tank manufacturer's instructions for details on
deadman construction.
. " ....... .
' 1 '
: .: . :1: . : .: .: . " ~ . ~ : : : : : : ! : ~ - :
.: .: ,::.:.:.'
. " ..
Pl ace deadmen outside
of the tank diameter
FIGURE 6-2. Deadmen anchors. The weight of backfill
on the deadmen anchors provides additional resistance
to buoyancy forces acting on the tank. Reinforcing rods
in the deadmen in this Figure are visible for illustration
purposes. Reinforcing rods should be completely
enclosed in concrete.
3. Bottom hold-down pad. A bottom hold-down pad
usually consists of 8 inches of reinforced concrete
that extends at least 18 inches beyond the tank sides
and 1 foot beyond each end. This provides a firm
foundation and offsets buoyancy by increasing the
amount of backfill bearing down on the tank. The
thickness of the pad, the amount of concrete rein-
forcement, and the number and size of anchor
points must be calculated for each installation.
Refer to the tank manufacturer's instructions for
details on bottom hold-down pad construction.
WARNING: Never set a tank directly on a bot-
tom hold-down pad; an adequate bed of backfill
material must separate the tank and concrete.
The bottom hold-down pad should never be
shorter than the full length of the tank, other-
wise, uneven stresses can develop, leading to
structural failure.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
FIGURE 6-3. Bottom hold-down pad. The weight of
backfill on the portions of the hold-down pad extending
beyond the tank outline provides additional resistance to
buoyancy forces acting on the tank. Isolating material is
used to separate steel anchor straps from steel tanks.
Anchor points should be securely attached to reinforcing
rods firmly embedded in the concrete.
6.5 Straps. Tank straps are usually furnished by the
tank manufacturer and should be installed according to the
manufacturer's instmctions. Straps for steel tanks should
be either nonmetallic or flat steel. The use of wire ropes or
round bar is not acceptable. Metallic anchor straps should
be heavier than required initially to provide a corrosion
allowance during the expected life of the storage system.
6.6 Electrical Isolation. Electrically isolate straps for
steel and composite tanks from the tank surface to ensure
the proper operation of cOlTosion-protection systems.
Straps may be nonmetallic, fully encapsulated, or isolat-
ed with material placed between the strap and the tank.
Isolating materials must be non conductive, compatible
with the materials stored, and suitable for use under-
ground. Isolating material should be at least 1I8-inch
thick, wider than the strap, and should extend 1 foot
below the widest part of the tank. Distribute isolating
material evenly, and test to ensure that components are
electrically isolated after installation. If available, use
materials provided by the tank manufacturer.
WARNING: Roofing felt and expansion joint
material may conduct electricity and are not
acceptable as isolating material.
FIGURE 6-4. Methods of attachment. Tank anchor
straps should be firmly secured to anchor points with
anchor bolts, turnbuckles, or wire cable and clamps.
Secure anchor points to reinforcing rods embedded in the
concrete. Straps should fit snugly before backfilling, but
overtightening can damage the tank shell or coating.
Coat exposed metallic hardware with dielectric material
to retard corrosion.
6.7 Methods of Attachment. Secure tank straps to
anchor points with anchor bolts, turnbuckles, or wire
cables and clamps. Refer to tank manufacturers' instruc-
tions for the appropriate type and sizing of hardware used
to connect anchor straps to anchor points embedded in the
concrete. Straps should fit snugly before backfilling. Take
care to prevent damage from over tightening. Ensure that
the straps and the tank surface are free of debris or burrs
that might damage the isolating material or tank coating.
Coat anchoring hardware with dielectric material.
Anchoring hardware should be heavier than required ini-
tially to provide a corrosion allowance during the expect-
ed life of the storage system.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
7.1 Purpose. Spill containment is intended to contain
small releases of product that may result when the deliv-
ery hose is disconnected from the fill pipe after a delivery.
The purpose of overfill prevention is to stop the delivery
of fuel into an underground tank before the tank is com-
pletely full so that room is available in the tank to drain
fuel contained in the delivery hose. In the past, the lack of
spill-containment and overfill-prevention equipment has
often resulted in environmental contamination.
7.2 Spill Containment. Spill containment is usually
achieved by installing a liquid-tight container, usually
referred to as a "spill-containment manhole," around the
underground tank fill pipe. Spill-containment manholes
may also be used at Stage I vapor-recovery risers and at
automatic tank-gauge risers.
When specifying and installing spill-containment man-
holes, the following three factors should be considered.
1. Drainage of accumulated liquids. Spill-contain-
ment manholes are typically equipped with a bot-
tom drain valve that allows accumulated liquids to
be drained into the undergrqund tank. Dirt and
debris commonly prevent these drain valves from
sealing completely. If water entry into the tank via
the drain valve is a concern, the valve can be
removed and replaced with a liquid-tight plug.
Some spill-containment manholes are equipped
with a small hand pump that can be used to remove
accumulated liquids.
2. Exclusion of water. To prevent water from enter-
ing into grade-level spill-containment manholes,
slope concrete away from the manhole.
3. Flexibility. The rim of the spill-containment man-
hole is usually embedded in the concrete pad above
the_ tank. To prevent the transfer of stress to the
underground tank as a result of the differential
movement between the concrete pad and the tank,
the spill-containment manhole should provide flex-
ibility between the fill pipe and the spill-contain-
ment manhole assembly. When installing
spill-containment manholes, take care to properly
backfill beneath and around the manhole to provide
proper support.
7.3 Overfill Prevention. Three types of overfill-pre-
vention devices are commonly used: alarms, flow shut-
off devices, and vent-restriction devices. Overfill-
4 - 6 in.
'" Ll 'i7 f>
t> <1 P
..... . ..
. . . . . . . . . .
. .. . ..... . .......... ' z ........... . ........ .
FI GURE 7-1. Spill-containment manhole. Spill-contain-
ment manholes contain small spills during the uncou-
pling of delivery hoses. Care in installation and
maintenance is necessary to minimize the infiltration of
surface and subsurface water.
prevention devices should operate when the tank is near-
ly full. Consult the authority having jurisdiction to deter-
mine the level at which the overfill device should operate.
Consult with the storage system owner to determine the
delivery procedures that will be used to fill the tank.
Select and install an overfill device that will be compati-
ble with the anticipated delivery procedures.
7.3.1 Alarms. Alarms consist of an external sig-
naling device that is typically connected to an auto-
matic tank-gauging system. To be effective, the
alarm should:
provide visual and audible signals to the
delivery person
be located in close proximity to where the
delivery person stands during the delivery
be clearly labeled as a "tank overfill alarm" so
that delivery personnel will recognize the
device as an overfill alarm.
7.3.2 Flow Shut-Off Devices. Flow shut-off
devices, often called "flapper valves," are installed
in the fill pipe of underground tanks and automati-
cally stop the flow of product into the tank during a
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
delivery. Mter the main valve closes, various bypass
mechanisms allow the contents of the delivery hose
to be drained into the tank. In order to operate prop-
erly, shut-off devices should be installed according
to the manufacturer's instructions, particularly with
regard to attaching the shut-off device to the drop
tube and attaching the drop tube to the fill pipe.
Shut-off devices that are designed for use with
underground tanks should only be used with gravi-
ty deliveries and where there are liquid-tight con-
nections between the delivery hose and the fill pipe.
In a remote-fill installation, the gauge riser above
the flow shut-off device must be properly sealed or
else product will pour from the gauge opening when
the shut-off device closes.
WARNING: Do not install flow shut-off
devices on tanks equipped with remote-fill
pipes and a gauge riser directly above the flow
shut-off device unless a specially designed fit-
ting (e.g., a "trap door") that will automati-
cally close the gauge opening is installed in the
gauge riser. H a trap door or equivalent device
is not installed in the gauge riser, a properly
tightened, threaded pipe cap must be installed
in the riser above the flow shut-off device and
a separate gauge riser installed to permit
manual gauging of the tank.
7.3.3 Vent-Restriction Devices. Vent-restric-
tion devices, often referred to as "float-vent valves"
or "ball-float valves," are installed inside the under-
ground tank just below the vent opening. If, after
considering all of the warnings listed below, a ball-
float valve is installed, it must be installed in an
extractable fitting to allow access for inspection,
maintenance, and tightness testing.
When a ball-float valve operates as designed, the
tank becomes pressurized, creating a hazardous
condition. The pressure is most often relieved by
releasing flammable vapors at grade. For this rea-
son, ball-float valves are not recommended.
WARNING: Vent-restriction devices must not
be installed in storage systems where there is
any possibility of a pumped delivery into the
tank. When an overfill occurs in conjunction
with a pumped delivery and a tight-fill con-
nection, the tank becomes severely over-pres-
surized and may rupture as a result.
WARNING: Vent-restriction devices must not
be installed in storage systems that are
equipped with suction pumps and air elimi-
WARNING: Vent-restriction devices will not
work when coaxial Stage I vapor recovery is
used unless special fittings are installed.
WARNING: Vent-restriction devices must not
be used on tanks equipped with remote-fill
pipes and gauge openings. H the vent-restric-
tion device closes during a delivery when the
gauge opening is uncapped, product will pour
from the gauge opening onto the ground.
WARNING: When installing flow shut-off
devices, do not install a ball-float valve unless
the ball float activates at a level higher in the
tank than the flow shut-off device.
WARNING: Vent-restriction devices should
not be installed on emergency-generator or
heating-oil supply tanks.
7.4 Installation of Overfill Devices. Install overfill
devices according to the manufacturer's instructions.
When installing an overfill-prevention device, refer to the
gauging chart provided by the tank manufacturer to deter-
mine the correct distance below the tank top for that
device. Regulations specify that overfill devices may be
installed at a percentage of tank capacity, not a percent-
age of tank diameter. When applicable, the thickness of
double-walled tanks and the height of manway covers
above the tank primary wall must be taken into consider-
ation when determining the appropriate distance below
the tank top to install an overfill device.
8.1 Purpose. Secondary-containment systems pro-
vide an additional layer of protection against released
product. Secondary-containment systems should be
designed to contain any release from tanks, piping, or
associated equipment; facilitate the detection of any
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
release; and provide access for recovery of released prod-
uct. Secondary-containment systems typically consist of
the following components:
double-walled tanks
double-walled piping
tank-top sumps
under-dispenser sumps
sensing devices.
8.2 Double-Walled Tanks. Double-walled tanks should
be installed and tested in accordance with the manufac-
turer's recommendations. Double-walled tanks are fre-
quently furnished with man ways that pelmit access to
piping, and they weigh significantly more than single-
walled tanks. Move them only by lifting with equipment
of sufficient capacity. Rolling is prohibited. Recommend-
ed practices for inspection, depth of burial, backfill, com-
paction, cathodic protection, and testing apply equally to
both double-walled .and single-walled tanks.
8.3 Double-Walled Piping. Install double-walled pip-
ing in accordance with manufacturer' s installation
instructions and good pipefitting practices. Requirements
for trenching and testing are similar to those for conven-
tional piping. Test procedures are determined by the char-
acteristics of the containment\ system and the
recommendation of the manufacturer. The installation
should facilitate detection of leakage by inspection or
continuous monitoring.
8.4 Tank-Top Sumps. Tank-top sumps, also referred
to as "piping sumps," are liquid-tight containers designed
to contain leaks or spills that involve tank-top fittings and
equipment and to isolate metallic pipe fittings from the
corrosive underground environment. In addition, tank-top
sumps frequently serve as the leak-detection point for
double-walled piping systems. Any leakage from the pri-
mary piping flows by gravity inside the secondary piping
to the tank-top sump, where it can be observed easily or
detected_with sensors.
WARNING: Should post-installation activities
severely damage double-walled piping, both the
primary and the secondary pipe may leak. In
this case, product may flow into the ground,
rather than flow back to the tank-top sump, and
the release may not be detected. For this reason,
install a line-leak detector (see Section 9.3.1)
when interstitial monitoring is used for leak
detection on double-walled pipe.
Tank-top sumps that are not supported directly by circu-
lar collars attached to the tank must be supported by plac-
ing backfill beneath the bottom of the sump.
Ensure that tank-top sumps are liquid tight, both to con-
tain spilled or leaked product and to prevent intrusion of
groundwater or surface water runoff. Install liquid-tight
penetration fittings on all sump entries, including electri-
cal conduit. Complete sump connections to the tank top
in accordance with the manufacturer' s instructions.
Select and carefully install sump covers designed for the
anticipated conditions, such as above or below the water
table. Provide adequate clearance between the sump and
the manway installed in the concrete pad at grade. Clear-
ance is necessary to facilitate removal of the sump cover
and to allow for drainage of runoff into the backfill. Sur-
round tank-top sumps with permeable backfill to allow
for rapid drainage of surface runoff that may penetrate the
grade-level manway cover, or install a water-resistant
grade-level manway.
Test tank-top sumps after all joints have been assembled,
any sealing materials have cured, and all penetration fit-
tings have been installed, but before backfilling. Follow
the sump manufacturer's or regulatory agency's testing
procedure. If no testing instructions are specified by the
sump manufacturer or the regulatory agency, use the fol-
lowing procedure:
Fill the sump with water to 6 inches above the high-
est joint or penetration fitting, whichever is higher.
Visually inspect all joints and fittings for drips or
moisture indicating a leak.
Repair any leaks observed and restore the water
level in the sump.
Mark the water level using spray paint or other suit-
able marker.
Wait at least 4 hours and repeat the visual inspection
for leaks.
If no leaks are visible and the water level has not
changed, the sump is considered tight.
The test time may be considerably shortened by using
specialized test equipment that precisely monitor the
water level in the sump. Follow the equipment manufac-
turer's test procedures.
Vacuum or pressure-based test procedures may be used
instead of this hydrostatic procedure if approved by the
manufacturer of the sump. Follow the vacuum or pres-
sure-test procedure specified by the testing equipment
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
Clearance for Access
and Drainage
Tank-Top Sump
Liqu id --,1---+1
Fitting (typical)
FIGURE 81. Secondary containment of piping. To achieve full secondary containment, double-walled piping is usual-
ly connected to a dispenser sump and a tank-top sump. Piping is usually sloped towards the tank so that leaked prod-
uct will flow to the tank-top sump where it can be readily detected. Mount sensors securely in sumps.
8.5 Dispenser Sumps. Dispenser sumps are designed
to contain leaks and spills from dispensers and pumps and
to isolate metallic pipe fittings from the corrosive under-
ground environment. Shallow dispenser sumps are often
refen"ed to as dispenser "pans." All dispenser sump
entries, including electrical conduit, be fitted with
liquid-tight penetration fittings to prevent the escape of
released liquids or the intrusion of water. Dispenser
sumps should be designed and installed so that surface
water entry is minimized.
Test dispenser sumps after all joints have been assembled,
any sealing materials have cured, and all peneu"ation fit-
tings have been installed, but before backfilling. Follow
the sump manufacturer's or regulatory agency's testing
procedure. If no testing instructions are specified by sump
manufacturer or the regulatory agency, use the same pro-
cedure described for tank-top sumps in Section 8.4.
8.6 Sensing Devices. Although secondary-contain-
ment systems may be monitored visually, sensing devices
that monitor for the presence of product or liquids are
typically installed in tank-top sumps. Installing sensors in
dispenser sumps can provide a timely and more reliable
warning of dispenser leaks. Sensors may indicate only the
presence of a liquid or may disctiminate between product
and water. Mount sensors securely and place them at the
bottom of the sump. Carefully follow the manufacturer's
instructions for installation of sensing devices.
8.7 Other Technologies. Technologies are also avail-
able to add secondary containment to existing single-
walled tanks. These include applying a lining to the inside
of the tank or constructing a tank of prefabricated fiber-
glass panels. These technologies should only be installed
by specially trained personnel.
8.8 Safety Considerations. Flammable or com-
bustible liquids and vapors may be present in tank top and
dispenser sumps in high enough concentrations to present
a hazard. Personnel who work in and around sumps
should be properly trained in identifying the health and
safety hazards posed by sumps and provided with appro-
priate equipment.
9.1 Purpose. The purpose of release detection is to
provide early warning of the loss of integrity of any por-
tion of the underground storage system that routinely
contains product. This section describes installation prac-
tices associated with commonly used release-detection
9.2 Leak-Detection Methods for Tanks. Acceptable
leak-detection methods for tanks include:
automatic tank gauging
groundwater monitoring
inventory control combined with periodic tightness
manual tank gauging
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
interstitial monitoring
soil-vapor monitoring
statistical inventory reconciliation.
To improve the effectiveness of inventory control,
manual tank gauging, and statistical inventory recon-
ciliation, the tank owner should utilize a tank chart and
gauge stick calibrated in eighths of an inch.
9.2.1 Automatic Tank Gauging.
1. Install the tank-gauging probe as close as pos-
sible to the middle of the tank. Avoid locating
the automatic tank-gauge probe adjacent to
the fill pipe or the submersible pump.
2. Consult the manufacturer's certification of
performance data to determine the applicabil-
ity of the automatic tank gauge to specific
installations. Factors to be considered include
the tank volume, the facility throughput, and
the presence of any siphon connections
between tanks.
3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to
determine the type of wire to use to connect
the tank probes and the control console. Seal
all wire connections agaInst moisture accord-
ing to the manufacturer's instructions.
4. Follow the manufacturer' s instructions for
grounding the tank gauge to maintain the
intrinsic safety rating of the tank gauge.
5. Follow the manufacturer' s instructions for
programming and calibrating the tank gauge.
9.2.2 Groundwater Monitoring.
1. Observation wells located inside the tank
excavation and monitoring wells installed in
native soil outside the tank excavation may be
used for leak detection only if the water table
is within 20 feet of the ground surface at all
times of the year.
2. Applicable codes and the physical conditions
at the site determine the suitability of the
location for groundwater monitoring as well
as the size, number, and location of the wells.
3. Construct wells using factory-perforated or
slotted PVC or coated metallic pipe with
0.020-inch openings and permeable backfill
material to allow water or released product to
flow freely into the well.
FIGURE 9-1. Observation and monitoring wells. While
similar in construction, observation wells are installed in
tank excavations or secondary containment liners, while
monitoring wells are installed outside the tank excavation.
4. Access covers and well construction should
restrict infiltration of surface water.
5. Clearly mark wells with a black equilateral
triangle on a white background and a durable"
label, warning against the accidental or inten-
tional introduction of petroleum products into
the well , and secure the well to prevent unau-
thorized access and tampering.
9.2.3 Inventory Control Plus Tightness Testing.
1. Install a drop tube in the fill pipe that extends
to within 6 inches of the tank bottom.
2. Calibrate dispenser meters as accurately as
3. When necessary, install an observation well to
facilitate the location of the water table when
tightness testing is conducted.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
9.2.4 Interstitial Monitoring.
1. Monitoring secondarily contained tanks for
leaks can be done manually by inserting a
gauge stick or other probe to the bottom of the
interstitial space. Monitoring can also be
accomplished through the installation of liq-
uid sensors at the bottom of the interstitial
space. The use of vapor sensors in interstitial
spaces is not recommended because of the
likelihood of false alarms.
2. Hydrostatic monitoring systems, where the
interstitial space is filled with a liquid, and
vacuum systems that monitor a negative pres-
sure in the interstitial space, both have the
ability to monitor the integrity of both walls
of the storage tank.
3. Sensors that are installed in tank interstitial
spaces should be easy to and replace
to allow for servicing and testing of the oper-
ation of the sensor.
9.2.5 Soil-Vapor Monitoring. Recommended
practices for vapor monitoring are generally the
same as those for groundwater monitoring except
that the depth to the water table requirement does
not apply.
9.3 Leak-Detection Methods for Piping. Acceptable
leak-detection methods for piping include:
automatic line-leak detector (pressurized-piping
systems only)
groundwater monitoring
periodic piping tightness testing
interstitial monitoring
soil-vapor monitoring
statistical inventory reconciliation
under-pump check valve (suction systems only).
Installation practices associated with most methods of
leak detection are described in the following sections.
9.3.1 Automatic Line-Leak Detectors. An
automatic line-leak detector is defined as a device
that can detect a leak of 3.0 gallons per hour at a line
pressure of 10 pounds per square inch within a
period of one hour. Mechanically based line-leak
detectors, as well as electronically based devices,
may be used to meet this requirement. Line-leak
detectors are designed for use with pressurized-pip-
ing systems.
Install line-leak detectors on all pressurized-piping
systems, including those with secondary contain-
1. Install piping with a uniform slope to avoid
creating vapor pockets.
2. Consult the manufacturer's certification of
performance data to determine the applicabil-
ity of line-leak detectors to specific installa-
tions. Factors to be considered include type of
fuel and the length, volume, and flexibility of
the piping.
3. When installing mechanical line-leak detec-
tors, consider hydrostatic pressure.
4. When mechanical line-leak detectors are not
installed on the pump itself, install the leak
as close as possible to the sub-
mersible pump.
WARNING: If an installation requires the use of
a solenoid valve immediately downstream of the
submersible pump to prevent siphoning of the
tank contents, consult the leak-detector manu-
facturer to determine the proper location for the
line-leak detector.
9.3.2 Groundwater and Soil-Vapor Monitoring.
Follow installation practices listed in Sections 9.2.2
and 9.2.5 when these methods are applied to piping
release detection.
9.3.3 Periodic Piping Tightness Testing.
Install piping with a uniform slope to avoid creating
vapor pockets that can interfere with the proper
operation of tightness-testing equipment and line-
leak detectors.
9.3.4 Interstitial Monitoring.
1. Install piping so that any released liquid will
flow to a sump, where it can be visually
observed or detected by sensors.
2. Mount sensors according to the manufactur-
er's instructions. Place sensors at the bottom
of the sump. Sensors should be easily acces-
sible so they can be tested periodically for
proper operation.
3. After installation testing is completed, ensure
that test fittings do not interfere with the flow
of any released product from the interstitial
space of the piping into the sump.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
9.3.5 Containing Releases from Submersible-
Pump Heads. Leaks occur in various joints and fit-
tings associated with submersible-pump heads.
Most methods of leak detection are not designed to
contain leaks from this portion of the piping system.
To contain releases, install submersible pumps in
monitored tank-top sumps. Installation of the sub-
mersible pump within a tank-top sump also isolates
the pump head from the soil, removing the need for
corrosion protection and facilitating maintenance.
9.3.6 Containing Releases from Dispensers.
Leaks occur in various joints and fittings associated
with dispensers. Most methods of leak detection are
not designed to contain leaks from dispensers. To
contain releases, install monitored dispenser sumps
beneath dispensers.
9.3.7 Satellite-Dispenser Piping. Satellite dis-
pensers are typically installed at large truck-fueling
facilities so that both saddle tanks on a truck can be
fueled simultaneously with a single sales u'ansac-
tion. Product piping linking the master and the
satellite dispenser is usually routed underground
and must be monitored for leaks with a line-leak
detector. Verify that the satellite-dispenser piping is
monitored by the line-leak detector.
NOTE: For guidance in determining whether
satellite-dispenser piping is monitored by a line-
leak detector, refer to Field Service Bulletin, RI-
23-51, Use of Mechanical/Electronic Leak
Detectors in Master/Satellite Systems. Refer to
Appendix C for information on how to obtain
this document.
9.3.8 Under-Pump Check Valve. Piping sys-
tems meeting the following criteria provide suction
line-leak detection:
1. The below-grade piping operates at less than
atmospheric p r ~ s s u r e .
2. The below-grade piping is sloped so that the
contents of the pipe drain back into the stor-
age tank if the suction is released.
3. The only check valve is located directly
below and as close as practical to the suction
10.1 General Requirements for Product Piping. An
efficient piping design minimizes the length of the piping.
enhances operations, and facilitates testing and mainte-
nance. Product piping, valves, fittings , and related com-
ponents must have adequate capacity, strength, and
durability to withstand the operating pressures, structural
stress, and conditions encountered during construction
and subsequent operations of a facility. Exercise the same
degree of care in the selection of pipe and fittings as in the
selection of tanks, pumps, hoses, and other components.
Construction documents should specify the materials and
components to be provided, the piping layout, and testing
requirements. Follow local codes, designer's plans and
specifications, and piping and component installation
insu'uctions provided by the manufacturer. Strict adher-
ence to the manufacturer' s installation instructions is gen-
erally required to preserve product warranties.
Carefully inspect materials and components for defects
and for consistency with specifications in the construc-
tion agreement. Correct any deviations from specifica-
tions before construction begins.
In some jurisdictions, secondary containment of under-
ground piping may be required. Consult with local
authorities before finalizing the piping-system design.
10.2 Piping Materials. All piping components, includ-
ing fittings, gaskets, o-rings, pipe dope, and the piping
itself, must:
be fully compatible with the products stored
be compatible with the underground environment
be resistant to damage under normal operating or
test pressures
have sufficient strength to withstand the stresses
produced during construction and subsequent oper-
be isolated from the ground, constructed of noncor-
rosive materials, or coated and cathodically pro-
Galvanized pipe should not be used for systems storing
diesel fuel, kerosene, or jet fuel either underground or
10.3 Piping Practices. Inspect all piping materials
prior to installation to detect damage caused by shipping
and handling and to confirm compliance with specifica-
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
tions. Handle piping carefully to avoid damage to piping
materials during assembly, backfilling, and testing. Keep
pipe and fitting interiors and threads free from dirt, mois-
ture, and debris.
Exercise care to measure and cut pipe accurately to avoid
failure that can occur when pipe fittings are installed
under stress.
10.4 Piping Layout and Trenches. Where practical,
run piping in a single trench between the tank area and
the dispensing islands, and between the tank area and the
vent risers. Minimize piping runs across tank tops. Piping
should follow the shortest practical route. Avoid traps in
the piping and crossing piping runs whenever possible. If
crossing of lines is unavoidable, provide adequate clear-
ance to prevent contact. Consult the manufacturer's
instructions for the minimum clearance required for the
type of piping being installed.
Make piping trenches wide enough and deep enough to
accommodate both the piping and the backfill material
required to provide protection from damage that might be
caused by settlement, abrasion, vibration, expansion, con-
traction, and contact with foreign materials. (See Figure
10-1.) Provide at least 6 inches clearance between piping
and electrical conduit, utilities, other system components,
and any nearby structures. Separate piJ<ing runs by a dis-
tance of at least twice the nominal pipe diameter. Allow
at least 6 inches distance between the piping and the
All dimensions in inches.
FIGURE 10-1. Trench dimensions. Pipe trenches must
allow adequate clearance and cover to protect piping and
coatings from physical damage. Baclifilling and com-
paction requirements are the same as for tank excava-
tions. Two-inch pipe is illustrated. For other sizes, use
twice the pipe diameter between pipes.
trench excavation walls. In traffic areas, ensure that the
trench is sufficiently deep to permit 6 inches of bedding
and at least 18 inches of compacted backfill material and
As a general rule, carefully grade and compact bedding
for product piping to ensure a minimum slope of 1I8-inch
per foot. Piping may slope toward the tank, a dispenser
sump, or a collection sump.
Vapor pockets created by unevenly sloped lines may
adversely affect leak-detection systems and/or the effi-
ciency or operation of product piping. Thoroughly purge
pressurized product piping of air before it is placed into
10.5 Piping Backfill and Compaction. Use clean sand
or pea gravel (3/4-inch maximum size) or crushed rock
(l/2-inch maximum size) for piping backfill material.
Before backfilling, remove any rocks, debris, or other for-
eign 'material from the piping trench. Also remove any
chocks or bracing used to support or align piping during
Place backfill carefully around piping to maintain separa-
tion distances from adjacent piping and the trench walls.
If mechanical compaction is required, exercise special
care when compacting over nonmetallic piping and flexi-
ble connectors.
Clearly mark trenches and protect them during construc-
tion to prevent damage to piping from traffic, excavation,
grade stakes, or other construction work.
10.6 Flexible Connectors. Install flexible connectors
at the tank end of each product line, vent line, and vapor-
recovery line, and at the base of dispensers. Flexible con-
nectors are not required on flexible pipe. If required to
relieve stress, flexibility should also be provided where
underground lines change direction.
Do not twist or kink flexible connectors. Flexible con-
nectors installed in dispenser or intermediate sumps
should be listed for aboveground use. Flexible connectors
installed in tank-top sumps may be listed for underground
or aboveground use.
10.7 Threaded Joints. Threaded joints must be proper-
ly constructed and assembled to achieve a liquid-tight
seal. The following guidelines will help ensure tight con-
1. Ream and deburr pipe ends after cutting.
2. Inspect pipe-cutting dies frequently and replace
when worn. Threaded metallic piping depends on a
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
FIGURE 10-2. Piping dimensions. Dimensions shown are generally accepted limits. Slope all lines to facilitate future
liquid-tight, metal-to-metal seal to prevent leaks.
Dull dies may extrude or tear threads, making a
tight seal impossible.
3. When assembling tapered thread (NPT) joints, use
a pipe sealant (dope or cement) that is compatible
with the piping materials and the product being
handled. Wrap ribbon dope with the threads to
avoid bunching during tightening. Follow the man-
ufacturer's preparation and application instruc-
tions, giving proper attention to temperature and
moisture condition limitations.
4. Take care to avoid cross threading, especially when
mating fittings made of different materials such as
steel fittings to fiberglass adapters or steel pipe to
dielectric tank bushings. Do not remove dielectric
10.8 Metallic Piping. Schedule 40 factory-wrapped!
coated black steel pipe is the minimum standard for
metallic product piping, with comparable malleable iron
or steel screw-type fittings and extra-heavy couplings.
Recommended installation practices include the follow-
ing considerations.
1. Installing unions underground is not recommend-
ed. If burying unions is unavoidable, use 250/300#
ground-joint unions and provide access for service.
2. Do not bend steel pipe.
3. Protect all piping from physical damage with non-
conductive material at any point where it passes
through pavement and structures.
4. Protect metallic-product piping that is in contact
with the ground with a properly designed and
installed cathodic-protection system. Electrically
isolate dispensers, submerged pumps, check
valves, tanks, or other metallic components that are
not intended to be protected by the cathodic-pro-
tection system provided for the piping.
S. Repair damage to coating caused by handling,
threading, or tightening. Use a material approved
for the purpose and in accordance with the manu-
facturer's application instructions.
WARNING: Couplings furnished to protect
metallic-pipe threads during handling are not
generally suitable material for use under-
10.9 Fiberglass Piping. Install fiberglass-piping sys-
tems according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rec-
ommended practices include the following
1. Exercise care in joining fiberglass pipe and fitting
to avoid leaks. Prepare joints, apply adhesives, and
cure according to manufacturer's instructions.
These installation instructions also elaborate on
temperature and moisture considerations and
should be carefully followed.
2. When making a transition from steel to nonmetallic
piping, join female steel threads to male nonmetal-
lic threads. If a female fiberglass fitting is used to
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
connect fiberglass to metallic pipe, take care not to
over tighten and split the fiberglass fitting.
3. Coat or wrap metallic pipe and fittings used to con-
nect nonmetallic piping to components, and, if
buried, cathodically protect them to prevent corro-
10.10 Flexible Piping. Install all flexible-piping sys-
tems in strict accordance with the manufacturer's installa-
tion instructions. Recommended practices include the
following considerations.
1. Do not interchange piping and couplings from dif-
ferent manufacturers.
2. Heed the manufacturer's warnings concerning
installation of flexible-piping materials at low tem-
3. Ensure that both primary and secondary piping
consist of continuous lengths between containment
sumps. Carefully measure piping lengths to avoid
stretching or kinking. Make all piping connections
within the confines of containment sumps.
4. Be aware that flexible-piping systems may require
different trenching configurations than rigid piping.
(See Figure 10-3.) Do not exceed the recommend-
ed bending radius specified by the manufacturer for
the specific pipe diameter being\nstalled.
10.11 Containment Sumps. Tank-top and dispenser-
containment sumps may be used with metallic, fiberglass,
or flexible piping. Install all sumps in strict accordance
'--___ ---' recovery :
piping ;
(if req'd) :
Rigid Piping Layout
with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Recom-
mended practices include the following considerations.
l. Position tank-top sumps at each tank and dispenser
sumps beneath each dispenser. If the sump bottom
relies on backfill for support, carefully place
approved backfill material beneath the sump base.
2. To avoid leaks into the environment and possible
groundwater or rainwater infiltration into sumps,
make all sump penetrations liquid tight. Use the
size of hole saw recommended by the manufactur-
er to cut appropriate holes for pipe-penetration fit-
tings. Pipe-penetration fittings should minimize
stress on sump-penetration seals.
3. Slope trenches 1I8-inch per foot so that leaked
product will drain into sumps. Depending on the
distance between dispenser sumps and tank sumps,
an intermediate sump may be needed to maintain a
1I8-inch slope per foot between connecting sumps.
10.12 Vent Piping. The vent piping for all tanks
should be adequately sized. Use an extractor fitting at the
tank connection to facilitate future testing. Slope piping
no less than 1I8-inch per foot back to the tank. Grade the
bedding for the vent piping carefully to avoid sags or
traps in the line where liquid could collect. Construct
aboveground vent risers using appropriately sized steel
Locate vent outlets away from building openings, above
adjacent rooflines and canopies, and high enough above
grade so that discharged vapors will not produce fire or
Vapor recovery piping ....... .
(if req'd)
Flexible Piping Layout
FIGURE 1.0-3. Piping layout. Proper piping layout minimizes crossing of lines and intelference with electrical conduit
and other system components.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
P" \> </p t;>
\::> ~ t::.. .0.. ~
t;> '\) <l "" '\)
1----.... "- I> t;> "-
t:.. <1 "" """" <1
1----..., t;> I> <J ""
\> "- I> t;>
"- "-
<1 \> ""
"" "" <1
FIGURE 10-4. Emergency shutoff valve. In case offire or
collision, the emergency shutoff valve stops the flow of
fuel. Install the shear section level with the top of the dis-
penser islands. Do not obstruct moving 'parts. Securely
anchor the valve.
safety hazards. Consult applicable codes for specific
guidance on vent height and location.
10.13 Fill Piping. Typically, 4-inch diameter steel pip-
ing is used for fill-pipe risers. Do not use nonmetallic pip-
ing for fill risers. If the fill riser or remote fill is isolated
from ground, provide a grounding path for static electri-
cal charges produced when fuel is delivered into the tank.
Install a tight-fill adapter on all fill pipes.
Install the fill pipe so that the top of the fill cap will be
between 4 and 6 inches below the manhole lid to allow
the secure attachment of delivery adapters and clearance
between the fill-pipe cap and the manhole cover.
When installed, standard drop tubes should allow for at
least 4 to 6 inches clearance from the tank bottom. If a
flow diffuser is to be installed at the bottom of the drop
tube, follow the manufacturer' s installation instructions.
Remote fills should be used only when necessary.
Remote-fill piping should slope uniformly to the tank.
Use caution when selecting overfill prevention devices
for use with remote fills. Refer to Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.3
and manufacturer's instructions.
FIGURE 10-5. Methods of providing flexibility. Flexible
connectors that are designed for the purpose may be used
for nonmetallic or metallic piping.
10.14 Submersible Pump. Install submersible pumps
to allow at least 4 to 6 inches clearance from the tank bot-
tom. Ensure adequate clearance between the submersible
pump and the grade manhole to prevent damage from set-
Install a full-port ball valve at the submersible pump dis-
charge to facilitate maintenance and repair of the sub-
mersible pump and testing of the piping.
10.15 Suction Stub. Cut suction stubs to allow at least
4 to 6 inches clearance from the tank bottom. When
installing a foot valve or angle-check valve to hold prime
in the suction line, use an extractor fitting at the tank! uc-
tion line connection to facilitate future testing.
10.16 Manifolded Tanks and Siphon Piping. When
manifolding tanks, set tank bottoms at the same elevati on.
Do not manifold tanks of different diameters. If tanks are
manifolded and Stage I vapor recovery is present, in tall
a vent manifold.
Siphon piping must comply with the applicable requir -
ments of Chapter 10 and Section 12.10 of this recom-
mended practice.
The performance of some tank leak-detection method i
affected by the presence of a siphon connection. Con ult
the manufacturer's certification of performance data for
the applicability of specific leak-detection deyj e [0
manifolded tank systems.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
10.17 Vapor-Recovery Piping. Refer to PEl publication
RP300, Recommended Practices for Installation and
Testing of Vapor-Recovery Systems at Vehicle-Fueling
Sites, for installation and testing requirements associated
with vapor-recovery piping at vehicle-fueling facilities .
10.18 Water-Gauging Port. Water bottoms that
remain in tanks for long periods can compromise fuel
quality and tank integrity. To facilitate water detection
and removal, consider installing the t a ~ fill pipe at one
end of the tank and a 2-inch diameter riser with a vapor-
tight locking cap at the opposite end of the tank.
11.1. Testing of Product Piping. The following sec-
tions describe test procedures that should be performed
on new product piping and storage systems before back-
filling, during construction, and before placing a system
into operation.
11..1..1 Initial Piping Test for Single-Walled Pip-
ing. Air test new single-walled product piping, or a
double-walled piping system where the primary
pipe can be soaped, at 50 psig of\the manufacturer's
recommended test pressure for a period of one hour.
Local jurisdictions or individual manufacturers may
require testing at greater pressures or for longer
periods. Apply a soap solution to all fittings, joints
and piping surfaces, and inspect for bubbles. Leaks
are indicated by the formation of bubbles created by
air escaping from damaged or defective piping or
joints that are improperly tightened or assembled. A
constant pressure-gauge reading alone will not
determine whether the piping is tight, but any loss in
gauge pressure should be carefully investigated.
Follow specific instructions provided by individual
manufacturers of fiberglass and flexible piping.
11.1.2 Initial Piping Test for Coaxial Piping. Air
test the primary pipe in coaxial piping systems at 50
psig or the manufacturer's recommended test pres-
sure for a period of one hour. Local jurisdictions or
individual manufacturers may require testing at
greater pressures or for longer periods. Ensure that
the piping interstice is sealed and install a pressure
gauge to monitor the pressure in the piping inter-
stice. A leak is indicated by an increase in pressure
in the piping interstice. Follow specific instructions
provided by individual manufacturers of fiberglass
and flexible piping.
WARNING: Isolate piping from tanks and dis-
pensers before air testing. Installation of valves
or extractor fittings to provide a convenient
means of isolation is recommended. Do not test
lines with air that have contained hazardous,
flammable, or combustible liquids or vapors
unless they are purged and made safe before-
hand. If purging is not feasible, an inert gas such
as nitrogen or helium may be used to pressurize
the piping.
11..1.3 Monitoring During Construction. After
the initial product-piping test is completed, 10-psig
air pressure may be maintained in the piping pro-
vided the piping has not contained any product or
product vapors. If piping has contained product or
vapors, an inert gas such as nitrogen or helium may
be used to pressurize the piping. Monitoring the
pressure during subsequent construction can pro-
vide an early warning of piping damage. If damage
is suspected, retest the lines.
11.1.4 Post-Construction Testing. Immediately
before underground product piping is placed into
service, conduct a hydrostatic test at 150 percent of
the operating pressure, but not less than 50 psig.
11.2 Testing of Secondary-Containment Piping. The
following sections describe test procedures that should be
performed on new secondary-containment piping before
backfilling, during construction, and before placing a sys-
tem into operation.
11.2.1 Initial Test for Secondary Piping. Air test
new secondary piping for a period of one hour,
using the test pressure prescribed by the piping
manufacturer. Apply a soap solution to all joints and
piping surfaces and inspect for bubbles that indicate
that a leak is present. A constant pressure-gauge
reading alone will not determine whether any piping
is tight, but any loss in gauge pressure should be
carefully investigated. In general, adhere to the fol-
lowing pressure-test limits and procedures.
For fiberglass secondary-containment piping
that operates at atmospheric pressure and uses
clamshell termination fittings , test at 10 psig.
If flexible termination fittings are used, test at
5 psig.
For flexible secondary piping, test at 5 psig.
Expect that a slight expansion of piping may
occur while the piping is under pressure.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
11.2.2 Monitoring During Construction. After
the initial test, 5 psig air pressure may be main-
tained in the secondary piping. Monitoring the air
pressure during subsequent construction can pro-
vide early warning of piping damage. If damage is
suspected, retest the piping.
11.2.3 Final Integrity Test for Secondary Pip-
ing. Immediately before placing piping in service,
repeat the test procedure described in Section
11.2.1, soaping any exposed joints. Monitor the
pressure for one hour and investigate any pressure
loss. After testing is completed, loosen and back off
test fittings as required by the system design.
12.1 General Requirements. Metallic underground
storage tanks and product-pipe systems i.p. contact with
soil must be provided with cathodic protection. Tank and
pipe systems that are constructed of corrosion-resistant
materials do not require additional cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection should be installed in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions, plans, and specifica-
tions. In the absence of specific plans, the following pro-
cedures are recommended.
The "tank system" includes the tank, piping, and
related equipment, the failure of any component of
which could cause a release or permit a release to go
undetected or uncontained.
Some field-installed cathodic protection will be lim-
ited to piping and associated components that are
not protected by a factory-installed cathodic-protec-
tion system provided with the tank. Piping and other
components may be electrically isolated from the
tanks by insulated flanges and bushings. In some
installations, the tanks and piping may be protected
by a common cathodic-protection system.
12.2 Applicability. These recommendations are not
intended to take the place of a detailed corrosion survey
and a specifically engineered cathodic-protection plan.
These are general recommendations for routine installa-
tions for which no specific plans are available. If the cir-
cumstances are unusual, either as to the tank system to be
installed or the environment, a competent corrosion engi-
neer should be consulted.
FIGURE 12-1. Corrosion. A corrosion cell results when
two dissimilar metals are in contact with the same elec-
trolyte. The rate of corrosion is determined by many fac-
tors, including the degree of difference between the
electromotive potential of the metals, the relative size of
the anode and cathode, and the resistance to current flow.
12.3 Factory-Installed Systems for Tanks. Handle all
components with care to prevent damage during installa-
tion and backfilling. At the installation site, inspect
anodes, dielectric bushings, and coatings for shipping and
handling damage. Verify the electrical continuity between
the anodes and the tank. Repair damage to anode connec-
tions or coatings according to the manufacturer's instruc-
tions. Do not remove dielectric bushings from tank
12.4 Dielectric Coatings. Dielectric coatings isolate
the external surfaces of the tank and piping from the envi-
ronment and reduce current demand on the cathodic-pro-
tection system throughout the life expectancy of the
liquid-storage system. Factory-installed dielectric coat-
ings may be coal-tar epoxies, enamels, fiberglass-rein-
forced plastic, or urethanes in liquid form, tape, or
extrusions. Coating done under controlled conditions
improves quality control and minimizes defects. Limit
field coating to exposed threads, fittings, and areas dam-
aged from handling and fabrication.
Small exposed surfaces of coated structures corrode
rapidly, due to a high concentration of electrochem-
ical activity. Cathodic protection is essential for pro-
tecting coating flaws (holidays).
Selection of a proper coating material, preparation
of the surface to be coated, and care in application
are essential. Coatings must maintain high dielectric
properties over the life of the system, have low
moisture absorption and transfer rates, and be
chemically resistant to the stored liquids. Field-
applied coatings should be designed for application
outdoors and applied by personnel with special
training in the use of the materials and installation
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
1.2.5 Electrical Isolation. It is essential that tanks and
piping equipped with galvanic cathodic protection be
electrically isolated from other metal structures. Dielec-
tric bushings and fittings, which are used to separate
buried piping from aboveground piping and tanks from
piping, must be compatible with the liquid stored and the
operating pressure of the tank system.
Take care to maintain electrical isolation to prevent
loss of protection. For example, if cathodically pro-
tected vent risers are attached directly to a metal
building, the piping will likely be electrically con-
nected to other building components, such as buried
electrical conduit and reinforcing rod in the building
foundation. As a result, the cathodic-protection sys-
tem, which is designed to protect only the piping, is
now also trying to protect all buried metallic com-
ponents of the building. In most cases, this will
severely compromise the effectiveness of the
cathodic-protection system.
Exercise care when installing leak-detection probes
that contain metallic components. If metallic com-
ponents are present in the probes, there must be no
contact between the components and adjacent metal
surfaces of the tank and piping. Maintain electrical
isolation of the metallic components in the probes.
Do not electrically isolate components of
impressed-current systems.
WARNING: Connecting structures equipped
with galvanic cathodic protection to unprotect-
ed metallic structures or to the facility electrical
ground will nullify corrosion protection.
1.2.6 Galvanic Anodes for Piping. Magnesium or zinc
anodes provide protection by galvanic action. Field-
installed anodes are generally attached to the piping
through a capper lead wire and packaged in low-resistiv-
ity backfill. Remove the waterproof packaging and
inspect the anodes for shipping and handling damage.
Test the electrical continuity of the anode and attached
lead wire without damaging the packaging material. Use
an ice pick or similar thin probe to contact the anode
through the packaging. Install the anodes at locations and
depths specified in the cathodic-protection design. Back-
ftll the anodes with compacted native soil, and soak them
with 3 to 5 gallons of water.
WARNING: Do not handle or lower anodes by
the lead wire.
1.2.7 Impressed-Current Systems. Impressed-current
cathodic-protection systems can influence other nearby
metallic structures that are not a part of the protected sys-
tem. Proper design by a competent corrosion engineer is
required to ensure effectiveness of the corrosion protec-
tion on the intended storage system and to prevent
adverse effects on adjacent aboveground tanks, utilities,
and other metallic structures. Impressed-current cathodic-
protection systems must be designed by corrosion engi-
neers who have expertise in this area. The following are
generic installation guidelines for impressed-current sys-
1. Inspect high-silicon iron, graphite, or platinum
anodes for broken lead wires, damaged insulation,
or other defects.
2. Install anodes as indicated in the plans, and backfill
them carefully to prevent voids.
3. Connect the rectifier negative terminal to the struc-
ture and the positive terminal to the anodes.
4. Establish the electrical continuity of all compo-
nents to be protected.
5. Install rectifiers on a dedicated electrical circuit.
Monitoring wire ~
FIGURE 1.2-2. Protected steel tank. A galvanic cathodic-
protection system on a steel tank typically has three com-
ponents: a dielectric coating to separate the steel from the
environment, dielectric bushings to isolate the tank from
the piping, and galvanic anodes "to protect "holidays" in
the coating.
PEl Recommended PracTice 1
6. To prevent accidental loss or interruption of protec-
tion, do not control electrical power to the rectifier
by switches that are normally under the control of
the operator.
12.8 Test Stations. Test stations provide a convenient
way to measure the effectiveness of cathodic protection.
Test stations can facilitate the measurement of tank-to-
soil potential, pipe-to-soil potential, tank-to-piping isola-
tion, and anode-current output. The anode-current output
measurement provides information about the level of pro-
tection being provided and the projected life of the anode.
Color code and clearly mark all lead wires and terminals.
Record the coding key on the "as-built" drawings. Some
test stations are connected to a buried reference cell that
is placed in the excavation during installation. A test sta-
tion, provided at the surface, allows direct access to the
test leads to simplify taking tank-to-soil potential mea-
12.9 Wiring and Electrical Connections. All wiring
should conform to applicable national and local electrical
codes. Use wiring devices that are listed by a recognized
testing laboratory and install them according to the man-
ufacturer's installation instructions. Carefully route
wiring and allow sufficient slack to prevent pulling on
wiring and wiring connections during backfill operations.
Install direct burial wiling at least 24 inches deep to pre-
vent damage during construction\ and subsequent opera-
tion of the facility. Before making connections,
thoroughly prepare the wires and structure surfaces to
verify that they are clean, dry, and free of foreign matter.
Make connections by therrnite welding, or by using pres-
sure-type grounding clamps or other devices designed for
this purpose. Avoid buried splices. When necessary, insu-
late buried splices using materials that are specifically
designed for this purpose. Coat structure/wire connec-
tions with insulating material that is compatible with
structure coatings and wire insulation. Test the continuity
of the wiring and structures before backfilling.
W.ARNING: Avoid attaching wiring by thermite
welding to tanks or lines that have held flamma-
ble or combustible liquids unless the tank and
surrounding area are made safe beforehand.
12.10 Piping. Protect buried piping material and com-
ponents from corrosion failure by using either corrosion-
resistant piping materials or a properly designed and
installed cathodic-protection system. Dissimilar metals
promote corrosion and should not be joined together.
Avoid installing piping that is under stress; stress can
accelerate corrosion.
Junction box - Rectifier
~ - - - - - - - - - ~
Tank (Cathode)
--- Anode (typical)
FIGURE 12-3. Impressed-current systems. Impressed-
current systems energize non-sacrificial anodes with an
external direct-current rectifier. These systems are
designed for specific installations, and because outside
power is used, large areas of exposed metal can be pro-
. . . . ~
. ...... .
. . . . . . . . . . Locate Anodes . . . .
................. r:: ' . 3 to 5 feet l' . . ... .
-: -: -: -: -: . :- :- : -: :-: from Pipe :-::-:-
. . . . . . . . ..... . ... ..
FIGURE 12-4. Attachment of anode wires. Anode wires
are attached to tanks and piping by thermite welding, if
no flammable or combustible liquids are present, or with
mechanical clamps.
Repair damage to the coating from tools, handling, and
threading by wrapping or coating, according to the
coating manufacturer's instructions.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
12.11 Protecting Piping. Steel piping must be coated,
preferably with a factory-applied, wrapped, dielectric
material designed for the purpose. Use a site-specific
cathodic-protection system design for all installations. In
the absence of a specific plan, protection may be provid-
ed for most piping systems by installing at least two mag-
nesium anodes vertically, 3 to 5 feet from the center of the
pipe trench with the top of the anode below the level of
the piping.
Protected piping must be electrically continuous; bond
unconnected pipe with #12 TW or THHN stranded or
solid wire. Isolate piping from dispensers, structures, and
the tanle Do not ground the piping to other piping sys-
tems, electrical conduit, or stlUctures.
If a site-specific plan is not available, Table 12-1 may be
used to determine the lengths of well-coated piping that
may be protected in mildly corro ive soil for a period of
20 to 30 years. The following conditions can .reasonably
be expected and apply to Table 12-1:
piping has less than 5 percent exposed surface
soil resistivity is 5,000 ohm centimeters
current density is 1.5 milliamp per square foot of
exposed steel.
Length of Pipe length of Pipe
Protected by Protected by Two
Nominal Pipe
Two 17-Pound 32-Pound
Magnesium Magnesium
Anodes (feet) Anodes (feet)
2" pipe 1,000 ft. 1,200 ft.
3" pipe 680 ft. 800 ft.
4" pipe 530 ft . 620 ft.
anode life: 23 years 37 years
TABLE 12-1. Length of well-coated metallic pipe that
can be cathodically protected with standard magnesium
Table 12-1 assumes that there are several parallellUns of
piping in a single trench. If the length of piping to be pro-
tected is a single long lUn, the number of anodes specified
in Table 12-1 may need to be increased, or high-potential
magnesium anodes may be necessary to provide adequate
protection. Anodes should be equally spaced along the
piping to ensure that the protective current is evenly dis-
While, in some cases, a single anode might provide suffi-
cient protection, redundancy is recommended to reduce
the chance of loss of protection in the event of damage to
the lead wire or other malfunction of a single anode.
12.12 Field-Applied Coatings. After completing fab-
rication and air testing, clean and coat all exposed metal
surfaces. Repair damage to the coating from tools, han-
dling, and threading by wrapping or coating the damaged
surface with a material intended for this purpose. Careful
preparation of the surfaces is essential to ensure good
cohesion and prevent flaws. Bonding and anode-wire
connections must also be coated.
12.13 Other Components. Provide protection for
gauges, monitoring devices, and other systems that are
subject to corrosion and that, if they fail, could cause a
release or impair the operation of monitOling systems.
Additional anodes and bonding may be required.
Gauging and monitoring devices that are mounted
inside the tank, or in the interstice of a double-
walled tank, are typically installed in tank openings
that are equipped with dielectric bushings. These
devices are not, therefore, electrically connected to
the tank: nor protected by the tank' s cathodic-pro-
tection system.
Indicate the location of devices protected by a
cathodic-protection system on facility plans and
"as-built" drawings. Also indicate the method and
location of connections and the location of test sta-
12.14 Inspection and Testing. Carefully inspect
cathodic-protection system components and connections
before backfilling. Test the electrical continuity between
the tank and associated piping. No continuity should exist
across dielectric bushings, flanges, or unions. Verify that
continuity i present between stlUctures that are bonded
A competent technician should test the effectiveness of
cathodic protection. Cathodically protected systems are
typically tested by measuring the voltage between the
tank and a copper-copper ulfate reference electrode that
is in contact with moist native soil. A negative voltage of
at least 0.85 volts is the commonly used criterion for eval-
uating galvanic cathodic protection. Criteria for deter-
mining the effectiveness of cathodic protection are
described in NACE RP0285-2002. Refer to Appendix C
for more information concerning this document.
If measurements indicate inadequate protection, a facility
may be placed in operation, but the measurements should
be repeated in 90 days. If corrosion protection is still not
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
adequate, the cathodic-protection system should be
repaired or modified. During this time, the facility may
remain operational.
To test electrical continuity or isolation of buried compo-
nents, measure and record the voltage readings between
the copper-copper sulphate reference electrode and the
tank, piping, or other structure, keeping the reference
electrode in a fixed position during all of the measure-
ments. Continuity is indicated by voltage differences of 1
millivolt or less between structures. Isolation is indicated
by voltage differences of more than 10 millivolts. Read-
ings between 1 and 10 millivolts are inconclusive. Refer
to NACE TM0101-2001 for a further description of this
and other procedures that can be used to evaluate electri-
cal continuity. Refer to Appendix C for more information
concerning this document.
13.1 Importance of Electrical Work. Performing elec-
trical work associated with u n d e r ~ r o u n d tank installations
is critical to the prevention of environmental problems for
the following reasons.
The defective installation of tank monitoring or
leak-detection system wiring may allow a release to
remain undetected.
Conduit or other electrical apparatus placed against
a surface that is protected against corrosion may
cause damage to the coating or cathodic protection.
Electrical-equipment installers may damage the
tank or piping while excavating, driving stakes, or
otherwise performing their work.
Galvanic cathodic protection of metallic tanks or
-piping is impaired by grounding.
Failure to make the entry point of electrical conduit
into tank-top and dispenser sumps liquid tight can
result in the release of product into the environment
or the infiltration of water into the sump, causing
leak-detection systems to false alarm.
13.2 General Requirements. Ensure that all electrical
equipment is installed in accordance with applicable
national, state, and local codes, including:
National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, National Fire
Protection Association
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA
30, National Fire Protection Association
Automotive and Marine Service Station Code.
NFPA 30A, National Fire Protection Association
Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Fire Code Association
International Fire Code, International Code Council.
Refer to Appendix C for more information concerning
these documents.
Equipment manufacturers may have electrical require-
ments that are more stringent than applicable electrical
codes. Refer to the manufacturer's electrical requirements
before beginning electrical installation.
Separate electrical conduit and piping by at least 6 inch-
es to avoid interference or damage caused by abrasion.
Whenever possible, route electrical conduit away from
WARNING: Before working on any electrical
circuit, be sure that the circuit is deenergized.
Follow Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration (OSHA) lockoutltagout procedures as
stated in 29 CFR 1910.147 to prevent accidental
energizing of the circuit.
13.3 Leak-Detection and Cathodic-Protection Sys-
tems. Disconnecting power to an impressed-curren
cathodic-protection system, or to an electronic leak-
detection device, nullifies their effectiveness. Therefore.
power provided to leak-detection and impressed-current
cathodic-protection systems should not normally be con-
trolled by conventional switches. Nor should switche
required for servicing these systems be readily available
to unauthorized personnel. Power to the annunciator pan-
els, aiarms, controls, and other devices should also be
protected from unauth0l1zed disconnection.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
Testing Before Placing the System in Service
Component Test Procedure
Single-walled Tight ness-test tank and pipi ng.
14.1 System Tests. Tank and piping tightness should
storage tank
be proven at various stages during the installation
process. Recommended procedures for testing during
Single-walled piping Tightness-test piping (Sec. 11.1.4).
installation are summarized in Tables 14-1 and 14-2.
Double-walled Inspect tank int erstice or check
Also, establish that tanks, piping, secondary containment
storage tank vacuum or liquid level (Sec. 3.6-7).
systems, leak-detection systems, overfill-prevention
Double-walled piping Tightness test primary piping (Sec.
devices, impact valves, cathodic-protection systems, and
11.1.4). Test secondary according
line-leak detectors are operating satisfactorily before the to Section 11.2.3 or manufactur-
system is placed in operation. Recommended procedures er's instructions.
for system start-up testing are summarized in Table 14-3.
Tank shell deflection Compare before/ after backfi lling
Tables 14-1, 14-2, and 14-3 list typical test procedures for
vertical diameter. If measurements
tanks, piping, and components. Orirission from these
differ, consult manufacturer's
instructions for al lowable variat ion.
Before Placing Components in the Excavation
Leak detection Ensure ability to detect alarm con-
Component Test Procedure
sensors dition (e.g., water, product).
Single-walled tank Inspection and 5 psig air/ soap test
Automatic tank Verify set up parameters (e.g., t ank
Sec. 3.2 (3 psig for 12 ft diameter or greater
gauges size, construction, tilt) and calibra-
tanks) according to manufacturer' s
Overfill prevention Verify that device is set at the prop-
Double-walled tank Inspect ion and 5 psig air/ soap test or
devices er height and ensure proper opera-
Sec. 3.3, 3.5-7 according to manufacturer's recom-
Spi ll-containment Check the operation of the liquid
Piping Careful inspection.
manholes drain (if present) and the clearance
Sec. 10.3
between the fill-pipe cap and the
manway cover. Remove liquids,
TABLE 1.4-1.. Test Procedures that may be applied to stor-
trash, instal lation aids, etc.
age-system components prior to placing them in the exca-
Impact valves Ensure that the valve is securely
anchored and that the valve mecha-
After Assembly But Before Backfilling
nism operates freely. Check t he
Component Test Procedure
level of the shear section relative
to the pump island surface.
New primary piping. 50 psig air/ soap test.
Mechanical line leak Test for ability to detect three gal-
Piping must be isolated
from tank.
detectors Ion per hour leak according to man-
Sec. 11.1.1
ufacturer's instructions.
Secondary piping 5 or 10 psig air/ soap test.
Electronic line leak Verify set up parameters (e.g., pip-
detectors ing length, diameter, type). Test for
Sec. 11.2.1
- ability to detect three gallon per
Tank-top sumps and Hydrostatic test or manufacturer's hour leak according to manufactur-
dispenser sumps recommendations. er's instructions.
Sec. 8.4-5
Cathodic protection Verify continuity/ isolation of system
Cathodic protection Continuity or isolation. components. Measure structure to
Sec. 12.14 soi l potential and rectifier output (if
Tank deflection Measure tank diameter before and
present) . (Sec. 12.14)
Sec. 5.9 after installing anchor straps.
TABLE 1.4-3. Test procedures that may be applied to stor-
age-system components prior to placing the storage system
TABLE 1.4-2. Test procedures that may be applied to
in service.
storage-system components after assembly but before
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
tables does not imply that a storage-system component
does not require testing. Follow the manufacturer's
instructions and/or regulatory requirements in all cases.
14.2 Cathodic-Protection Systems. Document the
effectiveness of cathodic-protection systems by conduct-
ing structure-to-soil potential measurements and continu-
ity measurements as a minimum. If measurements
indicate inadequate protection, the facility may be placed
in operation, but the measurements should be repeated in
90 days. If corrosion protection is still not adequate, the
cathodic-protection system should be repaired or modi-
fied, during which time the facility may remain opera-
14.3 Test Results. Provide documentation of storage-
system tightness, as well as the proper operation of sys-
tem components, to the storage-system owner/operator.
Alternatively, the owner may engage other properly
trained and certified personnel to conduct the testing. The
owner/operator should keep a copy of all final test results
and equipment operating instructions.
14.4 Other Testing. Nothing in this recommended
practice is intended to limit nonprescribed testing per-
formed by the installation contractor throughout the
installation process or prior to system start up.
15.1 "As-Built" Drawings. Provide the owner with
installation drawings (as-builts) or photographs showing
the location of underground piping, conduit, monitoring
equipment, and other significant system components. The
uwner should maintain these documents on file for as
long as the storage system is in service.
15.2 Component Documentation. Provide the owner
with installation and operating instructions for all compo-
nents of the underground tank system, as well as recom-
mended test procedures, maintenance schedules, and tank
charts that indicate liquid volume in the tank as a function
of depth. The documents described are typically provided
by manufacturers of all major storage-system compo-
The owner should require that the vendor or installer sub-
mit these documents at the time the system is placed in
operation. Responsibility for maintenance of the required
data, however, must remain with the owner/operator,
because no one else has an ongoing interest in the facili-
ty. The owner/operator should have the documents avail-
able for inspection, as required. Tank charts and
maintenance schedules should be kept at the tank loca-
15.3 Installation Checklists. Complete all relevant
installation checklists produced by equipment manufac-
turers to document compliance with specified installation
practices. Provide the client with the checklist(s) and
retain a copy for the installation contractor's records. If
applicable, submit copies of the checklist(s) to the manu-
facturer(s) to document the installation or initiate warran-
ty coverage.
15.4 Scheduled Inspections and Maintenance.
Quality components and proper installation will not
ensure that equipment will function properly without reg-
ular inspection and maintenance. The owner/operator
shall establish and implement a wlitten program of sched-
uled inspections, maintenance, and periodic testing of the
storage system and its components that is consistent with
regulatory requirements, industry practices, and equip-
ment manufacturers' recommendations.
When developing written inspection and maintenance
checklists, owner/operators should consult federal and
state regulatory agencies, equipment manufacturers, and
industry trade associations for appropriate guidance.
15.5 Training. Owners/operators should train their per-
sonnel in the operation and maintenance of their storage
system, inventory control procedures, and operation of
leak-detection, overfill, and automatic gauging equip-
ment before the storage system is placed in operation.
Personnel must be trained to recognize the warnings pro-
vided by leak-detection, overfill, and other monitoring
systems, and be prepared to take appropriate action in
response to a warning signal from these devices.
The owner/operator should coordinate when, where, and
how the training will occur. The storage system owner
should retain a record of the persons attending the train-
ing and the topics discussed.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
A.1 Purpose. The purpose of the floatout and anchor-
age calculation is to determine the depth of burial from
the top of the tank to finished grade necessary to prevent
an underground tank from floating when empty and fully
submerged. To do this, it is necessary that the total buoy-
ant force be more than offset by the combined weight of
the overburden (i.e. , backfill material), paving over the
tank, the weight of the empty tank, and associated equip-
ment. In this appendix, the calculation for an empty, 8-
foot nominal diameter, 1O,000-gallon nominal capacity,
double-walled, fiberglass-reinforced 'plastic (FRP) tank
with the water table at grade is presented. These calcula-
tions are applicable to a single tank installation only.
A.2 Weight of Materials. The weight of material
decreases when submerged. For our purposes, we have
used the following submerged weights for common mate-
Sand and pea gravel
Reinforced concrete
Tank and manways
Submersible pump
and riser
60.0 pounds per cubic foot
87.6 pounds per cubic foot
5,000 pounds
300 pounds
7.48 ga]]ons per cubic foot
62.4 pounds per cubic foot
A.3 Reflected-Tank Area. The reflected-tank area is
the surface on which the overburden bears. In the case of
cylindrical tanks, this is found by multiplying the actual
tank diameter by its length. In the case of tanks with
curved ends, the calculation is more complicated. The
value we have used (231.42 square feet) was provided by
the tank manufacturer:
Area of trapezoidal and
circular-end segments
Cylindrical body
24.39 square feet
+ 207.03 square feet
231.42 square feet
A.4 Tank Displacement. The buoyant force to be over-
come is the total tank displacement, including the dis-
placement of the structure and attached tank-top sumps.
The following calculations illustrate two methods of cal-
culating displacement. The method providing the larger
value is more conservative and should be used.
Method #1. Calculate the total space occupied by the tank
from data provided by the manufacturer.
Method #1 Cubic Feet Gallons
Cylindrical tank body 1,290.67 9,654
Two curved ends 113.28 848
Two manways 5.08
1,409.03 10,540
Method #2. Add the space occupied by the tank structure
to the actual capacity of the tank, interstice, and manway.
Method #2 Cubic Feet Gallons
Inner tank structure 15.18 114
Outer tank structure 15.75 118
Ribs (28) 9.42
Total tank structure 40.35 302
Tank capacity 1,300.80 9,730
Interstice capacity 82.89 620
Manway volume 5.08
1,429.12 10,690
The alternative result, 1,429.12 cubic feet (10,690 gal-
lons), should be used since it is more conservative. The
tank manufacturers should provide information on their
tank dimensions and capacity, on request.
A.S Reinforced-Concrete Pad at Finished Grade.
The 8-inch thick reinforced-concrete pad extends 2 feet
beyond each end of the tank and extends 1 foot beyond
each side of the tank. The paving will be 10' x 35', 350
square feet, 233.33 cubic feet. (350 square feet x 8 inch-
es = 233.33 cubic feet.) Using the submerged weight of
87.6 pounds per cubic foot, the total weight of the paving
is 20,440 pounds.
A.6 Depth of Burial to Top of Tank. The depth of the
overburden (backfill material) over the tank constitutes
the greatest force for counteracting flotation. The burial
depth must also be sufficient to allow piping to be sloped
to the tank at least 1I8-inch per foot. Assuming that a total
burial depth of 3' 6" is sufficient for this purpose, we can
make a trial calculation to determine if this combination
of paving and burial depth will prevent floatout.
A.7 Volume and Weight of Overburden. To determine
the depth of the overburden, it is necessary to deduct the
thickness of the reinforced-concrete paving from the
depth of burial to the top of the tank, (3' 6" - 8" = 2' 10" =
2.833 feet). We have assumed that pea gravel and sand
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
_ . __ """ 1
- --------- L+4ft

D = Tank diameter
L = Tank length
t = Thickness of reinforced concrete
h = Thickness of overburden
d = Depth of burial - top of tank to
bottom of reinforced concrete
FIGURE A-l. Dimensions requiredfor hold-down calculations. The weight of overburden (shaded area) provides a
great deal of the force available to offset buoyancy.
have the same weight submerged, 60 pounds per cubic
foot. The volume of the overburden can be calculated as
[(h -=- 3) (Bl + B2 + -YBIB2)] - [(V -=- 2) + M]
D = Tank diameter, 7' 11 1/4" (7.938 feet)
d = Depth of overburden, 2' 10" (2.833 feet)
h = (D -=- 2) + d = (7.938 -=- 2) + 2.833
= 3.969 + 2.833 = 6.802 feet
B 1 = Area of the concrete slab at grade,
350 square feet (See A.5)
B2 = Reflected-tank area,
231.42 square feet (See A3)
V = Tank displacement, 10,690 gallons
(1429.12 cubic feet) (See A4)
M = Void in overburden (4' x 4' tank-top sump),
41.85 cubic feet
Total volume of overburden
= [(h -=- 3) (Bl + B2 + - [(V -=- 2) + M]
= [(6.802 -=- 3) (350.00 + 231.42
x 231.42)]
-[(1429.12-=-2) + 41.85]
= 2.267 (581.42 + - (714.56 + 41.85)
= 2.267 (581.42 + 284.60) - 756.41
= 2.267 (866.02) - 756.41
= 1963.27 - 756.41
= 1206.86 cubic feet of overburden
Total weight of overburden
= 1206.86 cubic feet x weight of backfill material
(60 pounds per cubic foot)
= 72,412 pounds
A.S Adequacy of Restraining Forces. The adequacy
of restraining forces is determined as follows:
Total restraining forces, in pounds
Weight of overburden 72,412
Concrete paving at grade (See A5) 20,440
Tank and manway weight, from manufacturer 5,000
Submersible pump and riser,
from manufacturer
Total 98,152
Total buoyant force to be overcome, in pounds
Total displacement (A.4, Method #2)
1,429.12 cubic feet at the weight
of water (62.4 pounds per cubic foot) 89,177
Excess of restraining forces over buoyant
forces, in pounds 8,975
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
A.9 Calculation of Safety Factor. The safety factor in
the example is 1.1 (98,152 -7- 89,177). Because the densi-
ty of backfill material varies, a safety factor of 1.2 is com-
monly used when calculating anchoring requirements. If
a higher safety margin is desired, burial depth can be
increased or supplemental restraints provided.
A.l0 Effect of Adding 1 Foot to the Burial Depth.
Adding 1 foot of burial depth adds significantly to the
overburden. The addition of 17,371 pounds (89,783
- 72,412) increases the total restraining force to 115,523
pounds and the safety factor to 1.3 (115,523 -7- 89,177), as
follows :
d = depth of overburden = 3'10" =-3.833 feet
h = (D -7- 2) + d = (7.938 -7- 2) + 3.833
= 3.969 + 3.833 = 7.802 feet
All other factors remain the same as A.7.
Total volume of overburden
= (7.802 -7- 3) (866.02) - 756.14
= 2.601 (866.02) - 756.14
= 2252.52 - 756.14
= 1496.38 cubic foot of overburden
Total weight of additional overburden
= 1496.38 x 60 pounds per cubic foo,t
= 89,783 - 72,412 (See A.7)
= 17,371 pounds
Total weight of restraining forces
= 98,152 (See A.8) + 17,371
= 115,523 pounds
Adding to burial depth also provides room for pitching
piping to the tank and protection from damage from
traffic. When increasing burial depth, do not exceed
the maximum allowable burial depth for the tank. (See
Section 4.6.)
A.ll Applicability. Factors vary by geographic location,
material supplier, and equipment manufacturer. Factors
and calculations used in our example are not intended to
represent good practice for a specific tank installation.
They represent a frame of reference for specific calcula-
Manufacturers' instructions should always be followed.
Contact the tank manufacturer if any doubt exists as to
whether a specific installation requires additional burial
depth or supplemental restraints.
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
B.1 Galvanic Corrosion. Galvanic corrosion is the
deterioration of a metal by direct or electTochemical reac-
tion with its environment. Corrosion occurs when two
dissimilar-metal objects are placed in direct or electrical
contact with each other. Four elements are required for
corrosion to occur: an electrolyte, anode, cathode, and
return circuit. In underground steel-tank installations, the
moist soil serves as the electrolyte. Anodes and cathodes
develop on the tank and piping, or between the tank sys-
tem and more noble metals. The return circuit is provid-
ed by the conductivity of the metal structure. The
dissimilar-metal factor could be a difference in the metal-
lurgical characteristics of the same structure or the pres-
ence of a different metal. Current flows from the metal of
higher electromotive activity (anode) toward the metal of
lower electromotive activity (cathode), producing corro-
sion at the anode. The greater the degree of electromotive
force between the two metals, the more rapid the corro-
Corrosion cells may be formed when metal is in contact
with different soils. For example, corrosion can result
from placing metallic piping directly on native soil at the
bottom of a trench. This is due to differences in oxygen
or ion concentrations between the undisturbed soil and
the new backfill.
Corrosion can also occur when a new steel tank is added
to existing tanks in the same excavation. The differences
in potential between the new and old structures may
establish a circuit, where the new tank is the anode and
the old tanks are the cathodes. Accelerated corrosion of
the new tank will result.
Bacterial and basic metallurgical changes may also cause
corrosion cells. Bacteria may cause changes in the soil,
which develop into strong corrosion cells. Corrosion may
also occur within the molecular structure of the metal.
B.2 Stray-Current Corrosion. Corrosion is also caused
by stray direct currents from such sources as welding
machines, power transmission lines, nearby cathodically
protected pipe lines, utilities, structures, and electrified
railroads. Corrosion results from direct currents flowing
underground, from the external power source, along the
path of least resistance, and back to the power source.
Underground structures in the path of the currents can
experience rapid deterioration. Protection often requires a
detailed corrosion survey and a specifically designed
cathodic-protection system.
B.3 Rate of Corrosion. The rate of corrosion is deter-
mined by many factors: the relative size and potential of
the anode and cathode, the resistivity of the soil, the pres-
ence of organic chemicals and salts, stresses present in
the structure, and the amount of current from the external
power source. The smaller the anodic area in relation to
the cathode, the faster the anodic area will corrode. This
is why corrosion is accelerated at breaks (holidays) in
protective coatings, where cathodic protection is not pro-
vided. The corrosion current is concentrated on the small,
exposed anodic area. Corrosion is also accelerated where
metal is installed under stress. Highly stressed areas
become anodic relative to unstressed parts of the struc-
B.4 Coatings. The primary method of corrosion pro-
tection is to separate the underground structure to be pro-
tected from the soil. Various coating systems are used for
this purpose. Requirements for cleaning the surfaces to be
coated typically include removal of oil, varnish applied at
the mill, dirt, moisture, and other foreign material. To
minimize defects, coating materials should be applied as
meticulously as possible. Field coating should be limited
to exposed threads, fittings, and areas damaged by han-
dling and fabrication.
Selection of a proper coating material, preparation of the
surface to be coated, and care in application are essential.
Coatings must maintain high dielectric properties over
the life of the system, have low moisture absorption and
transfer rates, and be chemically resistant to the stored
B.5 Cathodic Protection. Underground storage tank
systems subject to external corrosion should be provided
with a properly engineered and installed cathodic-protec-
tion system. Cathodic protection is the process of revers-
ing the electrical potential of the metallic structure to
make it cathodic (protected) in relation to its surround-
ings. A coated, dielectric ally isolated structure is fre-
quently considered protected if it has a potential of -.85
volts in relation to a copper-copper sulfate reference elec-
trode in contact with the electrolyte and located as close
as possible to the protected tank or piping. There are other
criteria for ascertaining the level of protection.
B.6 Impressed-Current Systems. Impressed-current
systems use rectified alternating current from the electri-
cal utility to energize anodes. The tank system is con-
nected to the negative terminal; graphite, high-silicon
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
iron, or platinum anodes are connected to the positive ter-
minal. The number of anodes and output voltage are indi-
vidually designed for each installation. Components are
located according to a specified design. Overprotection or
improper installation can have a detrimental effect on the
structure or coating.
B.7 Galvanic Anodes. Magnesium or zinc anodes,
bonded to the structure to be protected, provide protection
to structures by galvanic action. Anodes generally have an
effective life for each installation. The most commonly
used anodes are packaged in low-resistivity backfill with
copper wire attached for field installation. The size
(weight) and number of anodes is determined by the anode
potential, the surface area to be protected, and the desired
system life. Although anode selection is dependent on
local conditions, some generalizations may be made.
Longer anodes and anodes made of higher-poten-
tial metal produce higher current output ..
The more efficient the anode, and the lower the cur-
rent output, the longer the anode life.
High soil resistivity requires higher current output
to achieve the same level of protection, indicating a
need for more anodes or the use of high-potential
Low soil resistance allows greater current flow
from the anode. If the increased current is not
required to protect the structure, it is wasted. Over-
protection is virtually impossible with galvanic
Where zinc anodes are used, they should be ASTM
B418-95, Type II. Other types of zinc anodes are
designed for use in salt water and are inappropriate
for use underground in fresh water.
The surface area to be protected depends on the
dielectric efficiency of the coating. For well-coated
steel, use less than 5 percent of the total surface
area. The recommended minimum anode life
should correspond to the estimated life of the tank
system, usually 20 to 30 years.
B.8 Anode Backfill Material. Galvanic (sacrificial)
anodes used in the protection of underground liquid stor-
age tank systems are frequently prepackaged with low-
resistivity (50 ohm cm) backfill material Typical contents
Hydrated gypsum
Sodium sulfate
Low-resistance backfill material reduces anode-to-earth
resistance, stabilizes the anode's potential, and improves
efficiency, enabling each anode to produce more current.
Anode backfill requirements are different for impressed-
current versus galvanic cathodic-protection systems.
Dry, inert, and electrically neutral backfill material, when
placed around tanks, will become contaminated from
migration of chemicals and organic materials from the
surrounding soils. It will take on the electrical characteris-
tics of the native soil in a short time, usually within a year.
B.9 Magnesium Anode Selection. ASTM Standard
AZ63 - Type I anodes are used underground in moderate-
ly resistant soils. Prepackaged anodes have the following
Net weight 17 pounds 32 pounds
Nominal size 4" x 4" x 17" 5" x 5"x 20.5"
Packaged weight 45 pounds
Packaged dimensions 7 .5" x 24"
68 pounds
8.5" x 28"
ASTM Standard High Potential (Mg-Mn alloy) anodes
contain additional manganese, which increases driving
potential from 1.55 to 1.73 volts, and are frequently used
for longer distances and in high-resistivity soil.
Anode Data Magnesium Zinc
Theoretical cunent capacity,
amp hours per pound 1,000 372
Current efficiency 50% 90%
Actual consumption rate,
pounds per amp year 17 24.8
Solution potential to a copper-
copper sulfate cell -1.55 -1.1
(Same) for high-potential
magnesium - 1.73
B.10 Calculation of Anode Life. In calculating anode
life, a "utilization factor" is included. This factor is based
on the assumption that an anode has reached the end of its
useful life, even though a small amount of metal may
remain unexpended. The utilization factor used for mag-
nesium and zinc is 85 percent. Consumption rates are
based on 50 percent efficiency for magnesium and 90 per-
cent for zinc. Rates used are 17 pounds per amp year for
magnesium and 24.8 pounds for zinc. The greatest influ-
ences on current output are the resistivity of the soil, dri-
ving voltage, and the size of the anode, especially its
Anode life =
per Ib x Anode weight x Efficiency x Utilization factor
Hours per yr.)
Current (amps)
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
Problem A: What is the life of a 32-pound magnesium
anode producing 0.1 amps at 50% efficiency?
Anode life =
1,000 amp hours per pound -:- (24 hours per day x 365
days per year)
= 0.114 amp years per pound.
[0.114 x 32 x .5 x .85] = 15.5 years
Because the tank system is designed to last at least 30
years, one anode does not provide sufficient protection.
Adding a second anode is recommended anyway, because
one could fail due to a broken wire or other cause.
Anode life =
[0.114 x (32 x 1.9) x .5 x .85] = 29.5 years
The additional factor (multiplying one anode times 1.9)
takes interference into consideration. (See B.12.)
Problem B: What is the life of a 30-pound zinc anode
producing 0.1 amps?
Anode life =
372 amp hours per pound -:- (24 hours per day x 365 days
per year)
= 0.0424 amp years per pound.
[0.0424 x 30 x .9 x .85] = 9.7 years
B.11 Number of Feet of Well-Coated Steel Pipe That
Can Be Protected with One Galvanic Anode.
The fol-
lowing table is based on having the piping fully isolated
from the tank and from associated structures and equip-
ment; installed in evenly compacted, homogeneous back-
fill material; and having no stray currents or other
influencing factors present. Figures reflect a safety factor
of 20-30 percent (i.e., the number of linear feet of pipe
has been reduced by this amount). Calculations are based
on well-coated pipe with less than 5 percent exposed steel
evenly distributed along the pipe, and current density of
1.5ma-2.0ma per square foot of exposed steel, without
consideration of the effects of polarization.
I We recommend a minimum of two anodes per installation to prevent
loss of protection in the event an anode wire or connection is broken.
2 In slightly corrosive soils, use of high-potential magnesium anodes
increases the number of feet of pipe that can be protected by
approximately 50 percent, while decreasing the theoretical life onl y
slightly, less than 5 percent.
3 We limited calculations to 50-year life, since this exceeds the esti-
mated economic life expectancy of most tank installations.
ASTM AZ63, Type I ASTM 8418-95, Type II
Magnesium Anode Zinc Anode
ANODE WEIGHT: 9# 17# 32# 5# 30# 50#
Corrosive soil,
2,000 ohm em soil
2" pipe 1,000+ 1,000+ 140 450 410
3" pipe 830 1,000+ 90 310 280
4" pipe 630 750 70 240 240
Anode li fe, years 10 16 17 28 50+
Mildly corrosive soil,
5,000 ohm em soil
2" pipe 350 530 630 50 180 160
3" pipe 230 360 420 40 120 110
4" pipe 170 280 330 30 90 80
Anode life, years 19 23 37 43 50+ 50+
Slightly corrosive soil,
15,000 ohm em soil 2
2" pipe 100 180 200 20 50 50
3" pipe 70 120 140 10 30 40
4" pipe 50 100 110 10 20 30
Anode life, years
50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+
TABLE B-1. The number of feet of well-coated steel pipe
that can be protected with a single zinc or magnesium
galvanic anode when installed in soil with specific
resistivity. Although one anode may be sufficient, a mini-
mum of two anodes per installation is recommended to
prevent loss of protection in the event an anode connection
to the piping is broken.
B.12 Adjusting Factors for Anodes Installed in Paral-
lel. Interference between anodes installed in parallel in
close proximity reduces the output per anode. Recom-
mended adjusting factors are as follows:
Anode spacing in feet
of Anodes 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft.
2 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9
3 2.4 2.7 2.8 2.8
4 3.0 3.5 3.6 3.7
5 3.6 4.2 4.4 4.6
6 4.1 4.9 5.2 5.4
Example: One 32-pound magnesium anode will protect
630 feet of well-coated, 2-inch pipe in mildly corrosive
(5,000 ohm cm) soil. The adjustment factor is required to
determine the additional protection achieved by adding a
second anode 20 feet from the first. Calculation:
Two-inch pipe protected by one
32-pound anode
Times adjusting factor from table
Two-inch pipe protected by two
32-pound anodes separated by 20 feet
Rounded to
630 feet
x 1.9
1,197 feet
1,200 feet
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
NOTE: Links to download or purchase many of these references can be found at RP1.00
NW, Washington, D.C. 20005. (202) 682-8000.
American Petroleum Institute, RP 1604, Closure of
Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, Third Edition,
March 1996; Reaffirmed November 2001.
American Petroleum Institute, RP 1615, Installation
of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems, Fifth
Edition, March 1996; Reaffirmed Noyember 2001.
American Petroleum Institute, RP 1621, Bulk Liquid
Stock Control at Retail Outlets, Fifth Edition, May
American Petroleum Institute, RP 1626, Storing and
Handling Ethanol and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends at
Distribution Terminals and Service Stations, First
Edition, April 1985; Reaffirmed January 2000.
American Petroleum Institute, RP 1632, Cathodic
Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks
and Piping Systems, Third Edition, May 1996;
ReaffIrmed June 2002.
American Petroleum Institute, RP
637, Using the
API Color-Symbol System To Mark Equipment and
Vehicles For Product Identification at Service Stations
and Distribution Terminals, Second Edition, September
1995; Reaffirmed January 2000.
American Society for Testing and Materials, 100
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
19428-2959. (610) 832-9500. Fax (610) 832-9555.
American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM
Standard C33, Specifications for Concrete Aggregates,
Fiberglass Tank & Pipe Institute, 11150 South
Wilcrest Drive, Suite 101, Houston, Texas 77099-4343.
(281) 568-4100.
Fiberglass Tank & Pipe Institute, FPTPl, Fiberglass
Piping Systems Installation Check List for Underground
Petroleum Pipe, March 1995
International Code Council, Inc., 5203 Leesburg
Pike, Suite 600, Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3401.
(888) 422-7233.
International Code Council, International Fire
Code, December 2003 .
NACE International, 1440 South Creek Drive,
Houston, Texas 77084-4906. (281) 228-6200.
NACE International, Standard TM0101-01 ,
Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for
Cathodic Protection of Underground or Submerged
Metallic Tank Systems, 2001.
NACE International, Standard RPOI69-02, Control
of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged
Metallic Piping Systems, Revised 1992; Reaffinned
NACE International, Standard RP0285-02,
Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank
Systems by Cathodic Protection, Revised April 2002.
National Fire Protection Association,
1 Batterymarch Park, PO. Box 9101, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02169-7471. (617) 770-3000.
National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 30,
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2003.
National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 30A,
Automotive and Marine Service Station Code, 2003.
National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 70,
National Electrical Code, 2005.
National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 77,
Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, 2000.
Petroleum Equipment Institute, PO. Box 2380,
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-2380. (918) 494-9696.
Petroleum Equipment Institute, Petroleum
Equipment LEXICON, Terms Used in Petroleum
Marketing Operations, 1995.
Petroleum Equipment Institute, RP200,
Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground
Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling, 2003.
Petroleum Equipment Institute, RP300,
Recommended Practices for Installation and Testing of
Vapor Recovery Systems at Vehicle Fueling Sites, 2004.
Petroleum Equipment Institute, RP400,
Recommended Procedure for Testing Electrical
Continuity of Fuel-Dispensing Hanging Hardware,
Petroleum Equipment Institute, RP500,
Recommended Practices for Inspection and
Maintenance of Motor Fuel Dispensing Equipment,
PEl Recommended Practices 100-05
Steel Tank Institute, 570 Oakwood Road, Lake
Zurich, Illinois 60047. (847) 438-8265.
Steel Tank Institute, Steel Tank Institute
Specification for sti-P3 System of External Corrosion
Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks.
Steel Tank Institute, R821-02, Installation
Instructions for sti-P3 Underground Steel Storage Tanks,
December 2003.
Steel Tank Institute, F841-01, Standardfor Dual
Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks, 2001.
Steel Tank Institute, R891-91, Recommended
Practice for Hold Down Strap Isolation, February 1991.
Steel Tank Institute, RPO 11-0 1. Recommended
Practice for Anchoring of Steel Underground Storage
Tanks, 2001.
Steel Tank Institute, R892-91, Recommended
Practice for Corrosion Protection of Underground
Piping Networks Associated with Liquid Storage and
Dispensing Systems, 1991.
Steel Tank Institute, R913-02, Installation
Instructions For ACT-I 00 FRP Composite Steel
Underground Storage Tanks, December 2003.
Steel Tank Institute, R923-02, FRP Jacketed Steel
Underground Storage Tank Installation Instructions,
December 2003.
Steel Tank Institute, R971-02, Installation
Instructions for Urethane Coated Steel
Underground Storage Tanks, December 2003.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road,
Northbrook, Illinois 60062-2096. (847) 272-8800.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 58, Steel
Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible
Liquids, Ninth Edition, 1996.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 87, Power-
Operated Dispensing Devices for Petroleum Products,
Eleventh Edition, 2001 .
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 567, Pipe
Connectors for Petroleum Products and LP Gas, Ninth
Edition, 2003.
Laboratories, Standard 842, Valves for
Flammable Fluids, Eighth Edition, 1997.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 860, Pipe
Unions for Flammable and Combustible Fluids and
Fire-Protection Service, Seventh Edition, 1995.
Underwriters Laboratories, UL Standard 971,
Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable
Liquids, Second Edition, 2005.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 1238, Control
Equipment for Use With Flammable Liquid Dispensing
Devices, Third Edition, 2001.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 1316, Glass-
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for
Petroleum Products, Alcohols, and Alcohol-Gasoline
Mixtures, Second Edition, 1994.
Underwriters Laboratories, Standard 1746, External
Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground
Storage Tanks, Second Edition, 1993.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, 7
Underwriters Road, Toronto, Ontario M1R 3B4 Canada.
(416) 757-3611.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/ORD-
C58.9, Secondary Containment Liners for Underground
and Aboveground Flammable and Combustible Liquid
Tanks, 1997.
Underwdters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/ORD-
C58.10, Underground Jacketed Steel Tanks, 1992.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/ORD-
C58.19, Spill Containment Devices for Underground
Tanks, 1992.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/ORD-
C107.19, Secondary Containment of Underground
Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, 1992.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/ORD-
C107.21, Under Dispenser Sumps, 1992.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/S603,
Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable
and Combustible Liquids, 2000.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/S603.1,
Standard for External Corrosion Protection Systems for
Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids, 2003.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/S616-
M1981, Standard for the Testing of Liquid Protective
Coating Materials as Required by ULC-S603.1, for use
in Connection with the Corrosion Protection of
Underground Tanks, 1992.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, ULC/S618,
Standard for Magnesium and Zinc Anodes and
Copper/Copper Sulfate Reference Electrodes, 2000.
Uniform Fire Code Association, 1260 Lake Blvd,
Suite 250, Davis, California 95616. (530) 757-1456.
Fax (530) 757-1293.
Western Fire Chiefs Association, Uniform Fire
Code, March 1997.
Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, Frances Perkins Building,
200 North Constitution Avenue NW, Room N3647,
Washington, D.C. 21010. (202) 693-1999.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910,
Occupational Safety and Health Standards.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios
Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington,
D.C. 20460. (202) 272-0167.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Title 40,
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 280, Technical
Standards and Requirements for and Operators
of Underground Storage Tanks, September 23, 1988.
Veeder-Root Company, P.O. Box 2003, Simsbury, CT
06070-7684. (860) 651-2700. Fax (860)
Red Jacket, RJ-23-51, Red Jacket Field Service
Bulletin, Mechanical/Electronic Leak Detector Use in
Master/Satellite Systems, June 1996.

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