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Nanerico Santos vs. Court of Appeals October 21, 1991 Fernan, C.J. Petition for review

FACTS February 23, 1970 Nanerico Santos was a columnist of the Manila Daily Bulletin. He wrote in his column an article entitled Charges Against CMS Stock Brokerage, Inc. which was quoted verbatim from an unverified complaint filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 13 by Rosario Sandejas and her daughters charging CMS Stock Brokerage Inc., particularly its board chairman and controlling stockholder Carlos Moran Sison and its president-general manager Luis Sison, of engaging in fraudulent practices in the stock market. That same day, Carlos Moran Sison met with Santos so that he could submit to the columnist his reply which he wanted published the next day and in the same column. However, since they met at 6:15 pm that day, the reply could be published, not on the next day, but on February 25 because it wsa already past the deadline for next days issue. The reply was not published on Feb 25 as promised so Carlos Sison called Santos not to publish the reply anymore as it would only rekindle the talks. Sison also informed Santos that he would be sued for libel, to which Santos replied, Well, sue me for libel. March 4 Complaint for libel was lodged against Santos and other persons of the Manila Daily Bulletin by Carlos and Luis Sison. (Its interesting to note that a few weeks after the complaint, Santos weekly column was stopped, ostensibly to cut down on overhead expenses brought about by the adoption of the floating rate in foreign exchange.) TC: convicted of libel CA: affirmed conviction The article in question is not a privileged communication. At the time the complaint filed with SEC was published in the column of the accused, there was as yet no proceeding at which both parties had an opportunity to be present and to be heard. Publishing an article based upon a complaint filed in CFI before any judicial action is taken thereon is not privileged as a report of a judicial proceeding. The article is libellous. It imputes a crime to the private offended parties, that of willful violation of the provisions of the Securities Act and the implementing Rules and Regulations issued by the commission ISSUES 1. 2. WON the publication of a complaint filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission before any judicial action is taken thereon is privileged as a report of a judicial proceeding (YES) If it is privileged, WON prosecution was able to establish malice (NO)

RATIO DECIDENDI The publication of a complaint, being a true and fair report of a judicial proceeding, made in good faith and without comments or remarks, even before any judicial action, is privileged. REASONING 1. YES The applicable provision of law is Article 354 of the Revised Penal Code which states as follows:
Art. 354. Requirement for publicity. Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for making it is shown, except in the following cases: 1. A private communication made by any person to another in the performance of any legal, moral or social duty; and 2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other official proceedings which are of confidential nature, or of any statement, report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act performed by public officers in the exercise of their functions.

Generally, malice is presumed (malice in law) in every defamatory imputation. This presumption, however, does not arise if the communication is privileged under Article 354. The character of the privilege is a matter of defense which may be lost by positive proof of express malice. In other words, the onus of proving actual malice is placed on the plaintiff who must then convince the court that the offender was prompted by malice or ill will. Once this is accomplished, the defense of privilege is unavailing. Barreto vs. Philippine Publishing Co. (Justice Moreland) It is generally agreed that the privilege, the right to publish without liability for damages, does not extend to mere pleadings filed in court, as, for example, bills in equity, upon which there has been no action. The reason for this rule is thus stated in Park v Detroit Free Press Co.: There is no rule of law which authorizes any but the parties interested to handle the files or publish the contents of their matters in litigation. If pleadings and the documents can be published to the world by any one who gets access to them, no more effectual way of doing malicious mischief with impunity could be devised than filling papers containing false and scurrilous charges, and getting these printed news. However, this ruling in Barreto has been superseded by the ruling in Cuenco vs Cuenco (Justice Esguerra):

The reason for the rule that pleadings in judicial proceedings are considered privileged is not only because said pleadings have become part of public record open to the public to scrutinize, but also due to the undeniable fact that said pleadings are presumed to contain allegations and assertions lawful and legal in nature, appropriate to the disposition of issues ventilated before the courts for the proper administration of justice and, therefore, of general public concern. Moreover, pleadings are presumed to contain allegations substantially true because they can be supported by evidence presented in good faith, the contents of which would be under the scrutiny of courts, and therefore, subject to be purged of all improprieties and illegal statements contained therein. We are firmly convinced that the correct rule on the matter should be that a fair and true report of a complaint filed in court without remarks nor comments even before an answer is filed or a decision promulgated should be covered by the privilege. Manuel vs. Pano (Justice Cruz): The publication of a complaint, being a true and fair report of a judicial proceeding, made in good faith and without comments or remarks, is privileged and comes under Item 2 of Article 354. It is no longer correct to state that Article 354 is not applicable because the published complaint as filed would not by itself constitute a judicial proceeding, as the issues have not as yet been joined. That doctrine established in the Barretto and Choa Tek Hee cases is no longer controlling and has been superseded by the Cuenco case 2. NO It is plainly evident from a reading of the published article itself that it is but a faithful reproduction of a pleading filed before a quasi-judicial body. There are no embellishments, wild imputations, distortions or defamatory comments calculated to damage the reputation of the offended parties and expose them to public contempt. What petitioner has done was to simply furnish the readers with the information that a complaint has been filed against a brokerage firm. Then he proceeded to reproduce that pleading verbatim in his column. Now this is decidedly part and parcel of petitioner's job as a columnist whose "beat" happens to be the stock market. He is obligated to keep the public abreast of the current news in that particular field.

The controversial publication being a fair and true report of a judicial proceeding and made without malice, we find the author entitled to the protection and immunity of the rule on privileged matters under Article 354 (2). It follows that he cannot be held criminally liable for libel. DISPOSITIVE Conviction of Nanerico Santos is set aside and he is hereby ACQUITTEDof the crime of libel.

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