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Q: For ________ companies, it may be even more important to change strategies quickly.

A: pure play Q: Which of the following about business plans and business cases is not correct? A: The audiences are the same senior management and the board or directors.

Q: After four years in business, a magazine publisher decides to add the online distribution of its magazine to its existing traditional publishing business. The company would need to develop a: A: business case Q: ________ is the process of making the selected applications and projects a reality by hiring staff; purchasing equipment; licensing, purchasing, or writing software; and contracting vendors. A: Project management Q: A management tool that assesses organizational progress toward strategic goals by measuring performance in a number of different areas is: A: balanced scorecard. Q: Reprise Electronics, a conglomerate that manufactures and sells all kinds of electronic goods under several brand names, currently has separate Web sites for each of its brands. The company decides to bring all of the Web sites together through a single site that, in addition to providing links to the brand pages, will also provide general information about how to select electronic merchandise and informational pages about the Reprise company and its management team. This is an example of adding: A: a portal. xQ: Banks are more selective about who gets an account for accepting credit cards online because: A: CNP transactions are less secure and riskier. Q: Chaplin's Pet Store has been in business for many years. Chaplin, the present owner, decides to open an online sales channel where he can advertise and sell the same gourmet pet food. This is an example of adding: A: a storefront. xQ: The ________ is how Web pages are organized, labeled, and navigated to support browsing and searching. A: information architecture Q: ________ offers one of the most popular storefront packages at with three levels of merchant solutions: starter, standard, and professional. A: Yahoo! Q: The most efficient way to expand an organization's scope is: A: to introduce new products or services into new or existing markets without increasing production facilities or staff. Q: Implementing EC often requires significant investments in infrastructure. Therefore, a good way to start is to undertake ________. A: one or a few small EC pilot projects Q: A ________ is a form of business alliance composed of several business partners that share the costs and resources for the development or production of a product or service. A: virtual corporation Q: The unique combination of resources, experiences, and expertise within a particular firm is called their: A: core competencies. Q: The ________ is the name-based address that identifies an Internet-connected server. A: domain name Q: The Web hosting option under which the business acquires the hardware, software, staff, and dedicated

telecommunications services needed to host a Web site is called: A: self-hosting. Q: The key difference between an e-business plan and a traditional business plan is that the entrepreneur must: A: understand that the Internet is a unique sales channel. Q: Options for acquiring storefronts include all of the following except: A: join a mall Q: Internet technologies can provide consumers with easier access to pricing information, which increases their bargaining power. To remain competitive and profitable, sellers need smarter pricing strategies, which include all of the following strategies except: A: reducing prices Q: All of the following determine the degree of collaboration between offline and online activities in a business except: A: the pricing strategy Q: The greatest difficulty in dealing with venture capital is: A: finding a willing venture capitalist. Q: Chaplin's Pet Store has been in business for many years. Chaplin, the present owner, decides to open an online sales channel where he can advertise and sell the same gourmet pet food. This is an example of adding: A: a storefront. Q: A(n) ________ is a wealthy individual who contributes personal funds and possibly expertise at the earliest stage of business development. A: angel Q: The principle reason for writing a business plan is to: A: acquire external funding. Q: A(n) ________ is a company, university, or nonprofit organization that supports promising businesses in their initial stages of development. A: incubator Q: The ________ pricing strategy means adding up all the costs involved, such as material, labor, rent, overhead, and so forth, and adding a percentage mark-up as profit. A: cost-plus Q: All of the following are elements of a company's strategy except: A: day-to-day operations Q: All of the following are situations when a business plan should be done except: A: when an existing business is deploying a CRM system Q: Projections of the business technological, political, economic, and other environments are called: A: forecasts. Q: Reviews, testimonials, expert advice, or further explanation about the product are called: A: cross-selling. Q: A major entertainment company has four studios that have been in the same location for more than ten years. The company includes a page on its Web site with addresses, phone numbers, and general e-mail addresses for each of these studios. None of this information has changed since the Web site was developed. This is an example of ________ content. A: static Q: The most important objectives of strategic assessment are all of the following except: A: Identify what competitors are doing to avoid head-on competition.

Q: Many of the outcomes from the first two phases of the strategic planning process, such as a determination of goals, competitor analysis, strategic opportunities, and risk analysis come together in a ________. A: business plan Q: One of the first decisions to be made in building a Web site is: A: who will host it. Q: Secondary content that offers a coupon, rebate, or special service is called: A: promotion. Q: Before choosing the appropriate Web site development option, you need to consider all of the following issues in order to generate a list of requirements and capabilities except: A: What might be the reaction of competitors? Q: Google's ________ is its expertise in information search technology. A: core competency Q: In addition to providing an easy mechanism for buying books, the Web site is easily searchable by book title and author. It also has book reviews and suggests titles based on previous purchase activity. These enhancements make the Amazon site a favorite for readers. This is an example of: A: internal Web site promotion. Q: The relationship between stock price and when an investor invests is that: A: IPO investors will pay the highest price per share. Q: When creating a new business, the first step is to: A: identify a consumer or business need that isn't presently being met. Q: ________ are the hottest applications in today's business environment. A: Social networking technologies Q: ________ is money invested in a business by an individual or a group of individuals in exchange for equity in the business. A: Venture capital Q: A(n) ________ Web site does little more than provide information about the business and its products. A: informational

An important source of financial support or direct funding for pre-VC (venture capital) firms is an incubator. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text A(n) ________ is a company, university, or nonprofit organization that supports promising businesses in their initial stages of development. Select one: a. incubator b. venture capitalist incorrect c. angel d. entrepreneur Feedback The correct answer is: incubator.
Question 3 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text Options for acquiring storefronts include all of the following except: Select one: a. build them from scratch incorrect b. build them from templates or storebuilders c. build them from components

d. join a mall Feedback The correct answer is: join a mall.

Question 4 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text Business process management (BPM) systems monitor the execution of the business processes so that managers can analyze and change processes in response to data, rather than on just a hunch. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 5 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Web site usability means that people who use the Web site can do so quickly and easily to accomplish their tasks and may also consider such factors as cost-effectiveness and usefulness. Select one: True False Feedback

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 6 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text ________ is money invested in a business by an individual or a group of individuals in exchange for equity in the business. Select one: a. Venture capital correct b. Start-up funding c. Operating capital d. Advancement Feedback The correct answer is: Venture capital.
Question 7 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text There is a serious downside for start-up businesses that acquire venture capital because they lose control over the business. Select one: True False

Feedback The correct answer is 'False'.

Question 8 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Banks are more selective about who gets an account for accepting credit cards online because: Select one: a. CNP transactions are less secure and riskier. correct b. online transactions do not produce much revenue for banks c. dot com failures have made banks less willing to work with online companies. d. fees are higher for online processing Feedback The correct answer is: CNP transactions are less secure and riskier..
Question 9 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text The concept of consistency in Web site design includes making sure that: Select one: a. Web pages look the same no matter which browser a customer is using. b. customers are treated consistently when they contact customer service.

c. all visitors consistently find what they are looking for. d. the messages sent to customers who contact the company are consistent. incorrect Feedback The correct answer is: Web pages look the same no matter which browser a customer is using..
Question 10 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text Up-to-the-minute dynamic content is what attracts new and returning customers ("eyeballs") and makes them stay longer ("stickiness"), which builds customer loyalty. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.

The principle reason for writing a business plan is to: Select one: a. acquire external funding. correct b. help the founders remember what they are trying to accomplish. c. provide strategic direction to employees. d. provide an operational framework for the business. Feedback The correct answer is: acquire external funding..

Question 2 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Organizational transformation is a comprehensive concept that implies not only a major change, but also a sharp break from the past. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 3 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text In an organizational transformation: Select one: a. there are incremental changes to the ways things have always been done. incorrect b. there is always a sharp break with the past and every aspect of the business will probably change. c. the change may affect only one or a few of the functional areas of the business. d. there is a change in outlook, but rarely a change in procedures or investment in infrastructure. Feedback

The correct answer is: there is always a sharp break with the past and every aspect of the business will probably change..
Question 4 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text There is a serious downside for start-up businesses that acquire venture capital because they lose control over the business. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 5 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Many good ideas and realistic initiatives have failed because of poor execution due to the lack of sufficient business skills by the owners or principals of the business. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6

Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text The relationship between stock price and when an investor invests is that: Select one: a. the angel investor will pay the highest price per share. b. IPO investors will pay the highest price per share. correct c. the venture capitalist will pay the highest price per share. d. the entrepreneur will pay the highest price per share. Feedback The correct answer is: IPO investors will pay the highest price per share..
Question 7 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Options for acquiring storefronts include all of the following except: Select one: a. build them from scratch b. build them from templates or storebuilders c. build them from components d. join a mall

correct Feedback The correct answer is: join a mall.

Question 8 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1

Question text The primary reason an entrepreneur writes a business plan is to acquire funding from a bank, an angel investor, a venture capitalist, or the financial markets. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 9 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text The concept of consistency in Web site design includes making sure that: Select one: a. Web pages look the same no matter which browser a customer is using. correct b. customers are treated consistently when they contact customer service. c. all visitors consistently find what they are looking for.

d. the messages sent to customers who contact the company are consistent. Feedback The correct answer is: Web pages look the same no matter which browser a customer is using..
Question 10 Correct Mark 1 out of 1

Question text Up-to-the-minute dynamic content is what attracts new and returning customers ("eyeballs") and makes them stay longer ("stickiness"), which builds customer loyalty. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'.

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