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The history of the Jewish people
as told through coins.
Front Cover Lot 20195
Back Cover Lots 20225, 20523, 20220, 20531
Inside Front Cover Lots 20255, 20524
Inside Back Cover Lots 20213, 20530
Heritage Signature

Auction #3003

Floor Sessions 1-3

(Floor, Telephone, HERITAGE Live!, Internet, Fax, and Mail)
Ukrainian Institute of America at the
Fletcher Sinclair Mansion
2 E. 79th Street New York, NY 10075
Session 1
Thursday, March 8 6:00 PM ET Lots 2000120221
Session 2
Friday, March 9 9:00 AM ET Lots 2022220507
Session 3
Friday, March 9 1:00 PM ET Lots 2050820712
Friday, March 9 10:00 AM 1:00 PM ET
Saturday, March 10 9:00 AM 12:00 PM ET
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Ukrainian Institute of America at the
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Tuesday, March 6 10:00 AM 6:00 PM ET
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This Auction is presented and cataloged by Heritage Numismatic Auctions, Inc.
2012 Heritage Numismatic Auctions, Inc.
The Shoshana Collection of
Ancient Judaean Coins
March 8-9, 2012 | New York
Consignment Directors: Cris Bierrenbach, Warren Tucker, David Michaels, Scott Cordry
Cataloged by: David Hendin, Herb Kriendler, David Michaels
Special Thanks: Catherine Lorber, David Hendin
Steve Ivy
Co-Chairman of the Board
Jim Halperin
Co-Chairman of the Board
Paul Minshull
Chief Operating Officer
Todd Imhof
Executive Vice President
Greg Rohan
3500 Maple Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219
Phone 214-528-3500 800-872-6467
Warren Tucker
Vice President,
World Coins
World Coin Specialists
Vice President,
Scott Cordry
Assistant Director,
World Coins
David Michaels
Ancient Coins
Dear bidder:

All human history can be read as a struggle by the worlds people to fnd a free, safe and secure homeland. The
Shoshana Collection tells a crucial part of that story for the Jewish people and their neighbors through the coins that
were created and circulated in the Holy Land between circa 500 BC and the Arab conquests of the 7th century AD. It
is perhaps the most compelling story ever told through numismatics.

Coins are much more than small bits of metal. Money is elemental to the human experience. The coins in the
Shoshana Collection have passed through the hands of countless merchants and shepherds, beggars and soldiers,
priestesses, potentates and rebels living in an immensely important region during one of the most signifcant epochs
in recorded history. The designs stamped into coins provide a unique insight into the everyday lives, artistic vision and
religious practices of the people that created them. Since the Holy Land is holy to three of the worlds present-day
Great Religions, the story they tell has resonated up from all corners of the world, twenty-fve centuries through the
present day.

The Shoshana Collection was painstakingly assembled over a four-decade span by a remarkable Californian whos
love of his heritage and dedication to its preservation become readily apparent as you turn the pages of this catalog.
The Collector also benefted from his close association and consultation with a great numismatist, Dr. Paul Rynearson,
whose instrumental work as curator of the Shoshana Collection deserves recognition and gratitude. Thanks to Paul
and his connections, the Collector had access to numerous singular coins and entire collections of immense rarity and
importance at the precise time they became available on the market. This, combined with the resources to enable
acquisition of such rarities, manifests in a unique convergence of dedication, connoisseurship and timing unlikely to
ever be repeated.

Through the Collectors academic connections, portions of this amazing collection have been made available for study
by some of the same scholars at the University of Southern California who recorded the Dead Sea Scrolls, and have
provided crucial insights into our understanding of this formative era. Many of its coins are either unique or known
only through a small handful of specimens; being able to handle and closely examine such treasures can be a once-in-
a-lifetime experience for many historians.

Now that the Shoshana Collection is being brought to market in the time-honored way of numismatics, we frmly
believe it will take its place amongst the pantheon of the greatest coin collections ever to reach auction, including
those of Jenkins, Jameson, Pozzi, Lockett, Garrett, Gillet, Eliasberg, Pittman, and Goodman. This catalog will
undoubtedly be used as an important reference work in Biblical numismatics for decades and even centuries to come.

We will leave to David Hendin and Herb Kreindler, the two foremost living numismatists in the Judaean feld, to
extol the many highlights of this outstanding collection. We will only say unequivocally that working closely with the
Collector, David,and Herb on this project has been an incredible opportunity and the high point in our careers in


Cris Bierrenbach David Michaels
Executive Vice President Director of Ancient Coins

Map Courtesy Amphora Coins / David Hendin
Catalogers Comments
It has been a great pleasure for the two of us to research and write the catalog for Heritages Auction of the Shoshana Collection.
Between us we have a combined experience of nearly 90 years of studying ancient Jewish coins, and we have both have had
the enormous beneft of having giants in the feld, such as Yaakov Meshorer and Leo Mildenberg, as our mentors. We have no
doubt that this is the greatest collection of Judaean coins ever offered at auction, exceeding the remarkable collection of Abraham
Bromberg, which was sold in two parts in the early 1990s
Over the past four-plus decades we have seen many of the coins of the Shoshana collection pass through the marketplace, often
with great excitement attached to them. Many of these coins have been transferred from collection to collection over the passage of
time. Now it is time for new caretakers to take custody of these remarkable artifacts of the ancient Holy Land and its inhabitants.
Indeed, the Shoshana Collection includes many coins from Brombergs collection as well as many other fascinating coins of
ancient Israel, carefully selected and acquired for their quality and rarity.
The Shoshana Collection is strongest and deepest in its series of coins from the Jewish War against Rome of AD 66 to 70 and the
Bar Kokhba Revolt of AD 132-135. The Collector who assembled Shoshana acquired lovely examples of almost every single rarity
from the two Jewish Wars, including the remarkable prototype year one (66/67 AD) shekel and also the year one silver quarter-
shekel. In both instances, each coin is one of only two known specimens. The second example of the prototype shekel resides in
the Israel Museum, Jerusalem and the location of the second year one quarter-shekel (which was apparently pierced and repaired)
is not known.
Other highlights include:
A remarkable group of Judaea Capta issues that were struck by the Flavian emperors to commemorate and promote their victory
over Judaea.
A superb collection of Persian Period coins including rare and beautiful examples from Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Philistia in
general, along with an impressive grouping of Samarian and Yehud coins.
An especially strong group of Herodian coins including many rarities struck under Herod Antipas, Herod Philip, Herod of
Chalcis, Agrippa I, and Agrippa II.
Finally, Shoshana contains an important group of city coins, which are both interesting and, in many cases, extremely rare.
Readers should note that MANY of the Shoshana coins are cited and/or photographed in one or more major reference works. When
one coin is cited in so many references, it means that the coin may have been one of the original discovery coins or that it is an
unusually excellent example for illustration purposes. In the case of Shoshana coins, both often happen to be true.
Finally we note that coins designated as Unique mean that there are no other examples known to the catalogers or shown in
major references with which we are familiar. Although there are a number of unique coins known to exist from the ancient
world, the nature of the process of manufacturing coins suggests that unique coins were probably not made, only that to date just
a single example of a coin has survived or has been identifed.
We have attempted to make this catalog as useful a reference tool as possible. Toward that end we have translated into English both
the Hebrew but also most of the Greek inscriptions (excepting, in most cases, obverses which invariably state the name and titles
of the emperor or one of his family members). We have not translated Latin inscriptions in most instances, since their meanings are
usually quite clear. Numismatic and archaeological works will vary between use of the BC/AD or the BCE/CE designations. In this
case we have used the former in order to maintain continuity with previous Heritage Auctions catalogs.
David Hendin and Herbert Kreindler
January 2012
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 7
Floor, Telephone, Heritage Live!, Internet, Fax, and Mail Signature

Auction # 3003
Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET | New York | Lots 20001 - 20221
A 19.5% Buyer's Premium ($14 minimum) Will Be Added To All Lots
To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit
Persian Period
The first coins were struck in the seventh century BC in Western Asia Minor. Coins apparently came to
ancient Israel early in the fifth century BC, and one of the very few archaic Greek coins every found there
was a coin from Cos, dated to around 550-500 BC.
The first coins struck in the ancient Holy Land are known as Philistian and were probably minted in
Gaza in the mid to late fourth century BC. Philistia is the portion of southwestern ancient Israel that
was occupied by the Philistines in the Old Testament period. Philistian coins were struck in the names of
Gaza, Ascalon and Ashdod, both important coastal cities. This early local coinage of the Holy Land has
traditionally been classified according to Greek denominations, especially the smaller denominations
such as drachms, obols, and hemi-obols. Israeli scholar Oren Tal has pointed out, however, that the coins
minted in this area were undoubtedly referred to in local terms, even though their designs were often
patterned after coins of Athens or other trading cities. We follow Tal and suggest that the drachms are
in fact quarter-shekels and the obols were likely known as maahs which we refer to as maah-obols or
their fractions.
Test cuts frequently appear on the quarter-shekels of Philistia, and less frequently on the shekels or smaller
denominations. These were made by a chisel in order to determine whether a coin was pure silver or only
silver over a copper core. These plated coins were often struck at official mints, but at other times may
have been nefarious issues.
Gaza was probably the location of a principal mint that may well have issued the rare coins of both
Ascalon and Ashdod. There is further evidence that the earliest coins of Yehud were also struck at Gaza
prior to the establishment of a mint for the small silver denominations in or near Jerusalem.
The coins of Samaria (also known as Shomron) were not known to exist prior to the 1970s and they
were first published in the early 1980s. In 1999 Meshorer and Qedar published a book identifying 224
Samarian coin types. Since that time a number of additional types have been added.
Yehud coins, named for the Persian province of Yehud for which they were manufactured, were struck
extensively in the late Persian and Hellenistic periods.
Steve Gerson who is both a scholar of Persian Period coins as well as a Harvard psychiatrist, has
analyzed the Yehud and Samarian coins and concludes that they can project information about the
characteristics of peoples that produced them, as well as the particular spirit of an epoch. In summary
Gerson says that these fascinating coins suggest the sensibility and vision of Judaea was more inward,
interior, and conservative while that of Samaria was to look outward during this period. dh
8 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20001 North Arabia (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR shekel (26mm, 16.64 gm,
3h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / AE (Athens) to r. of Owl
standing r., head facing, olive spray and crescent in upper l. field,
countermark b (B), identification uncertain, all within incuse
square. Extremely rare. Huth p. 232 & note. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20002 North Arabia (350-220 BC). AR quarter-drachm (15mm, 3.91
gm, 9h). Head of Athena, frontal eye and earring, to r. in front
of head is C (ayan ?) / (retrograde Aramaic for mrb or
mdb); incuse owl standing r., uncertain sign or object behind.
Huth 35. Extremely rare. Very Fine.

The reading of this legend is tentative, although the attribution
of this rare coin to Idumaea or the Kingdom of Lihyan (Dedan /
Al-Ula) per Huth is likely correct.
Estimate: $6,000

20003 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR half maah-obol (8mm, 0.35
gm, 3h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / AE (Athens) to r.
of Owl standing r., head facing, olive spray in upper l. field, all
within incuse square. Gitler-Tal VII.3HO. Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 9
First Appearence of Jerusalem Lily?

20004 Phi l istia (for Jerusalem [Judah]?) (5- 4 centuries BC).
AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 4.18 gm, 3h). Helmeted head of
Athena to r. / AE downward on r.; owl r. head facing, olive
spray and crescent upper l., lily or possibly lotus between the
Greek legend and the owl, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal
XII.13D. Svornos-Pick pl. 109,36. Mildenberg 2000c pl. 58, 58.
Samuels 34 (this coin, also enlarged on page 6). SNG ANS 6 pl.
1,27 (obol). This is the best known specimen. Extremely Fine.
The cataloguers believe that the argument for a connection of
this type to Jerusalem is convincing based upon the use of the
lily symbol, although Gitler-Tal suggest it might also be a lotus
f lower. Spaer and Meshorer have catalogued this type with the
Yehud coinage; the earliest Yehud coinage was apparently struck
for Jerusalem at the Philistia mint (this phenomenon discussed by
Gitler 2012).
Estimate: $25,000

20005 Philistia (for Jerusalem [Judah]?) (5-4 centuries BC). AR half-
maah obol (7mm, 0.33 gm, 6h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. /
AE downward on r.; owl r. head facing, olive spray and crescent
upper l., lily or possibly lotus between the Greek legend and the
owl, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XII.13HO (this coin).
SNG ANS 6,27 (obol). Hendin 1023 (obol). Very rare. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,000

20006 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (15mm, 3.41
gm, 12h). Bearded male head l. with oriental hairstyle, bunched
hair in back / Y (retrograde Y) to l. and AE (Athens) to r. of
owl standing r., head facing, olive spray and crescent in upper l.
field, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XIV.16Db (this coin).
Mildenberg 2000c pl. 55,25. Extremely Rare. Very Fine.

Attributed by A. Kindler to Ashdod (1995 pl. A, 4).
Estimate: $4,500

20007 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (13mm, 3.15
gm, 6h). Hybrid head with male facing r. and the back of his head
evolves into a boar or hog facing l. / AE (Athens) to r. of Owl
standing r., head facing, olive spray and crescent in upper l. field,
all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XIV.21.Da (this coin). Samuels
10 (this coin). Mildenberg 1997 pl. 2,40. Mildenberg 1990b pl.
XXIII,2 (this coin). Gitler 2000, pl 2,8 (this coin). Extremely rare.
Light crystallization, find patina. Very Fine
Estimate: $6,000

10 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
Elusive motif

20008 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (13mm, 3.44
gm, 6h). Male head facing with female head r., with headdress.
A more careful look will show that the headdress is a fierce,
recumbent lion with head turned back, and between the two
heads, facing right, an additional nose and mouth form a third
additional profile to r. / Helmeted head of Athena to right, with
linear devices or monograms possibly appearing in some or all
corners, all in incuse square. Gitler-Tal XIV.35Db (this coin).
Samuels 9 (this coin). Hendin 1017. Mildenberg 1997 pl. 13, 52.
Mildenberg 2000c p. 159.90. Extremely rare. Test cut on obverse.
Light crystallization. Very Fine.
Another exquisite example of the elusive motifs on Philistian coins.
Estimate: $10,000

20009 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah-obol (10mm, 0.51 gm,
4h). Triple turreted city wall with crouching lion and waves in
forefield, circular border of dots / Male figure stands r. in front of
horse and holding him by reigns with l. hand and whip in r. hand,
border of dots, within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XV.3O. Very rare.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,000

20010 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR eighth-shekel (13mm, 1.98 gm,
13h). Confronted bearded heads, oriental hairstyles / Head of
youth with curled hair r., dotted border, all in incuse. Gitler-Tal
XVI 17HDa (this coin). Test cut on reverse. Fine.
Estimate: $650

20011 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah-obol (9mm, 0.59 gm,
9h). Bearded male head r. oriental hairstyle / Female head r.,
oriental headdress within incuse. Gitler-Tal XVI.11Oa (this coin).
Mildenberg 1990a pl. 7, 6. Extremely rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20012 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 3.43
gm, 4h). Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, bunched
in back / [-Y] (Y, N or V, A, H), their meanings unknown, in
corners around Paradise f lower or Phoenician palmette. Gitler-
Tal XVII 5D. Extremely rare. Light crystallization. Very Fine.

This is the second recorded specimen from these dies, and dramati-
cally better preserved than the one illustrated by Gitler-Tal. Upon
examination of a coin from similar dies with a clear letter Y (Y)
in the upper right, Hendin suggested in 1996 that this might belong
to the Yehud series (Hendin 3, 435), but discovery of similar coins
with full inscriptions later proved this theory incorrect.
Estimate: $6,000
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 11

20013 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter maah-obol (6mm,
0.15 gm, 12h). Head of lion l. with protruding tongue / Bes
head facing within incuse. Gitler-Tal XVIII.6HOb (this coin).
Mildenberg 1995 pl. 1,9 (this coin). Mild 2000b pl. 11,49 (this
coin). Good Very Fine/Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,250

20014 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah-obol (9mm, 0.58 gm,
6h). b (B) above antithetic standing horses framing side-by-side
Bes heads facing, circular guilloche border / Hybrid male head
r. and bearded male head facing, oriental hairstyle, guilloche
border within incuse. Gitler-Tal XVIII.8O. Mildenberg 2000c pl.
59,69. Mild. Vestigia p. XXXI,4 (this coin). Samuels 20 (this coin).
Extremely rare. Very Fine/Extremely Fine.
Both specimens cited by Gitler-Tal are missing the bet in upper
obverse field, which is very clear on this example.
Estimate: $4,500

20015 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (17mm, 3.93
gm, 12h). Bearded male head l. with oriental hairstyle and crest /
Lion walks r. lily behind, border of dots in incuse square. Gitler-
Tal XIX.18D (this coin). Samuels 5 (this coin). Mildenberg 2000c
pl. 58,79 (this coin). Unique. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $8,000

20016 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (14.5mm, 3.39
gm, 9h). Janiform heads, bearded male r. and female l. with ori-
ental hairstyle, dotted border / Hoplite l. fights prancing lion r,
border of dots, all in incuse square. Gitler-Tal XIX.19 Dc (this
coin). Mildenberg 2000c (this coin). Extremely rare. Reverse test
cut. Very Fine.

One of three known examples.
Estimate: $6,000

20017 Philistia (5-4 centuries BC). AR half-maah-obol (9mm, 0.32
gm, 1h). Bes head facing with bar above, guilloche border /
Bes head facing with bar above in dotted square, all in incuse.
Mildenberg Vestigia pl. XXXI,2 (this coin). Dark gray find patina.
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

12 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
Finest of Six Known

20018 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 3.89 gm,
6h). Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, bunched in
back / (Aza) to r. of Owl standing r., head facing, olive
spray in upper l. field, all within dotted square border and incuse
square. Gitler-Tal V.1D. Samuels 3 (this coin). Mild 1990a, pl. 5,33.
Extremely rare. Crystallized. Extremely Fine.
This is the best centered and struck example of six published speci-
Estimate: $35,000

20019 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.53 gm, 6h).
Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, bunched in back /
Owl r., head facing, with a single, large, round eye, olive spray
behind, guilloche border. G-T V.1O. Svornos 1923-6 pl. 110,29.
Extremely Rare. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20020 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (15mm, 3.88 gm,
12h). Janiform female head r. and bearded male l. with oriental
hairstyle / C (retrograde A Z for Aza or Gaza); Owl stands
facing, wings closed, between olive sprays, circular border of
dots. Gitler-Tal V.6D. Mild. 1990a, pl. 15,28. Extremely rare. Find
patina. About Very Fine/Very Fine.

This is the only known existing specimen of this type without a test
Estimate: $9,500

20021 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.49 gm, 6h).
Janiform female head l. bearded male head r., oriental hairstyle
/ C (A Z for Aza) in lower fields flank owl facing, wings closed,
between olive sprays, circle of dots. Gitler-Tal V.6O. Mild. 1990a
pl. 5,29. Find patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 13
Unique Countermark

20022 Gaza (Ca. 445- 410 BC). AR shekel (27mm, 17.12 gm,
9h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / C (retrograde AZ for
Aza) in a circular countermark to l. of AE (Athens), all to
r. of Owl standing r., head facing, olive spray and crescent in
upper l. field, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal V. 7T (this
coin). Samuels 1 (this coin). Mildenberg 1997 pl. 1,2 (this coin).
Mildenberg 2000c pl. 57,37 (this coin). Elayi and LeMaire pl
24,171 (this coin). Apparently unique. Good Very Fine.
This is the only published coin with the C countermark. Gitler-
Tal (118) suggest the possibility that this countermark represents
control letters, although they currently accept the attribution to
Gaza based on differences with other countermarked specimens.
Estimate: $12,500

20023 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.44 gm, 12h).
Laureate bearded male head r. / C (A Z for Aza or Gaza)
vertical on r. of falcon standing r., square border of dots within
incuse square. Gitler-Tal V.8O. Mildenberg 2000c pl. 57,52. The
best of four coins published. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $3,250

20024 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (13mm, 3.17 gm,
7h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / C (A for Aza or Gaza)
to l. and AE (Athens) to r. of Owl standing r., head facing, olive
spray in upper l. field, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal V. 10D
(same dies). Mildenberg 1990a pl. 4,14. Rare Extremely Fine.

The classic example of a local coin of Gaza being patterned after
the ubiquitous Athenian coins of the ancient world; the copying was
so precise that even the name of Athens was copied, and the local
ethnic for Gaza was added.
Estimate: $9,000

14 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
One of Three Known

20025 Gaza (4th century BC). AR shekel (22 X 24mm, 16.54 gm, 9h).
Helmeted head of Athena to r. / + (mem for Marnas) to r. of
AE (Athens) to r. of Owl standing r., head facing, olive spray in
upper l. field, all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal V.17T (this coin).
Mildenberg 1990a pl. 4,6 (this coin). Meshorer Gaza p. 78, figure
1. Extremely rare. Reverse test cut, with some obverse flattening.
Good Very Fine.
This is one of three known specimens. The great god of Gaza was
called Marnas (relating to the Aramaic word Marna, the Lord).
Marnas was the god of rain and grain and who was as such invoked
against famine.
Estimate: $18,000

20026 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.58 gm, 9h).
Helmeted head of Athena r. / AE downward on r. + (M for
Marnas) to its left; owl r., head facing, olive spray and crescent
upper l., all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal V.21O. Mild. 1994 pl.
1,9. SNG ANS 1,15. Hendin 1014. Good style, unusually nice for
type. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900

20027 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 4.15 gm,
10h). Helmeted head of Athena to r., letter : on cheek / AE
downward on r. (M-Marnas) to its left; owl r. head facing, olive
spray and crescent upper l., all within incuse square. Gitler-Tal
V.24D. Mildenberg 1990a. pl. 4, 8 (this coin). Extremely rare.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20028 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 3.97 gm,
7h). Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, bunched in
back / C (retrograde A Z for Aza or Gaza); Forepart of horse,
forelocks tied with ribbon, dotted square border within incuse
square. Gitler-Tal VI.1. BMC Palestine pl. XIX, 14. Traite pl.
CXXIV,14-15. Hendin 1012. Rare. Few light marks on reverse.
About Extremely Fine.

Among the best preserved specimens of this type.
Estimate: $9,000
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 15

20029 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.72 gm, 12h).
Female head r. with oriental hairstyle, hair bunched behind / C
(A Z for Aza or Gaza) above forepart of horse r., dotted square
border within incuse square. Gitler-Tal VI.2.O. Rare. Very Fine
This coin is overstruck on an earlier obol of undetermined origin;
the profile of a bust l. can be seen facing 9 oclock on the reverse.
The cataloguers have not previously seen an overstruck coin in this
Estimate: $1,800

20030 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR maah-obol (9mm, 0.57 gm, 9h).
Bearded Forepart of lion r. / C (A Z for Aza or Gaza) above
forepart of horse running r. all in square dotted frame within
incuse square. Gitler-Tal VI.10a (this coin). BMC Palestine p. 179,
16. Sofaer pl. 109,12. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20031 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.65 gm, 6h).
Forepart of lion, forepaws stretched r., dotted border / C (A
Z for Aza or Gaza) above forepart of horse, legs stretched r.,
dotted square border within incuse square. Gitler-Tal VI.11O.
BMC Palestine p. 179,16. Mild. 1990a pl.5, 2c. Mild. 2000b, pl. 10,
36. Very rare. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $3,750

20032 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (15mm, 3.91 gm,
5h). Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, bunched in
back guilloche border / C (A Z for Aza or Gaza) on lower
left and right of facing head of Bes. Gitler-Tal VI.13D. Samuels 4
(this coin). Traite pl CXXIV, 9. Waddington 7285. Narkiss 1938 pl
13,17. Extremely rare. Reverse test cut. Very Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20033 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah-obol (8mm, 0.74 gm, 2h).
AR maah-obol. Bearded male head r., oriental hairstyle, bunched
in back / Facing head of Bes, on r. and l. [C] (A Z for Aza or
Gaza), dotted border, all in incuse. Gitler-Tal VI,13O. Extremely
Estimate: $1,200

20034 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.59 gm, 6h).
Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle, hair bunched behind
/ C (A Z for Aza or Gaza) on either side of facing head of Bes
in a circle of dots within incuse. Gitler-Tal VI.13.O. Mild. 2000c
pl. 57,50. The best of at least six published specimens. Find patina.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20035 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.65 gm, 12h).
Janiform head of bearded satyr r. and bearded male l. with ori-
ental hairstyle / C (A Z for Aza or Gaza) in upper r. and l.
fields above double protome bull bending forelegs, between them
is a facing female head with hair locks on either side, guilloche
border within incuse square. Gitler-Tal VI.15O. Samuels 12 (this
coin). Rosenberger 16. A lovely specimen. Find patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20036 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.70 gm, 3h).
Janiform bearded male head with oriental hairstyle / C (A Z
for Aza or Gaza) in above antithetic gryphons, between them
is a female head facing with Hathor hairstyle. Gitler-Tal VI.16O.
Samuels 11 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,000
16 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20037 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.67 gm, 3h).
Bearded male head r. with oriental hairstyle / C(A Z for Aza or
Gaza) above donkey (?) walking r, dotted square border within
incuse square. Gitler-Tal VI.17O (this coin). Mildenberg 2000b
pl.11, 40 (this coin). Test cut reverse, otherwise about Extremely
Estimate: $900

20038 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.57 gm, 12h).
Oriental female head r. border of dots / Triple turreted city walls
on rampart, two palm trees between the towers and crouching
lion in foreground, within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XV.2O (this
coin). BMC Palestine pl. 19,22. Imoof-Blumer 1871 pl. 17,239.
Extremely rare. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20039 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR shekel (25mm, 17.24 gm, 9h).
Helmeted head of Athena to r., countermark (mem for
Marnas) circle / AE (Athens) to r. of Owl standing r., head
facing, olive spray and crescent in upper l. field, all within incuse
square. Mildenberg Vestigia pl. XXIV,3. Mildenberg 1990a pl. 4,3.
Extremely rare. Good Very Fine.

The countermark was ascribed by Mildenberg to Gaza, but in
this case the letter is in the style of Northwest Semitic script and
raises a possible question of that attribution. See also SNG ANS pl.
1,4 which Meshorer attributed as Greco-Palestinian.
Estimate: $10,000

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 17
The Walls of Gaza

20040 Gaza (Ca. 445-410 BC). AR quarter-shekel (14.5mm, 4.11 gm,
12h). Oriental female head to r. wearing double necklace, within
circular border of dots / City wall with three turrets, palm trees
between, upon a rampart, lion reclines in foreground to r., all
within incuse. Gitler-Tal XV.2Da (this coin). Samuels 7 (this coin).
BMC Palestine 21, pl. xix,21. J.P. Six, Numismatic Chronicle 1877,
p. 223, 11 (2 specimens cited). Traite pl. CXVIII, 15 (attributed
to Sidon). This coin is the best of six known specimens for this
reverse type. Extremely rare. Good Very Fine.
There are two obols of this type also published by J.P. Six, as well
as two quarter-shekels publisher by Gitler-Tal, The presence of the
palm trees on the reverse, as well as find-spots, favors the attribu-
tion to Gaza rather than Sidon. The reverse of this coin is enlarged
at Samuels 4,7.
Estimate: $20,000

20041 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.76 gm, 6h).
Female head facing, circle of dots / Head of Bes facing, within
incuse. Mild. 1990 Vestigia pl. XXXI, 15 (this coin). Find patina.
About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20042 Gaza (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.74 gm, 12h).
Female head facing, circle of dots / Head of Bes facing, within
incuse. Mild. 1990 Vestigia pl. XXXI, 15 (this coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

Egyptian Ankh Motif

20043 Ashdod (Ca. 400-333 BC). AR quarter-shekel (16mm, 3.39 gm,
6h). Head r. wearing oriental headdress, hair arranged as a ponytail
and knotted at bottom; ornamented ear with earring resembling
ankh, within dotted circle / { { (Ashdod) above ibex standing
r., head turned back, lily (?) bent to right behind, surrounded by
cable border in incuse square. Gitler-Tal II.2 D. Samuels pl. 13
(this coin). Hendin 1002. Mesh. Ash. P. 288,4. Mildenberg 2000c,
pl.55,18. Extremely rare. Mottled find Patina. Very Fine.

The presence of the ankh motif in the earring suggests an Egyptian
Estimate: $25,000

18 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20044 Ashdod (Ca. 400-333 BC). AR eighth-shekel (15mm, 2.11 gm,
12h). Confronted bearded male heads with oriental hairstyles,
border of dots / Cow suckling calf, crescent and solar disk above,
border of dots within incuse square. Gitler-Tal XX.6D (this coin).
Samuels 15 (this coin). Mildenberg 1997 pl. 2,32 (this coin).
Mildenberg 2000c pl. 59,83 (this coin). Unique. Small test cut on
reverse. Very Fine.
All published sources refer to this coin as a quarter-shekel or
drachm. However, the weight of this coin, around two grams, as
well as its obverse die link (Gitler-Tal XVI.17HDa), favors the
attribution as an eighth-shekel or hemidrachm, an extremely rare
denomination for the Philistian silver issues. Regarding the attribu-
tion here to Ashdod, see Gitler-Tal II.4D and Meshorer 1989: 288,4
for the reverse type.
Estimate: $15,000
Hidden Owl Motif

20045 Ashdod (Ca. 400-333 BC). AR quarter-shekel (16mm, 3.76 gm,
3h). Satyr head r. with oriental hairstyle / (A S for Ashdod);
Bull, head down, preparing to charge r., owl hidden within bulls
body, in the upper right field is a miniature human head with
oriental hairstyle, within guilloche square border, within incuse
square. Gitler-Tal II 0.D. Samuels pl. 1,14 (this coin); Mildenberg
2000c, pl. 55,22. Meshorer 1989 p. 288,4. Extremely rare. Small
test cut on reverse in hair. Find patina. Extremely Fine.

A nice example of the hidden (elusive) motifs that appears in some
of the some of the Philistian coins, this phenomenon is discussed in
Gitler-Tal 299-302.
Estimate: $20,000

20046 Ashdod (Ca. 400-333 BC). AR maah-obol (7mm, 0.52 gm, 2h).
Hybrid head composed of male surmounted by forepart of a lion
on the forehead (as headdress) to l., and monster-like figure r.
Guilloche border / { { (Ashdod) above double protome bull
with bent forelegs, dotted border, in incuse square. Gitler-Tal
II.1Oa (this coin). Mild. 1997 pl. 2,25 (this coin). Extremely rare.
Fine to Fine plus.
Estimate: $4,500
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 19

20047 Ascalon (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah-obol (10mm, 0.73 gm,
3h). Female head r. with oriental hairstyle with ponytail, border
of dots / -a (AN for Ascalon) to lower r. of owl standing r.,
head facing, olive sprigs upper l. Gitler-Tal III. 90 (this coin).
Mildenberg 2000c pl. 56, 35 (this coin). Traite pl. CXXIII,19 (same
dies). Extremely rare. Find patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200
Athens Decadrachm in Miniature

20048 Ascalon (Ca. 400-338 BC). AR quarter-shekel (17mm, 3.94
gm, 9h). Female head r. with oriental hairstyle and ponytail
knotted at bottom / +a (A N for Ascalon); Owl stands facing,
wings spread, above r. dolphin, inscription upper l. Gitler-Tal
III.D. BMC Palestine 8, pl. 19.8. Traite pl. CXXIII,17. SNG ANS 6,
pl. 1, 32. Mildenberg 2000c. pl 56,29. Extremely rare and almost
never offered. Very Fine.

The reverse of this coin imitates the famed Athenian decadrachm.
Enlarged at Samuels 17.
Estimate: $12,500

20049 Ascalon (5-4 centuries BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.68 gm, 6h).
Male head r. with oriental hairstyle, border of dots / a (AN for
Ascalon) to lower r. of owl standing r., head facing, olive sprigs
upper l. Gitler-Tal III.110. Mildenberg 2000c pl. 56,32. BMC
Palestine pl. XIX,4. SNG ANS 6.25. Perhaps the best preserved
example. Find patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,500
Unique Ascalon Issue

20050 Ascalon (Ca. 400-338 BC). AR quarter-shekel (13 X 19mm, 3.14
gm, 6h). (retrograde A) below l. lightly bearded male head r.,
oriental hairstyle / Bearded male head r. Gitler-Tal IV.2D (this
coin). Grainy surfaces. Apparently unique. Very Fine.

Prior to the Gitler-Tal publication of this coin it was unknown.
Estimate: $12,500
20 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20051 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.65 gm,
12h). b (BT for Bagabat) above Persian king seated on throne
r. smelling flower and holding scepter, fire altar to r., circle of dots
/ Persian king sacrifices bull, he holds it by horns and is ready to
stab it with dagger, pellet between them, circle of dots. M-Q CS
33 (this coin). MQ SC 6. Samuels 28 (this coin). Extremely rare.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20052 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah-obol (.65 gm, _h).
Crude helmeted head of Athena r. / AE on r., ||| (retrograde
HNNY-Hannanyah,) below it; owl standing r. head facing. M-Q CS
30. M-Q SC 38. Hendin 1030. Bold inscription. Fine / Very Fine.
Hannanyah is named as a governor of Samaria in Wadi Daliyeh
papyri, (nos. 7 and 9). The Samaritan Chronicles also mention a
high priest named Hannanyah during the time of Queen Esther.
Estimate: $1,200

20053 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.64 gm,
2h). Persian king stands in chariot driven by charioteer in front,
holding whip, and pulled by biga / lb e b (BDYHBL); Bearded
rider on horse galloping left wearing Persian tiara, holding reigns
in l. and sword or whip in r. M-Q SC 15. M-Q CS 35. Sofaer pl.
171,93. Samuels 26 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,800

20054 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.68 gm,
12h). le (DL); Sidonian galley to l., over waves, with oars, prow
and row of shields, f loral design above. / l b e b (BDYHBL);
Bearded rider on horse galloping left wearing Persian tiara,
holding reigns in l. and sword or whip in r. M-Q SC 22 (this coin).
M-Q CS 2 (this coin). Sofaer -. Extremely Fine.

The obverse legend may refer to the name Delayah, which is quite
common in the Bible in the context of the sixth to fifth centuries
BC, according to M-Q SC: 22.
Estimate: $900
Horned Monster

20055 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (17mm, 3.32
gm, 6h). e (D possibly for Delayah) above winged Sphinx with
horns, all in dotted square border / Horned head of monster
facing, all in guilloche square border. M-Q SC p. 88,30. Samuels 6.
Mildenberg Bes pl. 1,5. Extremely rare. Find patina. Very Fine.

While Mildenberg and Samuels attributed this coin to Gaza, sub-
sequent research by Meshorer and Qedar convincingly attribute the
type to Samaria.
Estimate: $12,000

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 21

20056 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah-obol (10mm, 0.55 gm,
6h). Persian king seated r. on throne smelling a flower / >b|gb
(BDYHBL) downward on left; Persian king stands r. wearing
kidaris and kandys, raising r. arm and holding staff in l. hand.
M-Q SC 37. MQ CS 14. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20057 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.70 gm,
6h). Persian king seated r. on throne smelling flower and holding
scepter / l b e b (BDYHBL) to l. of bearded male standing r.,
wearing kidaris, sniffing flower and holding another flower in l.
hand. M-Q CS 37. MQ SC 14. Hendin 1033. Very Fine/Good Very

The name Bdyehibel appears on several coins, but is not yet fully
understood or related to a person.
Estimate: $850

20058 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (8mm, 0.70 gm,
12h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / bn (BD) on l. and d (YH)
of owl r., head facing. M-Q CS 47 (this coin). MQ SC 9. About
Very Fine/Very Fine.

The name BDYH appears on four coin types, and is mentioned
in Ezra 10:35. According to Meshorer and Qedar this is the only
known Hebrew name with the prefix BD (M-Q SC 21).
Estimate: $600

Rare Relief / Incuse Design

20059 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (16mm, 3.53
gm, 6h). bW (S N for Sanballat) between two confronted fighting
warriors, the one on the r. stabs at the body with a dagger, while
the one on the l. tries to stab the other in the head, all in square
border of dots / Two soldiers face each other, the left figure in
relief, the right figure incuse, each holds a long spear; the warrior
on the right holds a shield ornamented with a frontal head of Bes,
all in square border of dots. Samuels 24 (this coin, but inscription
read incorrectly). M-Q SC 49. Traite pl. CXXI 11, 1. Extremely
rare. Very Fine.

One of the few ancient coins of the Levant that combines both
incuse and relief design not only on the same coin but on the same
side of the coin!
Estimate: $25,000

22 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20060 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.74 gm,
11h). Two soldiers standing with spears and shields confronting
each other, within square border / Two figures standing confront-
ing each other the l. figure holds a long scepter or spear and the r.
figure, in incuse, holds a shield and long scepter or spear. M-Q CS
90. MQ SC 50. Samuels 25 (this coin). Extremely rare. Good Very
Fine/Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20061 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (7mm, 0.52 gm,
12h). Crowned, bearded male head r. / bh (SN-Sanballat) above
lion seated l., all within square border of dots. M-Q CS 42. MQ SC
52. Hendin 1033. Very Fine/Good Very Fine.
Perhaps this is the Sanballat II referred to by Josephus as the one
who had been sent to Samaria as satrap by Darius the last king
(Ant. XI:302).
Estimate: $1,500
The High Priest Abdiel

20062 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 4.24
gm, 12h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / >b (Abdiel) down-
ward, between AE downward on r. and owl r. head facing, olive
spray and crescent upper l., all within incuse square. M-Q CS
39(b) (this coin). Samuels 22 (this coin). M-Q SC 57. Hendin 103.
Extremely rare. Some pitting on face, otherwise about Extremely

Abdiel I was the High Priest mentioned in the Old Testament (Jer.
36:26) who scolded the Jews for not recognizing the holiness of Mt.
Gerizim during the time of Zerubbabel.
Estimate: $6,500

20063 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah-obol (10mm, 0.78 gm,
12h). Helmeted head of Athena to r. / >b (BDL for Abdiel)
downward to r. of owl r. head facing. M-Q SC 59. Rare. Extremely
Estimate: $1,200
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 23
Unique Recumbent Stag

20064 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (14mm, 3.91
gm, 9h). (S L for Shelemiyah?) above winged griffin with
long, curved horn, flower (?) in l. field, within square border /
above stag kneeling r., head turned l., head of Bes, facing, between
horns, with square border. M-Q SC 61 (this coin). Samuels 18 (this
coin). Of the highest rarity. Find patina. Very Fine.
This may be the only known example of this Samarian quarter-
shekel type.
Estimate: $12,000
Unique Leaping Lion

20065 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (15mm, 3.67
gm, 5h). (S L for Shelemiyah?) to left of helmeted male with
short tunic holding bridle of horse with head turned back, all in
square border of dots / above lion leaping r. with head turned
back over rams head, all in square border of dots. Samuels 19 (this
coin). Cf. SNG ANS 46 (maah-obol). Cf. M-Q SC 67 (maah-obol)
and 68 (half maah-obol). Unique. Find patina. Good Very Fine.

While the types are known from smaller denominations, this
appears to be the only known example as a quarter-shekel.
Estimate: $18,000

24 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20066 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.70 gm,
11h). Head facing with long hair / (Shomron); owl r., head
facing, olive spray and crescent upper l. M-Q SC 89. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20067 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.66 gm,
12h). ' (SN for Shomron)Persian king seated r. on throne smell-
ing flower and holding scepter / Z (MZ for Mazdai) Four-winged
diety with birds tail standing r. holding flower and three pointed
ring (seal?) in l. M-Q SC 100. M-Q CS-21. Sofaer 167,41. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $600
Music and Ritual

20068 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (17mm,
3.62 gm, 12h). Bearded male figure seated r. on throne playing
5-string harp, below r. mask (?) above r. cuneiform symbols /
Male figure on r. stabs horse on l. with spear held in both hands;
point of spear emerging from back of horse, all in dotted border.
M-Q CS 58,22 (this coin). Samuels 23 (this coin). M-Q SC 128.
Extremely rare. Test cut. Find patina. Good Very Fine.

There are parallels between the obverse motif and the ceremonies
in the First Temple, during which musicians played an important
role. The male does not wear a royal crown and considering the
fact that this is an original Samarian coin type and not an imita-
tion of some Cilician or Persian coin prototype, one could suggest a
possibility that this figure may represent some aspect of Samaritan
religious practice (M-Q SC: 35).
Estimate: $12,000

20069 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (9mm, 0.61 gm,
3h). Persian king, bearded facing l., holds two lions by their
forelocks / Lion attacks bull r. M-Q CS . MQ SC 133 (this coin).
Extremely rare. About Extremely Fine/Fine.
Estimate: $2,000
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 25

20070 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah obol (10mm, 0.79 gm,
3h). b (B) above Sidonian galley l. with oars and row of shields
along bulwark; below in two lines are the letters of the Aramaic
alphabet i |gp (ABGDHW), >{ yc| (HTYKL) / Two Persian
kings stand facing each other, resting hand on the others shoul-
der, each holding dagger, between them a lion sits to r. MQ SC
195 (this coin). M-Q CS 54 (this coin). Samuels 30 (this coin).
Extremely rare. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20071 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR maah-obol (10mm, 0.61gm,
3h). Facing head of Bes / Owl standing l. head facing, crook and
f lail behind. M-Q SC 198 (this coin). M-Q CS (this coin). Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20072 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR half maah-obol (7mm, 0.18
gm, 7h). Dolphin jumps l., circle of dots / Rams head l. border of
dots. Not in Meshorer-Qedar. Gitler-Tal SNR p. 55, 16, fig. 5. Very
This coin might better be attributed to Tyre, Phoenicia.
Estimate: $350

20073 Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR half maah-obol (6mm, 0.26
gm, 6h). Dolphin jumps r., circle of dots / Panther head facing,
border of dots. Sofaer pl. 181, 237. Not in Meshorer-Qedar. Good
Very Fine.
This coin might better be attributed to Tyre, Phoenicia.
Estimate: $300
Classic Yehud Lily / Falcon Issue

20074 Yehud (before 333 BC). AR half gerah (7mm, 0.39 gm, 3h). Lily
/ UY (yhd) above r. wing of falcon with wings spread, head r.
Hendin 1060. Meshorer TJC 16. AJC 117,16b. Extremely Fine.

Here we have the classic Yehud issue, displaying the lily (strongly
resembling the later French fleur de lis) as a symbol for Jerusalem.
The lily, or shoshan in Hebrew, was considered a standout among
f lowers. Rabbinic sources refer to a lily-rose, which is a symbol
for Israel, as well as a soft lily and the lily of the valley. The ass-
sociation with the land of Israel appears to be quite ancient (see lot
Estimate: $6,000

20075 Yehud (333-302 BC). AR quarter maah obol (8mm, 0.23 gm,
12h). Facing head in a circle of connected dots / xJ (hapecha
the governor) to l., kx (yhzqyh-Hezekiah) to r. of owl
standing r., head facing, the feathers of the head form a beaded
circle. Hendin 1069. TJC 199,22. AJC I 116,10. Rare. Very Fine.

Based upon the weight this coin is a quarter maah-obol, although it
is sometimes seen as a half maah-obol.
Estimate: $1,500

20076 Yehud (after 295/284 BC). AR quarter maah obol (7mm, 0.19
gm, 6h). Diademed head of Ptolemy I / U (Yehud) to l. of
eagle, wings spread, half turned l. and standing upon thunderbolt.
Hendin 1080. TJC 200,29. AJC I p117,14. Very rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,000

26 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
Rare Ptolemaic Yehud Issue

20077 Yehud (Ca. 261-260 BC or earlier). AR hemidrachm or triobol
(13mm, 1.66 gm, 12h). Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. / UU
(Yehudah) to l. of eagle, wings spread, half turned l. and standing
upon thunderbolt. Samuels 35 (this coin). Hendin 1085. TJC 31a.
AJC 184, 2. Extremely rare. Minor encrustation in fields, other-
wise Extremely Fine.
The weight of this extremely rare silver piece would seem to make it
a Ptolemaic hemidrachm or triobol, a denomination of which only
a handful of specimens have survived.
Estimate: $32,500

20078 Yehud (261-260 BC or earlier). AR quarter maah obol (7mm,
0.18 gm, 12h). Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. / UU
(Yehudah) to l. of eagle, wings spread, half turned l. and standing
upon thunderbolt. Hendin 1087. TJC 32b. AJC I 117,16. Good Very
Estimate: $1,500
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 27
The Maccabees
Also known as the Hasmoneans, the patriarch of this family was
Mattatayah of Modiin, who led the movement against Seleucid
king Antiochus IV, who encroached upon the Jerusalem Temple
and the Jewish way of life. When Mattathias and his five sons
saw the desecration in the land, they tore their garments, put on
sackcloth, and mourned bitterly (I Maccabees 2:14).
The victory of Mattatayah, his sonsespecially the son Judah
(Yehudah) the Maccabee, and their followers resulted in the
proclamation of a festival beginning on Kislev 25 in 164 BC.
It became the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, which has been
celebrated by Jews worldwide for eight days every year since
that time.
The first coin of the Maccabees was struck under John Hyrcanus
(Yehohanan), nephew of Judah, who was High Priest from 135
to 104 BC. Many of his early coins ironically paid homage to
the Seleucid successors of the hated Antiochus IV, and some of
Hyrcanus early coins carry monograms that apparently refer to
either Antiochus VII or Alexander Zebina. The excessively rare
double-prutah of Hyrcanus depicting a helmet and cornucopias is
represented in the Shoshannah collection. The Maccabees struck
only bronze coins because they were never granted the right to
issue coins of silver.
Hyrcanus son Judah Aristobulus I (Yehudah) was, according to
Josephus, the first of the Maccabees to hold the title King as well
as High Priest. But his reign was so short-lived the designation
never appeared on his coins.
Aristobulus was succeeded by his brother Alexander Jannaeus
(Yehonatan or Yonatan), designated on his coins as both King
and High Priest, and his are the most common of the Maccabean
coins. They are also the first bi- lingual ancient Jewish coins,
carrying inscriptions not only in the traditional paleo-Hebrew but
also in Greek, and sometimes Aramaic.
The last of the Maccabean rulers was Mattatayah Antigonus,
who ruled from 40-37 BC in a time of great turmoil. Herod had
been named King of the Jews by a declaration of the Roman
Senate and approval of the triumvirate, marshaled by Mark
Mattatayah attempted to rally the Jews behind himself and his
dynastic legacy by issuing a remarkable coin depicting t wo
objects from the Templethe showbread table and the seven-
branched menorah. This is among the rarest and certainly the
most sought-after coin of this period, and the Shoshana collection
offers two remarkable examples in this auction. dh

20079 John Hyrcanus I (134 - 104 BC). AE prutah (15mm, 2.16 gm,
12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehohanan the High Priest and the Council
of the Jews) within wreath, Greek A above inscription / Double
cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns,
border of dots. Hendin 1132. TJC Group A. AJC I Group M. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20080 John Hyrcanus I (134 - 104 BC). AE half-prutah (11mm, 0.90
gm, 12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehohanan the High Priest and the
Council of the Jews); two lines above and below palm branch /
Lily between two ears of grain, border of dots. Hendin 1134a.
TJC Group C. AJC I Group O, Samuels 36 (this coin). Rare. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20081 John Hyrcanus I. (134 - 104 BC). AE prutah (13mm, 1.23 gm,
12h). Paleo-Hebrew in wedge style characters (Yehohanan the
High Priest and the Council of the Jews) within wreath / Double
cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns.
Hendin 1135. TJC Group D. AJC I 148 P. RPC 2269. Good Very
Estimate: $300

28 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
Rare Double-Prutah of John Hyrcanus I

20082 John Hyrcanus I. (134 - 104 BC). AE double prutah (18mm, 3.38
gm, 12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehohanan the High Priest and Head of
the Council of the Jews); double cornucopia, horns face in same
direction, adorned with ribbons / Helmet with decorative crest
facing r., border of dots. Hendin 1136. TJC 207, H1. AJC I 150, R1
(misattributed to Hyrcanus II). Samuels 37 (this coin). Extremely
rare. Very Fine.

This rare coin is the only Hasmonean issue that was not struck on a
planchet with beveled edges and for this reason it is suggested that it
was not struck at the Jerusalem mint, Samaria is often mentioned
as a possibility. Anecdotal evidence of find spots suggests a possible
mint in the Galilee.
Estimate: $42,000
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 29

20083 Judah Aristobulus I (104 BC). AE prutah (15mm, 2.17 g, 2h).
Hebrew inscription in block style characters (Yehudah the High
Priest and the Council of the Jews) within wreath / Double cornu-
copia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns, border
of dots. Hendin 1143a. TJC Group V. AJC I Group Jc. Samuels 38
(this coin). Extremely rare. Good Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 324.
Aristobulus coins with this style of script usually have the paleo-
Hebrew letter (D) on first line, but here it is the first letter of the
second line.
Estimate: $800

20084 Alexander Jannaeus (104 - 76 BC). AE prutah (12 X 19mm,
2.33 gm, 12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehonatan the High Priest and
the Council of the Jews) within by wreath / Double cornucopia
adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns, border of
dots. Hendin 1145. TJC Group P. Meshorer AJC II Group Eb.
Samuels 39 (this coin, enlarged on p. 26).
Quite interesting example with casting spurs still attached to plan-
Estimate: $600

20085 Alexander Jannaeus (104 - 76 BC). AE half-prutah (12mm,
1.20 gm, 6h). Upright palm branch f lanked by paleo-Hebrew
(Yehonatan the King), border of dots / Lily, border of dots. Hendin
1147. TJC Group O. AJC I Group O. Very rare in this quality.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20086 Alexander Jannaeus (104 - 76 BC). AE prutah (13 X 16mm,
2.40 gm, 12h). Lily f lanked by paleo-Hebrew (Yehonatan the
King), border of dots / [][ A]E[ANPOY] (of King
Alexander); inverted anchor within circle. Hendin 1148. TJC
Group B. AJC I Group Aa. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

20087 Alexander Jannaeus (104 - 76 BC). AE prutah (16mm, 4.24 gm,
12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehonatan the King) between the rays of star
with eight rays within diadem / [AEANP]OY
(of King Alexander) around inverted anchor. Hendin 1150. TJC
Group K. AJC Group Ca. Very Fine.
Estimate: $120

20088 Alexander Jannaeus (104 - 76 BC). AE prutah (14mm, 2.02
gm, 2h). Paleo-Hebrew (Yehonatan the King) between the
rays of star wit h eight rays wit hi n diadem /
AEANPOY (of King Alexander) around inverted anchor.
Hendin 1150. TJC Group K. AJC Group Ca. Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 323.
Estimate: $250
30 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20089 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE 8 prutah (25mm,
15.32 gm, 12h). Paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the High Priest and
Council of the Jews), around and between double cornucopia
/ [BACIEC] ANTIONOY (of King Antigonus) around ivy
wreath tied with ribbons. Hendin 1162. TJC 36. AJC I Group U.
Slightly off center. Very Fine.
Estimate: $300

20090 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE eight prutah (24mm,
14.79 gm, 2h). Paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the High Priest and
Council of the Jews), around and between double cornucopia
/ B[ACIEC] ANTIONOY (of King Antigonus) around ivy
wreath tied with ribbons. Hendin 1162. TJC 36. AJC I 155ff Group
U. Samuels 43 (this coin). Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20091 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE four prutah (19mm, 7.18
gm, 2h). Paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the High Priest) around cor-
nucopia tied with ribbons, decorated with vine leaf and grapes /
BACI ANTIO NOY within wreath and border of dots. Hendin
1163. TJC 37. AJC I Group V. Unusually well centered for this
type. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $350

20092 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE prutah (14mm, 1.95
gm, 3h). Paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the Priest) within wreath /
Double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between
horns. Hendin 1166. TJC 38. AJC W 1-3. Very rare. Extremely
Estimate: $1,200

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 31
Showbread / Menorah Issue of Mattatayah Antigonus

20093 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE prutah (17mm, 1.25 gm,
12h). Traces of paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the Priest) around
showbread table / BAIE ANTIONOY; seven-branched
menorah. Hendin 1168. TJC 41. AJC I Group Z. Samuels 45 (this
coin). About Extremely Fine.

Ex. A. Bromberg Collection by private treaty.

The most striking aspect of this coin to modern viewers is the image
of the golden seven-branched menorah that stood in the Jerusalem
Temple, that object can also be seen in nearly the same form, as it is
carried in the triumphal procession, on the Arch of Titus in Rome.
At the time this coin was struck it was one of very few images of the
menorah and showbread table that were created while the Second
Temple stood. At the time, the menorah and table were specific
references to the Jerusalem Temple itself. It was only much later,
after the Temple was destroyed by Titus in 70 AD that the use of the
menorah as a symbol was expanded, and by the 4th-5th centuries
AD the menorah had become a widely used symbol of Judaism
itself, used on rings, seals, oil lamps, and synagogue decorations.
Today the menorah is the national emblem of the State of Israel.
Estimate: $175,000
32 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20094 Mattatayah Antigonus (40 - 37 BC). AE prutah (15mm, 1.10
gm, 12h). Traces of paleo-Hebrew (Mattatayah the High Priest)
around showbread table / [BAI]E A[NTIONOY]; seven-
branched menorah. Hendin 1168. TJC 41. AJC I Group Z. Samuels
44 (this coin). Extremely rare. Very Fine.

Ex. Superior 9/12/1989 (Heifitz Collection Part 2), 2293.

This coin depicts the showbread table and menorah, two of the
most sacred objects in the Jerusalem Temple. One might think that
the only ancient coin depicting such holy objects would be well
manufactured. However, the showbread/menorah coins are gener-
ally poorly struck and, moreover, always struck from dies much
larger than the planchets. Therefore the inscriptions are never
complete, and, indeed, the coin type had been known for more than
100 years before it was recognized that there was a paleo-Hebrew
inscription around the showbread table. In the entire Hasmonean
(Maccabean) series of coins, the side with the paleo-Hebrew script is
always the obverse, hence the description.
Estimate: $90,000

A Second Menorah Prutah
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 33

The Herodians
When Herod was named King of the Jews by the Roman Senate
and Mark Antony in 40 BC he found himself in a difficult position.
He was King in name only, since Mattatayah Antigonus was in
fact king on the ground. Herod, supported by Roman troops,
went to war against Antigonus and his Parthian supporters.
Herods victory was not very popular and contrary to the desires
of most Jews, whose sympathies lay with Antigonus and the
storied Hasmonean Dynasty.
While the Maccabees had ruled almost as vassals to the Seleucid
Syrians, Herod ruled by the grace of Rome. To strengthen his ties
with the Jewish people he married Mariamne, a granddaughter
of Hyrcanus II. She was the love of his life, but as the last
remaining Hasmonean princess, Herod saw her as a threat and
had her murdered. Some years later he also sentenced his two
sons by Mariamne, Antipater and Aristobulus (who was father
of the child Agrippa, who later became known as Agrippa I)
murdered at a pool in the family palace at Jericho.
When Augustus heard about these killings, he reportedly said
It is better to be Herods pig than his son. The fact that Herod
did not eat pork was well known to Augustus, and the Roman
historian Persius later referred to the Jewish Sabbath as Herods
Herod was known as a great builder, and indeed his structures
were among the finest in the world at the time. They included
the remarkable port at Caesarea Maritima and the complete
rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple and its vicinit y as well as
many others both inside and outside of his own territories.
His three sons Archelaus, Philip, and Antipas (who Jesus referred
to as that fox) succeeded in various tracts Herods kingdom.
His grandson Agrippa I issued a fascinating series of bronze
coins, some of which refer to him as great king and friend of
Caesar. (Ironically, Herod himself, who today is often called
Herod the Great, was never referred to by that name in ancient
Members of Herods family ruled in ancient Israel and nearby
territories until the death of his great-grandson Agrippa II in 96
AD. But even after that time Herodian princes entered other royal
houses such as in Armenia, and also held administrative positions
in Rome. dh

20095 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE 8 prutah (25mm, 9.15 gm, 1h). Military
helmet, frontal view, cheek pieces and straps, star above flanked
above by palm branches / [] (of King
Herod); tripod, ceremonial bowl (lebes) above, flanked by date L
(year 3) and TP monogram. Hendin 1169. TJC 44. AJC II 235,1.
RPC 4901. Slightly rough, dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20096 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE 8 prutah (21.5mm, 6.45 gm, 2h). Military
helmet, frontal view, cheek pieces and straps, star above flanked by
palm branches / [] (of King Herod); tripod,
ceremonial bowl (lebes) above, flanked by date L (year 3) and TP
monogram. Hendin 1169 variety. TJC 44b. AJC II 235,1b. Struck
on a small, light flan, and decidedly scarce thus. Very Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 10-12-1992 (Bromberg 2), 330.
Estimate: $500

20097 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE 4 prutah (20mm, 4.67 gm, 12h). Shield
with decorated rim / ; crested helmet
flanked by date L (year 3) and TP monogram. Hendin 1170. TJC
45. AJC 235,2. RPC 4901. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20098 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE 2 prutah (18mm, 3.48 gm, 1h). Poppy on stalk
/ ; winged caduceus flanked by date L
(year 3) and TP monogram. Hendin 1172. TJC 46. AJC 235,4. RPC
4904. Samuels 47 (this coin). Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $700
34 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20099 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE prutah (16mm, 2. 50 gm, 11h).
Palm branch with objects (leaves?) on either side /
; aphlaston flanked by date L (year 3) and TP mono-
gram. Hendin 1171. TJC 3. AJC II 235,3. RPC 4903. Good Very
Estimate: $750

20100 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE half-prutah (13mm, 0.78 gm, 6h).
PO CC; tripod table / Palm branch upright within
circle. Hendin 1186. TJC 56. AJC II 237,15. Superb reverse, obverse
is partly off center (keeping in mind that in this series the dies are
invariably much larger than the planchets upon which they were
struck). Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20101 Herod I (40 [37] - 4 BC). AE (19.5mm, 3.51 gm, 12h). PO
CC; cross within open diadem / Tripod table, flat object
(vessel?) upon it, flanked by palm branches. Hendin 1178. TJC 48.
AJC II 236, 7. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20102 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE prutah (15mm, 1.87 gm, 7h). HPW
BACI; anchor / Double cornucopia with caduceus between, dots
above. Hendin 1188. TJC 59. AJC II, 237,17. RPC 4910. Extremely
Estimate: $100

20103 Herod I (40 - 4BC). AE prutah (15mm, 1.56 gm. 7h). HPW
BACI reads outward; anchor / Double cornucopia with caduceus
between, dots above. Hendin 1188a. TJC 59h. AJC II, 237,17g.
Samuels 48 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $200

20104 Herod Archelaus (4 BC - 6 AD). AE two prutah (18.5mm, 2.81
gm, 12h). HPWHC (Herod); double cornucopias, adorned with
grapes, horns parallel, turned to the l. / EN PXA CH (Ethnarch);
war galley facing left with aphlaston, oars, cabin, ram. Hendin
1194. TJC 70a. AJC II 239, 3a. Samuels 49 (this coin). About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $600

20105 Herod Archelaus (4 BC - 6 AD). AE prutah (16mm, 2.80 gm,
6h). ENAPXOY (of the Ethnarch); crested helmet with cheek
straps, viewed from front, caduceus below l. / HPWOY (of
Herod); bunch of grapes on vine with small leaf on left. Hendin
1196. TJC 73. AJC II 241,6. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $120

20106 Herod Archelaus (4 BC - 6 AD). AE half-prutah (14.5mm, 1.56
gm, 12h). HPW; prow of galley facing l. circle of dots / EN
within wreath, circle of dots. Hendin 1197. TJC 72c. AJC II 241,5c.
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $150

20107 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE full
denomination (26mm, 13.61 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC (Tiberias)
within wreath / HPW TETPAPXOY (of Herod the Tetrarch);
L K (year 24=20/21 AD) in fields; reed upright. Hendin 1199. TJC
75. AJC II 242, 1. Samuels 50 (this coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 35

20108 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE half
denomination (18mm, 6.08 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPW TETPAPXOY; L K (year 24=20/21 AD) in fields; reed
upright. Hendin 1200. TJC 76. AJC II 242,2. RPC 4919. Good Very
Estimate: $2,500

20109 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE quarter
denomination (16mm, 4.07 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPW TETPAPXOY; L K (year 24=20/21 AD) in fields;
reed upright. Hendin 1201. TJC 77. AJC II 242, 3. RPC 4920. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20110 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE eighth
denomination (10mm, 1.61 gm, 11h). TI BE within wreath /
HPW TETPAP (Herod the Tetrarch) L K (year 24=20/21 AD);
in fields; reed upright. Hendin 1202. TJC 78. AJC II 242, 4. RPC
4921. Rare and seldom offered. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,000

20111 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE full
denomination (23mm, 12.58 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC (Tiberias)
within wreath / HPWOY TETPAPXOY (of Herod the Tetrarch);
L (year 33 = 29/30 AD) in fields; palm branch upright. Hendin
1203. TJC 79. AJC II 242, 5. RPC 4922. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20112 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE half
denomination (19mm, 5.90 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPWOY TETPAPXOY; L (year 33 = 29/30 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1204. TJC 80. AJC II 242, 6. RPC
4923. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20113 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE quarter
denomination (15mm, 4.13 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPWOY TETPAPXOY; L (year 33 = 29/30 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1205. TJC 81. AJC II 242,7. RPC
4924. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,800

20114 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE eighth
denomination (12mm, 1.52 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPWOY TETPAPXOY; L Z (year 37 = 33/34 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1214. TJC 90. AJC II 242,17. RPC
4934. Rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20115 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE eighth
denomination (13mm, 1.69 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPWOY TETPAPXOY; L (year 33 = 29/30 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1206. TJC 82. AJC II 242,8. RPC
4925. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,000
36 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20116 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. Full denomi-
nation. AE (24mm, 10.79 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPW TETPAPXOY; L (year 34 = 30/31 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1207. TJC 222, 9. AJC II 242, 9.
Slightly rough. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20117 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE half
denomination (20mm, 6.46 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ HPW TETPAPXOY; L (year 34 = 30/31 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1208. TJC 83. AJC II 242,10. RPC
4927. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20118 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE half
denomination (18mm, 5.14 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC within wreath
/ [HPW] TETPAPX[OY]; L Z (year 37 = 33/34 AD) in fields;
palm branch upright. Hendin 1212. TJC 88. AJC II 242,14. RPC
4931. Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,000

20119 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE full
denomination (25mm, 14.92 gm, 12h). AI KAICAP EMA
NIK (for Gaius Caesar Germanicus) within wreath / HPWHC
TETPAPXHC (Herod the Tetrarch); ETO CM (year 43 = 39/40
AD) in fields; seven-branched palm tree with two date clusters.
Hendin 1215. TJC 91. AJC II 243,17. RPC 4934. Rare. Good Very
Estimate: $3,750

20120 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE half
denomination (19mm, 7.33gm, 12h). CAP
within wreath / [HPW]HC TETPAPXHC; L M (year 43
= 39/40 AD) in fields; palm branch upright. Hendin 1216. TJC 92.
AJC II 243,18. RPC 4935. Very rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,000

20121 Herod Antipas (4 BC - 39 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE (15mm,
3.17 gm, 12h). CAP (for Gaius Caesar) within wreath /
HPHC TETPAPXHC; L M in fields; bunch of dates. Hendin
1217. TJC 93. AJC II 243,19. RPC 4936. Samuels 52 (this coin).
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 37
Rare Portrait of Herod Philip

20122 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(24mm, 8. 50 gm, 12h). KAIC[AP] CEBACTOY (of Caesar
Augustus); bare head of Augustus to r. / [ ]
(of Philip the Tetrarch); LE (year 5 = 1 / 2 AD) in fields; bare head
of Herod Philip r. Hendin 1219. TJC 95. AJC II 244, 1P. RPC 4938.
Samuels 53 (this coin). Extremely rare. Fine-Very Fine.
Ex. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld collection.
Estimate: $20,000

20123 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(18mm, 5.08 gm, 1h). [] (of Philip the
Tetrarch); LE (year 5 = 1/2 AD) in fields; bare head of Herod Philip
to r. / CEBAC [KAIC]AP (Augustus Caesar); the Augusteum of
Paneas (shown as a tetrastyle temple) on high platform, lily in
pediment. Hendin 1220. TJC 228,96. AJC II 244,2. Samuels 54
(this coin). Extremely rare and of extraordinary quality. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $16,000

20124 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (21mm, 9.57
gm, 12h). KAIC[A]PI [CE]BACT (for Caesar Augustus); laure-
ate head of Augustus to r. / [] []; LIB
(year 12 = 8/9 AD) between columns of the Augusteum of Paneas
with stairs leading to it, dot in pediment. Hendin 1221. TJC 97.
AJC II 244,3. RPC 4941. Rare. About Extremely Fine/Extremely
Estimate: $4,000

20125 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (24mm, 9.55
gm, 12h). KA[ICAPI] CEBACT (for Caesar Augustus); laureate
head of Augustus to r. / ; LIB (year 12
= 8/9 AD) (reverse legend is retrograde) between columns of the
Augusteum of Paneas with stairs leading to it, dot in pediment.
Hendin 1221a. TJC 97b. AJC II 244,3b. RPC 4940. Rare. Very
Estimate: $2,000

38 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20126 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (19mm,
6.37 gm, 12h). [KA]ICA[PI] CEBACT (for Caesar Augustus);
laureate head of Augustus to l. / (of Philip
the Tetrarch); LIB (year 12 = 8/9 AD) between columns of the
Augusteum of Paneas, f loral design in pediment. Hendin 1222.
TJC 98. AJC II 244,4. Samuels 55 (this coin). Rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20127 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (5.40 gm,
12h). TIB KAICAPI (for Tib[erius] Caesar Augustus); lau-
reate head of Tiberius to r., countermark on neck /
; L I (year 19 = 15/16 AD) between columns of the
Augusteum of Paneas, no podium, staircase below, dot in pedi-
ment. Hendin 1224a. TJC 101c. AJC II 244,7c. RPC 4934. About
Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20128 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas AE (15mm, 3.52
gm, 12h). Laureate head of Tiberius to r., no inscription /
[] (in the time of Philip the tetrarch); L
(year 30) between columns of the Augusteum of Paneas on low
platform, dot in pediment. Hendin 1226. TJC 103. AJC II 245,9.
RPC 4945. Very rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500

20129 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (23mm, 7.83
gm, 12h). [W] (of the Augusti); jugate heads of Tiberius
and Livia to r. / [] (in the time of
Herod the Tetrarch); the Augusteum of Paneas on high platform
with round design in center. Hendin 1229. TJC 100. AJC II 248, 6.
RPC 4951. About Very Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500

20130 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (20mm, 6.94
gm, 1h). TIBEPIO [EBATO] KAIAP; laureate head of
Tiberius to r., laurel branch in r. field /
(of the founder, Philip the tetrarch); L (year 34 = 30/31
AD) between columns of the Augusteum of Paneas, small invert-
ed triangle on pediment. Hendin 1230. TJC 106. AJC II 246,12.
RPC 4948. Rough surfaces. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 39

20131 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (19mm, 6.47
gm, 12h). [TIBEPIOC CEBA]CTOC KAICAP., laureate head
of Tiberius to r., laurel branch in r. field / []
; L (year 37 = 33/34 AD) between columns of the
Augusteum of Paneas on low platform, small inverted triangle in
pediment. Hendin 1233. TJC 109. AJC II 246,14. RPC 4952. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20132 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (13mm,
3.50 gm, 12h). I[ CEBACTH]; draped bust of Livia to r. /
[C] (fruit-bearing); L (year 37 = 33/34 AD) in
fields; hand holds three ears of grain. Hendin 1234. TJC 110. AJC
II -. Samuels 57 (this coin). Very rare. Good fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20133 Herod Philip (4 BC - 34 AD). Mint of Paneas. AE (12mm, 1.34
gm, 12h). ; bare head of Herod Philip to r. / L
(year 37 = 33/34 AD) within wreath. Hendin 1235. TJC 111. AJC II
246,13 BER. RPC 4953. Samuels 56 (this coin). Rare. About Very
Fine/Very Fine.

A lovely example of this small coin portrait coin of Herod Philip
which, remarkably, has full legends.
Estimate: $8,000

40 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20134 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (21mm,
10.25 gm, 12h). BA[C][C] C (of King Agrippa);
diademed head Agrippa I to r. / [ ] CIC
(Agrippa, son of the king); Agrippa II rides horse r., LB (year 2 =
37/38 AD) beneath horse. Hendin 1237. TJC 113 (this coin). AJC II
247,1 (this coin). RPC 4974. Samuels 58 (this coin). Very rare. Very

Ex. Superior 5-12-1991 (Bromberg Collection), lot 40.
Estimate: $30,000

Agrippa I Portrait Issue
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 41

20135 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE (19mm,
7.67 gm, 12h). BACC C (of King Agrippa); dia-
demed head Agrippa I to r. / [ CI]C
(Agrippa, son of the king); Agrippa II rides horse r., LB (year 2 =
37/38 AD) beneath horse. Hendin 1237. TJC 239,113. AJC II 247,1.
RPC 4974/3. Nice portrait, extremely rare. Good Fine.
Estimate: $4,500
Outstanding Caligula Portrait

20136 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE (24mm,
11.98 gm, 12h). AI KAIAPI EBAT EPMANIK (for
Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus); laureate head of Caligula to
l. / [NOMI BAIE] APIA (money of King Agrippa), LE
(year 5 = 40/41 AD) in exergue; Germanicus stands in triumphal
quadriga r. Hendin 1240. TJC 230-1,116. AJC II 2 (inscription
incorrect). RPC 4976. Extraordinary portrait of Caligula. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $25,000

20137 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (18mm,
11.98 gm, 12h). [ ] (Caesonia,
wife of Augustus); head of Caesonia to l . /
[ ] (for Drusilla the daughter of Augustus);
LE (year 5 = 40/41 AD) in l. field; Drusilla (daughter of Caligula)
stands l. with a branch over her shoulder, holding a small Victory.
Hendin 1241. TJC 117. AJC II 247,3. RPC 4778. Samuels 60 (this
coin). Very rare. Very Fine plus.
Estimate: $7,500

20138 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE (16mm,
3.06 gm, 12h). [BAIY] , diademed, draped bust
of Agrippa to r. / BA[ ] (of Queen Cypros);
LE (year 5 = 40/41 AD) in l. field; veiled Cypros (wife of Agrippa)
stands front, holding long scepter in her l. hand and object in her
raised r. hand. Hendin 1242. TJC 118. AJC II 248,7. RPC 4978.
Samuels 61 (this coin). One of very few known examples. Fine.
Estimate: $8,000

20139 Agrippa I (37-44 AD), for Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint
of Caesarea Paneas. AE (15mm, 2.75 gm, 12h). [
] (Agrippa, son of King Agrippa); LE
(year 5 = 40/41 AD) in field l.; bare bust of young Agrippa II to l. /
[BA OKAIAP] (King Agrippa, friend of Caesar);
double cornucopias crossed at bases. Hendin 1243. TJC 119. AJC
II 247,4. RPC 1243. RPC 4979. Extremely rare. About Fine.
Estimate: $2,500
42 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20140 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (25
X 28mm, 17.74 gm, 2h). [TIBEPIO KAICAP] EBATO
EP[M] (Tiberius Caesar Augustus Germanicus); laureate bust of
Caligula to r. oval countermark with head r. on chin / [BAI]
ME (the Great King Agrippa, friend
of [Caesar]); distyle temple, LZ (year 7 = 42/43 AD) in pediment,
within temple, two figures stand facing each other and hold cir-
cular objects (pateras?), below, figure kneels l., in center, torso
holds another object. Hendin 1245. TJC 121b. AJC II 248, 8a. RPC
4983/7. Rough surfaces. Very Rare. Very Fine/Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20141 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (21mm,
7.99 gm, 12h). BAI ME [AP]
(the Great King Agrippa, friend of Caesar); diademed, draped bust
of Agrippa I to r. / KAIAPIA H [ T EBAT ]MHN
(Caesarea, which is by the port of Sebastos); LZ (year 7 = 42/43 AD)
in r. field; Tyche stands l., her r. hand on rudder and her l. holds
palm branch. Hendin 1246. TJC 232,122. AJC II 248,6. RPC 4985.
About Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20142 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (20mm,
7.83 gm, 12h). BAI ME [] AP
(the Great King Agrippa, friend of Caesar); diademed, draped
bust of Agrippa I to r. / KAIAPI[A H T] EBAT
[MHNI] (Caesarea, which is by the port of Sebastos); LZ (year 7
= 42/43 AD) in r. field; Tyche stands l., her r. hand on rudder and
her l. holds palm branch. Hendin 1246. TJC 122. AJC II 248,6.
RPC 4985. Samuels 64 (this coin). Very Rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,000

20143 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE (18mm,
4.71 gm, 12h). API[OY YIOY BAIE] (of Agrippa, son
of the King); bust of young Agrippa II to l. / Inverted anchor, LZ
(year 7 = 42/43 AD) in fields. Hendin 1247. TJC 123. AJC II 250,4
(misattributed). RPC 4987. Samuels 65 (this coin). Rough sur-
faces. Good Fine.

Once attributed to Agrippa II, the correct identity of this extremely
rare coin was explained by Robert Deutsch INJ (1986-87): 36-37.
Estimate: $10,000

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 43
Remarkable Preservation

20144 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE (28mm,
(Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus); laureate bust of
Claudius to r. / BAI ME (the Great
King Agrippa, friend of Caesar); distyle temple, LH (year 8 = 43/44
AD) in pediment, within temple, two figures stand facing each
other and hold circular objects (pateras?), below, figure kneels l.,
in center, torso holds another object. TJC 232,125. AJC II 249,10.
RPC 4984. Hendin 1249. Samuels 66 (this coin). Very rare and of
extraordinary quality. Good Very Fine.

The word KAY, a part of the emperors name, is not shown in
other examples of this coin type published in the major references.
Estimate: $25,000

20145 Agrippa I (37 - 44 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. (25mm,
(Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus); laureate bust
of Claudius to r. / BAI ME [] (the
Great King Agrippa, friend of Caesar); distyle temple, LH (year 8
= 43/44 AD) in pediment, within temple, two figures stand facing
each other and hold circular objects (pateras?), below, figure
kneels l., in center, torso holds another object. Hendin 1249. TJC
232,125. AJC II 249,10. RPC 4984. Nice for issue. Very Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

44 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20146 Herod of Chalcis (41 - 48 AD). AE (25mm, 12.66 gm, 12h).
BAIY[] [ ] (King Herod, friend
of Claudius); diademed bust of Herod of Chalcis to r. / KAYI
KAIA PI EBA T ET (for Claudius Caesar Augustus, year
3 = 43/4 AD); within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1252. TJC 362.
AJC II 280,1. RPC 4778. Samuels 67 (this coin). A spectacular
specimen, surely among the finest known of this ruler. About
Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior 9-12-1989 (Heifitz Collection Part II), 2811.

Herod of Chalcis (sometimes called Herod III) was the grandson
of Herod the Great and younger brother of Herod Agrippa I. At
Agrippas request, Claudius granted him the kingship of Chalcis in
Coele-Syria, a land not predominantly inhabited by Jews. Despite
this Herod of Chalcis showed a keen interest in the affairs of his
Jewish brethren. Josephus reports that he asked Claudius to give
him authority over the Temple and holy vessels and the selection of
the high priests, all of which he obtained. Upon his death in 48 CE,
Chalcis was inherited by Agrippa II.
Estimate: $35,000

Herod of Chalcis
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 45

20147 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD) under Claudius. Pre-Royal
series. AE (23mm, 12.81 gm, 12h). Mint of Caesarea Paneas.
head of Claudius to l. / [ANTONIA] BRITANNICVS OCTAVIA;
Brittanicus flanked by Antonia, on l., and Octavia (the three chil-
dren of Claudius), each holds a cornucopia. Hendin 1259. TJC 350.
AJC II. Supp. IX,1. RPC I 4842. Samuels 208 (this coin). Obverse
fields rough, reverse fields smoothed. Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,000

20148 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Pre-Royal series. Mint of
Tiberias. AE (19mm, 6.40 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC (Tiberias) within
a wreath / KAYIOY [KAICA]POC (of Claudius Caesar); L I
(year 13 = 53/54 AD) in fields; palm branch upright. Hendin 1266.
TJC 347. AJC II 279,5. RPC 4851. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20149 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Pre-Royal series. Mint of
Tiberias. AE (14mm, 3.09 gm, 12h). TIBE PIAC (Tiberias) within
a wreath / KAYIOY KAICAPOC (of Claudius Caesar); L I
(year 13 = 53/54 AD) in fields; palm branch upright. Hendin 1268.
TJC 349. AJC II 279,7. RPC 4853. Samuels 68 (this coin). Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20150 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Pre-Royal series. Mint of Caesarea
Paneas. AE (20mm, 5.08 gm, 12h). DIVA POPPAEA AVG; distyle
temple, female figure seated l. within / DIVA C[LAVD] NER F;
round hexastyle temple, female figure stands l. within, holds cor-
nucopia. Hendin 1270. TJC 354. AJC II -. RPC 4846. Very Fine.
This is the only coin issued in the name of Claudia, Neros daughter
who died in infancy in 63 AD.
Estimate: $800

20151 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Pre-Royal series. Mint of
Caesarea Maritima. AE (21mm, 6.96 gm, 12h). [NEP]NOC
CEBACTOY KAICAPO[C] (Nero Caesar Augustus); laure-
ate, draped bust Nero to r. / APIEINHC CEBACTHC (of
Agrippina Augusta); draped Agrippina II bust to l. Hendin 1272.
TJC 360. AJC II -. RPC 4861. Excellent style. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,750

20152 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(24mm, 12.66 gm, 12h). (of Nero
Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Nero to r., lituus in front of face
/ E CI (in the time of King Agrippa,
Neronias); within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1273. TJC 129. AJC
II 250,1. RPC 4988. Dark patina, earthen highlights. Good Very
Estimate: $500

20153 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(18mm, 6.40 gm, 12h). [ ] (of Nero
Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Nero to r., lituus in front of face
/ E CI (in the time of King Agrippa,
Neronias); within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1273. TJC 129. AJC
II 250,1. RPC 4988. Rough surfaces. Very Fine.

This coin and the following two coins were issued to commemorate
Agrippas re-founding of Caesarea Paneas as Neronias. It was once
believed that the IE in the reverse legend referred to a date, but this
is not correct, instead it is part of NIE, the abbreviation for the
name of the mint city Neronias.
Estimate: $400

20154 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(15mm, 3.64 gm, 12h). [ ] (of Nero
Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Nero to r., lituus in front of face
/ E CI (in the time of King Agrippa,
Neronias); within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1274. TJC 130. AJC
II 250,2. RPC 4989. Uncleaned. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400
46 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20155 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Sepphoris. AE (24mm,
11.97 gm, 12h). CCIAN[O ]
CEP (in the time of Vespasian, in Irenopolis-
Neronias-Sepphoris); two cornucopias crossed, caduceus between
them / L CAPO C (year 14 of Nero
Claudius Caesar = 67/68 AD) within circle and wreath. Hendin
1276. TJC 127. AJC II 279,8. RPC 4849. Samuels 225 (this coin). A
splendid example. Natural green patina. About Extremely Fine.
A remarkable coin type struck at the beginning of the Jewish War
(66/67-70/71 AD) proclaiming Sepphoris as an Irenopolis or city
of peace, and also mentioning Vespasian some two years prior to
his being named Emperor. This coin thus supports Josephus and
Rabbinic writings which state that the Jews of Sepphoris did not
support their fellow Jews during the Jewish War. It further supports
Rabbinic stories that various Jews predicted Vespasians future rise
to emperor.
Estimate: $2,000

20156 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mi nt of Sepphoris. AE
(20mm, 7.08 gm, 6h). CCIANO
C CE; large SC / L
CAPO C (year 14 of Nero Claudius Caesar = 67/68 AD) within
circle and wreath. Hendin 1277. TJC 128. AJC II 279,9. RPC 4850.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,5000

20157 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(13mm, 1.61 gm, 12h). BACIIEC MAPKOY APIOY (of
King Marcus Agrippa); hand r., holding ears of barley and fruit /
ETOYC AI TOY (year 11) surrounding monogram, a combina-
tion of K for KAI with a horizontal R (year 6), all within diadem
(struck 60/61 AD). Hendin 1279. TJC 133. AJC II 248, 6 (misat-
tributed). RPC 4992. Samuels 69 (this coin). Extremely rare and
among the best of only a few examples. Good Very Fine.

Agrippa IIs Flavian coinage was dated according to two probable
eras, beginning in 49 and 60 AD, as explained by Kushnir-Stein
(2002). This coin type is struck according to the era beginning in
49, and also a third minor era, which apparently began in 54 AD.
This era is only known because of this and a second double-dated
type. The reverse inscription of this coin can be read as Caesar,
year 11 which is also year 6 or 60/61 AD.
Estimate: $2,500

20158 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Tiberias. AE (18.5mm,
5.66 gm, 12h). BA CEB (King Agrippa, victory of
Augustus); ET IE (year 15 = 69/70 AD) across fields; palm branch
upright / TIBE PIAC within a wreath. Hendin 1280. TJC 134. RPC
2242. Very Rare. Extremely Fine.

It has also been suggested that this coin might have been struck
according to an era beginning in 60 AD, and thus dating to 74/75.
In the first case, the coin would have been struck just after the
Jewish War ended, and, in the second case, it would have been
struck in the year after the absolute end of the war when Masada
fell in 73 AD. In either case, the iconography, ref lecting both the
coins of Herod Antipas and the pre-royal issues of Agrippa II struck
in Tiberias, suggests that this is a reference to the victory of Agrippa
IIs Roman allies in the Jewish War.
Estimate: $3,500
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 47

20159 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(27mm, 17.85 gm, 12h). C[CI KAICAP
CE]BACT (for Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus); laureate
bust of Vespasian to r. / S BA (year 26, King
Agrippa = 74/75 AD) in fields; Tyche-Demeter stands l. wearing
kalathos, holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia in l., cres-
cent in upper left field. Hendin 1282 (no crescent). TJC 158a. AJC
II 259,30a. Very Fine.
Estimate: $900

20160 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(29mm, 19.77 gm, 12h). C[CI KAIC]AP
CEBACT (for Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus); laureate
bust of Vespasian to r. / [S BA] (year 26, King
Agrippa = 74/75 AD); Tyche-Demeter stands l. wearing kalathos,
holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Hendin 1283.
TJC 159. AJC II 254,31. Samuels 74 (this coin). Unusually large
and heavy planchet for this type. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20161 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(24mm, 19.77 gm, 12h). C KAICAP CEBAC
(Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Titus to r.
/ S BA (year 26, King Agrippa = 74/74 AD)
across fields; Nike-Victory advances r., holds wreath in r. hand
and palm branch over shoulder in l., star in upper r. field. Hendin
1284a. TJC 160a. AJC II 254-5,32. Samuels 76 (this coin). About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900
48 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20162 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(29 X 31mm, 19.37 gm, 12h). [ CAP] TITOC
KAICAP IC (Emperors Caesar Titus and Domitian);
confronted laureate busts of Titus on l. and Domitian on r. /
BACIC A [C] KZ (year 27 = 75/76 AD); Pan
walks l., playing pipes (syrinx) held in r. hand and holds pedum
over l. shoulder, tree trunk on r., small crescent in upper l. field.
Hendin 1286. TJC 238, 168 (this coin). AJC II 256, 41 (this coin).
Maltiel-Gerstenfeld 184 (this coin). Surely among the best known
examples of this great rarity. Dark green patina with earthen
fields. Minor roughness, otherwise Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

Remarkable Double Portrait
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 49

20163 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas.
AE meda l l i on (34mm, 25. 21 gm, 12h).
C[CIAN KAICA]PI CEBACT (for Emperor Vespasian
Caesar Augustus); laureate, slightly draped bust of Vespasian to
r. / BACIC A-C KZ (of King Agrippa, year 27
= 75/76 AD); Tyche-Fortuna stands l. in military dress, holding
cornucopia and rudder stemming from globe, small star in upper
l. field. Hendin 1287 (description printed in error). TJC 167. AJC II
256,39. RPC 2282v. Extremely rare. Very Fine.

This medallion was struck in the second year of Agrippa IIs Flavian
mint at Caesarea Paneas.
Estimate: $4,500

20164 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(30mm, 17.14 gm, 12h). [ ]CCI KAICAP
CEBACT (for Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus); laure-
ate bust of Vespasian to r. / Z BA (year 27,
King Agrippa = 75/76 AD) across fields; Tyche-Demeter stands l.
wearing kalathos, holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia
in l. Hendin 1288. TJC 166. AJC II 256,38. RPC 2285. Good Very
Estimate: $1,200

20165 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(19mm, 5.51 gm, 12h). IAN CAP (Domitian Caesar);
laureate bust of Domitian to r. / Z BA (year
27, King Agrippa = 75/76 AD); Nike-Victory stands r., l. foot on
helmet, writes on shield which rests on her l. knee; star in upper r.
Hendin 1290. TJC 170. AJC II 256,42. RPC 2286. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20166 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(17mm, 4.23 gm, 12h). IANOC CAP (Domitian
Caesar); laureate, draped, and cuirsassed bust of Domitian to r. /
Z (King Agrippa, year 27); double cornucopias
crossed at base, BA between them. Hendin 1291. TJC 171. AJC II
256,43. RPC 2287. Rare. Uncleaned Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20167 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(27mm, 17.12 gm, 12h). [C]CI KAICAPI
CEBACT (for Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus); laure-
ate bust of Vespasian to r. / (year 29,
King Agrippa = 77/78 AD) across fields; Tyche-Demeter stands l.
wearing kalathos, holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia
in l. Hendin 1292. TJC 172. AJC II 257,44. RPC 2288. Samuels 78
(this coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,800

20168 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(25mm, 10.00 gm, 12h). OC KAICAP CEBA[CT]
(for Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate, bust of Titus to r. /
(year 29, King Agrippa = 77/78 AD) across
fields; Nike-Victory advances r., holds wreath in r. hand and palm
branch over shoulder in l. Hendin 1293. TJC 173a. AJC II 245,45a.
RPC 2291. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600
50 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20169 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(20mm, 7.16 gm, 12h). IANOC CAP (Domitian
Caesar); laureate, draped and cuirassed bust Domitian to r. /
(year 29, King Agrippa); Nike-Victory
stands r., l. foot on helmet, writes on shield which rests on her l.
knee. Hendin 1294. TJC 175. AJC II 257,48. RPC 2292. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20170 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas.
AE (27mm, 14.77 gm, 12h). CA
(Emperor Domitian Caesar Germanicus); laure-
ate bust Domitian to r. / [] [] (year 35,
King Agrippa = 83/84 AD) across fields; Tyche-Demeter stands l.
wearing kalathos, holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia
in l. Hendin 1298. TJC 159. AJC II 258,53. RPC 2296. Good Very
Estimate: $1,200

20171 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(14mm, 3.03g gm, 6h). (Emperor Domitian);
laureate bust of Domitian to r. / P (King Agrippa,
year 35 = 83/84 AD) within wreath. Hendin 1300. TJC 182. AJC II
258,56. RPC 2299. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20172 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima.
AE (30mm, 13.48 gm, 12h). [CCI KAIC]
API CEBACT (for Emperor Vespasian Caesar Augustus); laure-
ate bust of Vespasian to r. / (year 14, King
Agrippa = 73/74 AD) across fields; Tyche-Demeter stands l.
wearing kalathos, holding grain ears in r. hand and cornucopia
in l., star in top l. field. Hendin 1301. TJC 135. AJC II 251, 7. RPC
2243. Very Fine plus/Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20173 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima.
AE (24mm, 13.13 gm, 1h). AYTOKP TITOC KAICAP CEBAC
(Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Titus to r. /
L CI (year 14 [= 73/74 AD] of King Agrippa) across
fields; Nike-Victory advances r., holding wreath in r. hand and
palm branch over shoulder in l. Hendin 1303. TJC 234,138. AJC II
251,8. Samuels 71 (this coin). Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20174 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima.
AE (25mm, 11.28 gm, 12h). AYTOKP TITOC KAICAP CEBAC
(Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Titus to r. / [ET]
HI BA [] (year 18, King Agrippa = 77/78 AD) across
fields; Nike-Victory advances r., holding wreath in r. hand and
palm branch over shoulder in l. Hendin 1308. TJC 143. AJC II
252,15. RPC 2255. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $900

20175 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(25mm, 13.30 gm, 11h). [AYT]OKP TITOC KAICAP CEB[AC]
(Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate bust of Titus wearing
paludamentum and cuirass to r. / ET HI BA (year 18,
King Agrippa = 77/78 AD) across fields; Nike-Victory advances
r., holding wreath in r. hand and palm branch over shoulder in l.
Hendin 1308v. TJC 143v. AJC II 252,15v. RPC 2255v. Pitted, Good

The cuirassed bust of Titus is not published for this date.
Estimate: $600
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 51

20176 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(19mm, 6.13 gm, 12h). [ C KAIC CEBACT]OC
(Emperor Titus Caesar Augustus); laureate, draped, and cuirassed
bust of Titus to r. / E (year 19 ,King Agrippa
= 78/79 AD) above galley with oars sailing l. Hendin 1311. TJC
146. AJC II 253,18. RPC 2258. Very Fine.
This coin and the two that follow it were likely struck to commemo-
rate the voyage of Agrippa and his sister Berenice from Caesarea to
Rome, where they hoped and expected that Titus would choose her
as his wife. The Roman Senate harbored lingering, negative memo-
ries of the role of another oriental princess, Cleopatra VII, and did
not permit the marriage. In the words of Suetonius (Titus, 7) He
[Titus] sent Queen Berenice away from Rome, which was painful
for both of them.
Estimate: $300

20177 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(17mm, 4.69 gm, 12h). [C ]CAP (Domitian
Caesar); laureate bust of Domitian to r. /
(year 19, King Agrippa = 78/79 AD) above galley with oars sailing
l. Hendin 1312. TJC 148. AJC II 253,20. RPC 2260. Extremely
Estimate: $1,200

20178 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima.
AE (12mm, 2.30 gm, 12h). CEBACTH (Augusta); Veiled head of
Berenice, sister of Agrippa II, to r. / L (year 19 = 78/79 AD)
in fields, inverted anchor. Hendin 1314. TJC 149. AJC II 253,21.
RPC 2261. Very Fine.
The portrait on this coin is often suggested to be Livia, but Maltiel-
Gerstenfeld (1980) credibly argued that it was intended as a portrait
of Berenice and was struck in anticipation of her forthcoming
marriage to Titus and her elevation to the status of CEBACTH
Estimate: $1,200

20179 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(24mm, 9.52 gm, 12h). CAP (Domitian
Caesar Germanicus); laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of
Domitian to r. / (year 24 [84/85 AD],
King Agrippa) in fields; Nike-Victory advances r., holding wreath
in r. hand and palm branch over shoulder in l. Hendin 1315. TJC
235,150. AJC II 253,22. Samuels 73 (this coin). About Extremely
Estimate: $1,200

20180 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(20mm, 6.48 gm, 12h). CAP ; laureate
bust of Domitian to r. / [] A (year 24, King
Agrippa = 83/84 AD) within wreath. Hendin 1316. TJC 151. AJC II
253,23. RPC 2263. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20181 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima.
AE (15mm, 3.50 gm, 1h). [C N] (Domitian
Caesar Germanicus); laureate bust of Domitian r. / ET KE C
A (year 25, King Agrippa = 84/85 AD) across fields; eight-
branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Hendin 1320. TJC
156. AJC II 254,28. RPC 2267. Very Fine.
Estimate: $300

20182 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(11mm, 1.63 gm, 3h). [CAP ] (Domitian
Caesar Germanicus); laureate bust of Domitian to r. /
A (year 25, King Agrippa = 85/86 AD) across fields; cornucopia.
Hendin 1322. TJC 157. AJC II 254,29. RPC 2268. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400
52 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20183 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Paneas. AE
(25mm, 8.71g gm, 1h). [IMP CAES] DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN
[AVG GER COS X]; laureate bust of Domitian r. / SALVTI [EI
BA API AVGV]ST (for the health of Augustus in the time of King
Agrippa), ET KS (year 26 = 85/86 AD) in fields, SC in exergue;
square altar. Hendin 1324. TJC 162. AJC II 255,34. RPC 2270.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20184 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(20mm, 5.31 gm, 12h). IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII;
laureate bust of Domitian to r. / (in the time of King
Agrippa); ET KS (year 26 = 85/86 AD) in fields; SC (by decree of the
senate) below double cornucopias crossed at base, winged cadu-
ceus between. Hendin 1325. TJC 163. AJC II 255,35. RPC 2271.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $350

20185 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(18mm, 5.54 gm, 6h). IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII;
laureate bust of Domitian to r. / [] (in the time of King
Agrippa); ET K[S] (year 26 = 85/86 AD) in fields; SC (by decree
of the senate) below double cornucopias crossed at base, winged
caduceus between. Hendin 1325. TJC 163. AJC II 255,35. RPC
2271. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $350

20186 Agrippa II (49/50 - 94/95 AD). Mint of Caesarea Maritima. AE
(19mm, 4.42 gm, 6h). IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII;
laureate bust of Domitian to r. / EPI BA API (in the time of King
Agrippa) around large SC (by decree of the senate); ET KS (year
26 = 85/86 AD) in exergue. Hendin 1326. TJC 164. AJC II 255, 36.
About Extremely Fine.

It is doubtful whether the Roman Senate actually approved the
bronze coins of Agrippa II that carried the SC, as was the case with
Roman issues, and as the SC (SENATVS CONSVLTO, by decree
of the senate) indicates. Rather, these are likely copied from Roman
prototypes and retained the conventional SC from bronze coins of
this period. SC was also a common feature of Roman Syria provin-
cial bronze coins struck at Antioch.
Estimate: $600

20187 Valerius Gratus under Tiberius (15 - 25 AD). AE (15mm, 1.39
gm, 6h). KAI CAP (Caesar) within wreath / TIB (Tiberius) LB
(year 2 = 15/16 AD) between horns of crossed double cornucopias.
Hendin 1332. TJC 316. AJC II 281,6. RPC 4958. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $250

20188 Valerius Gratus under Tiberius (15 - 25 AD). AE (16mm, 1.70
gm, 12h). IOY IA (Julia-Julia Livia, mother of Tiberius) within
wreath / LB (year 2 = 15/16 AD) f lank upright palm branch.
Hendin 1333. TJC 317. AJC II 281,8. RPC 4959. Samuels 136 (this
coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $300

20189 Valerius Gratus under Tiberius (15 - 25 AD). AE (17mm, 1.94
gm, 6h). IOY [IA] (Julia) above vine leaf and small bunch of
grapes / L (year 4 = 17/18 AD) f lanks narrow-necked amphora
with scroll handles. Hendin 1336. TJC 326. AJC II 282,16. RPC
4953. Very Fine.
Estimate: $300
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 53

20190 Valerius Gratus under Tiberius (15 - 25 AD). AE (16mm, 1.88
gm, 12h). [TIBEPIOC] (Tiberius) above vine leaf on tendril /
KAICAP (Caesar) above, L (year 4 = 17/18 AD) flanks kantharos
with scroll handles. Hendin 1337. TJC 325. AJC II 282,15. RPC
4952. Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

20191 Valerius Gratus under Tiberius (15 - 25 AD). AE (15mm, 1.70
gm, 12h). TIB KAI CAP (Tib[erius] Caesar) within wreath tied
at base with an X / IOY IA (Julia) and LE (year 5 = 18/19 AD)
across fields palm branch curves to r. Hendin 1339. TJC 328. AJC
II 282,18. RPC 4965. Very Fine.
Estimate: $150

20192 Pontius Pilate under Tiberius (26 - 36 AD). AE (16mm, 2.36
gm, 12h). TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC LI (of Tiberius Caesar, year
16 = 29/30 AD); libation ladle (simpulum) / IOYIA KAICAPOC
(Julia the Queen); three bound ears of grain, the outer two droop.
Hendin 1341. TJC 331. AJC II 283,21. RPC 4967. Samuels 137 (this
coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20193 Pontius Pilate under Tiberius (26 - 36 AD). AE (16mm, 2.53
gm, 12h). LIZ (year 17 = 30/31 AD) within wreath / TIBEPIOY
KAICAP (of Tiberius Caesar); lituus. Hendin 1342. TJC 333. AJC
II 283,23. RPC 4968. Very Fine.
Estimate: $300

20194 Pontius Pilate under Tiberius (26 - 36 AD). AE (16mm, 1.62 gm,
3h). LIZ (year 17 = 30/31 AD) within wreath, retrograde / TIBEPIOY
KAICAPOC (of Tiberius Caesar); lituus, fully retrograde. Hendin
1342d. TJC 333g. AJC II 283,23g. Irregular issue. Very Fine.

For a full discussion of the irregular bronze coins of Judaea see
Hendin (2009).
Estimate: $400

54 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The Jewish War
The Jewish War against Rome was a major event in world history and we are lucky that the works of Flavius
Josephus, a Jewish general from the Galilee who became a camp follower and even courtier to Vespasian and
Titus, have survived. Josephus wrote an entire history of the Jews, but his writing about the Jewish War is of
special interest since he lived through it.
Prefects and Procurators of Rome heaped abuses upon the Jews during their years of power, between 6 and 66
AD. During the summer of 66 AD the procurator Gessius Florus conscripted 17 talents of silver from the Temple
treasury. This ignited an explosion against the Roman overlords and their local representatives. It is possible that
this dispute might have been settled since the Jewish King Agrippa II (a strong ally of Rome) came to Jerusalem
when he heard that many Jews were killed while protesting Florus treachery. With his sister Berenice, Agrippa
urged the Jews to comply with the wishes of Rome, which they might have been able to negotiate. But they were
not able to hold off the resentment, and soon the great war broke out.
Coins of the Jewish War are fascinating for many reasons. First, they represent the first time that a sovereign
Jewish government struck silver coins. Second, the coins were struck and dated consecutively in five years. The
bronze coins of the fourth year have often been described as the first series of siege coins ever minted.
Early Zionist slogans (for the freedom of Jerusalem, for the redemption of Zion, etc.) have been memorialized
on these coins and their use suggests that the Jewish leaders had a clear understanding of how to use coins as a
method of communications.
Silver shekels and half-shekels were struck in each of the five years of the war. Evidence suggests that these coins
may have been struck within the complex of the Jerusalem Temple itself, and they were used to replace the Tyre
shekels and half-shekels that had been used until that time.
Workmanship in the manufacture of the Jewish shekels was unusually high, especially given the dire circumstances
for the besieged Jews. The bronze prutah coins of the second and third years are of excellent design, and strong
weight, but often were manufactured carelessly. This is not as true of the larger denomination bronze coins issued
during the fourth year, which are invariably made from well engraved dies and nicely struck.
The designs struck upon on the coins of the Jewish war relate to the Temple or the holiday of Sukkot (Feast of
Tabernacles or Feast of Booths). Sukkot was the most significant of three pilgrimage festivals (also including
Passover and Shavout [Pentecost]) that were celebrated during the days of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
Sukkot also plays a role in the New Testament as background for one of Jesus appearances in Jerusalem (John
The chalice on the shekels may well be an omer cup as Romanoff suggests, but it is equally likely it is a
ceremonial chalice from the Temple. The pomegranates on the reverse are apparently a priestly scepter. dh
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 55
Prototype Year One Shekel, One of Two Known Specimens

20195 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 13.34 gm, 10h). Year
1. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); A ([year] 1) above ritual chalice
with smooth, wide rim, pellet on either side, the base has pearled
ends, circle of dots all around chalice and also outer legend /
USk MSr y (Jerusalem [the] holy); staff with three pomegran-
ate buds, round base, circle of dots all around pomegranates and
also around outer legend. Hendin 1352. TJC 183 (this coin). AJC II
259,1 (this coin). Samuels 79 (this coin). Good Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 56.

This is one of two known examples of a prototype design for the
first shekel struck by the Jews in the Jewish War. The other known
specimen is in the collection of the The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
The type was unknown until the two specimens were discovered in
the late 1970s, both struck from the same set of dies. The extreme
rarity suggests the issue was very small, perhaps limited to a few
trial strikes in the manner of a modern pattern. Both the Shoshana
and Israel Museum specimens display similar centering, with
the reverse slightly off-center to left, suggesting the moneyers in
Jerusalem had not yet perfected their techniques for striking such
large silver pieces. While the major elements of the design were
retained in the second generation issues, subsequent shekels were
greatly simplified, with the inner dotted border removed and the
Paleo Hebrew lettering rendered in a much less elaborate style.
Estimate: $950,000
56 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20196 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 14.40 gm, 12h). Year
1. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); A ([year] 1 = 66-70 AD) above
ritual chalice with wide, smooth rim, pellet on either side, f lat
base with pearled ends / USk MSr y (Jerusalem [the] holy);
staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1353. TJC
184. AJC II 259,2. Samuels 80 (this coin). Good Very Fine.

Nice bold example of the transitional style shekel of the first year.
Estimate: $12,000

20197 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (25mm, 13.79g gm, 12h).
Year 1. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); A ([year] 1 = 66-70 AD)
above ritual chalice with wide, smooth rim, pellet on either side,
f lat base with pearled ends / USk MSr y (Jerusalem [the]
holy); staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin
1354. TJC 187. AJC II 259, 3. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $15,000

20198 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 13.89 gm, 12h). Year
1. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); A ([year] 1) above ritual chalice
with smooth, wide rim, pellet on either side, the base has pearled
ends, circle of dots / USk MSr y (Jerusalem [the] holy); stem
with three pomegranates, pearl at base, circle of dots. Hendin
1354. TJC 187. AJC II 259,3 (this coin). About Extremely Fine.

This and the previous lot display a more developed form, with a
smaller, more rounded chalice and simplified lettering.
Estimate: $12,000

20199 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half-shekel (19mm, 6.50 gm, 10
h). Year 1. LkSU yZx (half of a sheqel); A ([year] 1 = 66-70 AD)
above ritual chalice with smooth rim, pellet on either side, f lat
base with pearled ends / USk M>Sr y (Jerusalem [the] holy);
staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1355. TJC
188. AJC II 259,6. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

20200 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half-shekel (20.5mm, 6.50 gm, 10 h).
Year 1. LkSU yZx (half of a sheqel); A ([year] 1 = 66-70 AD) above
ritual chalice with smooth rim, pellet on either side, f lat base with
pearled ends / USk MSr y(Jerusalem [the] holy); staff with three
pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1355. TJC 188. AJC II 259,6.
Samuels 82 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $12,000
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 57

20201 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR quarter-shekel (16mm, 3.13 gm,
9h). Year 1. LkSU CBR (quarter of a shekel); A ([year] 1) above
ritual chalice with smooth, wide rim, pellet on either side, the
base has pearled ends / USk MSr y (Jerusalem [the] holy);
staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1356 (this
coin). TJC 186 (this coin). AJC II 260,7 (this coin). Samuels 83
(this coin). One of two known. Choice Very Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 62.

This is the better of two known examples of a quarter-shekel struck
during the first year of the Jewish War, 66/67 AD. (The second
example, which has a repaired hole, is shown in AJC and TJC, and
is located in a private collection in Israel.) Its existence suggests
that the original plan was for the rebel Jewish mint in Jerusalem to
issue three denominations of silver coins-shekels, half-shekels and
quarter-shekels. Possibly because of the difficult circumstances, the
quarter shekels were never struck in significant numbers. During
the siege of the fourth year of the war (69/70 AD), silver quarter-
shekels were once again struck in extremely small numbers (3-4
known example) and, additionally, fiduciary siege money bronze
quarter-shekels were also struck.
Estimate: $850,000

Year One Quarter-Shekel, One of Two Known
58 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20202 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 13.88 gm, 12h).
Year 2. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); BS (year 2 = 67/68 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1358. TJC 193.
AJC II 260,8. Extremely Fine.

By the second year of the Jewish War, the Jerusalem shekel reached
its final form, with the ritual chalice losing the distinctive pellets to
either side but gaining a pearled rim and a footed base.
Estimate: $12,000

20203 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 14.20 gm, 12 h).
Year 2. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); BS (year 2 = 67/68 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1358. TJC 193.
AJC II 260,8. Some horn silver deposits in fields, otherwise good
very Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20204 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half-shekel (19mm, 7.08 gm, 12h).
Year 2. LkSU yZx (half of a shekel); BS (year 2 = 67/68 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends. USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1359. TJC 195.
AJC II 260,10. Samuels 85 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

20205 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE prutah (16mm, 2.43 gm, 6 h). Year
2. MyTS TES (year two = 67/68 AD); amphora with broad rim
and two handles / EYZ TRx (the freedom of Zion); vine leaf on
small branch with tendril. Hendin 1360. TJC 196a, AJC II 260,11a.
Samuels 86 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $700

20206 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE prutah (15mm, 2.10 gm, 6h). Year 2.
MyTS TES (year two = 67/68 AD); amphora with broad rim and
two handles / EYZ TRx (the freedom of Zion); vine leaf on small
branch with tendril. Hendin 1360b. TJC 196c var. AJC II 261,13c
var. Samuels 86 (this coin). Irregular issue. Good Very Fine.

The paleo-Hebrew inscriptions as well as the motifs are blundered
with at least partially retrograde legends.
Estimate: $250
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 59

20207 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (23mm, 14.18 gm, 12 h).
Year 3. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); (S (year 3 = 68/69 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends / USkU My>Sr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1361. TJC 202.
AJC II 261,18. Samuels 87 (this coin). Superb.
Estimate: $12,500

20208 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 13.89 gm, 12 h).
Year 3. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); (S (year 3 = 68/69 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1361. TJC 202.
AJC II 261,18. Superb.
Estimate: $12,000

20209 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half-shekel (18mm, 6.64 gm, 12
h). Year 3. LkSU yZx (half of a shekel); (S (year 3 = 68/69 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends. USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1362. TJC 203.
AJC II 261,19. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20210 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half-shekel (18mm, 6.49 gm, 12 h).
Year 3. LkSU yZx (half of a shekel); (S (year 3 = 68/69) above
ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on
ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff with three
pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1362. TJC 203. AJC II
261,19. Samuels 88 (this coin). Superb.
Estimate: $13,000

60 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20211 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (23mm, 14.30 gm, 1h). Year
4. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); S (year 4 = 69/70 AD) above
ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on
ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff with three
pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1364. TJC 207. AJC II
262,23. Samuels 89 (this coin). Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg II), 72.

Production of silver coins at the Jerusalem Temple appears to have
dropped sharply in the fourth year, when the Jewish War against
Rome entered its terminal phase and supplies of precious metal
dried up. While the number of recorded specimens for the first three
years number in the hundreds, only 40 shekels are known from Year
4. The Shoshana Collection includes three specimens which number
among the finest surviving examples, of which two are offered here.
Estimate: $40,000

Shekel of Year Four
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 61

20212 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (24mm, 14.27 gm, 12h).
Year 4. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); S (year 4 = 69/70 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projec-
tions on ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff
with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1364. TJC 207.
AJC II 262,23. Samuels 89 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $55,000

Another Choice Year Four Shekel
62 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20213 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR half shekel (18mm, 6.78 gm,
10h). Year 4. LkSU yZx (half of a shekel); S (year 4) above
ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections
on ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff with
three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1365. TJC 209. AJC
262,25. Samuels 980 (this coin). Very Rare. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 383.
Ex Sothebys 6-9-1983 (Brand III), 147.
Ex Ref. E. Rogers Collection, purchased from Spink & Son 1916.
Ex Prowe Part II, 11-28-1904, 2618.

Judaean moneyers made a brave attempt to continue production
of all silver denominations in the fourth year of the great conf lict,
even brief ly reviving production of the silver quarter shekel. The
numbers were sharply diminished, however. Only six examples of
the half-shekel from Year Four are known to have survived, with
this specimen among the finest. With silver stocks dwindling, an
expediant was found in the production of bronze fractions of the
shekel (see next six lots).
Estimate: $325,000

Half-Shekel of Year Four, One of Six Recorded Specimens
Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 63
Rare Bronze Half-Shekel of Year Four

20214 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE half-shekel (25mm, 15.16 gm, 12h).
Year 4. yZx CBRA TES (year four, half = 69/70 AD); two lulav
bunches flank an etrog (citron) / EyZ TLAL (to the redemption
of Zion); Seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates,
flanked by baskets of dates. Hendin 1367. TJC 211. AJC II 262,27.
Samuels 91 (this coin). An extraordinary example. Extremely
By the fourth year of the war the Jews in Jerusalem were in a desper-
ate situation, not only fighting off the Romans but battling each
other in an intense civil war described in detail by Josephus. In
these extraordinary times, fiduciary bronze fractions of the shekel
were minted. According to Newell these bronze fractions comprise
the worlds first siege money.
Estimate: $32,500
Bronze Half-Shekel, Ex-Bromberg

20215 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE half-shekel (27mm, 16.99 gm, 1h).
Year 4. yZx CBRA TES (year four, half = 69/70 AD); two lulav
bunches flank an etrog (citron) / EyZ TLA(L (to the redemp-
tion of Zion); Seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of
dates, flanked by baskets of dates. Hendin 1367. TJC 211. AJC II
262, 27. Brown patina. Good Very Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 5-12-1991 (Bromberg Part I), 73.
Estimate: $15,000

64 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20216 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE quarter-shekel (23mm, 8.82 gm,
12h). Year 4. CyBR CBR TES (year four-quarter = 69/70 AD);
two lulav bunches / EyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion);
etrog. Hendin 1368. TJC 213. AJC II 262,24. Samuels 92 (this
coin). Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20217 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE eighth-shekel (20mm, 6.58 gm,
12h). Year 4. CBR TES (year four); lulav bunch flanked by an
etrog on either side / EyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion);
chalice with pearled rim. Hendin 1369. TJC 214. AJC II 262,30.
Samuels 93 (this coin). Extremely Fine.
Ex. Superior Galleries 5-12-1991 (Bromberg Part I), 77.
Estimate: $1,000

20218 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE eighth-shekel (19mm, 3.58 gm,
11h). Year 4. CBR TES (year four); lulav bunch flanked by an
etrog on either side / EyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion);
chalice with pearled rim. Hendin 1369. TJC 214. AJC II 262,30.
Estimate: $1,000

20219 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AE eighth-shekel (19mm, 5.54 gm,
11h). Year 4. CBR TES (year four); lulav bunch flanked by an
etrog on either side / EyZ TLA(L (to the redemption of Zion);
chalice with pearled rim. Hendin 1369. TJC 214. AJC II 262,30.
About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900

Session One, Auction #3003 | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 6:00PM ET 65

20220 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (23mm, 13.92 gm, 10h).
Year 5. [A] RSy kS (shekel of Israel); US (year 5) above ritual
chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on
ends / USkU MySr y (Jerusalem the holy); staff with three
pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1370. TJC 215. AJC
263,31. Samuels 94 (this coin). Very rare. Very Fine.

Ex Sothebys 6-19-1990 (Nelson Bunker Hunt), 116 (said to be
found at Masada).

The year 5 shekel is a great rarity, and along with the menorah
bronze, are the most storied coins in the Judaean series. The silver
shekels dated to the fifth year were struck in the months just before
Titus and his troops captured Jerusalem and burned the Temple
in July of 71 AD. It is probable that large numbers of these just-
struck coins were carried back to Rome as part of the booty (which
would eventually finance the Colosseum as well as other building
projects). There were several year 5 shekels among the coins exca-
vated at Masada. It is therefore known that at least some Jewish
fighters broke the siege to escape Jerusalem just around the time it
fell. These coins continued in use until Masada fell to the Roman
legions in 73 AD.
Estimate: $250,000

Hunt Specimen Year Five Shekel, Found at Masada
66 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20221 Jewish War (66 - 70 AD). AR shekel (22mm, 13.30 gm, 1h).
Year 5. LARSy LkS (shekel of Israel); US (year 5 = 70/71 AD)
above ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by pro-
jections on ends / USkU My>Sr y (Jerusalem the holy);
staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1370.
TJC 215. AJC II 263,31. Brand 3 (Sothebys 9-6-1983, 108 (same
dies). Bromberg II, 309 (same obverse die). Slightly corroded sur-
faces. Extremely rare. Good Very Fine.

Ex Leu 91, 5-10/11 2004, 288.
Estimate: $175,000

A Second Year Five Shekel
End of Session One
Floor, Telephone, Heritage Live!, Internet, Fax, and Mail Signature

Auction # 3003
Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET | New York | Lots 20222 - 20507
A 19.5% Buyer's Premium ($14 minimum) Will Be Added To All Lots
To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit
Bar Kokhba Revolt
Every coin struck by the administration during the Bar Kokhba Revolt was struck upon a coin already in circulation;
these included local bronzes, Roman denarii, provincial drachms and tetradrachms. The apparent reason was that
Bar Kokhbas hastily assembled government was able to manage to get dies engraved and blacksmiths to strike the
coins; they did not have the time or resources to set up a full-fledged mint with smelting and casting capabilities.
Coins of Bar Kokhba are of special historic interest. Until the discovery of the Bar Kokhba letters, in a cave near
the Dead Sea in the 1960s, his first name was known to be Simon only because of its appearance on coins. In the
Talmud and other documents he was known only as bar Kokhba or ben Kosiba. In Hebrew bar means son of
and ben has the same meaning in Aramaic. The Bar Kokhba letters proved that his actual name was Simon ben
Kosiba. It is interesting, however, that ancient writers who lived after him referred to him in either one of two ways:
Bar Kokhba which literally means son of the star, and this reflects his supposed messianic status that was widely
accepted during the early part of the war when Hadrians troops were being routed. Very shortly, however, the
largely guerilla forces led by bar Kokhba fell on hard times. Many of his followers became disillusioned and he was
frequently referred to as ben Koziba, son of the lie.
Like the coins of the Jewish War, coins of the Bar Kokhba Revolt focus mainly on symbolism related to the Feast of
Tabernacles. The significant exception is the depiction of the Jerusalem Temple on the obverse of the large silver
coins, known as selaim (singular sela). Above the Temple on each of these coins is a cross, a star, or a wavy line.
Early literature suggested that the star might be related to the son of the star nickname, but in fact that name did not
apparently come into use until well after the revolt was quelled and Bar Kokhba killed. Nor were these simple design
elements for filling space.
The Mishnah says that a golden vine was positioned over the entrance to the sanctuary and hung over the beams
(Midot 3:8). Rabbi Isadore Goldstein noted that only the vine was initially hung, and the golden grapes and vine
leaves were added as donations from the people. Thus he suggests that the schematic view shown on the coins was
a look at the sanctuary, a view that could be seen from the Temple courtyard.
Another portion of the Mishnah (Yoma 3.10) says, Helena set a golden candelabra over the door of the Sanctuary.
This refers to a gift from Helena, queen of Adiabene, a converted Jew who visited Jerusalem and was buried there
around 56 AD. Rabbinnic literature says that this candelabrum sparkled with rays and reflected light that could be
seen from all around Jerusalem. Thus the cross or star above the Temple on this coin most likely represents an artists
interpretation of the twinkling, golden candelabra. dh
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 67
68 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20222 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.68 gm,
12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML.Ry (Jerusalem) on three
sides of facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year
one of the redemption of Israel); lulav with etrog at left. Mildenberg
123,1. Hendin 1373. TJC 218b (these dies). AJC 264,1b (these dies).
Rare. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $85,000

Year One Bar Kokhba Sela, Mildenberg 1
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 69

20223 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (24mm, 14.07 gm,
12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML.Ry (Jerusalem) on three
sides of facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year
one of the redemption of Israel); lulav with etrog at left. Mildenberg
124,3.5 (this coin). Hendin 1373. TJC 218 (these dies). AJC 264,1
(these dies). Samuels 97 (this coin). Rare. Superb.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg II), 79.
Estimate: $125,000
Year One Sela, Ex Bromberg II

70 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20224 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.78 gm,
12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML.Ry (Jerusalem) on three
sides of facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year
one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); lulav with etrog
at left. Mild. 2 (these dies). Hendin 1373. TJC 218. AJC II 264,1a
(these dies). Samuels 96 (this coin). A simply magnificent speci-
men. Superb.
Estimate: $180,000

Magnificent Year One Sela
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 71

20225 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (23mm, 14.35
gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML.Ry (Jerusalem) on
three sides of facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen
from end in center of entrance / LARy TLAL TxA TE
(year one of the redemption of Israel); lulav with etrog at left.
Mildenberg 125,4.1 (this coin). Hendin 1373. TJC 218c (this coin).
AJC 264,1c (this coin). Samuels 98 (this coin). Rare. Superb.

Ex. A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $125,000

A Fourth Year One Sela
72 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20226 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.05 gm, 6h).
First year (132/133 AD). EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest); jug
with handle, willow branch at r. / LARy TLAL TxA TE
(year one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); bunch of grapes
with branch and small leaf. Mild. 172,2.9 (this coin). Hendin 1374.
TJC 219. AJC II 264, 2. Extremely rare. Good very Fine.

Ex Leu 86, 5-6 May, 2003 (Teddy Kollek Collection), 544.
Estimate: $80,000

Year One Zuz, Ex Kollek
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 73
Full Fluting, Complete Legends

20227 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (30mm, 18.00
gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML .Ry (Jerusalem) within a
wreath / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemption
of Israel); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 298,12. Hendin
1375. Slight flat strike due to previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex. Leu Numismatics 95, 10-25-05, lot 736.
Estimate: $25,000
A Remarkable Offering of Abu Jara Bronzes

20228 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (31mm,
17.79 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). ML .Ry (Jerusalem)
within a wreath / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year one of the
redemption of Israel); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg
128,15(?). Hendin 1375. Samuels 101 (this coin). Good Very Fine.

The coin has been aggressively cleaned and lightly tooled. It seems
to be a match to the dies of Mildenberg 128,15.
Estimate: $18,000

20229 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (30mm,
26.40 gm, 1h). First year (132/133 AD). LARy AyE ECM
(Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy TLAL TxA
TE (year one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); amphora
with two handles. Mildenberg 294,1 (these dies). Hendin 1376.
TJC 220b. AJC II 264,3. Rare. Fine plus.

Ex Leu 95, 25 October, 2005, 734.
Estimate: $12,000
74 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20230 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (33mm,
41.55 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LARy [Ay]E
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy
[TLAL TxA T]E (year one of the redemption of Israel);
amphora with two handles. Hendin 1376. Mildenberg 294,1.13
(same dies). TJC 220a. AJC II 264,3. Rare. Good Very Fine.

A massive example, at 41.55 grams, one of the heaviest examples of
this type recorded.
Estimate: $18,000
Ex Bromberg Abu Jara

20231 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (31mm,
25.79 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LAR[y T]
LAL TxA TE (year one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133
AD); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 295,2 (these dies).
Hendin 1376. Samuels 100 (this coin). Superior to most known
specimens and certainly better than Mildenberg plate specimen.
Extremely Fine plus.

Ex. A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $30,000

20232 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (30mm,
20.97 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy
TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133
AD); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 296,7 (these dies).
Hendin 1376. Rare. Good Very Fine.

Ex Ira & Larry Goldberg Sale 5-28/29-2007 (Levin Collection),
Estimate: $12,000

20233 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (29mm,
17.80 gm, 1h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy
[TLAL] TxA TE (year one of the redemption of Israel =
132/133 AD); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 296,8 (these
dies). Hendin 1376. Rare. Very Fine.

Ex. LHS 95, 25 October 2005, 735.
Estimate: $12,000

20234 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (30mm,
17.67 gm, 1h). First year 132/133 AD). LARy AyE ECM
(Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LAR[y TLAL T]xA
TE (year one of the redemption of Israel); amphora with two
handles. Mildenberg 297,9 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1376.
TJC 220a. AJC II 264,3. Rare. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $12,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 75

20235 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (27mm,
19.60 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy
TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemption of Israel =
132/133 AD); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 297,10 (these
dies). Hendin 1376. Rare. Heavily cleaned. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20236 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (30mm,
32.04 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy
TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemption of Israel =
132/133 AD); amphora with two handles. Cf. Mildenberg 298,11.
Hendin 1376. The reverse die is unpublished. Some encrustation.
Extremely Rare. Cleaned and repatinated. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $12,500

20237 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (31mm,
18.79 g, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LARy AyE ECM
(Simon, Prince of Israel) within a wreath / LARy TLAL TxA
TE (year one of the redemption of Israel); amphora with two
handles. Hendin 1376. Mildenberg 298,11.2 (this coin, two listed).
TJC 220b. AJC II 264,3. Rare. Extremely Fine.
Ex. Leu 86, 5-5/6-2003 (T. Kollek Collection), 546.
Estimate: $45,000

20238 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (24mm,
9.83 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LARy AySE ECM
(Simon Prince of Israel); palm branch within a wreath / LARy
TLAL [TxA] TE (year one of the redemption of Israel =
132/133 AD); wide lyre (nevel or chelys) of 6 strings. Mildenberg
302,23 (these dies). Hendin 1377. TJC 223a (these dies). AJC II 265,
6a. Samuels 102 (this coin). Dark brown patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,800

20239 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (23mm,
10.34 gm, 12h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AySE
ECM (Simon Prince of Israel); palm branch within a wreath
/ LARy TLAL TxA [TE] (year one of the redemption
of Israel = 132/133 AD); wide lyre (nevel or chelys) of 6 strings.
Mildenberg 302,23 (these dies). Hendin 1377. TJC 223g. AJC II
265, 6a. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20240 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (27mm,
9.30 gm, 6h). First year (132/133 AD). LARy AyE ECM
(Simon Prince of Israel) across fields; seven-branched palm tree
with two bunches of dates / [L]ARy [TL]AL TxA TE (year
one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); vine leaf on tendril.
Mildenberg 42 (these dies). Hendin 1378. Dark green patina,
earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20241 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (24mm,
14.57 gm, 6h). First year (132/133 AD). LAR y AyE
ECM (Simon Prince of Israel) across fields; seven-branched
palm tree with two bunches of dates / LA[Ry TL]AL TxA
TE (year one of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); vine leaf
on tendril. Mildenberg 308,42 (these dies). Hendin 1378. Samuels
103 (this coin). Very Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $2,500
76 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20242 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (23mm,
9.28 gm, 6h). First year (132/133 AD). CM (Sma-abbreviating
Simon) across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches
of dates / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemp-
tion of Israel = 132/133 AD); vine leaf on tendril. Mildenberg
309,47 (these dies). Hendin 1379. TJC 257 (these dies). AJC II 270,
40 (these dies). Very Fine.
Estimate: $900

20243 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (20mm,
6.80 gm, 6h). First year (132/133 AD). EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the
priest) across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches
of dates / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year one of the redemp-
tion of Israel = 132/133 AD); bunch of grapes with branch and
small leaf. Mildenberg 329,150 (these dies). Hendin 1380 (these
dies). TJC 224 (these dies). AJC II 266, 7 (these dies). Extremely
Estimate: $850

20244 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (20mm,
8.05 gm, 6h). First year (132/133 AD). EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the
priest) retrograde across fields; seven-branched palm tree with
two bunches of dates / LARy TLAL TxA TE (year one
of the redemption of Israel = 132/133 AD); bunch of grapes with
branch and small leaf. Mildenberg 327,147 (these dies). Hendin
1380a (these dies). TJC 225 (these dies). AJC II 266, 8 (these dies).
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200
A Run of Rare Hybrid Year One-Two Zuzim

20245 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.37 gm,
6h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134 AD).
LARy TLAL TxA TE (Year one of the redemption of
Israel); bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf / LARSy RxL
B (year two of the freedom of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg
176-7,10.11 (this coin). Hendin 1382. TJC 237 (these dies). AJC II
268,20 (these dies). Samuels 111 (this coin). Faint traces of previ-
ous coin. Very rare. Superb.

Ex. El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $15,000

Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 77

20246 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.15g gm,
6h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134 AD).
LARy TLAL TxA TE (Year one of the redemption of
Israel); bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf /RSy R xL
B (year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]); wide lyre (nevel or chelys)
with three strings, four dots on sound box. Mildenberg 176,9
(these dies). Hendin 1383. TJC 235 (these dies). AJC II 267,19.
Traces of previous coin. Superb.
Estimate: $15,000

20247 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.35 gm,
6h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134 AD).
LARy TLAL TxA TE (Year one of the redemption of
Israel); bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf / LARSy RxL
B (year two of the freedom of Israel); wide lyre (nevel or chelys)
with three strings, four dots on sound box. Mildenberg 176,9.2
(this coin). Hendin 1383. TJC 236. AJC II 267,19. Samuels 110 (this
coin). Struck upon a denarius of Trajan. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 129.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $12,000

20248 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.76 gm, 1h).
Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD). C M
(Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of
thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top,
tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest); fluted jug,
handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 173,3.8 (this coin).
Hendin 1384. TJC 234a (these dies). AJC I pl. 22,17a (these dies).
Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex. A. Bromberg by private treaty.

While this coin is not dated, the only other use of the Eleazar name
on a zuz is combined with a die of the first year. Thus, this must be
a hybrid issue of the first and second year rather than a coin of the
third year, where other undated issues are assigned. The abbrevia-
tion Sma can also be read Shma. It seems likely that there was
an intended dual meaning in this use of the first three letters of Bar
Kokhbas first name; first, a simple abbreviation, and second, as the
first word of the prayer, the Shema, which is believed was one of Bar
Kokhbas rallying cries.
Estimate: $6,000

20249 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.39 gm, 2h).
Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD). C M
(Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of
thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top,
tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest); fluted jug,
handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 174,4 (these dies).
Hendin 1384. TJC 234a. AJC I pl. 22,17a. Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000
78 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20250 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.36 gm,
12h). Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD).
C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest);
f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 174,5
(these dies). Hendin 1384. TJC 234 (these dies). AJC I pl. 267,17
(these dies). Weakly struck due to overstrike. Very Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20251 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.23 gm,
12h). Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD).
C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest);
f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 175,6.2
(this coin). Hendin 1384 var. TJC 235 (these dies). AJC I pl. 267,18
(these dies). Faint traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.
Ex. El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $6,000

20252 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.49 gm,
12h). Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD).
C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest);
f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 175,7.7
(this coin). Hendin 1384 var. TJC 235 (these dies). AJC I pl. 267,18
(these dies). Faint traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.

Ex. A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $4,500

20253 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.14 gm, 2h).
Second year (hybrid with first year reverse) (133/134 AD). C M
(Sma-abbreviating Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath
of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at
top, tendrils at bottom / EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest); fluted
jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 175,8 (these
dies). Hendin 1384 var. Struck upon a Roman denarius with Latin
letters visible at 6-7 oclock on reverse. Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 443.
Estimate: $6,000

Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 79

20254 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.74
gm, 12h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134
AD). MLS.Ry (Jerusalem) on three sides of facade of Jerusalem
Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / LARy
RxL B (year two of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l.
Mildenberg 125,7.6 (this coin). Hendin 1385. Traces of previous
coin. Very rare. About Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 80.
Estimate: $30,000

Hybrid Year One-Two Sela, Ex Bromberg I
80 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

Perfect Year Two Hybrid Sela

20255 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.66
gm, 12h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134
AD). MLS.Ry (Jerusalem) on three sides of facade of Jerusalem
Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / LARy
RxL B (year two of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l.
Mildenberg 126,8 (these dies, two listed). Hendin 1385. Samuels
105 (this coin). Rare die pairing. An almost unbelievably perfect
specimen, certainly one of the finest in existance. FDC.
Estimate: $37,500
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 81

20257 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.74
gm, 12h). Second year (hybrid with first year obverse) (133/134
AD). MLS.Ry (Jerusalem) on three sides of facade of Jerusalem
Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / LARy
RxL B (year two of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l.
Mildenberg 126,9 (these dies). Hendin 1385. TJC 229 (these dies).
AJC II 266,12 (these dies). Traces of previous coin. Rare. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $25,000

20258 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.32 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on three
sides divided by + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / LARy RxL B (year two
of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 127,11.4
(this coin). Hendin 1386. TJC 230 (this coin). AJC II 266,12a (this
coin). Faint traces of previous coin. Very rare. Extremely Fine.

Ex. A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $25,000

A Second Year Two Hybrid Sela

20256 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.54 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD), (hybrid with first year obverse).
MLS.Ry (Jerusalem) on three sides of facade of the Jerusalem
Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / LARy
RxL B (year two of the freedom of Israel = 133/134 AD); lulav
with etrog at l. Mild. 126,9.9 (this coin). Hendin 1385. TJC 229
(this coin). AJC II 266,12 (this coin). Rare. Good Very Fine.

Ex. A. Bromberg Collection by private treaty.
Estimate: $30,000

82 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
FDC Year Two Sela

20259 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (28mm, 13.78 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 128,14 (same
dies). Hendin 1387. TJC 230b. AJC II 267,13a. Samuels 106 (this
coin). Virtually no traces of previous coin. FDC.
Estimate: $18,000

20260 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.06 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 128,14.22
(this coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230b. AJC II 267,13a. Samuels 106
(this coin). Struck upon a tetradrachm of Tyre, head of Melqarth
upside down facing 9 oclock on obverse. About Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $12,500

20261 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 13.95 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 129,16 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. This is the only known specimen struck from
these dies. Virtually no traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Idna I Hoard.
Ex Superior Galleries 6-15-1976 (Dowdy Collection), 147.
Estimate: $15,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 83

20262 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.17 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 129,17 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Virtually no traces of
previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $8,500

20263 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 13.31 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 131,21.8 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Faint traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $10,000

20264 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.61 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 132,23 (these
dies). Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Obverse is weakly
struck due to interference from previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,500

20265 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.15 gm,
2h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 132,23.2 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Virtually no traces of
previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 87, where it was
described as the finest known example from this die pair.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $10,000
84 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20266 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.85 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 132,24 (these
dies). Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Traces of previous
coin especially fabric of eagles wings beneath ark on obverse.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20267 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.77 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 132,25.1 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230c (this coin). AJC II 267,13b (this
coin). Traces of previous coin, bust on obverse, eagle on reverse.
Extremely rare, Mildenberg cites only two examples from these
dies. Very Fine.

Ex Leu Numismatics 5-10,11-2004, 318.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 404.
Estimate: $6,500

20268 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.81 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 132,26.1 (this
coin). Hendin 1387. TJC 230c. AJC II 267,13b. Faint traces of
previous coin, bust on obverse, eagle on reverse. Extremely rare,
Mildenberg cites only three examples from these dies. Extremely

Ex Leu Stock 1974.
Ex Beit Mirsim Hoard.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $7,500

20269 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (28mm, 14.93 gm,
11h). Second year (133/134 AD). MLS .R (Jerusalem) on two
sides; + above facade of Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Kaufman 130,1 (this coin).
Mildenberg -. Hendin 1387. TJC 230a. AJC II 267,13. Extremely
rare die pairing. Extremely Fine.

Ex. C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $7,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 85

20270 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.92 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 133,28 (these
dies). Hendin 1388. TJC 233a (these dies). AJC II 267,16a (these
dies). Faint traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,500

20271 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.02
gm, 12h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year
two of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
135,32.5 (this coin). Hendin 1388. TJC 233b (these dies). AJC
II 267,16b (these dies). Top of bust previous coin can be seen
between 10 and 2 oclock on obverse. Very Fine.
Ex. Superior Galleries 121-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 408.
Estimate: $5,500

20272 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (28mm, 14.54 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 136,36.1 (this
coin). Hendin 1388. TJC 233c. AJC 267,16c. Superb.
Estimate: $25,000

20273 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.07 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 135,34 (these
dies). Hendin 1388. TJC 233. AJC II 267,16. Traces of previous
coin. Reverse scuffed across lulav and etrog. About Extremely
Estimate: $4,500
86 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20274 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.10 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides; star
above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from end
in center of entrance / LARy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 136,35.14 (this coin).
Hendin 1388. TJC 233 (same obverse die). AJC II 267,17a (same
obverse die). Faint traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex NFA XIV, 11-29-1984, 197.
Estimate: $7,000

20275 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 13.17
gm, 1h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year
two of the freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
137,37.23 (this coin). Hendin 1388. TJC 233. AJC II 267,16. Traces
of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $7,000

20276 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.42 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides; star above
facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center
of entrance / LARy RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel);
lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 137,38 (these dies). Hendin 1388.
TJC 233. AJC II 267,16. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex Ira & Larry Goldberg, 5-28-29-2007 (Levin Collection), 2556.
Estimate: $7,000

20277 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.61 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 138, 41.2 (this
coin). Hendin 1388. TJC 233a (same reverse die). AJC II 267,16a
(same reverse die). Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 97.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $6,000

20278 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.25 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 140, 43 (these
dies). Hendin 1388. TJC 233. AJC II 267,16. Traces of previous
coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20279 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.79 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides; star
above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from end
in center of entrance / LARy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 140, 44 (these dies,
Mildenberg lists only one example!). Hendin 1388. TJC 233. AJC II
267,16. Clear partial inscriptions from previous coin which was an
Antioch tetradrachm of either Trajan or Nerva. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $6,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 87

20280 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 13.87 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 141, 45.5 (this
coin). Hendin 1388. TJC 233. AJC II 267,16. Samuels 108 (this
coin). Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $7,000

20281 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.20 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating
Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / [L]ARy RxL B[S] (year two of the freedom of Israel);
wide lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound
box. Mildenberg 179,15.5 (this coin). Hendin 1389 var. TJC 238a
(this coin). AJC II 268,21a (this coin). Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,500

20282 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.59 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LARy
R x[L] BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); wide lyre (nevel or
chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound box. Mildenberg 177,
12 (these dies, only 3 examples listed). Hendin 1389. TJC 238. AJC
II 268,21. Back of emperors diadem from previous coin can be
seen upside down on reverse, facing 2 oclock. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $6,000

20283 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.34 gm, 2h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LA[Ry]
R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); wide lyre (nevel or
chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound box. Mildenberg 178,
13.13 (this coin). Hendin 1389. TJC 238 (these dies). AJC II 268,21
(these dies). Back of emperors diadem from previous coin can be
seen facing 12 oclock on obverse. Rare. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,500
88 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20284 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.16 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating
Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / LARy R xL [BS] (year two of the freedom of Israel);
wide lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings, four dots on sound
box. Mildenberg 178,13 (these dies). Hendin 1389. TJC 238
(these dies). AJC II 268,21 (these dies). Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,500

20285 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.10 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LAy RxL
B (year two of the freedom of Is[r]ael); palm branch. Mildenberg
180, 17.13 (this coin). Hendin 1390. TJC 245 (these dies). AJC II
268,28 (these dies). Partial inscription from previous coin can be
seen on obverse between 8 and 9 oclock. Extremely Fine.

Ex Idna Hoard.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000

20286 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.34 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD).C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon),
the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped
around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom /
Ay RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Is[r]a[el]); fluted jug,
handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 181, 21.1 (this coin,
six examples listed). Hendin 1391. TJC 250b (these dies). AJC
II 269,33b (these dies). Faint traces of previous coin. Obverse
slightly double struck.Very Fine/Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,200

20287 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.15 gm, 12h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LAy RxL
BS (year two of the freedom of Is[r]ael); f luted jug, handle on l.,
willow branch on r. Mildenberg 184,28.2 (this coin, four examples
listed). Hendin 1391. TJC 250a (this obverse die). AJC II 269,33a
(this obverse die). Faint traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 138.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,800

20288 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.35 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating
Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel);
f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 184, 32
(these dies). Hendin 1391. TJC 250b. AJC II 269,33b. Faint traces
of previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 89

20289 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (17mm, 3.44 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LRAy
RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); fluted jug, handle on
l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 188, 34.16 (this coin). Hendin
1391. TJC 250a (these dies). AJC II 269,33a (these dies). Struck
upon a provincial drachm, Greek legend between 2 and 4 oclock
on obverse. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,800

20290 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.70 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LRAy
RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l.,
willow branch on r. Mildenberg 188, 35.(these dies). Hendin 1391.
TJC 250a (these dies). AJC II 269,33a (these dies). Clear traces of
previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,250

20291 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.29 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LRAy
RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l.,
willow branch on r. Mildenberg 189,36.(these dies). Hendin 1391.
TJC 250. AJC II 269,33. Struck over a Trajan denarius, his portrait
is bold on obverse facing 9 oclock upside down, the coins reverse
is also quite clear with its bottom at 6 oclock. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $3,000

20292 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.24 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / Ry RxL
BS (year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]); two trumpets upright.
Mildenberg 180, 19 (these dies). Hendin 1392. TJC 243. AJC II
268,26. Partial inscription from previous coin can be seen on
obverse between 3 and 6 oclock. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,800

20293 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.60 gm, 2h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / R[y R]
xL BS (year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]); two trumpets upright.
Mildenberg 181, 20.3 (this coin, four examples listed). Hendin
1392. TJC 243 (these dies). AJC II 268,26 (these dies). Struck
upon a provincial drachm; top of Emperors head can be seen on
obverse between 4 and 6 oclock, Greek legend on reverse between
7 and 10 oclock. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 135, where it
brought $8,500.
Estimate: $3,000
90 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20294 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.24 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). C M(Sma-abbreviating
Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / Ry R xL BS(year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]);
two trumpets upright. Mildenberg 182,23.12 (this coin). Hendin
1392. TJC 243 (these dies). AJC II 268,26 (these dies). Traces of
previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 450.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,200

20295 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.24 gm, 2h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / Ry RxL
BS (year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]); two trumpets upright.
Mildenberg 182, 23 (these dies). Hendin 1392. TJC 243. AJC II 268,26.
Samuels 114 (this coin). Struck upon a provincial drachm, Greek
legend on obverse and reverse around 6 oclock. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,800

20296 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.51 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating
Simon), the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / LARy RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Isr[ael]);
two trumpets upright. Mildenberg 183, 24.6 (this coin). Hendin
1392. TJC 243a. AJC II 268, 26a. Struck upon a denarius of
Hadrian, part of the Latin legend at 6 oclock on the obverse, the
back of his head at 6 oclock on the reverse. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 136.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $3,000

20297 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.15 gm, 1h).
Second year (133/134 AD). C M (Sma-abbreviating Simon), the
letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LAR[y R]
xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); two trumpets upright.
Mildenberg 184, 26 (these dies). Hendin 1392. Struck upon a
drachm of Trajan, his portrait facing 1 oclock on obverse, some
Greek visible at 9 to 11 oclock on reverse. Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,200

20298 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.33 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon), the letters
form a square with one in the center, within a wreath of thin
branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, ten-
drils at bottom / LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of
Israel); wide lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings, four dots on
crescent-shaped sound box. This die pairing is not listed in any
major reference books. One other specimen is listed in Kaufman
2000-02 132, 11. Fewer than five coins are known to exist from
this obverse die (Mildenberg 200,55); (Mild. 200, 53 for reverse
die). Faint traces of previous coin. Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.

Among the rarest of all Bar Kokhba coins.
Estimate: $7,500

Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 91
Three Known Specimens

20299 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.24 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon), the letters form
a square with one in the center, within a wreath of thin branches
wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at
bottom / LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel);
wide lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings, four dots on crescent-
shaped sound box. Mildenberg 200,53 (same dies, Mildenberg lists
one example). Hendin 1398. TJC 239. Extremely rare, only three
specimens known. Traces of previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $8,000

20300 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.25 gm,
4h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes
in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left
and a tendril to the right / LARy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); wide lyre (nevel or chelys) with three strings,
four dots on crescent-shaped sound box. Mildenberg 194,43.3
(this coin). Hendin 1393. TJC 240 (this coin). AJC II 288,23 (this
coin). Samuels 116 (this coin). Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 144.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $6,500

20301 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (17mm, 2.95 gm, 7h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LAy RxL B[] (year two of the freedom
of Is[r]ael); palm branch. Mildenberg 190,38.(these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248a (these dies). AJC II 269,31a. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $2,000

20302 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (17mm, 3.16 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LAy RxL BS (year two of the freedom of
Is[r]ael); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg
190,39.(these dies). Hendin 1394. TJC 248a (this reverse die). AJC
II 269,31a (this reverse die). Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $1,500
92 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20303 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.20 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LAy RxL B[] (year two of the freedom
of Is[r]ael); palm branch. Mildenberg 190,40.(these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248a (this reverse die). AJC II 269,31a (this reverse die).
Traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $1,200

20304 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.22 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LARy RxL B (year two of the freedom
of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg 193,42.(these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248. AJC II 269,31. Weakly struck, otherwise Extremely
Estimate: $1,500

20305 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.65 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and
a tendril to the right / LAy RxL B (year two of the freedom
of Is[r]ael); palm branch. Mildenberg 197,49.(these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248. AJC II 269,31. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20306 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.42 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LARy RxL B (year two of the freedom
of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg 197,49.(these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248. AJC II 269,31. Struck upon a drachm of Trajan,
head facing 2 oclock on reverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20307 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.89 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM(Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and a
tendril to the right / LAy RxL B[] (year two of the freedom
of Is[r]ael); palm branch. Mildenberg 198, 50 (these dies). Hendin
1394. TJC 248b (these dies). AJC II 269,31b (these dies). Traces of
previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20308 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.37 gm,
7h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM (Simon) bunch of grapes
in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left
and a tendril to the right / LARy R xL B (year two of the
freedom of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg 198,50.21 (this coin).
Hendin 1394. TJC 248b (this coin). AJC II 269,31b. Struck upon a
provincial drachm, Greek legend visible between 6 and 9 oclock
on reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 148.
Estimate: $1,800
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 93

20309 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (17mm, 3.68 gm,
7h). Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes
in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left
and a tendril to the right / LRAy R xL BS (year two of the
freedom of Israel); f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Mildenberg 190,39.(these dies). Hendin 1395. TJC 253a. AJC II
269,36a. Samuels 115 (this coin). Clear profile from previous coin,
Trajan or Hadrian. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,800

20310 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.20 gm, 6h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and
a tendril to the right / LRAy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg
195,45.(these dies). Hendin 1395. TJC 253a. AJC II 269,36a. Very
Estimate: $1,000

20311 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.27 gm, 2h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and
a tendril to the right / LRAy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg
196,46.6.(this coin). Hendin 1395. TJC 253 (this coin). AJC II
269,36 (this coin). Struck upon a denarius of Nerva with Latin
legend and base of neck on obverse 2 to 6 oclock. Find patina.
About Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 462.
Estimate: $900
Rare Irregular Issue

20312 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (3.42 g,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). [E] CM (Simon) bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the
left and a tendril to r. / LAR R[xL BS] (year two of the freedom
of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Hendin 1395
variety. Mildenberg 286,225 (this coin, one listed). Irregular issue.
Good Very Fine.

Ex El Fawar Hoard. The only specimen cited from this die pair. Ex
Superior Galleries 10-12-1992 (Bromberg 2), 543.
Estimate: $12,000

94 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20313 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (3.30
gm, 1h). Second year (133/134 AD). CM (Simo[n]) bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to
the left and a tendril to the right / LAR RxL BS (year two of
the freedom of Israel); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 224.1 (this coin, one of two listed). TJC 254. AJC II
269,37. Faint traces of previous coin. Extremely rare. Superb.
Estimate: $10,000

20314 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.06 gm, 7h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and
a tendril to the right / LAy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 196,47.(these dies). Hendin 1396. TJC 242 (these dies).
AJC II 268,25 (these dies). Struck upon a denarius of Domitian,
head facing 4 oclock on obverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20315 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.06 gm, 7h).
Second year (133/134 AD). ECM (Simon) bunch of grapes in
three lobes hanging from branch, which has a leaf to the left and
a tendril to the right / LAy RxL BS (year two of the freedom
of Israel); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 196,47.(these dies). Hendin 1396. TJC 242 (these dies).
AJC II 268,25 (these dies). Faint traces of previous coin. Extremely

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-9-19-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $2,000

20316 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.29 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). CEM (Simon), five letters in
two lines, within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LARy R xL
BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg
202,60 (these dies). Hendin 1401. TJC 247 (these dies). AJC II
269,30 (these dies). Samuels 117 (this coin). Faint traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 95

20317 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.26 gm,
12h). Second year (133/134 AD). CEM (Simon), five letters in
two lines, within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LARy R xL
BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); palm branch. Mildenberg
202,60 (these dies). Hendin 1401. TJC 247 (these dies). AJC II
269,30 (these dies). Struck on a drachm, traces of Greek legend on
both sides. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20318 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.02 gm,
1h). Second year (133/134 AD). CEM (Simon), five letters in
two lines, within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LARy RxL BS
(year two of the freedom of Israel); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara)
with three strings. Mildenberg 201,57 (same dies). Hendin 1403.
TJC 241a (these dies). AJC II 269,24 (these dies). Traces of previ-
ous coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20319 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.45 gm,
2h). Second year (133/134 AD). CEM (Simon), five letters
in two lines, within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / LARy
RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings. Mildenberg 201,58.4 (this coin).
Hendin 1403. TJC 241 (these dies). AJC II 269,24a (these dies). No
trace of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries, 5-12-1991 (Bromberg II), 151.
Estimate: $1,500
Second Year Abu Jara

20320 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (36mm,
16. 51 gm, 12h). Second year (133/134 AD). M L .R y
(Jerusalem) within a wreath / LARy R xL BS (year two of
the freedom of Israel); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg
300,18.2 (this coin). Hendin 1404. TJC 255a (this coin). AJC II 270,
38a (this coin). Flan crack. Brown patina. About Extremely Fine.

Ex Leu Numismatics 86, 5-5/6-2003 (T. Kollek Collection), 581.
Ex Glendining, 11-30-1937 (J. Campion Collection), 140.
Ex Ars Classica XV, 7-2-1930, 1124.
Estimate: $50,000

96 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20321 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE large bronze (32mm,
13.20 gm, 12h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,C M (Simon)
within a wreath / LARy [R]x[L BS] (year two of the freedom
of Israel); amphora with two handles. Mildenberg 300,19.6 (this
coin). Hendin 1405. TJC 256 (this coin). AJC II 270,39 (this coin).
Flan filed before re-striking, with file marks quite evident. Very
rare. Brown patina. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries, 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 267.
Estimate: $45,000

20322 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (20 X
23mm, 5.65 gm, 12h). [LAR]y AySE E[CM] (Simon
Prince of Israel); palm branch within a wreath [LA]Ry R xL
BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); wide lyre (nevel or chelys) of
four or five strings. Mildenberg 304, 28.6 (this coin) Hendin 1406.
TJC 263. AJC II 271,46. Brown patina. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 237.
Estimate: $2,000

20323 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (25mm,
10.24 gm, 6h). Second year (133/134 AD). MCS (Sim[on]) across
fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates /
LARy RxL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); vine leaf on
tendril. Mildenberg 313,68.1 (this coin). Hendin 1408. TJC 260a.
AJC II 270,43a. Brown patina with golden highlights. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 247.
Estimate: $600

20324 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (26mm,
8.74 gm, 6h). Second year (133/134 AD). CM (Simon) across
fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates /
LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); vine leaf
on tendril. Mildenberg 316,80. Hendin 1408a. TJC 259b. AJC II
270,42b. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 248.
Estimate: $750

20325 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (23
X 26mm, 13.94 gm, 6h). Second year (133/134 AD). E,CM
(Simon) across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches
of dates / LAR R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel);
vine leaf on tendril. Mildenberg 317,87. Hendin 1408a. TJC 259a.
AJC II 270,42a. Brown patina. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 250.
Estimate: $900

20326 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE irregular middle bronze
(22mm, 5.76 gm, 5h). Second or third year (133/135 AD). CM
(Sma-abbreviating Simon) across fields; seven-branched palm
tree with two bunches of dates/ [LARy RxL B]S (year two of
the freedom of Israel); vine leaf on tendril. Types and legends are
crude. Mildenberg 337,179 (obv. 12) and 336,174 (rev. 130). Unique
pairing of rare dies. Brown patina. Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
2872, where it was misattributed.
Estimate: $900
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 97

20327 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). Irregular coinage. AE middle
bronze (25mm, 9.90 gm, 6h). Second year (133/134 AD). MCS
(Sim[on]) across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches
of dates / LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel);
vine leaf on tendril. Mildenberg 336,171 (Mildenberg lists only
one example, a cast copy in Zurich). Extremely rare. Brown patina
with some copper silicates adhering to surface. Good Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 267.
Estimate: $1,000

20328 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (18 X
20mm, 5.08 gm, 8h). EU,:U RCLA (Eleazar the priest) across
fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates /
LARy R xL BS (year two of the freedom of Israel); bunch of
grapes with branch and small leaf. Mildenberg 330,152 (these dies,
four listed). Hendin 1409. TJC 265. AJC II 271,48. Extremely rare
with encrusted find patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20329 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 13.96 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 141,46.2
(this coin, three listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51.
Extremely rare die pairing. Traces of previous coin, top of head at
9 oclock on reverse. Very Fine.

Ex Stacks 5-4-1960 (Neumoyer Collection), 215.
Estimate: $5,000

20330 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 13.20 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 141,47
(this coin is the only one listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,
51. Faint traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 100.
Estimate: $7,500
98 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20331 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.44 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 142,51
(these dies, four listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51.
Good Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $8,000

20332 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (29mm, 14.14 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on
two sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R y T,R x L
(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
143,53.3 (this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267 (this coin). AJC II
272,51 (this coin). Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 103.
Estimate: $9,000

20333 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 12.77 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 143,54
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Superb.
Estimate: $7,500

20334 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 13.96 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on
two sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R y T,R x L
(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
143,55 (these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Struck
on an Antioch tetradrachm, back of head at 3 oclock on reverse.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 99

20335 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.90 gm,
12:30h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on
two sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 144,56
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Struck on an
Antioch tetradrachm, back of head at 3 oclock on reverse. Bare
traces of previous coin. Good Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,500

20336 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.93 g, 1h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,Ry [T,RxL] (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 147,60 (these dies,
four listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Extremely rare
die pairing. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Ex Ira & Larry Goldberg Sale 5-28/29-2007 (Levin Collection),
Ex Brand Collection.
Estimate: $5,000

20337 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.29
gm, 1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on
two sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R y T,R x L
(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
147,59.9 (this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Struck
on an Antioch tetradrachm, back of head at 3 oclock on reverse.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20338 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.64 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R[y T],RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 147,60.1
(this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 107.
Estimate: $6,000
100 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20339 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.47 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 148,62
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Good Very Fine.

Ex Spink America 60, 171.
Estimate: $5,000

20340 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.21 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [E,C]M (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R[y T,RxL] (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 150,64
(these dies, two listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51.
Struck on an Antioch tetradrachm, top of head at 6-8 oclock on
obverse, outline of eagles wings clear from 12-4 oclock reverse.
Very rare die pairing. Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $6,000

20341 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.60 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 150,66
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Struck on an
Antioch tetradrachm, eagles wing visible at 10-12 oclock on
reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $5,000

20342 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.18 gm, 1h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,C[M] (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 151,68.5 (this coin).
Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Struck on an Antioch tet-
radrachm, top of head at 1-4 oclock on obverse, outline of eagles
wings at 12 oclock reverse. Porous, otherwise, Very Fine.

Ex Leu Numismatics 5-10/11-2004, 364.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 426.
Estimate: $4,500

20343 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.25 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 151,69.5
(this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 110.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $6,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 101

20344 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.14 g, 2h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). ECM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,[R]y T,RxL (for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Hendin 1411. Mild. 151,69 (same
dies).TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. The top of emperors head from pre-
vious coin can be seen on the obverse from 10 to 12 oclock. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20345 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.26 gm, 1h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 152,71,11 (this coin).
Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 427
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $5,000

20346 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (28mm, 14.98 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 153,73,7
(this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,000

20347 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.13 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen
from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 154,74,9 (this coin).
Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Good Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 428.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $7,000

20348 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.56 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen
from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 154,75 (these dies,
two listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $4,500

20349 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.63 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 155,76
(these dies, four listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51.
Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500
102 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20350 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.00 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [E,]CM(Simon) on
two sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry[T, R x]
L(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
159,80.6 (this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267a (this coin). AJC II
272,51 (this coin). Struck on an Antioch tetradrachm of Trajan,
Greek legend, top of his head at 6 oclock on obverse, legend and
outline of eagles wing at 3 oclock on reverse. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $6,500

20351 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.61 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,[y T,]RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 159,80.8
(apparently this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272, 51.
Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 116.
Estimate: $6,000

20352 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 13.95 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 159,81
(these dies, one coin listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51.
Traces of previous coin. Extremely rare die pairing. Good Very
Estimate: $4,500

20353 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (13.98 gm, 1h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD).E,CM(Simon) on two sides;
star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance /ML,Ry T,R xL(for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 161,83 (these dies,
two listed). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely rare die pairing. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $5,000

20354 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.64 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 161,84.6
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Bank Leu AG & Numismatic Fine Arts 10-16/18-1994 (Garrett
II), 310.
Ex J.W.Garrett, Raymond 4-1-1924.
Estimate: $4,500
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 103

20355 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27mm, 14.47 gm,
16h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 161,84.9
(this coin). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $4,000

20356 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.25 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 162,86
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272, 51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,500

20357 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular sela (29mm,
14.61 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). ECM (Simon)
on two sides (crude legend partly retrograde); star above facade of
the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from end in center of
entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem) (crude
legend partly blundered); lulav with etrog at l. Mild. 171,102.5
(this coin) Hendin 1411 a. TJC 268 (this coin). AJC II 272,52 (this
coin). Traces of previous coin. Irregular issue. Good Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 440.
Estimate: $7,500

20358 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (27MM, 14.19 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav (no etrog). Mildenberg 142,50 (these
dies). Hendin 1412. TJC 270. AJC II 273,54. Bust of previous coin
faces 12 oclock on obverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20359 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (28mm, 14.92 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E[,]CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen
from end in center of entrance /ML,R[y] T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 163,87 (these dies).
Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Extremely Fine.

Ex. C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $3,500

20360 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.60 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; star above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 171,102.5
(these dies). Hendin 1411. TJC 267. AJC II 272,51. Traces of previ-
ous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000
104 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20361 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.35
gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon)
on two sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple,
the holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,R y
T,R x L(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l.
Mildenberg 164,89.4 (this coin). Hendin 1413. TJC 269b (these
dies). AJC II 272,53b (these dies). Rare. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $9,500

20362 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 13.87 gm,
10h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line of four semi-circles connected by horizontal lines
above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 164,88.4 (this coin).
Hendin 1414. TJC-. AJC. Rare. Traces of previous coin. Good
Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 119.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $15,000

20363 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.16g gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line of four semi-circles connected by horizontal lines
above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen from
end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom of
Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 164,88 (these dies).
Hendin 1414. TJC-. AJC-. Rare. Traces of previous coin. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20364 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.43 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 164,89.10
(this coin). Hendin 1413. TJC 269b (these dies). AJC II 272,53b (this
reverse die). Rare. Traces of previous coin. Good Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 428.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $10,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 105

20365 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 15.43 gm,
11h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on
two sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the
holy ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL
(for the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg
165,91.4 (this coin). Hendin 1413. TJC 269c (these dies). AJC II 272,
53c (these dies). Samuels 124 (this coin). Superb.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex Dahariyeh Hoard.
Estimate: $12,500

20366 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (25mm, 14.43 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 165,91
(these dies). Hendin 1413. TJC 269c (these dies). AJC II 272,53c
(these dies). Struck upon a tetradrachm of Antioch, eagles wing
can be seen at 12-3 oclock on reverse. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,500

20367 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.48 gm,
11h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 166,92
(these dies). Hendin 1413. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $6,500

20368 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.85 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark
seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 167,93 (these
dies). Hendin 1413. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $8,000
106 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20369 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.07 gm, 12h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon) on two sides;
wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy ark seen
from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 167,94.3 (this coin).
Hendin 1413. Traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 123.
Ex Beit Mirsim Hoard.
Estimate: $10,000

20370 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 15.07 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 168,95
(these dies). Hendin 1413. Traces of previous coin, and some flat-
ness due to this. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $9,000

20371 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR sela (26mm, 14.16 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon) on two
sides; wavy line above facade of the Jerusalem Temple, the holy
ark seen from end in center of entrance / ML,Ry T,RxL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); lulav with etrog at l. Mildenberg 168,96
(these dies). Hendin 1413. Samuels 125 (this coin). Struck upon
an Antioch tetradrachm of Nero, whose profile is clear on the
reverse at 4 oclock, the eagles wings are clear at 8-10 oclock on
the obverse. Very Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

20372 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.88 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM (Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 203.61 (these dies).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279b. AJC II 274,62b. Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 107

20373 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18.5mm, 3.34 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 203.62.10 (this coin).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279b. AJC II 274,62b. Superb.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 155.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,200

20374 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.44 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 204.63 (these dies).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279b. AJC II 274,62b. Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900

20375 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.78 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 204,64 (these dies).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279c. AJC II 274,62b. Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20376 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.37 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 204.64 (these dies).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279c. AJC II 274,62c. Traces of previous coin.
About Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $900

20377 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.21 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 205.65.8 (this coin).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279d. AJC II 274,62d. Traces of previous coin.
Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $900

20378 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.75 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 206.66 (these dies).
Hendin 1416. TJC 279c (these dies). AJC II 274,62c (these dies).
Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $900
108 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20379 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.45 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); trumpets upright, dot between. Mildenberg 206.67
(these dies). Hendin 1417. TJC 276b (these dies). AJC II 273,59b.
Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900

20380 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.24 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); trumpets upright, dot between. Mildenberg 207.68.1
(this coin, only example listed). Hendin 1417. TJC 276b. AJC II
273,59b. Struck on a denarius of Vespasian whose profile faces 7
oclock on the reverse. The only known coin struck from this die
pair. Extremely Fine.

Ex Leu Numismatics 91, 5-10/11-2004, 371.
Estimate: $3,000

20381 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.34 gm, 1h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM (Simon) within a wreath
of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top,
tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem);
f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r. Mildenberg 208,72
(these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II 274, 66b. Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $750

20382 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.81 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 209,73 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274,66b. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20383 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.08 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); f luted jug, handle on l., willow branch
on r. Mildenberg 209,74 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b.
AJC II 274,66b. Samuels 127 (this coin)Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900

20384 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.92 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 210,75 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274,66b. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $450

20385 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.42 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 210.76 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274,66b. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 109

20386 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.76 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 212,80 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274,66b. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $700

20387 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.13 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 212,80 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274,66b. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $600

20388 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.22 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 212.80 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274, 66b. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850

20389 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.44 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 213,81 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC
II 274,66b. Struck upon a drachm or denarius, emperors profile
seen at 3 oclock on obverse. Very Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty
Estimate: $400

20390 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.46 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 213,82 (these dies). Hendin 1418. TJC 283b. AJC II
274, 66b. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850

20391 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (19mm, 2.55
gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [CM] (Simon)
within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg 290.1 (this coin, unique
specimen). Irregular issue. Unique specimen. Fair/Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Ex S. Moussaieff.
Ex Idna Hoard.
Estimate: $600

20392 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (18mm,
2.06 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). (Sim[on]) CM
(Simon) bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which
has a leaf to the left and a tendril to the right / ML, T,RxL (for
the freedom of [Jer]usalem); palm branch. Types and legends are
crude. Mildenberg 290,246 (these dies, three listed). TJC 282 (these
dies). AJC II 274,65 (these dies). Irregular issue. Extemely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $4,500
110 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20393 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.06 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom / L,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusal[em]); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 215,84 (these dies). Hendin 1419. TJC 272. AJC II
273,55. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20394 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.29 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML[,Ry T],RxL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 219,91 (these
dies). Hendin 1420. TJC 279a. AJC II 274,62a. Traces of previous
coin. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 6-2-1952, 4519.
Estimate: $600

20395 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.27 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R[xL] (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 224,103
(these dies). Hendin 1420. TJC 279a. AJC II 274,62a. Struck upon
a Roman denarius, Latin legend at 6-7 oclock on obverse and 5
oclock on reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $750

20396 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.20 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML[,Ry T],RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 224,103
(these dies). Hendin 1420. TJC 279a. AJC II 274,62a. Extremely
Estimate: $750

20397 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.16 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R xL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot between.
Mildenberg 219,90 (these dies). Hendin 1421. TJC 276a (these
dies). AJC II 273,59a (these dies). Struck upon a Roman denarius,
back of emperors head at 3 oclock on obverse, Latin letters at 12-1
oclock reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 164.
Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $750

20398 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.14 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 216,85.27 (this coin). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a (these
dies). AJC II 274,66a (these dies). Extremely Fine.

Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $850

20399 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.64 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 217,86 (these dies). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274, 66a. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $600
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 111

20400 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.14 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry [T,R x]L (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); f luted jug, handle on l., no willow
branch. Mildenberg 218,88 (these dies). Hendin 1422. TJC 284a
(these dies). AJC II 274,67a. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20401 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.31 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 219,89.2 (this coin, three listed). Hendin 1422. TJC
283a. AJC II 274,66a. Rare die pairing. Good Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 482
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,250

20402 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.53 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 224,104 (these dies). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274,66a. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $750

20403 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.42 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Mildenberg 225,105.5 (this coin). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274,66a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $600

20404 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.62 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM (Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 226,106 (these dies). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274,66a. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200

20405 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.44 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 226,107 (these dies). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274,66a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20406 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.14 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R xL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch
on r. Mildenberg 227,109 (this coin). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a
(these dies). AJC II 274,66a (these dies). Struck upon a denarius of
Vespasian, whose profile can be seen facing 2 oclock on the body
of the jug, Latin letters at 4 oclock on obverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $400
112 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20407 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.49 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Mildenberg 228,110.3 (this coin). Hendin 1422. TJC 283a. AJC II
274, 66a. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 494
Ex Hess-Leu 45, 381.
Estimate: $1,200

20408 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.73 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., no willow branch.
Back of emperors head from previous coin faces 2 oclock on
reverse. Mildenberg 227,108 (these dies). Hendin 1423. TJC 284a.
AJC II 274,67a. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20409 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.01 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 220,94 (these dies). Hendin 1424. TJC 272a.
AJC II 273, 55a. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $600

20410 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.08 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 221,96 (these dies). Hendin 1424. TJC 272a.
AJC II 273,55a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20411 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.29 gm,
2h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 221,98 (these dies). Hendin 1424. TJC 272a.
AJC II 273,55a. Traces of previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20412 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.08 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 222,99 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1424.
TJC 272a. AJC II 273,55a. Rare die pairing. Traces of previous
coin. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $750

20413 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.84 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of dots,
one inside and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry
T,R x L(for the freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or
kithara) with three strings. Mildenberg 223,101 (these dies).
Hendin 1424. TJC 272a. AJC II 273,55a. Overstruck on a drachm
of Arabia, Greek legend at 8-11 oclock on reverse. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $400
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 113

20414 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (18mm,
3.23 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM
(Simon) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight
almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a pair of
dots, one inside and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry
T,R xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or
kithara) with three strings. Legends are crude and retrograde.
Mildenberg 289,241 (these dies, four listed). TJC 273b (these dies).
AJC II 273, 56b (these dies). Irregular issue. Extremely Fine.
Ex Leu Numismatics 91, 5-10/11-2004, 410.
Estimate: $6,000

20415 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (18mm,
2.49 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). .CEM
(Simon) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around
eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom, there are a
pair of dots, one inside and one outside, between each section /
ML, T,R xL (for the freedom of [Jer]usalem); elongated lyre
(kinor or kithara) with three strings. Types and legends are crude.
Mildenberg 288,234.1 (this coin, six listed). TJC 273a (these dies).
AJC II 273,56a (these dies). Irregular issue. Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 546.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $3,500

20416 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.26 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 229,115.4 (this
coin). Hendin 1425. TJC 279. AJC II 274,62. Struck on a denarius
of Titus or Vespasian, Latin letters at 5 oclock obverse and 7-9
oclock reverse. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $750

20417 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.61 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 242,136 (these
dies). Hendin 1425. TJC 279 (these dies). AJC II 274,62 (these dies).
Struck on a Roman denarius top of bust to 4 oclock on obverse.
Rare die pairing. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 504.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,000

20418 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.99 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / M[L,Ry T],RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright. Mildenberg
233,123 (these dies). Hendin 1426. TJC 276a. AJC II 274,59a.
Struck on a drachm of Trajan with head facing 4 oclock on
reverse, Greek letters above it, and Greek letters at 1-2 oclock on
obverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $850
114 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20419 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.44 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / M[L,Ry T],RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot between.
Mildenberg 234,124 (these dies). Hendin 1426. TJC 276a. AJC II
274,59a. Struck on a Roman denarius Latin letters at 8-10 oclock
obverse and 10 oclock reverse. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20420 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.88 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T, Rx[L] (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot between.
Mildenberg 238,131 (these dies). Hendin 1426. TJC 276 (these
dies). AJC II 274,59 (these dies). Traces of previous coin. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850

20421 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.51 gm,
11h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM (Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R xL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch
on r. Mildenberg 229,113.1 (this coin, three listed). Hendin 1427.
TJC 283. AJC II 274,66. Rare die pairing. Superb.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 172.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,800

20422 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.46 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight al monds,
medallion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots,
one inside and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry
T,R x L(for the freedom of Jerusalem); f luted jug, handle on l.,
willow branch on r. Mildenberg 230,116.3 (this coin). Hendin
1427. TJC 283. AJC II 274,66. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 174.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,250

20423 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.21 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 239,133.2 (this coin). Hendin 1427. TJC 283. AJC II
274,66. Traces of previous coin. Superb.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 183.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,200
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 115

20424 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.39 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry[T, ]R xL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch
on r. Mildenberg 239,133 (these dies). Hendin 1427. TJC 283. AJC
II 274,66. Struck on a Roman denarius, profile facing 3 oclock on
reverse, Latin letters at 6-9 oclock obverse. Superb.
Estimate: $1,500

20425 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.26 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / [M]L,Ry T,RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); f luted jug, handle on l., no willow
branch. Mildenberg 238,132 (these dies). Hendin 1428. TJC 284
(these dies). AJC II 275,67 (these dies). Struck upon a denarius of
Hadrian, his profile faces 4 oclock on obverse. Extremely Fine.
Ex Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,200

20426 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.31 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). / ECM (Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R xL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch
on r. Mildenberg 232,121 (these dies). Hendin 1427. TJC 283. AJC
II 274, 66. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $750

20427 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.49 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 228,112.12 (this coin). Hendin 1429. TJC 272c.
AJC II 273,55c. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 171.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,200

20428 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.12 gm,
11h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 231,114 (these dies). Hendin 1429. TJC 272c.
AJC II 273, 55c. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $400

20429 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.49 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM (Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / ML,Ry T,R xL (for
the freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with
three strings. Mildenberg 231,117 (these dies). Hendin 1429. TJC
272c. AJC II 273, 55c. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850
116 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20430 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19.5mm, 3.36 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 231,118.5 (this coin, five listed). Hendin 1429.
TJC 272. AJC II 273,55c. Struck upon a denarius of Hadrian (BMC
122) with clear head to 3 oclock on reverse and Latin from 6-9 on
obverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20431 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.51 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 231,119 (these dies). Hendin 1429. TJC 272.
AJC II 273,55c. Traces of previous coin. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20432 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.21 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 235,127.2 (this coin, four listed). Hendin 1429.
TJC 272c (these dies). AJC II 273,55c (these dies). Traces of the
previous coin and scratches on obverse. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 180.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $850

20433 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.40 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 236,130 (these dies). Hendin 1429. TJC 272c
(these dies). AJC II 273,55c (these dies). Traces of the previous
coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $700

20434 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.47 gm,
1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within a
wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section / [ML],Ry T,RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with
three strings. Mildenberg 236,130 (these dies). Hendin 1429. TJC
272c (these dies). AJC II 273,55c (these dies). Struck on a Trajan
denarius, his portrait faces four oclock on obverse, Latin letters at
7-8 oclock on reverse. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20435 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (21mm, 3.49 gm,
12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). /ECM(Simon) within
a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medal-
lion at top, tendrils at bottom; there are a pair of dots, one inside
and one outside, between each section /ML,Ry T,RxL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 243,137.6 (this coin, six listed). Hendin 1429.
TJC 272c. AJC II 273,55c. Top of head from previous coin, drachm
or denarius, faces 4 oclock on obverse. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $900
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 117

20436 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.24 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 246,145.2 (these dies).
Hendin 1430. TJC 281 (these dies). AJC II 274,64 (these dies).
Estimate: $1,200

20437 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.11 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 247,148 (these
dies). Hendin 1430. TJC 281. AJC II 274,64. Traces of previous
coin. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20438 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.12 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,R[y] T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 247,149 (these
dies). Hendin 1430. TJC 281. AJC II 274,64. Traces of previous
coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20439 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.16 gm, 7h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,C[M] (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML[],Ry T,R xL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 249,151 (these
dies, two listed). Hendin 1430. TJC 281. AJC II 274,64. Struck on
a denarius of Trajan, Latin legend and back of his head at 7-11
oclock on reverse, Latin legend 7-10 oclock on reverse. Extremely
Estimate: $850

20440 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.13 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 260,170 (these dies).
Hendin 1430. TJC 281. AJC II 274,64. Traces of previous coin.
Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $850

20441 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.43 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of
Jerusalem); palm branch. Mildenberg 261,171 (these dies). Hendin
1430. TJC 281. AJC II 274,64. Struck on a denarius of Hadrian
whose profile faces 8 oclock on obverse, his name 1-4 oclock,
Latin letters at 3-4 oclock on reverse. Extremely Fine/Very Fine.

Ex Maltiel-Gerstenfeld by private treaty.
Estimate: $350

118 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
Pedigreed Irregular Zuz

20442 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (19.5mm,
3.24 gm, 1h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM
(Simo[n]); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch,
which has a tendril to the left / [ML],R y T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jeru[salem]); palm branch. Types and legends are
crude. Mildenberg 292, 261.1 (this coin, two listed). Irregular
coinage. Legends from previous coin at 10-1 oclock obverse, 3
oclock reverse. Very Fine.

Ex J. Vinchon 6-30-1978, 102.
Ex NFA 4-19-1960 (Edward Gans), 444.
Ex Naville Ars Classica V, 2863.
Estimate: $7,500

20443 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (20mm,
3.27 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD).CM (Simo[n]);
bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which
has a tendril to the left / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the freedom
of Jerusal em); pal m branch. Types and legends are crude.
Mildenberg 293, 265.9 (these dies, six listed). Hendin 1430a (these
dies). Irregular coinage. Good Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,000

20444 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 2.96 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright. Mildenberg 249,152 (these
dies). Hendin 1431. TJC 277. AJC II 274,60a. Traces of previous
coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20445 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.10 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot between. Mildenberg
250,153 (these dies). Hendin 1431. TJC 277. AJC II 274,60a (these
dies). Struck on a Roman provincial drachm, Greek legend 10-2
oclock on reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $650

20446 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.39 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a
tendril to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for
the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot between.
Mildenberg 251,154.4 (this coin). Hendin 1431. TJC 277. AJC
II 274, 60. Struck on a denarius of Nerva, whose profile faces 6
oclock on reverse. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 511.
Ex Joel Malter Auction 4, 60.
Estimate: $750
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 119

20447 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.42 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x[L] (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright. Mildenberg 255,162
(these dies). Hendin 1431. TJC 277. AJC II 274,60. Samuels 128
(this coin). Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex Maltiel-Gerstenfeld by private treaty.
Estimate: $700

20448 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.38 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright. Mildenberg 274,200.3 (this
coin). Hendin 1431. TJC 277a (these dies). AJC II 274,60 (these
dies). Overstruck on a coin of Trajan, inscription from 6-9 oclock
on obverse and 9-12 oclock on reverse. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 533.
Ex Hess-Leu 3-4-I963, J95.
Ex Brand Collection.
Estimate: $900

20449 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (19mm,
2.75 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [E,C]M
(Simon); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch /
ML,Ry T,R xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets
upright, dot between. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg
289,243 (for obverse die 16o), reverse die is similar to Kaufman
pl. 135,27, but not the same die. Irregular coinage. Unpublished
reverse die, unique specimen. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20450 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (20mm,
3.35 gm, 8h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [E,C]M
(Simon); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch /
[ML],Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets
upright, dot between. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg
289,243 (for obverse die 16o), reverse die Kaufman pl. 135,28.
Samuels 131 (this coin). Overstruck on an provincial Arabian
drachm of Trajan, his profile and legend face 7 oclock on reverse,
letters at 4-5 oclock on obverse. Irregular coinage. Unique die
pairing. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $7,500
120 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20451 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (19mm,
3.27gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,C[M]
(Simon); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch /
T[,R]xL ML,[Ry] (for the freedom of Jerusalem, inscription
reversed); two trumpets upright, dot between. Types and legends
are crude. Mildenberg 290,250 (these dies, two listed). Struck
on an Arabian drachm of Trajan, whose bust faces 2 oclock on
obverse legend from 7 to 2 oclock, Greek letters at 5-6 oclock on
reverse. Irregular coinage. Very rare. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20452 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (19mm,
3.42 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM
(Simon); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch /
ML,Ry T,R xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets
upright, dot between. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg
290,251 (these dies, one listed). TJC 278a. AJC II 274,61a. Second
known specimen. Irregular coinage. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $3,500

20453 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (18.5mm,
3.37 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon);
bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch / T,R x L
ML,Ry (for the freedom of Jerusalem, inscription reversed);
two trumpets upright. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg
291,252.2 (this coin, two listed). TJC 278b (this coin). AJC II
274,61b (this coin). One of two known specimens. Irregular
coinage. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 222.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $7,500

20454 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (20mm,
3.50 gm, 7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon);
bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch / ML,Ry
T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets upright, dot
between. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg 291,253.1 (this
coin, one listed). TJC 278 (this coin). AJC II 274,61 (this coin).
Irregular coinage. Unique specimen. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 223.
Estimate: $7,500

Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 121
Unique Irregular Zuz

20455 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (20mm,
3.48 gm, 12h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). [E],C[M]
([Sim]o[n]); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch /
[ML,]Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); two trumpets
upright, dot between. Types and legends are crude, partly retro-
grade. Mildenberg 291,256.1 (this coin, one example) Irregular
coinage. Unique specimen. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 224.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $10,000
Singular Specimen

20456 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (20mm,
3.35 gm, 8h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon);
bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch / T,R x L
ML,Ry (for the freedom of Jerusalem, inscription reversed);
two trumpets upright. Types and legends are crude. Mildenberg -.
Samuels 132 (this coin). Irregular coinage. Superb.

This is the only known example of either of the dies used to strike
this irregular coin.
Estimate: $12,000

20457 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.25 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 251,156.15 (this coin). Hendin 1433. TJC 285 (these
dies). AJC II 275,68 (these dies). Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $750
122 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20458 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.07 gm, 6h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM[] (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / M[L],Ry T,R xL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 252,157 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1433. TJC
285. AJC II 275,68. Struck upon a drachm of Trajan, Greek legend
at 7-11 oclock reverse. Rare die pairing. About Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $850

20459 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.25 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Mildenberg 252,158 (these dies, one listed). Hendin 1433. TJC 285.
AJC II 275,68. Struck upon a drachm of Trajan, Greek legend at
7-11 oclock reverse. Extremely rare die pairing. Good Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000

20460 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.43 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 255,163 (these dies). Hendin 1433. TJC 285. AJC II
275, 68. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20461 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.11 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 269,191 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1433. TJC
285. AJC II 275,68. Traces of previous coin. Very rare die pairing.
Good Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $2,000

20462 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.48 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on r.
Mildenberg 271,195 (these dies). Hendin 1433. TJC 285. AJC II 68.
Attractive light golden toning. Superb.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 123

20463 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.28 gm, 6h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM[] (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / M[L],Ry T,R xL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., willow branch on
r. Mildenberg 270,194 (these dies). Hendin 1433. TJC 285. AJC II
275,68. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20464 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.39 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., no willow branch.
Mildenberg 251,155 (these dies). Hendin 1434. TJC 286. AJC II
275, 69. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20465 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.23 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., no willow branch.
Mildenberg 256,164 (these dies). Hendin 1434. TJC 286 (these
dies). AJC II 275,69 (these dies). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20466 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.39 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); fluted jug, handle on l., no willow branch.
Mildenberg 268,188 (these dies). Hendin 1434. TJC 286. AJC II
275,69. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000

20467 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.18 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T, [R]xL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 244,139.11 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274
(this coin). AJC II 273,57 (this coin). Struck on a denarius Trajan,
back of head and Latin facing 2 oclock on reverse, Latin letters at
2-3 oclock on obverse. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 187.
Estimate: $1,000

20468 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.39 gm, 7h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM
[] (Simon); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch,
which has a tendril to the left and a leaf to the right / [ML],Ry
T,R xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or
kithara) with three strings. Mildenberg 245,142 (these dies, four
listed). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II 273,57c. Struck on a denarius
of Hadrian whose head faces 12 oclock on obverse, Latin legend
clear 12-2 oclock on reverse. Rare die pairing. About Very Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $400

20469 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.19 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,[R]xL(for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 245,143 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273, 57. Traces of previous coin. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $650
124 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20470 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.32 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / L,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusal[em]); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 246,144.2 (this coin, six listed). Hendin 1435. TJC
274c (these dies). AJC II 273, 57c (these dies). Struck on a denarius
of Vespasian or Titus, emperors profile clear facing 6 oclock on
reverse on body of lyre. Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 189.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Ex J. Schulman 270, 2140.
Estimate: $750

20471 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.47 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 253,159 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $400

20472 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.32 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 253,160 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Struck on a denarius of Hadrian whose profile is seen on
reverse on lyre facing 6 oclock. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20473 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.49 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / LML,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 264,178 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274a. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $650

20474 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.30 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 261,172 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Good Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000

20475 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.36 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 262,173 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1435. TJC
274. AJC II 273,57a. Rare die pairing. Good Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20476 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.09 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 262,174 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274a (these
dies). AJC II 273,57a (these dies). Struck upon a Roman denarius,
probably Vespasian, back of head at 12 oclock obverse, Latin
letters at 5-7 oclock reverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $650
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 125

20477 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.98 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 263,176.2 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Good Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 200.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $2,000

20478 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.41 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 263,177.2 (this coin, five listed). Hendin 1435. TJC
274. AJC II 273,57a. Good Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 201.
Ex J. Schulman 270, 2139.
Estimate: $1,500

20479 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 2.92 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 264,181.4 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 523.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $900

20480 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18.5mm, 3.23 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 265,182.2 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 202.
Ex Hess-Leu 3-4-I963, J82.
Ex Brand Collection.
Estimate: $900

20481 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.51 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 265,183.11 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Ex El. Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $600

20482 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.16 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 266,186 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Good Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,200
126 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20483 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.54 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,[RxL] (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 272,196.4 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Struck on a Trajan denarius, Latin letters at 10-2 oclock
on obverse and 5-7 oclock on reverse. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 531.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,200

20484 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.47 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 275,201 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $600

20485 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.04 gm,
8h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 276,203 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Struck on a drachm or denarius, the emperors profile
faces 6 oclock on the body of the lyre. Good Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $400

20486 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.14 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R[xL] (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 278,204 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273,57a. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $900

20487 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.31 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 279,205 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273, 57a. Extremely Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $750

20488 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.23 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 279,206.7 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274b.
AJC II 273,57b. Struck on a Roman denarius, Latin legend from
12-4 oclock on obverse and 2-4 oclock reverse. About Extremely

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 210.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $400

20489 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.46 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / [ML],Ry T,R xL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 280,207.4 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273,57a. Struck on a Roman denarius, Latin legend at 10
oclock on obverse. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1992 (Bromberg II), 536.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $750

20490 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.08 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 280,208 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273, 57c. Good Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 127

20491 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (20mm, 3.44 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 281,209 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273, 57a. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850

20492 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.12 gm,
7h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 281, 210 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273, 57a. Struck on a drachm of Trajan, legends at 10-12 on
obverse and 8-10 on reverse. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20493 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.21 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 282, 211 (these dies, six listed). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273, 57a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20494 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.36 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 282,212.3 (this coin). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273,57a. Traces of previous coin. Good Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 212.
Ex El Fawar Hoard.
Estimate: $1,000

20495 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.31 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 282, 213 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274. AJC II
273, 57a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $500

20496 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 2.94 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril to
the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom
of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings.
Mildenberg 284, 215 (these dies, three listed). Hendin 1435. TJC
274. AJC II 273, 57a. Emperors bust from previous coin faces 12
oclock on reverse. Rare die pairing. Extremely Fine.

Ex C. Kaufman by private treaty.
Estimate: $1,000

20497 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (18mm, 3.15 gm, 6h).
Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,C[M] (Simon); bunch of
grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / M[L,R]y T,R xL (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 284, 216 (these dies). Hendin 1435. TJC 274.
AJC II 273, 57a. Traces of previous coin. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400
128 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium

20498 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR zuz (19mm, 3.24 gm,
6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon); bunch
of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a tendril
to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,Ry T,R x L (for the
freedom of Jerusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three
strings. Mildenberg 285, 219 (these dies, two listed). Hendin 1435.
Emperors profile from previous coin faces 3 oclock on reverse, no
legend visible, could be Domitian or Galba. Rare die pairing. Very
Estimate: $1,500
Rare Irregular Issue

20499 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular zuz (18mm,
2.62 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). VCM(Simo[n]);
bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch, which has a
tendril to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,R T,R xL(for
the freedom of [Je]rusalem); elongated lyre (kinor or kithara)
with three strings. Mildenberg 288,233 (these dies, one listed).
Samuels 130 (this coin). Far superior to the single specimen listed
by Mildenberg. Extremely rare irregular issue. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20500 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AR irregular fouree zuz
(18mm, 2.25 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). CM
(Sim[on]); bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch,
which has a tendril to the left and a leaf to the right / ML,
T,R x L (for the freedom of [Jer]usalem); elongated lyre (kinor
or kithara) with three strings. Types and legends are crude.
Mildenberg 288,236.2 (this coin, two listed). Irregular issue,
extremely rare and of great numismatic interest. Very Fine.

Ex A. Bromberg by private treaty.
Estimate: $6,000

20501 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (21mm,
11.03 g, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM (Simon);
seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates / ML,Ry
T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); vine leaf on tendril. Hendin
1437. Mild. 319,100 (same dies). TJC 291. AJC II 275,74. Very Fine.
Estimate: $400

20502 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (27mm,
9.12 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E[,C]M
(Simon); seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates /
ML,[Ry T,R]xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); vine leaf on
tendril. Mildenberg 320, 107 (these dies). Hendin 1437. TJC 291.
AJC II 275,74. Rogers 57,98c, pl VII,3 (this coin). Overstruck on
a coin of Hadrian struck at Gaza, year BeP (131/2 AD) (BMC pl.
XV,14; Ros 60); clear profile of Tyche with heifer and date facing 5
oclock on obverse, Greek on reverse 7-8 oclock. Good Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 252.
Ex Sotheby 25 X 84 (Brand, part 7) lot 233.
Estimate: $750
Session Two, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00AM ET 129

20503 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (24mm,
12.50 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM
(Simon); seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates /
L,[Ry T, ]R xL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); vine leaf on
tendril. Mildenberg 325, 134 (these dies, one listed). Hendin 1437.
TJC 291. AJC II 275,74. Samuels 133 (this coin). Dark green patina,
earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20504 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE middle bronze (25mm,
11.27 gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM
(Simon); seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates
/ L[,Ry T,R x]L (for the freedom of Jerusalem); vine leaf on
tendril. Mildenberg 327, 142 (these dies, two listed). Hendin 1437.
TJC 291. AJC II 275,74. Overstruck on a coin of Hadrian struck
at Gaza, year eP (132/3 AD) (Ros 63); Gaza mintmark and date
clear at 8-10 oclock obverse, back of Hadrians head and Greek
to 6 oclock on reverse. Light brown patina, earthen highlights.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20505 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (18.5mm,
3.48 gm, 6h). Hybrid third and first year (134/135 AD). EU,:U
RCLA (Eleazar the priest) across fields; seven-branched palm tree
with two bunches of dates / L,Ry T,R xL (for the freedom
of Jerusal[em]); bunch of grapes with branch and small leaf.
Mildenberg 331,155 (these dies). Hendin 1438 (these dies). TJC
300 (these dies). AJC II 276,79 (these dies). Samuels 134 (this coin).
Rare. About Extremely Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $2,500

20506 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (18mm, 4.91
g, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). ML.Ry (Jerusalem)
across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates
ML,Ry T,RxL (for the freedom of Jerusalem); bunch of grapes
with branch and small leaf. Hendin 1439. Mild. 332,156 (same
dies).TJC 301. AJC II 276,80. Very Fine plus.
Estimate: $400

20507 Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 135 AD). AE small bronze (19mm,
5.91gm, 6h). Undated third year (134/135 AD). E,CM(Simon);
across fields; seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of
dates / L,Ry T,RxL(for the freedom of Jerusalem); bunch of
grapes with branch and small leaf. Mildenberg 333,159 (these
dies). Hendin 1440. TJC 302a (these dies). AJC II 276,81a (these
dies). Brown patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $500
End of Session Two
Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 131
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS judaea CaPTa

20508 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AE (21mm, 6.71 gm, 11h). Caesarea
Maritima. ATOKP O EAIANO (of Emperor Vespasian);
laureate head of Vespasian to r. / WKA
(Judaea captured); Nike stands r. with l. foot on helmet; she writes
with r. hand on shield hanging from palm tree. Hendin 1445. TJC
380. AJC II, 288,1. RPC II,2310. Rare. About Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 1275.
Estimate: $500

20509 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AE (20mm, 7.67 gm, 12h). Caesarea
Maritima. ATOKP TITO KAIAP (of Emperor Titus Caesar);
laureate head of Titus to r. / WKA (Judaea
captured); Nike stands r. with l. foot on helmet; she writes AT
T KAIC with r. hand on shield hanging from palm tree. Hendin
1446. TJC 381. AJC II, 288,2. RPC II,2311. Light tooling both
sides, brown patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500
Floor, Telephone, Heritage Live!, Internet, Fax, and Mail Signature

Auction # 3003
Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET | New York | Lots 20508 - 20712
A 19.5% Buyer's Premium ($14 minimum) Will Be Added To All Lots
To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit
judaea Capta
So fell Jerusalem in the second year of Vespasians reign, on the 8th September, captured five times before and now for the second time laid
utterly wasteThere was no one left for the soldiers to kill or plunder Josephus, The Jewish War: 21,22.
The Roman emperors could not depend on the internet or newspapers to spread news. On the other hand, they used one method of communica-
tion with extraordinary skillcoins. The victory of the Roman troops over Judaea under Vespasian and his son Titus took on a disproportionate
importance to these rulers. One reason, after all, is that this very victory was the event that propelled Vespasian toward becoming emperor at the
end of the torturous and confusing year of 68 AD, the year of the four emperors (Nero, Galba, Otho, and Vitellius). A second reason is that from
the very beginning of his rule, Vespasian recognized that he was creating a dynasty, and dynasties flourished based upon legendary victories
and tales of might.
Michael Grant wrote that Roman coins, served a propaganda purpose far greater than has any other national coinage before or since. This
was the means which the Roman government, lacking modern media of publicity, used to insinuate into every house in the empire each changing
nuance of imperial achievement and policy. Their unremitting use of this means is evidence enoughthat in the course of their vast circulation
these coins were studied with an attentiveness that is quite alien to our practices.
Each of the Judaea Capta coins is scarcesome are extremely rarealthough the series struck under Vespasian and Titus was extensive and
included coins with legends such as IVDAEA CAPTA, IVDAEA DEVICTA, DE IVDAEVS and others.
Even Vespasians second son, Domitian, issued a series of coins echoing his familys victory, which were struck at Caesarea Maritima, although
he had nothing to do with the campaign against the Jews. dh
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20510 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AE (20mm, 7. 87 gm, 12h). Caesarea
Maritima. ATOKP TITO KAIAP (of Emperor Titus Caesar);
laureate head of Titus to r. / KA (Judaea
captured); Nike stands r., writing on shield supported by her knee,
palm tree at r. Hendin 1447. TJC 382. AJC II, 289,3. RPC II,2312.
Brown patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20511 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AE (25mm, 12.57 gm, 12h). Caesarea
Maritima. ATOKP TITO KAIAP; laureate head of Titus to r.
/ IOAIA EAWKIA (Judaea captured); trophy, Judaea sits
mourning l. below l., her hands tied, shield to r. of trophy. Hendin
1449. TJC 384. AJC II, 289,5. RPC II,2313. Cleaned, dark patina.
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $850

20512 Domitian (AD 81 - 96). AE (25mm, 17.72 gm, 12h). Caesarea
head of Domitian to r. / DIVOS T AVG; Titus in military dress
stands and faces front holding spear in r. hand and parazonium
in l. Hendin 1451. TJC 387. AJC II, 290,2. RPC II,2301. Rare. Dark
brown patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20513 Domitian (AD 81 - 96). AE (11mm, 1.26 gm, 12h). Caesarea
head of Domitian to r. / Rudder. Hendin 1453. TJC 381. AJC II,
290, 4. RPC II, 2303. Rare. Brown patina. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20514 Domitian (AD 81 - 96). AE (25mm, 10.46 gm, 12h). Caesarea
ate head of Domitian to l. / Minerva in flowing gown advances l.
holding trophy in r. hand and shield and spear in l. Hendin 1455.
TJC 392. AJC II, 291, 7. RPC II, 2305. Dark green patina. About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $650

20515 Domitian (AD 81 - 96). AE (28m, 16.19 gm, 1h). Caesarea
head of Domitian to r. / IMP XXI COS XVI CENS P P P; seven-
branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Hendin 1458. TJC
394. AJC II, 291, 9. RPC II,2307. Samuels 140 (this coin). About
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,250

20516 Domitian (AD 81 - 96). AE (24mm, 16.19 gm, 1h). Caesarea
Maritima. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM TR P XII; laureate
head of Domitian to r. / IMP XXIII COS XVI CENS P P P; Victory
in flowing gown advances l., holding wreath in r. hand and small
trophy in l. Hendin 1459. TJC 395. AJC II 291,10. Samuels 141 (this
coin). Smooth, glossy brown patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20517 Tenth Roman Legion (late 1st - early 2nd cens. AD). AE (20mm,
5.26 gm, 12h). LXF above boar, dolphin between its legs, all
within rectangular countermark / Head in a rectangular counter-
mark. This appears to have been struck upon a Titus coin from at
Caesarea, Samaria. Hendin 1609 for this countermark. Barag pl.
IX, 9 (this coin), with head. Main countermark is VF, coin and
second countermark are fair.
Estimate: $600

20518 Tenth Roman Legion (late 1st - early 2nd cens. AD). AE (23
X 25mm, 15.45 gm, 12h). Sebaste, Samaria. Laureate head
of Domitian r. / Tyche standing to left. LXF countermark in
rectangular punch. Hendin 1613a. Sofaer pl. 61,3. Ros. III 54,3.
Countermark is Very Fine coin is fair to Fine.
Estimate: $350

20519 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AV aureus (20mm, 7.13 gm, 6h).
Undated c. AD 71, Lugdunum (Lyon). IMP CAES VESPAS AVG
PM TR P IIII P P COS IIII; laureate head of Vespasian to r. /
DE IVDAEIS; trophy. Hendin 1476. Calico 627. RIC II 143,1179.
Cohen, 378,139. BMC II 182,402. Scarce. Previously mounted.
Estimate: $10,000

20520 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AR denarius (19mm, 3.42 gm, 12h).
Undated c. AD 21 December 69-early 70, Rome. IMP CAESAR
VESPASIANVS AVG; laureate head of Vespasian to r. / IVDAEA
in exergue; mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. of trophy, head resting
on hand. Hendin 1479. RIC 58, 2. Cohen 226. BMC 35. Samuels
144 (this coin). Extremely Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries (Grover) 12-6-1986, 1812.
Estimate: $1,250

20521 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AR denarius (19mm, 3.45 gm, 6h). AD
72-73, Antioch. IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII; laureate
head of Vespasian to r. / VICTORIA AVGVSTI; Victory moving
to r. crowns trophy with wreath. RIC 178, 1557. BMC 509. RPC
1929. Superb.
Estimate: $2,000

20522 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AR denarius (18mm, 3.57 gm, 6h). AD
72-73, Antioch. IMP CAES VESP AVG COS IIII; laureate head of
Vespasian r. / Vespasian stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l. Hendin 1491. RIC 178,1559.
BMC 512. RPC 1931. Very rare. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20523 Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). AE sestertius (35mm, 25.62 gm, 4h).
laureate head of Vespasian to r. / IVDEA CAPTA; S C in exergue;
palm tree; male captive on l., stands facing r., on r. mourning
Jewess sits to r. on cuirass, arms around both figures. Hendin
1500b. RIC 71,161. BMC 543. Rare with IVDEA (vs. IVDAEA)
legend. Tiber patina. Impressive Good Extremely Fine.

A truly extraordinary sestertius, with bright orichalcum (brass)
surfaces. If one wanted to know what a Roman sestertius looked like
fresh from the mint, with virtually no signs of wear or the usual
heavy coating of cupric oxide (patina), one need look no further
than this coin. As there are no indications of tooling to remove
oxides or patination, one must surmise that the coin was buried in
anaerobic conditions such as might be encounted in a stream bed
(hence the term Tiber patina) or peat bog. Roman sestertii exca-
vated from the bog sites at the fortress of Vindolanda in Northern
Britain often display a similar freshly struck appearence.
Estimate: $60,000

Magnificent IVDEA CAPTA sestertius
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20524 Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). AE sestertius (35mm, 30.40gm, 12h).
III; laureate head of Vespasian to r. / IVDEA CAPTA; S C in
exergue; palm tree; male captive on l., stands facing r., on r.
mourning Jewess sits to r. on cuirass, arms around both figures.
Hendin 1500b. RIC 71,161. BMC 543. Samuels 146 (this coin).
Rare. Beautiful and natural light green patina. Extremely Fine.

In contrast to the previous sestertius, this example displays a perfect
and untouched light green patina, with no signs of even minimal
cleaning, smoothing or tooling.
Estimate: $45,000

Beautiful Patinated Sestertius
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20525 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AE sestertius (34mm, 25.16 gm, 6h).
III; laureate head of Vespasian to r. / VICTORIA AVGVSTI; S C
in exergue; Victory stands to l. of palm tree facing r., l. foot on
helmet, inscribing OB CIV SER (or variant) on shield. Hendin
1507, RIC 74,221. BMC 582 var. BN 561. Tiber patina. Some
deposits on obverse and pitting in fields. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500
Superb Vespasian Portrait

20526 Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). AE sestertius (34mm, 25.49 gm, 7h).
III; laureate head of Vespasian to l. / VICTORIA AVGVSTI; S C in
exergue; palm tree; mourning Jewess sits on l. (facing Victory) to r.;
Victory stands on l. to r., with l. foot on helmet, inscribing on shield
set on tree. Hendin 1508d var. RIC 74,226. Samuels 147 (this coin).
Very rare. Dark green patina with areas of red, smoothed in fields,
particularly on reverse. Wonderful portrait. Extremely Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-5-1991 (Bromberg I), 299.
Ex Leu 33, 3-5-1983, 36.
Ex Auktion Aes Rude 11-3-1978, 407.
Estimate: $60,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS
Subjugation of Judaea

20527 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AE sestertius (32mm, 25.68 gm, 5h). AD
ate head of Vespasian to r. / S C in exergue; Vespasian stands l., r.
foot on prow, holding Victory and vertical spear; before him Jew
kneels r., holding out hands and Jewess advances r. with extended
right arm holding branch, palm tree on far l. Hendin 1513, RIC 76,
249. BN 612. Samuels 148 (this coin, described as COS IIII). Some
obverse roughness. Extremely rare. Good Very Fine.
Ex NFA Fall Mail Bid Sale (18 October 1990), lot 1518.
An extraordinary depiction of the subjugation of Judaea, this ses-
tertius depicts the Jews as actually welcoming and thanking their
oppressor. While seemingly fanciful, it should be noted that many
thousands of Jews benefited from, or at least were resigned to,
Roman rule and did not support the rebellion.
Estimate: $40,000

20528 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AE as (29mm, 11.59 gm, 6h). AD 71,
Rome. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III; laureate head of
Vespasian to r. / IVDAEA CAPTA; S C in exergue; palm tree,
mourning Jewess seated on r. to r. on cuirass, head on her hand,
Jewess surrounded by arms. Hendin 1554a, RIC 80, 305. BMC
192,788, pl. 36.5 (as Tarraco). Pitting in fields. Brown patina.
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20529 Vespasian (AD 69 - 79). AE as (27mm, 12.43 gm, 6h). AD 71,
of Vespasian to r. / IVDEA CAPTA; S C in exergue; palm tree,
mourning Jewess seated on r. to r. on cuirass, head on her hand,
three shields around. Hendin 1554b, RIC 79,305. BN 580. Damage
to cheek, green patina. Very Fine/Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20530 Divus Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). AV aureus (20mm, 7.33 gm,
6h). Struck by Titus, AD 80-81, Rome. DIVVS AVGVSTVS
VESPASIANVS (outward); laureate head of Vespasian to r. / EX S
C across fields; draped Victory strides l. with both hands placing
shield on a trophy; mourning Jewess sits l. below. Hendin 1581.
RIC 230,363. Cohen 143. BN 89. Rare. Superb.

Ex Sothebys Zurich 11-28-1986, 29.

The death and deification of Vespasian in AD 79 was marked by an
extensive commemorative coinage struck by his son and successor
Titus. Chief among the regimes accomplishments so celebrated was
the conquest of Judaea, figuratively depicted on the reverse of this
splendid and rare gold aureus.
Estimate: $70,000

Vespasians Deification
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20531 Titus as Caesar (79 - 81 AD). AV aureus (18mm, 7.49 gm,
12h). Undated c. AD 70, Judaea or Antioch. IMP T CAESAR
VESPASIANVS; laureate head of Titus with aegis to r. / IVDAEA
DEVICTA (outward from top l.); Victory stands r., l. foot on
helmet, inscribes IMP T CAES on shield hanging on palm tree.
Hendin 1478 (incorrectly described with bust Vespasian). RPC
1912 var. BN 384. RIC 175,1535. Nick on cheek. Lustrous Good
Extremely Fine.

An unparalleled example of this extreme rarity, certainly the finest
example known for the type. Aside from the outstanding state of
preservation, with only a small nick on the cheek keeping it from
perfection, this aureus also is the only known specimen with a com-
plete inscription, including IMP T CAES on the shield.

Most scholars agree on a date early in AD 70 for the issue, which
places it before or during the siege of Jerusalem (May-September
70). The bold claim of IVDAEA DEVICTA (Judaea is Conquered)
would thus seem to anticipate an inevitable Roman victory and
complete subjugation of Judaea. However a final conclusion to the
Jewish War would not come until the fall of Masada in 73.

Various mint sites have been proposed for the IVDAEA DEVICTA
issues of the East, with Antioch and Tyre being most often cited.
However, the most recent revision of Roman Imperial Coinage II
by Carradice and Buttrey contains the following passage on page
46: This group of aurei has a distinctive style, with elongated por-
traits, outward facing legends and heavily pelleted borders, which
can be linked to a group of Syrian tetradrachms (RPC II, 1963-9).
Stylistic links with the provincial Judaea Capta coinage and other
evidence points to a Judaean origin for these coins.
Estimate: $475,000

Spectacular IVDAEA DEVICTA Aureus of Titus
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20532 Titus as Caesar (79 - 81 AD). AV aureus (19mm, 6.59 gm, 6h).
AD 72-73 Rome. T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT; laureate head
of Titus to r. / Titus stands in triumphal quadriga to r., holds
branch in r. hand and scepter in l. Hendin 1469. RIC 84, 370. BMC
520. BN 73. About Extremely Fine.

The Triumph of Titus and Vespasian for their victory in the Jewish
War was perhaps the formative event of the Flavian dynasty. Father
and son were both anxious to unite the Roman people under their
rule after the traumas of the Year of the Four Emperors (AD 68-69),
and placed maximum emphasis on what could be viewed by some
detractors as a minor victory in a desert backwater. Moreover,
Rome had not seen a proper Triumph for nearly 30 years, in the
reign of Claudius. A detailed description of the procession can be
found in Josephus Wars of the Jews, book VII, chapter V.
Estimate: $30,000

Titus in Triumph
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20533 Titus as Caesar (AD 69 - 79). AR denarius (18mm, 3.23 gm, 6h). AD 72-73, Antioch. T CAES IMP
VESP PON TR POT; laureate head of Titus r. / Palm tree; on l. Titus stands r. in military dress facing r.,
l. foot on helmet, holding spear in r. hand and parazonium in l., on r. mourning Jewess sits to r. Hendin
1492. RIC 178,1562. RPC 1935. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20534 Titus as Caesar (AD 79 - 81). AE sestertius (34mm, 26.61 gm,
CENS; laureate head of Titus to r. / S C in exergue; Titus stands in
triumphal quadriga to r., holds branch in r. hand and scepter in l.,
on side of cart is Victory to r. holding wreath. Hendin 1542. RIC
103, 611. BN 671. Samuels 151 (this coin). Extraordinary quality
for this type. Natural gray-green patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $42,500

Exceptional Triumphal Sestertius
Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 143
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20535 Titus as Caesar (AD 79 - 81). AE sestertius (33mm, 26.33 gm,
II; laureate head of Titus to r. / VICTORIA AVGVSTI; S C in
fields; Victory stands to l. of palm tree facing r., l. foot on helmet,
inscribing VIC AVG on shield. Hendin 1522. RIC 88,433. BMC 38.
BN 624. Dark green patina with some smoothing, especially on
obverse. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $9,000

20536 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AV aureus (19mm, 7.30 gm, 6h). AD 80-81,
laureate head of Titus to r. / TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII P P;
male Jewish captive kneels r., hands bound behind, trophy above.
Hendin 1578a. RIC 200,29. BMC 14. Edge splits, field marks
obverse and reverse and slight edge damage. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $15,000

20537 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AR denarius (18mm, 3.50 gm, 6h). AD 79,
of Titus to r. / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P; trophy flanked by
seated captives, hands tied behind backs, female on l, male on r.
Hendin 1584. RIC 206,102. BMC 37-9. BN 34. Small die defect on
eye. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20538 Titus (AD 79 - 81). AE sestertius (35.5mm, 23.63 gm, 6h).
VIII; laureate head of Titus to r. / IVD C[AP] across fields; S C
in exergue; palm tree; mourning Jewess sits on r. to r. on pile of
arms; on l. of tree mourning Jew with hands bound stands l., arms
on ground. Hendin 1591. RIC 288,149. BMC 164. BN 158. Light
brown patina. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS
Rare Bithynian Judaea Capta Issue

20539 Bithynia, Asia Minor. Titus (79 - 81 AD). AE (29mm, 13.96 gm,
6h). AYTOKPA TITO KAIAP EBA YIO; laureate head
of Titus to r. / EI M MAIKIOY POYOY ANYATOY (in
the proconsulship of M. Maecus Rufus); palm tree, on l. cuirass,
two spears, and helmet; on r. two spears and shield. Hendin
1575. RIC 604. RPC II 612. Waddington Rec. Gen. pl. XXXV,10.
Samuels 139 (this coin). Very rare, particularly in this state of
preservation. Natural green-red patina. Extremely Fine.

This provincial Roman coin, attributed to the Koinon of Bithynia,
is clearly related to the Jewish War. RPC II p. 97 notes that this coin
has ...significance beyond Bithynia: the palm tree with obverse
of Titus is a clear allusion to Titus participation in the defeat of
Estimate: $12,000

Two Rare Trajanic Restitution Issues

20540 Vespasian, restored by Trajan (AD 98 - 117). AV aureus (19mm,
7.12 gm, 6h). Restituion issue, c. AD 107. Rome, AD . IMP
CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head of Vespasian to r.
captive kneels l., hands bound behind, trophy above. Hendin 1601
var. Calico 705 var. RIC II 312,827 var. Cohen 419,649 var. BMC
III 143,703 var. Extremely Rare. Edges smoothed for mounting.
Estimate: $12,000

20541 Titus, restored by Trajan (AD 98 - 117). AV aureus (19mm, 6.96
gm, 6h). Restitution issue, c. AD 107. Rome. IMP TITVS CAES
VESPASIAN AVG P M; laureate head of Titus to r. / IMP CAES
TRAIAN AVG GER DAC P P REST; military trophy. Hendin
1602. Calico 800. RIC II 313,831. Cohen, Titus 402. BMC III
145,19. Extremely rare. Fine.
Estimate: $9,000

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS

20542 Nerva (96 - 98 AD). AE sestertius (32mm, 23.63 gm, 6h).
P; laureate head of Nerva to r. / FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA
SVBLATA (the insult of the Jewish Tax has been removed); S C
in fields; large palm tree with two bunches of dates. Hendin
1603. BMCRE 88. Dark green patina with minimal clean-
i ng. Wonderf ul portrait! Surely among t he f i nest known
examples of this enigmatic issue. Extremely Fine.

There is ongoing discussion regarding whether this coin actually
commemorates the elimination of the insult of the tax on Jews or
the cessation of the insult to the Emperor of the Jews continuing
to pay taxes to Jerusalem (cf. Hendin pp. 457-458). For a fascinat-
ing discussion of this coin as it relates to the separation between
Judaism and early Christianity see Marius Heemstras recent book
The Fiscus Judaicus and the Parting of the Ways.
Estimate: $65,000
Nervas Mysterious FISCI IVDAICI Sestertius
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Coi nS
Hadrian Enters Judaea

20543 Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE sestertius (30mm, 22.84 gm,
12h). Rome. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P; bare, draped bust
of Hadrian r. / ADVENTVI AVG IVDAEAE; S C in exergue;
Hadrian, togate, stands r., raising r. hand, facing Judaea, who
holds object (cup?) in l. hand, a bull alongside the altar, two chil-
dren stand l. in front of Judaea holding palm, a second child
stands l. behind her also holding a palm. Hendin 1604c. RIC.
893. Cohen 54. BMC 1657. Samuels 153 (this coin). Tan patina.
Smoothing in fields, reverse scratches. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500
Unique Judaea As

20544 Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE as (25mm, 13.25 gm, 12h). Rome.
[HADRIA]NVS AVG COS III P P. bare bust of Hadrian r. /
[ADVENTVI A]VG IVDAEAE; S C in exergue; Hadrian, togate,
stands r., raising r. hand, facing Judaea, who holds object (cup?)
in l. hand, bull alongside altar, child stands l. in front of Judaea
holding palm, a second child stands l. behind her also holding a
palm. Hendin 1606 var. RIC 891. Cohen 56 var. BMC 1661 var.
Apparently unique with this bust type. Slightly rough surfaces,
green-brown patina. Nearly Extremely Fine / Good Very Fine.

All examples of this reverse type are excessively rare in the AE as
denomination. The bareheaded bust left is unpublished with this
Estimate: $25,000

Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 147
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
City Coins of ancient israel
and Province of arabia
The Roman provincial coins struck in the cities of ancient Israel, the
Decapolis, and the Province of Arabia were struck after Augustus,
when the more powerful cities gained the right to issue coins. The
granting of the power to strike coins is a subject of much scholarly
discussion, but these rights may have been granted by local
authorities to promote loyalty to Rome as well as local commerce.
Cit y coins also often expressed local economic, political, and
cultural issues of importance.
Thirty eight cities of ancient Israel and Transjordan issued coinsin
Asia Minor and Greece and its islands nearly 450 cities issued
coins of their own.
Local city coins circulated in ancient Israel together with other
coins of the region, and the local coinage came to an end during
the reign of Gallienus, around 268 AD, when the economies
became so changed that the value of the bronze was greater than
the nominal value of the coins.
The city coins of ancient Israel and nearby lands can be read as
primary sources of information. M. Rostovtzeff observed that they
supply us with first-class information on some important points in
their political, religious, and economic life. These sources have
revealed to us not only the external appearance of many ancient
cities, but also the main features of every aspect of their lifetheir
walls, streets, gates, public places, public and private buildings,
on the one hand, and on the other their municipal organization,
their income and expenditure, their wealth and their sources
of wealth, both public and private, their religious beliefs, their
amusements, and their intellectual interests.
Although the City Coins are not specifically Jewish or Christian
coins, one must keep in mind that Jewish and early Christian
populations were significant during this period. These were the
days that the books of the Talmud and many early Christian
writings were compiled in these cities, and the t wo religions
developed side-by-side in the East, while Christianity began to
spread its roots into Europe. dh

20545 Abila, Decapolis. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (31.5mm, 15.96
gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., laureate;
AYT KM AYP AV ANTWNEINO / Hexastyle temple facade with
central arch and podium with stairs, flanked by two towers with
doors and windows; in center, flaming altar; in front, colonnade
(?); [CE] below; KOI CY on l., NIENO (of the people of
Seleucia Abila in Coele-Syria) on r.; above, figure standing and
date: C (year 281 = 217/8 AD). Spijk. 21. Sofaer pl. 125,22. Dark
green patina, earthen highlights. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $8,500

20546 Abila, Decapolis. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (24mm, 10.89
gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., laure-
ate; AYTKMAY... / Tetrastyle temple facade with central arch
and podium with stairs, f lanked by two towers with doors and
windows; in center, f laming altar; in front, colonnade (?); E CY;
on l., ... (of the people of Seleucia Abila in Coele-Syria), below,
date above: BC (year 282 = 218/9 AD). Spijk. 23. Ros. 23. Sofaer
pl. 125, 23. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20547 Adraa, Arabia. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (29mm, 16.13
gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed young bust of Commodus r.,
laureate; AVT KAI ..V. KOMOC / Tyche standing r. sup-
porting labarum and resting foot on river god swimming (?);
WN.E.BO (Tyche of the people of Adraa, year 72
= 177/8 AD). Spijk. 7 var. Sofaer pl. 126, 6. Samuels 156 (this coin).
Brown patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20548 Adraa, Arabia. Valerian I (253 - 260 AD). AE (34mm, 11.01 gm,
2h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian r., seen from rear, laure-
ate; C CEBAC CEBA (partial) / River
god (Yarmuk?) on r., reclining l., holding reed and cornucopia,
leaning elbow on rock; on l., behind him, Tyche seated l., holding
cornucopia, and looking at him, retrograde inscription, from r. to
l., WN...A (of the people of Adraa). Spijk. 15. Sofaer pl. 127,
14. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Good-Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 5-30-1990, 6963.
Estimate: $350
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Meshorers aelia Capitolina Collection
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Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 151
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
20549 Aelia Capitolina (Roman Jerusalem) Collection.

At Jerusalem, [Hadrian] founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site
of the temple of the god he raised a new temple to Jupiter Dio Cassius (Roman History LXIX, 12,1).

This is a comprehensive col lection of 164 coins of Aelia Capitolina from Hadrian to (117-138 AD) through Hosti lian (251 AD).
Underscoring the importance of this collection, we note that 80 of these coins were used as research material and photographed for
Yaakov Meshorers book The Coinage of Aelia Capitolina (1989). The col lection was once Meshorers own, and was acquired
by the Collector around 20 years ago. When Meshorers book was published he also included photographs of coins from both public
and private collections to express his gratitude for assistance that had been provided. Most of the key rarities are the same coins illus-
trated in the classic book. Many coins in this collection are among the rarest and most historic coins of Jerusalem during its relatively
short tenure under the name Aelia Capitolina. The coins are numbered and reverses are brief ly described below. All coins marked with
an asterisk (*) are illustrated in Meshorers book. GRADE. The coins in this group grade from Very Good to Very Fine or better.

Hadrian (117-138 AD): 1*, distyle temple with the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Minerva, and Juno); 2*, Hadrian as founder plowing with bull and
cow, legionary vexillum behind; 3*, legionary eagle on shaft; 4, boar; 5, galley; 7, Sabina bust; 8*, Aelius bust; 9* Antoninus Pius bust. Antoninus
Pius (138-161 AD): 11*, hexastyle temple with Tyche-Astarte; 12, Marcus Aurelius bust; 13, Sarapis bust; 14*, Dionysos and panther; 15, she-wolf
suckles twins; 16, she-wolf suckles twins on platform; 18, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 19*, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 20, tetrastyle temple
with Tyche; 21, Tyche bust; 21, second example; 21, third example; 22, Dioscuri with eagle between; 23*, Dioscuri; 24*, Dionysos and panther;
25, Ares with spear and shield; 26*, Faustina Sr. bust; 27*, Faustina Sr. (as Diva) bust; 28, Sarapis bust; 29, 3 female figures; 30*, boar; 31*, war
galley; 32*, war galley; 33*, dolphin; 34, legionary eagle; 36, Victory; 37a*, Marcus Aurelius bust; 38* Marcus Aurelius bust; 39, Faustina Jr. bust.
Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD): 43, she-wolf suckles; 45*, Sarapis seated on throne, Cerberus at feet; 46, trophy of arms; 47, Tyche; 47, similar
example. Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus (161-169 AD) (all obverses with confronted busts): 52, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 52a*, same but
cut in half; 53*, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 54, Victory with palm branch; 54a*, similar example; 55, Tyche seated on throne; 56, Sarapis bust.
Marcus Aurelius & Commodus (161-180 AD): 57*, confronted busts obverse / Sarapis bust; 59, Commodus bust; 60, Commodus on horseback.
Lucius Verus (161-169 AD): 61, she-wolf suckles twins; 62a, Sarapis on throne; 63, Faustina Jr. bust; 64*, Faustina Jr. bust; 64a, Faustina Jr. bust;
65* Lucilla bust; 65a*, incused obverse on reverse. Commodus (180-192 AD): 66, Tyche bust; 67, Crispina and Lucilla clasp hands; 68*, Tyche;
69, Tyche; 70*, Dionysos and panther; 70, second example; 71, Sarapis bust; 71a, Sarapis bust; 72, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 73, Sarapis; 73a*,
Sarapis; 74, Crispina bust; 76*, Victory advancing r. Septimius Severus (193-211 AD): 78*, tetrastyle temple with Tyche and two figures; 80*
Caracalla and Geta clasp hands. Septimius Severus & Julia Domna: 81a* Jugate busts obverse / Caracalla and Geta, togated, clasp hands. Julia
Domna, wife of Septimius Severus: 82, Tyche on throne; 83, Nemesis stands l. Geta (209-211 AD): 84*, Dionysos and panther; 85, Dionysos and
panther. Caracalla (211-217 AD): 86, tetrastyle temple with Tyche; 86a*, similar type; 86b* similar type; 95* (billon silver tetradrachm), eagle
on thrysos with leaf between legs. Macrinus (218 AD): 96 (billon silver tetradrachm), eagle on thrysos with wine jar between legs; 102a*, tetra-
style temple with Tyche and two victories; 102b*, another example; 103, Tyche standing left; 104* Sarapis bust r. Diadumenian (217-218 AD):
99* (billon silver tetradrachm), eagle on thrysos with wine jar between legs; 106*, tetrastyle temple with Tyche and two victories; 106b*, similar
example; 108*, Sarapis with scepter. Elagabalus (218-222 AD): 111*, founder plows r. with cow and bull; 113*, founder plows l. with cow and bull;
114*, she-wolf suckles twins; 115*, she-wolf suckles twins; 116*, she-wolf suckles twins; 117*, she-wolf suckles twins; 120, she-wolf suckles twins;
120a*, she-wolf suckles twins; 121*, she-wolf suckles twins; 122, Tyche crowned by victory; 123, Tyche bust; 123a*, Tyche bust; 124, Tyche bust;
125, tetrastyle temple with Tyche and two Victories; 125a, similar example; 126*, tetrastyle temple with Tyche and two Victories; 126a, similar
example; 127*, Dioscuri riding horses; 128*, Emperor on horseback; 128a*, similar example; 129, Tyche stands at altar, legionary eagle; 129c*,
similar example; 129d*, similar example; 129e, similar example; 130, Tyche stands at altar, column behind her, legionary eagle; 131*, Tyche stands
between two legionary standards one topped by eagle, the other a boar; 133, sacred stone with eagle in relief carried by quadriga; 133a*, similar
example; 133a, similar example; 133c*, similar example; 134, Sarapis bust; 135, Sarapis bust; 136, Sarapis bust; 137, Tyche seated on throne.
Elagabalus & Severus Alexander (221-222 AD) (jugate busts obverse): 139*, Severus Alexander young bust; 140*, Emperor on horseback; 140,
similar example; 140a*, similar example; 141*, Elagabalus and Severus Alexander clasp hands; 141, similar example; 142*, Tyche stands at altar,
legionary eagle on standard; 142a*, similar example; 143, sacred stone with eagle in relief carried by quadriga; 143, similar example. Aquilia
Severa, second and fourth wife Elagabalus (220-222 AD): 145, Tyche bust. Severus Alexander (222-235 AD): 148*, Tyche seated on throne;
148b, similar example; 149, similar example; 150, Tyche stands at altar, legionary eagle on standard; 151, Sarapis bust. Trajan Decius (249-251
AD): 152, Tyche stands at altar, legionary eagle on standard, Victory on column behind her; 153, Tyche stands at altar, legionary eagle on small
bust in her hand, Victory on column behind her; 153b*, similar example; 155, Tyche seated on throne; 156, Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian
clasp hands; 157*, city name in wreath; 158*, Tyche bust (it appears that a small pit on reverse right has been filled since photographed for
Meshorer book). Herennia Etruscilla (249-251 AD): 163*, Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian (or Trajan Decius and H. Etruscus) clasp hands;
164*, city name in wreath; 165, Tyche bust. Herennius Etruscus (250-251 AD): 166*, Tyche stands at altar, legionary eagle on small bust in her
hand, Victory on column behind her; 167* Sarapis bust; 168a*, she wolf suckles twins, legionary eagle above; 169*, boar with legionary eagle and
vexillum with LXF above; 170*, Legionary eagle on base, topped by vexillum; 171, Zeus (?) stands, holding small bust and scepter; 172*, Tyche
bust. Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian (251 AD) (jugate busts on obverse): 176, Tyche bust. Hostilian (251 AD): 179, Tyche stands at altar,
legionary eagle on small bust in her hand, Victory on column behind her; 179, similar example; 180*, she-wolf suckles twins; 181, she-wolf suckles
twins with legionary eagle above.
Estimate: $100,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20550 Aelia Capitolina, Judaea. Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD). AE
(18mm, 4.17 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r., laure-
ate; IMP CAES H ANTONINO / Boar standing r.; K A C (Colony
of Aelia Capitolina). Mesh. 30. Ros. 19. Kad. 33. Sofaer pl.73, 36.
Rare. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20551 Aelia Capitolina, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon
tetradrachm (27mm, 13.86 gm, 12h). Struck 215-217 AD. Draped
Bust of Caracalla r., laureate; AI ANTWNONOC CE /
Eagle with spread wings standing l. on thyrsos, holding wreath
in beak; between legs, wine jug; below thyrsos, bunch of grapes;
X YC (power of Tribune, Consul fourth time).
Mesh. 94a (this coin). Prieur 1618 (this coin, one listed). Rare.
Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500
Remarkable Aelia Capitolina Tetradrachm

20552 Aelia Capitolina, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon
tetradrachm (28mm, 11.93 gm, 5h). Draped and cuirassed bust
of Caracalla r., laureate, seen from front; AVT WC
C / Eagle with spread wings standing l. on thyrsos, holding
wreath in beak; between legs, wine jug; X C
(power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Mesh. -. Prieur 1626.
Sofaer pl. 76,80. An extraordinary example of this rarity, struck
on a broad, round f lan and possessing complete legends! Good
extremely fine.
Estimate: $5,500

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20553 Aelia Capitolina, Judaea. Macrinus (218 AD). AR billon tet-
radrachm (25mm, 13.05 gm, 12h). Draped Bust of Macrinus
r., laureate; C C C / Eagle with
spread wings standing l. on thyrsos, holding wreath in beak;
between legs, wine jug; below thyrsos, bunch of grapes; X
IY[C ] (power of Tribune, Consul). Mesh. 96 var.
Bellinger 359 var. Prieur 1640. Dark brown find patina (making
this resemble a bronze coin). Rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20554 Aelia Capitolina, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE
(24mm, 8.03 gm, 1h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., radiate;
IMP C M AVR ANTONINVS AVG / Tetrastyle temple; within,
Tyche standing l., holding bust and scepter, small Victories
between outer columns; COL AEL CAP COMM (Colony of Aelia
Capitolina Commodiana); in exergue: P F. Mesh. 125. Ros. 60.
Sofaer pl. 78,111. Lightly smoothed, dark brown patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20555 Jerusalem. Heraclius (610 - 641 AD). AV solidus (21mm, 4.32
gm, 6h). DN HERACLIVS PP AVG; facing busts of Heraclius
(l.) and Heraclius Constantine, each wearing chalmys and crown
with cross. Heraclius wears short beard, cross above and between
them, exergual line beneath / VICTORIA AVGe I; cross potent
on three steps CONOB beneath. Sear 851. DO 188a (Alexandria).
Ratto 1379-80. BN 3 (Alexandria). MIB 77 (Cyprus). Mint State.
The attribution of this scarce solidus type to Jerusalem is not uni-
versally accepted, although an Eastern mint is considered certain.
Estimate: $1,000
Heraclius Defends Jerusalem

20556 Jerusalem. Heraclius (610 - 641 AD). AE follis (32mm, 16.91
gm, 6h). DN HERAC PP AVG; crowned bust facing, with pointed
beard, wearing consular robes, holding mappa and scepter with
eagle / Large M, cross above, between ANNO and IIII, in exergue
XC NIKA. Sear 852c. MIB pl. 14,X28. Very Rare. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine, surely among the finest
known specimens.

This remarkable follis was likely struck while Persian forces were
laying siege to Jerusalem during the Byzantine-Sassanid War of
AD 602-628. At some point, the East Romans changed the mint
mark on copper folles struck in the city from a straightforward
Jerusalem (IEPOCO) to Christ Conquers (X C NIKA), likely an
attempt to rally a dispirited populace. If the reading of Year Four
is a regnal date, it places the issue in AD 614, during the siege. An
alternative theory holds that the date is an Indictional year, which
would place the issue in AD 630/1, after the Byzantines recovered
Jerusalem. The mint mark would thus mark celebration rather
than defiance.
Estimate: $5,000

20557 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Ptolemy II Philadelphia (285 -
246 BC). AE (31mm, 16.47gm, 12h). Head of Zeus-Ammon r.,
diademed / Two eagles standing l. on thunderbolt with a pair of
cornucopiae on shoulder of the eagle on the right;
(of Ptolemy the King), in l. field monogram of
within . Ros. 16. Sofaer pl. 3,37. Svoronos 790. Scarce. Brown
patina. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $500

20558 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Pre-Colonial period. AE (24mm,
11.73gm, 12h). Jugate busts of Tyche and Zeus r. / Tyche standing
on rudder l., holding cornucopia and palm branch and resting on
tiller topped by aphlaston; on r., / / (of
the people of Ptolemais, holy); on l., L / / (year 9 = 41/0 BC).
Ros. 39. Kadman 67. Sofaer pl. 17,111. Dark green patina. Very
Estimate: $500
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20559 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Mark Antony as Triumvir (43-32
BC). AE (26mm, 10.56 gm, 12h). Head of Antony r., surrounded
by laurel wreath / Tyche standing on rudder l., holding cornucopia
and palm branch and resting on tiller topped by aphlaston; on r.,
/ E / P (of the people of Ptolemais, holy); on
l., L / (year 11) = 39/8 BC. Kadman 73. RPC I 4740.
Sofaer pl. 17,118. Rare. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20560 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII.
AE (24 X 26mm, 11.82 gm, 12h). Head of Antony r., surrounded
by laurel wreath / Bust of Cleopatra r.; to l.,[/A]; to r.,
[P O] (of the people of Ptolemais, holy, city of asylum);
in l. field, date: L (year 3); in r. field, date: [IE] (year 15 = 35/4 BC).
Kadman 74.RPC I 4742. Sofaer pl. 7,119. Tooled and cleaned with
rough patina. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20561 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Marc Antony with Cleopatra. AE
(23mm, 17.77 g, 12h). Marc Antony head r. surrounded by laurel
wreath / TOEMAIEWN [IEP KAI AYOY IE] (of the people
of Ptolemais, holy and city of Asylum); in r. field L (year 3 = 43
BC) bust of Cleopatra r. Sofaer pl.7,119. RPC 4742. Very rare. Very
Estimate: $1,000

20562 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE
(28.5mm, 19.11 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Commodus l.; IMP C M
AV COMMODVS AVG / Bust of Serapis r.; in r. field, torch; COL
PTOL (colony of Ptolemais). Kadman 110. Sofaer pl. 9,149. Samuels
163 (this coin). Dark green patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20563 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE
(24.5mm, 14.07gm, 6h). Draped bust of Commodus l.; IMP C M
AV COMMODVS / Tyche seated on rock to r., extending ears of
grain towards river-god swimming at her feet; COL PTOL (colony
of Ptolemais). Kadman 115. Ros 51. Sofaer pl. 9,150. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Fine-Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20564 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AR
billon tetradrachm (26mm, 11.61 gm, 12h). Struck 215-217
AD. Head of Caracalla r., laureate; C /
Eagle standing facing, head r., holding wreath in beak; between
legs Zeus Heliopolites f lanked by facing bulls;
C O (power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur
1223. Bell. 259. Sofaer pl. 11,179. A few deposits. Rare. Extremely
Estimate: $1,500
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20565 Akko-Ptolemais, Phoenicia. Valerian (253 - 260 AD). AE
(27.5mm, 13.63 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Valerian r., radiate;
IMP C[AE LIC V]ALERIANVS AVG / Sacred tree f lanked by
two altars with snakes; in r. field, caduceus; COL PTOL (colony of
Ptolemais). Kadman 246. Ros. 82. Sofaer pl. 1, 276. Cleaned, dark
green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $650

20566 Anthedon, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (30mm, 13.76
gm, 12h). Draped bust of Elagabalus to r., laureate; [AYT] K M
AYP AN[TWNINOC] / Tyche seated on chair l., holding short
scepter and resting on shield between her feet; C
[C] ... (Anthedon year ?). Ros. 4. Sofaer-. Samuels 165 (this
coin). Some pitting and silicates, brown patina, earthen high-
lights. Extremely rare. Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20567 Antipatris, Samaria. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (25mm,
12.70 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., laureate; [AVT] K M
AVP ANTONINOC / Bust of bearded diety (Zeus or River God?)
r.; M AVP ANTIATPIC (Marcia Aurelia Antipatris). Mesh. City
Coins 151 (these dies). Samuels 167 (this coin). Cleaned, brown
patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,500

20568 Ascalon, Judaea (2nd century BC). AR diobol (11mm, 1.07gm,
12h). Aphrodite head r. wearing stephane and earring, hair in
chignon, border of dots / A above dove standing l, monogram on
l., border of dots. BMC Palestine 104,1. Rare. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $450

20569 Ascalon, Judaea. Municipal coinage. AE (24mm, 10.13 gm,
12h). Bearded male head r. (Ascalos?), crude style / Eagle stand-
ing l. on thunderbolt; palm branch behind shoulder; in l. field,
dove; above it: A (Ascalon); on r., M (49 = 24/23 BC). BMC
Palestine (Ascalon) 16; Cf.Ros. 8. Cf. Sofaer p. 87,33. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Good Fine.
Estimate: $250

20570 Ascalon, Judaea. Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD). AE (24mm, 10.15
gm, 12h). Head of Augustus f lanked by L E / Tyche standing
facing, looking l., holding tiller and small scepter; AC (Ascalon) in
l. field above dove r.; on r., date: L P (year 109 = 5/6 AD). Ros. 76.
RPC I 4880. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Good Fine.
Estimate: $200

20571 Ascalon, Judaea. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (22mm,
7.30 gm, 12h). Bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate; ANTONINOC
/ Tyche standing facing looking l., holding scepter and aphlaston;
on l., ACKAO (Ascalon); on r., dove l. and date: C (253 =
149/50 AD). Cf. BMC Palestine (Ascalon) 209. Cf. Ros. 180. Cf.
Sofaer pl. 95,148. Samuels 168 (this coin). Brown patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Remarkable Ascalon Reverse

20572 Ascalon, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon tet-
radrachm (26mm, 12. 36 gm, 12h). St ruck 215-217 AD.
Laureate bust of Caracalla r. upon eagle standing to r.; AT K M
ANTNEINOC / Isis bust r. wearing hemhem crown and holding
flail and scepter, upon three lions heads; C T
(power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur 1655 (this coin).
Bell. 375. JNG 36 (1986) p. 124,173 (this coin). Samuels 169 (this
coin). Possibly unique. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20573 Ascalon, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon tet-
radrachm (25mm, 12.74 gm, 12h). Struck 215-217 AD. Laureate
bust of Caracalla r.; AT K M ANTONEINOC / Eagle standing
on palm branch facing with spread wings, head turning l.; below,
small dove holding olive spray in beak; C TO
(power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur 1654. Bell. 376.
Sofaer pl. 97,177. Very rare. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $7,500

20574 Ascalon, Judaea. Macrinus (217 - 218 AD). AE (33mm, 18.92
gm, 12h). K.....M. CE MAKPEINOC; Laureate, cuirassed and
draped bust Macrinus to r. / ACKA KT (Ascalon, year 321
= 217/218 AD); Nude Herakles standing l. holding Victory in r.
hand, club in l. Rosenberger 202. dS 205/1. Green-earthen patina.
Rare. Fine.
Estimate: $150
Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 157
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20575 Bostra, Arabia. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (29 X
33mm, 25.88 gm, 12h). Bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate;
of Zeus Ammon r.; LEG III CYR. This is a reference to the Third
Roman Legion Cyrenaica originally deployed by Augustus to
annex Egypt. Kindler p. 92-93. SNG ANS 1169. Samuels 170 (this
coin). Very rare. Dark green patina, lightly cleaned. Good Very
Estimate: $4,000

20576 Bostra, Arabia. Caracalla as Caesar. (198 - 217 AD). AE (22 X
25mm, 12.17 gm, 1h). Struck 209/10 AD. Bust of Caracalla r.,
laureate; inscription: [AYT KECAP] ANTON K / Altar of Dusares
with staircase; on top, pyramid of holy stones, composed of a
large baetyl and over it pile of four f lat stones; on r. and l., two
more baetyls, each topped by a single flat slab, two priests stand
on altar flanking baetyls; NE TP BOCTPA (New Traiana Bostra)
ET P (year 104 =209 AD). Meshorer City Coins 239 (this coin);
Kindler Bostra 30 (the reverse of this coin is on the cover of that
book). Samuels 171 (this coin). Extremely rare. Light brown-green
patina. Extremely Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $9,000

20577 Bostra, Arabia. Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). AE (31mm,
16.43 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Severus Alexander r., seen from
The emperor as founder plowing r. with ox and cow; above, altar
of Dusares with staircase leading up and three baetyls upon
it; in exergue, COL BOSTR (Colony of Bostra) around: N TR
ALEXANDRIANAE (the new Trajan Alexandrine). Spijk. 51. Ros.
39. Kindler 35. Sofaer pl. 130,42. Brown patina, earthen high-
lights. Fine plus.
Estimate: $750

20578 Bostra, Arabia. Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). AE (22mm,
10.28 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Severus Alexander r., seen from
Draped bust of Tyche l., cornucopia behind shoulder; COLONIA
BOSTRA (Colony of Bostra). Spijk. 50. Ros. 42. Kindler 36. Sofaer
pl. 130,43. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20579 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE (34mm,
29.94 gm, 12h). Bust of Trajan r., laureate; IMP CAES NER
TRAIANO. OP AVG GER DAC COS VI P.P / Tetrastyle temple
with central arch standing behind enclosure with altar in front;
within, Tyche standing l., holding bust and scepter, resting foot
on helmet; at her feet in r. field, harbor-god holding anchor; C I
F AVG /CAES (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea). Ros.
19. Kad. 22. Sofaer pl.23,21. Samuels 172 (this coin). Brown patina,
earthen highlights. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 12-10-1988, 2107.
Estimate: $700

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20580 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE
(14.5mm, 2.69 gm, 1h). Bust of Hadrian r., laureate; IM TR
HADRIANO [CA A] / Lion walking r., above, snake; below,
CIFAC (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea). Ros. 28. Kad.
30. Sofaer pl. 24, 33. Rough on obv. Dark patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

20581 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD).
AE (25.5mm, 10.91 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Marcus Aurelius r.,
bareheaded; AVRELIO CAES ANTON AVG P F / Bust of Serapis
r.; COL PRIMAI FL AVG CAESAREA (the first Flavian Augustan
colony, Caesarea). Ros. 32 var. Kad. 38. Sofaer pl. 124,37. Dark
green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20582 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD).
AE (24mm, 12.34 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus
Aurelius r., laureate; IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG PF /
Bust of Serapis r., with decorated kalathos; COL PRIMAI FL AVG
CAESAREA (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea). Ros.
33. Kad. 40. Sofaer pl.24,38. Dark green patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20583 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Septimius Severus. (193 - 211
AD). AE (27mm, 17.37 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of
Septimius Severus r., laureate; inscription illegible on all known
specimens / The emperor as founder plowing r. with ox and cow;
above, Victory flying l. to crown him with wreath; COL PR FL /
AVG F C (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea); in exergue,
CAESAREA. Ros. 48. Kad 63. Sofaer pl. 25,49. About Very Fine.
Ex Superior Galleries 5-3-1989, 6144.
Estimate: $500

20584 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR
25mm, tetradrachm (14.41 gm, 6h). Struck 215-217 AD. Bust
of Caracalla r., laureate; AI ANTWNONOC CE / SPQR
within wreath supported by eagle with spread wings standing l. on
torch with serpent wrapped around; [X Y]CO
] (power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Mesh. 94a (this coin).
Prieur 1618 (this coin, one listed). Rare. Good Very Fine. Prieur
1657. Bell. 361. Sofaer -. Very rare. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20585 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR tet-
radrachm (25.5mm, 13.50 gm, 7h). Undraped bust of Caracalla
r., laureate; C CEB / Eagle standing facing
on torch entwined by serpent, looking l. with wreath in beak;
C (power of Tribune, Consul fourth
time). Prieur 1661. Bell. 363. Sofaer pl. 25,55. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $850
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20586 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR
billon tetradrachm (27.5mm, 12.37 gm, 12h). Struck 215-217
AD. Small undraped bust of Caracalla r., laureate, on eagle r.;
C CCEA / Eagle standing facing on torch
entwined by serpent, looking l. with wreath in beak; between
eagles legs, bulls head r.; C (power of
Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur 1661 var. Bell. 365 var. About
Extremely Fine.

The obverse legend is clear, and an unpublished version, it is not
listed in any references for this city.
Estimate: $1,000

20587 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Diadumenian. (218 AD). AE
(25mm, 8.27 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Diadumenian r., bare-
headed; M OP DIADVMENIANVS CAE / Bust of Serapis r.;
COL. P F AVG F C CAESA (the first Flavian Augustan colony,
Caesarea) . Ros. 67. Kad. 78. Sofaer pl. 26, 65. Dark patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20588 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Diadumenian. (218 AD). AE
(34.5mm, 6.31 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Diadumenian r., bare-
headed; M OP DIADVMENIANVS CAE / Bust of Serapis r.; COL
P F AVG F C CAESA (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea).
Ros. 67. Kad. 78. Sofaer pl. 26, 65. Brown patina, earthen high-
lights. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,250

20589 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Trajan Decius (249 - 251 AD). AE
(27mm, 19.71 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Trajan Decius r., laureate;
IMP C C MS Q TRA DECIVS AVG / Victory standing on globe l.,
holding labarum in each hand; C[...] C FL AVG FC CAES MET...
(the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, Metropolis in Syria
Palestina); Ros.-. Kad. 153. Sofaer pl. 30,116. Green patina, earthen
highlights. Good Fine.
Estimate: $350

20590 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Trajan Decius (249 - 251 AD).
AE (28mm, 18.47 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Trajan Decius r.,
laureate; IMP C C MS Q TRA DECIVS AVG / Victory standing r.,
handing wreath to emperor at r.; COL PR F AVG FC CAES MET
S P (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, Metropolis, in
Syria Palestina). Ros. 125. Kad. 18. Sofaer pl.30,120. Green patina,
earthen highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20591 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Trajan Decius (249 - 251 AD).
AE (26 X 28mm, 16.40 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Trajan Decius
r., radiate; [IMP C C MS Q] TRAIANVS DECIVS [AVG] / Eagle
standing with spread wings facing looking r., holding diadem
with bust of Tyche r. within; [COL P F AVG] F C CAES METR
(the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, Metropolis, in Syria
Palestina). Ros. 116. Kad. 129. Sofaer pl.30,126. Dark green patina,
earthen highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $350
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20592 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Herennius Etruscus. (251 AD).
AE (25mm, 13.38 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Herennius Etruscus
r., radiate; [MES] Q ERENET AVG CO DECIO C[AES] / In center
above, Tyche standing facing, veiled, holding scepter and small
bust, her foot over prow of galley; at her feet, r., small figure of
harbor-god holding anchor; below, two female figures sacrific-
ing birds over altar f lanked by two bulls; COL P F AV F CAES
METROP (the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, metropo-
lis). Ros. 144. Kad. 176. Sofaer pl. 32,150. Cleaned, dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Fine.
This specimen allows us to revise and correct a portion of the
obverse legend.
Estimate: $350

20593 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Herennia Etruscilla. (251 AD).
AE (28mm, 19.69 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Herennia Etruscilla
r., EREN NIA ETRVSCILLA AVG Rev.: Cista mystica on podium,
between four torches; COL P F AVG [F C] CAES MET SP (the first
Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, Metropolis, Syria Palestina).
Ros. 146. Kad. 171. Sofaer pl. 31,139 var. Green patina, earthen
highlights. About Very Fine/Good about Fine.
Estimate: $500

20594 Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. Herennius Etruscus. (251 AD).
AE (27mm, 18.90 gm, 2h). Draped bust of Herennius Etruscus r.,
radiate; MES Q EREN ETRVSCO [DECIO CAES] / Altar; behind
it, palm tree and olive tree; COL PR F AVG [F C CAES MET S P]
(the first Flavian Augustan colony, Caesarea, Metropolis, in Syria
Palestina). Ros. 148. Kad. 183. Sofaer pl. 32,148. Green patina,
earthen highlights. Good Fine.
Estimate: $500

20595 Canatha, Decapolis. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (29mm,
12.31 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus r., lau-
reate AYT K M AY ANTO KOM / Tyche standing front, wearing
turreted crown, head l. holding small Nike on extended r. hand
and cornucopia in l. hand, foot resting onhalf figure of river god;
ABEINE KANAHN (Gabinian Canatha), in field date NC
(year 253 =190/191 AD). Spijk. 10. Ros. 4. Sofaer-. Samuels 175
(this coin). Dark patina, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,250

20596 Capitolias, Decapolis. Macrinus (218 AD). AE (26mm, 11.37gm,
12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinius r., laureate; AYT
K MO CE [MAKPEINON]OC CE / Tetrastyle temple with
central arch; within, Tyche standing l., resting hand on scepter
and holding small bust, resting foot on unclear object (river
god?); inscription starting in exergue, [W IO IEP] ACY
(Capitolias, holy, city of asylum); in sides of pediment, date: PK
(year 122 = 217/18 AD). Spijk. 23. Ros. 15. Sofaer -. Rare. Dark
brown patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20597 Capitolias, Decapolis. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (26mm,
8.19gm, 2h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., laure-
ate; AY K M AY ANTONO / Tetrastyle temple with central arch;
within, Tyche standing l., resting hand on scepter and holding
small bust, resting foot on unclear object (river god?); inscription
starting in exergue, W IO IEP ACY (Capitolias, holy, city
of asylum); in sides of pediment, date: PK (122 = 217/18 AD). Spijk.
25a. Ros-. Sofaer pl. 133,14. Samuels 172 (this coin). Rare. Dark
green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20598 Charachmoba, Arabia. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (22mm,
10. 57 gm, 7h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r.; AY K M AV
ANTONIN / Tyche standing l., holding rudder and cornucopia;
XAPAX MWBA (Charachmoba). Spijk. 3. Ros. 1. Sofaer pl. 134,1.
Samuels 178 (this Coin). Tooled, dark patina. Fine.
Estimate: $350

20599 Cyprus. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon tetradrachm
(26mm, 12.62 gm, 12h). Head of Caracalla r., laureate;
WC CE / Eagle standing facing, head r., holding
wreath in beak; CO (power of Tribune,
Consul fourth time). Prieur 1578. Bell. 383 (Akko Ptolemais). Rare.
Estimate: $500

20600 Diospolis-Lod. Julia Domna, wife Septimius Severus (193 - 211
AD). AE (25mm, 12.20 gm, 12h). Bust of Julia Domna r., draped;
C / Bust of Demeter l., wearing kalathos
with veil, holding torch; C CEOV (Lucia Septimia Severa
Diospolis). Mesh. City Coins 156. Ros. 3. Sofaer pl. 99,2. Rare
Samuels 180 (this coin). Dark green patina, earthen highlights.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $3,000

20601 Diospolis-Lod, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE (26.5mm,
14.09 gm, 12h). AE (14.09 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust
of Caracalla r., laureate; AYT KMAP ANTWNI...CEB AVT [...]
/ Distyle temple shown in perspective; within, Tyche standing
l., resting foot on small reclining figure, holding scepter and
extending hand; behind her, small standing figure; C CEOV
C... (Lucia Septimia Severa Diospolis); in exergue, date: ET
(year 9 = 207/8 AD). Mesh. City Coins 157 (these dies). Sofaer pl.
99,6. Samuels 179 (this coin). Very rare. Attractive natural green-
brown patina. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $6,000

20602 Diospolis-Lod, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE (26mm,
12.20 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Caracalla r., laureate; AVT
KAI MAP AVP ANT / Bust of Tyche l.; C CEOV
CC (Lucia Septimia Severa Diospolis); to l. and r., date: E
I (year 10 = 208/9 AD). Ros. 10. Sofaer pl. 99,10. Rare. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20603 Diospolis-Lod, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (25mm,
9.92 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., seen
from rear, radiate; AVT K MAV ANTON... / Tetrastyle domed
building; within, Tyche standing l., resting her foot on unidenti-
fied object; holding scepter and small bust (?); to l., C; to r.,
OC CE (Lucia Septimia Severa Diospolis); in exergue, ET I (year
19 = 218/19 AD).Sofaer pl. 100,15 (date stated as E I). Very Rare.
Dark green patina, earthen highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $2,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20604 Dium, Decapolis. Caracalla (193 - 211 AD). AE (27mm, 14.33 g,
12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of young Caracalla r., seen from
rear, laureate; AV K M AV ANTWN CEB / Hexastyle temple with
central arch and pediment decorated with eagle; within, altar;
below, E; on r. WN; above, KOI CVP (of the people of Dium
in Coele-Syria); on l., date: HC (year 268 = 205/6 AD). Mesh. City
Coins 245 (these dies). Ros. 1. Sofaer pl. 134,1. Samuels 181 (this
coin). Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20605 Dium, Decapolis. Geta as Caesar (198 - 208 AD). AE (24mm,
11.75 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Geta r., seen from
rear, laureate; C EC K / Male deity wearing kalathos
with horns (Zeus Heliopolites or Hadad?) standing between two
crouching bulls, holding scepter topped by bird and small Victory
offering him a wreath; below, E; on r. WN (of the people of
Dium); on l., date: HC (268 = 205/6 AD). Spijk. 6. Ros. 5. Sofaer
pl.134,6. Dark patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20606 Dora, Phoenicia. Autonomous. AE (19mm, 6.49 gm, 12h). Bust
of Tyche r. / Prow of galley l.; above, the two pilei of the Dioscuri
and date: L A (year 1 = 63/2 BC); below, (Dora). Mesh. Dora 4.
Sofaer pl. 38,4. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

20607 Dora, Phoenicia. Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII. AE (21mm,
7.10 gm, 10h). Jugate busts of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII to
r. / Tyche stands l. holding palm branch in r. hand and caduceus
in l. monogram of (Dora) in r. field, date: L I (year 19 = 34/33
BC). Mesh. Dora 13. Ros. 13. Samuels 182 (this coin). Dark patina.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20608 Dora, Phoenicia. Nero (54 - 68 AD). AE (24mm, 12.09 gm,
12h). Bust of Doros r. / Tyche standing facing looking r., holding
standard and cornucopia; on r., WWN (of the people of
Dora); on l., date: A (131 = 68/9 AD). Mesh. Dora 23. Ros. 18.
Sofaer pl.39,18. RPC I 4759. Samuels 183 (this coin). Brown patina,
earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20609 Dora, Phoenicia. Nero (54 - 68 AD). AE (20mm, 6.45 gm, 12h).
Bust of Tyche l. / Tyche standing facing looking r., holding stan-
dard and cornucopia; on r., WW (of the people of Dora); on
l., date: B (132 = 69/70 AD). Mesh. Dora 26. Ros. 12. Sofaer pl.
39,20. RPC I 4764. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. About
Very Fine.
Estimate: $250

20610 Dora, Phoenicia. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE (28mm, 18.25
gm, 12h). Bust of Caracalla r., laureate; NEINOC
C / Tyche, holding standard and cornucopia, standing facing
within tetrasytle temple; in exergue, PA (Dora); on l. on r.,
(holy); on l., date: C (274 = 211/2 AD). Mesh. Dora 49.
Sofaer pl. 40,43. Samuels 184 (this coin). Green patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20611 Eleutheropolis, Judaea. Macrinus (218 AD). AE (23mm, 11.27
gm, 1h). Draped bust of Macrinus r., laureate; [ C]
MAKPINOC CEB / Within tetrastyle temple with central arch,
Tyche standing l. on river god, holding cornucopia and small bust;[
CE] CEO V (Lucia Septimia Severa Eleutheropolis); on l.
and r. of Tyche, date: (year 19 = 217/8 AD). Ros. 20. Sofaer pl.
102,25. Scratched in obverse fields from cleaning. Very Fine.
Ex. Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $700

20612 Eleutheropolis, Judaea. Macrinus (218 AD). AE (31mm,
18.48 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Macrinus r., laureate; C
MAK[PINOC CEB] / Macrinus on r. and Diadumenian standing
facing one another, shaking hands; C
(Macrinus and Diadumenian, of the people
of Eleutheropolis); across field, date? Ros. 23. Sofaer pl. 102,24.
Samuels 185 (this coin). Very Rare. Dark green patina, earthen
highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20613 Eleutheropolis, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (28mm,
16.34 gm, 10h). Draped bust Elagabalus r., radiate; [AYT K MA
AV] ANTWNEINOC / Athena seated left holding small Nike and
spear [ CE] CEOYH EEY [E] I (Lucia Septimia Severa
Eleutheropolis, year 19 = 218 AD). Mesh. City Coins 179. Samuels
186 (this coin). Dark green patina, earthen highlights. About Very
Estimate: $2,000

20614 Esbous, Arabia Petrea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (23.5mm,
8.29 gm, 8h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., seen
from rear, laureate; AVT C M AVP ANTONINVC / Tyche stand-
ing l. in tetrastyle temple with central arch, holding scepter and
small bust, resting foot on a figure (?); above, A [V]; in exergue,
ECBOVC (Esbous). Mesh. City Coins 267. Ros. 3. Spijk. 3. Sofaer
pl. 135, 4. Samuels 187 (this coin). Brown patina, earthen high-
lights. Extremely Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20615 Esbous, Arabia Petrea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (20mm,
5.27 gm, 6h). Bust of Elagabalus r. radiate; AVT C M AVP
ANTONI / Dionysus standing l., nude, supporting thyrsos and
pouring wine from jug in over panther at his feet; ECBOVC
(Esbous). Spijk. 6. Ros. 4. Sofaer pl. 135,9. Dark patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20616 Gaba, Galilee. Titus (79 - 81 AD). AE (24mm, 9.50 gm, 11h).
Bust of Titus r.; laureate: C C / Nude male
figure (Zeus?) standing l., resting on scepter and his hand on hip;
on l., [I] on r., W (of the people of Gaba
(named for) Claudius and Philip); in l. field, date: P (137 = 78/9
AD). Kindler Gaba 9. RPC II 2236. Sofaer pl. 41,9. Samuels 188
(this coin). Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Extremely Fine.

Estimate: $350

20617 Gaba, Galilee. Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE (14mm, 2.99 gm, 11h).
Mn standing facing looking l., resting on scepter and his hand on
hip; (of the people of Claudia Philippi Gaba)
/ Victory advancing l., holding wreath and palm branch over
shoulder; in r. field, date: P (142 = 83/4 AD). Ros. 6. Kindler 13.
Sofaer pl. 41,3. Dark patina. Very Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-9/10-1989 (Jascha Heifitz Collection II),
Estimate: $250
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20618 Gaba, Galilee. Plotina, wife of Trajan (98 - 117 AD). (18mm,
5.04 gm, 12h). Bust of Plotina r.; O CC / Nude
male figure (Zeus?) standing l., resting on scepter and his hand on
hip; O (of the people of Claudia Philippi Gaba);
in r. field, date: (171 = 112/3 AD). Ros. 8. Kindler Gaba 21.
Sofaer 42,19. Dark patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20619 Gaba, Galilee. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE (32mm, 25.82 gm,
12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian r., laureate;
C CC / Tetrastyle temple with central
arch and dome; inside, Tyche standing l., holding scepter and
cornucopia, small Victory standing on column to r.; in exergue,
O (of the people of Gaba), (189 = 131/2 AD).
Meshorer City Coins 100. Ros. 12 (for type). Sofaer 42,22 (for
type). Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $450

20620 Gadara, Decapolis. Nero (54 - 78 AD). AE (18mm, 6.13 gm,
12h). Head of Nero r., laureate: / Crossed cornucopias;
(of the people of Gadara); above, date: L (year
131 = 67/8 AD). Spijk. 25. Ros 29. Sofaer pl. 137,23. RPC I 4824.
Dark green patina, earthen highlights. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20621 Gadara, Decapolis. Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). AE (24mm, 9.52
gm, 12h). Bust of Vespasian r., laureate; OYECAC[IANO]C
KAICAP, round countermark on neck of male head r. / Tyche
standing l., holding wreath and cornucopia; on r.,
(Gadara); on l., date: L E (year 135 = 71/2 AD). GIC 6 (for
countermark). Ros. 32. Spijk. 26. Sofaer pl. 137,24. Brown patina,
earthen highlights. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $500

20622 Gadara, Decapolis. Titus as Caesar (69 - 79 AD). AE (16mm,
4.32 gm, 12h). Head of Titus r., laureate; [ ] /
Bust of Tyche r., veiled; on l., (Gadara); on r., date: LZ
(year 137 = 73/4 AD). Ros. 36. Spijk. 29. Sofaer pl. 137,29. RPC II
2097. Cleaned, dark green patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $350

20623 Gadara, Decapolis. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (22mm,
6.94 gm, 12h). Bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate; ANTWNEI
KAICAP / Bare, undraped male head r., EW C (of the
people of Gadara, year 223 = 159/60 AD). Ros. 40. Spijk. 33. Sofaer
pl. 137,34. Cleaned, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20624 Gadara, Decapolis. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (17mm,
4.51 gm, 1h). Bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate; ANTWNEI
KAICAP / Bust of Athena r., wearing crested helmet; EW
C (of the people of Gadara, year 223 = 159/60 AD). Ros. 41.
Spijk. 34. Sofaer pl. 137,35. Dark patina, earthen highlights. Good
Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20625 Gadara, Decapolis. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD). AE (28mm,
13.02 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius r.,
seen from rear, laureate; AYT KAIC M AYP ANTWNEINOC /
Bust of Heracles r.; EWN C (of the people of Gadara,
year 224 = 160/1 AD). Spijk. 38. Ros. 43. Sofaer pl. 138, 37. Dark
green patina. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $2,000

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Extraordinary Gadara Tetradrachm

20626 Gadara, Decapolis. Caracalla (198-217 AD). AR tetradrachm
(26mm, 13.05 gm, 6h). Struck 215-217 AD. Bust of Caracalla,
laureate, on back of an eagle; AYT KAI ANTWNINOC CE / Bust
of Heracles r., lion skin knotted around neck, club in field before;
below, the three Graces in wreath; E O
(power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). JNG (Van Hoof Hoard) 36,
167. Prieur 1585. Very Rare, likely the finest surviving specimen.
Good extremely Fine.
Estimate: $4,000

20627 Gadara, Decapolis. Septimius Severus (193 - 211 AD). AE
medallion (32 X 34mm, 29.18 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed
bust of Septimius Severus r., seen from rear, laureate; AYT. K
[ CE CEB] / Galley sailing l., with nine rowers, navigator
at stern and a lookout on prow; above, / HIEWN /
EWN / ET C (of the people of Pompiean Gabinius, year 262
= 198/9 AD). Spijk. 69. Ros. 69. Sofaer pl. 140,70. Very Rare. Dark
green-earthen patina, with light tooling on reverse. About Very
Estimate: $3,500

20628 Gadara, Decapolis. Gordian III (238 - 244 AD). AE (20mm,
5.84 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Gordian III r., radiate; AYT K
M AV ANT C / The three Graces; above; in
exergue, (Gadara); around, (304 - 240/1 AD). Ros. 92.
Spijk. 92. Sofaer pl. 142,101. Scratched in rev. field, dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Fine plus.
Estimate: $300

20629 Gadara, Decapolis. Gordian III (238 - 244 AD). AE (27mm,
10.97 gm, 11h). AYTOK K M AV ANT[OPIANOV CEB];
draped, radiate bust Gordian III to r. / OM AAPE WN,
in exergue T ([of the people of] Pompieian Gadara, year 303 =
239/240 AD). Sofaer pl.142,104. Spijkerman 154, 95. Gray-green
patina. Remarkably detailed ship. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20630 Gaza, Judaea. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (32mm,
21.78 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate; AYT
KAI ONEINO / Bust of Tyche r., with turreted crown,
veiled; in r. field, ( ; on r., (Gaza); on l., date: : C (203 =
142/3 AD). BMC Palestine 56. Sofaer pl. 108,83. Samuels 193 (this
coin). Brown patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine / Extremely
Estimate: $1,000

20631 Gaza, Judaea. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE (31mm,
21.98 gm, 1h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate; AYT
KAI IANO WNEINO / Bust of Tyche r., with tur-
reted crown, veiled; in r. field, ( ; on r., (Gaza); on l., date:
: C (209 = 148/9 AD). Ros. 72. Sofaer pl. 108, 88. Green patina,
earthen highlights. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,500
166 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20632 Gaza, Judaea. Marcus Aurelius (198 - 217 AD). AE (21mm,
5.98 gm, 12h). Bust of Marcus Aurelius r., laureate; KAIC
ANTWNINOC / Tyche wearing kalathos standing facing looking
l., resting her hand on scepter and holding cornucopia; beside her,
heifer standing l.; in upper r. field, ( ; on l., Z (Gaza); on r.,
date: C (224 = 163/4 AD). Ros. 95 var. Sofaer pl. 110, 118. Green
patina, earthen highlights. Good very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20633 Gaza, Judaea. Lucius Verus (161 - 169 AD). AE (17mm, 5.14 gm,
1h). Head of Lucius Verus r., laureate; KAICAP OHPOC / Head
of Heracles r.; in lower r. field, club; in upper r. field, ( ; on l.,
(Gaza); on r., date: C (224 = 163/4 AD). Ros. (Supp.) 9. BMC
Palestine 104. Sofaer pl. 112,142. Green patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20634 Gaza, Judaea. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (26mm, 15.04
gm, 12h). Draped and bearded bust of Commodus r.;
/ Distyle facade of the temple of Marnas;
inside, Marnas on r. standing l., holding bow and branch, looking
at Artemis standing r., holding bow and drawing arrow from
quiver at her shoulder; on l., (Gaza); on r., date: EMC (245 =
184/5 AD). Rosenberger 125 var. Sofaer pl. 113,153 var. Dark green
patina. Very Fine.
The coins of Gaza are rich with this type, however this is the only
instance we are able to document where Marnas and Artemis are
sacrificing over an altar between them, and the Gaza mintmark is
not used.
Estimate: $750
Unique Gaza Tetradrachm

20635 Gaza, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon tetradrachm
(26mm, 14.47gm, 11h). Struck 215-217 AD. Bust of Caracalla
r., laureate; M ANTWNONOC / Eagle with spread
wings, head l., wreath in beak, between legs, ; X
YC (power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur 1687
(this coin, listed as unique). Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $8,500
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Unpublished Type for Gaza

20636 Gaza, Judaea. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR billon tetradrachm
(25 X 27mm, 12.93 gm, 7h). Struck 215-217 AD. Bust of Caracalla
r., laureate; AI ANTWNONOC CE / Head of young
Caracalla (?) r. upon back of eagle with spread wings standing l.
on thunderbolt, wings spread, head r., in field to r., ; X
YC (power of Tribune, Consul). Samuels 194 (this coin).
Otherwise unpublished and apparently unique. Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $12,000

20637 Gerasa, Decapolis. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE (23mm, 10.77
gm, 8h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian r. laureate;
.. C CE / Bust of Artemis-Tyche r., resting
on crescent, quiver behind shoulder and bow in front; APTEMIC
TYXH [ECWN] (Artemis-Tyche of the people of Gerasa).
Mesh. City Coins 252. Ros. 5. Spijk. 5. Sofaer pl. 142,5. Samuels 195
(this coin). Dark patina. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 6-11-1986 (Grover), 1453.
Estimate: $750

20638 Hippos, Decapolis. Roman Period, Autonomous. AE (19mm,
5.23 gm, 12h). Head of Tyche r. / Horse galloping r.; above,
WN (of the people of Hippos); below, date: LK (year 26 =
37 BC). Mesh. City Coins 197. Lichtenberger 2003 MZ1. Sofaer pl.
145,1. Rare. Dark green patina. Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20639 Hippos, Decapolis. Roman Period, Autonomous. AE (14mm,
3.37 gm, 12h). Head of Tyche r. / Palm branch; [...] (Hippos).
AJC II, 51 (attributed in error to Agrippa II). MZ 2. Lichtenberger
2003 MZ 2. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20640 Hippos, Decapolis. Nero (54 - 68 AD). AE (24mm, 13.61 gm, 1h).
Bust of Nero r., laureate; C KAICAP; round
countermark depicting radiate head r. on neck / Tyche standing
l., holding horse by bridle and cornucopia;
C (of the Antiocheans at Hippos, holy, city of asylum); in
l. field, date: [] (131 = 67/8 AD). Spijk. 1a. RPC I 4807. Sofaer
pl. 145,3. GIC 121 (for countermark). Dark green patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20641 Hippos, Decapolis. Domitian (81 - 96 AD). AE (18mm, 14.63
gm, 12h). Bust of Domitian r., laureate; KAI[CAP] /
Horse standing l.; (of the people of Hippos); in l. field,
A beneath line. Spijk. 5. RPC II 2105. Sofaer pl. 145,10. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20642 Hippos, Decapolis. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD ). AE
(25mm, 10.19 gm, 1h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus
Aurelius r., seen from rear, laureate; AVT KAI... AVP ... / Tyche
standing l., holding horse by bridle and cornucopia;
E [CYC] (of the Antiocheans at Hippos, holy, city of
asylum); in exergue, date: C (229 = 165/6 AD). Ros. 10. Spijk. 8.
Sofaer pl. 145,12. Dark green patina. Good Fine.
Estimate: $300
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judean Coi nS

20643 Joppa, Judaea. Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). AE (18mm,
6.62 gm, 1h). Draped bust of Severus Alexander r., laureate/ AYT
KA[...] / Athena standing r., resting her l. on long spear and her
r. on shield; C (Flavia Joppa). Ros. 9. BMC Palestine
1 (as Elagabalus). Sofaer pl. 44, 20. Rough surfaces, dark green
patina, earthen highlights. About Fine.
Coins of Joppa are rare and usually missing much of the legends.
The published specimens for this reverse type are generally identi-
fied as Elagabalus or Severus Alexander.
Estimate: $500

20644 Marisa, Judaea. Hellenistic Period, autonomous. AE (20.5mm,
3.53 gm, 1h). Male head (Gabinius?) r., with helmet and curly
hair / Palm branch with entwined serpent; in l. field, date: L
(year 3 = 58/7 AD) and ; in r. field, M/A (Gabinian Marisa).
Sofaer pl. 118,2 (these dies). Qedar Marisa C-1 (these dies). Very
rare. Some filing, possibly overstruck. Dark green patina. Very
Fine to Very Fine plus.
Estimate: $1,500

20645 Medaba, Province of Arabia. Septimius Severus (135 - 211 AD).
AE (27 X 30mm, 15.66 gm, 6h). AVT KAIC CEOVHPOC; laure-
ate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus r. / [AIOC
H]I OC; MHA (holy Helios, Medaba) in exergue; Helios stands
facing on quadriga, looks l., holding reins in raised r. arm and
small torch in l. Sofaer pl 147,1. Spijk. 182,2. Ros. 57,3. Samuels 198
(this coin). Very Fine.
Estimate: $300

20646 Medaba, Provincia Arabia. Geta (209 - 212 AD). AE (23.5mm,
7.32 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Geta r., laureate;
...CE ... ETAC / Tetrastyle temple with pellet in pediment and
two steps in front; within, baetyl composed of two flat stones with
pillar over them, topped by two more flat ones; [V]CAPHC; in
exergue, MHAB (Dusares, Medaba). Spijk. 8. Mesh. City Coins
270. Ros. 7. Sofaer pl. 147,7. Samuels 199 (this coin). Dark green
patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20647 Neapolis, Samaria. Domitian (81 - 96 AD). AE (26mm, 19.25
gm, 6h). Head of Domitian r., laureate;
/ Inscription i n wreat h: /
/ / L (Flavian Neapolis in Samaria, year
11 = 82/3 AD). Ros. 1. BMC Palestine 1. RPC II 2218. Sofaer pl.
45,2. Lightly tooled, dark brown patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20648 Neapolis, Samaria. Antoninus Pius (138 - 141 AD). AE medal-
lion (32.5mm, 20.78 gm, 11h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius
r., laureate; [ C ]WC CC C
/ Athena seated on cuirass and shield l. holding cornucopia and
small Victory; C[WC CC CTINHC]
(Flavian Neapolis in Syria-Palestina); across field, date: [] []
(year 88 = 159/60 AD). Mesh. City Coins 121. Sofaer pl. 47,28. Very
rare. Tooled, dark patina, earthen highlights. About Fine.
Estimate: $750

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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Temple on Mount Gerizim

20649 Neapolis, Samaria. Antoninus Pius (138 - 141 AD). AE medal-
lion (34mm, 24.57 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r.,
laureate; C WC CC C / View
of Mount Gerizim; below in front, a colonnade with two arched
entrances; the l. one leads to a stairway on l., flanked by a series
of shrines or altars on the slope; the stairway leads to a temple
seen in three quarter view; another roadway f lanked by trees
leads from the colonnade to an altar on top of the hill to the r.;
C [WC CC CC] (Flavian Neapolis
in Syria-Palestina); in exergue, date: (year 89 = 160/1 AD).
Ros 10 var. Sofaer pl. 47,30. Mesh. City Coins 126. Samuels 200
(this coin). Rare. Dark green-earthen patina, heavily cleaned in
fields. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $4,500

20650 Neapolis, Samaria. Antoninus Pius (138 - 141 AD). AE medal-
lion (34mm, 25.70 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r.,
laureate; C [WC] CC C /
View of Mount Gerizim; below in front, a colonnade with two
arched entrances; the l. one leads to a stairway on l., f lanked by
a series of shrines or altars on the slope; the stairway leads to a
temple seen in three quarter view; another roadway f lanked by
trees leads from the colonnade to an altar on top of the hill to the
r.; C [WC CC CC] (Flavian
Neapolis in Syria-Palestina); in exergue, date: (year 89 =
160/1 AD). Ros 10 var. Sofaer pl. 47,30. Rare. Dark green patina,
earthen highlights, heavily cleaned. Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20651 Neapolis, Samaria. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (139 - 161 AD).
AE (25.5mm, 10.61 gm, 12h). Bust of Marcus Aurelius r., bare-
headed; C C C C / Zeus Heliopolites
standing facing, f lanked by foreparts of two bulls, holding in
raised r. a whip and in extended l. two ears of grain; C
WC CIAC ... (Flavian Neapolis in Syria-Palestina)
; in field, date: (year 88 = 159/60 AD). Ros. 15. BMC
Palestine 30. Sofaer 47,34. Dark green patina, earthen highlights.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20652 Neapolis, Samaria. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AR tetradrachm
(28mm, 12.64 gm, 6h). Struck 215-217 AD. Draped and cui-
rassed bust of Caracalla r., laureate; C
CE / Eagle with spread wings standing facing, looking l., holding
wreath in beak; between legs, small flaming altar;
C (power of Tribune, Consul fourth time). Prieur
1707. Bell. 343. Sofaer pl. 59, 81. Deeply struck on a broad f lan.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,200
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20653 Neapolis, Samaria. Macrinus (218 AD). AE (29mm, 20.63 gm,
6h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus r., laureate;
C C CE / View of Mount Gerizim; below in
front, a colonnade with two arched entrances; the l. one leads to a
stairway on l., flanked by a series of shrines or altars on the slope;
the stairway leads to a temple seen in three quarter view; another
roadway flanked by trees leads from the colonnade to an altar on
top of the hill to the r.; [] C OC C (Flavian
Neapolis in Syria Palestina). Ros. 32. Sofaer pl. 50,83. Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20654 Neapolis, Samaria. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (22mm,
12.06 gm, 6h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., lau-
reate; C / View of Mount Gerizim;
below in front, a colonnade with two arched entrances; the l. one
leads to a stairway on l., f lanked by a series of shrines or altars
on the slope; the stairway leads to a temple seen in three quarter
view; another roadway flanked by trees leads from the colonnade
to an altar on top of the hill to the r.; [C C ]
(Flavian Neapolis in Syria-Palestina), in exergue, . Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20655 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip I (244 - 249 AD). AE (28mm, 13.98
gm, 6h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I r., laureate; IMP M
IVL PHILIPPVS P F AVG / The emperor as founder, plowing with
ox and cow to r. and above Mount Gerizim; COL SERG NEAPOL
(Colonia Sergia Neapolis). Sofaer pl. 53,132 var. (radiate bust). Very
Estimate: $500

20656 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip I (245 - 249 AD). AE (27mm,
18.74 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Philip I r., radiate; IMP M IVL
PHILIPPVS AVG / On r., Marsyas of the Forum standing l.,
holding wine skin over shoulder and raising arm at eagle standing
on r. with spread wings, head r., supporting Mount Gerizim; COL
SERG; in exergue, NEAPOL (Colonia Sergia Neapolis). Ros. 83
var. BMC 120. Sofaer pl. 54, 144 var. Dark green patina, earthen
highlights. Fine plus.
Estimate: $500

20657 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip I (245 - 249 AD). AE (30mm,
11.04 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Philip I r., radiate; IMP M IVL
PHILIPP[VS AVG] / Eagle with spread wings carrying the bust
of Zeus-Serapis r.: COL IVL NEAPOL (Colonia Julia Neapolis).
Ros. 78 var. Sofaer pl. 54,145. Rare. Dark green patina. About Very
Estimate: $500

20658 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip I (245 - 249 AD). AE (28mm, 12.15
gm, 12h). Draped bust of Philip I r., laureate; IMP C M IVL
PHILIPPO P F AVG / Helmeted figure seated facing, r. foot placed
on globe (?), holding scepter; on r., figure standing l., raising hand
and holding scepter; on l., male figure standing facing raising his
hand at another male figure turning at him; above, small Mount
Gerizim; NEAPOLI NEOCORO (the new cult of Neapolis); in
exergue, COL and small star. Ros. 82. Harl 26. Sofaer pl. 55,158.
Samuels 202 (this Coin). Very Rare. Dark green patina, earthen
highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $6,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20659 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip I (245 - 249 AD). AE (28.5mm, 16.53
gm, 12h). Draped bust of Philip r., laureate; [IMP C M IVL]
PHILIPPO PF AVG / Eagle with spread wings standing facing,
looking l., carrying wreath encircling Mount Gerizim; COL /
SERG / NEAPOL (Colonia Sergia Neapolis). Ros. 81. Sofaer pl.
59,213 (Philip II). Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Fine to
Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20660 Neapolis, Samaria. Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I (244 - 249
AD). AE (28mm, 16.83 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Otacilia Severa
r., on crescent; M OT SEVERAE AVG M C / Eagle standing
facing and looking r., carrying Mount Gerizim; COL IVL NEAP
(Colonia Julia Neapolis). BMC Palestine 135. Sofaer pl. 57,182.
Brown patina. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $1,500

20661 Neapolis, Samaria. Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I (244 - 249
AD). AE (30mm, 15.24 gm, 1h). Draped bust of Otacilia Severa
r., M OT SEVERAE AVG M C / Eagle standing facing and looking
r., carrying Mount Gerizim; COL IVL NEAP (Colonia Julia
Neapolis). Ros 94. Sofaer pl. 57,182. Dark green patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20662 Neapolis, Samaria. Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I (244 - 249
AD). AE (30mm, 15.40 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Otacilia Severa
r., on crescent; M OT SEVERAE AVG M C / She-wolf standing
l., head turned at Romulus and Remus suckling; above, Mount
Gerizim COL IVL SERG; in exergue, NEAPOL (Colonia Sergia
Julia Neapolis). Sofaer pl. 57, 192. Dark green patina. Good Very
Estimate: $750

20663 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip II (247 - 249 AD). AE (26mm, 15.62
gm, 12h). Draped bust of Philip II r., laureate; IMP C M IVL
PHILIPPO PF AVG / Emperor as founder plowing with bull and
cow r.; above the animals heads, a small standard; above, Mount
Gerizim; in exergue, COL and small star; on l., NEAPOLI; on
r., NEOCORO (the new cult of Neapolis), the. Ros. 105. Harl 76.
Sofaer 194. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20664 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip II (247 - 249 AD). AE (28mm, 13.21
gm, 1h). Draped bust of Philip II r., laureate; IMP C M IVL
PHILIPPO PF AVG / Mount Gerizim supported by eagle stand-
ing with spread wings, head r.: COL IVL NEAPOL (Colonia Julia
Neapolis). Ros. 85 var. Sofaer pl. 58, 195. Green patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20665 Neapolis, Samaria. Philip II (247 - 249 AD). AE (29mm, 14.08
gm, 7h). Draped bust of Philip II r., laureate; IMP C M IVL
PHELIPPO P F AVG / Eagle with spread wings carrying the bust
of Serapis; COL IVL NEAPOL (Colonia Julia Neapolis). Ros 78.
Sofaer pl. 58,200. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very
Estimate: $650
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20666 Neapolis, Samaria. Hostilian (251 AD). AE (24mm, 10.68 gm,
1h). Draped bust of Hostilian r., radiate; AVT KAI KVINT[OC
E]KIOC / Asklepios on r., standing l., extending hand to a
serpent (?); on l., Hygieia standing r., feeding serpent from patera;
above, Mount Gerizim and star below; C WC
(Flavian Neapolis). Ros. 109. Harl 103. Sofaer pl. 59,215. Brown
patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20667 Neapolis, Samaria. Trebonianus Gallus (251 - 253 AD). AE
(26mm, 11.16 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian
r., radiate; [AVT KAIC ] V VVC / Eagle with
spread wings standing facing, looking l., carrying tabula ansata
inscribed: C / WC / C / O (Flavian
Neapolis in the time of the new cult); above, small Mount Gerizim
f lanked by star on l., and crescent on r. Sofaer pl. 60,245. Dark
green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20668 Nicopolis-Emmaus, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE
(24mm, 8.24 gm, 8h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., radiate;
AT K M AP ANTONINOC (partial) / Tetrastyle temple with
pediment and central arch; within, Tyche standing with foot
on prow, resting on standard and holding small bust (?); ANT
NIK[OC] (of the people of Antoniniana Nicopolis); between
columns, date: E B (year 2 = 219/20 AD). SNG ANS 1044. BMC
Palestine (Nicopolis) 4. Sofaer pl. 118,3. Samuels 166 (this coin
listed in error as Antipatris.) Dark green patina, earthen high-
lights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20669 Nicopolis-Emmaus, Judaea. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE
(24.5mm, 12.24 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., laure-
ate; AT K M AP ANTWNINOC / Tetrastyle temple with
pediment and central arch; within, Tyche standing with foot on
prow, resting on standard and holding small bust (?);NINI...NW
NIKOC (Antoniniana Nicopolis); in exergue, date: E B (year
2 = 219/20 AD). Sofaer pl. 118,4. Samuels 204 (this coin) Extemely
Rare. Cleaned, dark green patina, earthen highlights. Good Very
Estimate: $1,000
Rare Portraits of Gabinius, Crassus

20670 Nysa Scythopolis, Decapolis. Aulus Gabinius, Governor of
Syria (57 - 55 BC).AE (19.5mm, 7.00 gm, 10h). Diademed bust
of Gabinius r.; on l., / Victory advancing l. extending wreath
and holding palm branch over shoulder; E[ CH]
(of the people of Gabinian Nysa). Barkay 1; RPC I 4826. Sofaer pl.
148,5. Samuels 205 (this coin). Scarce. Dark patina. Good Fine.

Ex. Superior Galleries 12-12-1987, 620.
Estimate: $500

20671 Nysa-Scythopolis, Decapolis. A. Gabinius (57-55 BC). AE
(21mm, 5.72 g, 12h). AB to left of laureate bust of Gabinius r. /
TN EN NYHI; Nike stands l. holding palm branch and wreath.
Sofaer pl.148,6. Barkay 197,3. RPC 4825. Fine.
Estimate: $150
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20672 Nysa-Scythopolis, Decapolis. Crassus (54-53 BC). AE (21mm,
6.40 g, 12h). Head of Crassus to r. / AB NV in l. field, LI in
r. field, A in exergue; Dionysus stands to front wearing a short
chiton, his head turned l., he holds a thyrsus in l. hand and kan-
tharos in r. Sofaer pl.148, 7. Barkay 198, 5. Ros. 28,3. RPC 4827.
Rare. Fine.
Estimate: $250

20673 Nysa Scythopolis, Decapolis. Faustina Jr., wife Marcus Aurelius
(161 - 180 AD). AE (21mm, 6.45 gm, 12h). Bust of Faustina
Junior r.; CCEBACTH / Draped and turreted bust of
Tyche r.; CA CKO I CYPIAC (Nysa Scythopolis in Coele-Syria).
Barkay 24. Spijk. 11. Ros 16. Sofaer-. Samuels 206 (this coin). Very
rare. Dark green patina. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20674 Nysa Scythopolis, Decapolis. Lucius Verus (161 - 169 AD). AE
(30mm, 20.25 gm, 11h). Draped bust of Lucius Verus r., laure-
ate; [AVT KA]IC O[V AYP OYHP AY] / Tetrastyle temple
with pediment and central arch; within, Zeus seated l. on throne,
holding scepter and Victory crowning him with wreath. At his
feet eagle standing l.; C[AE] KOI C[VP] (Nysa in Coele-Syria);
in exergue, ET ZKC (year 227 = 163/4 AD). Barkay 26. Ros. 19.
Sofaer 149,19. Dark patina. About Fine-Fine.
Estimate: $350

20675 Nysa Scythopolis, Decapolis. Gordian III (138 - 144 AD). AE
(23.5mm, 11.35 gm, 5h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian
III r., laureate; [AVT K M ANT] C CEB / Dionysus
advancing r., pointing thyrsos at small figure on one knee with
hands behind; in l. field, panther standing l. looking backwards;
[C C]KV C (Nysa Scythopolis, holy); across field, date:
on l. and T on r. (304 = 240/1 AD) Barkay 86. Ros. 59 var. Sofaer
pl. 151,60. Dark patina, earthen highlights. Fine.
Estimate: $750

20676 Nysa Scythopolis as Beisan. Umayyad Period, Arab Byzantine
(7th century AD). AE half- follis (18mm, 2.89 gm, 2h). Two
i mperial f igures seated facing, holding scepters; in upper
field, cross; between them scepter topped by cross; CKVO
(Scythopolis) / K; above, crescent; below, x; on l. Arabic inscrip-
tion: (Baysan). Walker 78/3. Amitai-Preiss et al. B3. Sofaer
pl. 153,83. Very Fine.
Estimate: $200

20677 Caesarea Paneas, Gal i lee. AE 12. 5mm, (2. 32 gm, 9h).
Autonomous, probably during reign of Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180
AD). Bust of Pan l. / Syrinx. Ros. 8. Mesh. Paneas 3. Sofaer pl.
34,3. Rough, green patina, earthen highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20678 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD). AE
(27mm, 15.09 gm, 12h). Bust of Marcus Aurelius r., laureate;
C WC C / Pan standing nude
facing, looking r., playing flute; on his r., tree trunk with syrinx
hung on its lower part and pedum at foot of tree; C C
C W (of Caesarea, Augustan, holy, city of
Asylum at Panias); across field, date: PO B (172 = 169 AD). Mesh.
Paneas 6. Sofaer pl. 34,5. Samuels 211 (this coin). Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,250
174 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20679 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD). AE
(13.5mm, 3.13 gm, 9h). Bust of Pan r. / Syrinx; C
C (Caesarea Panias year 172 = 169 AD). Ros. 13. Mesh.
Paneas 2. Sofaer pl. 34,2. Samuels 210 (this coin). Dark green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750

20680 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Septimius Severus (193 - 211 AD). AE
(23.5mm, 8.27 gm, 12h). Bust of Septimius Severus r., laureate;
[C] C / Pan standing nude facing, looking
r., playing flute; on his r., tree trunk with syrinx hung on its lower
part and pedum at foot of tree; [C] C C
(of Caesarea, Augustan, holy, city of Asylum at Panias); across
field, date: P (retrograde) (199 = 196 AD). Mesh. Paneas 12a.
Ros. 19. Sofaer pl. 35, 10 var. Dark green patina. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20681 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Julia Domna, wife Septimius Severus
(193 - 211 AD). AE (21mm, 7.31 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Julia
Domna r.; [ ] CC / Pedum on l. and syrinx
on r.; C C [ C ] (of Caesarea,
Augustan, holy, city of Asylum at Panias); above, date: C B (202
= 199 AD). Ros. 23. Mesh. Paneas 14. Sofaer pl. 135,13. Rough
Surfaces. Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20682 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE (25mm,
8.56 gm, 5h). Bust of Caracalla r., laureate; M AVP ANT[WNEI]
NOC CEBA / Tyche standing r., holding rudder and cornucopia;
CAPIA C (Caesarea Panias); across lower field, date:
C (214 = 211 AD). Mesh. Paneas 22. Ros. 27. Sofaer pl. 35,20.
Green patina, earthen highlights. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20683 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Plautilla, wife of Caracalla (198 - 217
AD). AE (14.22 gm, 12h). Bust of Plautilla r.; [...]
YIA / Tyche seated r., holding ears of grain; at her feet, river god
(Jordan), small figure behind her; KAIC ... EIW (Caesarea
Panias); in r. field, date: C (204 = 201 AD). Sofaer pl. 36, 23 var.
Rough surfaces. About Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20684 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Geta (209 - 212 AD). AE (18mm,
2.24 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Geta r., laureate; [C ]
C C / Inscription in wreath; C B / C /
/ C; (of Caesarea Panias, holy, city of Asylum year 202 = 199
AD). Mesh. Paneas 18. Ros. 34. Sofaer pl. 35,17. Dark green patina,
earthen highlights. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $500

Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 175
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS
Outstanding AE of Macrinus

20685 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Macrinus (217 - 218 AD). AE
(30.5mm, 23.38 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus
r., laureate; AVT KAIC MAKPINOC CEB / Zeus, f lanked by
pedum and syrinx, stands l. holding patera and scepter within tet-
rastyle temple; KAIC A CEB IEP ACY (of Caesarea Panias, holy,
city of Asylum); ; in exergue, date: KC (220 = 217 AD). Cf. Mesh.
Paneas 29. Samuels 213 (this coin). Very rare. Dark green patina,
highlighted by earthen fields. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $10,000

20686 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE
(27mm, 13.11 gm, 1h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus
r., laureate; AVT K M ANTWNINOC / Pan standing nude facing,
looking r., playing flute; on his r., tree trunk with syrinx hung on
its lower part, inside niche cut in the rock; below, cave with fence
in front; on rock edges, trees; in l. field, pedum and in r. field,
syrinx; C YC CK (of Caesarea Panias, holy, city
of Asylum year 223 = 220 AD). Mesh. Paneas 41 var. Ros. 47 var.
Sofaer pl. 36,33 var. Rough, dark green patina, earthen highlights.
Very Fine/Fine.
Estimate: $350

20687 Caesarea Paneas. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (30mm,
23.89 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., radiate; AVT K M
ANTWNINOC C / Pan playing f lute inside niche above semi-
circular colonnade with sacred tree in center, fence with altar in
front; KAICPAN CE IE ACYL, in fields date: CKB (222 = 219
AD). Meshorer City Coins 190 (Franciscan Biblical School). Ros
-, Sofaer -. Extremely rare. Green patina shows through earthen
encrustation. Good very Fine.
Estimate: $3,500

20688 Caesarea Paneas, Galilee. Julia Soaemias, mother Elagabalus
(218 - 222 AD). AE (28mm, 16.12 gm, 12h). Draped bust of
Julia Soaemias r., CC V / Pan standing nude
facing, looking r., playing flute; on his r., tree trunk with syrinx
hung on its lower part and pedum r. at foot of tree, goat kneels to
l. of Pan; C C[ C] (of Caesarea Panias, holy, city
of Asylum); in fields, date: CK (223 = 220 AD). Mesh. Paneas 54
var. Ros. 54 var. Sofaer pl. 37,40. Dark green patina, earthen high-
lights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $650

176 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20689 Pella, Decapolis. Domitian (81 - 96 AD). AE (20mm, 5.30
gm, 12h). AVTOKPAT [ ] / Victory
standing r., writing on shield resting on her knee;
L EMP (of the people of Pella, year 145 = 82/3 AD). Spijk. 3. Ros. 1.
Sofaer pl. 154,2. RPC II 2100. Brown patina. Extremely Fine.
This remarkable coin copies Agrippa IIs coins that celebrate the
victory of his Roman allies over the Jews and is also reminiscent
of the Flavian Judaea Capta series struck at Caesarea Maritima
under Vespasian and Titus.
Estimate: $500

20690 Pella, Decapolis. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE medallion
(34mm, 21.90 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Commodus r., lau-
reate; AV K M AYP [K]OMOC / Nymphaeum resting on
two large pillars, stone inside, flanked by arches built in stories;
IT CE ...NY.. CY (of the people of Pella Philippi at the
Nymphaeum in Coele-Syria), date: MC (year 240 = 177/8 AD).
Spijkerman 8. Rosenberger 4. Sofaer -. Samuels 215 (this coin).
Extremely rare. Tooled on reverse, dark green patina, earthen
highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $8,500
Acropolis of Pella

20691 Pella, Decapolis. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE medal-
lion (35mm, 26.14 gm, 10h). Draped and cuirassed bust of
Commodus r., laureate; AV K M KOMMOC ANTWNINOC
/ Acropolis of Pella with hexastyle temple and figure standing in
center. The temple is placed on podium supported by pillars; at
the base of mountain, a colonnade with gateways; [
E]WN NY C PIE (of the people of Philippopolis
which is also Pella at the Nymphaeum in Coele-Syria, free); in
exergue, date: ETO MC (year 246 = 183/4 AD). Spijk. 9. Mesh
City Coins 250. Ros. 9. Sofaer pl. 154,7. Samuels 216 (this coin).
Very Rare. Dark green patina with earthen highlights, lightly
smoothed. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.
Estimate: $6,000
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The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20692 Petra, Provincia Arabia. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE (26mm,
13.03 gm, 6h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian r., lau-
CEBACTOC / Tyche seated l. on rock, holding trophy in palm
of extended hand; []C (Petra Metropolis).
Ros. 3. Spijk. 2. Sofaer pl. 155,3. Brown patina, earthen highlights.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20693 Philadelphia, Decapolis. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE (24.5mm,
10.69 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian r.,
seen from rear, laureate; C CEBACTOC
/ Bust of Heracles r., laureate, lions skin knotted round neck;
E C CYPIAC (of the Philadelphians in
Coele-Syria). Ros. 15. Spijk. 11. Sofaer pl. 159,14. Green patina,
earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $600

20694 Philadelphia, Decapolis. Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE
(22mm, 8.33 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Antoninus Pius r., laureate;
facing him small bust of Athena l.; CA[P ANTWNE]
INO / Bust of Heracles r. bareheaded with lions skin around neck;
[ ... CYPIAC (of the Philadelphians in
Coele-Syria). Spijk. 17. Ros. 18. Sofaer pl. 160, 20. Samuels 219 (this
coin). Green patina, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20695 Philippopolis, Provincia Arabia. Philip I (244 - 249 AD). AE
(24mm, 8.33 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Philip I r., laureate;
C CEB / Roma standing l., holding spear
over shield and holding bowl; C
(of the Philadelphians in Coele-Syria); across field, S C. Spijk. 17.
Ros. 18. Sofaer pl. 160,20. Samuels 219 (this coin). Earthen high-
lights. Fine.
Estimate: $250

20696 Rabbathmoba, Provincia Arabia. Septimius Severus (193 - 211
AD). AE (29mm, 15.00 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Septimius
Severus r., laureate; AVT KAC CEOVHPOC / Draped bust of
Tyche wearing turreted crown r. PAB BUN (of the people
of Rabbathmoba). Ros. 6. Spijk-. Sofaer -. Extremely rare. Green
and brown patina, earthen highlights. Green-brown patina,
earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20697 Rabbathmoba, Provincia Arabia. Julia Domna, wife Septimius
Severus (193 - 211 AD). AE (30mm, 15.42 gm, 12h). Draped
bust of Julia Domna r.; / Ares standing facing
on high base with pilasters, between two flaming altars, holding
dagger and shield with spear; PA W[BA] (of the people of
Rabbathmoba), (variety without date). Spijk. 10 var. Mesh. City
Coins 271. Ros 11 variety. Sofaer 9 (obv.) and 10 (rev.) Samuels 220
(this coin). Brown patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $750
178 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20698 Rabbathmoba, Provincia Arabia. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE
(25mm, 8.91 gm, 12h). Draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r.,
seen from rear, laureate; AVT K M AV ANTWNINOC / Poseidon
standing l., resting foot on prow, holding trident and dolphin;
APCAN (of the people of Aresopolis-[a second name for this
city]). Ros. 15. Spijk. 29b. Sofaer -. Brown patina, earthen high-
lights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20699 Raphia, Judaea. Severus Alexander (232 - 235 AD). AE
(24.5mm, 12.27gm, 12h). Draped bust of Severus Alexander r.,
laureate; AT KAI M A CE C lots of legend, dif-
ficult to read / Artemis advancing r., holding bow and drawing
arrow from quiver at her shoulder; before her, stag running r.;
IEPA PA (Raphia, holy) and date C (290 = 230/1 AD). Mesh.
Raphia 45. Ros. 23. Sofaer pl. 122,17. Samuels 221 (this coin).
Brown patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $500

20700 Sebaste, Samaria. Domitian (81 - 96 AD). AE (21mm, 7.47
gm, 12h). Bust of Domitian r., laureate: IMP DOMITIANVS
CAESAR / Armed warrior (the emperor?) standing facing holding
parazonium in r. and resting on spear with l.; CEBAC THNWN
(of the people of Sebaste); in upper l. field, date: L (year 109 =
81/2 AD). Ros. 8. RPC II 2228. Sofaer pl. 62,10. Some cleaning,
rough surfaces, dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20701 Sebaste, Samaria. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (30mm,
13.80 gm, 12h). Draped bust of Commodus r., laureate; IMP C
A [CO....] / Tyche stands l. in tetrastyle temple, she rests r. foot
on small figure, holds small bust in extended r. hand and holds
scepter with l.; CEBACTHNEN CYP CIE (of the people of Sebaste
in Syria, year 215 = 190/1 AD). Ros. 14. Sofaer -. Samuels 222
(this coin). Lovely coin, dark green patina, earthen highlights.
Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $3,500

20702 Sebaste, Samaria. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (28mm,
14.37 gm, 6h). Draped bust of Commodus r., laureate; IMP C M
AV COM M / Tetrastyle temple with central arch; within, Tyche
standing l., resting foot on small winged sphinx, holding scepter
and small bust; in between columns, small figures; on l.,[CEB];
on r., ACTH; in exergue, capricorn, CYP (of Sebaste in Syria), and
date: [CIE] (215 = 187/8 AD). Rosenberger 14 var. Sofaer pl. 62,13.
Dark green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $1,000

20703 Sebaste, Samaria. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (23mm, 6.95
gm, 6h). Draped bust of Commodus r., laureate; IMP C M AV
COM ANT / Ares, nude and helmeted, walks r. with shield on left
arm, spear in r.; CEBACTH NWN CVP (of the people of Sebaste in
Syria), in fields L C I (216 = 191/2 AD). Ros. 15. BMC 10. Sofaer -.
Samuels 223 (this coin). Dark green patina. Extremely Fine/Very
Estimate: $500
Session Three, Auction #3003 | Friday, March 9, 2012 | 1:00PM ET 179
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20704 Sebaste, Samaria. Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE (4.36 gm, 6h).
Bust of Commodus r., laureate; IMP CM AV COM / Cista mystica
surrounded by snakes; CEBACTHN CYP LCI (of the people of
Sebastia in Syria, year 216 = 191 AD). Ros. 16. Mesh. City Coins
115. Sofaer -. Green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20705 Sebaste, Samaria. Septimius Severus (193 - 211 AD). AE (33mm,
30.04 gm, 2h). Draped bust of Septimius Severus r., laureate; IMP
CAES [LVC SEP] SEV PERT AVG / Rape of Kore-Persephone:
Hades in gal loping quadriga r., looking back and carrying
Persephone in r. arm; above horses, Eros f lying r.; in exergue,
CEBACTHNWN CYP (of the people of Sebaste in Syria), above
LCK (year 226 = 201/2 AD). Ros. 17. BMC 13 var. Sofaer pl. 62,18
var. Samuels 224 (this coin). Very rare. Nice dark green patina.
Very Fine.
Estimate: $9,000

20706 Sebaste, Samaria. Geta (209 - 212 AD). AE (23mm, 9.33 gm,
12h). Draped bust of Geta r., bareheaded; L S GET C AVG PIIF /
Ares, nude, standing r., leaning on spear and holding parazonium;
at his feet, small round shield; CEBACTH CYP L CK (of the
people of Sebaste in Syria, year 226 = 198/9 AD). Ros. 24. Sofaer pl.
63,25. Green patina, earthen highlights. Good Very Fine.
Estimate: $650

20707 Sebaste, Samaria. Geta (209 - 212 AD). AE (23mm, 8.75 gm,
12h). Draped bust of Geta r., bareheaded; L S GET C AVG PIIF
/ Ares, nude, standing r., leaning on spear and holding parazoni-
um; at his feet, small round shield; CEBACTH CYP L CK (of the
people of Sebaste in Syria, year 226 = 198/9 AD). Ros. 24. Sofaer
pl. 63,25. Green patina. About Extremely Fine.
Estimate: $750

20708 Sebaste, Samaria. Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). AE (27mm, 5.66
gm, 12h). Draped bust of young Caracalla r., laureate; IMP C M
AVR ANTON AVG / Tetrastyle temple with central arch; within,
Tyche standing l., resting foot on small winged sphinx, holding
scepter and small bust; in between columns, small figures; on
l.,COL L; on r., SEP; in exergue, SEBASTE (Colony Lucia Septima
Sebaste). Ros. 19 var. Sofaer -. Slightly rough, dark patina. Very
Fine/Very Fine plus.
Estimate: $500

20709 Sebaste, Samaria. Elagabalus (218 - 222 AD). AE (23mm, 10.03
gm, 6h). Draped bust of Elagabalus r., laureate; [IMP M] AV[R
ANTONINVS] / Sphinx seated l., with r. foreleg on wheel; on top
of its wing, head l.; COL L [SEP]; in exergue, SEBASTE (Colony
Lucia Septima Sebaste). Ros -. Sofaer 63,30. Green patina. Very
Estimate: $500

20710 Sepphoris, Galilee. Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE (25 X 27mm, 14.83
gm, 12h). Head of Trajan r., laureate; TPAIANO AYTOKPAT
(the Emperor Trajan gave) / Inscription in wreath:
(of the people of Sepphoris). Ros. 3. Mesh. City
Coins 87. BMC Palestine 1. Sofaer pl. 64,1. Samuels 228 (this coin).
Green patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine/Very Fine plus.

The obverse inscription on the four coin types struck at Sepphoris
under Trajan are remarkable for their obverse inscription and their
reverse designs. The inscription, which states that the Emperor
Trajan gave is unique and does not appear elsewhere on coins.
What did Trajan give to the people of Sepphoris? Perhaps it was the
right to mint a series of coins that did not have traditional provin-
cial reverses with pagan gods and temples, since this series of coins
carried only neutral images on their reverses-wreath, palm tree,
winged caduceus, and ears of grain.
Estimate: $600
180 To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit | This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyers Premium
The ShoShana ColleCTi on of anCi enT judaean Ci Ty Coi nS

20711 Tiberias, Galilee. Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE (24mm, 10.16 gm,
12h). Head of Trajan r., laureate; AYT KAI NEP TPAIANOC
CEB / Hygieia seated r. on rock below which water is flowing,
feeding snake from bowl; TIBEPI (Tiberias Claudia);
across field, date: (year 81 = 99/100 AD). Ros. 6. Mesh. City
Coins 78. Sofaer pl. 65,2. Samuels 228 (this coin). Cleaned, green
patina, earthen highlights. Very Fine.
Estimate: $350

20712 Tiberias, Galilee. Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE (22.5mm, 6.97
gm, 12h). Bust of Hadrian r., laureate; inscription: AYT TPA
[]IANW KAIC CEB / Tyche standing l. wearing short dress,
resting r. foot on prow of galley, holding bust and scepter; TIBEP
(Tiberias Claudia); in field, date: L (101 = 119/20 AD).
Dark green patina. Very Fine.

Ex Superior Galleries 5-30-1990, 7009.
Estimate: $350
End of Auction
Abbreviations and Bibliography
AJC I and II: Meshorer 1982.
BMC (various): Hill 1910, 1914, 1922.
BN: Girard J-B. 1998.
DOC: Bellinger and Grierson et. al.
GIC: Howgego 1985
Hendin: Hendin 2010.
MCP: Menorah Coin Project
MIB: Hahn 1981.
Mildenberg or Mild.: Mildenberg 1984 (unless noted)
M-Q CS: Meshorer and Qedar 1991
M-Q SC: Meshorer and Qedar 1999
RIC: Carradice and Buttrey 2007.
Ros.: Rosenberger vol. I-IV by city listings.
RIC: Mattingly, H. various.
RPC I and II: Burnett et. al. 1992 & 1999.
TJC: Meshorer 2001.
SNG ANS: Meshorer 1981.
Spijk.: Spijkerman 1978.
Trait: Babelon, E 1910-1932.
Vestigia: Hubner and Knauf.
Amitai-Preiss, N., A. Berman, and S. Qedar. 19941999. The Coinage of Scythopolis-Baysan and Gerasa-Jerash. Israel Numismatic Journal 13:
Babelon, E. 1897-98. Inventaire de la Collection Waddington acquise par ltat en 1897 pour le Dpartement des medailles et antiques de la
Bibliothque nationale. Paris.
Babelon, E. 19011932. Trait des monnaies grecques et romaines IIV. Paris.
Barag, D. 1967. The Countermarks of the Legio Decima Fretensis. International Numismatic Convention. Jerusalem 2731 December 1963.
Barag, D. 200002. The Two Mints of the Bar Kokhba War. Israel Numismatic Journal 14: 153156.
Barkay R. 2003. The Coinage of Nysa Scythopolis (Beth-Shean). [CNP V]. Jerusalem.
Bellinger, A. R. 1940. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus, American Numismatic Society Numismatics Studies 3. New York:
The American Numismatic Society.
Bellinger, A.R. and P. Grierson et. al. 1996-98. Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore
Collection 1-5. Washington DC.
Burnett, A., M. Amandry, and I. Carradice. 1999. Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. II: From Vespasian to Domitian (AD 6996). London:
British Museum Press/Paris: Bibliothque nationale de France.
Burnett, A., M. Amandry, and P. P. Ripolls. 1992. Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. I: From the Death of Caesar to the Death of Vitellius (44 BCAD
69). London: British Museum Press/Paris: Bibliothque nationale de France.
Cahn, H. 1984-5. An Imperial Mint in Bithynia. Israel Numismatic Journal 8: 1326.
Calic, F. 2003. The Roman Aurei, Volume One from the Republic to Pertinax 196 BC-193 AD. Barcelona.
Carradice, I. and Buttrey, T. 2007. The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 1, Second Fully Revised Edition. London: Spink.
Cohen, H. 188090. Mdailles Impriales, IVIII, 2nd ed., Paris.
Deutsch, R. 1986-7. A portrait Coin of Agrippa II Reconsidered. Israel Exploration Journal 9: 36-37.
Elayi, J., and A. G. Elayi. 1993. Trsors de monnaies phniciennes et circulation montaire (Ve - IVe sicles avant J.-C.). Transeuphratne Suppl. 1.
Elayi, J. and A. Lemaire. 1998. Graffti monetairs ouest-smitiques. In Numismatique et histoire conomique
phniciennes et puniques 13: 59-76. Milano.
Fontanille, Jean Philippe. The Menorah Coin Project. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. January 15, 2012.
Giard, J-B. 1998. Monnaies de lEmpire romain. III, Du soulvement de 68 aprs J.-C. Nerva. Paris, Strasbourg.
Gitler, H. and Tal, O. 2006. The Coinage of Philistia of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries bc: A Study of the Earliest Coins of Palestine.
Milano/New York.
Hahn, W. 1981. Moneta Imperii Byzantini. Vol III Von Heraclius bis Leo III (610720). Vienna: Verlag der sterreichische Akademie der
Harl, K. W. 1984. The Coinage of Neapolis in Samaria, AD 244253. American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 29: 6197.
Heemstra, M. 2010. The Fiscus Judaicus and the Parting of the Ways. Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010
Hendin, D. 2010. Guide to Biblical Coins (5th ed). New York: Amphora Books.
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Rev. 1-18-12
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Rev. 11-16-11
NYC Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 0952360; Robert Korver 1096338; Kathleen Guzman 0762165; Michael J. Sadler 1304630; Andrea Voss 1320558 | Auc t i ons ar e s ubj ec t t o a 12- 25% buyer s pr emi um. See HA. c om f or det ai l s . 22887
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Dale Chihuly Glass
Sold For: $13,145, Nov. 2011
Beneting The Phoenix
2004 Arlen Ness Victory
Vegas, Autographed by
NASCAR legend Kyle Petty
Sold For: $9,500, Oct. 2011
Beneting Texas Scottish Rite
Hospital for Children
Diamond, Gold Necklace,
Black, Starr & Frost
Sold For: $7,767, May 2007
Beneting Academy Award
winner Meryl Streeps charity
of choice, Equality Now
2009 Hideki Matsui World
Series Game Six Home Run
Sold For: $23,900, April 2010
Beneting Friends of the
Children of Haiti
Super Bowl XLV Double Suite
Sold For: $160,000, Feb. 2010
Beneting Big Brothers Big
Cowboy Legends
Poker Fantasy
Sold For: $30,000, May 2010
Beneting Pat & Emmitt
Smith Charities
1909-11 T206 Sweet Caporal
Honus Wagner SGC
Authentic - A Newly
Discovered Example!
Sold For: $262,900, Nov. 2010
Beneting School Sisters of
Notre Dame
Emmitt Smith Hall of Fame
Fantasy Trip
Sold For: $22,000, May 2010
Beneting Pat & Emmitt
Smith Charities
Fall Fashion Week Fantasy
With Tina Craig,
The Bag Snob
Sold For: $42,500, May 2010
Beneting Pat & Emmitt
Smith Charities
TX Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Andrea Voss 16406. 22819
For more information, contact:
Jeri Carroll
800.872.6467 x1873
[email protected]
Annual Sales Exceed $800 Million | 700,000+ Online Bidder Members
3500 Mapl e Avenue | Dal l as, Texas 75219 | 800- 872- 6467 | HA. com
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Auctioneers: Samuel Foose: TX 11727; CA Bond #RSB2004178; FL AU3244; GA AUNR3029; IL 441001482; NC 8373; OH 2006000048; MA 03015; PA AU005443; TN 6093; WI 2230-052; NYC 0952360; Denver 1021450; Phoenix 07006332. Robert Korver: TX 13754; CA Bond #RSB2004179; FL AU2916; GA AUNR003023; IL 441001421; MA
03014; NC 8363; OH 2006000049; TN 6439; WI 2412-52; Phoenix 07102049; NYC 1096338; Denver 1021446. Teia Baber: TX 16624; CA Bond #RSB2005525. Ed Beardsley: TX Associate 16632; NYC 1183220. Nicholas Dawes: NYC 1304724. Marsha Dixey: TX 16493. Chris Dykstra: TX 16601; FL AU4069; WI 2566-052; TN 6463; IL 441001788;
CA #RSB2005738. Jeff Engelken: CA Bond #RSB2004180. Alissa Ford: CA Bond #RSB2005920. NYC 1094963. Shaunda Fry: TX 16448; FL AU3915; WI 2577-52; CA Bond #RSB2005396. Kathleen Guzman: NYC 0762165. Stewart Huckaby: TX 16590. Cindy Isennock, participating auctioneer: Baltimore Auctioneer license #AU10. Carolyn
Mani: CA Bond #RSB2005661; Bob Merrill: TX 13408; MA 03022; WI 2557-052; FL AU4043; IL 441001683; CA Bond #RSB2004177. Cori Mikeals: TX 16582; CA #RSB2005645. Scott Peterson: TX 13256; NYC 1306933; IL 441001659; WI 2431-052; CA Bond #RSB2005395. Tim Rigdon: TX 16519. Michael J. Sadler: TX 16129; FL AU3795; IL
441001478; MA 03021; TN 6487; WI 2581-052; NYC 1304630; CA Bond #RSB2005412. Eric Thomas: TX 16421; PA AU005574; TN 6515. Andrea Voss: TX 16406; FL AU4034; MA 03019; WI 2576-052; CA Bond #RSB2004676; NYC #1320558. Jacob Walker: TX 16413; FL AU4031; WI 2567-052; IL 441001677; CA Bond #RSB2005394. Peter
Wiggins: TX 16635. (Rev. 5-15-11)

HERITAGE WEEKLY INTERNET COIN AUCTIONS Begin and end every Sunday & Tuesday of each week at 10 PM CT.
HERITAGE MONTHLY INTERNET WORLD COIN AUCTIONS Begin and end the frst Tuesday of each month at 10 PM CT.
HERITAGE THURSDAY MODERN COIN AUCTIONS Begin and end every Thursday at 10 pm CT.
HERITAGE WEEKLY INTERNET SPORTS AUCTIONS Begin and end every Sunday at 10 PM CT, with extended bidding available.
HERITAGE MONTHLY INTERNET WINE AUCTIONS Begin and end the second Thursday of each month at 10 PM CT, with extended bidding available.
U.S. Rare Coin Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
U.S. Rare Coins New York March 8-9, 2012 Closed
U.S. Rare Coins Schaumburg, IL April 18-21, 2012 March 9, 2012
U.S. Rare Coins Long Beach May 30-June 2, 2012 March 9, 2012
World & Ancient Coin Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Judean Coin Auction New York March 8-9, 2012 Closed
CICF Ancient Coins Chicago April 25, 2012 March 6, 2012
CICF World Coins Chicago April 26-28, 2012 March 6, 2012
Rare Currency Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
CSNS Chicago April 18-23, 2012 March 2, 2012
Currency Dallas October 18-20, 2012 September 1, 2012
Fine & Decorative Arts Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Illustration Art Beverly Hills March 1-2, 2012 Closed
California Art Beverly Hills March 20, 2012 Closed
Fine Silver & Vertu Dallas April 11, 2012 February 7, 2012
Photographs New York May 1, 2012 February 28, 2012
Texas Art Dallas May 5, 2012 March 3, 2012
Art of the American West Dallas May 5, 2012 March 3, 2012
American Indian Art Dallas May 5, 2012 March 3, 2012
American & European Art Dallas May 15, 2012 March 13, 2012
Modern & Contemporary Art Dallas May 22, 2012 March 20, 2012
The Boss Star Collection Dallas May 23, 2012 Closed
Illustration Art Beverly Hills June 6, 2012 April 4, 2012
Decorative Arts Dallas June 14, 2012 April 7, 2012
20th Century Design Dallas June 13, 2012 April 11, 2012
The Estate Auction Dallas September 10, 2012 July 8, 2012
California Art Beverly Hills October 9, 2012 August 2, 2012
Jewelry, Timepieces & Luxury Accessory Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Handbags & Luxury Accessories New York April 29, 2012 February 27, 2012
Fine Jewelry New York April 30, 2012 February 27, 2012
Watches & Fine Timepieces New York May 21, 2012 March 20, 2012
Vintage Movie Posters Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Vintage Movie Posters Dallas March 23-24, 2012 January 31, 2012
Vintage Movie Posters Beverly Hills July 25, 2012 June 2, 2012
Comics Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Comics & Original Comic Art Dallas February 22-23, 2012 Closed
Comics & Original Comic Art Dallas May 17-18, 2012 April 3, 2012
Music & Entertainment Memorabilia Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Music, Celebrity & Hollywood Memorabilia Dallas March 31, 2012 February 7, 2012
Vintage Guitars & Musical Instruments Dallas April 19-22, 2012 February 27, 2012
Historical Grand Format Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Texana Houston March 3, 2012 Closed
Historical Manuscripts New York April 11, 2012 February 19, 2012
Rare Books & Autographs New York April 11, 2012 February 19, 2012
Arms & Armor Dallas April 30, 2012 March 9, 2012
NRA Firearms for Freedom Dallas May 1, 2012 March 12, 2012
Americana & Political Dallas May 12, 2012 March 21, 2012
Space Exploration Dallas May 12, 2012 March 21, 2012
Militaria Dallas June 9, 2012 April 18, 2012
Legends of the West Dallas June 10, 2012 April 19, 2012
Vintage Sports Collectibles Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Vintage Sports Collectibles Dallas April 26-27, 2012 March 5, 2012
Natural History Auctions Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Natural History New York May 20, 2012 February 11, 2012
Fine & Rare Wine Location Auction Dates Consignment Deadline
Fine & Rare Wine Beverly Hills March 30-31, 2012 February 26, 2012
Fine & Rare Wine Beverly Hills June 8-9, 2012 April 26, 2012
2012 Heritage Numismatic Auctions, Inc.

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