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NEWS | AUGUST 19, 2010

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Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case

Deborah Dupre
Human Rights Examiner + Subscribe

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Copyright Deborah Dupr 2010. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, reposted or republished without consent of author. Part I: This is Part I in a four-part series about the forced implantation of James Walbert, a Wichita Kansas resident and inventor. Part II Warning: The following article may trigger flashback. If the reader has experienced in-home or facility abuse involving possible forced RFID implanting, please read with care, preferably with a trusted significant other. __________________________________________________________________

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Recent Activity What I there is no law on the books requiring that informed consent be obtained. More important, I believe there is a need for such a law as there continue to be cases where this basic right--I do view it as , a basic right--is abused. As I started out, I would like to put this on a personal level for everyone of my colleagues. You just think about your own family, your own son, your own daughter, or grandchildren who might be, the next time they go to a doctor, the subject of some medical experiment that they are not even told about. I do not think there can be many things more un-American than that. ~ Senator John Glenn, introducing failed Bill S. 193 to 105th Congress. ___________________________________________________________________ Among greatest human rights violations imaginable Few American doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists will break rank or brave the new world of high-tech electronic abuse some of their patients report but evidence mounts that increasing numbers of innocent citizens targeted for U.S. state-sponsored terror are being secretly brain implanted with U.S. RFID chips without their consent for no-touch torture and mind control plus experimentation. One man evidenced this in court; won his case; and now prepares for a continuation in federal court, due to be equally explosive. RFID is abbreviation for Radio-frequency Identification, a misnomer due to the device functions consisting of far more than ID. It is used for remote technological harassment, torture and even assassination. (See: and The Larson Report) James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas, proved his experience as a Targeted Individual under surveillance includes forcefully implanted RFID chips, including in his brain, and subsequent remote electronic abuse. Walbert told Sedgwick County, Kansas court panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with jolts of radiation. Sign Up
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On November 25, 2008, the court ordered the associated targeted stalking of Walbert to halt. Walbert then began suffering electric shock sensations and hearing electronically generated tones, including popping and ringing sounds. On December 30th, Court decided in Walberts favor, issuing a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using electronic means to injure Walbert. That Order has been violated including by police Walbert told the Examiner. "Nothing to date has changed at all - not to say that they are not investigating. There just has been no change at all in this harassment despite this order of protection." RFIF implants A common misconception is that RFID implants are solely to track individuals 24/7. "Not so," say scientists and investigators, including Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues. ( Surveillance Issues provides information about advanced satellite surveillance and "harassment" technologies that covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates are using on innocent people to neutralize them, suppression through mental torment and physical injury. These technologies are effectively used against RFID implanted persons. Most RFID devices contain at least two parts: 1) An integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal; and 2) An antenna for receiving and transmitting signals. With the second RFID part, the antenna, implanted subject can receive sounds, even verbal orders, and thus be subjected to control against his or her best interest, a method of mind control. With the antenna, the subject can also receive electronic pain and injury meeting torture criterion. The antenna has capacity to covertly assassinate the target by directing electric energy from hand-held devices or satellite to a vulnerable body or organ part. Thus, cause of death is attributed to the subject's vulnerability as recorded in medical records and then viewed by most people as death by "natural cause." (For information on NSA neural remote monitoring, see NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation, "Mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under your skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that We The People Will Not Be Chipped," is the mission statement of the group, We the People Will Not be Chipped." But what happens when unwitting, innocent persons are covertly chipped, after drugged or otherwise induced to unconsciousness in their homes after unforced break-ins? Not possible? This is being reported throughout communities in the U.S. and other nations - with growing hard evidence to prove it. The largest deployment of active RFID is the U.S. Department of Defense. (Wikipedia) Chipped for failure to comply with bullies "In 2004, I became an inventor and was then threatened shortly afterwards by the party outlined in the protection order," explained Walbert. "He had stated that I would give him this invention or he would further discredit me and just take it from me." Walbert says that's when it all started. "The FBI believes it to be close friends of mine who are executing this crime," says Walbert. "Very soon after the threat for not giving away my invention, I started experiencing very odd things around me, mostly the way people were acting towards me. Most Targeted Individuals report that friends and even family members begin treating the target differently, as though mentally ill or dangerous. Some of these family members have reported to the Examiner that they were secretly contacted by law enforcement, threatened to keep the contact secret, and told lies about their loved one. The average person perceives and treats the target with less respect or understanding of the state-sponsored crime against them - all due to "official" lies to discredit and isolate the target, making it easier to further persecute him or her since no support or protection exists. This sworn secrecy part of the program has been reported so many times to the Examiner, it raises serious ethical questions such as: How many people in the fields of medicine and mental health including psychology are directly involved in this system of abuse and just following orders? (See APA CIA torture complicity charge: Is America ready for the whole truth? , Examiner, August 14, 2010)

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After a consultation with Walbert, Clinical Psychologist Cathy Meadows, M.A. wrote: "The techniques used against these targeted individuals are purposely designed to make the victim appear to have a mentally disorder in order to invalidate any claims of wrongdoing by the perpetrators. [The same tactic is presently being used in the Gulf Coast crime against humanity, with focus on mental injury, not physical injuries.] It is a highly organized and multi-faceted attack that is used by many political and religious extremists, by corporations and businesses, and even by organized crime." (Also see: Dupre, Human Targets: KENS 5 reports on Texas TIs in house of horrors, Examiner, Feb. 19, 2010.) Meadows concludes stating that Walbert's "reasons for the covert attack and details he gives about the attack are in sync with what we know about gang-staling and technological harassment and for this reason I can't rule out his claims." Walbert now calmly describes the terrifying experiences hundreds of innocent targeted individuals report, a violation of their bodies and minds, often in their homes: "I then woke up to bloody ears and lots of ringing and nervous system stimulations. Very soon after that, I went to the doctor and they had found something in my ears." Walbert had scars along with this foreign body in his ear according to doctor reports. "The whole left side of me was damaged," he told the Examiner. "I had gone in for an MRI. They found something else in the trapezia area. I had it sent off to a few doctors that I know." (See image online: ui=2&ik=07d474d83e&view=att&th=12a81e1308f49269&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw) Dr. John Hall identified the foreign body as an RFID chip, consistent with what investigator William J. Taylor had stated. Wanting to test his blood for any residues from the implant, the following year, Walbert saw the famous Industrial Toxicologist and Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger with Integrated Health Services out of Los Angeles. After sending Walbert for 30 blood tests in search of damages, Staninger further confirmed existence of the foreign bodies. "Well we found the damages - and other implants as well," said Walbert. He then had further tests run by another investigator to back up findings and confirmations by investigators at William J. Taylor's Agencies. Again, the new investigations concurred with the old. Walbert then turned to private detector Melinda Kidder who confirmed the findings, stating that what everyone involved in the investigation had all been saying to be truthful, factual and real. "Very soon after this, I again turned to the State Rep Jim Guest." In 2006, when the U.S. Department of Defense awarded $1.6 million to Clemson University to develop an implantable biochip,'s Yelene Slattery stated, "Soldiers can't choose not to get certain things done because they become government property once they sign up. When does it end? When does it become an infringement on a person's privacy?" Slattery expressed valid concerns that once the chip is in, soldiers can be put on surveillance, even when off-duty, according to CBS affiliate KUTV. (U.S. Military May Implant Chips In Troops' Brains, Salt Lake City, Utah; Online:; or see By 2008, due to Rep. Guest's leadership in Missouri, it became illegal for businesses to require employees to be micro-chipped. When youre forced to have a chip put in you as a condition of employment, thats taking away your civil liberties and your freedom, said Rep. Guest, a King City Republican who added the microchip language to a bill concerning overtime and disability benefits. A that time, Guest vowed to introduce a bill to prohibit all microchip implants in humans. (Chip implants cant be required in Missouri, Kansas City Star, June 26, 2008-06-26, Online: Guest had supported Walbert's first case in which the first protection order of its kind was issued, a major win that offered a glimmer of hope to the hundreds if not thousands of targets having their lives ruined by a covert, sophisticated system of abuse operating at every level of society. "This time around," Walbert said, "I had solid evidence to present to Representative Guest's offices. Once this issued to his offices, I then had him confirm this evidence as being truthful and

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accurate and asked for another letter of support per his offices. It was granted." Guest proceeded to introduce U.S. House Bill 550 against illegal chip implants. "Rep Guest had came through again for all the victims, as we all knew he would and continues to do," said Walbert. Walbert finally then turned to the Medical Community. He, like other implanted survivors, wants the devices extracted - but that has not happened. "I was and continue to be turned away out of fear. "Several doctors stated that they see it on the MRI and agree with other doctors, but they are not going to help out fear that the government is involved and tear their offices apart for any records that are related to this extraction of this implanted device." (Emphasis added) Harassment continues Walbert explains, "In the Order, there's a request to the Courts to have the defendant withheld from the use of such devices, and that is what the order was issued under that request. That is why it was a hit in such a big way. It was and is still the only order of protection from this equipment and its effects that has ever been issued to date. "I'm preparing to fight the local police. The Federal courts are the only courts I can fight them in considering this is a federal crime." The courts have waived the filing fee for Walbert and are serving the police via Federal Marshall office. They will deliver the suit to the police. "Thats kinda kool to see happening to them," said Walbert. "I have political support, investigatory support, medical support, psychological support as well for this case. If there are statement's that have been made against my mental health then we will just add the defamation into the suit as well. I am trying to get local media involved with this case. Just to expose our police department into an negligent state." To date, Walbert's first case rests on over 557,000 websites, was featured in a Wired Magazine article plus appeared in numerous mainstream media outlets. Walbert's next court case is due to be just as explosive as the first. This case impacts not only impacts the innocent citizens who silently suffer persecution, denied by those who could help. This goes further. Baird told he Examiner yesterday that the system of which Walbert reports and fights also has to do with "exclusion of those with character/integrity from public life; a selection process now perfected with use of surveillance technology to ensure that no opposition exists." Baird stated: "The Big Brother system of control that we now know about is both the essence of the problem and the reason that approaches to public figures fail to get the necessary result. You can find good and bad in most quarters but not in the mainstream media, politics etc. The good - and I've found quite a few - are on the outer; systematically excluded." To non-believers, including family, friends and professionals who choose to forsake loved ones or clients due to this seemingly unbelievable hidden system of persecution, including by media, medical and mental health professionals, Walbert says: "Anyone who who wants more evidence, I have over 800 documents of solid irrefutable evidence to share." Sources 2010-03-22 Jim Guest Letter RE Implant of Foreign Device.pdf (See Part II of this series) February 5 James Walbert Medical Necessity Letter Damages 2010.pdf. (See Part II) Walbert Letter to the Court.pdf (See Part II) Federal case filed 7-20-20110 We The People Will Not Be Chipped: Representative Jim Guest (MO) Letter to Congress: Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID "Satellite Tyranny'' by Paul Baird:

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Want to Know: American Cognitive Liberties Association: Monarch the New Pheonix Program: Carole Smith, On The Need For New Criteria Of Diagnosis Of Psychosis In The Light Of Mind Invasive Technology, Journal Of Psycho-Social Studies , Vol 2(2) No 3 2003: Wired Magazine: Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man's Mind! | Danger Room Copyright 2010 Deborah Dupre. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, posted, republished without author permission. Deborah Dupr, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails: [email protected] See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs. Take Action See: BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS Australians: Email your local government representative and tell them about the 'Bodily Integrity Act' and encourage them to learn more about this insidious agenda. Click here to read about the "Bodily Integrity Act". Contact numbers and email addresses for Australian representatives are at (Source: We the people will not be chipped!) Learn more

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By Deborah Dupre Human Rights Examiner Deborah Dupre' holds American and Australian science and education graduate degrees plus thirty years human rights, environmental and peace...

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1 year ago

there needs to be Congressional Hearings where the thousands of non terrorist ordinaryAmericans who are getting attacked daily by directed energy weapons and organized gang stalked as well as targeted with numerous other COINTELPRO tactics get a chance to come forward and describe how their lives have been ruined and how they have been tortured in their own homes in the name of Homeland Security by the organizations within the Homeland Fusion network... This needs to happen and the leaders of both political parties are responsible to see it gets done. Otherwise, by doing nothing and ignoring the thousands of complaints by targeted individuals they risk creating allowing this environment to produce another Timothy McVeigh.


1 year ago

The petition for trying to get Congress to do something about it is right here. My stalking story is at the link below.

Michael Grant

7 months ago

I my self was illegally implanted in l998/99 by California Dept Of Corrections (State Prison Officials) without my knowledge or consent as part of a 3 year piolot project prison officials had with Veri Chip. Biotech And Digit Angel And I was Latter Implanted again in 2001 right after the 9ll world trade center attack a tiny transmitter device remains in my testicle area and the the back of my right thigh because my mobile home was in the name of a family friend an american muslim to this day despite the pain and suffering and the medical x-rays i have no attorney nor doctor will help me because of the u.s. government they are afriad i pray that an attorney reads this and will help me thanks and God Bless [email protected] telephone (626) 807-4682

david fulton

5 months ago

David,says; We can not trust the Washington insiders to do anything in our interest.They are most all,self serving.They have,in lock step fashion,served us up to The House of Rothschild / Israeli moneymen / Israel's interest.We need to hold them accountable for their Treasons,& install a transitional White House & Congress.Any investigation by this Cabal,would only amount to a cover up.Trying to get them to collectively act in a possitive direction, for our National interest,would be an exercise in futility.We also need to remove the Supreme Court Justices (Treasonous Political lap dogs)


1 year ago

Thought you might like to see this Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland December 6, 2000 See also Comprehend VeriChips Swine Flu Chip *


1 year ago

Thank you for this article!!!


david fulton

1 month ago

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1 year ago

Dear @Sir, @Madam, PLEASE HELP THE VICTIMS! CIVILIAN PETITIONS, h ttp:// Thank you! Yours sincerely.


1 year ago

Dear @Sir, @Madam, PLEASE HELP THE VICTIMS! CIVILIAN PETITIONS, June 15, 2010, Thank you! Yours sincerely.


1 year ago The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have direct energy weapons,depleted uranium,guided missiles and misguided men.


1 year ago

Anonymous Smith

1 year ago

I'll need to see independently verified proof of the existence of these implants inside the brains of these people. Can anyone provide me with a link to the authentic x-rays/MRI scans of James Walbert's brain?


1 year ago

Yes, thank you. For some reason the MRI scan image intended to be featured in this article would not download with the article. I though it had - until the article was published. I have tried to add it - with no success. Please email me and I can email it to you.


5 months ago
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well if ya can contact me here at this address i MRI;s of it and 5 doctors that have read this MRI and agree that they are really there.. [email protected]


1 year ago

I see no evidence presented in this article hearsay



1 year ago

Yeah, hearsay, thats why they are serving the cops via the Federal Marshal. They do that all the time when its just hearsay..


1 year ago

I am happy to email the MRI scan image of the brain implant to you. Will also keep trying to learn why he image will not download with this article as intended and though it had until the article was published and it was not there. We are happy to email it to you. Sincere apologies. I will ask the technicians what he problem is and try to resolve it. Thank you.


1 year ago

In rural Kansas, it has been confirmed by insiders that in many towns there is an entrenched stalker net of local citizens, who have absolutely no respect for personal privacy and who make it their business to maliciously and criminally expose the private lives of those around them. When you leave the doctor's office, staff report to the stalker net everything you told confidentially to the doctor, so that everyone knows in the entire town. Bank staff report what purchases and data show up on your account records. Postal employees report what names and addresses they see on your incoming and outgoing mail. Nex-Tech, a subsidiary of RuralTel, has a local monopoly on landline buried fiber optic systems that their company installs, so that outsiders cannot get a foot in. Nex-Tech is accessible to local members of the community who log in on a daily basis and look up the web surfing and email records of targeted individuals, and spread it all over the stalker net. They expose the anonymous user names of local people joining online forums, so everyone in the community can maliciously stalk targeted individuals. They do not stop to think or care that they are exposing targeted individuals to potential attack by negatively motivated members of their own stalker net. It is to the point that in some towns, there is not a business that is immune from the evils of this dysfunctional social dynamic. Informants may be pressured to provide data they are privy to, lest they be targeted in turn for lack of cooperation, or they may willingly volunteer it to curry favor with the stalker net. Immense social pressure is brought to bear on anyone making reports to the outside world about this. Aunified false front is presented to the outside world of wholesome values, and the one thing they fear above all else, is the truth getting out about the actual existence and intense activity levels of these deeply entrenched, powerful stalker nets.

Zoe Hiigli

1 year ago

Rural Kansas sounds vague. WHERE in Kansas do you think this is happening? I would definitely like to go there and see it myself because I think that you're either lying or someone lied to you and you're repeating incorrect information.


3 weeks ago

This person is absolutely telling the truth about Kansas. I attended law school in Kansas and had students, professors, people in my neighborhood, and absolute strangers stalking me, harassing me with the color red, engaging in illegal eavesdropping, mimicking my behaviors, trying to get close to me with false friends, and targeting me with directional energy weapons. Two of these false friends launched a character assassination on me through Facebook and in the community at large, which was designed to cause me to commit suicide, so that they could satisfy their insatiable blood lust. Someone at the school put them up to it and they told me about the Facebook profile that they had created for that very purpose and I struggled to figure out how to deal with it throughout my first year of law school. Before I returned to law school for my second year, I filed a honor code violation about it and the community based mobbing really kicked into high gear, which allowed me to piece together much of what this person is

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talking about regarding the stalker net.


3 weeks ago

There are many people involved. It's a significant percentage of the population. The law schools here, at least the one I attended, are completely rotten, which does not bode well for the Kansas justice system. Corruption reigns supreme here in Kansas. I have seen this network in each of the towns that I have visited throughout Kansas. It also exists or has followed me to other states. These people are psychopathic and are trying to ensnare as many people into it's wide net as possible. The sad thing is it looks like that it looks like this sleazy stalking network is being sanctioned at high levels of government as part of a federal program that has been designed and is overseen and operated by the intelligence services through the Department of Homeland Security. This must end and those responsible and those who participate in this need to be arrested for their crimes against humanity.


1 year ago

The proof required is a citation to the Court Case.


Anonymous Smith

1 year ago

That doesn't prove a f#&kin thing, dumbledork! All that proves is that the judge hasn't thrown this frivolous case out of his court docket yet. I want to see the gall dern implant lodged in this ding-a-lings abnormal brain tissue!

William Whitten

1 year ago

While it is true that there is no verifiable evidence directly presented in this article, I have done years of research and analysis into this and related intelligence operations. The thechnology and applications of these technologies are well recorded. I find no reason therefore to find the article in any way unbelievable. Acitation to the court case and docket numbers, etc. should however have been a natural inclusion for such an article.\\ll//


3 weeks ago

These perp networks also employ people to scour the internet and level accusations of paranoia in an effort to discredit these stories. The problem is this has been bubbling up for some time and people are beginning to wake up to these crimes and it's making these perverts nervous because they are about to be exposed. Someone, like myself, is going to blow the lid of this social disease that has been caused by the abuse of the intelligence apparatus, which was even worse as a result of the mass hysteria caused by Sept. 11. Many laws that have made this kind of thing easier where passed by legislators, without debate, by evoking that tragic incident. We have our own Stasi network cropping up in the U.S. and it's being operated by our equivalent of the KGB, the DHS. You knew there would be problems when they started the U.S. the "homeland."


1 year ago

Some more articles about Brain implants



1 year ago

The link to the "online" image of the MRI scan as well as all of the "Download" links in the section Sources lead to gmail (google's mail service), as if the author simply copied links from her inbox. I would like to note that even though gmail is an online service, your inbox and it's contents can only be viewed to you when logged in. To make documents and images available to others, you will have to upload it to a normal hosting service, such as imagebin or perhaps flickr. Hope to see the links fixed, I'm curious!

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1 year ago

Much More wide spread than most people can imagine.


John Snavely

1 year ago

Deborah Dupre: Your information is extremely misleading as to what is and what is being done. I invented the RFID in 1972. All of this mixing of what is being done is making people crazy and you need to clarify what is happening, so that people can think without having nonsense shoved down their throat.


1 year ago

Please see the follow up article and add a comment after it: "Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports." I am sure your comments would be very valuable to all the medical professionals and investigators including a former SS operative who knows about this - all of whom are involved in this case. Please - let's compare notes. I can only report on credible documentation that we have.


10 months ago

John Snavely 1972 chip inventor? this is 2008 chip technology - i can put voices in your head w/o a chip stupid - in NY City a trial run targeting people passing on the sidewalks placing voices in their heads on advertised products - LOL - get off of this site! go back to sleep! we don't need you.


1 year ago

Dear Mr Snavely, can you please tell me what you originally intended and where you see this going now?


1 year ago

Good FSM. Could you get more incorrect info packed into a bucket of crazy like this? I think you've hit the jackpot for erroneous data per paragraph. Grant you, if I were using the source info you are, I might draw the same wacky conclusions, but then you're cherry picking some of the more "out there" woo sites as gospel because they pander to your delusion. Ever try any physics or engineering info on the subject that was written by designers and not "victims"? It's a bit thicker than "OMG implantz!" but at least it has the benefit of being accurate, usually.


1 year ago

Her sources are impeccable. Good try, erewhon. Paid to discredit maybe? Guess you'll say same thing about the ray guns she wrote about today.


1 year ago

Actually, they're not. Not one scholarly source there, and most are just schiz babble sites. The one or two she 'experts' she cites that you *might* tend to take at face value are known whack jobs that are out of their league in terms of not having credentials to discuss the topics they're trying to address.

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It would be interesting to see what Ms Dupre's science postgrad was in - could it be homeopathy? Haven't seen it cited yet, anywhere.


1 year ago

Oh, and I haven't seen her screed about the 'ray guns' yet. If it's ADS, I worked on the project - I bet she hasn't got two facts straight in there. The last thing I read was the bs about the brain implant having some piezo generator in it - and she obviously hadn't read the paper she cites as 'proof' at all. Thinking about replying to her articles in detail...if they don't cut off this IP for doing it. Most of these 'news sites' don't want anything factual or technical posted as rebuttal - it doesn't sell as well as TEOTWAWKI.


1 year ago

The writing about rural Kansas is so true of most rural inbred communities. My husband in Salmon, ID was killed for his ranch, and I was threatened. They thought I would run. I didn't. The thing about the bank, merchants, the post office, the telephone company, etc. is SO true. Few targets have the guts to stand them all down. I am one, and was one, such person. The article does not say anything about microphones in the chips. Don't you think - if a microphone could be in them - that people who carry messages to and from 'bad guys' could unwittingly transmit the secrets of their employers? That sort of use is probably how this program started, and then spread to support the greed of various organizations.


1 year ago

what do i think??? i think i am a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and i want to thank you so much for writing this article. my story, as others, is too long to tell, but i'm going to follow this trial closely. the worst was shock like muscle contractions in my back for months that damage the muscle tissue permanently. i am now disabled with chronic pain issues. my <3 goes out to everyone dealing with this.


1 year ago

I am astonished to what length the government/military will go to suppress, oppress and control others. I found this a most fascinating article and look forward to more of it's kind.

Mike O

1 year ago

As an electronic engineer, I find this difficult to believe. Lay people tend to think tha "chips" and electronics, in general,are magic and can do anything they can conceive, but there are limitations that make some of these ideas very difficult to imagine. I remain sceptical until some real evidence is presented.


10 months ago

Mike, you wanted real evidence. here it is. Patent No. 7,125,382 Google it. Read all about it, then you'll believe.


1 year ago

yeah id like to also see proper links to those MRI scans as well (because im curious as well). But guess what we CANT SEE YOUR PRIVATE GMAIL ATTACHMENTS in a link. this should be obvious tech 101 stuff here. Youre an author in the 21st century writing articles on the internet, damn.

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1 year ago

I you really want to see the brain scan - it's in part 2 of the series here on Examiner an Ms Dupre said she'll email it as well.


10 months ago

Patent No. 7,125,382 Google it folks!!!

Christy Rapture on FB

1 year ago

This military website describes the "SS" technology used on 911 (The Levitating Nazi Bell), SmartDust which infiltrates all life (by way of chemtrails) and can explode (by way of molecular resonation), transmit, recieve, bioimage (your aura/consciousness field)m and predict.... it is "The Sensor Web" They even speak of "Killing innocent Americans in living color on prime time TV" Note the URL... the date imbededm the name and that it is a military site. Go to the base site too. Then here for some SERIOUS MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES ON ASCALE OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS! TO MAKE AHUMAN CONTROLABLE LIKE ACOMPUTER WITH NO SIMPLE DETECTION


1 year ago

Well, you were right about the website being on DTIC, but the rest of it is pretty much wrong. Looks like you read the scary words and tried to map them to common CT themes?


1 year ago

Personally, I would be more worried about the powers that be having the technology to monitor peoples thoughts, if I were you. But hey, thats just me. Bush Wants Brain Chips For Citizens:


1 year ago

Thanks for doing a thorough job on the write-up of this one. It's wonderful to read that some people are writing about topics that the mainstream media is unwilling to thoroughly discuss.

geo bro

1 year ago

22 years ago in scotland i had one of those devices removed by a dental surgeon after a work accident .it showed up in a x ray taken he removed said device then sent it away for lab tests he told me later it was a mistery to them what it was .due to my youth at the time and not giving a dam it took me 20 years to investigate this matter i always knew that the dentist death was a bit iffy as i did work for him i found him to be excellent at his work and not lacking any bucks so i found it a bit hard to explaine why mr white died with a rope round his neck discredited at work and skint strange but true [email protected]

Zoe Hiigli

1 year ago

Like others have stated, this article shows no evidence. What is more puzzling to me is how the author (she seriously doesn't even deserve to be called that) is writing articles online for the Examiner with complete disregard for form. It just seems like she copied and pasted bits and pieces of information from different websites and hit submit. I'm a junior at UCLAand I know that I can do a better job than her. Maybe I should e-mail her boss

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and get her job. Also, if stuff like this was REALLY happening as often as it is implied in the article I am confident that the valid and factual information would be available. I mean, COME ON there's youtube, facebook, blogger, myspace, twitter etc. There are MULTIPLE ways of getting this information out if it was really happening. Deborah, I'm going after your job and possibly your bosses' job too.


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