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Is Democracy A Choice Between Jobs and Workers Rights?

157 House and 15 Senate Democrats said

The rest of Congress made the wrong choice, and too many were silent. Organizing and bargaining rights in our nation are already at the bottom of global democracies. This week, in approving the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization, the House and Senate majorities caved in to the ideological agenda of Delta Air Lines and the 1 percent and voted to destroy workers rights in the transportation sector. Its not democracy when the election process, virtually controlled by management, cant even begin until a majority of workers support a union. In every other democracy, those workers would have their union. Its not democracy when elections among transportation workers are held to a voting standard that no member of Congress could meet. Last year, a majority vote standard, just like we have in every other election in this country, was put in place by the rule-making agency. Amazingly, that rule wasnt included in this legislation. This should have been a jobs bill, not the opportunity for an ideological assault by the 1 percent. Workers shouldnt have to choose between jobs and their rights on the job. The assault on workers rights that began in Madison is continuing, paid for by the 1 percent. The 99 percent will fight back! And we remember those champions who stood with us this week.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, CT Sen. Daniel Akaka, HI Sen. Tom Harkin, IA Sen. Ben Cardin, MD Sen. Barbara Mikulski, MD Sen. Debbie Stabenow, MI Sen. Al Franken, MN Sen. Amy Klobuchar, MN Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, NY Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO Sen. Sherrod Brown, OH Sen. Jeff Merkley, OR Sen. Robert Casey, Jr., PA Sen. Bernie Sanders, VT Sen. Patrick Leahy, VT Rep. Ben Chandler, KY Rep. Judy Chu, CA Rep. David Cicilline, RI Rep. Hansen Clarke, MI Rep. Yvette Clarke, NY Rep. William Clay, MO Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, MO Rep. James Clyburn, SC Rep. Steve Cohen, TN Rep. Gerald Connolly, VA Rep. John Conyers, MI Rep. Joe Courtney, CT Rep. Mark Critz, PA Rep. Joseph Crowley, NY Rep. Elijah Cummings, MD Rep. Danny Davis, IL Rep. Peter DeFazio, OR Rep. Diana DeGette, CO Rep. Rosa DeLauro, CT Rep. Ted Deutch, FL Rep. Norman Dicks, WA Rep. John Dingell, MI Rep. Lloyd Doggett, TX Rep. Joe Donnelly, IN Rep. Michael Doyle, PA Rep. Donna Edwards, MD Rep. Keith Ellison, MN Rep. Eliot Engell, NY Rep. Anna Eshoo, CA Rep. Sam Farr, CA Rep. Chaka Fattah, PA Rep. Barney Frank, MA Rep. Marcia Fudge, OH Rep. John Garamendi, CA Rep. Charles Gonzalez, TX

Rep. Edward Markey, MA Rep. Doris Matsui, CA Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, NY Rep. Betty McCollum, MN Rep. James McDermott, WA Rep. James McGovern, MA Rep. Jerry McNerney, CA Rep. Gregory Meeks, NY Rep. Michael Michaud, ME Rep. George Miller, CA Rep. R. Miller, NC Rep. Gwen Moore, WI Rep. James Moran, VA Rep. Christopher Murphy, CT Rep. Jerrold Nadler, NY Rep. Grace Napolitano, CA Rep. Richard Neal, MA Rep. John Olver, MA Rep. William Owens, NY Rep. Frank Pallone, NJ Rep. William Pascrell, NJ Rep. Edward Pastor, AZ Rep. Donald Payne, NJ Rep. Nancy Pelosi, CA Rep. Gary Peters, MI Rep. Collin Peterson, MN Rep. Chellie Pingree, ME Rep. David Price, NC Rep. Charles Rangel, NY Rep. Silvestre Reyes, TX Rep. Laura Richardson, CA Rep. Cedric Richmond, LA Rep. Steven Rothman, NJ Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA Rep. C.A. Ruppersberger, MD Rep. Bobby Rush, IL Rep. Timothy Ryan, OH Rep. Linda Snchez, CA Rep. Loretta Sanchez, CA Rep. John Sarbanes, MD Rep. Janice Schakowsky, IL Rep. Adam Schiff, CA Rep. Allyson Schwartz, PA Rep. Robert Scott, VA Rep. Jose Serrano, NY Rep. Terri Sewell, AL Rep. Brad Sherman, CA Rep. Louise Slaughter, NY Rep. Adam Smith, WA Rep. Fortney Stark, CA Rep. Betty Sutton, OH Rep. Bennie Thompson, MS Rep. C. Thompson, CA Rep. John Tierney, MA Rep. Paul Tonko, NY Rep. Edolphus Towns, NY Rep. Niki Tsongas, MA Rep. Christopher Van Hollen, MD Rep. Nydia Velzquez, NY Rep. Peter Visclosky, IN Rep. Timothy Walz, MN Rep. Debbie WassermanSchultz, FL Rep. Maxine Waters, CA Rep. Melvin Watt, NC Rep. Henry Waxman, CA Rep. Peter Welch, VT Rep. Fredrica Wilson, FL Rep. Lynn Woolsey, CA Rep. John Yarmuth, KY

Rep. Gary Ackerman, NY Rep. Jason Altmire, PA Rep. Robert Andrews, NJ Rep. Joe Baca, CA Rep. Tammy Baldwin, WI Rep. Karen Bass, CA Rep. Xavier Becerra, CA Rep. Howard Berman, CA Rep. Timothy Bishop, NY Rep. Earl Blumenauer, OR Rep. Robert Brady, PA Rep. Bruce Braley, IA Rep. Corrine Brown, FL Rep. George Buttereld, NC Rep. Lois Capps, CA Rep. Michael Capuano, MA Rep. John Carney, DE Rep. Kathy Castor, FL

Rep. Al Green, TX Rep. Gene Green, TX Rep. Raul Grijalva, AZ Rep. Luis Gutierrez, IL Rep. Alcee Hastings, FL Rep. Brian Higgins, NY Rep. James Himes, CT Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, TX Rep. Kathleen Hochul, NY Rep. Tim Holden, PA Rep. Rush Holt, NJ Rep. Steny Hoyer, MD Rep. Jay Inslee, WA Rep. Steve Israel, NY Rep. Jesse Jackson, IL Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, TX Rep. Henry Johnson, GA Rep. Marcy Kaptur, OH Rep. William Keating, MA Rep. Dale Kildee, MI Rep. Ronald Kind, WI Rep. Larry Kissell, NC Rep. Dennis Kucinich, OH Rep. James Langevin, RI Rep. Rick Larsen, WA Rep. John Larson, CT Rep. Barbara Lee, CA Rep. Sander Levin, MI Rep. John Lewis, GA Rep. David Loebsack, IA Rep. Zoe Lofgren, CA Rep. Nita Lowey, NY Rep. Ben Lujn, NM Rep. Stephen Lynch, MA Rep. Carolyn Maloney, NY

A message from Communications Workers of America

We Salute Them!

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