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Photo Poetry Rubric Imagery 1 Point There is no imagery in the poem 2 Points There is an attempt to create imagery but

the image makes no sense. Vocabulary chosen is mostly poor quality. No attempt to improve precision has been made. Some reference is made but not directly and not clearly explained. 3 Points The images used are clear and understandable Vocabulary chosen is of adequate quality. An attempt to improve precision has been made. Some reference is made but reference is superficial. 4 Points The images are of excellent quality and represent sophisticated ideas. Vocabulary chosen is quality. Precision of meaning is clear. Clear and concise images relating to details in the photo is clear. Poem is not superficial

Vocabulary chosen is of poor quality. Vocabulary is imprecise (RIP Words) No reference to the photo is evident. Poem does not reflect photo chosen

Form ReferencePhotographic


No attempt has been made to make this look like a poem. Poem has no organization at all. Poem is very much on the surface.

An attempt has been made to make this look like a poem. However, the organization is not purposeful. Poem has the beginnings of insight, but remains a surface treatment of the subject matter.

The organization of the poem is purposeful but inelegant

The organization of the poem is purposeful and is works well to convey ideas.

UnderstandingDepth of

Poem shows the beginnings of depth of thought and skillful treatment of subject matter. Poem tries to convey a few complicated ideas.

The poem shows a deep and thorough understanding into how poetry can convey complicated ideas. Poem conveys some complicated ideas.


18-20 = A 15-17 = B 12 -14 = C 4-11 Will need to be redone

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