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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 4 No. 6 February 16, 2012
By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

The Chalice

Asking Good Questions

I like that insight, because I think that asking good questions makes one a good Christian as well. We dont come to church to be spoon fed our faith. We come with serious concerns and questions about our life, its meaning and what we are called to be and do. I have rediscovered those questions once again while meeting with our Pastors Class kids. These fifth-graders preparing for baptism ask some of the best faith questions I have ever heard. And it makes me think about my faith as well. You cant take anything about your faith for granted with these kids around! One of the things I have taken for granted has been my Lenten journey. I have always routinely given something up for Lent, like chocolate. But this year our church will be focusing not on giving up, but on taking on for Lent. Our study and worship focus is Chocolate for Lent, based on the movie Chocolat. Our journey begins on February 26th. We had a wonderful gathering last Sunday to watch the movie in preparation for our Lenten journey, and several Sunday School classes are using a great study guide to help them in their Lenten journey. You will not be required to see the movie to worship with us on the Sundays of Lent, but you may want to see it, as it brings up many issues of acceptance, forgiveness and faith that are a part of our Lent. (see details on page two) The question we are asking this Lent iswhy do we give something up for Lent? It is our preparation for accepting the wonderful gift of Easter. But our answer this year may beLet us celebrate all of Gods gifts in our lives. We dont have to deny ourselves to see the many miracles that surround us in our everyday lives. A little chocolate may be just what we need. See you on Sunday as we continue to ask those intriguing questions together.

Isidor Rabi, the Nobel laureate in physics for his work on nuclear magnetic resonance, was once asked, Why did you become a scientist, rather than a doctor or lawyer or businessman, like the other immigrant kids in your neighborhood? Rabi responded, My mother made me a scientist without ever intending it. Every other Jewish mother in Brooklyn would ask her child after school, Nu, did you learn anything today? But not my mother. Izzy, she would say, Did you ask a good question today? That difference asking good questionsmade me become a scientist.

Week of Compassion Offering Taken Sunday, February 19

Week of Compassion is the disaster relief and humanitarian assistance program fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Through its partnerships, Week of Compassion responds to human needs around the world. Through our Week of Compassion Offering we join with Disciples across the US and Canada to bring hope to situations of natural disaster, war and famine. With your continued support, Week of Compassion will remain responsive to Christs call to both short term relief and long term partnerships to empower our brothers and sisters around the world. Please share generously! Experience joy!

Imposition of Ashes - 6:45pm - February 22
for Lent

Join Us For Ash Wednesday Services February 22nd

Since the Middle Ages, Christians have observed Ash Wednesday as the first day of the season of Lent. On this day, in many churches, worshipers receive ashes on the forehead as a reminder of their sorrow for their sins. The ashes are made by burning palm branches left over from the previous years Palm Sunday. We welcome you to our Ash Wednesday services this week as together we begin the journey to Easter.

Dont Give Up Chocolate for Lent!

For most of us the season of Lent brings to mind giving something up. But Lent isnt just a season of self-denial, nor is it about short-term January 9 2012 Page 1 ritual changes that dont impact our lives after Easter. And its certainly not about just giving up chocolate! Lent is a 40-day season for growth and exploration. Its a time of preparation for a change to the post-resurrection life. Using Hilary Brands book Chocolate for Lent we will be exploring a Lenten season thats about more than what you give up. The study uses themes from the 2000 Academy Award nominated film Chocolat, coupled with scriptures, and creates a space for deeper insights into self-discipline, self-giving, conversion and accepting the stranger. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Challengers (Room 116) Christian Issues (Room 125) Cornerstones (Room 220) Pioneers (Room 114)

Chocolate for Lent

Sermon Series

February 26 Giving up - the prelude to change March 4 Giving out - the power of a gift March 11 Getting wise - the possibility of change March 18 Getting real - the power of acceptance March 25 Growing up - the process of change

The following classes will offer the five week Chocolate for Lent study begining Sunday, February 26:
9:30 a.m. Seekers (Room 113) 10:00 a.m. Compadres-In-Christ (Room 117) 10:00 a.m. Knot-Nots (Room 130)

NOTE: Since so many classes have decided to offer the study, Rev. Shorow will not lead the Wednesday noon discussion group
as previously advertised.


The following camps are available:
Chi Rho 1 (grades 6-8) Discovery (grades 1-3) CYF (grades 9-12) June 4-9 June 22-24 June 25-30

Summer Church Camp is filled with fun activities, Bible study, and adventure that will build close friendships and create warm memories to last a lifetime!

Junior 1 (grades 4-5) Junior 2 (grades 4-5) Chi Rho 2 (grades 6-8)

June 4-8 June 25-29 July 9-14

First Christian offers partial scholarships to member campers. Campers register for camps based on GRADE COMPLETED by June 2012. To learn more, including camp prices, early bird discounts, registration dates, and for a camper registration form, go to

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Joan Grant, St. Anthony Hospital THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Bob Bennett, Cooper Kious, Edna Blunk, Loretta Parks, Tommy Atchison, Temple Thigpen (Teddi Owens daughter), Roy Jackson, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Virginia ONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Ed Berry, Bill & Mary Lou Womble, Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom) OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To John & Marietta Stone in the passing of Mariettas sister, Mauvene Baker of El Paso, TX, on February 14. Services pending AND to Terry & Jerri Dillon in the passing of Jerris mom, Lois Roberts, on February 14. Services pending.

Happy Birthday!
2/19 Tara Baker, Al Jantz 2/20 Lisa Grant, Michael Grant, Terry Kerr, Michelle Ward 2/21 Martha Jacobs, Laura Rankin, Andrew Woods 2/22 London Carrington, Jim Quade, Keith Smith 2/23 Ron Brumback, Ross Herndon, Chelsey Moffatt 2/24 Carter Coleman, Mark Mades, Lori Nordstrom, Emily Shipley 2/25 B. Ann Cole, Barbara Thornton 2/26 Judy Freeman, Betsy Jones, Sarah Penland, David Rankin, Ryan Simpson, Pierce Theobald, Rita Ward

Year to Date Financial Report

From the Finance Committee
The church is one month into 2012. The general fund revenues and expenses are below budget. 2012 general fund revenues are not an alarming concern, because January 2012 revenues are similar to 2010, 2009 and 2008 revenues. The 2012 building fund started 2012 very strong, with gifts exceeding mortgage payment by $28,884.33. This included many fine gifts and one quite large gift. Thank you!

Dont miss your chance to join the fun at Family Camp this summer in beautiful Estes Park Colorado June 24 thru June 30. There is much fun to be had - hiking, white water rafting, golfing, crafting, tennis, skateboarding, fishing, rock climbing, star gazing ,and horseback riding. In the evenings, General Fund Building Fund we go to movies, shop and, join one Actual Actual another for a friendly game of Nerts Revenue $65,186.02 $51,613.61 and other games. To learn more you Expense $73,657.44 $22,729.28 can pick up an information packet from Excess/(Shortfall) ($8,471.42) $28,884.33 the Family Camp table in the rotunda, or download a pdf from our website PLEASE REMEMBER to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accounts at camp you want your contribution credited. Contact our Business Administrator, Karla Mahan at Please call Susan Huffer at 623-2185 341-3544 or [email protected] if you have questions concerning your giving. with any questions or to sign up!

Just Three Spots Left at FCCs Family Camp!

Join the Fun AND Make a Difference in the Life of a Child!

On Sunday, March 4 the youth of First Christian Church will be holding their annual Dodgeball Tournament to support their World Vision child in Africa. The event is a round robin style tournament, allowing all teams to play each other. No one is eliminated! It will be held in the FLC beginning at 1:00 p.m. Cost to play is only $5.00 per person. This tournament is not just for the youth, but adults as well. We encourage you to get a team together and register. Put a team together from your Sunday school class or rally the neighbors for a team! We dont care how you do it, just find 6-8 willing adults and register! You can register at as an individual or as a team. Registration deadline is Sunday, February 26.

Summer Internships Available!

8:15, 9 & 11am February 19, 2012

One for Childrens Education & Three for Student Ministries

By Greg Bunton & Anna Lisa Stanley
The Childrens and Youth Education Committees are pleased to announce two programs for summer internships...offering a total of four internship spots! Childrens Ministries (ages birth through 5th grade) is offering one spot while Student Ministries (grades 6 through 12) is offering three spots. These internships are open to college students that grew up at First Christian Church of Edmond and participated in the Children and Youth programs.

at First Christian
Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Rev. Greg Bunton Theme: Compassion Scripture: Mark 6:30-44

February 26, 2012 1st Sunday in Lent

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Theme: Giving Up: The Prelude To Change Scripture: Mark 10

The purpose of the internships is as follows:


Shelley Regan, Editor [email protected] Read News Online @ Submit Articles to [email protected]

1. To provide our college students the opportunity to give back to the church and the program that nurtured them as children and teenagers 2. To provide the opportunity to be a positive role model to our children and youth, and to the life of our Children and Student Ministries. 3. To provide the opportunity for our college students to hone their leadership skills as they help to plan and implement various programs and ministries. The Childrens Education Committee will be hiring one intern for the summer, and the Youth Education Committee will be hiring three interns for the summer. If you are interested in finding out more information, or if you would like to apply, please go to and complete the online process. The application deadline is Sunday, March 25, 2012. Interns will be selected and notified by Sunday, April 15, 2012.

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