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To get a date peramater add this to the end of the url (Search) :

To search with phone area code:(intitle:resume


OR inurl:resume) -job -jobs -sample -samples -resume service (212OR 718) (NYC OR New York City) TO Search with Area Code: Java (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) -job -jobs -sample -samples -resume service 10001..10657 (NYC OR New York City)
If you know of a specific resume website, let's say, Emurse (ahem), you can even append "" to your search to only include results from Emurse. You can append the word "sales" to the query. If certain terms are more important to you than others, you can use the + sign in front of a term to add weight, or a - sign to decrease weight. You can also use a ~ before a term to include known synonyms.

Step 1: Put together a string of job keywords (titles, skills, etc.), then run it on Google Images. Geographic keywords work well; state, city, address, zipcode or phone area code. Run the search, and as you can see the results wont be very relevant at first. Step 2: Click Show Options. Then select the Face filter. Youll notice that the Face filter usually does a good job of pulling up people only so theres no need to use any other commands like inurl:bio or anything like that. I recommend trying out some searches with the Face Type Filter on. As you comb through the results, be conscious of the URLs and Text on the page. Youll start to find that there are a lot of candidates that would be near-impossible to find via a traditional text-based search engine.

Boolean Operators
Search engines are also a great source for finding resumes. Using proper Boolean operators and searches, one can find the data faster. These Boolean Operators weed out irrelevant data by focusing your search results to find what you need. On a note - every search engine has its own uniqueness, read through the help section of each search engine and see what kind of Boolean operators are supported.

Boolean Key
AND - The AND operator provides results with the terms you input. For example, searching resume and java will return pages with both terms - resume and java. OR - The OR operator gives results with either of the terms you requested. For example, programmer OR developer. NOT - The NOT operator will not deliver show words in your search results. For example, Java NOT Hibernate will deliver closer results for JAVA Programmers and not Java Hibernate.

NEAR - The NEAR operator finds words that are situated in closeby to other words. For example, Java NEAR Programmer. Not every search engine supports this operator. ( ) Parentheses - The ( ) operator allows you to group terms and build longer search strings. For example, NOT (submit AND employer) will avoid pages with both names. * - The * operator is a wild card. Adding a wild card will find words contain the wild card. For example program* will help so you do not have to run separate searches for words similar like: programmer, programming, program

o o o o o o X-Raying - searches for pages that are all on the same host. Flipping - searches for pages that link to a specific page. Page Title - searches for pages that has specific words in page title. URL Search - searches for pages that has specific words in the URL or web address. Have you come accross some "Private" profiles? If Yes, how do i get the complete details of that profile?

The above questions have been answered... You can find the details of the Private LinkedIn profile by performing an X-Ray search on Search Engines. Here you go.... Just use the below starters on respective search strings with keywords of the "Private" LinkedIn profile. You will find your results. Google - (inurl:pub OR inurl:in) -intitle:directory LOCATION PHRASE TITLE/KEYWORDS Yahoo and Bing - LOCATION PHRASE TITLE/KEYWORDS

*Takeaway: Bing results have been proved more accurate than Google for "X-Ray search". Try it out

Internet Recruiting
Internet recruiting is slowly but surely catching on in this part of the world. Time is not far off when we will have to increasingly employ internet search for finding resumes, but of course this is besides the traditional method of sourcing. I've been doing a bit of research on the net and managed to compile some of the most commonly used techniques for internet recruiting and am glad to share this with you. Before we try and understand the techniques for internet recruiting let us first understand what are the search engines mostly used by experience recruiters.

Some recommended search engines on the Web: o o o o o o

The search strings for each of these search engines will vary and therefore to maximize your search please do read the tutorials in advance from the respective search engines site. What techniques to use and when and under what circumstances to use will depend on how well you master each techniques. To achieve optimum success one must also have a fairly good idea about the recruitment industry, the specific job requirement, the key words within the requirement and also differentiate the "mandatory skills" from "good to have skills." Some of the most common internet search techniques are as given below. X-RAYING: A method of looking inside a specific web site to find what's there. Using this technique, recruiters can find documents and web pages that aren't directly accessible via links on the main public home page. When you 'x-ray' a website, you effectively get to examine every document that resides there so long as they are not behind firewalls or password protected. Example: To find any "software engineer" - could be a document/file or a word/phrase within a document that resides within the website In Altavista search - host: AND software engineer In Google search - AND software engineer FLIPPING: Flipping is an effective method used to find the relationships between web pages based on how they are hyperlinked together. This search is especially useful for finding people who have links to the company or have worked for a specific company. Example: To find any "software engineer" could be a document/file or word/phrase that links back to In Altavista search - link: AND software engineer In Google search - AND software engineer PEELING BACK: As the name suggest Peeling back is the process of "retracing the path" of the url especially when one gets an Error 404 (File not found). This process is engage so as to locate the information elsewhere on the site or locate the specific "root" folder where one can find similar or additional data specific or related to the search. Example: By peeling back or keying backspace starting from the point where the url ends we can then access the people link from the homepage and find the names of all the faculty

members. url: HARVESTING OR MINING: Harvesting involves reviewing a document, such as a resume or home page, and finding key words, links, references and locations that assist with subsequent searches. SEARCH STRINGS USING BOOLEAN KEYS: By constructing complex search strings and conducting the search in major search engines one can hone in on the exact information/resources with great accuracy. Some of the commonly used key words for a search string are given as below. Common resume Words: Resume, Homepage, CV, Vitae, Bio, Qualifications, Objective, Experience, Education, References, "Work History", "Technical skills", "Project duration" Common words to avoid: Submit, Opening, Recruiter, Send, Benefits, Requirements, Opportunity, Apply, Job, Jobs, Careers, Eoe, Reply, "my client". Example on how to construct a complex search strings: Requirement: A project manager with PMI certification or a 6 Sigma black belt having atleast 5 years of project management within an Investment bank in the areas of Equities connectivity or trading software development. Must have good technical skills in J2EE, EJB, Websphere, XML and DB2. Search strings credit to Glen Glutmacher of Advanced Online Recruiting Techniques. Google: (intitle:~cv OR inurl:~cv OR intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) "project manager" Java "investment bank" ("equities connectivity" OR trading software) -inurl:~efinancial* Search result: 87 pages Yahoo: (intitle:cv OR inurl:cv OR intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) "project manager" Java "investment bank" "equities connectivity" OR trading software -eoe -opening -post -preferred -reply -send submit Search result: 1,740 pages Live Search: (intitle:cv inurl:cv intitle:resume inurl:resume) prefer:resume "project manager" Java "investment bank" "equities connectivity" trading software -job -jobs careers Search result: 10,038 pages The search results from the above three searches gives us different amount of results and the task of sieving through the hundreds of pages sounds rather a dauting task. However, the strings above could still be further refined so as to achieve a much more specific results. For example by including SCJP or Sun certification or SDLC, etc I believe one can derived at a much more accurate results. Caveat: If you, by applying the techniques as discussed above expects resumes to pop out every time you hit the search button you might end up disappointed and even frustrated. The internet is a

storehouse of information and is just an augment to a recruiting process vis-a-vis bigger and better hunting ground and not a complete substitute. Other Tips on Internet sourcing

Distinctive On-Target Keyword Choices o Whether you use online resume searches or a Google resume search, it is critical that you choose distinctive keywords. This means the more specific the keyword, the more on target the resumes you will find. This is not always true but it is an accurate rule of thumb. o For example, suppose you are looking for an HR manager who has worked in the safety belt manufacturing industry. o If you search on the word safety and HR, you will get thousands of HR managers because many have responsibilities that include safety. A better choice would be HR and 'Safety Equipment' or better yet HR and 'safety belt' and manufacturing. Broaden Your Search o Just to prove this is more an art than a science (and there really is no such thing as easy sourcing!), sometimes you need to expand your search. This may seem to contradict the previous tip but it does not. o In the previous example, it may be that since Safety Belt Manufacturing industry is such a narrow industry there may not be too many HR managers with that background. So we need to broaden the search. o This means searching on something like HR and "safety equipment' and manufacturing. Think Laterally o When doing online resume sourcing, sometimes you need to think outside of the box and look at things from a different perspective. Rather than focusing on specific keywords or your job description, focus on the skills required. o In the example above, is there anything specific about safety belts that an HR manager would need to know? Probably not, even if the HR manager were responsible for plant safety. It is likely there are similar jobs or manufacturing operations that would lend a great deal of insight on the core functions of the position. Possible there may be other functions that are equally if not more important. o In the example above with the HR Manager position at the safety belt company, instead of the specific industry of safety belt manufacturing, what the HR manager might need to know is about safety and injury prevention on sewing machines used to manufacture the safety belts. Or maybe if the shop is a union shop and it is important to know how to deal with a union shop. Focus on Competitors o When you have tried all else, look for candidates who have worked in the position at other companies that are your competitors. So as to dance around the legal aspects of taking people from your competitors, which is fraught with risks, (sounds like a good topic for another web page!), let's focus on finding people who have worked at your competitors in past positions. o In the search above you would search for HR and 'Name of Company'. You can use a little bit of Boolean logic and some "OR" operators to speed up the search process. What you are basically looking for is someone who held the position in the past at one of your competitors or left that job to get a promotion.

How To Flip Search

How To Flip Search

By Brian Weis Recruiters Network

The use of Flip Searching or Flipping is a technique to mine the Internet for potential candidates. A Flip Search is a simple search that can be performed in some of the major search engines for example and The search simply finds people who link to a specific site. The uses are endless. For example, John Recruiter is looking for ORACLE Programmers. This technique can be used to find the various sites that are linked to In theory, John will find people who have on-line resumes with Oracle skills because they may have linked to Oracle on their online resume. So to do the search visit and enter the following: "link:" The results once again will be all the sites that have linked to Surf through the results and you will find individuals resumes. The search can be done with any skill set or for any company. For example, lets say John Recruiter's company's major competitor is XYZ company. He could do a search on that company, for example: "link:" The results will turn up resumes from people who work or who have worked for the xyz company. You can also build longer Boolean search strings to drill down the results faster. (Click here for Boolean String Cheat Sheet) For example: AND (url:resume OR title:resume) AND Oracle Developer One warning about this tactic: Flip searching may pull up company directories, email lists, and other company related information. In some rare cases, you may flip search yourself into a companies internal intranet. Flip Searching by some has been view as negative and others as a brilliant strategy. My personal stance, anything published on the Internet is public information for the world to view. Companies should be cautious on what content appears on their site. As far as restricted areas and internal intranets, this is private information and people accessing or hacking into these areas is blatantly unethical. Also, a word for those who might be tempted... you leave an electronic footprint on every page and site you visit. Flip Searching is a powerful tool that can uncover many hidden resumes and candidates. Performing the searches on various search engines will give different results. Trying adding different companies and skill sets to uncover different results.
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Search Strings
Filters to find resumes using Google: o o o o o o (intitle:curriculum vitae OR inurl:vitae OR intitle:vitae) -about -jobs -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit (intitle:resume for OR intitle:resume of OR intitle:Curriculum Vitae OR intitle:s resume) -intitle:example -intitle:examples -intitle:sample -intitle:submit (intitle:resume for OR intitle:resume of) -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit -inanchor:sample -intitle:how -intitle:write (intitle:resume OR intitle:curriculum vitae) + -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write -sample (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume OR intitle:homepage OR inurl:homepage) -jobs -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit (resume OR cv OR vitae OR homepage) -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted

o o o o o o

-template -wizard -free -write sample ~resume (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:htm OR filetype:html) -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write sample ~resume -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -template -write -sample -inurl:books -inurl:product ~cv (intitle:blog OR inurl:blog OR intitle:blogs OR blog OR blogs) (rss OR feed OR archives OR posted OR tags OR comments OR trackback OR author) -job -jobs -send -submit -you -inanchor:apply inurl:res inurl:resumes for (inurl:in OR inurl:pub) -intitle:directory -intitle:recently -intitle:company profile

.NET - Developer o ".net" and (program* or develop*)

Application Development o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o application and (develop* or program*) "asp" and "c#" and ".net" and (portal or web) and (develop* or program*) application and (develop* or program*) and ("sql" or "system query language") and unix "j2ee" and (develop* or program*) java and "HTML" and (develop* or program*) java and (develop* or program*) java and "c++" and ("pl/sql" or "pl-sql" or "plsql" or "pl sql") and (develop* or program*) "SQL" and ("pl/sql" or "pl-sql" or "plsql" or "pl sql") and "Power Builder" and Java and "XML" and ("Visual Basic" or "VB") ".net" and (develop* or program*) ("SQL" or "system query language") and (Supervis* or lead or manag*) ("ETL" or "Extra Transform Load") and Perl and Unix and Oracle and ("PLSQL" or "pl/sql" or "pl sql" or "pl-sql") and AutoSys java and unix ("SQL" or "system query language") and ("PLSQL" or "pl/sql" or "pl sql" or "pl-sql") and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or excel or access) java or j2ee and (develop* or program*) application and oracle and (develop* or program*) (develop* or support*) and information and ("" or "VB.NET") and (supervis* or lead* or manag*) (Maximo or "MRO" or "MXES" or "maximo enterprise suite training") (JAVA or "J2EE") and ("SQL" or "system query language") and Application and (program* or Develop*) and (Lead* or led* or supervis* or manag*) develop* and integrat* and "project manag*" and (java or j2ee) and "SQL" and ("life cycle" or "SDLC" or (develop* and design* and implement* and test* and analy*)) (Team Lead or application development lead or application manager) and (Java or "J2EE")

Various IT strings o "project manag*" and config* and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or Excel or "MS Excel")

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

("IT" or "Information Technology") and "outsourc* manag*" ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or word or excel or access or "power point" or "powerpoint") and metric ("business object" or "BO") and (develop* or program*) peoplesoft and upgrad* Architect* and "Component Design*" and (Program* or Develop*) and Implement* and web* and Learn* ("Microsoft Visio" or "MS Visio" or visio) "release manag*" "Service Manag*" and ("Service Part" or "Inventory Manag*" or "Returns Proces*" or "Dealer Network Manag*") ("IT" or "Information Technology") and operat* and (Windows or Unix) configur* and (application or "convert* data") unix and admin* and (HP or AIX) cognos and "essbase" "software licens*" and procur* and manag* test* and design* and analys* and ("PC" or "LAN" or "unix") (security or authenticat* or authoriz*) and ("LDAP" or "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol") ("OPF" or "Official Personnel Folder" or "eOPF" or "Electronic Official Personnel Folder" or "EFFS" or "Employee File Folder Systems") and "data entry" and scan* and record* and document* and (federal or govern*) architect* and design* and program* and implement* and develop* and learn* database and architect* and "data model" implement* and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office") and "mercury ITG" utiliz* and ("data manag*") and tech* and ("Congnos" or "Informatica" or "Brio" or "Microstrategy Business Objects" or "MBO" or "AB Initio" or "MS SQL" or "2000 DTS" or "ETI" or "Hyperion Essbase") (java or "c" or "c++" or "oops" or "object oriented program skills") "requirement analys*" and application and test* (firewall or "anti-virus") and security and switch* and ("lan" or "local area network" or "wan" or "wide area network") Infrastruct* and Outsourc* and "Tech* Support" and "Desktop Manag*" and "Asset Manag*" sap and ("CRM" or "customer relationship manag*") and (support* or build*) and (sales or service or market*)

Testing/QA o o o o o ERP: Peoplesoft o o (Peoplesoft or People soft) (Peoplesoft or People soft) and (developer or technical consultant) (Winrunner or "QTP" or "quick test pro" or "Test director" or Loadrunner) ("software test*" or "application Test*" or "Quality Assurance" or "QA") "lean manufacturing" and "six sigma" ("Quality Assurance" or "QA") and Test* and ("performance test*" or "application test*" or "product test*" or "regression test*" or "system test*") and ("automat* test*" or winrunner or "QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or mercury or "Test Director" or Rational) test* and manag*

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

(Peoplesoft or People soft) and functional Consultant (Peoplesoft or People soft) and (HR OR HCM OR HRIS OR HRMS) and Functional (Peoplesoft HCM Developer or Peoplesoft HCM Technical Consultant) (Peoplesoft or People soft) and (Financials or AR OR AP OR GL OR FA OR Accounts Receivable Or Accounts Payable OR General Ledger or Fixed Assets) Peoplesoft and HCM and Commitment Accounting Peoplesoft Financials and Functional Consultant Peoplesoft and administrat* Peoplesoft and (administrator or administration) and (Installation or Configuration) Peoplesoft DBA Peoplesoft and (SCM or Supply Chain Management) and (Consultant or Manage* or Lead*) Peoplesoft and Security and (Consultant or Specialist or Manager or Lead) Peoplesoft Security Consultant Peoplesoft Security Specialist Peoplesoft Testing Peoplesoft and (Testing or tester) (Peoplesoft or People soft) and (HR OR HCM OR HRIS OR HRMS or SCM or Supply Chain Management or Financial or Security) and (technical or functional or developer or consultant or lead or manager or administrator or tester) Peoplesoft and (financ* or "GL" or "General Ledger" or "p/l" or "profit&loss"or "A/P" or "Accounts Payable" or "A/R" or "Accounts Receivable") and implement*

JdEdwards: o o o o (JDE or JD Edwards or JDedwards) and (Programmer or developer or Technical Consultant) (JDE or JD Edwards or JDedwards) and (administration or administrator) (JDE or JD Edwards or JDedwards) and functional Consultant (JDE or JD Edwards or JDedwards) and (Business Analyst or BA)

SAP - Various Modules: o o o o o o o o SAP and (FICO or FI/CO or FI CO) and (Consultant or Manager or Lead) SAP and ABAP and (Developer or Lead or Technical Consultant) SAP and (SD or Sales & Distribution) and (Consultant or Manage*) SAP and (MM or Material Management) and (Consultant or Manage*) SAP and Basis and (administration or administrator) SAP Basis Administrator Sap and Basis and Security and (administration or administrator) Sap and Netweaver and administrat*

Non-Technical Search strings Contract Manager o o o "contract manag*" and negotiat* and draft* and (pre or post) and sales contract* and manag* and draft* and (pre or post) and sales contract* and manag* and negotiat* and draft*

Google Specific - contract management negotiation draft (pre OR post) sales ~cv (filetype:doc OR filetype:pdf OR filetype:html) -jobs -reply -submit -send -your -eoe


o o

(tpm OR total productive maintenance) (tpm OR total productive maintenance OR continuous improvement)

Business Analysts o "Business Analysts" and ("Requirement gather*" or "clear case" or "clear quest" or "performance tuning" or "business re-engineering")


o o o o o o

("Business Intelligence" or "BI") and (develop* or program*) ("Business objects" or "BO" or "BOJ" or Universe*) informatica and (develop* or program*) ("ETL" or "extract transform load") and (develop* or program*) "crystal reports" and (develop* or program*) cognos and (develop* or program*)

Supply Chain

o o

("supply chain" or "SCM" or "supply chain management") (logistics or procur* or purhas* or buy* or sourc* or "startegic sourcing")

HR o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ("Human Resource" or "HR") ("HRMS" or "human resource management system") ("HRIS" or "Human resource information system") ("Time & Benifits" or Compensation) ("workers compensation" or "welfare manag*") ("HRA" or "human resource administration") (Payroll or "PY") ("Personnel Administration" or "PA") ("Personnel Development" or "PD") ("HR" or "Human Resource") and "customer service" (compensation or salary) and survey and plan* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and payroll and "customer service" and (supervis* or manag* or lead) Quality and Monitor* and ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (track* or "data entry" or resolv* or execut*) ("HR Generalist" or "Human Resource Generalist") and ("employee relation" or performance or compensation)

o o o o

o o o o o o o o

("Stock Option" or "ESSP" or share) and Compensat* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and payroll and proces* and (federal or government) payroll and proces* and (federal or government) ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (federal or government or "OPM" or "HHS" or "DoD" or "HUD" or "FAA" or "FCC" or "Department of Commerce" or "DoT" or "Department of Treasury" or "CIA" or "DIA" or "NSA") and (Manager or "HR Specialist" or "Human Capital manag*") (GS-15 or GS 15 or "SES" or "Senior Executive Service") and ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (federal or government) and (supervis* or manag* or lead*) ("HR" or "Human Resource") and proces* and ("HR supervisor" or "HR manager" or "HR director") ("HR Generalist" or "Human Resource Generalist") and ("employee relation" or performance or compensation) compensat* and analys* and survey and plan* recruit* and sourc* and screen* payroll and (proces* or admin*) and (suprevis* or lead* or led* or manag*) (recruiter or "corporate recruiter" or "technical recruiter" or "staffing manager*" or "Hiring manager*" or "sourcing manager*" or "recruiting director*") and recruit* (federal or government or military or navy or "air force" or "armed force") and Payroll and ("FPPS" or "Federal Payroll Processing System" or "EPIC" or "EPIC HCUP" or "WebTA" or "OPF" or "Official Personnel Folder" or "Human Capital Management System")

Change Management o o o o o o o o o o o o change and manag* and consult* "change management" and chang* and consult* "change manager" and chang* and consult* "change management" and consult* ("change management" or "change manager") and ("human performance" or "performance management") "Change management" and "train*" "Change management" "Change Manag*" ("Change Management" or "Human performance") and (health* or pharma* or "health and life science") and consult* and ("organization design*" or "organization strategy*") For health industry ("change management") and (ERP or sap or oracle or peoplesoft) "Change Management" AND (SAP OR Peoplesoft OR "Oracle financ*") AND ("Organization* Design" OR Train*) (change manag* OR change consult*) AND (consult*OR lead OR principal OR associate)

Talent Management o o o o Talent and manag* "Talent management" ("instructional design*" or "knowledge management" or "content management" or "portals" or "collaboration" or "LMS" or "Learning Management system" or "learning transformation") Talent and manag* and ("instructional design*" or "knowledge management" or "content management" or "portals" or "collaboration" or "LMS" or "Learning Management system" or "learning transformation")

(learning OR knowledge manag* OR training OR instructional design* OR human performance) AND (consult* OR analyst OR associate OR coach OR designer) and LMS o HR and design* and ("shared service" or payroll or benefits or "performance management" or EDM or "Employee data management" or Labor) o (learn* or train*) and (develop* or program*) o "Instructional design*"and (develop* or program*) o train* and "instructional design*" and ("adult education" or "business writ*" or "learning management system" or "LMS") Organizational Development o Organi* and effect* and consult* and ("leadership alignment" OR "leadership development" OR "culture" OR "strategy" OR "journey Management" OR "Human capital") o "organi* effect*" and consult* and ("leadership alignment" OR "leadership development" OR "culture" OR "strategy" OR "journey Management" OR "Human capital") Contact Center o o o o o o design* and deliver* and ("CTI" or "Computer telephony integration") and ("IPCC" or "Internet Protocol Contact Center") Telephony IP and "TCP/IP" and "QoS" and "OSPF" and "EIGRP" and "VOIP" and "MS Server" telecom* and ("IPT" or "Cisco Call Manager" or "VoIP") ("call center" and "customer service") infrastruct* and "voice network*" and (telecom* or telephon*)

Customer Service o o o o bill* and telecom* and "customer service" meet* and schedul* and facilitat* and "customer service" and "SharePoint" "customer service" and "data entry" and ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (federal or government) ("customer service" or "call center" or "contact center") and ("HR" or "Human Resource" or benefits or insurance) and Bilingual

Executive Assistant o o o o ("executive support*" or "admin* assist*" or "executive assistant") and ("MS Office" or "Microsoft office") ("executive support" or "executive assistant" ot "administrative assistant") and service and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office") ("Administrative assistant" or "executive assistant" or "EA") and servic* and ("MS Office" or "Microsoft office") admin* and ("LOA" or "leave of Absence" or "FMLA" or "Family and Medical Leave Act" or disab* or "worker compensat*" or "military leave" or "adoption leave" or "Short-term disability" or "Long-term disability*" or "Americans with Disability Act" or "ADA")

Legal o transact* and (contract* or allianc*) and ("JD" or "juris doctor")

Health Care

o o o

(consult* or health or "care manag*") (Use or Usage or Support*) and (Clinic* or "packaged application" or "packaged hospital application") pharma* and application and (develop* or program*)

Supply chain/ Procurement o o o o procur* and (hardware or software) and servic* (Buy* or sourc* or negotiat*) buy* and (vendor or suppl*) and manag* "supply chain" and service and manag*

Capital Markets/Financial Services o "Financial Services" and financ* and "process improvement" and "capital markets" and consult*

To be continued...
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Below you can find the links where we can mine resumes and post requisitions :) Free Resume database: Free portals for posting: o o o o o o o o o EGrabber Social networking sites: Search Engines: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o

Paid Portals for posting and mining:

People search sites: o o o o o o Meta Search Engines o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o

Use a resume search engine such as CV Fox or search for a different one.

How to find resume on the net video:

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