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PAGE INTRODUCTIONuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. RATIONALEuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu REPORT ON EVENTSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu RESEARCH ON ROLE (COMPETITION SECRETARY)uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. APPENDIXuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


This is to introduce my Physical Education School Based Assessment as an assignment by the Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC). The content within this project not only seeks to highlight Physical education as a mere medium of exercise and participation in sports, but as a discipline of upward mobility and allowing people to be knowledgeable about aspects and careers associated with this area.

The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance and cooperation of a number of persons. Special thanks to the Almighty God for giving me the strength, wisdom and guidance needed to have done this study. Members of my family and friends for continuously encouraging me. Special thanks to CSEC for giving me this study as it helped to promote self learning, allowing students to enhance their understanding of the nature of Physical Education, and to make practical decisions. Finally, a big thank you to various teachers for their colossal support and valuable time spent in assisting the researcher.

The aim of this project is to submit a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the C.S.E.C. Physical Education. My reason for the role of Competition Secretary is not only because I have the experience in clubs and societies but because I have accumulated a passion for motivating others. This is also an opportunity for me to widen my capabilities and strengthen my abilities.

The Competition Secretary is someone of personal mobility, posses good organizational, communication & interpersonal skills and is the person accountable for all the secretarial work for all aspects of that particular completion.


A strong interest in competitive bowls. Good organizational skills. Good communication & interpersonal skills. Good computer skills. Experiences in other competitions or organizational. Email, telephone and mobile phone facilities.

ROLE OF THE COMPETITION SECRETARY Maintaining the rules which govern the playing of the competition. The taking of minutes for meetings and the other aspects of the competition. Acquiring prizes, mementoes, certificates, etc. for presentation to winners. Maintaining a register, and ensuring safe custody, of perpetual trophies. Preparing the schedule for the competition. Organizing audited draws. Ensuring that all aspects of the competition are smoothly run.

BEFORE COMPETITION - Meet with organizing committee to set registration fees and plan schedule of events. - Ensure the information sheet is properly typed and duplicated. This should include name
& date of events, list of competition personnel and officials, schedule of competition & social events, special rules and reminders. Receive and record early registrations. Type and duplicate the list of competitors in order run. Prepare competitors packets. Include information sheet and other pertinent information. Ratification for any assistants appointed, and managing, developing and coordinating them to support the Competition Secretary in discharging these responsibilities.

DURING COMPETITION Supervise registration: collect and record entry fees, and check all relevant information. Distribute packets containing information sheet, etc. Work with the Chief of Scoring to assist in recording, duplicating and distributing scores. Attend and take notes at Team Captains meetings and other official meetings. Copy and distribute results after each run.

AFTER COMPETITION - Assist Chief of Communication in sending results to media. - Send a copy of the final results to coaches if the results werent available immediately for

REPORTS TO - Chief of Competition/Direction.

Time schedule prior and after competition.


Cornwall College 1 Orange Street P.O Box 246 Montego Bay No.1

September 7, 2011.

Mr. Robinson Barrett House Leader Cornwall College 1 Orange Street Montego Bay Dear Mr.Robinson, This letter seeks to notify you of the upcoming inter-house competition, among the grades 7-9. This event is scheduled to begin on November 10, 2011 through to December 24, 2011. Matches are scheduled to be played on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Draws will be rescheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays, this also applies if matches are not played for various reasons or otherwise subjected by someone in authority. Home teams (will be notified before matches) must provide rehydration fluid. Entry fee is $2000.00 and must be paid by November 1, 2011. Late entries will attract a fee of $400.00 additional fee. Please make every effort to ensure that this information is shared with your captains and team members. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, .. Sean-Alex Mcfarlane Competition Secretary

Cornwall College P.O.B0x 246 1 Orange Street Montego Bay St. James September 12, 2011 Dear Parent/Guardian

Your son/ward.. has been chosen to represent his house in the grades 7-9 inter-house football competition. Please be notified that the competition commences on November 10, 2011. The venue is on the school grounds and matches will be played between the hours of 3:00 pm. & 5:00 pm. Sharp. Your consent is needed for his participation. Yours Sincerely Competition Secretary Physical Education Department



permission for my son/ward participate in the grades 7-9 inter-house competition.

Signature Date..

After weeks of immense planning and forecasting, our annual Inter-house Competition was a successful one. Due to my participation, the execution of my duties to the best of my abilities and good team work helped in making this competition a success even when maintaining the rules governing the competition seemed strenuous and backbreaking, but through determination, dedication, discipline, and encouragement, this competition prevailed. November 10, 2011 was a well anticipated day in the lives of competitors and spectators. It was the day of the Final in the Inter-house Football Competition. The turnout was more than we had expected with people shouting, cheering and claiming victory for their favorite team. The moment had finally arrived where the ball was knocked off and both teams had a tussle for the ball. At the first 45th minute interval there were no goals and teams were given rehydration fluids, glucose, orange and Gatorade which was provided by the home team. Ten minutes later the second half resumed. After 25 minutes in the second half, a player from the home team got injured and the relevant personnel responsible for First Aid rushed to his assistance. He was removed from the field of play and later returned to play the last fifteen minutes of game. In the 87th minute of play the home team knocked in a goal after being awarded a penalty. Three minutes later the opposing team knocked in a beautiful header creating an equalizer, which created tension between spectators and team members as the game proceeded into extra time. However in the 2nd minute of extra time the game came to a halt after the home team knocked in another goal bringing the game to a 3-2 win. The curtains came down with an award ceremony which was held on Monday of the following week. The school community celebrated for the victory and was honored. There were awards for various categories, such as the best goal keeper, leading goal scorer, most valuable player and a host of other awards. Gratitude was shown to all who made this event possible and a success.

The training sessions time scheduling is as follows:

Warm up exercises and jogging. 3:10 to 3:25pm. Skill training, Technical &Tactical play 3:25 to 3:55pm. Drills, warm down and stretching 3:55 to 4:30pm. Venue: Dacosta Cup/ Office field

Warm up, jogging and stretching 3:00 to 3:15pm. Physical Fitness 3:15 to 3:45pm. How and when to move into space 3:45 to 4:15pm. Short game and warm down 4:15 to 4:45pm.

Meeting at the Library between the hours of 3:00 and 4:00pm on Tuesdays. During this period homework and other assignments should be completed.

Zone A Kerr vs. Lockett Baker vs. Kerr Lockett vs. Baker November 10, 2011. November 21, 2011. November 30, 2011.

Winners of Zone A will play runner up of Zone B.

Zone B Barrett vs. Leader Leader vs. Jackson Jackson vs. Barrett November 14, 2011. November 28, 2011. December 1, 2011.

Winners of Zone B will play runner up of Zone A. Finals will be played on December 4, 2011. Notice The competition will be run on a points basis three (3) points for a win and one (1) point for a draw. Teams with the most points will advance to the finals. Home teams are responsible for providing rehydration fluid (water). Entry fee is $2000.00 and must be paid by November 1, 2011. Late entries will attract a fee of $400.00.

Zone A Kerr vs. Baker Locket vs. Kerr Baker vs. Lockett November 9, 2011. November 22, 2011. November 31, 2011.

Winners of Zone A will play runner up of Zone B.

Zone B Jackson vs. Barrett Barrett vs. Leader Leader vs. Jackson November 15, 2011. November 27, 2011. December 3, 2011.

Winners of Zone B will play runner up of Zone A. Finals will be played on December 7, 2011. Notice The competition will be run on a points basis three (3) points for a win and one (1) point for a draw. Teams with the most points will advance to the finals. Home teams are responsible for providing rehydration fluid (water). Entry fee is $2000.00 and must be paid by November 3, 2011. Late entries will attract a fee of $400.00. Grades 10-13 matches on specified days will commence at 3:30pm. sharp with a grace period of ten minutes. Presentations of trophies and medals for Grades 7-13, December 12, 2011 in general assembly.

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