Psychsim 5 Hunger and The Fat Rat

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PsychSim 5: HUNGER AND THE FAT RAT Name: Christopher Woodside Date: This activity provides a simulated experiment

on weight regulation in rats. The Hypothalamus What are the two techniques used to study hypothalamic dysfunction? How do they differ?
he two techniques are either stimulating the hypothalamus, or destroying it in order to see how the animal reacts. The destruction involves creating a brain lesion, the lesion suppresses a type of behavior; Stimulation involves activating the type of behavior controlled by the target region.


AP Psych

Experimental Simulation What conclusions were you able to draw about the effects of the following procedures on the experimental rats: Stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (LH)?
The rat gains close to an extra 200 grams in weight the food consumption carries on seemingly normally, but grows increasingly larger over time.

Destruction of the lateral hypothalamus (LH)?

The rat loses most of its initial weight and eats virtually nothing for the last forty days of the test.

Stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)?

The rat for consumption plummets during the first fifty days, but the weight of the rat only lowers slightly. Over time the rat begins to eat more, and begins to became more normal in amount consumed, the rat's weight also goes up, but only by very little.

Destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)?

While first going down quite quickly, the amount consumed quickly increases and steadies at a marginally higher intake than usual. The weight also hikes up over the course of 30 days and then stays at around the 400 gram range.

What did you learn from this experiment about these two regions of the hypothalamus?

We have learned that destruction to the lateral hypothalamus leads to under eating and to the ventromedial hypothalamus leads to overeating. Stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus creates over eating and the ventromedial hypothalamus creates under eating.

Some Cautions What are the two problems with a simple conclusion to this research question?
One problem is that the rat with VMH destruction did not keep on gaining weight indefinitely. Rats with LH destruction lowers but becomes stable.Together this caution displays that the damage possibly just readjusts the body set-point for the system that maintains body weight. The second problem was that similar disturbances in eating behavior can be produced by damage or stimulation to other regions of the rat's brain. It suggests that the VMH and LH may merely be links in a complicated chain of neural networks.

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