Learn Kannada

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Learn Kannada online- Bangalore, Karnataka

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Kannada Class Session I Handout KANNADA WORD Naanu Neenu Namma Nimma Yaaru Yaavaga Yelli Avaru ENGLISH WORD Me / I am You Ours Yours Who When Where He / She (with respect). Also they / those people He / She. This person / these people Place / hometown Name Know Dont know Like Door Window Chair Table House Come Come(with respect) How SIMPLE SENTENCE Naanu software engineer. (I am a software engineer) Neenu student. (You are a student) Namma desha Bharata. (Our country is Bharata). Nimma ooru ABC. (Your home town is ABC) Teacher yaaru? (Who is the teacher?) Class yaavaga? (When is the class?) Ramu yelli? (Where is Ramu?) Avaru teacher. (He / She is a teacher)

Ivaru Ooru Hesaru Gottu Gottilla Ishta Baagilu Kitaki Kurchi Meju Mane Baa Banni Hege

Ivaru students. (These people are students) Nanna ooru ABC. (My place is ABC) Nanna hesaru XYZ. (My name is XYZ) Nanage English gottu. (I know English) Nanage C++ gottilla. (I dont know C++) Nanage tea ishta. (I like tea.) Idu baagilu. (This is the door). Adu kitaki. (That is the window) Idu kurchi. (This is chair) Adu meju. (This is table) Idu namma mane. (This is my house) Neenu illi baa. (you come here) Neevu illi banni. (you come here) Neenu illige hege bande? (How did you

come here?) Kannada Class Session 2 Handout With Respect or Plural (wrp) KANNADA WORD Idu ENGLISH WORD This / It SIMPLE SENTENCE Idu pustaka. (this is book) Idu nanna pennu. (it is my pen) Adu nanna mane (that is my house) Neenu yaake allige hode? (why did you go there?) Idu yenu? (What is this?) Houdu, adu nanage beku. (Yes, I need it) Nanna hesaru ABC alla. (My name is not ABC) Nanage pencil beku. (I want pencil) Nanage idli beda. (I do not want Idli) Neenu hogu / Neevu hogi. (You go) Avanu hoda / Avaru hodaru. (He went) AvaLu hodaLu/ Avaru hodaru. (She went) Avanu banda / Avaru bandaru. (He came) Avalu bandalu / Avaru bandaru. (She came) Alli pustaka ide. (Book is there) Illi nodu (See here) Bega baa. (Come fast) Pen thago (Take the pen) Nanna maathu kelu (Listen to me) Nanage kathe helu (Tell me a story) Olage yenu ide? (What is inside?) Horage maLe ide. (It is raining outside) Alli nilli. (Stop there) Eega neenu baa. (Come now) Aaga maLe banthu. (It rained then)

Adu Yaake Yenu Houdu Alla Beku Beda Hogu / Hogi Hoda / Hodaru HodaLu / Hodaru Banda / Bandaru BandaLu / Bandaru Alli Illi Baa / Banni Thago / Thagolli KeLu / keLi HeLu / HeLi OLage Horage Nilli Eega Aaga

That Why What Yes Not Want Do not want Go / wrp (he) Went / wrp (she) Went / wrp (he) Came / wrp (she) Came / wrp There Here Come / wrp Take / wrp Listen / wrp Tell / wrp Inside Outside Stop Now Then

Kannada Class Session 3 Handout KANNADA WORD Namaskaara ENGLISH WORD Good day.

Shubhadina Shubharaatri Hogi barutheeni Dayavittu Dhanyavada Hege Iddira? Chennagi Iddini Susvaagatha ShubashayagaLu Kshamisi, thada ayitu.

Good morning. Good night. Goodbye. Please. Thank you. How do you do? Very well, thank you. Welcome. Congratulations. Sorry, I'm late.

Words conveying relations KANNADA WORD Amma Appa Maga Magalu aNNa Tamma Akka Tangi Ajja Ajji Ganda Hendathi Maava Ate aLiya Sose Chikkappa Chikkamma Doddappa Doddamma ENGLISH WORD Mother Father Son Daughter Elder brother Younger brother Elder sister Younger sister Grandfather Grandmother Husband Wife Uncle / Father in law Aunt / Mother in law Son in law Daughter in law Fathers younger brother or mothers younger sisters husband Mothers younger sister or fathers younger brothers wife Fathers elder brother or mothers elder sisters husband Mothers elder sister or fathers elder brothers wife

Kannada Class Session IV Handout Numbers 1 to 20 and 10 to 100

1 - ondhu 2 - eradu 3 - mooru 4 - naalakku 5 - aidhu 6 - aaru 7 - Elu 8 - entu 9 - ombatthu 10 - hatthu

11 - hannondhu 12 - hanneradu 13 - hadhimooru 14 - hadhinaalakku 15 - hadhinaidhu 16 - hadhinaaru 17 - hadhineLu 18 - hadhinenTu 19 - hatthombatthu 20 - ippatthu

10 - hatthu 20 - ippatthu 30 - muvatthu 40 - nalavatthu 50 - aivatthu 60 - aravatthu 70 - eppatthu 80 - embatthu 90 - thombatthu 100 - nooru

Commonly required vegetables, fruits and colors name VEGETABLES Vegetables Onion Garlic Ginger Potato Beans Cucumber Ladies finger Brinjal Green chilly Bay leaves --- tharakaari --- eeruLLi --- beLLuLLi --- shunTi --- aaloo gaDDe --- huraLikaayi --- southe kaayi --- benDe kaayi --- badhane kaayi --- hasimeNasina kaayi --- karibEvina soppu

Coriander leaves --- kotthambari soppu FRUITS Apple Orange --- sEbu --- kitthale

Moosambi --- moosambi Grapes Mango Chikku --- dhraakshi --- maavina haNNu --- sapota

Custardapple - seethafala Guava COLOURS Pink Red --- gulaabi --- kempu --- seebE haNNu

Yellow --- haLadhi Green Blue --- hasiru --- neeli

White --- biLi Black --- kappu

Orange --- kEsari


SIMPLE SENTENCE Ee pusthakadha bele ippatthu rupaayi(This book costs twenty rupees) ondhu gumpinalli aivatthu hudugariddhaare ( There are fifty people in a group) ondhu ghanTege aravathu nimisha ( There are sixty

Ippatthu Aivatthu Aravatthu

20 50 60

Nooru Hanneradu Hadhimooru HadhinenTu HasimeNasina Kaayi BenDe kaayi Kempu HaLadhi Hasiru Neeli BiLi tharakaari

100 12 13 18 Green chilly

seconds in an hour) TV yalli nooru channel barutthe ( Hundred channels are shown in TV) Hanneradu ghanTege ooTakke hogoNa ( will go for lunch at Twelve o Clock) Hadhimooru ashubha sankhye ( Thirteen is an unlucky number) Namma maneyalli hadhinenTu janariddhaare (There are 18 people in our house) HasimeNasina kaayi thumba khaaravagi irutthe( Green chilly will be too hot) BenDe kaayi aarogyakke thumba oLLeyadhu ( Ladies Finger is very good for health) Kempu apaayadha sanketha ( Red signifies danger) HaLadhi paTTiyannu dhaTabaradhu ( Do not cross yellow line) ElegaLa baNNa hasiru ( The colour of leaves is green) Aakashadha baNNa neeli ( The colour of sky is blue) BiLi paarivaLa shanthiya sanketha ( White pigeon signifies peace) 1. mooru kg eeruLLi kodi (give me 3 kgs of onion) 2. ardha kg beLLuLLi kodi (give me kg of Garlic) 3. kaal kg hasimeNasina kaayi kodi (give me kg of Green Chilies) 4. ninage yaava tharakaari ista? (which vegetable do you like?) 1. sEbina bele estu? (what is the cost of apple?) 2. aidhu kg dhraakshi kodi (give me 5 kgs of grapes) 3. seebE haNNina bele estu? (what is the cost of Guava?) 4. ninage yaava haNNu ista? (Which fruit do you like?) Ninage yavva baNNa ista? (which color do you like?)

Ladies Finger Red Yellow Green Blue White Vegetables





Kannada Class 5

Vibhakti PrthyayagaLu VIBHAKTI NAME Prathama VIBHAKTI Appx.MEANING WORDS FORM Vu First Person Avanu, Reference raamanu SENSTENCES Raamanu raavaNanaanu Konda Avanu officege hoda. Nannannu kaapaadi



Second person reference Third person or through / from To


Truteeya Chaturti

Inda Ge

raavaNanannu Avaninda Raamanu raavaNanannu baaNadinda baaNadinda kondanu Avanige, Naanu nenne bengaloorige hoagidee. Bengaloorige Nanna, Avana Maneyalli ,avanalli Nanna hesaru guru

panchami shashTi A Mine / its

Sapthami sambhodane


Within, There

Maneyalli yaaroo ilva?

By adding a to the end, one can frame a question. Ex :- hauda? , Alva?, ilva?, neevu software engineera? Entha is a charcter prbing question? Ex: idu entaa haNNU? (Answer could be oLLE haNNu or ketta haNNU). Aadaroo (Even then) when combined with questioning works, the meaning changes drastically. Ex:- yaaru + aadaroo = yaaraadaroo (Any one) yelli + aadaroo = yellaadaroo hege + aadaroo = hegaadaroo.

Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Kannada Pada nODu Odhu kuDi ODu koDi niddhe

English Pada To See To Read To Drink To Run To Give To Sleep

Past Tense

Present Tense

Future Tense

nODdhe Odhidhe kuDdhe ODidhe kotte niddhe maaDdhe naDdhe haaDdhe

nODtha-idhini Odhtha-idhini kuDitha-idhini ODtha-idhini koDtha-idhini niddhe maaDtha-idhini naDitha-idhini haaDtha-idhini

nODthini Odhthini kuDithini ODthini koDthini niddhe maadthini naDithini haaDthini

7 8

naDi haaDu

To Walk To Sing/ Song To Dance To get down To Write To Kill To Buy To Climb To Laugh To Wash To Say To Ask To Touch To break To Drive To Strart

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

kiNi iLi bari kollu koLLu hathu nagu Ogi heLu keLu muTTu oDi ODisu Shuru

kuNidhe iLidhe bardhe Kondhe konDe hathide nakkde Ogidhe heLde keLde muTTdhe oDidhe ODisde Shuru maaDde atthe Maaride Sothe Gedde

kuNitha-idhini iLitha-idhini Baritha-idhini kolltha-idhini koLLuthaidhini hath-tha-idhini nakktha-idhini Ogitha-idhini heltha-idhini keltha-idhini muTTta-idhini oDitha-idhini ODisitha-idhini Shuru maaDthidhini aLtha-idhini Maartha-idhini Solutha-idhini Geltha-idhini

kuNithini iLithini barithini kollthini koLLthini hath-thini nagthini Ogithini helthini Kelthini MuTTtini oDithini ODisthini Shuru maaDthini aLuthini Maarthini Soluthini gelthini

23 24 25 26

aLu Maaru Solu Gellu

To Cry To Sell To loose To Win

8 COMMUTING Important Verbs To go - Hogu naanu officige hoguthene naanu trekking baruthene naanu marathon ooduthene

To come - Ba To run - Oodu

To walk - nade To catch - hidi To stand - ninthu Phrases

naanu dina yeradu km nadeyuthene naanu infosys bus hidiyuthene niinu bus stand alli ninthu kondiru

I. I want to Phrase
Most scenarios while commuting involve communicating our intention to the opposite person. Nanage < something> beku naanu <place>ge <action> beku Note: When referring to a living thing use theera. When referring to a non living thing use tha

II. Replying
Remember when replying use houdu to say yes. Houdu, infosys bus illi baruthe. (Yes, infosys bus comes here) Illa to say no. illa naanu 10 rupayee extra kododilla (No, I shall not pay 10 Rs extra)

Ayithu to say over. Naanu ticket padedu ayithu (I have taken the ticket) Agilla to say not over.

Words Indicating direction

Right Left Forward/ Ahead - munde Backward/ Behind hinde

Important Verbs

Sl No Verb 1 Buy 2 Take

To <verb> Kondu kollu Tagedu kollu

Past verb Will buy Kondu konde Kindu kolluthene Tagedu Tagedu konde kolluthene

Am buying Kondu kollu tha idene Tagedu Kollu tha idene

Words for shopping

Beda - nanage ii pen beda. Bere kodi (I dont want this pen. Give me another) Beku - nanage aa dress beku. Pack maadi (I want that dress. Please pack it) Bere - ii tomato chennagilla. Bere kodi (This tomato is not nice. Give me another)

Important Words Chillare - change Duddu - money

Numbers - numbers that were discussed in previous class. Jyasthi need) Kammi - ishtu beda. idu thumba jyasthi ayithu. ( I dont need so much. This is more than I

- innu solpa kodi. Idu thumba kammi ayithu (Give me some more this is too little)

Phrases Yeshtu usag Typicall usage will be Idu ( pointing at something) yeshtu how much is this. Note the differences between the following. Yeshtu how much Ishtu this much Ashtu that much


Scenario 1: Go to the bus stand. Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kannada version Illi hattirada bus stand yelli ide? Munde ide Dhanya vaada Naanu majestic ge hoga beku. Majestic ge hoguva bussu illi barutha? Houdu. Illi baruthe Yaava bussu hoguthe? 171, 172 hogthe Mundina bussu yaavaga baruthe? Innu ardha ghante aguthe 171 bus Wilson garden mele/inda? Hogutha? Illa, bari 172 matra hoguthe English Translation Where is the nearest bus stand? Its straight ahead. Thank you I have to go to majestic. Will buses going to majestic come here? Yes. They come here Which buses will go? When will the next bus come? It will take half an hour more Will 171 go through Wilson garden? No 171 will

Scenario 2: Inside the bus Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kannada version Majestic ge ondu ticket kodi Aidu rupayi aguthe Majestic bandare dayavittu thilisi Majestic innu yeshtu doora ide? Innu nalakku stop Ide majestic stopa? Houdu. Ide majestic English Translation One ticket to majestic please It will be 5 rupees Please let me know when majestic comes How much further is majestic 4 more stops Is this majestic stop? Yes. This is majestic

Scenario 3: Asking an auto driver Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kannada version Majestic ge hoga beku. Barutheera? 100 rupayee aguthe Illa meter ashte koduthene Ayithu kulithu kolli Wilson garden alli right thagoli Munde left thagoli Yenu meter ishtu agide alla! Naanu dina English Translation I want to go to majectic will you come It will be 100 rupees I will pay as per the meter Ok. Please sit down Take a right at Wilson garden Take a left ahead. What the meter is showing so much! I come daily and I pay only 40 I

baruthene 40 rupees asthe aguvudu. Naanu ashte koduthene Ayithu 45 kodi ThagoLi

shall pay the same

8 9

Ok give me 45 Take

SHOPPING Scenario 4: Shopping for groceries Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kannada version Tomato yeshtu Hadinaidu rupayi kilo 10 rupayi madi kolli Illa saar tomato season illa. Illa illa bere kade ella 10 rupaye.. adare nimma tomato chenaagide Ayithu 13 rupayi kodi Ayithu yeradu kg kodi English Translation How much are the tomatoes? 15 rupees a kilo Make it 10 rupees No sir this is not tomato season No no it is 10 rupees elsewhere.. but your tomatoes are good Ok give 13 rupees Ok give me 2 kgs

Scenario 4: Shopping for clothes Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kannada version Ii shirtu chenaagide. Idara bele yenu? Inoora aivathu rupaayi Illa thumba jyasthi ayithu. Kammi madi kolli. Illa sir fixed price Yenu riyayati illava? Illa sir onde price Beda bidi naanu bere angadi yalli nooduthene. Ayithu yeshtu kodutheera Naanu inooru rupaayi koduthene Ayithu thagoli Yenatharu defect iddare replace mada beku Yenu defect iddaru naave bere shirt kodutheve Dhanya vaada English Translation This shirt is nice. What is its price? 250 rupees. No it is too much. Reduce it. No sir fixed price No discount is it? No sire only one price. Then I dont need it. I shall shop for it in another shop. Allright how much will you give I will pay 200 All right take it If there are any defects then will you replace it? Yes if there are any defects then we will replace it. Thank you

Interaction with House owner / Neighbors Words

Mane house / home Baadige rent Kutumba family Hesaru name Pakkada maneyavaru - Neighbours Maduve marriage MakkaLu - children Kelasa - work Tingalu - months Neeru water Mane kelasa domestic help Aduge - cook Interacting with Domestic Help / Cook Important Verbs To wash clothes - ogi To sweep - gudisu To clean utensils - toLi To mop oresu Come baa Go hogu Cut hetchu to break - odi to grind rubbu

Fry - huri To cook aduge maadu / beyisu Words Paathre utensil Batte clothes Nela floor Porake - Broom Neeru - water bisi hot tarakaari vegetable enne oil akki rice beLe dal Interaction with House owner / Neighbor Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kannada version Nimma hesarenu. Maduve aagideya? MakkaLu iddaara? Nimma kutumbadalli estu janariddaare? Neevu elli kelasa maaduteeri? Manege estu baadige? Manege estu tingala advance kodabeku? Maneyalli estu roomgalu ive? Maneyalli bike / car parking ideya? Neeru supply hege idhe? Mane kelasa maaduvavaru sulabhavaagi siguttaara? English Translation what is your name? Are you married? Do you have kids? How many people are there in your family? where do you work? what is the rent for the house? How many months advance should I deposit? how many rooms does the house have? do you have bike / car parking facility in the house? How is the water supply? Do we get domestic help easily?

12 13 14

Aduge maaduvavaru hattiradalli siguttaara? Hattiradalli hannu-tarakaari elli sigutthade? Pakkada maneyavara hesarenu?

Do we get services of a cook in the vicinity? Where do we get fruits and vegetables in the vicinity ? What is the neighbours name?

Interaction with Domestic help / Cook Sl no 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kannada version naaLe entugantege baa naaLe estu hottige kelasakke baruteeya? Ivattu nela oresabeku Nela gudisi ayta? Yaavaga paathre tholiteeya? Chennaagi batte ogiya beku Interaction in a restaurant Words Word oota thindi kahi khara uppu sakkare thannige bisi bega neeru bele soppu baath Chennagide chennagilla Badisu tholidu kollu Meaning Lunch/dinner Breakfast/snacks Bitter Hot/spicy Salt Sugar Cold Hot Fast Water Lentils (Daal) Greens Cooked Rice It is nice It is not nice Serve to wash Usage Oota ayitha? Thindige jothe coffee kudide Coffee thumba kahiyagide Curry thumba khara Rasam nalli uppu jyasti yeardu spoon sakkare haaki Dese thannige agide Nannage bisi bisi coffee ishta Bega badisi ( serve fast ) Neeru yellide? English Translation come tomorrow at 8. at what time are you coming tomorrow? you have to mop the floor today Have you swept the floor? when will you clean the utensils? wash the clothes properly.

Coffee chennagide Coffee chenagilla Kai tholidu kollu (to wash the hands)

Important Verbs and interrogatives yenu ide? - What is there?

This can prefixed to enquire menus. Examples are menu alli yenu ide (whats in the menu), kudiyokke yenu ide? (Whats there to drink?). In general a question of yenu ide is like asking for the entire menu. Ideya is there? This can be used when we want to ask for a specific item. Examples are coffee ideya [generic form < item > ideya?] Kodi give Examples: yearadu coffee kodi. - give me 2 cups of coffee. Yeshtu how much Examples: Yeradu cup coffee yeshtu? - How much for two cups of coffee? Interaction with waiter/manager Sl no 1 2 3 Kannada version Thindi yenu ide? Idly, dose, vade Yeradu idly, ondu dose matte mooru cup coffee 4 Yeshtu ? 5 40 rupaayi 6 Thagoli Inter acting with the person serving 7 Swalpa bega kodi 8 Ii dose thannigagide bere kodi 9 10 Illa saar iga madidu Illa nanage bere kodi English Translation Whats there for snacks? Idly, dose, and vadas Ok 2 idly, 1 dose and 3 cups of coffee How much? 40 rupees Take it. Please give these fast. This dose is cold. Give me another one. No sir. This has just been prepared. No please give me another one.

Enquiring for lodging Sl no 1 2 3 4 Kannada version Nimma hotel nalli double bedroom room ideya? Ondu dinakke yeshtu chargu? Single bedroom ge yeshu? Room service ideya? English Translation Dou you have double bedroom rooms in your hotel? What is the charge for a day? Whats the charge for a single bedroom? Do you have room service?

Workshop 4 Emergencies Word Gaaya Jvara Kemmu Negadi Novu Oushadhi Maathre Kadi Roga Muri mooLe Apaghaatha Vaidhya Visha Raktha Anila Benki Hoge kaLLa kaLLathana Beega Meaning Wound Fever Cough Cold Pain Medicine Tablet Bite Disease Break Bone Accident Doctor Poison Blood Gas Fire smoke Thief Burglary lock

Kannada sentences keLage biddare gaaya aaguthaadhe. Ninage jvara bandhidhe. Avanige kemmidhe. Negadi yaadhaga thannirannu kudiyabeda. Nanage tumba tale novidhe. Neenu hushaaragideeya? Oota aadha nantara oushadhi tegodhuko. Dinakke mooru maathre tegodhukollabeku. Oota ballavanige rogavilla. Nanna kai murididhe. Accidentnalli avana kaalina mooLe

English sentences You will be hurt (wounded) if you fall down. You are running fever. He has got cough. Do not drink cold water if you have cold. I have got severe headache. Are you keeping well? Please take the medicine after your dinner. You will have to take 3 tablets a day. One who eats well is immune to diseases. I have a broken hand. He has broken his leg in the accident.

murididhe. Rasteyallondhu apaghaathavagidhe. Haavina visha apaayakaari. Dehadalli raktha hariyuttadhe. Ee areadalli kaLLaru hechaagi idaare. Avara maneyalli kaLLathana aagidhe. kaLLa beega odedhu maneyalli kaLLathana maadidhaane. Alli Benki idhe, hushaaru. Naanu neerina billu kattabeku. Nanage cable connection beku. Telephone repairee aagabeku. Namma maneyalli power cut aagidhe.

There is an accident on the road. Snakes poison is dangerous. Blood flows in the body. There are thieves in this area. There has been a burglary in their house. The thief has broken the lock and burgled the house. Be careful of the fire there. I have to pay the water bill. I need a cable connection. I need to have the telephone repaired. There has been a powercut in my house.

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