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Undergraduate Course Structure in Political Science, GU Department of Political Science, GU The following is the course structure and syllabus

for BA (Major) in Political Science First Semester 1. Political Theory-I 2.Politics in India-I Second Semester 1.Political Theory-II 2.Politics in India-II

Third Semester 1. International Relations-I 2.Public Administration-I

Fourth Semester 1. International Relations-II 2.Public Administration-II

Fifth Semester 1. Western Political Thinkers 2. Select Constitutions-I 3A. Politics in North-East India OR 3B. General Sociology-I 4A. Contemporary Political Issues OR 4B. Women and Politics 5A. Rural Local Governance OR 5B. Political Sociology-I 6A. Democracy in India-I OR 6B.Human Rights

Sixth Semester 1. Indian Political Thinkers 2. Select Constitutions-II 3C. Politics in North-East India OR 3D. General Sociology-II 4C. Contemporary Political Ideologies OR 4D. Women and Politics in India 5C. Urban Local Governance OR 5D. Political Sociology-II 6C. Democracy in India-II OR 6D. Human Rights in India


Paper 1 POLITICAL THEORY-1 Unit I: Politics and Political Theory. Importance and Usefulness of Political Theory Approaches to the study of Political Science Traditional Approaches: Philosophical, Historical, Institutional and Legal Contemporary Approaches: Behavioural and Post-Behavioural Unit II: Concept of Power Concept of Power, Authority and Legitimacy Forms of Power: Political, Economic and Ideological Relation between Power, Authority and Legitimacy Unit III: Concept of Ideology Liberalism Marxism End of Ideology Debate Unit IV :Concept of State Different Perspectives on State: Liberal, Marxist Gandhian perspective of the state Globalisation and State's Sovereignty Readings: Bhargava, Rajeev & Ashok Acharya(ed.) Political Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi: Pearson Education,2008 Bhargava, Rajeev, What is Political Theory and Why do We need it, New Delhi: OUP, 2010 Gauba, O. P. An Introduction to Political Theory, New Delhi: Macmillan, 1981 Ramaswamy, Sushila, Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts, New Delhi: Macmillan, 2003 Held, David, Political Theory and the Modern State, London: Polity, 1994 --------------- (ed.) Political Theory Today, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991 Barry, Norman P., An Introduction to Modern Political Theory, London: Macmillan, 1988 Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, Oxford: Clarendon, 1990 Hacker, Andrew, Political Theory- Philosophy, Ideology and Science,Toronto: Macmillan, 1961 Leftwich, Adrian (ed.) What is Politics: The Activity and its Study, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984 Laski, Harold J, The State in Theory and Practice, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1935 Bottomore, T. B., Classes in Modern Society, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965 .........................................................

Paper 2 POLITICS IN INDIA I Unit I : Indian Constitution: its Evolution Colonial Legacies: Acts of 1909, 1919 & 1935. Legacies of National Movement: Non Cooperation Movement & Quit India Movement 1942

Constitutional Developments during freedom movement: Nehru Report & Lahore Congress Resolution

Unit II: Basic features of Indian Constitution . Preamble Fundamental Rights & Duties.

Directive Principles of State Policy

Unit III :Union & State Executive and Legislature

President and Prime Minister Parliament : Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha

Governor and Chief Minister

State legislature: Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council

Unit IV : Judiciary Supreme Court and High Court

Judicial Review

Judicial Activism Readings: Neera Chandhoke & Praveen Priyadarshini (edited): Contemporary India: Economy, Society, Politics, Pearson 2009 Hoveyda Abbas et al: Indian Government and Politics, Pearson 2010 D.D. Basu: An Introduction to the Constitution of India, New Delhi, Prentice Hall : 2008. M. V. Pylee- Constitutional Government in India, Bombay, Asia Pub. House, 1977. M. V. Pylee An Introduction to Constitution of India, New Delhi, Vikas, 1998. S. K. Chaube : Constituent Assembly of India Springboard of Revolution, New Delhi, Peoples Publishing House, 1973. G. Austin: Working a Democratic Constitution The Indian Experience, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2000. Subhash C. Kashyap: Constitution of India: Review and Reassessment, New Delhi, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt., 2010. S. P. Sathe: Judicial Activism in India, Oxford University Press, 2001.

T. R. Andhyarujina: Judicial Activism and Constitutional Democracy in India, Bombay, N. P. Tirupathi, 1992 N .V. Normani: Constitutional Question in India. The President, Parliament and the State, Oxford University Press, 2000.


Paper 1 POLITICAL THEORY II Unit I: Democracy Concept of Democracy: Classical and Liberal Types of democracy: Direct and indirect Contemporary Theories of Democracy: Elitist, Pluralist and Marxist Unit II: Understanding Development Meaning of Development Liberal and Marxist perspectives on Development Alternative Views of Development: Sustainable Development, Human Development and Gandhian Model of Development Unit III: Justice and Multiculturalism Concepts of justice and multiculturalism Distributive justice Multiculturalism and social justice Unit IV : Political Theory and Third World Nature of State in Third World Neo-Colonialism: Basic features Dependency Theory: Views of Andre Gunder Frank Readings: Bhargava, Rajeev & Ashok Acharya(ed.) Political Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi: Pearson Education,2008 Bhargava, Rajeev, What is Political Theory and Why do We need it, New Delhi: OUP, 2010 Gauba, O. P. An Introduction to Political Theory, New Delhi: Macmillan, 1981 Ramaswamy, Sushila, Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts, New Delhi: Macmillan, 2003 Held, David, Political Theory and the Modern State, London: Polity, 1994 --------------- (ed.) Political Theory Today, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991 Barry, Norman P., An Introduction to Modern Political Theory, London: Macmillan, 1988 Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, Oxford: Clarendon, 1990 Hacker, Andrew, Political Theory- Philosophy, Ideology and Science Toronto:Macmillan, 1961, Leftwich, Adrian (ed.) What is Politics: The Activity and its Study, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984 ...................................

Paper 2 POLITICS IN INDIA II Unit I:Centre- State Relations Legislative Administrative Financial Unit II :Party System in India National Parties- INC, BJP, CPI, CPM

Regional Parties- DMK and AGP

Unit III :Election System in India First-past-the-post System

Proportional Representative System. Election Commission

Unit IV :Challenges to National Integration Terrorism

Regionalism Casteism Readings Neera Chandhoke & Praveen Priyadarshini (edited) Contemporary India: Economy, Society, Politics, Pearson 2009 Hoveyda Abbas et al, Indian Government and PoliticsPearson 2010 D.D. Basu: An Introduction to the Constitution of India, New Delhi, Prentice Hall : 2008. M. V. Pylee- Constitutional Government in India, Bombay, Asia Pub. House, 1977. C. P. Bhambri : The Indian State : Fifty years, New Delhi, Shipra, 1999. Chakrabarti, Bidyut & Pandey Rajendra Kumar : Indian Government & Politics, Sage New Delhi-2008. S. Kaviraj: Politics in India, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1998. Palmer Norman: The Indian Political System. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1971. Bipan Chandra, Barun Dey & Amaresh Tripathi, Freedom Struggle, National Book Trust of India. P. R. Brass: Politics of India since Independence (2nd Ed.) Cambridge Uni. Press, 1992. Morris Jones: Government and Politics in India, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1998.


Paper- 1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-I Unit 1: Introduction to International Relations Evolution Nature Scope Unit II: Approaches to the study of International Relations Liberalism- I. Kant, W. Wilson Realism- Morganthau, K. Waltz Systems theory M. Kaplan Unit III: Basic concepts in International Relations Balance of power Collective security National Interest and ideology Unit IV: World in 20th Century First world war: Causes and consequences Second World war: causes and consequences Cold war: phases and Impact Readings: Aneek Chatterjee, International Relations Today: Concepts and Applications, Pearson Education 2008 John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens (Edited), The Globalization of World Politics, Fourth Edition, OUP, USA 2008 John Baylis, J.Wirtz, C.Gray, Strategy in Contemporary World, OUP, UK, 2010 John W. Young and John Kent, International Relations since 1945 A Global History, OUP, USA 2004 Joshua S. Goldstein, International Relations,8/e, Pearson Education 2008 Mahendra Kumar, Theoretical Aspects of International Politics, Agra: Shiva Lal Agarwala, 1967

Paul R.Viotti and Mark V.Kauppi, International Relations and World Politics: Security, Economy, Identity, 3/e, Pearson Education 2007

Peu Ghosh, International Relations, PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010

V N Khanna, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House,2008

Paper 2 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION-I Unit I: Introduction Concept, Scope and Importance of Public Administration Growth and Evolution of Public Administration as a Discipline Recent Trends -- Good Governance and New Public Management Unit II: Administrative Theories Scientific Management Theory Bureaucratic Theory Human Relations Theory Unit III: Principles of Organization Hierarchy -- Span of control -- Unity of command Centralization Decentralization Supervision -- Coordination Delegation Unit IV: Structure of Organisation Line and Staff Concept and Functions Chief executive Types and Functions Department, Public Corporations, Independent Regulatory Commissions Readings Avasthi and Maheswari: Public Administration, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal,2009 Maheswari, S.R.,: Administrative Theory, Macmillan India Ltd. Tyagi, A.R.: Public Administration, Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi Fadia, B.L., and Kuldeep,: Public Administration, Sahitya Bhawan Publication, Agra, 2008 Bhattacharya Mohit: Public Administration, World Press, 2007 Chakrabarty, Bidyut Bhattacharya Mohit: Public Administration: A Reader, Oxford University Press, 2003 Basu, Rumki: Public Administration: Concepts and Theories, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 2004 Hazarika, N., Snatak Lok-Prasasan (Assamese), Students Stores, Guwahati, 2001. Sapru R.K. : Administrative Theories and Management Thought, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 Baghel C.L., Kumar, Y., Public Administration (two volumes), Kanishaka Publishers, New Delhi, 2005


Paper 1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS- II Unit I : Basic concepts in International Relations Foreign policy and diplomacy Conflict resolution Non-alignment Unit II: United Nations Formation , charter and objectives Role of UN in resolving conflict:issue of peacekeeping operations UN and Millennium Development Goals. Unit III: Security and disarmament Concept of security- traditional and non-traditional Disarmament and arms control Nuclear nonproliferation Unit IV: Introduction to Global Economy Colonialism and Neocolonialism IMF, World Bank, WTO Impact of Globalisation on Third World economies Readings: Aneek Chatterjee, Education, 2008 International Relations Today: Concepts and Applications, Pearson

John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens (Edited), The Globalization of World Politics, Fourth Edition, OUP, USA 2008 John Baylis, J.Wirtz, C.Gray, Strategy in Contemporary World, OUP, UK, 2010 John W. Young and John Kent, International Relations since 1945 A Global History, OUP, USA 2004 Joshua S. Goldstein, International Relations, 8/e, Pearson Education 2008 Mahendra Kumar, Theoretical Aspects of International Politics, Agra: Shiva Lal Agarwala, 1967 Paul R.Viotti and Mark V.Kauppi, International Relations and World Politics: Security, Economy, Identity, 3/e, Pearson Education 2007 Peu Ghosh, International Relations, PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010 V N Khanna, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House,2008

Paper 2 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION-II Unit 1. Personnel Administration: Recruitment - Training Promotion Public Service Commission Composition and Role Importance of Civil Service in modern State Unit II. Financial Administration Concept and Principles of Budgeting Budgetary Process Performance Budgeting Unit III. Development Administration Concept of Development Administration Contribution of Fred W. Riggs, Bureaucracy and development Unit IV. Citizen and Administration Concept of Accountability Control over administration: Legislative, Executive and Judicial Redressal of public grievancesLokPal, Lokayukta, RTI Reading Avasthi and Maheswari: Public Administration, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, 2009 Maheswari, S.R.: Administrative Theory, Macmillan India Ltd. Tyagi, A.R.: Public Administration, Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi Fadia B.L., and Kuldeep,: Public Administration, Sahitya Bhawan Publication, Agra, 2008 Bhattacharya Mohit: Public Administration, World Press, 2007 Chakrabarty, Bidyut Bhattacharya Mohit: Public Administration: A Reader, Oxford University Press, 2003 Basu, Rumki: Public Administration: Concepts and Theories, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 2004 Hazarika, N., Snatak Lok-Prasasan (Assamese), Students Stores, Guwahati, 2001. Sapru R.K. : Administrative Theories and Management Thought, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 Sapru R.K., Development Administration, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 1994


Paper 1 WESTERN POLITICAL THINKERS Unit I: Greek Political Thinkers Plato: Justice, Philosopher King, Ideal State Aristotle: Classification of Constitution, Revolution, Best Practical State Unit II: Medieval and Early Modern Thinkers St. Augustine: Religion and Politics Machiavelli: Liberty and Statecraft Unit III: The Contractualists Hobbes: Nature of State, Sovereignty Locke: Liberty, Property, State Rousseau: General Will Unit IV: Marxian Political Thought Materialistic Interpretation of History Surplus Value Class Struggle Readings: Nelson, Brian, Western Political Thought, Prentice Hall, 1996 Wayper, C.L., Political Thought, English Universities Press, 1969 Sabine, George, H, A History of Political Theory, Dryden Press, 1973 McClelland, J.S, A History of Western Political Thought, Routledge, 1998 Jha, Shefali, Western Political Thought from Plato to Marx, Pearson Publications, Delhi, 2009 Barker, Ernest, The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, Dover Publications, 1959. Mukherjee, Subrata & Sushila Ramaswamy, A History of Political Thought, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 1999

Paper 2 SELECT CONSTITUTIONS-I Unit I: Constitution and Constitutionalism Constitution - Meaning and Importance Classification of Constitutions Constitutionalism - Concept Unit II: United Kingdom The British Political Tradition Parliamentary Government (i) Monarchy (ii) Cabinet (iii) Parliament Political Parties and Interest Groups Rule of Law and the Judicial System Unit III: United States of America

Making of the American Constitution The Federal System. National Government (i) The President (ii) Congress (iii) Supreme Court Political Parties and Interest Groups

Unit IV: Comparative Study of UK and US Constitutions: British Prime Minister vs US President House of Lords vs Senate Speaker of House of Commons vs Speaker of House of Representatives Readings: Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach, Prentice Hall, 1979 Finer, H, Theory and Practice of Modern Government, Mituban, 1965 Dahl, Robert, Theory and Practice of Modern Government, Prentice Hall, 1978 Ray, S. N., Comparative Political Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997 Willoughby, Westel Woobdury , The American Constitutional System; An Introduction to the Study of the American State, General Books LLC, 2009 Elster, Jon & Slagstad(Ed), Constitutionalism and Democracy, Cambridge University Press, 1993 Alexander, Larry, Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundation, Cambridge University Press, 2001 Rosenbaum, S. Alan, Constitutionalism: The Philosophical Dimension, Greenwood Press, 1988 Paper 3A

POLITICS IN NORTH-EAST INDIA I Unit 1: Profile of North-East India Geo-Strategic Location Socio-Cultural Diversity Unit II: Colonial Policy of Annexation and Administration Expansion and Consolidation of Colonial Rule Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas: Inner Line. Unit III: Peoples Resistance Against Colonial Rule (19th Century) Peasant Resistance in Assam: Phulaguri and Patharughat uprisings. Role of Raijmels Anglo-Manipur War of 1891 Unit IV: Migration and Demographic Change during Colonial Period Migration of Plantation Labour Migration from Eastern Bengal READING LIST: Gait, Edward, 2008, A History of Assam, Lawyers Book Stall, Guwahati Dutt, K.N., 1958, Landmarks in the Freedom Struggle of Assam, Guwahati.. Barpujari, H.K., 1980, Assam in the Days of Company 1826-1858,Spectrum Publications, Sole

Distributors, United Publishers in Gauhati, Assam. Guha,Amalendu, 1977, Planter Raj to Swaraj- Freedom Struggle and Electoral Politics in Assam 1826-1947, Peoples Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi. Naorem Sanajaoba, Manipur Past and Present, Mittal Publication, Delhi, 2005 Gangmuei Kabui, History of Manipur, National Publishing House, Delhi, 1991. Dena, Lal. (1991) History of modern Manipur, 1826-1949 1st edition. New Delhi: Orbit Publishers-Distributors.

Paper 3B GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - I. Unit-I Definition and Scope of Sociology. Meaning and Definitions of Sociology, Growth and scope of Sociology. Relationship of Sociology with Political Science, Economics and History . Unit-II The Methods of Sociology. Historical Method. Statistical Method. Scientific or Experimental Method. Social Survey Method. Unit III Key Concepts of Sociology. Family. Society. Community. Role and status. Unit IV Social Stratification. Meaning of Social Stratification. Meaning and Nature of Caste. Meaning and Nature of Social Class. Concept of Gender.

Readings: Bhusan, Vidya and Sachdev ; An Introduction to Sociology, Kitab Mahal. Jayaram, A: Introductory Sociology, Macmillan. Scafer, Richard and Robert P. Lama: Sociology, Tata Mcgraw Hill. Sharma, K.L.: Caste and Class in India, NCERT. Ahuja, Ram: Society in India, Concept, Theory and Recent Trends Rawat Publications. Mohanty, G.S.: Modern Sociology ( 2 Vols) Srinivashan, : Indian Society and Social Institution. Harolombos, M : Sociology, Themes and Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Bottmore, T.B.: Sociology: A Guide to Literature. George Allen. Singh, Y: Modernization of Indian Tradition. Rawat Publications.

Paper 4A CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL ISSUES Unit I: Environmental Issues Brundtland Commission Report and Sustainable Development Rio Declaration Copenhagen Declaration Unit II: Terrorism Meaning and nature of terrorism Forms of Terrorism: State and non-state Terrorism in North-East India Unit III : Human Development & Human Security Concept of Human Development Concept of Human Security Indicators of Human Development HDI & HPI. Unit IV: Issues of Gender Gender Exclusion and Gender Justice Beijing Declaration, 1995 Concept of Gender Development Index & Gender Budgeting Readings: Baylis. John & Smith, Steve, The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford, 2001 Bhasin, Kamal & Khan Nighat Said, Some questions on Feminism and its relevance in South Asia, kali for women, 198 Dutta, Akhil Ranjan (edited) Human Security in North-East India: Issues and Policies, Anwesha, 2009 Fukuda Parr, Sakiko & Shiva Kumar, AK (edited) Readings in human rights: concept, measures and politics for a development paradigm, Oxford New Delhi, 2003 Hussain, Monirul, Interrogating Development: State, Displacement and Popular Resistance in North East India; Sage Publications India, 2008 Priyan, Manisha, Madhilika Banerjee & Menon Krishna, Human Rights, Gender and Environment Pearson, 2009 UNDP: 1994 Annual Human Development report (Theme Human Security) Weinberg Leonard, Global Terrorism: A beginner's guide, Oneworld Oxford, 2006

Paper 4B WOMEN AND POLITICS Unit I : Concepts of Gender Gender and Sex Patriarchy as a concept Pillars of Patriarchy Unit II : Feminism Concept of Feminism Waves of Feminism Theories of Feminism----Liberal & Marxist.

Unit III: Womens Movements---A Historical Perspective French Revolution Civil Rights Movements Suffrage Movements Unit IV : History of Womens Movement in India th Early 19 Century Social Reform Movements Womens role in the Freedom Struggle Gandhi and Women Readings: Agnes, F., Law and Gender Inequality, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999. Agnes, Flavia. State, Gender and the Rhetoric of Law Reform, Bombay: SNDT, 1995. Basu, A (ed.), The challenges of Local Feminism: Womens Momvemnet in Global Perspective, Boulder Co, West view Press, 1995. Bhagwat, Vidyut. Gender Equality: Text and Context, New Delhi: IGNOU, 2000. Bhasin Kamla. 1998. What is Patriarchy? New Delhi: Kali for Women. Bhasin Kamla. 2000. Understanding Gender. New Delhi: Kali for Women. Bhatt, Ela R. and Others, Shramashakti: Report of National Commission on Self Employed Women and Govt. of India, 1998. Desai, Neers and Maithreyi Krishnaraj. Women and Society in Indiaa. New Delhi: Ajanta Publications, 1987. Menon, N. (ed.), Gender and Politics in India, New Delhi: OUP, 1999. Shah, Nandita and N. Gandhi. The Quota Question: Women and Electoral Seats. Mumbai: Akshara Publication, 1991. Hasan, Z. (ed.), Forgoing Identities: Gender, Communities and the State, New Delhi: Kali for Women: 1994. Geetha, V. Patriarchy, Zubaan. New Delhi. Geetha, V. Understanding Caste and Gender, Zubaan. New Delhi. Vaid S. and K. Sangri, Recasting Women, New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1989.

Paper 5A RURAL LOCAL GOVERNANCE Unit I :Evolution of Local governance in India local governance in ancient India local governance in colonial India local governance in independent India rd Unit II: 73 amendment and Rural development rd Genesis of the 73 amendment: the various committees rd Significance of the 73 amendment( Womens participation and reservation, district planning commission, election commission, Finance commission) Problems of rural local governance Unit III : Structural growth of local governance under the 73rd amendment Zilla Parishad Anchalik Panchayat Gaon panchayat and gaon sabha

Unit IV: Control and supervision of local governance under the 73rd amendment Legislative Executive Sources of revenue and grants-in-aid Readings: Gosh, B.K.2002, The Assam Panchayat Act, Assam Law House, Guwahati. Maheshwari ,S.R. 2006 Local Governance in India, Lakshjmi Naraian Agarwal, Agra. Ray,B.Dutta,and Das, G. (Ed) Dimensions of Rural Development in North East India, Akansha, New Delhi Alam, M.2007, Panchayati Raj in India, National Book Trust, New Delhi Joshi, R.P and Narwani, G.S,2002, Panchayati Raj in India, Rawat Publication, Jaipur Dube, M.P. and Padalia, M. (Ed.) 2002, Democratic Decentralization and Panchayati Raj in India, Anamika Publishers, new Delhi Das, N. 2006, Bharator panchayati raj and Asamor swayatwa sashan, Mritunjoy Prakashan, Guwahati (Assamese)

Paper 5B POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY-I Unit I Historical Development Emergence of political sociology Definition and nature of political sociology Subject matter and utility of political sociology Unit II Political culture Concept of political culture Components of political culture Foundations of political culture Unit III Socialization Meaning of socialization Agencies of socialization Role of socialization Unit IV Political Mobility Nature of political mobility Problems of political mobility Defects in the concept of political mobility and its value Readings: Ashraf Ali and Sharma Political sociology ,orient Longman,2002. Coser,Louis:Political sociology, Collins 1970. Jangan, R T: A text book of sociology oxford and IBH Books,1990 Mukhapadhya,Amal Kumar:Political sociology, Firman K.L ,1998 Sharma,Ram Nath And Sharma,Rajender K,1997(re-print),Media Promoters and Publisher LTD.Haralambos,Micheal,Sociology Themes and Perpectives,1980,oxford univerasity press.

Johari,J.C 2002(reprint) Principle of modern political science, Sterling publishers LTD. Chakraborty,Satyabrata,2003,Political Sociology,Macmilan.

Paper 6 A DEMOCRACY IN INDIA- 1 Unit I: Concept of Democracy Meaning of Democracy Types of Democracy Theoretical Perspective of Democracy Unit II: Democracy in India Origin of Democracy in India Colonial Legacy, National Movement. Unit III: Nature of Indias Democracy: Liberal Perspective Marxist Perspective Unit IV: Elections in India Election Process in India: Election Commissioner and Its Role Readings: Brass, Paul: The Politics of India since Independence, New York, 1994. Jayal, N. (ed): Democracy in India, New Delhi, 2001. Chibber, P.K.: Democracy without Association: Transformation of the Party System and Social Cleavages in India, Michigan, 1999. Kohli, A: Indias Democracy: An Analysis of State Society Relation, Princeton, 1990. Manor, James: Indias Democracy, Princeton, 1988. Crick: Democracy: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2001.


Unit I: Introduction to Human Rights Concept of Human Rights meaning, nature, importance Growth and evolution of Human Rights Classification- three generation of Human Rights Unit II: Approaches and perspectives Universal Approach Cultural Relativist Approach

Marxian Perspective

Unit III : Human Rights and UNO international Bill of Rights UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, Optional Protocols Conventions Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Convention on Rights of the Child Human Rights Council Unit IV: Human rights and the role of NGOs Amnesty International Human Rights Watch International Committee of the Red Cross Readings: Chauhan, S.R., & N. S. Chauhan (ed): International Dimension of Human Rights(Vol. I,II,III), Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006 Symondies, Janusz (ed),: Human Rights: Concepts and Standards, UNESCO Publishing, 2000 Saksena, K. P.,: Human Rights, Lancers Books, New Delhi, 1999 Buzarbaruah, Bhupesh Malla and Ripima Buzarbaruah, : Manav Adhikar, Bani Prakash, Guwahati, 2006 Yasin, Adil-ul, and Archana Upaddhyay,: Human Rights, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004 .......................................................


Paper1 INDIAN POLITICAL THINKERS Unit I: Manu and Kautilya Kautilya: The Saptang Theory of State, The Mandal Theory Manu: Views on caste and women Unit II: Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Phule Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Social reform movements Jyotirbarao Phule: Social reform movements Unit III: M.N.Roy and Gandhi M. N. Roy: New Humanism Mahatma Gandhi: Satyagraha, Trusteeship Unit IV: Nehru, Ambedkar and Narayan Jawaharlal Nehru: Nationalism and Democracy B.R. Ambedkar: Issues of Social Justice, Empowerment of Dalits J. P. Narayan : Total Revolution Readings: Verma,V.P, Modern Indian Political Thought, Lakshmi Narain Aggarwal, 1971 Pantham, Thomas & Deutsch, Kenneth L, Political Thought in Modern India, Sage Publications,1986 Mehta,V.R, Foundations of Indian Political Thought, Manohar Publications, 1992 Sharma, Urmila & Sharma, S.K, Indian Political Thought, Atlantic Publishers, Delhi,1996 Iyer, Raghavan, The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi, Oxford University Press, 1978 D.G. Dalton, India's Idea of Freedom : Political Thought of Swami Vivekanand, Aurobindo Ghose, Mahatma Gandhi, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Delhi Academic Press, 1982. Appadorai, A, Indian Political Thinking through the ages, Khama Publishers, 1992 Chakravarty, Bidyut & Pandey, Rajendra Kumar, Modern Indian Political Thought: Text and Context, Sage Publications, Delhi, 2010 ............................................ Paper 2 SELECT CONSTITUTIONS-II Unit I: Peoples Republic of China- I Revolutionary Legacy: Communist Revolution and the Cultural Revolution. Structure of Government National Peoples Congress The President and the State Council Peoples courts and Peoples Procuratorates Unit II: Peoples Republic of China- II: Rights and Duties of Citizens Party System, and Role of the Communist Party Unit III: Switzerland- I Swiss Political Tradition Swiss Federalism Structure of Federal Government

Legislature Executive Judiciary

Unit IV: Switzerland- II Direct Democracy Political Parties and Interest Groups ------------------------------Select Readings: Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics: A Development Approach, Prentice Hall,1979 Finer, H, Theory and Practice of Modern Government, Mituban, 1965 Dahl, Robert, Theory and Practice of Modern Government, Prentice Hall, 1978 Ray, S. N., Comparative Political Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997 Longford, W. John & Brownsey, K. Lorne, The Changing Shape of Government in the Asia Pacific Region, IRPP, 1988 Paper 3C POLITICS IN NORTH-EAST INDIA II UNIT I -Post-Colonial Developments: Separation of Sylhet and Problems of Refugees. Integration of Princely States: Manipur.

UNIT II - Reorganisation of North-East India Emergence of Separate States: Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram. UNIT III Political Developments in Assam Language Politics Rise of Insurgency UNIT IV- Changing Nature of State Politics in Assam Emergence of Regional Party Coalition Politics READINGS : Ray,B. Datta and S.P. Agarwal,1996, Reorganisation of North-East India since 1947, Concept Publishing Company Misra,Udayon,1991, Nation Building and Development in North-East India,Purbanchal Prakash ,Guwahati Saikia,Jaideep,2007, Frontiers in Flames: North-East India in Turmoil,Viking,New Delhi Hussain,Monirul,1993, The Assam Movement:Class,Ideology and Identity,Manak Publishing House in association with Har Anand Publications,Delhi. Goswami, Sandhya, Language Politics in Assam, 1990, Ajanta Publishing House. Dena, Lal. (1991) History of modern Manipur, 1826-1949 1st edition. New Delhi: Orbit Publishers-Distributors.

Naorem Sanajaoba, Manipur Past and Present, Mittal Publication, Delhi, 2005 Gangmuei Kabui, History of Manipur, National Publishing House, Delhi, 1991. Paper 3D GENERAL SOCIOLOGY II Unit I: Culture. Meaning of Culture. Evolution of Culture. Variability of Culture. Functions of Culture. Unit II : Social Control. Meaning and nature of Social Control. Development of the concept of Social Control. Need of Social Control. Means of Social Control Unit III: Social Change. Meaning of Social Change. Causes of Social Change. Theories of Social Change. Unit IV: Socialization. Meaning of Socialization. Process of Socialization. Factors of the Process of Socialization. 4. Agencies of Socialization Readings: Bhusan, Vidya and Sachdev ; An Introduction to Sociology, Kitab Mahal. Jayaram, A: Introductory Sociology, Macmillan. Scafer, Richard and Robert P. Lama: Sociology, Tata Mcgraw Hill. Sharma, K.L.: Caste and Class in India, NCERT. Ahuja, Ram: Society in India, Concept, Theory and Recent Trends Rawat Publications. Mohanty, G.S.: Modern Sociology ( 2 Vols) Srinivashan, : Indian Society and Social Institution. Harolombos, M : Sociology, Themes and Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Bottmore, T.B.: Sociology: A Guide to Literature. George Allen. Singh, Y: Modernization of Indian Tradition. Rawat Publications.

Paper 4C CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES Unit I: Neo-liberalism Meaning and Context of Neo-liberalism Neo-liberal State: Hayek and Nozick Neo-liberal State Vs. Welfare State Unit II : Feminism Concept of gender and patriarchy Meaning of Feminism Different forms of Feminism: Liberal and Marxist Unit III: Religious Fundamentalism Meaning of Religious Fundamentalism

Religious Fundamentalism- Global Challenges Religious Fundamentalism in South Asia: India and Bangladesh Unit IV : Multi-culturalism Meaning of multi-culturalism Multi-culturalism and democracy Multi-culturalism in India Readings:

Baylis. John & Smith, Steve, The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford, 2001 Dutta, Akhil Ranjan (edited) Human Security in North-East India: Issues and Policies, Anwesha, 2009 Eatwell, Roger & Wright, Anthony, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Continuum International Publishing, 2000 Harvey,David, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005 Hoffman, John & Graham, Paul, Introduction to Political theory, Pearson 2007 Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary Political philosophy, Oxford, 2002 Skoble, Aeon J. & Machan Tibor R., Political philosophy, Pearson, 2007

Paper 4D WOMEN AND POLITICS IN INDIA Unit-1:Women and Political process Constitutional Provisions Women Representation: In Parliament, State Legislatures, Local Bodies. Unit II: Status of Women in India Pre Colonial Period Colonial Period Post-Colonial Period Unit III: Contemporary Issues Women and Violence Women and Environment Women and Education Unit IV:Women and Development United Nations and Womens Development Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in India, 1974 Readings: Cair, M. et al (eds.), Speaking Out: Womens Economic Empowerment in South Asia. New Delhi: Vistaar, 1996. Chaudhari, Maitreyi. Indian Womens Movement: Reform and Revival. New Delhi: Radiant, 1993. Gandhi, N. and N. Shah. Issues at Stake: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Womens

Movement in India, 1991. Indiresan, Jaya. Education for Womens Empowerment. New Delhi: Konark, 2002. Kabeer, N. and Subrahmanian, R. (eds.), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 2002. Kishwar, M. Off the Beaten Track. New Delhi: OUP, 1999. Kumar, Radha. History of Dong. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993. National Commission for Women, Government of India, 2002. National Policy for the Empowerment of Women. Govt. of India, New Delhi, 2001. Patel, Vibhuti et al (eds.), Women in Politics: Forms and Process. New Delhi: Friedich Ebert Stifftung, 1992. Peterson, V. Spike and Runyan A. S. Global Gender Issues, Boulder: West View Press, 1993. Poonacha, Veena. Gender within the Human Rights Discourse. Bombay: SNDT, 1995. Sathe, S. P. Towards Gender Justice. Bombay, 1993. Towards Equality The Unfinished Agenda Status of Women in India 2001. Paper 5C URBAN LOCAL GOVERNANCE Unit I: Evolution of Urban Governance Pre-independence period Post- independence period 74th amendment of the Constitution of India Unit II: Constitutional structure of urban local bodies composition and function Nagar Panchayat Municipal Council Municipal Corporation (spl. ref. Guwahati Municipal Corporation Unit III:Role of Committees and commissions District Planning Committee Metropolitan Planning Committee State Election Commission Unit IV: Finance, Control and Personnel Administration Sources of income taxation, grants-in aid, borrowing Control and supervision legislative, executive, judicial Personnel Adminisration features and types Reading: Prasad, R. N.: Urban Local self Govt. in India, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2007 Maheswaari, S.R., : Local Govt. in India, Lakshami Narain, Agra, 2010Mishra, S. N., Anil D. Mishra & Shweta Mishra: Public Governance and Decentralisation, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2003 Venkata Rao, V. : A Hundred Years of Local Self Government in Assam, Bani Prakash, 1963 Paper 5D POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY-II Unit I :Elite theories of political power Pareto Mosca Mitchell and C.Wright Mill Unit II :Political Change Nature and causes of political change Causes of revolution Role of the army

Unit III : Concept of political Development Meaning and nature of political development Modernization and political development Political culture and political development Unit IV: Bureaucracy, Society and Politics Bureaucracy, Rationality and Power Bureaucracy and politics Bureaucracy and society Select readings: Ashraf Ali and Sharma Political sociology ,orient Longman,2002. Coser,Louis:Political sociology, Collins 1970. Jangan, R T: A text book of sociology oxford and IBH Books,1990 Mukhapadhya,Amal Kumar:Political sociology, Firman K.L ,1998 Sharma,Ram Nath And Sharma,Rajender K,1997(re-print),Media Promoters and Publisher LTD. Haralambos,Micheal,Sociology Themes and Perpectives,1980,oxford univerasity press. Johari,J.C 2002(reprint) Principle of modern political science, Sterling publishers LTD. Chakraborty,Satyabrata,2003,Political Sociology,Macmilan.

Paper 6 C DEMOCRACY IN INDIA-II Unit 1: Changing Nature of Democratic Politics in India One Party Dominant System Multiparty System Coalition Politics Unit II: Federal Character of Indian Democracy Decline of One Party System Emerging Role of State Parties Ethnic Parties Unit III: Socio Economic Determinates of Indias Democracy: Poverty Religion Caste Unit IV: Decentralized Democracy Democratic Decentralization as a concept Panchayati Raj rd 73 Amendment References: Kothari, Rajni 1970 , Politics in India, Orient Longman Limited. Brass, Paul: The Politics of India since Independence, New York, 1994. Jayal, N. (ed): Democracy in India, New Delhi, 2001. Chibber, P.K.: Democracy without Association: Transformation of the Party System and Social Cleavages in India, Michigan, 1999. Kohli, A: Indias Democracy: An Analysis of State Society Relation, Princeton, 1990. Manor, James: Indias Democracy, Princeton, 1988. Crick: Democracy: A Very Short Introduction

Paper 6D HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA Unit I: Origin and Development of Human Rights in India Ancient, medieval and colonial period Human rights and the Constitution of India Protection of Human Rights Act,1993 Unit II: Institutional Mechanisms for Protection of Human Rights National Human Rights Commission and Assam Human Rights Commission National Commission for Women National Commission for S.C and National Commission for S.T Unit III : Emerging issues of human rights Terrorism in NE India Rights of Indigenous People Environmental Issues Narmada Bachao movement, Chipko movement Unit IV: Human Rights of vulnerable groups Women Children Minority Reading list: Sehgal, B.P.Singh,(ed): Human Rights in India, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1999 Saksena, K.P., (ed): Human Rights: Fifty Years of Indias Independence, Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999 Buzarbaruah, Bhupesh Malla and Ripima Buzarbaruah,: Manav Adhikar,Bani Prakash, Guwahati, 2006 Yasin, Adil-ul, and Archana Upadhyay, : Human Rights, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004 Medhi, Kunja (ed), Status of Women & Social Change, WSRC, Gauhati Univ. 1999 Hingorani, R.C, Human Rights in India, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1985

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