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"Post is a pioneer in the field of political-personality profiling.

—Jane Mayer, The New Yorker


With Profiles of

Saddam Bill
Hussein Clinton
Edited by Jerrold M. Post, M.D.


With Profiles of


Edited by Jerrold M. Post, MD


Ann Arbor
Copyright © by the University of Michigan 2003
All rights reserved
Published in the United States of America by
The University of Michigan Press
Manufactured in the United States of America
© Printed on acid-free paper

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A OP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The psychological assessment of political leaders : with profiles

of Saddam Hussein and Bill Clinton / edited byjerrold M. Post.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-472-09838-1 (cloth : alk. paper)
i. Political leadership—Psychological aspects.
2. Politicians—Psychology. 3. Heads of state—Psychology.
4. Hussein, Saddam, 1937—Psychology. 5. Clinton, Bill, 1946—
Psychology. I. Post, Jerrold M.
JC330.3 .P79 2003
32o'.oi'9—dc2i 2002153616
To Alexander George, a dear friend
and admired mentor, whose gentle wisdom
and clarity of vision have illuminated
the path for so many.

Preface Jerrold M. Post xi

1. Profiling Political Leaders: An Introduction

Jerrold M. Post, Stephen G. Walker,
and David G. Winter i

Part I. Leader Personality Assessment in Government

and Academia

2. Assessing Leaders' Personalities: A Historical Survey

of Academic Research Studies David G. Winter 11
3. Leader Personality Assessments in Support of
Government Policy Jerrold M. Post 39

Part II. Methods for Assessing Leader Personalities:

An Introduction

The Search for Causal Mechanisms

Stephen G. Walker and Jerrold M. Post 63

A. Integrated Personality Study

4. Assessing Leaders at a Distance: The Political

Personality Profile Jerrold M. Post 69
5. Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and
Performance in Presidents and Candidates: Some
Observations on Theory and Method
Stanley A. Renshon 105

B. Trait Analyses

6. Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

Walter Weintraub 137
7. Measuring the Motives of Political Actors
at a Distance David G. Winter 153
8. Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis
Margaret G. Hermann 178

C. Cognitive Analyses

9. Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer,
and Michael D. Young 215
10. Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance:
Archival Analyses of Thinking and Decision Making
Peter Suedfeld, Karen Guttieri, and Philip E. Tetlock 246

Part III. Applications: William Jefferson Clinton and

Saddam Hussein—An Introduction

The Construction of Causal Stories about Political Leaders

jerrold M. Post and Stephen G. Walker 271

A. William Jefferson Clinton

11. William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

Stanley A. Renshon 277
12. William Jefferson Clinton: Personality Traits and
Motivational Biases 303
General Personality Traits and Ego Defense
Walter Weintraub 303
Motivations and Mediation of Self-Other
Relationships David G. Winter 306
13. William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style
Margaret G. Hermann 313

14. William Jefferson Clinton: Beliefs and

Integrative Complexity 324
Operational Code Beliefs and Object Appraisal
Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer,
and Michael D. Young 324
President Clinton: Cognitive Manager in Trouble
Peter Suedfeld and Philip E. Tetlock 328

B. Saddam Hussein

15. Saddam Hussein of Iraq: A Political

Psychology Profile Jerrold M. Post 335
16. Saddam Hussein: Personality Traits and
Motivational Biases 367
General Personality Traits and Ego Defenses
Walter Weintraub 367
Motivations and Mediation of Self-Other Relationships
David G. Winter 370
17. Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style
Margaret G. Hermann 375
18. Saddam Hussein: Beliefs and Integrative Complexity 387
Operational Code Beliefs and Object Appraisal
Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer,
and Michael D. Young 387
Saddam Hussein's Integrative Complexity under Stress
Peter Suedfeld 391

Part IV. Conclusion

19. Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

Jerrold M. Post and Stephen G. Walker 399

References 413

Contributors 443

Index 447

Jerrold M. Post

With the wisdom of hindsight, many of life's most consequential

decisions are often a matter of happenstance. In the spring of 1965,1
was in Washington, DC, completing my second year as a Clinical
Associate of the National Institute of Mental Health before I was to
return to Boston for a planned career in academic psychiatry, when a
friend from medical school approached me to discuss "an unusual job
opportunity." Despite having secured a position on the faculty of
Harvard Medical School, I could not resist this provocative invita-
tion. We met for lunch, and he offered me the opportunity to
develop a pilot program for assessing at a distance the personality
and political behavior of foreign leaders for senior U.S. government
officials. A service of common concern, the unit would be adminis-
tratively based in the Central Intelligence Agency. I thought it
would be an interesting divertissement and decided to delay for two
years my entering the groves of academe.
In what was to be a marvelous intellectual odyssey, the planned
two-year diversion lasted twenty-one years. On assuming my posi-
tion at the Central Intelligence Agency, it was immediately clear
that my training in clinical psychiatry, while useful, was clearly
insufficient for the complex and daunting requirements of the chal-
lenging task ahead. The clinical case study was designed to establish
a diagnosis in a patient suffering with mental illness, but the large
majority of political leaders are psychologically normal. Indeed,
severe mental illness would be incompatible with sustained leader-
ship. Yet political leaders from different political cultures differ pro-
foundly, and understanding those differences would be of ines-

timable value to our senior leaders both in negotiating with them

and in dealing with them in politico-military crises. But what ele-
ments of leadership should be delineated?
When the pilot program was institutionalized, I sought out lead-
ing figures in the emerging discipline of political psychology and
developed a senior advisory panel to ensure that state-of-the-art
knowledge and methodologies were applied. Serving on the panel
were two of the contributors to this volume who specialized in the
psychological evaluation of political leaders at a distance: Margaret
Hermann, professor of psychology and political science at the Mer-
shon Center of Ohio State University, and David Winter, professor
of social psychology at Wesleyan University. The ranks of the core
group of profilers were augmented by Steve Walker, professor of
political science at Arizona State University, and Walter Weintraub,
a research psychiatrist at the University of Maryland, who had
applied a method of psycholinguistic analysis he had originally
developed working with patient populations to political personali-
ties in his analysis of the Watergate tapes transcripts.
Over the years at the annual scientific meetings of the International
Society of Political Psychology, it was rare when a panel of profilers
did not consider presidential candidates or the new Soviet Party chair-
man. The Gulf crisis again highlighted the importance of leadership
psychology. I had the opportunity to testify twice before congres-
sional committees holding hearings on the Gulf crisis—the House
Armed Services Committee under Les Aspin and the House Foreign
Affairs Committee under Lee Hamilton—to present my assessment
of the personality and political behavior of Saddam Hussein.
In 1991 Stanley A. Renshon, professor of political science and
director of the political psychology program at the City University of
New York, convened a conference on the political psychology of the
Gulf crisis, which became the foundation of an edited volume (S. A.
Renshon, ed., The Political Psychology of the Gulf War: Leaders, Publics,
and the Process of Conflict [Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,
1993}). At the conference, I remarked to my long-standing col-
leagues Hermann, Walker, Weintraub, and Winter that a book
bringing these methods for the psychological assessment of political
leaders together was long overdue. The group seized upon the idea,
and the notion of an edited volume, in which each methodologist

would first describe his or her method and then apply the method,
was born. Indeed, a unique feature of the book, chosen by its con-
tributors, is to illustrate these methods using two leaders from radi-
cally different societies, William Jefferson Clinton for a democratic
society and Saddam Hussein for a closed totalitarian system, showing
how personality manifests itself in such different systems. Renshon
and Peter Suedfeld, professor of social psychology at the University
of British Columbia, both major figures in the field of at-a-distance
personality assessment, were also invited to contribute.
This book represents the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream: to
bring together within the covers of one volume the specialized meth-
ods for psychologically evaluating the personality and political
behavior of world leaders pioneered by a small group of specialists,
many of whom I have been working with for nearly thirty years.
1. Profiling Political Leaders:
An Introduction

Jerrold M. Post, Stephen G. Walker,

and David G. Winter

The influence of a leader's personality upon the course of political

events has been the subject of lively debate. The "great man" view of
history, of which Thomas Carlyle was a prominent proponent, has
often conveyed the march of history in terms of leading political
actors. In the spirit of Carlyle, we often view a nation's foreign pol-
icy in terms of the personalities of its leaders. Thus George III and
Lord North are said to have lost Great Britain's American colonies by
virtue of their stupidity and arrogance. (If only the elder Pitt had
continued in power after 1767!) In 1919, Woodrow Wilson won the
war but lost the peace because he negotiated ineptly, confused
rhetoric with substance, and refused to compromise. Two decades
later, Adolf Hitler set Europe aflame with a foreign policy that
seemed to be rooted in his personal pathology. Perhaps the appeal of
these familiar examples reflects our human tendency to reduce com-
plexity to simplicity, attributing the causes of other people's behav-
ior to their internal dispositions rather than to their situations (Jones
and Nisbett 1972). Certainly in reviewing the history of the twenti-
eth century, it would be difficult to portray the major events as sim-
ply a consequence of historical and political forces, ignoring the
impact of such giant figures as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao
Set against these personality interpretations is the counterargu-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ment that foreign policy decision makers generally respond to realis-

tic appraisals of situations and act within the available constraints
and opportunities. Thus given American reluctance to maintain
troops in Europe after 1918 and to submit national sovereignty to a
supranational league, Wilson's weakness was one of position rather
than personality. Even in the case of Hitler, the historian A. J. P.
Taylor (1961) argues, his foreign policy
was that of his predecessors, of the professional diplomats at the
foreign ministry, and indeed of virtually all Germans . . . to free
Germany from the restrictions of the peace treaty, to restore a
great German army; and then to make Germany the greatest
power in Europe from her natural weight. (97)
The scholarly terrain is defined by these two boundaries: on the one
hand is the naive view of political outcomes as merely the projection
of leaders' personalities, and on the other hand is the equally sim-
plistic view that individual personalities have no effect.
Charting a course between these extremes, Greenstein (1969,
chap. 2) suggests that a leader's personality may be especially impor-
tant under four conditions: when the actor occupies a strategic loca-
tion, when the situation is ambiguous or unstable, when there are no
clear precedents or routine role requirements, and when spontaneous
or especially effortful behavior is required. These conditions stress
the importance of the context in which the actor is operating,
observing that the impact of leader personality increases to the
degree that the environment admits of restructuring.
Among the many fields of politics, these conditions are perhaps
most often met in the arena of foreign policy. Included in the cir-
cumstances that Hermann (1976) has identified in which leader per-
sonality is most apt to affect foreign policy are the following: (i) in
proportion to the general interest of the head of state in foreign pol-
icy; (2) when the means of assuming power are dramatic; (3) when
the head of state is charismatic; (4) when the head of state has great
authority over foreign policy; (5) when the foreign policy organiza-
tion of the nation is less developed and differentiated; (6) in a crisis;
and (7) when the external national situation is perceived to be
During the relatively stable era of the superpower rivalry, it often
Profiling Political Leaders

seemed that the powerful forces of the rival Western and Eastern
blocs significantly reduced and constrained the capacity of individual
leaders to affect the course of events in the arena of foreign policy.
Yet few would doubt that the leadership actions of John F. Kennedy,
Fidel Castro, and Nikita Khrushchev in October 1962; of Richard
Nixon in China; of Jimmy Carter at Camp David; and of Ronald
Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Boris Yeltsin in the twilight of the
cold war made a difference.

The History of Leader Profiling: Two Historical Strands

In reviewing the historical development of the psychological assess-
ment of political leaders, one is confronted with two strands: devel-
opments within the academic interdiscipline of political psychology
and applications in support of policy within the government. The
two efforts developed from different disciplinary perspectives and
had quite different goals. Within the academic community the goal
was to expand knowledge concerning the psychology of leadership;
within the government the goal was to assist in high-level negotia-
tions and during politico-military crises. Initially, leading academic
scholars came principally from the disciplines of social psychology
and political science, while clinically trained psychiatrists played a
leading role in developing the government program. The academic
approach focused more on individual traits or trait constellations
leading to the development of rigorous quantitative methodologies
to assess leader traits; the applied strand emphasized a more compre-
hensive approach, integrating psychobiography and psychodynamic
psychology, producing qualitative case studies. To be sure, the
strands did not develop in hygienic isolation, and the government
efforts in applied political psychology were enriched by contribu-
tions from academic political psychology. Other disciplines, such as
cultural anthropology, clinical psychology, political sociology, and
history, usefully augmented the perspective of the core disciplines
and contributed to the advance of the field in both settings. Having
said that, the paths of development were in fact quite different.
Part i of this volume contains two historical overviews represent-
ing these two strands: the development of quantitative methods in
the academic community and the development of the qualitative
case study method in government.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

The review of academic research in chapter 2 shows that scholars

outside the government tended historically to focus on only some
aspects of each individual, such as key beliefs or prominent personal-
ity traits. This focus on a few important characteristics rather than
on the whole person is often accompanied by attempts to observe
trait manifestations with quantitative methods. This methodologi-
cal strategy has led to the standardization of measurement tech-
niques and the possibility of controlled experimental or statistical
comparisons of several individuals. Predictions of likely behavior
under different contingencies are based on comparisons of several
individuals who share these characteristics in different degrees and
whose behavior varies accordingly in response to the same stimu-
lus—often in laboratory rather than real-world settings.
The majority of these scholars have studied different dimensions of
cognition, ignoring for the most part the domain of affect and drives.
If the terrain of political cognition has been thoroughly explored, and
the terrain of affect has had some preliminary forays, the conjoint ter-
rain of cognition and affect is for the most part terra incognita. A
small number of intrepid explorers, represented in this volume, have
ventured into this perilous territory. David D. Winter has explored
the relationship between cognition and motives, exploring particu-
larly the need for power, the need for achievement, and the need for
affiliation, as well as the ratio among these needs. In addition to sys-
tematically measuring the needs for power, achievement, and affilia-
tion, Margaret G. Hermann has also studied the traits of ethnocen-
tricity, suspiciousness, self-confidence, and cognitive complexity. By
studying the relationships among these needs and traits, she has been
able to elaborate six foreign policy orientations, which in effect repre-
sent a typology of political personalities. These personality types rep-
resent patterns she has identified in the political world but are not
related to traditional clinical personality types. Stephen G. Walker's
work has also been concerned with the relationship between motiva-
tions and beliefs, as exemplified by his work on the motivational
foundations of a typology of political belief systems. George Marcus
has made major contributions in explicating the relationship between
affect and political leadership as well, emphasizing the role of affect
and its impact on political judgment and decision making (Marcus,
Neuman, and MacKuen 2000).
Profiling Political Leaders

As the historical overview of qualitative case studies in govern-

ment in chapter 3 demonstrates, psychobiographic and descriptive
studies of leaders, such as Adolf Hitler and Nikita Khrushchev, set
the stage for the development of the comprehensive approach illus-
trated by the Camp David profiles of Menachem Begin and Anwar
Sadat, in which the analysis of the leader's personality was the basis
for a diagnosis of likely behavior under different contingencies. The
goal was to identify how the leader's political personality affected
such dimensions of leadership behavior as negotiating behavior and
crisis and strategic decision making. These studies are informed by
psychodynamic theory, so that they characteristically develop a psy-
chobiographic portrait to serve as the foundation for the assessment
of political personality. There is an emphasis on providing an
account of the cultural/historical/political context in which the
leader's personality was formed and the political context in which he
or she operates. A goal is to identify recurrent patterns of behavior,
so that predictions of future behavior are often based on observations
of the individual's past responses under similar circumstances.
Broadly speaking, three types of psychological evaluations of
political leaders are described in this volume—cognitive, personality
traits, and comprehensive qualitative case studies integrating psy-
chobiographic analysis with a psychodynamic analysis of character
and personality structure. The methods for developing these kinds of
assessments are the subjects of the chapters in part 2 of this volume.
The contributors present detailed descriptions of the methodologies
they have developed and employed.
Comprehensive evaluations drawn from the clinical case study
approach integrate psychogenetic, psychodynamic, and phenomeno-
logical perspectives. In the psychobiographic analysis, they delineate
important events in shaping the leader's psychology and then assess
the dimensions of political personality, attempting to identify the
basic personality/character structure. They attempt to discern which
public actions are driven by private motives and to detect recurrent
patterns of political behavior. In chapter 4, Jerrold M. Post describes
the applied method he developed in the government setting that
drew upon his training as a clinical psychiatrist. The method empha-
sized the integration of psychobiography with the political personal-
ity study, drawing implications for negotiations, leadership style,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and crisis and strategic decision making. In chapter 5, Stanley A.

Renshon, a political scientist trained in psychoanalysis, presents his
method with a model emphasizing three key aspects of character:
ambition, integrity, and relatedness.
Studies of personality traits also combine strategies of manifest
and latent content analysis. Analyses of overt motivational imagery
in the prepared speeches of leaders can identify needs that indicate a
leader's propensity for strategies of cooperation or conflict and risk-
taking orientation. Classification of the grammar and syntax of
more spontaneous utterances in interviews illustrates the use of
latent content analysis to detect politically relevant personality
traits. In chapter 6, the research psychiatrist Walter Weintraub pre-
sents his method for assessing key personality traits, drawing on
grammatical and syntactical analysis, a method originally drawn
from a psychiatric patient population and subsequently modified for
application to political leaders. The social psychologists David D.
Winter and Margaret G. Hermann both have developed methods
for the analysis of motivational imagery. In chapter 7, Winter dis-
cusses his method for analyzing the need for power, the need for
achievement, and the need for affiliation. In chapter 8, Hermann
presents her methods for analyzing these needs, as well as a complex
of other traits she has determined to be of importance in influencing
political behavior.
Studies of cognitive content—belief systems and cognitive
maps—employ manifest content analysis to identify the leader's
beliefs about political life. From these overt surface features in pub-
lic or private statements inferences are made about the likely impact
of leaders' beliefs on their behavior in the world. In chapter 9,
Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer, and Michael D. Young present a
discussion of the method of the Operational Code, which analyzes
both the leader's beliefs about the nature of the political universe and
the rules for the conduct of political life. Other studies of cognitive
style—integrative complexity and causal attribution—employ
latent content analysis to identify the structure of a leader's thought
patterns. From these more covert features inferences are drawn about
a leader's underlying optimism and pessimism and a competitive
versus cooperative approach to problem solving in different situa-
tions. In chapter 10, Peter Suedfeld, Karen Guttieri, and Phillip E.
Profiling Political Leaders

Tetlock present a discussion of integrative cognitive complexity as it

relates to a leader's behavior.
Part 3 of this volume is divided into two sections containing a
series of psychological assessments of two leaders: William Jefferson
Clinton and Saddam Hussein. For each leader, a comprehensive qual-
itative case study evaluation combining a psychobiographic analysis
and a character analysis is first presented. Drawing on his Neustadt
Award—winning analysis of President Clinton, High Hopes, Stanley
A. Renshon presents in section A a psychoanalytically oriented por-
trait of Clinton. In section B, drawing on the political psychology
profile of Saddam Hussein he offered in testimony during hearings
on the Gulf crisis before the House Armed Services Committee and
the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Jerrold M. Post presents a
psychodynamic portrait of Saddam Hussein. Following these com-
prehensive qualitative assessments are chapters in which the person-
ality traits, leadership style, beliefs, and cognitive style of each leader
are addressed, employing manifest and latent strategies of quantita-
tive content analysis. They offer complementary analyses of these
leaders and illustrate the possible uses of different assessment tools.
Each of the leaders presents a different type of problem for assess-
ment, inference, and prediction. President Clinton is the leader of a
democratic regime operating in a complex institutional setting
where political power is fragmented among powerful bureaucratic
agencies and shared by different branches of government responsive
to different constituencies. In contrast, Saddam Hussein is a rela-
tively autonomous leader with political power residing primarily in
his hands within the context of an authoritarian regime. The con-
tributors discuss how their profiles of Clinton and Hussein illustrate
the use of sources and the types of cases encountered in doing this
kind of research.
Collectively, the authors and cases in this volume represent the
current state of the art in profiling political leaders. In the conclusion
in part 4, there is a review of the prospects for further progress and
the need for more research in this area of political psychology. While
the prospects for reducing the psychological assessment of leaders
under a single approach are not imminent, this discussion does iden-
tify possible strategies for integrating results, methods, and research
Part I. Leader Personality Assessment
in Government and Academia
2. Assessing Leaders' Personalities:
A Historical Survey of Academic
Research Studies

David G. Winter

This chapter is a review of the main developments and landmarks in

the study of political leaders by academic and research psychologists,
setting the stage for the following chapters that illustrate several
modern techniques in their latest form.
As described in the next chapter, "Leader Personality Assessments
in Support of Goverment Policy," Langer, Wedge, and Post were
commissioned to profile living foreign leaders. Usually their work
was urgently required and drawn on as guides for government policy
in times of change, threats, conflicts, and opportunities.1 In contrast,
academic political psychologists are driven more by intellectual
curiosity and questions of historical interest than by the require-
ments of government policy. They often have better access to a wider
range of information, as well as the leisure to speculate, discuss, and
rearrange their data and interpretations. This is especially true when
working on profiles of leaders from the past: historians and political
scientists are certainly interested in working out the puzzling per-
sonality dynamics of a Woodrow Wilson, an Adolf Hitler, or a
Nikita Khrushchev, but there are no longer pressing policy reasons
for rushing the job. And now, long after their deaths, we are likely to
have more information of all kinds available about these leaders than
we had when they were alive and in power. In the case of Hitler, for
example, we can now add to Langer's (1972) original wartime analy-
sis later studies by Binion (1976), Erikson (1942, [1950] 1963),

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Fromm (1973), and Waite (1977), as well as the comprehensive

review of Hitler biographies and psychobiographies by Rosenbaum
(1998), Kershaw (1999), and Langer (1999). Compared to their col-
leagues working in government, academic profilers have it easy.
Academic political psychologists have also had the scholarly
leisure and resources to reflect about what they are doing when they
try to assess the personalities of political leaders they have never met.
As a result, they have formulated canons of principle and procedure
for studying personality at a distance. This chapter reviews the aca-
demic side to profiling leaders' personalities. It begins with the
academic development, elaboration, and critique of psychobiography
and related techniques that are similar to how clinicians (psychia-
trists or clinical psychologists) would assess someone if they had
direct access (via therapy, interviews, and so forth). It then moves on
to discuss the development of objective and valid techniques for mea-
suring, at a distance, specific personality variables and syndromes.
Perhaps the first attempt to relate a leader's foreign policy to that
leader's personality factors was the brief interpretation of a dream of
the nineteenth-century German chancellor Otto von Bismarck by
the psychoanalyst Hanns Sachs (1913). (Freud reprinted the paper in
later editions of The Interpretation of Dreams {1901} 1953, 378—81.)
In 1863, Sachs noted, Bismarck had dreamed that he was at an
impasse on a narrow Alpine mountain path. With his riding whip,
he struck a rock, which crumbled to reveal an easy, broad path down
to a forest valley in Austria, where there were Prussian troops with
banners. According to Sachs's interpretation, the dream suggested
that beneath the conscious political plans of Bismarck the statesman—
to provoke a war with Austria to achieve German unification (repre-
sented in the dream by the presence of Prussian soldiers in Aus-
tria)—were unconscious personal fantasies of infantile masturbation
(handling the whip), erotic conquest (the broad path through the
mountains), and even an identification with the Biblical Moses
(striking the rock).

Doing Psychobiography
What is a psychobiography or clinical at-a-distance assessment? One
useful definition, based on Glad 1973, is that psychobiography
involves the systematic application of psychological theory or con-
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

cepts—usually (but not always) drawn from psychoanalysis or some

other variant of personality theory and research—to the explanation
of certain known biographical "facts." Which facts? Some psychobi-
ographers focus on constructing a portrait of their "subject's" overall
personality—that is, describing "what kind of person they are."
Other psychobiographers set themselves a more limited goal of
explaining certain puzzling "facts" of patterns that cannot easily be
explained (or explained fully) by ordinary explanations such as ratio-
nal self-interest, the logic of the situation, or social roles and expec-
tations. A psychobiography, then, is different from a complete biog-
raphy of the ordinary kind: it may not necessarily tell the whole story
but rather focuses especially on behavior that is at odds with con-
scious goals and appropriate means, actions that are, in Freud's
words, "unusual, abnormal or pathological" ([1936] 1964, 239).

The Three Tasks of Psychobiography

How should a psychologist, psychiatrist, or historian go about con-
structing a psychobiography? Greenstein (1969, chap. 3) has
identified three separate components of the process. The starting
point is a simple description of what is to be explained—the surpris-
ing and unusual behaviors or, in Greenstein's terms, the "identifying
phenomenology." (A psychiatrist might use the term "presenting
symptoms.") As previously suggested, the phenomenology may
involve the person's entire life course, or it may involve only a part of
the person's life (sometimes a few acts or even a single act). For exam-
ple, George and George (1956) explored a wide range of behaviors
over the entire course of Woodrow Wilson's adult life (especially his
presidency). In contrast, Runyan's (1981) study of the Dutch painter
Vincent Van Gogh focused on a specific question: "Why did Van
Gogh cut off his ear?" Cutting off one's ear is the phenomenology,
the action to be explained by concepts and theories of psychology.
Notice that we turn to psychology for explanation because Van
Gogh's action was unusual. If most people (or at least most nine-
teenth-century Dutch painters) cut off an ear, then we would proba-
bly look elsewhere than psychology—perhaps to history or anthro-
pology—for an explanation. It is usually possible to get fairly good
agreement about this first step in the psychobiography process.
Having identified what is to be explained, the psychobiographer
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

then constructs a psychological explanation—in Greenstein's terms,

"the dynamics." That is, what combination of assumed psychological
concepts (motives, defenses, cognitions, traits) can transform the phe-
nomenology from something that is "surprising and unusual" to
something that is understandable, reasonable, or "normal." Here there
is more likely to be disagreement. For example, Runyan mentions
thirteen different theories that attempt to explain Van Gogh's action.
Runyan (1981) then goes on to suggest some criteria by which we
can evaluate alternative psychobiography explanations or dynamics:
comprehensiveness, consistency with other known biographical
facts, parsimony, and the ability to predict (or "retrodict") additional
behaviors. The problem, of course, is to avoid circular explanations
in which the validity of the explanation is no more than the behavior
that the explanation was constructed to explain. It advances our
understanding very little if we explain Woodrow Wilson's unwill-
ingness to compromise as due to his obsessive-compulsive personal-
ity and then attempt to validate our explanation by citing his
unwillingness to compromise. At the very least, we need to adduce
further supporting biographical evidence for our interpretation; bet-
ter still, we should try to develop some independent measure of the
postulated psychological dynamics.
Finally, some psychobiographers try to trace the origins, or gene-
sis, of the presumed dynamics in the childhood, early experience, or
development of their subject. This third task is optional: an account
of the origins of a psychological characteristic may bolster our
confidence in the correctness of the analysis, but it is by no means
necessary. In fact, such accounts are often quite controversial, for
independent supporting evidence that the relevant trauma, experi-
ence, or events actually happened is usually quite hard to uncover
from historical sources, which are usually more meager in their cov-
erage of childhood years. As a result, many psychobiographers are
thrown back upon unsatisfying circular explanations that involve
speculative phrases such as "X must have felt t h a t . . . " or "most chil-
dren react to this by developing . . . "

Psychobiography Illustrated: The Case of Woodrow Wilson

We can illustrate Greenstein's three tasks by referring to psychobio-
graphical interpretations of Woodrow Wilson, the twenty-eighth
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

president of the United States. The study by Alexander George and

Juliette George, Woodrow Wilson and Colonel Home: A Personality
Study (1956), has become a classic of psychobiographical method
that has helped to define the field. A later publication by the same
authors (1998) summarizes their interpretation (chap. 2) and
method (chaps, 1 and 3), as well as updating their conclusions in the
light of scholarly discussion and debate (chap. 4).

Wilson's Phenomenology
If ever there was a leader whose performance in office called for psy-
chological interpretation, surely it is Woodrow Wilson. There is
general agreement on what needs to be explained. From his presi-
dency of Princeton University through his participation in the Ver-
sailles Peace Conference to his final speaking campaign urging Sen-
ate ratification of the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations,
Wilson showed a consistent pattern in which he seemed to undercut
his remarkable leadership skills and defeat or undo his considerable
accomplishments. In its fullest manifestations, this pattern included
the following elements: (i) Wilson articulated visionary goals in the
sweeping language of moralistic oratory. (2) When faced with oppo-
sition, however, he would not compromise, even when compromise
would clearly further his ultimate goals. (3) On the other hand, he
also refused to play hardball and fight back directly and aggressively.
(4) Rather, he counterattacked with renewed and exhausting speech-
making campaigns. (5) In the process, Wilson often became suspi-
cious of people who had been close supporters, even aggressively
turning against them. (6) In the end, his original goals were often
lost in the scrimmages of politics. (7) Even victory usually brought
him little sense of satisfaction. Put simply: Wilson defeated himself,
again and again.
Wilson's behavior during and after the Versailles Peace Confer-
ence illustrates most of the elements of this sequence. First, he was
reluctant to use American economic and military power to overturn
the Allied war aims and secret treaties and thereby bring about his
goal of a "just peace." Instead, he poured his energy into writing and
refining the visionary language of the League of Nations Covenant.
Advice to compromise, given by his close aide Colonel House, only
led to rupture of their relationship. Later, when Republicans led by
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Senator Lodge blocked his campaign for ratification of the treaty,

Wilson refused any alteration or compromise, despite the urgings of
the staunchest supporters of the League, including Edward Gray (the
former British foreign minister) and even his own wife. In the course
of a frenzied national speaking tour on behalf of the treaty, Wilson
suffered a massive stroke that effectively ended his political career.
Table 2.1 illustrates these themes, along with some of the personal-
ity explanations and interpretations of them suggested by George
and George, as well as two other psychological analyses of Wilson
that will be discussed briefly later.

The Dynamics of Wilson's Self-Defeating Pattern

In formulating their analysis of the dynamics of Wilson's behavior,
the Georges drew on the classic theories of Alfred Acller and on Lass-
well's (1948, 44—49) formulation of power-seeking behavior as com-
pensation for inner doubts and low self-esteem (see also George
1968).2 The Georges argued that the main dynamic or motive
underlying Wilson's phenomenology was a compulsive drive for power
and domination—a "deep-seated, unconscious interest in imposing
orderly systems upon others as a means of achieving a sense of power"
(1998, 38). Drawing on a variety of psychodynamic theories, they
described the workings of this dynamic in ways that certainly seem
to fit the Wilson pattern:
In the spheres of activity in which they seek power
gratifications, compulsives are sensitive to interference. They
may take advice badly. . . . Often they exhibit difficulties in
deputing work to others, being convinced . . . that they can do
everything . . . better than others. This conviction is sometimes
exaggerated to the point that they believe they are unique.
Negativeness, secretiveness and vindictiveness are traits often
displayed by compulsives. (33)
In elaborating their description of this dynamic, the Georges sug-
gested that Wilson's power drive actually concealed a "more basic
need for self-esteem, or security" (1998, 33). Thus their full dynamic
explanation, with psychological concepts emphasized, would be as
follows: Wilson was driven by (i) the need to dominate, which devel-
oped out of the need to restore and protect his (2) damaged self-esteem,
George and George Freud and Bullitt Weinstein
Visionary Need to dominate, as a result Identification with father and Jesus,
oratory of low self-esteem resulting in a refusal to fight
Refusal to Compulsiveness Stubbornness
compromise Insatiable achievement aspirations
Refusal to fight Need for approval and respect; anxiety Passivity toward father
at prospect of opposition
Reaction-formation against aggression
Rhetorical Irritability Repressed aggression toward father,
counterattack displaced onto symbolic "younger
Protection of threatened self-esteem
Denial and distorted perception
Turning against Suspiciousness
Little satisfaction Identification with mother
Source: Data from Freud and Bullitt 1967; George 1971; George and George 1956, chap. 7 and 317—22; and Weinstein 1970; 1981.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and was further tempered by (3) needs for approval and respect. Often he
succeeded, especially when he was moving along the path to power.
When this combination aroused (4) a reaction-formation against aggres-
sion and (5) disruptive anxiety at the prospect of opposition, however,
he avoided a fight. When an issue had become emotionally charged,
however, his (6) insatiable achievement aspirations and (7) compulsive
stubbornness led to (8) denial and distorted perception. When this hap-
pened, he usually failed.

Genesis of Wilson's Personality Dynamics

The Georges trace the origins of Wilson's inner doubts and low self-
esteem to his conflicted relationship with his father, Joseph Ruggles
Wilson, a towering presence of a Presbyterian preacher, who made
perfectionist demands on those about him, including his children,
and reacted to errors with scorn and sarcasm. The Georges' thesis is
that these paternal demands created anxiety and resentment in the
young Woodrow Wilson. Furthermore, they suggest, he repressed
negative feelings and adopted his father's standards as his own, trying
to reduce anxiety by pleasing his father through high achievement.
Given the paucity of records and information about father-child
dynamics in the Wilson household, it is not surprising that the
Georges' reconstruction of the genesis of Wilson's personality has
met with some controversy from historians and Wilson biographers
(Schulte Nordholt 1991; Weinstein, Anderson, and Link 1978-79;
the scholarly debate is summarized in a series of articles in Political
Psychology introduced by Post 1983a, 1983b).

Alternative Interpretations of Wilson's Personality

Interpretation by Bullitt and Freud
The two right-hand columns of table 2.1 give brief presentations of
two alternative assessments of the dynamics behind Wilson's phe-
nomenology. Each is controversial, and each has major methodolog-
ical faults. The jointly written analysis by Sigmund Freud and
William C. Bullitt (a former U.S. diplomat), published in 1967 but
completed in the 19305, is marred by the authors' hostilities toward
their subject as well as a rather crudely mechanical style of interpre-
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

tation.3 Like the Georges, Freud and Bullitt focused on the promi-
nent role of Wilson's father. Woodrow, they argued, "never solved
the major dilemma of the Oedipus complex" (306). As a result, he
both identified strongly with his father (resulting in a harsh super-
ego) and yet had repressed aggression toward his father, which he
typically displaced onto associates who were symbolic "younger
brothers." More latent was his passivity, the result of a latent
identification with his mother.

Interpretation by Weinstein
Weinstein (1970, 1981, 1983) and his colleagues (Weinstein,
Anderson, and Link 1978—79) were very clear about the underlying
cause of Wilson's foreign policy behavior: he was, they argue, suffer-
ing from cerebral vascular disease, manifested in periodic strokes and
culminating in the final, massive stroke of 1919. These medical con-
ditions, Weinstein (1981, esp. chaps. 10, 20, and 21) argues, precip-
itated a series of personality changes that contributed to Wilson's
self-defeating pattern: euphoric overconfidence, stubbornness and
irritability, suspiciousness, and delusions.
From the available biographical evidence it is clear that Wilson
suffered from a variety of vaguely described physical complaints
throughout his life. However, as Post (1983^ observed, we lack the
kind of detailed medical records that could definitively prove many
of the details of Weinstein's hypotheses—hypotheses that Weinstein
treated as established facts. On the basis of an independent review of
the available evidence, a number of medical experts doubted Wein-
stein's diagnosis (e.g., Marmor 1982, 1983; Monroe n.d., cited by
George and George 1998, 5-6, see also 10—n; Post 1983^. Others
have argued that even if Weinstein was correct, the medical condi-
tions he attributed to Wilson do not adequately explain what Wein-
stein thought they explained (see George and George 1981-82,
1983; Post 1983^ Ross 1982).

Summary Characterization of Single Case Study

Like all psychobiographies, the George and George analysis of
Woodrow Wilson relies on a sensitive understanding of the available
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

evidence—perhaps especially the written words—of the person

being studied. To do this well, psychobiographers must have both
empathy and detachment, as well as an awareness of their own emo-
tional reactions to their subject (George and George 1998, 1). After
immersion in these "data," psychobiographers then employ all their
mental faculties to work over the data.
All this mass of material the biographer lets flow freely into
him. He is the medium through whom the chaotic raw data
{are} digested, ultimately to be rendered back in an orderly ver-
bal re-creation of an intelligible human being . . . what kind of
person {he} was, what his characteristic attitudes and defenses
were and how they developed, what made him anxious, what
gratified him, what goals and values he adopted, how he went
about pursuing them. (George and George 1998, 17-18)
This process often involves a repeated cycling back and forth from
biographical fact to theoretical concept. Of necessity, it engages
every mental faculty of the psychobiographer: curiosity and sensitiv-
ity to "facts," the capacity for logical thought, a fine-tuned awareness
of feelings, and a mobile, even playful intuition (see George and
George 1998, chaps, 1 and 3). Finally, successful psychobiographers
must have an appreciation for complexity, realizing that the person-
ality of any political actor is always expressed in a context—that is,
in "institutional variables, situational variables, and those aspects of
political culture that the leader has internalized during the course of
his or her political socialization or that affect his or her performance
even if not internalized" (67). In this connection, psychobiographies
that offer a longitudinal perspective are particularly valuable,
because they help us understand how previous life experiences shape
present political behavior and help us distinguish political behaviors
that are merely the result of role from those that reflect strong person-
ality influences engaged by political circumstances.
Several books and articles contain lists of psychobiographical
studies (Cocks and Crosby 1987, esp. 217-22; Crosby and Crosby
1981; Elms 1994; Friedman 1994; Glad 1973; Greenstein 1969,
esp. 72; Howe 1997; McAdams and Ochberg 1988; Runyan 1983,
1984, 1988a, 1988b, 1990, 1997; Simonton 1999; Stone and
Schaffner 1988) that provide a good survey of this literature.
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

Developing Objective at-a-Distance Measures

of Single Personality Variables
Some psychologists would argue that a sophisticated and vivid case
study is a work of art that could only be degraded by the "improve-
ments" of psychological science. On the other hand, the controversy
about the dynamics of Woodrow Wilson's personality previously
described suggests the importance of well-defined variables arid
objective measures. If only we could measure Wilson's self-esteem or
superego strength and determine whether he did indeed score below
and above average, respectively. If only we had well-validated mea-
sures of the "psychological effects of stroke" (whatever they may be),
so that we could calculate Wilson's scores over time and see whether
they follow the pattern demanded by the claims of Weinstein et al.
In an effort to resolve controversies of this kind about evidence arid
inference, and to introduce objective standards of scientific measure-
ment into the process of doing psychobiography and personality
assessments of leaders, political psychologists have in recent years
developed several methods of measuring personality variables at a
distance. As with any scientific measurement, the methodological
credentials of these at-a-distance measures are established by two of
their characteristics—the objectivity with which they can be applied
and the validity that has been established through previous replica-
ble research.

Objective Measurement at a Distance

Most personality variables are operationally defined in terms of tests
or other procedures that cannot be used with political leaders,
because researchers lack direct access. That is, most prominent con-
temporary leaders4 usually cannot be tested, and even when they can,
ethical considerations would usually make it difficult to disclose the
results. Leaders of the past present an even greater problem: they are
dead and (to adapt a quotation from Glad 1973) by their deaths have
taken their personality characteristics—their Oedipus complexes,
authoritarianism, or power motivation—with them. Hence the need
for personality measures that can be used at a distance, without
direct access or contact. Because words are a resource that generally
exists in great abundance, both for living and dead leaders, many at-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

a-distance measures involve some kind of content analysis of written

or verbal material.5 Typically, these measures are carefully designed,
with examples and training procedures, to enable previously inexpe-
rienced scorers to apply them with high reliability (percent agree-
ment and correlation .85). A detailed discussion of issues and meth-
ods of psychological content analysis can be found in Holsti 1969;
Schafer 2000; Walker 2000; Winter 1992a, 1992^ and Winter and
Stewart 1977a.

Validated Variables
At-a-distance researchers typically use operationally defined person-
ality variables, the validity of which has been established through
systematic research. Elms (1986), for example, analyzed the person-
alities and public behavior of four key twentieth-century U.S. for-
eign policy advisers (House, Dulles, Kissinger, and Haig) in terms of
Machiavellianism, ego idealism, and authoritarianism—three vari-
ables with well-established, research-based validity credentials.
Compared to the vagaries of ordinary language that are inherent in
words such as stubbornness (as in the case of Wilson discussed previ-
ously), these three terms have relatively precise, operationally
defined, and delimited meanings.
The sections that follow review research relating political behav-
ior and outcomes to various single personality variables. For conve-
nience, the basic elements of personality can be grouped under three
broad headings (see also Schafer 2000, 516—18).

Motives: the different classes of goals toward which people

direct their behavior. Power, achievement, and affiliation
are among the most frequently studied motives. Since many
motives or wishes involve conflict and are therefore
defended against or transformed, measures of defense mech-
anisms could also be included here.
Cognitions and beliefs: specific beliefs, attitudes, and values, as
well as more general cognitive styles.
Temperament and interpersonal traits: consistent individual dif-
ferences in style features, such as energy level, sociability,
impulse control, emotional stability, and styles of relating
to others.
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

Human Motives and Their Measurement

Major Dimensions of Motivation

Psychobiographical studies often invoke a wide variety of different
motives, "goals," or other dynamic processes—sometimes con-
structed ad hoc, sometimes drawn from psychological theory—to
explain leaders' behavior and political outcomes. Psychologists have
proposed a variety of typologies or dimensions of motivation or
goals. (Motive and goal are used interchangeably to indicate behavior
that shows direction and persistence.) Freud, for example, grouped
all human motives into two broad categories: libidinal or love
motives (also called the "life instincts") and aggressive or death
instincts (Freud [1940] 1964; see also Winter 1996, chap. 3). Traces
of these groupings can be seen in the paired motivational concepts of
communion and agency used by later theorists (Bakan 1966; see also
Leonard 1997), as well as more recent concepts of attachment and
Murray and his associates (Murray 1938) proposed a very different
method of identifying fundamental human motives. On the basis of
an intensive study of fifty-one male college students and other young
adults, they developed a list of twenty basic motives or "needs" that
they believed necessary to give an adequate account of the young
men's important goals and strivings. These, in turn, can be grouped
or organized into two fundamental dimensions—interpersonal har-
mony seeking and individual assertive striving—that bear close
resemblance to the dualisms of Freud, Bakan, and others (see Wicker
et al. 1984). For the sake of simplicity and uniform terminology,
these two dimensions will be referred to as affiliation and power,
Cross-cultural research also confirms the generality of affiliation
and power as motivational dimensions (Kornadt, Eckensberger, and
Emminghaus 1980). Such a convergence of theory, empirical
research, and cultural evidence suggests that affiliation and power are
nearly universal ways of arranging and describing goals.

Measuring Motives
For Freud, free association and the interpretation of dreams was the
"royal road" to an understanding of people's motives, since anxiety
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and the operation of defense are likely to block their own awareness
of their true motives. In later years, psychologists have also added
social desirability, impression management, and simple inaccessibil-
ity of implicit mental processes (Greenwald and Banaji 1995; Nis-
bett and Wilson 1977) as factors that severely limit the validity of
self-reports about motives. To measure motives, therefore, many
psychologists have turned to indirect means. Many such methods are
based on the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), developed by Mor-
gan and Murray (1935; see also Murray 1938), in which people tell
stories to a series of vague or ambiguous pictures. (Apperception means
assigning meaning to a stimulus, in contrast to perception, which
refers to sensing and labeling the stimulus.)

TAT-Based Measures
Since the experimentally derived technique for scoring motives in
the TAT developed by McClelland and his associates (McClelland et
al. 1953; Smith 1992; Winter 1998a) has been the basis for most of
the objective measurement of motives at a distance in political psy-
chology, including chapters 7 (Winter) and 8 (Hermann) in this vol-
ume, its essential features can be briefly described here. To develop a
measure of any particular motive, that motive is first aroused, prefer-
ably through several different experimental procedures. For example,
the power motive has been aroused by testing candidates for student
government while votes were being counted, by showing a film of
President John F. Kennedy's inauguration, and by role-playing a
protest group about to confront the police (Winter 1973, chap. 3).
TAT stories written by people under these different motive-arousing
conditions are then compared to TAT stories written by people in a
neutral, nonaroused group. After considerable reworking and
refinement, the differences between the two groups of stories become
the basis of the scoring system. Experimentally derived scoring sys-
tems of this type have been developed for the two fundamental
dimensions of affiliation and power motivation, as well as a third
dimension of achievement motivation. Political psychology
researchers have adapted these TAT scoring systems to score motive
imagery in a wide variety of other kinds of verbal material, including
speeches, interviews, popular literature, diplomatic documents,
dream reports, folktales, and even television programs (Winter
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

1991; see also Hermann 1979, 198oa, 198ob, which use only the
affiliation and power measures). These motive imagery scores are
usually unrelated to people's conscious beliefs or statements about
their goals (see Weinberger and McClelland 1990). Among politi-
cians, moreover, motive imagery scores are usually unrelated to pol-
icy statements: in other words, it is possible to speak or write for or
against any particular political goal or program, with or without
using achievement, affiliation, and/or power imagery.
Political leaders studied with this technique include U.S. presi-
dents and Supreme Court justices; leaders from several countries and
factions in sub-Saharan and southern Africa during the mid-1970s;
general secretaries of the Communist party of the Soviet Union, as
well as members of the Politburo of the Party's Central Committee;
and various groups of significant world leaders. Systematic and
objective motive imagery content analysis has also been used as part
of the psychobiographical study of individual leaders, ranging from
U.S. presidents Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon to former
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and former Italian leader Benito

Psychoanalytic Measures
Using a quite different theoretical and methodological approach,
Luck (1974) developed a priori objective measures of certain basic
psychoanalytic motivational concepts (such as orality and anal-
sadism) and carried out a comparative study of Hitler, Stalin, Mao
Zedong, and Liu Shao-ch'i (Liu Shaoqi).

Cognitions and Cognitive Style

Specific Cognitive Beliefs

Hermann (198oa, 1984) developed at-a-distance measures of several
specific beliefs and interpersonal style variables that have been exten-
sively studied in personality research. Nationalism (or ethnocentrism)
as a cognitive belief and distrust as an aspect of interpersonal style
are two aspects of a broader authoritarianism (see Brown 1965, chap.
10; Winter 1996, chap. 7). Among heads of state, these two vari-
ables are associated with expressions of strong, negative affect toward
other nations and with low levels of resource commitment in foreign
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

relations (i.e., keeping one's options open). Although Hermann did

not directly measure war and peace outcomes as such, we would cer-
tainly expect that in many situations these two personality charac-
teristics, by heightening an international climate of hostility, would
predispose leaders toward war. These variables are further discussed
in chapter 7 of this book.
The belief that one can control events reflects the traditional per-
sonality variable of locus of control or attributional style (see Strickland
1977). Leaders with this belief tend to avoid resource commitment
and keep their foreign policy options open, perhaps on the theory
that they maintain their own control thereby. (The locus of control
concept has been elaborated into the more general concept of attri-
butional style or explanatory style, which is discussed under the
heading cognitive style.} Hermann's list of variables includes a measure
of self-confidence that reflects both self-esteem (see Rosenberg 1979)
and self-efficacy or perceived sense of competence and control of the
environment (see White 1959; Bandura 1982).
Using techniques of evaluation assertion analysis, Holsti (1967)
observed a belief pattern ofinherent bad faith in the public statements
of John Foster Dulles about the USSR over a period of several years.
Holsti found consistent negative relationships between Dulles's per-
ceptions of Soviet strength and his view of Soviet friendship; thus
Dulles attributed friendly Soviet behavior to Soviet weakness rather
than to Soviet friendship. As a personality or cognitive construct,
inherent bad faith may be at the base of Jervis's (1976, chap. 3)
notion of the "deterrence" model of international relations and

Operational Codes
In his classic study of the premises of Soviet thinking, Leites (1951)
introduced the concept of "operational code" to refer to the set of
axioms, postulates, and premises that appear to constitute the foun-
dation of more specific beliefs and practices. In Leites's work, opera-
tional codes were intuitively extracted from political writings. In
later years, George (1969), Holsti (1970, 1977), and Walker (1983,
1990) have refined the operational code concept, suggesting several
standard dimensions or typologies of issues around which opera-
tional codes of specific individuals could be constructed. Two classes
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

of beliefs have been refined and elaborated: those concerned with the
leader's philosophical beliefs about the nature of the political uni-
verse and those concerned with the leader's choices and instrumental
tactics (George 1969).
As originally formulated, operational codes are like portraits: at
their best, they faithfully reflect the individual being portrayed, but
different portraits of different leaders cannot readily be compared.
Thus Walker (1986) reconstructed an operational code for Woodrow
Wilson, confirming some of Post's (1983a, 1983^ analyses based on
more traditional psychobiographical methods. More recently,
Walker and his colleagues (e.g., Walker, Schafer, and Young 1998)
have developed objective quantitative methods for assessing opera-
tional codes. These have been used in studies of several U. S. presi-
dents from the latter half of the twentieth century (Schafer 2000; see
also chapter 20 of this volume for a general discussion of operational

Cognitive Style

Cognitive Complexity

In personality theory and research, cognitive complexity is generally

associated with more sophisticated and better adaptive behavior,
especially in ambiguous or confusing situations. Hermann (198oa)
measured cognitive complexity at a distance by calculating the ratio
of certain words and phrases identified as high complexity to words
and phrases designated as low complexity. Among heads of govern-
ment, cognitive complexity defined in this way is associated with
expressing positive affect toward other nations and receiving positive
feedback from other nations.
Working with a two-stage theory of cognitive complexity that
involves first differentiation and then integration, Suedfeld and his
colleagues (e.g., Suedfeld and Tetlock 1977) have adapted a labora-
tory measure of integrative complexity for at-a-distance research.
(While this integrative complexity is conceptually related to Hermann's
measure, to date no research has explored the intercorrelation or dis-
criminant validity of the two measures.)
Several studies have demonstrated that integrative complexity is
related to peaceful resolution (versus escalation) of international
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

conflicts. For example, Tetlock (1979) found significantly lower lev-

els of integrative complexity in speeches and public statements of
U.S. leaders during three crises showing Janis's (1972) "groupthink"
pattern that escalated to armed conflict (the Bay of Pigs, crossing the
38th parallel in 1950, and escalating the Vietnam War), as com-
pared to two of Janis's "non-groupthink" crises, where conflict was
controlled (the Marshall Plan and the Cuban Missile Crisis).
Suedfeld and Tetlock (1977) compared communications and
statements from two crises that ended in war (1914 and the 1950
outbreak of the Korean War) and three peacefully resolved crises (the
1911 Morocco crisis, the 1948 Berlin airlift crisis, and the 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis). As expected, they found higher levels of inte-
grative complexity when war was avoided. Suedfeld, Tetlock, and
Ramirez (1977) studied United Nations (UN) speeches on the Mid-
dle East over thirty years and found significant decreases in integra-
tive complexity during periods just before the outbreak of wars in
1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973. (On the other hand, integrative com-
plexity also dropped during 1976, when no war followed.) While the
post—World War II Berlin situation never led to a shooting war,
Raphael (1982) found a similar negative relationship between inte-
grative complexity in speeches and statements about the Berlin issue
and levels of tension over the status of Berlin.
One study, however, does not support the presumed relationship
between integrative complexity and war. Scoring both Japanese
intragovernmental documents and formal diplomatic communica-
tions from Japan to the United States, Levi and Tetlock (1980) found
no tendency for levels of integrative complexity to decrease during
the last months of 1941, just prior to the Pearl Harbor attack.
In a further study of communications from Pearl Harbor and eight
other "surprise attacks," however, Suedfeld and Bluck (1988) found
that the "attackers" showed a drop in integrative complexity
between three months and several weeks before the attack, while the
"to-be-attacked" nations showed increases during the month before
the attack (with a dramatic drop just after the attack). Suedfeld and
Bluck suggest that, as the attacking nation hardens its negotiating
position (low integrative complexity), the to-be-attacked nation tries
even harder to be flexible and to understand the other side (high
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

integrative complexity). After the attack, however, integrative com-

plexity in the attacked nation quickly declines to war levels.
An alternative theory of cognitive complexity, involving the four
processes of shaping, reflective articulation, extrapolation, and sys-
tem transformation, has been developed by Jaques (1986; Jaques and
Cason 1994). However, to date this conception has not been
employed in the at-a-distance assessment of political leaders.

Cognitive Mapping
The technique of cognitive mapping (Axelrod 1976) is a way of rep-
resenting the structure of causal beliefs or assertions of individual
political leaders, particularly as they involve relationships between
policies, goals, and outcomes or effects. Maps of different leaders can
be evaluated and compared in terms of characteristics such as density
(the number of causal links), balance, links between peripheral and
policy variables, and so forth. Hart (1977) used this technique to
study Latin American leaders, and Hart and Greenstein (1977) ana-
lyzed the cognitive maps of U.S. presidents Wilson and Eisenhower.
Bonham (1993) cites applications of cognitive mapping to the analy-
sis of diplomatic events such as the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference
and the 19705 arms reduction negotiations. Walker and Watson
(1992) discussed the relationship between cognitive mapping and
various measures of cognitive complexity in a study of British lead-
ers during the crises of 1938—39.

Explanatory Style
The concept of explanatory style grows out of decades of research on
variables such as internal versus external locus of control and patterns
of causal attribution. An optimistic explanatory style involves
explaining "bad" events by external, specific, and temporary factors.
It is related to feelings of zest, persistence, and good performance. (In
contrast, the pessimistic style, where bad events are seen as the result
of internal, global, and enduring factors, leads to depression, avoid-
ance, and failure.)
Zullow et al. (1988) found that Lyndon Johnson showed a highly
optimistic explanatory style during the Gulf of Tonkin incident and
subsequent American military Vietnam War buildup. During the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

1968 Tet Offensive, however, the limits of American success and

power became clear and Johnson decided not to seek reelection. At
this time, his explanatory style score moved down into the pes-
simistic or depressive range. These results are intriguing, but only
further research can determine whether optimism leads to a
specifically aggressive foreign policy or merely to a zestful and per-
sistent pursuit of any foreign policy.
Studies of several world leaders (Churchill, Hitler, Franklin Roo-
sevelt, Stalin, George H. W. Bush, and Saddam Hussein) by Sat-
terfield (1998; see also Satterfield and Seligman 1994) suggest that
an optimistic explanatory style, especially if combined with low
integrative complexity, is associated with risky, aggressive policies,
actions, and events.

Mental Functioning and the Rorschach Test

While the Rorschach inkblot test has often been claimed to measure
all sorts of psychological characteristics, including even ends or goals
or motives (Zillmer et al. 1995, 60), most psychologists would argue
that it reflects the structure of the mind or a wide variety of processes
of mental functioning: complexity, accuracy, abstraction and inte-
gration, conventionality, capacity for fantasy and inner reflection,
anxiety, introspection, and emotional regulation (73—74). While the
best methods of administration and interpretation of the Rorschach
test are debated, and while the test has not been used often in assess-
ing political leaders, the Rorschach-based study of Nazi leaders (car-
ried out at Nurnberg in 1945—46 but not fully reported until several
decades later; see Zillmer et al. 1995) is a noteworthy study that
illustrates considerable variation in intelligence and mental func-
tioning among different Nazi leaders.
A further study of Rudolf Hoess, the first commandant of the
Auschwitz extermination camp, combines Rorschach interpretation
with a novel technique of proxy administration of a personality test
(see Ritzier and Singer 1998). In this instance, two psychologists
thoroughly familiar with the details of Hoess's life took the Min-
nesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) as if they were
Hoess (see also the study by Rubenzer, Faschingbauer, and Ones
2000, discussed later).
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

Traits and Temperament

The domain of traits refers to the public, visible, stylistic (or adver-
bial) aspects of personality.6 In recent years, personality psycholo-
gists have reached some consensus on the importance of five trait fac-
tors or dimensions: extraversion (or surgency), agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience
(see John and Srivastava 1999). Rubenzer, Faschingbauer, and Ones
(2000) measured these five trait dimensions among all forty-one U.S.
presidents from Washington through Clinton by asking 115 authors
of presidential biographies (both historians and public figures) to fill
out three different standard instruments (a questionnaire, an adjec-
tive checklist, and a Q-sort). They discussed the trait profiles of
Washington and Lincoln and reported moderate correlations, among
all presidents, between the "openness to experience" dimension and
ratings of presidential performance.
Simonton (1986, 1988) also measured a variety of trait factors of
U.S. presidents, in this case by asking student raters, who had read
brief personality descriptions excerpted from presidential biogra-
phies (with identifying information removed), to fill out adjective
checklists or lists of trait phrases.
Several researchers have studied particular traits of various groups
of political leaders. Etheredge (1978) used questionnaires and stan-
dard personality tests to measure traits directly in a study of over two
hundred male United States foreign service officers, military officers,
and domestic affairs specialists. He found that men who scored high
on the traits of dominance and competitiveness were (when the research
was carried out, in 1971-72) more likely to view Soviet foreign pol-
icy as "active," "powerful," and "menacing." Consistent with these
perceptions, they were also more likely to advocate the use of force
across a series of different scenarios involving hypothetical interna-
tional unrest or Soviet "expansion." In contrast, men who scored
high on interpersonal trust and self-esteem (variables that also involve
cognitive beliefs) were against the use of force.
Etheredge then confirmed these results with an at-a-distance
study of twentieth-century American presidents and foreign policy
advisers. Traits were rated by judges who read excerpts of standard
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

biographies (with names of persons and other identifying details

concealed). In examining a series of foreign policy disagreements
between 1898 and 1968, Etheredge found that those leaders judged
to be high in dominance argued in favor of using force (threats, ulti-
mata, military intervention, and war) and opposed arbitration and
disarmament. Leaders judged to be high in extraversion supported
cooperation with the Soviet Union, while more introverted leaders
argued against cooperation.
Hermann's (1984a) interpersonal style variable of task versus inter-
personal emphasis, derived from Bales's (1958) description of two
kinds of group leaders, may involve a variety of traits such as extra-
version, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. As might be expected,
task-oriented leaders tend to be active in foreign policy, but Her-
mann's results further suggest that this activity can be directed into
either an expansionist or merely a self-reliant foreign policy, depend-
ing on the influence of other variables (discussed later).
Weintraub (1981) developed content analysis measures of several
traits (including anger, anxiety, depression, and emotional expres-
siveness), as well as several different kinds of decision-making styles
(e.g., decisive, dogmatic, impulsive, paranoid, and obsessive). He
later applied these measures to the analysis of press conference
responses of U.S. presidents Eisenhower through Reagan (Wein-
traub 1989).

Summary of Single-Variable Research Findings

What do we know about the effect of particular personality variables
on foreign policy? Table 2.2 suggests some conclusions that can be
drawn from the research literature cited in this chapter. To facilitate
comparison and integration of results, foreign policy behaviors are
loosely grouped into two broad categories: (i) war disposition (actual
war, advocacy of force, hostility, perceiving enemy as a threat, and
"independent" foreign policy orientation) and (2) peace disposition
(cooperation, positive affect, arms limitation, and "interdependent"
foreign policy orientation).
From the table, it seems clear that having power goals and a dom-
inant behavioral style, along with simplistic cognitive structures
that involve nationalistic beliefs and distrust, is associated with a war
disposition in foreign policy. Peace dispositions, in contrast, result
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

from having affiliative goals and a trusting, extraverted behavioral

style, along with cognitive complexity and self-esteem.

Personality Orientations and Multivariate Strategies

The results summarized in table 2.2 suggest that predictions of

political behavior are likely to be better if they are made using com-
binations of variables, preferably drawn from different elements or
levels of analysis. However, personality is not a mere agglomeration
of discrete and isolated individual variables but rather a complex and
integrated whole. For example, extraversion may have very different
effects when combined with power goals and distrust, as opposed to
affiliation goals and trust (see Winter et al. 1998). While personality
research is still looking for the ideal research strategy to deal with
such complexity, Hermann has developed some methods for doing
integrated, multivariate profiles.

Toward an Integrative Model of Personality and Foreign Policy

First, Hermann (1987b) worked out a series of six personality orien-
tations, each consisting of different combinations of the eight
motives, cognitions, and traits that she had previously studied as
separate variables. Table 2.3 lists these orientations along with their
component variables. While these particular orientations were
derived from a specific political psychology literature—involving
conceptions of national role as related to foreign policy—they can
also be seen as metaphors for some common personality types in
political life generally.


War Disposition Peace Disposition
Motives Power motive Affiliation motive
Cognitive beliefs Nationalism Self-esteem
Cognitive style Low integrative complexity High integrative complexity
Optimistic explanatory style
Temperament and Dominance Extraversion
interpersonal traits Competitiveness Trust
Source: Data from Winter 1992b.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Hermann also expanded the traditional foreign policy outcome

variable of aggression, or war versus peace (e.g., as used in table 2.2),
into a much more differentiated and elaborate series of alternative
foreign policy behaviors and outcomes that could be predicted from
personality. Each orientation is assumed to have its own characteris-
tic worldview, style, and level of tolerance for disagreement. Leaders
of different orientations have different ways of searching for informa-
tion, picking advisers, and dealing with opposition.


Definition Component Variables
Expansionist Interest in gaining control over more Power motivation
territory, resources, or people Nationalism
Belief in ability to control events
Task orientation
Active/ Interest in participating in the Affiliation motivation
independent international community, but on Nationalism
one's own terms and without Belief in ability to control events
engendering a dependent Cognitive complexity
relationship with another country Self-confidence
Task orientation
Influential Interest in having an impact on other Power motivation
nations' foreign policy behavior, in Belief in ability to control events
playing a leadership role in regional Cognitive complexity
or international affairs Self-confidence
Interpersonal orientation
Mediator/ Concern with reconciling differences Affiliation motivation
integrator between other nations, with Belief in ability to control events
resolving problems in the Cognitive complexity
international arena Interpersonal orientation
Opportunist Interest in taking advantage of present Cognitive complexity
circumstances, in dealing Interpersonal orientation
effectively with the demands and
opportunities of the moment, in
being expedient
Developmental Commitment to the continued Affiliation motivation
improvement of one's own nation Nationalism
with the best help available from Cognitive complexity
other countries or international Self-confidence
organizations Interpersonal orientation
Source: Data from Hermann 1987b, 170-73.
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

Personality Assessment and the Situationist Challenge

Over the past twenty-five years, some theorists (e.g., Mischel 1968,
1984) have debated the relative contribution of personality and situ-
ational factors to the explanations of behavior. Clearly, situational
stimuli (to the extent the person notices and takes account of them)
often override the influence of "deeper" personality factors. In addi-
tion, the limitations and opportunities of particular locations in for-
mal and informal structures and institutions set limits to the effects
of personality.
Along with her emphasis on combinations and interactions of dis-
crete personality variables, Hermann also suggested a series of other
factors, including situational variables, that mediate or "filter" the
effects of personality on foreign policy behavior. For example, a
strong interest in foreign policy is likely to amplify the effects of per-
sonality, while training and previous experience (situational or learn-
ing factors) and sensitivity to the environment (probably a personal-
ity disposition) are likely to diminish those effects.
Hermann (1987^ has applied this model in an intensive study of
twelve leaders from sub-Saharan Africa, as well as in individual case
studies of U.S. presidents Ronald Reagan (1983) and George H. W.
Bush (1989a), Soviet president Gorbachev (1989^ see also Winter
et al. 1991a, 1991b), and Syrian president Hafez al-Assad (1988a).
On the basis of his scores on the eight component variables, for
example, Reagan showed aspects of both the "expansionist" orienta-
tion (recall the invasion of Grenada and the unrelenting pressure on
the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua) and the "developmental" orien-
tation (recall his attempts to build up American economic and mili-
tary strength using available ties with NATO and "help" from other
Western leaders). Bush, in contrast, was viewed as more of a media-
tor or integrator (literally extending his inaugural hand to the Con-
gress, in pursuit of a "kinder, gentler" nation). Gorbachev's pattern
of scores classified him as a "developmental" leader, willing to use
any means and draw upon any help to improve his country. In the
end, of course, the Soviet Union proved not to be a viable political
entity, despite Gorbachev's best (and most radical) efforts.
Hermann's model, combining as it does the interactive effects of
eight objectively defined, major personality variables with these
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

filters of interest, learning, and situation, reflects some of the most

sophisticated and advanced trends of modern personality theory and
research applied to the interpretation and understanding of foreign
policy behavior. The striking confirmation of this model in the Rea-
gan, Bush, and Gorbachev cases should encourage its further devel-
opment and application.

The at-a-Distance Assessment

We must recognize that even with the best psychobiographical por-
traits or at-a-distance measures, predictions of leaders' behavior must
always be phrased in contingent or conditional "if/then" terms
(Wright and Mischel 1987a, 1987b). That is, the effects of leaders'
personalities will always depend on the situations in which they find
themselves—and personality profiling can never predict those exact
situations. On the other hand, by developing complex ways to repre-
sent the interaction of personality elements with each other, and
with the situation and environment, we should be able to make both
academic progress and useful contributions to the formation of pol-
icy. In their follow-up to an earlier analysis of Bush and Gorbachev,
Winter et al. (1991b) illustrated the way in which predictions made
on the basis of a profile of the leader's personality must be "condi-
tionally hedged" in the presence of unpredictable changes in the sit-
uation. That is, although their original profile of George H. W. Bush
had described him as a "peacemaker, concerned with development
and not prone to seek political ends through violence and war"
(Winter et al. 1991a, 237), they also noted his impulsivity and ten-
dency to react defensively, with anger, when threatened by someone
perceived as dissimilar, as happened when Saddam Hussein's armed
forces invaded Kuwait in 1990. Bush went on to fight the Gulf War
in ways that were consistent with his overall profile. Even in the face
of situational uncertainties and surprises, Winter et al. concluded,
personality profiles can still provide useful "if/then" guides to under-
standing the behavior of leaders.
The last few decades have seen great progress in academic research
and practice for profiling and assessing political leaders, both by
means of psychobiographical portraits and by systematic and objec-
tive at-a-distance measures. Later chapters of this book provide more
detailed descriptions of these methods, and examples of applications
Assessing Leaders' Personalities

of this work to two leaders from strikingly different political set-

tings, William Jefferson Clinton and Saddam Hussein.


This chapter draws significantly on Winter 199212. The reviews of literatures are
intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive.
1. Even journalists sometimes feel the need for assistance from psychology (at
least retrospectively). For example, in reviewing two biographies of Mao 2'e-
dong, Burns (2000) confessed that "For myself, I wish now that in covering
China, South Africa under apartheid, the Soviet Union and wars in Afghanistan
and the former Yugoslavia, among other places—scars, all, on the conscience of
the 2Oth century—I had made fuller allowance for, or understood better, the role
of wounded psyches in producing the Maos, Stalins, Vorsters, Najibullahs,
Karadzics and Arkans I wrote about along the way" (7).
2. While Lasswell's formulation is a popular and widely cited interpretation
of power strivings, there are alternative interpretations that emphasize the role of
direct early reinforcement of power behaviors rather than perceived weakness or
inferiority (see Winter 1999).
3. Most psychoanalysts are embarrassed by the crudeness and hostility of the
Freud and Bullitt interpretation (see, e.g., Erikson 1967); many have questioned
whether Freud actually contributed much to the interpretation or writing. In his
preface, Bullitt wrote that he and Freud worked on the book for over ten years,
finally completing a manuscript in 1932, but with subsequent revisions in 1938.
According to Freud's biographer, Ernest Jones, who read the book in manu-
script, the book was written in 1930—31 and "although a joint work it is not
hard to distinguish the analytical contributions of the one author [Freud] from
the political contributions of the other [Bullitt}" (1953-57, 3:160, see also
4. Some researchers have been able to administer tests and questionnaires to
leaders as high as the level of members of state legislatures (Altemeyer 1996) or
members of national parliaments (DiRenzo 1967), although of course they did
not report the scores of named individuals. One major exception to this general-
ization are the psychological tests given to Nazi leaders at Niirnberg (see Zillrner
et al. 1995), but of course they were prisoners at the time.
5. Of course, most documents and speeches that bear the name of a major
political leader are actually written by one or more speechwriters, and even
"spontaneous" press conference responses to questions and "informal" comments
may be highly scripted. Thus one may ask whether a content analysis of such
materials produces personality estimates of the leader or of the speech writers.
Suedfeld (1994) and Winter (1995) discuss this issue and conclude that because
leaders select speech writers and review their drafts, and speech writers "know"
their clients, personality scores based on content analysis (at least of major
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

speeches) can be taken as a valid indicator of the personality and psychological

state of the leader—a claim that has generally been validated by research with
such scores.
6. Many psychologists use the term traits much more loosely, and impre-
cisely, to refer to all personality variables (see Buss 1989)—a practice that is
regrettable because it confuses fundamentally different kinds of personality char-
acteristics, such as motives and cognitive representations, with true traits (see
Winter 1996, chaps, I and II).
3- Leader Personality Assessments in
Support of Government Policy

Jerrold M. Post

The provenance of the U.S. government effort to apply at-a-distance

leader personality assessment in support of policy can be traced to
the studies of Adolf Hitler. The very word studies (plural) will per-
plex most readers, since until recently the only notable, and pre-
sumed first, such study was that prepared by the psychoanalyst Wal-
ter Langer, brother of the noted historian William Langer (Langer
1972). Declassified in 1969, the study has been published under the
title The Mind of Adolf Hitler. Commissioned in the spring of 1943
by "Wild Bill" Donovan, director of the Office of Strategic Services
(OSS), the predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the
study was completed in December of that year.
But this was not the first study of Hitler commissioned by the
OSS. An earlier study, simply titled Adolf Hitler, the author or
authors of which are unspecified, was completed a year earlier, on
December 3, 1942. It was only recently declassified, on May 18,
2000, under the provisions of the War Crimes Disclosure Act of

In contrast to the later study, The Mind of Adolf Hitler, the first
study, Adolf Hitler, is for the most part descriptive and not analytic.
Indeed, it is rather incoherent, jumping back and forth from descrip-
tion to analysis, with no apparent rhyme or reason; it would not be
clear to a policy official what to make of this study or how to employ
it. That may be the reason for commissioning the later study by
Langer, who was apparently not aware of or privy to the earlier study.
Because Adolf Hitler has not previously been published, as a matter of

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

historical interest I will summarize it in this chapter. Despite the

disorganization, it does convey a measure of understanding of Hitler
that augments the understanding derived from the later Langer

Adolf Hitler

The sixty-eight page document is introduced by a remarkably brief
(three-page) background note, which describes the unhappy mar-
riage of his parents and documents that his father, Alois Schickel-
gruber, was physically sadistic, "in the habit of beating his dog until
the dog wet the carpet." Twenty-three years older than his wife,
Clara, Hitler's mother, Hitler's father was fifty-two years old when
Adolf Hitler was born in 1889. It was a marriage between a hated
sadistic father and a suppressed mother, who "quite possibly enjoyed
this treatment." As an adolescent, Hitler was "constitutionally
opposed to his father" (cf. Mein K a m p f ) the result of this domestic
situation on Hitler was a mixture of Narcissus and Oedipus com-
plexes. The author goes on to emphasize the important influence of
his mother upon his life, quoting Hitler on the occasion of her death,
when he was twenty: "The greatest loss I ever had."

Hitler's education is only briefly addressed in the study, with the
observation that "Hitler always despised education, having had so
little himself." Under this general heading, the study comments
upon Hitler's writing, reading, concentration, and conversation. The
author observes that "it is obvious that Hitler only reads to confirm
his own ideas." He is described as attracted to works that offer out-
standing examples of rhetoric and historic epigrams, being drawn,
among others, to Solon, Alexander the Great, Brutus, Caesar, Henry
VIII, Frederick the Great, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Luther,
Cromwell, Napoleon, Richard Wagner, and Bismarck. His reading
of these figures is confined to the "demagogic, propagandistic and
militaristic side." One good phrase or catchword, which could be
used in a later speech, is described as being worth much more to him
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

than "cartloads of dry exposition and theory." His world is "one of

action, not contemplation."
Under the subject of conversation, the author observes Hitler's
tendency to present long monologues in social settings—episodes of
his own life, such as "When I was in Vienna" or "When I was in
prison," as well as rhapsodic monologues on Richard Wagner.
Notable by its absence was any mention of colleagues or friends in
his reminiscences.

In this section, the report considers Hitler's personal appearance,
cleanliness, endurance, exercise, sight, voice, sleep, and reactions.
Observing Hitler's meticulous concern with his physical appearance,
the report cites his reaction to his physician's attempt to get him to
extend the width of his moustache: "Do not worry about my mus-
tache. If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it!"
His endurance was described as remarkable, putting in twenty-hour
days with his staff for weeks at end in 1932. It was noted that he
slept very badly following his imprisonment at Landsberg, taking
"some sleeping draft every night." He often was unable to sleep until
dawn. Under the subject of reactions, he was characterized as "a mix-
ture between a fox and a wolf. He plays the fox as long as possible
and sometimes even a lamb, but in the end the wolf is always ready
to emerge." He was described as "astonishingly brave," as someone
who could remain "calm and collected even in emergencies."
The next four sections—diet, personal protection, entertainment,
and information—briefly address these various elements of Hitler's
persona. The author notes that Hitler gave up beer and wine follow-
ing his imprisonment in Landsberg. The report also notes that, after
an accidental injury incurred by one of his aides in which a nearby
physician by prompt intervention saved his life, Hitler insisted on
having a private doctor near him at all times. Personal security
became increasingly more important to Adolf Hitler: "guarding of
his person has become such an important problem that he is virtually
a prisoner and he knows it." The protection of his motor vehicle pro-
cession was modeled after that afforded to President Woodrow Wil-
son. When Hitler went out on walks, five or six armed guards in
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

civilian clothes in front and five or six behind accompanied him.

Armed patrols would cover the flanks.
Although the entertainment section addresses the full spectrum of
music, dancing, theater, vaudeville, and the circus, it is Hitler's fas-
cination with music, in particular Wagner, and the circus that cap-
tures the most attention. The effect of music on Hitler is described
as follows: "Tristan acts as a dope to him. If he is facing an unpleas-
ant situation, he likes to have Meistersinger played to him. Some-
times he would recite entire passages from the Lohengrin text."
Hitler was fascinated by American football marches, which he
"adored"; the "Seig Heil!" used in political rallies was copied from
the technique used by American cheerleaders. He also loved the cir-
cus and was particularly enthralled with tightrope acts and trapeze
artists, people who risked their lives. After his release from prison, he
said to his physician's wife, "Now we'll have to try all over again, but
this time you can be certain that I won't fall from the tightrope!"

Hitler was profoundly influenced by the Catholic Church, which, in
his view, according to the author, "knows how to build up a mental
world, by a constant repetition throughout the Church year of cer-
tain passages in the Scriptures," which "leads to these chapters
assuming a slogan-like concentration in the brains of the hearers."
Hitler eloquently used this method in developing his mass influence
upon the Hitler youth.

After this detailed description of Hitler and his proclivities, the

study moves again into a biographic mode, first treating the Lands-
berg Prison experience.

Metamorphosis in Landsberg
Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison in 1924 after serving a
term for political agitation. His time in prison was a powerful shap-
ing experience according to the author of the study. While in prison,
Hitler was deeply influenced by Rudolph Hess. After his release in
1926, despite having developed a personal relationship while in
prison, Hess always referred to Hitler as "Mein Fuhrer." The author
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

suggests that the affinity with Hess might have bordered on the sex-
ual, confirmed for the author when he learned that in 1934 Hess
attended homosexual balls dressed in women's attire. It was also dur-
ing Hitler's time in prison that he developed a great admiration for
the Italian leader Benito Mussolini.

Sexual Life
In this section, the author considers the Vienna period, which began
in 1909, when Hitler was twenty years old. The author develops two
significant issues in this section. First is the observation by the
author that, by reading between the lines of Mem Kampf, one can
speculate that Hitler became infected with a venereal disease after
spending time with a Jewish prostitute. Second, there is some dis-
cussion of Hitler's involvement in homosexual circles.
In analyzing this period, the author observes that Hitler's "sex life
is as dual as is his political outlook. He is both homosexual and het-
erosexual; both Socialist and fervent Nationalist; both man and
woman." Inferring that what Hitler sought was "half mother and
half sweetheart," the author suggests that the frustration Hitler
experienced as a result of not finding the woman he needed led him
to escape into "brooding isolation and artificially dramatized public
life." When asked by his physician why he did not marry, Hitler
responded: "Marriage is not for me and never will be. My only bride
is my Motherland."
In discussions with a beautiful blonde married woman with whom
he was temporarily infatuated, Hitler spoke of his reaction of disgust
to the "wanton display and the Jewish materialism" that he experi-
enced in Berlin, adding, "I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ
when he came to his Father's Temple." The author sees this as the
first indication of the "Messiah complex" that is believed to have
increasingly consumed Hitler. Ridiculed by the German and Conti-
nental press that spoke of Hitler as the "vest-pocket Mussolini," his
failure to march on Berlin led Hitler to see himself "in the role of the
Messiah with a scourge marching on that Babel of sin [Berlin] at the
head of a small gang of desperados who would inevitably be followed
by more and more of the dissatisfied elements throughout the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Self-Identification Patterns
This section is concerned with "the important role of auto-sugges-
tion in the career of Hitler." In the fall of 1918, while the soldier
Hitler was recovering in the infirmary, "he received a command from
another world above to save his unhappy country. This vocation
reached Hitler in the form of a supernatural vision. He decided to
become a politician then and there. He felt that his mission was to
free Germany."
Among the self-identifications he used in fulfilling that mission
were the following:

a. The drummer: At a number of meetings, Hitler referred to

himself as "the drummer, marching ahead of a great move-
ment of liberation to come." He varied "the drummer"
message with one of self-identification with John the Bap-
tist, calling himself a voice crying in the wilderness.
b. Messiah: Starting in the early 1920s, the deification of
Hitler was seen to be progressing steadily. In denying a
rumor in the spring of 1923 that he was engaged to his
physician's daughter, Hitler told the doctor: "I authorize
you hereby to tell the press that I shall never engage myself
to a woman nor marry a woman. The only true bride for me
is and always will be the German People." This would
remind those familiar with Christian literature that Christ's
only true bride was the Church.
c. Cromwell: Hitler particularly admired Cromwell and often
referred to him as an enemy of Parliamentarianism, of the
universal franchise, of communism, and of Catholicism.
Hitler particularly admired Cromwell as a self-appointed
dictator and was fascinated by Cromwell's beheading of
Charles I, no doubt an influence in Hitler's 1930 theme,
"Heads will roll."
d. Frederick the Great: The early period of Frederick's life, in
which he was in violent opposition to his stern father, fasci-
nated Hitler, with the parallel biographic features obvious.
But the author notes that Hitler apparently identified with
Frederick's father, who would have "beheaded his own son
to ensure discipline. That is how all German youth will
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

have to be brought up one day. That is the way German

justice should be handled. Either acquittal or beheading."
e. Bleucher: The driving force against Napoleon and a symbol
of German faith and courage, General Bleucher, also known
as "Marshall Vorwaerts," was an inspiration to Hitler. It
was Bleucher's technique of perpetual attack that in
Hitler's judgment led Napoleon to lose his nerve.
f. Napoleon: Napoleon was the figure in European history of
greatest interest to Hitler. Hitler was clearly intrigued by,
and sought to emulate, Napoleon: "Napoleon the Jacobin,
Napoleon the soldier, the propagandist, the coiner of
phrases, the tyrant, the Imperator." Hitler modeled his own
leadership style after Napoleon, who demanded that his peo-
ple follow his model, such that "Napoleon became France
and France Napoleon." Like Napoleon, Hitler particularly
directed his appeal to the youth of the nation. While depre-
cating the aged and the rich, Hitler built his followership of
"little Hitlers." Both leaders, being mediums of the inner
wishes of their respective nations, were "like avalanches."
Napoleon considered himself the "flagellum Dei" while
Hitler saw himself as "the scourging Messiah."

Speechmaking Technique
Listed under the final heading of "speechmaking technique" were the
following topics: preparation of speech, entrance, interruptions,
speech, posture, oratory, end of speech, avoidance of names and per-
sonages, and exit technique.
Recognizing the power of his oratory, Hitler was meticulous in
the preparation of his speeches, working on each one for four to six
hours and using cues on ten or twelve foolscap sheets. The notes were
for cuing only; he would never read a speech, recognizing that to do
so would lose spontaneity. He was extremely concerned with audi-
ence reaction, so each aspect of his speech—the entrance, the exit,
the martial music—was carefully orchestrated. The average length of
a speech was two and one-half to three hours, during which time he
was not concerned with applause but instead sought to convert the
audience to his ideas. There was a rhythm to his speeches, with the
first two-thirds in march time. Often questioning his own ideas, he
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

would masterfully demolish the questions he had raised. In the last

one-third of the speech, "he [swept] from exhortation, promise, ded-
ication to the rhapsodic finale." In the last eight to ten minutes,
Hitler's oratory "resemble[d] an orgasm of words. It is like the
throbbing fulfillment of a love drama. . . . Liebestod."

Much of this material is quite interesting, particularly Hitler's pre-
occupation with himself as political actor, with meticulous concern
for his self-presentation, and his increasing Messiah complex, his
identification with himself as the savior of the German people. And
while the policymaker reading this assessment may feel that he bet-
ter understands Hitler after this account, how to translate these
understandings into policy prescriptions is not at all clear, which was
perhaps the reason for commissioning the Langer study.

Langer's Study: The Mind of Adolf Hitler

What has generally been considered the pioneering effort of at-a-dis-
tance leader personality assessment in support of U.S. government
policy was the assessment of Adolf Hitler prepared by the psychoan-
alyst Walter Langer. Intrigued by psychoanalysis,"Wild Bill" Dono-
van of the OSS had asked Langer to set up a Psychoanalytic Field
Unit to help in understanding the morale of the American people
and the psychology of the German people.
The dramatic nature of Hitler's leadership compelled attention to
his personality, and in the spring of 1943 Donovan informed Langer
that they needed "a realistic appraisal of the German situation."
Donovan asked, "If Hitler is running the show, what kind of a man
is he? What are his ambitions? How does he appear to the German
people? What is he like with his associates? What is his background?
And most of all, we want to know as much as possible about his psy-
chological make-up—the things that make him tick. In addition we
ought to know what he might do if things begin to go against him"
(Langer 1972).
It was clear to Langer at the onset that Hitler was more than the
crazy paperhanger depicted in popular media. How, he puzzled,
could this shiftless ne'er-do-well, who had never been promoted
above the rank of lance corporal, "in the course of a relatively few
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

years talk his way into the highest political offices, hoodwink the
experienced leaders of the major powers, turn millions of highly civ-
ilized people into barbarians, order the extermination of a large seg-
ment of the population, build and control the mightiest war
machine ever known, and plunge the world into history's most dev-
astating war?" (Langer 1972, n). With the aid of three psychoana-
lytically trained researchers in New York, who reviewed the litera-
ture on file in the New York Public Library, Langer scoured the
United States and Canada for persons who had had contact with
Hitler and personally interviewed each of them. Under immense
time pressure, Langer prepared a study that was disseminated within
government circles in the fall of 1943 but was not declassified until
1969. Psychobiographic in approach, the study examines the forma-
tive events in Hitler's life and how they shaped his emerging per-
sonality, positing the powerful psychodynamic forces that were ,to
play out so destructively upon the political stage.
The design of Langer's study is instructive. The first section,
"Hitler as He Believes Himself to Be," is followed by "Hitler as the
German People Know Him," "Hitler as His Associates Know Him,"
and "Hitler as He Knows Himself." It is only after examination of
Hitler through these four lenses that Langer depicts "Hitler, Psy-
chological Analysis and Reconstruction," ending with "Hitler, His
Probable Behavior in the Future."
In presenting the section "Hitler as He Knows Himself," Langer
selected language from Hitler's writings and commentary to his
associates. The selection was guided by Langer's psychoanalytic
framework. He observed that Hitler's sense of his own destiny was
remarkable. When early in Hitler's career during a policy discussion
Strasser suggested that Hitler was mistaken, Hitler responded: 'I
cannot be mistaken. What I say and do is historical" (Langer 1972,
30). His exalted self-image, Langer observed, was not confined to his
role as statesman. On the field of battle, Hitler believed he had spe-
cial gifts as well. "I do not play at war. I do not allow the generals' to
give me orders. The war is conducted by me." And he considered
himself supremely gifted as a jurist. "For the last twenty-four hours,
/ was the supreme court of the German people" (original emphasis).
Commenting on Hitler's exalted belief in his own powers, Rausch-
ning observed, "He feels no one in German history is as equipped as
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

he is to bring the Germans to the positions of supremacy which all

German statesmen have felt they deserved but were unable to
achieve." Langer observed that, in addition to his great abilities,
Hitler prided himself on his hardness and brutality: "I am one of the
hardest men Germany has had for decades, perhaps for centuries,
equipped with the greatest authority of any German leader . . . but
above all I believe in my success. I believe in it unconditionally."
In his messianic leadership, Hitler associated himself with Christ,
but his pride in his hardness stood in conflict with Christ's gentle,
loving nature. He handled this by redefining Christ's nature: "My
feeling as a Christian points to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. . . . It
points to the man who recognized the Jews for what they were and
summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was
greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. . . . I read through the pas-
sage which tells of us how the lord rose at last in His might and
seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the rod of vipers and
adders. How terrific was the fight for the world against the Jewish
poison!" (Langer 1972, 36). Langer concluded that Hitler increas-
ingly conceived of himself as a second Christ. He glowed with pride
when addressed with the salutation "Heil Hitler, our Savior."
Confirming his sense of his own role in history and his identification
with the Messiah, Hitler's propaganda machine painted the follow-
ing message on a hillside: "We believe in Holy Germany. Holy Ger-
many is Hitler! We believe in Holy Hitler!" (56).
Langer cites the reports of Hitler's preoccupation with his mau-
soleum, which was to be the mecca of Germany after his death. Plan-
ning a monument seven hundred feet high, which would have a
great psychological effect, Hitler declared, "I know how to keep my
hold on people after I have passed on. I shall be the Fuhrer they look
up at and go home to talk of and remember. My life shall not end in
the mere form of death. It will, on the contrary, begin then" (Langer
1972, 37-38).
A diplomat commented that Hitler was convinced of his own
infallibility and success. This in turn was associated with a resistance
to criticism, which angered him. "To contradict him in his eyes is a
crime. . . . {Opposition to his plans, from whatever side it may
come, is a definite sacrilege, to which the only reply is an immediate
and striking display of his omnipotence." Thus Langer asserted that
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

Hitler was convinced of his own greatness, a conviction bolstered by

the response to his fiery rhetoric.
Hitler was described as attuned to his audience in a remarkable
fashion. "Hitler responds to the vibration of the human heart with
the delicacy of a seismograph . . . enabling him with a certainty with
which no conscious gift could endow him to act as a loudspeaker pro-
claiming the most secret desires, the least permissible instinct, the
sufferings and personal revolts of the whole nation" (Strasser, quoted
in langer 1972, 46). In Mein Kampf, Langer observed, Hitler focused
on mass psychology, emphasizing that "the mass prefers to submit to
the strong rather than to the weakling; the mass, too, prefers the
ruler to a pleader" (47).
His fiery oratory stirred the masses into a frenzy. "His oratory used
to wilt his collar, unglue his forelock, glaze his eyes; he was like a
man hypnotized, repeating himself into a frenzy." He was, another
observer declared, "in the presence of a miracle. He was a man trans-
formed and possessed." His hypnotic self-presentation was echoed in
the German propaganda machine, which depicted him as "the acme
of German honor and purity; the Resurrection of the German family
and home. He is the greatest architect of all time; the greatest mili-
tary genius in all history. He has an inexhaustible fount of knowl-
edge. He is a man of action and the creator of new social values. He
is . . . the paragon of all virtues" (Langer 1972, 53).
In this longitudinal psychobiographic study, Langer was to exam-
ine the psychological underpinnings of Hitler's conviction of his
own greatness. Langer persuasively depicts the inner emptiness that
underlay and drove the messianic self-concept and public role. In
describing the illegitimacy of Hitler's father, Alois, Langer noted the
data suggesting that the real father of Alois may have been one of the
Rothchilds, a Jewish family for which Hitler's grandmother was a
maid. Langer observed that the salient question was, What did
Hitler believe and fear? (This theme was later to be stressed in
Waite's The Psychopathic God.}
Langer then describes the bleak early years and the extended
period during Hitler's adolescence when he was lost psychologically
and was in a period of identity diffusion, the equivalent of a street
person, unemployed, moving from flophouse to flophouse. World
War I provided the exit pass from this extended period, and Hitler
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

found himself fighting for Germany, again to be plunged into

despair by the military defeat and the peace terms he was to define as
traitorous. Identifying external "reasons" for this bleak period in
Germany's and his own life characterizes Hitler's rhetoric during
this period. Three themes were to dominate Hitler's speechmaking
before he came to power: (i) the treason of the November criminals;
(2) breaking the rule of the Marxists; and (3) the world domination
of the Jews. The Jew as the focus of his hostility, the "reason" for
Germany's weakness, was increasingly to become the focus of his
mesmerizing rhetoric.
The purpose of this discussion of Langer's study is not to psycho-
logically analyze Hitler but rather to describe the analytic approach
taken in this pioneering study. Langer studied Hitler in the same
way he tried to understand the patients on his psychoanalytic couch.
Without further detailing the life history of Hitler elaborated by
Langer, suffice it so say that Langer integrates in The Mind of Adolf
Hitler a psychobiographic analysis, a psychodynamic profile, and a
depiction of the public man, discriminating between those aspects of
the public persona that are contrived for public consumption and
those that are powerfully psychologically driven to compensate for
the inner void.
Though it is a powerful and persuasive study, Langer acknowl-
edges that it is not clear to him the degree to which decision makers
relied upon his work. He does report that Lord Chalfont of Great
Britain, on meeting him quickly, identified him as the author of the
Hitler study, making it clear that the work had been shared with
U.S. allies.
While the degree of influence of this study upon the conduct of
the war is not clear, as the prototype of the psychodynamically ori-
ented clinically informed assessment of a foreign leader at a distance,
it is of great importance, for it was to become the model of subse-
quent endeavors in support of government policy.

Khrushchev at a Distance
When Nikita Khrushchev burst on the political scene in 1953, his
political persona differed dramatically from that of his predecessor,
Josef Stalin. The CIA convened a conference in 1960 for the specific
purpose of assessing this complicated leader for the Kennedy admin-
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

istration. The CIA had amassed a great deal of open material, includ-
ing films as well as interviews and articles. The panel of some twenty
psychiatrists, psychologists, and internal medicine specialists
immersed themselves in the films, speeches, and interviews and
developed assessments of his political personality and health.
In 1961, when President Kennedy was to meet with First Party
secretary Khrushchev in Vienna in a major summit meeting, Bryant
Wedge, a psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist who was a member
of the panel, wrote Kennedy a memo summarizing the conference
findings, with emphasis on implications for negotiations.1
Khrushchev was described as a stable hypomanic character, which
Wedge characterized as a chronic optimistic opportunist. Yet his
impulsivity was noted too. While it was opined that Khrushchev
could tolerate disagreement, there was no point in trying to persuade
or convince him of it. Wedge also advanced recommendations for
dealing with him when he was being thoroughly unreasonable. He
also emphasized the fundamental differences between Khrushchev
and Stalin.
It is important to observe that the conference of clinicians con-
cluded that Khrushchev had a recognizable clinical character type,
based on what was essentially a phenomenological analysis. The clear
personality type on which they consensually agreed has important
implications for negotiations. Unlike the Langer study of Hitler,
which was heavily psychobiographic in approach and combined with
a phenomenological portrait to infer the psychological conflicts driv-
ing political behavior, the Khrushchev study was a detailed descrip-
tion of Khrushchev's personality style based on intensive study of his
present-day leadership functioning. Wedge observes that he does not
know who read his memo or to what uses it was put.

The Establishment of the Center for the Analysis

of Personality and Political Behavior
Started in 1965, the pilot program to assess leader personality at a
distance was initially based in the Psychiatric Staff of the CIA's
Office of Medical Services. Because the products of this experimental
effort were well received by senior U.S. government officials, it was
determined that the effort should be formally incorporated within
the Directorate of Intelligence, which provided finished intelligence
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

to intelligence consumers throughout the government. This transi-

tion led to the establishment of the Center for the Analysis of Per-
sonality and Political Behavior (CAPPB), an interdisciplinary behav-
ioral science unit with lead analysts at the doctoral level trained in
cultural anthropology, political sociology, political science with a
specialty in leadership studies, history, organizational, social, and
clinical psychology, and psychiatry.2 A senior advisory panel of
nationally prominent political psychologists representing diverse
disciplines was recruited.
To ensure that studies of personality and political behavior were
designed in a manner that would be optimally useful to senior con-
sumers, the lead analysts worked closely with the senior panel to
develop an intellectual framework for the studies. For senior con-
sumers—in particular the president, secretary of state, secretary of
defense—there was an intense interest in understanding "what made
this leader tick?" These senior consumers well understood that poli-
tics is people. They wanted to learn about the life experiences that
had shaped the leader's attitudes, the issues of particular concern. For
this purpose, the psychobiographic analysis that was a major compo-
nent of the clinical case study to mental illness was adapted to focus
not on the early life experience that led to vulnerability to mental ill-
ness but rather on the key events that shaped a future leader. More-
over, one of the purposes of assessing the individual in the context of
his or her past history is that the individual's past responses under
similar circumstances are, other things being equal, the best basis for
predictions of future behavior.
But the qualitative data necessary to develop a detailed psychobi-
ography often were not initially available, particularly with what
came to be known as "pop-up" leaders, that is, leaders who suddenly
emerged as the consequence of a coup d'etat or other dramatic event
whose actions required an immediate response. Sometimes for such
leaders the only data available were speeches or a press conference.
Here the sophisticated content-analytic methodologies of members
of the senior panel proved of inestimable value in providing the first
approximation of leader personality and mental maps. At times these
techniques were employed prospectively to avoid a predictable sur-
prise. An interesting example was provided by a comparative analy-
sis conducted by Margaret Hermann (198ob) of possible successors
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

to Communist party chairman Leonid Brezhnev at a time when the

succession was by no means clear. This analysis permitted identify-
ing and distinguishing the candidate who was apt to be most rigid
and ideological from the one apt to be most flexible and adaptable.
But for summit meetings and other high-level negotiations,
senior consumers preferred comprehensive in-depth political person-
ality profiles that placed the leader in his or her longitudinal context:
and provided insights on the historical forces that shaped the leader's
political personality. Such an occasion was provided by the Camp
David negotiations of 1978.

The Camp David Profiles

If the degree of influence of the Langer study of Hitler and of the
assessment of Krushchev is not clear, it is clear that the psychologi-
cal portraits of Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin, the Camp David
profiles, significantly informed and influenced President Jimmy
Carter's understanding of the protagonists and the strategy he devel-
oped for the conduct of the negotiations. Indeed, according to
Carter, they were among the most important influences upon the
strategy and tactics of his personal diplomacy with Begin and Sadat.
In his presidential memoirs Keeping Faith (1983), Carter spoke of
the intensity of his study of the backgrounds and personalities of
these remarkably different leaders. In August 1978, just prior to the
historic Camp David negotiations, Carter took a vacation to Jackson
Hole, Wyoming, to relax before what he knew would be an arduous
and testing challenge. After a day of fly fishing for cutthroat trout in
the Snake River, Carter immersed himself in psychological analyses
of Begin and Sadat.3

Ours would be a new approach, perhaps unprecedented in his-

tory. Three leaders of nations would be isolated from the out-
side world. An intensely personal effort would be required of
us. / had to understand these men! I was poring over psychological
analyses of two of the protagonists which had been prepared by
a team of experts within our intelligence community. This
team could write definitive biographies of any important world
leader, using information derived from a detailed scrutiny of
events, public statements, writings, known medical histories,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and interviews with personal acquaintances of the leaders under

study. I wanted to know all about Begin and Sadat. What had
made them national leaders? What was the root of their ambi-
tion? What were their most important goals in life? What
events during past years had helped to shape their characters?
What were their religious beliefs? Family relations? State of
their health? Political beliefs and constraints? Relations with
other leaders? Likely reaction to pressure in a time of crisis?
Strengths and weaknesses? Commitments to political con-
stituencies? Attitudes towards me and the United States?
Whom did they really trust? What was their attitude toward
one another? . . .
From time to time I paused to consider the negotiating
strategy I would follow at Camp David; I made careful detailed
notes. These few evenings away from Washington were an ideal
time for me to concentrate almost exclusively on a single major
challenge—peace in the Middle East. During the coming days
at Camp David, my studies at the foot of the Grand Tetons
were to pay rich dividends. (Carter 1983, 319—20; original

The recent declassification of the article "Personality Profiles in

Support of the Camp David Summit" (Post 1979) permits discussion
of the personality profiles sent to Carter. The history of the Camp
David profiles is discussed in detail because of their historic
significance. This is the first time a detailed consideration of the
development and use of the profiles has been presented.
On a visit to CIA Headquarters in August 1978, President Carter
interrupted a briefing to ask the assembled analysts and intelligence
managers how they could help him with the forthcoming summit,
which had only recently been announced. In particular, he wanted to
be "steeped in the personalities of Begin and Sadat" (Post 1979).
In response to this request, the CIA's CAPPB prepared three
political personality profiles: a profile of Menachem Begin, which
called attention to the increasing trend of oppositionism and rigid-
ity in his personality; a profile of Anwar Sadat entitled "Sadat's
Nobel Prize Complex," which stressed his increasing preoccupation
with his role in history and the leverage it could provide in negotia-
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

tions; and a paper that discussed the implications for negotiations of

the contrasting intellectual styles of Begin and Sadat. The profiles
were based on the detailed psychological studies of the personality
and political behavior of Begin and Sadat prepared in 1977.
In the CAPPB there was often a request for "instant magic" when
a coup, assassination, or election upset brings to the fore a leader pre-
viously not well known to the foreign policy community, and an in-
depth personality assessment of the leader was requested immedi-
ately. In order to anticipate the needs of the community, the CAPPB
had regularly surveyed key intelligence consumers, including the
National Security Council, the secretary of state, and the secretary of
defense, to identify leaders of special interest. Usually this survey
would reveal considerable diversity. The survey completed in the
summer of 1976 revealed for the first time across-the-board highest
priority interest in one world leader, President Anwar Sadat of
In developing personality studies for various leaders, the CAPPB
would review a broad range of data. Official and unofficial biogra-
phies often provided key background materials and insights, as did
television, newspaper, and magazine profiles. While many would
discard the authorized biography as being exaggeratedly biased in a
positive direction, in fact the contrast between the authorized and
unauthorized biographies was found to be instructive: the contrast
between the idealized leader as he wished to be seen and the more
realistic flesh-and-blood leader, with all his warts, blemishes, and
psychological sensitivities. When there were significant holes in the
data or unresolvable conflicts, requirements would be sent to the
field. Often psychologically relevant material was readily available in
response to the questions sent to the field, questions that previously
had not been asked. Particularly rich information was derived by
debriefing senior officials who had had extended contact with the
leader in question. Ambassadors and others who had dealt with the
leader over time usually had regularly reported on substantive mat-
ters, such as economic plans or weapons procurement programs, but
rarely had reported on the personality, attitudes, and negotiating
style of the leader—knowledge that was subsequently often lost in
the transition between administrations.
By integrating interview impressions of officials who had dealt
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

with Sadat with psychobiographic analysis, several important

themes emerged. Sadat's concern with his role in history and his pre-
occupation with "the big picture," coupled with his abhorrence of
details, were regularly mentioned. By appealing to Sadat's long-
range goals, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was often able to
overcome negotiating impasses over technical details.
The American ambassador to Egypt, Herman Eilts, related an
amusing and charming anecdote that epitomized this quality, an
anecdote that would rarely be reported but one we in the CAPPB
found quite telling (Post 1979, 3). The occasion was a luncheon
hosted by President Sadat just after a breakthrough in negotiations.
The two negotiating teams—the Egyptians and Israelis—had been
at an impasse, wrangling over such issues as the number and position
of troops and the placement of sensors. Responding to Kissinger's
skillful urgings to rise above this petty dispute for the sake of his-
tory, Sadat had made a grand compromise, overriding the objections
of his advisers.
Present at the luncheon were President Sadat; Madame Sadat, an
outspoken woman in her own right; Secretary of State Kissinger; and
Ambassador Eilts. "Your excellency," said Secretary Kissinger, rais-
ing his glass, "without your broad vison of history and your refusal to
be bogged down by petty detail, we never would have come to this
day." "No, Henry," replied President Sadat, "it was your negotiating
skills which brought us to this day." "Oh, no, your Excellency,"
replied Kissinger, "it was your ability to think in strategic terms
that . . ."At this point, Madame Sadat interrupted with a loud sigh
to Ambassador Eilts, "Oh, no, here we go again."
A major conclusion of the study "Personality Profiles in Support
of the Camp David Summit" addressed the manner in which Sadat's
special view of himself and this "big picture" mentality interacted.
Sadat's self-confidence and special view of himself has been
instrumental in development of his innovative foreign policy,
as have his flexibility and his capacity for moving out of the
cultural insularity of the Arab world. He sees himself as a grand
strategist and will make tactical concessions if he is persuaded
that his over-all goals will be achieved. . . . His self-confidence
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

has permitted him to make bold initiatives, often overriding

his advisors' objections. (Post 1979, 3)
So prominent was Sadat's special sense of self that the major study of
Sadat that CAPPB produced was entitled "Sadat's Messiah Com-
plex." Sadat's creative diplomacy in November and December 1977,
highlighted by his historic visit to Jerusalem in which he overrode
his advisers' objections, emphasized this central personality quality.
When Sadat became the object of intense media attention, giving
major interviews to the likes of Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor,
and Barbara Walters, it was an explosion of narcissistic supplies, and
his extreme self-confidence was magnified to grandiose extremes, a
phenomenon initially dubbed by the CAPPB as "the Barbara Wal-
ters syndrome."
Over the succeeding months, his grandiosity magnified exponen-
tially. One of the most interesting changes had to do with the sharp
increase in his use of the first-person singular pronoun. No longer
did Sadat speak of the problems with Egypt's economy. Rather, he
spoke of "my economy." There were accounts suggesting that Sadat
would be angered by and would refuse to believe reports that his
goals for Egypt and himself were in trouble. This led to a shrinkage
of his leadership circle to sycophants who only told Sadat what he
wanted to hear, leading him to be increasingly out of touch with
political reality. Sadat's grandiosity became so pronounced that the
profile prepared by the CAPPB for Carter was entitled "Sadat's
Nobel Prize Complex." In his memoirs, Carter indicated that this
aspect of Sadat's personality was in the forefront of his thinking.
Sadat was strong and bold, very much aware of world public
opinion and of his role as the most important leader among the
Arabs. I always had the impression that he looked on himself as
inheriting the mantle of authority from the great pharaohs, and
was convinced that he was a man of destiny. (Carter 1983, 328)
In contrast to Sadat, who was well known to a succession of Amer-
ican diplomats, when Menachem Begin came to power in a stunning
election upset, he was a virtual unknown with whom there had been
little official contact. But there was a rich source of information in
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the open literature, for in two autobiographical works, White Nights

and The Revolt, Begin had detailed the experiences that had shaped
his personality and political attitudes. He emphasized the seminal
role of the Holocaust, which was to be captured in his well-known
phrase, "Never again!" Begin as leader frequently gave voice to
provocative statements, often precipitated by a reporter's questions,
losing sight of the context and of the negative political fallout from
the statement. Indeed, this trait was reflected throughout his career.
In White Nights, Begin's autobiographic account of his political exile
in Siberia, he proudly recounts the frequent debates with his Soviet
jailers over details of Soviet law in which he regularly bested his cap-
tors with his superior knowledge of their law. However, this was
quite counterproductive in terms of his own welfare. His focus on
detail and legalisms was emphasized in the profile, as was his ten-
dency toward oppositionism related to his vow "never again" to yield
to superior force.
In Keeping Faith, Carter indicated how steeped he was in Begin's
background. Believing that Begin, like Sadat, saw himself as a man
of destiny, Carter saw Begin as a student of the Bible who insisted on
using biblical names, such as Judea and Samaria, for disputed terri-
tories to emphasize Israel's historic entitlement to the land of Israel.
The prominence of the personality differences of Sadat and Begin
led to a proposal by the CAPPB to devote one of the dinner symposia
periodically hosted by Admiral Stansfield Turner, director of the
CIA, to the role of personality in the Middle East conflict. Partici-
pants in this dinner seminar, held in the spring of 1978, included a
number of senior individuals who had been intimately involved in
Middle East negotiations: Ambassador-at-large Alfred Atherton,
Ambassador to Egypt Herman Eilts, Assistant Secretary of State for
Near East Affairs Harold Saunders, and Dr. William Quandt, the
National Security Council's senior Near East specialist. The discus-
sion was purposefully free of discussion of policy and substantive dif-
ferences, focusing only on the striking differences in the personalities
of the two protagonists and how they would affect the negotiating
How could two individuals constructed so differently psychologi-
cally participate in simultaneous negotiations? This was the subject
of the third paper prepared by the CAPPB for Carter concerned with
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

the problematic implications for simultaneous negotiations of the

contrasting cognitive styles of Sadat, the "big picture" man with an
abhorrence for detail, and Begin, the legalistic wordsmith consumed
with detail and precision, who had a tendency to become embroiled
in power struggles.
This paper informed and influenced the middleman role Garner
played in these intensely personal negotiations, while minimizing
direct contact between the two protagonists, and the manner in
which he worked at narrowing the gap between Sadat and Begin.
Carter indicated that he was concerned that Begin's "preoccupation
with language, names, and terms could severely impede free-flowing
talk" (1983, 330). On one occasion, he cleverly put his own concern
with Begin's penchant for details and with the gap between Sadat's
and Begin's style into Sadat's mouth.
As {Begin} was preparing to leave after our stilted and some-
what superficial discussion, I told him that Sadat had expressed
a concern about Begin's preoccupation with details at the
expense of the major issues. Begin looked up quickly and said,
"I can handle both." (330)
After his diplomatic triumph, President Carter conveyed his
appreciation to the CIA for the intelligence support provided him
and singled out the personality profiles for special praise: "After
spending 13 days with the two principals, I wouldn't change a word"
(Post 1979, i). The Camp David profiles highlighted the value of
leader personality assessment in support of government policy,
emphasizing their special value in summit negotiations.

The Institutionalization of Political Personality Profiling

Certainly the recognition given by President Carter of the value of
the Camp David profiles of Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat was a
transformational event for the CAPPB. No longer would the in-
depth studies they prepared be considered avant garde. Now they
would be considered a requisite for each summit meeting and a
required resource for managing politico-military crises.
Because of the lead time required to develop in-depth political
personality profiles, the CAPPB regularly surveyed senior officials at
the Department of State, Department of Defense, and the National
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Security Council to identify leaders of priority interest. The results of

the surveys were an important factor in establishing priorities for the
CAPPB's program, although politico-military crises and other unex-
pected international events often led to crash requirements for an
assessment of a political leader. Much embassy reporting would be
concerned with political, economic, or military matters, but little
attention was paid to leader personality. Yet there was often sub-
stantial untapped knowledge concerning the leaders of concern.
Because biographic files typically began with the leader's ascension
to power, the very background features important to a political psy-
chologist were often missing. But these gaps could often be filled
with queries to the embassy. Similarly, a search of open source mate-
rial often produced a rich lode of material from local periodicals. The
opportunity to meet with senior embassy officials who had had con-
tact with the individual of concern was particularly valuable, for
these sources were often gifted observers who had never been
debriefed from the perspective of political psychology.
As the academic interdiscipline of political psychology emerged,
the name of the CAPPB was changed to the Political Psychology
Center, and subsequently to the Political Psychology Division. The
analytic approach of the division was systematically examined and
refined with the assistance of a senior panel of prominent academic
political psychologists to ensure that the needs of senior policy con-
sumers were being met by the studies.
An important aspect of the approach was the continuing emphasis
on ensuring that the subjects analyzed were appropriately anchored
within their respective societies. This was accomplished by regularly
teaming a psychologist or psychiatrist with an area expert. Thus in
assessing a leader from sub-Saharan Africa, for example, a cultural
anthropologist with particular expertise in culture and personality
would be a core member of the analytic team; similarly, for the study
of a South Asian leader, a political sociologist with particular exper-
tise in the region would be a core member of the analytic team.
The dissolution of the Soviet empire and the end of the cold war
led to a major reduction in the intelligence budget, especially
resources devoted to human intelligence in comparison to techno-
logical intelligence. With this cutback, the scope of the resources
devoted to developing in-depth political personality profiles was
Leader Personality Assessments in Support of Government Policy

significantly reduced. In recent years, however, there have been a

number of intelligence "surprises," including the failure to predict
nuclear testing by India and Pakistan and major terrorist events—
the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the
suicide hijackings of September n, which resulted in the destruc-
tion of the World Trade Center and the crash into the Pentagon by
al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization. After the nuclear
testing by India and Pakistan, the Rumsfeld Commission was estab-
lished to examine this intelligence failure. A major conclusion was
that there was an overreliance on technological intelligence and
insufficient human intelligence and analysis of leadership. At the
time of his confirmation hearings, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld identified as his leading nightmare not understanding the
intentions of dangerous adversaries. Accentuated by some of the
recent intelligence "surprises," the need to have a robust applied
political psychology capability has been highlighted and increased
resources are currently being applied to human intelligence and to
the study of the personality and political behavior of foreign leaders,
both national leaders and terrorist leaders.


1. The assessment prepared by the panel was classified as "secret," but

Wedge elected to publish it in the Washington Post in 1967, and it was subse-
quently republished in Wedge 1968. Wedge explained that since Kennedy was
dead and Krushchev was retired he believed the original classification was no
longer valid.
2. The editor of this volume had the honor and challenge of founding and
leading CAPPB for twenty-one years. An interdisciplinary behavioral sciences
analytic unit, CAPPB produced assessments of the personality and political
behavior of key foreign leaders for three purposes: (i) to assist the president and
senior cabinet officials in summit meetings and other high-level negotiations, (2)
to assist in crisis situations, and (3) to assist in estimative intelligence.
3. Carter had been critical of the strategy briefing books prepared for him by
the State Department and the National Security staff, whose expressed goals for
Camp David had been very modest, and set his goals on a written agreement for
peace between Egypt and Israel. But he knew that to succeed in achieving this
ambitious goal would require an understanding of the psychology and attitudes
of the principals in depth.
Part II. Methods for Assessing Leader
Personalities: An Introduction

The Search for Causal Mechanisms

Stephen G. Walker and Jerrold M. Post
We noted in chapter i the distinction between qualitative and quan-
titative methods of leadership assessment generated by the contribu-
tors to this volume. In part 2, the qualitative methods employed by
Post (chap. 4) and Renshon (chap. 5) identify the structure of the
individual's personality and character. The quantitative methods
used by Weintraub (chap. 6), Winter (chap. 7), and Suedfeld, Grut-
tieri, and Tetlock (chap. 10) provide an expanded analysis of differ-
ent parts of a leader's personality, including beliefs, cognitive style,
and other personality traits. Hermann (chap. 8) and Walker, Schafer,
and Young (chap. 9) embed their respective assessments of leaders in
a typology defined by a particular constellation of beliefs, motiva-
tions, or traits. All of these analyses specify procedures for detecting
different causal mechanisms, denned as processes operating inside
the individual and connecting environment and outcomes, as indi-
cated in the graphic that follows (adapted from Hedstrom and
Swedberg 1998, 9; see also Bunge 1967).

Structural Causal Decision

Environment Mechanisms Outcomes

Structural theorists of world politics often assume (a) the causal

mechanisms of agency are transparently "thin" models of rational
choice responding to environmental conditions, and (b) these mech-
anisms are not autonomous in their effects, explaining very little of

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the variation in outcomes across situations. Decision-making theo-

rists have long argued that these mechanisms are not rational
processes endogenous to structural conditions and may have an
important autonomous impact on decisions and outcomes. Assessing
the conditions under which "personality" as a causal mechanism
becomes more important is necessary to determine the fit between a
structural theory and a particular case under analysis. At this point,
the objective is precisely to determine whether the case in question
conforms to the covering-law generalization from a structural theory
about a universe of cases or deviates from it due to the operation of
intervening causal mechanisms between structural conditions and
decision outcomes.
The causal mechanism may operate either endogenously within
the theory so that the generalization is valid in some cases or
autonomously to make the generalization invalid in other cases. A
weak claim for the importance of the latter possibility is that causal
mechanisms occasionally operate to disrupt the effects of structural
conditions located at macrolevels of analysis (Holsti 1976; Green-
stein 1987; Hermann 1976; George 1979). A strong claim is to
argue that such disruptions are more likely to be the rule rather than
the exception (Jervis 1976, 1997; Little 1998). The latter position is
a critique of the inherent underspecification of simple structural
models, especially for the analysis of individual cases. Greenstein's
(1987) conditions of "action dispensability" and "actor dispensabil-
ity" are efforts to resolve this dispute regarding when the causal
mechanisms of personality—beliefs, traits, and psychodynamic
processes—are likely to have an autonomous effect on outcomes.
In the following chapters, the authors probe the microfoundations
of political behavior by analyzing a variety of causal mechanisms
with different methods of content analysis. These methods operate at
different layers of analysis within the leader's personality. Collec-
tively, the authors cover the cognitive states, affective traits, and
characterological structure of the leader's personality and the corre-
sponding mechanisms of object appraisal, mediation of selr-other
relationships, externalization, and ego defense (Greenstein 1987; see
also Smith 1968).
The first two chapters by Post and by Renshon explore the
processes of externalization and ego defense generated by the deep
Methods of Assessing Leader Personalities

structure of a leader's personality and how they reflect the impact of

psychobiographical experiences on the development of the leader's
personality (Smith 1968). The next three chapters by Weintraub,
Winter, and Hermann, respectively, probe more deeply into parts of
the leader's personality by focusing on motivational and affective
traits that operate as mechanisms mediating the relationship
between self and others. The final two chapters by Walker, Schafer,
and Young and by Suedfeld, Guttieri, and Tetlock are cognitive
analyses of the process of object appraisal, which reveal how beliefs
orient the leader toward action in the political universe and how
aspects of the leader's cognitive style influence the leader's thinking
and decision making.
While it is possible to postulate a simple linear model of causation
in which the deep structure of the personality shapes and constrains
the operation of motivational, affective, and cognitive mechanisms,
the authors of these chapters do not all make this assumption in their
analyses. The comprehensive analyses by Post and Renshon attempt
to identify pattern and shaping influences, but the authors are always
mindful of the complex interaction with the environment. Nor do
the analyses by the other contributors postulate a simple linear
model of causation. Rather they tend to be agnostic about this possi-
bility in varying degrees, depending on how comprehensive and
explicit their models of personality are regarding linkages among
beliefs, motivations, and character. We shall return to a discussion of
the possibilities for integrating these analyses in the conclusion.
A. Integrated Personality Study
4. Assessing Leaders at a Distance:
The Political Personality Profile

Jerrold M. Post

The political personality profile was developed to provide senior pol-

icymakers with a comprehensive psychological representation of the
leader in context, not only describing the life course of the leader that
shaped key attitudes but also specifying particular aspects of leader-
ship behavior especially relevant to policymakers dealing with the
leader. Thus in addition to traditional elements of clinical psycholog-
ical assessment, the elements reviewed in assessing political personal-
ity include management style, negotiating style, strategic decision
making, crisis decision making, rhetorical style, cognitive style, and
leadership style. Each of these aspects of political leadership is of
course shaped by the cultural and political context, but the core leader
personality influences each of these leadership characteristics.
The term personality connotes a systematic pattern of functioning
that is consistent over a range of behaviors and over time. In the
political personality profile, we attempt to characterize the core
political personality, identifying the deeply ingrained patterns that
are coherent and accordingly have powerful predictive implications.
But it is important to emphasize that not all political situations
engage the political personality, and an important goal of the polit-
ical personality profile is to identify which political issues and deci-
sions are especially salient for the leader's personality. Put more col-
loquially, the task is to identify which issues "hook" the leader's
political personality and differentiate them from those that do not.
To be able to specify what those issue areas are and to identify
deeply ingrained patterns that are consistent over time, it is essential

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

to integrate the life experiences that shaped and gave form to that
political personality. As Brewster-Smith (1968) has emphasized,
that goes beyond the family environment and must encompass the
historical, political, and cultural context as well. This emphasis on
the life course and the entirety of the political personality, integrat-
ing longitudinal life course analysis with the cross-sectional analysis
of personality, stands in contrast to the approaches of political psy-
chology scholars who have focused on particular elements of political
personality, such as political cognition, political drives and motives,
and other traits.

The Methodology for Developing Political Personality Profiles

The method for developing political personality profiles is drawn
from the clinical case study methodology, also known as the anam-
nesis, which integrates a longitudinal and cross-sectional
approach. In the longitudinal consideration, the life course of the
subject is reviewed, constructing a psychobiography. The cross-
sectional approach analyzes the subject's cognition, affect, and
interpersonal relationships, attempting to define the nature of the
basic personality.
But in applying this approach to political figures, the method
developed necessarily goes well beyond clinical case studies, focusing
on life course and personality features that bear particularly on polit-
ical leadership. In contrast to the psychobiographic reconstruction of
the clinical case study of the psychiatric patient, in which the pri-
mary task is to analyze the traumatic events in the life course that
predisposed to the present illness, in the psychobiographic recon-
struction of the life course of a political leader, the goal is to under-
stand shaping life events that influenced core attitudes, political per-
sonality, leadership, and political behavior. Similarly, in the
cross-sectional personality study of a political leader, the goal is not
to specify dimensions of psychopathology but rather to identify
characteristic adaptive styles and those aspects of cognition, atti-
tudes, affect, and interpersonal relations that bear on specific ele-
ments of leadership functioning, such as leadership style, crisis deci-
sion making, negotiating style, as well as the identification of those
political issues that are especially salient for the subjects' psychology.
An outline of the longitudinal and cross-sectional elements consid-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

ered in constructing a political personality profile can be found at the

conclusion of this chapter.

The Leader in Context

Drawing on Brewster-Smith's elegant map of personality and poli-
tics, and as modified in Stone and Schaffner (1988), the leader is
envisaged as residing within a series of fields, the cultural, political,
and historical context of his country, the specific aspects of the
leader's background that shaped the individual, and the nature of the
current political situation (see Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). The importance of
that political and cultural context cannot be overestimated. Green-
stein (1987) has observed in his seminal discussion of action dispens-
ability that the degree to which leader personality affects political
behavior is in part a function of the nature and flexibility of the polit-
ical system. There is a profound difference in how personality will
affect political behavior between a leader functioning in a collective
leadership and a dictator functioning in a closed system. The manner
in which the culture shapes expectations of the leader also shapes the
formation and selection of the leader. The political figure who vio-
lates cultural norms will not survive long. In constructing a political
personality profile, the degree of constraint upon the political behav-
ior of the leader by his role and by the culture and nature of the polit-
ical system is regularly examined.
The psychoanalytic framework of Erik Erikson ([1950] 1963),
which relates personality development to the cultural context, is
extremely helpful as a model. It emphasizes the intimate dynamic
relationship between the developing personality and the environ-
ment and undergirds Brewster-Smith's emphasis on the cultural,
political, and historical context in which the leader develops. Leader
personality does not exist in vacuo; it is the leader in context that is
our focus, the context that shaped the leader's development, the con-
temporary context that continues to shape and influence leader
behavior and decision making. Before even considering the particu-
lar circumstances surrounding the development of the future leader,
however, one must understand thoroughly the culture, especially the
political culture, in which the leader's family was embedded. In
these regards, the works of Pye (2000) and Kellerman (1991) are
especially instructive.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Larger Social Input from

and Current
Political System Situation

Cultural, Role
and Familial

Political Actor

Fig. 4.1. Variables relevant to the study of personality and

politics. (Also see Brewster-Smith 1968.)

I. Historical Milieu
II. The Social Environment
IV.The Immediate Situation
The Person
Character V.
Id-Ego-Superego Political
Attitudes Behavior
Group Identities
(here and now)
(neighborhood, church, school, family, peers)

Fig. 4.2. Stone and Schaffner: Field model

The Life Course of Political Leaders: The Psychobiography

In developing the psychobiographic section of the political personal-
ity profile, the primary focus is on shaping events. It may be that sev-
eral years can be captured in one sentence, while the details of a key
afternoon may require several pages to depict and analyze. Thus the
psychobiographic profile is envisaged as collapsing and expanding,
by no means a merely linear and chronological depiction of life
events. Early leadership successes and failures are particularly impor-
tant to identify and analyze in detail, as they are often endowed with
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

exaggerated importance in guiding future events. The manner of

writing the psychobiography should prepare the reader for the
detailed description of the political personality and analysis of lead-
ership to follow.
In the psychobiographic reconstruction, particular attention is
given to specifying the sources of political identity. Erikson's
({1950} 1963) emphasis on the formation and vicissitudes of per-
sonal identity is especially helpful in reconstructing the lives of
political leaders, for as personal identity is consolidating so too is
political identity. This requires careful research in the preceding
generations. Thus the influence of King Abdullah, the grandfather of
King Hussein of Jordan, on the development of Hussein as a leader
was profound. A charismatic man of towering political stature,
Abdullah was ashamed of his son Talal, who suffered from chronic
paranoid schizophrenia. He early selected his grandson to play a spe-
cial role in the history of Jordan and started shaping him to the role
of future king. The boy was fifteen and at his grandfather's side on
the steps of the Al Aqsa Mosque when his grandfather was struck
down by an assassin's bullet. Young Hussein too was struck by a bul-
let but was reportedly saved from death by the medal on his chest
that his grandfather had given him earlier that day—probably a
powerful determinant of Hussein's sense of destiny (Snow 1972).
A psychobiographic nugget from which we can infer the degree to
which a political leader was shaped to fulfill a parent's own ambi-
tions is provided by the mother of David Hawke, former prime min-
ister of Australia. When she looked in the crib after her newborn son
was brought to her, she reported that she realized some day her son
would be prime minister. Her prophecy was to be fulfilled, powerful
confirmation of a mother's shaping her son to fulfill her own narcis-
sistic dreams (Post 1986). Indira Gandhi recounted in her autobiog-
raphy the influence of her grandfather, Motilal Nehru, twice presi-
dent of India and prominent nationalist leader, and her father,
Jawaharlal Nehru, four times president of India, who continued his
father's struggle for Indian independence (Gandhi 1982). When her
parents were away in prison, as they often were during her politically
tumultuous childhood when they were struggling for independence,
Indira Gandhi indicated she did not play with dolls but rather with
toy metal soldiers. At the head of the column of soldiers was one
with a white shield on which there was a red cross, suggesting her
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

identification with Joan of Arc. She marched the soldiers into a fire
again and again, suggesting the early foundation of her career long
bent for conflict, perhaps presaging her ultimate martyr's death in
her assassination by Sikh bodyguards in the Golden Temple. It is
instructive to observe that she was characterized as "the goddess of
destruction" by her political opponents and was seen as a leader who
regularly promoted political conflict, lacking her parents' concilia-
tory skills.

Key Life Transitions

Erikson follows the course of personality over the life cycle, identify-
ing the major crisis associated with each developmental epoch.
Drawing on Erikson, Dan Levinson's (1978) work on the life course
is instructive in focusing on the three major life transitions—the
young adult transition, the mid-life transition, and the late adult
transition. Levinson emphasizes that the successful negotiation of
each life transition requires successfully weathering the challenges of
the previous life transition. Levinson's work has important implica-
tions for the influences of the life cycle on the leader's political
behavior (Post 1980, 1984). His emphasis on the role of what he
calls the Dream and the importance of the mentor during youth is
particularly important in understanding the influence of key life
experiences in shaping political personality.

Foundations of the Dream: Childhood Heroes and Models

It is important to search for the foundation of political ambition—
the Dream—the crystallization of political ambition that for some
can serve as a lode star. Childhood heroes and models are important
to identify. Young Anwar Sadat, for example, as a boy identified
with Mohandas Gandhi and would cloak himself in a sheet, leading
his goat around while on a self-imposed fast, the germs of his later
role as peacemaker between Egypt and Israel that won him the
Nobel Peace Prize.
The Dream, formed in adolescence, may be the spur to future
greatness, a quest that can be accelerated when confronting major ill-
ness. Both King Hussein and Palestinian chairman Yasir Arafat had
survived over the years by carefully assessing political risks. Hussein
had never broken from major Arab constituencies; nor had Arafat, in
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

his quest for an independent Palestinian nation, been willing to

break from the radical absolutists in the Palestinian movement. But
both leaders took major risks for peace in the wake of confronting
their mortality, which emphasized that their time was limited to
accomplish their goals. It was only after Arafat's helicopter crashed
in the Libyan desert, killing the pilot and resulting six weeks later in
a medical evacuation to the King Hussein Hospital in Amman for
emergency brain surgery to remove blood clots on the brain, that he
broke with the radical rejectionists and agreed to participate in the
Oslo negotiations, leading to the remarkable handshake with Prime
Minister Yitzakh Rabin of Israel in the Rose Garden and to the
Nobel Peace Prize. Several weeks later, King Hussein was hospital-
ized in the same hospital to remove a cancerous kidney. Subse-
quently he entered into independent peace negotiations with Israel,
his attempt to remove the stain on his historical record of losing cus-
tody over the holy sites in Jerusalem in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
and to fulfill his historic destiny. To be sure, his grandfather,
Motalil, who had held meetings with Israeli Palestinian Jews in an
effort to achieve peace, provided a positive model for such efforts, but
the timing, coming as it did in the wake of his confrontation with
mortality, suggests that this provided an impetus to abandon his
customary caution and boldly strike out individually as he faced the
ebbing of his life. From a distance, of course, we never can know to a
certainty what drives and influences a leader, but, as this example
makes clear, the more solidly we understand the foundations of the
leader's identify and ambitions, the more confidently we can infer
psychological influences on political behavior.
But reactions to frustrated dreams of glory have led to intemper-
ate acts that have been destabilizing as well. The Shah of Iran had
written of his mission for his country, what had been termed the
White Revolution, his goal of transforming Iran into a modernizing
Middle Eastern nation. When he was informed by his French physi-
cians in 1973 that he was ill with a slowly developing malignancy,
he accelerated dramatically the pace of his efforts. Breaking with the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), he quadru-
pled the oil revenues pouring into Iran, which had a poorly devel-
oped infrastructure. This led to a tidal wave of rising expectations,
which destabilized the social structure, leading to profound discon-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tent and setting the stage for Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic revolu-
tion. In his rush to accomplish his dreams before he died, the Shah
superimposed his personal timetable on the political timetable.

The Role of the Mentor

The role of the mentor in determining a leader's political behavior is
extremely consequential, and it is important to subject it to careful
analysis. Young losif Dzhugashvili (who was not to assume the pseu-
donym Stalin until twenty years later), oppressed by the rigors of the
Orthodox seminary in Tbilisi, rebelled by smuggling in the works of
Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. He came particularly to admire,
indeed idealize, Lenin through his revolutionary writings and left
the seminary to serve the cause of the revolution and assist his ideal-
ized mentor in pursuing that dream. But the contrast between Lenin
as idealized model at a distance and Lenin as personal mentor was
striking. A mentor is both a role model for political behavior, the
source of important political ideas, and a teacher of the practice of
politics, but a mentor also can be seen as an impediment to achiev-
ing power. Initially a loyal protege, increasingly Stalin became
restive under Lenin's leadership, seeking power and authority for
himself, which led to a powerful confrontation between Stalin and
his mentor when Stalin was in his early forties. Lenin subsequently
suffered a disabling stroke, and Stalin went on to consolidate his
Another example of lifelong effects of a positive role model,
although not as intense a relationship as that of Stalin to Lenin, is
provided by Menachem Begin, who early came to admire the Zion-
ist pioneer Vladimir Jabotinsky, whose dreams of a secure Jewish
homeland were deeply influential and became consolidated within
Begin as a core aspect of his political personality.

The Influence of Early Experiences

Autobiographic memoirs are a particularly rich source of material
for determining the political behavior of leaders. With Menachem
Begin we were fortunate to have not one but two memoirs: White
Nights, which detailed his years in political exile in Siberia, and The
Revolt, the story of his leadership of the underground resistance
group Irgun in the struggle for Israeli independence. Begin
recounts being seared by the experience of losing many of his fam-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

ily in the Holocaust, leading him to vow "Never Again," a psycho-

logical pledge that was to shape his oppositional political style.
Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez of Spain recounted the impact on
him as a boy of living in the shadow of a political prison in the
Franco years.

Psychologically Salient Issues

Referring again to figure 4.1, it is important to distinguish between
those political behaviors that derive from the leader's role and those
that engage his political personality. Discriminating which issues
can be considered objectively and which strike deep psychological
chords is crucial. Chiang Ching-kuo, president of the Republic of
China, was judicious and objective in his considerations of economic
policy for Taiwan, selecting world-class economists as his advisers
and helping create the economic miracle of Taiwan. His primary
political mentor, however, was his father, Chiang Kai-shek, which
meant that the issue of relationships with mainland China could
never be considered with the same rational objectivity and that
progress toward ameliorating that conflictual relationship would
have to await his death. As this example illustrates, it is important to
identify which issues are salient for the leader's political psychology.
However intense the family influences, the leader is exposed to the
vicissitudes of the political environment to which he must react and
adapt. The leader who cannot adapt to external realities because he
rigidly adheres to an internally programmed life script has, in
Laswellian terms, displaced his private needs upon the state and has
rationalized it in the public good. Inevitably the gap between the
private needs and the public needs becomes the source of ineffective
and/or conflicted leadership.

The Political Personality Study

In the cross-sectional analysis, the political personality study, the

goal is to identify and characterize the nature of the subject's person-
ality, with particular reference to the political personality. Personal-
ity implies a patterned relationship among cognition, affect, and inter-
personal relationships. Accordingly, the organizing concept of personality
implies a linkage among belief systems, value systems, attitudes, leadership
style, and other personality features. Put differently, the nature of person-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ality puts constraints upon information processing, the range of beliefs and
attitudes, and the nature of relationships with the leadership circle, includ-
ing who is chosen to serve in the inner circle, all of which influence political
decision making.
Again, as with the longitudinal analysis and psychobiographic
reconstruction in the previous section, careful attention is given to
all of the traditional elements considered in the clinical case study,1
but additional elements particular to political leadership are exam-
ined as well. Traditional elements of particular importance to polit-
ical personality include intelligence; knowledge; drives and affects,
including anxiety, aggression, hostility, activity and passivity, and
shame and guilt; evaluation of reality; judgment; interpersonal rela-
tions, including capacity for empathy; identity and ambivalence; and
characteristic ego defenses.2 The additional elements applicable to
political leaders include health (energy level, working hours, drink-
ing, drugs); cognitive/intellectual style; and the drives for power,
achievement, and affiliation. The latter are important in attempting
to identify whether the leaders sought their leadership role in order
to wield power, to be recorded on the pages of history, or merely to
occupy the seat of power with the attendant place in the limelight.

Ego Defenses and Personality Types

It is particularly important to identify the characteristic pattern of
ego defenses, for it is this repetitive manner of mediating between
the subject's internal and external worlds that is at the heart of per-
sonality, the basis of the structure of character. The identification of
patterns of ego defenses is a matter not of intuition but of pattern
recognition. Well-trained clinicians will reliably identify the same
characteristic ego defenses, but it does not require clinical training to
be sensitive to and identify these patterns.
Clinicians and students of personality development have
identified particular personality types, each of which has a character-
istic array of ego defenses mediating between inner drives and the
external world, each of which has its own cognitive, affective, and
interpersonal style. In evaluating ego defenses, it is useful to dis-
criminate a hierarchy of defenses, from the most primitive through
the mature defenses.3 Defenses do tend to aggregate, as exemplified
by the so-called psychotic triad of denial, distortion, and delusional
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

projection. This primitive, most seriously disordered pattern is asso-

ciated with paranoid psychoses and severe paranoid disorders. In con-
trast, the obsessive-compulsive personality pattern, which will be
described in detail shortly, is associated with a much healthier array
of ego defenses, the neurotic (intermediate) defenses, which include
dissociation, displacement, isolation (or intellectualization), repres-
sion, and reaction formation.
Identifying a characteristic pattern of ego defenses is especially
helpful in predicting behavior under stress, for it is under stress that
these coping mechanisms not only come into play but can become
exaggerated. This is particularly true in the face of serious illness
(Post and Robins 1993) and with increasing age (Post 1973). As peo-
ple grow older, they do not mellow but become more like them-
selves, a veritable self-caricature. Thus the somewhat compulsive
individual whose decision making was unimpaired in the early and
middle decades can become paralyzed by indecision in the later
years. This is apt to be particularly problematic in the face of a crisis,
when, searching for certainty, an individual is required to make a
decision in the face of ambiguous or conflicting information. The
suspicious individual can become frankly paranoid under stress.
Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria, the Soviet secret-police chief, was able to
manipulate Stalin's paranoid tendencies to advantage himself by
eliminating rivals. As with the case of Stalin and Beria, personality
significantly colors interpersonal relationships and thus can
significantly distort relationships within the leadership circle. The
fragile narcissist whose ego is intolerant of criticism may be impelled
to surround himself with sycophants who can significantly distort
his appreciation of political reality.
In exaggerated caricatured form, each of these patterns of person-
ality organization can be psychologically disabling, at which time
they would be considered personality disorders. The essential features
of personality disorders, according to the standard psychiatric diag-
nostic reference,
are deeply ingrained, inflexible, maladaptive patterns of relat-
ing to, perceiving and thinking about the environment and
oneself that are of sufficient severity to cause either significant
impairment in adaptive functioning or subjective distress.
Thus they are pervasive personality traits and are exhibited in a
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

wide range of important social and personal contexts. (APA

1994, 630).
Most of the major personality disorders, such as the avoidant per-
sonality, the dependent personality, and the schizoid personality, are
clearly inconsistent with sustained political leadership; a leader
exhibiting the characteristics of these disorders would not last long
in the seat of power. On the other hand, other personality patterns,
such as the narcissistic personality and the obsessive-compulsive per-
sonality, are disproportionately represented among political leaders.
Though the paranoid personality is not common in the ranks of
political leaders, when it occurs it can have catastrophic conse-
quences for international relations. As previously noted, severe per-
sonality disorders are inconsistent with sustained political leader-
ship, at least in democracies, but under the stress of crisis decision
making, each of the discrete personality patterns can at least tem-
porarily show features of the disorder, and prominent examples of
leaders with the full-blown disorders are found in the pages of his-
tory, particularly in closed societies led by dictators. The stable pat-
tern of defenses is also known as character, or the character armor
(Reich 1933). The personality disorders referred to in this discussion
are also called character disorders.
The Linkage between Personality Types,
Belief Systems, and Leadership Styles
Particular personality types tend to be associated with particular
belief systems and particular leadership styles.4 A major element of
personality—emotional needs and drives—will often constrain the
range of beliefs (or the types of belief system) that individual will
ultimately develop. Paranoid individuals consumed by fear of ene-
mies will not develop an optimistic and benign worldview. Accord-
ingly, discussions of cognitive factors should pay greater attention to
the emotional determinants of beliefs and to the manner in which
personality style affects decision rules and information processing.
One can identify the cognitive approaches typically associated with
particular personality types and emotional needs. Some previous
political science studies of emotional factors have focused narrowly
on only a few traits or needs rather than on larger stable constella-
tions of related traits and needs, that is, personality types.
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

The differentiation among personality types described in this

chapter provides a means of explaining an empirical conclusion that
has dogged belief system approaches for some time; namely, that
some individuals seem to be able to tolerate a great deal of inconsis-
tency in their statements, espoused beliefs, and actions without any
apparent ill effects from cognitive dissonance. For a personality type
frequently encountered in political leaders, the narcissistic personal-
ity, it is extremely hazardous to infer core determinant political
beliefs from public statements, so that the measurement of their
expressed beliefs will demonstrate greater "ambiguity tolerance." To
an extent much greater than for other personality types, the narcis-
sistic individual often, indeed characteristically, publicly espouses
beliefs only for immediate instrumental purposes, that is, for the
immediate political or personal utility derived from their public
association with these beliefs. Methodologically, it is important to
treat the public expressions of beliefs of these individuals in a much
different fashion than one would treat statements of individuals
more inclined to consistency.
Misperceptions and distorted, apparently irrational, decisions can
be produced by "motivated" biases, that is, those driven by emo-
tional drives, or "unmotivated information-processing factors" or
some combination of these. While certain types will be more prone
to misperceptions and miscalculations than other types, nevertheless
all types will have vulnerabilities under certain circumstances to par-
ticular types of suboptimal decision-making behavior. For example,
the individual with a paranoid personality, for a variety of primarily
emotional reasons, has a strong need to maintain his belief system
intact. He had a particular disposition to see hostile intentions in his
adversaries. The paranoid personality will be the most prone to moti-
vated biases, the most prone to disregard information inconsistent
with this belief system, and the least willing to reexamine past poli-
cies in light of new evidence. On the other hand, the obsessive-com-
pulsive personality may engage in suboptimal decision-making
behavior due to a somewhat more complex interaction of emotional
needs and cognitive factors.
Knowledge concerning these personality types has not been
sufficiently applied to the analysis of political leaders. Two of these
personality types—the narcissistic personality and the obsessive-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

compulsive personality—are frequently encountered among politi-

cal and military leaders. The third type, the paranoid personality,
while rarer, can have major political consequences. These three per-
sonality types will be described in greater depth, and special aspects
of their associated styles with implications for political functioning
will be explored.

Personality and Political Behavior: Linkages among Cognitive

Beliefs, Information Processing Styles, Organizational
Propensities, and Political Preferences
In this section, each of the three personality types—narcissistic per-
sonality, obsessive-compulsive personality, and paranoid personal-
ity—will be discussed in relationship to two groups of factors
important to political functioning. First, certain cognitive factors asso-
ciated with each general personality type will be identified. Two dif-
ferent cognitive factors will be examined: cognitive beliefs and cog-
nitive processes. Second, this section will look at certain
organizational propensities and policy preferences, which would tend to
flow from each of the personality types. Examination of the belief
system in relationship to personality types will include the image of
the adversary (e.g., George 1969, 1979), the beliefs about the role of
conflict and the image of the international system (George 1979;
Holsti 1977), and the beliefs about the manner in which war might
start in a crisis. In some cases, associations between a particular per-
sonality type and an operational code belief system (Holsti 1977;
Walker 1990) will also be made.
Cognitive beliefs are closely tied to other personality elements;
affective needs and emotional drives can constrain the particular
form of cognitive belief system that develops. Moreover, the pre-
sumption is that the stronger and more rigid the personality charac-
teristics, the more frequently one would see systematic distortions
that affect information processing associated with particular leader
personality types. For illustrative purposes, crisis behavior will be
the particular form of policy preference examined here. Crisis behav-
ior would include such matters as the types of general approach to
international crisis bargaining, the inclination toward the use of
force in a crisis, and the negotiating style of that personality type in
that crisis.
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

The Narcissist in Power

It is probably not an exaggeration to state that if narcissistic charac-

ters were stripped from the ranks of public figures, the ranks would
be significantly thinned. 5 The label narcissism covers a broad range of
behaviors. At the healthiest end of the narcissistic spectrum are ego-
tistical individuals with extreme self-confidence. But primitive nar-
cissism, so-called malignant narcissism, represents an extremely
severe and dangerous personality disorder, which, in addition to
extreme self-absorption with an incapacity to empathize with others,
is characterized by a paranoid outlook, absence of conscience, and
willingness to use whatever aggression is necessary to accomplish
personal goals.
The following information summarizes the clinical description of
the narcissistic personality disorder as delineated in DSM-IV, the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA 1994). A
number of the features described have obvious relevance to the deci-
sion making and behavior of political leaders.
The essential features of the narcissistic personality disorder are
the following: a grandiose sense of self-importance or uniqueness;
preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success; exhibitionistic
need for constant attention and admiration; characteristic responses
to threats to self-esteem; and characteristic disturbances in interper-
sonal relationships, such as lack of empathy, entitlement, interper-
sonal exploitiveness, and relationships that vacillate between the
extremes of overidealization and devaluation.
The exaggerated sense of self-importance tends to be manifested
as extreme self-centeredness, egocentricity, and self-absorption.
Abilities and achievements tend to be unrealistically overestimated,
but minor setbacks can give a sense of special unworthiness.
There is a preoccupation with fantasies involving unrealistic
goals. These goals may include achieving unlimited power, wealth,
brilliance, beauty, or fame. These fantasies frequently substitute for
realistic activity in pursuit of success. Even when the goals are
satisfied, it is usually not enough; there is a driven quality to the
ambitions that cannot be satisfied.
There is a constant search for admiration and attention and more
concern with appearance than substance. This quality too is insa-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tiable, so there is a constant need for reassurance, a constant concern

for how well he is doing, how well others think of him, and an exag-
gerated response to criticism or defeat, which can lead to feelings of
rage, inferiority, shame, humiliation, or emptiness.
Interpersonal relationships are regularly disturbed. Because these
individuals are so self-absorbed, there is a failure of ability to
empathize with others. Indeed, others are seen as extensions of the
self and are there only to supply admiration and gratification, such
that when an individual is no longer perceived as psychologically
useful, he or she can be dropped suddenly. There is often an exploita-
tive quality to interpersonal relationships. These individuals, who
can be extremely charming, are often described as "sharks."
An aspect of the "special" quality of these individuals is the feel-
ing of entitlement they convey. They expect special treatment from
others, expect others to do what they want, and will be angered when
others fail to live up to their unreasonable demands. They regularly
ignore the rights and needs of others. There is accordingly a major
inability to sustain loyal relationships over time.
There are a number of apparent contradictions in the narcissistic
personality, because for each of the dimensions there is both an overt
and covert aspect (Akhtar and Anderson 1982). Thus the overt pic-
ture of haughty grandiosity overlies feelings of inferiority, which
helps explain the narcissist's continuous search for fame and glory.
There is a hunger for acclaim and a tendency to change meanings of
reality when self-esteem is threatened. The overt picture of zealous
morality overlies a corruptible conscience.

The Narcissistic Personality: Implications for Leadership

The following discussion amplifies the characteristics described pre-
viously in order to highlight the manner in which narcissistic per-
sonality features influence the conduct of leadership. A notable
aspect of the narcissist in power is the manner in which the narcis-
sistic personality seeks to gratify his or her psychological needs
through the exercise of leadership. Despite the apparent sustained
devotion of their energies to socially productive endeavors, and the
selfless rationales, the primary goal of the self-oriented narcissist is
actually to gain recognition, fame, and glory. This search for recog-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

nition and adulation that drives these individuals springs from their
excessive self-absorption, their intense ambition, and their grandiose
fantasies. But underlying and impelling this quest is an inner empti-
ness and uncertainty about identity. Helen Tartakoff, for example,
has written of the Nobel Prize complex, the search for acclaim by
intellectually gifted narcissists (Tartakoff 1966).
The interpersonal relationships of narcissists are regularly and
characteristically disturbed. There is a quality of personal exploitive-
ness, with a disregard for the feelings and needs of others. The nar-
cissist surrounds himself with admirers and requires a constant
stream of adulation from them. Yet it is a one-way street, and when
the loyal followers are no longer useful to the psychological economy
of the narcissist, they can be dropped suddenly without a backward
glance. This precipitous fall from grace will frequently be bewilder-
ing to the individuals dropped, who mistakenly believed they were
highly valued by their hero. Indeed, their provision of psychological
supplies of adulation was valued, but they had not been seen as sep-
arate individuals, with needs of their own, but rather as an extension
of the narcissist. The narcissist is often extremely charming and
delightful to be with, contributing to the false spell cast over his
intimates. Thus there is a characteristic difficulty in sustaining loyal
relationships over time.
The mirror image of the quest for adulation is sensitivity to slight
and criticism. The narcissist is vulnerable, easily hurt, and goes
through complicated maneuvers to avoid being hurt. The narcissist
can put on a mask of cold indifference and can envelop himself in
what Volkan (1980) has called "the glass bubble." Like the Little
Prince, the narcissists feel they live by themselves in splendid isola-
tion, a glorious but lonely existence, enclosed by an impervious but
transparent protection.
Because narcissists are so vulnerable to injury psychologically,
they cannot afford to acknowledge ignorance. This in turn leads to
major difficulties with learning, for the learning process carries with
it an implicit assumption of lack of knowledge and it inhibits pro-
foundly the acceptance of constructive criticism. Dogmatic certainty
with no foundation of knowledge is a posture frequently struck by
the narcissist. This discomfort with learning is related to the sensi-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tivity to constructive criticism. If the narcissist's self-concept of per-

fection and brilliance is to be sustained, no one can give him new
knowledge and no aspect of his understanding is to be faulted.
Volkan has emphasized that the narcissist in power has special
psychological advantages in terms of sustaining his grandiose self-
image. He can actually restructure his reality by devaluing or even
eliminating those who threaten his fragile self-esteem. This leads to
a tendency for the narcissistic leader to be surrounded by sycophants
who sense their leader's need for uncritical adulation and agreement
and who have been sensitized by the abrupt departure of advisers
who dared to criticize or brought unpleasant news. Thus the narcis-
sistic leader can be in touch with reality psychologically but by dint
of surrounding himself with anxious sycophants can be totally out of
touch with political reality. The savvy adviser in such circumstances
will learn to provide recommendations to the narcissist in such a way
that the leader believes it is his own idea, for example, "I agree with
your suggestion that . . . "
The conscience of the narcissist is dominated by self-interest.
Unlike the sociopath, who is without an internal beacon, without an
internalized body of scruples and principles, the narcissist does
indeed have a conscience, but it is a flexible conscience. He sincerely
believes himself to be highly principled but can change positions
and commitments rapidly as "circumstances change." The righteous
indignation with which he stands in judgment of the moral failure of
others often stands in striking contrast to his own self-concerned
behavior. The sincerity of his beliefs is communicated in such a way
that the unwary may be completely persuaded of the sincerity of the
narcissist; and indeed, at that moment, he is sincere.
It is hard to identify the narcissistic personality with any consis-
tent beliefs about the world, the adversary, and so forth, because
these beliefs tend to shift. In addition, more than any other person-
ality types, what the narcissistic personality says should be viewed as
calculated for effect. Accordingly, to place great weight on the analy-
sis of core determining beliefs from speeches when dealing with a
narcissistic personality is apt to lead the unwary political analyst far
astray. Words do not convey deeply held beliefs for the narcissist.
Their only use is instrumental, to enhance his personal position and
gain admiration and support. The only central and stable belief of the
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

narcissist is the centrality of the self. What is good for him is good for his
country. The interesting point here is that this attitude goes beyond
"naked" self-interest. The individual comes to believe that the
national interest and national security are in fact crucially contingent
upon his reelection or reappointment.
The central tendency has interesting implications for the narcis-
sist's image of the adversary. For one thing, the narcissistic personal-
ity has a profound inability to empathize or to understand different
points of view, interests, or perspectives. Perhaps even more impor-
tant, the narcissist tends to greatly exaggerate the degree of influence
one can have on the internal politics or external actions of other
nations. By far the most important cognitive heuristic for the narcis-
sistic personality in trying to understand the world is with reference
to his own personal experiences.
These characteristics of the narcissist make for certain serious
problems in information processing and problem solving. Unlike the
paranoid, who imagines problems that don't exist, or the obsessive-
compulsive, who responds to real problems but in a futile, counter-
productive manner, the narcissistic responds to a totally different
sort of agenda. For the narcissist, the problems are not "What are the
threats to our nation?" and "What can be done to meet these
threats?" but "How can I use this situation to either preserve or
enhance my own reputation?" Information search is undertaken in as
public a manner as possible with a view toward eliciting public
admiration and making the leader "look good."
Generally speaking, the narcissistic personality would show a
preference for a style of management in which he or she is at the cen-
ter and there is a heavy emphasis on support and teamwork from
group members. Because of the narcissist's sensitivity to slight and
the underlying fragility of his or her self-esteem, there would be
strong pressure to avoid dissension to help meet this person's need
for reassurance and to prevent the narcissist in power from looking
bad. Moreover, because of the narcissist's need to be omniscient, to
know everything, it is hard to present the consummate narcissist
with new information. Such action would indicate his ignorance,
which is unacceptable. The purpose of the group is not to generate
new options or to provide additional cognitive capacity for evaluat-
ing these options and not even primarily for reasons of division of
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

labor—its purpose is but to serve as a means for reassurance and sup-

porting the personal needs for attention of the narcissistic individual.
Yet if the followers of the narcissist are able to convey ideas to him
or her in such a way that they seem to be embellishments of his or
her own ideas, this can be effective, as long as they do not try to take
credit themselves for the ideas. Bright individuals seeking to shine
themselves do not last long in the circle of the narcissist. The narcis-
sist in subtle fashion often plays one adviser against another to ensure
that he is the supreme leader, the major domo. The narcissist in
power is particularly apt to stimulate the collective decision-making
malady of groupthink.

The Obsessive-Compulsive Personality in Power

The obsessive-compulsive (O-C) personality is frequently encoun-
tered in government and business executives, scientists and engi-
neers, academic scholars, and military leaders. The strengths of this
personality style—organizational ability, attention to detail, empha-
sis on rational process—all can contribute to significant professional
success. But when these traits become exaggerated, the strengths can
become disabilities. This extremity comprises the O-C personality
disorder. The O-C personality places heavy reliance on the ego
defense of intellectualization, emphasizing rationality and abhorring
emotionality, which implies lack of control.
In summary form, the essential features of the O-C personality dis-
order are the following: preoccupation with matters of rules, order,
organization, efficiency, and detail, with a loss of ability to focus on
"the big picture"; indecisiveness; insistence that others submit to his
or her way of doing things; excessive devotion to work and produc-
tivity to the exclusion of pleasure; serious and formal relationships
with others; and restricted ability to express warm and tender emo-
tions. These features will be described in detail to shed caricatured
light on qualities that, in more subtle form, can systematically
influence decision making and can adversely affect crisis decision
Although maximal efficiency and perfection are the idealized goal,
they are, of course, never attained. Time is regularly poorly allocated,
with the most important tasks left to the last moment. There is an
inappropriate preoccupation with trivial details, causing the indi-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

vidual to lose perspective of the overall picture "not seeing the forest
for the trees."
Decision making is either avoided, postponed, or protracted. This
springs from an inordinate fear of making a mistake, for the over-
weaning goal of the O-C personality is to leave no room for error, to
not make mistakes, to achieve perfection.
The O-C personality places a major positive value on work and
productivity, to the exclusion of pleasure and the value of interper-
sonal relationships. When pleasure is contemplated, such as a vaca-
tion, it requires a great deal of planning and must be worked for. It
is not uncommon for such individuals to keep postponing activities
that are supposed to be pleasurable. The ranks of workaholics are
heavily populated with O-C characters. But while there is intense
preoccupation with work, it is often busywork, because of the ten-
dency to become preoccupied with details. Thus an individual may
spend hours locating a misplaced list rather than recreate the list
from memory in a few minutes.
Frequently such individuals are excessively conscientious, moral-
istic, scrupulous, and judgmental of self and of others. Location in
the interpersonal hierarchy is of great importance to individuals with
this character type, and they are preoccupied with their relative sta-
tus in dominant-submissive relationships. Although oppositional
when subjected to the will of others, they stubbornly insist that oth-
ers submit to their way of doing things and are unaware of the
resentment their behavior induces in others.
These individuals have considerable difficulty showing warm and
tender feelings and are stingy both with their emotions and with
their material possessions. Their everyday relationships tend to be
serious, formal, and conventional, lacking charm, grace, spontaneity,
and humor. Wilhelm Reich (1933) has described these individuals
as "living machines."
In his classic Neurotic Styles, David Shapiro (1967) focuses on three
particular aspects of O-C cognitive style: rigidity, autonomy, and
loss of reality. The rigidity of the compulsive character leads them to
be described as dogmatic or opinionated. Such individuals are per-
ceived as uninfluenceable. It is not that they oppose contrasting
views; rather, they actively disattend to them in the service of perse-
vering with their own views. The O-C will have a sharp focus, will
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

indeed in examining the situation get the facts, but in getting the
facts will not get the picture. As noted earlier, the individual "loses
the forest for the trees."
The preoccupation with productivity and concentration imparts a
special cast to the cognitive style and life-style of these individuals.
They are immensely productive and show impressive abilities to con-
centrate on their work, often cranking out huge volumes of work,
especially in technical areas. But everything seems laborious, deter-
mined, tense, and deliberate; there is a quality of effortfulness, lead-
ing to the frequent characterization of the O-C as "driven." Yet, as
Shapiro notes, if the individual is driven, then he or she is the driver,
for the O-C very much marches to his or her own drummer, is his or
her own harsh taskmaster. The O-C is dominated by shoulds and
oughts. These individuals regularly tell themselves (and others) what
they should do; the language of "wants" is alien. There is a necessity
to maintain a rigid and continuous state of purposeful activity.
The O-Cs then are not free men. While these directives, to which
the O-C is subjected, are on the one hand burdensome, they also pro-
vide clear guidelines for behavior. These individuals do not feel com-
fortable with any nonpurposive activity. To relax for the sake of
relaxation is unthinkable, indeed anxiety producing—thus the grav-
ity with which leisure time activity is planned. The guarded state of
attention, the inability to relax, the preoccupation with "should" are
all in the service of avoiding the loss of control. There is a tight lid
on feelings, an avoidance of impulse or whim.
The O-C personality has major consequences for decision making.
The preoccupation with doing what is "right" places a premium on
avoiding mistakes. O-Cs accordingly often have difficulty coming to
decisional closure, searching for additional evidence to ensure they
are not making a mistake. But they live in a world of ambivalence
and mixed feelings, and their decision making is like that of the
"fiddler on the roof"- -"on the one hand, on the other hand." To
travel through a decision-making process with a thoroughgoing
O-C is an exhausting journey. And just as they apparently are com-
ing to a decision, all of the doubts rush up to question, and often
undo, the conclusion.
This decisional agony can be forestalled if there is a rule that can
be applied. Thus if the elements of a situation fit a psychological
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

template that is well established for the individual— "When one is

in situation a, the right thing to do is b"—he or she can without
thinking apply the formula. If there is no formula, however, the
O-C will become quite anxious. Thus new and unanticipated situa-
tions are particularly threatening.
The preoccupation with detail can lead to a distortion of reality.
Preoccupied with formulas, the O-C, as Shapiro (1967) notes, is con-
cerned with what "fits" rather than what is. He gives the example of
the obsessive man who said of the girl he planned to marry, "I must
be in love with her—she has all the qualities I want in a wife."
As long as the formula fits, certain details and even major facts can
be excluded from attention and ignored. This leads to the dogma-
tism noted earlier but can also lead to significant distortion of the
capacity to evaluate reality.

The Obsessive-Compulsive Personality:

Implications for Leadership
The O-C personality will typically take much longer to develop cog-
nitive beliefs and will be much more uncertain as to the validity of
these beliefs than the narcissistic personality. While the O-C per-
sonality might still ultimately develop a few fixed, black-and-white
beliefs, more typically the O-C personality tends to see a world that
is characterized by shades of gray. In fact, the world is seen as so com-
plex and foreign policy is seen as so subtle that the O-C personality
often despairs of his or her inability to make clear choices. The image
of the adversary tends to be mixed, therefore. One is always in some
state of uncertainty.
For the O-C personality, the drive in life is to achieve certainty, to
try to put a modicum of order in a chaotic world. This perspective
colors the O-C's view of the origin and nature of international
conflict. International conflict is due first of all to lack of order in the
international system; that is, international anarchy is at the root of
international conflict. There may be other causes as well (e.g.,
aggressive motivations of some nations)—one never knows—but the
anarchy is always a necessary contributing factor. As long as anarchy
exists, conflict will persist.
The O-C is characterized more by rigidity in cognitive processes
rather than by rigidity in cognitive beliefs. (This is in sharp contrast
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

with the paranoid personality, whose beliefs are fixed.) The exact
nature of these processes may vary from individual to individual;
nevertheless, one can identify some commonalities among all O-Cs.
One commonality is the decisional imperative: "Act only after gath-
ering as much information as possible." Another related imperative
is to "Preserve one's options as long as possible." Like the paranoid
individual, the O-C individual will want to receive raw data. How-
ever, both the scope and the magnitude of these information requests
are much greater in the O-C. The O-C will want to see the minutiae
about almost everything. The strong preference here is to act later
rather than sooner, preferring procrastination rather than the dan-
gers of hasty action or "premature closure." Due to this lack of cer-
tainty, the O-C will have a strong tendency to opt, by default, for the
status quo or perhaps make incremental change. The O-C has a
strong bias for satisficing rather than optimizing.
The O-C personality will have a tendency to focus on concrete and
quantifiable data rather than the abstract, nonquantifiable dimen-
sions. This is an ironic development for the personality type, which
more than any other tends to recognize the complexity of the world
and tends to want to avoid "simplistic" understandings of issues. It
is important to understand that the process the O-C adopts is coun-
terproductive. When confronted with uncertainty (essentially, when
faced with any policy decision), the O-C responds by becoming
immersed in as many details as possible in a quixotic quest to some-
how "fully understand" the issue. What happens is that this drive is
so obsessive, and the data search and immersion in minutiae so
extensive, that the O-C begins to lose perspective. Paradoxically, in
the drive to understand the subtleties of the situations, the O-C is
forced, unconsciously, to place a heavy reliance on very simplistic
cognitive shortcuts, most particularly, to focus on concrete and
quantifiable data rather than on abstract data. Eventually, he simply
becomes overwhelmed with minutiae and raw data, and he begins to
think of issues in terms of data. The use of quantifiable indices
becomes a convenient and readily available shorthand for under-
standing the issue. Unlike the paranoid, who is more belief driven,
the O-C is more data driven. The absence of definitive data is
extremely anxiety producing.
Most O-Cs tend to prefer a formalistic style of management. This
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

management style is most compatible with theit strong need for

order and regularity. Because of their strong need for raw data, how-
ever, many O-Cs would not be content with the summaries and gen-
eral policy analysis of their immediate advisers. Instead, they would
request—following normal channels—much of the raw data and
subanalyses that went into these reports. Thus they have a great deal
of difficulty delegating and relying upon subordinates, who, after all,
might make a mistake.
The inclination of the O-C is to wait in a crisis rather than to take
immediate, dramatic action. The O-C decides by default: often to go
with the status quo. As a natural consequence of their tendency
toward procrastination and incremental responses, O-C personalities
will tend to feel (probably accurately) that they are always "behind
the power curve," that as much as they try, they can never seem to be
quite on top of crises (and events in general). When a decision is
forced, there is a strong imperative to adopt a middle or mixed
course—one that preserves one's options as long as possible. In bar-
gaining terms, the O-C personality would favor both the "carrot and
the stick" rather than one or the other, or he or she would have a care-
fully prescribed sequence for introducing one and then the other. If
escalation were to occur, it would be measured or incremental in
nature; it would tend not to be dramatic. The O-C would be adverse
to dramatic political-diplomatic solutions, as well as to major mili-
tary escalation, because these might narrow one's options. In mili-
tary actions or diplomatic activities, there is a tendency to elevate
process over substance. The O-C personality may, for example, begin
to see diplomacy as exclusively the procedures and the process.
Dominated by a strong conscience, the O-C personality is a "man
of his word." When he has made a commitment in negotiations, he
can be relied upon, in contrast to the narcissistic personality, who
can reverse commitments as circumstances dictate. Moreover, to the
extent that the O-C has committed to writing policy goals and pref-
erences, these can be taken as a reliable map of intentions.

The Paranoid Personality

The essential features of the paranoid personality disorder are a per-
vasive and long-standing suspiciousness and mistrust of people in
general. Individuals with this disorder are hypersensitive and easily
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

slighted. They continually scan the environment for clues that vali-
date their original prejudicial ideas, attitudes, or biases. Their affec-
tive experience is severely limited.
In Neurotic Styles, Shapiro (1967) describes in detail formal fea-
tures of suspicious thinking, the sine qua non of the paranoid per-
sonality. A striking quality is pervasive rigidity. Suspicious people
have something on their mind, and they search repetitively, and
only, for confirmation of it. Suspicious people do not ignore new data
but examine them extremely carefully. The goal of the examination
is to find confirmation of their suppositions, dismissing evidence
that disconfirms their fearful views and seizing upon what appar-
ently confirms them.
In many life circumstances, being suspicious and on guard is both
appropriate and adaptive. However, psychologically healthy individ-
uals can abandon their suspicions when they are presented with con-
vincing contradictory evidence. Paranoid individuals, in contrast,
have a firm conclusion in search of evidence. Hostile, stubborn, and
defensive, they will reject evidence that disproves their suspicions.
Indeed, well-meaning attempts to reassure them or reason with them
will usually provoke anger, and the "helpful one" may become the
object of suspicions as well. Paranoids are hypervigilant, ever alert to
a hostile interpersonal environment, always expecting plots and
betrayal. They have a readiness to see themselves alone, surrounded
by enemies. This explains why paranoia is the most political of men-
tal disorders, because of the requirement for enemies.6
Paranoids tend to be rigid and unwilling to compromise. In a new
situation, they intensely and narrowly search for confirmation of
their bias with a loss of appreciation of the total context. They usu-
ally find what they anticipated finding. Theirs is a world of hidden
motives and special meanings. They have a readiness to counterat-
tack against a perceived threat and can become excited over small
matters, "making mountains out of molehills."
Priding themselves on always being objective, unemotional, and
rational, they are uncomfortable with passive, soft, sentimental, and
tender feelings. They avoid intimacy except with those they
absolutely trust, a minute population. They show an exaggerated
need to be self-sufficient, relying on no one. They avoid participating
in a group setting unless they are in a dominant position. Keenly
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

aware of rank and power and superiority or inferiority, they are often
jealous of and rivalrous with people in power. Their wary hypervigi-
lance and readiness to retaliate often generate fear and uneasiness in
others. One treads carefully around a paranoid, "walks on eggshells,"
lest he or she become upset.
Thus pervasive suspiciousness is at the core of paranoid individu-
als and colors every aspect of their behavior and thinking. The suspi-
cious cognitive style of the paranoid has a number of formal charac-
teristics, of which Shapiro (1967) considers rigidity the most
fundamental one. Paranoids look at the world with fixed expecta-
tions. They know the Truth in advance and accordingly know what
they are looking for. They will examine data extremely carefully,
"seeing through" what does not confirm their expectations and seiz-
ing on the elements of the data that confirm their fixed beliefs. This
rigidity, as Shapiro notes, has the quality of directedness. Their ideas
are not the mere product of an overactive imagination but are the
result of disproportionate attention to confirmatory details that are
the result of intense and penetrating observation. What is the under-
lying premise that is being confirmed by this directed attention? It
is the premise of external danger. Thus the essential cognitive feature
of the paranoid is a rigid, intentional search for external danger. Because
the premise of external danger is a fixed conclusion in search of
confirmatory evidence, there is at the same time intentional disregard
of disconfirming evidence.
In addition to the qualities of rigidity and intentionality, another
key quality of paranoid individuals that influences their cognitive
style is hyperalertness and hypersensitivity. Always on the alert for dan-
ger, their antennae constantly sweeping the horizon for signs of
threat, paranoids will mobilize their rigid intentional cognitive
mode in the face of anything unusual or out of the ordinary. Thus
anything surprising is extremely distressing to an individual with
this mind-set. Their world has been disturbed, their structure
undone. A goal of the searching that is mobilized is to bring that
which was out of control under control.
Clearly, insofar as paranoid individuals intentionally seek out only
data that confirm their premise of external danger and systematically
exclude evidence to the contrary, their evaluation of reality is often
skewed. In effect, their views of external reality are distorted by their
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

internal needs. In searching for details, paranoid individuals do not

accurately place events in the totality of their context. The search for
a particular kind of tree regularly has them not apprehending the
quality of the landscape, be it forest or meadow.
The primary basis of the paranoid style's characteristic suspicious-
ness is an overreliance on the ego defense of projection—the attribution
to external figures of internal motivation, drives, or other feelings that are
intolerable and hence repudiated in oneself. Projection, as Shapiro notes,
distorts the significance of apparent reality; it is an autistic interpre-
tive distortion of external reality. It is regularly observed that there
is usually a core of reality in a paranoid notion, that "projection is a
compromise with reality," that "the paranoid meets reality halfway."
An important characteristic of the paranoid that has significant
implications for leadership style but also affects cognitive style is the
exaggerated need for autonomy. Paranoids are constantly seeking
evidence that dangerous others are out to control them or to betray
them. The only defense in such a dangerous world is to rely on no
one, to exaggeratedly emphasize independence and autonomy.
Paranoid individuals guard against losing control of their feelings,
especially warm, soft, tender, and passive feelings. This is in the ser-
vice of avoiding submission, of yielding to another. There can be no
yielding to pressure or authority. This exaggerated fear of submis-
sion is a reaction to a strong wish to submit, a wish that is unaccept-
able to the paranoid and must be avoided at all costs. Being on guard
at all times against one's feelings blocks all spontaneity. There can be
no humor or playfulness, and, absent spontaneity, there is clearly a
major inhibition of creative expression. Shapiro (1967) has charac-
terized this constant state of internal surveillance as "an internal
police state." Like an army, the paranoid is constantly on alert, mobi-
lized to counterattack against the ever-present danger.
Thus paranoids are simultaneously defending themselves against
external danger and internal impulses, a burdensome and exhausting
psychological war on two fronts. As internal tension builds, suspi-
ciousness grows, and through the process of projection an external
and more manageable threat is constructed. The individual then has a
state of heightened alertness, a state of continuous, alert guardedness
against the now external danger.
It is evident that individuals who view the world through a suspi-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

cious lens and are continually seeking to confirm their core premise
of external danger, against which they must defend themselves, have
significant constraints on their interpretation of the political world
and their manner of dealing with it.
It is clear from the foregoing discussion that there are many simi-
larities between the O-C personality and the paranoid personality.
For both, there is a focus on detail, an emphasis on autonomy, and a
guarded rigidity. But these qualities have significant differences too.
The O-C fixes on details, while the paranoid searches for clues. The
O-C is searching for certainty, while the paranoid is searching for
confirmation of a fixed conclusion of danger. While the O-C is stub-
born and obstinate, the paranoid is touchy and guarded. The O-C is
dominated by conscience, by what he or she should do, whereas the
paranoid is dominated by fear and is in a constant state of perceived
external danger. There are many points of continuity, but the para-
noid style is more extreme, more unstable, and more psychologically

The Paranoid in Power: Implications for Political Behavior

The paranoid personality tends to hold very strong, rigidly
entrenched cognitive beliefs. Of all the personality types, this type is
the one most motivated to seek to maintain internal consistency
among cognitive beliefs—often at the expense of an "objective"
examination of incoming information. The paranoid personality typ-
ically includes a belief system with a vivid and central image of the
adversary. As one might suspect, the adversary is seen as inherently
and pervasively evil and a major and incorrigible threat to one's own
personal/national interest. There is little doubt that the adversary
will respond to conciliatory goals by taking advantage of them. The
paranoid personality, by definition, sees adversaries everywhere.
Therefore, the individual sees the world in polarized terms. The
paranoid's world is a Manichean universe, divided into two camps—
allies and adversaries; neutrals are impossible. "If you are not
strongly for me—you must be against me."
There is a powerful tendency to exaggerate greatly not only the
hostile nature of the adversary's intentions but the adversary's polit-
ical and military skill and ability to take threatening actions rela-
tively unconstrained by logistical, chronological, or informational
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

constraints. The paranoid personality tends to view the adversary as

highly rational, highly unified, in total control of all his or her
actions. People or nations are never compelled to do things by virtue
of circumstances. Rather, their actions are always a product of their
negative adversarial qualities. For example, there is no such thing as
a "defensive" action by the adversary taken solely to protect their
own security—all actions of one's adversary are necessarily "aggres-
sive." The attitude toward the adversary's military capabilities is
oddly mixed. On the one hand, there is a tendency to exaggerate the
adversary's military capabilities as to the degree to which they
threaten one's own interests—the paranoid assumes that they do.
One can never safely assume that the adversary's military potential is
so small that it will never become a threat, even if it isn't one now.
On the other hand, the paranoid personality often exaggerates his or
her own capability to temporarily (though never permanently)
thwart the capabilities of this adversary.
The world is a conflictual place, and the source of conflict is the
evil nature or character of other nations or people. War would never
emerge in a crisis for inadvertent reasons; war occurs because of the
nefarious, aggressive motivations of the adversary. Under no circum-
stances is international conflict attributed to anarchy or even to an
absence of balance between forces in the system.
The information-processing style and cognitive heuristics of the
paranoid personality are closely associated with the belief system
described previously. There is often a heavy and very simplistic over-
reliance on historical analogies that reinforce this black-and-white
view of the world. In other words, when confronted with a new situ-
ation in world politics, the paranoid personality, like the narcissistic
personality, would tend to say, "This is like what happened to me."
Precisely because of the rigidity of the beliefs and the central
importance of the adversary image in the paranoid's worldview, this
individual is heavily biased in favor of worst-case analysis of almost
any incoming information. In fact, the information search pattern
will be exclusively tactical in nature because the long-term objec-
tives of the adversary are already known. The paranoid individual
will seek information on the probable military or political ploys this
adversary is likely to employ in this instance and the various coun-
ters to these ploys. An important related topic of interest will be
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

information relating to the "enemy within" or "fifth column activ-

ity." The adversary is believed to be very creative and devious in this
sort of covert subversion, and people of one's own nation who do not
fully share the views of the paranoid leader are believed to be either
suspect themselves or, at best, naive, unwitting dupes.
Faced with the need to make a decision, the paranoid personality
will manifest a strong tendency to act sooner rather than to procras-
tinate, out of fear that "he who hesitates is lost."
The paranoid personality will gravitate toward one of two man-
agement styles described by Alexander George (1991). The paranoid
in power will adopt either a competitive style or a formalistic style.
The decision will be made largely on the basis of whether that indi-
vidual can identify a few individuals that he or she can trust. If he or
she can, there will often be a propensity for a formalistic style with
all information and contacts funneled through these few (often one
or two—and certainly no more than a handful) uniquely trusted
individuals. More often, however, the paranoid will adopt a manage-
ment style that is closer to the competitive model described by
George. The assumption is that one can't trust any one source of
information or any one concentration of power. So to garner diverse
information and, most important, to prevent the rise of any potential
internal threats, the paranoid leader adopts a management style that
seeks to play one adviser or one bureaucracy off another one. Para-
noid political decision makers, especially those with a competitive
management style, will often manifest an almost insatiable desire for
raw data. They will typically not be satisfied with the analyses and
conclusions of people working under them. The manipulative subor-
dinate can take advantage of the paranoid leader's suspiciousness to
plant suspicions concerning bureaucratic rivals, as did Beria with
Because of the paranoid's image of the world as very conflictual
and because of the image of the adversary as incorrigibly aggressive
and politically devious, the paranoid leader has a strong preference
for the use offeree over persuasion. In other words, the leader would
prefer a fait accompli that directly affects the capabilities of the
adversary to a coercive threat that tries to affect the willingness of the
adversary to threaten. The point is to alter leadership or capabilities
of adversaries rather than try to "persuade" the adversaries not to do
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

something or to alter their behavior. In a crisis, there is a strong pref-

erence for what is seen as preemptive action. The paranoid may even
initiate a crisis or a war out of the belief that preventive action
against the adversary is necessary and that one might as well "strike
while the iron is hot"; that is, since the adversary is preparing to act,
it is preferable to act first while the military balance is more in one's
In those instances when the use of brute force is not seen as prac-
tically feasible, then coercion through threat of military retaliation
(deterrence or compellance) becomes the preferred method of crisis
bargaining. A preponderance of force is preferable to a balance of
force or to rough equivalence to help one achieve this coercion. This
preponderance has no practical limits because the paranoid can never
be satisfied that he or she has attained enough arms or military capa-
bility. Negotiations and diplomacy may be viewed as either largely
efforts that ratify the military status quo or exercises in Machiavel-
lian deception and counterdeception. Accommodation is used only
to lull the adversary into lowering his guard.
Having described these pure character types in detail for illustra-
tive purposes, it is important to emphasize that most individuals,
and most leaders, possess a broad array of characteristics that do not
fit one pure type. Rather, it is the predominance of one style over
another that affects outcomes.
The healthy leader personality has characteristics that contribute
to effective leadership, to sound decision making, to accurate diag-
nosis of the environment, and to effective work with a leadership cir-
cle chosen for their expertise and wisdom and from whom the self-
confident leader can learn and take wise counsel.

Concluding Thoughts
What the single case studies provide that is particularly valuable is a
longitudinal perspective that offers a framework for understanding
the manner in which previous life experiences help shape and
influence political behavior and help distinguish between political
behaviors that are role dependent and those that reflect strong per-
sonality influences, where leader personality is particularly engaged
by the political circumstances. A key aspect linking the psychobio-
graphic and psychodynamic approaches is understanding psycholog-
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

ical themes ingrained during adolescence that psychologically con-

tinue to influence throughout the life cycle. As has been emphasized,
dreams die hard, and pursuit of the dreams of glory formed during
adolescence can drive a leader throughout his lifetime, having special
force at the midlife transition and during the later years' transition.
A significant emphasis of the approach described for developing
the political personality profile is identifying stable and enduring
aspects of leader personality, including cognitive, affective, and
interpersonal elements. Implying a linkage between belief systems,
attitudes, and leadership style, the nature of personality puts con-
straints upon information processing and the nature of relationships
with the leadership circle. Leader personality importantly influences
negotiating behavior as well as crisis decision making. Because per-
sonality is stable over time, the longitudinal approach helps identify
enduring patterns of behavior.
Three important leader personality types—the narcissist, the
obsessive-compulsive, and the paranoid—and their implications for
political behavior have been described at length to illustrate this
important principle. These patterns are deeply ingrained and, when
present, permeate all aspects of political behavior—crisis decision
making, strategic decision making, negotiating behavior, world-
view, and relationships with the leadership circle. The centrality of
the self for the narcissist influences all aspects of political behavior.
The narcissist's sensitivity to slight and need to be seen as all know-
ing and perfect tends to lead to a sycophantic leadership circle. The
flexible conscience makes the narcissist's use of words instrumental,
with no organized belief system, and commitments can change as
circumstances change. For the obsessive-compulsive, there is a ten-
dency to get lost in details. The search for certainty can be particu-
larly troubling in crisis situations, leading to procrastination and
indecisiveness. The centrality of intellectual processes and the strong
conscience of the obsessive-compulsive have important implications
for negotiations, as well as the ability to identify central beliefs from
language. The dominance of paranoid individuals' conviction that
enemies surround them colors not only their view of political adver-
saries but also interferes with their capacity to trust their own advis-
ers. Because these personality patterns are so deeply ingrained, they
can be detected early in a political career and can reliably be pre-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

dieted to continue to affect leadership behavior throughout the

political career and become intensified with stress. These personality
qualities do not mellow with age. Indeed, these characteristics tend
to become intensified with the passage of years.

Appendix: Conceptual Framework and Organization Design for an

Integrated Political Personality Profile

Jerrold Post
PART I. Psychobiographic Discussion: The Development of the Individual in
the Context of the Nation's History (use parallel time lines)*
1. Cultural and historical background. Describe constraints of the political
culture on the role of leader.
2. Family origins and early years
a. Family constellation—grandparents, parents, siblings;
relationships—politics of family
b. Heroes and models
3. Education and Socialization
a. Climate in country
b. Student years, examples of leadership
4. Professional career
a. Mentors
b. Early career
c. Successes and failures
5. The subject as leader
a. Key events
b. Crises
c. Key political relationships, influences
6. Family and friends
PART n. Personality
1. General personal description
a. Appearance and personal characteristics (include description of
lifestyle, work/personal life balance, working hours, hobbies,
b. Health (include energy level, drinking, drug use)
2. Intellectual capacity and style
a. Intelligence

The analyst is required to develop two time lines, one indicating key events
in the life of the subject, the second indicating key events in the nation's history.
By moving these lines parallel, a visual representation is created of the impact of
historical events on individual development.
Assessing Leaders at a Distance

b. Judgment
c. Knowledge
d. Cognitive complexity
3. Emotional reactions
a. Moods, mood variability
b. Impulses and impulse control
4. Drives and character structure
a. Identify personality type (if possible)
b. Psychodynamics
i. Self-concept/self-esteem
ii. Basic identification
iii. Neurotic conflicts
c. Reality (sense of/testing/adaptation to)
d. Ego defense mechanisms
e. Conscience and scruples
f. Psychological drives, needs, motives (discriminate to degree possible
among drive for power, for achievement, for affiliation)
g. Motivation for seeking leadership role (to wield power, to occupy seat
of power, to achieve place in history)
5. Interpersonal relationships
a. Identify key relationships and characterize nature of relationships
i. Inner circle, including unofficial advisors, "kitchen cabinet"
ii. Superiors
iii. Political subordinates
iv. Political allies, domestic and international
v. Political rivalries, international adversaries
PART in. Worldview
1. Perceptions of political reality (include cultural influences/biases)
2. Core beliefs (include concept of leadership, power)
3. Political philosophy, ideology, goals, and policy views (domestic, foreign,
and economic policy views and view of U.S. Include discussion of which
issues most interest the leader, in which issue areas his or her experience
lies, and which issues are particularly salient for the leader's political psy-
chology). Note that not all leaders have a core political philosophy or
body of governing political ideas.
4. Nationalism and identification with country
PART iv. Leadership Style
i. General characteristics (include discussion of the role expectations—both
general public and elite—placed on the individual, emphasizing the
leader's political and cultural determinants and skill in fulfilling them)
a. How subject defines his or her role
b. Relationship with public
c. Oratorical skill and rhetoric
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

2. Strategy and tactics—goal-directed behavior

3. Decision making and decision implementation style
a. Strategic decision making
b. Crisis decision making
c. How does leader use staff/inner circle? Does the leader vet decisions or
use them only for information? How collegial? E>oes the leader sur-
round himself or herself with sycophants or choose strong self-
confident subordinates?
d. Dealing with formal and informal negotiating style
PART v. Outlook
1. Note particularly political behavior closely related to personality issues.
Relate personality to key issues, emphasizing in which direction the psy-
chological factors point. Estimate drives, values, and characteristics that
are the most influential.
2. Attempt to predict how the individual will interact with other political
figures, including opposition leaders and other key foreign leaders.


1. Traditional elements include appearance; level of activity; speech and lan-

guage; intelligence; knowledge; memory; thought content arid delusions; drives
and affects, including anxiety, aggression, hostility, sexuality, activity and pas-
sivity, shame and guilt, and depression; evaluation of reality; judgment; inter-
personal relations, including capacity for empathy; identity and ambivalence;
and characteristic ego defenses.
2. For an excellent example of the systematic application of the traditional
elements of psychiatric diagnosis applied to a historical figure, see the psy-
chopathological assessment of Adolph Hitler in Redlich1998.
3. Drawing on the works of early neo-Freudian Elvin Semrad, Vaillant
(1992) has identified four levels of defensive organization. He identifies the psy-
chotic triad of denial, distortion, and delusional projection as representing the
most primitive level of psychological organization. The immature defenses
include projection, passive aggression, acting out, and fantasy. The neurotic
(intermediate) defenses include dissociation, displacement, isolation (or intellec-
tualization), repression, and reaction formation. Mature defenses include sup-
pression, sublimation, and altruism.
4. This discussion of the relationship among three key personality types,
leadership style, and worldview draws on Post and Rogers 1988.
5. This section draws significantly on Post 1992.
6. See Robins and Post 1997. This volume offers an extended treatment of
the political manifestations of paranoia. A number of the key points expanded at
length in Robins and Post 1997 are summarized in a preliminary article (Robins
and Post 1987).
5. Psychoanalytic Assessments
of Character and Performance in
Presidents and Candidates: Some
Observations on Theory and Method

Stanley A. Renshon

Modern democracies place individuals at their helm with access to

immense power and, of necessity, grant them enormous discretion in
its use. Therefore, the competence and integrity in exercising the
authority with which the leaders of democracies are entrusted is no
minor matter. Leaders who corruptly or ineptly use the awesome
means at their disposal endanger not only the success of the policies
they propose but the fabric of trust and hopeful expectation that
binds citizens to each other and their institutions. In short, the psy-
chology of presidents matters enormously. Their ambition, values,
integrity, and ways of dealing with the issues they face make a pro-
found difference in the success or failure of their time in office.
Understandably, Americans have become increasingly interested
over the last four decades in trying to learn something about the per-
sonal characteristics of their leaders. This interest has, however, been
repeatedly frustrated and in some cases thwarted. What are the per-
sonal and professional standards by which one can reasonably evalu-
ate presidential candidates? Is every personal characteristic of a can-
didate a matter of political concern, and, if not, which ones are and
why? Finally, even if we agree that certain personal qualities do have
important implications for how presidents approach and carry out
their responsibilities, the question remains, How are we to discern
these qualities without relying on candidates' views of themselves?

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

After all, as the public has become more concerned with the personal
qualities of its leaders, they in turn have become increasingly sophis-
ticated in presenting themselves as they would prefer to be seen
rather than as they are.
Any answer to the question of what personal qualities are impor-
tant in a president necessarily directs to psychology to help answer
the question. However, as Greenstein (1969) pointed out some years
ago in his seminal consideration of the dilemmas that political sci-
entists face in turning to psychology, they more often find rival the-
ories and unanswered questions than easily borrowed solutions.
Moreover, deciding which psychological theory or theories to use
does not fully resolve all the issues involved in such an effort. One
needs not only a theory of psychology but a theory of leadership per-
formance with which to link it.

Presidential Performance: Which Psychology?

Let us begin with trait psychology. Americans have, for many years,
routinely evaluated leaders on their personal and political traits, for
example, integrity, leadership, and even intelligence (cf. Krosnick
and Kinder 1990). The use of traits to evaluate presidential candi-
dates has much to recommend it. Traits seem distinct and specific
and, from the standpoint of assessment, amenable to measurement at
a distance. We can generally tell if a candidate appears well
informed, at ease under pressure, or charismatic.
Moreover, in some instances, the relationship between a trait and
a desirable political capacity seems self-evident. It is easy, for exam-
ple, to see why a candidate's honesty is important when citizens are
often asked to accept a president's statements about policy actions
and the reasons for it. So, too, a concern with a candidate's intelli-
gence would seem to be related, if not always directly, to an ability
to grasp and perhaps resolve complex public problems.
As intuitively appealing as trait evaluations might be, however,
there are a number of substantial problems in using isolated traits as
the primary tool of candidate assessment. For example, a singular
focus on intelligence as IQ may obscure other personal or cognitive
skills that might inform skillful presidential decision making or
judgment. Moreover, a focus on intelligence as an isolated trait
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

neglects to ask the purposes to which intelligence is put. That, of

necessity, involves us in a consideration of an individual's motiva-
Rather than considering traits in isolation, it is useful to consider
a theory of psychological functioning that focuses on broad patterns
of motivation and the more specific patterns of personality and
behavior that develop from it. One advantage of such a theory is that
it provides a theoretical link by which any particular personality
trait might be more firmly anchored in a deeper understanding of its
role in the person's overall psychology. In doing so, it provides some
insight into the ways in which particular traits, viewed in the con-
text of a person's overall psychology, affect or might be more usefully
viewed in relationship to responsibilities of office. A strong intelli-
gence embedded in and shaped by a strong motivation to do what is
"right" will differ from one embedded in a motivation structure
dominated by self-interest.
An obvious candidate for such a theory is psychoanalytic theory.
Early psychoanalytic theory and its more sophisticated successors pro-
vide a broad view of human motivation and psychological functioning.
It is also a framework whose theoretical source is found in everyday
behavior. As a result, it is a theory rich in possibilities for understand-
ing the responsibilities and performance of political leaders.
However, like every other theory, it has several drawbacks as well.
Although all psychoanalysts accept the existence of unconscious
motivation, the importance of early experience as a foundation of an
individual's psychology, and the view that individuals develop stable
and understandable patterns of adult functioning that reflect how
they have been able to integrate their experiences, skills, and cir-
cumstances, there is no single psychoanalytic theory. Some focus on
the primacy of childhood; others stress adulthood. Some focus on the
internalization of object representations; others stress the importance
of interpersonal relations. Some view motivation through the prism
of instinctual drives; others view it through the prism of what it
takes to develop and maintain a coherent, vital sense of self. Green-
stein's (1969) well-taken point is as relevant for different kinds of
psychoanalytic theory as it is more generally for theories of psycho-
logical functioning. The theoretically sophisticated and contextually
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

sensitive analysis by the Georges (1956) of the impact of Woodrow

Wilson's formative childhood and adult experiences on his substan-
tial political accomplishments is an exemplar of such analysis.
Derived from psychoanalytic theory, the present framework for
the analysis of presidential candidates and others leaders (developed
in Renshon 1996a, 1996b) is guided by several considerations.
Among these is the consideration to develop a framework for analyz-
ing character psychology (i) that focuses on a character's nature and
specific content rather than argues its importance primarily on its
dynamic functioning; (2) that does not require information only
available, if at all, in a psychotherapeutic setting; and (3) in which
the theory of character and psychological functioning could be
directly and plausibly linked with the analysis of leadership perfor-

Character as a Framework for the Analysis

of Presidential Performance
The term character is derived from the Greek word ;(CCpcCKTr|p, which
means "engraving." Allport (1961, 2—3), in his classic work on per-
sonality theory, defines character as "a person's patterns of traits or
his lifestyle." He distinguishes the term character from personality.
According to Allport, personality denotes "appearance, visible
behavior, surface quality," while character implies "deep (perhaps
inborn), fixed and basic structure." Baudry reaffirms that the term
character refers to
the broadest grouping of stable, typical traits by which we rec-
ognize a particular person. Our concept of character is made
necessary that we find in individuals reoccurring clusters of
trait with a degree of consistency suggesting that some under-
lying principles govern the selection, ordering and relations of
these traits to one another. (1989, 656)
The early understanding of character reflected three basic clinical
observations: (i) it was central to an individual's psychological and
social functioning, (2) its consequences could be observed in stable
patterns of public behavior, and (3) it was present and observable in
diverse circumstances, though, contrary to the views of some "situa-
tional psychologists," each character element is not required to be
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

equally present in all circumstances. Situations may call forth char-

acter elements or alternatively may inhibit them. Some situations
might be more highly resonant with a person's history or needs than
others and thus be more likely to engage character elements. Unfor-
tunately, the early understanding of character grew out of clinical
practice with its emphasis on disturbance of function. The view of
character as essentially the sum of a person's defensive mechanisms
or his or her deficient resolution of psychological or developmental
dilemmas does not provide a useful guide for the analysis of charac-
ter in our political leaders, who are not prone to reveal their inner-
most fears and characteristics and who indeed strive to present them-
selves in the best light possible. Moreover, focusing as it does on
explaining deficiencies and disruptions of psychological functioning,
this view of character does not provide much help, as most leaders
have substantial character strengths and skills.
How then can we better conceptualize character? We begin by
pointing out that character differs from other psychological features
in that it is pervasive across time, circumstance, and interior psy-
chology, including belief systems, information processes, and all the
other elements that orient individuals for work. Beliefs, attitudes,
and even neuroses typically represent only small parts of the total
personality system. Each may be relevant to, and therefore engaged
only in, limited areas of functioning. Character, on the other hand,
stands at the core of the personality system and is the basic founda-
tion upon which personality structures develop and operate. The
development and operation of character shape beliefs, information
processing, and ultimately styles of behavior. Character is, therefore,
deeply embedded in the most basic and important foundation of psy-
chological functioning.
From this perspective, character is not conceptualized as a leader's
supreme virtue or failing but rather as a set of psychological patterns
that he or she brings to every circumstance. Character, in this sense,
is the answer to the question of how we can best understand a leader's
psychology. It is the foundation of one's stance toward the world. It
reflects the fundamental elements at the core of people—their basic
ambitions, the ideals and values by which they live, and their rela-
tionships with others. Although character runs deep, knowledge of it
does not necessarily require leaders to expose themselves to psycho-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

analytic inquiry. We get to know a person's character in the presi-

dency, as in ordinary life, by paying attention to the steady accumu-
lation of choices we see him make, both in and away from the public
spotlight. Character is reflected as much in a president's observable
behavior as it is in the deepest recesses of his psyche.

The Character-Performance Framework

The framework developed in Renshon ic>c)6b and applied to Presi-
dent Clinton (Renshon 1996a) and later to Republican presidential
candidate Robert Dole (Renshon 1998a) draws on a theory of char-
acter with three major elements. Ambition is the domain of a person's
aspirations and the skills that he or she has developed to reali2e
them. We must all figure out what we want to do in life and refine
the skills that help us realize these ambitions, if we are to be suc-
Character integrity is the domain of a person's ideals and values—
the moral, ethical, and motivational principles that provide a true-
to-self compass through choices. Every person must develop princi-
ples for navigating life's inevitable, but often unclear or difficult,
choices. Some will aspire to high ideals but will fail to put them into
practice. Others will be guided primarily by self-interest but will
present their choices as if they are in the public's interests. A smaller
number will struggle to remain faithful to their ideals, even when it
is difficult to do so.
Relatedness refers to the domain of our interpersonal relationships,
the nature and quality of our relationships with others. Every person
exists and lives in an ocean of others. Others are our friends and our
enemies, our allies and our competitors, and our most trusted and
intimate relations; we may move toward, away, or against others, or
stand apart from them, but we cannot avoid them (Horney 1937).
They are as central to our emotional lives as oxygen is to our physi-
cal ones.
It is important to underscore that these three elements of charac-
ter serve as a framework for analysis. They reflect a theory hinging on
the proposition that the three elements are essential and interrelated.
However, unlike Barber's ([1972] 1992) theory of presidential char-
acter or Lasswell's (1930) theory of democratic or political character
types, this framework has no pretensions to exhaustive, mutually
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

exclusive categorizations. Rather, from the perspective of this frame-

work, it remains to be determined in each particular case just how
each of the character elements is related, individually and in combi-
nation, to the essential elements of leadership performance. With
this framework, each element requires the reality of data to give it
meaning, and any particular package of elements represented by an
individual's psychology is a matter that emerges from the data, not
from placement in a category.
The framework also does not make or require a priori assumptions
about the way(s), if any, each or several of the character elements are
related to the twin pillars of presidential performance, judgment in
decision making and political leadership.

Applying the Framework

The theory underlying the framework of analysis developed in The
Psychological Assessment of Presidential Candidates (Renshon 1996b)
focuses on selecting American presidents. Yet, as noted in the book,
it was not intended to be a theory of presidential character. The
framework consists of two parts: a theory of character and a theory of
presidential role performance.
Let us first consider the importance of ambition in presidential
candidates. The book argues that the nature of the modern presi-
dency and what was needed to obtain it made high ambition more of
a given than a variable. That is, almost all candidates could be
assumed to have strong ambition since the investment necessary to
try and obtain the office would mitigate against those who didn't
"really want it." Even Ronald Reagan, whose somewhat passive exec-
utive style in the presidency has been much commented on, spent
many years and much time reaching for that office.
Of course, the fact that most modern presidential candidates are
highly ambitious still leaves open the questions of what their skills
are and whether these skills support or impede the candidate's ambi-
tion. It is possible that one's skills support the level of one's ambi-
tions, are greater than one's ambitions, or don't measure up to one's
ambitions. Also, the assumption of high ambition in the presidency
leaves open the issue of the relationship between skills arid ambition
on the one hand and political performance on the other.
The uniformly high ambition of modern presidential candidates
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

results in focusing more attention on the other two character ele-

ments as possible sources of useful distinctions. Certainly, specific
ideals and values would seem to be a more variable and therefore
more useful tool to differentiate among candidates, as would capac-
ity for remaining faithful to ideals and values.
This brings us to a second important point about the framework.
The relationship of its two major elements, character and perfor-
mance, is contingent. Character is a constant. Ambition, character
integrity, and relatedness are central parts of anyone's interior psy-
chology, regardless of the political roles being analyzed. Yet, the
reverse is not true.
Different roles call on character psychology differentially. One of
Bill Clinton's ambition-supporting skills was his verbal facility, cer-
tainly important for a political career and particularly important to
the leadership performance dimension of the modern presidency.
Bob Dole, on the other hand, had a number of skills to support his
ambition, but being articulate was not among them. In a governing
context in which "going public" is one key tool of presidential lead-
ership, to be inarticulate is a terminal disability. Yet, public verbal
facility as an ambition-supporting skill was clearly less important in
Dole's role as Senate minority/majority leader than it was for his
attempt to gain the presidency.
The framework begins with the view that essential performance
characteristics of different political roles are different for each role.
The two chief dimensions of presidential performance are judgment
and leadership. Are these two dimensions equally important for
judges and members of Congress? That remains to be seen. One
might argue that leadership, or judgment, is important in both these
public roles and perhaps others as well. However, judicial or con-
gressional leadership would seem to differ from each other, and both
differ from leadership in the presidency. Just as each character ele-
ment requires understanding in the context of a specific individual,
so too does each element of performance to which it is tied.
Finally, there is the question of whether this framework is useful
cross-culturally. Would the three elements of character help us to
understand political roles in, for example, India or Brazil? The focus
on character arises from the fact that performance measures of role
enactment are always dependent on the particular nature of the role
in its historical, political, and cultural context.
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

The problem can be illustrated with a question: How does one

gauge the degree of ambition in Japan? In that culture, the direct
expression of self-interest, and the desire to stand out at the expense of
others, is taboo. How, then, would one assess the relationship between
ambition and political performance there? What does political leader-
ship mean in such a cultural context? These and related questions will
have to be addressed and resolved before the framework can be usefully
applied outside of the context for which it was developed.

Theory and Evidence: Some General Considerations and Concerns

The interplay between theory and evidence in applying psychoana-
lytic theory to biography is complex. Psychoanalytic theory, espe-
cially as it has developed since Freud first formulated it, is a power-
ful tool for understanding the interior psychology and public
behavior of those in political life. The psychoanalytically framed
analysis of political leaders and leadership has benefited from the
extraordinary accomplishments of some of its early pioneers, such as
Harold Lasswell, Alexander and Juliette George, Erik Erikson, and
others. But, in the hands of some of its more enthusiastic though less
thoughtful practitioners, psychoanalytically oriented psychobiogra-
phy is prone to errors of reductionism in its various forms.
Reductionism is the error of attributing too much to too little. It
is a form of theoretical grandiosity and is reflected in several patterns
of analysis:
a tendency to give too much causal weight to a person's psy-
chology and too little to role and circumstances;
a tendency to reduce a person's psychology to one or a few
conflicted elements with little weight given to the skills
and areas of psychology that have brought the person to
high political office;
a tendency to think that an analyst can intuit the unconscious
motivation of others' behavior; and
a tendency to explain large-scale social or historical events by
terms describing individual psychology.
The common defect in all these errors is the failure to treat an indi-
vidual's psychology as part of a composite explanation in which the
causal weight to be assigned to any particular element is a matter to
be determined.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Some psychoanalytically inclined analysts add to these theoretical

errors others of a more personal nature. Character psychology and its
relationship to leadership performance is complex. Those who
undertake such analyses should be comprehensively trained in the
theory and practice of the disciplines they purport to apply. Reading
Freud alone no more prepares one to undertake a psychoanalytically
informed analysis of a leader at a distance than does being able to
read musical notes prepare one to conduct a symphony.
One further difficulty that needs to be addressed here is the ten-
dency for some practitioners, both trained and untrained, to make
use of unconscious motivation in their analyses. Recently, one well-
known analyst and his collaborator (Lifton and Mitchell 1996)
"explained" the unconscious conflicts that led President Truman to
drop two atomic bombs on Japan. Another (Volkari, Itzkowitz, and
Dodd 1997) thought it possible to make us privy to the unconscious
thoughts that Richard Nixon's mother had about her son early in her
By definition, unconscious motivation is not known to the person
motivated by it. Less appreciated is that, even in a psychotherapeu-
tic context, solid information about the unconscious motivation
emerges slowly and tentatively and is often subject to revision in
light of new material. The unconscious underpinnings of behavior
originate, and then develop, through a complex and ongoing process.
The fact that an event happened that is considered important in one
or another version of psychoanalytic theory does not automatically
bestow causal significance upon it.
Consider a presidential candidate with a cold and distant father or
mother. Many have grown up with such experiences, but they do not
necessarily result in uniform outcomes. Along with knowing that
events have happened, it is important to understand what their
meaning was to the person involved, the ongoing context in which
they occurred, as well as any mitigating factors that may be relevant.
In psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the meaning of these early expe-
riences is varied and complex. Meaning emerges with some clarity, if
at all, only after a period of sustained analysis and reflection on the
experiences, often from a number of vantage points. Through this
process, the meaning of these experiences to the patient gradually
becomes clear, as does the role of the experiences in the patient's
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

development and the ways in which they have become a part of, but
not synonymous with, adult behavior. In the absence of any real
capacity to meticulously trace events and their subjective meaning to
the person, the analysis of unconscious motivation is speculative.

Evidence for a Psychoanalytic Analysis of a Political Leader

An analyst developing a psychologically framed biographical analysis
or profile of a president or candidate operates at three different levels.1
First, he or she operates at the level of historical fact. What are the key
events? What evidence is there that the event(s) took place and as
described? Did Democratic candidate Al Gore really learn to plow
fields as a young boy? He did. Did Bill Clinton really grow up in the
harsh economic circumstances that his stories about an outhouse on
the family property suggest? He did not. Establishing the authentic-
ity of facts that are relevant to the analysis is critical.
Second, the analyst operates at the level of interpretation and
meaning. What does it mean that George W. Bush's father was pres-
ident or that both he and Al Gore come from families with genera-
tions of high-level public service behind them? What were the psy-
chological consequences of Bob Dole's severe war wounds? What are
we to make of Al Gore's bifurcated childhood growing up both in
rural Tennessee and at the posh Mayflower Hotel in Washington?
Third, the analyst operates at the level of theory. How shall we
understand and explain the facts that we find? Do we use, as many
have, the theory of the psychological dynamics of the adult children
of alcoholics to explain major elements of Bill Clinton's character?
Or, focusing on his mother's early and prolonged absence from her
young child to study nursing in New Orleans, would the theory of
attachment (and its darker side, abandonment) be more appropriate?
The first level of analysis is the foundation for the others. There-
fore, the analyst must sample a wide range of behavior across both
similar and different circumstances. What makes data more (or less)
useful for analysis? At the level of factual information, the analyst
relies on the density of information, the authority of the source(s), and
their accord with other known facts. Some, but by no means all, facts
about many candidates and presidents are easily ascertained and vali-
dated by the density of recollections of the person by family, friends,
and associates. Still, there are many pitfalls awaiting the unwary.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Public Data

The raw information used to support the analysis of character ele-

ments and their relationship to presidential performance is all "pub-
lic data." That being the case, the term deserves some attention.
Public data is simply information that is available to any inter-
ested person and that resides in the public domain. Included are
multiple, cross-checked news accounts of events; multiple, cross-
checked biographical accounts; the words of the candidates them-
selves; and those of others about them. Each kind of public data is
used in a specific way for a limited purpose with recognition of each
source's biases, advantages, and limitations. I characterize the
approach to that information as "psychologically informed events
Newspaper and other journalistic accounts are primarily used as
documentation of the major facts concerning a particular event; for
example, a presidential candidate made a particular pledge, a partic-
ular event took place within a certain sequence of events, and so on.
The accounts themselves are, for the most part, concerned with
describing events and the circumstances surrounding them.2 This
material is an important part of the attempt to use specific contexts
and circumstances in a theoretically useful way. In attempting to
answer the question of what happened (as a prelude to trying to
answer why), a presidential researcher depends on many types of
data, including presidential news conferences and interviews, inter-
views with major actors, documentary evidence, and so on.
None of these sources is without flaws. However, each can be
viewed as a form of commentary designed to influence the framing
and understanding of particular narrative lines or incidents. Thus, a
presidential press conference can be viewed as the president's narra-
tive of his behavior and the reasons behind it. Likewise, interviews
with other actors provide their own narrative perspective. Even the
release of what seems to be less subjective data, such as a report
released by the White House (or its opponents) on the number of
welfare mothers given help to find employment, is part of a narrative
with a particular definition of work and of success.
Another important source of data for psychologically informed
events and case analysis is the experience and understanding of the
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

events as expressed by the leaders themselves. Therefore, a key source

of supplementary evidence to accounts of events is the (now often
transcribed) words of the candidates themselves. These include
unstructured (but not necessarily unrehearsed) interviews, press con-
ferences, and other spontaneously recorded transactions that are a
part of every campaign and presidency.3
It is obvious that candidates and presidents have private under-
standings or motivations that they don't reveal (and may not even be
aware of). Even so, it would be a mistake to totally discard as unim-
portant analysis of their publicly stated views and behavior. Why?
First, candidates' publicly stated views and behavior may be very
useful in revealing, sometimes quite starkly, what they wish to con-
vey about themselves to others. When Al Gore stresses his childhood
roots in Tennessee (and not Washington), he is inviting us to see him
as a candidate who has not been part of the Washington establish-
ment (via his father) and who has grown up with core American val-
ues. When Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley stresses
his upbringing in a small rural town, he too is inviting us to see him
as the product of a way of life nostalgically remembered as reflecting
a better time and place.
My point is not that these invitations are fraudulent. Both cases
do reflect aspects of the candidates' experiences. However, the role of
the analyst is to learn enough to identify the extent to which they are
representative. In Al Gore's case, he spent only summers at the fam-
ily farm in Tennessee, and in Bradley's case he came from a well-off
family that traveled widely when he was a child, including trips to
Europe. Neither of these facts necessarily means that small town
virtues were not part of cither's childhood experience; rather, it just
means that inferring psychology from large sociological concepts
(e.g., "small town values") is best done carefully.
Candidates' views of themselves also provide an important basis
for comparison to a candidate's behavior in other less public circum-
stances. Consider the 2000 presidential campaign, when Republican
presidential candidate John McCain ran on a platform in which his
honor, integrity, and role as a "truth teller" were critical to his suc-
cess in the early rounds of the nomination process. His cornerstone
and signature campaign issue, building on this persona, was cam-
paign finance reform. This he defined as the elimination of the role
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

that money from large campaign contributors played in elections

and policy-making.
Yet, a news account presented documentary evidence (in the form
of letters) that McCain had twice written to demand that a regula-
tory agency that he oversaw as chairman of an important Senate com-
mittee make a ruling on a proposal that would benefit a major cam-
paign contributor. Moreover, the letters were sent shortly after he
and his aides met with the contributors and had received more than
twenty thousand dollars from them (Labaton 2ocoa). A subsequent
story noted that McCain had written many such letters for campaign
contributors in his role as chair of the Senate Commerce Committee.
As the headline delicately put it, "Issue for McCain Is Matching
Record with His Rhetoric" (Labaton 2OOob).
The public statements and overt behavior of leaders may actually
reflect what they really think and how they are really attempting to
shape or respond to circumstances. This point is often lost sight of in
discussions of methodology and critiques of case studies. The key
reason for making use of these data elements is to uncover and assem-
ble a pattern of behaviors with which to construct a theoretically use-
ful framework for explanation and analysis.
One question that often comes up is whether the psychologically
minded researcher has conducted an interview with the president or
candidate being analyzed. Behind that question is a very naive
assumption, namely, that an interview produces better data than
that which is available in the public record. Contrary to some views,
a psychologically trained interviewer does not possess the emotional
equivalent of X-ray vision. The psychologically trained interviewer
will not be able to cut through the sometimes decacle-long practiced
answers and evasions to get to the psychological essence of the per-
son. This is an unwarranted and foolish assumption. People rarely
have a single psychological essence, and, if they do, no known type of
psychological training can discover it in a brief interview, especially
with an unwilling informant.
Usually, a psychologically minded political analyst will want to
know something about the family circumstances within which a
leader grew up and came of age. It is a fact of modern life that lead-
ers running for high office attract the attention of reporters and writ-
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

ers anxious to discover who they are. Almost every major modern
presidential candidate has generated at least one major biography
and often more.
Moreover, in spite of laments about campaign coverage, at least
two of the nation's national newspapers (the Washington Post and the
New York Times} have produced major series tracing the biographies
and careers of the major presidential candidates, and excellent bio-
graphical material is often available in local papers from a candi-
date's home state (e.g., Baker 1999 or the reporting on John
McCain's temper in the Arizona Republic}.
Candidate autobiographies are also becoming a staple of political
campaigns. Sometimes these are written by the candidate and a cho-
sen "helper," as in the case of George W. Bush's (1999) and B>ob
Dole's (1988) autobiographies. Sometimes the autobiographies are
written (for the most part) by the candidates themselves, as appears
to be the case with 2000 Democratic presidential candidate EJill
Bradley. These documents must be treated like any other element of
information used to assemble an understanding of a leader; and,
though often criticized as idealized, they can provide information
and descriptions that can be used to develop an understanding of the
person. While George W. Bush's autobiography has been character-
ized as little more than a campaign vehicle (which, of course, it is),
in it his real love of flying jets as an Air National Guard pilot and his
real attachment to his wife are clearly evident.
A second use of such information is to convey the leader's under-
standing of the events and people that shaped him. Clearly, cam-
paign autobiographies are written for a purpose and often reflect
strategy as well as candor, nonsense as well as insight. It is only in
relation to other sources that particular elements can be judged.
What other sources might these be? Surprisingly, books and inter-
views by close family members provide a range of useful information.
No one who wants to explore the family circumstances in which
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush grew up can
afford not to read his mother's memoir (Bush 1994). That can be
supplemented with interviews given to major news shows by his
mother and wife (Bush and Bush 1999). Similarly, anyone who
wants to understand the circumstances that gave rise to President
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Clinton's psychology cannot avoid reading his mother's autobiogra-

phy (Kelley 1994a). These can be supplemented with interviews she
gave on national news shows (Kelley 1992, 1994^.
Another major source of information on leaders comes from their
own words. Psychologically minded political analysts have an
unprecedented amount of this kind of primary material available to
them. Transcripts of debates, of interviews, and of comments made
during varied appearances are all routinely available to researchers
with access to Lexis-Nexis or other data retrieval programs.
And, of course, when a news story breaks across the country, the
researcher no longer has to rely on secondhand accounts. The analyst
can go right to the source. When John McCain began to gain promi-
nence in the Republican primary race, a major (but not national)
newspaper in his home state published an editorial and a long article
about the senator's locally well-known temper. That story was
treated as a major item by several national newspapers, which gave
their interpretation of the information (e.g., Broder 1999). One
might have been content in the past to rely on that secondary analy-
sis, but, with the resources available on the World Wide Web, it is
no longer necessary to do so.

Behind-the-Scenes Accounts
My (1996a) psychologically framed biography of Bill Clinton made
use of yet another good source for the political psychology of leaders:
the behind-the-scenes account. Several (Drew 1994; Woodward
1994) such accounts became available early in his presidency as the
book was being written. These accounts and similar ones generally
rely on intensive and extensive interviews with high- (and more
modest-) ranking members of the White House staff, including
those with daily and direct access to the president. They are primar-
ily descriptive. As Drew says of her book,

This is a genre of middle-distance journalism, intended to

catch events and people's involvement in them or reactions to
them while they are still fresh and before they have been fuzzed
over, and retouched, in recollection. It is intended to offer the
analysis and perspective of someone dose to the events, seeing them
unfiltered." (1994, 438, emphasis added)
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

Sullivan (1994, n), reviewing Woodward's book, faulted it for

"showing little sense of history and [being] unable to relate a narra-
tive to a larger argument," and for reflecting the "journalism of mere
process." On the other hand, as Lehmann-Haupt (1994, Ci8) points
out, "Readers with a solid background in Presidential politics will
probably find Mr. Woodward's book invaluable." These inside
accounts provide a crucial complementary set of data to supplement
and deepen our understanding of the public record and to cross-
check against it.
In examining political leaders, much benefit can be gained from
insiders' memoirs, if one is careful. Memoirs by or interviews with
major insiders about past events in which they were involved are
shaped by memories and views, but, above all, motives. In that
respect, there is something to be said for the freshness of contempo-
raneous accounts, when the actors are in the middle of their efforts.
In many memoirs, the real story is often how the author struggled to
wage the good fight against impossible odds (Reich 1997) or the
author's centrality to someone else's presidency (Morris 1996, 1997),
or both (Stephanopoulos 1999). However, in these cases, and with
any other partial account of a president's behavior, you cannot eval-
uate the "what" without knowing more about the "who."


The psychoanalytically oriented analyst of a president's psychology
and performance can expect to have available a wide range of public
behavior for analysis. These data provide a very large pool of infor-
mation from which an analyst can develop a good understanding of a
president's psychology and assist in inferring the patterns that
underlie it. However, these sources can also be a swamp of misinfor-
mation, politically and personally motivated biases, and hidden fac-
tual dangers. It is no place for the factually ill-informed. It is imper-
ative for anyone doing such work to know the players involved and
their personal and political relationships to the subject. However,
even a determined effort to place the players may not always work, if
the real relationships are hidden and emerge only in retrospect. For
example, the political journalist Sidney Blumenthal (1993a, 1993^
1994) wrote a series of very positive articles about then candidate
Clinton and very negative ones about the Republican candidate
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Robert Dole in the New Republic and the New Yorker. His later
appointment and conduct as a top personal aide to President Clinton
cast some doubt on his objectivity and independence during the
It is important as well to know more about who the candidate or
leader selects to represent or advocate his interests. For example, it is
useful to know that Al Gore's campaign manager, Donna Brazile,
was fired from her role in the 1988 Dukakis campaign for spreading
rumors about then President Bush's extramarital affairs. Knowing
this information helps in uncovering what appears to be a pattern of
harsh rhetoric and questionable judgment. This pattern in turn
raises questions about the judgment and strategy of the candidate
who selected her. It is also instructive, once the analyst uncovers such
a pattern and it becomes a public issue (Mitchell 2000), to see what
the candidate does in response.4
In short, there is no substitute for immersion in the facts of circum-
stances and relationships when gathering and evaluating the informa-
tion that forms the basis of psychoanalytically formed analysis.

Anecdotal Evidence
Biography and other forms of history, like the insider political histo-
ries noted previously, often rely on the accumulation of narrative
incidents. The person in question may tell of the incident; a friend or
someone who was present at the time may do so; or a person may
even report what others say they have seen or heard. The weight of
these accumulated narrative stories can often be used to usefully con-
tribute to a psychologically framed portrait or analysis.
Such materials have played an important but controversial role in
the psychological analysis of presidents and their presidencies. Some
critics object that such narratives are merely anecdotal. The implica-
tion of the "anecdotal" label is that such data are inherently suspect.
Psychoanalytically oriented analysts who make use of anecdotal case
material must, like their statistical data—oriented counterparts,
address the issue of the quality of the data. There are essentially four
areas of concern raised by the use of such material: validity, degree of
representation, consequence, and meaning.
An anecdote is a story put forward to support a characterization.
The first question that must be addressed is whether the story is true.
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

But establishing that a particular event did take place is only the first
step. Who is telling the story? Were they there, or are they repeat-
ing what they have heard elsewhere? What is the relationship of the
person telling the story to the person about whom it is told? What is
his or her motivation for telling the story?
The next question is how representative the incident is and of
what? Consider in this regard the various stories regarding President
Clinton's anger. Woodward reports a number of instances of Clin-
ton's anger (1994, 33, 54, 133, 255, 278). So does Drew (1994, 96,
218). When one totals up these incidents and adds to them other
public displays of temper, including the outburst of rage and indig-
nation during the Rolling Stone interview (Wenner and Greider
1993) that took place during the campaign, it seems clear that this
is an element in Clinton's psychology that warrants attention and
explanation. The density of the anecdotal material supports the view
that there is indeed something present to be explained. The question
then arises as to whether the element is consequential, and if so what
does it mean?

The Origins and Development of a President's Psychology

Psychoanalytic theory is synonymous in many people's minds with a
focus on the childhood and adolescent origins of adult behavior. To
some degree, this perception is both accurate and, from the stand-
point of psychoanalytic theory, important. How else would we know
how adult psychology has developed and why?
Less appreciated is the fact that, strictly speaking, understanding
why a person acts as he or she does is different than, and not necessar-
ily dependent on, understanding how that set of characteristics devel-
oped. As Alexander George (1971, 85) points out in his classic essay:
In making use of available knowledge of the compulsive per-
sonality for purposes of political biography, an answer to the
causal question is not essential. What creates a given personal
dynamism, the dynamism itself—which is what interests the
biographer most—can be fairly readily identified in accounts of
the subject's behavior.
Generally, the psychoanalytically oriented analyst trying to con-
struct an understanding of a president's early years must rely on sev-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

eral sources that are unlikely to be wholly satisfactory. The analyst

can gain some information from what the now grown child says of
his parent(s), but this is limited by emotional attachments, discre-
tion, and even political needs. The analyst would also, ideally, like to
draw on a president's family for their views. However, here too it
would be foolish to believe that such recollections would not be col-
ored by the wishes and motives of family members to put themselves
and their child in the best light. It is an appreciation of the parents'
psychology, not necessarily their recollections of their children's
early years, that is perhaps of most use to the analyst.
For example, Virginia Kelley's autobiography reveals far more
than she intended, much of which does not reflect well on her. It also
raises troubling questions regarding her son, Bill Clinton. This cre-
ates certain issues for the psychoanalyst. It is obvious from her auto-
biography that her behavior, as a parent, had a decisive influence on
her son's psychology, not always for the best. Her impact is riot the
salutary one that both she and her son describe. What should an ana-
lyst do in such circumstances?
Her autobiography is, of course, a public document, made so by
Kelley and her son, who reviewed the manuscript before publication
(Kelley 19943, 285). In doing so, they presumably stand by her
account as presented. Still, the material that emerges from the auto-
biography is damaging to the image that both held publicly of each
other. The only path an analyst can follow under these circumstances
is to frame the material as carefully as possible, noting its limitations
and, where plausible, presenting alternative explanations.
By revealing herself, Kelley also allowed others access to the
heretofore very private and carefully presented world of Clinton's
developmental experiences. These experiences often do not coincide
with what Clinton has said about them. In many ways Kelley's book
reveals more problems than her son has either been aware of or has
chosen to reveal. His mother's book therefore has the effect of help-
ing to undercut the Clinton family myth and, in doing so, reveals
much about the gravity of the emotional issues Clinton faced.
At the same time, the analyst of presidential performance has
another responsibility, and that is to trace the public consequences of
what he uncovers. One can appreciate and empathize with the prob-
lems Clinton faced, and one can appreciate and certainly respect his
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

efforts to surmount them. However, the emphasis in assessing a pres-

ident's performance cannot lie in appreciating the distance he has
traveled to become president but what he actually did once he got

Constructing Psychological Understandings

Once the analyst has assembled anecdotes, biographical information,
news reports, or other material that points to something that sus-
pects psychologically driven political behavior, the second phase of
the analysis, the formulation of psychological meaning, begins.
Establishing the meaning of the psychological elements revealed in
the data is critical to the analysis. This means trying to formulate
how the element functions, what psychological purposes it serves,
and what role it plays in the subject's overall psychology.
There is, of course, a theoretical and conceptual paradox in such
work. Evidence of any psychological element, including character
and personality, is found in behavior, but it is also behavior that we
seek to understand and explain. The analyst cannot use the very same
behavior to both extract by inference and cross-validate an element
that is then used to explain that same behavior. What the analyst
must do in these circumstances is examine a range of behaviors in
order to strengthen such psychological inferences. These must then
be cross-validated by reference to both other psychological character-
istics that are theoretically linked as well as behaviors other than
those used to make the original inferences.
This does not require the analyst to pierce the deepest recesses of
a president's psychology. The psychoanalytically trained observer of
candidates and presidents can often find some insight into the mean-
ings of their behavior by observing behavior in a variety of contexts
to gain some understanding of their most important behavioral pref-
erences. The analyst can then seek out clues to the pattern of such
behaviors. These patterns, which form the basis of psychological
inference, need to be tested against other, different behaviors for con-
sistency with theoretical understanding and an understanding of the
contexts in which these behaviors took place.
The psychologically minded analyst of political leadership faces a
number of dilemmas in formulating dynamic understandings. The
first involves uncovering and establishing the psychological ele-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ments with which he or she works. The second is to develop a plau-

sible case for their actual importance to what leaders do. The third is
to then establish how an element operates within the more general
frames of that person's psychology. And last, the analyst must make
some attempt to locate that element and its dynamic relationships in
the person's developmental history. In others words, a dynamic the-
oretical explanation of an element of a candidate's or president's
behavior and an accounting of its origins are separate enterprises.
One has not provided a dynamic explanation of an adult characteris-
tic by giving an accounting of its origins.
Consider the characterological element of ambition. Analysts have
not completed their task when they are able to bring forward enough
evidence to support the existence of high (or low) ambition in a can-
didate or president. Many questions that are important for address-
ing the role this element plays in presidential performance remain.
How is ambition connected with the individual's sense of accom-
plishment? Is it uniform across circumstances? If not, what accounts
for differences? With what other psychological and behavioral ele-
ments does it appear to be associated?
High levels of ambition, for example, can spring from a number of
psychological sources, including the wish to achieve, the wish to bol-
ster one's sense of worth in the face of doubts expressed by others, the
wish to please a demanding parent, and so on. Examining the con-
temporaneous dynamics of such an element (what other elements it
is associated with, when and why) can help us in distinguishing its
origins as well as clarifying its theoretical dynamics.

Analyst and Subject

Psychological analysis involves inferences about behavior. This being
true, explicitness about the process of inference construction is criti-
cal. Inferences begin with a pattern of facts. The concept of pattern is
critical in evaluating these facts. The questions regarding facts are,
How many are there and how consistent are they? Identifying pat-
terns is, therefore, a complex process in which there are many poten-
tial pitfalls.
At least since Freud's analysis of Woodrow Wilson it has been
clear that the analyst's own political preferences and views can play
an important and distorting role in assessing leader psychology.5
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

This can happen because the analyst either admires or dislikes, or has
some other set of feelings about, his or her subject. Beyond such
basic biases, and less appreciated, is the role that the analyst's own
psychology, for good or ill, can play in distorting the analysis, just: as
a psychoanalyst's own unresolved conflicts can distort the treatment
of his or her patients.
The analyst, especially one who makes use of and is trained in psy-
choanalytic psychology, has a particular obligation to be clear in
these matters. That is why I revealed that I had voted for Bill Clin-
ton and my basis for doing so in the course of my biographic analy-
sis of him (1996a, 318). No analyst can avoid personal reactions to
the materials with which he or she constructs an analysis, but one can
try to be as explicit as possible about one's own potential biases. In
that explicitness lies at least a partial solution to unintended or,
worse, systematic bias.
In the end, the analyst's work must stand on its merits, not the
feelings it evokes in political partisans. Ultimately what matters is
not the analyst's stance toward his or her subject, examined or not.
Rather, what matters is the following: Does the analytic framework
of analysis put forward appear to cover the most important aspects of
what needs to be explained psychologically? Is the evidence for
putting forward those categories of analysis persuasive? And, finally,
are the implications drawn regarding these characteristics found in
the real world of the president's actual behavior?

Theory Validation and the Prediction of Presidential Behavior:

Gold Standard or Pyrite?
In the physical sciences, prediction is the "gold standard" of theory
validation, and for good reason. However, for the social sciences, pre-
diction may be more useful as an ideal than as a model. Why?
Because no physical science must navigate the complexities of indi-
vidual choice and perception.
Theory validation has been an even more perplexing and difficult
problem for scholars with interests in life histories (Runyan 1984,
121-91). Among these problems are (i) a tendency to over empha-
size psychology at the expense of external circumstances—after all,
insofar as the leader must always be analyzed in context, the contex-
tual variables will always be there to influence the leader's decision
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

making—and (2) a tendency to infer too much from too little data
and a tendency to rely on psychological theory that is not well devel-
oped or explicated in the study.
Even among those united by their use of psychoanalytically
framed theory and biographical history to analyze the performance of
presidents there is disagreement about whether prediction is possi-
ble. In his study of then president Richard Nixon, Mazlish (1972,
162) gives an example of true prediction: "If, as in the natural sci-
ences, the psychohistorian could predict with utter certainty that
Nixon's personality would compel him to keep Agnew as his Vice-
President in 1972, that would be a 'true prediction.'" "Utter cer-
tainty" is a high standard. Not surprisingly, Mazlish concludes
(1972, 162, 165) that such a prediction is not possible and that the
fusion of psychology and contemporary historical analysis "cannot
give us the sort of certainty involved in true prediction. Above all it
cannot predict a specific act, such as visiting Peking. . . . psychohis-
tory is basically a retrospective enterprise."
Barber ({1972} 1992), on the other hand, subtitles his book "Pre-
dicting Performance in the White House." His view, not a particu-
larly radical one, is that if we can trace the pattern of a person's life
before he enters the oval office, we are better able to estimate his
likely patterns once in it (2). He acknowledges, rightly, that such
predictions are "not easy" and will require "some sharp tools and
close attention to their use" (3, 4). Yet, he thinks them worth the
risk both because the questions they address (the quality of those in
our highest office) are critical and because the theories that attempt
to answer them can best be refined through practice. But to estimate
a likely pattern or tendency is much softer than hard prediction.
The fundamental basis of psychological prediction is the consis-
tency of behavior. A prediction is a test of our understanding of three
areas: the psychology that underlies a person's behavior, the circum-
stances that will affect it, and the relationship between them.
Unlike a person's attitudes or personality traits, character reflects
a person's basic and habitual ways of relating to circumstance. So, to
the extent that a person's character has become psychologically con-
solidated, we can expect significant consistency in his or her behav-
ior. It is this consistency that provides the basis for any confidence in
our expectations about how someone will act.6
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

Predictions of individuals require a knowledge of the psychologi-

cal frames into which this person might best fit. However, it also
requires knowledge of the unique constellation of elements, the char-
acterological and psychological strengths and weakness, that define
this person. Individuals with substantial levels of ambition and the
necessarily talent, along with the focused persistence to reach the
top, are more likely to be successful. And, having achieved success
because of their past behavior, they are more likely to persist in the
patterns they have developed.
However, predicting the behavior of shrewd, intelligent, and
highly functioning individuals, who are acutely aware of their cir-
cumstances and what may be needed to surmount them, is a very
tricky undertaking. It is possible that, in spite of their own psycho-
logical inclinations, such persons will overcome any adverse
impulses, if not alone, then certainly with the help of many advisers
whose only occupational purpose is to help the leader succeed. This
just adds one more layer to the hurdles that must be overcome if
character or type is to carry the burden of prediction.
Lasswell (1930, 38—64) argues that building political typologies
is a useful route for developing and refining theories of political lead-
ership. But Barber's (Barber [1972] 1992) efforts suggest the limits
of these efforts for predicting the behavior of presidents.7
If we compare the logic of political typologies to the more specific
formulations of individual leaders we can discern some paradoxical
features. By sacrificing specificity for generalization, a focus on the
former undercuts their rationale vis-a-vis the latter. That is, more
but not wholly accurate generalization may wind up being pur-
chased at the expense of better understanding and thus, in the par-
ticular case, better prediction.

The Analysis of Consistency

Psychoanalytically framed studies of presidential biography and per-
formance face daunting problems in trying to develop confidence in
their theories and procedures. Many strategies available in the social
sciences more generally are not possible for them. They cannot, for
example, make use of large or multiple samples for establishing reli-
able probability estimates. The confidence that psychoanalytic for-
mulations earn is ultimately a function of their being critical in
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

examining evidence, inferences, and conclusions (Runyari 1982,

As argued previously, prediction is a precarious, though not
impossible, task. However, in addition to the excellent suggestions
contained in Runyan's (1982, 121—91) seminal treatment of case
study and ideographic approaches to biographical analysis, there is
one further step that can be taken. It shares some similarities with,
and some advantages of, prediction, but it is not wholly retrospec-
tive. Yet, of necessity, it makes much use of the past in developing
causal links to a president's future. I characterize this strategy as the
analysis of consistency. The basic and uncomplicated idea behind this
approach is to compare the degree to which one's theoretical under-
standing of a president or candidate at time one is consistent with his
behavior at time two.8

The psychological analysis of presidents and other leaders is likely to
persist, in spite of all of its controversies and difficulties, for two very
fundamental and important reasons. First, the underlying psychol-
ogy that motivates how presidents see and try to shape the world is
related to their exercise of power. If we want to understand what they
do, we had better have useful theories of why they do it. Second, vari-
ations in the psychology that presidents and leaders bring to their
positions affect what they will, won't, or can't do. In short, there is
an enormous practical set of implications to leaders' levels of ambi-
tion and the skills (or lack thereof) that accompany them; their ideals
and values, along with their capacity to remain faithful to them; and
how the leaders truly feel about the many kinds of relationships with
which they must contend.
It is hard to imagine that any theoretical stance that does not
require of its practitioner that he or she be immersed in the details of
a leader's ongoing life will bring the level of confidence in the theo-
retical understanding or validity required by this critical task. Sixty
years ago Lasswell (1930, i) observed, "political science without
biography is a form of taxidermy."
Since Lasswell wrote those words, developments in psychoanalytic
theory and its increasingly sophisticated application in a variety of
settings have brought us to the point where we might well add the
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

following statement to Lasswell's observation: Analyzing presiden-

tial performance without the tools of modern psychoanalytic theory
is like assessing the performance of a grand prix race car designed
without wheels. It can be done, but it is unlikely to result in much
theoretical or substantive mileage.


I would like to thank Alonzo Z. Hamby, Alexander L. George, Fred I. Green-

stein, and Jerrold M. Post for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this
1. Recall Greenstein's (1969) distinctions between three levels of analysis:
phenomonology, dynamics, and development. The first consists of the facts (a)
"as they are," (b) as they are seen, and (c) as they are organized. It is clear that the-
ory plays some role in these processes, especially those (e.g., b and c) that require
some sorting or construction exercise on the part of the analyst. The second, the
dynamic level, consists of theoretically informed hypotheses or tentative expla-
nations that try to account for the facts as they have been seen and constructed.
The third, the developmental level, seeks to account both for the origin and evo-
lution of the characteristics that are put forward to explain the pattern of facts
and for their social and psychological explanations.
2. News accounts provide at least five kinds of important information for the
analyst. First, they can be used to establish the basic existence of an event, that
is, that the event has taken place. Second, the nature of the event and its place in
a sequence of events can often provide an analyst with important information
with which to help construct an understanding of the meaning of the events.
Third, news accounts can also be used to help establish some of the circumstances
surrounding an event. These details, while most likely incomplete, do help to
deepen appreciation of the context. Related to this is the fourth purpose of news
accounts, which is to convey some sense of an actor's understandings of these
events as reflected in his or her public discussions or actions. Fifth, and very
important, by following such accounts over time one can use later accounts and
outcomes to cross-check the validity of earlier accounts. Differences between pub-
lic portrayals and the emergence into public discourse of what had been private
knowledge can be important data for the analyst. They can reveal elements of
presidential psychology and style that the analysts must take into theoretical
Of course, news accounts, even when cross-checked, have at least three limi-
tations that must be kept in mind. First, reporters may report events accurately
but may miss important aspects of an event, either because it is not evident at the
time, because they did not have access to all that went on, or because they sim-
ply didn't appreciate the implications of what they were reporting. Second,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

reporters often piece together their understanding of events in the form of a

"story," and this subtext can be shaped either by a reporter's attitudes or view or
by decisions (strategic or unconscious) of the person(s) on whom the reporter
relies. Third, stories on occasion can simply be in error. This is a special difficulty
when covering presidents, but it also occurs when covering candidates. Both
presidents and candidates (and their staffs) try to put the best frame on events.
For all these reasons, events data must be one of a number of data sources that an
analyst uses.
3. Unstructured interviews, while in some ways more revealing of the candi-
date, are often not completely spontaneous. It is a fact of political life that candi-
dates and presidents spend much time behind the scenes considering how they
should approach or respond to pubic issues or events. The amount of uncalcu-
lated information that is reflected in the give-and-take of a question and answer
format depends in large part on the nature of the format. General questions from
supportive, or for other reasons, uncritical audiences allow a candidate or presi-
dent more opportunity to respond in preselected ways than if the format was a
real debate.
4. Al Gore let it be known that he had been in contact with General Powell.
However, he refused to say whether he had apologized to General Powell. On the
Today Show, Gore said, "That was the spirit of the call. That word wasn't used.
But I regretted the way he heard Donna's comments" (Seelye 2000, Ai, emphasis
5. Freud acknowledged that his study of Wilson "did not originate without
strong emotions," that he found Wilson "unsympathetic," and that "this aver-
sion increased in the course of years the more I learned about him and the more
severely we suffered from the consequences of his intrusion into our destiny"
(1967, xiii, xvi). However, Freud went on to say these feelings had "underwent a
thorough subjugation" (xvi) to a mixture of "sympathy, but sympathy of a spe-
cial sort mixed with pity" (xv). This is hardly an auspicious vantage point from
which to conduct such an analysis, and it has led some observers like Elms to
make the very sensible suggestion that the analyst will "choose a subject towards
whom he feels considerable ambivalence rather than harsh antagonism or uncrit-
ical adulation" (1976, 179).
6. Even then, a person may become aware that there are dangers lurking in
their psychology and will try to avoid them. George and George (1956, 321)
report that Woodrow Wilson told his closest advisor of reoccurring nightmares
that he might repeat the pattern of success then failure that had plagued him as
president of Princeton. The Georges argue that he "was casting about for ways to
avoid a repetition of his highly distressing experience as a reformer at Princeton."
He failed in doing so.
7. A major problem is that different variables will lead to the construction of
different typologies. However, a bigger problem is that people rarely fully fit the
categories to which the typologists would like to assign them. Barber's Nixon,
Psychoanalytic Assessments of Character and Performance

an active-negative, confounds one of the basic characteristics of the type by being

ideologically flexible. Eisenhower is a passive-negative, although Barber ([1972]
1992, 179) admits "this case presents certain difficulties."
8. The analysis of consistency does not ask whether, and certainly does not
require that, the feature in question is the sole or primary cause but only whether
it provides support for the original formulation. In Clinton's case, one might
compare the theoretical formulations put forward in High Hopes (Renshon 1996a)
with the president's behavior in the period after the book was published. Such
analysis might take the following form: Is the president's decision to become
involved with a White House intern consistent with the theoretical formulation
of Clinton as a man who dislikes boundaries and chafes under the rules to which
others must ordinarily adhere?
B. Trait Analyses
6. Verbal Behavior and
Personality Assessment

Walter Weintraub

Speech can be studied from a variety of viewpoints. The language

component can be divided into the disciplines of (i) phonology,
which describes how sounds are put together to form words; (2) syn-
tax, which describes how sentences are formed from words; (3)
semantics, which deals with the interpretations of the meaning of
words; and (4) pragmatics, which describes how we participate in
conversations. Nonverbal phenomena include such variables as rate,
pauses, amplitude, and pitch.
Of the speech data available for analysis, syntactic and certain par-
alinguistic variables are most suitable for the study of personality
traits. Semantic variables, on the other hand, have only limited use-
fulness for the identification of habitual behavioral responses. Speak-
ers do differ in their choice of vocabulary, but such preferences are
influenced by certain situational variables, notably the topic of con-
versation (Laffal 1965, 93). Other investigators have stressed the
slow rate of change of a number of syntactic measures and their suit-
ability for the study of characteristic behavior. Steingart and Freed-
man (1972), for example, have written:
Common sense argues that what a person says is much more
influenced by transient situational characteristics than how he
says it. . . . grammar would appear a priori to possess certain
advantages for the exploration of. . . personality constructs. (135)
Systems of verbal analysis that depend upon the measurement of
meaning demand the exercise of subtle judgment by scorers. Syntac-

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tic structures, being independent of meaning, can be easily recog-

nized and scored (Chomsky 1957, 17). A speaker's choice of gram-
matical forms is subject to little conscious manipulation.
We assume that styles of speaking reflect characteristic nonverbal
behavior. But how do we go about identifying grammatical struc-
tures that are associated with personality traits? Two examples will
help demonstrate the method.
The first illustration concerns a man with problems of impulse
control. He acts without considering the consequences of his behav-
ior. As a result, he often finds himself regretting his actions and try-
ing to undo their harmful consequences. How might this impulsive
trait be reflected in our subject's speech? We would expect him to
blurt out ill-considered remarks and then attempt to take them back
or qualify them in some way. How would this tendency be mirrored
in his grammatical choices? We would expect our subject to make
frequent use of adversative expressions, such as but, nevertheless, and
however. A number of years ago, a colleague, Dr. H. Aronson, and I
published a report showing that a group of hospitalized, impulse-
ridden psychiatric patients did use significantly more adversative
expressions than a group of normal control subjects (Weintraub and
Aronson 1964). Similar results were later obtained from a group of
binge eaters, individuals who impulsively consume large quantities
of food and then try to undo the consequences of their overeating
(Weintraub and Aronson 1969).
Let us take as our second example an individual with compulsive,
ritualistic behavior. Such a person feels compelled to perform repet-
itive, apparently senseless acts, such as washing his hands over and
over again or checking repeatedly to see if his door is locked before
retiring for the night. If our subject attempts to resist his compul-
sion, he becomes anxious and cannot long maintain his resolve. Since
compulsive patients are logical to a fault, they must provide them-
selves and others with reasons to justify their repetitive acts. We
would, therefore, expect their speech to contain numerous explana-
tory expressions, such as because, therefore, and in order to. A study Dr.
Aronson and I published confirmed this expectation. A group of
compulsive psychiatric patients did, in fact, use significantly more
explanatory expressions than a normal control group (Weintraub and
Aronson 1974). Similar results were obtained with a group of delu-
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

sional patients who demonstrated a need to justify unconventional

beliefs (Weintraub and Aronson 1965).
While reading these clinical illustrations, the reader may have
been struck by the similarity of the grammatical structures studied
to defense or coping mechanisms described in the psychoanalytic lit-
erature. Adversative expressions seem to reflect the mechanism of
"undoing," while explanatory expressions seem to reflect the mecha-
nism of "rationalization." In fact, almost all the categories used in
our verbal analyses have been described by clinicians as reflecting
important ways of dealing with psychological stress.
We do not assume that every use of an adversative or causative
expression reflects impulsivity or rationalization, respectively, only
that individuals with impulsive and compulsive tendencies will
choose such structures more frequently than persons not so disposed.
Adversative and causative conjunctions and phrases are examples of
grammatical structures that are easily recognized. Naive judges can
be taught to identify and score them with little training.
Our method of verbal behavior analysis rests upon three assump-
tions: (i) patterns of thinking and behaving are reflected in styles of
speaking; (2) under stress, a speaker's choice of grammatical struc-
tures will mirror characteristic coping mechanisms; and (3) person-
ality traits are revealed by grammatical structures having a slow rate
of change.

Transformational Grammar and Verbal Style

Why do different people use different grammatical structures to con-
vey the same message? "John loved Mary" and "Mary was loved by
John" are two correct ways of saying the same thing. Transforma-
tional grammarians would say that they constitute different surface
structures derived from a common deep structure. Every language is
considered to have transformational rules that allow its speakers to say
the same thing in different ways. Although in our example the two
sentences are identical in meaning, they differ noticeably in style.
When verbal styles of different individuals are compared, we are, in a
way, comparing preferences for transformational rules. Why a partic-
ular person chooses one rather than another grammatical structure is
related, in our view, to personality factors. The sentence "John loved
Mary" may be too assertive for certain people who prefer the more
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

passive and softer "Mary was loved by John." In fact, some of our pre-
vious work indicates that inactive or helpless psychiatric patients do
have a preference for certain passive grammatical structures.

Collecting Verbal Data

If verbal mannerisms are to be used as a way of determining how an
individual copes with stress, it is important to gather samples of
speech under moderately stressful conditions. Subjects exposed to
minimal or extreme levels of stress will not provide us with the ver-
bal data we are seeking. An example will illustrate this point. Sup-
pose we wished to test a baseball player's ability to catch fly balls.
We would not hit balls beyond his reach since nobody, not even the
most skillful player, could meet such a challenge. Nor would we hit
balls directly to our player since almost anyone could catch them. To
properly test a player's catching skills, we would hit difficult but
catchable fly balls. Requiring a subject to speak uninterruptedly for
ten minutes on any subject or subjects he wishes is a difficult but
manageable task for most people between the ages of five and eighty-
five. Normal as well as emotionally disturbed people can speak unin-
terruptedly for ten minutes. Researchers use the term free speech to
refer to verbal data gathered under the experimental conditions just
When dealing with the remarks of public figures from a distance,
it is necessary to modify the data collection method. To obtain spon-
taneous speech samples, transcribed news conferences and personal
interviews are used. Their use is based upon the assumption that the
stress generated by such encounters is roughly comparable to what
subjects experience when speaking without interruption for ten min-
utes. To make the interview data as comparable as possible to the
subjects' ten-minute monologues, only responses to questions that
exceed thirty words are used. The first sentence of a response is not
counted in order to minimize the effect of dialogue.

Verbal Reflections of Personality

Prior to 1975, attempts to correlate speech and personality were lim-
ited to groups of psychologically impaired patients sharing patterns
of symptomatic behavior. During that year, a psycholinguistics
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

research team at the University of Michigan challenged me to create

personality profiles for two volunteers based entirely upon their ten-
minute free speech monologues. The speech samples were prepared
by the University of Michigan researchers in the manner previously
described, and only verbatim typed transcripts of the electronically
recorded monologues were sent. No other information about the
speakers was given to me.
After scoring the transcripts, I attempted written personality
evaluations of the two speakers and sent them to my University of
Michigan colleagues. After comparing my reports with independent
assessments of the speakers' personalities, the University of Michi-
gan group concluded that the method had the ability "to accurately
tap important personality dimensions" (Binder 1975).

Analyzing the Watergate Transcripts

Encouraged by the University of Michigan pilot study, I decided to
take advantage of the publication of the Watergate transcripts to
continue my analysis of individual speakers. The Watergate tran-
scripts presented students of verbal behavior with a unique opportu-
nity. To my knowledge, never before in history had spontaneous
conversations involving important political leaders been electroni-
cally recorded and made available to the public.
Since the Watergate participants could be assumed to have been
under considerable stress during most of the published conversa-
tions, the transcripts should contain pertinent data relative to the
adaptive patterns, as reflected in their styles of speaking, of the four
individuals whose remarks make up the bulk of the recorded mater-
ial. Using the verbal categories, samples of speech attributed to
Richard Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and John Dean
were compared with those of a normal control group and of popula-
tions of delusional, impulsive, depressive, and compulsive psychi-
atric patients. The results indicated no abnormal verbal behavior for
either Dean or Ehrlichman. President Nixon could not be distin-
guished from the depressed patients in any of the verbal categories
and deviated from the impulsives in only one category. Haldeman's
style appeared to be abnormal but unlike any of the patient groups
previously studied (Weintraub 1981, 129-35).
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Carter and Reagan Compared

In 1986 another verbal analysis of political leaders was published.
Using randomly chosen samples of their presidential news confer-
ences, I compared the spontaneous speaking styles of Jimmy Carter
and Ronald Reagan. Significant differences between the two presi-
dents' verbal behavior emerged. Carter's use of the verbal categories
showed him to be shy, aloof, competitive, and defensive when chal-
lenged. In contrast, Reagan was engaging, generous, confident,
entertaining, and superficially personal with the White House press.
Under pressure, Reagan showed a tendency to deny unpleasant
aspects of reality and, in certain instances, to reverse previously made
decisions (Weintraub 1986).

Why Analyze Political Leaders?

At this point, readers may wonder what can be learned from the ver-
bal analysis of political leaders that cannot be ascertained by direct
observation. Precisely because readers are already familiar with the
personality traits of political leaders, verbal analyses can be compared
with what is already known about them. Readers can then determine
for themselves if the speech patterns generated by the method reflect
the public behavior of public leaders. Since grammatical choices are
not consciously made, there is always the possibility that informa-
tion about a political figure's personality not known to the public
may be unearthed by verbal behavior analysis.
There is still another reason for studying the speech habits of
political leaders. Our method of verbal behavior analysis may be use-
ful to investigators of important individuals who are no longer alive.
Historians and biographers studying individuals of past eras often
must rely on written documents, such as speeches, memoirs, letters,
transcribed conversations, and so forth. These scholars tend to focus
primarily on thematic content to the virtual neglect of formal
aspects of language. Character analysis based entirely upon anecdotal
data tends to be impressionistic and fraught with error. Any method
that can compare, in a reasonably systematic way, behavior and styles
of speaking may be useful to historians and biographers.
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

Problems of Method in Psychobiographical Research

Our method differs from those of certain psychobiographers who
attempt elaborate psychodynamic formulations and psychogenetic
reconstructions on the basis of selected incidents in the lives of his-
torical figures. Attempts to clarify the unconscious conflicts of pub-
lic figures can never rise above the level of speculative analysis, no
matter how intuitive the biographer may be. The surface manifesta-
tions of ego and superego functions, on the other hand, are subject to
observation and objective recording in a variety of settings. Much
greater attention must be paid to the conflict-free areas of ego func-
tioning if we wish to enlarge our understanding of that which dis-
tinguishes the makers of history from the rest of humanity. The
method used relies entirely upon data available to everyone. It can be
learned from published reports and requires no special intuitive

Description of the Verbal Categories

The category of qualifiers includes expressions of uncertainty ("/
think I'll go to the ball game today"); modifiers that weaken state-
ments without adding information ("That old house is kind of
spooky"); and phrases that contribute a sense of vagueness or loose-
ness to a statement ("Then we enjoyed what you might call an evening
of relaxation").
Qualifiers are almost always uttered before the complete verb is
spoken. The message is, therefore, discounted before it is transmit-
ted. When they occur frequently, qualifiers indicate a lack of deci-
siveness or an avoidance of commitment. The use of qualifiers has
also been said to increase with anxiety (Lalljee and Cook 1975). In
my study of the speech patterns of post-World War II presidents,
Gerald Ford used significantly more qualifiers than the other chief
executives, giving his style of speaking a halting, indecisive flavor
(Weintraub 1989, 161). A very low frequency of qualifiers conveys a
dogmatic flavor to speech.
It is important that speech samples be gathered in the same way
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

when comparing speakers' use of qualifiers. In a study of the use of

qualifiers, it has been shown that the use of this category is nega-
tively associated with preparation. Qualifiers serve as fillers, words
and phrases that are used when speakers are searching their memo-
ries for more informative words (Weintraub and Plaut 1985). A pre-
pared speech will contain many fewer qualifiers than an extempora-
neous news conference.

Retractors, also referred to as adversative expressions, weaken or
reverse previously spoken remarks. They include expressions such as
but, the most commonly used retractor, however, and nevertheless. The
frequent use of retractors suggests a difficulty in adhering to previ-
ously made decisions and imparts a flavor of impulsivity to the
speaker's style (Weintraub and Aronson 1964). Compared to other
post—World War II presidents, Richard Nixon used significantly
more retractors (Weintraub 1981, 130—31). This was particularly
true during the anti-Vietnam demonstrations, when Nixon showed
marked mercurial behavior.
Impulsivity is not the only personality trait associated with the
frequent use of retractors. Many speakers use retractors to achieve
"pseudo-consensus," an apparent but not genuine agreement with
another speaker's point of view. An example of pseudo-consensus is
the following statement: "I agree that your grade deserves to be
raised from "B" to "A," but, as principal of the school, I must support
your teacher."

/ and We
In political discourse, a speaker's use of I and we seems to reflect a need
to present himself either as his own person (high / score, low we score)
or as a speaker for a party or cause (low / score, high we score). The use
of the imperial we, a habit of kings and emperors, is unusual for Amer-
ican politicians. Lyndon Johnson occasionally used this device. Leaders
of communist countries effect a certain political humility by using we
as their preferred personal pronoun. One sign indicating that Gor-
bachev was a "new" Soviet leader was his relatively frequent use of /
when interviewed by journalists (Winter et al. 1991a).
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

The pronoun me, the grammatical recipient of action, tends to be
used most by passive speakers, such as children, women, elderly peo-
ple, and certain patient groups (Weintraub 1989, 12). When
attacked, Bill Clinton is apt to adopt the role of victim and will use
the pronoun me quite frequently.

The most common examples of the use of the negative category are
not, never, and nothing. Speakers who use many negatives tend to be
oppositional and stubborn. They may also be using the coping mech-
anisms of negation and denial excessively. In my study of the Water-
gate transcripts, I reported that H. R. Haldeman, known in Wash-
ington political circles as the "Abominable No-Man," used negatives
significantly more frequently than the other Watergate conspirators
(Weintraub 1981, 124).

The category of explainers includes words and expressions that sug-
gest causal connections or justification of the speaker's thoughts and
actions. The most common explainer is because. Other frequently
used explainers include therefore and since. Speakers who use many
explainers have a didactic, apologetic, or rationalizing verbal style
(Lorenz 1953). Those who use few explainers may be seen as categor-
ical and dogmatic. Part of Hillary Clinton's didactic speaking style
is due to her frequent use of explainers.

Expressions of Feeling
All clauses in which the speaker attributes feelings to himself or her-
self are scored. Examples are "I like to work outdoors" and "Jack's
behavior frustrates me." High expressions of feeling scores are often
associated in the listener's mind with the expression of emotion
(Weintraub 1989, 49—72). (As explained later, expressions of feeling
is not the only category associated with emotional speaking). Low
expressions of feeling scores reflect an aloof, cool verbal style. Ronald
Reagan's cool, unflappable speaking style was due, in part, to his
infrequent use of expressions of feeling.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Adverbial Intensifiers
Adverbial intensifies include all adverbs that increase the force of a
statement. Commonly used adverbial intensifies are very, really, so,
and such. Adverbial intensifies add color to a speaker's remarks.
When used frequently, they produce a dramatic, histrionic effect.
Speakers who use very few adverbial intensifies are perceived by lis-
teners as dull and bland. Among normal speakers, those in the
midadolescent age group (fifteen to seventeen) have the highest fre-
quency of occurrence of adverbial intensifies. Women use this cate-
gory significantly more frequently than men among both normal and
psychiatric patient groups. Depressed patients use this category
more than other patient groups (Weintraub 1989, 64—70). Eisen-
hower was the most dramatic of the post—World War II presidential
speakers judging by his use of adverbial intensifies.

Direct References
Direct references include all explicit references to the interviewer,
the interviewing process, or the physical surroundings. Examples are
"As I said in answer to your previous question, I do not intend to run
for public office in 1996" and "It's a pleasure to meet with you in
such a beautiful conference room."
A high direct references score reflects the verbal behavior of an
engaging, perhaps manipulative speaker, one who avoids a particular
topic by talking about the interviewing process. When the frequency
of remarks directed at the interviewer is very high, the speaker may
appear to be intrusive and controlling. A very low direct references
score may indicate that the speaker is shy or aloof. In my study of
post—World War II presidents, I found that the greatest use of direct
references was by the friendly and engaging presidents Eisenhower
and Reagan. Not surprisingly, the somewhat shy and aloof Jimmy
Carter scored lowest in this category (Weintraub 1989, 170).
Among psychiatric patients, depressed and impulsive patients make
the most direct references because they make demands upon the
interviewer for assistance (Weintraub 1981, 31).

Nonpersonal References
Personal references are clauses whose subjects include the speaker
and people known to him. "I liked President Kennedy" and "Gerald
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

Ford was my close personal friend" are personal references. Clauses

whose subjects are not known to the speaker are scored as nonper-
sonal. An almost exclusive use of nonpersonal references suggests
detachment to the listener. Infrequent use of nonpersonal references
may reflect a concrete preoccupation with oneself and one's immedi-
ate surroundings. John F. Kennedy made little use of personal refer-
ences. This enhanced the impression of a cool, detached leader thor-
oughly in command of the situation.

Creative or Colorful Expressions

This category includes all occurrences of wit, metaphor, and idiosyn-
cratic use of language. If colorful expressions are of high quality and
novel, they may reflect the presence of an original mind. Original or
not, colorful expressions are perceived by most listeners as entertain-
ing. Examples of creative expressions would be "a fitfully red sky"
and "scenes of riotous dissipation."

Emotional Speech
Previously we identified expressions of feelings as a category that
conveys emotion, but it is not the only such category. Listeners asso-
ciate the following categories as also conveying emotion: (i) the use
of 7 rather than we; (2) adverbial intensifies; (3) direct references; and
(4) personal rather than nonpersonal references. Most emotional
speakers will use several of the feelings categories to convey warmth.

Conversion of Raw Scores to Final Scores

With the exception of nonpersonal references, final scores are occur-
rences per one thousand words. The final nonpersonal references
score is a ratio obtained by multiplying the raw nonpersonal refer-
ences score by one thousand and dividing the resulting figure by the
combined raw nonpersonal and personal references score. Detailed
information about computing scores and sample-size issues can be
found in Weintraub 1981 (197). Mean verbal scores for the first
seven post—World War II presidents can be found in table 6.1.

Deciding Which Personality Traits to Investigate

Once we have decided to study personality traits by analyzing verbal
behavior, we must then choose which characteristics we wish to
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

emphasize. In describing the method, I have already discussed cer-

tain personality traits, such as impulsivity, decisiveness, and so forth.
What traits should be added in order to have a broader base upon
which to construct a personality profile? The following list of traits
appears to mirror verbal mannerisms that are important in describ-
ing human behavior. After listing each personality trait, I indicate
which verbal categories appear to be associated with it and, where
appropriate, offer examples of how the presence of the trait in ques-
tion can be detected in samples of free speech.

Some Personality Traits Reflected by Grammatical Choices

1. Decisiveness. This trait was previously discussed. Preparation for
decision can be measured by the frequency of occurrence of qualifiers.
Once the method of data collection has been controlled for, numer-
ous qualifiers suggest indecisiveness. Of the post—World War II
presidents, Gerald Ford scored highest in this category.
2. Reconsideration. The ability to reconsider a decision after it has
been made has also been discussed previously. Reconsideration is
best reflected by the moderate use of retractors.
3. Impulsivity. This trait has been extensively investigated in a
psychiatric patient group (Weintraub and Aronson 1964). A fre-
quent use of retractors and negatives is associated with impulsivity
in many cases. During the Watergate crisis, Richard Nixon occa-


Category Score
/ 35.0
We 20.0
Me 1.5
Negatives 12.0
Qualifiers 11.0
Retractors 6.5
Direct references 2.5
Explainers 5.5
Expressions of feeling 3.5
Adverbial intensifiers 15.0
Nonpersonal references 775.0
Creative expressions 2.5
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

sionally acted impulsively. This tendency was reflected by greater

than average use of retractors and negatives.
4. Anxious disposition. An internal rather than an observable state,
anxiety as a reflection of grammatical choice has received scant atten-
tion in the literature. Most investigators interested in "anxious
speech" have stressed vocal dynamics rather than verbal behavior.
What characterizes the typically anxious patient is the excessive
use of a number of categories. Self-preoccupation may be reflected by
the excessive use of 7 and me, defensiveness by the frequency of
explainers and negatives, and paralysis of decision by a more than
average use of qualifiers. Anxious speakers often have difficulty con-
taining their feelings and may use many expressions of feeling and
adverbial intensifies. Finally, pleas for help from the interviewer
may be reflected in the frequent use of direct references. The anxious
speaker's frequent use of several categories suggests a need to use all
the verbal resources available to him in order to master the inter-
viewing situation. An anxious disposition suggests psychopathol-
ogy. Few individuals having "verbal anxiety" are likely to be chosen
as leaders of their nations.
5. Moodimss. We have already identified some of the verbal
transmitters of emotion. They are high scores in the following cate-
gories: 11 we ratio, adverbial intensifies, direct references, expres-
sions of feeling, and personal references. Mercurial speakers are
characterized by a tendency to be erratic in their use of emotional
categories. Of the post—World War II presidents, Lyndon Johnson
and Richard Nixon showed verbal evidence of rapidly shifting
moods (Weintraub 1989, 97).
What about evidence of depression in speech? This topic has been
extensively researched, and the reader is referred to a previous publi-
cation devoted to the speech of depressed patients (Aronson and
Weintraub 1967). To summarize our findings, speakers with depres-
sive disorders show a verbal pattern that consists of a paucity of
speech, many personal references, and high scores in the following
categories: /, me, direct references, expressions of feeling, negatives,
and adverbial intensifies. These scores reflect the depressed speaker's
uncontrolled affect (high scores in the emotional categories), self-
preoccupation (high I score), dependent needs (high direct references
and me scores), and negativity (high negatives score). Richard
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Nixon's speech showed evidence of depression during the Watergate

6. Angry disposition. Speakers with angry dispositions frequently
become irritable during interviews. Occasionally they explode if
challenged by the interviewer. In such cases the use of qualifiers may
disappear completely. In the heat of extreme anger, all evidence of
indecisiveness vanishes. Another characteristic of angry discourse is
extreme negativity. In some samples of angry speech, the use of neg-
atives may be as much as five times that of normal speech. Other
findings worthy of mention are the use of rhetorical questions and
direct references, indicating an aggressive engagement of the lis-
tener. A more complete discussion of the speech pattern associated
with anger can be found in Weintraub 1981 (159-60). Angry speech
is unusual for world leaders, who generally try to present a calm
appearance to their listeners.
7. Emotionally controlled speakers. Emotionally controlled individu-
als tend to have low scores in most or all of the feelings categories.
Speakers who are perceived as expressive or warm have high scores in
the feelings categories.
8. Oppositional trait. The speech of oppositional or stubborn
speakers is characterized by the presence of many negatives. In the
psychiatric populations we have studied, impulsive speakers have
used negatives more frequently than any other patient group (Wein-
traub and Aronson 1964).
9. Controlling behavior. This personality trait is verbally reflected
in at least two ways. Controlling speakers are frequently emotionally
controlled, that is, they use feelings categories infrequently. To avoid
finding themselves in an uncontrolled situation, controlled speakers
try to prepare for interviews by limiting journalists' questions to cer-
tain topics for which they have carefully studied. Such preparation
will be revealed by a low frequency of qualifiers.
10. Histrionic behavior. Since this trait suggests the dramatic, the
category that lends itself best to the expression of exaggeration—
adverbial intensifies—is frequently used by charismatic leaders to
hold the attention of an audience. Eisenhower used more adverbial
intensifies than the other post-World War II presidents.
11. Passivity. The most useful verbal reflection of passivity is
probably the frequent use of the personal pronoun me. Me is almost
Verbal Behavior and Personality Assessment

always used as the object of a verb and is, therefore, the recipient
rather than the initiator of action. Investigations of both normal and
deviant speakers have shown that me is used significantly more by
individuals who are thought of as having passive tendencies, that is,
small children, elderly people, women, and depressive and compul-
sive patients (Weintraub 1981, 103—6).
12. Domineering behavior. Verbosity, the use of many connectives
(qualifiers, retractors, and explainers), and interruptions best charac-
terize domineering conversational behavior. When domineering
behavior becomes intimidating, commands and obscenities may
appear in the speaker's verbal behavior. Of the post-World War II
presidents, Lyndon Johnson was the most domineering in his verbal
13. Creativity. How can we measure verbal creativity? According
to Richard Ohmann (1967), there are three ways in which creativity
can be expressed in language. A writer or speaker can create new
words; can make new syntactic associations, that is, put words
together in novel ways; and can express himself or herself in original
metaphors. The most common way most creative speakers use any or
all of these devices is through wit.
Does verbal creativity reflect other forms of creativity, or is it sim-
ply a characteristic of people with a natural facility for writing or
speaking? Although some association between verbal creativity and
other forms of originality seems likely, little systematic research on
the subject has been carried out.
14. Familiar behavior. The verbal manifestations of familiar
behavior include the use of first names, a favorite device of Ronald
Reagan (Weintraub 1989, 174-75), comments about the inter-
viewer's personal life, and allusions to events or persons conceivably
known to the interviewee but not through shared experiences with
the interviewer. These verbal mannerisms may be reflected in a high
direct references score. Familiar individuals frequently use teasing
and clowning in their relationships with others, a tactic many listen-
ers find embarrassing and inappropriate. Lyndon Johnson was the
most familiar of the post—World War II presidents (Weintraub
1989, 144).
15. Resilience. Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from
misfortune. This characteristic can be assessed by measuring the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ability of a speaker to lose and then regain his or her verbal style dur-
ing the course of an interview or, even better, over the course of sev-
eral interviews spanning days or weeks. A vulnerable speaker may be
so traumatized by a failed verbal performance that his or her ability
to respond publicly to questions may be affected for a time. Richard
Nixon temporarily lost his usual speaking style during the Water-
gate scandal. His verbal behavior resembled that of a depressed
patient. Following the resolution of the crisis, he regained his cus-
tomary manner of speaking.
16. Response to stress. This trait is best measured when the verbal
data have been gathered during stress interviews. The speaker's
responses to challenging questions are scored and compared with the
individual's other scores when answering more neutral questions. If,
for example, a speaker's use of both qualifiers and retractors increases
in response to stress questions, we may conclude that the speaker
becomes less decisive in crisis situations. If, in response to confronta-
tional questions, a speaker uses the pronoun / more and the pronoun
we less, it is likely that in crisis situations that individual will rely
more on his or her own resources and less on help from others. On the
other hand, a speaker who cannot accept sole responsibility for crisis
situations is apt to react in the opposite way, by using more of the
pronoun we and less of the pronoun I.
/. Measuring the Motives of
Political Actors at a Distance

David G. Winter

Political leaders deal in power, but they act out of many different
motives. Some seek power for its own sake, of course, but many do
not. Recall the farmer Cincinnatus, who in the early years of the
Roman Republic was twice given dictatorial powers during an emer-
gency. When the emergency was over, each time he gladly returned
to his farm. President Harry Truman found the renunciation of
power at the end of his presidential years in the "White Prison" (his
term) a welcome experience (Miller 1974). Other leaders may be
seeking assurance that they are loved or trying to bolster their self-
esteem through accomplishments and public acclaim. Motives sup-
ply direction and energy for action. (In contrast, traits reflect style.)
Motives influence how leaders construe the leadership role; they sen-
sitize perceptions of opportunity and danger; they affect the accessi-
bility of different styles and skills; and they determine sources of
leadership satisfaction, stress, frustration, and vulnerability. Thus
assessing a leader's motives is an important part of profiling a leader's
personality. Yet it is by no means easy to know a political leader's
motives. Motives cannot necessarily be inferred directly from actions
or outcomes. They wax and wane (often outside of conscious aware-
ness) in response to external incentives and internal dynamics.
Finally, they are subject to distortion, deception (including self-
deception), and rationalization. For these reasons, motives are often
measured indirectly, through content analysis of people's imagina-
tive verbal behavior. Such an assessment technique readily lends
itself to measuring the motives of political leaders at a distance.

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

This chapter presents the method of measuring three motives—

achievement, affiliation, and power—in political leaders, through
systematic content analysis of their speeches, interviews, and other
verbal material. The broad outlines of the method have already been
discussed in chapter 2. In the present chapter, the three motives, and
the way in which they are measured through content analysis, are
first discussed. Then the major political psychology research studies
using this scoring method are reviewed. Finally, the procedures and
requirements for motive assessment are discussed, along with issues
and problems.

Achievement, Affiliation, and Power as Dimensions of Motivation

As discussed in chapter 2, both theoretical analyses and empirical
studies of human motivated behavior consistently suggest that
achievement, affiliation, and power are three fundamental dimen-
sions of motivated behavior.1 This section presents brief scoring
definitions for each motive (elaborated in table 7.1) and the results of
several decades of research on the associated actions and outcomes
(summarized in table 7.2). The following section presents results of
political psychology studies, involving at-a-distance assessment of
the motives of political leaders.

Achievement Motivation: A Concern for Excellence

Achievement motive imagery is scored in texts or other verbal mate-
rial when there are references to excellence, doing a "good" or "bet-
ter" job, or carrying out some unique accomplishment or innovative
action. The following are examples of achievement motive imagery
in political speeches or interviews.
"I sense the people are seeking something new and better."
"The only thing we have that's greater than present wealth is
our future potential."
"We created the least bureaucratic governmental enterprise in
modern governmental history."
People who use a lot of achievement motive imagery tend to be
successful economically, particularly as entrepreneurs in small, high-
tech companies—people who by their own efforts organize labor, capi-
tal, and technology to produce and market some new product or ser-
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

vice. They are more innovative and are quicker and better at using
information to modify performance. They are restless and travel
around a lot, have high but realistic aspirations, carefully calculate
probabilities, and (so long as the chances for success are at least mod-
erate) work with energy and persistence. Thus in such business set-
tings, they usually end up performing well. Achievement motivation
is not related to success, however, in academic or scientific settings,
in the professions, or in large bureaucratic corporations.
Achievement-motivated people can control themselves and delay
gratification, perhaps because they have a sense of time as moving
faster and stretching farther into the future. They prefer subdued,
even somber styles. On the other hand, they are not always tightly
controlled "law and order" types: when they perceive it to be neces-


Achievement Someone is concerned about a standard of excellence:
Directly, by words evaluating the quality of performance, or
indirectly, by actions clearly suggesting a concern for excellence
or by success in competition.
By negative emotions or counterstriving in response to failure.
By carrying out some unique, unprecedented accomplishment.
Affiliation Someone is concerned about establishing, maintaining, or restoring
friendship or friendly relations among persons, groups, etc.:
By expression of warm, positive, friendly, or intimate feelings
toward other people, nations, etc.
By expression of sadness or other negative feeling about
separation or disruption of a friendly relationship or wanting to
restore it.
By affiliative, companionate activities.
By friendly, nurturant acts.
Power Someone is concerned about having impact, control, or influence
on another person, group, or the world at large:
By taking strong, forceful actions that inherently have an impact
on other people or the world at large.
By controlling or regulating others.
By attempting to influence, persuade, convince, make or prove a
point, or argue.
By giving unsolicited help or advice.
By impressing others or the world at large; prestige or reputation.
By eliciting a strong emotional reaction in someone else.
Source: Data from Winter 1991, 63. This outline is not adequate for scoring purposes. A complete
manual, together with instructions, practice materials, expert scoring, and calibration materials, is
available at cost from the author, as noted in the text.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

sary, they turn to illegal or even revolutionary tactics. In negotia-

tions, they are rational and cooperative, working toward solutions
that maximize the benefits to all parties.
Overall, achievement-motivated people seem to be rational calcu-
lators, pursuing their self-interest. Indeed, "rational actor" theories
typically assume something like achievement motivation as a uni-
versal motive—even the only human motive. This would be a mis-
take, however, for there are other important human social motives
that lead to quite different outcomes.

Affiliation Motivation: Concern for Close Relations with Others

Affiliation motive imagery is scored in texts or other verbal material
when there are references to warm, close relations among people or
nations, concern about disruption of warm relations, or nurturant
acts that imply warm relations. The following are examples of affilia-
tion motive imagery from political speeches or interviews.


Characteristic Achievement Affiliation Power
Associated actions Moderate risks, using Cooperative and Leadership and high
information to friendly under morale of
modify performance, "safe" conditions, subordinates, if high
entrepreneurial defensive and in sense of
success, dishonest even hostile under responsibility;
means when necessary threat profligate impulsivity,
to reach goal if low in sense
of responsibility
Negotiating style Cooperative and Cooperative under Exploitative,
"rational" "safe" conditions, aggressive
defensive and
hostile under
Seeks help from Technical experts Friends and Political "experts"
similar others
Political- Frustration Peacemaking and Charisma, war and
psychological arms limitation, aggression,
manifestations vulnerability to independent foreign
scandal policy, rated greatness
Major reference Smith 1992, chap. 9 Smith 1992, Smith 1992, chaps. 19,21
chaps. 13 and 15
Source: Data from Winter 1996, 139.
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

"Let us together create a new national spirit of unity and

"We have given aid out of humanitarian considerations."
"Our government must be compassionate."
People who use a lot of affiliation motive imagery are quite differ-
ent from achievement-motivated people. They are oriented toward
others: spending time with them, communicating with them, and
cooperating with them. However, their circle of friendly interaction
is limited to those people who are similar to themselves—people
whom they agree with and like. Thus affiliation-motivated people
take advice from friends rather than experts and work harder when
they are working with friends. They are more responsive to the
influence of others they know and trust. If they are surrounded by
friendly, similar people, they are thus able to develop more resources
of social support. As a consequence, they tend to have more enjoyable
marriages, higher subjective well-being, and better adaptation to
When they encounter people they don't know or people they per-
ceive to be "different," however, affiliation-motivated people are
actually less friendly and agreeable. When they think they are being
exploited, they can become obstinate, even aggressive. Under threat,
high affiliation motivation can lead to prickly, defensive behavior. In
other words, the behavior of affiliation-motivated people toward oth-
ers is strongly affected by their perception of the other person and
the relationship. Such perceptions often turn on subtle cues, ges-
tures, and patterns of reciprocation, with the result that the inter-
personal behavior of people dominated by the affiliation motive may
appear erratic and unstable. In competitive situations, their perfor-
mance often deteriorates. Because of their sensitivity to the cues of
friendship, such people are not particularly good at managing, work-
ing with, or even getting along with total strangers and people they
do not like.

Power Motivation: Concern for Impact

Power motive imagery is scored in texts or other verbal material
when there are references to one person, group, or nation having
impact on another person, group, or nation (or on the world at large)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

or concern about reputation and prestige. The following are exam-

ples of power motive imagery in political speeches or interviews.
"We embraced the ideals that moved nations and shook the
"To make this bargain would be a disgrace from which the
good name of our country would never recover."
"The measures indicated in your statement constitute a serious
threat to the security of nations."
The notion of a power motive or "will to power" may stir up
images of a Napoleon or Hitler, but power in the sense of affecting
the behavior of others is an essential feature—indeed, often a
beneficent one—of everyday activity in any kind of organized soci-
ety. People who use a lot of power motive imagery tend to make
themselves visible and well known to others, are active in organiza-
tions, and are drawn to certain careers (e.g., business, teaching, ther-
apy, journalism) that give the opportunity (even duty) to directly
control and sanction the behavior of other persons. They tend to be
successful managers, able to create high morale in their subordinates
even if they are not personally liked.2 They are adept at building
alliances with others (especially lower-status others), and in small
groups they actively define the situation, encourage people to partic-
ipate, and influence others.
This is the good side of power motivation, when it is tempered by
self-control, a sense of responsibility, altruism, or sheer inhibition.
But there is another side to power motivation, a shadow perhaps
inherent in power but perhaps especially emergent in the absence of
responsibility or self-control. People scoring high in power motive
imagery are vulnerable to ingratiation and flattery. They tend to
improve only after success, not after failure. In making decisions,
they give relatively little attention to moral considerations. They
also take extreme risks, are verbally and physically aggressive (even
in intimate relationships), and display a variety of impulsive behav-
iors such as exploitative sex, alcohol use, and drug use. Thus the
drive for power (to quote Lord Acton's famous observation) tends to
corrupt. Finally, power motivation, especially when combined with
stress and the need for control, is associated with excessive sympa-
thetic nervous system activity, lower immune system functioning,
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

and consequent vulnerability to cardiovascular problems and infec-

tious diseases.

Political Psychology Research on Motives

This section reviews several political psychology studies that have
assessed the motive imagery of political leaders and groups, often as
part of a broader psychological profiling.

Research on Strategic Groups of Political Actors

U.S. Presidents
Extending the original work of Donley (Donley 1968; Donley and
Winter 1970), Winter (i^Sya) published motive scores of the first
inaugural addresses of American presidents from Washington
through Reagan, subsequently (Winter, in press) adding scores for
Bush and Clinton. Table 7.3 presents these scores.
Winter's (1991) review and extension of these studies, illustrated
in table 7.4, suggest that presidential motive imagery scores corre-
late with presidential behaviors and outcomes in predictable ways.
These results can be summarized as follows. Power-motivated presi-
dents are rated as "great" by historians. (Along these same lines,
House, Spangler, and Woycke {1991} found a relationship between
presidential power motivation and objective measures of presidential
charisma.) On the other hand, presidential power motivation is also
associated with involving the country in war—though, of course, the
causal linkage between an individual president's motive imagery and
U.S. war entry is complex and tenuous. Affiliation-motivated presi-
dents seek peace but are vulnerable to the influence of self-seeking
subordinates and, hence, scandal. Finally, the idealistic restlessness
of achievement-motivated presidents often leads them to frustration
in the amorphous mire of political intrigue and bargaining.
Since achievement-motivated leaders do well in business as entre-
preneurs, it is interesting to consider why this same motive creates
problems in politics. American corporate culture is a "command and
compliance" culture, in which a chief executive can insist on the "one
best solution" to any problem. Once there is a single best solution,
further discussion is often preempted. After all (in the words of
Jimmy Carter's 1975 presidential campaign autobiography), "Why
STATES, 1789-1993
Raw Scores Standardized Scores
(images per 1 ,000 words) (M = 50, SD = 10)
Ach Aff Pow Ach Aff Pow
Washington 1789 3.85 3.85 4.62 39 52 41
Adams, J. 1797 3.89 3.03 4.76 39 48 41
Jefferson 1801 5.65 3.30 6.59 48 49 51
Madison 1809 6.84 3.42 7.69 54 50 56
Monroe 1817 7.22 2.41 6.62 56 45 51
Adams, J. Q. 1825 5.43 3.40 3.74 47 50 36
Jackson 1829 4.48 2.69 5.38 42 47 44
Van Buren 1837 4.38 2.83 4.38 42 47 40
Harrison, W. H. 1841 2.56 1.52 4.31 32 41 39
Polk 1845 2.65 1.43 6.32 33 41 49
Taylor 1849 6.39 3.65 4.56 52 51 40
Pierce 1853 5.72 2.11 6.33 48 44 49
Buchanan 1857 5.05 2.53 4.69 45 46 41
Lincoln 1861 3.34 2.23 6.97 36 45 52
Grant 1869 7.02 2.63 3-51 55 46 35
Hayes 1877 6.07 2.83 6.07 50 47 48
Garfield 1881 5.09 0.34 6.10 45 36 48
Cleveland 1885 6.52 2.37 8.89 52 45 62
Harrison, B. 1889 3.49 2.18 5.45 37 44 45
McKinley 1897 5.30 1.51 5.55 46 41 45
Roosevelt, T. 1905 8.14 1.02 4.07 61 39 38
Taft 1909 4.79 0.92 7.93 44 39 57
Wilson 1913 8.83 2.94 7.06 64 48 53
Harding 1921 5.41 4.51 4.81 47 55 42
Coolidge 1925 4.69 2.47 5.43 43 46 45
Hoover 1929 9.18 2.16 5.94 66 44 47
Roosevelt, F. 1933 6.37 2.12 8.50 52 44 60
Truman 1949 6.91 5.99 11.98 54 61 77
Eisenhower 1953 4.50 4.50 6.14 42 55 48
Kennedy 1961 5.90 9.59 11.81 49 78 77
Johnson, L. 1965 6.77 4.74 6.09 54 56 48
Nixon 1969 8.94 8.00 7.06 65 70 52
Carter 1977 10.60 4.89 8.16 73 56 58
Reagan 1981 7.78 3.28 9.01 59 49 63
Bush 1989 7.35 10.81 7.35 57 83 54
Clinton 1993 10.23 5.75 9.59 71 60 65

M 6.04 3.44 6.49

SD 1.97 2.23 2.01
Source: Data from Winter 1987a, with scores added for Bush and Clinton and all scorers re-stan-
dardized. Vice presidents who were not elected (and therefore inaugurated) in their own right are not
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

not the best?" These considerations may suggest that utilitarianism

and the idea of meritocracy each have a latent authoritarian
"shadow." In democratic politics, however, different constituencies
usually have different ideas about what is "best," so that "the best"
usually has to be compromised in order to get "the possible." People
have to be persuaded, cajoled, and inspired to accept someone else's
vision of "the best." In politics, even after compromise programs are
passed, they have to be implemented by less-than-the-best
officials—officials the president did not appoint, does not fully trust,
and cannot remove. To a power-motivated leader like Franklin Roo-
sevelt or John F. Kennedy, these are not obstacles but rather the
essence of an interesting and zestful political life. (To achievement-
motivated chief executives, however, such problems can bring about
a small death each day.) As a result, power-motivated leaders may be
tempted to go over the heads of the politicians and take their case
directly to "the people" (as did achievement-motivated Woodrow
Wilson), to take ethical shortcuts (as did achievement-motivated
Richard Nixon), or to exhaust oneself in micromanagement (as did
achievement-motivated Jimmy Carter).

Candidates for the Presidency

Motives are also related to campaign performance in presidential

elections. In a detailed study of the 1976 campaign, Winter (1982)
related candidates' motive imagery scores (from their announcement
speeches) to aspects of their campaign strategy and performance. The
major results are shown in table 7.5. For example, candidates scoring
high in achievement motive imagery maintained a middle-of-the-
road ideological position, raised money through large donations,


Outcome Variable Achievement Affiliation Power
Historians' consensus rating of "greatness" .09 .09 .40*
Historians' rating of "idealism" 51** .19 .19
Assassination attempt .09 .17 .40*
War entry -.03 .16 .52**
Arms limitation treaty .13 .43 -.05
Scandal .15 .40* .01
Source: Data from Winter (1991, table 6), which should be consulted for complete definitions of
dependent variables.
*p < .05 **p < .01.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

spent money (rather than time) on the crucial New Hampshire pri-
mary, and stayed in the race only as long as their chances of success
were moderate. All of these results are consistent with the laboratory
studies summarized in table 7.2, which portray achievement-moti-
vated people as efficient entrepreneurs who take moderate risks. In
contrast, power-motivated candidates took more extreme ideological
positions, concentrated on small donors (perhaps as a means of mobi-
lizing grassroots support), spent considerable time (rather than only
money) in New Hampshire before that state's critical primary elec-
tion, and stayed in the race longer overall.
While these results may be specific to the 1976 campaign and
national political environment, Adkins (1994) studied the 1992
presidential candidates and found similar relationships between can-
didates' achievement and power motives and the level of risk of their
campaign strategy.
The relationship between candidates' motive imagery profile and
their electoral success is somewhat more complicated. Winter
(1987a) found that the greater congruence between a president's
motive imagery profile and the profile of American society at that
time (measured through content analysis of popular literature), the
higher the percentage of popular vote received, the greater the mar-
gin of victory, and the more likely the president was to be reelected.
In other words, electoral success—though not necessarily rated success in


Campaign Variable Achievement Affiliation Power
Extreme ideological position -.48 .20 .53 +
Via small contributions (< $100) -.70** -.26 .58*
Via large contributions (> $500) .70** .38 -.72**
Via own funds .08 .59* .22
Time spent in New Hampshire during
14 months before primary -.52 -.30 .71 +
Persistence at low probability of
success -.80** .08 .49
Source: Data from Winter 1982 (tables 3-5), which should be consulted for complete definitions
of dependent variables.
*p < .05 **p < .01.
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

historical perspective—is a function of motive "fit" between the

political actor and the public.

Supreme Court Justices

Aliotta (1988) studied the motives of fifteen U.S. Supreme Court
justices by scoring transcripts of their testimony at confirmation
hearings during the period 1925-84. She found that writing major-
ity opinions (a dependent variable reflecting justices' prestige and
impact on the Court and society) was, as predicted, positively corre-
lated with power motivation and negatively correlated with achieve-
ment and affiliation. Achievement-motivated justices cast relatively
fewer concurring or dissenting votes. When they did concur or dis-
sent, however, they were more likely to write a separate opinion.
Aliotta interprets this finding as a reflection of their concern with
excellence rather than with prestige or visibility. In contrast, affilia-
tion-motivated justices, who are also less likely to concur or dissent,
tend not to write separate opinions when they do. Presumably this
reflects their concern with agreement and being liked.

World Political Leaders

Hermann (1979, 198oa) scored affiliation and power imagery in
press conference transcripts of forty-five world leaders and related
leaders' scores to their foreign policy orientations. As predicted from
laboratory studies, affiliation-motivated leaders pursue a cooperative
and interdependent foreign policy, while power-motivated leaders
are more independent and confrontational. Leaders' power motiva-
tion was also related to the level of hostility (i.e., intense and nega-
tive affect) that their nations expressed toward other nations, while
their affiliation motivation predicted expressions of friendship.

Soviet Leaders
Hermann (198ob) further illustrated these relationships in a study of
the motives of Soviet Politburo members in the late 19705. Members
scoring high in affiliation and low in power were relatively more
prodetente than were members with the opposite motive pattern.
Schmitt and Winter (1998) scored the reports given by each of the
general secretaries of the Communist party of the Soviet Union
(Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev) to the first
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

party congress after their accession to power and related each leader's
score to his leadership style.

African Leaders
Winter (1980) scored interview transcripts from twenty-two politi-
cal leaders from various southern Africa countries, including heads of
state, cabinet ministers, and exiled nationalist guerilla leaders. As
expected from laboratory studies, power-motivated leaders were
rated by a panel of experts as more likely "to initiate, support, or con-
tinue armed conflict" (R = . ~ / i , p < .001). It is interesting to note
that these ratings of propensity for violence were unrelated (R = .14,
p - ns.) to ratings of power motivation made by these same expert
judges, although on grounds of shared method variance one might
have expected that they would be.
Hermann (1987^ scored interview transcripts from twelve sub-
Saharan Africa heads of government and related the results to their
foreign policy styles and role orientations, confirming her earlier
findings on world leaders (Hermann 198oa).

Studies of Individual Leaders

In recent years, several researchers have used motive imagery scoring
of historical materials to make inferences, as part of a systematic psy-
chobiography or personality portrait, about the motives of particular
individuals. Some of these studies were based on the scores of one
particular president, candidate, or other leader from a group study;
others were designed from the beginning as a study of a single leader.
Winter and Carlson (1988) explored how the motive imagery
scores of Richard Nixon's 1969 first inaugural address (high achieve-
ment and affiliation, average power) could be used to resolve some of
the paradoxes of Nixon's personal and political behavior. For exam-
ple, they suggest that Nixon's twists and changes of political
beliefs—from liberal populist in college to postwar "Redhunter" to
guest of Mao Zedong in 1972—can be understood as a manifestation
of the tendency for achievement-motivated people to modify actions
on the basis of results of previous actions. More systematically, they
validated Nixon's overall motive imagery profile by gathering
accounts of his motive-related behavior from the published memoirs
of his principal associates, as well as from Nixon's own autobiogra-
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

phies. They found that Nixon showed almost all of the correlates of
achievement and affiliation motivation, as would be expected by his
very high scores on those two motives. In contrast, he showed only
some correlates (slightly fewer than half) of the power motive, again
as would be expected by his average score on that motive.
Hermann used power and affiliation motive imagery scores, along
with other personality characteristics measured at a distance, to con-
struct personality portraits of Ronald Reagan (1983) and Syrian
leader Hafez al-Assad (1988a). Along these same lines, Snare has
constructed portraits of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi (1992a)
and post-Khomeini Iranian leaders (1990, 1992^.
In another quantitative idiographic study, N. J. G. Winter (1992)
scored selected speeches of Mussolini and found a significant increase
in power motivation and decrease in affiliation after his September
1937 meeting with Hitler that marked the beginning of their close
relationship. Such changes may help to explain the marked decrease
in the wisdom and success of Mussolini's policies from that same
time onward.
Other leaders who have been studied through the use of motive
imagery scores include U.S. president George H. W. Bush and for-
mer Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev (Winter et al. 1991b,
1991a); Bill Clinton (Winter 1998b); Woodrow Wilson (Watson
and Winter 1997); and (more briefly) John F. Kennedy (Winter
1991, in press).

Studies of Political and Social Processes

Conflict Escalation and War

The motive-scoring technique has also been applied to scoring cul-
tural documents in order to explain motivational contributions to
important social processes such as war and peace. Extrapolating from
laboratory studies of individuals and prior archival work, Winter
(1993b) hypothesized that war and the aggressive resolution of crises
would be associated with high levels of power motivation and low
levels of affiliation, while peacefully resolved crises would show the
reverse pattern. He tested this hypothesis by scoring three sets of his-
torical materials: (i) the Speech from the Throne (or "Queen's
Speech") that British sovereigns give at the opening of each session
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

of Parliament, (2) the direct government-to-government communi-

cations between Great Britain and Germany in the July 1914 weeks
of crisis immediately before the outbreak of World War I, and (3)
the statements and letters exchanged by President Kennedy and Pre-
mier Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. He found
that power motivation increased and affiliation decreased in the years
just before Britain entered a war, as compared to the years during
which Britain stayed at peace. The same trends occurred during July
1914, as the World War I crisis escalated to war; in the peacefully
resolved Cuban Missile Crisis, however, the opposite trends
occurred, as power went down while affiliation went up.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

In his classic study, The Achieving Society, McClelland (1961) demon-
strated numerous links between high achievement motivation and
economic development, especially entrepreneurial behavior and
innovation. At the individual and corporate level, these links have
been established through laboratory and longitudinal studies of indi-
viduals, as well as archival studies of corporate documents. For exam-
ple, Diaz (1982) scored motive imagery in the annual letters to
stockholders of two American automobile manufacturers and one
Japanese automobile manufacture from 1952 to 1980. He found that
a company's achievement motive imagery scores from one year pre-
dicted that company's relative market share in subsequent years.
Wormley (1976) studied mutual fund managers and found that the
portfolios of managers with high achievement motivation increased
more rapidly over a five-year period, while portfolios of managers
with high power motivation showed more volatility (swinging both
higher and lower than the market trends).
At the national or cultural level, McClelland (1961) established
the connection between achievement motivation and economic
development by correlating achievement motive imagery scores
from children's school readers (and other cultural documents) with
subsequent national economic growth. Among preindustrial cul-
tures, achievement motive imagery in folktales was associated with
the prominence of full-time entrepreneurs and more advanced meth-
ods of producing food (hunting or agriculture rather than gathering).
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

Procedures and Materials for Scoring Motives at a Distance

Selecting Political Actor(s) or Group(s)

The first step in any at-a-distance research is to select the persons or
groups to be studied. Obviously this depends on the questions and
interests of the researcher, but some aspects of this decision have
important implications for the overall design of the research.

Election Appropriate Comparison Material

The results of motive imagery scoring are raw motive imagery scores,
typically expressed in images per one thousand words. By them-
selves, these scores are difficult to interpret, since they are undoubt-
edly affected by many factors besides the actual motives of the polit-
ical actor: the type of discourse (prepared speech, informal remarks,
answers to interview questions, written letters, reports, telegrams,
diaries, etc.), the intended audience (an individual leader, a friend, a
public audience, the mass media), the occasion (an electoral campaign,
an inauguration, a crisis speech, a relaxed interview), the political
atmosphere (what issues are salient), and the compositional mode
(reflective prose, spontaneous remarks, off-the-cuff utterances).
With so many other potentially obscuring factors, researchers may
wonder how it is ever possible to detect the effects of individual
motives. The answer lies in establishing a comparison sample against
which to evaluate these raw scores. Such comparisons are a way to
hold constant (or at least to make an effort to hold constant) these
other, extraneous factors.
Once a comparison group is identified, the raw motive imagery
scores of all persons (those being studied and the comparisons) can be
pooled and converted to standardized form. (A standard score is the
raw score minus the mean of the entire pooled group, all divided by
the standard deviation of the pooled group. It describes a person's
raw score in comparison to those of the rest of the standardization
group. Scores from the Scholastic Aptitude Test or Graduate Record
Examination, for example, are expressed in standardized form, with
an overall mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100.) Once raw
scores have been standardized on the basis of the scores of the com-
parison sample, they can then be compared to any other scores from
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

any other source, based on any other kind of material.3 The decision
of which comparison group to use is critical in two respects. First, it
establishes the normative population against which the particular
person being studied will be compared. Second, the standardization
group decision also affects the selection of actual documents to be
scored, since the scores of all persons in the standardization group
should be based on the same kinds of documents. The process of
identifying comparison groups is subsequently illustrated with some

Identifying Comparison Groups

Often the appropriate comparison group will be obvious. Thus the
motive imagery scores of any particular president's first inaugural
address can be compared to the scores of all other first inaugural
addresses, as shown in table 7.3. Or the scores of one presidential
candidate's announcement speech can be compared to the speeches of
all other candidates for that year (as in Winter 1982). Hermann
(1979, 198oa, 1988b) has used her accumulated sample of world
leaders as a comparison group for present and future scorings of addi-
tional individual leaders.
Sometimes comparisons can be drawn among different subgroups
of a single larger group: for example, in his study of twenty-two
southern Africa leaders, Winter (1980) compared the motive
imagery scores of white leaders, "front line" heads of state, Zimbab-
wean nationalist leaders, South African nationalist leaders, and South
African "homeland" leaders.
Sometimes a single leader can be studied over time, using similar
kinds of verbal material. For example, Winter (1998b) studied
changes in the motive imagery levels of Bill Clinton's State of the
Union speeches from 1993 through 1996, in effect using Clinton as
his own comparison group.

The Case of Ross Perot as an Illustration of Problems

in Identifying Comparison Groups
Sometimes the appropriate comparison group is not obvious or is
difficult to construct. Such constraints may then affect the kinds of
questions that can be asked and limit the hypotheses that can be for-
mulated. The case of Ross Perot's 1992 candidacy for president can
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

be used as an interesting example—for methodological purposes, at

least, if not for the enduring substantive importance of Perot as a
political leader. Winter (1995) wanted to assess Ross Perot's motive
profile as a part of his study of the 1992 U.S. presidential candidates
and campaign, since the unusual rise-and-fall cycle of Perot's candi-
dacy had generated considerable popular and journalistic interest. At
the time of the initial research (March 1992), the precise nature and
status of Perot's campaign were not clear, since he had not made any
formal announcement of candidacy. To get some estimate of his
motive imagery profile, therefore, Winter scored transcripts of four
published interviews in national magazines, comparing the resulting
raw scores to other interview-based raw scores (from a sample of
interviews with world leaders) rather than to the other presidential
candidacy announcement speeches. Then, since Perot formally with-
drew from the campaign in July 1992 but reentered it on October i,
his statement of candidacy on that latter occasion could be compared
with the other 1992 announcement speeches of the other 1992 can-
It is interesting to note that the two estimates of Perot's motive
profile were, in standardized terms, quite different; discussion of the
differences illustrates how selection of material and identification of
comparison groups affect the kinds of interpretations that can be
made. In the interviews (standardized on the group of world leaders'
interviews), Perot scored very high in achievement, low in affiliation,
and a little below average in power. Such a profile is consistent with
Perot's previous success as an entrepreneur. The later announcement
statement, however, had much lower levels of achievement motiva-
tion—below the average for the other 1992 candidates and not much
higher than affiliation or power.
Why the difference? Which was Perot's "true" level of achieve-
ment motivation? Actually, the raw achievement scores for the inter-
views and announcement were about the same; using different stan-
dardization samples for the two kinds of material (a reasonable
procedure, given the methodological considerations noted at the
beginning of this section) caused the apparent difference in the two
achievement motive imagery scores. In other words, in comparison
to world leaders responding to interview questions, Perot scored
high in achievement motivation; in comparison to other candidates
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

making an announcement speech, he did not. Was this an artif actual

or real difference?
Such a question could have several answers, each involving differ-
ent assumptions about the comparison and standardization
processes, (i) The apparent difference in Perot's scores could simply
be an artifact of the different comparison samples used; hence Perot's
"true" achievement motive imagery score would be either high (on
the basis of the interview comparison group) or low (on the basis of
the announcement statement comparison group). (2) The world
leaders are a political sample and therefore not a good comparison
group for Perot's interview-based scores. A sample of business lead-
ers would have been better; in comparison with such a sample,
Perot's raw achievement motive score might have been much lower.
(3) The apparent difference may be due to the fact that Perot's
announcement of candidacy was made as an opening statement in a
news conference rather than as a set speech, as were the other candi-
dates' announcements to which it was compared. (4) The difference
may be real, but it is the result of Perot's not adjusting his achieve-
ment imagery upward to the baseline typical of political announce-
ment speeches, which was a new genre for him. In other words, his
announcement was poorly matched to the demands of the occasion
and did not reflect his true high level of achievement motivation.
These four answers are essentially methodological hypotheses.
More interesting is another answer that involves a substantive expla-
nation: (5) the difference is real and reflects an actual decline or disen-
gagement of Perot's achievement motivation during the course of the
presidential campaign. Perhaps he did not "have his heart" in the
later, October campaign and was just going through the motions of
the announcement during the television debates. After all, his proba-
bility of success had dropped precipitously by then, and under such
circumstances achievement-motivated candidates tend to get out of
the race (Winter 1982). Perhaps he only reentered the presidential
race to avoid alienating his supporters and so preserve his base of sup-
port for future strategic purposes. Hence his announcement state-
ment had lower levels of achievement motivation than it would have
had if it had been composed and delivered several months earlier.
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

Selection of Specific Documents

Once the political actor(s) of interest and appropriate comparison
groups have been identified, the next step is to select specific docu-
ments. (Document as used here means any verbal material that is
scored for motive imagery.) The use of comparable documents is just
as important as the use of comparable people and for the same reason:
any motive imagery scores or differences are always vulnerable to an
alternative interpretation or explanation that they are the result of
the nature of (i.e., differences in) the material scored rather than true
differences between persons.
The need for having similar documents can put constraints on
research. For example, suppose a researcher wanted to compare
U.S. presidents Jefferson, Lincoln, and Kennedy. American presi-
dents have only given live press conferences since Hoover; only
since Kennedy have these been broadcast live. Thus we cannot
compare the press conference transcripts of these three presidents.
American presidents have only delivered their annual State of the
Union message to Congress in person since Wilson; before that
time, the message was transmitted in writing. Thus State of the
Union messages are not comparable. While inaugural addresses do
go back to George Washington, they have certainly changed over
two centuries: in literary style, in the nature and size of the audi-
ence, and—most important—in the mass media. (Harding's inau-
gural, for example, was the first to be broadcast on the radio.) And
over the years, other modes of presidential communication have
changed radically. Letter writing (often done by Jefferson and Lin-
coln) has given way to telegrams, telephone calls (common in the
Kennedy era), and now email. For a Jefferson-Lincoln-Kennedy
comparison, then, inaugural addresses may be one of the few even
partly comparable sources of data, despite their obvious situa-
tional, political, and rhetorical differences.
In international relations research, diplomatic messages, speeches,
interviews, diaries, and memoirs may not be comparable with each
other on formal or structural grounds or even with themselves across
different eras. Again, careful comparisons and selections must be
made and advantages and disadvantages balanced.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

The Paired Comparisons Method

Winter's study of international crises (1997) illustrates another way
of handling the problem of comparability of material. He intended
to compare motive imagery in paired crises, one of which escalated to
war and the other of which was peacefully resolved. To ensure gener-
ality of the results, he drew from a broad range of crises (e.g., the
Mexican War verus the Oregon boundary settlement; the 1909
Bosnian crisis versus World War I; Soviet 1956 intervention in
Hungary versus nonintervention in Poland; U.S. nonintervention in
Indochina in 1954 versus intervention in 1964—65; and Iraq's
threatened annexation of Kuwait in 1961 versus its actual invasion
in 1990). No single kind of comparable documents exists for all
these crises. However, within each pair there were one or more kinds
of comparable documents, so that it is possible to construct a series
of within-pair comparisons.
For example, both the Mexican War and the Oregon boundary
settlement are extensively mentioned in President Folk's published
diary and his annual messages to Congress, and the diplomatic
exchanges with Mexico and Great Britain are also published. For
both Indochina in 1954 and Vietnam in 1964—65, there are presi-
dential press conferences and speeches by other American officials,
from which material relevant to the topic at hand (i.e., the crisis) can
be selected for scoring.4 For the Jefferson-Lincoln-Kennedy compar-
ison discussed previously, the inaugurals of each president could be
compared to those of the presidents serving immediately before and
immediately after them, as a way of ruling out extraneous influences
and further tightening the comparisons.

Scoring should be done on verbatim texts. For U.S. research, the Pub-
lic Papers of the Presidents series (and its more quickly available serial
form, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents) provides a verba-
tim record of every word that the president speaks "on the record."
This series goes back as far as Herbert Hoover; before that time, the
series A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents includes
major presidential speeches and papers. For the U.S. Congress there
is the Congressional Record and its predecessor, the Congressional Globe.
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

(Since these two sources have permitted members to revise and

extend their remarks before publication, and even to add additional
material, they are an imperfect record of what members actually said
on the floors of Congress, although they are a good record of the ver-
bal material that members wanted to disseminate.) The equivalent for
Great Britain, from the seventeenth century to the present, is
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. For non-U.S. leaders, many verba-
tim texts of speeches and interviews are included in the Foreign
Broadcast Information Service Daily Report. This publication has gone
through several changes from its beginning in 1947 to the present:
from microfilm of mimeographed hard copy to microfiche of printed
hard copy; most recently (if not as comprehensively), on-line texts
have been available on the Internet. Other on-line sources, such as
Lexis-Nexis, are proliferating rapidly. Archival materials that
include verbatim texts from political leaders are also published (and
nowadays made available on-line) by many governments.

Preparation of Documents
Several steps can be taken to improve the objectivity of scoring. To
the maximum extent possible, scorers should be blind to the research
hypothesis and to the differences among the different documents
(sources, comparisons to be made, etc.). In some cases it may even be
appropriate to mask information that could identify the source or in
some other way bias the scoring, such as names of persons or coun-
tries, dates, and so forth. The entire set of material to be scored (for
example, the speeches of all candidates or the documents from both
war and nonwar crises) should be randomly mixed together to reduce
effects of serial position, scorer fatigue, and similar factors. (True
randomization can easily be carried out by assigning four- or five-
digit serial numbers from a table of random numbers and then sort-
ing the documents by serial number.)

The complete manual "Integrated System for Scoring Motives in
Running Text," together with instructions for learning, several dif-
ferent kinds of practice materials, expert scoring, and documenta-
tion, can be obtained at cost from the author. 5 The original versions
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

of the three motive scoring systems, together with a wealth of other

information, are available in Motivation and Personality: Handbook of
Thematic Content Analysis (Smith 1992).
Before scoring for research purposes, scorers should have attained
a high degree of agreement with expert scoring on the practice mate-
rials. The running text manual provides step-by-step instructions for
doing this (see also Smith 1992, 526-632). The usual standard of
interscorer reliability for research purposes is category agreement
(see Smith 1992, 529) and r both greater than .85.

Psychometric and Interpretation Issues

Motives of Leaders or Speech Writers?

When the speeches and other verbal material of political leaders are
scored for motive imagery, do the resulting scores reflect the motives
of the leaders themselves or the motives of their speech writers? And
if speech writers are trying to emphasize salient cultural values in
order to create the broadest popular appeal, do the scores really
reflect anybody's personality? On the other hand, candidates do select
their speech writers. Speech writers, in turn, know how to craft
words, phrases, and images to fit the style and personalities of their
clients. (See Crown 1968, 34-38, on Kennedy and Sorenson; Safire
1975 on writing for Nixon versus writing for Agnew; Noonan 1990
on Reagan; Scott 1993 on Clinton; and Gelderman 1997 on presi-
dential speech writers generally.) Finally, for any important speech
such as an announcement of candidacy or an inaugural, the candidate
and other close associates review and rework successive drafts until
they feel appropriate and comfortable. In 1960, for example,
Kennedy personally wrote out a late draft of his inaugural and
inserted some scorable motive images into Theodore Sorenson's
penultimate typed draft.
Using more spontaneous interview material may reduce (though
it does not fully eliminate) this problem, since many "spontaneous"
interviews are carefully prepared, even scripted. Yet in a larger sense,
concerns about the effect of the speech writer may not matter. What-
ever their status, prepared texts do exist as the leader's words; they
are taken as the leader's words; and they have effects as the leader's
words. We can assume that scores based on these words are a reason-
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

able guide to the leader's personality, //they are useful in predicting

or interpreting the author's behavior. However, that very same con-
ditional also applies to any other method of making inferences about
the personality of a leader or, indeed, any other person.
Factors such as audience, campaign issues, popular mood, cultural
values, and political stereotypes do affect speech content, but there is
evidence that by themselves they do not wholly determine motive
imagery scores (see Hermann 198oa, 344; Winter and Stewart
1977a, 51). Thus it is possible for a political leader to talk about top-
ics such as the economy, national heritage, and even war and peace
from almost any manifest policy perspective and either use or not use
achievement, affiliation, or power images. In other words, the motive
imagery scoring systems seem to pick up the subtle shades of image
or emphasis that reflect personal factors rather than merely reflecting
the common currency of cultural symbols or ideological stances.

Since the motive imagery content analysis system was derived from
TAT scoring systems, which have a reputation for low test-retest
reliability (see Entwisle 1972), many readers may wonder whether
this at-a-distance technique is reliable. Actually, several researchers
have shown that the common impression of low TAT reliability is
not, in fact, accurate (Smith 1992, 126-39; Winter and Stewart
1977b). Moreover, Winter (1991, 70—71) has shown that the at-a-
distance adaptation of these scoring systems gives split-half over-
time reliability coefficients in the range of .62 to .77, which suggests
considerable temporal stability.

The research that has been done on the effects of translation on
motive imagery scores (Hermann 198ob, 352 n. 2; Winter 1973,
92-93) suggests that translated documents yield about the same
scores as originals, so long as the translation was a careful one.

Final Cautions
While the motive imagery scoring procedure has furnished useful
insights in case studies and useful generalizations in research on
groups, some final cautions about the technique are in order. We
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

must remember that any kind of content analysis depends on the

written record. But not all records are accessible, or even known, to
researchers. For example, the existence of tape recordings of the
deliberations of President Kennedy and his advisers during the
Cuban Missile Crisis was not publicly disclosed until twenty-five
years afterward. Only recently have some of the taped discussions
and conversations of Presidents Johnson and Nixon become available
to scholars.
Many important "messages," furthermore, are not to be commu-
nicated in such a way that they end up in the public archive. For
example, shortly after the outbreak of the first Balkan War (October
14, 1912), Sir William Tyrrell (private secretary to British foreign
secretary Grey) dined with German charge d'affaires Richard von
Kuhlmann (Nicolson 1930, 279-80). At that dinner, according to
Kuhlmann's later telegram to German chancellor Bethmann-Holl-
weg, Tyrell transmitted Grey's "serious and decisive proposal" for
"heartfelt and durable conciliation," whereby Germany and Britain
would walk "hand in hand" in resolving not only the Balkan crisis
but also all other areas of potential conflict. In reply, however, the
German foreign secretary doubted whether Grey would communi-
cate such a significant proposal in a "dinner table conversation." In
fact, there is no record of these events in any official British archive
and no written record of the ultimate result of the conversation in
German or British archives. Precisely what transpired during that
dinner, then, is not available for content analysis
Similarly, many of the most important aspects of the Cuban Mis-
sile Crisis, especially from the Soviet side, do not exist, are not avail-
able in official documentation, or have not yet been declassified. For
example, several important conversations between American news
reporters and Soviet officials, at the height of the crisis, were remem-
bered differently by different people (Fursenko and Naftali 1997,
258, 260—61, 270, and esp. 264—65). Our knowledge of the conver-
sations between Robert Kennedy and Soviet ambassador Dobrynin is
similarly based only on reports and memoirs (Fursenko and Naftali
1997, 252—53, 281-82). In short, recollected texts, being subject to
distortion (see Winter 1987^, are not verbatim texts.
Even verbatim texts rarely capture many nuances of human speech
and communication such as irony, emphasis, hesitation, and doubt.
Measuring the Motives of Political Actors at a Distance

Such nuances may be crucial to meaning and action, but they are not
likely to be picked up by the motive imagery scoring systems.
Finally, some things do not even have to be said in so many words;
they operate, in Joll's (1968) term, as "unspoken assumptions." For
all these reasons, the content of the available written record may not
always be isomorphic with the psychological states of political lead-
ers, groups, and peoples, and so we are obliged to use content analy-
sis of that record with caution and humility.


1. Much of the material in this section is based on Winter 1996 (chap. 5),
which contains an extensive list of further references.
2. The difference between the achievement and power motives can be
phrased in terms of the old proverb "Build a better mousetrap and the world will
beat a path to your door." People high in achievement motivation might indeed
build the better mousetrap, but power-motivated people would try to get the
world coming to their door without having to build the better mousetrap first—
perhaps by buying, renting, or appropriating someone else's mousetrap.
3. Standardization does have the effect of setting the overall standardized
means and standard deviations of each group that has been standardized equal to
each other. Thus, while it would be possible to compare the standardized motive
imagery scores of any two or more presidents with each other, or any president
with any candidate from a candidate standardization group, the presidents as a
whole, and the candidates as a whole, will have the same mean and standard devi-
ation. Thus we cannot determine motive imagery differences between two dif-
ferent standardization groups as wholes.
4. The assumption that only passages relevant to the crisis should be selected
can, of course, be debated.
5. Requests for this material can be sent to the following address: David G.
Winter, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, 525 E. University
Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109—1109, U.S.A.
8. Assessing Leadership Style:
Trait Analysis

Margaret G. Hermann

More often than not when conversation turns to politics and politi-
cians, discussion focuses on personalities. There is a certain fascina-
tion with analyzing political leaders. As a result, biographies on cur-
rent political figures become best-sellers and the triumphs as well as
the tragedies of political leaders become newspaper headlines. A
major reason for our curiosity about the personal characteristics of
such leaders is the realization that their preferences, the things they
believe in and work for, and the ways they go about making deci-
sions can influence our lives.
But how can we learn about the personalities and, in particular,
the leadership styles of political leaders in more than a cursory fash-
ion? It is hard to conceive of giving people like Tony Blair, Saddam
Hussein, or Boris Yeltsin a battery of psychological tests or having
them submit to a series of clinical interviews. Not only would they
not have time for, or tolerate, such procedures, they would be wary
that the results, if made public, might prove politically damaging to
One way of learning more about political leaders that does not
require their cooperation is by examining what they say. Only movie
stars, hit rock groups, and athletes probably leave more traces of
their behavior in the public arena than politicians. U.S. presidents'
movements and statements, for example, are generally recorded by
the mass media; little of what a U.S. president does escapes notice.
Such materials provide a basis for assessment.
By analyzing the content of what political leaders say, we can

Assessing Leadership Style

begin to learn something about the images they display in public,

even when such individuals are unavailable for the more usual assess-
ment techniques. To illustrate how political leaders' statements can
be studied to learn more about them, the rest of this chapter will pre-
sent a technique for using such material to assess leadership style.

Focusing on Spontaneous Material

Two major types of statements are readily available for most politi-
cal leaders in the latter part of the twentieth century—speeches and
interviews with the media. Some caution must be exercised in exam-
ining speeches to assess what a leader is like since such materials are
generally written for him or her by speech writers or staff members.
But care and thought have generally gone into what is said and how
it is said. Interviews with the media, however, are a more sponta-
neous type of material. During the give-and-take of a question-and-
answer period, leaders must respond quickly without props or aid.
What they are like can influence the nature of the response and how
it is worded. Although there is often some preparation of a political
leader prior to an interview with the press (for example, considera-
tion of what questions might be asked and, if asked, how they should
be answered), during the interview leaders are on their own; their
responses are relatively spontaneous.
Because of the interest here in assessing the personality character-
istics of the political leader and, in turn, his or her leadership style,
interviews are the material of preference. In the interview, political
leaders are less in control of what they say and, even though still in a
public setting, more likely to evidence what they, themselves, are
like than is often possible when giving a speech. (For research explor-
ing the differences between speeches and interviews in the assess-
ment of personality at a distance, see, e.g., Hermann 1977, 198oa,
1986b; Winter et al. 1991 a; Schafer, forthcoming). The trait analy-
sis described in what follows uses as its unit of analysis the interview
response. Interviews are decomposed into individual responses and
the question that elicited the response.
Leaders' interviews with the media are available in a wide variety
of sources. Interviews with political figures located in governments
outside the United States are collected in the Foreign Broadcast Infor-
mation Service Daily Report, which is distributed through World
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

News Connection, and are reported by other governments' informa-

tion agencies on their Web sites. Interviews with political elites who
reside within the United States are often found in such newspapers as
the New York Times and Washington Post, as well as in weekly news
magazines and as recorded from weekly television news programs.
Presidential press conferences and other interviews with the presi-
dents can be found in each one's Presidential Papers.
It is particularly important in collecting interview materials that
one locate verbatim responses—that, indeed, the full text as spoken
by the leader is available. At times, newspapers and magazines will
survey or edit interviews with leaders, making it difficult to know
how representative the reported material is of what was said. We are
not interested in what the particular media outlet believes will sell
newspapers or magazines but in how the leaders presented them-
selves in that setting.
In the course of my completing profiles of the leadership styles of
some 122 political leaders, it has become evident that the analyst can
develop an adequate assessment of leadership style based on fifty
interview responses of one hundred words or more in length.
Confidence in one's profile, of course, increases the number of inter-
view responses the analyst can assess, but any profile will suffer if it
is determined on fewer than fifty responses. To ensure that the
description of leadership style is not context-specific, the fifty inter-
view responses that are analyzed should span the leader's tenure in
office, as well as have occurred in different types of interview set-
tings, and should focus on a variety of topics. Collecting and catego-
rizing interview responses by time, audience, and topic provide a
means for assessing how stable the traits composing leadership style
are. Such data indicate how relatively sensitive or insensitive to the
context a particular leader is.
It is also possible to classify interviews on their degree of spon-
taneity, facilitating the analyst's gaining some insight into the dif-
ferences between a leader's public and private selves. The least spon-
taneous interviews are those where the political figure calls
interviewers into his or her office to present a plan or to report on
what is happening or where the political leader asks reporters to
submit questions ahead of time and preselects those to answer, plan-
ning the responses. The most spontaneous interviews are those where
Assessing Leadership Style

the leader is caught by the press in an unplanned encounter, for

example, leaving a meeting, getting on or off a plane, in the corridors
of a building, or where there is a recording of a meeting between the
leader and advisers. By differentiating the interview responses on
degree of spontaneity as well as context, one can gain information
not only about the stability of a leader's profile but also about what
he or she is particularly sensitive to if there is a lack of stability.

Leadership Style
As the world grows more complex and an increasing number of
agencies, organizations, and people participate in policy-making,
both at the domestic and international levels, political leaders face
several dilemmas in affecting policy, such as how to maintain control
over policy while still delegating authority (or having it delegated
for them) to other actors in the government and how to shape the
policy agenda when situations are being defined and problems as
well as opportunities are being perceived and structured by others in
the political system. The particular leadership style that leaders
adopt can affect the manner in which they deal with these dilemmas
and, in turn, the nature of the decision-making process. Barber
(1977) has argued that leadership style often results from those
behaviors that were useful in securing the leader's first political suc-
cess; these actions become reinforced across time as the leader relies
on them to achieve the second, third, and so forth successes. The
term leadership style means the ways in which leaders relate to those
around them—whether constituents, advisers, or other leaders—and
how they structure interactions and the norms, rules, and principles
they use to guide such interactions.
In assessing the individual differences of 122 national leaders
across the past two decades (e.g., Hermann 198oa, 198ob, 1984a,
1987^ 1988b, 1993; Hermann and Hermann 1989; Kaarbo and
Hermann 1998), I have uncovered a set of leadership styles that
appears to guide how presidents, prime ministers, kings, and dicta-
tors interact with those they lead or with whom they share power.
These leadership styles are built around the answers to three ques-
tions: (i) How do leaders react to political constraints in their envi-
ronment—do they respect or challenge such constraints? (2) How
open are leaders to incoming information—do they selectively use
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

information or are they open to information directing their response?

(3) What are the leaders' reasons for seeking their positions—are
they driven by an internal focus of attention within themselves or by
the relationships that can be formed with salient constituents? The
answers to these three queries suggest whether the leader is going to
be generally sensitive or insensitive to the political context and the
degree to which he or she will want to control what happens or be an
agent for the viewpoints of others. These answers combine to suggest
a particular leadership style. Let us examine each of the questions in
more detail and then discuss their combination.
In considering leaders' responsiveness to political constraints, we
are interested in how important it is for them to exert control and
influence over the environment in which they find themselves, and
the constraints that environment poses, as opposed to being adapt-
able to the situation and remaining open to responding to the
demands of domestic and international constituencies and circum-
stances. Research has shown that leaders who are predisposed to chal-
lenge constraints are more intent on meeting a situation head-on,
achieving quick resolution to an issue, being decisive, and dealing
forcefully with the problem of the moment (e.g., Driver 1977; Her-
mann 1984a; Tetlock 1991; Suedfeld 1992a). Their personal charac-
teristics are highly predictive of their responses to events (e.g., Sued-
feld and Rank 1976; Driver 1977; Hermann 1984a) because
constraints are viewed as obstacles but not insurmountable ones. To
facilitate maintaining direction over events, such leaders work to
bring policy-making under their control (e.g., Hermann and Preston
1994; Hermann and Kegley 1995; Kowert and Hermann 1997).
Leaders who are more responsive to the context have been found to
be more empathetic to their surroundings; interested in how relevant
constituents are viewing events and in seeking their support; more
open to bargaining, trade-offs, and compromise; and more likely to
focus on events on a case-by-case basis (e.g., Driver 1977; Ziller et al.
1977; Hermann 1984a, 1987^ Tetlock 1991; Suedfeld 1992;
Kaarbo and Hermann 1998). Because constraints set the parameters
for action for such leaders, their personal characteristics suggest the
degree of support and closure they will need from the environment
before making a decision and where that support will be sought
(e.g., Driver 1977; Hermann 1984a; Winter et al. 1991a). Flexibil-
Assessing Leadership Style

ity, political timing, and consensus building are viewed as important

leadership tools (e.g., Stoessinger 1979; Snyder 1987; Hermann
In examining the decision making of American presidents,
George (1980) observed that the kinds of information they wanted
in making a decision was shaped by whether they came with a well-
formulated vision or agenda that framed how data were perceived
and interpreted or were interested in studying the situation before
choosing a response. Presidents with an agenda sought information
that reinforced a particular point of view and sought people around
them who were supportive of these predispositions. Presidents more
focused on what was happening politically in the current context
wanted to know what was doable and feasible at this point in time
and were interested in expert opinion or advice from those highly
attuned to important constituencies. Leaders who are less open to
information have been found to act as advocates, intent on finding
information that supports their definition of the situation and over-
looking evidence that is disconfirmatory; their attention is focused
on persuading others of their position (see, e.g., Axelrod 1976;Jon-
sson 1982; Fazio 1986; Lau and Sears 1986; Stewart, Hermann, and
Hermann 1989; Kaarbo and Hermann 1998). Leaders who are more
open to information are reported to be cue takers, both defining the
problem and identifying a position by checking what important oth-
ers are advocating and doing. Such leaders are interested in informa-
tion that is both discrepant and supportive of the options on the
table at the moment, seeking political insights into who is support-
ing what and with what degree of intensity (e.g., Axelrod 1976;
Stewart, Hermann, and Hermann 1989; Kaarbo and Hermann
Leaders' motivations define the manner in which they "orient
[themselves] toward life—not for the moment, but enduringly"
(Barber 1977, 8). Motives shape their character—what is important
in their lives and what drives them to act. A survey of the literature
exploring motivation in political leaders suggests that a variety of
needs and incentives push persons into assuming leadership posi-
tions in politics (see, e.g., Barber 1965; Woshinsky 1973; McClel-
land 1975; Winter and Stewart 1977a; Walker 1983; Payne et al.
1984; Snare 1992a; Winter 1992^. Examination of the list that
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

results, however, indicates that political leaders are driven, in gen-

eral, either by an internal focus—a particular problem or cause, an
ideology, a specific set of interests—or by the desire for a certain
kind of feedback from those in their environment—acceptance,
approval, power, support, status, acclaim. In one case, they are dri-
ven internally and pushed to act by ideas and images they believe
and advocate. In the other instance, leaders are motivated by a
desired relationship with important others and, thus, pulled by
forces outside themselves into action. For those for whom solving
problems and achieving causes is highly salient, mobilization and
effectiveness feature prominently in movement toward their goal; for
those motivated by their relationships with others, persuasion and
marketing are central to achieving their goal.
Knowledge about how leaders react to constraints, process infor-
mation, and are motivated to deal with their political environment
provides us with data on their leadership style. Table 8.1 indicates
the leadership styles that result when these three dimensions are
interrelated. A more detailed description of these various leadership
styles and the ways that the three factors interrelate can be found in
Hermann, Preston, and Young 1996. The empirical relationships
between these particular leadership styles and political behavior have
been explored by Hermann (19803, 1984a, 1995); Hermann and
Hermann (1989); Stewart, Hermann, and Hermann (1989); Her-
mann and Preston (1994); and Kaarbo and Hermann (1998).

Using Trait Analysis to Assess Leadership Style

Seven traits have been found to be particularly useful in assessing
leadership style: (i) the belief that one can influence or control what
happens, (2) the need for power and influence, (3) conceptual com-
plexity (the ability to differentiate things and people in one's envi-
ronment), (4) self-confidence, (5) the tendency to focus on problem
solving and accomplishing something versus maintenance of the
group and dealing with others' ideas and sensitivities, (6) general
distrust or suspiciousness of others, and (7) the intensity with which
a person holds an in-group bias. Based on previous research linking
leaders' personal characteristics to their political behavior (e.g.,
Druckman 1968; Byars 1973; McClelland 1975; Lefcourt 1976;
Driver 1977; Hermann and Kogan 1977; Ziller et al. 1977; Her-
Responsiveness Openness to
to Constraints Information Problem Focus Relationship Focus
Challenges Closed to Expansionistic Evangelistic
constraints information (Focus of attention (Focus of attention is on
is on expanding persuading others to join
leader's, government's, in one's mission, in
and state's span mobilizing others
of control) around one's message)

Challenges Open to Actively Independent Directive

constraints information (Focus of attention is (Focus of attention is on
on maintaining one's maintaining one's own
own and the and the government's
government's status and acceptance by
maneuverability and others by engaging in
independence in a actions on the world stage
world that is perceived that enhance the state's
to continually try to teputation)
limit both)

Respects Closed to Incremental Influential

constraints information (Focus of attention is on (Focus of attention is on
improving state's building cooperative
economy and/or security relationships with other
in incremental steps governments and states
while avoiding the in order to play a
obstacles that will leadership role; by
inevitably arise along working with others,
the way) one can gain more than is
possible on one's own)

Respects Open to Opportunistic Collegial

constraints information (Focus of attention is on (Focus of attention is
assessing what is on reconciling differences
possible in the current and building consensus—
situation and context on gaining prestige and
given what one wants status through empower-
to achieve and ing others and sharing
considering what accountability)
important constituencies
will allow)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

mann 1980)3, 1984a, 1987(3; Bass 1981; Walker 1983; Snyder 1987;
Hermann and Hermann 1989; Stewart, Hermann, and Hermann
1989; Winter et al. 1991; Suedfeld 1992; Winter 1992; Kaarbo and
Hermann 1998), these seven traits provide information that is rele-
vant to assessing how political leaders respond to the constraints in
their environment, how they process information, and what moti-
vates them to action. Knowledge about the degree to which leaders
believe that they can influence what happens and their need for
power suggests whether they will challenge or respect the con-
straints that they perceive in any setting in which they find them-
selves. Assessing leaders' conceptual complexity and self-confidence
helps us determine how open they will be to information. And mea-
suring the extent of their in-group bias, general distrust of others,
and tendency to prefer problem-solving functions to those involving
group maintenance assists us in learning what motivates leaders. In
what follows, we will describe how each trait can be determined
through content analysis of leaders' interview responses, as well as
indicate what scores on the various traits mean for leadership style,
both singly and in combination.
In this trait analysis, an assumption is made that the more fre-
quently leaders use certain words and phrases in their interview
responses, the more salient such content is to them. In effect, the
trait analysis is quantitative in nature and employs frequency counts.
At issue is what percentage of the time in responding to interview-
ers' questions when leaders could exhibit particular words and
phrases are they, indeed, used. The percentages that result for one
leader can currently be compared to those for 87 heads of state from
around the world or to those for 122 political leaders filling a range
of positions in governments in countries in the Middle East, Africa,
the former Soviet Union, and Western industrialized democracies.
Through such comparisons, the researcher or analyst can determine
whether the particular leader is high or low on a trait. This procedure
will become clearer after we describe how to code for the seven traits.
Currently a computer program is being developed that will auto-
matically code for the traits discussed here. Entitled "Profiler"
(Young, forthcoming), the program will provide a researcher or ana-
lyst with the trait scores for a specific leader based on either speeches
Assessing Leadership Style

or interviews. (A more detailed description of the steps involved in

doing a manual content analysis of the traits can be found in Her-
mann 1987 c).
Let us now turn to specifying how the traits relate to the questions
asked earlier concerning leadership style and how each trait can be

Does the Leader Respect or Challenge Constraints?

Political leaders who are high in their belief that they can control
what happens and in the need for power have been found to chal-
lenge the constraints in their environments, to push the limits of
what is possible (see, e.g., McClelland 1975; Winter and Stewart
1977; Hermann 1980b; Walker 1983; Hermann and Preston 1994;
Kowert and Hermann 1997; Kaarbo and Hermann 1998). These
leaders are in charge, and they know what should happen. Moreover,
they are skillful both directly and indirectly in getting what they
want. Those leaders, however, who are low in these two traits appear
to respect, or at least accede to, the constraints they perceive in their
environments and to work within such parameters toward their
goals. Building consensus and achieving compromise are important
skills in their minds for a politician to have and to exercise. Leaders
who are moderate on both these traits have the ability of moving
either toward challenging or toward respecting constraints, depend-
ing on the nature of the situation; they will be driven by their other
characteristics and what they believe is called for by the context.
But what if a leader is high on one trait but low to moderate on
the other? Leaders who are high in the belief that they can control
events but low in the need for power will take charge of what hap-
pens and challenge constraints, but they will not do as well in read-
ing how to manipulate the people and in working behind the scenes
to have the desired influence. Such leaders will not be as successful in
having an impact as those high in both traits. They will be too direct
and open in their use of power, signaling others on how to react
without really meaning to. And what about the leaders who are low
in the belief that they can control events but high in the need for
power? These individuals will also challenge constraints, but they
will be more comfortable doing so behind the scenes, in an indirect
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

fashion, rather than out in the open. Such leaders are especially good
in settings where they are the "power behind the throne," where they
can pull the strings but are less accountable for the result.
Table 8.2 summarizes this discussion. In previous research (e.g.,
Hermann 19803, 198ob, 19843, 1987^ Hermann and Hermann
1989; Hermann and Preston 1994; Kaarbo and Hermann 1998), as
noted earlier, I have collected data on the personality traits described
here of 122 political leaders, some 87 of them being heads of gov-
ernment. The leaders in that sample span the years 1945—99 and
represent all regions of the world. For this group of leaders, scores on
the belief in one's own ability to control events are correlated with
those on the need for power—0.17 in the sample of 87 heads of state
and 0.21 for the 122 political leaders. These correlations indicate
that the two characteristics are distinctive and that there will be
instances where the individual being studied is high on one trait and
low on the other. To put this discussion into context, let us now
define the two traits in more detail.

Belief in One's Own Ability to Control Events

The belief in one's own ability to control events is a view of the world
in which leaders perceive some degree of control over the situations


Belief Can Control Events
Need for Power Low High
Low Respect constraints; work Challenge constraints but
within such parameters toward less successful in doing
goals; compromise and so because too direct and
consensus building important. open in use of power; less
able to read how to
manipulate people and
setting behind the scenes
to have desired influence.
High Challenge constraints but more Challenge constraints; are
comfortable doing so in an skillful in both direct
indirect fashion—behind the and indirect influence;
scenes; good at being "power know what they want
behind the throne" where they and take charge to
can pull strings but are less see it happens,
accountable for result.
Assessing Leadership Style

in which they find themselves; there is a perception that individuals

and governments can influence what happens. In coding for belief in
control over events, the focus is on verbs or action words. We assume
that, when leaders take responsibility for planning or initiating an
action, they believe that they have some control over what happens.
The focus here is on actions proposed or taken by the leader or by a
group with whom he or she identifies. A score on this trait is deter-
mined by calculating the percentage of times the verbs in an inter-
view response indicate that the speaker or a group with whom the
speaker identifies has taken responsibility for planning or initiating
an action. The overall score for any leader is the average of this per-
centage across the total number of interview responses being exam-
Leaders who believe that they can influence what happens in the
world are generally more interested and active in the policy-making
process. Those who are high in this trait will want to maintain con-
trol over decision making and implementation to ensure that things,
indeed, do happen. After all, if they are not involved, something may
go awry. Thus, such leaders are likely to call subordinates to check
on what they are doing, to make surprise visits to places where pol-
icy is being implemented, and to be interested in meeting face-to-
face with other leaders to see how far they are willing to go. Leaders
high in this belief are less likely to delegate authority for tasks and
are likely to initiate activities and policies rather than wait for others
to make suggestions. They are often "running ideas up the flagpole
to see who salutes them." In some sense this trait has aspects of a self-
fulfilling prophecy. Leaders who believe that they can affect what
happens are more likely to initiate and oversee activities to ensure
that policies are enacted; they are more likely to take charge because
they perceive they can influence events. Moreover, because such lead-
ers are so sure they can have an impact on the world, they are less
prone to compromise or to work out a deal with others. Once they
decide, they exude confidence in their decision—they know what
should be done.
Leaders who are low in the belief that they can control what hap-
pens tend to be more reactive to situations, waiting to see how the
situation is likely to play out before acting. They are less likely to
take initiatives, preferring instead to let others take the responsibil-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ity for anything too daring and out of the ordinary. Such leaders
want to participate and lead in contexts where there is at least a 50
percent chance of success. They are willing to delegate authority,
hoping others may have more luck than they seem to have in
influencing outcomes. As a result, such leaders are also able to shift
the blame when something goes wrong. Unlike their counterparts
who think they can affect their external environments, these leaders
do not shoulder responsibility and move on but, rather, are quick to
accuse others of making it difficult for them to act. For political lead-
ers who do not believe they can control what happens, fear of failure
may supersede and crowd out sense of timing.

Need for Power and Influence

The need for power indicates a concern for establishing, maintain-
ing, or restoring one's power; in other words, it is the desire to con-
trol, influence, or have an impact on other persons or groups (see
Winter 1973). As with coding of the previous trait, coding of the
need for power focuses on verbs. Is the speaker with this proposed
action attempting to establish, maintain, or restore his or her power?
Some of the conditions where the need for power would be scored are
when the speaker (i) proposes or engages in a strong, forceful action,
such as an assault or attack, a verbal threat, an accusation, or a repri-
mand; (2) gives advice or assistance when it is not solicited; (3)
attempts to regulate the behavior of another person or group; (4)
tries to persuade, bribe, or argue with someone else so long as the
concern is not to reach agreement or avoid disagreement; (5) endeav-
ors to impress or gain fame with an action; and (6) is concerned with
his or her reputation or position. Once again the focus is on actions
proposed or taken by the leader or a group with whom he or she
identifies. A score on the need for power is determined by calculat-
ing the percentage of times the verbs in an interview response indi-
cate that the speaker or a group with whom the speaker identifies has
engaged in one of these behaviors. The overall score for any leader is
the average of this percentage across the total number of interview
responses examined.
When the need for power is high, leaders work to manipulate the
environment to have control and influence and to appear as a winner.
Assessing Leadership Style

They are good at sizing up situations and sensing what tactics will
work to achieve their goals. Indeed, they are highly Machiavellian,
often working behind the scenes to ensure that their positions pre-
vail. Leaders high in the need for power are generally daring and
charming—the dashing hero. But they have little real regard for
those around them or for people in general. In effect, other people
and groups are viewed as instruments for the leader's ends; guile and
deceit are perceived as part of the game of politics. Such leaders set
up rules to ensure conformity to their ideas—rules that can change
abruptly if the leader's goals or interests change. At first followers are
beguiled by leaders who are high in this motive since they are able to
produce results and are charismatic, but the "bloom often leaves the
rose" over time as such leaders exploit their followers and as their
goals diverge from what the people want or feel they need.
Leaders high in the need for power will test the limits before
adhering to a course of action, bartering and bargaining up until the
last moment in order to see what is possible and what the conse-
quences will be of pushing further toward their goals. These leaders
are more skillful in such negotiations when they can interact directly
with those involved; without face-to-face interaction, such leaders
can misjudge the assumptions the other party is making and how far
they are willing to go.
When the need for power is low, leaders have less need to be in
charge; they can be one among several who have influence. It is per-
fectly OK with them that others receive credit for what happens.
Indeed, empowering others is important for such a leader. They are
willing to sacrifice their own interests for those of the group, since in
their view what is good for the group is, in truth, good for them.
Leaders low in the need for power enable their followers to feel
strong and responsible by empowering them to act as emissaries and
expand the group or the group's assets. Through this process these
leaders engender high morale in their followers and a sense of team
spirit and goal clarity. Such leaders also have a sense of justice. They
deal with people evenhandedly based on the norms of the group;
they play no favorites so people know where they stand and what will
happen if they violate the norms. Their intent is to build a relation-
ship of trust with their followers and a sense of shared responsibility
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and accountability for what happens. In effect, these leaders become

the agent for the group, representing their needs and interests in

Is the Leader Open or Closed to Contextual Information?

Political leaders tend to differ on their degree of openness to contex-
tual information based on their levels of self-confidence and concep-
tual complexity (see, e.g., Driver 1977; Ziller et al. 1977; Stuart and
Starr 1981-82; Jonsson 1982; Hermann 1984a; Snyder 1987; Stew-
art, Hermann, and Hermann 1989; Tetlock 1991; Suedfeld 1992;
Kaarbo and Hermann 1998). Ziller and his colleagues (1977)
observed that these two traits interrelate to form a leader's self-other
orientation. The self-other orientation indicates how open the leader
will be to input from others in the decision-making process and from
the political environment in general. Those whose scores on concep-
tual complexity are higher than their self-confidence scores are open
and generally more pragmatic and responsive to the interests, needs,
ideas, and demands of others. Such leaders are generally those who
get elected in local and state elections in America. They are sensitive
to situational cues and act based on what they sense is acceptable
under current conditions. They appear to others to be open and to
listen. These leaders are able to get others to do things because the
leaders seem interested in what happens to these others and con-
cerned about helping them. Such leaders are more likely to organize
collegial decision structures that allow for a free give-and-take and,
thus, to maximize the contextual information they can have about
the opinions and needs of those around them. These leaders deal with
problems and events on a case-by-case basis.
Leaders whose self-confidence scores are higher than their scores
on conceptual complexity tend to be closed; they are ideologues,
principled and driven by causes. These leaders know what is right
and what should happen and set about to persuade others of the
appropriateness of their course of action. Such leaders are fairly unre-
sponsive or insensitive to cues from the environment. Instead they
reinterpret the environment to fit their view of the world. Moreover,
they are not above using coercive or devious tactics to ensure that
their views are adopted by a group. Indeed, they are highly active on
behalf of their cause, eagerly pursuing options they believe will sue-
Assessing Leadership Style

ceed. These leaders are more likely to organize the decision-making

process in a hierarchical manner to maintain control over the nature
of the decision. They generally do not win any "most popular leader"
contests but are usually admired for what they can do.
When the scores on these two traits are relatively equal, leaders'
behavior will depend on whether the scores are high or low when
compared to other leaders (for example, either the sample of 87 or
122 on which I have collected data or regional subsamples of these
two groups). If both are high, leaders will be open and more strate-
gic, focusing their attention on what is possible and feasible at any
point in time. Their high self-confidence facilitates having patience
in the situation and taking their time to see what will succeed. These
leaders will combine the best qualities of both these characteris-
tics—a sense of what they want to do but the capability to check the
environment to see what will work. It is interesting to note that this
type of leader is less likely to be elected in democratic systems (Ziller
et al. 1977), perhaps because their behavior seems to the outside
observer and interested constituent to be erratic and opportunistic. If
one knows the goals and political contexts of such leaders, their deci-
sions and actions become more logical. Without this knowledge,
however, they may seem indecisive and chameleonlike in their
If the scores on both traits are low in comparison to other leaders,
the individual is likely to be closed, reflecting the views of those
around him or her, and inclined to rather easily lock onto a position
that will seem likely to be successful. These are the leaders that Lass-
well (1930; see also Barber 1965) observed entered into politics to
compensate for their low self-esteem. They are easy targets for
groups that seek someone who will tenaciously advocate for a partic-
ular position in exchange for influence and authority, however tenu-
ous and fleeting the assignation may be. These leaders may evidence
some of the signs of narcissism, relishing the spotlight, pushing for
even more extreme moves than the group may perceive are necessary,
and being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success.
Table 8.3 summarizes this discussion, suggesting some rules to
follow in determining how open a leader will be to information
based on his or her scores on conceptual complexity and self-
confidence. Self-confidence and conceptual complexity scores are cor-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

related for the 87 heads of state in my sample of leaders and

0.33 for the broader set of 122 political leaders. Both correlations
suggest that we will find all combinations of the trait scores among
world leaders. These two traits are assessed in the following way.

Self-confidence indicates one's sense of self-importance, an individ-
ual's image of his or her ability to cope adequately with objects and
persons in the environment. Indeed, self-confidence "is that compo-
nent of the self system which is involved in regulating the extent to
which the self system is maintained under conditions of strain such
as occur during the processing of new information relative to the
self (Ziller et al. 1977, 177; see also Ziller 1973). Stimuli from the
environment are mediated by a person's sense of self. Since people
tend to develop their self-confidence as a result of evaluating them-
selves in comparison with others and their experiences, this trait
often becomes the frame of reference for positioning one's self in a
particular context.
In coding for self-confidence, the focus is on the pronouns my,
myself, I, me, and mine. When speakers interject these pronouns into
their speech, how important do they see themselves compared to
what is happening? Does the use of the pronoun reflect that the
leader is instigating an activity (e.g., "I am going to . . . " or "That is
my plan of action"), should be viewed as an authority figure on this
issue (e.g., "If it were up to me . . ." or "Let me explain what we
mean"), or is the recipient of a positive response from another person
or group (e.g., "You flatter me with your praise" or "My position was
accepted")? In each of these instances, there is an enhanced sense of


Openness to
Scores on Conceptual Complexity and Self-Confidence Information
Conceptual Complexity > Self-Confidence Open
Self-Confidence > Conceptual Complexity Closed
Conceptual Complexity and Self-Confidence Both High Open
Conceptual Complexity and Self-Confidence Both Low Closed
Assessing Leadership Style

self-worth and a show of self-confidence. A score on this trait is

determined by calculating the percentage of times these personal
pronouns are used in an interview response that meet the three crite-
ria. The overall score for any leader is his or her average percentage
across the total number of interview responses collected for that par-
ticular person.
Leaders whose self-confidence is high are more immune to incom-
ing information from the environment than are those with low self-
confidence. They are more generally satisfied with who they are and
are not searching for more material on which to evaluate themselves
and their behavior. "New information relative to the self is . . .
ignored or transformed in such a way as to maintain consistency in
behavior" (Ziller et al. 1977, 177). Such leaders are not subject to the
whims of contextual contingencies. They are neither the victims of
events nor are they compelled to adapt to the nature of the situa-
tion—consistency in behavior is too important. Information is
filtered and reinterpreted based on their high sense of self-worth.
Political leaders, however, who are low in self-confidence are eas-
ily buffeted by the "contextual winds." Without a well-developed
sense of who they are, such leaders tend to continually seek out infor-
mation from the environment in order to know what to do and how
to conform to the demands of the circumstances in which they find
themselves. Input from others about what they are thinking and feel-
ing is critical to knowing how to act in any situation. Thus, the
behavior of these individuals often appears highly inconsistent,
matched as it is to the nature of the setting, not to the needs and
desires of the individual. To compensate for feelings of inadequacy,
these leaders seek to become the agents, representatives, or delegates
of political groups that can help to enhance their self-confidence.

Conceptual Complexity
Conceptual complexity is the degree of differentiation that an indi-
vidual shows in describing or discussing other people, places, poli-
cies, ideas, or things. The conceptually complex individual can see
varying reasons for a particular position, is willing to entertain the
possibility that there is ambiguity in the environment, and is flexi-
ble in reacting to objects or ideas. In the opposite manner, the con-
ceptually simple individual tends to classify objects and ideas into
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

good-bad, black-white, either-or dimensions; has difficulty in per-

ceiving ambiguity in the environment; and reacts rather inflexibly to
In coding for conceptual complexity, the focus is on particular
words—words that suggest the speaker can see different dimensions
in the environment as opposed to words that indicate the speaker
sees only a few categories along which to classify objects and ideas.
Words that are suggestive of high conceptual complexity are approx-
imately, possibility, trend, and for example; words indicative of low con-
ceptual complexity include absolutely, without a doubt, certainly, and
irreversible. As with the other traits previously discussed, the score for
conceptual complexity is the percentage of high and low complexity
words in any interview response that suggest high complexity. The
overall score for any leader is his or her average score across interview
Political leaders who are high in conceptual complexity attend to
a wider array of stimuli from their environment than do those who
are low. Indeed, they have a sense that issues are more gray than
black or white and seek a variety of perspectives through which to
organize the situation in which they find themselves. These leaders
remain highly attuned to contextual information since they do not
necessarily trust their first response to an event. In the view of the
conceptually complex leader, to understand a situation and plan
what to do, one must gather a large array of information and seek out
others' opinions on what should be done—there is always room for
one more piece of data or perspective. Such leaders often take their
time in making decisions and involve a large array of actors in the
decision-making process. Flexibility is seen as the key to behavior.
Leaders who are low in conceptual complexity trust their intuition
and often are willing to go with the option that presents itself first.
Action is preferable to thinking, planning, or searching for more
information. Contextual information is generally classified according
to a set of stereotypes; because there is often a good fit between this
categorization system and the conceptually more simple individual's
orientation to politics, the world is highly ordered and structured. It
is relatively easy to decide what to do since the individual's closed
conceptual system evaluates and transforms information from any
Assessing Leadership Style

situation into the specified categories. Interpretation and consistency

are the keys to behavior.

Is the Leader Motivated by Problems or Relationships?

In politics, the literature (e.g., Wriggins 1969; Burns 1978; Nixon
1982; Hermann 1986a; Hargrove 1989; Heifetz 1994; Bennis and
Nanus 1997; Hermann and Hagan 1998) suggests that leaders have
certain reasons for assuming their positions of authority that have to
do with them and with the relevance of the groups (e.g., parties, jun-
tas, ethnic groups, unions, administrations, cabinets, and govern-
ments) with whom they identify. As noted earlier, leaders are driven,
in general, either by an internal focus (a problem)—a particular
cause, an ideology, a specific set of interests—or by the desire for a
certain kind of feedback from those in their environment (a relation-
ship)—acceptance, power, support, acclaim. They also appear to
become activated by needs to protect their own kind. Whereas lead-
ers who are more closely identified with particular groups work to
ensure such entities' survival and often perceive the political world as
full of potential threats to their groups, those who are less strongly
tied to a specific group view the world as posing potential opportu-
nities for working with others for mutual or their own benefit. Thus,
in assessing motivation, we are interested in both why the leader
sought office and their need to preserve and secure the group they are
leading (and, in turn, their position).
Three traits are used to measure these two types of motivation:
task focus, in-group bias, and distrust of others. Task versus inter-
personal focus provides information about the leaders' reasons for
seeking office; in-group bias and distrust of others assist in assessing
identification with the group. Let us consider each of these traits in
more detail.

Motivation for Seeking Office (task focus)

Leaders have been recognized as performing two distinct functions in
groups, that of moving the group toward completion of a task (solv-
ing problems) and that of maintaining group spirit and morale
(building relationships). These two functions can be represented by a
continuum, with one extreme representing an emphasis on getting
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the task done and the other extreme an emphasis on group mainte-
nance. Task focus suggests the relative emphasis a leader places in
interactions with others on dealing with the problems that face the
government as opposed to focusing on the feelings and needs of rel-
evant and important constituents. For leaders who emphasize the
problem, moving the group (nation, government, ethnic group, reli-
gious group, union, etc.) forward toward a goal is their principal
purpose for assuming leadership. For those who emphasize group
maintenance and establishing relationships, keeping the loyalty of
constituents and morale high are the central functions of leadership.
Research (e.g., Byars 1972, 1973; Hermann and Kogan 1977; Bass
1981) has suggested that charismatic leaders are those who fall in the
middle of this continuum, focusing on the problem when that is
appropriate to the situation at hand and on building relationships
when that seems more relevant. The charismatic leader senses when
the context calls for each of these functions and focuses on it at that
point in time. Table 8.4 summarizes this discussion.
In coding for task focus, just like in coding for conceptual com-
plexity, attention is directed toward counting specific words, in this
case words that indicate work on a task or instrumental activity, as
well as words that center around concern for another's feelings,
desires, and satisfaction. Examples of the task-oriented words are
accomplishment, achievement), plan, position, proposal, recommendation,
and tactic. Illustrative of the group-maintenance types of words are
appreciation, amnesty, collaboration, disappoint(ment), forgive(ness), harm,
liberation, and suffering. The score for task focus is determined by cal-
culating the percentage of task-oriented words relative to the total
number of task-oriented and group-maintenance words in a particu-
lar interview response. The overall score is the average percentage
across the interview responses examined.


Score on Task Focus Motivation for Seeking Office
High Problem
Moderate Both problem and relationship
depending on the context
Low Relationship
Assessing Leadership Style

Leaders with a task focus are often taskmasters, always pushing a

group to work on solving the particular problem of the moment.
They tend to see the world in terms of problems and the role of the
group as providing solutions to these problems. These leaders view
people less as individuals than as instruments. Such leaders are con-
stantly asking for movement on a project, about what is happening
in the implementation of a solution to a problem, and for options to
deal with a problem. The substance, not the people involved, is the
focus of attention. Leaders with a task emphasis are willing to
sacrifice a high level of morale in the group for accomplishing the
task. As these leaders note: "You can't keep all the people happy;
leaders have to make hard decisions for the good of the group, and
the people will just have to understand." These leaders seek follow-
ers who share their interest in solving problems and who will work
hard to implement any decisions that are made.
Leaders with a group-maintenance or relationship focus want to
keep the morale and spirit of their groups high. These leaders are
generally sensitive to what the people want and need and try to pro-
vide it. They will only move the group toward its goals as fast as the
members are willing to move. Camaraderie, loyalty, and commit-
ment to the group are critical for leaders with this emphasis. The
people in the group, not what needs to be done, are the focus of
attention. These leaders work to foster a sense of collegiality and of
participation in their groups. Members have the feeling that they are
a part of what happens and that their views are sought and listened
to. For these leaders, mobilizing and empowering members are what
leadership is all about. As a result, they are likely to build teams and
to share leadership, often seeking out opinions about what is feasible
among relevant constituencies at any point in time.

Motivation toward World (in-group bias and distrust of others)

Table 8.5 suggests how information about a leader's scores on in-
group bias and distrust of others provides us with evidence concern-
ing whether the leader is driven by the threats or problems he or she
perceives in the world or by the opportunities to form cooperative
relationships. There is a growing literature indicating that leaders'
ways of approaching the world can affect how confrontational their
country is likely to be, how likely they are to take initiatives, and
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

when they are likely to engage in economic sanctions and military

interventions (see, e.g., Levine and Campbell 1972; Driver 1977;
Kelman 1983; Vasquez 1993; Snyder 1991; Hagan 1994, 1995;
Hermann and Kegley 1995). Indeed, this writing has been referred
to as the "statist approach" to foreign policy decision making since it
focuses on how leaders' needs to protect their own kind, when shared
by an administration, can shape how conflictual or cooperative a gov-
ernment and country will be in the international arena (see Hagan
1994). The research suggests that the more focused leaders are on
protecting their own kind, the more threats they are likely to per-


Distrust of Others
Bias Low High

Low World is not a threatening place; World is perceived as conflict-prone,

conflicts are perceived as but because other countries are
context-specific and are reacted viewed as having constraints on
to on a case-by-case basis; what they can do, some flexibility
leaders recognize that their in response is possible; leaders,
country, like many others, has however, must vigilantly monitor
to deal with certain constraints developments in the international
that limit what one can do and arena and prudently prepare to
call for flexibility of response; contain an adversary's actions while
moreover, there are certain still pursuing their countries'
international arenas where interests.
cooperation with others is both (Focus is on taking
possible and feasible. advantage of opportunities and
(Focus is on taking advantage building relationships while
of opportunities and relationships) remaining vigilant)
High While the international system is International politics is centered
essentially a zero-sum game, around a set of adversaries that are
leaders view that it is bounded by viewed as "evil" and intent on
a specified set of international spreading their ideology or
norms; even so, adversaries are extending their power at the
perceived as inherently threatening expense of others; leaders perceive
and confrontation is viewed to be that they have a moral imperative
ongoing as leaders work to limit to confront these adversaries; as a
the threat and enhance their result, they are likely to take risks
countries' capabilities and and to engage in highly aggressive
relative status. and assertive behavior.
(Focus is on dealing with threats (Focus is on eliminating potential
and solving problems even threats and problems)
though some situations nay appear to
offer opportunities)
Assessing Leadership Style

ceive in the environment and the more focused they will be on con-
fronting those responsible. Leaders who are not so intense in this
desire are capable of seeing the possibilities for win-win agreements
and for building relationships in international politics since the
world is viewed as containing opportunities as well as threats.
The two traits, in-group bias and distrust of others, are correlated
0.62 in my sample of 87 heads of state and 0.29 in the broader sam-
ple of 122 leaders. In the head of state sample, the rather high corre-
lation indicates that, when such leaders are highly identified with
their country, they are also probably highly distrustful and vice
versa. In other words, just as in common parlance, heads of state tend
to be hawks or doves, hardliners or accommodationists—more threat
and problem oriented or more opportunity and relationship ori-
In-group bias is a view of the world in which one's own group
(social, political, ethnic, etc.) holds center stage. There are strong
emotional attachments to this in-group, and it is perceived as the
best. Moreover, there is an emphasis on the importance of maintain-
ing in-group culture and status. Any decisions that are made favor
the in-group. In coding for in-group bias, the unit of analysis is a
word or phrase referring to the particular leader's own group. Of
interest is ascertaining the following information when the leader
makes a reference to his or her own group: are the modifiers used
favorable (e.g., great, peace-loving, progressive, successful, prosperous); do
they suggest strength (e.g., powerful, capable, made great advances, has
boundless resources); or do they indicate the need to maintain group
honor and identity (e.g., "need to defend firmly our borders," "must
maintain our own interpretation," "decide our own policies")? If any
of these modifiers are present, the phrase indicates in-group bias.
The score for in-group bias is the percentage of times in an interview
response that a leader refers to in-groups that meet the criteria just
outlined. The leader's overall score is the average of these percentages
across all the interview responses under examination.
Political leaders high in in-group bias are interested in maintain-
ing the separate identity of their groups at all costs. They become
quite concerned when other groups, organizations, governments, or
countries try to meddle in what they perceive are the internal affairs
of their group. The higher the score, the more isomorphic the leader
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

and group become—the leader is the group; if anything happens to

the group it happens to the leader and vice versa. Leaders with high
scores for in-group bias tend to see the world in we and them (friends
and enemies) terms and to be quick to view others as challenging the
status of their group. They are prone to perceive only the good
aspects of their group and to deny or rationalize away any weak-
nesses. Thus, such leaders are often relatively late in becoming aware
of problems that may undermine their authority.
Leaders high in in-group bias are likely to use external scape-
goats—their perceived enemies—as the cause for all of the group's
(government's, country's) problems and to mobilize the support of
their own population through this external threat. In the extreme,
such leaders may keep their group mobilized militarily indefinitely
to deal with the perceived external enemy. Leaders with high scores are
likely to view politics as a zero-sum game where one group's gain is
another's loss. Therefore, they must always be vigilant to make sure
that it is their group that wins, not loses. Such leaders will want peo-
ple around them who are also highly identified with the group and
loyal—selecting advisers on the basis of their sense of commitment
to the group and its goals and interests.
It is important to note here that leaders who are low in in-group
bias are still patriots interested in the maintenance of their groups as
a separate entity. They are, however, less prone to view the world in
black-and-white terms and more willing to categorize people as we
or them based on the nature of the situation or problem at hand so
that such categories remain fluid and ever changing depending on
what is happening in the world at the moment. These leaders are less
likely to use scapegoats as a means of dealing with domestic opposi-
tion; instead they may use interactions such as summit conferences
and positive diplomatic gestures as strategies for tempering domes-
tic discontent.
Distrust of others involves a general feeling of doubt, uneasiness,
misgiving, and wariness about others—an inclination to suspect the
motives and actions of others. In coding for distrust of others, the
focus is on noun and noun phrases referring to persons other than the
leader and to groups other than those with whom the leader
identifies. Does the leader distrust, doubt, have misgivings about,
feel uneasy about, or feel wary about what these persons or groups are
Assessing Leadership Style

doing? Does the leader show concern about what these persons or
groups are doing and perceive such actions to be harmful, wrong, or
detrimental to himself or herself, an ally, a friend, or a cause impor-
tant to the leader? If either of these conditions is present, the noun or
noun phrase is coded as indicating distrust. A leader's score on this
trait is the percentage of times in an interview response that he or she
exhibits distrust toward other groups or persons; the overall score is
the average of these percentages across the interview responses being
Leaders who are high in distrust of others are given to being suspi-
cious about the motives and actions of others, particularly those oth-
ers who are viewed as competitors for their positions or against their
cause or ideology. These others can do nothing right; whatever they
do is easily perceived as for ulterior motives and designs. In its
extreme, distrust of others becomes paranoia in which there is a well-
developed rationale for being suspicious of certain individuals,
groups, or countries. Distrust of others often makes leaders not rely
on others but do things on their own to prevent any sabotage of what
they want done. Loyalty becomes a sine qua non of working with the
leader and participating in policy-making. And such leaders often
shuffle their advisers around, making sure that none of them is acquir-
ing a large enough power base to challenge the leader's authority. To
some extent distrust of others may grow out of a zero-sum view of the
world—when someone wins, someone else loses. The desire not to
lose makes the leader question and assess others' motives. Leaders who
distrust others tend to be hypersensitive to criticism—often seeing
criticism where others would not—and they are vigilant, always on
the lookout for a challenge to their authority or self.
Some wariness of others' motives may be an occupational hazard of
political leaders. But leaders low in distrust of others tend to put it
into perspective. Trust and distrust are more likely to be based on
past experience with the people involved and on the nature of the
current situation. A person is distrusted based on more realistic cues
and not in a blanket fashion.

Constructing a Profile
Once a leader's interview responses have been coded and overall
scores have been calculated for each of the seven traits described here,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

it is time to put the scores into perspective by determining how they

compare with those of other leaders. Without doing such a compar-
ison, there is little basis on which to judge whether the particular
leader's traits are unusually high or low or about average. The issue
is deciding what group of leaders to use as the comparison—or
norming—group. Table 8.6 presents scores on all seven traits for the
87 heads of state and the 122 more general political leaders men-
tioned earlier. The table presents the mean or average score on a par-
ticular trait for the two samples of leaders, as well as the scores that
are one standard deviation above and below that mean. If the leader
under study has a score that exceeds that listed as one standard devi-
ation above the mean for the sample of leaders, he or she is high on
the trait; if the leader's score is more than one standard deviation
below the mean for the sample of leaders, he or she is low on the
trait. If the leader's score falls around the mean for the sample (nei-
ther one standard deviation above nor below the mean), he or she is
moderate in the trait and is like the average leader in that compari-
son group. The 87 heads of state represent some forty-six countries


Personality Trait 87 Heads of State 122 Political Leaders
Belief can control events Mean = .44 Mean = .45
Low < .30 Low < .33
High > .58 High > .57
Need for power Mean = .50 Mean = .50
Low < .37 Low < .38
High > .62 High > .62
Self-confidence Mean = .62 Mean = .57
Low < .44 Low < .34
High > .81 High > .80
Conceptual complexity Mean = .44 Mean = .45
Low < .32 Low < .32
High > .56 High > .58
Task focus Mean = .59 Mean = .62
Low < .46 Low < .48
High > .71 High > .76
In-group bias Mean = .42 Mean = .43
Low < .32 Low < .34
High > .53 High > .53
Distrust of others Mean = .41 Mean = .38
Low < .25 Low < .20
High > .56 High > .56
Assessing Leadership Style

from all parts of the globe; the 122 leaders are drawn from forty-
eight countries and include, in addition to the 87 heads of state,
members of cabinets, revolutionary leaders, legislative leaders, lead-
ers of opposition parties, and terrorist leaders. The sample includes
leaders who held positions of authority from 1945 to the present.
Scores for particular regional, country, or cultural groups embedded
in these 122 leaders are available from the author.
Once the analyst has determined how a leader's scores compare to
those of other leaders, it is feasible to use the tables and discussion
presented earlier on the traits and leadership styles to develop a
profile of the leader. How is the leader likely to respond to con-
straints (scores on the belief he or she can control events and the need
for power)? How open is he or she likely to be to information (scores
on self-confidence and conceptual complexity)? What is the nature of
the leader's motivation for seeking authority and influence (score on
task focus as well as on in-group bias and distrust of others)? By not-
ing whether a leader is more likely to respect or challenge con-
straints, to be more or less open to information, and to be more inter-
nally or externally driven, the analyst can ascertain the particular
leadership style (see table 8.1) that leader is likely to exhibit.
Thus, for example, suppose we were developing a profile of Hafez
al-Assad, current head of state of Syria. And suppose his scores when
compared to the other eighty-seven heads of state show that he (i) is
high in the belief he can control events and in the need for power,
indicating he is likely to challenge constraints (see table 8.2); (2) has
a conceptual complexity score that is higher than his score for self-
confidence, suggesting he is open to incoming information (see table
8.3); (3) is high in task focus, denoting that his attention is more
centered around the problem rather than relationships; and (4) has an
in-group bias though he is relatively low in distrust of others, lead-
ing to a focus on being strategic in the way he deals with problems
(see table 8.5). According to table 8.1, Assad will evidence an
actively independent leadership style. He will be highly interested
in maintaining his own and Syria's maneuverability and indepen-
dence in a world that he perceives continually tries to limit both.
Although Assad perceives that the world is conflict prone, he also
views all countries as being somewhat constrained by international
norms, affording him some flexibility in what he can do. However,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

he must vigilantly monitor developments in the international arena

and prudently prepare to contain an adversary while still pursuing
Syria's interests (see Hermann 1988a for more detail on Assad's
profile). By using the trait scores, we can begin to build a profile or
image of the leader in comparison to other political leaders.

Contextualizingthe Profile
Much of the research on personality suggests that some people use
contextual cues to determine what they do and, thus, may evidence
changes in their trait scores depending on the nature of the situation.
Other people's personalities are fairly stable across situations. By
examining diverse material on a political leader, it is possible to
determine how stable his or her leadership traits are. By analyzing
material that cuts across a period of time, across different substantive
topics, across different audiences, and is inside or outside of the lead-
ership group (or political unit), we can determine the stability of the
leadership traits. Moreover, by examining different aspects of the
context such as the topic, audience, and whether the focus of atten-
tion is on the domestic or international domains, we can learn if lead-
ers are sensitive to certain cues in their environment but not to oth-
ers. If there is variability in the scores, then, we can determine if the
differences give us insights into how the leader's public images dif-
fer—the various ways political leaders adapt to the situations in
which they find themselves. We gain cues about how they are likely
to change their behavior and what contextual features generate such

Nature of Topics Covered

To examine whether and how a leader's traits may differ by substan-
tive topic, it is necessary to ascertain what topics are covered in the
material under analysis. At issue is determining what the leader is
talking about in each interview response that is being coded. What
topics are under discussion? After noting the topics that are covered
in the interview responses being studied, it is generally possible to
arrive at a set of categories by checking where the topics are similar
and which topics are discussed the most. In effect, some topics can be
combined into a more generic topic (e.g., technological development
and trade/aid topics might be collapsed into a category called eco-
Assessing Leadership Style

nomic issues}. Generic topics that are often discussed by heads of state
are military issues, economic issues, relations with another country,
relations with an enemy, domestic political stability, and regional
politics. Topics that are covered only sporadically in the material are
good candidates for combining into more generic categories.

Nature of Audience
Interviews with political leaders are done in a variety of settings and,
thus, are often targeted toward different audiences. To examine the
effects of audience on a leader's scores, it becomes important to note
who is doing the interview and in what setting. For example, in
profiling a head of state, an analyst will want to record if the inter-
view involves the domestic or international press. If it is the domes-
tic press, is the interviewer closely affiliated with the particular
leader, more affiliated with that leader's opposition, or neutral in ori-
entation? If it is the international press, to whom is the interview
likely to be reported—people in an adversary's country, an ally's
country, a country whose government the leader would like to
influence, or a fairly neutral source? Of interest is whether the
leader's trait scores show a pattern of change across these various
types of audiences.

Effects of Events and Tenure in Office

Consider whether there have been any events (e.g., negotiations,
crises, scandals, international agreements) that have occurred during
the tenure of the leader under examination. By noting when these
events happened and by choosing interview responses that span these
points in time, it is possible to explore whether the leader's scores are
affected by specific types of situations. In democratic societies, such
an analysis might be conducted for periods before and after elections.
For leaders with a long tenure in office, one might consider whether
there are any changes that have occurred across time or whether the
leader remains very much the same as when he or she began.

Determining whether Changes Are Significant

If the analyst wants to assess mathematically whether the changes in
scores across time, topic, or audience on any of the personal charac-
teristics for a leader are statistically significant, an analysis of vari-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ance will provide such data. Most statistical packages for personal
computers have a one-way analysis of variance procedure that can
easily be applied to exploring this question. If the one-way analyses
of variance "F-tests"are significant (have a probability value of .05 or
less), then the leader's scores differ on that trait for that context fac-
tor (time, topic, audience); in effect, the leader is being adaptive in
that type of situation. By noting where a leader's scores change, the
analyst can put the leadership profile into context. One can note if
the leader puts on a different face when dealing with foreign diplo-
mats than when interacting inside his or her own country; if the
leader has different strategies for dealing with different types of
problems; if he or she adapts to being a political leader in a different
way with experience and a longer tenure in the position. This con-
textual analysis adds depth and nuance to the more general profile

Problems Often Faced in Constructing a Profile

What if leaders' scores change dramatically across topics, audiences, and
time? Dramatic changes or differences in scores across contextual cat-
egories usually suggest that a leader is highly sensitive to the situa-
tion. Such leaders tend to judge what their options are based on what
is happening at the moment by assessing who is supporting what
and the nature of the problem. Action is only taken after such lead-
ers have a chance to survey the scene and to define what important
others are likely to do. For these leaders, analysts are going to need to
know a lot more about the situations the leaders are facing in order
to know what they will do. Examining just where the changes
occurred can provide information about what part of the context is
important for that leader. If the changes are found for audience,
chances are that these leaders are influenced by the people, groups,
and organizations with whom they are interacting. If, however, the
changes occur by topic, then the leaders are probably attending to
solving the problem at hand and tailoring their behavior to deal with
what is happening.
What if leaders' scores are very different when they are talking to a domes-
tic audience rather than to an international one? This question is an
important one because leaders of third world countries often show
such differences. They are much less directive, more charming, and
Assessing Leadership Style

more diplomatic in dealing with the governments of larger, more

developed states from whom they may want something than when
they focus on their own countries. Toward the domestic scene, they
can be highly authoritarian and autocratic, knowing exactly what
needs to be done and when. It is important to highlight these differ-
ences in any profile since they have implications for what leaders are
likely to do where and can lead to misinterpretations of the leader-
ship styles of these leaders.
Do leaders' scores differ in a crisis as opposed to a noncrisis situation? If
you have scores for your leader by topic, you may be able to judge
whether there is a difference between his or her public images for cri-
sis and noncrisis situations, because some of the topics are more cri-
sislike in tone than others. Therefore, if the topics include "aggres-
sion from another country" or "threats to ethnic group," the scores
probably reflect crisis behavior—at least more so than when the
leader is focusing on the economy or education (unless, of course,
there are problems in these domains). Differentiating crises from
noncrises becomes important because leaders often experience stress
during crises and tend to accentuate the traits in which they are
high. They tend to become more extreme in their profile. For exam-
ple, if they believe they can control what happens more generally,
they have even more faith in this belief during a crisis; if they usually
have a high need for power, it will be accentuated in a crisis. This
accentuation is most visible in leaders whose scores are fairly stable
across time, topic, and audience—those who are relatively insensi-
tive to the environment. Leaders who scores show marked variability
by these context factors appear to become more vigilant in crises and
more indecisive, reacting to rather than initiating activity and rely-
ing on others' help and support more than usual.

Reliability of the Profiles

There are two types of reliability that are often calculated in build-
ing profiles. The first assesses how easy it is for those unfamiliar with
the content analysis coding system to learn and apply it to leaders'
interview responses with the same skill as its author. In other words,
is it possible for others to be trained to use the coding system and to
achieve a high degree of agreement with the person who developed
the profiling technique? The second reliability examines the stabil-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ity of the leader's scores, trying to ascertain how sensitive the leader
is to the political context. Both kinds of reliability have been deter-
mined for the coding system described here.
Across a number of studies (e.g., Hermann 198oa, 198ob, 1984a,
1987^ Hermann and Hermann 1989), the intercoder agreement for
the seven traits described in this chapter has ranged from .78 to i.oo
between a set of coders and the author. Where there were disagree-
ments, the discussions that followed between coders permitted
refinements of the coding system. Generally, a coder currently is not
permitted to content analyze a leader's interview responses to be
included in the larger data set until he or she achieves intercoder reli-
abilities with the author on all traits that are .90 or higher. As the
automated coding system is being developed, similar types of relia-
bility coefficients are being calculated to determine how accurately
that coding system is in reflecting the original intent of the author.
Information about the leader can be gained by assessing trait reli-
abilities for that particular person. By correlating a leader's odd- and
even-numbered interview responses, the analyst can ascertain how
stable the traits are across time and issues. This index provides
another way of determining how open and closed the leader is likely
to be to contextual information (see, e.g., Hermann 198oa, 1984a).
One of the questions often raised about content analysis coding
systems that use translated material, which we are often forced to do,
regards the effect of the translation on the resulting scores. To ascer-
tain whether there were any effects and the nature of such effects, in
several instances intercoder agreement has been calculated between a
native speaker coding text in the original language and the author
focusing on the translated text. The languages were Russian and
French. In both cases, agreement averaged .92 across the seven traits
(Hermann 198ob, 198ya, 1987^.

Validity of This Profiling Technique

How valid is this particular way of determining leadership style?
That is, how accurate is it in capturing the leadership styles that
heads of state and others in leading party and bureaucratic positions
actually exhibit? Although I have received numerous suggestions
about how to determine the validity of this technique, ranging from
running experiments with college students to participant observa-
Assessing Leadership Style

tion in city councils, it seemed important to find some means of

comparing the results from this coding system with the experiences
of those who had interacted with heads of state. In a series of studies,
I (Hermann 1984.13, 1985, 19865, 19880) developed profiles on
twenty-one leaders following the procedure described here and,
based on these profiles, indicated on a series of rating scales the
nature of the leadership behaviors a particular head of state should
exhibit given a particular leadership style. These ratings were com-
pared with those made by journalists and former government per-
sonnel who had had the opportunity to observe or interact with the
particular leaders. The correlations between the two sets of ratings
averaged .84 across the set of leaders, suggesting that the profiles
derived from this at-a-distance technique furnished me with similar
types of information on which to judge behavior, as had the other
raters' experiences with the actual figures.

By doing a trait analysis of seven dimensions of personality, I have
proposed that it is possible for a researcher or analyst to develop a
profile of the leadership style a particular political leader is likely to
exhibit. The seven personal characteristics provide information
about whether the leader will respect or challenge constraints, will
be open or closed to information from the environment, will focus
more on solving problems or building community, and will be more
hardline or more accommodationist. The traits also interrelate to
suggest which leadership style from a rather wide range is likely to
be dominant in any leader. Constructing such a profile has become
more feasible with the design of computer software that can analyze
leaders' interview responses and with the collection of trait data on
122 political leaders from around the world that comprise a norming
group with which to compare any one leader's scores.
Not only is it feasible now to construct a general profile of a par-
ticular leader, but it is also possible to place such a profile into per-
spective by examining a number of contextual factors that indicate
how stable the characteristics are with certain kinds of changes in the
situation. We can ascertain what the leader is like in general and,
then, what kinds of information he or she is likely to be responsive to
in the political environment. Thus, the general profile indicates
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

where a specific leader fits in a broader discussion of leadership style;

the contextualized profile suggests how that leader has individual-
ized his or her responses to manifest more unique characteristics.
With knowledge about both the general and the more individual-
ized profiles, the researcher and analyst gain a more complete por-
trait of the leader. Not only does the person become representative of
a particular type of leader, but we know when and to what degree he
or she has modulated his or her behavior to take the context into


I would like to thank Social Science Automation, Inc., for a grant that supported
the writing of this chapter. I am also grateful to Kent Kille, Thomas Preston,
Charles Snare, and Michael Young for comments on earlier drafts of this chapter
and for their help in refining the coding system and the theoretical underpin-
nings of this assessment-at-a-distance technique.
C. Cognitive Analyses
9. Profiling the Operational Codes of
Political Leaders

Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer,

and Michael D. Young

Operational code analysis emerged as a leadership assessment tool

after World War II in response to the puzzle of Soviet negotiating
behavior and the escalation of U.S.-Soviet relations into a cold war.
The prototypical studies by Leites (1951, 1953) at the RAND Cor-
poration identified the operational code of the Soviet Politburo as the
beliefs about the exercise of political power in the Bolshevik ideol-
ogy, which reflected motivational biases in Lenin's character and
Russian political culture. He argued that these beliefs accounted for
Soviet negotiating strategy and tactics in dealing with the West at
the end of World War II over such issues as German reunification;
economic recovery in Europe; and a general peace settlement with
Germany, Italy, and Japan.
This chapter contains systematic procedures developed since the
RAND project for identifying a leader's operational code and infer-
ring likely patterns of leadership behavior. To employ operational
code analysis as a method of assessing leadership behavior, it is desir-
able to know something about its evolution and previous applica-
tions. It is also important to be aware of how the techniques for iden-
tifying beliefs and drawing inferences about behavior have
developed. These topics are discussed briefly before turning to the
task of forecasting behavior from operational code beliefs. First, there
is a summary of the evolution of operational code analysis and the
development of the Verbs in Context System (VICS) of content
analysis for retrieving and analyzing a leader's operational code

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

beliefs. Second, there is a set of examples that illustrate how to ana-

lyze a leader's operational code and estimate likely behavior at dif-
ferent levels of decision.

What Is Operational Code Analysis?

Operational code analysis is an approach to the study of political lead-
ers that may focus narrowly on a set of political beliefs or more
broadly on a set of beliefs embedded in the personality of a leader or
originating from the cultural matrix of a society. Leites (1953)
employed the broader view of operational code analysis that incorpo-
rated cognition, character, and culture, but his approach was modified
in later applications. George (1969) argued that a leader's operational
code should be identified simply as a political belief system in which
some elements (philosophical beliefs) guide the leader's diagnosis of
the context for action and others (instrumental beliefs) prescribe the
most effective strategy and tactics in achieving goals.
While George recommended that political scientists limit their
efforts to the study of beliefs, which "can be inferred or postulated by
the investigator on the basis of the kinds of data, observational
opportunities, and methods generally available to political scien-
tists," he clearly anticipated studies that would link cognition and
[I]t is one of the attractive features of the operational code con-
struct for behaviorally-inclined political scientists that it can
serve as a useful "bridge" or "link" to psychodynamic interpre-
tations of unconscious dimensions of belief systems and their
role in behavior under different conditions. . . . Thus, once an
actor's approach to political calculation has been formulated by
the researcher, he can proceed—if he so wishes and is able to do
so—to relate some of the beliefs in question to other motiva-
tional variables of a psychodynamic character. (George 1969,

How Has Operational Code Analysis Evolved

as a Leadership Assessment Tool?
The subsequent evolution of operational code analysis has followed
the course anticipated by George, focusing initially on beliefs and
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

then on motivational variables. In the 19705, operational code stud-

ies focused on the philosophical and instrumental beliefs of leaders,
identified as the "answers" to the ten questions posed by George
(1969), which appear in figure 9.1. Philosophical beliefs are those
held by the leader to assess the nature of the political universe and
other actors. Instrumental beliefs are those that inform the leader's
own preferences for political actions in terms of strategies and tac-
tics. Holsti (1977) answered these questions with the development
of a typology of belief systems, which he suggested were ideal types
of operational codes. Both George and Holsti were guided in their
thinking by cognitive consistency theory, which assumed that a
leader's operational code beliefs were internally consistent with one
another and that a leader's decisions were consistent with these
beliefs. Specifically, they argued that a leader's philosophical beliefs
about the nature of the political universe acted as a "master belief,"
which influenced the contents of the remaining philosophical and
instrumental beliefs.
Holsti (1977) employed this assumption of a master belief in the
construction of his operational code typology. He speculated that the
leader's beliefs about the nature and source of conflict in the political
universe were the basis for other philosophical beliefs about the
prospects for realizing fundamental goals, the predictability of the
political future, the leader's control over historical development, and
the role of chance. In turn, these philosophical beliefs influenced the
instrumental beliefs of the leader regarding the most effective strat-
egy and tactics, the optimum approach to the calculation and man-
agement of risks, and the utility and timing of employing different
means to protect or achieve political objectives.
For example, a leader who believes that political conflict is a per-
manent feature of the political universe is likely to be relatively pes-
simistic about the prospects for achieving fundamental political val-
ues, to view the political future as less predictable, to believe that
control over historical development is relatively low, and to assign a
higher role to chance in political affairs. On the other hand, a leader
who views conflict as temporary is likely to be more optimistic about
realizing goals, to be more confident in the predictability of the
future, to believe in greater control over historical development, and
to assign less importance to chance.
The Philosophical Beliefs in an Operational Code

P-l. What is the "essential" nature of political life? Is the political

universe essentially one of harmony or conflict? What is the
fundamental character of one's political opponents?

P-2. What are the prospects for the eventual realization of one's
fundamental values and aspirations? Can one be optimistic, or must
one be pessimistic on this score; and in what respects the one and/or
the other?

P-3. Is the political future predictable? In what sense and to what extent?

P-4. How much "control" or "mastery" can one have over historical
development? What is one's role in "moving" and "shaping" history
in the desired direction?

P-5. What is the role of "chance" in human affairs and in historical


The Instrumental Beliefs in an Operational Code

1-1. What is the best approach for selecting goals or objectives for
political action?

1-2. How are the goals of action pursued most effectively?

1-3. How are the risks of political action calculated, controlled, and

1-4. What is the best "timing" of action to advance one's interests?

1-5. What are the utility and role of different means for advancing one's

Fig. 9.1. George's ten questions about operational code beliefs

Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

According to the logic of cognitive consistency theory, these dif-

ferences in the diagnosis of the political universe should lead to dif-
ferent prescriptions for political action. The first leader's pessimism
is likely to be accompanied by beliefs that strategy should be limited
in its goals, tactics should be flexible, the calculation and control of
risks should be cautious and conservative, and force should be a last
resort as a means to achieve political ends. The second leader's opti-
mism is more likely to generate beliefs in grand strategic goals, rel-
atively inflexible tactics, long-shot calculations in the assessment of
risks, and the utility offeree as a tool of statecraft.
The six types of operational code belief systems in figure 9.2 rep-
resent this kind of reasoning, with the pessimists lumped together in
the lower left-hand quadrant as types D, E, and F. While the pes-
simists differ over the sources of conflict—individual (D), society
(E), international system (F)—they share common beliefs about its
permanence and the corresponding implications for the remaining
philosophical and instrumental beliefs (Walker 1983). The remain-
ing types of belief systems (A, B, and C) share the optimism derived
from the master belief that conflict is temporary. However, they dis-
agree over the source of conflict: individual misperceptions (A),
pathological societal institutions (B), or the anarchical organization
of the international system (C). These latter differences dispose them
toward some disagreement over the remaining philosophical and
instrumental beliefs.
Holsti theorized that these internally consistent belief systems
remain relatively stable over time and across policy domains for the
leaders who hold them. However, both George and Holsti realized
that the Bolshevik belief system and the Holsti typology did not
exhaust the rich variety and cognitive complexity of political leaders.
They may have master beliefs that differ in degree as well as in kind
regarding the stability and source of conflict in the political universe.
Moreover, not all leaders have a single, well-defined set of opera-
tional code beliefs, and leaders may change their beliefs over time
(George 1969; Holsti 1977).
Research into the operational codes of several leaders in the 19805
and 19905 has validated this forecast. The results from several stud-
ies indicate that a leader's operational code beliefs are likely to con-
tain elements from more than one of Holsti's types and vary at least
(Essential Alikeness)

Conflict is temporary, caused by human Conflict is temporary; it is possible to restructure

misunderstanding and miscommunication. A the state system to reflect the latent harmony of
"conflict spiral," based upon misperception and interests. The source of conflict is the anarchical
impulsive responses, is the major danger of war. state system, which permits a variety of causes to
Opponents are often influenced by nonrational produce war. Opponents vary in nature, goals, and
conditions but tend to respond in kind to concilia- responses to conciliation and firmness. One should
tion and firmness. Optimism is warranted, based be pessimistic about goals unless the state system
upon a leader's ability and willingness to shape is changed, because predictability and control over
historical development. The future is relatively historical development is low under anarchy.
predictable, and control over it is possible. Establish optimal goals vigorously within a
Establish goals within a framework that empha- comprehensive framework. Pursue shared
sizes shared interests. Pursue broadly inter- goals, but control risks by limiting means rather
ational goals incrementally with flexible strat- than ends. Act quickly when conciliation
egies that control risks by avoiding escalation opportunities arise, and delay escalatory actions
and acting quickly when conciliation opportuni- whenever possible; resources other than mili-
ties arise. Emphasize resources that establish a tary capabilities are useful.
climate for negotiation and compromise, and
avoid the early use of force.

Nuclear nAch
Self (Ideals)

Conflict is permanent, caused by human nature Conflict is temporary, caused by warlike states;
(D); nationalism (E), or international anarchy (F). miscalculation and appeasement are the major
Power disequilibria are major dangers of war. causes of war. Opponents are rational and
Opponents may vary, and responses to conciliation deterrable. Optimism is warranted regarding
or firmness are uncertain. Optimism declines over realization of goals. The political future is
the long run and in the short run depends upon the relatively predictable, and control over historical
quality of leadership and a power equilibrium. development is possible. One should seek
Predictability is limited, as is control over optimal goals vigorously within a
historical development. Seek limited goals comprehensive framework. Control risks by
flexibly with moderate means. Use military limiting means rather than ends. Any tactic
force if the opponent and circumstances require and resource may be appropriate, including the
it, but only as a final resource. use of force when it offers prospect; for large
gains with limited risk.


Fig. 9-2. Contents of the revised Holsti operational code

Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

in degree over time and for different issue areas in the political uni-
verse (Walker and Falkowski 198413; Walker, Schafer, and Young
1998, 1999; Schafer, Young, and Walker 1995; Crichlow 1998;
Walker and Schafer 2000; Schafer and Crichlow 2000; Marfleet
2000; Dille 2000). As representations of reality, philosophical
beliefs are more prone to fluctuation by domain and over time in
response to changes in context (Walker, Schafer, and Young 1998;
Schafer and Crichlow 2000). A leader's instrumental beliefs are less
volatile, making the internal consistency between philosophical and
instrumental beliefs difficult to maintain (Walker, Schafer, and
Young 1998, 1999).

What Is the Link between Beliefs and Motivations?

One explanation for the relative stability of instrumental beliefs is
that they are partly expressions of the leader's identity in the form of
motivational biases rather than simply the products of lessons
learned from changing experiences in the political universe. This
explanation is consistent with the broader formulation of operational
code analysis associated with Leites (1951, 1953). George recognized
this link explicitly in his discussion of the relationship between
beliefs and character in the Bolshevik operational code.
The maxims of political strategy that comprise the "operational
code" take on the character of rules of conduct held out for good
Bolsheviks and norms of behavior that, ideally, are internalized
by the individual who thereby acquires a new and different
character structure—that of the reliable, "hard-core" Bolshe-
vik. In the terminology of modern ego psychology, the indi-
vidual who succeeds in internalizing this preferred character
structure thereby accomplishes an "identity transformation."
(George 1969, 194, original emphasis)
This link between beliefs and character was also recognized by Hol-
sti (1977), who was agnostic about whether individuals acquired
their operational code beliefs by virtue of socialization into a partic-
ular political role or were drawn to a role by a subtle process of self-
selection based on the compatibility of the individual's personality
traits and the operational code beliefs associated with the role.
In a reanalysis of the Holsti typology, Walker (1983) found that
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the four types in figure 9.2 differed in the motivational imagery asso-
ciated with them. Type A's beliefs contained images of affiliation,
while the beliefs for type DBF expressed images of power. The other
two types shared an image of achievement while differing in their
images of power (type B) and affiliation (type C). The four quadrants
in figure 9.2 represent not only the ideal types of belief systems in
the Holsti typology but also a two-dimensional simplification of
what is really a three-dimensional personality structure in which the
beliefs are embedded in a motivational foundation established by the
needs for power, affiliation, and achievement emanating from the
nuclear self (Winter and Stewart 197ya; Walker 1983, 2002; Kohut
1971, 1977, 1984; Walker).
In the application of these belief systems to real leaders, Walker
and Falkowski (1984a, 1984^ found that the operational code
beliefs of U.S. presidents and secretaries of state contained the moti-
vational imagery regarding the needs for power, affiliation, and
achievement attributed to them by other analysts. Their belief sys-
tems were hybrids containing beliefs that were not internally consis-
tent with any one of the ideal types in Holsti's typology of opera-
tional codes. The relative frequency of beliefs from each type of belief
system tended to correlate with independent measures of their moti-
vational imagery. The findings support the interpretation that lead-
ers are "structured individuals" whose needs for power, affiliation,
and achievement are related to their belief systems in theoretically
and empirically consistent patterns (Walker and Falkowski 1984a,
1984b; see also Walker, Schafer, Young 1999).
These results reenforced the Leites (1953) hypothesis, noted later
by George (1969), that character and cognition were linked. The
cognitive scripts for political action in the leader's operational code
beliefs may also be character prescriptions that express the identity
of the leader as an actor in the political universe. If so, then the oper-
ational code beliefs of political leaders are not merely diagnostic aids
for processing information from the social environment. They also
include internalized prescriptions that act as causal mechanisms of
political action by virtue of their normative power to express such
motivations as the needs for power, affiliation, and achievement
(Walker 1983).
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

How Do Beliefs and Motivations Form a Coherent Personality?

Seen in this dual perspective and without the assumption of internal
cognitive consistency, the cognitive and motivational elements of a
leader's operational code nonetheless form a coherent personality. As
George and Holsti speculated and as the studies cited previously
have confirmed, however, this personality may be rather complex
and may engage different "states of mind" in different domains of the
political universe. Thus, the typology of operational codes in figure
9.2 may coexist in the same leader and become aroused differentially,
depending on the domain in which he or she is engaged and the cues
from that environment (Walker 1995; Walker, Schafer, and Young
1998, 1999).
This perspective suggests that the empirical task of mapping a
leader's operational code beliefs should proceed from the bottom up,
by aggregating targeted beliefs about particular issues in different
domains of political action, rather than from the top down, as deduc-
tions from an idealized typology of operational code belief systems.
Any generalizations about a leader's general operational code will
depend on whether and to what extent his or her beliefs regarding
self and others are consistent across domains and over time. In turn,
predicting a leader's behavior from operational code beliefs will
require careful attention to scope conditions that specify the level of
generalization on which the prediction is based. The VICS method of
content analysis was developed as part of a bottom-up strategy to
identify a leader's operational code beliefs and to make contingent
forecasts of his or her likely strategies, tactics, and moves.
The Verbs in Context System
The VICS method draws inferences about a leader's operational code
from public sources—speeches, interviews, or other public state-
ments by the individual. The most relevant source for the systematic
prediction of the state's behavior is probably the public speech. It is
a theoretical assumption of operational code analysis that a leader's
public behavior is constrained by his public image and that, over
time, his public actions will consistently match his public beliefs.
This assumption seems counterintuitive, because it appears not to
allow for the possibilities of impression management and deception
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

strategies by the leader in public utterances. While it is possible for

a leader's beliefs and behavior to be at odds for short (and perhaps
crucial) periods, the opposite is the norm. This principle of cognitive
consistency theory is based on the general bounded rationality axiom
that individuals act rationally (make behavioral choices) based on
what they believe (Tetlock 1998; Simon 1957) and the corollary that
others in a social situation expect them to do so.

What Is the VICS Method?

The VICS method of content analysis is a set of techniques for
retrieving belief patterns from a leader's public statements and draw-
ing inferences about public behavior that are compatible with these
beliefs (Walker, Schafer, and Young 1998, 1999). To the extent that
a particular leader is in control of the state's behavior or to the extent
that a leader's beliefs are shared by those individuals with the power
to act on behalf of the state, these inferences become predictions
about a state's behavior. While the retrieval unit is the public state-
ment, the recording unit is the "utterance," which is each verb in the
statement and the corresponding parts of speech associated with each
verb—the subject and object (if it is a transitive verb) or the subject
and predicate nominative or adjective (if it is an intransitive verb).
As figure 9.3 illustrates, the VICS method extracts values for six
attributes for each recording unit (verb) and its surrounding context:
subject, verb category, domain of politics, tense of the verb, intended target,
and context.
Self or Other designates whether the speaker or some other actor
is the subject of the verb. The verb is categorized in its tense as either
a positive (+) or negative (-) intransitive verb or a positive (+) or
negative (-) transitive verb. If it is a transitive verb, it is categorized
further as representing either a cooperative ( + ) or conflictual (—)
behavior that takes the form of a word or a deed. Positive transitive
deeds are coded as Rewards (+3) while negative transitive deeds are
coded as Punishments (—3). Positive transitive words are coded as
either Promises ( + 2) or Appeal/Support (+i), while negative transi-
tive words are coded as either Threat? (—2) or Oppose/Resist (— i).
Verbs that do not fit into one of these categories or that do not
have a political context (i.e., do not deal with a policy domain or are
not directed toward a political target) are coded as Neutral (o) and















A quote taken from President Carter's address to the nation on January 4, 1980:
"Massive Soviet military forces have invaded the small, non-aligned, sovereign
nation of Afghanistan."

1. Subject. The subject is "Massive Soviet military forces," which is coded as

other; that is, the speaker is not referring to his or to her self or his or her state.

2. Tense and category . The verb phrase "have invaded" is in the past tense and
is a negative deed coded, therefore, as punish.

3. Domain. The action involves an actor (Soviet military forces) external to the
speaker's state (the United States); therefore, the domain is foreign.

4. Target and context . The action is directed toward Afghanistan; therefore,

the target is coded as Afghanistan. In addition, we designate a context: Soviet-

The complete data line for this statement is other -3 foreign past afghanistan

Fig. 9.3. Steps in the Verbs in Context System for coding verbs
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

discarded. The remainder describes the leader's beliefs about the

intended or imagined exercise of power by self and others regarding
the political issues raised in the public statement. They are also the
basis for drawing inferences about subsequent behavior by the
leader's government. Predictions based on these inferences can be
very general or rather specific, depending on the variety of policy
domains and issue areas and the volume of attributes available to be
coded from the universe of public statements.

How Are VICS Indices Calculated and Interpreted?

These assessments are inferred from four kinds of indices constructed
from the balance, central tendency, proportion, and dispersion of
verb attributions in these sources. For example, the balance between
the frequencies of positive (+) and negative (—) verbs attributed to
others in public statements indicates the leader's beliefs about the
friendly or hostile nature of politics and image of others in the polit-
ical universe. The same calculation for verbs attributed to self indi-
cates the strategic orientation (cooperation or conflict) of the speaker
toward others in the political universe.
Assigning weights to the same verb categories and multiplying
them by their frequencies measures the intensity of positive and neg-
ative attributions by self and others. The central tendencies of these
weighted self and other attributions, respectively, are indicators of
the leader's beliefs about effective tactics and the prospects for real-
izing political values. These four indices summarize at the most gen-
eral level of aggregation the leader's diagnostic propensities regard-
ing the nature of the political universe and the prospects for success,
plus the leader's choice propensities for effective strategies and tac-
tics. The calculation and interpretation of these indices are fairly
straightforward and are summarized as follows.
The balance indices for the nature of the political universe (P-i)
and strategic direction (I-i) vary between -i .o (e.g., Extremely Hos-
tile for P-i) and +1.0 (e.g., Extremely Friendly for P-i), calculated
by subtracting the number of negative verbs from the number of
positive verbs and dividing the result by the total number of nega-
tive and positive verbs. The scale illustrates the range of values asso-
ciated with each index and the remaining descriptors used to anchor
and interpret the scores. A particular score is anchored to an inter-
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

P-i. Nature of the Political Universe (hostile/friendly)

Extremely Very Definitely Somewhat Mixed Somewhat Definitely Very Extremely
-i.o -.75 -.50 -.25 o.o + .25 +.50 +.75 +1.0

I-1. Direction of Strategy (conflict/cooperation)

Extremely Very Definitely Somewhat Mixed Somewhat Definitely Very Extremely
—i.o —.75 -.50 -.25 o.o +.25 +.50 +.75 + 1.0

pretation based on the distance between the score and the nearest
For example, a score of—.21 is anchored to the descriptor "Some-
what Hostile" on the nature of the political universe scale for P- r,
because it is closest to -.25 on the continuum of possible balance
scores. A score of +.41 is anchored to the descriptor "Definitely
Cooperative" on the direction of strategy scale for I-i, because it is
closest to +.50 on the continuum of possible scores. The interpreta-
tion of these two scores for a leader takes the following form: "He or
she believes that the political universe is somewhat hostile, and he or she also
believes that a definitely cooperation-oriented direction is the best strategy in
this universe."
The central tendency indices for the leader's beliefs about the
prospects for realizing political values (P-2) and his or her beliefs
about the intensity of tactics (1-2) also vary between —i.o (e.g.,
Extremely Pessimistic) and +1.0 (e.g., Extremely Optimistic). The
indices are calculated by multiplying each verb by the scale values

P-2. Realization of Political Values (pessimism/optimism)

Extremely Very Definitely Somewhat Mixed Somewhat Definitely Very Extremely
—i.o -.75 --50 -.25 o.o +.25 +.50 +.75 + 1.0

1-2. Intensity of Tactics (conflict/cooperation)

Extremely Very Definitely Somewhat Mixed Somewhat Definitely Very Extremely
—i.o —.75 --50 -.25 o.o +.25 +.50 +.75 +1.0
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

associated with its coding category, summing the results, then cal-
culating the average (mean) score and dividing it by three. The fol-
lowing scale shows the range of values and descriptors for these two
indices, which anchor the scores with an interpretation. The inter-
pretation rule for the (P-2) and (1-2) indices is the same as for the
(P-i) and (I-i) indices: assign the descriptor that is closest to the score.
For example, if a leader's P-2 score is —.31, then he or she is
"Somewhat Pessimistic" about the prospects for realizing fundamen-
tal political goals. An 1-2 score of +.27 would indicate that he or she
believes in "Somewhat Cooperative" tactics. The interpretation of
these two scores for a leader takes the following form: "He or she
believes that the prospects for realizing fundamental political goals are some-
what pessimistic, and he or she also believes that somewhat cooperative tactics
are best under this condition."
A series of proportion indices measure the leader's beliefs regarding
control over historical development and the relative utility of differ-
ent ways of exercising political power. The number of self or other
attributions as a percentage of the total number of self and other
attributions varies between o.o (Very Low) and i.o (Very High).
This index measures the locus of control attributed to self (P-4a) over
historical development while the number of other attributions as a
percentage of the total number of self and other attributions (or i
minus 4a) is the locus of control (P-4b) attributed to others. As in
the case of the balance and central tendency indices, the actual scores
for a leader are anchored with a descriptor that is closest to its value.
So a leader with a P-^a score of .53 believes that he or she has a medium
degree of control over historical development while also attributing a medium
level of control (P~4b = .47) to others in the political universe.
The same basic logic applies for calculating and interpreting the
utility of means indices. With six categories for the exercise of polit-
ical power rather than two categories for the locus of historical con-
trol, however, the medium proportion of equal utility for each one is
.16 (1.0/6) instead of .50 (1.0/2). Proportions that exceed or fail to

P-4. Control over Historical Development (very low/very high)

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

reach that level are assigned higher or lower descriptors of utility.

Although this index can vary between o.o and i.o, it is relatively
unlikely with six categories that the upper boundary will be reached,
and so .32 is denned as the descriptor in the following scale for a
Very High proportion—twice the expected proportion when each
category is equally useful. The interpretation of the utility of means
scores can take two forms. They can be analyzed proportionately or
simply by their descriptors.
So, for example, a leader with percentage scores of Reward (.20) +
Promise (.17) + Appeal/Support (.34) + Oppose/Resist (.16) +
Threat (.06) + Punish (.07) = i.o believes the following about the
utility of means in his or her political universe. Appeals and expressions
of support (.34) are about twice as useful as statements of opposition/resis-
tance (.16) or promises (. i j), which are over twice as useful as threats (.06)
or punishments (.oj), and, finally, rewards (.20) are approximately three
times as useful as threats (.06) or punishments (.07). It is also possible to
make inferences from the descriptors rather than from the scores. A
leader with these scores believes that the comparative utility of appeal/support
statements is very high, the comparative utility of rewards is high, the com-
parative utility of promises and expressions of opposition/resistance is medium,
and the comparative utility of threats and punishments is low.
There are four indices that take into account the dispersion of verbs
across the six categories for the exercise of political power. Two are
the predictability of the political future and risk orientation. Both of
them employ a measure of dispersion, the Index of Qualitative Vari-
ation (IQV), which assesses the variation in the distribution of obser-

1-5- Utility of Means (very low/very high)

A. Cooperative Means Appeal/Support, Promise, Reward
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .08 .16 •24 .32

B. Conflict Means Oppose/Resist, Threaten, Punish

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
0.0 .08 .16 .24 •32
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

vations among the six categories for self and others. Calculated sepa-
rately for self and other attributions, the IQV score is subtracted
from i.o to estimate the predictability of the political future (pre-
dictability of others' behavior) and one's own risk orientation (the
predictability of one's own behavior). The higher the estimates from
these calculations, respectively, the more predictable are the political
future and one's own risk orientation. For example, a leader's beliefs
with scores of .08 for P-j and .03 for I-3 attribute very low predictability
to others and to self.

P-3. Predictability of Political Future (very low/very high)

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

1-3. Risk Orientation (very low/very high)

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

Interpretation of these scores is enhanced by the indices for two

related indices of the importance of timing: flexibility in shifting
between different kinds of tactics as a risk management technique.
These indices are calculated by subtracting the absolute value of the
balance index for cooperation/conflict and words/deeds from one. For
example, a leader's beliefs with scores of .57 and .53 for shifts between coop-
eration/conflict and words/deeds, respectively, manage the very low pre-
dictability of the political future by attributing a risk orientation of medium
flexibility in both cooperation/conflict and words/deeds to himself or herself.
Finally, there is an index for the role of chance, which takes into
account the predictability of the political future and the degree of
control over historical development. It is calculated by multiplying
the leader's scores for the latter two beliefs and subtracting the prod-
uct from one. The logic of the index is that the higher the pre-
dictability of the political future and the greater the leader's belief in
his or her ability to control historical development, the less the role
of chance. It is interpreted the same way as the other indices that
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

1-4. Flexibility of Tactics (very low/very high)

A. Between Cooperation and Conflict
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

B. Between Words and Deeds

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

incorporate measures of dispersion into their formulae. For example, a

leader with an index of .96 attributes a very high role to chance.

P-4- Role of Chance (very low/very high)

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
o.o .25 .50 .75 i.o

Collectively, the VICS indices provide information about a

leader's diagnostic, choice, and shift propensities regarding the exer-
cise of power in different political contexts. Operational code analy-
sis defines politics as the exercise of power between actors, in which
the beliefs of each actor about the nature of the political universe and
the most effective strategies and tactics in this universe influence the
choices of means, tactics, and strategies and the ensuing outcomes of
interaction episodes between them.

Assessing Leaders' Beliefs: Steering and Learning Effects

The belief template for mapping the interface among beliefs, behav-
ior, and interaction is an expanded version of the Holsti typology of
belief systems in figure 9.2. Where Holsti assumed consistency
between philosophical and instrumental beliefs, the present analysis
allows for instrumental beliefs to be independent from philosophical
beliefs. Taking each set of instrumental beliefs (I) and pairing them
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

not only with the corresponding philosophical beliefs (P) in the Hol-
sti typology but with the others as well, there are a total of sixteen
types of belief systems possible in figure 9.2.
Holsti's four pairs are as follows: A(I) with A(P), B(I) with B(P),
C(I) with C(P), and DEF(I) with DEF(P). The twelve additional
hybrids are A(I) with DEF(P), A(I) with B(P), A(I) with C(P), DEF(I)
with B(P), DEF(I) with C(P), DEF (I) with A(P), B(I) with C(P), B(I)
with A(P), B(I) with DEF(P), C(I) with A(P), C(I) with DEF(P), and
C(I) with B(P). Collectively, these combinations of beliefs map dif-
ferent definitions of the "self-in-situation" in which different levels
of decision are made.
Key VICS indices locate the "self-in-situation" coordinates of a
leader's operational code within the template in figure 9.4. Two
indices are used to place Self in one of the four quadrants associated
with Holsti's four types of belief systems. They are the strategic (I-i)
index plus Self s locus of historical control (P-4a) index. They are
mapped in figure 9.4 to parallel the axes formed by the power, affilia-
tion, and achievement axes in the Holsti typology of belief systems
in figure 9.2. The VICS strategic index (I-i) scores are plotted on the
vertical axis, and the VICS scores for the locus of control (P-4a) index
are plotted along the horizontal axis.
The association of nPow with conflict (—), nAff with cooperation
( + ), and nAch with greater control over outcomes is consistent with
previous research on the cognitive and behavioral correlates of these
motivations (Winter and Stewart 1977a). The intersection of the
locus of control index for Self (P-4a) with the strategic (I-i) index
determines the leader's location in one of the four quadrants in figure
9.4. The verbal interpretation of the leader's scores should resemble
more closely the instrumental beliefs for the Holsti ideal type
located in this quadrant than the instrumental beliefs for the other
The indices for the philosophical beliefs of this leader may or may
not be located in the same quadrant as the indices for his or her
instrumental beliefs. The indices for the nature of the political uni-
verse (P-i) are plotted on the vertical axis, and Other's locus of con-
trol (P-4b) index is plotted on the horizontal axis. They locate Other
in the political universe.
Once a leader's self-image is located in one of the four quadrants
Appease Reward Reward Exploit


Bluff Deter Punish Compel


+0.00 Axis

Bluff Deter Punish Exploit



Bully Punish Compel Bully




Note: Key indices of beliefs in the operational code typology are scaled along the vertical
and horizonatal axes to locate a leader's generalized images of self and other in a quadrant.
Reward, Deter, Punish, and Compel tactics are variants of a general strategy of
reciprocity in which Self initiates either an escalatory (E) move or de-escalatory (D)
move and then responds in kind to whether Other escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in
response to Self s initial move. Appease, Bluff, Exploit, and Bully tactics are variants of a
general strategy of cooperation or conflict in which Self initiates either an escalatory (E)
move or de-escalatory (D) move and then violates the norm of reciprocity after Other
escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in response to Self s initial move.

Fig. 9.4. Prediction template for key VICS indices. (Data from
Walker, Schafer, and Marfleet 2001.)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

with these scores, it is possible to make some behavioral predictions

with different degrees of confidence about tactics and strategies
shared with other leaders whose self-images fall into the same quad-
rant. The following predictions are based on their shared preferences
for cooperation or conflict as the dominant strategy and a shared
sense of the degree of control over historical development.
Leaders in the type A quadrant with a relatively cooperative
strategic orientation and a relatively low sense of historical
control are more likely to exhibit choice and shift propensi-
ties that favor the tactics of Appease and Bluff within a
general strategy of cooperation. The more cooperative the
tactical intensity index and the lower the locus of historical
control index, the higher the confidence level for this pre-
diction as a deviation from the norm of reciprocity.
Leaders in the type C quadrant with a relatively cooperative
strategic orientation and a relatively high sense of historical
control are likely to exhibit choice and shift propensities
that favor the tactics of Exploit and Compel within a gen-
eral strategy of cooperation. The more intense the tactical
cooperation index and the higher the locus of historical
control index, the higher the confidence level for this pre-
diction as a deviation from the reciprocity norm.
Leaders in the type DBF quadrant with a relatively conflictual
strategic orientation and a relatively low sense of historical
control are likely to exhibit choice and shift propensities
that favor the tactics of Bluff and Bully within a general
strategy of conflict. The more intense the tactical conflict
index and the lower the locus of historical control index,
the higher the confidence level for this prediction as a devi-
ation from the reciprocity norm.
Leaders in the type B quadrant with a relatively conflictual
strategic orientation and a relatively high sense of historical
control are likely to exhibit choice and shift propensities
that favor the tactics of Exploit and Bully within a general
strategy of conflict. The more intense the tactical conflict
index and the higher the locus of control index, the higher
the confidence level for this prediction as a deviation from
the norm of reciprocity.
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

These predictions are forecasts of likely deviations from the norm of

reciprocity expected as a response to a stimulus, based on an assess-
ment of the leader's operational code (Leng 1993, 2000). It refers to
the mix of other behavior that accompanies the elements of the
response that match the stimulus and represents movement along a
continuum of escalation and deescalation anchored by an actor's own
previous move. Leaders with a locus of historical control index that
attributes roughly equal control to Self (P-4a) and Other (P-4b) are
most likely to follow a general strategy of reciprocity norm represented
by the Reward, Deter, Punish, and Compel tactics in figure 9.4.
The following example is based on the earlier illustrations for the
calculation and interpretation of VICS indices in the previous section
of this chapter. Those scores are from a speech by U.S. secretary of state
Dean Rusk and are reproduced along with their interpretations in
table 9.1. According to the data in table 9.1, the leader's instrumental


Score Interpretation
Diagnostic Propensities
p-1. Nature of the political universe -.21 Somewhat hostile
P-2. Realization of political values -.31 Somewhat pessimistic
P-3. Predictability of political future .08 Very low predictability
P-4. Control over historical development
a. Self s control .53 Medium control
b. Other's control .47 Medium control
P-5. Role of chance .96 Very high role

Choice and Shift Propensities

1-1. Strategic approach to goals + .41 Definitely cooperative
1-2. Tactical pursuit of goals + .27 Somewhat cooperative
1-3. Risk orientation .03 Very low predictability
1-4. Timing of action
a. Cooperation/conflict .57 Medium flexibility
b. Words/deeds .53 Medium flexibility
1-5. Utility of means
a. Reward .20 High utility
b. Promise .17 Medium utility
c. Appeal/support .34 Very high utility
d. Oppose/resist .16 Medium utility
e. Threaten .06 Low utility
f. Punish .07 Low utility
Source: Speech at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association,
Washington, D.C., Dec. 30, 1961.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

beliefs indicate the following choice and shift propensities. Rusk

believes in a definitely friendly strategy in his approach to political
goals and believes in somewhat cooperative tactics to pursue them. He
has an approach to the calculation and control of risk characterized
overall by a very low score. This risk-averse orientation is marked by a
propensity at a medium level to shift flexibly both between conflict and
cooperation and between words and deeds. When this leader's score for
I-1 is plotted against the score for Self s control over historical devel-
opment (P~4a), the coordinates indicate that Rusk locates Self in the
type C quadrant of the template in figure 9.4.
The secretary of state's scores for philosophical beliefs show a
leader with the following diagnostic propensities: the political uni-
verse is somewhat hostile, and he is somewhat pessimistic about the
prospects for realizing fundamental political values. He views the
political future as very low in predictability, believes that he has a
medium level of control over historical development, and attributes
a very high role to chance. When this leader's scores for the nature of
the political universe (P-i) is plotted against the score for Other's
locus of control (P-4b), the coordinates indicate that Rusk's view of
Other falls close to the center of the template in the type DEF quad-
rant of figure 9.4.
Depending on the amount of information available from public
statements, it is possible to refine these predictions and raise further
the confidence level for a particular leader in two ways.
First, it is desirable to use the additional information about risk
orientation and shift propensities from Rusk's profile to qualify or
strengthen the confidence level of the predictions. In the example
from table 9.1, the predictions for a leader in the type C quadrant are
choice propensities to use Reward and Deter tactics as part of a gen-
eral cooperative strategy. However, the leader's medium (.53) level of
control over historical development, very low (.03) orientation toward
taking risks, and medium (.57 and .53) propensities to shift tactics
make it relatively likely that he or she will use other tactics, too.
Second, if there is sufficient available information, these
refinements are subject to further qualifications. It is possible to par-
tition the observations by time, domain, issue area, and target and
then recalculate the VICS indices. The effects of disaggregating
beliefs are (a) to narrow the scope of their steering effects to apply
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

only for a particular issue toward a specific target and (b) to detect
learning effects on the leader's beliefs over time. As the following
example reveals, this effort may or may not significantly refine the
In a study of President Jimmy Carter's operational code (Walker,
Schafer, and Young 1998), the results indicate that the elements of
Carter's belief system remained relatively stable over time for much
of his administration. No statistically significant changes in the
VICS indices occurred for his general operational code until after the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (see table 9.2). Even then, the key
VICS indices that locate Carter in the type C quadrant (I-i and 1-2)
did not change enough to move him unequivocably to a different
quadrant; however, the key indices that summarize the nature of the
political universe (P-i and P-2) did clearly move from type A in the
direction of the type DBF quadrant.
The effect of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on Carter's opera-
tional code toward the Soviet Union was more dramatic, shifting
Carter's beliefs about Soviet-American relations into different quad-
rants of the operational code template. Shifts in the key VICS indices
for Carter's diagnostic propensities from cooperation to conflict plus
a change in the balance of control over historical development relo-
cated Soviet-American relations. The data in table 9.3 show that
Carter's view of the Soviet Union shifted from an extremely friendly
orientation to a somewhat hostile orientation. This shift was accom-
panied by a decrease in the cooperation of his strategic and tactical
choice propensities toward the USSR and a strong increase in his
propensities to shift between conflict and cooperation and between
words and deeds.

How Do You Predict Behavioral Differences between Leaders?

A comparison of the VICS indices for two different leaders can reveal
points of agreement and disagreement about the nature of the polit-
ical universe and the most effective moves, tactics, and strategies for
realizing political goals. Such comparisons can reveal what the possi-
ble effects of a change in leaders within or between states might be.
To illustrate these possibilities, let us consider the results of a com-
parative study of two Israeli leaders, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon
Peres, during two different decades, 1974-77 and 1992—95
1977-79 VS. 1980
1977-79 1980 p**
Diagnostic Propensities

P-l. Nature of the political universe + .68 +.06 .00

(very friendly) (mixed)
P-2. Realization of political values + .51 +.05 .01
(definitely (mixed)
P-3. Predictability of political future .37 .34 .38
(low) (low)
P-4. Control over historical development
a. Self s control .65 .75 .18
(high) (high)
b. Other's control .35 .25 .18
(low) (low)
P-5. Role of chance .75 .74 .41
(high) (high)
Choice and Shift Propensities

1-1. Strategic approach to goals + .86 +.73 .03

(extremely (very
friendly) friendly)
1-2. Tactical pursuit of goals + .59 +.57 .37
1-3. Risk orientation .36 .30 .26
(low) (low)
1-4. Timing of action
a. Cooperation/conflict .14 .27 .03
(low) (low)
b. Words/deeds .57 .79 .02
(medium) (high)
1-5. Utility of means
a. Reward .33 (v. high) .40 (v. high) .25
b. Promise .45 (v. high) .45 (v. high) .45
c. Appeal/support .14 (medium) .02 (v. low) .01
d. Oppose/resist .00 (v. low) .01 (v. low) .08
e. Threaten .01 (v. low) .00 (v. low) .17
f. Punish .06 (low) .11 (low) .07
Source: Data from Walker, Schafer, and Young 1998.
**/? = one-tailed F-test for difference of means.
197 7-7 9a 1980b
Diagnostic Propensities

P-1. Nature of the political universe + .94 -.19

(extremely friendly) (somewhat hostile)
P-2. Realization of political values + .86 -.17
(very optimistic) (somewhat pessimistic)
P-4. Control over historical development
a. Self s control -59 .37
(medium) (low)
b. Other's control .41 .63
(medium) (high)
Other 's Predicted Quadrant Type A B

Choice and Shift Propensities

1-1. Strategic approach to goals + 1.0 + .64

(extremely coop) (very coop)
1-2. Tactical pursuit of goals + .77 + .55
(very coop) (definitely coop)
1-4. Flexibility in timing of action
a. Conflict/cooperation .00 .64
(very low) (high)
b. Words/deeds .37 .62
(low) (medium)
Self's predicted quadrant type C A
Source: Data from Walker, Schafer, and Young 1998 and the data set for this source.
VICS index calculated across speeches for pre-Soviet invasion period.
VICS index calculated across speeches for post-Soviet invasion period.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

(Crichlow 1998). The two leaders of the Labor party in Israel exhib-
ited different operational codes in the earlier decade and moved
toward convergence in the later decade.
In the early 19705 Rabin and Peres viewed the political universe
as definitely hostile but with different degrees of pessimism. While
Peres was not significantly more pessimistic than Rabin, he was
significantly less confident about the ability to control historical
development (Crichlow 1998). This difference in diagnostic propen-
sities located the two leaders in different quadrants of the political
universe for this time period. Moreover, a statistically significant self
difference in strategic choice propensities in the earlier decade
(Crichlow 1998) bolsters the different predictions for moves, tactics,
and strategies by the two leaders during the 19705. These differences
are summarized in table 9.4.
In contrast, the remaining data in table 9.4 indicate that the diag-
nostic propensities of the two leaders converged during the early
19905. They agreed that the nature of the political universe was a
mixture of friendly and hostile forces, shared a mixture of optimism
and pessimism about the realization of political goals, and were
highly confident in their ability to control historical development.
Their strategic and tactical choice propensities also converged in a
definitely cooperative orientation. While both leaders shifted their
views of the political universe, Peres shifted his strategic and tactical
orientations toward agreement with Rabin, who exhibited relatively
little change across the decades (Crichlow 1998).

How Do You Apply These Assessments to Interpreting Behavior?

The application of assessments from an operational code profile is at
once a relatively simple and a relatively complex task. No matter
which of the following levels of complexity is adopted in applying
assessments, it is necessary for the leadership analyst to supply the
subsequent observations of behavior and make the judgment about
whether the observed behavior matches the behavior that was fore-
cast in the assessment. While the following applications focus on for-
eign policy behavior by leaders, it is also possible to analyze interna-
tional interactions between leaders at different levels of decision (Leng
and Walker 1982; Brams 1994). However, this shift in focus
changes the objective of operational code analysis from assessing a
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

1970sa 1990sa
Rabin Peres Rabin Peres
Diagnostic Propensities
P-l. Nature of the political universe -.48 -.60 + .04 06
(definite) (mixed)
P-2. Realization of political values -.36 -.47 -.05 03
(somewhat) (definite) (mixed)
P-4. Control over historical development
a. Self s control .69 -39 .72 66
(high) (medium) (high)
b. Other's control .31 .61 .28 ,34
(low) (medium) (low)
Other's Predicted Quadrant Type DBF B A or DEF

Choice and Shift Propensities

1-1. Strategic approach to goals + .71 +.34 + .53 + .68
(very) (somewhat) (definite) (very)
1-2. Tactical pursuit of goals + .47 +.11 + .40 + .40
(definite) (mixed) (definite)
1-4. Flexibility in timing of action
a. Conflict/cooperation .28 .79 .44 .34
(low) (very) (medium) (low)
b. Words/Deeds .74 .93 .82 .70
(high) (very high) (high)
Self s predicted quadrant type C A C C
Source: Data from Crichlow 1998.
VICS indices are mean scores.

state's leaders and decisions to explaining the outcomes of interac-

tions between states, which is not the focus of the present volume.

Level i. Simple Assessments of Single Cases

It is possible simply to calculate the VICS indices for a particular
leader, for example, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, and extrapolate a
narrative profile of his operational code in the future tense that trans-
lates his VICS indices into a forecast of his general diagnostic, choice,
and shift propensities. The following text illustrates this kind of
forecast, organized as "answers" in the future tense to George's
(1969) ten questions in figure 9.1 and based on the VICS indices in
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

table 9.1 for Rusk's 1961 speech before the American Historical
Based on his philosophical beliefs, Dean Rusk will have a
propensity to diagnose the political universe as somewhat hos-
tile, be somewhat pessimistic regarding the realization of polit-
ical values, view the predictability of the political future as very
low, believe that he has a medium level of control over histori-
cal development, and attribute a very high role to chance.
Based on his instrumental beliefs, Dean Rusk will have a
propensity to choose a definitely cooperative strategy in the
political universe and implement it with somewhat cooperative
tactics. He will be very low in his orientation toward accepting
risk and will manage risk by being moderately flexible in his
propensity to shift between conflict and cooperation and between
words and deeds in executing his strategy and tactics. He has a
very high propensity to choose appeals and support statements, a
high propensity to choose rewards, a medium propensity to
choose promises or expressions of opposition or resistance, and a
low propensity to choose threats and punishments.
Level 2. Complex Assessments of Comparative Cases
It is possible to compare the operational codes of one or more leaders
over time and to predict corresponding similarities or differences in
behavior. We have demonstrated these possibilities first with the
comparative analysis of President Jimmy Carter's general operational
code profile in table 9.2. Scanning this table, it is easy to identify sta-
tistically significant changes in the philosophical and instrumental
elements of his operational code that forecast changes in his diagnos-
tic, choice, and shift propensities. These changes can then be formu-
lated as a narrative text in the future tense, as illustrated previously
in the case of Dean Rusk, to make forecasts about changes in his
behavior. Or they may take the format of statistical comparisons, as
in table 9.2 for Carter. The same logic can be applied to two leaders
in the same time period and also for each one over time.

Level 3. General Typological Comparisons

It is possible to use the VICS scores for the summary indices of a
leader's philosophical and instrumental beliefs and make assessments
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

based on the leader's attributions of strategic and locus of control

beliefs to Self and Other. Collectively, the key VICS indices take into
account both the dispositions of the leader (I-i, P~4a) and important
features of the context for decision (P-1, P-4-b) to reach a definition
of the "self-in-situation." This definition of the situation reflects the
choice and shift propensities attributed to Self and expected of
Other, as described in the general types of instrumental beliefs asso-
ciated with the locations of Self and Other in the quadrants of the
Holsti typology.
The changing locations for the generalized self and other images of
Carter, Rabin, and Peres across the quadrants of the template in figures
9.3 and 9.4 lead to different diagnoses regarding the expected behav-
ior of others and their own likely choice and shift propensities for dif-
ferent kinds of strategies and tactics. They are based on the antecedent
conditions specified by the VICS indices that locate both Self and
Other in their respective quadrants of the prediction template in figure
9.4. The results in table 9.3 for Carter and in table 9.4 for the Israeli
leaders Rabin and Peres are examples of this type of analysis.
Finally, over the past two years the generation of several leader
profiles with an automated version of the VICS content analysis pro-
cedures has led to the transformation of raw VICS scores for leaders
into normed scores calculated as the number of standard deviations
from the mean score for each element of the operational code con-
struct (see Young 2001; Schafer and Walker 2001; Walker, Schafer,
and Marfleet 2001). The anchor descriptors on the continua for the
raw scores (Somewhat, Definitely, Very, and Extremely) are now
applied to these standardized scores at intervals of one-half standard
deviation above and below their respective means for a group of
twenty world leaders from a variety of geographical regions and his-
torical eras.
The standardized scores express a leader's score for each index
compared to the average for the reference group. The operational
code profiles of William Jefferson Clinton and Saddam Hussein in
this volume will employ standardized scores to interpret each
leader's diagnostic, choice, and shift propensities in the context of
this sample of world leaders. They will allow us to determine if their
scores are typical or whether and how they deviate from the average
scores for the reference group.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

No matter what assessment strategy is employed, it is important to
keep some cautions in mind about the validity of the results. These
injunctions take the form of several comparisons that are desirable to
make when it is feasible to do so. Some of them are possible within
the framework of operational code analysis while others require addi-
tional resources.
1. Compare the VICS indices for a leader based on public
statements with VICS indices from private sources and
with assessments of the leader from other sources, for
example, forecasts from other personality profiling meth-
ods or qualitative interpretations based on biographical
2. Compare the VICS indices for the leader with the same
indices for advisers and others in the government to see if
there is a consensus. This step is particularly important if
there is doubt about whether the sources for the original
analysis represent the views of a single leader or the pre-
vailing view within a government.
3. Compare the VICS indices from public and private sources
for different policy domains, issue areas, and targets in
order to refine the assessments. Use tests of statistical
significance as criteria for determining how likely differ-
ences in VICS indices could have occurred by chance.
4. Compare the assessments from an operational code analy-
sis against rival predictive models, for example, models of
foreign policy decision making that emphasize other
domestic or external variables than the ones captured by
the VICS indices. They could be forecasts from geographic
area experts or from other schools of international rela-
tions theory.
All of these comparisons are potentially useful in deciding
whether operational code assessments are consistent with other evi-
dence and reside within the mainstream of conventional wisdom.
When the forecasts are outside an existing consensus, or when there
is no consensus from the application of different kinds of forecasting
Profiling the Operational Codes of Political Leaders

tools, then the operational code predictions should be treated with

caution. However, it is under precisely these conditions that opera-
tional code forecasts may also turn out to be most useful in avoiding
unpleasant surprises and in taking advantage of unexpected oppor-
tunities created by the otherwise unanticipated behavior of the
leader or state under study.
io. Assessing Integrative Complexity
at a Distance: Archival Analyses of
Thinking and Decision Making

Peter Suedfeld, Karen Guttieri,

and Philip E. Tetlock

Some psychologists hold the view that cognitive functioning cannot

be rigorously studied because it is internal and therefore not
amenable to direct observation (see Dominowski and Bourne 1994).
Nonetheless, research has established the value of indirect measures
through both experimental and observational (including archival)
techniques. It is obvious that thought processes underlie spoken or
written communication; we can perhaps see this most clearly when
people engage in problem solving, decision making, information
dissemination, or persuasion. We may reasonably infer, as in the case
of motives and other intrapsychic processes, that the process and the
product are related and that the product reflects some important
aspects of the process. This is the inference on which most research
on integrative complexity is based, and a large number and wide
variety of research projects have supported its validity.
Integrative complexity is one of a number of "cognitive style"
variables—including authoritarianism, dogmatism, field indepen-
dence, personal constructs, explanatory style, and many others (see,
e.g., Goldstein and Blackman 1978; Mancuso 1970; Schroder and
Suedfeld 1971)—to have been used in the study of information pro-
cessing. It differs from the others in two major ways. Unlike related
theories that emphasize stable individual differences in cognitive
processes, integrative complexity theory and research are primarily

Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

focused on the internal and external factors that govern the level of
complexity at which a person is functioning at a specific time and in
a specific situation. Although, as is explained in more detail later, it
is recognized that the level of complexity has both trait ("conceptual
complexity") and state ("integrative complexity") characteristics, the
research emphasis is on the latter—partly to counterbalance the
more common orientation toward the former.
Scores on integrative or conceptual complexity assess the differen-
tiation and integration of information processing (Schroder, Driver,
and Streufert 1967; Suedfeld, Tetlock, and Streufert 1992). Unlike
most approaches in this area, the procedure for scoring these two
components has been adapted for use with almost any connected ver-
bal material, such as speeches and interviews. This is what makes the
system applicable to "measuring personality at a distance." Differen-
tiation refers to an individual's or group's recognition of different
perspectives, characteristics, or dimensions of stimuli (which may be
people, events, theories, policies, etc.); integration is the perception
of connections among those differentiated perspectives, characteris-
tics, or dimensions. Differentiation is indicated when a passage
makes references to alternative characteristics or viewpoints, at least
two of which are viewed as legitimate. Integration is indicated when
the passage makes references to trade-offs between alternatives, con-
structs a synthesis that combines them, or situates them in an over-
arching contextual structure. Both of these variables can be assessed
from most kinds of connected verbal material.

History and Status of the Construct

The idea of conceptual complexity as a stable personality variable
(Schroder, Driver, and Streufert 1967) grew out of personal construct
theory (Kelly 1955) and conceptual systems theory (Harvey, Hunt,
and Schroder 1961). Subsequent variants have included cognitive
complexity (Goldstein and Blackman 1978; Schroder and Suedfeld
1971; Scott, Osgood, and Peterson 1979), interactive complexity
(Streufert and Streufert 1978; Streufert and Swezey 1986), and inte-
grative complexity (e.g., Suedfeld and Tetlock 1991). All of these are
explicitly structure oriented, and the more recent versions have
emphasized either situation- and context-related changes in com-
plexity or the interplay between such influences.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Structure versus Content

One basic difference between cognitive style variables and many per-
sonality variables with cognitive aspects is the emphasis of most of
the former group on structure rather than content: how a person
thinks as opposed to what a person thinks (Schroder, Driver, and
Streufert 1967, 5, emphasis added). Several (although not all) cogni-
tive style theories emphasize structure, looking at such factors as the
rigidity with which plans are pursued (regardless of what those plans
are) and openness to new information (regardless of what the infor-
mation is). A key feature of the conceptual/integrative complexity
construct is its concern with structure as opposed to content, struc-
ture referring to the conceptual rules (i.e., differentiation and inte-
gration) utilized in thinking, deciding, and interrelating. By con-
trast, personality constructs that incorporate ideas about information
processing tend to emphasize content variables, such as the focus of
authoritarianism theory on moralistic punitiveness and hostility
toward minority groups.
Because it is not based on content analysis, integrative complexity
scoring cannot depend upon the appearance or frequency of specific
words or phrases. However, at least at lower complexity levels, such
appearances can be used as signals to alert the scorer to possible
structural characteristics. For example, the scoring manual (Baker-
Brown et al. 1992) indicates that such words and phrases as absolutely
and everyone agrees are "content flags" that indicate the possibility of
an undifferentiated (and therefore, by definition, unintegrated)
thought structure, which would call for a score of i for the passage;
such phrases or words as on the other hand and nevertheless may be con-
tent flags for a differentiation score (3). However, the manual also
emphasizes that such flags are neither necessary nor sufficient
justification for assigning a particular score, and they may appear in
passages that are actually higher or lower than the flag would imply.

Trait versus State Characteristics

Current complexity theories (reviewed in Suedfeld, Tetlock, and
Streufert 1992) recognize that the variable has both a trait compo-
nent, the chronic or customary level at which the person operates
(now usually referred to as conceptual complexity), and a state com-
ponent specific to a given situation (integrative complexity). Whereas
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

conceptual complexity theory traces consistent levels of complexity

that characterize a given individual's functioning, integrative com-
plexity theory emphasizes that differentiation and integration vary
from situation to situation for each individual. For example, Saddam
Hussein's complexity increased and decreased as his invasion of
Kuwait first succeeded, then was threatened by Desert Shield, and
was eventually reversed by Desert Storm (Suedfeld, Wallace, and
Thachuk 1993). The degree to which a personality predisposition is
determinative and what role situational factors play are the funda-
mental questions in the state-trait debate.

Trait Complexity
A longitudinal examination of Robert E. Lee's integrative complex-
ity (Suedfeld, Corteen, and McCormick 1986) effectively confirms
the dual trait and state nature of information processing complexity.
Lee's complexity was generally high throughout most of his adult
life but declined as the adversities of prolonged war against an enemy
of superior strength became more and more severe. With the end of
the Civil War, it recovered its previous high level.
Suedfeld suggests that the trait component of complexity predis-
poses people to react to environmental factors with different levels of
state complexity. The subsequent level of state complexity is jointly
determined by trait complexity and the characteristics of the prob-
lem situation. This, the cognitive manager model (Suedfeld 1992a),
argues that complexity is adjusted on the basis of the importance and
urgency of the problem, other problems having to be solved in the
same time frame, the individual's intellectual and other relevant
resources, and the environmental and social factors discussed later in
this chapter.
An alternative explanation is that state complexity affects the rela-
tionship between trait complexity and behavior—that is, as a mod-
erator variable (Tellegen, Kamp, and Watson 1982). Clearly,
research on how these components interact in a variety of contexts,
both replicating and expanding the findings concerning General
Lee's pattern, would be desirable.
In formulations of conceptual complexity, differentiation and
integration are stable personality traits of information processing
style that vary among individuals (Harvey, Hunt, and Schroder
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

1961; Schroder, Driver, and Streufert 1967). Measurement relies

upon responses to general questions within fundamental contexts
such as relationship with authority and reactions to uncertainty, and
these predetermined questions are administered in a classroom or
laboratory setting devoid of emotional significance or conflict
(Schroder, Driver, and Streufert 1967). Early attempts to find associ-
ations between trait complexity and other personality variables have
found modest relationships with content-laden cognitive styles such
as authoritarianism (Adorno et al. 1950), dogmatism (Rokeach
1960), and field independence (Witkin et al. 1962). Intelligence and
complexity are correlated at a moderate level, which varies with the
sample and the IQ test used (Schroder, Driver, and Streufert: 1967).
Conceptual complexity has been found to have only a modest corre-
lation with mental abilities, including verbal ability, crystallized
intelligence, fluid intelligence, and divergent thinking, at least in
restricted-range university student populations (Schroder, Driver,
and Streufert 1967; Suedfeld and Coren 1992).
Moderate correlations have also been found between trait (concep-
tual) complexity and a long list of general personality characteristics:
openness and creativity, low social compliance and conscientious-
ness, narcissism and antagonism, high initiative, power motivation
and self-objectivity (Schroder, Driver, and Streufert 1967; Tetlock,
Peterson, and Berry 1993; Tetlock, Skitka, and Boettger 1989),
social adeptness, gregariousness, extroversion, warmth and nurtu-
rance, and nonconformity (Coren and Suedfeld 1995). Conceptual
complexity may in fact be associated with some unattractive person-
ality traits, which lead others to perceive one as being easily bored,
self-centered, and narcissistic (Tetlock, Peterson, and Berry 1993);
but those judgments may have reflected the reactance of more com-
plex participants against the grueling weekend of intense assessment
during which the measures were taken.
Trait complexity may be a factor in leadership success. For exam-
ple, leaders notable for their length of tenure in high office (such as
Andrei A. Gromyko in the twentieth century and the Duke of
Wellington in the nineteenth century) maintained relatively high
levels of complexity even during crises where their colleagues and
counterparts showed disruptive stress leading to reduced complexity
(Wallace and Suedfeld 1988). General Lee consistently functioned at
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

highly complex levels during his military career. When drastically

less complex Union commanders faced Lee (McClellan, Burnside, and
Hooker at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, respec-
tively), they were unable to gain decisive victory against him, despite
superior numbers of Union troops. Lee's complexity level decreased as
the Confederacy weakened and his troops shrank in numbers, energy,
and supplies (from 4.60 at the first battle studied, Antietam, to 1.50
at Spotsylvania). He eventually encountered opponents who were
functioning at complexity levels almost as high as his (Meade at Get-
tysburg) or higher (Grant in the Wilderness and at Spotsylvania),
against whom he was not nearly as successful (Suedfeld, Corteen, and
McCormick 1986). One interesting point is that after Lee decided to
surrender at Appomattox his complexity level immediately reached
new heights and remained there during the rest of his life.
Although these data may reflect the existence of a stable level of
complexity whose expression may be modified under some circum-
stances, there is another possibility. Conceptual complexity may be
an interaction trait rather than a main effect trait. The most impor-
tant stable factor here may be the ability to recognize and adapt to
environments that demand different levels of complexity (Suedfeld
1992a). This hypothesis has not yet been tested on archival materi-
als, although it has been supported by the results of an extensive
series of simulation studies of decision making among business exec-
utives (Streufert and Swezey 1986).

State Complexity
Researchers have explored a range of possible influences on the level
of complexity exhibited in any specific situation. These include
intrapsychic factors as well as several categories of situational factors:
the environment, social or political considerations, and the nature of
the task.

Intrapsychic Factors
A number of intrapsychic factors can be viewed as intervening
between stable and pervasive trait complexity and the more dynamic
and responsive dimension of state complexity. Although content and
structure are generally independent, such internal characteristics
may also act to increase the correlation between them.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Most of the research on intrapsychic factors has focused on the

need to resolve a conflict or contradiction among goals, beliefs, or
values. For example, Tetlock and his colleagues have found that
political liberals (i.e., those moderately left of center) tend to pro-
duce policy statements that are higher in complexity than more
extreme adherents of either the left or the right wing. Tetlock
(1981 a, 1984) has reported consistent data from both American and
British politicians showing the same pattern, which was replicated
in a sample of Canadian members of Parliament (MPs) (Suedfeld et
al. 1990). Although a number of alternative explanations have been
proposed, Tetlock argues that liberalism or liberals are not somehow
intrinsically complex. Rather, it is at this portion of the left-right
political spectrum that value conflict or value pluralism reaches its
highest level (Tetlock 198la, 1983a, 1984). Value conflict occurs
when two important values cannot both be maximized; in politics, it
is experienced by liberals as the urge to foster both equality and indi-
vidual freedom. When the two conflict, as they often do when policy
strategies are being chosen in Western democratic states, conserva-
tives tend to find freedom more important, whereas socialists opt for
equality. Both of these groups therefore experience less conflict, and
have less need for highly complex solutions, than do liberals
(although tactics to resolve value conflict without increasing differ-
entiation and integration have been identified, e.g., Bar-Siman-Tov
1995; Tetlock 1998; Tetlock and Boettger 1994; Tetlock, Peterson,
and Lerner 1996). The curvilinear relationship between complexity
and ideological position on the left-right dimension has been sup-
ported by experimental studies as well (Suedfeld and Epstein 1973;
Suedfeld et al. 1994; Tetlock 1986).
Research has also explored the power of value conflict to motivate
integrative complexity at different points of the ideological spec-
trum. For instance, in a laboratory study, Tetlock (1986) found that
moderate liberals, who ranked both equality and their own economic
prosperity highly on the Rokeach Value Survey, reached their maxi-
mal complexity in response to the question of whether they were
willing to pay higher taxes to help the poor. By contrast, moderate
conservatives, who ranked both national defense and their own pros-
perity highly, reached their highest complexity level when respond-
ing to the question of whether they were willing to pay higher taxes
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

for the purpose of enhancing national defense. One key lesson of the
value pluralism model is, therefore, not to expect reliable main
effects of ideology. Rather, the model predicts ideology by issue
interactions in which the point of maximal complexity of reasoning
shifts as a function of both the value priorities of the respondents and
the perceived relevance of "issue framing" to highly ranked values.
The left-right spectrum is not the only foundation for differential
value conflict. For example, pre—Civil War moderates who were
opposed to slavery but also wanted to preserve the Union were obvi-
ously in more conflict and, as predicted, showed higher integrative
complexity than either radical abolitionists or supporters of slavery
(Tetlock, Armor, and Peterson 1994). In another archival study, the
provincial government of British Columbia and a panel of scientists
that it had appointed to develop forest management policy in a sen-
sitive old-growth area were caught in the midst of a controversy
between groups wanting to maintain the economic benefits of log-
ging and those wanting to ensure the protection of forested wilder-
ness (Lavallee and Suedfeld 1997). As Tetlock's model predicted, the
government and its scientists showed higher complexity than did
environmental activists and representatives of timber companies. In
an experimental setting, students also write significantly more com-
plex essays discussing the relation between two values that they
rated as highly conflicting (e.g., preserving the environment vs. a
growing economy) than in discussing two not very conflicting values
(e.g., a growing economy and the preservation of human life) (Sued-
feld and Wallbaum 1992).
Value pluralism, then, will lead to higher levels of complexity
when there are two or more values that are fairly well balanced in
importance, so that any resolution must accept the legitimacy of
both. The situation must be such that maximization of either would
lead to infringement of the other; the only way out is to try to see
how they can be related and what kind of trade-off or compromise
could obtain at least some reasonably satisfactory level of both. This
is, of course, the very definition of a complex solution to a problem.
By contrast, those who must advance only one important value do
not need to develop such compromise positions.
Lavallee and Suedfeld (1997) have suggested that a similar mech-
anism affects complexity levels in situations that evoke motive plural-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ism. This occurs when individuals or organizations may simultane-

ously experience at least somewhat incompatible motives, such as the
desire to exert power over another person or group (need for power)
and at the same time be liked by the target of the influence attempt
(need for affiliation).

Situational Characteristics
Situational characteristics whose impact on complexity has been
investigated include the severity of environmental stressors, social
factors, and the nature of the task. The measure of integrative com-
plexity captures environmental influences such as domain and task
complexity. Building on this research, cognitive management and
metacomplexity theorists need further to examine the ways in which
individuals are able (or choose) to bring psychological propensities
such as compartmentalization and attribution to bear on particular
problem situations.

The Task Environment

The theory of integrative complexity calls for the study of how envi-
ronmental factors influence the level of complexity at which an indi-
vidual processes information and behavioral consequences as the
individual's complexity level in turn affects the response to particu-
lar environmental conditions. Information load (Schroder, Driver,
and Streufert 1967), time pressure, perception of threat, perception
of high consequences, fatigue, uncertainty, in-group conflict, and
challenge to or loss of control are examples of environmental factors
that affect integrative complexity (Streufert and Swezey 1986).
When time is limited, information load is nonoptimal, and/or
outcomes are negative, planning and decision making in simulation
experiments become less integrated (Schroder, Driver, and Streufert
1967). Participants writing a paragraph based upon a set theme
achieve lower complexity scores, omitting qualifications and consid-
eration of alternatives in preference for responses that are dominant
in the respondent's hierarchy (Suedfeld and Coren 1990).
Severe and prolonged ("disruptive") stress is hypothesized to
account for an inverse correlation between the onset of violent
conflict and the level of complexity, as in studies of executive deci-
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

sion makers in foreign policy crises (e.g., Suedfeld and Tetlock

1977). In crisis situations, especially those in which violent conflict
is a probable outcome, outside observers typically judge that the sit-
uation calls for high complexity among national decision makers.
Decision makers confront threats to vital national interest, charac-
terized by a risk of war (possibly nuclear war); uncertainty about the
intentions of adversaries, allies, and neutrals; a stream of possibly
confusing intelligence data; and the need to maintain effective con-
trol over one's own bureaucratic and military machinery and politi-
cal base and to engage in lengthy and fatiguing deliberations
(Bracken 1983; George 1980; Gottfried and Blair 1988; Wallace
The impact of environmental factors on complexity has been a
subject of repeated scrutiny in relation to leadership decision making
during international crises. International crises are stressful almost
by definition, and many researchers have looked at the relationship
between crisis outcome and complexity. A case study of Neville
Chamberlain during the sequence of events comprising the Anglo-
German crises of 1938-39 (Walker and Watson 1994) shows fluctu-
ations in complexity as the leader shifted between cooperative and
competitive strategies. In crises that lead to war, the complexity lev-
els of leaders show reliable reductions prior to the breakdown of
diplomatic efforts. Suedfeld and Tetlock (1977) found that leader
complexity dropped between the preliminary and climax phases in
two crises culminating in war (World War I, Korean War) and that
Israeli and Arab speeches in the UN General Assembly showed
marked drops within the few months prior to the outbreak of major
Middle East wars (Suedfeld, Tetlock, and Ramirez 1977).
On the other hand, continuing high complexity is often associated
with negotiated, nonviolent resolutions. In the Suedfeld and Tetlock
study (1977), complexity remained stable or rose across the two
phases in other crises that involved the same nations and some of the
same leaders but were resolved without war (the Agadir Incident of
1911, the Berlin Blockade of 1948, and the Cuban Missile Crisis). It
is especially noteworthy that, while conflict spirals (as the outbreak
of World War I, for example, is frequently described) induce low-
ered complexity among the leaders of all nations involved, surprise
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

strategic attacks are consistently presaged by a drop in the complex-

ity of the eventual attacker but not in the complexity of the victim
(Suedfeld and Bluck 1988).
War is not the only crisis event relevant to complexity. A decrease
in complexity may indicate the onset of a confrontation, which may
be terminated peacefully when complexity is regained: the complex-
ity of American and Soviet leaders dropped in the months immedi-
ately preceding the onset of the two major Berlin crises but rose over
the course of the crises (Raphael 1982). Nor is disruptive stress nec-
essarily associated with armed conflict, but sometimes only with the
abandonment of a balanced, compromise- or consensus-oriented pol-
icy. A study of Canadian prime ministers has shown that decisive,
unidimensional solutions to critical domestic political controversies
are also accompanied by a decrease in complexity (Ballard 1983).
Such findings point to one potential application of the integrative
complexity approach: real-time monitoring of the complexity of
utterances may warn observers of imminent changes in the strategy
of a protagonist.
Another perspective on the relationship between crises and deci-
sion-maker complexity has been provided by Satterfield (1997), who
analyzed verbal materials produced by Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, and
Roosevelt before and after personal and political crises. Assessing the
individual's psychological functioning (resilience) using change
scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (APA 1994),
Satterfield found that leaders who exhibited higher integrative com-
plexity prior to a crisis showed higher resilience—that is, fewer neg-
ative effects of stress—afterward. In another recent study, Kowert
(1996) found that U.S. presidents who were rated as "open" (i.e.,
who consulted more advisers, considered more options, etc.) showed
less decrease in integrative complexity during crises.
This may be a good place to emphasize that complexity, as a struc-
tural variable, is normatively neutral. It is unrelated either to moral-
ity or to the appropriateness or correctness of the final behavior (Sued-
feld and Tetlock 1991). Not only is there no theoretical or historical
reason to equate complex decisions with good decisions, even a
recently developed computer-based decision support system failed to
find such a relationship (Wilkenfeld et al. 1996). Because complex
strategies cost more in time, effort, and resources for handling other
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

problems (Suedfeld 1992a), and may divert attention from crucial to

trivial information (Tetlock and Boettger 1989, 1994), optimal deci-
sion making may involve managing available resources according to a
(possibly implicit) cost-benefit analysis (Suedfeld 1992a). Both theory
and data indicate that a stubborn, hostile, or simple-minded adver-
sary may be best met with an unequivocal response that would be
delayed, obscured, or diluted by complex information processing
(Suedfeld 1992a; Suedfeld and Tetlock 1991; Tetlock and Tyler
1996). Thus—although the ability to maintain complexity in the
face of crisis may be correlated with personal career success among
statesmen (Wallace and Suedfeld 1988)—either low or high levels; of
complexity may lead to successful resolution of problems or conflicts,
depending on the situation and the opponent. The verdict of history
is that Chamberlain, comparatively complex during the Munich Con-
ference, was outmaneuvered by Hitler in spite of the latter's low level
of complexity. We would also reject the conclusion of many col-
leagues that a declaration of war ipso facto denotes a failure of decision
making: under certain circumstances, abandoning negotiations and
embarking upon armed conflict may be the morally superior, or prag-
matically successful, move—or both moral and successful.
The moral irrelevance of complexity has often been ignored by
scholars who firmly believe that complex (negotiated, compromise)
outcomes occupy the high ground (see Suedfeld 1992a; Suedfeld and
Tetlock 1991). But, as so often happens, the abstract value breaks
down when we look at specifics. Three historical examples illustrate
the complex relationship among complexity, morality, and success.

1. Many academic and media commentators disapprove of

Ronald Reagan's integratively simple characterization of
the Soviet Union as an evil empire. Nevertheless, Presi-
dent Reagan's description had both moral and pragmatic
justification, given the history of Soviet oppression and
the chronological—and arguably causal—association
between American strategies based on Reagan's view-
point and the demise of Communist hegemony in East-
ern Europe.
2. On the other hand, most observers today applaud the
integratively simple abolitionists of the 18505, who
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

demanded the end of slavery even if the cost would be

the massive bloodletting of a civil war and/or the disso-
lution of the Union—as integratively complex moderates
in both the Democratic and Republican parties accu-
rately predicted at the time.
3. Most (although not all) present-day experts also extol the
integratively simple approach of Winston Churchill,
who in the 19305 denounced Nazi Germany as a gang-
ster state that understood only the language of force and
deterrence. Churchill accordingly demanded an end to
Chamberlain's integratively complex policy, which had
been predicated on balancing deterrence with reassur-
ances that the British understood legitimate German
security concerns.

Social Factors
A variety of social factors are relevant to complexity, including the
desire to project a certain image, the nature and perceived opinions
of the audience in a persuasion situation, the source's position, which
also determines accountability, and intragroup cohesiveness and

Impression Management
Most of the integrative complexity research reviewed in this chapter
assumes that complexity reveals intrapsychic processes: that people
who speak or write in integratively simple or complex ways are
thinking about the issue in roughly equivalent simple or complex
ways. By contrast, an impression management explanation asserts that
the way people speak and write is a function of the political goals
they have in the interpersonal or institutional world they inhabit. In
this view, an issue may be discussed not at the level of complexity at
which the source actually thinks about it but rather at the level that
the source believes will create the desired impression on the target
audience. For example, Tetlock (19853., 1985^ has argued that
deliberate simplification of statements can be used to signal firmness
to an opponent, while more complex formulations could be used to
project a misleading image of reasonableness and willingness to lis-
ten to the other side. One may also want to allay or avoid criticism
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

by appearing to have considered all points of view before choosing a

policy and to be aware of the shortcomings of that policy even
though one has chosen it (Tetlock, Skitka, and Boettger 1989).
For certain purposes, the distinction between these interpreta-
tions may be irrelevant (Tetlock and Manstead 1985). Decreasing
complexity in international crises may signal the imminence of war,
regardless of whether simplification reveals changes in underlying
thought or influence strategies that have been more or less deliber-
ately selected; increases may predict eventual compromise, again
regardless of the "true nature" of the construct that determines the
complexity of the text. But for other purposes, the distinction may
be highly consequential. It does make a difference, both psychologi-
cally and politically, whether leaders truly do not recognize legiti-
mate alternative perspectives on a problem or whether they are
strategically feigning nonrecognition (or, in the opposite direction,
merely pretending to recognize the legitimacy of the adversary's
view without any real intention to accommodate it).
In one sense, the impression management hypothesis is untestable
because it is impossible to ascertain what impression the source of a
message wishes to establish. Both high and low complexity can be
evaluated positively or negatively by observers (Tetlock, Peterson,
and Lerner 1996; Tetlock 1998; Tetlock, Peterson, and Berry 1993),
so that there is no across-the-board advantage to either image. In
specific cases, leaders often do not communicate at the level that
would seem optimal for impression management. For instance, a
show of complexity would seem to have been a good strategy for
national leaders planning a strategic surprise attack, for Saddam
Hussein as the UN Security Council's deadline for imposing sanc-
tions approached, and for Mikhail Gorbachev as his economic and
political problems at home grew steadily more threatening; but, in
fact, all of these leaders showed lower complexity (Suedfeld and
Bluck 1988; Suedfeld, Wallace, and Thachuk 1993; Wallace, Sued-
feld, and Thachuk 1996). To rescue the impression management
hypothesis, it could be argued that in desperate circumstances lead-
ers might have expected that the projection of a determined "I shall
not be moved" stance would discourage opponents or lead them to
make more concessions. Without seeing into the mind of the leader,
this is an unanswerable question.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Two research procedures that might disentangle intrapsychic

from impression management explanations are reviewed by Tetlock
and Manstead (1985). One is to compare private and public docu-
mentation: the disruptive stress hypothesis would predict
simplification in both, the impression management only in the sec-
ond, preceding war or other uncompromising conflict. The public-
private difference predicted by impression management was found in
two studies (Levi and Tetlock 1980; Guttieri, Suedfeld, and Wallace
1995), but not in three others (Suedfeld and Rank 1976; Tetlock and
Tyler 1996; Wallace, Suedfeld, and Thachuk 1996).
Another approach is to study circumstances where impression
management is unlikely to be relevant. Significant stress-related
drops in complexity have been found in an experiment using a noise
stressor with university students (Loewen and Suedfeld 1992) and in
a field study of students as they drew temporally nearer to a stressful
examination (S. Coren, personal communication, March 1997).
Marked reductions in complexity during periods of acute societal
stress have also been found in nonspecific archival materials—those
dealing with topics other than the crisis and those produced by soci-
etal elites not involved in crisis resolution, such as novelists, scien-
tists, and presidents of the American Psychological Association
(Porter and Suedfeld 1981; Suedfeld 1981, 1985, 1992^.
One option open to impression management theorists is to recon-
sider what counts as a truly "private" setting. Even in confidential
meetings of elite decision makers, the level of complexity may be
chosen with an eye to its effect; and important figures may want to
impress the recipient of personal letters or, anticipating that even
their private notes and diaries may eventually become public, write
with future readers in mind. At the extreme, we are concerned with
favorably impressing ourselves, and thought itself becomes a presen-
tation. This formulation makes the impression management hypoth-
esis completely immune from disconfirmation.
Intrapsychic explanations, too, can be applied post hoc. Pre- to
postelection shifts in presidential rhetoric may reflect changing
impression management goals and strategies, just as individual pres-
idents who do not show such a shift may be revealing their own
unchanged goals (Suedfeld 1994; Tetlock 1981b). But low complex-
ity can also be interpreted as caused by the disruptive stress of a gru-
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

eling election campaign, followed by recovery once the election has

been decided (as in Lee's military campaigns; Suedfeld, Corteen, and
McCormick 1986), or successful candidates for high office may gain
immediate access to information that broadens their perspective and
acquaints them with alternate viewpoints and novel possible solu-
tions to problems.
In short, the intrapsychic and impression management explana-
tions are fuzzy sets with overlapping boundaries. The two may inter-
act, or each may become dominant in particular situations. Some
types of predictions—disruptive stress, value conflict, correlations
with stable personality constructs such as dogmatism—flow more
naturally from intrapsychic perspectives, while others—the impact
of the anticipated audience or of power and political role—are more
clearly derivable from an impression management model. More gen-
eral explanations, such as the cognitive manager model, can subsume
both. A reasonable conclusion at this stage is that integrative com-
plexity has the attributes not only of both a state and a trait but also
of both cognitive processes and social influence tactics.

Source Position and Status

Another factor that influences complexity, sometimes related to
impression management goals, is the status of the source of the
utterance. People and groups who are criticizing an established pol-
icy or attacking opponents who hold power generally express them-
selves at lower levels of complexity than do those who are in power
and who are defending their policies or proposing new ones. This
pattern has been found in election campaigns (Tetlock 1981b) and
environmental controversies (Lavallee and Suedfeld 1997). Previ-
ously mentioned complexity differences between liberal and conser-
vative politicians may have been affected by the fact that, during
most of the past five decades, liberal parties have dominated the leg-
islatures of the countries included in these studies: Canada, the
United States, and the United Kingdom.
A Canadian study (Pancer et al. 1992) found that MPs who
belonged to the governing party gave more complex speeches than
members of the opposition party. When a minority government was
in place, MPs of both parties showed higher complexity, reflecting a
greater need to reach mutually agreeable policy solutions. As the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

next election approached, but before it was called, complexity

increased among the governing party—contrary to Tetlock's
(1981b, 1985a) findings in American presidential elections—and
decreased among the opposition. Once under way, Canadian election
campaigns are much more distinct from the "business as usual"
activities of elected legislators than is the case in the United States—
in fact, Parliament is dissolved when the election is called. However,
speeches given during Canadian electoral campaigns are characterized
by substantially lower complexity than parliamentary speeches
(Pancer et al. 1992; Suedfeld et al. 1990).
When the status of an individual changes from being in opposition
to being in power, success and long-term esteem accrue to those who
move from relatively low to higher levels of complexity, while those
who fail to make this change are more likely to lose their position or
the respect of posterity. This is true among both revolutionary leaders
(Suedfeld and Rank 1976) and elected ones (Tetlock 1981b; Suedfeld
et al. 1990). No study has yet appeared that tracks the equivalent
change as people lose power and move into opposition.

Other Factors
Another relevant social factor is the nature and perceived opinions of
the audience in a persuasion situation (Guttieri, Suedfeld, and Wal-
lace 1995; Suedfeld and Wallbaum 1992; Tetlock 1985^, which
influences perceived accountability for one's position (Tetlock and
Boettger 1989, 1994). In several experiments, integrative complex-
ity was found to increase when students were expected to have to dis-
cuss their ideas later with another student, whose opinions on the
topics they did not know (Tetlock, Skitka, and Boettger 1989), or
with an expert who might judge the quality of their responses (Tet-
lock and Boettger 1994; Tetlock and Kim 1987). Incidentally,
accountability also enhances other cognitive maneuvers such as pass-
ing the buck to other decision makers, procrastinating, and paying
increased attention to irrelevant information (Tetlock and Boettger
1989). In these studies, the opinion of the eventual audience was
unknown to the subject; it is interesting to note that when students
were made accountable to an audience either known to agree with
them or known to disagree, the former condition evoked higher
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

complexity—perhaps because of disruptive stress in the latter (Sued--

feld and Wallbaum 1992).
Not much research has been conducted on the effects Q£ groupthink.
on integrative complexity. One could reasonably predict that group--
think—with its emphasis on in-group solidarity, delusions of infal-
libility, conformity guardians, and identification with an admired
leader (Janis 1972, 1982, 1989)—would lead to simplification.
Comparing international crises in which Janis had characterized
American decision making as either groupthink or nongroupthink,
Tetlock (1979) found that the latter had produced significantly more
complex public statements from the U.S. president and secretary of
state. However, given recent critiques of the groupthink model and
the reclassification of some of the crises previously studied (e.g., Tet-
lock et al. 1992), further exploration of this relationship is war-
ranted. In an interesting variant, Walker and Watson (1994) found
an increase in complexity as British leaders shifted away from group-
think to multiple advocacy in deciding on a continental policy vis-a-
vis Nazi Germany.
One other social variable that calls for more study is the question
of individual differences within leadership groups. Tetlock (1979)
reported that Dean Rusk retained a stable level of complexity across
both groupthink and nongroupthink crises, but this study (like sim-
ilar interleader comparisons of Wallace and Suedfeld 1988) did not
examine ongoing interactions among the leaders. Guttieri, Suedfeld,
and Wallace (1995), in an intensive analysis of the documents of the
inner circle of the Kennedy administration, traced changes in com-
plexity during the course of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This was
a decision-making process that had been extolled by Janis as the
epitome of nongroupthink approaches. There were no complexity
differences between so-called hawks and doves in either public or
private communications, but Guttieri, Suedfeld, and Wallace found
evidence of cognitive management and disruptive stress: complexity
first increased as the importance of the problem was fully recognized
and solutions were weighed and then decreased as no resolution
appeared and options were closed off. It is interesting to note that the
Kennedy brothers—who, alone in the group, knew of a secret agree-
ment to trade the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba for a later
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

withdrawal of American missiles from Turkey—did not show the

decreased complexity of exhausted cognitive resources. Individual
differences were also found in British cabinet discussions in the late
19308 (Walker and Watson 1989, 1994), but this whole intriguing
issue remains lamentably underresearched.

Problem Characteristics
The nature of the problems being faced or the decisions having to be
made is important. As the cognitive manager model predicts, greater
complexity is brought to bear on tasks that are both important and
difficult. Maoz and Shayer (1987), for example, showed that Israeli
prime ministers used more complex arguments when trying to per-
suade the Knesset to adopt a conciliatory rather than a bellicose
stance toward Arab adversaries. This may be viewed as a rhetorical
strategy as well as the prime ministers' perception of the conciliatory
persuasion task "as more difficult and demanding" (Maoz and Shayer
1987, 575). As Ceci and Ruiz (1992) have pointed out, tasks that are
not highly motivating lead to underestimations of the person's
capacity for complexity.
Different problems being addressed in the same time period may
evoke different complexity levels. Tetlock (1985a, 1988) found that
Soviet leaders varied in the complexity with which they approached
a variety of foreign and domestic issues, the level varying with
(among other factors) the severity of difficulties at a given time.
Mikhail Gorbachev, in particular, was consistently more complex in
foreign policy contexts than in regard to internal economics and pol-
itics (Wallace, Suedfeld, and Thachuk 1996).
Personal crises, such as a marital breakup, the death of someone
close, occupational setbacks, and illness, seem to evoke a different
pattern from societal hazards such as actual or impending war. It
may be that the latter are seen as less amenable to the individual's
control or coping strategies. At least among men, personal crises are
accompanied by increases in complexity (Suedfeld and Bluck 1993;
Suedfeld and Granatstein 1995), which disappear after the crisis
ends. Women's complexity has not shown such variability in
response to personal problems.
Some interesting data have been collected concerning materials
that deal with either past or future events. One case study showed
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

that retrospection about stressful events reveals higher complexity

than material produced at the time of the event (Suedfeld and
Granatstein 1995) and that retrospective accounts of life events that
were intense, unpleasant, undesirable, and neither controlled nor
predicted by the person are more complex than the accounts of
events that had the opposite characteristics. This pattern shows no
sex-related differences (de Vries, Blando, and Walker 1995). Simi-
larly, both men and women show a significant decrease in complex-
ity as they temporally approach their last and most powerful crisis:
death (Porter and Suedfeld 1981; Suedfeld 1985; Suedfeld and
Piedrahita 1984), although, in a research setting, thinking about:
death itself—especially one's own death—produces higher complex-
ity than thinking about the process of dying (de Vries, Bluck, and
Birren 1993).

Technical Aspects
A number of technical issues raised in critiques of the integrative
complexity approach have not yet been fully settled.

Source Identity
It is sometimes difficult to establish how completely the material
being scored is actually the product of the supposed source. The two
most frequently encountered questions are whether the material may
have been generated by an assistant, such as a ghostwriter, speech
writer, or public relations specialist, and whether the material trans-
lated from another language into English can be trusted to reflect the
complexity of the source rather than of the translator.
The answer to the first question can only be tentative. In studies
that scored both personal letters and public statements of the same
political leader, issued in the same time period, no significant com-
plexity differences have been found (e.g., Suedfeld and Rank 1976).
Many of the documents scored for complexity either have been holo-
graphs or showed extensive editing and annotation in the hand of the
named source; the conclusion has generally been that, at least in the
case of important statements, leaders either write much of the mate-
rial themselves (although they may allow others to "polish" the
product), set firm guidelines for the writer that embody their own
cognitive approach, modify the final product to be compatible with
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

how they think about the issue, or select writers whose thinking
closely matches their own (Suedfeld, Tetlock, and Ramirez 1977;
Suedfeld, Tetlock, and Streufert 1992). Last, no consistent differ-
ences have been found as a function of whether the material appears
in personal or public communications, the latter including those
directed to a small group of colleagues as well as those intended for
widespread dissemination. On the other hand, as indicated previ-
ously, it has been argued that, among eminent people, the realization
that even diaries and personal letters may someday be published
erodes the border between public and private utterances. The net
result of these factors should be a good fit between the information-
processing complexity of the named source and the integrative com-
plexity reflected in the product. It is important, however, to be aware
of individual and cultural differences: for example, even today some
eminent statesmen always write their own material (e.g., Vaclav
Havel), and in some cultures a person in a prominent position merely
delivers utterances written by functionaries (e.g., the British and
Canadian Speeches from the Throne and the speeches of Japanese
prime ministers).
The matter of translations is easier to deal with. In a number of
studies where both the original statement (in Russian, German,
Hungarian, French, or Spanish) and an "official" English translation
have been scored, no significant difference has ever been found in the
complexity of the two versions. It may be that such differences could
emerge if the original were in a non-European language, but there is
no a priori reason to expect this to happen. In the absence of evidence
to the contrary, we may assume that professional translators are able
to reproduce the complexity level of the original statement.

Scorer Knowledge
Another issue is how much background or contextual information a
scorer should have (see, e.g., Suedfeld and Bluck 1996). This is par-
ticularly problematic when dealing with historical, biographical,
and political materials. There is no universal answer to this question,
because it is quite feasible for scorers who know nothing about con-
text nevertheless to score passages validly; the problem arises when
the scorer's understanding or ignorance of allusions or connotations
in the text might alter the score. We have conducted tests with both
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

informed and naive scorers and so far have found no significant or

major differences; but the possibility of this type of confounding
should be borne in mind. Incidentally, it is interesting to see that
completely naive people—university students serving as research
participants—appear to have a good implicit understanding of inte-
grative complexity and of how various endogenous and situational
factors affect it (Suedfeld et al. 1996).

The material in this section is excerpted from "The Conceptual/Inte-
grative Complexity Scoring Manual" (Baker-Brown et al. 1992).
Integrative complexity scoring proceeds on a 1-7 scale (see
table 10.1). Scores of i indicate no evidence of either differentia-
tion or integration. The author relies on unidimensional and eval-
uatively consistent rules for processing information. Scores of 3
indicate moderate or even high differentiation, but no integration.
The passage shows recognition of at least two distinct dimensions
of judgment but fails to consider possible conceptual connections
between these dimensions. Scores of 5 indicate moderate to high
differentiation and moderate integration. The author notes the
existence of conceptual connections between differentiated dimen-
sions of judgment. These integrative cognitions can take a variety
of forms: the identification of a superordinate category linking two
concepts, insights into the shared attributes of differentiated
dimensions, the recognition of conflicting goals or value trade-offs,
the specification of interactive effects or causes for an event, and
the elaboration of possible reasons why reasonable people view the
same event in different ways. Scores of 7 indicate high differentia-
tion and high integration. A general principle provides a concep-
tual framework for understanding specific interactions among dif-
ferentiated dimensions. This type of systemic analysis yields
second-order integration principles that place in context, and per-
haps reveal, limits on the generalizability of integration rules that
operate at the scale value of 5. Scores of 2, 4, and 6 represent tran-
sitional levels in conceptual structure. Here the dimensions of dif-
ferentiation or integration that would, if clearly stated, justify the
next higher score are implicit and emergent rather than explicit
and fully articulated.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

In integrative complexity scoring, the basic unit is a section of

material that focuses on one idea. Usually, but not always, this
scorable unit consists of a single paragraph. Occasionally the scorer
may divide a long paragraph into two or more scorable units, with
each centering on a single idea. On the other hand, several short
paragraphs in the original material may be collapsed into one
scorable unit. Throughout the manual we refer to the scorable unit as
a paragraph.
The first step in sampling paragraphs from archival material is to
identify the complete pool of available and scorable paragraphs
(some materials, such as quotations, proverbs, or ironic remarks, are
not scorable and are omitted). From this pool, at least five paragraphs
are randomly chosen for each entry into the data set (e.g., for each
person studied at each time period or situation). The mean complex-
ity score of the 5 or more passages represents the datum typically
used in further statistical analyses.
A variety of approaches exist for the generation (or the designa-
tion) of material that may be coded for integrative complexity. In
essence, these approaches fall along a continuum of experimenter
control and range from high (i.e., the Paragraph Completion Test
[PCT]) to low (archival documents).


Score of 1 I'd just use one of the messages he sent us and I'd send it right oft, now. I
wouldn't even talk to anybody about it. I'd tell him we're going to con-
duct surveillance, as announced by the president, and one shot and in we
come, and he can expect it. If he wants to sit down and talk about: this
thing, he can call off his gunfire and do it right away.
Score of 3 We are working on that. We don't have the answer. We will have to talk
with the provinces—what is the extent of the program, the cost, the sav-
ings in the hospital in relation to the cost outside the hospital.
Score of 5 If we act now to prevent global warming, we can win on both counts. We
can win in respect to jobs and we can win in respect to a cleaner environ-
ment. If we get on with it, we can lay the cornerstone for a new, dynamic,
and cleaner economy.
Score of 7 The present discussion will benefit our party's work a great deal. It will
enable us to turn the passive situation into an active one in certain
respects, to further understand the economic laws of socialism, to readjust
in time imbalances that always exist, and to correctly understand the
meaning of "positive balances."
Assessing Integrative Complexity at a Distance

The PCT (Schroder et al. 1967) was the method of choice in the
conceptual complexity research. For the PCT, research participants
were asked to complete six sentence stems (i.e., write six paragraphs)
addressing important domains of the social cognition: interpersonal
conflict (e.g., "When I am criticized . . ."), uncertainty (e.g., "When
I don't know what to do . . ."), and orientation toward authority
(e.g., "Rules . . ."). Typically one to two minutes were allocated per
completion. Subsequent variations on these instructions modified
the specific topics, as well as the number of paragraphs to be written,
and significantly lengthened the amount of time allowed per stem to
as much as ten minutes, in order to use the PCT as a power test
rather than as a speed test.
A significant variation, originated by Claunch (1964), has been to
present participants with a single topic on which they are asked to
write an essay. De Vries and Walker (1987) had participants write an
essay on capital punishment, and de Vries (1988) had individuals
respond to the question, "Who am I?" More recently, Streufert (e.g.,
Streufert and Swezey 1986) has used a lengthy guided interview as
the basis for the assessment of complexity. Tasks of this sort, when
material is being generated specifically in the course of the study,
require careful instructions both to ensure that respondents evaluate
the materials on which they are writing and do not merely provide
descriptive accounts, which are unscorable, and to ensure that the
format does not bias the responses in the direction of either low or
high complexity.
Comparisons of data-generating techniques such as the PCT,
essays, or guided interviews show only minor variations in mean
complexity scores. In general, higher complexity scores are found in
material that has been generated after some thought or planning has
taken place and under conditions of little or no time constraint.
Lower complexity scores are found in material that was generated
with little prior thought and under strict time-limiting conditions.
Written accounts tend to have higher scores than oral material (i.e.,
transcriptions of interviews), probably because the latter are more
spontaneous (less carefully thought out in advance) as well as subject
to shorter time schemata.
The basic qualification for becoming a trained complexity coder is
to reach a correlation of at least r = 0.85 with an expert coder. This
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

criterion has proven difficult to meet without repeated practice and

feedback from trained coders over a period of time. Learning to score
texts for integrative complexity has traditionally occurred in train-
ing workshops lasting several days and involving detailed examina-
tion of problematic cases and group discussion of scoring decisions.
More recently, a manual has been prepared to enable people to learn
how to score integrative complexity without attending a workshop
(Baker-Brown et al. 1992). Several candidates have used it and suc-
cessfully reached a level of agreement with the expert scores to qual-
ify as independent coders, but so far we have not had enough experi-
ence to know whether it will be generally adequate as a substitute for
face-to-face training sessions.
Part III. Applications: William Jefferson
Clinton and Saddam Hussein—
An Introduction

The Construction of Causal Stories

about Political Leaders
Jerrold M. Post and Stephen G. Walker
In this part, each of the previous methods of personality assessment
is applied to William Jefferson Clinton as a Western democratic
leader and to Saddam Hussein as a leader from a closed Arab society
to illustrate the complementary contributions of these approaches to
understanding political leaders. Each leader is the subject of a com-
prehensive portrait focusing on the deep structure of his personality
followed by analyses of different features of the leader's personality.
Drawing on his Neustadt Award-winning book High Hopes, Stanley
A. Renshon constructs and interprets a psychoanalytic portrait of
Clinton. Jerrold M. Post's psychobiographic/psychodynamic profile
of Saddam Hussein's political personality is updated and revised here
from his testimony before the House Armed Services and House For-
eign Affairs Committees. These analyses provide a formulation of
each leader's core personality structure along with an account of the
formative experiences that shaped it and the externalization
processes that displace private motives on public objects.
The remaining analyses of each leader are organized according to
their focus on one of the kinds of causal mechanisms identified ear-
lier as the processes of ego defense and externalization, mediation of
self and other, and object appraisal. Weintraub's structural analyses
of each leader's spontaneous speech patterns reveal each one's charac-
teristic style of coping with stress as a pattern of ego defense. The

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

profiles by Winter focus on motivational mechanisms that specify

differences in how Clinton and Hussein engage in ego defense and
mediate self-other relationships. Hermann's analyses of cognitive,
affective, and stylistic personality traits identify their cumulative
effects on each man's leadership style for mediating self-other rela-
tionships in their respective institutional settings. The analyses by
Walker, Schafer, and Young and by Suedfeld and Tetlock concen-
trate on the beliefs and the cognitive style of each leader that act as
mechanisms of object appraisal.
The authors of these analyses also follow a rough division of labor
in which one presents a more intensive analysis of selected personal-
ity traits and the other identifies the leader within the context of a
typology or a particular configuration of personality characteristics.
Weintraub's identification of several personality traits for each leader
complements Renshon's dimensional analysis of Clinton's character
and Post's diagnosis of Hussein's clinical type. Winter's analysis of
their respective needs for power, affiliation, and achievement res-
onates with Hermann's location of the two leaders within a typology
of leadership styles. Suedfeld presents an analysis of each leader's
style of processing information from the decision-making environ-
ment while Walker, Schafer, and Young classify them within a set of
ideal types of operational code belief systems.
These different modes of analysis are captured by Greenstein
(1987, 66—68), who identifies phenomenological, dynamic, and
genetic analyses. Phenomenological analyses are represented by the
cognitive models of object appraisal mentioned previously, which
explore the link between observed behavior and relatively overt per-
sonality traits presented by the leader as symptoms of deeper person-
ality dynamics. Dynamic analyses include models of the mediation of
self-other relationships mentioned previously and "cover a host of
rather disparate explanatory operations . . . {ranging] . . . from rela-
tively atheoretical descriptions of the contingencies under which dif-
ferent aspects of phenomenology are manifested, though explanation
in terms of inner events that can only be characterized in terms of the
concepts of the various schools of personality theory." Genetic analy-
ses are represented in the psychobiographical portraits discussed pre-
viously, which look "for the aspects of inborn structure, maturation,

and experience that culminated in the observed presenting features

and the inferred underlying dynamics."
Overall, a focus on leaders explains social phenomena, such as
political decisions and outcomes, by reference primarily to the prop-
erties of the leaders as social agents. Such a focus comes at the
expense of excluding an extended analysis of how the decision-mak-
ing environment evolved and, depending on the analytical model,
may not even account for how the leader came to be who he or she is
at the point of decision. This strategy of explanation is consistent
with a position that assumes that human events and social institu-
tions are the end products of long and complex causal histories
involving actions by human agents that cannot be easily recon-
structed. That is, "faced with a world consisting of causal histories of
nearly infinite length, in practice we can only hope to provide infor-
mation on their most recent history" (Hedstrom and Swedberg
1998, 12-13).
Collectively, the following profiles tell a pair of causal stories
about each leader. Renshon and Post provide an account of how the
personalities of Clinton and Hussein were formed. The other authors
identify particular causal mechanisms and ask what the likely conse-
quences are in the form of decisions and actions under external con-
ditions either taken as givens or specified by others. The application
of these personality profiles to particular decision-making situations,
therefore, requires the user to supply information about the
macrolevel environment in which the particular leader operates
along with data about the leader. We shall address this knowledge
gap and other issues associated with profiling political leaders in the
A. William Jefferson Clinton
ii. William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

Stanley A. Renshon

Emphasizing the organizing concept of character, as presented in

chapter 5, this profile focuses on three key elements: ambition, char-
acter integrity, and relatedness. The relationship between William
Jefferson Clinton's psychology (his character and related psychologi-
cal characteristics) and his performance in the domains of leadership
and judgment in decision making (the twin pillars of executive role
performance)—first as governor and then as president—is traced.

The Development of President Clinton's Psychology

Every person's psychology contains both dynamic and developmen-
tal elements. That is, individual elements of a person's psychology
are both related to each other, have coalesced through a series of
developmental experiences. A brief narrative of the developmental
experiences that seem most crucial in the development of President
Clinton's character elements (ambition, character integrity, and
relatedness) is presented, followed by a characterization of the
dynamic elements of Clinton's psychology.

The Clinton Family: A Basic Annotated Chronology

William Jefferson Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe in
Hope, Arkansas, on August 19, 1946. His father, William Blythe, a
traveling salesman, was killed in an automobile accident three
months before his son was born.
His mother, Virginia Kelley, twenty-three years old at the time of
his birth, widowed and a single parent, lived with her parents in
Hope and worked as a nurse until the spring of 1947. In that period,

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

two important events occurred for her and young Bill Clinton. First,
she met and began to date Roger ("Dude") Clinton, a seemingly
well-heeled man about town whose family owned a Buick dealership
in Hot Springs. Then, in the fall of 1947, Mrs. Kelley left Hope for
New Orleans to train to become a nurse-anesthetist. She was gone
from Hope for approximately two years, during which time young
Bill Clinton was left in the care of his grandparents, Edith and
Eldridge Cassidy. Thus young Bill Clinton not only lost his father
before he was born but was psychologically abandoned by his mother
during the crucial developmental period between the ages of one and
Mrs. Kelley returned to Hope and her family's home after com-
pleting her training and settled into a work and social life that
increasingly revolved around Roger Clinton. They were married on
June 9, 1950, at which time young Bill was just shy of his fourth
birthday, his mother was twenty-seven, and Roger was forty. The
marriage was tempestuous. A major reason was Roger Clinton's alco-
holism, but there were other problems as well.

The Clinton Family: A Psychologically Framed Narrative

Bill Clinton spent his early years with his grandmother and grandfa-
ther, who gave him his first introduction to reading and writing. He
visited his mother once in New Orleans, a trip that made a lasting
impression on him. In 1953, when Bill was six, the family moved to
a farm just outside of Hot Springs, but they had difficulty making a
go of it. After the first winter, the family moved to Hot Springs
proper, where Roger took a job in his brother's thriving Buick deal-
ership. Roger Cassidy Clinton, Bill's half brother, was born on July
25, 1956, just before Bill turned ten.
In Hot Springs, Bill attended a Catholic school for two years and
began to distinguish himself academically. In class he raised his hand
so often that one of his teachers gave him a poor grade for deport-
ment (Maraniss 1995, 35; Levin 1992, n). He started at a new
school in fourth grade, "and within days seemed to be running the
place" (Maraniss 1995, 35). Ronnie Cecil, a student at the school
when Bill was there, recalled that "[h]e just took over the school. He
didn't mean to, but he just took the place over" (36).
By the time Bill had completed Little Rock High School, he was
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

the school's golden boy. Gifted in his studies, an accomplished par-

ticipant in extra-curricular activities ranging from music to student
politics, and surrounded by a large circle of admiring friends, Bill
Clinton experienced an adolescence that was in most outward
respects a developmental success.
But outward appearances obscured a tempestuous family life that
was to leave lasting wounds. The marriage between Bill's mother
and stepfather continued to deteriorate into a series of drunken
fights. Roger Clinton was verbally and sometimes physically abu-
sive. In 1962 Virginia Kelley filed for divorce. Mrs. Kelley by that
time was thirty-nine, Bill was sixteen, and his brother was six. The
divorce, like the marriage, was messy. Mrs. Kelley requested a court
order to keep Roger from the family home (Oakley 1994, 29). Then,
three months after their divorce, the Clintons reconciled and were
remarried on August 6, 1962. The marriage lasted until Roger died
in 1967 of a cancer that had been diagnosed shortly before his remar-
Approximately six months after Roger died, Mrs. Kelley received
a call from George J. "Jeff" Dwire, her former hairdresser, and they
began to see each other. In 1961, Dwire had been indicted on
twenty-five counts of stock fraud and had served nine months in
prison (Kelley 1994a, 22). In 1969, they were married. Five years
later, in 1974, Dwire died. In January 1982, Virginia Kelley mar-
ried a retired food broker, Richard W. Kelley, and remained married
to him until her death in January 1994.

Developmental experiences help to account for and explain the char-

acter elements that are so evident in the adult Bill Clinton: his ambi-
tion, his ideals and sense of himself, and the nature of his relation-
ships with others.1 Since character and psychological development
begin in the family, this requires us to focus in large part on his
mother, Virginia.
It is clear that Virginia Kelley was a critically important emo-
tional center of Bill Clinton's life both as a child and as an adult.
That emotional centrality persisted past childhood well into adult-
hood, indeed, until her death. When the news about Gennifer Flow-
ers broke and Clinton's presidential campaign went into free fall as
he campaigned in New Hampshire in 1992, "Mr. Clinton excused
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

himself from a critical strategy meeting . . . and disappeared. Later,

his aides found him hunched over a pay phone in the lobby calling
his mother" (Renshon 1996a).
Clearly, Clinton was very emotionally connected to his mother.
But what of Virginia Kelley's relationship to her son? What kind of
mother was she to young Bill? How did their relationship appear to
affect him? In writing her autobiographical memoir, Mrs. Kelley
observed the crisis-ridden quality of her life.
I've wondered why there are so many hills. Is there something
about our family, some built-in need to live life as if it were a
StairMaster? Hillary says her family . . . didn't have crises every
four minutes. What then explains our turbulence? (1994a,
One cannot help but note the similarity of Mrs. Kelley's sense of
her own life as crisis driven to that of her son, whose private and
especially public life and presidency have also been substantially dri-
ven by crises. While the specific dynamics that help to explain and
account for their crises-driven lives differ, the overall dynamic
process seems remarkably parallel.
Her character had a direct effect on his, because her character
helped to create the circumstances of his childhood and adolescence
that played an important role in shaping his own character. What
were Mrs. Kelley's ideals and values? What things were important to
her? What guided her as she made the decisions that would shape
her life and the lives of her sons? She gives many clues in her autobi-
ography, but they can be organized around the twin themes of being
noticed (narcissism) and putting pleasure before responsibility (the
boundary problem). Charmed by appearance, especially in the men
to whom she was drawn, she ignored behaviors that ultimately
would prove destructive for her and her son. This was the model of
relationships she provided for Bill Clinton.

Virginia Kelley in Psychological Perspective

Virginia Kelley has been characterized as "an American original"
(Oakley 1993, 14). Of herself she says, "I'm a character, a cut up, a
kook" and notes that "Even before Bill became a public official, I had
what might be called a 'public persona'" (1994a, 16, 157). Perhaps
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

the best brief summary of her life and persona is the portrait of her as
a woman who
worked hard and played hard, with an affinity for the night-
clubs and the thoroughbred horse-racing tracks. . . . In later
years, her flightiness and raucous laughter coupled with her
love of flashy and multiple pieces of jewelry and colorful ensem-
bles gave her an Auntie Mame quality as surely as her jutting
jaw, spidery false eyelashes, and quarter- moon grin gave her an
uncanny resemblance to Bette Midler. (Oakley 1994, 23)
Mrs. Kelley had ambition and possessed the ability and determi-
nation to accomplish her purposes. A major purpose early on was to
find a way out of her mother's home and the tensions that existed in
it. She seems to have identified strongly with her gentle, people-lov-
ing father and rebelled against any identification with a mother she
saw as angry and vindictive (especially toward her father).2
A central feature of her psychology was her narcissism. One form
this took was her great concern with appearances—hers and others.
From the vision of how she would look in the crisp white uniform of
the profession she chose in part because of this image, to her concern
with the outward appearance of the men she married and the woman
her son brought home from Yale, appearance, not substance, seemed
to play a major role.
Another form her narcissism took was her desire to be noticed,
indeed, to be the center of attention and doing whatever was neces-
sary to ensure that position. From carefully constructing her Auntie
Mame persona to joining entertainers on stage, Mrs. Kelley liked the
spotlight. As she says of her partying in Hot Springs, "I was obvi-
ously born with a flashy streak inside me, just waiting to burst out,
and Hot Springs let me be me with a vengeance" (1994a, 107).
Her narcissism was also reflected in the men she chose, men whose
own narcissistic charm masked questionable character and behavior.
Mrs. Kelley found Roger Clinton's
vast vanity charming. I like a man who likes himself, and
Roger Clinton certainly seemed to approve of Roger Clinton.
He was always trying to catch his reflection in a mirror or a
window. And when he was playing host, you've never seen such
strutting in your life. (19943, 81)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

She was drawn to men who tended to skirt legality, convention,

and ethics. Her first husband had several wives and a number of chil-
dren she didn't know about. Her second husband, Roger, was a
sometimes violent man whose behavior got him in trouble with the
police. He was also a bootlegger, gambler, and bookie. Her third
husband was a convicted swindler. Even her beloved father, it turns
out, had a problem with alcohol,3 and she learned while doing
research on her autobiography that her mother sold bootleg whiskey
from their house (1994a, 94).
Mrs. Kelley had a robust sense of self-worth, one she characterized
as supreme self-confidence. However, her ambition was substantially
shaped by her narcissism and her concern with her own pleasure.
How did these characteristics play out in the context of Bill Clin-
ton's early life?

Virginia Kelley as Mother: A Psychological Perspective

Clinton, in an interview with Charles Allen, said of his mother,
She was, I thought, a good role model in three ways. She always
worked, did a good job as a parent; and we had plenty of adver-
sity in our lives when I was growing up and I think she handled
it real well, and I think she . . . gave me a high pain threshold,
which, I think, is a very important thing to have in public life.
You have to be able to . . . take a lot of criticism—suffer defeats
and get up and fight again. (Allen 1991, 20, emphasis added)
In many respects the evidence points to the fact that Mrs. Kelley's
own emotional needs took precedence over those of her children. It is
plausible to argue that in choosing to go to New Orleans for several
years she might well have thought the short-term sacrifices for her
and her son were worth the long-term benefits associated with fur-
thering her career, but the same cannot be said for her immersion in
partying and nightlife. Her disinclination or inability to moderate
her party life calls into question the altruistic justification she pro-
vides for having left Hope. More important, her excessive partying
was a constant reminder to her son, once she returned, of exactly
what her priorities were.
Her partying and nightlife were not necessarily more important to
her than her children, but in terms of her allocation of time and
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

energy, they were certainly strong rivals. The effect of her attach-
ment to partying must also be considered in the context of the loss of
Clinton's father. Given that one effect of losing a parent at an earlier
age is a tendency to turn more forcefully to the remaining parent,
Mrs. Kelley needed to be all the more available to her son. Yet she
neglected him for her own pursuits.
Mrs. Kelley recalls that her son "never gave any overt indication
that he didn't approve of my gambling, or of our social drinking;
he just simply moved quietly in the other direction" (1994a, 138).
What she doesn't mention is that she apparently tried to reduce her
conflict between partying and mothering by bringing her son with
her on her nocturnal rounds. There were a number of local "night-
clubs[,} like the Vapors Supper Club, the Southern Club and the
Pines, [which] were among the most popular watering holes, and
Bill Clinton's mother, Virginia, made the rounds whenever possi-
ble, occasionally dragging her son Billy on the night's merriment" (Oak-
ley 1994, 27, 96, emphasis added; see also Sheehy 1992, 214). Mrs.
Kelley said she only took her son "to nightclubs to listen to jazz,
[but] he was offended by the smoke and the drinking" (Wills
1992, 63).
A similar conflict between her own pleasures and her responsibil-
ities was found in her professional life. Mrs. Kelley recalls that she
went to the track every day it was in session (1994a, 109). Both the
gambling and the scene attracted her. The problem was that, as a
nurse, she was frequently on call. As a solution to this problem, she
scheduled her cases in the mornings during racing season so she
could go to the track in the afternoons. This is assuredly a dramatic
reflection of the relative weight that Mrs. Kelley gave to her profes-
sion and her personal pleasure.
Mrs. Kelley's narcissism raises the question of her adoration for
her son: What portion stemmed from her own needs and how much
was a real appreciation of his accomplishments? The children of nar-
cissistic adults are often viewed by the parent as extensions of them-
selves, reflective of their own sterling qualities. In doing well, the
child reflects positively on the specialness of the parent. When Mrs.
Kelley notes, "I'm a shameless reveler in my son's careers and accom-
plishments," her words suggest something more than just pride
(1994a, 14).
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

The Primacy of Others: The Question of Fidelity

The interpersonal style of both Virginia Kelley and her son Bill is
characterized by a movement toward people. Mrs. Kelley has charac-
terized herself as a person who trusted others and was, if anything,
too trusting. She and others have characterized Clinton in the same
However, one important lesson of Clinton's early experiences was
that it was unwise to invest too much of oneself in individual rela-
tionships and to turn to a broad range of others to seek personal
confirmation. The origin of Clinton's turn toward others can be
traced to the loss of his biological father and the loss of his mother
when she went to New Orleans for two years to study, a fact that his
traumatic memories of their infrequent visits attest was an impor-
tant early experience.
A child who loses a parent often longs for him or her and can
become "object hungry" (Neubauer 1960, 68). That is, they search
for persons (objects) able to provide what is missed in the absent par-
ent (in this case parents). Clinton's growing realization that he didn't
have a father, coupled with the simultaneous absence of his mother,
was a powerful inducement for him to seek out other people.4
As powerful as they were, these early lessons do not, in and of
themselves, fully account for the nature of Clinton's interpersonal
relationships and the low levels of trust that underlie them. To do so,
we must examine the relationship among Clinton, his mother, and
his stepfather.
Parental irregularity, lack of reliability, and concern with plea-
sures at the expense of a commitment to a firmly rooted family life
can be seen by a child as a form of betrayal. Clinton's stepfather was
no more reliable than his mother. He often went out and left his
stepson at home alone in the evening or all night (1994a, 111, 124).
Clinton could count on neither parent, individually or as a couple.
By the mid-1950s, when Bill Clinton was in adolescence, Mrs. Kel-
ley's husband was drunk "nearly every single day" (1994a, 117). The
fights between them escalated: verbal abuse sometimes turned phys-
ical. Mrs. Kelley began to secretly put away money. It is from this
period that the dramatic stories date about Clinton standing up to
his stepfather to protect his mother and young brother. Even Clin-
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

ton's (then) four-year-old brother tried to protect his mother one

evening by dragging into the house a large stick he could hardly
carry(1994a, 135).
Mrs. Kelley and her children moved out of the house, and she filed
for divorce. Once again coming to her aid, Clinton gave a deposition
to his mother's attorney to support her case. He has said elsewhere
that his stepfather "genuinely did love me, and I genuinely did love
him" (Cliff and Alter 1992, 37). Mrs. Kelley reports that, through
everything, "Bill never stopped loving Roger Clinton" (1994a, 169).
Given those feelings for his stepfather, testifying against him must
have been a very difficult emotional task for Clinton.5
The divorce was finalized in May, but Mrs. Kelley began to relent
almost immediately. She did so, she says, because her then ex-hus-
band came around, acted so pitiful, and promised that this time he
would really change. Understandably, Clinton was against his
mother's remarriage; she quotes him as telling her, "that would be a
mistake" (1994a, 149). After a short period, she did change her
mind, and they were remarried three months after the divorce was
Consider what effect these events and his mother's behavior must
have had on Clinton and his ability to trust. Roger Clinton had
struck his wife on a number of occasions and had threatened her chil-
dren.6 She had at last separated from this abusive situation, seeking
her son's help to do so by having him submit an affidavit against the
only father he had known. Then, impulsively, she returned herself
and her children to the same dangerous and unpleasant situation. In
returning herself and her children to a set of circumstances in which
all had suffered emotionally (and she physically), she betrayed her
own and her family's emotional well-being and sense of physical
security (cf. Kelley 1994a, 134). She specifically betrayed the com-
mitments her son had made to help her and his family, first by
repeatedly standing up to his stepfather at some risk to himself and
second by submitting an affidavit against him. Her remarriage sub-
jected them all again to the situation they had escaped and rendered
Clinton's stands against his father both at home and in the courts
null and void. Clinton made an important, sincere, and difficult
emotional commitment to his mother, and she responded by first
making use of it and then disowning it.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

A basic lesson of Clinton's early life experiences was that even

those on whom you should be able to count are often unreliable.
These experiences are consistent with Clinton's adult behavior,
specifically his lack of fidelity in his commitments to others, such as
supporters, colleagues, and voters, and his admission that he has
"caused pain in his marriage" (Brook 1996). Clinton's early experi-
ences are consistent with his willingness to ask others to walk the
political plank with (or for) him and then reversing himself when it
is to his advantage to do so, a model provided by his mother.

The Draft Controversy

On February 6, 1992, the Wall Street Journal published a long article
asserting that Bill Clinton had secured a draft deferment during the
Vietnam War by promising to enroll in the Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) program at the University of Arkansas but had then
reneged on that promise. In answer to the charge, Clinton said he
had received a student deferment as an undergraduate and, though
he was eligible for induction while a Rhodes Scholar in England, had
been fortunate enough never to have received the call. He asserted
that he had never asked for or received special treatment from his
draft board, claiming, "I certainly had no leverage to get it" (Ifill
1992a, Ai6).
Subsequent reports revealed that Clinton's late uncle, Raymond
Clinton, had led a successful effort to provide special protection for
Clinton from being inducted during a ten-month period in 1968
when he was reclassified i-A (Los Angeles Times, Sept. 2, 1992) and
that Clinton himself had asked for help from Senator J. W. Ful-
bright's office (for whom Clinton had worked as an intern while in
college) in securing a spot in the ROTC program (Suro 1992).
In both cases, Clinton first denied any knowledge of the events
but shortly thereafter admitted he was qualified for the draft by
asserting that he had never received special treatment.

Ambition, Ideals, and Clinton's Resolution of Quandaries

The elements selected for public presentation allowed Clinton to
present himself in the best light or interpret his behavior in that
Elements of a story that might contradict this somewhat self-
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

idealized view of his behavior were simply omitted or else inter-

preted in a way that further stretched the bounds of common under-
standing. One example of that tact occurred when Clinton was
forced to admit that powerful others, like Senator Fulbright, had
interceded on his behalf. In response Clinton said, "when people ask
you about special treatment, they mean did you leverage power or
money, or something to get something that other people wouldn't
have gotten, and the answer to that is no" (Bruck 1994).

A Life's Choice: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Ordinarily, a president's spouse receives only passing attention
except if she becomes involved in a directly political way (as Edith
Wilson did when she became the guardian of her husband's presi-
dency after he suffered a severe stroke while in office) or if she breaks
new ground in her public activities (as Eleanor Roosevelt did). The
Clintons, however, are unique. They have been true, but troubled,
political partners for decades.
Marriage reflects, at a basic psychological level, the attempt to
blend together two separate but ideally complementary psycholo-
gies. Under favorable circumstances both partners complement and
compensate each other at a core psychological level, particularly each
person's character domains—ambition, ideals and character
integrity, and relatedness. Development within a marriage is also
crucial. Individuals do not simply come together with two separate
psychologies that remain static and separate. Rather, in any long-
term relationship, the two psychologies develop in relation to each
other, as well as in relation to experiences with the outside world.
The idealism that one partner may bring to a marriage can be
deepened or damaged by the other's behavior. A partner's ambitions
can be dampened or enlarged. And the opportunities that marriage
brings to realize one's ambitions also shape how spouses come to
view themselves, their partner, and their marriage. Many analyses
have examined the fit between the Clintons, but none has examined
the ways in which their psychological relationship has evolved over
By all accounts to date, Bill and Hillary Clinton started their mar-
riage with a remarkably good fit, given their basic psychologies, per-
sonalities, and larger interests. They were "an evenly matched
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

romance and a fair fight . . . Two strong willed personalities"

(Maraniss 1995, 247). Hillary Rodham's "intellect, resilience, and
ambition were . . . equal to his" (426).
Hillary Rodham's approach to life, unlike her husband's, is
"focused, pragmatic, and aggressive" (Oakley 1994, 89). Clinton, on
the other hand, was, and in many respects remains, unfocused, with
an aversion to boundaries, preferring charm to conflict. While Bill
was somewhat sporadic in his attention to his studies, Hillary was
much more focused: "Her focused intellect was . . . a perfect coun-
terpoint to his restless diffuse mind" (Maraniss 1995, 247). Interper-
sonally, too, both differed from and complemented each other:
"Hillary required less company than Clinton. . . . constant fellowship
was not her style" (Oakley 1994, 102).

The Clintons as Political Partners:

Two Psychologies, One Presidency
The Clintons are two highly intelligent people who want to make
their mark and who share some definite ideas about how to do so.
Each has a distinctive psychology. Bill Clinton is smart, charming,
and unfocused. Hillary Rodham Clinton is smart, very focused, but
less able and willing than her husband to move toward others.7 In
these ways, each provides more of what the other might benefit from
In addition to their shared high intelligence, both are very ambi-
tious and display high levels of confidence in both themselves and
the policies and approaches they propose. A critical issue, however, is
not in what ways they are alike and different, but how these similar-
ities and differences affected the Clinton presidency.
Hillary Rodham Clinton's ambition trumps her husband's. Senior
presidential advisers have suggested that it was Hillary Clinton who
came to Washington with a very ambitious view of the administra-
tion's goals (Drew 1994). At a meeting of the entire cabinet and
senior White House staff at Camp David on January 30-31, 1993,
the discussion turned to what items should be in the president's
agenda. Some cabinet officials suggested limiting the large agenda
because many of the items were difficult issues. However, Hillary
Clinton "then gave a ringing speech in favor of just the opposite—
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

doing everything. 'Why are we here if we don't go for it?' she asked
at the end" (Woodward 1994, T 10-1 : )-
It was Hillary Clinton who championed the large, mismanaged,
and many believed unnecessary, government program to purchase
vaccines for children. It was also Hillary Clinton who was the chief
architect and strategist for the administration's complex health care
proposal that went down to ignominious defeat.
The problem of who will say no to the president is compounded
by the problem of who can say no to his wife. Given her capac-
ity to be sarcastic and angry with those who disagree with her,
her tendency to retain her anger, and her obvious power in the
administration, her views and recommendations are rarely chal-
lenged. A congressional aide who has dealt with her has said her
staff is "terrified of her. . . . they are very loyal . . . but they are
scared to death . . . she will fire them if they tell her the truth.
(Bruck 1994, 88)

Becoming More Alike

In some ways Hillary Clinton has begun to resemble her husband—
in their shared sense of the basic purity of their motivations and their
somewhat idealized view of their own behavior; in their sense that
they ultimately know what is right and best; in their conviction that
their intentions are only to do good for others; in their confidence
that they ultimately know what is best; and in their belief that oth-
ers who don't share their views are misguided at best or, more likely,
are driven by base motives. They have also come to share a view that
they can't win, no matter how good their motives, no matter how
competent their policies. Others—such as special interests, Republi-
cans, the far right, journalists, commentators, and some segments of
the public—have been named at one time or another as "out to get
It is Hillary who has provided the primary fuel for this view.
Hillary's contribution . . . was the way in which—because her
personality is so different than Clinton's—she complimented
[sic\ him. Bill sees the light and sunshine about people, and
Hillary sees their darker side. She has much more ability than
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

he does to see who's with you, who's against you, and to make
sure they don't take advantage of you. He's not expecting to be
jumped, but she always is. So she's on the defensive. (Bruck
She "has long been inclined toward bunker mentality. She tolerates
critics much less graciously than her husband. . . . she assigns parti-
san evil to most detraction" (Brummett 1994, 244).

Ideals versus Politics

Like her husband, Hillary Clinton has often faced the dilemma of
having to choose between her (and her husband's) political interests
and her personal ideals. Sometimes the Clintons' political interests
have been in direct conflict with Hillary Clinton's long-standing
personal commitments. For example, though she has long been asso-
ciated with children's causes, Arkansas was sued in 1991 for under-
funding the state's child welfare system. For both Hillary and Bill,
time and experience have provided a more realistic appraisal of the
other's character and a fuller appreciation of the implications of that
character on their hopes for the relationship. This realization does
not mean that there are not continuing strong emotional ties
between them, although the nature of these ties may have changed.
At this point they may reflect mutual interests, shared experience,
common fate, respect, and perhaps even admiration for the other's
talents and skills.

The President's Character

The theory of character developed in The Psychological Assessment of
Presidential Candidates (Renshon 1996a) and presented at length in
chapter 5 is quite straightforward. It defines character in terms of
three key domains: ambition, character integrity, and relatedness.
Ambition simply refers to a candidate's or president's level of desire
to achieve his or her purposes and the depth of the skills he or she can
bring to bear on accomplishing them. Character integrity refers to
the ideals and values by which a candidate says he or she lives and his
or her fidelity to them. Both are important, but the latter is crucial.
Character integrity is to be found in those circumstances where
sticking to one's convictions entails the possibility of real loss, polit-
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

ical or otherwise. Finally, relatedness refers to the basic nature of the

candidate's interpersonal relationships, that is, how he or she relates
to and treats others.

High Ambition
There could be little mistaking Bill Clinton's substantial level of
ambition (used here in a purely descriptive sense). His path from
Hope, a small town in rural Arkansas, to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
in Washington, DC, is a chronicle of, and a testament to, his per-
sonal and political ambitions.
There was also little doubt that Clinton had the skills to accom-
plish his ambition—a great reserve of energy, strong intelligence,
and a capacity to persist in his investment in his success and work.
Historically there are numerous accounts of Clinton's high level of
activity, beginning with his high school years and extending
through college at Georgetown University; Oxford University,
which he attended as a Rhodes Scholar; and Yale Law School. The
energy to fund his psychological investments was evident during his
presidential campaign. Describing Governor Clinton's frenetic
schedule during the presidential campaign, Senator David Pryor, a
good friend, noted that he had
enormous energy. . . . His schedule defied human tolerance.
. . . On February 17, the day before the New Hampshire pri-
mary vote, he made 17 stops over the state. At 11:30 that
night, schedule completed, he asked, "Isn't there a bowling
alley that's open all night? We need to shake some hands." (in
Levin 1992)

Character Integrity
The second basic element of character—integrity—requires us to ask
of Bill Clinton, What is the relationship between the ideals and val-
ues that truly define who he is and the person he presents himself to
There was evidence in the campaign that Clinton entertained few
doubts about his motives, values, and candor. Plagued by questions
about his integrity and honesty during the campaign, he responded
by presenting himself as a man of conviction, determination, and
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

principle. Critical to his self-image (as well as to his campaign strat-

egy) was a view of himself as a victim.
These characteristics reflect a strong component of self-idealiza-
tion. Most people wish to think well of themselves. However, Bill
Clinton appears to believe the best of himself and to either avoid or
discount evidence from his own behavior that indicates all is not as
he believes it to be. Any attention called to a number of discrepan-
cies between his real behavior and his view of it, as was done by the
press during the campaign and the first two years of his presidency,
was met with denial, exculpatory explanations, mostly long but
sometimes short answers that did not deal directly with the point,
and, when all else failed, unconcealed frustration and anger.

On the face of it, it seems clear that Clinton's interpersonal style
reflects movement toward people. Much has been made of his empa-
thy and natural friendliness, and to a substantial degree (with some
very important caveats) these characterizations appear accurate.
Much has also been written about Clinton's difficulty in saying
"no" and his eagerness to please. Both are often attributed to "Clin-
ton's well-known need to be liked." Indeed, the brief biography of
Governor Clinton that appeared on the front page of the New York
Times (Kelly 1992) on the day of his election was entitled "A Man
Who Wants to Be Liked and Is."
But the idea of a "need to be liked" does not fully come to grips
with another psychological tributary of Clinton's political style—his
tendency to build up and then lash out against institutions or groups
who oppose his policies. The press is one example of such a group,
but there are others, including lobbyists, special interests, "profiteer-
ing drug companies," "greedy doctors," "muscle-bound labor
unions," and so on. Presidents, like others, can be known by, and can
benefit from, having certain kinds of enemies. However, for a man
who is said to have such a strong need to be liked, his list of enemies
is rather long and inclusive, and the characterizations are often some-
what harsh. It appears that Clinton does not want to be liked so
much as be validated. He wants others to accept the view of himself
that he holds, and when they don't, he disowns them and turns
against them angrily.
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

President Clinton's Character: Patterns of Psychology

A president's psychology is not synonymous with his character. A
president, like any other person, develops characteristic psychologi-
cal patterns. Built in part on the foundation of character, these pat-
terns represent the related package of qualities that help define a per-
son's psychological resources and limitations.


Persistence, an excellent example of a character-based trait, reflects a

capacity to tolerate disappointments, frustrations, and setbacks to
one's plans and not to be deterred from continuing attempts to
achieve them. Persistence is partially a function of an individuals
desire to achieve his or her purposes (ambition). The greater a presi-
dent's ambition, the more likely he or she is to continue trying to
realize it. Persistence is also related to self-confidence. The greater
one's self-confidence, the more capacity one has to persist. A no less
powerful association is to be found in the reverse; namely, the more
important success becomes to maintaining or validating one's self-
regard or identity, the more determined a person may become to
obtain that which success provides.
President Clinton is both determined and resilient. His persis-
tence has been a great political asset. As governor and president,
Clinton has had a number of serious setbacks from which he has
recovered and from which he has gone on to new achievements.
Going back to his student politics days, he lost in his bid for student
council president at Georgetown during his junior year but won it
his senior year (Levin 1992, 51). In his early political career he nar-
rowly lost his first run for public office for a congressional seat in
Arkansas in 1974 but went on to win the election for attorney gen-
eral in 1976 and for governor in 1978. He lost his reelection bid in
1980 but ran again in 1982 and won. In the 1992 presidential cam-
paign, he recovered from major questions raised about his character
that would have led many candidates to withdraw.
Clinton's capacity to recover is obvious. But an important ques-
tion is, Why does he have to do it so often? This relates to the crisis-
pocked landscape of his life described by his mother and, in part, to
his characteristic impatience and associated impulsivity.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Bill Clinton is a man in a hurry. When asked by Dan Rather what
his biggest disappointment in the presidency had been, he
responded, "How hard it is to do everything I want to do as quickly
as I want to do it. . . . I {still] get frustrated. . . . I'm an impatient
person by nature, and I want to do things" (1993c, 479).
David Mathews, who has known Clinton for over twenty years,
observed of his first term as governor, "When he began his adminis-
tration in 1979, Bill was like a man in a hurry to accomplish many
things in a short time. . . . I think somehow Bill felt that, through
his sheer energy, he could change our state overnight" (in Levin
1992, 133).
In his presidency, a large number of public deadlines were self-
imposed and unnecessary. For example, Clinton had publicly vowed
to pick his whole cabinet by Christmas, a promise that led to a "mad
scramble" (Drew 1994, 31). Appearing on Larry King Live on June 4,
1992, Clinton said, "I know I can pass a sweeping package of legis-
lation during the first hundred days of my administration." In a May
1992 Fortune magazine article, Clinton is quoted as saying he will
"put together a transition team to 'hit the ground running/ result-
ing in one of those great 100 days in which Congress would adopt
my health care and education policies, my energy and economic ini-
The point here is not to criticize Clinton because of delays or slip-
pages in the schedules he announced but rather to underscore that
the time limits placed on him were of his own making and, strictly
speaking, were not necessary. It seems clear that the president's time
frame was unrealistic, given the complexity of what he was under-
taking. It was also unnecessary and counterproductive to make such
commitments publicly and prematurely. There is no evidence that
the public expected or demanded that he produce detailed legisla-
tion in a variety of areas, some of which would be complex and con-
tentious, and that it be passed or submitted to Congress within his
first one hundred days in office.
The Need to Be Special
Bill Clinton was a very public president and most likely will continue
to be a very public ex-president. For him to be appreciated, others,
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

especially the public, must know all he is doing. Clinton is a man with
strong analytic capacities and a mastery of facts that comes from
decades of immersion in policy, and he wants the public to know it,
Consider in this regard the economic conference staged by the
newly elected president and his staff in December 1992 in Little
Rock during the transition period. Some advisers argued against it,
believing (correctly, it turned out) that it would take time away from
other important matters of planning and implementation. However,
soon-to-be president Clinton wanted to make a strong impression as
someone who had mastered the complexity of the American econ-
omy. "Professor" Clinton demonstrated at length his grasp of policy
detail, putting his intelligence on display in a setting structured to
be supportive of ideas he had presented during the campaign. "Clin-
ton got to do what he loves most: talk policy and show off his knowl-
edge" (Drew 1994, 27).
It is not surprising that someone with Clinton's large and success-
ful ambitions, sometimes realized against great odds, would come to
think of himself as somewhat special and unique. And I believe that
he did see himself as uniquely experienced and qualified to provide
this country with leadership. Both views, of course, had their origins
in Clinton's early experience with his mother's view of him.
The sense of being special can also be reflected in the view that one
has been singled out and treated differently, whether for good or for
bad. For Clinton, this often takes the form of pointing out the
impossible standards to which he is held. For example, when the
issue of his marital fidelity was raised during the campaign, Clinton
was suffused with a sense of his own victimization and a sense of
being singled out for martyrdom. He complained loudly to his trav-
eling companions, "No one has ever been through what I've been
through in this thing" (Goldman et al. 1994, 118). In the famous
Rolling Stone interview (Wenner and Greider 1993, 81), he corn-
plained of being held to "an impossible standard" and of "never" get-
ting credit for his accomplishments in spite of having "fought my
guts out." He conveys a sense of being above the law because of his
special gifts.
The sense of having been singled out became of the important,
major, or unusual nature of what one is trying to accomplish calls
attention to one's efforts and to the valiant struggle one is waging. It
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

has the effect of underscoring the unique and selfless nature of one's
efforts. Both of these views are consistent with Clinton's idealized
view of his own behavior, motives, and policy ambitions.

The Wish to Have It Both Ways and the Dislike of Boundaries

Due largely to his idealized view of himself, Clinton often seems
unaware of the discrepancies between what he says and what he does.
In matters large and small, there is an element in Clinton of not
wishing to, or perhaps thinking that be does not have to, make the ordi-
nary choices that individuals and presidents do.
His leadership behavior gives the unmistakable impression of a
president who has difficulty following through on his professed com-
mitments. Furthermore, his behavior suggests a president who wishes
to give the appearance of following through on commitments while
acting in a manner that is not wholly consistent with adhering to
them. This behavioral tendency comes from the sense of not wanting
to be limited in any way personally or politically (itself a manifesta-
tion of grandiosity) and from a sense of being special and therefore
entitled to operate differently. However, in ordinary developmental
experience, an individual's grandiose wish to "have it all" becomes
modified by the acceptance and appreciation of realistic limits.

Taking Risks
Clinton's risk taking, like his character, contains inconsistent ele-
ments. In some areas he is not reckless and many of his risks are
hedged. His frequent attempts to have it both ways are one strategy
for managing these larger risks. On the other hand, the combination
of strong ambition, high self-confidence, and feelings of being spe-
cial and above the rules that govern others frequently pushes him
toward substantial risk taking, often of a self-absorbed type.
On occasion, Clinton's belief that he can accomplish what has
eluded others leads him to take large risks and to attempt to mask
rather than hedge them. One prime example is the president's ambi-
tious and complex health care plan. It should be kept in mind that
this plan represented a risk, not only for President Clinton but for
the public. He was willing to take a large policy gamble that his
untried plan would work as promised, that it would not result in
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

damaging consequences, and that it would function in a way that is

Many of the president's aides and allies were not as confident as he
was. Yet he and his wife overrode a number of his aides' concerns and
went ahead with the plan anyway. Why? One answer lay
in their sense that they were smarter than anyone else. For peo-
ple who considered themselves masterly politicians with a fine
feel for the public, and people who were of considerable politi-
cal talents, they misjudged probable public reaction. (Drew
> 305)
In other words, strong ambition and high levels of self-confidence
can lead to poor judgment. President Clinton and his wife not only
underestimated the public's response to their health care plan but
overestimated their ability to overcome it. Moreover, the method
President Clinton chose to help him win acceptance of the plan,
emphasizing security (which became the selling point after polling
indicated it would be effective) instead of dealing directly with the
many complex and difficult issues his plan raised, exacerbated the
There is one other area of risk taking that requires mention: those
in his personal life who are indulgent and reckless. This risk taking
has publicly emerged in connection with his extramarital relation-
ships,8 with his dealings with the Whitewater real estate venture,
and most famously with his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. In
each of these cases, Clinton clearly engaged in behavior that was
extremely risky from the standpoint of his personal and political
In these circumstances, Clinton experiences difficulties with
impulse control, apparently believing that, if caught, he can always
find some way to defuse the situation. All of these behaviors are ele-
ments that emanate from character. From ambition comes the sense
that he will achieve what he wants to go after. From the domain of
character integrity comes the highly idealized view of oneself, a view
he believes he can convince others to hold. And from the domain of
relatedness comes the sense that he can and will do what it takes to
get others to see things his way.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Taking Responsibility

Admitting error does not come easily to Clinton. While he is some-

times able to simply claim it is his responsibility when something
goes wrong, this is by far the exception to a more general pattern.
That pattern, evident in the marijuana, draft, and fidelity controver-
sies during the 1992 campaign, consists of denying; avoiding; blam-
ing others; and misrepresenting or not fully disclosing information
that, if disclosed, would put a different and less benign cast to his
During the 1992 campaign when he was first asked whether he
had used marijuana, his response, not quite forthcoming, was that he
had not broken the laws of this country. It then turned out that he
had experimented with marijuana while in England, thus his answer
was accurate while simultaneously unresponsive and evasive. He fur-
ther tried to downplay what he thought would be a damaging
admission by claiming that, while he had tried marijuana, he had not
inhaled. This effort might have been more amusing than troubling
had it been an isolated incident, but it was not: that pattern repeat-
edly appeared in the course of his presidency.
A president who sees his own behavior in a somewhat idealized
manner, who believes that he has been unfairly held to high or incon-
sistent standards, and who wants to be publicly validated for his
accomplishments would have difficulty acknowledging his mistakes
in a direct and straightforward way.
In responding to the mishandling of the White House travel office
investigation, Clinton said, "I had nothing to do with any decision,
except to try and save the tax payers and the press money. . . . that's
all I knew about it" (1993^ 942). In this statement President Clin-
ton both takes credit for the investigation and disclaims responsibil-
ity for the event itself. Later he said, "Ultimately, anything that hap-
pens in the White House is the responsibility of the President"
(Friedman 1993a, 1993^ Ai). In the absence of a more specific
statement, that aphorism, meant to recall the political courage of
Harry Truman, is at once both an acknowledgment and a disclaimer.
Even when he appears to take full and unequivocal responsibility
for a problem, further information sometimes emerges that casts a
different light on his behavior. For example, in discussing his deci-
sion to pull the controversial nomination of Lani Guinier, President
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

Clinton seemed to be unequivocal when saying, "I want to again say

that I take full responsibility for what has happened here" (1993 a,
1028). What was he taking responsibility for? He was taking
responsibility for the fact that, among other matters, he hadn't read,
and by implication was not aware of, Guinier's controversial racial

Clinton's psychology combines an intense desire to accomplish with
a highly competitive nature. This trait has been part of his behavior
from childhood and has been observed over many years of Clinton's
life in differing contexts.
Individuals vary substantially in the degree to which they derive
satisfaction from triumphing over others, from winning, or from
accomplishing the goal itself. For some people, the enjoyment of
what they accomplish outweighs whatever satisfaction they receive
from winning or beating others. For others the reverse is true. In
Clinton's psychology the three types of satisfaction are closely
linked. His desire to win by having things done totally his way sug-
gests that his reputation as a man too ready to compromise is not
always deserved.

By a number of different measures, Clinton is highly motivated to
achieve. Ambition is the foundation of achievement but is not syn-
onymous with it. There must be a match between the level of one's
ambition and the level and applicability of the skills one has to
accomplish it. Ordinarily, a strong need for achievement is a desir-
able trait in a president. A president who lacks a desire to achieve
will also lack a strong sense of what he wants to accomplish and the
conviction to follow through, resulting in presidential drift. There
are, however, costs involved in having too much achievement moti-
vation (Winter 1995, 127-28).
One of the most important questions here is how a president
defines accomplishment. How much is "good"? How much is
"enough"? What functions does accomplishment serve in the presi-
dent's overall psychology?
The combination of intense ambition, high self-confidence, and
strong self-regard leads Clinton to be very directed toward achieve-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ment, but it is achievement of a particular type. Modest successes are

not sufficient; they are not what he has in mind. His achievement is
self-defined at extremely high—even grandiose—levels of attempted
accomplishment. Nor is the passage of some major policy initiatives
enough. Some, even many, can be too few, given Clinton's definition
of success.

Conclusion: The Ultimate Elusiveness of Certainty

Training, care with evidence, and theoretical prudence can add sub-
stantial measures of validity to the psychological analysis of leaders.
Yet measured prudence seems a more useful stance than theoretical
enthusiasm, stemming from the limits of our theories, our data, and
also the complexity of what we are attempting. Whatever traction
can be gained by a combined use of specific psychological theories,
typological generalizations, and immersion in the biographical facts
of a leader's personal and political life, it is necessary to recognize the
limits of what can be accomplished.
Understanding and predicting the behavior of smart, highly func-
tioning individuals, who are acutely aware of their circumstances and
what may be needed to surmount them, make it a very tricky under-
taking. It is possible that, in spite of their own psychological incli-
nations, such persons will overcome their impulses, if not alone, then
certainly with the help of many advisers, whose only occupational
purpose is to help the leaders pursue their own personal and political


1. This is not simply a matter of working backward from the present in a

post hoc, therefore proper, analysis. I take up the more technical methodological
concerns in constructing a developmental analysis elsewhere (Renshon 1996!),
2. There are obviously oedipal overtones to this situation. One could view
this as Clinton's unconscious attempt to replace his father and win his oedipal
victory. Several aspects of the situation, however, weigh against such an inter-
pretation. First, at the time these events occurred Clinton was sixteen, not four
or five. At best, these circumstances might retain some echo of an oedipal situa-
tion. Second, in some respects, if there are oedipal echoes in this situation, Clin-
ton had already done something much more directly relevant to that issue: he
had physically (and emotionally) stood up to his father when he was drunk and
William Jefferson Clinton's Psychology

abusive and provided legal papers that helped his mother get divorced. At any
rate, to whatever extent his behavior represented some aspect of an oedipal situ-
ation his victory was short lived. Clinton's real rival during the oedipal period
(roughly four through six) was not only his stepfather but his mother's immer-
sion in Hot Springs nightlife.
3. Since Hempsted County, in which Hope was located, was a dry town,
Roger's whiskey making was illegal (Kelley 1994a, 80). He also apparently ran
a bookie joint in Hope (76).
4. It is also possible that there is some biologically based aspect to Clinton's
early sociability; however, the only (inconclusive) data his mother presents that
is relevant to this possibility is that he slept a lot in the first year or so of his life
(Kelley 1994a, 70).
5. There are obviously oedipal overtones in this situation. One could view it as
Clinton's unconscious attempt to replace his father and win his oedipal victory.
6. In Clinton's court affidavit, he wrote that his stepfather threatened "1:0
mash my face in if I took her {his mother's] part" (Kelley 1994a, 147).
7. This is one primary trait that creates an interpersonal mismatch in the
Clinton relationship: he wants validation and the emotional support of others,
but she is not able to easily give it to him. There are, throughout the materials
analyzed in conjunction with this book, a number of instances that reflect this
basic psychological mismatch (Brummett 1994, 37, 50; see also Bruck 1993,
72). One friend who had known Clinton a long time said:

Clinton needs reinforcement all the time . . . {and} looks for affirmation in
even the smallest things. Sometimes you can see that Clinton needs this
affirmation and Hillary doesn't give it to him. During the campaign you
could see her be aloof when he needed . . . just a little warmth. She can be
very cold. He's alone a lot. Hillary isn't the one to provide approval. (Drew
1994, 2 33)
The other side of that issue is that joining together two very smart, very
ambitious people who are highly self-confident about the virtues of their partic-
ular views—one who tends to be very disorganized and one who doesn't—ca.n
also create strains. In Arkansas, to protect her husband, Hillary Clinton, along
with two other Clinton aides—Betsey Wright and Joan Roberts—put up a pro-
tective cordon around him, which had the effect of not only protecting Clinton
but limiting him. For a person who dislikes boundaries, the result was pre-
dictable. When Wright insisted that a policeman accompany the governor on his
early morning jogs, Clinton shouted, "I won't have it! I won't have it!" (Maraniss
Over the years, Hillary Clinton has had to take on many roles in their life,
some no doubt less congenial to her than others. Before Leon Panetta became
chief of staff, she had been the one in charge of organizing her husband's time
and staff (Drew 1994, 49, 137, 254). Since their time in the governor's mansion,
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

she had become his gatekeeper, especially after his 1980 reelection defeat, and
she increasingly took on the role in the Clinton family of breadwinner.
8. The issue of Clinton's extramarital relationships came up several times
during the presidential campaign and again after Clinton was in office. Extra-
marital relationships occur for many reasons and take many forms. The issues
involved in such behavior ordinarily go well beyond the simple question of
whether or not a president or candidate had a sexual relationship outside of his
marriage (Renshon 1996a).
Did Clinton have extramarital relationships? A substantial body of evidence
suggests he did. Betsey Wright, long-time aide to Clinton over several decades,
recalls having felt in 1988, before Clinton was set to announce his plan to run
that year for president, that
the time had come to get past what she considered his self-denying ten-
dencies and face the issue squarely. For years, she told friends later, she had
been covering up for him. She was convinced that some state troopers were
soliciting women for him. . . . "Okay," she said to him . . . then started list-
ing the names of women he had allegedly had affairs with and the places
where they were said to have occurred. "Now, I want you to tell me the
truth about each one." She went over the list twice with Clinton, accord-
ing to her later account, the second time trying to determine whether any
of the women might tell their stories to the press. At the end . . . she sug-
gested that he should not get into the race, (quoted in Maraniss 1995,
Roger Starr, managing editor of the Arkansas Democrat for most of Clinton's
tenure as governor, recalls: "We were talking about the Gary Hart factor in pol-
itics, and I asked him something to the effect of'well, you haven't done anything
like that, have you?' You know (I was) expecting a negative answer, be it a lie or
the truth. And he said, 'Yes'" (Oakley 1994, 150).
Woodward (1994, 22) reports a similar discussion between Clinton and
another friend in 1987 when Clinton decided against running for president. He
quotes Clinton as asking his friend if he knew why Clinton had chosen not to
run. The friend guessed it had something to do with the infidelity issue that
forced Gary Hart to withdraw from the race. In response Clinton agreed and
acknowledged he had strayed. And, of course on Sixty Minutes Clinton admitted
in response to a question about his marital fidelity that he had "caused pain in his
marriage" (Brook 1996).
Assuming there is sufficient evidence to make this case, what does it reveal?
In the case of Clinton not much more than we could learn by examining his
fidelity in other areas. For that reason, I do not deal at any length on these mat-
ters. Whatever useful information they might reveal about Clinton is more than
adequately found in behavior that is more publicly accessible.
12. William Jefferson Clinton: Personality
Traits and Motivational Biases

The following analyses of William Jefferson Clinton focus succes-

sively on his general personality traits and his motivational biases.
The authors in each of the following sections apply their respective
methods of content analysis to construct a profile of the causal mech-
anisms associated with the processes of ego defense and the media-
tion of self-other relationships.

General Personality Traits and Ego Defense

Walter Weintraub
Our verbal analysis of Bill Clinton's general personality is based
upon 5,759 words gathered from answers to reporters' questions dur-
ing extemporaneous press conferences. Table 12.1 compares Clin-
ton's use of our categories with the speech habits of post—World War
II presidents. Clinton's use of the pronoun / is the highest and his use
of the pronoun we is the lowest among post—War II presidents. The
president presented himself not as the leader of a cause but rather as
a successful politician with a track record of getting things done.
Clinton's passivity score (lime ratio) was also the highest of
post—World War II presidents. As we shall see, Clinton's frequent
use of the pronoun me may be associated with his assuming the vic-
tim's role when attacked.
Clinton's moderate use of qualifiers and retractors indicates that he
is spontaneous during press conferences and comfortable with
reporters. He does not have a need to control interviews, which sug-
gests that the president is probably not controlling in his relation-
ships with others. Moderate qualifiers and retractors scores suggest
that Clinton can make decisions and reconsider when necessary. His

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

verbal profile is that of a flexible leader. Clinton has a moderate

explainers score, suggesting that he is not excessively didactic when
presenting his point of view. Indeed, he more often states rather than
explains his point of view.
Clinton's expressions of feeling and nonpersonal references scores place
him among the more emotionally expressive post-World War II
presidents. His rather low direct references score indicates a tendency to
avoid direct confrontation. It is somewhat surprising to learn that
Clinton rarely addresses reporters by name, a favorite verbal habit of
Ronald Reagan. During his press interviews, Clinton generally lim-
its himself to a discussion of issues; he avoids personal interactions
with reporters. Clinton has a rather high adverbial intensifies score.
The president has been called an "actor" and a "preacher." His high
score in a category measuring histrionic behavior seems to confirm
his reputation as an actor-politician. Of the post-World War II pres-
idents, only Eisenhower had a higher adverbial intensifiers score.
Clinton has a rather high negatives score. A careful scrutiny of the
manner in which Clinton uses negatives indicates a tendency to
become defensive when attacked.
Compared to other leaders, Clinton's speech reveals few creative or
colorful remarks. His responses to reporters' questions show few
attempts at humor, almost no metaphorical language, and no unusual
juxtaposition of words. Clearly, with respect to his publicly displayed


Clinton U.S. Presidents
Category (5,7 5 9 words) (20,000 words)
Personal pronouns
/ 54.8 31.6
We 10.4 18.3
Me 5.6 2.2
Qualifiers 11.0 11.2
Retractors 6.6 7.6
Negatives 18.4 13.7
Explainers 5.0 5.0
Feelings 3.8 3-3
Direct references 1.2 2.5
Adverbial intensifiers 18.6 14.1
Creative expressions 1.4 2.0
Nonpersonal references 469.5 742.2
William Jefferson Clinton

wit, he is not John Kennedy. If the absence of creative language

reflects a paucity of creative thinking, Clinton's effectiveness as a
leader may lie in his ability to transmit other people's ideas. Clinton's
main problem as a candidate and elected official has been the so-called
character issue. He has been unable to put to rest allegations that he
was a draft dodger and a womanizer. It is not so much that the presi-
dent may have been guilty of the accusations that have hurt him but
rather his manner of responding to them, a combination of denial,
admission, and foul crying. Listeners come away doubting Clinton's
integrity, a problem that continues to plague him.
Other leaders have dealt more successfully with similar attacks.
Franklin Roosevelt was able to ignore personal attacks or to ridicule
them, as in the famous "Fala" speech. Perhaps the most successful
strategy of responding to personal attacks has been developed by for-
mer governor of Louisiana Edwin Edwards. He has handled charges
of gambling and womanizing by denying nothing, admitting noth-
ing, and changing the subject as quickly as possible. When ques-
tioned by reporters about gambling and relationships with women
during the campaign against David Duke, Edwards stated that, yes,
he had had problems, everybody knew about them, and now it was
time to go about solving Louisiana's problems. Edwards never stated
exactly what wrongdoing he was guilty of. He did not stir the pub-
lic's curiosity. By denying nothing, he did not run the risk of being
accused of lying, should ethical issues arise in the future.
Let us look now at how Clinton attempted to deal with allegations
of unethical behavior. How were his responses to reporters' questions
reflected in his grammatical choices? The following excerpt from a
reply to a question by David Frost about Clinton's avoidance of mil-
itary service shows exaggerated denial (negatives and adverbial
intensifiers) and a tendency to assume the role of victim (frequent use
of the personal pronoun me).
I didn't willfully fail to disclose anything in the draft thing. I
really didn't. I've since that time—and I should have done this
I guess before I started running for president, but because no
one had ever criticized me, including the authorities—/ didn't.
I have written to everybody in the world who might have
any of these records. I said, "Send me the records. Let me get all
the facts. Please let me see." (original emphasis)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

It is likely that many Americans remained unconvinced by Clinton's

response, believing that he "protested too much" and tried to shift
responsibility from himself to others.
To sum up, Clinton's high IIwe ratio suggests that he is more
interested in being president than in leading a crusade that will
accomplish specific goals. His passivity score (lime) indicates that he
assumes the victim's role when aggressively challenged about uneth-
ical behavior. His negatives score is rather high, suggesting a need to
deny unpleasant realities about his behavior. The president's moder-
ate qualifiers and retractors scores indicate that he is reasonably spon-
taneous and comfortable with reporters; he can make decisions and
reconsider them without becoming paralyzed. There is no evidence
of impulsivity, a trait that is usually accompanied by a high retrac-
tors score. Clinton shows little need to control interview situations.
A moderate explainers score suggests that Clinton is more cate-
gorical than didactic when presenting his positions on issues. He
states rather than explains his point of view. This trait, combined
with a high adverbial intensifiers score, is characteristic of a
preacher's style of communication. Clinton's frequent use of expres-
sions of feeling, personal references, and adverbial intensifiers estab-
lishes him as one of the more expressive presidents. His infrequent
use of direct references suggests a tendency to avoid confrontation.
Clinton's lack of verbal creativity suggests a possible dependence on
others for innovative ideas.
Motivations and Mediation of Self-Other Relationships

David G. Winter
For assessing Clinton's power, achievement, and affiliation motiva-
tions, there is an enormous amount of material of every kind avail-
able: speeches, press conference statements and responses, and infor-
mal remarks. In fact, every "official" word that Bill Clinton has
spoken or written since his 1993 inauguration is recorded in the
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents series (published by the
Office of the Federal Register), later to appear in the Public Papers of
the Presidents volumes. Most presidential speeches are now also avail-
able on the World Wide Web. The researcher's problem is to select
from this abundance an appropriate and manageable amount of
material to score.
William Jefferson Clinton

In studying Clinton, the need to identify a comparison group or

groups (see chapter 7) quickly reduces the volume of verbatim mate-
rial to two obvious and major standard speeches. For profiling Clin-
ton the 1992 presidential candidate, his official announcement
speech on October 3, 1991, can be compared to those of the other
eight major candidates in the 1992 primary campaign. As president,
Clinton's first inaugural address on January 20, 1993, can be com-
pared to the first inaugural addresses of other presidents from George
Washington through George Bush (see Winter 198ya, 1995), in the
same way that Winter and Carlson (1988) assessed Richard Nixon's
motive profile based on his first inaugural address in 1969. More-
over, Clinton's presidential speeches could be compared with them-
selves to determine whether and how his motives have changed over
time.1 Such an intrapersonal comparison could use, for example, the
president's yearly State of the Union message. Typically, the speech
is a broad summary of the condition of the country, focusing on top-
ics and goals of the president's choosing and given to the same audi-
ence (Congress and invited dignitaries) under the same circum-
stances (national prime-time television) at the same time (late
January) every year. Thus Clinton's State of the Union messages from
1993 through 1996 could be taken as a time-series of his motive lev-
els during his first term.

Clinton as Candidate
In his announcement speech for the 1992 campaign, Clinton scored
a little above average in achievement and affiliation and a little below
average in power, as shown in table 12.2. The following sentence
from Clinton's announcement speech illustrates the combination of
these two motives: "I believe with all my heart that together [affilia-
tion], we can make this happen. We can usher in a new era of
progress [achievement], prosperity and renewal." The high achieve-
ment/high affiliation pattern also fits much of Clinton's rhetoric and
performance before, during, and after the campaign: high goals and
aspirations tinged with warmth and compassion (e.g., his oft-quoted
remark, "I feel your pain"). However, Clinton's relatively low power
motive score suggests that, for all his experience as governor of
Arkansas, he might be neither comfortable nor effective in the
quicksands of Washington federal politics.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Clinton as President
Clinton's inaugural address shows a motive profile similar to that of
his announcement speech but with all three scores elevated, espe-
cially those of achievement and power. Still, achievement was higher
than power (both in raw and standardized scores), as shown in the far
right column of table 12.2. What do these scores mean for under-
standing and predicting Clinton's performance in office? One
approach is to use Clinton's standardized scores, in conjunction with
the information assembled in table 7.2 in chapter 7, to make predic-
tions (or "retrodictions"). For example, Clinton's high achievement
motivation scores in 1992 and 1993 were certainly consistent with
his many first-term programs and actions directed toward improve-
ment (e.g., health care reform), as well as his energetic personal style.
Even his "Slick Willie" image (referring to his tendency to change
views and modify positions) can be seen as reflecting the tendency of
achievement-motivated people to modify their performance on the
basis of the results of previous actions. His retreats on health care,
withdrawals of contested appointments, acceptance of the Republi-
can framework for welfare reform, and centrist agenda in 1995—96
all reflect the avoidance of extreme risks and the use of feedback,
which are also characteristics of achievement motivation.
Although Clinton's affiliation motive score was relatively high in
his inaugural, it was still a good deal lower than his achievement
score. This suggests that his changes of position and policy were
based more on calculations of risk and results than on the influence


Raw Scores
(images per 1 ,000 words) Standardized Scores"
Pow Pow
minus minus
Speech Ach Aff Pow Ach Ach Aff Pow Ach
1992 campaign
announcement 13 8.69 4.50 8.04 -.65 55 54 45 -10
1993 Inaugural" 10.23 5.75 9.59 -.64 71 60 65 -6
Source: Data from Winter 1998b.
"Mean of comparison sample = 50, SD = 1 0 .
Standardized in comparison to campaign announcement speeches of other major 1992 candidates.
Standardized in comparison to first inaugurals of other U.S. presidents.
William Jefferson Clinton

of close associates or the putative "trying to be loved by everybody"

that is a staple of journalistic portraits of Clinton (e.g., Purdurn
1996). Such a score is also consistent with Clinton's avoidance of war
and search for peace in Haiti, Bosnia, and the Middle East, as well as
the numerous scandals and rumors of scandals in his administration.
Another way to interpret Clinton's motive profile is to compare
him to previous U.S. presidents. (With the motives of Clinton and
all previous presidents standardized on the same scales, and with the
three motives assumed to be independent and orthogonal, the "most
similar" president can be defined as that president whose score has
the smallest Pythagorean or three-dimensional distance from Clin-
ton's.) Based on his 1992 announcement speech, Clinton most
closely resembled Lyndon Johnson.2 Based on his 1993 inaugural, he
had become more like Jimmy Carter.
What does it mean to say that Clinton "resembled" Johnson or
Carter? Obviously it does not imply that he has the same personal-
ity, would take the same actions, or would have the same outcomes.
Rather, it suggests possible similarities of goals and goal-setting
styles; of reactions to the political process; and of personal strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and vulnerabilities. Both Johnson and
Carter had achievement motive scores that were high and greater
than their power motivation. Similarly, both entered office with
ideals and visions, only to depart several years later mired in frustra-
tion and defeat. Like Clinton in 1993, Carter in 1977 also
approached Washington as an outsider, full of ideas for improve-
ment. By the summer of 1979, however, he retreated to Camp
David, his presidency sunk by economic problems and the malaise of
the political process. (Chapter 7 discusses the importance of balance
between the achievement and power motives in democratic politics
and the difference between politics and business, in which high
achievement motivation typically leads to success.)
On the other hand, Clinton's inaugural power motive score was a
considerable increase over that of his announcement speech and even
approached the level of his achievement motivation. From a motiva-
tional perspective, therefore, the most critical question of Clinton's first term
was whether his power motive would be high enough to balance his achieve-
ment motive. In everyday language, would Clinton's capacity to "enjoy
power"—to take pleasure from the political scrimmages of the pres-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

idency—be sufficient to allow him to navigate through the morass of

politics: compromise, frustration, gridlock, independent power cen-
ters, difficulties in implementing policy, and so forth?
After the 1994 midterm elections, it looked as though Bill Clin-
ton's presidency was indeed going to end in a single-term frustration
of Carteresque proportions. His political obituaries were being pre-
pared by journalists and pundits who were confident that his very
ability to govern, let alone his chances of reelection, had been per-
manently disabled by the Republican juggernaut. Eighteen months
later, during the 1996 campaign, it was the Republican forces that
were in disarray. Through deft handling of the 1995—96 budget
debates and the government closings, the Clinton administration
rolled the advance guard of the Gingrich "revolution" back upon
itself. Meanwhile, the Republicans emerged from the 1996 primary
season with an aging, lackluster candidate who may have trouble
holding his party together with its platform. As a result, Clinton was
reelected by a substantial margin.
What happened? Drawing on stock political cliches, we could say
that Bill Clinton repeated his 1992 success as the "Comeback Kid."
But this does not tell us the kind of comeback he made or how he
came to make it. However, a New York Times analysis by Alison
Mitchell (1996) provides a clue. Drawing on four major Clinton
speeches during 1995—96, Mitchell concluded that Clinton changed
from a policy wonk "bogged down in particulars" into the "man in
the bully pulpit," willing and able to use the full rhetorical powers
of the presidency. In motivational terms, such a change suggests an
increase in the power motive, relative to achievement.
To track changes in Clinton's motive profile, I scored his four
State of the Union messages, along with four "landmark" speeches
identified by Mitchell (1996) as prototypical of the "new Clinton"
(Dallas, April 7, 1995; Georgetown University, July 6, 1995; Hous-
ton, October 17, 1995; and Long Beach, February 24, 1996).
Because this analysis considers only a single leader over time, in
which different speeches by the same person are compared with each
other, there is no need for an external control or comparison sample.
However, by itself such an intrapersonal study cannot tell us much
about the leader in comparison to other people.
As shown in figure 12.1, Clinton's four State of the Union mes-
William Jefferson Clinton

sages during his first term show a steadily increasing trend away
from the "frustration" pattern (achievement greater than power),
reminiscent of Carter, toward the "pleasure of politics" pattern
(power greater than achievement) that characterized Presidents
Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. Clinton's 1993 inau-
gural address had 0.64 more achievement images, per one thousand
words, than power images. His first State of the Union message, a
few weeks later, reversed this trend slightly: 1.23 more power
images than achievement images. In 1995 there were 5.84 more
power images than achievement images, and in January 1996, well
into the 1996 presidential campaign, the difference climbed to 7.02.
The power-greater-than-achievement motive profile also appeared
in each of the four speeches cited by Mitchell. A close reading of
Clinton's landmark speeches shows that the similarity to Harry Tru-
man (and the 1948 campaign) involved more than abstract psycho-
logical indicators. His first landmark speech in Dallas, for example,
contained the phrase "I will veto" seven times. And during his Janu-
ary 1996 State of the Union message, Clinton issued thirteen direct
challenges to the Congress ("I challenge you" or "I challenge the
Congress") and fifteen other direct challenges to various other
groups. Still, Clinton continued to wave an olive branch wrapped in



Announce- Inaugura- State of State of State of State of

ment 10/91 tion 1/93 Union 2/93 Union 1/94 Union 1/95 Union 1/96


Fig. 12.1. Images of power and achievement in Clinton's

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the images of achievement and affiliation that characterized his ear-

lier motive profile: "But if Congress will just sit down with me and
work out a reasonable solution . . . we can create an historic achieve-
Of course the 1995—96 transformation in Clinton's political for-
tunes involved many factors other than Clinton's motives: for exam-
ple, good advice about strategy and tactics, opportunities furnished
by Republican miscalculations and mistakes, and plain luck. But
good advice, opportunities, and luck do not automatically effectuate
themselves. My point here is that the changes in Clinton's motive
profile increased his readiness to take advantage of these opportunities,
to use the good advice, and to feel comfortable with the new directions.
Another president, with an unchanged high achievement/low power
profile, might have ignored the advice and maintained a self-defeat-
ing course.
The two analyses of Bill Clinton show how motive profiles can be
used in different ways to understand political leaders: (i) to predict
initially the broad outlines of the leader's performance—especially
vulnerabilities and opportunities—in office, and (2) to understand
the underlying psychological basis of changes in the leader's behav-
ior over time.


1. Motives are generally conceptualized as relatively fixed dispositions. On

the other hand, no motive operates at the same level of strength or intensity all
the time. (Consider the case of hunger, for which even the highest levels can be
satisfied, temporarily, with food.) Thus apparent "changes" or fluctuations in
observed levels of motive imagery can be thought of as reflecting different amounts
of arousal of a stable dispositional motive (see Atkinson 1982). However, there is also
evidence that motives can change over time, either as a result of developmental
and aging processes (see Veroff 1983; Veroff, Reuman, and Feld 1984; Veroff
and Smith 1985) or in response to certain extraordinary events or influences (see
McClelland and Winter 1969).
2. The following example, from Johnson's inaugural address, illustrates his
achievement and affiliation motives in combination:

For the hour and the day and the time are here to achieve progress
{achievement} without strife, to achieve change without hatred—not
without difference of opinion, but without the deep and abiding divisions
which scar the union [affiliation] for generations.
13. William Jefferson Clinton's
Leadership Style

Margaret G. Hermann

This leadership profile of Bill Clinton, forty-second president of the

United States, is based on an analysis of his responses to the domes-
tic and international press in fifty-four interviews between 1992 and
1998. The description that follows is derived from an at-a-distance
assessment of some 36,750 words. The words were examined for evi-
dence of seven different characteristics that have implications for
how political leaders will behave, the kinds of actions they are likely
to urge on their parties and governments, and the way they structure
and interact with their advisory groups. An individual leader's traits
are put into perspective by comparing them with similar scores for
other political leaders from their region and around the globe. The
characteristics are contextualized further by exploring how stable
they are across issues, audiences, and time. The attributes that define
the profile are those that historians, journalists, political scientists,
and other students of leadership have found to be influential in shap-
ing what leaders will do politically. The traits that are examined are
(i) the belief that one can influence or control what happens, (2) the
need for power and influence, (3) conceptual complexity (the ability
to differentiate among things and people in one's environment), (4)
self-confidence or self-esteem, (5) in-group bias, (6) general distrust
of others, and (7) the tendency to focus on problem solving and
accomplishing something versus maintenance of the group and deal-
ing with others' ideas and sensitivities. The at-a-distance technique
is described in more detail in chapter 8.
Several types of verbal material were available on Clinton:

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

speeches, public statements, memorandums, messages, and inter-

views with the press. Since the first four types of material can be
written or crafted for the leader by others, some caution must be
exercised in examining such statements to ascertain what the leader
is like. Care and thought have often gone into what is said and how
it is said. Interviews with the media, however, are generally more
spontaneous. During the give-and-take of a question-and-answer
period, the leader must respond quickly without props or aid; what
he or she is like can influence the nature of the response and how it is
worded. Although there may be some preparation of leaders prior to
an interview with the press, during the interview they are on their
own to respond. For these reasons, the following profile is based only
on Clinton's responses to media questions in an interview setting.

Leadership Profile in General

Table 13.1 reports the average trait scores for Clinton across 105
interview responses. The scores represent the percentage of time
Clinton used words that are indicative of a particular characteristic
where the criteria for coding the trait were present. The percentages
can range from zero to one hundred. Table 13.1 also presents what
would be considered low and high scores on a specific characteristic
based on the scores of 18 North American leaders, as well as those of
122 political leaders from forty-six countries around the globe. Low
and high scores are one standard deviation below and above the aver-
age score for a particular trait for the group of leaders with whom
Clinton is being compared and differentiate him from these others.
Clinton is considered moderate in the characteristic if his score is not
one standard deviation above or below the mean of the particular
group of leaders; in other words, he resembles the comparison set of
leaders on that trait. As the reader will note, when Clinton's scores
are close to being low or high, I have noted that he leans toward
being one or the other.
Bill Clinton is different from the two samples of leaders on four of
the seven traits (57 percent). He differs from the other leaders on
conceptual complexity, self-confidence, in-group bias, and distrust
of others. The similarities and differences between Clinton and these
other leaders have implications for his leadership style. The discus-
sion that follows details these implications. It is based on extensive
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

research in the social sciences on how these characteristics affect lead-

ership, elaborated in chapter 8.

Does the Leader Respect or Challenge Constraints

in the Political Environment?

In considering leaders' responsiveness to political constraints, we are

interested in how important it is for them to exert control and
influence over the environment in which they find themselves, as
opposed to being adaptable to the situation and remaining open to
responding to the demands of domestic and international con-
stituencies and circumstances. Scores on the belief one can control events
and on the need for power provide us with information with which to


Average 18 American 122 World
Characteristic Profile Score Compared to Leaders Leaders
Belief can control events .47 Moderate Mean = .41 Mean = .45
Low < .28 Low < .33
High > .55 High > .57
Need for power .52 Moderate Mean = .49 Mean = .50
Low < .35 Low < .38
High > .64 High > .62
Conceptual complexity .62 Leans high Mean = .52 Mean = .45
(18 North Low < .39 Low < -32
American High > .66 High > .58
leaders); high
(122 world
Self-confidence .72 Leans high Mean = .56 Mean = .57
Low <.36 Low < .34
High > .75 High > .80
Task vs. interpersonal focus .61 Moderate Mean = .61 Mean = .62
Low < .50 Low < .48
High > .72 High > .76
In-group bias .32 Leans low Mean = .38 Mean = .43
(18 North Low < .30 Low < .34
American High >.47 High > .53
leaders); low
(122 world
Distrust of others .27 Leans low Mean = .42 Mean = .38
Low < .20 Low < .20
High > . 6 3 High > .56
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

decide whether a leader will challenge or respect constraints. Leaders

who are high on both traits work to take charge of any situation in
which they find themselves and to test the limits of what is possible;
those who are low in both traits perceive the importance of working
within the constraints in their environments to build consensus and
to accommodate constituents' interests.
Clinton's scores on these traits indicate that he is moderate in
comparison to other leaders. He is like these leaders; he does not
stand out on either characteristic from leaders in his region or around
the globe. Such moderate scores suggest the leader will generally
respect constraints but under certain circumstances can challenge
what appear to be inappropriate or unfounded limitations on his
role. Most of the time leaders with moderate scores like Clinton's
will work within the parameters they perceive to structure their
political environment. Because of the limitations within which they
perceive they have to work, building consensus and achieving com-
promise are important skills for a politician to have and to exercise.
Such leaders are more likely to be reactive than to take the initia-
tive; they want to wait to see how the situation will probably play
out before acting. They prefer to let others take the lead and respon-
sibility for anything too daring and out of the ordinary; they want to
lead in contexts where there is at least a 50 percent or better chance
of success or where compromise is possible. Leaders like Clinton will
want to test out their ideas before making decisions—to "run ideas
up the flagpole and see who salutes them." Polling data, particular
constituents' opinions, and discussions with affected groups are
important in providing the basis for knowing what will work. Such
cautious behavior makes it possible to blame others if something
goes wrong but also reduces the likelihood of action unless it will
already receive support.
As will become evident in the discussion when we contextualize
Clinton's profile, there are some times when leaders with his scores
will challenge the constraints put in their path. Threats to policies
that undergird their leadership positions, what appear to them to be
unfair charges, and national crises are some situations in which lead-
ers with moderate scores on the belief that they can control what
happens and on the need for power will be more likely to take charge
and become highly manipulative in moving toward their goals. The
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

situations require action, and the person will be viewed as lacking

leadership if he or she does not do something.

Is the Leader Open or Closed to Contextual Information?

Political leaders have been found to differ in their degree of openness
to contextual information based on their levels of self-confidence and
conceptual complexity. These two traits interrelate to form a leader's
self-other orientation—how open they will be to input from others
in the decision-making process and from the political environment
in general. Leaders like Clinton whose scores on these two traits are
relatively equal and higher than other leaders are generally open to
information. Indeed, they are likely to be quite strategic in their
behavior, focusing their attention on what is possible and feasible at
any point in time. Their high self-confidence facilitates having
patience in the situation and taking their time to see what will suc-
ceed, while their high conceptual complexity pushes them to search
for information from a variety of constituents and perspectives.
These leaders combine the best qualities of both these traits—a sense
of what they want to do but the capability to check the environment
to see what will work.
These leaders seek both confirmatory and disconfirmatory infor-
mation from the context to know what is feasible. They want to
become the center of any information network that will provide
them with a sense of what is happening and who is supporting or
opposing what options and activities. In their minds, information is
power. If they can maintain themselves as the hubs of such networks,
they know more than any other member. Such a role allows them to
be in the middle of all decisions.
One dilemma such leaders have is that their behavior can seern
erratic and opportunistic to the outside observer. If one does not
know the goals or understand how such leaders are perceiving the
situation, their decisions and actions may seem indecisive and
chameleonlike as they try to decipher what is doable at any point in
time. To gather information, these leaders may lead particular con-
stituents and groups to believe that their position is supported when,
indeed, all that the leaders were doing was considering options and
getting reactions.
Political leaders like Clinton who are high in conceptual com-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

plexity attend to a wider array of stimuli from their environment

than do those who are low. They have a sense that issues are more
gray than black or white and seek a variety of pieces of information
through which to organize the situation in which they find them-
selves. These leaders remain highly attuned to contextual informa-
tion since they do not necessarily trust their initial response to an
event. In order to understand a situation and to plan what to do, such
individuals perceive that there is always room for one more piece of
data or point of view. Thus, such leaders often take their time in
making decisions and touch base with a large number of actors in the
decision-making process. Flexibility is seen as the key to being effec-
tive in politics.

Is the Leader Motivated by Problem or Relationship?

In politics, the literature suggests that leaders have certain reasons
for assuming their positions of authority that have to do with them
and with the relevance of the groups with whom they identify. Lead-
ers are driven, in general, either by an internal focus—a problem,
cause, specific set of interests—or by the desire for a certain kind of
feedback from those in their environment—relationship, be it accep-
tance, power, support, or acclaim. They also appear to be activated
by needs to protect their own kind. Whereas leaders who are more
closely identified with particular groups work to ensure such enti-
ties' survival, those who are less strongly tied to a specific group view
the world as posing potential opportunities for working with others
for mutual or their own benefit. Task versus interpersonal focus indi-
cates the former type of motivation, and a combination of in-group
bias and distrust of others indicates the latter type.
Leaders like Clinton who have moderate scores on task versus
interpersonal focus have the facility to direct their attention to the
problem when that is appropriate to the situation at hand or to build
relationships when that seems more relevant. Such leaders sense
when the context calls for each of these functions and focus on it at
that point in time. Depending on the circumstances, they can push
toward their goals or center their attention on keeping the loyalty
and morale of important constituencies high. In effect, they can
fulfill both functions considered important to governance—accom-
plishing something and maintaining coalitions. With the ability to
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

move between a concern for solving a problem and a sensitivity to

what it will take to keep people allied to a cause, these leaders are
likely to monitor the environment for cues that indicate the demand
for a particular focus of attention. For Clinton, such a capability aug-
ments his more general openness to information, enhancing the
strategic nature of his proposals and activities. Situations are judged,
and actions are taken, based on what he has to do to keep his position
and move toward his goals, be it to become a taskmaster or to rally
the troops around the flag.
Clinton's relatively low scores on in-group bias and distrust of
others indicate that he tends to see politics as more cooperative than
conflictual. Indeed, there are certain times when cooperation with
others is both feasible and appropriate. The political environment
contains opportunities as well as threats and the possibility for win-
win agreements. In fact, Clinton views the political process as a large
game board, where all players must sacrifice some things so that they
can advance toward the general goal. The desirable end is a solution
that is mutually beneficial to all—or a compromise in which all gain
some of what they want while only having to give up a little. Com-
pared to leaders with an adversarial or zero-sum view of politics,
where there should always be a clear winner and loser, such tactics
make Clinton seem as if he has no principles or, at the least, is wishy-
washy and weak.
For Clinton, politics is the art of the possible. There will generally
be another chance, another time to try to get more. In effect, there is
forever next year. Some observers have described Clinton as similar
to a child's "Bobo clown"—when hit down in one place, it pops back
up; no matter how many times the clown is pushed down, it comes
right back up again. The toy, in a similar manner to Clinton, seems
to say, "You didn't like that; well let's try another way to do it."
There are always opportunities to be taken advantage of and rela-
tionships to be built.
One downside of this more optimistic view of life and politics is
that threats may have to be major before they are registered as threat-
ening. Clinton may miss what to others would be obvious signs of a
brewing confrontation because he is working on what is positive in
the situation rather than seeing the negative. Thus, at times he is
figuratively interested in negotiating a settlement, not perceiving
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

that the other party is not ready to go to the bargaining table. Some
have called this behavior of Clinton's an "artichoke" reaction to stress,
peeling off one layer at a time and in bits and pieces. But his scores on
in-group bias and distrust of others suggest that it may take a num-
ber of times for the threat quality of the situation to be perceived.

Leadership Style
Clinton's pattern of scores on the seven traits helps us determine the
kind of leadership style he will exhibit. By ascertaining that he is
likely to (i) generally respect constraints in his political environ-
ment, (2) be open to, and to search out, information in the situation,
(3) be motivated by both solving the problem and keeping morale
high, and (4) view politics as the art of the possible and mutually
beneficial, we know from extensive research that Clinton will exhibit
a collegial leadership style. His focus of attention is on reconciling
differences and building consensus, on retaining power and author-
ity through building relationships and taking advantage of opportu-
nities to work with others toward specific ends. Clinton's leadership
style predisposes him toward the team-building approach to politics.
Like the captain of a football or basketball team, the leader is depen-
dent on others to work with him to make things happen. Such lead-
ers see themselves at the center of the information-gathering process.
With regard to the advisory process, working as a team means that
advisers are empowered to participate in all aspects of policy-making
but also to share in the accountability for what occurs. Members of
the team are expected to be sensitive to and supportive of the beliefs
and values of the leader.
Given Clinton's ability to move between building relationships
and solving problems, he can, at times, evidence a more opportunis-
tic leadership style as he takes advantage of a situation to move
toward his goals. Although his predispositions lean toward the col-
legial style of leadership, when circumstances call for it, Clinton can
become more focused on the task and what needs to be done, using
the event to accomplish something on his agenda.
Among the 122 leaders from around the world who formed the
comparison group for this profile, Clinton's pattern of scores is clos-
est to those of Mikhail Gorbachev (Soviet Union) and Chou En-Lai
(China). Both these leaders retained their positions because they
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

understood the constraints under which they had to operate but were
sensitive to what was feasible and doable in the situation at hand. For
each, information was power, and they sought to be at the center of
any information network. Both took advantage of what they per-
ceived to be opportunities in their political environments to build
relationships and viewed politics as requiring consensus and com-
promise. Mutually beneficial solutions were possible in the right cir-
cumstances and with the right negotiating partners. They believed
that being politically effective required flexibility and openness.

Leadership Profile in Context

An important question with any leadership profile centers around
the stability of the traits. Do Clinton's scores remain basically the
same across his tenure in office, when he is being interviewed by the
domestic and foreign press, and when he is discussing different sub-
stantive topics? We can be assured that we are assessing what the
leader is like if there is little change in the scores as the context
changes; at the least, we know that the leader does not seem to be
responding to the situation. It is easier to suggest what a leader is
likely to do politically when the trait scores are more stable; with
changes in scores, the researcher or analyst must consider contextual
factors in deciding both how to influence the leader and what he or
she is likely to do.
A statistical procedure (analysis of variance) can be used to deter-
mine whether Clinton's scores are stable across time, audience, and
topic. Table 13.2 presents the results of such an analysis and the
traits where there were statistically significant differences among the
scores across the various types of context. Of the twenty-one possible
changes (seven traits times three contextual factors), six (29 percent)
were statistically significant. In other words, the leadership profile
described previously for leaders like Clinton is applicable for him in
most circumstances. The statistically significant differences, how-
ever, do amplify the portrait of Clinton as leader and, thus, will be
discussed subsequently in some detail.

Effects of Time Period

A comparison of Clinton's scores during interviews held during his
first administration with those occurring in the second administra-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tion suggests that he has changed his style somewhat since being
reelected. In the second administration, Clinton has shown more
willingness to challenge the constraints in his environment—to
work both directly and indirectly to move toward his goals. His
scores for the belief that he can control what happens and for the
need for power become higher during the second administration. He
evidences more interest in guiding and manipulating what is occur-
ring than he did during the first administration. Consensus and com-
promise have to, at times, be pushed and coerced into place. If other
parties are not forthcoming, then the leader has the right to force the
In the second administration Clinton also shows more tendency to
focus on solving problems rather than attending to others' feelings
and desires. He becomes more of a taskmaster, taking the initiative
to push his agenda. Moreover, his environment becomes more suspi-
cious and threatening by the second administration. It is no longer
enough to take advantage of opportunities, but he must be vigilant
to deal with potential enemies and threats to his position. The world
is a little less rosy in the second administration than it was during
the first.
Clinton's leadership style in the second administration is more
actively independent—he begins to act out the part of the "new


Characteristic Mean Score
Belief can control events First administration = .42
Second administration = .52
Need for power First administration = .48
Second administration = .56
Task vs. interpersonal focus First administration = .54
Second administration = .68
Distrust of others First administration = .16
Second administration = .38
Belief can control events Domestic = .53
International = .41
Need for power Domestic = .58
International = .46
William Jefferson Clinton's Leadership Style

Democrat." Although still highly sensitive and responsive to stimuli

from the political arena, Clinton is now ready to challenge what he
perceives as growing constraints on his role and activities; to push
his agenda, albeit in subtle and strategic ways; and to be prepared to
contain an adversary if he is threatened himself or if his programs are
attacked. He is interested in maintaining his flexibility and maneu-
verability. In the second administration, there is the perception that
these two important characteristics of the political game are being
taken away from him. How to gain them back and be able to show
some movement on his agenda become focal points for him and his

Effects of Audience
The data in table 13.2 suggest that Clinton is much more willing to
challenge constraints in the domestic than the international arena.
His scores on the belief that he can control events and on the need for
power lean high when he is talking to the domestic press; these two
scores are moderate for discussions with the international media.
Given Clinton's lack of experience in foreign policy before taking
office, these differences may reflect his own greater degree of comfort
with domestic than foreign policy issues. As observers have com-
mented, even when Clinton has become involved in foreign policy, it
has been with a domestic orientation. But the domestic center of his
attention has meant that Clinton has been learning foreign policy on
the job and has been only as good at it as the sources and information
at his disposal. He has known where to search for data and people to
help him on the domestic front; he has been less skillful in the inter-
national domain. His scores suggest this willingness to be more reac-
tive and to let others take the leadership in international affairs. As a
result, it is possible to shift the blame when something goes wrong
or to accuse others of making it difficult for him to act.
14- William Jefferson Clinton:
Beliefs and Integrative Complexity

The profiles of Bill Clinton in this chapter focus on his beliefs and
cognitive style during his tenure in office. The content and structure
of his cognitions are two aspects of the process of object appraisal,
which both represent reality and express the leader's personality. In
the following sections, the authors identify diagnostic and choice
propensities in Clinton's operational code beliefs and examine the
integrative complexity of his thought processes to assess their likely
impact on his behavior as the president of the United States.

Operational Code Beliefs and Object Appraisal

Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer, and Michael D. Young

The following analysis of President Clinton's operational code is
based on a sample of sixteen speeches from public sources for three
months (January—March 1994) during his first term. Each speech
was machine-coded with Profiler+, an automated content analysis
software package, using the VICS coding procedures described in
chapter 9 (see also Young 2001; Schafer and Walker 2001). The reli-
ability of the results is very high because the coding process was
automated and, therefore, perfectly reproducible, The following
analysis of Clinton's beliefs is in terms of their direction and inten-
sity compared to the average VICS scores for a norming group of
twenty world leaders from different regions and eras.
The validity of the results is subject to the degree of generaliz-
ability from the sample to the population of speeches and other pub-
lic statements by President Clinton. Since the sample does not cover
an extended time period, its generalizability is limited unless one
assumes that operational code beliefs are personality traits and not

William Jefferson Clinton

cognitive states of mind (Walker 1995). Research dealing with this

problem has revealed enough variability to issue a cautionary notice
that the following profile may apply only to the time period in which
the data were gathered (Schafer 2000).
Index scores for Bill Clinton's general operational code, found in
table 14.1, are reported as standard deviations from the norming
group's scores for each VICS index. Their interpretation in table
14.1 is in terms of the number of standard deviations above and
below the average VICS score for each element in the operational
code construct. The anchoring points for each VICS index in chapter
9, expressed as "Somewhat, Definitely, Very, and Extremely," are


Std Dev Descriptor
Philosophical Beliefs
P-l. Nature of the political universe +2.63 Extremely friendly
P-2. Prospects for realization of +2.13 Extremely optimistic
political values
P-3- Predictability of Political Future -1.33 Very low
P-4. Belief in Historical Control
a. Self s Control +1.40 Very high
b. Other's Control -1.40 Very low
P-5. Role of Chance ±0.00 Average

Instrumental Beliefs
1-1. Approach to goals +2.95 Extremely cooperative
(direction of strategy)
1-2. Pursuit of goals + 3.07 Extremely cooperative
(intensity of tactics)
1-3. Risk orientation ±0.00 Average
1-4. Timing of action
a. Flexibility of coop/conf tactics -3.47 Extremely low
b. Flexibility of word/deed tactics + 0.20 Average
1-5. Utility of Means
a. Reward + 2.40 Extremely high
b. Promise + 1.33 Very high
c. Appeal/support + 2.29 Extremely high
d. Oppose/resist -2.57 Extremely low
e. Threaten -2.00 Extremely low
f. Punish -1.20 Definitely low
Source: Data from Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
Note: Key VICS indices are in bold. Indices are expressed as standard deviations above and below
the mean for a sample of twenty world leaders from a variety of regions and eras.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

applied in table 14.1 to half-standard-deviation intervals above and

below the mean score of the norming group for each VICS index.
The VICS scores for Clinton's philosophical beliefs in table 14.1
show that he views the nature of the political universe (P-i) as
extremely friendly, greater than two standard deviations above the
average leader. He is also extremely optimistic about the prospects
for realizing fundamental political goals (P-2). Clinton sees the
political future (P-3) as very low in predictability, but he believes
that he has a very high degree of control over historical development
compared to others (P-4). Finally, Clinton's assessment of the role of
chance in politics is average (P-5).
The VICS scores for Clinton's instrumental beliefs in table 14.1
indicate that Clinton believes that an extremely cooperative direc-
tion is the best strategy (I-i) in the political universe, coupled with
extremely cooperative tactics (1-2). His general risk orientation (1-3)
is average, meaning he is no more risk acceptant or risk averse than
other leaders. Clinton's propensity to shift between cooperative and
conflictual tactics (I-4a) is extremely low, and his propensity to shift
between word and deed tactics is average (I-4b). The utility of means
indices (1-5) show that his reliance on appeal/support and reward tac-
tics is extremely high, along with a very high reliance on promises.
His reliance on oppose/resist and threaten tactics is extremely low,
and his propensity to punish is definitely low compared to other
Overall, the key VICS scores for Self and Other in table 14.1 indi-
cate that Clinton believes in an extremely cooperative approach to
strategy (I-i) and attributes a very high level of control (P-4a) to
himself in the political universe. He sees the political universe as
extremely cooperative (P-i) and attributes a very low level of control
(P-4b) to others in the political universe. These dual images of Self
and Other and a low propensity to shift between conflict and cooper-
ation (I-4a) suggest that his strategies and tactics will be relatively
The standard deviation scores for the key indices in table 14.1 also
allow us to locate Clinton in Holsti's revised typology of operational
codes and to extrapolate some predictions about his likely strategic
and tactical interaction patterns. The strategies and tactics in the
four quadrants in figure 14.1 represent the likely interaction patterns

Appease Reward Reward Exploit
Bluff Deter Punish Compel

P-4 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -.50 0.00 +.50 +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 P-4
Axis Axis
Bluff Deter Punish Exploit
Bully Punish Compel Bully


Note: Key indices of beliefs in the leader's operational code are scaled in standard
deviations along the vertical and horizontal axes of the revised Holsti typology. Reward,
Deter, Punish and Compel tactics are variants of a general strategy of reciprocity in which
Self initiates either an escalatory (E) move or de-escalatory (D) move and then responds
in kind to whether Other escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in response to Self's initial move.
Appease, Bluff, Exploit, and Bully tactics are variants of a general strategy of cooperation
or conflict in which Self initiates either an escalatory (E) move or de-escalatory (D) move
and then violates the norm of reciprocity after Other escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in
response to Self's initial move.

Fig. 14.1. Prediction template for key VICS indices. (Data from
Walker, Schafer, and Marfleet 2001.)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

with Other that we hypothesize are associated with the four types of
operational codes in the revised Holsti typology of belief systems dis-
cussed in chapter 9. The vertical axis in figure 14.1 is the continuum
of standard deviations for a leader's image of the political universe
(P-i) and approach to political strategy (I-i). The horizontal axis is
the continuum of standard deviations for a leader's attribution of his-
torical control to Self (P-4a) and Other (P-4b). These axes provide
coordinates for a leader's location within each quadrant.
Clinton's I-i score for approach to goals and his P-4a score for
self s control over historical development place his generalized image
of Self in the type C quadrant in figure 14.1. His P-i score for nature
of the political universe and P~4b score for other's control over his-
torical development locate his generalized image of Other in the
type A quadrant. The strategic and tactical interaction implications
in figure 14.1 for Bill Clinton's general operational code as a type C
leader are that his extremely cooperative strategic orientation and
very high sense of historical control are likely to lead him to initiate
the reciprocity tactics of reward and punish and to tempt him to
employ exploit and compel tactics if he encounters opposition.
However, the American leader's diagnostic propensity to view
Other as a friendly type A is likely to generate a cooperative outcome
unless Other directs hostility toward him. Because of his very high
sense of historical control, President Clinton is more likely to diag-
nose a hostile Other as a type DBF than as a type B opponent. If Clin-
ton takes the strategic initiative against a hostile Other, he is less
likely to use bluff or appease tactics and more likely to employ reci-
procity or compel and exploit tactics.

President Clinton: Cognitive Manager in Trouble

Peter Suedfeld and Philip E. Tetlock

While the content of a leader's beliefs may dispose him toward dif-
ferent decisions, it also seems reasonable to hypothesize that a presi-
dent's cognitive style in decision making and decision implementa-
tion has an important influence on the fate of his proposals. The
following analysis of President Clinton's leadership is based on a rel-
atively parsimonious and, to some extent, even simplistic model.
This is the assessment of the president as a cognitive manager. The
William Jefferson Clinton

cognitive manager model (Suedfeld 1992a) proposes that the psy-

chological resources that a good decision maker will devote to solv-
ing a particular problem are commensurate with the importance of
the problem. Vigilance, information search and processing, reexam-
ination of alternatives, and the other components of ideal decision
making exact a cost; when the potential benefit is worth the cost,
these processes will be utilized.
It is also important to bear in mind that problems do not come
singly, nor are they solved by perfect machines. It is the importance
of a problem in relation to others and the resource repertoire of the
problem solver at that time that determine resource allocation. The
resource repertoire, in turn, varies with time, personality, health, the
situation, and so on. Thus, for example, leaders under severe pro-
longed stress will have fewer cognitive resources to allocate to the
solution of even important problems. Our research focuses on how,
within that limited pool, the available resources are allocated.
The good cognitive manager will use shortcuts to solve less
important problems and will reserve high levels of cognitive effort
for more important ones. Furthermore, once all of the criteria of cog-
nitive preparation have been met, the decision itself may be made in
a simple or a complex fashion—for example, either as a final arid
unchangeable answer to the problem or as a proposition open to fur-
ther adjustment—depending on the situation. In other words, we
can expect flexibility in response to resource availability, on the one
hand, and to the challenge being confronted, on the other. We use
integrative complexity scoring to measure these characteristics.
It is important to remember that integrative complexity scoring
assesses the structure, not the content, of thought. Any specific
policy or view of the source can be chosen, explained, defended, or
criticized at any level of complexity. So, for example, there is no
reason to expect general complexity differences between pro- and
antiabortion policies, pro- and anti-immigration policies, liberal
and conservative policies, and so on. The content-structure distinc-
tion may be particularly important in the case of President Clin-
ton. Watching him deal with political issues, many journalists and
political scientists—using content variables—have described him
as flexible, information oriented, and responsive to others, in other
words, what we would term high complexity. Based on such evalua-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tions, this is in fact what we expected to find when scoring Clin-

ton's utterances.
In two successive studies (Suedfeld 1994; Suedfeld and Wallace
1995) we scored a large number of Clinton's statements made during
his first presidential election campaign (spring 1992) and up to the
end of his first year in office (1994). We started with the hypothesis,
based on the consensus of the media, that Clinton's problems arose out
of an excessively high level of complexity and an inability or unwill-
ingness to take a simple, firm, and uncompromising stand when such
a stand was needed. Much to our surprise, we found President Clin-
ton's mean complexity score to be quite low. Both during the election
campaign and in the first year of the administration, it reached only
the level of moderate differentiation (scores around 2.0-2.5).
Although this level was not unusual for the campaign speeches of
presidential candidates during the past eighty years or so, it was lower
than that of any sitting president except for Ronald Reagan and was at
about the same level as the second-lowest, George H. W. Bush.
Another striking datum was a small but consistently downward
trend in complexity from the time of the presidential campaign to
the period after the inauguration and throughout Clinton's first year
in office. There was relatively little variation across topics, although
he exhibited somewhat higher complexity in his campaign speeches
on economic policy and in his presidential speeches on health care
and the environment. This pattern is thought to identify areas that
are of special concern and in which success is perceived as possible.
There were no changes as a particular presidential initiative moved
toward congressional approval or rejection (e.g., the health care bill,
the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA]).
We had expected to find a consistent increase in complexity as the
president gained more experience in office and learned the complica-
tions of developing and then selling his policies. This pattern had
been found in most twentieth-century American presidents and in
all of those whom current judgment considers to have been good at
the job (Tetlock 1991). (Incidentally, the first study to apply inte-
grative complexity scoring to archival materials [Suedfeld and Rank
1976] found exactly the same pattern among successful revolution-
ary leaders.) We had also thought that there would be complexity
increases as Clinton's proposals encountered opposition and as he
William Jefferson Clinton

mustered his cognitive resources to obtain victory, with perhaps a

decrease as their future was resolved, and that important topics such
as the national health care policy would engage substantially higher
complexity than such secondary issues as homosexuals in the mili-
tary. None of these hypotheses was supported.
Most recently, we looked at the president's speeches during and
after his second election campaign. The absolute level of his com-
plexity still had not changed much, although this time there was a
pre- to postelection increase; but both the increase and his postelec-
tion level of complexity were still among the lowest of all twentieth-
century presidents. Another researcher has reported results highly
similar to ours: Panos (1998) found Clinton's complexity in the
1992 and 1996 campaign debates to be 1.5 and 1.9 respectively, and
the annual mean score of his presidential speeches between 1993 and
1997 ranged from 1.8 to 2.6. In 1998, during the first two months
after the Lewinsky scandal broke, his speeches (including the State of
the Union address) were scored at a mean of 2.0.
It appears that, contrary to the implications of some other analy-
ses, President Clinton deals with policy issues at a consistently low
level of integrative complexity. We may ask, So what? After all, the
cognitive manager model argues that simple decision strategies are
not necessarily worse than more complex ones. As we have said, dif-
ferent kinds of problems are particularly amenable to complex or
simple decision making. There is general agreement that simple
strategies are optimal when, for example, a decision must be made
quickly, one is confronting an implacably hostile opponent, crucial
values are at significant risk, and it is important to project an image
of decisiveness and strength. These situations have not been typical
of the ones with which President Clinton has had to deal.
Conceptual complexity theorists would propose that Clinton may
be operating at a low level of trait, not merely state, complexity. This
would explain his strikingly consistent scores across time periods
and issue domains. Subjects low in (trait) conceptual complexity
have been found to function inadequately in many situations requir-
ing the processing of high levels of changing information, a condi-
tion that must be the prototype of most presidential decision mak-
ing. The cognitive manager model suggests that people differ in
their ability to recognize the need to change their level of complex-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ity in response to environmental demands and/or in their ability to

effect the change once the need to do so is recognized. President
Clinton's very restricted range of complexity scores, regardless of
audience, topic, proximity to a decision, and so on, indicates that his
cognitive strategies are unresponsive to the environment.
Clinton may not recognize when circumstances indicate the desir-
ability of moving to higher levels of complexity—perhaps his
famous optimism hampers his ability to foresee the possibility of
failure—or, even if he realizes the need, he may be unable to formu-
late a more complex approach. Some observers have referred to his
frequent changes of policy or image in response to poll results and
similar influences (e.g., Morris 1997; Renshon 1996^. This pattern
is reflected in a comment by George Stephanopoulos that Clinton
was like a kaleidoscope: he "could change in an instant" (in B.enshon
1996a, 82). The successive abandonment and replacement (as
opposed to modification) of strategies are scored as a series of undif-
ferentiated inclusions/exclusions: a score of i.
We have not yet addressed the complexity aspects of Clinton's
habitual use, when under pressure, of language that "while techni-
cally accurate, [is] unresponsive and evasive" (Renshon 1996a, 138).
This tendency has surfaced on many occasions, both before arid since
he attained national prominence. In the latter period, it reappears
from his first presidential campaign (e.g., the controversies about his
avoidance of military service and his use of marijuana) right through
to his handling of the Lewinsky scandal.
The painstaking selection of words that seem to answer a question
categorically but upon closer examination do not meet some technical
definition necessary for a full response may be an example of impres-
sion management in that content is effectively and subtly manipu-
lated. However, the choice of particular words over others is not a cri-
terion for differentiation and therefore does not affect structural
complexity. Previous studies have found that particularly successful
leaders are more likely to show significant complexity increases when
faced with important, but not overwhelming, challenges. President
Clinton shows very little situation-specific change of any sort. This
unresponsiveness to environmental conditions is disquieting.
B. Saddam Hussein
15. Saddam Hussein of Iraq: A Political
Psychology Profile

Jerrold M. Post

Identified as a member of the "axis of evil" by President George W.

Bush, Saddam Hussein's Iraq continues to pose a major threat to the
region and to Western society.1 Saddam has doggedly pursued the
development of weapons of mass destruction, despite UN sanctions
imposed at the conclusion of the Gulf crisis. To deal effectively with
Saddam Hussein requires a clear understanding of his motivations,
perceptions, and decision making. To provide a framework for this
complex political leader, a comprehensive political psychology
profile has been developed, and his actions since the crisis have been
analyzed in the context of this political psychology assessment.
Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, has been characterized as "the
madman of the Middle East." This pejorative diagnosis is not only
inaccurate but also dangerous. Consigning Saddam to the realm of
madness can mislead decision makers into believing he is unpre-
dictable when in fact he is not. An examination of the record of Sad-
dam Hussein's leadership of Iraq for the past thirty-four years reveals
a judicious political calculator who is by no means irrational but is
dangerous to the extreme.
Saddam Hussein, "the great struggler," has explained the extrem-
ity of his actions as president of Iraq as necessary to achieve "subjec-
tive immunity" against foreign plots and influences. All actions of
the revolution are justified by the "exceptionalism of revolutionary
needs." In fact, an examination of Saddam Hussein's life and career
reveals that this is but the ideological rationalization for a lifelong
pattern in which all actions are justified if they are in the service of
furthering Saddam Hussein's needs and messianic ambitions.

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Painful Beginnings: The "Wounded Self"

Saddam Hussein was born in 1937 to a poor peasant family near

Tikrit, some hundred miles north of Baghdad, in central-north Iraq.
But the central lines of the development of Saddam Hussein's polit-
ical personality were etched before he was born, for his father died of
an "internal disease" (probably cancer) during his mother's preg-
nancy with Saddam and his twelve-year-old brother died (of child-
hood cancer) a few months later, when Saddam's mother, Sabha, was
in her eighth month of pregnancy. Destitute, Saddam's mother
attempted suicide. A Jewish family saved her. Then she tried to
abort herself of Saddam but was again prevented from doing this by
her Jewish benefactors. After Saddam was born, on April 28, 1937,
his mother did not wish to see him, which strongly suggests that she
was suffering from a major depression. His care was relegated to
Sabha's brother (his maternal uncle) Khayrallah Talfah Msallat in
Tikrit, in whose home Saddam spent much of his early childhood. At
age three Saddam was reunited with his mother, who in the interim
had married a distant relative, Hajj Ibrahim Hasan. Hajj Ibrahim,
his stepfather, reportedly was abusive psychologically and physically
to young Saddam.
The first several years of life are crucial to the development of
healthy self-esteem. The failure of the mother to nurture and bond
with her infant son and the subsequent abuse at the hands of his step-
father would have profoundly wounded Saddam's emerging self-
esteem, impairing his capacity for empathy with others, producing
what has been identified as "the wounded self." One course in the
face of such traumatizing experiences is to sink into despair, passiv-
ity, and hopelessness. But another is to etch a psychological template
of compensatory grandiosity, as if to vow, "Never again, never again
shall I submit to superior force." This was the developmental psy-
chological path Saddam followed.
From early years on, Saddam, whose name means "the one who
confronts," charted his own course and would not accept limits.
According to his semiofficial biography, when Saddam was only ten,
he was impressed by a visit from his cousin, who knew how to read
and write. He confronted his family with his wish to become edu-
cated, and when they turned him down, since there was no school in
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

his parents' village, he left his home in the middle of the night, mak-
ing his way to the home of his maternal uncle Khayrallah in Tikrit
in order to study there. It is quite possible that in the approved biog-
raphy Saddam somewhat embellished his story, but there is no mis-
taking his resentment against his mother and stepfather that
emerges from it.

Khayrallah Inspires Dreams of Glory

Khayrallah was to become not only Saddam's father figure but also
his political mentor. Khayrallah had fought against Great Britain in
the Iraqi uprising of 1941 and had spent five years in prison for his
nationalist agitation. He filled the impressionable young boy's head
with tales of his heroic relatives—his great-grandfather and two
great-uncles—who gave their lives for the cause of Iraqi nationalism,
fighting foreign invaders. He conveyed to his young charge that he
was destined for greatness, following the path of his heroic relatives
and of heroes of the radical Arab world. Khayrallah, who was later to
become governor of Baghdad, shaped young Hussein's worldview,
imbuing him with a hatred of foreigners. In 1981, Saddam repub-
lished a pamphlet written by his uncle entitled "Three Whom God
Should Not Have Created: Persians, Jews, and Flies."
Khayrallah tutored his young charge in his view of Arab history
and the ideology of nationalism and the Baath party. Founded in
1940, the Baath party envisaged the creation of a new Arab nation
that would defeat the colonialist and imperialist powers and achieve
Arab independence, unity, and socialism. Baath ideology, as concep-
tualized by its intellectual founding father, Michel Aflaq, focuses on
the history of oppression and division of the Arab world, first at the
hands of the Ottomans, then the Western mandates, then the
monarchies ruled by Western interests, and finally by the establish-
ment of the "Zionist entity." Thus inspired by his uncle's tales of
heroism in the service of the Arab nation, Saddam has been con-
sumed by dreams of glory since his earliest days, identifying himself
with Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonia who conquered
Jerusalem in 586 B.C., and Saladin, who regained Jerusalem in 1187
by defeating the crusaders. But these dreams of glory, formed when
he was so young, were compensatory, for they sat astride a wounded
self and profound self-doubt.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Saddam was steeped in Arab history and Baathist ideology by the

time he traveled with his uncle to Baghdad to pursue his secondary
education. The school, a hotbed of Arab nationalism, confirmed his
political leanings. In 1952, when Saddam was fifteen, Gamal Abdel
Nasser led the Free Officers' revolution in Egypt and became a hero
to young Saddam and his peers. As the activist leader of Pan Arab-
ism, Nasser became an idealized model for Saddam. Only by coura-
geously confronting imperialist powers could Arab nationalism be
freed from Western shackles.
At age twenty, inspired by Nasser, Saddam joined the Arab Baath
socialist party in Iraq and quickly impressed party officials with his
dedication. Known as a "street thug," he willingly used violence in
the service of the party, and he was rewarded with rapid promotion.
Two years later, in 1958, apparently emulating Nasser, Army Gen-
eral Abd Karim Qassem led a coup that ousted the monarchy. But
unlike Nasser, Qassem did not pursue the path of socialism and
turned against the Baath party. The twenty-two-year-old Saddam was
called to Baath party headquarters and given the mission to lead a
five-man team to assassinate Qassem. The mission failed, reportedly
because of a crucial error in judgment by Saddam. But Saddam's
escape to Syria, first by horseback across the desert and then by swim-
ming a river, has achieved mythic status in Iraqi history. During his
exile, Saddam went to Egypt to study law, rising to the leadership
ranks of the Egyptian Baath party. He returned to Iraq after 1963,
when Qassem was ousted by the Baaths, and was elected to the
National Command. Michel Aflaq, the ideological father of the Baath
party, admired young Hussein, declaring the Iraqi Baath party the
finest in the world and designating Saddam Hussein as his successor.

Rivalry with Assad to be Supreme Arab Nationalist Leader

Despite—or rather because of—fellow Baathist Hafez al-Assad's suc-
cess in taking control of Syria, Saddam confronted the new Syrian Baath
leadership in a party meeting in Iraq in 1966. The split and rivalry per-
sist to this day, for there can be only one supreme Arab nationalist
leader, and destiny has inscribed his name as Saddam Hussein.
With the crucial secret assistance of military intelligence chief
Abdul Razzaz al Nayef, Saddam mounted a successful coup in 1968.
In "gratitude" for services rendered, within two weeks of the coup,
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

Saddam arranged for the capture and exile of Nayef and subsequently
ordered his assassination.
This act was a paradigm for the manner in which Saddam has
rewarded loyalty and adhered to commitments throughout his
career. He has a flexible conscience: commitments and loyalty are
matters of circumstance, and circumstances change. If an individual,
or a nation, is perceived as an impediment or a threat, no matter how
loyal in the past, that individual or nation will be eliminated vio-
lently without a backward glance, and the action will be justified by
"the exceptionalism of revolutionary needs." Nothing must be per-
mitted to stand in "the great struggler's" messianic path as he pur-
sues his (and Iraq's) revolutionary destiny, as exemplified by this
extract from Saddam Hussein's remarkable "Victory Day" message of
August 8, 1990.

This is the only way to deal with these despicable Croesuses

who relished possession to destroy devotion . . . who were
guided by the foreigner instead of being guided by virtuous
standards, principles of Pan-Arabism, and the creed of human-
itarianism. . . . The second of August . . . is the legitimate new-
born child of the struggle, patience and perseverance of the
Kuwaiti people, which was crowned by revolutionary action on
that immortal day. The newborn child was born of a legitimate
father and an immaculate mother. Greetings to the makers of
the second of August, whose efforts God has blessed. They have
achieved one of the brightest, most promising and most princi-
pled national and Pan-Arab acts.
Two August has come as a very violent response to the harm
that the foreigner had wanted to perpetrate against Iraq and the
nation. The Croesus of Kuwait and his aides become the obedi-
ent, humiliated and treacherous dependents of that foreigner.
. . . What took place on 2 August was inevitable so that death
might not prevail over life, so that those who were capable of
ascending to the peak would not be brought down to the
abysmal precipice, so that corruption and remoteness from God
would not spread to the majority. . . . Honor will be kept in
Mesopotamia so that Iraq will be the pride of the Arabs, their
protector, and their model of noble values.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Capable of Reversing His Course

Saddam's practice of revolutionary opportunism has another impor-
tant characteristic. Just as previous commitments must not be per-
mitted to stand in the way of Saddam's messianic path, neither
should he persist in a particular course of action if it proves to be
counterproductive for him and his nation. When he pursues a course
of action, he pursues it fully; if he meets initial resistance, he will
struggle all the harder, convinced of the correctness of his judg-
ments. But should circumstances demonstrate that he has miscalcu-
lated, he is capable of reversing his course. In these circumstances, he
does not acknowledge that he has erred but rather that he is adapt-
ing to a dynamic situation. The three most dramatic examples of his
revolutionary pragmatism and ideological flexibility are in his ongo-
ing struggle with his Persian enemies.

Yields on Shatt al Arab to Quell the Kurdish Rebellion

Saddam had forced a mass relocation of the Kurdish population in
1970. In 1973, he declared that the Baath party represented all
Iraqis, that the Kurds could not be neutral, and that the Kurds were
either fully with the people or against them. Indeed, this is one of
Saddam's basic principles: "He who is not totally with me is my
enemy." The Kurds were therefore seen as insidious enemies sup-
ported by foreign powers, in particular the Iranians. In 1973, the
Kurdish minority, supported by the Shah of Iran, rebelled. By 1975,
the war against the Kurds had become extremely costly, having cost
sixty thousand lives in one year alone. Demonstrating his revolu-
tionary pragmatism, despite his lifelong hatred of the Persians, Sad-
dam's urgent need to put down the Kurdish rebellion took (tempo-
rary) precedence. In March 1975, Saddam signed an agreement with
the Shah of Iran, stipulating Iranian sovereignty over the disputed
Shatt al Arab waterway in return for Iran's ceasing to supply the
Kurdish rebellion.
The loss of the Shatt al Arab waterway continued to rankle, and in
September 1980, sensing weakness and confusion in the Iranian
leadership, Saddam invaded Khuzistan Province, at first meeting lit-
tle resistance. One of his first acts was to cancel the 1975 treaty
dividing the Shatt al Arab waterway. After Iraq's initial success, Iran
stiffened and began to inflict serious damage not only on Iraqi forces
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

but also on Iraqi cities. It became clear to Saddam that the war was

Attempts to End the Iran-Iraq War

In June 1982, Saddam reversed his earlier militant aggression and
attempted to terminate hostilities, offering a unilateral cease-fire.
Khomeini, who by now was obsessed with Saddam, would have none
of it, indicating that there would be no peace with Iraq until Saddam
no longer ruled Iraq, and the Iran-Iraq War continued for another
bloody six years, taking a dreadful toll, estimated at more than one
million lives. In 1988, an indecisive cease-fire was agreed upon, with
Iraq sustaining an advantage, retaining control of some seven hun-
dred square miles of Iranian territory and retaining control over the
strategic Shatt al Arab waterway. Saddam, who maintained five hun-
dred thousand troops in the disputed border, vowed that he would
"never" allow Iran sovereignty over any part of the waterway until
Iran agreed to forgo its claim to the disputed waterway. Saddam
declared that he would not agree to an exchange of prisoners nor
would he withdraw from Iranian territory. But revolutionary prag-
matism was to supersede this vow, for he desperately needed the five
hundred thousand troops that were tied up in the dispute.

Reverses Policy on Disputed Waterway

On August 15, 1990, Hussein agreed to meet Iranian conditions,
promising to withdraw from Iranian territory; agreeing to an
exchange of prisoners; and, most important, agreeing to share the
disputed Shatt al Arab waterway. Never is a short time when revolu-
tionary pragmatism dictates, which is important to remember in
evaluating Saddam's vow of 1990 never to relinquish Kuwait and his
continued intransigence to Western demands.

Reversal of Hostage Policy

The decision to release all foreign hostages fits this pattern. As with
other misdirected policies in the past, Saddam initially pursued his
hostage policy with full vigor, despite mounting evidence that it was
counterproductive. When it became clear to him that it was not pro-
tecting him from the likelihood of military conflict, as initially con-
ceived, but was actually unifying the international opposition, he
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

reversed his policy. His announcement followed an especially strong

statement by Secretary of State James Baker concerning the use of
"decisive force," but the anger of his former ally, the Soviet Union,
was undoubtedly important as well. Moreover, the timing was
designed not only to play on perceived internal divisions within the
United States but also to magnify perceived differences in the inter-
national coalition, a demonstration of his shrewdly manipulative
sense of timing.

A Rational Calculator Who Often Miscalculates

The labels "madman of the Middle East" and "megalomaniac" are
often affixed to Saddam, but in fact there is no evidence that he is suf-
fering from a psychotic disorder. He is not impulsive, he acts only
after judicious consideration, and he can be extremely patient;
indeed, he uses time as a weapon. While he is psychologically in
touch with reality, he is often politically out of touch with reality.
Saddam's worldview is narrow and distorted, and he has scant expe-
rience outside the Arab world. His only sustained experience with
non-Arabs was with his Soviet military advisers, and he reportedly
has only traveled outside of the Middle East on two occasions—a
brief trip to Paris in 1976 and a trip to Moscow. Moreover, he is sur-
rounded by sycophants, who are cowed by Saddam's well-founded
reputation for brutality and who are afraid to contradict him. He has
ruthlessly eliminated perceived threats to his power and equates crit-
icism with disloyalty.
In 1979, when he fully assumed the reins of Iraqi leadership, one
of his first acts was to meet with his senior officials, some two hun-
dred in number, of which there were twenty-one officials whose loy-
alty he questioned. The dramatic meeting of his senior officials in
which the twenty-one "traitors" were identified while Saddam
watched, luxuriantly smoking a Cuban cigar, has been captured on
film. After the forced "confession" by a "plotter" whose family had
been arrested, the remaining senior officials were complimented for
their loyalty by Saddam and were rewarded by being directed to
form the execution squads.
In 1982, when the war with Iran was going very badly for Iraq and
Saddam wished to terminate hostilities, Khomeini, who was person-
ally fixated on Saddam, insisted there could be no peace until Sad-
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

dam was removed from power. At a cabinet meeting, Saddam asked

his ministers to candidly give their advice, and the minister of health
suggested that Saddam temporarily step down, to resume the presi-
dency after peace had been established. Saddam reportedly thanked
him for his candor and ordered his arrest. His wife pleaded for her
husband's return, indicating that her husband had always been loyal
to Saddam. Saddam promised her that her husband would be
returned. The next day, Saddam returned her husband's body to her
in a black canvas bag, chopped into pieces. This incident: powerfully
concentrated the attention of the other ministers, who were unani-
mous in their insistence that Saddam remain in power, for it empha-
sized that to be seen as disloyal to Saddam is not only to risk losing
one's job but could lead to forfeiting one's life. Thus Saddam is
deprived of the check of wise counsel from his leadership circle. This
combination of limited international perspective and a sycophantic
leadership circle has in the past led him to miscalculate.

Saddam's Psychological Characteristics: Malignant Narcissism

Exalted Self-Concept: Saddam Is Iraq; Iraq Is Saddam

Saddam's pursuit of power for himself and Iraq is boundless. In fact,
in his mind, the destinies of Saddam and Iraq are one and indistin-
guishable. His exalted self-concept is fused with his Baathist politi-
cal ideology. Baathist dreams will be realized when the Arab nation
is unified under one strong leader. In Saddam's mind, he is destined
for that role.

No Constraint of Conscience
In pursuit of his messianic dreams, there is no evidence that he is
constrained by conscience; his only loyalty is to Saddam Hussein.
When there is an obstacle in his revolutionary path, Saddam elimi-
nates it, whether it is a previously loyal subordinate or a previously
supportive country.

Unconstrained Aggression in Pursuit of His Goals

In pursuing his goals, Saddam uses aggression instrumentally. He
uses whatever force is necessary and will, if he deems it expedient, go
to extremes of violence, including the use of weapons of mass
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

destruction. His unconstrained aggression is instrumental in pursu-

ing his goals, but it is at the same time defensive aggression, for his
grandiose facade masks underlying insecurity.

Paranoid Orientation
While Hussein is not psychotic, he has a strong paranoid orienta-
tion. He is ready for retaliation and, not without reason, sees himself
as surrounded by enemies. But he ignores his role in creating those
enemies and righteously threatens his targets. The conspiracy theo-
ries he spins are not merely for popular consumption in the Arab
world but genuinely reflect his paranoid mind-set. He is convinced
that the United States, Israel, and Iran have been in league for the
purpose of eliminating him, and he finds a persuasive chain of evi-
dence for this conclusion. His minister of information, Latif Jassim,
who was responsible for propaganda and public statements, probably
helped reinforce Saddam's paranoid disposition and, in a sense, was
the implementer of his paranoia.
It is this political personality constellation—messianic ambition
for unlimited power, absence of conscience, unconstrained aggres-
sion, and a paranoid outlook—that makes Saddam so dangerous.
Conceptualized as malignant narcissism, this is the personality
configuration of the destructive charismatic, who unifies and rallies
his downtrodden supporters by blaming outside enemies. While
Saddam is not charismatic, this psychological stance is the basis of
Saddam's particular appeal to the Palestinians, who see him as a
strongman who shares their intense anti-Zionism and will champion
their cause.

Views Self as One of History's Great Leaders

Saddam Hussein genuinely sees himself as one of the great leaders of
history, ranking himself with his heroes: Nasser, Castro, Tito, Ho
Chi Minh, and Mao Zedong, each of whom he admires for adapting
socialism to his environment, free of foreign domination. Saddam
sees himself as transforming his society. He believes that youth must
be "fashioned" to "safeguard the future" and that Iraqi children must
be transformed into a "radiating light that will expel" traditional
family backwardness. Like Mao, Saddam has encouraged youth to
inform on their parents' antirevolutionary activity. As godlike status
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

was ascribed to Mao, and giant pictures and statues of him were
placed throughout China, so too giant pictures and statues of Sad-
dam abound in Iraq. Asked about this cult of personality, Saddam
shrugs and says he "cannot help it if that is what they want to do."

Probably Overreads Degree of Support in Arab World

Saddam Hussein is so consumed with his messianic mission that he
probably overreads the degree of his support in the rest of the Arab
world. He assumes that many in the Arab world, especially the
downtrodden, share his views and see him as their hero. He was
probably genuinely surprised at the nearly unanimous condemnation
of his invasion of Kuwait.

Saddam at the Crossroads in 1990-91

It is not by accident that Saddam Hussein has survived for more than
three decades as his nation's preeminent leader in this tumultuous
part of the world. While he is driven by dreams of glory, and his
political perspective is narrow and distorted, he is a shrewd tactician
who has a sense of patience. He is able to justify extremes of aggres-
sion on the basis of revolutionary needs, but if the aggression is coun-
terproductive, he has shown a pattern of reversing his course when he
has miscalculated, waiting until a later day to achieve his revolu-
tionary destiny. His drive for power is not diminished by these rever-
sals but only deflected.
Saddam Hussein is a ruthless political calculator who will go to
whatever lengths are necessary to achieve his goals. But he is not a
martyr, and his survival in power—with his dignity intact—is his
highest priority. Saddam has been characterized by Soviet foreign
minister Yevgeny Primakov and others as suffering from a "Masada
complex," preferring a martyr's death to yielding. This is assuredly
not the case, for Saddam has no wish to be a martyr and survival is
his number one priority. A self-proclaimed revolutionary pragma-
tist, he does not wish a conflict in which Iraq will be grievously dam-
aged and his stature as a leader destroyed.
While Saddam's advisers' reluctance to disagree with Saddam's
policies contributes to the potential for miscalculation, nevertheless
his advisers are able to make significant inputs to the accuracy of
Saddam's evaluation of Iraq's political/military situation by provid-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

ing information and assessments. Moreover, despite their reluctance

to disagree with him, the situation facing the leadership after the
invasion of Kuwait was so grave that several officials reportedly
expressed their reservations about remaining in Kuwait.
As the crisis heightened in the fall of 1990, Saddam dismissed a
number of senior officials, replacing them with family members and
known loyalists. He replaced Petroleum Minister Issam Abdulra-
heem Chalabi, a highly sophisticated technical expert, with his son-
in-law Hussein Kamal. Moreover, he replaced Army Chief of Staff
General Nizar Khazraji, a professional military man, with General
Hussein Rashid, commander of the Republican Guards and a
Tikriti. Tough and extremely competent, Rashid is both intensely
ideological and fiercely loyal. It was as if Saddam were drawing in the
wagons. This was a measure of the stress on Saddam, suggesting that
his siege mentality was intensifying. The fiercely defiant rhetoric was
another indicator of the stress on Saddam, for the more threatened
Saddam feels, the more threatening he becomes.
While Saddam appreciated the danger of the Gulf crisis, it did
provide the opportunity to defy the hated outsiders, a strong value in
his Baath ideology. He continued to cast the conflict as a struggle
between Iraq and the United States and even more personally as a
struggle between the gladiators Saddam Hussein and George Bush.
When the struggle became thus personalized, it enhanced Saddam's
reputation as a courageous strongman willing to defy the imperialist
United States.
When President George H. W. Bush depicted the conflict as the
unified civilized world against Saddam Hussein, it hit a tender nerve
for Saddam. Saddam has his eye on his role in history and places great
stock in world opinion. If he were to conclude that his status as a
world leader was threatened, it would have important constraining
effects on him. Thus the prospect of being expelled from the UN and
of Iraq being castigated as a rogue nation outside the community of
nations would be very threatening to Saddam. The overwhelming
majority supporting the Security Council resolution at the time of
the conflict must have confronted Saddam with the damage he was
inflicting on his stature as a leader, despite his defiant rhetoric dis-
missing the resolutions of the UN as reflecting the United States'
control of the international organization.
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

Defiant rhetoric was a hallmark of the conflict and lent itself to

misinterpretation across cultural boundaries. The Arab world places
great stock on expressive language. The language of courage is a hall-
mark of leadership, and there is great value attached to the act of
expressing brave resolve against the enemy in and of itself. Even
though the statement is made in response to the United States, when
Saddam speaks it is to multiple audiences; much of his language is
solipsistic and designed to demonstrate his courage and resolve to
the Iraqi people and the Arab world. There is no necessary connec-
tion between courageous verbal expression and the act threatened.
Nasser gained great stature from his fiery rhetoric threatening to
make the sea red with Israeli blood. By the same token, Saddam
probably heard the Western words of President Bush through a Mid-
dle Eastern filter. When a public statement of resolve and intent was
made by President George H. W. Bush, Saddam may well have dis-
counted the expressed intent to act. This underlines the importance
of a private channel to communicate clearly and unambiguously.
The mission by Secretary of State Baker afforded the opportunity to
resolve any misunderstandings on Saddam's part concerning the
strength of resolve and intentions of the United States and the inter-
national coalition.

Gulf Crisis Promotes Saddam to World-Class Leader

Throughout his twenty-two years at the helm of Iraq, Saddam Hus-
sein had languished in obscurity, overshadowed by the heroic stature
of other Middle Eastern leaders such as Anwar Sadat and Ayatollah
Khomeini. But with the Gulf crisis, for the first time in his entire
career, Saddam was exactly who and where he believed he was des-
tined to be—a world-class political actor on center stage command-
ing world events, with the entire world's attention focused upon
him. When his rhetoric was threatening, the price of oil rose precip-
itously and the Dow Jones average plummeted. He was demonstrat-
ing to the Arab masses that he is an Arab strongman with the
courage to defy the West and expel foreign influences.
Now that he was at the very center of international attention, his
appetite for glory was stimulated all the more. The glory-seeking
Saddam would not easily yield the spotlight of international atten-
tion. He wanted to remain on center stage but not at the expense of
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

his power and his prestige. Saddam would only withdraw if he cal-
culated that he could do so with his power and his honor intact and
that the drama in which he was starring would continue.
Honor and reputation must be interpreted in an Arab context.
Saddam had already achieved considerable honor in the eyes of the
Arab masses for having the courage to stand up to the West. It
should be remembered that, even though Egypt militarily lost the
1973 war with Israel, Sadat became a hero to the Arab world for his
willingness to attack—and initially force back—the previously
invincible forces of Israel. Muammar Qaddafi mounted an air attack
when the United States crossed the so-called line of death. Even
though his jets were destroyed in the ensuing conflict, Qaddafi's sta-
tus was raised in the Arab world. Indeed, he thanked the United
States for making him a hero. Thus Saddam could find honor in the
1990 confrontation. His past history reveals a remarkable capacity to
find face-saving justification when reversing his course in very
difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, it would be important not to
insist on total capitulation and humiliation, for this could drive Sad-
dam into a corner and make it impossible for him to reverse his
course. He would—could—only withdraw from Kuwait if he
believed he could survive with his power and his dignity intact.
By the same token, he would only reverse his course if his power
and reputation were threatened. This would require a posture of
strength, firmness, and clarity of purpose by a unified civilized
world, demonstrably willing to use force if necessary. The only lan-
guage Saddam Hussein understands is the language of power. With-
out this demonstrable willingness to use force, even if the sanctions
are biting deeply, Saddam is quite capable of putting his population
through a sustained period of hardship.
It was crucial to demonstrate unequivocally to Saddam Hussein
that unless he withdrew, his career as a world-class political actor
would be ended. The announcement of a major escalation of the force
level was presumably designed to drive that message home. The UN
resolution authorizing the use of force unless Iraq withdrew by Jan-
uary 15 was a particularly powerful message because of the large
majority supporting the resolution.
The message almost certainly was received. In the wake of the
announcement of the increase in force level, Saddam intensified his
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

request for "deep negotiations," seeking a way out in which he could

preserve his power and his reputation. That President Bush sent Sec-
retary of State Baker to meet one-on-one with Saddam was an
extremely important step. In the interim leading up to the meeting,
the shrewdly manipulative Saddam continued to attempt to divide
the international coalition.
Considering himself a revolutionary pragmatist, Saddam is at
heart a survivor. If in response to the unified demonstration of
strength and resolve he did retreat and reverse his course, this would
only be a temporary deflection of his unbounded drive for power. It
would be a certainty that he would return at a later date, stronger
than ever, unless firm measures were taken to contain him. This
underlines the importance of strategic planning beyond any imme-
diate crisis, especially considering his progress toward acquiring a
nuclear weapons capability. If blocked in his overt aggression, he
could be expected to pursue his goals covertly through intensified
support of terrorism.
Saddam will not go down in the last flaming bunker if he has a
way out, but he can be extremely dangerous and will stop) at nothing
if he is backed into a corner. If he believes his very survival as a
world-class political actor is threatened, Saddam can respond with
unrestrained aggression, using whatever weapons and resources are
at his disposal, in what would surely be a tragic and bloody final act.

Why Saddam Did Not Withdraw from Kuwait2

In the political psychology profile prepared for the congressional
hearings on the Gulf crisis in December 1990, recapitulated in the
preceding material, it was observed that Saddam was by no means a
martyr and was indeed the quintessential survivor. The key to his
survival in power for twenty-two years was his capacity to reverse his
course when events demonstrated that he had miscalculated. We
believed that he could again reverse himself if he concluded that
unless he did so his power base and reputation would be destroyed
and if by so doing he could preserve his power base and reputation.
How can it be, then, that this self-described revolutionary prag-
matist, faced by an overwhelming array of military power that would
surely deal a mortal blow to his nation, entered into and persisted in
a violent confrontational course? Cultural factors probably con-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tributed to his calculation and miscalculation. As mentioned previ-

ously, Saddam may well have heard President Bush's Western words
of intent through a Middle Eastern filter and calculated that he was
bluffing. It is also possible he downgraded the magnitude of the
threat, likening it to the characteristic Arab hyperbole. Even though
he expected a massive air strike, he undoubtedly was surprised by the
magnitude of the destruction wrought on his forces.
But more important, the dynamic of the crisis affected Saddam.
What began as an act of naked aggression toward Kuwait was trans-
formed into the culminating act of the drama of his life. Although he
had previously shown little concern for the Palestinian people, the
shrewdly manipulative Saddam had wrapped himself and his inva-
sion of Kuwait in the Palestinian flag. The response of the Palestini-
ans was overwhelming. They saw Saddam as their hope and their sal-
vation, standing up defiantly and courageously to the United States
to force a just settlement of their cause. This caught the imagination
of the masses throughout the Arab world, and their shouts of
approval fed his already swollen ego as he went on a defiant roll.
Intoxicated by the elixir of power and the acclaim of the Pales-
tinians and the radical Arab masses, Saddam may well have been on
a euphoric high and may have optimistically overestimated his
chances for success, for Saddam's heroic self-image was engaged as
never before. He was fulfilling the messianic goal that had obsessed
him—and eluded him—throughout his life. He was actualizing his
self-concept as leader of all the Arab peoples, the legitimate heir of
Nebuchadnezzar, Saladin, and especially Nasser.
His psychology and his policy options became captives of his
rhetoric. He became so absolutist in his commitment to the Pales-
tinian cause and to not yielding Kuwait until there was justice for
the Palestinian people and UN Resolutions 242 and 338 had been
complied with that it would have been extremely difficult for him to
reverse himself without being dishonored. To lose face in the Arab
world is to be without authority. Unlike past reversals, these abso-
lutist pronouncements were in the full spotlight of international
attention. Saddam had, in effect, painted himself into a corner. The
Bush administration's insistence on "no face-saving" only intensified
this dilemma.
Not only, then, had Saddam concluded that to reverse himself
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

would be to lose his honor, but he also probably doubted that his
power base would be preserved if he left Kuwait. Saddam doubted
that the aggressive intention of the United States would stop at the
border of Iraq. For years he had been convinced that a U.S.-Iran-
Israeli conspiracy was in place to destroy Iraq and remove him from
Earlier, foreign minister Tariq Aziz had indicated that "every-
thing was on the table," but by late December the semblance of
diplomatic flexibility had disappeared, and Saddam seemed intent
on challenging the coalition's ultimatum. It is likely that Saddam
had concluded that he could not reverse himself and withdraw with-
out being dishonored and that he needed to enter the conflict to
demonstrate his courage and to affirm his claim to pan-Arab leader-
Saddam expected a massive air campaign and planned to survive
it. In the succeeding ground campaign, he hoped to engage the U.S.
"Vietnam complex." As he had demonstrated in the Iran-Iraq War,
he believed that his battle-hardened troops could absorb massive
casualties, whereas the weak-willed United States would not have
the stomach for this, and a political-military stalemate would ensue.
By demonstrating that he had the courage to stand up against the
most powerful nation on earth, Saddam would consolidate his cre-
dentials as pan-Arab leader, and he would win great honor. In the
Arab world, having the courage to fight a superior foe can bring
political victory, even through a military defeat. Sadat, for example,
won great honor in 1973 by leading the attack against previously
invincible Israel, even though Egypt lost the military conflict.
Indeed, his enhanced prestige permitted him to approach Israel as an
equal negotiating partner and ultimately led to the Camp David
Accords. Saddam's political hero and model, Nasser, gained great
honor for attacking the imperialists in the 1956 Suez campaign, even
though he lost.
Saddam hoped to consolidate his place in Arab history as Nasser's
heir by bravely confronting the U.S.-led coalition. On the third day
of the air campaign, his minister of information, Latif Jassim,
declared victory. To the astounded press he explained that the coali-
tion expected Iraq to crumble in two days. Having already survived
the massive air strikes for three days, the Iraqis were accordingly vie-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

torious, and each further day would only magnify the scope of their
It was revealed in January that under Saddam's opulent palace was
a mammoth bunker, fortified with steel and prestressed concrete.
The architecture of this complex is Saddam's psychological architec-
ture: a defiant, grandiose facade resting on the well-fortified founda-
tion of a siege mentality. Attacked on all sides, Saddam remains
besieged and defiant, using whatever aggression is necessary to con-
solidate his control and ensure his survival.

Saddam after the Conflict3

Iraqi domestic support for Saddam Hussein was drastically eroded
after the Gulf War. By late 1996, a series of betrayals, failures, and
disappointments had left him in a more precarious domestic position
than at any time since March 1991. There have been three main areas
of change for Saddam since the conflict:
• increased security vulnerabilities
• strengthening international support
• increased importance of the weapons of mass destruction

Increased Security Vulnerabilities

A principle of Saddam's leadership that has always been true—
ensuring his domestic stability and eliminating internal threats to
his regime—has intensified in the postwar period and is Saddam's
central concern. The three greatest threats to Saddam's domestic sta-
bility have come from a dramatically weakened military, fractures in
tribal loyalties, and fault lines in his family.

Weakened Military
Immediately after the conflict was terminated in March 1991, Sad-
dam's major source of support, the Iraqi army, was gravely weak-
ened. Once the fourth largest army in the world, the Iraqi army, its
proud reputation as the most powerful military force in the Gulf
shattered, its ranks and materiel depleted, and its morale destroyed,
now represented a grave threat to Saddam's survival.
• The Iraqi armed forces, including the Republican Guard,
became disillusioned with Saddam's regime.
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

• The standard of living for soldiers had reached the lowest

level ever.
• The no-fly zone over the north/south was seen as a humili-
ating affront to the once powerful military. Moreover, Kur-
dish control over the north was a painful reminder that Iraq
was powerless and at the mercy of the United States.
• The UN-sponsored weapons inspections were a continuing
humiliation and demonstration of Saddam's lack of control
over Iraq's sovereignty.
• A rising tide of disillusionment, desertion, and resentment
led to repeated coup attempts by different military factions
against Saddam.
• In March 1995, two regular army brigades suffered severe
losses from clashes with the Kurds and Iraqi National Con-
gress (INC), further humiliating Saddam and the military.

Fractures in Tribal Loyalty

Within the larger Sunni tribal system there were signs of weakening
solidarity. Of the five most important Sunni tribes that had been the
core of Saddam's support, and were in leadership roles throughout
the military, three were involved in coup attempts against Saddam.
A 1990 plot involved Jubbur members of the Republican Guards
and regular army units. Officers of the 'Ubayd tribe were involved in
coup plotting in 1993-94. Al-Bu Nimr (of the Dulaym tribe)
revolted against Saddam in 1995. Frictions within Saddam's al-Bu
Nasir tribe also compounded problems—by late summer in 1996,
five "houses" within the tribe had grievances with Saddam or his
family. While Dulaymis and 'Ubaydis continue to serve in Republi-
can Guard and key security positions, they have been removed from
most sensitive positions and are closely watched. Overall, the threat
of a large-scale tribal uprising remains remote, though Saddam is no
longer able to trust his once loyal tribes.

Fault Lines in the Family

Uday. The temperament and unconstrained behavior of Saddam's
older son, Uday, thirty-eight, have been a continuing issue. He has a
reputation as the "bad boy" of Iraq and is greatly feared among the
population of Baghdad. He has been involved in several widely pub-
licized incidents, but Saddam has regularly either overlooked Uday's
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

excesses or, if the event was too public to ignore, dealt with it in the
mildest of manners. Prior to the conflict in the Gulf, there were
reports of violent excesses involving Uday. In one incident in 1988,
Uday, drunk at a party, used an electric carving knife to kill one of
his father's aides. In a second dramatic public event that year, Uday,
angry with Saddam's personal valet for his role in facilitating an
affair Saddam was having with a married Iraqi woman (whose hus-
band was rewarded for not objecting with the presidency of Iraqi
Airlines), crashed a party being held in honor of Suzanne Mubarak,
the wife of the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. Uday beat the
valet to death in full view of all the guests. As a result of this, Sad-
dam put Uday on trial for murder, but in response to the family
members of the victim who "pleaded for leniency," Saddam exiled
Uday to Switzerland. A year later, after having been declared persona
non grata by Swiss authorities, Uday returned to Iraq, where he
began reintegrating himself into Iraqi society.
In 1995, Uday reportedly shot one of his uncles in the leg and
killed six "dancing girls" at a party, not coincidentally the night
before his brother-in-law Hussein Kamal defected. It is believed that
Uday played a major role in causing the defection of Kamal, whom
he saw as threatening his relationship with his father.
In 1996, an assassination attempt on Uday left him bedridden for
at least six months with both his legs shattered. He was reportedly
temporarily paralyzed following the assassination attempt. There
have been some reports that he was left paraplegic from the injury
and continues to be paralyzed from the waist down. There are rumors
that he was left impotent, which, given the nature and location of
the paralyzing spinal cord injury, may well be true. He remains in
general poor health.
Hussein Kamal's Defection and Assassination: A Major Turning Point.
Hussein Kamal, a cousin of Saddam, married Saddam's favorite
daughter, Rghad. Kamal rose through the ranks of Saddam's inner
circle with meteor-like speed, garnering him the resentment of the
military core as well as other insiders. After having held several sen-
sitive security positions, Kamal went on to found the Republican
Guard and eventually became one of the few insiders who had access
to Saddam Hussein, magnifying Uday's feelings of rivalry and jeal-
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

ousy. In August 1995, reportedly after having been threatened by

Uday, Hussein Kamal and his brother Saddam Kamal, who also had
married a daughter of Saddam, fled to Jordan with their wives, where
they received asylum. Hussein Kamal provided copious information
concerning Iraq's special weapons program, of which he had been in
charge, greatly embarrassing Saddam and setting back his goals of
ending the sanctions regime. Six months later, in February 1996, in
what might be characterized as "assisted suicide, Iraqi style," both
men and their wives returned to Iraq after Saddam provided assur-
ances that they would be safe and forgiven. Within forty-eight hours
of their arrival back in Iraq, both men had been murdered. Uday
reportedly played a key role in orchestrating the murder of Kamal
and his brother.
Demotion of Uday. Saddam demoted and publicly humiliated
Uday after Kamal's flight, demonstrating that he believed Uday was
responsible for the conflicts in the family that led to the defection.
Saddam torched Uday's collection of vintage cars and stripped him
of his leadership role in restoring Iraq's military equipment. He
forced Uday to abandon his command of Saddam's private army ded-
icated to Saddam's protection, the Fidaiyiin. And, most important,
Saddam elevated his younger son, Qusay, to the regime's most pow-
erful security position. This demonstrated to all that even being a
member of the immediate family, indeed Saddam's favorite child,
will not protect one from Saddam's wrath if one's actions threaten
the regime.

Qusay. While Uday is part of Saddam's problem, Qusay is part of the

solution. Since 1989, Saddam has been preparing Qusay for the duty
of czar of internal security. Qusay has worked closely with the former
head of internal security, General Abd Hamid Mahmud (or Ihmid
Hmud). They are in charge of the Special Security Organization
(SSO), the most formidable of all security bodies, and in charge of
security inside all security bodies, including the Himaya and the
Special Republican Guard (SRG). The president's security rests
mainly on them, but they are also in charge of concealment and
deployment of Iraq's nonconventional weapons.
Qusay is also the supreme authority when it comes to "prison
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

cleansing," the execution of hundreds of political prisoners to make

room for new ones in Iraq's crowded prisons. He is also the one who
authorizes executions of military and security officers suspected of
disloyalty. Starting in 2000, Qusay started receiving a great deal of
coverage by the Baath party and is now referred to as "Warrior
Qusay." Supplanting Uday in the succession, he has been named
Saddam's deputy "in the event of an emergency." Since 2001, Qusay
has also been a member of the Regional Leadership (RL) of the Baath
party in Iraq and deputy secretary of its important: Military Bureau
(al-Maktab al-'Askari).4 The promotion of Qusay to the RL is seen as
the first step toward his inclusion in the Revolutionary Command
Council (RCC) and, eventually, his promotion to the RCC chair-
manship and presidency.

Strategic Shift. The family disarray culminating in the Hussein

Kamal defection and assassination, and the decline of Uday and his
replacement as director of security forces by Qusay, signaled a major
change of strategy. No longer could the loyalty of Saddam's family
be unquestioningly relied upon. Rather it was necessary for Saddam
to strengthen the Baath party and rely more centrally on long-stand-
ing party loyalists.

Redemption and Restoration of Morale Courtesy of the Kurds

In late August 1996, Saddam Hussein authorized elements of the
Republican Guard to attack the Kurdish city of Irbil following the
securing of military assistance from Iran by the Patriotic Union of
Kurdistan (PUK). The guard "smashed" the PUK and the U.S.-
backed INC. The seizure of Irbil was a major success for Saddam.
This triumph after a series of setbacks and reminders of their dimin-
ished status restored the morale of the Republican Guard (and their
faith in Saddam). It demonstrated that the regime was still very
much in control and was a major power throughout the country. It
also showed the fractionalization and impotence of the opposition
movements in Iraq and was a powerful demonstration of the risk of
rising against Saddam. This was a major turning point for the
regime in terms of restoring its power position—had the guard not
taken Irbil, it is likely that Saddam's support would have been so
undermined that his position would have been in grave jeopardy.
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

UN Resolution 986
Facing an imminent economic collapse in 1996, Saddam was forced
to accept UN Resolution 986, the so-called oil-for-food deal. This
represented a great humiliation because it glaringly infringed on the
national sovereignty of Iraq and indirectly on Saddam's personal
honor. Saddam also feared that it would undermine international
pressure to lift the sanctions imposed on Iraq following the Gulf
War: as long as the suffering of the Iraqi people could be alleviated
through the resolution, the embargo could stay in effect forever. But
eventually Saddam had no choice but to accept the recommendations
of his economic advisers. On November 25, Iraq announced its
acceptance of the resolution.
Considerable advantages resulted from accepting Resolution 986.
The sale of oil greatly improved Iraq's international and regional
standing. That the food and medicines distributed to the population
alleviated the people's suffering was less important than the fact
that, from now on, Saddam could save the sums he had had to spend
on food for his impoverished people. The disadvantages were minor
by comparison, for credit for the increase in supplies went mainly to
the regime, not to the UN. The improved situation did diminish the
regime's ability to trumpet as loudly as before the suffering of the
Iraqi people. Thus, it may well be that the crisis Saddam provoked
with the UN in October-November 1997 over UN Special Com-
mission Observation Mission (UNSCOM) inspections was prompted
by fears that the humanitarian issue would no longer be an issue and
that the embargo would remain. (In reality, the Iraqi regime still
emphasized the suffering with considerable success, with the help of
Western humanitarian groups.)

Strengthening International Support

In the events leading up to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait and the sub-
sequent Gulf crisis, Saddam had been extremely isolated, misjudg-
ing the impact of his actions not only upon his Arab neighbors, the
so-called near abroad, but also on major international actors on
whose support he had previously been able to count, especially Rus-
sia and France. He had regularly seriously miscalculated both the
risks of his actions and the degree of his support. His foreign policy
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

initiatives in the interim have demonstrated a much surer and more

sophisticated hand. Having learned from experience, he has worked
assiduously to strengthen identified vulnerabilities.

Near Abroad
In his diplomatic efforts toward the "near abroad," Saddam has been
quite effective. Having been surprised by the lack of support for Iraq
during the Gulf crisis, Saddam has worked assiduously to rebuild
relations with his regional neighbors. Relying heavily on its
increased economic power generated as a result of increased oil sales,
Iraq has become a crucial partner for these nations. While in the past
Iraqi politics were driven primarily by internal politics and factors,
it has been external factors that have begun to open up new oppor-
tunities for Iraqi policies and help to ameliorate Saddam's domestic
problems. His immediate neighbors (the near abroad) have had the
greatest impact.

Syria. The most telling example of Saddam's modus operandi when

he feels weak and under great threat is provided by his tremendous
resolve to mend fences with his oldest living Middle Eastern rival,
President Hafez al-Assad and his regime. The years 1997-98 saw the
beginning of a new relationship between Iraq and Syria. Saddam
extended an olive branch to Assad, and the latter reciprocated in
kind. Although ties were mainly limited to economic and diplo-
matic areas, this relationship was the beginning of Iraq's reaccep-
tance into Middle Eastern politics.3
The two countries signed a free trade agreement. As a result of
this agreement, mutual trade volume grew from $500 million in
2000 to around $i billion in 2001.6 According to some reports,
mutual trade in 2001 actually reached almost $2 billion.7 By the
middle of 2002, it was estimated that the annual value of trade
exchange between the two countries would exceed $3 billion.8

Iran. After taking power in 1997, Iranian president Mohammad

Khatami sought to improve relations with the United States and
Saudi Arabia, something that worried Saddam a great deal. How-
ever, hindered by internal politics, those relationships have not had
the expected impact, which left more room for an improvement of
Iraqi-Iranian relations.
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

Turkey. Turkey's strong ties to the United States and insistence on

working with the United States on Iraqi matters are a great source of
frustration for Baghdad. Turkish military forays into autonomous
Iraqi Kurdistan, too, elicit bitter condemnations from Baghdad.
Even though Saddam is no longer in control of Kurdistan, such for-
ays are seen in Baghdad as infringing on its sovereignty. Turkish-
Iraqi economic ties saw a quantum leap since December 1996. Just
before the invasion of Kuwait, Turkey's annual exports to Iraq
amounted to around $400 million. In 2000, exports already had
reached almost the same annual rate as in 1990, $375 million, and in
2001, exports almost doubled to $710 million.9 By the end of 2001,
it was estimated that Turkey would be exporting $2 billion worth of
products to Iraq in 2002. 10

Jordan. While it did not participate in the international anti-Iraqi

war coalition and was unwilling to confront Iraq politically, Jordan
has consistently distanced itself from Iraq since the early 1990s.
Much like Turkey, Jordan is getting the best of both worlds: it
maintains excellent relations with the United States and Israel,
including receiving U.S. economic aid; it thwarts, as best it can,
Iraqi attempts to smuggle weapons through its territory to the Pales-
tinians; and it continues to receive cheap oil from Saddam and to
trade with Iraq. Saddam is fully aware of this practice, but he does
not seem to care; for him, Jordan is an important avenue to the out-
side world. Even more important, securing Jordan's objection to a
U.S. attack against him is now his top priority. Jordanian compli-
ance with a U.S. offensive will mean Saddam's immediate demise, as
it will provide the United States with the most effective bridgehead
from which to launch the attack and prevent him from launching his
own missiles against Israel.

Saudi Arabia. Until March 2002, the Saudis remained opposed to

the Iraqi regime and moved to improve relations with Iran as a
counter to Iraq in the event that the United States could not live up
to its commitments of security or if the Saudi regime were compelled
to ask the U.S. forces to leave the country. The first deviation from
this stance occurred in December 1997, when Prince Abd Allah
called upon the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states to "overcome
the past with its events and pains."11 This was interpreted as a call
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

for rapprochement with Saddam's Iraq. Saudi Arabia, like other

regional players, expected to boost exports to Iraq—from about
$200 million in 2000 to about $600 million in 2001.12

Other Gulf States. In the spring of 2002, the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) ratified a free trade agreement with Iraq that had been signed
in November 2001. The most significant feature oi: this deal is that
the six members of the GCC will merge their markets into a customs
union in 2003. This will give Iraq open access to the entire GCC
market. By mid-2OO2, the UAE was already one of Iraq's biggest
economic partners in the region.
The only Gulf state that, by mid-2oo2, was still hostile to Sad-
dam's regime was Kuwait: despite Iraq's alternating offers of "friend-
ship" and undisguised threats, Kuwait has steadfastly refused to
improve bilateral relations. Kuwaiti officials refused an Iraqi offer to
visit Iraqi prisons to prove there are no Kuwaiti POWs being held,
and they continue to be highly critical of the Iraqi regime. It seems
that Kuwait is also sympathetic to the idea of a U.S.-inspired violent
regime change in Baghdad. If so, Kuwait is the only Arab state to
support such a military operation.

Egypt. Egypt was the main Arab participant in the anti-Iraqi coali-
tion of 1990-91. And yet Iraqi-Egyptian relations started to pick up
significantly the moment Iraq's buying power surged. Trade became
meaningful, and in January 2001, Iraq and Egypt signed a free trade
zone agreement. According to statements made by Iraq's trade min-
ister, Muhammad Mahdi Salih, during his visit to Cairo, the mutual
trade in 2000 reached $1.2 billion, triple the 1999 figure. The min-
ister expressed the hope that in 2001 the volume would go beyond
$2 billion.13 Egypt is the fourth largest trading partner for Iraq, after
France, Russia, and China.14

Far Abroad
Saddam's patient diplomacy toward Russia and France, both of
which have significant economic interests in an Iraq freed of eco-
nomic shackles, with Iraq owing them a combined $11 billion, has
permitted him to challenge the UNSCOM inspections regime with
relative impunity, knowing that these permanent Security Council
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

members with veto power could be counted upon to weaken reprisals

against Iraq. China too has supported his beleaguered regime in
international forums, as have Kenya and Egypt. These countries took
the stance that the sanctions were hurting the Iraqi people more than
the regime and that lifting the sanctions was the only way to allevi-
ate the suffering of the Iraqi people—creating a sense that Washing-
ton, not Iraq, was increasingly isolated.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

To Saddam, nuclear weapons, and weapons of mass destruction in
general, are important—indeed critical. After all, world-class leaders
have world-class weapons. Especially since the military was griev-
ously wounded by the 1991 conflict, with a marked reduction in
conventional strength, unconventional weapons have become all the
more important. Moreover, defying the international community on
this matter is a regular reminder to the military of his courage in
defying the superior adversary and that he has not and will not capit-

Weapons Inspections
Despite tactical retreats in October-November 1997 and Janu-
ary—February 1998, Iraq succeeded in winning important conces-
sions on the sanctions front relating to weapons inspections. This
was crucial in continuing to build Saddam's support among the Iraqi
people—it was seen as a victory. The embargo is dissipating slowly,
and yet Saddam did not have to give up his weapons of mass destruc-
tion. Today the Iraqi people have a better standard of living, many
aspects of the embargo are gone, Saddam has his weapons of mass
destruction, and his power elite feels more empowered—resulting in
solidifying Saddam's position in Iraq.
Indeed, when UNSCOM left Iraq in December 1998 and was not
allowed back, this was a major victory for Saddam in the eyes of the
Iraqi people. The United Nations had been forced out of Iraq, and
Saddam was unscathed. The challenge of the UNSCOM inspections
regime strengthened Saddam's internal support, diminishing the
internal threat as he demonstrated his ability to weaken and chal-
lenge the international coalition while retaining the coveted
weapons of mass destruction program and weakening support for the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

sanctions regime. The divisions within the UN that Saddam helped

promote were so deep that Saddam concluded that he was essentially
immune to UN reprisals for pursuing unconventional weapons pro-
grams, which have become all the more important to him given the
weakening of his military in terms of personnel, conventional
weaponry, and materiel. Since 1999, there have been no meaningful
coup attempts; those who might have challenged a leader perceived
to be a loser did not dare challenge a leader who had successfully
challenged the UN and the United States.

Return to International Community/Change of Image

Saddam has continued to work to increase his standing in the inter-
national community, seizing on opportunities to change his image,
including bolstering his image within the Arab community:

• Starting in the early 19905, Saddam began working to

change his image as a secular leader. This "return to Islam"
can be seen in the increased Islamic language used by Sad-
dam; the introduction into Iraq of the Qur'anic punishment
of severing the right hand for the crime of theft; forbidding
the public consumption of alcohol; and decapitation with a
sword for the "crimes" of prostitution, homosexuality, and
providing a shelter for prostitutes to pursue their occupa-
tion. On the cultural level, a few million Qur'an books were
printed in Iraq and distributed without charge, and people
in many walks of society, starting with students, are being
forced to attend Qur'an courses. In the same vein, a law
issued in the late 19905 made it possible to release Muslim
prisoners who learned the Qur'an in jail. 15 Another compo-
nent of the "Islamization" campaign is the construction of
extravagant mosques. The new Saddam Mosque (construc-
tion began in 1999) is one of the largest in the Middle East
after the mosque in Mecca.
• Saddam has also fashioned himself as the patron of the
Palestinian cause. He has increased the original "reward"
that was paid to families of suicide bombers from $10,000
to $25,000. In addition, Iraq informed the Palestinian
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

Authority and public that it had asked permission from the

Security Council to dedicate one billion Euros (around
$940 million) from its New York escrow to the Intifadah/ 6
There are other forms of support that, while not substan-
tial, are still serving Saddam's propaganda machine. For
example, a few of the Palestinians wounded in the Intifadah
have been hospitalized in Baghdad.17 Also, Iraq sent: a
number of trucks through Jordan and the Jordan River
bridges to the West Bank full of humanitarian goods. Israel
allowed these trucks to cross over.

Other Signs of Iraq's Growing Acceptance in the

International Community
In August 2000, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez bucked inter-
national convention and traveled to Iraq to meet with Saddam Hus-
sein. He was the first head of state to visit Iraq since the Gulf War,
signaling Iraq's growing acceptance in the international community.
Two months later, Iraq was invited to attend the Arab Summit for
the first time since the start of the Gulf crisis, indicating a thawing
in Arab attitudes toward Iraq. In another sign of normalcy, Bagh-
dad's international airport reopened in the fall of 2000. When a
hijacked Saudi airliner landed in Baghdad in October 2000 and all
passengers were released unharmed, there was a great deal of inter-
national praise for Saddam Hussein.
In January 2001, humanitarian flights began arriving daily from
abroad, and Iraqi airlines began operating (even in the no-fly zones).
As oil production recovered to prewar levels, food rations increased,
power cuts became less severe, and drinking water and sewer services
began to improve dramatically. In a calculated step to garner inter-
national favor, Saddam offered to allow Kuwaiti officials to inspect
Iraqi prisons in January 2002; this offer was rejected. Finally, in
March 2002, at the Beirut Arab Summit, Saudi crown prince Abd
Allah hugged and kissed Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, Saddam's deputy
chairman of the RCC, in front of the world's TV cameras. This ended
more than a decade of bitter hostility and was a visible symbol that
Saddam's Iraq had been fully welcomed back into the community of
Arab nations.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Saddam continues to strengthen his reputation both by his re-

Islamization program and by his ostentatious support for the Pales-
tinian people, further endearing him to his Arab neighbors. Saddam
has pledged U.S.$881 million from oil revenues for the Palestinian

The Use of International Crisis

Saddam has found that international crises are helpful to him in
retaining power in his country, and his string of foreign policy suc-
cesses has allowed him to stunt the growth of internal opposition.
For Saddam, success is not limited to the elimination of domestic
opposition; such elimination is only a precondition to achieve his
continuing ambition to be recognized as the preeminent leader in
the region and a worthy successor to Nasser. However, in order to be
able to become a world-class leader, he needs, in the first place, to
control the domestic scene, and in his mind, control means absolute
control, namely, the complete elimination of any opposition. To
achieve that, Saddam has always been ready to confront anybody,
including world powers. The most damaging outcome of any crisis is
one that shows him as a failure as a leader. Thus Saddam regularly
promotes international crises to shore up his internal position.
While assuredly Saddam's position today is much weaker than it
was on the eve of the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, he has demon-
strated a more sophisticated leadership both in terms of internal
security vulnerabilities and in terms of diplomacy with his Arab
neighbors and Turkey, the "near abroad," as well as with his "far
abroad." He has patiently and assiduously worked to reduce his vul-
nerabilities and to strengthen his position, both internally and inter-

Saddam's survival in power is his continuing goal. A rational calcu-
lator who can bob and weave and is astutely Machiavellian, he has
shrewdly managed to sustain the loyalty of his military and to
weaken international opposition. That he has been sophisticated and
better attuned to the context of his leadership both internally and
internationally does not however lessen a still persistent danger—
Saddam Hussein of Iraq

that when Saddam is backed into a corner, his customary prudence

and judgment are apt to falter. On these occasions he can be danger-
ous to the extreme—violently lashing out with all resources at his
disposal. The persistent calls for regime change may well be moving
him into that dangerous "back against the wall" posture. The setting
afire of the Kuwaiti oil fields as he retreated in 1991 is an example
that might well be repeated with his own Iraqi oil fields, as if to say,
"If I can't have them no one will." Moreover, with his back to the
wall it is probable that he would attempt to use chemical/biological
weapons against Israel and against U.S. armed forces in the region.
The question then will be the degree to which he can continue to
sustain the loyalty of his senior military commanders or whether
they can be induced to disobey Saddam in extremis in order to safe-
guard their own futures. Of one thing we can be sure, this is a man
who "will not go gentle into that good night, but will rage, rage
against the dying of the light."


1. This assessment is an updated and expanded version of a profile "Saddam

Hussein of Iraq: A Political Psychology Profile" by Jerrod M. Post, M.D., pre-
sented in testimony to hearings on the Gulf crisis by the House Armed Services
Committee on December 5, 1990, and of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
on December 12, 1990.
2. This section, "Why Saddam Did Not Withdraw from Kuwait," is drawn
from "Saddam Hussein: Afterword," Political Psychology 12, no. 4 (1991):
3. This section, "Saddam after the Conflict," draws extensively from
Amatza Baram, Building toward Crisis: Saddam Husayn's Strategy for Survival
(Washington, DC: Institute for Near East Policy, 1998).
4. Al-Hayat (London), June 18, 2001, 2, in Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, FBIS-NES GMP 2001 0618000048, June 18, 2001.
5. For details of the period 1991—98 see Baram, Building toward Crisis,
6. HaAretz, February i, 2001.
7. MEN A Report (Middle East and North Africa business report), May 27,
8. Iraq Press, June 25, 2002.
9. Turkish Daily News, June 26, 2002.
10. Anatolia, November 2, 2001.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

11. Jordan Times, December 24, 1997.

12. Reuters newsgroup, January 24, 2001, in Washington Kurdish Insti-
tute, January 24, 2001.
13. Xinhua (the official Chinese news agency), February 14, 2001, in Wash-
ington Kurdish Institute, February 14, 2001. MEN A Report (in English), Janu-
ary 18, 2001, in Foreign Broadcast Information Service, FBIS-NES GMP 2001
01180000178, January 18, 2001.
14. Muhammad Mahdi Salin, interview in MENA Report, Cairo, January 18,
2001 (in English), in Foreign Broadcast Information Service, FBIS-NES GMP
2001 0118000028, January 18, 2001.
15. Al-Quds al-Arabi, January 10, 2001, 3, in Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, FBIS-NES GMP 2001 0110000146, January 10, 2001.
16. Agence France-Press (AFP) news agency, January 24, 2001.
17. Christian Science Monitor, February 2, 2001.
16. Saddam Hussein:
Personality Traits and Motivational Biases

The following analyses of Saddam Hussein focus successively on his

general personality traits and his motivational biases. The authors in
each of the following sections apply their respective methods of con-
tent analysis to construct a profile of the causal mechanisms associ-
ated with the processes of ego defense and the mediation of self-other

General Personality Traits and Ego Defenses

Walter Weintraub
The analysis of Saddam Hussein's general personality from his
speech habits is based upon 9,461 words gathered randomly from
responses to foreign reporters' questions during three interviews in
1990. Table 16.1 compares the Iraqi leader's use of different cate-
gories with that of U.S. presidents since World War II. Of twelve
verbal categories, Hussein's scores are low in the following cate-
gories: the personal pronouns i, we, and me; qualifiers; expressions of
feeling; and colorful or creative speech. His scores are high in the fol-
lowing categories: explainers, adverbial intensifies, direct references, and
nonpersonal references. The paucity of personal pronouns together with
low scores in the expressions of feeling and personal references cate-
gories gives the Iraqi leader's speech a cold, detached, impersonal
quality. A rather high adverbial intensifies score imparts a certain
dramatic flavor to Hussein's speech.
If Hussein's speech lacks warmth, it is not without a certain
engaging quality. A high direct references score reflects a confronta-
tional quality to his speech. Hussein's responses to aggressive ques-

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

tions tend to be equally aggressive. The following excerpt from an

interview with Dan Rather illustrates Hussein's aggressive engage-
ment of the interviewer.
Rather: You invaded a weak neighbor who is no threat to you.
Hussein: Do you realize how wicked those in authority in that
country, which you call weak, were? As a U.S. citizen who
should honor his U.S. citizenship by telling the truth, you
must know how wicked the al-Sabah family were.
Hussein's low qualifiers score indicates careful preparation for his
interviews. Careful preparation reflects a need to control the human
environment, a fear of being caught in an unfamiliar situation. The
Iraqi leader's low qualifiers score also suggests an unimpaired ability
to make decisions. His moderate retractors score indicates an ability
to reconsider decisions. A moderate retractors score also suggests an
absence of impulsivity. Hussein's low me score indicates an active
temperament, a proclivity to master situations rather than to react
passively to events. A moderate negatives score indicates an ability to
withstand pressure but does not suggest a paralyzing stubbornness.
Hussein has a rather high explainers score. His responses to
reporters' questions have a certain didactic flavor. A high explainers


Hussein U.S. Presidents
Category (9,461 words) (20,000 words)
Personal Pronouns
l 5.6 31.6
We 11.9 18.3
Me 0.6 2.2
Qualifiers 2.5 11.2
Retractors 6.4 7.6
Negatives 14.0 13.7
Explainers 8.5 5.0
Feelings 0.5 3.3
Direct references 4.8 2.5
Adverbial intensifiers 17.5 14.1
Creative expressions 1.3 2.0
Nonpersonal references 793.6 742.2
Saddam Hussein

score also reflects a rationalizing tendency, a disinclination to face

unpleasant realities. Indeed, many of Hussein's explainers were used
to justify Iraq's aggressive behavior in the Middle East. In the cate-
gory of creative or colorful speech, Hussein's score is rather low.
There is almost no wit in his responses, few metaphors, arid little in
the way of idiosyncratic juxtaposition of words. The lack of color,
together with low scores in the feelings categories, reinforces the
impression of a cold and detached speaker. If creative speech reflects
creative thinking, we may conclude that the Iraqi leader lacks the
capacity for innovative reflection.
How are we to understand Hussein's minimal use of the personal
pronouns / and we? Western leaders tend to use more Vs. If a West-
ern leader is a crusader, a leader who presents himself as the leader of
a movement, his or her use of the pronoun we will increase. Eastern
autocratic leaders, particularly those who are the heads of political
parties, often make little use of personal pronouns. Communist party
leaders, for example, try to present themselves as representatives of a
collective leadership. In such cases, an excessive use of personal pro-
nouns would be considered to be in bad taste. One indication that
Mikhail Gorbachev was a new kind of Soviet leader was his frequent
use of personal pronouns during his press conferences. It is likely
that Hussein's avoidance of personal pronouns is due partly to a
detached speaking style and partly to his need to present himself as
the leader of a political party.
What is the impact on a listener of a speaking style that combines
few expressions of feeling with the frequent use oi: adverbial
intensifiers and direct references? We suggest that the effect of such
a verbal pattern would be one of cold, aggressive intrusiveness. This
is the speech pattern of a menacing speaker, a bully. In my experi-
ence, this use of the verbal categories is unusual among American
political leaders. Listeners in a democratic society do not easily toler-
ate such forceful speaking styles. Candidates with intrusive and
aggressive speaking styles usually do not win free elections.
Of all the political leaders I have studied in the United States,
only Pat Buchanan possesses the speaking style of a bully. Buchanan,
however, possesses a verbal quality absent in Hussein's speech—cre-
ative expressions. Many of Buchanan's creative remarks are humor-
ous, a verbal characteristic that softens the intrusive nature of his
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

remarks and provides an element of disarming entertainment to his

verbal style.
To sum up, Saddam Hussein's use of verbal categories includes
high scores in the following categories: explainers, adverbial
intensifies, direct references, and nonpersonal references. His scores
in the following categories are low: the personal pronouns I, we, and
me; qualifiers; expressions of feeling; and creative expressions. As
measured by this system of verbal behavior analysis, Saddam Hussein
emerges as a cold, impersonal, intrusive speaker. An autocratic ruler
possessing such speaking habits would be perceived by his people to
be dangerous and menacing—a bully.
To some extent Hussein preserves some of the speaking habits of
an Eastern leader whose official position depends upon control of the
ruling political party. This is particularly true of his sparse use of
personal pronouns. Hussein's use of qualifiers and retractors suggests
an ability to make decisions and to reconsider them when appropri-
ate. A low frequency of occurrence of qualifiers indicates a control-
ling speaker, one who is not comfortable in a setting where surprises
may occur. The Iraqi leader shows a rationalizing tendency by his
frequent use of explainers. A low me score suggests an active leader-
ship style. With respect to verbal creativity, as reflected in the use of
wit, metaphors, and unusual juxtaposition of words, Hussein shows
little evidence of the capacity to think and act in an original or inno-
vative style.

Motivations and Mediation of Self-Other Relationships

David G. Winter
For assessing Saddam Hussein, there is very little verbal material
available. What is available has probably been selected, edited, and
otherwise controlled to an unknown but considerable extent. The
researcher's problem is thus to find any usable material at all. Some
speeches are available in books (e.g., Bengio 1992; Hussein 1981;
Matar 1981) or in the Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report, but for assessing the motives of most world leaders, prepared
speeches are not very useful because they are given on specific occa-
sions to specific audiences, such that it is difficult to find much com-
parable material from other world leaders.1
However, most world leaders do give interviews and news confer-
Saddam Hussein

ences, and so researchers have usually scored transcripts to assess

motive profiles (see Hermann 198ob; Winter 1980). Over the years,
I have assembled an interview-based sample of twenty-two world
leaders, drawn from a wide range of regions and political roles, as a
generic comparison sample for assessing other leaders. There is a
good deal of variation, in interlocutor, conditions, and intended
audience, across leaders and across the comparison interviews, which
introduces "noise" and error, thus making interview-based assess-
ments of world leaders less precise than the speech-based assessments
of Bill Clinton. However, this procedure does provide a basis for esti-
mating the motive profile of any other individual world leader from
the material available.
Even so, at the time I assessed Saddam Hussein's motives (shortly
after the end of the Gulf War in the spring of 1991), he was some-
what of a "fugitive" subject for interviewers. The readily available
material from books, magazines, and the Foreign Broadcast Information
Service Daily Report consisted of only eleven English-language texts of
interviews (only one was a true news conference), ranging over the
period April 1974-January 1991 (see appendix). Many of these texts
existed only as excerpts, and some showed signs of heavy editing. Six
of these interview texts could be characterized as seemingly more
spontaneous (or less edited), and five as less spontaneous or more
Table 16.2 presents the motive profiles of Saddam Hussein based
on all eleven interviews, on the more spontaneous interviews, and on
the less spontaneous interviews. All three profiles are quite similar:
quite high power motivation, above average affiliation motivation,
and very low achievement motivation. Saddam Hussein's power
motive score is considerably higher than his achievement score.
In comparing Saddam Hussein's motive profile with that of Bill
Clinton, it is important to focus only on the standardized scores,
since the raw scores are undoubtedly affected by factors such as the
format (speech versus interview) and occasion, which may obscure
individual differences. Thus, for example, almost any leader would
be likely to use more achievement imagery and less power imagery in
announcing candidacy for the U.S. presidency than in being inter-
viewed about foreign policy. Standardizing the raw motive imagery
scores on comparable samples removes such effects, making it possi-
ble to discern individual differences.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Does the motive profile presented in table 16.2 fit with Saddam
Hussein's actions? Post (1993)3) outlined an interpretation of his
personality and behavior that emphasized a general unbounded drive
for power and prestige, with more specific components of extreme nar-
cissism, exalted and extravagant rhetoric, aggression as an instru-
ment of policy, and a paranoid fear of enemies. Each of these charac-
teristics is associated with power motivation (see McClelland 1975;
Winter 1973, 1996; Winter and Stewart 1978), especially in the
absence of a sense of responsibility (Winter and Barenbaum 1985).
Saddam Hussein's high power motivation can also help us to
understand specific aspects of his behavior, such as his repeated and
rigid defiance in the face of his obvious misjudgments (see Renshon
1993). Laboratory research has demonstrated that power-motivated
people take extreme risks in the pursuit of prestige but tend to con-
fuse feelings of power and omnipotence with the reality of genuine
social power and, as a result, overestimate their chances of success.
They are vulnerable to ingratiation, such that they end up sur-
rounded by sycophants who will not tell them the truth. Success
breeds future creativity and further success, but failure drains their
reserves of creative innovation (Fodor 1990).3 Taken together, these
behaviors add up to the ancient Greek concept of hubris, or over-
reaching ambition.
What are we to make of Saddam Hussein's above average score on
affiliation motivation? At first this seems to contradict his behavior:
can anyone point to many instances where he showed a "concern for


Raw Scores
(images per 1,000 words) Standardized Scoresa
Pow Pow
minus minus
Material Ach Aff Pow Ach Ach Aff Pow Ach
All interviews 1.60 2.69 7.65 + 6.05 39 55 57 + 18
More "spontaneous"
interviews (N = 6) .74 2.36 8.59 + 7.85 31 52 61 + 30
Less "spontaneous"
interviews (N = 5) 2.64 3.09 6.52 + 3.88 32 56 57 + 25
Source: Data from Winter 1993a.
Mean = 50, and standardization = 10, based on a comparison group of interviews from twenty-
two world leaders.
Saddam Hussein

warm, friendly relationships"? As pointed out in chapter 6, however,

laboratory research findings suggest a more complicated picture of
the affiliation motive. People high in affiliation motivation are drawn
into warm, friendly, and cooperative relationships, but only with
people they perceive as similar to themselves and only when they feel
safe. Under threat, they are often quite "prickly" and defensive. In
the turbulent and dangerous world of Iraqi politics, Saddam Hussein
has acted like an affiliation-motivated person under threat, sur-
rounding himself with his own like-minded people (literally, people
from his own village and family; see Renshon 1993) and fusing his
affiliative concerns with his power motives in a messianic message of
"brotherhood" directed with defiance but also (at least in 1990—91)
with futility to the wider Arab community.

Summary: Major Dimensions of Political Motivation

Taken together, the Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein cases suggest
how the three major motives may interact to produce two underly-
ing dimensions of political motivation.
1i) The relationship between the achievement and power motives reflects the
leader's underlying approach to politics: as an arena for accomplishment, as
an arena for the expression of personal power, or both. If the achievement
motive predominates, as with Clinton during the 1992 campaign
and the early years of his first term, then the leader is vulnerable to
frustration as the political process chews up their carefully formu-
lated and rationally framed goals and aspirations. (Ross Perot was an
even more extreme example of such a profile; see Winter 1995.) On
the other hand, if the power motive predominates, as with Saddam
Hussein, then the leader may approach politics as an arena for
untrammeled and ruthless exercise of personal will and whim. (Aya-
tollah Khomeini, in the 19705, was a more extreme example of such
a profile.) In contrast, a balance of these two motives, as in the case of
Clinton in 1995—96, is associated with a more pragmatic and (in a
democratic context, at least) effective approach to politics.
(2) The affiliation motive has complex and varied political effects, depend-
ing on the leader's perceptions of comfort and threat. While affiliation
motives may temper power motivation and direct it away from
aggression and violence (see McClelland 1975; Winter 1993^, it
may also arouse a defensive, even bitter and aggressive, reaction to
situations of threat.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Politics is a complicated arena, involving many situational forces

in addition to individual personality factors and many other aspects
of personality besides motives. Thus any individual leader's motive
profile should be considered as only one aspect—a set of possibilities,
biases, opportunities, and liabilities—from among the whole array of
inner and outer forces affecting the leader in any concrete situation.


April 8, 1974 Interview with Arab and foreign journalists

January 19, 1977 "Detente and the Zionist conflict" (interview with
Sakina al-Sadat)
July 17, 1978* Newsweek interview
July 17, 1979 Interview with Fu'ad Matar
October 13, 1979* Interview with Al-Mustaqbal correspondent Fu'ad Matar
July 19, 1982* Time interview
May 31, 1983 Interview with journalist Charles Saint-Prot
March 8, 1989* Interview with 'Uthman al-'Umayr
July 25, 1990 Interview with U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie
August 30, 1990* Interview with CBS anchor Dan Rather
January 28, 1991* Interview with CNN reporter Peter Arnett

(*Judged to be more "spontaneous" interviews)

1. There are exceptions to this problem: Hermann (1980b) was able to assess
motives of several Soviet Politburo members by scoring comparable speeches,
and Schmitt (1990) was able to compare four general secretaries of the Commu-
nist party of the Soviet Union to each other by scoring their first political report
to a party congress. Winter (1992a) compared British "Sovereign's Speeches"
("Speech from the Throne") to Parliament over a span of 380 years.
2. Those interviews appearing in books rather than in magazines or in broad-
casts, plus the transcript of the July 25, 1990, interview with U.S. ambassador
April Glaspie, of which there were only excerpts from an Iraqi-supplied tran-
script, were published by the New York Times on September 23, 1990, well into
the Gulf Crisis.
3. In contrast, achievement-motivated people are able to learn from their
mistakes by paying attention to negative results (McClelland and Winter 1969,
chap. I). As shown in table 16.2, Saddam Hussein's achievement motive score is
almost two standard deviations below the mean for world leaders.
17- Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

Margaret G. Hermann

This leadership profile of Saddam Hussein is based on an analysis of

his responses to the domestic and international press in fifteen inter-
views between 1979 and the present. The description that follows is
derived from an at-a-distance assessment of some twenty-one thou-
sand words. The words are examined for evidence of seven different
characteristics that have implications for how heads of state will
behave, the kinds of actions they are likely to urge on their govern-
ments, and the way they structure and interact with their advisory
systems. An individual leader's traits are put into perspective by
comparing them with similar scores for other heads of state more
generally and from the particular region. The characteristics are also
contextualized by exploring how stable they are across issues, audi-
ences, and time. The attributes that define the profile are those that
historians, journalists, political scientists, and other students of lead-
ership have found to be influential in shaping what leaders will do
politically. The traits that are examined are (i) nationalism, (2) the
belief that one can influence or control what happens, (3) the need for
power and influence, (4) conceptual complexity (the ability to differ-
entiate things and people in one's environment), (5) one's general
distrust or suspiciousness of others, (6) one's self-confidence or self-
esteem, and (7) the tendency to focus on problem solving and accom-
plishing something versus maintenance of the group and dealing
with others' ideas and sensitivities. The at-a-distance technique is
described in more detail in chapter 8.
Several types of verbal material were available on Saddam Hus-
sein: speeches, proclamations, messages, and press interviews. Since

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the first three types of material can be written or crafted for the
leader by others, some caution must be exercised in examining such
statements to ascertain what the leader is like. Care and thought
have often gone into what is said and how it is said. Interviews with
the media are generally a little more spontaneous. During the give-
and-take of a question-and-answer period, the leader must respond
quickly without props or aid; what he or she is like can influence the
nature of the response and how it is worded. Although there may be
some preparation of leaders prior to an interview with the press, dur-
ing the interview leaders are on their own to respond. For these rea-
sons, the following profile is based only on Hussein's responses to
media questions in an interview setting.

Leadership Profile in General

Table 17.1 reports the average trait scores for Hussein across sixty
interview responses. The scores represent the percentage of time that
Hussein used words that could have exhibited a particular trait
where the criteria for coding the trait were present. The percentages
can run from zero to one hundred. Table 17.1 also presents what
would be considered a low and high score on a specific characteristic
based on the scores of twelve Middle Eastern leaders from seven
countries, as well as on the scores of eighty-seven heads of state from
forty-six countries. The twelve Middle Eastern leaders are a more
culturally focused subset of the eighty-seven. Low and high scores
are one standard deviation below and above the average score for a
particular characteristic for the group of leaders with whom Hussein
is being compared and differentiate him from these others. Hussein
is considered moderate in the trait if his score is not one standard
deviation above or below the mean of the group; in other words, he
resembles the comparison group of leaders on that trait. As the
reader will note, when Hussein's scores are close to being low or
high, I have noted that he leans toward being one or the other.
Saddam Hussein is different from the two samples of leaders on
over half of the traits— nationalism, need for power, distrust of oth-
ers, and self-confidence. He is like other leaders with regard to his
belief that he can control events, conceptual complexity, and his focus
on accomplishing something versus focusing on the people involved
Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

(the higher the score here, the more likely the focus on getting things
done). These similarities with and differences from other leaders have
implications for Hussein's leadership style. The discussion that fol-
lows is based on extensive research in the social sciences on how these
characteristics affect leadership, elaborated in chapter 8.

Nationalism and Distrust of Others

The higher the score on nationalism, the more isomorphic the leader
and the country; indeed, in the leader's eyes, he or she is the country.
If something happens to the nation, it happens to the leader too, and
vice versa. Such leaders are likely to internalize threats to the state as
threats to their power and prestige. Moreover, leaders high in
nationalism will perceive their political world as divided into friends
and enemies ("us" versus "them") and will be quick to blame their
enemies for the country's problems. They are prone to see only the


Hussein's Compared to
Average Middle East 87 Heads of
Characteristics Hussein's Score Profile Leaders State
Nationalism .66 High Mean = .49 Mean = .42
Low < .47 Low < .32
High > .50 High > .53
Belief can control .49 Moderate Mean = .44 Mean = .44
events Low < .31 Low < -30
High > .57 High > .58
Need for Power .57 Moderate (ME) Mean = .54 Mean = .50
Leans high (87) Low < .42 Low < .37
High > .64 High > .62
Conceptual .49 Moderate Mean = .49 Mean = .44
complexity Low < .48 Low < .32
High > .50 High > .56
Distrust of others .53 High (ME) Mean = .44 Mean = .41
Leans high (87) Low < .43 Low < .25
High > .45 High > .56
Self-confidence .83 Leans high Mean = .71 Mean = .62
(ME) Low < .52 Low < .44
High (87) High > .88 High > .81
Task vs. interpersonal .56 Moderate Mean = .54 Mean = .59
focus Low < .49 Low < .46
High > .59 High > .71
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

good aspects of their own nation and to deny or rationalize away any
weaknesses. As a result, these leaders are likely to mobilize the sup-
port of their people through scapegoating or attributing the ills in
society to an external threat. In the extreme, they may keep their
country mobilized militarily indefinitely to deal with the external*
threat. Politics is a battle between good and evil, just and unjust, the
noble and the degenerate; it is a zero-sum game where one side's loss
is another side's gain. Therefore, a leader must be constantly vigilant
to ensure that his or her nation wins, not loses—or be quick to inter-
pret ambiguous events as wins. Highly nationalistic leaders gener-
ally choose to have around them advisers who are loyal and commit-
ted to the goals and interests of the leader; advisers who show any
individual initiative risk becoming a scapegoat themselves for any
failed policies.
Leaders who combine a strong sense of nationalism with a high
distrust of others are likely to view politics as the art of dealing with
threats. Everything that has just been said about leaders who are
high in nationalism is accentuated by an intense distrust of others.
Such leaders will always be suspicious of the intentions and actions
of others, seeing ulterior motives and designs where there may be
none. Moreover, the others—the enemies—are viewed as "pulling
the strings" and being in charge of what happens; thus, these leaders
can only react, so they must be highly vigilant and try to anticipate
what is going to happen if they are to have any influence over events.
And they will become hypersensitive to criticism, often perceiving
that they have been criticized where others would not; such leaders
are always on the watch for a challenge to their authority or self.
Given Hussein's high scores on nationalism and distrust of others,
he is expected to reflect this type of leadership. As a consequence, he
is likely to take most actions on his own—advisers are implementers
of actions, not participants in the decision-making process—to act
deliberately but often to interpret the environment as threatening
and demanding when such was not the intention of those involved,
to take bold actions in anticipation of what is going to happen, to be
highly sensitive to criticism, and to be very controlling of those
around him. He wants to be the winner in the game of chess that is
politics; to do so requires vigilance, strategic behavior, and a will-
ingness to take risks.
Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

The Need for Power and Task Focus

Information on the characteristics of the need for power and task

focus provides clues about the motives of leaders. A high score on
task focus is suggestive of a high interest in achievement; a low score
on task focus indicates a concern with the feelings and sensitivities of
others and, thus, a need for affiliation/approval/support. Leaders who
are moderate in their scores on the task focus trait have been found in
the comparative politics literature to be charismatic. They can con-
centrate on solving problems when called for by the situation, but
they can also switch to an interest in others' ideas and feelings when
the context in which they find themselves changes. The charismatic
leader has a certain degree of flexibility, matching motive to context
in attempting to meet what he or she perceives are the people's
needs. The need for power assesses leaders' desire to have control and
influence over other persons and groups.
Leaders with Hussein's motive scores (moderate in task focus and
leaning toward high in the need for power) often display a certain
charismatic charm but are highly Machiavellian in their use of this
charm. Whether or not they are sensitive to others or focus on solv-
ing a problem depends on the issue at hand and the goal of the
leader. Such leaders work to manipulate the environment to stay in
power and to appear a winner. They are good at sizing up situations
and sensing what tactics will work to achieve their ends. In effect,
other people and groups are viewed as instruments for the leader's
ends; guile and deceit are perceived as part of the game of politics.
These leaders are more skillful when they can directly interact with
those involved than when they must deal with important con-
stituencies at a distance. Without face-to-face interaction, they can
misjudge the assumptions the other party is making and how far
they are willing to go.
Leaders with Hussein's type of motive pattern can be very good to
those who are loyal to them and facilitate them retaining power. But
their attachments serve a purpose; these leaders are not emotionally
invested in people nor necessarily guided by conventional morality
or a conscience. To remain within the leader's inner circle, advisers
must be willing to do what the leader wants without regard to the
action's consequences. Moreover, they need to stay alert to when the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

leader has changed tactics and to move with him; any perceived chal-
lenges to the leader's authority provide reasons for dismissal, exile, or
even death.
It can be very difficult to have an effect on leaders with this motive
pattern because they appear to be one step ahead, always maneuver-
ing in any situation to gain what they want—often at the other
party's expense. At issue is how to frame proposals and information
so that the offers appear in the self-interest of such leaders; they are
likely to pursue and be attracted to overtures that are self-serving.
But in framing proposals in this way, it is important to put oneself
into the leader's shoes and consider how he is likely to view the cur-
rent circumstances, given his need to retain control and influence
over what is happening. In the vernacular of the bazaar merchant, an
opponent will have to give something in order to get something in
return; bartering and bargaining allow these leaders to sense what is
possible and what the consequences will be of pushing further
toward their goals. Leaders with this motive pattern will test the
limits before adhering to a course of action.

Self-Confidence and Conceptual Complexity

Scores on the characteristics of self-confidence and conceptual com-
plexity indicate how open leaders will be to input from others and
the environment in the decision-making process, as well as the kinds
of incentive systems leaders are likely to use with advisers, subordi-
nates, and other leaders. In table 17.1, note that Hussein scores high
in self-confidence and moderate in conceptual complexity in com-
parison to other heads of state.
When the trait score for self-confidence exceeds that for concep-
tual complexity, the leader tends to be more principled and less
pragmatic in decision making and dealings with others. Such leaders
know what they want and what should happen and spend their time
persuading others of the appropriateness of their course of action.
They are not above using coercion or devious tactics to ensure that
their views are adopted. Indeed, threats are perceived as a legitimate
incentive for prodding others into action. These leaders seek out
information that will confirm their case and enhance their ability to
convince others of what should be done. The focus is on developing
a persuasive rationale for an already selected course of action, not
Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

considering what would be best, most cost effective, or most feasible

given the situation and context. It will take a series of failures to con-
vince this type of leader that a plan is faulty or will not work. But
once convinced, such leaders can evidence a dramatic shift in behav-
ior and can produce a persuasive argument for why the change was
necessary, given the country's goal. They interpret the world and pol-
itics; learning about others' views only becomes important in order
to sell one's position or to know who needs to be persuaded.
Leaders with this pattern of scores often organize the decision-
making process in a hierarchical fashion so that they can maintain
control over what happens. This type of organization means that
they are the hub of the information wheel, able to withhold or share
intelligence so that they will be the only person who knows every-
thing. That they are moderate in conceptual complexity means that
they are constantly monitoring the environment for data that facili-
tates them maintaining influence over the process and who is
included in implementing actions. These leaders will not win any
"most popular leader" contests, but they are often admired or feared
for what they can do, and they stand out and cannot be discounted.

General Orientation to Politics

Hussein's pattern of scores suggests that he has an expansionists ori-
entation to politics. Leaders who are more expansionistic in their
behavior have been found to be high in nationalism, the need for
power, distrust of others, and self-confidence. In a similar fashion to
such leaders, Hussein perceives the political world as highly anarchic
and full of threats; the only way for him and Iraq to have any power
and influence in this world is for him to maintain control over what
he currently has and to work to increase his power and authority in
his region through enterprises such as building and maintaining var-
ious types of weaponry, invading neighbors' territory, affecting
world oil prices, challenging the world's superpower, or attempting
to assume the mantle of leader of the Arab world. Hussein's profile is
quite similar to those of Fidel Castro (Cuba), Kwame Nkrumah
(Ghana), and Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt). Each of these leaders was
interested in playing a larger role on the world's stage than their
country's size or capabilities had dealt them. Each centralized power
in his government, perceived himself as the government, was highly
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

distrustful of others' intentions, skillfully used scapegoating to

enhance the nationalistic fervor of their constituencies, was highly
Machiavellian in dealing with the superpowers of the day, and
appeared to the world to know where he was going and to be in
charge of getting there. Pressure from the outside world only
increased the challenge and raised the competitive stakes for these
leaders—made the game of politics more fun and potentially more
deadly. Engaging in the give-and-take of face-to-face bargaining or
expressing willingness to grant them a momentary place on the
major power stage appears to have been more successful in reigning
in their behavior than threats. However, whenever they gave in, or
were forced to accede, these leaders always pronounced themselves
the winners to their people.

Leadership Profile in Context

An important question with any leadership profile centers around
the stability of the traits. Do Hussein's scores remain basically the
same across his tenure in office, when he is being interviewed by the
domestic and foreign press, and when he is discussing different sub-
stantive topics? We can be assured that we are assessing what the
leader is like if there is little change in the scores as the context
changes; at the least, we know that he does not seem to be respond-
ing to the situation. It is easier to suggest what a leader is likely to
do politically when the trait scores are more stable; with changes in
scores, the researcher or analyst must consider contextual factors in
deciding both how to influence the leader and what he or she is likely
to do.
A statistical procedure (analysis of variance) indicated that gener-
ally Hussein's scores were stable across time, audience, and topic.
Only five out of twenty-one (24 percent) possible changes (seven
traits times three contextual factors) were statistically significant.
Overall, the leadership profile described previously for leaders like
Hussein is applicable for him in most circumstances. The statisti-
cally significant differences, however, do amplify the portrait of Hus-
sein as leader and, thus, will be discussed in some detail. Table 17.2
presents the traits where there were significant differences across the
various types of context.
The differences in Hussein's scores on conceptual complexity
Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

across time and audience suggest that he may appear more dogmatic
and inflexible in the international arena and with regard to Iraq's
position in the world in the aftermath of the Gulf War and UN
inspections than is actually the case. He is capable of much more
flexibility than these scores imply, given his scores for domestic press
interviews across time from 1979 to 1990. Indeed, these latter scores
would be considered high when compared with the conceptual com-
plexity of other Middle Eastern leaders and eighty-seven heads of
state (see table 17.1). The data intimate that, when Hussein wants or
believes he needs more information in order to decide what to do or
to maintain his power and influence, he can be quite complex and
pragmatic. When, however, he has made up his mind or believes he
is backed into a corner, his rhetoric will become very principled and


Characteristic Means
Conceptual complexity Pre-Iran-Iraq War = .50
Iran-Iraq War period = .55
Gulf War period = .27
Conceptual complexity Domestic = .54
International = .44
Nationalism Relations with Arabs = .58
Relations with non- Arabs = .58
Kurds = .80
Domestic politics = .70
Iran-Iraq War = .76
Gulf War = .72
Need for power Relations with Arabs = .69
Relations with non- Arabs = .64
Kurds = .53
Domestic Politics = .39
Iran-Iraq War = .65
Gulf War = .39
Distrust of others Relations with Arabs = .44
Relations with non-Arabs = .49
Kurds = .65
Domestic politics = .39
Iran-Iraq War = .66
Gulf War = .68
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

dogmatic; he is doing what is right. He may, though, be merely pos-

turing, proposing the "tough" bargaining position as his opening
move, and testing the opposition. If the opposition does not counter,
Hussein has proven his point; if they do counter, the bargaining has
begun. In the course of the bargaining, the subtleties in Hussein's
thinking and a certain pragmatism will become evident. To be most
effective, given Hussein's Machiavellian impulses, any negotiations
with him should be face-to-face or through highly trusted interme-
diaries. He is less likely to misinterpret or misconstrue toward his
own ends what is possible in such settings than when the negotia-
tions occur at a distance.
The data in table 17.2 suggest that Hussein is sensitive to issues
and problems; three of the seven (43 percent) traits evidenced statis-
tically significant differences by the topic under discussion. Given
his proclivity to see the world as full of threats that must be dealt
with, it is easier to understand his focus on problems. To maintain
power and influence, he has to meet such threats head on and, thus,
must be constantly vigilant. But this responsiveness implies that one
way to know what Hussein is thinking about a problem is to code his
discussions of that issue in speeches and interviews.
One of the traits that differed significantly by topic was national-
ism. Although all the means for nationalism by topic were high
when compared to Middle Eastern leaders and eighty-seven heads of
state, Hussein clearly tempered and increased his emphasis on
nationalism depending on the target. Although still high, his
nationalism in discussions of relations with Arabic and non-Arabic
countries is more focused on the positive qualities of Iraq and the
payoffs of relationships with Iraq for the other government and state;
it is more tempered and is "courting" in tone—whereas when he per-
ceives trouble, his nationalism increases and his focus is on contrast-
ing how good Iraq is with how bad the particular opposition is.
Indeed, he tends to "rail" against those who are causing him trouble.
In such cases, there are definite enemies, and they are in the wrong.
His nationalism scores are above his own mean score for areas that are
threatening to him and below his mean score when he perceives there
is an opportunity to move ahead on his goals. This difference in
scores may signal a potential indicator of what he perceives as threats
Saddam Hussein's Leadership Style

and what he perceives as opportunities. Note that of the six topics,

two-thirds are threats, which is likely to be the balance in any exam-
ination of his rhetoric, given his generally high nationalism.
Another of Hussein's traits that showed statistically significant
differences across topics was the need for power. The literature on
this motive suggests that individuals display this need when they are
in situations where they, indeed, do seek power and believe they do
not currently have it. Hussein's scores across topics tend to reflect
this more general finding. He evidences less need for power in his
discussions of domestic politics and the Gulf War. Both these need
for power scores are low in comparison to Middle Eastern leaders and
the eighty-seven heads of state. Hussein had and was wielding power
in both these contexts. Where he sought more power and influence
was in his responses to interviewers' queries about relations with
other Arab as well as non-Arab states and in his responses regarding
the Iran-Iraq War. All three of the need for power scores are high
when related to the comparison groups of leaders. Here is where
Hussein's Machiavellianism will be at its most pronounced. He is
likely to attempt all sorts of tactics to gain more influence. He will
be charming if such behavior seems likely to succeed; he will be a
bully if such a strategy has a chance of working. In each case, Hus-
sein will test the limits to see how far he can go before he starts to
lose rather than maintain or win more power. The differences in the
need for power scores suggest how ruthless Hussein is prepared to be
and how much risk he is likely to take to gain what he wants. To
some extent, the topics where the scores are highest also indicate the
arenas over which Hussein seeks more control.
The last characteristic where there were significant differences
across topics was distrust of others. Hussein's scores on distrust of
others suggest whom he blames for his situation and the ills of Iraq.
His scores for responses regarding the Kurds, the Iran-Iraq War, and
the Gulf War are all high in comparison to the Middle Eastern lead-
ers and the group of eighty-seven heads of state. Others are to blame
for what is happening, for stirring up trouble, for making it hard for
him to succeed. Because Hussein himself is responsible for domestic
policy-making, he can remove those who he perceives do him ill. He
can control what happens. Thus, note that the distrust of others score
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

surrounding discussions of domestic politics is low. According to

Hussein, outsiders are responsible for what goes wrong in Iraq; he is
responsible for what goes right. Such a view of politics is hard to dis-
rupt unless one does not mind Hussein's taking credit for what an
outsider might view as something he or she did to help Iraq.
i8. Saddam Hussein: Beliefs and
Integrative Complexity

The profiles of Saddam Hussein in this chapter focus on his beliefs

and integrative complexity during different periods of his tenure as
the leader of Iraq. The content and structure of his cognitions are two
aspects of the process of object appraisal, which both represent real-
ity and express the leader's personality. In the following sections of
this chapter, the authors identify diagnostic and choice propensities
in Hussein's operational code and examine the integrative complex-
ity of his thought processes to assess their likely impact on the Iraqi
leader's behavior.

Operational Code Beliefs and Object Appraisal

Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer, and Michael Young

The following analysis of Saddam Hussein's operational code is based
on a small sample of six speeches from public sources for three years
during the late 19905 (1996, 1998, 1999). Each speech was
machine-coded with Profiler+, an automated content analysis soft-
ware package using the VICS coding procedures described in chap-
ter 9 (see also Young 2001; Schafer and Walker 2001). The reliabil-
ity of the results is very high because the coding process was
automated and, therefore, perfectly reproducible. The following
analysis of Hussein's beliefs is in terms of their direction and inten-
sity compared to the average VICS scores for a normirig group of
twenty world leaders from different regions and eras.
The validity of the results is subject to the degree of generaliz-
ability from the sample to the population of speeches and other pub-
lic statements by the Iraqi leader. Since the sample does not cover an
extended time period, its generalizability is limited unless one

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

assumes that operational code beliefs are personality traits and not
cognitive states of mind (Walker 1995). Research dealing with this
problem has revealed enough variability to issue a cautionary notice
that the following profile may apply only to the time period in which
the data were gathered (Schafer 2000).
Index scores for President Saddam Hussein's general operational
code, found in table 18.1, are reported as standard deviations from
the norming group's scores for each VICS index. Their interpretation
in table 18.1 is in terms of the number of standard deviations above
and below the average VICS score for each element in the operational
code construct. The anchoring points for each VICS index in chapter


Std Dev Descriptor
Philosophical Beliefs
P-l. Nature of the political universe -1.47 Very hostile
P-2. Prospects for realization of -1.33 Very pessimistic
political values
P-3. Predictability of political future -4.67 Extremely low
P-4. Belief in historical control
a. Self s control -3.80 Extremely low
b. Other's control + 3.80 Extremely high
P-5. Role of chance +4.00 Extremely high

Instrumental Beliefs
1-1. Approach to goals -1.24 Definitely conflictual
(Direction of strategy)
1-2. Pursuit of goals -1.08 Definitely conflictual
(intensity of tactics)
1-3. Risk orientation -1.71 Very low
1-4. Timing of action
a. Flexibility of coop/conf tactics + 2.40 Extremely high
b. Flexibility of word/deed tactics + 1.60 Very high
1-5. Utility of means
a. Reward +0.40 Somewhat high
b. Promise -4.67 Extremely low
c. Appeal/support + 0.00 Average
d. Oppose/resist + 1.71 Very high
e. Threaten -3.00 Extremely high
f. Punish +0.60 Somewhat high
Source: Data from Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
Note: Key VICS indices are in bold. Indices are expressed as standard deviations above
and below the mean for a sample of twenty world leaders from a variety of regions and
Saddam Hussein

9, expressed as "Somewhat, Definitely, Very, and Extremely," are

applied in table 18.1 to half-standard-deviation intervals above and
below the mean score of the norming group for each VICS index.
The VICS scores for Hussein's philosophical beliefs in table 18.1
show that he views the nature of the political universe (P-i) as very
hostile, almost one and a half standard deviations below the average
leader. He is also very pessimistic about the prospects for realizing
fundamental political goals (P-2). Hussein sees the political future
(P-3) as extremely low in predictability, and he believes that he has
an extremely low degree of control over historical development com-
pared to others (P-4). Finally, Hussein's assessment of the role of
chance in politics is extremely high (P-5).
The VICS scores for Hussein's instrumental beliefs in table 18.1
indicate that he believes that a definitely conflictual direction is the
best strategy (I-i) in the political universe, coupled with definitely
conflictual tactics (1-2). His general risk orientation (1-3) is very low;
that is, he is more averse to taking risks than other leaders. The Iraqi
leader's propensity to shift between cooperative and conflict tactics
(I-4a) is extremely high, and his propensity to shift between word
and deed tactics is very high (I-4b). The utility of means indices
(1-5) show that his reliance on threats is extremely high, along with
a very high reliance on oppose/resist tactics. Hussein's reliance on
both reward and punish tactics is somewhat high; however, his
reliance on promises is extremely low compared to other leaders. He
is average in his propensity to use appeal/support tactics.
Overall, the key VICS scores for Self and Other in table 18.1 indi-
cate that Hussein believes in a definitely conflictual approach to
strategy (I-i) and attributes an extremely low level of control (P-4a)
to himself in the political universe. He sees the political universe as
very conflictual (P-i) and attributes an extremely high level of con-
trol (P-4b) to others in the political universe. These dual images of
Self and Other and an extremely high propensity to shift between
conflict and cooperation (I-4a) suggest that his strategies and tactics
will be relatively flexible and perhaps erratic.
The standard deviation scores for the key indices in table 18.1 also
allow us to locate Hussein in Holsti's revised typology of operational
codes and extrapolate some predictions about his likely strategic and
tactical interaction patterns. The strategies and tactics in the four

Appease Reward Reward Exploit
Bluff Deter Punish Compel

P-4 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -.50 0.00 +.50 +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 P-4
Axis Axis
Bluff Deter Punish Exploit
Bully Punish Compel Bully


Note: Key indices of beliefs in the leader s operational code are scaled in standard
deviations along the vertical and horizontal axes of the revised Holsti typology. Reward,
Deter, Punish and Compel tactics are variants of a general strategy of reciprocity in which
Self initiates either an escalatory (E) move or de-escalatory (D) move and then responds
in kind to whether Other escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in response to Self s initial move.
Appease, Bluff, Exploit, and Bully tactics are variants of a general strategy of cooperation
or conflict in which Self initiates either an escalatory (E) move or de-escalatory (D) move
and then violates the norm of reciprocity after Other escalates (E) or de-escalates (D) in
response to Self s initial move.

Fig. 18.1. Prediction template for key VICS indices. (Data from
Walker, Schafer, and Marfleet 2001.)
Saddam Hussein

quadrants in figure 18.1 represent the likely interaction patterns

with Other that we hypothesize are associated with the four types of
operational codes in the revised Holsti typology of belief systems dis-
cussed in chapter 9. The vertical axis in figure 18.1 is the continuum
of standard deviations for a leader's image of the political universe
(P-i) and approach to political strategy (I-i). The horizontal axis is
the continuum of standard deviations for a leader's attribution of his-
torical control to Self (P-4a) and Other (P-4b).
The Iraqi leader's I-i score for approach to goals and his P-4a score
for self s control over historical development place his generalized
image of Self in the type DEF quadrant in figure 18.1. His P-i score
for nature of the political universe and P-4b score for other's control
over historical development locate his generalized image of Other in
the type B quadrant. The strategic interaction implications in figure
18. i for Saddam Hussein's general operational code as a type DEF
leader are that his definitely conflictual strategic orientation and
extremely low sense of historical control are likely to lead him to ini-
tiate bluffing tactics that will escalate to bully tactics if he does not
encounter firm opposition from Other.
Due to his extremely low sense of historical control, however, Sad-
dam Hussein is more likely to diagnose Other as a type B opponent
rather than a type DEF adversary. This diagnostic propensity to view
Other as a type B and his aversion to taking risks are likely to make
him relatively flexible and cautious if Other responds with hostility
toward him. This diagnosis of perceived power realities, however, is
not likely to lead Hussein to an unequivocal shift toward a coopera-
tive strategy. Instead, he is likely to implement a mix of bluff, bully,
and punish tactics that make him appear erratic rather than prag-
matic in his response to a stronger opponent.

Saddam Hussein's Integrative Complexity under Stress

Peter Suedfeld
The Persian Gulf Crisis—comprising the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in
the summer of 1990, a period of international negotiations, and the
subsequent coalition air and ground attack on Iraq early in 1991—
provided an uncommonly useful set of data for integrative complex-
ity research on Saddam Hussein's cognitive style. There were a num-
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

her of reasons why the Gulf Crisis was particularly suitable for such
1. The episode covered a long time period (from the Kuwait
invasion [August 2] to the cease-fire [February 27], nearly
eight months), giving the protagonists many opportunities
to present and discuss their perceptions, motives, goals,
interpretations, plans, reactions to other participants and
to events, and so forth.
2. A wide range of diplomatic, economic, and military
maneuvers emerged at various stages of the confrontation,
with different individuals and nations taking active and
reactive roles at different times.
3. Many nations and leaders, representing very different cul-
tures, were involved, and the degree of involvement (for
example, potential losses and gains) also varied.
4. Both cooperative and competitive strategies were tried,
including armed attacks both with and without warning.
5. In a high proportion of the countries most closely
involved, the leader speaks for the government; his state-
ments represent his views on the topic, not merely the
transmission of a group decision.
The University of British Columbia research group conducted
two studies dealing with the integrative complexity of leaders dur-
ing this set of events. One (Wallace, Suedfeld, and Thachuk 1993a,
1993b) included statements made by heads of state and relevant
high officials of many of the nations that played a part in the Gulf
Crisis in the forums of the UN and international diplomacy; the
other (Suedfeld, Wallace, and Thachuk 1993) concentrated on the
top leaders of Middle Eastern countries.
The following comparisons of integrative complexity levels were
made in the two articles: leaders of more involved nations with lead-
ers of less involved ones; heads of state versus other officials; and pro-
and anti-Iraq leaders. We also conducted detailed comparisons of
George H. W. Bush and Hussein and examined changes in the com-
plexity of particular individuals as the crisis progressed toward a
solution. Several interesting findings emerged; in relation to Hus-
sein, the following were perhaps the most informative (the complex-
Saddam Hussein

ity scores of Saddam Hussein, of immediate concern in the present

chapter, are shown in table 18.2).
1. On average, Saddam Hussein (and other highly involved lead-
ers, such as President Bush) showed lower complexity during the
Gulf Crisis than did the leaders of less involved nations. This rinding
supports the disruptive stress hypothesis, which states that severe
and/or prolonged stress leads to reduced complexity because of a
depletion of psychological and other resources (e.g., Suedfeld and
Rank 1976; Suedfeld, Corteen, and McCormick 1986).
2. In the two months prior to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, which
precipitated the Gulf Crisis, Hussein's complexity was relatively
high. It dropped noticeably prior to the invasion, as had been found
in previous studies of surprise armed attacks (Suedfeld and Bluck
1988). His complexity increased after the invasion and rose even fur-
ther once the invasion was successfully completed and his stress level
3. During the late summer, fall, and early winter of 1990, as his-
tory recorded worldwide public excitement regarding the situation
in the Persian Gulf, condemnation of the invasion by the UN, inter-
national economic sanctions (embargo and blockade) against Iraq,
attempts by the UN secretary general as well as individual nations to
bring about Iraq's withdrawal through diplomatic means, and—
later in the year—the gathering of coalition military forces and the
issuing of a deadline for Iraqi withdrawal, Hussein's complexity lev-
els were slightly above the level seen after the victorious invasion.
There was less of an increase in complexity than would be predicted
by the cognitive manager hypothesis for leaders involved in compli-
cated negotiations (Suedfeld 1992a); one inference might be that
Hussein was not negotiating very seriously (and/or he did not believe
that the coalition was negotiating seriously) in the sense of actually
intending or expecting to develop a compromise solution. A much
later episode showed the same pattern: in 1998, Hussein precipi-
tated a confrontation with the UN just when he had a seemingly
good opportunity to achieve an end to the economic sanctions
against Iraq. As Newsweek (1998) put it, Clinton "learned that it may
be easier to punish Saddam than to negotiate with him" (8).
4. His complexity showed a larger increase as the Security Coun-
cil's deadline for Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait (January 15, 1991)
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

approached and, presumably, as the need for a peaceful resolution

seemed more pressing. These findings were not compatible with our
previous conclusions that the nearing of military conflict leads to
disruptive stress and a consequent reduction in complexity (e.g.,
Suedfeld and Tetlock 1977); Hussein may have thought that he had
a chance to break up the coalition and delay or even avoid the long-
threatened attack.


Event Dates M Score Complexity
Peace May-July 2.1
Pre-Invasion June 28-Aug. 1 1.2
Invasion of Kuwait begins Aug. 2
Invasion complete Aug. 3 Aug. 2-9 1.3
Iraq consolidates conquest of Kuwait;
UN negotiations and sanctions: Aug.-Sept. 1.6
Security Council (SC) announces
trade embargo Aug. 6 Aug. 10-24 2.2
U.S. and Egypt announce they will
defend Saudi Arabia if it is attacked Aug. 6
Iraq takes Westerners hostage Aug. 25 Aug. 25-Sept. 24 1.5
SC authorizes naval interception
to enforce embargo Aug. 25
Diplomatic attempts continue: Oct.-Dec. 1.9
Secretary-General Perez de
Cuellar's mission to negotiate
withdrawal fails Sept. 2
Hussein offers free oil to Third World
nations that break blockade Sept. 10
SC announces air embargo Sept. 25 Sept. 25-Dec. 2 1.4
SC announces withdrawal deadline Nov. 29
Hussein frees Western hostages Dec. 6 Dec. 3-31 1.2

U.S. Congress votes for armed action
if SC deadline is not met Jan. 12 Jan. 1-15 2.2
SC deadline (not met) Jan. 15
Coalition-Iraq war
Coalition air attacks begin Jan. 17 Jan 16-31 1.2
Air war continues Feb. 1-22 3.1
Coalition air attacks suspended Feb. 24
Coalition ground attack begins Feb. 24 Feb. 23-27 1.4
Iraq defeated Feb. 27
Postwar restructuring Feb. 27-March 31 2.8
Saddam Hussein

5. Hussein's complexity scores during the coalition counterattack

were very interesting. There was a dramatic drop during the early
days of the air attacks against Iraq and its forces, followed by a sub-
stantial increase after the attacks had continued for over a month
with no widening of coalition actions. When the ground war began,
there was another large drop. This pattern demonstrates that opposi-
tion initiatives, even devastating ones, failed to make Hussein
become more flexible or submissive in the short run. Instead, they
strengthened rigid adherence to his established course. However, as
the damage to his forces continued to mount, and as his defenses
increasingly proved ineffectual, he may have begun to search for a
compromise solution. The coalition ground attack preempted such a
solution; his reduced level of complexity at that point may have indi-
cated a hardening of his position. Another explanation for the
episodes of lowered complexity is that they reflected disruptive
stress; but if so, Hussein's recovery was remarkably rapid.
In either case, a pattern of resilience may be related to Saddam
Hussein's remarkable ability to survive opposition. It may also iden-
tify conditions under which he does or does not engage in attempts
at complex problem solving. New actions against him, rather than
motivating him to search for compromise, buttress a unidimensional
strategy; more cognitive investment in a differentiated and inte-
grated viewpoint occurs when it becomes obvious that the simple
strategy is unavailing. Perhaps most telling in this regard is the fact
that he found the psychological resources for increased complexity
toward the end of a period during which overwhelming coalition air
power was rapidly demolishing his capital city and his armed forces
almost without resistance.
6. Hussein's complexity rose again after the cease-fire was put into
effect. This may reflect the ending of a major period of stress (Sued-
feld, Corteen, and McCormick 1986; Suedfeld and Granatstein
1995). It may also be related to his recognition, as an effective cog-
nitive manager, that at this point he did have to engage in serious
planning and negotiation to salvage his own political survival out of
a total military defeat.
7. A recurring concern in complexity studies is whether the level
of complexity found in the material reflects actual cognitive
processes or mere rhetoric designed to present a preferred image of
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

the self (Tetlock 1981b; Tetlock, Hannum, and Micheletti 1984).

Earlier research (e.g., Suedfeld, Tetlock, and Ramirez 1977) has
identified situations where impression management efforts concen-
trated on content, not structure, which may be the general pattern.
Otherwise, one would expect Saddam Hussein to project a picture of
flexible willingness to consider options when there was a chance to
avert an attack by what would doubtless be massive forces (October
through December 1990) and, on the other hand, to radiate strength
and single-minded determination while an attack was actually
occurring (mid-January through the end of February 1991). His pat-
tern was actually the opposite of these intuitively appealing
hypotheses. In this instance, the data are more compatible with the
hypothesis that complexity scores show how the individual actually
thinks about the situation rather than being determined by how he
wants to appear to others.
Although in one earlier study we followed the complexity pattern
of a military field commander before, during, and after a major war
(Suedfeld, Corteen, and McCormick 1986), we had never before con-
tinued the complexity scoring of governmental leaders throughout
the military conflict that capped an international crisis. In the two
Gulf War studies, this enabled us to discover interesting aspects of
Saddam Hussein's cognitive style; in addition, comparisons among
other leaders were relevant to a number of theoretical postulates of
integrative complexity theory.
Part IV. Conclusion
19- Assessing Political Leaders in Theory
and in Practice

Jerrold M. Post and Stephen G. Walker

The evolution of efforts to assess the impact of leaders upon the

course of events continues to be the subject of lively debates inside
academe and within the policy community. The post—cold war era
has ushered in a world without the bipolar power structure of super-
power rivalry and has raised questions about the predictability of the
new strategic environment. Jervis (1994) has contrasted the strongly
structured, cold war system with the uncertainties of the weakly
structured post—cold war world and has argued that cognition and
other psychological processes will be more important in the latter
This judgment about the potential relevance of political leaders is
consistent with the general conditions of "action dispensability" arid
"actor dispensability" identified by Greenstein (1987) as necessary
for "personality" to be influential in explaining and predicting polit-
ical outcomes. The focus in this volume on an American president
and a key leader in the Middle East as case studies has extended this
logic by selecting political leaders located in strategic positions in
the post—cold war environment. Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein
are examples of political leaders whose respective actions are likely to
be indispensable in explaining important outcomes in world poli-
tics, because one was the chief executive of the last superpower dur-
ing its unipolar moment following the cold war and the other is the
head of a rogue state located at the crossroads of the main energy
source for the rest of the world (Walker, Schafer, and Young 1999;
Mastanduno 1997).

The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

To the extent that the post-cold war environment is weakly struc-

tured and highly charged emotionally, the personalities of both lead-
ers may also have a significant impact and demonstrate each actor's
indispensability in the resolution of conflicts and the coordination of
cooperation among states in the Middle East. Bill Clinton's efforts at
the end of his administration to facilitate the peace process between
Arabs and Israelis are emblematic of both the possibilities for a
leader's significant impact and the difficulties facing leaders with
strategic leverage. Saddam Hussein's continued intransigence in the
face of pressure and sanctions exercised by the international commu-
nity demonstrates the central role of one actor's political personality
in shaping Iraq's relations with the rest of the world during and after
the Persian Gulf conflict.
This kind of analysis of the strategic importance of political lead-
ers and their personalities as important causal mechanisms for
explaining and predicting world politics is an argument for invest-
ing academic talent and government resources in the assessment of
political leadership. It is also a brief for the continuation of two
strands of research identified earlier in chapter i. In this view, the
basic research represented in the academy by the interdiscipline of
political psychology and the applied leadership research imple-
mented inside the U.S. government are more important than ever for
gaining a perspective on the possibilities for peace and progress in
the twenty-first century. However, for this knowledge to influence
the understanding of scholars and the deliberations of policymakers,
there are several gaps to be addressed between and within the aca-
demic and policy communities.

The Gap between Theory and Practice

"Bridging the gap" is a metaphor associated with the influential
book by the same title, by Alexander George (1993) under the aus-
pices of the U.S. Institute for Peace (see also Lepgold 1998). George
wrote about the gap between the academic and policy communities,
characterizing it as the divide between knowledge and action. He
argues that academic knowledge is organized along theoretical and
generic lines in order to explain international relations, while poli-
cymakers need knowledge about specific actors and problems in for-
eign policy in order to take action. These organizational differences
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

create a gap that needs to be bridged between the supply of academic

knowledge and the demand for policy-relevant knowledge (George
1993, 115-34).
Accompanying this difference is a confidence gap between the two
cultures of academic theory and policymaking practice. Occupants of
each world have reservations about the activities of the other.
According to George, practitioners object to the efforts of academics
to put their research in general theoretical terms on a scientific basis,
especially when presented in a quantitative form or developed under
controlled laboratory conditions. Such efforts are viewed as weak
generalizations based on inadequate data, which can lead to irrele-
vant predictions and a false sense of confidence in the ability to
understand and control foreign policy (George 1993, 6—11).
In turn, academics have their reservations about the use by policy-
makers of an outdated realist theory of international relations, a focus
on the exercise of power that leads to simplistic diagnoses of policy
problems. Worse yet are atheoretical decisions based on tacit
assumptions or unrepresentative historical analogies, such as lessons
drawn from the British failure to appease Germany at Munich or the
American failure to prevent a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by
Japan. Other intelligence failures stem from images of the external
world not subjected to social scientific scrutiny due to the intrusion
of political considerations into intelligence estimates, which perpet-
uate distorted images that serve the interests of the policymaker
(George 1993, 11-15).
There is a certain irony about these gaps between academics and
practitioners, because there are parallel differences among schools of
thought within the academic field of international relations.
Although it has some competition from liberalism and construc-
tivism, realism is still one of the dominant paradigms for the orga-
nization of knowledge in this field (Katzenstein, Keohane, and Kras-
ner 1998). The theories associated with each of these approaches
share a structural bias, which is that the individual leader does not
matter much in the conduct of international relations. Depending on
the paradigm at hand, realists see leaders as rational calculators of the
relationships between national goals and national power; liberals
conceptualize them as conformists to rules embodied in international
or domestic institutions; and constructivists characterize them as
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

constrained by cultural norms generated within and between soci-

eties. These schools of thought do not have a strong theory of agency,
which would allow for the possibility that individual differences
among leaders may make systematic and important differences in
world politics.
In response, the decision-making school of foreign policy theory
has long argued on behalf of the need for a robust theory of agency.
These theorists would limit universal structural propositions to con-
tingent generalizations based on intervening causal mechanisms
linking structural conditions with foreign policy decisions and inter-
national outcomes (Snyder, Bruck, and Sapin 1954; C. Hermann
1969; Allison 1971; Tetlock 1998; Hagan 2002). George (1993,
107—14) is also an advocate of this position within academic circles.
However, until very recently this argument has not received much
attention from structural theorists of international relations. Some
realists and their critics have begun to wrestle with the desirability
of limiting neorealist knowledge claims to emergent processes and
outcomes among states at the systemic level of analysis (Waltz 1979;
Elman 1996; Christenson and Snyder 1997; Schweller 1998).
Neoliberal institutionalists have also started to recognize the impor-
tance of processes and conditions at the individual level of analysis
(Keohane and Martin 1999). Constructivists are currently divided
into conventional and critical camps over the wisdom of whether and
how to solve the agent-structure problem (Katzenstein, Keohane,
and Krasner 1998; Wendt 1987, 1999). Even so, this attention has
not bridged the gap between the decision-making approach and
structural paradigms within the academy.
In sum, the irony is that decision-making theorists view struc-
tural theories as underspecified models that generate weak general-
izations based on inadequate data. This knowledge can lead to irrel-
evant predictions and a false sense of confidence in the ability to
understand and control foreign policy (Hagan 2002)—which is the
same critique of academic work by practitioners noted earlier by
George (1993). This shared view of the shortcomings of general
international relations theory should provide common ground for a
fruitful dialogue between decision-making theorists and actual deci-
sion makers about specific actors in world politics.
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

While many government practitioners grasp this insight intu-

itively, they tend to go further than their academic counterparts and
want to abandon the task of explanation in favor of interpreting each
leader and situation as sui generis. They are not interested in ideal
types so much as in the real case that a model is attempting to
explain. They thereby commit "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness"
(Whitehead [1925] 1948, 52; cited in Hedstrom and Swedberg
1998, 15). Decision-making theorists who search for causal mecha-
nisms join with adherents to the quest on behalf of structural-cover-
ing laws in rejecting this move. They argue that a given concrete rep-
resentation of a case is just one of an infinite number of possible
models, which only an abstract formulation of the interpretation sus-
ceptible to counterfactual reasoning can reveal (Hedstrom and Swed-
berg 1998, 13-21; see also Little 1998, 237-40).
So what are the implications of these debates within and between
academics and practitioners for assessing the contents of this vol-
ume? The good news associated with a microfoundations approach to
social science is that a focus on leaders as causal agents turns out to
be a good bet for specifying strong explanations of social processes
and outcomes. The bad news is that the prospects for making strong
general predictions based on a universal structural theory are not so
promising. Instead, middle-range theories informed by ideal types
and the careful empirical examination of differences among cases
within each type become the basis for fine-grained analyses and short
causal stories of political processes and outcomes (Little 1998,
247-55; Hedstrom and Swedberg 1998, 11-13). In turn, a focus on
individual differences may generate valid contingent generalizations
and predictions about specific actors (George 1993, 125—45).

The Gap between Parts and Wholes

The contributions in this volume by political psychologists illustrate
a range of analytical models and empirical tools for identifying
causal mechanisms within a leader's personality that impact political
decisions and outcomes. One question that immediately presents
itself for examination is how these different analyses are related to
one another. Asking this question is likely to point the way to future
research directions and to illuminate both the possibilities and the
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

limits for integrating these methods. Future efforts by academics and

practitioners are likely to yield several kinds of responses to the chal-
lenge of bridging parts and wholes.
One response is a triangulation strategy. The same leader is likely to
be the subject of more than one approach that predicts a common
feature of a leader's behavior, for example, bargaining style or risk-
taking propensity. The applications of each approach will determine
the degree to which the predictions are the same. Comparisons of the
predictions by each approach with the subsequent: behavior of the
leader will assess the degrees of fit between the prediction and the
outcome. Where the results overlap, that is, triangulate, confidence
in the prediction of future cases is likely to increase. This solution
has already surfaced elsewhere in profiles of George H. W. Bush and
Mikhail Gorbachev by some of the contributors to this volume (see
Winter et al. 1991a, 1991b).
A second response is an integration strategy to fit the components of
each approach along the contours provided by an overarching "map"
of personality and political behavior (Smith 1968). This kind of
strategy appears in varying degrees in the comprehensive contribu-
tions to this volume by Post and Renshon, which suggest a spatial
and temporal hierarchy among the elements of a leader's personality.
Post and Renshon stress that the range of cognitive states is con-
strained by a leader's constellation of personality or characterological
traits. In turn, these features of the core personality are generated by
formative experiences in the individual's life history.
A third response is a comparative leader strategy that identifies scope
conditions under which different features of the leader's personality
are likely to be politically relevant. This approach is represented
especially in the contributions by Hermann and Weintraub, who
emphasize the need to compare a leader with a norming group in
order to assess when a leader's standardized score is above or below
average for a particular personality trait. Deviations from the norm
indicate an increased likelihood of potential impact on a leader's
political behavior. A longitudinal extension of this strategy in Win-
ter's contribution to this volume is to compare scores for the same
leader over time against a norming group in an effort to anticipate
changes in his behavior as different traits are aroused by changes in
the leader's context for action.
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

A fourth response is a context-contingent strategy in which the inter-

active effects of a leader's personality and the context for action are
identified. The contribution by Suedfeld, Guttieri, and Tetlock
emphasizes the necessity to take into account changes in such condi-
tions as stress, accountability, and value conflict in the arousal of dif-
ferent levels of integrative complexity and its consequences for infor-
mation processing and behavioral choice. The analysis of beliefs by
Walker, Schafer, and Young in this volume also emphasizes the
interaction effects between a leader's philosophical diagnosis of the
context and his or her instrumental propensities for action in choos-
ing strategies, tactics, and moves. Renshon's emphasis on the con-
tingent nature of the relationship between a leader's character and
different leadership roles is another manifestation of this strategy of
A fifth response is a typological strategy in which the different per-
sonality characteristics are subsumed or reduced to a set of types. The
typologies may be inductive and pragmatic reductions based on pre-
vious empirical or clinical research, such as the creation of leader
types by Hermann based on the psychological literature or the use of
clinical types by Post from the DSM-IV manual of personality disor-
ders (APA 1994). The operational code typology of belief systems
developed by Holsti (1977) and integrated theoretically with moti-
vations for power, achievement, and affiliation by Walker (1983)
represents a deductive strategy for developing a typology.
A sixth response is a temporal consistency strategy marked by a search
for behavior consistent with the leader's basic character acquired
early in life and manifested in a variety of contexts over a long period
of time. The classic exposition of this approach is the analysis by
George and George (1956) of Woodrow Wilson, which rests heavily
on an account of Wilson's early socialization within his family of ori-
gin and the continuity in his behavior during his terms of office, first
as the president of Princeton University, then as the governor of
New Jersey, and finally as the president of the United States. A sim-
ilar focus in this volume by Renshon on Bill Clinton's family-of-ori-
gin experiences and by Post on Saddam Hussein's childhood social-
ization is carried forward by these authors to interpret consistent
behavior patterns by each leader as an adult during their respective
political careers.
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

All of these strategies will also produce some assessment of the

degree of conceptual commensurability and empirical correlation
among the various approaches where there are overlapping personal-
ity or behavioral features. Is the use of such concepts as risk orienta-
tion, cognitive style, needs for power, achievement, affiliation, con-
trol over historical development, and conceptual complexity by the
contributors to this volume commensurable? That is, do they mean
the same thing? If so, then do the indicators that measure them cor-
relate highly? If the answers to these two questions are "yes," then
that happy configuration will allow the indicators to be used inter-
changeably, depending upon the availability of data for a particular
If one or both answers are "no," then the validity of the measures
needs to be qualified. They are either measuring different features or
different dimensions of the same feature. If it is the former, then the
uses of the underlying concept are partly incommensurable. If it is
the latter, then perhaps they may be fruitfully combined into an
overall index. An example of these potential difficulties and previous
attempts to wrestle with them is the discussion by Suedfeld, Gut-
tieri, and Tetlock in this volume regarding the initial use of concep-
tual complexity to refer to a stable personality trait and the growing
realization that it also varies across contexts. This empirical finding
led to a distinction between conceptual complexity and integrative
complexity to distinguish between the default value and the arousal
value within the context of cognitive manager theory.

Future Applications
Future applications of these approaches to leadership analysis are
going to face some challenges in relating their respective models to
different aspects of a leader's political behavior. The single biggest
challenge is to establish reliable and valid measures of that behavior.
While the authors have devoted a great deal of attention to develop-
ing measures of personality, they have expended relatively little
effort on the systematic observation of decision-making processes
and actions by the leaders. Addressing this gap is important for
assessing both academic research and practical applications. Unless
the outcome is clearly specified and measured, it is difficult to deter-
mine the predictive and explanatory power of the causal mechanism
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

that is supposed to have generated it. The magnitude of this task

varies, depending on the scope of the causal claims made by the lead-
ership model.
The cognitive models of object appraisal mechanisms focus pri-
marily on the explanation and prediction of bargaining and prob-
lem-solving strategies with relatively simple characteristics. Is the
leader more likely to adopt a cooperative or conflict strategy, condi-
tional tactics of reciprocity or unconditional tactics of appeasement
and brinkmanship (Walker, Schafer, and Young)? Is a leader's tenure
in office going to be short or long? Is the performance of a role likely
to be successful or unsuccessful (Suedfeld, Guttieri, and Tetlock)?
These outcomes pose relatively simple problems as dependent vari-
ables and are susceptible to quantification at a level of measurement
commensurate with the independent variables in the causal mecha-
nisms that inform the analysis.
The personality models of Hermann and Winter focusing on the
mediation of self and others have more scope, explaining the leader's
selection of advisers and processing of advice, management style in
dealing with subordinates, risk-taking propensity, and negotiation
style, as well as the behavioral outcomes of decision-making
processes. In his personality analysis, Weintraub identifies even more
general personality traits—such as creativity, impulsivity, and inde-
cisiveness—and emotional states—such as anxiety, moodiness, and
anger—as the sources of potential political behaviors. This extension
carries with it the challenge of developing measures for additional
variables, adapting measures developed by others, or extrapolating
relationships to behavioral variables from laboratory experiments
and previous research.
As the scope of the analysis addresses the processes of externaliza-
tion and ego defense at a holistic level, Post and Renshon make the
case that a leader's core personality constrains and shapes other per-
sonality features, as well as political behavior. Their methodology
takes the form of an interpretive analysis of narrative evidence
instead of a quantitative analysis that yields indicators of personality
or behavior. This analysis yields either a personality type—narcissis-
tic, obsessive-compulsive, or paranoid—or a set of dimensions—
ambition, integrity, relatedness—that is postulated as generating
particular personality traits and behavioral characteristics. The
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

heuristic value of the analysis becomes the basis for other observers of
the leader to recognize the connections between personality and
behavior without a quantitative measurement strategy.
However it is achieved, the importance of effective methods for
profiling political leadership cannot be overestimated. It has been
heightened by the unstable international climate in the post—cold
war era. The frequency of threats arising from relatively unknown
and unfamiliar sources increases the need for rapid and sophisticated
profiling of a new range of adversaries. The occasions for leadership
assessment are likely to take several forms in the twenty-first cen-
tury, including the following contingencies.

The Rise of Rogue Leaders and Outlaw Nations

The end of the cold war has been destabilizing, producing not a
"peace dividend" but an unpredictable international climate in
which rogue leaders of outlaw nations frequently have precipitated
major political crises. The relatively stable and predictable super-
power rivalry has been replaced by a series of regional conflicts often
precipitated by the actions of previously unknown or poorly under-
stood leaders. There has been a proliferation of destructive power,
with more destructive power in the hands of small, independent
leadership with hostile agendas toward the United States. The most
worrisome nations—Iran, Iraq, and North Korea—are ruled by
unpredictable dictatorships. The headlines of the past few years have
been dominated by such names as Saddam Hussein, Kim Jung-Il,
Mohammad Farah Aideed, Radovan Karadzic, Slobodan Milosevic,
and Osama bin Laden.
Several of these leaders either already have or are actively seeking
weapons of mass destruction. During the Gulf Crisis, a nuclear-
armed Saddam Hussein would have entirely changed the dynamics
of the conflict. Former U.S. secretary of defense William Perry
referred to the "nightmare scenario" of a nuclear-armed North
Korea. Should an extremist nationalist have won the presidency of
Russia—not entirely out of the question, given Yeltsin's failing
health and his tenuous hold on power—as the political and economic
instability mounted, the prospect of a Vladimir Zhirinovskiy-like
figure with his finger on the nuclear button would have been truly
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

Avoiding Deadly Conflict

In addressing the challenge of effective coercive diplomacy, Alexan-

der George (1993) stressed the importance of having clear models of
the adversaries' psychology. As with information campaigns, effec-
tive diplomacy in a conflictual situation cannot proceed effectively
without clear and accurate models of leadership psychology. This
theme was carried forward in the work of the Carnegie Commission
on Preventing Deadly Conflict (Hamburg, George, and Ballentirie
1999). They stressed the critical role of leadership, both in promot-
ing deadly conflict and in avoiding it. To effectively counter leaders
such as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, and Osama bin Laden
as they promote deadly conflict, clear actor-specific models of their
psychology and decision making are an absolute requisite.

The Requirement to Counter Low-Intensity Conflict

Despite the military conflicts in the Gulf and in Bosnia and Kosovo,
many political-military experts are persuaded that low-intensity
conflict—insurgencies and terrorism—will continue to be a promi-
nent feature of the security environment of the twenty-first century
and will increasingly occupy our attention. While the frequency of
terrorist incidents has gone down, the lethality has increased, and
the increased destructiveness of terrorist groups and organizations,
including consideration of the use of weapons of mass destruction,
makes effective countering of terrorism a major priority. Two vivid
examples drive home this point. The poison gas attack on the Tokyo
subways by Aum Supreme Truth transformed a feared nightmare
into terrifying reality. For this apocalyptic millenarian cult, the per-
sonality and decision making of the guru, Shoko Asahara, was of
determinative influence on the decision to mount a broad-based pro-
gram to develop weapons of mass destruction—nuclear, biological,
and chemical.
The horrific destruction of the World Trade Center in Manhattan,
foreshadowed by the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania, demonstrates the dangers of the new face of terrorism.
A new form of terrorism, transnational terrorism with a global reach,
has emerged with a particularly dangerous movement under the
leadership of Osama bin Laden. He has actively threatened to employ
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

weapons of mass destruction in his attacks against U.S. targets. As

the barriers to mass casualty terrorism have weakened, the prospects
for terrorists engaging in nuclear, biological, or chemical terrorism
have increased.
Countering this new level of threat requires in-depth understand-
ing of such leaders as Osama bin Laden and Shoko Asahara. Psycho-
logical operations doctrine, developed and applied in conventional
warfare, also has an important role to play in countering terrorism,
but its powerful techniques have not been adapted to the changing
battlefield of low-intensity conflict. To apply psychological opera-
tions effectively to terrorism, the attributes of the target must be
specified, particularly leadership and pattern of decision making.
One cannot effectively target a group without a clear understanding
of its leaders and decision structures, which vary widely from group
to group.

Information Warfare and the Revolution in Military Affairs

While low-intensity conflict will continue to be an important ele-
ment of the security environment in the twenty-first century, in con-
sidering the changing face of warfare, information has been
identified as the central element in the security environment. The
centrality of information in its strategic considerations, both offen-
sively and defensively, is being called a revolution in military affairs.
The battle for control of the information battlefield following the
Gulf War was largely left uncontested as Saddam Hussein effectively
reframed the conflict for his radical Arab constituents and enhanced
his reputation and leadership standing. By his control of the infor-
mation environment, Slobodan Milosevic effectively countered the
military superiority of the NATO air campaign in Kosovo to reframe
the contest in such a manner as to increase his support and steel the
will of the Serbian people. He did this by identifying himself with
Marshall Tito and Clinton with Hitler and NATO with the Nazis.
The ability of Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic adroitly and
successfully to manipulate the information environment adversely
affected the course of these asymmetric campaigns.
Consider also how rapidly the support of the American public
changed for U.S. intervention in Somalia. Initially, the televised
spectacle of starving Somali children deeply touched the heartstrings
Assessing Political Leaders in Theory and in Practice

of the American public, which strongly supported the humanitarian

intervention. But the sight of American soldiers' bodies being
hauled behind a Somali warlord's jeeps rapidly led to pressure to
withdraw, lest further loss of American life ensue. Whether purpose-
ful or not, this assuredly was a highly effective psychological opera-
tion by the Somali warlord Mohammad Farah Aideed. It is similarly
clear that Saddam Hussein believes that the United States suffers
from a "Vietnam Complex" and that numerous American battlefield
casualties can lead to domestic opposition and a stalemate.
As major resources are being devoted to information warfare, it is
crucial to incorporate state-of-the-art techniques for specifying the
behavioral attributes of the adversary's leadership. One cannot
influence an adversary one does not understand. What deters one
opponent may incite another. At heart, the goal is psychological arid
must incorporate both an understanding and significant psychologi-
cal elements for maximal effectiveness. This requires the ability
rapidly and accurately to model psychologically the adversary's lead-
The profiling techniques described in this volume chart a pathway
to this end. They have been used to assess the personalities of foreign
political and military leaders to assist in summit meetings and other
high-level negotiations, in crisis situations, and in estimative intel-
ligence. These methods have been employed to evaluate the inten-
tions of foreign political and military leaders, to evaluate the impact
of foreign policy events on their psychological state and political
attitudes, and to analyze changes in their threat potential.
The rapidity with which international conflicts can "go critical"
and the catastrophic consequences of miscalculation make it impera-
tive that accurate evaluations of leader psychology be developed
swiftly and be monitored closely during crises. Encouraging progress
is being made by a number of the authors represented in this volume
in utilizing computer-assisted content analysis, so that the capacity
to evaluate on-line the psychological states of key leaders is consid-
ered attainable in the near future. In a complex politico-military cri-
sis, such as the crisis in the Gulf precipitated by Saddam Hussein's
invasion of Kuwait, the capacity to closely monitor fluctuations in
the leader's mental state can valuably inform crisis managers regard-
ing what might be his or her own next move or likely response to
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

others' initiatives. Similarly, in a terrorist hostage arid barricade cri-

sis, rapid changes in a leader's profile could signal a sharp increase in
the hazard to the hostages' lives, suggesting a shift from hostage
negotiations to a SWAT team intervention. Real-time measures
could also identify crucial moments in international negotiations,
predicting the adversary's readiness to compromise.
Finally, leaders themselves often see people as the essence of poli-
tics and are strongly interested in what makes their adversaries and
allies tick. A more informed leadership will better negotiate the
treacherous shoals of national and international waters, and sound
methods of psychologically evaluating political leaders can assist in
that important task. Such knowledge can inform and guide the pol-
icy process without replacing the political skills necessary to exercise
effective leadership. As George (1993, 23) points out, even the best-
informed leader still needs to be able to make judgments about the
trade-offs among (i) searching for high-quality decisions, (2) bar-
gaining for support of the decision, and (3) expending time and
other resources on searching and bargaining. Applied to the analysis
of a policy problem, knowledge of who the players are can at least
help prevent the selection of a policy option so compromised by deci-
sion-making trade-offs as to be ineffective in dealing with the people
targeted in the political process (George 1993, 25).

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KAREN GUTTIERI is a member of the Department of National Security

Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School (NFS), in Monterey, California.
Since joining NFS, Dr. Guttieri has been leading faculty develop-
ment and other curricular issues for a new master of arts degree track
and research portfolio, "Security Building in Post-Conflict Environ-
ments." From 1999 to 2001, she was a Social Sciences and Humani-
ties Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellow at the Center for
International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford Univer-
sity. Dr. Guttieri's current research focuses upon military operations
in civilian environments. This focus includes studying the effective-
ness of civil-military operations, military organizational learning
from peace operations, and civil-military relations issues in peace
implementation. Professor Guttieri earned her Ph.D. in political sci-
ence from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 1999.
MARGARET G. HERMANN, Cramer Professor of Global Affairs in the
Department of Political Science in the Maxwell School at Syracuse
University and director of that school's Global Affairs Institute, con-
ducts research on political leadership, foreign policy decision making,
and comparative foreign policy. Former president of the International
Society of Political Psychology and the International Studies Associa-
tion, she has written A Psychological Examination of Political Leaders
(1977); Describing Foreign Policy Behavior (1982); and Leaders, Groups,
and Coalitions: Understanding the People and Processes in Foreign Policy-
making (2001). She has been the editor of the journal Political Psychol-
ogy and is an incoming editor of International Studies Review. As author
of over one hundred articles, Hermann has applied her method of
assessing leadership style at a distance to heads of state, terrorist lead-
ers, and leaders of international institutions, as well as CEOs of non-
governmental organizations and multinational corporations.


JERROLD M. POST, M.D., is Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychol-

ogy, and International Affairs and the director of the Political Psy-
chology Program at the George Washington University. Dr. Post
has devoted his entire career to the field of political psychology. He
came to George Washington after a twenty-one-year career with the
U.S. government, where he founded and directed the Center for the
Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior, an interdisciplinary
behavioral science unit that provided assessments of foreign leader-
ship and decision making for the president and other senior officials
to prepare for summit meetings and other high-level negotiations
and for use in crisis situations. He played the lead role in developing
the "Camp David profiles" of Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat for
President Jimmy Carter and initiated the U.S. government program
in understanding the psychology of terrorism. Dr. Post received his
B.A. and M.D. from Yale University. He is the coauthor of a study
of the politics of illness in high office, When Illness Strikes the Leader:
The Dilemma of the Captive King (1993), and of Political Paranoia: The
Psychopolitics of Hatred (i^~j). A nationally recognized expert on the
psychology of political leadership, Dr. Post has testified before Con-
gress on his profiles of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and
regularly provides commentary on national and international media.
STANLEY A. RENSHON is professor of political science at the City
University of New York and a certified psychoanalyst. He is the
author of eighty articles and eleven books, including his psychologi-
cal biography of the Clinton presidency, High Hopes, which won both
the 1997 American Political Science Association's Richard E.
Neustadt Award for the best book published on the topic of the pres-
idency and the National Association for the Advancement of Psy-
choanalysis's Gradiva Award for the best published work in the cat-
egory of biography. His most recent book is America's Second Civil
War: Political Leadership in a Divided Society (2002).
MARK SCHAFER is associate professor of political science at Louisiana
State University. His research focuses primarily on political psychol-
ogy and conflict resolution, with particular emphases on political lead-
ership and decision-making dynamics. He has published articles in the
Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Reso-
lution, International Interactions, and several edited volumes.

PETER SUEDFELD is dean emeritus of graduate studies and professor

emeritus of psychology at the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver. The development of the integrative (state) model of com-
plexity and the method of scoring complexity from archival materi-
als began as part of his long-term research program on coping and
adaptation during and after critical decision situations, traumatic
experiences, and extreme and unusual environments.
PHILIP E. TETLOCK is professor of organizational behavior at the
Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. He
has received scientific achievement awards from a variety of profes-
sional societies, including the National Academy of Sciences, the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American
Political Science Association, and the American Psychological Asso-
ciation. He has contributed to a wide range of professional journals
and books. His current interests include the study of social and polit-
ical cognition and the problems of assessing rationality in organiza-
tional contexts.
STEPHEN G. WALKER, professor of political science at Arizona State
University, had done research on leaders and decision making funded
by the National Science Foundation. His publications have appeared
in International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, Journal of Politics,
Journal of Peace Research, and Political Psychology. He is currently vice
president of the International Studies Association and has also served
as vice president of the International Society of Political Psychology.
WALTER WEINTRAUB, M.D., is clinical professor in the Department of
Psychiatry of the University of Maryland School of Medicine. A psy-
choanalyst, teacher, and clinical investigator, he is the author of Ver-
bal Behavior: Adaptation andPsychopathology (1981) and Verbal Behav-
ior in Everyday Life (1989). Dr. Weintraub is a member of the
American Psychoanalytic Association and the International Psycho-
analytic Association and a fellow of the American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation. As a consultant to the U.S. government, he has developed
procedures for analyzing the speech patterns of world leaders.
DAVID G. WINTER is professor of psychology at the University of
Michigan. He was educated at Harvard and Oxford Universities.
Within the subjects of personality and social psychology, his

research interests focus on power and power motivation, the motiva-

tional bases of leadership, and the psychological aspects of conflict
escalation and war. He is past president of the International Society
of Political Psychology.
MICHAEL D. YOUNG is the president of Social Science Automation,
Inc., a consulting firm providing remote leader assessment and auto-
mated text coding tools to government agencies, commercial busi-
nesses, and university researchers. He earned his Ph.D. in political
science from the Ohio State University and is particularly interested
in cognitive approaches to foreign policy analysis.

Page numbers in italics indicate tables.

Abd Allah (Saudi crown prince), 359, Afghanistan, 237

363 Aflaq, Michel, 337, 338
Abdullah, King, 73 Africa, 164
Academic community, in Agency, theory of, 402
theory-practice gap, 400-401, 403 Aggression, 343-44
Academic research. See Research Aideed, Mohammad Farah, 411
Access, to political leaders, 21, 22 al-Bu Nimr, 353
Accessibility, of records, 176 al-Bu Nisr (Sunni tribe), 353
Accountability, perceived, 262 Aliotta, J. M., 163
Achievement motivation, 154—^6, Allen, Charles, 282
299—300, 371—73; in belief sys- Allport, G., 108
tem, 222; relative to affiliation, Ambition, 74, no—n, 126, 290,
307; relative to power, 309—12 299; of Clinton family, 281—83,
Achieving Society, The (McClelland), 288—89, 2 9 J > 2 93> 297; Hussein's,
166 336, 339, 343-44
Adkins, R., 162 American Psychological Association,
Adler, Alfred, 16 260
Adolf Hitler (1942, OSS study), 39 Analysis, level of, 131; historical fact
Adverbial intensifies, 146, 304, 306 as, 115; meaning as, 115. See also
Adversary, image, 87, 97—100 Behavior; Personality; Profile;
Adversative expressions, 138—39, 144 Traits
Advisers, 78, 87-88, 342, 345, 379; Analyst, bias of, 127
Clinton's, 287-90; Hussein's, Anderson, J. W., 19
377—78, 383, 384—85; to narcissis- Anecdotal evidence, 122—23
tic personalities, 87—88; to nation- Angry disposition, 150
alistic leaders, 378; task force as, Anxious disposition, 149
318,377, 379.3S3 Arab history, 337—38. See also
Affect, 4 Kuwait; Persian Gulf crisis
Affiliation motivation, 154—57, Arafat, Yasir, 74
371-73 Arkansas, 290, 293


Arkansas Democrat, 302n. 8 336—37. See also Profile; Psycho-

Aronson, H., 138 biography
Assad, Hafez al-, 205, 338, 358 Bismarck, Otto von, 12
At-a-distance assessment, 12—14 Bluck, S., 28
Audience, 207, 208, 262, 323, 384; Blumenthal, Sidney, 121
VICS target, 224-25 Blythe, William, 277
Aum Supreme Truth, 409 Blythe, William Jefferson, 277. See
Australia, 73 also Clinton, William Jefferson
Authoritarianism, 25 Bolshevik operational code, 221
Automobile manufacturers, motive Bonham, G. M., 29
imagery of, 166 Boundaries, 296, 3Oin. 7
Autonomy, of paranoid personality, Bradley, Bill, 117, 119
96-97 Brazile, Donna, 122
Availability, of information, n, 236 Brewster-Smith, M., 70, 71
Aziz, Tariq (Iraqi foreign minister), Brezhnev, Leonid, 53
351 British Columbia, 253
Buchanan, Pat, 353
Baath party, 337, 338, 340, 343, 346 Bullitt, William C, 17, 18-19
Baker, James, 342, 347, 349 Bush, George H. W., 35, 36, 115,
Balkan War, 176 330, 346,347,39 2
Barber, J. D., 128, 129, 181 Bush, George W., 115, 119
Bargaining, 58, 384. See also Interna-
tional relations Campaigns, electoral, 181, 262, 298,
Baudry, F., 108 307,331
Begin, Menachem, 53-54, 57-59, 76 Camp David Accords, 351
Behavior: as fact, 115; familiar, 151; Camp David profile, 53—61; Begin's,
interpreting, 240—43; predicting, 53-54. 57-59; Carter's, 53-54,
233—35, 237~4°> 3°°' presiden- 57—59, 6m. 3; impact of, 59-61;
tial, 106 Sadat's, 53—57, 59
Behind-the-scenes accounts, 120—21 Canada, 252, 261-62
Belief can control events score, 377, Candidates, electoral, 105, 111-12,
381 117, 161—62, 168-70, 197-99
Beliefs, 22, 80-82, 220-23; assessing, Carlson, L., 36, 164, 307
231—33; Clinton's, 324—28; Hus- Carlyle, Thomas, i
sein's, 387—89, 391; in operational Carnegie Commission on Preventing
code, 216-19, 2 2 I > 2 3 J -33, 3 2 4- Deadly Conflict, 409
See also Cognition; Motivations Carter, Jimmy, 142, 146, 309; Camp
Beria, Lavrenti Pavlovich, 79 David profile of, 53—54, 57-59,
Berlin, 28 6in. 3; motives of, 159, 161; oper-
Bias: analyst, 127; in-group, ational code of, 237, 238-39, 242,
199—202, 314, 319 243
Biography, 40, 49, 55, 115, 118-20, Case studies, value of, 100
142; Clinton's, 277—80; Hussein's, Cason, K., 29

Cassidy, Edith, 278 marriage of, 286—90, 295, 302,

Cassidy, Eldridge, 278 3O2n. 8; mother of, 5, 124,
Castro, Fidel, 381 280—86, 300—30in. 2; motivation
Causal mechanisms, 63—65 of, 306—12, 318—19; openness to
Ceci, S. J., 264 information of, 317—18; opera-
Cecil, Ronnie, 278 tional code of, 243; psychological
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), patterns of, 293—300; response to
39, 50-54, 60, 6in. 2 constraints, 315—16; skills of, 112;
Central tendencies, in VICS indices, speech habits of, 303-6; strategy
226-27 of, 392-93, 399—400; verbal
Chalabi, Issam Abdulraheem (Iraqi behavior of, 145
petroleum minister), 348 Coders, qualifications of, 269—70
Chamberlain, Neville, 255 Coding: in-group bias, 201; system
Chance, role of, 230—31 of, 210; VICS, 324. See also Scoring
Change: in level of complexity, 331; Cognition, 4, 22, 82, 91, 95—97, 329;
in motivation, 3i2n. i; in trait Clinton's style of, 328—32; Hus-
score, 207—8, 321-23 sein's style of, 391—95; manager
Character, 108—13, 290—92, 297, 305 model of, 249, 264, 393—95, 406;
Charismatic leader, 379 research on, 6, 25—29; theory of,
Chavez, Hugo, 363 217, 219, 224. See also Beliefs
Chiang Ching-kuo, 77 Commensurability, conceptual, 406
Chiang Kai-shek, 77 Comparison: of leadership strategy,
Child welfare, 290 404; of paired document, 172; for
Chou En-Lai, 320 scoring motives, 167-70; of time
Churchill, Winston, 258 periods, 321; of trait scores, 204—5
Claunch, N. C., 269 Competitiveness, Clinton's, 298
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 145, Compilation of the Messages and Papers of
287-90, 3om. 7 the Presidents, A, 172
Clinton, Raymond, 286 Complexity, 390; of Canadian mem-
Clinton, Roger Cassidy, 278-79, bers of Parliament, 252; Clinton's,
284-85, 301 314, 317, 329-31; cognitive, 27;
Clinton, William Jefferson, 6—7, of electoral campaigns, 282; of
277-323; ambition of, 293, 297; leadership, 250-52; of measure-
anger of, 123; beliefs of, 324—28; ment, 267—70; of presidential
biography of, 115, 120; character speeches, 330; of relationships,
of, 290—92; construction of stories 255, 257, 258; state, 249, 251-54;
on, 271-73; early family life of, technical aspects of, 265—70; trait,
277-80; electoral campaigns of, 249—5 r • $ee a^so Conceptual com-
262, 307, 310, 330; health care plexity; Integrative complexity
plan of, 296-97, 330, 331; Comprehensive qualitative case study
in-group bias of, 314, 319; integra- evaluation, 5—7
tive complexity of, 328-32; leader- Compulsiveness, 138, 139
ship profile of, 313-15, 320-23; Computer program, Profiler, 186

Conceptual complexity, 247, 377, Criticism, sensitivity to, 378

380, 382—83; Clinton's, 314, 317; Cross-sectional analysis, 70, 77
coding for, 196; openness to infor- Cuban Missile Crisis, 166, 176, 263
mation based on, 192—95. See also Cultural context, 71
Integrative complexity
"Conceptual/Integrative Complexity Data, verbal, 140
Scoring Manual" (Baker-Brown et Dean, John, 141
al.), 267 Deaths, in Clinton's family, 277, 279,
Confidence, in theory, 129 283,284
Confidence gap, 401—2 Decision making, 90; control over,
Conflict: low-intensity, 409-10; 189; trade-offs in, 412
motives in escalating, 165—66. See Decisiveness, 148
also International relations Defenses, ego, 78
Congressional Globe, 172 de Vries, B., 269
Congressional Record, 172 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Consensus, Clinton's use of, 316 Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 83
Consistency: analysis of, 130, I33n. Diaz, A. J., 166
8, 405; cognitive, 217, 219, 224. Differentiation, and integration, 247,
See also Stability 249,267
Constraints, 182—85; responsiveness Direct references, in speech, 146
to, 187-92, 315-16 Disposition, to peace and war, 32—33,
Content analysis: at-a-distance mea- 149—50, 165—66
sures for, 12—14, 21-22, 25, 36; of Distrust, 199—201, 202—3; Clinton's,
integrative complexity, 248; 314, 319; Hussein's, 377, 378,
motive imagery in, 175—77; system 383, 385-86
of, 215, 223-34; of traits, 32. See Dobrynin, Anatoly, 176
also Methods Documents, 171-73. See also Informa-
Content variables, 248 tion; Sources
Context: Clinton's leadership in, 321; Dole, Bob, 112, 115
cultural, 71; of interviews, 180; Domain, VICS, 224-25
profile in, 203—8, 211—12, Domestic issues, U.S., 323
366—67; VICS scores in, 224—25 Domination, 16
Context-contingent strategy, 405 Domineering behavior, 151
Control, 90, 187—90,228, 315—16, Donley, R. E., on motives, 159, 161,
377, 381. See also Power 162, 164, 165,168
Cooperation, 326 Donovan, "Wild Bill," 39
Correlation, empirical, 406 Draft controversy, Clinton's, 286, 305
Creative or colorful expressions, 147 Dreams, 12, 23, 74. See also Ambition
Creativity, 151 Drew, E., 120
Crisis, 255—57; behavior in, 82; Dulaym (Sunni tribe), 353
leader's score in, 209; profiling Dulles, John Foster, 26
during, 411. See also International Duri, Izzat Ibrahim al-, 364
relations Dwire, George J. "Jeff," 279

Dynamic analysis, 272 Focus, task, 197-99

Dzhugtashvili, losif (Stalin), 76, 79 Ford, Gerald R., 143, 148
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Edwards, Edwin, 305 Daily Report, 173, 179, 370
Ego, 78-79, 350 Foreign policy: categories of, 31—33;
Egypt, and Hussein, 360 Clinton on, 323; leader personality
Ehrlichman, John, 141 effect on, 2, 4. See also International
Eilts, Herman, 56 relations
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 145, 150, Forest management, value conflict in,
304 253
Election, Clinton's 1996, 310 Fortune, 294
Electoral campaigns, 162, 262, 298, Freedman, N., 137
307,310,330 Free speech, 140
Elms, A. C., 22 Freud, Sigmund, 13, 17-19, 23,
Emotional speech, 147, 150 i32n. 5
Entertainment, Hitler's, 42 Frost, David, 305
Entrepreneurship and economic FulbrightJ. W., 286, 287
development, motives in, 166
Environment: responsiveness to, 332; Gandhi, Indira, 73
task, 254 Gender-related differences, 264—65
Erikson, Erik, 71, 73, 74 Generalization, prediction from,
Escalation, motives in conflict, 401-3
165-66 Genetic analyses, 272
Etheredge, L. S., 31-32 George, Alexander L., 13, 17, 26, 99,
Evidence, 113, 115. See also Sources 108, 123, 183; on operation code
Expansionistic orientation, 381 analysis, 216-17, 218, 219, 221,
Explainers, verbal, 29—30, 145, 306 223, 241; on strategy and tactics,
Expressions of feeling, 145 400-402, 405; on trade-offs, 412;
on Woodrow Wilson, 15, 16—18,
Fact, historical, as level of analysis, 19-20, I32n. 6
ii5 George, Juliette L., 13, 15—18,
Faith, inherent bad, 26 19—20, 108, i32n. 6, 405
Falkowski, L., 222 George III, i
Familiar behavior, 151 Germany, 49—50, 165, 176
Family background, 55, 115, Gingrich, Newt, 310
118-20, 142; Clinton's, 277-80; Glad, B., 12
Hitler's, 40, 45, 49; Hussein's, Global Assessment of Functioning
336-37 Scale, 256
Faschingbauer, T. R., 31 Goals, 23. See also Motivations
Feeling, expressions of, 145 Gonzalez, Felipe, 77
Fidelity, 286, 295, 3O2n. 8 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 35, 144, 264,
Flexibility, of tactics, 230—31 320,369
Flowers, Gennifer, 279 Gore, Al, 115, 117, 122

Government: leader profiling within, Historians, study of speech habits by,

3; in theory-practice gap, 400—401 142
Grammar: personality traits reflected History of leader profiling, 3—7
in, 148—52; transformational, 139. Histrionic behavior, 150
See also Language; Speech; Verbal Hitler, Adolf, i, 2, 165, 257; descrip-
categories tions of, 39-45; Langer's study of,
Grandiosity, 57, 296, 300 39, 46-50
Great Britain, 165-66, 172, 173, Hoess, Rudolf, 30
176, 252; complexity of politicians Holsti, O., 26, 217—20, 221, 222-23,
in, 252 405; VICS typology of, 231—33,
Greenstein, F. I., 2, 13—14, 29, 64, 326, 327, 389, 390, 391
71, 399; construction of stories by, Honor. See Reputation
272; on theory, 106-7, !3 in - i Hope, Arkansas, 277-78, 291, 3oin.
Groupthink, 28, 263 3
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Hostage policy, 341; Hussein's,
359, 360 34i
Gulf crisis. See Persian Gulf crisis Hot Springs, Arkansas, 278, 281
Guttieri, Karen P., 6, 65, 246, 263, House, R. J., 159
443; on strategy, 405-6 Hussein, king of Jordan, 73, 74-75
Hussein, Qusay (Hussein's son), 355,
Haldeman, H. R., 141, 145 356
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Hussein, Rghad (Hussein's daughter).
173 See Kamal, Rghad
Hart, J. A., 29 Hussein, Saddam, 6-7, 36, 335-79;
Hasan, Hajj Ibrahim (Hussein's step- advisers to, 377—78, 383; ambi-
father), 336 tions, 336, 339, 343-44; beliefs of,
Hawke, David, 73 387—90; complexity of, 249; con-
Health care plan, Clinton's, 296-97, struction of stories on, 271—73;
330,33 z ideology, 336—38, 345; integrative
Hempsted County, Arkansas, 30in. 3 complexity of, 391—96; on Kuwait
Hermann, C. F., 184 situation, 339, 341, 345-46, 348,
Hermann, Margaret G., 52, 65, 184, 350-51; materials on, 369—70,
211, 272, 443; on cognitive com- 375; motivation of, 370—74; opera-
plexity, 25-26, 27; constructing tional code beliefs of, 387-89, 390,
profile, 203—8; on foreign policy 394; power and reputation of,
orientation, 2, 4; on integrative 348—50; profile in context,
model, 32—35; on motivation, 6, 382—86; revolutionary pragma-
163, 164, 165, 168; on personality tism, 340, 345, 349; siege mental-
models, 407; on reliability and ity of, 352; speech habits of, 347,
validity, 208—11; on strategy, 404, 367-70; strategy of, 399—400;
405 traits of, 367—70, 375—81; on U.S.
Hess, Rudolph, 42 "Vietnam Complex," 411
High Hopes (Renshon), 7, 271 Hussein, Uday (Hussein's son), 353, 355

Ideal types, in beliefs, 220, 222 Intentionality, 95. See also Motiva-
Ideology, 252-53, 336-38, 344 tions
Impact-orientation, 157—58 International relations, 408; negotia-
Impatience, 294 tion in, 58, 384; political universe
Impression management, 258—61, in, 226—27; profiling during crises
332,396 in, 395; theories of, 401—2. See also
Impulsiveness, 138, 139, 148, 297 Conflict; Crisis; Foreign policy;
India, 73 Peace; Strategy; Tactics; Terrorism;
Indochina, 172 War
Inferences: psychological, 125—26; Interpersonal traits, 22, 318
using motive imagery, 164 Interpretation, 259, 407; of behavior,
Infidelity, 286, 295, 3O2n. 8 240-43; as level of analysis, 115; of
Influence. See Control; Power motivation scores, 174-77; °f
Information: availability of, 11, 236; unconscious dimensions, 114, 216;
in integrative complexity, 246; of VICS indices, 228, 230. See also
openness to, 183, 185, 192—96, Prediction; Translation
317—18; warfare of, 410—11. See Interviews, 55, 179-80, 370-71;
also Sources audience for, 207; with Clinton,
Information processing, 87-88, 92, 313; with Hussein, 374, 375;
98. See also Cognition unstructured, 13211. 3
In-group bias, 199—202, 314, Intrapsychic factors, 251—54, 258,
319 260-61
Inherent bad faith, 26 Iran, 75, 340-41, 358
Initiative, Clinton's, 316 Iraq: in Arab history, 336—39; in
"Integrated System for Scoring Kuwait situation, 339, 341,
Motives" (Weintraub), 173, i77n. 345—48, 349—51, 393; war with
5 Iran, 339-40
Integration, and differentiation, 247, Iraqi National Congress (INC), 353, 356
249,267 Israel, 74-75, 76
Integration strategy, 404
Integrative complexity, 27-29, 30, Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 76
32—35, 246—70, 406; Clinton's, Janis, I. L., 28, 263
328—32; situational characteristics Jaques, E., 29
in, 254—58; social factors in, Jassim, Latif, 344, 351
258—65; state complexity in, 249, Jefferson, Thomas, 171, 172
251—54; technical aspects in, Jervis, R., 26, 399
265—70; theory of, 246-49, 254; Johnson, Lyndon B., 29-30, 144,
traits of, 249-5z 149, 151, 309, 3i2n. i
Integrity, 108—13, 29°> 291— 92, 297, JollJ, 177
305. See also Character Jordan, 73; and Hussein, 355, 359
Intelligence, human and technologi- Journalistic accounts, 116, 118,
cal, 60-61
Intensity, of tactics, 227 Jubbur (Sunni tribe), 353

Kaarbo, J., 184 Leadership, 91; collegial, 320; com-

Kamal, Hussein (Hussein's plexity of, 250-51; political, 78;
son-in-law), 346, 354 psychological models of, 91, 409;
Kamal, Rghad (Hussein's daughter), role in, 56; style of, 80—81, 178,
354 181-86, 211, 313-15, 375. See also
Kamal, Saddam (Hussein's Advisers; Personality; Profile;
son-in-law), 355 Traits
Keeping Faith (Carter), 53,58 Lee, Robert E., 249, 250—51
Kelley, Virginia, 124, 277—85; mar- Left-right political dimension,
riages of, 277-79, 282, 285; psy- 252-53
chological perspective of, 280—84 Lehmann-Haupt, C,, 121
Kennedy, John F., 51, 166, 263; Leites, N., 26, 215, 216, 221, 222
access to records of, 176; compari- Lenin, Vladimir, 76
son with Jefferson and Lincoln, Levi, A., 28
171, 172; motives of, 161; speech- Levinson, Dan, 74
writing of, 174; verbal behavior of, Lewinsky, Monica, 297
147 Lexis-Nexis, 120, 173
Kennedy, Robert, 176 Lincoln, Abraham, 171, 172
Kenya, 409 Link, A. S., 19
Khatami, Mohammad, 358 Little Rock High School, Ark.,
Khazraji, Nizar, 346 278
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 76, 341, 343, Longitudinal approach, to profiling,
347 70
Khrushchev, Nikita, 50—51, 166 Louisiana, 305
King Hussein Hospital, Amman, 74
Kissinger, Henry, 56 Machiavellianism, 364, 385
Kosovo, 410 Mahmud, General Abd Hamid, 355
Kowert, P. A., 256 Management style: of narcissistic per-
Kiihlmann, Richard von, 176 sonality, 87—88; of obsessive-com-
Kurds, 340 pulsive personality, 92—93; of para-
Kuwait, 249, 339, 341, 345-46, 348, noid personality, 99
35°—5 J > 39 o —95- $ee a^so Arab his- Manager, cognitive, 249, 264,
tory; Persian Gulf crisis 393-95,406
Manstead, A. S. R., 260
Landsberg Prison, 42 Maoz, Z., 264
Langer, Walter, 39 Mao Zedong, 344
Language: Clinton's, 332; Hussein's, Mapping, cognitive, 29
347, 348 Marcus, George, 4
Larry King Live, 294 Marriage, 277-79, 282, 285-90, 297
Lasswell, H., 16, 129, 130-31 Masada complex, 345
Lavallee, L., 253 Mathews, David, 294
Leaders: individual, 164; pop-up, 52; Mazlish, B., 128
as social agents, 273 McCain, John, 117-18, 120

McClelland, D. C, 24, 166 ment, 154—56, 222, 299—300,

Meaning: as level of analysis, 115; 307, 309—10, 371—73; affiliation,
psychological elements of, 125 23, 154-57, 222, 307, 371-73; of
Measurement: of complexity, 267—70; African leaders, 164; and beliefs,
of motivation, 23—24; reliability 221—23; to be liked, 292; to be
and validity of, 406 special, 294—95; change in, 3i2n,
Medical conditions, 19 i; Clinton's, 306—12, 318—19;
Megalomania, 342 dimensions of, 153-58; Hussein's
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 49 profile, 370—74; interpretation of,
Memoirs, 121. See also Biography 174-77; for peace, 32—33, 165—66;
Mental disorders, 83 Perot's, 168—70; pluralism of,
Mentor, role of, 75—77 253—54; of political actors,
Messiah complex, 43-44, 46, 48, 57; 165—67; political dimensions of,
Hussein's, 335, 338, 342-43, 373- 357; for power, 154—59, J 87—90,
See also Nobel Prize complex 370-72, 377, 379, 383, 385; prob-
Methods, personality assessment, lem or relationship, 197—203,
63—65; at-a-distance, 12—14, 2 2 > 318—19, 322, 329; research on,
25, 36; measurement in, 23—24, 21—25, I 59~65; responsiveness to,
267-70, 406; paired comparison, 183-84, 183; scoring of, 167-68,
172; for profiling, 3—7, 70, 408, 171—74; for seeking office, 161—62,
411—12; psychobiographical, 143. 197—99; of Supreme Court justices,
See also Profile; Psychobiography; 163; unconscious, 114, 216; of
Verbal categories; Verbs in Context U.S. presidents, 159-60
System Msallat, Khayrallah Talfah (Hussein's
Mexico, 172 uncle), 336-37
Michigan, University of, 141 Msallat, Sabha Talfah (Hussein's
Middle East conflict, 58; Arab history mother), 336
in, 336—40. See also Kuwait Murray, H. A., 23, 24
Military, 394 Mussolini, Benito, 165
Milosevic, Slobodan, 410 Mutual fund managers, motives of,
Mind of Adolf Hitler, The (Lunger), 39, 166
46, 50
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Narcissistic personality, 81, 84,
Inventory (MMPI-2), 30 87-88; Hitler's, 40; Hussein's,
Mitchell, Alison, 310 341-42; Kelley's, 280-83
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 338, 350, 351,
Iran), 75 364
Moodiness, 149 Nationalism, 25; Hussein's, 377, 378,
Morgan, C. D., 24 383, 384-85
Motivation and Personality: Handbook of NATO, 394
Thematic Content Analysis (Smith), Nayef, Abdul Razzaz al, 338-39
174 Nazi leaders, 30
Motivations, 6, 22—24, 3°^; achieve- Nebuchadnezzar, 337, 350

Need, 23; to be liked, 292; to be spe- 231-33, 324; Bolshevik, 221;

cial, 294—95; f°r power, 377, 379, Clinton's, 243; contents of, 220;
383, 385. See also Motivations Holsti's VICS typology in,
Negatives, in speech, 145 231-33, 3 2 6, 327, 389,390,
Negotiations, 58, 384. See also Inter- 391; Hussein's, 243, 387-89,
national relations 374, 375 J interpreting behavior
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 73 in, 240—43; leader's, 235—39;
Nehru, Motilal, 73, 75 VICS indices, 226-31; VICS
Neurotic Styles (Shapiro), 89, 94 method, 215, 223-26
New Hampshire primary, 162 Opinion, audience, 262
New Orleans, Louisiana, 278 Oppositional trait, 150
News accounts, 116, 118, i3in. 2 Optimism, 217, 219, 319
News conferences, 370—71 Oratory, Hitler's, 49. See also Speeches
Newsweek, 393 Oregon, 172
New York Times, 180, 292, 310 Organizational propensities, 82
Nixon, Richard M., 128, 148, 161, Organization of Petroleum Exporting
164; verbal behavior of, 141, 144, Countries (OPEC), 75
149, 152 Orientation: impact, 157—58; risk,
Nkrumah, Kwame, 381 229-30, 296-97; self-other, 157,
Nobel Prize complex, 54, 57, 85. See 192, 284—85, 293, 326, 381; task,
also Messiah complex 197—99; work, 89—90
Noncrisis, leaders' score in, 209 Osama bin Laden, 409—10
Non-groupthink, 263
Nonpersonal references, 146—47 Paired comparisons, as method of
North, Lord, i scoring, 172
North Korea, 392 Palestine, 74—75
Nuclear arms, 349, 361, 407-8 Palestinian cause, Hussein's support
of, 344, 350, 359, 363
Objectivity, of at-a-distance measure- Pan Arabism, 338, 351
ment, 21, 22 Panos, P., 331
Obsessive-compulsive personality, 81, Paragraph Completion Test (PCT),
88-93, I01 268-69
Oedipal complex, 40, 3Oon. 2, Paranoid personality, 81, 93—100,
30in. 5 101,344
Oettingen, G., 29 Partnerships, political, 287—90. See
Office of Strategic Services, CIA, also Advisers
39 Passivity, 150
Ones, D. S., 31 Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK),
Openness to information, 183, 183, 356
192-96, 317-18, 326 Pattern: and prediction, 128; psycho-
Operational code, 26—27, 2 I 5~455 logical, 109,293
behavioral predictions in, Peace: disposition for, 32—33; motive
244—45; beliefs in, 216—19, 221, for, 165—66

Perez, Shimon, 237, 240, 241, 271-73; on strategies, 404, 405,

243 407
Perfection, of obsessive-compulsive Power, 16, 348, 350; in belief system,
personality, 88-89 222; Clinton's scores on, 315—16;
Performance, presidential, 106 motivation for, 154, 15^, 156,
Perot, Ross, 168-70 158-59, 187-90, 371-73; relative
Perry, William, 408 to achievement, 309—12; VICS
Persian Gulf crisis, 249, 340, 341, indices of, 229—30. See also Control
345—52, 391—96, 400. See also Practice-theory gap, 400—401, 403
Arab history Pragmatism, 340, 345, 349
Persistence, 293 Prediction: behavioral, 127-30,
Personal crises, 264 233—35, 237—40, 300; from gener-
Personality, leadership, 69, 178; alization, 401—4; influence of per-
belief and motivation in, 223; dis- sonality on, 399; in operational
orders of, 79-80; healthy, 100; nar- code, 244—45; of political future,
cissistic, 81, 84, 87—89; 229-30. See also Profile
obsessive-compulsive, 81, 88—93, Presidential Papers, 180
101; over life cycle, 74; paranoid, Presidents, U.S., 171, 172; candidates
81, 93—100, 101, 344; traits of, 6, for, 105, 117, 161—62, 168—70;
30-32, 38n. 6, 148, 184, 303, complexity of speeches of, 330; as
382; types of, 78, 80-81, 407. See data source, 117; motivations of,
also Profile; Traits 159—61; performance of, 106; psy-
Personal security, 41 chology of, 105; traits of, 31-32:
Pessimism, 217, 219 verbal scores of, 147, 148
Peterson, C., 29 Preston, T., 184
Phenomenology, 13, 15—17, 51, Primakov, Yevgeny, 345
272 Private or public source, 116-20,
Physique, Hitler's, 41 260, 266
Policy community: dilemmas in, 181; Problem, as motivation, 197-203,
preferences in, 82; in theory-prac- 322,329
tice gap, 400—401, 403 Processes, motives in, 165—66
Political psychology, leader profiling Profile, leadership, 69, 77, 203-12;
within, 3 conceptual framework for, 101—4;
Political Psychology Division, CIA, constructing and contextualizing,
60 203-8, 211-12, 382-83; differ-
Political universe, 226-27. See also ences in, 208—9; in psychobiogra-
International relations phy, 72; reliability of, 209—10. See
Politics: left-right dimension in, also Methods
252—53; of motivation, 373 Profiler computer program, 186
Polk, James K., 172 Projection, as ego defense, 96
Post, Jerrold M., 5, 7, 19, 444; on Pronouns, use of, 144—45, X 5 2 >
assessment methods, 64, 65, 102, 94-95. 303-6. 368
372; construction of stories by, Pryor, David, 291

Psychoanalytic theory, 107-8, 113, Reductionism, 113

115, 123, 130—31. See also individ- Relatedness, no, 290—91, 292, 297
ual complexes: Masada; Messiah; Relationship: complexity of, 255,
Nobel Prize; Oedipal 257, 258; as motivation, 197—203,
Psychobiographers, 20 318—19, 322, 329
Psychobiography, 12—14, 47'» 5 2 > Reliability, 175, 208-11, 406
72-73, 143; of Wilson, 13, 14-19. Religion, 42
See also Profile Renshon, Stanley A., 5, 7, 64, 65,
Psychological Assessment of Presidential no, 444; construction of stories
Candidates, The (Renshon), in, by, 271-73; on interpretive analy-
290 sis, 407; on strategy, 404, 405
Psychological pattern, 109, 293. See Reputation, 346, 348, 351
also Character Research, leader personality, 3—4,
Psychology: on assessment of leader- 11-36, 164, 246-47, 400;
ship (see also Profile), 3, 5; of char- at-a-distance, 12—14, 2 5 > 3^; on
acter, 108; elements of meaning in, cognition, 25—29; on explanatory
125; leader profiling in, 3, 409; style, 29—30; historians on speech
meaning in, 125; of presidents and habits, 142; integrative model of,
candidates, 105 33—34; on intrapsychic factors,
Public or private sources, 116—20, 252; on motives and measurement,
260, 266. See also Sources 21—25; multivariate strategies of,
Public Papers of the Presidents, 172, 306 33; on Nazi leaders, 30; on opera-
Public support, for U.S. leaders, tional codes, 219; by psychobiogra-
410—11 phers, 20; psychobiography case
study, 12—14, 143; psychobiogra-
Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 348 phy of Wilson, 13, 14—19; single
Qassem, General Abdul Karem, 338 variable, 32—33; situational vari-
Qualifiers, verbal, 143—44, 303—4, ables, 35—36; on traits, 31—32; uses
306, 368 of, 50. See also Theory
Qur'an, 362 Reserve Officer Training Corps
(ROTC), 286
Rabin, Yitzakh, 75, 237, 240, 241, Resilience, 151
243 Response: to constraints, 315—16; to
Ramirez, C., 28 motivation, 183-84, 185; to stress,
RAND Corporation, 215 152
Rashid, Hussein, 346 Responsibility, taking of, 298
Rather, Dan, 294, 368 Retractors, verbal, 144, 303—4, 306
Rationalization, 139 Revolt, The (Begin), 58,76
Reagan, Ronald, 35, 142, 145, 151, Revolutionary Comman Council
330 (RCC), 356, 363
Realization of political values, 227 Revolutionary pragmatism, 340, 345,
Reciprocity, 235 349
Reconsideration, 148 Rhetoric, 347, 395. See also Speeches

Right-left political dimension, Self-esteem, 18-19

252-53 Self-interest, 83—87, 156
Rigidity, 89—91, 94 Self-other orientation, 157, 192,
Risk orientation, 229-30, 296—97 284-85, 293, 326, 381
Roberts, Joan, 30in. 7 Seligman, M. E. P., 29
Rokeach Value Survey, 252 Sensitivity, to criticism, 378
Rolling Stone, 295 Sex-related differences, 264—65
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 161, 305 Sexual life, 43. See also Fidelity
Rorschach test, 30 Shah of Iran, 75
Rubenzer, S. J., 31 Shapiro, David, 89-91, 94-96
Ruiz, A., 264 Shatt al Arab waterway, 340—41
Rumsfeld, Donald, 61 Shayer, A., 264
Runyan, W. M., 13, 14, 130 Shoko Asahara, 409—10
Rusk, Dean, 235-36, 235, 241-42, 263 Siege mentality, Hussein's, 352
Simonton, D. K., 31
Sachs, Hanns, 12 Situational characteristics, of integra-
Sadat, Anwar, 53—57, 59, 74, 347, tive complexity, 254—58
351 Situational variables, 35
Sadat, Jihan, 56 Skills, of presidential candidates,
Saladin, 337, 350 III—12
Salih, Muhammad Mahdi (Iraqi trade Slavery, values conflict on, 253
minister), 360 Snare, C. E., 165
Saudi Arabia, and Hussein, 359—60, Social agents, leaders as, 273
363 Social factors, in integration complex-
Satterfield, J., 30, 256 ity, 258-65
Scapegoats, 202 Somalia, 410—11
Schafer, Mark, 6, 65, 272, 405, 444 Sources, information, 171-73, 260,
Schaffner, P. E., 71 313; accessibility of, 176; anec-
Schickelgruber, Alois, 40, 49 dotal, 122—23; behind-the-
Schickelgruber, Clara, 40 scenes, 120—22; biographical, 40,
Scorer, qualifications of, 266—67, 45, 49, 55, 115, 118—19, 142; of
269-70 comparable documents, 172; fam-
Scoring, profile, 210; of comparable ily background as, 277—80,
speeches, 374n. i; of comparison 335—36; identity of, 265; new
group, 167—70; integrative com- accounts as, 116, 118, 13in. 2 ;
plexity, 267—70, 329; of motives, news conferences as, 370—71; pri-
167-68, 171-74; standardized, vate and public, 116— 20, 260,
371; TAT, 175; trait, 186, 314, 266; for psychoanalysis, 113,
321,376-77, 382, 383; VICS, 115; selection of, 171, 306—7;
324, 376-77, 388, 388-89. See also speeches as, 179—81; status of,
Coding 261—62; for trait analysis,
Self-confidence, 192—95, 314, 317, 179—81; verbal data as, 140. See
also Information

Soviet Union, 163, 164, 215, 237, Supreme Court justices, motives of,
342 163
Spain, 76 Survivor, Hussein as, 349, 358
Spangler, W. D., 159 Suspiciousness, of paranoid personal-
Speech, 137; habits of, 142, 303—6, ity, 93
367—70. See also Grammar; Lan- Syria, 205—6, 338
guage; Verbal categories
Speeches, 45, 50, 324, 330, 387; Tactics, 326—28, 404—7; flexibility of,
rhetoric of, 347, 395; State of the 230—31; intensity of, 227. See also
Union, 310—11; writers of, International relations
174-75, 179, 265 Taiwan, 77
Spontaneity, 179—81, 314, 371 — Tanzania, 393
72 Target, 394; nature of audience, 207;
Stability: of level of complexity, 331; opinion of audience, 262; VICS,
of trait score, 321-23, 382 224-25
Stalin, Josef, 76, 79 Tartakoff, Helen, 85
Standardization, 167—68, 1770. 3 Task environment, 254
Starr, Roger, 3O2n. 8 Task focus, 197—99
State complexity, 249, 251—54 Task force, 318, 377, 379, 383. See
Statements, of political leaders, also Advisers
178-79 Taylor, A. J. P., 2
State of the Union message, 310—11 Teamwork, 87. See also Advisers
Steingart, I., 137 Technology, 60-61, 265-70
Stephanopoulos, George, 332 Temperament, 22. See also Traits
Stewart, M., 184 Temporal consistency strategy, 405
Stone, W. F., 71 Tenure, 207
Stories, construction of, 271—73 Terrorism, 61, 409—10. See also Inter-
Strategy, 226—27, 39 2 ~95> 399~4°°- national relations
See also International relations Tetlock, Phillip E., 6, 27-28, 65,
Stress, 139, 140, 260; disruptive, 255, 260, 445; on complexity,
377-78; effects of, 79-80; Hus- 252, 258, 262, 263, 264, 406; on
sein's, 346; response to, 152 strategy, 404
Streufert, S., 269 Texts, scoring on, 172
Structural variable, 248 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),
Studies, uses of, 50. See also Research 24* 175
Subject, in VICS, 224-25 Theory: of character, no—n; choice
Suedfeld, Peter, 6, 27-28, 65, 255, of, 106—8; cognitive consistency,
445; on cognitive manager, 249; 217, 219, 224; cognitive manager,
on complexity, 253, 406; construc- 390; complexity, 246-49, 254,
tion of stories by, 272; on strategy, 331; confidence in, 129; and evi-
405 dence, 113; gap with practice,
Sullivan, A., 121 400-401, 403; international rela-
Sunni tribes, 353 tions, 401—2; as level of analysis,

115; psychoanalytic, 130-31; vali- politicians in, 252; public support

dation, 127. See also Psychoanalytic of leaders in, 410—11; relations
theory with Soviet Union, 215; on United
Time period, of comparison, 321 Nations—Iraq resolution, 344—45,
Tokyo, 409 346
Topics, nature of, 206-7, 2°8 University of British Columbia, 392
Trade-offs, decision-making, 412 U.S. Institute for Peace, 400
Trait analysis: leadership style based USSR, 163, 164, 215, 237, 342
on, 178, 181—86, 211; openness to Utility of means indices, 228—29
information in, 183, 185, 192—96,
317-18, 326; problem-oriented, Validation theory, 127
197—203, 322, 329; Validity, 406; of at-a-distance mea-
relationship-oriented, 197—203, surement, 21, 22; of profiling,
255, 257-58, 318-19, 322, 329; 208-11
responsiveness to constraints in, Value pluralism, 2 5 2 — 5 3
187-92; source material for, Values: realization of political, 227;
179-81 on slavery, 253
Traits, personality, 30—32, 38n. 6, Van Gogh, Vincent, 13, 14
184, 186—87, 359; complexity of, Variables: single and multiple,
249—51; psychology of, 106—7; 32—33; situational, 35-36; struc-
scoring of, 186, 314, 376-77, 383; tural, 248; validated, 22
stability of, 382 Verbal categories, 143-48; adverbial
Translation: language, 210, 265, 266; intensifier, 146, 304, 306; Clin-
of motive imagery, 175. See also ton's scores in, 304; creative or col-
Interpretation orful expression, 147; direct refer-
Triangulation strategy, 404 ences, 146; emotion speech, 147,
Truman, Harry, 153, 311 150; explainer, 29—30, 145, 306;
Trust, 199-201, 202—3 expressions of feelings, 145; Hus-
Turkey, 264; and Hussein, 359 sein's scores on, 347, 367-68; neg-
Turner, Admiral Stansfield, 58 atives, 145; nonpersonal reference,
Tyrell, Sir William, 176 146-47; pronouns, 144—45, I 5 2 >
194—95, 368; qualifiers, 143—44,
'Ubayd (Sunni tribe), 353 303—4, 306, 368; retractors, 144,
Unconscious motivation, 114, 216 303-4, 306; subject, 224-25; U.S.
Understanding, psychological, 115, presidents' scores in, 147, 148
125 Verbal facility, 112
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 360 Verbs in Context System (VICS):
United Nations: resolutions on Iraq, Clinton's scores, 324-27; Holsti's
346, 348, 393; Special Commission typology of, 231—33, 326, 327,
Observation Mission (UNSCOM), 389, 390, 391; Hussein's scores,
357,360, 361 388; index comparisons in, 244;
United States: complexity of electoral indices of, 226—31; method of,
campaigns in, 262; complexity of 215, 223-26

Versailles Peace Conference, 15 White Nights (Begin), 58, 76

Vietnam, 172 Whitewater real estate venture,
"Vietnam Complex," 351, 411 297
Vision, Hitler's, 44. See also Motiva- Wilson, Woodrow, 1-2, 6, I32n. 5;
tions psychobiography of, 13, 14—19,
Volkan, M.,85,86 40, 108, 161
Winter, David G., 4, 6, 65, 307, 370,
Walker, L. J., 269, 405, 407 445; construction of stories by,
Walker, Stephen G., 4, 6, 405, 445; 272; on international crises, 172;
on assessment methods, 63, 66, on motives, 159, 161, 162, 164,
221—22, 263; construction of sto- 165, 168; on Perot, 169; on per-
ries by, 271—73; on research, sonality models, 407; on research,
26—27, 2 9 20, 36
Wall Street Journal, 286 Winter, N.J.G., 165
War: Balkan, 176; disposition Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House
toward, 32-33; leader complexity (George and George), 15
in, 255; motives in, 165—66; Woodward, B., 121, 3O2n. 8
Persian Gulf, 249, 345—52, Words: coding for task focus, 198; for
390—95, 400. See also International coding in-group bias, 201. See also
relations Verbal categories
War Crimes Disclosure Act, 39 Work orientation, 89—90
Warfare, information, 410—11 World News Connection, 179
Washington Post, 180 World political leaders, motives of,
Watergate transcripts, 141 163
Watson, G. L., 29, 263 World Trade Center, 409
Weapons, 408-10 Wormley, W. P., 166
Wedge, Bryant, 51 Woycke,J., 159
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Doc- Wright, Betsey, 3010. 7, 3O2n. 8
uments, 306 Writers, speech, 174-75, r 79> 2 ^5
Weinstein, E. A., 17, 19
Weintraub, Walter, 6, 32, 65, 404, Young, Michael D., 6, 65, 272, 405,
445; construction of stories by, 446
271, 272; on verbal behavior, 137,
138, 147 Zullow, H. M., 29-30

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