Vibration and Waves

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Vibration and Waves . 1. Formula of period of vibration is... A. T = 2 f B. T = 1/ 2 f C. T = f D. T = 1/ f 2.

. Vibrations that propagate that carry energy from one place to another is called A. Movement B. Vibration C. Wave D. Propagation 3. Look at the picture

Amplitudo of vibration of pendulum.. A. A B C B. B C C. C B A D. A C 4. Waves and vibrations have some similarities scale. The size of the wave-owned but not owned by the vibration is..... A. Amplitude B. Energy C. Frequency D. Wave length

5. Frequency of vibration is 0.5 Hz. So, the period of vibration

f=n/t T=t/n n=ft n=t/T

and many of vibrations that occurs in 20 minutes? A. T = 2 second, n = 300 vibration B. T = 4 second, n = 600 vibration

C. T = 2 second, n = 600 vibration D. T = 4 second, n = 300 vibration

6. Here's an example of wave mechanics, except? A. Wave on a string B. Light waves C. Sound wave D. waves on the surface of the water

7. A wave propagating with velocity 340 m/s. If the wave frequency is 50 Hz, determine the wavelength ... A. 8.6 meter B. 6.8 meter C. 8.8 meter D. 6.6 meter

8. A wave period is 0.02 second, with a wavelength of 25 m. The wave propagation fast is .... A. 1220 m/s B. 1252 m/s C. 1520 m/s D. 1250 m/s 9. Frequency of wave is 400 Hz and the wavelength 25 cm. So, the rapid of propagation of the wave is A. 1000 m/s B. 400 m/s C. 1600 m/s D. 100 m/s

10. Period of vibration is second. So, the frequency of vibration is. A. 2 Hz B. 4 Hz C. 6 Hz

D. 8 Hz

1.Suatu beban digantungkan pada pegas seperti pada gambar, lalu digetarkan. Jika dalam 3 detik terjadi 18 kali gerakan pegas dari A B C . Tentukan : a. Periode getaran ! b. Frekuensi getaran !

2. From the picture bellow,if A-D is 3 m, please determine: a. amplitude? b. Frequency? c. Period? d. Wavelength? e. Speed of wave?

3. Misalkan cepat rambat bunyi dalam air laut adalah 1500 m/s. Gelombang bunyi yang dipancarkan oleh kapal diterima kembali pantulannya oleh dasar laut setelah 0,25 s. Jadi kedalaman laut adalah .m

a. b. c. d.

187,5 m 375 m 3000 m 6000 m

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