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Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health Tai Sophia Institute ISci 646B: Health and Wellness Physiology

II Trimester 3 Summer 2012 2 credits Faculty: Lead Faculty: Camille Freeman [email protected]


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8:30 9:55 4:00 5:20 6:45 1:25 2:50 4:15 8:30 9:55 11:20 8:30 9:55 11:20 8:30 9:55 11:20 8:30 9:55 11:20

Inflammation Tissue Repair & Maintenance Stress & the HPA Axis Psychoneuroimmunology Atopy Dysbiosis & leaky gut Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome & blood sugar imbalance HTN & BP regulation Midterm Endocrine Overview & Thyroid Imbalance Urinary Tract Infections Insomnia Anemias Acne IBS, constipation & diarrhea GERD/acid issues Food sensitivity & allergy Final Obesity PCOS

Freeman Freeman Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman

Purpose: Building on the foundation of Health and Wellness Physiology I (ISci 646A), this course explores key physiological processes that contribute to movement away from organ system and whole body health and wellness. Fundamental processes to be explored include: inflammation, oxidative stress, neuro-hormonal dysregulation, blood sugar dysregulation, immune dysregulation, impaired digestion and dysbiosis. These processes will be understood in relationship to behavioral and environmental inputs such as xenobiotics, microorganisms, diet, and overall coping strategies. Stress physiology also is discussed with an emphasis on the concepts of allostasis and allostatic load.

ISci646A: WELLNESS PHYSIOLOGY Objectives: To successfully pass this course, you must:

Demonstrate understanding of foundational processes that underlie pathophysiological changes relevant to the practice of nutrition and the wellness care model. Contextualize specific alterations in organ/system health within the whole living system as well as the broader environment. Demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills with respect to pathophysiology.

Outcomes: At the end of this trimester, you will: Have an understanding of the elements of pathophysiology and adaptation most relevant to the practice of nutrition and wellness care. Have further developed an understanding of environmental inputs and the way they affect development of imbalance or disease. Have developed beginning skills in gathering, evaluating and challenging biomedical research

Prerequisites: None . Reading list: Required reading Journal articles will be assigned for many classes, and will be posted on the Wiki website. In addition you should have immediate access to the following text: (Silverthorn, 2007) Silverthorn, D. U. (2009). Human physiology: An integrated approach. (5th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.

Materials: Please bring your textbook and assigned articles to class for reference. You may use a computer for electronic access to articles if you do not wish to print them out. Outside Study: Please spend 1-2 hours per class reading and preparing material for the wiki assignment. You can also expect to spend 20-35 hours studying for the exams. These numbers are estimates and will vary based on personal experience and work habits.

ISci646A: WELLNESS PHYSIOLOGY Method of presentation: Lecture and discussion

Assignments & Evaluation: Wiki Assignment: Students will be responsible for group and individual assignments on the class wiki.
Further details will be provided in class.

Mid-Term and Final Exams: These exams will be administered in class and will NOT be cumulative.
You may prepare a 3x5 or 4x6 cheat sheet to bring to each exam. These note cards may be typed or hand-written. Students may not share note cards; each student must prepare his or her own card.

Evaluation & Grading

Your grade will be calculated as follows: Wiki Assignment Mid-Term Exam Final Exam 40% 30% 30%

An overall grade of 80% is necessary to pass this course. Please email the instructor as soon as possible if you are struggling.

Attendance & Tardiness Policy: Attendance and participation in class are essential for meeting the outcomes and objectives of this course and the program as a whole. Arriving late to class is a disturbance to your classmates and your instructor. It is the students responsibility to stay up-to-date on any missed coursework, regularly checking the course website for updates. If you miss a class, you are responsible for contacting a classmate so they can inform you about what was missed and collect any handouts for you. Absences may require that students do extra work to make up for missed material. Please turn off all cell phones and other beeping electronic devices during class! Plagiarism, Information Literacy & Appropriate Referencing of Sources: Plagiarism: Plagiarism, defined as using the published or unpublished works or ideas of another without properly citing the material used and its source, or presenting another persons work as your own, is an infraction of Tai Sophia Institutes academic honesty policy. Please carefully note all reference sources on your assignments. Information Literacy: Students who are unable to complete homework because of challenges with information literacy skills are asked to seek assistance in the library. The library offers training sessions and support for development of these skills. In some cases, students may be required to complete training sessions in order to pass a course if they demonstrate an inability to meet the demands of the assigned coursework.

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